Review Exercise 2
Review Exercise 2
Review Exercise 2
1 a 17 b Stm = 1191.8, Stt = 983.6, Smm = 1728.9. c 0.914 d 0.914. Linear coding does not affect the correlation coefficient. e 0.914 suggests a relationship between the time spent shopping and the money spent. 0.178 suggests that there was no such relationship. f various a x 1 2 3 4 5 6 b 0.583 c 4.47 e 17.7 3 4 a 0.2743 b 12 Diagram A corresponds to -0.79, since there is negative correlation Diagram B. corresponds to 0.08, since there is no significant correlation. Diagram C corresponds to 0.68, since there is positive correlation. a y = -0.425 + 0.395 x b = 0.735 + 0.395 m c 93.6 litres a 0.0588 b 3.76 c 1.47 d 13.3 a 0.076 or 0.077 b 0.639 or 0.640 c 153.2 P(X = x) 0.0278 0.0833 0.1389 0.1944 0.2500 0.3056 8 a p + q = 0.4, 2 p + 4 q = 1.3. b p = 0.15, q = 0.25. c 1.75 d 7.00 a
b The points lie close to a straight line. c a = 29.02, b = 3.90. d 3.90 ml of the chemicals evaporate each week. e i 103 ml ii 166 ml f i This estimate is reasonably reliable, since it is just outside the range of the data. ii This estimate is unreliable, since it is far outside the range of the data. 10 a A statistical model simplifies a real world problem. It improves the understanding of a real world problem. It is quicker and cheaper than an experiment or a survey. It can be used predict possible future outcomes. It is easy to refine a statistical model. b i various ii various 11 a 0.0618 b 0.9545 c 0.00281 d This is a bad assumption.
12 a Sxy = 71.47, Sxx = 1760 b y = 0.324 + 0.0406 x c 2461.95 mm d l = 2460.324 + 0.0406 t e 2463.98 mm f This estimate is unreliable since it is outside the range of the data. 13 a E(X) = 3. Var(X) = (5 + 1)(5 - 1)/12 = 2. b7 c 18 14 a
e i Brand D is overpriced, since it is a long way above the line. ii 69 or 70 pence 17 a 0.1056 b 27.2 18 a p + q = 0.45, 3 p + 7 q =1.95. b p = 0.3, q = 0.15. c 0.35 d 7.15 e1 f 114.4 19 a 0.5 b 54 kg c It represents an outlier or extreme value. It could be drums or a double base. d No skew. e 13.3 kg or 13.4 kg
b mean 1.700 m, standard deviation 0.095 m c 0.337 15 a -0.816 b Houses are cheaper further away from the town centre. c -0.816 16 a & d