17: Kidney and Nephronal Physiology: Key Terms Nephron Anatomy and Function
17: Kidney and Nephronal Physiology: Key Terms Nephron Anatomy and Function
17: Kidney and Nephronal Physiology: Key Terms Nephron Anatomy and Function
Proximal tubule: primary reabsorption area; has microvilli and protein transporters; 100% of glucose; 6070% of water and sodium; calcium, magnesium, potassium. Descending limb: water is reabsorbed; fluid in nephron becomes hyperosmotic. Ascending limb: sodium and chloride transported from nephron; water can not follow; fluid in the nephron become dilute can excrete dilute urine. Distal tubule and Collecting ducts: impermeable to water unless hormones are present.
Loop of Henle
Filtration: movement of substances through the glomerular pores into the nephron
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