Apush 1920s
Apush 1920s
Apush 1920s
Useless items are being bought with money that does not even exist. Unfortunately many The 1920s so far has been a great year for hopeful americans believe that by investing their money they will get rich quick. The employees throughout the US. It seems that source of the debt is actually is mainly due to wages have gradually increased for the all the stock market investment. In fact there average worker as the months pass. Even so was a 40 percent increase of stock market the debt of homeowners have increased investments this year. A get rich quick idea is dramatically. More and more Americans are spreading throughout America like wildfire. buying things off of credit. One popular The age of credit spending and mass debt phrase that has come of this is buy it now, pay it back later. Yet the debt increases only must come to an end. goes to shows that the money is not being payed back. Experts say this will inevitably lead an economic crash which will leave many people in poverty. Also they suspect that the middle class will be most affected by a economic depression and will have to find new ways to survive. They estimate that about one out of every four workers and their families will be homeless in only a matter of time. Thus they are recommending that you be wise and only get loans that you know you can pay back. Also that the loans be used for important things like buying a house you can afford. On average consumer spending has also increased exponentially.
A Blooming Economy
the increase of people able to spend money and stimulate our economy. Laissez faire economics is the cause of such a great rising of our economic status as the United States of America. The effects can be seen in both a large scale and at a small scale. On a big scale, the United States is starting to emerge as a world power because laissez faire economics has brought increased means of production in arms and defenses. Factories are able to switch their production of good into thr production of weapons and things for war. Along with the loans given out allied powers in The Great War, the United States is gaining an economy that is growing.
On a smaller scale, laissez faire economics has improved the living of many of the Americans today. Without laissez faire economics being implemented, there would have not been a boom and not many people spending. Laissez faire economics has cause a chain reaction that has a Our president, Warren G. Harding, is supporting this idea of laissez faire economics beneficial impact to our economy. The more the people and as a result it can be seen that more people spend and the more people that are able to work allows for money to circulate, therefore having a big impact in our have money to spend. The people tend to economy today. As a journalist I try to show what is going spend more and stimulates the economy. It looks like our economy is in a very good state on and I can tell that not much wrong is occurring. All that is visible is the growth of the United States. and we can all see the result of laissez faire economics in our society. Everybody is spending and buying new things. We have come to call this decade the "Roaring Twenties" because of the increase in jobs and
The image above depicts the widespread support of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920s. These KKK parades took place in the southern part of the US where they were much more dominant. It was much easier for the KKK to have more support in areas like Alabama, georgia, and other southern states because that was where most of the nativist, conservative, protestant, and racist americans were located. Things like the Jim Crow laws which were present since the end of the Civil war to restrict the freedoms of African Americans in the south are examples of why the KKK was so easily supported. Klansmen were notorious for their lynching of any people that were not white or protestant but their victims were most often blacks. African americans were terrorized, tortured, and killed only because of the fact that they were seen as inferior. The Klan also went against any type of radical thinkers who looked to reform the injustices in government. They saw these reformers as a danger to their power and white supremacy.
The passage of the 19th Amendment seems to have brought with it several unforeseeable repercussions, the nations youth, empowered by their right to vote have begun to challenge the norms of society at alarming rates. Young urban women have taken to cutting their hair short and hiking up skirts to heights that are appalling to many, including Edith Prior, the mother of a selftitled flapper. When asked about her daughters lifestyle choices she remarked, I simply do not know where I went wrong, I taught her to be a respectable
nation-wide. They simply do not understand what their daughters call good fun, as Beatrice Prior (daughter of Edith) shared, We [flappers] are simply trying to place ourselves on the same playing field as men. Jazz and liquor can make any woman feel as empowered as any common Joe.
Protestant woman. She has begun to rebel against everything that taught her growing up. She smokes, drinks liquor, and goes out to jazz clubs and returns in the early hours of the morning smelling like mens cologne. I thank the heavens her father is not alive to see this. Mrs. Priors concerns about her daughters flapper life are being felt by mothers
FEB. 19 1924
Radicals Civilians!
An organization called the Ku Klux Klan that began after the abolishment of slavery is now, again, on the rise. Their narrow-minded, oblivious ideology that anyone who is not a white protestant must be somehow eliminated. This fascist organization has been estimated to have 5 million members. They would beat, flog, burn, and even murder anyone who isnt like them, including immigrants. This shows some Americans distaste for progress.