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WCGS News - Jan-Mar 2004

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Isabel Cleanup & OLF FightContinues


Ayers: My grandfather, David Anson Ayers was born in Washi,ngton County, NC in 1840 and married Elizabeth "Bettie- Gray of Martin County about 1864. David Anson Ayers joined the CSA on December 24, 1863, along with his younger brother, Joshua Franklin Ayers who was 17 at the time.

David Anson was first assigned to Company H, l-rt', NC Infantry and ,later to Company K, 3rd NC Calvary as he obtained the rank of Corporal. His rank out was a sergeant. His National Archives Box # is 000230, National Archives Roll # 0002 and the National Archives Record #00000553. He died about 18n and he and Bettie Gray had four children, Mary Ada, b. 1866, Orman Taylor, b. 1868, Ebenezer Wilson (my father) b.1874 and Augustus W. born in 1876. David A. Ayers was only 37 when he died and I have been unable to find the reason. My first query is to see if anyone can find out the reason of death for David Anson Ayers.

Elizabetti "Bettie- Gray Ayers remarried on September 3, 1879 her cousin, Magelbra A. Ausbonwho was born in 1839. I have found no children by that union. Elizabeth "Bettie- Gray Ayers Ausbon died in 1881' at the age of 34 and I have been unable to find out the cause of her deeth. My second querY is what caused the death

at age 34 of Elizabeth "Bettie" Gray Ayers . Ausbon. All lived in Washington County, NC Thank you for any attention you can get for me on these matters. Gene Ayers

Terry: My name is BrianWoolweber and I am doing genealogical research of the Terry family there in Washington County. My uncle was John, Thomas Terry, Jr and my aunt is Mamie Lee Terry of Plymouth.

For Christmas, my wife purchased several items from the Washington County Genealogical Society. All are quite fasCinating, butone, brochure has captured my attention and intrigue. That is the brochure on the Concord Primitive (Kehukee) Baptist Church. Rumour has it that some of the Terry's belonged to this church in Creswell.

~t~r~ ~9 &u.,t/r"u.u

~~I'Jt{lttt4, ~t1'I'tk e'ennlitt4

I would be greatful if you could ascertain what types of church records have survived

2 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

January, February, March 2004

through the years. I am having a great deal of trouble documenting who my Terry forefathers are. Here is what I do know:

My mother: Catherine Bray Terry (I always wondered why Bray, I think I know now)

Her father: John Thomas Terry Sr (married to Bessie-Estelle Ainsley)

His father: John Daniel Terry (married to Caroline Virginia Barnes, dau. Of William James Barnes and Martha? Bateman) ;

His father (?): George Washington Terry (married to Louisa Lassiter)

Further I believe Caroline Virginia Barnes is the daughter of William James Barnes (listed on the Civil War monument in Columbia, NC). The Ainsley tree is excruciatingly documented. I know nothing of Lousia Lassiter.

Again thank you for any assistance you can provide. I am just starting to read the two cemetery listings (Scuppernong and Plymouth) along with the Civil War readers, and Washigton County, A Tapestry.

Brian N. Woolweber - RXBV09C@aoLcom Johnson: The Albemarle Genealogical Society received your letter of 11 Dec. 2003. Along with the letter came a brochure about the Concord Primitive Church. Could you give me the location of this Church? The reason I am asking is, the picture in the brochure resembles the Church that is in Washington Co. that my ancestors attended. The Church I am telling you about is on the left after I go over the Albemarle Sound Bridge and head toward Plymouth. IIf the Church in the brochure is not it, could you tell me the name of the Church on the way to Plymouth.

Two of my daddy's brothers are buried there without markers. My family went to Washington Co. in 1949 and we had a family reunion and picnic on the front lawn of Mrs Sally Cherry's home. The church that my ancestors attended was not being used for meetings even in 1949. A man

lThe church Lois refers to is Rehoboth UMC, the church cemetery is included in Vernon Everett's cemetery survey of Skinnersville Township, Washington Co., NC

named Mr. White had the key and let us go into the Church. I have been back into the Church yard since then but I never did know the name of the Church.

My Grandfather, Thomas Johnson born 1848 came from England sometime before 1877. He married Lois Elizabeth Overton in Chowan Co. in 1877 and they lived in Washington Co. They moved to Camden Co. sometime in the 1890's. They had two sons who died while they lived in Washington Co. and they are buried in the Church yard of the Church I mentioned. They don't have markers.

John Johnson Born abt.1884 and probably died the same year.

Ernest Johnson Born abt.1886 and probably died the same year.

Regards, Lois Meekins (ljmeekins@intelliport.com)

The OLF Fight Continues

By the time this edition of WCGS News reaches members, the decision will have been made by the courts whether or not to grant an injunction against the Navy. Attorneys representing Washington and Beaufort Counties are slated to file suit in the U. S. Eastern District Court, Raleigh, on 9 January 2004.

WCGS members outside the area, visit: http://www.albemarlecommunity.net for info on the OLF or do a general search for Outlying

Landing Field. .

The Navy proposes to take ownership of up to 50,000 acres of land in the vicinity of NC32 South and NC 99 - and along the Washington/Beaufort County borders. Residents from about Hollis Road to Acre Chapel Christian Church on NC 32 are among those who will in all probability hove to relocate.

Those of us who live/work/travel the area know the extent of wintering birds who will be directly affected by the strip and the flight paths of jets. Wheat fields are often white as if a snow had fallen overnight as birds from Pocosin


3 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

January, February, March 2004

lakes National Wildlife Refuge (3 miles from the proposed OlF) feed by the lOOs.

Washington County, NC: a Tapestry (Washington County Bicentennial Committee, 1999) includes information about Pocosin Lakes NWR, about families who settled in the area, as well as other details about the rich heritage of

- this county. (Copies are still available.)

It also includes history on the Turnpike Road, now NC 99, and on The Acre, now NC 32, and included in the section on county post offices, Monticello. Mail addresses for postal patrons from Plymouth to the Beaufort County line is NC 32 South, Plymouth; from the county line to the community of Acre is NC 32 North, Plymouth; on NC 32 from Acre to just above Five Points is NC 32 South, Pinetown; from that point to US 264 the address is NC 32 North, Washington - so the stretch of road from Plymouth to US 264 in Beaufort County has four separate address designations.

The late John Oden provided the post office information for "Tapestry" with copies of postal covers, etc., contributed by Jean . In the June 2002 issue of "Pemtecc Tracings" (Vol. XVIII, No.1) appears ·Some Reminiscences of Prison Life at Point lookout" from a resident of Monticello (Washington Co.) NC. Following that article John included a list of names of heads of families who received mail at that post office:

Wells & Richardson Co.: August 17 .. 9751.

RECEIVED AUG. 27, 1897. Below please find list of names of heads of families who get their mail at this Post-Office. Name of Post-office, Monticello; County, Washington; State, N.C.; Name of Sender, H. M. Latham.

H. H. Bowen L. R. Bowen W.C. Bowen W. R. Bowen J. L. M. Bowen J. Bowen

W. H. Bowen

Geo. W. Bowen Jr. H. A. Bowen

J.R.Bowen W.W.Bowen Geo. l Bowen

J. Z. Bowen Arthur Bowen Hilton Bowen - L. W. Spruill

C. B. latham, ~r. C. B-. latham, Jr. W. T. Spruill

A. T. Gaylord

J. o. Everett

O. M. Chesson i, S. Respess

M. M. Respess

J. R. Respess

L. F. Respess

L. T. Respess B.F.Respess J.l.R.Bayner J. A. Bayner

H. T. Bayner

J. S. Harris

E. Harris

R. G. Harris J. Holliday W. Alexander John Ange Ben Ange G.Ange

H. Stubbs

L. B. Orsborn T. H. Harris

T. R. Wallis

r, G. Wallis Jas. T. Windley D. Browney Geo. Allen

E. R. Allen

E. G. Harrison J. F. Henderson

all of Monticello NC.

- - ---------_._--------



4 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

January, February, March 2004

Candy (Mrs Robert) Peeblescpeebles@charter.net shares the following:

[Here is the obituary for Robert Polk Walker.

He died June 21, 1952. I am not sure of the date of this article, but it must be around that date.]

A Plymouth native, Robert P. Walker, died suddenly in an Arlington, Va., hospital at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning. Mr. Walker was 71 years of age, and had been in declining health for the past five years.

The deceased was well-known here, having been for years superintendent of the Wilts Veneer Company, now Atlas Plywood Corporation.

Mr. Walker made his home here until 1930 when he moved to Alexandria, Va. He was a member of the Episcopal Church and was a past master2 at Perseverance Lodge No. 59, A. F. and A. M., a former Mason and Shriner.

Born in Plymouth, June 13, 1881, he was the son of the late Caleb W. Walker and Annie M. Walker.

Surviving are his widow, the former Eva Chesson; a daughter, Margaret Ross Walker Peebles, of Falls Church, va: one half-brother, Harry W. Latham, of Plymouth; and two grandchi Idren.

Services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Grace Episcopal Church.

Burial was in the church cemetery. The body remained at Horner's Funeral home here until an hour prior to the service.

Obituary of C. W. Walker.3

C.W. Walker was borned in Currituck county, N. C., January 29th 1847, and died at his home in Plymouth, N. C., August 21st 1889, aged 42 years 6 months and 22 days. In the year 1880 he has happily married to Miss Annie Layton, of

2Master 1914

3Comes from a paper that has BEAC on the front side.

Bridgeville, Del. who with one son still survive to mourn their loss. Brother Walker was soundly converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the year 1874 and lived a devoted christian of the same the remainder of his days. As a christian he was earnest, meek and sweet spirited as a child, his life was as joyous in the Savior's love as his translation was triumphant and glorious. For several years he filled the office of steward, faithfully and

ener jetically. No man ever lived in this community who was more honored and loved as a christian and citizen than he. He was, indeed, "a living epistle known and read of all men." As member of the church he was true and faithful. a good neighbor, a trusted friend, a loving husband and a kind father. While he quietly lingered on the shores of time, waiting for the call of his Saivour he trusted his promiser to the end to sustaining grace, which was graciously given to him. His last hours were like the beautiful setting sun, without an intervening cloud. The business of the town was almost suspended, and every possible respect was shown by the large concourse of sorrowing friends who followed his remains to their last resting place - the Methodist Cemetary. May the benedictions of heaven rest upon the bereaved wife, and may the Father's mantle fall upon his son, and may the name left him encourage him to walk in his father's footsteps.

C. W. Robinson

[Candy: I typed it just as printed in the paper, including all the spelling mistakes. Below is another which I have. ]


Fred, oldest child of J. C. and Jennie Spruill, seven years of age, passed peacefully away on Monday evening, October 30th. These sorrowing parents have more treasure in heaven now. Fred, was a gentle, sweet spirited boy, whom we all loved. We love him still, and hope to follow and rest with him in the Father's House.


5 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

. January, February, March 2004

We gathered at the church and sang his favorite hymn: "On Jordan's Stormy banks I stand:' While his sainted spirit no doubt the presence of the King, joined in the grand strain - "Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all." W. H. Willis

[Here is another relative and this was in the ... North Carolina Christian ... ]

POLK - Died in Plymouth, N. C., Aug. 20th, 1894, Mrs. Sarah A. Polk, in the seventy-eighth year of her age. She was born in Bridgeville, Delaware, but for the past twenty-two years had made her home with her married daughter in Plymouth. For a number of years her home had been with her daughter, Mrs. Emma Latham, widow of the late Charles Latham, who was for many years a faithful supporter of Methodist Church here. Mrs. Polk joined the M. E. Church at Bridgeville; Delaware, in her eighteenth year, and by preference her name remained on the roll of

that Church until her death; although while she lived in Plymouth she never failed to show a zealous interest in the Church of her adopted Southern home. Even down to old age she was the embodiment of energy and firm discretion, and upon her faultless judgement children and grandchildren were safe in relying. Her religion was of the old-time Methodist type, and to the last her sure faith in God was unshaken. Out of a fami Iy of seven children, two daughters and one son survive, who, with other relatives and a host of friends, hope to meet her in a heavenly home. J. L. Rumley [Ed Note: Thanks, Candy - for sharing.]

[Candy earlier had written: Robert Polk Walker was supervisor of the Veneer Mill back in the early 1900' s. His wife was Eva Chesson was the daughter of James Andrew Chesson of Roper. Somehow his grandkids thought that he was mayor of Plymouth at one time. Is there a way to check that out? ~embers - can you answer?]

[)ovenport Deed

Washington County Registry: Deed W, Page 377-8

State of North Carolina }

Washington County } December the 9th 1873

This Indenture Made on this the 9th day of December in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and seventy three by and between Manasseh A. Davenport of the first part and William M. Patrick of the other part all of the County of Washington and State of North Carolina Witnesseth, Whereas Joseph Patrick is the Grandfather of the first part & father of the other part the aforesaid partie died intestate and was lawfully Seized in his demise(?) As of fee of and in a certain tract of land Situated in the County and State aforesaid Adjoining the land of Ephraim Davenport Sen. Hardy Davenport & others as follows. Beginning at a pine Thomas Skittletharp corner & Ephraim Davenport Decd line. Thence west along said line to Ephraim Davenport back line/land? Thence East along Said line to the first Station Containing fifty acres more or less & called the Prat? Land being So thereof Seized & possessed died intestate leaving issue Nine children, Viz: Ada, Sarah A. Hester , Joseph, Wm. M., Permelia, Nancy, Hardy & John. The aforesaid Manassah A. Davenport the Son of Permelia the only heir to whom according to the Laws of the State a certain portion did discend and come as tenants in common and no portion haVing yet been made between Said children the Said Manasseh A. Davenport hold and are entitled to an undivided interest in the Same Consisting of One Eight of the aforesaid tract of land. Now therefore this indenture Witnesseth that the Said Manasseh A. Davenport for in consideration of the Sum of Three Dollars in hand paid by the Said William M Patrick the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given granted bargained Sold and confirmed and by these presents do give grant bargain Sell and Confirm unto the said Wm. M. Patrick all his right title interest and claims in and to the Said Undivided interest of One .Eighth of the land and premises above described to have and to hold together with all the Singular the privileges and upurtencnces thereunto belonging or in aniwise appertaining to him the Said Wm. M. Patrick by his heirs and assigns free and discharged of any and


6 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

January, February, March 2004

all encumbrances in fee Simple absolutely forever, and the Manassah A. Davenport have covenanted and by these presents for his self and heirs to and with the Said Wm. M. Patrick his heirs and assigns do covenant to warrant forever defend the title hereby conveyed from the lawful claims of any and all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the Said Manasseh A. Davenport have & do hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed and delivered in ] Manasseh A. Davenport (Seal)

presents of Y. M. Woodley ]

Test S. B Snell ]

North Carolina - Washington County

The execution of the foregoing instrument was this day proven before me, by the Oath and examination of S. B. Snell, the Subscribing Witness thereto. Let the Same, with the Certificate be registered. Witness my hand this 28th day of April 1884.

Clerk fee 25 ]

Reg fee 95 ]

1.20 ]

Registered April 28th 1884

W. H. Stubbs Reg.

W. S. Davenport Clk Super Court

The following manuscript was discovered among -newsletter material- in files handed over by the late Lawrence Swain some months before his death. A note on the envelope containing this material bears the following:

"Lend of .Joseph Scott By Allen H. NorriS· -3 pages April newsletter or whatever-

-3 Related Harrisons in NENC-

-21 pages for August .Journal or whatever."

A discussion with other officers of WCGS resulted in an agreement to include these in the current newsletter as no one recalls them having been previously included in any newsletter or journal. We appreciate the material having been contributed to WCGS; however, any questions concerning the current status of the research or material included should be addressed to .Jane Stubbs Bailey. (Handwritten "mcrks" appear throughout the origit'lal manuscript but have been omitted here.)

.Jane Stubbs Bailey April 1996



In doing research on Nathaniel Everett and his wife Mary of Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Allen


Norris realized that Nathaniel s wife Mary had had a previous marriage. Much sifting through names made

her conclude that Mary Everett had first been married to .John Harrison of Albemarle County, North Carolina, who had made a will 18 February 1693. The will was proved in Chowan Precinct Court the first Monday in April 1694. Mary Harrison, widow, was authorized as executrix in .July 1694.

Mary Harrison claimed headrights for the family at the same April 1694 court at which her husband's will was proved. The court for Chowan precinct was held at the house of Captain Henderson Walker. Mary


7 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

J anuory, Februory, March 2004

Harrison's four rights were Jno. Harrison, Eliz. Harrison, Mary & Wm Harrison. (Haun, Old Alb Co NC Book of Land Warrants & Surveys 1681-1796, #28] 4 Rts = 200 Acres.

The following information from John Harrison's 1693/4 will is from a copy of the original found at the North Carolina Archives. John gave to his son Willm Harrison 100 acres of land "on the west side of my plantation more or less.' To son John Harrison, 50 acres of land ·joining with his brother William more or less." Daughter Elizabeth received a year old heifer. Son Thomas received a cow and calf. John Harrison Signed the will with a mark. Witnesses to the will were Geo. Fordice, John Watkins and Wm [mark] Harrison.

Sons John & Thomas Harrison & daughter Hannah must have been born in North Carolina as they were not claimed as headriqhts in the April 1694 court.

An investigation of George Fordice and John Watkins, two of the witnesses to John Harrison's will, lead to a group of settlers who owned land west of Yeopim River and along the north side of Albemarle Sound between Yeopim River and Bluff Point, a present location in Chowan County.

, . -

I would like to look at the witnesses to John Harrison s Feb 1693/4 will in an effort to show

relationship between him and two other Harrisons: Edward Harrison and William Harrison. Some of the related families may possibly have come to North Carolina from Maryland. (See pages of early Maryland settlers at end of paper)


One witness to John Harrison's February 1693/94 will was George For-dice."

Georg Ffordyse, Edward EH arrison, and Wm Wilkison witnessed the will of John Cropley, 25 January 1685/6, proved 29 March 1686 before Wm Wilkison. John Cropley said he was of Albemarle County and Province-of Carolina. He asked that he be buried according to the rites of the Church of England. John Cropley left his son Vines Cropley all his lands and his gun. John's wife was Ann Cropley and she received the rest of the estate. John Cropley asked that his wife's father John Vines be involved with Vines Cropley's land. John Cropley signed his will with the mark_. [NC Microfilm 5.108.196, SS Wills 1663-1789, COM-HAN]

Though not mentioned in the will, John and Ann Cropley had a daughter Mary who married James _

Beasley in 1696. [Haun, Berkeley Register #62]. He may also have hod a son named John. [mentioned 1716, Hofmann: Chowan Deeds #885]

19 July 1716. John Molton of Chowan Prect, planter to Thomas Vincent of Chowan Prect, planter. £8 sterling. 200 acres upon Meherrin Creek, joining John Cropley, a branch and the creek being the land surveyed by Thomas Kirby & now in the

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possession of sd Vincent. wit: John Keeter, John Dickinson, William Brasswell. Reg. 6

Aug 1716. .

This January 1685/86 appearance of Edwar'd Harrison is the one time we see him alive. He has died by January 23, 1692/3 when his step-son Joseph Williams makes a will, proved 8 January 1693 before Henderson Walker. Joseph left his wife Mary Williams all his estate. He asked that his mother Hannah Harrison administer the estate of his deceased father Edward Harrison. Witnesses to Joseph William' s will were Georg Ffordyce and Hannah (X) Harrison. Joseph Williams signed with the mark _. [Bradley, Early Rec of NC, vol IV]

Edward Harrison's group appeared in headrights a few months earlier than the John Harrison family.

Certified 7 February 1693/4 for George Dear: 10 HR. Jno Pritchett, Jno Dear and by Hannah Harrison, Edw. Harrison, Hannah Harrison, Joseph Williams, Wm Ffyan, Hannah Ffyan, Mercy Ffyan, Eliz. Ffyan, Lydia Harrison. Inrolled 17 February 1693 and entered into his warrant, Signed by Wm Glover. [Haun, Old Alb Co NC Book of Land Warrants & Surveys 1681-1706, #11 & #81)

Vallentin Barton's will connects some of these people. 6 March 1685/6 and proved 29 March 1686 before Wm Wilkison. Valentine asked that he be buried according to the rites of the Church of England. Wife is Hanna Barton. Brother-in-law is Geo. Fordise. He & Vallentin' s wife are executors. Hanna Ford [Fordyse?) is left a sow. (wife ordau of George?] Bedy/Hedy Harrison is left a Sow. [Lydia Harrison in above headrights?] Bother-in-Iaw Joseph Williams. Brother-in-law Wm Fyam; Signed: Valentin (his mark) Barton Witnesses: Ann (mark) Symons, Richard (R) Fountain, Wm Wilkison5

The will is found in NC microfilm S.lOB.l95, 55 wills 1663-1789, ABE-COL.

Vallentin Barton was used as a head right by John Hopkins in 1694. [Haun, Old Alb Land Warrants #267]

There are several ways to look at the relationships stated in Vallentin Barton's will. Further research is needed before hazarding guesses.

. .

Edward Harrisonwas in North Carolina by January 1685/6. He had married Hannah, the widow of a

Williams who had a son named Joseph Williams. Edward Harrison was dead by 23 January 1692/3 when his step-son made a will. He was probably a generation older than John HarriSon of the 1693/4 will.

George Ffordyse, later to witness John Harrison's February 1693/4 will, witnessed John Cropley's will with Edward Harrison in January 1685/6. He also witnessed Edward Harrison's step-son's will in January 1692/3. He may have been related to both John Cropley & Joseph Williams.

Later information seems to indicate that family members of John Harrison of the 1693/4 will lived on the south side of Albemarle Sound. Thomas Harrison and daughter Hannah Banks Gurkin settled in Tyrrell County along with their mother Mary, wife of Nathaniel Everett. Some of the original family lands may have been north side of Albemarle Sound.

5End page 2 JSB


9 Vol. XV, No. 1,2,3

J" anuary, February, March 2004 .

Witnesses to his will lived on the north side of Albemarle Sound.

Following are deeds giving some locations for George Fordyce & John Watkins, 2 of the witnesses to the Feb 1693/4 will of John Harrison.

Witness George Ffordyce .

1675,1677,1678 Rent Ust.-Geo Fordice had 200 acres and was listed next to W. Harris, N. Semonz.

Vines Cropley [Haun, Old Alb Misc #3)

By 1 January 1694 George Ffordyce was living in Chowan Precinct on the Sound next to Vines Cropley, Nicholas Semons and Argall Simons. [Haun, Old Alb Land Warrants #66,148,208)

1 Jan 1694. George Fordyce. 244 acres on the Sound in Chowan6

Prect joining the sd sound. the little cove. & Nicholas Simons. [Province of NC #107)

1 Jan 1694. Vines Cropley. 400 acres Chowan Prect joining George Fordice at the little cove. [Hofmann, Province of NC, #64]

1 Jan 1694. Argall Simons. 400 acres Chowan Prect Yawpim River joining Nicholas Simnons. Georage Fordice. the bank of sd River. [Province of NC #66)

10 Oct 1694. 250/244 acres laid out for George Ffordice due for transportation of 5 persons. Viz:

George ffordyce, Geo. ffordice Junr, Mary ffordyce, Sarah Ffordyce, Hanoh ffordyce. [Haun, Old Alb Land ,warrants #187, #208]


1695 -Rent Roll shows George Ffordice with 244 acres on Sound on Chowan. [Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #460]

1703. Argell Symons of Chowcin Prect, planter, & Lydia Simons [Harrison?] to Edward Norrington, planter, Chowan Precinct. £25. 400 acres on Yawp in River joini09 Nicholas Simmons & George Fordice & now in occupation of sd Edward. wit: John Haleones (?) [Falconer), John Bentley [Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #84)

Hathaway indicates the death of the first George Ffordice by 5 October 1713. -George Fordyce, of Chowan. Is dead; 5 October, 1713; Wm Haughton right of his wife, being nearest of kin, administrator." [Hathaway, v~lume I, page 44)

. In 1715 his son George Ffordice assigned Q patent of 244 acres to Thomas Horton. Located on Sound side joining Simmons & dated 1 Jan 1694 excepting the land my father George Ffordyce sold to Nicholas Semmons which I do hereby give to Mary Simons. Wit: Henry [H] Horton, Rebecca Pierce [RP], Fra Smith. [Chowan Deeds, #850]

bEnd page 3 J"SB

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January, February, March 2004

4 June 1718. Mary Simmons, widow of Nicholas Simmons dec'd to Thomas Pierce Jr. ASSignment of land purchased of George Fordice 2 8ber 1698. Wit: John Falconer, Francis Thomas [Toms?). [Chowan Deeds #1152]

Mary Simmons is Mary Scott Pearce Bundy Simmons. She left a 1722 will.

The son of George Fordyce may have been a Quaker. There is one mention of George Fordice and Thomas Peirce signing an "cdvice to meeting: The abstractor guessed the date to be 1712. [Bjorkman, Quaker Marriages, page 96)

Some of the Simons mentioned in the above deeds did attend Quaker meetings and were Quakers. 1699 Nicholas, Mary and Ann Simons attended the marriage of Joseph Perse to Damaris Nixon [Bjorkman, p 5] Simmons family members are scattered all through the Bjorkman marriage records.

Witness John Watkins.

I do not find mention of John Watkins in Head Right and Land Warrant information I have.

John Watkins is on tax lists for 1695, 1696, 1698/99. [Haun, Old7 Alb Misc Rec #53) John Watkins is on a 1712 Corn List (Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #186]

1711. John Watkins witnessed sale of land from Thomas Stacy & Christian his wife to Alexander Smith.

Land was on the Sound and commonly called Stacey's Old Field, joining Nicholas Simons, Alexander Smith and Edward N---. Wit: Fra Smith, Thomas Horton [T], John Wattkins [+]. [Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #837]

1714. Thomas Stacy & Christian his wife to Henry Speller. Land where! dwell between John Watkins and -------. Wit: William Stewart, Henry Cogwell [H). [Chowan Deeds #408]

14 Nov 1715 Jona. Watkins witnessed will of John Tarkington of Scoppernum. Edward Phelps was overseer. Witnesses were John Winget and Mary (X) Lason. [Lawson?] NC Archives microfilm S.108.200, SS of State wills 1663-1789 shows J. Watkins signing as a witness. When he proves the will, the clerk writes his name as Jona. Watkins. The John Watkins who witnessed the John Harrison's 1693/4 will made mark

. "

July 1717. John Watkins had died leaving 2 daughters, Sarah and Hannah. Daughter Sarah chose William Stewart as her guardian until she reached the age of 16. ordered that William Haughton, Edward Orrington & William Harris divide estate of John Wattkins Dec'd equally between Hannah and Sarah Wattkins his 2 children.

At this same court William Steward was named overseer of a road on Yeopim River. Other men on the road jury included Charles Stacy. Vines Crop lev. Wm Harris. [Chowan Deeds #1664]

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At October 1717 Court William Stewart, Francis Beasley & John Falconer were indebted to James Beasley for £88 3 shillings for Stewart to faithfully discharge his duty as guardian to Sarah Watkins. [Chowan Deeds #1679]

17 March 1695/6 James Beasle, son of Robart Beasle & Sarah his wife, married Mary Cropleye, daughter of John Crople & Ann his wife. [Haun, Perq Co NC Births, Marriages, etc #62]

Although I don't know where Edward Harrison lived, the people he seems to have associated with lived in Chowan precinct near Yeopim River and thus North Side Albemarle Sound. He & George Ffordyce witnessed the John Cropley will in 1685/6. Cropley and Ffordice and John Watkins of the John Harrison will were neighbors and were also close to Thomas Stacy, Nicholas Semons, Argall Simons, Wm Steward/Stewart and Will Harriss/William Harrison.




W. Harris in the rent list near Nicholas Simons, Vines Cropley and Geo. Fordice leads us to the third possibly related Harrison.

The third witness to the Feb 1693/4 will of John Harrison was Wm (mark~ Harrison. Was he John Harrison's son, brother, another relation?

It is fairly clear that W. Harriss. Will Harriss and William Harrison are the same person or father &

son at least until 1700. From 1694 until 1700 he had a wife named Ann. . .

In a 1675 rent roll, a W. Harriss had 250 acres. Above his name is Col. W. Wilkison, who along with George Ffordice & Edward Harrison witnessed the 1685 will of John Cropley. Names just below his on the rent roll are Geo. Ffordice, N. Semonz. Vine Cropley, (Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #3) This 250 acres may be the 250 acres Will HarriS & wife Ann sold to Argall Simons in 1700. (See 1700 entry further along in this

paper.) .


At the April 1694 court when the will of John Harrison was proved and when Mary Harrison claimed her 4 head rights, Wm Harrison is named.

By Wm Harrison two Rights. Viz: An Harrison. Wm Harrison. ASSigned to Argill Simonds & Wart~ given. [Haun, Old Alb Land warrants #27)

At this same April 1694 Court (#27] names surrounding John Watkins, George Ffordice, & Edward Harrison are included.

By Anne Stuart 9 Rights Viz:Jno Cropley, Anne Cropley, Mary Cropley, Ann Cropley Jr, Elizabeth Cropley, Jno Vines, James Fisher, Wm Darby, Jno Darby, & a Wart, given for same . 27 Aug. signed by Wm Glover. [#81 shows Ann Stuart Jr assigning 400 of her 450 acres to Vine Cropley 2 Aug 1694]

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3 Rts of Arthur Carleton assigned to James Fisher.

By Nicholas Symons his own right proved & entered into his warrant 4 Sept. [Nicholas Symons married Mary Scot Bundy June 169?, Haun, Berkley Register #9)

A 1698 Rent Roll again shows Col. W. Wilkison, W. Harris, Phi Ward, Geo. Ffordice, N. Semons, Geo.

Dear, Mary Harris all in a row. (Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #53)

Is it possible that this Mary Harris is widow of John of the 1693/4 will?

15 Feb 1700. Will Harris of Chowan Prect in Albemarle County & Ann my wife to Argall Simons of same place for £25 cm of this county 250 acres on the North Shore of Albemarle River joining John Harrison. Wit: Humphrey Legg, Leenard Lasim. Req 1 April 1701. (Hofmann, Chowan Deeds#33] Hathaway gives this same deed but calls the witness "Leenord Lasim" Leonard Loften. The deed comes from Chowan Deeds Book W-l, page 19. I ordered a9 microfilm of Book W-I from the NC Archives. The microfilm is too light to read.

This has to be the same Ann and William Harrison as seen in the headright transaction. Are Wm and Ann Harrison of the 1694 head rights, assigned to Argall Simons, related to John Harrison of the 1693/4 will? Did this particular Wm Harrison witness the will? Were the lands of John Harrison on the north side of Albemarle Sound?

The connection of William Harriss/Harrison with Argall Simons is interesting because Thomas StubbS' apparent first land purchase in Tyrrell Precinct was land adjacent to John Simons, son of Argall Symmons. Thomas Stubbs married Mary Everitt, daughter of Mary -----Harrison Everitt.

Another connection with the Tyrrell Harrisons occurs in 2 later deeds

5 Jan 1708. John Harrison of Chowan Prect to Argell Simons of same. consideration (not given) a plantation joining John Porter & the sd Simons. wit: Thomas Garrett, Stephen Swain. Reg Oct Ct (year not given) (Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #180) [Porter lands were north side Albemarle sound, on the sound near Bluff Point west of Yeopim River, Chowan County)

Is the above John Harrison the man who made the 1710 will?

8 April 1715. Wm Haughton (relative of George Fordice) to Edward Porter (son of John]. £40.90 acres to me by a deed of sale of land from Nathaniel Averitt in April 1709 & is on the back of John Porter & now in possession of his son Edward. Wit: Thomas Cary, John Lillington, John Porter, Josh Porter. Ack 31 July 1716. (Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #865)

Was Nathaniel Averitt, who lived south side of Albemarle Sound, acting for his wife Mary or his stepson John Harrison?

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A William Harrison associated with Vines Cropley in later deeds may be the same W. Harris as the one on the rent roll and whose wife was Ann or he could be a son or other relation. Through land deeds and the will of Vines Harrison in 1738 one can build a family with Father William Harrison, sons John, William, Josheway, Edmond, Vines, and daughter Sarah Felte all of Chowan Precinct and·perhaps Chowan County, NC.

Since Edward Harrison witnessed the will of John Cropley, father of Vines Cropley, we can assume that the above William Harrison is related to Edward. George Ffordice, associate of Edward Harrison, witnessed the 1693/94 will of John Harrison who had a son named William and a witness named William Harrison.

," . I

Hannah and Edward Harrison. don t seem to have had children unless Lydia Harrison was their daughter.

Was there a son named William born in North Carolina but not mentioned in Joseph Williams' will10 or other


wills of the people associated with Edward Harrison? It is always possible. Wills don t always include all

family members. For instance, John Cropley's 1685 will nemes son Vines. John also had daughter Mary and perhaps another son named John who appears in Chowan records on Meherrin Creek in 1716. [Chowan Deeds #885)

William Harrison of the 6 children appears with his son John Harrison in 1717 records. This William Harrison makes a mark (W) in 1717 which is not like the mark of the Wm Harrison who witnessed John Harrison's 1693/4 will. (Chowan Deeds #993) This mayor may not be significant. An adult signing a will in 1693/4would be the right age to be the father of the John Harrison who appears in Chowan records in 1717.

This possibly later William Harrison associates with neighbors of John Watkins and may be related to

. .

John Cropley s son, Vines. Did William Harrison name one of his sons Vines Harrison because of Vines

Cropley or because of a relationship with John Vines? Could he be the same W. Harris of the 1675 rent roll? The 1675 W. Harris was probably an older member of the family. Perhaps Wm Harris/Harrison with wife Ann was son of the 1675 Rent Roll W. HarriS.

Following are deeds referring to the William Harrison, father of at least 6 children and neighbor of Vines Cropley.

. .

26 July 1714. Vines Cropley of Albemarle Co, Planter to William Harrison of same place. £4 7 shillings, . acres not given. Being part of a patent to Vines Cropley and Sarah his wife granted by the Lords Proprietors 1 Jan 1694. Wit: John Falconer, William Stewart. Reg 3 Sept 1715. [Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #703]

. 1 Jan 1694. Grant to Vines Cropley, planter, a tract of land containing 400 acres lying in Chowan

precinct beginning at an Ash George Ffordice his corner tree at the little cove thence up the Sound 53 degrees W 200 P to a hickory thence N 41 degrees W 320 P to a Red Oake thence N 53 degrees E 200 P to a holly George Ffordyce's line of marked trees to 1st station. Imported are John Cropley, An Cropley, Mary Cropley, An Cropley -Ir, Elizabeth Cropley, John Vines, James Ffisher, Wm Darby. [Haun, Old Alb Land Warr #148-49] George Dear and An Simmons were adjoining. [#147]

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Here is William Harrison buying land from the son of John Cropley whose will Edward Harrison had witnessed. Nearby is Ffordice land. and the first George Ffordice was witness to 1693/4 will of John Harrison.

In an August 1715 deed Vines Cropley is near Edward Norrinqton and Thomas Stacy. [Chowan Deeds #827). We are back to John Watkins and the people who appeared in deeds with him.

July court 1715 Vines Cropley is appointed constable for Lowerll District of North Shore. (Chowan Deeds #1654]

2 May 1717. Vines Cropley of Chowan Prect & Sarah his wife to William Stewart of same place. [Stewart guardian to John Watkins' 2 daughters]. £7 cm NC. 50 acres, joining Thomas Hauqhton, part of the land whereon we now live. Wit: William Harrison rwl his mark. John Harrison [N] his mark. Req 19 Aug 1717. [Chowan Deeds #993]

15 July 1717. Sarah Cropley, wife of Vines Cropley of Chowan Prect to John Palconer. letter of attorney to relinquish my right of dower to land sold by my husband Vines Cropley unto William Stewart. Wit: Thomas Haughton [H] his mark. Thomas Hardy. Reg 19 Aug 1717. [Chowan Deeds #994]

July 1717 court a road jury gives Vines Cropley's neighbors and thus William Harrison's neighbors. The names are William Charlton Sr. John Mount, William Steward. Thomas Luten Jr, Joseph Porter, Vines Cropley. Thomas Haughton. George Haughton. William Haughton, William HarriS. John Falconer and Thomas

, ,

May. They are to lay out the Main Road from Dr. Urmston s to John Ainesly s on Yeonim River Mouth and

that Edward Orrington and Thomas and Charles Stacey be moved to the sd District and work on the same Road and that William Steward be overseer of the road. [Chowan Deeds # 1664)

January 1717 Chowan Court, Ordered that James Beazley have letter of administration on the Estate of William Privett Dec'd and that Francis Smith. William Stewart and William Harris appraise sd Estate & return inventory to next court. [James Beasley had married Mary. John Cropley's daughter.]

Ordered that Vines Cropley be constable in District from Yeopim to Captain Jones's including Matt Taylor~ s swamp and Charles Willkinsbe Constable to Ballard's Bridge and John White Jr from Ballard's Bridge to the bounds of Virginia. [Chowan Deeds #1689)

1717 Tax List.Wm Harris & Son. 100 Acres. 2 poles [Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #270)

29 March 1719. Wm Hovet patent. 519 acres Chowan precinct head of Yawpim River joining Henry Clayton. Wm Privet. Wm Harrice. John Harrice, Margaret Simons & Wm White. (Hofmann. Provof NC #306)

Vines Cropley made a will in April 1719 and had died by the probate 31 JULY 1719. He had son William.

His brother-in-law James Beasley was executor. Witnesses were James Beasley. Jacob Privet, Mary (X) Beasley [his Sister?]

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17 April 1719. Lazarus Thomas of Chowan Prect & Mary his wife to James Peeke of Boston in New England. for? sterling. 340 acres south side Horse Swamp joining John Boirfield, William Harris & the

swamp. Wit: Stephen Williams, Charles Merritt. (Chowan Deeds #1293) .

Chowan Deeds #681 puts Lazarus Thomas 'south side of Chowant2 River at ye mouth of Tuskete Branch on ye south side of ye Horse swamp· And Chowan court held in 1711 shows him constable "from Wickacon Creek so far as ye Inhabitants of Maherrin- [Chowan Deeds #235)

1721 Tax List. Wm Harris. 100 acres listed next to Thomas Stacy. John Harris. 100 acres. Mary Beasley is listed just below him. [Haun, Old Alb Misc Rec #334]

7 Aug 1722. John Hare, Chowon, to Joseph Oats,Perq. 125 acres joining James Williamson & William Harris (?) near Bluff Point where my father dwelt, wit: John Falconer. Joseph (?) Calloway. [Chowan Deeds #1518.] [Bluff Point was Porter land]

Other Chowan deeds show John Hare living on Yeopim River. #186 in 1708 says his land at head of Yeopim River was patented by William Everett.

#1310 in 1720 has Margarett Syuonslivingnear him at head of Yeopim River

#1595 in 1719 seems to show a true connection to our Harrison family. 21 Nov 1719. Wm Stewart & Mary my wife to Thomas Stacy. £14. assignment of within 50 acres purchased of Vines Cronley. Wit: Fra. Smith, J.Harrison, John Hare.

5 August 1721. WmHarmonJr to John Harrison of Bertie Co. 50 acres on the Sound adjoini"9land of

, .

VinesCronley & Wm Harrisonl>ou$Jht of sd Harrison s father. Test: "Thos Pierce. Francis Pettit, Vines

Harrison. (Hathaway. vol 2, page·444 from Chowan Abstracts of Conveyances)

, ,

John and Vines Harrison are brothers. Petitt s name occurs in VineS Harrison swill.

---_. --------- .. -------

I could not find the sale from William Harrison to Wm Harmon Jr.

I found one Bertie referene to a Wm Harrison in 1740. Wm Harrison Witnessed a deed of sale of land on Heron Creek from John Walburton to John Jordan.

5 A'!9 1728. Wm Harrison to Son Wm Harrison. 100 acres North side Albemarle Sound. Part of Vines Cronlev- s tract adjoining Jno Norcomb & WmWhite. Test: Fras. Pettitt. Vines Harrison. Same to Cornelius Leary. 50 acres part of same tract. Dec 14,1727. Test ¥.1m Smith. Thomas HOrrell. [Hathaway, vol 2, page 445)

Francis Pettit is a Quaker and is located on YeopimRiver.1733. Thomas Everenden to Francis Pettit. 50 acres onYoppim River adjoining tract given sd Petit by his father Francis Petit's will. Test: Thomas Haughton, Margaret Haughton. Vines Harrison. [Hathaway, vol 1, page 109]

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22 February 1738. Vines Harrison Will, Chowan Precinct. Proved 24 March by "Thomas Peirce one of the people called Quakers .. is

29 March 1739 letters issued.

Brother J osheway Harrison. items & hogs running at Pettits upper plantation. Brother William Harrison. sows running atPettits lower plantation

. ,

Brother Edmond Harrison. sows running with Thomas Peirce s hogs

Sister Sarah Felte. [Phelps?)

Money due from my brother Harrison's estate [John?) to divide between Will & Josheway. All rest of estate to Brothers William & J osheway Harrison whom he appoints as his executors. Signed Vines [V) Harrison.

Wit: Thomas Peirce, Thomas Everendon, Edward «] Lister. (From NC Archives Microfilm

5.108.197,55 Wills, NC, 1663-1789,


All the names in the will indicate that Vines Harrison and perhaps his brothers were still living near Yeopim River where their father Will Harris/Harrison had lived.

Three brothers are alive in 1738. Josheway qualified as executor. Did Edmond and William survive?

Bradley's Early Records ofNC volume 2 lists 3 Harrison inventories for Chowan County in 1739.

The first is that of the Vines Harrison who wrote the above 1738 will. His Inventory was taken in Chowan county 21 March 1738/9. signed by Joshua (X) Harrison. Attested 1 June 1739 before J. Butter (?), J.P. (Bradley, Early Rec of NC, vol 2, #408]

Vines Harrison's brother Joshua is acting as executor though brother William Harrison had also been named executor.

Did William die? There are 2 inventories in Chowan County token the same day for William Harrison and Thomas Harrison. #404. William Harrison inventory, Chowan Co. Signed by John Peirce. Attested 2 June 1739 before Jos. Anderson. {I day later Vines Harrison's attestation but before a different person?

#407. Thomas Harrison inventory, Chowan Co. Signed by John Peirce, Attested 2 June 1739 before Jos Anderson.

John Peirce signs the inventories for Thomas and William Harrison. Thomas Peirce proved Vines Harrison's will 24 March 1738/9.

Though impossible to state that these men are related; it is an interesting connection. Do coincidences like this happen?

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Hathaway records another occurrence which is interesting at about the same time. June 9,1739. a week after the inventories were attested to before J os. Anderson, Robert Robinson sold Joseph Anderson 166 acres, a patent to Martin Charles dated August 13, 1714 known as Harrisons's Plantation. Test: Thomas Hoskins, David14 Bush. [Hathaway, vol 3, page 135, Chowan Conveyances]

Two other items concern this Martin Charles.

Martin Charles' patent is recorded in Hofmann, Province of North Carolina Abstracts of Land Patents #964.166 acres Chowan Precinct, W side Rockahock creek joining Cedar Swamp, a branch, Thomas Muns and the sd creek. Thomas Muns 1714 patent shows John Robertson living next to Martin Charles. [#965)

22 December 1715. Martin Charles living in Virginia in the Isle of White Co. and Mourning my wife to Robert Hicks of Albemarle Co. Letter of attorney to act in our behalf in that place. Wit: John Marks, Thomas Marks. Reg 8 May 1716. [Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #835)

12 April 1716. Martin Charles late of the Province of Carolina to Edward Cockrell of Chowan Prect. For valuable consideration. 160 acres scituate on the west side of Rockahock Creek at the mouth of Cedar Swamp. joining a branch of the sd swamp and Thomas Munn.Robert Hicks acts in behalf of Martin Charles. Reg 8 May 1716. [Hofmann, Chowan Deeds #836)

The subject of a second paper lies here. John and Thomas Marks witnessing for Martin Charles brings us to other connections with Thomas Averitt/Everitt and a Daniel Harrison who made a will in

Chowan precinct January 1726/27. But that is another story.

I found another reference to a Harrison in the ChowanCourt Records. April Court 1748. Deed of Sale of Land from Francis Speight to William Harrison & John Ballard proved by oath of Henry King an evidence there to. [Item 194 from Weynette Parks Haun, Chowan County NC County Court Minutes 1735-1738: 1746-1748. Book TI, Durham. NC, 1983)

I believe that Joshua Harrison, brother and executor of Vines Harrison, died by April 1745. At the April 1745 Chowan Court which met in Edenton, ·Petition of Barbary Harrison Read in these words Vizt, Granted she giving Security in the sum of £500 & accordingly Enters Mr. Thomas Falconer as Security." [Weynette Parks Haun, ChowanCounty, NC County Court Minutes 1730-1745, Book I, Durham,NC, 1983. Item #230)

It seems highly likely that the Joshua Harris who died by 4 March 1756 [Bradley, Tyr Estates] was this


same Vines Harrison s brother. My reason for saying this is that there was a bond for Cornelius Leary of

Chowan County to administer the estate. Cornelius Leary is a name that appeared in the 1728 deed when William Harrison gave his son William Harrison land. [See above] Burr's Tyrrel Court Records for March· 1756 [#311 show Cornelius teary petitioning for the estate and that Jethro Raby had married Joshua

, ,

Harris widow Barbara. Burr s Tyrrell Court Minutes [#33] for March 1756 have a petition of Jr. Charlton,

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a name from15 Chowan, in behalf of Cornelius Leary to appoint dividers of estate of Joshua Harris deceased. Joseph Spruill. John Spruill and Richard Leary are to divide the estate. A June 1756 entry [#444-45) indiortes that -Barbara Harris/now Barbara Raby having removed herself with the Estate of her husband


to this County without having complied with the Law" etc. Jethro Raby, Barbara s new husband took the

estate into his hands.

J osheway Harris/Harrison's family seems to have been brought fromChowan County to Tyrrell County, perhaps because the widow Borbara Harris married Jethro Raby of Tyrrell County. Again the name is spelled Harris/Harrison.

At September 1756 Court [#54-55] Barbary Raby Exhibited an Inventory of the Estate of Joshua Hareson deceased. her-deceased husband: Next entry calls him Joshua Harris again. On this round Giles Long. Thomas Leareyand John Spruill are to divide the estate. These people seem to be living over towards the ScuppernongRiver area of Tyrrell County. December 1756 [#62] Barbara Raby was appointed guardian to John Harrison and Mary Harrison. No longer Harris. March 1757 Court [#67-68] an item refers to

. ,

estate of J()hn Hareson dec d and a sale of 100 acres from Thom Davis. At the same court Giles Long

returned division of Joshua Hareson deceased estate. At the same March 1757 court [#71] Barbara Raby took into her hands the estate of her former husband Joshua Harrison. Two Joseph Spruills were her securities.

27 December 1756 Division of estate. BarbaraRaby got 1/3] The 2/3 was split 3 ways between John Harrison. Joshua Harrison and Mary Harrison. [Bradley, Tyrrell Estates]

Barbara Harris Raby probably married one of the Joseph Spruills who was her security in 1757. A Tyrrell land deed of gift states: Joseph Spruill & his wife Barbary of Tyrrel Co to their 2 sons John Harrison & Joshua Harrison. 100 ceres which was part of a patent now possessed by Thomas Davis & by a deed from sd Thomas Davis to Barbary Harrison on the head of Scuppernang River joining where sd Thomas Davis now lives, Robert Davis. Signed by Joseph Spruill and Barbary (X) Harris. wit: J. Halsey, Willm. (X) Wolard. Recorded 2 April 1747 before E. HaIl,CJ. [Bradley, Tyr Deeds 1735-60 #390]

The sale occurred 29 May 1746 cmdis in Bradley' s Tyr Deeds 1735- 60 #384. Thomas Davis, carpenter of Tyrrell County to Barbare Harrison of same. £100. 100 (teres on west side of Scuppernang River, joining Robert Davis. Wit: Edward Phelps, James Phelps. Registered 15 Feb 1746n by James Conner, Regr. [also to be found in Tyrrell DB 2, page 61)

There does seem to be a Harrison family in the Scuppernong area and they have evidently come from the Chowan family of William Harrison. John and Joshua Harrison become Tyrrell County residents."

How the 3 early Harrisons Me tied together is hard to say. Possibly Edward Harrison was indeed father of the family as some suppose. Certainly the earliest name in Albemarle County is W. Harris, 1675. Edward Harrjson may have moved to Albemarle County later to join sons already there.

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. James City County, Virginia has an Edward Harrison acting there just before the 1685/6 John Cropley wiH Edward Harrison witnessed in North Carolina. Indenture was made 21 May 1679 between Thomas Holiday of James City to William Briscoe of James City. Witness: Edw. Harrison, Wm (W) Tisdell. [p 9 of Rev Lindsay O. Duvall's Va Colonial Abstract Series 2, vol 4, James City County, Virginia 1634-1904] Page 11 of that book shows Edward Harrison acting as Deputy Clerkin February 1681/2 in James City County. The Signature of Edward Harrison as witness to John Cropley' swill had -Eain the middle of his name, a mark. It would be helpful to see a copy of the signature of the Edward Harrison who acted as deputy clerk in James city County, Virginia in 1681/2. But Edward Harrison, deputy clerk of James City County, Virginia in 1681 would more likely have signed his name than make an -EHa mark.

More work can be done with this family. A question to answer: Did Edward Harrison disappear from Virginia records?

Did our Edward Harrison or William Harrison come to North Carolina from Maryland? Apparently some of his associates did. And there is evidence .0faNathaniel Everett in Maryland' s ~rly records."

Jane Stubbs Bailey ~ay1996



George Fordyce and John Watkins, 2 witnesses to the 18 February 1693/4 will of John Harrison of Albemarle County, husband of Mary whom we believe married Nathaniel Everett, lead us to other names including JohnCropiey,J.ohn Vines, Edward Harrison, VaientineBarton and the Simmons family.


When I attempted to find earlier origins for these families in New England or Virginia, I had no luck with 0Tr'f of the names except John Vines.

In Isle of Wight County , Virginia,9 February 1672173 John Vines and William Jenkins witnessed the sale of land fromJ ohn Frizzell and wife AM to Lewis Rogers. The Frizzells had bought the land from Nicholas Cobb. (This comes from Isle of Wight Will and beedBook I and is on page 569 of John Bennett Boddie) s Seventeenth Century Isle of Wiaht County Virginia.

The Cropley name is mentioned in the same John Bennett Boddie book on pages 279 and 287. On page 287 Boddie quotes the wiUof Richard Bennett of Nansemond River in Virginia 15 March 1674. "To my cousin Mary, the wife of Mr. Luke Cropley of London, twenty pounds sterling: Page 279 gives the information that Mary Bennett (first married ?[)ay, 2nd Thomas Bland) and 12 Sept 1668 -Mary Bland, widow, aged 36, married Luke Cropley, aged 35: This supposedly took place in London.

Some speculate that John Cropley wasson of Luke. We have no sure evidence for that. The John Cropley, who left a North Carolina will 25 January 1685/6 witnessed by George Fordice, Edward Harrison and William Wilkison, would have been too old to be a son of Mary Bennett and Luke Cropley. They married

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in 1668. Eighteen years later when J" ohn Cropley made his wilt he was married with two and perhaps three children. His daughter Mary was old enough to marry in 1691. His son Vines Cropley was on 1675-1678 tax lists. John Cropley may have been a brother of Luke Cropley or some other relative. Luke Cropley was listed as being age 35 in 1668. If Luke Cropley had beenprevious1y married, perhaps John was a son by Luke's first wife.

Richard Bennett who made the 1674 will in NansemondCounty, Virginia also owned lands in Maryland.

A valuable resource for early MaryJandersis 6ust Skordas' Early Settlers of Maryland 1623-1680, published by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968:8

On page 116, dealing with persons transported into Maryland:

John Cropley, fiber 10, folio 414, transported 1665. He might have been son of Luke Cropley but not of

Luke's wife Mary Bennett as she married Luke Cropley in 1668. on page 27

Valentine Barton,liber 13, folio 1, transported 1669. Service 1673. (17, fol, 595) on page 478, a list of Vines, Viner.

Mary Vine, liber 7, folio 475. transported 1663 Elizabeth Vine, liber 7, folio 5n, transported 1665 Henry Viner, liber 3, folio 249, transported 1663 John Viner, tiber 15, folio 564, migrated 1678. Elizabeth Vines,liber 12, folio 548, transported 1670 Sauuel Vines,liber 6, folio 123, transported 1663 Samuel Vines, liber 9, folio 92, transported 1665 William Vines,liber 16, folio 12, transported 1670 William Vines, WC2, folio T], service 1679

John Viney.1iber 10. folio 206, 394. Immigroted 1666. Of Talbot County.

I have included a list of Harrisons who immignrted or were transported. There is no Edward Harrison but there are several Edward Harrises.

Unfortunately George Fordyce was not on the immigrant list for Maryland during 1633-1680. I have found no trace of him in Virginia or New England

The Maryfand presence of John Cropley, Valentine Barton, and perhaps some members of the Vines family may be a helpful guide in looking for other early information on the Harrison family.


In the 1749 will of Nathoniel Everett, Tyrrell Precinct. he left to Elizabeth or Mary Everitt of -Mereland-l shilling sterling. To Nathaniel Everitt of Merelond, 1 shilling sterling.

This would seem to indicate that Nathaniel Everett had relatives in Maryland.

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In the Gust Skordas Early Settlers of Maryland 1633-1680. a Nathaniel Evetts family was transported

in 1665.

Nathaniel Evitts of Talbott County. Ellen Evitts, wife of Nath.

Mary Evitts, daughter of Math.

Transported Transported Transported

This Nathaniel Evitts, born around 1634 according to a deposition he made, settled in Kent County, Mary1and. He died by NovembEW9 1683. His wife then married an apparent neighbor, Thomas Smith who took over Nathaniel Evitt ! s cattle mark. The daughter Mary seems to have married Phillip Conner. The estate settlement, found at the Maryland Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, shows no sign of any other child than daughter Mary.

There are later signs of the name Nathaniel Everitt in Maryland.

18 April 1701. James Foster of Anne Arundel County, planter sold William Lewis of Anne Arundel County, planter land that had belonged to Richard Gallaway. Witnesses were Nath Everett, Henry Smith. [pages 25-26, Abstracts of Land Records of Anne Arundel

County, Maryland 1699-1709, volume 2]

A 15 August 1729 list of debts for a prominent Anne Arundel County, Maryland merchant, Amos Garret i included several Everetts. One of them was Nathaniel Everett. Other Everetts on the list were Lawrence Everet, Margret Everet, Richard Everett. Another interesting name on the list is John Falconer, a name mentioned in sales of land in Chowan Precinct involving families who were dose to the Harrison family. [pages 52-55, V. L Skinner, Jr., Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court, Libers 1-4, 1718- 1720, Brookeville, MD, 1991.]

There are possibilities that Nathaniel Everett himself may have been born in Maryland. He seems to have had relatives there when he died in 1749.


Mary Harrison Everett may have come from Maryland to North Carolina with her husband John.

People associated with his family had immigrated to Maryland or were on transportation lists in Maryland.20

John Bennett Boddie's book, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County. Virginia, volume I, Chicago, 1938, tells an interesting story of the connections between Maryland and Virginia in the early settlement


period of the 1600 s, His chapter on Edward Bennett ,pages 35-53 and his chapter on Richard Bennett,

pages 54-76, form the basis for the following summary of early religious influence on settlers. I think it possible that our Harrison family and their relatives were caught up in some of the conflicts.

'--~---. ---~-- .. - - -.--'---- -----------"'-

--.----- .. ~---. _.-._-_._._---.- ~----.---~---------.------.---- .. - .. ~

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Edward Bennett established a colony in Isle of Wight, Virginia around 1622. Bennett was a wealthy merchant, owner of several ships, and a Separatist or Puritan. His first group of settlers arrived February 1622 in the Sea Flower. One month later, Good Friday March 22,1622, the famous Indian massacre occurred. 53 persons werekiJIed at Edward Bennett's plantation. 33 survived. Bennett, his brothers and nephews continued their enterprise in importing settlers and in participating in trade between Virginia and England.

In the 1640' s Virginia began to require that its settlers conform to the established church of England.

Richard Bennett. a nephew of Edward, went to MaryJand in 1648 and received a 250 acre grant of land in Anne Arundel County at a place called Towne Neck. [volume I. page 60] Other Puritans who went to Maryland from Virginia were William Durand. William Pen, George Saphier, Robert Rockhould, Wm Perry, Christopher Oatley. Oliver Sprye and John Lord King. [page 60]

Maryland and Virginia hod governors sympathetic to the crown during the Civil War years 1649-1660.

Cromwell's Parliament sent a force against Virginia and Maryland. The commissioners they appointed to

bring Virginia under the Commonwealth s rule were Capt. Robert Denis, Mr. Richard Bennett, Mr. Thomas

Stegge & Capt. Wm. Claiborne. Virginia's Governor Berkeley surrendered March 12.1652. Richard Bennett, William Claiborne and Edmond CurtiS, who replaced Captain Denis, went to Maryland whose leaders also submitted to the new rule. Between 1652 and 1655 Richard Bennett served as governor of both Maryland and Virginia.

The Maryland Puritans continued to have troubles with the Maryland government and March 1655 shots were exchanged between the Royalists and the Anne Arundel County Roundheads in the harbor of present day Annapolis, then called Providence. [page 71-72] The Puritans were the victors at what was called the Battle of the Severn. By 1657 Richard Bennett negotiated a peace with Maryland' s Lord Baltimore in which the Puritans could worship as they pleased.

-In 1672 Wm Edmundson, a Quaker and George Fox, founder of that Society, visited Nansemond and converted Richard Bennett to their creed. Most of the Puritans both in Maryland and Virginia seem to21 have turnedOuaker about this time." (page 76]

Richard Bennett's witl was made 15 March 1674 and probated 3 August 1676 in Nansemond county, Virginia. He mentioned Quakers of Chuckatuck and also his cousin Mary, wife of Luke Cropley of London. In his will he mentioned his land on Pocomoke River , castern shore of Maryland and land on Wiccomoco River on Eastern Shore of Maryland. (volume I, pages 286-288]

Your attention is directed to two volumes published in 2001 by Jane Stubbs Bailey and Vernon L Everett, Jr., about the Everett/HOI"I"ison fOJllily. A search of the index did not reveal the use of the above material in those two books. Researchers should contact either of the two for current information. We oppreciate the material and trust it has been QCClJI'(ltely scanned and edited. WCGS

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