This document is a bank draft and credit card authorization form for making monthly donations to the NACA Foundation. It requests the donor's contact information and signature to set up either a monthly bank draft from their checking account or a monthly credit card charge. The donor specifies the amount to be donated each month, and the starting and ending months for the donations. By signing the form, the donor authorizes NACA to automatically charge the designated bank account or credit card on a monthly basis for their donation.
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Foundation Bank Draft and Credit Card Authorization Form
This document is a bank draft and credit card authorization form for making monthly donations to the NACA Foundation. It requests the donor's contact information and signature to set up either a monthly bank draft from their checking account or a monthly credit card charge. The donor specifies the amount to be donated each month, and the starting and ending months for the donations. By signing the form, the donor authorizes NACA to automatically charge the designated bank account or credit card on a monthly basis for their donation.
This document is a bank draft and credit card authorization form for making monthly donations to the NACA Foundation. It requests the donor's contact information and signature to set up either a monthly bank draft from their checking account or a monthly credit card charge. The donor specifies the amount to be donated each month, and the starting and ending months for the donations. By signing the form, the donor authorizes NACA to automatically charge the designated bank account or credit card on a monthly basis for their donation.
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Foundation Bank Draft and Credit Card Authorization Form
This document is a bank draft and credit card authorization form for making monthly donations to the NACA Foundation. It requests the donor's contact information and signature to set up either a monthly bank draft from their checking account or a monthly credit card charge. The donor specifies the amount to be donated each month, and the starting and ending months for the donations. By signing the form, the donor authorizes NACA to automatically charge the designated bank account or credit card on a monthly basis for their donation.
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Foundation Bank Draft and Credit
Card Authorization Form
Thank you for your support of the NACA Foundation. Please provide the following information to set up a monthly bank or credit card draft and fax this completed form to Erin Wilson at the NACA Office at (803) 749-1047 or mail it to NACA Foundation 13 Harbison Way Columbia, SC 29212-3401. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: _______________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Bank Draft Information To set up a monthly bank draft please attach a cancelled check from the account from which you wish to have the donation drafted and complete the following information: Total amount to be drafted each month: ______________________ (minimum of $15) Month you would like your contributions to begin: ___________________________ Month you would like your contributions to end (or please mark on-going): _______________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Credit Card Draft Information Visa Check one:
Expiration date: __________________ Three Digit Code on Back of Card (four digits for AMEX): ______ Name as it appears on the card (please print): __________________________________________________ Billing address (if different from above): _______________________________________________________ To set up a monthly credit card draft, please complete the following section, or to make a one-time gift to the NACA Foundation, please indicate the amount here: __________________________ Total amount to be drafted each month: ______________________ (minimum of $15) Month you would like your contributions to begin: ___________________________ Month you would like your contributions to end (or please mark on-going): _______________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ By completing and signing this form, you authorize NACA to draft the bank account or charge the credit card indicated above for contributions to the NACA Foundation. Should your bank draft or card credit card be declined for any reason, we will notify you as soon as possible. NACA will keep this form on file until the authorized bank or credit card draft discontinues or until the expiration date listed on the credit card. When the expiration date on the authorized credit card has passed, you will be asked to complete a new form. Should you have any questions, please contact Erin Wilson at (803) 217-3473.