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Hostel Management System

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As the name specifies HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software developed for mana in vario!s activities in the hostel" #or the past few $ears the n!m%er of ed!cational instit!tions are increasin rapidl$" There%$ the n!m%er of hostels are also increasin for the accommodation of the st!dents st!d$in in this instit!tion" And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the hostel and software&s are not !s!all$ !sed in this conte't" This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the pro%lems on mana in a hostel and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried man!all$" )dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desi nin of omp!teri+ed s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem ,hich is more !ser friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of the s$stem. th!s overcome the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem" / Less h!man error / Stren th and strain of man!al la%o!r can %e red!ced / Hi h sec!rit$ / 0ata red!ndanc$ can %e avoided to some e'tent

/ 0ata consistenc$ / Eas$ to handle / Eas$ data !pdatin / Eas$ record *eepin / 1ac*!p data can %e easil$ enerated



Page No. 1. Introd !t"on 2"2 Overview of the pro(ect 2"2"2 3ro%lem 0efinition 2"4 S$stem Specification 2"4"2 Hardware Specification 2"4"4 Software Specification 2"4"5 Software Selection #. Ana$%&"& o' t(e S%&te) 4"2 Scope of the S$stem 4"4 E'istin S$stem 4"5 3roposed S$stem 4"6 #easi%ilit$ St!d$ *. S%&te) +e&"gn 5"2 )np!t 0esi n 5"4 0ata%ase 0esi n 5"5 3rocess 0esi n 5"6 O!tp!t 0esi n

,. Te&t"ng and I)-$e)entat"on 6"2 S$stem Testin 6"2"2 -nit Testin 6"2"4 )nte ration Testin 6"2"5 7alidation Testin 6"2"6 O!tp!t Testin 6"4 S$stem )mplementation .. Con!$ &"on /. A--end"0 8"2" 0ataflow 0ia ram 8"4" Screen La$o!ts 8"5" So!rce 9ode 8"6 Ta%le Str!ct!re 1. B"2$"ogra-(%



1.1 O4er4"e5 o' t(e Pro6e!t

,e have ot nine hostels in o!r !niversit$. which consist of fo!r %o$&s hostel and five irl&s hostel" All these hostels at present are mana ed man!all$ %$ the hostel office" The :e istration form verification to the different data processin are done man!all$" Th!s there are a lot of repetitions which can %e easil$ avoided" And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the hostel and software&s are not !s!all$ !sed in this conte't"This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the pro%lems on mana in a hostel and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried man!all$" )dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desi nin of comp!teri+ed s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem which is more !ser friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of the s$stem. th!s overcome the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem"

1.1.1 Pro2$e) +e'"n"t"on

Reg"&trat"on For)7 This section provides an online form to the st!dents which can %e filled %$ them.and a cop$ of the filled pa e can %e ta*en in the printed form" This is later s!%mitted to the Hostel a!thorities which can %e verified %$ them %efore alottin them to the respective hostels"

Not"!e Board7 All the ; hostels have their Notice %oards" An$ chan e in the Hostel fee. mess fee will %e shown in this" )t can %e also !sed for different notifications"

Ad)"n"&trator Log"n
The Administrator can < 2" Allot different st!dents to the different hostels" 4" 7acate the st!dents for the hostels" 5" 9ontrol the stat!s of the fee pa$ement" 6" Edit the details of the st!dents = modif$ the st!dent records"

A$$ot)ent o' t(e (o&te$&7

Their will %e pre>defined criterias for the admission to the hostels" He chec*s the attested application forms of the st!dents o%tained from the internet and varif$ it with the st!dent data%ase" )f thest!dents are fo!nd eli i%le then the$ are allotted to the hostel"

Va!at"ng t(e roo)&7

As the st!dent&s co!rse is over the$ will vacate their rooms" So it is re?!ired for the administrator to remove their records from the data%ase ta%les" This section incl!des the option for the room vacation and the deletion of the partic!lar record from the data%ase"



1.#.1 Hard5are S-e!"'"!at"on&7




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1.#.# So't5are S-e!"'"!at"on&7




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1.#.* So't5are Se$e!t"on

W"ndo5& >P ,indows @3 %rin s with new feat!res. improved pro rams. and tools" See what&s newA ta*e an entertainin to!rA learn a%o!t the pro rams ,indows @3 contains. incl!din s$stems. accessories. and comm!nications and entertainment pro rams" :ead articles containin f!ll descriptions for performin *e$ tas*s from start to finish" Loo* !p !nfamiliar terms in the lossar$" Learn the %enefits of re isterin $o!r cop$ of ,indows @3 online" ,indows @3 provides man$ wa$s for $o! to comm!nicate with friends. co>wor*ers. and with the rest of the world" Learn how to set !p and !se e>mail. incl!din instant messa in " E'plore the ,orld ,ide ,e% safel$ and in a sec!re environment" -nloc* the powerf!l advanta es of networ*in > lin*in comp!ters at home or in a small %!siness" ,indows @3 e'plorer and internet e'plorer and we% %ased reso!rces inte rated in a sin le view<

)mproved ,e% #eat!res )nternet 9onnection ,i+ard )nternet 9onnection Sharin Active 0es*top

Re)ote +e&?to,hether $o!Bre telecomm!nicatin from home or travelin awa$ from the office. ,indows @3 helps $o! wor* where $o! are" Learn how to connect to $o!r office from home or another location. and to chan e $o!r settin s dependin on where $o! are and what $o! need to do" Se! r"t% and Ad)"n"&trat"on ,indows @3 is loaded with new tools and pro rams that ens!re the privac$ and sec!rit$ of $o!r data. and help $o! operate $o!r comp!ter at pea* performance" Learn how to assi n a password. loc* $o!r comp!ter. %ac* !p files and folders. and more to protect the contents of $o!r comp!ter" 0iscover how to mana e comp!ter components. services. and s$stem toolsA and how to wor* with dis* mana ement and encr$ption feat!res W"ndo5& F"$e Prote!t"on )n versions of ,indows prior to ,indows 4CCC. installin software in addition to the operatin s$stem mi ht overwrite shared s$stem files s!ch as d$namic>lin* li%raries D"dll filesE and e'ec!ta%le files D"e'e filesE" 0is* Mana ement Overview The 0is* Mana ement snap>in is a s$stem !tilit$ for mana in hard dis*s and the vol!mes. or partitions that the$ contain" ,ith 0is* Mana ement. $o! can initiali+e dis*s. create vol!mes. format vol!mes with the #AT. #AT54. or NT#S file s$stems. and create fa!lt>tolerant dis* s$stems" 0is* Mana ement ena%les $o! to perform most dis*>related tas*s witho!t sh!ttin down the s$stem or interr!ptin !sersA most confi !ration chan es ta*e effect immediatel$"

Per)"&&"on& on a F"$e Ser4er One possi%le scenario for wor*in with permissions is when $o! m!st assi n permissions for the files on a file server" #or e'ample. s!ppose $o! need to Set file permissions on a server !sed %$ a small department" The file server incl!des an applications folder. home folders for each of the departmentBs !sers. a p!%lic folder where !sers can share files. and a drop folder where !sers can file confidential reports that onl$ the ro!p mana er can read"

Prote!t"ng Aga"n&t V"r &e& and Tro6an Hor&e& )n toda$Bs comp!tin world. $o! m!st prevent intentional instr!ction into $o!r comp!ter and networ* that ta*e the form of vir!ses and Tro(an horses" #ollow these tips to help prevent vir!s o!t%rea*s and Tro(an horse attac*s"

Co)- ter Ad)"n"&trator A!!o nt The comp!ter administrator acco!nt is intended for someone who can ma*e s$stem wide chan es to the comp!ter. install pro rams. and access all files on the comp!ter" Onl$ a !ser with comp!ter administrator acco!nt has f!ll access to other !ser acco!nts on the comp!ter" Ta&? Manager O4er4"e5 Tas* Mana er provides information a%o!t pro rams and processes r!nnin on $o!r comp!ter" )t also displa$s the most commonl$ !sed performance meas!res for processes" Yo! can !se Tas* Mana er to monitor *e$ indicators of $o!r comp!terBs performance" Yo! can also assess the activit$ of r!nnin processes !sin as man$ as fifteen parameters. and see raphs and data on 93- and memor$ !sa e"

O-en +ata2a&e Conne!t"4"t%

,e can !se 0ata So!rces Open 0ata%ase 9onnectivit$ DO019E to access data from a variet$ of data%ase mana ement s$stems" #or e'ample. if $o! have a pro ram that accesses data in a SFL data%ase. 0ata So!rces DO019E will let $o! !se the same pro ram to access data in a 7is!al #o'3ro data%ase" To do this. $o! m!st add software components called drivers to $o!r s$stem" 0ata So!rces DO019E helps $o! add and confi !re these drivers"

I)-ro4ed Re$"a2"$"t%

,indows @3 improves comp!ter&s relia%ilit$ %$ introd!cin new wi+ard !tilities and reso!rces that helps $o! to *eep $o!r s$stem r!nnin smoothl$< ,idows !pdate S$stem file chec*er Scan 0is* :e istr$ chec*er 1ac* !p

Fa&ter O-erat"ng S%&te)

,indows @3 incl!des tools that help $o!r comp!ter r!n faster" ,itho!t addin new hardware. ,indows @3 incl!des the s!it of pro rams desi ned to optimi+e o!r comp!ter&s efficienc$ especiall$ when !sed to ether< Maintenance wi+ard 0rive 9onverter 0is* defra menter

The learnin edition allows pro rammer to create powerf!l application MS>windows operatin s$stems"

1.#.* So't5are Se$e!t"on

M"!ro&o't V"& a$ Ba&"! /.=

V"& a$ Ba&"! 9VB: is an ideal pro rammin

lan !a e for developin

Sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft ,indows" )t ma*es !se of Graphical -ser )nterface for creatin ro%!st and powerf!l applications" The Graphical -ser )nterface as the name s! ests. !ses ill!strations for te't. which ena%le !sers to interact with an application" This feat!re ma*es it easier to comprehend thin s in a ?!ic*er and easier wa$" 9odin in G-) environment is ?!ite a transition to traditional. linear

pro rammin methods where the !ser is !ided thro! h a linear path of e'ec!tion and is limited to small set of operations" )n G-) environment. the n!m%er of options open to the !ser is m!ch reater. allowin more freedom to the !ser and developer" #eat!res s!ch as easier comprehension. !ser>friendliness. faster application development and man$ other aspects s!ch as introd!ction to Active@ technolo $ and )nternet feat!res ma*e V"& a$ Ba&"! an interestin tool to wor* with" V"& a$ Ba&"! 9VB: was developed from the 1AS)9 pro rammin lan !a e" )n the 2;GCs. Microsoft started developin :OM>%ased interpreted 1AS)9 for the earl$ microprocessor>%ased comp!ters" )n 2;H4. Microsoft F!ic*1asic revol!tioni+ed 1asic and was le itimi+ed as a serio!s development lan !a e for MS>0OS environment" Later on. Microsoft 9orporation created the enhanced version of 1AS)9 called 7is!al 1asic for ,indows"

IMPORTANCE FEAT3RES OF VIS3AL BASIC 9VB: :esponse to mo!se and *e$%oard actions 9lip%oard and printer access #!ll arra$ of mathematical. strin handlin . and raphics f!nctions 9an handle fi'ed and d$namic varia%le and control arra$s Se?!ential and random access file s!pport -sef!l de%! er and error>handlin facilities 3owerf!l data%ase access tools Active@ s!pport 3ac*a e = 0eplo$ment ,i+ard ma*es distri%!tin $o!r applications simple VIS3AL BASIC PROFESSIONAL E+ITION The professional Edition provides comp!ter professionals with a f!ll feat!red set of tools for developin sol!tions for others" )t incl!des all the feat!res of the learnin edition. pl!s additional Active @ controls. the internet information server application desi ner. inte rated data tools and data environment. active data o%(ects. and the d$namic HTML pa e desi ner" 0oc!mentation provides with the professional edition incl!des the vis!al st!dio professional feat!res %oo* pl!s Microsoft developer networ* 90&s containin f!ll online doc!mentation" VIS3AL BASIC LEARNING E+ITION The 7is!al 1asic Learnin Edition allows 3ro rammers to easil$ create powerf!l applications for Microsoft ,indows and ,indows NTI" )t incl!des all intrinsic controls. pl!s rid. ta% and data>%o!nd controls" 0oc!mentation provided with this edition incl!des Learn 71 Now Da m!ltimedia 90>:OM titleE. pl!s Microsoft 0eveloper Networ* 90s containin f!ll online doc!mentation"

VIS3AL BASIC CONCEPT )n order to !nderstand the application development process. it is helpf!l to !nderstand some of the *e$s concepts !pon ,hich 7is!al 1asic is a ,indows 0evelopment lan !a e. some familiarit$ with the ,indows 3ro rammin . $o! need to %e aware of some f!ndamental differences %etween pro rammin for ,indows vers!s other environments" INTEGRATE+ +EVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ELEMENTS One of the most si nificant chan es in 7is!al 1asic 8"C is the )nte rated 0evelopment Environment D)0EE" )0E is a term commonl$ !sed in the pro rammin world to descri%e the interface and environment that we !se to create o!r applications" )t is called inte rated %eca!se we can access virt!all$ all of the development tools that we need from one screen called an interface. The )0E is also commonl$ referred to as the desi n environment. or the pro ram" The 7is!al 1asic )0E is made !p of a n!m%er of components Men! 1ar Tool 1ar 3ro(ect E'plorer 3roperties window #orm La$o!t ,indow Tool%o' #orm 0esi ner O%(ect 1rowser 9ode editor )n previo!s versions of 7is!al 1asic. the )0E was desi ned as a Sin le 0oc!ment )nterface DS0)E" )n a Sin le 0oc!ment )nterface. each window is a free> floatin window that is contained within a main window and can move an$where on the screen as lon as 7is!al 1asic is the c!rrent application" 1!t. in 7is!al 1asic 8"C. the

)0E is in a M!ltiple 0oc!ment )nterface DM0)E format" )n this format. the windows associated with the pro(ect will sta$ within a sin le container *nown as the parent" 9ode and form>%ased windows will sta$ within the main container form" MENU BAR This Men! 1ar displa$s the commands that are re?!ired to %!ild an application" The main men! items have s!% men! items that can %e chosen when needed" The tool%ars in the men! %ar provide ?!ic* access to the commonl$ !sed commands and a %!tton in the tool%ar is clic*ed once to carr$ o!t the action represented %$ it" TOOLBOX The Tool%o' contains a set of controls that are !sed to place on a #orm at desi n time there%$ creatin the !ser interface area" Additional controls can %e incl!ded in the tool%o' %$ !sin the 9omponents men! item on the 3ro(ect men!" PROJECT EXPLORER 0oc*ed on the ri ht side of the screen. (!st !nder the tool%ar. in the E'plorer window" The 3ro(ect E'plorer as shown in fi !re server as a ?!ic* reference to the vario!s elements of a pro(ect namel$ form. classes and modules PROPERTIES WINDOW The 3roperties ,indow is doc*ed !nder the 3ro(ect E'plorer window" 3roperties ,indow e'poses the vario!s characteristics of selected o%(ects" Each and ever$ form in an application is considered an o%(ect" Now. each O%(ect in 7is!al 1asic has characteristics s!ch as color and si+e" OBJECT BROWSER The O%(ect 1rowser allows !s to %rowse thro! h the vario!s properties. events and methods that are made availa%le to !s" )t is accessed %$ selectin O%(ect 1rowser from the 7iew men! or pressin the *e$ #4" The left col!mn of the O%(ect 1rowser lists the o%(ects and classes that are availa%le in the pro(ects that are opened and the controls

those have %een referenced in them" )t is possi%le for !s to scroll thro! h the list and select the o%(ect or class that we wish to inspect" THE TOOL 1A: The tool%ar provides ?!ic* access to commonl$ !sed commands" These will %e e'plained later in the man!al" The Tool%ar provides the !ser ?!ic* access to the most commonl$ !sed f!nctions of a pro ram" A tool%ar can %e !sed stand>alone or as a complement to the pro ramBs men! str!ct!re" FORM LAYOUT WINDOW This shows the Form Layout Window, which lets you determine the starting position of your form relative to the screen. CODE EDITOR 7is!al St!dio. li*e an$ other )0E. incl!des a code editor that s!pports s$nta' hi hli htin and code completion !sin )ntelliSense for not onl$ varia%les. f!nctions and methods %!t also lan !a e constr!cts li*e loops and ?!eries" )ntelliSense is s!pported for the incl!ded lan !a es. as well as for @ML and for 9ascadin St$le Sheets and JavaScript when developin we% sites and we% applications" #O:M 0ES)GN ,)N0O, This is where $o! desi n $o!r form" A form is what $o! will present to a !ser of $o!r application" A form co!ld %e an introd!ction screen. it co!ld %e a dialo %o' ivin the !ser options. it co!ld %e a %o' containin a warnin " All of $o!r 71 pro rams will revolve aro!nd a n!m%er of forms"

VIS3AL BASIC CONTROLS POINTER 3rovides a wa$ to move and resi+e the controls form" PICT3RE BO> 0ispla$s iconsK%itmaps and metafiles" )t displa$s te't or Acts as a vis!al container for other controls" TE>T BO> -sed to displa$ messa e and enter te't" FRAME Serves as a vis!al and f!nctional container for controls" COMMAN+ B3TTON -sed to carr$ o!t the specified action when the !ser chooses it" CHEC; BO> 0ispla$s a Tr!eK#alse or YesKNo option" OPTION B3TTON Option 1!tton control which is a part of an option ro!p allows the !ser to select onl$ one option even it displa$s m!ltiple choices" LIST BO> 0ispla$s a list of items from which a !ser can select one" COMBO BO> )tem from the dropdown List 1o'. or to t$pe in a selection in the Te't 1o'" 9ontains a Te't 1o' and a List 1o'" This allows the !ser to select

H SCROLL BAR@ V SCROLL BAR These controls allow the !ser to select a val!e within the specified ran e of val!es"


E'ec!tes the timer events at specified intervals of time" +RIVE LIST BO> 0ispla$s the valid dis* drives and allows the !ser to select one of them" +IR LIST BO> Allows the !ser to select the directories and paths. which are displa$ed" FILE LIST BO> 0ispla$s a set of files from which a !ser can select the desired one" SHAPE -sed to add shape Drectan le. s?!are or circleE to a #orm" LINE -sed to draw strai ht line to the #orm" IMAGE -sed to displa$ ima es s!ch as icons. %itmaps and Metafiles" 1!t less capa%ilit$ than the 3ict!re 1o' " +ATA Ena%les the !se to connect to an e'istin data%ase and displa$ information from it" OLE

-sed to lin* or em%ed an o%(ect. displa$ and manip!late 0ata from other windows %ased applications" LABEL 0ispla$s a te't that the !ser cannot modif$ or interact ,ith"

M"!ro&o't A!!e&& Microsoft Access is an application !sed to create small and midsi+e comp!ter des*top data%ases for the Microsoft ,indows famil$ of Operatin s$stems" )t can also %e !sed as data%ase server for a we%>%ased Application" )t is also s!pported %$ A0O. O019. and the "NET #ramewor*. etc" This we% site provides lessons on how to !se Microsoft Office Access 4CCG to create and mana e data%ases" The lessons follow a step>%$>step format with practical e'amples" To follow these lessons. $o! m!st have Microsoft Office Access 4CCG installed on $o!r comp!ter" The lessons are listed on the left side of this a e" 1elow. the lessons are presented as topics" Access stores data in its own format %ased on the Access Jet 0ata%ase En ine" )t can also import or lin* directl$ to data stored in other Access 0ata%ases. E'cel. Share
3oint lists. te't. @ML. O!tloo*. HTML. d1ase. 3arado'. Lot!s 2>4>5. or an$ O019>

compliant data container. incl!din

7is!al o%(ects !sed in forms and reports e'pose their methods and properties in the 71A pro rammin environment. and 71A code mod!les ma$ declare and call ,indows

operatin s$stem f!nctions" 71A with "NET #ramewor* can %e considered a s!ccessor to
Access in the sense that it can prod!ce we% front>ends for data%ases and incl!des m!ch of

the f!nctionalit$ of 71A in Access"

Microsoft Access is a data%ase software pro ram that ma*es manip!latin data

mana ea%le for !sers of man$ s*ill levels" Yo! can inp!t data and sort. filter or ro!p information accordin to $o!r needs" )tBs partic!larl$ !sef!l when there are tho!sands of records and sortin thro! h them individ!all$ wo!ld ta*e ho!rs" Access allows $o! to o%tain the information ?!ic*er %$ providin a few commands to tell the pro ram what is %ein so! ht" :eports can %e created. too. that p!ll information o!t of the data%ase accordin to the pro(ect parameters" #or e'ample. information on a c!stomerBs a e. se'. marital stat!s. address. email address. phone n!m%er and cell phone n!m%er ma$ %e listed in $o!r data%ase" However. demo raphics a%o!t the client ma$ %e the onl$ thin necessar$ to complete a iven pro(ect" Yo! can then %!ild a report that will e'tract c!stomers %$ a e. se' and marital stat!s"

#le'i%ilit$ is the *e$ with Access" Lnowin that not ever$one is s*illed at ma*in data%ases. Microsoft created %asic templates that a !ser can o and !se immediatel$" However. a data%ase can %e %!ilt from scratch or the templates can %e twea*ed as needed to fit $o!r needs" :ather than inp!ttin each record ever$ time a pro(ect is started. Access holds tho!sands of records for $o! to revisit whenever needed. ma*in it a time>saver. too" This is reat %eca!se not onl$ is the information there. %!t it can %e !sed alon side other Microsoft pro rams s!ch as ,ord" Simpl$ create a mail mer e with tho!sands of letters and (oin it to ether with the Access data%ase" All contacts will %e p!lled from Access and d!mped into each letter separatel$" )nteraction %etween MS O!tloo* is possi%le too" )mport contacts from $o!r MS O!tloo* contact %oo* into Access or e'port contact information in Access and save it as a contact in O!tloo*

Microsoft Access offers several wa$s to sec!re the application while allowin !sers to remain prod!ctive" The most %asic is a data%ase password" Once entered. the !ser has f!ll control of all the data%ase o%(ects" This is a relativel$ wea* form of protection which can %e easil$ crac*ed"

A hi her level of protection is the !se of wor* ro!p sec!rit$ re?!irin a !ser name and password" -sers and ro!ps can %e specified alon with their ri hts at the o%(ect t$pe or individ!al o%(ect level" This can %e !sed to specif$ people with read onl$ or data entr$ ri hts %!t ma$ %e challen in to specif$" A separate wor* ro!p sec!rit$ file contains the settin s which can %e !sed to mana e m!ltiple data%ases" ,or* ro!p sec!rit$ is not s!pported in the Access 4CCG A9901 data%ase format. altho! h Access 4CCG still s!pports it for M01 data%ases" 0ata%ases can also %e encr$pted"

SPLIT +ATABASE ARCHITECT3RE Microsoft Access applications can adopt a split data%ase architect!re" The data%ase can %e divided into a front end data%ase that contains the application o%(ects D?!eries. forms. reports. macros. and mod!lesE. and is lin*ed to ta%les stored in a %ac* end shared data%ase containin the data" The B%ac*>endB data%ase can %e stored in a location shared %$ man$ !sers. s!ch as a file server" The Bfront>endB data%ase is distri%!ted to each !serBs des*top and lin*ed to the shared data%ase" -sin this desi n. each !ser has a cop$ of Microsoft Access installed on their machine alon with their application data%ase" This red!ces networ* traffic since the application is not retrieved for each !se. and allows the front end data%ase to contain ta%les with data that is private to each !ser for storin settin s or temporar$ data" This split data%ase desi n also allows development of the application independent of the data" ,hen a new version is read$. the front end data%ase is replaced witho!t impactin the data data%ase" Microsoft Access has two 1!ilt>in !tilities. 0ata%ase Splitter and Lin*ed Ta%le Mana er. to facilitate this architect!re"

#. Ana$%&"& o' t(e S%&te)


This 3ro(ect wor* is desi ned with the followin scopes" The s$stem is a%le to provide complete information a%o!t the colle e Administarion and St!dents 0etails" The S$stem is also a%le to maintain all the information even in critical circ!mstances )t is desi ned in a !ser friendl$ manner. in order to help the end !ser to avoid errors" 3recise and standard reports are enerated accordin to the !ser wish"

#.# E0"&t"ng S%&te)

#or the past few $ears the n!m%er of ed!cational instit!tions are increasin rapidl$" There%$ the n!m%er of hostels are also increasin for the accommodation of the st!dents st!d$in in this instit!tion" And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the hostel and software&s are not !s!all$ !sed in this conte't"This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the pro%lems on mana in a hostel and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried man!all$ )dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desi nin of comp!teri+ed s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem which is more !ser friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of the s$stem. th!s overcome the followin draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem"

/ more h!man error" / more stren th and strain of man!al la%o!r needed / :epetition of the same proced!res" / low sec!rit$ / 0ata red!ndanc$ / diffic!lt to handle / diffic!lt to !pdate data / record *eepin is diffic!lt / 1ac*!p data can %e easil$ enerated

#.* Pro-o&ed S%&te)

The s$stem desi n is divided in to two portions" The Administrator section and the -serDst!dent&sE section"

2" The Administrator can allot different st!dents to the different hostels" 4"He can vacate the st!dents for the hostels" 5"He can control the stat!s of the fee pa$ement" 6"He can edit the details of the st!dents"He can chan e their rooms. edit and delete the st!dent records"

A process of convertin !ser ori inated inp!ts to a comp!ter>%ased format" )np!t desi n is an important part of development process since inacc!rate inp!t data are the most common ca!se of errors in data processin " Erroneo!s entries can %e controlled %$ inp!t desi n" )t consists of developin specifications and proced!res for enterin data into a s$stem and m!st %e in simple format. The oal of inp!t data desi n is to ma*e data entr$ as eas$. lo ical and free from errors as possi%le" )n inp!t data desi n. we desi n the so!rce doc!ment that capt!re the data and then select the media !sed to enter them into the comp!ter"

#., Fea&"2"$"t% St d% The pro(ect is feasi%le iven !nlimited reso!rces and infinite time" )t is %oth necessar$ and pr!dent to eval!ate the feasi%ilit$ of the pro(ect at the earliest possi%le time" #easi%ilit$ and ris* anal$sis is related in man$ wa$s" )f pro(ect ris* is reat. the feasi%ilit$ listed %elow is e?!all$ important" The followin feasi%ilit$ techni?!es has %een !sed in this pro(ect Operational #easi%ilit$ Technical #easi%ilit$ Economic #easi%ilit$

O-erat"ona$ Fea&"2"$"t% 3roposed s$stem is %eneficial since it t!rned into information s$stem anal$+in the traffic that will meet the or ani+ations operatin re?!irements in sec!rit$. the file is transferred to the destination and the ac*nowled ement is iven to the server" 1!l* of data transfer is sent witho!t traffic"

Te!(n"!a$ Fea&"2"$"t% Technical feasi%ilit$ centers on the e'istin comp!ter s$stem Dhardware.

software. etc"E and to what e'tent it can s!pport the proposed addition" #or e'ample. if the c!rrent comp!ter is operatin at HCM capacit$" This involves. additional hardware D:AM and 3:O9ESSO:E will increase the speed of the process" )n software. lan !a e that is 71 8 and Access is !sed" ,e can also !se in Lin!'. ,indows operatin s$stem"

The technical re?!irement for this pro(ect are ,indows Operatin S$stem as software and normal hardware confi !ration is eno! h .so the s$stem is more feasi%le on this criteria" E!ono)"! Fea&"2"$"t% Economic feasi%ilit$ is the most fre?!entl$ !sed method for eval!atin the effectiveness of a candidate s$stem" More commonl$ *nown as cost K %enefit anal$sis. the proced!re is to determine the %enefits and savin that are e'pected from a candidate and compare them with the costs" )f the %enefits o!twei h cost then the decision is made to desi n and implement the s$stem" Otherwise drop the s$stem"

This s$stem has %een implemented s!ch that it can %e !sed to anal$sis the traffic" So it does not re?!ire an$ e'tra e?!ipment or hardware to implement" So it is economicall$ feasi%le to !se"


*.1 In- t +e&"gn

)np!t desi n is a process of convertin !ser orientation into a comp!ter %ased format" )np!t data are collected and or ani+ed into ro!ps similar data" The oal of desi nin inp!t data is to ma*e data entr$ as eas$. lo ical and free from error as possi%le" Once the inp!t data are identified appropriate inp!t media are selected for processin " The ma(or approaches for enterin data into comp!ter are"

L"n?& For)& -ro)-t&

Amon these lin*s and forms are !sed in the proposed s$stem" Lin*s are !sed to provide a selection list that simplifies comp!ted data access or entr$" A form is pre>desi ned templates that re?!est the !ser to enter data in the appropriate location" )np!t and desi ns are considered as the heart of the s$stem" )np!t desi n forms are developed !sin vis!al %asic in !ser friendl$ manner



0ata%ase Mana ement S$stem D01MSE is a set of comp!ter pro rams that controls the creation. maintenance. and the !se of the data%ase with comp!ter as a platform or of an or ani+ation and its end !sers" )t allows or ani+ations to place control of or ani+ation>wide data%ase development in the hands of data%ase administrators D01AE and other specialists" A 01MS is a s$stem software pac*a e that helps the !se of inte rated collection of data records and files *nown as data%ases" )t allows different !ser application pro rams to easil$ access the same data%ase" 01MS ma$ !se an$ of a variet$ of data%ase models. s!ch as the networ* model "

)tBs an or ani+ed collection of data" A data%ase mana ement s$stem D01MSE

s!ch as Access. #ileMa*er 3ro. Oracle or SFL Server provides $o! with the software tools $o! need to or ani+e that data in a fle'i%le manner" )t incl!des facilities to add. modif$ or delete data from the data%ase. as* ?!estions Dor ?!eriesE a%o!t the data stored in the data%ase and prod!ce reports s!mmari+in selected contents"

,hen we !se wor* with data in a Microsoft Access data%ase. !ser m!st first create a connection to a 0ata%ase file" The easiest wa$ to create a connection to a Microsoft Access file is to create a data environment !sin the 0ata Environment desi ner"

CHARACTERISTICS OF +ATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM7 )t represents comple' relationships %etween data" Leeps all li ht control of data red!ndanc$" Enforces !ser>defined r!le to ens!re the inte rit$ of ta%le data has a centrali+ed data dictionar$ for the stora e of information pertainin to data and its manip!lation" Ens!re that data can %e shared across application" Enforces data access a!thori+ation have a!tomatic. intelli ent %ac*!p and recover$ proced!res for data" +ATABASE +ESIGN ,hen we desi n a data%ase. first decide what ta%les we need. what t$pe of oes in each ta%le. who can access each ta%le and so on" As $o! create and wor* with ta%les. $o! contin!e to ma*e more detailed decisions a%o!t them" The most efficient wa$ to create a ta%le is to define ever$ a ta%le is to define ever$thin $o! need in the ta%le at one time. incl!din its data restrictions and additional components" However. $o! can also create a %asic ta%le. add some data to it. and then wor* with it for a while" This approach ives $o! a chance to see what t$pes of transactions are most common and what t$pes of data are fre?!entl$ entered" 1efore $o! commit to firm desi n %$ addin constrains. inde'es. defa!lts. r!les and other o%(ects"

*.* Pro!e&& +e&"gn

3rocess desi n pla$s an important role in pro(ect development" )n order to !nderstand the wor*in proced!re. process desi n is necessar$" 0ata #low 0ia ram and S$stem #low chart are the tools !sed for process desi n" S$stem #low 9hart is a raphical representation of the s$stem showin the overall flow of control in processin at the (o% levelA specifies what activities m!st %e done to convert from a ph$sical to lo ical model" 0ata #low 0ia ram is the lo ical representation of the data flow of the pro(ect" The 0#0 is drawn !sin vario!s s$m%ols" )t has a so!rce and a destination" The process is represented !sin circles and so!rce and destination are represented !sin s?!ares" The data flow is represented !sin arrows" One reader can easil$ et the idea a%o!t the pro(ect thro! h 0ata #low 0ia ram"

)n o!tp!t desi n. the emphasis is on prod!cin a hard cop$ of the information re?!est or displa$in the o!tp!t on the 9:T screen in a pre>defined format" 9omp!ter o!tp!t is the most important and direct so!rce of information to the !ser" Efficient. intelli i%le o!tp!t desi n improves the s$stem relationship with the !ser and helps in decision ma*in " The o!tp!t desi n mainl$ contri%!tes towards the reports enerated for ma*in the decision "%$ chec*in the desired condition. the reports are enerated"


,.1 Te&t"ng The oals of verification and validation activities are to access and improve ?!alit$ of the wor* prod!cts enerated d!rin development is Are we %!ildin the prod!ct ri htN and validation is Are we %!ildin the ri ht prod!ctN ,.1. 1 S%&te) Te&t"ng7 Software once validate m!st %e com%ined with other s$stem elements" S$stem testin verifies that all the elements miss properl$ and that overall s$stem f!nction performance is achieved" )t also tests to find discrepancies %etween s$stem and its ori inal c!rrent specification and s$stem doc!mentation"

,.1.# 3n"t te&t"ng Startin from the %ottom. the first level of testin is component testin some time it is called !nit testin specified in the component correctl$" )n theor$ an independent tester sho!ld do this" 1!t in practice the developer does it as the$ people to !nderstand how a component wor*s" The pro%lem with a s$stem. which ma$ not have %een %!ilt it" To overcome component is that it performs onl$ a small part of f!nctionalit$ of a s$stem and it relies on cooperatin with other parts of this developer either %!ilt or !ses special software to ma*e it acc!ratel$" 1lac* %o' testin is the most important testin to ens!re that !sers of the application have a flawless and satisf$in e'perience" 1eca!se %lac* %o' testin is to identif$in contradictions in f!nction specification from the !ser&s perspective. havin a tool that %rin s efficienc$ to $o!r testin process is essential" Testin an$where ives the power and or ani+ation to ain efficienc$ in the %loc* %o' testin . with tools that ma*e test creation and mana ement a %ree+e for

an$one" A!tomate the test with int!itive tools that ma*e testin ?!ic*l$ and effective allowin for ?!ic*er development" The p!rpose of an$ sec!rit$ testin method is to ens!re the ro%!stness of the s$stem in the face of malicio!s attac*s or re !lar software fail!re" The white %o' testin is performed %ased on the *nowled e of how the s$stem is implemented" ,hite %o' testin incl!des anal$+in data flow. control flow. information flow. codin practices e'ception and error handlin within the s$stem" To testin the intended and !nintended software %ehavior" ,hite %o' testin can %e performed to validate whether code" )mplementation follows intended desi n. to validate implemented sec!rit$ f!nctionalit$ and !ncover e'ploita%le v!lnera%ilities"

,.1.* Integrat"on Te&t"ng7 )nte ration testin address iss!es associated with the d!al pro%lem of verification and pro ram constr!ction" After the software has %een inte rates a set of hi h>order tests are cond!cted" The main o%(ective of this testin process is to ta*e !nit tested mod!les and %!ild a pro ram str!ct!re that has %een dictated %$ desi n" The followin are the t$pes of inte ration testin . Top>down inte ration 1ottom>-p inte ration

,.1., O t- t Te&t"ng7 This s$stem developed and ive the different t$pes of inp!ts and tested the re?!ired o!tp!ts are displa$ed"


The Hardware Sales and Service s$stem developed ma$ %e totall$ new. replacin an e'istin s$stem" 3roper implementation is essential to provide a relia%le s$stem to meet or ani+ation re?!irements" )mplementation is the sta e of the pro(ect when the theoretical desi n is t!rned into an act!al wor*in s$stem" The process of implementation involves< Trainin the implementation to learn the s$stem" 9aref!l plannin and method to implementation Ma*in necessar$ chan es to the s$stem as desired %$ the !ser" Testin the developed pro ram with ade?!ate sample data" Maintenance hold the software ind!str$ captive. t$pin !p pro rammin reso!rcesA anal$st and pro rammers spend for more time maintainin pro rams that the$ do write them" Maintenance is not as rewardin as e'citin as developin s$stem. few tools and techni?!es are availa%le for maintenance a ood test plan is lac*in " Maintenance covers a wide ran e of activities. incl!din !pdatin !ser s!pport" Maintenance hold the software ind!str$ captive. t$pin !p pro rammin correctin codin and desi n errors.

reso!rcesA anal$st and pro rammers spend for more time maintainin pro rams that the$ do write them" Maintenance is not as rewardin as e'citin as developin s$stem. few tools and techni?!es are availa%le for maintenance a ood test plan is lac*in " Maintenance covers a wide ran e of activities. incl!din correctin codin and desi n errors. !pdatin !ser s!pport"


)t is an e'cellent tool for the maintenance of the Garment Mana ement" The development sta es follows s$stem anal$sis and desi n approach" This s$stem has !nder one testin techni?!es and %! s have %een removed in this pro(ect" )np!t entries can %e !pdated and maintained in several other s$stems" )t is also ver$ !sef!l for 3erformin da$ to da$ mana ement activities" )t is men! driven and !ser>friendl$"


O!r aim is to ma*e f!t!re enhancement To the Software Tool #or The Additional 1!siness Lo ic" A we%site can %e esta%lished with s!pport of o!r s$stem and the transactions can %e performed from remote access" The development sta es follows s$stem anal$sis and desi n approach" This s$stem has !nder one testin techni?!es and %! s have %een removed in the forms" )t is ver$ !sef!l for performin da$ to da$ mana ement activities" Emplo$ee details and acco!nt n!m%er can also %e maintained in this pro(ect" Emplo$ee pa$ role can also %e an Enhancement

/.#. S!reen La%o t& Log"n For) 7

Ma"n For) 7

St dent reg"&trat"on7

Ho&te$ )anage)ent7

/.*. So r!e Code

Log"n !od"ng

0im rsLo in As New :ecordset

3rivate S!% cmd9ancelO9lic*DE Bset the lo%al var to false Bto denote a failed lo in Lo inS!cceeded P #alse -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% cmdOLO9lic*DE Bchec* for correct password sSFL P Qselect R from !sers where !sername P BQ = t't-serName = QBQ Set rsLo in P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

)f rsLo in"EO# And rsLo in"1O# Then Ms 1o' Q)nvalid -sername. tr$ a ainSQ. . QLo inQ t't-serName"Set#oc!s SendLe$s QTHomeUVTEndUQ E'it S!% End )f

)f rsLo in"#ieldsDQpasswordQE WX t't3assword Then Ms 1o' Q)nvalid 3assword. tr$ a ainSQ. . QLo inQ t't3assword"Set#oc!s SendLe$s QTHomeUVTEndUQ E'it S!% End )f

Bpassword correct frmMain"Show -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% #ormO-nloadD9ancel As )nte erE -nload frmSplash End S!%

Ma"n For) Cod"ng7

3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE frmSt!d:e "Show End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand4O9lic*DE frmSt!d:ec"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand5O9lic*DE

frmAddHostel"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand6O9lic*DE frmHostelM t"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand8O9lic*DE 0ata:eportY"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!A%o!tO9lic*DE frmA%o!t"Show 2 End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!AllocateO9lic*DE Ms 1o' QA!tomatic Allocation wiatin for S!pervisor :ecommendationSQ. v%)nformation

End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!9ascadeO9lic*DE Me"Arran e v%9ascade End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!9reateHostelO9lic*DE frmAddHostel"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!0oc!mentationO9lic*DE frm1rowser"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!E'itO9lic*DE -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptHostelsO9lic*DE frm:ptHostel"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!HostelM tO9lic*DE frmHostelM t"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!M tSt!dentO9lic*DE frmSt!d:ec"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!NonHN04O9lic*DE 0ata:eport;"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:e O9lic*DE frmSt!d:e "Show

End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptAll-nO9lic*DE 0ataEnvironment2"9ommand6OGro!pin 0ata:eport4"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:pt#!ll$O9lic*DE 0ataEnvironment2"9ommandYOGro!pin 0ata:eport5"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptHosO9lic*DE frm:ptHostel"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:pt3artialO9lic*DE 0ataEnvironment2"9ommand5OGro!pin 0ata:eport2"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0eptO9lic*DE 0ata:eport8"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0ept#O9lic*DE 0ata:eportG"Show

End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0eptMO9lic*DE 0ata:eport2C"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!dSpcO9lic*DE 0ata:eportH"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% mn!:pt7iewAllO9lic*DE 0ataEnvironment2"9ommandGOGro!pin 0ata:eport6"Show End S!%

3rivate S!% 3ict!re2O9lic*DE End S!%


3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

cn"1e inTrans

sSFL P Qinsert into hostelnameDHostelName. HostelNic*name. Se'. 3refi'. 9apacit$. 9apacit$-sedE val!es DBQ = t'tHostelName = QB.BQ = t'tNic*name = QB.BQ = c%oSe' = QB.BQ = t't3refi' = QB. Q = 9)ntDt't9apacit$E = Q. CEQ

cn"E'ec!te sSFL Ms 1o' QHostel Q = t'tHostelName = Q created"Q. v%)nformation cn"9ommitTrans E'it S!% ErrorHandler< cn":oll%ac*Trans Ms 1o' QHostel Q = t'tHostelName = Q not created"Q. v%)nformation End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand4O9lic*DE -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% #ormOLoadDE ,ith c%oSe' "9lear "Add)tem Q#emaleQ "Add)tem QMaleQ "Add)tem QMi'edQ End ,ith End S!%

3rivate S!% t'tHostelNameO9han eDE t't3refi' P LeftZDt'tHostelName. 2E

9ommand2"9aption P Q9reate Hostel BQ = t'tHostelName = QBQ End S!%

Add"ng roo) 7

0im rsHostel As New :ecordset 3rivate S!% c%oHostelsO9lic*DE sSFL P Qselect se' from hostelname where hostelname P BQ = c%oHostels = QBQ Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE )f L9aseZDrsHostel"#ieldsDCEE P QmaleQ Then t't:oomSe'"9lear t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ Else)f L9aseZDrsHostel"#ieldsDCEE P QfemaleQ Then t't:oomSe'"9lear t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ Else t't:oomSe'"9lear t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ End )f End S!%

Bdim 3rivate S!% cmd9ancelO9lic*DE 9reateO:oom -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% cmd9reate:oomO9lic*DE 9reateO:oom 9learO#ields End S!%

3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE -nload Me End S!%

3rivate S!% #ormOLoadDE t't:oomSe'"9lear t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ

sSFL P Qselect R from HostelNameQ Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE rsHostel"Move#irst c%oHostels"9lear 0o ,hile Not rsHostel"EO# c%oHostels"Add)tem rsHostel"#ieldsD2E rsHostel"MoveNe't Loop End S!%

S!% 9reateO:oomDE 0im int9apacit$ As )nte er

0im str:oomN!m%er. strSe' As Strin

str:oomN!m%er P Me"t't:oomN!m%er int9apacit$ P 9)ntDt't:oom9apacit$E strSe' P Me"t't:oomSe'

)f str:oomN!m%er P QQ Then Ms 1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room n!m%erQ E'it S!% End )f

)f int9apacit$ P C Then Ms 1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room capacit$Q E'it S!% End )f

)f strSe' P QQ Then Ms 1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room se'Q E'it S!% End )f

mess P Ms 1o'DQcreate room entr$ > n!m%er<Q = str:oomN!m%er = Q capacit$<Q = int9apacit$ = Q mem%ers se'<Q = strSe' = Q > in hostel<Q = c%oHostels"Te't = QNQ. v%YesNoE )f mess P v%No Then E'it S!% End )f

sSFL P Qselect capacit$ from hostelname where hostelname P BQ = c%oHostels"Te't = QBQ Set rshotel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

Binsert room record sSFL P Qinsert into HostelsD:oom)0. HostelName. :oomN!m%er. 9apacit$. Allocated. Se'E val!es DBQ = LeftZDc%oHostels"Te't. 2E = Q>Q = str:oomN!m%er = QB.BQ = c%oHostels"Te't = QB.BQ = str:oomN!m%er = QB.Q = int9apacit$ = Q.C.BQ = strSe' = QBEQ cn"E'ec!te sSFL

sSFL P Qselect R from HostelName where HostelNamePBQ = c%oHostels = QBQ Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

9ap P 9)ntDrsHostel"#ieldsDQcapacit$QEE B!pdate hostel parent record > total capacit$ sSFL P Q!pdate hostelname set capacit$ P Q = 9ap V 9)ntDint9apacit$E = Q where HostelName P BQ = c%oHostels = QBQ cn"E'ec!te sSFL End S!%

S!% 9learO#ieldsDE Me"t't:oom9apacit$ P QQ Me"t't:oomN!m%er P QQ Me"t't:oomSe' P QQ End S!%

/., Ta2$e Str !t re


F"e$d Na)e 19O0E 1NAMEd 0-:AT)ON

+ata T%-e Te't Te't N-M1E:


A$$o5 N $$& #alse #alse

FINEA+ETAILS regno St!dent name hostel name 1loc*t$pe 1loc*desc :OOM NO #inedesc Ofineamo!nt dat #NO +ata T%-e Te't Te't Te't Te't N!m%er Te't 9!rrenc$ 0ateKtime Te't YC #alse #alse YC #alse S"Be YC YC YC YC A$$o5 N $$& #alse #alse #alse #alse


F"e$d Na)e :e no name %code %name HostelOname 1loc*t$pe roomno :oomdesc fees

+ata T%-e N!m%er Te't N!m%er Te't Te't Te't Te't Te't 9!rrenc$


A$$o5 N $$&




#alse #alse #alse #alse #alse


F"e$d Na)e

+ata T%-e


A$$o5 N $$&

HostelOname 1loc*t$pe %loc*desc roomstart roomend NOOO#O3E:SONS

Te't Te't Te't N!m%er N!m%er N!m%er


#alse #alse #alse



+ata T%-e N!m%er Te't Te't Te't Te't N!m%er Te't Te't


A$$o5 N $$& #alse #alse #alse #alse #alse #alse


F"e$d Na)e )T 9O0E )TEM NAME

+ata T%-e Te't Te't


A$$o5 N $$& #alse #alse


F"e$d Na)e :e no 0ateOof O(oinin Hostel name 1loc* t$pe 1loc* desc :oom no #ees paid #eesOreceipOno

+ata T%-e N!m%er 0ateKtime Te't Te't Te't N!m%er Te't N!m%er


A$$o5 N $$& #alse #alse #alse #alse #alse #alse

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