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IA453 The Entrepreneur WINTER, 2013-14 Test # 2 Tom Mason

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SAMPLE EXAM IA453 The Entrepreneur TEST # 2 WINTER, 2013-14 Tom Mason 4 !

I. Answer each of the following with JUST ONE SENTENCE ". #h$ are e%ec&ti'e s&((aries so i()ortant*

+. #hat is (eant ,$ the )hrase -ser'ant lea.ershi)/*

0. #h$ are transactions costs i()ortant for entre)rene&rshi) an. inno'ation*

4. #hat (a1es an inno'ation ra.ical or .isr&)ti'e*

2. #h$ are the 2 C3s for cre.it &sef&l for .e'elo)ing ,&siness )lans*

4. #h$ are networ1 e%ternalities i()ortant to co((&nication inno'ations*

5. #hat was one )oint that Marshall 6ol.s(ith (a.e a,o&t tea( ,&il.ing witho&t ti(e wasting*

7. #hat is one (a8or .ifference ,etween an S9Cor)oration an. an LLC*

:. #hat is the .ifference ,etween a &tilit$ )atent an. a .esign )atent*

" . #h$ are there li(its to 8&st following the -'oice of the c&sto(er/ when .e'elo)ing )ro.&cts*

II.. Answer TWO 2! of the following with a )aragra)h ;"2 9+


0 !

". Use what $o& ha'e learne. fro( rea.ings an. class .isc&ssion an. Craig =oe.er3s 'isit to .escri,e the .e'elo)(ent of an i.eal tea(. #hat can $o& .o if the tea( lac1s i()ortant characteristics*

+. #hat lessons ha'e $o& learne. a,o&t .escri,ing $o&r inno'ati'e )ro.&ct or ser'ice*

0. #hat are the t$)es of intellect&al )ro)ert$ )rotection tools a'aila,le to an entre)rene&r> an. how sho&l. she choose a(ong the(*

Answer ONE 1! of the following with an essa$ ;4



0 !

A. Use what $o& ha'e learne. fro( $o&r rea.ings an. fro( class .isc&ssions to .isc&ss the (a8or co()onents of a ,&siness )lan an. the o,8ecti'es that each is tr$ing to co((&nicate to the rea.er. OR
@. Aisc&ss the (ost i()ortant lessons $o& ha'e learne. a,o&t .e'elo)ing new )ro.&cts for s&ccess in the (ar1et)lace.

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