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Nursery Practices For Production of Superior Oil Palm Planting Materials

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Head of Research & Development PT. BW Plantation tbk Menara Batavia, 22nd Floor Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126 Jakarta 10220 Indonesia

Superior planting material is one of the basic factors affecting the success of an oil palm plantation. Good nursery management would be required to ensure the production of good and healthy seedlings from a nursery in order to achieve early bearing and high yields in the field. As the production of superior oil palm planting materials is fully dependent on attention to details at all nursery stages, closely proven standards and procedures are discussed with particular emphasis on oil palm nursery maintenance to achieve the same. Keywords: Superior planting material, good nursery management, nursery maintenance.



The oil palm is a very precocious crop which comes into maturity at 30 months or earlier from field planting, thereafter with peak yield realised at four or more years. Superior planting material is one of the basic factors affecting the success of an oil palm plantation. As early bearing and high yields in the field are dependent on production of good and healthy seedlings from a nursery, it follows that good nursery management would be required to achieve the latter. Oil palm has a productive life span of 25 years or more and any shortcomings in the planting material will have long term consequences on yield. The production of superior oil palm planting materials is fully dependent on attention to details at all stages in the nursery and this entails following closely proven standards and procedures.



The selection of the area for a nursery is critical and it should be sited as centrally as possible to the area to be planted out.


Topography (Terrain)

The selected area should be flat to gently undulating with slopes between 0 and 30 and preferably, with a source of water supply for irrigation purpose, at the lower end of the area so that runoff water from the nursery can be diverted back to the water source. 2.2 Area

The general rule of 19,900 large polybags per hectare with 0.76 m triangular spacing can be used to estimate the required size of a nursery. However if space is not a constraint, a lower density of 13,000 polybag per ha with 0.91 m triangular spacing is more desirable to minimise etiolation and for better accessibility for manuring etc. 2.3 Accessibility and Nursery Roads

Roads within the nursery and their alignments will need to be carefully planned and laid out depending on the placement distance of the polybags and the type of irrigation to be utilised. Access roads to the nursery should be sufficiently wide to allow vehicles to pass during peak planting periods to facilitate supervision and movement of materials. 2.4 Water Supply

Water requirements (quality and quantity), must be determined prior to starting site preparation. The easiest source of water is where there is a large natural pond or lake. In these conditions all that is required is to place an intake pipe and connect with the pump unit. A back up system should be considered particularly in isolated areas or areas of lower or unreliable rainfall. 2.5 Drainage

The site chosen should not be prone to flooding which will damage seedlings and buildings (storages) or to water-logging which may lead to seedling stress and nutrient imbalance.



The preparation of the area for a nursery is important to allow optimum seedling growth, maintenance of nursery site, unimpeded access and to provide hygienic conditions. Four activities are involved in preparing a site for nursery, namely 1) nursery design 2) clearing 3) fencing and 4) lining. 3.1 Nursery Design

A well-designed nursery allows for access of many vehicles during evacuation of seedlings for field planting especially for large scale new planting. This objective can 2

be achieved through the drawing up of a plan to show all paths, roads and irrigation points as shown in Figure 1. 3.2 Clearing

With the boundaries determined, felling and clearing should be carried out at least 2 months before the arrival of the seeds. Once clearing is completed, proceed to fence the area, fill the polybags and install the irrigation system. 3.3 Fencing

The major types of fences utilised for nurseries are the conventional barbed wire fence and the electric fence. 3.3.1 The Conventional Fence

The specifications for the conventional fence depends on the species of animals which it is required to keep out. For example, a four-strand barbed wire fence, with wires spaced at 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m from ground should be adequate to control cattle and goats. However the introduction of used fishing net fencing to prevent animals from going into the nursery area is being practised in some of the estates (N. Reventhiren, pers. comm., 2000). 3.3.2 Electric Fencing

Where there is a range of wild mammalian pests, an electrical fence is possibly the best form of defense. Wire of 250-300 kg breaking strain has been found to be the most suitable. The heights at which the electrified wires are placed above ground level are critical eg. 10 cm repels porcupines. 3.4 Lining

Lining is carried out to space the polybags evenly in the nursery, so that seedlings have good access to sunlight and to achieve the most efficient system and cost of irrigation. Polybags are lined at 0.9 m triangular spacing to give each seedling the optimum growth space. All seedling rows must be straight along the axis at 60o to each other and parallel to irrigation lines. In Sumisansui irrigation system, MK II tubes are laid down between the polybags at every 4 rows, a 1 m wide path is provided at every 8 rows for easy access. When the seedlings are about 8 months old, additional MK II tubes are added between the existing MK II tubes to give a final layout of 1 tube for every 2 seedling rows. This is illustrated in figure 2.

4. 4.1

ORDERING OF SEEDS Placing of Orders

Seeds are normally ordered well in advance of requirement. It is normal to place tentative orders at least one year before delivery subject to a confirmation at a date closer to delivery, agreed to with the supplier. Delivery must be spread out to give time for planting and later planting out. 4.2 Source of Seeds

All germinated seeds, or any other planting materials, should only be purchased from reputable and tested suppliers. Wherever possible seeds should be purchased direct from the producers for obvious reasons. 4.3 Quantity to be Ordered

In determining the quantity to be ordered the various losses (in the nursery and field) and culling rates will have to be considered in addition to the potential total palms required in the field. Based on general estate experience, 200 germinated seeds per hectare is sufficient if the field stand is 148 palms per hectare.



The decision to have a single stage or double stage nursery will be a matter of personal choice depending on the specific situation encountered eg. double stage nursery is advised for large scale planting (>500 ha). 5.1 The Single Stage Nursery

This system utilises only large polybags and germinated seeds are planted directly into the bags in the same manner as planting out in the pre-nursery polybags as described in section 6.1.3 on Planting germinated seeds into the large polybags (p.5). Some of the advantages of this system are Once the seed has been planted, there is no further movement until field planting so the root system is not disturbed and therefore can establish faster. One can dispense with all the requirements in terms of layout, equipment and labour of the pre-nursery. However this system has a number of disadvantages :It is necessary to have the full nursery infrastructure ready from the initial seed delivery. It requires greater volume of water and additional engine fuel, wear and tear from the first two or three months. It is more difficult to observe and supervise when the seedlings are spread over a large area. 4

There will be no space for receipt of the next years seed delivery in case of delays in any one years planting programme unless the nursery is enlarged. It takes longer time to cull. It is not advisable for large scale planting which, requires a very large area to prepare and involves high cost. 5.2 The Double Stage Nursery

The double stage nursery system involves planting of the germinated seeds in small pre-nursery polybags held closely together in a very small area for the first two to three months. The seedlings are then planted out in the large polybag nursery where they remain for a further 7-10 months before field planting. This system has a number of advantages over the single stage nursery such as Only a small section of nursery is required for the first 2 to 3 months. Less irrigation required for the first 2 to 3 months. Easier to observe seedlings and supervise nursery work during the critical early stage (2 to 3 months after planting). Culling can be carried out very quickly and easily at the first stage before planting into large bags. However, the double stage nursery also has some disadvantages namely: An extra operation is created which is very labour intensive. Bad technique at transplanting from small to large polybags could give rise to transplanting shock.


NURSERY SET-UP (Double Stage Nursery)

Since the double stage nursery is commonly adopted in most of the estates, only this type of nursery is described. 6.1 6.1.1 The Pre-Nursery Stage Polybag filling and placement

Polybags must be filled within 2 cm of the bag rim and placed in the nursery beds at least four weeks before the planting date to allow settling, topping up with soil and pre-planting irrigation. Only the best soil available should be used in any nursery. The soil must be free draining, friable loam (eg. Rengam, Serdang, Bungor) with a sand content not exceeding 60% and free from contaminants (chemicals etc.). Phosphorus (@ 10 kg RP/1000 small polybags of 15 cm x 21 cm x 250 gauge) must be premixed into the soil prior to filling to ensure P availability The polybags should be turned inside out before filling so that they sit upright. Hoppers or funnels should be used to facilitate filling. The filled polybags should be arranged in beds of 8-10 bags width and of a convenient length. The beds should have 5

wooden frames to prevent bags from toppling over. The arrangement of polybags at pre-nursery stage is shown in photo 1.



At this critical stage it is necessary to shade the plants either with palm fronds on frame, or with shade cloth or netting of 30% shade, possibly providing an additional safeguard against watering irregularities. If oil palm fronds are used as shade it is necessary to spray the fronds with herbicides and pesticide to ensure that they are not instrumental in introducing any pests or diseases. The shading in pre-nursery stage using oil palm fronds and netting is shown in photos 2 and 3 respectively. 6.1.3 Planting germinated seeds into the polybags

It is essential to ensure that polybags are kept well watered prior to the commencement of planting. Planting of germinated seeds should be completed as soon as possible, preferably not later than 1 day after receipt. Care must be taken to ensure that the workers can differentiate between the plumule (shoot) and the radicle (root) to avoid planting the seeds upside down. The seed is planted at 4 cm depth with the radicles pointing down and lightly covered with soil. Planting holes can be made with a stick. 6.1.4 Planting of clonal plantlets (ramets)

Clonal plantlets or ramets are usually delivered to the estate as bare rooted plantlets at the 2-3 leaf stage after conditioning. Usually each ramet bears a field code, a clone number and a cross number. It is of utmost importance that the identity of each ramet is maintained right through to field planting. During planting, the requirement for polybags, soil medium and polybag arrangement are the same as for the germinated seeds. Planting holes should be deep enough to accommodate the roots, and may be made with a wooden stick. Place the roots gently into the hole and firmly cover with soil up to the collar. Once the planting is completed, the identification tag must be stuck into the polybag soil and stapled to the polybag. 6.2 6.2.1 The Main Nursery Polybag filling

The necessary ploughing and harrowing of the soil must be done to provide loose friable soil which can be directly filled into the bags. Prior to polybag filling, a basal fertiliser (100 g RP/polybag) must be thoroughly mixed with the soil before filling. Filling of the polybags should commence at least a month prior to the transplanting. 6

As per small polybag, the large polybag (38 cm x 45 cm x 500 gauge) should be turned inside out before filling, which gives the filled bag a good level base. Hopper or funnels should be used for more efficient filling. 6.2.2 Spacing of bags

Spacing of polybags in the nursery is done to minimise light competition between palms and for easy access to the palms for pest and disease control, weeding and manuring. The spacing and placement of seedlings at main nursery stage is shown in photo 4. The spacing of seedlings depends on the duration seedlings are expected to be kept in the nursery. The recommended spacing for various seedling ages at field planting is given in Table 1. Table 1: Recommended polybag spacing in the nursery for various seedling ages at field planting. Age of seedling at field planting (months) 09-11 11-13 13-18 6.2.3 Triangular spacing of polybags in the nursery (m) (feet) 0.75 2.5 0.91 3 1.25 4

Transplanting from pre-nursery into large polybags (main nursery)

Prior to transplanting the seedlings to the large polybag, workers should immediately prepare planting holes within the bags. These holes are prepared using planting hole core-formers. The seedling which should have been given a good soaking while in the pre-nursery beds is held in one hand while the polybag is pulled from the base by the other hand. The detached seedling is placed in the hole in the large polybag filled with soil, and the soil gently but firmly compacted around the root mass. Care must be taken to ensure that the planting is level with the pre-nursery soil level (Tan & Mohan 1981). Mulching of the bag surface with palm kernel shell should now be carried out and heavy watering should follow immediately.

7. 7.1


It is well established that the fertiliser rates for nurseries require adjustment to varying management practices and according to different soil type (Hew & Toh, 1973). However the recommendations and system described in this paper are based on sandy clay loam, inland soils for general usage and on conventional fertilisers or controlled/slow release fertilisers.

7.1.1. Manuring programme based mainly on conventional fertiliser Fertilisers are not required until one complete new leaf has appeared (4-5 weeks after planting). Use of the conventional fertiliser should preferably be confined to small nurseries for plantings of less than 50 ha or areas with adequate labour. Fertiliser rates and application frequencies Different manuring programme have been drawn up taking into account the soil medium used for filling polybag. Seedling age (weeks) (month) 5-8 2 Pre nursery stage Manuring programme 4 x weekly drench with Grofas Kuning (22:22:10:1) soluble fertiliser at 15 g in 4 litres water for 100 seedlings. 4 x weekly drench with Grofas Kuning, soluble fertiliser at 15 g in 4 litres water for 25 seedlings. 4 x weekly drench as for 3rd month. Mix 100g RP/bag in soil medium for large bags. After transplanting, no solid fertiliser application for 3 weeks. Continue weekly fertiliser drench at Grofas Kuning. 5 g CCM45/bag. If seedlings are chlorotic, continue weekly foliar drench as for 3rd month. Drench with HGFB solution * 10 g CCM45 and 10 kieserite/bag 15g CCM45. Drench HGFB solution * 20 gm CCM45 30 g CCM45 35 g CCM45 30 g CCM45 + 15g kieserite


16 (at transplanting)

Main nursery stage


24 28 32-39 40-47 48 >52

6 7 8-9 10-11 12 >13

* Dissolve HGFB 48 at 1 g/10 litres water for 7 months old and younger seedlings. The HGFB 48 solution should be drenched onto the palms in the bag at the rate of 500 ml/seedling. Fertiliser application At foliar application, the drenching of the seedlings with foliar fertiliser solution should be carried out early morning or late afternoon. As far as possible, the whole seedlings should be wetted and no watering of the seedling should be carried out for the day of application. However for HGFB solution on large polybag, application should be made after normal watering. For solid application, fertiliser should be weighed to obtain correct rates, and suitable measures to be used given to the workers to ensure correct rates are applied. The fertiliser should be evenly spread on the surface of the polybag soil at least 2-4 cm 8

away from the base of the seedlings. The application of solid fertiliser should be carried out when the seedlings are dry i.e. in the morning before watering and in the afternoon after watering in the morning. Good supervision of all fertiliser application is necessary to obtain full benefits from the inputs. 7.1.2 Manuring programme based mainly on controlled/slow release fertiliser

There are many types of controlled/slow release fertiliser currently available in the market. The controlled/slow release fertiliser selected for use should supply the required nutrients at the right times and amounts to the seedlings for good growth. Fertiliser rate The general recommendation for use of controlled/slow release fertiliser in the nursery are as follows :Seedling age (weeks) (month) 1-12 3 (Pre-nursery stage) 16 4 (Main nursery stage) (at transplanting) 20 5 40-48 11-12 Fertiliser application The controlled/slow release fertiliser (SRF) should be buried just below the soil surface. However if surface application is adopted, mulching e.g. with weathered palm kernel shell, is recommended to prevent wash out of the fertiliser granules by rain or watering. Corrective fertiliser application It is essential to monitor the colour and growth of the seedlings regularly, due to the long interval with no fertiliser application. In case of wrong or inadequate application as indicated by seedling colour and vigour, fertiliser supplementation is required as per conventional fertiliser programme for the appropriate seedling age. Manuring programme Follow manuring programme for conventional fertiliser 75 g Slow release fertilizer (SRF) per bag 15 g kieserite 30g CCM45/bag/mth.



Culling is possibly one of the most important procedures to be carried out in the nursery to ensure that only the most uniform nursery palms which are likely to give the highest yields are planted in the field. Two rounds of selection and culling must be carried out during the nursery period and one final round at the time of planting out into the field or at 12 months whichever comes earlier. 7.2.1 Culling in the pre-nursery stage

Culling and selection at pre-nursery stage is carried out prior to transplanting to large polybag (3-4 months stage). This is one of the advantages of the double stage system when the first stage culling of undesirable palms can be done quickly over large number of young seedlings. The main types of undesirable palms (should be culled) at this stage are as follows : Narrow (grass leaf), rolled leaf, twisted leaf, crinkled leaf, collante and stunted or weak (runts) palms. Examples are shown in photo 5. 7.2.2 Culling in the main nursery

Selection or culling at this stage is carried out when seedlings are about 7 months old (3-4 months after transplanting) while the fronds of adjacent palms have not started to overlap. Operation at this stage can be more difficult and experience plays a significant role in arriving at decisions. The final round of selection may be carried out as the seedlings are being loaded onto lorries/tractors for transport into the field. If planting is delayed the final round of culling must be carried out before etiolation sets in. The typical characteristics of abnormal seedlings in the main nursery are as follows :Erect, flat top, broad pinnae, narrow pinnae, wide internodes, juvenile (usually slow to pinnate), weak and slow growing (runts), crinkled leaf, collante, chimaera, badly diseased (Helminthosporium, Curvularia, Blast, Crown Disease) and palms badly damaged by chemicals. Some examples of abnormal seedlings in main nursery are shown in photo 6. 7.2.3 Culling ramets

The most common type of abnormality peculiar to ramets is the truncated leaf or self pruning leaf symptom. Severely affected ramets in the pre-nursery will be stunted in growth and may even die eventually. Poor management and agronomic practices, particularly inadequate watering, can cause an apparent increase in seemingly defective seedling e.g. grass leaf seedlings, which can lead to unnecessary losses. 10



Accurate records of discarded seedlings are necessary to ensure that adequate seedlings are available at time of planting out. Based on the census carried out on various nurseries the losses on culling and selection are 10-15% at pre nursery stage and 5-10% at main nursery stage. 7.3 Pests and Diseases in the Nursery

This is another important aspect in oil palm nursery management. Pest infestations and disease infections can cause alarming losses if not recognized at an early stage and brought under control immediately. Most pest and disease problem can be avoided by correct agronomic and management practices, but where they are unavoidable, early detection and prompt control measures are crucial. 7.3.1 Common pests and diseases in the nursery

Common pests in nursery are ants, red spider mites, crickets and grasshoppers, caterpillars and rats. Common diseases are Curvularia, Cercospora, Glomerella and blast disease as shown in Photo 7. 7.3.2 Pest and disease control

There are a number of measures which if implemented can assist in reducing the incidence and severity of pest and disease attack in the nursery. Routine prophylactic spraying Routine prophylactic spraying should be a standard practice in the nursery. In the pre-nursery stage, prophylactic spraying should be carried out twice per week preferably in the morning before foliar application or in the evening after the last watering. Insecticides (eg. Kaltane at 25 ml/pump) and fungicides (eg. Captane at 20 gram/pump) for 700 seedlings can be mixed together and the various brands alternated at every spray round. In the main nursery, the pest and disease prophylactic spraying should only be carried out 2-3 months after transplanting and can be mixed with foliar application. Normally spraying is done at weekly intervals. Kaltane at 45 ml and Captan at 20 gram per pump for 350 seedlings are usually mixed with 60 gram of Grofas Kuning for prophylactic spraying in the main nursery, with alternate spraying of Rogor at 20 ml and Benlate at 20 gram at every spray round. Training of nursery workers in pest and disease recognition It is certainly worthwhile to train nursery workers to recognise the symptom of more common pests and diseases in the nursery. This training provides an early warning system on any outbreak reported by people who are working full-time in the nursery. 11



Weeds in the nursery area should be eradicated since some of the weeds may harbour pests or are hosts for diseases. It is necessary to keep the polybags completely free of weeds which compete for nutrients, moisture and sunlight and to provide hygienic conditions in the nursery. 7.4.1 Weeding in the pre-nursery stage

In the pre-nursery where seedlings remain for only 12-16 weeks very little weeding is required. Hand weeding in the inter-bed paths and within the small polybags should be carried out monthly. It is generally recommended that all herbicides be avoided at this stage in view of the fact that any error can easily lead to losses. 7.4.2 Weeding in the main nursery stage

Since mulching with palm kernel shells can greatly help to keep down weed growth in the large polybags, any weeds appearing can be quickly and easily hand-weeded. However weeds on the ground and surrounding nursery area should be eradicated through chemical spraying. Monthly sprays with contact herbicides eg. Basta at 140 ml and Ally at 4 gram per pump for 450 seedlings will control most weeds effectively. 7.5 Watering

The most important factor in achieving the successful of oil palm nursery is the availability of sufficient water to ensure optimum growth of the seedlings. The polybag soil in the nursery must be thoroughly moist with no dry patches to allow unimpended growth and to prevent any dehydration of seedlings. With the current technology of irrigation system in the nursery either by overhead sprinkler system (OSS) or lay flat sprinkler tubes (e.g. Sumisansui), the watering should be carried out twice a day for 30 minutes to be capable of applying 6.5mm water to each batch per day. The watering operation and piping using Sumisansui system are shown in photos 8 and 9. 7.6 Storage of Chemicals and Equipment in Nursery

The control of chemicals in the nursery is of the greatest importance. Many instances have occurred of herbicides being incorrectly utilised by mistaking them for insecticides or fungicides. In view of this problem it is strongly recommended that the estate have separate lockable stores, one for herbicides and the other for fungicides/insecticides/foliar fertilizers as shown in photo 10. It is important that spray pumps used for spraying fungicides/insecticides and herbicides be also clearly marked and kept apart in separate stores to avoid costly mistakes of cross contamination. 12



The selected area for a nursery should be on flat to gently undulating terrain, accessible with good road conditions and not prone to flooding. The preparation of nursery area should be carried out through proper designing of nursery, clearing, fencing and lining. The ordering of seeds should be scheduled appropriately over a period of time to ensure that adequate labour is available to handle each batch of seeds that arrive. The selection of single or double stage nursery should be decided based on the area to be planted and the size of the nursery. The nursery practices/maintenance including manuring, culling, pest and disease control, weeding and watering should be closely supervised to ensure that all operations are on time and correctly implemented. Herbicides and equipment for herbicides spraying should be clearly marked and stored separately from pesticides and foliar fertiliser to prevent contamination or incorrect chemical selection.



BEA O.P.C No. 52 b (March 1998), Single Stage Polybag Nursery. Unpublished. BEA O.P.C No. 52 c (March 1998), Double Stage Polybag Nursery. Unpublished. BEA O.P.C No. 52 d (March 1998), Manuring Programme for Oil Palm Nursery. Unpublished. BEA O.P.C No. 52 c 1st draft (June 1998), Selection and Culling in the Nursery. Unpublished. CHEW P.S (2000). Managing for Super New Planting- Final Part. Unpublished DUCKETT J.E (1999). A Guide to Oil Palm Nursery The Incorporated Society of Planters Wisma ISP. 29,31&33 Jalan Taman Uthan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. HERTSLET L.R AND DUCKETT J.E (1983). Oil Palm Nursery The Incorporated Society of Planters Wisma ISP. 29,31&33 Jalan Taman Uthan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. HEW K.C AND TOH P.Y (1973). The Effect of Nursery Manuring on the Growth and Nutrition of Oil Palm Seedlings In Advanecs in Oil Palm Cultivation (Wastie, RL and Earp, DA, eds) The Incorporated Society of Planters Wisma ISP. 29,31&33 Jalan Taman Uthan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 13

N. REVENTHIRAN (2000). Personal Communications, Kuala Lumpur, 2000. RANKINE I AND FAIRHURST T (1998). Oil Palm Nursery Field Handbooks (volume 1) Potash and Phospate Institute. Singapore. RAMLI ABDUL MAJID AND DUCKETT J.E (1987a). New Techniques in Irrigation and Management of Large Oil Palm Nurseries In Proceedings of 1987 International OP/Palm Oil Conference- Agricultural (Hj. Abdul Halim b Hj. Hashim, Chew Poh Soon, BJ Wood and E. Puspharajah, eds). Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. TAN Y.P AND MOHAN E (1981). Optimum Depth of Sowing and Transplanting in the Oil Palm Nursery In the Oil Palm Agricultural in the eighties Vol II (E. Puspharajah and P.S Chew, eds) The Incorporated Society of Planters Wisma ISP. 29,31&33 Jalan Taman Uthan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. TPSB Agricultural Circular OP August 1996. Oil Palm Nursery Tehniques. Unpublished.







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