Dnata Emirates Job Description
Dnata Emirates Job Description
Dnata Emirates Job Description
Job Title : Airport Services Agent Job Number : EC! "#,"", "$ -##%"-&ario's Reports To (Title) : S'pervisor Airport Services Reports To (Job No) : #"*$
To provide a +'alit, service to EK and Code share passengers in respect to check-in, -oarding, special services and -aggage services as per co.pan,/s co..ercial and sa0et, standards and proced'res, so that EK and code share passengers and their -aggage are handed in a consistent and e00icient .anner(
#! JOB $CCO"NT$BI%ITIES %IN&ED TO OBJECTI'E $RE$S (($)I("( O* +) General Ob,e-ti.es:
To provide o'r c'sto.ers -oth internal and e1ternal, 2ith the -est services( 3 2ill do ., -est: - To cheer0'll, greet ever, c'sto.er 2ith a s.ile, #)) 4 o0 the ti.e( - To ens're that, 3 receive no valid co.plaints 0ro. E.irates c'sto.er a-o't the +'alit, o0 services( - To .aintain E.irates pro0essional i.age -, adhering to all applica-le corporate groo.ing g'idelines( - To deal pro0essionall, 2ith ., peers and .anagers(
C/e-01in 2 boardin3:
5'll, adhere to all operational proced'res (S6P 2ith regards to travel, i..igration and sa0et, reg'lations( 3denti0, and .eet the standard and special service re+'ire.ents o0 the passengers at check-in, trans0er desk, special services and -oarding gates -, adhering to the set service standards and proced'res so that the passengers are handled in a 0riendl, and e00icient .anner( Collect -rie0ing sheet and sta00 allocation, check all the co'nters e+'ip.ents and stationar,, report technical 0a'lt to 7ercator thro'gh E7ACS Provide a proactive service to passengers prior to check-in s'ch as, .anaging +'e'es, re.oving old -aggage tags, handling denied -oarding passenger, sta00 passengers, helping 0a.ilies, identi0,ing those 2ith special needs and code share passengers, so that the, are directed to the relevant check-in co'nters and are handled e00icientl,( 3nitiate -oarding at the gates, 0ollo2ing laid do2n -oarding priorities, anno'nce.ents, hand -aggage re.oval, 0light co'pon reconciliation and head co'nt con0ir.ation in order to assist the process 0or a sa0e and on ti.e depart're o0 EK 0lights( 5or 0lights -oarding 0ro. re.ote, ens're the handling proced're applies( 8eliver an e00icient service at the trans0er desks 0or arriving EK passengers 2ho are connecting to another EK / 6A9 0lights -, veri0,ing that their -aggage details are recorded in 7ACS (7ercator Airport Check-in S,ste. prior to checking in passenger and iss'ing -oarding cards and .eal vo'cher 2here appropriate so that the trans0er passengers are processed acc'ratel, and e1peditio'sl,( Ascertain the handling re+'ire.ents o0 the vario's categories o0 passengers (e(g( 'nacco.panied .inors, 2heelchair, elderl, and incapacitated etc( then ens'res that appropriate special services and 0acilities are provided to .eet the special services re+'ire.ents o0 the c'sto.ers(
Provide cover 0or role a-ove 2hen operational re+'ire.ents de.and this i(e( :Act ;p/
Ba33a3e Ser.i-es:
Checks .essages 0ro. o'tstations relating to short shipped -aggage and ens'res that those passengers 2ho are a00ected are noti0ied as soon as the, reach the -aggage arrival caro'sels, then escorts or directs passengers to the Baggage Services 600ice 2here necessar, and assists 2ith the raising o0 Propert, 3rreg'larit, reports, the iss'ance o0 3nteri. relie0 pa,.ents and/or overnight kits and the restoration o0 ite.s le0t on -oard aircra0t, so that passengers are not kept 2aiting 'nnecessaril,( 7onitors -aggage deliver, per0or.ance against agreed standards, keeping passengers in0or.ed a-o't an, dela,s or irreg'larities 2ith their -aggage, so that a positive i.age o0 o'r gro'nd prod'ct is .aintained in the e,es o0 EK passengers( Co-ordinates 2ith 8<ATA !ro'nd 6perations concerning the ret'rn o0 checked in -ags to passengers 2ho have -een o00loaded, the re-tagging to 0inal destination o0 short tagged -aggage to 8=B, the ret'rn o0 -aggage 0or those passengers 2ho decide to -reak their >o'rne, in 8'-ai 0or STPC or 8BB and the despatch o0 r'sh -aggage on other 0lights, so that -ags are restored to their o2ners +'ickl,( 7onitor 'nclai.ed -aggage and ens'res that details are +'ickl, 'pdated in ?orld Tracer and that 6H8 (on hand stickers are attached to these -ags, contents/inventor, checked and 6H8 0ile 'pdated and placed in the -aggage store 2here necessar,, so that the, can -e restored to their right0'l o2ners or to the o'tstations as +'ickl, as possi-le( Handles arriving @'sh -ags 0ro. EK and 6A9 0lights, ens'ring that the o2ners in 8'-ai are contacted to advise the. o0 deliver, arrange.ents and then .akes those arrange.ents 2ith the transport co.pan, to deliver on a cost e00ective -asis a0ter liaising 2ith c'sto.s( Helps the passengers 2ho arrive at the land side desk to collect -ags, escorts the. to the airside area, locates the -aggage and hands it over to its o2ner against a signat're, then closes the 0ile in the s,ste.( Handle the Telephone calls received at EK Baggage Services Call Centre, deal 2ith passenger pro0essionall, and assist the passenger -, providing correct and ti.el, in0or.ation(
O levels
Pro0icienc, in spoken and 2ritten English( Evidence o0 -ehavio'ral skills o'tlined on ASA !$ Behavio'ral Contract
Kno2ledge and Skills: Sho'ld have had " ,ears e1perience in a c'sto.er service role( Kno2ledge o0 airline passenger and -aggage handling pre0era-le(