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0331 Tomcat

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CSc31800: Internet Programming, CS-CCNY, Spring 2004

Jinzhong Niu May 9, 2004

Tomcat Server1


Tomcat is a Java servlet container and web server from the Jakarta project of the Apache Software Foundation (http://jakarta.apache.org). A web server is, of course, the program that dishes out web pages in response to requests from a user sitting at a web browser. But web servers arent limited to serving up static HTML pages; they can also run programs in response to user requests and return the dynamic results to the users browser. This is an aspect of the web that Apaches Tomcat is very good at because Tomcat provides both Java servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP ) technologies (in addition to traditional static pages and external CGI programming). The result is that Tomcat is a good choice for use as a web server for many applications. And its a very good choice if you want a free, open source (http://opensource.org/) servlet and JSP engine. Tomcat can be used stand-alone, but it is often used behind traditional web servers such as Apache httpd, with the traditional server serving static pages and Tomcat serving dynamic servlet and JSP requests. No matter what we call Tomcat, a Java servlet container or servlet and JSP engine, we mean Tomcat provides an environment in which servlets can run and JSP can be processed. Similarly, we can absolutely say a CGI-enabled Web server is a CGI program container or engine since the server can accommodate CGI programs and communicate with them according to CGI specication. Between Tomcat and the servlets and JSP code residing on it, there is also a standard regulating their interaction, servlet and JSP specication, which is in turn a part of Suns J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition). But what are servlets and JSP? Why do we need them? Lets take a look at them in the following subsections before we cover them in much more detail in the future.

This note contains materials from Tomcat: The Denitive Guide, OReilly.


Web Applications of Servlets and JSP


Traditionally, before Java servlets, when we mention web applications, we mean a collection of static HTML pages and a few CGI scripts to generate the dynamic content portions of the web application, which were mostly written in C/C++ or Perl. Those CGI scripts could be written in a platform-independent way, although they didnt need to be (and for that reason often werent). Also, since CGI was an accepted industry standard across all web server brands and implementations, CGI scripts could be written to be web server implementation-independent. In practice, some are and some arent. The biggest problem with CGI was that the design made it inherently slow and unscalable. For every HTTP request to a CGI script, the OS must fork and execute a new process, and the design mandates this. When the web server is under a high trac load, too many processes start up and shut down, causing the server machine to dedicate most of its resources to process startups and shutdowns instead of fullling HTTP requests. As for scalability, CGI inherently has nothing to do with it. As we know, whether command line arguments, environment variables or stdin/stdout are used for writing to or reading from CGI programs, all of them are limited to the local machine, not involving networking or distributed mechanisms at all. Contrastingly, Java servlets and their supporting environments are capable of scalability. I will talk about this in future classes. Another approach to generating dynamic content is web server modules. For instance, the Apache httpd web server allows dynamically loadable modules to run on startup. These modules can answer on pre-congured HTTP request patterns, sending dynamic content to the HTTP client/browser. This high-performance method of generating dynamic web application content has enjoyed some success over the years, but it has its issues as well. Web server modules can be written in a platform-independent way, but there is no web server implementationindependent standard for web server modulestheyre specic to the server you write them for, and probably wont work on any other web server implementation. Now let us take a look at the Java side. Java brought platform independence to the server, and Sun wanted to leverage that capability as part of the solution toward a fast and platformindependent web application standard. The other part of this solution was Java servlets. The idea behind servlets was to use Javas simple and powerful multithreading to answer requests without starting new processes. You can now write a servlet-based web application, move it from one servlet container to another or from one computer architecture to another, and run it without any change (in fact, without even recompiling any of its code).


What are Servlets and JSP?

Briey, a servlet is a Java program designed to run in a servlet container (we hope you didnt catch that circular denition), and a JSP is a web page that can call Java code at request time. If youre a system administrator or web master, you can think of JSPs as just another scripting and templating language for HTML pages; you can learn to write JSPs that call Java objects much as you might have used objects in JavaScript. The dierence is that the Java runs on the server side, before the web page is sent to the browser. Its more like PHP, or even ASP. Writing Java classes such as servlets and JSP custom tags, however, is a task probably best left to people trained in Java programming. More precisely, a servlet is a Java program that uses the javax.servlet package, subclasses either the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet or javax.servlet.GenericServlet Java class, performs some processing (anything the programmer wants that the servlet container allows) in response to user input (such as clicking on a link or lling in and submitting a web form), and generates some kind of output that might be useful on the Web. A servlet can, of course, generate an HTML page, but servlets can and have been written to generate graphs and charts in GIF, PNG, and JPEG formats; printed documents in PDF; or any format the developer can program. A Java Server Page is basically an HTML page that can call Java language functionality. The design goal of JSPs is to remove raw Java code from the web page markup and to have the Java code isolated into external modules that get loaded into the JSP at runtime. The following gives a servlet example:
import import import import java.io.*; java.util.*; javax.servlet.*; javax.servlet.http.*;

/** A servlet that prints a web page with the date at the top. */ public class Hello extends HttpServlet { /** Called when the user clicks on a link to this servlet * @parameter request Encapsulates the details about the input. * @parameter response Encapsulates what you need to get a reply to the * users browser. */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Get a writer to generate the reply to users browser

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(


// Generate the HTTP header to say the response is in HTML response.setContentType("text/html"); out.println("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""); out.println("\t\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd\""); out.println(">"); out.println( ); out.println("<html><head><title>Hello from a Servlet</title></head> "); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<p>Time on our server is " + new Date( ) + "</p>"); out.println("<h1>Hello from a servlet</h1>"); out.println("<p>The rest of the actual HTML page would be here...</p> "); out.println("</body></html>"); } }

The result was that the calls to out.println often outweighed the actual HTML (and when they didnt, it still felt like it to the developer). So Java Server Pages, or JSPs, were developed. You can think of JSPs mainly as HTML pages containing some Java code, instead of Java code containing some HTML. In other words, a JSP is just a servlet turned inside out! So, the above example could be written as the following JSP, which may be named as date.jsp:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html><head><title>Hello from a JSP</title></head> <body> <p>Time on our server is <%= new java.util.Date() %></p> <h1>Hello from a JSP</h1> <p>The rest of the actual HTML page would be here...</p> </body> </html>

The rst time a user views the page, the JSP engine very cleverly turns it inside out so that it can be run as a servlet. In the simplest case, all it does is put out.println calls around each piece of HTML. But then why bother with servlets at all? Excellent question. The answer, of course, is that you can do much more than just print HTML. More details about servlets and JSP is coming up in the following classes.

Installing Tomcat

Refer to Activating Tomcat 5.0 and Servlet Applications for the instructions for installing Tomcat on Solaris platform. 4

Web Applications on Tomcat

Tomcat provides an implementation of both the servlet and JSP specications. This section discusses what a web application looks like exactly on Tomcat and how we deploy it.


Layout of a Web Application

As we mentioned above, a web application is a collection of static HTML les, dynamic JSPs, and servlet classes. It is dened as a hierarchy of directories and les in a standard layout. Such a hierarchy can be accessed in its unpacked form, where each directory and le exists in the lesystem separately, or in a packed form known as a Web ARchive, or WAR le. The former format is more useful during development, while the latter is used when you distribute your application to be installed. The top-level directory of your web application hierarchy is also the document root of your application. Here, you will place the HTML les and JSP pages that comprise your applications user interface. When the system administrator deploys your application into a particular server, he or she assigns a context path to your application. Thus, if the system administrator assigns your application to the context path /catalog, then a request URI referring to /catalog/index.html will retrieve the index.html le from your document root. When you do experiments, you yourself are the administrator. To put your web application working on Tomcat, you create a subdirectory under Tomcats webapps directory, which is the context path where you are supposed to put your web application les. Figure 1 shows the general layout of a web application, where sample webapp is assumed to be the context of your web application. As you can see, the web pages (whether static HTML, dynamic JSP, or another dynamic templating languages content) can go in the root of a web application directory or in almost any subdirectory that you like. Images often go in a /images subdirectory, but this is a convention, not a requirement. The WEB-INF directory contains several specic pieces of content. First, the classes directory is where you place Java class les, whether they are servlets or other class les used by a servlet, JSP, or other part of your applications code. Second, the lib directory is where you put Java Archive (JAR) les containing packages of classes. Finally, the web.xml le is known as a deployment descriptor, which contains conguration for the web application, a description of the application, and any additional customization. When you install an application into Tomcat, the classes in the WEB-INF/classes/ directory, as well as all classes in JAR les found in the WEB-INF/lib/ directory, are made visible to other classes within your particular web application. Thus, if you include all of the required library classes in one of these places, you will simplify the installation of your web application no adjustment to the system class path (or installation of global library les in your server) will be necessary. 5

Figure 1: Servlet Web Application File Layout


Application Deployment

Once you have gotten all the les of your web application ready, it is time to deploy the application on Tomcat. This step can be done in two ways to be explained respectively in the following parts.


Deploying Unpacked Servlets and Java Server Pages

A web application can be deployed in Tomcat by simply copying the unpacked directory hierarchy into a subdirectory in directory $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/, where $CATALINA_HOME is the directory where Tomcat is installed. As mentioned above, the /WEB-INF/web.xml le contains the Web Application Deployment Descriptor for your application. As the lename extension implies, this le is an XML document, and denes everything about your application that a server needs to know. For servlets or JSPs to be accessible, you must congure the URI to which a servlet or a JSP is mapped by providing a servlet-mapping element in the WEB-INF/web.xml le, for example. Listing the servlet in the descriptor is required if you want to provide an alternate mapping, pass any initialization parameters to the servlet, specify loading order on startup, and so on. The servlet element is an XML tag that appears near the start of web.xml, and it is used for all of these tasks. Here is an example of a servlet with most of its allowed subelements: 6

<servlet> <icon> <small-icon>/images/tomcat_tdg16x16.jpg</small-icon> </icon> <servlet-name>InitParams</servlet-name> <display-name>InitParams Demo Servlet</display-name> <description> A servlet that shows use of both servlet- and webapp-specific init-params </description> <servlet-class>InitParams</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>myParam</param-name> <param-value> A param for the Servlet: Forescore and seven years ago... </param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>25</load-on-startup> </servlet>

Once you have your servlets in place, you may also need to add JSPs to your application. JSPs can be installed anywhere in a web application, except under WEB-INF; this folder is protected against access from the Web, since it can contain initialization parameters such as database connections, names, and passwords. JSPs can be copied to the root of your web application or placed in any subdirectory other than WEB-INF. The same goes for any static content, such as HTML les, data les, and image les.


Deploying Applications in WAR Format

Although you can create directories and copy les using the techniques in the previous section, there are some advantages to using the Web Application Archive packaging format described in the servlet specication. A major benet with Tomcat is automatic deployment: a single WAR le can be copied directly to Tomcats webapps directory, and it will be automatically available as a context, without requiring any conguration. Creating WAR les is actually accomplished in the same way you create JAR les: through the jar command. So, assuming you have your web application set up correctly and completely in a directory called testapp, you can do the following: 7

$ cd ~/testapp $ jar cvf ~/testapp.war .

The c says you want to create an archive. The v is optional; it says you want a verbose listing as it creates the archive. The f is required and says that the argument following the letters (c, v, f, ...) is an output lename. The subsequent lename arguments are input names, and they can be les or directories (directories are copied recursively). That little dot (.) at the end of the above command is importantit means archive the contents of the current directory. Notice also that, although it is a JAR le, we called it a WAR to indicate that it contains a complete web application; this is recommended in the servlet specication. Once youve issued the command, you should see output similar to the following:
bash-2.04$ cd testapp bash-2.04$ jar cvf testapp.war * added manifest adding: WEB-INF/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%) adding: WEB-INF/classes/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%) adding: WEB-INF/classes/Hello.java(in = 1368) (out= 631)(deflated 53%) adding: WEB-INF/classes/Makefile(in = 580) (out= 360)(deflated 37%) adding: WEB-INF/classes/Hello.class(in = 1337) (out= 792)(deflated 40%) adding: WEB-INF/web.xml(in = 1283) (out= 511)(deflated 60%) adding: index.jsp(in = 367) (out= 253)(deflated 31%)

If you are using Tomcats automatic deployment feature, you can copy the new WAR le into Tomcats webapps directory to deploy it. You may also need to restart Tomcat, depending on your conguration (by default, Tomcat does not need to be restarted when new web applications are deployed). The web application contained in your WAR le should now be ready for use. When Tomcat is started, it will automatically expand the web application archive le into its unpacked form, and execute the application that way. This approach would typically be used to install an additional application, provided by a third party vendor or by your internal development sta, into an existing Tomcat installation. NOTE that if you use this approach, and wish to update your application later, you must both replace the web application archive le AND delete the expanded directory that Tomcat created, and then restart Tomcat, in order to reect your changes.



Download http://www.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~jniu/teachings/csc31800/programs/testapp.war and put it in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/. After you start Tomcat, the web application presented by testapp.war is ready for use. 8

You may visit http://[hostname]/testapp/ or http://[hostname]/testapp/hello (servlet hello visited this time). Or you can create a subdirectory "testapp" in webapps and uncompress the WAR le in it. Then you remove the WAR le and restart Tomcat. Now the unpacked version is ready for access.

Managing Realms, Roles, and Users

The security of a web applications resources can be controlled either by the container or by the web application itself. The J2EE specication calls the former container-managed security and the latter application-managed security. Tomcat provides several approaches for handling security through built-in mechanisms, which represents container-managed security. On the other hand, if you have a series of servlets and JSPs with their own login mechanism, this would be considered application-managed security. In both types of security, users and passwords are managed in groupings called realms. This section details setting up Tomcat realms and using the built-in security features of Tomcat to handle user authentication. The combination of a realm conguration in Tomcats conf/server.xml le and a <security-constraint> in a web applications WEB-INF/web.xml le denes how user and role information will be stored and how users will be authenticated for the web application. There are many ways of conguring each; feel free to mix and match.



In order to use Tomcats container-managed security, you must set up a realm. A realm is simply a collection of users, passwords, and roles. Web applications can declare which resources are accessible by which groups of users in their web.xml deployment descriptor. Then, a Tomcat administrator can congure Tomcat to retrieve user, password, and role information using one or more of the realm implementations. Tomcat contains a pluggable framework for realms and comes with several useful realm implementations: UserDatabaseRealm, JDBCRealm, etc.. Later on, we discuss only UserDatabaseRealm. Java developers can also create additional realm implementations to interface with their own user and password stores. To specify which realm should be used, insert a Realm element into your server.xml le, specify the realm to use through the className attribute, and then provide conguration information to the realm through that implementations custom attributes:
<Realm className="some.realm.implementation.className" customAttribute1="some custom value" customAttribute2="some other custom value" <!-- etc... --> />



UserDatabaseRealm is loaded into memory from a static le and kept in memory until Tomcat is shut down. In fact, the representation of the users, passwords, and roles that Tomcat uses lives only in memory; in other words, the permissions le is read only once, at startup. The default le for assigning permissions in a UserDatabaseRealm is tomcat-users.xml in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory. The tomcat-users.xml le is key to the use of this realm. It contains a list of users who are allowed to access web applications. It is a simple XML le; the root element is tomcat-users and the only allowed elements are role and user. Each role element has a single attribute: rolename. Each user element has three attributes: username, password, and roles. The tomcat-users.xml le that comes with a default Tomcat installation contains the XML listed as follows:
<!-NOTE: By default, no user is included in the "manager" role required to operate the "/manager" web application. If you wish to use this app, you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary. --> <tomcat-users> <user name="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" /> <user name="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" /> <user name="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" /> </tomcat-users>

The meaning of user and password is fairly obvious, but the interpretation of roles might need some explanation. A role is a grouping of users for which web applications may uniformly dene a certain set of capabilities. For example, one of the demonstration web applications shipped with Tomcat is the Manager application, which lets you enable, disable, and remove other web applications. In order to use this application, you must create a user belonging to the manager role. When you rst access the Manager application, the browser prompts for the name and password of such a user and will not allow any access to the directory containing the Manager application until a user belonging to that role logs in.


Container-Managed Security

Container-managed authentication methods control how a users credentials are veried when a protected resource is accessed. There are four types of container-managed security that Tomcat supports, and each obtains credentials in a dierent way: Basic authentication The users password is required via HTTP authentication as base64-encoded text. 10

When a web application uses basic authentication (BASIC in the web.xml les auth-method element), Tomcat uses HTTP basic authentication to ask the web browser for a username and password whenever the browser requests a resource of that protected web application. With this authentication method, all passwords are sent across the network in base64-encoded text. The following shows a web.xml excerpt from a club membership web site with a membersonly subdirectory that is protected using basic authentication. Note that this eectively takes the place of the Apache web servers .htaccess les.
<!-Define the Members-only area, by defining a "Security Constraint" on this Application, and mapping it to the subdirectory (URL) that we want to restrict. --> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name> Entire Application </web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/members/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>member</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --> <login-config> <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method> <realm-name>My Club Members-only Area</realm-name> </login-config>

Digest authentication The users password is requested via HTTP authentication as a digest-encoded string. Form authentication The users password is requested on a web page form. Form authentication displays a web page login form to the user when the user requests a protected resource from a web application. Specify form authentication by setting the auth-method elements value to "FORM". The Java Servlet Specication Versions 2.2 and above standardize container-managed login form submission URIs and parameter names


for this type of application. This standardization allows web applications that use form authentication to be portable across servlet container implementations. To implement form-based authentication, you need a login form page and an authentication failure error page in your web application, a security-constraint element similar to those shown above, and a login-config element in your web.xml le like the one shown as follows:
<login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <realm-name>My Club Members-only Area</realm-name> <form-login-config> <form-login-page>/login.html</form-login-page> <form-error-page>/error.html</form-error-page> </form-login-config> </login-config>

The /login.html and /error.html in the above example refer to les relative to the root of the web application. The form-login-page element indicates the page that Tomcat displays to the user when it detects that a user who has not logged in is trying to access a resource that is protected by a security-constraint. The form-error-page element denotes the page that Tomcat displays when a users login attempt fails. Client-cert authentication The user is veried by a client-side digital certicate. The client-cert (CLIENT-CERT in the web.xml les auth-method element) method of authentication is available only when youre serving content over SSL (i.e., HTTPS). It allows clients to authenticate without the use of a passwordinstead, the browser presents a client-side X.509 digital certicate as the login credential. Each user is issued a unique digital certicate that the web server will recognize. Once users import and store their digital certicates in their web browsers, the browsers may present them to the server whenever the server requests them. If you want to know more about this, please refer to relating books or online manual of Tomcat.

Conguring Tomcat

After you have Tomcat running, you will soon nd a need to customize its conguration. For example, you might want to support virtual hosting. Conguring Tomcat is done by editing les and restarting Tomcat. The main conguration les provided with Tomcat that reside in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory are:


server.xml The main Tomcat conguration le. web.xml A servlet specication standard format conguration le for servlets and other settings that are global to all web applications. tomcat-users.xml The default list of roles, users, and passwords used by Tomcats UserDatabaseRealm for authentication. catalina.policy The Java 2 Standard Edition security policy le for Tomcat. We wont cover this le in our classes. The rst three les are well-formed XML documents, and they are parsed by Tomcat at startup.



The following gives the major part of server.xml, which will be discussed in details in the following sections.
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0"> <Service name="Catalina"> <Connector port="8080" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" /> <Connector port="8009" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" debug="0" protocol="AJP/1.3" /> <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0"> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase"/> <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> </Host> </Engine> </Service> </Server>




The Server element refers to the entire Tomcat server. It accepts the three attributes listed in Table 1. Name port Meaning Port number on which to listen for shutdown requests. This port is accessible only from the computer on which you are running Tomcat, to prevent people out on the Internet from shutting down your server. The string to be sent to stop the server. Amount of debugging information to log. Higher numbers mean more debugging detail (and more disk space used). Table 1: Server attributes Default 8005

shutdown debug


There can be only one Server element in this le because it represents Tomcat itself. If you need two servers, run two Tomcat instances. The shutdown attribute is an arbitrary string that will be sent to the running Tomcat instance when you invoke the catalina script with the stop argument. Since your server.xml le should not be visible outside your local machine, if you change this string from its default, it will be harder for outsiders (system crackers) to shut down your server. Similarly, the port attribute is the port number on which catalina.sh stop will attempt to contact the running instance. The port number can be changed to any other port that is not in use. Tomcat listens for these connections only on the localhost address, meaning that it should be impossible to shut down your machine from elsewhere on the network.



A Service object represents all of the Connectors that feed into an Engine. Each Connector receives all incoming requests on a given port and protocol, and passes them to the Engine, which then processes the requests. As such, the Service element must contain one or more Connector elements and only one Engine. The allowable attributes are shown in Table 2. You will almost never need to modify this element or provide more than one. The default instance is called "Tomcat-Standalone", representing Tomcat itself with any number of Connectors.


Name className

Meaning Class to implement the service. Must be org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService, unless you have some very sophisticated Java developers on sta. A display name for the service. Table 2: Service attributes

Default org.apache.catalina.core. StandardService





A Connector is a piece of software that can accept connections (hence the name, derived from the Unix system call connect()), either from a web browser (using HTTP) or from another server, such as Apache httpd. All of the Connectors provided with Tomcat support the attributes shown in Table 3. Name className Meaning The full Java name of the implementing class, which must implement the org.apache.catalina.Connector interface. Denes the string value returned by request.getScheme() in servlets and JSPs. Should be https for an SSL connector. Table 3: Connector attributes Tomcat, in a default installation, is congured to listen on port 8080 rather than the conventional web server port number 80. This is sensible because the default port 80 is often in use, and because opening a network server socket listener on the default port 80 requires special privileges on Unix operating systems. However, there are many applications for which it makes sense to run Tomcat on port 80. To change the port number, edit the main Connector element in the server.xml le. Find the XML tag that looks something like this:
<!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --> <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

Default None; required






An Engine element represents the software that receives requests from one of the Connectors in its Service, hands them o for processing, and returns the results to the Connector. The Engine element supports the attributes shown in Table 4. Name className Meaning The class implementing the engine. Must be org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine. Default org.apache.catalina .core.StandardEngine (default, so you can omit this attribute) localhost

defaultHost jvmRoute

The nested host that is the default for requests that do not have an HTTP 1.1 Host: header. A tag for routing requests when load balancing is in eect. Must be unique among all Tomcat instances taking part in load balancing. A display name. Table 4: Engine attributes





A Host element represents one host (or virtual host) computer whose requests are processed within a given Engine. To use virtual hosts in Tomcat, you only need to set up the DNS or hosts data for the host. For testing, making an IP alias for localhost is sucient. You then need to add a few lines to the server.xml conguration le:
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0"> <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone"> <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"/> <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"/> <Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory" clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS" /> </Connector> <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0"> <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"


unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/> <Context path="/orders" docBase="/home/ian/orders" debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> </Context> </Host> <Host name="www.somename.com" appBase="/home/somename/web"> <Context path="" docBase="."/> </Host> </Engine> </Service> </Server>



A Context represents one web application within a Tomcat instance. Your web site is made up of one or more Contexts. Table 5 is a list of the key attributes in a Context. Attribute crossContext Meaning Species whether ServletContext.getContext (otherWebApp) should succeed (true) or return null (false) URL relative to virtual host Absolute path to the directory Species whether servlet les on disk will be monitored, and reloaded if their time-stamp changes Table 5: Context attributes Here are some Context examples:
<!-- Tomcat Root Context --> <Context path="" docBase="/home/ian/webs/daroadweb" debug="0"/> <!-- buzzinservlet --> <Context path="/buzzin" docBase="/home/ian/javasrc/threads/buzzin" debug="0" reloadable="true"> </Context> <!-- chat server applet --> <Context path="/chat" docBase="/home/ian/javasrc/network/chat" /> <!-- darian web --> <Context path="/darian" docBase="/home/ian/webs/darian" />

Default false, for generally good security reasons None; mandatory None; mandatory false

docBase path reloadable




A Realm represents a security context, listing users that are authorized to access a given Context and roles (similar to groups) that users are allowed to be in. So a Realm is like an administration database of users and groups. Indeed, several of the Realm implementations are interfaces to such databases. The only standard attribute for Realm is classname, which must be either one of the supported realms listed in Table 6 or a custom Realm implementation. Realm implementations must be written in Java and must implement the org.apache.catalina.Realm interface. The provided Realm handlers are listed in Table 6. Name JAASRealm JDBCRealm JNDIRealm MemoryRealm UserDatabaseRealm Meaning Authenticates users via the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Looks users up in a relational database using JDBC Uses a Directory Service looked up in JNDI Looks users up in the tomcat-users.xml le or another le in the same format Uses a UserDatabase (which also reads tomcat-users.xml or another le in the same format) that is looked up in JNDI; intended to replace MemoryRealm in Tomcat 4.1 Table 6: Tomcats Realm implementations



The web.xml le format is dened in the Servlet Specication, and will be used in every servlet-conforming Java servlet container. This le format is used in two places in Tomcat: in the $CATALINA_BASE/conf directory and in each web application. Each time Tomcat deploys an application (during startup or when the application is reloaded), it reads the global conf/web.xml, followed by the WEB-INF/web.xml within your web application (if there is one). As youd expect, then, settings in the conf/web.xml le apply to all web applications, whereas settings in a given web applications WEB-INF/web.xml apply to only that application.



The root element of this XML deployment descriptor is web-app; its top-level elements and the order in which they must appear is shown in Table 7. There are no required elements, but you should always have at least a display-name element for identication. 18

Element icon display-name description distributable context-param servlet servlet-mapping mime-mapping welcome-file-list error-page security-constraint login-config security-role

Quantity Meaning allowed 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or more 0 or more 0 or more 0 or more 0 or 1 0 or more 0 or more 0 or 1 0 or more A display le, for use in GUI administration tools Short name, for use in GUI admin tools Longer description Whether the web application can be load-balanced, i.e., distributed to multiple servers Parameters to be made available to all servlets Short name, class name, and options for a servlet Species any non-default URL for a servlet MIME types for les on server Alternate default page in directories Alternate error page by HTTP error code Requires authentication (e.g., for a protected area of a web site) Species how the login mechanism is to work for a security-constraint List name of security role, for use with security-constraint

Table 7: Child elements of web-app



This le contains a list of usernames, roles, and passwords, all of which have been explained before. It is a simple XML le; the root element is tomcat-users, and the only allowed child elements are role and user. Each role element has one attribute called rolename, and each user element has three attributes: name, password, and roles.


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