Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Twelfth Congress
Third Regular Session
This Act does not require that a mediator shall have special
qualifications by background or profession unless the special
qualifications of a mediator are required in the mediation agreement
or by the mediation parties.
SEC. 15. Place of Mediation. - The parties are free to agree on the
place of mediation. Failing such agreement, the place of mediation
shall be any place convenient and appropriate to all parties.
(b) The parties and their respective counsels, if any, shall sign
the settlement agreement. The mediator shall certify that
he/she explained the contents of the settlement agreement to
the parties in a language known to them.
(d) The parties may agree in the settlement agreement that the
mediator shall become a sole arbitrator for the dispute and
shall treat the settlement agreement as an arbitral award which
shall be subject to enforcement under Republic Act No. 876,
otherwise known as the Arbitration Law, notwithstanding the
provisions of Executive Order No. 1008 for mediated dispute
outside of the CIAC.
For purposes of this Act, the use of other ADR forms shall be
governed by Chapter 2 of this Act except where it is combined with
arbitration in which case it shall likewise be governed by Chapter 5
of this Act.
(7) A party who does not comply with the order shall be
liable for all damages resulting from noncompliance,
including all expenses, and reasonable attorney's fees,
paid in obtaining the order's judicial enforcement.
The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentary evidence shall
be accompanied by a translation into the language or languages
agreed upon by the parties or determined in accordance with
paragraph 1 of this section.
The losing party who appeals from the judgment of the court
confirming an arbitral award shall required by the appealant court to
post counterbond executed in favor of the prevailing party equal to
the amount of the award in accordance with the rules to be
promulgated by the Supreme Court.
shall within three (3) months after convening, submit the IRR to the
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee for review and approval.
The Oversight Committee shall be composed of the chairman of the
Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights, chairman of the
House Committee on Justice, and one (1) member each from the
majority and minority of both Houses.
SEC. 56. Effectivity. - This act shall take effect fifteen days (15)
after its publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of
general circulation.