Unit 01 The World of Music
Unit 01 The World of Music
Unit 01 The World of Music
Useful quotes
“It was once said that…”
If you can walk you can dance. If
you can talk you can sing.
(Proverb from Zimbabwe)
Without music, life is a journey 2. Planning: Spend 1 minute making notes. If it helps, use any of the
through a desert. following questions as the basis of your talk.
(Pat Conroy)
What social or cultural significance does music have?
The history of a people is found In what ways can music benefit the individual?
in its songs. To what extent does music play an important role in your life?
(George Jellinek)
3. Task focus: Try organising your talk around three main points. People
Without music, life would be an often find it easy to remember things in threes and using this ‘rule of
error. threes’ strategy can help both you and your audience. You could deal
(Friedrich Nietzsche) briefly with the three issues above or focus on one issue and give three
detailed examples in the main body of your talk.
4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary or quotes on the left you want to
use in your talk.