Leaching of Gold and Silver From Crushed Au-Ag Wastes: Jana Ficeriová, Peter Balá, Erika Dutková and Eberhard Gock
Leaching of Gold and Silver From Crushed Au-Ag Wastes: Jana Ficeriová, Peter Balá, Erika Dutková and Eberhard Gock
Leaching of Gold and Silver From Crushed Au-Ag Wastes: Jana Ficeriová, Peter Balá, Erika Dutková and Eberhard Gock
Institute of Mineral and Waste Processing and Dumping Technology, Technical University Clausthal, Walther-Nernst Strasse 9, 38 678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Abstract: Au-Ag noble metal wastes represent a wide range of waste types and forms with various ballast elements and components. The thiourea process of gold and silver extraction from ores, concentrates or secondary raw materials consists of gold and silver leaching into the thiourea solution and the consequent precipitation of these metals from the solution. Due to the non-toxic character of thiourea it is the perspective alternative to the up to now most frequently used cyanide method. The thiourea leaching of gold and silver from electronic waste, goldsmiths waste and ceramic waste using crushing as the pretreatment step was investigated. For electronic waste, it was possible to achieve 97 % gold and 94 % silver recovery within 120 minutes of thiourea leaching. Up to 98 % of gold and 96 % of silver were recovered from goldsmiths waste after 60 minutes of leaching. In the case of ceramic waste, we achieved up to 98 % gold and 97 % silver extraction efficiency after only 45 minutes of leaching. In comparison with the classical cyanide leaching, thiourea leaching acts faster and without a harmful environmental impact.
Keywords: Waste, Gold, Silver, Crushing, Leaching. 1. INTRODUCTION Electronic waste comprises electric waste and includes an extremely complex mixture of electric, electronic and other components. Sources are production waste from the electric and electronic industry as well as defect or technically obsolete devices for which there is a legal obligation for disposal on trade and municipalities [1]. The main components of electronic waste are approximately: 45 % ferrous metals, 10 % non-ferrous metals (mainly Cu and Al), 22 % plastics and 9 % glass. In contrast, the average fraction of electronic components is only 3 %. Most utilization firms call the circuit board including the attached elements and the frame electronic components. From this viewpoint, the fraction of electronic waste is usually between 20 and 30 % [2, 3]. There are considerable differences between the composition of the individual groups of electronic waste and even within one group. For assistance, washing machines and refrigerators consist almost completely of ferrous metals and contain a very small fraction of electronics. Computers and entertainment electronics, however, have a high fraction of electronics. The percentage of noble metals is much higher in computers than in the other categories of electronic waste. The following examples give some general indications: low value (< 100 ppm Au) TV-boards, monitor boards, (cordless) phones, calculators, shredded bulk material after Al-Feseparation; medium value (100 to 400 ppm Au) PC-boards, laptop- and handheld-computers, some mobile phones; high value (> 400 ppm Au) Circuit boards from main-frames, some mobile phones, multi-layer ceramic capacitors [4]. The secondary resources of gold are generated by craftsmanship and industrial processing of gold and alloys thereof (goldsmiths fractions and fillings, abrasives tailings, clad clock waste and used melting crucibles); by amortization of products (ceramic waste, old jewelry and fractions thereof, dental alloys, graded electrical and electronic waste, nongraded electronic waste); by collecting (medals, coins, bank alloys, sacral and museum treasures), gold lost in the seas and oceans, buried in the graves and in the decommissioned deposits [5]. Gold and silver is impractical connected on the component of Au-Ag wastes included with abundance of accompanying elements and cannot come in contact with leaching solutions. Leaching of Au-Ag wastes without pretreatment remitted in low Au and Ag extraction [6]. Physical pretreatment by crushing have been applied to Au-Ag wastes with the aim of changing the part sizes of the gold and silver-bearing wastes, thus facilitating the subsequent leaching in order to increase the recovery of noble metals [7, 8]. Crushing induces changes size of component parts of Au-Ag wastes. It increases the fraction of components and improves their contact with leaching reagents. Modern hydrometallurgy of gold and silver is based on the application of cyanide leaching. The cyanide process is a highly toxic technology. The thiourea process of gold and silver extraction from wastes or concentrates consisting of gold and silver leaching into the thiourea solution, and consequent precipitation of these metals from the solution is, with regard to the very low toxicity of thiourea, the perspective alternative hitherto the most used cyanide method. Thiourea leaching has more rapid kinetics for gold and silver solubilization than classical cyanide leaching [9-13]. The aim of this work was to examine the possibility of recovering gold and silver from electronic, goldsmiths and ceramic wastes using thiourea leaching. Crushing was ap2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
*Address correspondence to this author at the Institute of Geotechnics of the SAS, Watsonova 45, 043 53 Ko ice, Slovakia; Fax: + 421-55-7922604; E-mail: ficeri@saske.sk 1874-1231/08
Table 1.
plied in order to determine its effect on the recovery of gold and silver. 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1. Materials The electronic waste (PC-boards, Germany), goldsmiths waste (abrasive papers, Slovakia) and ceramic waste (pink porcelain, Czech Republic) were selected as materials for testing the thiourea leaching of gold and silver. The chemical composition of the studied wastes is given in Table 1 . 2.2. Physicochemical Characterization The X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) was done using a Philips PW 1404 (X-tal LiF 200) spectrometer equipped with a source operating at 40 kV and 30 mA. Data
were collected every second and the detector was moved at a rate of 0.1o min-1. 2.3. Crushing of Au-Ag Wastes Rotoplex-shredder crusher A20/12 Ro and Omniplexhammer crusher 40/20 Ha (both Alpine, Germany) were used for treatment of electronic, ceramic and goldsmiths wastes. After crushing, the material was 8x8 mm in size in case of goldsmiths waste and -800 m in case of electronic/ceramic waste. Before leaching the waste has been sieved. 2.4. Thiourea Leaching of Au-Ag Wastes The leaching was investigated in a 500 mL glass reactor into which 400 mL of leaching solution having 10 gL-1 CS(NH2)2, 5 gL-1 Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O, 10 gL-1 H2SO4 and 50 g
Fig. (1). X-ray fluorescence spectrum of electronic waste (A), goldsmiths waste (B ) and ceramic waste (C ).
Ficeriov et al.
of crushed electronic, goldsmiths and ceramic wastes were added. The leaching was performed at pH 1 for up to 120 min at 293 K using a stirring rate of 8.33 s-1. Aliquots (5 mL) of the solution were withdrawn at appropriate time intervals for determination of the content of dissolved gold and silver by AAS method. The leaching kinetics of gold and silver were best fitted by the kinetic equation: