The Indian Contract Act
The Indian Contract Act
The Indian Contract Act
The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and
Kashmir) it came in force on the 1st day of September 1872
Thus, when there is a proposal from one side and the acceptance of
that proposal by the other side, it results in a promise. This promise
from one side to the other is known as an agreement.
4 There should be free consent of the parties, when they enter into
the agreement.
The test to know the intention of the parties is objective and not
subjective. Merely because the promisor contends that there was no
intention to create obligation would not exempt him from liability
In the case of Meritt Vs. Meritt, (1970) the husband and wife were
the joint owners of a building which was subject to a mortgage to a
building society. The husband left the matrimonial home to live with
another woman. At that time, at the insistence of the wife, the
husband signed a note saying that the wife will pay all outstanding
amounts in respect of the house and in return “I will agree to transfer
the property into your sole ownership”. It was held that in this case
it was clear that the parties intended to create legal relationship and,
therefore, the husband was bound by the contract
Communication of Offer
Cross Offers
When the offers made by two persons to each other containing similar
terms of bargain cross each other in post they are known as cross
offers. For example, on 1st January A offers to sell his radio set to B
for Rs. 500/- through a letter sent by post. On the same date B also
writes to A making an offer to purchase A’s radio set for Rs. 500 /-
When A or B send their letters they do not know about the offer
which is being made by the other side. In these cross offers, even
though both the parties intend the same bargain, there arises no
contract. A contract could arise only if either A or B , after having the
knowledge of the offer, had accepted the same. In (Tinn Vs.
Hoffmann 1873), A wrote to B indicating his willingness to sell 800
tons of iron at 69 s. per ton. On the same day B also wrote to A
offering to buy 800 tons of iron at the same rate of 69 s. per ton. The
two letters crossed each other in post. B brought an action against A
for the supply of iron contending that a valid contract had been created
between the two parties. It was held that in this case there were only
two cross offers and the offer of neither of the parties having been
accepted by the other, there was no contract which could be enforced.
Revocation of offer
It is only after the acceptance of an offer that there arises a contract
and then both the parties becomes bound by their respective
promises. Before the offer has been accepted it can be revoked.
After the offer has been accepted it ripens into a contract and then it
cannot be revoked. According to Section 5 :
The contention of the petitioner was that since he had withdrawn his
tender before the same had been opened and accepted, there was no
offer in existence which could be accepted. The respondents,
however, contended that the offer could not be withdrawn in
accordance with the tender notice and, therefore, the petitioner’s offer
was still alive and had ripened into contract by acceptance.
It was held that in spite of the clause in the tender notice against the
withdrawal of the offer, the petitioner had a right to withdraw his offer
before the same was accepted. In this case there was no offer which
could be accepted, there had arisen no contract between the petitioner
and the respondents and, as such, the respondents had no right to
claim any compensation.
A proposal is revoked –
(4) by the death or insanity of the proposer, if the fact of his death or
insanity comes to the knowledge of the acceptor before
acceptance :
2. By lapse of time
In Bengal Coal Co. Vs. Homie Wadia & Co., the defendants
(Bengal Coal Co.) agreed to supply coal to the plaintiff (Homie Wadia
& C0. ) up to a certain quantity at an agreed price for a period of 12
months, as may be required by the plaintiffs from time to time. The
plaintiffs placed orders for the supply of coal and the same were
complied with. Before the expiry of 12 months, the defendants
withdrew their offer to supply further coal, and refused to comply with
the orders to supply further coal, and refused to comply with the orders
placed thereafter. They were sued for breach of contract. There was
simply a continuing offer to supply coal. They were bound to supply
coal only as regards orders which had already been placed, but were
free to revoke their offer for supply of coal thereafter.
The person making the proposal does not become bound thereby until
acceptance. As soon as his proposal is accepted that is known as
promise whereby both the parties become bound.
Effect of Acceptance
Acceptance by post
B accepts A’s proposal by a letter sent by post. The communication
of the acceptance is complete, --
As against A, when the letter is posted ;
As against B, when the letter is received by A.
In Dunlop Vs. Higgins (1848), Dunlop & Co. offered to sell 200 tons
of pig iron at 65 sh. Per ton to Higgins & Co. through their letters
dated 22nd and 28th January, Higgins & Co. received the letters on
28th and 30th January and replied on the same indicating their
acceptance to purchase the pig iron in accordance with the offer. Due
to frosty weather there was disruption in the train services and the
letter of acceptance instead of reaching on 31st January reached
Dunlop & Co. on 1st February. Dunlop & Co. refused to supply pig iron
on the ground that the receipt of the letter of acceptance by them had
been delayed. It was held that Dunlop & Co. had become bound by
the contract as soon as the letter of acceptance was posted to them.
It has already been seen that the o9fferor becomes bound as soon as
the letter of acceptance is posted to him. If the letter of acceptance is
posted at the wrong address or to a wrong person, that will not bind
the offeror. In this connection reference may be made to the decision
of the court in the case of Karan Singh Vs. The Collector,
It was held that the petitioner’s bid, which was an offer, although
accepted on file, did not result in a contract as no intimation was sent
to the petitioner which was received by him. The demand notice for
recovering the lease money was quashed and the respondents were
directed to refund the security deposit.
It has been noted above that though the offeror becomes bound when
the letter of acceptance is posted to him, the acceptor himself does not
become bound thereby. Acceptor becomes bound by his acceptance
when his letter of acceptance comes to the knowledge of the offeror.
Under the English law, once the letter of acceptance is posted it binds
both the parties and there appears to be no scope of revocation of
acceptance by sending a telegram or through a phone call. Although
there are no English cases on the subject are of the view that the
posting of the letter of acceptance once posted cannot be revoked.
It has been noted above that as a general rule no contract can arise
unless and until the acceptance has been communicated to the
offeror. In exceptional cases the terms of the offer may be such which
waive the necessity of communication of acceptance, or a certain kind
of conduct on the part of the offeree may be treated sufficient to create
a contract. If that is so, the contract could be created even without
communication of acceptance. According to Section 8, “Performance
of the conditions of the proposal……………. Is an acceptance of the
proposal.” ( case of Mrs. Carlil Vs. Carbonic Smoke Ball Co.)
We have seen earlier that the offeror is free to withdraw the offer, or
the offer is revoked under various circumstances mentioned in section
6. After the offer has been withdrawn or has lapsed there is nothing
which can be accepted. It is, therefore, necessary that the acceptance
should be made while the offer is still alive and subsisting. Acceptance
after the lapse of the offer cannot give rise to a contract. Similarly, the
offer is deemed to have ended by rejection of the original offer or a
counter offer.