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Bulletin Jan 25-14

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WORSHIP HOUR 8:30 AM **11:30 AM

Praise & Worship..Rixon, Michael, Rico & Daniel

**Team 1

ou *eme t!

(o ifi!a ions
1. 4O(I%H46 The ann,al )h.r!h 3.siness mee in- for he 7018 3.#-e an% 8lan! 5ill ta'e 8lace a 9:30 pm. De8artmental lea%er!, 8lea!e !,0mit #o,r 8lan! to the trea!,rer $%5in :n#an o a! the 3inance *ommittee 5ill 0e 8re8arin 8lan! +or ;01< an% 0e#on%. ;. *hil%ren=! *h,rch T:DA7 5ith the Theme4 >&onah an% the /hale" 9 (rimar#4 San%i & Da#na? &,nior4 @mmac,lee.

Hymn of Praise...............Trust and Obey..........#590 In er!essory Prayer..Max Mantri **Kirmane Allen

Mission o "on#on$ Area %o&ernmen Represen a i&es' (or heas ern )onferen!e
(e* Wee+: Hospi a,i y in marria-es an# fami,ies' So. hern (e/ 0n-,an# )onferen!e

L. )i r.s 2r.i s : (lea!e note that 5e are to remit 8a#ment! to .ol%en Mar)e!t 3r,it *o. a+ter +r,it! are %eli)ere% to ,!. /e ,r e tho!e o+ #o, 5ho or%ere% +r,it! to 8ic',8 imme%iatel# an% ha)e 8a#ment ma%e, !o 5e in t,rn, can 8a# .ol%en Mar)e!t imme%iatel#. @ 8re+er to 0e in+orme% o+ all 8a#ment! ma%e. *heH,e! can 0e ma%e to the ch,rch +or the +r,it!, 0,t not a! a %onation. @+ in %o,0t, i)e 8a#ment to *ameron. Remem0er, i+ he i! not in+orme%, it mean! #o, ha)e not 8ai% +or the +r,it!. 9. S005S O(4ARIO 9 )h.r!h P,an in)onferen!e +or all intere!te% in 8lantin ne5 ch,rche!K 3ri%a# e)enin an% Sat,r%a# all %a#$ 2e<r.ary 78:Mar!h 1, ;01< at the Do5n!)ie5 ch,rch, locate% at A2 Ba'er!+iel% St, Do5n!)ie5, J.reater Toronto areaI. @t 5ill 0e !8on!ore% 0# o,r ch,rch ro5th %e8artment a! 5e are 8re8arin +or a ne5 ch,rch 8lant in /e!t Bon%on. @+ #o, 8lan to atten% or intere!te% to ta'e a 8art in thi! e++ort, 8lea!e !8ea' to 8a!tor Alex, or an# o+ the el%er!, in or%er to re i!ter. 10. @+ #o,r 0irth%a# i! not incl,%e% in the 0,lletin an% #o, 5o,l% li'e ,! to mention it, 8lea!e contact Barri! Bi ! 5ith #o,r in+ormation. 11. Do #o, ha)e a !i ni+icant occa!ion that #o, 5o,l% li'e to cele0rate6 @+ !o, 8lea!e con!i%er %onatin a +loral arran ement to the !anct,ar#, 5hich 5ill allo5 the ch,rch +amil# to ac'no5le% e, !hare an% cele0rate the !8ecial moment 5ith #o,. 7o,r i+t 5o,l% 0e mo!t 5elcome%. 1;. 2or a,, he e&en s on he !h.r!h !a,en#ar, 0oo'in o+ the +ello5!hi8 hall, an% mini!tr# 8lannin 8lea!e contact San%i R,!e' san#ir.se+?ho mai,@!om

)hi,#ren1s S ory............................................**Simone Bi

! A. (ath+in%er *l,0 meet! tomorro5 &an,ar# ;1th, at 10 am. <. @n)itin ABB to o,r mi#:/ee+ !h.r!h ser&i!e on We#nes#ay ni ht at ; pm. @t i! a time +or 8ra#er, %ee8er Bi0le !t,%#, an% te!timonie!. 5. T:DA7 C Reli io,! Bi0ert# $m8ha!i!4 *hri!tianit# ha! !,++icient inner !tren th to !,r)i)e an% +lo,ri!h on it! o5n. @t %oe! not nee% !tate !,0!i%ie!, nor !tate 8ri)ile e!, nor !tate 8re!ti e. The more it o0tain! !tate !,88ort, the reater it c,rtail! h,man +ree%om. DS,8reme *o,rt &,!tice /. :. Do, la!D 1. O.r /ee+,y 3i<,e S .#ies /i,, !on in.e (e* Sa<<a h$ 2e<r.ary 1s $ 5ith a E,e!tionDAn!5er +or,m le% by elders. Fe5 !,0Gect! 5ill 0e intro%,ce% a! 5e contin,e thi! %ialo ,e in ;01<. /e 5elcome #o,r H,e!tion! an% !, e!tion o+ to8ic! +or !t,%#. 3or more %etail! !ee the !che%,le in the +o#er. 2. The next )h.r!h )o.n!i, =3oar# meetin I 5ill ta'e 8lace on S.n#ay$ 2e<r.ary > h a 8:30 AM Jmornin KI at o,r ch,rch hall. (lea!e !hare #o,r 8lan! +or the a en%a 5ith 8a!tor.

Offerin-........"Religious Liberty.. Kath# Ra#ner **$l%er &ac' (olihrono) Spe!ia, M.si!..*li++ M,nro **-ane!!a Bell S!rip .re.....Malachi 1:6-14..........Rixon & Rico .,ltom **&eremiah /il!on & Mar#&ane .i0!on

Pas or A,e* %o,o&en+o 2ami,y Money

Hymn of )ommi men .We Gi e Thee !ut Thine O"n.....#120

3ene#i! ion.......$l%er .or% Ra#ner **$l%er Tere!a 3erreira **SECOND SERVICE

5is!ip,in- )hi,#ren
Memory Text4 Do #o, hear 5hat the!e chil%ren are !a#in 6 the# a!'e% him. 7e!, re8lie% &e!,!, ha)e #o, ne)er rea%, 3rom the li8! o+ chil%ren an% in+ant! #o, ha)e or%aine% 8rai!e6 (Matthew 21:16, NIV). The *h,rch at St,%# 9 10400 a.m. to 11400 a.m. S.perin en#en : $l%er Mi'e Keim Su !et To"ay: #:2$ %&m& Next wee': #:(6 %&m

0&en s
1A. The MealthD*M@( De8artment i! o++erin a Dinner an% a Mo)ie on S,n%a#, &an,ar# ;1 h a 8:30 PM@ 4he !os of his f.n#raiser is A10@00 per a#., an# AB@00 for !hi,#ren a-e ; o 17$ !hi,#ren 9 an# .n#er is free@ 4he mo&ie /e /i,, <e sho/in- is

C2oo# In!@D an inspirin- fi,m a<o. hea, h@ P,ease inform Ea hy or %or# if yo. are p,annin- o a en#@ 1<. @+ #o, or #o,r +rien%! are o)er 55 an% 5o,l% li'e to Goin o,r .ol%en A e *l,0, 5e are 8lannin a mall 5al'in mornin at Ma!on)ille mall on Th,r!%a#, &an,ar# A0th, at 9 AM !har8. /e 5ill 0e meetin at entrance #1. The mall ha! a !ec,re area +or coat! an% 0oot!. @+ #o,=% li'e a chance to !ocialiNe 5hile 5al'in in a !a+e an% 5arm en)ironment, thi! co,l% 0e a reat o88ort,nit# +or #o,. @+ there i! eno, h intere!t, thi! co,l% 0ecome a re ,lar acti)it#, an% 5e co,l% al!o loo' into )i!itin other mall! a! 5ell. (lea!e !ee Don To88er or mem0er! o+ the SeniorO! Mini!tr# +or more in+ormation. 15. Do #o, 5ant to ma'e #o,r oo% marria e reat, or learn ho5 to im8ro)e #o,r +la in relation!hi86 Then the ,8comin , <C !e!!ion recor%e% !eminar 0# Mar' .,n or C"AU%H FOUR WAF 4O A 30440R MARRIA%0G i! G,!t 5hat #o, nee%. The +ir!t !e!!ion i! on 3e0r,ar# 1!t at 14A0 (M at the ch,rch. Do in)ite #o,r marrie% +rien%! to thi! notC to 0e mi!!e% e)ent. 11. Ba%ie!, the /omenO! Mini!tr# Monthl# (ra#er Brea'+a!t 5ill 0e hel% the +ir!t S,n%a# o+ each month commencin 3e0r,ar# ;, ;01< at 9400 AM in the 3ello5!hi8 Mall. /e 5ill 0e !t,%#in the 0oo' Ste8! to *hri!t. *ome let ,! ro5 to ether in comm,nit# a! 5e !er)e each other.

Reclaiming the lost

3 am re)lecting on the recent Church 6oard e ion a "e di cu ed "hat i im*ortant )or our church. +o matter "hich goal "e con idered all con,er ation returned to one to*ic 9 trengthening the )amily: re,i,ing the )amily li)e: hel*ing )amilie to co*e "ith *re ure o) li)e. Family .i)e i et a our to* *riority )or re,i,al and tran )ormation; #e it through education: or community outreach 9 )amily ,alue : and trong )amilie in the core o) our church are e ential. 3 in,ited you all to con ider #i6lical teaching on the Church a the Family o) &od. The relation hi* : not <u t *rogram or e,ent : %=.0T37+S/3-S; 9 taking time to ,i it: to talk: to li ten: to hel* 9 T3M= *ent together i the key )or healing relation hi* and )amilie . Thi "eek 3 took time to re,ie" the material )rom the recent ummit on retention o) church mem6er : the )ir t e,er e,ent on thi to*ic held at our church "orld-"ide head>uarter . 7nly 1 di,i ion ?out o) '3@ re*orted on a**roache taken. +orth 0merican re*ort "a mi ing: a "e are reluctant in the +orth 0merica to addre thi u6<ect 9 auditing our mem6er hi*: and reconnecting "ith tho e "ho to**ed attending the church )amily gathering . Follo"ing "ere li ted a the mo t e))ecti,e method )or reconnecting "ith *eo*leA -ri,ate ,i it at home 6y )riend )rom the church -a toral ,i itation 7ngoing )riend hi* and ,i iting during the "eek 7))icial ,i it 6y elder o) the church The e are "ay o) getting *eo*le to re-,i it: to come 6ack. #ut: to kee* them: )or retention: )or the taying *o"er it take more. Small &rou* )or *iritual gro"th and relation hi* 6uilding i the to* *ractice in retention: and B.. the mo t ucce )ul method re*orted 9 healthy )amilie in churche a mediating )actor; When *eo*le come and ee that Chri tC *re ence in the Church community change )amilie : make )amilie "ell: im*ro,e )amilie )rom 6eing dy )unctional to 6ecoming lo,ing: caring and *eace)ul 9 it i the greate t "itne and inter,ention *o i6le; 3t i not an ea y D>uick )i8:E im*ro,ing our )amilie . 3t i a *roce needing time: determination and commitment. 3t i a change o) character 6y /oly S*irit: and it mu t 6egin 6y admitting that "e need hel*: 6y not co,ering u* and *retending that e,erything i 72: 6ut 6y eeking hel*. -ride tand in the "ay o) healthy )amilie . 3t i only "ith humility o) con idering other : li)ting other u* and allo"ing the

3ir h#ay Wishes for Han.ary 3r#:2e<r.ary 8 h

Jan 3 Valdemar Ferreira
Jan 5 Mark-Shane Scale

Jan 5 Sheena Teague Jan 6 Cathy Wood Jan 7 Ca ey !a" on Jan 7 #arry #eckle Jan $ %ico &ultom Jan '( So)ia &a *ar Jan '( Marilyn +icotera

Jan '( Tre,or -almateer Jan '( .illy Somer Jan '5 #etty /a kell Jan '5 0natoli &olo,enko Jan '1 &a,in %eid-2indne Jan '1 +ola %ee,e Jan '$ 3,an 2a ule Jan 4' Maria Carreiro Jan 45 0li ha Sealy

Jan 47 -at Thom* on Fe6 4 Sarah-Marie Scale Fe6 4 Jo e*h 7"u u06a6io Fe6 3 Mo e 7nyango Fe6 7 0le8 &olo,enko Fe6 1 -aula Ferreira&a *ar Fe6 1 !a"n William


P,ease sen# a,, <.,,e in re,a e# informa ion <y W05(0S5AF >:00 p@m@ o ,arris@<i--s?-mai,@!om

community to kee* u accounta6le: that thi *roce makeo,er may 6egin.

o) )amily

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko

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