"At Will" Policy
"At Will" Policy
"At Will" Policy
We have today a rapidly changing work environment. Both companies and workers are changing directions faster than ever. In order to remain competitive there is a greater than ever need for flexibility and managerial discretion. At will employment, which has been the law of the land for over a cent ry, provides the flexibility and discretion we deem necessary for the benefit of everyone at this company. !o r employment with the company is at will. "his means that yo r employment may be terminated at any time, with or witho t notice, for any reason, with or witho t ca se. #ikewise, yo may terminate yo r employment at any time, with or witho t notice, for any reason, with or witho t ca se. As yo can see, at$will employment is a two$way street. %othing in the employee handbook or any other company doc ment sho ld be nderstood as creating g aranteed or contin ed employment, termination for ca se, or of any other g aranteed or contin ed benefits. &nly the 'resident has the a thority to make promises with regard to g aranteed or contin ed employment and any s ch promises are only effective if placed in writing and signed by the 'resident.
I acknowledge and nderstand the at will nat re of my relationship with the (ompany.
)mployee *ignat re