01 List of Synthetic Polymer
01 List of Synthetic Polymer
01 List of Synthetic Polymer
Synthetic polymers are human-made polymers. From the ut l ty po nt o! " e# they $an %e $lass ! ed nto !our ma n $ate&or es' thermoplast $s( thermosets( elastomers and synthet $ ! %res. They are !ound $ommonly n a "ar ety o! $onsumer produ$ts su$h as money( super &lue( et$. ) # de "ar ety o! synthet $ polymers are a"a la%le # th "ar at ons n ma n $ha n as #ell as s de $ha ns. The %a$* %ones o! $ommon synthet $ polymers su$h as polythene and polystyrene( poly a$rylates are made up o! $ar%on-$ar%on %onds( #hereas hetero $ha n polymers su$h as polyam des( polyesters( polyurethanes polysul! des and poly$ar%onates ha"e other elements +e.&. o,y&en( sul!ur( n tro&en- nserted alon& the %a$*%one. )lso s l $on !orm !am l ar mater als su$h as s l $ones throu&h s lo,ane l n*a&es( #h $h do not ha"e any $ar%on atoms and s sa d to %e an nor&an $. Coord nat on polymers may $onta n a ran&e o! metals n the %a$*%one( # th non-$o"alent %ond n& present. Some !am l ar house-hold synthet $ polymers n$lude Nylons n te,t les and !a%r $s( Te!lon n non-st $* pans( .a*el te !or ele$tr $al s# t$hes( poly" nyl $hlor de n p pes( et$. The $ommon PET %ottles are made o! a synthet $ polymer( polyethylene terephthalate. The plast $ * ts and $o"ers are mostly made o! synthet $ polymers l *e polythene and t res are manu!a$tured !rom .una ru%%ers. Ho#e"er( due to the en" ronmental ssues $reated %y these synthet $ polymers #h $h are mostly non-% ode&rada%le and o!ten synthes /ed !rom petroleum( alternat "es l *e % oplast $sare also %e n& $ons dered. .ut they are e,pens "e #hen $ompared to the synthet $ polymers.