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The Boltzmann Machine

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The Boltzmann Machine

Similarities to Hopfield Networks 1. state values +1, 1 !. wei"hts s#mmetric $. unit selected at random %. no self feed&ack 'ifferences with Hopfield Networks 1. Boltzmann permits hidden neurons !. Boltzmann uses stochastic neurons $. Hopfield unsupervised while Boltzmann ma# operate supervised

Boltzmann Machine terminolo"# o o o o hidden, visi&le clamped, operatin" freel# trainin"( input output thermal e)uili&rium

Basic *peration select neuron at random update stochasticall# pro&+s, - s,. / 10+1+e1p+ delat23,0T. 4lamped and free pro&a&ilities( 5+alpha and 5 alpha 3ner"# for s, - s,. pro&+s, - s,. / 10+1+e1p+!s,v,0T. *perates like a stochastic neuron

No self feed&ack 2. e1ternal threshold theata, +s6 / 1. N 3. ! states thermal e)uili&rium Boltzmann 'istri&uti

5alpha / 107 e1p+ 3alpha0T. o 7 / ... o for lar"e T all states are e)uipro&a&le o as T -6 onl# states with minimum ener"# level have non zero pro&a&ilit# o coarse search - fine search o constraint satisfaction( weak constraints The Boltzmann 8earnin" 9ule hidden neurons act as feature detectors state / visi&le0hidden +alpha 0 &eta. !: choices for alpha !8 choices for &eta, where 8 / N : N.B. te1t sa#s alpha runs from 1 to !: 4lamped 5ro&a&ilit#( 5+alpha / ... 9unnin" free pro&a&ilit#( 5 alpha / ... actual 0desired pro&a&ilities relative entrop# "radient descent method 4orrelations

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