Polytechnic University of The Philippines: March
Polytechnic University of The Philippines: March
Polytechnic University of The Philippines: March
Mesa# Manila
Tel! No! $%&'(&')*
Dear Sir/Madam: I am a third year Bachelor of Science in Architecture student of Polytechnic University of the Philippines. In partial fulfillment of the requirements of this de ree! I am required to have an "n#$he#%o& $rainin '"%$( for a minimum of )** hours or an equivalent of + ,ee-s startin ................ I ,ould li-e to apply as a trainee in your company &ecause I &elieve that the trainin ,ould enhance my s-ills and &roaden my -no,led e ,ith re ards to the desi n and construction industry. $han- you for the consideration that your company may ive to this application.
/espectfully yours!
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