Managing Communication, Knowledge & Information
Managing Communication, Knowledge & Information
Managing Communication, Knowledge & Information
Nearly seventy percent of the people ns !e an or"an #at on spen! the r $a% n" ho&rs co''&n cat n" ( $r t n") rea! n") spea% n") l sten n" ( t see's reasona*le to concl&!e that one of the 'ost nh * t n" forces to s&ccessf&l "ro&p perfor'ance s a lac% of effect ve co''&n cat on. No "ro&p can e+ st $ tho&t co''&n cat on: the transference of 'ean n" a'on" ts 'e'*ers. ,Ro** ns) -../0 If analy#e!) one 'ay say that co''&n cat on s !el cate for t s 'ore than 'erely 'part n" 'ean n") t '&st *e clearly &n!erstoo!. 1ons !er that the &n!erstan! n" of a fe$ $or!s l terally 'ean the ! fference *et$een l fe an! !eath. In the a rl nes *&s ness) a n&'*er of av at on ! sasters have *een lar"ely attr *&te! to pro*le's n co''&n cat on. ,1&sh n") -../0 Other *&s nesses that re2& re clear an! 2& c% co''&n cat on s n the foo! n!&stry. 3&st 'a" ne the n&'*er of c&sto'ers) the '< ple or!ers) the n"re! ents)
s&ppl es an! cre$s that a resta&rant sho&l! cons !er. The researcher has chosen Man" Inasal s nce t s only ne$) an! for that reason) t s nterest n" to %no$ ho$ a ne$ly fo&n!e! *&s ness $o&l! co''&n cate ns !e an! o&ts !e of the co'pany to !eeply esta*l sh tself.
co''&n cat on. There are a lot of nfor'al an! for'al co''&n cat ons happen n". For'al co''&n cat on refers to co''&n cat on that follo$s the off c al cha n of co''an! or s part of the co''&n cat on re2& re! to !o oneAs 4o*. ,Ro** ns -../) @. ///0. @ro!&ct on Mana"er) Ms. <aren 1a* llo s co''&n cat n" for'ally $hen she as%s her cre$ to !o the stan!ar! operat ons 'a nly *eca&se t ta%es place $ th n prescr *e! or"an #at onal $or% arran"e'ents. On the other han!) nfor'al co''&n cat on s or"an #at onal co''&n cat on that s not !ef ne! *y the or"an #at onAs str&ct&ral h erarchy. ,Ro** ns -../) @. ///0 Th s happens n Man" Inasal $hen e'ployees "reet an! tal% to each other as they pass the hall$ays.
The type of co''&n cat on net$or% they have s the cha n net$or%. Th s % n! of net$or% fash ons *oth &p$ar! an! !o$n$ar! co''&n cat on *eca&se they *el eve that f they allo$ th s) they $ ll *e a*le to 'a nta n the r res l ence) $h ch s very 'portant. The !o$n$ar! co''&n cat on s &se! to nfor') ! rect) coor! nate) an! eval&ate e'ployees. On the other han!) &p$ar! co''&n cat on %eeps 'ana"ers a$are of ho$ e'ployees feel a*o&t the r 4o*s) co5$or%ers an! the or"an #at on n "eneral. In a cha n net$or%) the sat sfact on of e'ployees s n the 'o!erate level. They allo$ &p$ar! co''&n cat on as a co'pensat on for t.
Ma% n" !ec s ons) espec ally n a *&s ness l %e Man" Inasal) s nev ta*le. For the 'ana"ers of Man" Inasal) t s the r ro&t ne to chec% on the follo$ n": EQUI@MENT 1REB 1U6TOMER6 FOO? 6U@@CIER6
As Ms. @ara so sa !) they have to chec% f the 'ach nes an! e2& p'ent are n "oo! con! t on. Every !ay) the cre$ s *r efe! on $hat they have to !o so that no*o!y s !o n" so'e*o!yAs $or%. Bhen t co'es to the c&sto'ers) they 'a%e t a po nt to !o the r ro&t ne n !eal n" $ th the c&sto'ers l %e "reet n" the' the 'o'ent they step on the store. The s&ppl es are !el vere! on Th&rs!ays an! 6at&r!ays *&t) the ve"eta*les are *o&"ht !a ly to ens&re that the r cons&'ers eat t fresh. Castly) they chec% on the s&ppl ers f the s&ppl es an! foo! are *e n" !el vere! on t 'e. All those act v t es a*ove re2& re !ec s ons.
Was e"er one #rie$e% What are their &s&a' Do )e sti'' ha"e s&$$icient *o) m&ch is the tota' cost! a#o&t their tasks! com('aints! s&((' ! Is the stan%ar% o(eration %one! Do )e %e'i"er Di% the s&((' arri"e ri+ht Are the chickens sti'' $resh! satis$action thro&+h on time! )hat )e o$$er! ,-ro%&ct an% .er"ice/ Do )e meet o&r What s&((' %o )e 'ack! Were o& a#'e to s&((' the e0(ectations! ri+ht amo&nt! Was someone a#'e to #& the "e+eta#'es to%a ! Are the ra) meat an% in+re%ients sti'' $resh! Are the or%ers ser"e% hot! Were o& a#'e to %e'i"er on time!
*as someone c'eane% it! *o) m&ch is its e'ectric cost! *o) m&ch is the maintenance cost! Is there an thin+ that sho&'% #e re(aire%!
Do o& (er$orm tasks ethica'' ! Are o& res(ect$&' to the c&stomers! Are there an com('aints! Do o& ha"e an s&++estions!
Recorded sold out Purchase Order of ater!als Da!l% co #la!"ts Co"d!t!o"s of the e&u!# e"t Total su##l% cost Suff!c!e"c% of su##l!es
Feedbacks T! e co"su #t!o" of a certa!" act!$!t% do"e b% e #lo%ees Total sales of the da% Mater!als cost Ma"#o'er cost (ct!$!t% cost
Ut!l!t% cost
E!"ar 6ha) the 'a n o$ner of Man" Inasal) s the %ey person respons *le $hen there are chan"es n the syste' of the *&s ness to 'a%e t 'ore effect ve. 7e plans t $hen he $ants to chan"e so'eth n" fro' the 'en& l %e a!! n" 'ore te's or el ' nat n" a certa n one f t s sel!o' p&rchase! *y the c&sto'ers. The for'al r&les an! re"&lat ons $ere !one *y Mr. 6ha. The 'ar%et n" people "& !e the !ec s ons of the o$ner. C %e for e+a'ple) accor! n" to Ms. @ara so) Man" Inasal $as affecte! *y the recent typhoon $h ch ha! an effect n the r sales n 3&ne. To 'a%e &p for th s) they 'ple'ente! a strate"y $h ch s tele'ar%et n". They $o&l! call off ces as% n" the' f they $ant to 'a%e so'e or!ers. The f nance prov !es the' $ th nfor'at on l %e ho$ '&ch *&!"et s allotte! for the s&ppl es) paya*les an! salar es of the e'ployees. The area 'ana"erAs role no$ s to 'a%e s&re that the nfor'at on an! %no$le!"e fro' the top5level 'ana"e'ent are !el vere! an! ! sc&sse! to the *ranches. 6o'e p eces of nfor'at on co'e fro' the e'ployees $ho are n ! rect contact $ th the c&sto'ers) the 'ach nes an! co5$or%ers.
Accor! n" to Ms. @ara so) Man" Inasal has three 'a n e+ternal so&rces ( 6&ppl ers) c&sto'ers an! co'pet tors.
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@eps ) M lo) ?ole are so'e of Man" InasalAs s&ppl ers. The r 'a n pro!&ct) the ch c%en) co'es stra "ht fro' Ilo lo. Every !ay) Man" Inasal co'p&tes ts e+penses. Of co&rse) t s the s&ppl ers $ho prov !e the' $ th the pr ces. Also) Man" Inasal "ets nfor'at on a*o&t $hether the s&ppl es are ava la*le or not an! f the !el vere! s&ppl es are fresh. At t 'es) the *&s ness also "athers nfor'at on a*o&t the r co'pet tors fro' the r s&ppl ers. The c&sto'ers are a very 'portant. The r co'pla nts are nfor'at on on $hat to 'prove) re!&ce) ncrease) chan"e an! era! cate. Fro' the') Man" Inasal $o&l! %no$ f they prov !e "oo! val&e for the cons&'ersA 'oney. If there $ere no c&sto'ers) there $o&l! *e no sales) fee!*ac%s an! recor!e! sol! o&ts. A lot of t 'es) they "et nfor'at on fro' these c&sto'ers $hen they "et to tal% to the' an! $hen Man" Inasal con!&cts s&rveys an! ! str *&te fee!*ac% for's. The co'pet tors $ere ncl&!e! *y Ms. @ara so *eca&se they *ench'ar% so'e of the r co'pet tors. 6he sa ! that all fast5foo! resta&rants have the sa'e "oal 5 to !el ver e+cellent an! 2&al ty serv ce. Bhen a co'pet tor 'a%es a 'ove) then they have to *e ca&t o&s an! rea! every act on they 'a%e. Thro&"h o*serv n") they $o&l! *e a*le to %no$ ho$ to respon! to t to *e a*le to %eep &p $ th the co'pet t on. As for Man" Inasal) co'pet tors are "reat so&rce of nfor'at on.
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1. CUSTOMER SERVICE Th s ntern a"rees $ th Ms. @ara so $hen she sa ! that resta&rants have the sa'e "oal. Th s 'eans c&sto'er serv ce tops t all. 8&t th s ntern) as a c&sto'er) e+per ence! *a! serv ce n the resta&rant. Th s happene! !&r n" the ne"ot at on to set an nterv e$. The ntern 'ay not *e *&y n" fro' the' n that 'o'ent *&t s st ll a c&sto'er $ho $as cons&' n" the r serv ce.
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6 nce th s % n! of *&s ness re2& res *e n" people5or ente!) t $o&l! really *e a "oo! !ea f Man" Inasal $o&l! cons !er hav n" a c&sto'er5respons ve c<&re. It can *e !one *y h r n" e'ployees $ho are o&t o&t"o n" an! fr en!ly. Fe$ r " ! r&les) proce!&res an! re"&lat ons $o&l! " ve the e'ployees free!o' to 'eet chan" n" c&sto'er5serv ce re2& re'ents. Man" Inasal sho&l! nst ll n the r e'ployees the val&e of $ ll n"ness to ta%e the n t at ve) even $hen t s o&ts !e the r nor'al 4o* re2& re'ents) to sat sfy a c&sto'erAs nee!. ,Ro** ns -../) @. 1.10 The 'ana"e'ent sho&l! 'a%e s&re that e'ployees $ho nteract $ th c&sto'ers are co''&n cat n" appropr ately an! effect vely $ th those c&sto'ers. Accor! n" to Ro** ns) t can *e !one *y reco"n # n" the three
13 | P a g e
co'ponents n any serv ce !el very process: the c&sto'er) the serv ce or"an #at on) an! the n! v !&al serv ce prov !er.
2. MANPOWER The cash er sa ! that they lac%e! 'anpo$er. Accor! n" to h ') he $as stat one! at the cash er pos t on fro' 'orn n" to afternoon that !ay. That scenar o 'ay 4&st re!&ce the eff c ency an! effect veness of the e'ployees. Th s % n! of syste' s 4&st too t r n" for the e'ployees. Th s 'ay lessen the e+penses of the co'pany *&t t $ ll also re!&ce the e'ployeesA 4o* sat sfact on. The proposal s that Man" Inasal sho&l! ncrease the n&'*er of e'ployees. Bor% spec al #at on enhances the s% lls of a $or%er *&t) cons !er the ne"at ve s !e ( *ore!o') fat "&e) stress) poor 2&al ty) ncrease! a*sentee s') an! h "her t&rnover. ,Ro** ns -../) @. -:H0 It $o&l! *e 'ore effect ve f there $o&l! *e a c rc&lat on of $or%.
3. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Another th n" $as the cash re" ster. The cash er ns ste! that the *ranch !epen!s too '&ch on t. Mean n") f so'eth n" "oes $ron" $ th t) they have to everyth n" 'an&ally.
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Yes) Man" Inasal s not a % n! of *&s ness $h ch technolo"y sho&l! *e fash one! '&ch *&t) the 'ost rap ! chan"es have occ&rre! n technolo"y. ,?av !) -../0. The co'pany sho&l! have a *ac%5&p. If the cash re" ster *rea%s) t $o&l! also affect the 2&al ty of the r serv ce) an! that '&st not *e allo$e!. They 'ay also 'ple'ent a soph st cate! nfor'at on syste' to %eep on top of c&rrent sales tren!s.
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A*ove are the sta%ehol!ers of the co'pany $ho are ent t es that 'ay *e cons !ere! to $ !en nvolve'ent n the !ec s on5'a% n" process. A'on" these) the c&sto'ers) Ms. @ara so) the Off cer n char"e an! Mr. 3p 6y) the Mar%et n" an! 8&s ness
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?evelop'ent Mana"er $ere chosen. These sta%ehol!ers $ere selecte! *eca&se these 'prove'ents are a!!resse! to the c&sto'ers. The r op n ons $o&l! *e of "reat help f the co'pany s lac% n" so'eth n" or nee!s to 'a%e so'e !rast c act ons. On the part of Mr. 3p 6y) he s an access nto the top5level 'ana"e'ent. 6 nce he s a 'ar%eter) h s %no$le!"e re"ar! n" th s f el! 'ay *e appl e! to stren"then the researcherAs s&""est ons. Th s paper s concentrat n" on the G to 1r&# *ranch $here Ms. @ara so s the OI1. Th&s) she ' "ht help th s ntern *y s&sta n n" f&rther nfor'at on an! co''&n cat n" $ th Mr. 3p 6y. To 'a%e contact $ th the chosen sta%ehol!ers) s&rvey an! fee!*ac% for's to the c&sto'ers $ho have alrea!y e+per ence! eat n" at the *ranch. On the other han!) e5'a ls $ere sent to Mr. 3p an! Ms. @ara so. 1hec% appen! + 8 for the for's an! the c&sto'ersA ans$ers.
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Inasal *ranch. If *ranch 'ana"ers "et the chance to 'eet $ th the Area Mana"er) Ms. Canc on) Ms. @ara so 'ay ra se &p th s ss&e so that the top5level 'ana"e'ent 'ay %no$ a*o&t the c&rrent s t&at on. 1hec% appen! + 1 for the e5'a l.
1enchmarkin+ )o&'% kee( the #&siness in the com(etition2 Com(are the com(an 3s (ro%&cts an% (rocess to those o$ com(etitors 4 5o''i#ee, McDo, 1aco'o% Inasa', KFC, etc2, 6 or 'ea%in+ $irms in other in%&stries to $in% (er$ormance Con%&ct (ost an% (re s&r"e s )hich )o&'% +i"e $&rther in$ormation on )hat the c&stomers3 nee%s, )ants an% %eman%s an% e0(ectations2 This )i'' a'so he'( Man+ Inasa' kno) their con%ition at the c&stomers3 (erce(tion2 )a s to im(ro"e 7&a'it
The com(an ma )ant to contact Ci(her . stems2 o$$ers
a#o&t the
sa'es, e0(enses, recei"a#'es, (a a#'es, etc2 The store mana+ers )o&'% ca'' the main o$$ice 'ocate% in I'oi'o2 *a"in+ an in$ormation s stem that %irect' connects to the main o$$ice )o&'% 'essen the #&r%en an% the e0(enses as the transactions in(&t )o&'% #e (rocesse% to #e sent %irect' to the main o$$ice rea' time2
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Distri#&te $ee%#ack $orms a$ter mea's to kno) the c&stomers3 %ai' e0(erience in o&r store2
A contin&o&s'
most im(ortant $inancia' in$ormation that +i"es not 8&st the main o$$ice #&t Man+ Inasa'3s mana+ers instant access sa'es an% o(eratin+ $i+&res on their -Cs2
Comm&nications channe's ha"e m&'ti('ie% )ith the s(rea% o$ techno'o+ies 'ike )i6$i2 Man+ Inasa' ma sa"e time an% mone # s)itchin+ to )i6$i $or their interna' comm&nications2 The %e"ices mean that man+ers can ta'k to c&stomers, s&(('iers, or e"en the #oss2
Im('ement E'ectronic Data interchan+e2 This ma so&n% 'ike the ear'ier s&++estions #&t the thin+ is, EDI %ea's more on the e0terna' entities in"o'"e% in the #&siness 'ike the s&(('iers2 EDI is a )a $or
or+ani9ations to e0chan+e stan%ar% #&siness transaction %oc&ments, s&ch as in"oices or (&rchase or%ers %irect com(&ter6to6com(&ter net)orks2 It can #e &se% )ith "en%ors, s&(('iers an% c&stomers as it sa"es time an% mone 2
hea%7&arters are $i''e% )ith )hite#oar%s &se% # (ro%&ct teams to s)a( i%eas2 Man+ Inasa' ma a%o(t this i%ea2 .ometimes, +reat min%s #e'on+ to those )ho are non6mana+eria' em('o ees, the cre)2
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1&sh n" $as r "ht $hen he sa ! that the &n!erstan! n" of a fe$ $or!s l terally 'ean the ! fference *et$een l fe an! !eath. It !oesnAt only 'ean as !eath of 'en *&t) t can also *e appl e! to *&s ness. Man" Inasal has *een n the *&s ness for / years an! ts "ro$th s espec ally 'press ve. 8&t as th s ntern ! ! o*servat ons) $h ch ncl&!e co''&n cat n" $ th the e'ployees an! c&sto'ers) t $as clear that there are st ll roo' for 'prove'ents. The r co''&n cat on syste's ns !e an! o&ts !e the store $ere assesse! an! analy#e!. <no$le!"e an! nfor'at on an! ts so&rces $ere !eter' ne! *y con!&ct n" an nterv e$ $ th the storeAs e'ployees. The r syste's are not that *a! *&t) f co'pare! $ th the lea! n" fast5foo! resta&rants) apparently) chan"es sho&l! *e !oneI other$ se) sooner or later they $ ll "et left *eh n!. Th s ntern *el eves that n th s % n! of *&s ness) '&ch nfor'at on co&l! *e o*ta ne! fro' the e'ployees $ho are n ! rect contact $ th c&sto'ers an! perfor' the !a ly operat ons. Upon !o n" th s st&!y) t s no$ apparent that co''&n cat n" $ th these ;han!s5on> e'ployees $o&l! really help the co'pany to 'prove espec ally $hen t co'es to offer n" sat sfy n" c&sto'er serv ce. At so'e po nt) top5level 'ana"e'ent sho&l! lo$er the r level to the non5'ana"er al e'ployees.
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1. Ro** ns) 6tephen @. -../. Or"an #at onal 8ehav or. E! t on. @h l pp nes: @earson E!&cat on 6o&th As a @TE CT?. 3&ne -9) -..J -. 6. 1&sh n") 1o''&n cat on 1lashes an! A rcraft 1rashesI @ lot 1o''&n cat on R s%s Fl "ht 6afety.> $$$.a* 3&ne -9) -..J /. ?av !) Fre! R. -..H. An Intro!&ct on to 6trate" c Mana"e'ent 11 th e! t on.
@h l pp nes: @&*l she! *y @earson E!&cat on) Inc.) p&*l sh n" as @rent ce 7all. 3&ne -J) -..J TABLES& 1. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&n -9) -..J -. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&n -9) -..J /. Ma!e *y the researcher. 6o'e *ase! on: Ro** ns) 6tephen @. -../. Or"an #at onal 8ehav or. E! t on. @h l pp nes: @earson E!&cat on 6o&th As a @TE CT?. 3&ly -) -..J FIGURES&
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1. Ma!e *y the researcher. -. 6. 1&sh n") 1o''&n cat on 1lashes an! A rcraft
1rashesI @ lot 1o''&n cat on R s%s Fl "ht 6afety.> $$$.a* 3&ne -9) -..J -. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&n -9) -..J /. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&n -9) -..J D. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&n -9) -..J E. Ma!e *y the researcher. Ro** ns) 6tephen @. -../. Or"an #at onal 8ehav or. E! t on. @h l pp nes: @earson E!&cat on 6o&th As a @TE CT?. 3&ly -) -..J 9. Ma!e *y the researcher. 8ase! on the nfor'at on " ven *y Ms. @ara so) Off cer In 1har"e of Man" Inasal n G to 1r&#. 3&ly -) -..J
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F.,& 0"44: 7BB 1B77 E'a l: tr #hKa'a#e!' Messa"e: Goo! !ay s rM'a!a'e= I) @atr # a Ann C. Fel c ano) a' a secon! year colle"e st&!ent n 6o&thv lle Fore "n Un vers ty. I a' ta% n" &p 8&s ness A!' n strat on Ma4or n Internat onal 8&s ness an! as one of the re2& re'ents that $e sho&l! co'plete) $eNre " ven an ass "n'ent to choose a co'pany an! st&!y ho$ the people ns !e co''&n cate. I *el eve that Man" Inasal has a "oo! rep&tat on. For th s reason) I have "la!ly chosen Man" Inasal. MaAa'M6 r) re"ar! n" o&r ass "n'ent) I $o&l! l %e to as% f thereAs so'eone fro' the Man la *ranch ,*es !e 1ent&ry @ar% 7otel0 $ho can ass st an! help 'e o&tO I $o&l! *e as% n" so'e 2&est ons on ho$ yo& co''&n cate $ th n the *ranch. I ass&re yo& that $hatever $ ll *e ! sc&sse! $ ll only *e &se! for aca!e' c p&rposes. I ' "ht v s t an! ! ne at the sa ! *ranch to o*serve. Than% yo& for yo&r t 'e an! Go! *less yo&= En4oy the rest of yo&r !ay=
KKKKKKKKKK NO?/- /19- ,-..J.9.E0 Infor'at on KKKKKKKKKK Th s 'essa"e $as chec%e! *y NO?/- ant v r&s syste'. http:MM$$$'
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55555 Or " nal Messa"e 5555 F17-& M.)= I).4./ !A+/+''+)(4 D+)67E-.)=+).4./.<7-F T7& 51+;AG.-.;(*"7E>.A77.<7S()5& M7)*.>@ H3)( 1C@ 2"" 1"&21&23 !M S3?I(<5& R(& M.)= I).4./ .5 999.-.)=+).4./.<7-J<7)5.<5G34.A5-/ ?ear Ms. Fel c ano) Than% yo& for yo&r e'a l. May I %no$ $hat e+actly s yo&r o&tp&t for the sa ! pro4ect an! for $h ch part c&lar s&*4ectO Also) t $o&l! *e '&ch apprec ate! f yo& can sen! yo&r 2&est ons n a!vance v a e'a l) so $eNll %no$ ho$ to help yo& *est. Re"ar!s) H!S> Mar%et n" an! 8&s ness ?evNt Mana"er nfoL'an"' Than%s for respon! n") s r. For f&rther nfor'at on) I have attache! the Front 6heet for the s&*4ect) M.).=+)= C7--3)+<.5+7)4@ K)79/(*=( & I)671-.5+7). Yo& 'ay rea! t thro&"h so that yo& 'ay *e a*le to %no$ everyth n" a*o&t the ass "n'ent. Act&ally) I have *een to the *ranch last T&es!ay. I have "otten so'e nfor'at on *&t st ll) the !ata are ns&ff c ent for 'e to "o thro&"h the ass "n'ent. Than% yo& very '&ch an! Go! *less yo&= KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ? O T E A 6 Y 5 P3o n the $e* host n" revol&t on=P http:MM$$$.!'
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55555 Or " nal Messa"e 5555 F17-& M.)= I).4./ !A+/+''+)(4 D+)67E-.)=+).4./.<7-F T7& 51+;AG.-.;(*"7E>.A77.<7S()5& M7)*.>@ H3)( 1C@ 2"" 1"&21&23 !M S3?I(<5& R(& M.)= I).4./ .5 999.-.)=+).4./.<7-J<7)5.<5G34.A5-/ 7) I have for$ar!e! yo&r re2&est to Ms. 1hr st na Canc on) o&r Area Mana"er for Metro Man la. 6he $ ll 4&st "et n to&ch $ th yo&. Than%s= 3@
25 | P a g e
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26 | P a g e
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27 | P a g e
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10. +ee& -ree. >)a" are (#ur '#mmen" and ugge "i#n <
T)ank (#u -#r paring me #me #- (#ur *a&ua1&e "ime. Ma( 2#d 1&e Dear Sir/Madame, Greetings of peace and prosperity!
Taking up Bu ine !dmini "ra"i#n Ma$#r in %n"erna"i#na& Bu ine , % am 'urren"&( "ud(ing in S#u")*i&&e +#reign ,ni*er i"( a a -ir " (ear '#&&ege "uden". ! par" #- ")e re.uiremen" "# '#mp&e"e ")e '#ur e, /e0re e" #u" "# d# #me re ear') 1( '#ndu'"ing a ur*e(. ! (#ur "ime /i&& de-ini"e&( '#n"ri1u"e a &#" "# ")i "ud(, % am )um1&( a king -#r (#u "# &end a 1i" #- i". T)ank (#u and Ma( 2#d 1&e (#u -#r (#ur gener# i"(3
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28 | P a g e
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29 | P a g e
Greet n"s of peace= 8efore all) I $o&l! l %e to * ! 'y than%s to yo& for atten! n" to 'y 'essa"es. Yo&r response lar"ely helpe! 'e to acco'pl sh 'y tas%s $ell. I have v s te! the G to 1r&# *ranch several t 'es an! have alrea!y con!&cte! an nterv e$ $ th Ms. @ara so. I $as not $ron" $hen I sa ! that Man" Inasal has a "oo! rep&tat on *&t) I *el eve there are st ll roo' for 'prove'ents. In 'y o*servat ons) $h ch ncl&!e tal% n" to the e'ployees) I have l ste! o&t so'e areas $h ch I th n% Man" Inasal sho&l! atten! to. As as%e! n o&r papers) reco''en!at ons $ere also " ven. I also have ! str *&te! s&rvey for's to %no$ the co''ents an! s&""est ons of yo&r c&sto'ers. I have attache! those parts of 'y paper alon" $ th th s e5'a l so yo& co&l! chec% on t. For 'ore !eta ls) yo& can reach 'e !a ly at .:19HJJ:9-H. I really hope that th s $o&l! help yo&r co'pany. Than% yo& an! Go! *less yo&. 6 ncerely yo&rs) !.51+;+. F(/+<+.)7
30 | P a g e
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