Bruce Springsteen - The River
Bruce Springsteen - The River
Bruce Springsteen - The River
<Intro Solo harmonica> Mim Sol Re Do Lam Sol Do(2) Mim Sol Re Do I come from down in the valley, where mister when yo !re yo n" Mim Sol Do Sol #hey $rin" yo % to do , li&e yo r daddy done Do(2) Sol(') Re(') Mim Me and Mary we met in hi"h school, when she was ( st seventeen Lam(2) Sol Do )e!d ride o t of that valley down to where the fields were "reen Mim Do Re Sol Mim Do Re )e!d "o down to the river, *nd into the river we!d dive, +h oh down to the river we!d ride Mim Sol Re Do #hen I "ot Mary %re"nant, and man that was all she wrote Mim Sol Do Sol *nd for my nineteenth $irthday I "ot a nion card and a weddin" coat Do(2) Sol(') Re(') Mim )e went down to the co rtho se, and the ( d"e % t it all to rest Lam(2) Sol Do ,o weddin" day smiles no wal& down the aisle, no flowers no weddin" dress Mim Do Re Sol Mim Do Re Do #hat ni"ht we went down to the river, and into the river we!d dive, +h oh down to the river we-d ride <Solo harmonica> Mim Sol Re Do Mim Sol Do Sol Do(2) . Sol(') / Re(') Mim Lam(2) Sol Do(2) Do
Mim Sol Re Do I "ot a (o$ wor&in" constr ction for the 0ohnstown 1om%any Mim Sol Do Sol 2 t lately there ain!t $een m ch wor& on acco nt of the economy Do(2) Sol(') Re(') Mim ,ow all them thin"s that seemed so im%ortant, well mister they vanished ri"ht into the air Lam(2) Sol Do ,ow I ( st act li&e I don!t remem$er, Mary acts li&e she don!t care Mim Sol Re Do 2 t I remem$er s ridin" in my $rother!s car, her $ody tan and wet down at the reservoir Mim Sol Do Sol *t ni"ht on them $an&s I!d lie awa&e, and % ll her close ( st to feel each $reath she!d ta&e Do(2) Sol(') Re(') Mim ,ow those memories come $ac& to ha nt me, they ha nt me li&e a c rse Lam(2) Sol Do Is a dream a lie if it don!t come tr e, or is it somethin" worse Mim Do Re Sol Mim Do Re Do #hat sends me down to the river, tho "h I &now the river is dry, #hat sends me down to the river toni"ht, ah Mim Do Re Sol Mim Do Re Do Down to the river, my $a$y and I, +h oh down to the river we ride Mim Do Re Sol Mim Do Re . Do Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm
34 5 Mim(')