SWP-20 Usage of Ladder Daiman
SWP-20 Usage of Ladder Daiman
SWP-20 Usage of Ladder Daiman
Safe Work Practices (SWP) for Usage of Ladder Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):
Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout Tag out S stem where applicable PP! requirements
Work acti#it that in#ol#es working with ladders$ %ll personnel working with ladders shall conform to the following SWP:
Ladders must be inspected prior to use$ (efecti#e ladders must be discarded$ Ladders must be secured at the top or at the bottom to pre#ent slipping before work commences$
When ascending or descending ladders3 the users must face the ladder and keep a firm grip on the rungs$
electrical sub-stations and working in close pro4imit to e4posed electrical circuits$ Ladders must not be placed in front of doors in passagewa s or in the #icinit of #ehicular traffic unless appropriate and5or warning signs are erected$ Ladders must be remo#ed and stored when not in use$ Straight ladders should be placed at a four to one ratio$ !nsure the ladder should be e4tended be ond .m from landing le#el$
"e#iewed & : 'r )g *hoon +uat (esignation: Senior Pro-ect 'anager (ate: ./ 0une 12.2
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