Artifact Reflection-Communication
Artifact Reflection-Communication
Artifact Reflection-Communication
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and the German System in Introduction to Health Promotion Class. I researched Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and produced a PowerPoint of my results to inform the class of the importance of Freidrich Ludwig Jahn. I was graded on my presentation and how I have informed the class of my historical figure. I included my summary of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, my PowerPoint and grading scale. ALIGNMENT REFLECTION Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment I believe my historical figure best aligns with standard six, communication. Communication: the health promoter uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction. I chose to align here because communication is an essential tool for getting your message across to your audience. Through this, I captured the classes interest by using my PowerPoint as a guideline as I informed them of my historical figure. I used verbally and nonverbally communication skill to present my information to the class. Verbal and nonverbal communication is a very important way to inform and show others of your findings. This is a great way to communicate with your peers and clients to inform and help them understand the information better. As you can see by looking at my rubric, I had good delivery, eye contact, and professionalism while presenting. These are all effective ways of presenting through good communication. I took the tools from my past speech classes to help me outline and present my findings to the class. UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement Alignment This artifact best aligns with KSD3a, communicates clearly and accurately. Communicates clearly and accurately: The candidate's spoken and written language are correct, expressive and clear, with well-chosen vocabulary that enriches teaching and communicates thoughtfully, responsively, and effectively for a wide range of student understanding and encourages appropriate student language development. I chose to align here because communicating clearly and accurately is very important to help others understand your message and information you are trying to teach. I had to clearly communicate to the class about my findings on my historical figure. As you can see by looking at my rubric I did a great job at delivering my information to the class, but I need to work on making it clearer without using vocalized pauses. Also had to accurately communicate my information given on my PowerPoint, so I was giving off the right information to my classmates instead of the wrong. By communicating to my classmates this demonstrates that you need to speak clearly of your information and have the accurate findings, so others understand the information given. This is a great way to inform my future clients. Historical Figure- Friedrich Ludwig Jahn/Presentation, Summary and Graded Rubric April 19, 2011
Secondary Alignments: PERSONAL REFLECTION: What I learned about teaching/learning from this experience. I have learned that communication is really easy, but hard at the same time. Communication is something that I need to work on every day. Through this experience I have realized that communication can be difficult. It is easy for me to communicate individual, or in a group, but when it comes to presenting its the nerves that get me. I have noticed and learned that I use a lot of vocalized pauses such as um a lot and that if I just take my time those words will not be used as much. It is very important to communicate with more enthusiastic than just sound so boring and dull. I have learned that it isnt easy to communicate, but with being prepared and confident in myself I can make it easy. I have learned that in health promotion in order to reach and motivate your clients, community and beyond good communication is a must. What I learned about myself as a prospective educator as a result of this experience/artifact: I have learned that you have to be able to become a great communicator not only to my professors, classmates, future employees, but to my clients as well. I have learned that when I get under pressure it is hard for me to loosen up and sound enthusiastic. I need to just relax and remind myself that is isnt so painful and is something I love to do. I learned that communication is going to benefit me every day and working with my clients. I need to be a great communicator to make sure they understand what I have taught them. I need to cut back on my vocalized pauses so my information that I am communicating is very clear. Also, I have learned that there are many different ways to communicate such as verbal by just talking to them, nonverbal by showing them, making sure I am talking clearly so they can hear and understand the information, and accurately so the information makes sense.