Orrick's Emerging Companies Group Start-Up Forms Library: OHS East:160454226.2
Orrick's Emerging Companies Group Start-Up Forms Library: OHS East:160454226.2
Orrick's Emerging Companies Group Start-Up Forms Library: OHS East:160454226.2
OHS East:160454226.2
(Department of Corporations Use Only) DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS
Fee Paid $ FILE No., if any:
Receipt No. ____________________ (Insert File Number(s) of Previous Filings Before the
Department, if any)
FEE: $__________
(See Corporations Code Section 25608(y) and Section 25608(e).
The fee is based on the current market value of the securities,
or in the case of options, the underlying securities.)
Notice of Issuance of Securities Pursuant to Subdivision (o) of
Section 25102 of the Corporations Code
1. Name of Issuer: [Company Name]
2. State of Incorporation or Organization: Delaware
3. Address of Principal Place of Business:
____________________ __________, __________ ______
Number and Street City State Zip Code
4. The security is issued pursuant to a: (Check One)
[ ] Purchase Plan or Agreement.
Name of Security:
Number of Securities:
Price per Security: $
[ ] Option Plan or Agreement.
Name and Number of Options:
Name and Number of the Underlying Securities:
Exercise Price Per Security: $
[X] “Flexible” Purchase/Option Plan or Agreement.
Name of Security/Option: Restricted Stock/Common Stock Option
Number of Securities/Options: __________
Name and Number of the Underlying Securities: Common Stock
Price Per Security: $__________
5. Aggregate current market value of securities sought to be
sold: $ __________
6. Date of Notice: [Date]
() Check if Issuer [Company Name]
has a consent to service Name of Issuer
of process on file with
the Commissioner.
Authorized Signature on
Behalf of Issuer