Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 10th 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 10th 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 10th 2014 High School
Monday Wear FBLA T-Shirt & Performance Night Receive a doughnut from Mrs. Mason for wearing your FBLA Sheet Tuesday-Business Appreciation Day Help prepare thank you bags during intervention Wednesday-Teacher Appreciation Day Help deliver cookies to the teachers during intervention Thursday-March of Dimes Collection Collect money from Penny wars Collect change at lunch Friday-District Competition Bus leaves at 7:45 a.m. Wear official business dress Bring money for Pizza Hut afterwards BASEBALL: No hitting today after school. BASEBALL: Meeting during intervention on Wednesday in the health room. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO save your high school memories with the 2014 yearbook. Yearbooks are on sale until Monday, February 10th. Yearbooks are $25 and $30 for a name stamped book. Remember that after February 10th yearbook prices will increase to $30 and name stamped books will NOT be for sale. For more information contact a yearbook staff member of Mrs. Mason. Seniors that want the MFA scholarship application in PDF form need to see Mrs. Youse so she can email it to you. MONDAY all Junior girls meet in the library and TUESDAY all Junior boys meet in the library to discuss Boy/Girls State. Hart Career Center's Open House on Wednesday, February 26th from 5 - 8 p.m. JUNIOR HIGH:
JH Valentine Dance: 6th -8th Grade. February 13th from 7:00-9:00 at the elementary cafeteria. Sign up out of town dates in the office.
Baseball t-shirt orders are due THURSDAY. Forms can be picked up from Coach Fible. FCA is helping with distribution at the food bank Tuesday February 11th from 3:45 - 6:00 P.M.. We need 6-8 workers, grades 7-12 or adults. Please sign up with Mrs. Ensor, Stephen Hammond, or Hannah Bartels.
TEACHERS & STAFF: Supervision this week: AMJH: Forrest AMHS: Fox 1st Lunch: D. Rinz 2nd Lunch: Waston 3rd Lunch: Ensor Supervision next week: AMJH: Fox AMHS: Freitag 1st Lunch: J. Rinz 2nd Lunch: Fible 3rd Lunch: Freitag UPCOMING ACTIVITIES:
February 2-10 2-13 2-14 2-17 2-25 Conference Band @ Fayette 5:30 FBLA Performance Practice Night for District Competition (held at PHS 12:30 Early Out Parent Teacher Conferences 7:00 JH Valentine Dance No School 8:30 FBLA District Competition at MACC in Moberly bus leaves at 7:45 a.m School in session for a snow make up day 10:22 MWSU rep visit