Complaint-Affidavit For Serious Physical Injuries
Complaint-Affidavit For Serious Physical Injuries
Complaint-Affidavit For Serious Physical Injuries
DATU, 27 years of age, single, a resident of 47 Naguillian, Santiago City after having been sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state: 1. That on January 7, 2013 at around 6 oclock in the evening while I was heading home from the cemetery, I met JOHNNY M. MARTIA, a resident of 7 Lourdes Subdivision, at the corner of Dominican Rd. 2. That without warning, he suddenly attacked me with a 2x2 piece of wood while saying layuan mo sya! akin sya; 3. That despite being gripped to stop by the bystanders nearby, he still kept on attacking me while shouting mang-aagaw ka ; 4. That due to the said incident, I suffered a 10-inch wound in my head, a fractured left leg and two broken ribs due to the severe beating, and has been hospitalized for 16 days and advised to a complete rest for 4 weeks or more until my leg brace will be removed and my ribs will be completely healed. 5. I am executing this complaint-affidavit in order to file a case of Serious Physical Injuries against JOHNNY M. MARTIA. AFFIANT FURTHER SAYETH NAUGHT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of February 2013, at Santiago City, Philippines. ROMEO F. DATU Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the City of Santiago this 14th day of February 2013. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the above named affiant and that I am satisfied that the foregoing statements were given by her voluntarily and of his own free will. _______________________ Investigating Prosecutor