Daycare Schedule
Daycare Schedule
Daycare Schedule
7:30 8:30
Arrival/Free Play: Children have a chance to come in and play how they wish to let them ease into the day Clean Up/Toileting: Working together to clean up toys that have been played with, going to the bathroom/changing diapers and washing our hands rea!"a#t: Nutritional Breakfast with a main course, fruit and milk &earning Ti'e: Starting the day with the learning of a few basic concepts so that we can discuss them throughout our day. Numbers, Colours, etters, Shapes, etc. Preplanne( A) A*tivity: !his activity will change depending on the day of the week and the feelings of the children. "rts # Crafts, $usic # $ovement and Cooking. Clean Up/Toileting: Working together to clean up toys that have been played with, going to the bathroom/changing diapers and washing our hands +ut#i(e Ti'e: !his part of the day is weather dependent. $ake sure your child is dressed appropriately every day %ust in case the weather changes. ,toryti'e: " time to listen to stories, participate in rhymes and interactive stories Clean Up/Toileting: Working together to clean up toys that have been played with, going to the bathroom/changing diapers and washing our hands &un*h: Nutritional unch with a main course, veggies and milk
8:45 $:%5
%%:45 %-:%5
.ap//uiet Play: "ll children will have a &uiet time. When they wake up, playdough, pu''les and other &uiet activities will be provided to keep them from waking others. Clean Up/Toileting: Working together to clean up toys that have been played with, going to the bathroom/changing diapers and washing our hands ,na*!: .utritional Snack with a main course and water Preplanne( P) A*tivity: !his activity will change depending on the day of the week and the feelings of the children. Sensory (lay, $otor "ctivities and Structured (lay. Free Play: Children have a chance to play with their friends how they wish before they leave for the day. Clo#ing
3:%5 3:45
4:%5 5:30
000 Chil(ren 1ill 2e en*ourage( 2ut never "or*e( to parti*ipate in (aily a*tivitie# 000