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Test Paper Clasa IV

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Complete with DO or DOES:

Grade 4:..

1.they like pizzas? 6. she sing well? 2..you run every day? 7..Irene and John ? 3. . nn read a !ook? "..I eat a #ake? $..he speak %nglish? &..the pupil understand 'ren#h? (..you want to !e an engineer? 1). the wo*en work a lot? +1),1p-1)p. II. Complete with a/ an/ ome: orange / roo*/ .horses/ ..u*!rella/ .a#ro!at/ .toy/ .%nglish !ook/ .#lowns/ .egg/ .plane +1),1p-1)p. III.Complete the enten!e : 1. 0y na*e is 2. 0y !irthday is in 3. 0y ho!!y is $. I like/ !ut I don1t like (. I have a../ !ut I don1t have a 6.I1*years old. 7.I live in ".0y 2avourite season is &.I #an 1).0y !est 2riend is. +1)32p-2)p. I".#rite the enten!e !orre!tl$: 1.Jane 4 5ondon4 2ro*4 #o*e 2.he4 in4 live4 6a#au 3.I 4playing4the4 like4 piano $.7e4 a4 have got4 #ar (. 8he4 to 4 want4 !e4 a4 singer +1)32p-2)p. ".Complete with the %orm o% the &er' TO (E: 1. 9he #lown not wearing red trousers. 2.9he a#ro!ats :u*ping around. 3.9he #at running outside. $.;ou .not laughing now. (.9he !oy ..eating pop#orn. 6. 9o* reading a !ook? 7they wat#hing a 2il* now? "..you speaking %nglish well? &.. it raining now? 1o.7hat she learning now? +1),1p-1)p.

"I:#rite )* word in ea!h topi!: <I0 58 = >5?9@%8

+1)32p-2)p. +1)p 2or 2ree.

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