Touc Hin G Li Ves, Imp Ro Ving Life - Proc Ter & Gamble
Touc Hin G Li Ves, Imp Ro Ving Life - Proc Ter & Gamble
Touc Hin G Li Ves, Imp Ro Ving Life - Proc Ter & Gamble
better marketing
Was the decision appropriate?
Yes, the decision was appropriate. As u know
that the Listerine has done this and grown up by
doing this in the last few years.
Examples can be cited from cross functional
industries where investment in marketing the
has proven successful
like Pepsi, Sony, Nokia,
The Fut ure – Oppor tuni ti es &
Chall enge s
Suppl y Cha in Ser vice Pro vi de rs
In nova ti on Ser vi ce Pro vi der s
Need ‘so ftwa re ’ as mu ch as ‘h ar dware’.
Chall en ges :
Cap it al / inv est men t nee de d to cr eat e thi s
capa bil it y.
Req ui res ‘bus in es s st rat eg ies and focu s on co re