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Viruses If it normally took you 30 seconds to open a file, and now it takes 5 minutes, you might have a virus.

And if you start getting error messages while trying to open software programs that have always opened before, this too could be the result of a virus. Almost every computer user in the world has heard of computer viruses. any even have had the misfortune of e!periencing a virus attack at some point in their usage. Virus attacks are becoming more and more common. "housands of people suffer serious damage to their systems and data. #nowledge is the best possible defense to viruses. $e need to know how virus enters into our computer system, how they infect our system, how they eventually spread and cause more damage and most importantly how to protect our computers.

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"he following ..#(0 video and web links will assist you in completing this learning resource. Video 'lick on the following link to view the ..#(0 video4 Virus )rotection and )revention 564578 Internet http499www.e!n.ca9nerds9&000050:;55.cfm Virus 1afety ; "imeline http499www.howstuffworks.com9virus.htm -ow 1tuff $orks

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Answer the following <uestions to the best of your ability. +efer to the ..#(0 videos or the web sites in +esources if you need help. 7. .ame two virus protection programs mentioned in the video. &. =ust receiving an email with a known virus will not cause your computer to be infected. *ou must open the file to give the virus program life. a. "rue b. >alse 3. .ever open attachments unless you?re absolutely certain of what they are and who they?re from. a. "rue b. >alse :. 2ownload files directly to your hard drive and then scan them immediately. a. "rue b. >alse 5. $hat are virus hoa!es@ 6. $hat should you do if you suspect that your a virus does end up sending emails from your account@ .otes4

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)rotecting your computer from viruses is Aust a matter of common sense. If you follow the precautions covered in the ..#(0 video, you should have no trouble keeping your computer virus;freeB and protected from the symptoms of infection.

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