Bonefire Night
Bonefire Night
Bonefire Night
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, is a celebration of the United Kingdom, held on November the 5 th. o know the reason why this celebration is so im!ortant to the U.K. we need to go back in time to the "# hundreds, when King $ames % ruled &ngland.
'ince the King was !rotestant, there were grou!s of catholic !eo!le who were dissatisfied about it and tried to take action on the matter. (ne of these grou!s, leaded by )obert *atesby, !lanned to blow u! the +ouse of ,ords during the 'tate (!ening of &ngland-s .arliament on November 5 th "#/5, and kill King $ames to re!lace him with a *atholic one. his !lan was latter known as 0 he
Gun!owder !lot1 !recisely because they were !lanning to do this using gun!owder.
Guy Fawkes was one of the many !eo!le that were involved in the !lot, but he was one of the most im!ortant !arts of the !lan because he was in charge of the e2!losives. Unfortunately to the traitors of the crown, there was an infiltrated in their !lot who warned the authorities about the !lan. 3uring a search of the +ouse of ,ords at about midnight on 4 November "#/5, Fawkes was discovered guarding 5# barrels of gun!owder and was arrested. he very ne2t day, Fawkes was tortured and burned in a bonfire due to his attem!t against the King. o celebrate the fact that the King $ames % survived the attem!t on his life, !eo!le lit fireworks around ,ondon. his made of the 5th November "#/5, the first year of celebrating those facts.
ime later, Gun!owder treason 3ay, as it was known, became a mayor celebration in &ngland. he main attractions are the fireworks, but !eo!le also make effigies re!resenting Guy Fawkes 6or in more recent years, re!resenting the most hated character of the year, like the !o!e, other catholic figures, and even 7argaret hatcher8 which are burned in the bonfires, and of course there are some ty!ical dishes which consist of offee 9!!les, Baked !otatoes, and .arkin *ake. (ther foods include sausages cooked over the flames and marshmallows toasted in the fire.