MBA Syllabus
MBA Syllabus
MBA Syllabus
(Affiliated Colleges) REVISED REGULATIONS
(For Regular Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges / Institutes of S.V.University, Tirupati)
(To come into effect from the academic year 2009-10) 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (i) Program Course The program consists of a number of courses A course is a paper of the program A course may involve, Lectures / tutorials / Lab work / Seminar / Case Studies / Group discussion / Role playing / project / practical training A course length is usually 15 lecture weeks Each course is given a code (ii) Classification of courses: The various courses offered to students are of two types: (a) Core Course:
Core courses are those, knowledge of which is essential for students registered. These courses are mandatory. (b) Elective Courses: An elective allows students to gain knowledge in areas where the concerned subject has applications. (iii) Semesters: An academic year is constituted into two semesters. Odd semesters are conducted from August to December, with fifteen lecture weeks. Even semesters are conducted from January to April with fifteen lecture weeks. No preparatory holidays for semester-end examinations. Next semester starts immediately after the end of previous semester end examinations. Semester-end examinations are conducted every working day without gap between two examinations.
2. Eligibility for admission into Two Year Degree of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A)
The candidates seeking admission into the MBA Programme should have Passed the Bachelor Degree Examination of a minimum of Three Years duration of this University or an examination recognized by this University as equivalent thereto and besides to have passed in the prescribed entrance examination, and fulfil any other conditions as in vogue for admission into the M.B.A Degree programme.
3. For passing the MBA Degree examination, the candidate has to fulfill the conditions Prescribed hereunder:
a) The candidate has to undergo a course of study in the affiliated College/ institutes Extending over a period of two academic years, each academic year consisting of two semesters . b) The First Year comprises of two semesters and each semester contains eight common courses. The Second Year also has two semesters and each semester contains five common courses and three electives. Details of course structure and evaluation, are given in Annexure I c) At the end of fourth semester a comprehensive viva- voce examination will be conducted on the courses covered in MBA programme by a panel of examiners. The panel consists of a minimum of one internal examiner from the Department of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara University and one external examiner. The Viva-Voce examination carries a maximum of 100 marks. In case of failure of the candidate in the Viva-voce examination, he / she has to reappear along with the regular candidates when the Viva- voce examination is held for the concerned semester. d) As a part of second semester-end examinations there shall be Communication and
examination covering the courses on communication and computers. The examination shall be conducted by a panel of examiners, consisting of at least two faculty, a faculty drawn from the Dept. of Management Studies of the University and an external faculty. This lab examination carries a maximum of 100 Marks. In case of failure of the candidate in the lab examination, he / she shall appear for the computer lab examination along with the regular candidates when the lab examination is conducted. 4. Industrial Training and Project Work: (i) Each student must undergo internship in any one of the reputed corporate industrial establishments for a period, not less than eight weeks but not more than 10 weeks in between II and III semesters. (ii) Each candidate shall do the project work under the supervision of a facultyguide allotted to him/her. In the corporation where the candidate undertakes project work, he/she must have a supervising guide to look after the progress of his/her work in the company. He/she must maintain a diary during his/her stay in the company which will be submitted to the Head of the Department.
(iii) The candidate must give joining report in the organization by producing a letter issued by the Head of the Department. On completion of the training, the candidate must get relieving certificate and a certificate for bonafide work, which are to be submitted to the Head of the Department. (iv) The internship envisages submission of dissertation (Code No. 304 of III semester) which carries a maximum of 100 marks including 30 marks for sessionals. The dissertation shall be valued for 70 marks by an internal examiner and an external examiner separately. During the III semester, the candidate has to present one seminar on his/her topic for evaluation by the faculty. 5. Medium of instruction in English Only. 6. Scheme of Examination: There shall be four semester-end examinations spread over two academic years. Each course carries a maximum of 100 marks including 30 marks for sessionals. Duration of the semester-end examination is 3 hours for each paper of 70 marks and two hours for each paper of 30 marks. The sessional marks will be assigned on the basis of tests, quizzes, seminars, carry home assignments, etc., by the concerned teacher. The Question paper structure for University Examination is given in Annexure II. 7. Attendance: 7.1Regular course of study, in a semester, means a minimum average attendance of 75% in all the papers computed by totaling the number of periods of lectures, tutorials, practical and project as the case may be, held in every paper as the denominator and the total number of periods attended by the student in all papers, as the numerator. 7.2However, a student has to put in a minimum attendance of 50% in each subject, in addition to the condition laid down in clause 7.1. 7.3No consideration whatsoever in attendance will be shown to any student for late admission due to any reason. 7.4 Condonation of shortage of attendance may be recommended provided a student puts in at least 62.5% attendance, in all the papers put together as calculated in clause 7.1 above, along with a minimum of 50% attendance in each subject as stated in clause 7.2, and provided the Principal is satisfied with the reason for shortage of attendance. 7.5 A student who could not satisfy these requirements of attendance as given in clauses above, in any semester, shall have to repeat that semester.
7.6 A certificate of satisfactory attendance must be submitted by the student from the organization where he/she undertakes Project Work. 7.7Further, a student is required to complete the course of study satisfying the attendance requirements in all the four Semesters, within a period of first Eight Semesters from the time of admission, failing which he/she shall forfeit his /her seat. 7.8 A student, who has satisfied the minimum attendance requirements in any semester, may repeat that semester after obtaining written permission from the Principal and cancelling the previous record of attendance and sessional marks of that semester. However, this facility may be availed by any student not more than twice during the entire course of study and the entire course of study shall be within the first Eight Semesters as stipulated in clause 7.7. 8. Promotion: A candidate who has put in the required minimum attendance as stipulated in Clause No.7 and has registered for the semester-end University examination by paying the required examination fee is eligible for promotion to next semester. There shall be no detention of failed candidates or candidates who are absent for the semester-end University examination. 9. Evaluation: There shall be both Internal and External evaluation for the semester-end examinations, including Project Report. 10. Qualifying Marks for Pass a) i) A candidate appearing for the first time for the Examinations of any semester, shall register for the examinations of all courses of that Semester. A candidate shall be declared to have passed the whole or a part of the whole examination if he/she secures not less than 40% of marks in each theory paper/practical/project report in Semester-end University Examination and not less than 40% marks in Internal Assessment and Semester-end Examination put together. ii) To pass, the candidate has to obtain a minimum of 40 marks out of 100 marks in VIVA-VOCE examination/ Communication and Computer Lab examination. b) A candidate who fails to get pass marks for the Project report should submit the revised report along with the next batch of students. 11. Classification of successful candidates: The classification will be on the basis of the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the semesters put together and will be classified as follows: i) A candidate who secures 60% and above of total (aggregate) marks will be placed in FIRST CLASS. ii) A candidate who secures 50% and above but less than 60% of total (aggregate) marks will be placed in SECOND CLASS. iii) A candidate who secures 40% of marks or above but less than 50% of total (aggregate) will be placed in THIRD CLASS.
12. Award of Ranks: Candidates who passed the examinations of all the Four Semesters for the degree at the first appearance in all Four Semesters shall be ranked in order of merit. The candidates who have taken supplementary examinations shall also be eligible for classification but they shall not be considered for the award of rank. Ranks shall be awarded for the top three students or 10% of the total strength of the students appeared for the Four Semester end examinations. 13. Supplementary Examination: There shall be no supplementary examinations. The failed candidate shall appear again for the examinations along with the regular candidates of next batch as per the syllabus and regulations in vague. The candidates shall complete all the examinations within five years after joining MBA programme. No examination shall be conducted for the candidates after five years. 14. Improvement: The candidates are permitted to improve their marks/class by taking Semester-end examinations in one or more papers as per the existing regulations and syllabi. Once a candidate had appeared for examinations for improvement of marks/class, the marks/class in the earlier examinations of the respective course(s) shall automatically get cancelled. Note: The candidates shall be permitted to improve their marks within a period of four years from the date of admission into First Semester.
15. Transitory Provision: a). For candidates who studied the M.B.A. Degree Course under previous regulations and syllabus, and who could not pass some or all the courses (papers) shall be permitted to take examinations under old regulations and syllabus for three more times after the last regular examinations of the concerned subject (s). b) Candidates who satisfied the minimum attendance requirements in any semester under Old Regulations, but who are yet to pass some papers even after three chances as stated in 14.(a), shall appear for the equivalent papers under Revised Regulations, as specified by the Chairman of the Board of Studies. 16. The university shall have the right to amend or modify or revise any of the above regulations whenever necessary. *****
Annexure 1 Semester I
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal Marks 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 Semest er End Marks 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 30 Exam Duration 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 2 Hrs Maximu m Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50
Management and Qrganisational Behaviour Management Communication Managerial Economics Accounting for Managers Data Analysis Methods Quantitative Techniques Information Technology Personality Development
Semester II
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal Marks 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 Semest er End Marks 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 30 100 Exam Duratio n 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 2 Hrs Maximu m Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100
Management Information System Human Resources Management Marketing Management Financial Management Production Management Business Environment Operations Research Interpersonal Skills and Team Building Communication and Computer Lab
Semester III
Code No. Title of the Paper Interna l Marks Semester End Marks Exam Duration Maxi mum Marks
Management of Technology & Innovation Entrepreneurship Computer Applications Project Seminar & Report Career Planning and Development
30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70
Marketing Area:
Code No. Internal Marks Seme ster End Marks Exam Duration Maximu m Marks
Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Marketing Marketing Research Promotion Management Product & Brand Management Distribution and Supply Chain Management Sales Management Marketing of Hospitality Services Marketing of Health Care Services
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Finance Area:
Code No. Internal Marks Semester End Marks Exam Dura tion Maxim um Marks
Indian Financial System Working Capital Management Management of Financial Services Security Evaluation and Investment Strategy Management Control Systems Bank Management
30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70
HRM Area:
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal Marks Semester End Marks Exam Durat ion Maxim um Marks
Counselling Management of Industrial Relations Performance and Reward Management Human Resource Planning Employee Legislation Training for Development
30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70
Systems Area:
Code No. Title of the Paper Intern al Marks Semes ter End Marks Exam Duratio n Maxim um Marks
Systems Analysis and Design Data Base Management Systems Decision Support Systems Expert Systems and Artificial
30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70 70
30 30 30
Semester IV
Code No. Intern al Marks Semes ter End Marks Exam Duratio n Maxim um Marks
Strategic Management International Business Management Business Laws Organisation Development Presentation Skills VIVA VOCE (Comprehensive Viva covering all the subjects of all Semesters including Project work)
30 30 30 30 20
70 70 70 70 30
Marketing Area:
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal Marks Semester End Marks Exam Duration Maximu m Marks
Insurance and Bank Marketing Rural Marketing International Marketing Retail Marketing Industrial Marketing Agricultural Marketing
30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70
Finance Area:
Semes ter End Marks Maxi mum Marks
Code No.
Internal Marks
Exam Duration
Mergers and Acquisitions Risk Management & Insurance Financial Engineering International Financial Management Financial Derivatives Portfolio Management
30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70
HRM Area:
Code No.
Internal Marks
Exam Duration
HR Accounting and Audit Stress Management Change Management Global Human Resource Management Leadership Development Human Resource Development
30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70
Systems Area:
Intern al Marks Semes ter End Marks Exam Duratio n Maxim um Marks
Code No.
Systems Control and Audit Distributed Intelligence Data Mining and Data Warehousing Enterprise Resource Planning Data Communication and Network Analysis E- Business Customer Relationship Management
30 30 30 30 30 30 30
70 70 70 70 70 70 70
QUESTION PAPER STRUCTURE FOR MBA SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS Each Course examination (other than courses 108,208,305 and 405) shall have a maximum of 70 Marks and the examination shall be of 3 Hrs duration. The question paper shall have two parts viz. Part- A and Part-B.
(5X10=50 Marks)
(20 Marks)
Each course examination (Semester end) shall have 30 marks and the examination shall be 2 Hrs duration. There shall be three descriptive type questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. (a) 2.
or (b) (a) or (b) (a) or (b)
John L. Pierce :
2. Jit S Chador: Organisation Behaviour (Vikas) 3. Fred Luthans: Organisation Behaviour (McGraw Hill) 4. Stephen P Robbins: Organisation Behaviour (Pearson) 5. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard: Management of Organisation Behaviour
(Prentice Hall)
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
determination Test of significance for small and large samples (t-test, Z-test, Chi-
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
UNIT III (WORD) Word Processing Basics Common tools Page Setup Editing and Formatting Tables Charts Macros Mail Merge Index Printing. UNIT IV (POWER POINT) Power Point: Features Slides Slide Layouts Design Templates Slide Master Animation Timings Action Buttons. UNIT V (EXCEL) Basics Formulae - Moving Editing Formatting Charts Naming of Charts Hyperlink Databases Forms Functions Pivot Table and Chart.
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ITL Education: Introduction to Computer Sciences (Pearson) Effy OZ: Management Information Systems (Cengage) Deepak Bharihoke: Fundamentals of Information Technology (Excel) Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft office Resource Kit, (Prentice Hall.) Sanjay Saxena: MS Office 2000 for Everyone (Vikas) Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon: Introduction to Computers with MS-Office 2000 (Mc Graw Hill)
Scenarios Solver
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
1. Robert M. Sherfield, Rhonda J. Montgomery and Patricia G.Moody B: Developing Soft Skills ( Pearson) 2. Harold R. Wallace and L. Ann Masters : Personality Development ( Cengage Learning India ) 3. Seema Sanghi : Towards Personal Excellence, Psychometric Tests and Self -improvement Techniques for Managers ( Response ) 4. Shiv Khera: You Can Win (Mac millan) 5. Stephen R. Covey : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster) 6. Stephen R. Covey : The 8th Habit (Simon & Schuster) 7. Dale Carnegie : How to Win Friends & Influence People (Pocket Books) 8. Dale Carnegie : How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Pocket Books) 9. Dharni, P. Sinha : Learning From Life (Excel) 10. Biswajit Das Ipseeta Satpathy : Business Communication & Personality Development (Excel) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) (ii) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. One question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set.
Plant location Different location, merits, demerits - Plant layout Types of layouts Plant Maintenance Preventive and breakdown maintenance. UNIT III Production planning and control Scheduling, Job shop, Flow shop - Line balancing. UNIT IV Materials management Classification codification, Inventory models (Determinative models only). UNIT V Quality control control charts Acceptance sampling oc curve. References: 1. Adam E bert : Production of Operations Management (Prentice Hall) 2. S.N. Chary : Production and Operations Management (McGraw Hill) 3. R. Panneer Selvam : Production and Operations Management (Prentice Hall) 4. Chunnawala and Patel : Production and Operations Management (Himalaya) 5. Kanishka Bedi : Production and Operations Management (Oxford) 6. James R Evans : Operations Management (Cengage) 7. B. Mahadevan :Operations Management (Pearson) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. each Unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from
Interpersonal orientation: How do you influence me? Inter personal attraction: Why do
5. C.K Prahalad and MS Krishnan : New Age of Innovation (Tata McGraw Hill) 6. Judy Estrin : Closing the Innovation Gap (Tata McGraw Hill) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
302 Entrepreneurship
UNIT I Concept of Entrepreneurship Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development Entrepreneurial process Intrapreneurship. UNIT II Entrepreneur Background and Characteristics Role models Entrepreneur versus Inventors International versus domestic entrepreneurship. UNIT III Sources of new ideas Creative problem solving opportunity recognition Product planning and development process. UNIT IV Business plan Organizational plan- Marketing plan Financial Plan. UNIT V Sources of capital venture capital Initiatives to develop entrepreneurship in India. References: 1. Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters and Dean A, Stepherd: Entrepreneurship (McGraw-Hill) 2. S.S. Khan: Entrepreneurial Development (S. Chand & Co) 3. P. C. Jain: Handbook for New Entrepreneurs (Oxford) 4. Rajeev Roy: Entrepreneurship (Oxford) 5. Poornima Charantimath :Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business Management (Pearson) 6. Eric A. Morse and Ronald K. Mitchell : Cases in Entrepreneurship (Sage) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
work under the guidance of a faculty member in the department and an executive guide in the concerned organisation. The candidate has to maintain a field dairy and present synopsis and IPC Seminars during the course of third semester. The project report should be submitted to the department before the commencement of the third semester end examinations.
1. Desimone, Werner & Haris : Human Resource Development (Thomson) 2. Paul Singh: Writing Effective Resume (Excel ) 3. French and Bell : Organization Development (Prentice Hall) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) One question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set.
5. Suja R.Nair: Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective (Himalaya) 6. Subhash Mehta: Consumer Behaviour (Tata McGraw Hill) 7. Satish K Batar Shhkazmi: Consumer Behaviour (Excel) 8. Rajeev Kumar: Consumer Behaviour (Himalaya) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
Research - Types of Test Markets Data collection Secondary Data - Primary Data Design of Data Collection Forms. UNIT III Attitude Measurement Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Scales Self Report Attitude Scales: Equal Appearing Interval Scales Summated Rating Scales Semantic Differential Scales Stapel Scale: Rating Scales: Graphic, Itemized, Comparative Scales: Sample Design - Types of Sampling Plans: Non Probability Samples Probability Samples Sample Size Determination. UNIT IV Preliminary steps of Data Analysis: Editing, Coding, Tabulation - Contingency Tables and Chi-square Analysis One - way Tabulation and Cross Tabulation Hypothesis Testing Examination of Differences Kolmogorov Smirnov test Hypothesis about One Mean, Two Means and Two Proportions Investigation of Association: Simple Regression & Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis UNIT V Multivariate Data Analysis: Discriminant, Factor, Cluster and Multi Dimensional Scaling: Preparation of the Research Report. References: 1. Glbert A. Churchill, Jr and Down Iacobucci : Marketing Research Methodological Foundation (Cengage) 2. Donald S Tull and Del I Hawkins : Marketing Research Measurement and Methods (McGraw Hill) 3. David J Luch et al : Marketing Research (Prentice Hall) 4. Malhotra : Marketing Research (Pearson) 5. William G. Likmund : Marketing Research (Cengage) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
Demonstrations. Trade Promotion tools Price offs Allowances Free goods: Business
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
331 Counseling
UNIT I Counselling: Concept and significance Emergence and growth of Guidance and Counselling Psychology Counselling and Guidance: Expectations and Goals. UNIT II Various approaches to Counselling Counselling process Counsellors attitude and skills of Counselling. UNIT III Counselling Interview Group Counselling Individual and Group Counselling similarities and differences. UNIT IV Evaluation of Counselling Professional preparation and Training for Counselling Modern trends in Counselling. UNIT V Changing Behaviour through Counselling Techniques used in Counselling Problems in Counselling. Reference: 1. S. Narayana Rao: Counselling and Guidance (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. Board R: Counselling People at Work (Gomes) 3. Corner L S and Hackny H: The Professional Counselling, Process Guide to Helping (Prentice Hall) 4. Reddy Michel: Counselling at Methuen) 5. Munro C A : Counselling Skills Approach (Methuen) 6. Maclennan Nigel: Counselling for Managers (Aldershot) 7. Lewis E. Patterson: The Counselling Process (Thomson) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words. Work (British Psychological Society and
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
Introduction to software Engineering: Size, Quality and productivity factors. Planning a software project, Cost estimation.
Software design concepts modularization, Design strategies, Real time distributed systems design, Test plans.
Quality Assurance: Walk through and inspection, Static Analysis, Symbolic execution, unit testing & debugging, system testing and formal verification.
Software Maintenance: Maintainability, Managerial aspects, Configuration Management, Source code metrics, other Maintenance tools and techniques. References: 1. Pressman: Software Engineering (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. Sommervelli : Software Engineering (Pearson) 3. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayuni and Dino Mandnioli: Fundamentals of Software Engineering (Prentice Hall) 4. Rechord Fairley :Software Engineering Concept (Tata McGraw Hill) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
Logistics and Competitive Strategy: Mission of Logistics Management. Logistics relation Ships Logistics and supply chain information systems.
UNIT II Customer Service: Marketing and Logistics Interface Service driven logistics Systems. Prising and Revenue Management. UNIT III Modeling and Bench marking: Optimization Models Optimization tools survey Total cost Analysis Logistics Costing Bench marking the Process Logistic Process and Supply Chain Process. UNIT IV Strategic Lead Time Management: Time based Competition Lead time Pipcline Management Globalization Issues Just In Time and Quick Response Logistics Logistics Information Systems. UNIT V Managing the Supply Chain: The need for Integration Managing Supply Chain as a network Logistics Partnerships. Supply chain restructuring, IT in supply chain.
1. 2. 3. 4. Janat shah : Supply Chain Management Test Prepares (Pearson) M. Christofer :Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Prentice Hall) C. Bozarth, Robert B. Hand filed: Introduction to Operation and Supply Chain Management ( Pearson) Johnj Coley : Management of Business Logistics (Cengage)
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
408 VIVA VOCE (Comprehensive Viva covering all the subjects of III & IV Semesters including Project work)
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
1. John E.Marshall & vipul K. Bansal : Financial Engineering (Prantice Hall) 2. Jurgen Topper : Financial Engineering with Finite Elements (John Wiley) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions shall cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) In regard to Part A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.
446 E- Business
UNIT I From E - Commerce to e-Business, Structural Transformation, Flexible Business designs. Trend spotting - Time, Self service, ease of use, outsourcing. UNIT II E-Business design - strategy of design - phases: building, capability evaluation E-Business design. UNIT III EBusiness Architecture Customers Relationship Management, Selling-chain Management supply- chain Management- e-Procurement. UNIT IV Knowledge tone Applications - Next generation D.S.S Business Model- Suitability, Pitfalls and Consumer preferences. UNIT V Development E Business design, strategy formulation, E Business Applications. References: 1. Ravi Ralakota and Maina Robinson: E Business (Pearson) 2. Davechaffey : E Business and Ecommerce Management (Pearson) 3. Napier Jud, Rivers and Wagnerm: Creating a E Business (Cengage) NOTE TO THE PAPER SETTER: (i) The questions should cover all the units of the syllabus. (ii) With regard to Part - A of the question paper, one question with internal choice from each unit of the syllabus shall be set. (iii) For Part - B of the question paper, the CASE shall be not less than 500 words.