By Dr. Preston Bailey Oh Heavenly Father, I su !it !ysel" un#er your authority an# $lai! all your %o&er an# 'ra$e. I $lai! y "aith the %ro!ise o" Isaiah ()*+, that no &ea%on "or'e# a'ainst !e &ill %revail. I %ray that you &oul# stren'then !e e$ause !y heart is "ully $o!!itte# to You -. Chroni$les +/*01. I %ray an# !a2e inter$ession an# than2s'ivin' "or everyone33 "or 2in's an# all those in authority, that &e !ay live %ea$e"ul an# 4uiet lives in all 'o#liness an# holiness -+ Ti! .*+3.1. I than2 you that You are !y re"u'e an# !y "ortress, !y 5o#, in &ho! I trust -Ps 0+*.1. I than2 you that you &ill e !y shiel# an# ra!%art -Ps 0+*(1. I than2 you that I #o not have to "ear the terror o" ni'ht. I than2 you that you &ill $o!!an# your an'els to 'uar# !e in all your &ays -Psal! 0+*++1. I love you 6or# an# I than2 you that you &ill res$ue an# %rote$t !e -Ps 0+*+)1 an# &ill e &ith !e in trou le. I $lai! y "aith that Christ in !e is 'reater than the one &ho is in the &orl# -+ 7ohn )*)1. I than2 you that you &ill res$ue !e "ro! the %resent evil a'e -5alatians +*)1. I than2 you that you have res$ue# !e "ro! the #o!inion o" #ar2ness an# rou'ht !e into the 2in'#o! o" the 8on -Collossians +*+91. I than2 you that I &ill over$o!e the &orl# throu'h !y "aith -+ 7ohn (*)1 an# e$ause I elieve that 7esus is the 8on o" 5o# -+ 7ohn (*(1. I than2 you that the 8%irit o" the 6ORD &ill rest on !e33 the 8%irit o" &is#o! an# o" un#erstan#in', the 8%irit o" $ounsel an# o" %o&er, the 8%irit o" 2no&le#'e an# o" the "ear o" the 6ORD33 -Is ++*.1. I %ray that you &oul# anoint !e to %rea$h 'oo# ne&s to the %oor, sen# !e to in# u% the ro2enhearte#: to %ro$lai! "ree#o! "or the $a%tives an# release "ro! #ar2ness the %risoners -Is /+*+1. I than2 you that I a! a %riest an# !inister o" the 6ORD -Is /+*/1. I $lai! a #ou le %ortion o" !y inheritan$e an# everlastin' ;oy -Is /+*,1. I $lai! y "aith that you &ill ranso! !e unhar!e# "ro! the attle &a'e# a'ainst !e -Ps ((*+<1. I $ast all !y $ares on you an# you &ill sustain you -Ps ((*..1. I uil# u% the &all an# stan# in the 'a% on ehal" o" the %eo%le -E=e2iel ..*9>1. I loose the $hains o" in;usti$e an# untie the $or#s o" the yo2e to set the o%%resse# "ree an# rea2 every yo2e -Isaiah (<*/1. I in# all the %o&ers o" #ar2ness that $o!e a'ainst !e an# I loose the %o&ers o" the 2in'#o! o" 5o# in !y li"e -?atthe& +<*+<1. I $lai! y "aith that the an'el o" the 6ORD en$a!%s aroun# !e an# he &ill #eliver !e -Psal! 9)*,1. I than2 you that I &ill la$2 nothin' -Psal! 9)*01 an# la$2 no 'oo# thin' -Psal! 9)*+>1. I than2 you that you &ill e !y $on"i#en$e an# &ill 2ee% !y "oot "ro! ein' snare# -Prover s 9*./1. I &ill not "ear a# ne&s e$ause !y heart is stea#"ast, trustin' in the 6ORD -Psal! ++.*,1. I than2 you that the &i$2e# %eo%le a'ainst !e &ill e ve@e#, &ill 'nash their teeth an# &aste a&ay: an# that the lon'in's o" the &i$2e# &ill $o!e to nothin' -Psal! ++.*+>1. I %ray that you &oul# 'ive !e the a ility to %ro#u$e &ealth -Deuterono!y <*+<1. Please less !e an# rin' !e &ealth -Pr
+>*..1. This #ay I $all heaven an# earth as &itnesses a'ainst !y ene!ies that they &oul# e $urse# -Deuterono!y 9>*+01. I $lai! that one !an &ill $hase a thousan# an# t&o &ill %ut ten thousan# to "li'ht -Deuterono!y 9.*9>1 e$ause the 6ORD &ill "i'ht "or !e ;ust as he %ro!ise# -7oshua .9*+>1. I $lai! y "aith that ?i$hael, one o" the $hie" %rin$es, &ill $o!e to hel% !e -Daniel +>*+91. I $lai! vi$tory over every atta$2 o" 8atan e$ause I a! la!eless an# u%ri'ht, I "ear 5o# an# shun evil -7o +*<1 Ahen 8atan a$$uses !e then I than2 you that -Be$hariah 9*+1 the 6ORD &ill re u2e 8atan -Be$hariah 9*.1. I re u2e 8atan an# $o!!an# hi! to C5et ehin# !e, 8atanD You are a stu! lin' lo$2 to !e: you #o not have in !in# the thin's o" 5o#, ut the thin's o" !enC -?atthe& +/*.91. I %ray that 8atan &oul# o%%ose hi!sel" an# e #ivi#e# -?ar2 9*./1. I $o!!an# to the #evil C5et ehin# !e, 8atanD You #o not have in !in# the thin's o" 5o#, ut the thin's o" !en.C -?ar2 <*991 I than2 you 6or# that 8atan is alrea#y a #e"eate# "oe e$ause 6u2e +>*+< says, CI sa& 8atan "all li2e li'htnin' "ro! heaven. 6or#, I %ray that you &oul# use all your heavenly resour$es to %rote$t !e "ro! evil e$ause 8atan has as2e# to si"t you as &heat -6u2e ..*9+1. I %ray "or those &ho are lost in EE. that you &oul# o%en their eyes an# turn the! "ro! #ar2ness to li'ht, an# "ro! the %o&er o" 8atan to 5o#, so that they !ay re$eive "or'iveness o" sins an# a %la$e a!on' those &ho are san$ti"ie# y "aith in !e.F -A$ts ./*+<1 I %ray that the 5o# o" %ea$e &ill soon $rush 8atan un#er !y "eet -Ro!ans +/*.>1. Fill !e &ith s%iritual 2no&le#'e in or#er that 8atan !i'ht not out&it us. 5ive !e the ne$essary un#erstan#in' so I &ill e a&are o" his s$he!es. -. Corinthians .*++1. I %ray that the 8%irit o" Truth &oul# e@%ose 8atan an# his servants e$ause 8atan hi!sel" !as4uera#es as an an'el o" li'ht. -. Corinthians ++*+)1. I as2 all o" these thin's in the 'lorious an# e@$ellent na!e o" the Gin' o" 2in's an# 6or# o" lor#s, 7esus Christ, A!enDH