Precautions: - Aseptic Techniques That Must Be Employed
Precautions: - Aseptic Techniques That Must Be Employed
Precautions: - Aseptic Techniques That Must Be Employed
Precautions -Aseptic techniques that must be employed: Swab bench with ethanol before and after the experiment Ensure that petri dish and other apparatus are sterilized with ethanol or by flaming Flame neck of bottle containing bacterial culture Open lid at 45o angle when pouring in agar to prevent contamination by air borne organisms !se sterile forceps to add filter paper -Other precautions: "ncubate at temperatures # body temperature as this encourages growth of harmful bacteria $o not seal petri dish% tape at 4 corners so that anaerobic conditions are avoided Method points !se e&ual amount of plant material and from same part 'ex( leaves) to extract *uices !se same amount and concentration of ethanol during extraction !se uniform extraction method Filter to remove plant pieces "ncubate petri dish upside down "ncubate for + , days Analysis of results -race clear area around disc onto a graph paper and count the s&uares( Subtract the no of s&uares covered by the paper disc Subtracting gives area of clear zone