TMNT d20
TMNT d20
TMNT d20
By Jeffrey Moore Design/Editing: Jeffrey Moore Playtesting: Toby Betts, Steve Manchir, Justin Shepard, Erica Talbot, Rebecca Thomas Requires the use of a d20 Modern published by Wizards of the Coast. The 'd20 System' is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this license can be found at Portions of this work are derived from the d20 System Reference Document. d20 Modern is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and is used with permission. Dungeons and Dragons(R) and Wizards of the Coast(R) are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used with permission. This product available for free download at
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 0: INTRODUCTION AND NOTES.....................................................................................................................................1 Character Creation ....................................................................................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 1: RACES .............................................................................................................................................................................2 New Race: Mutant Animal .......................................................................................................................................................................2 Customization.............................................................................................................................................................................2 Mutant Animals ..........................................................................................................................................................................4 CHAPTER 2: CLASSES .......................................................................................................................................................................12 New Classes............................................................................................................................................................................................12 Martial Arts Strong Hero ..........................................................................................................................................................12 Martial Arts Fast Hero..............................................................................................................................................................13 Martial Arts Tough Hero ..........................................................................................................................................................14 Martial Arts Smart Hero ...........................................................................................................................................................15 Martial Arts Dedicated Hero ....................................................................................................................................................16 Martial Arts Charismatic Hero .................................................................................................................................................17 New Abilities ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18 Starting Occupations...............................................................................................................................................................................19 New Occupations......................................................................................................................................................................20 CHAPTER 3: FEATS ............................................................................................................................................................................22 New Feats .................................................................................................................................................................................23 Open Game License................................................................................................................................................................................25
Character creation is fairly similar to generating characters in d20 Modern. There are only a few changes, outlined below: 1) Select a race. This supplement provides 1 additional race with a large number of variants, the mutant animal. If you select a mutant animal, follow the additional steps below. a) Select an animal type. b) Spend your mutation points (MP). c) Apply modifiers for mutant animal type and size. 2) Select a class. This supplement provides 6 additional martial arts classes. If you select a martial arts class, follow the additional steps below. a) Name the martial arts you practice. This should form the conceptual center for your feat, talent and skill selection. It has no direct gameplay effect itself. b) Select stance for the style. 3) Select an occupation. There are several additional occupations available in chapter 2. 4) Select your feats. New feats in this chapter 3. Sample Char Gen Justin and Erica are interested in making martial arts characters. Justin wants to make a tough-asnails mutant animal, while Erica wants to make a police officer focused on negotiation and the surprise take-down. For stats, well use 15, 14, 12, 11, 10, 8. Justin wants a no-nonsense tough. He picks a 14 str, 12 dex, 15 con, 10 int, 11 wis and 8 chr. Hes a tough brawler, not exactly soft around the edges. Erica is looking for a little more finesse, but still wants to hold her own in a fight, so she picks a 10 str, 14 dex, 11 con, 12 int, 8 wis, 15 chr. The intelligence and charisma will help with skills and socialization, while the dex will help her dish out and avoid the damage. The characters will be starting at 2nd level.
Mutant animals are not actually a single race. There are mutant dogs, cats, goats, etc. Depending on the campaign setting, these mutant animals could have been created through genetic experimentation, toxic spills or even natural selection. Below is a list of the common animal traits. For the rest of the mutant animal rules, please see the customization section. Traits: These are attributes from the animal side that the character keeps after its mutation. Racial bonuses to skill, increased movement, etc. Options: These are attributes from the animal side the character may keep after its mutation. Claws, wings, heightened senses etc. Alternative rule: On a point-buy system for attributes, combine MP and attribute points. So a badger in a game using 25 points for attributes would have 33 total points to divide between attributes and MP costs. This could potentially lead to more powerful characters, as the MP system's scarcity would go away.
For simplicity, all mutant animals start at base size medium. MP will change if size is changed. A small elephant will get 4 MP, while a huge chicken will lose 12 MP. Tiny: Tiny creatures are 1-2 feet tall or long, and weight 1-8 lbs. Modifiers: +2 attack, +2 defense, +8 Hide, -8 Grapple, 1/4th carrying capacity. Small: Small creatures are 2-4 feet tall or long, and weight 8-60 lbs. Modifiers: +1 to attack, +1 to defense, +4 Hide, -4 Grapple, 3/4th carrying capacity. Medium: Medium creatures are 4-8 feet tall or long, and weight 60-500 lbs. They do not have any modifiers. Large: Large creatures are 8-16 feet long or tall, and weight 500-4000 lbs. Modifiers: -1 to attack, -1 to defense, -4 to Hide, +4 to grapple. Huge: Huge creatures are 16-32 feet long or tall, and weight 2-16 tons. Modifiers: -2 to attack, -2 to defense, -8 to Hide, +8 to Grapple. Justin has 8 MP for his wolverine and is currently medium size. Large has a lot going for it, increased reach, more strength and con, more damage from natural weapons. However, at 6 MP, Justin would only have 2 MP left. Small hurts the strength and constitution hes focusing on, so Justin chooses Medium. He keeps all 8 MP, and his stats are now 14 str, 12 dex, 21 con (!), 10 int, 13 wis, and 8 cha. GM Note: Normal d20 focuses on medium and occasionally small characters as PCs. This means mechanics for tiny, large and huge creatures work differently from characters in the small to medium range. Also, in a modern setting nothing will be built for either size, and just fitting into places will be exceedingly difficult for a huge creature, and could limit the groups possibilities. Use caution when allowing tiny, large or huge characters.
Justin looks through the available animals, and notices the wolverine. The +4 con is excellent for his hale and hearty idea, and the +2 wis gives him a higher will save, further helping the idea. Justins wolverine now has a 12 str, 10 dex, 19 con, 10 int, 13 wis, 6 cha. Note, since their campaign is starting the party at level 2, Justin will actually be character level 1, ECL 2. Ericas character is human, so she skips this section.
Animal characters have a certain amount of Mutation Points, or MP. Using those MP theyll have to decide on the following: Size: Size will determine the weapons a character can wield, attribute modifiers, the standard modifiers. Human Attributes: This determines how close to human specific attributes of the animal are, hands, speech, bipedal stance and human looks.
Table 1-1: Effects of Size Size MP Str Con Dex Init Move W1 W2 W3 Reach(tall) Reach(long) T +8 -6 -2 +6 +4 10 d3 d4 d6 0 0 S +4 -2 0 +4 0 20 d4 d8 d10 5 5 M +2 +2 +2 0 30 d6 d10 2d6 5 5 L -6 +6 +4 0 -2 40 d8 2d6 2d8 10 5 H -12 +10 +6 -2 -4 50 d10 2d8 2d10 15 10 W1, W2, W3: These refer to natural weapons animals have. See individual animal templates to determine what is available. -2-
Human Attributes
Hands None: Cannot pick up or grab objects. See also Table 3-1 for unavailable feats. Partial: -2 to skills requiring manual dexterity, -2 to attack rolls with weapons. See also Table 3-1 for unavailable feats. Full: As per usual. Biped None: Use Reach(long), Movement +10. See also Table 3-1 for unavailable feats. Partial: Can stand and use Reach(tall), but movement is halved, and jumping/kicking not possible while standing. See also Table 3-1 for unavailable feats. Full: As per usual. Speech None: No speech abilities, needs close review by GM. Partial: Obviously abnormal: -4 to bluff, diplomacy, gather information and perform(sing) checks, +2 to intimidation checks. Full: as per usual. Looks None: Looks like the original animal, social penalties vary by GM decision. Armor/clothes purchase DC +3. Partial: Looks human in poor lighting, easily discernible otherwise, social penalties vary by GM decision. Full: Retains subtle characteristics of animal type, but looks human. Justin needs to decide how human he wants his wolverine to be. He wants to be able to interact physically with the world as a human, so he chooses full hands and full biped. His charisma is already low, to avoid further issues he picks up full speech. However, he wants to emphasize his animalistic nature so he takes none for looks. Total: 2 for hands, 2 biped, 2 for speech, 0 for looks. Justin has 2 MP remaining for options.
weapon for Str/power attack bonuses, but -1 to hit for a normal attack. Cannot attack with another weapon when using antlers/horns/tusks. Note: For some species, Antlers and horns are only available on the male of the species. Tongue Whip: Can perform trip attacks, but cannot be dropped to avoid a counter-trip after a failed attack. This natural weapon does not act as a threat to enemies within its reach, but it also does not provoke an attack of opportunity when used for a trip or normal attack. Damage as follows: T 1, S 1d2, M 1d3, L 1d4, H 1d6. Reach as follows: T 5, S 10, M 10, L 15, H 20 Movement Burrow: Speed 10 ft. Climb: Speed equals ground movement. Double Jump Distance: After the distance for a jump check is determined, double it. Flight: Recorded as (speed, maneuverability) Glide: Recorded as (speed, maneuverability). An animal with glide cannot gain altitude. Sprint: x10 movement for a charge, 1/hour Swimming: Speed equals ground movement. Senses Blindsense: See the Abilities and Conditions section of the DMG.. Blindsight: See the Abilities and Conditions section of the DMG.. Darkvision: As the Players Handbook. Heightened Hearing: +2 Listen, +2 Initiative. Heightened Touch: +2 Disable Device, +2 Sleight of Hand. Heightened Vision: +2 Spot, half range penalty for spot. Improved Lowlight: 4x normal human vision in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. Scent: See the Abilities and Conditions section of the DMG. Specials Chew Wood: Grants the ability to cut wood without tools and a +2 to Craft (structural) checks. Feign Death: +10 racial bonus to bluff checks to convince someone you are dead. Hold Breath: Hold breath 1 minute per Con. Natural Armor: Does not stack with armor from traits. Quill Defense: +2 Natural Armor, stacks with existing natural armor, any unarmed miss by 2-3 inflicts W1 damage on the attacker. Anyone trying to grapple char takes W2 damage. A bull charge by the character does W3+str. Backhand does W1+str. Can use quills as daggers. Quill defense prevents the character from wearing armor. Spit: range increment: 5ft, fort save (DC 15), failed blinded 1d4 rounds Musk Spray: Character makes a ranged touch attack against the target. Range increment: 10ft, fort save (DC 13+Con modifier). If the save fails, target is nauseated for 1d6 rounds. Cancels the Scent ability until thoroughly washed. 8 uses/day. -3-
Natural Armor: Not generally noticeable unless only partial or none is taken for human looks. Does not limit choices for looks. Movement Bonus: Additive to whatever the base speed of the animal is. Skill Bonus: These are racial bonuses, for stacking purposes. All wolverines have a +1 natural armor bonus and +4 racial bonus to climb checks. Justin notes these on his character sheet.
Natural Weapons A mutant animal attacking with a natural weapon counts as armed. Antlers/Horns/Tusks: Designed for charging, get a +2 bonus to damage for a charge attack and counts as a 2-H
Water Storage: store up to .5/2/5/10/20 gallons(depending on size), survive max 20 days. Now comes the time for Justin to spend his 2 remaining MP. Taking a big bite attack is tempting, but he also likes the idea of being able to track using Scent. The bite costs 2 and tracking 1, so he cannot have both. He decides to go with Scent and spends the remaining point on claws. Since he is medium size, his W1 claws do d6 damage. Justin now has 0 MP and is finished with race. Time for Erica and Justin to move onto picking a class.
Mutant Animals
Any trait/option bonuses are not cumulative. i.e A crocodile naturally has +2 Natural Armor. If +4 Natural Armor is purchased for 2 MP, the croc's natural armor is +4, not +6. Notation key * Trait/option is unavailable with full human appearance. # Trait/option is unavailable with partial human appearance. ^ Specific note for that animal. See text directly beneath.
Human Features Hands: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: Partial automatic, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 1 MP for full Looks: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Climb checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W1) 1 MP Climb 2 MP Natural Armor +2 1 MP Prehensile Feet 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +2 Options Natural Armor +4*/+6* 2/4 MP Burrow 1 MP
MP: 8 Attributes: -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Search checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Burrow 1 MP
MP:5 Attributes: +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: Partial automatic, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 1 MP for full Looks: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Climb checks Options Teeth (W1) 1 MP Climb 2 MP Prehensile Feet 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +2 Options Teeth (W2)* 2 MP Bonus Feat: Run 1 MP Hold Breath 1 MP Natural Armor +4*/+6* 2/4 MP Swim 2 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Hide checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP -4-
MP:5 Attributes: +2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis
1 MP 1 MP
MP:6 Attributes: +2 Wis, -2 Chr Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: Full Automatic Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Listen checks +4 racial bonus to Spot Checks Options Teeth (W1) 1 MP Blindsight 2 MP Flight (40 ft, good)* 4 MP Glide (40 ft, average)* 2 MP
Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Flight (40 ft, good)* 3 MP Glide (40 ft, average)* 1 MP Float 1 MP
Bird - Fowl
MP:6 Attributes: -2 Int, +2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: Full Automatic Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 MP Options Beak (W1)* 1 MP Flight (40 ft, good)* 3 MP (wild fowl only) Glide (40 ft, average)* 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP
MP:6 Attributes: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: Partial automatic, 1 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Tail (W1)* 1 MP Teeth (W1) 1 MP Chew Wood 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Hold Breath 1 MP
Bird - Hunting
MP:6 Attributes: +2 Dex, -2 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: Full Automatic Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +8 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Beak (W2)* 2 MP Claws (W1) 1 MP Flight (60 ft, average)* 3 MP Glide (60 ft, poor)* 1 MP Heightened Vision 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +4 Str, -6 Dex, +2 Con Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Claws (W1/W2*) 1/2 MP Teeth (W1/W2*) 1/2 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Natural Armor +2*/+3* 1/2 MP Scent 1 MP
Bird - Owl
MP:6 Attributes: -2 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: Full Automatic Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full -5-
Bird - Aquatic
MP:8 Attributes: none
Traits +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks +4 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Claws (W2)* 2 MP Flight (40 ft, good)* 3 MP Glide (40 ft, average)* 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Heightened Vision 1 MP Improved Lowlight 1 MP
2 MP 1 MP 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Horns (W2)* 2 MP Bonus Feat: Toughness 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Natural Armor +2*/+3* 1/2 MP
Bird Foraging
MP:6 Attributes: -4 Str, +4 Dex Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full, 4 MP for an extra set of fully developed arms and hands Biped: Full Automatic Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Listen checks +4 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Beak (W1) 1 MP Flight (40 ft, good)* 3 MP Glide (40 ft, average)* 1 MP Heightened Vision 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -4 Dex, +4 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 Bonus Feat: Endurance Options Teeth (W1) 1 MP Spit 1 MP Water Storage* 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Horns (W2)* 2 MP Bonus Feat: Toughness 1 MP Natural Armor +2*/+3* 1/2 MP
Canine - Wild
Hyena, jackal, wolf MP:8 Attributes: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 Ground Movement +10 Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W1/W2*) 1/2 MP Bonus Feat: Track 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Scent 1 MP Natural Armor +2* 1 MP -6-
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Str, -2 Dex Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks
Canine- Dog
MP:8 Attributes: +2/-2 Phys Stat^,-2 Wis, +2 Cha ^Player chooses one physical stat as +2, another as -2, depending on breed. Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Ground Movement +10 Heightened Hearing Options Teeth (W1/W2*) 1/2 MP Bonus Feat: Track 1 MP Scent 1 MP Natural Armor +1/+2* 1/2 MP
Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Traits Bonus Feat: Endurance +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Hooves (W1) 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Toughness Feat 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +4 Str, -4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Chr Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Listen checks Options Tusks (W2)* 2 MP Prehensile Trunk* 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Natural Armor +2*/+3* 1/2 MP Toughness Feat 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Antlers (W1*/W2*) 1/2 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP
Feline - Cheetah
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Dex, -2 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Ground Movement +10 -7-
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Dex, +2 Con Human Features Hands: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Biped: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full
+2 racial bonus to Hide checks +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W1) 1 MP Improved Grab 1 MP Natural Armor +1* 1 MP Pounce 1 MP Sprint 3 MP
Traits +4 racial bonus to Jump checks +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Tongue Whip Double Jump Distance Hold Breath Swim
1 MP 1 MP 1 MP 2 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Climb checks Options Horns (W1) 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP +4 Fort save vs. Poison/Drugs 1 MP
Feline - Mountain
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Str, +2 Dex Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Hide checks +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W2)* 2 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Improved Grab 1 MP Natural Armor +1* 1 MP Pounce 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Str, -2 Dex Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Teeth (W2)* 2 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Hold Breath 1 MP Natural Body Armor +2*/+3* 1/2 MP
Feline - Domestic
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Wis Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Hide checks +2 racial bonus to Jump checks +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W1) 2 MP Improved Grab 1 MP Pounce 1 MP
MP:11 Attributes: +2 Str, -2 Dex Human Features Hands: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Biped: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Traits Bonus Feat: Run Ground Movement +10 Options Hooves (W1) 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Toughness Feat 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full
Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Antlers (W2)* Heightened Hearing Natural Armor +2*
2 MP 1 MP 1 MP
MP:7 Attributes: +2 Int, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Heightened Touch 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Hold Breath 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Climb checks +4 racial bonus to Listen checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Digging 1 MP Burrow 1 MP Heightened Smell 1 MP
MP:7 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Feign Death 1 MP Prehensile Tail 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:5 Attributes: +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Climb checks Options Climb 2 MP Prehensile Tail 1 MP Prehensile Feet 1 MP
MP:7 Attributes: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis Human Features Hands: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Blindsenses 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Heightened Touch 1 MP -9-
MP:11 Attributes: +4 Str, -4 Dex Human Features Hands: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Biped: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full
1 MP 1 MP 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Int, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Scent (something) Options Heightened Hearing 1 MP Toughness Feat 1 MP
Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Ground Movement +10 +4 racial bonus to Jump checks Options Bonus Feat: Run 1 MP Double Jump Distance 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:7 Attributes: +4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: Partial Automatic, 1 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Swim checks Options Heightened Touch 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP
MP:11 Attributes: -2 Dex, +2 Con Human Features Hands: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Biped: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Traits Bonus Feat: Run Ground Movement +10 Options Hooves (W1) 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP
MP:11 Attributes: +4 Str, -4 Dex Human Features Hands: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Biped: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 2 MP for partial, 3 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +2 Options Horn (W2)* 2 MP Natural Armor +4/6 2/4 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Quill Defense# 3 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP Natural Armor +2* 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +2 Wis, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 racial bonus to Hide checks +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Burrow 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP -10-
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Int, +2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Heightened Hearing 1 MP Scent 1 MP
2/4/6 MP 1 MP 2 MP
MP:8 Attributes: +4 Dex, -4 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 racial bonus to Hide checks +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks +4 racial bonus to Tumble checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W1) 1 MP Bonus Feat: Flurry of Blows^ 1 MP ^Flurry is not linked to stance, can be used for any melee attack. However, weasels with this must eat their own weight in meat daily.
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +4 racial bonus to Listen checks +4 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Musk Spray 2 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +1 +4 racial bonus to Climb checks Options Claws (W1) 1 MP Teeth (W2)* 2 MP Burrow 1 MP Scent 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: none Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits +2 racial bonus to Climb checks +2 racial bonus to Jump checks +2 racial bonus to Listen checks +2 racial bonus to Spot checks Options Glide (20 ft, poor)* 1 MP Heightened Hearing 1 MP
MP:8 Attributes: -2 Dex, +2 Con Human Features Hands: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Biped: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Speech: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Looks: 1 MP for partial, 2 MP for full Traits Natural Armor +2
This supplement adds 6 new base classes to d20 Modern. Each is linked to an attribute, like the normal d20 Modern classes. However, they are more narrowly focused on martial arts. Please note these classes are not restricted to mutant animals, and mutant animals are not restricted to these classes. Why not Prestige Classes? This is a good question, since the initial concept of these classes came from the Martial Artist prestige class, and a desire to round out and generalize it. That would have worked fine for prestige classes coming from Strong, Fast or Tough hero backgrounds, but it did not work as well for Smart, Dedicated and Charismatic heroes. Without prerequisites, players are free to multi-class between the normal hero classes and the martial arts ones, but it is not required. Are they balanced? They are certainly more powerful in a melee environment. In social and intellectual situations and ranged combat they are much less effective. Talents are more powerful, but you get fewer of them and they often require action points. Feats are gained less frequently, but that's balanced by increasing melee damage. The skill lists are more restrictive. Stance is the big balance issue. It doesn't give too many special abilities, but it does give access to some very nice [Martial] feats. So, short answer to the balance question: no, they are not perfectly balanced. Due to specialization, they will be more or less effective depending on campaign emphasis. Of course, same could be said about a Smart or Charismatic hero. GM Note: You may notice this supplement makes no mention of specific fighting styles and what skills/feats you need to take for them. This is intentional, to encourage player creativity. Your players might all be students of the same Ninjitsu master, but they might still select very different sets of feats and skills. Some level of consistency is encouraged, though. For instance, all fencers should be able to use a sword. Justin an Erica now need to pick character classes. Justin has never wavered on his hard as nails character concept, so he chooses the Martial Arts Tough Hero. Raised on the street, his wolverine is a brawler, without a precisely trained technique. Expect him to favor feats such as brawl and power attack, and physical skills, as well as knowledge (streetwise) or (popular culture) for flavor. Erica wants a subtler character. She both wants to be able to easily fake out an opponent, and to subdue them, so the nerve strikes of Smart and the bluffing abilities of Dedicated are appealing. She decides she most needs the social skill sets, she starts with Martial Arts Charismatic Hero, trained in Juijitsu. Expect throwing and feinting feats for her, as well social and stealth skills. Profession (police officer) is also a must.)
Strength is the ability associated with this class. These heroes usually also have good scores in Constitution, Dexterity, and at least one nonphysical attribute.
Hit Die
MA Strong Heroes gain 1d8 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Strong Hero receives hit points equal to 8 + his or her constitution modifier.
Action Points
MA Strong Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The MA Strong heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (current events, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Swim (Str) Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Strong hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
At 2nd, 5th and 8th level, the MA Strong hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated.
Iron Hands Talent Tree These talents are for unarmed strikes only Focus: Spend an action point and a full round action, ignore the hardness of an inanimate object. Sunder: As Improved Sunder in the Players Handbook. Prerequisite: Focus Stunning Blow: Spend an action point, attach does no damage but has a chance of stunning your target for a round. DC 10 + Str modifier + MA Strong level. Prerequisite: Focus Inner Fire Talent Tree text here Ki Strike: Spend an action point and add your MA Strong level to damage for a single melee attack. Must be declared before the attack roll is made. Monkey Grip: Choose a specific weapon. You may wield that weapon at one size category larger than you without penalty. You can take this talent multiple times, each time you must choose a different weapon. Prerequisite: Ki Strike Table 2-1: Martial Arts Strong Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +1 +1 +0 2 +2 +2 +0 3 +3 +2 +1 4 +4 +3 +1 5 +5 +3 +1 6 +6/+1 +4 +2 7 +7/+2 +4 +2 8 +8/+3 +5 +2 9 +9/+4 +5 +3 10 +10/+5 +6 +3
Weapon Catch: If unarmed, the MA Strong Hero can attempt to catch an incoming attack. Spend an action point and make an attack roll, adding your MA Strong level. If you beat the attacker's roll, you catch the opponent's weapon. While held, both lose all dodge bonuses and combat expertise. If it was a weapon that was caught, it can be released as a free action by either side, otherwise only the catcher can release as a free action. Prerequisite: Ki Strike
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Strong hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Strong hero must meet any prerequisites. Archaic Weapon Proficiency (any), Athletic, Brawl, Cleave, Improved Charge, Knockout Punch, Living Weapon, Power Attack, Stance Focus, Stance Specialization.
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step
Defense Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5
Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Class Skills
The MA Fast heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (current events, history, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Dance) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex) Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier
Dexterity is the ability associated with this class. These heroes usually also have good scores in Charisma, Wisdom and Strength.
Hit Die
MA Fast Heroes gain 1d8 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Fast Hero receives hit points equal to 8 + his or her constitution modifier.
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Fast hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Action Points
MA Fast Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class. -13-
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
At 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the MA Fast hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated. Wire-Fu Talent Tree Defying the laws of physics for fun and entertainment. Leap: Remove length limitations, +MA Fast level to jump checks. Feather-Light: The Hero can balance on tree branches, swords, etc that shouldnt support your weight. Still need successful balance check. +MA Fast level to balance checks. Prerequisite: Leap Flying Kick: Spend an action point, and make a DC 15 jump check. A charge with at least 10 feet between you and the target has the same effect as spirited charge for a single attack. Prerequisite: Leap
Aerial Ballet: Spend an action point and receive + your MA Fast level. This bonus can be divided between attack and defense as desired. This bonus lasts 1 round. Prerequisite: Flying Kick Lightning Blade Talent Tree for the weapon-using flashy guys flurry of blow type stuff, Throw: Throw a light weapon, range increment 10 feet. Iajitsu: If weapon is sheathed, +4 to initiative for the first round only and +2 to attack and damage for the first attack. Prerequisite: Quick Draw feat Weapon Blur: Spend an action point. Attack is so fast your opponent counts as flat-footed. Prerequisite: Iajitsu
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Fast hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Fast hero must meet any prerequisites. Acrobatic, Archaic Weapon Proficiency (any), Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Defensive Martial Arts, Ground Fighting, Improved Trip, Kip-Up, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Stealthy, Understand Stance. Defense Bonus +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7 Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Table 2-2: Martial Arts Fast Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +0 +0 +1 2 +1 +0 +2 3 +2 +1 +2 4 +3 +1 +3 5 +3 +1 +3 6 +4 +2 +4 7 +5 +2 +4 8 +6/+1 +2 +5 9 +6/+1 +3 +5 10 +7/+2 +3 +6
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent
Class Skills
The MA Tough heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (current events, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis). Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier
Constitution is the ability associated with this class. Strength is also very important, followed by Charisma and Dexterity.
Hit Die
MA Tough Heroes gain 1d10 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Tough Hero receives hit points equal to 10 + his or her constitution modifier.
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Tough hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Action Points
MA Tough Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class. -14-
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
At 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the MA Tough hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated. Grapple Talent Tree enhanced grappling stuff pins, etc Grapple: As improved grapple in the Player's Handbook. Pin: You can pin someone as a move-equivalent action. Prerequisite: Grapple Wrestling Expertise: Add 1/2 your MA Tough level (rounded down) to all grappling checks. Prerequisite: Grapple Throw Talent Tree Related to grapples, ways to toss around your opponent after you have them. Throw: You can perform a Trip attack as a moveequivalent action on a grappled opponent. Additionally, if the trip attack is successful, you can take an attack of opportunity on your opponent. Prerequisite: Grapple Table 2-3: Martial Arts Tough Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +0 +1 +0 2 +1 +2 +0 3 +2 +2 +1 4 +3 +3 +1 5 +3 +3 +1 6 +4 +4 +2 7 +5 +4 +2 8 +6/+1 +5 +2 9 +6/+1 +5 +3 10 +7/+2 +6 +3 Will Save +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6
Pile Driver: Spend an Action Point, and an attempt to damage your opponent while grappled will automatically count as a critical if successful. Your opponent is released from the grapple after this attack. Prerequisite: Throw Ox Body Talent Tree Strength of the Ox: Spend an action point and receive 10/- damage reduction for a round. You cannot attack this round. Stubbornness of the Ox: Spend an action point and receive your MA Tough level in energy resistance for Con modifier rounds.
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Tough hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Tough hero must meet any prerequisites. Archaic Weapon Proficiency (any), Brawl, Confident, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Heroic Surge, Improved Brawl, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Damage Threshold, Maneuver: Close Quarters Fighting, Stance Focus, Toughness. Justin is a 1st level Martial Arts Tough hero. Having learned to fight through experience he chooses the Natural stance. Only thing left to choose at 1st level is a talent. Justin isn't interested in grappling his opponents, so he takes Strength of the Ox.
Special Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent
Defense Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5
Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Action Points
MA Smart Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The MA Smart heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcane lore, current events, history, popular culture, streetwise, tactics, theology and philosophy) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis) Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4 -15-
Intelligence is the ability associated with this class. These heroes usually also have good scores in Dexterity and Wisdom.
Hit Die
MA Smart heroes gain 1d6 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Smart hero receives hit points equal to 6 + his or her constitution modifier.
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Strong hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Nerve Strike +3d6: As above, except +3d6 Prerequisite: Nerve Strike +2d6 Unarmed Nerve Strike +4d6: Equivalent to rogue's sneak attack, except precision requires unarmed strikes. Prerequisite: Nerve Strike +2d6 Invigorate Talent Tree pinching nerve clusters that wake someone up, help them focus, get them back in the fight, etc. Energize: DC 15 check, d20 + Int modifier + MA Smart level, target gains +1 to attack and melee damage for Int modifier rounds. Recover: Spend an action point and make a DC 15 check, d20 + Int modifier + MA Smart level, target recovers xd6 non-lethal damage. x = 1/2 the MA Smart level rounded down. Prerequisites: Energize
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
At 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the MA Smart hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated. Nerve Strike Talent Tree Yay, sneak attacks. Nerve Strike +1d6: Equivalent to rogue's sneak attack in the player's handbook. Nerve Strike +2d6: As above, except +2d6 Prerequisite: Nerve Strike +1d6 Table 2-4: Martial Arts Smart Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +0 +0 +1 2 +1 +0 +2 3 +2 +1 +2 4 +3 +1 +3 5 +3 +1 +3 6 +4 +2 +4 7 +5 +2 +4 8 +6/+1 +2 +5 9 +6/+1 +3 +5 10 +7/+2 +3 +6 Will Save +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Smart hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Smart hero must meet any prerequisites. Archaic Weapon Proficiency (all), Attentive, Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Educated, Improvised Weapons, Low Profile, Second Stance, Studious, Study Stance, Two-Weapon Fighting. Defense Bonus +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Special Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent
Action Points
MA Dedicated heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The MA Dedicated heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (visual art, writing) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcane lore, art, current events, history, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis) Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4 -16-
Wisdom is the ability associated with this class. These heroes usually also have good scores in Dexterity, Charisma and Constitution.
Hit Die
MA Dedicated heroes gain 1d6 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Dedicated hero receives hit points equal to 6 + his or her constitution modifier.
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Dedicated hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
Second Sight Talent Tree The MA Dedicated's Zen-like approach leads to insights others miss. Awareness: Add 1/2 your MA Dedicated level to spot and listen checks. Poise: If unarmored, hero adds their wisdom modifier to their defense. Prerequisite: Awareness Intuitive Defense: Hero cannot be flanked Prerequisite: Awareness Weapon's Will Talent Tree text here Weapon and Spirit as One: As the Understand Stance feat. However, it can only be the wisdom modifier, and it applies to all stances the hero knows, not just one. Steel Wall: If fighting defensively, spend an action point and add 1/2 (rounded down) your MA Dedicated level to defense for Wis modifier rounds(minimum 1 round). You must continue to fight defensively for the duration. Prerequisites: Weapon and Spirit as One
At 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the MA Dedicated hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated. Inner Focus Talent Tree The MA Dedicated hero uses mind over body via meditation. Meditation: Meditating for 8 hours, the MA Dedicated hero triples their natural healing rate. Clear Mind: By spending a standard action, the MA Dedicated hero can ignore distractions to skill rolls for Wisdom modifier rounds. DM cannot apply circumstance penalties from external distractions or pain due to injuries. External physical penalties still apply. If someone attempts to bluff the hero, the hero receives a +MA Dedicated level to the sense motive check. Prerequisite: Meditation
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Dedicated hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Dedicated hero must meet any prerequisites. Alertness, Archaic Weapon Proficiency (any), Attentive, Blind-Fight, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Combat Throw, Iron Will, Second Stance, Two-Weapon Fighting, Understand Stance. Defense Bonus +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7 Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Table 2-5: Martial Arts Dedicated Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +0 +0 +0 2 +1 +0 +0 3 +1 +1 +1 4 +2 +1 +1 5 +2 +1 +1 6 +3 +2 +2 7 +3 +2 +2 8 +4 +2 +2 9 +4 +3 +3 10 +5 +3 +3
Will Save +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6
Special Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Second Stance bonus feat Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Talent
Charisma is the ability associated with this class. These heroes usually also have good scores in Dexterity and Intelligence.
Hit Die
MA Charismatic Heroes gain 1d6 hit points per level. The characters Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level MA Charismatic Hero receives hit points equal to 6 + his or her constitution modifier.
Action Points
MA Charismatic Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The MA Charismatic heros class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as follows (see d20 Modern Chapter 2 for skill descriptions). Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Dex), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, cultural events, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (act, dance) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis) Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with additional class skills to choose from. Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier
Banter: Spend an action point, opponent must make a Will save, DC 10 + Cha modifier + MA Charismatic level. If it fails, opponent is enraged, subtract the hero's Cha modifier from the target's defense for 1/2 MA Charismatic level rounds. Expert Feint: + MA Charismatic level to bluff checks for feint only. Tag: Declare an attack as a tag and spend an action point. If the attack is successful, opponent automatically subject to Banter, no save. Prerequisite: Banter Blade Dance Talent Tree Talents do not actually need a weapon, despite the name. Feather-light Touch: The MA Charismatic hero can take a minus to their damage up to their MA charismatic level, max -5. For each -1 they take, they get a +1 to damage. Minimum damage is still 1. Flashing Blade: + 1/2 MA Charismatic level to intimidate skill checks while wielding a weapon. One Strike, One Kill: A MA Charismatic spends an action point and a full attack. If the attack hits it is an automatic threat. Prerequisite: Feather-light Touch
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at 1st level, a MA Charismatic hero begins play with the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat.
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the MA Charismatic hero gains a bonus feat. The feat must be selected from the following list, and the MA Charismatic hero must meet any prerequisites. Agile Reposte, Archaic Weapon Proficiency (all), Combat Martial Arts, Deceptive, Elusive Target, Frightful Presence, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improvised Weapons, Maneuver: Flurry of Blows, Nimble, Quick Draw, Renown. Since Erica is 2nd level, she chooses to be a 1st level Martial Arts Charismatic Hero/ 1st level Martial Arts Smart Hero. She decides to have a Fluid stance, given her Juijitsu will focus on throwing opponents and using their strength against them. For talents she chooses Feather-light Touch to hit when she needs to, and Nerve Strike +1d6 to take off-guard opponents down quickly in a hostage situation. Defense Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the hero.
Stance is described immediately following the classes.
At 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the MA Charismatic hero selects a talent from the following trees. Some trees have a set order that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from. As long as a hero qualifies, you can select freely from and all talent trees. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated. Showmanship Talent Tree text here Table 2-6: Martial Arts Charismatic Hero Class Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 +0 +0 +1 2 +1 +0 +2 3 +2 +1 +2 4 +3 +1 +3 5 +3 +1 +3 6 +4 +2 +4 7 +5 +2 +4 8 +6/+1 +2 +5 9 +6/+1 +3 +5 10 +7/+2 +3 +6 Will Save +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6
Special Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent Stance +1, Bonus Feat Stance +1, Unarmed Damage +1 Step Stance +1, Talent
The new martial arts classes add a couple new abilities. The first thing a martial arts hero should decide on is their martial arts style. This is not just classical eastern styles, like Karate -18-
or Kung Fu, but could also include boxing, or weaponoriented fighting styles like Kendo or fencing.
All the new base martial arts classes get stances.
5 stances Water Fluid (defensive/throws) Air Light (speedy/jumping and flying kicks) Fire Erratic (deceptive/monkey/drunken) Wood Natural (intuitive/most animal styles) Metal Rigid (precise) Styles are not necessarily linked to specific stances. One Karate master may have a very straight-line hard hitting stance while another takes a more fluid approach. Table 2-7: Stance Abilities Level Bonus 1 Weapon slot 2 Focus 3 Weapon slot 4 5 Focus 6 Weapon slot 7 8 Focus 9 10 Weapon slot All bonuses: All stance bonuses apply only while in that stance. If a character has multiple stances, they must designate what stance they are in. Stance can be changed at the beginning of a character's turn as a free action. Weapon Slot A weapon slot determines what attacks you can use [Martial] feats with. Choose unarmed or a set of weapons (Archaic [Feudal,] Archaic [Japanese,] etc.). Unarmed included natural weapons. Important Note: This does not grant proficiency in the selected weapons. So, if you select Archaic [Feudal] as a weapon slot, you can use [Martial] feats with a halberd, but unless you have the feat Archaic Weapon Proficiency [Feudal], you will have a -4 to hit. A specific type can be selected multiple times, effects as follows. First time selected: Selected attack type is part of the stance. Only attacks that are part of a stance can use [Martial] feats. Second time selected: +1 to hit. This effect stacks with Weapon Focus or Stance Focus, not both. Third time selected: +1 to damage. This effect stacks with Weapon Specialization or Stance Specialization, not both. Fourth time selected: An additional +1 to damage. This gives a total of +2 to damage. This effect stacks with Weapon Specialization or Stance Specialization, not both. A 6th level character studying Ninjutsu has 3 weapon slot selections. The player selects Unarmed and Archaic Weapons [Japanese] for the 1st two slots, and then can choose to get a +1 to hit with unarmed attacks, or Japanese weapons. Any [Martial] feat selected could apply to unarmed or armed attacks, as long as the weapons used fell within the Archaic Weapon Proficiency [Japanese.] -19-
A 10th level fencing master has 4 weapon slot selections. Since the character only uses Archaic Weapons [Fencing], all 4 slots go toward fencing, giving a +1 to hit and +2 to damage. Any [martial] feat selected will only apply to fencing weapons. Focus Focuses are minor improvements to skills, saves or defense. They can be chosen multiple times but, with the exception of defense, must be applied to a different skill or save each time. Defense Bonus: +1 dodge bonus against a single target. Target can be changed at the beginning of the character's turn. If taken twice, can designate 2 different targets or the same target. Cannot be taken 3 times. Save Bonus: +1 stance bonus to a saving throw. Skill Bonus: +2 stance bonus to a skill. Must be appropriate to the character's fighting style i.e. Sleight of Hand would probably not be appropriate for a Thai Kickboxer.
Unarmed Strikes
All martial arts classes improve in unarmed, different classes improve at different rates. Every level a martial arts hero receives the ability Unarmed Damage +1 Step, their unarmed damage goes up by a level. This does not effect natural weapons. Also, an unarmed attack still provokes an attack of opportunity unless the hero has an appropriate feat. However, these damage improvements are cumulative with any unarmed feat that provides Base damage for a medium unarmed humanoid is 1d3 non-lethal damage. That goes up to 1d4 lethal or non-lethal with the Combat Martial Arts Feat, and 1d6 non-lethal with the Brawl feat. Table 2-8: T 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 Damage by size S M 1d2 1d3 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d10 2d6 L 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 3d6 H 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 3d8 4d8
A 3rd level MA Fast hero has +1 step. This character has the Combat Martial Arts Feat. Damage progression is 1d4 -> 1d6. Unarmed strikes do 1d6 lethal or non-lethal damage. This character does not provoke an attack of opportunity when fighting unarmed. A 2nd level MA Strong/3rd level MA Smart hero has +2 steps. This character has the Brawl feat. Damage progression is 1d6 -> 1d8 ->1d10. Unarmed strikes do 1d10 non-lethal damage. However, they still provoke an attack of opportunity.
This section is only for defining what current occupations are available to mutant animals and adding a few new ones for them. Below are a couple quick sample settings involving the new mutant animal race.
Low-profile game Mutant animals are not known to the public. General response would be fear and distrust, with a few rare exceptions. Animals likely to be accidental and raised on their own, or top secret lab experiments. The few people that do befriend animals will need to keep them shielded from publicity. Most common occupations will be unavailable to mutant animals. Optional setting rule: Add Disguise as an available skill to any occupation a mutant animal takes. Available Occupations: Athlete Creative Criminal Emergency Services Lab Animal Martial Arts Student Military Rural Street Urchin Student Wild Animal Animals as Tools Mutant animals are known to the public, and used in jobs where human lives are seen as too much at risk or mutant animals provide a cheaper resource. There are few/no rights for mutant animals beyond what pets have now. Depending on play-style, perhaps even worse. There are animal-rights activists who will try to protect mutant animal rights, allowing a few more occupations for animals. Available Occupations: Athlete Blue Collar Creative Criminal Emergency Services Lab Animal Law Enforcement Martial Arts Student Military Religious Rural Street Urchin Student
Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Knowledge (Earth and life sciences, Physical Sciences, or Technology), Listen, Move Silently, Spot Bonus Feat: Select either Improved Damage Threshold or Toughness. Wealth Bonus Increase: +0
Street Urchin
A Street Urchin has been forced to live as best he/she can in the city. Without home, family or connections, the Street Urchin lives by scavenging in trash cans, begging, anything to make it to the next day. Prerequisite: Age 10+ Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If the skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (Popular Culture or Streetwise), Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival Wealth Bonus Increase: +0
Wild Animal
Whether mutated by an industrial accident or simply a natural mutation, the Wild Animal has lived its entire life in the wild. It has very limited knowledge of the human world. Prerequisite: Mutant Animal Skills: Choose four of the following skills as permanent class skills. If the skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Navigate, Spot, Survival, Swim Bonus Feat: Select either Alertness or Tracking. Disadvantage: Does not read/write automatically, read/write is never a class skill. Wealth: 0 (do not roll)
New Occupations
These will likely be available to mutant animals no matter what the environment, a possible exception being an anthropomorphic universe, where everyone is an mutant animal.
Lab Animal
Raised from birth as a lab experiment, a Lab Animal has no real exposure to the outside world and a very poor experience with humans. Prerequisite: Mutant Animal Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If the skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. -20-
Optional Rule: Team training If a group of characters have been raised together, training in the same Dojo, worked on in the same lab, etc., they could have worked together closely for years and will get benefits for that experience. This benefit can only be applied at character creation. The characters need to meet the following criteria: Same race (including same animal type and MP selection) Same occupation Same approximate age Same background for the last few years The last two are of course a GM judgement call. Possible examples: mutant animals in hiding raised by a ninjitsu master, cop partners who've worked together for years, a sentai team. Benefits: For every character on the team (minimum 2), everyone can apply +2 to a skill. Everyone must apply the +2 to the same skill. Alternately, they can drop 2 +2 skill modifiers and gain a feat. Again, everyone gains the same feat, and they must meet the prerequisites. Example: 3 players decide their high school characters have been training at the same dojo since elementary school. It's a kickboxing dojo with a very physical training regime. The players want Power Attack, but they do not all have 13+ strength, so they instead choose +2 to balance, climb and jump checks.
The table below details feats that are not allowed if you have certain animal characteristics. Anything with an NA next to it is not available. Table 3-1: Feat Restrictions Feat Acrobatic Aircraft Operation Alertness Animal Affinity Archaic Weapon Prof Armor (light) Armor (medium) Armor (heavy) Athletic Attentive Blind-Fight Brawl Improved Brawl Knockout Punch Improved KO Punch Streetfighting Improved Feint Builder Cautious Combat Expertise Improved Disarm Improved Trip Whirlwind Attack Combat Martial Arts Imp Combat MA Adv Combat MA Combat Reflexes Confident Creative Deceptive Defensive MA Combat Throw Imp Combat Throw Elusive Target Unbalance Opponent Dodge Agile Riposte Mobility Spring Attack Drive-By Attack Educated Endurance Exotic Melee Weapon Far Shot Dead Aim Focused Frightful Presence Gearhead Great Fortitude Guide Heroic Surge Hands None Partial NA Bipedal None Partial NA Feat Imp Damage Threshold Improved Initiative Iron Will Lightning Reflexes Low Profile Medical Expert Meticulous Nimble Personal FA Advanced Firearms Burst Fire Exotic Firearms Strafe Point Blank Shot Double Tap Precise Shot Shot on the Run Skip Shot Power Attack Cleave Great Cleve Imp Bull Rush Sunder Quick Draw Quick Reload Renown Run Simple Weapon Prof Stealthy Studious Surface Vehicle Op Surgery Toughness Track Trustworthy Two-Weapon Fighting Imp Two-Weapon Adv Two-Weapon Vehicle Expert Force Stop Vehicle Dodge Weapon Finesse Weapon Focus Windfall Hands None Partial Bipedal None Partial
* Weapon Finesse could only apply to natural weapons for a mutant animal with partial or none for hands.
New Feats
Included below is a list of new feats. You will notice the include a bracketed qualifier after them, for instance [General]. These are not used in d20 Modern. This is for two reasons. 1) If a GM wants to convert these feats to D&D, the identifier is already there. 2) Something was needed to differentiate Martial feats. What are Martial feats? Martial feats apply when someone is in a stance. Therefore, all Martial feats come with the prerequisite: any stance. Unless they specifically say so, they are not limited to a single stance, so if someone can switch stances, they can use a martial feat in any stance.
Benefit: You can make unarmed attacks even if their hands are full. Elbows, knees, feet, head are all valid weapons. Also, no unarmed attack counts as an off-hand attack. Finally, your unarmed attacks now do 1d6 damage.
Feral [General]
The mutant animal is closer to its animal roots than most. Prerequisites: Mutant animal, 1st level character. Benefit: +1 MP during character generation.
Kip-Up [General]
Descriptive Text Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: You can stand up as a free action. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity. Normal: It takes a move-equivalent action to stand and it provokes an attack of opportunity.
Prerequisite: any stance, base attack bonus +1 Benefit: With the selected stance, you may choose either your Dexterity modifier or Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength modifier to apply to attack rolls. You must choose Dexterity or Wisdom at character generation, you cannot change it later. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you must select a different stance.
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