Samanthas Resume
Samanthas Resume
Samanthas Resume
Masters of Science in School Counseling Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS License: Professional School Counselor License Anticipated, ece!"er 201#
1401 College Ave, Apt A 205 Manhattan, Ks 66502 785-282-0846 smkriley ks!"e#!
Additional ,0 direct entry hours for licensure 1as done throu/h the parallel path1ay option that re6uired additional field e+perience o*er t1o se!esters in schools Su"stitute Teacher and Para educator at 7S 585 Manhattan%9/den istrict Attended t1o School :oard Meetin/ at 7S 25, S!ith Center, Ks Consulted and Colla"orated 1ith 2th /rade teachers to for! a /irls /roup that focused on stren/ths, self%estee!, and /oal settin/ 3n*ol*ed in S3T, 3'P, and (ocus !eetin/ on a re/ular "asis at &ear 'le!entary
Samantha M. Kriley
1401 College Ave, Apt A 205 Manhattan, Ks 66502 785-282-0846 smkriley ks!"e#!
Create classroo! /uidance and /roups that focus on teachin/ students to think critically, sol*e co!ple+ pro"le!s and "eco!e colle/e and career ready Counselin/ Military Connected Students (ocus on the se*en C;s of )esilience in classroo! /uidance, /roup counselin/, and indi*idual counselin/ &ork 1ith deployed, soon to "e deployed, and returnin/ parent;s students in s!all /roup counselin/Safety in Schools (ocus on Safe and Successful Schools de*eloped "y A!erican School Counselor Association e*elop a safety council 1ith a *ariety of selected students and discuss the safety of their school and 1hat can "e done to increase the safety of all students
Selected for KS7 Su!!er Acade!y Plannin/ Co!!ittee= 1ill ser*e as a key !e!"er of the co!!ittee i!ple!entin/ a /rant 1orkin/ 1ith !ultiple national and re/ional leaders in a professional de*elop!ent conferenceAttended Military 'ducators Sy!posiu!, (ort )iley, KS, March 201# Attended the Kansas Counselin/ Association Conference, Manhattan, KS, March 201# )e/istered to attend A!erican School Counselor Association Conference, 9rlando, (L, $une, 201#
Member, A!erican School Counselor Association Member, Kansas Counselin/ Association Member, Kansas School Counselor Association (all 2015% Present (all 201#% Present (all 201#% Present
"ra+uate Teaching Assistant Secon+ary $lacement Coor+inator& $anuary 201#% Present Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Place rou/hly 500 secondary education students in a *ariety of classroo! e+periences and professional /ro1th opportunities to de*elop educators 1ho are kno1led/ea"le and ethical carin/ decision !akers Co!!unicate and colla"orate 1ith faculty and professional staff *ia the co!pletion of docu!entation, such as T:, "lood "orne patho/en, state!ent of disclosure, and orientation infor!ation to place under/raduate students in ,%12 classroo!s Intramural Official& Au/ust 200,%Present Student Recreation and Wellness Center- Washburn University, To e!a, Ks Chester "# $eters Recreation Com le%- Kansas State University, Manhattan, Ks >ain fa!iliarity 1ith all aspects of the intra!ural pro/ra! and ensure all policies, rules, and re/ulations are "ein/ follo1ed "y participants and personnel Pro*ide 6uality custo!er ser*ice "y dealin/ 1ith all indi*iduals courteously and consistently Senior Cam, Counselor& &une '()(- *u+ust '()(, May '()'- *u+ust '()' Cam Wood ,MC*, "lmdale, KS Manhattan $ar!s and Recreation, Manhattan, KS
Samantha M. Kriley
1401 College Ave, Apt A 205 Manhattan, Ks 66502 785-282-0846 smkriley ks!"e#!
Ser*ed as a Professional )ole Model and planned and directed characters programs for campers
ages 7-17
A*aila"le 7pon )e6uest