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Ict Lessonplan

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Appendix 1


Year Level: 7 Ti e: 1.30pm Da!e:17/3/14 S!$den!%& Pri#r 'n#(led"e: This is an introduction to navigation and the students are expected to have limited knowledge in the area. The students will have some basic knowledge in reading and interpreting maps.

Learnin" Area: Navi"a!i#n

S!rand)T#pi* +r#

!,e A$%!ralian C$rri*$l$

O$!d##r ed$*a!i#n General Capa-ili!ie% that may potentially be covered in the lesson) Cri!i*al and Li!era*. N$ era*. ICT *rea!ive !,in/in" *# pe!en*e

E!,i*al -e,avi#$r

Per%#nal and S#*ial *# pe!en*e

In!er*$l!$ral $nder%!andin"


pri#ri!ie% (may be addressed in the lesson)

A%ia and A$%!ralia&% en"a"e en! (i!, A%ia S$%!aina-ili!.

A-#ri"inal and T#rre% S!rai! I%lander ,i%!#rie% and *$l!$re% Pr#+i*ien*ie%:(Mathematics only)

Le%%#n O-1e*!ive% (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb) As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Identify the parts of a compass Demonstrate how to use a compass Tea*,er&% Pri#r Prepara!i#n)Or"ani%a!i#n: !ll o" the learning resources have been prepared ahead in the online teaching source compass crusaders. Pr#vi%i#n +#r %!$den!% a! ed$*a!i#nal ri%/: This activit# is student lead and those students that are having di""iculties will have the opportunit# "or one to one time with the teacher. $or those students that are moving through the work %uickl# there is the opportunit# to investigate "urther into the topic b# watching pre&selected #ou tube clips.

LESSON E2ALUATION 3!# -e *# ple!ed AFTER !,e le%%#n4 A%%e%% en! #+ Le%%#n O-1e*!ive and S$""e%!i#n% +#r I pr#ve en! :

Tea*,er %el+0re+le*!i#n and %el+0eval$a!i#n :

'OFFICIAL USE ONLY( )omments b# classroom teacher* +,--* supervisor:

LESSON DELI2ERY 3a!!a*, (#r/%,ee!%5 exa ple%5

Time 1.30-1.33 1.33-1.35

ar/in" /e.5 e!*5 a% relevan!4 6#!iva!i#n and In!r#d$*!i#n: Re%#$r*e%)Re+eren*e% The students will be introduced to the topic and the# will be told what is expected to happen "or the lesson. .tudents will be introduced to the /eebl# resource page called compass crusaders. 0xplain and show on the screen how to get to the start point then check all students have access be"ore continuing1 Le%%#n S!ep% ( esson content, structure, strategies ! "ey #uestions): .tudents will need to read through the page care"ull# remembering the points as the# go in order to complete the activities. !ctivit# 1 )ompass directions The students will read the introduction to the game and proceed using the "un interactive game to help teach them about compass directions. !ctivit# 2 .et students the task o" labelling the compass in the link. This is to "ind out how much the students alread# know. 3ake it a "un competition to see who gets the highest score !ctivit# 3 is a %ui4 "or the students to "ollow and answer the ten %uestions. ,nce "inished students will Le%%#n Cl#%$re: $eview lesson ob%ectives with students) ! #ou tube clip on how to use a compass as a review o" what was learnt ,!!p:))*# pa%%*r$%ader%7(ee-l.7*# )





Tran%i!i#n: (&hat needs to happen prior to the ne't lesson() 5o preparation necessar# as students will be working on lesson 2 on compass crusaders map reading A%%e%% en!: 3&ere the lesson ob%ectives met( )ow will these be %udged() .tudents will post their results o" the compass parts naming exercise and the %ui4 to the teacher con"identiall#1 "or assessing how the students progressed.

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