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Curriculum Vitae: Name - Ashish Mobile - +91-9634446420 Email - Objective

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Name - Ashish Mobile - +91-9634446420 Email - ashishsrijan@gmail.com Objective To seek a summer internship position here ! can utili"e an# #e$elop m% skills. Technical Qualification & 'ursuing (achelor o) Technolog% #egree in *i$il +ngineering )rom ,rishna !nstitute o) +ngineering - Technolog%. /(T 0ni$ersit% 12ormerl% 0'T03. 0'. !n#ia ith 42.56 aggregate marks Academic Qualification 12th )rom 7t. 8oseph9s 'u:lic school. 7amastipur 1*(7+ (oar#3 in ;arch 2005 ith 446 Aggregate marks 10th )rom ,en#ri%a <i#%ala%a. (asti 1*(7+ (oar#3 in ;arch 2006 ith 82.4% aggregate mar ! "om#uter $ ill & 'lat)orm - =in#o s 7o)t are an# Tools - ;7 >))ice . Auto-ca# .7ta##-pro %elevant "our!e&or & ? 7tructure anal%sis ? 7trength o) material ? 2lui# mechanics ? @%#rolog% an# ;achine

? (uil#ing materials an# constructions ? /eological sur$e% ? /eo-technolog% ? +n$ironment engineering. ? @igh a% engineering ? Airport engineering ? Aesign o) concrete structures ? A#$ance )oun#ation #esign ? /eo-in)ormatics 'ntern!hi# & *omplete# !nternship )rom 8une 2011 to 8ul% Bational @igh a% Authorit% o) !n#ia. >n Qualit( "ontrol and Qualit( A!!urance at ,ishanganj . (ihar. )ot Training on & C Aisaster management #uring an# a)ter construction C !nno$ation an# entrepreneurship A areness in ci$il +ngineering *or !ho# AttendedC *oncrete ;iD Aesign =orkshop at Ambuja "ement at Aa#ari. C E eek +m:e##e# 7%stems =orkshop at 'ndian 'n!titute of Technolog(+ ,an#ur. C Atten#e# concrete #esign e$ents at $%M. E-tra "urricular .eader!hi# and Activitie! C ;em:er o) *!<!*. a Technical societ% C Acti$e participant in $arious literar%. technical an# cultural e$ents in school an# college C 'articipate# in *ogni"ance-a technical )esti$al in ;arch 2010 at 'ndian 'n!titute of Technolog(. %oor ee C Atten#e# lecture on structural #esign in #ecem:er 2009 at 'ndian 'n!titute of Technolog(+ /omba( Atten#e# +ntrepreneurship A areness *amp at Technolog( bu!ine!! 'ncubator un#er Aepartment o) 7cience - Technolog%. /o$t. o) !n#ia. Atten#e# Fouth +mpo erment an# 7kills orkshop un#er A%T O0 .'1'N) .

2er!onal 3etail! 2ather Bame & ;r. Gaj kumar A##ress & A*8;. *i$il court. kishanganj. (ihar Aate o) :irth & 13-3-1991 7eD - male Bationalit% - !n#ian Geligion - @in#u Hanguages ,no n - +nglish. @in#i @o::ies & Tra$elling. Gea#ing no$els an# journals. atching inspirational ;o$ies. sur)ing net. listening to music 3ate - 11 April 2012 2lace - /ha"ia:a# A!hi!h

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