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The Real Music Industry

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The Real Music Industry

By Stephen Theodore Gladstone STG22 Copy write 2011 Gladstone Published By Ton ! Bric"s Music BMI #t S$ashwords%Co$

The Real Music Insdustry Table o! Contents

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment This Ebook MAY be given away to other people If you would like to share this Ebook please feel free This Ebook may be reproduced in any format This Ebook is my gift to the world

Contact The #uthor STGladstone&$sn%co$

The Real Music Industry The Power o! Sound ' Music Chapter 1 #bracadabra Chapter 2 Son(writin( Secrets Chapter 3 Recordin( on Music Row Chapter 4 Mi)in( on Music Row Chapter 5 Technical Tidbits Chapter 6 Perils o! Music Pro$otion Chapter 7 Murder on Music Row Chapter 8

This book is a testimony and catharsis of my sabotaged adventures on ashville!s Music Row and the clandestine corruption in the entertainment business as a whole"

Anyone who has aspirations to #Make It$ in the Entertainment %usiness& please don!t not spend another minute on your career until you have read this book entirely"

I dedicate this book to A'' ARTI(T( throughout the centuries who have been silenced by (ecret (ocieties"

The time has come for humanity to be physically& mentally and spiritually free of )reemasonry

#A human being is a part of a *+,'E& called by us a - I.ER(E" A part limited in time and space" +e e/periences himself& his thoughts and feelings as something (E0ARATE1 from the RE(T2 A kind of optical 1E'-(I, of his consciousness" This delusion is kind of a 0RI(, for us& restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us" ,ur task must be to )REE ourselves from this 0RI(, by widening our circle of 3,M0A((I, to embrace A'' living creatures and the *+,'E of nature in its beauty" 4 A'%ERT EI (TIE

John F. Kennedy %orn 546748789 Assassinated 88466487:; The very word secrecy is repugnant in free and open society. And& we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies& to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers, which are sited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. nd, there is a very grave danger that an announced need increased security will be sei!ed upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment" that # do not intend to permit, to the extent that it is in my control. nd no official of my administration, whether his ran$ is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle decent, to cover up our mista$es, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to $now. )or we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy& that relies primarily on covet means for e/panding its sphere of influence" ,n infiltration& instead of invasion" ,n subversion instead of elections" ,n intimidation instead of free choice" ,n gorillas by night& instead of armies by day" #t is a system, which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly $nit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. #ts preparations are concealed, not published. #ts mista$es are buried, not headlined" its dissenters are silenced not praised. %o expenditure is &uestioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is reveled. %o president should fear public scrutiny or his program, far from that scrutiny comes from understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary. # am not as$ing your newspapers to support an administration, but # am as$ing your help in the tremendous tas$ of informing and alerting the merican people. 'or # have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citi!ens whenever they are fully informed. # not only could not stifle controversy among your reader, # welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors, for as a wise man once said( #An error doesn!t become a mistake& until you refuse to correct it"$ We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors, and we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism no administration and no country can succeed. nd no republic can survive. That is why the thenian lawma$er )olon decreed it a crime for any citi!en to shrin$ from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the *st mendment. The only business in merica specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger.

The Power o! Sound ' Music

Chapter 1 #(peak to one another with psalms& hymns and spiritual songs" (ing and make music in your heart to the 'ord" Always giving thanks to <od the )ather for everything& in the name of our 'ord =esus 3hrist$ 4 *P+*SI#,S -.1/ Oh Lord where do I begin with what they ha e done to and with yo!r "o#t bea!ti$!% &reation' M0SIC( I g!e## with the beginning. nd +od said #'et there be light and there was light. )o #i"p%e and yet #o $ar $ro" peop%e*# "ind# the #igni$i&an&e o$ that #tate"ent. + erything i# "ade o$ %ight har"oni&a%%y he%d together with #o!nd' th!# when ,od #po-e he &reated the wor%d with #o!nd. In "odern phy#i&# thi# i# -nown a# Strin( Theory. in re%igion it i# -nown a# 1aith and in the o&&!%t /)e&ret )o&ietie#0 it i# -nown a# Ma(ic or 2The Cra!t3%1here are #e en &o%or# to a rainbow' whi&h yo! &an re$ra&t and #ee $or yo!r#e%$ with any pri#" or &ry#ta%' and there are #e en tone# in a "!#i&a% #&a%e' a $o!r #e"i tone# whi&h "a-e 11. In #o!nd and %ight there are "any wa e%ength# o$ that are $ar o!t#ide the &!rrent #tate o$ o!r "ind# to re&ogni2e. 3owe er' 4!#t a# 15*#' radio# and &e%% phone# &an #ee the#e in i#ib%e wa e %ength#' #o &an a h!"an "ind i$ in a pri#tine #tate6 7roper%y 8o!ri#hed' Free o$ 1o9in# and 5oid o$ Inter$eren&e.


ccult 4heel 5epicts Relationships o! Musical ,otes6 Colors ' *ner(ies

Logi&a%%y i$ a pri#tine "ind &an :re&ei e; a%% the#e wa e %ength#' then i# on%y rea#onab%e that o!r "ind# &an a%#o :tran#"it; on the#e wa e %ength#. 1hi# i# how we &reate and a%ter rea%ity a# :thoughts are things$" 1h!# the -ingdo" o$ ,od i# in !#' and we are &reator# with o!r tho!ght#' $ee%ing# and word#' whi&h are a%% #o!nd#. Strin( Theory in phy#i&#' i# the "athe"ati&a%%y pro en by +in#tein prin&ipa% that a%% "atter ha# a# it# &ore b!i%ding "ateria% #tring# o$ energy that are har"oni&a%%y he%d together to "a-e !p a%% that i#. 1h!# e erything i# "ade o$ #o!nd energy' e en %ight. +<=C2 >e#pite the $a"i%iarity o$ thi# e?!ation' "o#t peop%e do not -now what +<=C2 "ean#. 1hi# i# a #ha"e be&a!#e +<=C2 i# the #e&ret to e erything. +in#tein*# greate#t in#ight wa# to rea%i2e that "atter and energy are rea%%y di$$erent $or"# o$ the #a"e thing. =atter &an be t!rned into energy' and energy &an be t!rned into "atter. @n e9a"p%e o$ "atter being t!rned into energy i# a n!&%ear bo"b. +in#tein*# $or"!%a +<=C2 te%%# !# the a"o!nt o$ energy that a "a## wo!%d be e?!i a%ent to' i$ it were #!dden%y t!rned into energy. +<=C2 tran#%ated i#6 +8+A,B e?!a%# =@)) ti"e# the #?!are root o$ the #peed o$ LI,31. 1he #peed o$ %ight i# 3CC'CCC'CCC'CCC "eter# per #e&ond' that*# a %ot o$ energy. De and e erything we -now a# rea%ity are #i"p%y &onden#ed %ight har"oni&a%%y he%d together. In&identa% $a&t6 One ga%%on o$ water ha# the energy o$ 6CC'CCC ga%%on# o$ ga#o%ine' whi&h i# why the energy &o"panie# are 1CCE &ontro%%ed by #e&ret #o&ietie#. +nergy i# $ree and ab!ndant' 8i-o%a 1e#%a pro ed thi# 1CC year# ago. I$ #o!nd har"oni&a%%y ho%d# e erything together' then %ogi&a%%y enhar"oni& #o!nd wo!%d "a-e thing# $a%% apart. 8i&o%a 1e#%a pro ed thi# on a phy#i&a% %e e% with hi# $a"o!# 1e#%a Coi%' with whi&h he de"on#trated the abi%ity to &r!"b%e thing# to d!#t with #o!nd wa e#. =at&h the a&t!a% $re?!en&y o$ an ob4e&t' with an e?!a% an oppo#ing $re?!en&y and that ob4e&t wi%% #i"p%y t!rn to d!#t. In $a&t po%i&e report# e9i#t in 8ew Bor- City #howing that 1e#%a a%"o#t de#troyed the b!i%ding he wa# %i ing in. 1e#%a a%#o &%ai"ed that o er a #hort period o$ ti"e he &o!%d t!rn an entire &ity to d!#t with #o!nd.

,i"ola Telsa 7 Tesla Coil @nother great e9a"p%e o$ the i#ib%e power o$ #o!nd i# an opera #inger who &an brea- a g%a## with their tone' whi&h wa# 4!#t pro en on Myth Busters to be tr!e. + erything ha# a #pe&i$i& #o!nd $re?!en&y that ho%d# it together' and that e9a&t oppo#ite $re?!en&y &an "a-e it $a%% apart. 7i&t!re a wa e in the o&ean &o"ing into the bea&h and #"a#hing into the riptide &o"ing o$$ the bea&h' the in&o"ing and o!tgoing wa e &ra#h together and e9p%ode into the air' that i#

and a?!ati& e9a"p%e o$ oppo#ing energy wa e# and the prin&ipa% behind 1e#%a*# =e&hani&a% Ae#onan&e. 3ow abo!t #o"ething a %itt%e &%o#er to ho"e. ha e yo! e er been at a red %ight when a &ar p!%%# !p ne9t to yo! with #pea-er# #o %o!d the noi#e i# #ha-ing BOFA tr!n-( Can yo! #ee the #o!nd &o"ing o!t o$ the other per#on*# &ar( 8o. ,!e## what( Bo! &an*t e en hear the #o!nd be&a!#e the %ow $re?!en&ie# that a&t!a%%y "a-e #pea-er# "o e and the tr!n- ratt%e are be%ow the h!"an ear# %i#tening range. 1he#e %ow $re?!en&ie# ha e a "on!"enta% i"pa&t on o!r body' "ind and #o!% a# we%% a# on the phy#i&a% wor%d aro!nd !#' thi# i# why 1CCE o$ the "!#i& b!#ine## i# &ontro%%ed by )e&ret )o&ietie#. 1he bea!ty o$ thi# boo- i# I a" going to e9p%ain in great detai% #pe&i$i&a%%y how )e&ret )o&ietie# &ontro% the "!#i& b!#ine## on a te&hni&a%' e&ono"i&a%' #o&ieta% and #treet %e e%.

Christina #(uilara 2Ill$inated +orns3 Celine 5eon 2+orns3

8ay79 2Pyra$id3

1he +arth*# $re?!en&y i# 7.83 32' thi# i# -nown a# the )h!"an $re?!en&y' whi&h i# a ery %ow ina!dib%e $re?!en&y. o!r bodie# a%#o re#onate in $re?!en&y range# between 1 and 15hrt2. O!r bodie# %o e the#e %ow $re?!en&ie#' whi&h i# one o$ the rea#on that &on#!"er grade e%e&troni&# $i%ter o!t the#e %ow p%ea#ing $re?!en&ie#' "ore on thi# in the te&hni&a% &hapter. @n&ient &!%t!re# !#ed to !#e %ow $re?!en&y rhyth"i& dr!"# to p!t the entire tribe into a #pirit!a% tran&e' thi# i# what the "!#i& b!#ine## wi%% -i%% to pre ent. thi# i# &a%%ed +81A@I=+81. 8O1+6 1here i# a pro$e##iona% too% $or 7#y&ho%ogi#t &a%%ed Mind 4or"Station that &reate# %ow $re?!en&y a!dio tra&-# to he%p p#y&ho%ogi&a% patient#. Learn "ore abo!t thi# G www%TransParentCorp%co$ or ,oog%e :=ind Dor-)tation.; 1he !ni er#e and a%% &reation i# the inte%%igent organi2ation o$ har"oni& #o!nd#' and o!r "ind# are part o$ that inte%%igen&e' whi&h #oni&a%%y wea e# the bea!ti$!% tape#try we &a%% the phy#i&a% rea%ity into being. 3ere i# the big #e&ret. the energy whi&h "a-e# !p the phy#i&a% wor%d i# no di$$erent than that whi&h "a-e# !p the #pirit!a% wor%d. O!r #o!% &reate# the #o!nd whi&h "a-e# !#' and a%% #o!%# /,od0 &reate the #o!nd# whi&h "a-e !p o!r rea%ity. Bo! #ho!%d now be #tarting to rea%i2e why the power# that be are #o prote&ti e abo!t #o!nd and "!#i&. Can yo! hear yo!r own tho!ght#( 1he an#wer i# :ye#;. 1here$ore e en o!r tho!ght# are #o!nd# that &reate. 1hi# i# how prayer' "editation and intention wor- in o!r %i e#. In 1eren&e =&Kenna*# e9ten#i e re#ear&h with >=1' the "o#t power$!% p#y&hede%i& dr!g' he &%ai"ed that when he &ro##ed into the #pirit rea%" that "i%%ion# %itt%e being# o$ inte%%igent energy the #i2e o$ bo!n&ing ba#-etba%%# were whir%ing aro!nd and &o"ing !p to hi" and #aying #1on!t be

astonished or afraid& just do what we do>$ and then the %itt%e ba%%# o$ energy wo!%d "a-e a #o!nd# and energy wo!%d $or" into "atter. )o it i# with the inte%%igent "anip!%ation o$ #o!nd that o!r "ind# &reate rea%ity. ,od i# "e' yo! and e erything that i#' the a%pha and the o"ega. @%% "e"ber# o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e one &o%%e&ti e goa%6 7re ent peop%e $ro" !ti%i2ing o!r "ind a# ,od intended. 1hi# innate abi%ity o$ in$inite &reation i# an inherent h!"an trait whi&h ha# been )1OL+8 $ro" !# by )e&ret )o&ietie#' and 3I8>+AI8, o!r abi%ity to regain &ontro% o$ o!r "ind# and th!# o!r rea%ity i# the pri"ary ob4e&ti e o$ )e&ret )o&ietie#. It i# 13+IA 2Great 4or"3 a-a /11% H "ean# to *,5' and 11 whi&h i# rea%%y 2 a# 1I1<2 "ean# to #4#:*,. /For a "ore in depth e9p%anation# p%ea#e #ear&h "y "o ie #The umeric 'anguage of (ecret (ocieties$ on ;ouTube.0 In addition to !#ing "!#i& to &ontro% h!"anity' "any &on#pira&y theori#t# #erio!#%y ?!e#tion the go ern"ent*# tr!e p!rpo#e o$ the +##RP progra" <+i(h 1re=uency #cti>e #uroral Research? and it# tran#"i##ion# o$ *@1As <*)tre$ely @ow 1re=uencies? with whi&h 3@@A7 wo!%d be ery &apab%e o$ &a!#ing earth ?!a-e#' "anip!%ating weather and a%tering h!"an beha ior and e"otion#. 1e#%a pro ed that it i# te&hni&a%%y po##ib%e $or 3@@A7 to a&&o"p%i#h #!&h de a#tation a# +arth?!a-e#. 3owe er I be%ie e 3@@A7*# tr!e p!rpo#e i# to inter$ere and di#tort o!r brain*# abi%ity to t!ne into the $re?!en&ie# o$ the #o&ia% &on#&io!#' higher di"en#ion# and in$inite inte%%igen&e.

Ae&ent%y "y e9Jgir% $riend and I parted way#' pri"ari%y be&a!#e #he wa# o$ten erba%%y and io%ent%y ab!#i e. In the %a#t $ew "onth# o$ o!r re%ation#hip the ye%%ing' #&rea"ing and ho#ti%ity wa# inten#e and !nbearab%e. 1o "a-e a %ong "i#erab%e #tory #hort we had thi# r!bber tree p%ant na"ed 1ara whi&h wa# &on#tant%y %oo#ing %ea e# at a rate o$ abo!t $o!r per wee-' whi&h i# a %ot &on#idering 1ara on%y ha# abo!t twenty %ea e#. @ "o#t re"ar-ab%e thing ha# happened #in&e #he "o ed o!t 4!#t 53 day# ago' 1ara ha# not %o#t any %ea$#' and i# now $!%% and hea%thy. Let there be no do!bt that #o!nd' tho!ght and per#ona% energy ha# a dra"ati& e$$e&t on the wor%d aro!nd !#.

Sonically +ostile *n>iron$ent

-B days a!ter +ar$ony return to $y ho$e

Bo! "ight not thin- thi# e9a"p%e o$ how a p%ant &an be a$$e&ted by negati e energy prod!&ed by #&rea"ing' ye%%ing and io%en&e i# a big dea%' b!t it i# a ery big dea%' be&a!#e the dead%y e$$e&t# on thi# p%ant $ro" ho#ti%e erba% negati ity are dire&t%y proportiona% to the negati ity that @LL pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i& ha# on o!r phy#i&a% and "enta% hea%th. In addition' I ha e a #"a%% =in 7in na"ed Char%ie who i# 1C year# o%d and in e9&e%%ent hea%th' howe er d!ring the %a#t $ew "onth# o$ the ho#ti%e re%ation#hip hi# $!r t!rned ery &oar#e and wa# #hedding at a "!&h $a#ter rate than !#!a%' and in 4!#t 3C day# #in&e the #oni& rage %e$t "y ho"e Char%ie*# $!r i# ba&- to being ery #o$t and he i# hard%y #hedding at a%%. 1hi# negati e energy theory wa# a%#o pro en !nder &ontro%%ed &ondition# by Japane#e #&ienti#t 5r% *$oto Masaru !#ing water and $ree2ing it !nder ario!# e"otiona% &ondition# prod!&ing wide%y arying i&e depending on whether the water wa# #!rro!nded by po#iti e or negati e e"otion# whi%e being $ro2en. 1he e##en&e o$ the >r. =a#ar!*# e9peri"ent# wa# that water $ro2en !nder #oni& ho#ti%ity grew nonJ!ni$or"' 4agaed and di#&o%ored &ry#ta%#' whi%e water e9po#ed to pea&e$!% %o ing erba% #ti"!%ation grew bea!ti$!% and #y""etri& &ry#ta%#. @%% o$ rea%ity re#pond# the #a"e way' it i# 4!#t ea#ier to ob#er e the e$$e&t# o$ #o!nd and e"otion with water and i&e. /7%ea#e )ear&h 5r% *$oto Masaru on ;ouTube0

5r% *$oto Masaru

Ice Crystals o! Caryin( *$otions

1he rea#on that "!#i& i# #o power$!% i#' it i# a %etha% &o"bination o$ %ang!age' tone' rhyth"' har"ony' #o!nd# and #i%en&e. Co"bined proper%y' "!#i& &an &o"p%ete%y hypnoti2e o!r "ind# into be%ie ing any #&enario' and what the "ind be%ie e#' the heart $ee%# and what the heart $ee%# be&o"e# rea%. 1a-e a "in!te and thin- o$ the #ong# that "ade yo! &ry' %a!gh. %ong' %o e' %ea e' h!rt' hea%' happy' #ad' #tre##ed' #e9y' #trong' wea-' &on$ident' &on$!#ed' a%one' &rowded' hot' &o%d' $ree' trapped' hea%thy' #i&-' et&... 1he e9a"p%e# are a# n!"ero!# a# are the "i%%ion# o$ pro$e##iona% re&ording# re%ea#ed o er de&ade#. Dhat i# i"portant to re"e"ber i# that o!r "ind #i"p%y $o%%ow# dire&tion#' th!# tho!gh the#e "ay appear to &reate i%%!#ionary e"otiona% e o&ation#' they be&o"e rea% and a$$e&t o!r bodie#' "ind# and rea%ity re#pe&t$!%%y. @nother thing i"portant to !nder#tand i# the a$terJe$$e&t o$ %i#tening to "a%i&io!#%y &ontri ed "!#i& &an a$$e&t o!r #tate o$ "ind ho!r#' e en day# a$ter %i#tening. 1r!#t that a%% the #!i&ida% and depre##ion &o"p%aint# &o"ing $ro" peop%e ha ing #een the "o ie 2#>atar36 are not be&a!#e iewer# wi#hed they &o!%d %i e in a !topia %i-e Pandora' it*# be&a!#e Ja"e# Ca"eron and hi# #e&ret #o&iety :bed $e%%ow#; p!rpo#e%y de#igned the i#!a% and a!dio e$$e&t# to di#agree with o!r +u$an +o$eostasisD th!# the #o!nd# and i#!a%# in :#>atar3 &a!#e i""en#e #tre## by being o!t o$ #yn&h and tone with the nat!ra% rhyth"# o$ o!r bodie#. On 1han-#gi ing 2CCH a gir% $riend o$ "y e9*#' &o!#in &o""itted #!i&ide. )he had two yo!ng &hi%dren' a h!#band' $a"i%y and "any $riend# who %o ed her. )he had been #!$$ering $ro" depre##ion $or year#' b!t "anaged to get by o-ay. 1hen a $ew wee-# be$ore her #!i&ide #he went to her p#y&ho%ogi#t to ha e @i(ht Therapy. 1hi# i# where the do&tor# ha e the patient #tare into a #&ope at $%a#hing %ight#' #!ppo#ed%y to he%p ea#e the depre##ion. @&&ording to her &o!#in' $or the two wee-# a$ter the %ight therapy' #he ?!i&-%y degenerated into an e"otiona% "e## to the point when #he -i%%ed her#e%$ by #tabbing her abdo"en repeated%y. 1hi# type o$ !nba%an&e $%a#hing' p!%#ing and th!"ping i# phy#io%ogi&a%%y and p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y the e9a&t type o$ o!t o$ #yn&h &rap that the )e&ret )o&ietie# p!rpo#e%y and &on#tant%y bo"bard !# with in "!#i&' te%e i#ion and "o ie# $or the #o%e p!rpo#e o$ "a-ing !# #tre##ed' &on$!#ed and #i&-. =edi&a% K 7#y&ho%ogi&a% #&ien&e pretend# to not -now abo!t a%% thi#' b!t that i# tota% %ie. 1hi# i# what the "idd%e age*# renai##an&e re o%t o$ #)or -nlawful 3arnal ?nowledge$ wa# a%% abo!t. Carnal "eaning 2o! the body and $ind3% 1h!# Carnal :nowled(e "ean# how the body and "ind tr!%y $!n&tion. In order to thwart the renai##an&e awa-ening )e&ret )o&ietie# !#ed the In?!i#ition' Dit&h 3!nt# and L!boni& 7%ag!e to e9ter"inate the "a##e# who where %earning Carnal :nowled(e. 1he rea%ity i# the #e&ret #o&ietie# !#ed the#e e ent# to -i%% peop%e who were &at&hing onto the $a&t that @LL #e&ret #o&ietie# pra&ti&e wit&hJ&ra$t and )atani#".

Dhen the &orr!pt Catho%i& Ch!r&h "ade Carnal :nowled(e a &apita% &ri"e' in re o%t a one word a&rony" 10C: /1or 0nlaw!ul Carnal :nowled(e@ e"erged in the re#i#tan&e "o e"ent# a# peop%e $o!ght $or the right to -now how o!r bodie# and "ind# tr!%y $!n&tion and how the power# that be were !#ing Carnal :nowled(e again#t !#. @%% #e9!a% &onnotation# $or the a&rony" FFCK %i-e #)ornication -nder 3onsent ,f The ?ing$ are p!re hi#tori&a% %ie#. 3!"anity i# &!rrent%y e9perien&ing another awa-ening period and )e&ret )o&ietie# are getting b!#ted in ind!#try' entertain"ent' po%iti&# and ban-ing by peop%e %i-e "e who ha e $ir#thand e9perien&e#' and the $ortit!de to &o"e $orward. @# I %i-e to #ay :To ?now Is Too 0articipate$ #o i$ yo! are part o$ a #e&ret #o&iety or aware o$ their &%ande#tine &orr!pt pra&ti&e# now wo!%d be a good ti"e to repent andMor e9po#e the#e &ri"ina%#. 1hi# i# what the 12J21J2C12 awa"enin( i# a%% abo!t. it i# ga"e o er $or )e&ret )o&ietie#. I$ yo! &are abo!t yo!r#e%$ and yo!r %o ed one# now i# the ti"e to get o!t or #pea- o!t again#t )e&ret )o&ietie#. 1here are a%ready "any %aw# on the boo-# again#t #!b%i"ina% ad erti#ing. there$ore @LL o$ the "edia &o"panie# are !ndeniab%y g!i%ty and p!ni#hab%e by %aw. =a%i&io!# "!#i& a%one &an be pheno"ena%%y detri"enta% to o!r hea%th and #anity' and when &o"bined with "anip!%ati e i#!a%#' ido%i2ing' %i$e#ty%e#' &%othing' #o&ia% #tat!#' #y"bo%i#"' prod!&t# and e ent# the har"$!% i"pa&t &an e%i&it whate er e"otiona% re#pon#e the prod!&er# wi#h $ro" their a!dien&e' e en &o"p%ete hypnoti& &ontro%. Dhat peop%e need to !nder#tand i# that a #ing%e "onotoni& !nJrhyth"i& inhar"onio!# repetiti e tone i# eno!gh to -i%% !# by &a!#ing &ardia& arre#t. J!#t %i-e the warning #aid on the #trobe %ight# we a%% bo!ght d!ring o!r %a#t di#&o pha#e. @$ter tho!#and# o$ year# o$ tria%' error and #!&&e##' by #adi#ti& #e&ret #o&ietie#' with !n%i"ited b!dget# and ine9ha!#tib%e h!"an re#o!r&e#' it i# ea#y to i"age how %etha% today*# "!#i& and entertain"ent i# to o!r "ind and bodie#. @LL pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i& i# 1CCE p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y and phy#io%ogi&a%%y poi#ono!#. 1oday*# pop!%ar "!#i& i# "a%i&io!#%y &ra$ted %ayer# o$ a!dib%e and ina!dib%e #ini#ter #o!nd#' inter"ing%ed with har"$!% %yri&a% "anip!%ation#' !nba%an&ed #poradi& rhyth"# and &on$%i&ting "e%odie#. I$ yo! #i"p%y pay &%o#e attention to how yo!r body and brain $ee% whi%e %i#tening to pop!%ar "!#i& and yo! wi%% ?!i&-%y &o"prehend it# i%% e$$e&t#. 1he barrage o$ p#y&ho#o"ati& #oni&' %yri&a% and rhyth"i& te&hni?!e# in ented and !#ed by the "!#i& ind!#try are #o &o"p%ete' &o"p%e9 and o erwhe%"ing that the entire &o%%e&tion o$ a%%

pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i& o er the pa#t 6CCC year# ha# been #o detri"enta% to o!r "enta% hea%th it %itera%%y ha# the who%e wor%d in a tra&e' #o deep nobody e en rea%i2e# it or wor#e be%ie e# it. In thi# boo- yo! are going to %earn how re&ogni2e and identi$y "any o$ 13+IA :too%# K tri&-#; $or yo!r#e%$. I $o!nd o!t the hard way how e i% the "!#i& b!#ine## i#. i$ yo! ha e a#piration# o$ ro&- #tardo"' #a e yo!r "oney be&a!#e it*# not going to happen' !n%e## o$ &o!r#e yo! are a born and rai#ed Di&&a Dit&h' in one o$ the "any #e&ret #o&ietie#. + en then yo! ha e to be one o$ their e9&eptiona% wit&he#. Roc"7,7Roll wa# &reated $or the #o%e p!rpo#e o$ de#troying the $a"i%y !nit and &orr!pting the yo!th. It wa# in#tigated by #e&ret #o&ietie# at the #a"e ti"e o$ the Do"en*# Lib "o e"ent' whi&h ha# on%y %ed to both parent# being #%a e# to the wor- $or&e and de#tr!&tion o$ the $a"i%y !nit. 1hi# ha# enab%ed the &orr!ption o$ the yo!th thro!gh "edia. /M*5I# J the o$$ #hot o$ :"agi&; &reated by the an&ient =agi the $o!nder# o$ @LL #e&ret #o&ietie#0 )e&ret )o&ietie# &o""!ni&ate in ,0MB*RS' it wo!%d be he%p$!% $or yo! to wat&h #The umeric 'anguage of (ecret (ocieties$ on ;ouTube prior to reading thi# boo-. I ha e a%#o pro ided a brie$ o erJ iew o$ 8F=L+A) at the end o$ thi# &hapter 1he root word R C: "ean# to di#t!rb. 8!"eri&a%%y that i# e9a&t%y what it i# R C:<H632<2C<2 or //6I3I2<011/H to *,5' 11 to be #4#:*0. R @@ "ean# to ha e #e9. )o Ao&-J8JAo%% "ean# #1isturbed (e/$" R C:<H632<2C<2 R @@<H633<21<B. 2I3<whi&h "ean# #bad for us$" , i# a%#o -. 7%ea#e -now that n!"ber# &a"e be$ore word#' there$ore the "eaning o$ word# dire&t%y &orre%ate to their n!"ber#. @%% wordMn!"ber re%ation# ha e ery #pe&i$i& "eaning# a# we%% a# p!rpo#e$!% e$$e&t#. 1hat i# why 13+B &a%%ed it Ao&-J8JAo%%. @%an Freed in Ohio in 1H51 i# gi en &redit $or &a%%ing it :Ao&-J8JAo%%;' howe er Ao&-J8JAo%% had been a ter" $or #e9 %ong be$ore that' in $a&t in 1H22 1ri9e )"ith had a #ong with the %yri& #My man rocks me with one steady roll$" @%% pro$e##ion "!#i& i# a%#o in$!#ed with #ed!&ti e #ed!&ing #atani& rit!a%#' "antra#' in&antation# and #pe%%#. whi&h are dri%%ed into o!r &ore #!b&on#&io!# be%ie$# when we %i#ten to the "!#i&. 1he rea#on we %o e "!#i& and te%e i#ion i# be&a!#e they a&t!a%%y are p#y&ho%ogi&a% dr!g#. 8ohn Todd who de$e&ted $ro" the I%%!"inati in the %ate 7C*# wa# a "e"ber o$ the Co!n&i% o$ 13' and on&e ran 9odiac Productions' whi&h in the 1H7C*# wa# the %arge#t "!#i& &ong%o"erate in the wor%d' owned by Ao&-e$e%%er*# )tandard Oi%'. @ $ew year# @$ter %ea ing Nodia&' $or a higher po#ition o$ r!nning 13 #tate# in the F)@ $or the I%%!"inati' John "eet !p $or a &a#!a% %!n&h with hi# $riend 5a>id Crosby' $ro" Crosby6 Stills ' ,ash. >a id Cro#by in$or"ed John that a# o$ 1H72 on%y a tr!e 2witch3 &o!%d get a re&ord dea%' wherea# be$ore anyone who wa# a "e"ber o$ a #e&ret #o&iety &o!%d get a re&ording &ontra&t. John i# a%#o the per#on who di !%ged that a%% "a#ter tape# are ta-en to a te"p%e roo" in the re&ord &o"pany on a $!%% "oon' where a tea" o$ 13 wit&he# &a#t #pe%%# !pon the "!#i& "a#ter $or 13 ho!r#' #o that de"on# $o%%ow e ery #ong to e ery %i#tener

Illu$inatiE1ree$ason Power Pyra$id

8ohn Todd F *)7Illu$inati

I$ I had not e9perien&ed the &ohe#i e &o%%aborati e o$ e i% in 8a#h i%%e $ir#t hand I wo!%d ha e a hard ti"e be%ie ing #o"e o$ thi# e#oteri& #t!$$. L!t' ha ing now %earned how &riti&a% "!#i& i# to &ontro%%ing the "a##e# it a%% $a%%# right in %ine with a%% the pagan rit!a%i#ti& e ent# the#e )e&ret )o&ietie# pra&ti&e' %i-e the #3remation of 3are$ &ere"ony where the "o#t power$!% "en in the wor%d b!rn a h!"an baby at the Lohe"ian ,roo e in 8orthern Ca%i$ornia e ery J!%y. I$ yo! &an*t &on&ei e how r!th%e## the peop%e that r!%e the wor%d are to -eep &ontro% o$ the wor%d are' yo! "y $riend are pretty nai e. @%#o re"e"ber good peop%e do not &on#pire' bad peop%e do and what yo! are going to %earn $ro" here on o!t i# that there are a %ot o$ bad peop%e. De* e a%% heard o$ the %aw#!it# abo!t ba&-ward "a#-ing' #!b%i"ina% "e##age# and "agi& "antra# in the %yri&#' b!t !n%e## yo! are a wit&h and -now a%% the Di&&a "y#ti&i#"' it*# going to be to!gh to pro e that -ind o$ #t!$$ to a 4!ry. I #!#pe&t "o#t o$ the "y#ti&a% $o%-%ore aro!nd "!#i& i# 4!#t &%e er &%!tter to -eep peop%e %oo-ing in the wrong dire&tion' when the ob io!# detri"enta% di#tortion# are right in o!r ear#' whi&h are the #i"p%e and tangib%e i"ba%an&ed' o!t o$ #yn&h rhyth"#' &ontra#ting har"onie#' har"$!% tone#' !nba%an&e %yri&# and "a%i&io!# "e%odie#.. + en witho!t the #!#pe&ted Di&&a ho&!#Jpo&!#' the intentiona%%y o!t o$ ba%an&e pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i& i# e9tre"e%y bad $or o!r body and "ind. 1he &%ear%y di#&ernab%e inhar"oni& a&ti ity and rhyth"i& "i#&hie$ they p!rpo#e%y in$!#e in the "!#i& i# $ar "ore har"$!% to !# than any #pirit!a% wonder the#e L!&i$arian $rea-# thin- they are adhering to the t!ne# with wit&h&ra$t. 1here$ore' I a" going to try and #tay a %ot &%o#er to the tan(ible sonic realities that we &an #ee' hear and &o"prehend $or o!r#e% e#' and %ea e the wit&hJ&ra$t #t!$$ to yo!r i"agination. @# yo! are %earning "!#i& i# #o power$!% be&a!#e it*# a to9i& &o"bination #en#ory inp!t# that &an "anip!%ate o!r "e"orie#' de#ire#' $ee%ing#' phi%o#ophie#' p#y&ho%ogy and phy#io%ogy. In e9perien&ed' ta%ented and -now%edgeab%e hand# the "anip!%ati e po##ibi%itie# o$ "!#i& are !n%i"ited. =!#i& i# e9tre"e%y power$!%' and that i# why the "!#i& ind!#try wi%% #top !# at @8B &o#t $ro" re%ea#ing @8B "!#i& that doe# not "eet their &r!e% &ontro%%ing &riteria. 1r!#t "e' I a" not #pe&ia%' I 4!#t &a!ght 13+= redJhanded. 1he "!#i& ind!#try de#troy# e ery arti#t that they do not &ontro%. In $a&t' in e ery ind!#try )e&ret )o&ietie# de#troy anyone and e eryone who doe# not &o"p%y with their &orr!pt agenda#.

>o yo! re&a%% what Aobert 7%ant #aid in 2Stairway to +ea>en3/50( #And you know that words have two meanings$" Le$ore we get into the n!t# and bo%t# o$ how the "!#i& ind!#try doe# their part to &ontrib!te to 2The Great 4or"3 a-a /116 here i# a ery brie$ o er iew o$ 2The ,u$eric @an(ua(e o! Secret Societies3 and #o"e e9a"p%e o$ "!#i& na"e# yo! "ight re&ogni2e with their &orre#ponding n!"eri& "eaning' "o#t o$ whi&h are 4!#t ode# to their #e&ret #o&iety a$$i%iation. 8O1+6 /7%ea#e Dat&h "y ;ouTube =o ie :1he 8!"eri& Lang!age o$ )e&ret )o&ietie#; For C%arity0 +ere is how our $odern *n(lish lan(ua(e brec"s into nu$bers%

1 @ J )

2 L K 1


G > = 5

+ 8 D


I , 7 B

J / 3 I O A N

+ere are the ori(inal de!initions o! $anAs !irst lan(ua(e based upon the / cycles o! li!e upon which all laws o! the uni>erse6 includin( your li!e !unction% ,* Q 1he #eed. Idea. 1o e9i#t' to #i"p%y go $ro" nothing into #o"ething. T4 Q 1o %i e' to go $ro" e9i#ting to %i ing. To #wa"e. La%an&e J >!a%ity T+R** Q 1o &reate. I"agine' 1o go $ro" 4!#t %i ing to inte%%igent%y de&iding what to be. 1 0R Q Know%edge. Ahyth". Aea#on' )t!dy. Learn #-i%%# ne&e##ary to $a&i%itate 3. 1IC* Q 1o do. @&tion. Freedo". Fight. 1o app%y the -now%edge o$ 4 to the &reation o$ 3. SIK Q 1o be&o"e the &reati e &on&eption in 3' "a#tery o$ -now%edge thro!gh doing. S*C*, Q 1o re#t. Ben K Bang. 8e!tra%. ,ood K Lad. *IG+T J 1o reap the reward# o$ a&&o"p%i#hing 1 thr! 7. 1o be. ,od*# 8!"ber ,I,* Q To *nd +ere are the Secret SocietyAs de!initions o! their ,u$eric @an(ua(e. ,* Q or 1C<1 1he King' 1he 1op' 1he Le#t. T4 Q or 11<2 #4#:*' Knowing' 3oo- +"* 3orn# T+R** Q Low O!a%ity or Low Aan-ing. 1 0R Q or 13<4 :Free"a#onry; Fire' Dater' +arth' +nergy' 7er$e&t La%an&e. 1IC* Q 23 or 32 :Lad For Bo!;' Con$!#ion' Chao#' Contro%. SIK Q 3ighe#t Aan-ing' 3igh O!a%ity S*C*, Q 8e!tra%' ,ood or Lad. *IG+T Q ,od' good or a nonJ#e&ret #o&iety "e"ber or entity ,I,* Q 666<18<8 To *nd ' p!re + i% *@*C*, F =a## @wa-ening T4*,T;71DO< 22 Darrior $or ,od' good K 1r!th :+n%ightened; T+IRT; T+R** L 33 @n :I%%!"inated; )e&ret )o&iety =e"ber #RTIST *K#MP@*S 311<32<5 +L5I)<22 =F)+<4315<13

A+=<H54<18<666 +@,L+)<517351<22 O@)I)<611H1<18<666 OF++8<83555<26<8 /,od0 KC < 23<5 K 1he )!n#hine Land Carrie Fnderwood < :@bra&adabra; LLI8K<23H52<21<3 182<11<2 3I2<5 King# O$ Leon < Leon<3565<1H<1C a-a King# o$ King# @da"<1414<1C<1 La"bert<31425H2<8 < 18 or 666 or H 1he :@&e;

Si$on 2#$erican Idol3 F Mason 8est s"i Idol C @0MBI#LBHBBG2/1LB1LG 2*>il *ye3

1/ *ntertain$ent F Produces #$erican Bono 2*>il *ye3 02LB2L-

Rihanna ' @ady GaGa 2 ne 2*>il *ye3 I$ yo! wat&hed the opening n!"ber at the 2C1C ,ra""y*# with @ady Ga Ga and *lton 8ohn yo! wo!%d noti&e a p%ethora o$ I%%!"inati #y"bo%i#"' then &a"e the $ore#hadowing o$ a po%i&e #tate with Beyonce on #tage $!%% o$ riot po%i&e. Ly the way thi# CC0P; prote#t thing i# a trap' #tay pea&e$!% peop%e. @%% Ae o%!tion# ha e been in#tigated by )e&ret )o&ietie#.

@adyLB1GIL1-LH GaGaLI1I1L1HLI so @ady Ga Ga L 1B =!&h ha# been written abo!t how The Beatles were !#ed to pro"ote the dr!g &!%t!re to the wor%d. On the S(t% PepperAs re&ord they p!t a pi&t!re o$ @%i#tair Crow%ey a -nown )e&ret )o&iety "e"ber o$ the ,o%den >awn. Ditho!t a do!bt 1he Leat%e# pi&t!re be%ow e9pre##e# how di#g!#ted they were with the )e&ret )o&iety &ontro% o$ "!#i&.

PaulL1B 21ree$ason3 8ohnL11 2Illu$inated +orns3 ;*@@ 4LI-BBH-L2/L11L2 a"a /11 S0BM#RI,*L1B2G1//--LB/L12LB 2MBL- 2Bad0S3 The Beatles L B syllables but the 2(ood boys3 The Rollin( Stones <G? 2bad boys3

TaylorL21IBH/L2JL10 Swi!tL1-/H2L2BL-% The Nueen<10? o! bad !or you<-?% 8L16 +LJ L 8+L1J a"a HHH

*l>isA Gra>e Graceland 2Ta"in( Care o! Business3 TCBL2B2 is S"ull7,7Bones *@ICSL-B/G1L22 Stephen Theodore GladstoneL22 Me$phis Ma!iaL 2#bracadabra3 Below are Oust a !ew photoAs !ro$ $y biParre $usical Oourney6 not to bra(Q Oust to establish that I a$ le(iti$ate and $y story is true%

Ti$ McGraw

:enny Chesney

Cince Gill

8ohn Rich

Bi( :enny <Bi(7,7Rich? #nderson

8osh Turner

Bla"e Shelton


Chuc"7@ady #ntebellu$ Trailer Choir7 Butter ' Cinney<Bi((est @ooser? Michael :no)

+eidi ,ew!ield7 Tric" Pony 5ier"s Bentley

@orrie Mor(an

:enny G


wen F #laba$a

8e!!ery Steele

Trent To$linson

8ac" 2Secret3 F Rush


yster Cult

Chapter J 2 )i"p%i&ity i# &o"p%e9. =eaning peop%e %oo- way to deep $or a &on&ept that i# ery #i"p%e. O!r being' #o!%' brain or whate er yo! be%ie e in ha# one pri"ary p!rpo#e sur>i>al% @t o!r &ore the pri"ary 4ob o$ o!r #o!% i# to -eep o!r heart beating in :e>en3 beat# or e%#e we die. O!r heart beat# %i-e thi#6 ,ne Two, ,ne-Two, ,ne-Two et&R at HC beat# per "in!te when o!r bodie# are at re#t. I$ o!r e9terna% #en#e# bring in #ti"!%i whi&h i# o!t o$ #yn&h with the interna% rhyth" o$ o!r heart o!r #!b&on#&io!# ha# no &hoi&e b!t to b%o&- o!t the inhar"onio!# e9terna% #ti"!%i and "o"entari%y t!rn o$$ o!r &on#&io!#ne##. 1hi# i# what happen# when we #nee2e. 1here$ore when o!r brain hear# #Abracadabra$A5 syllables@, whi&h i# ,ne-Two, ,neTwo-Three & $or a #p%it #e&ond o!r #!bJ&on#&io!# #h!t# o$ o!r &on#&io!# thin-ing. 1hi# &a!#e# three thing# to happen6 1. @ #p%it #e&ond o$ di#tra&tion whi&h a%%ow# $or the :#%ide o$ the hand tri&-;' right in $ront o$ o!r eye#' when a "agi&ian*# #ay# :@bra&adabra;. 2. Dith o!r &ogniti e thin-ing pa!#ed :@bra&adabra; pro ide# an opport!nity $or #!b%i"ina% inp!t into o!r "ind#. =any o$ the de&eit$!% tri&-# o$ Free"a#onry are ba#ed !pon thi# #i"p%e phy#io%ogi&a% $a&t. 3. 1he i"ba%an&ed &erebra% inp!t #i"p%y &a!#e# #tre## on o!r ho"eo#ta#i# Dhen a "agi&ian #ay*# 2#bracadabra3 $or a #p%it #e&ond o!r &on#&io!# tho!ght i# interr!pted' #o that the #!b&on#&io!# &an $o&!# on the pri"ary interna% rhyth" that -eep# !# a%i e. 1hi# i# gi e# the "agi&ian a $ra&tion o$ a #e&ond to do their #%ide o$ hand tri&-' right in $ront o$ o!r eye#. @ great e9a"p%e we ha e a%% &hanted be$ore i# the ery $a"i%iar #o%der*# "ar&h. 2@e!t6 @e!tQ @e!t6 Ri(ht6 @e!t3% 1hi# i# a ery power$!% 2abracadabra3 be&a!#e "o#t peop%e are right $ooted' #o in addition to it being 2abracadabra3 it %itera%%y #tart# !# o$$ on the wrong $oot. 1hi# $i e #y%%ab%e phra#e #top# a #o%ider $ro" thin-ing $or the" #e%$ and pa e# the way $or the #!b%i"ina% progra""ing in the %ine# that $o%%ow' whi&h $or "i%itary p!rpo#e# i# "o#t e$$e&ti e. @ typi&a% #o%dier*# "antra wi%% be #o"ething %i-e thi#. #'eft& left>left& right& leftA5@ I don!t know what I!ve been toldA9@ The Marines will steal your soul$" I "ade that one !p a# a 4o-e' b!t yo! get the idea. In the "i%itary the goa% i# to brea- peop%e down' and then b!i%d the" !p into the #o%dier yo! want the" to be. Or a# the ar"y p!t# it 2Be #ll ;ou Can Be3<- syllables?% Free"a#onry brainwa#he# their re&r!it# the e9a&t #a"e way' by $or&ing the" to "e"ori2e a b!n&h o$ brainwa#hing &rap. It*# 4!#t that #i"p%e to tri&- the h!"an "ind. Dhen %i#tening to pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i&' it i# 4!#t a# i$ we were %i#tening to a #!b%i"ina% tape whi%e we were #%eeping or !nder hypno#i#. 7ro$e##iona% "!#i& i$ $i%%ed with !nba%an&ed phra#e# and &on$%i&ting rhyth"#' whi&h %itera%%y p!t# !# in a &on#tant #tate o$ hypno#i# andMor #tre##. =y new $a orite /11 K 2#bracadabra3 =a#oni& "edia b%it2 i# on :SMT 102%1 radio !p here in )!""it Co!nty' Co%orado. For the pa#t year :SMT ha# been ho%ding a pro"otion where a%% a %i#tener ha# to do i# &a%% or eJ"ai% in three #ong# that ha e a re%ated the"e' and they win a pri2e. 3ere*# the -i&-er' the pro"otion i# &a%%ed 2#!ternoon 5eli(ht3<-? a-a 2#bracadabra3 and the "o#t b%atant a#pe&t it i# they p%ay the three #ong# at e9a&t%y 2.G-p$

e ery day% 2.G-</11. On the radio #pot :SMT r!n*# to ad erti2e the pro"otion the !#e the "!#i&a% &%ip 2S"y Roc"ets In 1li(ht3<-? a%#o 2#bracadabra3% 1hi# rea%%y #how# how de#perate the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# are to ho%d together the "i%%ion# o$ "inion# in their &%ande#tine &ri"ina% &aba%. 3!"anity i# D@K+I8, !p $o%-#' and there i# nothing that &an be done to #top it. I$ yo! are in a #e&ret #o&iety and yo! want o!t' the on%y #a$e Day o!t i# to be Aeborn into the Lo e o$ Je#!#. I pro"i#e yo! wi%% be prote&ted. 11611 )1,22 In Geor( rwellAs 21/JG3 and #ldous +u)leyAs 2# Bra>e ,ew 4orld3 the &on&ept o$ "ind &ontro% wa# introd!&ed to the p!b%i& on a "a## #&a%e thro!gh $i&tion. O$ten $ro" the "ain #trea" new#' &on#pira&y g!r!# and de&epti e entertain"ent we hear #o &a%%ed e9pert# gi e %engthy diatribe# abo!t the 3@A77 progra"' =K F%tra' CI@ brainwa#hing and other &o ert "ind e9peri"ent#. I wo!%d %i-e to #et the re&ord #traight that "ind &ontro% i# #o "!&h #i"p%er' and a%% thi# $ar o!t CI@ type #t!$$ i# #i"p%y a #"o-e#&reen to hide the #i"p%i&ity o$ "anip!%ating the "ind. 1he "o ie :Men 4ho Stare #t Goats3<-? and 2# Beauti!ul Mind<-?3 were p!rpo#e%y re%ea#ed be&a!#e the 2C12 awa-ening i# in $!%% #wing. 3o%%ywood i# de#perate%y trying to atta&the tr!th head on with "ore %ie#. In $a&t' the $i e #y%%ab%e tit%e# te%% tho#e who -now thi# #t!$$ the "o ie i# bog!#. #,ur mind is binary and only recogniBes balance and unbalance" Any conflict that is inharmonious with a balanced state of homeostasis causes our mind to retreat from conscious tasks and focus solely on the subconscious priority of preserving and protecting the vitality of life$ 1he #e&ondary $!n&tion a# h!"an being# beyond #!r i a% i# to A+7AO>FC+. Li-e the #oni& &on$%i&t o$ 2#bracadabra;' a gorgeo!# 2@ady in Red3 wor-# the #a"e way. )he i# gorgeo!# #o we de#ire to "ate with her /reprod!&e0' howe er #he i# dre##ed in red whi&h i# a high te"perat!re &o%or that &a!#e# &erebra% #tre##' a# we%% a# o!r %earned $ear# o$ poi#ono!# p%ant# and b%ood /#!r i a%0. 1he :Lady in Aed; i# a tri&- the "edia &on#tant%y !#e#.

@ady Ga(a

Taylor Swi!t

C,BC #nchor

8ow i"agine #inging #ed!&ti e #in$!% :Abracadabra$ %yri&#' o er "!#i& whi&h &on$%i&t# with o!r body*# nat!ra% rhyth"' whi%e wat&hing an attra&ti e per#on dan&ing in $ire or dre##ed in red. 1hi# &reate# a irt!a% #"orga#bord o$ &ontradi&tion' &on$!#ion and di#tra&tion in o!r "ind#'

whi&h &a!#e# #tre## and %ead# to phy#i&a% and "enta% i%%ne##' a# we%% a# a%%owing $or o!t#ide #!b%i"ina% "anip!%ation. In addition to the i""ediate%y di#tra&ting and &on$!#ing e$$e&t# o$ "a%i&io!# "!#i&' the har"$!% e$$e&t# %inger $or ho!r#' e en day# a$ter %i#tening. @nd it get# wor#e be&a!#e "any o$ !# wa%- aro!nd #inging an #abracadabra$/2J30 &hor!#* %i-e 2;ou Belon( To Me3/50 o er and o er' o!t %o!d and in o!r head# %i-e a bro-en re&ord. 1he one #ong that i# -i%%ing "e %ate%y and i# by J!#tin =ore &a%%ed 2Bac"woods3% 1hi# #ong i# parti&!%ar%y potent be&a!#e the 2cadabra7abra3/3J20 &hor!# arie# the phoni&# o$ the $ir#t three #y%%ab%e# with a #o$t #,ut In The$A;. and then hit# the %a#t two #y%%ab%e# hit #!per hard with #%ackwoods$/20' then doe# it again with #1own In The$/30/#o$t0 #+oller$/20/hard0. 1hi# aggre##i e i"ba%an&e 4!#t grind# again#t the nat!ra% rhyth" o$ o!r &ardio and re#piratory #y#te"#. + ery #ing%e #ong on the radio today i# p!rpo#e%y prod!&ed to ha e thi# har"$!% e$$e&t on o!r "ind' body and #o!%' in&%!ding Chri#tian' &o!ntry and re%igio!# "!#i&. 1hi# de%iberate #oni& de#tr!&tion goe# a%% the way ba&- to Leetho en' La&h and beyond. 8ow yo! -now why Leetho en*# "o#t pop!%ar and in$a"o!# #y"phony i# Beetho>enAs -th sy$phony. ,et it( 3i# 5th a-a :@bra&adabra;. 7%ea#e re"e"ber that a%% o$ the great &o"po#er# where &o""i##ioned by the r!%ing e%ite' !#!a%%y the -ing to write the#e #y"phonie#' #o nat!ra%%y the#e &o"po#er# where ed!&ated in 2The Cra!t3% 1hi# pro&e## o$ progra""ing begin# in o!r yo!th and i# done with &%ea er $ine##e and #!bt%ety. Fnder the g!i#e o$ entertain"ent' the e%ite !#e the 2law o! attraction3 to %!re the &hi%dren into their &r!e% o&&!%t &orr!ption. 1he initia% introd!&tion i# inno&ent' then on&e the barb o$ the hoo- i# in the &hi%d*# "ind 13+B ree% the yo!th in with grad!a% ea#e. 1he per$e&t e9a"p%e o$ thi# #!bt%e #!b er#ion i# >i#ney*# "ega "ar-eted &!%t!ra% pheno"enon +annah Montana/50 a-a #Abracadabra$" 13+B dri%%ed 2+annah Montana3/50 into the "ind# o$ bi%%ion# o$ yo!th aro!nd the wor%d. 1hen a# that generation o$ yo!th "at!red 13+B "orphed thi# per&ei ed inno&ent &hi%dhood hero into a $!%% b%own eroti&' o&&!%t' egoti#ti&a%' "ateria%i#ti&' indo&trinating e i% ido%. Aight $ro" the beginning the +annah Montana/50 &hara&ter wa# #nippy' &yni&a% and 4!dg"enta%' and they ha e tran#$or"ed 2+annah Montanna3 into the ba%an&ed per#ona 2Miley Cyrus3/40' &%e er%y %!ring bi%%ion# o$ yo!th right to he%%%. In =i%ey*# new #ong 2I CanAt Be Ta$ed3<G?6 whi&h i# a ba%an&ed "antra #o o!r #!b&on#&io!# intrin#i&a%%y &%a##i$ie# thi# a# :good;' =i%ey pro$e##e# her #atani& be%ie$#. In addition to the o&&!%t i"agery and ho"oeroti& beha ior in =i%ey*# ideo' the %yri&# %itera%%y enti&e her bi%%ion# o$ now "at!ring yo!ng $an# to e i%. =i%ey e en #ing# #I 3an!t %e (aved$AC@% @%#o' there i# one b%atant =a#oni& re&r!iting %ine in the #ong6 #I wanna be a part of something I donDt know$" 3ere are the %yri&# to 2I CanAt Be Ta$ed I CanAt Be Ta$ed 'or those who don0t $now me, # can get a bit cra!y. 1ave to get my way, 23 hours a day 04ause #0m hot li$e that, Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention 5i$e #0m under inspection, # always get the *6s. 04ause #0m built li$e that # go through guys li$e money flyin0 out their hands. They try to change me but they reali!e they can0t nd every tomorrow is a day # never planned. #f you0re gonna be my man, understand

# can0t be tamed, # can0t be saved, # can0t be blamed, # can0t, be tamed, #f # see my reflections bout my intentions. #0ll tell ya #0m not here to sell ya ,r tell ya to get to hell, #0m li$e a pu!!le but all of my pieces are jagged #f you can understand this, we can ma$e some magic, #0m on li$e that # wanna fly, # wanna drive, # wanna go, # wanna be a part of something # don0t $now nd if you try to hold me bac$ # might explode, 7aby by now you should $now #0m not a tric$ you play, # ride a different way, #0m not a mista$e, #0m not a fa$e, #t0s set in my 8% 8on0t change me /x3.,/# can0t be tamed. 1he pi&t!re# be%ow depi&t how )e&ret )o&ietie# &orr!pt a generation. 1hi# i# nothing new' it*# 4!#t now that we are on the erge o$ the awa-eningMen%ighten"entMAe e%ation the r!%ing e%ite are de#perate%y trying to re&r!it the yo!th away $ro" ,od' and indo&trinate the" into 13+IA L!&i$er &!%t#. @ pi&t!re #ay# 666 word#.

1. #$use

2% *ntice

B% Corrupt

G% Seduce

-% Recruit

1he ab!ndant apathy and arrogant re#i#tan&e I en&o!nter when trying to tea&h thi# in$or"ation to peop%e i# an engrained re#pon#e beha ior that ha# been gro!nd into the $abri& o$ o!r "ind# #in&e &on&eption' by the !#e o$ e ery "ean# po##ib%e6 Lang!age' Loo-#' 7rint' Fi%"' 15' Aadio' Li%%board#' )port#' 7o%iti&#' )o&ia% ,ro!p#' )&hoo%#' et&..' in&%!ding "any p#y&ho%ogi&a% and #pirit!a% te&hno%ogie# "o#t peop%e wo!%d &on#ider i"po##ib%e and !nbe%ie ab%e. Le%ie e peop%e. thi# ,ood #. e i% i# ery rea%. I -now it*# &ra2y to thin- that e ery #ong that we hear on the radio' 15 or "o ie i# #pe&i$i&a%%y and #oni&a%%y de#igned to ha e a detri"enta% e$$e&t on !#' b!t it*# tr!e. @%% thi# ti"e parent# ha e been worried abo!t #e9i#t' ra&i#t and io%ent %yri&a% &ontent' whi&h i# de$inite%y o!t o$ hand the#e day#' b!t the rea% da"aging #t!$$ i# the &on#tant and perpet!a% i"ba%an&e o$ 4!9tapo#ed rhyth"#' "e%odie# and inhar"oni& tone#. 1he rea% prob%e" $or arti#t#' writer# and "!#i& peop%e i# now a "ora% one. #If the record industry did let you in& would you make poison musicE$ I wo!%dn*t. In $a&t I &o!%dn*t do it. I &o!%d not ha e any part o$ &reating or writing "!#i& that intentiona%%y har"# peop%e. 1h!# i#

why I ?!it the "!#i& b!#ine##' %e$t 8a#h i%%e and "o ed to the "o!ntain#. 1hi# i# the pro erbia% 2Cross7Roads3 that the o%d b%!e# "!#i&ian# #ing abo!t. Be# it i# a $a&t that yo! "!#t #e%% yo!r #o!% to be in the "!#i& b!#ine##. /Search Bob 5ylan 2Sold My Soul 2on ;ouTube0 =y on%y hope o$ e er doing "!#i& again i# i$ thi# boo"oti ate# the wor%d to e9po#e and eradi&ate #e&ret #o&ietie# $ro" entertain"ent' po%iti&#' ind!#try' ban-ing and +arth. Le$ore we go any $!rther' and thi# new "!#i&a% -now%edge in$%!en&e# yo!r hone#t rea&tion#' I want yo! to go %i#ten to #o"e o$ yo!r $a orite "!#i& and write down how it "a-e# yo! $ee%. @nd I a" not ta%-ing abo!t $ee%ing %o eyJdo ey or ready to party. I want yo! to $o&!# on how it rea%%y "a-e# yo! $ee%. >oe# it in&rea#e yo!r heart rate' gi e yo! &he#t pain#' heada&he#' in&rea#e b%ood pre##!re' #hortne## o$ breath. ,i e it a $ew ho!r# a$ter %i#tening or e en %i#ten to the #a"e #ong be$ore yo! to #%eep a $ew ti"e#. >o yo! $ee% happy' #ad' depre##ed' an9iety et&( >id it gi e yo! bad drea"#( 3ow doe# it phy#i&a%%y "a-e yo! $ee%( @%#o di#regard the #ong*# #!b4e&t "atter and $o&!# on the #y%%ab%e#. Co!nt the #y%%ab%e o$ the hoo-# or &hor!# that #ti&- in yo!r head( I wi%% bet yo! H o!t o$ 1C ti"e# what i# #t!&- in yo!r head i# #abracadabra$ I.+. $i e #y%%ab%e#' or another !nba%an&e ariation o$ it %i-e 3' 5 or H. 8ow that yo! ha e a genera% idea o$ how thi# "a%i&io!# "anip!%ation in "!#i& a$$e&t# o!r bodie# and "ind#' %et %oo- at $ew e9a"p%e#. I wi%% try to !#e "!#i& that yo! are $a"i%iar with' howe er I pro"i#e that yo! wi%% $ind the#e intentiona% "a%i&io!# "anip!%ation# in a%% pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed "!#i&. @# with anything' p%ea#e do not ta-e "y word $or it. on&e yo! %earn the identi$ying trait# e9a"ine the "!#i& yo! are $a"i%iar with. 4#R,I,G6 Bo! wi%% ne er be ab%e to %i#ten to "!#i& the #a"e way again. I*d %i-e to #tart o!t with a na"e that &!rio!#%y pop# !p a%% aro!nd "y "ang%ed "!#i&a% ad ent!re# in 8a#h i%%e' Taylor Swi!t% 1he @"eri&an =!#i& @ward# arti#t o$ the year 2CCH. I be%ie e #he a%#o won #ong o$ the year $or 2@o>e Story3<B?% 8ow the tit%e i# three #y%%ab%e#' b!t what 1ay%or #ing#' and what get# #t!&- in o!r head i# $i e #y%%ab%e#. #It!s a love story3/50' 2%aby just say yes/50;. 1o "a-e thi# #ong e en "ore potent thi# 2abracadabra3 in&antation i# p%a&ed o er rhyth"i&a%%y e en 4M4 /$o!r beat# per "ea#!re0 "!#i&. 1hi# 4!9tapo#ition o$ lyric<-? and rhyth$<G? i# e9tre"e%y detri"enta% to o!r ho"eo#ta#i#. )y"bo%i&a%%y' 1ay%or wear# 13 be&a!#e #he i# an a"ba##ador to the p%ethora o$ )e&ret )o&iety yo!th in @"eri&a. 1ay%or )wi$t*# $ather i# a ery wea%thy and power$!% Free"a#on who trained her in the way# o$ =a#onry $ro" the age o$ 5. It*# "y opinion that 1ay%or )wi$t i# a ery high powered Free"a#on Di&&a Dit&h.

R1B The 1ree$asons 1a>orite ,u$ber on TaylorAs +and ' 8erseyAs Li#ten to 2@o>e Story3 &%o#e%y and yo! wi%% $ind p%ethora o$ #oni&' rhyth"i& and tona% &ontradi&tion# that &!"!%ati e%y a%% "agni$y into e9tre"e%y har"$!% "!#i&. @%#o' with 1ay%or there i# an o erpowering 2@ady In Red3 e$$e&t' be&a!#e it*# the %o e $airy ta%e we a%% want' being #!ng by a bea!ti$!% yo!ng gir%' in a ery #!%try #ed!&ti e tone. On top o$ thi# i# "a##i e Idol 4orship' a# I don*t thin- there i# a gir% in wor%d !nder 18 who doe# not want to be Taylor Swi!t. 1ay%or )wi$t*# other h!ge hit #ong 2;ou Belon( To Me3<50 a-a #Abracadabra$ i# a%#o $i e #y%%ab%e# on top o$ a 4M4 rhyth". L!t wait there*# "ore*. %oo- &%o#er' a# the proo$ i# in the pi&t!re and the n!"ber# don*t %ie. In her ideo $or 2;ou Belon( To Me3 note that the bad 1ay%or i# dre##ed in the red #%!t o!t$it /Lady In Aed0' and the dor-y 1ay%or i# in white' &o%or o$ p!rity or ,od. on&e again a##o&iating goodne## a# wea-ne##. =ore i"portant%y in 1ay%or*# ideo $or 2;ou Belon( To Me3<-? pay attention to the &ontradi&tion# in n!"ber#' &o%or# and &hara&ter#. Fir#t o$$ hot &hi&- with dar- hair in a red &ar' thi# i# to attra&t the yo!th to e i%' a# we%% a# a nat!ra% rep!%#ion and attra&tion :Lady In Aed; "anip!%ation to o!r #!b&on#&io!#. In the $ootba%% #&ene the good g!y i# S12<3/Loo#er0 with go%den b%ond hair :good;. 3 "ean# poor ?!a%ity %i-e KI@<2H1<12<3. 3owe er' the bad g!y who end# !p with the e i% dar- hair gir% i# S8/,od*#0 n!"ber' on&e again #!b%i"ina%%y atta&-ing re%igion. 1he p!rpo#e o$ thi# i# two$o%d. $ir#t i# to indo&trinate =a#oni& yo!th' and the #e&ond i# to #!b%i"ina%%y atta&- o!r innate !nder#tanding# o$ ar&hetype#" I ha e been a#-ed "any ti"e#. #1oes Taylor (wift know all thisE$ @LO)OLF1L+BTTTT 1ay%or )wi$t i# a Free"a#on or "ore a&&!rate%y an :+a#tern )tar;.

>ar " +air7Red Car +ot Girl Red 5ress Bad Guy RJ<God? Goody GuyR12<loser? I #!ppo#e I #ho!%d ba&- !p a bit and e9p%ain to yo! how I #o%idi$ied "y theory thro!gh per#ona% e9peri"entation that 2#bracadabra3 a&t!a%%y doe# ha e a dra"ati& and detri"enta% e$$e&t on o!r e"otion# and &erebra% a&ti ity. La&- aro!nd the year 1HH8 "y %itt%e brother Chri#* $riend Je$$ "ade and o er%y aggre##i e e$$ort to introd!&e to "e @awnee lsen. Lawnee had a =a#ter# >egree in 7#y&ho%ogy #pe&ia%i2ing in a!ti#" and wa# Je$$*# tea&her at a &o""!nity in Orange Co!nty' Ca%i$ornia. @$ter "!&h re%!&tan&e on "y part and "!&h per#!a#ion on Je$$*#' Lawnee and I $ina%%y "et $or a b%ind date at the Nuite 4o$en in Corona >e% =ar' C@. I wa# #t!nned. #he wa# gorgeo!# and we i""ediate%y hit it o$$. It ne er de e%oped into a #erio!# re%ation#hip' 4!#t $riend# with bene$it#. @nyhow o er the year# Lawnee and I -eep a pretty &%o#e $riend#hip b!i%t aro!nd "etaphy#i&#' #e9 and Ja&!22i#. La&- then' I wa# a %ibera% Chri#tian and not at a%% into the #!pernat!ra% ibe ho&!#Jpo&!# #pirit!a% #t!$$' b!t Lawnee wa# into &ha-ra#' n!"ero%ogy and a#tro%ogy. I wa# into #e9' #o I went a%ong with a%% her body energy e9p%oration# and other e#oteri& ad ent!re#. I ne er ha e been i"pre##ed wea%th' $a"e or #tardo" b!t Lawnee had dated' and wa# dating' #o"e pretty power$!% peop%e in the entertain"ent b!#ine## and to%d "e "any #torie# abo!t wit&hJ &ra$t' twoJway te%e i#ion# and what rea%%y wha&-y #t!$$ goe# on behind &%o#ed door# in 3o%%ywood. Lawnee wa# an a!ti#" #pe&ia%i#t wor-ing with a!ti#ti& &hi%dren in 3o%%ywood. )he had a %ot o$ #!&&e## with #o"e ery $a"o!# and power$!% peop%e*# -id# !#ing her own te&hni?!e#. )he de e%oped her own "ethod# and wa# wor-ing on a boo- $or hea%ing a!ti#". @nyhow to "a-e a %ong #tory #hort' Lawnee "ade a #!b%i"ina% go%$ i"pro e"ent C> with a $a"o!# &o"po#er in te%e i#ion and $i%" na"ed )tephen ,ra2iano. Bo! &an %oo- thi# e i% d!de !p at www.)tephen,ra2iano.&o". Lawnee*# C> wa# &a%%ed 2The *!!ortless Gol! Syste$3 /+L,)0 and it wa# #!ppo#ed%y a hypnoti& #y#te" to he%p i"pro e yo!r go%$ ga"e. 7er#ona%%y I thin- go%$ i# a wa#te o$ good $ar"%and' and i$ we too- that a&reage and the "oney a%% the wea%thy $oo%# #pend on go%$ we &o!%d ea#i%y $eed the wor%d. )o"eti"e in 2CC3' Lawnee &a"e to "y ho!#e and ga e "e the +L,) C>' and to%d "e I #ho!%d %i#ten to it a# it wo!%d he%p "e with "y g!itar p%aying. I ne er did %i#ten to it' a# I ha e a%way# been "ore o$ be%ie er in hard wor- and pra&ti&e' than #hort&!t#. 3owe er' a$ter thi# 8a#h i%%e "!#i& deba&%e &a"e to %ight to "e in #pring 2CCH I re"e"bered the +L,) C> Lawnee had gi en "e' and in a p!re pre#&ient e9perien&e d!g it o!t o$ a bo9 and %i#ten to it.

1hi# +L,) C> t!rned o!t to be wi&-ed #!b%i"ina% progra""ing' and the -ey to "y !n&o ering thi# a#toni#hing 2#bracadabra3 #e&ret abo!t the "!#i& b!#ine## that 4!#t b%ew "y "ind' or "ore pre&i#e%y b%ow# o!r "ind a%% the ti"e e ery day' a%% day' whene er we %i#ten to "!#i&. 8ow' I "!#t &%ari$y gi en Lawnee*# deep e#oteri& #pirit!a%i#"' %o e o$ &hi%dren and -ind heart #he a%way# #ee"ed to be a ery good per#on to "e. 3owe er' right be$ore I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e in 2CC6 #he went &o"p%ete%y "enta%. I ha e #erio!# #!#pi&ion# a# to whether #he e en -new that her :*!!ortless Gol! Syste$3 wa# p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y har"$!%. I do not -now $or #!re abo!t Lawnee*# intention#' b!t witho!t a do!bt Stephen GraPiano "ade thi# C> to be detri"enta% to peop%e*# "ind#' and "o#t %i-e%y it wa# "ade e9&%!#i e%y $or "e. 1he e$$e&ti ene## o$ the *@GS C5 i# #i"p%i&ity at it# $ine#t. In a #ed!&ti e oi&e Lawnee wo!%d gi e ba#i& go%$ &%!b body po#ition# and ba%% $o&!# in#tr!&tion in a #"ooth' #%ow' #ed!&ti e tone te%%ing yo! to pi&t!re the ba%% and &o!nt6 1' 2' 3' 4' 5. In the ba&-gro!nd )tephen p%ayed deep dra"ati& oneJnote -ey tone# in a %ow regi#ter #hi$ting $ro" %ow to high o&ta e#' "o#t%y !#ing L and F note# on #ynthe#i2er. 1he entire +L,) C> doe# thi# one to $i e &o!nting "antra repeated%y $or o er 4C "in!te#. 1'2'3'4'5 o er and o er again.

@onnie ' Me 200G

*!!ort @ess Gol! Syste$ C5

,otice 21B3 Trac"s

2#bracadabra3 o>er and o>er F This C5 was the "ey to all $y disco>eries%

@# I #aid' int!iti e%y #o"ething in @pri% 2CCH to%d "e to %i#ten to thi# C>' #o I d!g it o!t o$ a "o ing bo9 and %i#tened to the entire thing with headphone# on' and then too- a nap. Low and beho%d I had the wor#t night"are# I ha e e er had in "y %i$e. I %itera%%y wa# #o #&ared in "y

drea"# that I wo-e !p with &he#t pain# %i-e I wa# ha ing a heart atta&-. @%#o' $or the ne9t $ew day# I #%ipped into a ery depre##ed #tate. It wa# $ro" thi# e9perien&e I di#&o ered a%% o$ the p!rpo#e$!% #oni& i"ba%an&e# that #e&ret #o&ietie# bo"bard !# a%% with a%% day' e ery day in "!#i&' te%e i#ion and $i%". 1hi# a%#o %ed to "any other di#&o erie# and i"ba%an&e# &reated by the to9in# #e&ret #o&ietie# p!t in o!r $ood' air and water. 1hi# +L,) C> that "oti ated "e to go thro!gh a $ew other #!#pi&io!# C>*# $riend# had gi e "e in the pa#t' and to "y a#toni#h"ent I $o!nd a $ew "ore that were gi en "a%i&io!#%y. @# I ba&- tra&-ed thro!gh the" a%% ea&h C> i# &ontain# ario!# !nba%an&ed a!dio p!rpo#e%y de#igned to &a!#e #tre## =y %ate $riend +ollywood 8oe/I%%!"inati0' ga e "e the Leetho en /Co"p%ete H )y"phonie#0' whi&h i# entire%y !nba%an&ed "!#i& and wi%% #erio!#%y depre## yo! i$ yo! %i#ten to eno!gh o$ it. H a%#o "ean# :1o +nd; a# in H11' H/+nd0 11/@wa-ening0. 1he :H; %et*# tho#e in the -now thi# "!#i& i# bad $or yo!. Joe wanted "e to tran#$er the who%e thing to C> $or hi". Joey ha# #in&e O> and i# dead. I ha e %in-ed hi" to the #a"e gro!p o$ Ita%ian I%%!"inati who I "eet thro!gh "y $riend 5ean' a Je#!it I%%!"inati re&r!ited at Loyo%a Fni er#ity in )o!thern Ca%i$ornia 5ean a%#o ga e "e a C> way ba&- in 2CC3 whi&h had nothing b!t !nba%an&e de#tr!&ti e "!#i& and pi&t!re# on the &o er o$ #tripper#' bo"b#' terror' n!&%ear b%a#t# and war. >ean i# the per#on who initia%%y got "e in o% ed with a%% the &on#pira&y #t!$$. 1he %a#t ti"e I #po-e with hi" he wa# rea%%y p!#hing thi# FFO di#&%o#er' whi&h %ead# "e to be%ie e any o$$i&ia% di#&%o#!re abo!t FFO# i# 4!#t a &o er !p to hide the hi#tori& =a#oni& &ri"e# again#t h!"anity. Ly $ar the bigge#t p!#her# o$ :&on#pira&y theorie#; are the &on#pirator# the"#e% e#. =y o%d >r!""er KK' who p%ayed in 2B%-A/)erio!#%y Ironi& Land 8a"e0 ' Riot 4ater !#ed to a%way# gi e "e &o"pi%ation di#&# he "ade' now I -now why' a%% o$ that "!#i& wa# either !nba%an&ed or the #!b4e&t "atter wa# depre##ing' #!i&ida% or negati e. @nother #!#pi&io!# C> wa# gi en to "e by "y g!itar in#tr!&tor )te e C/Free"a#on0 who p%ay# ,!itar $or 8e!!ery Steele/Free"a#on0. )te e*# band i# 8onny Microwa>e/50 a-a 2#bracadabra3. 1he re&ord wa# &a%%ed 7%an 168. 7L@8<7315<7 168<15<6 6I7<13 the =a#oni& $a orite n!"ber. I ha e not %i#tened to thi# re&ord a%% the way thro!gh a# it #!&-# pretty bad' b!t what I did %i#ten too wa# ery !nba%an&e and #oni&a%%y !nhea%thy.

Ste>e CAs F Plan 1HJ SaccaAs7 The$es o! 200B 8oe FBeetho>en :: Co$pilation 200B 8ow it*# yo!r t!rn to pro e thi# 2#bracadabra3 pheno"enon $or yo!r#e%$. L!t' I "!#t warn yo! that thi# i# not good $or yo! and &an &a!#e #erio!# phy#i&a% and p#y&ho%ogi&a%

prob%e"#. I want yo! to &o!nt to 5' on yo!r $inger# o er and o er $or $i$ty ti"e# 4!#t be$ore yo! go to bed. 1hat*# it. 1hat i# yo!r per#ona% e9peri"ent. 7%ea#ant drea"# peop%e. @ %itt%e #ide note $or yo!' ye#terday a$ter wor-ing on thi# &hapter a%% day' I ended !p pretty e"otiona%%y depre##ed and had a #!per wi&-ed night"are#. )o i$ a$ter reading thi# boo- yo! $ind yo!r#e%$ irritated or #ad' don*t be #!rpri#ed' that i# 4!#t the way the brain wor-#. )in&e we are e9a"ining a %ot o$ negati e and !nba%an&ed e9a"p%e#' they wi%% ha e a te"porary b!t detri"enta% e$$e&t on !# 3ere i# another #i"p%e per#ona% e9peri"ent yo! &an do to "ore ?!i&-%y re&ogni2e the negati e e$$e&t that #Abracadabra$ ha# on yo!r "ind and body. 1ry to breath in and o!t in #yn& with ea&h #y%%ab%e o$ :abra&adabra;. For +9a"p%e6 :@; Q breath in' :Lra; Q breath o!t' :Ca; breath in' :>a; breath o!t' :Lra; breathe in. >id yo! a%"o#t &ho-e on the %a#t :Lra; and did it #t!nt yo!r nat!ra% rhyth"( >o it a $ew "ore ti"e# $a#ter and yo!*%% "o#t %i-e%y end !p with a heada&he and %atter on in the day depre##ed. It*# not "agi& $o%-#. it*# 4!#t yo!r #!b&on#&io!# $ighting $or #!r i a%. 2#bracadabra3 i# 4!#t one %itt%e pie&e# o$ 2Carnal :nowled(e3 that #e&ret #o&iety !#e on !# a%% the ti"e' and it*# not 4!#t the "edia6 It*# yo!r $riend#' $a"i%y' bo## and &oJwor-er#. @ "a4ority o$ peop%e in the Fnited )tate# are in a #e&ret #o&iety. F@C16 @"eri&a i# a =a#oni& &o!ntry.

4ashin(tonAs Monu$ent F # Masonic


De wi%% %oo- at "any other type# o$ &on$%i&ting i"ba%an&e# a# we progre##' b!t witho!t a do!bt $i e #y%%ab%e 2#bracadabra3 phra#e# are one o$ the #e&ret #o&ietie# "o#t pro%i$i& and pop!%ar too%# again#t o!r pea&e o$ "ind' hea%th and #anity. )#8E %,TE( 9 ElevenA5@ the &uic$-stop mar$et was founded in Texas in the early *926:s. #:ve heard rumors it was started by 5ady 7ird ;ohnson and <resident 5yndon ;ohnson but # cannot find any proof, maybe she was just an investor. The time period is correct, but what

would be very strange if this is true is that 5ady 7ird died on ;uly **th, 266=, that:s =-**-266=. #(even Eleven$A5@ is abracadabra. %ow you $now why in 5as >egas craps pays on (even Eleven$A5@& because everyone says #seven eleven$ a$a #Abracadabra$ over and over at the craps tables, which $eeps the gamblers mind confused so they lose. 2#bracadraba3 i# the n!"ber 5' whi&h i# "o#t o$ten repre#ented by the #tar' pentagra"' pentagon and pyra"id. 5 i# ery i"portant to =a#on# and #e&ret #o&ietie#. 1hi# &on&ept o$ o!t o$ ba%an&e &on$%i&t a%#o ho%d# tr!e $or other n!"ber#%' and they a%#o ha e their #y"bo%i#" we%% repre#ented in the &hroni&%e# o$ #e&ret #o&ietie#. 3 whi&h i#' 1 and 2' i# repre#ented !#ing the triang%e' whi&h the I%%!"inati !#e a# their #y"bo%' adding the a%% #eeing en%ightened eye to -eep peop%e in a #tate o$ $ear on the ba&- o$ the do%%ar bi%%. @%#o' 8!"ber H' whi&h i#' 1K8' 2K7' 3K6' 4K5 i# repre#ented with the )tar o$ >a id' a# it i# #i9 triang%e# whi&h e?!a% 18' whi&h i# 666' and red!&e# to H. 1he )tar o$ >a id i# a%#o two triang%e# on top o$ ea&h other going :oppo#ite; dire&tion#. @%% o$ the#e #y"bo%# and "any other# %i-e the" repre#ent the #a"e thing. &on$%i&t thro!gh &ontra#t and &ontro% thro!gh &hao#.

5 i# not on%y a #y"bo%i& repre#entation o$ thing# that are bad $or yo!' 5 it#e%$ i# a&t!a%%y bad $or yo! and &reate# &on$%i&t in o!r "ind. 1hi# innate "eaning i# &a%%ed an 2archetype3. Loo- at :5; be%ow. >o yo! #ee it( 1he #y"bo% $or :-; i# a&t!a%%y the =a#oni& )?!are and Co"pa##' yo! #ee a #harp ang%e and #"ooth &!r e. 1he &o"pa## "a-e# the &!r e and the &arpenter*# #?!are "a-e the ang%e. 1he :,; in&identa%%y a&t!a%%y "ean*# :7; whi&h "ean# ne!tra%' "eaning the "anip!%ati e 2Cra!t3 o$ Free"a#onry &an be !#ed $or ,ood or e i%.

Ironi&a%%y' The Police had a h!ge re&ord &a%%ed #(ynchronicity$A5@ a$a #Abracadabra$' way to r!b it in o!r $a&e )ting a# :)yn&hroni&ity; "ean# in #yn&h' yet it i# not. @%% %ang!age# thro!gho!t hi#tory ha e be =a#oni&a%%y &reated to be i"ba%an&ed and &a!#e #tre##. 1he +ng%i#h %ang!age i# one o$ the "o#t !nnat!ra% %ang!age# e er &reated' th!# i# why it i# the wor%d*# pri"ary %ang!age. 1he %a#t tr!e %ang!age on +arth i# )an#-rit. )1I8,<12H57<24<6/I%%!"intaed0

I wi#h e9po#ing the#e terrib%e te&hni?!e# rendered the" i"potent' b!t e en -nowing how it a%% wor-# I a" #ti%% ad er#e%y a$$e&ted. 1he way to re er#e the negati e e$$e&t o$ the#e "anip!%ation# i# with ba%an&ed "antra# and "editation. =y $a orite "antra to get ba&- in ba%an&e with i# :3""" )aa Lo e L%i##;/40 a-a :Kar"a )!tra;/40. 1ry it' $or #o"e rea#on it i""ediate%y "a-e# "e happy. I got that the :3""" )aaa; $ro" ,!r! )wa"i4i and added the :Lo e L%i##; a# "y own ending be&a!#e I don*t #pea- )an#-rit' th!# I don*t -now what :3"" )aa; "ean#. Bo! &an $ind 7ara"aha"#a 8ithyananda a-a ,!r! )wa"i4i at www.Li$eL%i##.org I $ind hi# tea&hing# a"a2ing%y he%p$!% and in$or"ati e. D@A8I8,6 Le ery &are$!% when yo! "editate to a%way# -eep ,od%y Lo ing &ontro% o er yo!r "editation' and 8+5+A "editate in gro!p# a# thi# %ea e# yo!r "ind wide open to "anip!%ation' !n%e## the gro!p i# 1CCE tr!#ted and $o&!#ed on a parti&!%ar &a!#e.

Para$aha$sa ,ithyananda )!b%i"ina% "anip!%ati e &on$%i&t# and n!"eri&a% &ontradi&tion# are pre a%ent in @LL "edia' and are the #"o-ing g!n proo$ o$ the e9i#ten&e o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# and their "a%i&io!# intent to degenerate #o&iety' $or the p!rpo#e o$ retaining &ontro% o$ o!r phy#i&a% and p#y&ho%ogi&a% rea%ity. =o#t i"portant%y e9a"p%e# %i-e the#e in @LL "edia pro e who @LL o$ the#e organi2ation# are. 1ho!gh they "ay &%oa- !nder "any na"e# %i-e Free"a#onry' )&iento%ogy' Lohe"ian' Jewi#h' =or"on' I%%!"inati' +%-#' >e"o%ay' 1he 7ro&e##' 1ea"#ter#' Je#!it#' )hrinner# they are @LL &onne&ted to and &ontro%%ed by an&ient Free"a#onry thro!gh roya%' &orporate and &haritab%e $inan&ia% #tr!&t!re#. Ditho!t a do!bt that @LL #e&ret #o&ietie# are e i% and re#pon#ib%e $or H11' @LL war#' $a"ine# and epide"i&#. 13+B ha e "onopo%i2ed the wor%d thro!gh &r!e%ty' terror' &orr!ption' bribery' %ie# and de&eit $or 12'CCC year# or "ore' and now their reign i# &o"ing to an end. 1he awa-ening ha# beg!n. 1he prob%e" i# 13+IA p%an i# to get phy#i&a% &ontro% o er !#' be$ore we regain the power o$ o!r "ind#. 1hat i# why they &reated thi# $a-e :OOCF7B; &rap. >on*t $a%% $or it. @# yo! are %earning' the &o""on deno"inator to a%% #e&ret #o&ietie# "a%i&io!#ne## i# i"ba%an&e' p!rpo#e%y de#igned to twi#t o!r "ind# in two or "ore dire&tion# &a!#ing &on$%i&t# in &a%&!%ation' &on&entration and &o"prehen#ion. 1hi# &a!#e# !nhea%thy #tre## in o!r body and "a-e# it near%y i"po##ib%e to &onne&t to o!r higher #pirit!a% #e%$' the #o&ia% &on#&io!#ne## and ,od.

1he negati e p#y&ho%ogi&a% e$$e&t on the !n#!#pe&ting i# on%y part o$ the rea#on thi# #!b%i"ina% &rap i# in e erything the "edia "a-e#. 1he PRIM#R; P0RP S* i# =a#oni& training' ad erti2ing and pro"otion. )e&ret )o&iety "e"ber# -now e erything I a" tea&hing yo! in thi# boo- and "!&h "ore. 1he "edia in&%!de# thi# &rap in e erything a# a $ear ta&ti&' &on#tant%y pro"oting that )e&ret )o&ietie# ha e o"nipre#ent &ontro% o er the wor%d. La#t%y' it i# p%a&ed in e erything a# an ego boo#t to )e&ret )o&iety "e"ber# a# it "a-e# tho#e :In 1he Know; $ee% #pe&ia% $or -nowing and being part o$ a #e&ret #&!"bag organi2ation. 1r!#t "e i$ yo! are in a )e&ret )o&iety yo! are not #pe&ia%' yo! are a $oo%' de&ei ed by L!&i$er 4!#t a# the Lib%e &%ear%y indi&ate#. 11611 )#8E %,TE( #n *==? when a horse bac$ courier for the #lluminati was !apped by lightening a good )amaritan found the dead man and in his satchel was a copy of #The %ook ,f Illuminati$ written by dam Wieshaupt, commissioned by @ayer Aothschild. This boo$ exposed the #lluminati and their evil ways. dd to this exposure the fact that communication around the globe was speeding up at an enormous speed due to overseas trade forced the #lluminati to change their organi!ation to #ncluded everyone rather than Exclusive membership. #n addition,n merica and the merican Aevolution are a farce, as is democracy. merica was founded by 'reemasons and most immigrants allowed in through Elis #sland were )ecret )ociety members. #t is common $nowledge that our fore-fathers we:re all 'reemasons and descendants of European royalty. The Aevolution and 4ivil War we:re ' BE. M#8 RIT; of mericans are secret society members. That is the real problem, it:s not that nobody $nows this stuff, it:s that everybody $nows it. 8ow be$ore we %oo- at a b!n&h "ore #ong#' I want yo! to !nder#tand that the binary %ang!age o!r "ind operate# with wor-# both way#. @# we ha e di#&!##ed i$ #o"ething i# !nba%an&ed' I.+. o!t o$ #yn&h with o!r ho"eo#ta#i#' it &a!#e# #tre## and &on$!#ion. Logi&a%%y the oppo#ite i# tr!e. 1hat i# i$ #o"ething i# ba%an&ed and har"onio!# with o!r ho"eo#ta#i# o!r brain and body per&ei e it a# good. For e9a"p%e the #ong 2@etters 1ro$ +o$e3<G syllables?% 1hi# i# a &o!ntry #ong abo!t war. )in&e the power# that be %o e war be&a!#e it*# pro$itab%e' -i%%# peop%e and &a!#e# %ot# o$ #tre##' they %i-e to re%ea#e #ong# abo!t bad thing# with ba%an&ed &hor!#e#' %yri&#' rhyth"# and "e%odie# #o that o!r #!b&on#&io!# per&ei e# the "e##age a# good. 1he#e are rhyth"i&a%%y po#iti e' #e"anti&a%%y negati e a$$ir"ation#. Aap and 3ip 3op are notorio!# $or thi#. I$ 13+B want !# to %i-e #o"ething %i-e. war' death' io%en&e' dr!g# or th!gJ%i$e it wi%% be #ang in e en #y%%ab%e# o er a ba%an&e hypnoti& rhyth"' whi&h o!r body $ind# p%ea#ing' be&a!#e the e en rhyth"# $%ow# with o!r nat!ra% rhyth"' th!# o!r "ind interpret# it a good. 3owe er' ne er wi%% the hypnoti& rhyth" be pre&i#e eno!gh to a&t!a%%y p!t !# into a tran&e' a# that i# the big "!#i& ind!#try r!%e that I !n-nowing%y bro-e with the $ir#t &o!ntry radio #ing%e I tried to p!#h $or "y band The Blac" Saddles &a%%ed 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3/80. 1hi# #ong a%#o had a 4M4heartbeat type dr!" beat going :Loo"' boo"R Loo"' boo"; 3ypnoti& "!#i& %i-e hipJhop and tran&e a%way# ha e #o"e high pit&hed di#tra&ting #o!nd b%aring o er the top o$ the hypnoti& rhyth"i& beat to di#tra&t !# $ro" #%ipping into a tran&e or :entrain"ent;. 1he "ain point i# o!r #!b&on#&io!# #ee*# ba%an&e a# good' !nba%an&e a# bad and 13+B !#e thi# pheno"enon to get !# to %i-e #o"ething or di#%i-e it' depending on whate er agenda or "e##age they are pro"oting.

I 4!#t heard a great e9a"p%e o$ negati e #!b%i"ina% progra""ing !#ing ba%an&ed %ow $re?!en&y dr!" beat# that are #yn&hrono!# with o!r heart. Li#ten to the beginning o$ )ty9<1286<17<8<,od' 2Rene(ade3% Fnderneath the opening er#e# are e en :boo"' boo"; dr!"# whi&h o!r #!b&on#&io!# i# nat!ra%%y drawn to be&a!#e it i# in #yn&h with o!r ho"eo#ta#i#. 1he opening %ine# are how wonder$!%%y po#iti e' notTTT #,h mama I!m in fear for my life from the wrong side of the law" +angman is coming down from the gallows and I don!t have very long$" I#n*t that a ni&e "e##age to entrain into o!r brain( 1he "enta% pi&t!re o$ a "an hanging wi%% -eep !# $ro" deep "editation $or a whi%e' and o!r brain and body rea&t a# tho!gh it*# rea% 4!#t $ro" the tho!ght' be&a!#e tho!ght# are thing#. J!#t %i-e when we wat&h $ootba%% %itera%%y &ringe when a p%ayer ta-e# a hard hit. 1hi# !#e o$ ba%an&ed and !nba%an&ed "eter in %ang!age i# nothing new' it*# &a%%ed ,uero7 @in(uistic Pro(ra$$in( <,@P? and ha# been aro!nd $or tho!#and# o$ year#. In the 1H8C*# Tony Robins &a"e $ro" po erty to $ort!ne by prea&hing and writing a b!n&h o$ "i#in$or"ation abo!t ,@P. F#ing 1ony*# te&hni?!e# wi%% a&t!a%%y har" yo!' not he%p yo!. I "et 1ony Aobbin# aro!nd 1HHH' he wa# with a &o!p%e o$ #%!t# at 1he Bard 3o!#e in Long Lea&h with a wedding ring on. 1ony i# a #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag who #o%d hi# #o!% and %ied to bi%%ion# o$ peop%e abo!t ,@P. 1ony Aobin# who went $ro" %i ing in a #t!dio apart"ent doing hi# di#he# in that bath t!b to a Ca#t%e in one year !#ing 8L7. 1he tr!th i# @nthony Aobin# i# =a#oni& pawn who#e p!rpo#e wa# to &o"p%i&ate the #i"p%i&ity o$ how 8L7 wor-#. 1hat i# how he went $ro" 2ero to hero o er night' 13+B "ade hi". @nyhow 1ony !#e# 8L7 "anip!%ati e%y "a%i&io!#%y and intentiona%%y &orre&t. I$ yo! wi%% &he&- o!t hi# boo- 20nli$ited Power3 on page 7K8 he !#e# the word #3ommunication$A5@ repeated%y' thi# &a!#e# the reader# "ind to go into a di#orientated #tate a# #3ommunication$ i# #Abracadabra$" 1h!# reading thi# boo- a&t!a%%y doe# "ore har" than good.

1hi# #a"e te&hni?!e i# !#ed in =a#oni& re&r!iting "ateria%# %i-e the boo- "y e9Jwi$e*# $a"i%y ga e to "e $or Chri#t"a# one year. In thi# boo- the writer !#e# the ter" :Free"a#onry; a# a ba%an&ed 8L7 a##o&iation and :Legend o$ the Cra$t;<;@bra&adabra; a# the 8L7 "ind #&ra"b%er.

)pea-ing o$ #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag# Barac" ba$a /:@bra&adabra;0' now yo! -now why he &hanged hi# na"e' i# a Free"a#on who !#e# 8L7 to "anip!%ate yo!r e"otion# and be%ie$# in e ery #pee&h he gi e#.

Masonic Inau(ural Ball


ba$a 2Illu$inated3 +orns

1wo ery pop!%ar e9a"p%e# o$ how thi# e enM!ne en tona% a##o&iation wor-# on o!r "ind# are the the"e# $ro" Close *ncounters and 8aws. In C%o#e +n&o!nter# we &o""!ni&ate with a #pa&e#hip with a $i e tone phra#e6 B# ba ba B# B#. O!r body a!to"ati&a%%y re&ogni2e# thi# a# har"$!% and th!# e%i&it# an a!to"ati& $ear re#pon#e in o!r "ind# and bodie#. One o$ the big $ear p%an# in p%a&e to !nite the wor%d into the ,ew 4orld rder i# an atta&$ro" o!terJ#pa&e. 1hi# p%an ha# been in e$$e&t $or tho!#and# o$ year# and wa# rea%%y p!t in "otion with 3.,. De%%#* 24ar ! the 4orlds3 p!b%i#hed in 18H8' and Or#on De%%e#* radio

broad&a#t on O&tober 3Cth' 1H38 that #&ared the #hit o!t o$ @"eri&an#. 8O1+6 /8J3CJ1H38<32<5 :Lad For F#;0 John 1odd' the e9Ji%%!"inati re&ord e9e&!ti e #aid that a%ien# and FFO*# are rea%%y 4!#t de"on# ta-ing $or"# o$ being# and ob4e&t# that ha e been #!""oned thro!gh whi&hJ&ra$t. 3e a%#o #aid that hi# #i#ter a ery high power i%%!"inati wit&h !#ed to &on4!re de"on# into FFO*# a%% the ti"e $or $!n. =y opinion i# i$ there are e9traterre#tria% they wo!%d be ery ad an&e and wo!%d ha e a%ready e o% ed pa#t hate to Lo e' #o a%% thi# e i% e9traterre#tria% &rap i# 4!#t to p!t $ear in the peop%e. 8#4S i# one o$ the #&arie#t "o ie# e er' and #har-# are a $ear o$ e erybody who #wi"# in the o&ean' e#pe&ia%%y #!r$er# %i-e "e. De a%% &%ear%y re"e"ber the the"e "!#i&( Bo! got it' a heartbeat. #%om %om& %,M %,M$" @ %ow $re?!en&y tantri& ba## %ine that o!r "ind nat!ra%%y i# attra&ted to be&a!#e it i# in #yn&h with o!r phy#io%ogy' yet 13+B 4!9tapo#e# thi# again#t a giant #har- ripping peop%e to #hred#' with b%ood and g!t# #taining the o&ean. I rea%%y &o!%dn*t drea" !p a better e9a"p%e o$ how 13+B !#e &on$%i&ting and &ontra#ting inherent h!"an ar&hetype# to &o"p%ete%y di#tort and "anip!%ate o!r "ind#' &a!#e #tre## and -eep !# in $ear. 1error and $ear &a!#e o!r "enta% $a&!%tie# to "i#$ire' then &on$!#ion open# the door $or 13+= to ta-e o er o!r thin-ing. >one eno!gh ti"e# we a&t!a%%y be&o"e their robot# or =an&h!rian Candidate#' whi&h i# the on%y rea#on I #ti%% ho%d &o"pa##ion $or #o"e "e"ber# o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# be&a!#e I 4!#t don*t -now how "!&h i# by their own &hoi&e and how "!&h they are brainwa#hed. I$ yo! rea%%y want to -now how intentiona%%y "a%i&io!# thi# #it!ation i# I 4!#t attended ,a%a&ti& +9po in 8a#h i%%e to get a better %oo- at the &on#!"eri#" o$ #pirit!a%ity and bo!ght a dr!" "editation C> by 5a>id ' Ste>e Gordon' two o$ the top dr!" "editation "!#i&ian# in the &onte"porary "etaphy#i&a% "ar-et p%a&e' di#trib!ted by )e?!oia Ae&ord#. I -new thi# C> wa# going to be a wa#te o$ U15.H8' b!t in the intere#t o$ re#ear&h I bo!ght it. @# #oon a# I got ho"e I popped it into the C> p%ayer and brie$%y %i#tened to ea&h tra&-. )!re eno!gh the entire C> i# trip%et#' ?!int!p%et# and a who%e #%ew o$ o!t o$ #yn&h rhyth"i& #henanigan# g!aranteed to gi e yo! nothing b!t a heada&he' #tre## and bad drea"#. Bo! &o!%dn*t "editate to the#e dr!"# i$ yo! were hanging o!t with L!ddha on a &%o!d in 3ea en. I wo!%d go #o $ar a# to #ay thi# C> wa# intentiona%%y "ade to pre ent #pirit!a% awa-ening' 4!#t a# e ery pro$e##iona%%y re%ea#ed re&ording i#. 1hey #ho!%d ha e tit%ed it :5ru$ /11; in#tead o$ 25ru$ Meditation3%

1he 3i#tory Channe% had a Mystery Nuest +pi#ode on Stonehen(e prod!&ed in 2CCH' whi&h #t!died the #oni& propertie# o$ )tone hedge $or :entrain"ent; by an&ient >r!id#. +ntrain"ent i# when #o!nd. in thi# &a#e the beating o$ dr!"# #yn&hroni2e# with o!r body and

"ind and hypnoti2e# !# to #%ip into a tran&e #tate' $or the p!rpo#e o$ &o""!ni&ating with other rea%"#. 1hi# i# &a!#ed by the 1ha%a"!# and 7it!itary g%and "e##aging the 7inea% g%and to re%ea#e h!"an >=1. In the Mystery Nuest :)tonehenge; epi#ode "edi&a% do&tor# per$or"ed e9peri"ent# !#ing brain #&anner# and %ow beta' theta and a%pha $re?!en&ie# in e en%y ba%an&e rhyth"i& p!%#e# on #!b4e&t#. @# a ne!tra% re$eren&e they a%#o "ea#!red the #a"e #!b4e&t*# brain wa e# whi%e %i#tening to rando" tra$$i& noi#e. 1he e9peri"ent pro ed beyond a do!bt that whi%e %i#tening to the %ow $re?!en&y p!%#e# the "ind and heartbeat o$ the #!b4e&t :entrained; or #yn&hroni2ed with the e en%y rhyth"i& tone# and &reated &a%" ba%an&ed brain a&ti ity. 1he tra$$i& noi#e on the other hand &reated rando" and &haoti& brain $!n&tion# #i"i%ar to hyperten#ion and #tre##. 1hi# 3i#tory Channe% epi#ode a&t!a%%y pro e# the pre"i#e o$ "y who%e boo-. + erything 13+B do e ent!a%%y ba&-$ire# a# thi# epi#ode #&ienti$i&a%%y #!pport# "y #oni& $inding#. @"eri&a wi%% be the bigge#t "i#ta-e )e&ret )o&ietie# e er "ade. we wi%% die $or $reedo" no ?!e#tion# a#-ed. >e#pite the &ent!rie# o$ p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y per er#e prod!&t that ha# been "a%i&io!# be#towed !pon o!r ear# by the power that be' the bea!ti$!% thing i# that one per$e&t%y &ra$ted phy#io%ogi&a%%y p%ea#ing rhyth"i& and har"oni& #ong in #yn&h with o!r body' "ind and #o!% &o!%d #a e the wor%d. ne son( peopleS =aybe that wi%% he%p yo! to &o"prehend why the "!#i& b!#ine## #pend# way "ore "oney de#troying "!#i& than "a-ing "!#i&. )o"eti"e# the "!#i& ind!#try %ay# o!t the #y%%ab%e# in #ong# in #!&h a b%atant and arrogant "anner it i# ob io!# they are 4!#t #howing o$$ their &%e erne## to their o&&!%t b!ddie#. 3ere*# one $or a%% yo! &o!ntry "!#i& $an# that are #ti%% on the $en&e abo!t the H11 $a%#e $%ag #e&ret #o&iety atta&-#. 1hi# #ong i# 4!#t one o$ "i%%ion# o$ di#p%ay# o$ H11 in the "edia. It #et# the re&ord #traight on&e and $or a%% who and why the twin tower# were atta&-ed' b!t "ore i"portant%y it i# another pie&e o$ e iden&e that %et# !# -now thi# &rap in the "edia i# "ore to -eep the #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# ?!ite' than it i# to hide thing# $ro" tho#e who are !naware. I hope yo! ha e heard thi# #ong' be&a!#e it 4!#t b%ew "y "ind when I $ig!red thi# arrogant%y &r!e% &hor!#. 1he #ong i# 2#irplanes3 by ,ary @%%en( Che&- o!t how #i&- and di#t!rbing the #y%%ab%e# %ine !p in thi# #ong abo!t airp%ane#" #I!m just sittin!out here watching airplanesA8FG8@>take offA6@>and flyA6@$/*C2C2DEDbad for us.. 1hen at the end o$ the &hor!# he #ing#6 #And why you don!t love me anymore$/H0' #Right now I!m sitting out here watching airplanes$/110. Bep' yo! got H11. Dhoe er wrote and prod!&ed thi# #ong wa# de$inite%y in a #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag and -now# a%% abo!t H11/H to end and 11<2 1he @wa-ening0 and it# tr!e p!rpo#e. 1he thing that I $ind #o in&redib%y di#t!rbing abo!t thi# H11 %yri& i# that it*# abo!t airp%ane#. 1hat i# 4!#t wrong. @ great arti#t to %i#ten to' who I be%ie e wa# not on%y a =a#oni& =a#ter b!t a ery ta%ented "!#i&ian and #ongwriter' wa# >on =&%ean. I %earned thi# in the "o#t pain$!% way a &aring h!"an &o!%d %earn #o"ething' "y e9Jwi$e' )andy who I #ti%% %o e ery "!&h' o!t o$ the b%!e in 2C1C te9t "e that #he $o!nd the per$e&t #ong $or "e. 2Cincent3 by >on =&%ean. 2Cincent3 depre##ed "e $or two day#' be$ore I !#e the ba%an&ed "antra :5i&torio!#; and :1r!th' Lo e' 7ea&e' L%e##; in "y "editation# to #nap "y brain ba&- into a happy &on$ident ba%an&ed #tate. ,o $ind the #ong 2Cincent3 and %i#ten to it yo!r#e%$. 1he $ir#t %ine o$ 2Cincent3 %et*# yo! -now >on i# p%aying with yo!r head6 #(tarry& starry night$A5@F Loo"T LangT 7owT Aight o!t the gate >on hit# !# with a drea"y o$$beat %ine that i# #abracadabra$ and paint# a pi&t!re o$

#tar- &ontra#t between bright #tar# and dar- night. L!t the "o#t power$!% thing abo!t thi# #abracadabra$ %yri& and "o#t o$ the %yri&# in 2Cincent3 i# how ea#i%y thi# repetiti e in&antation #ti&-# in o!r "ind. 1hi# entire #ong &on#i#t# o$ &at&hy ea#i%y "e"orab%e !nba%an&e phra#e#. Intere#ting%y' it*# abo!t a "an 4!#t %i-e "e who p%ead# with the wor%d to hear the tr!th' on%y to gi e !p and -i%% hi"#e%$. 8ow here "e %o!d and &%ear #I will ne>er (i>e up$& and $or #o"eone in "y &!rrent #o&ia%%y &ha%%enging po#ition with e9J$riend#' #e&ret #o&iety $a"i%y "e"ber#' ?!e#tionab%e &%ient# and a #%ew o$ =a#on*#' Lohe"ian*# and I%%!"inati a%% #&he"ing $or "y de"i#e it*# a pretty aw$!% #ong $or #o"eone to re&o""end to "e. +#pe&ia%%y $ro" #o"eone %i-e )andy who#e "ere "e"ory "ang%e# "y e"otion#. 2CincentAs3 i# an ob#&!re #ong that i# #o depre##ing%y power$!% it "a-e# it hard to be%ie e )andy #ent it o!t o$ good wi%%. De%&o"e to "y %i$e peop%e. tr!#t "e 13+B are trying de#perate%y to pre ent yo! $ro" %earning what I -now. J!#t to he%p wa#h down thi# #oni& &yanide %et !# &he&- the n!"ber#6 CI,C*,1<4H53552<33. )!rpri#e' )!rpri#eRgo $ig!re the "o#t power$!% =a#oni& #pirit!a% "a#ter' a 33* >egree =a#oni& >i&-head. Coin&iden&e or 2CR#1TSs$anship3 ' yo! de&ide( On&e again' it*# a%% in the n!"ber#. 1ay%or )wi$t a%#o ha# a #ong &a%%ed )1+73+8<1257855<33. I get a!toJ#!gge#ti e #!i&ide "e##age# $ro" #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# a%% the ti"e' #o thi# wa# nothing new' other than it &a"e $ro" "y e9Jwi$e whi&h add# a tr!&- %oad o$ #a%t to a #ti%% oo2ing wo!nd.

My *)74i!e Sandy 1ree$asonEIllu$inati )andy &%ai"# that #he rando"%y heard 2Cincent3 on the radio' and tho!ght o$ "e' whi&h i# ni&e b!t I #!#pe&t #o"eone p!t her !p to it. +ither way the #ong i# a great e9a"p%e o$ how power$!% #oni& "!#i&a% "anip!%ation &an be. Ditho!t a do!bt there ha# been an in&redib%e a"o!nt o$ intere#t in the "eaning behind >on =&%ean*# "!#i&' #o %et !# &%ear the re&ord right now on hi# potent &reation#. 1he botto" %ine i# >on =&Lean i# a "a#ter o$ "!#i&a% "enta% "anip!%ation with hi# "a%i&io!# "i9t!re o$ &ontradi&ti e and !nba%an&ed i"agery' rhyth"#' "e%odie#' e"otion and #!b4e&t "atter. )o"e peop%e e en go #o $ar a# to &%ai" hi# #ongwriting i# :wit&h&ra$t;' b!t now that yo! are #tarting to %earn how #i"p%y ,@P<,ero7@in(uistic Pro(ra$$in(? tr!%y wor-#' yo! #ho!%d re&ogni2e that it i# 4!#t we%% 2Cra!ted3 and &on#tr!&ted a!dio aggra ation intentiona%%y written' prod!&ed and

pro"oted to "anip!%ate o!r "ind# into a negati e #tate. 1h!# i# why Free"a#onry &a%%# it :The Cra!t3 >on =&%ean*# "o#t in$a"o!# #ong that &ontin!e# to ba$$%e peop%e a# it i# a%#o written in a trea&hero!# tong!e i# 2The 5ay The Music 5ied<H?E#$erican Pie<-?3L11. Fir#t o$$ the hoo#%ye& bye Mrs American 0ie$AHG<od@' thi# i# a #y%%ab%e re$eren&e to the re"o a% o$ ,od $ro" @"eri&a' and a# we &an #ee thirty year# %ater the prophe&y ha# pretty "!&h &o"e tr!e. I a" not going to get into a%% the #y"bo%i#" in #$erican Pie' a# there are p%enty o$ peop%e who ha e a%ready done that' 4!#t #ear&h the internet. L!t' I wi%% te%% yo! that it*# another "anip!%ati e !nba%an&ed "!#i&a% "e## abo!t the di#"ant%ing o$ @"eri&a' now that #he ha# #er ed her p!rpo#e o$ di##e"inating a%% nationa%i#ti& go ern"ent# aro!nd the g%obe that were oppo#ed to the 8ew Dor%d Order. 1he rea% ?!e#tion i#6 #*as 1on prophetic because he forecasted what was going to happenE ,r is he part of the corrupt system that is making things happen by putting the thoughts in our mindsE$ J!#t %i-e 8o#trada"!#' >on =&Lean i# e"p%oyed by and entang%ed in thi# #a"e interwo en #e&reti e and "anip!%ati e =a#oni& "e## that ha# %ong p%ag!ed and p%anned #o&ia%%y &hanging e ent# $or tho!#and# o$ year#. Dhat we be%ie e i# what &o"e# to be' #o "!&h o$ what peop%e &a%% :prophe&y; i# rea%%y 4!#t preJp%anted =a#oni& :propaganda;. 1he rea#on $or thi# i# we rea%%y do &ontro% o!r own rea%ity by o!r be%ie$#' #o in order $or 13+= to "a-e #o"ething happen they need to p!t it into o!r be%ie$ #y#te" in order $or it to happen. @ good e9a"p%e i# on 6J11J2CC1 the pi%ot epi#ode o$ 2The S$o"in( Gun3 wa# abo!t terrori#t $%ying p%ane# into the Dor%d 1rade Center#' three "onth# %ater' /11 happened. 1he Dor%d 1rade Center twin tower# we*re b!i%t %i-e 11/e%e en0' 11C #torie# ea&h $or the #o%e p!rpo#e o$ being de"o%i#hed on HJ11J2CC1<14<5/bad $or !#0' the 245th<11th day o$ the year' e en 8ew Bor- wa# the 11th #tate added to the !nion. I repeat H "ean# the +8>' 11 or 2 "ean# @D@K+8I8,. I$ yo! are wondering how $ar ba&- the H11 &orr!ption goe#' 4!#t -now it goe# a%% the way ba&- to preJ&i i%i2ation' #in&e #e&ret #o&ietie# de&ided to :&i i%i2e; !# by b%o&-ing !# $ro" o!r #pirit!a% wi#do" and other -nowhow. 1he p%an $or the H11 de#tr!&tion o$ the Dor%d 1rade Center i# #o o%d it*# depi&ted on @%ei#ter Crow%ey*# origina% t!rn o$ the &ent!ry 1arot Card#. It the o&&!%t :1ower#; #igni$ie# -now%edge.

Can "!#i& rea%%y &hange rea%ity or i# it 4!#t =a#oni& propaganda( I $ind it ery &!rio!# that when 8a#h i%%e $%ooded in 2C1C the two top #ong# on &o!ntry radio were 24ater3 by Lrad 7ai#%ey and 2Rain is # Good Thin(3 by L!-e Lryan. 1he rea% 4o-e i# on Lrad 7ai#%ey be&a!#e a%% hi# #t!$$ got $%ooded and de#troyed 4!#t wee-# be$ore hi# big :32C; 1o!r wa# #&hed!%ed to begin. @# yo! are %earning 8a#h i%%e i# )odo" K ,o"orra and it got what it had &o"ing to it. 1he )tate Capita% =a%% in downtown 8a#h i%%e i# a #atani& a%ter and the :Orgy; #tat!e on =!#i& Aow i# p!re + i%. .

,ash >ille 1lood F May 2010 ,a"ed 2 r(y3 Statue @nother e9&e%%ent =a#oni&a%%y p%aned' not propheti&' e9a"p%e $or e eryone to #t!dy i# #lbert Pi"eAs %etter #Three *orld *ars$ . In hi# %etter dated @!g!#t' 15th 1871' @%bert 7i-e wrote a ery &ontro er#ia% p%an to the %eader o$ the I%%!"inati' =a22ini' in whi&h @%bert in great detai% %aid o!t how the Free"a#on# wo!%d attain wor%d do"ination. @%bert pro$e##ed how it wo!%d ta-e Three 4orld 4ars $or Free"a#onry to &on?!er the wor%d. /)ear&h :1hree Dor%d Dar#; on ,oog%e0

#lbert Pi"e BBA Grand Master Mason IThe )irst *orld *ar must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the 3Bars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic 3ommunism" The divergences caused by the IagenturI Aagents@ of the Illuminati between the %ritish and <ermanic Empires will be used to foment this war" At the end of the war& 3ommunism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions"I #lbert Pi"e 1JI1

)t!dent# o$ hi#tory wi%% re&ogni2e that the po%iti&a% a%%ian&e# o$ +ng%and on one #ide and ,er"any on the other' $orged between 1871 and 18H8 by Otto on Li#"ar&-' &oJ&on#pirator o$ @%bert 7i-e' were in#tr!"enta% in bringing abo!t the 1irst 4orld 4ar. @%#o Da%% )treet wa# the $inan&ia% ba&-ing o$ the Bolshe>i" Re>olution in whi&h 13+B #%a!ghtered the good Catho%i& C2ar 8i&ho%a#* entire b%ood%ine. 1hi# wa# reta%iation $or hi# re$!#a% to parti&ipate in the @ea(ue o! ,ations% IThe (econd *orld *ar must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the )ascists and the political Jionists" This war must be brought about so that aBism is destroyed and that the political Jionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in 0alestine" 1uring the (econd *orld *ar& International 3ommunism must become strong enough in order to balance 3hristendom& which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm"I #lbert Pi"e 1JI1 #$ter the )e&ond Dor%d Dar' Co""!ni#" wa# "ade #trong eno!gh to begin ta-ing o er wea-er go ern"ent#. In 1H45' at the 7ot#da" Con$eren&e between 1r!"an' Ch!r&hi%%' and )ta%in' a %arge portion o$ +!rope wa# #i"p%y handed o er to A!##ia' and on the other #ide o$ the wor%d' the a$ter"ath o$ the war with Japan he%ped to #weep the tide o$ Co""!ni#" into China. @%#o i"portant to note that 7re#&ott L!#h wa# $o!nd g!i%ty in the 8!re"berg tria%# $or $inan&ing 3it%er thro!gh the LI). @nd o$ &o!r#e I#rae% be&a"e a #o ereign #tate to $!%$i%% prophe&y. IThe Third *orld *ar must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the IagenturI of the IIlluminatiI between the political Jionists and the leaders of Islamic *orld" The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam Athe Moslem Arabic *orld@ and political Jionism Athe (tate of Israel@ mutually destroy each other" Meanwhile the other nations& once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical& moral& spiritual and economical e/haustion>*e shall unleash the ihilists and the atheists& and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism& origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil" Then everywhere& the citiBens& obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries& will e/terminate those destroyers of civiliBation& and the multitude& disillusioned with 3hristianity& whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction& an/ious for an ideal& but without knowing where to render its adoration& will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of 'ucifer& brought finally out in the public view" This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of 3hristianity and atheism& both conKuered and e/terminated at the same time"I Albert 0ike A)reemason@ in a letter to MaBBini AIlluminati@ August 85th& 8H98 We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organi!ed at they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown& to which we will call those @asons of high degree whom we shall select, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all

'reemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because it!s direction will be unknown #lbert Pi"e /go ern"ent behind the go ern"ent#.0 The @asonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees maintained in the purity of the 'uciferian doctrineF Ges 'ucifer is god, and unfortunately =esus is also <od. 'or the eternal law there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without blac$; Q #lbert Pi"e

+ere is $y copy o! 2Morals ' 5o($a3 sold to $e by 2*lders Boo"s3 in ,ash>ille% ,otice the (old $as" I put on #lbert Pi"es !ace and bac" o! head =any peop%e "i#ta-en%y thin- it*# the Jew# who r!n e erything' b!t in $a&t they didn*t &o"e into the pi&t!re !nti% the Free"a#on# re&r!ited King >a id' that i# when he hired 3ira" @bi$$ to b!i%d the te"p%e. 1hi# i# what the Lib%e "ean# that ,od*# &ho#en peop%e betrayed hi" to wor#hip Laa%' #atan' L!&i$er' =agog et&R Bing 8avid loved @asons, well and cherished them much - #lbert Pi"e

%lind $or&e of the people is a force that must be economi!e, and also managedF

#t must be regulated by intellect- #lbert Pi"e 3ere i# the "o#t i"portant and tr!th$!% ?!ote e er #po-en by a #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber. 1hi# i# what )e&ret )o&ietie# are tr!%y a%% abo!t. 1he -ey word here i# blind' ad"itting the p!rpo#e o$ Free"a#onry i# to de&ei e and "anip!%ate. 1hi# $or&e he #pea-# o$ i# the :po#iti e; energy o$ good peop%e. @# I #aid Free"a#on*# don*t ha e any "agi& power' 13+B #i"p%y de&ei e to "anip!%ate the power or :$or&e; o$ good peop%e. 1hi# :$or&e; i# the #a"e a# in Star 4ars' a# the !ni er#e i# p!re inte%%igen&e that re#pond# to o!r tho!ght#. 1here by 4!#t a# Je#!# #aid #The kingdom of <od is in us& with the faith of a mustard see we can move mountains"$ 1he prob%e" i# that peop%e ha e been p!rpo#e%y and de&eit$!%%y #eparated $ro" the power within the"#e% e#' th!# o!r 2!orce3 wa# %itera%%y hi4a&-ed by #e&ret #o&ietie# 26'CCC year# ago and ha# been !#ed e er #in&e to "anip!%ate the "a##e# $or 13+IA own e i% end#. 1han- ,od there reign i# &o"ing to an end. 1he #o%!tion to derai% @%bert 7i-e*# e i% =a#oni& p%an i# ery #i"p%e' e eryone LO5+ e eryone' and a%% their e i% drea"# wi%% go right down the toi%et where they be%ong. @%% o$ h!"anitie# di$$eren&e# ha e been in#tigated and "agni$ied o!t o$ proportion by #e&ret #o&ietie# in their atte"pt to &o"p%ete%y &ontro% the wor%d. De "!#t re"e"ber that the %ineage in the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# tea&h their heir# that the goa% i# a one wor%d go ern"ent in their %i$e ti"e' b!t be &are$!% not to re e% the 2Great 4or"3 $or $!t!re generation#. 1hi# i# why e ery thirty year# or #o the wor%d goe# thro!gh a tra!"ati& &ri#i#' be&a!#e it i# one generation o$ e i% e9e&!ting their %i$eJti"e p%an# $or phy#i&a% wor%d do"inan&e. 1he bigger tr!th i# Free"a#onry a%ready &ontro%# 1CCE o$ the wor%d p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y and to !nite it phy#i&a%%y into a one wor%d go ern"ent wo!%d ta-e away the i%%!#ionary di$$eren&e# whi&h 13+B !#e to &reate the &on$%i&t# :Order o!t o$ Chao#;. +ere are a !ew =uotes that de!ine why 1ree$asonry is so success!ul 'ew men have the virtue to withstand the higher bidder Q Geor(e 4ashin(ton #f the freedom of speech is ta$en away, then dumb and silent we may be led li$e sheep to the slaughter H Geor(e 4ashin(ton # care not who ma$es a nations laws, only who controls their money Rothschild %othing pains people more than having to thin$ Q Martin @uther :in( 8r% We struggle with complexities and avoid simplicities Q ,or$an Cincent Peale To $now what is right and not do it, is the worst cowardice Q Con!ucius @a$e peaceful revolution impossible and ma$e violent revolution inevitable-81: :The difference of educated and uneducated is the same as alive or 8ead J#ristotle There is one mind common to all individual men Q Ralph 4aldo *$erson Aemove the poisons now, to avoid suffering in the future *$erson )ociety everywhere is in conspiracy against every one of its members- *$erson We are afraid of truth, fortune, death and each other Q *$erson #t is only as a man puts off from himself all external support and stands alone that # see him to be strong and to prevail Q *$erson )o now that yo! are #tarting to get the hang o$ thi# "!#i& #t!$$ I a" 4!#t going to %i#t a $ew #ong# to thin- abo!t. Ae"e"ber the#e are 4!#t e9a"p%e#. yo! need to go o!t and &on in&e

yo!r#e%$ by %i#tening to the "!#i& yo! %o e. @%#o' the net e$$e&t o$ the "!#i& &an be tri&-y to #pot' 4!#t -now any and a%% o!t o$ ba%an&e %yri&#' rhyth"# or "e%odie# are bad $or !#. 1he#e type# o$ #ong# &an ha e bad or good the"e# and #ti%% be har"$!% to o!r phy#io%ogy. @ %ot o$ L%!e# and &!%t!ra% "!#i& i# p%ayed in odd ti"e #ignat!re# and thereby #inging e en %yri&# on top odd rhyth"# &a!#e# the "a%i&io!# 4!9tapo#ition. +ri& C%apton' Ja22 and the L%!e# &o"e to "ind. Co!ntry "!#i& i# a #"orga#bord o$ in#anity a# "o#t o$ the %yri&# are abo!t ,od' $a"i%y and rede"ption on top o$ &hoppy rhyth"#. 1o top it a%% o$$ :Chi&-en 7i&-in; g!itar i# a%"o#t a%way# trip%et#. 1he band T @ !#e# a %ot o$ #trange ti"e #ignat!re# with hea y %ow end dr!"# whi&h #o!nd great' b!t are br!ta% on o!r ho"eo#ta#i#. 1OOL<2663<17<8/,od0' or 2I6<8/,od0 6I3<H/1he +nd0' th!# 1oo% #tand# $or #The end of <od"$ @%#o' %i#ten $or a#&ending or de#&ending &hord# o er a#&ending or de#&ending "e%odie# %i-e :Stairway To +ea>en3/-0. Ji""y page %i e# in @%i#tair Crow%ey*# "an#ion and i# a ery power$!% Di&&a war%o&-. 1hi# #ong wa# &ra$ted with the !t"o#t e i% inten#ion#. 7ay attention to Low $re?!en&ie# #o!nd# that are di#r!pted with high pit&he# in tran&e' dan&e and hipJhop "!#i&. O$ten i$ yo! %i#ten rea% &%o#e there are "eaning%e## annoying noi#e# added to the "!#i& $or no other rea#on than to pre ent yo! $ro" $a%%ing into a tran&e. @ good e9a"p%e o$ thi# i# the &hor!# on =i&hae% Ja&-#on*# 2#nother Part ! Me;/50. One o$ the be#t way# to hear thi# p!rpo#e%yJdi#tra&ting noi#e i# to t!rn down the ba## and t!rn !p the treb%e. thi# %et# the rea% #!b&on#&io!#%y aggra ating #o!nd# #hine thro!gh. I$ it #ee"# %i-e e ery #ong ha# #o"ething wrong with it' it i# be&a!#e they do. @# I "entioned ear%ier 4!#t the ba#i& #tr!&t!re o$ o!r =odern +ng%i#h %ang!age i# o!t o$ ba%an&e and the "!#i&a% "i#&hie$ i# 4!#t "ore ti"ber thrown on the $!nera% pyre by the#e pagani#" perpetrator#. @nyhow' here are 4!#t a $ew e9a"p%e# to get the whee%# ro%%ing in yo!r head. 8O1+6 /S0 Indi&ate# the n!"ber o$ #y%%ab%e# in hoo- or tit%e. @%#o a%"o#t a%% pop!%ar "!#i& i# in 4M4 ti"e #o pay attention &%o#e attention to "e%odie# and %yri&# to #ee how they >O 8O1 a%ign with the rhyth"#. @gain' a%% &o""er&ia% #ong# are bad $or !#' we 4!#t ha e to %oo- &%o#e%y at a%% a#pe&t# o$ the #ong and we wi%% $ind the &on$%i&t# and &ontra#t that are inhar"onio!# with o!r ho"eo#ta#i#. Ae"e"ber' the#e are 4!#t #a"p%e# to #how how to re&ogni2e thi# "anip!%ation' not to pro e anything. 7%ea#e' do yo!r own in e#tigation. 0nbalanced Son(As 2#inAt Goin 5own Till The Sun Co$es 0p3/H0 ,arth Lroo-#6 >on*t %i#ten to yo!r parent#. 2ItAs The Cli$b3 /30 Q =i%ey Cyr!# 6 It*# o-ay to $ai% 2<@o>e Is? 4hat I Got3 /50 Q )!b%i"e 6 Lo e K Li$e 2B3 /30 Lritney )pear# Q 6 =!%tip%e )e9 7artner# 2I Shot The Sheri!!3 /50 Lob =ar%ey M C%apton Q >r!g# K =!rder 2Good #s I nce 4as3<50 1oby Keith Q In&e#t #i#ter #e9' $ighting 2Roc"inA The Beer Gut3/50 J Obe#e drin-ing K &r!de beha ior 2#$erican Ride3/50 1oby Keith J =o&-# @"eri&aM@nti Ae%igio!# ;esus getting smaller :Material Girl3/50 =adonna Q It*# a "ateria%' not #pirit!a% wor%d. 24hy 5onAt 4e 8ust 5ance3/50 Q Jo#h 1!rner Q who &are#' #t!pid #ong 2@i>in( 1or The ,i(ht3/50 Q ,eorge )trait Q Lone%ine## K drin-ing 2S$all Town 0S#3 /50 J!#tin =oore Q Ce%ebrate# "edio&rity 2#lcohol3 /30 Lrab 7ai#e%y Q >rin-ing

2Paradise City3/50 ,!n# 8 Ao#e# Q 3ard &ore %i$e#ty%e 216 26 B6 @i"e # Bird I Sin(; 1i" =&,raw 3*# and 5*# ery !nba%an&ed. 2BI,G 3 Bep they #tart with the -id# yo!ng. 2@o>e Story3 /301ay%or )wi$t 2ItAs a lo>e story3/50 2Baby Oust say yes3/50 Q )e9 2Stair 4ay To +ea>en3/50 Led Neppe%in Q 1here*# a who%e %ot o$ tr!th in thi# #ong 24hatdaya 4ant 1ro$ Me3/50 @da" La"bert S2 2J28J1C 53I J 3o"o#e9!a%ity 2#ll ! Creation3<50 Q =er&y =e' the top Chri#tian gro!p. 28anieAs Got # Gun3/50 < @ero#"ith Q =!rderMIn&e#tM Aape 2 +illbilly 5elu)e3/50 Q Lroo-#J8J>!nn Q 7artying 2Ti$e 1or Me To 1ly3/50 Q A+O )peedwagon 24al"in( n Sunshine3/50J 24ould I @ie To ;ou3<-? Q +!rhyth"i&# 2S$ile3<-? Fn&%e Cra&-er Q ,h Gou @a$e @e )mile/E. +ere are balanced lyrics about bad thin(s6 which your subconscious percie>es as (ood. 2*>il 4o$an3 1he +ag%e# Q DhoreM ,o%d >igger 2Gi>e it away3/40 Q ,eorge )trait Q >i or&e 24hat 4ould ;ou Say3<40 1rai%er Choir Q >eath 2Papa 5onAt Preach3<40 =adonna Q 1een 7regnan&y Q L%a#phe"o!# ideo 2+eart #che Toni(ht3/40 1he +ag%e# Q J Cheating Q Caro!#ing 24e Shall Be 1ree3/40 ,arth Lroo-# 1hi# i# )ong i# good' and why he wa# $or&ed to retire 2+i(hway To +ell3 /40 @CM>C Q La%an&ed %yri&' eno!gh #aid. HHH Son(s% 4hen you hear or sin( these son(s you $ind hears HHH6HHH6 HHH6 HHH 2Tear 5rops n My Guitar3/60 1ay%or )wi$t Q 3earta&he 2I 4ill #lways @o>e ;ou3 /60 >o%%y 7arton Q I wi%% a%way# %o e 666 2ItAs Gettin( +ot In +ere3<60 J 8e%%y Q )e9 Q3ot a# in he%% 2Born To Be My Baby3 /60 Q Lon Jo i 2100T Cowboy3 J!#tin =oore Q=ore on thi# one in a "in!te 2Blinded By *$otions3<60 1ina 1!rner Q 2Can ;ou Ta"e Me +i(her3<60 Creed :4e 4erenAt Born To 1ollow3 Lon Jo i Q @nti Ae%igio!#J On 8o e"ber 21#t 2CCH thi# wa# S1 on 531*# ideo &o!nt down' b!t thi# #ong #!&-# and it*# a rip o$$ o$ hi# o%d #ong #You were born to be my baby$" In it he ha# a %ine #(o get up off your knees$" 1he#e are the type# o$ "edia "anip!%ation# that #ho!%d point yo! toward# the tr!th. I$ they are going to p!#h #!&h a b%atant%y #atani& #ong !p to n!"ber one #pot' that i# #o ob io!#%y b%a#phe"o!#' perhap# they #ho!%d ha e pi&-ed a #ong that doe#n*t tota%%y #!&-. Learn $ro" the %ie# peop%e. +ereAs one I Oust heard on the radio that Oust about says it all% 2I :now ThereAs ,o @i!e #!ter ;ou <J?6 8 i# ,od*# n!"ber. by >a!ghtry Q @nti Ae%igio!#' I hope yo! are #tarting to re&ogni2e the the"e o$ e erything #e&ret #o&ietie# p!#h !pon !# i# e i% or %ead# to #in and deba!&hery' and it downgrade# and &ha#ti#e# anything that i# good or ,od%y. It i# &riti&a% that @LL "e"ber# o$ the#e #e&ret organi2ation# -now that the#e organi2ation# are 1CCE e i%. Let*# %oo- at a &o!p%e "ore #ong# inJdepth.

2#$aPin( Grace3/40 1hi# entire #ong i# ba%an&ed and i# abo!t ,od #a ing #o"eone $ro" a %i$e o$ a%&oho%' #in' depre##ion and heart a&he. It ha# nothing to do with death' a%tho!gh 13+B a%way# p%ay it at $!nera%#' #o we a##o&iated it with death. L!t ta-e the ti"e to %i#ten to it# tr!e "e##age. It*# abo!t the g%ory and the gratit!de o$ being #a ed $ro" a %i$e o$ deba!&hery. 1hi# #ong i# abo!t "e' and I a" #!re when thi# boo- hit# the "a##e# e erything I ha e e er done wrong and a b!n&h o$ #t!$$ I didn*t do wi%% &o"e o!t to di#&redit "e' "y #tory and the#e di#&o erie#' b!t the $a&t o$ the "atter i# I ha e been :Lorn @gain; and "y %i$e now i# and a%way# wi%% be $ro" here on o!t in #tep with the tea&hing# o$ Je#!#' a# be#t I &an. Fnti% death and beyond a# I ha e #een the %ight' and one day yo! wi%% too. 1he other $a&t i# yo! don*t ha e to be%ie e "e' go in e#tigate $or yo!r#e%$ now that yo! are %earning their &ode# and how o!r "ind# tr!%y wor-. Co!nt the #y%%ab%e# o$ #AmaBing <race; a%% e en 4*#' 6*# 8*#' a%% the way thro!gh

This is !ro$ the bac" o! Brad ,owellAs <Subli$e? Me$orial Pro(ra$ :Glory Glory +alleluiah3<J? GodAs nu$ber% 1hi# #ong i# a ba%an&ed &hor!# whi&h o!r "ind in#tin&ti e%y per&ei e# a# good be&a!#e it 4i e# with the nat!ra% rhyth" o$ o!r phy#io%ogy' b!t %i-e a %ot o$ ba%an&ed #ong# 13+B a##o&iate the" with negati e the"e# %i-e war' death and di#a#ter. Let !# a%% ta-e a "o"ent to thin- o$ the arti#t who atte"pted to brea- $ree and "a-e thi# wor%d a better p%a&e with their "!#i&' be$ore their %i e# were &!t #hort be&a!#e they no %onger #er ed the p!rpo#e# o$ the e%ite' andMor di#&o ered the tr!th abo!t the "!#i& ind!#try. 3ere are #o"e o$ "y heroe# who %earned the tr!th' di#agreed with it and were e9ter"inated6 =ar in ,ay' Liggie )"a%%#' 1!pa&' Lrad 8owe%% /)!b%i"e0' Lon )&ott' Jani# Jop%in' K!rt Cobain' John Lennon' @ndrew Dood /=other Lo e Lone0' Lane )ta%ey /@%i&e 8 Chain#0' L!ddy 3o%%y' Ai&hie 5a%%in#' )te ie Aay 5a!ghn' +% i# and the %i#t goe# on. 8ow yo! "ight agree with the o$$i&ia% report# o$ their de"i#e' b!t I be%ie e i$ ea&h in&ident were #&r!tini2ed a %ot

&%o#er we wo!%d $ind "a%i&io!# &ir&!"#tan&e# aro!nd a%% o$ the#e death#. #'ove Is> *hat You <ave$ Lrad%ey.

Me$orial Pro(ra$ !or Bradey ,owell F @ead Sin(erEGuitar 7 S0B@IM* I$ yo! thin- abo!t it' it*# rea%%y not po##ib%e that the 1!pa& )ha-!r and Liggie )"a%%# "!rder# we ne er #o% ed. J!#t %i-e the robbery at "y ho!#e in Lrentwood' 18 where I ga e the po%i&e the na"e# and addre## o$ the perpetrator#' b!t the b!rg%ary wa# ne er in e#tigated. 3ope$!%%y' $ro" the too%# I a" p!tting $orth in thi# boo- peop%e wi%% $ina%%y rea%i2e that the $a&tion# that &ontro% the wor%d are not 4!#t the wea%thy' &orporate and po%iti&a% e%ite' b!t e eryday peop%e who are "e"ber# o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# that in&%!de e eryone $ro" the Darb!rg# and Aoth#&hi%d# down to o!r %o&a% %aw en$or&e"ent' "ai% "an and gardener. 1here i# no do!bt $ro" %i#tening to 1!pa&*# re&ord# that he wa# getting dangero!#%y &%o#e to the tr!th a# "any ti"e# he "entioned the I%%!"inati in hi# "!#i&. 3e a&t!a%%y ha# a %ine #The Illuminati *ant My %ody$" Ironi&a%%y' 1!pa& had no idea how rea%%y &%o#e he wa# be&a!#e >a e @ron a #&!"bag Free"a#on' who I $%ew o!t $ro" L@ to 8a#h i%%e to de#troy The Blac" Saddles Ae&ord' "i9ed a%% o$ 1!pa&*# re&ord# at >eath Aow. De wi%% get into #o"e o$ the te&hni&a% way# on how >a e @ron de#troyed "y re&ord in the :=i9ing; &hapter. 1he heartbrea- i# that I tho!ght >a e wa# a good $riend. I ha e %itt%e do!bt that he had no &hoi&e in the "atter. I &an on%y hope that "y #tory he%p# 1!pa&*#' Liggie*#' Lrad Knowe%%*# and a%% the other "!rdered arti#t*# $a"i%y and $riend# to #ee a &%earer pi&t!re o$ the tr!e "oti ation behind the#e -i%%ing#. 1he botto" %ine i# there i# no %ine 13+B won*t &ro## to -eep the "a##e# "ind# &on#tant%y bo"barded with har"$!% %yri&#' rhyth"# and "e%odie# that are inhar"onio!# and o!t o$ #yn&h with the ho"eo#ta#i# o$ o!r phy#io%ogy. @%% to -eep o!r brain# in a #tate o$ #tre## whi&h "a-e# it i"po##ib%e $or !# to be one with o!r phy#i&a% and #pirit!a% being.

I be%ie e tr!e arti#t %i-e 1!pa&' Lrad K Liggie wo!%d be ad"itted%y again#t the &reation o$ thi# type o$ poi#ono!# "!#i&' and there$ore at the point o$ di#&o ery the ind!#try had no &hoi&e b!t to e9ter"inate the#e pop!%ar arti#t that &o!%d e9po#e the #y#te". Contrary to pop!%ar be%ie$ the "!#i& b!#ine## i# a not $or pro$it ind!#try' and i$ we &o!%d a!dit their boo-# I a" #!re they %o#e a %ot "ore than they "a-e. L!t who &are# be&a!#e they are owned by the #a"e peop%e who own the &entra% ban-# and &an print a%% the "oney they want. 1he entertain"ent b!#ine## ha# b!t one p!rpo#e' to di#tra&t and p%i&ate #o&iety with tri ia% #!b4e&t "atter whi%e at the #a"e ti"e in4e&ting detri"enta% progra""ing whi&h &a!#e# rea% phy#i&a% and p#y&ho%ogi&a% har". 1o a%% the #!&&e##$!% arti#t# o!t there' -now that yo!r "!#i& i# detri"enta% to #o&iety or it wo!%d not be on the airwa e#' regard%e## o$ how po%iti&a%%y &orre&t yo! "ight thin- yo! are. =o#t arti#t# -now a%% thi# &rap. thi# i# the pro erbia% :&ro##Jroad; where they #e%% their #o!% to the de i%. 7erhap# yo! are #tarting to %earn why the Lib%e #ay# we #ho!%d ha e no ido%#R e#pe&ia%%y #American Idols$" 7%ea#e !nder#tand that the page# I writing brea- "y heart. @%% "y %i$e I ha e %o ed "!#i& #o "!&h' and #o "any arti#t were heroe# o$ "ine' yet what I need to di !%ge abo!t the "!#i& b!#ine## i# &riti&a% to the #a% ation o$ h!"anity. + ery #!&&e##$!% arti#t "!#t be a %ea#t partia%%y aware' i$ not &o"p%ete%y in o% ed in the "a%i&io!#ne## in&orporated into "!#i&. )o "y e"otion# are "i9ed in that the#e arti#t that I %o e #o "!&h' are a%#o -i%%ing "e and yo!' %itera%%y with their "!#i&. =y on%y &on#e?!en&e i# that the#e arti#t# on&e indo&trinated into the #y#te" ha e on%y one way o!t' death' $or that i# the retrib!tion $or di##ention. 1he on%y way to get o!t o$ a )e&ret )o&iety a%i e i# thro!gh Je#!#. + ery award #how I #ee a%% the #a"e arti#t# throwing !p the 2+oo" *$A +orns3 #a%!te to their #e&ret #o&ietie# with their inde9 and pin-y e9tended' a# we%% a# wearing o&&!%t and #e&ret #o&iety #y"bo%#. Ce%ine >ion in La# 5ega#' John Ai&h in 8a#h i%%e and Chri#tina @g!i%era per$or"ing on $ina% night o$ 2C1C 2#$erican Idol3 /50

Celine 5ion7 Illu$inati Tri

8ohn Rich <Bi(7,7Rich?

Christina #(ulera 2010

Poo! T+*; are recruitin( the youth throu(h $usic -MJL1B<1ree$asonry? =!#i& i# the "o#t power$!% too% $or de&eption be&a!#e we %o e it #o "!&h. Ae"e"ber Leat%e =ania( Lo e $or "!#i& i# e en "ore power$!% than &igarette#' a%&oho% or dr!g addi&tion' the on%y di$$eren&e i# we -now that &igarette#' a%&oho% and dr!g# are bad $or !#. 1he proo$ o$ what I a" tea&hing i# in e erything% T+* 4I9#R5 1 9/50' The Yellow %rick RoadA5@& ,ver The RainbowA5@& 3hant by the gargoyles #,h E ,h E oh$A5@ and #There!s o 0lace 'ike +ome$A5@ a%% o$ the#e are 2#bracadabra;. @%% we hear the who%e "o ie i# #Abracadabra$ o er and o er and o er. @%#o re"e"ber the#e phra#e# are 2M3' whi&h i# why @!ntie = #ay# #)or 6; years I!ve been dying to tell you what I think of you$ to the "ean o%d Jewi#h %ady who tried to ta-e 1O1O<2626<16<I<Masonic 2G3? in the beginning. @%#o at the #tart when >orothy wander# o$$ and "eet# the tra e%ing "edi!" hi# wagon #ay# =ar e%<41H453<26<8/,od0 and :The Crowned +eads ! *urope3 indi&ating that %i-e the pharo# o$ +gypt the roya%ty o$ +!rope are ,od*# on thi# +arth 1he good new# i# on&e the#e too%# I a" di !%ging #eep into the hone#t "!#i& &o""!nity' I -now other ta%ented ,od %o ing "!#i&ian# wi%% ?!i&-%y 4!"p onboard' and it #ho!%d not ta-e %ong $or !# a%% to &reate ?!a%ity ba%an&e har"onio!# "!#i&' that wi%% &o"p%ete%y re er#e the negati e e$$e&t# o$ the poi#ono!# #ong# we* e been #inging #in&e birth' %i-e 2*6I6*6I6 3<-? in 2 ld McdonaldAs 1ar$<-? I ha e tota% $aith that tr!e arti#t# wi%% #tand again#t thi# horri$i& hi#tori&a% "!#i&a% "a%i&io!#ne##. I a" not ta%-ing abo!t the "!%tit!de o$ %itt%e -i## a## $rea-# who atte"pt to brown no#e their way into the "!#i& ind!#try. I a" ta%-ing abo!t the arti#t# that $ee% #o "!&h they ha e to e9pre## their e"otion# in "!#i&. 1he#e are the arti#t who I -now are going to #tep !p and ta-e the rein# away $ro" the #e&ret #o&iety dor-# in #!it# !p in the g%a## tower# &!rrent%y di&tating what the wor%d i# a%%owed to hear. 0lease believe that everyone who is successful in the music business knows everything that I am telling you" 8ow the on%y ?!e#tion i# who a"ong the" wi%% ha e the $ortit!de to #tand $or h!"anity( >o yo! want to -now the tr!e de$inition o$ irony( ,od $%ooded 8a#h i%%e be&a!#e it i# ba#i&a%%y La# 5ega# with boot#' hat# and hor#e d!ng' and the #i%%y thing i# a%% the#e "!#i& peop%e who poi#on the wor%d $or a %i ing a%% ra%%ied o!t to rai#e "oney with bene$it &on&ert# and hoop%a on%y

to "a-e the"#e% e# $ee% better' b!t it*# point%e## be&a!#e they are a%% &orr!pt' #e&reti e and a%% going to he%% anyhow. 1r!%y ridi&!%o!#T Dho -now# how "any arti#t# %earn abo!t thi# &orr!ption a$ter they are #!&-ed into the "a&hine' at whi&h point their on%y option# are p%ay a%ong or die. I -now that "o#t tr!e arti#t and prod!&tion ta%ent do not %i-e thi# &orr!pt #y#te" at a%%' a# in hind#ight a "any ga e "e hint# a%ong the way. I #!ppo#e hoping I "ight be the one to #a e !# a%%. De%% to tho#e ery $ew bra e #o!%# who pointed "e in the right dire&tion' than- yo!' yo! pi&-ed the right g!y $or the 4ob. I a" the type o$ g!y who wo!%d ha e been nai%ed on the &ro## right ne9t to Je#!#. For e eryone who get# their $ee%ing# h!rt or pantie# in a bind o er thi# booget o er it. 1he on%y rea#on yo! are where yo! are i# be&a!#e the b!#ine## i# &orr!pt and yo! #o%d yo!r #o!% $or #oi%ed #!&&e##. =any great arti#t# atte"pted to #nea- o!t the tr!th in their "!#i& -nowing it &o!%d be their de"i#e. )o"e o$ the#e bra e arti#t# that &o"e to "ind are =i&hae% Ja&-#on' =ar in ,aye' K!rt Cobain' John Lennon' Ji""y 3endri9' Lon )&ott' 1!pa&' and O22y. On&e yo! get thro!gh with thi# boo-' ta-e a &%o#er %oo- at their word#. @ great p%a&e to #tart i# 2#nother Part ! Me3 by =i&hae% Ja&-#on. In it he #ay*# #The planets are lining up& bringing brighter days& this is our message to you> your just another part of me"$ I ha e a #trong #!#pi&ion that with the >e&e"ber 21' 2C12 !ni er#a% awa-ening &o"ing !pon !#' &a!#ing the +arth and h!"anity to a#&end to a higher %e e% o$ &on#&io!#ne##' 13+B &o!%dn*t ta-e a &han&e with #o"eone a# re#pe&ted and wor%d renown a# Michael 8ac"son te%%ing the tr!th to the wor%d. 3ere*# a pi&t!re o$ =i&hae% Ja&-#on gi ing the :@ntiJI%%!"inati; do!b%e pea&e #ign or :22; warrior# $or ,od.

2#nti7Illu$inati3 F 22 1here are #ti%% other arti#t# who try and get the "e##age o!t to peop%e' and wa%- the %ine a# &%o#e a# they &an witho!t getting into tro!b%e with the power# that be. One #ong I 4!#t rea%i2ed whi&h i# abo!t a%% thi# #t!$$ I a" tea&hing yo! i# by Green 5ay. ,A++8<7H555<31<4 and >ay<418<13' go $ig!re both o$ the =a#oni& $a orite n!"ber#. 1hey ha e a #ong 24a"e Me 0p 4hen Septe$ber *nds3/80. )o wa-e hi" !p when ,od S8 &o"e#. 1a-ing a &%o#er %oo-.

)epte"ber i# the Hth "onth and H "ean# the end' a# in H11. =eaning he &an*t wait !nti% thi# ei% o$ i"po#ed dar-ne## that oppre##e# o!r "ind# i# o er. a-a H11 or :1he ,reat Dor-;. Li%%y @r"#trong #ing#. #(even years has gone so fast$" =eaning the tho!#and# o$ year# that the =a#on# :,;<7 ha e &ontro%%ed the +arth i# 4!#t abo!t o er. #Rain from the stars& drench my pain again$" 1he theory i# that tho#e in &ontro% o$ !# are not $ro" o!r )!n' b!t $ro" other #tar#. #Take time for memory to rest& never forgets what I lost$" Dhat he i# #aying i#. h!"an# !#ed to -now a%% thi# #t!$$ abo!t how to be one with o!r !ni er#e' o!r higher #e% e# and &arna% -now%edge. Be#' I wa# one o$ tho#e &ra2y "!#i& $an# who had to -now the "eaning o$ the %yri&#. 1ho!gh I a" not too p%ea#ed with the dire&tion ,reen >ay i# headed with #$erican Idiot' I do thin- that Li%%y @r"#trong i# doing hi# be#t to #nea- in what tr!th he &an to he%p the wor%d. 1here are two way# to be #!&&e##$!% in the "!#i& b!#ine##. "a-e "!#i& that &on$or"# in "e%ody' rhyth" and the"e to what the e#tab%i#h"ent want#' or 4oin the ran-# o$ a## -i##er# who go o!t and de%iberate%y pre ent anyone $ro" attaining any %e e% o$ #!&&e## be&a!#e they are dee"ed !n&ontro%%ab%e andMor are "a-ing the wrong -ind o$ "!#i&. It*# thi# #e&ond part o$ the b!#ine## I got to -now ery we%%. I -now $ro" $ir#thand e9perien&e that the pre ention #ide o$ the "!#i& b!#ine## #pend# way "ore "oney' e$$ort and ti"e on the de#tr!&tion o$ arti#t#' then the prod!&tion #ide #pend# on de e%op"ent' prod!&tion and pro"otion. 1a-e Pearl 8a$ $or e9a"p%e. yo! -now the great rebe%%io!# band that went again#t Tic"et7 Master( Dhat a 4o-e that p!b%i& #pe&ta&%e wa#. It wa# a%% a $ar&e and on%y #o%idi$ied 1i&-etJ =a#ter# "onopo%y. 1hin- abo!t that na"e 1i&-et =@)1+A' -ind o$ %i-e =@)1+A &ard' do yo! get it( =@)1+A<41125H<22 or r!%e o$ :H; e?!a%# 13. @nyti"e we #ee that -ind o$ b%atant p!b%i& p!#h again#t the e#tab%i#h"ent by a #!&&e##$!% arti#t we &an #a$e%y a##!"e that arti#t i# part o$ a p!b%i&ity propaganda &a"paign. In Pearl 8a$sA &a#e i# wa# a &o er !p to "a-e the band %oo- %egit' when in $a&t they were a #ini#ter &reation o$ the "!#i& ind!#try. Fir#t o$$ %et*# brea- down the na"e 7ear% Ja". 7ear%<751H3<25<7 Ja"<114<6 and 6I7<13/=a#on0. Dhat a #!rpri#e the =a#oni& $a orite n!"ber. L!t that*# not the good #t!$$. >o yo! -now that be$ore 7ear% Ja" the band wa# &a%%ed' Mother @o>e Bone6 they were the tr!e $o!nding $ather# o$ gr!nge. I$ yo!*%% %i#ten to their re&ord# yo! wi%% #ee that their %ead #inger #ndrew 4oods #ang e9&%!#i e%y abo!t a%% thing# I a" #aying in thi# boo-. 1he #ad thing i# @ndrew' %i-e Lrad 8owe%% o$ Subli$e' "y#terio!#%y died o$ a heroin o er do#e 4!#t be$ore their deb!t re&ord &a"e o!t. I -new Lrad%y 8owe%% $ro" )!b%i"e per#ona%%y and I &an te%% yo! that in "y opinion hi# o erdo#e wa# not a&&identa%. Lrad had been #ober $or o er 8 "onth#' he 4!#t had hi# baby' bo!ght a ho"e and -new he had a great re&ord. Lrad wa# happi%y #ober and on top o$ the wor%d. Lrad had been in$or"ed by the re&ord &o"pany that they wo!%d not re%ea#e the re&ord !n%e## he wa# #ober' whi&h i# why he got #ober &o%d t!r-ey. 3e had wor-ed way too hard $or ten year# to "e## !p thi# opport!nity. I #aw )!b%i"e p%ay at the 3o!#e o$ L%!e# in 3o%%ywood 4!#t day# be$ore Lrad*# death and &an te%% yo! $ir#t hand he wa# #?!ea-y &%ean and p%ayed the be#t I*d e er #een hi". 3e wa# #toa-ed on being #ober' and %i-e a%% tr!e arti#t yo! &o!%d #ee the 4oy in hi# eye# $ro" he and +ri&' L!d and the boy# p%aying at #!&h a high #-i%% %e e%. I wa# one o$ the $ort!nate $ew who got to #ee )!b%i"e p%ay at %ea#t 4C ti"e#' #in&e I went to #&hoo% at Long Lea&h )tate d!ring their ,u((et day# on &a"p!#. In $a&t' r!"or ha# it that the re&ord &o"pany wa# indire&t%y #!pp%ying Lrad%ey with heroin d!ring the re&ording o$ the

2Subli$e3 re&ord in 1e9a# atte"pting to get Lrad to O>. L!t he #!r i ed that atte"pt. I #trong%y be%ie e thi# to be tr!e be&a!#e o$ a%% the dr!g# that were gi en to "e $or $ree by the peop%e I tho!ght were "y &%o#e $riend#' who I %ater $o!nd o!t to be in on the #abotage again#t "e. Bo! "ight a#-' i$ the power# that be that r!n the "!#i& b!#ine## didn*t want Subli$e' why did they #ign the"( 5ery #i"p%e' be&a!#e Subli$e wa# "o ing 1C'CCC !nit# a "onth o$ !nJ &en#ored ery %ow $re?!en&y rhyth"i& "!#i& and &o!%d draw a &rowd o$ 5'CCC peop%e within ho!r# o$ anno!n&ing they were going to p%ay. Bo! #ee that -ind o$ $an %oya%ty and organi2ationa% abi%ity i# dangero!# to the power #tr!&t!re o$ the wor%d. 1he re&ord &o"pany %earned how in$%!entia% Subli$e wa# on the 4arped Tour. )!b%i"e were #o !n&ontro%%ab%e they got -i&-ed o$$ the to!r' &on#idering the other band# on the bi%% getting -i&- o$$ i# an a"a2ing $eat. I a" #!re i$ any o$ yo! %oo- &%o#er at the %o&a% band# that were pop!%ar in yo!r town' yo! wi%% $ind ery #!#pi&io!# &ir&!"#tan&e# why they ne er "ade it big. One other thing I wi%% #ay abo!t )!b%i"e' whi&h wi%% pi## o$$ #o"e o$ their inner &ir&%e' i# when wat&hing the po#th!"o!# do&!"entary :Stand By ;our Can3 I $o!nd "any o$ the peop%e I per#ona%%y -now in that ideo #ee"ed to -now "ore than they were #aying. I &o!%d #en#e an !nder%ying ho#ti%ity' in#in&erity and e en #!#pi&io!#ne## in #o"e o$ their te#ti"onie#. I be%ie e #o"e o$ the" -now the tr!e #tory and are not #pea-ing !p $or $ear o$ #i"i%ar o!t &o"e to the" a# Lrad. La&- to 7ear% Ja". @$ter @ndrew Dood*# death +ddie 5edder a #poi%ed %itt%e I%%!"inati ri&h -id #!r$er $ro" )an >iego/4est Coast +ead=uarters !or the Illu$inati0 %ea e# the bea!ti$!% bea&he# o$ )o!thern Ca%i$ornia' "o e# to dreary rainy Da#hington to %ead the band' &hange the na"e and #ing abo!t a%% -ind# o$ wonder$!% #t!$$ %i-e -id# !#ing g!n# to -i%% the"#e% e# in grade #&hoo%. 8ow that yo! -now how "!&h o!r "ind# %o e ba%an&ed and e en rhyth"#' the #ong 2*>en!low; "o&-# thi# tr!th. It i# a%#o dea%# with the #ini#ter #!b4e&t o$ #!i&ide. Open yo!r "ind# peop%e. thi# i# how the "!#i& b!#ine## rea%%y wor-#. @%#o it i"portant to note that Mother @o>e BoneAs $ir#t a%b!" wa# &a%%ed 2#pple3<17735<2B' and a%% their #ong# are abo!t #e&ret #o&ietie# or how we are tr!%y $ree being#. La#t%y' 7ear% Ja" ha# a #ong &a%%ed 2;ellow @edbetter3% B+LLOD<753365<2H a-a H11 and @edbetter wa# a =a#on who &a!#ed a %ot o$ "ayhe" within the =a#on# $or "e"ber# not adhering to proto&o%' pro&ed!re# and rit!a%. 3ere*# another %itt%e 7ear% Ja" tidbit' they p!t o!t an a%b!" with @#tro%ogi&a% #ign# and %etter# printed on the C>' whi&h i# a%% wrong and "i#%eading a&&ording to tr!e a#tro%ogy' "ore "i#in$or"ation to -eep !# %oo-ing in the wrong dire&tion. Kind o$ %i-e the n!"ber %etter re%ation#hip on o!r te%ephone#' another pro"inent di#p%ay o$ p!rpo#e$!% babb%e to -eep !# $ro" %earning tr!e n!"ero%ogy.

I wo!%d %i-e to &%ari$y that I a" not te%%ing "y #tory to whine. I ha e not #!ed anyone' tho!gh I ha e "ore than eno!gh proo$ to #!e #o"e pretty big and power$!% peop%e' &orporation# and organi2ation# in the "!#i&' $inan&ia% b!#ine## and &i i% #er i&e#. I in ite anyone with a bee$ to &o"e a$ter "e. a# I a##!re yo! in the intere#t o$ ti"e I a" bare%y #-i""ing the top o$ a%% I -now abo!t "y "!#i&a% "i##Jad ent!re#. I ha e ho!r# o$ do&!"ented e iden&e on ideo' pi&t!re#' hard dri e# and di#&# to pro e e erything I #ay. L!t none o$ "y #tory rea%%y "atter# #in&e the proo$ o$ a%% I #ay i# on e ery #ing%e re&ord that ha# e er been p!t o!t &o""er&ia%%y. @nyhow' %et "e #top "y ranting and get on with tea&hing yo! how a%% thi# "!#i& "anip!%ation wor-#. I 4!#t want to #ay that thi# &hapter i# dedi&ated to e eryone %i-e "e who had the po#ter# on the wa%% and $e%% a#%eep with the headphone# on be&a!#e they %o ed "!#i& #o "!&h they &o!%dn*t %i e a #e&ond witho!t it. @nd to a%% tho#e who #at a%one in the wood#hed $or year# and year# 4!#t trying to get their ta%ent a %itt%e bit better in p!r#!it o$ ro&- #tardo". La#t%y' to a%% tho#e %i-e "y#e%$ who %e$t a%% their $riend# and $a"i%y to ta-e that %ong #hot &han&e on their drea"# by "o ing to L@' 8ew Bor-' London or 8a#h i%%e' on%y to #pend the"#e% e# into po erty and ha e their drea"# and arti#ti& idea# de#troyed and #to%en. 1o a%% "y $e%%ow arti#t who do it $or %o e not $a"e or $ort!ne' a%% I write i# $or yo! and a%% the %itt%e -id drea"er# behind !#. 1hi# "onopo%i#ti& "anip!%ation ha# got to #top. La#t b!t not %ea#t' to a%% yo! $a"o!# arti#t o!t there who -now what i# rea%%y going down. 2T+IS IS IT3' a# =i&hae% Ja&-#on #aid. 1hi# i# yo!r %a#t &han&e to &o"e $orward' #pi%% the bean#' #a e the wor%d and yo!r #o!%. +#pe&ia%%y' yo! $a-e -arao-e #inging' nonJ#ong writing' dor-yJa## &o!ntry "!#i& #tar#. @# yo! a%% hideaway on the 5CCJa&re ran&he# tr!e hard wor-ing "!#i& %o er# bo!ght $or yo!' p%ea#e thin- abo!t thi#. 1he be#t thing abo!t &o!ntry "!#i& $an# i# we got the ,od and g!n# and Lo e the" both. 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow i# p!rpo#e%y not on%y #abotaging peop%e*# drea"#' they are de%iberate%y poi#ing the "ind# o$ o!r &hi%dren and %o ed one# with !nba%an&e inhar"onio!# "!#i& that i# phy#i&a%%y' p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y and #o&ia%%y bad $or !#. Loy oh boy are tr!e &o!ntry $an# gonna be pi##ed. @nd to thin- I 4!#t read an arti&%e on how &o!ntry i# the on%y "!#i& that i# not &orr!pting the yo!th' what a 4o-e that i#.

Son(writin( Secrets
Chapter 3

I ha e been in band# and into "!#i& #in&e I wa# 8 year# o%d #itting in "y parent# 5D 5an wearing o!t the battery %i#tening to 1he Leat%e# on 8J1ra&-. In 2CC5 a$ter "y 11th ro&- band Riot 4ater $ini#hed o!r re&ord #(tring Theory$ we p%ayed one #how in Long Lea&h and it wa# ob io!# that thing# were not going to wor- o!t' #o we bro-e !p. Ironi&a%%y' "y g!itar p%ayer @!g!#tine oo2ed #!&h e i% $ro" the #tage I &o!%dn*t ta-e it. It wa# at thi# point in "y "!#i&a%%y 4o!rney that "y "other #!gge#ted I p!r#!e #ongwriting. + en tho!gh I had written a %ot o$ #ong# in "y day#' I ne er tho!ght abo!t being a pro$e##iona% #ongwriter. I a%way# 4!#t wrote #ong# $or the "any band# I wa# in o er the year#. 1hat day I ,oog%ed :#ongwriting; and $o!nd 5uran(o Son( *)po' a #ongwriter# wor-#hop' that wa# happening that !p&o"ing wee-end in )anta Bne2' C@' abo!t 1CC "i%e# !p the &oa#t $ro" Corona >e% =ar' 4!#t pa#t )anta Larbara. I didn*t re&ogni2e any o$ the na"e# a# "o#t o$ the pro$e##iona% writer# were $ro" &o!ntry "!#i&' and I ne er %i#tened to &o!ntry' e9&ept $or ,arth Lroo-# be&a!#e I had a &o!p%e ,arth C>*# I had :borrowed; $ro" "y "o". 5uran(o Son( *)po i# a biJann!a% gathering o$ abo!t 15C a#piring #ongwriter#' 3C #!&&e##$!% #ongwriter# and another 5C "!#i& ind!#try pro$e##iona%# organi2ed by Ji" @ttebery o!t o$ >!rango Co%orado. On the #!r$a&e the#e type# o$ #ongwriting e9po# appear to be a%tr!i#ti& e ent# to he%p a#piring #ongwriter#. L!t now' a$ter pain$!%%y a&?!iring better in#ight o$ how the "!#i& ind!#try tr!%y operate# I &an te%% yo! that he%p$!% Lo e wo!%d be ery in&on#i#tent with the "a%i&io!# "od!# operand# o$ the "!#i& b!#ine##. ,i en e erything I now -now I high%y #!#pe&t that 5uran(o Son(writers *)po6 Ta)i6 #SC#P6 BMI and a%% the other pro$e##iona%%y organi2ed #ongwriting e ent# are #!b#idi2ed by the "!#i& ind!#try and de#igned to #&o!t o!t peop%e %i-e "y#e%$ who "ay be a prob%e" $or the "!#i& ind!#try' a# we%% a# pro ide a $re#h poo% :,o%den ,oo#e#; to #tea% idea#' "e%odie# and #ong# $ro". I$ yo! e9a"ine the n!"ber o$ peop%e who attend the#e e ent#' who are tr!%y ta%ented' and the ery $ew peop%e who ha e any #!&&e## in the "!#i& ind!#try the n!"ber# 4!#t don*t add !p.

5 uran(o Son(writers *)po Me Son(writer 8i$ #ttebery 5uran(o 1lyer

One S1 hit #ong &an generate !p to U4'CCC'CCC or "ore in p!b%i#hing and writer# roya%tie#' whi&h i# rea#on eno!gh $or the pro$e##iona% #ongwriting and p!b%i#hing b!#ine## to be r!th%e##' b!t the $a&t o$ the "atter i# it goe# $ar beyond the "oney. 1he "!#i& b!#ine## i# abo!t r!%e and &ontro% o$ the "a##e# and -eeping the !n#!#pe&ting pop!%o!# in a p#y&ho%ogi&a% #tate o$ n!"b and d!"b wor-er bee #%a e#. In 2CC5 K 2CC6 when I wa# attending the 5uran(o Son(writers *)poAs in )anta Bne2 C@' >!rango CO and )a%t La-e City Ftah e eryone wa# #!per ni&e and o er%y $riend%y to "e. @%#o d!ring "y two i#it# to 8a#h i%%e in C5 K C6 the we%&o"e wagon o$ "!#i& ind!#try pro$e##iona%# wa# %i-e a parade o$ $ab!%o!# $riend#. 3owe er' not %ong a$ter I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e in J!ne o$ 2CC6 a%% the#e "!#i& ind!#try $o%-# who were #o ni&e to "e be$ore I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e' #!dden%y #tarted $ading away $ro" $riend#' to a&?!aintan&e#' to hard%y e en #aying he%%o when we wo!%d b!"p into ea&h other at e ent# and #how#. Loo-ing ba&- now it i# apparent that %!ring "e to 8a#h i%%e wa# the p%an %ong be$ore I e en tho!ght abo!t a &areer in #ongwriting or &o!ntry "!#i&. One intere#ting ob#er ation' "y e9Jwi$e )andy' who#e parent*# goa% wa# to re&r!it "e into =a#onry' wa# the $ir#t to #!gge#t I do &o!ntry "!#i& way ba&- in 2CC1. 1hey p%anted the #eed %ong be$ore' that*# how thi# Free"a#on &rap wor-#. )erendipity or )!#pi&io!#( 1he $ir#t writer I "et !pon arri ing at the 2CC5 >!rango )ong +9po at =arriott hote% in )anta Bne2 wa# Ki" Di%%ia"#. Ki" wrote "any o$ ,arth Loo-*#*# big hit#' a# we%% a# h!ndred# o$ #ong# $or other arti#t. O er the year# Ki" and I be&a"e good $riend# and in 2CC6 "y gir%$riend and I #pent the 4th o$ J!%y wee-end at hi# "o!ntain ho"e in 18 with a gro!p o$ pro$e##iona% writer# and >o!g John#on then 7re#ident o$ CFAL Ae&ord# in 8a#h i%%e. I wa# in hog hea en. I had no idea yo! &o!%d %earn how to write #ong#. I wa# a%way# !nder the "i#&on&eption that arti#t# wrote their own "!#i&' a# that i# the way it !#ed to be with the band# I grew !p on %i-e ,!n#J8JAo#e#' 5an 3a%en' Aatt' 7oi#on' =ot%ey Crew' 1he Ao%%ing )tone#' 1he C%a#h' 1he Leat%e# et&R 3ere are a &o!p%e pi&t!re# I too- at Ki"*# Di%%ia"# ho"e whi&h wi%% gi e yo! an idea o$ how #!&&e##$!% he wa# with ,arth Lroo-#.

:i$As Platinu$ #wards !or Garth Broo"s

5ou( 8ohnson ' Me :i$As +ouse

@# with e erything I do' I do e in head $ir#t and attended the ne9t $o!r >!rango )ong +9po*# a# we%% a# two 2Son(posiu$s36 a wee-%ong #ongwriting ed!&ation #erie# in 8a#h i%%e p!t on by ,ash>ille #ssociation o! Son(writers International <,#SI?% I went to e ery %e&t!re' &%a##' &%!b' &on&ert' ta%-' &hat' #e"inar I &o!%d #?!ee2e in' and bo!ght e ery boo-' C>' >5> or "ethod that wa# a ai%ab%e or o$$ered on #ongwriting. I grad!ated on the 7re#ident# Li#t $ro" Cal State 0ni>ersity @on( Beach in AadioM1e%e i#ion K Fi%" with a 3.8 grade point a erage' #o when I p!t "y "ind to #o"ething I %earn it to the point where I &an %e&t!re the pro$e##or#. 1he #t!dent #ho!%d #tri e to be the "a#ter. In addition to attending the#e e ent# I "ade a point to get to -now "any o$ the pro$e##iona% #ongwriter# per#ona%%y a# I -now that "ode%ing' %earning $ro" a "entor' i# the ?!i&-e#t way to e9&e% at anything. 3ere are 4!#t a $ew o$ the great pro$e##iona% #ongwriter# I per#ona%%y "et and #t!dy with that gra&io!#%y #hared their #ongwriting wi#do" with "e.

8e!! Steele

Chuc" Cannon +illary @indsey

#ll #nderson

Gary Ba"er

@isa @eob

@esley Satcher

Bob 5ePerio

Ste>e Ses"in

Ralph Murphey

1ran" Ro(ers +u(h Prestwood

8ason Blu$e

8a$es 5ean +ic"s

@$ter attending $o!r >!rango )ong# and two wee- i#it# to 8a#h i%%e $or :)ongpo#i!"; I wa# &on$ident that I &o!%d e9&e% at #ongwriting' b!t I wo!%d need to be pre#ent to win. )o I pa&-ed !p "y #t!$$ in bea!ti$!% Corona >e% =ar' C@ and did what e ery #ongwriter drea"# o$ doing. I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e 1here are 5C'CCC peop%e in 8a#h i%%e who &%ai" to be #ongwriter# and ten# o$ tho!#and# "ore who are there to be arti#t#' prod!&er#' "!#i&ian#' engineer#' p!b%i&i#t' pro"oter#' and e9e&!ti e#. 1hi# ?!e#t $or #!&&e## in the "!#i& ind!#try i# wor%dwide and the &on&entration o$ ta%ent i# e?!a%%y "a""oth in Lo# @ng%e#' 8ew Bor-' London and in e ery big &ity in e ery &o!ntry. )o why i# it that e ery year the "!#i& award# #ee" %i-e rer!n#' with the #a"e arti#t' writer# and &o"panie# winning e ery year( It i# not be&a!#e the "!#i& ind!#try i# a to!gh b!#ine##. It*# be&a!#e the "!#i& ind!#try in one o$ the "o#t g!arded power$!% "enta% "anip!%ation "a&hine# o$ the g%oba% e%ite. =!#i& i# "ore power$!% than "oney' whi&h 13+B a%#o &ontro%. I don*t &are how "!&h "oney yo! ha e' "oney doe# not ha e the abi%ity to reJ&onne&t a per#on with the entire !ni er#e. =!#i& doe#. One o$ the thing# in 8a#h i%%e that ab#o%!te%y a"a2e# "e are the n!"ber o$ writer# on the payro%%# o$ a%% the "!#i& and p!b%i#hing &o"panie# who ha e ne er had a #ong &!t /re&orded and p!t to the radio0' and ab#o%!te%y #!&- when it &o"e# to #ong writing. I do be%ie e proper in e#tigation and a!diting o$ the#e p!b%i#hing dea%# wo!%d !n&o er #o"e o$ the "oneyJtrai% $!nne%ed to peop%e who are rea%%y p%ant# to $i#h o!t' di#tra&t and de#troy the tr!%y ta%ented arti#t and writer# who wo!%d ne er in a "i%%ion year# parti&ipate in #!&h &orr!ption' b!t "ight be a threat to the ind!#try. J!#t $ro" "y own per#ona% e9perien&e I e#ti"ate that the re&ord ind!#try #pend# 1CCC ti"e# the "oney and re#o!r&e# de#troying "!#i&ian*# drea"# than they do de e%oping the". In addition' tr!#t that behind e ery "y#terio!# death in the "!#i& b!#ine## i# the prote&tion o$ thi# #i&- #e&ret. C!rio!#%y' o!t o$ a%% "y &opio!# ad ent!re# in the pro$e##iona% #ongwriting &ir&!it be$ore and in 8a#h i%%e o er the pa#t #i9 year# I on%y -now o$ one #!&&e## #tory @%i##a =oreno who wrote a Aa#&a% F%at# hit 2*>eryday3 with Je$$ery )tee%e. Je$$ery )tee%e i# a #!per #!&&e##$!% 8a#h i%%e #ongwriter $or too "any arti#t# to %i#t b!t %ot# o$ Rascal 1lats and Mont(o$ery Gentry. @%i##a and Je$$ wrote 2*>eryday3 at a 5uran(o Son( *)po' I wa# there that day and #aw the" #n!gg%ed on the piano writing. 7rior to @%%i#a writing the hit ;+ eryday; with Je$$ #he had #o"e o$ #!&&e## with getting her "!#i& in a $ew te%e i#ion #how# %i-e :The C3. )o perhap# #he wa# a%ready :in; be$ore #he wrote with Je$$. +ither way in the pa#t #i9 year# I ha e #een and "et a %ot o$ ery ta%ented peop%e' b!t thi# i# the on%y "a4or #!&&e## #tory o$ an :attendee; a# 13+B %i-e to &a%% !# at the#e e ent# that I -now o$. 1he ne9t ti"e yo! wat&h C=1 /Co!ntry =!#i& 1e%e i#ion0 or ,@C /,reat @"ei&an Co!ntry pay attention to the #ong writing &redit# and yo! wi%% #ee that the #a"e 4C writer# write 4!#t abo!t e erything' de#pite the "i%%ion# o$ #ongwriter# in the wor%d. 3ere i# a pi&t!re o$ @%i#a and Je$$ the day they wrote the Aa#&a% F%at# hit #Everyday$"

#llisa ' 8e!! Steele

Me ' #llisa

I %o e @%i##a and her "!#i& and I hope #he get# #!per $a"o!# $ro" being "entioned in thi# boo-. 1he greate#t thing abo!t @%i##a when #he wrote the hit 2*>eryday3 i# that #he did not ha e a p!b%i#her at the ti"e' whi&h "ean# #he wo!%d -eep 1CCE o$ her #hare o$ the roya%tie#. I re"e"ber ta%-ing with her abo!t thi#' and %ater I $o!nd o!t that #he #igned with a p!b%i#her' ba#i&a%%y gi ing away 5CE o$ the "oney that #he didn*t ha e too. Or perhap# #he did ha e too' a# that*# the way the b!#ine## wor-#. Intere#ting%y eno!gh' the #!""er $o%%owing the radio #!&&e## o$ 2*>eryday3 # @%%i#a #ent o!t an eJ"ai% to her $an# that #he went on trip that wa# a ery #%ohemian$ e9perien&e. One "ight in$er thi# to "ean #he wa# re&r!ited into 1he Lohe"ian C%!b( In whi&h &a#e' #he #o%d her #o!% at the pro erbia% &ro## road#. 1he Lohe"ian C%!b i# a ery pro"inent #e&ret #o&iety in the art# and entertain"ent ind!#try. Lohe"iani#" i# ery big on the De#t &oa#t. I #trong%y be%ie e "y #i#ter' a #!&&e##$!% te%e i#ion prod!&er i# a%#o a Lohe"ian.

@8B organi2ation that operate# in #e&re&y i# part o$ thi# horri$i& =a#oni& &ri"e again#t h!"anity' and the =or"on# are no e9&eption. 1i$$any Lee' a hard&ore =or"on $ro" )a%t La-e City in the pi&t!re be%%ow' wa# introd!&ed to "e by Ji" @ttberry who r!n# the 5uran(o Son( *)po. 1o "y #!rpri#e #he i""ediate%y be$riended "e and o er ti"e a&ti e%y tried to re&r!it "e into the =or"on te"p%e. 1i$$any wo!%d o$ten #ay #he &o!%d date "e on%y a$ter I 4oined the =or"on 1e"p%e. + en to date a gir% a# bea!ti$!% a# 1i$$any I wo!%d ne ert 4oin #!&h a wi&-ed organi2ation. Fir#t o$$ the Lib%e &%ear%y #tate# to ta-e no oath' #e&ond%y the =or"on 1e"p%e# are #!per #e&reti e indi&ating #o"ething e i% in#ide' third%y the =or"on initiation rit!a%# are the #a"e a#

the Free"a#on and #atani& &h!r&he#. La#t%y' it wa# a "ob o$ Ftah =or"on# who did the Mountain Meadows Massacre' were Lrigha" Bo!ng order the -i%%ing o$ o er 14C Chri#tian #ett%er# &o"ing into Ftah on )epte"ber 11' 1857. )e&ret #o&ietie# %o e the H11 b%ood #a&ri$i&e date $or "any rea#on#. @# with Lawnee and the #!b%i"ina% ,o%$ C>' "y e9Jwi$e and "y $a-e "arriage and "any other#' bea!ti$!% wo"en ha e been !#ed by #e&ret #o&ietie# again#t "e $or year#' and they are a%way# b%onde#.

Ti!!any @ee <Mor$on? 7ro$e##iona% #ongwriter# are paid to p!rpo#e%y p%ay with o!r "ind# and it i# a%% ery =a#oni&a%%y "ethodi&a%. I wo!%d %i-e to #ing%e o!t Ch!&- Cannon' who wrote a $ew 1oby Keith hit# %i-e 2+ow 5o ;ou @i"e Me ,ow3% Ch!&- Cannon*# bigge#t hit wa# 2I @o>e The 4ay ;ou @o>e Me3% I "et Ch!&- at the $ir#t >!rango )ong +9po in )anta Bene2' C@ in #!""er 2CC5. 3e had 4!#t $ini#hed a new re&ord &a%%ed 2God Shaped +ole3 whi&h ?!i&-%y be&a"e one o$ "y $a orite#. 1ho!gh I &o!%dn*t p!t "y $inger on it' there wa# a%way# a #trange $ri&tion between Ch!&- and I' the &o!p%e do2en or #o ti"e# we h!ng o!t..

Me ' Chuc" F Santa ;neP C# 200-

Chuc"6 Charity ' My Mo$ F ,ash>ille 200I

In #pring o$ 2CCH' when I #tarted to awa-e to the night"are o$ thi# who%e 8a#h i%%e "!#i& #&a" Ch!&- wa# one o$ the -ey $ig!re# who I #!#pe&ted ha ing #o"e #ini#ter e$$e&t on "y

#it!ation. @nd to "y #!rpri#e' on&e I $ig!red o!t how thi# !nba%an&ed hypnoti& "!#i& #t!$$ wor-#' I rea%i2ed that Ch!&-# re&ord 2God Shaped +ole3 i# 4!#t %i-e >on =&Lean*# 2Cincent3. Dritten and prod!&ed #pe&i$i&a%%y to atta&- and negati e%y a$$e&t ,od %o ing peop%e %i-e "y#e%$' and to engrain in o!r "ind# har"$!% a$$ir"ation#. 7erhap# it wa# &o""i##ioned #pe&i$i&a%%y $or "e. 1hi# wo!%d not #!rpri#e "e ha ing now !nra e%ed the i""en#e' e9pen#i e and e%aborate atta&- again#t "e by the "!#i& ind!#try and "y who%e %i$e by #e&ret #o&ietie#. Ch!&- Cannon wrote "o#t o$ God Shaped +ole with #lan Sha$blin a ery #!&&e##$!% Jewi#h #ongwriter in 8a#h i%%e that a%#o wrote =iranda La"bert# :The +ouse That Built Me3% Irroni&a%%y' "y "o"*# "!#i&ian $riend in John L!#-ey' who i# ery pop!%ar in =ary%and' &%ai"# @%an #to%e the &on&ept and $or :1he 3o!#e 1hat L!i%t =e; $ro" hi". @nyone that te%%# yo! the "!#i& b!#ine## doe# not #tea% e erything they &an i# -idding the"#e% e#. It*# a no ho%d# barred #it!ation. On :,od )haped 3o%e; Ch!&- K @%an wrote #ong# %i-e 2Poison3 with an e en and ba%an&ed &hor!# 2Pic" ;our Poison3<G? whi&h i# #!b%i"ina%%y p%ea#ing and engrain# addi&tion into the "ind' e#pe&ia%%y to a re&o ering addi&t %i-e "e. 21ro$ Bad To 4orse3 a!toJ#!gge#t# thing# getting wor#e and wor#e' whi&h i# not a po#iti e "e##age. 2I! I 4as 8esus3<-? @ $i e #y%%ab%e !nba%an&ed #ong "o&-ing Je#!#' whi&h 1oby Keith re&orded and re%ea#ed to radio. @%#o there i# a #ong abo!t prea&her who te%%# the tr!th on%y to end !p ho"e%e##. 3owe er' there i# one #ong &a%%ed 2Messes3<2? that i# #o a&&!rate to "y %i$e' I #erio!#%y #!#pe&t that it wa# written #pe&i$i&a%%y $or "e. 1o rea%%y p!t #o"e gra y on the bi#&!it' in @pri% 2CCH when I &a%%ed Ch!&- o!t on hi# parti&ipation in "y "!#i&a% de#tr!&tion ia =y)pa&e hi# re#pon#e# where arrogant' &o%d and $i%%ed with negati e a$$ir"ation#. In $a&t d!ring' and $or "onth# a$ter o!r =y)pa&e &on$rontation he %e$t thi# tag %ine on hi# #ite 2Three stone walls and iron bars$% 1hi# %ine i# $ro" hi# #ong 2Poison3. Ob io!#%y a!toJ#!gge#ti e o$ pri#on. whi&h i# one o$ the "o#t &o""on negati e a$$ir"ation# I get a%% the ti"e $ro" #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# %i-e "y ho"e @%ar" in#ta%%er#' Cab%e g!y#' $riend# and other #e&ret #o&iety adept# re%ent%e##%y intent on "y de"i#e. ,od b%e## yo! Ch!&-' yo! -now I #ti%% %o e yo! and I a" #orry I ha e to e9p%oit yo! %i-e thi# b!t I a" trying to #a e the who%e wor%d $ro" tyranny. I hope yo! !nder#tand. I a" 4!#t te%%ing the #tory a# I per&ei e thing#' and the proo$ i# not in "y word# b!t in Ch!&-*# #ong#. I hope thi# boo- #e%%# 8'CCC'CCC &opie# o$ 2God Shaped +ole3 and "a-e# Ch!&- a ri&h "an' be&a!#e e en tho!gh I #!#pe&t hi# re&ord wa# &reated $or "y de"i#e' 2God Shaped +ole3 ha# been one o$ the pi%%ar# o$ #trength whi&h got "e thro!gh the#e ery to!gh and %one%y ti"e#. I*d than- Ch!&- $or one %ine in parti&!%ar. #It!s written on your soul to rise above the crowd& yeah the angels sing your praises right out loud"$

5espite the subli$inal auto7su((esti>e ne(ati>ity still one o! $y !a>orite records% I #trong%y be%ie e that "any o$ the peop%e in o% ed in #abotaging "y writing and re&ording &areer' a%#o tried to gi e "e hint# at the #a"e ti"e. I be%ie e "any o$ the" they are e en "ore tired o$ thi# =a#oni& "anip!%ation than I a". 7erhap# now with thi# boo- a# the i&e brea-er' they wi%% &o"e $orward' #pi%% the bean# and he%p hea% o!r wor%d. >e#pite the $a&t that nobody e ery win# a Copy write %aw#!it #tee%ing #ong#' idea#' "e%odie#' &hord progre##ion#' per#ona%itie#' the"e# and &on&ept# i# &o""on pra&ti&e and a reg!%ar way o$ doing b!#ine## in the "!#i& ind!#try. In $a&t they don*t 4!#t #tea% #t!$$' they go o!t o$ their way to #tea% #t!$$' at %ea#t that wa# "y e9perien&e. In "y ad ent!re they a%#o "ade it appear that #ong# I wrote were being #to%en #o I wo!%d wa#te "y ti"e and "oney on %aw#!it# I &o!%d ne er win. @nything they &an do to di#&redit or e9i%e yo! o!t o$ the &reati e &o""!nity they wi%% and do. 1o te%% yo! the tr!th I don*t -now i$ the "!#i& ind!#try &reated an idea and "e%ody and then #ent $a-e $riend# o!t to write #ong# with "e in order to di#&redit "e or #et "e !p $or an !nwinnab%e &o!rt &a#e. Or' i$ they too- a #ong that a &o%%aborator and I had &reated di##e&ted and rearranged it 4!#t beyond the border# o$ p%agiari#". =y e9perien&e ha# #hown "e that they go both way# and !#e e ery po##ib%e ang%e to di#&o!rage' de#troy and di#tra&t peop%e $ro" entering and %earning abo!t the pre&ario!# predatory peri%# o$ the entertain"ent b!#ine##. I $ind it ery #!#pi&io!# that #ong# o$ "ine appear to ha e in$%!en&ed #o"e pretty big hit#' and that "y &oJwriter# 4!#t happened to ha e per#ona% &onne&tion# with the peop%e in the arti#t*# &a"p' %abe%# and p!b%i#her# that re%ea#ed the #i"i%ar #ong#. I a%#o $ind it #trange how the &oJ writer# on the #ong# in ?!e#tion were a%way# the $ir#t to point o!t the #i"i%aritie# in o!r #ong# to the #ong# &o""er&ia%%y re%ea#ed. 3owe er' tho#e &oJwriter# ne er #ee"ed to be a# &on&erned abo!t the p%agiari#" a# I. In $a&t' it #ee"ed "y &oJwriter# were a&ting a# "ore o$ a &ata%y#t to get "e to p!r#!e the p%agiari#t#' rather than a &on$idant wanting to 4oin "e in o!r $ight again#t the Copy write in$ringe"ent o$ o!r #ong#. Dhy wo!%d a prod!&er %i-e Aandy Cantor' who ha# #e era% pro$e##iona% #ong writing &redit#' bait "e by te%%ing "e hi# p!b%i#her wanted !# to write #pe&i$i&a%%y $or Miley Cyrus( =y &oJwriter Lei%ah 3ay"an and I wrote a #ong &a%%ed 2#>atar3 #pe&i$i&a%%y ba#ed on Aandy*# re?!e#t.

1he e iden&e o$ Aandy*# a# a ring %eader in the de#tr!&tion o$ The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' whi&h we wi%% e9a"ine in great detai%' i# o erwhe%"ing. It i# in&o"prehen#ib%e that he wo!%d a&t!a%%y try to he%p "y &areer by getting "y #ong# &!t. In $a&t' %ong a$ter I &on$ronted hi" on the de%iberate de#tr!&tion o$ 1he L%a&- )add%e#* pro4e&t and "y "!#i& &areer he #ti%% #ent "e eJ"ai%# that he wanted to write with "e. @t be#t' he wanted to write #o he &o!%d #tea% "y idea#' b!t in rea%ity it wa# probab%y 4!#t another #et !p' a# the atte"pt# to de#troy "e &ontin!e to thi# day. 3ere are a &o!p%e te9ted "e##age# with Aandy Cantor "onth# a$ter I had &on$ronted and di#a##o&iated with hi". One i# to in ite "e to write on =ay 6th 2CCH' when on =ar&h 22nd 2CCH I di#&o ered the &orr!ption on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' and &on$ronted a%% partie# in o% ed. @nother te9ted &a"e the e ening "y brother and I went into @oserAs on >e&e"ber 24th 2CCH' 4!#t to aggra ate =!#i& Aow by %etting a%% the &roo-# -now I wa# #ti%% aro!nd' that I -new the tr!th and wa# #ti%% ery pi##ed o$$ abo!t what they did to "y re&ord and #ongwriting &areer. O!t o$ the b%!e within 2C "in!te# o$ %ea ing @oserAs at 1261Ha" Aandy te9ted "e %oo-ing $or dr!g#. I hadn*t heard a peep $ro" Aandy in "onth#. On&e the #e&ret #o&ietie# para#ite# get into yo!r they ne er go away' da"n $ine %iar# I "!#t #ay.

May Hth 200/ #s"in( $e to son( write 5ece$ber 2Gth 200/ 7 12.1/a$ 7 #s"in( !or 5ru(s 1here i# not a #ongwriter a%i e that won*t agree that when the "o"ent o$ tr!e in#piration hit# yo! the &reati e $%ow o$ idea# &o"e #o ?!i&- and &%ear%y' they appear to be &o"ing $ro" 3ea en abo e. =any writer#' in&%!ding "e' wi%% te%% yo! that they &o"e $ro" ,od. =y e9perien&e a$ter writing in and aro!nd =!#i& Aow $or $o!r year# i# that the pro$e##iona% p!b%i#hing and #ongwriting #ide o$ the "!#i& b!#ine## i# &o"p%ete%y &orr!pt' !n#&r!p!%o!# and &annot be on ery good ter"# with ,od. 1here$ore I &an*t i"agine that ,od wo!%d be ery genero!# to "!#i& ind!#try in#ider# with #ong#' idea# and &reati ity. I$ it i# tr!e that #ong# &o"e $ro" ,od' and "any great writer# ha e pro$e##ed thi#' then 8a#h i%%e -now# where the good #ong# &o"e $ro". a#piring #ongwriter# %i-e "e who oo2e a %o e $or "!#i&. )o' it wo!%d on%y "a-e #en#e that they wo!%d e9p%oit thi#

re#o!r&e 4!#t a# the#e e i% #e&ret #o&ietie# e9p%oit e ery re#o!r&e on the p%anet. 1hi# i# the tr!e "eaning o$ &hi%dren*# #tory #The <oose That 'ays The <olden Eggs$ The Golden Goose theory &a"e to "e whi%e wat&hing Top Gun' the pro war =a#oni& training $i%" with 1o" Cr!i#e. )&iento%ogy by the way i# a #e&ret #o&iety whi&h wor#hip# L!&i$er. In Top Gun ,OO)+<76615<25<7/8e!tra%0 i# the "ora% &o"pa## and he die#' be&a!#e 1o" Cr!i#e or :=a eri&-;</4145HH32<37<1C/King0 or 5HHH5<Lad666Lad0 wa# not $o%%owing the r!%e#. @gain 13+B %o e to attra&t yo! thing# that are bad $or yo! %i-e the re&-%e## =a eri&-' be&a!#e 13+B want BOF dead. @nd i$ yo! re&a%% =a eri&- doe# not win 1op ,!n' IC+=@8</H35415<27<H0' the highe#t e i% n!"ber he i# the @C+<135<H and awarded 1op ,!n. )o the o era%% %e##on in Top Gun i# -i%% the ,o%den :,od%y; ,oo#e' p%ay by the r!%e# o$ a!thority' re&-%e## get# the gir%' and be &o%d a# i&e be&a!#e a%% that "atter# i# i&tory. I&e"an i# the per$e&t e9a"p%e o$ a heart%e##' r!th%e##' &a%&!%ating Free"a#on. It*# i"portant when de&iphering =a#oni& propaganda to ta-e a "!%tiJ%ogi#ti&a% approa&h at !nra e%ing their de&epti e "ethod#. 1. Cr!n&h the n!"ber# $or "eaning' pattern# and &orre%ation#. 2. Loo- $or #y"bo%i& "eaning in age o%d wi#do"' art and "yth. 3. Con#ider that the di er#ion "ay be "!%tiJ$a&eted I.+. #o!nd' &o%or' #y"bo%' n!"eri&a%' %ing!i#ti& et&. 4. Co"pare and &ontra#t yo!r $inding# and hypothe#i# a&ro## any and a%% genre I.+. =!#i&' $i%"' 15' boo-#' 1he Lib%e' $o%-%ore' new#' "y#ti&i#" and anything e%#e that "ight be o$ re%e an&e. 5. Ae"e"ber that thi# en&oded in$or"ation i# not $or tho#e who don*t -now' b!t training and &onditioning "ateria% $or tho#e who do. @# I wa# &onte"p%ating the word :,oo#e; I int!iti e%y &a"e to the rea%i2ation that the =a#on %e##on in the &hi%dren*# #tory :The <oose That 'ays The <olden Egg$ "ean# to #tea% the go%den egg# $ro" the ,od%y goo#e then -i%% it. 1he :,oo#e; being good g!y# and ga%# %i-e "e po!ring their heart and #o!% into &reati e endea or#' and the :,o%den +gg; being the ,%orio!# gi$t# and idea# that e ery on&e in a great whi%e ,od reward# hi# tr!e be%ie er# with. 1hi# i# e9a&t%y how the entertain"ent b!#ine## a&?!ire# ?!a%ity #ong idea#' %yri&#' "e%odie# and e erything e%#e that &o"e# $ro" p!re heart# that are &reati e $or a%% the right rea#on#. I a" not #pe&ia%' 8a#h i%%e #tea%# $ro" e eryone' and i$ they &an*t #tea% it' they de#troy it. )o the &at i# o!t o$ the bag on how to write a hit #ong' a%% yo! ha e to do i# write a $i e #y%%ab%e hoo- that wi%% get #t!&- in peop%e*# head# or a ba%an&ed %yri& abo!t #o"ething e i%' di#ea#ed or dead%y. 1h!# another pro erbia% &ro##road where one "!#t #e%% their #o!% to the de i% to #!&&eed in the "!#i& ind!#try. 7%ea#e -now that yo! &reate yo!r own rea%ity' #o when yo! &ho#e to &ro## the %ine by p!tting yo!r #e%$i#h de#ire# abo e the we%%being o$ other#' yo! ha e 4!#t #o%d yo!r#e%$ into a he%% that wi%% #%ow%y "ani$e#t with ea&h dirty deed yo! e9e&!te o er a %i$e ti"e' and when yo! die yo! wi%% be in the he%% yo! &reated. )o i$ yo! #ti%% want to be a :hit; #ongwriter' be "y g!e#t' now yo! -now the re&ipe. 7er#ona%%y' I wi%% wait !nti% the e i% &%ande#tine &aba% &r!"b%e# and goe# #traight to he%%. Oh yeah one "ore thing' yo! a%#o "!#t -now the :the"e; word to write aro!nd' b!t the on%y way to -now what thi# &on#tant%y &hanging word i# to again #e%% yo!r #o!% and 4oin the &e##poo% o$ #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag# in the "!#i& ind!#try. 1hi# :the"e; word i# why a $%!rry o$ #ong# &o"e o!t a%% with the #a"e topi&. 1he on%y one I e er -new abo!t $or #!re wa# :"!d;' b!t a# I !nder#tand thing# it &hange# ?!ite o$ten. 1hi# &o!%d a%#o 4!#t be a #"o-e#&reen %ie to &o er !p the rea% #e&ret o$ #ongwriting' #Abracadabra$" I #trong%y be%ie e that thi# :the"e; word &orre#pond# with whate er e i% in&antation or "anip!%ation the power# that be are indo&trinating into o!r "ind# #o that they &an in$%!en&e and

dire&t o!r rea%ity by in$%!en&ing o!r be%ie$#. I $ind it rather intere#ting that two big #ong# that &a"e o!t right be$ore the 8a#h i%%e $%ood were 24ater3 by Lrad 7ai#%ey and 2Rain is # Good Thin(3 by L!-e Lryan. 8ote 2Rain Is # Good Thin(3 4!#t hit n!"ber one J!%y 11th' and $or the pa#t two wee-# the )o!th +a#t ha# been getting rain e ery e ening #traight $ro" the ,!%$' whi&h ha# tra&e a"o!nt# o$ Core)it' the L7 oi% #pi%% di#per#e &he"i&a%. 1he rain the )o!th +a#t getting i# not a good thing. It*# poi#on. =y throat ha# a baby #orene## to it re&ent%y and "y &%ient who %i e# in 8ew Or%ean# te%% "e "any hi# $riend are getting #i&-. 1he L7 #pi%% wa# #i"p%y anther #adi#ti& p%an to -i%%# peop%e. 1he "o#t &o""on "ethod !#ed again#t "e by 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow wa# to #end in $a-e $riend# with #i"i%ar intere#t# a# "ine' "o#t%y &on#pira&y theori#t type#' to %!re "e into tro!b%e andMor "i%- "e $or idea# in the &a#!a% at"o#phere o$ $riend#hip. 1he#e $a%#e $riend# wo!%d then t!rn right aro!nd and de%i er o!r &on&ept#' &ontent and &onte9t to the writer#' p!b%i#her#' prod!&er# and arti#t# who prey on the inno&ent %i-e a"pire#. 1hi# i# how 13+B get the go%den egg# $ro" the goo#e. 8ot on%y were idea# #to%en dire&t%y $ro" o!r &o%%aboration#' the#e $a-e $riend# a%#o bro!ght idea# and "e%odie# to o!r writing #e##ion# that where deri ed $ro" pre io!#%y re%ea#ed or abo!t to be re%ea#ed pro$e##iona% #ong# with the #o%e intention o$ %!ring "e into VCopywrite In$ringe"ent %aw#!it#' de#igned in ad an&e to di#&redit "e' and "ore i"portant%y wa#te "y ti"e and "oney. 1hi# i# how 13+B -i%% the ,od%y goo#e. 1hi# i# a%#o why none o$ the writer# in o% ed' whi&h I a" abo!t to introd!&e to yo!' had any &on&ern# or pa##ion to p!r#!e the in$ringe"ent# whi&h were a%#o again#t the"' a# they &oJwrote the #ong#. Ae&ent%y another writer I -now to%d "e #he had heard thi# #a"e night"are happening to a writer $riend o$ her#' I a" #!re it happen# to e eryone. One o$ the $ir#t warning# I wi#h I wo!%d ha e heeded' that 8a#h i%%e operated pre&ario!#%y &a"e $ro"' @"anda Di%%ia"#' da!ghter o$ $a"ed #ongwriter Ki" Di%%ia"# who wrote &o!nt%e## hit# in&%!ding 2#inAt GoinA 5own Till The Sun Co$es 0p3 $or ,arth Lroo-#. the "o#t #!&&e##$!% &o!ntry #ong o$ a%% ti"e. I ha e a%way# been #!#pi&io!# o$ @"anda #in&e the $ir#t day I "eet her in )anta Larbara at 5uran(o Son( *)po ba&- in 2CC5. On the $ir#t night I "et @"ada we were o!t ha ing a #"o-e in the $ront o$ the hote% and #he tried to &on in&e "e that L!&i$er wa# the tr!e ,od o$ %ight. 1o thi# day I &an #ti%% #ee her %ip# "o e in #%ow "otion' a# I had a&t!a%%y had ne er "et anyone in "y %i$e who #o pa##ionate%y #aid #o"ething #o #ho&-ing%y #ini#ter. I now -now that a%% =a#on*# be%ie e L!&i$er i# the tr!e god. @"anda*# hone#t ad"i##ion way ba&- then #ho!%d ha e been "y warning to r!n. 8o wonder @"anda na"ed her da!ghter Li%ith the de"one## o$ in$erti%ity' !nabated %o e' pedophi%e &arni ore and #!ppo#ed%y @da"# $ir#t wi$e who %e$t the ,arden o$ +den to $orni&ate with @r&hange% )a"!e%. 1r!#t "e peop%e' there i# #o"e $rea-y # Di&&a &rap going on with the =a#on# who r!n 8a#h i%%e and =!#i& Aow. 1he $o%%owing year in 2CC6 I "et @"ada again at 5uran(o Son( *)po' and thi# ti"e I ga e her and her $riend @eilah +ay$an a ride $ro" L@P to )anta Larbara. Lei%ah*# "other i# 2Melanie3 the 1H7C*# pop #tart who had the hit 2Brand ,ew :ey <I (ot a brand new pair o! roller7s"ates?;. It*# abo!t a twoJho!r dri e $ro" L@ to )anta Bne2' and on the way we %i#tened to ea&h other# "!#i&. I p%ayed the hard ro&- a%b!" I "ade with "y o%d band Riot 4ater. I $o!nd @"anda and Lei%ah*# intere#t in "y "!#i& ?!ite $%attering. 7%ea#e -now that $%attery i# another &o""on tri&- !#ed to "anip!%ate peop%e a# it &a!#e# yo!r body to re%ea#e the #a"e &he"i&a%# a# $ear.

Later that e ening at the )anta Bne2 =arriott 3ote% @"anda introd!&ed "e to a ery ta%ented -id 4ill Cha$plin' #on o$ Bill Cha$plin o$ the band Chica(o. Di%% needed a p%a&e to #tay' e en tho!gh hi# $a"i%y ha# a ho!#e in )anta Larbara' #o I ga e hi" a -ey and %et hi" #tay in "y roo". In "y roo" that night @"anda' Di%% and I atte"pted to write a #ong b!t it rea%%y wa#n*t going we%%' being three #trong headed arti#t going in di$$erent dire&tion#' we had a hard ti"e $inding &ohe#ion. @# a #ideJ#hoot &on er#ation to o!r writing #e##ion I began to te%% the #tory i$ Je2ebe% the wi$e o$ @hab' -ing o$ I#rea% and how #he wa# a wi&-ed' #ha"e%e## whore o$ a wo"an. O!r #ong writing #e##ion ended !nprod!&ti e' then @"anda %e$t the roo" and Di%% and I went ba&- o!t to the p%ethora o$ #ongwriter# &aro!#ing abo!t the hote%. 1o "y #!rpri#e the ne9t e ening at the 5uran(o Son( *)poAs #ong writer# #how&a#e' a $o!rJho!r pre#entation o$ #ongwriter# who had #!b"itted #ong# "onth# be$ore the >!rango )ong +9po' and had been &ho#en to p%ay in $ront o$ the 3CC p%!# a!dien&e o$ a"ate!r attendee# and "!#i& ind!#try pro$e##iona%' @"anda went !p on #tage with two other #ong writer# $ro" 8a#h i%%e' :en 8ohnson and #ndy 9ac" to p%ay a new #ong they had written the night be$ore. 1o "y #tart%ing #!rpri#e the #ong wa# abo!t #=eBebel$" I wa# heartbro-en' not that they too- "y idea and wrote a great #ong' b!t that I wa# not gi en e en the #%ighte#t bit o$ &redit. Other than a &a#!a% &o""ent to @"anda' Ken and @ndy I didn*t "a-e a big dea% o$ thi# #in&e I wa# the new g!y trying to get "y $oot into the b!#ine## o$ #ongwriting. I wa# a%#o #ti%% %i ing in 8ewport Lea&h Ca%i$ornia and #erio!#%y &on#idering "o ing to 8a#h i%%e. I $ig!red one idea wa# a #"a%% pri&e to pay to retain their $riend#hip#.

Me ' #$anda 4illia$s

Me ' #ndy 9ac"

#ndy 9ac" ' :en 8ohnson

@# $ar a# I -now the :Je2ebe%; #ong ne er a"o!nted to anything' b!t I do be%ie e Ken John#on p!t it on one o$ hi# re&ord#. 3owe er there ha e been a &o!p%e o$ "y #ong# that appear to ha e "y#terio!#%y "!tated into big radio hit# and the &oJwriter# who I wrote the#e #ong# with' 4!#t happen to ha e &%o#e per#ona% re%ation#hip# with arti#tW#' p!b%i#herW# or re&ord &o"pany*# &a"p o$ &r!#ader# on =!#i& Aow. I do not -now whether the#e #ong*# were written by "y &oJwriter# and I' then p%agiari2ed. Or i$ "y &oJwriter# bro!ght the e##en&e o$ #ong# in ?!e#tion to the writing #e##ion with the intention o$ di#&rediting "e and &oer&ing "e into wa#ting ti"e and "oney p!r#ing %aw#!it#. @%% I &an #ay po#iti e%y i# that there i# de$inite%y a &orr!pt &onne&tion o$ &reati ity between the#e hit #ong# and #o"e o$ the #ong# "y &oJwriter# and I wrote. In "y opinion it went both way#' #ong#

were p%agiari2ed and "ateria% wa# de io!#%y bro!ght into o!r writing #e##ion in an e$$ort to en#nare "e' b!t a# a%way# ,od ha# "y ba&- and i$ yo! are reading thi#' 13+B are now the one# who are &a!ght in the noo#e. Ti$ +ellard i# a ery ta%ented writerMarti#t $ro" Kent!&-y who I "eet thro!gh #$anda 4illia$#% 1i" and I wrote a #ong &a%%ed :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 on 11J11J2CC6. 1hat i# #o wi%d' I 4!#t %oo-ed !p the date we wrote that #ong on 11611. 11611 i# the !ni er#a% n!"ber o$ @D@K+8I8, in tr!e n!"ero%ogy. @nyhow' the $o%%owing year on 6M26M2CC7 a #ong &a"e o!t on the radio 2100T Cowboy3 by 8ason Meadows with #!#pi&io!#%y #i"i%ar %yri&#. Ja#on =eadow# wa# #e&ond r!nner !p on 2,ash>ille Star3 in 2CC5. It wa# Ti$othy Blair Salter /Initia%# 1L) %i-e 1he L%a&- )add%e#' &oin&iden&e(0' another &oJwriter and g!itar p%ayer in The Blac" Saddles who &ontin!o!#%y pointed the #i"i%aritie# o$ 2Rednec"3 and 2100T Cowboy3 o!t to "e. 1i" )a%ter ha# a h!ge hand in the de#tr!&tion o$ T+* B@#C: S#55@*S pro4e&t' he &o"e# $ro" a %ong %ine o$ Fraterna% Order 7o%i&e in 3o!#ton 1P. Le%ow yo! $ind that it i# &%ear to #ee that one o$ the#e #ong# &a"e $ro" the other. )in&e I on%y wrote ha%$ o$ the #ong' I ha e to ta-e 1i"*# 3e%%ard*# word $or it that he didn*t p%agiari2e 8ason Meadows #ong. 1i" 3e%%ard pro"i#ed "e that not on%y did not borrow $ro" 2100T Cowboy3. he didn*t e en re&a%% e er hearing the #ong' whi&h ha# to be tr!e be&a!#e 8ason Meadows #ong &a"e o!t #e en "onth# a$ter we wrote 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3% 1i" 3e%%ard i# one o$ the be#t writer# I ha e e er written with and o!r #ong :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 i# "!&h better writing te&hni&a%%y than 8ason MeadowAs. In $a&t #o"e o$ Ja#on*# %yri&# don*t e en "a-e #en#e. Dhoe er wroteMp%ageri2ed 2100T Cowboy3 #ee"# to #tr!gg%e with the #a"e word# and &on&ept# 1i" and I wrote in 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3% 1hi# in&ident wa# %ong be$ore I di#&o ered the &orr!ption in 8a#h i%%e' and at the ti"e I wa# the $!rthe#t thing $ro" #!#pi&io!#.

Me ' Ti$ +ellerd <Illu$inated +orns? & CRS 200/ E Te)ted Ms( 1ro$ Ti$ K$as 200/ In @pri% 2CCH I &on$ronted 1i" on hi# parti&ipation in the &orr!ption o$ The Blac" Saddles and "y "!#i& &areer pro4e&t and in$or"ed hi" o$ a%% the #ini#ter #t!$$ I had di#&o ered abo!t #ongwriting and the "!#i& b!#ine##. 3e %i-e e eryone e%#e #aid I wa# :&ra2y;. I had not ta%-ed with 1i" prior to the o!t o$ the b%!e te9t "e##age abo e #in&e @!g!#t 2CCH. 1hi# te9ted &a"e in

the day a$ter the @oserAs in&ident when Randy Cantor te9ted o!t o$ the b%!e a#-ing $or dr!g#. It*# now J!ne 3C' 2C1C and I ha e not heard a peep $ro" 1i" 3e%%ard #in&e thi# te9ted >e&e"ber 2CCH "e##age. Dhi&h i# not that #trange be&a!#e +5+ABO8+ I -new $ro" 8a#h i%%e and the "!#i& b!#ine## #&attered %i-e ant# when I began aware o$ the &orr!ption. Le%ow are the %yri&# to "y and 1i" 3e%%ard*# #ong 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"; and then the %yri&# to 2100T Cowboy3 by Ja#on =eadow#. 7%ea#e noti&e the ?!a%ity o$ writing' 2Rednec"Us3 #ongwriting &ra$t#"an#hip i# "i%e# abo e 2100T Cowboy3 1hi# %ead# "e to be%ie e that 2100T Cowboy3 i# the &opy&at #ong' b!t I &an*t pro e it and nobody in 8a#h i%%e i# ta%-ing. @%% I &an #ay i# they are ery #i"i%ar. I do re"e"ber "eeting Ja#on =eadow*# #e era% "onth# prior to hi# 2100T Cowboy3 re%ea#e at a 3ory 7ro $i#h $ry in their par-ing %ot in 8a#h i%%e. @t that ti"e a de"o o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 that 1i" 3e%%ard' >ere&- )tien#on/1i"*# g!itar p%ayer in 1i"*# band 2Su(ar Cane3? "ade in "y ho"e #t!dio had been gi en to #e era% peop%e in 8a#h i%%e' in&%!ding "e per#ona%%y handing it to the pre#ident o$ Bro"en Bow Records 7a!% Lrown' who %o ed it. 1i" 3e%%ard a%#o re&orded a #t!dio er#ion in 8a#h i%%e with Lret =a#on on g!itar' #o 2Rednec"3 de$inite%y "ade it# way aro!nd =!#i& Aow. La#t%y' p%ea#e note that that 8ason Meadows i# on the #a"e %abe% a# Taylor Swi!t' thi# i# i"portant a# yo! wi%% #ee in a "in!te. )o &he&- o!t the#e %yri&# a #ee what yo! thin-( S ; 0 4#,,# B* # R*5,*C: Ly 1i" 3e%%ard K ,J)tone/=e0 Dritten 11J11J2CC6

)o yo! wanna be a redne&-( ,ot&ha John >eer hat Le%t b!&-%e #ay# 7a#b#t' )-o%% ring on the ba&-R po&-et o$ yo!r Dang%er 4ean#. Catapi%%ar 1J#hirt' 3an- Jr. Con&ert# >eer h!ntin* e9pert' Frontin* in yo!r new Aed Ding#. L!t yo! don*t -now what it "ean#T I ro%% !p "y #%ee e# when there*# "o!th# to $eed' @ hard wor-ing "an i# a dying bread 1he#e o%* boot# they ain*t $or #how' I don*t get paid i$ the &rop# don*t grow. 8ow yo! got yo!r#e%$ a hi&- pro$i%e' L!t it*# "y %i$e not a %i$e#ty%e. C%othe# don*t by yo! no re#pe&tT )o yo! wanna be a redne&-( /Lord Aedne&-0 Fi#h hoo- on the bi%%' 8e er owned a rod and ree% 8e er #een a %i?!or #ti%%' Or had a #hot' o$ grandaddy p!re grain =ar%boro wet %ippin' Landit po!&h p!## dippin* Lite beer n!r#e #ippin' 7 >iddy %ine dan&ing $oo% Bo! o!tta be a#ha"edT C!2 yo! don*t -now what it "ean#(

Ao%% "y #%ee e# !p' got to earn and hone#t b!&@nd -eep it o!t o$ po erty pain Dee- to wee-' &he&- to &he&-' "a-in* #!re end# are "et I$ they ain*t I*" to b%a"e 8ow yo!r daddy bo!ght yo! a brand new tr!&Aebe% $%ag a%% 4a&- !p It #ti%% don*t get yo! no re#pe&t. )o yo! wanna be a redne&-( /Lord Aedne&-0 De%% I a" !p at dawn' down on the $ar"' L!#ting "y ba&- ti%%# the day%ight# gone Feedin* "y -id#' $ood $ro" the gro!nd' @nother $a"i%y hand "e down. )o thin- abo!t thi# ne9t ti"e yo! dre##' Dhat yo! got on i# "y )!nday be#t @nd it #ti%% don*t get yo! no re#pe&t. )o yo! wanna be a redne&-( /Lord Aedne&-0 )o that i# 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 whi&h yo! &an #ee i# abo!t #poi%ed wanna be po#er# a&ting %i-e they are redne&-# and &owboy#. 8ow &he&- o!t Ja#on =eadow*# 2100T Cowboy3 and 4!dge $or yo!r#e%$ whi&h #ong &a"e $ro" whi&h( In addition to the entire &on&ept and the aggre##i e &o!ntry ro&- #ty%e being e9a&t%y the #a"e' other than Ja#on @%den*# 2+ic"town3 there rea%%y weren*t any hard ro&-in' ?!i&- de%i ery &o!ntry #ong# o!t when we #tarted #hopping 2Rednec"3 aro!nd 8a#h i%%e in Jan!ary 2CC6. )e en "onth# be$ore 2100T Cowboy3 wa# re%ea#ed. I a" going to high%ight the %yri&# in ?!e#tion #o yo! &an #ee how #i"i%ar the#e two #ong# are. @%#o be #!re to &ro## re$eren&e the #ong# and de&ide who #aid it better' not to "ention Ja#on*# #ong doe#n*t e en rhy"e or $%ow in rhyth". 100T C 4B ; Ly Ja#on =eadow# JAe%ea#e 6J26J2CC7 I don*t &%ai" to be John Danye' Aiddin &ro## that #i% er #&reen I ain*t that pi&t!re in yo!r head' @%% the#e "odern day wanna be*# I*" 4!#t pro!d that I &an #ay' I don*t wear thi# hat 4!#t $or #how or $a"e @nd i$ yo! don*t %i-e who I a"' Bo! got "o""a' daddy and good Lord to b%a"e' @"en I*" a #traight !p' no 4o-ing' b!&- -ni$e' g!n totting ,i e yo! the #hirt o$$ "y ba&-. De*%% I*" !p at the &ra&- o$ dawn' wor- ti%% the #!n# gone I ain*t got ti"e $or no &rap. 8o I*" not one o$ the" po#ing pretty boy# I*" an e ery day' a%% the way 1CCE &owboy

I* e a%way# t!&-ed "y #hirt in' I* e &rea#ed "y Drang%er 4ean# @nd I don*t do it &a!#e it*# who #o"body #aid I o!tta be Beah when I*" %yin in that o%d pine bo9 @nd a%% "y $a"i%y i# gather aro!nd 1hey*%% #ay there goe# a dying breed' #i9 $eet in the gro!nd. 8o I*" not one o$ the" po#ing pretty boy I*" an e ery day' a%% the way 1CCE &owboy @ &o!p%e other detai%# to noti&e whi&h appear to be &on&ept!a%%y ta-en $ro" o!r #ong i# the #=oking$ a# we were "a-ing $!n o$ the po#er' and the h!nting the"e with the #buck knife& gun toting$ whi&h wa# apparent%y in#pired by o!r #1eer +unting$ %ine. I %a!gh a %itt%e when I read Ja#on 2100T Cowboy3 be&a!#e it*# ob io!# that the &on&ept' e9a&t word# and o&a% de%i ery were dire&t%y %i$ted $ro" 2Rednec"36 in addition #o"e o$ Ja#on*# %ryi&# a%"o#t "a-e noJ#en#e or are 4!#t #t!pid. For in#tan&e6 #I don!t wear this hat for show or fame$ nobody #ay# that' they #ay #boots$" @%#o #I!ve creased my *rangle jeans$ that doe#n*t #o!nd %i-e a &owboy to "e' #o!nd# %i-e a po#er wanna be. Bo! be the 4!dge be&a!#e 2100T Cowboy3 "ade a ni&e &h!n- o$ &hange' whi&h in "y opinion be%ong# to 1i" 3e%%ard and "e. In @!g!#t o$ 2CCH' 1i" 3e%%ard a$ter "onth# o$ #!#pi&io!# ab#en&e &a%%ed "e to te%% "e that he heard another one o$ o!r #ong# 2Cowboy :ryptonite3 had been reJwritten by #o"e other writer#' and that +ory Pro Publishin( wa# intending to pit&h it to Geor(e Strait% On&e again I $ind it #trange be&a!#e the origina% &on&ept o$ 2Cowboy :ryptonite3 wa# 1i"*#' he didn*t #ee" to be a# &on&erned abo!t it a# I wa#. I #!#pe&ted he wa# 4!#t &he&-ing $or 3ory 7ro to #ee i$ I rea%%y a&?!ired the 1rade"ar- $or :Cowboy Kryptonite;' whi&h I did. I ha e heard nothing :Cowboy Kryptonite; #in&e.

Trade$ar" !or 2Cowboy :ryptonite3

2Cowboy :ryptonite3 @adyAs Shirts

3owe er a' ery pop!%ar #ong that "ay ha e been in$%!en&ed by 2Cowboy :ryptonite3 i# Carrie 0nderwoodAs 2Cowboy Casano>a3 written by Bret 8a$es who 4!#t happened to be writing o er at Randy CantorAs ho!#e whi%e Aandy wa# "i9ing The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' whi&h in&%!ded o!r re&ording o$ 2Cowboy :yrptonite3. Loth #ong# ha e ery #i"i%ar "oti e# on%y the "a%e and $e"a%e ro%%# are $%ipJ$%opped' with a ery #i"i%ar tit%e#' b!t &o"p%ete%y at odd# in e9e&!tion. I e en ga e Lret Ja"e# a Blac" Saddles #hirt the day I #aw hi" at Aandy*# writing. I had "eet Lret be$ore at the 5uran(o Son(writers *)po. On%y 8a#h i%%e -now# $or #!re i$ any o$ the#e #ong# are re%ated' b!t they #!re #ee" $i#hy to "e. I grew !p on the De#t Coa#t in )o!thern Ca%i$ornia and had the p%ea#!re o$ e9perien&ing $ir#t hand and in per#on the e9p%o#i e &reati ity o$ arena ro&-' g%a" ro&-' gr!nge' te&hno' new wa e' a%ternati e' hip hop' rap' reggae and p!n- ro&-. 1hi# ha# had a dire&t e$$e&t on "y "!#i& and #ongwriting. I p!rpo#e%y &a"e to 8a#h i%%e to try and $!#e the raw energy o$ thi# "!#i& with the $ine%y &ra$ted #ongwriting #-i%%# o$ &o!ntry "!#i&' whi&h i# why I na"ed "y p!b%i#hing &o"pany at L=I 1on O$ Lri&-# =!#i&. I a%way# -new I wo!%d hit 8a#h i%%e %i-e a 1on o$ Lri&-#' I 4!#t ne er i"agined it wo!%d be %i-e thi#. )tay t!ned be&a!#e thi# ta%e 4!#t -eep# getting &ra2ier. One o$ the peop%e I bonded with at the >!rango )ong +9po# and had a &on#i#tent #ongwriting regi"ent with wa# @eilah +ay$an. Lei%ah*# "other i# Melanie the 7C*# pop #tar with the hit #ong 2Brand ,ew :ey3% @%#o her $ather Sche"ery"' had #o"e re#pe&tab%e #!&&e## in the 7C*# prod!&ing ro&- a&t# and Melanie.


n The 8ohnny Cash Show Me ' @eilah +ay$an F ,ash>ille F 200I

1hro!gho!t 2CC7 Lei%ah wo!%d &o"e to "y ho"e in Lrentwood' 15 "in!te# $ro" downtown 8a#h i%%e and =!#i& Aow' on 1h!r#day# to #ong write. Donder$!%%y' #he wo!%d !#!a%%y ha e "e%odie# witho!t word# ready to go' whi&h wa# great be&a!#e word# are "y #trong point. 1ogether Leh%ia and I wrote #o"e rea%%y great #ong#' one in parti&!%ar wa# &a%%ed 2 >er #nd >er3 whi&h we wrote on J!ne 21#t' 2CC7. It wa# a $re#h b%end o$ pop &o!ntry' )o!thern Ca%i$ornia a%ternati e and #appy teenage gir% %o e ang#t. 1hi# wa# pretty "!&h indi&ati e o$ a%% the #ong# Lei%ah and I wrote. >oe# thi# #o!nd %i-e anyone*# "!#i& yo! -now who*# rea%%y pop!%ar the#e day#( I hired :i$ Copland' "y de"o prod!&er' the one who #erendipito!#%y #"a#hed her )F5 in Aandy Cantor "y re&ord prod!&er on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' to prod!&e the 2 >er #nd >er3 de"o. Lei%ah and I pa##ed thi# #ong aro!nd 8a#h i%%e and got a %ot o$ great $eedba&-. De were pit&hing it $or +anna Montana' a# Lei%ah had a &onta&t a )ony who %o ed the #ong. @%#o' Lei%ah reported ba&- "!%tip%e ti"e# that @iP Rose' who #!ppo#ed%y wrote "!&h o$ Taylor Swi!tAs "!#i&' %o ed what we were writing and wanted to write with Lei%ah. 1hing# %oo-ed pretty good $or 2 >er #nd >er3 to be re&orded' or at %ea#t we had a $oot in the door to write. @ $ew "onth# %ater Taylor Swi!t e9p%oded onto the "!#i& #&ene with her #ong 2Ti$ McGraw3' and then e9p%oded with 2 ur Son(3 $o%%owed !p by 2@o>e Story3. Lei%ah wa# the $ir#t to &a%% "e and te%% "e that her yo!ng da!ghter# pointed o!t to her that the "e%ody and &hor!# o$ 2@o>e Story3 wa# ery #i"i%ar to o!r #ong 2 >er #nd >er3' a# we%% a# it ha ing the #a"e the"e o$ a #ong Lei%ah had written on her own &a%%ed 2Cinderella3% 3one#t%y' I didn*t rea%%y hear the #i"i%aritie# in the "e%odie# o$ 2 >er ' >er3 in 2@o>e Story36 b!t I tooLei%ah*# word $or it #in&e #he &a"e !p with a "a4ority o$ the "e%ody. I did howe er #en#e a rea% &%o#e $ee% to the %yri&a% de%i ery whi&h wa# intere#ting%y &%o#e to 2 >er #nd >er3' b!t nothing &on&rete eno!gh to "a-e a $!## o er.

1he #trange thing wa# that Lei%ah' had been te%%ing "e abo!t her intera&tion# with the g!y at )ony and @iP Rose $or "onth#' b!t #he didn*t #ee" to be intere#ted in p!r#!ing the po##ib%e #ong the$t' e en tho!gh the &%o#e#t &onne&tion to 1ay%or*# #ong 2@o>e Story3 wa# Lei%ah*# 2Cinderella3' #o I didn*t p!r#!e it either. 1hen in #pring 2CCH when I di#&o ered that The Blac" Saddles had been a #abotage' I rea%i2ed e eryone I had been re&ording and writing "!#i& with were #&rewing "e o er. 8e9t Taylor Swi!t &a"e o!t with 2;ou Belon( To Me3<-? whi&h wrea-ed o$ "y and Lei%ah*# writing #ty%e. It had a ery #i"i%ar $ee% to a%% o!r #ong# and the #a"e the"e o$ a #ong we had &ra$ted &a%%ed 2#>atar3 abo!t a high #&hoo% %o e a$$air. 1hi# ti"e I &a%%ed Lei%ah and to%d her that Taylor Swi!tAs "!#i& #ee"ed to be para%%e%ing o!r# in ibe' #tory and $ee% ery &%o#e%y' #o I in?!ired in "ore detai% abo!t her intera&tion# with @iP Rose. 1o "y #ho&- and #!rpri#e Lei%ah denied e er e en "eeting @iP Rose' whi&h threw "e $or a %oop' be&a!#e "y gir%$riend Charity who wa# o$ten at the ho!#e when Lei%ah and I wrote a%#o re"e"ber# "!%tip%e hope$!% #torie# abo!t @iP Rose %i-ing what Lei%ah and I were writing. I ?!i&-%y rea%i2ed' %i-e the in&iden&e with :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 K :Cowboy :ryptonite3 it wa# another #et !p. L!t the big di$$eren&e thi# ti"e aro!nd wa# %i-e the &hi&-en and the egg' I don*t -now i$ the "e%odie# that Lei%ah bro!ght to "y ho!#e &a"e $ro" Taylor Swi!tAs #ong#' whi&h wo!%d be #trange be&a!#e they hadn*t been re%ea#ed yet' or i$ 1ay%or*# #ong# &a"e $ro" o!r#. @t thi# point it rea%%y didn*t "atter be&a!#e I -new there wa# #o"ething $i#hy abo!t the who%e @iP Rose and Lei%ah re%ation#hip. 1hen a# i$ thing# &o!%dn*t get any #tranger Charity and I went o!t to The Bluebird /13+ p%a&e to #ee pro$e##ion #ongwriter# in 8a#h i%%e p%ay %i e0 and 4!#t happened to &at&h @iP Rose p%aying in a writer# ro!nd. I had no idea Li2 wa# going to be there. Aight when @iP Rose #tarted to p%ay "y b%ood began to &!rd%e' be&a!#e @iP Rose #traight !p #!&-ed. )he wa# horrib%e' that i# when I #trong%y #!#pe&ted $o!% p%ay. I$ @iP Rose wrote Taylor Swi!tAs #ong#' I a" a "on-ey*# !n&%e. I -now I ha e on%y been #t!dying #ong writing $or abo!t $o!r year# pro$e##iona%%y' b!t I a" ery #"art and I ha e #t!died with #o"e o$ the be#t #ongwriter# 8e!! Steele6 :i$ 4illia$s6 Chuc" Cannon6 Chris @indsey6 Bi( #l6 Bob 5ePiro6 @eslie Satcher6 +illary @indsey6 4alt #ldrid(e6 8ason Blu$e6 Crai( 4eis$an6 5ou( 8ohnson and a b!n&h "ore. I -now what a pro #ongwriter #o!nd# %i-e and !p &%o#e at the Blue Bird Ca!V Li2 Ao#e ha#n*t got what tho#e $o%-# got. I wo!%d be ery &!rio!# to #ee what e%#e Li2 ha# written #in&e. On top o$ that Taylor Swi!t &an bare%y #ing a# pro en by her ,ra""y per$or"an&e with Ste>ie ,ic"s. I -now eno!gh abo!t "!#i& to #ay that there i# a #%i" &han&e in he%% that Taylor Swi!t and @iP Rose wrote a%% Taylor Swi!tAs "!#i& witho!t #tea%ing idea# and a who%e %ot o$ he%p. On&e yo! !nder#tand how di$$i&!%t i# to write a great #ong' e en $or the be#t writer#' yo! wo!%d rea%i2e that the type# o$ "e%odie#' &ra$t#"an#hip and bri%%ian&e in Taylor Swi!tAs "!#i& &o!%d not be &reated by the #!bpar "!#i&a% ta%ent# o$ @iP Rose or Taylor Swi!t. It*# 4!#t another big $at =a#oni& %ie p!#hed onto the p!b%i& to "a-e %itt%e gir%# be%ie e that 1ay%or wrote a%% that "!#i&.. Taylor Swi!tAs $ather i# a big ti"e wea%thy =a#on and 1ay%or i# a Free"a#on &reation to ra%%y the =a#oni& yo!th with her 13*#<4/=a#on0 and 54*#<H/54 i# the 3ighe#t Fnba%an&ed + i% 8!"ber Co"bination0 painted on her hand# and her &%othing.

@ &o!p%e #erendipito!# thing#6 Taylor Swi!t ha# a #ong on her re&ord 2Stephen3<1257855<33 whi&h i# another =a#oni& re$eren&e to a 33* >egree =a#on' and the g!itar 1ay%or #%ept with in the :Tear 5rops n My Guitar3 ideo i# a Taylor 5oyle 5y"esA #ignat!re "ode%. It i# a ery rare g!itar and I 4!#t happen to own one. It*# the g!itar I write a%% "y #ong# on' ery #trange. I# it po##ib%e that thi# too wa# a%% #taged be&a!#e 13+B -new I wa# going to be the one to e9po#e thi# hi#tori&a% =a#oni& &ri"e again#t h!"anity( I don*t -now' b!t #o"ebody doe#.

Taylor Swi!t wE 5oyle 5y"es Guitar

My 5oyle 5y"es

Me ' 5oyle 5y"es

@nother intere#ting twi#t to thi# who%e Taylor Swi!t #aga i# the who%e ti"e that 8esse 2:eith3 4hitley and I were wor-ing together he wo!%d te%% "e #torie# o$ hi# per#ona% erba% &on$rontationa% en&o!nter# with Taylor Swi!t at the "a%%' b!#ine## o$$i&e# and ba&- #tage at the Grand lA pry. Je##e a%#o #aid that he and 1ay%or !#ed to be good $riend# and then #he t!rned into a bit&h a$ter #he "ade it. Ironi&a%%y tho!gh' when yo! %oo- at Je##e Dhit%ey*# new =y)pa&e page he di#p%ay# Taylor Swi!t a# a $riend and e en hype# hi# re%ation#hip with her into hi# bio. I a" #!re it wa# a%% 4!#t part o$ the p%oy to de#troy and di#&redit "e.

L!t the #tory get# better a# we #tart to e9p%ore the "oti e#' re%ation#hip# and bribe#. 1he one &o"pany that #!rro!nd# "y entire ta%e o$ terror i# Taylor Swi!tAs re&ord &o"pany Bi( Machine Records' a# they ha e way too "any per#ona% &onne&tion# with "y "i#ad ent!re# in 8a#h i%%e. 1he "o#t re&ent being a new #ong by J!#tin =oore &a%%ed 2Bac"woods3 whi&h #o!nd# in %yri&' rhyth" and attit!de an aw$!% %ot %i-e 1i" 3e%%ard*# #ong 2Southern 1ried3 "i9ed with 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 and another #ong o$ "ine 2Sweet Southern ,i(hts3% :Bac"woods3 wa# written by 8ere$y Sto>er who prod!&ed 5aniel Pec" on Calory Music Group a #!b %abe% !nder Bi( Machine Records% Jere"y i# another a&?!aintan&e o$ "ine $ro" 5uran(o Son( *)po who ha# heard "o#t o$ "y "!#i&. @nd o$ in =a#oni& $a#hion 8ustin MooreAs #ong i# an #AbracadabraA5@$ &hor!# to twi#t o!r brain 2 ut in the Bac"woods3<-? 2 ut In The +ollar3<-? Ditho!t a do!bt the %yri&a% de%i ery o$ the er#e# i# !ndeniab%y $ro" 1i" 3e%%ard# #ong 2Southern 1ried3% J!#tin =oore*# $ir#t hit wa# 2S$all Town 0S#3<-? a%#o #abracadabra$" I too- the pi&t!re on the %e$t' noti&e Jere"y gi ing "e the I%%!"inated :3orn#;.

8ere$y Sto>erE8ason SellersEShannon ,eeseE8ulie ,ewton Me #lissa Moreno 8ere$y Scoot Borchetta i# the pre#ident o$ Bi( Machine Records<-? and Calory Music Group. )&ott &a"e $ro" )o!thern Ca%i$ornia and the#e are both #!b %abe%# o$ 5rea$4or"s% >rea"Dor-# o$ &o!r#e i# 5a>id Ge!!en6 who i# a -now "e"ber o$ the 3o%%ywood gay "a$ia' the inner power &ir&%e o$ the De#t Coa#t entertain"ent b!#ine##. 3ere*# where e erything #tart# to &o"e together' no p!n intended. 8e!! lde' "y #i#ter SuPanne GladstoneAs e9Jb!#ine## partner' i# a rainbow wa ing "e"ber o$ the 3o%%ywood gay "a$ia. )!e and Je$$ had a te%e i#ion prod!&tion &o"pany together in Lo# @nge%e# and #he a%#o wor-ed $or hi" o$$ and on at MTC ' C+1 a# a prod!&er. 7retty "!&h e ery te%e i#ion #how on C+1 i# e9e&!ti e prod!&ed by Je$$ O%de. In 2CC8 o!t o$ the b%!e' "y #i#ter*# o%d $riend $ro" C+1 Claire McCabe wa# #ent o!t $ro" C+1 to CMT/Co!ntry =!#i& 1e%e i#ion0 in 8a#h i%%e' to #!ppo#ed%y r!n their rea%ity te%e i#ion de e%op"ent. I "et C%air at CMT #hort%y a$ter #he &a"e to 8a#h i%%e and we went to %!n&h' where #he in#in!ated that they were %oo-ing at @orrie Mor(an to do a rea%ity #how. Coin&ident%y' Je##e Dhite%y abo!t $o!r "onth# ear%ier hinted at the #a"e thing. I now rea%i2e

thi# wa# a%% a #&a" to en&o!rage "e to #in- "ore "oney into The Blac" Saddles and 8esse 4hitley. C%air and I did not -eep in &onta&t at a%%' b!t in 8o e"ber 2CCH "y #i#ter &a"e to i#it and we a%% went to %!n&h. )trange%y' in =ar&h 2CCH when we tried to go to radio with the #abotaged "i9 o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 C%air &a%%ed "e o!t o$ the b%!e and a#-ed i$ I had an entertain"ent "anager' and #!gge#ted I get one. It wa# 4!#t' another %ie to en&o!rage "e to wa#te "ore "oney. @t the e9a&t #a"e ti"e >a e @ron wa# in 8a#h i%%e de#troying The Blac" Saddles re&ord at *ast Iris Studios% C+16 MTC6 1 K and International +u$anities Center were in o% ed in a $inan&ia% #&a" in "y bro-erage b!#ine## de#igned to get "e -i&-ed o!t o$ the $inan&ia% b!#ine## $or !n#o%i&ited trading and "oney %a!ndering. Fn$ort!nate%y $or the"' I &o"p%ete%y !nJ$oi%ed their #&a" $ro" the #tart and reported it a%% a%ong the way to the $inan&ia% a!thoritie#. b!t in tr!e =a#oni&MI%%!"inati $a#hion it wa# &o ered !p by the SC* <Securities *)chan(e Co$$ission?6 ,#S56 1I,R# and The 0nited States Treasury 5ept. 1hi# $inan&ia% deba&%e i# the S1 rea#on nobody I na"e in thi# boo- wi%% &o"e o!t again#t "e' be&a!#e the $i#h I &an $ry i# way bigger than anyone in the entertain"ent b!#ine##. I &an pro e beyond a do!bt that entire ban-ing #y#te" in the Fnited )tate#' and the wor%d $or that "atter' i# &o"p%ete%y &ontro%%ed #e&ret #o&ietie#. @%#o that @LL #e&ret #o&ietie# are @LL part o$ the #a"e &ri"ina% L!&i$arian &!%t whi&h i# o er#een by the I%%!"inati and i"p%e"ented by the Free"a#on#. I$ I had to g!e## who had the power' po#ition and "oti e to be the top ring %eader o$ the entire entertain"ent &o!p again#t "e I wo!%d #ay it wa# 8e!! lde a ery power$!% e9e&!ti e at 531 K =15. Je$$ had #&rewed "y #i#ter o er on e ery te%e i#ion pro4e&t they did together' and at a party at hi# ho"e in 3o%%ywood a $ew year# ba&-' I &a%%ed hi" on it. 8ow yo! -now why "y own #i#ter i# trying to ha e "e &o""itted to a "eta% $a&i%ity' e en #he i# in on thi# &aba% again#t "e. 1hi# pi&t!re be%ow i# the night I &a%%ed 8e!! lde o!t on hi# #&rewing o er "y #i#ter' whi&h "y #i#ter wa# none to p%ea#e abo!t. 8either wa# Je$$ I g!e##.

8e!!As @o>er




Scott Borchetta F Bi( Machine Records

La&- to Bi( Machine Records and Scott Borchetta /@n Ita%ian I%%!"inati0. In addition to the Taylor Swi!t hoop%a between 8esse 4hitely6 @eilah +ay$an and @iP RoPD Bi( Machine i# the re&ord &o"pany behind the te%e i#ion #how' Can ;ou 5uet on whi&h Scott Barcheta i# a%#o a &e%ebrity 4!dge. 3ere*# where thing# get ery intere#ting @eilah +ay$an "ade it onto Can ;ou 5uet with her #i#ter' b!t did not progre## ery $ar. @nother &oJwriter o$ "y Tony Geor(e who wa# the $ir#t per#on I "eet on "y initia% i#it to 8a#h i%%e in @!g!#t 2CC5 wa# a%#o on Can ;ou 5uet with hi# d!et Geor(e Blac"' "ore on 1ony in a "in!te. 1he bigge#t Bi( Machine red $%ag o&&!rred right a$ter I $ig!red o!t that the who%e 8esse 4hitely and The Blac" Saddles wa# a%% a #ha" to wa#te a%% "y "oney and di#&redit "e in o% ed Bi( Machine re&ording arti#t Steele Ma(nolia' who &oin&ident%y won Can ;ou 5uet. I wa# at a party at 8an *dwardsAs ho!#e' a %ady I had &oJwritten with on&e or twi&e' who I had "et by introd!&tion $ro" "y #ong writing $riend $ro" 5uran(o Son( *)po6 8ay Morley. 1he #a"e Jay who p!t "e in to!&h with 8ay Cern at 8ayAs place where "y $ir#t "y de"o 2God Bless The 0S#3 wa# #abotaged. @nyhow at thi# party I "et 8osh 8ones and Me(han @insey #oon to be the winner# o$ Can ;ou 5uet' !nder the na"e Steele Ma(nolia/50. 1hi# wa# a $ew "onth# be$ore that #how in 2CCH. Jo#h and =eghan p%ayed at Jan*# party and I tho!ght they were pheno"ena%. Jo#h and I hit it o$$ right o!t the gate and he &a"e o!t to "y +#&a%ade to hear #o"e o$ The Blac" Saddles "!#i&' whi&h he %o ed e en tho!gh they were "y r!$$ "i9e#. I to%d Jo#h he and =eghan had #o"ething great going' b!t I wa# o erwhe%"ed with The Blac" Saddles $ia#&o. O er the ne9t $ew wee-# Jo#h &a%%ed "e aggre##i e%y trying to get "e to prod!&e he and =eghan' b!t ha ing di#&o ered that the entire Blac" Saddles dra"a wa# a &a%&!%ated p%oy to de#troy "e I ?!i&-%y #en#ed that Jo#h wa# !p to the #a"e. Jo#h a%#o re"inded "e a %ot o$ "y dead &onJarti#t I%%!"inati $riend +ollywood 8oe' #o I wa# #-epti&a% o$ Jo#h $ro" the #tart. I -now Jo#h and =eghan won*t be happy to hear thi# #tory' b!t I a##!re yo! had we gotten in o% ed' they wo!%d ha e ne er won Can ;ou 5uet' be&a!#e Bi( Machine wo!%d ha e been happier #eeing "e #pending "y ti"e and "oney on Jo#h K =eghan. )o be#t o$ %!&- to Steel Ma(nolia' a# Jo#h and =eghan are 4!#t abo!t the two "o#t tr!%y ta%ented $o%-# I ha e "et in 8a#h i%%e.

8osh ' Me(han 7 Steel Ma(nolia

It appear# to "e that an entry #%ot into rea%ity te%e i#ion #how# wa# &o"pen#ation $or peop%e*# in o% e"ent $or #&rewing "e o er. #$anda 4illia$s a%#o got a #hot on ,ash>ille Star where 8ason Meadows &a"e $ro"' b!t didn*t "a-e it 8ow %et "e rea%%y b%ow yo!r "ind' be&a!#e thi# i# where thi# Free"a#on #hit get# rea%%y weird. Late in the e ening on =ay 7th 2C1C at 1C61Hp"<H11/13+B p!rpo#e%y pi&-ed the ti"e0' I wa# po%i#hing thi# &hapter and had 4!#t arri ed at thi# paragraph abo!t 8an *dwards' Steel Ma(nolia ' Can ;ou 5uet' whi&h wa# a tota% "e##. I wa# pretty tired #o I #topped to &he&- "y eJ"ai%# and 1aceBoo" on "y Iphone. Aight when I did' 8an *dwards' who I ha e not heard $ro" #in&e )!""er 2CCH when I #ent her an eJ"ai% abo!t the #et !p with Steele Ma(nolia at her ho!#e party' #ent "e a re?!e#t to be $riend# on Fa&eLoo-. Aight when I &a"e to her na"e in the paragraph. Ob io!#%y' thi# #yn&hroni2ed ti"ing wa# a #&are ta&ti& %etting "e -now that 13+B are #o"ehow reading e erything I a" writing e en tho!gh "y &o"p!ter i# not &onne&ted to the internet. O!t o$ a 8CC page boo- /1hi# "!#i& boo- 2 ccupy ,ash>ille3 i# 4!#t one &hapter $ro" the origina% 8CC page boo- I wrote &a%%ed 2Pre>entin( Sin(ularity3. Jan +dward#* i# "entioned on&e in 8CC page# and I get a 1aceboo" re?!e#t the e9a&t "in!te I &o"e to her na"e' when I ha en*t heard $ro" her in H "onth#( I a" te%%ing yo! $o%-# thi# non#en#e doe# not #top' and it*# #o beyond &ri"ina%' it*# #adi#ti&' &r!e% and #!pernat!ra%. 3ere are the Fa&e Loo- photo# $ro" that e ening.

8an *dwards

May I6 2010 10.-Hp$

,e)t Mornin( May J6 2010

It*# i"portant to re"e"ber I 4!#t wo-e !p to a%% thi# on &ra2ine## =ar&h 22nd' 2CCH' #o thi# #t!$$ i# a# new to "e a# it i# to yo!. One o$ the rea#on# I a" writing a%% thi# o!t i# to he%p "e $ig!re how a%% thi# &%ande#tine =a#oni& "anip!%ation wor-#. )in&e then it*# ta-en a %ot o$ "editation' re&o%%e&tion' going thro!gh a!dio and ideo' note#' pi&t!re#' date# and other #t!$$ to pie&e thi# p!22%e a%% together and $ig!re o!t "any o$ 13+IA tri&-# and ta&ti&#. I re"e"ber the e9a&t "o"ent when the entire #abotage #ongwriting with $a-e $riend# #!dden%y be&a"e &%ear to "e. On Febr!ary 1#t 2C1C' I wa# dri ing ho"e $ro" 1e9a# to 8a#h i%%e' whi&h i# a %ong dri e and ga e "e p%enty o$ b!tt ti"e to thin- abo!t a%% thi# in#anity. ,ret&hen Di%#on*# 2+ere 1or The Party3<-? &a"e on the radio and a# I %i#tened to her %yri&#' it a%% &a"e to "e in a $%a#h o$ &%arity how the who%e #ongwriting e#&apade# were e9e&!ted by "y &oJwriter# to di#&redit "e and atte"pt to %!re "e into %aw#!it# I &o!%d ne er win.

One o$ the %a#t #ong# I wrote be$ore ?!itting #ongwriting' d!e to a%% thi# &orr!ption' wa# with "y g!itar p%ayer in The Blac" Saddles' 1i" L )a%ter/1L)0. I wa# a #ong tit%ed 2Taste ! ;esterday3<-?. @# I wa# %i#tening &%o#e%y to ,ret&hen Di%#on*# 2+ere 1or The Party3<-? I rea%i2ed that 1i" had p!rpo#e%y dire&ted o!r #ong 2Taste ! ;esterday3<-? to "irror 2+ere 1or The Party3<-?% I di#tin&t%y re&a%% 1i" in#i#ting on a $ew #pe&i$i& %ine# whi&h #o%idi$ie# "y theory that the#e &oJwriter# &a"e to "y ho!#e with prepared "ateria% #pe&i$i&a%%y ai"ed at #etting "e !p. Ti$ Salter wa# in on The Blac" Saddles #abotage p%an $ro" the #tart. I "et 1i" thro!gh 4ill Cha$plin6 who I "et thro!gh #$anda 4illia$s. @nyhow' 1i" wa# a%way# bro-e b!t he p!#hed "e to pay Ki" Cop%and to de"o 2Taste ! ;esterday3<-? and he pi&-ed !p ha%$ the &o#t U4CC. Knowing that 1i" wa# in on "y #abotage the who%e ti"e' and aware o$ the $a&t that 8a#h i%%e wa# trying to de#troy "e' why wo!%d he in e#t hi# own "oney in a de"o he -new wo!%d ne er get &!t. 1he on%y an#wer i# 1i" wa# trying to %!re "e into another #ongwriting %aw#!it. I #trong%y #!#pe&t the a%b!" he "ade in &o%%ege "ay ha e been hi# &o"pen#ation' it*# tit%ed. 2#nd To My Surprise3<-? :abra&adabra;. 1he pi&t!re on the right i# at an @)C@7 S1 award party $or Geor(e StraitAs #ong 2Gi>e It #way3<G? ba%an&ed &hor!#' b!t abo!t di or&e. ,eorge a%#o #ing*# the &hor!# #=ust <ive It Away$<-0 . I won a toa#ter and 1i" won a %a"p #igned by the #ong writer# 8a$ie 8ohnson ' Buddy Cannon. 1he#e ite"# are a&t!a%%y $ro" 8a$ie 8ohnsonAs di or&e. 3owe er in @pri% o$ 2CCH when I di#&o ered a%% the &orr!ption again#t "e I to##ed the toa#ter and a%% "!#i& "e"orabi%ia o!t a# I didn*t want anything to do with the "!#i& b!#ine##' e#pe&ia%%y the per#ona% property o$ peop%e I -now to be Free"a#on# a# Free"a#onry i# #atan wor#hip.

Ti$As 1inal ProOect #t Ber"ley Music 8a$ie 8ohnson


Buddy Cannon


It*# i"portant to note I on%y #tarted %i#tening to &o!ntry "!#i& in 2CC5 when I began attending the 5uran(o Son( *)pos' #o I a" not hip to e ery #ong or arti#t. @nyhow' I re"e"ber in per$e&t detai% #itting on "y !pper de&- at "y ho"e in Lrentwood writing 2Taste ! ;esterday3 and 1i" baiting "e with the #tory %ine by #!gge#ting ery #t!pid %yri&# $or o!r #ong. 3e wo!%d then #it #i%ent a# I tho!ght deep%y to &o"e !p with the 4!#t the right %ine. Bo! "ight thin- it &ra2y b!t I a" &on in&ed at that "o"ent 1i" wa# tran#"itting %yri&# into "y

head' It i# thi# e9a&t Ae e%ation that ha# %ead the way to a%% o$ "y di#&o erie# abo!t how Free"a#onry rea%%y wor-#. Li#tening to ,ret&hen*# 2+ere 1or The Party3 I rea%i2ed 2Taste ! ;esterday3 wa# the #a"e &on&ept' attit!de and #tory' b!t I -now $or a $a&t now that ,ret&hen*# #ong wa# written and re%ea#ed be$ore I e en #tarted %i#tening to &o!ntry. )o"ething abo!t the way ,ret&hen #ang her %ine #I wear my jeans a little tight$ &a!#ed the %ight to go o$$ in "y head and I new po#iti e%y that 1i" )a%ter g!ided !# to write a d!p%i&ate 2+ere 1or The Party3% 1he opening %ine' whi&h 1i" in#i#ted on whi%e writing o!r #ong' wa#. #(he took the pliers! out Bip up them tight jeans$" Dith e erything that had happened between 2CC5 and 2C1C I wa# high%y #!#pi&io!# that "y &oJwriter# had #et "e !p' and now with thi# pre#&ient e9perien&e I -new it $or #!re. On&e again I wo!%d %i-e to than- the =a#on# $or #ending in another d!"b a## %i-e 1i" )a%ter to try and #!&-er "e. 1he high power Free"a#on are a%way# to big o$ &oward# to &o"e the"#e% e# #o they a%way# #end in the roo-ie#. )ti%% ro%%ing a%ong on "y %ong dri e $ro" 1e9a# I &are$!%%y re$%e&ted on a%% "y writing #e##ion# with a%% "y #!#pe&t &oJwriter# and I &%ear%y re"e"bered in e ery writing #e##ion# the#e writer# #!gge#ting ha%$ a## idea#' then ?!iet%y waiting $or "e to &o"e !p with the %ine. 1here i# not a do!bt in "y "ind that thi# i# what %ed to o!r #ong# being #i"i%ar to the #torie# I #hared with yo! ear%ier. I &%ear%y re"e"ber in e ery #ong I ha e e er written what %ine# and part# &a"e !p with and what the other writer &a"e !p with. 1he on%y ?!e#tion I ha e %e$t now i# how did they get the %ine# to pop into "y "ind( >o the#e peop%e a&t!a%%y ha e the abi%ity to p!t tho!ght# in o!r "ind#( I #!#pe&t that they do' and it*# high%y %i-e%y that whi%e I wa# &on&entrating #o hard to &o"e !p with the per$e&t %ine' they were &on&entrating to te%epathi&a%%y p!t it in "y "ind. I -now that #o!nd# &ra2y' b!t I wa# there and I &an*t #ee any other way it &o!%d ha e happened. 1he $o!r writer# I -now $or a $a&t thi# o&&!rred "!%tip%e ti"e# with are Ti$ Salter6 @eilah +ay$an6 Ti$ +ellard and Tony Geor(e% 1he on% e9&eption# are 2100T Cowboy3 and 2Bac"woods3 whi&h I a" near%y po#iti e &a"e $ro" :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"36 2Sweet Southern ,i(hts3 ' 2Chic"en 1ried36 whi&h 1i" 3e%%ard and I de$inite%y wrote $ir#t. L!t then again 1i" 3e%%ard i# a Free"a#on #o who -now#. One ery intere#ting #ide #tory on Tony Geor(e' abo!t #i9 "onth# be$ore I di#&o ered the who%e Blac" Saddles #&a"' =e' Charity' 1ony and hi# now e9Jwi$e 1ina were o!t drin-ing at @oserAs' and 1ina "ade the #trange#t &o""ent abo!t their $ar"' "oney and "e. I didn*t &at&h e9a&t%y what #he #aid' b!t I &o!%d te%% #he wa# pi##ed at "e $or #o"ething abo!t "oney. 8ow %oo-ing ba&- I &an*t he%p b!t wonder i$ the $ar" 1ony p!r&ha#ed had #o"ething to do with "e' a payo$$ perhap#. @%ong the #a"e %ine#' at the end o$ The Blac" Saddles $ia#&o 8essie :eith 4hitley bo!ght a ho!#e. I$ thi# #tory e er goe# anywhere I wo!%d %o e to do #o"e $inan&ia% a!diting a# I high%y #!#pe&t peop%e were getting paid to #&rew "e o er.

Ti$ SalterETony Geor(eE Me



Tony ' Tina

Tony on his !ar$

I had not heard $ro" 1ony #in&e thi# in&ident' and then in Jan!ary 2CCH he #ent "e an eJ"ai% that he got #igned to write with Randy Boudreau and had hi# own o$$i&e on =!#i& Aow. Charity and I went to "eet with 1ony ,eorge and he had a great #inger with hi" who 1ony #aid he wa# "anaging. 1he #inger wa# wearing the =a#oni&MI%%!"inati )aint# %ogo on hi# ne&-%a&e. 1ony wa# trying to %!re "e into prod!&ing thi# g!y' then I d!g into 1ony abo!t a%% the &orr!ption and how $!&-ed =!#i& Aow wa# and ?!e#tioned hi" on hi# in o% e"ent. 8eed%e## to #ay I ha en*t heard $ro" 1ony #in&e. 3owe er' 4!#ti&e ha# been #er ed a# 1ony %o#t hi# wi$e' $a"i%y and $ar". Lad thing# happen to peop%e who #&rew "e o er. In the pi&t!re be%ow pi&t!re on the right i# one o$ the ni&e#t g!y# yo! wi%% e er "eet in 8a#h i%%e' *arl Bud @ee. 3a e yo! heard o$ hi"( +ar%*# i# one o$ the "o#t "e##ed !p #torie# I ha e e er heard &o"e o!t o$ =!#i& Aow in 8a#h i%%e. *arl Bud @ee i# the g!y who wrote the bigge#t &o!ntry #ong e er whi&h wa# re&orded by ,arth Lroo-#' "aybe yo!* e heard it( #)riends In 'ow 0laces$A5@ +ar% got #&rewed o!t o$ hi# p!b%i#hing on thi# #ong and a%% the "oney went to &roo-#' %iar# and &heat#. =y be#t g!e## i# that #)riends In 'ow 0laces$ ha# ea#i%y "ade o er U1C'CCC'CCC do%%ar# and &o!nting. +ar% get*# none o$ it' e en tho!gh hi# na"e i# %i#ted a# the writer. Loo- it !p' it i# the tr!th. 1o "a-e "atter# wor#e the 8a#h i%%e po%i&e :a&&ident%y; -i%%ed hi# #on. De%&o"e to the rea% 8a#h i%%e.

Me6 Carley ' *arl Bud @ee

3ere*# one "ore $or a%% the &o!ntry $an#. Bi(7,7Rich6 Musi" Ma!ia and 8ohn Rich. I ha e to bring the#e g!y# !p be&a!#e r!"or ha# it their big hit :Sa>e # +orse6 Ride # Cowboy3 wa# written and #to%en $ro" a writer# wor-#hop that 8ohn Rich ga e. Let*# &r!n&h #o"e n!"ber#. Bi(<2H7<18<666 ,<5 Rich<HH38 or 2H/H110<11<2 a%% together Bi(<H ,<5 Rich<2 <16< 7/=a#oni& ,0 Or Lig<H Rich<11< H11 and ,<5 whi&h "ean# bad $or yo!. In #y%%ab%e# =!#i-<2 =a$ia<3 #o3#bracadabra3% Or =!#i-<431H2<1H /Co"panie# a&ti e in :1he ,reat Dor-; a-a H110 noti&e the #pe%%ing with a XK;. @nd =a$ia<416H1<21<3' #o =!#i- =a$ia<13. John Ai&h i# a ery ta%ented "!#i&ian and writer' b!t witho!t a do!bt hi# #!&&e## &a"e $ro" hi# =a#oni& &onne&tion#. 3i# #ong 2Tearin( 5etroit 5own3<-? i# a 4o-e #in&e the =a#on# are re%ated to the I%%!"inati ban-ing &arte%# that de#troyed "an!$a&t!ring in @"eri&a. @%#o hi# bigge#t hit 2@ost In The Mo$ent3<-? i# o$ &o!r#e a $i e #y%%ab%e# #abracadabra$" 1r!#t that the#e na"e# are we%% tho!ght o!t' and it*# a%% a## -i##ing to the pyra"id #tr!&t!re o$ power.

Me ' 8ohn Rich 2+orns3 200J

Illu$inatiE1ree$ason Power Structure

I e%e&ted to not p!r#!e %itigation on any o$ "y #ong# or "!#i& #in&e the who%e 8a#h i%%e #y#te" i# de#igned to #&rew arti#t %i-e "e e ery whi&h way they &an. I wo!%d 4!#t go bro-e $ighting the &orr!pt #y#te". 1hi# who%e boo- i# "y te#ti"ony a# I per&ei e and re&o%%e&t the in&iden&e#. I a" writing a# &%o#e to probabi%ity and per#ona%ity to pro ide other and arti#t "y per#pe&ti e #o that it "ay he%p the" to re#ear&h their own "i#$ort!ne# in the "!#i& b!#ine##. It*# i"portant to note that I #!#pe&t that "any o$ the p%ayer# in thi# p!22%e' and "o#t #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# are brainwa#hed to the point where they per$or" de iant d!tie# $or the e#tab%i#h"ent and are &o"p%ete%y !naware that they are being !#ed a# pawn#. I rea%%y don*t ai" to point $inger# at e en the g!i%tie#t party or #ee- reta%iation. I 4!#t want the "!#i& b!#ine## and the wor%d to get on with e o%!tion and %i e in 1r!th K Lo e. )ho!%d any reta%iation &o"e $ro" the peop%e or partie# "entioned in thi# partia% e9a"ination o$ "y "i#ad ent!re# in the "!#i& wor%d' the %ogi&a% %ega% ang%e $or "e wi%% be to p!r#!e with the Ai&o @&t and other organi2ed &ri"e %aw#' whi&h #tate that a%% partie# are g!i%ty o$ a%% &ri"e# &o""itted by a &on#pira&y or i%%ega% organi2ation. 8ot to "ention that #in&e the entire ba#i# o$

#e&ret #o&ietie# i# ba#ed on di#&ri"ination o$ nonJ"e"ber# it open# !p a who%e other &an o$ wor"# with re#pe&t to hate &ri"e# and h!"an right# io%ation#. 1o a%% "e"ber# o$ the#e #e&ret #o&ietie#' high or %ow' inno&ent or aware %et !# %et byJgone# be byJgone# and a%% &o"e together to pea&e$!%%y en%ighten the "a##e#' $or e en with the tota% &ooperation $ro" tho#e tr!%y in &ontro%' o!r &han&e# o$ awa-ening the wor%d pea&e$!%%y are ery #%i". )ti%% o!r &han&e# are better than the i%%!"inati*# p%an o$ tota%itariani#"' whi&h i# #!re to t!rn to re o%t and the &o"p%ete de#tr!&tion o$ the h!"an ra&e thro!gh &i i% war. 1hi# i# rea%%y what the head o$ the #e&ret #o&ietie# want' a# yo! #aw in @%bert 7i-e*# %etter to =an&ini 2Three 4orld 4ars3 1o wrap !p thi# #ongwriting &hapter I wo!%d 4!#t %i-e to #ay the wor#t part o$ thi# who%e re e%ation i# it "a-e# "e ?!e#tion "any o$ the great #ong# I wrote with %ot# o$ other writer#. >id I tr!%y write the#e #ong#( Or were they a%% pre io!#%y written' "odi$ied and #!b%i"ina%%y #!gge#ted or te%epathi&a%%y p!t into "y "ind by "y &oJwriter#. I$ they were then that pro e# thi# #Abracadabra$ di#tra&tion #t!$$ doe# "ore than 4!#t pre ent !# $ro" "editating and &onne&ting' it a&t!a%%y doe# pro ided the di#tra&tion ne&e##ary #o that peop%e &an te%epathi&a%%y p!t tho!ght# into o!r head# or wor#e &ontro% and in$%!en&e o!r be%ie$# and beha ior. 1here i# a %ot o$ proo$ that h!"an# &an &o""!ni&ate te%epathi&a%%y' a# o!r brain# $!n&tion 4!#t %i-e any other e%e&tri&a% de i&e. I #trong%y be%ie e the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# !#e the nat!ra% h!"an abi%ity o$ te%epathy a%% the ti"e again#t indi id!a%# and the "a##e#. I ha e e9perien&ed it and I -now it to be $a&t' "y g!ard i# now !p and I hope yo! be%ie e thi# eno!gh to -eep yo!r g!ard !p too. Oh "y $riend# we are 4!#t getting #tarted' than- yo! $or reading thro!gh. 11611


n Music Row

Chapter 4 @# yo! &an in$er I ha e a bone to pi&- with 8a#h i%%e' be&a!#e I &a!ght the" red handed de#troying and derai%ing "y #ongwriting &areer and a ro&-ing &o!ntry re&ord I wrote and prod!&ed &a%%ed #More %ang )or Yur %uck$ by The Blac" Saddles with 8esse 2:eith3 4hitley a# %ead #inger. 7!t yo!r #eat be%t# on $o%-# a# I ta-e yo! on "y wi%d ride down =!#i& Aow in 8a#h i%%e and #hare with yo! 4!#t a $ra&tion o$ the de#tr!&ti e detai%# I end!red and a" #ti%% end!ring. 1he ery $ir#t de"o I re&orded in 8a#h i%%e wa# at 8ayAs Place with Jay 5ern on 16th #treet at the $ar end o$ =!#i& Aow. I wa# introd!&ed to 8ay Cern by 8ay Morley who I "eet thro!gh Crai( 8ones o$ the Roland Music Corp at the 5uran(o Son( *)po. In @pri% o$ 2CCH whi%e wa-ing !p to the #abotage again#t "e in the "!#i& b!#ine## and on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t I went ba&- and e9a"ined "y ear%y de"o#. 1o "y a"a2e"ent "y $ir#t de"o# were a%#o $i%%ed with intentiona% da"age by Jay 5ern. Dhen I &a%%ed Jay =or%ey and &on$ronted hi" on hi# in o% e"ent in "y de"i#e Jay #aid #I was delusional because of drugs& which is a common accusation from these secret society liars$"

8ay Morley ' Me F St% Patric"As 5ay B71I7200J F My Birthday F Copper Mtn C

8ayAs Place on 1Hth #>e

8ayAs Place Inside

8ay CernAs 4ritin( on 4a>e !iles C5

#=ayDs 0lace is owned and operated by keyboardistLarrangerLproducer =ay .ern" =ay produces a wide variety of independent performers and songwriters as well as the cream of ashvilleDs music scene" <arth %rooks& Trisha Yearwood& 'one (tar& <retchen *ilson& =o 1ee Messina& 'onnie Mack& Rick 1erringer and Marc Alan %arnette are just some of the artists who have recorded with =ay" =ayDs 0lace offers some of the best demo pricing on ashvilleDs historic Music Row" %asic full band song demoDs start at MC65"FF per song& including bass& drums& guitars& keyboards& arrangement and ; hours of studio time" 0ianoLvocal and guitarLvocal demos are also available 1he origina% Da e $i%e di#- $or 2God Bless The 0S#3 di#- with Jay 5ern*# writing on it &ontain# a%% o$ the intentiona% a!dio da"age. It i# &!rrent%y %o&-ed in a #a$ety depo#it bo9. 1he error# on thi# di#&' in the#e Da e $i%e are &on&%!#i e e iden&e that Jay 5ern*# da"age wa# intentiona%. 1he#e ear%y de"o*# pro e that thi# organi2ed #e&ret #o&iety &o!p again#t "e wa# in e$$e&t be$ore I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e' in $a&t I now -now it ha# been in e$$e&t "y who%e %i$e.

Le%ow are 4!#t #o"e o$ the de%iberate de#tr!&ti e te&hni?!e# Jay 5ern !#ed on "y de"o 2God Bless The 0S#3 at hi# #t!dio 8ayAs Place. I a%#o re&orded two other #ong#' 2Belie>e3 and 2#ni$als3' b!t I ha e not yet gone thro!gh tho#e wa e $i%e#' b!t it*# #a$e to a##!"e we wo!%d $ind #i"i%ar de%iberate de#tr!&tion. On the %ead g!itar tra&-# the a!dio inp!t #igna% wa# inter"ittent%y interr!pted %ea ing b%an#pot# in the "o#t &r!&ia% part# o$ the %ead g!itar ri$$# "a-ing editing o!t the error# i"po##ib%e and the g!itar %ead# !#e%e##. Bo! &an #ee the #igna% &!t o$$ in the a!dio wa e $or"# on the %ead g!itar tra&-# $ro" 2God Bless The 0S#3 in the#e photo*# be%ow.

Picture o! @ead Guitar Si(nal bein( interrupted in 2God Bless The 0S#3 1he dr!"# were ery poor%y re&orded and the o erhead# had #!&h a %ow !nba%an&ed #igna% they are !n!#ab%e. 8oti&e in thi# pi&t!re how !nba%an&ed the o erhead tra&-# are re&orded by the di$$eren&e in the #i2e o$ the a!dio tran#ient#. 1hi# iew o$ the tra&- ha# been e9panded' a# the a&t!a% re&orded #igna% wa# #o wea- it wa# a thin %ine. @ wea- #igna% &a!#e# and in&redib%e a"o!nt o$ hi## and noi#e i$ yo! try to in&rea#e or &o"pre## it# %e e% to b%end it into the o era%% "i9' "a-ing it !#e%e##.

2God Bless The 0S#3 0nbalanced

>erhead 5ru$ Trac"s

1he "o#t ob io!# #abotage and the !%ti"ate proo$ that a%% thi# de#tr!&tion wa# de%iberate i# when Jay 5ern t!rned o$$ the :C%i&- 1ra&-;/+%e&troni&a%%y ,enerated C%i&- 1o Keep =!#i&ian# In 1i"e0 at the end o$ 2God Bless The 0S#;' &a!#ing a%% the "!#i&ian# to %o#e a &o""on ti"e and ea&h dri$t $o!r di$$erent dire&tion# at the end o$ the #ong. I re"e"ber when I #ang the r!$$ o&a% 4!#t a$ter tra&-ing the #ong at 8ayAs Place that the ending wa# a %itt%e #trange' b!t thi# wa# "y ery $ir#t de"o in a rea% #t!dio and I tho!ght it wa# 4!#t "e. + en a$ter ho!r# o$ 7ro 1oo%# editing' #tret&hing and ti"e &o"pre##ion I ha e #ti%% been !nab%e to %ine !p the ending o$ thi# #ong proper%y. 1he pi&t!re# be%ow &%ear%y #how where the :&%i&-; wa# t!rned o$$ by Jay 5ern be$ore the "!#i&ian# got to the end o$ the 2God Bless The 0S#3%


!! 7 K

*nd o! Son( 7 K

1ull Ciew o! *nd o! Son(

)in&e not ery "any peo%e rea%%y -new "e on =!#i& Aow when I did "y $ir#t de"o# at 8ayAs Place I ha e to a##!"e that thi# i# 4!#t #tandard operating pro&ed!re in the "!#i& b!#ine##. 8ayAs Place wa# on%y U4CC a #ong #o I wa#n*t e9pe&ting "!&h' b!t I ne er #!#pe&ted $o!% p%ay. 3owe er' The Blac" Saddles re&ording and "i9ing &o#t# were o er U1CC'CCC and I got the #a"e treat"ent $ro" #o"e o$ the bigge#t pro$e##iona%# in the b!#ine##. For anyone who ha# e er &!t de"o# or re&orded in 8a#h i%%e I high%y re&o""end that yo! get a &opy o$ the a&t!a% 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion#' or at %ea#t the indi id!a% tra&-# and &%o#e%y e9a"ine the" $or intentiona% $%aw#. I wi#h I ne er had to write thi# boo- a# it i# no $!n reJ%i ing the he%% I went thro!gh trying to :"a-e it; in 8a#h i%%e. Ja#on @%den ha# a new #ong o!t &a%% 2CraPy Town3 whi&h depi&t# the #tr!gg%e to "a-e it in 8a#h i%%e. they #ho!%d ha e &a%%ed it 2Corrupt Town3% @nd o$ &o!r#e the &hor!# on 2CraPy Town3 i# 2ItAs # CraPy Town3/50 on&e again :abra&adabra;. In 8a#h i%%e I &ontin!ed to #t!dy #ongwriting and attend a# "any "!#i&a%%y ed!&ationa% e ent# a# I &o!%d' whi%e di%igent%y writing in and aro!nd 8a#h i%%e with anyone wi%%ing to write with "e. In a year*# ti"e I had a&&!"!%ated #o"e great &o!ntry ro&- #ong# and de&ided to "a-e "y own re&ord. 1hi# new pro4e&t I p%anned to be the %ead #inger o$ I &a%%ed The Blac" Saddles. I a&t!a%%y had the idea $or The Blac" Saddles' a #!per hard ro&-ing ,!n#J8JAo#e# type &o!ntry band ba&- in )o!thern Ca%i$ornia. It #ee"ed de#tiny now that I had a&&!"!%ated a #&ore or "ore o$ great hard ro&-ing origina% &o!ntry #ong# $ro" "y writing endea or#. 8ot %ong into The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t a $riend o$ "ine in#i#ted that I "eet Je##e :Keith; Dhit%ey' #on o$ the %ate great Keith Dhit%ey and Lorrie =organ. Je##e had heard a r!$$ de"o o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 and he #!ppo#ed%y rea%%y wanted to re&ord it. @$ter "onth# o$ per#i#ten&e 1rapper $ina%%y got "e and Je##e together at hi# tire per$or"an&e #hop in Ai ergate' 18. Je##e wa# yo!ng' wi%d and had a h!ge po##e o$ $riend#' whi&h i# the n!"ber one ingredient needed to be #!&&e##$!% i$ a band i# going to "a-e it on it# own' o!t#ide the re&ord ind!#try' whi&h wa# "y p%an. >e#pite "y #ti%% ?!ea#y $ee%ing $ro" the ,7:roud :li=' a rap band I prod!&e in L@ with "i%d #!&&e##' I de&ided to bring Je##e on board #in&e he wa# yo!ng' entertaining and hi# $ather wa# a &o!ntry "!#i& %egend. 1hi# t!rned o!t to be a ery bad de&i#ion.

Trapper 5a>is ' wi!e Monica

8esse 2:eith3 4hitley

=y origina% intention wa# to grow The Blac" Saddles organi&a%%y by "a-ing a great re&ord and then going o!t and earning o!r $an# the o%d $a#hion way' p%aying partie# and #"a%% #how#. )o"ehow "y organi& p%an got #wo%%en into a "a##i e e9pen#i e $!%% b%own pro$e##iona% pro4e&t. I had &on$iden&e in the pro4e&t be&a!#e I -now I had great #ong# and with 8esse 2:eith3 4hitley !p $ront I $ig!re it to be a #a$e in e#t"ent. In addition I had witne##ed the gra## root# #!&&e## o$ )!b%i"e' 8o >o!bt' 7enny Di#e and O$$ )pring $ir#t hand and I -new the -ey to The Blac" Saddles #!&&e## wo!%d be p%aying $!n "!#i&' throwing big partie# and p!tting on a great #how $or Je##ie*# $riend#. Litt%e did I -now e eryone I wa# bringing into the pro4e&t' in&%!ding Je##e Dhit%ey did were on a "i##ion to de#troy "e. 8e er in a "i%%ion year# &o!%d I &on&ei e #o"eone %i-e Je##e wo!%d want to r!in #o"eone %i-e "e who wa# po!ring ten# o$ tho!#and# o$ do%%ar# and a%% "y ti"e into hi# #!&&e##. I now -now how' Je##e i# a Free"a#on' and it*# a #a$e a##!"ption that the ho!#e he bo!ght right a$ter the &o%%ap#e o$ The Blac" Saddles wa# hi# &o"pen#ation $or hi# parti&ipation in "y de"i#e. 1he greate#t irony o$ "y who%e ad ent!re i# that i$ 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow wo!%d ha e 4!#t %et "e do The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t witho!t inter$eren&e I wo!%d ha e ne er $ig!red a%% thi# #e&ret #o&iety &rap. O!r &han&e# o$ #!&&e## were ery good #in&e we had #o"e great #ong#' a third generation &o!ntry "!#i& heir and "oney. I wa# deter"ined to "a-e it' and !nbe-nown#t to "e 13+B were deter"ined to #top "e.

!!icial @o(o

The Blac" Saddles 7 Me6 ,ate6 8esse ' Ti$

8essie 2:eith3 4hitley ' Me & CRS 200/

8esse F 2:eith 4hitley3 Tatoo

For a%% the ro&- #tar drea"er#' I wi%% now #hare with yo! #o"e o$ the te&hni?!e# and tri&-# that were !#ed to de#troy The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t d!ring the re&ording pro&e##' #o that yo! wi%% ha e a better awarene##' #ho!%d yo! atte"pt the i"po##ib%e and try to brea- into the "!#i& b!#ine##. 1he $ir#t tri&- in the boo- i# to wa#te yo!r ti"e and "oney' $%atter yo! with prai#e' and &on in&e yo! that yo! are great. 1he #e&ond #tep i# to %!re yo! in with big na"e# in an atte"pt to e9pend a%% yo!r re#o!r&e#. 1he third #tep i# to try and tri&- yo! into %aw#!it# by "a-ing yo! thin- yo! wrote #ong# that yo! didn*t. Fo!rth i# to #abotage the re&ording #e##ion#. Fi$th i# de#troying yo!r re&ording# to in&%!ded hard dri e#' &o"p!ter# and e?!ip"ent. @nd i$ yo! #!r i e a%% that then they try to -i%% yo!' get yo! p!t in 4ai%' a "enta% in#tit!tion or p!#hed into po erty. @%% the whi%e they #!rro!nd yo! with $a-e $riend# who are there to $a&i%itate the#e &orr!pt and &ri"ina% a&ti itie# a# we%% a# -eep yo! di#tra&ted' dr!n-' #toned' high' $%attered' bro-e' b!#y' b!#ted and $oo%i#h%y hope$!%. I don*t -now i$ they are a# e%aborate with e eryone e%#e who trie# to brea- in the b!#ine## b!t 13+B didn*t 4!#t throw the -it&hen #in- at "e' they threw the who%e da"n ho!#e. Dhen it &o"e# ti"e to a##e"b%e the ta%ent $or yo!r pro4e&t they wi%% #tart at the botto" o$ the barre% ta%ent wi#e and then wor- their way !p on%y to the point at whi&h yo! are #ati#$ied. I had #e era% peop%e a%ong the way try to p!#h "e to thi# prod!&er or that #t!dio to re&ord thi# re&ord' b!t I -new what I wanted. I a%#o rehear#ed a %ot o$ top p%ayer#' b!t wa# not #ati#$ied. I now -now the rea#on I wa# not #ati#$ied i# be&a!#e e eryone -new not to get in o% ed with The Blac" Saddles. Aegard%e## o$ who yo! wor- with or hire' no "atter how pheno"ena%%y $a"o!# and ta%ented they are' tr!#t that !n%e## yo! are part o$ the re&ord b!#ine## yo!r end prod!&t wi%% be in$erior and be%ow broad&a#t ?!a%ity. I wa# ha ing a ery di$$i&!%t ti"e $inding pro$e##iona%# I &o!%d

tr!#t to get the 4ob done right' a# e eryone -now# in 8a#h i%%e "o#t prod!&er# are 4!#t o!t to "a-e a b!&-' or #o I tho!ght. + ent!a%%y' I hired a Jewi#h g!y na"ed Randy Cantor to he%p "e prod!&e thi# re&ord. I wa# introd!&ed to Aandy by a $riend $ro" 5uran(o Son( *)po6 4ill Cha$plain% Di%% i# the #on o$ Bill Cha$plin $a"ed Keyboard p%ayer $ro" the band Chica(o% One ?!i&- #tory abo!t one o$ Chica(oAs bigge#t hit#6 :25C624;<1H/+nd o$ +n%ighten"ent0' b!t wait there i# "ore. It a%#o i# 11' 22 and 4. or 13/=a#on0 and 6/33*=a#on0. J!#t wanted yo! to rea%%y -now what that #ong wa# abo!t. Li%%*# the -eyboard p%ayer on the %e$t.

C+IC#G LBJ/B1IHLLBIL10<:in(? or 11/117BB In the pi&t!re be%ow at FF+L the g!y in the red #hirt and white bandana' I don*t re"e"ber hi# na"e at the "o"ent' p%ayed ba## in 4ill Cha$plinAs band. 3e &%ai"ed to ha e #o"e ri&h g!y who wa# intere#ted in #tarting a p!b%i#hing and re&ording %abe%. Knowing I wa# in the $inan&ia% b!#ine## he &a"e to "e and a#-ed i$ I wo!%d be intere#ted in he%ping' o$ &o!r#e I wa#. 3e and I had #e era% &on er#ation# abo!t thi# "y#terio!# "oney g!y at Di%%*# ho!#e in Fran-%in and o!t at %!n&h. @$ter a whi%e nothing &a"e o$ it #o I $orgot abo!t it. 1hen in 2CC7 I wa# o!t at 5uran(o Son( *)po hanging o!t with =i%e# $ro" the band 1ast Ball' i$ yo! re&a%% they had a h!ge hit &a%%ed 2The 4ay3% @nyhow Di%%*# ba## p%ayer 4!#t happen to &a%% "e right then and #ay the "oney g!y wa# $or #!re and I #ho!%d a#- =i%e# i$ he*d be intere#ted in &o"ing on board and we wo!%d prod!&e a new 1astball re&ord. @$ter >!rango e eryone wa# e9&ited' e#pe&ia%%y =i%e# $ro" 1astball. L!t it t!rn# o!t it wa# a%% b!%%#hit' p!rpo#e%y #et !p to "a-e "e %oo- %i-e a $oo% with =i%e# at >!rango.

Bass PlayerWW

4ill Cha$plin

8ason 4ill

Randy Beudreau Me ' #drian

1he other in&ident in o% ing Di%% happened on 3a%%oween 2CC8. Charity and I were at ho"e aro!nd 11p" doing nothing and o!t o$ the b%!e I get a &a%% $ro" Di%%' who I hadn*t #po-en within "onth#. 3e #aid he' hi# new gir% $riend @drian' Jay#on Aitig and Aandy Lo!drea!' a pro$e##iona% #ong writer' were going to drop by. )!rpri#ed' b!t bored I #aid that wa# &oo%. On&e they a%% arri ed' Di%%*# new gir% $riend the b%onde @drian too- to "e' e en tho!gh Charity wa# there' it wa# -ind o$ #trange. Di%%' Aandy and Jay#on a%% headed down#tair# to "y piano to #ong write' and @drian h!ng o!t with "e in the #t!dio !p#tair#. Loo-ing ba&- the who%e thing wa# a #et !p to get Charity and I in a $ight #o we wo!%d brea- !p I g!e##' andMor #et "e !p $or #o"ething I didn*t do with Di%%*# gir%. O er the entire &o!r#e o$ "y who%e "!#i& #aga #tory getting Charity and I bro-en !p ha# been a "a4or p%oy. In Febr!ary 2C1C 13+B $ina%%y #!&&eeded. La&- to the re&ording o$ The Blac" Saddles6 Di%% #po-e ery high%y o$ Aandy Cantor' and Aandy %i ed in "y #a"e neighborhood #o I wa# e9&ited ha e $ina%%y $o!nd #o"eone to he%p "e re&ord and prod!&e The Blac" Saddles re&ord. Aandy had #!&&e## with "any big na"e# in "!#i& in&%!ding 5es$ond Child/h!ge #ongwriter0' The 1u(eeAs' Rascal 1lats and e en re&ei ed a ,ra""y $or Ric"y MartinAs 2@i>in @a Cida @oca3% I paid Aandy a U5CCC &a#h retainer in @!g!#t 2CC7 to &o"e on board and prod!&e The Blac" SaddlesA Ae&ord. @%% o$ the #ong# were written and had been re&orded a# r!$$ de"o# at "y ho!#e. 7eop%e rea%%y %i-e the r!$$ de"o#' #o a%% we needed to do wa# ro!nd !p the pro$e##iona% #e##ion p%ayer# and re&ord the re&ord. Fn$ort!nate%y' thing# didn*t go that #"ooth%y. I tho!ght it wa# 4!#t be&a!#e Aandy wa# %itt%e e&&entri&' %itt%e did I -now he i# part o$ the Jewi#h "!#i& "a$ia' and it wa# a%% part o$ 8a#h i%%e*# big #abotage p%an.

Randy Cantor

2Ma!ia3 Te)t Messa(e 1ro$ Randy

Aandy a%way# brag# abo!t how he &o"e# $ro" a Jewi#h "a$ia $a"i%y in Lroo-%yn. Aandy #ent thi# te9t "e##age to "e on =ay 6th' 2CCH G 163Cp" /=a#on 1i"e0. 1hi# te9t wa# when I wa# in "y pi##ed o$$ pha#e ha ing di#&o ered that e eryone Aandy had hired to p%ay on the re&ord had p!rpo#e%y de#troyed it. I wa# te9ting ba&- and $orth with Aandy abo!t how I #!#pe&ted that thi# #abotage wa# "!&h bigger than 4!#t 8a#h i%%e' and I #!#pe&ted it to be the wor- o$ the I%%!"inati. Aandy re#ponded by #aying he &o!%d get hi# dad*# "a$ia g!y# )-inny >*@"ato# K Johnny 12 Finger# )a% o to #ett%e thing# $or "e in 8a#h i%%e. I -now he wa# te9ting thi# in 4e#t' b!t he a%way# "ade it &%ear he &a"e $ro" a Jewi#h =a$ia $a"i%y. @%ong the #a"e %ine' d!ring the preJprod!&tion o$ The Blac" Saddles re&ord Aandy introd!&ed "e to hi# nephew' or e9Jnephew be&a!#e he wa# re&ent%y di or&ed' 1o""y Ci&&one/Free"a#on0. 1o""y and I he%ped Aandy "o e $ro" hi# ho!#e in )tonehenge to hi# gir% $riend Lara*# p%a&e in 8a#h i%%e. Lara a%#o Jewi#h' i# a per#ona% trainer to #o"e big #tar# %i-e Faith 3i%%' Keith Frban and Chri# =&3!gh Keith Frban*# dr!""er.

@ara6 RandyAs Girl!riend @nyhow 1o""y ended !p being a rea% pie&e o$ wor- a# he #to%e a wri#t wat&h $ro" a $riend' de#troyed "y 3a$%er "onitor #y#te"' go!ged "e on a web#ite he wa# #!ppo#ed to b!i%d $or The Blac" Saddles and #!&-ered "e o!t a #e era% tho!#and do%%ar#. 1o""y i# a pri"e #!#pe&t on a &!rrent $e%ony &redit &ard $ra!d in e#tigation by the Lrentwood 7o%i&e in o% ing "y a&&o!nt at Media Te$ple' the ho#t where he #et !p The Blac" Saddles web#ite. Dhen I &a%%ed 1o""y o!t on a%% hi# de#tr!&ti e a&ti itie#' he ad"itted to being a =a#on' whi&h i# &oo% be&a!#e I tho!ght $or #!re he wa# I%%!"inati' #a"e di$$eren&e I #!ppo#e. 1han- ,od #o"e =a#on# 4!#t &an*t -eep their "o!th #h!t. 3ere are pi&t!re# o$ o!r Fa&ebooe9&hange#.

To$$y ad$ittin( heAs a Mason

Me ' To$$y F +alloween 200I

Fro" O&tober 2CC7 to Febr!ary 2CC8' Aandy $r!#trating%y #ta%%ed The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. I got to the point that I #tarted to gi e !p on Aandy and #tarted %oo-ing to hire "y own peop%e. Aandy then ?!i&-%y got in gear and %ined !p #o"e o$ the be#t p%ayer# in town. 1he "!#i&ian# that Aandy %ined !p to p%ay on The Blac" Saddles re&ord were beyond :@; %i#t p%ayer# and I wa# ery e9&ited. 3owe er' the $inan&ia% go!ge #tarted right o!t the gate a# Aandy negotiated U15CC per day $or the#e p%ayer#' whi&h i# way abo e #&a%e $or a #pe&!%ati e pro4e&t. I

didn*t -now any better at the ti"e and wa# 4!#t e9&ited to ha e #!&h top not&h p%ayer# to re&ord the re&ord. 1he day we $ina%%y #tarted re&ording' Febr!ary 8th' 2CC8 at 4ar$ 1ront Studios a-a Sound Sta(e we had an a"a2ing %ine !p o$ "!#i&ian#. Chris Mc+u(h $ro" :ieth 0rbanAs band on dr!"#. 8i$$y @ee Sloas on ba##' who p%ay# on "o#t o$ the top &o!ntry arti#t re&ord#' a# we%% a# ha ing to!red with >a e =!#tane*# Me(a 5eath' whi&h I tho!ght wa# great #in&e I wa# "a-ing a hard ro&- &o!ntry re&ord. On g!itar I had Guthrie Trap who p%ay# with "any top &o!ntry arti#t# %i-e Martina McBride and 8erry 5ou(las% @%#o on g!itar a %o&a% $a orite o$ "ine 85 Si$o who a%#o p%ay# on @arry The Cable GuyAs +oliday Special% @%#o on g!itar wa# #da$ Shoen!ield' @da" i# one o$ the "o#t #o!ght a$ter #t!dio "!#i&ian# on =!#i& Aow. @da" a%#o p%ay# in Bi(7,7Rich and i# a ery #!&&e##$!% #ongwriter. @da" wrote Faith 3i%%*# hit 2Mississippi Girl3% Randy Cantor p%ayed the piano and Ahode# -eyboard. @# yo! &an #ee' I hired pretty "!&h the be#t p%ayer# in the b!#ine##' and they a%% p%ayed pheno"ena%%y d!ring the #e##ion. Or #o I tho!ght at the ti"e. 3ere are #o"e pi&t!re# $ro" the re&ording #e##ion# at )o!nd )tageMDar" Front )t!dio#.

8i$$y ,ichols ' Chris Mchu(h

8i$$y @ee Sloas

#da$ Schen!eld

Guthrie Trap

85 Si$o

Me 2G7Stone3

1a%- abo!t #trange #erendipito!# happening#' the day we began re&ording Aandy wa# 1J boned on hi# way to the 4ar$ 1ront StudioAs by :i$ Copland' the prod!&er I !#ed $or "o#t

o$ "y #ongwriting de"o#. 1hat i# #o"e $rea-y ,od #t!$$ there. Aandy*# &ar i# the white one' he*# %!&-y to be a%i e. 3e wa# a %itt%e #ha-en !p' b!t #ti%% in $ine #hape to p%ay piano on the re&ord that day' a%tho!gh he wa# o$ %itt%e he%p a&t!a%%y prod!&ing. In $a&t' I had to -i&- Aandy o!t o$ the &ontro% both a $ew ti"e# be&a!#e he wa# #o di#tra&ting. 3ind #ight being 2CM2C he wa# doing hi# be#t to derai% the pro4e&t &on#tant%y. @ ery odd pheno"enon i# a %ot o$ peop%e in "y %i$e who ha e #o%d "e o!t or betrayed "e ended !p either dead' di#ea#ed or in po erty. I* e been to%d I a" an :Indigo Chi%d; and I a" prote&ted by @r&h @nge% =i&hae%' $ro" what I ha e #een it appear# to be tr!e. It*# either that or the peop%e who betray "e are eaten a%i e by their own g!i%t and -ar"a.

:i$ CoplandAs S0C

Randy CantorAs Car

Randy 2+oldin( Sore #r$3

The Blac" Saddles re&ording #e##ion too- p%a&e at Sound Sta(e Studios in 8a#h i%%e in their 4ar$ 1ront buildin(' whi&h at the ti"e wa# owned by Ji""y 8i&ho%#' $a"o!# #ongwriter' who wa# pre#ent d!ring the re&ording o$ thi# re&ord. 8i$ Coolie wa# the engineer' who wor-# at )o!nd )tage and Dar" Front o$ten' and wa# ery $a"i%iar with the #t!dio' the #ta$$ and a%% their e?!ip"ent. It*# i"portant to note that "y e9perien&e in re&ording %i e "!#i& wa# e9tre"e%y %i"ited at thi# ti"e. I ne er e9pe&ted anything b!t the be#t $ro" the#e peop%e' and I wa# paying e eryone genero!#%y' abo e Fnion #&a%e. Dhen hiring ta%ent o$ the highe#t &a%iber with i"pre##i e and &!rrent pro$e##iona% "!#i& &redit# and a&&o"p%i#h"ent#' I ne er in a "i%%ion year# #!#pe&ted that they wo!%d de%iberate%y de#troy "y re&ord. Loo-ing ba&- the way I e9p%ain thing# "ay "a-e "e %oo- %i-e an ignorant $oo%' b!t yo! "!#t !nder#tand I wa# b%i##$!%%y naY e to how "a%i&io!# the "!#i& b!#ine## and the wor%d rea%%y i#. )!re I had heard a%% the #torie# abo!t how nobody "a-e# it in 8a#h i%%e' b!t I tho!ght that wa# 4!#t be&a!#e it wa# a to!gh b!#ine##' not be&a!#e they a&t!a%%y #pent "i%%ion# to de#troy arti#t#. Bo! "!#t !nder#tand it i# a pretty e9&iting thing when yo! hear the #ong# yo!* e written being p%ayed by the be#t p%ayer# in the wor%d. On top o$ that the pro$e##iona% per$or"an&e# "a#the #e&ret #oni& de#tr!&tion pretty we%%' e#pe&ia%%y when yo! are #ti%% %earning abo!t the te&hni&a% a#pe&t# o$ the re&ording pro&e##. 1he rea#on yo! pay the big b!&-# i# that yo! are &o!nting on the @J%i#t #t!dio# and engineer# to pro$i&ient%y re&ord the "ateria%. Ae&ording "!#i& i# not "agi&' and the#e #a"e peop%e do thi# day in and day o!t in 8a#h i%%e. 1hey* e got re&ording down to a #&ien&e. Fn$ort!nate%y' I $o!nd o!t they a%#o ha e how to de#troy re&ording# right in $ront o$ yo!r eye# and ear# down to a #&ien&e. 8i$$y @ee Sloas' the ba## p%ayer' too- the he%" a# band %eader by writing o!t a%% the :Chart#; /8a#h i%%e 8!"ber )y#te" $or Charting a )ong0 and "a-ing &opie# $or the other

p%ayer#. 3e wa# a great a##et that day. one be&a!#e he i# an awe#o"e ba## p%ayer' b!t two be&a!#e he -ept the who%e #e##ion going at a #"ooth pa&e. 3owe er' #ear&hing thro!gh the ideo o$ the re&ording #e##ion I di#&o ered a $ew $ra"e# that indi&ate what Ji""y wa# rea%%y dire&ting wa# the #abotage o$ the re&ording. I had to get the pi&t!re# $ro" the ideo be&a!#e a%% o$ "y &o"p!ter# ha e been ha&-ed and a %ot o$ #t!$$ wa# era#ed' in addition the origina% pi&t!re# were on the ideo &a"era #to%en $ro" "y ho!#e when 13+B b!rg%ari2ed it in 8o e"ber 2CC8' than- ,od I ba&- e erything !p Le%ow i# 1i""y )a%ter "y writing partner and g!itar p%ayer in The Blac" Saddles gi ing the :horn#; to "y ideo &a"era whi%e I wa# in "y i#o%ation booth dire&ting the #e##ion p%ayer#' and #!per in&ri"inating photo*# o$ Ji""y Lee )%oa# gi ing the :horn#; #ign' indi&ating to the other p%ayer# what wa# tr!%y going on and that thi# wa# a $!&- nonJ#e&ret #o&iety Chri#tian' "e.

Ti$ F Inside Control Booth

8i$$y @ee Sloas F Gi>in( 2+orns3 to other session players%

@%% o$ the de#tr!&ti e a!dio te&hni?!e# I a" going to #hare with yo! I did not %earn abo!t !nti% =ar&h 17th 2CCH when the o era%% rea%i2ation e eryone wa# de#troying "y "!#i& endea or# be&a"e !ndeniab%e. 1he "ore I %earn abo!t re&ording and prod!&ing' the "ore de#tr!&tion I di#&o er. On&e yo! gra#p thi# entire ta%e it*# hard to be%ie e I did not &at&h on ear%ier' b!t I g!e## ,od wor-# in "y#terio!# way#. In the %ong r!n "y nai etZ wa# $or the be#t' or e%#e I wo!%d ha e ne er !n&o ered what wa# rea%%y going on in 8a#h i%%e' whi&h i# what %ed "e to what i# rea%%y going on in the wor%d. Ditho!t gi ing away the entire &a#e here are #o"e o$ the thing# I $o!nd to be "a%i&io!#%y done d!ring 4!#t the re&ording pro&e##. @t 4ar$ 1ront Studio the dr!"# were hidden behind ba$$%e #o I didn*t ha e a &%ear iew $ro" "y i#o%ation booth to wat&h the dr!""er. 1he engineer 8i$ Coolie #pe&i$i&a%%y to%d "e thi# ba$$%e wa%% in $ront o$ the dr!"# wa# a great re&ording tri&- he %earned. It wa# no tri&-. it wa# a &o er !p #o I &o!%dn*t #ee Chri# p%ay dr!"#. 1he entire re&ording #e##ion I ended !p with h!ndred# o$ dr!" #ti&- hit# on the #y"bo% #tand# and dr!" hardware %ea ing the dr!" tra&-# and o erhead "i&rophone# tra&-# &%!ttered with 2clin"s3% . Loo-ing at the pi&t!re# be%ow' ta-en $ro" the ideo o$ the re&ording #e##ion yo! &an #ee the #"a%% ba$$%e wa%% p%a&e in $ront o$ Chri# =&3!gh*# dr!"#. @ny engineer &an eri$y that thi# wa%% #er e# no p!rpo#e other than to ob#&!re "y iew o$ Chri# p%aying. In addition any engineer wi%% te%% yo! that the "i&rophone p%a&ed on the ba&- #ide o$ thi# wa%% wo!%d prod!&e a !#e%e## re&ording #igna% and wa# #i"p%y p%a&ed their a# an e9&!#e $or the wa%%.

1ront Ciew o! 4all6 Mic and Chris

Ciew !ro$ inside Control Roo$

8i$ CoolieF*n(ineer F Sound Sta(e Studios Chris Mc+u(h <:eith 0rbanAs Band?

Chris Mc+u(h :eith 0rban <:eith 0rban in ran(e County6 C# Oust wee"s be!ore I $o>ed to ,ash>ille in 200H? 1o "a-e "atter# wor#e' the o erhead "i&rophone# were p%a&ed too &%o#e to #y"bo%# "a-ing the o erhead re&ording o$ the dr!" -it #o!nd %i-e tra#h &an# ro%%ing down the dri eway. 1hi# tra#h &an e$$e&t wa# a%#o "agni$ied be&a!#e the #y"bo%# Chri# !#ed were p!rpo#e%y ery thin. 1hi# i# a%#o tr!e $or the hiJhat tra&-#' whi&h are &o"p%ete%y !#e%e##. 1he #nare# on the botto" o$ the #nare dr!" were way too %oo#e and the #nare wa# o!t o$ t!ne. 1he %e$t to" had a %!g n!t %oo#e that ratt%e# thro!gho!t e ery #ong re&orded' a# we%% a# both to"# being dra"ati&a%%y o!t o$ t!ne. In addition "!&h o$ the %ow $re?!en&ie# be%ow 3Cht2 were $i%tered o!t o$ the who%e -it and -i&- dr!". I wi%% e9p%ain the detri"enta% #igni$i&an&e o$ thi# in the te&hni&a% &hapter.. 1ho!gh "any "ight &%ai" thi# de#tr!&tion i# a%% the $a!%t o$ Ji" Coo%ie the re&ording engineer' I 4!#t &annot $atho" a $a"o!# dr!""er o$ ro&- #tar &a%iber %i-e Chri#' wo!%d not ha e noti&ed the#e g%aring%y ob io!# re&ording b%!nder# in hi# dr!" tra&-#. Le%ow are a &o!p%e pi&t!re# o$ the o erhead dr!" tra&-# $ro" The Blac" Saddles #e##ion. 1he #harp #pi-e# di#p%ay where the dr!" #ti&-# hit the &y"ba% #tand andMor other dr!" hardware' here are 4!#t two e9a"p%e#. 7%ea#e -now the entire a%b!" i# %ittered with h!ndred# o$ the#e type# o$ intentiona% ear pier&ing "ind 4arring noi#e#.

Sharp deep spi"es indicate where dru$ stic"s contacted cy$bal stands and dru$ "it hardware% On J> )i"o*# e%e&tri& g!itar tra&-# Ji" Coo%ie #et !p a di#torted and de%ayed re erb andMor &o"pre##or on a #e&ret b!## po#t "onitor /a$ter the #pea-er#0 and printed J>*# g!itar b%ended with thi# di#torted re erbM&o"pre##or onto the "a#ter %ea ing the pri"ary rhyth" g!itar tra&-# horrib%y e&hoed and di#torted on e ery #ong. 1he pi&t!re be%ow i# 4!#t an e9a"p%e o$ how thi# done' a%tho!gh thi# pi&t!re &a"e $ro" the a&t!a%%y #abotaged "i9ing #e##ion# and wa# part o$ the de%iberate de#tr!&tion done po#t

re&ording. 8oti&e the inp!t# and the o!tp!t' thi# i# how they di#tort the #igna% b!t yo! &annot hear whi%e the "i9 i# p%aying be&a!#e it i# p%a&ed on a #e&ret b!# and p%a&ed ba&- onto the tra&po#t "onitor. 1hi# ina!dib%e di#tortion &o!%d be done with any e$$e&t b!t the two "o#t &o""on I $o!nd !#ed to de#troy The Blac" Saddles re&ord were &o"pre##or# and re erb#. I don*t -now i$ Ji" Coo%ie !#ed a :7%!g In; or :O!tJLoard; gear to e&ho and di#tort the rhyth" g!itar tra&-# b!t here are two de%iberate de#tr!&tion e9a"p%e# I $o!nd in the pro too%# "i9e# !#ing :7%!g In; &o"pre##or#.

#ttac" F @on(6 Release7Short Input M1- Ma)

utput F /

S$ac" Co$pressor F #lso !ro$ 2Rec"nec"3 Pro Tools Sabota(e

In addition to the "a9ed o!t :inp!t; and t!rned :down; o!tp!t' p%ea#e noti&e how they wo!%d #et the :@tta&- and Ae%ea#e 1i"e;' thi# wo!%d &a!#e the #igna% to &o"e in #%ow%y and end ?!i&-%y' whi&h &a!#e# the #o!nd to be tr!n&ated in the beginning and end abr!pt%y. 1ho!gh the abo e pi&t!re# are e9a"p%e# ta-en $ro" the #abotaged "i9e#' nobody b!t Ji" Coo%ie &o!%d ha e done thi# to J> )i"o*# rhyth" g!itar tra&-# d!ring the re&ording pro&e##. @nother intere#ting pheno"ena' on one #ong whi&h 13+B too- #pe&ia% e$$ort to de#troy' wa# a &o er o$ Keith Dhit%ey*# 2+ard @i>in3. I hired three o$ the be#t g!itar p%ayer# in town and none o$ the" &o!%d p%ay the ery #i"p%e %i&- that the entire #ong hang# on. @%#o' I re"e"ber arg!ing with the" that the %i&- on%y had $o!r note#' and they a%% in#i#ted it had $i e and -ept they adding a ,S' whi&h I &o!%d hear did not be%ong in the #ong.. I ha e #in&e &o"e to di#&o er that 2+ard @i>in3 %i-e 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 i# one the tho#e #ong# that happen# to &h!g a%ong %i-e a $reight train' in #yn&h with o!r ho"eo#ta#i# and heart beat. 1hi# i# way 13+B had #!&h a #!#pi&io!#%y hard ti"e getting the g!itar part &orre&t. Fina%%y' a $ew "oth# a$ter o!r initia% re&ording #e##ion I hired Randy +ayes' Keith Dhit%ey*# origina% g!itar p%ayer to redo the g!itar part on 2+ard @i>in(3 and he p%ayed it per$e&t%y with on%y $o!r note# in the %i&-. 1hi# "ay not #ee" %i-e a big dea% to yo!' and at the ti"e I &o!%dn*t !nder#tand how #o"e o$ the be#t p%ayer# in the b!#ine## &o!%dn*t get thi# #i"p%e g!itar %i&- &orre&t. It t!rn# o!t to be one o$ the big &%!e# in the di#&o ery to thi# who%e !nba%an&ed' o!t o$ ho"eo#ta#i# "!#i& "anip!%ation. In $a&t' i$ yo! %i#ten to Keith Dhit%ey*# "!#i& a %ot o$ the rhyth"# are in ti"e' or he #ing# #e en note "e%odie# whi&h $or whate er rea#on are not a# har"$!% a# 3' 5' 6 K H*#. In addition with #ong# %i-e 2Re>elation3 and :Brotherly @o>e3' I a" #!re he wa# not a $a orite o$ the power# that be in the "!#i& ind!#try. I hone#t%y be%ie e that Keith Dhite%y wa# "!rdered $or the e9a&t rea#on# "y "!#i& wa# #abotaged. >!ring the 4ar$ 1ront Studios re&ording #e##ion#' Aandy Cantor who p%ayed piano and organ on the #e##ion' p!rpo#e%y %e$t the piano roo" door open %etting the dr!"# b%eed o er a%% the piano tra&-#' a# we%% a# being a &o"p%ete di#tra&tion by de%aying the entire #e##ion &on#tant%y' when he wa# #!ppo#ed to be the one prod!&ing it. On the a&o!#ti& g!itar tra&-# the head phone# were &ran-ed #o %o!d they b%ed onto the a&o!#ti& re&ording' or Ji" %et a p%ay ba&- #igna% b%eed onto the a&o!#ti& g!itar. @# $or the re#t o$ the #e##ion p%ayer# e erything wa# e9&e%%ent' I thin-. I a" not an e9pert or a pro$e##iona%' #o I &an*t te%% yo! $or #!re. I wo!%d bet there are %ot# o$ b%!nder# that I don*t e en -now how to re&ogni2e. 1he rea#on thi# #t!$$ i# #o hard to noti&e d!ring re&ording i# be&a!#e the#e are the be#t "!#i&ian# in the wor%d and their a&t!a% "!#i&a% per$or"an&e i# pheno"ena%. It i# not po##ib%e that p%ayer# o$ thi# &a%iber and e9perien&e %e e% wo!%d not ha e noti&ed the de%iberate de#tr!&tion that wa# going on d!ring the re&ording o$ thi# re&ord. I "!#t be &%ear that I hone#t%y be%ie e the "!#i&ian# and engineer# I hired $or thi# pro4e&t had no &hoi&e in the "atter' a# the de&i#ion to de#troy "y re&ord wa# "ade way higher !p than any o$ the#e $e%%ow#' %ong be$ore I arri ed in 8a#h i%%e. I $orgi e e eryone who wa# in o% ed in "y de"i#e a# I a" a tr!e Chri#tian. @%#o p%ea#e -now that I a" on%y !#ing their na"e and $a"e to #o that peop%e pay attention to thi# #tory. 1he ti"e ha# &o"e $or thi# g%oba% "anip!%ation o$ the "a##e# to #top. I a" ?!ite &on$ident none o$ the#e g!y# %i-e the way the "!#i& b!#ine## r!n#' and I a" #!re they we not too happy to be p!t in thi# #it!ation' b!t that i# the way the b!#ine## wor-#' they had no &hoi&eR.I #!ppo#e.

8ow when I %oo- ba&- at the pi&t!re#' ideo# and %i#ten to the raw re&ording# with open eye# and a %ot "ore 7ro 1oo%#' engineering and prod!&ing e9perien&e' I &an &%ear%y #ee how the #t!dio #et !p' in#tr!"ent#' "i&rophone# and parti&ipant*# per$or"an&e i# g%aring with &%!e# any pro$e##iona% wo!%d ha e re&ogni2ed. Fort!nate%y being a #h!tter b!g who grad!ated $ro" Fi%" )&hoo% I ideotaped a %ot and ha e an enor"o!# a"o!nt o$ in&ri"inating $ootage. 1he big ?!e#tion i# who did what( @nd who -new that the pro4e&t wa# #%ated $or de#tr!&tion by the power# that be $ro" the get go( I$ I had to g!e##' I wo!%d #ay they a%% -new $ro" the #tart' b!t I a" not going to go into too "!&h detai% on why I be%ie e that' a# I "ay need that e iden&e in &o!rt #ho!%d anyone try to &%ai" #%ander or %iab%e. @# I #aid :to -now i# to parti&ipate;. @nother one o$ Ji" Coo%ie*# p!rpo#e$!% de#tr!&tion# &a"e a $ew "onth# a$ter the initia% re&ording #e##ion# when I paid $or a %i"o!#ine to bring @orrie Mor(an to Dar" FrontM)o!nd )tage to &!t her o&a% part# on 2Mother3 a 7in- F%oyd &o er #ong. 1hi# #ong wa# written a# a "other and #on d!et' b!t 7in- F%oyd !#ed on%y "a%e o&a%# on their er#ion. ,i en the ba&#tory o$ Lorrie =organ' Keith Dhite%y and Je##e Dhite%y thi# wa# a ery #pe&ia% #ong' whi&h I ery "!&h %oo-ed $orward to p!tting o!t $or the tr!e Keith Dhite%y and Lorrie =organ $an#. Fn$ort!nate%y' Ji" Coo%ie p!rpo#e%y #&or&hed and di#torted Lorrie*# o&a%#' whi&h i# a &rying #ha"e be&a!#e her per$or"an&e wa# a"a2ing. Je##e a&t!a%%y #o!nd# pretty good on thi# #ong a%#o. I re&orded hi# o&a%# at "y ho"e #t!dio. I $ee% it i# #a$e to a##!"e when yo! &on#ider Lorrie =organ*# %e e% o$ pro$e##iona%i#"' e9perien&e and the $a&t #he wa# wearing headphone# #he had to ha e been ery aware that Ji" Coo%ie wa# intentiona%%y :#&or&hing; her o&a%#. 1hi# pi&t!re wa# ta-en 4!#t a$ter Lorrie $ini#hed her o&a%# on 2Mother3 at )o!nd )tage.

@orrie Mor(an ' 8esse 4hitley F 4ar$ 1ront Studios 1he prob%e" with a%% o$ the %itt%e de#tr!&tion tri&-# they !#e whi%e re&ording i# that yo! &an*t hear the" !nti% yo! #tart $ine t!ning and &o"pre##ing the "i9 #o that yo! &an :%i"it; it and p!#h !p the a!dio #igna%# to a high ?!a%ity pro$e##iona% %e e%. 1he be#t ana%ogy I &an gi e yo! i# it*# %i-e p%a&ing a b!n&h o$ need%e# in a big #ponge' when yo! %oo- at the #ponge yo! &an*t #ee the need%e#' b!t i$ yo! #?!ee2e the #ponge yo!*re going to $ind the need%e# rea% ?!i&- a# they 4etti#on o!t' pier&e into yo!r hand and "a-e yo! b%eed.

On&e yo! #tart &o"pre##ing the #igna% the intentiona%%y de#tr!&ti e high $re?!en&y di#tortion' pop#' &%i&-#' noi#e #and %ot# o$ thing# yo! don*t hear when re&ording or p%ay ba&- pop o!t and pier&e yo!r ear# and di#t!rb yo!r "ind. J!#t one &%i&- or high $re?!en&y noi#e i# eno!gh to &a!#e the %i#tener to brea- $ro" the en4oy"ent and i%%!#ion whi%e %i#tening to a #ong. The Blac" Saddles re&ording# are %ittered with the#e #oni& di#tra&tion# a%% o er e ery #ong. 1here i# #o "!&h that went on to de#troy thi# re&ord it wo!%d ta-e a who%e boo- to di#&!## ea&h ite"' b!t at %ea#t yo! now ha e an idea o$ what i# rea%%y going on in the#e :pro$e##iona%; re&ording #e##ion# and #t!dio#. @t the ti"e o$ re&ording' e erything #o!nded great to "y a"ate!r ear#' and I wa# "ore than e9&ited to ha e the ro&- #tar %e e% o$ ta%ent on "y re&ord. I probab%y wo!%d ha e ne er noti&ed thi# #t!$$ had it not been pointed o!t to "e by a ery $a"o!# engineer' who had the ba%%# to %et "e -now I wa# being #&rewed. I 4!#t regret he &a"e #o %ate in the pro4e&t and I had #pent a%% "y "oney. )o"e o$ thi# "ight #ee" a&&identa%' b!t yo! "!#t rea%i2e I hired the be#t in the b!#ine##' who re&ord e eryday on the bigge#t #tar# re&ord#' it i# in&o"prehen#ib%e that #o "!&h &o%%atera% da"age &o!%d be a&&identa%. @$ter the "ain a!dio ta&-# o$ the a%b!" were re&orded on Febr!ary 8th' Hth K1Cth o$ 2CC8 at Dar" Front )t!dio#' Aandy Cantor and I #pent "onth# adding additiona% in#tr!"ent#' editing the a%b!" and re&ording Je##e Dhit%ey*# o&a%#. I re&orded the other in#tr!"ent# %i-e $idd%e' ban4o' #%ide g!itar' har"oni&a and peda% #tee% at "y ho"e #t!dio' a%ong with a%% o$ Je##e Dhit%ey*# o&a%#. =any o$ the dr!" prob%e"# we pain#ta-ing%y $i9ed by !#ing )o!nd Aep%a&er and O&ean Day >r!"#' e9&ept $or the o erhead tra&-# whi&h are pretty "!&h !#e%e## be&a!#e in addition to the #o!nd #pi-e# $ro" dr!" #ti&-# hitting dr!" hardware' %o#e hardware %!g# and o!t o$ t!ne to"# and #nare' the o erhead# and roo" "i&# #o!nd %i-e tra#h &an# ro%%ing down a dri eway $ro" the thin &y"ba%# !#e and poor "i-e p%a&e"ent. For additiona% in#tr!"ent# I bro!ght into "y ho"e #t!dio and re&orded *ddie @an( on peda% #tee%' who per$or"# wee-%y on the ,rand O%* Opry. On Lan4o and Fidd%e I had 8onathan ;ud"in who i# abo!t the be#t yo! &an $ind in 8a#h i%%e and p%ay# on Carrie Fnderwood *# re&ord# and "any other top &o!ntry arti#t re&ord#. On >obro and %ap #tee% I had S$ith Curry who to!red with :id Roc". On per&!##ion I hired a %o&a% g!y Mathew Bur(ess who p%ay# with @"anda Di%%ia"#. On har"oni&a Sa$$y +arp' who wa# the $ir#t g!y to b!rn "e in 8a#h i%%e by #e%%ing "e p!b%i#hing right# to #ong# that he -new wo!%d ne er get re&orded. )a""y wa# a%#o #!ppo#ed to be "y new @@ #pon#or' what a 4o-e that i#.

*ddie @an(

S$ith Curry

Sa$$y +arp

8onathon ;ud"in

#rtist 8onathon ;ud"in Recorded !or !ro$ his website

1hi# $ir#t ti"e Jonathon &a"e to re&ord on The Blac" Saddles re&ord wa# at Aandy Cantor*# #t!dio at Lara*# ho!#e. I &o!%d te%% he wa# not &o"$ortab%e' we got nothing a&&o"p%i#hed and a$terward# he re?!e#ted that we re&ord at "y ho!#e witho!t Aandy. I re&orded a%% o$ Jonathon*# part# on the re&ord "y#e%$ and they are $ab!%o!#. Loo-ing ba&- I now !nder#tand that Jonathon didn*t want any part in the #abotage and 4!#t wanted to do hi# 4ob. 3e a%#o on%y &harged "e the !nion rate $or a #pe& pro4e&t and in$or"ed "e that I way o erpaid $or the other p%ayer#. @%% o$ the re&ording o$ the#e additiona% in#tr!"ent# at "y ho"e #t!dio went pretty #"ooth e9&ept $or one #trange #e##ion when I had Stacy Collins &o"e o er to p%ay har"oni&a. )ta&y &a"e by $or a pre iew #e##ion and whi%e 4!#t #howing her the #ong# #he p%ayed pheno"ena%%y. One wee- %ater I bro!ght her ba&- to #tart re&ording on the #a"e #ong# we pre iewed and #he &o!%dn*t p%ay a note. @t the ti"e I tho!ght it wa# the #trange#t thing I had e er #een. now I rea%i2e #o"eone probab%y whi#pered in her ear to not get in o% ed with The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. I ha e her re&ord and ha e #een her %i e' and #he i# a great p%ayer' #o who -now# what rea%%y happened. 7erhap# #he ha# a &on#&io!# %i-e Jonathon B!d-in and had eno!gh integrity to 4!#t not parti&ipate in #!&h e i%' b!t I wi#hed #he wo!%d ha e &%!ed "e in to the &o!p again#t "e.

Ae&ording Je##e Dhit%ey wa# a who%e other #tory. 3e %i-e Aandy wa# ery $%a-y and wo!%d di#appear $or wee-#' #o"eti"e# "onth#' on%y to reJappear and -eep dragging thing# o!t. Je##e*# not the #inger hi# "o" and dad are b!t he doe# ha e a $!n #ty%e and I ha e #een hi" #ing we%% %i e. 3owe er' re&ording hi# o&a%# $or The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t wa# a tota% night"are a# he wa# o$ten a no #how' dr!n- or high. Dhen he did #how and #ing o$ten hi# attention #pan wa# %i"ited to 3C "in!te #p!rt# and hi# per$or"an&e# a%% had to be hea i%y t!ned and ad4!#ted $or ti"ing prob%e"#' whi&h i# not !n&o""on in the who%e "!#i& ind!#try. @# Aandy and I progre##ed with the editing and r!$$ "i9ing o$ The Blac" Saddles a%b!" it be&a"e apparent to "e that de#pite Aandy Cantor*# ,ra""y $or arranging Ai&-y =artin*# 2@i>in @a Cida @oco; hi# "i9e# we nowhere &%o#e to what I e9pe&ted $ro" #o"eone with hi# %e e% o$ #!&&e##. It a%#o be&a"e in&rea#ing%y $r!#trating that !ne9p%ained de#tr!&tion wa# o&&!rring on "y hard dri e#' 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion# and &o"p!ter#. 7eop%e -ept a#-ing "e when the re&ord wa# going to be $ini#hed. It #ee"ed e ery ti"e I %oo-ed ba&- at #ong# that were edited' r!$$ "i9ed and ready $or "i9ing in a pro$e##iona% #t!dio' the #ong# wo!%d be a%% "e##ed !p again and re?!ire "ore wor- and ti"e. =y #!#pi&ion# #tarted to e#&a%ate that either Aandy wa# a &o"p%ete idiot or he wa# de%iberate%y de#troying #t!$$. Fort!nate%y' one o$ the $ir#t thing# I e er did a$ter the initia% re&ording #e##ion# wa# &reate and hide a ba&- !p dri e o$ the origina% #e##ion#. 1hi# %ater pro ed to be the "o#t i"portant thing I e er did' a# a%% "y other hard dri e# ha e been ob%iterated with de%iberate de#tr!&tion. On a re%ated note one o$ "y goa%# wa# to ha e 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 re"i9ed $or the dan&ed &%!b#. It 4!#t #o happened' 3anna' one o$ the $e"a%e #inger# I wa# &on#idering $or o!r %i e band had a boy $riend that had #o"e #!&&e## with hipJhop' hi# na"e wa# >an Ford. I &a%%ed >an and he &a"e o er and we p!t a &opy o$ the entire 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion on hi# hard dri e. 3e a%#o p!t a &opy o$ DOA> $or =a& on "y =a& 7ro whi&h I did not a#- hi" to do. I #trong%y be%ie e at the #a"e ti"e he a%#o did #o"e da"age to "y 7ro 1oo%# or perhap# thi# i# when a&&e## $or the !#er :D3++L; wa# &reated. :Dhee%; i# a #!per high %e e% a&&e## that on%y @pp%e !#e# to &ra&- into =a&#. 1he &!rio!# thing i# that de#pite n!"ero!# &a%%#' and %etting hi" -now that I had %ined the ery #!&&e##$!% rap engineer 5a>e #ron to &o"e to 8a#h i%%e $ro" L@ to "i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord at +a#t Iri# )t!dio#' >an ne er got ba&- to "e a$ter that day. 1hi# "a-e# no #en#e be&a!#e 5a>e #ron i# h!ge in rap K hipJhop whi&h i# what >an wa# trying de#perate%y to

get into. I had h!ng o!t with >an and 3anna n!"ero!# ti"e# prior' #o 4!#t another #!#pi&io!# di#appearan&e i"p%ying g!i%t. 8ow a$ter p!tting in h!ndred# o$ ho!r# on editing' "i9ing and pro$e##iona% training on 7ro 1oo%# and going thro!gh "y de"o# and The Blac" Saddles re&ording#' it i# an !ndeniab%e pro ab%e $a&t that $ro" day one 8a#h i%%e ha# been de#troying "y "!#i&. I &an*t he%p by wonder how "any peop%e thi# happen# to on =!#i& Aow in 8a#h i%%e and in the "!#i& b!#ine##. =o#t arti#t and writer# do not ha e any prod!&ing and engineering e9perien&e' e?!ip"ent' ti"e or "oney to #pend in e#tigating their re&ording#' being a $inan&ia% ad i#or I did and %oo- at a%% I di#&o ered. I bet thi# happen# a%% the ti"e' to e eryone who &o"e# to 8a#h i%%e to re&ord de"o# and a%b!"#. 3ope$!%%y I ha e gi en eno!gh in$or"ation to prote&t other# writer and arti#t# in the re&ording #t!dio.


n Music Row

Chapter Q 5 In the $a%% 2CC8' de#pite an !phi%% batt%e' "y re%ent%e## deter"ination and wor- ethi& got "e thro!gh the initia% re&ording' editing and r!$$ "i9ing o$ The Blac" Saddles re&ord and I had #o"e pretty de&ent ho"e #t!dio "i9e#. I p%ayed the#e $or ?!ite a $ew peop%e aro!nd town and I thin- 8a#h i%%e wa# #!rpri#ed that de#pite a%% the da"age done d!ring and a$ter the re&ording pro&e##' the #ong# and a%b!" wa# #o!nding pretty good. Ly now I had "ade a &on&%!#i e de&i#ion that Aandy Cantor*# "i9e# #!&-ed and "y a"ate!r "i9e# were better that hi#' b!t #ti%% not good eno!gh $or &o""er&ia% radio re%ea#e. For #o"e #trange rea#on I wa# not getting a who%e %ot o$ %o e or enth!#ia#" $ro" engineer# in 8a#h i%%e to pro$e##iona%%y "i9 the re&ord. 1hi# i# when I got the idea to a#- an o%d $riend >a id @ron o$ 7rin&e' )!b%i"e and )noop >ogg $a"e i$ he wo!%d he%p "e and "i9 the re&ord. I $ir#t "et >a e @ron thro!gh "y wi$e )andy when I wa# %oo-ing $or #o"eone to "i9 a hipJ hop a&t :,7:roud :li=3 I wa# prod!&ing in Lo# @nge%e# in 2CC1. >a e and I had a %itt%e #!&&e## with ,7:roud :li= getting their "!#i& in Scary Mo>ie B and Bi( Ma$aAs +ouse% I %o#t "oney on the ,7:roud Clic"6 b!t #ti%% %et the" -eep a%% the roya%tie# $ro" the "o ie# a# that*# 4!#t how I ro%%.

5a>e #ronAs +o$e Studio 2001 4or"in( on ,7:roud :li=As 7 2:roud *lation3 Bo! are probab%y $a"i%iar with #o"e o$ >a e @ron*# wor- a# he ha# #o%d o er 1CC'CCC'CCC re&ord# and &o!nting. 3i# entire ho!#e i# &o ered in p%atin!" p%a?!e#. here are 4!#t a $ew photo# I too- when Charity and I were at hi# ho!#e in 8o e"ber 2CC8

5a>e #ronAs *ntire +ouse is co>ered 4ith #wards !or #udio *n(ineerin( @# I "entioned >a e @ron i# Snoop 5o((As "ain #o!nd engineer' a# we%% ha ing $i)ed Subli$e6 :urupt6 @ilA :i$6 The ,otorious B%I%G%6 Tupac Sha"ur6 ,ate 5o((6 Tha *astsiderP and a%"o#t a%% the ear%y 5eath Row "!#i& $or Su(e ,i(ht. )o yo! -now I a" p!tting "y %i$e on the %ine to bring yo! the#e tr!th#. On 5a%entine*# >ay in 2CC1 d!ring the ti"e >a e wa# "i9ing the ,7:roud :li= re&ord 2:roud *lation36 "y $ian&Z# at the ti"e )andy' >a e and I #at at the $ront tab%e with Snoop 5o(( at The 4est Coast Players Ball where the ,7:roud :li= per$or"ed. >o to #o"e $!nny b!#ine## between the pro"oter and the band' ,7:roud :li= did not go on #tage !nti% aro!nd 26CCa"' by that ti"e Snoop and other big p%ayer# had %e$t' in hind #ight 4!#t "ore #!#pi&io!# &rap.

Me ' 5a>e #ron F PlayerAs Ball ,7:roud :li= F PlayerAs Ball Pro$otion Postcard

The Pi$p 5on 8aun ' :B

Snoop ' The Pi$p 5on ;aun & 4est Coast Players Ball

1he ,7:roud :li= wa# "y $ir#t big p!#h to get into the pro$e##iona% "!#i& b!#ine##. Loo-ing ba&- on e erything now' I $ind it ery #!#pi&io!# that they were doing ery we%% !nti% I

hired >a e @ron to "i9 the re&ord. Le%ie e it or not I a&t!a%%y hoo-ed !p the Players Ball gig thro!gh a &onne&tion in "y $inan&ia% b!#ine##' whi&h at the ti"e I wa# "anaging an o$$i&e !or Salo$onS$ithBarney. )!#pi&io!#%y' right a$ter thi# p%ayer# ba%% gig The ,7:roud :li= went $ro" p%aying good #i2ed #how# at pop!%ar 3o%%ywood and L@ en!e# in&%!ding 1he Ao9y' Li%%board C%!b' 3o%%ywood @th%eti& C%!b and 1he De#t Coa#t 7%ayer# La%%' to ha ing $ight# brea- o!t at #how# and being band $ro" "o#t L@ &%!b#. Loo-ing ba&- now with a better !nder#tanding o$ the "!#i& b!#ine## the ,7:roud :li= ad ent!re "a-e# "e #!#pe&t that I ha e been #abotaged by the "!#i& ind!#try %ong be$ore I got to 8a#h i%%e. 1he ,7:roud :li= &o#t "e U1CC'CCC' two year# o$ "y %i$e and "y "arriage. 1he prob%e" with >a e "i9ing The Blac" Saddles re&ord wa# he %i ed o!t in Lo# @nge%e#' #o I had to go #ee hi" in L@' p%ay the r!$$ "i9e# to #ee i$ he wo!%d be intere#ted in "i9ing the pro4e&t' and i$ I &o!%d a$$ord hi" a# on a big re&ord he earn# U5'CCC to U1C'CCC per #ong. On 1han-#gi ing 2CC8 Charity and I $%ew o!t to Ca%i$ornia to #pend the ho%iday with "y $riend#' $a"i%y' and go !p to >a e @ron*# ho!#e in the 3o%%ywood 3i%%# to p%ay the r!$$ "i9e# o$ The Blac" Saddles re&ord and try' and "a-e a dea% I &o!%d a$$ord. Dhi%e we were in Ca%i$ornia i#iting $a"i%y and "eeting with >a e @ron to hire hi" to "i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord' we had a 2no !orced entry3 b!rg%ary in "y ho"e in Lrentwood' 1enne##ee. 1he on%y per#on with a -ey wa# Landon Carter' The Blac" Saddles "anager at the ti"e' who wa# wat&hing o!r dog#. C!rio!#%y' the thie$*# did not ta-e any o$ the e9pen#i e g!itar# or re&ording e?!ip"ent. 1hey too- the ideo &a"era whi&h had a%% o$ the ideo $ro" the re&ording #e##ion# o$ The Blac" Saddles re&ord at )o!nd )tage' the #e##ion# at "y ho"e with Je##e Dhit%ey and the o&a% #e##ion# with Lorrie =organ re&ording her part# $or Mother. I do be%ie e that ideo &a"era wa# the pri"ary target $or the b!rg%ary a# on it wa# a%% the $ootage I had !n-nowing%y $i%"ed o$ the #abotage I a" #haring with yo!. Fort!nate%y I had a%"o#t e erything ba&-ed !p $ro" that &a"era on a hard dri e. 1he perpetrator# a%#o #to%e a hand g!n' a p%a#"a 15 and #o"e other ite"#. I &o!%d te%% by the way the robbery wa# &ond!&ted I that one o$ the perpetrator# had to be Ti$$y andMor #n(le sibors"i' Charity*# %o#er $riend#' who i#ited o!r ho!#e the day be$ore we %e$t $or Ca%i$ornia. 1he intere#ting $a&t i# that e en tho!gh one o$ the ite"# #to%en wa# a 4C. Ca%iber ,%o&- hand g!n' and I ga e a%% the detai%# o$ the #!#pe&t# to the Lrentwood 7o%i&e depart"ent' the dete&ti e on the &a#e ,!y Carter' ne er $o%%owed !p or in e#tigated the &a#e' e en tho!gh I $o%%owed !p with hi" #e era% ti"e#. I #!#pe&t that #in&e Ti$As sibors"iAs #tep $ather i# :erry R McCar>er' a Free"a#on and =ayor o$ 7%ea#ant 5iew' 1enne##ee' "a-ing thi# in e#tigation go away wa# ordinary ba&-roo" b!#ine## $or the =a#on# in 8a#h i%%e. @ $ew "onth# ago in Febr!ary 2C1C $o%%owing !p on another &a#e that the Lrentwood po%i&e did not in e#tigate' I re?!e#ted the $!%% report o$ the in e#tigation on the b!rg%ary $ro" ,!y Cater' and ha e not heard a word ba&-. I $ig!red I wo!%d 4!#t %et tho#e &a#e# $er"ent whi%e I got thi# boo- together.

. #n(el ' Ti$ siborsP"i ,iel Carswell In a re%ated i##!e 8ei% Car#we%%*# wi$e =e%i##a' wor-ed with #n(le siborsP"i . 1he na"e Car#we%% i# %i#ted a# a writer on 2+ard @i>in3 by Keith Dhite%y' b!t I don*t -now i$ there i# a re%ation to 8ei%. J!#t a# one o$ the writer# on :IA$ ,o Stran(er To The Rain36 another Kieth Dhite%y hit' i# a 3e%%ard. I# there any re%ation to 1i" 3e%%ard the #ongwriter I wrote 2So ;ou 4ant To Be # Rednec"3 with' that I do not -now. =y gir% $riend Charity too- "e to #ee 8ei% p%ay %i e in 8a#h i%%e' where were treated ni&e and ta-en ba&- #tage to the green roo" to #&h"oo2e. 1hey were trying to #et !p a writing #e##ion with "e and 8ei% whi&h ne er happened. 8ei% a%#o wa# tied into a radio pro"oter who $ed "e a b!n&h o$ b!%% at CA) in 2CCH' and ho!nded "e a# tho!gh he wa# rea%%y intere#ted in pro"oting The Blac" Saddles e en a$ter I di#&o ered the &orr!ption. 1hi# t!rned o!t to be another #&a" again 4!#t trying to wa#te "ore "oney and &o er !p the CRS Country Radio Se$inar :b%a&- ba%%; &on#pira&y again#t The Blac" Saddles. /=!&h =ore on thi# in the pro"otion# &hapter.0 @nyhow 5a>e #ron agreed to "i9 the re&ord at hi# ho"e in 3o%%ywood hi%%# whi&h I wa# ery e9&ited abo!t. )o I %e$t >a e with a hard dri e o$ a%% the 7ro 1oo%# $i%e# $or The Blac" Saddles re&ord and $%ew ba&- to 8a#h i%%e to dea% with "y b!rg%ari2ed ho"e. >a e @ron "i9ed a &o!p%e #ong# in 3o%%ywood and eJ"ai%ed the" to "e in 8a#h i%%e. I didn*t %i-e any o$ the "i9e#. in $a&t "y r!$$ "i9e# were way better than >a e*#. 1hat*# when he #aid in order to get what I wanted we wo!%d ha e to go into a rea% #t!dio and "i9 the re&ord either in Lo# @nge%e# or 8a#h i%%e. 1he bigge#t heartbrea-er o$ thi# entire ta%e i# "y #i#ter )!2anne &a"e o!t $or Chri#t"a# in 2CC8 and hea i%y &a"paigned $or "e to !#e >a e @ron. @$ter "!&h he#itation' I agreed to ha e >a e &o"e o!t to 8a#h i%%e to "i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord. Coin&ident%y "y #i#ter )!2anne wa# a%#o the $ir#t per#on trying to get "e p!t away in a "enta% $a&i%ity in #pring 2CCH when I #tarted $ig!ring a%% o$ thi# &orr!ption going on aro!nd "e and the g%oba% =a#oni& "a%i&io!#ne##. )!2anne i# a te%e i#ion prod!&er $or C+1 ' MTC' and began her &areer $or #P ,ews6 r(an County Cable and :C P networ- new in Lo# @nge%e#. )he i# de$inite%y #one of them$" >a e pi&-ed *ast Iris Studios in 8a#h i%%e #o we &o!%d !#e hi# "entor 5a>id @eonardAs $a orite roo". 5a>e #ron wa# 5a>id @eonardAs a##i#tant and &!t hi# teeth re&ording and "i9ing "any o$ PrinceAs ear%y re&ording#. 3ere i# >a id Leonard &o""enting on +a#t Iri# )t!dio#.

#I have called this studio home since 8779" The atmosphere is rela/ed and private" The gear collection is formidable& with lots of esoteric tube stuff to compliment the (('s"$ J >a e Leonard @%#o >a e*# o%d $riend $ro" a!dio engineering #&hoo% Mi"e Para(one "anaged *ast Iris Studios. )hort%y a$ter the >a e @ron de#troyed "y re&ord at +a#t Iri# it wa# #o%d and &hanged to +ouse o! Blues Studios ,ash>ille. howe er Mi"e Para(one i# #ti%% "anaging. Le%ow' )t!dio =anager' Mi"e Para(one pi&t!red at +ouse o! Blues Studios <*ast Iris?' 8a#h i%%e.

Mi"e Para(one & *ast Iris Studio F ,ow +ouse o! Blues Studio ,ash>ille Fn$ort!nate%y' 5a>e #ron' 4!#t %i-e a%% o$ the other re&ord ind!#try pro$e##iona%# I hired did "ore de#tr!&tion than prod!&tion when he &a"e o!t with hi# a##i#tant @nthony in Febr!ary 2CCH to "i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord at +a#t Iri# )t!dio. It wa# then that I $ig!red either the who%e town hated "y g!t# or there wa# #o"ething abo!t "y "!#i& that wa# inherent%y again#t the e#tab%i#h"ent*# g!ide%ine#. 1!rn# o!t it wa# both' the "!#i& and "e' and thi# #abotaging had been happening to "e "y who%e %i$e I 4!#t didn*t -now it. It i# "y be#t g!e## that thro!gh n!"ero%ogy and a#tro%ogy the#e #e&ret organi2ation# -new I wa# going to be a h!ge prob%e" $or the" in the $!t!re' and now I a" writing thi# boo- #o I g!e## they were right. =any peop%e in "y $a"i%y' are #e&ret #o&iety' #o why not "e( @$ter it wa# a%% #aid and done and I got o er the hearta&he' betraya% and di#be%ie$ I be&a"e a great #%e!th and $ig!red o!t how the#e #t!dio# de#troy o!r re&ording# right in $ront o$ o!r $a&e. It wor-# the #a"e way a# #abracadabra$ 4!#t a %ot "ore e%aborate. 1he -ey i# di#tra&ting yo! with one thing whi%e they do their #%ide o$ hand with another' or in thi# &a#e #%ide o$ ear tri&-#. I$ I

-new a%% thi# n!"ero%ogy #t!$$ ba&- then I wo!%dn*t ha e gotten #&rewed. Loo- at >a e*# #hirt RBB. =o#t %i-e%y >a e i# a 33* I%%!"inated =a#on. J!#t $or %a!gh# %oo- at "y #hirt HI4<13 and be%ie e yo! I a" no =a#on. 1hi# i# 4!#t #erendipity at it# $ine#t.

Me ' 5a>e wE *N Ma(aPine My Pro!ileW E Third *ye Blind

5a>eAs Center 1old

J!#t be$ore >a e &a"e o!t to 8a#h i%%e to "i9 the re&ord he got a &enter$o%d arti&%e in the *N Ma(aPine% 1hi# wa# 4!#t another part o$ the who%e #&a" to get "e to be #o%d on !#ing >a e @ron' and tr!#ting hi" with The Blac" Saddles re&ord. In addition' "any peop%e pointed o!t that that i# "y #i%ho!ette pro$i%e on the &o er. 1hi# type o$ $a"i%iar i"agery i# a &o""on tri&- #e&ret #o&ietie# !#e to di#tra&t and b!tter !# !p' it*# ba#i&a%%y i#!a% $%attery and p#y&hoJ#e"anti& a##o&iation to "a-e the per#on being #&a""ed $ee% &o"$ortab%e andMor %oo- &ra2y. It*# i# a%#o ery ironi& that Third *ye Blind i# a%#o on the &o er o$ thi# i##!e' #in&e that tr!%y wa# the &a#e with e". I$ yo! are not a 33* =a#on' then yo! are not 6;i%%!"inated; th!# yo!r 2Third7*ye3 i# b%ind. I wa# the 2Third *ye Blind3 in thi# #&a". >a e wearing the 33' "y #i%ho!ette and the :1hirdJ+ye L%ind; i# a%% part o$ how arrogant the#e peop%e are' in addition to being #igna%# to %et other #e&ret #o&iety $o%- -now the 4o-e i# on "e.

The Thrid 2*ye3 The Pineal Gland Coin&ident%y' in the #a"e +O =aga2ine there i# a write !p on a pie&e o$ e?!ip"ent that C8<Crai( 8ones? $ro" Roland to%d "e to b!y' a Cinte) #udio KIBI' a$ter I to%d hi" I didn*t %i-e the ))L*# board at *ast Iris and that >a e @ron de#troyed The Blac" Saddles re&ord. One thing I "ade &%ear to e eryone wa# I didn*t %i-e the $a&t that the ana%og ))L board did not intera&t with 7ro 1oo%#* digita% integration #o that h!ndred# o$ ho!r# a!to"ation I had p!t in the r!$$ "i9e# wo!%d not integrate with >a e*# "i9e#. 1hi# i# ery i"portant be&a!#e in the "i9ing #&a" a$ter >a e @ron with Crai( #l>in' 13+B "ade #!re to ha e a digita% &on#o%e. I "et CJ at 5ura(o Son( in 2CC5. CJ "o ed o!t to 8a#h i%%e with "e and we #hared a ho!#e in Lrentwood. 3e !#ed to te%% "e %ot# o$ #torie# abo!t hi# "o" who wa# a big &on#pira&y per#on and p#y&hi&. 1hi# i# a &o""on ta&ti& !#ed to b!i%d "y tr!#t. @$ter CJ "o ed' hi# #!b#&ription to @# Ma(aPine K Mother *arth ,ews -ept &o"ing $or o er a year' I #!#pe&t to enti&e "e to go to L@ andMor "a-e "e %oo- %i-e a grano%a g!r! wha&-o. 1ho!gh it "ight not #ee" to be a big dea%' It wa# a "ighty big &oin&iden&e that the >a e @ron +O =aga2ine had a write !p on thi# a%ternati e &hanne% #trip.

Cinte) #udio KIBI article !ro$ *N Ma(aPine

Me ' C8 F ,ewport Beach6 C# 200-

3a ing >a e @ron on board and being at +a#t Iri#' I wa# &on$ident that tho!gh e9pen#i e' I had "ade the right de&i#ion to get The Blac" Saddles "i9ed proper%y by a pro$e##iona%. 3owe er' in the "i9ing #t!dio what yo! hear &o"ing o!t o$ the #t!dio "onitor# i# not ne&e##ari%y what get*# printed to yo!r "a#ter#. J!#t %i-e in the re&ording #e##ion#' one o$ the pri"ary tri&-# >a e !#ed to r!in the "i9e# i# #e&ret b!##e# /a%ternati e #o!nd #igna% path#0 with di#torted re erb# and &o"pre##or#' whi&h di#tort or $i%ter# &ertain $re?!en&ie# o!t o$ the #igna% going to the "a#ter. )o' e en tho!gh the #pea-er# #o!nd great' that i# not what i# printing. 3ow it wor-# i# they wi%% "i9 the #ong 4!#t a# i$ it were a big b!dget pro$e##iona% re%ea#e and get it #o!nding per$e&t' whi&h &o!%d ta-e a day or "ore. De then %i#ten to the "i9 and when it #o!nd# awe#o"e I gi e the appro a% to print the "a#ter. @%% they do then i# #i"p%y p!#h one b!tton and !nJ"!te a &o!p%e #e&ret b!##e# that are po#t "onitor# /a$ter the #pea-er#0 and $%ood the "a#ter# with di#torted #igna%#. @nd i$ yo! &hoo#e to re iew the "i9' they 4!#t open the #e##ion and "!te the hidden b!##e# and it #o!nd# great. 3owe er' in a pro$e##iona% #t!dio be&a!#e they !#e a %ot o$ e9pen#i e o!tboard gear $or &o"pre##or# and e$$e&t#' re&reating the "i9 i# not po##ib%e witho!t in e#ting a %ot o$ ti"e' whi&h i# "oney. )o when yo! #ay print. that i# it. 1he &ra2y thing i# we were b!rning te#t C># to %i#ten to in the &ar that #o!nded great' b!t a%% o$ the te#t C>*# a%way# had a %itt%e $%aw here and there. 1hey were either tr!n&ated or 4!#t !n!#ab%e $or one rea#on or another. 3ind #ight being twentyJtwenty I #ho!%d ha e rea%i2ed the te#t C>*# were p!rpo#e%y $%awed #o that I &o!%d not !#e the" $or "a#ter# %ater on. 1r!#t "e the#e are pro$e##iona%. they -now how to $oo% !# a"ate!r#. Intere#ting%y' I &annot $ind one o$ the#e te#t C>*#' #o"eone #%y%y re"o ed the" $ro" "y bag and ho"e' whi&h i# no #!rpri#e a# "!&h e iden&e ha# been #to%en $ro" "e or "agi&a%%y di#appeared. One way to -now yo! are getting #&rewed in the #t!dio i# when the &o"p!ter "onitor# $or the Pro Tools are t!rned #ideway# or #et in a p%a&e whi&h "a-e# the" hard to #ee. @%way# in#i#t that the &o"p!ter "onitor# be p%a&ed between the #pea-er "onitor# #o yo! &an wat&h what 13+B are doing at a%% ti"e#. I o$ten &o"p%ained abo!t thi# be&a!#e it "a-e# it di$$i&!%t to %i#ten in the "idd%e o$ the #pea-er#' "a-e ad4!#t"ent# on the "i9ing &on#o%e and wat&h what i# happening in the Pro Tools #e##ion at the #a"e ti"e. 1hi# i# be&a!#e they don*t want yo! to wat&h what i# happening in the 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion' whi%e yo! are %i#tening and wat&hing the &on#o%.

#nthony ' 5a>e 7 Sideways Co$puter Monitors De "i9ed 13 #ong# in #e en day#' and on the %a#t day @orrie Mor(an &a"e to %i#ten to the $ina% "i9e#. Lorrie #at dead &enter in $ront o$ the #t!dio #pea-er# and %i#tened to ea&h and e ery #ong with 8esse 4hitley $ro" beginning to end. )he tho!ght the re&ord #o!nded great' whi&h it did' then. De %i#tened thro!gh the entire re&ord e9&ept $or 2+ard @i>in3 whi&h we #trange%y ne er $ini#hed.

8esse 4hitley ' @orrie Mor(an listenin( throu(h entire record F *ast Iris Loo-ing ba&-' hind #ight being 2CM2C' @orrie Mor(an #ee"ed pretty ner o!# when we %i#tened thro!gh the who%e re&ord. )he dran- Corona and te?!i%a the entire ti"e. @%#o' a# yo! &an #ee in the be%ow pi&t!re# #he &%!ng pretty &%o#e to 5a>e #ron' e en tho!gh #he had 4!#t "et hi". Fnder#tanding the $ra!d that wa# rea%%y going on' it i# &%ear now to #ee that #he wa# #ee-ing &o"$ort $ro" >a e in a ery !n&o"$ortab%e #it!ation.

5a>e #ron @orrie Mor(an<Clin(in(?6 8essie 4hitley6 5a>eAs #ssistant #nthony ' Me I do re"e"ber a ery aw-ward "o"ent at +a#t Iri# )t!dio when >a e @ron' Lorrie =organ and Je##e a$ter %i#tening to the who%e re&ord on the %a#t day o$ "i9ing' when Lorrie' Je##e and >a e #ee"ed to ha e a pri ate &e%ebratory "o"ent whi&h e9&%!ded "e' de#pite the $a&t that I wrote' prod!&ed' paid and #%a ed $or two year# to "a-e The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t.

Let there be no do!bt that Je##e Dhit%ey and Lorrie =organ were in on "y de"i#e $ro" day one. 8ot to "ention not on&e then or #in&e ha# Lorrie =organ or Je##ie Dhit%ey e9pre##ed the #%ighte#t &on&ern $or what happened' #he and Je##e 4!#t di#appeared. @$ter &%o#e%y e9a"ining a%% o$ the a!dio' ideo and pi&t!re e iden&e a# we%% a# rep%aying a%% the #&enario# in "y "ind' it i# now pain$!%%y &%ear that I wa# being ba"boo2%ed the entire ti"e' and they were e en r!bbing it right in "y $a&e b!t I wa# too nai e to noti&e. I wa# :1hird +ye L%ind;.

8esse ' 5a>e (i>in( the Illu$inated +orns

This picture says it all

Intere#ting%y eno!gh on the e ening o$ Febr!ary 23rd 2CCH' we he%d Charity*# 3Cth birthday party at +a#t Iri# )t!dio. In the -it&hen ha ing &a-e' >a e @ron a&t!a%%y to%d Charity. #+e knows he!s going to hell$" I hate $or that too be tr!e' b!t with the pheno"ena% #-i%% he "i9ed The Blac" Saddles re&ord' and then the #%y #"oothne## with whi&h he de#troyed it' I a" ?!ite &on$ident "ine wa# not the $ir#t re&ord he ha# de#troyed in thi# $a#hion. In $a&t' I wo!%d #ay that thi# i# tr!e $or a%% the pro$e##iona%# who wor-ed on "y pro4e&t. @# I #tated ear%ier the re&ord b!#ine## #pend# $ar "ore "oney de#troying arti#t and band# than they do "a-ing the". @$ter 5a>e #ron went ba&- to L@' we were three day# away $ro" the radio re%ea#e date $or 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 and a%% o$ the "i9e# >a e %e$t "e with were horrib%e' whi&h i# &ra2y be&a!#e when we a%% %i#tened to the" with @orrie Mor(an on the %a#t day at *ast Iris e eryone agreed they #o!nded awe#o"e. In $a&t' the digita% ideo I ha e o$ Lorrie and e eryone %i#tening to the $ina% "i9e# #o!nd# better than what I ended !p with $ro" >a e @ron to "a#ter. I wa# a i&ti" o$ the o%* #wit&hJaJroo. 7%ea#e !nder#tand' >a e @ron i# one o$ the top re&ording and "i9ing a!dio engineer# in the b!#ine##' #o it i# hard%y po##ib%e $or hi" to ha e one bad "i9' %et a%one 13 bad "i9e#. *N Ma(aPine i# the ind!#try par e9&e%%ent $or "i9ing' #o $or >a e to get the &enter $o%d he "!#t be pretty da"n good. @nd he i#. Le%ie e it or not' I a" not "ad at >a e $or what he did. I now &%ear%y !nder#tand that the order to #abotage "e &a"e $ro" way higher !p than 8a#h i%%e or the "!#i& b!#ine##. >a e had no &hoi&e in the "atter. @t %ea#t I did get to hear the re&ord #o!nd

great on&e' and we had a %ot o$ $!n in the #t!dio. 8ow I get to #a e the wor%d' that*# better than a hit re&ord day. >a e "ade the de&i#ion to !#e *ast Iris Studios' and Mi"e Para(one %ined !p #ndrew Mendelson at Geor(e Town Masterin( to "a#ter the re&ord. Le%ow i# an eJ"ai% that >a e #ent to #ndrew Mendelson at Geor(e Town Masterin( a$ter ret!rning to Lo# @nge%e#' #!gge#ting #o"e $i9e# $or "i9e#. 1hi# eJ"ai% i# ridi&!%o!# be&a!#e a%% o$ >a e*# "i9e# and #te"# were &o"p%ete%y !n!#ab%e and @ndrew &on&!rred.

5a>eAs *7Mail to #ndrew at Geor(e Town ad$ittin( his $i)es were horrible >a e %ie# abo!t the ti"e $ra"e a# he #tayed two e9tra day# $or a tota% o$ #e en day#' whi&h i# on%y "i9ing two #ong# a day' a&t!a%%y %e## be&a!#e we ne er got to 2+ard @i>in3% 3owe er the two e9tra day# &o#t "e an e9tra U4'CCC $or #t!dio' air$are and $ood. >a e' =i-e' @ndrew and e eryone e%#e -new what wa# going on' it*# 4!#t a big &ir&%e 4er- ga"e they p%ay pretending to b%a"e ea&h other' a# &o er $or ea&h other. Dhen it the #"o-e &%eared between #t!dio &o#t#' >a e K hi# a##i#tant 1ony' $ood and other e9pen#e# >a e @ron &o#t "e U26'CCC and I #ti%% didn*t ha e a "i9ed re&ord.

In addition to the "i9e# being bad there wa# an in&redib%e a"o!nt o$ additiona% de#tr!&tion to the #o!nd $i%e# on a%% "y hard dri e#' a# we%% a# "i##ing #o$tware and : p%!g in#; on "y ho"e 7ro 1oo%# #t!dio #y#te". I a%#o bo!ght a =a& 7ower boo- $or 5a>e #ronAs a##i#tant #nthony to !#e at *ast Iris studio #o he &o!%d $i9 a%% o$ 8esse 4hitleyAs o&a% ti"ing and t!ning. @$ter >a e and @nthony %e$t 8a#h i%%e a%% o$ the :7%!g in#; on that %aptop had been era#ed. @%#o Randy Cantor ear%ier in the "onth had &o"e by "y ho!#e and :borrowed; "y hard di#& &opie# o$ "y #o$tware $or 7ro 1oo%# K 7%!g Inn#. )o when "y &o"p!ter# got ha&-ed and 7ro 1oo%# wa# &orr!pted I didn*t ha e any o$ "y #o$tware di#&# to re%oad the progra". It i# tr!%y a"a2ing how thoro!gh and deter"ined the "!#i& b!#ine## wa# to "a-e #!re that The Blac" Saddles re&ord ne er #aw the %ight o$ day. >e#pite #pending an in&redib%e a"o!nt o$ "oney $or >a e @ron and hi# a##i#tant @nthony to &o"e o!t $ro" 3o%%ywood to "i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord' e erything wa# wor#e when they %e$t' than when they arri ed. J!#t p!re de%iberate de#tr!&tion ai"ed at ban-r!pting "e and per"anent%y &ripp%ing The Blac" SaddlesA pro4e&t. 1he peop%e at *ast Iris Studios in &harge and re#pon#ib%e $or a%%owing the de#tr!&tion to o&&!r were Mi"e Para(on' the #t!dio "anagerMho!#e engineer and Ted 4heeler' ho!#e engineer. @ $ew day# a$ter I di#&o ered that >a e and *ast Iris had de#troyed "y re&ord Mi"e Para(one &a%%ed and #aid that the owner o$ the #t!dio heard what happened' that they were #orry and o$$ered "e $ree #t!dio ti"e to "a-e !p $or it. I &a%%ed a wee- %atter to ta-e the" !p on thi# o$$er and they p%ayed #t!pid a&ting a# i$ nothing had happened' in addition they had &hanged the #t!dio# oi&e "ai% ta-ing Mi"e Para(one oi&e o$$ the an#wering oi&e "ai%. )hort%y a$ter that they #o%d +a#t Iri# )t!dio*# and it be&a"e 3o!#e o$ L%!e# )t!dio 8a#h i%%e. 8oti&e in the pi&t!re on the right how =i-e 7argone i# gi ing the :horn*#; #igna% to 1ed who wa# behind @nthony' and $ro" the %oo- in hi# eye*# thi# i# not :&e%ebratory; or :ro&-JnJ ro%%; thi# i# "a%i&io!# intent in#tr!&tion $or de#tr!&tion. 7eop%e rea%%y #ho!%d be "ore &are$!% when there i# a $i%" #t!dent in the roo".

Ted 4heeler6 Mi"e Par(one <*ast Iris Man(er? Mi"eAs BiP Card Mi"e Par(one 2horns3 J!#t day# away $ro" the radio re%ea#e date $or 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 I had no !#ab%e "i9. In a pani&' I got a re$erra% $ro" @ndrew at Geor(e Town Masterin( in 8a#h i%%e to

!#e Crai( #l>in/3e engineered the band 2Cha>el30. Craig*# #t!dio wa# &a%%ed The Great GaPoo and I hired hi" to "i9 4!#t one #ong6 2So ;ou # 4anna Be # Rednec"3 #o that I &o!%d get ha e it $or the =ar&h 17th 2CCH radio re%ea#e' "y birthday. I #ho!%d ha e -nown thing# were a"i## when I wa%-ed into The Great GaPoo #t!dio a# there wa# a %arge pi&t!re abo!t 5 $oot ta%% b!tter$%y taped on the door that %oo-ed ery #i"i%ar to The Blac" Saddles %ogo. Craig #aid hi# #on drew and &o%ored it $or hi". In "y #t!pidity I #aw the #i"i%aritie# a# a good o"en' not rea%i2ing it wa# another p#y&ho%ogi&a% #et !p. 1hi# i# an e9&e%%ent e9a"p%e o$ how detai%ed #e&ret #o&ietie# pri"e yo!r "ind #o that it be&o"e# p!tty in their hand#. 1hi# i# the e9a&t #a"e #!b%i"ina% te&hni?!e a# "y pro$i%e on the *N Ma(aPine. It a%#o appear# a# tho!gh it wa#n*t ?!ite &%o#e eno!gh #o 13+B "ade #!re to draw the green #tirr!p#' b!t the wing# are !n"i#ta-ab%e.

Picture Crai( #l>in said his son drew

The Blac" Saddles @o(o

Craig a%#o b%inded "e with $%attery te%%ing "e that the a&o!#ti&# on 2Rednec"3 were 4!#t per$e&t on the bridge' e en tho!gh they are horrib%e' whi&h I -now be&a!#e I a" the one who p%ayed the". @%#o' they -new a$ter the >a e @ron*# *ast Iris night"are that I didn*t %i-e SS@ boards and #o they had an a%% :digita% board; in the #t!dio that Craig #aid wa# !#ed on Rascal 1lats a%b!".

Ti$ Salter6 8e!! <asst%? Crai( #l>in6 @andon Carter 5i(ital Board at 2The Great GaPPo3 1wo day# and U12CC %ater' Craig p%ayed !# a "i9 in the #t!dio that #o!nded awe#o"e' whi&h wa# de%i ered to Geor(e Town $or "a#tering. @t Geor(e Town the "a#ter #o!nded awe#o"e' b!t on&e I pi&-ed !p the $ina% print $ro" Geor(e Town it wa# a%#o "e##ed !p again' b%aring in high end noi#e and o er powering &ra#hing #y"bo%# %i-e tra#h &an# ro%%ing down hi%%# again. @%#o' the entire %ow end wa# &o"p%ete%y "i##ing and the o&a%# were di#torted. I a" a good writer and prod!&er' b!t I thin- a# a #inger and g!itar p%ayer I a" ery a erage. )o anyti"e anyone &o"p%i"ent# "y #inging or g!itar wor-' I -now they are b!ttering "e !p to be tarred and $eathered. Fn$ort!nate%y' it too- "e U1CC'CCC to %earn thi#. "y prob%e" i# that I a" ery tr!#ting' whi&h %ead# to being ery g!%%ib%e. 3owe er' in "y de$en#e ne er e er #!#pe&ted that the &orr!ption in the "!#i& b!#ine## and the wor%d wa# a# thi&- or a# &%o#e to ho"e a# it i#. 3one#t%y' e en tho!gh I ha e e9perien&ed $ir#thand h!ndred# o$ a##a!%t# again#t "e' I #ti%% &annot &o"prehend how e%aborate and &on&entrated the #e&re&y and &orr!ption wa# again#t "e. I# e eryone in a #e&ret #o&iety( One o$ the pri"ary weapon# 13+B !#e to $oo% peop%e i# $%attery' whi&h i$ yo! are an a#piring arti#t i# a ery power$!% too%. F%attery wor-# that #a"e way a# bodi%y #ho&- and $ear be&a!#e when $%attered the body re%ea#e# the #a"e $ee% good &he"i&a%#' whi&h &a!#e a "i%d e!phoria. 1hi# e!phoria i# ba#i&a%%y to9i& :abra&adabra; and wor-# "!&h the #a"e way' %ea ing one open to #!gge#tion and "ore ea#i%y de&ei ed. 1he Lib%e e en warn# o$ the de io!#ne## o$ $%attery. I wi#h I had rea%i2ed #ooner that when #o"eone wa# being o er%y genero!# with their prai#e that I wa# being #wind%ed' b!t the e9&ite"ent o$ it a%% b%ind# yo!. I wa# being #wind%ed a%% the ti"e and by e erybody. It*# %i-e #e&ond nat!re to the#e $o%-#. I g!e## when yo! are rai#ed $ro" the age o$ $i e to be a %iar' de&ei er and ta!ght a%% the an&ient =a#oni& "anip!%ati e #e&ret# yo! get to be pretty good at being a horrib%e h!"an being. A!"or with #o"e &on#pira&y theori#t i# that the#e $o%-# are not e en h!"an' whi&h wo!%d 4!#t "a-e the" a horrib%e being# I g!e##. I #ti%% &an*t be%ie e I didn*t #ee thing# #ooner' b!t I g!e## a%% in ,od*# ti"e. Cal 4orthin(ton and hi# :dog; #pot in Ca%i$ornia wa# the "o#t #!&&e##$!% !#ed &ar dea%er o$ a%% ti"e. Bo! #ee Ca% wo!%d a%way# appear on 15 %oo-ing or a&ting %i-e a $oo%' gi ing the iewing &!#to"er the i%%!#ion that he wa# a tota% idiot. 3i# dog #pot wo!%d !#!a%%y be #o"e &ra2y &ir&!# ani"a% %i-e a &a"e%' e%ephant' tiger' %a"a or gori%%a. 1hi# i# -nown in #a%e# a# the bigger b!$$oon &%o#e. 1he &!#to"er get# a $a%#e #en#e o$ &on$iden&e that they &an get one o er on Ca%

the b!$$oon' and #o they head on down to get a #tea% o$ dea% on a &ar' on%y to ha e their a## #igned to a bad %ea#e on an o erJpri&ed hoopty they &an*t a$$ord. @ pri"e e9a"p%e o$ thi# b!$$oon te&hni?!e wa# !#ed on "e by #ndrew Mendelson owner and &hie$ =a#tering +ngineer at Geor(e Town Masterin( on =!#i& Aow in 8a#h i%%e. I &an*t be%ie e I $e%% $or thi#' b!t we were day# away $ro" o!r $ir#t radio re%ea#e $or 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 and we had h!ndred# o$ radio per#ona%itie# that we be$riended at the Country Radio Se$inar/CA)0 4!#t day# ear%ier a%% #!per e9&ited abo!t the pro4e&t. 3ere*# i# the &%a##i& b!$$oon #a%e# &%o#e' &he&- o!t @ndrew*# #%ipper#.

8esse 4hitely ' #ndrew Mendelson <Bu!!oon Slippers? & Geor(e Town Masterin( In addition to the :b!$$oon; #a%e# te&hni?!e and %i?!oring !# !p with $ree boo2e Geor(e Town Masterin( a%#o !#e the :o erJ&harge; #a%e# #&a" to di ert "y attention. 1he initia% e#ti"ate to "a#ter one #ong wa# U15C. by the ti"e it wa# a%% #aid and done the tota% &o#t to "a#ter one #ong wa# U65C. U25C wa# a b!%%#hit re#&hed!%ing &harge be&a!#e >a e @ron*# de#tr!&tion on the "a#ter de%ayed de%i ery date' and the other e9tra U3CC wa# $or ,od -now# what. I needed the #ong tho!gh #o I paid it' b!t when I got it ho"e' on&e again it wa# tota% garbage. @t ,eorge =a#tering e eryone wa# e9&ited be&a!#e #(o You *anna %e A Redneck$ #o!nded awe#o"e. + en tho!gh we didn*t ha e the who%e re&ord $ini#hed' at %ea#t we had the #ing%e $or the radio in two day#' or #o I tho!ght. Fro" the pi&t!re be%ow yo! &an #ee on&e again' I wa# the $oo% being $oo%ed.


Ti$ 8esse <horns? Me Bethany #ndrew<rabbit ears? The boys $oc"in( $y pri>ates

It wa# at thi# point I rea%i2ed that no "atter who I went to in the "!#i& b!#ine##. there wa# a #tanding in#tr!&tion to de#troy "y "!#i&. In "y traditiona% ne er #ay die attit!de and de#perate to ha e #o"ething $or the radio re%ea#e in 24 ho!r# to gi e to a%% the radio peop%e that I Je##e and I "et at CRS<Country Radio Se$inar? I atte"pted to "i9 2So ;ou 4ant To Be # Rednec"3 at "y ho!#e. 3oping to #a e ti"e I tried to !#e Craig*# and >a e*# )te"#. )te"# are #eparate #!b "i9e# o$ rhyth" in#tr!"ent#' dr!"#' o&a%# and %ead in#tr!"ent#. )ad%y' I opened the Pro Tools $i%e# $ro" Craig* #e##ion# at "y ho"e #t!dio and %ow and beho%d a%% tho#e $i%e# were da"aged and di#torted a%#o. 1hey got "e again. In a pani& I got onto the phone with Craig and re?!e#ted another "i9' whi&h we re&ei ed ia hi# on%ine @pp%e a&&o!nt a $ew ho!r# %ater. 1hi# new "i9 wa# $ra&tiona%%y better b!t #ti%% not !#ab%e. )o I &a%%ed Craig again and a#-ed i$ he &o!%d 4!#t #end a &%ean dr!" #te" witho!t the #y"bo%#. 3o!r# %ater we retrie ed the new dr!" #te" $ro" Craig ia hi# @pp%e a&&o!nt and it too #o!nded %i-e tra#h &an#. )!#pi&io!#%y' Craig had to %ea e town' and I wa# o!t o$ option#' "oney and had no "i9 o$ 2So ;ou 4ant To Be a Rednec"3 $or the radio re%ea#e on "y birthday. 1hi# wa# when it dawned on "e that #o"ething ery bad wa# going on and to "a-e "atter# wor#e thi# i# a%#o when I di#&o ered that "y &o"p!ter#' 7ro 1oo%#' p%!g inn# and hard dri e# had a%% been &o"pro"i#ed and &ontained &o!nt%e## ho!r# o$ intentiona% and irreparab%e da"age. I$ it were not $or one ery #e&ret dri e that I -ept !n-nown to e eryone' The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t wo!%d be &o"p%ete%y %o#t. In tota% on prod!&er#' engineer#' "!#i&ian#' #t!dio#' e?!ip"ent' art' tra e%' pro"otion' per dee"' $ood' $an $air and Je##e :Keith; Dhit%ey I #pent o er U1CC'CCC "a-ing thi# re&ord on%y to %earn e erybody' in&%!ding Lorrie =organ' Je##ie Dhite%y' the top %e e% ind!#try pro$e##iona%#' #t!dio# and "!#i&ian# I wa# hired were doing "ore da"age than prod!&tion. 8eed%e## to #ay I wa# bro-e e"otiona%%y' phy#i&a%%y and $inan&ia%%y. Dhoe er did the h!ndred# o$ "a%i&io!# ad4!#t"ent# d!ring the %ong drawn o!t "i9ing o$ the re&ord &o!%d ha e been any n!"ber o$ pro$e##iona%# I bro!ght in to try and get thi# re&ord "i9ed proper%y in&%!ding Aandy Cantor' >a e @ron' >a id Leonard' Craig @% in and whoe er :Dhee%; wa# that ha&-ed into "y =a& 7ro ia L%!etooth. @%% I &an #ay $or #!re i# whoe er did

thi# to a%% "y "i9e# and hard dri e# had to ha e been an @pp%e K 7ro 1oo%# a!dio engineering e9pert and #pent "any ho!r# de#troying' a# thi# type o$ detri"enta% twea-ing are e erywhere on a%% The Blac" Saddles re&ording#. 1he noi#e &reated by the#e #%y ad er#e ad4!#t"ent# i# %i-e trying to $ind a tho!#and need%e# in $o!rteen hay#ta&-#. 1hi# i# why I ha e &arpa% t!nne% #yndro"e in both hand# be&a!#e I wa# &on#tant%y $i9ing "i9e# that we a%ready edited and "ade ready $or pro$e##iona% "i9ing. It #ee"ed e ery ti"e I wo!%d go ba&- to &he&- a #ong I -new wa# ready $or pro "i9ing' it wo!%d be a%% "e##ed !p again. @t that ti"e I wa# #ti%% 4!#t a beginning engineer and didn*t ha e a &%!e what wa# going on. 1here ha e on%y been a $ew peop%e who ha e had a&&e## to the dri e# "y#e%$' Randy Cantor' 5a>e #ron' #nthony >a e*# a##i#tant and 5a>id @eonard' o$ Prince $a"e' who &a"e to "y ho!#e to try and #a% age 5a>e #ronAs #oni& "e## on 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3% 5a>e @eonard a# ery $a"o!# #o!nd engineer' &a"e to "y ho!#e $or one day and we didn*t #ee" to "a-e any progre## that*# when I hired Crai( #l>in' who a%#o did "ore bad than good. 1ho!gh I don*t -now $or #!re' I do not be%ie e that 5a>e @eonard did any da"age' a# he didn*t rea%%y do anything e9&ept #it there $or a who%e day' and #tare at the #&reen with headphone# on #o I &o!%d not hear what he wa# doing. 3owe er' &on#idering hi# %e e% o$ e9perien&e and e9perti#e' it wo!%d be an i"po##ibi%ity $or hi" to ha e not re&ogni2ed the de%iberate da"age a%% o er the :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 7ro 1oo%# $i%e#. L!t he %i-e e eryone did not #ay a word abo!t it. On&e thi# de#tr!&tion be&a"e ob io!# I went to tota% %o&- down on "y &o"p!ter# and hard dri e#' and to "y a"a2e"ent thing# &ontin!ed to be ta"pered with. 1hen one day I wa# "i9ing and a%% o$ a #!dden the who%e "i9ed 4!#t &hanged a# I wa# wor-ing on it. I rea%i2ed that #o"eone had wire%e## a&&e## to "y =a& 7ro >e#- 1op &o"p!ter' e en tho!gh it wa# not &onne&ted to the internet or a networ-. @$ter #pending ho!r# on the phone with @pp%e we di#&o ered that #o"eone had indeed a&&e##ed "y &o"p!ter' and &ra&-ed into the high %e e% @pp%e #e&!rity pro$i%e na"ed D3++L. Dhi&h i# pretty bo%d #in&e Dhee% i# 58553<26<8' and 8 i# ,od*# n!"ber. @pp%e a%#o he%ped "e $ig!re o!t that whoe er &ra&-ed in a&&e##ed "y &o"p!ter ia L%!e 1ooth' whi&h i# #trange a# who -new that a de#-top*# had b%!e tooth. =ore intere#ting' I &a"e to %earn that L%!e 1ooth i# on%y good $or a $ew h!ndred $eet and the perpetrator wo!%d ha e to be &%o#e eno!gh $or L%!e 1ooth. )in&e "y#e%$ and "y gir%$riend Charity' who i# &o"p!ter i%%iterate' were the on%y peop%e %i ing in "y ho!#e' the on%y per#on &%o#e eno!gh wo!%d be "y ne9t door neighbor 1o""y 1ho"p#on' who 4!#t happened to ha e a #?!are white DiJFi antenna on hi# window pointed toward "y ho"e. I ne er got a pi&t!re o$ it 1o""y*# white 12* 9 12* wire%e## antenna in hi# window' thi# &o!%d ha e been the de i&e or it &o!%d ha e been a de&oy to "a-e "e %oo- a $oo%. 1o" a%#o 4!#t happen# to be a Free"a#on' I -now thi# be&a!#e when I $ir#t "o ed into the )tonehenge neighborhood in Lrentwood he #howed "e hi# i%%!#trio!# &o%%e&tion o$ portrait# o$ @"eri&a*# $ore$ather#' a%% =a#on# 8ow yo! are #tarting to !nder#tand o$ how interwo en' &%ande#tine' "i#&hie o!# and re%ent%e## the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# are. @ ery intere#ting #ide note i# that 1o"*# da!ghter in %aw' who i# o er at hi# ho!#e a%% the ti"e' wa# wor-ing a# a per#ona% a##i#tant to Chri# Lind#ey and @"y =ayo' two ery pro"inent #ongwriter# who wor- &%o#e%y with 1aith +ill and Ti$ McGraw. Chri# Lind#ey had a&t!a%%y heard a r!$$ "i9 o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 at a #ongwriting wor-#hop he ga e' that I

attended in 8a#h i%%e. Later that wee- 1o" to%d "e that Chri# tho!ght it wa# ery we%% written and I wa# a good writer. I g!e## I wa# too good' that*# why I got #o "!&h de#tr!&ti e attention @# I ha e "entioned a%% o$ "y &o"p!ter# ha e been ha&-ed and a%"o#t e erything pertaining to The Blac" Saddles de#troyed or "!tated. =any ti"e# perpetrator wo!%d %ea e their "ar-# a# a #&are ta&ti&. 1he n!"ber 23 "y#terio!#%y #howed !p on "y pro4e&t #pread #heet# that I !#ed to "anage and b!dget The Blac" Saddles re&ord. /23<5 :Lad For Bo!;0 J!#t %i-e the !#er who &ra&-ed into "y #y#te" &a%%ed who the"#e% e# D3++L.

The Blac" Saddles bud(et altered to X2B6000

Mac Pro Sharin( ' Per$ission 24heel3

In addition to the 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion da"age I a%#o had a #%ew o$ "i##ing F)L #torage de i&e#' 7ro 1oo%#' 1hird 7arty 7%!gJIn #o$tware #to%en and a b!n&h o$ "y#terio!# te&hni&a% #etba&-#. )o tho!gh #o"e o$ the da"age &o!%d ha e o&&!rred wire%e##%y' "!&h o$ it wa# done by tho#e who had phy#i&a% a&&e##. 1he type o$ de#tr!&tion on the 7ro 1oo%# #e##ion and hard dri e# i# $air%y te&hni&a% b!t here i# a #a"p%e %i#t6 =i##ing #o!nd# $i%e#' #tret&hed #o!nd $i%e#' di#torted #o!nd $i%e#' &o"pre##or# and re erb# with inp!t# p!#hed to "a9 and o!tp!t# t!rned down hiding di#tortion' rando" a!to"ation o$ de%ay#' re erb#' o%!"e#' panning and "!te#' #e&ret b!##e# &a!#ing !n&ontro%%ab%e %e e%# o$ &hanne%#' hapha2ard a!to"ation' di#torted e$$e&t#' grad!a% o%!"e &hange#' $%ip $%opping o er head# that &ontradi&t the dr!" -it' $re?!en&y $i%tering' p%!g in de%eting' hard ware ta"pering and the %i#t goe# on and on. I #ti%% $ind #t!$$ e ery ti"e I %oo- at the #e##ion#. @t thi# point I don*t rea%%y e en -now i$ the a%b!" i# #a% ageab%e or not it*# that da"aged. )in&e "o ing away $ro" that neighborhood I ha e not had any prob%e"# with "y $i%e# or &o"p!ter#. L!t hone#t%y' I ha e not been wor-ing on the "!#i& at a%% #in&e "y hand# h!rt. It*# a%#o hard to be &reati e when %i ing in $ear' and a# %ong a# the "!#i& b!#ine## i# &ontro%%ed by #e&ret #o&ietie# there*# rea%%y no point' a# I a" ob io!#%y high on their %i#t to de#troy. 3ere are 4!#t #o"e o$ the de#tr!&ti e tri&-# I di#&o ered on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t.

1K #uto$ation Sabota(e

Colu$e #uto$ation Sabota(e

@bo e hidden a!to"ation g%it&he# and dri$ting o%!"e &hange whi&h &a!#e the #o!nd to go bad in rando" #pot#' and &an #o"eti"e# ta-e ho!r# to $ind what i# going wrong. =any o$ the#e are #o &%e er%y b!ried in the #e##ion# it*# ob io!# that they had to be done by an e9pert in 7ro 1oo%#. Le%ow i# an e9a"p%e o$ a!to"ation #abotage on a La&- ,ro!nd 5o&a% tra&-. @# yo! &an #ee ery brie$%y the a!dio i# #igna% i# #et to 4er- to the right' thi# de#tr!&tion i# three %ayer# deep on the a!to"ation. On the #a"e tra&- 4!#t be$ore the 7an #abotage i# a =!te #abotage on the o&a% de%ay whi&h wo!%d &a!#e the #o!nd to e&ho' &!t o$$' then e&ho. 1hi# de#tr!&tion i# $i e %ayer# deep into the a!to"ation' It*# ea#y to $i9' b!t ery ti"e &on#!"ing to deter"ine the &a!#e and %o&ate in the #e##ion.

Pro Tools Session !or 2Rednec"3

5elay ' Pannin( Sabota(e

3ere i# the #a"e pi&t!re I !#ed to #how the intentiona% dr!" #ti&- hit# on &y"ba% #tand# and hardware. J!#t #o yo! ha e an idea how di$$i&!%t it i# to #pot the a!to"ation #abotage# #ee i$ yo! &an deter"ine the #!bt%e oddity here' whi&h ha# a "a4or%y negati e e$$e&t on the #o!nd o$ the #ong.

>erhead 5ru$ Trac"s !ro$ 2Rec"nec"3 >id yo! $ind the #abotage( I$ yo! didn*t' ta-e a &%o#er %oo- at the :7an; on ea&h tra&-. 1he O3J3 tra&- i# at :C;' whi&h #ho!%d be at 1CC to the %e$t' and the O3JA tra&- i# at 1CC to the %e$t' and it #ho!%d be at 1CC to the right. 1he &a!#e# the O er 3ead# to #o!nd oppo#ite to the a&t!a%

dr!" -it &a!#ing #erio!# #oni& irritation and a!dio &on$!#ion. 1hi# #t!$$ "ay #ee "inor to yo!' b!t when yo! &on#ider that there are %itera%%y h!ndred# o$ the#e #%y%y p%a&ed #abotage# in a%% the #ong# yo! #tart to rea%i2e how &!"ber#o"e it i# to $ind and $i9 the#e error#. 1he thing that #!&-# "o#t i# the origina% r!$$ "i9e# that I had were ery &%o#e to being done' now a$ter bringing in a%% the#e e9pen#i e pro$e##iona%#' I don*t e en -now i$ the re&ord i# #a% ageab%e' a# there are #o!nd $i%e# "i##ing' #tret&hed' di#torted' rep%a&ed and &orr!pted. It i# %itera%%y "ind bogg%ing trying to get the "i9e# 4!#t ba&- to where they were be$ore a%% the#e pro# de#troyed the". I &o!%d go on $or day# de#&ribing the de#tr!&tion on thi# re&ord' b!t there i# #o "!&h "ore to the #tory that I wi#h to #hare with yo! #o we need to "o e on. J!#t to get the proo$ o$ 8a#h i%%e*# de#tr!&tion on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t into the p!b%i& re&ord I re%ea#ed Crai( #l>inAs in$erior "i9' "a#tered by Geor(e Town Masterin( o$ :So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 to radio a# #&hed!%ed on =ar&h 17th 2CCH. De got a %itt%e airp%ay' be$ore being in$or"ed thro!gh the grape ine that o!r radio pro"otion had been #abotaged by CA)' the Country Radio Se$inar he%d in 8a#h i%%e and we were :b%a&- ba%%ed; $ro" &o!ntry radio. 8ot -nowing what 13+B had p%aned ne9t I $e%t the need to at %ea#t get #o"ething o!t to the p!b%i& a# a #a$ety net $or "y %i$e. )o' I b!rned 3CC &opie# o$ The Blac" Saddles entire re&ord with the origina% r!$$ "i9e# I had done' 4!#t to p!t it o!t into the p!b%i&. @%#o on thi# C> I added the 8ay Cern #abotaged de"o o$ 2God Bless The 0S#; with a ni&e "e##age $ro" "e to 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow' &a%%ing the" o!t on their parti&ipation in "y de#tr!&tion. =y gir% $riend at the ti"e Charity and I handed the#e ho"e b!rned &opie# o!t a$ter the CM# Music #wards to peop%e %ea ing the #how. @$ter we $ini#hed handing o!t a%% 3CC' we went to 1he Dhee% on Lroadway $or a drin-. Intere#ting%y' a "an &a"e and #at ne9t to "e who owned ,ash>ille ,issan. 3e point b%ana#-ed "e #how I got the 31!s reproduce$& with a #!#pi&io!# o ertone. It wa# ob io!# that 13+B were #!rpri#ed that I a&t!a%%y b!rned a%% tho#e C>*# at ho"e. I*%% bet they were "ore #!rpri#ed when they heard the %itt%e #pee&h I ga e &a%%ing o!t 8a#h i%%e $or a%% they had done. 1hi# i# why I ha e not bothered to try and $ini#h the re&ord' e en tho!gh I #a% aged "o#t o$ the re&ording#. I &annot get anyone to "i9 it and I -now any C> rep%i&ation $a&i%ity i# 4!#t waiting to de#troy it. 3a ing di#&o ered thi# horrib%e rea%ity I wa# $or&ed to %earn the te&hni&a% a#pe&t# o$ a!dio prod!&tion and engineering whi&h on%y %ed "e to "ore de#tr!&ti e di#&o erie#. Ironi&a%%y' "o#t o$ the in#tr!&tiona% &o!r#e# I #t!died to %earn $ a!dio "i9ing and 7ro 1oo%# &a"e by #t!dying with the top engineer# and prod!&er# in the "!#i& b!#ine## on >5> $ro" a &o"pany &a%%ed Multi7Platinu$ Pro Tools. )!#pi&io!#%y' 4!#t a "onth a$ter >a e @ron &a"e o!t $ro" L@ to wa#te "y "oney and de#troy The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' Multi7Platinu$ Pro Tools re%ea#ed >a e @ron*# ery own >5> in#tr!&tiona% &o!r#e on #+ip4+op Mi/ing$" I high%y #!#pe&t thi# wa# part o$ hi# &o"pen#ation $or parti&ipating in "y de"i#e' in addition to hi# *N Ma(aPine #pread.

Multi7Platinu$ Pro Tools 2+ip7+op3 Mi)in( F 5C5 Trainin( =y initia% rea&tion when I di#&o ered that I wa# p!rpo#e%y being derai%ed wa# that I had #tepped on =!#i& Aow*# toe# by independent%y prod!&ing one o$ 8a#h i%%e*# roya% "!#i&a% heir# 8esse 2:eith3 4hitley% )o' I o$$ered the pro4e&t to #e era% re&ord &o"panie# on =!#i& Aow' b!t nobody wa# intere#ted. @t the #a"e ti"e e eryone I -new in the "!#i& b!#ine## #tarted di#appearing %i-e prawn# at a party. I ?!i&-%y $ig!red o!t that thi# wa# a%% abo!t "e. 1here wa# nothing "ore I &o!%d do other than &raw% !p in a ba%% on "y ho"e #t!dio $%oor and &ry.

Technical Tidbits
Chapter Q 6 Le$ore I $ig!red a%% thi# #abotage #t!$$ o!t I wa# pondering what it wa# abo!t "y "i9e# that wa# di$$erent than the pro#' and I re&a%%ed #o"ething that >a e @ron #aid when we were at *ast Iris Studio in 8a#h i%%e. 3e #aid' #(ee how the speakers move in my mi/es and they don!t in yours$" De%% the $!nny thing wa# on&e I got >a e*# "i9e# ba&- to the ho!#e the #pea-er# no %onger "o ed %i-e they did at *ast Iris% I ha e the #a"e KAK58 and 8)1C #pea-er# at ho"e they had in o!r roo" at *ast Iris' whi&h wa# another p#y&ho%ogi&a% $a"i%iarity tri&- they p%ayed on "e. .

*ast Iris :R: CJ ' ;a$aha ,S710

My :R: CJ ' ;a$aha ,S710

1hi# i# when I rea%i2ed that it i# the ery %ow $re?!en&ie# that "a-e the #pea-er# "o e' and !pon $!rther in e#tigation I di#&o ered that "o#t o$ tho#e %ow $re?!en&ie# had been re"o ed $ro" >a e*# $ina% "i9e#' whi&h "ean# >a e had #o"e type o$ %ow $re?!en&y $i%ter #et !p that he &o!%d ?!i&-%y t!rn o$$ or on' be&a!#e hi# "i9e# th!"ped the #pea-er# at *ast Iris% . 1o a%% "y $e%%ow drea"er#' arti#t and writer# o!t there p%ea#e -now' e en tho!gh yo! hire the be#t p%ayer#' !#e the top re&ording #t!dio# and hire an engineer who ha# #o%d o er 1CC'CCC'CCC re&ord# %i-e >a e @ron' who &an "a-e any "!#i& #o!nd awe#o"e' don*t be #!rpri#ed when yo!r "i9e# don*t #o!nd #o good a$ter the ta%ent %ea e#' the bi%%# are paid and yo!r %i#tening to the" at ho"e. On&e I $ig!red thi# %ow $re?!en&y thing o!t I #tarted e9a"ining Pro Tools /1he ind!#try #tandard $or &o"p!ter ba#ed re&ording "ade by #>id0 a# we%% a# a%% the &on#!"er a ai%ab%e 3rd party #o$tware $or 7ro 1oo%#. 1o "y a"a2e"ent I di#&o ered that a%% o$ the $re?!en&y "onitoring :7%!g In#;/add on a!dio a%tering progra"# $or Pro Tools0 a ai%ab%e "y#terio!#%y do not gi e any detai% reading# o$ $re?!en&ie# be%ow 2Cht2' yet :highJend; $re?!en&ie# are di#p%ayed we%% beyond 4C'CCCht2. It i# bi2arre that they wo!%d #how a 4C'CCC3rt2 range' b!t %ea e o!t the botto" 2C3rt#. I ha e bro!ght thi# point !p to Crai( 8ones "y o%d roo""ate who wa# a rep $or Ao%and at the ti"e and he #aid it i# be&a!#e h!"an# &annot hear be%ow 2C3rt#' whi&h i# tota% b!%%#hit be&a!#e we &an*t hear "!&h pa#t 2C'CCC3rt2' b!t we &an da"n #!re $ee% be%ow 2C3rt#. @# %!&- wo!%d ha e it' the ?!ote $ro" >a e abo!t the "!#i& a&t!a%%y "o ing the #pea-er# #tarted "e in e#tigating the te&hni&a% a#pe&t# o$ why "!#i& i# #o g!arded by #e&ret #o&ietie#. =y o era%% &on&%!#ion i# don*t wa#te any "ore "oney at Guitar Center' Sa$ #sh' Musicians 1riend or Sweetwater on re&ording e?!ip"ent or e%e&troni& in#tr!"ent#. @ "a4ority o$ &on#!"er grade #o!nd re&ording e?!ip"ent and in#tr!"ent# $i%ter o!t %ow $re?!en&ie# or add# p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y di#t!rbing high $re?!en&y #o!nd# to the %ow $re?!en&ie# tone# when yo! try to p!#h yo!r -eyboard# or +O*# to $o&!# on the phy#io%ogi&a%%y p%ea#ing $re?!en&ie# be%ow 2Cht2. 1he botto" %ine %ow $re?!en&ie# between 13rt2 to 2C3rt# &an ind!&e :entrain"ent;' 4!#t a# %ow $re?!en&y tantri& triba% dr!"# ha e been !#ed thro!gho!t hi#tory to ind!&e the entire tribe into #pirit!a% tra&e#. Dhen %ow $re?!en&y rhyth"# #yn& with o!r heartbeat and nat!ra% ibration# o!r body we wi%% e ent!a%%y #%ip a tran&e #tate :entrain"ent;' whi&h %ead# to :en%ighten"ent;. Le%ow are #o"e pi&t!re# o$ the "o#t pop!%ar &on#!"er grade :7%!gJIn#; $or Pro Tools. 8oti&e how @LL o$ the" &!t o$$ the %ow $re?!en&ie# be%ow 16hrt2.

. This is not an *N% This is the P#9 1re=uency Monitor !or Pro Tools which displays the le>el o! each !re=uency bein( played% ,otice how at B0htP it !lat lines because Pro Tool !ilters out the low !re=uencies% So they wonAt show 1htP to B0htP% But they will show you B0htP to 1H6-00htP%

This is Pro ToolAs NJ *N 7the lowest it will (o is 1HhtP

This is the R*N J *N F The lowest it will (o is 1HhtP

This is the PSP ,eon *N F The lowest it will (o is 20htP

This is the PSP Mi)Bass2 *N F This a !or low end bass and the lowest it (oes is B2htP

This is the #udio Trac" *N F The lowest it (oes is 1HhtP

This is the MClass *N 1ro$ R*#S , a >ery popular se=uencer F @owest it (oes is B0htP

This is Ma))Bass F # Plu( In speci!ically !or low !re=uencies that only (oes to B2htP

=o#t &o"panie# that &reate #o$tware :7%!g In#; $or ProTools a%%ow yo! to down%oad their progra"# $or a tria% period o$ !p 3C day#. I ha e #ear&hed and #ear&hed and &annot $ind one 7%!g In $ro" #>idE5i(i5esi(nEPro Tools or any third party #o$tware &o"pany that "a-e# an +O or Fre?!en&y "onitor that pro ide# &ontro% andMor "onitoring o$ $re?!en&ie# be%ow 16ht2. 1he#e are the "o#t i"portant $re?!en&ie# to the h!"an body. 1hi# i# one o$ the big rea#on# why with the bi%%ion# o$ do%%ar# #pent on &on#!"er re&ording e?!ip"ent' not on&e ha# anyone had a radio hit that wa# re&orded at ho"e. In "y opinion it i# not po##ib%e to "a-e a broad&a#t ?!a%ity re&ording with the e%e&troni&# a ai%ab%e to &on#!"er#. Le&a!#e o$ the#e "i##ing %ow $re?!en&ie# e en i$ we %i-ed the #ong' it i# not #oni&a%%y p%ea#ing to o!r bodie#. $or thi# rea#on we wo!%dn*t ha e a #trong de#ire to hear the #ong "ore than a $ew ti"e#. 1he power# that be pre ent &on#!"er a&&e## to pro$e##iona% ?!a%ity re&ording e?!ip"ent be&a!#e one #ong proper%y prod!&ed &o!%d p!t the wor%d into a tran&e that &o!%d %ead to en%ighten"ent. 1hi# wo!%d p!t an end to the p#y&ho%ogi&a% pri#on and "ind &ontro% "atri9 that the #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e "anip!%ated "an-ind with $or tho!#and# o$ year#. In de#peration to #a% age "y in e#t"ent I wa# %e$t with no &hoi&e b!t to #tart $ro" #&rat&h and re"i9 the re&ord "y#e%$' at ho"e' whi&h I a" &!rrent%y atte"pting to do. 1he prob%e" i# &on#!"er grade re&ording e?!ip"ent doe# not a%%ow $or the a&&!rate "onitoring or "i9ing o$ $re?!en&ie# be%ow 3Ch2t a# I #howed yo! abo e in the photo#. 1he +O*# either #top wor-ing or #tart to do $!nny thing# when yo! #tart to p!#h into the#e %ow $re?!en&ie#. Other a!dio $!nny b!#ine## a%#o o&&!r# when yo! try to ta"e the annoying high $re?!en&ie# aro!nd 15'CCCht2. 1he botto" %ine i# &on#!"er grade e?!ip"ent i# p!rpo#e%y $%awed and worth%e##. + er re#o!r&e$!% I be%ie e I $o!nd a #o%!tion that "ight wor- to gi e ho"e "i9e# the %ow $re?!en&ie# be%ow 15ht2 that gi e a #ong that pro$e##iona% #o!nd and $ee%. I $o!nd a #e"iJ e9pen#i e /UHH50 p#y&ho%ogy progra" &a%%ed Mind 4or"Station that i# de#igned to !#e %ow $re?!en&y #o!nd# to he%p peop%e with attention' an9iety' &o"p!%#ion and &on&entration di#order#. 1he =ind 4or"Station &reate# %ow $re?!en&ie# whi&h range $ro" 1ht2 to 3C3rt2' that are "edi&a%%y pro en to be bene$i&ia% to the body and "ind. 1hi# %ow $re?!en&y ho"eopathi& -now%edge i# not #o"e rando" hypothe#i# I ha e &on&o&ted' thi# i# pro en "edi&ine' whi&h ha# been !#ed $or de&ade# to he%p peop%e with #o!nd. 1he %ow $re?!en&ie# are &ategori2ed into theta' beta and a%pha wa e#' a%% o$ whi&h ha e di$$erent bene$it# and e$$e&t !pon the h!"an body and "ind. It i# &o""on -now%edge in the "edi&a% wor%d that the#e %ow $re?!en&ie# are ery bene$i&ia% to h!"an# and ha e the power to not 4!#t he%p "enta% di#order#' b!t hea% phy#i&a% ai%"ent# a# we%%. 1he rea#on $or thi# i# @%pha' Leta and 1heta #o!nd wa e# are the %ow $re?!en&ie# whi&h ho%d the %ight together that "a-e# a%% "ater in&%!ding !#.

Mind 4or"Station F Psycholo(ical Medical 5e>ice )in&e I &o!%d not get "y #pea-er# to a&t!a%%y p!"p %i-e >a e*# did at *ast Iris Studios /)a"e )pea-er# KAKJ58) K 8)1C0. I too- "!%tip%e #o!nd #a"p%e# $ro" thi# Mind 4or"s p#y&ho%ogi&a% progra"' "ade a new #ing%e beat #a"p%e# o$ b%ended beta' theta and a%pha $re?!en&ie#' then with )o!nd Aep%a&er added it "y "i9 a# an additiona% -i&- dr!"' adding the %ow end $re?!en&ie# that were either not re&orded' de#troyed or $i%tered o!t o$ "y "i9e# by 7ro 1oo%# and the engineer# I hired to re&ord and "i9 the re&ord. ,!e## what( It wor-#' "y #pea-er# now p!"p. 1he di$$i&!%t thing to wor- with i# that the new%y &reated a%pha' beta' theta -i&- dr!" #o!nd #a"p%ed $ro" Mind 4or"s i# pra&ti&a%%y ina!dib%e yet it &a!#e# the a!dio "eter# in 7ro 1oo%# to pea- into the red when thi# tra&- i# on. @# a #o%!tion I "i9 the #ong witho!t the added %ow $re?!en&y Mind 4or"s -i&- dr!" to get proper %e e%#' and then t!rn on the b%ended -i&- dr!" I "ade $ro" the Mind 4or"s progra" to get the %ow $re?!en&ie# added to the "i9. 1he dr!"# are an ea#ier $i9' now the prob%e" i# I #ti%% ha e to ta&-%e i# how to get the ba## g!itar and other %ow end #o!nd# to hone#t%y reprod!&e that portion o$ their #igna% that i# be%ow 3Cht2' whi&h i# "i##ing.. One %a#t tri&- I wi%% #hare with "y a!dio te&hni&a% peer# o!t there i# a theory I ha e not yet e9peri"ented with that "ight wor- to $i9 the ba## tra&-#. =y p%an i# to i"port the ba## tra&into Melodyne or another a!dio :t!ning; progra"' "a-e a d!p%i&ate o$ that ba## %ine' then pain#ta-ing%y note by note' rep%a&e ea&h ba## note with a proper%y t!ned a%pha' beta' theta b%ended tone $ro" =ind Dor-)tation' 4!#t on the a&t!a% beat. + en tho!gh thi# wi%% not gi e the $!%% %ength %ow $re?!en&y ba## tone a%% the way thro!gh the note' it wi%% at %ea#t ha e the %ow beta' theta and a%pha $re?!en&ie# on the initia% atta&- o$ the ba## note. It on%y "a-e# #en#e that the power# that be are in &ontro% o$ a%% a#pe&t# o$ "!#i&' e en the re&ording# peop%e "a-e in their ho"e #t!dio#. @# 13+B %ogi&a%%y wo!%d be #in&e 4!#t one #ong proper%y prod!&ed wo!%d be eno!gh to ind!&e peop%e into a hypnoti& tran&e where they &o!%d be&o"e en%ightened and #ee the tr!th. 3ere*# a %itt%e #trange b!t re%e ant #ide note I tho!ght yo! "ight %i-e to -now. I #ti%% ha e a #tereo re&ei er whi&h &!t# o!t a%% the %ow $re?!en&ie# that I got $ro" "y e9Jwi$e )andy*# =a#on $ather Da%ter' who a%#o ga e "e a =a#oni& re&r!iting boo- 2The +istory ! 1ree$asonry3 Ly @%bert =a&-ey $or Chri#t"a#. I &an*t he%p b!t wonder i$ that re&ei er wa# "odi$ied on p!rpo#e to -eep "e $ro" %i#tening to %ow $re?!en&ie#.

Masonic Recruitin( Boo"

SandyAs Parents F Rebecca ' 4alter

I$ yo! wi#h to %earn a %ot "ore on how e"otion# &an be "anip!%ated with "edia there i# boo- written by +erbert 9ettl &a%%ed 2Si(ht 7 Sound 7 Motion;. La&- in $i%" #&hoo% I read thi# boo- and tho!ght it to be 4!#t another boo- on how to "o e the &a"era' $ra"e #hot# and "a-e &ine"atography "ore intere#ting. I do be%ie e that +erbert 9ettl wa# &are$!%%y trying to tea&h the "a##e# abo!t how the power# that be "anip!%ati e%y &ontro% #o&iety with "edia. J!#t a# I "et #o"e ery $a"o!# $o%-# in 8a#h i%%e who ga e "e the &%!e# on what wa# rea%%y going on' thi# boo- wa# #!gge#ted to "e by two $i%" tea&her# who I &o!%d te%% we di#gr!nt%ed by the $i%" ind!#try. It wa# not re?!ired $or the &%a##. I now rea%i2e way ba&- then in 1H8H they -new I wa# the one to !nra e% thi# hi#tori& &ri"e again#t h!"anity. 1hi# i# "ore proo$ that indi&ate# to "e that "any peop%e who are in o% ed in the#e #e&ret #o&ietie#' want thi# #e&reti e "a%i&io!# &ontro% to end. I a" not e en #!re it thi# boo- i# a ai%ab%e #ti%%' b!t at %ea#t ta-e a "in!te and &onte"p%ate the deeper "eaning and po##ibi%itie# o$ the &hapter %i#ting# in the pi&t!re# be%ow $or 2Si(ht 7 Sound 7 Motion3% 1r!#t "e when I #ay they ha e "anip!%ating o!r brain# re$ined into an e9a&t #&ien&e.

I$ yo! wo!%d %i-e to #ee a #hining e9a"p%e o$ "ind "anip!%ating "edia te&hni?!e# $!n&tioning a%% at on&e in an a%"o#t &ir&!# $a#hion 4!#t t!rn yo!r te%e i#ion to C,BCLB-2BL1B% 1he $ir#t thing yo! #ho!%d noti&e i# that the pri"ary &o%or# are a #o$t tran#%!&ent b%!e and green. 1hi# i# be&a!#e the#e are %ow $re?!en&y &o%or# whi&h are ery #oothing to o!r eye#' "ind and body. 1he#e p%ea#ing #o$t &o%or# "a-e !# phy#i&a%%y and p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y attra&ted to the te%e i#ion. @%#o %i#ten to a%% the "eaning%e## noi#e#' it #o!nd# %i-e a ideoJga"e ar&ade. 7ay attention to ario!# ang%e# and dire&tion o$ "o e"ent o$ ob4e&t# in the $ore gro!nd and ba&- gro!nd' it i# !tter%y a "e"ori2ing -a%eido#&ope "ontage o$ bright' %ight' dar-' &ir&%e#' #?!are#' e&tor# and &o%or#. @%% thi# i# #pe&i$i&a%%y arranged to ha e a parti&!%ar e$$e&t on the iewer' #yn&hroni2ed to either #!pport or detra&t $ro" the in$or"ation po!ring o!t o$ the #o &a%%ed $inan&ia% e9pert# %ying right to &a"era. 7%ea#e re"e"ber that a%% thi# p#y&ho%ogi&a% tri&-ery i# nothing new' i# 4!#t the #!pped !p er#ion o$ the =a#oni& #?!are and &o"pa##. 3owe er' the te&hno%ogy and in#tantaneo!# de%i ery o$ the "!%tit!de o$ data a%% &o"bined with a p%ethora o$ p%ea#ing and di#t!rbing i"age# and #o!nd "a-e# today*# =a#oni& "edia "anip!%ation dead%y potent. Co"bine a%% thi# with the $a&t that it a%% abo!t #o"ething we a%% &are abo!t #in&ere%y "oney' e&ono"y and hea%th o$ the 4ob "ar-et. @%#o noti&e on C8L) how the peop%e dre## in re%ation to how the "ar-et i# per$or"ing' a# there i# a de$inite &orre%ation to their "anip!%ati e $inan&ia% ad i&e and how &a#!a% or $or"a%%y' and in what &o%or they dre##.

1he $ir#t pi&t!re be%ow i# the be#t way to #e%% a b!n&h o$ o erJpri&ed paper in e#t"ent# and "a-e be%ie e "onetary #y#te". p!t two bea!ti$!% wo"en/@ttra&tion0 dre##ed in b%a&- and red/Aep!%#ion0 in $ront a #o$t #pirit!a% b%!e ba&-gro!nd /@ttra&tion0 with a b!n&h o$ white %etter# $or the #to&- #y"bo%# /attra&tion0 a%% "o ing in rando" dire&tion# /rep!%#ion0 on the te%e i#ion. In the pi&t!re on the right #in&e they are trying to -eep peop%e be%ie ing that the #market can overcome international headwinds$ they ha e $o!r peop%e on the #&reen' two g!y# and two ga%# to ba%an&e e erything o!t' a%#o they add the go%d/attra&tion0 "ar-et a%ert and "ar-et n!"ber#. Loth o$ the#e pi&t!re# e"it e"otion# o$ attra&tion and ba%an&e. La#t%y the two $e"a%e &o""entator# pre#enting $inan&ia% new# i# part o$ the $e"ini2ation p!#h' a# we%% a# and inti"idation te&hni?!e be&a!#e both o$ the#e %adie# are o!t o$ "o#t g!y# %eag!e.

@ady in 2Blac"3 lady in 2Red3

1our Tal"in( +eads <Balanced?

@adies in blue6 #nchor 5es" Blue <Co$!ort? 1i>e Tal"in( +eads <Con!usion ' Stress? I$ yo! wat&hed Barac" ba$aAs )tate o$ 1he Fnion @ddre## in 2C1C yo! noti&ed that the "edia "ade a point to point o!t the :p!rp%e; e eryone aro!nd the pre#ident wa# wearing. 1he

o$$i&ia% %ie wa# that p!rp%e repre#ented a b%end o$ red and b%!e #igni$ying the de#ired &ooperation between de"o&rat# and rep!b%i&an#. 1hi# i# a %oad o$ &rap' #o$t p!rp%e i# a &o%or whi&h the body and "ind $ind ery p%ea#ing. 1hi# !#e o$ p!rp%e wa# intentiona% #o&ia% "anip!%ation to "a-e !# p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y attra&ted to an e9tre"e%y &orr!pt ad"ini#tration. 7!rp%e i# a%#o a##o&iated with ,od' go%d and roya%ty a# p!rp%e i# the &o%or the water t!rn# when yo! e%e&tro%y#i# go%d in #a%t water' one o$ the pro&e##e# in the de%!#ion o$ ,od*# "eta% go%d into the 7hi%o#opher*# )tone. 1hi# i# what 7rin&e wa# #inging abo!t in hi# #ong 2Purple Rain3% @%#o on&e yo! #tart to %earn do #%ip into deep "editation the $ir#t &o%or# yo! wi%% e9perien&e are #o$t b%!e# and p!rp%e#' the#e are the &a%" &oo% &o%or# o$ the #o&ia% &on#&io!#ne##. One thing that I $ind hi%ario!# on C8LC i# the &%o#e !p o$ the >OD Jone# ti&-er o$$ the $%oor o$ the #to&- e9&hange' whi&h i# #o 2oo"ed in it i# &on#tant%y #ha-y. 1hi# p!rpo#e%y &a!#e# #tre##' and what "a-e# thi# #&a" #o ob io!# i# that they &o!%d ea#i%y 4!#t e%e&troni&a%%y $eed that in$or"ation to an a&ti e graphi& that wo!%d not be #ha-y' in#tead o$ $i%"ing with a &a"era. On top o$ a%% thi# &on$!#ion the ti&-er #y"bo%# on the botto" r!n at two di$$erent #peed# and thing# are "o ing !p' down' %e$t' right' red' green et&R a# tho!gh that i# not eno!gh &on$!#ion' t!rn !p the a!dio and noti&e the annoying "eaning%e## #o!nd# that ring' b!22' ting' twang and di#tra&t. 1he ob io!# p!rpo#e $or a%% o$ thi# i# to -eep the $inan&ia% ind!#try and $inan&ia% "ar-et# "y#terio!# and &on$!#ing' whi&h are a%% part o$ the de&eption' #&a" and "anip!%ation o$ the !n&on#tit!tiona% Federa% Ae#er e. @nother ery i"portant detai% that i# b%atant%y ob io!# on C8LC' and happening a&ro## the board in te%e i#ion' $i%"' "!#i&' "edia' po%iti&# and &orporation# i# the !e$iniPation o$ e erything. 8oti&e how on 1ast Money that >i%%ian Aattigan ha# been rep%a&ed by Melissa @ee. One by one "en are being rep%a&ed by wo"en in e ery ind!#try. 1hi# i# an o era%% trend in a%% o$ ind!#try be&a!#e the power# that be wor#hip the $e"a%e' the godde##' the negati e rather than the Father.

Mellissa @ee Center<1e$iniPation?

1i>e People<-? and 1e$ale in

In addition' thi# $e"ini2ation p!#h t!rn# the entire &!%t!re into a b!n&h o$ do&i%e &oward#. 1hey are ne!tering the &o!ntry #o it wi%% be ea#ier to i"p%e"ent =ar#ha% Law. 1hi# :&owardi2ation; i# a%#o a&&o"p%i#hed !#ing the :po%iti&a%%y &orre&t; tr!"p &ard' a# e eryone i# now a$raid to #pea- their "ind and the tr!th' $or $ear o$ #o&ia% o#tra&i2ing.

7%ea#e noti&e that C8LC i# !#ing a %ot "ore $oreigner# %ate%y' thi# i# to brea- down nationa%i#" in the Fnited )tate# and !#her in a One Dor%d ,o ern"ent. It a%#o appear# that when the ne9t big $inan&ia% &ra#h &o"e# they wi%% b%a"e it on +!rope Ji" Cra"er*# #how Mad Money i# a 4o-e. Fir#t o$$' thin- abo!t :"ad; "eaning &ra2y' "oney. I# that rea%%y what yo! want $or yo! $inan&ia% $!t!re( Let*# brea- down the n!"ber#. =@><414<H /e i%0 =O8+B<46557<27<H and o$ &oar#e HIH<18 whi&h i# the n!"ber o$ the bea#t 666.

Ditho!t a do!bt C8LC i# by $ar the be#t &hanne% to wat&h i$ yo! wo!%d %i-e to %earn abo!t "ind "anip!%ation te&hni?!e#. It i# a %etha% b%end rep!%#ion and attra&tion thro!gh &ontradi&tion' &on$!#ion and "ayhe". Do"en in red' $%oor trader n!"ber#' #to&- pri&e#' a!dio #pi-e#' %ight $%a#he#' geo"etri& #hape# and I%%!"inati #y"bo%i#" a%% $%ying aro!nd o er a ba&-drop o$ %ight b%!e and green #o$t we%&o"ing &o%or# $%owing into' aro!nd and o er ea&h other. @dd to thi# &on$!#ion the &on#tant bi&-ering o$ %e$tMright' b!%%Mbear nonJ#en#e &o""entary a%% tied to #o"ething peop%e tr!%y %o e' "oney' and yo!* e got a &on#&io!# and #!b&on#&io!# addi&ti e ro%%er &oa#ter ride that wo!%d -eep the dead $ro" $a%%ing into a tran&e. 1he be#t part abo!t C8L) i# the i%%!#ion that nobody ha# a &%!e what i# going on in the $inan&ia% b!#ine##. 1he tr!th i# a %ot o$ peop%e -now what i# going on' in&%!ding "e. It*# a big &at and "o!#e ga"e o$ g%oba% ban-er#' go ern"ent#' &orporation# and in e#t"ent ho!#e# a%% 4er-ing o!r &hain# a "i%%ion di$$erent dire&tion# with the intent o$ %ea ing !# in debt' &orporate #er it!de' &on#tant #tre##' wor- and "i%e# away $ro" the re%a9ed ba%an&e #tate ne&e##ary to ta-e &ontro% o$ o!r own "ind#. 8ow we ha e Lara&- Oba"a p!#hing hi# new Job# Li%%. >o yo! -now what JOL #tand# $or( JF)1 O5+A LAOK+ One %a#t te&hni&a% #tory' the pi&t!re be%ow on the right wa# gi en to "e by a bro-er na"ed >anny when I wor-ed at Paine4ebber in 1HHH. It wa# painted by hi# brother Joe a 8*S0IT prie#t' #pe&i$i&a%%y $or "e' tho!gh they ne er to%d "e that. 1hi# painting &a!#e# &an&er and other i%%ne##e# be&a!#e o$ the high te"perat!re &o%or*# and the p!%%ing o$ the "any &on$%i&ting orti&e#. 1hi# pi&t!re i# an a&t!a% pie&e o$ =a#oni& wit&hJ&ra$t. 1he pi&t!re ne9t to it i# a &ei%ing in one o$ the bedroo"# o$ the %a#t ho!#e I %i ed in' in 8a#h i%%e' ery #trange. 1he ne9t pi&t!re i# a 3i#togra" o$ the &ei%ing whi&h depi&t# the #trong

&ontra#t between &o%or#. 1hi# &o%or te"perat!re &ontra#t &a!#e# enor"o!# #tre## on the eye# and "ind. 1he "o#t ironi& thing abo!t thi# di#&o ery i# that the 7I8K<7H52<23<5/Lad $or F#0 that i# !#ed $or &an&er awarene## a&t!a%%y &a!#e# &an&er. De%&o"e to the rea% wor%d peop%e.

8esuit Priest Paintin(%

Ceilin( ,ash>ille +ouse


+ere are a !ew $ore o! the technical disco>eries I $ade once I !i(ured out 2The ,u$eric @an(ua(e o! Secret Societies3




>LP<427<13 /Free"a#on0 LL+<225<H /+ i% or >e#troy/50 Darrior# $or 1r!th/220

KAK<2H2<13 /Free"a#on0 or /11H11< +nd/H0 the @wa-ening /110 13P<287<17<8 /,od*# #o!nd #y#te"0 7ana<7151<14<5 )oni&<165H3<24<6<11 /Lad For/50 1he @wa-ening/110 These e)a$ples are nothin( special as e>ery co$pany and product is speci!ically nu$erically labeled%

Perils o! Pro$otion
Chapter Q 7 The Country Radio Se$inar 7 CRS wa# he%d at the downtown 8a#h i%%e Aenai##an&e 3ote% 4!#t two wee-# be$ore the =ar&h 17th 2CCH re%ea#e date o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 and we pa##ed o!t o er 2'CCC pro"otiona% #ti&-erM$%yer# to a%% o$ the radio per#ona%itie# and "edia "anage"ent in attendan&e. De%% a%#o &o%%e&ted %ot# o$ b!#ine## &ard# $ro" radio pro$e##iona%# and per#ona%itie# who were ery e9&ited abo!t The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. 8esse :eith 4hitley i# &o!ntry "!#i& roya%ty with hi# grand$ather being Geor(e Mor(an' "other @orrie Mor(an and $ather &o!ntry "!#i& %egend :eith 4hitley #o we had ?!ite a :b!22; going at CRS.

Radio Pro$otion Stic"er 1or The 200/ Country Radio Se$inar 7 CRS

In addition to pa##ing o!t tho!#and# o$ pro"o #ti&-er# at CRS we too- "any radio per#ona%itie# and "anage"ent o!t to "y &ar to hear the r!$$ "i9e# o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"; and 2Mother3% 1hey @LL %o ed the "!#i& and &o!%dn*t wait $or !# to get it to the" #o they &o!%d p%ay it $or their a!dien&e#. 3ere are #o"e photo# o$ "e' Je##e and the band pro"oting The Blac" Saddles at CRS 2CCH. I$ yo! %oo- &%o#e%y yo! wi%% #ee that Je##e K I ha e three di$$erent o!t$it# on thi# i# be&a!#e we pro"oted $or three who%e day# at the #e"inar and ta%-ed with h!ndred# o$ radio pro$e##iona%#.

8esse 4hitley ' Me pro$otin( The Blac" Saddles to Radio *)ecuti>e ' 58As at CRS 200/

)trange%y' on the day we went to radio on =ar&h 17th' 2CCH with 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 we "et with nothing b!t negati e re#pon#e and re$!#a% to p%ay the #ong. 1he $ew #tation# we &o!%d get to p%ay it ?!i&-%y ga e it horrib%e re iew#' in&%!ding 8erry 5ou(las in 8a#h i%%e' de#pite "any %i#tener# &a%%ing in that the %o ed the #ong. 2So ;ou 4anna Be a Rednec"3 did p%ay on a $ew #tation# on%y to be re"o ed a$ter r!"or# o$ threat# on the progra" dire&tor# that p%ayed it. 1here i# no do!bt that the de%iberate de#tr!&tion o$ the pro4e&t that I e9perien&ed in the prod!&tion pha#e &ontin!ed into the pro"otion and di#trib!tion pha#e. I ha e been in #a%e# "y who%e %i$e and it i# theoreti&a%%y i"po##ib%e that we &o!%d pa## o!t tho!#and# o$ pro"otion $%yer#' per#ona%%y introd!&e Je##ie :Keith; Dhit%ey to h!ndred# o$ radio peop%e and get irt!a%%y no re#pon#e $ro" &o!ntry radio. 1he botto" %ine i# we got 2Blac" Balled3' @ $ew #tation# did p%ay it and the #ong brie$%y &rept to S146 on the &o!ntry &hart#. One progra" dire&tor a%#o wrote !# a ery po#iti e re iew and re#pon#e in Country Radio Re>iew whi&h i# 13+ p!b%i&ation $or &o!ntry radio.

Country Radio Re>iew In broad&a#t radio Play MP* K #ir Play 5irect are the two &o"panie# that pro ide air p%ay ?!a%ity down %oad# to radio #tation#. Play MP* i# the bigge#t in the b!#ine## and it too- "e a &o!p%e "onth# to get "y a&&o!nt $!n&tioning when it i# on%y #!ppo#ed to ta-e a $ew day#' and by the ti"e Play MP* did appro e "y a&&o!nt it wa# too %ate. #ir Play 5irect #et !p "y a&&o!nt

in ti"e $or the re%ea#e b!t they are ery #"a%% &o"pared to Play MP* and "any #tation# &o"p%ained that 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 wo!%d not down%oad. 1he $!nny thing i# 2So ;ou 4anna B* # Rednec"3 i# #!&h a great #ong that e en a horrib%e "i9' i# #ti%% got ra e re iew#' de#pite the #"ear &a"paign again#t !# 1he L%a&- )add%e#. In addition to the ho%d !p with Play MP*' +1# the +arry 1o) #(ency that &ontro%# a%% the p!b%i#hing o$ #ong# 4er-ed "e aro!nd $or 6 "onth# be$ore gi ing "e "y a&&o!nt #o that I &o!%d ha e &%earan&e on the three &o er #ong# we re&orded. 2+ard @i>in36 2Mother3 ' 2IA$ ,o Stran(er To The Rain3% 3owe er' I b!#ted the" be&a!#e I went to Son( 1ile the on%ine a!to"ati& internet #ite $or +arry 1o) #(ency and paid $or the "a9i"!" 2'CCC re%ea#e# o$ ea&h #ong' be$ore they -new who I wa#' and got the %i&en#e# with no prob%e"' within "in!te#. I re?!e#ted "y +arry 1o) a&&o!nt in @pri% o$ 2CCH and $ina%%y re&ei ed appro a% in 8o e"ber 2CCH. It*# on%y #!ppo#ed to ta-e a wee-' and I wa# b!gging the" with Fa9e# and phone &a%%# wee-%y. 1he ad ent o$ the internet' whi&h "any peop%e thin- i# a $ree $%owing &%o!d o$ &on&eption i# a tota% $ar&e. I -now thi# $or a $a&t be&a!#e I ha e a p%ethora o$ do&!"entation that MySpace wa# dra"ati&a%%y di#torting The Blac" Saddles "!#i&' thro!gh &o"pre##ion' %ow end $i%tering' tr!n&ating' pre enting down%oad# and de%eting $riend re?!e#t. 1hi# i# a%#o tr!e $or web#ite#' !n%e## yo! happen to ha e yo!r own #er er' b!t e en then 13+B wi%% "i#dire&t the tra$$i& away $ro" yo!r #ite. 3ere*# the &ra2ie#t thing MySpace did to =y per#ona% G7Stone and The Blac" Saddles MySpace page#. >!ring the "onth# o$ =ar&h' @pri% and =ay o$ 2CCH i$ yo! opened The Blac" Saddles or "y per#ona% =y)pa&e page a ery io%ent ra&i#t KKK rap #ong #tarted b%aring o er The Blac" Saddles "!#i&. 1hi# wa# MySpaceAs way o$ trying to "a-e "e %oo- %i-e a radi&a% and ra&i#t. I wa# a%#o probab%y done to &o"bat the $a&t that I had &a%%ed the ,7:roud :li= in #o!th Centra% Lo# @ng%e# and in$or"ed the" that 5a>e #ron had p!rpo#e%y #abotage their &areer when we hired hi" to "i9 their re&ord in 2CC1. I a%#o to%d the" not to wa#te any "ore "oney trying to "a-e it in the "!#i& b!#ine## a# it wa# rigged. 3ere i# Je##e*# te9t "e##age to "e &on$ir"ing the ra&i#t b%a&- "!#i& on "y MySpace page. , T*. 8esse 4hitley is the one usin( the 2,3 word

8esse #s"in( #bout MySpace Racist Music

My ,otice to MySpace

My *7$ail To MySpace Costu$er Ser>ice MySpace #h!t down o!r $riend#' r!ined o!r "!#i& and $ro2e o!r ;p%ay#; #o we %oo-ed !npop!%ar. I be%ie e the internet "ay be the wor#t thing to e er happen to "!#i&' a# $an# are now &onditioned to %etting the internet deter"ine who i# pop!%ar ba#ed on MySpace $riend# and ITunes p%ay#. 1he#e n!"ber# are a%% "anip!%ated by the power# that be to &ontro% the &ontent and dire&t their agenda.. In order $or "!#i& to wor- e$$i&ient%y o er the internet the #ong# are "ade into #"a%%er $i%e type# %i-e =73 or other proprietary $or"at# %i-e I7Tunes. )"a%% #ong $i%e# are &reated by &o"pre##ing a #o!nd $i%e' e##entia%%y re"o ing high and %ow $re?!en&ie# to "a-e the $i%e #"a%%er. Dhat peop%e don*t rea%i2e i# that the $re?!en&ie#/3ert20 ta-en away by "!#i& going to digita% and being &o"pre##ed are a%% o$ the %ow $re?!en&ie# whi&h are har"onio!# with and good $or o!r bodie# and "ind#. 1he#e %ow $re?!en&ie# are the #a"e a# an&ient "an !#ed to &reate by rhyth"i&a%%y banging ani"a% #-in dr!"# d!ring #pirit!a% &ere"onie#. 1h!# e en the dire&tion that &on#!"er te&hno%ogy ha# ta-en #o!nd i# p!rpo#e%y "anip!%ati e to pre ent :entrain"ent;' and the p!b%i& gobb%e# !p thi# %ow ?!a%ity "!#i& o!t o$ &on enien&e. @nyone o er 3C year# o%d &an te%% yo! point b%an- the #o!nd ?!a%ity o$ digita% "!#i& #!&-# &o"pared to the ana%og $or"at# %i-e &a##ette#' re&ord#' 8Jtra&-# and ree% to ree%. @nd i$ o!r bodie#' #o!%# and "other +arth &o!%d ta%- they wo!%d te%% yo! the #a"e. O$ten peop%e in the "!#i& ind!#try wo!%d te%% "e to 4!#t p!t together "y own web#ite and p!t the "!#i& o!t that way. 7eop%e are #o naY e to the $a&t that e erything on the Internet i# &en#ored. In $a&t' ,ash the :$riend; I hired to b!i%d o!r web#ite "i#dire&ted a%% &o""!ni&ation $ro" $an# #o that we ne er re&ei ed any o$ the eJ"ai%# and $an &%!b "e"ber in$or"ation.

Le%ow i# a pi&t!re o$ 8a#h at hi# birthday get together at a =e9i&an re#ta!rant in 8a#h i%%e' thi# i# the night I hired hi" to do o!r web#ite.

Me ' ,ash & Me)ican Restaurant

Me6 ,ash ' 8esse & Country Radio Se$inar

In Febr!ary 2C1C I &a%% the Lrentwood 7o%i&e to "y ho"e in Lrentwood to report $e%ony &redit &ard and internet $ra!d with re#pe&t to Media Te$ple the &o"pany that ho#ted The Blac" Saddles K Cowboy :ryptonite web#ite#. )o"eone in 8a#h i%%e who#e I7 addre## ha# been identi$ied by Media Te$ple ha&-ed "y a&&o!nt and &harged !p tho!#and# o$ do%%ar# o$ "er&handi#e' draining "y ban- a&&o!nt 4!#t day# be$ore a%% "y bi%%# were d!e. @$ter a%% the de#tr!&tion and #abotage thi# wa# i# 13+ in&ident I had been waiting $or that wo!%d be the &ata%y#t to %a!n&h and %in- a%% o$ thi# &on#pired &orr!ption together. Other that $ysel!' To$$y Ciconne/Free"a#on0 and ,ash/Free"a#on0 nobody had the pa##Jword $or the Media Te$ple a&&o!nt' and I didn*t do it a# pro en by the I7 addre## o$ the perpetrator I pro ided to the Lrentwood po%i&e. In addition to ,!y Carter a dete&ti e at the Lrentwood 7o%i&e >ept. ne er in e#tigating the b!rg%ary o$ "y ho"e' thi# wa# a new &ri"e again#t "e that they ne er in e#tigated. Fee% $ree to &he&- thi# one o!t. 7o%i&e report n!"ber 1CC6838' $i%ed at "y ho"e by o$$i&e 8ason +arrison6 on 3J28J2C1C. 1he #!#pe&t# I7 addre## at Co"&a#t Cab%e in 8a#h i%%e. @%% the po%i&e had to do wa# go arre#t the owner o$ that I7 addre##' and they ne er did. ,!e## why not( 1a-e a &%o#e %oo- at that I7 addre##. 75<12<3' 138<12<3 #o 33. 233<8 or 233 i# )-!%% 8 bone# and 11 i# #e%$ e9p%anatory. 1he po%i&e -new' 4!#t by %oo-ing at the I7 addre## that thi# &ri"e again#t "e' whi&h had no $inan&ia% bene$it to the perpetrator wa# part the Free"a#on# 2The Great 4or"3.



1 PLHHIL1/ ,ash>ille

In %ate =ar&h 2CCH when I wa# ?!i&-%y be&o"ing aware o$ the #abotage again#t "e' "y $ir#t tho!ght wa# there wa# #o"ething abo!t "y %yri&# that were not po%iti&a%%y &orre&t. I had a #ong that wa# proJg!n 2Protected By S$ith ' 4esson3 and one that antiJgo ern"ent 2God Bless The 0S#3% L!t the #ong whi&h #ee"ed to attra&t the "o#t de#tr!&tion' wa# 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3% 1he &on$!#ing thing wa# it i# a #i"p%e nonJ&on$rontationa% $!n &o!ntry #ong. 1he big &%!e that it i# wa# #o"ething abo!t the "!#i&' not the %yri&#' &a"e in an eJ"ai% $ro" Paul 4orley' #!per $a"o!# prod!&er who 4!#t re&ent%y won a ,ra""y with @ady #ntebellu$ $or 2,eed ;ou ,ow36 whi&h i# rea%%y 4!#t an #lan Parsons ProOect :rip o$$; o$ #Eye In The (ky$" Je##e Dhite%y and I had p%ayed a $ew o$ the r!$$ "i9e# $or 7a!% in hi# o$$i&e at S"y @ine and the who%e ti"e I di#agreed with a%"o#t e erything he #aid. @ $ew day# %ater I eJ"ai% 7a!% a new "i9 o$ 2So ;ou 4ant To Be # Rednec"3. 7a!% rep%ied in hi# eJ"ai% 2This $usic has been done to death3%

S:;@I,*L12IB/--LB2L- <Bad 1or ;ou?

Chuc" :elly F @ady #ntebellu$

I didn*t -now what 7a!% "eant then' b!t I now -now% 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3/80 wa# a ba%an&ed %yri& and the rhyth" o$ the #ong wa# a heartbeat' the type o$ ba## and dr!" %ine that &o!%d &a!#e :entrain"ent;. I didn*t -now any o$ thi# ba%an&edM!nba%an&ed #t!$$ when I wrote it' I 4!#t wrote it the way I $e%t it. I ha e a%way# %o ed the rhyth" o$ "!#i& "ore that the "e%ody' and 2Rednec"A wa# hea y in %ow end rhyth"i& dr!"#. I #!#pe&ted that thi# wa# the red $%ag that wa# #igna%ing e ery pro$e##iona% I hired to de#troy "y "!#i&.

I &o"e $ro" a ro&- and ro%% ba&- gro!nd #o e erything I write i# in 4M4 ti"e. 1hi# "ean# $o!r beat# per "ea#!re. 1he hoo- 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3<J? i# eight #y%%ab%e# whi&h %yri&a%%y $%ow# right in #yn&h with the 4M4 rhyth". 1he #ong rea%%y th!"p# in per$e&t heartbeat tantri& rhyth". 1hi# i# not a&&identa%' a# I ha e a%way# de#&ribed the goa% $or "y "!#i& i# to be %i-e a &h!gging train' wor-ing hard in per$e&t rhyth" to "a-e the whee%# go ro!nd. I 4!#t didn*t -now it wa# a # o& no$ in the "!#i& b!#ine##. 1hi# i# not theoreti&a%' an&ient &!%t!re# !#ed %ow $re?!en&y tantri& dr!"# to ind!&e #pirit!a% tran&e and I ha e per#ona%%y #een it wor- on a "a## a!dien&e in an in#tant. I wa# at a Metallica &on&ert $or their 28ustice 1or #ll3 to!r at the Long Lea&h @rea in Ca%i$ornia where I per#ona%%y witne##ed an entire &rowd o$ 2C'CCC peop%e in an in#tant #nap into a p#y&hoti& de#tr!&ti e $ren2y. @t $ir#t we 4!#t tho!ght a $ight bro-e o!t' b!t within #e&ond# I rea%i2ed ba&- that Metallica a&&identa%%y hypnoti2ed the entire &rowd into a p#y&hoti& #tate. It wa#n*t 4!#t the peop%e in the $ront where we were either. It wa# the entire area' in&%!ding the peop%e wandering aro!nd the bathroo"# and &on&e##ion# area. It wa# %i-e a war 2one with partia% row# o$ &onne&ted &hair# 5 deep $%ying thro!gh the air. 1he #tage wa# torn down !pon !#. Loo-ing in peop%e*# eye# yo! &o!%d #ee they were a%"o#t 2o"bie# in a io%ent tran&e. Metallica had to pay %i-e U17C'CCC $or a%% the da"age. I -now hypnoti2ing a &rowd i# po##ib%e' be&a!#e I wa# there' I* e e9perien&ed it. 1hi# i# where I got the idea that one day I wo!%d %i-e to hypnoti2e the &rowd and ha e the" #wit&h #hoe# a# a 4o-e' b!t thi# Metallica in&ident wa# not 4o-e. Loo-ing ba&- -nowing what I -now now' it wa# 4!#t another #erendipito!# rea% %i$e e9perien&e that ,od ga e "e to pro e to "e how o!r "ind# wor-' #o that I wo!%d ha e the $aith $ro" rea% %i$e per#ona% e9perien&e to #hare a%% thi# with the wor%d. I a%#o #!#pe&t that The Blac" Saddles/40 a ba%an&e $o!r #y%%ab%e na"e that had no =a#oni& %in-# wa# one o$ the #igna%# to #e&ret #o&iety $o%-# to #&rew' da"age or de#troy the pro4e&t. 1hi# i# an i"portant &on&ept be&a!#e it e9p%ain# how the#e #o&ietie# $!n&tion witho!t &o""!ni&ating. 13+B -now how to re&ogni2e what i# and what i# not a##o&iated with a #e&ret #o&iety thro!gh #ign#' #y"bo%# and n!"ber#. 13+B a%#o in#tin&ti e%y -now to r!in' de%ay' da"age' and go!ge or derai% any pro4e&t' per#on or &o"pany that i# not part o$ a #e&ret #o&iety. 1hi# i# why the#e #conspiracies$ are #o hard to %in- together and tra&e' be&a!#e "any ti"e# there i# no a&t!a% &onne&tion to tra&e' it*# #i"p%y a "atter o$ n!"ber#' #y"bo%#' #y%%ab%e# and #igna%# that are &o""on to a%% #e&ret #o&ietie#' whi&h gi e away the inno&ent and #igna%# to the indi id!a% "e"ber# to &o""it #abotage or a# 13+B &a%% it #The <reat *ork$& a-a H11 3 The *nd</? o! #wa"enin(<11?3 =y who%e goa% when I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e wa# to &o"bine the hard hypnoti& rhyth" o$ ro&dr!"# and ba## o$ ro&- %i-e Guns7,7Roses6 Sound Garden6 ,ir>ana and Motley Crew' with the heart$e%t #in&erity and &%e er intri&a&y o$ &o!nty #ong writing. 1he on%y &o!ntry #ong I had e er heard that e en &a"e &%o#e at that ti"e wa# Ja#on @%den*# 2+ic" Town3% @ ?!i&- #tory abo!t 8ason #ldean whi&h i# in %ine with the "i%%ion# heart brea- #torie# o$ peop%e drea"# being de#troyed by =!#i& Aow in 8a#h i%%e. 1he entire &on&ept' ibe and "!#i&a% dire&tion o$ Ja#on @%den wa# &reated by "y b!ddy J> =eyer. J> wa# wor-ing with =i&hae% Kno9' Ja#on @%den*# prod!&er' on a hard ro&-in* &o!ntry arti#t &on&ept. J> wa# the g!y who a# #!ppo#ed to be Ja#on @%den' b!t right when e erything wa# abo!t to %a!n&h' =i&hae% d!"ped J> and went with Ja#on @%den. I &an te%% yo! thi#' J> #ing#' p%ay# g!itar and per$or"# &ir&%e# aro!nd Ja#on @%den. ,o #ee $or yo!r#e%$ a# J> now "a-e# hi# %i ing ro&-ing the to!ri#t 3on-yJ1on-# on %ower Lroadway in 8a#h i%%e. Bo!*%% probab%y $ind hi" at The 4heel.

3ere*# another good one 3O8KB<86527<28<1C 1O8K<72652<22 #o 3on-yJ 1on-<32<5/Lad For F#0' or ta-e another %oo- 3on-y< 86/,et rid o$0 5/Lad $or F#0 H/1he +nd0 and 1O8K i# 22/Darrior $or ,od0. )o 3on-yJ1on- n!"eri&a%%y #<et rid of *arriors for <od;. Learn yo! n!"ber peop%e' it*# how 13+B &o""!ni&ate. 1hi# i# why 13+B #hot JFK on 11J22. I a" #!re i$ we a%% &o"e together' #hare o!r #torie# and &o"pare na"e# o$ the #!#pe&ted "!#i& ind!#try pro$e##iona%# in o% ed in the#e type# o$ #torie# wo!%d be in the tho!#and#. 3ere i# the pi&t!re o$ the rea% arti#t behind Ja#on @%dean' J> =eyer. J> ne er #aw a penny $ro" hi# &ontrib!tion# to the pro4e&t.

85 Meyer ' Me at 2The 4heel3

Michael :no) ' Me CRS 200/

=idway thro!gh The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t in %ate 2CC7 I de&ided to order #o"e 1J)hirt# to -eep e eryone in o% ed with the pro4e&t e9&ited. 1he $ir#t per#on I went to' to get #hirt# "ade wa# )te e Latt# owner o$ Ra((P #pparel in 8a#h i%%e. )te e i# a ta%% e&&entri& dre##ing $e%%a who had a%way# been &oo% to "e when I h!ng o!t at Lo#er*# in 8a#h i%%e. )te e i# good $riend# with +r Do#%ey /Geor(e StraitAs "anager0 who own# Lo#er*#' "o#t day# yo! &an $ind the" drin-ing together at Lo#er*# )te e*# &o"pany Ra((P #pparel doe# "er&handi#e $or "any big a&t# in&%!ding Geor(e Strait and :enny Chesney. Je##e and I went to )te e*# #hop in 8a#h i%%e to %oo- at a%% the pa#t and pre#ent "er&handi#e he had done $or "any #!perJ#tar arti#t. @%% o$ hi# "er&handi#e wa# ery i"pre##i e and the de#ign# were awe#o"e. I ga e )te e #o"e #a"p%e Blac" Saddles artwor- I had p!t together to gi e hi" #o"e idea#' then waited $or wee-#. @$ter &a%%ing hi" a $ew ti"e# waiting patient%y' $ina%%y he #aid they wo!%d #end "e #o"e idea#. @ $ew day# %ater )te e eJ"ai%ed !# a &o!p%e idea# $or o!r #hirt# that were beyond terrib%e. @%% they did wa# ta-e a r!$$ %ogo idea I had and p!t it o er #o"e paint b%ot&he#. 8othing e en in the #a"e ba%% par- a# anything we had #een in hi# #hop. It wa# ob io!# he didn*t want "y b!#ine##' de#pite hi# $riend%y and we%&o"ing attit!de. I had e en o$$ered to pay &a#h !p $ront. +a>e you e>er seen such crap at a Geor(e Strai(ht or :enny Chesney concertW

Ste>e Batts ' Me & @oserAs

#rtwor" Sa$ples Sent 1ro$ Ste>e Batts

>i#appointed with Aagg2 de#ign#' I en%i#ted #cti>e Creations o!t o$ ,a%%atin' 18 to de#ign and print #o"e #hirt#. #cti>e CreationsA art wor- wa# awe#o"e and we printed !p 3C o$ ea&h #hirt in three di$$erent #i2e#' HC #hirt# ea&h. 1he &oo%e#t #hirt by $ar wa# the b%a&- 2Protected By S$ith ' 4esson3 #hirt na"ed a$ter one o$ the #ong# I wrote on the re&ord.

#cti>e Creations F 5esi(ns 3owe er' de#pite ordering the $ine#t ?!a%ity #hirt# at a tota% pri&e o$ o er U14 ea&h a%% o$ the#e 2S$ith ' 4esson3 #hirt# deteriorated to rag# within the $ir#t ten wa#he#. I on%y ha e a &o!p%e o$ the 2S$ith ' 4esson3 #hirt# %e$t and they are %itera%%y rag# a$ter on%y one year. I wa# o er &harged and de%i ered %ow ?!a%ity prod!&t' and on&e again e erything %oo-ed great !nti% a $ew "onth# %ater when they $e%% apart.

This is the shirt a!ter only 10 wears ' washin(s% Made by ,#7,e)t @e>el #pparel out o! China% ,otice the nu$bers. R,L/-L1GL-<bad? 11B/GGL2B7/7J or 2B<Bad?6 /<*nd?6 J<GodE,on7Secret Society? The $anu!acturer R, nu$ber on the ta( tells us this shirt is purposely $ade to !ail% @%#o #cti>e Creations tried to de%i er to "e a ery tiny 3owboy ?ryptonite %ogo' b!t I re4e&ted that and they "ade the proper #i2e' whi&h were ery pop!%ar and #o%d ?!i&-%y. )!rpri#ing%y' when I tried to order "ore Cowboy Kryptonite #hirt# the &%ai"ed they &o!%d not "a-e the" again be&a!#e they #aid they &o!%d get the rhine#tone# any"ore. Fpon di#&o ering the #abotage on the who%e L%a&- )add%e# pro4e&t I &a%%ed #cti>e Creations to di#&!## the deteriorating (mith N *esson )hirt#. 1he #a%e# repre#entati e I dea%t with had %e$t the &o"pany' and they pretended to ha e no re&ord# o$ "y order#. @ ?!i&- note on 3owboy ?ryptonite. I $o!ght with the Fnited )tate# 7atent and 1rade"aro$$i&e $or two year# be$ore they $ina%%y awarded "e the trade"ar- $or 2Cowboy :ryptonite3% =y %a#t &on er#ation with the F) 1rade =ar- attorney in &harge o$ "y re?!e#t #aid #o"ething -ind o$ #trange. It wa# "ore the way #he #aid it' b!t thi# wa# 4!#t be$ore I $ig!red o!t the who%e #abotage again#t "e. )he #aid #I got a feeling you are going to get your Trademark this time"$ 1he way #he #aid it #ee"ed o$$' then on&e I $ig!red o!t a%% thi# #abracadabra$ &rap her oi&e popped in "y head and her %a#t #tate"ent be&a"e &%ear be&a!#e #3owboy ?ryptonite/E. i# #abracadabra$/E.. I g!e## 13+B $ig!red by awarding "e the 1rade"ar- I wo!%d go o!t and p!#h the &%othing &o"pany. Fn$ort!nate $or the"' I wi%% not parti&ipate in poi#oning the "ind# o$ the "a##e#' #o the HC #hirt# I "ade are now &o%%e&tor*# ite"# be&a!#e I wi%% ne er "a-e the" again. 1he :Cowboy :ryptonite3 na"e i# one #Abracadabra$ na"e that wi%% ne er be a detri"ent to the p!b%i&. Dhi%e we are on the #!b4e&t o$ de%iberate%y da"aged "er&handi#e' the #ti&-erM$%yer# that we handed o!t at CA) Q The Country Radio Se$inar were a%#o printed with ery poor ?!a%ity. 1he #ta&-# o$ 5CC #ti&-er# were a%% #t!&- together and they &r!"b%ed and #&rat&hed when pea%ed apart.

@%#o' the &o#t do!b%ed $ro" the initia% e#ti"ate $ro" U8CC to a $ina%%y de%i ery o$ U13CC. J!#t %i-e Geor(e Town Masterin( one o$ the pri"ary #"o-e#&reen# the#e# #e&ret #o&ietie# !#e when #&rewing !# o er i# 4a&-ing !p the pri&e #o that we get #o !p#et o er the pri&e go!ge and ti"e de%ay#' that we o er %oo- the ?!a%ity. I thro!gh a $it and had the" reprint new #ti&-er# b!t the ?!a%ity wa# not "!&h better than the $ir#t pie&e o$ 4!n- they #ent. )in&e the Co!ntry Aadio )e"inar wa# !pon !# I had no &hoi&e b!t to !#e the poor ?!a%ity #ti&-er#. I #ti%% ha e a b!n&h o$ the#e #ti&-er# and Midwest Graphics in Chi&ago' who printed the" ha#n*t got a %eg to #tand a# proo$ o$ de%iberate de%i ery o$ #!bJpar prod!&t i# b%atant%y ob io!#. I$ yo! ha e e er eaten a 8at!re 5a%%ey 1rai% =i9 Fr!it K 8!t bar then yo! are $a"i%iar with the ?!a%ity that &an be printed onto &hro"eJ"y%ar p%a#ti&' need%e## to #ay o!r print 4ob pa%e# in &o"pari#on.

@ow Nuality Stic"er <2nd Printin(?

#rt Sent To Midwest Graphics

1he wo"an who he%ped "e de#ign The Blac" Saddles %ogo and #ti&-er#' Jenna 7!r&e%% wa# a &%o#e $riend o$ Rodeo' a %o&a% ba## p%ayer who I wa# &on#idering $or the to!ring band. Jenna i# a graphi& de#igner $or a #"a%% =idwe#t &a#ino' Par7#75ice +otel &a#ino in 7eoria' IL. Jenna a%#o %ined !p the printer Midwest Graphics. 1he intere#ting thing abo!t Jenna i# d!ring the de#ign pro&e## one o$ the ro!gh dra$t# #he #ent wa# #%( in circle$ whi&h wa# ery $rea-y a# it %oo-ed %i-e a b%end o$ the Bohe$ian Club Logo/a #e&ret #o&iety0' @ ::: hood' the $i e pointed #tar and the S"ull7 ,7Bones %ogo. I don*t -now what it a%% "ean#' b!t I &an te%% yo! there i# #o"e #poo-y e i% i"agery going on in thi# er#ion o$ Jenna*# L%a&- )add%e# de#ign. 1hi# wa# one o$ her ear%ier de#ign#. it too- a %ot o$ rendition# be$ore I got the #add%e with the wing# %ogo abo e.

The Blac" Saddles


S"ull7,7Bones <;ale? The Bohe$ian Club

I &a%%ed Jena 7!r&e%% and pointed o!t #o"e o$ the #i"i%aritie# o$ her L%a&- )add%e# de#ign to the#e #e&ret #o&iety o&&!%t %ogo#' #he a&ted a# tho!gh #he new nothing abo!t any o$ the#e organi2ation#. I now rea%i2e that #he p!t that #y"bo% in there p!rpo#e%y either to $righten "e or to &he&- i$ I wa# a "e"ber o$ a #e&ret #o&iety' e#pe&ia%%y #in&e the Bohe$ians are ery pro"inent o!t in Ca%i$ornia. )o"e o$ the "o#t power$!% peop%e in the wor%d are in the Bohe$ian Club and "eet e ery year in the great redwood# o$ 8orthern Ca%i$ornia at the Lohe"ian ,ro e. It*# an a%% "a%e o&&!%t gathering where they per$or" a &ere"ony &a%%ed the 2Cre$ation o! Care3 by wor#hiping a 3C $oot ow% na"ed =o%e&h and b!rning an a edi$i&e o$ a h!"an in$ant. 1he ow% repre#ent# wi#do"' a# a%% #e&ret #o&ietie# #ee inte%%igen&e a# #!perior' and &o"pa##ion a# a wea-ne##. I -now "o#t peop%e reading thi# "ight agree with that' b!t it*# not tr!e at a%%. )&ien&e ha# pro en that we dire&t o!r >8@ thro!gh $ee%ing#' %o e and &o"pa##ion. the >8@ then dire&t# the %ight energy whi&h be&o"e# !# and the wor%d aro!nd !#. 1he irony abo!t the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# i# a%% the &r!e%ty and %a&- o$ &o"pa##ion they are ta!ght #in&e in$an&y a&t!a%%y "a-e# the" wea- with re#pe&t to how phy#i&# and the !ni er#e tr!%y re%ate# to !# a# >e ine &reator#. @nyhow' e ery year the )ono"a airport i# $i%%ed with the "o#t e9pen#i e pri ate 4et# in the wor%d a# roya%ty' b!#ine## ty&oon# and po%iti&a% head# "eet $or thi# #!""er ti"e $rea-y a$$air in the wood#. 7a#t attendee# ha e been Carter' Aegan' 7re#&ott' ,eorge K ,eorge Jr. L!#h' ,reen#pan' Ki##inger' Cron-ite and "any other notab%e#. Ai&hard 8i9on attended the Lohe"ian C%!b on&e at the Lohe"ian ,ro e in Ca%i$ornia and &o""ented6 :It was the gayest bunch of egomaniacs he had ever seen$" J!#t a $ew "onth# %ater 8i9on wa# #et !p with 4ater(ate and $or&ed to re#ign $ro" the 7re#iden&y. 1hat i# how power$!% the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# are $o%-#.


n Music Row

Chapter Q 8 @ ery pop!%ar &ontro% and $ear "e&hani#" o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# i# to #i"p%y &o"p%ete%y de#troy yo!r %i$e anyway they &an. In thi# &hapter I wi%% di !%ge 4!#t #o"e o$ the atta&-# on "y %i$e' "ind' ho"e# and we%% being. >e#troying a per#on*# %i$e i# the o era%% =a#oni& "e##age in the "o ie Tradin( Places with +ddie =!rphy and >an @-roid. 1he $inan&ia% $ir" i# 5u"e ' 5u"eLGB2-L1GL-' #o 5 K 5 "eaning :bad $or yo!; and add# !p to 1C<1he King# 8!"ber' "eaning the ban-er# are the -ing#

who &ontro% o!r wor%d. I$ yo! re"e"ber the #tory i# they "a-e a U1 bet that they &an ta-e a b!" and "a-e hi" gent%e"en and ta-e a gent%e"an and "a-e hi" a b!". In Tradin( Places 13+B p!t the n!"ber# are in o!r $a&e. 1he @"tra- train i# SH74<H11. 1he 1a9i at the end in $ront o$ Dor%d 1rade Center#' whi&h i# a&t!a%%y a $ew b%o&-# away $ro" the Da%% )treet trading $%oor' wa# ta9i S11. 1hi# "o ie wa# "ade %ong be$ore the Dor%d 1rade Center# were b%own !p by #e&ret #o&ietie#' #o it*# 4!#t &ra2y that at the end they ha e the S11 1a9i right in $ront o$ the 1win 1ower#. @%#o the $ir#t %oo- at the &%o&- on&e they get into the trading $%oor' whi%e waiting $or the OA@8,+<6H1575<33 $!t!re# to open and r!in the >!-e# i# - $inutes tile till /a$. #o the hour hand o! the cloc" was on /6 and the $inute hand was on 11. 1he &%o#ing pri&e o$ the oran(e !utures at the end was 2/L11 a"a /11. +ddie# trading badge wa# 5I8<4H5<18<H or 666 be&a!#e the r!%ing e%ite are tota% ra&i#t' and >an @-roid# trading badge wa# DI8<5H5<1H<1C< 1he King. 1ogether their badge# are 1H. In 3o%%ywood the prod!&er# and $inan&ier# are "o#t%y Jewi#h. 1he a&tor# and ta%ent are "o#t%y Lohe"ian#' and the trade peop%e are "o#t%y =a#on#' Fnion#' Fraternitie# or Lodge#. L%ended a"ong#t and thro!gh the" a%% are the gay#' who I #!ppo#e don*t &are abo!t tr!th or %o e be&a!#e they a%% are going to he%% anyhow' a&&ording to Je#!#' ,od' the prophet# and the Lib%e. I a" a Ca!&a#ian "a%e di#&ri"inated again#t by a%% the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# $or being a 7ie&e#' Chri#tian' 22 and hone#t. Talk about the ultimate #+ate 3rime$ just look what T+EY did to me& and what T+EY are doing to all of us. >i#&ri"ination %aw# are 4!#t "ore b!%%#hit &reated by the #e&ret #o&iety The #$erican Bar #ssociation to ta-e away o!r $reedo"# and prote&t #e&ret #o&ietie# when they ha e nothing %e$t to per#e&!te with' #o they in#tigate #egregation' aggra ation and #eparation. )ti&- that in yo!r di#&ri"ination pipe and #"o-e it Lara&:@bra&adabra; Oba"a and @"eri&an Ci i% Libertie# Fnion @CLF<1333<1H/I%%!"inati0 or 13/=a#on0 33/I%%!"inated =a#on0 1he @CLF i# r!n by )!#an 8. 3er"an a Jewi#h %awyer o$ &o!r#e. @nother %iar i# Len4a"in 1odd Jea%o!# who r!n# the 8@@C7' and i# a Ahode# )&ho%ar the #a"e #&!"bag #e&ret #o&iety organi2ation the Li%% C%inton be%ong# to. In thi# boo- I ha e atte"pted to #hare #o"e o$ the :3ate Cri"e#; I per#ona%%y e9perien&ed #o that yo! wi%% ha e a better idea o$ how to #pot the#e &%ande#tine e i% a&ti itie# and "a%i&io!# inter&eding in yo!r %i$e. Driting thi# boo-' whi&h i# on%y 1M8th o$ the entire 8CC page boo- I wrote on the#e e ent#' ha# he%ped "e to deprogra" "!&h the propaganda I !#ed to be%ie e abo!t "y#e%$ and the wor%d. I now rea%i2e "!&h o$ "y per#ona% &on i&tion# were $or&ed into "y be%ie$ #y#te" grad!a%%y o er "y %i$eti"e by peop%e who I tho!ght were "y $riend# and t!rned o!t to be operati e o$ the#e organi2ation#. 1he#e peop%e either a&ted indi id!a%%y' "oti ated to hide their own g!i%t $ro" a %i$e o$ parti&ipation in a #e&ret #o&iety andMor the &%ande#tine organi2ation# bribed or &oer&ed the" to parti&ipate. One thing I -now to be a &on&rete $a&t' there are a %ot o$ peop%e in the Fnited )tate who are #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber#' and it*# got to +8>. Let there be no do!bt the Fraterna% Law +n$or&e"ent agen&ie# are one o$ the #trong ar"# o$ the#e &%ande#tine organi2ation#. In =ay 2CCH when I $ina%%y &a!ght on to a%% thi# #abotage in "y %i$e and I wa# $ighting ba&- &a%%ing peop%e o!t on their in o% e"ent' the #e&ret #o&ietie# were #&ra"b%ing to ta-e "e down any way they &o!%d. Fnbe%ie ab%y "y be#t b!ddy $ro" &o%%ege Ai&a%%ed "e and #tarting a#-ing a %ot o$ in depth ?!e#tion# abo!t "y %i$e' b!#ine## and $inan&e#' whi&h wa# ery !#!a% &o"pared to o!r nor"a% p%ay$!% &on er#ation#. It t!rn# o!t that Ai-*# !n&%e' who happen# to be the head o$ the Ca%i$ornia 3ighway 7atro%' wa# #taying at Ai-*# #"a%% apart"ent $or a $ew day# with the #o%e p!rpo#e o$ reha#hing with Ai- e ery detai% o$ "y %i$e' #ear&hing $or anything that "ight get "e in tro!b%e.

Ai- i# "y on%y $riend who #topped the non#en#e' when I &a%%ed hi" on the intent o$ the in a#i e ?!e#tion# hi# !n&%e wa# a#-ing. 7%ea#e be%ie e the entire networ- o$ #e&ret #o&ietie# i# a tight %in-ed web o$ &orr!ption' the#e peop%e were atta&-ing $ro" e ery a en!e o$ "y entire #o&ia% &ir&%e and beyond. In the "!#i& b!#ine## arti#t' writer# and p!b%i#her# #ign with either @)C@7' )+)@C or L=I to prote&t their Copy write# and &o%%e&t roya%tie#. 1he #e%e&tion o$ whi&h &o"pany to go with rea%%y depend# on the type o$ "!#i& yo! write' and the &o"pany yo! $ee% wi%% be#t prote&t and ta-e &are o$ yo! thro!gho!t yo!r "!#i& &areer. L=I i# the %arge#t roya%ty &o%%e&ting &o"pany in the wor%d. I a" regi#tered with L=I a# a #ong writer and "y p!b%i#hing &o"pany 2Ton ! Bric" Music3 i# with L=I.

I a" good $riend# with 5a>id Preston' who i# the #on o$ Fran&e# 7re#ton one o$ the $o!nder# o$ L=I. On Friday =ay 15th 2CCH' I "et with >a id $or %!n&h to di#&!## what happened to "y re&ord a# we%% a# what i# going on in the "!#i& b!#ine## and #ee i$ L=I &o!%d he%p "e. >a e and I "et at 1ed*# =ontana ,ri%% in 8a#h i%%e. Ditho!t in&ri"inating hi"#e%$ >a id ba#i&a%%y &on$ir"ed e erything I a" ta%-ing abo!t in the "!#i&' e en the Gary #llen :airp%ane; #ong abo!t H11. >a e i# a great g!y and %i-e "e wa# born deep into thi# =a#oni& "e##. 1he #trange thing abo!t thi# %!n&h wa# that by the ti"e we $ini#hed eating o!r tab%e wa# #!rro!nded by tab%e# $i%%ed with her"eti& Jewi#h peop%e' who a%% were intent%y intere#ted in what >a e and I were di#&!##ing. It wa# weird' #o I #aid to >a id' #Incoming& time to go$" @nother intere#ting $a&t wa# the ho#te## who #at !# wa# probab%y the "o#t bea!ti$!% A!##ian Jew I had e er #een' and #he a%#o had a -een intere#t in o!r "eeting. 1he $!nny thing i# 1ed*# =ontana ,ri%% i# not the "o#t -o#her p%a&e on the b%o&-' pretty pe&!%iar $or it to be $i%%ed with Jewi#h peop%e.

5uran(o Son(writers *)po F 0tah 200H

Shannon ,ice<S*CS#C?6 M*

8ulie ,ewton <Ma(ic Mustan(?

5a>id Preston<BMI?

=y "eeting with >a e 7re#ton ended !p to be no he%p' and the ne9t thing I -new I go an eJ "ai% $ro" C8 Crai( 8ones' "y o%d roo""ate' a%#o $riend o$ >a e 7re#ton*# in#in!ating that >a e #aid I need p#y&ho%ogi&a% he%p. I$ I hear one "ore per#on #ay I a" on dr!g# or need p#y&ho%ogi&a% he%p I a" going to rip their ar" $ro" their #o&-et and beat their #-!%% in with it. I a" #ane' #ober' #"art and I &a!ght the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# red handed' not on&e or twi&e b!t h!ndred# o$ ti"e#. @# yo! wi%% #ee' i$ yo! bother to in e#tigate yo!r#e%$ the proo$ i# e erywhere' irre$!tab%e and it i# :&he&-J"ate; $or thi# Free"a#on' I%%!"inati' Nioni#t' =a#oni&' =or"on' Lohe"ian &ri"ina% &aba%. )in&e >a id 7re#ton at L=I wa# no he%p' I &a%%ed 5ou( 8ohnson who r!n# Curb Records. Curb i# owned by Mi"e Curb /+9JCa%i$ornia ,o ernor0 who i# a per#ona% $riend o$ "y grand$ather *d Reinec"e' who wa# Ronald Re(anAs %ie!tenant go ernor in Ca%i$ornia' a# we%% a# a Fnited )tate# &ongre##"an. I had -nown >o!g John#on $ro" hanging o!t with hi" here and there in 8a#h i%%e' and one Fo!rth o$ J!%y wee-end !p at :i$ 4illia$As ho!#e. I tho!ght he &o!%d he%p "e. I a#-ed hi" i$ he "ight be intere#ted in The Blac" Saddles or %oo-ing at #o"e o$ "y #ong#. 3e #aid that Curb wa# not #igning anyone and not %oo-ing $or writer# or #ong#. 3owe er' he a#-ed i$ I &o!%d #end hi" "y #ong# a# he wa# #3urious about my songs$" 1hi# "a-e# no #en#e #in&e they weren*t %oo-ing $or band#' writer# or #ong# why #ho!%d I bother #ending the" "y "ateria%. >o!g wa# no he%p either' and at the ti"e I didn*t -now how high !p thi# a%% &orr!ption went' I tho!ght i# wa# 4!#t the "!#i& b!#ine##' b!t it wa# ob io!# to "e ' >o!g -new a %ot "ore than he wa# #aying abo!t what wa# happening to "e. @nother Curb Records re%ated in&ident wa# Fo!rth o$ J!%y 2CC7 o!t at 7er&y 7rie#t La-e where "y gir%$riend and I had a ery bad e9perien&e with one o$ >o!g*# writerMarti#t# at Curb6 Brad Martin/Free"a#on0. It wa# 4!#t "ore per#ona% #abotage &rap to r!in "y ho%iday wee-end.

My Grand!ather

5ou( 8ohnson & :i$ 4illia$As 8uly Gth 0H E 8uly Gth 0I Brad Martin

+ ery #!""er #in&e I* e been in 8a#h i%%e I wo!%d ta-e "y boat o!t to 7er&y 7rie#t La-e a &o!p%e ti"e# per wee- and hang o!t at Ca"p#ite 81' on :3o%e In 1he Da%%; I#%and. 1hi# i# by $ar the be#t #pot on the %a-e and i$ yo! are :t!ned in yo!; &an $ee% it*# po#iti e energy. =o#t ti"e# Charity and I wo!%d go there and be the on%y peop%e en4oying the pri#tine bea!ty a%% to o!r#e% e#. Fn$ort!nate%y in 2CC8' the #a"e year that the de#tr!&tion o$ The Blac" Saddles re&ord wa# in $!%% #wing a gro!p o$ peop%e headed !p by 8i$$y Crowley/Free"a#on0 #tarted per"anent%y &a"ping at o!r !#!a% #pot on the i#%and' &a"p#ite 81. 1hey were -ind o$ #trange peop%e' b!t we "ade $riend# and h!ng o!t with the" d!ring the #!""er o$ 2CC8' #in&e that wa# o!r #pot. =ay 27th' 2CCH' a &o!p%e "onth# a$ter I di#&o ered a%% thi# 8a#h i%%e &orr!ption Ji""y to%d "e that hi# $riend' who !#ed to own 8ohnny 4al"er 5istillery &o!%d he%p "e with "y #problem$" I to%d hi"6 #I did not have a problem& ashville has a problem"$ Ji""y %a!ghed at that and &on in&ing%y a&ted %i-e he wa# not part o$ the who%e #&a". @ $ew wee-# %ater I p%anned on gi ing one o$ "y e iden&e C>*# to Joe the on%y g!y o!t o$ that who%e gro!p I %i-e and tr!#ted. I wanted #o"eone to ha e the e iden&e I had &o%%e&ted in &a#e anything happened to "e. 1he C> &ontained a %ot o$ the in$or"ation' e iden&e and re#ear&h whi&h be&a"e the who%e 8CC page boo- :7re enting )ing!%arity;. @n ho!r a$ter gi ing the C> to Joe a big boat with a Rednec" ;acht Club $%ag $%ying p!%%ed !p and a $e"a%e "!#i& attorney' Penny' &a"e a#hore' with her g!y $riend Ri>er who &%ai"ed to be a g!itar te&h at Gibson Guitars% 1hey were o er%y $riend%y and I &o!%d te%% #o"ething wa# a"i##. 1hen Joe "ade a point to #how "e that the e iden&e C> I ga e hi" had been "o ed to Ji""y*# tent. O!i&-%y' I #%ipped into Ji""y*# tent and retrie ed the C>. Ji""y went to get the C> to gi e it to the "!#i& attorney' and I &o!%d #ee the $r!#tration in on hi# $a&e when he &o!%dn*t $ind it. Dithin $i e "in!te# the "!#i& attorney p!%%ed away in her big e9pen#i e boat ob io!#%y pi##ed o$$. It wa# another #et !p. I &o!%dn*t be%ie e it' e en o!t at the %a-e I &o!%d $ind no #an&t!ary. @nyhow be$ore the "!#i& attorney arri ed' Ji""y "ade #!re to &oo- a por- b!t #t!$$ with onion# and gar%i& whi&h i# ery p#y&ho a&ti e%y to9in. I -new #o"ething wa# !p be&a!#e he wa# being way too ni&e to "e' and rea%%y wanted "e to eat #o"e por-. Ly thi# ti"e I wa# a%ready hip to the p#y&ho%ogi&a%%y to9i& e$$e&t# o$ $ood and wa# eating &are$!%%y. I ha e a &o!p%e o$ $riend who are pri ate 4et pi%ot# and they are not a%%owed to get gar%i& or onion# 48 ho!r# be$ore $%ying

be&a!#e it red!&e# rea&tion ti"e by !p to 3CE. 1hi# i# the rea#on :>ra&!%a; i# re?!ired reading in p!b%i& #&hoo%#' b!t that*# a who%e other boo-. In "y $!%% boo- there i# a &hapter &a%%ed 21oul 1ood3 whi&h e9p%ain# how #e&ret #o&ietie# !#e $ood to poi#on o!r bodie# and "ind#' I*%% probab%y p!t that boo- o!t ne9t. I$ yo! rea%%y want to %a!gh one ti"e we #howed !p and Ji""y had a %ea$ b%ower o!t at the &a"p#ite' and didn*t $ire it !p !nti% we arri ed. Dho !#e# a %ea$ b%ower in the wood# o!t at the %a-e( Charity erba%%y tore hi" a new one $or that. @ggra ation i# the ba#i& $o!ndation o$ e erything the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# do' $or the #o%e p!rpo#e o$ pre enting !# $ro" the &a%" #tate ne&e##ary to &onne&t to o!r higher #e% e#. 1hi# i# the e9a&t rea#on why Jewi#h wo"en whine' bit&h and &o"p%ain in #!&h an annoying tone. I -now that "ay #o!nd %i-e a #tret&h' b!t it*# a hi#tori&a% $a&t o$ /11/H 1o +nd and 11 the @wa-ening0. One ti"e I wa# eating an app%e when o!t o$ the b%!e Ji""y &a"e !p with a -ni$e grabbed it' #%i&ed a big pie&e o$$ and ga e it ba&- to "e. It wa# the #trange#t thing' and "ade no #en#e. 1hen within twenty "in!te# I &o!%d $ee% a #i&-ne## de e%oping in "y throat. For the ne9t two wee-# I wa# a# #i&- a# I ha e e er been in "y %i$e' witho!t a do!bt there wa# #o"e -ind o$ ir!# on the -ni$e Ji""y !#ed to #wipe "y app%e. 1he $ina% in&ident at the %a-e wa# Fo!rth o$ J!%y wee-end 2CCH. Charity and I p%anned to #tay the e ening and #%eep in "y boat' !n$ort!nate%y right be$ore "idnight one o$ the wo"en in Ji""y*# gro!p #tarted erba%%y hara##ing Charity. 1he ne9t thing I new the gir% %eaped onto Charity p!#hing her into the %a-e. I 4!"ped !p and atte"pted to p!%% the gir% o$$ Charity' b!t be$ore I &o!%d Ji""y*# b!ddy Jett and a $ew other g!y# po!n&ed on "e. It wa# a #et !p. Dith the #trength o$ ,od I $o!ght ba&- and they a%% ba&-ed o$$. Charity and I i""ediate%y hopped into "y boat and dro e to "y boat #%ip' par-ed and #%ept. 1he ne9t "orning Charity and I &a"e ba&- to get o!r &hair#' ra$t# and other be%onging#. I &a%%ed the" a%% o!t on being Free"a#on# and to%d the" to a%% go $!&- the"#e% e#. It wa# right then it be&a"e ob io!# that Ji""y wa# being &o"pen#ated $or hi# hara##ing "e be&a!#e he -i##ed "y a## pro$!#e%y and begged !# to &o"e ba&-. I had &a!ght hi" and hi# gro!p too "any ti"e# in the a&t o$ de&eption and #abotage' I wa# pi##ed and I wa# done. I ha e no do!bt that Ji""y*# on%y p!rpo#e wa# to di#r!pt the one p%a&e I &o!%d $ind #o%it!de. It i# a%#o no #!rpri#e that thi# parti&!%ar &a"p gro!nd i# #ite n!"ber 81<H' a# #e&ret #o&ietie# o$ten a##o&iate p%a&e# with po#iti e orte9 energy' with e i% n!"ber# or na"e# and i#aJ er#a. 1hi# #pot on the i#%and ha# a ery good energy. In $a&t thi# i# where "!&h o$ the int!ition that %ed "e to "any o$ "y di#&o erie#* o&&!rred. I g!e## they -new what they were doing #ending a party o$ "e##y dr!n-# o!t to t!rn "y #an&t!ary into a white tra#h barrio. In an atte"pt to regain "y $a orite #pot on the %a-e I &o"p%ained to the ranger# that Ji""y*# gro!p had io%ated pretty "!&h e ery &a"ping ordinan&e po#ted' in&%!ding no %ong ter" &a"ping and the ranger# wo!%d not do anything abo!t it. )o I &a%%ed the #r$y Corps o! *n(ineers who own# 7er&y 7rie#t La-e' b!t they were a%% in &ahoot# with Ji""y and hi# gro!p and wo!%dn*t en$or&e the r!%e#. )o then' I the 8a#h i%%e =etro 7o%i&e and the 1enne##ee #tate Senator Bob Cor"erAs o$$i&e' on%y to $ind that hi# aid who ret!rned "y &a%% wa# a )hriner/=a#on0' and he a%#o #hined "e o$$. )o' I &a%%ed the &o""anding ,enera% o$ the @r"y Corp# o$ +ngineer# in Da#hington' General Peabody. Fina%%y Ji""y and hi# peop%e pa&- !p their &rap and %e$t. 1hi# wa# the beginning o$ "y $ight ba&- again#t a%% thi# =a#oni& "a%i&io!#ne##.



Ca$psite J1L/

8i$ Crowley

Charity doin( 8i$$yAs Girl!riendAs +air 1or 1ree at Ca$psite J1 1he rea#on I ha e de&ided to p!t thi# boo- o!t now i# 4!#t two wee-# ago !p here in Lre&-enridge I got in a #&!$$%e with a Free"a#on bo!n&e at Ce&i%ia*# 8ight C%!b. Later that e ening when I wa%-ed o!t o$ the &%!b I got 4!"ped by no %e## than 1C p!n- %itt%e Free"a#on in their ear%y twentie#' again a# tho!gh with the power o$ ,od I wa%-ed away witho!t a #&rat&h. @%% o$ the %itt%e p!n-# that 4!"ped ran o$$ and I ended !p getting a :Co!rte#y Darning; $ro" the Lre&-enridge po%i&e. 1he#e peop%e 4!#t don*t #top.

2Courtesy 4arnin(3 Brec"enrid(e Police /71-72011 Ly @!g!#t 2CCH Charity and I were e9ha!#ted and o erwhe%"ed $ro" a%% the atta&-# and e erything that had happened o er the pa#t two year#' #o we too- a a&ation to =yrt%e Lea&h' 8C. Late in the day a# the bea&h wa# #tarting to e"pty o!t Charity and I "et a #"a%% gro!p o$ g!y# and ga%# who 4!#t happen to -now a who%e %ot abo!t #ongwriting and the "!#i& b!#ine##. De a%% h!ng o!t together $or a &o!p%e ho!r#. 1hen the "o"ent Charity and I weren*t paying attention the #to%e e erything $ro" !#. phone#' &a"era*#' I7od' bea&h bag' &oo%er and radio. 1ho!gh we had their de#&ription and @1K1 had the abi%ity to tra&- "y I7hone' the =yrt%e Lea&h 7o%i&e wo!%d not he%p !p re&o er o!r be%onging#. It wo!%d ta-e another h!ndred page# to &hroni&%e a%% o$ the atta&-# again#t "e and The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t' b!t one that I need to "ention happened on the #e&ond to the %a#t e ening o$ the CRS Country Radio Se$inar in 8a#h i%%e' 4!#t day# be$ore the radio re%ea#e o$ 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3% @$ter wa%-ing o!t o$ CRS with 8esse 4hitely to o!r #eparate ehi&%e#' Je##e &a%%ed and to%d "e and "y gir% $riend Charity to "eet hi" @osers $or a drin-' whi&h i# on%y a &o!p%e b%o&-# away $ro" the Aenai##an&e hote% where CRS wa# being he%d. Charity and I dro e o er to @osers' arri ed be$ore Je##e and went into the bar. @oserAs i# T+* %o&a% hang o!t $or pro$e##iona% #ongwriter#' arti#t and "!#i& b!#ine## peop%e in 8a#h i%%e. 1ho!gh it*# 4!#t a tiny %itt%e di e bar with no #tage' it*# not !n!#!a% to #ee big #tar# pi&- !p an a&o!#ti& g!itar and p%ay. I per#ona%%y ha e #ee Miranda @a$bert' 8ac" In(ra$ and 5arius Ruc"er p%ay there to na"e a $ew. Fpon entering @oserAs I went !p to *r> 4osely/Lo#er*# Owner K Geor(e StraitAs "anager0 who I -new we%% and o$$ered hi" a Blac" Saddles #ti&-er' #in&e o er the pa#t year I had been -eeping hi" !p to date on Je##e Dhite%y*# and "y progre## with The Blac" Saddles. I a%way# to%d hi" I wo!%d gi e hi" the $ir#t o$$er to "anage !# on&e we got e erything !p and ro%%ing. +r wa# !##!a%y ery $riend%y to "e' b!t thi# night he wa# #!rpri#ing%y &a%%o!# and r!de' p!#hing the #ti&-er ba&- at "e' #aying #I!m too drunk for that right now$" O$$ended' Charity and I got a drin- $ro" the $ront bar' and then went to the ba&- roo" o$ @oserAs to p%ay #h!$$%e board and wait $or Je##e. Dithin the $ir#t $ew "in!te# o$ o!r #h!$$%e board ga"e the p%!g to the #h!$$%e board "a&hine' whi&h i# not ea#i%y a&&e##ib%e' wa# p!%%ed o!t by a gir% retrie ing a poo% ba%%. 1hi# &a!#ed "e to ha e to p!t in another two do%%ar# to #tart the ga"e o er. 1hen it happened again' by the pre io!# gir%*# $riend. Knowing thi# wa# not an a&&ident I "ade that gir%*# boy$riend gi e

"e two do%%ar# to #tart a third ga"e. 1hen a $ew "in!te into o!r third ga"e 13+B !np%!gged the #h!$$%e board again and a%% he%% bro-e %oo#e. @# I &on$ronted the g!y#' two gir%# 4!"ped Charity and #tarted beating her again#t the #h!$$%e board "a&hine. I atte"pted to re#&!e Charity $ro" the atta&-' b!t the boy$riend# were phy#i&a%%y $or&ing "e o!t o$ the ba&- roo"' to the $ront bar. One o$ the" %!nged o!t and p!#hed "e to the $%oor o!t into the $ront bar. 1he who%e bar wa# now aware o$ the &o""otion. Dith a"a2ing ea#e and #trength I bo!n&ed !p and ran ba&- into the ba&- roo"' p!#hing' #ho ing and b!%%do2ing peop%e o!t o$ "y way. I p%owed "y way thro!gh the io%ent r!&-!#' got to Charity and p!%%ed two gir%# o$$ that were atta&-ing her. Charity wa# &rying and ho%ding a %arge &h!n- o$ her hair that the gir%# had p!%%ed o!t o$ her head to the root#. I grabbed Charity and wa%-ed eno"o!#%y pi##ed o$$ o!t o$ the ba&- roo"' thro!gh the $ront o$ the &rowded bar being #!re to #tare down e ery per#on in @oserAs in&%!ding *r> 4osley' who had an e i% #"ir- on hi# $a&e. 1he bigge#t "i#ta-e I e ery "ade in 8a#h i%%e wa# not %i#tening to Charity and &a%%ing the po%i&e right then' b!t I ha e ideo tapped witne## &on$e##ion and the &%!"p o$ Charity*# hair in a 2ip %o&- bag. 1he i&ing on the &a-e i# that 8esse 4hitely ne er #howed !p' e en tho!gh we %e$t the CRS together and he i# the one who &a%%ed and in#tr!&ted !# to "eet hi" at @oserAs% It wa# a #et !p $ro" the #tart. De%&o"e to how the "!#i& b!#ine## rea%%y wor-#. *r> 4osley ' Geor(e Strai(ht

8esse 4hitley 2+orns3 & @oserAs

Son(writers Playin( Inside @osers

=o#t peop%e don*t -now thi#' b!t :eith 4hitley did not die o$ a%&oho% poi#oning' he died $ro" inge#ting the &%eaning prod!&t 4CH. 8ow I ha e been to rehab' and I ha e #een and heard o$ peop%e doing a %ot o$ &ra2y thing# to get high' in&%!ding drin-ing &o%ogne and ga#o%ine with "i%-' b!t I ha e ne er heard o$ #o"eone drin-ing 4CH. I be%ie e Keith wa# "!rdered. @$ter di#&o ering the #abotage on o!r re&ord I "entioned thi# to 8esse 4hitley and he a%#o be%ie ed that o!r #abotage "ight ha e #o"ething to do with Keith*# death. One thing I -now' i# the tr!e arti#t are the one# who are p!re at heart' and #!#pi&io!#%y they a%way# #ee" to be the one# who die yo!ng. @&&ording to e er #tory I ha e e er heard a%% @orrie Mor(an e er did wa# brea- Keith*# heart &on#tant%y. ,i en what I e9perien&ed $ro" the "!#i& b!#ine##' and the $a&t that #he grew !p in the "!#i& b!#ine## be&a!#e o$ her daddy ,eorge =organ' I $ee% it*# #a$e to #!#pe&t that @orrie Mor(an intentiona%%y r!ined :eith 4hitely' 4!#t %i-e Courtney @o>e did to :urt Cobain and ;o"o no did to 8ohn @ennon. Co"e to thin- o$ it +an" 4illia$sA death i# a%#o #i"i%ar and #!#pe&t

:eith 4hitley ' @orrie Mor(an

@orrie ' 8esse 4hitley

8esse 4hitley and @orrie Mor(an -now a %ot "ore than they are #aying' and ne er on&e ha e they &o"e to "y de$en#e or #!pport e en a$ter I #pent three year# o$ "y %i$e and a%"o#t "y entire retire"ent #a ing#' o er U1CC'CCC prod!&ing 8esse 4hitley on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. @# yo! &an i"agine thing# got a %itt%e ten#e between Je##e and I a$ter I di#&o ered e eryone one in&%!ding he and hi# "a"a #&rewed "e on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. 3ere are a &o!p%e o$ o!r te9ted "e##age e9&hange# whi&h gi e# yo! a better idea o$ how thing# p%ayed o!t between Je##e and I on&e I di#&o ered the #abotage again#t "e by e eryone in o% ed. Je##e*# te9t# are in white on the %e$t' "y te9ted are in green on the right. 1he $ir#t "e##age Je##e ad"it# that 2So ;ou 4anna Be # Rednec"3 i# on the &o!ntry &hart and radio. 3e a%#o #ay# hi# "other*# re&ord %abe% 7re#ident Ja"e#' a# Strouda>arious Records want# The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. 1he #e&ond "e##age he a&-now%edge# the #conspiracy$" 1hird =e##age %i-e e eryone e%#e Je##ie &%ai"# I ha e #Mental 0roblems$" Forth "e##age he want# to -i%% "e' and on&e again #howing hi# tr!e redne&- &o%or# and &a%%# "e a :8GSU[E[;.

Strouda>arious ' 2Rednec"3 on Radio


2Mental Proble$s3

8esse is (oin( to 2:ill3 $e ' IA$ a 2,&XR&3

I #ti%% $ind it ery #trange that @orrie Mor(an and 8esse 2:eith3 4hitely too- no intere#t or &on&ern in the $a&t that hi# re&ord had been p!rpo#e%y de#troyed by 8a#h i%%e. 1hey %itera%%y wa%-ed away witho!t rai#ing an eye. Lorrie ha# #in&e had a "ira&!%o!# re&o ery o$ her &areer in&%!ding a p%ay on Lroadway in 8ew Bor- City #0ure 3ountry$ and a new re&ord dea%. Je##e bo!ght a new ho!#e. 1hi# i# a%% ery i"pre##i e &on#idering Lorrie went ban-r!pt when Je##e and I were wor-ing on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. 1he %ate#t new# i# thi# #!""er 2C11' Je##ie re%ea#ed a new a%b!" &a%%ed 2:entuc"y Thunder36 whi&h i# a brea&h o$ &ontra&t with "e' b!t hi# re&ord &o"p%ete%y #!&-# #o that i# 4!#ti&e eno!gh $or "e. +ar%y thi# year 2C11 I b!"ped into a g!y #nowboarding who 4!#t happened to ha e a pro$e##iona% "i9ing #t!dio !p in Lre&-enridge. J!#t $or -i&-# we too- the &o er o$ Pin" 1loydAs 2Mother3 I prod!&ed with Lorrie =organ K Je##ie Dhit%ey in 8a#h i%%e' into hi# #t!dio in Lre&-enridge and "i9ed it. 2Mother3 &a"e o!t pretty good' b!t not good eno!gh $or radio' #o I "ade a trib!te to :eith 4hitley ideo and p!t it !p on ;ouTube. For %a!gh#' I b%a#ted the %into a%% "y o%d 8a#h i%%e and "!#i& b!#ine## &onne&tion#. Later that day I got a te9t $ro" a 8a#h i%%e n!"ber I did not re&ogni2e #aying :Dhat*# Fp;. It wa# 8essie 4hitley. )o"eone ga e hi" the %in- to the ideo o$ 2Mother3 and he wa# te9ting to than- "e. I$ that wa#n*t ironi& eno!gh Je##ie to%d "e that he and hi# "o" Lorrie had been to!ring together and at their #how# they do the #ong 2Mother3% 1hat*# the than-# I get $or the" r!ining "y "!#i& &areer. La&-' in =ay 2CCH' toward the end o$ the who%e 8esse 2:eith3 4hitley #&anda%' I went to "eet Je##e and hi# $riend =i-e at 1he Corner Lar in 8a#h i%%e to gi e hi" #o"e o$ the hand #ta"ped b!rned C>*# I had "ade o$ The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t $or hi" to gi e to hi# $riend#. Fnbe-nown#t to "e Je##ie' =i-e K Lroo-e /Je##ie*# gir%$riend0 bro!ght a%ong a Mar" 4ilburn who wor-ed $or hi# $a"i%y*# &o"pany' #d>anced *)plosi>es 5e$olition Inc% the top b!i%ding de"o%ition &o"pany in the wor%d. =ar- a%#o happen# to be in &harge o$ a%% o$ Chris #n(elAs 2Mind 1rea"3 e9p%o#i e tri&-#. @$ter a %itt%e id%e and ten#e &hit &hat I &a!ght on that their p!rpo#e in "eeting "e that day wa# get "e to go to a Chris #n(el $i%"ing where Chri# wa# going to e#&ape o!t o$ a b!i%ding being de"o%i#hed by &ontro%%ed de"o%ition. 1ho!gh they ne er dire&t%y in ited "e to the $i%"ing' they indire&t%y #!gge#ted I &o"e &he&- it o!t n!"ero!# ti"e#. 3e e en "ade a point to hand "e hi# &ard. Ob io!#%y' I did not go to the Chri# @nge%*# b!i%ding de"o%ition $or $ear o$ a rebar $%ying thro!gh the air into "y #-!%%. I #at right ne9t to =ar- Di%b!rn the de"o%ition g!y and the who%e ti"e I 4!#t -ept getting thi# #trong ibe that =ar- wa# one o$ the peop%e who a&t!a%%y p!t the e9p%o#i e the b!i%ding# and b%ew !p the Dor%d 1rade Center#. Chris #n(le 2Mind 1rea"3

Mar"s 4ilburnAs Card


n 4ater


@nyhow #in&e I had the opport!nity' I #aid #o"ething to the =ar- that I had been pondering e er #in&e I #aw Chri# @nge%*# Mind 1rea" $ir#t #how#. I #aid 2I believe that a lot of that stuff 3hris does like walking through glass& walls and on water is real$. I #wear =ar- t!rned pa%e $or a #p%it #e&ond and then i""ediate%y went on a raging diatribe abo!t how he*# #een e ery tri&%i e' it*# a%% i%%!#ion# and I a" an idiot. I ha e a theory that Chri# @nge% i# #!&h a power$!% Di&&a war%o&- that he &an a&t!a%%y do what he doe# a# it i# a%% a "atter p!re $aith andMor Chri# ha# the abi%ity to &ontro% what o!r "ind# thin- we #ee. =ore than a $ew ti"e# and in "ore than a $ew way# #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e tried to -i%% "e. In $a&t' there a %ot o$ "y#terio!# death# o$ i"portant peop%e who died when their ho"e# "y#terio!#%y $i%%ed with &arbon "ono9ide. In =ar&h 2CCH when I awo-e to a%% the &orr!ption going on again#t "e a ery #trong int!ition &a"e into "y head to b!y a Carbon =ono9ide a%ar"' three day# %ater o!r ho!#e at 51C2 )tone%eigh Cir&%e in Lrentwood' 18 $i%%ed with Carbon =ono9ide. 1hi# i# on re&ord be&a!#e we had the Fire >epart"ent' ,a# Co"pany' @ir Conditioning' Land Lord and Lrentwood 7o%i&e at o!r ho"e the ne9t "orning. )!#pi&io!#%y' they $o!nd nothing and #!#pi&io!#%y it happen abo!t a "onth %atter whi&h I wi%% &o e in a "in!te. @$ter the b!rg%ary in the #a"e ho!#e on 1han-#gi ing in 2CC8 when we were in Ca%i$ornia we noti&ed a $ew a%teration# that now %ead "e to be%ie e thi# Carbon =ono9ide e ent wa# de$inite%y atte"pted "!rder. Fir#t' the bathroo" window in Charity*# bathroo" whi&h !#ed to open ea#i%y now wo!%d not open' and in $a&t #he bro-e the hand%e trying to open it. @$ter the &arbon "ono9ide in&ident I d!g into the window $ra"e and di#&o ered r!bbery wet paint and a #&rew that had been in#erted to pre ent the window $ro" opening. Fro" the r!bbery paint thi# had ob io!#%y been done when the ho!#e wa# bro-en into in 8o e"ber 2CC8.. In addition' none o$ the other window# in the ho!#e opened' whi&h were that way when I "o ed in. L!t the "o#t #tart%ing di#&o ery wa# the &ei%ing %ight $i9t!re# and atti& entran&e# were a%% &o&-ed open a# to a%%ow ga# to $%ow into the ho!#e. 7erhap# thi# i# "ore rea#on why ,!y Carter at the Lrentwood 7o%i&e depart"ent ne er in e#tigated the b!rg%ary( @%% o$ the#e &hange# happened d!ring the b!rg%ary o er 1han-# ,i ing 2CC8. I 4!#t ne er #!#pe&ted anything abo!t the" !nti% the Carbon =ono9ide #&are. 3ere are pi&t!re# o$ the window and &ei%ing opening#.

4indow Screwed Shut

penin(s In The Ceilin(

3ere i# one "ore intere#ting thing that wi%% be a %ot o$ he%p to a %ot o$ peop%e. Dhen I $ir#t "o ed into the ho!#e at 5C12 )tone%eigh Cir&%e' in Lrentwood the ga# &o"pany &a"e o!t and &hanged "y "eter. Odd%y' they didn*t &hange anyone e%#e*# "eter in the neighborhood the entire three year# I %i ed there. I %ater di#&o ered the rea#on they &hanged "y "eter wa# to p!t in the new wire%e## "eter' whi&h #end# the reading ia wire%e## &e%%!%ar to the ga# &o"pany. Dhat I a%#o $o!nd o!t i# that the#e wire%e## "eter# a%#o read AFI> 1ag#. 1he &!rio!# thing abo!t AFI> tag# i# they &an on%y be read $or !p to 5CC $eet' that i# why the#e wire%e## ga# "eter# are de#igned to read AFI>. 1he "eter read the AFI> then tran#"it# that in$or"ation to the ,a# Co"pany. 1hi# a%%ow# 13+= to -now e9a&t%y who and what &o"e# into o!r ho"e#' by tra&-ing anything with an AFI> tag. AFI> tag# are in a%"o#t a%% pa&-aging andMor prod!&t# we b!y' e#pe&ia%%y #hoe# and &%othing now &ontain AFI> tag#. Ae&ent%y on the internet there i# brewing re#i#tan&e to the#e AF ,a# =eter a# peop%e are &%ai"ing they e"it e%e&tro"agneti& radiation and &a!#e &an&er and other i%%ne##e#' in&%!ding -i%%ing the honey bee#.

,ew 4ireless Gas Meter

-102 Stonelei(h Circle6 Brentwood T,

La&- in 2CC3 in Long Lea&h C@ I rented a ho!#e at 317 La 5erne whi&h de e%oped a #erio!# "o%d prob%e". 3a ing been thro!gh a%% the atta&-# I now #trong%y #!#pe&t that thi# "o%d wa# not there by a&&ident' a# I on%y rented thi# ho!#e $or one year and the "o%d popped o!t on%y a &o!p%e "onth# a$ter I "o ed in' it had been hidden !nder $re#h paint. =o%d ha# a twoJ$o%d e$$e&t. $ir#t it wi%% &a!#e p#y&ho#i# and #erio!# "enta% di#order# be&a!#e it i# a $!ng!# %i-e "agi& "!#hroo"# and yea#t. )e&ond%y the "o%d get# in o!r %!ng# and #e ere%y drain# o!r ita"in# and "inera%# whi&h e ent!a%%y %ead# to a brea- down in o!r i""!ne #y#te"' #i&-ne## and &an &a!#e death. Le%ow are pi&t!re# o$ the "o%d in' whi&h point to the probabi%ity that 13+B we trying to $ry "y "ind and -i%% "e %ong be$ore I "o ed to 8a#h i%%e.

Mold at B1I @a Cerne F @on( Beach6 Cali!ornia J!#t %i-e a%% the #torie# yo! hear abo!t peop%e going &ra2y we had &ar# p!%% !p in $ront o$ o!r ho!#e and then 4!#t ta-e o$$ a%% the ti"e. 7eop%e wo!%d $o%%ow !# aro!nd where e er we went. 1hey e#pe&ia%%y $o%%ow !# in the gro&ery #tore and Co#t&o. Ly thi# ti"e Charity and I were hip to what wa# going on #o we wo!%d go #ay he%%o or ta-e pi&t!re# o$ the#e #e&ret #o&iety inter%oper#. One ti"e we e en &a%%ed the Lrentwood po%i&e on an !nder&o er 8a#h i%%e 7o%i&e &ar. I wi%% open%y ad"it that in =ar&h and @pri% o$ 2CCH when I $ir#t !n&o ered a%% thi# "i#&hie$ again#t "e I $e%t %i-e I wa# going &ra2y. 1hat i# when I #tarted &are$!%%y wat&hing what I ate and dran-. I &o!%dn*t $ig!re it o!t b!t #o"ething wa# de$inite%y "e##ing with "y head. 1here wa# 4!#t a &on#tant b!22ing in "y "ind. One "orning a$ter reading abo!t honey in the Lib%e I did a %itt%e e9peri"ent and dran- abo!t a ha%$ a &!p o$ Co#t&o honey on an e"pty #to"a&h' whi&h I do not re&o""end. Lee*# tra e% to "any di$$erent p%ant# and &o%%e&t a who%e ariety o$ po%%en#' whi&h when bar$ed ba&- a# honey be&o"e a power$!% n!roJto9in. 1hi# i# why the Lib%e warn# !# abo!t honey' yea#t' por- and #he%% $i#h. It*# a%#o why Jewi#h peop%e do not eat the#e thing#' be&a!#e they -now it*# bad $or the "ind' and "o#t Jew# are #e&ret #o&iety. I$ yo! wo!%d %i-e to %earn "ore abo!t n!roJto9i& $ood #ear&h ,oog%e $or $ood*# that are to9i& to ani"a%#. )o here I a" tripping on honey and #!dden%y the ne9t door neighbor 1o""y 1ho"p#on*# &ar a%ar" goe# o$$' b!t it wa# %i-e no other &ar a%ar" I had e er heard. It wa# hon-ing the "o#t o!t o$ ti"e bi2arre pattern I e er heard and it #ent "e into a pani&. + en tho!gh 1o""y wa# ho"e' the #trange &ar a%ar" hon-ing &ontin!ed $or abo!t $i e "in!te#. It wa# %itera%%y dri ing "e &ra2y. Fina%%y it #topped' I regained "y &o"po#!re and went on "y ba%&ony and too- the pi&t!re be%ow. Dhy 1o""y*# %id to hi# ga# tan- wa# open I ha e no idea. 1hen I wa%-ed o!t

a#-ed 1o""y*# what wa# !p with the weird &ar a%ar" and &on$ronted hi" on in o% e"ent in Free"a#onry. In tr!e =a#on $or" he a&ted %i-e he didn*t do anything' b!t I &o!%d #ee the %ie# in hi# eye#.

Costco +oney

To$$y Tho$pson +on"in( Car

1hi# wa# the $ina% #traw and I began to rea%%y e9a"ine e erything aro!nd "e to try and $ind o!t what wa# &a!#ing "y brain to b!22. 1hat*# when I began to noti&e a %ot o$ &ab%e 15' 1e%ephone and 7ower Co"pany a&ti ity aro!nd o!r ho!#e' #o I began to $i%" and ta-e pi&t!re# o$ the". @# #oon a# I did thi# they re"o ed a power tran#$or"er $ro" a po%e behind "y ho!#e' and ne er rep%a&ed it. Fro" that point on the b!22ing in "y head #topped. .

C o$cast ' #TT in 1ront 7 Power Co$pany Behind My +ouse6 Trans!or$er Re$o>ed @nother #trange pheno"enon d!ring thi# ti"e wa# "y brand new 5C* $%at #&reen 15 wa# prod!&ing the "o#t ibrant $%!ore#&ent &o%or#' %i-e nothing we had e er #een be$ore or #in&e. Aight abo!t the ti"e the tran#$or"er behind the ho!#e wa# re"o ed thi# #topped 1hen newe#t e%e&troni& intr!#ion in "y %i$e i# !p here in Lre&-enridge. In %ate @!g!#t 2C11 "y neighbor had thi# #ate%%ite di#h in#ta%%ed in hi# $ront yard' 5 $eet o$$ the gro!nd' abo!t 5C $eet

$ro" "y $ront door and it point# dire&t%y at "y ho"e' not !p into the #-y. Dhy they didn*t p!t thi# di#h on hi# roo$ %i-e e eryone e%#e aro!nd here I ha e no idea' b!t thi# war ha# 4!#t beg!n and I intend to "a-e S"ybea$ pro e that that wa# the on%y p%a&e it &o!%d go. )KBL+@=<1272514<22 or )KB<1C' L+@=<3 < 13 I &a%%ed the Lre&-enridge po%i&e and they #aid the &ity p%anner wo!%d &o"e ta-e a %oo- at it' b!t it*# been two "onth# and #ti%% no word. I don*t %i-e the idea o$ a dire&t bea" going #traight thro!gh "y ho!#e' perhap# it*# bad $or "e' perhap# it*# &an #&an or %i#ten in "y ho!#e' or perhap# they 4!#t p!t it there to aggra ate "e. De%&o"e to the %i$e o$ a nonJ#e&ret #o&iety "e"ber#. )I>+ 8O1+6 )in&e thi# di#h wa# in#ta%%ed "y =a& 7ro 4!#t got ha&-ed again. 1hi# ti"e rea% bad' it*# pretty "!&h !#e%e##. I &an*t e en drag $i%e# into a :b!rn; $o%der to "a-e C>*#. @nyone who te%%# yo! =a& &an*t be ha&-ed' it $!%% o$ #hit. I wi%% ne er b!y another =a& in "y %i$e. L!i%d yo!r own 7C*# and don*t &onne&t the" to anything that i# the way to prote&t yo!r &reati e wor-.

,ew 5ish Pointed Ri(ht at My +ouse 7 ,otice truc" nu$ber B2L- Bad !or J Good People In @pri% 2CCH' d!ring the #a"e ti"e period that I wa# 4!#t be&o"ing aware o$ The Blac" Saddles #abotage and the o erwhe%"ing betraya% in "y %i$e' &a"e a &oordinated atta&- $ro" "y 2C year b!#ine## &oa&h Robert Sturner at Super Boost and "y o%d #!r$ing by 8i$$y $ro" Long Lea&h who had "o ed to @rgentina. It #tarted with Robert Sturner in Car%#bad' C@ "ai%ing "e a pi&t!re o$ a ro&- he $o!nd that he &%ai"ed %oo-ed %i-e Je#!#. 7er#ona%%y I didn*t rea%%y #ee Je#!# in the ro&-. 1hen a day %ater I re&ei ed an eJ"ai% $ro" Ji""y in @rgentina o$ a #-et&h o$ Je#!#. %ow and beho%d the Je#!# #-et&h wa# re"ar-ab%y &%o#e to the #!ppo#ed i"age o$ Je#!# on the ro&-. On&e again thi# wa# a%% intentiona% to "a-e "e %oo- &ra2y by in#in!ating that the#e i"age# were a##o&iated' whi&h o$ &o!r#e gi en a%% the p%ethora o$ other in&iden&e# they were.

Picture o! 28esus3 roc" $ailed by Robert

8esus s"etch e7$ailed by 8i$$y

1here i# no do!bt that thi# #-et&h wa# drawn a$ter the arti#t had #een thi# ro&-' the pri"ary attrib!te i# the &!r e o$ the &%oth aro!nd Je#!#* &hin that gi e# away the intentiona% a##o&iation. 1hi# i# another i#!a% tri&-' 4!#t %i-e the Craig @% in*# -id drawing in the #o!nd #t!dio in 8a#h i%%e that %oo-ed 4!#t %i-e The Blac" Saddles %ogo. @%#o' yo! &an #ee why when I 4!#t re&ei ed the ro&- I &o!%d not #ee Je#!# in it at a%%' b!t when I re&ei ed the #-et&h I &o!%d. 1hi# Je#!# ro&- $ro" Car%#bad C@ and the Je#!# #-et&h $ro" @rgentina #how*# how intri&ate the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# operate. Ly the way Ji""y and Aobert do not -now ea&h other' at %ea#t a# $ar a# I e er -new. For anyone thin-ing abo!t atta&-ing' reta%iating or &o"ing a$ter "e %ega%%y or otherwi#e' %et "e te%% yo! what happened to Aobert )t!rner. J!#t a$ter the Je#!# Ao&- in&ident' in =ay o$ 2CCH' Aobert )t!rner o$ )!per Li$e a&t!a%%y "ai%ed "e 891C pi&t!re# o$ &an&er &e%%#. I opened the en e%ope' bar%ey g%an&ed and then ?!i&-%y threw the" away. >!"b' I #ho!%d ha e -ept the"' b!t I didn*t -now how thi# Di&&a 5oodoo tr!%y wor-# #o I try to -eep other peop%e*# thing# away $ro" "e' e#pe&ia%%y 891C*# o$ &an&er &e%%#. @t thi# point I &!t o$$ a%% &o""!ni&ation with Robert Sturner. For the ne9t $ew "onth# he #tarted &a%%ing %i-e a #to&-er. 1o "a-e a %ong #tory #hort' three "onth# %ater Aobert )t!rner dropped dead o$ a #tro-e. Darning to tho#e in the -now' I a" a tr!e 22' don*t $!&- with "e. @!toJ#!gge#tion o$ i%%ne##' e#pe&ia%%y &an&er i# one o$ #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber*# "o#t &o""on atta&-#. In 2CC5 I wa# dating a gir% Li#a in 8ewport bea&h' who#e $ather i# a high %e e% 57 at 3ew%ett 7a&-ard' 37<87<14<5/Lad For F#0. 1he #hort ti"e I wa# dating Li#a' her $ather wa# #!ppo#ed%y dying o$ &an&er and that*# a%% I heard abo!t. Li#a e en ga e "e a >5> o$ >r. Loraine >ay on how to #!r i e &an&er with ho"eopathi& "edi&ine.

Me ' @isa

Robert SturnerAs Card !or Super Boost

In 2CC8 K 2CCH "y o%d %and%ord 7a!%a ,i%%a%and' owner o$ the Carbon =ono9ide ho!#e' #!ppo#ed%y went thro!gh a &an&er batt%e and #he wo!%d te%% "e abo!t a%% the ti"e o!t o$ the b%!e' b!t #he a%way# #ee"ed $ine to "e' then a"a2ing%y #he #aid it went away a $ew "onth# %ater. =y o%d @@ b!ddy 1o" e ery ti"e I ta%-ed with hi" o!r &on er#ation ?!i&-%y t!rn# to &an&er and 4ai%. It*# a%% 4!#t a!toJ#!gge#ti e atta&-# on "y "ind. @nother e9Jgir% $riend in O&tober 2CCH &a%%ed "e with a b!n&h o$ %ie# abo!t a ery good "!t!a% $riend o$ o!r# who on%y had two wee-# to %i e $ro" %!ng &an&er. La&- to the @rgentina Je#!# #-et&h peop%e. the atta&-# $ro" Ji""y and hi# wi$e =aria ha e not #topped. @&t!a%%y' be$ore the Je#!# #-et&h #&a"' in 8o e"ber 2CC8 $i e "onth# be$ore I &a!ght on to the #abotage' Charity #tarted re&ei ing Latina =aga2ine at "y o$$i&e po#ta% #er i&e. @%% the whi%e Ji""y and =arie -ept #ending "e e9&iting and eroti& pi&t!re# $ro" @rgentina. On&e I di#&o ered thi# #abotage and the Je#!# ro&- in&ident I rea%i2ed that Ji""y and =aria were trying to %!re "e to @rgentina. =y e9Jwi$e a# 3i#pani& and Ji""y attended o!t wedding. I be%ie e 13+B a##!"ed I a" into 3i#pani&#. 3owe er' being an ardent hi#tory b!$$ I -now that @rgentina i# where a%% the 8a2i went a$ter DDII' #o "y &han&e# o$ #!r i a% there wo!%d be pretty #%i". 1he #adde#t thing abo!t a%% thi# i# Ji""y ha# a%way# been a great $riend. Ji""y*# $a"i%y owned a tr!&-ing &o"pany that e9&%!#i e%y ha!%ed *>erstate Batteries #o ob io!#%y they are re%ated to #e&ret #o&ietie# thro!gh the tea"#ter#. Ji""y*# wi$e =aria*# $a"i%ie# are big %and de e%oper# in @rgentina' #o we &an #a$e%y a##!"e they are a# &orr!pt a# a &arte%. 3ere are #o"e pi&t!re# $ro" Ji""y K =arie in @rgentinaR I 4!#t %o e pi&t!re# they #ay #o "!&h "ore than word#.

@atina Ma(aPine

8i$$y ' Girls In #r(entina

In #pring 2CCH' d!ring the#e $ir#t wee-# o$ be&o"ing aware o$ the #&anda%#' "any o$ "y $riend# in Ca%i$ornia and $a"i%y "e"ber# were trying to get "e to go to Ca%i$ornia' whi%e at the #a"e ti"e te%%ing "e I need to get p#y&hiatri& he%p. =y #i#ter )!e wa# the bigge#t proponent o$ trying to get "y p!t into a p#y&hiatri& $a&i%ity' b!t I wa# in 8a#h i%%e and #he wa# in L@' and #he &o!%dn*t get near "e.. I e en got ridi&!%o!#%y &heap air$are o$$er# ia eJ"ai% $ro" South 4est a# %ow a# U4H $ro" 8a#h i%%e to L!rban-. 8eed%e## to #ay I did not go. I #!#pe&ted the "ethod# $or #&ooping !p #noop# %i-e "e are a %ot "ore %ibera% o!t in Ca%i$ornia' than they are here in the Lib%e be%t o$ 1enne##ee. @%#o being $ro" Ca%i$ornia' the de#ert i# nothing b!t "i%itary ba#e# and ,od -now# what e%#e. I a" not going to %ie' in =ar&h' @pri% and =ay o$ 2CCH when I wa# #waking up$& I wa# paranoid' #&ared' #%eeping with g!n# and "y "ind wa# being in$%!en&e by #o"ething #tronger than any dr!g# I had e er ta-en. It wa# %i-e an e%e&tri&a% b!22 &on#tant%y in "y head. @%#o I had been #t!dying #e&ret #o&ietie# $or the pa#t 1C year# and had no idea what they wo!%d do to a per#on when yo! a&t!a%%y &a!ght the". @t thi# ti"e I re"e"bered a %etter that a &%ient had #ent "e that #aid :@# O$ Jan!ary 23' 2CCH;. I ha e been in the b!#ine## wor%d $or 2C year# and had ne er #een anything %i-e it. 1hat wa# the &ata%y#t that #ent "e #t!dying a b!n&h o$ o%d n!"ero%ogy boo-# I got $ro" "y grand"other*# when #he pa#t away. 1hi# %ed "e to the di#&o ery o$ :1he 8!"eri& Lang!age O$ )e&ret )o&ietie#;. /7%ea#e )ear&h on Bo!1!be0. Fn$ort!nate%y' it a%#o %ed "e to 1he >oor#. I$ yo! re&a%% be$ore 4oining The 5oors 8i$ Morrison &%ai"ed to ha e gotten %o#t in the Ca%i$ornia de##ert' whi&h i# ho"e a%% the top #e&ret F.). =i%itary operation in&%!ding @rea 51. @%#o re"e"ber that 1he >oor# prod!&er wa# Paul Rothschild/I%%!"inati0' re%ated to the Aoth#&hi%d ban-ing &arte%. J!#t %i-e "e' Ji" probab%y be%ie ed the #ong# he wa# writing were hi# own idea#. @%% I -now $or #!re i# 1he >oor "!#i& i# ery e i%. I rea%%y don*t #ee Ji" =orri#on a# the type o$ per#on that wo!%d go a%ong with #o"ething a# #ini#ter a# "a## "ind &ontro%. I %i-e to be%ie e he wa# a =an&h!rian Candidate and it i# "!&h "ore %i-e%y that he wa# being "ind &ontro%%ed by hi# $ather. Ji"*# $ather wa# the head ad"ira% in the F.). 8a y when the 5ietna" Dar bro-e o!t in the Lay o$ 1on-in. F.). 8a a% Inte%%igen&e &ontro%# =KJF%tra and other "i%itary "ind &ontro% e9peri"ent#. 1hi# i# why 3o%%ywood re&ent%y re%ea#ed #Men *ho (tare A <oats$ to deb!nthe $a&t# that are #!r$a&ing abo!t "ind &ontro%. 3owe er e er The 5oors "!#i& &a"e to be' %et "e de&ipher it $or yo!. In the #ong 2The *nd3 Ji" =orri#on #ay# #Take the kings highway west& to the ancient lake& ride the snake seven miles and hop on the blue bus" The blue bus is taking us" Ride the highway west" The west is the best. I$ yo! -now n!"ero%ogy yo! -now that the -ing*# n!"ber i# 1C. )o ta-e highway 1C we#t. 1he an&ient %a-e i# the )a%ton )ea in the )o!thern Ca%i$ornia de#ert' whi&h 4!#t happen# to be #!rro!nded by "i%itary ba#e#. Loo- in the ba&- o$ yo!r bib%e at the "ap# and yo! wi%% a%#o #ee there i# a )a%t )ea in the 3o%y Land. 1he )na-e i# 3ighway 111' the winding road aro!nd the )a%ton )ea. 1*# are a##o&iated with the third eye' and being :awa-e; whi&h i# re$eren&ed on "any o$ the +gyptian headJpie&e# with a &obra.

Map In Bible 7 Salt Sea <The #ncient @a"e? C# 5esert F The Salton Sea6 +wy 10 ' 111 3ere i# an intere#ting tidbit' the )a%ton )ea !#ed to be one o$ the pre"iere a&ation re#ort# in Ca%i$ornia' and then "y#terio!#%y in the 1H6C*# the %a-e %itera%%y died and the re#ort t!rned into a gho#t town. I ha e ridden "y dirt bi-e o!t there and the p%a&e ha# a ery eerie ibe. It "a-e# "e wonder. did it died be&a!#e the go ern"ent poi#oned it #o they &o!%d -eep peop%e away $ro" what "any be%ie e i# a ery power$!% orte9' %i-e the Ler"!da 1riang%e where %ye %ine# inter#e&t( Or' did it die be&a!#e e i% -i%%ed it $ro" the #e&ret #o&ietie# !#ing it a# a $%y trap $or peop%e %i-e "e who $ig!re o!t 13+IA n!"eri& &ode( I be%ie e that we the peop%e ha e a right to -now' e#pe&ia%%y i$ inno&ent peop%e are being he%d in !ndergro!nd pri#on# in the Ca%i$ornia de#ert' ha ing be %!red to the )a%ton )ea by The 5oors "!#i& or' %!red to @A+@ 51 #ear&hing $or the tr!th #!rro!nding FFO*#. 1r!th #ee-er#' %i-e "e' are the S1 ene"y o$ #e&ret #o&ietie#' p%ea#e be%ie e they ha e trap# #et !p to &at&h !#. In @pri% 2CCH when I $ig!red o!t the #e&ret "e##age in The 5oors #ong 2The *nd3' I a&t!a%%y pa&- !p "y +#&a%ade and p%aned to dri e to the )a%ton )ea' in Ca%i$ornia $ro" 8a#h i%%e. 1hen I re"e"bered that the on%y ti"e I rode on a b%!e b!# wa# to ra-e %ea e# and #&oop hor#e #hit at the $air be&a!#e I got in tro!b%e one ti"e with the 4! eni%e &o!rt#. @%#o b%!e b!##e# are a##o&iated with the F.). @ir For&e' and the )a%ton )ea i# o!t by @rea 51 and #e en other "i%itary in#ta%%ation#. 1he "ain thing that -ept "e $ro" going wa# ,od. I got an int!ition in "y head that #aid. #If <od wants you& he will come get you$' that*# what "ade "e #tay and I a" g%ad I did be&a!#e "y #o!% wo!%d probab%y be %o&-ed in a battery in a ho%e in the =o4a e de#ert and yo! wo!%d ne er got to read thi# boo-. I #erio!#%y wonder how "any peop%e #in&e the 6C*# ha e $ig!red thi# #t!$$ o!t and dri en o!t to the )a%ton )ea' ne er to be heard $ro" again. 8ow $or a %itt%e n!"eri& $!n with The 5oors. 1he #ong 2The *nd3 i# #ong n!"ber :5; on the a%b!" and the %ength i# 11635 or 1168' whi&h "ean# <110 *nli(hten$ent and <J? God or ,on7Secret Society% I$ yo! %oo- in The 5oors re&ord on thi# in#ide #%ee e i# a pi&t!re o$ L!rban- dated )at!rday' )epte"ber 23' 1H176 Aed!&e thi# to HJ23J1H17< HJ23JHJH whi&h e?!a%# 23<-3Bad 1or ;ou3. )at!rday i# a%#o the day the L!&i$erian# wor#hip :)at!rn;. @ pop!%ar reprinted bi%% po#ter yo! #ee e erywhere $or 1he >oor# #ay# The 5oors May 2Brd 4his"y7#7Go7GoG#Abracadabra$ and =ay<5 and 23rd < 5. 5J23J1H66<32<5. @# yo! we%% -now by now in n!"ero%ogy 5' 23' 32' "ean bad $or !#. 1he<285<15<6 >oor#<466H1<26<8

and 6I8<14<5 "eaning bad $or yo!. @%% the#e 5*# %et tho#e in the :-now; -now that the door# "!#i& i# ery bad $or yo!. 1hey #ho!%d ha e 4!#t &a%%ed The 5oors' :1he Fi e#;.

The 5oors F Bac" o! #lbu$

The 5oors F Inside Record Slee>e


1he >oor# "!#i& i# #atani&a%%y ob io!#6 2@i(ht My 1ire3' 2Soul :itchen3' 2Bac" 5oor Man3' 2The *nd3' 24hen The MusicAs >er3' 2The Crystal Ship3. @%% o$ the#e tit%e# are o&&!%t re$eren&e#. @%#o' noti&e the The 5oors re&ord had 11 #ong#. thi# i# intentiona% a# 11 "ean# awa-e. 2Brea" n Throu(h3 whi&h wa# the entire the"e o$ The 5oors wa# the bait to %!re the $i#h /Je#!# $i#h that i#0. 1here i# no do!bt that The 5oors were a #e&ret "i%itary "ind &ontro% weapon' whi&h I be%ie e wa# &reated to %!re the dr!g &!%t!re to the de#ert# o$ Ca%i$ornia where ,od -now# what happened to the". 1he on%y ?!e#tion that re"ain# i#6 Da# Ji" =orri#on in on it' or wa# he %i-e "e tri&-ed by the peop%e &%o#e#t to hi" who he tho!ght were hi# $riend#( Ji"*# $ather being an ad"ira% in the 8a y "ean# he wo!%d ha e to be a ery high degree in a #e&ret #o&iety' "o#t %i-e%y Free"a#on' whi&h "ean# Ji" wo!%d ha e been indo&trinated at $i e year# o%d into =a#onry' or Ji" wa# progra""ed $ro" a yo!ng age. +ither way it*# #a$e to #ay Ji" wa# "!rdered at age 27</LThe *nd?6 "o#t %i-e%y be&a!#e he wo-e !p %i-e I did to di#&o er hi# who%e %i$e had been a %ie. )!#pi&io!#%y' a %ot o$ :!n&ontro%%ab%e; ro&- #tar# ha e "y#terio!#%y died at 27. 1hi# a%% open# a who%e new &an o$ wor"#' a# I re"e"ber d!ring "y preJrehab day# "any bi2arre tho!ght# popping into "y "ind that I wo!%d ne er thin- o$ in a "i%%ion year# #ober. I ha e harbored a #trong g!i%t $or #o"e o$ the#e tho!ght#' e en tho!gh I ne er a&t!a%%y did anything. I g!e## the re%ie$ here i# that I "ay ha e not been re#pon#ib%e $or tho#e &ra2y tho!ght#' and there$ore I #ho!%d harbor no g!i%t. @# yo! are #tarting to #ee $ro" thi# boo-' thi# =a#oni& "ind "anip!%ation i# ery #erio!# #t!$$' $or a%% I -now they are g!iding "e to write thi# boo- and I a" typing "y own death #enten&e. 3ow do we -now $or #!re o!r thin-ing i# o!r own( Ob io!#%y thi# %ead# !# $!%% &ir&%e to the who%e &on&ept o$ the =an&h!rian &andidate pheno"enon. I re"e"ber one ti"e ba&- in Long Lea&h d!ring a preJrehab &o&aine binge a po%i&e he%i&opter &ir&%ed "y ho!#e $or 45 "in!te#. +a&h window in the ho!#e %it !p %i-e a $ootba%% #tadi!" a# the ghetto bird "ade it# way aro!nd and aro!nd "y ho!#e. I &a%%ed "y gir%$riend at the ti"e Ki""y' who#e $ather i# a tea"#ter and 4!#t happen# to ha e the %a#t na"e =a#on. I to%d

her what wa# going on and by the ti"e #he arri ed' the po%i&e and he%i&opter had 4!#t $%own away. Ki""y tried to &on in&e "e that I %o#t "y "arb%e#' and had ha%%!&inated the who%e thing. O er the ne9t &o!p%e o$ day# "y #i#ter )!2anne a%#o tried to &on in&e "e that Aobin Di%%ia"# e9perien&ed the #a"e thing and that I #ho!%d #ee- p#y&hiatri& he%p. On&e again "y #i#ter wa# p!#hing $or "e to go to a "enta% $a&i%ity. 1hen "y %ate b!ddy' 3o%%ywood Joe' a &onJ arti#t who I now -now to ha e been I%%!"inati tried to &on in&e "e it wa#n*t rea% either' te%%ing "e #o"e &ra2y #tory abo!t hi# ri&h -id $riend who %i ed in Le er%y 3i%%# $%ipping o!t on the &op# on &o&aine. For the re&ord' be$ore I went to rehab in 2CC5 I had ta-en a %ot o$ power$!% dr!g# a%% "i9ed together o er %ong period# o$ ti"e' and I -now the di$$eren&e between tripping o!t and a he%i&opter &ir&%ing "y ho!#e $or 45 "in!te#. In $a&t' I wo!%d go #o $ar a# to #ay i$ I didn*t ha e a%% tho#e dr!g e9perien&e ba&- in the day' there i# no way I wo!%d ha e "ade it thro!gh =ar&h' @pri% and =ay o$ 2CCH when the #e&ret #o&ietie# were throwing e er tri&- in the boo- at "e. 1hi# po%i&e he%i&opter in&ident happened on a )!nday e ening and $or $o!r day# it #ee"ed e eryone wa# trying to &on in&e "e I had %o#t it' b!t I -new it wa# rea%. Low and beho%d I wa# &orre&t' on 1h!r#day a neighbor' who I ne er "et' o!t o$ the b%!e to%d "e that on )!nday the po%i&e &ir&%ed "y ho!#e be&a!#e the %ady ne9t door &a"e ho"e to a b!rg%ar in her ho"e and he 4!"ped o!t her window into "y b!#he#. 1he part o$ the #tory that "a-e# no #en#e i# that I didn*t ha e any b!#he# aro!nd "y ho!#e' at %ea#t none #o"eone &o!%d hide in $or 45 "in!te#. )o a# &ra2y a# it #o!nd# the po%i&e' whi&h ne er e en -no&-ed on "y door' #i"p%y &ir&%ed "y ho"e to try and $ry "y brain #o "y $riend# and $a"i%y &o!%d &oer&e "e into p#y&hiatri& &are. It a%#o happened at the ne9t ho!#e I "o ed to' on%y thi# ti"e the po%i&e &a"e !p "y #tair# with $%a#h%ight# and dog#' and on&e again ne er &a"e in. Loo-ing ba&-' it rea%%y "a-e# "e e"pathi2e with the "i%%ion# o$ peop%e thro!gho!t hi#tory ti"e that ha e been $ra"ed $or dr!g#' &ri"e#' &on in&ed they were "enta%%y #i&- and p!t !nder p#y&hiatri& &are or wor#e b!rned at the #ta-e. I$ anyone o!t there thin-# thi# i# rare' 4!#t %ooaro!nd at e eryone yo! -now who i# on #o"e type o$ pre#&ription depre##ion' an9iety' @>>' @>3@ or pain pi%%#' they are being p!rpo#e%y dri en into depre##ion' %ied to and poi#oned. 1he di$$eren&e between "e and e eryone on pre#&ription pi%%# i# I #i"p%y ?!it a%% dr!g# and began "y in e#tigation into the rea% prob%e"' #e&ret #o&ietie#. I re&o""end yo! do the #a"e. 1he $!nny thing abo!t Ki""y i# I d!"ped her be&a!#e I $e%t #he wa# p!rpo#e%y -eeping "e on dr!g#' and e ery ti"e I tried to get #ober #he #ed!&ed "e with &o&aine again. 1he &reepie#t thing o$ a%% i# a year a$ter o!r brea- !p' #he got tattoo o$ b!rning &ro## on the ba&- o$ her ne&-' whi&h #he #aid wa# be&a!#e I bro-e her heart. I $ind the b!rning &ro## tattoo #tart%ing be&a!#e a =a#on po%i&e o$$i&er !p at >a%e 3o%%ow La-e re$erred to "e a# a C@><314<8 K CD<35<8' and 8 "ean# ,od. I a%way# tho!ght Ki""y*# tattoo o$ a b!rning &ro## wa# pretty e9tre"e. now I -now #he $e%t ,od or a warrior $or ,od had bro-en her heart. )o it on%y "a-e# #en#e that #he "!#t ha e -now a %itt%e #o"ething "ore abo!t "e than I did at the ti"e. 1he %a#t ti"e I #po-e with Ki""y aro!nd O&tober 2CCH' I &a#!a%%y in?!ired abo!t Free"a#on# and her re#pon#e #ee"ed rehear#ed and &ontri ed. Knowing the hi#tory o$ %ang!age' i$ yo!r %a#t na"e i# =a#on' #o"ewhere a%ong the %ine yo! are re%ated to the Free"a#on#. )in&e then Ki""y*# phone n!"ber' whi&h #he had $ore er' ha# been di#&onne&ted and I ha e not been ab%e to get a ho%d o$ her. 1hi# #!dden di#appearan&e o$ %ong ti"e $riend# ha# now be&o"e a pretty nor"a% o&&!rren&e. I high%y #!#pe&t that tho#e who "ight not ha e been in on thing# $ro" the get go' "o#t %i-e%y are

re&r!ited and &o"pen#ated at #o"eti"e a%ong o!r $riend#hip' !p !nti% the point where I #tart getting a %itt%e too &%o#e to the tr!th and then they 4!#t di#appear. Ironi&a%%y' Ki""y i# another gir% I dated who ended !p bro-e rai#ing a $ather%e## &hi%d. Fn$ort!nate%y' I ne er got a pi&t!re o$ her Burnin( Cross tattoo on her ne&-' b!t I did get a pi&t!re o$ bow tattoo #he got aro!nd the #a"e ti"e $ro" the #a"e arti#t.

Bow Tattoo

Me ' :i$$y Mason

:i$$y ' :id

On @pri% 17th K 18th 2CCH d!ring the height o$ "y wa-e !p period in 8a#h i%%e' Charity*# p%!"p $riend :risten bro!ght o er a g!y #he wa# dating na"ed 5a>id to o!r ho!#e in Lrentwood. >a id wa# a 2Shyloc"3 in 8a#h i%%e' a# hi# $ather i# a %ong ti"e boo-ie in town. @ 2Shyloc"3 i# a per#on who &o%%e&t# debt# $or boo-ie#' I did not -now that. @nyhow' they p!t #o"e -ind o$ dr!g in "y $ood and I #pent the e ening r!nning "y "o!th abo!t e erything I -new abo!t the #abotage o$ The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t. =ore i"portant%y' at %ea#t twenty ti"e# >a id o$$ered hi# #er i&e# to "e to beat !p the peop%e who de#troyed "y re&ord. I to%d hi" I don*t be%ie e in io%en&e' and that -ar"a wo!%d $ind it# way to ea&h o$ &on#pirator. 1hi# wa# 4!#t another 8a#h i%%e atte"pt to get "e in big tro!b%e. >a id i# a%#o the one who to%d "e abo!t n!"ber# on %i&en#e p%ate# identi$ying peop%e' whi&h i# "o#t %i-e%y "ore L) to "a-e "e %oo- &ra2y. )!#pi&io!#%y' o!r Carbon =ono9ide a%ar" went o$$ $or the #e&ond ti"e' at the height o$ &on$!#ion d!ring >a id K Kri#ten*# i#it. De opened the door# and &%eared the air in the ho!#e and it ne er went o$$ again. In @pri% 2CCH when I wa# ?!i&-%y !n&o ering a%% thi# #abotage again#t "e' Charity and I tho!ght abo!t "o ing into a di$$erent ho!#e' 4!#t to get away $ro" the "e"orie# o$ a%% the atta&-#. I #tarted #ear&hing $or p%a&e# aro!nd Lrentwood with a poo% on Craig#%i#t. 1he $ir#t ti"e I #ear&hed on Craig#%i#t I abo!t 2C ho!#e# popped !p in "y re$ined #ear&h' then the ne9t day o er 3CC ho!#e popped !p' again it wa# one o$ tho#e thing# I wi#h I too- a pi&t!re o$ be&a!#e that e ening when I went to #how Charity the Craig#%i#t pheno"enon the %i#ting had gone ba&- down to 2C' ery #trange. De $o!nd a p%a&e we %i-ed and went to &he&- it o!t. !pon arri a% I i""ediate%y rea%i2ed it wa# a #et !p' one thing I &an #ay abo!t thi# who%e ad ent!re i# "y int!ition i# getting ery #harp.. 1he Jewi#h &o!p%e #howing the ho!#e wa# ery #trange and none o$ the #torie# "ade #en#e abo!t the ho!#e' the -it&hen and other odditie#. 1hen the "an got a phone &a%%ed and e9&!#ed hi"#e%$. 3e didn*t ret!rn #o we %e$t. Later that day we got and eJ"ai% $ro" hi" that #aid he e9&!#ed hi"#e%$ be&a!#e a robber*# #tay b!%%et 4!#t "i##ed hi# #on*# head. @%#o he #aid they we no %onger going to rent the ho!#e. One o$ two thing# i# po##ib%e here. ba#ed on the trai% o$

death' di#ea#e and tragedy that ha# be$a%%en tho#e who ha e ta-en part in "y de"i#e thi# in&ident wa# rea%' hi# #on did a%"o#t get #hot and thi# "an &ho#e not to "e## with "e. Or the in&ident wa# a %ie and &reated to "a-e "e thin- I &a!#e the#e type# o$ thing# to happen.

Stray Bullet6 Robber6 ,ot Rentin( *7Mail Dithin day# o$ "e :Da-ing Fp; in =ar&h 2CCH I wa# #war"ed with Free"a#on#' Jew# and Lohe"ian# doing a%% -ind# o$ bi2arre and #t!pid &rap a%% aro!nd "y ho"e and where er we went' a%% dire&ted at "a-ing "e %oo- &ra2y. 1he one $a&t that the#e peop%e ne er &o!nted on i# that I %o e thi# -ind o$ non#en#e. Charity and I a&t!a%%y had $!n with it' to a point. @$ter "onth# o$ #!#pi&io!# a&ti ity in and aro!nd o!r o%d ho"e' we "o ed to a new p%a&e with a %itt%e "ore #pa&e between !# and the neighbor#. 1hi# wa# in O&tober 2CCH. For the $ir#t two "onth# e erything at o!r new ho"e wa# ery p%ea#ant and Charity and I were getting better than e er. 1hen #i"!%taneo!#%y two o$ Charity*# two $riend# =o%%y and 1a""y #tarted &a%%ing on a dai%y ba#i#' and they wo!%d ta%- $or ho!r# on the te%ephone. + ent!a%%y the#e &a%%# got #o &ontin!o!# Charity and I hard%y h!ng o!t' a# #he wo!%d be on the te%ephone with one or the other wo"en. + ery ti"e Charity wo!%d get o$$ the phone' and #o"eti"e be$ore #he wo!%d #%ip into a $it o$ rage' $or no rea#on what#oe er. 1hen =o%%y #tarted to &o"e by on&e or twi&e a wee-' with her ra"b!n&tio!# $o!r year o%d da!ghter =o%%y Jr. to party' de#pite "y re?!e#t that I didn*t want any drin-ing or dr!gging in "y ho!#e' pre#&ription or not' I did not &are. 1hi# e#&a%ated to the point where =o%%y too- Charity to a ?!a&- do&tor Fee% good at the )"yrna "edi&a% &%ini& and Charity ret!rned with a p!r#e $!%% pain pi%%#' an9iety pi%%# and heart pi%%# a$ter 4!#t her $ir#t 3C "in!te e9a".

1a""y who i# a bit %o!d' obno9io!# and high #tr!ng a%#o #tarted &o"ing o er. =y #!#pi&ion to 1a""y*# e i% intention# aro#e when #he -ept &o"p%i"enting "e abo!t how #"art I wa#' how #"art 7i#&e# are' and other rando" in#in&ere $%attery. On top o$ thi# #he "ade a point to bend o er e9po#ing her pantie#' b!tt and brea#t &on#tant%y. I &o!%d te%% her ob4e&ti e wa# to get "e &a!ght %oo-ing by Charity and #tart prob%e"#. One day 1a""y #!gge#ted that Charity &a%% the do&tor and get the re#!%t# o$ her te#t' whi&h ignited an arg!"ent abo!t pro#&ription "edi&ine. I wa# &a!ght in a to!gh #it!ation a# now a%% three gir%# where again#t "e. 1he ne9t thing I -now Charity wa# pa&-ing her thing# and %ea ing with =o%%y' I #!#pe&t to party at her ho!#e. )he 4!#t ret!rned ho"e a$ter two day# and now it %oo-# a# tho!gh #he wi%% be %ea ing "e. I warned Charity "onth# ago that both gir%# were atte"pting to derai% the tran?!i%ity o$ o!r new ho"e. =o%%y K 1a""y -eep Charity #toned on pre#&ription "edi&ation a%"o#t e ery day and #he ?!i&-%y be&a"e ery irrationa%' anger and io%ent. I p%eaded with her to #ee that her #o &a%%ed $riend# were de%iberate%y de#troying o!r $o!r year re%ation#hip. L!t now a%% three were &%ai"ing that I wa# paranoid and &ra2y' and I wa# the on%y one in the #it!ation tota% #ober wat&hing the atta&-. I #aw thi# &o"ing a "i%e away be&a!#e thi# i# e9a&t%y what happened to "e' a$ter "y di or&e in 2CC2' and "y $a-e $riend# %ead "e down a path that e ent!a%%y ended in rehab. Fina%%y' I drew the %ine when =o%%y bro!ght &o&aine into "y ho!#e repeated%y' e en when I point b%an- a#-ed her not to. On&e again 13+B were trying to get =+ hoo-ed on &o&aine. It wa# Febr!ary 2C1C and the per#ona% atta&-# on "y b!#ine##' ho"e' re%ation#hip and "ind had on%y progre##ed #in&e I $ir#t $oi%ed thi# organi2ed and de%iberate de#tr!&tion o$ "y %i$e ba&in =ar&h 2CCH. @t thi# point I wa# 4!#t trying to write down a# "any detai%# a# I &an' a# it appear# their p%an to get Charity o!t o$ "y %i$e wa# ha ing a ery negati e e$$e&t on o!r re%ation#hip. I$ -new i$ Charity %e$t' I wo!%d be &o"p%ete%y a%one with no peop%e in "y %i$e to hang o!t with or ta%- to' in&%!ding "y $a"i%y whi&h a# I "entioned had be&o"e ery di#tant. I did not -now what -ind o$ to%% thi# wo!%d ta-e on "e a# the hearta&he I wa# !nder wa# a%ready $ar "ore than anyone #ho!%d ha e to bear. 1he ten#ion #tarted to b!i%d between =o%%y and I and #he wa# no %onger we%&o"e in "y ho"e. 1he te%ephone &on er#ation# &ontin!ed and a&t!a%%y went %onger into the e ening. O er the ne9t two wee-# the pre#&ription pi%%#' a%&oho% and negati e in$%!en&e o$ 1a""y and =o%%y e ent!a%%y #ent Charity o er the edge' and a$ter $o!r year I had to -i&- "y %a#t $riend and the wo"an I* e %o ed "o#t in "y who%e %i$e' Charity' o!t o$ "y ho!#e. For the ne9t $i e "onth# !nti% I "o ed to Co%orado I %i ed &o"p%ete%y a%one witho!t a #ing%e $riend %e$t in 8a#h i%%e.

Ta$$y6 Charity ' Molly

5r% 1eel Good F #ddress -1-L11 2BL-

)o' a$ter "any atte"pt# 13+B $ina%%y #pi%t Charity and I !p' b!t on&e again thi# ba&-$ired on the" be&a!#e I ha e !#ed thi# ti"e o$ i#o%ation to "editate' deto9i$y' wor- o!t and $ini#h thi# boo-. It*# i"portant to "ention that =o%%y*# h!#band 1o" and hi# $ather are both ad"itted Free"a#on#. @%#o it*# ery indi&ati e o$ =a#on*# to na"e their &hi%dren :=; na"e#' a# :=; i# the 13th %etter o$ the a%phabet. One "ore intere#ting tidbit i# that 1a""y !#ed to bring Charity &%othe# $ro" 1a""y*# #poi%ed go%d digging #i#ter. I o$ten noti&ed that whene er Charity wo!%d wear the#e &%othe# #he wo!%d ha e errati& $it# o$ anger. I$ yo! !nder#tand how 5oodoo wor-#' #in&e the !ni er#e i# ho%ographi& 4!#t one #a"p%e o$ another per#on*# >8@ on !# &an a%%ow that per#on to a$$e&t o!r >8@' be&a!#e >8@ i# ho%ographi& a%#o. O er the year# I ha e re&ei ed "any !nwanted gi$ted arti&%e# o$ &%othing $ro" peop%e I now -now to ha e been in o% ed in atta&-# again#t "e. I &an on%y a##!"e that the#e gi$t# were $or 5oodoo p!rpo#e# to in$%!en&e "y tho!ght# and "ood#. I 4!#t wanted to "ention that $or anyone who "ight want to e9p%ore thi# pheno"enon. 1he point here i#' beware o$ re&ei ing other peop%e# be%onging# or %oaning yo!r# o!t. Bo! wo!%d thin- that wo!%d ha e been the end o$ 1a""y and =o%%y b!t #in&e then I ha e #ti%% gotten "e##age# $ro" the" ia te9t and Fa&eLoo-. 8ow $or the rea%%y #trange part. right a$ter Charity and I #p%it !p John a Free"a#on #wooped in and #tarted &o!rting Charity. 1he dated $or abo!t a year and re&ent%y #p%it !p be&a!#e he wa# beating her and ab!#i e. >!ring that ti"e I he%ped Charity o!t with "ora% #!pport o er the phone and #o"e "oney to get her ba&- on her $eet. Li-e &%o&-Jwor- 1a""y who I had not heard $ro" in o er year #tarted &a%%ing' te9ting and #ending "e the pi&t!re# be%ow. 1a""y i# "arried to a Free"a#on. I a##!"e the p!rpo#e o$ thi# wa# &a!#e prob%e"# and pre ent Charity and I $ro" getting ba&- together' whi&h wi%% ne er happen be&a!#e I wi%% ne er go ba&- to 8a#h i%%e and Charity wi%% ne er %ea e. Or the p!rpo#e it to "a-e "e %!#t a$ter a "arried wo"an' who -now#(

Te)ted Sent to Me 1ro$ Ta$$y Su$$er 2011 Ly $ar the grande#t #&a" o$ the" a%% wa# "y wedding to )andy' o!r entire re%ation#hip' wedding and "arriage wa# an arranged =a#oni& p%ot to de#troy "e $inan&ia%%y. In $a&t' )andy wa# #e&ret%y dating the g!y who i# now her h!#band the who%e ti"e. I won*t go into a%% the detai%# b!t when I "et )andy I had 4!#t #o%d "y ho!#e in Long Lea&h' wa# &o"p%ete%y debt $ree and had o er U4C'CCC &a#h in the ban-. Dithin two year# I wa# "arried' di or&ed and o er U1CC'CCC in debt' de#pite the $a&t that her ery wea%thy $ather paid U7C'CCC $or o!r wedding. I a" #!re )andy and her $a"i%y wa# we%% &o"pen#ated $or their e$$ort# to try and de#troy "e. I do not re&a%% who #et the date $or o!r wedding b!t I $ind it n!"eri&a%%y $a#&inating. 8J25J 2CC1<18/6660<H/3ighe#t + i% 8!"ber0. 1hey %i ed in Aan&ho )ante Fe one o$ the wea%thie#t neighborhood# in the wor%d in )an >iego' whi&h i# a%#o the De#t Coa#t head?!arter# $or the Illu$inati% 3er $ather wa# high %e e% aero#pa&e engineer $ro" 3oneywe%%. whi&h i# a &oin&iden&e be&a!#e "o#t o$ "y &%ient# are $ro" Loeing. On o!r honey"oon in 1ahiti' we "eet a &o!p%e =ar- /Jewi#h0 and hi# gir%$riend Li#a who were de io!#%y #ent on the &r!i#e to "a-e "y a&?!aintan&e' -eep "e #toned and ra&- !p "y e9pen#e#. =ar- ta%-ed "e into !pgrading "y roo" and other e9tra agan&e# &a!#ing a U5'CCC do%%ar honey"oon to grow to U12'CCC. I -now thi# #o!nd# ab#!rd to point the $inger at other peop%e' b!t I a##!re thi# wa# a%% a #et !p with detri"enta% inten#ion. One intere#ting thing i# =ar- i# $riend# with a%% the big 1H7C*# ro&- a&t# %i-e A!#h' Jo!rney' L%!e Oy#ter C!%t' O!een and "ore. 3i# ro&- "e"orabi%ia and a!tographed g!itar &o%%e&tion i# in&redib%e. 3e ha# a%#o ta-en "e to A!#h' O!een and L%!e Oy#ter C!%t 5I7 a%% a&&e##. I -now

thi# a%% #o!nd# great' b!t yo! "!#t !nder#tand that "y %o e $or "!#i& i# &o""on bait that 13+B !#e to %!re "e into detri"enta% #it!ation#. =ar- i# another &%o#e $riend who ha# ani#hed #in&e I #tarted #pea-ing o!t abo!t the in&redib%e atta&-# again#t "e and #e&ret #o&ietie#. @%#o' I thin- it*# ery re%e ant to "ention that =ar- retired yo!ng $ro" a ery high %e e% #!per i#or 4ob pedd%ing pre#&ription# $or one o$ the %arge#t phar"a&e!ti&a% &o"panie# in the wor%d. =ar- wa# 4!#t another $a-e $riend with $a%#e "a%i&io!# inten#ion# $ro" the #tart.

My 1a$ily6 Sandy ' Me at our 1a"e 4eddin(

Me6 Sandy6 @isa ' Mar" F Tahiti

Me ' Mar" Bac" Sta(e at Nueen in San 5ie(o6 200One %a#t $inan&ia% tidbit on =ar- and Li#a whi&h wa# the &%!e to "e in e#tigating their in o% e"ent and de%iberate%y de io!# intention#. @$ter I di or&ed )andy' eight "onth# into o!r "arriage' be&a!#e I di#&o ered that #he had a boy $riend the who%e ti"e' I #tayed &%o#e with =ar-. 1he #!#pe&t in&ident happen when I too- "y ne9t gir% Ki""y to i#it with =ar- and Li#a. Li#a wa# trying to &on in&e Ki""y into !nne&e##ary p%a#ti& #!rgery and other e9tra agan&e# ada"ant%y in#i#ting that Ki""y "a-e "e pay $or it a%%. @t the ti"e I didn*t thin"!&h "ore than Li#a wa# a go%d digger' b!t now I rea%i2e her tr!e "oti ation wa# the #a"e a# it ha# a%way# been' brea- "e $inan&ia%%y. 1he i&ing on the &a-e o$ thi# who%e #tory i# )andy*# =other Aebe&&a dropped dead o$ &an&er a &o!p%e year# %ater at age 52. Ironi&a%%y' )andy*# wea%thy =a#on Father Da%ter wa# 8C #o"ething. Aebe&&a a%way# !#ed to re$er to hi# "i%%ion# a# her "oney' g!e## not. On&e again death be&o"e# to a per#on dire&t%y in o% ed in =a#oni& atta&-# again#t "e. Ca%% it $ate or -ar"a' I -now it to be #o"ething "!&h "ore >e ine. @%% righty then a# i$ I ha en*t p!#hed yo!r bo!ndarie# o$ be%ie$ $ar eno!gh' %et !# get into #o rea%%y bi2arre #t!$$. In =ar&h o$ 2CCH when I $ir#t wo-e to the rea%ity that #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# had in$i%trated a%% a#pe&t# o$ "y %i$e one o$ 13+IA top prioritie# wa# to $ind any go%d that I "ight own. On&e again I -now thi# be&a!#e the dingJdong# that 13+B #ent to "y ho"e %oo-ing $or go%d are a $ar &ry $ro" the #%i&- pri ate di&-# they %o e $anta#i2e abo!t in their "o ie#. Dhy go%d yo! "ight a#-' be&a!#e I -now how to "a-e the 7hi%o#opher# )tone' whi&h I wi%% #hare with yo! a$ter the#e $!nny %itt%e #torie#. 1he initia% ?!e#t $or any go%d I "ight ha e had &a"e $ro" &%ient# and re$erra%# !n#-i%%$!%%y trying to &oer&e "e into :#e%%ing o!t#ide;. 1hi# i# when a bro-er with a bro-erage $ir" b!y# or #e%%# a #e&!rity or in e#t"ent o!t#ide the nor"a% proto&o% o$ opening an a&&o!nt $or the &%ient' and pro&eeding thro!gh the nor"a% bro-erage &hanne%#. In #hort' $riend#' &%ient# and re$erra%# tried to get "e to #e%% phy#i&a% go%d dire&t%y to the".. @t $ir#t I tho!ght a%% the #!#pi&io!# in?!irie# to a&?!ire go%d $ro" "e were #i"p%y to get "e $ired $ro" "y 4ob $or :)e%%ing O!t#ide;. @&t!a%%y' I regre##. 1heir $ir#t atte"pt to ta-e go%d $ro" "e wa# the b!rg%ary that happened o er 1han-#gi ing 2CC8 at "y ho"e in Lrentwood 18. 1he #e&ond atte"pt to $ind go%d &a"e when Charity &a!ght a #"a%% Jewi#h "an with a hand he%d 85S 0niphase Gold 5etector &o"ing o!t o$ o!r b!#he# ne9t to o!r %a!ndry roo" in o!r ho"e. I tra&-ed down the perpetrator in the $ront yard and &on$ronted hi" a# to hi# p!rpo#e and he ?!i&-%y p!%%ed o!t a #"a%% pie&e o$ paper identi$ying hi" a# an e"p%oyee o$ the 0nited States Census. 1he #trange thing wa# that o!r# wa# the on%y ho!#e he went to in the who%e neighborhood. I ha e a%#o #in&e %earned that the F.). Cen#!# i# a%"o#t e9&%!#i e%y "ade !p o$ #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# who #py on the pop!%a&e. @nyhow' a# I #tood $a&e to $a&e with the #"a%% pittan&e o$ a "an' I &o!%dn*t he%p b!t noti&e the #!rpri#e in hi# eye# a# he #tared bewi%dered at hi# J>) Fnipha#e dete&tor' whi&h I a" #!re wa# going n!t# a# I had ear%ier that day inge#ted two 1M1Cth Canadian go%d &oin# a# part o$ "y #ear&h $or the 7hi%o#opher# )tone. 1hi# &en#!# wor-er*# J>) Fnipha#e go%d #ear&hing de i&e wa# %itera%%y in&he# $ro" "y be%%y whi&h he%d two 1M1C o!n&e go%d &oin#. @$ter &on$ronting the "an' he e9&ited%y and h!rried%y ran o$$ to hi# ehi&%e and %e$t the neighborhood witho!t i#iting another ho!#e. I$ yo! thin- that*# &ra2y' the ne9t day Charity and I p!%%ed into o!r neighborhood a$ter #pending a %o e%y day at the %a-e on%y to $ind no %e## than #i9 %arge white &ity wor- tr!&-#

in o% ed in a "a4or operation at the $ront o!r ho!#ing &o""!nity. In?!i#iti e' we a#-ed one o$ the yo!nger wor-"en what wa# going on. In #i"p%e ter"# he in$or"ed !# that they we*re 2TCin( the sewer3% I #aid what( 3e #aid that they were ta-ing a ideo o$ the #ewer #y#te" %oo-ing $or #o"ething. Dhat he wo!%d not #ay. I &an on%y g!e## that the &en#!# wor-er' a#toni#hed by the go%d reading &o"ing $ro" "y be%%y noti$ied the a!thoritie# and they #ent o!t a ery %arge &rew o$ #ewer wor-er# the ne9t day to $i%" a%% the #ewer wa#te &o"ing $ro" "y ho"e in #ear&h o$ go%d. Fo%-#' I -now it #o!nd &ra2y' b!t I &o!%d not "a-e thi# !p i$ I were trying. )ad%y' I did #ear&hed "y own e9&re"ent with a b!tter -ni$e $or two day# and ne er did $ind tho#e two 1M1C o!n&e go%d' and I &an*t he%p b!t wonder i$ they $o!nd the" Le%ow i# the noti&e that the Jewi#h 0%S% Census wor-er handed "e to identi$y hi"#e%$' I a%#o #aw hi# Cen#!# na"e tag. I 4!#t noti&ed #o"ething ery #trange. 1hi# in&ident happened in @pri% 2CCH' b!t thi# noti&e i# $or the 2C1C &en#!#. that*# odd "aybe he wa# $ro" the $!t!re( LOL

Cen sus 4or"erAs 2010 Identi!ication ,otice 1E10


P% Canadian

1he third #ear&h $or go%d' that I a" aware o$' &a"e a$ter "y te%ephone %ine went down' and the te%ephone "an in#i#tent%y tried to ba&- hi# wor- ehi&%e !p into "y dri eway' tho!gh the wor- to be done wa# on the other #ide o$ "y yard. I to%d hi" he &o!%d not ba&- hi# tr!&- in "y dri eway. 1hen he tried to ba&- hi# tr!&- into the neighbor*# dri eway b!t the neighbor dro e right !p at that "o"ent' and he had to "o e hi# tr!&-. I high%y #!#pe&t that tr!&- had a ,o%d #ear&hing de i&e in it. La#t%y' the te%ephone "an atte"pted to enter "y ho!#e with the e9a&t 85S 0niphase Gold 5etector that the Jewi#h &en#!# wor-er had. )i"p%y to aggra ate the wor-er I re$!#ed to a%%ow the de i&e into "y ho"e' in addition a%% the go%d I owned' whi&h wa# not "ore than a &o!p%e o!n&e# I wa# wearing a# a ne&-%a&e. 1hat had to $rea- o!t the #ear&hing de i&e#. @$ter a #erio!# nonJ#top ranting $ro" "e abo!t the e i% a#pe&t# o$ Free"a#onry' and a%% the dire reper&!##ion# that ha e be$a%%en tho#e who ha e been in o% ed in "y de"i#e the te%ephone repair "an ?!i&-%y ga e !p hi# ti"e wa#ting =a#oni& &harade and $i9ed "y te%ephone %ine. Dhi&h I %ater &a"e to di#&o er wa# not e en bro-en. 1he rea%ity i# that "y F@P "a&hine had $ai%ed and the te%ephone %ine wa# $ine' the who%e ti"e. )ti%% the phone &o"pany wa#ted an entire day at "y ho!#e pretending to $i9 the !nbro-en %ine' when in $a&t they were a&t!a%%y #ear&hing $or go%d. I e en re&a%% a "o"ent when he tapped into the %ine o!t#ide and &a%%ed the te%ephone &o"pany operator and #he read ba&- "y n!"ber and &on$ir"ed the %ine wa# $ine.

Intere#ting%y' d!ring o!r &on er#ation the te%ephone "an a#-ed #+ow could I be a 3hristian if I did not go to churchE$ I re#ponded to hi# ?!e#tion with a better ?!e#tion that he did not ha e an an#wer an an#wer $or6 :+ow do you know that I don!t go to churchE$" 3ere*# a $a&t' when #o"eone i# %ying or operating on $a%#e preten#e' i$ yo! pay &%o#e eno!gh attention yo! wi%% &at&h the" #t!"b%e. .

Telephone ManAs Business Card%

,ei(hbor pullin( up as #TT par"ed dri>eway

@$ter the in&ident with the te%ephone repair"an I ha e had no $!rther atte"pt#' whi&h I -now o$ to $ind go%d at "y ho!#e. In $a&t' a$ter abo!t two "onth# a%% o$ the $!nny b!#ine## with peop%e #!#pi&io!#%y #ta-ing o!t "y ho"e in @pri% and =ay 2CCH' it a%% &ea#ed. I thin- that "y arrogan&e' i""ediate &on$rontation and &on#tant ideo tapping o$ a%% o&&!rren&e# in and aro!nd "y ho"e p!t an end to their #ear&h and hara##"ent. 8ow the good #t!$$' the 7hi%o#opher*# )tone. @&&ording to the %egend o$ King )a%o"on the rea#on #e&ret #o&ietie# too- away the -now%edge o$ :+n%ighten"ent; $ro" the "a##e# wa# #!ppo#ed%y that tr!e -now%edge o$ #e%$ wa# too "!&h $or #o&iety to hand%e. 1hi# i# why a$ter being &apt!red' the #r" o! the Co>enant wa# ret!rned to the Le itate#' be&a!#e it wa# too power$!%. 1he #r" o! the Co>enant i# %itera%%y that' an 2#rc3 or e%e&tri&a% battery !#ed to &reate the 7hi%o#opher# )tone by !#ing e%e&tro%y#i# to red!&e go%d to dirt' then a %ight &itri& a&id to re$ine the go%d $!rther into go%d nitrate' whi&h i# then $ed with a""onia to a nitro#a"ine# biodegrading wor" whi&h eat# the go%d nitrate. 1hi# wor" i# then di#ti%%ed into ery p!re >=1' whi&h i# the #a"e dr!g re%ea#ed by the 7inea% g%and to #end !# ba&- into the #pirit wor%d at death. =any a%&he"y writing# #ay that the wor"# eat both go%d and #i% er nitrate' b!t I be%ie e thro!gh e9peri"entation that it eat# 4!#t go%d. 1he#e a%&he"y pi&t!re# be%%ow a%% repre#ent the #e&ret pro&e## by whi&h go%d i# &on erted into the phi%o#opher*# #tone. 1he dragon eating it# tai% repre#ent# the nitro#a"ine# wor" eating it#e%$ a$ter $eeding !pon the go%d nitrate. 1he &o%or# repre#ent the &o%or# the go%d t!rn# a# yo! re"o e the i"p!ritie# re$ining it to go%d nitrate' %i-e %ight go%d &ontain# a%% the &o%or# o$ a rainbow. @ a great boo- to abo!t the phi%o#opher# #tone i# La!ren&e ,ardner*# 2@ost Secrets o! the Sacred #r"3% 3owe er' La!ren&e i# Free"a#on b!%% #hit arti#t.

Le%%ow are "y pi&t!re# $ro" re$ining go%d into go%d nitrate. 1hi# i# the tr!e "eaning o$ :The Yellow %rick Road$A5@ in The 4iPard o! P. I$ yo! are intere#ted in the a%&he"y o$ "a-ing the 7hi%o#opher# )tone #t!dy the &he"i#try behind #ynthe#i2ing >=1 $ro" p%ant#. I ha e a%ready to%d yo! "ore than any o$ the an&ient a%&he"i#t e er wrote down abo!t the pro&e##' b!t be warned $or the Lib%e &%ear%y #tate# i$ yo! :enter; any way other than thr! J+)F)<15131<11' yo! will go to he%%.

Salt 4ater *lectrolysis

Purple<!at? re$o>ed to *$erald


=a-ing p!re >=1 $ro" ,o%d i# ery e9pen#i e and not ea#y to do' #o "o#t #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag# a&?!ire it >=1 ea#y way' tort!re and "!rder peop%e then drin- their >=1 %aden b%ood. >=1 a%%ow# the" to e#&ape the 3> rea%ity we are a%% #t!&- in and tra e% thro!gh "!%tip%e di"en#ion.

Len Fran-%in and $riend# tort!red and -i%%ed 12CC peop%e #o they &o!%d drin- h!"an >=1. 1he re"ain# o$ the#e i&ti"# were $o!nd !nderneath Len*# $%at in London abo!t ten year# ago. 1he #tory &a!#ed #!&h a #&anda% that TIM* "aga2ine p!t o!t a #pe&ia% i##!e to &o er !p the "a## "!rder# by &%ai"ing Len wa# he%ping a yo!ng "edi&a% #t!dent #t!dy anato"y' and they bo!ght the bodie# $ro" gra e robber#. 1r!e #tory' I &o!%dn*t "a-e thi# &rap !p i$ I tried. Len Fran-%in' wa# a "e"ber o$ the #e&ret #o&iety +ell 1ire Club' in $a&t #@@ o!r $o!nding $ather were #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag#. >e"o&ra&y i# one o$ the Free"a#on# &%e ere#t $ra!d#.

+*@@LJ-BBL1BEBB or 1J a"a HHH6 1IR*LH//-L2/ a"a /116 C@0BLBBB2L11 8o yo! -now what a%% the 2Cash !or Gold3 ad erti#e"ent# are a%% abo!t. 1hey are trying to re"o e go%d $ro" the "a##e# #o that when the #e&ret o$ how to &reate the 7hi%o#opher*# )tone i# &o""on -now%edge' the a ai%abi%ity o$ go%d wi%% be "ini"a%. 1hi# i# why a%% the go%d e er di#&o ered i# #!ppo#ed%y b!ried eight #torie# !nder the &entra% ban-# in London' Long Lea&h and 8ew Bor-. =y other theory i# the #e&ret #o&iety e%ite ha e &on erted a%% the go%d to >=1 and ate or #"o-ed it a%%. Fnder#tanding the ro%e o$ go%d in o!r "ind i# &riti&a%. Bo! #ee way ba&- when' be$ore we were %ied to and to%d go%d wa# a%!ab%e' go%d wa# e erywhere' pri"ari%y in the water #in&e it*#

hea ier than "o#t e%e"ent#. La&- then o!r "ind# $!n&tioned "!&h "ore e$$i&ient%y be&a!#e we re&ei ed a $air a"o!nt o$ go%d and other ne&e##ary "inera%# in o!r $ood and water. @nyone who -now# &o"p!ter# and e%e&troni&# -now# that go%d i# the be#t e%e&tri&a% &ond!&tor. O!r brain# are bioe%e&tri&a% &o"p!ter# and go%d i# an e%e"ent we need n!tritiona%%y $or o!r "ind# to $!n&tion proper%y. )in&e be$ore &i i%i2ation #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e !#ed e ery tri&- in the boo- to -eep !# trapped and en#%a ed in the wor%d 13+B &o"p%ete%y &ontro%. 1he :=atri9; "o ie# are a %ot &%o#er to rea%ity than peop%e &are to be%ie e. 1hi# #!b4e&t o$ an i"po#ed =atri9 &ontro%%ing e ery a#pe&t o$ o!r %i e# i# nothing new. In 38CLC 7%ato de#&ribed in hi# writing 2The Ca>e3 the per$e&t ana%ogy o$ tho#e who #ee %i$e on%y ha# they ha e a%way# #een it' and ehe"ent%y re$!#e to a&-now%edge that perhap# their per&eption# are in&orre&t. In 7%ato*# a%%egory when one o$ their &a e dwe%%er# wa%-# o!t into the rea% wor%d to #ee that %i$e i# "ore than #hadow# on a wa%%' !pon hi# ret!rn to the &a e' to in$or" other# that there i# #o "!&h "ore to %i$e' he i# ridi&!%ed and beaten to death be&a!#e hi# &ra2ed e9perien&e# o$ the wor%d beyond the &a e are in&on#i#tent with the %i$e o$ #hadow# and dar-ne## that the &a e dwe%%er# -now. 1hi# i# the tr!th o$ en%ighten"ent whi&h the #e&ret #o&ietie# #o de#perate%y g!ard. we are #o "!&h "ore than we be%ie e' we are in$inite a# o!r i"agination. 7%ato #aid that #,ur world is a shadow4like representation of a deeper realm of archetypes and ideas$" 1he #tr!&t!re o$ the !ni er#e a# %aid down by the Cabba%a #!gge#t# that the !ni er#e ha# #eparate !ni er#e# &a%%ed )ephirot. 1he 8a&ron"i&on #pea-# o$ "!%tip%e %ayer# o$ rea%ity' #i"i%ar to +in#tein*# iew o$ the Fni er#e a# di"en#iona% #phere#. +a&h o$ the#e #phere# &an be a&&e##ed by a gate. a gate whi&h &an be opened by &a%&!%ating the geo"etry o$ the a#trono"i&a%%y in$%!en&ing p%anet#' #tar# and ga%a9ie#. In phy#i&#' Strin( Theory &a%&!%ate# there are e%e en di"en#ion#. 7%ato de#&ribed "y di%e""a per$e&t%y o er 2'CCC year# ago. =any a "an ha# tried and died in an e$$ort to wa-e the wor%d' b!t to no a ai%' in&%!ding Je#!#. )ti%%' -nowing that the odd# are again#t "e and "ore per#e&!tion "ight &o"e $ro" re%ea#ing thi# boo- to the wor%d' e en death. I -now we are not $ree' and I #ha%% &o""it "y eterna% #o!% to o!r tr!e phy#i&a%' "enta% and #pirit!a% $reedo".

1here i# no "ore p%a!#ib%e denia%' the =a#oni& =atri9 i# rea%. 1he on%y ?!e#tion %e$t i# 4!#t how intri&ate and in depth i# it( Dhere doe# the %ine o$ 13+IA i"po#ed rea%ity and o!r indi id!a% rea%ity &ro##( I# gra ity' air' water a# we per&ei e or a# $%e9ib%e a# o!r i"agination( De -now that o!r be%ie$# &reate o!r phy#i&a% rea%ity' and that phy#i&a% rea%ity i# a&t!a%%y the i%%!#ion a# we are rea%%y 4!#t being# o$ energy. 1he ?!e#tion then %inger# who#e be%ie$# do we be%ie e( 1he bea!ty o$ thi# ?!e#tion i# there i# an an#wer. 13+B -now it. De a%% !#ed to -now it' b!t 13+B try to &on in&e !# that nobody -now#. Ae#t a##!red 13+B -now. I be%ie e there i# a %ot o$ tr!th to the#e peop%e being energy a"pire# and they either get o$$ on or get power by de#troying good peop%e. 7erhap# they are genero!#%y rewarded by their #e&ret #o&ietie# $or their de io!# e$$ort#. Or "aybe they a%% &o%%e&ti e%y 4!#t -now when they "eet a ,od%y per#on that H11/+nd o$ @wa-e0 i# to be e9e&!ted' "eaning -eep the" a#%eep howe er po##ib%e. Or perhap# I a" the on%y one who doe#n*t -now the big #e&ret and I a" on the newe#t rea%ity 15 #how' The Stephen Show. @%% I -now $or #!re i# the wor%d tr!%y i# $!&-ed !p' and it*# $!&-ed !p to wor- a# hard a# I ha e "y who%e %i$e on%y to di#&o er e eryone in&%!ding $riend# and $a"i%y were a%% wor-ing again#t "e. 1he $!nny thing i# I* e done pretty we%% de#pite it. @%#o thi# i# not o er yet' I #ha%% be 5IC1OAIOF). Let there be no do!bt that =i&hae% Ja&-#on wa# "!rdered $or trying to e9po#e the#e &ri"ina%# #e&ret #o&ietie# a%#o. J!#t %i#ten to the %yri&# o$ hi# #ong#. =i-e wa# &on#tant%y trying to te%% peop%e the tr!th. In #nother Part ! Me he #ay*# #The planets are lining up& bringing brighter days" This is our message to you" You!re just another part of me"$ 3e a%#o #ay*# #I run a mansion& reveal the truth$. A!nning "an#ion re$er# to an a#tro%ogi&a% 2odia& &hart whi&h predi&t# the $!t!re. 1!rn down the ba## and %i#ten &%o#e%y to the noi#e that wa# added d!ring the &hor!# o$ #nother Part ! Me. =i&hae% wa# a per$e&tioni#t and I a" #!re he wo!%d not ha e a%%owed thi#' b!t they did it to hi" anyway. 1hi# i# the #a"e type o$ #oni& &rap that i# a%% o er The Blac" Saddles re&ord. I$ yo! #ee 2This Is It3 in the prayer at the end =i-e #ay# #only four more years$ re$erring to the 12J21J2C12 awa-ening' whi&h i# o&&!rring ear%ier $or %ot# o$ peop%e %i-e "e. La#t b!t not %ea#t wat&h the 3> ideo =i&hae% "ade abo!t the p%anet to be #hown at hi# &on&ert. 1here i# no &han&e in he%% the power# that be were going to %et hi" e"bar- on a wor%d to!r and #pi%% the bean# abo!t the awa-ening. Bo! #ee peop%e wo!%d %i#ten to =i&hae%' I &an on%y hope they %i#ten to "e. @nd i$ yo! rea%%y want to rewind the &%o&- go ba&- to #A%3& it!s easy as 86;$ i# that not the n!"eri& %ang!age I a" trying to tea&h yo! that e9po#e# e erything or what(

Micheal6 li"e Richard ,i)on did6 is si(nalin( 22% This is the anti7secret society hand si(nal I$ yo! wo!%d %i-e to -now what o!r %i e# are rea%%y %i-e witho!t thi# i"po#ed =a#oni& =atri9' ta-e #o"e ti"e and go thro!gh PPyAs %yri&# yo! wi%% #ee that a%% he ta%-# abo!t i# how o!r "ind and #o!%# are tr!%y $ree. 1hi# i# a%#o why Randy Rhodes wa# -i%%ed be&a!#e he re$!#ed to p%ay ga"e# with hi# "!#i&' and "o#t o$ hi# ri$$# are in ?!adr!p%et#' whi&h a# I ta!ght yo! i# a big :no no; in the "!#i& ind!#try. 99;LHJJIL2/ a"a /11 In 2CC4' the year be$ore I attended "y $ir#t 5uran(o Son(writin( *)po in 2CC5' I had a hard ro&- band &a%%ed Riot 4ater' with an in&redib%e g!itar p%ayer @!g!#tine $ro" >etroit' and a bea!ti$!% #inger J!%iette 7ari#. @$ter o!r $ir#t gig we bro-e !p be&a!#e @!g!#tine wa# 4!#t too e i% $or "e. I #ho!%d ha e -nown when I "et @!g!#tine be&a!#e he a%way# wore a #hirt that #aid +% >iab%o' :1he >e i%;' at %ea#t he wa# !p$ront abo!t hi# e i%ne##. I &an re#pe&t that' !n%i-e the#e &%ande#tine &ri"ina% &oward# that hide in#ide their #e&ret #o&ietie# whi%e pretending to be 4!#t' $air and "ora% &iti2en#. @nyhow' I wrote a #ong $or o!r band &a%%ed 24ill To Power3 and in it wa# a %ine that #aid. #*hat is your gift to humanity& the greatest capper or a fortress on a hillE" I re"e"ber @!g!#tine and J!%iette being #trong%y again#t the #ong' now a$ter thi# %ong hard road I -now why. 24ill To Power3 wa# $ore#hadowing what the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# #o"ehow -new that I wa# born to do' e9po#e 13+=. @t that ti"e I had no idea that 4!#t $o!r year# %ater I wo!%d #o% e the greate#t =a#oni& &apper that ha# e er been p%ayed !pon h!"anity. 1he#e pre#&ient e9perien&e# happen to "e a%% the ti"e. 1hey are what -eep "e going de#pite the br!ta%ity o$ thi# at odd# e9i#ten&e. Let there be no do!bt that there i# #o "!&h "ore to thi# %i$e than 13+B %et !# -now' whi&h i# rea%%y what thi# who%e boo- i# tr!%y abo!t. Le%ow i# a pi&t!re o$ @!g!#tine' =e atop "y Long Lea&h pad where a%% the Riot 4ater #ongwriting K rehear#ing too- p%a&e and J!%iette.

#u(ustine a"a 8ay Manhyre

Me 7 @on( Beach6 C# 200G

8uliette Paris

On a re%ated topi&' in #!""er 2CC8 when the #abotage again#t "e in 8a#h i%%e wa# in $!%% #wing' J!%iette' who I had not heard $ro" in a $ew year#' &a%%ed "e o!t o$ the b%!e and a#-ed to "ai% dr!g# to "y ho!#e in 8a#h i%%e' be&a!#e #he and her $riend# were dri ing to Lonnaroo' $ro" Da#hington )tate. Ob io!#%y' I de&%ined her re?!e#t. I now #ee that #he wa# trying to get "e b!#ted. O er the pa#t $ew year# #in&e I di#&o ered the &orr!ption again#t "e e eryone who had anything to do with The Blac" Saddles a# we%% a# a%% the peop%e I had been #ongwriting with dropped o$$ the "ap. De a%% went $ro" being a big gro!p o$ great $riend#' to #tranger# within wee-#. I wa# a%% a%one. 1hat*# when I rea%i2ed @LL o$ the" were in on "y de"i#e $ro" the #tart. 1hey were a%% e"p%oyed by the de#tr!&ti e #ide o$ the "!#i& b!#ine##. I a" &on$ident i$ and when a%% thi# #t!$$ begin# to be to !ntang%ed a proper a!dit o$ a%% the #!#pe&t*# $inan&e# and #!#pi&io!#%y $a orab%e &ir&!"#tan&e# in the entertain"ent b!#ine## wi%% &%ear%y #how the "oney trai% o$ e eryone in o% ed. It wa# a%% a p%ot to de#troy "y &redibi%ity' "i%- "y &reati ity and brea- "e $inan&ia%%y. On&e it wa# &on&%!#i e that I wa# being p!rpo#e%y #abotaged by the "!#i& b!#ine##' I began to e9a"ine "y entire pa#t and rea%i2ed thi# type o$ betraya% and de#tr!&tion had been happening a%% "y %i$e. I a" doing the be#t to p!t a%% the pie&e# together $or thi# boo-' b!t I want it to be &%ear%y !nder#tood I a" not writing thi# $or re enge. I$ I wanted re enge or retrib!tion I wo!%d ha e a%ready $i%%ed n!"ero!# %aw #!it# again#t the perpetrator# who I ha e o erwhe%"ing e iden&e on' b!t in#tead I a" %oo-ing to e9po#e how #e&ret #o&ietie# a&t!a%%y operate in and &ontro% o!r wor%d. =o#t #tr!gg%ing arti#t and #ong writer# do not ha e the re#o!r&e# to go thro!gh what I went thro!gh. 1hey wo!%d %ong been o!t o$ the ga"e. I ha e heard #torie# abo!t peop%e &o"ing to 8a#h i%%e with their %i$e #a ing# to re&ord' and the prod!&er# are %itera%%y %a!ghing at the" $ro" the &ontro% roo" a# they are re&ording a b!n&h o$ a!dio &rap they -now i# p!rpo#e%y $%awed. I #!ppo#e e eryone wa# %a!ghing at "e a%#o. I 4!#t happen to be a per#i#tent hard wor-er who

ne er ?!it# and di#&o ered the tr!th abo!t 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow' the "!#i& b!#ine## and who rea%%y &ontro%# the wor%d. It #ho!%d be ob io!# to e eryone that tho!#and# o$ ta%ented peop%e ea&h year &o"e to 8a#h i%%e and nobody e er :"a-e# it;. I a" #!re i$ we dig deep into the ba&-gro!nd o$ the $ew that do we wi%% $ind a #ini#ter ba&- #tory to their #!&&e## and an a##o&iation with one o$ the "any #e&ret #o&ietie#. =any peop%e %o e the #ong# on The Blac" Saddles pro4e&t and #o"e o$ the pro$e##iona%# I hired to he%p "e "a-e thi# re&ord were "y "!#i&a% hero*#. It tr!%y brea-# "y heart to ha e to na"e the" by na"e' b!t hope$!%%y there $a"e wi%% $ina%%y do #o"ething great $or "!#i&. I -now that "any o$ the" want thi# &orr!ption to end e en "ore than I do. J!#t i"agine how wonder$!%%y great "!#i& we wi%% be when it &an be "ade witho!t "a%i&io!# "oti ation' intent or &ontro%. )ad%y today*# "!#i& i# not abo!t great #ong#' a&&o"p%i#hing drea"# or being ri&h and $a"o!#' it*# abo!t #e&ret #o&ietie# &%o#e%y g!arding and &ontro%%ing pre&i#e%y what i# "!#i&a%%y in4e&ted into the "ind# o$ the "a##e#. =ore #pe&i$i&a%%y "a-ing #!re e erything we hear %ea e# o!r bodie#' "ind# and #o!%# in a &on#tant #tate o$ #tre## and agitation $ro" &on#tant%y being bo"barded with !nba%an&ed rhyth"#' #oni& &on$%i&t# and :@bra&adabra; Di&&a %yri&#' the"e# and in&antation#. @# it #tand# now o er the pa#t year I ha e #a% aged "o#t o$ the origina% re&ording# and p%an to re"i9 The Blac" Saddles re&ord with "e #inging. 3owe er' e en the origina% re&ording# ha e a p%ethora o$ de%iberate da"age in$%i&ted $ro" the initia% re&ording #e##ion' #o I don*t e en -now i$ that*# po##ib%e. 3a ing #pent ten year# o$ "y %i$e and o er U2CC'CCC between the ,7:roud :li=6 Riot 4ater' The Blac" Saddles and #t!dying #ongwriting I wa# &o"p%ete%y phy#i&a%%y' $inan&ia%%y and e"otiona%%y drained. I %itera%%y &raw%ed !p in a ba%% on the $%oor o$ "y ho"e #t!dio and &ried. I had #pent a%% "y "oney and "o#t o$ "y retire"ent #a ing#' on%y to rea%i2e that the "!#i& b!#ine## wa# rigged' and they wo!%d #pare no e9pen#e or re%ation#hip# to pre ent "y "!#i& $ro" e er getting o!t into the p!b%i&. 1hen thing# got wor#e when I rea%i2ed it wa# not the "!#i&' it wa# be&a!#e o$ who I a". 1hi# type o$ #abotage ha# been going on "y who%e %i$e' I 4!#t ne er rea%i2ed it' now I #%eep with a Lib%e and $ire ar"#. De a%% are tr!%y in a bad #pot in hi#tory peop%e be&a!#e the $o%-# that are behind a%% thi# &orr!ption are r!th%e##' &r!e% and wi%%ing to -i%% to pre ent o!r en%ighten"ent. 3owe er' we are a%% in a $ort!nate #pot in hi#tory be&a!#e we are the 1#t generation o$ h!"an being# in 12'CCC year# who wi%% #ee the +arth $ree o$ the oppre##ion and &ontro% o$ #e&ret #o&ietie#. It*# &%ear that thi# "a$ia type "onopo%y and #abotage e9i#t# in e ery b!#ine## in the wor%d. =y abbre iated ta%e o$ entang%e"ent# with the entertain"ent b!#ine## i# 4!#t a #"a%% e9a"p%e o$ the enor"o!# in$%!en&e and &ontro% that #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e o er a%% a#pe&t# o$ o!r %i e#. I pray that "y wi%%ingne## to &o"e $orward wi%% "oti ate other# to do the #a"e. 1hi# i# it $o%-#' they -now we are wa-ing !p to their b!%%#hit. De "!#t p!t the" o!t o$ b!#ine## ?!i&-%y' be$ore 13+B -i%%ing !# @LL. 7eop%e o$ten worry that the go ern"ent i# going to i"po#e =ar#ha%% Law' )tart DDIII and ro!nd !# !p and e9ter"inate !#. )ad new# $o%-# the rea% p%an i# "!&h &%o#er to ho"e and it*# &a%%ed +elter S"elter6 whi&h i# when on a p%anned date' a%% the #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# are going to 4!#t wa%- ne9t door and -i%% their nonJ#e&ret #o&iety "e"ber#. 1hi# i# wa# Char%e# =an#on

wa# trying to #tart' 3e wa# a "e"ber o$ The Process' the "o#t r!th%e## #e&ret #o&iety on +arth. @nd on&e again' 4!#t %i-e Be%%ow )!b"arine' The Beatles trie# to warn !#.

8a#h i%%e*# atta&- on "y per#ona% "!#i& endea or wa# #o #%oppi%y e9e&!ted that the ta%e# are a%"o#t o!t o$ a #%ap #ti&- &o"edy $i%". )ti%%' they were ?!ite #!&&e##$!% at #topping "e in "y "!#i&a% tra&-#' b!t not be$ore I ra&-ed !p ho!r# o$ ideo' a!dio and te&hni&a% proo$ o$ who' what' how and why the "!#i& b!#ine## atta&-# arti#t and band#. . 7%ea#e !nder#tand that $or "any o$ the peop%e in o% ed I ha e &on&rete e iden&e o$ the de#tr!&tion' de&eit or de"i#e they were per#ona%%y re#pon#ib%e $or' and $or the other# their %e e% o$ pro$e##iona% e9perien&e' "!#i& ind!#try po#ition and #-i%% %e e% i"p%i&ate# the"' th!# their p%eading ignoran&e wo!%d not be an option. . In tr!th &on#idering how %ong thi# #ad #aga dragged o!t and the in#ane e9tre"e# 13+B went to trying to #top "y e$$ort#' I a" pretty #!re I wa# the on%y one aro!nd "e that did not -now what wa# going on. 8ot to "ention the %one%y rea%ity that e eryone aro!nd "e #&attered %i-e "i&e $ro" $ire when I awo-e to the #&a".. 3ope$!%%y' with the re%ea#e o$ thi# in$or"ation #o"e o$ the high pro$i%e "!#i& peop%e wi%% ha e the ba%%# to &o"e $orward to &on$ir" and e9pand on "y di#&o erie#. I -now $or a $a&t that #o"e ery $a"o!# and ta%ented "!#i& peop%e are #i&- o$ thi# e i% =a#oni& "onopo%y and are ?!iet%y rooting $or "e' be&a!#e they %ea-ed in$or"ation to he%p "e di#&o er "any o$ the#e tr!th#. One thing e eryone need# to get #traight i# witho!t an a!dien&e there i# no entertain"ent b!#ine##' and I a" &on$ident that the tr!e "!#i& %o er# o$ the wor%d are going to be di#g!#ted

when they !nder#tand what i# rea%%y going on in the "!#i& b!#ine##. 1he day# o$ the &orporate &reated' &ontro%%ed and di#trib!ted &ontent are #oon to be o er. 1here are "any %aw# on the boo-# that pre ent the "onopo%i#ti& #tr!&t!re o!r wor%d i# &!rrent%y #!$$ering !nder. 3a ing grad!ated in AadioM15 and Fi%" the one thing I ha e a hard ti"e gra#ping i# how the &!rrent radio "onopo%y i# a%%owed to e9i#t a# it i# &o"p%ete%y i%%ega% a&&ording to Federa% Co""!ni&ation Law#' pri"ari%y with re#pe&t to #tation owner#' p!b%i& a&&e## and how %i&en#e# are granted. 1he @"eri&an peop%e ha e a%%owed "onopo%ie# in e ery ind!#try that are h!ndred# o$ ti"e# "ore power$!% and &orr!pt than the robber baron# at the t!rn o$ the &ent!ry. It*# ti"e $or a big $at ro!nd o$ tr!#t b!#ting. I a" ery $%!ent in how the#e &orporation# #nea- aro!nd o!r %aw#' #o p%ea#e $ee% $ree to #end "e to #pea- in $ront o$ &ongre## or Da%% )treet. I*%% p!t an end to thi# i%%ega% $inan&ia% and reg!%atory in#anity rea% ?!i&-. @rt i# the pre&io!# e9pre##ion o$ h!"anity to re$%e&t and pre#er e o!r e ery &hanging &!%t!re $or $!t!re generation#' not a tai% o$ the dogJwagging too% $or tota%itarian po%iti&a% propagandi#t. I pray that ea&h "e"ber o$ e ery #e&ret #o&iety' e#pe&ia%%y the Free"a#on*# rea%i2e that they are 1CCE re#pon#ib%e $or the de#tr!&tion' &orr!ption and per er#ion o$ art and &!%t!re in o!r wor%d $or &ent!rie#. It "a-e# "e &ry to e en thin- o$ a%% the art' boo-# and "!#i& #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e de#troyed to re"ain in power and -eep the #i%en&e o$ their #e%$i#h' greedy and patheti& 2Great 4or"3 a"a /11 One thing I %earned $or #!re $ro" "y "i#ad ent!re# in 8a#h i%%e i# there is , such thin( as !ree speech in #$erica. )!re they wi%% %et yo! r!n yo!r "o!th in the bar a%% yo! want' b!t i$ the rea#on the bar i# pa&-ed i# be&a!#e yo! are on #tage with a "i&rophone' tr!#t that #o"eone in the &rowd ha# got their eye wat&hing e erything yo! do. . 1he de io!# ta&ti&# to derai% an !p and &o"ing arti#t or band that the entertain"ent b!#ine## be%ie e# "ay be tro!b%e#o"e are a# n!"ero!# a# the arti#t and band#. )o"e o$ the "o#t &o""on derai%ing intr!#ion# I ha e #een are dr!g#' o erdo#e#' parenta% and po%i&e hara##"ent' pregnan&y' #o&ia% di#t!rban&e#' en!e b%a&- ba%%ing' radio b%a&- ba%%ing' #t!dio de#tr!&tion o$ re&ording#' bad pre## and e en #igning band# to a re&ord %abe% to di#tort' di#organi2e' de%ay their &areer or "ore i"portant%y di#per#e their $an ba#e. I$ none o$ the#e ta&ti&# wor-' "!rder i# a%way# an optiona% #o%!tion that the re&ord ind!#try ha# had "any hit# with' p!n intended 13+B wi%% do anything to get &ontro% o$ the arti#t or band and de$!#e there %o&a% #o&ia% #&ene andMor &hange their dire&tion to #o"ething "ore in &o"p%iant with the goa% o$ the e i% entertain"ent e#tab%i#h"ent. Let it be -nown right now that the on%y arti#t# or gro!p# that ri#e to e en a "oderate %e e% o$ #!&&e## are "e"ber# o$ a #e&ret #o&ietie#' and are &o"p%iant with the &%ande#tine agenda. In #o"e #it!ation# the arti#t "ay be &o"p%ete%y nai e that they are being "anip!%ated and #i"p%y be%ie e they are the &at*# "eow ro&-ing o!t in eye%iner and )pande9. 3owe er' the#e day# peop%e are #o %o#t in e i% and i""ora%ity "any o$ the band# $it right in %ine with the e i% agenda anyhow. I a" #o %!&-y to ha e grown !p in the 7C*#' 8C*# K HC*# when "!#i&ian# and band# a&t!a%%y had rea% ta%ent' e en tho!gh there "!#i& wa# e?!a%%y har"$!%' at %ea#t they &o!%d rea%%y p%ay and #ing. Ae&ord &o"panie# today are p!rpo#e%y p!tting o!t "!#i&ian# that &annot #ing or p%ay. 1he rea#on $or thi# i# to get the $an ba#e to ido%i2e the arti#t rather than the "!#i&. 1hi# pre ent# a rando" independent%y prod!&ed great #ong $ro" gaining pop!%arity. + eryone the#e day# 4!dge# a band or arti#t by their Myspace6 1aceboo" and Twitter whi&h i# a 4o-e be&a!#e it*# tota%%y "anip!%ated.

8a#h i%%e -new that I wa# not the type o$ per#on who to%erated #e&reti e and &orr!pt b!#ine## pra&ti&e#' and i$ I e er di#&o ered what wa# rea%%y going on in the "!#i& b!#ine## I wo!%d probab%y write a boo-. De%% 13+B were right' and I hope 13+B en4oy thi# boo-. I e en hated $raternitie# in &o%%ege be&a!#e they are #o di#&ri"inatory. I ha e a%way# been and #aid o!t %o!d that #I am warrior for <od$ and now I -now it to be tr!e. L!t p%ea#e do not &on$!#e be%ie ing in ,od and Je#!# with re%igion' a# @LL re%igion on +arth ha e been in$i%trated with the#e #e&ret #o&iety #&!"bag#. :i$ 4illia$As #aid it be#t6 #<od (ave -s )rom Religion$" Fnob#tr!&ted pop!%arity #ho!%d &ontro% art' "!#i& and entertain"ent. Fn$ort!nate%y' we ha e a%%owed the power# that be to $or&e $eed !# o!r entertain"ent' and nat!ra%%y they ha e !#ed it again#t !# 1he power# that be ha e twi#ted #o&iety !p#ide down and ba&-ward#. Lad i# not good and ne er wi%% be. 1he de i% i# e i% and there i# nothing good abo!t being de i%i#h. 1hat goe# o!t to a%% yo! peop%e with #-!%%#' de i%# and e i% triba% #y"bo%# tattooed a%% o er yo!r body and on yo!r &%othing. 1here i# ab#o%!te%y nothing good abo!t6 2#!!liction36 2 bey36 2Goth3 or 2Co(ue3 . I$ yo! were :a$$%i&ted; with a di#ea#e yo! wo!%dn*t thin- it wa# too &oo%. ,ood i# ,ood' Lad i# Lad and )e&ret# are Lie#. Dhen peop%e #!&- they #ho!%d not re&ei e ,ra""ie#' I.+. Taylor Swi!t% ,ra""y*# are $or the be#t o$ the be#t' not a $a%#e%y &ontri ed pop!%arity &onte#t. @%#o there are "any gay peop%e' who are ery ta%ented' b!t their gayne## i# not what #ho!%d be the nai% to hang their hat on. #da$ @a$bert K @ady Ga(a are tr!e ta%ent#' b!t it*# wa#ted when they !#e their ta%ent obno9io!#%y to degenerate #o&iety by p!rpo#e$!%%y pro"oting androgyny and ho"o#e9!a%ity' not to "ention the o&&!%t. =any great arti#t# %i-e Rob +al!ord $ro" J!da# 7rie#t did ery we%% witho!t pro"oting that he wa# gay. 1he point I a" trying to "a-e i# that the entertain"ent ind!#try i# p!rpo#e%y di#torting rea%ity and pro"oting ery bad ro%e "ode%# in an e$$ort to !nder"ine the $!nda"enta% a%!e# o$ $a"i%y and hea%thy h!"an re%ation#hip#. I$ yo! are going to "ar&h with :rainbow# $or right#;' then yo! yo! "!#t "ar&h $or a%% right# otherwi#e yo! are 4!#t a# bad a# tho#e yo! "ar&h again#t. It*# not %ong a$ter 13+B b!rn boo-#' that 13+B wi%% b!rn peop%e. =y re&ord wa# b!rned not be&a!#e it wa# bad $or yo!' %i-e e erything on the radio the#e day#' b!t be&a!#e it wa# good $or yo!. I don*t &are i$ yo! are b%a&-' white' p!rp%e' gay' a%ien' ,od%y or e i% that type o$ &en#or#hip #ho!%d #&are the &rap o!t o$ yo!. =y "!#i& wa# 4!#t good $!n &o!ntry "!#i&. 1here i# not one word o$ &ontro er#y on the who%e Blac" Saddles re&ord 1he goa% in a%% o$ their %ie# i# to #teri%i2e !# into a #o&iety o$ drone#. ironi&a%%y they a&&o"p%i#h thi# !nder the g!i#e o$ po%iti&a% &orre&tne##' whi&h i# rea%%y &%ande#tine &orr!ptne##. 1he botto" %ine here i# that we are 8O1 thin-ing $or o!r#e% e#' no "atter how %ibera% yo! "ight thin- yo! are. De are a%% #poon $ed a b!n&h o$ garbage %i-e pig# in a tro!gh' and #ho!%d anyone #pea- again#t 13I+A $or&e $ed poi#on' e eryone aro!nd the" atta&-# the"' whi&h 4!#t pro e# how &o"p%ete%y in#ane #o&iety ha# be&o"e. 1he#e #e&ret #o&ietie# are ne er going to #top trying to r!in "e. 1hey are ne er going to %et "e ha e a #!&&e##$!% "!#i& or #ongwriting &areer. I ha e no &hoi&e b!t to be >a id again#t ,o%iath. 7eop%e te%% "e a%% the ti"e' in&%!ding "y "other. #You can!t change the world$. I ada"ant%y di#agree. I #ha%% p!%% +9&a%ib!r $ro" the #tone and #%ay thi# dragon on&e and $or a%%. @$ter a%% the#e year# o$ wor-ing #o hard $or "any goa%#' I $ina%%y $o!nd the #ing%ene## o$ p!rpo#e that i# re?!ired $or tr!e #!&&e##. ,od*# p%an $or "e i# to #hare "y #tory and di#&o erie# with yo!. I wi#h I &o!%d &on in&e yo! o$ a%% the "ira&%e# and pre#&ient o&&!rren&e# I ha e

e9perien&ed that re e%ed a%% thi# in$or"ation to "e' b!t a%% I &an do i# pro"i#e on "y eterna% #o!% that I ha e been di ine%y g!ided. 1hi# boo- i# why #e&ret #o&ietie# ha e been trying to de#troy "e "y who%e %i$e. Driting ha# a%way# been "y #trong #!it. Gandhi began hi# ?!e#t to %iberate India by writing a "aga2ine. +itler ro#e to power $ro" hi# boo- Mien :a$pt' whi&h wa# a&t!a%%y written by :arl Mar"s. 1he I%%!"inati are #ti%% operating o$$ the p%an# written by #da$ 4eishaupt and #lbert Pi"e. 2The pen is $i(htier than the sword%3 Je#!# #aid #*hat does it gain a man to have to whole world& but lose his soulE$" I pray the in$or"ation in thi# boo- &an on&e and $or a%% $ree the wor%d $ro" the I%%!"inatiMFree"a#on $!ng!# that ha# #"othered +arth in e i%. 1hi# i# "y p!rpo#e. 1hi# i# what ,od and Je#!# need "e to do to he%p bring abo!t Re>elation% 1hi# i# why the :%ight wor-er#; te%% "e I ha e a p!rpo#e and "y #o!% &ho#e to &o"e to +arth at thi# ti"e to he%p with the 2C12 a#&en#ion. Je#!# a%#o #aid #They will hate you because of me$' Lord do I -now how tr!e that i#. )o where are the tr!e Chri#tian# now( 8a#h i%%e i# $i%%ed with &h!r&he# and I ha e yet to "eet one tr!e Chri#tian. Dho a"ong yo! wi%% hang on the &ro## with "e( I$ yo! are a Chri#tian' yo! had be#t #tand $or tr!th now. )ho!%d yo! do the right thing and #tand again#t thi# e i%' p%ea#e -now it i# not an ea#y road. @t $ir#t I wa# depre##ed be&a!#e a%% "y $riend# betrayed "e' now I a" happy $or it i# better to be a%one than #!rro!nded by peop%e who don*t %o e yo!. @nd I "ean tr!%y %o e yo!' to the point where they wi%% die a%ong#ide yo! $or tr!th' %o e and $reedo". 8obody the#e day# i# wi%%ing to #tand in the $a&e o$ ad er#ity. 1he wor%d i# $i%%ed a b!n&h o$ &oward#. + eryone -now# that H11 wa# an in#ide 4ob. + ery "e"ber o$ e ery #e&ret #o&iety i# re#pon#ib%e $or H11. 8a#h i%%e*# =!#i& Aow i# re#pon#ib%e $or H11. 1he ?!e#tion i# what are BOF going to do abo!t it( Friend#' $a"i%y and anyone e%#e who i# not wi%%ing to #tand again#t @LL &%ande#tine #e&ret #o&ietie# i# a# g!i%ty a# the #e&ret #o&iety "e"ber# the"#e% e#. 2To "now is to participate%3 I$ yo! are in one o$ the#e #e&ret #o&ietie# yo! are an idiot' be&a!#e the &at i# o!t o$ the bag and the wor%d i# awa-ening to yo!r &%ande#tine &r!e%ty. 1here i# not a ro&- #tar or "o ie #tar on the p%anet that doe#n*t -now e erything I a" ta%-ing abo!t to be tr!e. Dhi&h one o$ yo! :#tar#; i# going to grow #o"e ba%%# and #pea- !p( =y ,od how di#appointed ,od i# with a%% o$ yo!. It*# no wonder John #aid #=esus had the saddest eyes he had ever seen"$ Dhat the $!&- i# wrong with yo! peop%e( 3a e #o"e re#pe&t $or yo!r #o!%' yo! %i e %i-e yo! are ne er going to die. 3ow are yo! going to $a&e a%% o$ &reation when e erything !n-nown i# -nown( Bo! are #erio!#%y -idding yo!r#e%$ i$ yo! thin- D+ are going to %et yo! get away with what yo! ha e done. + ery "e"ber o$ e ery #e&ret #o&iety i# re#pon#ib%e $or e ery &ri"e. @%% thi# "a%i&io!# "anip!%ation i# %i-e a dr!g that -eep# peop%e n!"b' #o they don*t e en -now they are doped. 7eop%e ha e no idea what it*# %i-e to be tr!%y $ree. It i# ti"e that we !ndo thi# poi#ono!# "a#?!erade and re#&!e o!r yo!th and o!r#e% e# $ro" thi# addi&tion to thi# "enta% n!"bne##. )ad%y' we now a&t!a%%y &ra e thi# &o"ato#e #tate whi&h ha# a%%owed the #e&ret #o&ietie# to &o"p%ete%y &ontro% o!r #tate o$ "ind. 7eop%e a&t!a%%y %i-e being #t!pid robot #%a e#. I wo!%d %i-e to end thi# &hapter by #aying that I appre&iate the $a&t that thi# a%% a&t!a%%y happened' otherwi#e I "ay ha e #pent the ne9t $orty year# o$ "y %i$e b%i##$!%%y !naware o$ how "e##ed !p the wor%d rea%%y i#. I rea%%y got to hand it to the $o%-# in L@' be&a!#e yo! a%% -ept "e &%!e%e## $or $ortyJtwo year#.

I %o e 1enne##ee $or the #i"p%e $a&t that the "!%tip%e generation# o$ i""obi%e an&e#tra% =a#oni& inbreeding in the )o!th +a#t "ade it g%aring%y ob io!# that the pop!%o!# wa# indeed pro%i$i&a%%y po%%!ted by an entang%ed web o$ #e&ret #o&ietie#' "o#t%y Free"a#on#. ,od I pray $or the day we a%% get to "a-e and %i#ten to "!#i& that i# not de%iberate%y de#tr!&ti e to o!r phy#i&a%' "enta% and #pirit!a% hea%th. Fnti% then pay attention to the rhyth"#' "e%odie# and %yri&#. @re they in #yn&h with yo!' or do they &a!#e #tre##' di#&o"$ort and degradation( >e#pite writing !nti% "y hand# h!rt' I bare%y #&rat&hed the #!r$a&e with re#pe&t to the &orr!ption in the entertain"ent b!#ine## and the wor%d. :id Roc" #aid it be#t 2;ou still donAt "now the !uc"in( hal! o! it3% I be%ie e the be#t way to #!" !p thi# boo- i# with #o"e =a#oni& word# o$ wi#do" $ro" the %ate great Free"a#on Aa%ph Da%do +"er#on 2The ear o! +andel predicts the witchcra!t o! har$onic sound3% Bo! ha e now %earned abo!t both #ide# o$ the "!#i& b!#ine##' that whi&h &reate# "!#i& and that whi&h de#troy# "!#i&' ironi&a%%y neither #ide i# good a# they both de#troy band# and arti#t#' o!r bodie# and o!r "ind#. @# yo! -now now' I got !n-nowing%y :#igned; to the pre ention #ide o$ the "!#i& b!#ine## a# an arti#t who "ight be a prob%e" $or the power# that be. Let "e be &o"p%ete%y hone#t' thi# boo- ha# been ery hard to write and I ha e "ore than on&e bro-en o!t in tear#. @%% I ha e e er wanted to do wa# "!#i&. Dhen I wa# eight' I "o ed into the garage painted a 2C95C $oot Fnion Ja&- on the wa%%' #pray painted 1he Kin-#' 1he Leat%e#' 1he Dho and 1he Ao%%ing )tone#' b!i%t "y own dr!" ri#er and #tarted p%aying dr!"#. It i# now per$e&t%y &%ear that a# the wor%d #tand# today I wi%% ne er be a%%owed to do "!#i& pro$e##iona%%y. La#t%y here*# a %itt%e #ide ta%e that #how# 4!#t how ironi& %i$e i#. @ year be$ore I di#&o ered a%% thi# &orr!ption going on aro!nd "y "!#i&' $inan&ia% b!#ine## and #o&ia% %i$e' "y o%de#t $riend =i-e )%a i&h' $rea-ed o!t on "e $or no rea#on and &!t o$$ a%% &onta&t. De had been be#t $riend# $or 35 year#' and I had wor-ed $or hi# $a"i%y*# ideo ga"e &o"pany "y who%e &hi%dhood' #tarting with &%eaning pinba%% ga"e# at age #e en' and wor-ing "y way !p to r!nning night ti"e #er i&e &a%%# in high #&hoo% in a &o"pany tr!&-. Loo-ing ba&- I rea%i2e that hi# $a"i%y had &on#i#tent%y beaten down on "y p#y&he and #e%$J &on$iden&e "y who%e %i$e. 3i# $ather +d !#ed to &a%% "e #The kid with nothing$" In o!r 4!nior high #&hoo% new# %etter =i-e dedi&ated 2Those Shoes3 by the +ag%e#' to "e. =y "other wa# a #ing%e "o" with $o!r -id# #o we weren*t ri&h and I !#!a%%y on%y had one pair #hoe#' whi&h I wore ti%% they wore o!t. 1he wi%de#t' "o#t #erendipito!# &oin&iden&e o$ "y "!#i&a% 4o!rney i# when we were -id#' =i-e*# &o!#in dire&ted ,regg Khin*# "!#i& ideo $or the #ong 2#bracadabra3% =i-e and hi# who%e $a"i%y are in the ideo. I di#tin&t%y re"e"ber being e9&%!ded $ro" the trip to )an Fran&i#&o $or the $i%"ing o$ the ideo. 1hat i# 4!#t #o "ind bogg%ing' o$ a%% the #ong# in the wor%d 2#bracadabra3%

Mi"e ' I 1/J0

Me ' Mi"e Sla>ich 200-

Mi"eAs 1a$ily Co$pany

=i-e wa# "y be#t and o%de#t $riend' and the $ir#t o$ #@@ "y "any $riend# to one by one di#appear o er the %a#t three year# on&e I #tarted #pea-ing o!t again#t )e&ret )o&ietie#. Finding o!t that "o#t o$ "y $riend# and $a"i%y are )e&ret )o&iety "e"ber# that ha e been de&ei ing "e "y who%e %i$e i# by $ar the "o#t pain$!% a#pe&t o$ thi# entire #aga. In the in$a"o!# word# o$ Ji" =orri#on #This is the strangest life I have ever known$"

1han- yo! $or ta-ing the ti"e o!t o$ yo!r wor%d to read :1he Aea% =!#i& Ind!#try; I hope it he%p# a %ot o$ peop%e $ro" wa#ting their ti"e and "oney. 7%ea#e #end "e a note with yo!r tho!ght# or "!#i& ad ent!re#. )1,%ad#toneG"#n.&o"

,ash>ille Can :iss My God @o>in( Christian #ssSSSS

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