Brandt Mle 1935
Brandt Mle 1935
Brandt Mle 1935
Mortar France
Service history
Wars Second World War
Production history
Designer Nu !er !uilt 'dgar "randt (ver ),$**
Weight Barrel length "re# #$.+ kg +2&mm &
#&. m/s #** m to #,+** m 0light ,' shell1 #** m to $&* m 0heavy ,' shell1
'illing #eight
#$%&1 3as a company level indirect fire 3eapon of the French army during
the Second World War. 4esigned !y 'dgar "randt, it 3as copied !y other countries, such as the United States and 5hina, as 3ell as purchased and
!uilt !y 6omania. 2he mortar continued to !e used !y France after the 3ar until at least the #$-*s.
(edit) Description
2he "randt Mle #$%& 3as a simple and effective 3eapon, consisting of a smooth!ore metal tu!e fi9ed to a !ase plate 0to a!sor! recoil1, 3ith a light3eight !ipod mount. 2he Mle #$%& had a normal cre3 of five men. When a mortar !om! 3as dropped into the tu!e, an impact sensitive primer in the !ase of the !om! 3ould make contact 3ith a firing pin at the !ase of the tu!e, and detonate, igniting a gunpo3der charge, 3hich 3ould propel the !om! out of the tu!e, and to3ards the target.
Mortar !om!s fired !y the 3eapon 3eighed either #.%% kilograms or 2.2 for each of the nine authori;ed Mle #$%& mortars.
2his 3eapon provided a pattern for other light mortars used during World War <<. :mong the !est kno3n is the U.S. -* mm M2 mortar. 5aptured e9amples 3ere used !y the =ermans as the - cm =ranat3erfer 22&0f1.
6omania also purchased and license !uilt the Mle #$%& mortar prior to and during the Second World War.
:93orthy, Mark. 2hird :9is Fourth :lly, >ondon: :rms and :rmour ?ress, #$$&. Ferrard, Stphane. >es mortier "randt de -* et .# mm dans l@:rme
franaise en #$)*.