Mathematics and Soceity
Mathematics and Soceity
Mathematics and Soceity
and Society
and Society
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
Appalachian State University
Salem Press
Produced by Golson Media
President and Editor J. Geoffrey Golson
Senior Layout Editor Mary Jo Scibetta
Author Manager Joseph K. Golson
Copy Editors Carl Atwood, Kenneth Heller, Holli Fort
Proofreader Lee A. Young
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of mathematics and society / Sarah J. Greenwald , Jill E. Thomley, general Editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-58765-844-0 (set : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-845-7 (v. 1 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-846-4
(v. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-847-1 (v. 3 : alk. paper)
1. Mathematics--Social aspects. I. Greenwald, Sarah J. II. Thomley, Jill E.
QA10.7.E53 2012
First Printing
Printed in the United States of America
Volume 1
Publishers Note vi
About the Editors viii
Introduction ix
List of Articles xiii
Topic Finder xxi
List of Contributors xxvii
Articles A to E 1376
Volume 2
List of Articles vii
Articles F to O 377744
Volume 3
List of Articles vii
Articles P to Z 7451089
Chronology 1091
Resource Guide 1109
Glossary 1113
Index 1127
Photo Credits 1191
The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (three
volumes) explains how mathematics is at the root of
modern civilization, from measuring temperature on
a frigid day to driving a car to using a digital camera;
enthusiasts might say applied mathematics rules the
world. The set includes 478 articles, all of which were
written specically for the work.
Scope of Coverage
The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society is designed
to provide students at the high school and under-
graduate levels with a convenient source of informa-
tion on the fundamental science and the mathematics
behind our daily lives, explaining to students how and
why mathematics works, and allowing readers to bet-
ter understand how disciplines such as algebra, geom-
etry, calculus, and others affect what we do every day.
This academic, multiauthor reference work serves as
a general and nontechnical resource for students and
teachers to understand the importance of mathemat-
ics; to appreciate the inuence of mathematics on soci-
eties around the world; to learn the history of applied
mathematics; and to initiate educational discussion
brought forth by the specic social and topical articles
presented in the work.
Publishers Note
The articles in the set fall into one or more of the
following broad categories: architecture and engi-
neering (35 articles); arts, music, and entertainment
(41): business, economics, and marketing (32); com-
munication and computers (22); friendship, romance,
and religion (18); games, sport, and recreation (42);
government, politics, and history (43); history and
development of curricular concepts (63); mathemat-
ics around the world (21); mathematics culture and
identity (27); medicine and health (34); school and
society (19); space, time, and distance (25); travel and
transportation (18); and weather, nature, and envi-
ronment (35).
Rationale for Choice of Topics
Mathematics is a fundamental part of society, yet
many people may not be aware of the interconnections
between what they have learned in school and their
everyday lives. In its Curriculum Guide (MAA, 2004),
the Mathematical Association of Americas Committee
on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics
(CUPM) recommends that mathematics programs
lead people to learn mathematics in a way that helps
them to better understand its place in society: its
meaning, its history, and its uses. In keeping with this
philosophy, the editors chose topics for inclusion based
on one or more of the following criteria:
The topic is timely and likely to remain so.
The topic can be tied to mathematical
concepts that people likely have been
exposed to.
The topic is related to concepts and
connections that professional mathematical
organizations have suggested are important.
The topic is one that the general public has
expressed interest in.
The topic is one we have successfully used or
that we know has been successfully used in
other contexts.
Article Length and Format
Articles in the encyclopedia range in length from 500
to 3500 words. Each is rst presented with the cat-
egory to which it belongs (for example, architecture
and engineering), an article summary, and elds of
study for the article. The elds of study include the
Data Analysis and Probability
Number and Operations
Problem Solving
Reasoning and Proof
Each article is then followed by See Also cross-ref-
erences to other relevant articles and Further Read-
ing sources that include bibliographic citations. Many
articles are richly illustrated with photos and captions,
and charts, graphs, and tables. Finally, each article is
signed by the contributor to the encyclopedia.
Frontmatter and Backmatter
Volume 1 of the Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Soci-
ety begins with About the Editors and then presents
their introduction to the encyclopedia. The List of
Articles, repeated in all three volumes, features all the
articles in alphabetical order with page numbers as they
are listed in the encyclopedia. A Topic Finder shows
all the articles organized by category to enable readers
to nd related article by topic. The List of Contribu-
tors presents all the writers for the encyclopedia along
with their academic or institutional afliations.
The backmatter of the encyclopedia at the end of
Volume 3 has the Chronology of Mathematics, a time-
line of major milestones in the discoveries and devel-
opment of mathematics. Next is the Resource Guide
for further research that includes books that are major
works in the history of mathematics as well as current
editions of new works, journals in the mathematics
eld, and Internet sites that pertain to mathematics.
A Glossary provides mathematical denitions for
terms encountered in the articles. Lastly, a comprehen-
sive subject index references all concepts, terms, events,
persons, places, and other topics of discussion.
Online Access
Salem provides access to its award-winning content
both in traditional printed form and online. Any
school or library that purchases this three-volume set is
entitled to complimentary access to Salems online ver-
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About the Editors
Sarah J. Greenwald is a professor of mathematics and
a womens studies core faculty member at Appala-
chian State University in Boone, North Carolina. She
obtained her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University
of Pennsylvania in 1998 and since then has published
more than 35 articles. Her areas of expertise include
Riemannian geometry, popular culture as it pertains to
mathematics, and women and minorities in mathemat-
ics. Dr. Greenwald has discussed the impacts of scien-
tic popular culture representations on NPRs Science
Friday. She has spoken all over the country, and her
interactive mathematics lecture appears on 20th Cen-
tury Foxs Futurama movie Benders Big Score.
Dr. Greenwald has won numerous teaching awards
including a Mathematical Association of America Alder
Award for Distinguished Teaching and an Appalachian
State University Wayne D. Duncan Award for Excellence
in Teaching in General Education. Dr. Greenwald has
also been active in professional service as a member of
the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics Advisory Panel
for Mathematics Awareness Month and as the associate
editor for the Association for Women in Mathematics,
just to name a few. Her husband, Joel Landsberg, is the
bassist for the Kruger Brothers.
Jill E. Thomley is an associate professor of statistics
in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Appa-
lachian State University. Her education and scholarly
interests are diverse, generally focusing on mathematics
and science applications. She earned a Ph.D. in Deci-
sion Sciences from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
and was awarded the Del and Ruth Karger Dissertation
Prize and a Rensselaer Founders Award of Excellence.
Additional degrees include an M.S. in industrial/orga-
nizational psychology from Rensselaer and an A.B. in
psychology from Harvard University.
Along with teaching, Dr. Thomley consults on sta-
tistical design and analysis of scientic research and
evaluates the results of federal education grants. Areas
of focus include computational science, a discipline
arising from the intersection of science, mathematics,
and computer science, and the adoption and diffu-
sion of educational innovations in mathematics and
science. She presented at the rst Science in Society
Conference in 2009 and was published in The Inter-
national Journal of Science in Society. Additional inter-
ests include history of statistics and statistics in popu-
lar culture.
ix ix
Mathematics is pervasive in modern society, and on
some level we all use mathematics in our daily lives. At
the same time, many people are not fully aware of the
diverse interactions and connections between mathe-
matics and society. Mathematics takes a readily appar-
ent starring role in highly technological elds like engi-
neering, computer science, and the natural sciences.
Outside these elds, however, there are countless ideas,
inventions, and advances that cannot be fully realized
without the involvement of mathematics.
Organizations like the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics and the Mathematical Association of
America recommend that mathematics be explored in
the context of contemporary society. To examine these
connections, we approach them from different angles.
We can look at mathematics through the lens of larger
societal structures like nations, cultures, and educa-
tional systems, or we can turn this method around to
explore the societal structures within mathematics,
such as the culture of mathematicians and notions of
proof, certainty, and success.
Connections are also found in the countless applica-
tions of mathematics to society. Overall, denitions and
applications of mathematics are inherently dependent
on context: the socio-historical events during which
they developed; the people who created or discovered
concepts, who built upon the work of others, or who
passed their knowledge on to the next generation; the
fundamental connections to daily tasks of living; the
ethics, controversies, and philosophies surrounding
mathematics; the publics perceptions of mathemat-
ics and mathematicians; the way current society uses
mathematics to solve problems and educate its citizens;
and the way mathematics draws from society in order
to grow and evolve.
Mathematics shapes the world in which we live. In
the twenty-rst century it is almost impossible to nd
an academic eld of study that does not use mathemat-
ics, either directly or via tools and technology in which
mathematics plays a vital role. The world in turn shapes
the discipline of mathematics by inspiring mathemati-
cians to formulate new questions, solve new problems,
develop new theories, and use new technologies. Each
successive generation of mathematicians brings fresh
perspectives, expectations, and ways of thinking and
working into the culture of mathematics. These math-
ematicians are inuenced by the home, school, and
play environments in which they were raised.
However, despite the mathematics all around us,
peoples exposure may be limited. Representations in
the media or in popular culture may portray math-
ematics and mathematicians in highly stereotypical
ways that do not reect the true depth, breadth, diver-
sity, and culture of the mathematics community.
The goal of The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and
Society is to weave multilayered connections between
society, history, people, applications, and mathemat-
ics. These connections address both mathematical
concepts that our readers likely have been exposed to
at school, work, or through other sources, as well as
advanced topics that are built upon these fundamental
ideas. The articles in the Encyclopedia, which were con-
tributed by a broad spectrum of authors in many elds,
also include connections to multiple disciplines within
and outside of mathematics.
In general, the articles do not teach or present
detailed mathematical theory, derivations, and equa-
tions. There is already a vast array of textbooks and
other works better able to accomplish that important
task. Instead, we intended them to serve as a founda-
tion and jumping-off point for additional explorations.
As mathematics professor and educator Art Johnson
has noted in other settings, we hope that this type of
contextualization helps people to see mathematics as
a discipline that transcends culture, time, and gender,
and as a discipline for everyone, everywhere.
In keeping with this focus on linkages and inter-
disciplinarity, we have organized the articles not by
mathematics topic but according to various connect-
ing themes. For example, there are few stand-alone
articles about individual people within the encyclope-
dia. Instead, we encouraged our authors to include sig-
nicant mathematical contributors within the associ-
ated context of one or more topics or applications. The
people we did choose to include as stand-alone articles
serve to highlight the diversity of individuals who have
produced great achievements with mathematics.
Further, our intent was to discuss, via these indi-
viduals and other articles in the Mathematics Culture
and Identity theme, the community of mathematicians
today: who mathematicians are, as professionals and
people; the type of work mathematicians do; the dif-
ferent ways in which mathematicians describe math-
ematics and where their ideas come from; and math-
ematicians personal processes when working with
mathematics. We also wanted to address in these arti-
cles how the mathematics community perceives itself
and how it is in turn perceived by society.
Articles within the History and Development of
Curricular Topics theme highlight many of the earliest
known uses, both ancient and modern advances, and
people who have contributed to the development and
spread of the concept or eld. In contrast, the articles
within the School and Society theme examine the
importance of broad elds inside and outside of school,
primarily in the United States. These articles showcase,
for example, what jobs use particular skills and why the
eld is a fundamental part of current school curricula
and society. The Mathematics Around the World theme
extends the discussion of cross-cultural attitudes and
perspectives on mathematics, with geographic regions
grouped according to current United Nations stan-
dards. Other themes that center on mathematics appli-
cation are Games, Sport, and Recreation; Government,
Politics, and History; and Space, Time, and Distance.
Why did we choose to focus on connections? In
modern society, widespread Internet access has placed
data about a broad spectrum of people, objects, and
events essentially at our ngertips, yet mathematics
content may be buried among other discussions rather
than brought to the forefront.
Both Internet and other types of library searches
can result in a potentially overwhelming number
of results, many of which contain almost nothing of
mathematical relevance, though important connec-
tions exist. Too often, regardless of the amount of data
or sources returned, connections between mathemat-
ics, people, objects, and events are missing, or they are
presented in isolation from their broader historical
context. Such connections are critical components of
knowledge acquisition, creation, and dissemination.
They are what allow people to extrapolate from what
they already know to new situations, to create new
knowledge or new applications, to overcome existing
negative stereotypes about mathematics, and to fully
understand the timeline of human events from mul-
tiple perspectives.
Even several hundred articles cannot provide an
exhaustive examination of mathematics and society. At
best, we can perhaps provide a snapshot of the history,
people, applications, and mathematical connections as
they exist at the time of publication, with some discus-
sion of the rich history and speculations about future
directions. Hopefully, this encyclopedia is a representa-
tive sampling of articles that, with the accompanying
further readings, will allow a reader to follow the path
to related topics of interest.
In making the very difcult decision regarding what
topics to include, given that time and space were not
unlimited, we used an array of selection criteria, such
x Introduction
as: the topic was timely and likely to remain so for a
reasonable period of time; the topic was tied to math-
ematical concepts to which people likely have been
exposed; the topic was related to concepts and con-
nections that professional mathematical organizations
suggested are important; the topic is one that the gen-
eral public has expressed interest in; or the topic was
one that we ourselves have successfully used or that we
know has been successfully used in other educational
or professional contexts.
When embarking on this work, we already knew in
a general sense how pervasive mathematics is in soci-
ety, and we were eager to share these ideas with oth-
ers. However, even though we are mathematicians with
diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds, research and
Introduction xi
teaching interests, we were surprised to discover so
many interesting and amazing connections. We learned
more than we ever imagined we would. It was regret-
tably impossible to include everything we thought was
interesting or important, and we have accumulated a
long list of items that we want to explore in the future,
on our own or with our students and colleagues.
The creation of this encyclopedia has been an intel-
lectual pleasure and a profound learning experience,
and we hope that our readers nd the same kind of
enjoyment and wonder that we experienced.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
General Editors
List of Articles
Accident Reconstruction 1
Accounting 2
Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Actors, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Addition and Subtraction 7
Advertising 10
Africa, Central 13
Africa, Eastern 15
Africa, North 17
Africa, Southern 19
Africa, West 20
African Mathematics 23
AIDS, see HIV/AIDS 478
Aircraft Design 25
Airplanes/Flight 28
Algebra and Algebra Education 31
Algebra in Society 36
Analytic Geometry, see Coordinate Geometry 247
Anesthesia 42
Animals 43
Animation and CGI 49
Apgar Scores 51
Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Archery 55
Archimedes 57
Arenas, Sports 61
Artillery 63
Asia, Central and Northern 66
Asia, Eastern 68
Asia, Southeastern 70
Asia, Southern 72
Asia, Western 74
Astronomy 76
Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project) 79
Auto Racing 81
Axiomatic Systems 84
Babylonian Mathematics 87
Ballet 90
Ballroom Dancing 91
Bankruptcy, Business 92
Bankruptcy, Personal 94
Bar Codes 96
Baseball 97
Basketball 99
Basketry 102
Bees 103
Betting and Fairness 105
Bicycles 107
Billiards 110
Binomial Theorem 111
Birthday Problem 113
Black Holes 115
xiv List of Articles
Blackmun, Harry A. 117
Blackwell, David 118
Board Games 119
Body Mass Index 122
Brain 124
Bridges 129
Budgeting 130
Burns, Ursula 132
Bus Scheduling 133
Calculators in Classrooms 137
Calculators in Society 139
Calculus and Calculus Education 142
Calculus in Society 148
Cameras, see Digital Cameras 304
Calendars 153
Canals 155
Carbon Dating 157
Carbon Footprint 159
Careers 162
Caribbean America 166
Carpentry 167
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos 169
Castles 171
Caves and Caverns 172
Cell Phone Networks 174
Census 176
Central America 178
Cerf, Vinton 180
Cheerleading 181
Chemotherapy 183
Chinese Mathematics 184
Circumference, see Perimeter
and Circumference 761
City Planning 188
Civil War, U.S. 191
Climate Change 194
Climbing 200
Clocks 201
Closed-Box Collecting 204
Clouds 206
Clubs and Honor
Societies 207
Cochlear Implants 209
Cocktail Party Problem 210
Coding and Encryption 212
Cold War 214
Combinations, see Permutations
and Combinations 763
Comic Strips 218
Communication in Society 219
Comparison Shopping 225
Competitions and Contests 227
Composing 229
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI),
see Animation and CGI 49
Congressional Representation 231
Conic Sections 235
Connections in Society 238
Continuity, see Limits and Continuity 552
Contra and Square Dancing 243
Cooking 244
Coordinate Geometry 247
Coral Reefs 250
see Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Coupons and Rebates 252
Credit Cards 253
Crime Scene Investigation 255
Crochet and Knitting 257
see Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Crystallography 259
Cubes and Cube Roots 260
Currency Exchange 262
Curricula, International 264
Curriculum, College 267
Curriculum, K12 274
Curves 280
Dams 283
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Data Mining 290
Daubechies, Ingrid 292
Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Deforestation 295
Deming, W. Edwards 298
Diagnostic Testing 299
Dice Games 301
Digital Book Readers 303
Digital Cameras 304
Digital Images 306
Digital Storage 308
Disease Survival Rates 311
List of Articles xv
Diseases, Tracking Infectious 312
Division, see Multiplication and Division 685
Domes 315
Doppler Radar 316
Drug Dosing 317
DVR Devices 319
Earthquakes 323
Educational Manipulatives 324
Educational Testing 326
Egyptian Mathematics 330
Einstein, Albert 333
Elections 335
Electricity 340
Elementary Particles 342
Elevation 344
Elevators 346
Encryption, see Coding and Encryption 212
Energy 348
Energy, Geothermal, see Geothermal Energy 441
Engineering Design 351
Equations, Polar 353
Escher, M.C. 354
Ethics 356
Europe, Eastern 358
Europe, Northern 361
Europe, Southern 363
Europe, Western 365
Expected Values 368
Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Extinction 372
Extreme Sports 373
Fantasy Sports Leagues 377
Farming 379
Fax Machines 382
Fertility 384
Fibonacci Tuning, see Pythagorean
and Fibonacci Tuning 823
FICO Score 386
File Downloading and Sharing 387
Fingerprints 388
Firearms 390
Fireworks 392
Fishing 394
Floods 395
Football 398
Forecasting 400
Forecasting, Weather, see Weather Forecasting 1052
Forest Fires 402
Fuel Consumption 404
Function Rate of Change 405
Functions 408
Functions, Recursive 410
Game Theory 413
Games, see Board Games; Video Games 119, 1032
Gareld, Richard 415
Genealogy 417
Genetics 419
Geometry and Geometry Education 422
Geometry in Society 427
Geometry of Music 433
Geometry of the Universe 436
Geothermal Energy 441
Gerrymandering 443
Global Warming, see Climate Change 194
Golden Ratio 445
Government and State Legislation 448
GPS 450
Graham, Fan Chung 453
Graphs 454
Gravity 456
Greek Mathematics 458
Green Design 461
Green Mathematics 463
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 466
Growth Charts 468
Guns, see Firearms 390
Gymnastics 469
Harmonics 471
Hawking, Stephen 473
Helicopters 475
Highways 476
Hitting a Home Run 477
Hockey 480
Home Buying 482
Houses of Worship 485
HOV Lane Management 488
xvi List of Articles
Hunt, Fern 489
Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Income Tax 496
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
see Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Industrial Revolution 499
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements) 501
Innity 504
Insurance 506
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Intelligence Quotients 511
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Research,
see Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Interior Design 514
Internet 515
Interplanetary Travel 520
Inventory Models 523
Investments, see Mutual Funds 691
Irrational Numbers, see Numbers, Rational
and Irrational 724
Islamic Mathematics, see Arabic/Islamic
Mathematics 53
Jackson, Shirley Ann 525
Joints 526
Kicking a Field Goal 529
King, Ada (Countess of Lovelace),
see Lovelace, Ada 565
Knitting, see Crochet and Knitting 257
Knots 531
Landscape Design 533
LD50/Median Lethal Dose 535
Learning Exceptionalities 536
Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Levers 544
Life Expectancy 545
Light 547
Light Bulbs 549
Lightning 550
Limits and Continuity 552
Linear Concepts 553
Literature 556
Loans 561
Logarithms, see Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Lotteries 563
Lovelace, Ada 565
Magic 567
Mapping Coastlines 570
Maps 571
Marine Navigation 574
Market Research 578
Marriage 580
Martial Arts 582
Math Gene 584
Mathematical Certainty 586
Mathematical Friendships and Romances 588
Mathematical Modeling 589
Mathematical Puzzles 593
Mathematician Dened 595
Mathematicians, Amateur 597
Mathematicians, Religious 600
Mathematics, African, see African Mathematics 23
Mathematics, Applied 603
Mathematics, Arabic/Islamic,
see Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Mathematics, Babylonian,
see Babylonian Mathematics 87
Mathematics, Dened 608
Mathematics, Chinese, see Chinese Mathematics 184
Mathematics, Egyptian,
see Egyptian Mathematics 330
Mathematics, Elegant 610
Mathematics, Greek, see Greek Mathematics 458
Mathematics, Green, see Green Mathematics 463
Mathematics, Incan and Mayan,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Mathematics, Native American,
see Native American Mathematics 697
Mathematics, Roman, see Roman Mathematics 878
Mathematics, Theoretical 613
Mathematics, Utility of 618
Mathematics, Vedic, see Vedic Mathematics 1029
Mathematics: Discovery or Invention 620
Mathematics and Religion 622
List of Articles xvii
Mathematics Genealogy Project 628
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights 630
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Mathematics Software,
see Software, Mathematics 926
Matrices 634
Mattresses 636
Mayan Mathematics,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Measurement, Systems of 637
Measurement in Society 640
Measurements, Area 645
Measurements, Length 647
Measurements, Volume 651
Measures of Center 653
Measuring Time 655
Measuring Tools 657
Medical Imaging 659
Medical Simulations 660
Microwave Ovens 661
Middle Ages 663
Military Draft 665
Minorities 667
Missiles 671
Molecular Structure 672
Money 674
Moon 677
Movies, Making of 679
Movies, Mathematics in 681
MP3 Players 684
Multiplication and Division 685
Music, Geometry of,
see Geometry of Music 433
Music, Popular, see Popular Music 786
Musical Theater 689
Mutual Funds 691
Nanotechnology 693
National Debt 695
Native American Mathematics 697
Nervous System 700
Neural Networks 701
Newman, Ryan 703
Nielsen Ratings 704
Normal Distribution 706
North America 708
Number and Operations 710
Number and Operations in Society 714
Number Theory 719
Numbers, Complex 721
Numbers, Rational and Irrational 724
Numbers, Real 727
Numbers and God 729
Nutrition 731
Ocean Tides and Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Oceania, Australia and New Zealand 735
Oceania, Pacic Islands 737
Operations, see Number and Operations;
Number and Operations in Society 714
Optical Illusions 739
Orbits, Planetary, see Planetary Orbits 771
Origami 741
Pacemakers 745
Packing Problems 746
Painting 748
Parallel Postulate 750
Parallel Processing 752
Payroll 754
Pearl Harbor, Attack on 755
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Percussion Instruments 760
Perimeter and Circumference 761
Permutations and Combinations 763
Perry, William J. 766
Personal Computers 767
Pi 770
Planetary Orbits 771
Plate Tectonics 773
Plays 774
Poetry 777
Polygons 779
Polyhedra 782
Polynomials 784
Popular Music 786
PredatorPrey Models 788
Predicting Attacks 790
Predicting Divorce 792
Predicting Preferences 793
Pregnancy 796
Prehistory 798
Probability 800
xviii List of Articles
Probability in Society,
see Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Problem Solving in Society 804
Producers, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Professional Associations 809
Proof 812
Proof in Society,
see Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Psychological Testing 815
Pulleys 818
Puzzles 819
Puzzles, Mathematical, see Mathematical Puzzles 593
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning 823
Pythagorean School 825
Pythagorean Theorem 827
Quality Control 831
Quilting 833
Racquet Games 835
Radar, see Doppler Radar 316
Radiation 836
Radio 838
Raghavan, Prabhakar 840
Randomness 841
Rankings 843
Rational Numbers, see Numbers,
Rational and Irrational 724
Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Recycling 850
Relativity 853
Religion, Mathematics and,
see Mathematics and Religion 622
Religious Mathematicians
see Mathematicians, Religious 600
Religious Symbolism 855
Religious Writings 857
Renaissance 860
Representations in Society 863
Revolutionary War, U.S. 868
Ride, Sally 870
Risk Management 872
Robots 874
Roller Coasters 877
Roman Mathematics 878
Ross, Mary G. 880
Ruler and Compass Constructions 881
Sacred Geometry 885
Sales Tax and Shipping Fees 886
Sample Surveys 888
Satellites 890
Scales 892
Scatterplots 894
Scheduling 896
Schools 897
Science Fiction 899
Sculpture 903
Search Engines 905
Segway 906
Sequences and Series 908
Servers 910
Shipping 912
Similarity 914
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon 915
Skating, Figure 916
Skydiving 918
Skyscrapers 919
SMART Board 920
Smart Cars 922
Soccer 923
Social Networks 924
Social Security, see Pensions, IRAs,
and Social Security 757
Software, Mathematics 926
Solar Panels 930
South America 931
Space Travel, see Interplanetary Travel 520
Spaceships 933
Spam Filters 935
Sport Handicapping 936
Sports Arenas, see Arenas, Sports 61
Squares and Square Roots 938
Stalactites and Stalagmites 940
State Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Statistics Education 941
Step and Tap Dancing 946
Stethoscopes 947
Stock Market Indices 949
Strategy and Tactics 951
Street Maintenance 954
String Instruments 956
Stylometry 957
Submarines, see Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Succeeding in Mathematics 958
Sudoku 962
Sunspots 963
Subtraction, see Addition and Subtraction 7
Surfaces 964
Surgery 966
Swimming 969
Symmetry 970
Synchrony and Spontaneous Order 972
Tao, Terence 975
Tax, see Income Tax; Sales Tax
and Shipping Fees 496, 886
Telephones 976
Telescopes 978
Television, Mathematics in 981
Televisions 985
Temperature 987
Textiles 989
Thermostat 990
Tic-Tac-Toe 992
Tides and Waves 993
Time, Measuring, see Measuring Time 655
Time Signatures 995
Toilets 997
Tools, Measuring, see Measuring Tools 657
Tornadoes, see Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Tournaments 998
Trafc 1000
Trains 1001
Trajectories, see Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Transformations 1004
Transplantation 1006
Travel Planning 1007
Traveling Salesman Problem 1009
Trigonometry 1010
Tunnels 1014
Ultrasound 1017
Unemployment, Estimating 1018
Units of Area 1020
Units of Length 1021
Units of Mass 1023
Units of Volume 1024
Universal Constants 1026
Universal Language 1027
Vectors 1029
Vedic Mathematics 1031
Vending Machines 1033
Video Games 1034
Vietnam War 1037
Viruses 1038
Vision Correction 1039
Visualization 1041
Volcanoes 1044
Volleyball 1046
Voting, see Elections 335
Voting Methods 1047
Water Distribution 1051
Water Quality 1053
Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Weather Forecasting 1054
Weather Scales 1057
Weightless Flight 1059
Wheel 1060
Wiles, Andrew 1061
Wind and Wind Power 1063
Wind Instruments 1065
Windmills 1066
Wireless Communication 1068
Women 1069
World War I 1073
World War II 1075
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1080
Writers, Producers, and
Actors 1081
Zero 1087
List of Articles xix
Topic Finder
The following list is provided for readers to nd articles
related by topic.
Architecture and Engineering
Aircraft Design
City Planning
Engineering Design
Green Design
Jackson, Shirley Ann
Landscape Design
Light Bulbs
Microwave Ovens
Packing Problems
Solar Panels
Vending Machines
Water Distribution
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Arts, Music, and Entertainment
Animation and CGI
Ballroom Dancing
Closed-Box Collecting
Comic Strips
Contra and Square Dancing
Crochet and Knitting
Digital Cameras
Digital Images
Escher, M.C.
Geometry of Music
Golden Ratio
xxii Topic Finder
Movies, Making of
Movies, Mathematics in
Musical Theater
Nielsen Ratings
Optical Illusions
Percussion Instruments
Popular Music
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning
Science Fiction
Step and Tap Dancing
String Instruments
Time Signatures
Wind Instruments
Writers, Producers, and Actors
Business, Economics, and Marketing
Bankruptcy, Business
Bankruptcy, Personal
Bar Codes
Burns, Ursula
Comparison Shopping
Coupons and Rebates
Credit Cards
Currency Exchange
Data Mining
Deming, W. Edwards
FICO Score
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Home Buying
Industrial Revolution
Inventory Models
Market Research
Mutual Funds
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
Predicting Preferences
Quality Control
Sales Tax and Shipping Fees
Stock Market Indices
Communication and Computers
Calculators in Society
Cell Phone Networks
Cerf, Vinton
Coding and Encryption
Digital Book Readers
Digital Storage
DVR Devices
Fax Machines
File Downloading and Sharing
Lovelace, Ada
MP3 Players
Neural Networks
Parallel Processing
Personal Computers
Search Engines
Spam Filters
Wireless Communication
Friendship, Romance, and Religion
Birthday Problem
Cocktail Party Problem
Houses of Worship
Mathematical Friendships and Romances
Mathematicians, Religious
Mathematics and Religion
Numbers and God
Predicting Divorce
Topic Finder xxiii
Pythagorean School
Raghavan, Prabhakar
Religious Symbolism
Religious Writings
Sacred Geometry
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Social Networks
Games, Sport, and Recreation
Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords
Arenas, Sports
Auto Racing
Betting and Fairness
Board Games
Dice Games
Extreme Sports
Fantasy Sports Leagues
Game Theory
Gareld, Richard
Hitting a Home Run
Kicking a Field Goal
Martial Arts
Mathematical Puzzles
Newman, Ryan
Racquet Games
Roller Coasters
Skating, Figure
Sport Handicapping
Video Games
Government, Politics, and History
African Mathematics
Arabic/Islamic Mathematics
Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project)
Babylonian Mathematics
Blackmun, Harry A.
Chinese Mathematics
Civil War, U.S.
Cold War
Congressional Representation
Crime Scene Investigation
Deep Submergence Vehicles
Egyptian Mathematics
Greek Mathematics
Incan and Mayan Mathematics
Income Tax
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements)
Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Middle Ages
Military Draft
National Debt
Native American Mathematics
Pearl Harbor, Attack on
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
Perry, William J.
Predicting Attacks
Revolutionary War, U.S.
Roman Mathematics
Strategy and Tactics
Unemployment, Estimating
Vedic Mathematics
Vietnam War
Voting Methods
World War I
World War II
xxiv Topic Finder
History and Development of
Curricular Concepts
Addition and Subtraction
Algebra and Algebra Education
Axiomatic Systems
Binomial Theorem
Calculators in Classrooms
Calculus and Calculus Education
Conic Sections
Coordinate Geometry
Cubes and Cube Roots
Equations, Polar
Expected Values
Exponentials and Logarithms
Function Rate of Change
Functions, Recursive
Geometry and Geometry Education
Limits and Continuity
Linear Concepts
Mathematical Modeling
Measurement, Systems of
Measurement in Society
Measurements, Area
Measurements, Length
Measurements, Volume
Measures of Center
Measuring Time
Measuring Tools
Multiplication and Division
Normal Distribution
Number and Operations
Number Theory
Numbers, Complex
Numbers, Real
Parallel Postulate
Perimeter and Circumference
Permutations and Combinations
Pythagorean Theorem
Rational Numbers
Ruler and Compass Constructions
Sample Surveys
Sequences and Series
Squares and Square Roots
Statistics Education
Mathematics Around the World
Africa, Central
Africa, Eastern
Africa, North
Africa, Southern
Africa, West
Asia, Central and Northern
Asia, Eastern
Asia, Southeastern
Asia, Southern
Asia, Western
Caribbean America
Central America
Curricula, International
Europe, Eastern
Europe, Northern
Europe, Southern
Europe, Western
North America
Oceania, Australia and New Zealand
Oceania, Pacic Islands
South America
Mathematics Culture and Identity
Blackwell, David
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos
Clubs and Honor Societies
Competitions and Contests
Daubechies, Ingrid
Topic Finder xxv
Graham, Fan Chung
Hunt, Fern
Math Gene
Mathematical Certainty
Mathematician Dened
Mathematicians, Amateur
Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Dened
Mathematics, Elegant
Mathematics, Theoretical
Mathematics, Utility of
Mathematics: Discovery or Invention
Mathematics Genealogy Project
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary
Professional Associations
Ross, Mary G.
Tao, Terence
Wiles, Andrew
Medicine and Health
Apgar Scores
Body Mass Index
Cochlear Implants
Diagnostic Testing
Disease Survival Rates
Diseases, Tracking Infectious
Drug Dosing
Growth Charts
Intelligence Quotients
LD50/Median Lethal Dose
Life Expectancy
Medical Imaging
Medical Simulations
Molecular Structure
Nervous System
Psychological Testing
Vision Correction
School and Society
Algebra in Society
Calculus in Society
Communication in Society
Connections in Society
Curriculum, College
Curriculum, K12
Data Analysis and Probability in Society
Educational Testing
Geometry in Society
Government and State Legislation
Learning Exceptionalities
Learning Models and Trajectories
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights
Measurement in Society
Number and Operations in Society
Problem Solving in Society
Reasoning and Proof in Society
Representations in Society
Succeeding in Mathematics
Space, Time, and Distance
Black Holes
Einstein, Albert
Elementary Particles
Geometry of the Universe
Hawking, Stephen
Interplanetary Travel
Mapping Coastlines
Measuring Time
Planetary Orbits
Ride, Sally
Units of Area
Units of Length
Units of Mass
Units of Volume
Universal Constants
Universal Language
Travel and Transportation
Accident Reconstruction
Bus Scheduling
Fuel Consumption
HOV Lane Management
Smart Cars
Travel Planning
Traveling Salesman Problem
Weightless Flight
Weather, Nature, and Environment
Carbon Dating
Carbon Footprint
Caves and Caverns
Climate Change
Coral Reefs
Doppler Radar
Forest Fires
Geothermal Energy
Green Mathematics
Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Plate Tectonics
PredatorPrey Models
Stalactites and Stalagmites
Synchrony and Spontaneous Order
Tides and Waves
Water Quality
Weather Forecasting
Weather Scales
Wind and Wind Power
xxvi Topic Finder
List of Contributors
Stephen Abbott
Middlebury College
John G. Alford
Sam Houston State University
Micah Altman
Harvard University
Mohamed Amezziane
DePaul University
Or Syd Amit
Boston College
Jim Austin
Independent Scholar
Sukantadev Bag
University College Cork
Zenia C. Bahorski
Eastern Michigan University
Hyungryul Baik
Cornell University
Thomas E. Baker
University of Scranton
Ron Barnes
University of Houston, Downtown
Eric Barth
Kalamazoo College
John Beam
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Judith E. Beauford
University of the Incarnate Word
Linda Becerra
University of Houston, Downtown
Robert A. Beeler
Eastern Tennessee State University
Kimberly Edginton Bigelow
University of Dayton
Bonnie Ellen Blustein
West Los Angeles College
Norma Boakes
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Matt Boelkins
Grand Valley State University
Mark Bollman
Albion College
Vladimir E. Bondarenko
Georgia State University
Casey Borch
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sarah Boslaugh
Washington University School of Medicine
Marek Brabec
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Murray R. Bremner
University of Saskatchewan
David Brink
University College Dublin, Ireland
Patrick L. Brockett
University of Texas at Austin
John N. A. Brown
Independent Scholar
Chris D. Cantwell
Imperial College London
Peter J. Carrington
University of Waterloo
Jen-Mei Chang
California State University, Long Beach
Darrah Chavey
Beloit College
John T. Chen
Bowling Green State University
Diana Cheng
Middle Tennessee State University
Ka-Luen Cheung
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Jason L. Churchill
Cleo Research Associates
Loren Cobb
University of Colorado, Denver
Shirley Coleman
Newcastle University
Dogan Comez
North Dakota State University
Justin Coreld
Geelong Grammar School
Beth Cory
Sam Houston State University
Vesta Coufal
Gonzaga University
Kumer Pial Das
Lamar University
Richard De Veaux
Williams College
Marilena Di Bucchianico
Rutgers University
Daniel Disegni
Columbia University
Maria Droujkova
Natural Math
Leigh H. Edwards
Florida State University
Steven R. Edwards
Southern Polytechnic State University
Caleb Emmons
Pacic University
Jonathan L. Entin
Case Western Reserve University
Gisela Ernst-Slavit
Washington State University, Vancouver
Amy Everton
Independent Scholar
Jonathan David Farley
University of Oxford
Lee Anne Flagg
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Francesco Flammini
University of Naples Frederico II
Robert D. Foreman
University of Oklahoma
Daniel J. Galiffa
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Angela Gallegos
Occidental College
Catherine C. Galley
Independent Scholar
Joseph A. Gallian
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Joaquim Alves Gaspar
Universidade de Lisboa
Sommer Gentry
United States Naval Academy
Mark Ginn
Appalachian State University
Darren Glass
Gettysburg College
Deborah L. Gochenaur
Shippensburg University
Christopher Goff
University of the Pacic
Lidia Gonzalez
City University of New York
Jeff Goodman
Appalachian State University
Rick Gorvett
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Judith V. Grabiner
Pitzer College
Michael K. Green
State University of New York, Oneonta
Sarah J. Greenwald
Appalachian State University
xxviii List of Contributors
William Grifths
Southern Polytechnic State University
Alexander A. Gurshtein
Mesa State College
Juan B. Gutierrez
University of Miami
Simone Gyor
O. Goga High School, Jibou, Romania
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
The University of Leeds
Thomas W. Hair
Florida Gulf Coast University
Anthony Harkin
Rochester Institute of Technology
Ziaul Hasan
University of Illinois, Chicago
Deborah J. Hilton
Independent Scholar
Holly Hirst
Appalachian State University
Calli A. Holaway
University of Alabama
Liang Hong
Bradley University
Brian Hopkins
Saint Peters College
Linda Hutchison
University of Wyoming
Yih-Kuen Jan
University of Oklahoma
Jerry Johnson
Western Washington University
Pete Johnson
Eastern Connecticut State University
Phillip Johnson
Appalachian State University
D. Keith Jones
University of Southampton
Ugur Kaplan
Kadir Has University, Istanbul
David I. Kennedy
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Cathy Kessel
Independent Scholar
Michael Cap Khoury
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Christine Klein
Independent Scholar
Michael Klucznik
St. Bonaventure University
Rick Kreminski
Colorado State University, Pueblo
Matt Kretchmar
Denison University
Bill Ktepi
Independent Scholar
Maria Elizete Kunkel
University of Ulm, Germany
Konnie G. Kustron
Eastern Michigan University
Alistair Kwan
Yale University
James Landau
Independent Scholar
Carmen M. Latterell
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Michele LeBlanc
California Lutheran University
Stephen Lee
Mathematics in Education and Industry
Eddie Leung
Hong Kong Institute of Education
Fuyuan Liao
University of Oklahoma
Silvia Liverani
University of Bristol
Michael G. Lovorn
University of Alabama
Chad T. Lower
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Margaret MacDougall
University of Edinburgh Medical School
Yiu-Kwong Man
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Philip McCartney
Northern Kentucky University
Elizabeth A. McMillan-McCartney
Northern Kentucky University
Liliana Monteiro
Afliation TK
Mariana Montiel
Georgia State University
Deborah Moore-Russo
State University of New York, University at Buffalo
Ashwin Mudigonda
Universal Robotics Inc.
List of Contributors xxix
Andrew Nevai
University of Central Florida
Samuel Obara
Texas State University
Eoin OConnell
Deakin University
Serkan Ozel
Bogazici University
Zeynep Ebrar Yetkiner Ozel
Fatih University
Julian Palmore
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert W. Peck
Louisiana State University School of Music
Josipa G. Petrunic
University College London
Thomas J. Pfaff
Ithaca College
Biljana Popovic
University of Nis
Zoran Petrovic
University of Belgrade
Michael Qaissaunee
Brookdale Community College
Matina J. Rassias
University College of London
Gregory Rhoads
Appalachian State University
Mark Roddy
Seattle University
Maria Elizabeth S. Rodrigues
University of Ulm, Germany
David C. Royster
University of Kentucky
Douglas Rugh
Independent Scholar
Karim Salim
Independent Scholar
Alun Salt
University of Leicester
Kady Schneiter
Utah State University
Richard Schugart
Western Kentucky University
Carl R. Seaquist
Texas Tech University
Dorry Segev
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Abhijit Sen
Suri Vidyasagar College
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
George Mason University
Shahriar Shahriari
Pomona College
Barbara A. Shipman
University of Texas at Arlington
Kevin L. Shirley
Appalachian State University
Lawrence H. Shirley
Towson University
Daniel Showalter
Ohio University
Jorge Nuno Silva
University of California, Berkeley
Florence Mihaela Singer
University of Ploiesti, Romania
Kelli M. Slaten
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
David Slavit
Washington State University
Mark R. Snavely
Carthage College
Henrik Sorensen
Aarhus University
Ravi Sreenivasan
University of Mysore
Christopher J. Stapel
University of Kentucky
Catherine Stenson
Juniata College
Kristi L. Stringer
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Stephen Szydlik
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Tristan Tager
Indiana University
Courtney K. Taylor
North Greenville University
Jill E. Thomley
Appalachian State University
Todd Timmons
University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
Elena Toneva
Eastern Washington University
Marcella Bush Trevino
Independent Scholar
xxx List of Contributors
Juliana Utley
Oklahoma State University
K. G. Valente
Colgate University
Daniela Velichova
Slovak Technical University in Bratislava
Carlos J. Vilalta
Center for Economic Research and Teaching
Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Jiri Wackerman
Institute for Frontier Areas of
Psychology and Mental Health
Karen Doyle Walton
DeSales University
Christopher J. Weinmann
Independent Scholar
Matthew West
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Bethany White
University of Western Ontario
Sharon Whitton
Hofstra University
Connie Wilmarth
Northwest Christian University
Elizabeth L. Wilmer
Oberlin College
Daniel P. Wisniewski
DeSales University
Todd Wittman
University of California,
Los Angeles
Qiang Zhao
Texas State University
Linda Reichwein Zientek
Sam Houston State University
List of Contributors xxxi
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement.
Summary: Accidents can be mathematically
reconstructed to model accident risk and to improve
safety equipment designs.
Accident reconstruction is important for understand-
ing how accidents happen and for preventing accidents
in the future. Principles and techniques from physics,
mathematics, engineering, and other sciences are used
to quantify critical variables and calculate others. For
example, the initial speed of a suddenly braking vehi-
cle can be determined by mathematically analyzing
tire skid and yaw marks. The length of skid marks is a
function of vehicle velocity and the amount of friction
between the wheels and the road surface. In the case
of yaw or circular motion, the radius of the yaw mark
is also a factor in the calculation, as well as the eleva-
tion of the road. Speed can also be calculated from the
trajectories, angles, and other characteristics of objects
struck by a speeding vehicle, or between two or more
colliding vehicles. Investigators may use distances and
angles to determine the original positions of passengers
who have been ejected from a vehicle. For more com-
plex modeling, mathematicians, engineers, and other
accident reconstructors rely on principles and equa-
tions from physics, such as those governing energy and
momentum, as well as vehicle specications, mechani-
cal failure analyses, geometric characteristics of high-
ways, and quantication of visibility, perception, and
reaction. Data from both real accidents and staged col-
lisions, along with statistically designed safety analyses
and other methods such as stochastic modeling, are
often used to construct accident simulations and visu-
alizations for use in a wide variety of contexts, including
legal proceedings. Actuaries use accident data to model
accident risk, which in turn inuences insurance rates
and public policy, such as seat belt and helmet laws.
Modeling Accident Reconstructions
Accidents related to travel and transportation can have
a variety of negative consequences including personal
injury and death. The analysis of accidents can lead
to improved designs of vehicles and reduced fatali-
ties as well as warning travelers about potential risks
of travel. In reconstructing accidents, evidence from
photographs, videos, eyewitnesses, or police reports
is collected. Decision trees are used to ask questions
at each stage of reconstruction and help decide the
closest accident scenario dictated by the available evi-
dence. In such reconstructions, probability must be
assigned for the likely cause of the accident and for the
particular accident type among the possible accident
scenarios based on the available evidence. Stochastic
modeling is used to help solve such problems in acci-
dent reconstructions.
Uses of Accident Reconstructions
Another important aspect of accident reconstructions
is to estimate the probability of occurrence of various
types of injuries one may suffer in accidents. Such prob-
ability estimates are used to help calculate travel insur-
ance. By nature, accidents happen randomly and
since the types of injuries suffered in accidents also vary
randomlyit is important to model accident types and
predict the kinds of injuries one may suffer in different
accident types. Such models can help prepare commu-
nities with the optimal number of emergency services
and also help doctors prepare for any unique types of
injuries they are likely to deal with.
A typical problem is determining the types of spe-
cial medical facilities that should be established to deal
with travel-related accidents in a city. Such problems
require stochastic modeling based on past data, which
will help in simulating different types of accidents.
Simulations help in planning emergency services to
deal with accidents. Accident reconstructions may also
help in forecasting the number of accidents of different
types likely to happen in the near future, which may
lead to better planning of the health, emergency, and
disaster management facilities in the city.
Safety and Design Using Accident
Accident reconstructions also may help in improving
vehicle design. Incorporating safety devices in vehicles
is also a very important aspect of design. Safety devices,
which help in avoiding severe injuries to passengers
because of accidents, are designed with the help of
accident reconstruction and are always a matter of
high priority. Simulations can be used to develop sen-
sors that can give an early warning about impending
accidents or reduce the speeds of vehiclesthereby
reducing the severity of an accident. In creating such
designs, mathematical optimization methods are used
to determine the optimal cost and space to be allotted.
Another crucial application of accident reconstruction
and accident modeling is driver training. Sophisticated
simulators can be used to simulate different accident
scenarios and train drivers to react appropriately to
each situation in real time. These simulators are based
on algorithms and use random number generators
to simulate accident situations. Well-developed algo-
rithms that closely simulate real accidents are needed
to reduceor even eliminatemajor accidents.
Further Reading
Brach, Raymond, and R. Matthew Branch. Vehicle
Accident Analysis and Reconstruction Methods.
Warrendale, PA: SAE International, 2005.
Franck, Harold, and Darren Franck. Mathematical
Methods for Accident Reconstruction: A Forensic
Engineering Perspective. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2009.
Ravi Sreenivasan
See Also: Animation and CGI; Crime Scene
Investigation; Data Mining; Insurance; Probability.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Accounting applies mathematics to the
recording and analysis of a businesss nancial status.
Accounting is the recording, interpretation, and presen-
tation of nancial information about a business entity,
typically with the goal of producing nancial state-
ments that describe the businesss economic resources
in standardized terms. Formal accounting began with
the work of Franciscan friar Luca Pacioli, who intro-
duced accounting techniques in his 1494 mathematical
work Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni
et Proportionalita. During the Industrial Revolution,
Josiah Wedgwood introduced cost accounting, a tech-
nique to ensure a prot margin by calculating the costs
of materials and labor at every stage of production and
setting the price accordingly. The needs of stockholders
and other interested parties within the business, and
an increasingly complex business environment, have
increased the need for nancial record-keeping tech-
niques that are thorough and produce useful nancial
2 Accounting
and to decrease assets, the transaction is recorded in the
right column (crediting the account). Similarly, since
liabilities and owners equity are listed on the right-hand
side of the equation, to increase liabilities and owners
equity, the transaction is recorded in the right column
(crediting the account) and to decrease liabilities and
owners equity, the transaction is recorded in the left
column (debiting the account). For example, suppose
a company needed to purchase $100 worth of ofce
supplies. Furthermore, suppose the company pays $40
with cash and puts the remaining $60 on account (store
credit). The general ledger may look like the following:
Figure 1. Purchased office supplies.
04-31-2017 Ofce supplies $100
Cash $40
Accounts payable $60
statements. Modern accounting is assisted by a variety
of software packages, but the accountant must still be
well-versed in mathematics in order to interpret the
information. The fundamental accounting equation
can be stated as the following:
Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity.
For any given company, assets can be thought of as
what the company owns. This includes cash (actual
cash and bank accounts), money that is owed to the
business (called accounts receivables), inventory, build-
ings, land, equipment, and intangibles like patents and
goodwill. Liabilities are what the company owes. This
includes money owed to a bank (notes payable), suppli-
ers (accounts payable), or the government (taxes pay-
able). Owners equity can take several forms depending
on who the owners are: a single person (sole propri-
etor), a few people (partnership), or shareholders (cor-
poration). Each method of ownership has advantages
and disadvantages, but regardless of the method, the
owners equity can be thought of as a net asset since it
can be found by subtracting liabilities from assets.
Accounting as Record Keeping
Whenever a nancial transaction takes place, it must
be recorded in at least three locations. First, it will be
recorded in the general ledger (a book of entry sum-
marizing a companys nancial transactions). When
recorded, the entry should contain the date of the
transaction, a brief description of the transaction, and
the monetary changes to all accounts affected (which
will be at least two).
From there, the transaction gets recorded a second
time in a secondary (or subsidiary) ledger for each of
the accounts affected. When the amounts are recorded,
they are put into the left (debit) column or the right
(credit) column of the ledger. (In bookkeeping, debit
and credit mean left and right, respectively; they are
not related to debit or credit cards in this situation.) The
total of each column of the general ledger record must
add to the same sum. In that manner, all money can be
accounted for as going into or out of an account.
In order to determine whether to credit or debit an
account, a general rule that works for most accounts is to
rst look at the fundamental accounting equation. Since
assets are listed on the left, to increase assets, the transac-
tion is recorded in the left column (debiting the account)
Accounting 3
Accounting is the process of keeping track of the
operations and financial status of a business.
In Figure 1, notice that both the right and left columns
add up to $100; this shows that no money was lost in
the process. Ofce supplies are considered an asset, so
since the company increased the amount of ofce sup-
plies, that account was recorded on the leftin other
words, it debited ofce supplies for $100. Cash is also an
asset, but the company decreased the amount of cash
it had. As a result, cash was credited (the transaction
was recorded on the right for that account). Accounts
payable is a liability the company owes to the retailer
it purchased the products from. Since the company
increased the amount it owed the retailer, that account
was recorded on the right as an increase to the compa-
nys liabilitiesaccounts payable was credited.
Once this transaction was recorded in the general
ledger, the company would also need to record this
transaction in the Ofce Supplies ledger, the Cash
ledger, and the Accounts Payable ledger. Accounts are
debited or credited in their specic ledgers in the exact
same manner that they are debited or credited in the
general ledger. In a similar manner, the retailer who
sold the ofce supplies would need to record this same
transaction into his or her general and secondary led-
gers. However, the retailers transaction would use the
opposite side to denote the sale as follows:
Figure 2. Sold office supplies.
04-31-2017 Cash $40
Account Receivable $60
Inventory $100
Again, the right and left columns add up to the same
amount. Contrary to the purchasing company, the
receiving company lists three assets to record the trans-
action. Cash and accounts receivable are both being
increased, so debited. The asset inventory is being
decreased and results in a credit to inventory. If this
were a large company, rather than record each individ-
ual transaction, the retailer would most likely record
an entire days transactions as a single entry at the end
of each business day. Once the general ledger has been
recorded, the secondary ledgers need adjusting entries
as well to denote the transaction(s).
Accounting as Record Sharing
In addition to keeping records of transactions for a busi-
ness, accounting is responsible for creating reports that
summarize the journals to share with others. To learn
about the reports and how to create reports intended
for people outside the business (such as shareholders,
creditors, or government agencies), a person can take a
class in nancial accounting. To learn about the reports
and how to create reports intended for people inside
the business (such as managers), a person can take a
class in managerial accounting.
The most common reports created for people outside
the business are balance sheets, income statements, cash
ow statements, and retained earnings statements. Of
the four statement types, the balance sheet is written as a
snapshot of the company at a point in time. In contrast,
the other three statements are created to show what hap-
pened over a period of time such as a month, quarter,
or year. When creating these reports, the income state-
ment is usually completed rst. As its name implies, the
income statement is created to determine the companys
income during a specic time period. The income state-
ment is also known as a prot and loss statement (P&L)
or earnings statement. Information from the income
statement is then used to create the retained earnings
statement. Finally, the information from the retained
earnings statement is used on the balance sheet.
The balance sheet rst lists all of the companys assets
in order of liquidity (the ability to turn the asset into
4 Accounting
Benfords Law
enfords law, named after physicist Frank
Benford, gives the probability with which
the numbers 1 through 9 will occur as the rst
digit in many types of real-life data. For exam-
ple, in a list of actual bank account deposits
in a given day, about 30% of the time the rst
digit of the deposit amount will be a 1. Fraudu-
lent data that has been created by people often
does not match the expected probabilities.
In very large modern data sets, highly
focused tests use this principle to nd devia-
tions in selected subsets; for example, the
occurrence of a suspiciously large frequency of
$24 receipts submitted in a company that has
a $25 maximum meal allowance.
cash easily) from the most liquid to the least liquid. The
assets are then added together to nd the total assets of
the company. The balance sheet next lists all of the com-
panys liabilities in order of due date from the soonest
due to the latest due. Below the liabilities is listed the
owners equity (which includes retained earnings from
the retained earnings statement). The liabilities and
owners equity are added together. Referring back to
the fundamental accounting equation, both of these
amounts (the total assets and the sum of the liabilities
and owners equity) should equal one another.
Reports created for internal users vary widely
depending on the reasoning and the need for the report.
Internal reports are usually created and specically
designed for making decisions within the company.
For example, manufacturers could use internal reports
to determine the optimal price of their product.
Manufacturers may also use internal reports to
determine if it is more cost effective to create a needed
part or to purchase the part from another company.
They may need to consider continuing or eliminating
a division of their company. Managerial accounting is
also responsible for budgeting and forecasting.
Mathematical Models
Many areas in nancial accounting rely on mathemati-
cal models for explanation and prediction. For exam-
ple, models have played important roles in applications
such as understanding the consequences of public dis-
closure, formalizing market efciency or competition,
measuring income, and evaluating equilibrium pricing
for goods and services. Some important mathematical
techniques used in accounting models include linear
regression, systems of simultaneous equations, equi-
librium notions, and stochastic analysis. In the lat-
ter, random rather than constant inputs are used to
model scenarios where decisions must be made under
realistic conditions of uncertainty. The data used in
these models may be cross-sectional (representing a
single snapshot in time) or longitudinal (one or more
variables are measured repeatedly to detect trends
and patterns). Probability theory is also used to detect
instances of accounting fraud.
Further Reading
Davis, Morton D. The Math of Money: Making
Mathematical Sense of Your Personal Finances.
New York: Copernicus, 2001.
Hoyle, Joe Ben, Thomas F. Schaefer, and Timothy S.
Doupnik. Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Kimmel, Paul D., Jerry J. Weygandt, and Donald E.
Keiso. Financial Accounting: Tools for Business
Decision Making. 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.
Mullis, Darrell, and Judith Handler Orloff. The
Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh From the
Lemonade Stand. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2008.
Verrecchia, Robert. The Use of Mathematical Models in
Financial Accounting. Journal of Accounting Research
20 (1982).
Weygandt, Jerry J., Paul D. Kimmel, and Donald E. Keiso.
Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision
Making. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Budgeting; Payroll; Shipping.
Acrostics, Word
Squares, and
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematics and symmetry come into
play in creating and solving word puzzles.
Acrostics, word squares, and crossword puzzles are the
most common forms of word puzzles in English. Acros-
tics and word squares are over 2000 years old and call
for the solver to discover words hidden either covertly
(acrostics) or overtly (word squares). The crossword
puzzle premiered in 1913 and is similar to a word square
expanded onto a larger grid, with gaps. Word puzzles
have been used as mnemonics, ciphers, literary devices,
educational exercises, and as simple games. Their con-
struction, especially in the case of crossword puzzles, is
informed by geometry; their solution can be pursued
through probability theory. In a sense, the construc-
tion and solving of word puzzles provide pleasures very
similar to those of doing mathematics.
Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Historic Examples
The earliest examples of acrostics are in the Old Testa-
ment of the Bible. The Lamentations of Jeremiah and
12 Psalms are arranged so that the rst letters of each
verse spell out the Hebrew alphabet.
In Greece in 400 b.c.e., Dionysius forged a Sopho-
clean text titled Parthenopaeus with the intention of
mocking his rival, Heraclides. Having declared the
author to be Sophocles, Heraclides was referred to in
one of the several acrostics that Dionysius had included,
which read, Heraclides is ignorant of letters.
In more contemporary times, novelist Vladimir
Nabokov enjoyed chess problems, and one can nd
acrostics, number puzzles, cryptic references, and puns
in several of his novels and stories. The last paragraph
of his 1951 short story The Vane Sisters, for example,
can be read both as the narrators confusion and acros-
tically (taking the rst letter of each word) as a message
from the dead sisters.
Acrostics are often found in poetry because of its
greater exibility in syntax and phrasing. Former U.S.
President George Washington is known to have con-
structed at least one acrostic when he was 15a love
poem for a girl about whom nothing is known other
than her name, Frances.
Another good example of an acrostic poem is to be
found at the end of Lewis Carrolls 1871 book Alice
Through the Looking Glass; each letter of the name Alice
Pleasance Liddell begins a new line in the poem about
childhood innocence.
Word Squares
If the rst acrostics appeared in the Old Testament,
word squares were not far behind. One of the most
well known is a Latin word square from about 2000
years ago:
This word square is called a 5-by-5 symmetric word
square because there are ve words that can be read
either down or across. The words TENET, OPERA,
and ROTAS will be familiar to speakers of lan-
guages descended from Latin. SATOR is a Latin word
for planter or creator. AREPO is a contentious word;
it can be assumed that it was at some time used in
Latin. This particular word square is unique in another
waySATOR reversed is ROTAS, AREPO is OPERA
reversed, and TENET is palindromic (reads the same
forward and backward).
Below is an example of an ordinary symmetrical 4-
by-4 word square using English words
Many 5-by-5 and 6-by-6 squares exist in English.
There are even a few 9-by-9 word squares, though many
of the constituent words are extremely unfamiliar.
Those with an interest in algebra will notice that
symmetry in word squares is equivalent to symmetry
in matrices. If one transposesswaps the rows and
columnsa symmetrical word square, the resulting
word square is the same as the original. A non-
symmetrical word square does not have this property.
A 4-by-4 double word square, like the one below, is
not symmetrical. It is a double word square because
it contains twice the number of words of a 4-by-4
symmetrical square, that is, eight:
Word squares can be entertaining in themselves. How-
ever, simply by expanding a word square onto a larger
grid and using gaps to section long words into shorter
ones, one can create a puzzle of an altogether different
kind. By doing so, puzzle creator Arthur Wynne turned
the largely esoteric practice of crafting word squares
into a puzzle for the massesthe crossword.
The rst published crossword appeared in December
1913 in the newspaper New York World. Wynne wrote
denitions for each of the words he had used to complete
a diamond-shaped grid, and it was up to the solvers of
the newspapers puzzle page to ll in the blanks.
Wynnes grid was almost fully checked, which means
that most letters were part of two wordsa white square
6 Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords
is unchecked when it is part of only one word. In U.S.
crosswords, it remains the norm to have very heavilyif
not fullychecked grids. For other crossword types,
particularly cryptic crosswords, grids may be only 50%
to 60% checked. Having a fully checked grid means that
it is possible to complete the crossword by entering only
the across (or down) words. As the number of unchecked
squares increases, however, the ability to build on ones
correct answers decreases. Most crosswords have a 15-
by-15 grid and twofold rotational symmetry (they look
the same after 180 degrees of rotation), but differences
in the number of checked squares can produce as many
as 80 words or as few as 30.
PROVERB, a computer program designed to solve
crosswords, relies on the heavily checked nature of
American-style grids. Computer scientist Michael
Littman and others report that PROVERB averaged
more than 95% correct answers in less than 15 minutes
per puzzle on a sample of 370 puzzles. This result is
better than average human solvers but not better than
the best. If nothing else, the complexity of the PROVERB
program serves to highlight the vast computing power
humans naturally possess.
Instinctively, many people may not be aware that the
ve most frequently used letters in the English language
are E, T, A, O, and I. Crosswords setters (and PROV-
ERB), on the other hand, are acutely aware of this and
aim to use letters in their longer words that will be easy
to intersect with the shorter ones. It is therefore worth
bearing in mind that, for example, Erie and Taoist
will appear in crosswords much more often than jazz
and Quixote. Incidentally, the ve least frequently
used letters are K, J, X, Z, and Q.
Estimates suggest that fewer than 100 people con-
struct crossword puzzles for a living in the United States.
Mathematician Byron Walden has been called one of
the best by a New York Times crossword editor. For
some, he may be most well known for writing the puzzle
that was used in the championship round of the Ameri-
can Crossword Puzzle Tournament, later featured in the
lm Wordplay. He has also analyzed and given talks on
symmetry and patterns associated with conventional
crossword construction, with the aim of helping people
become more skilled puzzle solvers.
Mathematician Kiran Kedlaya is also a well-known
puzzle solver and creator. He believes that the brain
processes required for computer science, mathemat-
ics, music, and crossword puzzles are similar, and he
pursues all of these activities professionally and recre-
ationally. One puzzle he created was published on the
well-known New York Times crossword page, and he
regularly contributes mathematics puzzles to compe-
titions like the USA Mathematical Olympiad. He has
been quoted as saying, Its important to tell kids who
are interested in math as a career that there are many
venues to do it, not just in the academic area within
math departments.
Further Reading
Balfour, Sandy. Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose (8).
Sirlingshire, UK: Palimpset Book Production, 2003.
Littman, M., et al. A Probabilistic Approach to Solving
Crossword Puzzles. Articial Intelligence 134 (2002).
MacNutt, Derrick Somerset. Ximenes on the Art of the
Crossword. London: Methuen & Co., 1966.
Eoin OConnell
See Also: Literature; Poetry; Puzzles; Religious
Writings; Sudoku.
See Writers, Producers, and Actors
Addition and
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Addition and subtraction are binary
mathematical operations, each the inverse of the
other, and are among the oldest mathematical
Addition can be thought of as a process of accumulation.
For example, if a ock of 3 sheep is joined with a ock
Addition and Subtraction 7
of 4 sheep, the combined ock will have 7 sheep. Thus, 7
is the sum that results from the addition of the numbers
3 and 4. This can be written as 3 + 4 = 7 where the sign
+ is read plus and the sign = is read equals. Both
3 and 4 are called addends. Addition is commutative;
that is, the order of the addends is irrelevant to how
the sum is formed. Subtraction nds the remainder
after a quantity is diminished by a certain amount. If
from a ock containing 5 sheep, 3 sheep are removed,
then 2 sheep remain. In this example, 5 is the minu-
end, 3 is the subtrahend, and 2 is the remainder or
difference. This can be written as 5 3 = 2 where
is read minus. Subtraction is not commutative and
therefore the ordering of the minuend and subtrahend
affects the result: 5 3 = 2 , but 3 5 = 2.
The concept of addition can be extended to have
meaning for fractions, negative numbers, real num-
bers, measurements, and other mathematical entities.
The algorithms used for computing the sum or differ-
ence, some of which have been taught for millennia,
ultimately depend on the representation used for the
numbers. For example, the approach used for adding
Roman numerals is different from that used to add
Hindu-Arabic numbers. Computers perform subtrac-
tion using the same circuits they use for addition.
History and Development of
Addition and Subtraction
Human beings ability to add and subtract small
whole numbers is probably innate. Some of the ear-
liest descriptions of techniques for handling large
numbers come from ancient China during the War-
ring States period (475221 b.c.e.), when arithmetic
operations were performed by manipulating rods
on a at surface that was partitioned by vertical and
horizontal lines. The numbers were represented by a
positional base-10 system. Some scholars believe that
this systemafter moving westward through India
and the Islamic Empirebecame the modern system
of representing numbers.
The Greeks in the fth century b.c.e., in addition
to using a complex ciphered system for representing
numbers, used a system that is very similar to Roman
numerals. It is possible that the Greeks performed
arithmetic operations by manipulating small stones on
a large, at surface partitioned by lines. A similar stone
tablet was found on the island of Salamis in the 1800s
and is believed to date from the fourth century b.c.e.
The word calculate was derived from the Latin word
for little stone.
The Romans had arithmetic devices similar in
appearance to the typical Chinese abacus. It is difcult
to use modern paper-and-pencil techniques for adding
and subtracting Roman numerals (with I as one, II as
two, V as ve, X as ten, L as fty, C as one hundred, D as
ve hundred, M as one thousand)but it worked well
in its time, since it was devised for use with an abacus.
During the Middle Ages, counting boards were
used to perform arithmetic. A counting board con-
sisted of a series of actual or virtual horizontal lines
that were labeled from the bottom by I, X, C, M, and
so on. The system borrowed the symbols used for core
numbers from the Roman system. The spaces between
the lines were labeled starting from the bottom by V,
L, and D. A number like MMDCCXXXVIIII (2739)
would be represented by placing the appropriate
number of counters on each line. The line labeled M
would have 2 counters (for 2000, or two thousands).
The space just below, labeled D, would have 1 coun-
ter (500, or one ve-hundreds); the line labeled C, 2
counters (200, or two hundreds); the space labeled L,
0 counters; the line labeled X, 3 counters (for 30, or
three tens); the line labeled V, 1 counter (5); and the
line labeled I, 4 counters (4, or four ones). The total
of all these numbers is 2739. Note that accountants
used VIIII (denoting ve plus four) to represent 9,
whereas stonemasons used IX(denoting 10 less 1).
To compute the sum MMDCCXXXVIIII + MCLXI,
a person would simply transcribe the numbers to the
counting board and then combine the counters fol-
lowing rules of carrying to ensure that no more than 4
counters were on any line and 1 counter on any space.
This representation was then easily transcribed back
into Roman numerals.
Many early books on arithmetic claim that this
method of performing arithmetic was especially pre-
ferred by women, who at times had the responsibility for
keeping the books for small family businesses. Hindu-
Arabic numerals and paper-and-pencil methods for
performing arithmetic began to appear in Europe in
the twelfth century and replaced Roman numerals and
the counting board by the nineteenth century.
Two Methods for Subtracting by Hand
Two popular methods for handling borrowing that
are taught today are shown below. The method shown
8 Addition and Subtraction
in the gure below on the left is popular in Italy, Eng-
land, and the United States, while the one on the right
is popular in Spain, France, and parts of Latin America.
The example is to compute 30471964. Starting with
the method on the left, rst begin with the rightmost
column and subtract 4 from 7. Write the result, 3, below
the 4. Moving one column to the left, try to subtract 6
from 4, which cannot be done without using negative
numbers. The method is thus to attempt to borrow
1 from 0, which is the digit to the left of the 4. Again,
this cannot be done without using negative numbers.
Therefore, the method is to borrow 1 from 3, which is
the digit to the left of the 0 resulting in crossing out the
3 and replacing it with a 2. Then the zero becomes a 10,
and it in turn can be replaced by a 9 so the borrowed
1 can be placed in front of the 4 to make it 14. Now,
one can subtract 6 from 14 to get 8, which is written
below the 6. Moving left to the next column, one can
subtract 9 from 9 to get a 0, which is written below the
9. Finally, 1 is subtracted from 2 to get a 1, which is
written below.
3 0 4 7
1 9 6 4
1 0 8 3
3 0 4 7
1 9 6 4
1 0 8 3
2 9 1
1 1
To solve the problem using subtraction with carry,
use the example on the right. The carrying numbers
(the small 1s) affect the numbers on a diagonal, as
shown in the example. The number 1 adds 10 to the
integer in the top row and adds 1 to the integer in the
bottom row. Starting from the rightmost column, 4
is subtracted from 7, resulting in 3, which is written
below. Then, try to subtract 6 from 4, which cannot be
done, so insert a small 1 to the left of the space between
the 4 and the 6. This is interpreted to mean that the
4 has become 14. Subtract 6 from 14 and record the
answer, 8, below. Move left to the next column con-
taining 0 and 9. The small 1, written above and to the
right of the 9, is added to the 9 to get 10. Attempt to
subtract the 10 from the 0 above, which cannot be
done. Instead, write a small 1 just to the left of the space
between the 0 and 9, and interpret this to mean that
the 0 has become a 10. Now, 10 minus 10 is 0, which is
written below. Move left to the next column. The small
1, written above and to the right of the 1, is added to
the 1 giving 2, which is subtracted from 3 resulting in
1, which is written below.
Adding and Subtracting on a Computer
At the most basic level, whole numbers are represented in
a computer in base-two by a sequence of the binary states
Hi and Lo interpreted as 1 and 0. The circuits that
perform addition are implemented by sequences of logi-
cal gates. Typically a 1 in the leftmost bit indicates that
the number is negative, with the remaining bits indicat-
ing the magnitude of the number. Subtraction can be
performed by the same circuits that perform addition.
Two popular approaches are designated as ones com-
plement and twos complement. Ones complement
can best be explained by performing subtraction in base-
10 using nines complement. Assume a computation of
30471964. To nd the nines complement of 1964,
subtract each digit from 9 to obtain 8035. This is added
to 3047 resulting in 11,082. The leftmost 1 is viewed as
a carry and brought around and added to the right-
most digit in an operation called end-around carry to
obtain the nal result: 1083.
Generalizing Addition and Subtraction
The sum of two fractions a/b
and c/d is dened to be
ad + bc
The sum of irrational numbers (numbers that can-
not be represented as fractions of whole numbers) can
be approximated only by adding their approximating
rationals. The exact sum of two irrational lengths, a
and b, can be found exactly using geometry by rst
extending the segment representing a sufciently on
one end so that the length b can be marked off from
that end with a compass.
Addition can be generalized to other mathematical
objects, such as complex numbers and matrices. One
of these objects, typically called the additive identity
and denoted by 0, has the property such that if a
is any object then the sum of 0 and a is a. The addi-
tive reciprocal of an object a is denoted by a and is
dened to the object so that the sum a + a ( ) is 0. The
difference a b
is dened to be a + b ( ).
Further Reading
Flegg, G. Numbers: Their History and Meaning. New
York: Schocken Books, 1983.
Karpinski, L. C. The History of Arithmetic. New York:
Russell & Russell, 1965.
Addition and Subtraction 9
Pullan, J. M. The History of the Abacus. New York: F. A.
Praeger, 1969.
Raquzzaman, M. Fundamentals of Digital Logic and
Microcomputer Design. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.
Yong, L. L., and A. T. Se. Fleeting Footsteps. Singapore:
Word Scientic Publishers, 2004.
Carl R. Seaquist
Catherine C. Galley
See Also: Multiplication and Division; Number and
Operations; Number and Operations in Society.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematics is used to weigh the costs
and gains of advertising and to prole and target
Advertising delivers product information from suppli-
ers to consumerssuppliers may be manufacturers,
hospitals, software developers, educatorsand is criti-
cal to the success of a business in marketing develop-
ment. Advertising media may be traditional (such as
television, newspapers, and posters) or technological
(via Internet and e-mail), as well as commercial (to
sell products for prot) or noncommercial (in politi-
cal campaigns or for religious purposes). The annual
advertising cost in the United States amounts to more
than $100 billion.
Advertising includes two stages: the planning stage
for marketing strategies, whose goal is business devel-
opment, and the analysis stage of cost analysis involved
with the forms and the contents of communication
between suppliers and potential customers. Math-
ematics and statistics play critical roles in both stages
of advertising.
Market Shares
In the planning stage, the analysis of market shares
for advertising necessitates matrix operations and
multivariate probability inequalities to portray the
dynamics of market shares over time. The follow-
ing is an example of matrix operations, which bridge
advertising with market shares. Consider the market
shares of General Motors (GM) and Ford in the U.S.
automobile industry. Assume that the current market
shares distribute as follows:
General Motors: 21%
Ford: 17%
Other Manufacturers: 62%
If GM starts an advertising campaign with the goal
of increasing the market share to 29% in three years,
GM may count on customers to switch from Ford or
other manufacturers to GM. However, in reality, some
of the GM customers may switch to Ford or to other
Let a
, a
, a
be the percentages of original GM users
who, at the end of the advertising campaign, remain
with GM, who switch to Ford, and who switch to
other manufacturers, respectively. Let b
, b
, b
be the
percentages of original Ford users who switch to GM,
who remain with Ford, and who switch to other man-
ufacturers, respectively. Let c
, c
, c
be the percentages
of the other customers who switch to GM, who switch
to Ford, and who remain with their manufacturers,
respectively. Then, the market shares x
, x
, and
at the end of the three years are determined by
the following simple matrix equation:
a b c
a b c
a b c
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
If GM intends to increase x
to 29%, GM should
advertise specically to different groups of customers.
This is mathematically equivalent to manipulating the
elements in the 33 matrix above within plausible
ranges of the elements.
The foregoing scenario is a simplied example to
illustrate the role of matrix operations in advertising.
In reality, the story is more complex. For example, the
33 matrix above will become an n n matrix, where
n is the number of competing suppliers in the market.
Also, the stochastic feature of the supply-demand mar-
ket, the market shares, and the corresponding elements
10 Advertising
for the n n matrix change constantly under the inu-
ence of the advertising campaign.
Thus, it is more appropriate to treat the market shares
as a vector consisting of random variables. In this case,
one of the convenient approaches to evaluating the
market shares is the method of multivariate probabil-
ity inequalities in conjunction with the construction of
Hamilton-type circuits.
Advertising Costs and Effects
The analysis stage examines costs and effects associated
with various communication channels and advertising
media. For instance, in Internet advertising, typical cost
considerations are cost per mile (CPM), cost per click
(CPC), and conversion rate. These terms have strong
connections with mathematics and statistics.
For Web advertising, CPM usually refers to the cost
for every thousand visits to the publishers Web site.
For example, assume that an ad network offers a $5
CPM for a banner, which was put on three Web sites
for three months. If the total page views for the three
Web sites are 80,000, 110,000, and 140,000 during the
three-month period, the total cost of Web advertising
for the ad network is
+ $5
+ $5
= $1,650
In general, if an ad is posted in n Web sites, the total
cost is
( / ) W
where W
is the number of Web impressions (visits) to
the i
publishers Web site for the same period of time.
Consider that the number of Web impressions on
each publishers Web site depends on many continu-
ously changing factors; then W
is a random number.
Let E W
( ) be the expected value of W
, which measures
the long-term average of the number of Web impres-
sions of the banner on the i
publishers Web site. The
long-term average cost is
( ( ) / ) E W
1000 .
CPC refers to the amount that the advertiser pays
for each click generated from the Web publisher. For
example, if the cost per click is $0.04, and three Web
publishers generate 1700, 1600, and 900 clicks in three
months, the cost of Web advertising is
$ . $ . $ . $ 0 04 1700 0 04 1600 0 04 900 168 ( ) + ( ) + ( ) =
In general, if a Web ad is posted in m Web sites, the
total cost is
where C
is the number of clicks generated on the i
publishers Web site for a given period of time.
Consider the fact that the number of clicks on each
publishers Web site depends on various unexpected
factors: C
is actually a random variable. Let E C
( )be
the expected value of C
, which measures the long-term
average of the number of clicks generated from the i
publishers Web site over a given period of time. The
long-term average ad cost is then
( )
The foregoing two concepts, CPM and CPC, mea-
sure the potential impact of the internet ad only in
terms of clicks or Web visits. However, these two con-
cepts are unable to provide the advertiser with infor-
mation regarding whether the Web impression has
been transferred into the desired action (such as buying
the advertised product). A useful measurement in Web
advertising to help account for the advertising effect is
the conversion rate (or CR, the average number of
people taking the action encouraged by the ad per 100
visits to the publishers Web site). For example, if out of
2000 clicks on an ad posted on a publishers Web site,
12 people end up buying the product, the conversion
rate of the ad for this Web site is then
100 0 6
= . %.
Being highly associated with key factors such as the
design of the publishers Web site, the conversion rate
is an index that directly measures the nal impact of
the ad for the Web site.
Since the conversion rate directly reects the per-
formance of the Web site, it can be used to compare
Advertising 11
advertising effects of two or more Web sites. However,
it is risky to compare conversion rates directly. The
example in Figure 1 helps illustrate this point. Con-
sider two Web sites: Google AdSense and Chitika. If the
conversion rates of the two Web sites are as follows in
the past four months, it is impossible to claim which
site has better performance on Web advertising.
In fact, the raw values shown in Figure 1 include the
stochastic inuence of many online factors. In this case,
to evaluate the monthly advertising effect of different
Web sites accurately, statistical data analysis is needed.
Because of random effects, the expected value of the
conversion rate of each Web site should be considered
when comparing two or more publishers Web sites in
terms of the conversion rates. Given a set of histori-
cal data involving all the Web sites of interest, one of
the statistical estimation approaches is the method of
simultaneous condence intervals, which compares
the ranges of expected conversion rates with a pre-
specied condence level. For example, with a set of
data for the conversion rates of three Web sites over
a period of time, if a 95% simultaneous condence
interval reads
0 5 2 . % % < < CR CR
Google Chitika
1 3 3 4 . % . % < < CR CR
Google Yahoo
it means that at 95% condence level, the advertising
performance (in terms of conversion rate) of Google is
better than that of Chitika and Yahoo.
To enhance the accuracy of the simultaneous con-
dence ranges, or to improve the power of testing
multiple advertising effects, the two-stage estimation
procedure can be considered. When the underlying
distribution of the monthly conversion rates is skewed,
the two-stage estimation procedure can be used with
nonparametric tests to make inferences on the perfor-
mance of multiple Web sites.
Data Mining and Advertisements
Masses of personal data being collected every day about
consumers, via mechanisms like credit card applica-
tions, consumer discount cards, and product views and
ratings on shopping Web sites are poised to revolution-
ize the eld of advertising. Data mining is the mathe-
matical and statistical method for sifting through large
volumes of data to nd patterns and create prediction
models, in this case of consumer behavior. In 2009,
the online video rental company Netix awarded a $1
million prize to the winners of its three-year contest to
develop a better algorithm to predict what movies its
users would prefer, based on ratings data provided by
the company.
Finally, mathematics is used not only to decide when,
where, and how to advertise products and services
but also to determine what to emphasize within the
advertisements themselves: discounts on pricing or the
number of calories per serving, just to name two. How-
ever, it is often difcult to verify those numbers. Many
will remember Trident Gums 1960s slogan, Four out
of ve dentists surveyed would recommend sugarless
gum to their patients who chew gum. Although the
statement was popular at the time, its legitimacy was
later questioned, since it came from a survey whose
details have never been released.
IBM has initiated a Smarter Planet campaign
focused on dispersed or cloud computing (Internet-
based computing). Its Smarter Math Builds Equa-
tions for a Smarter Planet commercial cites math-
ematics as the universal language and gives a number
of ways in which mathematics will be used to create a
smarter planet.
Further Reading
Baines, Paul. A Pie in the Face. Alternatives Journal 27,
no. 2 (2001).
12 Advertising
Figure 1.
May June July August
Google AdSense 5% 6.1% 4.3% 7.5%
Chitika 7.3% 5.2% 5.7% 6.4%
Graydon, Shari. Made You LookHow Advertising
Works and Why You Should Know. Toronto: Annick
Press, 2003.
Kotabe, Masaki, and Kristiaan Helsen. Global Marketing
Management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.
Laermer, Richard, and Mark Simmons. Punk Marketing.
New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Murray, David, Joel Schwartz, and S. Robert Lichter. Aint
Necessarily So: How the Media Remake Our Picture of
Reality. New York: Penguin, 2002.
Russell, J. Thomas, and W. Ronald Lane. Kleppners
Advertising Procedure. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1999.
John T. Chen
See Also: Expected Values; Market Research; Matrices.
Africa, Central
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Central African contributions include
counting games and decorative geometric patterns.
Central Africa comprises Angola, the Central African
Republic, Chad, Congo, the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Sao Tome
and Principe. Mathematical concepts developed in
central Africa include variations of the counting game
Mancala and the sophisticated geometric patterns
used in traditional art. These patterns, in sand art and
pottery, woven into mats and baskets, and displayed
in tattoos, include complex symmetries and fractals.
Some educators have advocated incorporating these
indigenous African manifestations of mathematics
into school curriculums.
As with much of Africa, variations of the mathemati-
cal counting game Mancala were played throughout
the region. The mathematics of Mancala games are
discussed in more detail in the entry Africa, East,
but some description here is warranted. The Com-
plete Mancala Games Book gives rules for 28 different
versions of this game played in central Africa. These
variations arise throughout much of central Africa
but especially in Cameroon and the Congo. While the
version of Mancala best known in the United States
is a two-row version (also called Wari or Oware),
many of the variations played in the Congo have four
rows, which adds substantially to the complexity of
the game, as well as the complexity of the arithme-
tic calculations and logical thinking required to play
them well. Even with the two-row version, the Congo-
lese variation Mbele uses a complicated game board (a
two-row version with many holes in each row, with the
rows pinched together near the ends). Again, this adds
mathematical complexity to the game.
Geometric Patterns
Many of the most interesting mathematics developed
by the peoples of central Africa have been geometric
in nature. A signicant part of African art traditions
include quite complexand mathematically sophis-
ticatedgeometric patterns. These patterns include
symmetries in various combinations, between dif-
ferent elements, and between various colors. Claudia
Zaslavsky writes: If one wanted to survey the whole
Africa, Central 13
Central Africa is composed of eight countries and is
shown in the medium gray shaded area.
eld of geometric design in Africa, one would have to
catalogue almost every aspect of life. In central Africa,
such geometric patterns are found on pottery, cloths,
mats, carvings, baskets, bowls, tattoos, and other
objects of daily use.
The Kuba people of the Congo are particularly
famous for such art, especially their rafa embroidered
cloth. Both Africa Counts and Geometry From Africa
show many examples of Kuba artwork, along with art-
work of other African peoples. The woven mats of the
Yombe women of the Congo are another example of
complex geometric design. Paulus Gerdes has studied
these mat designs as an interplay between cultural val-
ues and mathematics.
The art of the Chokwe people of the Congo and
Angola includes a mathematically challenging art form
called sona, usually drawn in the sand. These draw-
ings are made with a single line continuously weaving
through an arrangement of dots, such as the Lion With
Cubs drawing of the accompanying gure. The heads
and tails of the animals are added after the principal
line is drawn. These drawings represent stories, morals,
or values of the Chokwe, or just an animal or object
from their environment. The techniques for determin-
ing which dot arrangements will generate such one-line
drawings are fundamentally mathematical in nature.
Drawings that can be done in a single line, without
retracing, are a mathematics topic known as Eulerian
Graphs. This artwork of the Chokwe is strongly con-
nected to this mathematical idea, and was being inves-
tigated by the Chokwe artists about the same time that
the idea was rst studied by European mathematicians
in the mid-eighteenth century.
The geometric patterns of central Africa extend to
include fractal designs. Fractals are a mathematical
structure that can be viewed as a repetition of the same
shapes at many different sizes or scales. For example,
trees have branches, each with smaller branches, and
then even smaller branches. Western architecture
often has rectangular blocks with rectangular houses,
but rarely are such shapes repeated at more than two
scales, and rarely is this a conscious shape imitation.
African fractals often use circular, oval, or diamond
shapes at several scales, with smaller shapes inside or
around the larger shapes. There is substantial evi-
dence that at least some of these fractal designs are a
conscious choice of the artists and builders, and not
accidental. African Fractals shows several Cameroo-
nian examples of fractal designs in cities and villages,
and even in hair braiding. This book also shows a
similar style of pattern, using increasingly smaller but
otherwise identical shapes in the art of the Mangbetu
people of the Congo.
Several African educators have suggested incorpo-
rating these traditional mathematical elements into
their schools. The Cameroonian educator A. N. Boma
writes: In African traditional education, the curricu-
lum was organized holistically rather than in discipline
areas such as mathematics, history. . . .Education for
all cannot afford the luxury of isolating education in
terms of disciplines, rather it should take the holistic
approach in developing a total person. . . . The ideas
described here integrate mathematics with cultural,
Lion With Cubs drawing made with a single line
weaving through an arrangement of dots.
14 Africa, Central
artistic, and other elements to achieve this holistic
approach. Unfortunately, the schools in Central Africa
cannot easily incorporate such ideas. The 2009 Mathe-
matics in Africa report describes low percentages of the
population attending schools, high student-to-teacher
ratios, heavy use of recycled European mathemat-
ics textbooks, and few prepared teachers in most of
central Africa outside of Cameroon. All of these facts
make it difcult to customize mathematics education
for African students. Cameroon has a more developed
education system, but at the college level it is struggling
with lling the mathematics faculty positions that have
been approved, and most mathematics teaching there
is done in large classes by low-level staff. Neverthe-
less, with more than half of the central African Ph.D.s
in mathematics, Cameroon may become a leader in
mathematics education for the region.
Further Reading
Boma, A. N. Some Lessons From Traditional Practices
for Present-Day Education in Africa. In African
Thoughts on the Prospects of Education for All. Dakar,
Senegal: United Nations Educational, Scientic and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-United Nations
Childrens Fund (UNICEF), 1990.
Eglash, Ron. African Fractals: Modern Computing and
Indigenous Design. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University
Press, 1999.
Gerdes, Paulus. African Doctorates in Mathematics: A
Catalogue. Maputo, Mozambique: Research Centre for
Mathematics, Culture and Education, 2007.
. Geometry From Africa. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 1999.
Gerdes, Paulus, and Ahmed Djebbar. Mathematics
in African History and Cultures: An Annotated
Bibliography. Cape Town, South Africa: African
Mathematical Union, 2004.
International Mathematical Union. Mathematics
in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. 2009.
Russ, Laurence. The Complete Mancala Games Book.
New York: Marlowe Co., 1999.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern
in African Cultures. 3rd ed. Chicago: Chicago Review
Press, 1999.
Darrah Chavey
See Also: Africa, Eastern; Africa, Southern; Africa,
West; African Mathematics; Board Games; Graphs.
Africa, Eastern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: East African contributions include
Mancala, logic games, and games similar to
Eastern Africa is the birthplace of the human species,
and includes Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius,
Mayotte, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles,
Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Mancala, an ancient counting game with many varia-
tions throughout the continent, originates in East
Africa, which is also home to complicated geometric
patterns in woven art and a number of logic puzzles
and other mathematical games. The quality of math-
ematics education continues to be a serious concern.
Eastern Africa is home to an impressive variety of math-
ematically based games. The most well known are the
many variations of Mancala, often called the African
national game. Although there are hundreds of varia-
tions, the general idea is: (1) stones or seeds are placed
in pits laid out with two to four rows and several pits
per row; (2) players collect the seeds from one pit and
sow them one at a time into other pits around the
board; (3) under some circumstances, the player picks
up the seeds from the nal pit and continues sowing
those seeds; (4) when the move ends, the player will,
in some cases, capture seeds from his or her opponent.
These games generally involve a substantial amount
of counting, adding, and subtracting (for example, to
determine where the nal seed will land), as well as con-
sideration of multiple possibilities, analysis to calculate
where an opponent can move afterward, strategy, and
logic. It is no wonder that some leaders (including Tan-
zanian president Julius Nyerere) were rst noticed as
good Mancala players. It is uncertain where the game
originated, but the oldest dated game boards come
Africa, Eastern 15
from Ethiopia and Eritrea about 1300 years ago. The
game is surely older than that, possibly as much as 3300
years old. The Complete Mancala Games Book includes
61 different variations of this game played in eastern
Africa, including variations specic to every country
except Burundi.
Other Puzzles and Games
Logic puzzles come in many forms. One puzzle type
common to eastern Africa is the river-crossing puzzle.
For example, a man with a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage
must use a boat to cross a river except that (1) he can
take only one item across at a time; and (2) the goat
cannot be left alone with the wolf (who would eat it) or
the cabbage (which it would eat). These kinds of puz-
zles are mathematical because, as Marcia Ascher writes,
A stated goal must be achieved under a given set of
logical constraints. Variations of this puzzle, with dif-
ferent logical constraints, appear in Ethiopia, Zambia,
and Mozambique.
Several three-in-a-row games, related to Tic-Tac-
Toe, are played in eastern Africa. In Shisima, from
Kenya, players start with an octagonal board, the eight
corners, a center point, and lines connecting opposite
corners through that center. Players start with three
stones each, on the corners closest to them. During a
turn, players move one of the stones to one of the nine
points (eight corners and the center) connected to it, if
it is empty. The goal is to get three stones in a row (a
straight line), which must include the center and two
corners opposite each other. Africa Counts describes
two other three-in-a-row games from Zimbabwe, each
of which begins like Tic-Tac-Toe where players place
stones on points on the board, then continues like Shi-
sima with players moving their stones to get a triple. In
Tsoro Yematatu, the board has seven spots, each player
has three stones, and one spot is always empty. In Afri-
can Morris, there are 24 spots, and each player has 12
stones. Here, it could happen that the board becomes
lled, but if there is a three-in-a-row during that stage,
the player does not win; instead, the player captures an
opponents stone. Hence, the game usually continues
into the second phase. These three-in-a-row games are
logic puzzles and are examples of games of position,
which have been widely studied in mathematics.
Geometric Patterns
The geometric patterns of art from eastern Africa con-
tain a great deal of mathematical and geometric struc-
ture and symmetry. Some of the most well known of
such crafts are the woven sipatsi baskets of Mozam-
bique, and other types of woven baskets and mats from
Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Madagas-
car. This artwork contains varied types of symmetries
and dramatic patterns. Paulus Gerdes writes that this art
reveals the force of the imagination and the artistic and
geometric creativity of the women and men who weave
[these baskets]. Examples exist in the Ba-ila settlement
in Zambia and in Ethiopian processional crosses.
Mathematical Education
Mathematical education in eastern Africa shares many
of the challenges that exist throughout the continent,
especially the lack of prepared teachers at the second-
16 Africa, Eastern
The game of Mancala has many variations, one of
which is played on this board in Zanzibar.
ary level. As the South African mathematics educator
Jan Persons writes, At the departure of the Portuguese
from Mozambique in the early 1970s, there were only
a handful of qualied secondary mathematics teachers.
In general, starving the local population of decent and
effective education was used as a weapon to halt or, at
least, retard development.
This issue has been a major problem in eastern and
central Africa, which combined have 48% of Africas
population but have produced less than 8% of Africas
mathematics Ph.D.s. Kenya has a strong college-level
mathematics program, having produced nearly half
of all Ph.D.s in eastern Africa. Unfortunately, as also
happens in central Africa, most of the mathemat-
ics students are attracted into professions other than
teaching because of the low salaries for teachers. There
are several efforts in place to improve mathematics
education in these countries, but much work on the
educational structures remains to be done throughout
this region.
Further Reading
Ascher, Marcia. A River-Crossing Problem in Cross-
Cultural Perspective, Mathematics Magazine 63,
no. 1 (1990).
Eglash, Ron. African Fractals: Modern Computing and
Indigenous Design. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University
Press, 1999.
Gerdes, Paulus. African Doctorates in Mathematics: A
Catalogue. Maputo, Mozambique: Research Centre for
Mathematics, Culture and Education, 2007.
. Geometry From Africa. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 1999.
Gerdes, Paulus, and Ahmed Djebbar. Mathematics
in African History and Cultures: An Annotated
Bibliography. Cape Town, South Africa: African
Mathematical Union, 2004.
International Mathematical Union. Mathematics in
Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. 2009. http://
Russ, Laurence. The Complete Mancala Games Book. New
York: Marlowe Co., 1999.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern
in African Cultures. 3rd ed. Chicago: Chicago Review
Press, 1999.
Darrah Chavey
See Also: Africa, Central; African Mathematics;
Basketry; Board Games; Mathematical Puzzles;
Africa, North
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: North Africa has been a major
contributor to mathematics, particularly in ancient
Egypt and the Islamic Golden Age.
North Africa, comprised of Algeria, Egypt, Libya,
Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara, has long
been geographically and culturally distinct from the rest
of the continent because of the Sahara desert (which
includes most of the region) and the proximity to
southern Europe and the Middle East. The mathematics
of ancient Egypt is among the oldest known mathemat-
ics traditions, and the Egyptian city of Alexandria was
an important center of learning in the ancient world.
Centuries later, Egyptian mathematicians were among
the contributors to the Islamic Golden Age, translat-
ing classical works, which also helped bring about the
Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment.
Mathematics historians and teachers have explored
a variety of historical mathematics in the area, such as
string gures and precolonial mathematics in Sudan,
or the work of Gaston Julia, who was born in Algeria
at the end of the nineteenth century and is known for
his investigations on dynamical systems. The Julia set is
named for him. Modern mathematicians and scholars
in North Africa continue to take part in mathematics
research and teaching.
Ancient Developments
Papyrus scrolls predating 1500 b.c.e. have been found
in Egypt that discuss mathematical topics. One of the
more famous is the Ahmes scroll (after the name of the
scribe to whom it is attributed), currently held in the
British Museum, which describes many problems in
algebra and geometry and demonstrates their solutions.
It is of particular interest for its use of unit fractions
(fractions with a numerator of 1, such as 1/8) and for
demonstrating a method of calculating circular areas.
Africa, North 17
In the Hellenistic period (c. 323146 b.c.e.), and in
the Roman period that followed, the city of Alexandria
in Egypt was a center of learning, and the Great Library
of Alexandria was the most important library in the
ancient world. Euclid (c. 300 b.c.e.), a Greek mathe-
matician who worked in Alexandria, is best known for
his treatise Elements, which formed the basis for how
geometry has been understood and taught for more
than 2000 years. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276194
b.c.e.) was born in what is now Libya. He estimated
the circumference of Earth and is known for the Sieve
of Eratosthenes, which is useful in number theory.
One of the best-known Egyptian mathematicians
from the Roman period was Ptolemy (c. 90168 c.e.),
a Roman citizen who lived in Egypt. One of his well-
known works is the Almagest, the most comprehensive
surviving ancient treatise on astronomy. Hypatia (c.
350415), a Greek who lived in Alexandria, was a female
mathematician who wrote commentaries and was also
known as a teacher of astronomy and philosophy.
Islamic Period
Mathematics ourished during the Islamic Golden Age
(c. mid-eighth to mid-thirteenth century). One impe-
tus to this development was the translation of classical
Greek works, such as Ptolemys Almagest and Euclids
Elements. These translations were often the only sur-
viving copies and their preservation by Islamic scholars
allowed them to be reintroduced into Western thought.
Besides the appreciation of knowledge for its own sake,
the development of mathematical sciences had practi-
cal uses in the Islamic world; for instance, knowledge
of astronomy was required to understand the phases of
the moon and thus correctly observe Islamic holy days,
while algebraic notation was developed in part to solve
problems relating to the laws of inheritance. Geomet-
ric motifs are very common in Islamic art and design,
in part because, for religious reasons, Islamic artists
did not create representational art, such as portraits.
Instead, complex patterns such as tessellation gures
(tilings) were developed for artistic use.
Many mathematicians worked in Egypt during the
Islamic Golden Age. Ahmed ibn Yusuf (c. 835912) was
born in what is now Iraq but moved to Egypt and died
in Cairo. He worked with his father, Yusuf ibn Ibrahim,
on mathematics and wrote a book on ratio and pro-
portion, which commented on Euclids Elements and
was translated into Latin in the twelfth century. Abu
Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam (c. 850930) was a mathemati-
cian who made important contributions to the study
of real numbers, irrational numbers, and combinator-
ics, and some of whose techniques were adopted by the
thirteenth-century Italian mathematician Fibonacci.
Ibn Yunus (c. 9501009) was an Egyptian astrono-
mer and mathematician whose most famous work is a
handbook of astronomical tables, which is notable for
the accuracy of his observations and for his meticulous
description of numerous planetary conjunctions and
lunar eclipses. Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-
Haytham (c. 9651039) was born in Persia but lived
primarily in Egypt and died in Cairo. He worked as an
engineer, reportedly attempting to develop a method
to dam the Nile River, and made important contribu-
tions to optics and to the development of the scientic
method. Al-Marrakushi ibn Al-Banna (c. 12561321)
lived in Morocco and may have been born there. He
worked on Euclids Elements and texts on algebra and
arithmetic operations.
18 Africa, North
Besides being an Egyptian mathematician, Ptolemy was
also an astronomer, a geographer, and an astrologer.
Modern Developments
In the early twenty-rst century, mathematical study
and research continues in North Africa. Mathemati-
cians belong to professional organizations like the
Association Mathmatique Algrienne, the Egyp-
tian Mathematical Society, the Tunisian Mathemati-
cal Society, and the Socit des Sciences Naturelles et
Physiques du Maroc. Egypt and Tunisia are members
of the International Mathematical Union, which is a
worldwide organization designed to promote math-
ematics. North African countries have participated in
the International Mathematical Olympiad, an annual
competition held since 1959 for high school students.
Algeria rst participated in 1977, Morocco in 1983,
and Tunisia in 1981.
Further Reading
Gerdes, Paulus. African Doctorates in Mathematics: A
Catalogue. Maputo, Mozambique: Research Centre for
Mathematics, Culture and Education, 2007.
Gerdes, Paulus, and Ahmed Djebbar. Mathematics
in African History and Cultures: An Annotated
Bibliography. 2nd ed. Cape Town, South Africa:
African Mathematical Union, 2007.
Joseph, George Gheverghese. The Crest of the Peacock:
Non-European Roots of Mathematics. Revised ed.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Kani, Ahmad. Arithmetic in the Pre-Colonial Central
Sudan. In Science and Technology in African History
With Case Studies From Nigeria, Sierra Leone,
Zimbabwe, and Zambia. G. Thomas-Emeagwali, ed.
Lewiston: Edwin Mellin Press, 1992.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Africa, West; African Mathematics; Arabic/
Islamic Mathematics; Egyptian Mathematics.
Africa, Southern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Southern Africa is the home of ancient
mathematical artifacts and modern mathematical
Southern Africa comprises the ve nations of the
Southern African Customs Union: Botswana, Lesotho,
Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland. Colonization
led to signicant European populations, especially in
South Africa and Namibia.
The oldest known mathematical artifact is the
Lebombo bone, discovered in a rock shelter in the
Lebombo Mountains near the South Africa/Swaziland
border. There is evidence of the cave having been
inhabited continuously beginning some 200,000 years
ago, and the bone itself is estimated to be 35,000 years
old. The Lebombo bone is a fragment of baboon bula
with 29 notches, most likely used as a tally sticka
notched object used to keep track of quantities. In this
case it may have been a menstrual calendar.
Historically, the Dutch and British were particularly
inuential in this region. For example, the nineteenth-
century Boer (also known as Afrikaner) community
established the Boer States, including Transvaal and
the Orange Free State. It has been documented that the
Boer farmers, who were largely descendants of Dutch
and some other European settlers, relied heavily on
education at home. The migration of large numbers
of predominantly British settlers into South Africa in
the nineteenth century saw the establishment of more
schools and later, universities in the European style.
The mathematics heritage of southern Africa reects
both the diversity of the native cultures and the effects
of this European colonialism.
South African Mathematicians
One early South African mathematician was Francis
Guthrie (18311899), who proposed the Four Color
Problem. It stemmed from a problem he rst explored
as a student in which only four colors could be used to
denote the counties of England, and no two counties
sharing a border could have the same color. Guthrie
was born in London but immigrated to South Africa,
where he worked as both a mathematician and a bot-
anist. Mathematician Stanley Skewes (18991988),
who was a faculty member at the University of South
Africa and grew up near Johannesburg, postulated
his Skewes number, which is an important concept in
number theory.
Within South Africa, one well-known mathemati-
cian is Chris Brink, who grew up in a town on the
edge of the Kalahari Desert and studied at Johan-
nesburg. He earned a degree in mathematics before
Africa, Southern 19
earning a scholarship to Cambridge University in
England, where he completed his doctoral thesis on
algebraic logic.
Returning to South Africa, he worked on Boolean
modules and was vice-chancellor of the University
of Stellenbosch from 2002 until 2007. Outside of the
country of South Africa, another early mathematics
Ph.D. from the southern Africa region is Abraham
Busa Xaba. He was born in Swaziland in 1938 and
earned his Ph.D. in 1984. His doctoral dissertation
was titled Maintaining an optimal steady state in the
During the latter years of the twentieth century,
some South African mathematicians also became
known for their work overseas. For example, Lionel
Cooper (19151979) left the country for political rea-
sons. He grew up in Cape Town and won a Rhodes
scholarship to study mathematics at Oxford University.
Afterward, he served as a lecturer at Birkbeck College,
London, and at Cardiff University, then became head
of the Mathematics Department at Chelsea College,
London. Abraham Manie Adelstein (19161992) was
born in South Africa but left to live in England in 1961,
where he became a leading medical statistician.
As well as these important role models, there have
been many attempts to encourage collaboration and
development of mathematics in the southern African
region. The Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences
Association was founded in 1981 and is headquartered
in Botswana. Its serves as a forum for the sharing of
mathematical ideas for the countries in southern Africa
as well as some neighboring countries that may be
more broadly dened as being in the southern portion
of the African continent.
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences was
founded in 2003 as a partnership of six universities:
Cambridge University (England), University of Cape
Town (South Africa), Oxford University (England),
Universit Paris-Sud XI (France), Stellenbosch
University (South Africa), and University of the
Western Cape (South Africa). Its three primary goals
are: promoting mathematics and science in Africa;
recruiting and training talented students and teachers
of science and mathematics; and building capacity for
educational, research, and technological initiatives in
Africa. The South African Mathematics Olympiad is
held each year for high school students, and teams from
southern Africa have participated in the International
Mathematical Olympiad since 1992.
Further Reading
Gerdes, Paulus. African Doctorates in Mathematics: A
Catalogue. Maputo, Mozambique: Research Centre for
Mathematics, Culture and Education, 2007.
. On Mathematics in the History of
Sub-Saharan Africa. Historia Mathematica 21,
no. 3 (1994).
Gerdes, Paulus, and Ahmed Djebbar. Mathematics
in African History and Cultures: An Annotated
Bibliography. Cape Town, South Africa: African
Mathematical Union, 2004.
Simkins, C. E. W., with Andrew Paterson. Learner
Performance in South Africa: Social and Economic
Determinants of Success in Language and Mathematics.
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2005.
Vithal, Renuka, Jill Adler, and Christine Keitel.
Researching Mathematics Education in South Africa:
Perspectives, Practices and Possibilities. Cape Town,
South Africa: HSRC Press, 2005.
Justin Corfield
See Also: Africa, Central; Africa, Eastern; Africa, West;
African Mathematics.
Africa, West
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Mathematics has long been used in west
African art, architecture, industry, and music.
The peoples of west Africa have a long history of using
mathematics. Everyday uses were similar to mathemat-
ics in other traditional societies around the world.
Farmers measured their elds and counted their crops,
anticipating the production gures. Fishers designed
boats to carry them off the coast and prepared nets for
catching sh. For both, there were processes to han-
dle their products, either for immediate consumption
orwith additional mathematicsfor sale in local or
20 Africa, West
distant markets. Markets served as centers of trade and
also as centers of mathematical calculations of quan-
tities and sizes, prots and losses. Everyone designed
and built houses, often round in shape, which calcu-
lus shows to provide the maximum area for a given
perimeter. As larger societies and governing units grew
beyond the villages, mathematics played a role in gov-
ernments, from taxation and salaries to the design of
palaces and warehouses.
Mathematics in West African Art
West Africa has long been known for its art, textiles,
music, and dance. Mathematics is central to the cre-
ative and performing arts. Some particular west Afri-
can examples include carved sculptures, wall paint-
ings, tie-dyed textiles, and woven cloth. Sculptures
often show symmetries, not only of human features
but also of geometrical designs and proportions of
animals, village scenes and daily life, and abstrac-
tions of circles, rhombi, stars, and repeating patterns.
Often, the palaces of chiefs or emirs became sites
of art, especially with designs on the walls or in the
architecture of the structureall incorporating geo-
metrical designs.
Throughout west Africa, textiles have been a cen-
tral part of culture. From the multicolored patterns in
Sierra Leone to the deep blues and indigos of the Hau-
sas, the techniques of dyeing cloth have been popular,
especially with tied or sewn folds of the cloth to yield
intricate patterns of dyed and nondyed areas of the
material. Often, the use of symmetries and Euclidean
geometric constructions is necessary to produce the
desired circular, radial, rhombic, and zigzag patterns.
Woven cloth includes the brightly colored kente of
Ghana, the metallic shine of the Okenne cloth of west-
ern Nigeria, and others. Weaving requires engineering
mathematics to design and build looms, and then care-
ful planning so that the strips of material that come
Kente weaving is traditional among the Ashanti and Ewe people of Ghana, Africa. A kente cloth is sewn
together using narrow strips of brightly colored cloth with different geometric patterns.
Africa, West 21
off the looms will t together in two-dimensional sym-
metrical arrangements.
These traditional artistic products have been carried
into the present day. Traditional designs are now seen
in modern buildings throughout the region. Fashion-
able textiles sometimes use new materials or printed
cloth but continue the geometric traditions. Kente has
become a popular material not only in Ghana but also
in the United States, especially the symmetrical strips
used as wraps and ties. Recent studies by ethnomath-
ematician Ron Eglash have demonstrated a variety of
uses of fractal patterns in traditional west African arts,
ranging from repeating smaller patterns in the geo-
graphical arrangement of savannah villages, to neck-
laces and bracelets, carvings from Mali of increasingly
small antelopes, and even corn-row hair braids that
repeat smaller shapes as the pattern goes from the fore-
head and temples to the rear of the head.
Music and dance from west Africa are famous to
both ethnomusicologists and jazz acionadosand
to ethnomathematicians. The rhythm patterns, espe-
cially from complex drumming structures, often
involve unusual time signatures and alternations of
loud and soft sounds. The three-dimensional move-
ments of dance, like the carvings and textiles, show
complex symmetries and geometrical arrangements
of the dancers.
Early in the second millennium, Islam was intro-
duced in west Africa, along with Islamic mathemati-
cal studies. This introduction added to the original
practical base of west African mathematics, as west
Africans adapted Islamic counting methods, reected
not only in the languages of west Africa but also in
theoretical mathematics studied at scholarly centers
such as Timbuktu (in modern Mali) and Katsina (in
modern Nigeria).
Mathematics and West African Development
Since gaining independence, mostly in the 1960s, west
African countries have moved rapidly to modern-
ize. In the process, they have shown a dynamic use
of mathematicson a smaller scale than but similar
to the technical mathematics of the developed world.
Oil production in Nigeria, gold mining in Ghana,
and diamond mining in Sierra Leone all use modern
mathematical techniques, including those employed
by geological surveys, sophisticated industrial equip-
ment design, accounting, marketing, and business
management. New businesses are being established to
work with cell phones, the Internet, automatic teller
machines, television and lm production, and other
industries that rely on technical mathematics and engi-
neering. Modern freeways connect the larger cities and
are designed by civil engineers and urban planners.
Education and West African Mathematics
Education throughout west Africa has grown dramati-
cally since independenceuniversal primary education
remains elusive, but the percentage of children attend-
ing school is approaching that goal in several coun-
tries. Political independence also brought educational
independence, including national curricula offered by
the Ministries of Education, the West African Exami-
nations Councils system of standardized examinations,
and locally produced textbooks and teaching materials,
using familiar names, places, and situations in examples.
Local researchers are studying their own cultures, seek-
ing examples of ethnomathematics in traditional life,
often with the goal of using these ndings to strengthen
the content of school mathematics curricula. With only
a few universities in existence at the time of indepen-
dence, west African countries now have numerous uni-
versities. These are often managed by the national gov-
ernmentsthough some states of Nigeria operate their
own universities and research centers, and the number
of private universities is growing. These universities
offer degree programs in mathematics, the sciences,
engineering, and computer science, all with curricula
based on the accepted world standards of these elds.
Most countries have professional and scholarly organi-
zations of mathematicians and mathematics educators,
and periodically there are regional and continent-wide
conferences, such as the meetings of the African Math-
ematical Union (AMU). The AMUs activities include
the Commissions on Mathematics Education in Africa,
Women in Mathematics in Africa, the African Math-
ematics Olympiads, and publishing the journal Afrika
Matematica. Thus, even as west Africa maintains its tra-
ditional uses of mathematics in the arts and music, it
has also become a part of the modern world mathemat-
ics community.
Further Reading
Eglash, Ron. African Fractals: Modern Computing and
Indigenous Design. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 1999.
22 Africa, West
LaGamma, Alisa, and Christine Giuntini. The Essential
Art of African Textiles: Design Without End. New York:
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2008.
Mendonsa, Eugene L. West Africa: An Introduction to
Its History, Civilization and Contemporary Situation.
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2002.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern
in African Culture. 3rd ed. Chicago: Lawrence Hill
Books, 1999.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: African Mathematics; Arabic/Islamic
Mathematics; Textiles.
African Mathematics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry;
Measurement; Number and Operations;
Summary: Throughout African history, mathematics
has been used in the arts, in engineering and business
dealings, and in games.
As in all societies, mathematics has always been a part
of the cultures and daily life of people in Africa. One
difculty of studying African mathematics is that for
much of the history of Africa, the societies were non-
literate, relying on oral traditions to pass their stories
to the coming generations.
The wet tropical and subtropical climates of most
African civilizations destroyed whatever records may
have been keptor at least hid them from the eyes of
future probing historians. Hence, when assertions like
the rst African mathematical achievement are pro-
claimed, there should be a caveat that this is the rst
that we know of, for similar earlier achievements may
well have been lost to history. The African Mathematical
Union hosts a Commission on History of Mathemat-
ics in Africaand readily recognizes the difculty of
its charge when even details of the social, political, and
military history of precolonial Africa remain difcult
to nd. Discovering the history of African mathematics
is an even greater challenge. Hence, much mathematics
history in Africa remains speculative, based on general
understandings of how mathematics works in other
societies past and present, and tted into the growing
framework of bits and pieces of the history of Africa
and African society.
Modern Western mathematics (now used around
the world) has indeed come from the developments
in the European academy, but it is only the formalized
structures of pure theoretical mathematics and their
applications in science, industry, and technology that
grew from this theoretical work. However, mathemati-
cal thinking is much broader than the tightly logical
structures of academic mathematics. Everyone who
thinks about counting, arranging, or designingany-
one who makes strategic plans for achieving a goalis
thinking in mathematical terms. These examples of
mathematics have occurred in Africa as much as any-
where else in the world.
Development of African Mathematics
Before recorded history, Africans herded their animals,
planted and harvested crops, and built homes and
other structures. All these activities required mathe-
matics. Farming required nding the best time to plant
and the appropriate time for harvest. Over time, it is
likely that this led to formal or informal calendars, so
the farmers would be prepared to do their tasks at the
right time. They applied measurements and design as
they laid out their elds, including sorting out bound-
ary disputes with neighbors. Anthropologists have even
studied the variations in the arrangements of elds in
farming communities. When the time for harvesting
came, several other mathematical issues arose. Initially,
there would be a need for containers and storage bins
for the produce, requiring geometrical design.
Later, business mathematics would be used in the
marketseven those using barter systemsto deter-
mine the comparative values of the products, the gains
and losses, and the purchases of other products. Some
societies developed currenciesa famous example is
the use of strings and bundles of cowry shells by the
Yorubas. This probably contributed to the complex
numeration system of the Yoruba language, which can
handle very large numbers. It has even been suggested
that the use of higher numbers came as a result of ina-
tion requiring higher prices. Also, the use of strings and
bundles easily ows into the grouping used in place-
value of counting systems.
African Mathematics 23
Village life also measured the times of human life,
from the diurnal movement of the sun and language
of timekeeping, to the much longer periods of mile-
stones of maturitybirth, initiation as an adult, old
age, and death. These time markers sometimes went
beyond the individual and family, such that entire age
cohorts measured time and followed the appropri-
ate customs of their ages together. Kinship relations
sometimes were built into mathematical structures,
attempting to avoid disputes and maintain a smoothly
functioning society.
Over the past one to two millennia, villages grew and
coalesced into larger units. As societies grew beyond the
size of villages, the mathematics correspondingly grew.
The savanna of west Africa saw Songhai, ancient Mali
and Ghana, and the Hausa States. The Swahili civiliza-
tion grew along the coast of the Indian Ocean in east
Africa. Also, trading links reached to increasingly distant
targets across the Sahara and along distant stretches of
ocean coastline. Although few records have survived,
it is acknowledged that large governmental and trad-
ing organizations required complex record keeping and
accounting. A trader would certainly want to keep care-
ful records of items being traded to avoid being cheated
by faraway customers. Governments had to handle
administrative and logistical details of the equivalent
of civil servants and the kings retinue, and, especially,
of armies. Longer trade routes required the design of
stronger boats for coastal travel and navigational skills
for caravan travel across empty desert landscapes. Also,
the needs for currencies grew far beyond those of local
markets, as traders had to convert the prices of the sellers
to those of the buyers and still control costs and prots.
Reaching out from local roots also put Africans in
contact with othersand often, the reverse happened
as outside groups came into Africa. Either way, this
led to a mixing of culture and a growth of experience.
Mathematical ideas jumped from culture to culture,
contributing a growth of power and sophistication
of mathematics. It is reported that when king Mansa
Musa of Mali accepted Islam and traveled across the
Sahara to make the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324
1325 c.e., he brought so much of the golden riches of
his empire that he upset the economy of Egypt as he
passed through! The ow of the Arabs into both west
Africa and east Africa brought the intellectual riches of
Islamic mathematics. Even in the terminology of count-
ing words, Arabic inuence can be seen in the words
for the decade numbers (20, 30, 40, and so on) in both
the Hausa language of west Africa and Swahili of east
Africa. Arab mathematics, which would later also make
fundamental contributions to European mathematics,
was taught in Quranic schools, and scholarly centers
were established in various place including Timbuktu
and Mombasa. One of the few documented examples
of precolonial history of mathematics in west Africa
was the work of Muhammad ibn Muhammad, who
worked in Katsinanow in northern Nigeriain the
early 1700s. Interestingly, part of his work became con-
troversialhis calculations of magic squares, which
some of the Islamic authorities considered as irting
with the occult. The astronomical calculations required
to maintain the calendar of Islamic festivals led to a
growth of formalized geometry and trigonometry.
Mathematics in Egypt
In addition to the mathematics of subsistence, daily
life, government, and trade, there was also consider-
able mathematics used in the arts and recreation. Prob-
ably the most famous and spectacular mathematics of
24 African Mathematics
A string of cowry shells on display in a museum. The
Yorubas used these shells as currency.
the arts and architecture on the African continent is
the mathematics of early Egypt. Beyond the famous
hieroglyphic mathematics of ancient Egyptian numer-
als and the arithmetic of the problems found in rolls
of papyrus, the mathematics of Egyptian architecture
reached the level of wonders of the world. Notably, the
famous pyramids are built with precise lengths, angles,
and alignments. They t into near-perfect geometrical
shapesall the more impressive given their massive
size and the belief they were actually constructed by
uneducated laborers working under the supervision
of masters of labor. The mathematical history ques-
tions remain: Who did the design work? How were the
designs communicated to the individual laborers?
Mathematics in Sub-Saharan Africa
In sub-Saharan Africa such spectacular wonders are
not often seen, but the mathematics of the arts remains
impressive. Other architectural examples include the
massive structure of the Zimbabwe fortress as well as
decorative design in chiefs palaces and public struc-
tures throughout the continent. Walls are often deco-
rated with geometrical patternssome to be washed
off for new work when a new king would arrive.
On a smaller scale, many parts of Africa are known
for their textile designs. Sierra Leone has intricate tie-
and-dye patterns in cloth. Akan weavers in Ghana pro-
duce long strips of woven kente cloth in bright colors
of red, blue, green, and gold, and then align them side
by side to create broad sheets used as toga-like robes
in traditional dress. Okenne weavers also make cloth,
often with metallic threads giving a shiny appearance
to the design. All of these patterns require mathemat-
ics in their designespecially considerations of sym-
metry. Tie-and-dye requires careful planning of the
ties so that the resulting dye pattern reects the design
pattern. Kente and Okenne cloth show symmetry both
along the initial woven strips and also across the strips
in the full cloth of the robe.
The sculptures from many parts of Africa contrib-
uted to some of the designs of modern Western art. They
show much use of symmetry, scale distortion, and even
repetitive fractal-like patterns. Similarly, African music
and dance, especially from west Africa, show mathe-
matically complex rhythm structures in drumming and
in the use of a variety of plucked and strummed musi-
cal instruments. Like African art, the music of Africa
has contributed much to Western music, especially via
the music the African slaves brought to the Americas,
which formed the roots of jazz.
Beyond the arts, recreational mathematics is seen in
numerous African games and pastimes. The best exam-
ple is the many varieties of the mancala games (known
under various names in different countries), which
involve sharing seeds into pits in a game board, trying
to capture the seeds of the opponent. There are many
variations of the rules but all require a careful strategy
of play and mathematical problem solving. Some game
experts have listed mancala among the great games of
the world.
Further Reading
Gerdes, Paulus. Geometry From Africa: Mathematical
and Educational Explorations. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 1999.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern
in African Culture. 3rd ed. Chicago: Lawrence Hill
Books, 1999.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Africa, Central; Africa, Eastern; Africa,
Southern; Africa, West; Arabic/Islamic Mathematics;
Egyptian Mathematics.
Aircraft Design
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Summary: Mathematics plays a pivotal role in
designing, manufacturing, and enhancing aircraft
components and launch platforms.
Achieving ight has been a dream of mankind since
prehistory, one never abandoned. As early as Leonardo
Aircraft Design 25
da Vinci, mathematicsthe cornerstone of engineering
and physicswas recognized as the key to realizing the
dream. Da Vincis 1505 Codex on the Flight of Birds,
for instance, is a brief illustration-heavy discussion
attempting to discover the mechanics of birdight in
order to replicate those mechanics in manmade ying
machines. Da Vinci considered not simply the wing-
span and weight of birds but a edgling notion of aero-
dynamics. He was the rst to note that in a bird in ight,
the center of gravitythe mean location of the gravita-
tional forces acting on the birdwas located separately
from its center of pressure where the total sum of the
pressure eld acts on the bird. This fact would be impor-
tant in later centuries when aircraft were designed that
are longitudinally stable. Today, mathematics is used in
the study of all aspects of ight, from launch platform
design to the physics of sonic booms.
Complex Analysis and the Joukowski Airfoil
Abstract mathematics can nd its place in physical appli-
cations people experience quite often. For example, com-
plex analysis and mappings play a vital role in aircraft. In
laymans terms, complex analysis essentially amounts to
reformulating all the concepts of calculus using complex
numbers as opposed to real numbers. This formula-
tion leads to new concepts that cannot be achieved with
only real numbers. In fact, the very notion of graphing
complex functions, rather than real functions, is quite
differentmathematicians often call the graphing of
complex functions a mapping. Taking a simplistic geo-
metric gure, like a circle, and then applying a complex
function transforms the gure into a more complicated
geometric structure. One gure that results from such
a transformation looks like an airplane wing. Further-
more, one can consider the curves surrounding the circle
as uid ow, that is, air currents, and we obtain a rudi-
mentary model of airow around an airplane wing. This
transformation is entitled the Joukowski Airfoil, which
is named after the Russian mathematician and scientist
Nikolai Joukowski (18471921), who is considered a
pioneer in the eld of aerodynamics. Variations of this
transformation have been utilized in applications for the
construction of airplane wings.
Nature-Inspired Algorithms
An example of how various elds of mathematics, sci-
ence, and engineering coalesce is epitomized at the
Morpheus Laboratory, where applications of methods
and systems found in nature are applied to the study
and design of various types of aircraft. For example,
biologically inspired research is conducted by study-
ing an assortment of details related to the mechanics
of birds in ight.
Birds are an example of near perfection in ight, a
fact that humans have long observed. Birds have been
evolving for millions for years and have adapted to var-
ious environmental changes, thus altering their ight
mechanics accordingly. By studying the mathemati-
cal properties related to their wing morphing, surface
pressure sensing, lift, drag, and acceleration, among
other aspects, the researchers at Morpheus Laboratory
can use the knowledge they have gleaned and apply it
to several different types of aircraft. In order to accom-
plish this feat, mechanical models of actual birds are
constructed and analyzed. Morpheus researchers uti-
lize an assortment of mathematics and physics, includ-
ing uid mechanics (the study of air ow in this case)
and computer simulations, to analyze the data that
result from studying the mechanical birds in ight. The
analysis, in turn, results in novel perspectives in ight
as well as the design of innovative types of planes.
In addition, many of the problems that arise regard-
ing the machinery and components that comprise an
aircraft carrier can also be potentially solved via Dar-
winian-inspired mathematical models. For example, the
structural components of aircraft are constantly being
optimized, as numerical performance is attempted to
be maximized while cost is minimized.
The managing of cabin pressurization has made it
possible for aircraft to y safely under various weather
conditions and landscape formations. This ability is due
in large part to devices known as pressure bulkheads,
which close the extremities of the pressurized cabins.
Because of the wealth of physical phenomena that inu-
ence the stability of these bulkheads, such as varying
pressures, it has been a challenge to optimize their design.
In the early twenty-rst century, it was proposed that the
bulkheads should have a dome-like shape, as apposed to
a at one, which was suggested by both mathematical
and biological evidence. Interestingly, these two struc-
tures demonstrate completely dissimilar mechanical
behaviors, which lead researchers to consider different
approaches to modeling the dome-like bulkheads.
The dome-like structured bulkheads are analogous
to biological membranes and can be mathematically
modeled in a similar fashion. In addition to the imple-
26 Aircraft Design
mentation of these membrane-like designs, the mini-
mization of the cost of their construction and the assur-
ance of their durability is mathematically modeled.
Simulating Sonic Booms
Every time an aircraft travels faster than the speed of
sound, a very loud noise is produced called a sonic
boom. The boom itself results when an aircraft travels
faster than the speed of the corresponding sound waves.
The boom is a continuous event, as opposed to an
instantaneous sound, which is a result of the compres-
sion of the sound waves. Other fast-moving projectiles
like bullets and missiles also produce sonic booms.
Mathematically, this concept means that the veloc-
ity of an aircraft (v
) exceeds the wave velocity of sound
). The Mach Number (M), named after the Austrian
physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (18381916), is
dened as the ratio of the velocity of an aircraft to the
velocity of sound. This ratio is expressed mathemati-
cally as
= .
When v
< v
, M < 1, the object is moving at what is
often referred to as subsonic speed. If v
= v
, M = 1,
and the object is moving at what is frequently called
sonic speed. Whenever v
> v
, M > 1, and the object
is moving at what is titled supersonic speed. Further-
more, whenever v
> v
, a shock wave is produced.
The shock waves from jet airplanes that travel at
supersonic speeds carry a great amount of concen-
trated energy resulting in great pressure variations. In
fact, two booms are often produced when jets y at
supersonic speeds. Usually, these two booms coalesce
Aircraft Design 27
Scientists at the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) envisioned this design as a twenty-
first-century aerospace vehicle. The Morphing Airplane is part of NASAs vision for aircraft of the future.
into an N-shaped sound wave that propagates in the
atmosphere toward the ground. Although shock waves
are exceedingly interesting, they can be unpleasant to
the human ear and can also cause damage to buildings
including the shattering of windows.
However, there is increasing economical interest
in designing aircraft carriers that can travel at super-
sonic speeds with a low sonic boom. To demonstrate,
the ight time for a trip from New York to Los Ange-
les can essentially be cut from 10% to 50% if the plane
ies at a supersonic cruise speed instead of subsonic
speed. Therefore, physicists are currently developing
adaptive methods that model sonic booms in order
to ultimately develop aircraft that can travel at super-
sonic speeds without causing structural damage
aircraft that create a low sonic boom. Aspects such as
near-eld airow as well as pressure distribution have
been analyzed in these models by utilizing techniques
of mathematical analysis.
Aircraft Carriers
Airplanes were a major evolution in modern warfare.
World War II aircraft carriers that moved airplanes
closer to targets that would otherwise be well beyond
their fuel ranges proved to be pivotal to many battles,
especially in the Pacic. They continue to be a key com-
ponent of many countries navies for rapid deployment
of aircraft for surveillance, rescue, and other military
uses. Launching from and landing airplanes on aircraft
carriers is considered one of the most challenging pilot
tasks because of the restricted length of the deck and
the constant motion of the deck in three dimensions.
A catapult launch system gives planes the added thrust
they need to achieve liftoff and requires calculations
that take into account mass, angles, force, and speed.
Similar issues apply to the tailhook capture system that
stops planes when they land.
There are also signicant scheduling issues for mul-
tiple aircraft on a carrier, fuel use, weapons logistics,
and radar systems used to monitor both friendly and
enemy planes. Aircraft carriers are like large, self-con-
tained oating cities. Mathematicians work in the
nuclear or other power plants that provide electricity
for the massive aircraft carriers of the twenty-rst cen-
tury and in many other logistics areas beyond direct
ight launch and control. They also help design and
improve aircraft carriers. For example, mathematician
Nira Chamberlain modeled the lifetime running costs
of aircraft carriers versus operating budgets to develop
what are known as cost capability trade-off models,
which were used to help make decisions about opera-
tions. He also worked on plans for efciently equipping
ships to optimize speedy access to spare components.
Some of the mathematical methods he used include
network theory, Monte Carlo simulation, and various
mathematical optimization techniques.
Further Reading
Alauzet, Frederic, and Adrien Loseille. Higher-Order
Sonic Boom Modeling Based on Adaptive Methods.
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010).
Balogh, Andres. Computational Analysis of a Boundary
Controlled Aircraft Wing Model. Sixth International
Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering
and Aerospace Sciences. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2007.
Freiberger, Marianne. Career Interview With Nira
Chamberlain: Mathematical Modelling Consultant.
Morpheus Laboratory.
Niu, Michael Chun-Yung, and Mike Niu. Airframe
Structural Design: Practical Design Information and
Data on Aircraft Structures. Granada Hills, CA: Adaso
Adastra Engineering Center, 1999.
Viana, Felippe, et al. Optimization of Aircraft Structural
Components by Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms
and Multi-Fidelity Approximations. Journal of Global
Optimization 45 (2009).
Yong, Fan, et al. Aeroservoelastic Model-Based Active
Control for Large Civil Aircraft. Science China:
Technological Sciences 53 (2010).
Daniel J. Galiffa
See Also: Airplanes/Flight; Mathematics, Applied;
Numbers, Complex; Weightless Flight.
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra in Society; Geometry in
Society; Number and Operations.
28 Airplanes/Flight
Summary: Aerodynamics is necessary to
understanding the ight of objects through three-
dimensional space and the forces acting upon them.
Human ight involves moving in a three-dimensional
environment within the atmosphere in a stable, con-
trolled way. Aerodynamics is the study of forces and
the resulting motion of objects through air. It comes
from Greek aerios, meaning air, and dynamis, mean-
ing force. Mathematics is fundamental to under-
standing ight and in the design of different ying
devices and machines, including kites, balloons,
helicopters, and airplanes. From Orville and Wil-
bur Wrights initial experiments with gliders at the
beginning of the twentieth century, to the breaking
of the sound barrier in the middle of the century, to
the development of suborbital craft at the start of the
twenty-rst century, airplanes have been constructed
in many different forms.
However, the ability to y for all xed-wing aircraft
ultimately depends on a differential movement of air
above and below the wings to generate positive lift.
Control depends on three parameters, known as pitch,
yaw, and roll, that are angles of rotation in three
dimensions or axes about the planes center of mass.
Mathematicians and others continue to study ight in
order to more fully understand the mathematical and
scientic principles that keep heavier-than-air craft in
the air and to produce designs that are faster, safer, and
more efcient. They also explore related issues in air
travel, such as optimal strategies for loading passengers
onto planes and the scheduling of aircraft ight crews.
Mathematical History
Stories from many cultures around the world suggest
that humans have been interested in ight for thou-
sands of years. There is evidence that the Chinese used
kites well before the rst century c.e. Leonardo da Vinci
The Father of Aviation
ngineer George Cayley (17731857), working
in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, is
often called the father of modern aviation for
his research, which helped identify the aerody-
namic forces of ight: weight, lift, drag, and thrust.
Though Cayley experimented with manned gliders,
modern heavier-than-air ight is generally traced
to the 1903 launch of the Wright Flyer, a twin pro-
peller biplane with a single motor to provide thrust
and mechanisms so that the pilot could control
for pitch, roll, and yaw.
Their design helped overcome previous obsta-
cles to sustained stable and controlled ight by
adding ailerons to the wings, elevators to the tail
surfaces, and rudders to the fuselage to man-
age airow. By common convention, roll is motion
about the longitudinal axis of the plane. Yaw is
movement about the vertical body axis. Pitch is
movement about an axis that is perpendicular to
the longitudinal plane of symmetry. Pilots require
a rm grasp of this three-dimensional geometry to
navigate aircraft and follow directional headings.
George Cayleys Governable Parachute design
was printed in Mechanics Magazine in 1857.
Airplanes/Flight 29
recorded his studies of ight in the fteenth century
with more than 100 drawings, including his theoretical
ornithopter. Air is a uid, and so much of the mathe-
matics of ight science derives from uid force studies,
such as those performed by mathematician Daniel Ber-
noulli in the seventeenth century. Bernoullis principle
is one foundation of ight mechanics.
Mathematical models for ight rely on the Navier-
Stokes equations, named for mathematicians Claude-
Louis Navier and George Stokes, which are fundamen-
tal partial differential equations describing uid ow.
They have many extensions. The DarcyWeisbach
equation, derived by dimensional analysis and named
for engineer Henry Darcy and mathematician Julius
Weisbach, is important to understanding the dissipa-
tion of energy because of friction, such as drag. Work-
ing in the early twentieth century, mathematician Otto
Blumenthal studied the theory of complex functions,
which he also applied to problems such as stress in air-
plane wings. Mathematician Selig Brodetsky studied
equations of airplane motion, including three-dimen-
sional phugoids, which are extensions of common,
undesirable oscillatory motions where a plane pitches
up and climbs, then pitches down and descends, with
changes in airspeed. Peter Lax studied a class of non-
linear equations that can develop singularities, which
have applications in aerodynamics that are related
to phenomena like the shock waves that result from
breaking the sound barrier.
Principles of Flight
Balloons are an example of lighter-than-air craft that
use buoyancy to ascend and descend within the atmo-
sphere, and hot air balloons are known to have been
explored and used in the eighteenth century. There is
also evidence that miniature hot air balloons were used
in China for several centuries.
Heavier-than-air craft use the principle of lift to
overcome gravity. There have been various mathemati-
cal and physical theories posed regarding how lift in
airplane wings is accomplished. Aerodynamicists have
analyzed how the motion of the air over an airplane
wing creates circulation and differential pressure above
and below the wing, which creates lift. Lifting forces
on the airfoil are perpendicular to the motion of the
lifting surface through the air and, in level ight, they
counteract gravity. An observable example is the sing
or hum that occurs in telephone wires in a steady wind,
which is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices. This
effect is because of the oscillations induced by a phe-
nomenon called vortex shedding, which causes the
wires to oscillate perpendicular to the wind ow.
Studies and models suggest that an airfoil pro-
duces circulation in a similar manner. Airfoils can be
optimally designed to take advantage of this effect by
allowing a smooth ow to develop over the surface of
the airfoil, called laminar ow. The Reynolds num-
ber, named for mathematician Osborne Reynolds,
quanties laminar ow. Without laminar ow over an
airfoil, turbulence is produced and vortex shedding
occurs. Others suggest that aircraft lift is a Newtonian
reaction force, named for Isaac Newton, coupled with
the Coand effect, named for engineer Henri Coand,
which is the tendency of a uid to be attracted to a
surface, like an airplane wing. The wing pushes the air
down, so the air pushes the wing up.
Lift and Thrust
In general, a pilot taking off from the ground initially
accelerates directly into oncoming wind whenever
possible, since there is agreement based on observa-
tion and mathematics that relative forward motion of
the planes wings with respect to the air is required for
ight. Usually, the plane itself is in motion, though a
strong wind over a stationary wing can also generate
some lift. To maintain a steady, level ight path after
takeoff, without any added acceleration, two math-
ematical relations must be maintained: thrust = drag
and lift = weight. Early aircraft engines were powered
by gasoline, similar to automobile combustion engines.
A fundamental problem of weight, which inhibited lift,
was solved by using aluminum as a construction mate-
rial. Although oxygen is needed to burn gasoline, it is
not carried by the aircraft but extracted from the atmo-
sphere so that it does not add to the mass of the aircraft.
Jet engines compress and discharge a fast-moving jet of
air to generate thrust, using the same principles of uid
dynamics that govern other aspects of aircraft ight,
according to Newtons third law of motion. In contrast,
a rocket must carry propellants, both fuel and oxidizer,
and can thus y outside of the atmosphere. The added
force helps compensate for the extra weight.
Flight Speed
The types of speeds of ight are typically classied as
slow subsonic ight, fast subsonic ight, trans-sonic
30 Airplanes/Flight
ight, and supersonic ight. The Bell X-1 rocket-pro-
pelled airplane is credited as the rst piloted aircraft
in the world to break the sound barrier, under control
of test pilot Charles Yeager. Other planes have been
thought to have broken the sound barrier during steep
dives, which many do not consider ight. The joint
United Kingdom and France plane known as the Con-
corde, which ew from the 1970s until its retirement
in 2003, was the only commercial supersonic aircraft.
Commercial jets of the early twenty-rst century typi-
cally achieve speeds in the range of 80% to 85% of the
speed of sound, the slower end of trans-sonic ight.
The design speeds tend to avoid compressibil-
ity effects in air, which occur above roughly 80% of
Mach 1. The Mach number is a ratio of the speed of
the aircraft to the speed of sound at the aircrafts alti-
tude. Supersonic ight requires much more energy to
sustain, and generally only military aircraft conduct
sustained supersonic ight within the atmosphere.
The Prandtl-Glauert equation, named for scientists
Ludwig Prandtl and Hermann Glauert, is used to help
correct computations of uid ow at high speeds a
function of compressibility, while the Prandtl-Glauert
singularity is observed as a visible cloud of vapor that
results from air pressure changes around a trans-sonic
airplane. The pressures can be modeled as an N-wave,
named because a plot of pressure versus time resem-
bles the letter N.
A mode of atmospheric ight explored with experi-
mental aircraft at the beginning of the twenty-rst
century is hypersonic ight, which starts at speeds
approximately 510 times the speed of sound. Special
engines must be developed to make this speed pos-
sible. Previously, the Lockheed Aircraft SR-71 held the
speed record at greater than Mach 3. It was powered by
a special fuel and was air breathing. In 1974, the SR-71
set a speed record ying across the Atlantic from Beale
Air Force Base in Louisiana to London in less than two
hours. This ight occurred many decades after aviator
Beryl Markhams speculations about ying the Atlantic
in an hour. Hypersonic aircraft ying at speeds greater
than Mach 5 likely will be powered by different forms
of air breathing propulsion systems, such as turbine-
free engines known as scramjets, which at very high
speeds use ram air compression to ignite a fuel in the
engine. In principle, such designs have the capability of
going at very high speeds at high altitude and form a
transition to spaceight.
Further Reading
Anderson, David, and Scott Eberhardt. Understanding
Flight. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Tennekes, Henk. The Simple Science of Flight: From
Insects to Jumbo Jets. Revised and expanded ed.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.
Julian Palmore
See Also: Aircraft Design; Skydiving; Weightless
Flight; Wheel; Wind and Wind Power.
Algebra and
Algebra Education
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Algebra and algebra education have
undergone many radical changes and remain highly
adaptable mathematical disciplines with many real-
world applications.
When they hear the term algebra, many people may
think only of solving an equation for an unknown vari-
able x. In reality, algebra is a broad mathematical dis-
cipline that includes a range of theories and methods
and which has no single agreed-upon denition. Even
young children may engage in algebraic reasoning, such
as understanding the relationships between quantities
or manipulating symbols, without referring to it by
name. For much of human history, computations were
likely performed using a variety of words and symbols
to meet needs such as accounting, taxation, and plant-
ing. There is evidence of algebraic problem solving in
Egypt and Babylonia. Their techniques appear to have
relied a great deal on spoken rhetoric rather than sym-
bol manipulation, though the Babylonians solved qua-
dratic equations using methods similar to those taught
in the twenty-rst century.
Algebraic thinking is also found in works from
ancient China. Greeks, Hindus, Arabs, Persians, and
Europeans all made advances and contributions to
Algebra and Algebra Education 31
algebra, and the term is derived from an Arabic word.
In the nineteenth century, mathematicians began to
expand the notions of algebraic form and structure to
encompass more types of mathematical objects such as
vectors and matrices as well as operations that could be
carried out upon these objects. Also, algebra was not
constrained to the ordinary systems of numbers, and
noncommutative algebras emerged. The discipline of
abstract or modern algebra has grown even further to
encompass concepts like groups, rings, and elds.
Concurrently, algebra has become increasingly
more important in education at all levels. One of the
perceived advantages of algebra and algebraic thinking
is that problem solving can be accomplished by sym-
bolic manipulation rules without constant reference to
meaning, and these generalized problem-solving skills
are viewed as advantageous for students in a wide range
of life and occupations skills. This notion has led to a
somewhat controversial algebra for all approach in
many K12 educational systems in which all students
must take an algebra course before graduating, and
basic algebraic concepts are introduced as early as the
primary grades.
Early History
Even in the classical and ancient period, people had
started to use numerals such as 1, 2, and 3 (or I, II, and
III, for example) to represent quantities. Numerals,
however, bore a direct relation to the quantity being
counted. The numeral 1, for instance, only ever referred
to a quantity of one. In ancient Egypt, some mathema-
ticians had started to use other symbols, called ahau,
to represent unknown quantities. These symbols are
called variables in the twenty-rst century because
the quantity or number they represented could vary.
But the variation in quantity that the Egyptians allowed
for was much more restricted than what is allowed for
in modern algebra. For example, the symbol x can refer
to any number (whole, integer, or other) depending on
the mathematical context in which it is used.
Thus, while ancient Egyptians and mathematicians
in other ancient civilizations may have used symbols
to represent quantities, they did not use symbols in the
generalized way in which they are used today. In fact,
it was only in the third century c.e. that a Greek math-
ematician, Diophantus of Alexandria, rst used letters
of the alphabet to stand in for numbers. It is because
of Diophantuss works that mathematicians started to
express an unknown quantity using symbols such as
x and y rather than written words.
Diophantuss symbolical technique was not widespread,
however. In fact, the term algebra actually stems from
a period much later than that of Diophantus. It comes
from the work of the eighth-century Muslim scholar
Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khowarizmi (there are vari-
ous spellings of his name). Al-Khowarizmi worked as a
scholar and intellectual during the reign of the Caliph
al-Mamun (r. 813833 c.e.).
Al-Khowarizmi was a prominent member of the
Bayt al-Hikma, the House of Wisdom, which the
32 Algebra and Algebra Education
Pioneers in algebra include Muslim scholar Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khowarizmi, Italian mathematician and friar
Luca Pacioli, and French mathematicians Ren Descartes and variste Galois.
Caliph had created as an academy and library to pro-
mote science. Al-Khowarizmis book, Al-Kitab al-
mukhtasar hisab al-jabr wal-muqabalah (an abridged
book on the operations of al-jabr and al-muqabalah)
is the oldest surviving Arabic book on mathematics.
Al-Khowarizmi was also one of the rst algebra teach-
ers, as he taught algebra within the Bayt al-Hikma as
a subject on its own. Although the ancient Egyptians
and Babylonians did produce texts on arithmetic, alge-
braic, and geometric problems as early as 2000 b.c.e.,
Al-Khowarizmi was among the rst to teach algebra as
a science on its own rather than as a subbranch of other
branches of mathematics.
The word al-jabr, from which the modern-day term
algebra is derived, rst appeared in the title of Al-
Khowarizmis book. Some historians have interpreted it
to mean the restoration of a broken bone or, in math-
ematical terms, the removal of the negative quantity
from the equation, while the word al-muqabalah has
often been interpreted to mean the removal of positive
quantities. Gandz has contested these interpretations,
however, to argue that a better translation of al-jabr is
simply the science of equations.
Europeans rst became acquainted with Al-Khowar-
izmis works through Latin translations by Gerhard
of Cremona (11141187) and Robert of Chester (c.
1150), both of which rst appeared in the twelfth
century. Historians have often accredited these Latin
translations of Arabic mathematics with the origins of
European algebra. One of the rst European treatises
on algebra to emerge in the Renaissance period was
written by the Italian mathematician and friar Luca
Pacioli in 1494. Other Italians worked on varied alge-
braic problems in subsequent years, including Scipi-
one del Ferro (14651526), who was able to derive
the solution to a cubic equation in the early sixteenth
century. The Italian mathematician, Niccol Tartaglia
(14991557), derived a general solution to cubic equa-
tions a few years later.
In the same century, the French mathematician Ren
Descartes (15961650) began to combine algebra (and
algebraic rules) with geometry. Descartes was the rst to
apply algebra to the study of geometric curves. In 1637,
he published a work in which he represented curves
by means of algebraic equations. Descartes innova-
tion was to study curves in their algebraic form rather
than in their geometric form. The result was a eld of
mathematics known as analytic geometry (also called
geometric analysis) according to some eighteenth and
nineteenth practitioners. Analytic geometry allowed
mathematicians to use symbols, along with the rules
that govern the combination and interaction of sym-
bols, to solve problems related to the motion of bodies
in space and the behavior of geometrical objects, such
as circles, parabolas, and hyperbolas.
Solving Equations
Algebra could therefore be used to nd solutions to lin-
ear equations such as ax + by = 0, which describe lines
in space; quadratic equations, such as ax
+ bx + c
= y,
which describe parabolas in space; cubic equations, such
as ax
+ bx
+ cx + d
= 0, which describe cubic relations
in space; and other higher-order equations, such as
+ a
+ a
, which describe various curves.
The upshot of the Cartesian use of algebra in geometry
was that algebraic manipulations could be used to also
solve systems of equations, such as
ax + by = c
dx + by = f.
Another outcome of the rise of analytic geometry
was the development of the calculus in the seventeenth
century. However, although calculus uses the tools of
algebraincluding symbolic representation and alge-
braic manipulationto compute its solutions, it is not
the same as algebra. Algebra is generally understood
to include only those expressions that possess a nite
number of terms and factors. This means that the
computation of solutions to algebraic equations termi-
nates after a certain number of steps. In calculus, on
the other hand, the concept of a limit means that the
process of differentiation can be repeated ad nauseam
and therefore never terminate.
Modern Period
Over the course of the past 1000 years, algebra has
thus expanded from a basic use of symbols in sim-
ple numerical reasoning to the analysis of structures
called algebraic elds and groups in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. In fact, the modern period
in algebra is typically understood as having begun in
the early nineteenth century with the work of math-
ematicians such as the French mathematicians Joseph
Algebra and Algebra Education 33
Louis Lagrange (17361813) and variste Galois
(18111832), as well as the Norwegian mathematician
Niels Henrik Abel (18021829). Galois, for instance,
worked on the concept of an algebraic eld. Though
Galois died prematurely young at the age of 20 (as the
result of a duel in which he was shot), his work later
culminated in what is called Galois Theory.
Another important change in the eld of algebra
occurred in the mid-nineteenth century with the alge-
braic-geometric work of the Irish natural philosopher
Sir William Rowan Hamilton (18051865). Hamilton
started to work on couples (number-pairs that can be
represented as (x, y) on a Cartesian graph) to under-
stand the algebra that could be used to describe their
In trying to extend the algebra of couples to the
algebra of triplets (numbers that could be represented
by the point (x, y, z) on a three-dimensional axis sys-
tem), Hamilton generated an interesting mathematical
operator known as the quaternion. The quaternion
can be represented as w + xi + yj + zk, where w, x, y,
and z represent real numbers, and i, j, and k represent
imaginary numbers. To get his quaternion algebra to
work, however, Hamilton had to manipulate the stan-
dard rules of algebra as they were conceived of at the
time. While it is the case in normal arithmetic that
1 2 = 2 1, such that the order of the numbers does
not affect the outcome of the operation of multipli-
cation, Hamiltons quaternions did not follow this
rule. Hamilton found that when numbers are repre-
sented as directed lines in space (called vectors), the
order in which the numbers are multiplied with one
another does matter. In Hamiltons algebra, therefore,
1 2 2 1. Rather, 1 2 = (2 1).
Hamilton is often seen as a pioneer in the study of
algebras. Based on his work in quaternion algebra, other
mathematicians developed the idea that by changing
the rules of the gameby playing around with the
standard rules of algebra and arithmetic, such as the
commutative principle in multiplicationone could
generate new algebraic systems in which the compo-
nent partsthe variables being manipulated and the
objects they representdo not necessarily follow the
same rules as normal algebra.
Another mathematician who developed a simi-
larly new algebraic system was Hermann Grassmann
(18091877). However, Grassmanns works were
largely unknown across Europe until the mid-nine-
teenth century, by which point Hamilton had already
published his major works on quaternions. A British
mathematician who attempted to extend Hamilton and
Grassmanns new algebraic systems to n-dimensional
space was William Kingdon Clifford (18451879). Clif-
ford died young, and, as a result, it took many years for
his bi-quaternion algebraic operator to become widely
known, understood, or used.
Fermats Theorem
The history of algebra is therefore replete with break-
throughs. In the seventeenth century, a French math-
ematician, Pierre de Fermat, worked on a problem in
number theory that he had picked up while studying
the works of Diophantus. Fermat was interested in
studying the Pythagorean numbers. Pythagorean num-
bers are sets of three numbers, such as a, b, and c, which
satisfy the equation a
+ b
. Students often learn
about Pythagorean numbers through the Pythagorean
theorem, which describes the length of sides in right-
angle triangles in geometry. Fermat, however, was not
interested in triangles so much as he was interested
in the consequences of slight manipulations to the
Pythagorean theorem.
He attempted to determine the consequence of
manipulating the exponents in the Pythagorean num-
bers from 2 to n. In so doing he wrote, I have dis-
covered a truly remarkable proof Fermat explained
that when the Pythagorean theorem is made to read
+ b
, the new equation has no integer solutions
for any value of n greater than 2. In other words, it
is impossible to nd numbers a, b, and c that satisfy
the equation a
+ b
. Fermat never offered a full
proof of this claim and mathematicians ever since have
struggled to generate it. This bit of algebra is still called
a theorem to indicate that, although it is believed to
be true, one cannot be sure that it actually holds true
for all integer values of n.
Mathematicians who have tried to prove Fermats
Theorem over the years have been led to develop other
branches of algebra along the way. One example is Edu-
ard Kummer (18101893), who created the concept
of ideals in algebra. The theory of ideals remains an
important tool in algebraic systems. An ideal A is a
(nonempty) subset of a ring R whenever the sum of two
elements of A is an element of A as well. In addition, if a
is any element of the subset A, and r is any element of the
ring R, the products ar and ra are both in the subset A.
34 Algebra and Algebra Education
An example of this is the integer 3. All of the multiples of
3 form an ideal in the ring of the set of integers.
Later Developments
By the late nineteenth century, mathematicians in
Europe, Great Britain, and the United States also
became interested in studying the structure of certain
algebraic equations. Rather than concerning themselves
with particular solutions to individual equations, these
mathematicians wanted to identify the axioms (or laws)
that governed the behavior of differing algebraic equa-
tions. These mathematicians focused on the structure
of algebraic systems, where a system consists of a set of
elements and a set of operations that abide by certain
axioms (or rules). The simplest example of an algebraic
structure is called a group. The French mathemati-
cian Camille Jordan (18331922), the German math-
ematician Felix Klein (18491925), and the Norwegian
Sophus Lie (18421899) studied groups and did much
to establish this area of algebraic research, although
older mathematicians such as the eighteenth-century
German mathematician Leonhard Euler and the nine-
teenth-century German mathematician Carl F. Gauss
(17771855) had already developed some foundational
notions that related to abstract groups. Groups are a
fundamentally nineteenth-century idea. By the mid-
twentieth century, the notion of a group had become
widely accepted and had even come to form the core of
abstract algebra.
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centu-
ries, mathematicians who worked on various aspects
of algebraic structure included people such as Benja-
min Pierce, Eduard Study, Karl Weierstrass, Richard
Dedekind, Theodor Molien, lie Cartan, Emil Artin,
and the twentieth-century female mathematician
Emmy Noether (and the entire school of mathemati-
cians that she fostered). Some of the groups that they
helped to dene, use, and develop include semigroups,
loops, rings, integral domains, elds, lattices, modules,
Boolean algebras, and linear algebras, among others.
In the twentieth and twenty-rst centuries, abstract
algebra has come to include a wide variety of subject
topics, including negative and complex numbers,
proportions, theory of exponents, nite arithmetic
progression, geometric progression, mathematical
induction, the binomial theorem, permutations and
combinations, the theory of equations, partial frac-
tions, inequalities, and determinants.
Algebra Instruction
Algebra developed because of the need to solve real-life
questions and as an extension of mathematical investi-
gations, but in the eighteenth century, mathematicians
such as Colin Maclaurin and Euler thought of algebra
as a universal arithmetic, and education focused on
solving equations for unknown quantities by symbol
assignment and manipulation. The focus on symbol
manipulation and transformational activities such as
collecting like terms, factoring, and simplifying equa-
tions continued in school algebra until the mid-1960s,
when educators experimented with ways to make alge-
bra more meaningful to students. By the early 1990s,
generational activities that included algebra as a way
to describe numerical or geometric patterns replaced
transformational activities in some countries. Teachers
also investigated the effectiveness of a wide variety of
teaching strategies such as computer algebra software,
historical perspectives, or active learning methodolo-
gies, and there were also many algebra survival books
marketed such as Hot X: Algebra Exposed by actress
Danica McKellar, who majored in mathematics.
Teachers continue to experiment with ways to help
students understand algebraic equations and models as
well as the process of manipulating them. There is also
a long history of debate about when to begin teaching
algebra. Before 1700, algebra was not routinely part of
the U.S. curriculum at any level of schooling, though
evidence suggests it was taught in some places, such
as Harvard University, in the early part of the 1700s.
By 1820, Harvard required algebra for admission, and
several other Ivy League schools adopted this standard
over the next three decades. Massachusetts also passed
a law in 1827 requiring algebra to be taught in many
high schools. As early as the rst part of the twentieth
century, some educators such as Claude Turner sug-
gested that algebra should be taught in eighth grade
to help students understand concepts like cube roots.
Some educators pointed to developmental theories
such as Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development
in order to resist teaching algebra any earlier than
eighth grade. In the twenty-rst century, many states in
the United States have adopted an algebra for every-
one approach to teaching, and several states require
students to pass an algebra test to graduate from high
school. This emphasis is due in part to the increased
focus on problem-solving skills believed to develop a
wide range of life and occupational skills.
Algebra and Algebra Education 35
Further Reading
Barton, Bill, and Victor Katz. Stages in the History of
Algebra With Implications for Teaching. Educational
Studies in Mathematics 66, no. 2 (2007).
Cooke, Roger. Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and
Uses. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2008.
Derbyshire, John. Unknown Quantity: A Real and
Imaginary History of Algebra. New York: Plume, 2007.
Greenes, Carole, and Rheta Rubenstein. Algebra and
Algebraic Thinking in School Mathematics: 70th
Yearbook. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 2008.
Stacey, Kaye, Helen Chick, and Margaret Kendal.
The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra.
New York: Springer, 2004.
Varadarajan, V. S. Algebra in Ancient and Modern Times.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1998.
Josipa G. Petrunic
See Also: Algebra in Society; Cubes and Cube Roots;
Polynomials; Squares and Square Roots; Wiles, Andrew.
Algebra in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections.
Summary: Algebra provides tools for orderly
thinking and problem solving, applicable across a
spectrum of pursuits.
Among the many discussions in his 1961 book The
Realm of Algebra, science ction author and biochem-
ist Isaac Asimov described the real-life uses of algebra;
explored the role it played in the discoveries of scien-
tists and mathematicians such as Galileo Galilei and
Sir Isaac Newton; and suggested the idea that the real
importance of algebra, and of mathematics in general,
is not that it has enabled man to solve this problem or
that, but that it has given man a new outlook on the
universe. This notion underlies many of the perspec-
tives on algebra in the twenty-rst century.
Knowledge of algebra is seen as important not only
for scientic research and the workplace but also for
teaching general logical thinking and for making deci-
sions that are important to personal well-being and
society as a whole. For example, some functional rela-
tionships among peoples day-to-day activities that
may affect personal decisions include the relationship
between how much food a person eats and weight; the
amount of exercise and weight loss; and calculations
for loans, interest, and other nancial matters.
Some would say that the ramications of these
relationships and a lack of understanding of them
mathematically are found in the housing crisis of the
early twenty-rst century and the increase in obesity.
Algebra is reported as being a challenging subject for
some people.
Many consider algebra to be a major gateway into
higher mathematics in both high school and college,
and it is thus critical to careers in engineering, sci-
ence, mathematics, and other disciplines that require
advanced mathematics training. Performance of pri-
mary and secondary students on algebra tests is one
common comparison measure used to evaluate the
relative standing of countries with regard to education.
Professional organizations like the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) continue to exam-
ine the role of algebra in society and make recommen-
dations. Some of the numerous careers that have been
cited as requiring algebra include architecture, bank-
ing, carpentry, dentistry, civil engineering, nursing,
pharmacy, and plumbing.
How Is Algebra Useful?
In 2003, the RAND Corporations Mathematics Study
Panel underscored the key role of algebra in education
by choosing it as one of the panels main areas of focus,
explaining their decision in part by saying, Algebra
is foundational in all areas of mathematics because it
provides the tools (i.e., the language and structure) for
representing and analyzing quantitative relationships,
for modeling situations, for solving problems, and for
stating and proving generalizations. In algebra, there
are general laws or algebraic models that can be used to
represent a given scenario.
Algebra is sometimes noted as a type of language
that provides answers to all cases at all times and
models the relationships between quantities, reduc-
ing the need for repeated or inefcient computation.
For example, in order to determine the savings in an
interest-bearing account after a given period of time,
one could compute the savings each month or year by
36 Algebra in Society
multiplying by the interest rate. However, this compu-
tation is cumbersome after many compounding cycles.
Instead, the algebraic formula
A P r
= + ( ) 1
can be applied directly, where P is the initial investment, r
is the interest rate per period, t is the number of periods,
and A is the amount of money in the bank after t periods.
People may want to know if it is protable to leave money
in a bank subjected to the stated formula. On the other
hand, people may want to determine the present and
future value of the money they have invested because of
the effect of ination. In other instances, such as taking a
car or home loan, similar algebraic laws exist. These laws
help people know how much money, for instance, they
may save if they pay off their loan earlier than the due
date. In the eleventh century, scholar, poet, and math-
ematician Omar Khayyam explained the following:
. . . Algebra is a scientic art. The objects with which
it deals are absolute numbers and measurable
quantities which, though themselves unknown, are
related to things which are known, whereby the
determination of the unknown quantities is pos-
sible. . . . What one searches for in the algebraic art
are the relations which lead from the known to the
unknown. . . . The perfection of this art consists in
knowledge of the scientic method by which one
determines numerical and geometric unknowns.
Early History
Algebra denitions and applications have evolved over
time, though many aspects of algebraic thinking and
methods that are taught in twenty-rst-century schools
can be traced back to antiquity. The Babylonians and
Egyptians used algebraic techniques to solve problems
directly related to the everyday needs of society, such as
dividing land and keeping nancial records. One such
Algebra in Society 37
Clifford Ho, 2010 Asian American Engineer of the Year in Sandia National Laboratorys solar power heliostat
field. Studying algebra is critical to pursuing careers in engineering, science, and mathematics.
example from Babylonian mathematics is an alterna-
tive method for solving cubic equations of the form
+ x
= b, via tabulated numerical values of squares
and cubes. The Babylonians were able to solve this
polynomial by using the table that gave the values of
+ x
or x x
1 + ( ) . They constructed the table to
solve: x x
1 1 30 + ( ) = ; in sexigesimal notation. The
periods below are used to represent multiplication.
x x x
3 2
1 1.2 = 2
2 4.3 = 12
3 9.4 = 36
4 16.5 = 80
5 25.6 = 150
6 36.7 = 252
7 49.8 = 392
8 64.9 = 576
9 81.10 = 810
10 100.11 = 1100
30 900.31 = 27900
The algorithm used by the Babylonians to nd the
roots of cubic equations is different from the modern
approach, although it can be explained using modern
For example, in modern notation, in solving the
equation x
+ 2x
3136 = 0 set x = 2y. Then the equa-
tion can be rewritten as the following:
( ) ( ) 2 2 2 3136 0
8 8 3136 0
3 2
3 2
3 2
y y
y y
y y
+ =
+ =
+ =
From the table, y = 7. Since x = 2y, then x
= 14.
Topics that are viewed as algebra in contempo-
rary mathematics were often numerical or geomet-
ric in nature. The Pythagorean theorem, named for
Pythagoras of Samos, can be expressed in terms of
the algebraic equation that relates the sum of the sides
surrounding a right angle in a triangle squared to the
square of the hypotenuse. However, historically, there
is evidence that the Babylonians explored numerical
versions of the theorem, while the Greeks examined
the areas of the geometric squares that sat on the edges
of the triangle.
The Pythagorean theorem can be found in twenty-
rst-century algebra classrooms, and it is useful in set-
ting right angles in constructions and in measuring
distance in at objects. Symbolic notation for algebra
was developed in India and became popular in Europe
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Histori-
cal methods reect the unique construction of under-
standing, indicative of the localized culture at that
time. Algebraic methods have also been found in some
ancient Chinese works.
Greeks, Hindus, Arabs, Persians, and Europeans all
contributed to the development of algebra. The term
itself comes from the Arabic word al-jabr, which has
several translations including the science of equa-
tions. The word appears in the title of the early alge-
bra text written by Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khowar-
izmi in the ninth century.
Applied Algebra
For a long time, one major emphasis in algebra was
solving polynomial equations, but in the eighteenth
century, algebra went through a transformation that
broadened the eld to include study of other math-
ematical structures. Around that time, textbooks
dened algebra in many different ways. According to
mathematician Colin Maclaurin, Algebra is a general
method of computation by certain signs and sym-
bols which have been contrived for this purpose, and
found convenient.
It is called an universal arithmetic, and proceeds by
operations and rules similar to those in common arith-
metic, founded upon the same principles. Leonhard
Euler dened algebra as: The science which teaches
how to determine unknown quantities by means of
those that are known. As the concept of variables was
further developed, many physical properties, including
time, mass, density, pressure, temperature, charge, and
energy, were expressed algebraically.
For instance, Albert Einsteins equation relates
energy to mass times the speed of light squared. In
the twenty-rst century, dening algebra commonly
requires a broader approach. First, one could say that
early or elementary algebra is essentially the study of
equations and methods for solving them; and sec-
ond, that modern or abstract algebra is the study of
various mathematical structures. High school algebra
38 Algebra in Society
textbooks typically contain a breadth of topics, such as
polynomials and systems of linear equations. These are
important in modeling many relationships in society.
For example, parabolas represent the paths of ball or
bullet trajectories, and systems of linear equations and
matrices give rise to digital images. At the college level,
students continue their study of algebraic equations in
virtually every mathematics and statistics class. Stu-
dents in a broad range of majors, including the sciences
and mathematics, may further their understanding of
systems of linear equations and their applications in a
linear algebra class.
Mathematics majors in modern or abstract algebra
study topics like groups, rings, and elds, and gradu-
ate students further explore these and other algebraic
structures. These concepts have been useful in chem-
istry, computer science, cryptography, crystallography,
electric circuits, genetics, and physics. Algebra is a core
area from the middle grades and high school to under-
graduate and graduate mathematics. Research elds
include the connections of algebra with other subdis-
ciplines, like algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, or
algebraic number theory, and the abstract structures
and notions in pure algebra have been applied in many
contexts. Some algebraists work for the National Secu-
rity Agency and others work as professors.
In general, mathematicians and scientists often alge-
braically derive laws for a given scenario or relationship
from patterns. For example, consider a triangle num-
ber pattern. It is fairly simple to nd the next number
recursively but nding larger values such as the 1000th
triangular number without a general rule can be more
challenging. (See Figure 1 and Table 1.)
Figure 1.
Algebra can be used to generalize the preceding case
and derive that
1 2 3
+ + + + =
+ ( )
n n
1 2 3
+ + + + =
+ ( )
n n
so the general law will be
n n
+ ( ) 1
Hermann Weyl noted The constructs of the math-
ematical mind are at the same time free and necessary.
The individual mathematician feels free to dene his
notions and set up his axioms as he pleases. But the
question is will he get his fellow mathematician inter-
ested in the constructs of his imagination. We cannot
help the feeling that certain mathematical structures
which have evolved through the combined efforts of the
mathematical community bear the stamp of a necessity
not affected by the accidents of their historical birth.
Everybody who looks at the spectacle of modern alge-
bra will be struck by this complementarity of freedom
and necessity.
Many algebraic equations are used in everyday life
to meet societal needs. For example, the area of a rect-
angle is given by the length times the width. There are
algebraic equations like nding the area of a square or
circle, and also nding volume, which are used in appli-
cations like home decorating, cooking, landscaping, and
construction. Building houses and fences, determining
amounts of material needed for a project, and complet-
ing everyday chores use algebra to make work accurate
and efcient. Economists use algebraic laws to project
business prots or losses and to advise investors and
other decision makers. In other instances such as taking
a car or home loan similar algebraic laws help people
know how much money, for instance, they may save if
they pay off their loan earlier than the due date.
Many formulas are easy to use and can easily be
entered in a hand calculator or computer to generate
the required result. Such formulas have been adapted
Table 1.
1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term 5th term nth term
1 = 1 3 = 1 + 2 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 1 + 2 + 3 +
+ n
Algebra in Society 39
. . .
to Web-based applets and software like spreadsheets
to track nancial records, making them widely acces-
sible and often easy to use.
Mathematician Roger Cooke explained, Algebra
provided more than just a compact notation for writ-
ing down relations among variables. Its rules made
it possible to manipulate those laws on paper and
derive some of them from others. For example, a
consequence of Keplers third law is that the ratio . . .
of the square of a planets period to the cube of its
distance from the sun is the same for all planets . . .
Keplers third law and Newtons law of gravitation
are equivalent statements, given certain basic facts of
mechanics. Keplers laws were named for Johannes
Kepler and Newtons for Sir Isaac Newton. The ability
to express algebraic relationships using variables and
rates of change in calculus increased the applicability
of equations in a wide variety of contexts.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights the
importance of coursework in algebra for numer-
ous careers, including brickmasons, blockmasons,
and stonemasons; carpenters; computer control pro-
grammers and operators; construction and building
inspectors; engineers and engineering technicians; line
installers and repairers; machine setters, operators and
tenders in metal and plastic; machinists; opticians;
physical therapist assistants; power plant operators,
distributors and dispatchers; sheet metal workers; sur-
veyors, cartographers, photogrammetrists, and survey-
ing and mapping technicians; radiation therapists; tool
and die makers; and veterinarians.
Algebras Role as a Gateway
Some would argue that in the United States, math-
ematics achievement has not met the same standards
of excellence as in other developed countries, and
that, as a result, students may not be prepared to enter
college. Some historians trace the growing need for
mathematics education to the turn of the twentieth
century or the Industrial Revolution, when there were
debates about the appropriate level of mathematics
for high school education. Historically, popular opin-
ion was often against algebra as a subject of wide-
spread study in secondary schools, since many did not
see clear connections between algebra and real-world
needs. Mathematics educator W. D. Reeve cited one
newspaper editorial as an example of such an attitude
in a 1936 National Council of Teachers of Mathemat-
ics report, The Place of Mathematics in Modern Educa-
tion, saying the following:
Quite frankly, I see no use for algebra except for
the few who will follow engineering and techni-
cal lines. . . . I cannot see that algebra contributes
one iota to a young persons health or one grain of
inspiration to his spirit. . . . I can see no use for it
in the home as an aid to a parent, a citizen, a pro-
ducer, or a consumer.
The same report noted decits in algebra skills even
among graduate students and relatively high failure
rates for algebra students in some high schools, such
as in New York City, which were used by some as addi-
tional arguments against algebras broad inclusion in
the high school curriculum. With regard to who should
and should not study algebra, Reeve countered: . . . no
one, I think, has the wisdom to decide who will prot
most by its study or predict who the future Newtons
and Einsteins are to be.
Mathematician and philosopher Alfred Whitehead
stated the following:
Quadratic equations are part of algebra, and algebra
is the intellectual instrument which has been cre-
ated for rendering clear the quantitative aspects of
the world. There is no getting out of it. Through and
through the world is infected with quantity. To talk
sense, is to talk in quantities. It is no use saying that
the nation is large. . . . How large? It is no use saying
that radium is scarce. . . . How scarce? You cannot
evade quantity. You may y to poetry and to music,
and quantity and number will face you in your
rhythms and your octaves. . . . This question of the
degeneration of algebra into gibberish, both in word
and in fact, affords a pathetic instance of the useless-
ness of reforming educational schedules without a
clear conception of the attributes which you wish to
evoke in the living minds of the children. . . . First,
you must make up your mind as to those quantita-
tive aspects of the world which are simple enough to
be introduced into general education; then a sched-
ule of algebra should be framed which will about
nd its exemplication in these applications.
Other newspapers like the Columbus Dispatch sup-
ported broad high school mathematics education
40 Algebra in Society
during that time period, asserting that schools should
provide the mathematical key to the gateways of a
larger life.
Algebra eventually became commonplace in high
schools and some middle schools, with basic algebraic
concepts often introduced even in the primary grades,
and yet questions about how to teach algebra con-
tinued. Algebra is usually a prerequisite for all higher
mathematics courses in both high school and college,
and, in some cases, it is required for high school gradu-
ation. Students will not advance in many majors or
career paths unless they pass algebra, and the result is
that some students change majors or abandon educa-
tion altogether. Students requiring remediation courses
at the college level are fairly common.
The result is that in the twenty-rst century, algebra
is still viewed by many as a major gatekeeper to edu-
cational and career advancement, and learning algebra
has been promoted as a civil rights issue for every U.S.
citizen, though many of the same arguments from past
decades continue to be debated. In the latter twenti-
eth century, algebra education became a renewed topic
of discussion from local school districts all the way to
the White House. The RAND Corporations panel fur-
ther explained its decision to focus on algebra by say-
ing, Without prociency in algebra, students cannot
access a full range of educational and career options,
and this curtailment of opportunities often falls most
directly on groups that are already disadvantaged.
At the same time, naysayers continue to publish
counterpoints regarding algebras lack of utility. One
2006 Washington Post article about a student named
Gabriella, who purportedly dropped out of high school
after failing her algebra course many times, asserted that
writing teaches logical reasoning more effectively than
algebra and stated that many students will never need
to know algebra in the real world, since most math-
ematics can now be done by computer or calculator. It
concluded that having an algebra requirement for high
school graduation is potentially more detrimental than
helpful because it may spur students to drop out who
otherwise might have graduated.
This article spurred many further discussions, and
it appeared to reect the authors own difcult expe-
riences with algebra, a phenomenon that has been
reported by many educational researchers and that
drives further curricular revisions. Authors of algebra
textbooks and self-help books have explored different
ways to help students connect to algebra. For instance,
actress Danica McKellar has written algebra readiness
and algebra books that include stories and characters in
order to express equations and solutions in contextual
situations. Some educators incorporate mnemonics,
songs, or other memory techniques such as First, Out-
side, Inside, Last (FOIL) in order to teach the multipli-
cation of two binomials. Other authors highlight real-
life applications, historical connections, or solutions
using technology.
Many national reports have indicated that educa-
tion in the United States is in a critical period, and
some would say particularly in mathematics and sci-
ence. Educators and politicians have proposed changes
to the mathematics education curriculum to prepare
U.S. students. The number of students entering college
and requiring courses that enable them to be effective in
the workplace is rising. Further, engineering and other
technical elds that were once seen as elite or remote are
increasingly a part of daily life, including computing,
electronics, business, and architecture. Technology is
changing every day, which has changed society, includ-
ing mathematics. As a result, there is an increased need
for people who can adapt to the changes and continue
being effective in society. In this context, there has been a
movement to reform algebra education so that it can be
more readily accessed by everyone. The algebra for all
movement has been a central point within the reform
initiatives. National standards such as those published
by the NCTM have stressed the need to make algebra
more accessible to students, and they often outline both
the content to be covered and instruction expectations.
Some research has shown that students who take alge-
bra by eighth or ninth grade are more likely to pursue
higher mathematics, though this cannot be interpreted
as a cause-and-effect relationship.
Further Reading
Cohen, Richard. What Is the Value of Algebra?
Washington Post (February 16, 2006). http://
Cooke, Roger. Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins,
and Uses. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2008.
Edwards, Edgar. Algebra for Everyone. Reston, VA:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1990.
Eves, Howard. An Introduction to the History of
Mathematics. Philadelphia: Saunders College, 1990.
Algebra in Society 41
The Futures Channel. Algebra in the Real World.
Gallian, Joseph. Contemporary Abstract Algebra. 7th ed.
Belmont, CA: Brooks Cole, 2009.
McKellar, Danica. Hot X: Algebra Exposed: Word
Problems, Polynomials, Quadratic Equations and More.
New York: Hudson Street Press, 2010.
Rappaport, Josh. Algebra Survival Guide: A
Conversational Guide for the Thoroughly Befuddled.
Santa Fe, NM: Singing Turtle Press, 1999.
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook.
Zaccaro, Edward. Real World Algebra. Bellevue, IA:
Hickory Grove Press, 2001.
Samuel Obara
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Equations,
Polar; Exponentials and Logarithms; Function Rate of
Change; Polynomials; Squares and Square Roots; Vectors;
Wiles, Andrew.
Analytic Geometry
See Coordinate Geometry
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Anesthesia dosages must be precisely
determined and the patient must be monitored for
signs of too high or low a dosage.
The word anesthesia was coined from the Greek word
anaisthesis meaning insensibility. As early as 4200
b.c.e, opium poppies were used as an herbal remedy
in Samaria and, later, in Cyprus, India, and China. The
three main types of anesthesia are local (loss of sen-
sation in a small area of the body by the blockage of
nerve signals), regional (loss of sensation in a larger
area of the body), and general (loss of consciousness),
are used to relieve the feeling of pain during medical
and dental procedures. Anesthesia uses mathematics
in variety of ways including the calculation of appro-
priate drug dosages, the monitoring of patients under
general anesthetics during surgery and recovery, and
the design and use of anesthetic equipment including
vaporizers, ventilators, and pressure gauges.
Non-pharmacological anesthetic techniques his-
torically have included local anesthetics such as ice and
rum. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas), ether, and chlo-
roform were used as general anesthetics in the 1800s
during childbirth and surgery.
Applications of Mathematics
Anesthetic drug dosages per minute are based on mil-
ligrams of drug per kilogram weight of the patient. The
rate of elimination of drugs from the body per unit of
time is proportional to the amount of drug in the body.
The time taken for the drug concentration in the plasma
to be reduced by 50% is called the elimination half life.
The measurements monitored while a patient is
under general anesthetics can include data such as
temperature; heart rate via ECG (electrocardiogram);
42 Anesthesia
Anesthesiologists uses mathematics for tasks from
calculating drug dosages to monitoring patients.
oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry; ratio of oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide from the patients
inspired and expired gases; urine output; arterial blood
pressure; central venous pressure; pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure; cerebral activity via EEG (electro-
encephalogram); and neuromuscular function.
A major concern is keeping the patient at the appro-
priate level of anesthesia. The cardiovascular system is
threatened if the anesthetic is too deep, but if the anes-
thetic is too light, the patient may experience pain or
regain consciousness.
Researchers have attempted to measure the depth
of anesthesia by monitoring on a graph and on a time
scale EEG signals generated by electrical discharges
of neurons near the brain surface. One method is to
administer a gaseous anesthetic drug and hypothesize
that the concentration of the drug in the expired air
is proportional to the blood-plasma concentration. An
alternative research technique is to observe respiratory
sinus arrhythmia (RSA), which is the variation in heart
rate during a breathing cycle. The heart rate increases
during inhalation and decreases during exhalation.
On the graph of an ECG, each heartbeat is referred to
as an R peak. The difference between two consecutive
R peaks is an RR interval, which is shortened during
inspiration and lengthened during expiration.
Anesthesia Providers
Educational Backgrounds
The academic and clinical preparation for an anes-
thesiologist in the United States consists of four years
of college, four years of medical school, one year of
internship, and three years of anesthesiology resi-
dency. A description of Steven Cruickshanks 1998
book Mathematics and Statistics in Anaesthesia states
that anesthesia residents are required to study and
understand pharmokinetics (the study of what the
body does to a drug) and statistics as a core part of
their training. In addition to physician anesthesiolo-
gists, anesthesiologist assistants or Certied Registered
Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) can apply anesthesia or
sedation while working with healthcare professionals.
CRNAs complete four years of college, at least one year
of acute-care nursing, and a 24- to 36-month masters
degree program before passing the required certica-
tion examination. Anesthesiologist assistants (AAs)
with masters degrees may practice under the supervi-
sion of an anesthesiologist in several states.
Further Reading
Chen, Z., et al. Linear and Nonlinear Quantication
of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia During Propofol
General Anesthesia.
Cruickshank, Steven. Mathematics and Statistics in
Anaesthesia. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Neligan, Pat. Pharmacokinetics. http://www.scribd
Widman, G., T. Schreiber, B. Rehberg, A. Hoeft, and
C. E. Elger. Quantication of Depth of Anesthesia
by Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Brain Electrical
Karen Doyle Walton
See Also: Drug Dosing; LD50/Median Lethal Dose;
Medical Imaging; Surgery.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Principles of engineering, physics, and
mathematics are demonstrated by the physiology,
movement, and behavior of animals.
Animals, including human beings, are living organisms
that belong to the domain Eukaryota (having complex
cellular structures enclosed with membranes) and the
kingdom Animalia. Within this taxonomy, the king-
dom is dened by several characteristics, including
internal digestion of food (called heterotrophism)
and the ability to move using its own energy in at
least some stages of life (called motility). Some say
that what distinguishes humans from other animals is
mathematical ability. However, researchers have stud-
ied a diverse range of mathematical concepts as they
relate to animal behavior and have found evidence
of abilities such as symbolic calculation, efciency in
locomotion, and synchrony. There are questions about
whether these ndings are biased perceptions of math-
ematical signicance. Many mathematical patterns
Animals 43
and symmetry can also be found in the structure
of animals, ranging from their cellular tis-
sue to their coat patterns. Some of the
motivation behind the development
of many statistical measures and
methods, such as standard devia-
tion and regression, was to charac-
terize natural variability and associa-
tions in animal species.
Biological Systematics,
Set Theory, and Logic
Biological systematics is the eld that
describes and names living organisms, pro-
vides their classications and keys for identication,
and situates classes of organisms within evolutionary
history and modern adaptations. In particular, classi-
cation of organisms (called taxonomy) is an empiri-
cal science, where description of classes is the nal step
in the discovery and description of organisms. Exist-
ing biological classications may include the ranks of
domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
and species.
The denition of the kingdom Animalia is inten-
sional denitionit species necessary and sufcient
conditions for belonging to the set of animals. The
particular subclass of denitions used in systemat-
ics to dene animals is called denition by genus and
differentia. Such denitions rely on a structure of sets,
subsets, and supersets as well as their differentiating
conditions. For example, dening negative numbers
as the set of rational numbers that are less than zero,
mathematicians use the superset of rational numbers
(dened elsewhere) and the differentiating condition
of being less than zero. Animalia is one of several king-
doms (subsets) of the domain Eukaryota, differenti-
ated from other kingdoms by particular conditions.
Careful decisions are made in the organization of
kingdoms and in dening differentiated conditions. For
example, if only the conditions of internal digestion of
food and motility were used, the Venus ytrap would
be considered an animal rather than a plant. However,
plants are also differentiated by the sufcient condi-
tion of having plastids, such as chloroplast, in their cells.
Internal digestion of food and motility are necessary
but not sufcient conditions for declaring an organ-
ism an animal. There are historical and modern systems
dening anywhere from two to eight kingdoms of living
organisms, depending on the necessary and suf-
cient conditions used for denitions.
Animal Tissue Structures
All animal cells have extracellular matrix, the bound-
ary that can serve many functions, including exchang-
ing substances between cells, segregating tissues, and
anchoring cells. Animal cells typically form tissues;
groups of cells carry out particular functions within
animal bodies. There are four types of animal tissues,
dened by their functions: muscle, nervous, epithelial,
and connective. Cells within tissues and tissues within
organs may be tessellated (lling space or surface in-
nitely, without gaps).
Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary eld
combining biology, material science, chemistry, and
engineering to re-create, change, or replace tissues. It
pays special attention to the mechanical and structural
properties of tissues, often modeled mathematically
before being implemented in the lab.
Technological Metaphors and Models
Beginning in the Renaissance, it was common for
people to conceptualize living organisms in terms of
human-made machines. This phenomenon worked
both ways, since human constructions were informed
by new understandings and observations of nature.
During the Renaissance, animal tissues and organs were
seen as combinations of relatively simple mechanisms
such as levers. Attempts were made to imitate some
functions of animals in construction, such as making
bird-like wings. This analytic approach informed the
development of scientic methods in biologyin con-
trast with a holistic view of living things as having a
completely different nature from human-made mech-
anisms. In the seventeenth century, this philosophical
44 Animals
Flying sh (Exocoetidae) can
glide up to thousands of feet
under the right conditions.
approach of modeling animals on machines was sup-
ported by such inuential scientists as Galileo Galilei,
Ren Descartes, and Isaac Newton.
Engineering and mathematics developed along
with explanations in biology. Developments in steam
technology introduced the ideas of energy and work,
which, in turn, led to the analysis of gas and liquid
pressures as explanations of the interaction of tissues
and organs in animal bodies. The metaphors of heart
or cellular structures as pumpsor kidneys and the
liver as lterspersist to this day. When electricity and
magnetism were rst discovered, there were numerous
attempts to apply them directly to explanations of ani-
mal bodies, but many of these early models were dis-
carded later. In the twentieth century, animal processes
are often conceptualized as computer entities, such as
nervous system as a computational network. Likewise,
animal brains are observed for the purpose of building
the articial intelligence. Mathematical models in biol-
ogy developed from simple measurements of weight,
length, and proportion to those incorporating calculus,
differential equations, statistics, computational science,
and other areas of modern mathematics.
Animal Motility, Field Perception,
and Gradients
Animals can move under their own power. Animals
movement in response to external stimuli or gradi-
ents of stimuli is called taxis. In calculus, the gradient
is a vector eld; its vectors point in the direction of
the greatest rate of increase in a variable and have the
magnitude equal to that rate. Depending on the nature
of the variable in the gradient, animals or animal cells
can exhibit different types of taxis, such as thermotaxis
along temperature gradients or phototaxis along light
gradients. Mathematical models of taxis are based on
calculus, differential equations, and statistics.
Chemotaxis is the movement along the
gradient in a chemical substance. Animal
cells may have multiple chemical recep-
tors around their boundaries, allowing
the cell to determine the direction of
chemical gradient vectors.
Animal cells can move
toward chemoattrac-
tors, such as immune
cells arriving where they
need to be, or away from
chemorepellents. The development of animal embryos
involves the movement of cells and is regulated by gra-
dients in signal chemicals. Sperm movement occurs
because of chemotaxis and thermotaxis.
Magnetoperception (the ability to detect magnetic
elds) is observed in migrating birds, sharks, rays,
honeybees, and other animals. It is an important fac-
tor in regulating animal movement and navigation
for example, during bird migrations. Experiments
and applications in magnetoperceptions usually
involve attaching magnetic substances to animals and
observing effects. For example, cows and deer graz-
ing under power lines orient themselves differently.
The mechanisms of magnetoperception continue to
be actively investigated.
Animal Locomotion
The way animals move, in addition to being a matter
of biological interest, is a source of engineering ideas.
Until the twentieth century, the main source of data
on animal movement was observation and, sometimes,
experiments with animals or their body parts. Photog-
raphy and videography added details to the observa-
tion. Animals may be equipped with miniature devices
that track their positions in space, as well as the electric
activity within muscles, the contraction of muscles, or
the forces exerted by muscles. These devices allow the
development of detailed models of animal bodies dur-
ing movement.
Every type of locomotion has been modeled in phys-
ics, with a variety of relevant equations. There are three
major types of terrestrial locomotion (movement on
Animals 45
Snakes move with slithering
terrestrial locomotion by undulating
in one of several patterns.
solid surfaces): legged movement, slithering, and roll-
ing. Legged animals may have from two to 750 legs, with
the geometry of leg and joint position dening pos-
ture, and the pattern and pace of leg use dening gaits.
Snakes move by undulating in several patterns, such as
sidewinding, or by lifting parts of their belly slightly off
the ground, moving them forward relative to their ribs,
and then pulling the body to them (rectilinear motion).
These movements on land are described by kinematic
equations, in water by hydrodynamic equations. Roll-
ing animals, such as pangolins, can briey achieve great
speed, usually by forming a wheel or a ball out of their
whole body and using gravity to escape predators.
Swimming is accomplished by body movement
propulsion in sh, jet propulsion in mollusks, undula-
tion in several types of animals, and limb movement
in some birds and mammals. Jet propulsion requires
relatively high energy but can provide animals with an
occasional burst of speed. Models of swimming include
such measures as buoyancy and are modeled with uid
dynamics and mechanics.
Gliding, soaring, and ying are energy-efcient ways
of locomotion, and attract much interest in biome-
chanics and aerodynamics. Scientists study concepts
like lift and drag as well as ratios of wing measurements
such as loading (weight to area). Animals use different
types of motion through the air, which are dened by a
combination of timing and geometry. For example, fall-
ing with increased drag forces that prolongs the fall can
be either parachuting (when the angle to earth is more
than 45 degrees) or gliding (when the angle is less than
45 degrees). Gliding animals such as sh and squirrels
have aerodynamic adaptations including streamlining.
The variable glide ratio is the ratio between the hori-
zontal and the vertical speed components (lift to drag).
A ying squirrel has a glide ratio of about two, and a
human in a glider windsuit modeled after gliding ani-
mals has a glide ratio of about two and a half. Soaring
birds glide during parts of their ight.
The properties of winged ight in birds and bats
depend on proportions of the animals body. Wing-
span is the distance between wingtips, and the mean
wing chord is the average of the distances between the
front and the back edge of the wing, found using cal-
culus. Aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio of wingspan
to mean chord. Fast birds such as falcons have pointy
short wings with high aspect ratio (narrow wings).
Long wings with high aspect ratios such as the wings
of albatrosses, on the other hand, can produce slow
soaring and gliding ight. Wide, rounded wings with
medium aspect ratios can be used for a variety of ight
types, for example, in storks or sparrows.
Biophysicists rst attempted to explain insect ight
using bird ight mechanics. They found that the result-
ing forces were several times less than what would be
needed to lift and to propel an insect. Current theories
of insect ight are still controversial. The theories use
computational differential equations to model effects
such as vortexes created in front of wings. When wings
ap with high enough frequency, such a vortex can pro-
vide signicant additional suction force.
Relatively rare types of animal locomotion depend
on surface tension and capillary forces for walking on
the water surface, or moving faster over released liquid
(Marangoni effect). These forces are studied in uid
dynamics and thermodynamics.
Researchers debate why the wheel, which provides
several mechanical advantages in terrestrial locomo-
tion, has never evolved in any animal. The relevant
mathematical model is a graph measuring tness of
organisms to the environment, called tness landscape.
Fitness peaks are stable states, with genetic modica-
tions meaning worse tness. While wheel locomotion
may be a tness peak, it is surrounded by tness valleys
too deep to be crossed by evolutionary means.
Migrating Animals
Many animals migrateperiodically travelling among
habitatssometimes over long distances. Models of
migration take into account the time of each leg of the
journey as well as the full period of migration. These
times can be synchronized with seasonal milestones,
developmental stages in the life of each animal, and
other natural events. Because migrations can take
place across international boundaries, they can help
promote international efforts in research and con-
servation. The Convention on the Conservation of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals, for example, cov-
ers several endangered species of birds and sh, as well
as migratory bats and turtles.
About a fth of all bird species in the world migrate.
Typically, birds migrate closer to the equator in win-
ters, and farther from the equator in summers. Math-
ematical models of bird migration include the overall
patterns for particular populations such as migration
corridors as well as random events such as irrup-
46 Animals
tions (large numbers of birds)
migrating farther after population
explosions. Biophysics involved in bird
migration includes theories of energy ef-
ciency, and various mechanical effects, such as
wear on feathers that necessitates periodic molting
synchronized with the migration period.
During migration, birds navigate by using the land-
scape clues they learn while young, orienting by the
sun, or using magnetoperception. In some bird spe-
cies, navigating is mostly a learned behavior; in others,
it is mostly coded genetically. Sometimes the coding
goes wrong, reversing the migration direction 180
degrees, thus causing birds to reverse-migrate in the
opposite direction from the majority of their ock.
Bird species that learn their migration routes from
their elders, such as cranes, can be taught to use safer
routes by following light aircraft of animal preserva-
tion specialists.
Shorter migration routes also exist. For example,
many sh species rise to the water surface to feed at
nighta type of diel vertical migration. Many sh spe-
cies high in the food chain migrate to follow their prey,
with varying times and lengths of migration journeys.
Because many insects are relatively short-lived, their
migrations may involve multiple generations being
born along the route. In these cases, none of the indi-
vidual insects travels the full migration route. Some
migrating insects, such as locusts, swarm for the pur-
pose of migration. A swarm can be modeled using a
system of differential equations where pairs of indi-
viduals move closer if they are too far, move away if
they are too close, and orient themselves toward the
same direction. However, studies of insects, includ-
ing locusts, show complex mechanisms that include
chemoregulation, physiological change in response to
overcrowding (measured in contacts per unit of time),
emission, and responsiveness to sounds and other vari-
ables involved in swarming.
Herds of animals, schools of sh, and ocks of birds
can be modeled as groups of particles, with interactions
among individuals determined by differential equa-
tions with some xed and some random parameters to
account for individual behavior variations. Such math-
ematical models (called interacting particle models)
can describe ock behavior or predict school migra-
tion routes. To observe animal migration, researchers
use tracking devices, satellite observation, and echolo-
cation for marine species.
Food Webs
Food webs and food chains map food relationships
in ecosystems. The key measurement of the position
within the food web is called trophic level. Autotrophs
(producers) are at trophism level one. Autotrophs are
organisms that do not consume other organisms or
carbon produced by them, and therefore are not ani-
mals. Two mechanisms of autotrophism are photo-
Animals 47
The Physics of
Winged Flight
he physics of winged ight in birds, bats,
and extinct dinosaurs focuses on the
balance of four forces: lift, drag, thrust, and
gravity. Air moving around wings produces lift
because of speed and pressure differences in
the airow on either side of the winga com-
plex process still being studied in aerodynam-
ics and modeled with systems of differential
Drag comes from air resistance to the y-
ing body, and by air turbulence created by wing
movements. Newtons second and third laws of
physics explain thrust (the force created when
a wing aps). The vector of thrust points in the
direction opposite to where the wing is moving.
In other words, the apping wing propels the
animal forward by by pushing against the air.
The force of gravity is proportional to the mass
of the animal.
The long wings of
albatrosses produce
slow soaring and
gliding ight.
synthesis in plants, and chemosynthesis in archae and
bacteria. The rst organisms to evolve on Earth used
chemosynthesis. A third mechanism, radiotrophy, is
being researched in fungi in high-radiation areas. All
food chains within all food webs on Earth start with
level one autotrophs. Predator species that no other
species predate upon are called apex predators.
More specically, classes of organisms are named
according to the ow chart with three branchings.
The rst branching determines the source of energy,
either light (photo-) or chemical (chemo-). The sec-
ond branching determines the source of extra elec-
trons in reduction-oxidation reactions, either organic
(-organo-) or inorganic (-litho-). The third branching
denes the source of carbon, either organic (-hetero-
troph) or carbon dioxide (-autotrophs). For example,
fungi are chemoorganotrophic. All eight combinations
resulting from these three branchings exist in nature.
Heterotrophic organisms that break down other dead
organisms into simpler organic or inorganic com-
pounds are called decomposers. Consumer organisms
use other living organisms as their source of energy.
Simplistically, the second trophic level comprises pri-
mary consumers that eat plants (herbivores) or chemo-
synthesizing creatures. The third trophic level, second-
ary consumers or predators, consists of animals that
eat primary consumers. Animals that eat those at the
third trophic level are said to have the fourth trophic
level, and so on. However, most existing animal species
obtain energy from several sources. For example, foxes
eat rabbits and berries; chickens eat grains and insects.
To address the complexity of food chains, the tro-
phic level of an animal is determined by the formula
of adding all products of levels of its food by the frac-
tion of that food in the animals diet, and adding 1.
For example, if a chickens diet consists of 30% worms
(level 2) and 70% grain (level 1), its trophic level is
equal to
0 3 2 0 7 1 1 2 3 . ( ) . ( ) . + + = .
Statistical analysis is used to determine the mean
trophic level of a species in a particular ecosystem.
Changes in any part of the food web affect all other
parts. For example, the effect of introducing predators
that reduce the numbers of the prey and cause abun-
dance in the next trophic level down is an example of
a trophic cascade event. The ability of an ecosystem
to withstand disturbances is measured by an index
called ascendency, and is derived by formulas from the
information theory eld of mathematics. Variables
in ascendency formulas include both the amounts of
energy and matter circulated within an ecosystem and
the information shared among members of the system.
Low ascendancy values make ecosystems internally
unstable; high ascendancy values make ecosystems
oversensitive to external disturbances. Ascendency
values corresponding to stable systems are called the
window of vitality.
Ascendency is an example of using multiple indices
and metrics to model, evaluate, and predict changes in
food webs. For example, consider energy or biomass
transfer from one feeding level to the next feeding level.
The efciency of this transfer is a measure of an ecosys-
tem called ecological efciency. For example, in a food
chain that consists of four levels, with mean ecological
efciency of 1/10, the apex predator has the ecological
efciency of converting sunlight into its biomass of
0 0001
= . .
Ecological efciency restricts the number of pos-
sible trophic levels.
Fantastic Animals, Hybrids,
and Genetic Chimeras
A variety of cultures describe fantastic animals or
humanoids with animal traits. These animalsespe-
cially those invented before the nineteenth century
are used in mathematics education to help students
understand concepts related to combinatorics because
they are made by combining parts of existing animals.
For example, ancient Greeks invented a chimera that
had the body of a lion, the heads of a goat and a lion,
and a snake for the tail. In genetics, chimeras are ani-
mals that have genetic material from more than one
zygotefrom four or more parents. Chimeras of dif-
ferent animals of the same species happen naturally
when several eggs in one female are fertilized by sperm
from different males and then fused. They may also
happen articially, in which case different animals spe-
cies can be used. For example, a goat-sheep chimera
called geep was rst produced in the 1970s.
Hybrid animals are different from chimeras in that
they have two parents, but the parents are of different
48 Animals
species. Hybridization has been recognized and used
for millennia. For example, humans have produced
large populations of mules since ancient times. The
mathematics of hybrids involves tracking the amount
of genetic material from each species through genera-
tions, and calculating the probabilities of achieving
particular traits in offspring. For example, a single-
cross hybrid has 50% genetic material from either line
of parents. Crossing such hybrids with the line of one
of the parents (called backcrossing) produces hybrids
with roughly 75% genetic material from that parents
speciesaveraged across a species, as individuals will
have either pure or half-and-half genetic material.
Symmetry and Fractals
Most animal bodies exhibit either rotational (radial)
or reection symmetry. Animals with bilateral reec-
tion symmetry (having a plane separating bodies into
roughly reected halves) form the taxon Bilateria.
Observation of symmetry is a major tool of evolution-
ary theory. For example, it is hypothesized that all Bila-
teria animals evolved from a common ancestor species,
Urbilaterian, that lived around six hundred million
years ago. This makes Bilateria a clade (a group of ani-
mals that come from a common ancestor). Bilaterians
have the front end with the mouth and the back end
with the anus, dened by the plane of symmetry.
Rotationally symmetric animals such as sea anemo-
nes and sea stars usually have the mouth on the axis of
the symmetry. When animals have a certain number
of body regions positioned around the axis symmet-
rically, they are called by the number of regions. For
example, ve-armed stars exhibit pentamerism, and
many coral polyps exhibit hexamerism, or six-part
rotational symmetry.
Combinations of reections, rotations, and transla-
tions can produce repeated geometric patterns called
tessellations or wallpaper groups in plane and crystal-
lographic groups in space. There are 17 types of wall-
paper groups and 230 types of crystallographic groups
described by the area of mathematics called group the-
ory. Wallpaper and crystallographic groups can be found
in colonies of animals such as corals or in arrangements
of animal body parts such as sh scales.
Fractals are shapes that can be split into parts that
are copies of the whole. Fractals frequently occur in
the living nature. For example, feathers are fractal-like
structures of the tree type, with three or four levels.
Nervous systems and lungs of mammals are also tree-
type fractals. Beyond the literal meaning as a geometric
shape, the idea of a fractal as a self-repeating structure
is applied to many areas related to animals to describe
patterns within systems behavior, evolution, migration,
and development.
Further Reading
Adam, John. A Mathematical Nature Walk. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2009.
Ahlborn, Boye. Zoological Physics: Quantitative Models
of Body Design, Actions, and Physical Limitations of
Animals. New York: Springer, 2004.
Ball, Philip. The Self-Made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in
Nature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Cheng, Ken, and Nora Newcombe. Geometry, Features,
and Orientation in Vertebrate Animals: A Pictorial
Review. Animal Spatial Cognition: Comparative,
Neural & Computational Approaches, 2006. http://
Devlin, Keith. The Math Instinct: Why Youre a
Mathematical Genius (Along With Lobsters, Birds, Cats,
and Dogs). New York: Basic Books, 2005.
Murray, James. How the Leopard Gets Its Spots.
Scientic American 258, no. 3 (1988).
Noonan, Diana. Animal Investigations: Collecting
Data. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created
Materials, 2008.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Airplanes/Flight; Bees; Genetics; Joints;
Nervous System; Symmetry; Synchrony and
Spontaneous Order.
Animation and CGI
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: Animators have become adept at creating
realistic products with the help of mathematics.
Animation is the process of creating the illusion of
uid movement from a series of static images. When
Animation and CGI 49
these images are viewed in sufciently fast succession,
the human eye sees them as continuous motion rather
than a sequence of discontinuous still images. From
the earliest mechanical devices, through hand-drawn,
stop-motion, and computer-assisted lm techniques of
the twentieth century, up to the latest computer-gener-
ated imagery (CGI), the quest has been to create inter-
esting representations of movement and action.
Early Animation Devices
Historically, there have been several mechanical devices
that were developed to simulate movement using still
pictures. The Phenakistoscope, invented in 1832 by the
Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau, consisted of a spindle
with two mounted discs, one with slots around its edge
and the other with pictures of successive action. With
the discs spinning in unison and the picture side fac-
ing a mirror, the view through the slots appeared to
show a moving drawing. In 1834, a British mathemati-
cian named William Horner produced the Zoetrope,
a cylinder cut with vertical slits. Pictures of successive
action were positioned on the inside opposite the slits.
With the cylinder rotating, the image seen through the
slits appeared to be in motion. As the Zoetrope used
more pictures, and could be rotated more quickly, this
gave a better illusion of movement. Even in the early
twenty-rst century, the Zoetrope is used to illustrate
the basic idea of animation.
Animation Principles
By the start of the twentieth century, these mechani-
cal devices were superseded by animated lms. The
principal technique was to hand-draw
each frame. In the 1930s, animators at
Walt Disney Studios developed what
became known as the 12 princi-
ples of animation, many of which
remain pertinent in an era of CGI. To
illustrate, consider someone throw-
ing a ball so that it bounces along the
ground. A thrown ball is known to fol-
low a parabolic path, a form of arc. The
arc principle of animation is that
almost all actions follow some form of
arc. Arcs, as the Disney animators were
well aware, give animation a more natu-
ral appearance. Another principle, slow in
and slow out, relates to the ball taking time
to accelerate and decelerate. The animation looks most
realistic if there are more frames near the beginning
and end of a movement, and fewer in the middle. The
ight of the ball and its bounce involves the principle
of squash and stretch. As the ball falls, animating a
slight stretch gives the impression of the ball having
speed. Dilation is the mathematical transformation for
stretching and shrinking. Animating a squash to the
ball as it bounces gives the impression of weight. For
the ball to seem real, the animator uses the principle
of solid drawing by taking into account the form of
the ball in three-dimensional space as well as using the
geometry of light and shadow.
CGI and Mathematics
CGI is even more mathematically based than hand ani-
mation because the images must be mathematically
represented in order to be manipulated in the computer
environment. Oscar-winning computer scientist Tony
DeRose, who has worked for Pixar Animation Studios,
said, . . . different kinds of mathematics are used for
different aspects of a lm, from the simulation of how
light bounces around in an environment (integral cal-
culus) to obtaining smooth surfaces efciently (subdi-
vision surfaces) and making characters move in a real-
istic fashion (harmonic coordinates). Trigonometry
and vector algebra are widely used in CGI algorithms
for creating and manipulating images. Matrices are a
standard algebraic way of representing various trans-
formations. Dilation makes objects larger or smaller in
addition to stretching; translations move objects; and
rotations turn objects.
One classic CGI method for creat-
ing three-dimensional animated
objects involves using polygonal
meshes, which are collections,
or grids, of polygons. This
method makes use of the
geometry of smooth surfaces.
Like animated motion, this
method relies on the human
eyes tendency to smooth discon-
When the cylinder of a Zoetrope
rotates, the images on the inside
appear to be moving when viewed
through a succession of slits.
50 Animation and CGI
tinuous regions. Locally, smooth surfaces look at, so
they can be approximated with small, at polygons such
as triangles or quadrilaterals. Basic three-dimensional
shapes such as cubes, cylinders, spheres, and cones may
be joined to form composite three-dimensional objects.
Interpolation is also used. More complex and smoother-
looking three-dimensional objects can be modeled using
sophisticated mathematics like spline patches and non-
uniform rational basis splines, where a spline is a math-
ematical function dened piecewise by polynomials.
Such techniques have become standard practice in CGI.
The mathematical representation of three-dimensional
shapes, including layout and materials, is used to com-
pute a two-dimensional image from a given viewpoint, a
process called rendering. This process entails address-
ing issues such as visibility from selected viewer angles
(including which parts of objects in the scene are hid-
den) and appearances, and how objects look different as
the lighting varies. Finally, the motion of each object in
the scene has to be specied.
Lucaslm LTD and animator Kecskemeti B. Zoltan
of Ste-One provided mathematician Timothy Chartier
with digital models of Yoda from the Star Wars mov-
ies to explore in linear algebra classrooms. One of the
models had 53,756 vertices, 4040 triangles, and 49,730
quadrilaterals, illustrating that realistic images and their
transformations have many more data points and matrix
multiplications than is typical as classroom examples.
Chartier noted, More recently, computer animation
produced the characters movement, which required
mathematical concepts from such areas as linear algebra,
calculus, differential equations, and numerical analysis.
Drawing on these popular culture ties in appropriate
coursework can pique students curiosity and compel
further learning.
Despite the many available mathematical tech-
niques and advances in the computational and visual-
ization power of computer systems, convincing simu-
lation of some physical features, like hair, continues to
be challenging. Pixar noted that it took up to 12 hours
to render a single frame of the character Sulley in the
2001 movie Monsters, Inc. because of his nearly 3 mil-
lion individually animated hair strands. Each hair was
mathematically modeled as a series of springs con-
nected via hinges.
CGI has come a long way since the 1976 movie
Futureworld, which many acknowledge as the rst use of
three-dimensional computer imagery. Even though the
rst CGI lm to win an Oscar was Pixars short movie
Tin Toy in 1988, the 1995 movie Toy Story was the rst
full-length, fully CGI feature lm. Many challenges and
problems remain to be solved in the quest for photo-
realism in CGI. Examples include more accurate mod-
eling and representation of physical actions, such as
swallowing, as well as textural and other properties of
materials like skin, including wrinkles. Animators also
seek to better differentiate faces for people of varying
ages, such as children or the elderly.
Further Reading
Chartier, Timothy. Using the Force: Star Wars in the
Classroom. PRIMUS 17, no. 1 (2007).
Mathematical Association of America. Pixars Tony
DeRose Illuminates the Mathematics of Animation.
McAdams, A., S. Osher, and J. Teran. Crashing Waves,
Awesome Explosions, Turbulent Smoke, and Beyond:
Applied Mathematics and Scientic Computing in
the Visual Effects Industry. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 57, no. 5 (2010). http://www
D. Keith Jones
Deborah Moore-Russo
See Also: Digital Images; Movies, Making of; Optical
Illusions; Painting; Transformations.
Apgar Scores
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Summary: The Apgar score is a simple prognostic
device for neonatal care.
Throughout the developed world and in many other
countries, every newborn baby is assessed according to
various factors, each of which is assigned a score that is
aggregated to quantify the babys condition and prog-
nosis. The system was introduced in the 1950s by Dr
Virginia Apgar, whose last name has come to serve as
a mnemonic for the assessed categories: activity, pulse,
Apgar Scores 51
grimace (reex), appearance (skin color), and respira-
tion. The Apgar score indicates the health of the new-
born and the likelihood that medical treatment or spe-
cial intervention will be necessary much more quickly
and more accurately than any system that had previ-
ously been in use.
In medicine, there are many scoring systems designed
to predict and identify clinical situations in which the
potential value of intensive care is low, while the burden
of therapy is high, providing a numerical prediction of
mortality. In gastroenterology, the Child-Pugh score is
a scoring system to assess the prognosis of chronic liver
disease; for vascular patients, the Eagle score allows esti-
mation of a patients risk of dying during heart surgery;
the probability of pulmonary embolism is estimated by
the Geneva score; the Gleason Grading system is used to
help evaluate the prognosis of men with prostate can-
cer; and for pediatric end-stage liver disease, a scoring
system exists for prioritizing allocation of liver trans-
plants for children under 12 years of age.
Development and Effectiveness
Dr. Virginia Apgar was the rst woman at Colum-
bia University College of Physicians and Surgeons to
be named a full professor. She developed a practical
method for measuring the status of probable survival
of newborn infants. Initially, she listed all objective
signs that pertained in any way to the condition of the
infant birth. Then she observed that ve of these signs
could be easily determined one minute after the com-
plete birth of the baby. Depending on if the sign was
absent, weak, or present, a rating of 0, 1, or 2 was given
for each signal. The signs are heart rate (slow, normal,
fast, or irregular), respiratory effort (from normal to
distressed), reex response (from over- to under-reac-
tive), muscle tone, and color (pale, normal, or blue).
In this system, infants in poor condition scored 02,
infants in fair condition scored 37, and a score of 10
indicated a baby in the best possible condition.
In 1953, she observed the mortality rates of 2096
newborn infants with low, moderate, and high Apgar
scores within 60 seconds after complete birth. This
evaluation was rapidly adopted in delivery rooms
throughout the United States and elsewhere. In 1959,
a study with 15,348 infants established the predictive
value of the Apgar score. The death rate among infants
scoring 2, 1, or 0 was about 15%, while the rate for
infants scoring 10 was about 0.13%. This prediction
is especially useful in judging the urgency for resusci-
tative measures, such as respiratory assistance. It can
be used to guide care, including intensive care. The
score is generally determined by doctors and nurses
at one minute and at ve minutes after delivery. The
ve-minute score is generally accepted as the best pre-
dictor for newborn infant survival. A low score on the
one-minute test may show that the neonate requires
medical attention but is not necessarily an indication
that long-term problems will occur, particularly if
there is an improvement for the ve-minute test.
Probability is used to express knowledge or belief that
an event will occur or it has occurred. A prediction is
a statement that tells what might happen in the future
based upon the given information. Prediction meth-
ods are important in various elds, including medi-
cine, physics, and nance. Mathematics can be used to
develop predictions, which are based on a careful anal-
ysis of patterns and collected data. Apgar recognized
the patterns related to a babys health signs and used
them as a basis to make subsequent predictions. This
example provides a clear idea of a credible prediction
that was based on some form of empirical evidence.
Thanks to this predictor approach, thousands of babies
with special needs get the care they need immediately.
Although it is not possible to make a 100% accurate
prediction, predictions based on solid data and statisti-
cal analysis can increase the likelihood of accuracy.
Before 1952, the way to judge the condition of a new-
born baby quickly and accurately shortly after birth was
based on breathing time and crying time. Apgars
accurate observations between 1949 and 1952 allowed
the development of the automatic method of one-
minute observation covering several signs easily. Thus,
using some mathematical tools it is possible to trans-
form qualitative values, such as physiological signs of
babies, into quantity valuesApgar scores. By making
predictions using Apgar scores it is also possible to per-
form the reverse: using the quantitative values (scores)
to predict future qualitative values (health of babies).
Further Reading
Apel, M. A. Virginia Apgar: Innovative Female Physician
and Inventor of the Apgar Score (Women Hall of
Famers in Mathematics and Science). New York: Rosen
Publishing Group, 2004.
52 Apgar Scores
Infarom Publishing. Probability Theory Guide and
National Institutes of Health: National Library of
Medicine. Changing the Face of Medicine, Dr.
Virginia Apgar.
Maria Elizete Kunkel
Maria Elizabeth S Rodrigues
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Diagnostic Testing; Medical Imaging.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections;
Geometry; Measurement; Number and Operations;
Summary: Arabic and Islamic mathematicians
popularized the decimal system and Arabic numerals
and also developed algebra.
Mathematicians living in Islamic lands and writing in
Arabic have played a central role in the development of
mathematics, particularly during the 700-year period
from around the year 750 c.e to around 1450 c.e. These
scholars lived in an area that not only includes the
present-day Middle East but stretches into the western
parts of India, the major cities of central Asia, all of
northern Africa, and most of the Iberian Peninsula.
Most of the inuential mathematicians of this seventh-
century era were Muslim, and most wrote in Arabic.
However, the lands ruled by Muslim rulers included
many ethnicities, cultures, languages, and religions.
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Manichaeans,
Sabians, Buddhists, Hindus, Persians, Turks, Sogdians,
Mongols, Arabs, Berbers, Egyptians, and many others
contributed to a remarkable multiethnic, multicultural
civilization. Mathematics was not an exception. The
full story of mathematics in this era has yet to be told.
Hundreds of manuscripts await examination, transla-
tion, and a critical edition. Undoubtedly, in the years
to come, our understanding of the extent, the import,
and the inuence of the mathematics of this period
will change dramatically.
While their knowledge of what came before them
was incomplete and uneven, the mathematicians of
the Islamic era were aware ofand in some ways
heirs toideas, methods, and points of view that
originated in India, Persia, andespeciallyGreek
Alexandria. A remarkable translation movement cou-
pled with a scholarly tradition of writing commentar-
ies on previous works meant that mathematicians of
this era were comfortable with the contents and the
methodology of the works of, among others, Euclid,
Archimedes, Apollonius, Ptolemy, and Diophantus as
well as the basics of Indian decimal arithmetic and
trigonometry. They also had access to Persian astro-
nomical tables. They accomplished a great deal with
this heritage. What the mathematicians of the Islamic
era bequeathed to those who came later was very dif-
ferent in content, style, and approach than what had
come before them. (A note on names: names of math-
ematicians and places can be transliterated to English
based on their Arabic, Persian, or Turkish versions.
For the most part, we have chosen what is currently
most common in English. The one exception is that
we have often omitted the Arabic denite article al
that precedes titles and nicknames.)
The Decimal System and
the Concept of Number
For Euclidthe preeminent mathematician of Greek
Alexandrianumber meant a rational number. In
his work, irrational numbers were called magnitudes
and were treated quite differently from numbers. In
fact, Euclids very inuential book Elements contains
few numbers and hardly any calculations. Starting
with Khwarizmi of Khwarizm (c. 780850 c.e.), the
principles of the positional decimal system that had
originally come from India were organized and widely
disseminated. Hence, with the use of 10 symbols it was
possible to carry out all arithmetic operations. Over
the following centuries, the methods for these arith-
metical operations were improved and included work-
ing with decimal fractions and with large numbers. In
fact, in the process, the Euclidean concept of number
was gradually enlarged to include irrational numbers
and their representation as decimal fractions. The
mathematician Kashani (c. 13801429), also known as
Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
al-Kashi, worked comfortably with irrational numbers
and, for example, was able to produce an approxima-
tion that was correct to 16 decimal places. The Arabic
texts on the decimal number system were translated to
Latin and were the basis for what are now called the
Hindu-Arabic numerals.
While it is possible to recognize algebraic problems in
ancient mathematics, algebra as a discipline distinct
from geometry and concerned with solving of equa-
tions was developed during the Islamic period. The rst
book devoted to the subject was Khwarizmis Al-kitab
al-muhtasar hisab al-jabr wa-l-muqabala (Compen-
dium on Calculation by Completion and Reduction).
In this title, al-jabrthe origin of the word alge-
brameans restoration or completion and refers
to moving a negative quantity to the other side of
an equation where it becomes positive. Al-muqabala
means comparison or reduction and refers to the
possibility of subtracting like terms from two sides of
an equation. While all algebra problems were stated
and solved using words and sentencessymbolic
algebra did not arise until much later in the fteenth
century in Italyan algebra of polynomials was devel-
oped by Abu Kamil (c. 850930), Karaji (c. 9531029),
and Samuil Maghribi (c. 11301180+, also known
as al-Samawal). Powers, even negative powers, of
unknowns were considered and many algebraic equa-
tions were classied and solved. Khwarizmi gave a full
account of second-degree equations, and Khayyam
(10481131) gave a geometric solution to equations
of degree three using conic sections. Here, we give a
problemtranslated to modern notationsolved
by Abu Kamil. Some 300 years later, this exact same
problem appeared in Chapter 15 of the 1202 text Liber
Abaci by Leonardo Fibonacci. Abu Kamil gave a solu-
tion to the following system of three equations and
three unknowns:
x + y + z = 10
+ y
= z
xz = y
Abu Kamil rst started with the choice of
x = 1 and
solved the latter two equations for y and z. Since, for
the latter two equations, any scalar multiple of the
solutions continues to be a solution, he then scaled the
solutions so that the rst equation was also satised.
He simplied the answer to get:
x = 5 3125 50 .
Geometrical methods and problems were ubiquitous
in the Islamic era. While algebraic problems were
solved using the newly developed algebraic algorithms
(the word algorithm itself is derived from algorismi,
the Latin version of the name of the mathematician al-
Khwarizmi), the justication for the algebraic methods
was usually given using geometrical arguments and
often relying on a distinctively Euclidean style. Guided
by problems in astronomy and geography (for exam-
ple, nding, from any place on Earth, the direction of
Mecca for the purpose of the Islamic daily prayers),
spherical geometry was developed.
But new work in plane geometry was also carried
out. Khayyam and Nasir al-din Tusi (12011274), for
example, studied the fth postulate of Euclid and came
close to ideas that much later on led to the development
of non-Euclidean geometries in Europe. However, as
is the case with much of the mathematics of this era,
applications play an important role in the choice of
questions and problems.
For example, Abul Wafa Buzjani (940997) reports
on meetings that included mathematicians and arti-
sans. A problem of interest to tile makers is how to cre-
ate a single square tile from three tiles. A traditional
mathematician, Abul Wafa explains, translates this
problem into a ruler and compass construction and
gives a method for constructing a square of side 3.
While logically correct, this construction is of little
use to the tile maker, who is confronted with three
actual tiles and wants to cut and rearrange them to
create a new tile. Abul Wafa also gives the customary
practical method that is actually used by tile makers
to solve this problem, and proves that their method,
while practical, is not precise, and the nal object is
not exactly a square. While stressing the importance
of being both practical and precise, and the virtues of
Euclidean proofs, he presents his own practical and
correct methods for solving this and related problems.
The origins of trigonometry begin with the Greek
study of chords as well as the Indian development
54 Arabic/Islamic Mathematics
of what is now called the sine function. Claudius
Ptolemys table of chords and Indian tables of sine
values were powerful tools in astronomy. However, a
systematic study and use of all the trigonometric func-
tions motivated by applications to astronomy, spheri-
cal geometry, and geography begins in the Islamic
era. Abul Wafa had a proof of the addition theorem
for sines and used all six trigonometric functions;
Abu Rayhan Biruni (9731048) used trigonometry to
measure the circumference of Earth; and Nasir al-din
Tusi gave a systematic treatment in his Treatise on the
Quadrilateral that helped establish trigonometry as a
distinct discipline.
One of the earlier known descriptions and uses of the
table of binomial coefcients (also known as the Pascal
triangle) is that of Karaji. While his work on the sub-
ject is not extant, his clear description of the triangle
survives in the writings of Samuil Maghribi. Binomial
coefcients were used extensively, among other appli-
cations, for extracting roots. Kashani, for example,
used binomial coefcients to give an algorithm for
extracting fth roots. He demonstrated it by nding
the fth root of 44,240,899,506,197. Other combinato-
rial questions were treated as well. Ibn al-Haytham (c.
9651039, also known as Alhazen) gave a construction
of magic squares of odd order, and Ibn Munim (died
c. 1228) devotes a whole chapter of his book Fiqh al-
Hisab to combinatorial counting problems.
Numerical Mathematics
The prominence of applied problems, the development
of Hindu-Arabic numerals and calculation schemes,
and the development of algebra and trigonometry
led to a blossoming of numerical mathematics. One
prime example is Kashanis Miftah al-Hisab or Calcu-
lators Key. In addition to his approximation of 2 and
his extraction of fth roots, he also gave an iterative
method for nding the root of a third-degree polyno-
mial in order to approximate the sine of one degree to
as close as an approximation as one wishes.
Further Reading
Berggren, J. L. Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval
Islam. New York: Springer Verlag, 1986.
Katz, Victor J. A History of Mathematics. An Introduction.
2nd ed. London: Addison Wesley, 1998.
Katz, Victor, ed. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia,
China, India, and Islam. A Sourcebook. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2007.
Van Brummelen, Glen. The Mathematics of the Heavens
and the Earth: The Early History of Trigonometry.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Shahriar Shahriari
See Also: Babylonian Mathematics; Greek
Mathematics; Measurement, Systems of; Number and
Operations; Numbers, Rational and Irrational; Numbers,
Real; Ruler and Compass Constructions; Squares and
Square Roots; Zero.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is essential in modeling and
predicting a bows performance.
Archery is the practice of propelling an arrow with a
bow for the purpose of hunting, warfare, or sport. A
bow is a pair of elastic limbs connected at the tips by a
string. A bow acts as a spring and stores in the limbs the
energy applied by the archer. As the archer releases the
string, the arrow is propelled with a force proportional
to the tension on the string. The path of the arrow is
a parabola whose shape is determined in part by the
angle of release from the bow, measured with reference
to the ground.
The origins of archery are lost in the beginning of
civilization and probably will never be determined with
precision. The earliest bows known today were found
in the Holmegaard area of Denmark and were made
of elm and yew. The Holmegaard bows date form the
Mesolithic period (10,0003000 b.c.e.); however, there
is archaeological evidence of projectile woundspos-
sibly caused by bowsfrom the Upper Paleolithic
(40,00010,000 b.c.e.) in all continents. It is specu-
lated that archery was rst used for hunting and, later,
for warfare as social structures became increasingly
complex. By the twelfth century b.c.e., archery was
a decisive branch of military power. For example, the
Archery 55
wall of the Theban temple of Ramses III depicts the
Aegean fugitive eetdriven from Crete by the Greek
immigrationengaging in and losing a battle against
the Egyptian eet, whose primary weapon is shown to
be archery. Archery remained the weapon of choice in
the West for distance combat until the introduction of
gunpowder toward the fourteenth century c.e. Archers
in the medieval era would re in a high arc, achieving
accuracy by volume rather than deliberate aim. Today,
archery is practiced as a precision sport and for hunt-
ing. Mens archery was one of the events of the second
modern Olympics in 1900. The rst Olympic archery
event for women was held in 1904.
Mathematical Modeling of Bows
Since the 1930s, engineers and scientists have studied
the design of bows. In 1947, C. N. Hickman made the
rst accurate mathematical model for at bows, con-
sisting of an idealized representation of two linear elas-
tic hinges and rigid limbs with point mass (an idealized
representation of a body used to simplify calculations)
at the tip. More recent modeling efforts by B. W. Kooi
and C. A. Bergman consider the limbs as beams that
store elastic energy by bending.
The Bernoulli-Euler equation, named for Daniel
Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler, describes the change in
the curvature of a beam as a function of the bend-
ing moment (tendency to rotate about an axis) and
is used to estimate the force in the string. When the
archer draws the bow, the force exerted at the middle
of the string causes an increase in the bending of the
limbs, thus increasing the momentum and storing
more energy for the shot. The elasticity modulus of
the bows materialthe proportionality constant that
relates limb deformation versus energy storeddeter-
mines the force with which the limbs recover their
original shape after being deformed.
Mathematical modeling is a viable alternative for
the evaluation of the performance of old bow models.
As time passes, environmental conditions and natural
processes cause considerable degradation within the
cell structure of the wood used in ancient bows, which
prevents a realistic assessment of the original density of
the material and precludes direct testing.
Further Reading
Grayson, Charles E. Traditional Archery From Six
Continents. Columbia: University of Missouri
Press, 2007.
Kooi, B. W., and C. A. Bergman. An Approach to the
Study of Ancient Archery Using Mathematical
Modelling. Antiquity 71, no. 271 (1971).
Miller, Frederic P., Agnes F. Vandome, and John
McBrewster, eds. History of Archery. Beau Bassin,
Mauritius: Alphascript Publishing, 2010.
Slater, Steven. The Physics of a Wooden Bow: In
Traditional Archery, Not All Bows Are Equal. Suite
101 (July 6, 2009).
Soar, Hugh D. H. The Crooked Stick: A History of the
Longbow. Yardley, PA: Westholme Publishing, 2009.
Juan B. Gutierrez
See Also: Artillery; Firearms; Learning Models and
Trajectories; Middle Ages.
56 Archery
An archers body should be perpendicular to the target
and his or her feet should be shoulder-width apart.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Calculus; Connections; Geometry;
Measurement; Representations.
Summary: Archimedes contributed to many areas of
mathematics, demonstrated the law of buoyancy, and
designed a number of marvelous devices.
Archimedes of Syracuse (287212 b.c.e.) was born and
lived most of his life in Syracuse on the Greek island of
Sicily in the Mediterranean. Archimedes possessed an
incredibly versatile intellecttoday he is remembered
as one of the most important mathematicians, astron-
omers, and engineers in history.
He is credited with numerous inventions, such as the
mechanical pump known as the Archimedes screw, the
compound pulley, and various engines of war (includ-
ing advanced catapults, ship-destroying mechanical
arms, and the famous Archimedes death ray). As
important as Archimedes legacy is to engineering and
astronomy, perhaps his most important work was in
mathematics. His contributions in geometry, conic
sections, and number theory along with his work in
computational mechanics, his discovery of the law of
buoyancy, and his contributions to the eld of math-
ematics that would become known as calculus almost
two millennia later, secure Archimedes place in math-
ematical history.
Early Life
Most of what is known about Archimedes was writ-
ten long after his death by Roman historians such as
Plutarch. This lack of contemporary sourcescoupled
with the fact that surviving works of Archimedes him-
self are copies made many centuries latermake some
of the popular stories about the Greek mathematician
Archimedes father was an astronomer named Phi-
dias. According to some authors, young Archimedes
was sent to Alexandria, Egypt, to study. The library at
Alexandria was the center of learning for the Greek
world, containing the mathematical and astronomi-
cal manuscripts produced by scholars such as Euclid
of Alexandria, the father of geometry. It is very likely
that Archimedes studied mathematics with the stu-
dents of Euclid. While in Alexandria, Archimedes may
have produced his rst important invention, a pump
now known as the Archimedes screw (some historians
claim the device was invented by Archimedes at a later
date at the request of King Hieron II to be used as a
bilge pump for removing water from ships). Whatever
Archimedes motivation for developing it, the Archi-
medes screw is a simple mechanical device that is used
to move water. In fact, the device continues to be used
today in various applications.
Although there is no indisputable evidence that
Archimedes studied in Alexandria, there are several
indicators that he was friendly with the mathemati-
cians there. For instance, the famous Archimedes
Cattle Problem is found in a letter Archimedes sent
to the Alexandrian astronomer and mathematician
Eratosthenes. Archimedes challenged the mathema-
ticians of Alexandria to solve a complicated math-
ematical riddle concerning the number of cattle in
the herd of the sun god. Written in verse, the problem
involves extremely large numbers and was not solved
by the mathematicians of Alexandria, or by anyone
else for that matter (including Archimedes), until the
late nineteenth century.
Archimedes Inventions
In addition to the Archimedes screw, Archimedes is
credited with the invention of the compound pulley. A
compound pulley is a system of movable pulleys that
provides a substantial mechanical advantage for doing
work. Evidently very condent in his knowledge and
abilities, Archimedes once asserted, Given a place to
stand on, I can move the Earth. King Hiero II decided
to test Archimedes boast by assigning him the job of
Archimedes 57
The design principles of
the Archimedes screw,
invented in the third
century B.C.E., are
still used today.
moving a heavily laden ship from its dock, a job that
would have required a great effort from a substantial
number of men. Archimedes constructed a system of
pulleys by which, with very little effort on his part, he
was able to move the heavy ship.
Perhaps the best-known inventions of Archime-
des were the engines of war used by the defenders of
Syracuse against the invading Roman army. Although
the Syracusans were badly outnumbered, Archimedes
ingenious devices kept the attackers at bay, even strik-
ing fear into the hearts of the Roman soldiers. In addi-
tion to making improvements on existing weapons
such as the catapult, Archimedes developed new and
frightening methods for defending his home. One of
these inventions reportedly involved the use of great
mirrors to focus the suns rays on the Roman ships
blockading Syracuse, setting re to the helpless ships
and the soldiers contained in them. This particular
story of Archimedes exploits has been questioned for
centuries. In fact, it was a topic of the Discovery Chan-
nel television show, MythBusters, which concluded that
the likely success of such a device was very small.
Archimedes also built, according to Roman histo-
rians, gigantic mechanical arms that swung out over
the enemy ships. Some of these arms dropped massive
stones and other weapons, sinking the ships. Another
mechanical device, today known as the Archimedes
claw, was used to pluck ships out of the water and bash
them against the rocks or simply shake them and drop
them from great heights so that they would sink to the
bottom of the sea.
Archimedes inventions were so effective, and so ter-
rifying, that reports claim that the Roman ships and
their invading armies would ee in terror at the slight-
est sound or movement emanating from the Syracuse
defenses that hinted at another attack.
58 Archimedes
ne of the primary duties of historians is to
use old letters, manuscripts, and other docu-
ments to try to understand a people or culture. In
most cases, the existence of these documents
is already known to others, and the historian is
simply trying to shed new light on the past through
the interpretation of the existing manuscripts.
Occasionally, a new document is discovered and
serves to excite the historical community.
In the tenth century, a manuscript containing
several of the works of Archimedes was produced
in Greek, the language Archimedes had used to
compose the original works thirteen centuries
earlier. A few centuries later, this manuscript and
several other unrelated manuscripts were reused
to produce a Byzantine prayer book.
Since the manuscripts were written on parch-
mentsor animal skinsthe words were liter-
ally scraped off the page (the word palimpsest
means scraped again), making the parchment
ready for its new authors. In this way, the monks
saved the expense of new parchment. This
prayer book survived the ensuing centuries until
the early twentieth century, when a leading Archi-
medes scholar, John Ludwig Heiberg, determined
that underneath the prayers and barely visible in
a few places were works of the Greek mathemati-
cian Archimedes.
The location of the Archimedes Palimpsest
throughout the rest of the twentieth century is a
bit of a mystery, but in 1999 a wealthy collector,
wishing to remain anonymous, bought the manu-
script at auction and entrusted it to the Walters
Art Museum in Baltimore for conservation and
study. At the museum, experts in various elds
have worked with scholars to uncover the hidden
text. What they uncovered proved to be one of the
most exciting discoveries in the history of math-
ematics. One of the Archimedean treatises on
the palimpsest represents the only known copy
of that work in Greek. Two others are manuscripts
previously thought lost by scholars.
Although Greek and Roman writers attributed
both of these works to Archimedes, no one in the
modern age had ever laid eyes on either oneuntil
the secrets of the palimpsest were unlocked.
The Archimedes Palimpsest
Archimedes Mathematics
Although renowned for his engineering achievements
and machines of war, Archimedes was at heart a pure
mathematician. His insights and discoveries in many
elds of mathematics cause historians today to con-
sider him one of the greatest and most original math-
ematicians who ever lived. Archimedes was report-
edly obsessed with mathematics, and stories abound
regarding this obsession. While lounging in the pub-
lic bathsas was the custom at the timeArchime-
des would often draw geometric gures in the chim-
ney embers. This single-mindedness eventually led to
his demise. Two stories emerged from biographies of
Archimedes by the Roman historian Plutarch, both
of which occurred when the Romans nally overran
Syracuse. In the rst and most popular story (probably
because it illustrates the romantic idea of the dedicated
but absent-minded scientist), Archimedes is contem-
plating some geometric gures when a Roman soldier
comes upon him and orders Archimedes to come with
him. Archimedes response to the soldier is that the sol-
dier should leave him alone until he has nished the
proof to the problem he is contemplatinga response
not appreciated by the soldier, as he slew Archimedes
with a sword. The other story involves a soldier coming
upon Archimedes as he carried various mathematical
instruments to General Marcellus, the Roman general
in charge of the invasion. The soldier, thinking the
instruments were valuableperhaps even vessels lled
with goldslew Archimedes for the treasure. In either
account, General Marcellus is very unhappy, as he had
ordered Archimedes brought to him alive.
Today, Archimedes the mathematician is remem-
bered for much, but his discovery of the methods that
one day would be called integral calculus is at the fore-
front. Archimedes used a technique called the method of
exhaustion to approximate the area of a circle and thus
the value of pi. In this method, Archimedes inscribed
a polygon in a circle and calculated the area of the
polygon. Inscribing a polygon involves drawing a poly-
gona multisided, closed gure such as a pentagon or
an octagonso that each vertex just touches the inside
of a circle. He then circumscribed a polygon around the
outside of the circle and calculated its area. He knew the
actual area of the circle must be somewhere between the
areas of the two polygons. By calculating the areas of
polygons with more and more sideseventually using
a 96-sided gurehe was able to approximate the area
of the circle closely and conclude that the value of lay
somewhere between the following two fractions:
and .
Archimedes used the method of exhaustion to nd
many other interesting mathematical theorems. Most
of these theorems are geometric in nature and address
methods for nding areas of plane gures and volumes
of three-dimensional solids. For example, Archimedes
proved that the surface area of a sphere is four times
the area of a great circle.
He also compared a sphere and a cylinder circum-
scribed around the sphere and found that the spheres
volume and surface area were two-thirds those of the
cylinder. Many scholars believe that Archimedes con-
sidered his most important work to be in this area. A lit-
tle more than century after the death of Archimedes, the
Roman senator and orator Cicero discovered a grave he
believed to belong to Archimedes, marked with sphere
inscribed in a cylinder along with the related theorem.
Interestingly, although Archimedes used geomet-
ric methods like the method of exhaustion to prove
his theorems, he used other methods in the discovery
Archimedes 59
Archimedes found that a spheres volume and surface
area were two-thirds those of a circumscribed cylinder.
of some of those same theorems. One such method
involved the use of innitesimals. An innitesimal is
an indenitely small number that proved to be criti-
cal to the development of calculus many centuries
later. Ironically, Archimedes did not accept the use
of innitesimalsor other mechanical methods he
used to uncover interesting mathematical truthsin
a rigorous proof. Archimedes accepted the Greek tra-
dition that only pure geometric demonstrations con-
tained the rigor demanded in mathematical proof.
According to Archimedes, as translated by Brit-
ish mathematician Thomas Heath, Certain things
rst became clear to me by a mechanical method,
although they had to be demonstrated by geometry
afterwards.But it is of course easier, when we have
previously acquired by the method, some knowledge
of the questions, to supply the proof than it is to nd
it without any previous knowledge.
Archimedes made many other mathematical dis-
coveries. He found methods for calculating the center
of gravity of plane gures, methods for summing in-
nite series, techniques for nding tangents to curves
(a forerunner of differential calculus), and a method
for nding the weight of a solid body immersed in liq-
uid. In addition to these geometric discoveries, Archi-
medes found many interesting results in arithmetic,
or the theory of numbers. He developed methods for
estimating the value of square roots, and in a work
called The Sand Reckoner, Archimedes invented a new
number system capable of representing impossibly
large numbersnumbers large enough, according to
Archimedes, to count the number of grains of sand in
the universe.
Today, we know of Archimedes great mind through
copies of his own works made centuries after his
death as well as books from other authors who attri-
bute results to Archimedes. Several works of Archi-
medes no longer exist, and we know only of their one-
time existence from references in other books. Until
the twentieth century, an Archimedes work called
The Method belonged in this category of lost works.
Other authors related that The Method contained
explanations of the techniques used by Archimedes
to discover many of his mathematical theorems. His-
torians and mathematicians alike lamented the fact
that this potential insight into the mind of the great
man would never be known. A copy of this work has
recently come to light and has opened a treasure trove
of new information regarding the creative processes
used by Archimedes.
Archimedes Legacy
The esteem with which history holds a gure like
Archimedes may be tied to the storiessubstantiated
or otherwisethat become a part of the folklore sur-
rounding that gure. The most famous story concern-
ing Archimedes is another example of this historical
perception. It seems that King Hiero II was concerned
that a greedy goldsmith had used a certain amount of
silver in a crown that was intended to be pure gold.
The king asked Archimedes to determine the purity
of his crown without destroying it. While bathing one
dayas the story goesArchimedes realized that the
volume of water displaced by his (or any other) body
could be used to calculate the density of the bodya
method that could measure the density of the crown
and thus its content. Archimedes immediately sprang
from his bath and ran naked through the streets of Syr-
acuse yelling, Eureka! (I have found it!)
Although this Archimedean anecdote does not
appear in print until several centuries after his death,
Eureka! remains the rst thing that comes to the
minds of many modern readers when they encounter
the name of Archimedes. If indeed Archimedes did
actually solve the problem of the impure crown for his
king, it seems much more likely that he used a method
that is now called the Archimedes principle. This
method, which actually appears in Archimedes writ-
ings, involved weighing an object while it is submerged
in water to determine its buoyant force.
In his own lifetime, Archimedes was renowned as an
inventor and military engineer rather than as a math-
ematician. History, however, remembers Archimedes
as one of the most brilliant and original mathemati-
cal thinkers who ever lived. In todays modern world,
pure and applied mathematics are often scrupu-
lously separated by their practitioners. In his time, how-
ever, Archimedes was both a brilliant pure mathemati-
cianwhose work involving integral calculus predated
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz by almost 2000
yearsas well as a gifted applied mathematician
who used geometric techniques to nd, among other
things, the center of gravity of solid objects. Certainly,
Archimedes is a part of the small pantheon of scientic
geniuses like Newton and Albert Einstein whose bril-
liance changed the way in which we see our world.
60 Archimedes
Further Reading
Clagett, Marshall. Archimedes in the Middle Ages.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.
Dijksterhuis, E. J. Archimedes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1987.
Gardner, Martin. Archimedes, Mathematician and
Inventor. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
Hershfeld, Alan. Eureka Man: The Life and Legacy of
Archimedes. New York: Walker, 2009.
Netz, Reviel, and William Noel. The Archimedes Codex:
How a Medieval Prayer Book Is Revealing the True
Genius of Antiquitys Greatest Scientist. Philadelphia,
PA: Da Capo Press, 2007.
Noel, William. Archimedes Palimpsest. http://www
Stein, Sherman K. Archimedes: What Did He Do
Besides Cry Eureka? Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of American, 1999.
Tuplin, Christopher, and T. E. Rihll. Science and
Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2002.
Todd Timmons
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education; Greek
Mathematics; Innity; Levers; Limits and Continuity;
Mathematics, Applied; Pi; Polygons.
Arenas, Sports
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Modern arena designers consult
mathematicians to determine the effects of design on
play and crowd behavior.
A sports arena is essentially an enclosed area consist-
ing of a large open space where a sport is played, sur-
rounded by seating for spectators. It may also include
various facilities for athletes, spectators, and the press.
Many sports use specic terms for arenas, like park
for baseball and stadium for football. Some sports
arenas are open-air while others are roofed. The word
stadium comes from stadion, an ancient Greek unit
of length. Mathematics plays a signicant role in the
design and maintenance of modern sports arenas,
including not only the geometrically shaped playing
surfaces but also the optimization of seating, sightlines,
acoustics, lighting, spectator trafc ow, and placement
of restrooms and concessions. Features such as retract-
able roofs and convertible forms to accommodate mul-
tiple sports require careful design as well. Mathemati-
cians also analyze and model features of sports arenas
to determine their potential effect on the game play.
The rules of each sport dictate dimensions for the
eld of play. Some such as hockey, football, basketball,
and soccer specify exact dimensions for the playing
surface and delineate areas for specic activities, like
the rectangular key in basketball or the half-circle goal
crease for amateur hockey. Baseball, on the other hand,
standardizes the dimensions of some features such as
the distance between bases and the distance between
the pitcher and home plate, but the outeld varies
depending on the positions of the outeld walls. Fur-
ther, aspects of game play can be affected by design
choices. Fenway Parks outeld wall known as the
Green Monster is notorious for stopping home runs,
yielding more doubles and triples. When the new Yan-
kee Stadium produced a higher rate of home runs, there
was speculation about a wind tunnel effect. Statisti-
cal analyses suggested that curvature and height of the
right eld wall were more important than wind speeds
or patterns. Statistician George Bill James developed
the concept of park factors, which attempts to measure
how park characteristics inuence game outcomes.
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washing-
ton, D.C., which opened in 1961, was the rst multiuse
stadium. It was widely decried for being a concrete
donut. Some critics suggested its wavy shape and cur-
vature optimized it for baseball seating, though the
widely replicated design has deciencies for baseball
and football. Some critical seats were too low for foot-
ball and too high for baseball, resulting in poor sight-
line angles.
The baseball conguration was also more symmet-
rical than most baseball-only elds. Modern design-
ers use mathematical techniques and tools (such as
Mathcad software), simulations, and three-dimen-
sional modeling for their designs, resulting in unique
facilities like The Float in Singapore, which is literally
oating on Marina Bay. Similar methods are involved
in the design of arena roofs or domes, some of which
are retractable. Calculating the amount of material
Arenas, Sports 61
needed to construct a curved dome, as well as calculat-
ing the weights, forces, and stresses, typically involves
the use of calculus. These calculations, in turn, partially
determine the type of support required.
Geometry and graph theory also contribute to dome
design. R. Buckminster Fuller suggested that domes are
strongest when the edges lie along great circles. Trian-
gles are often used to give great strength with minimal
weight, while other support structures resemble the
latitude and longitude conguration on a globe. Fibo-
nacci sequences and plane tilings also are used in the
design of some domes. Veltins Arena in Germany uses
features like hinged columns with ball-bearing edges
that move in three dimensions. Both Veltins Arena and
University of Phoenix Stadium in the United States
feature sliding roofs and retractable natural-grass
playing surfaces weighing millions of pounds. These
were mathematically modeled extensively before con-
struction. Transformative structures of this type have
become known as kinetic architecture.
Mathematicians continue to investigate ques-
tions related to sports arenas, some of which have
wider applications. Researchers have considered the
impact of sports arenas on land values using hedonic
regression models. Mathematical analyses of crowd
sequence videos (frequently taken from sports ven-
ues) benet research in areas including surveillance,
designs of densely populated public spaces, and crowd
safety. In some cases, people are conceptualized as a
thinking uid to which uid dynamic and stochas-
tic models may be applied. Unusual events like emer-
gency evacuations are fairly rare, and there are legal
barriers to obtaining extensive live footage. As such,
computer scientists and mathematicians have devel-
oped detailed simulations for both normal behavior
and unusual crowd events. Some have suggested that
62 Arenas, Sports
The Green Monster is the nickname for the left field wall at Fenway Park, home to the Boston Red Sox. The 37-
foot-high wall is famous for preventing home runs that would clear the walls of most other ballparks.
topology optimization would be benecial for investi-
gating arena evacuation plans.
Further Reading
Puhalla, Jim, Jeffrey Krans, and Michael Goatley. Sports
Fields: Design, Construction, and Maintenance.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
Winston, Wayne. Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers,
and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball,
Basketball, and Football. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Baseball; City Planning; Domes.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus; Measurement;
Number and Operations.
Summary Mathematics is essential to the design and
ring of artillery pieces.
Mathematics has had numerous military applications,
including the development of artillery pieces after the
invention of gunpowder in China in the fourteenth
century. Mathematical formulas and calculations are
critical to the design and use of artillery. The science
of ballistics, which relies on mathematical formulas to
study the ight paths of projectiles, also plays a major
role in artillery development.
Engineer Benjamin Robbins invented the ballistic
pendulum and is referred to by some as the founder of
modern ballistics. Technological and scientic devel-
opments resulted in the modern use of artillery ring
tables and computer-based ring calculation programs.
Mathematics also plays a signicant role in the ability
to centralize re control command centers and the use
of indirect re in which targets are not visible through
a weapons sightlines.
Many mathematicians have worked in places such
as the Ballistics Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Prov-
ing Ground, such as Gilbert Bliss, who worked on r-
ing tables for artillery.
Early artillery weapons relied on mechanical
energy to re projectiles and were not of uniform
designmaking them large, cumbersome, and inac-
curate. Technological innovations in the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries led to the development of
standardized artillery with increased accuracy and
In the late eighteenth century, British Royal Artil-
lery Lieutenant Henry Shrapnel created a shell (con-
tainer) that held multiple musket balls and a time fuse
that allowed the shell to travel longer distances before
exploding, increasing the cannons range. High-explo-
sive fragmentation shells and improved conventional
munitions replaced shrapnel shells beginning in the
early twentieth century.
Military scientists, weapon and projectile engineers,
and soldiers have utilized the science of ballistics (the
study of the ight of projectiles as they exit the weapon,
travel through the air, and penetrate the target) since
its early development in the fourteenth century to
improve the accuracy and range of artillery.
Cannons, which rst appeared in the early four-
teenth century, spurred the development of ballistics.
Early artillery crews used mathematics to determine
the optimal angles at which to elevate their weap-
ons for improved accuracy and range. Engineers also
used mathematics to determine the angles at which
Artillery 63
Artillery Categories
he three main categories of modern artil-
lery are guns (excluding personal weapons
such as handguns and ries), howitzers, and
mortars. Guns rely on stored kinetic energy to
force a solid projectile through both the weap-
ons barrel and the air to its intended target,
while howitzers and mortars use stored chemi-
cal energy and explosive (non-solid) projectiles.
Howitzers and mortars generally re shorter
ranges along parabolic arcs while guns re lon-
ger ranges along sightlines. Tanks, anti-aircraft
batteries, rockets, and missiles can also be
considered part of modern artillery. Artillery can
be either self-propelled or towed.
to build fortications to best defend against artillery
Calculations of elevation, distance to target,
weather conditions, projectile weight, and ight tra-
jectory are necessary to achieve accuracy. Scientists
and mathematicians, beginning with Italian mathe-
matician Niccolo Franco Tartaglia, sought to improve
the accuracy and reliability of early artillery pieces
through ballistics. Tartaglias studies on a variety of
cannons led to his determination that a 45-degree
angle was ideal for ringwith the caveat that exter-
nal factors such as air drag would affect the results.
Tartaglia is also credited with the development of
the rst ballistics ring tables based on standardized
weapons and projectiles.
Other notable mathematical advances in early bal-
listics included the theories of Galileo Galilei on the
effects of the forces of gravity and air drag on the pro-
jectiles velocity and ight path, as well as the para-
bolic nature of ballistic trajectories. In the early eigh-
teenth century, English scientist Benjamin Robbins
invented the Ballistic Pendulum, which allowed the
measurement of a projectiles velocity and the effects
of air drag on that velocity. He also determined that
air drag plays a much greater role in affecting a pro-
jectiles velocity than gravity does. Sir Isaac Newton
is credited with the development of formulas used
to calculate aerodynamic drag, which he determined
was proportional to air density, the projectiles cross-
sectional area, and the approximate square of the
projectiles velocity. However, Newtons solution was
incomplete, and mathematician Johann Bernoulli
produced a more general solution. Mathematician
Leonhard Euler integrated the various stages of a pro-
jectiles ight to reduce the difculty of the equations
utilized in ballistics.
A U.S. M777 Light Towed Howitzer being fired in 2009 in Afghanistan. Howitzers have relatively short barrels
and are used to shoot projectiles at high trajectories with a steep angle of descent.
64 Artillery
Artillery projectile designers use ballistics studies
that calculate projectile properties, such as mass and
diameter, based on the design specications of the
weapon in order to ensure the projectile will t inside
the barrel and generate enough energy to propel the
projectile without damaging the weapon. Mathemati-
cal formulas are used to determine projectile design
based on various input data including the force of
aerodynamic drag, the ratio of the projectiles veloc-
ity to that of the sound in the medium it will traverse,
the properties of the medium, the projectiles caliber
(diameter), and the velocity at which it travels.
The mathematics of ballistics can be further broken
down into internal, external, and terminal ballistics.
Internal ballistics studies the ight properties of a pro-
jectile as it travels through the barrel of the weapon. A
ring mechanism lights the gunpowder, which creates
energy through the pressure generated by expanding
gases. The energy is equal to the force times the barrel
length. This energy forces the projectile through and
out of the barrel. External ballistics studies the ight
properties of a projectile as it travels through the air
from the weapon to its intended target. Various formu-
las can be used to determine the kinetic energy of the
projectile as it leaves the muzzle. Other calculations are
then used to determine ballistic coefcient (a measure
of a bodys ability to overcome air resistance in ight.).
The distance and direction of artillery projectiles is
affected by aerodynamic drag caused by a combination
of air pressure (the disturbance of air around a projec-
tile creating an area of low pressure behind it) and skin
friction (the contact between the air and the projectiles
surface). Retardation is the measurement of the degree
to which drag will slow a projectiles ight speed and
can be calculated by the following formula:
where R is retardation, D is drag, and M is the projec-
tiles mass. The ballistic coefcient is often used in place
of drag because of the greater difculty in calculating
drag, which reduces along the ight path in relation to
the decrease in velocity.
External ballistic formulas must also account for the
fact that projectiles do not travel along straight ight
paths. Physical and meteorological forces must be taken
into account when determining or predicting a projec-
tiles ight path. These forces include yaw (caused when
the nose of the bullet rotates away from a straight tra-
jectory) and precession (caused when the bullet rotates
around the center of mass). Terminal ballistics studies
the impact of the projectile as it hits the target. Math-
ematical calculations can be used to study how a projec-
tiles design and ight features, such as velocity, shape,
and mass, will affect its damage and wound capabilities.
Artillery ring requires the use of mathematical
equations to determine range, elevation, and deection,
as well as the arc of re and the probability of hitting the
intended target. Artillery equation data also include the
projectiles initial velocity, which is further divided into
vertical and horizontal velocity components. Calculat-
ing the distance a projectile travels is performed by mul-
tiplying the time the projectile is in the air by the veloci-
tys horizontal component. The needed angle to achieve
a certain distance can then be determined by solving the
equation for distance as a function of the angle.
Modern artillery crews rely on indirect re, a tech-
nique developed in the early twentieth century in
which a target is red upon despite not being visible
along sightlines. Indirect re required more complex
mathematical formulas and calculations, increasing
the importance of specialized trained military person-
nel. These personnel calculated the range and bearing
to the target. New techniques of determining the loca-
tions of enemy artillery batteries and subsequent ring
data included ash spotting, sound ranging, air pho-
tography, and registration point. Indirect re led to the
development of graphical or tabular ring tables and
the maintenance of a command center. Technological
developments also allowed for greater adjustments to
ring data based on such variable conditions as wind
speed and weather. Initially, ring data derived from
these tables was placed on the weapons sights.
Use of Computers
Battleeld computers began to appear by the 1960s and
were in use by the British and U.S. military by the fol-
lowing decade. Computerized ring tables utilize input
data to determine the angle and position of artillery,
which weapons will re, and how many rounds will be
red (although some military forces still rely on older
instruments and human calculations as backups).
Firing data such as quadrant elevation, azimuth (an
angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system),
fuse setting, and projectile properties are inputted into
Artillery 65
the software program spreadsheets based on estab-
lished data and standard conditions, which determine
ideal ring information. The ring information is then
corrected for deviations from standard conditions,
such as meteorological conditions. Further technologi-
cal developments include computer-based surveillance
and target acquisition systems, global positioning sys-
tems, and laser rangenders.
Further Reading
Carlucci, Donald, and Sidney Jacobson. Ballistics: Theory
and Design of Guns and Ammunition. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 2007.
Hackborn, William. The Science of Ballistics:
Mathematics Serving the Dark Side. http://www
McMurran, Shawnee, et al. The Impact of Ballistics on
Mathematics. Proceedings of the 16th ARL/USMA
Technical Symposium, 2010. http://www.math.usma.
Marcella Bush Trevino
See Also: Archery; Infantry (Aerial and Ground
Movements); Missiles.
Asia, Central and
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The contributions of central Asia have
included algebra and its great houses of wisdom.
Throughout history, countries in Asia have had shifting
sociopolitical boundaries. The names of some countries
have changed, inuenced by the Arab and Islamic empires
as well as European colonialism in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. Though not widely used, Northern
Asia sometimes refers to the part of the Asia occupied by
the transcontinental country of Russia, which is com-
monly included in eastern Europe. Central Asia includes
the former Soviet satellites of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Mongolia,
typically considered part of central Asia by historians,
is in the modern world classied as part of Eastern Asia
by the United Nations. Northern Asia is a term that is
not commonly used, thus the transcontinental country
of Russia is usually thought of as part of Eastern Europe.
Knowledge of the contributions of mathematicians
around the world is constantly changing as histori-
ans discover and translate written materials in many
languages. Further, the breakup of the Soviet Union
and shifting alliances have given researchers access to
documents from decades in which many Eastern Bloc
nations kept themselves in isolation, as well as even
older works contained in the libraries and educational
institutions of these nations. For example, medieval
Islamic texts in Uzbekistan have helped shed light on
the rich mathematics culture of central Asia. However,
the mathematics contributions and achievements of
some people from central Asia may be included in the
histories of other areas, countries, or cultures.
In the seventh century, the great Library of Alex-
andria in Egypt was captured by a Muslim army, and
there are some historians who believe some contents of
the library were taken into Muslim lands. Many cities
in central Asia became famous in the medieval period
for their own libraries, which contained original works
and translations of texts from Greek and Sanskrit, some
of which became the only surviving copies of these
earlier works. Houses of wisdom provided places for
scholars to gather, as well as scientic centers such as
the fteenth-century Samarkand Observatory in what
is now Uzbekistan, which was founded by astrono-
mer Muhammad Taragay Ulughbek. This observatory
reputedly served as a model for later observatories in
India. Astronomer and mathematician Ala al-Din Ali
ibn Muhammed, also known as Ali Kushji, later pre-
served and disseminated some of the knowledge gath-
ered by the observatory when it was destroyed. This
catalogue of stars, containing the most accurate math-
ematical measurements of location known prior to the
invention of the telescope, is still studied.
Signicant Central Asian Mathematicians
In the same way that mathematicians in central Asia
studied and developed many concepts that were rst
introduced by other cultures, other concepts and tech-
niques in twenty-rst-century mathematics were rst
66 Asia, Central and Northern
brought to Europe by mathematicians who worked
in or came from central Asia. The word algorithm
derives from a Latin transliteration of the name of
eighth- and ninth-century mathematician Abu Abdal-
lah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (sometimes
written as Al-Khoresmi). The Khwarizm (or Koresm)
region included portions of what are now Turkmeni-
stan and Uzbekistan. The word algebra comes from
the term al-jabr, which was found in al-Khwarizmis
treatise on that subject. Another of his mathematical
writings, the Book of Addition and Subtraction by the
Indian Method, helped promote the Hindu base-10
decimal system within the Arabic world. This system
spread to Europe and revolutionized mathematics
around the world in subsequent centuries.
Historical evidence suggests that tenth-century
astronomer and mathematician Abu Mahmud Hamid
ibn al-Khidr Al-Khujandi was born in the city of Khud-
zhand, in what is now Tajikistan. His mural sextant pro-
duced some of the most accurate astronomical obser-
vations of the day, and he may have contributed to
trigonometry. The tenth- and eleventh-century mathe-
maticians Abu Rayhan al-Biruni and Abu Nasr Mansur
are also cited as being natives of Khwarizm. Al-Biruni
studied a diversity of topics in mathematics and science,
including cartography and map projections, trigonom-
etry, combinatorial analysis, ratio theory, algebraic
problem solving, geometry, Archimedes of Syracuses
theorems, conic sections, and spherical triangles. Along
with his own prolic body of writings, he was also a
translator of Sanskrit texts. Abu Nasr Mansur taught
and collaborated with al-Birunithe two frequently
cited one anothers contributions to their own work.
Many consider Mansurs primary mathematical
contributions to be his commentary on Menelaus of
Alexandrias Sphaerica, his development of trigonom-
etry, and his tables for numerical solutions to problems
in spherical astronomy. In the same time period, Abu
Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, also known by the
Latin name Avicenna, wrote on many topics, including
medicine and mathematics. Some of his investigations
included ruler and compass constructions, areas of cir-
cles, and geometric algebra. He also considered music
to be a subdiscipline of mathematics, and some believe
that his studies led to musical tuning by the method of
just intonation, where the note frequencies are related
by ratios of small whole numbers, rather than Pythago-
rean tuning, named for Pythagoras of Samos.
Beginning in about the twelfth century, central Asia
underwent a great deal of social and political disrup-
tion, and there is often little surviving evidence regard-
ing mathematics and science during those eras. During
the Soviet period, mathematicians from Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
may have been drawn to some of the central academic
centers in Russia and other parts of the Soviet Union.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, these countries are
reestablishing themselves as independent nations, and
achievement in mathematics continues. For example,
students from central Asia have participated in and
won numerous medals in the International Mathemat-
ical Olympiad, an annual competition for high school
students in which individual medals are awarded based
on each students success in solving a set of mathemat-
ics problems. Countries send six-member teams.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan rst
participated in 1993, Uzbekistan in 1997, and Tajikistan
in 2005. In 2010, Kazakhstan hosted the 51st Olym-
piad in its capital of Astana. Students from 98 coun-
tries around the world participated. Professor Askar
Dzhumadildayev noted, Mathematics is one of the
most important indexes of the education level in the
country. Gathering the best young mathematicians in
Astana is a great honor for us. A news report regarding
the Olympiad acknowledged the rich history of central
Asia: . . . we should not forget that our country is an
heiress of the mathematical school founded by great
scientists of the Middle Ages. . . . who greatly contrib-
uted to development of mathematics long before the
modern countries of the West appeared.
Further Reading
Bobojan, Gafurov. Al-Biruni: A Universal Genius Who
Lived in Central Asia 1000 Years Ago. UNESCO
Courier (June 1974).
The 51st International Mathematical Olympiad. http://
Matvievskaya, G. P. History of Medieval Islamic
Mathematics: Research in Uzbekistan. Historia
Mathematica 20 (1993).
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Asia, Western;
Europe, Eastern.
Asia, Central and Northern 67
Asia, Eastern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Across eastern Asia, mathematics
education is given a high priority, with the goal of
continuing the regions tradition of excellence.
Eastern Asia is one of the most populated regions of the
world, lagging behind only southern Asia, and includes
the Chinese cultural sphere once called the Far east-
ern civilizations: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan,
Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea. The
region is by no means homogeneous but has certainly
been inuenced to varying degrees by China in its writ-
ing systems, its cuisine, its architecture, and its religion.
These inuences are principally historical, cultural
exchange being less centralized now, and inuences like
the Western world and the Soviet Union (in the case of
Mongolia and North Korea) having been signicant in
the recent past. The technology sector is important in
much of this region and mathematics education is a
priority. Mathematics education in most of east Asia
follows the Confucian model.
Number System
The number system in all Chinese-based east Asian lan-
guages centers on the same decimal system as the West
but with stricter adherence to simple place-value pat-
terns. For example, employing literal translations, the
word for the number 12 is ten-two, 20 is two-ten, 37 is
three-ten, seven, and 533 is ve-hundred, three-ten, three.
This system, along with the use of an abacus, facilitates
the understanding of place value among east Asian ele-
mentary students. east Asian countries also follow the
Chinese myriad-grouping system, which groups large
numbers by ten thousands, rather than thousands. In
other words, these languages have single words for the
numbers ten thousand and one-hundred million,
but not for million or billion.
Educational Philosophy
Historically, public east Asian mathematics classrooms
could be generalized as teachers delivering lectures to
large classes of students who are expected to master
calculations and grasp theory through repetition and
memorization. Inherent in this Confucian approach is
the assumption among students, parents, and teachers
that mathematical success results more from diligent
studying than natural talent. Student-centric and prac-
tical applications of mathematics are not a primary
focus in east Asia, as they sometimes are in the West.
This educational philosophy is true not only of the
textbooks, which in east Asia are succinct and cover the
minimal core set forth by each of the national govern-
ments but also of the classrooms, which must closely
follow the textbooks. However, since the international
test results illuminated relative weaknesses in problem
solving, creativity, and practical applications, the east
Asian governments have been working to adapt cur-
ricula in various ways.
Chinese childrens task of memorizing thousands
of Chinese characters naturally seems to transfer to
the subject of mathematics where memorization of
formulas and processes is assumed to lead to under-
standing and discovery.
While mainland China did not participate in some
international comparisons, the Chinese team has per-
formed exceptionally well in the annual International
Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), a compe-
tition among high school students,
where it placed rst almost every
year between 1990 and 2010. But
these achievements in mathematics
are not limited to Chinese students;
two Chinese mathematicians have
received the distinguished Wolf Prize
in Mathematics: Shiing-Shen Chern in
19831984 and Shing-Tung Yau in 2010.
68 Asia, Eastern
in Japan use a soroban,
which is similar to an abacus.
Hong Kong
The mathematics education system in Hong Kong
employs elements both from mainland China and
Great Britain. Despite the fact that international test
scores ranked students from Hong Kong as years ahead
of many Western countries, there is widespread con-
cern about students viewing mathematics as irrelevant
beyond testing. This concern has been leading to a cur-
riculum that emulates the Western approach to teach-
ing more mathematics related to problem solving and
practical abilities.
While Japan distinguished itself in mathematics from
the other east Asian countries during the Edo period
(16031868), modern Japanese mathematics carries
few remnants of this period. One such remnant is the
soroban, a Japanese modication of an abacus. Japanese
schoolchildren continue to use this beaded calculation
device as a means of mastering the decimal system.
Like in all east Asian countries, private schools (called
juku) are attended widely by Japanese students. Japan
has produced some of Asias best mathematicians of
the past century, including three winners of the Wolf
Prize (Kunihiko Kodaira in 19841985, Kiyoshi Ito in
1987, and Mikio Sato in 20022003), and three winners
of mathematics most revered award, the Fields Medal
(Kunihiko Kodaira in 1954, Heisuke Hironaka in 1970,
and Shigefumi Mori in 1990).
Geographically, Mongolia lies between China and Rus-
sia. Until the early twentieth century, it was largely under
the control of China and was later strongly inuenced
by Russia and the Soviet Union, adopting a Soviet-style
government until 1990. Mongolian teams began partic-
ipating in the International Mathematical Olympiad in
1964. Ming Antu was a Mongolian mathematician and
astronomer, though he has been referred to as Chinese
in the past. He worked on innite series in the eigh-
teenth century, among other accomplishments.
North Korea
While North Korea has the same Confucian background
as the other east Asian countries, the former Soviet
Union played a signicant role in sculpting the mod-
ern approach to mathematics education. As do most
countries around the world, the North Korean educa-
tion system upholds mathematics as a central focus for
both primary and secondary students, although North
Korean story problems tend to be phrased in a nation-
alistic context. Students who excel in mathematics dur-
ing their secondary school education may be admitted
into the esteemed Kim Il-Sung University. In terms of
global rankings, North Korea has sporadically entered
a team into the International Mathematics Olympiad,
some of which placed in the top 10.
South Korea
From childhood, South Koreans grow up using two
separate number systems in their daily lives. The rst
one, a purely Korean system, is used mainly for count-
ing objects, animals, and people and is no longer used
for numbers larger than 99. It is worth noting that the
numerals in this Korean system do not follow the same
simple place-holding constructions as the number sys-
tems rooted in the Chinese language. The Sino-Korean
number system, on the other hand, does follow these
rules, and is most commonly used with money and
large numbers. In school, many South Korean students
receive just as much, if not more, of their mathematics
instruction from private tutors or hagwons (academies)
as from the public school environment. This system
stems from the inextricable link between a students
mathematics performance on entrance exams and
his or her eventual place in society. Some people cite
this pressure as an explanation for why South Korean
and Japanese students, despite performing exception-
ally well on international tests, also rank the highest in
their professed dislike for mathematics.
Private mathematics academies in Taiwan are referred
to as buxiban (cram schools), suggesting their pri-
mary, but not exclusive, role of preparing Taiwanese
students for entrance examinations. With electronics
as a major industry, there has been a recent overhaul
of the Taiwanese education system to focus on practi-
cal applications of mathematics instead of only theo-
retical mathematics.
Further Reading
Kennedy, Peter. Learning Cultures and Learning Styles:
Myth-Understandings About Adult (Hong Kong)
Chinese Learners. International Journal of Lifelong
Education 21 (2002).
Asia, Eastern 69
Lankov, Andrei. North of the DMZ: Essays on Daily Life
in North Korea. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland &
Company, 2007.
Lee, Jihyun. Universals and Specics of Math Self-
Concept, Math Self-Efcacy, and Math Anxiety
Across 41 PISA 2003 Participating Countries.
Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009).
Leung, Frederick K. S., Klaus-D. Graf, and Francis
J. Lopez-Real, eds. Mathematics Education in Different
Cultural TraditionsA Comparative Study of East Asia
and the West. New York: Springer, 2006.
Rong, Xin. The General Solution of Ming Antus
Problem. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 20,
no. 1 (2004).
Usiskin, Zalman, and Edwin Willmore, eds. Mathematics
Curriculum in Pacic Rim CountriesChina, Japan,
Korea, and Singapore. Chicago: Informations Age
Publishing, 2008.
Yau, Shing-Tung. S.S. Chern: A Great Geometer of the
Twentieth Century. Boston: International Press of
Boston, 1998.
Daniel Showalter
See Also: Asia, Southeastern; Chinese Mathematics;
Europe, Eastern.
Asia, Southeastern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Mathematics in the region has long been
intertwined with religion and astrology and in recent
generations has been impacted by colonialism.
The United Nations classication of southeastern Asia
includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myan-
mar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste,
and Vietnam. Throughout history, the countries of
Asia have had shifting political and social boundaries,
and the names of many countries have changed over
time, especially from the European colonial eras of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centurieswhen Western
historians often began to study and document these
countriesinto the twenty-rst century. For example,
Burma became known as Myanmar; Siam became
Thailand; Malay or Malaya became Malaysia; the Dutch
East Indies or Netherlands East Indies and Java became
Indonesia; and French Indochina included Laos, Cam-
bodia, and Vietnam. Singapore was also part of Malay-
sia for a brief time in the 1960s, and the two regions
share many historical developments. China and India,
which have long histories of mathematics work and
achievement, also had an inuence in this region of the
world. Therefore, mathematics contributions of some
people from southeastern Asia, may be included within
the histories of other regions or countries.
Early History
The great architectural feats found in places such as
Borobudur, built in the ninth century on the island
of Java, now part of Indonesia, and Angkor Wat,
constructed three centuries later in Cambodia, sug-
gest to scholars and historians that the architects
and the builders must have had considerable math-
ematics knowledge. Some mathematics was probably
brought to the region from India and China, as also
happened in Europe and other areas, but there were
almost certainly local mathematicians as well. The
geometry involved in the design of both Borobudur
and Angkor Wat has amazed generations of scholars
who have discovered many complex ratios and for-
mulas in the designs. Historians have also discussed
the interconnection between religion, astronomy,
mathematics, and astrology in southeastern Asia.
Often there was little distinction made between
mundane and divine matters, and some sequences of
numbers (for example, 4, 8, 16, and 32) had religions
These numbers were used in both government
and spiritual matters, such as the number of chiefs
and territories in some Malay courts. Numerical sys-
tems emerged for the Burmese, Siamese, Cambodian,
Laotian, Vietnamese, and Javanese languages. When
Europeans began to explore and colonize southeastern
Asia, they brought with them their own formal methods
of school structure and mathematics teaching, which
were documented by historians. Colonial inuence saw
the Vietnamese language develop a Romanized script,
along with Western systems of counting, but the other
scripts kept their systems of numerals. The introduc-
tion to southeastern Asia of a European-style school
70 Asia, Southeastern
education, which replaced previous systems of instruc-
tion at pagodas or mosques, was a contributing factor
in mathematics education. Much of this education
came from the commercial needs of colonial powers
to educate boys for work as bookkeepers and business-
men, so Western accounting systems were introduced
to these populationsthough many merchants con-
tinued to use Chinese systems, including the abacus,
up through the twenty-rst century.
Singapore and Malaysia
Singapore and Malaysia have active mathematics pro-
grams. The Rafes Institution in Singapore has a math-
ematics club whose members compete in events like
the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad. The school was
established in 1823 and named for (Thomas) Stamford
Rafes, who is known as the founder of the British colony
in Singapore. The Singapore Mathematical Society was
founded in 1952. In the twenty-rst century, it organizes
participation in events like the national and interna-
tional mathematics olympiads and the Singapore Math-
ematics Project Festival, among other educational and
professional activities. Singapore rst participated in the
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in 1988.
While many twentieth-century textbooks on mathemat-
ics were imported into Singapore, the Singapore Math
Method, rst developed in the 1980s and used in the
national curriculum in Singapore, is now used in several
places in the United States and elsewhere.
One of Singapores well-known mathematicians is
Tony Tan, who completed his doctorate, with a disser-
tation on Mathematical models for commuter trafc
in cities, at the University of Adelaide, South Australia.
He taught mathematics before going into banking, and
then into politics, ultimately becoming his countrys
deputy prime minister. Rafes College in Singapore
taught mathematics from the time it started operations
in 1928. Relations between Singapore and Malaysia in
the twentieth century led to its transformation into the
University of Malaya, then the University of Singapore,
and the National University of Singapore. Sir Alexan-
der Oppenheim, the vice-chancellor of the University
of Malaya 19571965, was a prominent mathematician
who had taught at Rafes College.
The Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,
founded in 1970, was formerly known as the Malaysian
Mathematical Society. It hosts events like the National
Mathematical Olympiad in Malaysia; Malaysia rst par-
ticipated in the IMO in 1995. The Penang Free School,
established in Malaysia in 1816, has taught mathematics
from its inception. The Institute of Mathematical Sci-
ences at the University of Malaya, founded in 1959 as the
Department of Mathematics, continues to provide edu-
cation for many Malaysian and overseas students and is
an important mathematical institute in that country.
Historically, Thailand was the only country in
southeastern Asia never to be colonized by a foreign
nation. Rulers such as the nineteenth-century King
Mongkut, the inspiration for the 1946 movie Anna and
the King of Siam and often called the father of science
and technology, embraced Western innovations.
Assumption College, Bangkok, founded in 1885, had
an extensive program of mathematics. The Mathemat-
ical Association of Thailand publishes the Thai Jour-
nal of Mathematics and hosts conferences and contests.
Thailand has been participating in the IMO since 1989.
The Center for Promotion of Mathematical Research
of Thailand was established in 1978. Mathematician
Yupaporn Kemprasit is an acknowledged world expert
on algebraic semigroup theory, ring theory, and
algebraic hyperstructure theory.
Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
In French Indochina, mathematics was encouraged
for commerce. The Quoc Hoc or National Acad-
emy, established in 1896, included mathematics in its
curriculum, with French as the language of instruc-
tion. Until the 1950s, most secondary schools in this
region used French and French-language mathemat-
ics booksthis was done in Cambodia until the early
1970s. Growth in the education system in the late
twentieth century produced new native mathematics
teachers, including Cambodian Communists Saloth
Sar (Pol Pot), Khieu Samphan, and Gaing Kek Ieu
(called Comrade Deuch).
The Vietnamese Mathematical Society was founded
in 1965, roughly the same time as one major build-
up of American troops during the Vietnam conict.
Many educational institutions were closed for many
years because of the war, but the society continued
to support regional mathematical research. Vietnam
rst participated in the IMO in 1974 and hosted the
competition in 2007. Mathematics researchers and stu-
dents from Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Laos)
Asia, Southeastern 71
also participate in conferences and competitions. For
example, in 2010, two high school students won a
mathematics prize in a competition that included stu-
dents from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.
The Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies operated a
system of European schools, so-called native schools,
and vocational schools, teaching primarily in Dutch
with Dutch-language textbooks. Many of the applied
mathematics courses were directed toward engineering.
After independence, with the expansion of the educa-
tion system in Indonesia, there are mathematics depart-
ments in all schools and most universities in the country.
Indonesia rst participated in the IMO in 1988.
Brunei, Myanmar, and the Philippines
Elsewhere in the region there is also mathematical
activity. The study of mathematics in the Philippines
has been inuenced by its close connections with the
United States. The Mathematics Society of the Philip-
pines was established in 1973, and the Philippines began
participating in the IMO in 1988. Brunei participated in
the IMO in 2000. The country of Myanmar has been
isolated for much of the period since its independence in
1948. At the start of the twenty-rst century, it initiated
a 30-year plan for educational reform to address the
challenges of the information age. Traditionally, state
schools focused on writing, reading, and speaking in
Myanmar and English, as well as mathematics, science,
and Myanmar geography and history. Newer programs
offer increased access to computer skills, as well as courses
on information technology, medicine, and engineering,
which require more advanced mathematics skills.
Further Reading
Hong, Kho Tek, Yeo Shu Mei, and James Lim. The
Singapore Model Method for Learning Mathematics.
Singapore: EPB Panpac Education, 2009.
Southeast Asian Mathematical Society. http://www
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-
Regional Centre for Education in Science and
Justin Corfield
See Also: Asia, Eastern; Asia, Southern; Chinese
Mathematics; Europe, Northern; Europe, Western;
Vedic Mathematics.
Asia, Southern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Southern Asias history of mathematics
reaches back thousands of years and mathematics
continues to be a priority.
Southern Asia has a rich tradition in mathematics. Per-
sian, Hindu, and Vedic scholars, among others in this
area, contributed to the body of mathematics knowl-
edge. Some of the achievements that have been histori-
cally credited to Arabic or Islamic mathematicians may
have been inuenced by pre-Islamic Persia. From ancient
times, the rise and fall of various empires, wars, migra-
tion, and colonial inuences have resulted in shifting
cultural and geographical boundaries. As a result, many
countries and regions in southern Asia have changed
over time. The United Nations statistical classication
for southern Asia contains Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), the Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, these Asian nations continue to make advances in
mathematics and mathematics education.
Construction of many ancient temples or monu-
ments in southern Asia clearly involved mathemati-
cal knowledge, and mathematicians from this time
period made various contributions to mathematics.
One example is Indian scholar Baudhayana, who lived
around 800 b.c.e. and is credited by some with devel-
oping the Pythagorean theorem, although others feel
he was reecting Babylonian work. The Vedic priest
Katyayana, who lived approximately six centuries later,
appears to have been interested in mathematics for reli-
gious purposes. Panini (520460 b.c.e.), born in Shal-
atula, now part of Pakistan, wrote a scientic theory
of Sanskrit. Some historians have theorized that devel-
opment of algebraic structures and number systems in
this region may be tied to the linguistic structure of
72 Asia, Southern
Sanskrit. Paninis work also inuenced computer lan-
guages. Aryabhata (476550) wrote a mathematical
text known as the Aryabhatiya. It is composed of 123
metrical stanzas, whose organization has been studied
by mathematicians because it differs from later math-
ematical works in many traditions. Some historians
believe that it was inuenced by Mesopotamia, while
others suggest that it might be an anthology of works
by earlier mathematicians. Another text, the Bakhshali
manuscript, discovered in 1881 near Peshawar in pres-
ent-day Pakistan, is believed to date from the seventh
century, although some experts have dated it to up to
eight centuries earlier or ve centuries later.
By medieval times, Indian mathematicians had devel-
oped the notion of zero as a number, the use of negative
numbers, and the denitions of sine and cosine. Some
early Indian poetry also shows evidence of the binary
number system and the use of decimal numbers. Math-
ematician Abd Al-Hamid ibn Wasi ibn Turk Al-Jili (c.
ninth century) is believed to have been born in Iran,
Afghanistan, or Syria. He wrote an algebra book. Persian
mathematician, poet, and astronomer Omar Khayyam
(10481141) wrote books on arithmetic and algebra by
the age of 25 and contributed to many mathematical
areas. Mathematician Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (12011274)
was born in the city of Tus, now in Iran. He wrote Arabic
translations of several Greek mathematical texts and is
also credited with developing planar and spherical trigo-
nometry from what many considered an astronomical
tool into a separate mathematical discipline. Ghiyath al-
Din Jamshid Masud al-Kashi (13801429) was born and
worked in Kashan, now in Iran. His Treatise on the Cir-
cumference included a calculation of , which exceeded
any known precision at the time. He also authored a
teaching text called The Key to Arithmetic.
Mathematics education has long been a focus in south-
ern Asia. Mathematics was a part of garakula resi-
dential schools in ancient Nepal and India. From the
fourteenth century, what became known as the Kerala
school of astronomy and mathematics emerged in
southern India. There was a ourishing of new dis-
coveries, including the use of calculus long before it
was developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz.
These developments continued under mathematicians
such as Citrabhanu (c. 1530) and Jyesthadeva (c. 1500
1575). English scholar Charles Whish (17941833)
publicized many of the Kerala achievements to the rest
of the world. Even then, the work of Whishprimar-
ily a collector of Sanskrit manuscriptswas largely
unknown beyond the scholarly community until the
Indian mathematicians K. M. Marar and C. T. Raja-
gopal were able to demonstrate the advances made in
Kerala just prior to the establishment of the European
colonial empires in India.
British colonialism brought some European teaching
styles into areas of southern Asia, and many universi-
ties were founded in the nineteenth century. Also in
the nineteenth century, some Nepalese students trav-
eled to India to study, where they were exposed to texts
like Bhaskaracharya IIs (11141185) Siddhanta Siro-
mani. French mathematics traditions were introduced
to southern Asia by Father Racine (18971976), a Jesuit
missionary who had previously earned a doctorate in
mathematics. With Indian colleagues such as Ramas-
wamy Vaidyanathaswamy (18941960), he promoted
modern or contemporary mathematics teaching ver-
sus solely classical mathematics in the twentieth century.
Indo-French collaborations continue to ourish into the
twenty-rst century and have been cited as contributing
to development of areas like algebraic geometry and the-
oretical partial differential equations in southern Asia.
There were other well-known collaborations, such as
that between Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanu-
jan and British mathematician Godfrey (G. H.) Hardy.
In the 1980s, the Maldives introduced a new school cur-
riculum that increasingly emphasized the importance of
a variety of subjects, including mathematics.
Researchers in southern Asia have investigated a wide
variety of different curricular issues such as gender dif-
ferences in mathematics in Pakistan. King of Bhutan
Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck noted in 2009:
In all the countries where progress has been strong
in the areas we strive to develop, the strength of the
education system has been in Math and Science. In
fact in India, the favourite subject for most students
is Mathematics. In Bhutan, Mathematics is one of
our main weaknesses.
Students from Bangladesh, India, Iran, Pakistan, and
Sri Lanka have competed in the International Mathe-
matics Olympiad: Iran since 1985, India since 1989, Sri
Lanka since 1995, and Bangladesh and Pakistan since
2005. Mumbai, India, hosted the Olympiad in 1996.
Asia, Southern 73
Further Reading
Dauben, Joseph W., and Rohit Parikh. Beginnings of
Modern Mathematics in India. Current Science 99,
no. 3 (August 10, 2010).
Jha, K., P. R. Adhikary, and S.R. Pant. A History of
Mathematical Sciences in Nepal. Kathmandu
University Journal of Science, Engineering and
Technology II, no. 1 (2006).
Joseph, George. The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European
Roots of Mathematics. 3rd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2011.
Katz, Victor. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia,
China, India, and Islam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2007.
Waldschmidt, Michel. IndoFrench Cooperation
in Mathematics. Mathematics Newsletter of the
Ramanujan Mathematical Society 19, Special Issue 1
Justin Corfield
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Asia, Western;
Babylonian Mathematics; Vedic Mathematics.
Asia, Western
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The people of western Asia have long
studied and inuenced mathematics.
Ancient western Asia, including Anatolia, Syria, Meso-
potamia, and the Iranian plateau, along with Egypt, is
regarded by many as the cradle of civilization. Activi-
ties that shaped numerous civilizations are traced his-
torically to this region, including the invention of the
wheel, practice of agriculture, rst writing systems, and
rst administrative structures. Many intellectual and
scientic disciplines ourished. The development of
mathematics followed and was affected by the rise and
decline of the civilizations of western Asia. Through-
out history, the territory has been settled or invaded
by many ethnic groups, including the Babylonian, Per-
sian, Hellenistic, Roman, and Islamic cultures. Some
countries were also part of the Soviet Union. It is not
always possible to determine the exact origin of his-
torical gures, and, as such, people may be included in
the histories of many regions or identied by cultural
heritage and the location where they did their work.
Further, many of their accomplishments are named for
later mathematicians. The twenty-rst-century United
Nations grouping for western Asia is listed as Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jor-
dan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tur-
key, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Historical knowledge of Babylonian mathematics is
largely limited to translations of the surviving clay tab-
lets that have been unearthed by archaeologists, but
even this evidence suggests a rich depth and breadth of
mathematics scholarship, largely focused on practical
problems. Subsequent cultures that came to the region
also left parts of their mathematical legacies. With the
emergence of Islam at the end of the sixth century,
many of the nomadic tribes living in the Arabian Pen-
insula joined together to form a signicant power.
By the early eighth century, a sociopolitical entity
often called the Islamic Empire, which was ruled
mostly by a series of government entities known as
caliphates, spanned from Spain and north Africa to
southeastern Anatolia, Persia, and the western por-
tion of central Asia. On the east, the region shared
a long border with India, and hence many Muslim
intellectuals were also cognizant of Indian culture
and mathematical accomplishments. Many local rul-
ers encouraged scholarship, building on the legacy
left by the Hellenic and Roman periods.
The House of Wisdom in Baghdad, in what is now
Iraq, became the main hub of research and intellec-
tual activity, rivaling Alexandria at its zenith. Works
of Hellenistic mathematicians were translated into
Arabicthe only surviving copies of certain works.
Mathematicians also extended and introduced new
ideas and elds. Social factors were another motivat-
ing inuence in mathematics scholarship in Muslim
lands, such as the calculation of the local daily prayer
times, the direction of the prayer (toward Mecca), and
the determination of the local rst day and the end of
74 Asia, Western
the holy month of Ramadan. Since the commonly used
lunar calendar was 11 days shorter than the solar year,
this problem added complexity for numerous peoples
and religions in the area. Observing the heavens and
predicting the astronomical events was a major eld of
research for mathematicians and astronomers.
Ottoman Empire and Turkey
Wars brought turmoil to the area, and scholarly activi-
ties suffered. Following the conquest of Istanbul in
1453, Ottoman Sultan Mehmed-II built madrasas
(buildings used for teaching Islamic theology and
religious law, often including a mosque) and encour-
aged scholars to congregate. However, later events
negatively impacted mathematics in western Asia; for
example, the destruction of centers of learning such
as the Istanbul observatory and the spread of religious
scholasticism (a philosophy of teaching that follows a
relatively a narrow set of traditional methods heavily
inuenced by religious teachings), which also occurred
in medieval Europe. Some scholars indicate the passage
of mathematical leadership over to Europe after about
the fteenth century.
Ottoman Empire efforts of the early nineteenth cen-
tury reenergized mathematics efforts. Vidinli Hseyin
Tevk Pasa (18321901) contributed to linear algebra
and Mehmet Nadir (18561927) worked on the theory
of Diophantine equations, named for Diophantus of
Alexandria. The Ottoman Empire faded after World
War I, but the Turkish Republic continued its efforts.
A well-known Turkish mathematician is Cahit Arf
(19101997), known for the Arf invariant in algebraic
topology, Arf semigroups, and Arf rings, among oth-
ers. The Turkish Journal of Mathematics is one of the
many scientic journals published by the Scientic and
Technological Research Council of Turkey. The Turk-
ish Mathematical Society was founded in 1948, and the
country is a member of the International Mathematical
Union (IMU), a worldwide association that promotes
mathematics research and activity. In 1978, Turkey
began participating in the International Mathematical
Olympiad (IMO), a competition for high school stu-
dents. Turkey hosted the IMO in 1993.
Mathematical activity in Israel dates back to antiquity,
and it is one of the countries in western Asia with a
thriving mathematics community. This fact is due
in part to researchers like algebraist Shimshon Avra-
ham Amitsur, who was one of the 1963 founders of
the Israel Journal of Mathematics. Some other notable
Israeli-born mathematicians include Oded Schramm,
Saharon Shelah, and 2010 Fields Medal winner Elon
Lindenstrauss. The Einstein Institute of Mathemat-
ics, named for Albert Einstein, was founded in the
1920s. Israel is a member of the IMU, and Israeli high
school students rst participated in the IMO in 1979.
The Israel Mathematical Union is an organization
that offers opportunities for students, teachers, and
researchers. In the twenty-rst century, there were
some calls to boycott Israeli scholars over disputed
territories. In response, numerous mathematical orga-
nizations worldwide, including the IMU, passed reso-
lutions that stressed the importance of open interna-
tional scientic exchange.
Asia, Western 75
Mathematics was used in Muslim lands to calculate
the direction of prayer toward Mecca.
Other Countries
A revitalization of mathematical activity took place in
many other western Asian countries in the twentieth
century often connected with professional organiza-
tions or national institutes of science. For example,
the development of contemporary mathematics in
Armenia is tied to the 1944 beginnings of the Insti-
tute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sci-
ences of the Republic of Armenia. The country began
participating in the IMO in 1993, the same year as
The rst issue of the Azerbaijan Journal of Math-
ematics was published in January 2011. The Kuwait
Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences supports
the Kuwait Mathematics Program at the University
of Cambridge, which underscores the relationships
between western Asia and universities in other areas
of the world. Kuwait began participating in the IMO
in 1982.
In 2010, the editor of the Arab Journal of Math-
ematics and Mathematical Sciences was from Jordan.
The Cyprus Mathematical Society was founded in
1983 and hosts activities like the Cyprus Mathemati-
cal Olympiad. Cyprus began participating in the IMO
in 1984, Bahrain in 1990, the United Arab Emirates
in 2008, and Syria in 2009. Saudi Arabia rst partici-
pated in the IMO in 2004. It is also a member of the
IMU, and mathematicians gather through the Saudi
Association for Mathematical Sciences. Oman is an
associate member of the IMU. Countries such as Qatar
have developed mathematics standards for grades 19.
Some countries in western Asia continue to be affected
by the areas ongoing sociopolitical volatility. Georgia
declared its independence from the Soviet Union in
1991 and is redeveloping many aspects of its national
identity. It began participating in the IMO in 1993 and
is a member of the IMU through the Georgian National
Mathematical Committee. Iraq is also rebuilding itself
after the turmoil of the late twentieth century and early
twenty-rst-century wars.
Some countries in the region participated in the
Trends in International Mathematics and Science
Study (TIMSS). In 2003, the study included fourth
graders from the Republic of Yemen; eighth graders
from Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestin-
ian National Authority, the Syrian Arab Republic,
and Saudi Arabia; and both fourth and eighth graders
from Armenia and Cyprus. In 2007, even more coun-
tries from this region participated, including Arme-
nia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Oman, the Palestinian National Authority,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey,
and Yemen. In 2011, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain,
Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, the
Palestinian National Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, the United Arab
Emirates, and Yemen are included with benchmarking
participants from this region listed as including Abu
Dhabi, UAE, and Dubai, UAE.
Further Reading
Carr, Karen. West Asian Mathematics. History for Kids.
Inonu, Erdal. Mehmet Nadir: An Amateur
Mathematician in Ottoman Turkey. Historia
Mathematica 33, no. 2 (2006).
Irzik, Gurol, and Gven Gzeldere, eds. Turkish Studies in
the History and Philosophy of Science (Boston Studies
in the Philosophy of Science). New York:
Springer, 2005.
Mathematics in Israel: Historical and Current Affairs.
Supreme Education Council. Qatar Mathematics
Standards: Grade 9.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.
Dogan Comez
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Africa, North; Arabic/Islamic Mathematics;
Babylonian Mathematics; Mathematics and Religion.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics is used in astronomy to
measure and model celestial bodies.
76 Astronomy
Astronomy is the science that deals with celestial objects.
It is divided into two disciplines: positional astronomy
(or astrometry), which deals with the positions and
movements of celestial objects; and astrophysics, which
deals with their chemical and physical properties.
Positional astronomy began as a practical science.
The rst astronomers, before the invention of writing,
dealt with such questions as the proper time of the year
to plant crops and the proper dates for religious fes-
tivals. As their understanding improved over the ages,
astronomers tackled other practical problems such as
how to predict eclipses, how to tell time within a day,
and how to navigate at sea.
Ancient people could take simple observations of
the sun and moon and observe the patterns they made.
From there it was a short leap to predicting future
patterns. They would rst record (or, before writ-
ing, memorize) the observations, and then perform a
mathematical analysiseven if the analysis were noth-
ing more than counting (for example, discovering there
were about 365 days between winter solstices).
A much more sophisticated accomplishment was
working out the complicated cycles on which lunar
and solar eclipses occurred. An eclipse can be terrify-
ing for a people who are not expecting it. If astrono-
mers (many of whom doubled as priests) could predict
eclipses, they could warn people in advance and reduce
the collective fear.
A number of ancient peoples, including Mayans,
Chinese, and Babylonians, developed elaborate calen-
dar systems and tracked the movements of the plan-
ets. The Chinese constructed star charts, kept records
starting possibly as early as 4000 b.c.e., and developed
astronomical instruments. The Babylonians mapped
constellations and introduced 60-minute hours and
60-second minutes. Both the Chinese and the Baby-
lonians were able to predict eclipses. By 2500 b.c.e,
Egyptians had measured star positions well enough to
orient the pyramids to face celestial north. Polynesians
traveled throughout the Pacic Ocean using stars as
navigational aids.
The Greeks
The ancient Greeks effectively applied mathematics to
astronomy. Eratosthenes (c. 200 b.c.e.) used geometry
to calculate the size of Earth. Hipparchus (c. 161126
b.c.e.) discovered the precession of the equinoxes and
created the most accurate Greek tables of lunar motion.
Astronomy 77
Lunar Calendars
ome cultures found it easier to use the
moon instead of the sun to tell time. A
quick glance shows the phase of the moon,
while observing the sun takes careful measure-
ment. There is not an even number of moon
cycles in a solar yearmaking the exclusive
use of moon calendars difcultyet the Baby-
lonians (and others) discovered that there was
a 19-year cycle.
In 19 solar years (assuming 365.25 days
per year), there are 6939.75 days. The moon
takes 29.5306 days to cycle from one new
moon to the next. In 235 lunar months, there
are 6939.69 days. A lunar calendar based on
this cycle has 12 months (six with 29 days
and six with 30 daysguring a lunar month
of 29.5 days), adding up to 354 days. Seven
times in the 19-year cycle, there is a leap year,
with an extra month of 30 days added inmak-
ing the leap year 384 days.
12 354 7 384 6936 ( ) + ( ) = days.
Since the lunar month is slightly more than
29.5 days, a total of four days have to be added
during the 19-year cycle, giving 6940 days. This
lunar calendar, originated by the Babylonians
and rened over the centuries, is still in use
todayit sets the dates of Easter and of all
Jewish holidays.
Like some other Greek astronomers, he held that Earth
revolved around the sun. Claudius Ptolemy (c. 120150
c.e.) combined observations from Hipparchus and oth-
ers with his own observations to propose a model of
how the solar system workedassuming Earth was at
the center. By using epicycles (circles revolving on cir-
cles), he produced what was by far the best model of the
heavens until Nicolaus Copernicus.
The Greeks did not only conduct astronomical cal-
culations by hand but used a computer as well. Though
not much is currently known about it, a mechanical
analog computer was built somewhere in the Greek
world about 100 b.c.e., called the Antikythera mech-
anism after the place it was found. This remarkably
sophisticated computer was able to show both solar
and lunar calendars, track the complicated path of the
moon using Hipparchuss results, and predict eclipses
for years into the future.
The Renaissance
During the Middle Ages, Arabs, Persians, and Jews, as
well as European Christians (after c. 1000 c.e.), con-
tinued the work of the Greeks, including making new
tables of planetary positions to update Ptolemys, and
keeping track of the precession of the equinoxes. In
1543, Copernicuss book on the solar system was pub-
lished. Through a mathematical analysis of Ptolemys
work and later observations, Copernicus showed that
a system in which the sun was the center of the solar
system led to simpler and more accurate analysis than
Johannes Kepler used Tycho Brahes careful naked
eye observations of the planets to show that Mars went
around the sun in an ellipse, not a circle as the Greeks
had assumed. Kepler stated his three laws, which relate
the speed of a planet to the shape of its orbit, but he
could not explain why these laws worked. Isaac New-
ton was the rst to explain Keplers laws. He was able
to show that any object affected by gravity would move
in one of the conic sections: Keplers ellipse, a line, a
circle, a parabola, or a hyperbola. The one exception
was the planet Uranus, which did not follow its New-
tonian orbit.
It was not until the 1800s that Urbain Leverrier, in
France, and John Couch Adams, in England, (unknown
to each other) made the assumption that the discrep-
ancies were because of the gravitational pull of an
unknown planet. The planet Neptune was discovered
in 1846 using Leverriers prediction. Neptune was
found by the consideration of the three components,
, P
, and P
, of Neptunes position and the three com-
ponents, V
, V
, and V
, of Neptunes velocity.
Until 1821, Uranus was moving faster in its orbit
than expectedmore than 4 planetary diameters
ahead of its predicted position. After 1821, Uranus
moved slower than expected. Obviously, Uranus
moved past Neptune around 1821. If one adjusted the
coordinate system so that P
= 0 was Uranuss position
in its orbit in 1821 and examined how far Uranus was
pulled above or below its expected orbit, then one can
tell whether Neptune was above or below Uranus in
1821, which gives P
, and also whether Neptune was
moving up or down, which gives V
. If we have P
which represents Neptunes distance from the sun in
1821, then Keplers laws can be used to nd the two
remaining parameters: V
and V
. Leverrier and Adams
used a shortcut to nd P
. Both used Titius-Bodes
law, an empirical formula, to predict the next planet
beyond Uranus to be 38.8 times Earths distance from
the sun. These predictions were good enough to nd
Neptune, although Neptune is only 30.1 times Earths
distance from the sun.
Leverrier later examined the orbit of Mercury
and found a discrepancy of 43 seconds of arc (which
sounds small but is twice the discrepancies used to
nd Neptune). He computed the orbit of a hypotheti-
cal planet, called Vulcan, which would explain this
43-second variation. Vulcan has never been found,
and Einsteins general theory of relativity also explains
this discrepancy.
The ancient Greeks made attempts using parallax (the
difference in the angle to a distant body measured
from two different locations, also called triangulation)
to nd the size of the solar system. Being restricted to
naked-eye observations, their results were inaccurate.
Using telescopes, a much more accurate measurement
was made in 1761 in which observers scattered across
Earth found the parallax of Venus when it passed in
front of the sun. The observations gave a value of
95.25 million miles from Earth to the sun (the mod-
ern estimate is just under 93 million miles). A much
more difcult problem was to nd the distances of
stars by their parallax when viewed from opposite sides
of Earths orbit, rst accomplished by Friedrich Bes-
78 Astronomy
sel in the 1830s. Is space Euclidean or non-Euclidean?
If measurably non-Euclidean, this would show up in
stellar parallax measurements. No such effect has yet
been observed, so one can sayexcept for relativistic
considerationsthat space is Euclidean for hundreds
of light-years from Earth.
Astrophysical questions date to the ancient Chinese,
who discovered sunspots, and Hipparchus (c. 190120
b.c.e), who worked on the magnitude (or brightness)
of stars. His magnitudes, much rened, are still in use
today. However, astrophysics as a discipline can be said
to have started with Joseph von Fraunhofer, who in
1815 devised a spectroscope and catalogued the vari-
ous lines (known as the Fraunhofer lines) that can be
seen in the solar spectrum. In the 1850s, Gustav Kirch-
hoff and Robert Bunsen determined that these lines
belonged to different chemical elements. Thus, by
examining the spectrum of a star, its chemical compo-
sition can be determined. In addition, it was discovered
that magnetic elds caused broadening and splitting of
Fraunhofer lines, allowing the magnetic elds of stars
to also be investigated.
Over the course of the twentieth century, astro-
physicists went from studying the spectrum of visible
light to studying every frequency of electromagnetic
wavesfrom gamma rays to radio waves. There is now
no known radiation from a star that is not being used
to help nd answers to the questions of what stars are,
and how they operate.
Further Reading
Freeth, Tony. Decoding an Ancient Computer. Scientic
American 301, no. 6 (December 2009).
Gould Jr., Benjamin Althrop. Report to the Smithsonian
Institution on the History of the Discovery of Neptune.
Washington DC: Smithsonian, 1850.
Hester, Jeff, Bradford Smith, George Blumenthal, and
Laura Kay. 21st Century Astronomy. New York: W. W.
Norton, 2010.
James Landau
See Also: Babylonian Mathematics; Chinese
Mathematics; Conic Sections; Egyptian Mathematics;
Geometry of the Universe; Greek Mathematics; Incan
and Mayan Mathematics; Renaissance.
Atomic Bomb
(Manhattan Project)
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis
and Probability; Number and Operations;
Summary: The atomic bomb was made possible by
Einsteins discovery of energy-mass equivalence.
Inuenced by a letter from the famous German-Amer-
ican theoretical physicist Albert Einstein and other
prominent scientists, U.S. President Franklin D. Roos-
evelt authorized the establishment of the Manhattan
Project (the code name given to an elaborate effort
to design, construct, and detonate an atomic bomb)
in mid-1942. The project was directed by physicist
J. Robert Oppenheimer, and his group of scientists,
mathematicians, and engineers conducted secretive,
pioneering research that led to the development of the
rst nuclear weapons.
Among the scientists who worked on the Manhattan
Project were Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, American
theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, Hungarian-
American mathematician John von Neumann, Hun-
garian-American theoretical physicist Edward Teller,
and Polish-American mathematician Stanislaw Ulam
(Einstein also worked as a consultant throughout the
project). Notably, several of these scientists, including
Einstein and Ulam, were of Jewish decent and eventu-
ally resided in America because of Nazi persecution.
Through much trial and tribulation, the rst nuclear
bomb detonation test titled Trinity was success-
fully conducted on July 16, 1945, in Alamogordo, New
Mexico. The Manhattan Project ultimately produced
two types of atomic bombs; the plutonium implo-
sion device (the plutonium or implosion bomb), and
the uranium bomb (the uranium gun bomb). The
plutonium bomb was the more difcult of the two to
construct and required testing, whereas the uranium
bomb was comparatively more simplistic and remained
untested until the war.
Following Trinity, the U.S. government attempted to
end World War II by detonating its uranium bomb nick-
named Little Boy over Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6,
1945. The blast destroyed approximately one-third of
the city and caused about 140,000 causalities. Japans
Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project) 79
reluctance to surrender prompted the United States to
drop its plutonium bomb nicknamed Fat Man over
Nagasaki, Japan, three days later. This blast killed about
70,000 people, destroyed about one-third of the city,
and subsequently ended the war.
The revolutionary science of the Manhattan Proj-
ectnamely the process of creating atomic explo-
sionswas seemingly insurmountable, and paved the
way for signicant advancements in physics, chemis-
try, and mathematics. However, the historical impact
of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan, as well as the
philosophical and ethical ramications, is an issue still
debated today. In this regard Oppenheimer said, It is
a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in
science are not found because they are useful; they are
found because it was possible to nd them.
The First Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear ssion is the splitting of the nucleus of a heavy
atom into smaller pieces, which releases a gigantic
amount of energy. When this type of reaction is self-
sustaining (it stimulates further reactions), it is called a
chain reaction. A critical mass is the minimum mass
of ssionable material needed to ensure that a nuclear
reaction sustains a chain reaction. Achieving a critical
mass and, ultimately, a chain reaction was the essential
challenge in developing both Little Boy and Fat Man.
The Little Boy design utilized the gun method, which
was detonated by ring a mass of uranium-235 down a
cylinder into another mass of uranium-235 to produce
a chain reaction. Fat Man was an implosion-type device
that used plutonium-239. In this design, plutonium was
placed in the center of a hollowed-out sphere of high
explosives, and a number of detonators located on the
high explosives surface were simultaneously red pres-
surizing the core and increasing its densitycreating an
implosion that resulted in a chain reaction. The Trinity
test bomb was similar and was nicknamed The Gad-
get. Little Boy produced a blast of approximately 12,500
tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT). Fat Man had the explo-
sive power of about 22,000 tons of TNT and The Gadget
had a blast yield of around 1520 tons of TNT.
A tremendous amount of engineering, chemistry,
physics, and mathematics was involved in the develop-
ment and deployment of the atomic bombs. Among
these elds was a branch of theoretical physics called
quantum mechanics (the set of scientic principles
that describe the behavior of matter and energy pre-
dominating at both the atomic and subatomic levels),
which at the time was in its infancy. Quantum mechan-
ics was developed under the assumption that energy is
not innitely divisible but rather composed of quanta
(small increments).
Unlike classical or Newtonian mechanics, which
describes the motion of objects we encounter every day
at the macrocosmic level, quantum mechanics deals
with uncertainty in many of its results and is statisti-
cal and probabilistic in nature. Although initially this
branch of physics was not readily accepted, it nonethe-
less proved an essential tool in the development of the
atomic bomb as it provided many of the insights nec-
essary for its construction. In regard to the science and
mathematics utilized in the development of the bomb
Stanislaw Ulam said, It is still an unending source of
surprise for me to see how a few scribbles on a black-
board or on a sheet of paper could change the course
of human affairs.
The Energy-Mass Equivalence
One of the most imperative concepts in the develop-
ment of the atomic bomb was the mathematical for-
mulation of the energy-mass equivalence, which was
derived by Einstein. He established that mass and
energy are, in fact, both different manifestations of the
same thing. This idea was a counterintuitive and revo-
lutionary result that spawned from his 1905 special
80 Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project)
Explosion resulting from the Trinity test of the
plutonium bomb.
theory of relativity. Einsteins formulation implied that
very minute amounts of mass can be converted into
excessively large amounts of energy. For example, this
very encyclopedia is, in actuality, a form of energy in
storage, which could equivalently be called rest energy
or mass. If this encyclopedia could be completely con-
verted into energy, it would yield a gigantic amount of
energy indeed. This energy-mass equivalence concept is
depicted symbolically through one of the worlds most
famous equations:
E = mc
This equation is interpreted as the rest energy E of
an object being equivalent to the mass m of the object
multiplied by the square of the speed of light c in a
vacuum. Alternatively, E = mc
can be construed as the
equation that allows one to determine the amount of
mass needed to produce a certain amount of energy
assuming all of the mass can be converted completely
into pure energy.
To better understand how this famous simple equa-
tion was crucial in the development of the atomic bomb,
one needs to understand its nature. First, E = mc
is a
direct proportion (E is directly proportional to m),
and is symbolically expressed as E m . In general, a
direct proportion has the form of
x y or equivalently x ay =
where a is the proportionality constant. As a simple
4 2 or equivalently 4 2 = a.
In this case, the proportionality constant is a = 2,
whereas in the energy-mass equivalence, the pro-
portionality constant is c
. According to the Interna-
tional Bureau of Weights and Measures, the value of
c is 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s), or about
186,282.4 miles per second (mi /s). For computa-
tional simplicity, c is often rounded to 300,000,000
m/s (186,000 mi/s), except when performing experi-
ments that require exact values for light speed. Now,
taking c = = 300 000 000 3 10
, , m/s m/s one can com-
pute that 1 kilogram of plutonium could theoretically
turn into
E= = 90 000 000 000 000 000 9 10
2 2 16 2 2
, , , , , / / kg m s kg m s E= = 90 000 000 000 000 000 9 10
2 2 16 2 2
, , , , , / / kg m s kg m s
Therefore, one can intuitively understand why a
small amount of uranium or plutonium can generate
explosions as massive as the ones produced by Little
Boy and Fat Man.
It is interesting to note that for the Trinity test,
the mushroom cloud expanded to nearly 300 meters
(about 984 feet) in .053 seconds.
Further Reading
Bird, Kai, et al. American Prometheus: The Triumph and
Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. New York: Random
House, 2005.
Coster-Mullen, John. Atom Bombs: The Top Secret Inside
Story of Little Boy and Fat Man. Self-Published, 2003.
Groves, Leslie M. Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the
Manhattan Project. New York: Harper, 1962.
Kelly, Cynthia C., et al. The Manhattan Project: The
Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators,
Eyewitnesses, and Historians. New York: Black Dog &
Leventhal Publishers, 2007.
Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. New
York: Touchstone, 1986.
Serber, Robert. The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures
on How to Build an Atomic Bomb. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1992.
Sullivan, E. T. The Ultimate Weapon: The Race to
Develop the Atomic Bomb. New York: Holiday
House, 2007.
Daniel J. Galiffa
See Also: Cold War; Einstein, Albert; Radiation;
World War II.
Auto Racing
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is essential in the design
of race cars and racetracks, and the formulation of
race strategy.
Auto racing has taken place for as long as cars have
existed. While the early days of racing were related to
Auto Racing 81
fairly simple vehicles, it is now a very technical sport
that has multiple branches with fans worldwide. Auto
racing includes not only cars that are similar to those
driven by the average citizen but also cars that are very
sophisticated. The different branches of auto racing
differ in the specics of the car but all share a strong
relationship to mathematical principles. The design of
the car, its tires, the track, and the drivetrain require
very careful measurement. The optimal path for a
given track and weather condition requires a deep
understanding of angles and geometry. Analysis of
data to create probability information enables drivers
and their teams to make wise decisions for a given set
of conditions during a race.
Auto racing began as soon as the automobile was
invented in the late 1800s. Auto racing is a broad term
that includes single-seat cars or open wheel cars, which
the Indianapolis 500 has made famous. Formula 1 rac-
ing is another type of open wheel racing but involves
racing around courses that are not oval shaped. The
National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NAS-
CAR) utilizes cars that are modied from cars that
can be bought by the general public. Many successful
professional race car drivers began their racing careers
with Kart racing, which involves vehicles that look like
sophisticated go-karts.
Race Track Design
The racing surface and the track design are signicant
factors that affect both car design and driving strategy.
Race surfaces can include asphalt, concrete, dirt, sand,
and (sometimes) ice. Some tracks consist of a very
short distance (1/4 mile) and are straight. These tracks
are typically used for drag racing, which involves cars
trying to go as fast as possible over a short distance.
Many track designs have drivers travel in an oval, or
82 Auto Racing
Drivers preparing during a practice run for the 2004 Daytona 500 race. An understanding of geometry is critical
in determining how to set up cars to handle banking and high speeds.
near-oval, shape with some banking to help make
high-speed turns easier. An understanding of geom-
etry is imperative when determining how best to set
up the car to handle the banking and the speeds. Track
designs also include road courses in which racers turn
both left and right and require a completely differ-
ent car design to handle banking in both directions.
The radius of a turn inuences how fast the car can go
without losing grip and crashing into the outer wall.
The speed affects the size of the down force on the
car (caused by spoilers), and, as such, different tracks
require car designs.
Car Design
Race car designs evolve in response to technology
changes and safety concerns, often as a result of math-
ematical or statistical analysis. Each branch of auto rac-
ing has very strict rules on car design, which are tested
beforeand sometimes aftereach race. The testing
includes very careful measurements of various compo-
nents of the car from the size of various components
of the engine, to the cars width, height, and weight.
The tests focus on items that affect the cars power (the
engine), response to the environment (temperature,
air resistance, and gravity), and its inuence on forces
that are made on the car (width, height, and weight).
Because they are such an important part of car perfor-
mance, tires are supplied to the teams. A large amount
of testing by tire companies goes into determining
which type of tires will be provided for a particular
track. The air and track temperatures often change
drastically during a race and can affect how the tires
interact with the track surfaceproviding more or less
grip. Likewise, the gas that is put into the car is also
provided to drivers. These standardizations provide a
more even playing eld for the teams so that the driver
who wins is, presumably, the one with the greatest skill.
Teams can alter the cars slightly during races to modify
how the car receives forces from the track and from the
air. These modications include taking out or adding
small wedges that alter the angle that the car sits on the
track. The impact these small changes make on force is
understood using trigonometry.
Race Strategy
Once teams have prepared their car and driver for
the race, the issue of strategy plays an important role.
Teams use probabilities to determine if and when to
stop in the pits to change tires or to add gas. Gas mile-
age is estimated by using regression involving the num-
ber of laps, the speed of the car during the laps run,
and the temperature. This estimation is not absolutely
exact, and it is not uncommon for drivers to run out
of gas near the end of some races because of an error
in the teams regression model. Some teams alter the
usual pit stop, which involves replacing all of the tires
and adding gas, by replacing just some of the tires or
just adding gas.
Technology and Safety
Technology is playing a bigger role in auto racing in
both car development and car testing. Car teams now
use technology to measure a large number of fac-
tors that inuence their cars performance. For some
branches of auto racing, these measurements are made
during races. For other branches, the rules prohibit
this during races but allow the measurements to occur
during practice and research design. Because testing
can be so expensive, some tests are done with a few
drivers and then shared with all the teams. The use of
computer simulation based on mathematical model-
ing is becoming more prevalent in all branches. It is
not unusual for teams to use wind tunnels to test car
design, and uid dynamic modeling has been used to
improve the aerodynamic properties of race cars. Off-
season drivers use sophisticated driving simulators to
hone their skills.
Technology has also been used to make racing safer.
Race uniforms, helmets, and car interiors have become
much less dangerous because of technological improve-
ments. Additionally, track walls now include what is
called a Steel and Foam Energy Reduction (SAFER)
barrier, which dissipates the collision energy from a
crash so that the impact force felt by the car and driver
is smaller and less dangerous.
Further Reading
Beckman, Brian. The Physics of Racing. http://phors
Bentley, Ross. Speed Secrets: Professional Race Driving
Techniques. Osceola, WI: MBI Publishing, 1998.
Genta, Giancarlo. Motor Vehicle Dynamics: Modeling
and Simulation. Singapore: World Scientic
Publishing, 1997.
Gifford, Clive. Racing: The Ultimate Motorsports
Encyclopedia. Boston: Kingsher Publications, 2006.
Auto Racing 83
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra L. The Physics of NASCAR: The
Science Behind the Speed. New York: Plume, 2009.
Michele LeBlanc
See Also: Diagnostic Testing; Extreme Sports;
Axiomatic Systems
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Reasoning and Proof.
Summary: An axiom is a statement that is assumed
to be true, and axiomatic systems have a rich and
interesting mathematical history.
Axiomatic systems provide a deductive framework for
mathematicians to combine related denitions and the-
orems that make mathematical knowledge systematic
and structural. Mathematical theories including num-
ber systems, set theory, probability, algebra, and many
others are built by using axiomatic systems.
Axiomatic Method and Axiomatic
System in Mathematics
To build a deductive mathematical system, one needs
to observe two intrinsic limitations in this process.
Limitation 1: Not every mathematical term can be
dened. The reason can be seen by the following con-
siderations: To dene a term A, one needs a term B,
and possibly some other terms. To dene the term B,
one needs another term, C, and so on. One may even-
tually come back to the term A; in which case the de-
nition would be circular as there are a nite number
of words. This means that A is used to dene A, which
is undesirable.
If the denitions are not to become circular, some
terms are needed to start with. The solution is that
there will be some terms that will not be dened.
These will be called undened terms, and will be
used to dene all the other terms to be considered.
One may think that it is strange that this solution can
work. How can undened terms give meaning? This
puzzle is partially answered upon consideration of
the next limitation.
Limitation 2: Not every mathematical statement can
be deduced or proven. The reason is similar to the one
in Limitation 1; some statements are needed to start a
chain of deduction: if R, then S; if S, then T; if T, then
U; and so on. To deal with this limitation, certain state-
ments must be accepted without proof. These state-
ments are called axioms, and they are the statements
that we used to deduce other statements. Actually, the
axioms are often statements about the undened terms.
In other words, the axioms often tell us certain proper-
ties or restrictions of the undened terms. Thus, the
axioms help provide meaning to the undened terms.
Starting with undened terms, axioms, and deni-
tions, and by using deductive reasoning to establish
important mathematics facts in the form of theorems,
the mathematics system so obtained is said to be built
by using the axiomatic method. Such a system that
consists of undened terms, axioms A, denitions D,
statements of the form If P then Q and proof of such
statements is called an axiomatic system. In an axi-
omatic system, one does not talk about the validity of
A or P, one talks only about the validity of the proof
based on A and D.
Historical Developments
Historically, Euclidean geometry was the best-known
model of an axiomatic system. Around 300 b.c.e., Euclid
wrote his 13-volume Elements, which contained an axi-
omatic treatment of geometry. It starts with 23 de-
nitions; Euclid stated 10 axioms. The rst ve axioms
are geometric assumptions, which he called postulates.
The last ve are more general, which he called common
notions. There, Euclid did not use undened terms.
The most important and fundamental property of
an axiomatic system is consistency (it is impossible
to deduce from these axioms a theorem that contra-
dicts any axiom or previously proved theorem). The
Euclidean geometry provides such a consistent axiom-
atic system. An individual axiom is independent if it
cannot be logically deduced from the other axioms in
the system. The entire set of axioms is said to be inde-
pendent if each of its axioms is independent. Math-
ematicians prior to the nineteenth century doubted
very much about the independence of the fth postu-
late (the parallel postulate). They tried to deduce such
a postulate by using the rst four postulates. Despite
84 Axiomatic Systems
considerable effort devoted to the task, no signicant
result could be obtained.
Euclids Elements indeed became the most inuen-
tial book on geometry, as well as the model of logical
reasoning and axiomatic system, until the nineteenth
century when two fundamental developments took
place. First, it was realized that Euclids logical system
was not rigorous enough. A rigorous axiomatic treat-
ment of Euclidean geometry was given by David Hilbert
(18621943) in his 1899 book Grundlagen der Geomet-
rie (The Foundation of Geometry). Here, Hilbert used
the undened terms of point, line, lie on, between, and
congruent for the geometry system. Second, research
results of C. F. Gauss (17771855), J. Bolyai (1802
1860), and N. I. Lobachevsky (17931856) asserted
that the parallel postulate was actually an independent
axiom. Non-Euclidean geometry could be developed by
replacing the fth postulate with another independent
axiom. The lesson from Euclidean and non-Euclid-
ean geometry is that both are valid axiomatic systems.
When studying Euclidean or non-Euclidean geometry,
no claims are made on the truth of the axioms about
the physical world. One merely claims that if the axi-
oms are valid, then the theorems deduced therein are
also valid. Whether the logical system describes the real
world is another question.
Current Issues
There are still many issues regarding the axiomatic sys-
tems. The set of axioms in an axiomatic system is com-
plete if the axioms are sufcient in number to prove
or disprove any statement that arises concerning our
collection of undened terms. To determine whether
an axiomatic system is complete is by no means an easy
question to answer. A great surprise was discovered by
Kurt Gdel (19061978) in 1931. He proved that in a
formal mathematics system that included the integers,
there exist statements that are impossible to prove or
disprove. This result is called Gdels incompleteness
theorem. Also, to determine whether a given propo-
sition is an axiom has been a very important issue in
computer science and is important when one tries to
use a computer to do proofs. If the computer cannot
recognize the axioms, the computer will also not be
able to recognize whether a proof is valid.
Further Reading
Greenberg, Martin Jay. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean
Geometries: Development and History. 3rd ed. New
York: W. H. Freeman and Co, 1993.
Heath, Thomas L. The Thirteen Books of Euclids
Elements, Vol. 13. 2nd ed. New York: Dover
Publications, 1956.
Meyer, Burnett. An Introduction to Axiomatic Systems.
Boston: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, 1974.
Venema, G. A. The Foundations of Geometry. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
Wallace, E. C., and S. F. West. Roads to Geometry. 3rd ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.
Ka-Luen Cheung
See Also: Geometry and Geometry Education; Greek
Mathematics; Mathematical Certainty; Parallel Postulate.
Axiomatic Systems 85
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Geometry;
Measurement; Representations.
Summary: Babylon had an advanced utilitarian
mathematics from which we inherited sexagesimal
Our knowledge of Babylonian mathematics (2100200
b.c.e.) is based on extensive mathematical calculations
found on clay tablets in the area of Mesopotamia (now
Iraq), surrounding the ancient city of Babylon between
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Because only a fraction
of the tablets have survivedand only a small frac-
tion of those have been translatedour knowledge of
the depth and breadth of Babylonian mathematics is
limited. Mathematics historian Otto Neugebauer lik-
ens the situation to tearing a few random pages out
of a few textbooks and then trying to reconstruct a
representation of modern mathematics. Nonethe-
less, Babylonian mathematics did involve complicated
mathematics, and was used primarily to solve practical
problems. These mathematical problems ranged from
arithmetic calculations, to algebraic rules, to geomet-
rical formulas, to numerical ideas.
Babylonian Number System
The Babylonian number system was sexagesimal, using
both a place value notation based on powers of 60 and
a base-10 grouping system for numbers between 1 and
59 within each place value.
Traces of their sexagesimal notation remain today
in the recording of time (hours, minutes, seconds) and
the measurement of angles (degrees, minutes, seconds).
Their numbers were written in cuneiform, or the use of
a triangular stylus to make wedges on a clay tablet. A
vertical line represented unity and a horizontal wedge
mark represented a 10.
For example, within each place value, the number
57 would be represented by 5 horizontal wedges and
7 vertical lines. Expanding the example, a cuneiform
number represented in modern form as 3, 4, 57 was
equivalent to
3 60 4 60 57 60
3 3600 4 60 57 1 1109
2 1 0
( )
( )
( )
= ( ) + ( ) + ( ) = 7.
The Babylonians had neither a symbol for zero as
a placeholder nor a symbol to designate the decimal
point in their sexagesimal fractions. Writing and read-
ing numbers required the Babylonian mathematician
to understand the problems context and the use of
a space to represent either an empty place value or
shift to fractional place values. Thus, the previous
number, 3,4,57, possibly was equivalent to:
3 60 0 60 4 60 57 60
4 3 1 0
( )
( )
( )
( )
or 3 60 4 60 57 60
4 3 2
( )
( )
( )
or 3 60 4 60 57 60
1 0 1
( )
( )
( )
or even 3 60 4 60 57 60
1 2 3
( )
( )
( )
To avoid ambiguity, modern translations of these
numbers would be rst 3,0,4,57 or 3,4,57,0,0 or
3,4;57 or 0;3,4,57 respectively, where the semicolon
separates whole numbers from fractional numbers. Tab-
lets from the Seleucid period (300 b.c.e.) did include a
special symbol that played the double role of a place-
holder (zero) and the separator between two sentences.
Babylonian Arithmetic
Using the sexagesimal system, the Babylonians were
able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers.
Their computations were complemented by the use of
extensive tables. Their multiplication tables had prod-
ucts ranging from 1 1 through 59 59, and seeming
somewhat unusual, they had access to multiplications
tables for 1,20 (or 80), 1,30 (or 90), 1,40 (or 100),
3,20 (or 200), 3,45 (225), and even 44,26,40 (or
160,000). Some of this can be explained by looking at
their tables of reciprocals for working with fractions.
For example, one table includes the deceptive notation
1 1,21 = 44,26,40, with the latter value actually being
The Babylonians produced extensive tables of
squares and cubes, tables of square sides and cube
sides (square and cube roots), and sums of squares
and cubes. When a table side-value was not available,
the Babylonians approximated roots using an inter-
polation process based on averaging and division; this
process was quite fast, producing 26-decimal accuracy
in ve iterations.
Babylonian Algebra
Though without an algebraic notation, the Babylo-
nians solved numerous types of algebraic equations.
Each solution involved the replication of a formulaic
prescription represented by a step-by-step list of rules.
In effect, their prescriptions invoked algorithms, which
were usually specic to a stated problem and not gen-
eralized to a class of problems.
For example, consider this Babylonian problem:
the area and two-thirds of the side of my square have
I added and it is 0;35. In modern notation, their step-
by-step solution was: 1, the unit, you take; two-thirds
of 1, the unit, is 0;40: Its half is 0;20 and 0;20 you
multiply 0;6,40, you add 0;35 to it and 0;41,40 has
0;50 for its square root. 0;20 that you multiplied with
itself, from 0;50 you subtract and 0;30 is the side of
the square.
In modern mathematics, this same problem would
involve solving the quadratic equation:
x x
+ =
The steps in this problem also can be interpreted
using geometrical algebra, where the square is com-
pleted in a manner similar to the derivation of our
general quadratic formula.
In their solution of special types of algebraic equa-
tions, the Babylonians made extensive use of their
tables of the sums of squares and cubes, especially if
the equation was of the third or fourth degree. Some of
their solutions to algebraic problems were quite sophis-
ticated. For example, one problem involved a system of
equations of the form
xy n = and
0 + + = .
Its solution using substitution would normally lead
to a single-variable equation involving x
, but the Bab-
ylonians solved it by viewing it as a quadratic equation
in x
Babylonian Geometry
Dominated by their work with algebraic ideas, the Bab-
ylonians geometry focused on practical measurements
such as the calculation of lengths, areas, and volumes.
Again, the Babylonians used prescriptive formulas.
For example, to calculate a circles circumference, they
multiplied the diameter by 3, implying their value of
was 3. For the circles area, they squared the circum-
ference and divided by 12, which is equivalent to our
modern formula A = r
if the correct value of had
been used.
88 Babylonian Mathematics
ness transactions). Also, the Louvre tablet (300 b.c.e.)
includes two series problems
1 + 2 + 2
+ 2
. . .
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
. . .
+ 10
1 2 3 4 9 10
55 588
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ + + + + +
= +
( ) =
but historians do not suggest the Babylonians knew
general series formulas such as
Specic to number theory, mathematics historians
point to the cumbersome nature of the Babylonians
sexagesimal system, making it difcult to explore ideas
such as factors, powers, and reciprocals. Some suggest
that this is symptomatic of the Babylonians reasonable
choice of 3 for , rather than the fraction
equal to the more complicated repeating expression
3; 8, 34, 17, 8, 34, 17, . . . .
Further Reading
Aaboe, Asger. Episodes From the Early History of
Mathematics. Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America, 1975.
Friberg, Jran. Unexpected Links Between Egyptian and
Babylonian Mathematics. Singapore: World Scientic
Publishing, 2005.
Katz, Victor J., ed. The Mathematics of Egypt,
Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert. Science Awakening.
Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1985.
. Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1983.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Chinese
Mathematics; Egyptian Mathematics; Greek Mathematics.
Mathematics historians credit the Babylonians with
the division of a circle into 360 degrees. Neugebauer
suggests it is related to their Babylonian mile, a mea-
sure of long distance equal to about 7 miles. This mea-
sure evolved into a time unit, being the time it took to
travel this distance. After noting that 12 of these time
units equaled a full day or one revolution of the sky,
the Babylonians subdivided their mile into 30 equal
parts for simplicity, leading to 12 30 = 360 units in
a full circle.
The Babylonians computed areas of right triangles,
isosceles triangles, and isosceles trapezoids, as well as
the volumes of both rectangular parallelepipeds and
some prisms. They had difculties with certain three-
dimensional shapes, being unable to compute cor-
rectly the length of the frustum of a pyramid (they
claimed it was the product of the altitude by the aver-
age of the bases).
The Babylonians did know some general geometric
relationships. For example, they knew that perpendic-
ulars dropped from the vertex of an isosceles triangle
bisected the base, that corresponding sides of similar
triangles were proportional, and that angles inscribed
in a semicircle are right angles. The Babylonians used
this knowledge to solve difcult geometrical problems,
such as their determination of the radius of a circle cir-
cumscribing an isosceles triangle.
Evidence suggests that they knew a precursor of the
Pythagorean formula. One cuneiform tablet (c. 1700
b.c.e.) includes sexagesimal numbers written along
a squares side (30) and diagonal (42,25,35 and
1; 24, 51, 10).
The latter number is both the product of the other
two numbers and a good approximation of the square
root of 2 (1.414214). Also, in the Plimpton 322 collec-
tion, some of the tablets contain tables of Pythagorean
triples (a
+ b
= c
), arranged with increasing acute
angle of the associated right triangle.
Signs of Advanced Mathematical Thinking
For the most part, Babylonian mathematics was
utilitarian, being tied to solving practical problems.
Nonetheless, interpretations of some of the tables on
the clay tablets suggest that the Babylonians occa-
sionally explored theoretical aspects of mathematics.
Examples include their tables of Pythagorean triples
and tables of exponential functions (which perhaps
were used to compute compound interest in busi-
Babylonian Mathematics 89
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Summary: Ballet uses geometry to create captivating
moving art.
Ballet can be considered mathematics in motion from
basic counting (keeping time with music, and doing
demi-plis in childhood dance classes); making lines,
angles, and geometric shapes in space via basic posi-
tions and choreographed routines of principal dancers
and the corps de ballet; communicating stories in ballet
productions (like the classic Swan Lake, or a seasonal
favorite The Nutcracker); conversing visually among
dancers (as in a pas de deux with Margot Fonteyn and
Rudolf Nureyev); and by representing general emo-
tions, moods, and abstract themes (as in George Bal-
anchines Serenade). Words from the French language
may be common in ballet terminology, but concepts
from mathematics abound as well. These representa-
tions, communications, and geometric creations can
all be achieved and evidenced through the dance g-
ures and ballet movements.
Ballet distin-
guishes itself from many
other forms of dance through
its use of the turnout (an out-
ward rotation of the legs in the hip
sockets to form a 180-degree line with
the feet in rst position). This turnout gives
the dancer a strong base and the ability to move in any
direction while allowing a more open body presenta-
tion to the audience, yet holding the graceful curves and
shapes of the dancers body to preserve a svelte line.
Other standard positions of the feet, carriage of the
arms, or basic movements of the body produce angles
such as a 135-degree arabesque, a 90-degree attitude, or
a 45-degree battement tendu. The rond de jambe terre
or en lair utilizes circular movements of the leg to trace
semicircles or arcs, on or off the ground. These geomet-
ric lines, circles, and angles continue when basic steps
become building blocks to more complicated move-
ments. Meanwhile, dancing on the tips of the toes (en
pointe), another distinctive ballet feature, heightens the
dancers lines in a vertical fashion. The linear extension,
from head to toe, ngertip to ngertip, does not end at
the extremities but continues as if through an imagi-
nary line into the space around the dancer.
Ballet as Geometry
One of the earliest ballet performances was the six-
teenth-century Le Balet Comique de la Reine by
Balthazar Beaujoyeulx, commissioned by the court of
France. During that elaborate production, the dancers
performed dozens of geometric gures involving tri-
angles, circles, and squares for their geometric propor-
tions and spatial congurations. These beginning bal-
lets were inuenced by the writings of Pythagoras and
Plato and represented the cosmic and heavenly signi-
cance of numbers and geometry. A twen-
tieth-century choreographer, Frederick
Ashton, however, was inspired by math-
ematics for its sheer beauty in his cre-
ation, Scnes de Ballet. Working from a book
of Euclid theorems, he specically used geometry to
create oor patterns and dance movements that could
be viewed from any angle to see the geometric gures
and symmetrical asymmetries. Combined with the
strong rhythms and counts of Igor Stravinskys music,
and geometrically patterned costumes and set details,
Ashtons work was said to have beautifully combined
mathematics and ballet for its visual imagery.
Notation Systems
To preserve these choreographed works of art, dance
notation systems were created to symbolically repre-
sent the positions, steps, and movements of the danc-
ers. Early seventeenth- and eighteenth-century sys-
tems, such as Feuillet notation, recorded mainly oor
90 Ballet
A dancers linear
extension does not
end at the extremities
but continues as if
there were an
imaginary line
projected into
the space
around the
patterns and feet positions, whereas the twentieth-
century notation systems, Labanotation and Benesh
Movement Notation (written on vertical and horizon-
tal staffs, respectively), corresponded to the scores of
accompanying music. These notation systems detailed
the entire body movements from head to toe of every
dancer. Even with the advent of video recording, it is
these symbolic notations showing graphical represen-
tations of the step details that best preserve ballets for
future generations.
Further Reading
Cooper, Elizabeth. Le Balet Comique de la Reine: An
Greskovic, Robert. Ballet 101: A Complete Guide to
Learning and Loving the Ballet. Milwaukee, WI:
Limelight Editions, 2005.
Minden, Eliza Gaynor. The Ballet Companion. New York:
Fireside, 2005.
Schaffer, Karl, and Erik Stern. Math Dance
Thomas, Rachel. Scnes de Ballet. http://plus.maths
Elizabeth A. McMillan-McCartney
See Also: Ballroom Dancing; Contra and Square
Dancing; Musical Theater.
Ballroom Dancing
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Summary: Ballroom dancing allows students to
approach mathematics in a variety of ways.
Ballroom dancing, considered sophisticated for its
elegance, is a style of choreographed dance showcasing
not only the dancers technical skill but also their poise
and style. Originally danced primarily at balls for the
social elite, ballroom dancing has become a competi-
tive sport. Dancing allows students to approach math-
ematics in a variety of ways, from the basic arithmetic
of the beats per minute (bpm) to the geometric spatial
relationship with respect to the other dancers. Chore-
ographers Erik Stern and Karl Schaffer have created a
dance called a math dance. The purpose is twofold: to
use mathematics to create dance, and to help students
learn mathematics concepts through the movements of
the dance. Some of the topics explored in math dances
are the mathematics of rhythm, polyhedra, symmetry,
and dissection puzzles.
The phrase ballroom dancing derives from the Latin
word ballare meaning to sweep or to dance. Now con-
sidered historical dances, the original forms of ball-
room dancing included the minuet and quadrille. Some
steps performed in the quadrille, such as the entrechats
(crossing the legs one in front of the other multiple
times) and the ronds de jambes (circular movement of
the leg while it is extended, toe pointing to the oor),
have disappeared from the modern ballroom yet still
exist in the ballet world.
In the early 1800s, the waltz made its appearance;
the distance between dancing partners was considered
scandalous at the time since the waltz required the
partners to dance in close proximity. The early 1900s
brought the birth of jazz and new dance styles as danc-
ers moved together yet independently of each other. In
addition, lively dances such as the Foxtrot, otherwise
known as the one-step or two-step, moved away from
the traditional placement of feet being turned out and
instead called for dancers to have their feet parallel to
each other. While many people are unfamiliar with any
ballroom dances besides the waltz, competitive ball-
room dancing has gained notoriety; it has been show-
cased on the ABC television show Dancing with the
Stars and has become an Olympic sport as well.
Ballroom dancing consists of a series of dance moves,
where more complicated dance steps are called gures
or dance gures. Each of the formally named dances
has a variety of dance moves that can be put together
to form a personalized performance. Determining the
dance moves to use involves more than merely count-
ing the beats. One can calculate the total number of
beats that will occur in a song and then determine how
many different dance moves would be necessary. For
Ballroom Dancing 91
example, if one hears 12 beats in a ve-second segment
of the song, it can be calculated that the song has 144
bpm. If the song is exactly two minutes long, one can
calculate there are 288 beats to work with for the whole
song (2 144 = 288). Since each dance move is typi-
cally 8 beats, dividing 288 by 8 beats indicates one needs
36 dance moves. The moves can be repeated, using, for
example, 9 moves 4 times each or 11 moves 3 times each
(the second option gives the dancer three fewer moves
than needed, requiring a dramatic ourish to end the
dance). The total number of beats combined with the
thematic moves of a particular dance and an individuals
personal signature steps form a composite whole.
One rhythm option for the American-style Foxtrot
consists of Slow, Quick, Quick, or half, quarter, quarter
in 4/4 time; this approach to the dance gives teachers
the opportunity to teach fractions to students using
dancing. By creating a dance of successive moves in
which two basic steps make one whole move, students
will use fractionsadding and subtracting in 4/4 time
and introducing the family of fractions
This also can be done in 6/8 time with
, and so
As the lead dancer gauges the couples location within
the coordinate plane of the dance oor, he or she
keeps them spatially equidistant from other couples.
In addition to the symmetry involved in the various
dance moves on the dance oor, symmetry is consid-
ered within each dancers pose and posture (the form
created by the two partners togethersymmetrical or
asymmetrical). This symmetry can lead to an under-
standing of angles and curves when various dance poses
are examined, and allows students the opportunity to
solve problems kinesthetically when they attempt to
form a mirror image of their partner while executing
the dance moves.
Further Reading
Hackney, Madeleine. Dancing Classrooms Enhance
Math Skills. Connect 19, no. 4 (2006).
International Dance Sport Federation. http://www
National Dance Council of America.
Watson, Anne. Dance and Mathematics: Engaging
Senses in Learning. Australian Senior Mathematics
Journal 19, no. 1 (2005).
World Dance Council. Welcome. http://www.wdc
Deborah L. Gochenaur
See Also: Ballet; Contra and Square Dancing;
Geometry of Music; Step Dancing.
Bankruptcy, Business
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: The value of a business entering
bankruptcy is determined by the asset, income, or
market approach and creditors are repaid according to
their risk.
Bankruptcy of a business occurs when the business is
legally declared insolvent (its assets are less than its li-
abilities). If the debtor les a bankruptcy petition, it
is called a voluntary bankruptcy. However, if creditors
force the debtor into bankruptcy, then it is called an
involuntary bankruptcy. Most bankruptcies are volun-
tary. In either case, the value of the business needs to
be determined for legal purposes. The standard of the
value used in the valuation is the fair market value (the
value of the price of the rm that a rational buyer is
willing to pay to a willing seller in a free market). There
are three basic approaches for valuating the business:
the asset approach, the income approach, and the mar-
ket approach. The hierarchy of the creditor in a bank-
ruptcy is determined by the amount of risk the creditor
bears: the creditor who bears least amount of risk will
have priority to receive payment after liquidation.
Asset Approach
The asset approach determines the value of a company
by adjusting its book value of assets to the current
92 Bankruptcy, Business
market value. It is based on the economic principles of
substitution: a rational investor will not pay more for
a business asset than the price of a different asset that
provides similar utility. There are two methods associ-
ated with the asset approach: the adjusted book value
method and the replacement cost method.
In the adjusted book value method, the assets and
liabilities on the balance sheet are examined item by
item by professionals to determine the businesss cur-
rent market value. Once the assets and liabilities have
been adjusted to the current market value, the value of
the company is calculated as the difference.
In the replacement cost method, the value of each
asset and liability on the balance sheet is rst deter-
mined as the cost to replace it. Then, the value the
company is determined as the difference of its assets
and liabilities.
The asset approach is not reliable for companies
with signicant intangible assets because the approach
involves professional judgment. It is more suitable
for companies that have many tangible assets and few
intangible assets.
Income Approach
The income approach determines the fair market value
of a rm by discounting its expected cash ows at an
appropriate discount rate assuming the rm will con-
tinue to operate without liquidation. The discount
rate is often chosen to be the rms weighted average
cost of capital (WACC). The procedure is completely
analogous to that of determining the net present value
of a rm in corporate nance theory. Mathematically,
the fair market value under the income approach can
be written as
( ) E C
where FMV is the fair market value, E C ( )
is the
expected cash ows under the assumption that the rm
will continue to operate, and WACC is the weighted
capital of cost.
In corporate nance theory, WACC is often calcu-
lated as the weighted average of the cost of debt of the
rm and the cost of equity of the rm
( )
1 T r
c D E
where T
is the corporate tax rate, r
is the cost of
debt, r
is the cost of equity, B is the market value
of the rms bonds, and S is the market value of the
rms stocks.
WACC takes into consideration the facts of lever-
age and taxes and thus is the appropriate discount
rate used for income approach. The income approach
assesses the value of the debtor to the creditors. How-
ever, it fails to take account of the value inherent in the
exibility of decision making, which is often valued
using a mathematical tool called decision tree.
Market Approach
The market approach assesses a companys value by
comparing it with similar companies in the market.
The rationale behind this approach is that the price of
the subject company should be very close to the val-
ues of the similar companies in the market. There are
two methods associated with the market approach: the
guideline public company method, and the comparable
transaction method. In the guideline public company
method, a peer group of public companies with similar
sizes, natures, operations, and nancial characteristics
is rst selected. Next, the enterprise value of each com-
pany in the group is calculated as
EV = + P N D C
where EV is the enterprise value, P
is the stock price
per share, N
is the number of outstanding shares, D
is total debt, and C
is excess cash.
Then market multiples, such as enterprise value/
revenue and enterprise value/earning before interest
and tax, will be calculated using the enterprise value.
Finally, the value of the subject company is determined
by applying the calculated market multiples. For exam-
ple, if the enterprise value/revenue is used, then the
value of the subject company can be calculated as
V R = EV
where V is the value of the subject company and R is
the revenue of the subject company.
In the comparable method, the value of the subject
company is determined in a similar fashion as in the
guideline public company method. In other words,
market multiples are derived, and then they are applied
to the subject company to determine its value. However,
Bankruptcy, Business 93
in the comparable method, public data of comparable
transactions are used to calculate the market multiples.
Thus, the comparable method also consists of
three steps: selecting a group of comparable transac-
tions, calculating market multiples, and applying the
market multiples.
The biggest drawback to the guideline public com-
pany method is that it is not applicable for nonpub-
lic companies. The challenge with the comparable
method is nding appropriate and reliable compa-
rable transactions.
Paying Creditors
When a company declares bankruptcy, its creditors
must be paid, but the creditors receive only some of
the money they are owed. For example, if a bankrupt
company is ordered to pay 10 cents on the dollar, this
means for every dollar the company owes a creditor, it
will pay only 10 cents. This is a proportional solution
that is easy to arrive at using simple algebra. However,
this is not the only payout strategy. There are several
mathematical methods that can be used to determine
how much money each creditor should receive. In the
total equality method, available capital is simply divided
equally among debtors, regardless of how much they
are owed. A variation, traced back to medieval philoso-
pher Moses Maimonides, proposes giving every debtor
as equal a share as possible but never more than they
are owed. In modern terms, this is a constrained opti-
mization problem that can be solved using methods
such as linear programming. Other decision meth-
ods are logically and analytically more complex, like
the Shapely value, which considers paying a sequence
of creditors their full amounts owed, to the extent of
available funds, for all possible orderings. This game-
theory approach is named for American mathemati-
cian and economist Lloyd Shapely.
Further Reading
Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Allen
Franklin. Principles of Corporate Finance. 9th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Copeland, Thomas E., Fred J. Weston, and Shastri
Kuldeep. Financial Theory and Corporate Policy. 4th
ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2005.
Newton, Grant W. Practice and Procedure. Vol. 1,
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2010.
Ratner, Ian, Grant Stein, and John C. Weitnauer.
Business Valuation and Bankruptcy. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2009.
Liang Hong
See Also: Accounting; Bankruptcy, Personal; Budgeting.
Bankruptcy, Personal
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Personal bankruptcy can be caused by
exponentially increasing debt, and mathematics is
used to calculate payments or to divide assets among
Personal bankruptcy is a legal proceeding intended to
provide relief for the debtor. Personal bankruptcy es-
sentially results from huge debts, which can be caused
many factors including unexpected medical bills, huge
credit card debts, poorly managed loans, unemploy-
ment, and divorce. The fundamental formula that lies
behind most large debts is exponential growth.
Legal Procedure
Personal bankruptcy in the United States is usually a
court-supervised procedure that provides the debtor
with the opportunity for a fresh nancial start. The
earliest personal bankruptcy law in the United States
can be traced to 1800. The most recent personal bank-
ruptcy law passed by the U.S. Congress is the Bank-
ruptcy Code of 1978. Under this law, an individual may
le a voluntary petition under either Chapter 7 (liqui-
dation) or Chapter 13 (Reorganization).
If a personal bankruptcy case is led under Chapter
7, a court-supervised procedure begins. The debtors
assets will be classied as either exempt or nonexempt
according to the state law. A trustee will then collect the
nonexempt assets of the debtor. The debtor is allowed
to keep all the exempt assets provided such an asset is
not secured by any property. For example, a mortgage
is secured by the house. Thus, debtors can still lose their
houses if mortgaged payments fall behind. The debts
94 Bankruptcy, Personal
of the debtor will be wiped out except certain non-dis-
chargeable debts including alimony, child support, stu-
dent loans, taxes, and any nes resulting from criminal
conviction. The record of personal bankruptcy could
stay on the debtors credit history for up to 10 years.
In summary, under Chapter 7, the debtor is discharged
most of the debts and surrenders all possessions except
those necessary for living. However, not everyone is
qualied for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. To qualify, the
debtor must complete Ofcial Form 22A (Chapter 7) to
pass the means test. The personal bankruptcy involves
balancing the conicting interests of the creditors and
the debtor. While a qualied debtor can wipe out most
debts under Chapter 7, some creditors will not receive
any payment. The 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention
and Consumer Protection Act was enacted to prevent
the abuse of Chapter 7 and makes it more difcult for
a debtor to le under Chapter 7.
If a personal bankruptcy petition is led under Chap-
ter 13, then the debtor is required to propose a repay-
ment plan that will pay the debts during a specied
period of time (typically three to ve years). The plan
must be reasonable and meet certain requirements. It
must be approved by the court. Although the debts of
the debtor cannot be written off immediately under
Chapter 13, the debtor is protected from debt-collecting
actions from the creditors while the repayment plan is in
effect. Thus, the Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often chosen
by those who have a stable income.
Exponential Growth
Personal bankruptcy results from unmanageably large
debts that can be caused by many factors such as medi-
cal costs because of under-insurance and uninsured
status, compulsive buying habits, loss of job, or irre-
sponsible loans. The fundamental formula that leads
to a large debt is the law of exponential growth, which
occurs when the growth rate of a quantity is propor-
tional to the current value. In mathematics, exponen-
tial functions generally involve the constant e. Math-
ematically equivalent forms with different bases may
be used in order to more intuitively correspond to the
parameters of a real-life problem, such as interest cal-
culations. The traditional way of calculating interest
on a loan is called compound interest, under which
the interest earned during each interest measurement
period (month, quarter, or year) will automatically be
added to the principal to earn additional interest dur-
ing the next interest measurement period. Mathemati-
cally, this can be expressed as
B B r
= + ( )
where B
is the principal amount, B
is the balance of
the loan at the end of t-th interest measurement period,
and r is the interest effective per interest measurement
The loan balance under the compounding inter-
est grows rapidly over a relatively long period, even if
the interest rate is not high. For example, consider a
person who takes a loan of $10,000 from a bank at a
monthly interest rate of 1.5%. The loan balance after
one, ve, and 10 years will be $11,956, $24,432, and
$59,693, respectively.
Mathematical Division of Assets
The ideas of dividing and choosing have existed as long
as mankind. The mathematical theory of fair division
dates back to World War II, to Polish mathematicians
Hugo Steinhaus, Bronisaw Knaster, and Stefan Ban-
ach. The classic bankruptcy problem in game theory
addresses fairness in one way. It involves allocating
some amount of resources among two or more indi-
viduals who have a claim on them, assuming that any
division of the assets is allowable and that there are not
enough resources to satisfy all claims. Real-life exam-
ples include someone who has declared Chapter 13
bankruptcy and therefore must repay some creditors,
or dividing a deceased persons estate among several
heirsespecially when the estate cannot satisfy all the
deceaseds commitments.
Assets may be divided equally (with or without
ensuring no claimant receives more than his or her
claim), proportionally according to the relative size
of the claim, or by other more complex strategies.
The cake-cutting problem also tackles the issue of fair
allocation but includes more subjective measures of
valuation that must be modeled mathematically, and
sometimes an asset pool with constraints on the ways
in which it may be divided. Cake-cutting problems
typically require iterative algorithms to solve.
Further Reading
Anosike, Benji O. How to Declare Your Personal
Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer. 3rd ed. Newark, NJ:
Do-It-Yourself Legal Publishers, 2004.
Bankruptcy, Personal 95
Haman, Edward A. The Complete Chapter 7 Personal
Bankruptcy Guide. Naperville, IL: Sphinx, 2007.
Kellison, Stephen G. Theory of Interest. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Vaaler, Leslie Jane, and James W. Daniel. Mathematical
Interest Theory. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: MAA, 2009.
Liang Hong
See Also: Bankruptcy, Business; Budgeting;
Credit Cards.
Bar Codes
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Summary: Bar codes encode numerical data visually
for product identication and other purposes.
A bar code is a visual representation of information
intended to be decoded by an optical scanner called a
bar code reader. The reader illuminates the bar code,
thus allowing its light sensor to detect the patterns of
dark and light bars. The sequence and width of dark
and light bars represents a unique sequence of num-
bers and letters.
It took 26 years for the idea of bar codes to be suc-
cessfully implemented in the retail industry. In 1948,
two graduate students at Drexel University, Norman
J. Woodland and Bernard Silver, overheard a conver-
sation in which the president of a local supermarket
chain in Philadelphia wished to automate the checkout
process. At that time, a cashier in a supermarket would
have to type into a cash register the price of all items
in a purchasea time-consuming and error-prone
task. Woodland and Silver led a patent application
in 1949, obtaining the patent in 1952, for an optical
device that would read information automatically. The
rst prototype was produced by IBM but was imprac-
tical because of both its size and the heat generated by
the 500-watt light bulb used by the bar code scanner.
The patent was sold in 1952 to the Philadelphia Stor-
age Battery Company (Philco), which was also unable
to produce a viable prototype, and sold the patent the
same year to the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
Bernard Silver died in a 1963 car accident, before the
bar code system was implemented in practical settings.
The invention of lasers and integrated circuits in the
1960s allowed the manufacture of small, low-energy
bar code readers. RCA developed a modern version
of bar codes in 1972 in a Kroger store in Cincinnati,
but the code was printed in small stripes that were eas-
ily erased or blurred by employees who had to attach
them manually to each item. Norman J. Woodland was
an employee at IBM at the time and led a team that
produced bar codes according to a standard known as
Universal Product Code (UPC) still in use today. Bar
codes are used in nearly all retail products worldwide.
The applications of bar codes have also reached far
beyond the retail industry; they are now used in such
disparate applications as patient identication, airline
luggage management, and document management, as
well as purchase receipts.
The Mathematics of Bar Codes
The most ubiquitous form of bar codes consists of a
visual pattern of long lines (hence the bar in bar
code), which has four well-dened zones (see Figure
1): (1) quiet zone, or empty zone, located in the left
and right zones of the code; (2) initial character (right)
and nal character (left) are standard bars that appear
on all bar codes, and indicate where the information
begins and ends; (3) variable-length character chain,
which contains as many characters as needed to encode
the message; and (4) checksum, which is a number that
is computed algebraically from the other characters
96 Bar Codes
Figure 1. Zones of a bar code.
using modular arithmetic, and is used to verify that
the characters have been correctly transmitted and
interpreted. The digits are either simply added or are
weighted. For example, the 10-digit International Stan-
dard Book Number (ISBN-10) uses weights based on
digit position and modulus 11 arithmetic.
Each digit is encoded by two white and two black
bars. The bars have widths of 1 to 4 units, and the total
width for each digit is always seven units. Bar code
readers are designed to read bar codes irrespective
of their size; a magnied bar code encodes the same
information as a reduced-size bar code. This property
is mathematically known as scale invariance.
Further Reading
Adams, Russ, and Joyce Lane. The Black & White
Solution: Bar Code & the IBM PC. Dublin, NH:
Helmers Publishing, 1987.
Palmer, Roger C. The Bar Code Book: A Comprehensive
Guide to Reading, Printing, Specifying, Evaluating, and
Using Bar Code and Other Machine-Readable Symbols.
5th ed. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2007.
Wittman, Todd. Lost in the Supermarket: Decoding
Blurry Bar codes. SIAM News 37, no. 7 (September
Juan B. Gutierrez
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Comparison
Shopping; Inventory Models.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Baseball is a mathematically rich sport,
especially with regard to its array of statistics.
Though Americas favorite sport for more than a cen-
tury, the game of baseball has undergone many chang-
es, many in response to statistics gathered regarding
all parts of the game. At rst, the statistics were limited
to scorecard data but have expanded to include every
action and detail of the game. More so, this gathering
and analysis of data has expanded beyond the realm of
statistical analysis, as mathematics is now used to ex-
amine all aspects of baseballthe physical character-
istics and performance of its players, the analysis and
modeling of each element (hitting, elding, pitching,
strategies), and the combined geometry and physics
surrounding the game.
Although some fans object to this intrusion of
mathematics into a competitive sport, most accept or
even depend on the mathematical aspects as enriching
their enjoyment of the game itself. That is, mathemat-
ics has become the arbiter in arguments, the stimulus
for hot stove league discussions, a tool to help iden-
tify either patterns of team strengths and weaknesses
or optimal strategies, and a decision-making tool for
gamblers and fantasy league participants.
Bill James, a baseball writer, historian, and statistician,
gave authenticity to the use of statistics in analyzing all
aspects of baseball through his pioneering mathemat-
ics and statistics work. Multiple editions of his Baseball
Abstract in the 1980s changed not only the play of the
game itself but also how it is viewed by fans, and are
the predecessor to many modern Web sites dedicated
to analysis of the sport. James revolutionized the way
mathematics is used to analyze sports to determine
why some teams win and others lose. He coined the
term sabermetrics, which is derived from the Society
for American Baseball Research acronym SABR, for
his analytical and modeling methods. In 2006, Time
magazine named him one of the most inuential peo-
ple in the world.
Mathematical statistics provide perspectives that
explain game occurrences, provide comparative rank-
ings of teams and players, and assist in managerial deci-
sion making. The primary example is the simple use
of ratios, means, and medians as both descriptive and
inferential statistics for a player, position, game, season,
or career. Some examples include the following:
Batting average, slugging percentage, on-base
percentage, and batters run average
Effect of articial turf on numbers of ground
ball hits or base stealers performances
Performance of hitters and pitchers in
different environments (outdoor versus dome
stadiums; night games versus day games)
Baseball 97
Expected strike zones for umpires, given a
pitcher or batter is right- or left-handed
Going beyond these descriptive statistics, the game
of baseball can be analyzed using very sophisticated
techniques. Some examples include the following:
Connections between a players
characteristics and training regimens relative
to game performance, or even to document
the effects of steroid use
Trend analysis, based on either a players
or teams performance (hitting, pitching,
elding) over the past ve, 10, and 15 games
Importance of pitcher throwing a rst strike
Effects of bringing in the ineld when the
bases are loaded with less than two outs
Team winning tendencies based on run
differential in innings seven, eight, and nine
Impact of rule changes on pitching and
hitting, such as the effects of elevating the
pitching mound or changing foul-line
distances to outeld fences
Determination of coaching strategies such
as sacrice bunts, pitch-outs, stealing home,
intentional walks, shifts of elders for certain
hitters, or use of pinch hitters and relief
Determining the best all-time player in a
particular position (for example, centerelder,
hitter, relief pitcher, base-stealer)
Selection of players by professional teams
during annual drafts, using both historical
data for each players performance and
physical data
Use of statistical data during contract
negotiations between a player and
management, or even the release or trading
of players based on team needs
Mathematical probabilities, odds, and expected val-
ues can help examine the chances of particular events
happening within a game or across games:
Probability that the World Series will go four,
ve, six, or seven games
Use of odds to determine personal or
professional betting strategies
Use of conditional probabilities to determine
lineups or use of pinch hitters, reecting the
probability of a batter getting a hit given that
the pitcher is right- or left-handed
Correlations between a teams wins per
season and player payrolls, or pitcher salaries
and their ERAs
Probability of a record being broken, either
by a team or player, such as Joe DiMaggios
56-game hitting streak
Though difcult to implement practically, geome-
try, trigonometry, and calculus can shed light on other
important ideas:
Length of a home run
Actions of different pitches such as a curve ball,
slider, fastball with movement, or forkball
98 Baseball
Although some fans object to using mathematics in
baseball, some enjoy it as much as the game itself.
Determination or alteration of a hitters
batting stance or position in the batters box
Use of angles in elding balls off outeld walls
Game theory also is used as part of the decision-
making process within a baseball environment, leading
to choices of optimal tactics. Some specic decisions
are as follows:
A managers choice of batting lineups and
pitching moves, relative to the opposing
managers choices
A managers calling for shifts of elders, pitch-
outs, or steals at times within a game
A manager trying to argue, inuence, or
reverse decisions by umpires
A managers use of techniques to motivate
specic players
A teams selection of players during a draft,
dependent on the players apparent abilities,
the inferred needs of other teams, and the
specic draft round
Contract negotiations involving players,
agents, and team management
Finally, using all of these statistical data and math-
ematical modeling techniques, one can create realistic
simulations of baseball games or end-of-year series,
possibly using computer animations.
At the collegiate and professional levels, managers
are increasingly using mathematics to remain compet-
itive, even hiring mathematical statisticians as impor-
tant parts of their staff. However, some authors and
fans suggest that the team with the best players and
managers will usually win, despite any use of sophisti-
cated mathematics.
Further Reading
Albert, Jim, and Jay Bennett. Curve Ball: Baseball,
Statistics, and the Role of Chance in the Game. New
York: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Cook, Earnshaw. Percentage Baseball. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1966.
Eastway, Rob, and John Haigh. Beating the Odds:
The Hidden Mathematics of Sport. London: Robson
Books, 2007.
Ross, Ken. Mathematician at the Ballpark: Odds and
Probabilities for Baseball Fans. New York: Pi Press, 2004.
Schell, Michael. Baseballs All-Time Best Hitters: How
Statistics Can Level the Playing Field. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1999.
Schwarz, Alan. The Numbers Game: Baseballs Lifelong
Fascination with Statistics. New York: St. Martins
Press, 2004.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Basketball; Football; Hitting a Home Run;
Hockey; Soccer.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Play can be analyzed geometrically and
probabilistically to inform strategy or construct
Basketball is an international sport that can be enjoyed
either as a participant or as a spectator, regardless of
ones sex or ones age. A growing number of coaches,
reporters, and ardent fans are using mathematics to
examine all aspects of basketballthe physical aspects
and performance of its players, the analysis of each el-
ement (shooting, defense, strategies) of the game, and
the combined geometry and physics surrounding the
game. Perhaps as expected, this mathematical analysis
can have opposite effects, either enriching or ruining
the sports experience itself.
Basketball was intended to be a dynamic, fair com-
petition between two teams; however, mathematical
concepts and techniques can be used in a basketball
environment to identify patterns of strengths and
weaknesses, suggest optimal strategies for coaches and
players, stimulate discussions, and resolve arguments.
Statistician Dean Oliver is a well-known contribu-
tor to the statistical evaluation of basketball, which
is called APBRmetrics. The name comes in part from
the Association for Professional Basketball Research
(APBR). This methodology is a very similar to the
analysis of professional baseball using sabermetrics.
Though difcult to implement practically, geometry,
Basketball 99
trigonometry, and calculus can shed light on these
important ideas:
Given a players height, the best angle and
velocity for shooting a basketball, assuming
the intent is to have the basketballs parabolic
arc pass through the basket (often called the
Shaq phenomena)
The connection between the angle of
shooting a ball and the event known as an
all-net basket
The connection between a players height
and where a player should aim a shotat the
center of basket, the front of the rim, or the
back of the rim
Use of angles in making bounce passes
Determining defensive positions that
maximize centers of gravity
The connection between a players position
on the court and decisions to bank the
basketball off the backboard as the best shot
Comparison of the merits of shooting a free-
throw underhand versus overhand
By gathering and analyzing the myriad of available
data provided by a game experience, mathematical
probabilities can help examine the chances of par-
ticular events happening within a game, including the
The likelihood of a player making 0, 1, or 2
points in a 1-and-1 free throw opportunity
100 Basketball
Mathematics can be used to examine the physical aspects and performance of players, the analysis of each
element of the game, and the combined geometry and physics surrounding basketball.
The reality of a player having a hot-hand,
based on his or her making successive shots
The decision as to which player should be
purposely fouled at the end of a close game
The evaluation of a players performance in
terms of per-possession efciency
The probability of a record being broken,
either by a team or a player
Similarly, the collection and organization of
mathematical statistics can provide perspectives that
explain game occurrences, provide comparative rank-
ings of teams and players, and assist in future deci-
sion making by coaches and team management. The
usual sources of statistics are data regarding shoot-
ing, rebounding, free throws, turnovers, defensive
gains, and time management. Some specic examples
include the following:
The simple use of ratios, means, and medians
as descriptive statistics for a player, a position,
a game, or a season
Connections between a players
characteristics and training regimens relative
to game performance
Trend analysis, based on either a players or a
teams performance in specic ways over the
past ve, 10, and 15 games
Winning tendencies based on connections to
lead changes during a game or knowledge of
the team leading at the end of the third quarter
The impact of rules changes on scoring and
defenses within the sport itself, such as the
observed effects of expanding either the
three-point arc or the free-throw lane
Determining the best all-time player in
a particular position (for example, center), at
a particular time in a game (for example, last-
second shot), or in an era
The seeding and selection of teams in a
bracketed tournament, possibly as part of a
betting pool with stated odds
Selection of players by professional teams
during the annual draft, using historical data
for each players performance in conjunction
with physical data
The use of statistical data as part of contract
negotiation between players and management
The release or trading of players based on
team needs
The ideas of mathematical game theory have been
applied to the decision-making process within a bas-
ketball environment, leading to choices of optimal tac-
tics. The specic decisions range considerably:
A coachs choice of designed offenses and
defense strategies, relative to the opposing
coachs choices
A coachs calling of time-outs at opportune
times within a game
A coach trying to inuence or reverse
decisions by game ofcials
A coachs use of techniques to motivate
specic players
A teams selection of players during a draft,
dependent on the players apparent abilities,
the inferred needs of other teams, and the
specic draft round
Contract negotiations involving players,
agents, and team management
Finally, using all of these available statistical data and
mathematical modeling techniques, one can create real-
istic simulations of basketball events, full games, or even
tournament series. At the collegiate and professional
levels, coaches are increasingly using mathematics to
remain competitive, even hiring mathematical statisti-
cians as important parts of their staffs. Some mathema-
ticians are even found on the court.
Retired San Antonio Spurs player Michael Robin-
son earned a bachelors degree in mathematics from
the U.S. Naval Academy, and is considered by many to
be the best basketball player that school has ever seen.
However, there are still some authors and fans who
suggest the team with the best players and coaches
will usually win, despite the use of sophisticated
Further Reading
Bennett, Jay, and James Cochran. Anthology of Statistics
in Sports. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, 2005
De Mestre, Neville. The Mathematics of Projectiles in
Sport. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
Basketball 101
Friedman, Arthur. The World of Sports Statistics: How
the Fans and Professionals Record, Compile, and Use
Information. New York: Athenaeum, 1978.
Oliver, Dean. Basketball on Paper: Rules and Tools for
Performance Analysis. Washington, DC: Brasseys, 2004.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Baseball; Football; Hockey; Soccer.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Summary: Basket shapes and patterns are created by
varying the weave.
Baskets are woven containers made of plant or articial
strips, such as palm fronds, willow branches, or fabric.
People were already making baskets at least 10,000 years
ago. Historians conjecture that basketry played a ma-
jor role in the development of pattern, structure, and
number in human cultures. Early humans could have
observed birds and animals that wove to rst learn the
craft. Tracing basket-weaving patterns through cultures
assists in creating models of human migration. Under-
water basket weaving, which is a technique in wicker,
is a humorous idiom describing academic courses with
low education standards or very narrow specializations.
Mathematicians study and model patterns found in
baskets from around the world, including those created
by the Hopi people of the southwestern United States,
various African peoples, and Pacic Islanders.
There are several types of basket weaves, each with
innitely many possible patterns. Coiled baskets are
made with two types of berone thick, and one
soft and pliable. The thick cord or vine forms the coil.
Flat, pliable strips of materials such as grass or fabric
are wound a number of times around the cord, then
a number of times around its previous row or several
rows in the coil, connecting the rows. Craftspeople can
change patterns and shapes of baskets by varying these
weave numbers. Wicker is a type of basket weave con-
sisting of relatively stiff bers of two types. One mate-
rial, the foundation, is completely rigid, and the other,
the weft, is more pliable. The pattern of individual weft
bers going over and under the foundation spokes
determines the look of the baskets surface. Such pat-
terns can become very complex. Weft bers are often
soaked to make them soft during weaving.
Twining also requires rigid foundation bers and
pliable weft. Several strands of pliable berusually
twogo around a foundation spike on either side,
cross or twist in the middle, then go around the next
spike. Twining patterns are created by changing the
number of wefts or formulas of skipping spikes, and
introducing braiding between spikes.
Plaited baskets consist of pliable bers woven over
and under one another, typically at right angles. This
weave is very similar to how woven textiles are made,
and some historians believe that textiles originated
from this type of basket. Formulaswhose variables
are the number of bers that go over and under in each
rowdetermine the pattern.
The physical properties of baskets are determined
by the weave, the materials, and the pattern. Wicker
baskets can be very sturdy, and wicker has been used in
making fences, houses, and furniture like baby cradles.
102 Basketry
Basket Patterns
atterns found in baskets come up in many
areas of mathematics. Frieze patterns
have translational symmetry along lines, and
there are seven types of them, all of which ap-
pear in traditional basket making. They are a
part of more general wallpaper groups, of which
there are seventeen types.
Some mathematics historians observed
differences in patterns that involve six-fold
symmetry, such as honeycombs, and more
complex ve-fold symmetry that comes up in
basket weaving. For example, the traditional
woven Malaysian ball is similar to the modern
soccer ball (also known as football) in that it
contains pentagons.
Baskets take a variety of three-dimensional shapes,
such as cylinders, cubes, and prisms. Properties of
weaving often determine the shape. For example, the
stiff foundation bers of twined or wicker baskets are
usually straight lines, which only allows so-called ruled
surfaces. By denition in analytic geometry, ruled sur-
faces are generated by straight lines. Cylinders, prisms,
and cones are ruled surfaces and can be made by
wicker. Spheres cannot be made out of straight lines,
but spherical baskets are made by coiling, plaiting, or
using bendable foundations in wicker and twining.
Mathematicians and mathematical artists who use
basket weaving to create striking sculptured models of
complex surfaces have to select appropriate weaving
techniques for their projects.
Further Reading
Gerdes, Paulus. African Basketry: A Gallery of Twill-Plaited
Designs and Patterns. NP: Lulu Publishing, 2008.
University of East Anglia. Basket Weaving May Have
Taught Humans to Count. ScienceDaily (June 8,
2009). /releases/2009/06/
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Multicultural Mathematics:
Interdisciplinary Cooperative-Learning Activities.
Portland, ME: Walch Education, 1993.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Sculpture; Surfaces; Symmetry; Textiles;
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra, Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Geometry explains why honeycombs are
made of hexagonal cells, while bee movement patterns
communicate information visually.
Honeycombs are remarkable for their beauty, preci-
sion, and symmetry. The honeycomb corresponds to a
mathematical concept known as a tiling of the plane.
That bees use regular hexagons for this tiling (built to
a remarkable level of precision) has fascinated human
beings throughout history. At the end of the twenti-
eth century, mathematician Thomas Hales rigorously
proved a long-standing conjecture that fully justies
to humans what the bees have apparently known all
along: the most efcient way to repeatedly enclose a
xed amount of storage space is to use regular hexa-
gons to form the boundaries.
Honeycomb: How to Choose a Cell
Bees use honeycomb cells for storage. It takes work and
material (wax) to create the boundary of each cell, so
the bees want cells with as little boundary (perimeter)
as possible, given that each cell should enclose a certain
amount of storage (area). If a bee only needed to make
one cell to store honey, it would likely use a shape other
than a regular hexagon. For instance, a regular octa-
gon holding the same area has less perimeter; a regular
decagon will have less perimeter still. The more sides a
polygon has, the smaller the perimeter will be, with the
circle having the smallest perimeter-to-area ratio. That
a circle is the least-perimeter shape to enclose a given
area is a famous problem that goes back to the wonder-
ful tale of Queen Dido of Tyre.
For example, suppose a bee wanted to enclose one
square unit of area. The square that accomplishes this
has a perimeter of 4. If the bee used an equilateral tri-
angle instead, the necessary perimeter is larger, about
4.56. But the regular hexagons perimeter is smaller, at
Bees 103
The most efficient way to repeatedly enclose a fixed
amount of storage space is to use regular hexagons.
just over 3.72. The pattern of increasing the number of
sides leading to a lower perimeter holds for all whole
numbers n > 2, and every such regular polygon enclos-
ing one unit of area has greater perimeter than a circle
holding the same area. The circle that encloses one unit
of area has a perimeter of approximately 3.54.
Tilings: Fitting the Cells Together
Bees do not need just one cell; they need many consec-
utive cells in which to place their honey, and therefore
essentially have to create a tiling (a pattern involving
polygons that will completely cover their work space
without overlapping while leaving no space unused).
Circular cells simply dont t together as well because
there are gaps between consecutive circles.
Many different kinds of oors and ceilings are tiled
usually with congruent squares or rectangles. Why dont
bees use square cells in their honeycomb, rather than
hexagons? Or equilateral triangles? It turns out that equi-
lateral triangles, squares, and regular hexagons can all be
used to tile the plane, as shown in the gures below. Bees
choose hexagons from among these three options since
a regular hexagon of unit area uses less perimeter (wax)
than does a square or equilateral triangle; the hexagon is
a more efcient choice (see Figure 2).
Figure 2.
So why not use regular octagons? Here it is not the
efciency of the individual cell that governs the choice
but rather the overall packing of them: regular octa-
gons cannot be used to tile the plane.
To understand why triangles, squares, and hexagons
tile the plane, but octagons do not, observe that in a
regular polygon with n sides, the sum of its interior
angles is 180 2 n ( )
degrees, and each of its n individ-
ual interior angles has the measure
180 2 n
( )
For instance, with the square, each interior angle has
the measure
180 4 2
( )
= degrees.
Four squares arranged at a single vertex t together
perfectly, creating a full 360 degrees around the shared
corner. Likewise, six equilateral triangles (each having
60-degree angles) can t together perfectly for a full
360 degrees, as can three regular hexagons with their
120-degree interior angles.
But for the octagon with n = 8, each interior angle
has the measure of 135 degrees. Three octagons put
together at a shared vertex would have 135 3 405 =
degrees, which is simply impossibleas would be
attempting to only have two octagons meet at a single
vertex. Regardless of the number of sides of the regu-
lar polygon, the measure of the polygons interior angle
will need to divide evenly into 360 degrees. This forces
to be an integer, and the only values of n for which that
is true are n = 3, 4, and 6: triangle, square, and hexagon!
That the only ways to tile a at surface using congruent
regular polygons are with triangles, squares, or hexa-
gons is a result often taught in high school geometry
Irregular and Non-Polygonal Tilings
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, mathematicians
conjectured that among all the ways to tile the plane
so that each tile encloses just one unit of area, the way
that uses the least perimeter is the tiling that uses all
regular hexagons. This conjecture is much harder
than it sounds to prove: one must consider irregu-
lar polygons (with sides of different lengths), as well
as the possibility that the sides of some tiles might
be curved. The rst possibility is not too difcult to
eliminate. For instance, it is straightforward to show
that a regular hexagon with all sides of equal length
will use less perimeter than any other hexagon to
enclose the same area.
But the second possibilityusing non-polygonal
shapesproved to be much, much more challenging.
In this situation, one must consider the possibility of a
shape that bows out on one side and, to t into a tiling,
bows in on another. Obviously, the part that bows out
picks up area, while the part that bows in loses area.
In 1999, mathematician Thomas Hales proved that any
104 Bees
advantage that comes from a side of the tile bowing
out is more than cancelled out by the disadvantage that
follows from another side having to bow in. Thus, the
ideal tile is one that has no bulges: a polygon!
What Professor Hales proved is essentially what the
bees knew all along: of all possible tilings, the one using
regular hexagons is the most efcient way to enclose
cells of the same area.
Other Mathematical Aspects of Bees
Another way that mathematics relates to bees is when
mathematicians work with bee researchers to solve
problems such as those related to viral disease infec-
tion and pollination. Mathematics is also used to
model the ways in which bees communicate locations.
When a bee nds a source of food, it returns to the
hive and performs an elaborate dance that conveys the
direction and distance from the hive. Ethologist Karl
von Frisch was one of the rst to explore the meaning
of the honeybee dance, and he won a Nobel Prize for
his work. The angle that the bee dances expresses the
direction. For example, if a bee dances in a straight line
toward the upper part of the hive, then the owers are
located in the direction of the sun. The bee also takes
into account the fact that the sun moves; the angle it
describes inside the hive changes as the sun does. The
duration of the dance and the number of vibrations
give the exact distance. Other features of the dance
remained unexplained until Barbara Shipman theo-
rized that the honeybees complex choreography is a
projection of a six-dimensional space, and she was able
to use this representation to reproduce the entire bee
dance in all its parts and variations. To her, this implies
that bees can sense the quantum world, although some
researchers dispute her conclusions.
Further Reading
Austin, David. Penrose Tiles Talk Across Miles. http://
Frank, Adam. Quantum Honeybees. Discover 18 (1997).
Hirsch, Christian R., et al. Core-Plus Mathematics:
Contemporary Mathematics in Context, Course 1. 2nd
Ed. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Morgan, Frank. Hales Proves Honeycomb Conjecture.
Peterson, Ivars. The Honeycomb Conjecture: Proving
Mathematically That Honeybee Constructors Are
on the Right Track. Science News 156, no. 4 (July 24,
Serra, Michael. Discovering Geometry: An Inductive
Approach. 4th ed. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum
Press, 2008.
University of Guelph. U of G Using Math to Study
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Animals; Farming; Polygons.
Betting and Fairness
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Mathematics is used to analyze betting
and probabilities for games of chance and for
investing in the stock market.
A pivotal moment in the early development of prob-
ability occurred in 1654, as the French mathemati-
cians Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat exchanged a
series of letters. Pascal and Fermat were wrestling with
questions involving the fair payoff for a gambler who
is forced to quit in the middle of a game. In modern
language, they were calculating the expected value of
the games payoff (the average payoff under the vari-
ous possible outcomes, weighted according to the like-
lihood of those outcomes). A bet is said to be fair if
the price of placing it is equal to the expected value of
the payoff. Betting plays an integral part in our mod-
ern society. People place bets in casinos and at sporting
events, as well as by buying lottery tickets. They are also
placing bets when purchasing insurance or investing in
the stock market. Some of these bets are fair, some are
unfair, and some cannot be objectively categorized.
The primary problem that Pascal and Fermat solved
(each employing a different method) can be used to
illustrate some important ideas on fairness. In the
problem, two gamblers are playing a game in which a
coin is repeatedly tossed. The game is interrupted at
Betting and Fairness 105
a point where 2 more heads are required for Player A
to win and 3 more tails are required for Player B to
win (whichever occurs rst). How should the potential
winnings be divided at this stage of the game?
Fermat solved the problem by observing that at most
4 tosses remain in order to identify the winner, and that
there are 16 equally likely ways in which 4 tosses could
In 11 of these possibilities (the rst 11 items on the
list), Player A would win, because 2 heads occur before
3 tails; in the other 5 possibilities, Player B would win,
because 3 tails occur rst. Therefore, Fermat reasoned
that Player A should receive 11/16 of the winnings, and
Player B should receive 5/16 of the winnings. In mod-
ern language, Player A would win the game with prob-
ability 11/16 and Player B would win with probability
5/16; Fermat was calculating the expected value of
the winnings for each player.
Suppose that up to this point in their game, neither
Player A nor B has paid any money for the opportu-
nity to play, but that they are now required to pay a
total of $1, altogether, and that this dollar will con-
stitute the winnings. Fermats solution to the previ-
ous problem allows for a fair method of dividing the
payment: Player A should pay 11/16 of the dollar and
Player B should pay 5/16, so that the payments match
the expected winnings. In other words, if the game is
being played for a $1 payoff, then the price for a fair
bet is 11/16 of a dollar for Player A and 5/16 of a dollar
for Player B.
Lotteries and Casinos
State-run lotteries are unfair to the player who pur-
chases a ticket, because some of the revenue goes to
the state and is not redistributed to the winner(s). Of
course, even if all of the ticket revenue were paid to the
winner(s)so that the bets were faira lottery would
be unfavorable to almost every player. Nonetheless, lot-
teries attract large numbers of players because people
are willing to pay a small amount for the minuscule
chance of winning a fortune.
A similar motivation attracts bettors to casinos, where
almost all games are unfair. This casino advantage is
known as the house edge. On average, the house edge
at a casino is 2% to 3%, which means that for each dollar
that is bet, the house makes a prot of 2 or 3 cents. Over
thousands of bets, this adds up to a signicant prot.
Some games, like slot machines, can have a house edge
of up to 15%. Typically (in roulette, slot machines, and
craps, for instance), the odds for each bet are slightly
in favor of the house. Blackjack is a rare example of a
casino game in which a player might be able to place bets
that are better than fair from the players perspective. In
blackjack, two initial cards are dealt to each player as
well as to the dealer. Certain strict rules dictate whether
additional cards are dealt to the dealer, while each player
has the choice of whether to receive additional cards.
The objective of each player is to hold a total card value
closer to 21 than the dealer holds, without going over.
Each player knows which cards he or she holds, as well
as some of the cards held by the dealer and other players,
since some cards are dealt face up. An adept player can
also keep track of cards that have been used in previous
games following the last shufethough casinos often
dissuade such card counting by combining several decks
and shufing regularly. By using this information, it is
possible for a player to calculate the probability of draw-
ing a particular card and, therefore, the expected value
of the payoffs under the options of either receiving an
additional card or not; often, one of these expected val-
ues is greater than the amount of the bet.
Subjective Probabilities
Early in the twentieth century, mathematicians real-
ized the need to dene probability in a rigorous way,
if it were to be a formal part of mathematics. In prob-
lems involving tossing fair dice or coins, or counting
card hands, it was obvious what should constitute the
probabilities of the various occurrences, but in many
other situations it was unclear. Usually people thought
of probabilities as idealized frequencies: if a fair coin
is tossed many times, for example, then the fraction
of tosses which land heads should be approximately
1/2; so a fair bet for a $1 payoff on heads should cost
$0.50. But there is not an obvious analogy for two box-
ers, for example, about to ght a match. Also, prob-
ability was becoming an increasingly important tool
for the physical sciences, and mathematical theorems
were required. As such, an axiomatic system was nec-
essary. The Russian mathematician A. N. Kolmogorov
and the Italian philosopher and mathematician Bruno
106 Betting and Fairness
de Finetti independently provided such a framework
in the 1930s. Although different in appearance, their
denitions are equivalent in most situations.
De Finettis concept of a probability stems from gam-
bling: the probability of an event is the price for a $1
payoff bet on that event. These prices may be assigned
in whatever way one wants (hence the label subjec-
tive probabilities), provided certain consistency con-
ditions are met. For example, suppose even money is
coming into a betting house on two teams preparing
to play a baseball game. This indicates that the bettors
collectively value the two teams as equally likely to win
the game. Ignoring the house fees, the price for a $1
payoff bet on either team is $0.50, because after the
game, the entire pool of money will be redistributed to
those who bet on the winning team.
Suppose, however, a particular bettor favors the
home team, believing that team to have a 3/4 probabil-
ity of winning the game. Then this bettor would price a
$1 payoff bet on that team at $0.75; for this bettor, the
$0.50 price generated by the betting pool is a bargain.
From this bettors perspective, a bet on the home team is
better than fair: the price for a $1 payoff bet is $0.50, but
the expected value of the payoff is $0.75. Such situations
occur beyond sporting events, perhaps most prominently
in the stock market. The fact that individuals valuations
often differ from those of the collective public is the
driving force behind the trading of stocks. Individuals
buy stocks that they believe to be undervalued and sell
stocks that they believe to be overvalued. Because they
are predicting the future performance of these stocks,
they are essentially placing bets that they believe to be
better than fair. In 1956, John Larry Kelly, Jr., a physi-
cist who worked at Bell Labs, formulated and described
the Kelly criterion. This algorithm for determining an
optimal series of investments (or bets) is based on prob-
ability and economic utility theory, which tries to math-
ematically quantify satisfaction. In recent years, the Kelly
criterion has been incorporated into many mainstream
investment theories and betting strategies.
Further Reading
David, F. N. Games, Gods and Gambling: A History of
Probability and Statistical Ideas. New York: Dover
Publications, 1998.
Devlin, Keith. The Unnished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and
the Seventeenth-Century Letter That Made the World
Modern. New York: Basic Books, 2008.
Epstein, Richard A. The Theory of Gambling and
Statistical Logic. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic
Press, 2009.
Packel, Edward. The Mathematics of Games and
Gambling. 2nd Ed. Washington, DC: The
Mathematical Association of America, 2006.
Von Plato, Jan. Creating Modern Probability. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1994.
John Beam
See Also: Dice Games; Expected Values; Probability.
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra, Geometry.
Summary: Bicycle geometry impacts performance,
aerodynamics, efciency, and stability.
The rst bicycles of the early nineteenth century were
simple designs of wooden frames and metal hoops for
wheels. Though these early bicycles were propelled by
feet pushing along the ground, soon pedals were added
to the front axle allowing the rider to drive the front
wheel for locomotion. It was not until the late 1880s
when the rst chain-driven bicycle was introduced,
thereby separating the axles from the primary point of
locomotion and overcoming problems with handling,
steering, and weight distribution. This explosive de-
cade of development also saw the rst pneumatic tires,
gearing, and coaster brakes, the latter allowing the rider
to brake by pedaling backwards. Another series of in-
novations a century later was spurred by an explosion
in frame design and fabrication techniques including
the use of better materials such as aluminum, titanium,
and, eventually, carbon ber.
Bicycles serve as the primary means of transporta-
tion in several cultures, especially in southeast Asia.
European communities are also known for embracing
the bicycle as a legitimate form of transportation.
Bicycles have two in-line wheels and are driven by
pedaling. The wheels each spin on axles rotating on
Bicycles 107
bearing surfaces and most commonly support the rims
via tension spokes. Pneumatic tires are secured to the
outer surface of the rims to provide the primary con-
tact with the ground. The centrally located bottom
bracket is the rotating connection point of the ped-
als. Power is transferred to the rear wheel via a chain.
Brakes are usually found on both wheels; most bicy-
cles brakes squeeze braking pads on the rim surface
to create friction and slow the wheel and, as a result, the
bicycle. Many newer mountain bicycles use disc brakes
for increased stopping power. The rider sits on a saddle
atop the bicycle and leans forward on handle bars, which
provide support and the ability to steer. Many bicycles,
especially mountain bicycles, have shock absorbers built
into the front fork to provide cushioning over rough ter-
rain. Some bicycles also feature rear suspension, which
allows the rear triangle of the frame to rotate and further
absorb the impacts of uneven terrain.
Gears (chain rings on the bottom bracket, a cassette
on the rear axle) allow the rider to alter the ratio of
pedal rotation to wheel rotation in order to go faster or
slower. The gear ratio is determined by the diameter of
the chain ring divided by the diameter of the rear cog.
Since the number of teeth is proportional to diameter,
tooth count is more typically used. For example, a 39-
tooth chain ring used with a 15-tooth cog produces a
gear ratio of
2 6 = .
that is, one revolution of the pedals produces 2.6 revo-
lutions of the rear wheel. A standard 700C wheel (70
centimeters in diameter) will travel 0 7 2 2 . . = meters
(7.2 feet) along the road with each revolution. Thus, a
single rotation of the pedals produces
0 7 5 7 . . ( ) =
meters (18.7 feet) of travel.
Speed and distance traveled can then be calculated
based upon the riders revolutions per minute.
108 Bicycles
More than 10,000 riders have participated in the Tour de France since it began in 1903. Out of that group, only
around 6,000 have been able to complete the grueling race that averages about 2200 miles.
Types of Bicycles
Reecting their wide ver-
satility, bicycles come in
a multitude of different
styles. One of the most
common is the road bicy-
cle, which is distinguished
by thin tires; a drop-style
handlebar; and a stiff, light
frame. Road bicycles are
designed for fast travel over
smoother road surfaces.
The other most common
bicycle is the mountain
bicycle, which features
wide, knobby tires designed for increased traction in the
dirt; at handlebars for a more upright position; and a
wide range of gears, including very low gears for steep
climbing. Most mountain bicycles have a front suspen-
sion fork and many feature a rear suspension as well.
Cyclocross bikes are closely related to road bikes
but have slightly wider tires and lower gears for rac-
ing on cyclocross race courses or for exploring gravel
roads. Comfort bicycles, commuters, and hybrids are
usually compromises between the stiffness of a road
bicycle and the comfort of a mountain bicycle; these
bicycles lower prices are often aimed at entry-level
riders who are seeking practicality over high perfor-
mance. Bicycle motocross (BMX) bicycles are single
speed (no gears) with smaller, wider tires designed for
racing on BMX courses. There are additional niche
bicycles for special purposes such as time trialing,
track racing, snow riding, and touring. Though most
people cannot imagine a bicycle having anything but
circular wheels, since that shape travels smoothly
on at roads, mathematicians have modeled as well
as built wheels with other shapes, such as squares,
three-leaf clovers, star-like shapes, and triangles. They
found that a square-wheeled bike will travel smoothly
on a road made of inverted catenaries, and each of
the other types has at least one solution as well. A dif-
ferential equation can be used to generally solve the
problem of noncircular wheels.
Racing and Performance
Bicycle racing is a popular sport with a surprisingly
active history. Near the end of the nineteenth century,
bicycle racing was one of the most popular sports,
drawing huge crowds of spectators across Europe
and the United States. Today, bicycle racing is popu-
lar worldwide but has a stronger European following.
Why certain cyclists are more successful than others
can be analyzed in part using mathematics. Average
riding speed, efciency, and power are all calculated
metrics useful for assessing performance. Seven-
time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has
been studied and modeled extensively throughout
his career. American cyclist Greg LeMond overcame
a 58-second decit and won the 1989 Tour de France
by 8 seconds over French favorite Laurent Fignon,
which is generally attributed by most to the innova-
tive aerodynamic handlebars he used in the last stage.
Companies now routinely use mathematical model-
ing for cycling equipment, as well as to test aerody-
namics and other essential properties, and teams use
optimization strategies to construct bicycles within
the sports guidelines, since seconds can make the dif-
ference between victory and second place.
For the average rider as well as for professionals, the
geometry of a bicycle plays a large role in its overall
performance and stability. For example, the distance
between the axles and the angle the front fork makes
with respect to the ground are both important, accord-
ing to bicycle makers. Some mathematicians have
explored stability issues. In study released in 2007,
researchers investigated and dynamically modeled 25
parameters believed to be important, with the goal of
being able to construct bicycles targeted toward riders
specic needs.
Further Reading
Burke, Ed. High-Tech Cycling. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics, 2003.
Hall, Leon, and Stan Wagon. Roads and Wheels.
Mathematics Magazine 65, no. 5 (1992).
Herlihy, David. Bicycle: The History. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press. 2006.
McGann, Bill. The Story of the Tour de France.
Indianapolis, IN: Dog Ear Publishing, 2006.
Peveler, Will. The Complete Book of Road Cycling and
Racing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Matt Kretchmar
See Also: Extreme Sports; Perimeter and
Circumference; Pi; Wheel.
Bicycles 109
A bike with square
wheels demonstrated
at Macalester College.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Playing billiards depends on an
understanding of spin, momentum, and angles.
Billiards is a cue sport game that involves the use of a
rectangular table, billiard balls, and a stick called a cue.
Mathematics and physics are two important compo-
nents of playing the game well. There are many differ-
ent games within the cue sports that Americans typically
name billiards. Billiard tables with pockets comprise
games that are termed as pool or pocket billiards. The
rectangular table has two long sides (twice the short side)
and two short sides with six pocketsone at each cor-
ner, and one midway along the longer two sides of the
table. The object of the game is to hit the billiard balls
into the pockets using a cue ball (the lone white ball in
the set). Gaspard Coriolis, known today for the Coriolis
effect, wrote a work on the mathematics and physics of
billiards in 1835. He stated that the curved path followed
by the cue ball after striking another ball is always para-
bolic because of top or bottom spin. Further, the maxi-
mum side spin on a cue ball is achieved by striking it half
a radius off-center with the tip of the cue.
The game of billiards is also a source for interest-
ing mathematical problems, which are connected to
dynamical systems, ergodic theory, geometry, physics,
and optics. In mathematical billiards, the angle of inci-
dence is the same as the angle of reection for a point
mass on a frictionless domain with a boundary. The
dynamics depend on the starting position, angle, and
geometry of the boundary and the table. Mathemati-
cians investigate the motion and the path of the ball on
a variety of differently shaped at and curved tables,
like triangular or elliptical boundaries or hyperbolic
tables. In 1890, mathematician Charles Dodgson, bet-
ter known as Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll,
published rules for circular billiards and may have also
had a table built. In 2007, mathematician Alex Eskin
won the Research Prize from the Clay Mathematics
Institute for his work on rational billiards and geomet-
ric group theory.
Eight Ball
Eight ball is the pool game most commonly played in the
United States, and it involves 16 billiard balls. To begin
the game of Eight Ball, the numbered balls are placed in
a triangular rack that sets the 8-ball in the middle posi-
tion of the third row of balls with a single lead ball oppo-
site the cue ball. The cue ball is placed on the midpoint
of the line parallel to the short side at one-quarter of
the long side known as the head spot. The point of the
triangular-shaped racked set of billiard balls is placed on
the opposite short end at one-quarter of the length of
the long side from the other short side and is known as
the foot spot. After one player breaks by hitting the cue
ball from the head spot into the racked set of balls, the
player then hits a set of balls into the pockets. A shot
that does not cause a ball of his or her set to go into the
pocket results in the next shot going to the other player.
Billiards Geometry and Physics
Shooting the balls into the pockets requires an under-
standing of angles and momentum, as well as placement
110 Billiards
Billiard players can use transformational geometry to
try to hit the ball so that it will return to a pocket.
of the cue so that the correct spin is achieved to place the
cue ball where it can achieve the target ball going into
a pocket. Coriolis investigated 90-degree and 30-degree
rules of various shots and measured the largest deec-
tion angle the cue ball can experience. Both skill and
geometric understanding contribute to successful shots.
Some shots require straight shooting; some shots need
to be banked in by using the table sides. Players can
use transformational geometry to approximate where
on the table to hit the ball for it to return to a pocket. By
measuring the angle from the ball to the side being used
to bank off and reecting the same angle with the cue
stick, one can see the most viable spot to aim for so that
the path of the caromed ball ends in a pocket. Using the
diamonds found on the sides of most tables is one way
of measuring these angles, and some systems for pool
and billiards play use the diamonds. Using the diamond
system for a different billiard game, Three Cushion Bil-
liards is demonstrated on the 1959 Donald Duck Dis-
ney cartoon Donald in Mathmagic Land. The demon-
stration shows that it is possible to use subtraction to
know where to aim the ball in relation to a diamond to
make sure that all three balls are hit.
Further Reading
Alciatore, David. The Amazing World of Billiards
Tabachnikov, Serge. Geometry and Billiards. Providence,
RI: American Mathematical Society, 2005.
Linda Hutchison
See Also: Geometry in Society; Mathematical Modeling;
Movies, Mathematics in; Surfaces; Transformations.
Binomial Theorem
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Number and Operations.
Summary: The binomial theorem is the basis of
Pascals Triangle and is used to solve a variety of
A binomial is an algebraic expression with two terms,
like x y + . When binomials are multiplied together,
they produce higher powers of the individual terms that
are called binomial coefcients. The binomial theo-
rem states that for any real numbers x and y, and whole
number n:
x y c x y c x y c x y c x y
n n n
+ ( ) = + + + +
1 1
2 2 0
where c
is the binomial coefcient
k n k
! !
( )
and n! is the product of the numbers 1 through n.
These coefcients are the entries in what is referred to
as Pascals Triangle, named for mathematician Blaise
Pascal. Students typically encounter this theorem in
middle school or high school algebra, and in high
school or college calculus. It also has uses in other ar-
eas of mathematics, such as in combinatorics, where it
helps in calculations for certain counting problems.
The binomial theorem is found across ages and cul-
tures. It appears in the ancient world in the work of
Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria. His for-
mula was for the square (n = 2) of a binomial, but it
was described geometrically rather than algebraically.
There is also evidence that the Hindu scholar Aryab-
hata knew the theorem for cubes in the sixth century.
At least as early as the eleventh century, Chinese math-
ematicians such as Jia Xian and later Zhu Shijie knew
the binomial coefcients in the form of Pascals Tri-
angle. They used the binomial theorem to nd square
and cube roots, and evidence suggests they knew of
the binomial theorem for large values of n. Around the
fteenth century, the binomial theorem and binomial
coefcients to at least the seventh power were found
in the writings of Islamic scholars including Omar
Khayyam, Abu Bekr ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn
Al-Karaji, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen),
and Ibn Yahya al-Maghribi al-Samawal.
In the sixteenth century, European mathematicians
began using the binomial theorem and binomial coef-
cients. For example, mathematician Michael Stifels
1544 work Arithmetica integra contained the bino-
mial coefcients. Other contributors include Franois
Vite, Blaise Pascal, James Gregory, Sir Isaac Newton,
and Niels Abel. John Wallaces seventeenth century
Binomial Theorem 111
book De Algebra Tractatus is cited as the rst pub-
lished account of Newtons binomial work. While Pas-
cal was not the rst to study the binomial coefcients,
he is credited with linking algebraic and combinatorial
interpretations of the coefcients.
Pascals Triangle is a triangular representation of
the binomial coefcients, which may be attributed to
him because of his 1653 work Trait du Triangle Arith-
mtique in which he compiled and expounded on
much of what was known about binomial coefcients.
The related Pascal matrix is a symmetric, positive de-
nite matrix with the Pascal triangle represented on its
Generalizations and Extensions
James Gregory and Sir Isaac Newton generalized the
binomial theorem to allow rst fractional, and then real
powers, which requires replacing the nite sum with
an innite series and extending the denition of the
binomial coefcients. When generalizing to an innite
series, another issue that must be considered is con-
vergence, which imposes restrictions on the numbers
x and y for which the series converges to the binomial.
Newton came to this generalization indirectly while
trying to calculate areas under certain curves.
Another way to generalize the binomial theorem is
to broaden the types of values that x and y can take.
One such generalization allows x, y, and n to be com-
plex numbers. The denition of the binomial coef-
cients has to be generalized to complex numbers, and
certain restrictions on the variables are required for
convergence of the resulting innite series. Alterna-
tively, one can allow x and y to be commuting elements
of a Banach algebra, a normed algebra studied in such
elds as complex analysis, real analysis, and functional
analysis. Banach algebra is named for twentieth cen-
tury mathematician Stefan Banach.
One more type of generalization considers not just
the sum of two numbers x and y, but sums with more
terms. Such a sum would be called a multinomial, and
the multinomial coefcients would be appropriate
generalizations of the binomial coefcients. Pascals
Pyramid or Pascals Simplex are extensions of Pascals
Triangle for three or more dimensions.
The binomial theorem gives a quick way of expanding a
power of the form x y
+ ( ) , making the formula useful
for basic algebraic calculations. The binomial theorem,
along with De Moivres formula, can be used to prove
the trigonometric double-angle identities, as well as
more general formulas for cos nx ( )
and sin nx ( )
. The
mathematical constant e also can be written as the in-
nite limit of
+ .
Mathematical induction and the binomial theorem,
or the multinomial theorem, can be used to prove
what is known as Fermats little theorem, named for
mathematician Pierre de Fermat. This result in num-
ber theory states that if p is a prime number and n is
an integer not divisible by p, then n n
is divisible
112 Binomial Theorem
Probability Theory
n probability theory, the binomial distribu-
tion uses binomial coefcients in the com-
putation of probabilities. A binomial distribu-
tion is used to model a situation or process
in which a series of independent trials occurs.
Each trial may have only one of two possible
outcomes, traditionally labeled success and
failure. In each trial, the chance of success
or failure is constant, such as ipping a fair
coin and getting a head, or rolling a fair die and
getting a 6.
In this context, the binomial coefcient in-
dicates the number of permutations there may
be of a specic number of successes in a given
number of trials; for example, the orderings of
2 heads and 8 tails in a series of 10 coin toss-
es. Mathematicians such as Jacob Bernoulli,
Abraham de Moivre, Pierre de Laplace, Simeon
Poisson, and Pascal worked on the binomial
distribution and extensions, such as the lim-
iting Poisson distribution. Mathematician and
statistician Samuel Wilks, as well as others,
developed the multinomial distribution to ex-
tend the binomial to cases with more than two
possible outcomes on each trial.
by p. Fermats little theorem is itself used in cryptog-
raphy, providing an indirect application of the bino-
mial theorem. One theorem in graph theory states
that a graph with n vertices and adjacency matrix A
is connected if and only if all the entries in the matrix
+ ( )
are positive. This theorem is proved using
the binomial theorem, generalized to certain matri-
ces, and some basic graph theory results. Certain
colorings of Pascals Triangle produce fractal gures
like Sierpinskis Triangle, named for mathematician
Waclaw Sierpinski. In set theory, the regions of a Venn
diagram for n distinct sets are in one-to-one corre-
spondence with the binomial coefcients c
for k
ranging from 0 to n. Venn diagrams are named for
John Venn.
Further Reading
The Binomial Theorem. In Math. http://www.intmath
Chauvenet, William. Binomial Theorem and Logarithms.
Self-published: Biblio Bazaar, 2008.
Coolridge, J. L. The Story of the Binomial Theorem.
American Mathematical Monthly 56, no. 3 (March
Friedberg, Stephen H. Applications of the Binomial
Theorem. International Journal of Mathematical
Education in Science and Technology 29, no. 3 (1998).
Fulton, C. M. Classroom Notes: A Simple Proof of the
Binomial Theorem. American Mathematical Monthly
59, no. 4 (1952).
Vesta Coufal
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Chinese
Mathematics; Cubes and Cube Roots; Permutations and
Combinations; Sequences and Series.
Birthday Problem
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: The Birthday Problem is a classic example
of how probability can reveal counterintuitive truths.
The Birthday Problem is a classic probability problem
rst presented by mathematician and scientist Rich-
ard von Mises in 1939, though the fundamental com-
binatorial concepts involved can be traced back as far
as India in the sixth century b.c.e. Today, it is one of
the most-explored problems in classrooms, often in-
troduced as early as the middle grades. The problem
asks: Given that there is some number of people (n) in
a room, what is the probability that at least two of them
share the same birthday? One of the aspects that makes
this problem so intriguing is that the answer is much
different than people intuitively expect.
Solving the Birthday Problem
The extreme cases of the problem are easy to determine
logically. If there are fewer than two people, then it is
impossible to have two who share the same birthday,
making the probability 0. If there are more people than
days in a year, then at least two people must share the
same birthday, making the probability 1. Von Mises
assumed a xed 365 days per year, ignoring February 29
as a possible birthday, so the probability is always 1 if
there are 366 or more people. More interesting and chal-
lenging are the cases for which there are anywhere from
2 to 364 people. For the purposes of modeling and com-
putation, it is assumed that it is equally likely that some-
one will be born on one day of the year versus another,
so there is a
that a person will be born on any particular day.
The Birthday Problem is solved using the math-
ematical ideas of permutations and combinations, and
it is more easily approached if one asks a slightly dif-
ferent but complementary question: What is the prob-
ability that everyone in the room has a unique birth-
day? That is, that no one shares. If there are two people
in the room, the rst can be born on any of 365 days
of the year and the second must be born on any of the
remaining 364 days. If there are three people in the
room where the rst is born on a particular day, the
second must be born on one of the remaining 364 days
of the year and the third on one of the remaining 363
days. The probability is
Birthday Problem 113
If there are four people, the probability is
This pattern can be generalized as
P n
n ( )
( ) =
The probability that at least two people in a room
of n people share a birthday is 1 minus the probability
that there is no match, which can be used to generate
the following probabilities.
Number of people
in the room
Probability that two of
these people share
a birthday
2 .00274
10 .117
20 .411
23 .507
30 .706
50 .970
60 .995
When there are 23 people in the room, there is slightly
more than a 50% chance that two people will share the
same birthday, which answers the original question.
The probability of at least one match increases quickly
and nonlinearly with the number of people, so that
when the number reaches 60 (well below the certainty
value of 366 people), there is a 99.5% chance that there
will be a matchalmost certain. For example, as of
2010, there are six pairs of men who share a birthday
among the 74 unique winners of the Academy Award
for Best Actor. For women, there are three pairs among
the 69 unique Best Actress winners.
Applications of the Birthday Problem
Applications of the Birthday Problem exist in many
elds. One is called Class Phenotype Probability. Given
six characteristics (blood type, RH positive/negative, sex,
mid-digital hair positive/negative, earlobes attached/
unattached, and PTC taste receptor), it is possible to
determine the probability that a particular combination
exists and also the probability that two people share the
same combination. This possibility is quite valuable in
medicine when considering the likelihood of nding
matches between donors and recipients. In computer
security, a birthday attack is a computationally inten-
sive strategy used to break encrypted digital signatures.
A collision occurs when different sets of data yield the
same cryptographic hash value, which is a function of
the input data. The attack repeatedly evaluates a hash-
generating function using random inputs until the out-
put creates a collision with the true hash value it seeks
to duplicate. On average, 1.2 k trials are needed to
get a match, where k is the number of possible outputs
(for example, a 64-bit hash value has about 1.8 10
outputs). The birthday attack strategy becomes much
less efcient as the hash length increases.
There are interesting extensions of the Birthday
Problem based on slightly altering the question or
assumptions. The rst comes from considering the
chance that three or more people share a birthday (or
four, or ve, and so forth). The Almost-Birthday Prob-
lem expands the problem to nding at least two people
whose birthdays are within one day of each other. The
Movie Line Problem states that the rst person in a line
for a movie whose birthday matches someone in front
of them wins free tickets, and it seeks to nd where
someone should stand to have the best chance of win-
ning. The Goldberg Extension computes the expected
number of different birthdays in a group, while the
Tuesday Birthday Problem is given as, I have two chil-
dren, one of whom is a boy born on a Tuesday. What
is the probability that my other child is a boy? Other
variations assume unequal distributions of birthdays
throughout the year. As with the original problem,
solutions usually run contrary to most peoples intu-
ition. The ideas provide the basis for many applied
investigations, such as the photon behavior modeling
done by mathematical physicist Satyendra Nath Bose,
after whom the subatomic particle boson is named.
Further Reading
Borja, Mario Cortina, and John Haigh. The Birthday
Problem. Signicance 4, no. 3 (2007).
Goldberg, Samuel. A Direct Attack on a Birthday
Problem. Mathematics Magazine 49, no. 5 (1976).
Mosteller, Frederick. Fifty Challenging Problems in
Probability With Solutions. New York: Dover
Publications, 1987.
Lidia Gonzalez
114 Birthday Problem
See Also: Bar Codes; Coding and Encryption;
Permutations and Combinations; Probability; Statistics
Black Holes
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Black holes were implied by Einsteins
general relativity and have challenged physicists
theories since.
A black hole is a nite region of space during a period of
time (called space-time) subject to a singularity caused
by a large concentration of mass in its interior. This
massive object generates a gravitational eld so power-
ful that atoms are compacted in super-high densities,
which in turn increases the gravitational pull. A singu-
larity is created in space because no particle of matter,
not even light photons, can escape from that region.
Hence the name: a black hole is an invisible region be-
cause it does not reect any light (all light is absorbed).
Many aspects of black holes can be described and stud-
ied using algebraic and geometric concepts, but the ex-
istence of black holes is still under debate. For example,
Australian mathematician Stephen Crothers argues
that black holes are inconsistent with general relativity
and critiques the mathematics used by others to dem-
onstrate their existence. It is believed that black holes
originate when stars runs out of gas needed to main-
tain their temperature, causing a decrease in volume. As
volume decreases, the proximity of particles increases
the gravitational pull in a positive feedback loop; as par-
ticles get closer, the gravitational force keeps increasing.
This compaction process continues until a singularity,
called the event horizon, is created. The event hori-
zon is dened as a boundary in space and time beyond
which events cannot affect an outside observer. The
event horizon separates the black hole region from the
rest of the universe and is the boundary of space from
which no particle can leave, including light.
The singularity caused by a black hole is considered
as a curvature in space-time. This curvature is explored
by Albert Einsteins general relativity theory, which pre-
dicted the existence of black holesthough Einstein
himself did not believe in them. In the 1970s, Stephen
Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose proved several
important theorems on the occurrence and geometry of
black holes. Previously, in 1963, Roy Kerr had shown
that black holes in a space-time have an almost-spherical
geometry determined by three parameters: their mass,
their total electric charge, and angular momentum.
It is believed that at the center of most galaxies,
including the Milky Way, there are supermassive black
holes. The existence of black holes is supported by
astronomical observations, in particular through the
emission of X-rays. Some black hole candidates have
been identied experimentally using observations and
data. There are different types of black holes, such as
rotating black holes and stationary black holes, and
these are described by using various metrics in physics
and differential geometry.
Origins of Human Awareness of Black Holes
The concept of a body so dense that even light could not
escape was described in a paper submitted in 1783 to
the Royal Society by an English geologist named John
Michell. By then, Isaac Newtons theory of gravitation
and the concept of escape velocity were well known.
Michell computed that a body with a radius 500 times
that of the sun and the same density, would, on its sur-
face, have an escape velocity equal to that of light and
would therefore be invisible.
In 1796, the French mathematician Pierre-Simon
Laplace explained in the rst two editions of his book
Exposition du Systme du Monde the same idea; how-
ever, the concept that light was a wave without mass
and therefore unaffected by gravitation was prevalent
in the nineteenth century, and Laplace discarded the
idea in later editions.
In 1915, Einstein developed his general relativ-
ity theory, and showed that light was inuenced by
the gravitational interaction. A few months later, Karl
Schwarzschild found a solution to Einsteins equations,
where a heavy body would absorb the light. We now
know that the Schwarzschild radius is the radius of the
event horizon of a black hole that will not turn, but
this was not well understood at the time. Schwarzschild
himself thought it was just a mathematical solution,
not physical. In 1930, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
showed that any star with a critical mass (now known
as the Chandrasekhar limit) and that does not emit
Black Holes 115
radiation would collapse under its own gravity. How-
ever, Arthur Eddington opposed the idea that the star
would reach a size zero, implying a naked singularity
of matter; instead, the black hole should have some-
thing that will inevitably put a stop to collapse, an idea
adopted by most scientists.
In 1939, Robert Oppenheimer predicted that a mas-
sive star could suffer a gravitational collapse and there-
fore black holes might be formed in nature. This theory
did not receive much attention until the 1960s because
after World War II he was more interested in what was
happening at the atomic scale.
In 1967, Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose
proved that black holes are solutions to Einsteins equa-
tions and that in certain cases the creation of a black
hole is the inevitable consequence of a star aging. The
black hole idea gained force with the scientic and
experimental advances that led to the discovery of pul-
sars. Soon after, in 1969, John Wheeler coined the term
black hole during a meeting of cosmologists in New
York, to designate what was formerly called star in
gravitational collapse completely.
The Entropy of Black Holes
The mathematical tools used to model black holes use
fundamental laws of physics, particularly relativity and
thermodynamics. According to initial theories by Ste-
phen Hawking, black holes violate the second law of
thermodynamics (the entropy, or disorder, of isolated
systems tend to increase over time), which led to specu-
lations about travel in space-time wormholes (tunnels
that would allow time travel or fast travel over very long
distances). Hawking has recanted his original theory and
has admitted that the entropy of the matter is kept inside
a black hole. According to Hawking, despite the physi-
cal impossibility of escape from a black hole, it may end
up evaporating by constant leakage of X-ray energy that
escapes the event horizon, called Hawking radiation.
116 Black Holes
An artists concept chronicles a time lapse from left to right of an intact sun-like star (left) coming too close to a
black hole (right) and its self-gravity becoming overwhelmed by a black holes gravity.
According to this model, black holes have intrinsic grav-
itational entropy, which implies that gravity introduces
an additional level of unpredictability over the quantum
uncertainty. It appears, based on the current theoretical
and experimental capacity, as if nature took decisions by
chance or, more generally, far from precise laws.
The hypothesis that a black hole contains entropy
and, furthermore, it is nite, required to be consistent
with such holes emitting thermal radiation, at rst
seems contradictory. The explanation is that the radia-
tion escapes the black hole in such a way that an exter-
nal observer knows only the mass, angular momentum,
and electric charge. This means that all combinations or
congurations of radiation of particles having energy,
angular momentum, and electric charge are equally
likely. Physicists such as Jacob D. Bekenstein have been
linked to black hole entropy and information theory.
Further Reading
Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. New York:
Bantam Books, 1998.
. The Universe in a Nutshell. New York: Bantam
Books, 2001.
Poisson, Eric. A Relativists Toolkit: The Mathematics
of Black-Hole Mechanics. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Sagan, Carl. Cosmos. New York: Random House, 2002.
Juan B. Gutierrez
See Also: Astronomy; Einstein, Albert; Temperature.
Blackmun, Harry A.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Field of Study: Connections.
Summary: Harry A. Blackmun was a U.S. Supreme
Court justice who applied mathematical logic in his
judicial career.
Harry A. Blackmun (19081999) is best known as the
author of the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade, the U.S.
Supreme Court case that recognized a constitutional
right to abortion. Blackmun, however, was perhaps the
only Supreme Court justice to hold a degree in math-
ematics (A.B., Harvard, 1929), and one of the very few
who has carefully applied mathematical concepts in ju-
dicial opinions.
Blackmun graduated from Harvard Law School in
1932 and served as law clerk to Judge John B. Sanborn
of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. His
law practice, with a prominent Minneapolis law rm
and the Mayo Clinic, focused primarily on tax law
and estate planning. He succeeded Judge Sanborn on
the Eighth Circuit in 1959 and was appointed to the
U.S. Supreme Court by President Richard M. Nixon in
1970 following the Senates rejection of two previous
nominees. Both of Blackmuns judicial appointments
were promoted by his childhood friend, Chief Justice
Warren E. Burger. So close was this connection that for
their rst decade on the Supreme Court, the two men
were referred to as the Minnesota Twins, but thereaf-
ter they went separate jurisprudential ways.
Blackmun and Mathematical Reasoning
A particularly striking example of Blackmuns use of
mathematical reasoning involves his application of the
binomial distribution as a method for assessing dis-
crimination claims. In Castaneda v. Partida (1977), a
Texas county was accused of systematically discriminat-
ing against Mexican Americans in the selection of grand
jurors. Mexican Americans constituted nearly 80% of
the population but only 39% of the grand jurors dur-
ing the 11-year period at issue. Blackmuns opinion for
the Court noted the substantial absolute disparity but
used the binomial distribution to explain the unlikeli-
hood that such a disparity would have arisen by chance.
Eschewing mathematical symbols, he verbally explained
the calculations involved and the formula for making
them. The difference between the observed and the
expected number of Mexican-American grand jurors
during this period was approximately 29 standard devia-
tions, a result that would occur by chance less than once
in 10
times. The use of statistical evidence has since
become standard practice in discrimination cases.
Justice Blackmun also relied heavily on empiri-
cal evidence in Ballew v. Georgia (1978), a case that
established the minimum constitutionally acceptable
size for juries. American juries traditionally had 12
members, butin a case considered shortly before
Blackmun took his seatthe Supreme Court held
that six-member juries were permissible. Ballew held
that a ve-person jury was too small to satisfy the
Blackmun, Harry A. 117
requirements of due process. Blackmuns opinion on
this issue spoke for all of his colleagues, some of whom
wrote separately on other issues. Engaging with a sub-
stantial body of statistical and experimental research,
he observed that smaller juries are less likely to engage
in effective deliberations, take diverse viewpoints seri-
ously, and reect a fair cross-section of the community
than 12-person juries and that smaller juries are more
likely to reach inaccurate judgments. Blackmun con-
ceded that the differences between ve- and six-per-
son juries might be difcult to discern empirically, but
he concluded that a line had to be drawn somewhere
to avoid further reductions in jury size. The data actu-
ally raised troubling questions about the earlier deci-
sion upholding six-person juries, but the Court was
unwilling to overrule that precedent.
Finally, Blackmun addressed statistical issues relat-
ing to the imposition of the death penalty, both on the
Supreme Court and on the court of appeals. On the
Eighth Circuit, in Maxwell v. Bishop (1968), Blackmun
rejected a statistical study purporting to show that Afri-
can Americans were much more likely than whites to
get the death penalty in rape cases. The study was lim-
ited in scope, did not relate to the county where the case
arose, failed to account for relevant variables, and did
not show that racism affected the verdict or sentence
in that case. The Supreme Court set aside this decision
because of an intervening ruling on a different issue.
Two decades later, in McCleskey v. Kemp (1987),
Blackmun dissented from a decision that rejected a
claim of racial discrimination in a Georgia death pen-
alty case. Blackmun explained that this claim was sup-
ported by a multiple regression analysis of every homi-
cide case in that state during the relevant time period.
The study, which included 230 variables, found that
persons accused of killing whites were 4.3 times as likely
to receive a death sentence as persons accused of killing
African Americans and that African-American defen-
dants were signicantly more likely to be sentenced to
death than white defendants. Blackmun emphasized
the sophistication and detail of this study and con-
cluded that it showed an unacceptable risk that racism
had affected the decision to impose the death sentence.
Further Reading
Greenhouse, Linda. Becoming Justice Blackmun: Harry
Blackmuns Supreme Court Journey. New York: Times
Books, 2005.
Yarbrough, Tinsley E. Harry A. Blackmun: The Outsider
Justice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Jonathan L. Entin
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Number and Operations in Society.
Blackwell, David
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Statistician and game theorist David
Blackwell (19192010) became one of the most
esteemed African-American mathematicians.
David Harold Blackwell was one of the most famous
American mathematicians. He was Professor of Statis-
tics at the University of California at Berkley.
Early History
David Blackwell was born on April 24, 1919, in Cen-
tralia, Illinois, and was an African American. David
was the oldest of four children in his family. His father
worked for the Illinois Central Railroad looking after
the locomotives, and his mother looked after the fam-
ily. David attended the integrated elementary school
rather than the existing segregated school for African
Americans in Centralia. He said, I had no sense of
being discriminated against. My parents protected
us from it and I didnt encounter enough of it in the
schools to notice it.
Blackwell enjoyed geometry very much. In high
school, he applied his mathematical skills to games. His
interest in mathematics continued to grow after enter-
ing the University of Illinois, in 1935, at age 16. In a
course on real analysis, he was especially interested in
calculus, and he was excited by Newtons method for
solving equations. The course on real analysis turned
him on to a career in mathematics. He remarked upon
the course, saying, Thats the rst time I knew that
serious mathematics was for me. It became clear that
it was not simply a few things that I liked. The whole
subject was just beautiful.
118 Blackwell, David
During his study at the university, his father had to
borrow money to nance his education. David took
jobs such as dishwashing to help earn money and, at the
same time, he took courses over the summers and was
able to graduate with a B.A. in 1938. After graduating,
Blackwell continued to study at the University of Illinois
for his masters degree, which he was awarded in 1939,
and then for his doctorate, supervised by Joseph Doob.
This was awarded in 1941 when Blackwell was only 22
years old. The dissertation title was Some Properties of
Markoff Chains. After that, Blackwell received a one-
year appointment as a Rosenwald Postdoctoral Fellow
at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. This
appointment caused some turmoil, of which he was not
fully aware, because he was an African American.
Personal and Professional Life
From 1942 to 1943, he had a post at the Southern Uni-
versity at Baton Rouge, followed by a year as an instruc-
tor at Clark College in Atlanta. Blackwell was appointed
as an instructor in 1944 at Howard University and, after
only three years, he was promoted to full professor and
head of the Department of Mathematics.
In 1944 he married Ann Madison, with whom he
had eight children.
He left Howard University in 1954 to take up a pro-
fessorship at the University of California at Berkeley,
where he taught students up to his retirement, and,
after that, as Professor Emeritus.
During three summers between 1948 and 1950, he
worked at the Research and Development Corpora-
tion (RAND). At about the time of his arrival and the
beginning of his work at Berkeley, Blackwells interests
turned toward statistics, and he became a theoretical
statistician. In 1956, he became
chairman of the Department
of Statistics. He was one of the
eponyms of the RaoBlackwell
theorem, a famous theorem in
statistical theory. Thanks
to him, the areas of game
theory and topology
were connected as well.
Awards and Honors
Blackwell received honorary Doctorate of Science
degrees from 12 universities. He was selected to be
president of the Institute of Mathematics Statistics, the
International Association for Statistics in Physical Sci-
ences, and the Bernoulli Society. He was vice president
of the International Statistical Institute, the American
Statistical Association, and the American Mathemati-
cal Society. He was elected to the National Academy of
Science, the rst African-American mathematician to
do so. He was also elected to the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences. He held memberships in numerous
professional organizations, including being a life mem-
ber of National Association of Mathematicians. He was
an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
David Blackwell lived in Berkeley until his death in
July 2010.
Further Reading
Degroot, Morris H. A Conversation With David
Blackwell. Statistical Science 1, no. 1 (1986).
National Visionary Leadership Project. David Harold
Blackwell: Visionary Videos: NVLP: African
American History.
OConnor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. Blackwell
Biljana Popovic
See Also: Game Theory; Probability; Statistics
Board Games
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: While some games are explicitly
mathematical, others are implicitly governed by math.
Humans have been playing games for as long as they
have been around. Johan Huizinga was the rst to call
the attention to the fact that play precedes culture.
Board Games 119
David Blackwell
photographed in
Seattle in 1967.
Board games, a very organized form of play, are part
of human social nature. Human communities may dif-
fer in many ways, but they all play games. From the
ancient Mancala, practiced for millennia in Africa, to
our Monopoly, we nd board games in many societies.
Besides their cultural relevancethey are studied by
anthropologists, historians, and othersboard games
are characterized by their sets of rules, which show
mathematical structures and connections that are at
times very surprising.
Game Classications
Chess and Go come to mind as examples of traditional
board games, and Monopoly and Scrabble are exam-
ples of proprietary games. The distinction between the
two types of games is not always easy to identify. In
chess, the movements of the pieces and the other rules
are the main considerations. Chess is an abstract game,
not considering the fact that it originally emulated a
battle between two armies. Chess does have similari-
ties with other games. When playing representational
games like Monopoly or Diplomacy, players nd them-
selves focusing on the possibilities and strategic choices,
forgetting the particular settings. Accoring to David
Parlett, positional games refer to games where pieces
are played in a board or any other set of markings, as
chess, checkers, and Go, and theme games are gener-
ally representational and commercial, like Monopoly
and Diplomacy.
Board game classication has been inspired in the
fact, rst noted by H. J. R. Murray, that games are typi-
cal of early activities of manthe battle, the siege, the
race, the hunt, alignment, arrangement, and counting.
Parletts classication, which evolved from Murrays
and others, is as follows. In race games, the board is
a linear track where each player tries to be the rst to
reach a particular cell or remove a set of pieces from
the board. Most of the games under this category use
dice or other randomizing devices, like Chutes & Lad-
ders, Ludo, and Backgammon, but not all, such as Hare
& Tortoise.
Space games, typically two-dimensional and free
placing, comprise the alignment games, as Nine Men
Morris; connection games, as Hex and Twixt; traversal
games, in which a player tries to have one or several
pieces cross the board, as Breakthrough, Halma, and
Chinese Checkers; conguration games, where play-
ers try to achieve certain displays with their pieces,
as Agon; restriction games, where the aim is to try to
block the adversary, like Pentominoes; and occupation
games, in which the winner is the player who achieves
more space in the board, as in Go and Othello. Chase
games are asymmetrical, one player having several
pieces while the other has only one or two. Their goals
are also distinct, as in Fox & Geese. Displace games
include chess and checkers, where a player aims at
capturing most of his opponents pieces (as in check-
ers) or a particular one (as in chess), and other war
games; the family of Mancala games belongs also to
this class.
The Royal Game of Ur, also known as the Game of
Twenty Squares, was found in the south of Iraq in the
1920s and is about 4500 years old. The board shows
twenty squares, 12 in a three-by-four rectangular
array, six in two rows of three, and two connecting
cells. The reverse of the board corresponding to the
12 cells showed a zodiac, illustrating that in the past,
the same object could be a board game and a divina-
tory device. Two cuneiform clay tablets give the exact
rules for this game. Each player had seven pieces,
which moved across the board according to the toss
of three tetrahedral dice.
A similar game is found in Ancient Egypt, Senet
or the Game of Thirty Squares. It was a race game as
well, but it was more than a simple toy. In funerary
monuments that date from 4000 years ago, images are
shown of the deceased playing Senet against an invis-
ible adversary. Osiris, which is present but not shown,
decides on matters of life after death.
The Royal Game of Ur and Senet can be viewed
as the oldest relatives of the modern Backgammon, a
game in which the moves are decided by the players
upon tossing two cubic dice. The player who better
understands the probability laws that rule the dice is
most often the winner.
The Chinese game Go is four millennia old. Now-
adays, it remains one of the most complex games,
despite the simplicity of its rules. Go is played on the
intersections of a 19-by-19 grid, and each player ghts
to control the largest area.
Pure strategy games could also be found in Ancient
Greece, like Petteia. This game, and the Roman Ludus
Latrunculorum, shared the shape of the board, check-
ered, and the orthogonal movement of the pieces.
120 Board Games
Chess, which originated in India about 1400 years
ago, traveled to the West with the Arabs, and saw its
rules evolve in the process. It was originally created as
a war game between two armies, and its pieces repre-
sented the actors of the battle. However, the abstract
shapes that reached Europe gave way to the symbolic
representation of the European medieval society.
The Arabs introduced several other games in Europe.
One game they introduced, Alquerque, was played on
the intersections of a ve-by-ve lined board. The
adaptation of this game to the chessboard originated
the game of Checkers.
Board Games and Mathematics
The oldest known pedagogical game is Rithmomachia,
also known as Philosophers Game. It was invented
in the eleventh century as a didactical device to teach
mathematics. It was practiced wherever Boethiuss
arithmetic was taught. Pythagorean in nature, this tra-
dition of mathematics dominated teaching at churches
and universities for more than 500 years. In an eight-
by-16 board, two armies fought each other. Pieces car-
ried numbers and could have one of three shapes: cir-
cular, triangular, or square.
The movements depended on the shape of the piece
played; the captures depended on the numbers and
on arithmetical calculations. Victory was attained by
means of a conguration of pieces holding numbers in
progression (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, or com-
binations of the three). This game spread throughout
Europe, and only when the mathematical curriculum
at universities changed in the sixteenth century did it
vanish. Losing its pedagogical goal turned out to be
fatal, as Rithmomachia lacked the qualities to survive
Board Games 121
Two ancient copies of the Royal Game of Ur exist; one is exhibited in the British Museum in London (above).
The game dates back to Iraq in 2600 B.C.E. and is thought to be oldest board game set ever found.
as a purely recreational activity. Chinese scholars of
the eleventh century also published work on permuta-
tions based on the Go board. John H. Conways twen-
tieth-century research on the game contributed to the
invention of surreal numbers and the development of
combinatorial game theory.
Ludus Astronomorum was a board game for seven
players based on Ptolemaic astrological principles. In
the sixteenth century, William Fulke, a professor at
Cambridge who had written a manual of the Philoso-
phers Game, created two other games. One, intended
to improve on the astronomy game, was Ouranoma-
chia, the other, created to teach geometry, was Metro-
machia. Fulke published one book on each.
In the eighteenth century, George Berkeley invented
a game to help teach algebra, a subject Berkeley had
in very high consideration. The game was Ludus Alge-
braicus and essentially functioned as a randomizing
device to generate algebraic equations.
Charles Dodgson invented a game in the nineteenth
century to practice logical deduction and wrote a book
about it, The Game of Logic, under his pen name, Lewis
In Ireland, mathematician William Hamilton cre-
ated in 1857 the Icosian Game and soon after Travel-
lers Dodecahedron. This comprised a dodecahedron
and a piece of thread that should touch every vertex
according to some rules. It was this game that gave rise
to the concept of Hamiltonean Graph.
The familiar game of Nim in which a move consists
of choosing from one of a pile of beans and reducing
its cardinality, was rst solved mathematically at the
beginning of the previous century. In its normal form,
where the winner is the one who takes the last bean, is
the paradigm of a class of games studied in Combina-
torial Game Theory. The familiar childrens game Dots
& Boxes was also treated mathematically with the same
techniques. Some traditional games, like Konane, can
be approached the same way.
The game Hex was invented independently by both
Piet Hein and John Nash in the 1940s. It is a connection
game played on a diamond-shaped board of hexagonal
cells. David Gale noted that a game of Hex can never
end in a tie, and that this fact is logically equivalent to
a deep theorem in topology.
Abstract games with complete information and no
chance devices are also called mathematical games.
The mental processes present in their practice and in a
typical mathematical activity, like problem solving, are
far from disjointed.
Further Reading
Avedon, Elliot M., and Brian Sutton-Smith. Study of
Games. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971.
Berlekamp, Elwyn R., John H. Conway, and Richard
K. Guy. Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays.
Natick, MA: Ak Peters, 2001.
Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens. New York: Routledge,
Murray, Harold James Ruthven. A History of Board-
Games Other Than Chess. New York: Hacker Art
Books, 1952.
Parlett, David. Oxford History of Board Games. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1999.
Jorge Nuno Silva
See Also: Dice Games; Mathematical Puzzles; Puzzles;
Video Games.
Body Mass Index
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operation.
Summary: Body Mass Index is a statistically useful
index of a persons relative weight.
Body mass index (BMI) is an index of the relative
weight of a person. In other words, it is an estimate of
a persons weight, adjusted for height. The formula for
calculating BMI is
Weight in kilograms /(Height in Meters)
The equation implies that, holding other factors
constant, weight is proportional to height squared, at
each level of height. This equation is counterintuitive
because of the common assumption that to calcu-
late mass or volume, a cubic function is necessary. In
fact, dividing mass by height cubed was historically a
popular method, called the Ponderal index. However,
Adolphe Quetelet (17961874) observed that, for an
average man, a squared function was a better t to
122 Body Mass Index
the data. With increasing age, humans height increases
at a faster rate than width. Taller adults tend to be slim-
merwaistlines do not usually grow in proportion to
increasing height. Quetelet observed that people do
not expand equally in all three dimensions. If they did,
then the Ponderal index would still be valid. In reality,
he noted that, weight increases nearly as the square
of the heightparticularly between puberty and age
25. Before puberty, the Ponderal index does increase
more proportionally to width. Quetelet stressed that
there was considerable variance in body shape and size,
which are determined by biological, psychological, and
social factors. For example, he noted that young per-
sons who apply themselves to study, and persons in the
afuent classes generally, are taller than others.
The Quetelet Index
The popularity of the Quetelet index increased follow-
ing World War II, when epidemiological evidence began
to accumulate that excess weight was a risk factor for
premature mortality and morbidity. Historically, and
in several cultures today, excess weight (corpulence)
was considered healthy and desirable. Given this new
evidence, actuaries needed a quick and reliable way to
predict who might be most at risk, so that insurance
premiums could be loaded against those with excess
weight. They creating height-weight charts, based on
Quetelets data, which provided the typical weights
expected at various levels of height for the average per-
sonassuming that they were age 25. The index was
later termed body mass index.
Insurance companies, clinicians, and researchers
began using BMI as a proxy variable for measuring
excess weight at all ages, not simply as an index of rela-
tive weight at age 25, as originally intended. The popu-
larity of BMI remains today. For example, the World
Health Organization uses BMI in its denition of obe-
sity, where overweight is dened as BMI equal to or
greater than 25, and obesity is dened as a BMI more
than 30. There are no agreed BMI cutoffs for child-
hood obesity in the same way that there are for adults.
The categorization of continuous data (for example,
overweight, obese) is controversial because it results
in a loss of information. BMI is indeed a risk factor for
chronic diseases, despite its usage deviating from the
original intended purpose. In clinical settings, BMI is
usually supplemented with other information regard-
ing disease risk, such as blood pressure or lifestyle fac-
tors including cigarette smoking. Additionally, it may
be necessary to take into account whether the person
has an ectomorphic, mesomorphic, or endomorphic
body type.
The Quetelet index was rst formally evaluated by
epidemiologists working on data from a large cohort
study, called the Framingham Heart Study. They
noticed that Quetelets index was being widely used
as an indicator of excess weight, not simply weight
adjusted for height as it was originally intended. The
epidemiologists wanted to evaluate the validity of this
assumption, by comparing different methods for mea-
suring relative weight against three criteria:
1. The proxy should not correlate with height.
2. The proxy should correlate highly with
skinfold thickness measurements, since these
are valid proxies for the thickness of the
subcutaneous fat layers in different parts of
the body, in turn.
3. The proxy should be easy to calculate.
After analyzing the data, they concluded that Que-
telets index was indeed the best available measure, and
renamed it the Body Mass Index. However, it should
be noted that correlations between BMI and skinfold
thickness measurements varied considerably, and the
highest was 0.8. The researchers noted that if height
and weight are the only data available, excess body fat is
unlikely to be measured in a satisfactory way. The lower
a correlation between a proxy variable and the variable
it is intended to measure, the less well that proxy will
correlate with health outcomes. It should also be noted
that the third criterion (the ease of calculation) is not
statisticalthe validity of an index or test should be
based on how well it performs against a gold standard,
not simply because it is easy to use.
Researchers have since argued that valid proxies for
excess body fat should take into account its distribution
in the body. Excess fat in the abdominal region (visceral
fat) is a risk factor for metabolic diseases, regardless of
total fat volume in the body. Waist circumference cor-
relates highly with visceral fat, leading some research-
ers to suggest that waist circumference is a better proxy
for excess weight than BMI. Similar alternatives include
the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference
Body Mass Index 123
(waist-to-hip ratio). Because waist circumference is
associated with increased morbidity and mortality risk,
holding BMI constant, it provides additional informa-
tion that is not captured by BMI. Both are considered
independent risk factors, such that it may be necessary
to measure both BMI and waist circumference. In fact,
a consensus statement from Shaping Americas Health
concluded that waist circumference predicted cardio-
metabolic outcomes, and should therefore be measured
in clinical settings as a matter of routine. However,
waist circumference is difcult to measure reliably. BMI
remains a useful index for many purposes.
Further Reading
Eknoyan, Garabed. Adolphe Quetelet (17961874): The
Average Man and Indices of Obesity. Nephrology
Dialysis Transplantation 23, no. 1 (2008).
Ferrera, Linda A. Body Mass Index and Health.
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical Books, 2005.
Friedlander, Joel. Body Types. San Rafael, CA: Marin
Bookworks, 2010.
Keys, A., F. Fidanza, M. J. Karvonen, N. Kimura, and
H. Taylor. Indices of Relative Weight and Obesity.
Journal of Chronic Diseases 25 (July 1972).
National Institutes of Health. Calculate Your Body Mass
Quetelet, Adolphe. A Treatise on Man and the
Development of His Faculties. Edinburgh, UK: W. and
R. Chambers, 1842.
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
See Also: Cubes and Cube Roots; Growth Charts;
Measurement in Society; Normal Distribution; Squares
and Square Roots.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of study: All.
Summary: The brain is studied through models
and through algorithm-dependent medical
technology. The neurology of mathematical thought
is a vibrant eld.
The applications of mathematics to the study and un-
derstanding of the brain have been varied and wide-
spread. They include models to predict the start of
seizures using dynamical systems; maps of the brain
using projective, hyperbolic, or other geometries, as
well as graph theory; applications of morphometrics,
which is the statistical study of shapes, to schizophrenic
brains; and dynamic simulations and visualizations of
electrochemical activity in neurons. Other models are
used to study how electrical signals propagate along
nerve cells and the way in which electrical discharges in
nerve cells tend to synchronize and form waves. Medi-
cal technology used in brain treatment and studies
uses mathematical algorithms; for example, to create
and process computer-generated images of brain cells,
as well as to measure functions like blood ow, glucose
consumption, and electrical activity. Mathematics is
also important in modern medical devices that involve
nerve bers within or leading to the brain, such as co-
chlear implants. How mathematical thought arises in
the brainfrom arithmetic to abstract thinkingis
also of great interest. Mathematics and the Brain was
the theme of Mathematics Awareness Month in 2007.
Brain Composition and Structure
Before proceeding with some applications of math-
ematics in the study of the brain, it is important to
have an idea of brain composition and structure. In
humans, this complex organ consists of perhaps 100
billion nerve cells (or neurons), with roughly a total
of 100 trillion connections between neurons (or syn-
apses). Although some nerve cells do regenerate, and
new connections between nerve cells are made, overall
these numbers tend to decline after birth. Even with
advances in computer processing and storage, the sheer
number of neurons and connections hints at the enor-
mous scope of the problem inherent in understanding
the brain. By comparison, the nematode Caenorhab-
ditis elegans has 959 cells in the entire organism, 302
being nerve cells, which result in over 5000 connec-
tions between neurons. Even for something of this
vastly smaller scale, the nematodes neural connections
were initially mapped after more than 10 years of effort
by the mid-1980s, and earned a Nobel Prize for Sydney
Brennerwho famously called C. elegans natures gift
to science. Those results have since been updated.
A single neuron generally consists of: a main cell
body (or soma); many lamentous dendrites, which are
124 Brain
where signals from other neurons are usually received;
and a single axon, which typically communicates to the
dendrites of other neurons. The electrical voltage across
the neurons cell membrane varies as the concentra-
tions of calcium, sodium, potassium, and chloride ions
uctuate, producing a uctuating electrical signal. The
electrical signal is transferred from one neurons axon
to anothers dendrite across a gap known as a syn-
apse. Some synapses, known as electrical synapses,
involve a direct channel that connects the two cells
cytoplasm and allows for very fast electrical transmis-
sion. By contrast, chemical synapses involve molecules
known as neurotransmitters, which mediate signal
transmission. The human brain utilizes more than 100
types of neurotransmitters. However, just two of these
types arise at the vast majority of synapses; namely,
glutamate and gamma aminobutyric acid. In addition
to neurons, glial cells serve various support functions
for neurons. One important function of special kinds
of glial cellsnamely, special kinds of oligodendro-
cytesis the myelinization of axons. Myelin, a fatty
substance, essentially electrically insulates neurons.
Because they are pinkish white, and white when stored
in formaldehyde, bundles of myelinized axons make up
what is known as white matter in the brain. On the
other hand, grey matter, as seen on the surface of the
cerebral cortex in a typical brain slice image, comprises
of the soma, dendrites, and other kinds of glial cells,
such as astrocytes. While C. Elegans has fewer than 60
glial cells, the human brain likely has at least as many
glial cells as neurons, although the ratio varies widely
in different brain regions.
Applications of Neural Networks
How neurons collectively convey information is also of
much interest to researchers. Interestingly, attempts to
model so-called articial neural networks have led to
highly useful algorithms used in many areas of math-
ematics, science, and engineering in their own right,
having nothing to do with the study of the brain. Com-
puters are often trained with data sets using such
neural networks to help process data. Neural networks
can be found in software used in elds as varied as
nancial analysis and fraud detection, robotics, hand-
writing analysis, and voice recognition. As another
example, much mathematics is used in processing and
analyzing the enormous amount of neuron image data,
and neural network algorithms are now being used to
help automate that processing to help computers track
neural connectivity.
Brain Mapping and Study
Mathematics also has been used to help in producing
accurate maps of the cortex of various parts of the brain.
The extensive folding in the human brain in the cere-
bral cortex, which produces peaks or ridges (or gyri)
and valleys or furrows (or sulchi) makes it difcult to
compare two different brain surfaces. A calculus-based
geometry is used to nd effective maps. As another
example of an application, mathematics is used exten-
sively in devices such as cochlear implants, useful to
deaf individuals who still have a functioning auditory
nerve. In humans, as many as 30,000 individual nerve
cells in the inner ear pass through the auditory nerve
to the brain. Different sound frequencies innervate dif-
ferent nerve cells; roughly speaking, lower frequencies
innervate nerve cells in the basilar membrane closer to
the beginning of the cochlea, as opposed to higher fre-
quencies innervating cells further along. But the pre-
cise mapping of which cells are affected by which fre-
quencies follows a logarithmic mathematical pattern,
as a function of distance in the cochlea. Using various
radio signal technologies, external sounds are trans-
mitted to a receiver in the inner ear, which connects
to implanted electrodes for nerve innervation. There,
mathematics is used in the computational processing
to convert the received frequencies into the appropriate
electrical innervations, so that only certain nerve cells
are stimulated for certain frequencies.
Examples of mathematics applied to the study of
the brain abound in the ve-year, National Institutes
of Healthfunded Human Connectome Project. This
project, somewhat analogous to the Human Genome
Project, was funded in 2010 for approximately $40 mil-
lion. Mapping all the connections between neurons in
the human brain in a meaningful way is the goal of
the Connectome project. One component involves
constructing connection data from 1200 individuals,
including numerous twins. Developing effective ways
to collect the data set, as well as analyze the results,
involves several areas of mathematics in crucial ways.
First, instruments must be able to create high-reso-
lution images of the brain tissue of living humans in
a completely noninvasive way. Next, the enormous
image data must yield to automated computer analy-
sis that can determine the actual neural connections
Brain 125
within the brain. Finally, the connection data set must
be amenable to meaningful analysis by researchers
interested in understanding normal brain processing
as well as diseases. At each stage, mathematics plays a
crucial role.
Brain Imaging Technologies
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used
today for noninvasive imaging of the internal structure
of the human body; for example, to help determine
if knee surgery or back surgery is warranted. In stan-
dard MRIs, a powerful magnetic eld changes rapidly,
and, by doing so, it manipulates the minute magnetic
elds produced by protons in water molecules inside
the bodya weak signal can be detected externally
from the protons being ipped around by the strong
magnetic elds. From these weak and indirect measure-
ments, solving the inverse problem using mathematics
related to calculus is used to create what appear as two-
dimensional slices through the body. In the case of brain
studies, the resolution of standard MRIs is adequate to
see tumors but is too crude to see individual neurons
or even to effectively track bundles of neurons. Since
myelin is a fatty substance, water outside neurons will
generally not diffuse into axons; rather, this water will
tend to diffuse along the length of axonsthe water
percolates along axons or white matter.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) uses a variation of
a standard MRI to determine the diffusion direction,
and hence determine bulk nerve bers. While DTI can
produce high-resolution images of nerve bers, dif-
culties arise when bers cross. Water diffusion in this
case can now take multiple paths at the crossing points,
and it is thus difcult to track nerve bers at these
crossing points. Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI)
involves more mathematics that determines more pre-
cisely how water diffuses and is not limited to think-
ing that water diffuses in only one direction. Roughly
speaking, the mathematics is a mixture of calculus and
statistical ideas, and it is interesting that two-dimen-
sional ellipses and three-dimensional ellipsoids play a
role in the mathematics of DTIs and DSIs. The result-
ing images of nerve bers are visually striking.
Not all techniques for imaging neurons rely on such
indirect approaches as conventional MRI, or the MRI-
based DSI and DTI. Recall that those techniques are
used primarily for imaging nerve bers, not individual
neurons. Techniques for higher-resolution imaging of
actual neurons are somewhat direct. Jeff Lichtman and
others developed the use of genes encoding three pro-
teins that uoresce in, essentially, the colors red, blue,
and green. Genetically modifying mice with these
genes, as well as an enzyme that randomly arranges
the genes amongst neurons, allows for mice neurons to
appear in one of now approximately 150 colors, creat-
ing what Lichtman has termed a brainbow. Another
approach relies on a genetically modied version of
the rabies virus, which ordinarily is well suited for
traveling from neuron to neuron on its journey to the
brain. By tagging the modied virus with a uores-
cent molecule, one obtains bright images of neurons
connecting to just one other neuron to further aid in
understanding neural connectivity. All in all, excep-
tionally striking images are displayed in many places
including on the Internet. While the imaging of indi-
vidual neurons is often more direct and makes less use
of mathematics than the MRI approaches to imaging
nerve bers, much mathematics is subsequently used
in automating the process of tracking neurons and
nerve bers and, ultimately, the connections found
might be described and analyzed by an area of math-
ematics known as graph theory.
The approaches to imaging nerve bers discussed
above, such as DTI and DSI, rely on MRI instru-
ments; that is, they rely on indirect methods involving
minute variations in very small magnetic elds from
protons that are assailed by powerful externally gen-
erated magnetic elds. They use indirect information
coming from throughout the local environment inside
the brain, and mathematics is crucial to inverting the
recorded data to recover what is going on at a particu-
lar location in the brain. But not all imaging inside the
brain focuses just on the connections between indi-
vidual neurons or bundles of neurons. Other areas of
interest include determining which parts of the brain
are stimulated at which times by which activities. Here,
other inversion processes are used to see what is hap-
pening in the brain, including functional MRI (fMRI),
positron-emission tomography (PET), and electroen-
cephalograms (EEG). Blood oxygen level dependence
(BOLD) uses MRI technology that takes into account
the very slight differences in the magnetic elds from
water molecules in blood, depending on whether the
blood is carrying oxygen. Hemoglobin bound to oxygen
is diamagnetic, essentially repelled by a magnetic eld.
Hemoglobin without bound oxygen is paramagnetic,
126 Brain
or attracted to a magnetic eld. In either case, it affects
the overall magnetic elds from the water molecules.
This effect leads to functional MRI (fMRI), which is
used to examine oxygenated blood in the brain. The
principle is that high neural activity is probably associ-
ated with increased blood ow.
PET, another imaging approach, uses an analog
of glucose with a radioactive uorine atom attached.
When it decays, it produces a particle known as a posi-
tron that is quickly annihilated upon encountering
an electron, and two photons stream out in opposite
directions. Photomultiplier detectors essentially notice
the two photons, and mathematics is used to invert
this problem and determine where the annihilation
occurred, which presumably is near where the brain
was consuming the glucose-like food. A single-photon
to PETs, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomogra-
phy (SPECT), is also utilized.
As the nal example of imaging approaches, EEGs
focus on using electrical activity recorded on the scalp
to see what voltages are created by bulk neurons extend-
ing over somewhat larger regions of the brain, as neu-
rons synchronize their electrical signaling. EEGs thus
have less spatial resolution than some of the other imag-
ing approaches. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a
magnetic analog of the EEG in that it is also a nonin-
vasive procedure. Rather than using electrodes attached
to a persons scalp for measurements, as in an EEG, very
precise superconducting quantum interference devices
(SQUIDs) detect weak magnetic elds directly arising
Brain 127
An illustration of hardwired neurons, transferring pulses and generating information. The electrical signal is
transferred from one neurons axon to anothers dendrite across a gap known as a synapse.
from electrical brain activity. A mathematical inverse
process makes the externally obtained magnetic data
usable and converts it to internal electrical activity.
MEG typically offers greater resolution, so it can local-
ize the electrical activity more precisely, than EEGs.
Much mathematics is used to model the ow of elec-
trical impulses in the brain. Wave phenomena in the
brain arise in varied contexts, from the propagation of
signals down a neuron, to collective behavior of many
neurons resulting in rhythmic activity. More speci-
cally, the Nernst equation, named for Walther Nernst,
and its generalization, the Goldman equation, named
for David Goldman, help relate ion concentrations
to voltages. How those voltages change in a neuron
as it is stimulated by other neurons is modeled by the
HodgkinHuxley set of equations, which are a calcu-
lus-based set of differential equations that resulted in
a Nobel Prize for Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley.
Next, an area of mathematics known as dynamical sys-
tems helps model how the ring of individual neurons
can naturally become synchronized and produce wave
behavior at different frequencies, which are ultimately
recorded on EEGs. Normal rhythmic activity is impor-
tant in activities such as sleeping, breathing, or walking.
Abnormal rhythmic activity is manifested in various
diseases; for example, forms of schizophrenia, Parkin-
sons disease, and epilepsy demonstrate deviations from
what is considered typical rhythmical behavior.
Neurology of Learning Mathematic
How the brain learns mathematics is another area of
interest to researchers. Psychology and other social
sciences bring light to bear on this subject but so too
does the study of various neural pathologies. As an
example, dyscalculia, which has been called a form of
number blindness (by analogy to color blindness), is
a pathology wherein individuals cannot acquire arith-
metic skills. For instance, individuals fully capable of
language communication who cannot tell if one whole
number is larger than another or are unable to do 2-
digit computations are considered number blind.
For other examples, there are cases of individuals with
increasing difculties with speechprimarily because
of atrophy in the temporal lobes leading to demen-
tiahaving highly reduced vocabulary including an
inability to name common objects, yet whose arithme-
tic abilities remained virtually awless. Similarly, there
are instances of autistic individuals essentially unable
to speak or understand speech, who nevertheless can
perform computations. Infants can notice when the
number of objects in a display changes or when a num-
ber of objects are hidden behind a screen.
Finally, there are instances of stroke victims who
have fully intact language but lack numerical skills,
such as not being able to count past 4, or say how many
days are in a week. These examples indicate that lan-
guage is not crucial for arithmetic computations, and,
further, language may not be necessary for learning to
calculate. Generally speaking, computations seem to be
localized to the parietal lobe at the top of the brain,
whereas key language areas, such as Brocas (frontal
lobe), named for Paul Broca, and Wernickes (tempo-
ral lobe), named for Carl Wernicke, reside elsewhere.
However, there are ongoing debates among neurosci-
entists regarding what the highlighted areas on images
mean with regard to brain functionality.
A related issue is how mathematical thinking beyond
the level of simple arithmetic evolved in humans,
including its relationship with the development of
language and increasingly abstract reasoning. There
are different and intriguing hypotheses regarding why
language evolved roughly 200,000 years ago, whereas
various forms of numerical and algorithmic abstrac-
tion evolved within the past few thousand years.
Further Reading
Bookstein, Fred. Morphometrics. Math Horizons 3
(February 1996).
Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. Mathematics
Awareness Month, April 2007: Mathematics and
the Brain.
Martindale, Diane. Road Map for the Mind: Old
Mathematical Theorems Unfold the Human Brain.
Scientic American 285, no. 2 (August 2001).
Schoonover, Carl. Portraits of the Mind: Visualizing the
Brain from Antiquity to the 21st Century. New York:
Abrams, 2010.
Sousa, David. How the Brain Learns Mathematics.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008.
Rick Kreminski
Dedicated to Wanda Kreminski (19252010)
See Also: EEG/EKG; Medical Imaging; Nervous
System; Optical Illusions; Visualization.
128 Brain
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Bridges are subject to various complex
forces, the distribution of which are determined by
their structures.
Bridges are structures built to span a gap or a physi-
cal obstacle such as a road or body of water. The many
forces acting on bridges make different designs vari-
ously suited to different conditions, uses, and building
materials. The earliest manmade bridges emulated nat-
urally occurring bridges, like fallen trees that spanned
rivers, and were improved upon by lashing logs into
place, cutting planks to form a more even travel sur-
face, and eventually building bridges out of stone. The
mathematics of bridges was not well understood and
most improvements were achieved through trial and
error, one of the most signicant being the advent of
the arch bridge, introduced in Greece in 1300 b.c.e.
and used extensively by the Romans. Arch bridges
use arch-shaped abutments, sometimes in a series, to
distribute much of the bridges load into horizontal
thrust the abutments can restrainnot only a major
improvement over earlier designs, but a design well-
suited to the simple building materials of the time as
stone is strong in compression but weakly resists ten-
sion. As applied mathematics became more sophisti-
cated, bridges were often objects of study.
Most bridges are built for functional purposes, but
some of them are works of art, like the Golden Gate
Bridge or the London Bridge. Mathematicians have
long worked on various aspects related to the design
and construction of bridges. For instance, Charles
Hutton worked on equilibrium principles and Claude-
Louis Navier developed a theory for suspension bridges.
Applied mathematician P. Joseph McKenna analyzed
bridge oscillations and differential equation models of
the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The con-
guration of bridges in Konigsberg served as the sub-
ject of mathematical study for Leonhard Euler and is
sometimes noted as the beginning of graph theory.
Types of Bridges
There are various types of bridges. Beam bridges consist
of a horizontal beam with two supports called piers
at the ends. Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of
bridges and distribute the load of the bridge outward
along the curve of the arch to the supports at the ends.
Suspension bridges are light and strong and can span
longer distances than any other type of bridge, but they
are expensive to build. Large bundles of cables suspend
the roadway from one end of the bridge to the other.
Early Asian suspension bridges were suspended with
bamboo cables. Cable-stayed bridges look like suspen-
sion bridges, but their cables are secured to towers that
bear the load of the bridge. They cost less and their
construction is faster than suspension bridges, since
Bridges 129
The Mathematics
of Bridges
bridge has to support various forms of
forces: tension, compression, bending,
torsion, and shear. It has to carry its own weight
(or dead load), the weight of the trafc for
which it was intended (or dynamic load), and
it should resist various natural forces, such
as wind or earthquakes. The Tacoma Narrows
Bridge is often presented in engineering, phys-
ics, or mathematics classes as an application of
oscillation problems or differential equations. It
was a 1.1 mile (1.9 kilometer) long suspension
bridge and collapsed in 1940four months af-
ter being openedbecause a 3546 mile per
hour wind produced an oscillation, which ulti-
mately broke the entire construction.
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge
they need fewer cables and builders can use pre-cast
concrete sections. Movable bridges can be occasion-
ally levered for making way for ships or other kinds of
trafc. Double-decked bridges have two levels and are
used for multiple forms of trafcsubway, pedestrian,
automobile, or bicycle.
The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg
Mathematician Leonhard Euler posed the problem of the
seven bridges of Konigsberg in a 1736 paper. The town
of Konigsberg contained an island with two branches of
a river owing around it. There were seven bridges span-
ning the river, and the question was whether a person
could start at some point and follow a path that would
cross each bridge exactly once and return to the starting
point. Euler proved that there was no such path.
Famous Bridges
Millau Bridge, France, is 1125 feet highhigher
than the Eiffel Tower. Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China,
is 22 miles long. The Rolling Bridge, England, is 39
feet long and rolls itself up until the two ends meet,
using a hydraulic press. Tower Bridge, England, is a
landmark of London and opens in the center, allow-
ing ships to sail through. Ponte Vecchio, Italy, is con-
sidered by some to be the oldest stone arch bridge
in Europe. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, Louisiana,
is 24 miles long. Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal, is
10.5 miles long. Confederation Bridge, Canada, is 8
miles long. Golden Gate Bridge, California, is one of
the most famous symbols of San Francisco. Evergreen
Point Floating Bridge, Washington, is a 1.5-mile-long
oating bridge.
Further Reading
Blockley, David. Bridges: The Science and Art of the
Worlds Most Inspiring Structures. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Hopkins, Brian, and Robin Wilson. The Truth
About Konigsberg. College Mathematics Journal
35, no. 3 (2004).
Humphreys, Lisa, and Ray Shammas. Finding
Unpredictable Behavior in a Simple Ordinary
Differential Equation. The College Mathematics
Journal 31, no. 5 (2000).
Peterson, Ivars. MathTrek: Rock-and-Roll Bridge.
Science News, January 30, 1999.
Picon, A. Navier and the Introduction of Suspension
Bridges in France. Construction History 4(1988).
Simone Gyorfi
See Also: Engineering Design; Graphs; Highways;
Levers; Tunnels.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Summary: Creating a viable budget requires
mathematical analysis.
The word budget originally meant a small pouch.
By the end of the sixteenth century, people used the
word to refer to the contents as well as the bag. The
connection with nance dates back to at least 1733. In
general, a budget is a balanced plan for spending and
saving that includes expected incomes and expendi-
tures. Individuals or families use budgets to manage
earnings; pay bills; save for events like retirement, col-
lege, or vacations; and to plan for large purchases like
a car or a home.
Businesses manage revenues and expenses for mate-
rials, taxes, advertising, and payroll using budgets.
They may also have smaller budgets for individual
projects. City, state, and national governments use
budgets to distribute incomes from taxes and other
sources among expenditures like infrastructure, social
programs, national defense, and debt. Mathematicians
play a large role in developing mathematically sound
budgets at all levels, especially accountants and actu-
aries. In the past, budgeting in classroom settings was
conned largely to home economics classes, but now
budgeting activities are often used to teach various
mathematical principles in context.
Some budgets are created using known amounts.
Other times, the values are forecasts of income or
expenditures based on data or mathematical mod-
els. Budgets themselves can also be used for modeling
and production. For example, a static budget is a xed
budget created before any input and output values are
130 Budgeting
known, while a exible budget can be adjusted based
on information about actual activity. A metric called
exible budget variance compares exible budgets
to actual results to determine the effects of economic
variables on business operations. Sales volume vari-
ance compares exible budgets to static budgets to
determine the effect a companys activity had on its
operations. Budget accuracy ratios also quantify dif-
ferences between various budgets or actual produc-
tion. These can be used to create more accurate future
budgets and to plan operations. Budgeting concepts
can also apply to resources other than money. Lisa
Sullivan, a senior budget analyst working for the U.S.
Department of the Navy, regularly uses algebra, statis-
tics, mathematical modeling, and operations research
to explore resource allocation problems that affect
budgeting. She often works on unique mathematical
problems that do not occur in private industry, such
as determining the optimal number of Navy surgeons
needed in wartime.
Budgeting Basics
Creating a spending plan can be complicated; how-
ever, the easier the plan, the more likely it is to be
followed. One of the simplest budgets used is the 10-
10-80 principle. John D. Rockefeller, the rst person
in the world to amass a fortune of $1 billion and the
wealthiest American ever when adjusted for ination,
is reported to have used the 10-10-80 principle. The
crux of the principle is simple: give 10% of your earn-
ings to charity, save 10% of your earnings, and live on
the remaining 80%.
Anytime you receive income (for example, paycheck,
gift, or prize), rst multiply that amount by 10%. Find-
ing 10% of an amount is a relatively easy process: move
the decimal point to the left one place value. For exam-
ple, if you received earnings of $342.57, multiplying by
10% would yield $34.257 (rounded to $34.26). Based
on the 10-10-80 principle, you should rst give $34.26
away to charity. Many people donate this money to
religious institutions or charities such as the Red Cross
or the United Way. One argument for giving, besides
being altruistic, is to show ourselves that we have con-
trol of our money. By freely and willingly giving some
of it to others instead of tightly holding onto it, we gain
condence that we have enough and can therefore live
on what we are given.
The next 10%, or $34.26 in this example, is given to
yourself into some sort of savings vehicle like a savings
account or a money market fund. Ideally, this money is
never needed as it becomes part of your long-term sav-
ings. This money may go toward retirement or an emer-
gency fund in case of job loss or major disaster. Many
people are tempted to use this long-term savings for
expenses like taking vacations, buying a car, or replac-
ing an appliance. However, these foreseeable expenses
should be budgeted as part of the remaining 80%.
Once you have given 20% of your income away
(10% to others and 10% to yourself), the remaining
80% can be used for living expenses (including short-
term savings). How that 80% is spent can vary depend-
ing on many factors including how many people are
being supported (for example, you do not need to buy
as much food for a single adult as you do for a family of
ve). Usually the biggest expenditures are for housing
and transportation.
Budgeting 131
The 10-10-80 principle is to give 10% to charity, save
10%, and live on the remaining 80% of your earnings.
Combined, these two categories should not account
for more than 50%, or half, of your income. Of course,
the less you spend on these the more you have to spend
on other areas. Housing, by itself, should account for
less than 35% of your income. In the previous exam-
ple, 35% of $342.57 is $119.91. Set aside this $119.91 to
cover any housing expenses you have.
Housing expenses include not only the obvious rent
or mortgage but also utilities (heat, electric, plumb-
ing, sanitation, telephone, and Internet), insurance,
property taxes, and property maintenance (property
maintenance is usually about 5% of the property value
each year).
If housing and transportation together should be
50% (or less) of your income, then 15% should be used
on transportation. In the example, 15% of $342.57 is
$51.39. This amount becomes earmarked to cover all
transportation expenses. These expenses include car
payments, insurance, license, gasoline, parking, and
maintenance (car maintenance is usually about 10% of
your transportation costs).
If you spend 50% of your income on housing and
transportation, this leaves a mere 30% for everything
else. If you have been spending more than you earn,
you probably have credit card debt or other personal
debt. Ideally, your debts (not including housing or
transportation debts) do not account for more than
5% to 10% of your income. What remains should be
used to pay for food, life insurance, medical insurance,
medical and dental expenses, clothing, entertainment,
short-term savings (for vacations and replacement
costs), and other miscellaneous spending.
Further Reading
Johnson, Kay. The Mathematics of Budgeting:
Mathematics for Everyday Living. Erie, PA: Meridian
Creative Group, 1999.
Joshi, Mark. The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical
Finance. 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
Shim, Jae. The Art of Mathematics in Business: Analyzing
Facts and Figures for Smart Business Decisions.
Sterling, VA: Global Professional, 2009.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Comparison Shopping; Coupons and
Rebates; Home Buying; Money.
Burns, Ursula
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Field of Study: Connections.
Summary: The CEO of the Xerox Corporation
and Forbes 20th most powerful woman in the
world, Ursula Burns (1958) is an accomplished
mathematics education advocate.
Ursula Burns was the rst African-American woman to
be named chief executive ofcer (CEO) (2009) and ul-
timately chairman (in 2010) of a Fortune 100 company.
Burns has a bachelor of science degree in mechanical
engineering from Polytechnic Institute of NYU and a
masters of science degree in mechanical engineering
from Columbia University. In addition to her work at
the Xerox Corporation, she has been passionate about
mathematics, science, and engineering education.
Burns has dedicated her entire professional life to the
Xerox Corporation. She began her career with the
company in 1980 as a mechanical engineering sum-
mer intern. After completing her masters degree, she
joined the company as a full-time employee. In her
early career, she worked in product development and
planning, and later in manufacturing and supply chain
operations. She noted, This company was my family.
In 2007, she was appointed president of the company,
and in 2009, at the age of 50, she succeeded another
female CEO, Ann Mulcahy, to become the rst African-
American woman named CEO of a Fortune 100 com-
pany. She advises students, Find something that you
love to do, and nd a place that you really like to do it
in.Im a mechanical engineer by training, and I loved
it. I still do.I got to work on these great problems.
Commitment to Mathematics and Science
In addition to her business successes, Burns advocates
for stronger educational efforts in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics. In a 2010 interview with
Fortune magazine, she reected, If you get kids when
theyre young from just about any background, you
can create people who are capable of utilizing science,
technology, math, and engineering to solve problems.
If you look at the list of the top nations and try to nd
out where we are in reading, math, and any science, it
is stunning. I dont look at the list anymore because its
132 Burns, Ursula
an embarrassment. We are the best nation in the world.
We created the Internet and little iPods and copying
and printing machines and MRI devices and articial
hearts. Thats all science and engineering. Whos going
to create those things? Her concern is supported by
data from sources such as the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
In response to her strong dedication to mathematics
and science learning, in 2009, President Barack Obama
appointed Mrs. Burns a member of Educate to Inno-
vate, a White House Initiative on Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM) to
help lead a national program to improve student learn-
ing in these elds. This committee was also charged
with creating public-private partnerships to foster
innovation and creativity in the STEM elds.
This program was expanded in 2010 to include
Change the Equation, a CEO-led initiative. Funded in
part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the
Carnegie Corporation of New York, the group provides
nancial support to assist high school students in pass-
ing advanced placement tests in science and mathemat-
ics, as well as promoting the professional development
of STEM teachers. Burns has been quoted as saying, If
we inspire young people today, we secure our ability to
innovate tomorrow[because] [i]nnovation is central
to our nations overall growth.
In 2010, Burns was named the 20th most powerful
woman in the world by Forbes magazine. The award,
in part, was based on her commitment to mathematics
and science education. Similarly, Fortune magazine has
ranked her as number nine on its list of the 50 most
powerful women for 2010. In addition to her position at
Xerox, she is on the board of directors for several orga-
nizations including the American Express Corporation,
FIRST Robotics, the National Academy Foundation,
MIT, and the University of Rochester. Burns credits her
success in part to the lessons in life she learned from her
mother. She is often quoted as saying, Dont ever do
anything that wont make your mom proud. Clearly,
her accomplishments would please any mother.
Further Reading
Bryant, Adam. Xeroxs New Chief Tries to Redene Its
Culture. New York Times, February 20, 2010. http://
Colvin, Geoff. Ursula Burns Interview. Fortune 161,
no. 6 (2010).
Ferrin, Lindsay. A Long Way From Delancy. Rochester
Woman, January 15, 2010. http://www
50 Most Powerful Women in Business 2010.
Fortune (September 30, 2010). http://money.cnn
The Worlds 100 Most Powerful Women. Forbes. http://
Konnie G. Kustron
See Also: Careers; Curriculum, K12; Fax Machines.
Bus Scheduling
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematical modeling can be used
study and create optimal bus schedules.
Public transportation systems, like buses, are the pri-
mary mode of transportation for millions of people
worldwide. Many people advocate for the increased
use of buses to alleviate problems such as pollution
and roadway congestion. Most public bus systems use
xed routes and schedules that specify the times and
places at which the bus will stop so that people can plan
their travel. However, most bus riders have had an oc-
casion when their bus arrived late or have seen several
buses arrive in quick succession. At peak times, buses
may also be too full to admit new riders. Operations
research is a subdiscipline of mathematics that focuses
on these sorts of scheduling problems and mathemati-
cians in a wide variety of areas work on related theo-
ries, problems, and applications.
Since buses usually travel several circuits in the same
closed loops, and since there may be several buses fol-
lowing the same path, scheduling buses is similar to
the problem of people waiting in a line or queue at
Bus Scheduling 133
the grocery store or the movies. Queuing theory uses
mathematical techniques and concepts such as Markov
chains, boundary models, series and cycles, numeri-
cal methods, simulation, and stochastic modeling to
optimize scheduling. These problems can be challeng-
ing because of the need to quantify human behavior.
Of particular interest to some mathematicians is the
amount of slack that must be allowed in the schedule
to allow buses to complete their routes in a timely and
efcient fashion while accounting for natural variabil-
ity and unexpected events. A related phenomenon is
bunching, which happens when buses traveling the
same route get too close together. Both result in delays,
lack of reliability, and customer dissatisfaction. In 2006,
engineers Maged Dessouky, Jiamin Zhao, and T. S. Buk-
kapatnam published a mathematical model that created
curves to correlate average delay times and slack time
ratios with passenger waiting times. The curves were
used to estimate optimal slack as a function of total
round-trip travel time. They found an exact solution for
the simplied case of a single bus on a closed loop with
a known distribution of travel delays, with approximate
extensions for more buses. In contrast, physicists Petr
Seba and Milan Krbalek studied unscheduled, privately
owned buses in Mexico. Passengers waited at known
stops, and the drivers competed for passengers rather
than assigning specic pickup times. While this system
may appear to be chaotic, it has been shown in some
studies to be more efcient than scheduled stops, and it
can be modeled with a mathematical concept known as
random matrices. Theoretical physicists have used these
matrices since the 1970s to model complex quantum
systems. They also have applications such as describ-
ing the distribution of prime numbers, and the possible
arrangements of shufed playing cards.
Both the problems of scheduling and queuing have
commonality and are studied under the title Queues
or Queuing Theory. To think of the simplest problem
is to consider a single customer service counter where
the server takes a random amount of time serving each
customer, and customers come one by one to the coun-
ter. A customer arriving at the counter is served straight
away if the counter is idle when the customer arrives.
If a customer is being served when additional custom-
ers arrive, then these new customers have to wait in
a queue for their turn to be served. This method by
which a queue forms leads to several interesting ques-
tions. How does one model the arrival pattern of cus-
tomers? What is the expected time of service for dif-
ferent customers in the queue? What is the expected
length of the queue as a function of time? How many
customers will be served in a day given a model for the
random service times?
This queuing problem can be translated to sched-
uling a bus to run in a city. Various specic questions
arise in this scenario. When should the bus start? Which
route should it take so that the service is available to
the maximum number of commuters? How much time
should the bus wait in intermediate bus stops? How
often should the bus repeatedly go in the same route?
Here, the objectives may be to maximize the utility of
people who commute using the bus, minimize the fuel
costs for running the bus, and optimize the use of the
available buses. The problem of nding the optimal
routes is called a routing problem or bus schedul-
ing problem. Given information about the number
of buses available, the layout of the city, and the num-
ber of commuters who are likely to use the bus facil-
ity in the city, the scheduling problem can be posed as
an optimization problem. To nd out the number of
commuters who may use the facility, one can perform
a pilot study to ascertain the views of the people who
may be interested in using a bus for their transport.
Modeling bus schedules is necessary to predict the
arrival time of a bus at a particular station. Stochas-
tic modeling must be employed since many random
factors are involved like possible delay in the starting
station because of commuter rush, and unexpected
hurdles in the route because of weather. Modeling also
helps in avoiding the clustering of buses at some points
in a route. Another application of modeling is to track
the buses and monitor the speed of buses on the routes.
Once the bus scheduling is completed, service reliabil-
ity has to be studied so as to make adjustments in the
bus scheduling for improving the service. Efcient bus
scheduling also helps in increasing the protability of
running bus service.
Scheduling Factors and Models
Bus scheduling involves a lot of random factors. Some
of the factors are the number of people who will use
the service, the amount of time the bus takes to cover
a particular route, the delay caused by trafc jams, the
number of commuters getting on and off at a particular
134 Bus Scheduling
bus station, the monthly income generated by the bus
service along a particular route, and the maintenance
costs for the bus. This necessitates stochastic modeling
for the bus schedules. Models can be proposed based
on historical data, pilot studies, and experiments. One
of the important parameters considered in bus sched-
uling is the waiting time of commuters at a particu-
lar station. The objective of scheduling should be to
minimize the waiting times of commuters at several
points along a route, and for this, it is necessary to pro-
vide the most accurate bus schedules possible so that
commuters get the maximum benet. Queuing theory
addresses most of these problems discussed and is a
good source for solutions to problems in bus schedul-
ing. Data mining techniques can also be used to look at
patterns of commuter behavior across routes and this
may be helpful in improved bus scheduling.
Further Reading
Eastaway, Rob, Jeremy Wyndham, and Tim Rice. Why
Do Buses Come in Threes? The Hidden Mathematics of
Everyday Life. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2000.
Gross, Donald, John Shortle, James Thompson, and Carl
Harris. Fundamentals of Queueing Theory. 4th ed.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Ravi Sreenivasan
See Also: Animation and CGI; Data Mining;
Bus Scheduling 135
Calculators in
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Calculators can be used in classrooms to
augment rather than replace learning mathematical
Calculators have a long history. They can be traced
back to the ninth century when the original compact
calculator, the abacus, was developed in China. Nowa-
days, calculators are small (often handheld), electronic,
digital, and inexpensive devices to perform various
operations of mathematics. There are many kinds of
calculators. Simple calculators just perform the basic
operations of arithmetic.
Advanced calculators include scientic calculators
and graphing calculators. Scientic calculators can
work on complex operations such as trigonometric,
logarithmic, and statistical calculations; some are even
able to perform computer algebra. Graphing calcula-
tors usually have similar abilities to scientic calcu-
lators; however, they can be used to graph functions
dened on the real line or higher dimensional Euclid-
ean space. Since the advent of handheld calculators in
the 1970s, the daily lives of people have been changed
profoundly. Almost each business ofce and every high
school student has at least one calculator. People can
solve tedious computations in a few seconds by calcu-
lator, which was impossible before 1970.
Calculators in Primary
Mathematics Classrooms
The availability of inexpensive calculators in primary
classrooms has been increasing rapidly. However,
the debate on their effectiveness in student learning
and their role in mathematics instruction continues.
Whether calculators should be used in primary
classroom remains a controversial issue. On one
hand, some people worry that calculators may hinder
students learning and obstruct the development
of basic arithmetic operations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. On the other
hand, research has shown that calculators can promote
problem solving in students with a strong foundation
in basic skills.
In primary classrooms, the use of calculators aims
at facilitating the learning of mathematics rather than
replacing mental arithmetic and written calculation.
Pupils can use calculators to explore number patterns,
construct concepts, and check different methods
and results of problem solving. With the help of
calculators, children can strengthen their abilities in
mental arithmetic and estimation, as well as judge
the sensibleness of the results of calculation. For
instance, pupils may be asked to estimate the sum
of 9 + 99 + 999 and explain how they get the answer.
One method of estimating the sum is the calculation
10 + 100 + 1000 3.
After they have done the estimate mentally, they
can check their estimation by calculator. Depending
on their abilities, pupils may be asked to estimate
the sum of more complicated operations such as
999 + 9999 + 99,999 + 999,999 + 9,999,999 and then
check the answer by calculator. This kind of activity
facilitates the development of inquiry mind and higher
order thinking in children. When pupils are allowed to
use calculators to check the answers they have come
up with by themselves, they have immediate feedback,
have more time for solving additional problems, and
make fewer errors. Calculators help pupils concentrate
on thinking rather than on computation.
Pupils cannot benet much if they are requested to
compute traditional calculations such as 2 + 7 or 3 5
by using a calculator. However, when they are asked to
explore what calculations would give an answer of 10
with the aid of calculator, the effect can be very positive.
Pupils may nd patterns such as 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, . . . ;
111, 122, 133, . . . ; and 101, 202,
303, . . . ;
and so on. Such open-ended tasks provide opportunities
for children to explore basic arithmetic operations,
natural numbers, fractions, and decimals. Through these
exploratory activities, children can develop number sense
and strengthen inquiry mind by making and testing
conjectures. Calculators help children quickly detect and
correct their misunderstandings experientially.
There are many good calculator activities that will
enrich the learning experience for pupils. Different
activities may be suitable for different classrooms;
however, the focus should be on the mathematics
rather than the calculator.
Calculators in Secondary
Mathematics Classrooms
The use of scientic and graphing calculators in sec-
ondary school causes much less controversy than the
use of simpler calculators in elementary schools. In
fact, many countries allow their secondary students
to bring in approved calculators for their university-
entrance examinations.
Over the past 10 years, many innovative methods of
teaching secondary mathematics have been developed
with the advancement of handheld calculators and the
needs of society. Many of the ideas require only basic
calculators, but scientic and graphing calculators
open up more possibilitiesparticularly for the learn-
ing of complicated functions, shapes, and graphs.
A graphing calculator typically refers to a class
of handheld calculators that are capable of plotting
graphs, solving systems of equations, and perform-
ing numerous other tasks with variables. For instance,
graphing calculators allow students to explore the
effect of varying the coefcients in the quadratic equa-
tion y = ax
+ bx + c by plotting graphs for different set
of values of a, b and c in seconds. Plotting quadratic
graphs by paper and pencil would consume a lot of
time and effort, which would slow down the learning
pace and reduce learning interest in the topic.
Graphing calculators save students from laborious
work and provide opportunities to facilitate indepen-
dent learning and give scope for open-ended explo-
ration. If students go further in their investigation,
they may generalize the conditions under which only
one solution is obtained for the quadratic equation
0 = ax
+ bx + c.
The power of calculators advances rapidly. Some
people worry about the use of symbolic calculators
that can perform symbolic computations. They have
argued that the use of symbolic calculators can cause
core mathematical skills to wither, or that such use
can prevent understanding of advanced concepts. It
is not unusual that students use a symbolic calculator
to nd
without realizing the mathematical principle or skills
Concerns on Usage
From time to time, calculators are accused of making
children lazy and replacing the need for them to use
or remember number facts. They provide a means for
getting answers without understanding mathematical
processes. Some people worry that the extensive use
of calculators in mathematics instruction interferes
with students mastery of basic mathematical skills
138 Calculators in Classrooms
Calculators in Society
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Advancements in calculator technology
have profoundly changed society and mathematics
In the decades since the invention of a truly hand-
held calculator, these devices have evolved from four-
function curiosities costing hundreds of dollars to
sophisticated machines capable of performing a wide
range of mathematical and statistical functions at the
same cost as that four-banger from the early 1970s.
The effect on society has been considerable, as the
laborious arithmetic involved in routine scientic or
nancial calculations can be done by nearly anyone
with minimal effort and accuracy that was unthink-
able in the 1950s. A variety of technological advances
and a new market for calculating power during the
1970s led to the calculator wars among a variety
of manufacturers, and frequent major advances in
the power of a calculator were marketed to a willing
society. These powerful calculators have changed the
school mathematics curriculum in a variety of ways
and brought a new focus to the Advanced Placement
(AP) calculus exams.
Early History of Calculators
In their 1951 textbook Mathematics of Investment,
Paul Rider and Carl Fischer made occasional reference
to the ability of computing machines to facilitate
involved calculations in nancial mathematics. How-
ever, since such machines were by no means common
in the 1950s, the book includes 123 pages of numeri-
cal tables, roughly one-third of the books total length.
These references were essential to actuarial calculations
for many years, and their analogous tables of values of
trigonometric functions, exponentials, and logarithms
were a staple of mathematics textbooks for a compa-
rable time period.
The rapid rise of low-cost electronic calculatorsa
generation beyond the electric computing machines
to which Rider and Fischer referredreduced those
tables to a mere historical curiosity within a genera-
tion. In 1958, Texas Instruments (TI) engineer Jack
Kilby invented the integrated circuit, which became
and the understanding they need for more advanced
In reality, the calculator is a tool that, if used in the
right way, can support and encourage childrens math-
ematical thinking. It is not calculators themselves that
matter but when and how they are used that is impor-
tant. To avoid overemphasis on the use of calculators,
students should be guided to recognize the functions
and limitations of calculators, so as to strengthen their
abilities in exploring and solving mathematical prob-
lems. For instance, in a classroom activity, all pupils
are given the same set of calculation questions, such as
789 + 0, 25 4, 17 8, and 299 10. Pupils work
in pairs; one is requested to nd the answers by mental
computation while the other uses a calculator.
At the end, they have to record the time needed and
the number of correct answers. Pupils have to discuss
and identify which calculations can be easily done
mentally and which cannot. This activity can facilitate
pupils communication in mathematics and under-
standing that mental calculation sometimes is more
powerful than the calculator.
Research also suggests that inadequate guidance
in the use of calculating tools can restrict the kind of
mathematical thinking that students engage in. There-
fore, it is important that schools implement a balanced
program that develops students understanding of the
appropriate use of the calculator.
Further Reading
Baxter Hastings, Nancy, ed. Workshop Precalculus:
Discovery With Graphing Calculators. Emeryville, CA:
Key College Publishing, 2002.
Guin, D., K. Ruthven, and L. Trouche, eds. Didactical
Challenge of Symbolic Calculators: Turning a
Computational Device Into a Mathematical Instrument.
New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2005.
Rising, Gerald R. Inside Your Calculator: From Simple
Programs to Signicant Insights. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Interscience, 2007.
Sparrow, Len and Paul Swan. Learning Math With
Calculators: Activities for Grades 38. Sausalito, CA:
Math Solutions Publications, 2001.
Eddie Leung
See Also: Calculators in Society; Software,
Calculators in Society 139
known as the calculator on a chip, that revolutionized
the world of calculating devices. Large electromechani-
cal desktop calculators soon gave way to more compact
electronic machines, which culminated with the devel-
opment of the Cal-Tech handheld calculator in 1965
at Texas Instruments. The Cal-Tech was a simple four-
function calculator that used a paper tape for output.
With a new standard for what was possible, the rush
to advance calculating machines, both handheld and
desktop, was on.
Engineers at Hewlett-Packard (HP) merged the old
with the new in 1968 with the development of the HP-
9100A, the rst fully electronic desktop calculator. The
9100A was considerably larger than the Cal-Tech but
was much more versatile. Its function set included all
of the functions found on a modern scientic calcula-
tortrigonometric functions, logarithms, reciprocals,
and othersand it was fully programmable. On view-
ing the 9100A, company founder Bill Hewlett included
among his words of praise for the developers the chal-
lenge that the world needed a similar machine that
would t into a shirt pocket.
In 1972, Texas Instruments introduced the Data-
math, a four-function calculator released under the TI
name. This was a departure for the company, which until
then had conned its calculator work to manufacturing
parts for other companies machines. Indeed, the Cal-
Tech was built primarily to show other manufacturers
what the companys parts could do, not as an eventual
consumer product. In that same year, Hewlett-Packard
engineers developed the HP-35, a fully scientic calcu-
lator that could t into a shirt-pocket. With these two
companies at the forefront of a rapidly advancing tech-
nology, and with many other manufacturers in close
competition, the calculator wars began. The rapid
evolution of affordable competing calculators from
a variety of manufacturers went on throughout the
1970s and into the early 1980s.
A major innovation was TIs introduction of the
TI-30 scientic calculator, which sold for under $30
beginning in 1976. The full scientic function set of
the TI-30 on a low-priced machine was a huge advance
over the $395 price tag of the original HP-35, and the
TI-30 was regarded for many years as the best-selling
calculator of all time.
HP introduced the rst handheld programmable
calculator, the HP-65, in 1974 (fewer than two years
after its rst scientic calculator), and followed it up in
1977 with the HP-67. TI countered with the SR-52 in
1975, which was succeeded by the TI-58 and TI-59 in
1977. Each of these milestone calculators allowed the
user to specify a sequence of steps into a special mem-
ory. These steps could then be repeatedly executed as
many times as desired. The HP models and the 52 and
59 provided the option of recording programs onto
small magnetic cards for permanent storage, while
the 58 and 59 came equipped with a slot for read-only
memory (ROM) cartridges with space for dozens of
specialized prewritten programs that were stored on
the chip and could be run as needed without the need
for repeated keying.
Special-Purpose Calculators
Special-purpose calculators are preprogrammed with
functions and formulas that are specic to a particular
profession or interest. Among the earliest were calcula-
tors designed for nancial mathematics, with keys and
140 Calculators in Society
Hewlett-Packard developed the worlds first pocket
scientific calculator, the HP-35, in 1972.
routines for solving the time value of money problems
and automating interest calculationsand here was
where Rider and Fischers prediction was exceeded.
These business calculators were considerably more
sophisticated than could have been imagined in 1951.
By far the most successful business calculator is
Hewlett-Packards HP-12C, which was introduced in
1981 and is still in production 30 years later. In most
senses, the 12C is the industry standard nancial cal-
culator, and it has been the key to HPs successful focus
on the business calculator market. In 2003, the 12C got
a faceliftand a faster processoras the HP 12C Plati-
num Edition.
Unit conversion calculators inspired by the push
in the 1970s to introduce the metric system in the
United States live on in a variety of construction cal-
culators, many of which have been produced by a
small company, Calculated Industries (CI). CI was
founded in the 1978, and its rst product was a real
estate calculator dubbed The Loan Arranger. Future
nancial calculators from CI would expand in capabil-
ity to accommodate more sophisticated calculations,
and a separate line of CI nancial calculators is spe-
cic to Canadian interest calculations. Later product
lines from CI included the Construction Master and
Measure Master lineswhich were specialized for the
building industry. CI also produces a series of electri-
cal engineering calculators and a pair of professional
plumbing calculators.
CI also manufactures special-purpose calcula-
tors for a variety of niche markets. Do-it-yourselfers
can nd the calculations they need preprogrammed
into the ProjectCalc series. Several of these have been
rebranded by Sears under the Craftsman line. The
KitchenCalc Pro is preset to convert cooking measure-
ments and includes a built-in timer. The Quilters Fab-
riCalc is one of the companys most successful hobbyist
calculators and automates the considerable mathemat-
ics involved in quilting. Most recently, the Mr. Gasket
Hot Rod Calc was developed to serve performance
automotive enthusiasts with a collection of functions
for use in assessing an automobiles performance.
Calculators in the Classroom
In 1976, Texas Instruments released the Abstract Link-
ing Electronically (ABLE) calculator system, which rep-
resented the rst attempt to manufacture a calculator
specically designed for elementary school classrooms
beginning in the earliest grades. The ABLE system con-
sisted of a standard four-function calculator with six
interchangeable faceplates. These faceplates blocked
access to some of the calculators functions and could
be switched out to allow a richer selection of options as
a childs mathematical sophistication grew.
There was then, and continues to be, considerable
tension over the question of calculator use in school
mathematics. The conict is generated by the ability of
inexpensive calculators to automate routine arithme-
tic problems, which had led one side of the debate to
suggest that there is no need to require computational
automaticity, such as memorizing multiplication tables,
which a calculator can handle. These advocates then
assert that calculators free up room in the curriculum
for what are called higher-order mathematical think-
ing skills. Those opposed to this view assert that higher-
order skills are not useful without a sound foundation
based on mastery of routine calculations. Sensible mid-
dle ground exists between these two viewpoints, and a
variety of combinations of these approaches are advo-
cated in textbooks and available to teachers.
In 2000, TI expanded the Explorer line to include
the TI-15 Explorer calculator, which was designed for
use in grades 36. This calculator contains specialized
keys for computations like place value calculations and
fraction operations without cluttering the keyboard
with higher-level computations, like trigonometric
functions, that are not studied in elementary school.
Additionally, the TI-15 Explorer includes two keys that
can be programmed to repeat simple operations, a
randomized arithmetic tutor, and tools for exploring
inequalities. A simpler companion calculator, the TI-
10, was introduced in 2002 and is aimed at kindergar-
ten through third grade classrooms.
At higher grade levels, one effect was far less contro-
versial. With the advent of inexpensive powerful scien-
tic calculators, there was no longer a need for exten-
sive tables of functions in precalculus textbooks.
Graphing Calculators
In 1985, Casio introduced the rst graphing calculator,
the fx-7000G. In addition to serving as a fully functional
scientic calculator, the fx-7000G had a large (1.4-
by-2-inch) LCD screen on which graphs of functions
could be displayed. This allowed students to work with
functions from both numerical and graphical perspec-
tives, and set the stage for a revolution in mathematics
Calculators in Society 141
teaching. Graphing calculators soon came to be seen as
one of the primary components of this shift in teaching
and learning.
Hewlett-Packard advanced handheld capacity fur-
ther with the HP-28C, introduced in 1987. In addition
to numerical and graphical approaches to functions,
the 28C was able to perform symbolic algebra and cal-
culus, working with variables directly without the need
for numbers. Texas Instruments released its rst graph-
ing calculator, the TI-81, in 1990, and the TI-85 soon
after. The TI-82, 83, 84+, 86, and 89 have extended this
successful product line, while the TI-80 and 73 have
reached downward into middle schools.
As graphing calculators and computer algebra sys-
tems, such as Derive and Mathematica, competed
for space in calculus classrooms around the world, it
became clear that standardized testing would have to
accommodate these new devices. Beginning in 1995,
the Advanced Placement calculus exams have required
the use of a graphing calculator on part of the exam,
one that can plot graphs of functions, solve equations
numerically, compute numerical derivatives, and eval-
uate denite integrals numerically. The College Board,
which administers the AP exams, draws the line at cal-
culators with a typewriter-style QWERTY keyboard,
such as the TI-92 (introduced in 1996) and Voyage
200 (introduced in 2002) from Texas Instruments.
The concern here is for the security of the tests, as the
typewriter keyboard and text-processing capability are
thought to make it too easy to collect condential test
questions and remove them from the testing site.
The Future of Calculators
It is unclear what new ground remains to be broken in
future calculators. Three-dimensional graphing is avail-
able on a variety of TI and HP machines, but the size
of the screen and the challenge from computer algebra
systems, such as Mathematica, have limited the reach of
this feature. Calculating power is nding its way into a
variety of other handheld devices. Just as many people
no longer wear watches because they can get the time
from their cell phones, calculator applications for cell
phone platforms may render the cell phone an attrac-
tive alternative to a specialized calculator. While there
are cost and durability issues to be considered in this
comparison, CI has recognized this alternate platform
by marketing its Construction Master Pro software for
the iPhone.
Further Reading
Ball, Guy, and Bruce Flamm, The Complete Collectors
Guide to Pocket Calculators. Tustin, CA: Wilson/
Barnett Publishing, 1997.
Hicks, David G. The Museum of HP Calculators.
Sippl, Charles J., and Roger J. Sippl. Programmable
Calculators. Champaign, IL: Matrix Publishers, 1978.
Woerner, Joerg. Datamath Calculator Museum. http://
Mark Bollman
See Also: Calculators in Classrooms; Calculus and
Calculus Education.
Calculus and
Calculus Education
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Calculus; Communication;
Summary: Once reserved for upper-level majors,
the study of derivatives and integrals of functions has
been mainstreamed by its applications.
Calculus, which takes its name from the Latin word
for pebble, is one of the most important branches
of mathematics and one of the cornerstones of math-
ematics education. In ancient history, pebbles were
used for counting, and calculus initially referred to
that. The word now represents the method of calcula-
tion linked often with the study of change attempting
to investigate motions and rates of change. From its
mathematical development to the philosophy of calcu-
lus education, calculus has been fraught with rigorous
debate and change.
Its appreciation and deeper understanding is a
fundamental requirement in order to proceed toward
a more advanced mathematical education and be
involved with topics such as mathematical analysis.
The topic nds its use and application in a vast number
of different applied disciplines, such as biology, engi-
neering, physics, population dynamics, statistics, and,
142 Calculus and Calculus Education
in general, any scientic area that involves the study of
instantaneous change.
Calculus education has a rich and varied his-
tory. Takakazu Seki is remembered as an inuen-
tial teacher who passed his form of calculus on to
his students. However, during the seventeenth cen-
tury, secrecy surrounded rival schools in Japan, so
it is difcult to determine his exact contributions.
Successful calculus textbooks date back to at least
Maria Gaetana Agnesi in the eighteenth century. She
wrote Analytical Institutions, probably as a textbook
for her brothers. She mastered many languages, which
were useful when she integrated the knowledge of the
time. She also added her own examples and exposi-
tions. Her book was widely translated and used all
over the world, making the concepts of calculus more
Calculus education underwent many changes in
the twentieth century. Early on, calculus was often an
upper-division college course in North America while
it was a pre-college course in France. U.S. President
John F. Kennedys race to the moon impacted calculus
education in the United States. More engineering stu-
dents were recruited, and as a result, calculus shifted
earlier in the college curriculum. Another change was
an emphasis on set theory in such texts as Tom Apos-
tols Calculus. Beginning in the latter half of the twen-
tieth century, high schools offered AP Calculus. The
shift of calculus to lower-level students also occurred
in other countries, such as in Japan.
However, students who did not have the apti-
tude to succeed in competitive programs were l-
tered out in lower-level college courses, and edu-
cators debated this problem internationally. A
calculus reform movement in the United States
originated in the late 1980s, epitomized by the slogan
Calculus should be a pump, not a lter. Teachers
debated the roles of lectures, technology, and rigor. With
minimal theoretical support for the choice of teaching
strategies, mathematicians relied on empirical studies to
determine what would help calculus students succeed.
Educators tested many different approaches, such as
those emphasizing active learning, graphing calcula-
tors, computer algebra software, historical sources,
writing, humanistic perspectives, real-life applications,
distance education, or calculus as a laboratory science.
New teaching approaches were met with widespread
acceptance on some campuses and rejection and back-
lash on others. Some schools reported a decline in
the number of students failing calculus. In the early
twenty-rst century, mathematicians continue to dis-
cuss and rene the calculus course.
CalculusA Journey Through History
Even though counting as a process appears from the
very rst stages of humanity and its traces are lost in
history of various civilizations, calculus was ofcially
introduced as a realization of the deeper need to set
rules and construct generally approved techniques
that would assist toward quantication of any kind of
change in time or space.
It could also perform modeling of systems that con-
tinuously evolve, and hence aid the interpretation and
deduction of the consequences of the existence of such
systems. Basic ideas of calculus involve limits, continu-
ity, derivatives, and integrals.
Archimedes is one of the main scholars of ancient
history who is linked with the ideas of calculus (c. sec-
ond century b.c.e.). However, two important scholars
of the seventeenth century made signicant contribu-
tions to the introduction and the establishment of cal-
culus as a quantitative language. Isaac Newton (1642
1727) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (16461716) are
both recognized as fathers of modern calculus. Even
though they worked independently and were inu-
enced by two different areasNewton by physics and
Leibniz by geometrythey both reached into discov-
ering the same fundamental ideas of calculus.
Differential Calculus
If x is a variable that changes with time (for example,
x x t = ( ) is a function of time t) then one denotes
the rst derivative of the function x, which represents
the rate of change of x t ( ) with respect to time t. New-
ton used the notation x while Leibniz used
In case of a moving object in one dimension, x t ( )
represents the position of the object and x t ( ) its
Calculus and Calculus Education 143
The term function was rst introduced by Leib-
niz and is one of the fundamental terms of mathe-
matics. In practice, a quantity y
is dened as a func-
tion of another quantity t if there is a rule (method or
process) in which a unique y
will be assigned to any t.
Leonhard Euler (17071783) introduced the notation
y f t = ( ) to identify a function f.
Method of uxions is the term Newton used for
his set of techniques to study the continuous ow
of change. The process of nding a formula for the
function x, given the formula for the function of x, is
known as differentiation and the methods used for
this belong to the eld of differential calculus.
Rate of Change
There is a particular interest in studying the change
of a quantity and by extension the rate of change
of a quantity as another quantity changes in a very
small amount. As Newton and Leibniz were develop-
ing calculus, they both used innitesimals in order
to emphasize the idea of such a small quantity that is
not zero and that cannot be measured (innitesimal
calculus or calculus of innitesimals). Hence, the
innitesimal number dx
was considered to be different
from zero and less than any positive real number.
Their approach raised criticism among other well-
known scholars such as George Berkeley (16851783),
and the idea of using innitesimals became gradually
unpopular. The introduction of limits from Augus-
tin Louis Cauchy (17891857), Karl Theodor Wilhelm
Weierstrass (18151897), and Georg Friedrich Bern-
hard Riemann (18261866) led in a better realization
of the fundamental ideas of calculus and reestablished
the topic within a more sound framework. However,
nonstandard analysis (Abraham Robinson, 1960) and
smooth innitesimal analysis as introduced in the
twentieth century have brought back into use the idea
of innitesimals.
The denition of limit is a cornerstone for advanced
mathematics and especially for mathematical analysis.
Limit is what distinguishes calculus from other areas
of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, and num-
ber theory. Even though mathematics has a history of
more than 3000 years, limits were treated as a special
area of mathematics only from 1823 c.e. when the con-
cept was published for the rst time in Cauchys book
Rsum of Lessons of Innitesimal Calculus. The rst
appearance of the term belongs to the Greek mathe-
matician and philosopher Zeno of Elea (495435 c.e.).
However, the denition that was nally accepted and
used by the mathematical community is the (, ) de-
nition as stated by Weierstrass.
Weierstrass Denition
Assume that L is a real number and that f x ( ) is dened
in an open interval where x
belongs. Then the limit of
f x ( ) as x tends to x
is equal to L and is denoted with
x x
f x L
( ) =
if the following is true: for any real number , there
exists another real number such that for all x in the
interval x x x
0 0
+ the value f x ( ) of f lies
within the range from L to L+ .
In terms of innitesimals, the limit is dened as
follows: L is the limit of f x ( ) as x tends to x
and is
denoted as
x x
f x L
( ) =
if the following is true: for any innitesimal number
dx, the value of f a dx ( ) + is nite, and the standard
part of f a dx ( ) + equals to L.
Equation of Tangent
The term derivative as introduced from Newton
and Leibniz signied a new era in mathematics. The
term assisted mathematicians in nally solving rigor-
ously the problem of constructing a unique tangent
passing from a point of a curve. Historically, math-
ematicians since Archimedes period were constantly
trying to solve the prob lem of a unique tangent on
a point of a curve. Ancient Greeks believed rst that
the tangent at a point of a circle should be the line
that passes from the particular point and is vertical to
the radius of the circle. Archimedes devoted a signi-
cant part of one of his books to this specic problem,
which is known as Archimedean spiral. However, it
was because of the introduction of the rst derivative
that the researchers could actually provide the equa-
tion for the tangent line of a curve C y f x : = ( ) at a
point x f x
0 0
, ( ) ( )
( ) = ( ) +
( ) ( ) : y f x f x x x
0 0 0
144 Calculus and Calculus Education
( ) =
( ) ( )
f x
f x f x
x x
x x
is the rate of change of the function at that point
x f x
0 0
, ( ) ( )
corresponds and denes the slope of the line tangent to
the curve C
at point
x f x
0 0
, ( ) ( )
if and only if the limit exists.
Higher Order Derivatives
Thinking of the example of a moving object in time, it
can be easily identied that there is a need for estimat-
ing the acceleration of the object. Acceleration is the
rate at which an object changes its velocity. Therefore,
acceleration in mathematical terminology is nothing
else but the derivative of the derivative of x denoted
d x
and called second derivative. Since the rst derivative
provides information on the rate of change of a func-
tion, the second derivative refers to the rate of change
of the rate of change. In general, a higher order deriva-
tive is denoted as
d x
In a more geometric framework, the rst and second
derivatives can be used to determine the concavity; in
other words, the way that the slopes of tangent lines
of a curve y f x = ( ) change as x changes in an interval
a b , ( ).
If f
is a differentiable function and
f is increas-
ing on a b , ( ), then f
is concave up on a b , ( ). The slopes
of the tangent lines of the graph of f increase as x
increases over a b , ( ); a concave up graph looks like a
right-side up bowl.
( )
( ) f x
for all x in a b , ( ), then
f is increasing on a b , ( ) and
therefore f
is concave up on a b , ( ). If
( )
( ) < f x 0
for all x in a b , ( ), then
f is decreasing on a b , ( ) and
therefore f
is concave down on a b , ( ). A natural appli-
cation of this concept is to nd the maximum or the
minimum of a function in a case in which the function
is concave down or concave up throughout the whole
domain respectively. This can be used further to solve
problems where an optimal solution is requested.
According to Hans Hahn (18791934), the funda-
mental problem of differentiation can be expressed
by two problems: (1) if the path of a moving object is
known, estimate its velocity, and (2) given the existence
of a curve, estimate its slope. Therefore, the inverse of
these problems are (1) if the velocity of a moving object
at every instance is known, estimate its path, and (2) if
the slope of a curve is known, nd the curve.
Integral Calculus
Generally, the process to nd a formula for a function
of x
given the formula for the derivative of the function
of x
is known as integration and the methods used to
nd the formula belong to the eld of integral calculus.
Historically, integral calculus was motivated by the
geometric problem of estimating the area of a region
in xy-plane bounded by the graph of
f, the x-axis, and
the vertical lines x = a and x = b. The solution of this
problem came as a realization for the need of integral
calculus and is linked with
f x dx
( )
which is known as the denite integral.
It is not known exactly for how long the aforemen-
tioned problem troubled the mathematical world. In
Calculus and Calculus Education 145
1858, Alexander Henry Rind (18331863), an Egyp-
tologist from Scotland, discovered parts of a hand-
written papyrus document that is considered to have
been written in 1650 b.c.e. The Rind Papyrus, as it is
known today, consisted of 85 problems by the Egyptian
scribe Ahmes, who claimed that he had copied these
problems from an older document. Problem number
50 indicates that before 4000 c.e., Egyptians knew how
to compute the area of a circle by using the formula
Area = 3.16 radius
Eminent interest toward computations of areas of
regions bounded by different kinds of curves is also
seen in ancient Greece. Archimedes, whom several
scholars consider as the father of integral calcu-
lus because of his method to estimate that the area
bounded from the parabola y = x
and the rectangu-
lar lines x = 1 and y = 0 would be equal to 1/3. His
method, which is known as the method of exhaus-
tion, was an attempt to approximate the area of a
curve by inscribing rst in it a sequence of polygons
and computing afterward their area, which must con-
verge to the area of the containing curve. However,
this method was rst developed by Eudoxus; Archime-
des just applied this method in order to establish the
said area. This method was later generalized in what is
known now as integral calculus.
The fundamental problem of integration focuses
on nding the actual function (or, equivalently, its
indenite integral) if the derivative of the function is
Assume that function f exists. If there is a function
F y F x : = ( )
such that
( ) = = ( ) F x
f x
then F
is called the indenite integral or antiderivative
of f and it is denoted as
F x f x dx f I ( ) = ( ) = =
where I stands for the rst letter of the word integral.
Cauchy was most probably the rst mathematician
who provided a rigorous denition for the integral by
using the limit of a sum. Riemann, later on, inuenced
by the theory of trigonometric series of the form
a nx b nx
n n
cos sin ( ) + ( ) ( )
continued Cauchys work and dened the integral in
a similar way, with the only difference that he studied
the whole family of functions that can be integrated
functions for which the integral exists. During Cauchy
and Riemanns period, mathematicians were mainly
concerned with integrating bounded functions. How-
ever, the need for integrating functions that cannot be
bounded was soon apparent. Carl Gustav Axel Har-
nack (1883) and Charles De La Valle-Poussin (1894)
were among the rst mathematicians to be occupied
with such a problem. However, Henri Lon Lebesgue
(18751941) is the one who, with his Ph.D. thesis titled
Integral, Length and Area published in 1902, brought
integral calculus into a new level. He dened the Lebe-
sgue integral, which is a generalization of the Riemann
integral, and dened a new measure known today as
the Lebesgue Measure, which extends the idea of length
from intervals to a large class of sets.
Other important scholars whose names are tightly
linked with the development of modern calculus are
Frigyes Riesz (18801956), Johann Radon (18871956),
Kazimierz Kuratowski (18961980), and Constantin
Caratheodori (18731950). They succeeded in gener-
alizing and extending even further Lebesgues work.
The symbol , which is used for integration, is a big
S (the rst letter of the German word summe, mean-
ing sum) and was used for the rst time by Leibniz.
There are several theories regarding the origin of the
symbol. F. M. Turrell has supported the theory that
almost every botanist knows that if an apple is peeled
by hand, and, with the help of a knife, starting from
the stem and continuing in circles around the cen-
tral axis without cutting off the apple skin until the
opposite end is reached, then a spiral is produced that
creates an extended S once placed on the top of a hori-
zontal surface with the inner part of the skin facing
upward. This observation, according to Turrell, could
possibly explain the symbol of integration. Finally, the
Greek letter is strongly linked with as Euler used it
to denote a sum.
The fundamental theorem of calculus asserts that
differentiation and integration are inverse problems.
If a function f is continuous on the interval [a, b] and
if F is a function whose derivative is f on the interval
a b , ( ), then
f x dx F b F a
( ) = ( ) ( )
146 Calculus and Calculus Education
This realization has proved to be a very useful tech-
nique to estimate denite integrals in an algebraic way.
Isaac Barrow, Newton, Leibniz, and Cauchy worked on
the concepts and early proofs, and Riemann and Vito
Volterra explored what conditions on functions were
necessary in the theorem. Lebesgues denition of inte-
grals avoided some of the previous problems.
Probability theory and statistics are disciplines that
use calculus. A valuable application is to determine the
probability of a continuous random variable from an
assumed density function and dene the average of the
variable and a range of variation around it. The basic
method used to approach the underpinning problems
is to nd the area under the corresponding curves
(compute an integral).
For the study of joint distributions of several ran-
dom variables (multivariate distributions), students
and researchers need to be familiar with the funda-
mental ideas of multidimensional calculus. Optimiza-
tion in statistics is another area where calculus is sig-
nicant; when, for instance, there is a demand to nd
an estimator of an unknown parameter that satises an
optimality criterion, such as minimum variance.
Other Types of Calculus
Other calculi that are linked strongly with the under-
graduate and postgraduate curriculum, indicating the
broadness of the topic, are vector calculus and calculus
of variations.
Stochastic calculus is tightly linked with
nancial calculus. It is mostly found in
higher levels of mathematical education as
it requires knowledge of measure theory,
functional analysis, and theory of stochastic
Malliavin calculus or stochastic calculus of
variations was initiated by Norbert Wiener
(18941964) in an attempt to provide a
probabilistic proof of Hrmanders sum
of squares theorem. It is an innite-
dimensional differential calculus on a
Gaussian space with features that can be
applied in a wide variety of advanced topics
of stochastic analysis. Its development has
enormously facilitated the study of stochastic
differential equations where the solution is
not adapted to the Brownian ltration.
Quantum and quantum stochastic calculus,
which have gained the interest of quantum
mechanics specialists, use innitesimals
rather than limits.
-calculus and -calculus offer a simpler
syntax, which is highly appreciated by those
in computing, offering an easier development
of the theory of programming languages:
network calculus and operational calculus.
Calculus, with its all variations, can be character-
ized as the mathematical language that unies science
by linking different disciplines together; this is why it
plays a central role in the mathematical curriculum
with students exposed to its basic ideas from the high
school level.
The appreciation of the inuence of calculus upon
the vast majority of disciplines promotes a simultane-
ous intuitive approach by providing sufcient exam-
ples that illustrate the applicability of the topic. Mod-
ern technology in the form of computers and graphical
calculators provides the tools that can assist not only
in applying the mathematical techniques but also in a
smooth transmission of the scientic ideas and basic
mathematical concepts.
Further Reading
Bardi, Jason. The Calculus Wars: Newton, Leibniz, and the
Greatest Mathematical Clash of All Time. New York:
Basic Books, 2007
Friedler, Louis. Calculus in the U.S.: 19402004. Studies
in College Mathematics 8, no. 3 (2005) http://gargoyle
Ganter, S. L. Changing Calculus. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America Notes #56, 2001.
Khuri, Andr I. Advanced Calculus With Applications in
Statistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1993.
Rassias, John M. Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics.
Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 1994.
Rudin, W. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. New York:
Zill, D. G. Calculus With Analytic Geometry. Boston:
Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, 1985.
Matina J. Rassias
See Also: Archimedes; Calculus in Society; Curriculum,
College; Curves; Functions; Software, Mathematics.
Calculus and Calculus Education 147
Calculus in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Calculus; Connections.
Summary: Since its introduction in the seventeenth
century, calculus has been applied to more and
more practical endeavors, from engineering and
manufacturing to nance.
Since its initial development in the seventeenth cen-
tury, calculus has emerged as a principal tool for solv-
ing problems in the physical sciences, engineering, and
technologies. Applications of calculus have expanded
to architecture, aeronautics, life sciences, statistics,
economics, commerce, and medicine. Contemporary
society is impacted continually by the applications of
calculus. Many bridges, high-rise buildings, airlines,
ships, televisions, cellular phones, cars, computers,
and numerous other amenities of life were designed
using calculus.
Since the 1970s, calculus in conjunction with com-
puter technology has resulted in the emergence of new
areas of study such as dynamical systems and chaos
theory. Such vast applications have established the
study of calculus as essential in preparation for numer-
ous careers. Indeed, calculus is considered among the
greatest achievements of humankind, making it wor-
thy of study in its own right in a society that places
rational thought and innovation in highest esteem.
Recent curricular and pedagogical reforms in calcu-
lus have made it more academically accessible to the
school population.
What Is Calculus?
Calculus originated from studying the physical motions
of the universe, such as the movement of planets in the
solar system and physical forces on Earth. It involves
both algebra and geometry, in combination with the
concepts of innity and limits. In contrast to algebra
and geometry, which focus on properties of static
structures, calculus centers on objects in motion. There
are two principal forms of calculus, differential calcu-
lus and integral calculus, which are inversely related.
At its most basic level, differential calculus is used in
determining instantaneous rates of change of a depen-
dent variable with respect to one or more independent
variables; integral calculus is used for computing areas
and volumes of nonstandard shapes.
Who Invented Calculus?
In the late seventeenth century, Isaac Newton (1646
1727) of England and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646
1716) of Germany independently invented calculus.
Isaac Newton began his development of calculus in 1666
but did not arrange for its publication. He presented his
derivations of calculus in his book, The Method of Flux-
ions, written in 1671. This book remained unpublished
until 1736, nine years after his death. Gottfried Leibniz
began his work in calculus in 1674. His rst paper on
the subject was published in 1684, 50 years earlier than
Newtons publication. Because of these circumstances
and fueled by the eighteenth-century nationalism of
England and Germany, a bitter controversy erupted
over who rst invented calculus. Was it Isaac Newton or
Gottfried Leibniz?
Investigators found that Leibniz had made a brief
visit to London in 1676. Supporters of Newton argued
that during that trip, Leibniz may have gained access
to some of Newtons unpublished work on the subject
from mutual acquaintances within the mathematics
community. However, these two prominent and out-
standing mathematicians used their own unique deri-
vations and symbolic notations for calculus, with New-
ton developing differential calculus rst and Leibniz
developing integral calculus rst. For many decades,
the calculus feud divided British mathematicians and
continental mathematicians, and it remains a historical
mystery into the twenty-rst century. It was an unusual
controversy in that it erupted rather late in the devel-
opment of calculus and was ignited by the respective
followers of Newton and Leibniz. In the twenty-rst
century, the general consensus is that both Newton
and Leibniz invented calculus, simultaneously and
Isaac Newton (16461727): The Man
Isaac Newton was revered in England during his life-
time and is recognized as one of the foremost math-
ematicians and physicists of all time. In addition to his
invention of calculus, Newton is famous for designing
and building the rst reecting telescope, formulat-
ing the laws of motion, and discovering the white light
spectrum. He held many prestigious positions, includ-
ing Fellow of Trinity College, Lucasian Professor of
Mathematics, Member of Parliament for the University
of Cambridge, Master of the Royal Mint of England,
and many others. Even though Newton was extremely
148 Calculus in Society
productive and admired universally for his work, on a
personal level he was humble, cautious of others, and
angered by criticism. His modest nature is embodied
in his famous statement, If I have seen farther than
others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants.
His works in mathematics and physics were recognized
throughout Europe when he was honored as Fellow of
the Royal Society of London in 1672. He subsequently
served as the Societys president from 1705 until his
death. In 1705, Newton was knighted in Cambridge by
Queen Anne of England for his contributions to the
Royal Mint. In 1727, Newtons name was immortalized
in English history by his burial in Londons Westmin-
ster Abbey and by the accompanying monument hon-
oring his contributions to mathematics and science.
Gottfried Leibniz (16461716): The Man
Gottfried Leibniz is recognized as one of Germanys
greatest scholars of philosophy, history, and math-
ematics. He was the son of a philosophy professor and
a leader in the philosophy of metaphysics. His opti-
mism is reected in his words, We live in the best of
all possible worlds. On a personal level, Leibniz was
considered likeable, friendly, and somewhat boister-
ous. Professionally, Leibniz was employed by a succes-
sion of German princes in the capacities of diplomat
and librarian. He planned and founded several acad-
emies throughout Europe. For his knowledge of law, he
was appointed Councilor of Justice for the Germanic
regions of Brandenburg and Hanover. Similarly, Rus-
sian Tsar Peter the Great appointed Leibniz as Court
Councilor of Justice for the Habsburgs. For his work
in mathematics (derivations in calculus and invention
of the binary number system), in 1673, Leibniz was
appointed Fellow of the Royal Society of London, a
society honoring outstanding mathematicians and sci-
entists throughout Europe. By 1706, however, Leibnizs
stellar reputation had begun to disintegrate. Accusa-
tions of plagiarism regarding the invention of calculus
were unrelenting until Leibnizs death in 1716. In con-
trast to Newton, the only mourner at Leibnizs funeral
was his secretary. Eventually, more than a century after
his death, Leibnizs outstanding contributions to math-
ematics were recognized in Germany when a statue was
erected in his honor at Leipzig, one of Germanys major
centers of learning and culture.
Interestingly, it is Leibnizs symbolic notations for
calculus, namely dy
dx and y dx, that have stood the
test of time. These notations are most prevalent in cal-
culus classrooms in the twenty-rst century because
of their consistency with the operations of differential
equations and dimensional analysis. The most signi-
cant contribution to mathematics by Newton and Leib-
niz was their derivations of the Fundamental Theorem
of Calculus, a theorem that unites both differential and
integral calculus.
Building on Newtons and Leibnizs Work
Following the invention of calculus, additional contri-
butions to calculus were made by John Wallis (1616
1703), Michel Rolle (16521719), Jacob Bernoulli
(16541705), Guillaume de lHpital (16611704),
Brook Taylor (16851731), Colin Maclaurin (1698
1746), Joseph-Louis Lagrange (17361813), Bernard
Bolzano (17811848), Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789
1857), Karl Weinerstrasse (18151897), and Bernhard
Riemann (18261866).
The Power of Calculus
The power of calculus in contemporary society rests
primarily in its applications in the physical sciences,
engineering, optimization theory, economics, geo-
metrical measurement, probability, and mathemati-
cal modeling.
The following is a sampling of basic applications
using the two major branches of calculus.
Applications of Differential Calculus
Environmental science: An oil tanker runs
aground and begins to leak oil into the
ocean and surrounding land areas, resulting
in potentially devastating consequences.
Differential calculus can be used to supply
information essential for assessing the leakage
and resolving the problem. For example, the
rate and volume at which the oil is leaking
can by determined using calculus.
Business and economics: Important
applications of calculus in business and
economics involve marginal analysis
(known as the rst derivative). Marginal
costs, revenues, and prots represent rates
of change that result from a unit increase
in product production. This information is
valuable in developing production levels and
pricing strategies for maximizing prots.
Calculus in Society 149
Medicine: Calculus can be used for evaluating
the effectiveness of medications and dosage
levels. For example, calculus can be used in
determining the time required for a specic
drug in a patients bloodstream to reach its
maximum concentration and effectiveness.
Biology and chemistry: Assessments
of chemical treatments for reducing
concentration levels of biological
contaminants (such as insects or bacteria)
can be determined by calculus. For instance,
calculus can be used in measuring the
concentration levels, effectiveness, and time
necessary for a chemical treatment supplied
to a body of water to reduce its bacterial
count to desired minimal levels.
Physics (velocity and acceleration): For
moving objects (such as rolling balls or
hot-air balloons), their maximum velocities,
accelerations, and elevations can be
determined using calculus.
Politics: The number of years required in
a city for the rate of increase in its voting
population to reach its maximum can be
determined using calculus.
Manufacturing: The design of containers,
meeting specic constraints, can be
determined using calculus. For example,
calculus will supply the dimensions of a
container that will maximize its volume or
minimize its surface area.
Applications of Integral Calculus
Inverse of differential calculus: In mathematics,
most operations have inverse operations.
In calculus, the inverse of differentiation
is integration. Therefore, a fundamental
application of integral calculus is to nd
functions that produce the answers to a
problem in differential calculus.
Measurement, area, and volume: Integral
calculus can be used to nd (1) the areas
between the graphs of functions over specied
intervals, (2) the surface areas of three-
dimensional objects, and (3) the volumes of
three-dimensional objects.
Centroids: The centroid (or center of mass)
of an object can be found using integral
calculus. For two- and three-dimensional
objects, the centroid is the balancing point of
the object. Calculus can be used to locate the
position of the centroid on the object.
Fluid pressure: Integral calculus is essential
in the design of ships, dams, submarines,
and other submerged objects. It is used
in determining the uid pressure on the
submerged object at various depths from the
waters surface. This information is essential
in the design of submerged objects so they
will not collapse.
Physics (work): When a constant force
is applied to an object that moves in the
direction of the force, the work produced
by the force is found by multiplying the
force by the distance moved by the object.
However, when the applied force is not
constant or is variable, calculus can be used
in determining the work produced by the
variable force (for example, the variable
force needed to pull a metal spring, or the
force exerted by expanding gases on the
piston in an engine).
The aforementioned applications are examples of
the most elementary applications of calculus. In the
technological world of the twenty-rst century, applica-
tions of calculus continue to evolve. The consequences
of calculus are ubiquitous in contemporary society and
impact every walk of life.
Recommendations for Mathematics
Curriculum Reform
In 1983, following a harsh report from the National
Commission on Excellence in Education, U.S. soci-
ety began to question seriously the effectiveness of
its educational systems. The report, titled A Nation
at Risk: the Imperative for Educational Reform, was
commissioned by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. The
report cited U.S. students for their poor academic
performance in every subject area at every grade level
and their underachievement on national and inter-
national scales. The Commission warned the United
States that its education system was being eroded
by a rising tide of mediocrity. In the years that fol-
lowed, the Commissions explicit call for educational
reform in U.S. schools served to generate numerous
150 Calculus in Society
curricular reform efforts at the pre-college and col-
lege levels.
In response to this call for reform, in 1987, the
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the
National Research Council (NRC) co-sponsored a con-
ference held in Washington, D.C., titled Calculus for a
New Century. The conference was attended by more
than 600 college and pre-college calculus teachers. The
conference focused on the nature and need for calculus
reform in college and pre-college institutions through-
out the nation. During that conference, the phrase
Calculus should be a pump, not a lter in the pipeline
of American education became a national mantra for
calculus reform.
National educational assessments conducted in
1989 further supported initiatives for calculus reform.
During the 1980s, approximately 300,000 U.S. college
students were enrolled annually in science-based cal-
culus courses. Of that number, only 140,000 students
earned grades of D or higher. Thus, more than 50% of
U.S. college students were failing the calculus courses
required for their majors, which included mathemat-
ics, all of the natural and physical sciences, and com-
puter science. These bleak statistics served to motivate
concerned calculus teachers to examine the traditional
calculus curriculum, as well as their own teaching
methodologies, with the intention of increasing course
enrollments, student achievement, and enthusiasm for
the subject.
Their efforts resulted in major calculus reform ini-
tiatives as early as 1989. The rst set of recommenda-
tions for reform in school mathematics (grades pre-
kindergarten12) came from the National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). These recom-
mendations were delineated in NCTMs publication,
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (also
known as NCTM Standards).
Four overarching standards (called Process Stan-
dards) were identied for improving mathematics
instruction at all levels. These standards identied
problem solving, reasoning and proof, connections,
and communications as the four primary foci for
mathematics instruction. During the 1990s, most
U.S. states adopted this document as their curriculum
framework for school mathematics. Decisions regard-
ing the mathematics curriculum, textbook selections,
and instructional strategies were revised in accordance
with the recommendations of the NCTM Standards.
Interestingly, the same document served to inspire
pedagogical reform in mathematics at the college level,
especially in calculus.
Traditional Calculus Versus
Reformed Calculus
Until 1990, the calculus curriculum had remained
basically the same for decades. The traditional cal-
culus curriculum reected formal mathematical lan-
guage, mathematical rigor, and symbolic precision.
Computations with limits, mathematical proofs, and
elaborate mathematical computations were common
practice in calculus classrooms. Students took care-
ful notes, asked clarifying questions, and completed
voluminous amounts of homework in preparation for
test questions similar to those completed for home-
work. Instruction was teacher-centered and delivered
through a lecture approach. Relevant applications
were seldom considered, and graphing calculators and
computers were rarely used in calculus instruction,
and students were not allowed to use them for com-
putations, graphing, or problem solving. Mathemat-
ics educators attributed the dismal performance of the
majority of students in the nations calculus classes to
this traditional calculus curriculum. Consequently, by
the mid-1990s, calculus reform movements had been
initiated in many of the colleges and pre-college class-
rooms throughout the nation.
Calculus reform efforts at the college level in the
1990s often applied the pedagogical recommenda-
tions found in NCTM Standards. These pedagogical
recommendations were also reected in the revised
Advanced Placement Calculus (AP Calculus) and
International Baccalaureate Calculus (IB Calculus)
courses offered in the nations high schools. A mea-
sure of the subsequent success of the calculus reform
movement at the pre-college level can be seen in the
dramatic increase in numbers of students who took
these courses from the 1980s into the twenty-rst
century. Specically, the National Center for Educa-
tion Statistics reported that the percentage of students
completing calculus in high school had risen from 6%
to 14% in the years from 1982 to 2004. The number
of students completing calculus in high school con-
tinues to grow exponentially, at an estimated rate of
6.5% per year.
Several reform calculus curricula originated in the
1990s, and continue into the twenty-rst century. The
Calculus in Society 151
following examples are prominent reform calculus
projects: Calculus, Concepts, Computers and Coopera-
tive Learning (C
L) conducted at Purdue University;
the Calculus Consortium at Harvard (CCH) conducted
at Harvard University; and Calculus and Mathemat-
ica (C&M) conducted at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign and at Ohio State University.
While these three reform calculus projects differ
from each other in signicant ways, they share the fol-
lowing characteristics:
They use graphing calculators, computers,
and computer algebra systems (CAS)
extensively for instruction, exploration,
and visual representations. Supporters
argue that technology serves to alleviate the
huge burden of algebraic computation so
characteristic of traditional calculus. The
rationale for this reform is that technology
facilitates instructional processes that focus
on the principles of calculus rather than on
computational procedures. Moreover, the
graphical and visual representations provided
by these technologies offer alternative
modalities for learning that accommodate
students different learning styles. The
curricula for CCH and C
L focus heavily on
graphing calculators, whereas the curriculum
for C&M relies heavily on the computer
software, Mathematica.
The teacher serves as a facilitator of
learning rather than the main conveyor of
knowledge. While the teacher continues to
initiate instruction and answer questions,
mathematical situations are often explored
by groups of students, using cooperative
learning strategies. Using the principles of
constructivist learning, students are guided
to discover mathematical properties for
themselves in a laboratory setting.
A major focus is placed on real applications
from multiple disciplines. The intention is
to raise students interest in the subject and
motivate them with relevant applications.
Mathematical rigor and formal language
are de-emphasized. The abstractions of
mathematical proof and rigor are postponed
for several semesters to provide sufcient
time for students to gain practical and
intuitive knowledge of the subject.
Assessment focuses heavily on students
writing, explanations of problem solutions,
and open-ended projects. Sometimes
students explanations are valued as highly as
the accuracy of their answers.
Whereas all of the above instructional practices have
shown varying degrees of success in reform calculus
classrooms, some areas of concern have been identied
by those involved in the projects. Specically:
Focusing heavily on relevant applications
sometimes results in the omission of
important calculus content that cannot
always be motivated by applications.
The use of everyday language sometimes
results in imprecise and incorrect
mathematical denitions.
Overuse of technologies for computation
and graphing can weaken the development
of students quantitative reasoning and
computational skills in calculus.
Real-world problems are sometimes too
complex and frustrating to students because
of the extraneous and irrelevant information
they usually contain.
Short-answer problems for assessment are
often easier for students than describing their
problem-solving procedures in writing.
Constructivist approaches are often too
time consuming, allowing insufcient time
for covering the entire calculus curriculum
during class time.
Resolution of these concerns will surely be addressed
in future curriculum revisions, and changes or modi-
cations will be made accordingly. However, these
accommodations are consistent with the historical
evolution of calculus, which is the study of change and
systems in perpetual motion.
In the past, calculus was taught in ways that made it
accessible to only a small proportion of the population.
However, recent curricular and pedagogical reforms in
calculus, both at the college and pre-college levels, have
152 Calculus in Society
served to increase student success, include twenty-rst-
century-technologies, and triple course enrollments.
Statistics indicate that calculus enrollments will con-
tinue to increase exponentially. These ndings suggest
that calculus instruction in the United States is respond-
ing positively to the academic needs of society.
Indeed, by combining the power of technology with
calculus, new areas of mathematics are emerging (for
example, fractals, dynamical systems, and chaos the-
ory). These new branches of mathematics have allowed
humans to mimic natures designs of mountain ranges,
oceans, and plant growth patternswhich once were
considered random acts of nature. In conclusion, calcu-
lus as a subject is still growing, and its applications are
continually expanding to meet the needs of a dynamic,
diverse, and technologically driven society.
Further Reading
Barnett, Raymond, Michael Ziegler, and Karl Byleen.
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Science, and Social
Science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2005.
Bressoud, David M. AP Calculus: What We Know.
June 2009.
Calinger, Ronald. A Contextual History of Mathematics.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999.
Calter, Paul, and Michael Calter. Technical Mathematics
with Calculus. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Dubinsky, Edward. Calculus, Concepts, Computers and
Cooperative Learning. May 2004.
Ferrini-Mundy, Joan, and K. Graham. An Overview of
the Calculus Curriculum Reform Effort: Issues for
Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum Development.
The American Mathematical Monthly 98, no. 7 (1991).
Gleaso, Andrew M., and Deborah H. Hallett. The
Calculus Consortium Based at Harvard University.
Spring 1992.
International Baccalaureate Organization. Diploma
Programme Mathematics HL. Wales, UK: Peterson
House, 2006.
Johnson, K. Harvard Calculus at Oklahoma State
University. The American Mathematical Monthly 102,
no. 9 (1995).
Murphy, Lisa. Reviewing Reformed Calculus. http://
Rogawski, Jon. Single Variable Calculus. New York: W. H.
Freeman, 2008.
Silverberg, J. Does Calculus Reform Work? MAA Notes
49 (1999).
Steen, Lynn A. On the Shoulders of Giants: New
Approaches to Numeracy. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press, 1990.
Tucker, Thomas, ed. Priming the Calculus Pump:
Innovations and Resources. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 1990.
Sharon Whitton
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Archimedes;
Calculus and Calculus Education; Function Rate of
Change; Functions; Geometry and Geometry Education.
See Digital Cameras
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Summary: Various calendars use different methods
of resolving the need for leap days, months, or years.
Even the earliest human beings must have noticed the
astronomical cycles: the alternation of day and night,
the pattern of the changes in the moons shape and
position, and the cycle of the seasons through the solar
year. It must have been frightening every autumn as the
days became shorter, causing concern that the night
might become permanent. This led to celebrations of
light in many areas as the days began to lengthen again.
Once the repetitions of the patterns were recognized,
people could count them to keep track of time. Lon-
ger cycles helped avoid difculties in keeping track of
large numbersonce approximately 30 days had been
counted, people could, instead, start counting moons.
Calendars 153
This same technique of grouping also occurred in the
development of counting systems in generalleading
to place-value structures in numeration systems.
The problem was that the shorter cycles did not t
evenly into the longer cycles. Trying to t the awkward-
length cycles together actually led to some mathemati-
cal developments: two different cycles would come
together at the least common multiple of the lengths
of their cycles; modular arithmetic and linear con-
gruences were methods of handling leftover periods
beyond the regular cycle periods.
The Julian and Gregorian Calendars
The Romans developed the Julian calendar (named
for Julius Caesar), recognizing that the exact num-
ber of 365 days in one year was slightly too short and
would soon throw the calendar off the actual cycle of
the solar year. They found a remedy by assuming the
solar year to be 365.25 days. To handle the one-quar-
ter day, they added one full day every four yearsthe
day that we call leap-year day on February 29 of
years whose number is a multiple of four. This gives
3 365 366 1461 ( ) + = days in four years, or an aver-
age of 365.25 days per year as desired. However, the
actual solar year is 365.2422 days long (to four decimal
places), about 11 minutes less than the Romans value.
Even in a human lifetime, this is negligible. Over cen-
turies, however, the extra time builds up so that by the
1500s, the calendar was 10 days off from the solar cycle
(for example, the vernal equinox seemed to be coming
too late).
In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII assembled a group of
scholars who devised a new system to t better. It kept
the Roman pattern except that century years (1600,
1700), which should have been leap years in the Roman
calendar, would not have a February 29 unless they were
multiples of 400. For example, 1900 was not a leap,
year but 2000 was. In the full 400-year cycle, there are
(400 365) regular days + 97 leap-year days = 146,097
days, making an average of 365.2425 days per year. This
cycle is only .0003 days (about 26 seconds) too much;
in 10,000 years, we would gain three extra days. This
system was called the Gregorian calendar. Since the lon-
ger Julian calendar had fallen behind the solar year by
about 10 days, the changeover to the Gregorian required
jumping 10 days.
Various countries in Europe changed at different
times, with each switch causing local controversy
as people felt they were being cheated out of the
skipped days. The effects of the change are noticed
in history. When Isaac Newton was born, the calen-
dar said it was December 25, 1642; but later England
changed the calendar, so some historians today give
Newtons birthday as January 4, 1643. The Russians
did not change their calendar until after the 1917
October Revolution, which happened in November
by the Gregorian calendar.
The Lunar Calendar
The other incongruity of calendar systems is that the
moon cycle of 29.53 days does not t neatly in the
365.2422 days of the year. Twelve moon periods is 11
days shorter than a year, and 13 moons is 18 days too
long. It is interesting to note that of the three major
religious groups of the Middle Eastthe Christians,
the Muslims, and the Jewseach chose a different way
154 Calendars
A 14121416 illumination depicting the month of
March with the constellations of the zodiac on top.
to handle moons/months. The Christians (actually,
originally, the Romans) ignored the moon cycle and
simply created months of 30 and 31 (and 28 or 29)
days. The Muslims considered their year to be 12 moon
cycles and ignored the solar year. This means that dates
in the Muslim calendar are shifted back approximately
11 days each year from the solar calendar, and Muslim
festivals move backward through the seasons.
People in the Jewish faith chose to keep both the
solar and lunar cycles. After 12 lunar months, a new
year beginsas in the Muslim calendar11 days too
early. However, after the calendar slips for two or three
yearsfalling behind the solar calendar by 22 or 33
daysan extra month is inserted to compensate for the
loss. There is a 19-year pattern of the insertion of extra
months, which keeps the year aligned with the solar year.
Interestingly, the traditional east Asian calendar follows
a pattern very similar to the Jewish calendar.
The Mayan Calendar
The Mayans of Central America had a very complex
pattern of cycles leading to a 260-day year for reli-
gious purposes, and a regular solar year that was used
for farming and other climate-related activities. Their
base-20 numeration system, which should have had
place-value columns of 1-20-400-8000, was adjusted
to 1-20-360 to t into the 365+ days of the year. They
were also notable for developing massive cycles of years
lasting several millennia, including one ending in late
2012 of the Gregorian calendar.
Further Reading
Aslaksen, Helmer. The Mathematics of the Chinese
Crescent Moon Visibility and the Islamic Calendar.
Duncan, David Ewing. Calendar: Humanitys Epic
Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year. New
York: Harper Perennial, 2001.
Rich, Tracey R. Judaism 101: Jewish Calendar.
Richards, E. G. Mapping Time: The Calendar and Its
History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Stray, Geoff. The Mayan and Other Ancient Calendars.
New York: Walker & Company, 2007.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Astronomy; Incan and Mayan Mathematics;
Measuring Time.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Modern canal design, particularly the
challenges of a lock system, depends on partial
differential equations and other mathematics.
Canals are human-made channels for water, includ-
ing both waterways big enough to be traversed by ship
(built for transportation), and aqueducts (built for
water supply and irrigation). The building of canals
was critical to the formation of many ancient civili-
zations, which needed to manipulate water access in
order to enable an early urban lifestyle. Many ancient
mathematics texts address such large-scale ancient
engineering projects.
A number of the surviving Babylonian tablets dealing
with geometry were composed for canal projects: they
calculated the number of workers necessary to build
the canal in a given number of days, the dimensions of
the canal, and the total wage expenses so that the ruler
for whom they were built would know how much the
project would cost. Mathematical problems related to
the construction of canals can also be found in the fth
chapter of The Jiuzhang Suanshu (Nine Chapters on the
Mathematical Art), one of the earliest surviving ancient
Chinese mathematics texts. Mathematicians and engi-
neers have long investigated canals.
For instance, Jacopo Riccati worked on hydraulics
and constructed dikes in Venice, and Barnab Brisson
employed descriptive geometry in the design and con-
struction of ship canals. Mathematicians like George
Green and Joseph Boussinesq analyzed and modeled
wave motion in canals. John Russell tested and studied
steam-powered canal transportation and wave cre-
ation for the Union Canal Company. Mikhail Lavren-
tev created a theoretical foundation for large projects
on the Volga, Dnieper, and Don rivers. Mathematics
theories and techniques are critical when engineers,
mathematicians, and software programmers model the
Canals 155
changing ow rates and levels of a canal. They rely on
mathematics like the Saint-Venant equations (partial
differential equations that are named after mechanic
and mathematician Jean Claude Saint-Venant).
The simplest canals are merely trenches through
which water runs, usually lined with some kind of
construction material. Canals need to be level in order
to be navigable (a ship cannot move uphill). When
the land itself is not level, a lock system must be used.
Locks are systems for raising and lowering boats from
one stretch of water to a stretch of water at a different
level. The most common type of canal lockused in
ancient China, and most likely in the ancient West, and
still common todayis the pound lock, which consists
of a watertight chamber with gates at either end to con-
trol the water level in the chamber.
Engineer Chiao Wei-Yo is credited with the design
of the lock system, which he used on the Grand Canal
in the tenth century. In the pound lock system, a ship
enters the chamber (the pound) from one length of
canal; water is raised or lowered to bring the ship to
the level of the next length of canal; and the ship exits
the chamber. The necessity of locks added much com-
plexity, time, and room for error to the construction of
canals, which would have been sufcient to discour-
age Napoleons aims. In 2010, the Panama Canal com-
memorated its one-millionth transit, and engineers
plan to expand the canal by adding more locks. It has
been referred to as one of the seven wonders of the
industrial world.
Further Reading
Bernstein, Peter. Wedding of the Waters: The Erie Canal
and the Making of a Great Nation. New York: W. W.
Norton, 2006.
Karabell, Zachary. Parting the Desert: The Creation of the
Suez Canal. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.
Montas, Jose. Mathematical Models in Canals. In
Hydraulic Canals: Design, Construction, Regulation
and Maintenance. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006.
Parker, Matthew. Panama Fever: The Epic Story of One
of the Greatest Human Achievements of All Time. New
York: Doubleday, 2007.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Floods; Tides and Waves; Tunnels; Water
156 Canals
Major Canals
ignicant canals include the Erie Canal in
the United States, the Suez Canal in Egypt,
the Panama Canal in Panama, and the Grand
Canal in China, each of which was constructed
as a major operation for the sake of hastening
trade and transport. Judge Benjamin Wright,
who some call the father of American civil engi-
neering, was appointed the chief engineer of
the Erie Canal. Astronomer and mathematician
Guo Shoujing (also known as Kuo Shou-ching)
was the head of the Water Works Bureau in the
thirteenth century. He made improvements to
control the water level in existing canals and
built new ones.
The Suez Canal was imagined long before
it was completed, and the Egyptians were mas-
ters of large-scale engineering projects. Napo-
leon Bonaparte, during the French invasion of
Egypt, reportedly discovered ruins of an ancient
canal, which inspired him to order a preliminary
survey exploring the possibility of a northsouth
canal joining the Mediterranean and the Red
Sea (the ancient canal had been eastwest and
was intended to link the Red Sea and the Nile).
The project was abandonedpossibly because
of the belief that the Red Sea was higher than
the Mediterraneanand so the canal remained
unbuilt for 70 years.
The Gatun (above) and Miraflores Locks of the
Panama Canal can be viewed from a webcam.
Carbon Dating
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Exponential and logarithmic functions
are used in carbon datinga method of determining
the age of plant and animal fossils.
As is demonstrated throughout this encyclopedia,
mathematics provides explanations for many interest-
ing physical phenomena, and enables humankind to
better understand its surrounding world. One of our
ongoing intellectual projects is simply to make sense
of the world we inhabit, based on the evidence that
surrounds us. As anthropologists, archaeologists, and
geologists have worked to determine the age of the
earth and to track the evolution of species, radioac-
tive isotopes have played a prominent role in efforts
to create a timeline that charts a wide range of his-
torical developments. In particular, carbon-14 dating
has provided a fundamental test enabling scientists to
accurately date certain plant and animal fossils that are
approximately 60,000 years old or less. Willard Libby
was one of the rst to research radiocarbon dating, and
he won a Nobel Prize in chemistry. Carbon dating is
not an exact science, and statistical methods are used
to enhance the reliability of the methods.
The Mathematics of Carbon Dating
Left alone, a radioactive quantity will decay at a rate
proportionate to the amount of the quantity present at
a given time. More specically, a radioactive chemical
element (such as uranium) is one that is unstable; as
it decays, it emits energy and its fundamental makeup
changes as the mass of the element is changed to an
element of a different type. Because such an element
is losing mass at a rate proportionate to the available
mass at time t, an exponential function may be used to
model the amount of the isotope that is present.
Letting M(t) represent the mass of the element at
time t, it turns out that M t M e
( ) =
, where M
the mass at initial measurement (at time t =0), and k
is a constant that is connected to the rate at which the
element decays. Furthermore, k is tied to the isotopes
half-life (the amount of time it takes for 50% of the
mass present to decay). In the given model, if h repre-
sents the half-life, then when t =h, it follows that
That is, the equation
M e
kh 0
must hold. Dividing both sides by M
, yields
and using the natural logarithm function, one may solve
for k and thus rewrite the most recent equation as
kh ln
This can be rewritten as
A property of the natural logarithm is that
= ( ) ln ln
so that in slightly simpler terms,
( ) ln 2
Therefore, the model for radioactive decay of an ele-
ment having half-life h is
M t M e
h t
( ) =
( ) ( )
2 ln
With this background in place, one is now ready to
understand how carbon dating works.
All living things contain carbon, and the prepon-
derance of the carbon present in plants and animals is
its stable isotope, carbon-12. At the same time, every
living being takes in radioactive carbon-14, and this
carbon-14 becomes part of our organic makeup. While
carbon-14 is constantly decaying simply by doing the
M h .
( ) =
M h .
( ) =
Carbon Dating 157
normal things that come with being alive, each living
organism continuously replenishes its supply of car-
bon-14 in such a way that the ratio of carbon-12 to
carbon-14 in its body is constant.
When no longer living, a plant or animal lacks the
ability to ingest carbon-14, and thus the ratio of carbon-
12 to carbon-14 starts to change, and this ratio changes
at the rate that carbon-14 decays. Chemists have long
known that carbon-14 has a half-life of approximately
h=5700 years, and this knowledge, together with the
exponential model
M t M e
h t
( ) =
( ) ( )
2 ln
enables people to determine the age of certain fossils.
Consider, for example, the situation where a bone is
found that contains 40% of the carbon-14 it would be
expected to have in a living animal. With less than half
the original amount present, but more than 25%, it can
be determined that the bone is somewhere between one
and two half-lives old; that is, the animal lived between
5700 and 11,400 years ago.
Through our understanding of exponential func-
tions and logarithms, this estimate can be made much
more precise.
Specically, let t =0 be the year the animal died.
The present year t satises the equation M t M ( ) = 0 4
. ,
since 40% of the initial amount of carbon-14 remains.
From the model, it is known that t must be the solution
to the equation
0 4
0 0
2 5700
M M e
( ) ( )
First, divide both sides by M
to get 0 4
2 5700
( ) ( )
and then, taking the natural logarithm of both sides
ofthe equation, it follows that
ln .
0 4
( ) =
( )
Thus, solving for t yields
t =
( )
( )
5700 0 4
ln .
and the skeletal remains have been dated according to
their carbon content.
Limitations of Carbon Dating
Carbon dating does have some reasonable limitations.
One of these involves the complications of measuring
only trace amounts of carbon-14, and emphasizes the
behavior of functions that model exponential decay. For
each half-life that passes, half of the most recent quan-
tity of the element remains. That is, after one half-life,
remains; after two, half of that amount,
is left;
after three,
is present.
The quantity rapidly diminishes from there. For
instance, after 10 half-lives have elapsed, there is
2 1024
= or approximately
left. Because each living organism only
contains trace amounts of carbon-14 to begin with (of
all carbon atoms, only about one-trillionth are carbon-
14), after 10 half-lives elapse, the remaining amount
of carbon-14 is so small that it is not only difcult to
measure accurately, but it is difcult to ensure that the
measured carbon-14 actually remains from the organ-
ism of interest and was not somehow contributed from
another source. Ten half-lives is approximately 60,000
years, so any organism deemed older than that needs to
be dated in another manner, typically using other radio-
active isotopes that have considerably longer half-lives.
Finally, because radiocarbon dating depends on nat-
urally occurring radioactive decay, its accuracy depends
on such decay not being accelerated by unnatural
causes. In the 1940s, the Manhattan Project resulted in
humankinds development of synthetic nuclear energy
and weapons; subsequent nuclear testing and accidents
have released radiation into the atmosphere that makes
the accuracy of carbon-14 dating more suspect for
organisms that die after 1940.
New Developments
The exponential model M t M e
( ) =
of radioactive
isotope decay has enabled humans to better understand
our surrounding world, and to know with condence
key information about the history of the existence of
158 Carbon Dating
plant and animal life on Earth. Even today, there are
new developments in the science of radiocarbon dat-
ing as experts work to understand how subtle changes
in Earths magnetic eld and solar activity affect the
amounts of carbon-14 present in the atmosphere. In
addition to continuing to help analyze fossil histo-
ries, carbon-14 dating may prove an important tool in
ongoing research in climate change.
The Accelerator Mass Spectrometry method of dat-
ing directly measures the number of carbon atoms
rather than their radioactivity, which allows for the
dating of small samples. Other methods under devel-
opment include nondestructive carbon dating, which
eliminates the need for samples. A group of Russian
mathematicians have proposed a new chronology of
history based on other methods for dating; however,
many have dismissed their work as pseudoscience.
Physicist Claus Rolfs explores methods to accelerate
radioactive decay in the hope of reducing the amount
of radioactive material.
Further Reading
Archaeological Time Machine Greatly Improves
Accuracy of Early Radiocarbon Dating. Science News
Daily (February 11, 2010) http://www.sciencedaily
Brain, Marshall. How Carbon Dating Works. http://
Comap. For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical
Literacy in Todays World. 7th ed. New York: W. H.
Freeman, 2006.
Connally, E. et al. Functions Modeling Change: A
Preparation for Calculus. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Calculus
and Calculus Education; Exponentials and Logarithms;
Carbon Footprint
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Representations.
Summary: A carbon footprint is a mathematical
calculation of a persons or a communitys total
emission of greenhouse gases per year.
Carbon footprint is intended to be a measure of the
ecological impact of people or events. It is a calculation
of total emission of greenhouse gases, typically carbon
dioxide, and is often stated in units of tons per year.
There is no universal mathematical method or agreed-
upon set of variables that are used to calculate carbon
footprint, though scientists and mathematicians esti-
mate carbon footprints for individuals, companies, and
nations. Many calculators are available on the Internet
that take into account factors like the number of miles
a person drives or ies, whether or not he or she uses
energy efcient light bulbs, whether he or she shops for
food at local stores, and what sort of technology he or
she uses for electrical power. Some variables are direct,
such as the carbon dioxide released by a person driving
a car, while others are indirect and focus on the entire
life cycle of products, such as the fuel used to produce
the vegetables that a person buys at the grocery store
and disposal of packaging waste.
The notion of a carbon footprint is being consid-
ered in a wide range of areas, including the construc-
tion of low-impact homes, ofces, and other buildings.
The design must take into account not only the future
impact of the building in terms of carbon emissions,
but carbon-related production costs for the materials,
labor, and energy used to build it. Mathematical mod-
eling and optimization helps engineers and architects
create efcient, useful, and sometimes even beautiful
structures while reducing the overall carbon footprint.
Mathematicians are also involved in the design of tech-
nology that is more energy efcient, as well as meth-
ods that allow individuals and businesses to convert
to electronic documents and transactions rather than
using paper. These methods include using improved
communication technology, faster computer networks,
improved methods for digital le sharing and online
collaboration, and security protocols for digital sig-
natures and nancial transactions. Manufacturers are
increasingly being urged and even required to examine
their practices, since manufacturing processes produce
both greenhouse gasses from factory smokestacks and
waste heat. Mathematicians and scientists are working
on ways to recycle much of this heat for power gen-
eration. One proposed device combines a loop heat
Carbon Footprint 159
pipe, which is a passive system for moving heat from
a source to another system, often over long distances,
with a Tesla turbine. Patented by scientist and inventor
Nikola Tesla, a Tesla turbine is driven by the bound-
ary layer effect rather than uid passing over blades
as in conventional turbines. It is sometimes called a
Prandtl layer turbine after Ludwig Prandtl, a scientist
who worked extensively in developing the mathemat-
ics of aerodynamics and is credited with identifying the
boundary layer.
These are in turn related to the NavierStokes equa-
tions describing the motion of uid substances, named
for mathematicians Claude-Louis Navier and George
Stokes. The NavierStokes equations are also of inter-
est to pure mathematics, since many of their mathe-
matical properties remain unproven at the beginning
of the twenty-rst century.
Carbon Footprints of People
A calculation of the carbon footprints of different
aspects of peoples lives, and then the aggregate for
a year, is always an estimate. For example, different
towns use different methods for generating electric-
ity. Entering data for an electric bill allows for a rough
estimate of the households carbon footprint, but not
exact numbers, which would depend on the electric-
ity generating methods. Houses contribute to carbon
footprints through their building costs, heating and
cooling, water ltration, repair, and maintenanceall
of which use products with carbon footprints.
Travel is another major contributor to peoples car-
bon footprints. Daily commutes and longer trips with
any motorized transportation contribute to carbon
dioxide emissions. When computing carbon footprints,
fuel production and storage costs have to be taken into
The food that people eat contributes to the carbon
footprint if it is transported by motorized vehicles
before being eaten. The movement of locavores (peo-
ple who eat locally grown foods) aims to minimize
the carbon footprint of food. Also, different farming
practices may contribute more or less to the carbon
footprint of food.
The objects people use contribute to their carbon
footprints. Recycling and reusing reduces the need
for landlls, waste processing, and waste removal, all
of which have carbon footprints. There are individu-
als and communities who avoid waste entirely; several
countries, such as Japan, have plans to mandate zero-
waste practices within the next few decades.
Economy and Policy
There are two main strategies for addressing carbon
footprints. The rst strategy is to lower the carbon
footprint by modifying individual behaviors, such as
traveling by bike, eating locally, and recycling. The sec-
ond strategy is to perform activities with negative car-
bon footprints, such as planting trees, to match carbon
footprints of other activities.
Some companies incorporate activities that offset
the carbon footprint of their main production into
their business plans, either lowering their prot mar-
gins or passing the cost to their customers. There are
economic laws and proposals that attempt to integrate
carbon footprint considerations into the economy,
usually through taxes on use of fuel, energy, or emis-
sions. Carbon dioxide emissions, in economic terms,
are a negative externality (a negative effect on a party
not directly involved in the economic transaction).
Money collected through carbon taxes is generally used
to offset the cost to the environment.
Emissions trading is another mathematics-rich area
of dealing with carbon footprints economically. Gov-
ernments can sell emission permits to the highest-bid-
ding companies, matching their carbon footprints, and
capping the total emission permits sold. This method
allows prices of permits to uctuate with demand, in
contrast with carbon taxes in which prices are xed
and the quantities of emissions can change. Econo-
mists model the resulting behaviors, and advise policy-
makers based on the models outcomes.
Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
Marginal cost is an economic term that means the
change of cost that happens when one more unit of
product is made, or unit of service performed. For
physical objects, the curve is often U-shaped. The rst
units produced are very costly because their cost pro-
duction involves setting up the necessary infrastructure.
As more units are produced, and the infrastructure is
reused, the price goes down until the quantities of pro-
duction reach such levels that the logistic difculties
drive the price per additional units higher again.
A marginal abatement curve shows the cost of reduc-
ing emissions by one more unit. These curves are usu-
ally graphed in percents. For example, such a curve can
160 Carbon Footprint
be a straight line, with the cost of eliminating the rst
few percent of emission being zero or even negative.
This happens because it can be done by changing prac-
tices within existing economic infrastructures, such
as cheap smart switches into the residential sectors
lighting grids. Additional lowering of the carbon foot-
print, however, requires deeper and costlier changes to
the way of life. For example, there are relatively high
costs involved in switching to wind and solar power,
or switching to the use of crop rotations that do not
require high-carbon fertilizers.
Country by Country
The average carbon footprint of citizens varies by
country. For example, in late 2000s, the average annual
carbon footprint of a U.S. citizen was about 30 metric
tons per year, and a Japanese citizen about 10 metric
tons per year. However, these calculations are extremely
complicated because of global trade. For example,
many developed countries export or outsource
their carbon emissions to developing countries. Prod-
ucts imported from developing countries account for
anywhere from a tenth to a half of the carbon foot-
prints of developed nations.
International calculations indicate a strong correla-
tion between the average carbon footprint of a coun-
trys citizen and the average per capita consumption.
The higher the consumption rates, the higher the aver-
age carbon footprint.
The categories used for calculation for countries are
similar to those used for individuals and include con-
struction, shelter, food, clothing, manufactured prod-
ucts, services, transportation, and trade. The ratios of
these items to one another in the carbon footprints
vary by country. For example, the greatest item in the
U.S. carbon footprint is shelter (25%), with mobility
Carbon footprints are calculated to include travel, fuel production, transportation, and storage. In Canada,
mobility is the highest contributor to the national carbon footprint.
Carbon Footprint 161
being second (21%). In contrast, Canadas greatest
item affecting carbon footprint is mobility (30%), and
its second greatest is shared between shelter and service
(18% each).
Further Reading
Berners-Lee, Mike. How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon
Footprint of Everything. Vancouver, BC: Greystone
Books, 2011.
Goleman, Daniel. Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing
the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change
Everything. New York: Broadway Books, 2009.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: City Planning; Climate Change; Electricity;
Energy; Farming; Fuel Consumption; Green Design;
Green Mathematics; Recycling; Trafc; Wind and Wind
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: There are a wide variety of careers
in many disciplines available to those with a
mathematics background.
What can one do with a mathematics degree other
than teaching? It is a question asked by many aspiring
mathematicians. In fact, a more accurate question to ask
should be What cant one do with a math degree? Actu-
ally, the study of mathematics extends far beyond mere
number crunching and doing fast mental arithmetic in
grocery stores. The fact is that studying mathematics can
prepare one for numerous careers.
In general, companies believe that studying mathe-
matics develops analytical skills and the ability to work
in a problem-solving environment. These are the skills
and experiences that are essential assets to ones success
in the workplace. Precisely, mathematics is often the
quintessential element to uently communicate with
people of various backgrounds. It is the ability to ef-
ciently process a manifold of information and deliver
the technical details to a general audience that makes
mathematicians valuable. Having a mathematics back-
ground not only helps people broaden their pool of
career options, it also helps to land some of the best
jobs available.
According to an article published in the Wall Street
Journal on January 26, 2009, a mathematician is con-
sidered to be the best occupation in the United States.
This ranking was determined based on ve criteria
inherent to every job: environment, income, employ-
ment outlook, physical demands, and stress. In fact,
ve out of the six best jobs in terms of low stress,
high compensation, autonomy, and hiring demand in
the Job Related Almanac by Les Krantz are all math-
ematics related: (1) mathematician, (2) actuary, (3)
statistician, (4) biologist, (5) software engineer, and (6)
computer systems analyst. In this entry, a collection of
possible career opportunities appropriate for someone
with a mathematics background is provided, and a list
of resources is given on how to nd a job with different
levels of academic degrees. The lists are by no means
exhaustive and should only be used as a reference.
Analytical Thinking
Why is mathematics a required subject in school cur-
ricula at all levels? Why is mathematics so essential for
the proper functioning of everyday tasks in society?
Why do most people who excel in their eld credit
their success to their formal training in mathematics?
One possible reason is that a proper training in mathe-
matics provides people with abilities to think and solve
problems critically in novel settings.
A Web site sponsored by the Department of Math-
ematics at Brigham Young University provides a list of
possible career options for someone with a background
in mathematics. Some of the more common profes-
sions include actuary, architect, chemical engineer,
college professor, computer scientist, cryptanalyst,
economist, mechanical engineer, quantitative nancial
market analyst, and statistician; some less well-known
career options include air trafc controller, animator,
astronaut, epidemiologist, geologist, hydrologist, law-
yer, market research analyst, composer, physician, tech-
nical writer, and urban planner. Certainly, a xed set of
mathematics curriculum will not prepare one for all
the jobs listed here. What will be consistent is gaining
the ability to solve problems analytically and critically.
Not many people know that the San Antonio Spurs
Basketball Hall of Famer David Robinson had a B.S.
162 Careers
in mathematics from the U.S. Naval Academy. Even
Michael Jordan toyed with the idea of being a math-
ematics major in his early college years. It is perhaps
not surprising that one of the worlds most inuential
bankers and nanciers, J. P. Morgan, majored in math-
ematics, but not many would think that mathematics
would nd its way into entertainment. For example,
American actress Danica McKellar, who had a leading
role in a television comedy-drama The Wonder Years,
is a well-known mathematics author and education
advocate. The popular television drama, Numb3rs fea-
tured a mathematician who helped his brother in the
FBI to solve crimes with his mathematical genius. A few
popular movies that successfully portray mathemati-
cians in society include Good Will Hunting (1997), A
Beautiful Mind (2001), and Proof (2005).
Although it is seemingly impossible to categorize
every branch of mathematics in society, career options
available for those who study under common branches
of mathematics include the areas of applied mathemat-
ics, actuarial mathematics, nancial mathematics, and
other emerging elds.
Applied Mathematics
Applied mathematicians often solve problems that
originate in physics, chemistry, geology, biology, or
various disciplines of engineering. Mathematics is
used to model physical phenomena, to answer ques-
tions derived from observations, to learn characteris-
tics of large quantities, and to make predictions and
improvements for future events. A representative
mathematical training includes coursework in numer-
ical analysis and methods, computer programming,
computer languages, applied and experimental statis-
tics, and probability theory, as well as a few courses in
another eld of interest.
Often, a typical applied or computational mathemat-
ics problem is interdisciplinary in nature and derived
from realistic demands in industry. People who wish
to gain a general sense of what these types of problems
entail are encouraged to attend mathematics-in-indus-
try workshops that are available in Europe and some
parts of the United States and Asia. Mathematics in
Industry and International Study Groups maintains a
Web site that provides updated information for future
study groups and meetings. The Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) maintains a list of
example organizations, corporations, and research
institutions that hire mathematicians and computa-
tional scientists with an applied mathematics training.
These organizations, corporations, and research insti-
tutions include the following:
Aerospace and transportation equipment
manufacturers such as Aerospace Corp.,
Boeing, Ford Motor Co., General Motors,
Lockheed Martin, and United Technologies
Chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers
such as DuPont, GlaxoSmithKline, Kodak,
Merck & Co., Pzer, and Wyeth
Communications service providers such
as Clear Channel Communications, Qwest
Communications and Verizon
Electronics and computer manufacturers such
as Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Hewlett-
Packard, Honeywell, IBM Corporation,
Motorola, Philips Research, and SGI
Energy systems rms such as Lockheed-
Martin Energy Research Corporation and the
Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC)
Engineering research organizations such
as AT&T LaboratoriesResearch, Exxon
Research and Engineering, and NEC
Laboratories America
Federally funded contractors such as the
Mitre Corporation and RAND
Medical device companies such as Baxter
Healthcare, Boston Scientic, and Medtronic
U.S. government agencies such as the
Institute for Defense Analyses, NASAs
Institute for Computer Applications in
Science and Engineering, National Institute
of Standards and Technology, Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Supercomputing Research
Center, and the U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. government labs and research ofces
such as the Air Force Ofce of Scientic
Research, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacic
Northwest National Laboratory, and Sandia
National Laboratories
Producers of petroleum and petroleum
products such as Amoco, Exxon Research
and Engineering, and Petrleo Brasileiro
S/A, Petrobras
Careers 163
Actuarial Mathematics
An actuary is a risk management professional who
helps design insurance plans by recommending pre-
mium rates and making sure companies are designating
enough funds to pay out on claims. Actuaries may also
help create new investment tools for nancial institu-
tions. The main type of mathematics an actuary uses on
a daily basis is applied statistics, which involves arith-
metic, basic algebra, and practical applications such as
using numbers and math to generate tables and graphs.
Actuaries should also have a general understanding of
business, economics, and corporate nance, all of which
have mathematical components.
Most actuaries have at least a four-year degree in
mathematics, business, economics, statistics, or, in some
cases, a specic degree in actuarial science. As computer
modeling replaces traditional graphs and tables, com-
puter and programming skills have become increas-
ingly important as well. The last step to becoming a
licensed actuary is to get certied by passing a series of
exams sponsored by either the Society of Actuaries or
the Casualty Actuarial Society. The list of possible job
choices for someone with an actuarial background is
relatively small compared to that of the applied math-
ematicians. These include the following:
Consulting rms such as Daniel H. Wagner
Associates, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst
& Young, Hewitt, McKinsey & Company, and
Banks or related nancial institutions
such as AIG, ING, Capital Management,
Chase Manhattan Bank, CitiGroup, Fidelity
Investments, Goldman Sachs & Co, HSBC, JP
Morgan Securities, Lehman Brothers, Mercer
Investment Consulting, Merrill Lynch,
Morgan Stanley & Co, Standard and Poors,
TD Ameritrade, and Wachovia Securities
Brokers such as Acordia, Beneld, Cooper
Gay, Heath Lambert, HLF Group, March &
McLennan, and Willis Group
Actuarial software development companies
such as Actuarial Resources Corp. (ARCVal,
HealthVAL, STAR, UltraVAL, CARVM),
BLAZE SSI Corp., EMB America, Integrated
Actuarial Services (Total Solution, RAAPID),
TAG, and WySTAR Global Retirement
Miscellaneous jobs in large companies
and government agencies such as ACTEX
Publications, Casualty Actuarial Society,
Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co., International
Actuarial Association, National Association
of Insurance Commissioners, and the Society
of Actuaries
Insurance companies including both
property and liability insurance, and life and
health insurance such as AFLAC, AAA of CA,
Allstate, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Safeco,
Sun Life, Universal Care, and WellPoint
Financial Mathematics
Financial mathematics is the development of math-
ematical tools and computational models used in the
nancial industry and on Wall Street. People in this
profession are referred to as quantitative analysts, or
quants. As new quantitative techniques have trans-
formed the nancial industry, banks, insurance compa-
nies, investment and securities rms, energy companies
and utilities, multinationals, government regulatory
institutions, and other industries have all come to rely
on applied mathematics and computational science.
Sophisticated mathematics models and the compu-
tational methods and skills needed to implement them
are used to support investment decisions, to develop
and price new securities, and to manage risk, as well
as for portfolio selection, management, and optimi-
zation. For example, modern hedge funds depend on
these sophisticated techniques, as do pricing of bonds
and commodity futures. Typically, someone who is
interested in working in nancial service and invest-
ment rms such Citibank, Moodys Corporation, Mor-
gan Stanley, or Prudential will need to have a solid
background in mathematical modeling, numerical and
computational mathematics, applied statistics, busi-
ness, economics, and nance.
Emerging Fields
Biomathematics and Bioinformatics. This emerging
eld can be thought of as a computer science/mathe-
matics/biology hybrid that integrates mathematics and
computer technology in the study of biological sciences.
Broadly speaking, bioinformatics is the recording,
annotation, storage, analysis, and searching/retrieval of
nucleic acid sequence (genes, RNAs, and DNAs), pro-
tein sequence, and structural information. Mathemati-
164 Careers
cians in this area contribute to the development of new
algorithms with which to detect patterns and assess
relationships among members of large data sets.
Computer Visions and Computer Graphics. Mathema-
ticians in the eld of computer vision work on develop-
ing theoretical machine learning algorithms to extract
meaningful information from images. The images take
on various forms such as waveforms from voice recorders
or three-dimensional images from a magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) device. Its example applications include
(1) articial intelligence and controlling processes (for
example, industrial robots and autonomous vehicles), (2)
pattern recognition and verication (for example, public
surveillance and biometric identication), (3) model-
ing and processing (for example, medical image analy-
sis and terrain modeling), and (4) communication (for
example, brain-computer interface for people with dis-
ability). Mathematicians in the eld of computer graph-
ics develop ways to represent and manipulate image
data to be used by computers. The most well-known
applications under this category are the video game and
computer animation industries, where various trans-
formation matrices and interpolation techniques are
used to create smooth and believable subjects in succes-
sive frames. Companies such as Pixar and DreamWorks
hire mathematicians in their research divisions to come
up with innovative ways to enhance visual effects to
be more aligned to reality. Other companies that hire
mathematicians with backgrounds in computer vision
and graphics include Siemens, Hewlett-Packard (HP),
Honeywell, Flash Foto, GeoEye, Nokia, Microsoft, Apple
Inc.,, and Google.
Operations Research. This is a highly interdisciplin-
ary branch of applied mathematics that uses methods
such as mathematical modeling and optimization to
solve problems that require a complex decision-mak-
ing process. Mathematical areas such as game theory
and graph theory have become useful tools in solving
problems under the umbrella of operations research
(OR). Examples of disciplines that use OR are nancial
engineering, environmental engineering, manufactur-
ing and service sciences, policy-making and public sec-
tor work, revenue management, and transportation.
Almost all companies hire operations research analysts
to use mathematics and computers to develop software
and other tools that managers can use to make deci-
sions such as how many people to hire and retain in
order to maximize productivity and minimize costs.
It is worth reemphasizing that having a mathematics
degree or a mathematics-related degree increases ones
chance of securing a position in nearly any company.
Even areas that are traditionally viewed as pure math-
ematics such as combinatorics, number theory, topol-
ogy, algebraic and differential geometry, analysis, and
algebra often turn out to have real-world applications;
for example, number theory in cryptography, Fourier
analysis in speech recognition, and differential geom-
etry in face recognition. Some additional career choices
are as follows:
Nonprot organizations such as the
American Institute of Mathematics (AIM),
and SIAM
Publishers and online products such as
Birkhauser, Springer, and Elsevier Science
University-based research organizations
such as the Institute for Advanced Study,
the Institute for Mathematics and Its
Applications (IMA) and the Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
Government agencies such as the National
Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD)
Teaching at academic institutions. To
teach at the high school level, one needs
a bachelors degree in mathematics and a
teaching credential; to teach at the community
college level, one needs a Master of Science
or Master of Art degree in mathematics; to
teach at the college level, one needs a Ph.D. in
mathematics, mathematics education, applied
mathematics, or statistics
Online Mathematics Jobs Listings
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) has an
extensive set of resources to help someone in the mar-
ket for academic positions and is the premier source for
information on careers in mathematics. This includes
a list of job postings organized by country and state. It
has useful features such as an e-mail service that noties
applicants of all new job listings and an online storage
of curriculum vitae (academic resume) and transcripts
that can be used repeatedly for different applications.
In addition, it allows one to register for the job fairs
at the annual AMS meetings and has a list of graduate
programs for students.
Careers 165
The Math-Jobs Web site lists international and
national job openings for mathematicians in both
industry and academics.
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
has a comprehensive set of resources for students, fac-
ulties, professional mathematicians, and all who are
interested in the mathematical sciences. In particular,
MAA Math Classieds helps people to nd career in
the diverse eld of mathematics.
The Chronicle of Higher Education has academic and
nonacademic job advertisements. Use the searchable
index to nd mathematics jobs.
The Mathematical Sciences Career Information by
AMS-SIAM has information on nonacademic jobs,
proles of mathematicians in industry, job search tips,
and links to many online job-posting services.
Further Reading
Lambert, Stephen, and Ruth J. DeCotis. Great Jobs for
Math Majors. Chicago: VGM Career Horizons, 1999.
Sterrett, Andrew. 101 Careers in Mathematics. 2nd ed.
Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association
of America, 2003.
Tyler, Marya Washington. On-the-Job Math Mysteries:
Real-Life Math From Exciting Careers. Waco, TX:
Prufrock Press, 2008.
Jen-Mei Chang
See Also: Accounting; Mathematics, Applied; Problem
Solving in Society; Professional Associations.
Caribbean America
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The diverse islands of Caribbean America
have produced notable mathematicians.
The Arawaks, Caribs, and other pre-Columbian peoples
lived in the area of the Caribbean Sea before Spanish,
French, English, or Scottish sea traders settled there. Lin-
guists explore the different languages that were spoken
in the Caribbean, traces of which can be found in the
twenty-rst century. Along with these languages, there
were possibly different numerical systems. Sea merchants
needed bookkeepers and accountants to keep track of
their business, and although Port Royal and other places
in the seventeenth-century Caribbean were notorious
for piracy and lawlessness, there were also many count-
ing houses and legitimate business operations.
The development of schools and universities led to
more mathematical opportunities. According to the
United Nations, the Caribbean America region encom-
passes Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, the Baha-
mas, Barbados, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman
Islands, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Gre-
nada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montser-
rat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Saint-Barthlemy,
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (French
part), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and
Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. By the end of the twentieth century, there were
numerous Caribbean mathematicians, and The Carib-
bean Journal of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
has published volumes of research articles.
Mathematicians in the Caribbean, and around the
world, have also worked on mathematics history and
research that is specically related to the Caribbean area,
like C. Allen Butler, who investigated optimal search
techniques for smugglers in the Caribbean. Mathemati-
cians have also discussed the high numbers of university
graduates who have left the Caribbean, and they have
created educational initiatives and mathematical texts
designed for Caribbean children. The Caribbean and
Central America areas combine for a joint Mathemati-
cal Olympiad. The most well-known mathematician in
the region is perhaps Keith Michell from Grenada who,
after completing his doctoral thesis from the American
University, was a professor at Howard University, and
then returned to Grenada, becoming prime minister in
1995, a position he held until 2008.
On the island of Barbados, although education was
an important facet of colonial life from the late nine-
teenth century on, few students were able to continue
with mathematics. One exception was Merville ONeale
Campbell, who had become fascinated with math-
ematics at an early age and won a scholarship to study
at Cambridge University in England. He then went to
teach at the Gold Coast (now Ghana), completing his
doctoral thesis, Classication of Countable Torsion-
166 Caribbean America
Free Abelian Groups, from the University of London,
and is noted as the rst Barbadian to have a Ph.D. in
mathematics. His daughter, Lucy Jean Campbell, also
completed her doctoral thesis in mathematics, and spe-
cializes in geophysical uid dynamics, nonlinear waves,
and a variety of numerical and analytical methods at
Carleton University in Ottawa. Other prominent Barba-
dian mathematicians include Charles C. Cadogan, who
has edited the Caribbean Journal of Mathematical and
Computing Sciences and has contributed papers in jour-
nals around the world; and Hugh G. R. Millington, who
completed his doctorate, Cylinder Measures, from the
University of British Columbia and then worked at the
University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados.
British Caribbean
Well-known mathematicians from the British Carib-
bean include those from Jamaica. Earl Brown, who was
the head of the Department of Science & Mathemat-
ics at University of Technology (Jamaica) from 1997 to
2000, completed his doctoral thesis at the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology. Joshua Leslie completed
his doctoral thesis from the Sorbonne in Paris, and
was the chair of the Mathematics Department at How-
ard University; and Kweku-Muata Agyei Osei-Bryson
from Kingston completed his doctoral thesis, Multi-
objective and Large-Scale Linear Programming, at the
University of MarylandCollege Park in 1988, and
from 1993 until 1997 was the Faculty Fellow (Informa-
tion Systems) for the U.S. Army, The Pentagon. Other
prominent mathematicians from Jamaica, or whose
ancestors were from Jamaica, include Garth A. Baker,
Charles Gladstone Costley, Leighton Henry, Fern Hunt,
Lancelot F. James, Clement McCalla, Bernard Mair,
Claude Packer, Paul Peart, Donald St. P. Richards, and
Karl Robinson.
Elsewhere in the British Caribbean, there have also
been a number of mathematicians who held senior
positions in the region and in the United States includ-
ing Ron Buckmire from Grenada, who has specialized
in computational aerodynamics; Edward Farrell from
Trinidad, who has published extensively on polynomi-
als; and Velmer Headley from Barbados, who has con-
centrated on the study of differential equations.
One notable Cuban mathematician is Argelia Velez-
Rodriguez, who was born in Havana and won her rst
mathematics competition when she was 9. She was the
rst Afro-Cuban to complete a doctorate from the Uni-
versity of Havana but left Cuba two years later to live in
the United States. Since the 1959 Revolution, there has
been an increased emphasis on the education system
in Cuba, and Cuban students have long shown a high
aptitude for mathematics.
French Caribbean
French Caribbean mathematicians include those from
Haiti, with a desperately poor education system, and
Guadeloupe. Louis Beaugris completed his doctoral
thesis, Some Results Related to the Generators of
Cyclic Codes Over Zm, at the University of Iowa. Serge
A. Bernard completed his doctoral thesis, A Multi-
variate EWMA Approach to Monitor Process Disper-
sion, at the University of MarylandCollege Park;
and Jean-Michelet Jean-Michel completed his doctor-
ate at Brown University. Alex Meril from Guadeloupe
completed his thesis at the University of Bordeaux and
worked at the University of Guadeloupe.
Further Reading
Nieto Said, Jos, and Rafael Snchez Lamoneda. Ten
Years of the Mathematical Olympiad of Central
America and the Caribbean. World Federation of
National Mathematics Competitions 22, no. 1 (2009).
University of the West Indies. Caribbean Journal of
Mathematical and Computing Sciences. http://www
Williams, Scott. Mathematics Today in the Caribbean.
Justin Corfield
See Also: Central America; North America; South
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Precise measurement is the foundation of
the building trades.
Carpentry 167
While the word carpentry originally comes from the
Latin root for chariot maker, today, the term refers to a
number of trades that use wood for the construction of
buildings and other articles. As there is a wide range of
activities involved in carpentry tasks, carpenters must
possess many different manual and intellectual skills to
function in the profession.
Types of Carpenters
Carpenters who work on houses often fall into one of
two broad categories: framing carpenters who work on
the rough frame of a building, and nish carpenters
who complete trim, stairs, railings, shelves, and other
detail work. However, in practice, many carpenters end
up doing some of each type of work, and carpenters
who specialize in remodeling may not only do framing
and nish carpentry but also tasks that are not strictly
carpentry at all, such as plumbing, wiring, sheetrock
nishing, and painting. There are also carpenters who
specialize more narrowly, such as cabinet makers or car-
penters who work on the specialized joinery between
large posts and beams required in timber frame and log
cabin construction.
Tasks of the Carpenter
Carpentry requires a variety of skills, including read-
ing blueprints, measuring, cutting, fastening, and n-
ishing. In addition, a carpenter must have knowledge
of materials, including a variety of wood products and
fasteners; and tools, including measuring devices, saws,
drills, hammers, planes, and sanders. Carpenters who
work on their own or as subcontractors on larger jobs
must also have skills in cost-estimation and billing.
Consider, for instance, a carpenter who has been
hired to add a covered deck onto a house. This carpen-
ter might begin by working with the homeowner to
determine the size and shape of the deck, possibly using
a Computer Assisted Design (CAD) program to gener-
ate three-dimensional representations of how the n-
ished project will look. After deciding on a design, the
carpenter will need to use structural engineering tables
to assess structural issues related to the design, such as
the dimensions required for posts, the placement and
size of cross-bracing, and the sizes of timbers that will
be needed to span the distance between posts. From the
calculations, the carpenter will then generate a price
estimate, based on a materials list and an estimate of
labor. The actual construction will include pouring
concrete footers for the posts, measuring and cutting
posts and joists with a circular saw, fastening materi-
als to one another and to the house, screwing decking
materials to the framing, framing a roof, installing roof-
ing materials, constructing a railing, and building and
nishing a set of stairs from the yard to the deck.
A Carpenters Calculations
In the process of creating a simple covered deck, this
carpenter will be making many measurements, calcula-
tions, and decisions regarding:
Layout: The initial position of the deck must be laid
out so it is square to the house. To do this, the carpenter
will construct a set of batter boards that are set outside
the corners of the proposed deck and allow strings to
be pulled to mark the edges of the deck. Employing the
rule that the diagonals in a rectangle are equal to one
another, the carpenter adjusts the strings to bring the
corners to 90 degrees. Corner square may also be estab-
lished and checked using the Pythagorean theorem.
168 Carpentry
Carpenters need to be able to read blueprints, and
measure, cut, fasten, and finish a variety of materials.
Footers: Each post will be anchored to a concrete
footer that will prevent it from moving or sinking into
the ground. The bottom of the holes for these footers
must be dug below the freeze level for the geographic
area where the deck is being built so that the footers will
not be heaved out of place by the freezing and resulting
expansion of the soil. By consulting the building code,
the carpenter will determine the appropriate area for
the footer in square feet; multiplying by the height will
give the cubic feet. If this is a large project, where the
concrete will be delivered, the carpenter will have to
convert cubic feet to cubic yards, as this is the unit in
which concrete is ordered.
Raising the Posts: After pouring the footers, the car-
penter will raise the posts for the deck being built. Since
these posts will also support the roof in this example,
they must be cut carefully to take into account any vari-
ation in the height of the footers. This measurement
will be done by using a transit, a laser level, or a water
level to assess the difference in the height of the footers.
The carpenter will then add or subtract length to the
height of each post to compensate. Once the posts are
cut, they can be raised into position, ensuring each is
plumb (perfectly vertical) using a level.
Joists and Decking: The sizing for all the wooden
parts of the deck is determined by calculating how
long a distance must be spanned and the weight the
span will carry. The timber that is parallel to the house
and runs between the posts must be sized to be strong
enough to carry all the weight between each pair of
posts; the longer the span between posts, the larger this
timber must be. Similarly, the oor joists that butt into
this timber will need to be large enough to carry the
weight over their length, and the decking will be sized
so that it does not sag between the joists.
Fasteners: In our example, the deck will be fas-
tened to the building using bolts, and held together
using nails, while the decking itself will be screwed
on. The carpenter has many fasteners to choose from
with many different nishes. Each type of fastener has
special characteristics that make it useful for certain
tasks. Nails are typically sold by the pound and come
in sizes from large 20d framing nails (often called 20
penny nails) to small 6d nish nails. Screws are also
sold by the pound but are sized by length and by a
number that can be converted, using a chart, to their
diameter. Bolts are sold by diameter and length; as
is the case with all fasteners, there are many differ-
ent types among them, lag bolts, carriage bolts, and
through bolts.
The Roof: The roof over the deck will be set at an angle
so water runs off it and away from the house. The pitch
of a roof is typically measured in rise over run, with the
denominator of this fraction always given as 12. Thus, a
roof that goes up four feet over a run of 12 feet is said
to be a 4:12 roof. The carpenter will use a special tool
called a speed square that allows the direct conversion
of roof pitch to angles and mark rafters for cutting.
Stairs: While stairs can be constructed to be more
or less steep, a carpenter must keep in mind a basic
mathematical relationship between tread length and
riser height that will make a set of stairs comfortable
to ascend. It turns out that because of the characteristic
of the human gait, the steeper a stair, the less wide each
tread should be. The formula that carpenters use is that
for each stair, twice the rise plus the run should equal
2426 inches.
Of course, once the carpenter is done with the project,
there are still numerous other tasks to complete, includ-
ing building railings and benches, as well as nishing
and waterproong the surfaces. If the homeowner were
to want an outdoor grill area, with built-in cabinets,
the carpenter would have a whole new set of challenges
worthy of a cabinet maker and nish carpenter.
Further Reading
Gerhart, James. Mastering Math for the Buildings Trades.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Webster, Alfred P. Mathematics for Carpentry and the
Construction Trades. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 2001.
Jeff Goodman
See Also: Geometry in Society; Measurement, Systems
of; Pythagorean Theorem.
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Data
Analysis and Probability; Measurement.
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos 169
Summary: Carlos Castillo-Chvez works in the eld
of mathematical epidemiology, which deals with the
spread, treatment, and eradication of diseases.
Carlos Castillo-Chvez (1952) is a Mexican-American
applied mathematician, eminent in the eld of math-
ematical epidemiology. His research and writing has
advanced human understanding of the mechanisms by
which diseases spread and by which they can be con-
tained. The specic diseases that he has worked with
extensively include human immunodeciency virus
and acquired immune deciency syndrome (HIV/
AIDS), tuberculosis, inuenza, and many others.
He grew up in Mexico, where he excelled academi-
cally. Motivated in part by the Tlatelolco massacre
in which hundreds of Mexican students were killed,
he emigrated to Wisconsin in 1974. In 1984, he was
awarded a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of
WisconsinMadison. He spent 18 years as a professor
at Cornell University before coming to Arizona State
University, where he is both professor of mathematical
biology and executive director of the Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute, as well as the Institute for
Strengthening the Understanding of Mathematics. He
is considered an important voice of the mathematical
biology community and has served on many inuen-
tial committees and panels, including the National Sci-
ence Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and
the American Mathematical Society.
Mathematics and Biology
In the past decades, mathematics and biology have
enjoyed an increasingly symbiotic relationship. Math-
ematical biology is a wide area of applied mathematics,
focusing principally on modeling. A model of a bio-
logical process or phenomenon is a mathematical sys-
tem that obeys certain rules and properties abstracted
from what we know (or suspect) about the biology in
the real world. Two primary mathematical tools for
mathematical biology are the study of dynamical sys-
tems and differential equations, since we are often most
interested in how certain quantities change in response
to other quantities.
A distinguishing feature of mathematical biology
is the mutual feedback between the mathematicians
and the scientists involved. A model based on todays
understanding of a certain disease (or of the action of
neurons, or of cellular growth) may make certain pre-
dictions, suggesting that certain experiments be per-
formed. The results of these experiments can improve,
correct, and rene scientists understanding of the
underlying biology. Mathematicians can then incorpo-
rate this new knowledge into more sophisticated, more
accurate models.
Carlos Castillo-Chvez is a leader in the area of
mathematical epidemiology, the branch of mathemati-
cal biology dealing with the spread, treatment, and
eradication of diseases. Mathematical epidemiologists
can use mathematical modeling techniques to predict
how certain diseases might affect the population. More
sophisticated models can incorporate the effects of var-
ious proposed treatment and control options. Properly
applied, these techniques can enable epidemiologists to
effectively predict the effects of methods of prevention,
allowing for a more effective allocation of resources in
responding to disease threats.
Minorities in Mathematics and Science
Carlos Castillo-Chvez is an outspoken advocate of
minorities, women, and other underrepresented groups
in mathematics and the sciences. He has expressed the
belief that people from different backgrounds may
bring different perspectives to mathematics and sci-
ence, leading them to directions of research that may
have gone unnoticed or uninvestigated. Since math-
ematics and the sciences are driven by the questions
that participants pursue, asking a richer set of ques-
tions leads to a fuller body of knowledge; supporting
students from underrepresented groups minorities is
therefore a matter both of social justice and of enhanc-
ing the discipline.
Dr. Castillo-Chvez has supported these beliefs with
his actions at all stages of his career. As a Ph.D. student
in Milwaukee, he spent his summers teaching math-
ematics to Latino students in the area. He has served as
a mentor to numerous female and minority students,
helping and encouraging them at all stages of educa-
tion. He is also an active member of the Society for the
Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in
the Sciences (SACNAS); during his time at Cornell, he
was the founding president of a northeast chapter of
SACNAS and was instrumental in initiating a special
summer program intended to provide Latino, Chi-
cano, and Native American students with mentorship,
encouragement, and training in the sciences. Carlos
170 Castillo-Chvez, Carlos
Castillo-Chvez is highly acclaimed for his work in
this regard.
Further Reading
Blower, Sally, and Carlos Castillo-Chvez, eds.
Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging
Infectious Diseases: An Introduction. New York:
Springer, 2002.
Brauer, Fred, and Carlos Castillo-Chvez. Mathematical
Models in Population Biology. New York: Springer, 2001.
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos, ed. Bioterrorism: Mathematical
Modeling Applications in Homeland Security.
Philadelphia: SIAM, 2003.
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos. SACNAS Biography: Dr. Carlos
Castillo-ChvezMathematical Biologist. http://
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Disease Survival Rates; Diseases, Tracking
Infectious; Mathematics, Applied; Viruses.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics has been used to both
construct and study castles.
Castle are fortied structures, used as residences by
European nobles in the Middle Ages. Early castles were
often made of wood, but with the development of better
attack methods, castle builders switched to stone as the
main building material. With the extensive use of artil-
lery, residential castles became indefensible. They were
replaced by purely military forts (not used for admin-
istrative and residential purposes) and decorative resi-
dences resembling castles (not used during wars). The
geometry of a castle was often dictated by defense con-
siderations. Architect Benjamin Bramer fortied castles
and published a work on the calculation of sines.
The Alhambra, a fourteenth-century palace and for-
tress, is well known for its mathematical tiles. In the
early twenty-rst century, the American Institute of
Mathematics proposed a headquarters in California
that would be modeled after the Alhambra, popularly
referred to as a math castle.
Castles are frequently found in fantasy and hor-
ror literature. One common image is that of Draculas
castle. Dracula author Bram Stoker earned a degree in
mathematics. Some mathematics teachers use castles
like Cinderellas castle or sand castles to explore con-
cepts such as ratios, fractions, volume, statistics, and
geometric shapes. Scientists, including physicist Mario
Scheel, explore the physical properties of sand-like
material, and researchers in experimental archaeology
model and design castles.
Geometry of Castle Defense
Both the layouts of castles and the shapes of their parts
were dictated by defense needs. For example, concentric
Castles 171
The Alhambra, in Granada, Spain, is known for its
Moorish use of mathematical symmetry groups.
castles consisted of several concentric walls. The bar-
bican (the outer wall) had relatively many entrances,
while the inner wall had few, making the attacking
army crowd between walls and, thus, become vulner-
able to defenders.
Keeps and towers were mostly round to allow for
a larger arc of shooting coverage from each arrowslit.
In addition, the isoperimetric theorem states that for a
given area, the circle has the least perimeter among all
shapes, thus minimizing the amount vulnerable walls
(not to mention reducing the costs of building materi-
als). Each corner introduced blind spots where enemies
could avoid arrows, and circles have no corners. Also,
corners are more vulnerable for mining.
Cylindrical towers led to the invention of spiral
staircases. Most castle staircases were built so attack-
ers would ascend clockwise, making the central shaft of
the staircase interfere with their right handsoften the
hand that held the sword.
Stonemasons building castles used simple tools, such
as compasses, dividers, and straightedges. Their manu-
als included descriptions for creating a variety of shapes
with these tools. For example, pointed and rounded
arches, including Tudor, lancet, and horseshoe arches,
could be traced with compasses and straightedges.
Shooting from high towers allowed for better view,
and also used gravity to add acceleration to arrows and
other projectiles. When glass windows were installed in
circular towers, they were made by blowing glass inside a
cylinder, cutting it, and then connecting multiple pieces
with lead to match the curvature of the castle wall.
Castle builders used terrain geometry to support
defense. In addition to the height advantage of the cas-
tle walls and towers, castles were frequently situated on
hills (either natural or articial) or on earthen mounds
called mottes. Defensive ditches around castles, called
moats, prevented siege towers from coming close.
When moats were lled with water, they could also make
digging tunnels for mining the walls more difcult.
The construction of moats led to the invention of
drawbridges and the mechanisms of raising and lower-
ing them. The drawbridge mechanisms involved levers
and pulleys.
Logistics and Finance
Building a large castle was a major nancial undertak-
ing spanning many years, and occasionally bankrupted
the ruler attempting it, such as King Edward I. Supply-
ing the castle, especially with enough supplies to with-
stand lengthy sieges, presented another organizational
problem. A siege was a common method of castle attack
in which the attackers surround the castle grounds and
waited for the defendants to starve. The siege process
could sometimes last for months or even years.
Experimental archaeology is a new eld of study
that combines archaeological research, computer mod-
eling, and actual building. Observations in building
experiments allow for conclusive results of how models
can be made to work. For example, Project Gueledon
is a real-size castle built recently to help give people a
deeper understanding of how castles were constructed
in medieval times. The researchers used building meth-
ods and materials similar to those used by thirteenth-
century castle builders, with a team of 50 workers from
various professions.
Further Reading
Holden, Constance. A Castle Fit for a Mathematician.
Science 314, no. 6 (October 2006).
Whitney, Elspeth. Medieval Science and Technology.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Archery; Artillery; Geometry in Society;
Middle Ages; Tunnels.
Caves and Caverns
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Several metrics are used to describe caves
while mathematical measurements can detect them.
Caves are underground spaces large enough for a human
to enter. The science of studying caves is called speleol-
ogy and the practice of exploring caves is spelunking.
Caves can be formed through a variety of ways, such as
solutional caves (made by rocks dissolving in acids in
water) or littoral caves (made by waves pounding cliffs).
They are also categorized by the passage patterns, such
as angular networks or ramiform caves. Mathemati-
cal techniques are used to model and understand the
172 Caves and Caverns
structures and ages of caves and caverns. For instance,
the topology of the cave highlights the number of tun-
nels and how they are connected while the geometry
shows accurate distances, curvatures, and steepnesses.
Statistical methods as well as fractal concepts of self-
similarity have been used to estimate the number of
entranceless caves. Archaeology has revealed that caves
are among the oldest known human habitations.
Some researchers analyze ancient cave paintings for
mathematical, astronomical, or geographical inter-
pretations. Mathematical objects and mathematicians
have also been connected to caves and caverns. The
Lebombo bone was discovered in a Swaziland cave in
the 1970s. It dates to approximately 35,000 b.c.e and
is thought to be the oldest known mathematical arti-
fact. The bone holds 29 tally notches and it has been
compared to calendar sticks that are still in use in
Namibia. In France, numerous mathematicians trained
at cole des Mines including Henri Poincare, who was
employed as a mine engineer and was eventually pro-
moted to inspector general.
Visitors today can enter Pythagoras cave in Samos,
where he apparently lived and worked on mathematics.
In The Republic, Plato imagines chained prisoners in a
cave who can only see shadows of the movement behind
them. Similar metaphors continue to be explored in
order to explain higher dimensional realities and other
concepts in mathematics, physics, and philosophy,
including investigations of quantum caves.
Geophysical Detection of Caves
The mapping of hidden caves and smaller karst forma-
tions is done for scientic and recreational explora-
tions, as well as to ensure the stability of constructions,
such as houses and bridges. Geophysical detection
methods use contrasts in a physical property, such as
electric resistance or density, between different parts
of the underground medium. To detect variations, sci-
entists measure microscopic changes in gravity caused
by empty spaces, or transmit electromagnetic waves
into the ground and measure their reections. Another
method is to transmit an electric current and measure
changes in ground resistance. Seismic tomography
depends on collecting massive amounts of data from
inducing stress through boring holes, but it can be very
accurate. All these methods depend on mathematical
models of changes in physical properties between dif-
ferent surfaces.
All geophysical techniques require contrasts of
some physical property (density, electrical resistivity,
magnetic susceptibility, seismic velocity) between sub-
surface structures.
Cave Patterns
The geometry of a cave depends on many geological
factors, such as the structures dominant in the rock
and the sources of water for solution caves. Sponge-
work caves consisting of large, connecting chambers
formed in porous rocks. If the rock also fractures easily,
Caves and Caverns 173
Cave Measurement
and Records
here are several metrics used to mea-
sure caves, including total length of pas-
sages, depth from the highest entrance to the
lowest point; total volume, or height, depth,
length, area; and volume of individual pas-
sages, shafts, and rooms. The deepest cave is
2191 meters meters (7188 feet) deep and the
greatest total length cave is 591 kilometers
(67 miles) long. These numbers are updated
as more parts of caves are explored and new
caves are discovered.
large chambers will be interspersed with long passages
formed by fracturing in a pattern called ramiform
(branchlike). Nonporous rock that fractures will pro-
duce a distinct pattern called rectilinear branchwork,
with straight passages at angles to one another. Lava
tubes are round in cross-section, long, and relatively
even; they are formed by a lava ow that develops a
hard crust.
Cave Meteorology and the
Geothermal Gradient
Heat in caves comes from water or air entering the
cave, or from overlying and underlying rock. Overlying
rock does not transmit the surface heat well. For exam-
ple, a difference of 30 degrees Celsius between day and
night on the surface translates into 0.5 degrees Celsius
difference one meter (3.28 feet) deep into limestone.
Seasonal uctuations penetrate deeper but still become
negligible at depths of 10 or so meters (32.8 feet).
In most parts of the world, the temperature increases
by about 25 degrees Celsius for every kilometer of
depth, because of the molten interior of Earth, the
rate called geothermal gradient. As one goes deeper
into a cave that starts at a sea level, the temperature
rst drops because of insulation from the surface but
then increases because of the geothermal gradient. In
areas of high volcanic activity near the surface, caves
can be very hot, or even contain molten lava. Some of
the deepest caves in the world are cold, because their
entrances are high in the mountains.
Further Reading
Curle, Rane. Entranceless and Fractal Caves
Revisited. In: Palmer, A. N., M. V. Palmer, and I. D.
Sasowsky, eds. Karst Modeling, Special Publication 5,
Charlottesville, VA: Karst Water Institute, 1999.
Maurin, K. Platos Cave Parable and the Development
of Modern Mathematics. Rendiconti del Seminario
Matematico, Universit e Politecnico di Torino 40,
no. 1 (1982).
OConnor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. Mactutor History
of Mathematics Archive: PoincarInspector
of Mines.
Palmer, Arthur. Cave Geology. Trenton, NJ: Cave
Books, 2007.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Geothermal Energy; Measurements, Area;
Measurements, Volume; Stalactites and Stalagmites;
Temperature; Tides and Waves; Tunnels.
Cell Phone Networks
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is involved in the design
of the cell network and the assignment of calls to
frequencies, as well as in data compression and error
Cell phones have grown from a novelty, to a luxury, to
a virtual necessity since the 1990s, with the number
of cell phone subscribers in the United States grow-
ing from about 91,000 in 1985 to 276 million in 2009.
Part of the reason that cell phones have become so
reliable, cheap, and secure has to do with mathemat-
ics. Mathematics is involved in the design of the cell
network and the assignment of calls to frequencies
(or channels), as well as data compression and error
compression that allow a large number of clear calls
to be carried over a small bandwidth. The concept of a
tree from graph theory can be used to understand cell
phone networks, which are challenging because of the
large amount of data and links. Mathematicians like
Vincent Blondel analyze millions of users and months
of communication.
Cellular Radio Networks
Cell phones work by communicating via radio signal
with a nearby cell phone tower. In a cellular radio net-
work, the type of system used for cell phone coverage,
the land area to be supplied with coverage is divided
into regular shaped regions (or cells), each of which
has a corresponding radio base station or cell tower.
Phones within a particular cell connect via radio signal
to the tower for that cell, which then connects to the
public telephone network through a switch. The range
of a tower may be about one-half mile in urban areas
up to about ve miles in at rural areas.
Because of this relatively short transmission range,
cell phones and towers can use low power transmit-
ters. In addition to allowing phones to be small and use
174 Cell Phone Networks
smaller batteries, the low power also means the radio
frequencies can be reused by towers not too far away
from each other without any interference between the
transmissions. This function allows cell phone networks
to carry a larger number of calls in a smaller bandwidth.
Typically, cell companies will divide their coverage area
into regularly shaped cells or regions with each one cov-
ered by a single tower. In fairly at areas, these regions
are usually hexagonal in shapean idea developed by
Bell Labs engineers W. Rae Young and Douglas Ring in
the middle of the twentieth century.
The frequencies used by a particular tower for
transmissions in its region cannot be used by any of
the six regions with which it shares a boundary. The
Four Color Theorem from graph theory indicates that
only four frequencies are needed to ensure that regions
that share a boundary do not use the same frequency.
However, companies usually want to further buffer the
distance between reuse of the same frequency, so they
divide the frequencies up into seven bundles and use a
different one on each of the six cells sharing a bound-
ary with a given cell.
Cell Phone Channels
During the twentieth century, there were many discus-
sions among professionals at the Federal Communica-
tions Commission regarding the possibility of opening
up frequencies for phone use. Cellular networks began
to appear around the world. For instance, Japan offered
a 1G system in 1979, and, in 1983, AT&T and Ameri-
tech tested a commercial cellular system in Chicago.
Much of the advancement in cell network technology
has been focused on the frequency band within a cell,
which must be divided up to carry several calls at the
same time. In rst-generation cell technology, calls
were transmitted in analog, which allowed only one
call per frequency. Typically, a cell phone carrier was
assigned 832 radio frequencies to use in a city. Each call
was full duplex, meaning that it used two frequencies:
one to transmit and one to receive.
Thus, typically there were 390 voice channels with the
remaining 42 radio frequencies used for control chan-
nels that were used to locate and communicate with
phones but not to carry calls. If the 395 voice channels
were divided into seven frequency bundles, that made
56 voice channels per region. So if more than 56 calls
were in progress in a given region at a given time, then
one of the calls would be disconnected or dropped.
Fortunately, rst-generation technology is no longer
in use. With second-generation (2G) cell technology,
calls were no longer analog signals but were converted
to a digital (0 and 1) format. This shift is similar to
the change from cassette tapes to compact discs in the
recording industry.
The greatest advantage to digital technology is that
it allows for sophisticated data compression techniques
to be used without losing acceptable call quality. Data
compression allows for between three and 10 digital calls
to be carried in the bandwidth necessary for a single
analog call. Further advancements in compression have
allowed for even newer third-generation (3G) technol-
ogy. 3G networks have much faster transmission speeds
Cell Phone Networks 175
A cell phone tower disguised as an evergreen tree.
Cell signals are sent through towers via radio signals.
and allow the use of smartphones that can transmit data
fast enough to surf the Internet, send and receive e-mail,
and even instant message with a cell phone. Newer 4G
technology adds even more speed and capacity to cell
phone networks.
Further Reading
Agar, Jon. Constant Touch: A Global History of the Mobile
Phone. Cambridge, UK: Icon Publishers, 2003.
Brain, Marshall, Jeff Tyson, and Julia Layton. How Cell
Phones Work. HowStuffWorks. November 14, 2000.
Mark Ginn
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Digital Storage;
Telephones; Wireless Communication.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Representations.
Summary: Conducting a valid and reliable census
depends on mathematical and statistical methods.
The term census comes from the Latin word censere,
meaning to assess. A census is a systematic collection
of data about an entire population of interest. Usually
the population is people but historically it has also been
done for land, livestock, and trade goods. Sometimes a
census is a one-time event, or it may be repeated peri-
odically, like the decennial census in the United States.
There are also two primary philosophies of data col-
lection that can affect the outcome of a census: de jure
and de facto. De jure counts people at their usual place
of residence, while de facto counts people where they
are on the day of the census.
For example, one biblical account of the birth of
Jesus involves a census in which individuals were
required to return to their town of origin rather than
being counted where they lived, as opposed to the U.S.
census, which is centered about peoples permanent
residences. Archaeological records indicate that many
ancient civilizations conducted censuses, the purpose
of which was often taxation or military recruitment.
The constitutionally stated purpose of the U.S. census
is to determine each states congressional representa-
tion, though it has grown to include additional descrip-
tive and predictive activities. The U.S. Census Bureau
is one of the largest employers of mathematicians and
statisticians, who not only collect and analyze data but
also lead the way in developing new data collection and
analysis methods.
Statisticians work internationally as well. For
example, in 1949, British statistician Frank Yates was
appointed to the United Nations Commission on Sta-
tistical Sampling and published Sampling Methods for
Censuses and Surveys, which is widely acknowledged to
have been inuential in establishing sound principles
and technical terminology. Overall, mathematical and
statistical procedures improve the quality, reliability,
and representation of census data, and the methods
used by census-takers are constantly evolving.
176 Census
Census Controversies
hile the aim of collecting census data is
to provide complete record of data on
a population, there can be many difculties in
obtaining such comprehensive data. Past prob-
lems have included members of the population
objecting to the potentially intrusive nature of
such a full-scale inquiry, which has the poten-
tial to be misused, and difculties reaching the
entire population.
This second problem was especially prob-
lematic in the 1990 decennial census and
spurred a great deal of developmental activity
with regard to statistical survey methods. Even
further in the past, there was a heated debate
among the U.S. Founding Fathers about how to
account for slaves in the U.S. census, as these
counts had the potential to dramatically shift
the balance of representative power between
the northern and southern colonies. Even now,
evolving social constructs and denitions of
signicant demographic variables, like race,
can be a controversial topic.
The History of the Census
The practice of completing a census for an entire popu-
lation occurred in many ancient civilizations. Records
suggest that the Babylonians conducted a census in
about 3800 b.c.e., and that Egyptians did so in the sec-
ond millennium b.c.e. Male Roman citizens had to reg-
ister for a census every ve years and declare both family
and property. Elected censors oversaw and coordinated
the census process. The censors would then summon
every tribe in the country to appear before them so
they could record the relevant details. In ancient Rome,
the census recorded the names of the family members,
along with details of any property or land they owned.
This provided the leaders of the country at the time the
ability to tax their citizens according to the amount they
owned. William the Conqueror carried out a census in
Britain in 1086 c.e. for taxation purposes. This census
took years to complete and attempted to compile a
comprehensive list of all land and property in Norman
Britain. Such a comprehensive exercise was previously
unheard of in Europe, and it preceded an early example
of a modern census by nearly 600 years.
Instructed by King Louis XIV in 1666, Jean Talon, a
French colonial administrator, conducted a census in
order to expand the colony in New France, North Amer-
ica. Talon used the de jure method and visited many of
the colonial settlers personally, compiling data on set-
tlers names, age, sex, and occupation. The aim of this
census was to help the colony settle by using the sta-
tistics to decide how best to develop agriculture, trade,
and manufacturing industry. In all, Talon managed to
compile details of 3215 inhabitants and paved the way
for the development of a number of further censuses
in the New World. In Britain, a 1798 paper written by
demographer Thomas Malthus discussed the possibility
that not knowing the population size and growth rate
(demographics), of a country could lead to food short-
ages and overuse of other resources, resulting in fam-
ine and disease as the population is unable to sustain
itself. These revolutionary modeling ideas led the Brit-
ish government to pass through parliament the Census
Act of 1800. The rst modern British census took place
in 1801; the process has been repeated decennially since
then, except for in 1941 during World War II.
The Modern-Day CensusData Collection
The U.S. census is required by constitutional law to
take place every 10 years and involves sending forms to
every residence in the United States and Puerto Rico.
The data are then analyzed in order to determine how
each state is represented in the U.S. House of Repre-
sentatives and to provide the correct resource alloca-
tion for the current population, that is, how much of
the federal fund is given to hospitals, schools, and other
public services. Individual responses to the U.S. census
are kept condential for 72 years.
A similar process is used in the United Kingdom,
although the census details are kept condential for
100 years. A key difference in the census forms in the
United Kingdom (UK) and the United States is that the
U.S. form has just 10 questions and is two pages long.
The UK census form for 2011 contained 43 questions
in a 32-page booklet.
In Canada, a national census is taken every ve
years. Each household receives a census questionnaire,
to either be lled out online or returned in the post.
Practical Problems With Census Taking
A number of problems can arise when attempting to
take a census of an entire population. For the data to be
useful, the characteristics of the whole population need
to be reected. This requirement means that any non-
response could jeopardize the quality of the data. Non-
responses can happen, for example, when an address
list is not comprehensive, or people fail to ll in their
forms fully and return them. There are a number of
measures used to prevent this, including following up
with nonrespondents in a face-to-face interview, and
setting nes for nonrespondents.
A statistical technique called imputation was used
by the U.S. Census Bureau in its 2000 census to create
data using the nearest neighbor hot deck method.
Where a gap in the counting (for example, an entire
households data was missing) was identied, data
from the geographically closest neighbor were used
instead. Where a household had not completed every
question fully, the missing data were imputed from a
nearest neighbor record where the households are of
the same size. Where a respondent within a house-
hold gave incomplete data, the characteristics were
imputed from the characteristics of other household
members. This technique enabled the U.S. Census
Bureau to produce a more complete set of data on the
U.S. population.
In order to overcome the obstacle of an incomplete
address list, a number of different address lists can be
Census 177
combined to get a more complete listthus ensur-
ing a wider population is reached, and improving the
reliability of the data. Alternatively, another statistical
method, called sampling, can be used to estimate
features of the population. A forward-thinking statis-
tical sampling plan was proposed by many mathema-
ticians and statisticians after the 1990 census turned
out to be particularly problematic in terms of issues
such as undercoverage of certain subpopulations.
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to permit sampling
to completely substitute for counting. These math-
ematical methods are used, however, for other types
of estimation and to gauge how much undercoverage
or other biases might exist.
Analysis of Census Data
A number of mathematical and statistical techniques
can be used to draw the most descriptive and predic-
tive information possible from raw census data. For
example, to identify resource need, data can be ranked
in such a way to identify areas where there are more
children, thus enabling the government to plan where
to locate schools. Alternatively, areas with a high per-
centage of elderly people could be identied and pro-
vided with more social care. Since the 1990s, census
data have become a major resource for both amateur
and professional genealogists now that older records
are being digitized. Census data are also used to nd
ways to make future collections efforts better.
Edna Lee Paisano grew up on a Nez Perce Indian
Reservation in Sweetwater, Idaho. Talented in both
mathematics and science, she attended the University
of Washington and earned a graduate degree in social
work, studying statistics in the process. In 1976, she
was hired by the U.S. Census Bureau to work on issues
regarding Americans and Alaskan Natives, and was the
Bureaus rst full-time Native American employee.
Using data from both the 1980 census and a survey
she developed, Paisano discovered that Native Ameri-
cans in some locations were undercounted. This was
a serious issue, as allocation of federal funds to tribal
units is based on census gures. She used statistical
methods to improve the accuracy of the census and
encouraged others in the Native American community
to become educated in mathematics-related elds such
as computer science, demography, and statistics. The
1990 census showed a 38% increase in U.S. residents
counted as American Indians.
Further Reading
Aly, Gotz, and Karl Heinz Roth. Nazi Census:
Identication and Control in the Third Reich.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004.
Anderson, Margo. The American Census: A Social
History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1990.
Kertzner, D. Census and Identity: The Politics of Race,
Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Wright, Tommy, and Joyce Farmer. A Bibliography of
Selected Statistical Methods and Development Related
to Census 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the
Census, 2000.
Amy Everton
See Also: Congressional Representation; Data Analysis
and Probability in Society; Probability; Sample Surveys.
Central America
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Mesoamericans were sophisticated
mathematicians, and mathematics continues to be
important in the area.
Central America is dened as the southern part of
the North American continent, reaching from Mexico
to Panama. The portion of the region in which corn,
beans, and squash were reliable crops during the pre-
Columbian era is referred to as Mesoamerica, reach-
ing from the mountains of Mexico to Guatemala and
down the Pacic coast into Nicaragua. Teotihuacan,
Olmec, Maya, and Aztec were among the many cultures
sharing the same prehistoric land and cultural legacy.
The development of the area and its perspective on
mathematics were shaped in part by the origins of civi-
lization isolated from the other large centers of civiliza-
tion in the Eastern Hemisphere. Spanish colonization
in the sixteenth century brought the rst introduction
to European cultures. Efforts at spreading Christianity
resulted in the loss of much of their rich, ancient heri-
tage. The area had gained independence by the mid-
nineteenth century, variously structured as separate
178 Central America
nations and unied groups. Struggles to achieve stabil-
ity continue into the twenty-rst century in many parts
of the region. Education and mathematics are highly
valued as keys to further progress.
Ancient Mesoamerica
Without the benet of inuence from other cultures,
the ancient Mesoamericans built large city-states some-
times supporting several hundred thousand people,
and extensive empires, with no domesticated large
mammals and with no use of the wheel, other than in
childrens toys. They mastered basic arithmetic, with a
concept of zero evident a millennium before European
civilizations. They shared a counting system based on 20
rather than 10. Numeral representations included dots
for units, bars for ve, and a circle or seashell for zero.
Ancient ruins show evidence of meticulous accounting
of trade and personal lives. The construction of impos-
ing pyramids and other structures aligned to astronom-
ical features and adorned with harmonic geometric
design reveal an advanced level of engineering, archi-
tecture, and astronomy to rival that found in Europe at
the same time. From as early as 2000 b.c.e., the people
of the area had sophisticated calendars, which were
used in tandem to mark time reecting both human
and solar cycles. Ethnomathematicians continue to
study ancient and modern Central America, and many
teachers use Mesoamerican mathematics concepts as
the basis of lesson plans and assignments.
Modern Central America
Central America is dened by the United Nations to
include the modern countries of Belize, Costa Rica, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
and Panama. The countries share ethnic, economic, and
geological features. The peoples are primarily Spanish,
Amerindian, or Mestizo (a mixture of the two). The
climate ranges from mountainous to tropical coastline.
While signicant portions of the population are cen-
tered in large urban areas, much of the population of
the region is located in small villages, sometimes iso-
lated by rugged terrain.
Central Americans are continuously improving their
education systems, and efforts at reform often include
careful inclusion of children from both urban and
rural areas with the use of radio, television, and com-
puter technologies. Teacher salaries and the contrasts
of management of schools by local or federal admin-
istrators are recent areas of research. United Nations
data report high participation in formal schooling. Pri-
vate schools usually are more prestigious than public
schools in most areas.
As calendars held power in ancient Mesoamerica,
knowledge of mathematics is held to be essential for
the people in modern Central America. High school
graduates receive extensive content instruction in
mathematics and science but historically with little
emphasis on mathematics applications. Teachers are
encouraged to teach mathematics in context rather
than as an isolated, esoteric discipline both for the
better understanding and for the application of learn-
ing to solve problems and promote progress. Recent
research in mathematics from the region includes a
diverse range of areas like topology, noncommutative
geometry, and applied mathematics.
Mathematics researchers gather for conferences,
research seminars, educational forums, and social
events. For example, the Sociedad Matemtica Mexi-
cana (Mexican Mathematical Society) was founded in
1943. The societys goals include encouraging math-
ematical research, including cooperation with related
scientic disciplines; improving mathematics educa-
tion at primary, secondary, and college levels; and pro-
viding various forums for discussion and dissemina-
tion, including journals and conferences.
Further Reading
Evans, Susan. Ancient Mexico & Central America:
Archaeology and Culture History. London: Thames &
Hudson, 2008.
Jimenez, Emanuel, and Sawada, Yasuyuki. Do
Community-Managed Schools Work? An Evaluation
of El Salvadors EDUCO Program. World Bank
Review 13, no. 3 (1999).
Sociedad Matemtica Mexicana.
Valero, Paolo. Deliberative Mathematics Education
for Social Democratization in Latin America.
Mathematics Teaching and Democratic Education, Part
2. ZDM The International Journal of Mathematics
Education 31, no. 1 (1999).
Vegas, Emiliana, and Llana Umansky. Improving
Teaching and Learning Through Effective Incentives:
Lessons From Educational Reform in Latin America,
The World Bank, February, 2005.
Central America 179
Judith E. Beauford
See Also: Calendars; Castillo-Chvez, Carlos;
Curricula, International; Incan and Mayan Mathematics.
Cerf, Vinton
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Computer Scientist Vinton Cerf helped
create the Internet and continues to be a leader in
Internet innovation.
Vinton Gray Cerf is an American computer scientist
and is one of the creators of the Internet. He worked
on Internet architecture and the design of TCP/IP pro-
tocols in the 1960s and 1970s, eventually moving from
academia, to government, and to corporations like MCI
and Yahoo. He continues to work in advancing Internet
applications and policies, such as laws regarding net
neutrality. He has won many prestigious awards in
conjunction with collaborator Robert E. Kahn, includ-
ing the U.S. National Medal of Technology, the Associa-
tion for Computing Machinerys Alan M. Turing Award
(sometimes called the Nobel Prize of Computer Sci-
ence), and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is
the highest civilian award given in the United States. In
December 1994, he was also listed as one of People mag-
azines 25 Most Intriguing People. Cerf and his wife,
Sigrid, have been married since 1966, and he has spoken
of her support regarding his education and career. They
have two sons, and, at times, his familys needs have
inuenced where he has decided to work. Since 2005,
he has been a vice president at Google, and continues to
be a leader in Internet innovation.
Reecting on his own education, Cerf traced his
interest in mathematics to primary school. He cited his
fth grade mathematics teacher as being an inuential
force. When Cerf complained of boredom with the stan-
dard curriculum, the teacher introduced him to more
advanced mathematics. Cerf said, I fell in love with
algebra. It was wonderful.Frankly, I liked the word
problems the best because they were like little mystery
stories.I still love word problems. To this day, give me
an algebra word problem, and Ill have a great old time
with it. Outside the classroom, Cerf also enjoyed the
camaraderie and challenge of his high school math club
and mathematics competitions led by a young teacher
named Florence Reese. Of the experience, he noted
positively, It would be weeks and weeks of just work-
ing problems, and then the morning of the event wed
all get up and have a big steak and egg breakfast at 7:00
in the morning.You didnt want to dull your brain
with a lunch of any kind. He went on to earn a B.S.
in mathematics from Stanford University, then a M.S.
and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of
California, Los Angeles, along with multiple honorary
doctoral degrees from universities around the world.
Regarding his change of eld from undergraduate to
180 Cerf, Vinton
Vinton Cerf playing a game on the Computer History
Museums PDP-1 computer from 1959.
graduate school, Cerf said, I had already gured out
that I wasnt going to be a world-class mathematician. I
sort of broke my pick on Riemannian geometry. At
the same time, he credited his education in geometry
with developing his thinking skills, saying, I enjoyed
the reasoning part of it, which is probably one of the
reasons why Ive enjoyed being a programmer, because
you have to go through the same line of thinking.
As a graduate student, Cerf was part of Professor
Leonard Kleinrocks data packet networking group
when they conducted the rst connection tests and dem-
onstrations of the Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network (ARPANet), one predecessor to todays Inter-
net. ARPANet was created as a joint project between
MIT and the Defense Departments Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA). After earning his
doctorate, Cerf returned to Stanford as an assistant
professor from 1972 to 1976, where he continued to
work on packet networking and worked with Robert
E. Kahnwho was instrumental in ARPANets hard-
ware designto develop the TCP/IP protocol for the
Department of Defense. Various protocols had to be
developed to enable computers to communicate with
one another. TCP/IP was a suite of two such protocols:
the Transmission Control Protocol, used to exchange
data; and the Internet Protocol, which handles rout-
ing and addressing. The early version of TCP/IP was
introduced in Cerf and Kahns 1974 paper A Protocol
for Packet Network Interconnection, published by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
In the twenty-rst century, it continues to be the pro-
tocol that most Internet applications rely on, including
e-mail, le transfer, and the World Wide Web.
Cerf left Stanford in 1976, to work for DARPA
directly until 1982, roughly the dawn of the personal
computer era, when he was hired as vice president of
MCI Digital Information Services (which has since
been acquired by Verizon Communications). Cerf over-
saw the development of MCI Mail, the rst commercial
e-mail service, which was ofcially in service from 1983
to 2003. Messages over MCI Mail were sent over any
standard telephone landline with the use of a modem
and could be delivered to any other MCI Mail user, a
telex, or an MCI Mail print sitean important option
in days when access to a personal computer was often
limited. Eventually, messages could be sent to any e-
mail user regardless of his or her service, as well as to
FAX dispatchers. He also led teams at MCI that devel-
oped Internet solutions for data, voice, and video trans-
missions. As the Internet became more widespread, he
continued to be an advocate for its use and develop-
ment. For example, from 1999 to 2000, he served on the
board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers, and some attribute the groups survival
to Cerf s business prowess, technical knowledge, and
ability to work with players at all levels of Internet gov-
ernance. He has consulted with NASAs Jet Propulsion
Laboratory to develop an Internet standard for planet-
to-planet communication and testied before the U.S.
Senate in favor of net neutrality as that has become an
increasing concern of the twenty-rst century.
In 2005, Google hired Cerf as vice president and
Chief Internet Evangelist, which has given him a
prominent platform from which to address issues from
environmentalism, to articial intelligence, to the immi-
nent transformation of the television industrys deliv-
ery model. When asked about the process of innovation
and where innovators like him get their ideas, Cerf said,
Part of it is being willing to think literally, out of the
box.The people I nd most creative are also the ones
who really know a lot about what theyre doing. They
either know a lot of physics, or a lot of math. In addi-
tion, he noted that depth of understanding means not
only knowing the terms of a formula but being able to
convey the intuitive meaning of the mathematics.
Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 2000.
Morrow, Daniel. Computerworld Honors Program
International Archives: Vinton G. Cerf Oral History.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Data Mining; Internet; Personal Computers.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Cheerleading demonstrates and depends
on an understanding of gravity and other forces.
Cheerleading 181
Cheerleading is an activity that can be considered both
recreation and a competitive sport, depending on the
context. It typically consists of choreographed rou-
tines that require energy, discipline, and stamina, and
may include chants, dance, tumbling, and other physi-
cal stunts. Cheerleaders make what they do look easy
when, in reality, the underlying mathematics, such as
symmetry, sequences, and physics, helps them to con-
quer gravity and y. In 2008, the show Time Warp on
the Discovery Channel analyzed the physics of cheer-
leading and gymnastics using slow-motion cameras.
In 1898, University of Minnesota football student Jack
Johnny Campbell became the rst person to lead
football fans in cheers, using a megaphone, which had
been invented by Thomas Edison in 1878, in order to
spur his schools football team to victory. This cheer-
ing gave rise to organized cheerleading. Women joined
the sport in the 1920s, bringing an opportunity to add
gymnastics and throws to the cheerleading repertoire.
Showmanship and pom poms were later added to the
sport. The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders skimpy outts
in the 1970s changed the outward appearance of cheer-
leaders, while the 1980s brought the pursuit of more
technical stunt sequences. In the new millennium, the
Bring It On movies highlight the sports challenges as
well as its technical aspects. Although college squads
are currently about 50% male, youth cheerleading is
predominantly female. Cheerleaders are now found all
around the world.
The Physics of Cheerleading
Cheerleaders are focused on center of mass and axes of
rotation in order to maintain balance and complete piv-
ots, jumps, and ips. Focusing on symmetry not only
helps both their formations and individual poses have
a more appealing look but also keeps them focused on
maintaining an equal distribution of weight when they
act as bases for a climber or yer.
Cheerleaders need a rm grasp of gravity and the
physics involved in their work, including Newtons
Third Law, which states that for every action there is
an equal and opposite reaction. For example, in a full
extension, the climber pushes off the two bases shoul-
ders and pulls up with his or her own shoulders to bear
some the weight. The two bases move into a chest
prep with their knees locked, their arms extended and
locked, holding the climbers feet at chest level; the
climber is now referred to as a yer. The back person,
or spotter, will often be used as an additional holder
to both hold some of the yers weight as well as to
solidify the overall hold.
As the bases bend their knees, preparing to exert
upward force in order to toss the yer, each bases arms
hold half the yers weightuneven distribution of
weight is seen when the bases hips are uneven, exhib-
iting a loss of symmetry. The bases will extend their
knees, letting go of the yers feet, to give the yer
upward force; the yer lands exerting greater force
on the way down, so the bases bend their knees and
lock hands to cushion the catch. If the bases have not
evenly distributed the weight, or have exerted unequal
amounts of force, the yer will not go straight up and
the bases will need to move to catch the yer.
182 Cheerleading
Focusing on symmetry helps to maintain an equal
distribution of weight when acting as a base.
In preparing to execute a ip, the cheerleader bends
his or her knees to exert the upward force. To execute,
the cheerleader needs to stay tight, keep the axis of
rotation steady, point the feet, and land lightly, snap-
ping together to a nal pose to stop his or her momen-
tum. The cheerleaders angular speed can change by
changing the distance of mass to the axis of rotation;
the cheerleader gets momentum from the push off as
well as from reducing the distance from mass to axis of
rotation by tucking the body in as he or she rises from
the ground.
Further Reading
Lesko, Nancy. Were Leading America: The
Changing Organization and Form of High School
Cheerleading. Theory and Research in Social
Education 16, no. 4 (1988).
Pennington, Bill. As Cheerleaders Soar Higher, So
Does the Danger. New York Times (March 31,
Physics of Cheerleading. http://thephysicsofcheerleading.
Deborah L. Gochenaur
See Also: Gymnastics; Knots; Skating, Figure.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematical modeling has improved
chemotherapy protocols and saved patients lives.
Chemotherapy is the use of chemical drugs to kill can-
cerous cells in the body. Although cancerous cells are the
target of chemotherapy, traditional chemotherapies do
not distinguish between good and bad cells. Hence,
chemotherapy often results in side effects, such as hair
loss and toxicity damage to body organs. Because of
these chemotherapy side effects, chemotherapy proto-
cols attempt to kill as much of the tumor as possible
while incurring as little damage to the patient as can be
managed. Thus, chemotherapy regimens are managed
according to different variables, including how much
drug is given in a treatment, how frequently treatments
are given, and the total number of treatments given.
Historically, chemotherapy protocols were designed
only through experimental data from clinical trials and
practice. However, such experiments can be costly or
even pose ethical dilemmas. Chemotherapy variables
are quantitativeeach lends itself to a mathematical
understanding and description that can be used to
model and simulate treatment experiments, adding to
the information gained in clinical settings.
Mathematics in Cancer Chemotherapy News
Mathematics is becoming an increasingly powerful
tool in cancer chemotherapy treatments, especially in
the dosing and management of chemotherapy proto-
cols. For example, in 2004, Dr. Larry Norton received
the American Society of Clinical Oncologys David
A. Karnofsky Award, which is given for an outstand-
ing contribution to progression in cancer treatment.
Nortons award is notable because of his quantitative
contribution to the eld of chemotherapy dosing. The
National Cancer Institute has a Center for Bioinfor-
matics that addresses the issue of systematically study-
ing the vast amounts of data associated with cancer
growth and treatment response.
Cancer Geometry and Treatment
Cancer cells appear visibly different in shape and struc-
ture than normal healthy cells. This fact helps prac-
titioners identify unhealthy cells. Quantitative mea-
surements are associated with the geometry and the
complexity of cancer cells. These measurements are
related to fractal geometry. Tumor fractal dimensions
reect more complex structures generally because of the
arrangement of blood vessels in the tumor. Abnormal
blood vessel arrangements inhibit the tumors uptake
of therapeutic drugs. This understanding has led to the
use of anti-angiogenic drugs that inhibit the produc-
tion of new blood vessels and lower the measurement of
the tumors complexity. These drugs can now be used in
concert with other cancer treatments in order to create
a more effective cancer-ghting regimen.
Cancer Growth and Chemotherapy Treatment
Historically, it was believed that cancer cells grew in an
exponential manner over the entire period of a tumors
growth. In exponential growth, the doubling time of
Chemotherapy 183
a population is constant. This belief affected the way
that chemotherapy was delivered, since chemotherapy
works by attacking rapidly dividing cells. If a tumors
growth rate were constant, there would be no differ-
ence in how many cells were killed during any chemo-
therapy treatment, regardless of the size of the tumor.
This is the log-kill model of tumor growth.
However, in the mid-twentieth century, it was
experimentally discovered that many tumors exhibited
a different kind of population growth: Gompertzian
growth, named for Benjamin Gompertz. When popu-
lations grow in a Gompertzian fashion, they grow very
rapidly at rstwhen the population is small. As the
population size increases, the growth rate of the popu-
lation slows. Thus, many tumors would have a smaller
doubling time when smaller, and a larger doubling
time when larger. Because chemotherapy attacks the
most rapidly dividing cells, smaller tumors would be
more susceptible to chemotherapy treatments. Thus,
if a tumor has been reduced in size by one chemother-
apy treatment, it would be better to give a second che-
motherapy treatment as soon as possible without cost-
ing the patient in terms of healthy cell function. This
NortonSimon hypothesis, named for Larry Normal
and Richard Simon, has led to a change in the frequency
of standard chemotherapy regimensthe time between
treatments was decreased in order to take advantage of
the more rapid growth rate in the smaller tumor that
had resulted from the previous treatment. This change
in treatment timing has increased the survival time of
patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
Looking Ahead
Although the NortonSimon hypothesis is a promi-
nent example of how mathematics has helped improve
cancer chemotherapy treatments, there are ongoing
studies by mathematicians to further improve treat-
ment of cancer. Using a eld of mathematics known
as optimal control, some mathematicians study how
to make chemotherapy treatments as ideal as possible.
Although practitioners can make (and have made)
use of the NortonSimon hypothesis, the increase of
chemotherapy treatments for a patient, while better, is
not necessarily best. Using optimal control theory on
mathematical models of cancer and cancer treatment,
researchers can investigate the best timing and dos-
ing strategies for chemotherapy based on the variables
mentioned above. This work may even lead to deter-
mining cancer treatment plans based on a particular
individual or a particular kind of cancer in the future.
Further Reading
Dildine, James. Cancer and Mathematics. http://mste
Laird, Anna. Dynamics of Tumour Growth:
Comparison of Growth Rates and Extrapolation of
Growth Curve to One Cell. British Journal of Cancer
19, no. 2 (1965).
Martin, R., and K. Teo. Optimal Control of Drug
Administration in Cancer Chemotherapy. Singapore:
World Scientic Publishing, 1966.
National Cancer Institute (NCI). NCI Cancer Bulletin 3,
no. 18 (2006).
Schmidt, Charles. The Gompertzian View: Norton
Honored for Role in Establishing Cancer Treatment
Approach. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 96,
no. 20 (2004).
Piccart-Gebhart, Martine. Mathematics and Oncology:
A Match for Life? Journal of Clinical Oncology 21,
no. 8 (2003).
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Mathematics
Research, Interdisciplinary; Medical Simulations.
Chinese Mathematics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Geometry;
Summary: Chinese mathematicians have a long
history of investigation and discovery, sometimes
predating similar ndings in other cultures.
Chinese mathematics has a very long history, and its
development is quite independent of other civiliza-
tions before the thirteenth century. Roughly speaking,
it has four periods of developments before the middle
of the Qing dynasty, namely
The early development period: from ancient
times to the Qin dynasty (2700200 b.c.e.)
184 Chinese Mathematics
The foundation period: from the Han dynasty
to the Tang dynasty (200 b.c.e1000 c.e.)
The golden period: from the Sung dynasty to
the Yuan dynasty (10001367)
The east meets west period: from the Ming
dynasty to the middle of the Qing dynasty
Early Chinese mathematics is problem based and
is motivated by various practical problems, including
astronomy, trade, land measurement, architecture, and
The Early Development Period
It is written in Yi Jing (I-ching or Book of Changes) that,
In early antiquity, knotted cords were used to govern
with. Later, our saints replaced them with written char-
acters and tallies. In other words, the ancient Chinese
used knotted cords to record numbers. Later, written
symbols and tallies were used instead. In the Shang
dynasty (16001050 b.c.e.), numerals were invented
and inscribed on oracle-bones or tortoiseshells for
recording numbers. It was a decimal system and was
widely used at the time.
In the Zhou dynasty (1050256 b.c.e.), mathemat-
ics was one of the Six Arts (Liu Yi), which were taught
by teachers at schools. The other ve arts were rites,
music, archery, charioteering, and calligraphy. From
this dynasty onward, the ideas of Taichi, Ying Yang, Tri-
grams, and Hexagrams largely inuenced the develop-
ments of sciences, mathematics, philosophy, arts, archi-
tecture, and many other areas in Chinese culture. For
example, Luoshu (33 magic square) is closely related
to the eight Trigrams. It has both ceremonial and meta-
physical importance, which plays a signicant role in
Chinese philosophy for several thousands of years.
From the Kingdoms of Spring and Autumn (720
480 b.c.e.) to the period of Warring States (480221
b.c.e.), the Chinese used counting rods to do calcula-
tions. Numbers were expressed by nine symbols, and
blanks were used to denote zeros. The numeration sys-
tem was already a decimal place-valued system.
The rst denitive work on geometry in ancient
China was the Mo Jing, which was compiled after the
death of Mozi (470390 b.c.e.). Many basic concepts
of geometry can be found in this book. For example,
the Mo Jing denes a point to be the smallest unit that
cannot be divided, and points on a circle to be equi-
distant from the center. The book also mentions the
denitions of endpoints, straight lines, parallel lines,
diameter, and radius.
In the Qin dynasty, the famous Great Wall and many
huge statues, tombs, temples, and shrines were built,
which required sophisticated skills and mathemati-
cal knowledge for calculating proportions, areas, and
volumes. Unfortunately, not much is known about the
actual mathematical development in the Qin dynasty
now, because of the burning of books and burying of
scholars ordered by Emperor Qin Shi Huang.
The Foundation Period
In 1984, a Chinese mathematics text called Suan Shu
Shu, completed at about 200 b.c.e., was discovered in
a tomb at Zhangjiashan of the Hubei Province. It is
about 7000 characters in length, and is written on 190
bamboo strips. Its content is mainly concerned with
basic arithmetic, proportions, and formulas of areas
and volumes. The next complete surviving text is the
Zhou Bi Suan Jing, written between 100 b.c.e. and 100
c.e. Although it is a book on astronomy, it contains a
clear description of the Gougu Theorem (the Chinese
version of the Pythagorean theorem), which is very
useful in solving problems in surveying and astronomy.
This work is perhaps the earliest recorded proof of the
Pythagorean theorem.
After the book burning in 212 b.c.e., the Han dynasty
(202 b.c.e.220 c.e.) began to edit and compile the
mathematical works lost in the Qin dynasty. The most
important one is the Nine Chapters on the Mathemati-
cal Art (Jiuzhang Suan Shu), completed at around 179
c.e. Although the editor is unknown now, this book
had a great impact on the mathematical developments
in China and its neighboring countries, such as Japan
and Korea. It contains a collection of 246 mathematical
problems on agriculture, engineering, surveying, part-
nerships, ratio and proportion, excess and decit (the
method of double false positions), simultaneous linear
equations, and right-angled triangles.
The general method of solutions is provided, but no
proof is given in the Greek sense. Most of the methods
are of computational nature, and they can be applied
to solve problems algorithmically. For instance, square
roots, or cubic roots, can be found in a nite number
of steps by using a procedure called Kai Fang Shu. For
skillful users of this method, the answers can be com-
puted efciently by manipulating the counting rods.
Chinese Mathematics 185
For circular measurements, the approximated value of
is taken as 3. Some problems are expressed in terms
of a system of linear equations and then solved by alge-
braic techniques. For instance, a problem in Chapter
Eight leads to the system
3x + 2y + z = 39
2x + 3y + z = 34
x + 2y + 3z = 26
which can be solved by a method like the matrix
approach described in modern textbooks.
In the third century, Liu Hui wrote his famous com-
mentary on the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art.
He also wrote a book called The Sea Island Mathemati-
cal Manual (Haidao Suan Jing), to demonstrate how
to apply the Gougu Theorem. He was the rst Chi-
nese mathematician to deduce that the value of lies
between 3.1410 and 3.1427, by repeatedly doubling the
number of sides of a regular polygon inscribed in a cir-
cle. It is called the method of dissection of a circle. Liu
Hui also discovered the Cavalieris Principle and used
it to nd the volume of a cylinder. About two centuries
later, Zu Chongzhi (430501) and his son, Zu Geng,
found that the value of lies between 3.1415926 and
3.1415927, based on the pioneer works of Liu Hui. He
also obtained the remarkable rational approximation
355 113 for , which is correct to six decimal places.
Working with Zu Geng, he successfully applied the
Cavalieris Principle to deduce the correct formula for
the volume of the sphere by computing the volume of
a special solid called Mouhe Fanggai (the double vault)
as proposed earlier by Liu Hui.
Unfortunately, his own work called Zhui Shu was
discarded from the syllabus of mathematics in the Song
dynasty and was nally lost in the literature. Many
believed that Zhui Shu probably describes the method
of interpolation and the major mathematical contribu-
tions by Zu Chongzhi and Zu Geng.
At the beginning of the Tang dynasty, Wang Xiao-
tong (580640) wrote the Jigu Suanjing (Continuation
of Ancient Mathematics), a text with only 20 problems
that illustrate how to solve cubic equations. His method
was a rst step toward the Tian Yuan Shu (the method of
coefcient array), which was then further developed by
other mathematicians in the Sung and Yuan dynasties.
In the sixth century, mathematics was a subject being
included in the civil service examinations. Li Chunfeng
(602670) was appointed by the Chinese emperor as
the chief editor for a collection of mathematical trea-
tises for both teachers and students. The collection is
called the Ten Classics or the Ten Computational Can-
ons, which include the Zhou Bi Suan Jing, the Jiuzhang
Suan Shu, the Haidao Suan Jing, the Sunzi Suan Jing,
the Wucao Suan Jing, the Wujing Suan Shu, the Shushu
Jiyi, the Xiahou Yang Suan Jing, the Zhang Qiujian Suan
Jing, and the Jigu Suan Jing. The book Zhui Shu by Zu
Chongzhi had been included in the Ten Classics at the
beginning, but it was later replaced by the Shushu Jiyi
because of it being lost in the Sung dynasty.
The Golden Period
No signicant advances in mathematics were made
between the tenth century and the eleventh century.
However, Jia Xian (10231050) improved the meth-
ods for nding square roots and cube roots, and also
extended them to compute the numerical solutions of
polynomial equations by means of the Jia Xian Triangle
(the Chinese version of the Pascal Triangle).
The golden period of mathematical development in
China occurs in the twelfth and the thirteenth centu-
ries, which is called the Renaissance of Chinese math-
ematics by some authors. Four outstanding math-
ematicians appeared in the Sung dynasty and the Yuan
dynasty, namely Yang Hui (12381298), Qin Jiushao
(12021261), Li Zhi (also called Li Yeh, 11921279),
and Zhu Shijie (12601320). Yang Hui, Qin Jiushao,
and Zhu Shijie all used the HornerRufni method to
solve quadratic, cubic, and quartic equations. Li Zhi,
on the other hand, revolutionized the method for solv-
ing problems on inscribing a circle inside a triangle,
which could be formulated as algebraic equations, and
solved by using the Pythagorean theorem. Another
mathematician, Guo Shoujing (12311316), worked
on spherical trigonometry for astronomical calcula-
tions. Therefore, much of the modern mathematics in
the West had already been studied by Chinese math-
ematicians in this period.
Qin Jiushao (12021261) invented the symbol for
zero in Chinese mathematics. Before this invention,
blank spaces were used to denote zeros. Qin Jiushao
also studied indeterminate problems and generalized
the method of Sunzi to become the now-called Chi-
nese Remainder Theorem. He wrote the Shushu Jiu-
186 Chinese Mathematics
zhang (Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections), which
marks the highest point in indeterminate analysis in
ancient China.
Yang Hui was an expert in designing magic squares.
He discovered elegant methods for constructing magic
squares with an order greater than three. Some of the
orders are as high as 10. He was also the rst in China
to give the earliest clear presentation of the Jia Xian
Triangle in his book Xiangjie Jiuzhang Suanfa.
The famous work of Li Zhi is the Sea Mirror of the
Circle Measurements (Ce Yuan Hai Jing). It is a collec-
tion of some 170 problems. He used Tian Yuan Shu or
the Method of Coefcient Array to solve polynomial
equations of degree as high as six. He also wrote the
book Yi Gu Yan Duan (New Steps in Computation) in
1259, which is an elementary book related to solution
of geometric problems by using algebra.
The most important text in the thirteenth century
is the Precious Mirror of the Four Elements (Si Yuan
Yujian), written by Zhu Shijie in 1303. This book marks
the peak of the development of algebra in China. The
unknowns that appeared in equations are called the
four elements, namely heaven, Earth, man, and matter.
This book describes how to solve algebraic equations
of degrees as high as 14. The method is the same as
the HornerRufni method. Zhu Shijie also used the
matrix methods to solve systems of equations. He was
also an expert in summation of series. Many formulas
on summation of series can be found in the Precious
Mirror of the Four Elements. He also wrote an elemen-
tary mathematics text called the Introduction to Compu-
tational Studies (Suanxue Qimeng) in 1299, which had
a signicant impact on the development of Japanese
mathematics later.
The East Meets West Period
In the Ming dynasty, not much original mathematics
work emerged in China. Even the famous work Suanfa
Tongzong (General Source of Computational Methods)
by Cheng Dawei (15331606) was an arithmetic book
for the abacus only. Its style and content were still inu-
enced very much by the Nine Chapters on the Math-
ematical Art. It was only when the Italian Jesuit Mat-
teo Ricci (15521610) came to China in 1581 that the
development of mathematics in China was inuenced
by the West from this time onwards. For instance, Xu
Guangqi (15621633) and Matteo Ricci translated a
number of Western books on sciences and mathemat-
ics into Chinese, including the famous Euclids Ele-
ments, the inuence of the Western culture on China
became more apparent.
However, the Chinese mathematicians also did an
excellent job in editing and recording their traditional
mathematics and science works in the early Qing
dynasty, so that much of them can come down to us
now. For example, Mei Juecheng (16811763) edited
the famous mathematical encyclopedia Shuli Jingyun in
1723, and Ruan Yuan (17641849) edited the Chouren
Zhuan (Biographies of Astronomers and Mathemati-
cians) in 1799. Both of these works are very valuable
and useful references for historians to study the math-
ematical developments in China before the middle of
the Qing dynasty.
Achievements in Chinese Mathematics
After the decline of Greek mathematics in the sixth
century, Western Europe was undergoing the period of
Dark Ages. On the other hand, many of the achieve-
ments of Chinese mathematics predated the same
achievements before and shortly after the Renais-
sance. For instance, before the fteenth century, China
was able to (1) adopt a decimal placed-value numeral
system, (2) acknowledge and use negative numbers,
(3) obtain precise approximations for , (4) discover
and use the HornerRufni method to solve algebraic
equations, (5) discover the Jia Xian Triangle, (6) adopt
a matrix approach to solve systems of linear equa-
tions, (7) discover the Chinese Remainder Theorem,
(8) discover the method of double false position, and
(9) handle summation of series with higher order. It
was only after the fourteenth century that the develop-
ment of Chinese mathematics began to decline and lag
behind the Western mathematics in the Ming and Qing
eras. However, it is worthy to note that the traditional
Chinese mathematics still can nd its contribution in
mechanized geometry theorem proving in the twenti-
eth century, because of its algorithmic characteristics.
Further Reading
Cullen, Christopher. Astronomy and Mathematics in
Ancient China: The Zhou Bi Suan Jing. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Martzloff, J. C. A History of Chinese Mathematics.
Corrected ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Shen, Kangshen, John N. Crossley, and W. C. Lun
Anthony. The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical
Chinese Mathematics 187
Art: Companion and Commentary. Oxford, England:
Oxford University Press, 1999.
Swetz, Frank. Legacy of the Luoshu: The 4000 Year Search
for the Meaning of the Magic Square of Order Three.
Wellesly, MA: A K Peters, 2008.
Yiu-Kwong Man
See Also: Asia, Eastern; Binomial Theorem; Greek
Mathematics; Pi; Pythagorean Theorem.
See Perimeter and Circumference
City Planning
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematics is used to model optimal
city designs and reduce problems of trafc congestion,
sanitation, and water distribution.
Also called urban planning and town planning,
city planning is a discipline that focuses on the various
economic, environmental, historical, physical, politi-
cal, and social characteristics of the urban environ-
ment and their harmonious organization. It encom-
passes a variety of projects, processes, and goals that
involve multiple disciplines and elds of expertise,
such as physical design, and quantitative and qualita-
tive research, as well as analysis, forecasting, strategic
planning, negotiation, and public mediation. Since the
late nineteenth centuryand especially during the sec-
ond half of the twentieth centurythe profession has
increased its reliance on statistics and mathematics.
Early History
The early origins of urban planning can be traced in
the physical design and purposeful spatial organiza-
tion of some ancient cities in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the
Mediterranean Basin, South and Central America, the
Yellow River Basin, and along the Indus Valley. Many of
these settlements present a hierarchical system of paved
streets, often following a rectilinear grid, with water
supply and drainage systems. The Middle Ages was not
a propitious era for urban planning. It became popular
again during the Italian Renaissance with the design of
ideal cities. Inuenced by the belief that a perfect form
was the image of a perfect society, designers opted for
radial or centrally planned cities frequently uniting
the perfect geometric gures of the square and circle
into a star-shape layout. In the seventeenth century,
the rise of nation states and absolutism was conducive
to the development of the monumental baroque city
with its straight and endless avenues, unbroken hori-
zontal rooines, and repetition of uniform elements,
which gloried the ruling power. Simultaneously, the
advances of warfare techniques led to the disappear-
ance of the old city walls and the adoption of new
complicated systems of fortication with considerable
outworks and bastions in spearhead forms.
The Industrial Era
The modern origins of city planning have their roots in
the industrial city of the mid- and late nineteenth cen-
tury. In both Europe and the United States, rapid tech-
nical progress, tremendous industrial development,
and massive displacements of rural population to
urban areas created considerable problems that threat-
ened to disrupt the existing social order. The dread-
ful conditions experienced by masses of people living
in abject poverty and misery in overcrowded slums
sprawling around wealthier districts became a source
of concern for the general public health. In 1854, Dr.
John Snowthe father of modern epidemiology
identied the source of a cholera outbreak in London
by studying the patterns of the disease and using sta-
tistics and a spot map illustrating the clustered death
cases of cholera around the Broad Street pump. The
fears of major epidemics resulted in the rise of a social
movement for urban reform and planning, which rst
focused on water supply and sanitation improvement,
and later on housing provision.
In the 1880s, the basic lack of information regard-
ing the extent and distribution of poverty in London
led English philanthropist Charles Booth to develop a
comprehensive and scientic social survey investigating
the incidence of pauperism rst in East London, and
188 City Planning
later in the entire city. His quantitative statistical analy-
ses and qualitative research presented in 17 volumes
with accompanying colored maps indicating the levels
of poverty and wealth by street received considerable
attention. They were also inuential in demonstrat-
ing the importance of social surveys for public policy,
demographics, and sociology as well as in improving
census data collection.
Similar problems affected Paris and, after visiting
London, Napolon III placed considerable emphasis
on urban planning to modernize the medieval capital
into the capital of light. The large-scale restructuring
program under the direction of Baron Haussmann
affected not only the center of Paris but also its sur-
rounding suburbs. At the time, it was the largest urban
renewal project ever implemented. The plan created a
network of large, easily accessible avenues and boule-
vards with radiating vistas terminated by prestigious
public edices and monuments. In addition to the
building of 71 miles of new roads, the layout of 400
miles of pavement, and the doubling of the number
of trees lining the streets, the citys infrastructure was
entirely renovated. The construction of more than 340
miles of sewers and hundreds of miles of aqueducts
increased the water supply by 400%. Haussmann also
created two major urban parks and two large natural
preserves on the periphery. This urban metamorpho-
sis inuenced the design of numerous cities world-
wide and in particular the White City of the Worlds
Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, which was
the rst large-scale project of the City Beautiful move-
ment in the United States. The aim of expanding civic
consciousness and raising the standards of civic design
culminated in the publication of the famous Plan of
Chicago in 1909, which coincided with the rst uni-
versity course in city planning at Harvard and the rst
National Conference on City Planning. In 1917, the
American City Planning Institute was founded.
The Twentieth Century
Nevertheless, with the growth of the automobile as a
favorite mode of transportation, it was the Garden City
City Planning 189
Lithograph by Currier and Ives of the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The White City in the
exhibition was the first large-scale planning execution of the City Beautiful movement in the United States.
concept invented by Ebenezer Howard that became the
leading model for the development of U.S. suburban
residential communities. As the old city centers became
increasingly congested, transportation planning became
increasingly important to ensure an efcient balance
between land-use activities and the potential com-
munications between them. Transportation planners
regularly collect data, which they analyze and process,
to forecast future trafc using various techniques such
as land-use ratio methods, multiple regression mod-
els, category analysis, growth-factor methods, synthetic
models, modal split analysis, diversion curves, and geo-
graphic information systems (GIS).
After the U.S. Department of Commerce published
A Standard State Zoning Enabling Act and A Stan-
dard City Planning Enabling Act in the 1920s and the
U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of
zoning in 1926, most U.S. cities established planning
departments to adopt master plans and zoning regu-
lations that allowed them to control land-use devel-
opment, protect property values, and segregate uses.
Cities also started implementing subdivision controls
and regulations. These new tools contributed to the
belief in part of the planning community of the pos-
sible rational and scientic management of cities. On
the other hand, idealists such as Frank Lloyd Wright
and Lewis Mumford criticized the new pragmatic and
technological approach, preferring a philosophy of city
development for humanistic and social ends as epito-
mized in the design of Radburn, New Jersey. Over time,
zoning regulations revealed some drawbacks. They
often increased trafc congestion, and sometimes pre-
vented the construction of affordable homes. Some
courts struck them down as exclusionary.
City planning in the postWorld War II era was dra-
matically affected by four signicant federally funded
programs: public housing, urban renewal, home mort-
gage insurance, and highway building. The miserable
failure of urban renewaland the urban crisis of the
1960s that ensuedrequired new approaches to urban
planning. During the second half of the twentieth cen-
tury, city planning became increasingly dened as a
cyclical process attempting to balance conicting social,
economic, environmental, and aesthetic demands while
implementing selected objectives and goals. Therefore,
regular monitoring became necessary to test, evaluate,
and review the strategies and policies adopted on a con-
tinuous basis. City planners regularly use a wide range
of models ranging from basic descriptive statistics to
more complex mathematical models that allow them
to understand the nature of various urban components
and forecast the consequence of change.
Because of the tremendous complexity of urban sys-
tems, models can provide only a simplied representa-
tion of the studied phenomena. Consequently, there is
considerable attention and controversy regarding the
choice of variables, and their level of aggregation and
categorization, as well as the handling of time, speci-
cation, and calibration. Although deterministic mod-
els are the dominant type of predictive models used
by urban planners, there has been some attempt at
developing stochastic models. Urban planners are also
concerned with the accuracy, validity, and constancy
of the models they use. Most models tend to be topic
specic, focusing, for example, on population, hous-
ing, employment, shopping, transport, or recreation,
but integrated forecasting systems have become more
common as there has been an increasing recognition of
the interdependence of the various subelds of a city.
Further Reading
Field, Brian, and Bryan MacGregor. Forecasting
Techniques for Urban and Regional Planning.
Cheltenham, England: Nelson Thornes, 2000.
Freestone, Robert. Urban Planning in a Changing World.
New York: Routledge, 2000.
Hall, Peter G. Cities of Tomorrow: Intellectual History of
Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century.
3rd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Kostof, Spiro. The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and
Meanings, Through History. Boston: Bulnch
Press, 1993.
Krueckeberg, Donald A. Introduction to Planning History
in the United States. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for
Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1983.
Lynch, Kevin. Good City Form. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 1984.
Moughtin, Cliff, et al. Urban Design: Method and
Techniques. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Architectural
Press, 2003.
Catherine C. Galley
Carl R. Seaquist
See Also: Engineering Design; Highways; Water
Distribution; Wright, Frank Lloyd.
190 City Planning
Civil War, U.S.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: The U.S. Civil War saw numerous
advances in rearms, cryptography, and strategy.
The U.S. Civil War, also sometimes known as the War
Between the States, was a conict fought from 1861
to 1865 between 11 southern U.S. states that seceded
from the Union to form the Confederate States of
America and the remaining United States. Precipi-
tating causes of the war centered on economic issues
and states rights versus federal power, often symbol-
ized by the central dividing issue of slavery. More
than 600,000 men on both sides died, which is greater
than the combined U.S. losses in all subsequent wars
and military conicts through the beginning of the
twenty-rst century, though World War II exceeds
this count if the metric is combat deaths versus deaths
from all causes. Some also refer to the Civil War as the
rst industrialized war because of the extensive use
of the telegraph, railroads, and mass-manufactured
goods and weaponry.
Mathematics was instrumental in this war in many
ways. Introduction of the Spencer repeating rie has
been cited by many as the turning point toward the
eventual Union victory. Ciphers and code-breaking
efforts were important in communicating military
strategies and plans. The U.S. Army Signal Corps,
founded in 1860, used both telegraphy and line-of-
sight methods, such as the wig-wag signaling system
in which the left, right, or upward positions of a single
ag represented the numbers 13 and specic number
combinations corresponded to letters. The ranks of
leaders on both sides were lled with mathematically
educated graduates of schools like the Unites States
Military Academy at West Point. Mathematics educa-
tion and research were also impacted by the war.
Changes in small arms and artillery that were occur-
ring in Europe and the United States at this time had
a tremendous impact on the war. Many different types
of smoothbore or ried artillery were used during the
Civil War. One way in which they were distinguished
was by their bore size, which was the diameter of their
barrels, usually expressed in inches. Another differen-
tiating feature was the weight of the projectiles they
red, in pounds. Different classes of weapons also had
different trajectories. Cannons known as guns had
relatively at trajectories. Mortar rounds followed a
steeply arcing path. Howitzers fell between the other
two because the possible angles of inclination and
powder charges could be varied more than the other
two types.
The most common artillery piece was the Napo-
leon, a howitzer named after Napoleon Bonaparte, an
avid student of mathematics who had revolutionized
infantry and artillery warfare. Artillery ammunition
included solid shot or balls, grape, canister, shell, and
chain shot. Canister and grape shot could be particu-
larly devastating to humans, since they disintegrated
into smaller, scattering projectiles along a number of
trajectories when red. At the start of the war, both
sides relied primarily on muzzle-loading ried mus-
kets such as the 58 Springeld, though some smooth-
bore muskets were also in use. Ried weapons had
greater rangenearly half a mileversus the 100-yard
range for smoothbores, which affected infantry tactics.
The breech-loading Spencer repeating rie was a major
innovation, and was considered the most advanced
weapon of its time. It used metal cartridge ammuni-
tion and it could hold seven cartridges at a time, which
greatly increased rate of re and accuracy, though the
Union was initially concerned about the correspond-
ing increase in the demand for ammunition.
Revolvers also replaced muzzle-loading pistols, with
similar effects. Mini ball ammunition, named for
French military ofcer Claude Mini, was used exten-
sively in the Civil War. Previously, ries had been dif-
cult to load because the bullets t tightly in the bore
of the weapon, which was necessary for them to be pro-
pelled effectively by explosive powder charges. Despite
being called a ball, the Mini projectile was conical. It
was smaller in diameter than older ammunition, and
also had grooves that allowed it to fall smoothly and
quickly into the barrel of the rie. A hollow indenta-
tion extending from the base caused it to expand to the
size of the guns bore when red, optimizing the com-
bination of loading time and accuracy.
One problem addressed by mathematical prob-
lem-solving approaches was the terrible problem of
Civil War, U.S. 191
hacking. Increasingly, communications were being
relayed by the newest technologythe telegraph
and Morse code. It was relatively easy for someone
to climb the telegraph pole, connect a telegraph key
to the wires, and intercept messages that were being
relayed back and forth from the front lines to the base
camp. Messages needed to be coded so that intercep-
tors could not interpret them, which was not a new
problem. The problem of encoding military messages
can be dated to at least Julius Caesar and earlier to the
Spartan military.
The governors of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois were
close enough to the Confederate border that they felt
the need to have their messages encoded. Governor
William Dennison of Ohio asked Anton Stager to pre-
pare a cipher (a code) that could be used by these three
governors. Stager adapted a transposition coding sys-
tem that had been used in Great Britain years earlier.
Words were rearranged into a grid. The rst word of the
message was the key to indicate how many columns
were to be formed and in what order they were to be
read. Instructions for these codes were printed on cards
about the size of a standard index card, which were the
precursors of codebooks. Included on the cards were
the route, the keys, the code words, and words used to
check the cipher.
This system underwent a number of modications,
and Stagers route cipher was eventually adopted as
the Unions ofcial cipher. Increasingly sophisticated
ciphers were created during the war and, as a result,
the instructions could no longer t on cards. Some of
the resulting codebooks were 48 pages long. The mes-
sages were intercepted by the Confederacy and sent to
Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the south. By twenty-
rst-century coding standards, they appear to have been
relatively easy codes to break, but evidence suggests that
the south did not have either sufcient manpower or
mathematical knowledge to decode them.
By contrast, the Union forces had a team to work
in breaking the southern codes, including many times
President Abraham Lincoln. The codes used by the
south at the beginning of the war were not standard-
ized, resulting in many messages that were unreadable.
The Confederacy eventually settled on a code from
1587, the Vigenre cipher, named for Blaise de Vige-
nrealthough others before him, such as Giovan
192 Civil War, U.S.
A 12-pdr. howitzer gun captured by
Butterfields Brigade of the 12th Maine
Infantry in May 1862.
Bellaso, are also noted as having invented it. This code
consisted of a tableau of staggered alphabets. The ease
of this code was that the code did not have to change
if a coded message was captured, only the code phrase.
The problem with the Vigenre code came in errors in
transmission over the telegraph. Even though the code
was harder to break than the Union cipher, it was more
difcult to implement because a missed letter would
result in an incoherent message. For instance, General
Edmund Smith reportedly spent 12 hours trying to
decode a message from General Joseph Johnston dur-
ing the Vicksburg campaign. The message requested
reinforcements, but Smith was unable to read it. He
eventually sent a courier, but it was too late for rein-
forcements; Johnstons army was already cut off. Revi-
sions to the code to avoid this problem in the future
made deciphering easier as well.
Mathematically Educated Leaders
Many of the military leaders for both the north and
the south were graduates of the U.S. Military Academy
at West Point, which was the United States only engi-
neering school for an extended period of time. The
Civil War was fought with 359 generals who gradu-
ated from West Point. They served on both sides,
217 for the Union and 142 for the Confederacy. This
list of elite ofcers and leaders includes many well-
known ofcers. Ulysses S. Grant had plans to return
to West Point to teach mathematics, and these plans
were changed by the outbreak of the Mexican War.
Robert E. Lee graduated second in his class in 1829
and served as an assistant professor for mathematics
for his rst two years at West Point. Edmund Kirby
Smith (1845) taught mathematics at the University
of the South after the war, where he joined another
West Point graduate, Josiah Gorgas. Other well-
known graduates who served both sides during the
Civil War included Confederate President Jefferson
Davis, Braxton Bragg (1837), John Bell Hood (1853),
Thomas Jonathan Stonewall Jackson (1846), Albert
Sidney Johnston (1826), James Longstreet (1842),
George E. Pickett (1846), J. E. B. Stuart (1854), Wil-
liam Tecumseh Sherman (1840), George G. Meade
(1835), George McClellan (1846), Joseph Hooker
(1837), Abner Doubleday (1842), George Armstrong
Custer (1861), and Don Carlos Buell (1841).
All these men were mathematically educated, which
was unique for that point in U.S. history and likely
played a role in many aspects of the war. For exam-
ple, the maps and messages of the military in the Civil
War show the inuence of what is now referred to as
descriptive geometry, which was created by Gaspard
Monge and was incorporated into the curriculum after
engineer Claudius Crozet brought it to the Military
Academy. Mathematics textbooks used by most of the
leaders on both sides of the Civil War include those
written by mathematicians Charles Davies and Albert
Church, some of which were adaptations of earlier
French works. This education of the leaders of both
sides of the conict may have had a great deal to do
with the long length of the conict and allows histo-
rians the opportunity to study other differences in the
two sides.
It was not just the military leaders during the Civil
War who made use of mathematics. Lincoln purport-
edly had a great reverence for Euclid of Alexandria and
geometry. Some historians assert that he kept a copy
of Euclids Elements in his saddlebag and studied it
by lamplight to develop his logic and reasoning skills.
Phrasing in Lincolns well-known 1863 address at the
Gettysburg battleeld has sometimes been compared
to Euclid.
While mathematics undoubtedly inuenced the course
and outcome of the war, the Civil War also affected
mathematics education and research. Antebellum
college curriculum in schools such as The Citadel or
Harvard consisted of classes in mathematics that were
lled with practical applications, such as mercantile
transactions, navigation, surveying, civil engineering,
mechanics, architecture, fortications, gunnery, optics,
astronomy, geography, history, and the concerns of
Government. These topics were all expanded in one of
the common textbooks of the day, An Introduction to
Algebra, by Jeremiah Day. Geometry and trigonometry
were also commonly taught, and analytic geometry,
conic sections, and calculus were often optional classes.
The problems discussed and worked in these
classes, both in surveying and in navigation, were
carefully chosen and adapted to make them easily
done but not extremely realistic. Thus, the navigators
and the surveyors being prepared for the Army were
ultimately ill prepared to handle the realistic situa-
tions of making measurements under re or in harsh
seas. According to the work of Andrew Fiss, the Union
Civil War, U.S. 193
army regulations required that surveyors plot the best
course for the army to take. The topographical engi-
neers worked so slowly that many of the generals took
to asking local citizens for the best directions. By two
years into the war the topographical engineers were
incorporated into the Army Corps of Engineers. Like-
wise, the Navy found that the U.S. Naval Academy,
founded near the middle of the nineteenth century,
could prepare navigators better than a mathematics
department. However, the academy was negatively
impacted by the temporarily relocation from Mary-
land to Rhode Island during the war.
After the war, many universities started offering
higher level mathematics courses, and some increas-
ingly focused on research. Harvard and John Hopkins
University graduated doctorates in mathematics within
the next decade.
Further Reading
Antonucci, Michael. Code Crackers: Cryptanalysis
in the Civil War. Civil War Times Illustrated 34,
no. 3 (1995).
Benac, T. J. The Department of Mathematics. United
States Naval Academy.
Fiss, Andrew. The Effects of the Civil War on College-
Level Math Education. Talk given at the meeting
of the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics
Americas Section. March 13, 2010, Washington,
Parshall, Karen Hunger, and David E Rowe. The
Emergence of the American Mathematical Research
Community, 18761900: J. J. Sylvester, Felix Klein, and
E. H. Moore. Providence, RI: American Mathematical
Society, 1994.
Plum, William Rattle. The Military Telegraph During the
Civil War in the United States. Reprinted in 2 Volumes.
Charleston, SC: Nabu Press, 2010 (1882).
Rickey, V. Frederick, and Amy E. Shell. The Mathematics
Curriculum at West Point in the Nineteenth Century.
Rickey, V. Frederick. 201 Years of Mathematics at West
Point. In West Point: Two Centuries and Beyond,
Lance A. Betros, ed. Abilene, TX: McWhiney
Foundation Press, 2004 (1974).
Sauerberg, James. Route Ciphers in the Civil War.
David C. Royster
See Also: Artillery; Coding and Encryption; Firearms;
Revolutionary War, U.S.; Strategy and Tactics.
Climate Change
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus; Data Analysis
and Probability; Problem Solving; Representations.
Summary: Mathematicians and scientists use
sophisticated models to track and predict global
climate change.
The term climate change refers to the changing distri-
bution of weather patterns. Climate is considered to be
the average of 30 years of weather. In other words, cli-
mate is the distribution from which weather is drawn.
Global warming refers to the change in climate in such a
way that warmer weather is increasingly likely. In fact, it
is not just the warming itself that is of concern but also
the rate of change of the warming process since ecologi-
cal systems typically cannot adapt to a rapidly changing
climate. According to the 2007 Synthesis Report by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is
now evident from observations of increases in global
average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melt-
ing of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.
The main cause of changing climate is the increasing
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (car-
bon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide), which effec-
tively act as a blanket over the atmosphere.
The IPCC report noted, There is very high con-
dence that the net effect of human activities since
1750 has been one of warming. The evidence for the
warming of the climate includes more than the mea-
surement of global average temperatures, as physical
evidence such as glacier melt also exists. Most predic-
tions of global warming are based on data models, and
mathematics is used extensively to measure and quan-
194 Climate Change
tify atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols, which are
believed to add to the problem. The National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) are two large federal agencies that are involved
in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of climate
data. They employ a diverse range of mathematicians,
statisticians, scientists, and others, and they have part-
nerships with many academic institutions, government
agencies, and businesses around the world. Researchers
do agree, however, that the current and future conse-
quences of climate change disproportionately impact
the worlds poor.
Climate as a Distribution
In order to understand global warming, it is important
to understand that the term refers to a distribution. It is
easy to dismiss the notion of global warming on a cold
winters day, a mild summer day, or any day where the
weather is cooler than expected. In fact, an unusually
hot or cold event is not evidence for or against global
warming. To aid in understanding climate as a distri-
bution, consider a set of 20 cards numbered 120. One
card will be drawn at a time with replacement. The
value 10.5 is the average of these cards; a card selected
below 10.5 will represent a below-average temperature
for the day, and one selected above 10.5 will represent
an above-average for the day. Further, the farther away
the value of a card is from 10.5 will represent a larger
deviation from average temperature. This example
represents a stable climate. Some days are colder than
average, and others are hotter than average. But, over
time, roughly an equal number of colder days and hot-
ter days occur. Moreover, if the value of the cards were
unknown, basic statistical sampling ideas could be used
to estimate the average.
To represent a changing climate, start with the same
set of cards and consider values below or above 10.5 as
a colder or hotter day. But this time, every time a card is
drawn and replaced, the next higher card will be added
to the set. For example, after the rst card is drawn, a
21 will be added to the set, then a 22 will be added after
the second draw, then a 23 after the third, and so on.
At rst, this change would be barely noticed if at all
since the cards drawn will be roughly equal above and
below 10.5. After some time, however, one would start
to question the assumption that 10.5 is the average. In
this case, if the values of the cards were unknown, basic
statistical sampling techniques could not be used to
estimate the average since the average is in fact chang-
ing. In this example, if 10.5 is taken as the average, then
values below 10.5 still occur but are becoming less
likely. In other words, record lows can still occurand
will still happeneven though climate is warming.
To complicate this example further, consider this
same experiment being performed simultaneously by
2000 people to represent different locations around
Earth. When the set of cards have values from 1 to 100,
one individual would have only
a 10% chance of drawing a card
below 10.5, but it is expected
that approximately 200 of the
2000 experiments will draw a
card below 10.5. In other words,
even though climate is warming,
there will still be places that have
colder than average days.
In terms of actual weather,
consider Figure 1, which provides
the average monthly temperature
anomalies in degrees Celsius for
December 2009 compared to the
average from 1951 to 1980. The
month of December was slightly
colder for most of the United
States. The overall average for the
world was 0.60 degrees Celsius
Figure 1. Global temperature anomalies for December 2009.
Climate Change 195
higher than the baseline years. One month, or even one
year or a few years, of above average temperatures does
not provide conclusive evidence for or against global
warming as these abnormalities could be explained as
normal variations in weather.
Evidence of Warming
Calculating global mean temperatures each year pro-
vides one form of evidence for global warming. For
example, Figure 2 displays mean global temperature
anomalies dating to 1850. Even though the overall trend
is upward, variation from one year to the next can go
in either direction. Gerald Meehl, who has a Ph.D. in
climate dynamics and works at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR), collected information
from 1800 weather stations across the United States that
have been operating since 1950. He and his colleagues
looked at the ratio of record highs to record lows and
grouped the ratios by decade. From the 1950s through
the 2000s, the ratio of record highs to lows was 1.09:1,
0.77:1, 0.78:1, 1.14:1, 1.36:1, 2.04:1. From the 1950s
through the 1980s, the ratios might be considered to be
in the range of normal variation for a stable climate. On
the other hand, by the 2000s, it certainly appears that
the observations no longer represent normal variation,
and that the climate distribution is getting warmer.
In Figure 2, the baseline is the average from 1961 to
1990, with regression lines for different time periods
from 1850 to 2009, 1910 to 2009, 1960 to 2009, and 1985
to 2009. The data are the HadCRUT3 data set provided
by the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit.
Beyond data, a warming climate should present
physical evidence in the form of melting ice. Figure 3
is one of a number of glacier image pairs, which are
pictures of glaciers taken from the same vantage but
40100 years apart. The change is striking. Where there
was once ice, there is now ocean water with the gla-
cier retreating about seven miles. In the foreground,
thick vegetation exists where there was once rock. This
change is because of microclimate changes since the ice
is no longer cooling that area. Along with melting gla-
ciers, Arctic sea ice is decreasing rapidly and permafrost
is melting. In fact, the entire village of Newtok, Alaska,
must be relocated because the loss of permafrost has
allowed the banks of the Ninglick River to erode.
Melting ice is just one source of evidence of a chang-
ing climate. During most of the twentieth century, sea
level was rising at a rate of 0.07 inches per year, but by
the 1990s that rate increased to 0.12 inches per year.
In 2006, the National Arbor Day Foundation updated
its plant hardiness zone maps, and most of the zones
shifted northward. In other words, many plants can now
be grown where they could not before because of their
cold hardiness. There have already been observed shifts
in species ranges, a northward shift, as well as shifts in
phenology (seasonal biological timing) toward events
such as early blooming. In fact, many species have sea-
sonal behavior that is occurring 1520 days earlier than
the behavior occurred in the mid-twentieth century.
The general trend of warming is only part of the
story. If the planet warmed a degree or two over mil-
lions of years, then ecological processes could adapt
and societies could migrate. Figure 2 has least squares
regression lines calculated over the time periods of
18502009, 19102009, 19602009, and 19852009.
The four regression lines are as follows:
y t t
0 0041 8 67281 ( ) = . .
y t t
0 00750 14 75315 ( ) = . .
y t t
0 01364 26 96187 ( ) = . .
y t t
0 01801 34 67615 ( ) = . .
In each case, the slope of the line, with units of
degrees Celsius per year, is increasing as the time peri-
196 Climate Change
Figure 2. Global mean temperature anomolies.
ods are shortened toward more recent years. More
importantly, the 95% condence intervals for the slopes
are (0.00387, 0.00495), (0.00657, 0.00844), (0.01151,
0.01577), (0.01254, 0.02347), respectively. The rst
three intervals do not overlap, and so the slopes of the
lines are signicantly different. This provides evidence
not only for overall warming but also that the rate of
warming is increasing. Some species, trees for example,
will simply not be able to adjust their ranges quickly
enough to adapt to the warming climate.
Climate Science
Climate models, which incorporate mathematical top-
ics such as dynamical systems, statistics, differential
equations, and applied probability, are used to predict
future global average temperature.
Mathematician Ka-Kit Tung, in his book Topics
in Mathematical Modeling, provides a simple climate
model. The model is
T Qs y y I y D y
= ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) + ( ) 1 .
The left-hand side represents change in tempera-
ture. There are three basic terms on the right-hand
side that contribute to temperature change. The rst
term has incoming solar radiation at the top of Earths
Qs y ( )
where the s y ( )
term distributes the radiation differ-
ently depending on the latitude y = sin with repre-
senting latitude. The term also takes into consideration
how much radiation is absorbed
1 ( ) ( )
where y ( ) is the fraction reected or albedo. The
next term,
I y ( )
represents outward radiation, and the last term,
D y ( )
represents heat transportation from warmer latitudes
to colder latitudes. In Tungs textbook, this simplied
model is analyzed to gain understanding of possible
locations in ice lines.
The more complex computer simulations that model
climate are built with assumptions related to popula-
tion growth and societal choices, such as energy use or
technological change. These assumptions are then used
to predict how greenhouse gases will increase. The effect
of increased greenhouse gases in trapping heat is well
understood, and in terms of the simple climate model
above, the increase in greenhouse gases decreases out-
ward radiation. Beyond that, the increase in carbon lev-
els itself is a problem as oceans work to absorb some of
this carbon in the form of carbonic acid. The increase
in carbonic acid in the oceans increases the acidity lev-
els, which damages coral, crustaceans, sea urchins, and
For each scenario, many different models are con-
sidered, and the predictions are averaged to produce
the graph on the left side of Figure 4. The three higher
curves illustrate the average warming. On the right side
of the graph is a range based on the various models. A
distribution has been created, and based on the graph,
one could say that, by 2100,
global mean temperatures
will increase between approx-
imately 1.5 degrees Celsius
and 3.5 degrees
Celsius, but
the distribution around the
three scenarios presented is
from approximately 1 degree
Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius.
The right side of Figure 4
presents the predicted tem-
perature changes as a distri-
bution across Earth, and it is
Climate Change 197
Figure 3. Images of the Muir glacier taken from the same vantage on August 13,
1941 (left), and August 31, 2004 (right).
predicted that the Arctic region will warm more than
the equatorial region.
A key complication in climate modeling is the exis-
tence of feedback loops. A feedback loop is created when
a change in one factor causes a change in a second factor
that then either reinforces or diminishes the change in
the rst factor. While each scenario sets out greenhouse
gas levels, the models must then attempt to take into
account how warming may, in fact, increase warming
or decrease warming. For example, one positive feed-
back loop involves melting ice. As ice melts, the Earths
albedo (reectivity) changes so that less solar radiation
is reected out to space. In the climate model above, the
y ( ) term is decreased so that more solar radiation is
absorbed. In other words, as the planet warms, ice melts.
However, there are now fewer reective white surfaces
and more dark surfaces, which will then absorb even
more solar radiation and increase the planets warming.
Another potential positive feedback loop arises from
melting permafrost. As the permafrost melts, partially
decomposed organic matter will decompose more fully
and release carbon into the atmosphere. Even more
uncertainty arises with the effect of clouds. Low clouds
tend to cool by reecting more energy than they trap,
while the reverse is true for high clouds. As surface tem-
perature increases, there is increased evaporation from
the oceans, creating more water vapor and hence clouds.
But the type of clouds that arise will depend on whether
this is a positive or negative feedback loop.
Of course, to many people, an increase of a few
degrees Celsius does not seem to be drastic enough
to impact life on Earth signicantly. But consider that
during the twentieth century, global average tempera-
tures increased by less than 1 degree Celsius. Never-
theless, there has already been observed disappearing
glaciers, loss of Arctic sea ice, changing species habitat
and phenology, and a new plant hardiness map. In fact,
a difference of approximately 0.2 degrees Celsius was
the difference between the Medieval Warm Period (c.
9501250) and the cooling period (c. 14001700). The
warm period led to the Norse migrating to Greenland
and bountiful harvests and population increases in
Europe. This period was followed by a cooling period
that led to the collapse of the Norse Greenland society
and starvation in Europe.
Impacts of Climate Change
The general consensus in the scientic community in
2010 is that warming has occurred and will continue
to take place even with changes. Debate continues on
precisely how much warming will occur and the exact
nature of the ramications. The questions are by how
much, and what should people expect to happen? Spe-
cies ranges are already changing, and, in some cases,
Figure 4. Climate model predictions of future average global temperature and distributional changes
of temperature.
198 Climate Change
species ranges are disappearing as appears to be the
case for polar bears. Unfortunately, the speed of warm-
ing will lead to some species not being able to change
their range quickly enough, resulting in extinction. The
changing phenology is already causing ecological dis-
ruption. Some plants are blooming earlier, but the spe-
cies that feed on them are not arriving earlier, leading
to decreased food supply.
As Figure 3 shows, ice is melting and more of that
is expected. The loss of Arctic ice will decrease polar
bear populations. The melting glaciers of the Tibetan
Plateau are of particular importance. These glaciers
are responsible for supplying water to about 2 billion
people, and data suggests that the Tibetan Plateau is
warming twice as fast as the global average. Once these
glaciers are gone, so is the water supply. The melting of
glaciers and land ice, along with the thermal expansion
of water, will raise sea levels. One example is Bangla-
desh, which faces severe threats from sea level increases
since millions of people live along a coastline that may
be underwater in the future.
There are additional predictions as of 2010, based
on models and scientic expertise. An increase of 2
degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels would lead
to a fall in agricultural yields in the developed world, a
97% loss of coral reefs, and 16% of global ecosystems
transformed. With an increase of 3 degrees Celsius,
few ecosystems could adapt and an additional 2540
million people would be displaced from the coasts
because of sea level rise. If global average temperatures
rose to 4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels,
entire regions would be out of agricultural production,
including Australia.
Climate Change and Societies
The joint science academies statement on sustainabil-
ity, energy efciency, and climate protection issued in
2007 by the G8 nations and Brazil, China, India, Mex-
ico, and South Africa, said that, Many of the worlds
poorest people, who lack the resources to respond
to the impacts of climate change, are likely to suffer
the most. The warming of the planet will have some
advantages and disadvantages, although there will be
more disadvantages. Some warmer climate species
will have expanded ranges and be able to thrive, while
arctic species may lose their entire ecosystem. Some
countries will be impacted more than others, and the
wealthier countries will have a better ability to adapt.
The examples that have been given here of societies
that already have been or will likely be impacted are all
examples of poorer societies.
The people of Newtok, Alaska, are poor; in 2010,
Bangladesh ranked 183 in the world in terms of GDP
per capita; and there is considerable poverty in regions
in and around the Tibetan Plateau. Part of the tragedy
is that these are not the people who are largely respon-
sible for increasing greenhouse gases. China and the
United States are the largest emitters of carbon dioxide,
but on a per capita basis, the United States far exceeds
China. In general, it is the industrialized nations that
contribute the most to greenhouse gases. Figure 4 pro-
vides different models for future climate change, and
these are primarily based on the models that predict
future greenhouse gas emissions, and it is the more
industrialized nations that have the resources to make
reductions in these emissions.
Further Reading
Fleming, James. Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of
Weather and Climate Control. New York: Columbia
University Press, 2010.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate
Change 2007.
Mackenzie, Dana. Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics: Mathematicians Confront Climate
The National Academies. Ecological Impacts of Climate
The National Academies. Understanding and
Responding to Climate Change, 2008 Edition. http://
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Climatic Data Center.
Neelin, David. Climate Change and Climate Modeling.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Oreskes, Naomi, and Erik Conway. Merchants of Doubt:
How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on
Issues From Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. New
York: Bloomsbury Press, 2010.
U.S. Global Change Research Program. Global Climate
Change Impacts in the United States. http://down
Climate Change 199
Weart, Spencer R. The Discovery of Global Warming:
Revised and Expanded Editions. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 2008.
Thomas J. Pfaff
See Also: Coral Reefs; Forecasting; Function Rate of
Change; Mathematical Modeling; Weather Forecasting;
Weather Scales.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry; Problem Solving.
Summary: Effective climbing relies on mathematical
principles, and there are connections between
climbing and mathematical problem solving.
Climbing is the use of the human body and assisting
equipment to ascend or descend steep surfaces. Climb-
ing can be done professionally, such as for construction
or in the military, for exercise or competition, or for
performancein the case of parkour. There are differ-
ent styles of climbing depending on the object, such as
bouldering, ice, tree, and rope climbing. If the weight
of the climber is supported by equipment, it is called
aid climbing; when the weight is supported only by the
climbers muscles, it is called free climbing. Mathemat-
ics plays a role in successful climbing and in analyzing
various aspects of the discipline. Mathematician Skip
Garibaldi said, Climbing has a lot of puzzles that have
to be solved. Its not just strength or skill.
Anthropometry in Climbing
Anthropometry is the mathematical study of body
measurements in order to understand human vari-
ability. For example, studies show that elite climb-
ers, on average, tend to have small stature, low body
mass, and a high handgrip-to-mass ratio compared to
the population as a whole. Compared to nonclimber
athletes with similar physical conditioning, they are
frequently linear, with narrow shoulders relative to
hips. Ape index is the ratio of a climbers arm span to
height. In adults, it is usually close to one, as illustrated
in Leonardo da Vincis Vitruvian Man. An ape index
greater than one is reputedly advantageous for climb-
ing, and some researchers have found ape index to be a
statistically signicant predictor of climbing success.
Fall Factor and Impact
Fall factor quanties how hurtful a fall may be to a
roped climber. Mathematicians such as Dan Curtis have
derived the fall factor (F
) using differential equa-
tions. It is a function of the ratio of the total distance
the climber falls (D
) to the length of the unstretched
rope (L) between the climber and belayer or anchor at
the ropes other end. It is also a function of the climb-
ers mass (m), the elasticity or stretchiness of the rope
(k), and gravity (g). Algebraically, it is represented as
F mgk
= 2
200 Climbing
The arm span to height ratio for an adult is generally
near one, as shown in da Vincis Vitruvian Man.
Climbing ropes must pass a statistically designed
drop test to be certied for sale and use. Other critical
safety equipment is also designed using mathematics.
One example is the curve of cams used in the friend
devices that secure ropes to crevices in rock walls, which
may be optimized using systems differential equations,
sometimes with polar coordinates. The devices them-
selves are an application of logarithmic spirals.
Climbing Theories and Modeling
Many people have drawn parallels between climbing
mountains and solving mathematical problems, espe-
cially great challenges like summiting Mount Everest
and solving a problem like the Riemann hypothesis,
rst proposed by mathematician Bernhard Riemann.
Analyses have shown that Everest climbers engage
in multistep problem solving with altitude changes,
rates, percentages, conversions, approximations, and
division of large numbers. Mathematician-climber
John Gill said that problems in both mathematics and
climbing are often solved by quantum jumps of intu-
ition. Patterns found in the natural features of some
popular climbing locations can very mathematical.
The Navajo Sandstone formation includes rounded
domes and saddle shapes with remarkably precise-
looking contour lines.
At the same time, the geometric diversity and com-
plexities of climbing surfaces and the variety of tech-
niques used by climbers have made developing a single
theory of optimal climbing strategy difcult. However,
several methods are used to quantify characteristics of
different climbs and probabilistic models can be used
to make decisions. Competitive climbers assign climb-
ing grades to climbing routes, using objective and sub-
jective criteria, to describe their difculty. Other sys-
tems assess the technical difculty of required moves,
the stamina necessary, exposure to the elements, or
the frequency of difcult moves. Mathematician Alan
Tucker demonstrated using graph theory that the clas-
sic Parallel Climbers mathematical puzzle has a solu-
tion for any mountain range.
Further Reading
Curtis, Dan. Taking a Whipper: The Fall-Factor
Concept in Rock-Climbing. The College Mathematics
Journal 36, no. 2 (2005).
Garlick, S. Flakes, Jugs, and Splitters: A Rock Climbers
Guide to Geology. Kingwood, TX: Falcon, 2009.
Tucker, Alan. The Parallel Climbers Puzzle. Math
Horizons 3 (November 1995).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Algebra in Society; Elevation; Extreme
Sports; Puzzles.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Summary: Clocks are devices for timekeeping and
are used for a variety of mathematical calculations,
including nding ones longitude.
The term clock in a generic sense is applicable to a
broad range of devices for timekeeping usually con-
cerning fractions of the natural unit of timethe day.
Modern clocks operate through various physical pro-
cesses. It does not matter what kind of periodic sig-
nals a clock producesringing a bell, ring a cannon,
ashing a light, moving a hand, displaying a number,
or generating electric impulses. Mathematics has been
fundamental both in the design of clocks and in the
measurement of their accuracy. Modular arithmetic,
an algebraic concept involving cycles, is sometimes
informally known as clock arithmetic. In the realm of
biology, mathematicians have also worked on theories
related to the operation of humans internal biological
clocks and bacterial genetic clocks.
History of Clocks
In everyday English language, watches and other time-
pieces that can be carried individually sometimes
continue to be distinguished from clocks. Via Dutch,
Northern French, and Medieval Latin, the word clock
is derived from the Celtic clagan and clocca meaning
bell. Those old clocks had a striking mechanism for
announcing intervals of time acoustically. The history
of clocks is much deeper, however. It started in early
prehistoric times with sundials (often a vertical post
or pillar on horizontal ground exposed to the sun or a
post parallel to the Earths axis) that were the rst and
Clocks 201
oldest scientic instruments of archaic humankind.
They worked only in the daytime. In the terminology
of ancient Greece, such a device was called a gnomon,
and the entire branch of science on sundials is gnomon-
ics. Famous Egyptian obelisksnow reerected in some
European capitalswere also sundials.
Timekeeping devices of different types were called
horologium by the Romans. In its corrupted forms, this
term later on entered many languages of the world. A
noticeable step in the history of timekeeping was the
invention of a water clock (the specic Greek name is
the clepsydra). Water clocks could be used at night. Some
of the water clocks in China and the Near East were quite
large. Another type of simple clock was the sandglass.
The modern era of clock-art started with the inven-
tion of weight-driven mechanical clocks (sometimes
known as chimes). The inventor of such a novelty
is unknown. Because daily prayer and work schedules
in medieval times were strictly regulated, religious
institutions required clocks, and it is certain that the
earliest medieval European clockmakers were Chris-
tian clerics. Mechanical clocks were designed en masse
in the thirteenth century in Western Europe. They
were bulky and appeared on cathedral towers in many
countries. Some of them have survived up to now and
are among the great artifacts of the medieval epoch.
After the invention of tower clocks, efforts were
made to design smaller pieces for tabletops and per-
sonal pocket clocks (watches) for
individuals. Peter Henlein (c. 1480
1542), a locksmith from Nuremberg,
Germany, is often credited as the fore-
runner of the rst portable timekeeper,
but this claim is disputed. His drum-
shaped Taschenuhr was too big for a
pocket. The rst individual clocks were
usually worn on the neck or beneath
the knee. Timepieces of this type were
often known as Nuremberg eggs. The
earliest clocks are very expensive now
and are subjects for collectors.
Clocks for Navigation
A great chapter in clock-making began
in conjunction with the rapid develop-
ment of seafaring after the European
discovery of the Americas. In order to
determine ones position at sea, it is
necessary to calculate two geographical coordinates:
latitude and longitude. Latitude is easily computed
directly from trivial astronomical considerations (the
latitude of a locale is equal to the altitude of the celes-
tial pole). As for longitude, it is equal to the difference
between local time and the time of a prime meridian
chosen specically for cartographic purposes; naviga-
tors used different prime meridians in different coun-
tries in different epochs. To discover ones longitude,
an observer must know the time at the prime meridian,
which requires the art of transporting accurate time.
The search for accurate and convenient timekeep-
ing became one of the most impressive scientic and
technological challenges of the seventeenth century.
Numerous mathematical and astronomical methods
were proposed, such as observations of the moon.
However, the computations would have been difcult
for the typical sailor and the mathematical methods
were not yet well-developed enough to provide an
accurate prediction. This problem was among the foci
of scientic activities of Galileo Galilei of Italy (1564
202 Clocks
Galileo Galilei, with his design for
a pendulum clock around 1641,
drawn by Vincenzo Viviani in 1659.
1642), who discovered the key property of pendulums
that makes them useful for timekeeping: isochronism,
which means that the period of swing of a pendulum is
approximately the same for different sized swings. Gal-
ileo developed the idea for a pendulum clock in 1637,
but did not have enough time to complete the design.
Dutch scholar Christian Huygens (16291695) suc-
cessfully built a pendulum clock in 1656 and patented
it the following year. Its design incorporated concepts
derived from mathematical work on cycloids. The
introduction of the pendulumthe rst harmonic
oscillator for timekeepingincreased the accuracy
of clocks enormously, from about 15 minutes per day
to 15 seconds per day. In addition to building a clock,
Huygens investigated the properties of synchronization
of identical pendulum clocks. Researchers have been
interested in the subject of synchronization of clocks
and oscillators since that time.
The design of the rst marine chronometer was
performed by the self-educated English carpenter and
clockmaker John Harrison (16931776). This device
dramatically revolutionized and
extended the possibility of safe
long-distance sea travel. At the
time, the problem was consid-
ered so intractable that the Brit-
ish Parliament offered a prize of
20,000 British pounds sterling
(comparable to about $4.72 mil-
lion in modern currency) for the
solution. Sailors and astronomers
continued to be the principal con-
sumers of accurate timekeeping.
Precise clocks became essential
equipment for each and every
astronomical observatory.
Modern Clocks
The problem of transportation
of accurate time to determine
longitudes lost its actuality with
the invention of the telegraph
and, later on, with utilization
of radio signals. But with the
advancement of the twenti-
eth century, new scientic and
applied challenges demanded
increasingly accurate time reck-
oning. As a result, new clocks were created based on
newly discovered physical principles that were opera-
tionalized using mathematics. The crucial step in this
direction was the invention of so-called quartz clocks.
A quartz crystal has the unusual property of piezoelec-
tricitywhen stimulated with voltage and pressure, it
oscillates at a constant frequency.
The vibration of a quartz crystal regulates the clock
very precisely. Quartz crystal clocks were designed in
1927 by two engineers at Bell Telephone Laborato-
ries: the Canadian-born telecommunications engineer
Warren Marrison (18961980) and an electrical engi-
neer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), Joseph Warren Horton (18891967). Since the
1970s, quartz clocks have become the most widely used
timekeeping technology. Atomic clocks followed quartz
clocks toward the end of the century. The U.S. National
Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of
Standards and Technology) based the time standard of
the land on quartz clocks between the 1930s and the
1960s. Eventually, it changed to atomic clocks, the best
of which are accurate to 5 10
onds per day. Researchers are now devel-
oping optical clocks that can be up to 100
times more accurate than the best atomic
clocks. Further, satellite-based global
Clocks 203
Huygens (right)
claimed his 1656
pendulum clock
(above) had an
accuracy rate
of 10 seconds
per day.
positioning systems are now a primary source of time
for some scientists and people in everyday life. This sys-
tem provides almost unlimited transportation of time
using variety of mobile devices in space and on Earth.
Today, the reckoning and keeping of precise and
super-precise time continues to be requisite for numer-
ous scientic and applied problems. Astronomers are
still important users of this data. It is important, for
instance, in cosmic navigation, in the measurement of
variations of the rotation of Earth, and in the imple-
mentation of a particular technology into everyday life,
such as radio interferometry with a hyperlong base.
Every developed country now has a specialized national
service for addressing questions regarding precise
timekeeping and time reckoning. For a long time in the
Paris Observatory, there was the Bureau International
de lHeure (The International Time Bureau), which
played an important role in the research of timekeep-
ing. In 1987, the responsibilities of the Bureau were
taken over by the International Bureau of Weights and
Measures (BIPM) and the International Earth Rota-
tion and Reference Systems Service (IERS).
Further Reading
Bruton, Eric. The History of Clocks and Watches. New
York: Time Warner Books, 2003.
Collier, J. L. Clocks. New York: Benchmark Books, 2004.
Landes, David S. Revolution in Time: Clocks and the
Making of the Modern World. Cambridge, MA:
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2000.
Sobel, Dava. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius
Who Solved the Greatest Scientic Problem of His Time.
New York: Walker, 1995.
Uresova, Libuse. European Clocks. An Illustrated History
of Clocks and Watches. London: Peerage Books, 1986.
Alexander A. Gurshtein
See Also: Calendars; GPS; Measuring Time.
Closed-Box Collecting
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Collecting objects in sets is a popular
pastime that can require a great deal of effort
and such collections have inspired mathematical
A set of closed-box collectibles is a set of similar objects
that are sold interchangeably. The objects might be any-
thing; for example, cards, gurines, or trinkets. The term
closed-box means that the consumer purchases each
item without knowing exactly which thing the consumer
will getthe package will contain a random item from
the collection. Because some collectibles may be more
rare or more valuable than others and because individual
preferences vary, side markets for these collectibles may
emerge, with an identied item selling for many multi-
ples of the price of a random one. Baseball cards, collect-
ible card games, and other trading cards give a familiar
example of closed-box collectibles. Toy prizes in cereal
boxes and Kinder Surprise eggs are other examples. This
problem is one of the classics of probability theory. It has
many extensions and can be solved by many methods,
including combinatorics and generating functions. It is
also known as the Coupon Collector Problem.
Promotional Contests
There have been many contests based on closed-box
collecting used for promotional purposes by various
businesses and products. Two well-known examples
include McDonalds annual Monopoly game and Sub-
ways Scrabble game. In these cases, certain purchases
come with one or more random game pieces, which
will be one of a large number of types. The game pieces
come in various groups; a complete group of collect-
ibles can be exchanged for a contest prize.
From the perspective of the business running such
a promotion, the contest design creates certain math-
ematical problems. What proportion of the game pieces
should be manufactured of each type? A main goal is to
minimize unpredictability. If too many grand prizes are
collected, the company may have to pay out a substan-
tial amount of money; this might be too great a risk to
tolerate even if it is very rare. On the other hand, if too
few major prizes are awarded, the public may become
dissatised, negating the public relations goals of the
promotion. The usual solution for the signicant prizes
is to make one type of piece in each group extremely
rare, manufacturing only as many as they intend to pay
out prizes. The other types can then be made relatively
204 Closed-Box Collecting
common without risk. This system generally has the
effect of maintaining public interest by giving a large
number of people the feeling of getting closer to win-
ning a big prize as they accumulate common tokens in
the group, without risking a huge payout.
Expectations in Closed-Box Collecting
Suppose that a consumer is interested in one partic-
ular collectible from a set, and the consumer decides
to purchase collectibles one at a time until getting the
desired one. Assume each collectible purchased will
be the desired kind with probability p, independently
of the others. (In real life, this assumption will not be
strictly valid, but the discrepancy is negligible if the
number of collectibles purchased by an individual is
small compared to the total number in existence.) The
chance that it is not the kind desired is then 1p, and
this scenario is modeled by a geometric random vari-
able. The probability of getting the desired item on the
rst try is p, on the second try is p p 1 ( ), on the third
try is p p 1
( ) , and so on. Then the expectation is
p p
( )
Standard techniques of basic analysis now show that
the expected number of purchases needed is 1/p.
It should be emphasized that this is the expectation
in the sense of probability theory and that there are
some common misconceptions about what it means.
If the probability of getting the desired item is 1/100,
this does not mean that 100 is the most likely number
of purchases, nor that the 100th item is any more likely
to be the desired type than any other. It means that on
averagein the long runit will take 100 tries to get
the desired item. This also means, for example, that
when rolling a fair die, it will take an average of six tries
to roll a 1, squaring well with intuition.
Another important issue in understanding the
dynamics of closed-box collecting is the expected
number of purchases to collect a complete set. Sup-
pose that there is a set of 100 collectibles, each item
purchased being equally likely to be any of the hun-
dred types. If a consumer purchases collectibles one
at a time until obtaining a complete set, how many
purchases will be made? It will take one purchase to
get one item. With one item type, each purchase will
add to the collection with probability 0.99, so the con-
sumer expects to purchase 100/99 more items to get
the second item. With two item types, each purchase
will add to the collection with probability 0.98, so the
consumer expects to purchase 100/98 more items to
get the third item. This process continues until the
consumer has all the items but one; then each pur-
chase will complete the collection with probability
.01, so the consumer expects to purchase 100/1 more
items to get the last type, completing the collection.
This process indicates a total of
+ + + + +
. . .
purchases, about 519. In general, if there are n types,
then the expectation is
+ + +
For large n a good approximation is
n n n o ln( ) + + + ( )
1 purchases
to collect all n objects. The constant 0.5772156649
is the EulerMascheroni constant, named for Leonhard
Euler and Lorenzo Mascheroni, while o(1) is a constant
used in computer science meaning a function that con-
verges to zero for very large inputs, such that the value
is effectively zero for very large n.
This illustration gives insight into why it seems harder
and harder to make further progress in collecting, the
further you get. In the example of collecting a complete
set of 100 collectibles, with each purchase equally likely
to be any of the hundred types, the expected purchases
needed is about 519. Suppose now that one has accumu-
lated a collection of 50 different items; is that really half-
way to a complete collection? By a similar analysis, the
expected number of additional purchases to collect the
remaining 50 items is about 450. So there is a meaning-
ful sense in which 450/519 of the collecting task is still
undone; a more accurate description of the progress is
that the collection is 13.3% completed. In the sense of
expectation, one is not really halfway through collect-
ing 100 items until obtaining the 93rd item. While the
assumption that all types are equally likely does not usu-
ally hold in practice (some types are rarer, some more
Closed-Box Collecting 205
common), the qualitative conclusion applies in general,
unless a few of the items are extremely rare.
Further Reading
Myers, Amy, and Herbert Wilf. Some New Aspects of
the Coupon-Collectors Problem.
Ross, Sheldon. A First Course in Probability. 8th ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Coupons and Rebates; Expected Values;
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: The formation and behavior of clouds
can be mathematically modeled and studied.
Mathematics has been called the science of patterns.
In clouds and the atmosphere, generally there is no end
to the patterns that may be observed, quantied, and
more clearly understood using mathematics. Mathema-
ticians have long modeled the behavior and structure
of clouds.
Applied mathematicians continue to develop ways
to detect clouds and quantify motion, composition,
density, top altitude, and the distance between clouds,
among other characteristics. In 1999, the U.S. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
launched the Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
to measure environmental and climate data from nine
different angles, including cloud data.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) is one of the largest organi-
zations specializing in the study of the environment.
In 2010, a NOAA team led by physicist Graham Fein-
gold reported its ndings that clouds form synchro-
nous patterns, meaning that individual clouds in a
group respond to signals from other clouds, an effect
also observed in chirping crickets or ashing reies.
This research has implications for interpreting climate
change data. There are also mathematical objects such
as point clouds that are of interest in geometry, imag-
ing, and efcient distribution mining. Fractal clouds
are appreciated for their mathematical properties and
their artistic qualities.
Water in the Air
Air is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and
oxygen (21%). Argon comprises nearly 1%, leaving
little room for the remaining gasses, including carbon
dioxide, ozone, and neon. This recitation, however, is
for dry air. Water vapor, the invisible gas from which
clouds are constructed, can account for 0% to 4% of
any given parcel of air. In order to form a cloud, water
vapor must change phase to either liquid water drop-
lets or ice crystals.
The Transformation of Water into Clouds
The amount of water vapor that can be held in a parcel
of air is determined primarily by the temperature of
the air; warm air can hold more and cold air less. The
amount of water vapor held in a parcel of air is identi-
ed by the mixing ratio:
grams of water vapor in a parcel
kgs of dry air in the same parcel
The amount of water vapor a parcel of air can hold
is called the saturation mixing ratio:
grams of water vapor in a saturated parcel
kgs of dry air in the same parcel
= .
Relative humidity is a measure of how much vapor a
parcel of air is holding compared to how much it could
possibly hold and is expressed algebraically as
RH = 100
The dew point is the temperature at which a parcel of
air becomes saturated. At this point, the saturation mix-
ing ratio and the actual mixing ratio are equal to one
another, and the relative humidity is therefore 100%. A
further drop in temperature should produce condensa-
tion as water changes phase from vapor to liquid cloud
droplets or solid ice crystalsa cloud is born.
206 Clouds
The Unstable Atmosphere
Clouds are often the result of lifting in the atmosphere.
When a parcel of air rises, it generally cools, and this
cooling produces condensation. The way in which the
lifting is accomplished can lead to dramatic differences
in the appearance of the cloud. When whole layers of air
are gently lifted in an atmosphere that is stable, stratus
clouds are formed, whereas the more dramatic vertical
structure of a cumulus cloud comes from runaway con-
vection, a self-perpetuating process that can build clouds
more than 12 kilometers (km) or 40,000 feet tall.
What is a stable atmosphere? Temperatures generally
decrease with height. The rate of change is, of course, vari-
able but it is referred to as the lapse rate () of the atmo-
sphere. A parcel of air, distinct from the air that surrounds
it, may be forced to rise or descend and will cool or warm
as a result. Pressure generally decreases with height,
and a parcel that rises into a zone of lower pressure will
expand, doing work on the environment and therefore
cooling. The rate at which a parcel of air cools as a result
of this sort of ascension is known as the dry adiabatic
lapse rate (
) which is approximately 10 degrees Celsius
per km. When the dew point is reached in the parcel and
condensation occurs, latent heat is released as a result of
the phase change and the parcel is warmed.
The result is a lower lapse rate, the saturated adia-
batic lapse rate (
). The saturated lapse rate depends on
the amount of moisture being condensed but 6 degrees
Celsius per km may be used as a rough estimate.
Now if <
, the atmosphere is stable because
unsaturated air that is made to rise will cool at approxi-
mately 10 degrees Celsius per km and will nd itself in
air that is increasingly warmer than itself. The greater
the difference
, the greater the force restoring
the parcel to its previous altitude. The force may be
quantied as
g z
( )
where g is the gravitational constant, T is temperature,
and z is a small upward displacement of the parcel
from its equilibrium level. Consider the implications of
a temperature inversion in which temperature actually
increases with height and is a negative quantity. Now
consider a situation in which the atmosphere cools
strongly with height, that is >
. Then, the restoring
force becomes negative. Air that rises becomes warmer
than its surroundings and so continues to rise. This
leads to the runaway convection that builds the tower-
ing cumulonimbus clouds that can produce thunder-
storms, lightning, and hail.
Further Reading
Adam, John. Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns
in the Natural World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2003.
Feingold, Graham, et al. Precipitation-Generated
Oscillations in Open Cellular Cloud Fields. Nature
466, no. 12 (August 2010).
Wallace, John M., and Peter V. Hobbs. Atmospheric
Science. Burlington, MA: Academic Press, 2006.
Mark Roddy
See Also: Energy; Forecasting; Hurricanes and
Tornadoes; Wind and Wind Power.
Clubs and
Honor Societies
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Various clubs and honor societies
add a social dimension to the enjoyment of doing
mathematics and can provide networking and
scholarship opportunities for talented students.
Mathematics clubs are often designed to provide a fun
atmosphere outside of the classroom environment
in order to promote mathematics and create a sense
of community and camaraderie. Clubs exists for stu-
dents of all ages as well as adults. Many undergradu-
ate mathematics clubs are afliated with organizations
like the Mathematical Association of America, the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, or the
Association for Women in Mathematics. These clubs
are open to all students, regardless of gender, race,
color, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
or disability. However, other student extracurricular
activities like semester or summer programs or camps
may use a variety of selection criteria for membership.
Clubs and Honor Societies 207
Mathematical honor societies like Pi Mu Epsilon often
consider both mathematical GPA and overall schol-
arship in their selection of candidates. Participants
in mathematics clubs, programs, and honor societies
seem to be attracted to the social aspects and related
food opportunities; pizza or donuts are often a com-
ponent of such activities. Researchers have investigated
the impact of participation on achievement. There is
some evidence that participation may be correlated
with an increase in retention, positive attitudes about
mathematics, and higher grade point averages.
Activities and Participation
People in mathematics clubs enjoy a wide range of activ-
ities together. Clubs may participate in mathematical
contests, homecoming activities, mathematical murder
mysteries, -day celebrations, mathematics Jeopardy, or
recreational mathematics. Some clubs bring in outside
speakers, work on problems together, or write and per-
form mathematical plays or poetry. Other clubs per-
form service activities, like volunteering to be tutors.
Faculty and teacher advisors run or help student mem-
bers organize clubs at all levels, from primary school
through graduate school, although some clubs may be
completely run by student members. Adults also orga-
nize mathematical clubs for themselves. For instance,
in Los Angeles, California, Math-Clubs catchphrase is
Be there and be square. Listed members are employed
in a wide variety of careers and include professional
Hollywood writers, actors, designers, journalists, and
Clubs may be funded from schools and private dona-
tions or they may raise funds from activities like the
sale of mathematical T-shirts with slogans like Know
your limitsdont drink and derive, Math club is as
sweet as , or Nerds now, rich later. In fact, some
journalists have noticed that members of mathemat-
ics clubs may enjoy embracing their status as nerds
or intellectuals. This may be connected to the same
occurrence in popular culture, where nerds are some-
times hip. Clubs are often open to anyone who wishes
to join. Specic clubs also exist for members with more
specialized interests, like for prospective mathematics
teachers or mathematical knitters.
Honor Societies
Members of honor societies are recognized for their
successful pursuit of mathematical understanding.
The most well-known mathematics honor society in
the United States may be Pi Mu Epsilon. As of April
2010, there were 343 chapters. The organization pro-
motes student scholarly activity through a student
research journal as well as grants for contests, confer-
ences, and speakers.
Another college society is Kappa Mu Epsilon, which
listed 144 chapters and more than 75,000 members in
35 states as of March 2009. The organization focuses
on the power and beauty of mathematics and the con-
nections between mathematics and society through a
journal and regional conventions. Mu Alpha Theta is
an honor society for high schools and two-year colleges,
which listed more than 75,000 members in more than
1,500 schools as of October 2010. There are also math-
ematics honor societies for the homeschool community
as well as for some states, schools, and colleges.
Other Programs
There are many other opportunities for students to
engage in club-like or honor societylike activities.
The Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM) study-
abroad program holds courses in English and is seen
by many as a prestigious program for students bound
for graduate school. In the summer, students may par-
ticipate in a variety of mathematics camps, workshops,
or research programs, such as the U.S. Space & Rocket
Centers mathematics camp, Clarkson Universitys
Roller Coaster Camp, or Research Experiences for
Undergraduates. Some programs charge money for
such activities, and others are funded by grants.
Further Reading
Cohen, Moshe. How to Startand Maintain Your
Schools Math Club. Math Horizons 14 (September
Mathematical Association of America. MAA Student
Tanton, James. Solve This: Math Activities for Students
and Clubs. Washington, DC: The Mathematical
Association of America, 2001.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Careers; Competitions and Contests;
Professional Associations; Social Networks; Succeeding
in Mathematics.
208 Clubs and Honor Societies
Cochlear Implants
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Cochlear implants use signal processing
and algorithms to transmit electrical impulses to the
brain to simulate hearing.
A cochlear implant is an electrical device that can
help provide a representation of sound to a deaf or
severely hard-of-hearing person. Unlike a hearing aid,
a cochlear implant does not amplify sound; instead,
it directly stimulates the auditory nerve, which sends
these signals to the brain, where they can be inter-
preted as sound. Development of the cochlear implant
relied in part on discoveries by French mathematician
Joseph Fourier (17681830), whose studies in heat
transfer led to the development of mathematics that
can also be used to describe sound. Fourier analy-
sis allows mathematicians to describe complex wave
patterns, including the pressure waves that produce
sound, as the combination of a number of component
waves. Cochlear implants also draw on the discovery
by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (17451827)
that electrical current could be used to stimulate the
auditory system and produce
the sensation of sound. Practical
work on cochlear implants dates
back to the mid-twentieth cen-
tury, and cochlear transplants
were rst approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration
in 1984 for adults and in 1990 for
children age 2 years and older (a
limit since lowered to 12 months
for one type of implant).
Sound Waves and Hearing
In a person with normal hear-
ing, sound waves are collected
by the outer (visible) ear (pinna)
and sent down the ear canal to
the eardrum (tympanic mem-
brane). Movement of the ear-
drum is amplied by three small
bones in the middle ear, com-
monly referred to as the ham-
mer, the anvil, and the stirrup, before being passed
on to the cochlea in the inner ear. In the cochlea, this
information is converted into electrical impulses by
the hair cells of the organ of corti, and these impulses
are sent on to the brain, where they are interpreted
as sound. The cochlea has a spiral shape (sometimes
likened to that of a snail shell) and scientists have
recently discovered that the shape itself is signicant
in the cochleas function. The spiral shape produces
a whispering gallery effect as the energy of the fre-
quency waves accumulate against the outer edge of the
chamber, increasing humans ability to detect low-fre-
quency sounds.
Signal Processing
Most sound, including speech, is complex, meaning
that it consists of multiple sound waves with different
frequencies. In a person with normal hearing, the ear
acts as a kind of Fourier analyzer, which decomposes
sound into components. A cochlear implant attempts
to mimic this activity, translating sound waves into
electrical impulses and transmitting them directly to
the brain. Two basic signal-processing strategies have
been used in designing cochlear implants: lter bank
strategies, which use Fast Fourier Transforms to divide
sound into different frequency bands and represent
Cochlear Implants 209
This illustration from the U.S. National Institutes of Health details the
components of a cochlear implant.
1. Microphone
2. Speech processor
3. Transmitter
4. Receiver/stimulator
5. Electrode array
this information as an analog or pulsatile waveform;
and feature-extraction strategies, which use algorithms
to recognize and emphasize the spectral features of dif-
ferent speech sounds.
A cochlear implant somewhat simulates normal
hearing rather than restoring it, and individuals who
receive an implant require special training in order to
learn to recognize the signals as sound. In addition,
cochlear implants are not advisable for every type of
hearing loss, and a number of factors should be consid-
ered by the individual and his or her physician before
committing to an implant. These factors include cur-
rent age, age at which the person became deaf, how
long the person has been deaf, the availability of sup-
port (including nancing) to see him or her through
the training period, and the health and structure of the
individuals cochlea.
Although cochlear implants are growing in popular-
ity and being used for younger and younger children,
they are also controversial for several reasons, some of
which were discussed in the 2000 documentary lm
Sound and Fury. One is based on the cost of the opera-
tion and follow-up therapy necessary to help the recip-
ient learn to process the electrical impulses as sound.
Another is that the surgery requires destroying what-
ever hearing may remain in the ear where the implant
will be placed; for this reason, it is common to have the
implant in one ear only. In addition, the surgery is done
on children as young as 1 year in order to take advan-
tage of peak language learning periods, so parents must
make this decision for their children. Finally, many
members of the deaf community feel that they should
not be regarded as being defective or handicapped, that
they can function successfully in the world using sign
language and lip reading. They fear that widespread
adoption of cochlear implants will ultimately destroy
a distinctive and ourishing deaf culture.
Further Reading
Aronson, Josh. Sound and Fury. Aronson Film Associates,
Inc. and Public Policy Productions, 2000. Filmstrip.
Loizou, Philipos. Mimicking the Human Ear: An
Overview of Signal-Processing Strategies for
Converting Sound Into Electrical Signals in
Cochlear Implants. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
(September 1998).
Manoussaki, Daphne, E. Dimitriadis, and R. S.
Chadwick. The Cochleas Graded Curvature Effect
on Low Frequency Waves. Physical Review Letters 96
(March 3, 2006).
National Institute of Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders, National Institutes of
Health. Cochlear Implants. http://www.nidcd.nih.
Niparko, John K., ed. Cochlear Implants: Principles
and Practices. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Brain; Functions; Harmonics; Mathematical
Modeling; Nervous System.
Cocktail Party
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: A metaphorical cocktail party is the setting
for a source separation problem and other challenges.
The eponymous Cocktail Party Problem is a source
separation problem in digital signal processing,
wherein digital systems have difculty separating out
one signal among manythe metaphorical conversa-
tion in a noisy cocktail party, which is comparatively
easily handled by the human brain. More broadly, dis-
tinguishing signal from noise is a data analysis chal-
lenge with many specic applications. The metaphor
of the cocktail party also lends itself to a number of
other problems in combinatorics, graph theory, prob-
ability, and functional analysis.
Conversations and Background Noise
With all the noise at a party, it can be difcult to focus
on one conversation, although many people are able
to do so. Telecommunication professor Colin Cherry
conducted experiments in this area, and he is consid-
ered by some to be a pioneer in cognitive science. Many
people can even recognize the sound of their name
from across a noisy room. However, this is not as easy
210 Cocktail Party Problem
when heard on a recording. One cocktail party prob-
lem arises from concerns about separating each indi-
viduals voice characteristics in a recording from the
other voices and background noise. People in surveil-
lance and intelligence are inherently interested in such
a problem, and scientists and engineers have worked
on solutions since at least the 1950s. One common
method is mathematical signal processing. Mathema-
ticians and engineers digitize a signal using a Fourier
transform, named for Joseph Fourier. They process it
using a variety of methods to remove noise and other
extraneous information, and then reconstruct the sig-
nal using the inverse transform.
While the process may result in an improved record-
ing of one persons voice, early twenty-rst-century
technology and methods do not provide perfect sepa-
ration, so the recording still includes at least some dis-
tracting background noise. However, engineers have
conjectured that the signal should be able to be recon-
structed without the noisy phase. Mathematicians Radu
Balan, Peter Casazza, and Dan Edidin made progress on
the problem in 2006, when they showedusing a neu-
ral netthat it is mathematically possible to retain the
voice characteristics without the noise. Scientists con-
tinue to work on developing algorithms for practical
use. Casazza made another fundamental mathematical
discovery during his work on the cocktail party prob-
lem. He and his wife, Janet Tremain, also a mathemati-
cian, showed that the KadisonSinger problem, named
for mathematicians Richard Kadison and Isadore Iz
Singer, is equivalent to other unsolved problems in
areas of pure and applied mathematics and engineer-
ing, such as operator theory, harmonic analysis, and
signal processing.
Mathematicians also investigate other party
problems, like the probability that when people at a
party are chosen to be partners for a card gamelike
bridgeno randomly chosen partners will contain
spouses or members of the same family. The solutions
require nding specic combinations or permutations
of the guests. Under certain constraints, the maximal
probability for some problems may be bounded at less
than certainty as the number of people at the party
grows. There are also connections between this ques-
tion and the card game War, as well as with a related
set of problems that focus on orders and arrangements
of guests around a single dinner table or in various
groupings, with applications in areas like queuing
theory and assignment problems. The classic dining
philosophers problem is yet another variation that has
applications in resource sharing and task allocation in
computer science.
Another party problem asks how many people must
be present at a party in order to ensure that there will
be a group of three people who share the character-
istic of being acquaintances or strangers. There is no
guarantee that three people will all know each other
or will be strangers in parties of ve or less people
since counterexamples exist. The Java game HEXI,
named so because the game is played on the vertices
of a hexagon, is modeled on this question. The six
vertices are connected by edges and each player takes
a turn coloring an edge his or her color. One color
represents acquaintances, and the other represents
strangers. The goal of the game is to avoid making
a triangle of the same color. Mathematicians model
this question using graph theory, and show that in
any group of at least six people, it is possible to nd a
group of three people satisfying one of the mutually
exclusive relationships. Hence HEXI will always have
a loser. Instead of people at a party or vertices of a
polygon, one could explore other objects like nations
embroiled in a conict, sequences of randomly gen-
erated numbers, or stars. Mathematicians investi-
gate problems like these concerning the existence of
regular patterns in sets of objects in Ramsey theory,
named for Frank Ramsey.
Further Reading
Albertson, Michael. People Who Know People.
Mathematics Magazine 67, no. 4 (1994).
Brodie, Marc. Avoiding Your Spouse at a Party Leads to
War. Mathematics Magazine 75, no. 3 (2002).
Casazza, Peter, and Janet Tremain. The KadisonSinger
Problem in Mathematics and Engineering. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences 103, no. 7 (2006).
Mathematicians Solve the Cocktail Party Problem. August 22, 2006. http://www.physorg
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Daubechies, Ingrid; Graham, Fan Chung;
Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Probability;
Wireless Communication.
Cocktail Party Problem 211
Coding and Encryption
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical algorithms are used in
modern encryption and decryption.
Human beings have a propensity to preserve and share
secret information. Cryptography, from the Greek
kryptos (hidden) and graphein (to write), is the art and
science of coding and decoding messages containing
secret information. Encryption is the algorithmic pro-
cess that converts plain-text into cipher-text (looks like
a collection of unintelligible symbols), while decryp-
tion is the reverse process that converts the cipher-text
back to the original plain-text. A cipher algorithm
and its associated key control both directions of the
sequence, with the codes security level directly related
to the algorithms complexity. The two fundamental
types of cryptography are symmetric (or secret keys)
or asymmetric (or public-key), with multiple varia-
tions. Claude Shannon, an American mathematician
and electronic engineer, is known as the father of
information theory and cryptography. Some claim that
his masters thesis, which demonstrates that electrical
applications of Boolean algebra can construct and
resolve any logical numerical relationship, is the most
important masters thesis of all time.
Around 2000 b.c.e., Egyptian scribes included non-
standard hieroglyphs in carved inscriptions. During
war campaigns, Julius Caesar sent coded information
to Roman generals. Paul Reveres signal from a Boston
bell tower in 1775 is even a simple example of a coded
message. Success of the Allies in both World Wars
depended on their breaking of the Germans Enigma
code. With the world-wide need for more sophisticated
coding algorithms to transmit secure messages for mili-
tary forces, businesses, and governments, people began
capitalizing on the combined powers of mathematics,
computer technology, and engineering.
The simplest examples of ciphers involve either
transpositions or substitutions. In 450 b.c.e., the Spar-
tans used transposition ciphers when they wound a
narrow belt spirally around a thick staff and wrote a
plain-text (or message) along the length of the rod.
Once unwound, the belt appeared to be a meaningless
sequence of symbols. To decipher the cipher-text, the
receiver wound the belt around a similar staff. Varia-
tions of transposition ciphers are the route cipher and
the Cardan grill.
Julius Caesar used substitution ciphers, where each
letter of the plain-text is replaced by some other letter
or symbol, using a substitution dictionary. For exam-
ple, suppose:
Original Alphabet:
Key Dictionary:
where the key dictionary is made by starting with
code letter K and then writing the alphabet as if on a
loop. To encode the plain-text, The World Is Round,
each letter is substituted by its companion letter, pro-
ducing the cipher-text CRO FXAUN SB AXDWN.
To disguise word lengths and to add complexity, the
cipher-text was sometimes blocked into xed-length
groups of letters such as CROF XAUN SBAX DWN.
To decipher the cipher-text, one needed to know only
the code letter. Though simple and initially confus-
ing, substitution ciphers now are easily broken using
frequency patterns of letters and words. Variations of
the substitution cipher involve the suppression of letter
frequencies, syllabic substitutions, or polyalphabetic
substitutions such as the Vigenre or Beaufort ciphers.
The Playfair Square cipher used by Great Britain in
World War I is a substitution cipher, but its encryption
of letter pairs in place of single letters is more powerful
yet easy to use. The cipher-key is a 5 5 table initiated
by a key word, such as mathematics.
The table is built by moving left to right and from
top to bottom (or other visual pattern as in a spiral)
by rst lling in the tables cells with the keywords let-
tersavoiding duplicate letters. Then, the subsequent
cells are lled with the remaining letters of the alphabet,
using the I to represent the J to reduce the alpha-
212 Coding and Encryption
bet to 25 letters (instead of 26). Both the coder and the
decoder need to know the both the keyword and the
conventions used to construct the common cipher-key.
The coder rst breaks the plain-text into two-letter
pairs and uses the cipher-key via a system of rules:
If double letters occur in the plain-text, insert
an X between them.
Rewrite the plain-text as a sequence of two-
letter pairs, using an X as a nal ller for last
If the two letters lie in the same row, replace
each letter by the letter to its right (for
example, CS becomes SB).
If the two letters lie in the same column,
replace each letter by the letter below it (TS
becomes SK and PW becomes WA).
If the two letters lie at corners of a rectangle
embedded in the square, replace them by
their counterpart in the same rectangle (TB
becomes SH and CR becomes PB).
Using this cipher-key, the plain-text The World Is
Round becomes rst
which when encoded, becomes
The same cipher-key is used to decode this message,
but the rules are interpreted in reverse. It is quite dif-
cult to decode this cipher-text without access to both
the keyword and the conventions to construct the com-
mon cipher-key, though very possible.
The problem with all substitution and transposi-
tion encryption systems is their dependence on shared
secrecy between the coders and the intended decoders.
To transmit plain-text via cipher-text and then decode
it back to public-text successfully, both parties would
have to know and use common systems, common key-
words, and common visual arrangements. In turn, pri-
vacy is required, since these systems are of no value if
the user learns the key-word or is able to use frequency
techniques of word/letter patterns to break the code. A
more complicated and secure encryption process was
needed, but it was not invented until the 1970s.
The revolutionary idea in encryption was the idea of
a public key system, where the encryption key is known
by everyone (that is, the public). However, the twist was
that this knowledge was not useful in guring out the
decryption key, which was not made public. The RSA
public-key cipher, invented in 1977 by Ronald Rivest,
Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman (RSA stands for
the names of the inventors), all of whom have bache-
lors degrees in mathematics and advanced degrees in
computer science, is still used today thanks to powerful
mathematics and powerful computer systems.
In a RSA system, the receiver of the intended mes-
sage is the driver of the process. In lieu of the sender,
the receiver chooses both the encryption key and the
matching decryption key. In fact, the receiver can
make the encryption key public in a directory so any
sender can use it to send secure messages, which only
the receiver knows how to decrypt. Again, the latter
decryption process is not even known by the sender.
Because the problem is quite complex and uses both
congruence relationships and modular arithmetic, only
a sense of the process can be described as follows:
As the receiver, start with the product n
equal to two very large prime numbers
p and q.
Choose a number e relatively prime to
(p 1)(q1).
The published encryption key is the pair (n, e).
Change plain-text letters to equivalent
number forms using a conversion such as
A = 2, B= 3, C= 4, . . . , Z= 27.
Using the published encryption key, the
sender encrypts each number z using
the formula m z n
( ) mod , with the new
number sequence being the cipher-text.
To decode the text, the receiver not only
knows both e and the factors of n but also the
large primes p and q as prime factors of n.
Then, the decryption key d is private but
can be computed by the receiver using an
inverse relationship ed p q ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 mod ,
which allows the decoding of the encrypted
number into a set of numbers that can be
converted back into the plain-text.
The RSA public key system works well, but the
required primes p and q have to be very large and often
Coding and Encryption 213
involve more than 300 digits. If they are not large, pow-
erful computers can determine the decryption key d
from the given encryption key (n, e) by factoring the
number n. This decryption is possible because of the
fact that, while computers can easily multiply large
numbers, it is much more difcult to factor large num-
bers on a computer.
Regardless of its type, a cryptographic system must
meet multiple characteristics. First, it must reect the
users abilities and physical context, avoiding extreme
complexity and extraneous physical apparatus. Second,
it must include some form of error checking, so that
small errors in composition or transmission do not
render the message into meaningless gibberish. Third,
it must ensure that the decoder of the cipher-text will
produce a single, meaningful plain-text. There are many
mathematicians working for government agencies like
the National Security Agency (NSA), as well as for pri-
vate companies that are developing improved security
for storage and transmission of digital information
using these principles. In fact, the NSA is the largest
employer of mathematicians in the United States.
Further Reading
Churchhouse, Robert. Codes and Ciphers. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Kahn, David. The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret
Writing. New York: Macmillan, 1967.
Lewand, Robert. Cryptological Mathematics. Washington,
DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2000.
Smith, Laurence. Cryptography: The Science of Secret
Writing. New York: Dover Publications, 1971.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Bar Codes; Intelligence and
Counterintelligence; Mathematics, Applied.
Cold War
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The Cold War had a broad inuence on
mathematics, including education, coding theory,
game theory, and many applied elds.
The Cold War was a 45-year-long period of bitter com-
petition between two large groups of nations. It lasted
from the end of World War II in 1945 to the collapse of
the Soviet Union in 1991. The two groups never came
to direct combathence the term coldbut it was
a war in every other way, fought with deadly ferocity
in the political, economic, ideological, and technologi-
cal arenas. It was also a time of unprecedented invest-
ment in new mathematical ideas, driven in part by
the desire of each side to dominate the other through
nuclear intimidation, economic strength, espionage,
and political control. The Cold War had a great impact
on mathematics education, on the study of codes and
code-breaking algorithms, and the development of
new elds such as game theory. More generally, the
term cold war can be applied to any ght-to-the-
death competition between nations in which the two
sides avoid direct military combat.
In the original Cold War (19451991), the two
groups of nations divided along ideological lines. One
side, the Soviet bloc, adhered to the communist politi-
cal and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Vladi-
mir Lenin. The other side, the Western bloc, adhered to
the older free-market capitalist philosophy originated
by Adam Smith.
The two sides of the Cold War were essentially forced
to avoid military conict by the recent invention of
the atomic bomb, because neither side wanted to risk
combat that might give rise to an unstoppable military
escalation. The inevitable result of such an escalation
would have been worldwide nuclear war, with most
large cities destroyed in an instant by nuclear war-
heads, followed by massive clouds of radioactive ash
circling the globe and causing the death of hundreds of
millions of innocent people.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
Prior to the development of the atomic bomb, there
were no weapons capable of destroying the population
of an entire city in a single blow. Wars were fought as
purely military conicts, without risking the life of civ-
ilization itself. This nature of conict changed forever
with the advent of nuclear weapons.
Prior to the Cold War, the dominant mathematical
model of warfare was a simple predatorprey model
invented by Frederick Lanchester during World War
I. Perhaps not surprisingly, given the slow, grinding
progress of World War I, the Lanchester model places
214 Cold War
primary emphasis on the rates of attrition of the mili-
tary forces. The side that survives this deadly attrition
process wins the battle. In a nuclear-armed battle, how-
ever, it is survival rather than attrition that is the vital
concern, and the Lanchester equations are irrelevant.
In the earliest years of the Cold War, only the United
States possessed the theory and technology to construct
an atomic bomb. The presence of the bomb in the arse-
nal of one side but not the other made possible a strat-
egy known as nuclear blackmail. The owners of the
atomic bomb could threaten to use the bomb if their
adversaries did not comply with their demands. For
example, newly declassied documents have revealed
that in 1961, Great Britain threatened China with
nuclear retaliation if China were to attempt a military
invasion of the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong.
The United States backed up this threat, and China
refrained from invading Hong Kong.
Clearly, the ownership of the secret of the atomic
bomb by just one nation in 1945 had destabilized
the military balance of power among the victors of
World War II. Great Britain and France allied them-
selves with the United States and were given access to
atomic secrets. The Soviet Union chose to develop its
own versions of the atomic bomb, or to steal the secrets
through espionage. Thus arose the great division of the
Cold War, between the respective allies of the Soviet
Unionknown as the Warsaw Pacton one side, and
the United Statesthrough the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)on the other.
The Soviet Union tested its rst nuclear weapon
in 1949, ending its four-year period of vulnerability
to nuclear blackmail. The military doctrine that took
its place was known as mutually assured destruction
(MAD). As long as each side in the Cold War could
assure the other that it would be utterly destroyed in
a nuclear exchange, thenso it was hopedmilitary
conict could be prevented. MAD did indeed prevent
the two nuclear powers from directly attacking each
other, but it had two unfortunate consequences: the
people of both sides lived in terror of nuclear annihila-
tion, and both superpowers engaged in so-called proxy
wars, using much smaller nations as their proxies in
localized military conicts.
Albert Wohlstetter was an inuential and contro-
versial strategist who was a major force behind efforts
to deter nuclear war and avoid nuclear proliferation.
He worked as a consultant to the RAND Corporations
mathematics division starting in 1951. Initially, he col-
laborated on problems related to modeling logistics,
but then he was asked to turn his skills to a problem
posed by the U.S. Air Force regarding the assignment
and location of bases for Strategic Air Command
(SAC). On the surface, it was a common logistics
problem, but ultimately SACs method of basing its
medium-range manned bombers, which were one of
the countrys major deterrents against a Soviet inva-
sion of western Europe, had far greater implications.
This work drew him into global strategy. He and his
wife. Roberta Wohlstetter, a historian and intelligence
expert, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in
1985. Wohlstetter was also reputedly one of the inspi-
rations for the lm Dr. Strangelove.
The Arms Race as a Nash Equilibrium
From its very outset, neither of the Cold Wars two
superpowersthe United States and the Soviet
Unionbelieved that they could stop developing new
and ever more powerful nuclear weapons. The MAD
Cold War 215
In accordance with a postCold War agreement, the
Titan II Missile silo doors can only open halfway.
doctrine applied only as long as the forces of each
side could pose a credible nuclear threat to the other.
Therefore, each side worked to create new weapons as
fast as possible. Throughout the 1950s and well into the
1960s, both nations tested ever more powerful nuclear
weapons. This became known as the arms race.
In the mathematical theory of games, the military
arms race brought about by the MAD doctrine is an
example of a Nash equilibrium, named for mathemati-
cian John Nash. In the decades-long arms race between
the two Cold War competitors, each side could be seen
as playing a simple noncooperative game. Each player in
this game has a choice: to construct new and more ter-
rible nuclear weapons, or not. If either player chose not
to develop further weapons, while the other did, then
the rst player would face the very real risk of eventu-
ally facing nuclear blackmail. Each player understood
the others dilemma all too well, and so both continued
to develop new weapons as fast as possible.
The persistence of this behavior comes from the fact
that neither player can benet by changing strategy
unilaterally. When this occurs in a game, then it is in a
form of equilibrium whose existence was rst proved
in the general case by Nash in 1950.
Game theory itself was a child of the Cold War,
having been created in 1944 by John von Neumann, a
mathematician who also played a key role in the devel-
opment of the rst atomic bomb, and Oskar Morgen-
stern, an economist. Throughout the Cold War, the
theory of games was studied and elaborated, both by
the military and by economists, as a means for better
understanding the fundamental nature of competition,
cooperation, negotiation, and war.
The fundamental irrationality of the nuclear arms
race, in which each side became able to kill every single
person on the planet many times over, was apparent
to almost everyone. This realization did little to stop
the arms race, because of the power of the Nash equi-
216 Cold War
Old Soviet anti-aircraft missile rockets, first deployed in 1957. Generations of children grew up with the ever-
present threat of war during the Cold War (19451991) and were taught bomb threat procedures.
librium to trap the players of the game into modes of
behavior that, individually, they deplored.
In some critical respects, an arms race resembles
a famous game known as the Chicken: two cars race
toward each other down a narrow road, with the driver
who rst swerves away to avoid a crash being the loser.
The key to winning a game of chicken is to act in such
a way that your opponent comes to believe that you are
so irrational as to be willing to die before swerving. In
other words, the rational solution to the game is to be
utterly and convincingly irrational. The same principle
holds in a nuclear arms race.
The game of Chicken and other apparent paradoxes
of rationality within the theory of games led to the
development in the 1970s of meta-game analysis. This
and other mathematical forms of strategic analysis
played an important role in the eventual winding down
of the arms race with a series of strategic arms agree-
ments between the major powers of the Cold War.
Political Competition in the Cold War
The bitter competition of the Cold War was at least
as much political and economic as military, and new
mathematical ideas contributed mightily to this com-
petition. In the economic arena, the Cold War was
fought between the proponents of multiparty, free-
market economies on the Western side, and the pro-
ponents of single-party, command economies on the
Soviet side.
Both sides claimed to be democratic in the Cold
War, but they used different meanings for the word.
In the West, the word democracy retained its historic
meaning, a political system in which leaders are cho-
sen in free elections. In the Soviet system, democracy
meant a dictatorship of the proletariat in which all
political power rested in a hierarchy of labor councils,
known as soviets, and the supreme soviet could dictate
any aspect of public affairs. Soon after the Russian Rev-
olution, however, the Communist Party seized control
of the soviets, and after that, no election in the Soviet
system was free.
The intense political competition between these two
systems of government led to great interest in the West
in how to conduct elections in the fairest possible way. A
large body of mathematical theory of elections emerged,
much of it devoted to the study of election systems that
come the closest to meeting a measure of fairness known
as the Condorcet criterion. In an election, the Condorcet
winner is the candidate who can beat any of the other
candidates in a two-person run-off election. Many
forms of preference balloting, in which voters rank the
candidates, come quite close to the Condorcet criterion,
but none is without problems. Arrows Paradox, dis-
covered and proved by Kenneth Arrow in 1950, states
that when voters have three or more choices, then no
voting system can convert the ranked preferences of
the voters into a community-wide ranking that meets
a particular benecial set of criteria. This Cold War
mathematical discovery is the starting point of the
modern theory of social choice, the foundation of the
mathematical theory of political science.
Economic Competition in the Cold War
There are many forms of socialism known in eco-
nomic theory, but the form practiced by the Soviet bloc
of nations was particularly severe. In its purest form,
Soviet socialism entailed state ownership of all means
of economic production: all industrial plants, all com-
mercial businesses, all farms, and all nancial insti-
tutions. Soviet socialism was a command economy,
meaning that the state had to tell every plant, business,
and institution how much to produce, and at what
price they should sell their goods and services.
In order to come up with the enormous number of
production and price commands that had to be sent
out every month and year, the Soviet system of govern-
ment employed a vast bureaucracy. The system used by
these bureaucrats was developed in the 1920s, during
the early years of the Soviet Union, without the benet
of mathematics. Known as the method of balances,
this system attempted to function so that the total out-
put of each kind of goods would match the quantity
that its users were supposed to receive.
In practice, the Soviet method of balances func-
tioned very much like the U.S. War Production Board
during World War II, and by its counterparts in the
war economies of Great Britain and Germany. The
rst production decisions were made with respect to
the highest priority items (ships, tanks, airplanes) and
those were balanced with the available amounts of stra-
tegic resources (iron, coal, electricity), and so on down
to the lowest-priority items. The command system was
thought to be crude and error-prone, and its mistakes
and imbalances were widely noticed.
In the West, the response of mathematicians to
these failures of the wartime command economy was
Cold War 217
the development of the eld of engineering known
as operations research. The mathematical technique
known as linear programmingoriginally a little-
known Russian discoverywas successfully developed
by George Dantzig and John von Neumann in 1947
to optimize production quantities under linear con-
straints on supplies. The Soviet economy was very slow
to adopt these ideas, preferring for ideological reasons
to stick with the inefcient and error-prone method of
balances until very late in the Cold War.
After World War II, the nations of the West ended
their wartime command economic systems and
reverted back to using the free market to make price
and production decisions. The Soviet Union and its
allies, however, continued to rely on a large army of
bureaucrats to make all economic decisions without
the aid of good operational theory.
Wassily Leontief, a Russian economist working in
the United States, solved one of the fundamental prob-
lems of a command economy in 1949 with his method
of inputoutput analysis. This method required the
creation of a very large matrix showing the contribu-
tion of each component or sector of the economy to
every other component. When properly constructed,
the required inputs of raw materials to the economy
can be calculated from the desired outputs by matrix
inversion. The Soviet Union failed to quickly see the
signicance of Leontief s achievement, and did not
incorporate his ideas into its planning system for
many decades.
It is one of the great ironies of the Cold War that
the mathematical theories that were required to make
a command economy function properly were per-
fected in the West, where they are now universally
employed within industrial corporationssome
now larger than the entire economy of the old Soviet
Unionto run their operations in the most efcient
way possible. In the end, the economy of the Soviet
Union and its satellites was not able to keep pace with
the West, and in 1991, it suffered catastrophic politi-
cal and economic collapse.
Further Reading
Arrow, Kenneth. Social Choice and Individual Values. 2nd
ed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963.
Erickson, Paul. The Politics of Game Theory:
Mathematics and Cold War Culture. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006.
Howard, Nigel. Paradoxes of Rationality. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1971.
Johnson, Thomas. American Cryptography During the
Cold War. National Security Agency. http://www.gwu
Karp, Alexander. The Cold War in the Soviet School:
A Case Study of Mathematics Education. European
Education 38, no. 4 (2006).
Kort, Michael. The Columbia Guide to the Cold War. New
York: Columbia University Press, 2001.
Leontief, Wassily. The Decline and Rise of Soviet
Economic Science, Foreign Affairs 38 (1960).
Loren Cobb
See Also: Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project); Game
Theory; PredatorPrey Models; World War II.
See Permutations and Combinations
Comic Strips
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communications; Connections.
Summary: Mathematics plays a role in comic strip
formats and is sometimes even the subject of comics.
The comic strip is a combination of word and picture
in a narrative structure, unique from forms of com-
munication based solely on the one or the other. The
standard comic strip format presents its creator with
two unique mathematical puzzles: to tell a story that ts
into the pattern unconsciously expected by the reader,
and to organize the illustrations of a Sunday strip into a
format of exacting geometric and narrative demands.
The term comic strip entered the English language
in 1922, via a poem by Carl Sandburg, describing the
single-strip, black-and-white cartoons published in
218 Comic Strips
daily newspapers. Scholars disagree on the origins of
the comic strip. Daily strips rst appeared circa 1903,
as part of the racing tips section of the newspaper. This
was some 20 years after the appearance of the rst full-
or half-page color comics in supplemental sections, a
reaction to protests against publishing on Sundays.
Color cartoons were a continuation of the Euro-
pean tradition of sociopolitically inspired prints that
date back to the widely circulated wood block broad-
sheets of fteenth-century Germany. Some scholars go
further, tracing ancestry as far back as La Tapisserie
de La Reine Mathilde, narrative scrolls of China and
Japan, Trajans Column, Bronze Age logographs, or
even ancient petroglyphs and cave paintings. Regard-
less of the exact origins, the current format presents
the cartoonist with two challenges of special interest
to the mathematician.
Story and Art
The original supplements carried full- or half-page
features with detailed drawings and developed stories.
Older strips would not be legible if published at cur-
rent smaller sizes. As a result, the expansive serial strip
has been replaced almost entirely by the gag strip.
Theorists suggest that humor is based on pattern rec-
ognition. If the audience recognizes a pattern, it begins
to anticipate what will come next. A deviation from the
pattern, if done correctly, is perceived as humorous. In
gag strips, between two-thirds and three-quarters of the
space is spent establishing the pattern. The deviation
happens next, sometimes followed by a character reac-
tion to the deviation, sympathetically reinforcing the
audience reaction, or providing additional deviation.
Not only have comic strips become smaller, all
color comics must t into an extremely limited tem-
plate. Syndicates require a minimum of six panels, but
some newspapers elect not to publish one or both of
the rst panels. Character poses and scene layouts in
the two-dimensional plane are designed to lead the
readers gaze from one point of interest to another,
driving the story forward. Deciding on the orientation
of visual images and their relationships can be difcult
when the artist does not know where one panel will be
in relation to the next.
Mathematics in Comic Strips
Mathematics is used not only to decide the layout and
ow of comic strips but can be used within comic
strips as an element of humor. Many comics reveal
or satirize widely held societal attitudes and beliefs
about mathematics. Bill Amend, creator of the widely
circulated Foxtrot comic strip, has a degree in phys-
ics, and his strip frequently features mathematically
based humor. The same is true of Randall Munroes
Web comic xkcd, which is subtitled A webcomic of
romance, sarcasm, math, and language. Comic strips
may be used in classrooms as motivators for serious
discussions about mathematics concepts and analysis
of peoples attitudes about mathematics. There are
also entire comic books and graphic novels intended
to teach mathematics. The work Logicomix dramatizes
the life story of philosopher and mathematician Ber-
trand Russell, who spent his life trying to establish an
indisputable logical foundation for mathematics. In
the course of the novel, he encounters many math-
ematicians of note, including Gottlob Frege, David
Hilbert, Kurt Gdel, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Further Reading
Doxiadis, Apostolos. Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth.
London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2009.
Emmer, Michele. Mathematics and Culture IV. Berlin:
Springer, 2006.
Ksir, Amy, and Russell Goodman. FoxTrot Brings
Mathematics to the Comics Page. Math Horizons 13
(November 2005).
McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics. Northampton,
MA: Kitchen Sink Press, 1993.
John N. A. Brown
See Also: Communication in Society; Connections in
Society; Representations in Society; Sequences and Series.
in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Communication helps mathematicians
and others be informed of past and current research
and to formulate and organize their own ideas.
Communication in Society 219
Communication is fundamental to mathematics as a
discipline, the mathematics community, mathematics
education, and society as a whole, since communica-
tion is an essential part of everyday life and any social
interaction. Effective communication is inherent in
validating mathematics. Using a common language
and a set of notions and drawing upon a shared body
of knowledge, mathematicians communicate with each
otherboth orally and in writingabout their math-
ematical ideas, perceptions, or methods.
For example, mathematicians exchange ideas with
their colleagues, write technical reports, publish origi-
nal research papers and expository articles in profes-
sional journals, or give oral presentations. Some associ-
ate good mathematics communication with beautiful
expository lectures or clear writing, while others focus
on the quality of the interactions between people, such
as those working in a group on mathematics. A peer
review process is frequently part of mathematics com-
munication and dissemination, ensuring some degree
of consensus on what constitutes appropriate or valid
mathematics. In this way, the standards of mathemat-
ics are socially developed. In addition to interacting
with their colleagues, mathematicians need to com-
municate with the rest of the society using a language
and terminology that are more familiar to the general
public. For instance, mathematicians explain to the
public how the discipline of mathematics contributes
to society or demonstrate the various applications of
mathematics in elds such as engineering, medicine,
and communication technologies.
The role of communication in the education of
mathematics is similar to the vital role communication
plays in the discipline of mathematics. Drawing upon
mathematical language and notation, teachers and stu-
dents talk about mathematics; share, explain, and jus-
tify mathematical ideas; or analyze, discuss, and inter-
pret mathematical concepts. Communication about
mathematics and communication using mathematical
language do not occur only in the mathematics com-
munity or in mathematics classrooms. Regardless of
ones profession, wise decision making in personal lives
and participation in civic and democratic life increas-
ingly demand mathematical communication skills. For
example, people need to communicate with mortgage
companies when buying a house and interpret various
mathematical concepts (such as percentage and rate)
presented in the media. Thus, communication with
mathematics and about mathematics is an essential
part of daily life.
Communication Media
In the twenty-rst century, there are a wide variety of
electronic and print venues for communicating mathe-
matics, and the evolution of electronic media and data-
bases has vastly changed the way people access math-
ematics. Historically, mathematicians communicated
by letters, during visits, or by reading each others pub-
lished articles or books once such means became avail-
able. Some mathematical concepts were developed in
parallel by mathematicians working in different areas
of the world, such as German Karl Friedrich Gauss and
American Robert Adrain, who both made advances
in the theory of the Normal distribution in the early
nineteenth century. Some mathematicians were not
aware of each others progress because they did not
have the venues of communication that are available
in the twenty-rst century. In an effort to increase the
accessibility of mathematics research articles, reviews
began appearing in print journals like Zentralblatt
fr Mathematik, which originated in 1931, and Math-
ematical Reviews, which originated in 1940. Since the
1980s, electronic versions of these reviews have allowed
researchers to search for publications on a specic
topic. In 2010, MathSciNet, the electronic version of
Mathematical Reviews, listed more than 2 million items
and more than 1 million links to original articles. In
2011, the database Zentralblatt MATH listed more
than 3 million items from approximately 3500 journals
and 1100 serials. Both contain work dating back to the
early 1800s. There are also thousands of mathematics
journals that are not listed in these collective databases,
such as most mathematics education research.
Some mathematicians publish open access drafts of
their papers on their personal Web pages before of-
cial publication in peer-reviewed and other journals,
or in other online settings such as the e-print
archive. Co-authors from around the world can work
together using e-mail or other Web-based collaborative
tools. Mathematics students, teachers, and researchers
often discuss mathematics ideas and share resources on
blogs, through online chats, or using other forums. For
instance, what began in 1992 as the Geometry Forum
was extended in 1996 to become the Math Forum. There
are many additional resources for sharing and teaching
mathematics content, both in print and in electronic
220 Communication in Society
media. Some electronic examples include the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Illuminations Web
site; Wolfram MathWorld, which was developed by Eric
Weisstein; and Math Fun Facts, developed by Francis
Su. Social and historical context is also often addressed
in sites such as The MacTutor History of Mathemat-
ics archive, developed by John OConnor and Edmund
Robertson, or Mathematicians of the African Diaspora,
created by Scott Williams.
One important question related to online commu-
nication is how to represent and display mathematical
notation, which is an important part of mathematical
validity and understanding. Some Web pages contain
xed images for each equation or graph. Others use
Java applets for dynamic display. The Mathematical
Markup Language (MathML) is one way to encode
mathematics. TeX was created by Donald Knuth in
order to typeset scientic and mathematical research.
TeX-based software such as LaTeX has become the
standard in printing mathematics. Another issue is the
validation of online resources, which may be created or
published without peer review. On one level, this issue
is an extension of the existing issue of peer review for
print media, as mathematics journals already employ
varying degrees of rigor when reviewing and publish-
ing papers. At the same time, there is in increasing trend
of creating printed works from electronic sources or
using electronic sources as references, which creates an
added difculty in ensuring the collective accuracy of
the body of mathematics communication.
With so many options available, the specic nature
of mathematics communication depends in large part
on the purpose and intended audience. There are some
mathematics publications and communications aimed
at a general audience, others aimed at students, and yet
others intended for researchers. Mathematicians, edu-
cators, and other communications specialists work to
match the form and venue of the mathematics com-
munication to the need. Some careers that are regu-
larly involved in communicating mathematics include
technical writers or publication editors. The Society for
Technical Communication and the Council of Science
Editors are two professional associations that address
this need. In 2007, Ivars Peterson became the director of
Publications and Communications at the Mathematical
Association of America, which, like other professional
associations, publishes items for both the specialist and
the nonspecialist. He previously wrote MathTrek for
Science News. In 1991, he received a Joint Policy Board
for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award for
his exceptional ability and sustained effort in commu-
nicating mathematics to a general audience. He also
served as East Tennessee State Universitys Basler Chair
of Excellence for the Integration of the Arts, Rhetoric,
and Science in 2008 and taught a course there called
Communicating Mathematics. In a talk on the topic of
communication in mathematics, he noted:
The importance of communicating mathematics
clearly and effectively is evident in the many ways
in which mathematicians must write, whether
to produce technical reports, expository articles,
book reviews, essays, referees reports, grant pro-
posals, research papers, evaluations, or slides for
oral presentations.
National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics
he National Council of Teachers of Mathe-
matics (NCTM) emphasizes clear and coher-
ent communication of mathematical ideas and
thinking as a skill that students need to learn
from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Given
the essential role of communication in teach-
ing and learning of mathematics, NCTM has
set forth process standards for communication
for primary and secondary mathematics curri-
cula. The Principles and Standards for School
Mathematics (2000) states that instructional
programs from pre-kindergarten through grade
12 should enable all students to
Organize and consolidate mathematical
thinking through communication
Communicate their mathematical
thinking coherently and clearly to peers,
teachers, and others
Analyze and evaluate the mathematical
thinking and strategies of others
Use the language of mathematics to
express mathematical ideas precisely
Communication in Society 221
Communication in Schools
Communication, both oral and written, is an essential
part of mathematics education. The act of communi-
cation allows students to systematize and incorporate
their mathematics thinking and understanding, both
for learning mathematical theory and mathematical
problem solving. For example, when students com-
municate their own mathematical thinking and under-
standing, they are required to rationalize and organize
their reasoning and also formulate puzzling or com-
plex questions well enough to present them as clearly
as possible to a reader. As a result, the process guides
students toward greater insights to their own thinking
and learning. Focused reection, which is conceptu-
ally intertwined with communication, helps students
to increase the benets of communicating their ideas
with peers, teachers, and others. Written or oral reec-
tions in which ideas are shared among peers, teachers,
and others provide students multiple perspectives that
sharpen ideas explored. The American Society of Math-
ematics (ASM), which is also known as the American
Society for the Communication of Mathematics, spon-
sors problem-solving contests and the U.S. National
Collegiate Mathematics Championship.
One topic that illustrates the importance and the
diverse nature of mathematics communication is the
notion of proof. Researchers have proposed a wide
variety of roles for proof in mathematics, such as
establishing the truth of a statement, communicat-
ing mathematical knowledge, opening the way for
further understandings and discoveries in mathemat-
ics, providing new techniques for doing mathematics,
and organizing statements into systems of axioms and
theorems. Throughout history, proofs and communi-
cation via proof have been incorporated in many dif-
ferent ways in mathematics education in the United
States. The National Council of Teachers of Math-
ematics (NCTM) 2000 Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics emphasized the role of proof in
mathematics learning for all students and helped to
formalize its curricular importance and place in pre-
kindergarten though high school education. Further,
as proof became more systematized in K12 educa-
tion, some mathematics education researchers began
to more deeply explore students understanding of the
denition or nature of proof, the role of proof as a
mode of communication, and peer acceptance of the
validity of a given proof, as well as how proof is taught
in classrooms.
As the concept of proof came under investigation,
an important issue was the conceptualization and the
roles of proof in school mathematics. The NCTM
dened proof in Principles and Standards for School
Mathematics as arguments consisting of logically rig-
orous deductions of conclusions from hypotheses.
One element in the denition of proof is the accept-
ability of an argument as proof, which is referred to
as logically rigorous. An important question that
NCTMs denition entails is who decides if a proof is
logically rigorous enough to be accepted. To concep-
tualize the denition and identify the roles of proof in
school mathematics, mathematics education research-
ers have referred to the qualications and function of
proof in the discipline of mathematics and investigated
how it is implemented in mathematics classrooms.
Research has demonstrated the social nature of
argumentation and justication in the classroom and
beyond, and communication and validation by peers
plays an important role in proof within and out-
side the classroom. This social dimension of proof
is grounded in sociocultural theories of mathemati-
cal learning and is believed to reect the process of
becoming a mathematician. Yu Manin argued that
within mathematics community, A proof becomes a
proof after the social act of accepting it as a proof.
Erna Yackel and Paul Cobb concluded that acceptable
justications in mathematics education are interac-
tively constituted by individual teachers and students
in each classroom, where the teacher is the represen-
tative of the mathematical community. Mathematical
justications and argumentations are regulated by the
general expectations and the regulations of the class-
room community.
Thus, they are a part of the classroom norms and,
more specically, the sociomathematical norms,
which are the extension of general classroom social
norms to specically focus on the normative aspects
of mathematical discussions as students participate in
mathematical activities. Yackel and Cobb argued that:
Normative understandings of what counts as math-
ematically different, mathematically sophisticated,
mathematically efcient, and mathematically elegant
in a classroom are sociomathematical norms.The
understanding that students are expected to explain
222 Communication in Society
their solutions and their ways of thinking is a social
norm, whereas the understanding of what counts as an
acceptable mathematical explanation is a sociomath-
ematical norm. This idea plays a role in mathemat-
ics educator Andreas Stylianidess conceptualization
of proof. He proposed four aspects that are required
to consider an argument a proof: foundation, formu-
lation, representation, and social dimension. He pre-
sented an example in which an elementary school stu-
dent constructed a mathematical argument that was
founded on denitions of mathematical constructs,
formulated using deductive reasoning from these de-
nitions, and then represented verbally. Regarding the
social dimension of the proof, although the students
argumentation was logically rigorous and would have
been accepted as a proof in the wider mathematical
community, it generated counterarguments among her
classroom peers and her argument was not accepted as
a proof by the classroom community.
Indeed, the conceptualization of mathematics, in
particular the social dimension that is appropriate for
school mathematics, requires more research to develop.
Mathematical discourse is an important factor in the
development of shared understanding of mathemati-
cally valid justications. However, students at various
levels, particularly younger elementary school stu-
dents, may have different levels of understand regard-
ing the rules and norms of mathematical discourse, and
understanding is not necessarily shared by all. Thus, as
was the case in Stylianides study, a valid mathemati-
cal argument was not accepted as valid by all students.
In such cases, the teacher, acting as an authoritative
representative of the mathematical community, could
intervene and explain why the argument is indeed
valid by broader standards. However, in some ways this
action would negate the social dimension aspect that
is used to evaluate mathematical acceptability, at least
with respect to the classroom environment. Thus, the
Communication in Society 223
A student at a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) summer camp examines her robot before
releasing it for a test. The camp encouraged K12 students to pursue education and careers in the STEM fields.
subtleties in what constitutes a valid argument within a
mathematics classrooms and the relation to a teachers
role as the communicator of other mathematical norms
as they acculturate students in the processes of prov-
ing need to be explored. It is important to note that
teachers need to know when, how, and how much to
intervene so as to not play an authoritarian role, thereby
creating a learning environment in which students are
forced into authoritarian schemes and communication
is essentially unidirectional, from teacher to student.
Mathematical Applications in
Communication Technologies
In the increasingly digital world of the twenty-rst
century, the safe communication of information has
become a major issue for discussion and research in
mathematics and science, in large part because of theft
and fraud often perpetrated using new technologies.
Mathematics plays an important role in making com-
munication as safe as possible. Cryptology is a tech-
nique used to ensure that messages or data are trans-
mitted safely to the receiver. Dating to the substitution
ciphers used in ancient Rome and other civilizations,
this eld has always drawn heavily from mathematics.
Research in mathematics and other disciplines, such as
computer sciences and engineering, has resulted in an
increasingly sophisticated array of coding techniques
and technologies, as well as code-breaking methods.
Some of the most common and known applications
of cryptography include encryption of credit card
numbers or passwords for electronic commerce and
encryption of e-mail messages for secure communi-
cation. Condentiality, authenticity, and integrity in
electronic commerce or communication have become
an apparent and sensitive issue for people who engage
in online transactions such as buying or selling items
online, online banking, and online communications, as
well as for applications like medical records. If proper
action is not taken for data transmission, information
sent over an open network can be stolen by hackers.
Such an action can reveal secret information or mes-
sages containing personal information, like a credit
card number, a password, or online banking informa-
tion, facilitating crimes like identity theft. A hacker can
use digital data to clone a persons identity and use a
victims resources for the hackers own good. Even
worse, this information could be a national secret, and
it may cause more serious problems. For that reason,
the National Security Agency (NSA) uses its crypto-
logic heritage in the midst of challenging times to pro-
tect national security systems, and the NSA is one of
the leading employers of mathematicians in the United
States at the start of the twenty-rst century.
Along with digital security, mathematics also plays
a fundamental role in both the hardware and software
that make the increasingly wireless, globally connected
world possible. The Advances in Mathematics of Com-
munications journal publishes research articles related
to mathematics in communication technologies. Math-
ematicians and mathematical methods contribute to
many aspects, including the Internets computer server
backbone and communications protocols; vast cell
phone networks; and smartphones that act as mobile
platforms for an array of communications methods,
such as voice, text, photo, e-mail, and Internet. Music,
movies, dance, art, theater, and many other methods
people use to convey ideas to one another involve math-
ematics as part of the creative endeavor. Humans can
communicate with neighbors next door, with people on
the opposite side of the world, with satellites orbiting
the planet, or even with probes that have been sent into
the far reaches of the solar system thanks to mathemat-
ics. Some would in fact argue that mathematics is itself
a universal language or method of communication.
Further Reading
Elliott, Portia, and Cynthia Garnett. Getting Into the
Mathematics Conversation: Valuing Communication
in Mathematics ClassroomsReadings From NCTMs
School-Based Journals. Reston, VA: National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics, 2008.
Manin, Yu. A Course in Mathematical Logic. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1977.
Mathematical Association of America. JPBM
Communications Award.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles
and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000.
Peterson, Ivars. Writing Mathematics Well. http://sites
Stylianides, Andreas. The Notion of Proof in the
Context of Elementary School Mathematics.
Educational Studies in Mathematics 65 (2007).
Yackel, E., and P. Cobb. Sociomathematical Norms,
Argumentation, and Autonomy in Mathematics.
224 Communication in Society
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
22 (1996).
Zeynep Ebrar Yetkiner Ozel
Serkan Ozel
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Professional
Associations; Reasoning and Proof in Society; Universal
Language; Wireless Communication.
Comparison Shopping
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Both simple and complex algorithms are
used to compare consumer prices and contextualize
mathematics instruction.
The globalization of the marketplace has resulted in a
plethora of choices for any given item at both the local
store and via the Internet. People comparison shop for
both very expensive items like a car or a plane ticket
and fairly inexpensive purchases like a box of cereal.
Comparison shopping is perhaps one of the most
widely used applied mathematics lessons, both in K12
and lower-level college courses.
Mathematics is at the forefront of comparison shop-
ping through unit pricing, which makes use of division
and fractions. Geometric methods can be used to com-
pare volume or weight. Notions from pre-algebra and
algebra model nancial decisions such as purchasing
a cell phone plan or taking out a car loan. Students
explore parameters in order to make balanced and
informed choices. Mathematics educators not only use
these examples in classrooms, but they also study their
effectiveness. Researchers and online shopping agents
take advantage of mathematical methods to extract,
compare, and mine huge amounts of data. Compari-
son techniques also include data envelopment analysis
and multiple regression.
Unit Pricing
One method of comparing differently priced items
in different sized containers is through unit pricing.
Dividing the price by the quantity or amount of items,
such as how many ounces, will yield a cost per unit
term that can be used for comparison purposes. For
example, an 11.5 oz box of cereal might cost $4.49,
while a 24 oz box of cereal costs $4.99. The unit price of
the rst box is $4.49/11.5 $0.39 per ounce, while the
second box is $4.99/24 $0.21 per ounce. Some items
are already priced by their weight, like meats, fruits,
vegetables, or coffee, and others are priced accord-
ing to their volume, that is, by the container size. For
those items that are not priced by weight or volume,
unit pricing is listed on the shelf tag in many stores.
However, the unit price is not the only important fea-
ture in comparison shopping. Personal preferences
and other important factors must also be taken into
consideration, like whether one will be able to use up
a larger quantity before the expiration date. Unit pric-
ing examples proliferate in lessons on fractions and in
classes like pre-algebra and developmental mathemat-
ics. Students also compare scenarios in which sales
occur or other discounts are applied.
Debt and Interest
Another common classroom scenario is found in com-
paring house and car purchases in nancial mathemat-
ics segments. For instance, students can use the loan
payment formula to calculate the monthly payment R
in terms of the monthly interest rate r, the loan amount
P, and the number of months, n
+ ( )
1 1
Then they can calculate the total interest by mul-
tiplying the monthly payment and the number of
months and subtracting the loan amount. One com-
parison scenario is determining how the monthly pay-
ment and total interest change as the price of the car or
house changes or the interest rate uctuates. Another is
determining whether one should take out a smaller loan
versus paying loan points to buy down the interest rate.
Students also compare car prices to income level using
the debt-to-income ratio. The debt-to-income ratio is
the debt divided by the income, which is the percentage
of debt. Banks use the debt-to-income ratio in making
decisions about mortgage or car loans. From the Great
Depression in the 1930s until the deregulation of bank-
ing restrictions in the 1970s, an upper limit of 25% was
Comparison Shopping 225
typical. However, that level rose after deregulation and
with the increase in consumer credit card debt. In the
twenty-rst century, it is common for an upper limit to
range between 33% and 36%. Given a monthly car pay-
ment, house payment, and other monthly debts, stu-
dents can add up the total debt and solve for the neces-
sary income level in order to stay below 36%. They can
also compare the way that debt and the needed income
change as the interest rates vary.
Contextualizing Instruction
Mathematics educators use purchasing scenarios in
the classroom and study and debate their effectiveness.
Some studies have found that the contextualization
of mathematics using examples from shopping helps
students. Terezinha Nunes, Analucia Schliemann, and
David Carraher compared the mathematical abilities
of children who were selling items in Brazilian street
markets to questions in school. They found that the
closer to the real-life situation, the more successful the
student. Other studies have also found that there can
be a disconnect between performance in the supermar-
ket and performance in school. Some researchers assert
that the contextualization may disguise the mathemat-
ics and be problematic in elucidating the underlying
mathematical processes.
Mathematical Models for
Comparison Shopping
Businesses and researchers employ a variety of mathe-
matical techniques in order to compare large shopping
data sets. Online shopping agents use mathematical
methods in situations such as a Web search for airplane
ticket prices or hotel rooms. Historically, dating back to
at least the nineteenth century, travel agents sold vaca-
tions to consumers on behalf of suppliers. Travel agen-
cies grew in popularity with the increase in commercial
aviation after World War I. At the end of the twentieth
century, the Internet vastly changed the way in which
consumers compared and purchased vacation travel.
Airlines, hotels, and other vacation companies offered
online services directly to consumers, bypassing travel
agents. In response, some travel agencies created travel
Web sites that would compare options. Their computer
programs extracted comparative price data from Web
sites in order to build comparison shopping engines.
Researchers continue to develop advanced comparison
shopping techniques including methods in data min-
ing, data envelopment analysis, and multiple regres-
sion. They create sophisticated algorithms to analyze
data and nd patterns. In data envelopment analysis,
networks can be viewed as decision-making units, and
efcient congurations are selected. In multiple regres-
sion, several variables are combined in an attempt to
create a meaningful predictor or measure. Mathemati-
cal methods are also important in predicting shopping
preferences and consumer behavior.
Further Reading
Berry, Michael, and Linoff, Gordon. Data Mining
Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer Support.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1997.
Boaler, Jo. The Role of Contexts in the Mathematics
Classroom: Do They Make Mathematics More Real?
For the Learning of Mathematics 13, no. 2 (1993).
Devlin, Keith. The Math Instinct: Why Youre a
Mathematical Genius (Along With Lobsters, Birds, Cats,
and Dogs). New York: Basic Books, 2005.
Herzog, David. Math You Can Really UseEvery Day.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
McKay, Lucia, and Maggie Guscott. Practical Math in
Context: Smart Shopping Math. Costa Mesa, CA:
Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2005.
226 Comparison Shopping
Marketplace globalization has resulted in increased
choices at both local stores and via the Internet.
Nunes, Terezinha, Analucia Schliemann, and David
Carraher. Street Mathematics and School Mathematics.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Coupons and Rebates; Data Mining;
Inventory Models; Market Research; Predicting
and Contests
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematics competitions and contests
help encourage students to practice and study
mathematics and develop problem-solving abilities.
Well-designed mathematics contests provide excellent
vehicles for students to hone their skills, expand their
knowledge, develop their ability to focus, practice cre-
ative problem solving, and join a community of peers
who love mathematical challenges. Mathematicians
and educators organize competitions, help students
prepare for them, participate on committees to grade
the results, and assess contests long-term impact. Some
mathematics competitors are known as mathletes.
There are a number of well-known mathematics com-
petitions in the United States for middle school and high
school students. MATHCOUNTS, a mathematics com-
petition for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, empha-
sizes problems from geometry, combinatorics, and alge-
bra. The competition includes written and oral rounds
with both individual and team competitions, and stu-
dents advance from school, to chapter, to state, and to
national levels. The USA Mathematical Talent Search
(USAMTS) is an open mathematics competition for
U.S. middle and high school students. USAMTS consists
of two rounds of six problems per round and operates
on the honor system, since participants are given a full
month to work on the problems. The goal of USAMTS
is to help students develop their proof writing ability,
improve their technical writing abilities, and mature
mathematically while having fun. The organizers strive
to foster insight, ingenuity, creativity, and perseverance.
The American Mathematics Competitions (AMCs) pro-
vide three levels of competitions. Students who perform
well on the AMC 10 or AMC 12 exams, for students in
grades 10 or 12 and below, respectively, are invited to
participate in the American Invitational Mathemat-
ics Examination (AIME). Approximately the top 270
performers on the AIME and the AMC 12 advance to
the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad
(USAMO), which is the nal round of the AMC series
of contests. The top 230 AIME and AMC 10 only par-
ticipants take part in the USA Junior Mathematical
Olympiad (USAJMO). The top 3040 performers on
the USAMO, along with a dozen or so others from the
USAJMO, attend the Mathematical Olympiad Summer
Program, a training program from which the six mem-
bers of the U.S. International Mathematical Olympiad
(IMO) team are selected. Students who do well on the
AIME typically receive scholarship offers from presti-
gious colleges and universities.
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
is an annual two-day, six-problem, mathematical
competition for pre-collegiate students that began in
1959. Approximately 100 countries send teams of up
to six students. The problems are extremely difcult
and involve ideas that are not usually encountered in
high schools or colleges. Many IMO participants have
become world-class research mathematicians, such
as Noam Elkies, who eventually became the youngest
full professor in Harvard Universitys history at the
time of his promotion. Filmmaker George Csicsery
documented the 2006 U.S. IMO team in Slovenia. The
documentary also included segments on families and
schooling, girls, and the Olympiad, as well as the prob-
lems and their solutions. Melanie Wood, who was the
rst female to represent the United States in the IMO,
noted: Math competitions are great. They introduce
all these new ideas and in particular give students who
are at school the rst chance to see how you can be cre-
ative in solving a problem. She went on to obtain her
Ph.D. in mathematics in 2009.
Competitions and Contests 227
William Lowell Putnam
Mathematical Competition
College students also participate in mathematical
contests. The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical
Competition is an annual mathematics competition
for mathematically talented undergraduate college
and university students in the United States and Can-
ada administered by the Mathematical Association of
America. The competition, in which both individuals
and teams compete, consists of morning and afternoon
three-hour exams, each with six problems. Although
the problems are extraordinarily difcult and require
highly creative thinking, they can typically be solved
with only knowledge of college-level mathematics.
The problems are so challenging that a median score
for the 120-point exam is often 0 or 1. Of the more
than 120,000 times the exams have been taken since the
competitions inception in 1938, there have been only
three perfect scores as of 2010.
In recent years, about 4000 students and 400 teams
have participated. The top ve teams and individual
scorers receive thousands of dollars in prize money.
Many top ve scorers, named as Putnam Fellows, have
become distinguished researchers in mathematics and
other elds, including Fields Medalists (the highest
award in mathematics for people younger than 40)
John Milnor, David Mumford, and Daniel Quillen, and
Nobel laureates Richard Feynman and Kenneth G. Wil-
son. Several Putnam Fellows have been elected to the
National Academy of Science. In 2010, Putman Fellow
David Mumford received the National Medal of Sci-
ence, bestowed by President Barack Obama.
Unlike other competitions, which place a premium on
speed and individual performance, the Mathematical
Contest in Modeling (MCM) contest rewards teamwork,
research skills, programming skills, organizing ability,
228 Competitions and Contests
The Benet Academy Math Team poses with their trophy after a state math competition awards ceremony at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007. Mathematics competitors are sometimes called mathletes.
writing ability, and stamina. The MCM is a 96-hour
mathematics competition held annually since 1985 by
the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
and sponsored by the Society of Industrial and Applied
Mathematicians, the National Security Agency, and the
Institute for Operations Research and the Management
Sciences. Approximately 1000 international teams of
three undergraduates each produce original mathemati-
cal papers in response to one of two open-ended model-
ing problems. The students may use any references and
the Internet but are not permitted to discuss their prob-
lem with anyone not on their team. Approximately 1%
to 2% of the teams are designated Outstanding Winners.
The skills required in the modeling contest are those
typically most valued by employers. Many students who
do not excel in problem-solving contests excel in the
modeling competition.
Value and Benets
The value of mathematics competitions is that they
pique interest in mathematics and encourage students
to pursue intellectual activities. The benets of partici-
pating in mathematics competitions are very much like
the benets derived from athletic contests or becom-
ing accomplished in playing a musical instrument. The
intention is that those engaged in such activities develop
a sense of accomplishment and a positive self-image. On
the other hand, some object to mathematics being pre-
sented as a competition. While some students may thrive
in a competitive environment, others may be discour-
aged. For some, the competitive environment highlights
mutual interests, which can help create lasting bonds
and friendships.
Like sports, participants in mathematics contests
may learn to set goals and work toward them, be highly
motivated, be able to focus, have self-discipline, per-
form under pressure, cope with success and failure,
and have a competitive spirit. As in music, participants
in mathematics contests must learn self-discipline,
develop the ability to concentrate, pay attention to
detail, and practice many hours. Perhaps the impor-
tant lesson learned from participating in mathematics
contests is that success is the fruit of effort.
Further Reading
Csicsery, George. Hard Problems: The Road to the
Worlds Toughest Math Contest. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 2008.
Flener, Frederick O. Mathematics Contests: A Guide for
Involving Students and Schools. Restin, VA: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1990.
Gallian, J. The Putnam Competition from 19382009.
Rusczyk, Richard. Pros and Cons of Math
Joseph A. Gallian
See Also: Careers; Clubs and Honor Societies;
Professional Associations; Succeeding in Mathematics.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Summary: Mathematics and music developed in
tandem and composition is rmly grounded in
Throughout the history of Western music, compos-
ers have utilized mathematical techniques in creating
musical works. From Pythagoras, Plato, and Ptolemy
in ancient Greece to the sixth-century music theorist
Boethius, music was thought to be a corollary of arith-
metic. With the widespread development of modern
standardized musical notation thought to have begun
in the Renaissance, compositional craft became more
highly developed. Compositions intertwined with math-
ematical patterns were particularly highly regarded.
The eighteenth-century composer and theorist Jean-
Philippe Rameau was unequivocal in his views on the
connection between mathematics and music in his 1722
Treatise on Harmony, writing, Music is a science which
should have denite rules; these rules should be drawn
from an evident principle; and this principle cannot
really be known to us without the aid of mathemat-
ics. Fugal composition techniques in the high Baroque
period were highly mathematical. The classical and
romantic eras, characterized by a movement away from
polyphonic music, produced less obvious mathemati-
cally oriented composition technique. In the twentieth
Composing 229
century, however, mathematical formalisms were funda-
mental as replacements for the tonal structures of the
romantic era. There are even subgenres of rock music
(started in the 1980s) called math rock and math-
core (after metalcore, a fusion of heavy metal and hard-
core punk), which uses complex and atypical rhythmic
structures, angular melodies, unusual time signatures,
and changing meters. Metalcore, in particular, also uses
harmonic dissonance. In another example, Robert Sch-
neider composed a mathematical score for a play in
2009. He said:
I wrote a composition called Reverie in Prime Time
Signatures, that is obviously written in prime time
signatures, that is, only prime numbers of beats per
measure. Also the piece has kind of a sophisticated
middle section that encodes some ancient Greek
mathematics related to prime numbers in musical
form, that I am proud of.
The Renaissance Canon
During the Renaissance, mathematical devices were
developed to a considerable degree by Northern Euro-
pean composers. In the canons of Johannes Ockeghem,
a single melodic voice provides the basis by which one
or more additional voices are composed according to
various mathematical transformations of the original:
mirror reection of musical intervals (inversion), time
translation, mirror reection in time (retrograde), or
a non-unit time scaling (mensuration canon). Com-
posers of this period understood the word canon to
mean a rule by which secondary voices could be derived
from a given melody, in contrast to our modern usage
of the word, which means a simple duplication with
later onset time, as in the nursery rhyme round Row,
Row, Row Your Boat.
Mathematical Transformations in Composition
In addition to standard musical notation, music can be
represented mathematically as a sequence of points in
an algebraic structure. A musical composition can be
represented as a sequence of points from the module
M over the cyclic groups of integers Z
p p p p
1 2 3 4
with the coordinates representing (respectively) onset
time, pitch, duration, and loudness. For example, the 12
230 Composing
Bach: The Canon Master
ohann Sebastian Bach was a master of
canonic composition. Bachs canons chal-
lenged performers to solve puzzles he set
before them. Examples abound in A Musical
Offering (BWV 1079), written in 1747. The rst
of two Canon a 2 (canon for two voices) from
Musical Offering appears to have two different
clef symbols: one at the beginning of the rst
measure, and one at the end of the last. The
rst singer had to read from beginning to end,
and the second had to start at the same time
and read in the opposite direction. In this small
piece, Bach provides an example of retrograde
or cancrizan (crab) canon. The puzzle in the sec-
ond Canon a 2 is even more cleverly concealed:
a single line with two clef signs in the rst mea-
sure, one upside down. The cryptic instruction
Quaerendo invenietis (Seek and ye shall nd)
is inscribed at the top of the manuscript.
The second, inverted clef sign indicates that
the second voice of the canon is to proceed in
inversion, and the performer is left to seek
the appropriate time translation at which the
second voice should begin. Another example
of Bachs masterful canonic treatment is BWV
1074: Kanon zu vier Stimmen, which with its
numerous key signatures, clefs, and repeat
signs can be played from any viewing angle.
notes of the chromatic scale would be represented in the
second coordinate by Z
. In this schematic, if a point
, x
, x
, x
) in a musical motif were repeated later at
a different volume level, the repetition would differ in
the rst and last coordinate and would be represented as
( x x x x x + + , , , ,
1 2 3 4
), where is the time shift and
is the amount of the volume difference.
Inversion takes the form (x
, 2x
, x
, x
). Men-
suration, as in the canons of Ockegham, is written
, x
, x
, x
). Transformations of this form were
used extensively in the Renaissance and Baroque eras
and played a fundamental role in post-tonal era of the
twentieth century.
Mathematical Structure in Atonal Music
At the turn of the twentieth century, music theorists
and composers looked for new organizing principles
on which atonal music could be structured. Ground-
breaking composer Arnold Schoenberg turned to the
idea of serialism, in which a given permutation of the
12 chromatic pitches constitutes the basis for a com-
position. The new organizing principle called for the
12 pitches of this tone row to be usedsingly, or as
chords, at the discretion of the composer, always in the
order specied by the row. When the notes of the row
have been used, the process repeats from the beginning
of the row.
Composers like Anton Webern, Pierre Boulez, and
Karlheinz Stockhausen consciously used geometric
transformations of onset time, pitch, duration, and
loudness as mechanisms for applying the tone row in
compositions. In the latter half of the twentieth century,
set theoretic methods on pitch class sets dominated
the theoretical discussion.
Predicated on the notions of octave equivalence
and the equally tempered scale, Howard Hanson and
Allen Forte developed mathematical analysis tools
that brought a sense of theoretical cohesion to seem-
ingly intractable modern compositions. Another math-
ematical approach to composition without tonality
is known as aleatoric music, or chance music. This
technique encompasses a wide range of spontaneous
inuences in both composition and performance. One
notable exploration of aleatoric music can be seen in
the stochastic compositions of Iannis Xenakis from the
1950s. Xenakiss stochastic composition technique, in
which musical scores are produced by following vari-
ous probability models, was realized in the orchestral
works Metastasis and Pithoprakta, which were subse-
quently performed as ballet music in a work by George
Further Reading
Beran, Jan. Statistics in Musicology. Boca Raton, FL:
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2003.
Forte, Allen. The Structure of Atonal Music. New Haven,
CT: Yale University Press, 1973.
Grout, Donald Jay. A History of Western Music. New York:
Norton, 1980.
Temperley, David. Music and Probability. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2010.
Xenakis, Iannis. Formalized Music: Thought and
Mathematics in Composition. Hillsdale, NY:
Pendragon Press, 1992.
Eric Barth
See Also: Geometry of Music; Harmonics; Scales;
Time Signatures.
Imagery (CGI)
See Animation and CGI
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Though the Constitution dictates
proportional representation by state, there are multiple
methods for attempting to achieve fair apportionment.
Apportionment is the process of distributing a xed
resource on a proportional basis, particularly associ-
ated with government. The legislative branch of the
Congressional Representation 231
U.S. federal governmentand most U.S. statesis
bicameral, meaning that two separate bodies deliber-
ate on laws. Reecting a great political compromise of
American government, these bodies are formulated on
two distinct representative principles. The U.S. Senate
has equal representation from each state to ensure that
states have equal voices. For the House of Representa-
tives, the U.S. Constitution requires that Representa-
tivesshall be apportioned among the several States
which may be included within this Union, according to
their respective Numbers.
This requirement ensures that larger states have a
voice that fairly represents their greater constituencies.
The primary mathematical challenge in most systems
of representation is that typically not all representa-
tives will represent the same number of citizens, and
calculations rarely result in integers. Deciding a fair
system of rounding for representative numbers for
fractional constituencies has proven surprisingly chal-
lenging, and Congressional apportionment has gener-
ated substantial controversy throughout the history of
the United States.
Numerous serious apportionment methods have
been proposed. Most have names associated with the
people who proposed them, such as third U.S. president
Thomas Jefferson, and are generally classied as divi-
sor methods or quota methods. Many systems have
been used in the United States, and mathematicians
have long investigated fair apportionment. In 1948, at
the request of the National Academy of Sciences, math-
ematicians Luther Eisenhart, Marston Morse, and John
von Neumann recommended the HuntingtonHill
method, proposed by mathematician Edward Hun-
tington and statistician Joseph Hill. Apportionment is
a prominent aspect of social choice theory, extensively
studied by mathematicians such as Peyton Young and
Michel Balinski. There have also been innovative links
between apportionment and other areas of mathemat-
ics, like just-in-time sequencing and scheduling prob-
lems for manufacturing.
Apportionment Methods
A states proportion of the total population of a coun-
try can be found by dividing the states population by
the total population. The states fair share of the total
seats in the nations legislature, called its standard
quota, is the product of this proportion and the total
seats. Alternatively, the standard quota can be found by
using the standard divisor, which measures the average
number of people per seat on a national basis, and is
found by dividing the total population by the number
of available seats.
For example, suppose that a small country consists
of four states (A, B, C, D), with populations given as
State Population
A 791
B 892
C 6987
D 530
The total population of this country is 9200, and
State A has 791/9200 or approximately 8.6% of the
population. If there are 25 seats in the countrys legis-
lature, then State As standard quota is
25 2 149 ( ) . .
seats. State As population therefore warrants slightly
more than two seats but less than three. The standard
divisor in this case is 9200/25 = 368 people per seat,
and State As standard quota can also be represented
as 791/368. Similarly, the standard quotas for States
B, C, and D are calculated as 2.424, 18.986, and 1.440,
The requirement that each state be assigned an
integer number of representatives forces a country to
impose a systematic method for rounding standard
quotas to whole numbers. It is reasonable to expect
that any reasonable method will assign each state either
its lower quota or its upper quotaits standard quota
rounded down or up, respectively. This requirement
is known as the Quota Rule. One method that arises
naturally is to round up those standard quotas that are
closest to the next number of seats. Specically, one
may choose to initially apportion each state its lower
quota, which will always yield leftover seats. These sur-
plus seats are distributed to the states whose standard
quotas have the largest fractional part. This method
is known as Hamiltons Method, Vintons Method,
or the Method of Largest Remainders, named for the
rst Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and
Congressman Samuel Vinton. In the above example,
after assigning each state its lower quota, only 23 of the
25 seats have been apportioned. The rst surplus seat is
232 Congressional Representation
assigned to State C, whose standard quota is very close
to 19, while the other surplus seat is assigned to State
D (See Table 1).
Some apportionment methods solve the problem
of apportionment by using a specic rounding rule
and modifying the standard divisor if necessary. In Jef-
fersons Method, for example, all quotas are rounded
down to the integer part of the quota. As with Hamil-
tons Method, this yields unassigned seats in an initial
apportionment. Rather than distributing those surplus
seats as Hamiltons Method does, Jeffersons Method
instead modies the divisor by making it smaller. This
method makes it easier for the states to obtain a seat
and allows the states quotas to grow larger. In a suc-
cessful Jefferson apportionment, a modied divisor is
found so that when the modied quotas are rounded
down, the total number of seats apportioned is the
desired number.
Adams Method, named for sixth U.S. president
John Quincy Adams, is similar to Jeffersons Method.
Rather than rounding down, however, quotas are
instead rounded up to the next largest integer. In this
case, the initial attempt at apportionment results in
too many seats being distributed and a modied divi-
sor must be chosen that is larger than the standard
divisor, reecting a need to make it more difcult to
obtain a seat.
Other divisor methods differ from the methods of
Jefferson and Adams only in how the rounding is con-
ducted. In Websters Method, named for Senator and
Secretary of State Daniel Webster, for example, all quo-
tas are rounded conventionallyto the nearest whole
number. If a states quota has a fractional part that is
0.5 or greater, the quota is rounded up. Otherwise, it
is rounded down. In other words, one can think of
the tipping point for rounding in Websters method as
being the arithmetic mean of a states lower and upper
quota. In the Method of HuntingtonHill, a states cut-
off for rounding is the geometric mean of the states
lower and upper quotas. For this method, if a states
lower quota is L and its upper quota is U, then the cut-
off for rounding is
LU .
If the quota is less than the cutoff, then it is rounded
down, otherwise it is rounded up. In Deans Method,
named for mathematician and astronomer James
Dean, the cutoff for rounding is the harmonic mean of
the lower and upper quota, expressed algebraically as
1 1
Applying any of these methods requires searching
for a modied divisor so that when the modied quotas
are calculated and rounded according to the given rule,
the number of seats distributed is the correct total.
Applying these divisor methods to the sample situa-
tion given above results in the apportionments seen in
Table 2. A number of important aspects of apportion-
ment can be seen in the table. First, the apportionment
method makes a difference; different methods can yield
different apportionments. Jeffersons Method has a sub-
stantial bias toward larger states. Adamss Method, on the
other hand, is biased toward smaller states and can cause
lower quota violations. Quota rule violations can occur
with Websters Method as well, though they are relatively
rare. Websters Method demonstrates little bias overall.
The HuntingtonHill Method and, to a greater degree,
Deans Method, have biases toward smaller states.
Table 1: Distribution of Congressional Seats
State Population Standard Quota Lower Quota Apportionment
A 791 2.149 2 2
B 892 2.424 2 2
C 6987 18.986 18 19
D 530 1.440 1 2
Congressional Representation 233
History of U.S. Apportionment
The U.S. Constitution mandates a decennial census.
Congressional representatives are reapportioned every
10 years based on the results. Though the Constitution
provided for an initial distribution of U.S. Congressio-
nal representatives, it specied no particular apportion-
ing method. Following Constitutional ratication in
1787 and the census of 1790, the rst apportionment
was carried out. In 1792, Congress passed a bill insti-
tuting Hamiltons Method, which George Washington
vetoed. Congress then approved Jeffersons Method,
which was used through 1832 when a Quota Rule viola-
tion was observed. New York State had a standard quota
of 38.59 seats, so New York should have received either
38 or 39 seats. However, Jeffersons Method assigned
New York 40 seats. John Quincy Adams and Daniel
Webster immediately put forth separate bills calling for
the adoption of the apportionment methods that carry
their names. Though both bills failed, this was the last
apportionment in which Jeffersons Method was used.
Websters Method was used for the apportionment
of 1842, but in 1852, Hamiltons Method was adopted
as permanent by Congress. In 1872, Hamiltons
Method was not applied correctly. In 1882, additional
difculties arose with the method itself. While consid-
ering different sizes for the House of Representatives,
observers noted that with a House size of 299, Alabama
would receive eight seats under Hamiltons Method, but
with a House size of 300, Alabama would receive only
seven seats. This aw, whereby increasing the number
of seats to apportion can, in and of itself, cause a state
to lose a seat, became known as the Alabama paradox.
Congress sidestepped this issue in 1882 by increasing
the size of the House to 325 seats, but the aw led to
their discarding Hamiltons Method in 1901. Websters
Method was used in the apportionments of 1901, 1911,
and 1931, though no apportionment was completed
after the 1920 census. In 1941, Congress adopted the
HuntingtonHill Method as permanent, with the
House size of 435 seats, which is the method still in use
at the start of the twenty-rst century, though contro-
versy continues.
Many mathematicians and others have asked whether
there is an ideal apportionment method that solves
the apportionment problem in a reasonable way and
is free of aws such as the Alabama paradox and quota
rule violations. In the 1970s, Balinski and Young proved
that no such method exists. Every apportionment
method will either potentially violate the quota rule or
cause either the Alabama paradox or another problem-
atic paradox called the Population paradox, whereby
one state whose population is growing at a faster rate
can lose a seat to a state with a slower growth rate. The
search for perfection in apportionment is an inherently
impossible task, but mathematicians continue to study
the problems and paradoxes and seek new approaches
to reduce bias.
Further Reading
American Mathematical Society. Apportionment:
American Mathematical Society. Apportionment II:
Apportionment Systems.
Balinski, Michel, and Peyton Young. Fair Representation:
Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote. 2nd ed.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2001.
Table 2. Deans Method.
Jefferson Adams Webster
A 2.149 2 2 2 2 2
B 2.424 2 3 2 2 3
C 18.986 20 18 20 19 18
D 1.440 1 2 1 2 2
Valid Range
of Divisors
333349 396411 357358 365374 396411
234 Congressional Representation
Frederick, Brian. Congressional Representation &
Constituents: The Case for Increasing the U.S. House of
Representatives. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Stephen Szydlik
Matt Kretchmar
See Also: Census; Gerrymandering; Government and
State Legislation; Voting Methods.
Conic Sections
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Conic sections have many interesting
mathematical properties and real-world applications.
Conic sections, or simply conics, are the simplest
plane curves other than straight lines. Students in the
twenty-rst century begin to study these curves in
middle school. In coordinate geometry, they can be
expressed as polynomials of degree 2 in two variables
while straight lines are polynomials of degree 1 in two
variables. Conic sections can further be divided into
three types: ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. Conics
were named and systematically studied by Apollo-
nius of Perga (262190 b.c.e.). At that
time, the study of conics was not merely
to explore the intrinsic beauty of the
curves but to develop useful tools neces-
sary for applications to the solution of
geometric problems. Today, the theory
of conics has numerous applications in
our daily lives including the designs of
many machines, optical tools, telecom-
munication devices, and even the tracks
of roller coasters.
Representations of Conics
and Their Applications
One can generate a two-sheet circular
cone by xing a straight line as the axis of
the cone in the space rst. Choose a xed
point on it as the vertex of the cone. Rotating another
straight line through the vertex that makes a xed
angle with the axis, we obtain the desired cone as the
trace of the rotating line. Any straight line on the trace
is called a generating line of the cone. Conic sections
are obtained by intersecting the two-sheet cone with
planes not passing through its vertex as shown in Fig-
ures 1AC.
The three types of conic sections are generated
according to the positions of the intersection.
When the intersecting plane cuts only one sheet of the
cone and the intersection is a closed curve, an ellipse
is created. A circle is obtained when the intersecting
plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone; an ellipse
is obtained when the intersecting plane is not perpen-
dicular to the axis of the cone. A circle, as such, can
be considered as a particular case of an ellipse (Figure
1A). As illustrated in Figure 2, an ellipse is the collec-
tion of points in a plane that the sum of distances from
two xed points F
and F
, the foci, to every point in
the collection is constant.
On the coordinate plane, if the foci are located on
the x-axis at the points ( , ) c 0 and ( , ) c 0 and the con-
stant distance between F
and F
is 2a, the equation of
an ellipse can be derived as
1 + = with b a c a
2 2 2 2
= < .
Conic Sections 235
Figure 1A. Figure 1B. Figure 1C.
When the intersecting plane cuts only one sheet of the
cone and is parallel to exactly one generating line of the
cone, the intersection is a non-closed curvea parab-
ola (Figure 1B). A parabola is the collection of points in
a plane that are equidistant from a xed point F (called
focus) and a xed line (called directrix). The graph
of the parabola is illustrated in Figure 3A. The graph is
symmetric with respect to the line through the focus
and perpendicular to the directrix. This line of sym-
metry is called the axis of the parabola. The inter-
section of the graph with the axis is called the vertex
of the parabola. On the coordinate plane, if the vertex
is located at the origin O, and the focus at the point
( , ) 0 p , then its directrix will be on the line y p =
(Figure 3B), and the equation of the parabola can be
derived as x py
4 = .
When the intersecting plane meets both sheets of the
cone, the intersection is a hyperbola, which consists of
two identical non-closed parts, each located in one of
the two sheets of the cone (Figure 1C). A hyperbola is
the collection of all points in a plane that the difference
of distances from two xed points F
and F
, the foci,
to every point in the collection is constant. The graph
of a hyperbola is drawn as shown in Figure 4A.
On the coordinate plane, if the foci ( , ) c 0 ( , ) c 0
are located on the x-axis and the differences of dis-
tance is 2a, then the equation of the hyperbola can
be derived as
1 = with c a b
2 2 2
= + (See Figure 4B)
A Brief History of Conic Sections
Between 460 b.c.e. and 420 b.c.e., three famous geom-
etry problems were posed by the ancient Greeks. These
problems were (1) the trisection of an angle, (2) the
squaring of the circle, and (3) the duplication of the
cube. The last problem merely asks that given any cube
of side length a, can one construct another cube with
exactly twice the volume, 2a
. Hippocrates of Chios
(circa 470410 b.c.e.) had the idea of reducing that
problem by nding two quantities x and y such that
= =
Then, x
= ay, y
= ax, and xy = 2a
As such, x
is the required solution for the prob-
lem. This solution is equivalent to solving
simultaneously any two of the three equations
( x ay
= , y ax
2 = , and xy a =2
) that represent
parabolas in the rst two and a hyperbola in the third.
However, no explicit construction of the conic sections
was given. Menaechmus (380320 b.c.e.) is believed
to be the rst mathematician to work with conic sec-
tions systematically, which is theorized to have arisen
because of curves traced out by sundials. At his time,
the conic sections were formed by cutting a right circu-
lar cone with a plane perpendicular to a side.
The sections were named according to whether
the vertex angle was acute, right, or obtuse (Figure 5).
Menaechmus constructed conic sections that satised
the required algebraic properties suggested by Hip-
pocrates and thus obtained the points of intersection
of these conic sections that would lead to the solution
of the problem of the duplication of the cube.
236 Conic Sections
Figure 2.
Figure 3A. Figure 3B.
The breakthrough in the study of conics by the
ancient Greeks was attributed to Apollonius of Perga.
His eight-volume masterpiece Conic Sections greatly
extended the existing knowledge at the time (one of
the eight books has been lost to history). Apollonius
major contribution was to treat the conic sections as
plane curves and use their intrinsic properties to char-
acterize them. This method allowed conic sections to
be analyzed in great detail by the ancient Greeks.
Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham studied optics
using conic sections in the tenth and eleventh centu-
ries. Omar Al-Khayyami (Omar Khayyam) authored
Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra in
the eleventh century. This work showed that all cubic
equations could be classied using geometric solutions
that involve conic sections. Later, in the seventeenth
century, Gerard Desargues (15911662) and Blaise
Pascal (16231662) connected the study of conic sec-
tions to developments from projective geometry. At
the same time, Ren Descartes (15961650) and Pierre
de Fermat (16011665) also connected it with the
developments from coordinate geometry. Eventually,
problems of conics in geometry could be reduced to
problems in algebra.
Johan Kepler (15711630) revolutionized astron-
omy by introducing the notion of elliptical orbits.
According to Isaac Newtons later law of universal
gravitation, the orbits of two massive objects that
interact are conic sections.
If they are bound together, they will both trace out
ellipses; if they move apart, they will both follow par-
abolic or hyperbolic trajectories.
The Applications of Conic Sections
Besides applications in astronomy, conics have many
other applications.
In an ellipse, any light or radiation that begins at
one focus will be reected to the other focus (Figure 6
on following page). This property can be used in the-
ater designs. In an elliptical theater, the speech from
one focus can be heard clearly across the theater at the
other focus by the audience. It can also be applied in
lithotripsy, a medical procedure for treating kidney
stones. The patient is placed in an elliptical tank of
water, with the kidney stone xed at one focus. High-
energy shock waves emitted at the other focus can be
directed to pulverize the stone. Also, elliptical gears
can be used for many machine tools.
Conic Sections 237
Figure 4A. Figure 4B.
Figure 5.
In a parabola, paral-
lel light beams will con-
verge to its focus (see
Figure 7 on following
page). Parabolic mir-
rors are used to con-
verge light beams or
heat radiations, and
parabolic microphones
are used to perform a
similar function with
sound waves.
In reverse, if a light
source is placed at the focus of a parabolic mirror, the
light will be reected in rays parallel to said axis. This
property is used in the design of car headlights and in
spotlights because it aids in concentrating the parallel
light beam. Hyperbolas are used in a navigation system
known as Long Range Navigation (LORAN). Hyper-
bolicas well as parabolicmirrors and lenses are
also used in systems of telescopes.
Further Reading
Akopyan, A. V., and A. A. Zaslavsky. Geometry of Conics.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2007.
Courant, R., and H. Robbins. What Is Mathematics? New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Downs, J. W. Practical Conic Sections: The Geometric
Properties of Ellipses, Parabolas and Hyperbolas.
Mineola, NY: Dover, 2003.
Kendig, K. Conics (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions).
Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association of
America, 2005.
Kline, M. Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern
Times. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Suzuki, Jeff. A History of Mathematics. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
Ka-Luen Cheung
See Also: Curves; Geometry of the Universe; Greek
Connections in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: An integrated approach to mathematics
stresses the importance of making connections among
various perspectives and applications.
While mathematics in educational settings is often
separated out into differing subjects, it is important
to understand that mathematics is an interconnected
eld of study. While most individuals are aware that
they must be familiar with basic addition and subtrac-
tion to ensure the proper handling of money, very few
individuals give any thought to the multitude of deeper
mathematical connections they experience daily. In fact,
both the National Science Foundation and the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics have recently
begun to strongly advocate for the use of an intercon-
nected curriculum in K12 mathematics education. An
integrated approach to mathematics education stresses
the importance of making connections among math-
ematical perspectives, as in algebra and geometry, mak-
ing connections to other elds, as in physics or religion,
and connecting mathematical concepts to society as a
whole, as in applications and usefulness in daily living.
The purpose of an interconnected curriculum
is to help students better understand how the vari-
ous branches of mathematics are connected and how
mathematics is connected to the real world. By teach-
ing mathematics as a unied whole, rather than mul-
tiple discrete subjects, students may better understand
that mathematics is not a set of indiscriminate rules
and isolated skills; rather, it involves a rich interplay
between mathematical concepts, as well as complex
interactions with other academic subjects. It is this
integrated approach to mathematics that seeks to
238 Connections in Society
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
answer that question, When are we ever going to use
this in real life? When this objective is met, students
often show an increased appreciation and enthusiasm
for mathematical principles.
People use many different interrelated approaches
to process ideas, analyze objects, make decisions, or
solve problems. For example, one might calculate the
optimal viewing distance of a painting in order to see
the depth that the artist intended, examine the sur-
face of the painting to appreciate the ner details and
glazes, or stand back to appreciate the overall effect and
balance of colors. Real-life situations are not divided
the way they are in textbooks by their applicability to
a certain topic or technique, like exponential models.
In fact, throughout the twentieth century, employers,
such as engineering rms, complained about the lack of
connections made in school between different subjects.
Mathematician Eliakim Moore discussed this problem
a century ago in his 1902 address as the president of the
American Mathematical Society. In 1989, the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics published a set of
national standards for mathematics that included con-
nections as a signicant component.
Whereas traditional mathematics curricula in the
twentieth century separated subject areas like algebra
and geometry, an integrated approach involves present-
ing mathematical subjects as one interrelated whole
that also connects to other subjects and real-world
experiences. In antiquity, the square of a number was
dened as the area of a square with the same side length.
People with interdisciplinary interests were perhaps
more common at that timeGreek mathematicians
were also astronomers, inventors, engineers, and phi-
losophers. Throughout history, mathematicians such
as Carl Friedrich Gauss contributed to so many areas
of mathematics and to other elds, like geodesy; but
in the twenty-rst century, researchers who specialize
in a subdiscipline are more common. However, con-
nections among multiple mathematical perspectives
are still important in the development of mathemat-
Connections in Society 239
athematics is also used in one of the most
popular sporting events in the world: the
FIFA World Cup Finals. Thirty-two teams qualify
for the World Cup Finals, and they are assigned
to eight groups of four teams. The top seven
teams in the world and the host countrys team
are seeded based on the FIFA World Rankings and
recent World Cup performances and put into the
eight different groups. The rest of the teams are
put into different pots based on their geographical
location, and then teams from each pot are ran-
domly assigned to the eight groups. In the group
stage of the World Cup Finals, each team plays
every other team in its group.
A team earns three points for a win, one
point for a tie, and zero points for a loss. In
each group, the two teams with the most points
advance to the knockout stage. If teams are
equal in points, the greatest goal difference, the
greatest number of goals scored, and other vari-
ous statistics can be used to determine the top
two teams to advance to the next stage. Sixteen
teams advance to the knockout stage, which is a
single-elimination tournament. At the end of the
tournament, FIFA crowns one World Cup cham-
pion, as well as several individual awards, such
as the Golden Ball for the best player and the
Golden Boot for the top goal scorer. The winner
of the Golden Ball award is based
on a vote of media members.
The Golden Boot award is
given to the player with
the greatest number
of goals scored, as
well as with the great-
est number of assists.
Mathematics is used in
important calculations of
sports statistics, college
and world rankings, tourna-
ment rankings, and awards for
individual performances.
Mathematics and the FIFA World Cup Finals
ics. Algebra and geometry remain linked and the eld
of algebraic geometry is active today. Many researchers
use techniques from a variety of different mathemati-
cal elds. Geometers may heavily rely on concepts from
analysis, linear algebra, number theory, or statistics, for
example. Other researchers work in the intersection of
elds like statistical analysis.
Mathematics can easily be connected to other sci-
entic disciplines, like physics or biology. Mathemat-
ics is sometimes referred to as the foundation or
language of science. However, there are many other
types of links between mathematics and the sciences.
Some researchers work on problems at the interface of
mathematics and a scientic eld, while others translate
ideas from the sciences to solve problems in mathemat-
ics and vice versa. Scientic disciplines like physics are
often referred to as partner disciplines for mathematics.
Researchers have met for a conference named Connec-
tions in Geometry and Physics that explores the inter-
disciplinary facets. In geometry and physics there is a
concept called a connection, which is an operator that
allows for comparison at different points in a space via
parallel transport. Mathematics has been interwoven
with physics since antiquity. There have also been his-
torical linkages between mathematics and biology, but
the interdisciplinary eld of mathematical biology has
grown rapidly in the early twenty-rst century.
Students may have difculty appreciating the impor-
tance of mathematics in nonscientic disciplines, but
the connections between mathematics and subjects like
business, art, music, or religion are multilayered and
multifaceted. For example, mathematics has played a
part in religious life since the earliest documented cul-
tures. The ancient Mesopotamians, embracing a poly-
theistic faith, developed the time system we use today
with bases of 60 (60 seconds make up a minute, and
60 minutes comprise an hour). Adherents of Christian-
ity, Judaism, and Islam have all embraced elements of
mathematics in the conceptualization of sacred time.
Given the importance of religion today, this time is still
of great value for humankind. Mathematics plays a key
role in the calculation of religious celebrations around
which many faiths ourish. The week and solar day
provide a delineation of sacred days that are different
from the othersSunday for Christians, Saturday for
Jews, and Friday for Muslims. In other ways, numeric
or geometric symbolism plays a signicant part of reli-
gious practice.
There are countless examples that highlight the
importance of mathematics in daily tasks. In the
twenty-rst century, it is almost impossible to nd
a task that does not connect to mathematics, either
directly or through the tools and technologies in which
mathematics plays an important role. In turn, math-
ematicians formulate new theories and concepts in
order to meet the needs of society.
Mathematics as a Universal Language
Many people consider mathematics as the only truly
universal language, regardless of gender, culture, or
religion. For example, while the precise number of dig-
its that are used in applications may differ, the ratio of
the circumference to the diameter of a circle is still ,
irrespective of the cultural context. Calculating the cost
of groceries involves the same mathematical processes
whether one is paying for those groceries in dollars,
pesos, or pounds. With the universal language of math-
ematics, regardless of the unit of exchange, humans are
likely to arrive at similar mathematical results. In fact,
there are many examples of researchers in different
areas of the world who independently arrived at the
same theorems. Thus, mathematics as a universal lan-
guage provides a common ground, creating the capac-
ity for human beings to connect to one another across
continents and across time.
Nutrition Labeling
An important way that mathematics can be found in
our everyday life is on nutrition facts panels, which
are mandated by the Nutrition Labeling and Educa-
tion Act of 1990 to be placed on nearly all multiple-
ingredient foods. The nutrition facts label on foods
must list the fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol,
sodium, total carbohydrate, ber, sugar, protein, Vita-
min A, Vitamin C, calcium, and iron content of the
food. Other nutrients may be listed voluntarily. These
labels also include a column that lists the percent Daily
Value (% DV) to help consumers decide whether the
nutrient content of a serving of the food product is
a lot or a little. Mathematics is used to calculate the
calories per serving and the % DV of a serving listed
on the nutrition facts label.
As shown in Figure 1, at the top of the nutrition facts
label, the serving size, as well as the number of servings
per container, is listed directly underneath Nutrition
Facts. In this case, a serving size is cup and there are
240 Connections in Society
eight servings per container. This
means that there are four cups (
cup eight servings = four cups)
of food in this package. If a person
consumed half the container, or two
cups of food, he or she would have
had four servings (the amount of
food consumed divided by a serv-
ing size, or two cups divided by
cup per serving = four servings).
Next, the calories per serving
and the calories from fat per serv-
ing are listed. In this food, there are
200 calories per serving and 130
calories from fat in one serving.
If the person consumed four serv-
ings and there are 200 calories per
serving, then he or she consumed
800 calories (four servings 200
calories/serving = 800 calories).
Similarly, this person consumed
520 calories from fat (four serv-
ings 130 calories from fat/serv-
ing = 520 calories from fat).
Following the calorie content,
the nutrition facts label also lists
the number of grams of total fat,
total carbohydrate, and protein, which are calorie-
yielding nutrients. A gram of fat contains nine calories,
which is listed at the very bottom of the label. In this
food, a single serving contains 14 grams of fat, which
yields 126 calories (14 grams of fat 9 calories/gram
of fat = 126 calories from fat). This calculation was
done to create the number of calories from fat listed
on the panel (they rounded up to 130). As previously
mentioned, if a person ate four servings, he or she con-
sumed about 520 calories from fat.
The number of calories from carbohydrates and
proteins can also be calculated. Both carbohydrates
and protein yield four calories per gram, which is
also listed at the very bottom of the nutrition label. In
this food, there are 17 grams of carbohydrates, which
provides 68 calories (17 grams 4 calories/gram =
68 calories). In four servings, a person would ingest
about 272 calories from carbohydrates (68 calories/
serving 4 servings = 272 calories from carbohy-
drates). There are three grams of protein in one serv-
ing, which means there are 12 calories from protein in
one serving (3 grams 4 calories/
gram = 12 calories) and 48 calo-
ries from protein in four servings
(12 calories/serving four serv-
ings = 48 calories).
On the right side of the nutrition
facts panel, the % DV is also listed.
These daily values are based on a
2000-calorie diet, which is stated
on the label next to the asterisk.
Near the bottom of the label, it lists
the maximum number of grams or
milligrams of total fat, saturated fat,
cholesterol, or sodium that a per-
son should consume per day if on
a 2000-calorie diet. It also lists the
number of grams of total carbohy-
drate and ber a person should eat
if on a 2000-calorie diet.
If there are 14 grams of fat in
one serving of this food and a per-
son on 2000-calorie diet should
consume no more than 65 grams
of fat per day, then one serving of
this food yields 22% of a persons
DV of fat (14 grams of fat/65
grams of fat = about 22%). If this
person has consumed four servings, then he or she has
eaten 88% of his or her DV of fat (22%/serving four
servings = 88%). The same calculations can be made
for the saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbo-
hydrate, and ber. Similar calculations are also made
for the vitamins listed on a nutrition facts panel.
As demonstrated, mathematics is used in the calcula-
tions surrounding calorie content and % DV on nutri-
tion labels. The mathematics used can affect a persons
choice of foods and, in turn, a persons health.
Mathematics is used in numerous other everyday
activities, such as sports. It is common in popular
sports to calculate statistics to measure performance.
In baseball, a common statistic is a batting average. A
batting average is a simple calculation: the number of
hits divided by the number of at bats. This statistic
is used to estimate an individuals batting skills. In pro-
fessional baseball, a batting average of .300 is consid-
ered an excellent batting average.
Connections in Society 241
Figure 1. A Common Nutrition
Facts Label.
A similar statistic to the batting average is in vol-
leyball, which is called a hitting percentage. However,
it is slightly different because it tries to measure an
individuals hitting or attacking skills and takes errors
into accounts. It is calculated by taking the number
of kills, subtracting the number of errors, and then
dividing the difference by the number of attempts.
A kill is when a hitters attack results directly in a
point (the ball falling into the opponents area of the
court, an opponent not being able to return the ball,
or the opponent making a blocking error as a result
of the attack). An error is when a player hits the
ball and it goes into the net (does not cross to the
opponents side) or out of bounds. An attempt is
anytime the player tries to attack the ball. For exam-
ple, if a player had 10 kills, 3 errors, and 17 attempts,
the players hitting percentage would be about .412
( 10 3 17 0 412 ( ) = . ), which would also be considered
a good hitting percentage, similar to the guidelines to
the batting average.
Mathematics is important in the calculation of col-
lege football Bowl Championship Series (BCS) rank-
ings as well. A mathematical formula is used to calculate
these rankings, which order the top 25 NCAA Division
I-A football teams based on their performance during
the prior week. At the end of the season, the top two
teams play each other in the national championship
bowl. Mathematical formulas are also used to calculate
which teams will play in the other bowls, taking into
consideration the conference the team comes from and
how many fans and advertising dollars the team is likely
to bring in as well.
More specically, the main factors that go into these
rankings are subjective polls, computer rankings, the
difculty of a teams schedule, and the number of losses.
The subjective poll numbers come from the average of
two rankings from the Associated Press (AP) and the
USA Today/ESPN Coaches Poll Ratings. Sports writ-
ers and broadcasters vote in the AP poll and a select
group of football coaches vote in the USA Today/ESPN
Coaches poll on which football teams they think are
the best, and then these two rankings are averaged. The
computer rankings are based on eight different com-
puter rankings that are calculated based on a teams
statistics for that week (strength of the opponent, nal
score, win-loss record, and so forth). The strength of a
teams schedule is based on a cumulative win-loss record
of its opponents, as well as their opponents opponents.
The calculation of the number of losses is straightfor-
ward. Each loss that a team suffers corresponds to one
point, which is added to its nal score. Points from each
category are assigned to the team, and then these val-
ues are added to create a teams nal score. The team
with the lowest point total is ranked number one in
the rankings.
Mathematics is also used in cars. All cars have a speed-
ometer, which is a device used to calculate an instanta-
neous speed of a vehicle. It is important for a driver to
know the speed of the vehicle at all times to ensure the
safety of passengers and pedestrians and to abide by
local trafc laws. In the United States, speedometers are
read in terms of miles per hour. The calculation of the
speed of the vehicle requires signicant mathematics.
In many vehicles, an eddy current or mechanical
speedometer is used, which is the speedometer with a
needle that points to the speed that the vehicle is travel-
ling. In these cars, there is a drive cable that runs from
the speedometer to the transmission, which has a gear
that tracks the rotational speed of the wheels. In other
words, the gear tracks the number of revolutions the
wheel makes within a certain time frame. Digital speed-
ometers calculate miles per hour slightly differently,
using a vehicle speed sensor. The vehicle speed sensor
is in the transmission and also tracks the rotations of
the wheels. From this information, the vehicles speed
is calculated and displayed on either a digital screen or
a traditional needle-and-dial display.
The calculation of a vehicles speed is dependent
on the size of the tire as well. For example, if the tire
rotates x times per minute, then the vehicles speed
can be calculated in miles per hour. Knowing the
diameter of the tire, the circumference of the tire can
be calculated (diameter ). Therefore, the vehicle
travels the distance of the number of revolutions
times the circumference of the tire, within a certain
time frame. This ratio can then be converted to miles
per hour by converting the units. Because all of these
calculations are based on an assumed tire diameter
and circumference, it is very important for drivers to
ensure that the correct size tires are on their vehicle. If
a cars wheels are too large or too small, the speedom-
eter will read slower or faster than the vehicles actual
speed, which may lead to accidents, speeding tickets,
or just slower driving.
242 Connections in Society
Mathematics can be found in everyday situations that
have a real and important effect on our lives. All areas
of ones life are in some way connected to mathematical
principles. Only a small number of examples have been
presented herethe list can be expanded innitely.
In fact, one would be hard pressed, in todays techno-
logically advanced world, to present even a handful of
activities that do not involve some mathematical con-
cepts, if even at the unconscious level. By bridging the
disconnect between school mathematics and real-life
mathematics, individuals gain a greater appreciation
forand curiosity ofmathematical applications.
By viewing mathematics as an integrated whole
and understanding its connectedness to society, indi-
viduals become active participants, rather than passive
recipients, of information. When one becomes aware
of mathematical connectedness, rather than viewing
math as a series of isolated and disconnected concepts
to be learned though rote memorization, an individual
develops the understanding of mathematics as a crucial
and meaningful tool that can aid in the understanding,
predicting, and quantifying of the world around us.
Further Reading
Brookhart, Clint. Go Figure: Using Math to Answer
Everyday Imponderables. Chicago: Contemporary
Books, 1998.
Cuoco, Al. Mathematical Connections. Washington, DC:
The Mathematical Association of America, 2005.
Garland, Trudi H., and Charity V. Kahn. Math and
Music: Harmonious Connections. Palo Alto, CA: Dale
Seymour Publications, 1995.
House, Peggy, and Arthur Coxford. Connecting
Mathematics Across the Curriculum. Restin, VA:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1995.
Martin, Hope. Making Math Connections: Using Real
World Applications With Middle School Students.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Lee Anne Flagg
Matthew West
Kristi L. Stringer
Casey Borch
See Also: Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics, Utility
of; Mathematics and Religion; Mathematics Research,
Interdisciplinary; Painting.
See Limits and Continuity
Contra and
Square Dancing
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Summary: Square and contra dancing employ many
mathematical principles, including symmetries and
Square dance is geometry and combinatorial mathe-
matics in motion. A caller directs the dancers through
a set of choreographed dance movements unique to
each type of square dancing. The dancers are sorted
and shufed in a myriad of ways by the caller and then
returned to their original positions. Not only do the
participants create mathematical forms as they move,
mathematics is used to analyze different aspects of
square dancing and its related form, contra dancing.
For example, graph theory, matrix theory, and group
theory can be used to represent the various structures
and symmetries. Mathematics has also been used to
analyze optimal calling patterns depending on the spe-
cic combinations of movements in the dance. Square
dancing is a popular pastime for many people with an
interest in mathematics. Several colleges have square
dancing clubs, such as the Square Roots at North Cen-
tral College in Illinois. That college has also offered a
course called The Mathematics of Square Dancing,
which combined advanced dance patterns with dis-
cussions of mathematics theory, including parallelo-
gram or hexagon dancing.
The Basic Square
The basic square consists of four couples. A square is
symmetric under rotations of 90, 180, 270, and 360
degrees. Some or all of the dancers in the basic square
can rotate in a circular movement according to these
symmetries. Including the mirror reections about
each of the two lines of symmetry passing through the
Contra and Square Dancing 243
center of the square and parallel to an edge, there are
six different targets of movement for the dancers. Fur-
ther, in respect to each male (m)-female (f) pair, there
are 10 possible movements. Thus, f
could be directed
to replace either f
or m
, m
could replace either f
, or both f
and m
could replace f
and m
. Since
there are four pairs, there are 240 possible movements
among the dancers (6 10 4 = 240). Dance is about
movement and not positions; thus, dance movements
are not transitive. A movement of f
to f
is not the
same as a movement of f
to f
, although the outcome is
the same arrangement. The two cases differ in respect
to who initiates the action and who must react to the
others actions.
Secondary Squares
Besides the basic square, several other squares are part
of square dancing. First, each m-f pair is a square. Sev-
eral calls direct the movements of these dancers rela-
tive to one another. Thus, in a Do-Si-Do, the two mem-
bers dance a square around one another and return to
their initial positions. Alternatively, the basic square
can be divided into a square within which a circle is
inscribed. Four of the dancers constitute the square,
while the remaining dancers move inward so that they
are contained by the larger square. These can then be
instructed to move according to the four symmetries.
This arrangement can be inverted. The pairs can move
toward a center point and form the radii of a circle,
while the square that contains the circle is implicit.
Again, the four symmetries constrain these move-
ments. Instead of being expanded, the square can be
constricted. The larger square can be divided into two
smaller squares, each with four dancers. The dancers
can be instructed to form smaller squares with the pair
on the right, the pair opposite, or the pair on the left.
Further Reading
Mathematical Association of America. Square Dancing
Takes a Mathematical Spin.
Mui, Wing. Connections Between Contra Dancing and
Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 4,
no. 1 (2010).
Michael K. Green
See Also: Ballet; Permutations and Combinations;
Polygons; Similarity; Symmetry.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: A good cook must be able to compute
conversions, costs, and measurements.
In his Renaissance play, The Staple of News, Ben Jonson
likens a master cook toamong other thingsa mathe-
matician. Although many people would think this com-
parison is an exaggeration, the mathematical require-
ments placed on the modern cook are signicant.
In the past, cooking skills were passed on orally
and through apprenticeship from generation to gen-
eration; today, inexperienced cooks are expected to
learn to cook from recipes, which consist of a list
of measured ingredients followed by instructions
that refer to temperatures, times, and possibly more
esoteric measurements. In addition to being able to
scale recipes, the cook in our global world encounters
many interesting recipes from diverse cultural tradi-
tions, which use a variety of systems of measurement.
244 Cooking
Decomposing Squares
Into Columns and Lines
esides arranging dancers in squares and
circles, the caller can also arrange them
into columns and lines. A column arrange-
ment occurs when all the couples are aligned
one behind the other. A caller can shufe this
arrangement into any of 24 possibilities. A
column of dancers can then be bisected lon-
gitudinally into two lines or crosswise into two
smaller squares. There are two kinds of lines:
one in which all dancers face the same direc-
tion, and another (a wave) in which they alter-
nate the direction they are facing.
Cooks must also be able to plan healthy and cost-
effective menus.
Measurement of Ingredients
In recipes written in the United States, quantities for
both liquid and dry ingredients are often specied by
volume, and are measured in terms of teaspoons, table-
spoons, or cups, in which there are 3 teaspoons to 1
tablespoon, 16 tablespoons to 1 cup, and 2 cups to 1
pint. Special measuring cups are made that permit the
leveling of dry ingredients to ensure precise measure-
ment. For measuring liquid ingredients, different cups
are used that have graduation marks down the side and
a convenient pouring spout. Measuring spoons are used
for smaller quantities of both liquid and dry ingredi-
ents. For an experienced cook, the quantities given in
recipes serve as general indications; however, in baking,
when certain chemical reactions are expected to be bal-
anced, precision is needed.
For more consistent outcomes, quantities are speci-
ed by weight. Ingredient densities vary. For example, a
cup of water weighs 8 ounces, whereas a cup of our
depending on how it was scoopedweighs about 5
ounces. Tables to assist in conversion between weight
and volume can be found on the Internet. There can be
confusion with the word ounces, which can refer to
either weight or volume. Ounces used for dry ingredi-
ents refer to one-sixteenth of a pound. Ounces measur-
ing liquid ingredients refer to either one-sixteenth of a
pint or to one-twentieth of a pint, depending on what
is being measured.
Modern recipes written outside the United States
provide measurements in the metric system. Liquid
ingredients are specied in liters (volume) while dry
ingredients are specied in grams (mass). Since kitchen
scales actually measure weight, most cooks view grams
as measuring weight. One liter of water weighs approxi-
mately 1000 grams. A liter is 1000 cubic centimeters, or
about 1.057 quarts. A kilogram, 1000 grams, is approxi-
mately 2.205 pounds. A deciliter is one-tenth of a liter
and is often used for recipes designed for home use. The
metric systembased on multiples of 10is designed
to simplify calculations and scaling of measurements
and is becoming the preferred system for cooks.
Scaling a Recipe
Recipes often specify the number of portions that they
produce. To alter the number of portions generated, the
recipe is scaled. This involves multiplying the quantity
of each ingredient by a scale factor. To double a recipe,
the scale factor is 2, while to halve a recipe, the scale fac-
tor is 1/2. At times, a more complex scaling is required.
For example, imagine a baker is following a recipe that
calls for 125 grams of pre-fermented dough. The rec-
ipe to make pre-fermented dough calls for 1000 grams
of our, 10 grams of yeast, and 0.6 liters of water and
results in 1610 grams of dough. Since only 125 grams
of pre-fermented dough are needed, the required scale
factor is 125/1610 = 0.078.
A nave scaling results in 78 grams of our, 47 grams
of water (.047 liters), and the absurdly small amount
(0.78 grams) of yeast. An experienced cook would add
more yeast. Most recipes written for home use can
only be scaled up or down by less than a factor of 4.
Additionally, some ingredients, like spices, gelatin, and
leavening agents, should not be scaled proportionately.
Most good general cookbooks will give advice on scal-
ing recipes. A good collection of professional recipes
for large numbers of portions is available from the
Armed Forces Recipe Service.
Measuring Temperature
Controlling temperatures on most modern stovetops
is easier than doing so on wood-burning stoves. How-
ever, techniques vary signicantly among gas, electric,
and induction cookers and are best described by the
manufacturer. In some instances, such as deep fat fry-
ing or candy making, temperature on the stovetop is
measured by a thermometer. In making candy sugar
syrup, temperature can also be measured by feel
or by the way a drop of the syrup interacts with cold
water. Books on making candy describe the relation-
ships among these methods. The temperature of an
oven is accurately monitored by a thermostat, which
can be set. Often, an oven thermometer is also used
to check the oven thermostat. Most recipes give the
required temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius
(previously called centigrade). The formula for con-
verting from Fahrenheit to Celsius is given by
C = ( )
32 F
and from Celsius to Fahrenheit by
F C = + ( )
Cooking 245
Thus, an oven temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit
is about 177 degrees Celsius. Temperatures in some
older British recipes are given in gas mark settings, in
some older French recipes in numbered settings, in
some older German recipes as Stufe settings, and in
some much older recipes as verbal descriptions such
as Very Slow or Doux. Tables showing conversions
among these various approaches to measuring tem-
perature can be found in general cookbooks and on
the Internet.
Other Important Measurements
Other important quantities that need to be measured
when cooking include time, acidity, and density. Time
measured in seconds, minutes, and hoursa system
based on 60is now probably universal. Because esti-
mating the passage of time is fraught with error, early
recipes specied important times as measured by the
clock. Acidity is measured on the pH scale. Water,
which is neutral, has a pH of 7. An acidic solution, like
orange juice, might have a pH of 3, while a basic solu-
tion of baking soda in water might have a pH of 9.
In home cheese making, the conversion of lactose to
lactic acid is tracked by monitoring pH levels of the
milk; however, traditional cheese makers will use the
Dornic scale.
Measuring the density of a solution is important
in wine and beer making, and in candying fruits. For
example, the density of fresh grape juice indicates
the ripeness of the grapes and the alcohol content of
the nished wine. Candying fruit in sugar water can
take many days. The daily gradual increase of sugar
in the syrup where the fruit is steeping maximizes the
amount of sugar absorbed by the fruit. The density
of the syrup is carefully checked to ensure the correct
increase of sweetness. Density of syrups is measured
with a hydrometer, and a variety of scales, including
Brix, Baum, and specic gravity, have been used in
246 Cooking
Molecular gastronomy is a new trend in cooking with a scientific slant. A chef plates a dish called strawberry
ravioli created using reverse spherification, and places so-called caviar spheres of sauce with chop-sticks.
recipes. Although older French recipes will refer to the
Baum scale, since the 1960s, most recipes have used
specic gravity. For syrups that are denser than water, a
simple approximate conversion from Baum to specic
gravity (sg) is given by:
Menu Planning and Budgeting
Cost and nutrition are also important factors for cooks.
Many modern recipes, in addition to giving calories
per serving, will give grams of carbohydrates, protein,
fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calcium. This informa-
tion, along with labels on prepared food, helps guide
the cook in making nutritional choices. A cook might
also be interested in knowing the cost of a portion size.
For example, consider a portion of boneless chicken
breast. The cost as purchased is what the chicken breast
with bone costs per pound. Once the breast has been
boned, what remains weighs less and results in a higher
cost per pound of the edible portion. During cook-
ing, the breast will shrink, resulting in an even higher
cost per pound of the breast as served. Being aware
of these costs, along with labor costs and inventory
costs, helps the cook determine the cost of each item
served. Although the home cook probably does not go
through all these computations, a good home cook will
have an idea of monthly food expenditures and how
these costs are distributed among the various kinds of
food served.
Further Reading
Bilheux, R., and Alain Escofer. Creams, Confections, and
Finished Desserts. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1998.
Haines, R. G. Math Principles for Food Service
Occupations. 3rd ed. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers,
Jones, T. Culinary Calculations: Simplied Math for
Culinary Professionals. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.
Labensky, S. R. Applied Math for Food Service. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998.
Reinhart, P. The Bread Bakers Apprentice: Mastering the
Art of Extraordinary Bread. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed
Press, 2001.
Carl R. Seaquist
Catherine C. Galley
See Also: Connections in Society; Measurement,
Systems of; Number and Operations in Society.
Coordinate Geometry
Category: History and Development of
Curricular Concepts.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: The development of coordinate geometry
revolutionized mathematics, has a wide variety of
applications, and is now widely used in many areas of
The discovery that plane geometric congurations
could be entirely described by real number pairs and
two-variable equations revolutionized geometry and
many other important elds of mathematics that
emerged later, including real analysis, vectors, calcu-
lus, linear algebra, and matrix theory. Also referred to
as analytic geometry or Cartesian geometry, named
for the great philosopher and mathematician Ren Des-
cartes, the subject of coordinate geometry is the study
of geometry using the Cartesian coordinate system with
algebraic operations. In twenty-rst century classrooms,
children in primary school begin to examine coordinate
systems and create plots on graph paper.
The level of sophistication of knowledge builds
through high school and college through the use of var-
ious coordinate systems including Cartesian, polar, and
spherical systems and by representations in two- and
three-dimensional geometry. Some calculus courses
are titled Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Various
coordinate system standards are in use in physics or
mathematics, for surveyors, or at the state or company
level. High school and college students learn to convert
between some of these representations. Coordinate
geometry has many applications and is used in every
conceivable area of mathematics, science, and engi-
neering to calculate precise locations and boundaries,
distances and bearings from reference points, and to
dene graphs and curves using a point location, radius,
and arc-lengths.
The fundamental building block of coordinate
geometry is the Cartesian coordinate system, which
Coordinate Geometry 247
includes an innite collection of points on a plane
determined by an ordered pair of numerical coordi-
nates (x, y). The x-coordinate (called abscissa) rep-
resents the horizontal position, and the y-coordinate
(called ordinate) represents the vertical position.
These positions can be expressed as signed distances
from the origin (0, 0), a point that is at the intersection
of two perpendicular reference lines called the coordi-
nate axis (see Figure 1).
Once points are determined by ordered pairs (x, y)
on the coordinate plane, one can then obtain analytic
formulas for various geometric quantities on the plane.
For example, an application of the Pythagorean theo-
rem then yields the distance between any two points
, y
) and (x
, y
) given by
d x x y y = + ( ) ( )
2 1
2 1
Early Variations
Coordinate-like types of systems arose in cartography
well before Descartes. Maps with grids date back to
ancient times, including those by Dicaearchus of Mes-
sana and Eratosthenes of Cyrene. Claudius Ptolemy
attempted to create coordinates of well-known places
in the world, essentially their latitude and longitude,
from spherical projections, although the astronomi-
cal and mathematical methods to accurately calculate
these would not be completely developed until much
later. Islamic Mathematicians in the medieval Islamic
world, such as Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad
al-Biruni, who compared the work of Ptolemy and Abu
Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, provided
coordinates for more than 600 geographical locations.
Al-Biruni also used rectangular coordinates to represent
three-dimensional space as well as ideas that some con-
sider as a precursor to polar coordinates. In the twenty-
rst century, the global positioning system calculates
the coordinates of a user from a system of satellites.
Other aspects of coordinate geometry can also be
found in various early contexts. Some have noted that
the mathematical work of ancient Greek mathemati-
cian Menaechmus could be interpreted as one that
used coordinates. However, there was no algebra in
ancient Greece, and others have highlighted the chal-
lenge that mathematics historians face in judging his-
torical works. Coordinate geometry is a natural leap for
the historians but probably not for Menaechmus, crit-
ics assert. Graphing techniques were developed in the
fourteenth century in publications of Nicole dOresme
and a work titled De latitudinibus formarum (The Lati-
tudes of Forms), which some attribute to dOresme.
Others assert that this attribution is an error and that
the author is unknown. These works may have inu-
enced coordinate geometers.
Transformations of coordinate-like systems devel-
oped along with perspective drawing techniques of
curves and shapes, like in the works of Leone Battista
Alberti and Piero della Francesca. Polar coordinates
were motivated through the work of mathematicians
such as Bonaventura Cavalieri on spiral curves like
the Archimedean spiral, named for Archimedes of
Descartes and Pierre de Fermat are both credited
with independently introducing coordinate geom-
etry. They each introduced a type of single-axis sys-
tem or ordinate geometry. Distances could be mea-
sured at a xed angle to the reference line. In Fermats
work, curves are generated as loci rather than by
plotting points. Historian of science Michael Sean
Mahoney noted: There is connected with the system
an intuitive sense of motion or ow wholly in keep-
ing with the intuition which underlies the notion of
an algebraic variable. Descartes published work on
coordinate geometry dates to 1637 in the appendix
(La Gomtrie) of a short book entitled Discourse
on the Method. Descartes dened the ve algebraic
248 Coordinate Geometry
Figure 1.
operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and extraction of square roots as geomet-
ric constructions on line segments and showed how
these operations could be performed in the Euclidean
plane by straightedge-and-compass constructions.
He also developed geometric techniques for solving
polynomial equations by intersecting curves, such as
conic sections, with each other or with lines to obtain
solutions algebraically. Coordinate geometry helps to
classify conic sections, which are curves correspond-
ing to the general quadratic equation
ax bxy cy dx ey f
2 2
0 + + + + + =
where a, b, c, d, e, and f are constants and a, b, and c
are not all zero. Coordinate geometry became useful
in a wide variety of mathematical and physical situa-
tions. Sir Isaac Newton and others investigated various
coordinate systems as well as how to convert between
them. In the nineteenth century, Christof Gudermann
investigated the sphere, and Julius Plcker published
numerous volumes on analytic geometry.
In situations where there is no obvious origin or ref-
erence axes, mathematicians developed local coordi-
nates or coordinate-free approaches. For instance, the
FrenetSerret frame is named for Jean Frdric Frenet
and Joseph Serret. It is a type of coordinate axis system
for a curve in three-dimensional space and represents
the twists and turns of a curve as three vectors that
move along the curve. Jean-Gaston Darboux explored
the analog for a surface.
Another example is isothermal coordinates on
surfaces in the work of mathematicians, like Carl
Friedrich Gauss. Engineer, mathematician, and physi-
cist Gabriel Lam is noted as the rst to use the term
in his 1833 work on heat transfer. August Mbius
introduced barycentric coordinates, which utilizes
notions related to the center of mass and the centroid
of a triangle, and these coordinates can be found in
computer graphics. Mbius work used both the posi-
tion and magnitude.
Other mathematicians developed similar systems,
including vectors, which allowed for compact nota-
tion. Hermann Grassmann and William Hamilton
created the algebra of vectors. The development of
vectors was especially useful when extending the
geometry or physics to higher dimensions. A point
(x, y) in the plane can also be represented by a vector
as r = x + yj where and j are unit vectors. Mathe-
maticians including Jean-Victor Poncelet and Michel
Chasles developed synthetic projective geometry,
which focused on axioms instead of coordinates. Gre-
gorio Ricci-Curbastro and Tullio Levi-Civita explored
a coordinate-independent calculus, which led to the
development of tensor analysis that later became
important in general relativity. Bernhard Riemanns
work on geodesics and Riemannian geometry led to
geodesic coordinates, which also became important
in relativity.
Coordinate geometry took on an increased promi-
nence in schools in the nineteenth and twentieth cen-
turies. One reason was the development and curricular
use of graph paper. A patent for printed graph paper
dates back to Dr. Buston in the late eighteenth century.
Graph paper makes it easier to plot points and create
curves, and it was found to be useful in surveying and
civil engineering projects.
Mathematicians in the nineteenth century, like E. H.
Moore, advocated the use of paper with squared lines
in algebra classes. Coordinate geometry topics were
also included in algebra textbooks and in textbooks
devoted to the subject.
One notable textbook was published by Scottish
mathematician Robert J. T. Bell in 1910. His treatise
on coordinate geometry in three dimensions became a
very successful textbook on the subject and was trans-
lated into numerous languages.
Further Reading
Boyer, Carl B. History of Analytic Geometry. New York:
Dover Books on Mathematics, 2004.
Mahoney, Michael Sean. The Mathematical Career of
Pierre de Fermat, 16011665. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1994.
Sasaki, C. Descartess Mathematical Thought. New York:
Springer, 2010.
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Equations,
Polar; Geometry and Geometry Education; Geometry in
Society; GPS; Graphs; Maps; Relativity.
Coordinate Geometry 249
Coral Reefs
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Connections; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Mathematics helps describe and explain
the formation of coral reefs.
Coral reefs are complex stony structures made of exo-
skeletons of coral polyps. Colonies of polyps form cor-
als, with their stony parts consisting of calcium carbon-
ate. All polyps in a single coral are genetically identical.
Polyps get their energy from photosynthesis of their
internal symbionts, one-cell algae living in the polyps.
Some corals also have stinging tentacles for catching
plankton, and can be painful for people to touch. The
development and growth of coral reefs and atolls was
ercely debated in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. Charles Darwin argued in his 1842 publica-
tion Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, based on
his personal observations, that the geometry of coral
reefs resulted from the natural geological subsidence of
oceanic islands.
In other words, coral reefs formed around islands,
growing as the islands sank away. Darwins chief
opponent in this debate was Alexander Agassiz, who
advocated the theory that coral reefs were not wholly
dependent on subsistence for their formation but
rather arose from a variety of geological and biologi-
cal factors. Agassiz collected data from nearly every
coral reef on Earth before his death in 1910, but
none of his research had been published at that time.
Contemporaries of both Darwin and Agassiz were
inhibited by the inability to collect data other than
observations and relatively shallow rock samples. In
the 1950s, geologist Harry Ladd conducted tests in
conjunction with the U.S. War Department, including
boring thousands of holes in the coral of Eniwetok
Atoll. Ladds drill went to a depth of nearly 5,000 feet
before nally passing completely through the coral
into the soil below, conrming in many scientists
minds that the atoll had been built up as the land had
sunk away. Ladd purportedly erected a sign on Eniwe-
tok that read, Darwin was right!
Measurements and Variables
The shape of a coral reef is determined by the sea oor
and the historical changes in sea levels. Reef scientists
recognize three main shape types: fringing reefs, bar-
rier reefs, and atolls. Fringing reefs stay close to shores,
and their shape is determined by the shore they circle.
Barrier reefs start as fringing reefs, but as the water
levels rise relative to the shore, there are deep, large
lagoons separating the shore and the reef. When volca-
nic islands completely subside underwater, their fring-
ing or barrier reefs can stay near the surface, forming a
circular lagoon. Such reefs are called atolls.
250 Coral Reefs
Reefs need clear waters for photosynthesis and can
be modeled as interesting hyperbolic structures.
In most places, sea levels rise over the land. The speed
of reef growth depends on multiple variables, includ-
ing temperature, water salinity, water clarity necessary
for photosynthesis, and wave action. Reefs can grow up
to 25 centimeters (about 10 inches) per year in height.
Reefs cannot grow faster than sea levels rise, because
the polyps can survive out of water only for a short
timefor example, during the low tide. When the
speed of reef growth matches the rise of the sea level,
they are called keep-up reefs. When the speed of reef
growth is slower than the rise of the sea level temporar-
ily, reefs may become either catch-up reefs when the
speeds eventually match, or drowned out reefs that
die as they are submerged too deeply. Global warming
threatens to increase the rate at which sea levels rise
beyond the speed of reef growth.
Because reefs need clear waters for photosynthesis,
they grow in the parts of the ocean that are relatively
nutrient-poor. However, reefs themselves support
rich and diverse ecosystemsthe contradiction called
Darwins paradox. Reefs underlie less than 1% of the
worlds ocean beds but host about 25% of the marine
species. They are called underwater rainforests
because of their active biomass production, measured
in weight per area per day.
Coral reefs have high fractal dimensions; in other
words, their surface is rough, wrinkled, and uneven.
This characteristic explains why corals thrive in mov-
ing waters. The fractal-like coral surfaces break the still
water barrier surrounding them, with any agitation of
water creating and amplifying turbulence. This turbu-
lence means more water moves through the polyps,
delivering nutrients to them and removing sediments
that could prevent photosynthesis.
Mathematical Models
Coral reefs are vulnerable to storms, tsunamis, and
other strong natural events. By modeling reef damage,
it is possible to intervene, and to preserve some reefs
that would otherwise be destroyed. Existing models
include equations that measure the forces applied to
reefs, and the forces reefs can withstand.
The ratio between the area of attachment of a reef
and its total surface area plays a role in the models. The
higher the surface area of the reef, the higher the pres-
sure storms apply to it. On the other hand, the higher
the area of attachment, the more force it takes to detach
the reef. By modifying these variables, as well as the
force of the storm, oceanologists can predict what hap-
pens to particular reefs. Moreover, with more compu-
tation power comes the opportunity to model detailed
shapes of reefs, individual currents, and other local
variables, making predictions more precise.
Dynamic systems of differential equations are the
area of mathematics applicable to complex ecosystems
such as coral reefs. More deterministic models such as
algebraic or simple differential equations do not cap-
ture the reality as well.
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project
The crocheted coral reef is a collaborative project with
hundreds of contributors and several exhibits world-
wide, and is coordinated by the Institute for Figuring.
It demonstrates hyperbolic geometry, which is a non-
Euclidian geometry discovered about 200 years ago
and found in natureincluding corals. Hyperbolic
crocheting, the process for modeling corals, was rst
described in the late 1990s. It involves a simple repeat-
ing algorithm with introduced mutations that pro-
duce varied forms.
The models explore mathematical entities that can
be found in coral reefs, such as the hyperbolic radius
of curvature, pseudospheres, hyperbolic planes, and
Further Reading
Dobbs, David. Reef Madness: Charles Darwin, Alexander
Agassiz, and the Meaning of Coral. New York: Pantheon
Books, 2005.
Institute for Figuring. Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef.
Sale, Peter. Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in
a Complex Ecosystem. San Diego, CA: Academic
Press, 2002.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Animals; Crochet and Knitting; Geometry of
the Universe; Surfaces; Tides and Waves; Transformations.
See Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Coral Reefs 251
Coupons and Rebates
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematical differences between coupons
and rebates provide different rewards to consumers.
Offering price reductions through coupons and rebates
is a popular means of increasing the number of sales of
a product, attracting customers to retail stores (both
physical and online), and promoting public awareness
of a brand name or product. One of the rst known
instances of a coupon was in 1894, when the Coca-Cola
Company gave out handwritten tickets for samples of
its new soft drink. The next year, Charles Post, of Post
Cereal, started issuing coupons to help sell groceries.
By the 1930s, these coupons were increasingly popular
for saving money during the Great Depression. Some
researchers claim that by the mid-1960s, half of Ameri-
can households used coupons.
In the twenty-rst century, coupons are available on
the Internet, or as permanent discount cards, in addi-
tion to their traditional paper form. In the age of online
shopping, coupons for free shipping are cited by some
as one of the most important factors in determining
where to shop. For the customer, coupons and rebates
bring savings on regularly purchased items and provide
an incentive to try new products or services. In general,
coupons are small discounts (a few dollars or cents)
redeemed at the time of payment. The term rebate
generally refers to larger reimbursements or discounts
where the price reduction is either applied at the time
of sale (an instant rebate) or reimbursed after required
documents are mailed in by the customer. The specic
type of coupon or rebate affects the calculation of both
the discount and any applicable sales tax.
Coupons may be issued by a product manufacturer or
a store, and the redemption is somewhat different for
the two types. When a customer presents a manufac-
turer coupon to a retailer, the customer pays any appli-
cable tax on the full price of the item before the coupon
is applied. For example, if a retailer charges $50 for a
product with an 8% sales tax and a customer presents
a manufacturer coupon for $10, then the cost to the
customer at the time of purchase would be $44; that
is, the original $50, plus sales tax of $4 ($50 0.08),
minus the $10 coupon. Typically, the manufacturer
reimburses the retailer for the amount of the coupon
plus handling.
Sometimes a retailer like a grocery store, pizza res-
taurant, or automobile detailer will offer its own store
coupons or rebates on its products or services. When
a customer uses a store coupon, tax is computed on
the balance after the coupon is deducted. If the $10
manufacturers coupon is replaced by a $10 store cou-
pon, the cost to the customer would be less: $43.20
versus $44.00.
Many retailers issue plastic cards that customers
present to take advantage of weekly card specials or
to receive a certain percentage discount on purchases
made with the card. These cards not only allow shop-
pers to save money, but also the data collected when
these cards and the associated purchases are scanned
allow stores to better track their sales and inventory,
and sometimes offer additional discounts tailored to a
specic buyers purchasing patterns. Sometimes these
cards are free, but other times they require an initial
or annual fee.
A retailer may offer a card at a cost of $10 that can
be used for a 10% discount on all purchases at that
store for one year. If a rst-time customer checks out
with a balance of $110 before tax, the customer can
determine whether to purchase the card and take the
10% reduction. Although the card costs $10, the cus-
tomer would save $11 on the initial balance (10% of
the $110 total), resulting in a nal cost of $109. The
tax would be marginally less as well, since the total was
reduced. Thus, the card would pay for itself at the rst
purchase, even before any other savings occur.
Another form of coupon is a card that is stamped each
time the customer purchases a specied type of product,
until a certain number of stamps are accrued. The cus-
tomer then receives the next purchase of the specied
product type free of charge, except forpossiblysales
tax. This form of coupon may be offered by certain res-
taurants, food markets, coffee shops, or bookstores.
For a manufacturer rebate, an electronics retailer may
sell a computer for $1,500, together with a free $100
printer after a mail-in rebate. The customer pays the
tax on both the computer and the printer, and the
manufacturer reimburses the customer $100 after the
rebate is processed. With 8% sales tax, the cost to the
252 Coupons and Rebates
customer after the rebate would be $1,628 (where the
sales tax was 8% of $1,600, or $128).
Historically, economists have viewed consumer
spending as a function of income. Politicians often
cite this principle when pushing for tax rebates, believ-
ing they will increase consumption. However, there is
little empirical evidence to support this notion, and in
some cases there is contrary evidence. In 2001, the U.S.
Congress enacted a tax rebate, giving $300 to anyone
who had paid income taxes the previous year ($600
for couples). Economic indicators showed no associ-
ated increase in spending but rather a spike in saving. A
survey of a sample of households that received a rebate
reported that roughly one in ve of those asked said they
would spend the money. The Wall Street Journal ran the
headline Rebates Boost Incomes, But Not Spending. A
study of the 2008 rebate found similar results.
Coupon Collectors Problem
There is a classic probability problem known as the Cou-
pon Collectors Problem, which has been explored by a
number of mathematicians, including the prolic Paul
Erdos. The problem supposes that there is some number
of different coupons (n) a person needs to collect to win
a prize and asks how many coupons will he or she have to
acquire, one at a time, to get a complete set. Usually, the
coupons are equally likely to be drawn, and getting one
of the n coupons does not prevent another of the same
type from being drawn. Solutions to the problem can be
found in a number of ways, including harmonic num-
bers, probability generating functions, and simulation.
Extensions of the Coupon Collectors Problem are very
useful in manufacturing quality control, for situations in
which a number of product types must be sampled.
Further Reading
Better Business Bureau. Mail-In Rebates: Now Available
in Paper or Plastic.
Spencer, K., and S. Rose. How to Shop for Free: Shopping
Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something
for Nothing. Philadelphia: Da Capo Press, 2010.
Barbara A. Shipman
See Also: Budgeting; Comparison Shopping; Market
Credit Cards
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Credit card issuers use mathematical
models to determine credit lines and interest rates, as
well as to detect fraud and analyze offers.
Credit card issuers use statistical analysis in a wide
variety of ways. Statistical models of risk help the
banks decide whom to approve for card membership
and what interest rate to charge. Models also help issu-
ers manage the risks of their existing customers and
detect fraudulent transactions. Credit card issuers
use designed experiments to help decide which offers
have the largest potential to be protable. Typically,
the bank tries out the new offer on a sample of people
(while leaving others in a control group) before decid-
ing whether the new offer will be successful if given to
the entire customer base. Data mining techniques help
banks look at customers past transactions in order to
model future uses of the card and to help decide which
customers are most likely to want which other prod-
ucts and services that the bank offers.
The rst credit card was born when businessman Frank
McNamara realized that he had forgotten his wallet at
a New York City restaurant. After his wife rescued him
by bringing cash to the restaurant, he vowed he would
never face that embarrassment again. The Diners Club
card was born a few months later in 1950 and became
the rst widespread alternative to cash. The rst busi-
nesses honoring Diners Club purchases were charged
7% of each transaction (typical costs are now 2% to
5%), and subscribers were charged $3 per year.
Bank of America pioneered its BankAmericard
program in Fresno, California, in 1958, and Ameri-
can Express issued the rst plastic card in 1959. Carte
Blanche was another early card. The idea of a credit
card really gained momentum when a group of banks
formed a joint venture to create a centralized system
of payment. National BankAmericard, Inc. (NBI) took
ownership of the credit card network in 1970 and for
simplicity and marketability changed its name to Visa
in 1976. (One reason for the name Visa is that it is
pronounced nearly the same way in every language.)
Credit Cards 253
That year, Visa processed 679,000 transactionsa vol-
ume that is processed on average every four minutes
today. The Visa system is currently able to handle a load
of about 6800 transactions per second, a capacity nearly
exceeded on December 23, 2005, during the height of the
Christmas shopping season. Visa is the largest merchant
network, although MasterCard, American Express, and
others process many transactions as well.
The Fair Isaacs Company (FICO) has grown in par-
allel with the credit card industry. It was founded in
1956 by mathematician Earl Isaac and engineer Bill
Fair with the idea that data, used intelligently, can be
used to make better business decisions. The next year,
Conrad Hilton hired FICO to design and implement
a complete billing system for his Carte Blanche card.
FICO next developed the methodology to score the
credit rating of customers but was unable to sell the
idea to credit card banks until the 1970s. By the early
1990s, nearly every credit card bank was using some
form of credit card scoring to help decide which cus-
tomers to approve for credit and at what price. In 1995,
both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest
mortgage brokers in the United States, recommended
using FICO scores for use in evaluating U.S. home
mortgages. Today, U.S. citizens can access their various
credit scores through online credit bureaus and, in fact,
the U.S. government developed a policy allowing con-
sumers to nd out their scores once a year for free.
Credit Scoring
Credit bureaus use statistical analysis on past transac-
tions, as well as income and other demographic infor-
mation, to generate a credit score, usually referred to
as a FICO score. This number is on an arbitrary scale
that generally runs from 350 to 850 (with slight varia-
tions). The three main credit bureaus are Experian,
TransUnion, and Equifax. Credit scores on the same
individual may differ among the credit bureaus because
of slight variations in the statistical model used to gen-
erate the number and slightly different data reported to
the various bureaus. In all cases, the credit score is a pre-
diction of how likely a borrower is to pay back the loan.
For credit card companies, the score is used to decide
both whether to issue the card, and what price (annual
percentage rate) to charge on a balance thats carried
over from month to month.
Data Mining
Credit card transactions, while vital to the running of
the credit card bank, also contain information on the
cardholders spending patterns. These databases are
very large, containing the records of tens of millions of
customers, and dozens to hundreds of transactions per
record. Using statistical models (often logistic regres-
sion models), banks can use these vast data reposito-
ries to identify the customers who are predicted to have
the highest probability of enrolling for a new product
or service. These offers may be made via a number of
different channels. The offer may be given while the
254 Credit Cards
Fraud Detection
redit card banks use statistical algorithms
to detect fraudulent use of credit cards.
During the few seconds that it takes to approve
or deny a credit card transaction at a merchants
site, information about the card is sent to a
processing center. Typically at this point, only
cards that are known to be stolen, fraudulent,
delinquent, or other states that can be looked
up will cause a denial. After the transaction
has been approved, algorithms examine trans-
actions to see if the pattern is suspicious. The
cardholder may be contacted, usually by tele-
phone, to verify that the transaction was made
by the cardholder. The algorithms that identify
a suspicious transaction can be quite sophis-
ticated and are based on the past behavior of
the cardholder.
cardholder is calling a call center (800 number) with
an issue concerning his or her card (in which case, the
statistical algorithm will notify the operator that this
customer should get the specic offer), by e-mail, by an
outbound telemarketing call, by a targeted ad that pops
up while the customer is visiting the issuers Web site,
or as direct marketing (so-called junk mail).
Experimental Design
To evaluate whether a new type of offer (the so-called
challenger) will be more effective (as measured by
higher enrollment, revenue, prot, or other criteria)
than the current offer (the champion), banks often use
statistically designed experiments. The simplest such
experiment is randomized at two levels, also known as a
champion/challenger design. In this design, a sample is
selected at random from the entire customer database.
A proportion of those are chosen as the control group.
They receive the current offer (the champion), and the
rest are chosen to receive the challenger. The data are
then collected, and the differences in response between
the two groups are evaluated. The design can be compli-
cated by blocking (stratication) on card type, region,
income, or other demographic variables. Designs can
be complicated by adding more factors, more levels,
and by asymmetries introduced by infeasible treatment
combinations. In the credit card industry, analysis is
also complicated by the fact that one cardholder may be
getting more than one experimental treatment (offer)
simultaneously from different groups within the same
organization and from different organizations. Capital
One Bank claims to run upward of 40,000 such experi-
ments a year on its cardholders.
Further Reading
Box, G. E. P., J. S. Hunter, and W. Hunter. Statistics
for Experimenters. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Interscience, 2005.
McNamee, Mike. Credit Card Revolutionary. Stanford
Business 69, no. 3 (2001).
Paterson, Ken. Credit Card Issuer Fraud Management.
Mercator Advisory Group, 2008.
Richard De Veaux
See Also: Accounting; Budgeting; Data Mining;
FICO Score; Money.
Crime Scene
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement; Number and Operations;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Crime scene investigation uses
sophisticated mathematical models to determine
what events took place at a crime scene, based on the
available physical evidence.
Crime scene investigation (CSI) is the rigorous pres-
ervation and documentation of physical evidence at a
specic location related to a criminal event. Investiga-
tors meticulously collect and measure crime-related
evidence for scientic and mathematical analysis,
reconstruction, and courtroom presentation. Overall,
crime scene investigation and reconstruction involve
the application of basic mathematical formulas and
equations, as well as physics, geometry, and analytical
thinking. Applied mathematical procedures based on
well-collected data produce accurate results that gener-
ate reliable evidence for presentation in a criminal trial.
Analysis of bullets, blood patterns, ngerprints, vehicle
skid marks, chemical traces, and other data yield quan-
titative results that are invaluable in nding, arresting,
and convicting suspects.
According to mathematician Chris Budd, Many
of the mathematical techniques used by forensic sci-
entists are similar to those used in medical imaging
for brain tumors, oil prospecting and remote sensing
by satellites.It is remarkable how often ideas which
might be thought of as pure mathematics often nd
very real and important applications.
Mathematical Modeling of Projectiles
An automated ballistic identication system (ABIS)
is a computer system designed to capture, store, and
compare digital images of bullets and cartridge casings.
A scanner captures images of bullets and cartridges
so that a mathematical algorithm can extract their
unique shapes, marks, and striation patterns (signa-
tures), which are compared to a vast database of stored
images. Both wavelets and statistical correlation tech-
niques play a role in these analyses. Forensic ballistics
involves the study of a projectile in motion, from the
Crime Scene Investigation 255
time of shooting to the time of impact with the target.
Mathematics is used to analyze and describe a projec-
tiles path though both the air and any obstructions,
such as a body, as well as the mechanical characteristics
of the weapon that red the projectile.
Unobstructed projectile motion through air is typi-
cally parabolic, but a bullet may trace a complex path if
deected or stopped by an object, which requires more
advanced mathematics, such as fractional differential
equations, to describe. Blood droplets are another sort
of projectile found at crime scenes, and the blood spray
patterns are analyzed with geometric and trigonomet-
ric methods to determine the point of origin and other
crucial characteristics. Along with ballistics and blood
spatter, precise wound descriptions, which are closely
related to elds like surveying and topography, can be
mathematically modeled to suggest the type of weapon
or bullet most likely to have made the wound.
Locations and Relationships
The locations and relative relationships among the vari-
ous pieces of evidence are also important in making sense
of a crime scene. Precise measurements allow investiga-
tors to place every item of evidence in its original loca-
tion with some degree of certainty. These may be repre-
sented in a two-dimensional diagram, or in a computer
reconstruction that uses two- or three-dimensional rep-
resentation. Newer laser technology can record distance
very quickly and precisely, as well as compute height
using trigonometry. Mathematical computer algorithms
can then combine data from multiple measures of a
single object, taken from many angles, to produce three-
dimensional models with minimal error. Another exam-
ple of imaging used to solve a famous ancient murder
mystery is the case of King Tutankhamen. X-rays from
the 1960s, which could only provide two-dimensional
images, were inconclusive. However, using CAT scans,
which can mathematically construct three-dimensional
images, scientists concluded that the king probably died
from an infection in a broken leg.
Though the phrase innocent until proven guilty is
often heard in connection with criminal investiga-
tions, in many cases the available evidence allows only
a statement of what probably happened versus abso-
lute certainty. Homicide investigators must logically
infer or deduce what transpired at the crime scene by
using evidence to reconstruct events and by matching
a crime scenes characteristics to other examples. They
may hypothesize a timeline or scenario and then apply
scientic analysis to verify or refute the sequence of
events to a high degree of probability.
This process requires critical scientic thinking and
logical analysis. Investigators may use con-
trolled experimentation, such as ring sev-
eral bullets from the same weapon to look
for variations in the pattern. Increasingly,
they can also use computerized reconstruc-
tions of crime scenes and data to manipu-
late critical variables and conduct multiple
what if simulations to eliminate unlikely
scenarios and narrow the set of possible
suspects and causes. Probability also comes
into play in DNA analysis, where results
are given the form of probability matches,
and scientic tests such as gunshot resi-
due, which are not 100% accurate and may
occasionally result in a false outcome.
In summary, crime scene investigation
requires investigators to apply many sci-
entic and mathematical analyses to deter-
mine an accurate sequence of events and
256 Crime Scene Investigation
Digital images of evidence like bullets and cartridge casings are
processed in an automated ballistic identification system (ABIS).
reconstruct what actually happened at a crime scene.
Physical evidence helps investigators focus on a suspect
and the manner in which the crime was committed.
Successful crime scene investigations, reconstructions,
and interpretations are the result of sound hypothesis
formulation, experimentation, laboratory examina-
tion, and logical analysis. Applied mathematics pro-
vides the logic and rational simulations for scientic
reasoning and assumptions.
Further Reading
Adam, C. Essential Mathematics and Statistics for Forensic
Science. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
Budd, C. Crime Fighting Maths. +Plus Magazine
37 (2005).
Devlin, Keith, and Gary Lorden. The Numbers Behind
NUMB3RS. New York: Penguin, 2007.
Thomas E. Baker
See Also: Fingerprints; Intelligence and
Counterintelligence; Mathematics, Applied; Measuring
Time; Medical Imaging; Probability.
Crochet and Knitting
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: Crochet and knitting can be used to
create models of mathematical surfaces.
Crochet and knitting are techniques for turning one-
dimensional yarn or thread into two-dimensional fab-
ric by knotting it in a regular pattern. Both produce
exible, elastic fabric, although crochet is rmer than
knitting. Historically, crochet and knitting were used
to produce both functional and ornamental textiles by
hand, but both are now hobby pursuits.
Since both techniques produce regular arrays of
stitches, they can be used to display a wide variety of
symmetric patterns. Furthermore, both can be used to
make intrinsically curved fabrics. This allows math-
ematicians and others to approximate or replicate the
geometry of hard-to-visualize objects, including mod-
els of two-dimensional mathematical curved surfaces,
such as spheres, tori, or sections of the hyperbolic
plane. Crocheting and knitting circles have been held
at professional mathematics conferences for both rec-
reation and serious discussion of mathematical con-
cepts. Mathematician Carolyn Yackel has noted, Knit-
ting and crocheting are helping us think about math
we already know in a different light.
In crochet, stitches are made by pulling loops of yarn
through each other with a hook. One stitch is worked
at a time. Every crochet stitch is attached at its base to
an earlier stitch. Varying the type of stitch and the way
new stitches are worked into earlier stitches can produce
many different patterns. Crochet can be worked back
and forth in rows or in circular rounds. Working two
stitches into one base stitch increases the number of
stitches and makes the fabric wider; decreasing the num-
ber of stitches reduces the width of the fabric. Placing
increases or decreases at the edges of the work makes at
fabric with curved edges. Placing increases or decreases
in the middle of the fabric makes it intrinsically curved.
The origins of crochet are not well understood.
Fewif anysamples are known from before the nine-
teenth century. At that time, it was generally worked in
ne cotton or linen thread and used for lace edgings,
Crochet and Knitting 257
A hexagonal medallion made by crocheting in
rounds. Crochet can be also worked in rows.
doilies, and other household textiles. From the middle
of the twentieth century on, crochet has generally been
worked in thicker yarn. It is often used to make blankets
known as afghans. The hobby of crocheting stuffed
animals, known as amigurumi, has spread around the
world in recent years; because of the curved shape that
these toys are crocheted in, they have few seams.
Several mathematicians have designed crocheted
models of mathematical curved surfaces. As mathema-
tician Daina Taimina has pointed out, it is especially
simple to crochet negatively curved surfaces, such as a
hyperbolic plane; the crocheter simply works an increase
(an extra stitch) once every two or three (or n) stitches
in every row. These increases cause the fabric to fold
back on itself rather than lie at. The closer together the
increases are, the more rufed the fabric.
The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef, a project by
the Institute for Figuring in Los Angeles, is intended to
increase awareness of global warming issues by bring-
ing together mathematicians, marine biologists, and
community crafters in a highly visible way. The proj-
ect asks volunteers to crochet models of coral reef life
forms using Taiminas patterns. This effort and other
mathematical crochet or knitting projects have been
used successfully by mathematics educators in their
In knitting, as in crochet, stitches are made by pulling
loops through each other. Knitting can also be worked
in either rows or rounds. Two (or more) needles are
used and many stitches are held on the needles simul-
taneously. The most basic stitches are knit and purl
and there are techniques for increasing, decreasing,
and making textural elements such as holes, cables,
or bobbles. Knitting produces a atter, stretchier fab-
ric than crochet. (Indeed, most elastic fabric produced
today is machine knitted.) As with crochet, increases
and decreases allow the knitter to change the shape and
curvature of the fabric. The shaping and elasticity make
knitting ideal for garments such as socks, hats, gloves,
and sweaters where both t and comfort are important.
Hand knitting was once an important industry in
Europe. Medieval guilds produced stunning garments
for the wealthy in the Middle Ages, and a large cottage
industry knitted stockings in the eighteenth and nine-
teenth centuries. Written patterns become available
in the nineteenth century, and ornate knitting in ne
thread became a popular pastime for ladies.
Hand knitting resurged in popularity in the rst
decade of the twenty-rst century. Many current design-
ers of garments and home textiles take their inspiration
from mathematics, using symmetry and geometry to
create attractive garments and household items.
Like crochet, knitting can be used to produce curved
mathematical surfaces. Wide, soft, knitted Mobius
bands are often knitted for use as scarves.
Further Reading
Belcastro, Sarah-Marie, and Carolyn Yackel, eds.
Making Mathematics With Needlework. Wellesley, MA:
A K Peters, 2008.
Bordhi, Cat. A Treasury of Magical Knitting. Friday
Harbor, WA: Passing Paws, 2004.
Gaughan, Norah. Knitting Nature: 39 Designs Inspired
by Patterns in Nature. New York: STC Craft/Melanie
Falick Books, 2006.
Obaachan, Annie. Amigurumi Animals: 15 Patterns
and Dozens of Techniques for Creating Cute Crochet
Creatures. New York: St. Martins Press, 2008.
Osinga, Hinke, and Bernd Krauskopf. Crocheting
the Lorenz Manifold. Mathematical Intelligencer 26,
no. 4 (2004).
Taimina, Daina. Crocheting Adventures With Hyperbolic
Planes. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters. 2009.
Elizabeth L.Wilmer
See Also: Crystallography; Escher, M.C.; Origami;
Sculpture; Textiles.
258 Crochet and Knitting
Knit and purl stitches combined to create a
basketweave pattern.
See Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Various mathematical principles are
inherent in the structure of crystals and are used to
study and classify them.
Crystallography is the study of the periodic structural
arrangements of particles in solids. The rst discover-
ies of the crystallographic structure of materials were
made in the early twentieth century with the X-ray dif-
fraction technique pioneered by Max van Laue. Solids
that have crystal structures have a sharp melting point,
which distinguishes them from amorphous substances,
such as glass, which has neither a sharp melting point
nor a crystal structure.
All matter tends to crystallize, since a crystal form is
the lowest energy state. In reality, most physical crys-
tals will have aws rather than a perfect geometric
structure. The chemical composition of a substance
does not determine its crystal form. Calcareous spar,
for example, has at least three distinct crystal types.
Although crystals exist in three dimensions, some sub-
stances, such as graphite, form strong bonds between
molecules in a plane, and only weak bonds between
parallel planes. Mathematics is inherently connected
to crystallography, as mathematicians describe and
classify crystal structures and also use crystallographic
methods to solve mathematical questions, such a pack-
ing problems. Despite almost a century of the existence
of the modern science of crystallography, scientists do
not have a good understanding of how local ordering
principles produce large-scale order.
The rst consideration in crystal structure is the lattice,
also known as the Bravais lattice, after August Bravais.
There are 14 types of lattices. In a crystal structure, a
translation is a motion in space in a certain direction
through some distance. The arrangement of atoms,
ions, and molecules must be periodic, and there must
be three nonunique axes of translation. An axis of
translation species a direction in which the structure
repeats. If the whole structure is moved the proper dis-
tance in the direction of an axis, it will exactly cover
itself. The lattice can be considered to be all the points
to which any given particle can be translated by a trans-
lation, which also moves the entire crystal structure
onto itself. Thus, the lattice consists of all the points
that a given point or particle is moved to by a transla-
tion. From every point in the lattice, the view of the rest
of the crystal is exactly the same. The portion of the
crystal obtained by starting with a particle and mov-
ing it the smallest possible distance in each of the three
translation directions is known as the unit cell.
Symmetries in Crystals
The geometry of a crystal structure is characterized
by its symmetries. Besides translations, other symme-
tries include reections in a plane, rotations through
an angle about an axis, glide reections (translation
combined with a reection), and screw translations
(translation with a rotation). A crystal structure can
only have rotations that are one-half, one-third, one-
fourth, or one-sixth of a complete revolution. Math-
ematically speaking, two crystallographic structures
are the same if their symmetries are the same. A collec-
tion of symmetries for an object is called a symmetry
group. Yevgraf Federov and Arthur Schoenies, in the
late 1800s, independently discovered that there are 230
distinct crystallographic symmetry groups in three-
dimensional space.
Other Crystals
Wilson Bentley provided a wealth of insight into the
structure of snow crystals using a photographic micro-
scope, taking thousands of photographs of individual
snowakes over the course of 50 years. His photographs
show that although snowakes always have a basic hex-
agonal symmetry, they exhibit an endless variety of
detail and seem to have a limitless number of forms.
The simpler snowakes grow slowly at high altitudes
in low temperatures, and the more complex ones form
at higher temperatures at greater humidity. Besides
direct examination, information about the structure of
snowakes has been deduced by the forms of halos that
they cause around the sun and moon.
Crystallography 259
In recent years, substances such as various alumi-
num alloys have been discovered to have regularity of
structure but no translational symmetry. These sub-
stances are called quasicrystals, and unlike true crys-
tals, they can have 5-fold, 8-fold, 10-fold, or 12-fold
rotational symmetry.
Further Reading
Bentley, W. A., and W. J. Humphries. Snow Crystals. New
York: Dover Publications, 1962.
Burke, John G. Origins of the Science of Crystals. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1966.
Engels, Peter. Geometric Crystallography. Dordrecht,
Holland: D. Reidel, 1986.
Kock, Elke, and Werner Fischer. Mathematical
Crystallography. http://www.staff.uni-marburg
Lord, Eric A., Alan L. Mackay, and S. Ranganathan. New
Geometries for New Materials. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Steven R. Edwards
See Also: Molecular Structure; Nanotechnology;
Polyhedra; Symmetry.
Cubes and Cube Roots
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Cubes and cube roots have been the
subject of classical problems in mathematics, some of
which were not solved for centuries.
Cubes and cube roots of numbers have played an
important part in the development of mathematics.
Middle school students are taught cubes and cube
roots in order to solve equations and to calculate vol-
umes of solids. In calculus, the cube root function is
a common example of a function that is continuous
everywhere but has an innite derivative at one of its
points. In addition, the cube function is an example
of a function that is strictly increasing everywhere but
has a point where the derivative is zero. The cube rule
relates the percentage of popular vote in an election
with the expected percentage of seats won in a two-
party election. The power needed to overcome wind
resistance is directly proportional to the cube of the
wind speed. One model shows the heart rate in mam-
mals is inversely proportional to the cube root of the
weight of the animal. People in many different cultures
have studied cubes and cube roots, and numerous
interesting stories are found in its history. These simple
objects have also generated many new ideas and new
elds of mathematics.
To cube a particular number x, multiply it by itself 3
timesthis is denoted x
. If x is a number such that
x y
= for some other number y, then x is a cube root of
y, written as x y =
. Since ( ) = = 5 5 5 5 125
5 is the cube root of 125, and the notation is
= 125 5
The cube of any real number is unique; however, every
real number has exactly one cube root that is a real
number and two cube roots that are complex numbers.
Early History
As with squares, the earliest uses of cubes of numbers
involved common geometric objects, specically the
cube, which is a three-dimensional object with six
sides, all of which are congruent squares. The volume
of a cube is the cube of the length of one of its sides.
The volume of a sphere is directly proportional to the
cube of its radius. One of the classical problems in
Greek mathematics was the problem called Duplica-
tion of the Cube. The problem was to nd the length
of an edge of a cube that has double the volume of a
given cube using the tools of the time, the ruler and
compass. It is now known that if x is the length of the
side of the given cube, then 2
x is the length of the
cube with twice the volume. One possible origin of this
problem is that, in 430 b.c.e., it was proclaimed through
the oracle at Delos that the cubical altar to Apollo was
to be doubled in volume in order to alleviate a plague
that had befallen the people. Another possibility is
that the Pythagoreans successfully doubled the square
and doubling the cube was a natural extension. In any
event, many great mathematicians throughout history
260 Cubes and Cube Roots
worked on this problem, and, in the nineteenth cen-
tury, it was proven that a solution was impossible.
Cube roots can be exact numbers if the cube root is
an integer or a fraction. However, the cube root of most
numbers is irrational (it has a innite non-repeating
decimal expansion) and its value can only be approxi-
mated. The easiest method to approximate the real
cube root of a real number is to raise the number to
the 1/3 power on a calculator. Obviously, the calcula-
tor is a recent invention, and other methods have been
developed for approximating a cube root. Some of the
earliest known methods are found in the Chinese text
Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (c. rst century
c.e.) and in the book Aryabhatiya by the Indian math-
ematician Aryabhata (b. 476 c.e.). Both methods use
the formula a b a a b ab b + ( ) = + + +
3 2 2 3
3 3 repeat-
edly to generate the successive digits of the cube root.
Approximations to cube roots can also be computed
with the Chinese abacus, the sunpn, which dates to
200 b.c.e. In many cases, scribes would create tables
of cube roots, which people would use to look up val-
ues for use. Barlows Tables, named for mathematician
Peter Barlow, who originally published in 1814, give the
value of cubes and cube roots to nine decimal places
and are still in print in the twenty-rst century. Rec-
reational mathematicians have found it fun to devise
ways to compute cubes and approximations to cube
roots in their head without outside assistance.
Cubic Equations
Cubic equations are equations that involve positive
integer powers of x where the highest power is 3. Math-
ematicians have been trying to solve these equations
from the earliest times. The Babylonian text BM 85200
(c. 2000 b.c.e.) contains many problems that compute
the volume of an excavated rectangular cellar by setting
up and solving a cubic equation. Another Babylonian
tablet contains, among other things, a table of integers
and the sum of each integers square and cube, and it
was presumably used to solve cubic equations.
Archimedes of Syracuse (c. third century b.c.e.)
considered the problem of passing a plane through a
sphere such that the volumes of the two pieces had a
certain ratio. This problem gives rise to what would be
a cubic equation. A manuscript, thought to have been
written by Archimedes, was found centuries later that
gave a detailed solution to the problem that involved
nding the intersection of a parabola with a hyper-
bola. Omar Khayyam (c. eleventh century c.e.) was
the rst to nd a positive root of every cubic equation
having one. Before this time, numbers were thought of
as specic quantities of objects, so very little was done
with negative numbersand certainly not complex
numbers. As with Archimedes, Khayyams solutions
involved intersecting conic sections.
By the fteenth and sixteenth centuries, negative
numbers and zero were accepted, and many of the
Greek mathematical texts were translated to Latin.
The eld of algebra had been developed, and people
could study equations as expressions with variables
that can be manipulated (as is done in the twenty-
rst century). As the solution of the general quadratic
equation had been discovered, Italian mathematicians
focused their attention to the solution of the general
cubic equation ax bx cx d
3 2
0 + + + = . During this
period, academic reputations and employment were
based on public problem-solving challenges, and dis-
coveries were kept secret so they could be used to win
one of these challenges.
The solution of certain cubic equations provided the
backdrop to one of the more entertaining chapters in
the history of mathematics. On his deathbed in 1526,
Italian mathematician Scipione del Ferro told one of
his students, Antonio Maria Fior, how to solve a specic
type of cubic equation. Nine years later, Fior submitted
30 cubic equations of this type to mathematician Nic-
colo Tartaglia in a public challenge. During the contest,
Tartaglia himself discovered the solution and won the
contest. After hearing of the contest, Girolamo Cardano
contacted Tartaglia to inquire about his method. Tar-
taglia told him his solution, only after Cardano agreed
to keep it secret as Tartaglia indicated he was going
to publish it (thinking he was the rst to discover it).
Years later, Cardano found out that del Ferro actually
discovered the formula and published it as del Ferros
method in addition to solutions to the cubic equation
in all cases that he and his assistant, Lodovico Ferrari,
discovered. Tartaglia was extremely angry and felt Car-
dano had broken his promise. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, the formula for the solution of the cubic is known
as the Cardan(o)Tartaglia formula.
Uses and Applications
The cubic equation also played an essential role in the for-
mulation of complex numbers. In his 1572 text, Algebra,
Rafael Bombelli considered the equation x x
15 4 = + .
Cubes and Cube Roots 261
Applying the formula of Tartaglia and Cardano, one
obtains a solution
x = + + 2 121 2 121
3 3
However, Bombelli knew the solution was actually 4
and that, somehow, the square root of 121 could be
manipulated in a way to reduce this expression to 4.
He developed an algebra for working with these roots
of negative numbers (thought to be of no use to earlier
mathematicians), and complex numbers and the eld
of complex analysis was born. With complex numbers,
one can show that any cubic equation has exactly three
solutions, two of which must be complex and one real.
In 1670, it was discovered that French mathema-
tician Pierre De Fermat claimed that for all natural
numbers n >2 there are no nontrivial solutions of
positive integers a, b, c such that a b c
n n n
+ = . Andrew
Wiles proved this theorem in 1994 using objects called
elliptic curves. Elliptic curves are dened by a cubic
equation of the form y x ax b
2 3
= + + , whose graph
has no cusps or self-intersections. These curves are
studied in the twenty-rst century and used in both
number theory and cryptography (the study of cod-
ing information). Even though Fermats equation has
no positive integer solutions for n =3, other problems
involving sums of cubes have been studied.
In 1770, Edward Waring proposed the following
question: for every positive natural number k, does there
exist a natural number s such that every natural num-
ber N can be written as the sum of at most s numbers
which are kth powers? If k =3, the question becomes:
can every positive number be written as a sum of at
most s cubes? Some examples are 5 =1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
and 23=2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
As 23 shows, one requires at least 9 cubes. In 1909,
David Hilbert proved that 9 is the maximum num-
ber of cubes that are required for any positive natural
number. The Waring-Goldbach problem asks a similar
question, except it requires at most s cubes of prime
numbers. Some progress has been made, but this ques-
tion remains unsolved as of 2010.
One of the more interesting recent mathematicians
is Srinivasa Ramanujan from India (18871920). He
was mostly self-educated and was able to prove theo-
rems in number theory that shocked one of the eminent
mathematicians of the time, G. H. Hardy. Once when
Hardy visited Ramanujan, he mentioned he arrived in
a cab numbered 1729, which did not seem very inter-
esting. Ramanujan responded that 1729 is a very inter-
esting number in that it is the smallest positive integer
that can be represented by a sum of two cubes in two
different ways, 1729 1 12 9 10
3 3 3 3
= + = + , which is cor-
rect. The taxicab numbers are generalizations of this
idea. The nth taxicab number, denoted Ta n ( ), is the
smallest positive integer that can be written as two dif-
ferent cubes in n different ways. By Ramanujans com-
ment, Ta 2 1729 ( ) = . It is also true that Ta 1 2 ( ) = , since
2 =1
+ 1
and Ta 3 87539 319 ( ) = , , , since
87 539 319 167 436 228 423
255 414
3 3 3 3
3 3
, , = + = +
= +
87 539 319 167 436 228 423
255 414
3 3 3 3
3 3
, , = + = +
= +
The rst 6 taxicab numbers are known, but Ta 7 ( )
and beyond are all unknown as of 2010.
Further Reading
Burton D. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction.
7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Dunham, William. Journey Through Genius, New York:
Penguin Books, 1991.
Katz, Victor. The Roots of Complex Numbers. Math
Horizons 3 (1995).
Washington, Lawrence. Elliptic Curves: Number Theory
and Cryptography. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2008.
Gregory Rhoads
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education;
Measurements, Volume; Numbers, Complex; Squares
and Square Roots; Units of Volume.
Currency Exchange
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Summary: Mathematical models seek to price
nancial products in the foreign exchange market.
The term currency exchange refers to the business
transaction that trades one currency for another. Such
262 Currency Exchange
a transaction happens in the foreign exchange (FX)
market and is measured by foreign exchange rates,
which are often called exchange rates. Exchange rates
uctuate all the time. There are many factors that
inuence the movements of exchange rates. After all,
foreign exchange rates are largely determined by the
supply and demand in the FX market. Numerous
mathematical models have been proposed by nancial
mathematicians and nancial engineers to price differ-
ent nancial products in the FX market. Some of them
have been used successfully by practitioners.
Exchange Rate Denition
There are many different currencies in the world. A
measurement of the value of one currency in terms of
another is called a (foreign) exchange rate or a cur-
rency rate. In simple terms, an exchange rate of K cur-
rency X to currency Y means the value of K units of cur-
rency X is equivalent to the value of 1 unit of currency
Y. It is often quoted as the price of currency X divided
by currency Y is K. For example, the price of euros/U.S.
dollars is 1.3578 denotes an exchange rate of 1.3578
U.S. dollars to euros. In other words, it means the value
of 1 euro is the same as that of 1.3578 U.S. dollars.
Types of Exchange Rates
A xed exchange rate (also known as pegged rate)
means one currency is pegged to
a major currency such as
the U.S. dollar. Usually,
the government or
the central bank
of a country
will intervene in the market to peg its currency to a
major currency to maintain a xed exchange rate.
In contrast, a oating exchange rate is determined
by the market forces of demand and supply.
Exchange Rate Fluctuation
Fluctuation of exchange rates, like uctuation of stock
prices, interest rates, and many other economic indices,
is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Many factors drive the
exchange rates up and down. These factors include but
are not limited to capital ows, international trades,
speculation, political factors, government or central
bank intervention, and interest rates. However, the
fundamental driving force is the invisible handthe
demand and supplyof the market.
Besides those quantiable drivers of the FX mar-
ket, there are other nonquantiable ones such as the
expectation of the investors. Attempts have been made
by economists to account for those driving forces as
well. Some economists have put the theory of exchange
rate into a behavioral nance framework. Others used
information theory and game theory.
FX Markets and FX Financial Products
The FX market is where the currency exchange hap-
pens, and is one of the largest nancial markets in
Currency Exchange 263
Having exchange
rates for national
currencies allows
us to consistently
express the value of
an item across
borders of countries
and cultures.
the world. Its major participants include commercial
banks, investment banks, companies, investors, hedg-
ers, speculators, traders, governments, and central
banks. A variety of nancial instruments are traded
in the FX market, including currencies, currency
forward contracts (also known as FX forward con-
tracts), currency futures contracts (also known as FX
futures contracts), currency options (also known as
FX options) and currency swaps (also known as FX
swaps). Thus, the FX market has several important
submarkets: the FX spot market, the FX forward mar-
ket, the FX futures market, the FX options market, and
the FX swaps market.
Although hundreds of nancial products exist in
the FX market, the basic ones are currencies, currency
forward contracts, currency futures contracts, currency
options, and currency swaps. Currencies are priced by
the exchange rates. Both currency forward contracts
and currency futures contracts are agreements made
between two parties to exchange a specied amount of
currency for a specied price at a specic future date.
The main difference is that a currency forward contract
is traded over the counter, whereas a currency futures
contract is traded on an exchange. They both are nan-
cial derivatives. Their prices can be determined using
simple algebra and are expressed in terms of exponen-
tial functions. Currency options and currency swaps
are also nancial derivatives. A currency call/put option
gives one party the rightbut not the obligationto
buy or sell a specic amount of the currency at a price
(called strike price) at a specic time in the future.
A European option can be exercised only at matu-
rity, whereas an American option can be exercised at
any time up to maturity. The cash ows of currency
options are more complicated than those of the cur-
rency forward and currency futures contracts. The
pricing requires sophisticated mathematical tools from
stochastic calculus. Fisher Black, Myron Scholes, and
Robert C. Merton made fundamental contributions in
option pricing by giving the basic pricing formulas of
European options. Scholes and Merton were awarded
the Nobel Prize in Economics for this accomplishment
in 1997 (Black was not awarded the prize because he
had passed away).
A currency swap is an agreement between two par-
ties to exchange the principal and interests of one cur-
rency at an interest rate for the principal and interests
of another currency at another interest rate for a certain
period of time. For example, suppose party A enters
into a currency swap contract with party B today. For
the next ve years, party A will pay party B the interest
of a principal of $1 million at an annual interest rate
of 5%. In return, party B will pay party A the interest
of a principal of 95 million Japanese yen at an annual
interest rate of 4.5%. The two parties will also exchange
the principals at the end of the fth year. Like currency
forward and currency futures contracts, the currency
swap can also be priced using simple algebra.
Further Reading
De Grauwe, Paul. The Exchange Rate in a Behavioral
Finance Framework. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2006.
Driver, Rebecca, Peter Sinclair, and Christoph
Thoenissen. Exchange Rates, Capital Flows and Policy.
New York: Routledge, 2005.
Hull, John C. Options, Futures and other Derivatives. 7th
ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2008.
McDonald, Robert L. Derivatives Markets. 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2006.
Rosenberg, Michael R. Exchange Rate Determination:
Models and Strategies for Exchange-Rate Forecasting.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Weithers, Tim. Foreign Exchange. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2006.
Liang Hong
See Also: Connections in Society; Money; Risk
Curricula, International
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Comparisons of mathematics curricula
worldwide help facilitate growth and development.
A long history exists of comparisons between under-
graduate mathematics curricula in other countries and
the United States, and in recent decades, similar com-
parisons are being made at the primary and second-
ary levels. A recent movement in mathematics educa-
264 Curricula, International
tion has shifted the focus of how mathematics at all
grade levels is taught. This movement was in large part
spurred by the results of international testing. Since
1995, the Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS) has collected data on student
achievement for fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade
students around the world.
The TIMSS was designed to allow for international
comparisons, and has motivated educators to examine
more closely those countries that consistently show
success in educating students. Another international
assessment, the Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA), focuses on measuring the mathe-
matical literacy of 15-year-olds. The results of the PISA
reected those of the TIMSS, prompting educators in
less successful nations to explore how some countries,
such as Singapore, Japan, and Korea, educate students
in mathematics. One area that has been explored as a
result of the TIMSS and PISA is that of curricula. Lip-
ing Mas 1999 book Knowing and Teaching Elementary
Mathematics, which compared teaching methods in
the United States and China, has also spurred numer-
ous discussions about curricula and teaching methods,
including teacher education and preparedness of teach-
ers for presenting mathematical concepts at all levels.
It is important, rst of all, that a distinction be made
between curriculum and instructional programs. Cur-
riculum is generally dened as a set of standards or
objectives that guides what is taught at a particular age
or grade level. Instructional programs, on the other
hand, are resources that are available to teach the cur-
riculum, such as textbooks. On the international stage,
a variety of instructional programs exist and are in use,
but mathematics curricula across nations remain sur-
prisingly similar.
An analysis of 16 countries curricula conducted by
Graham Ruddock demonstrated that different nations
used the same basic mathematical principles as a foun-
Curricula, International 265
Since 1995, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has collected international data
on student achievement in mathematics for fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade students.
dation for building mathematics curricula: number,
algebra, geometry, measures, probability, and statis-
tics. While some of the principles may be combined
together into a single topic (for example, probability
and statistics), these basic principles existed in the cur-
ricula of all nations that were studied. However, Rud-
dock pointed out that it is important to realize that just
because nations use the same label, it does not mean
that the content included in the principles is consis-
tent across nations, nor does it mean that each nation
explores each of the principles with equal rigor.
Nations also generally agree which principles of
mathematics should be taught in the lower grades.
Number is the primary focus for younger students,
with a shift in focus toward algebra as students move
into the middle grades. Nations vary widely in their
mathematics curricula for upper grades, because of the
nature of the different educational systems. For exam-
ple, Japan uses an integrated approach to mathemat-
ics through the upper grades, where all principles are
taught in varying degrees at all grade levels, while the
United States utilizes a traditional division of mathe-
matics topics (for example, algebra, geometry, calculus
as separate courses).
Recent Pedagogical Changes
Interestingly, most nations at the beginning of the
twenty-rst century incorporate what is known as a
spiral curriculum, which is designed so that students
revisit topics that were previously learned. This form
of curriculum represents a shift in thinking in math-
ematics education that occurred during the 1990s. The
purpose of the spiral curriculum is to assist students
in making connections between mathematical ideas
as well as ensure that students retain the knowledge
that has been previously taught. A well-designed spiral
curriculum is designed to encourage students to view
mathematics as an integrated whole, rather than as dis-
crete, unrelated topics.
An additional pedagogical shift has come as math-
ematics educators consider the value of conceptual
understanding versus procedural understanding. Cur-
ricula in various nations have been adapted to include
a stronger focus on the conceptual understanding of
mathematics, rather than rote memorization and mas-
tery of basic math skills. For example, curricula in
Japan, Korea, and Singapore, all of which have consis-
tently performed well on the TIMSS and PISA, have
shifted from the learning of basic skills through rote
memorization to an emphasis on problem solving and
critical thinking. Curricula in other nations have fol-
lowed this example.
National Mathematics Curricula
Some nations, such as England, France, Italy, and
Japan, have required national mathematics curricula.
Other nations, such as the United States, Austra-
lia, Canada, and Germany, view education as a local
responsibility; therefore, a national mathematics cur-
riculum does not exist. However, organizations such
as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
have developed national standards as suggested guide-
lines for what mathematics should be taught at differ-
ent grade levels.
The greatest difference between nations regarding
curricula is that of implementation. Curricula imple-
mentation varies widely among different nations,
with some nations, like Hungary and Spain, plac-
ing a focus on local implementation while Japan has
national guidelines for how teachers are to implement
the curricula into their classrooms. From this variety
of approaches comes the question of intended ver-
sus enacted curriculum. In other words, are teachers
implementing the mathematics curriculum as it was
designed? While the intended curricula across nations
appear to have some strong similarities, especially at
the lower grades, the enacted curricula may be quite
different, thus resulting in substantial differences in
student learning.
Current Trends in Curriculum Approaches
In recent years, the Singapore mathematics curriculum
has garnered a great deal of attention because of the
impressive performance of Singapore students on the
TIMSS. The Singapore curriculum focuses on develop-
ing concept mastery through an in-depth exploration of
a few mathematical topics each year. Also emphasized
are the use of visual strategies in problem solving and
establishing connections between mathematical topics.
The Singapore mathematics curriculum has undergone
a variety of changes since it was rst developed in 1981,
with the latest version including the introduction of cal-
culators at a younger age and a reduction in emphasis
on mental mathematics. Several countries, including the
United States and Canada, have begun to implement
curricula that mirror the Singapore mathematics cur-
266 Curricula, International
ricula in the hopes of acquiring similar levels of student
achievement on national and international assessments.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme
has also gained in popularity in recent years. The IB
is designed to be a broad-based international curricu-
lum, and is offered at three different levels: the Pri-
mary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Pro-
gramme (MYP), and the Diploma Programme (DP).
While the IB does not focus specically on mathemat-
ics, all three levels include mathematics as an integral
part of the IB experience, as mathematics is a univer-
sal language with diverse applications. Mathematics
in the IB is viewed as a key connection to students
understanding of culture and history, and as a pri-
mary method of developing students logic and criti-
cal thinking skills.
Since World War II, a growing number of foreign-
educated students in mathematics and other related
elds have chosen to attend graduate school or seek
postdoctoral positions at American universities, with
the largest growth occurring in the 1990s. For example,
studies show that in 2002, nearly one-third of all grad-
uate students enrolled at U.S. universities came from
abroad. Many reasons are cited for this effect, includ-
ing the quality of research universities, the availability
of funding, and the existence of desirable job oppor-
tunities. A phenomenon colloquially known as brain
drain reects the signicant migration of students
with mathematical and technical skills away from their
native countries, diminishing these countries ability to
compete in the global marketplace. In response, coun-
tries are beginning to expand their efforts to retain
these students. For example, China has reorganized
some current universities and built new ones, as well as
engaged in signicant curriculum reform. This reform
includes new partnerships, such as a new Danish-Chi-
nese University Centre for collaborative technology
research, which was formalized in 2010.
Further Reading
Committee on Policy Implications of International
Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in the
United States. Policy Implications of International
Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in
the United States. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press, 2005.
International Baccalaureate. Academic Programmes.
Ma, Liping. Knowing and Teaching Elementary
Mathematics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, 1999.
Manseld, C. S., N. A. Pateman, and N. Bednarz.
Mathematics for Tomorrows Young Children:
International Perspectives on Curriculum. Berlin:
Springer, 2010.
National Center for Education Statistics. Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA). http://nces
National Center for Education Statistics. Trends
in International Mathematics and Science Study
Ruddock, G. Mathematics in the School Curriculum:
an International Perspective.
The Singapore Math Story. http://www.singaporemath
Calli A. Holaway
See Also: Connections in Society; Curriculum, K12;
Succeeding in Mathematics.
Curriculum, College
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Collegiate mathematics education
is determined by the students choices within
the constraints of graduation and department
For thousands of years, mathematics has been con-
sidered an important part of a liberal arts education.
Examples of this idea abound, including schools and
scholars in ancient Greece, China, and the medieval
Islamic world, as well as in the rise of North American
colleges in the seventeenth century.
Debate has existed for decades about which top-
ics should be a part of the college curriculum and
how best to teach them. Common curricula, such as
geometry, or educational tools, like the abacus, have
been replaced by other focuses as societies needs have
changed and technology has advanced.
Curriculum, College 267
New discoveries in mathematics and emerging
disciplines also result in curriculum changes. In the
twenty-rst century, the mathematics curriculum at
the university level varies depending on the educa-
tional goals of the student. In the United States, the
types and the number of mathematics courses required
in the curriculum are typically based on a students
major subject of concentration. In this regard, there
tend to be three broad categories into which a typical
college student may be classied: a student who needs
to fulll a general education requirement in the math-
ematical sciences; a student majoring in a partner dis-
cipline, such as the physical sciences, the life sciences,
computer science, engineering, economics, business,
education, and the social sciences; and a student whose
major is in the mathematical sciences, including pure
(theoretical) or applied mathematics, statistics, actuar-
ial sciences, and mathematics education. At most col-
leges and universities, curriculum is approved by both
internal governing bodies, such as curriculum commit-
tees, and external accrediting agencies. Local, national,
and specialized accrediting agencies may approve pro-
grams at the department or college level.
There is a rich history of mathematics in higher educa-
tion contexts. From the schools of ancient Greece to
the universities of the Renaissance, mathematics was
an important component of the seven liberal arts, and
mathematics was seen as a way to understand real-
ity. Three of the liberal arts, the Trivium, consisted
of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. In the Quadrivium,
the other four liberal arts, arithmetic was the study
of numbers, geometry was the study of numbers in
space, music was the study of numbers in time, and
astronomy or cosmology was the study of numbers in
space and time. The rst college in the United States
was Harvard University, founded in 1636. Harvard and
other institutions of higher learning included math-
ematics in their curriculum. Around the time of the
Revolutionary War, advanced mathematics included
topics in surveying, algebra, geometry, trigonometry,
and calculus. In 1776, Congress advised that disabled
veterans, [w]hen off duty, shall be obliged to attend
a mathematical school, appointed for the purpose, to
learn geometry, arithmetic, vulgar and decimal frac-
tions, and the extractions of roots. This obligation led
to the ofcial founding of the United States Military
Academy in 1802. After World War II and the begin-
nings of the Cold War, the growing emphasis on com-
puter technology greatly impacted the mathematics
curriculum in the United States.
Teachers have long explored different methods to
help students succeed in mathematics. The philosopher
Socrates is known for the Socratic Method, and in the
early part of the twentieth century, topologist Robert
Lee Moore developed a Socratic style of teaching that
became widely known as the Moore Method. Versions of
the Moore Method, or a modied Moore Method, con-
tinue to be used in twenty-rst-century undergraduate
and graduate mathematics classrooms. In some imple-
mentations, students work on problems and present
proofs or solutions they develop on their own, with the
class being responsible for corrections and the teacher
acting as a guide. In the 1980s, a calculus reform move-
ment that is often referred to as the calculus wars
spurred debates among mathematicians regarding vari-
ous aspects of teaching, including the use and balance of
lectures, technology, and rigor in calculus classrooms.
Calculus education had already undergone many
changes in the twentieth century, such as a shift to calcu-
lus being taken earlier in the college curriculum. Follow-
ing the ethos of calculus should be a pump, not a lter,
educators explored many different approaches, often
based on empirical studies. Some campuses embraced
new approaches, while others soundly rejected them. In
the early twenty-rst century, mathematicians continue
to discuss and rene the calculus course as well as other
mathematics courses. There are also discussions at both
the college and federal level of the possibility of stan-
dardized college mathematics assessments.
General Education Mathematics Requirement
For the college student majoring in a subject area that
does not require specic mathematics courses, the
extent of the mathematics curriculum may consist of
mathematics courses that satisfy general education core
requirements. At most colleges and universities, these
courses enroll almost twice as many students as all
other mathematics courses combined. These students
represent a broad variety of majors, including students
from the humanities, ne arts, elementary education,
and several branches of the social sciences.
Courses that fall into this category may be termed
or described as one of the following: quantitative liter-
acy; liberal arts mathematics; nite mathematics; col-
268 Curriculum, College
lege algebra with modeling; or introductory statistics.
These courses are designed to have students learn to
think effectively, quantitatively, and logically, and may
actually also be requirements for a students major.
Such courses often serve as students nal experience
of college mathematics. While these courses may be
terminal, such courses could also entice students to
study mathematics further, and therefore, such course
offerings may act as a springboard or gateway through
which a student chooses to continue the study of the
mathematical sciences.
There is a wide variety of topic options in these
courses. Some professors incorporate topics directly
from daily life, like nancial mathematics, while others
focus on algebraic or statistical techniques that might
be important in future coursework. General education
courses are also seen as the nal place to impact stu-
dents perceptions about mathematics and its role in
society. In the same way that a survey course on impor-
tant literature might include works by William Shake-
speare, some mathematicians select course topics from
the masterpieces of mathematics, which might include
great theorems, like Eulers theorem, named for Leon-
ard Euler; interesting applications, like Chvtals art
gallery theorem, named for Vclav Chvtal; interdisci-
plinary topics, like fractals, perspective drawing, or the
philosophy of mathematics; or beautiful mathematical
topics, like the golden mean. Some classes focus on the
breadth of mathematics, while others try to cover a few
topics in depth. There is also a wide variety of teaching
methodologies and pedagogy. In some classrooms, the
focus is on lectures, while in others it is on discussion
or presentations. Technology may be a fundamental
part of the class, or the class might focus on pencil-
and-paper methods.
Mathematics and Partner Disciplines
During the second half of the twentieth century and
into the twenty-rst, there has been an enormous
growth and development of scientic and technological
disciplines, and, consequently, the role of mathemat-
ics is increasing in an expanding array of subject areas
and professional programs. Students may be required
to take specic mathematics courses that complement
their major eld of study. These partner or client dis-
ciplines include physics, chemistry, biology, computer
science, engineering, business, nance, economics,
nursing, psychology, and education. Partner and client
discipline courses may impact mathematics as well as
the respective discipline.
Some of these courses are taught in mathematics
departments; others are taught as a quantitative course
in the major, as in some psychology departments. This
system provides numerous opportunities for faculty
and students in mathematics departments to collabo-
rate with their counterparts in other academic depart-
ments on campus. It is not uncommon for students
who major in these partner disciplines to also study
advanced mathematics, often resulting in dual majors
or a minor in mathematics. One emerging area in
the twenty-rst century has been calculus for the life
sciences. Cutting-edge pedagogies may come from
mathematics or a client discipline. Faculty in either
mathematics or a client discipline may lead efforts in
interdisciplinary curricular development, or depart-
ments may resist changes because of stafng or philo-
sophical considerations, sometimes leading to friction
between departments.
Such courses need not be limited to calculus-based
courses. For example, students in the sciences often
benet from the skills and techniques used in intro-
ductory statistics and discrete mathematics courses,
which may not have a calculus prerequisite. The ability
to visualize in three dimensions is also valued by part-
ner disciplines, and courses that emphasize geometric
and graphical reasoning, linear systems, and vector
analysis may also be required.
Precise, logical thinking is an essential part of
mathematics. While it remains a component of the
mathematics courses taken by students who study the
aforementioned partner disciplines, additional needs
specic to such elds of study are also imbedded in the
courses taken by these students. Logical and deductive
reasoning skills may need to be developed in a spe-
cic context, and certain disciplines may or may not
have a need for the use of formal proof found in the
mathematics courses. Also, the level and type of logi-
cal reasoning may vary depending on discipline. For
example, business majors may require more quantita-
tive or statistical analysis, while engineering students
need to engage in more formal analysis in a course like
multivariable calculus. Students studying the natural
sciences benet from heuristic arguments and data
analysis, while computer scientists and software engi-
neering students need the ability to use logic to write
simple proofs. The courses that bridge various other
Curriculum, College 269
subject areas with mathematics attempt to balance the
rigorous proof and deductive reasoning inherent to
mathematics with the skills these partner disciplines
require of their students.
Students who are preparing to teach elementary or
middle school mathematics also fall into this category.
The curriculum designed for future primary mathemat-
ics teachers varies state by state, with many requirements
set by schools or teacher program accrediting agencies.
They often aim to provide these students with a rm
foundation in various mathematical topics, such as
number and operation, algebra and functions, geometry
and measurement, and data analysis, probability, and
statistics. These topics are studied at a level above and
beyond that which they will eventually teach. Courses
are designed to provide students with an understanding
of these broad areas as well as an ability to make connec-
tions among various mathematics topics and with other
subjects taught in the elementary and middle school
curriculum. The intent is that the future teachers will
be able to guide their students in ways that instill math-
ematical breadth and depth and plant the seeds of
ideas that will come later. From 2003 to 2009, the Math-
ematical Association of America ran a program that was
funded by the National Science Foundation called Pre-
paring Mathematicians to Educate Teachers (PMET).
PMET strove to improve the mathematics education of
teachers by targeting the development of faculty aware-
ness and teaching as well as instructional materials.
Concentration in the Mathematical Sciences
For students who choose to major in the mathemati-
cal sciences, their college curriculum is centered on
this goal of study. Major programs in the mathematical
sciences include courses that focus on pure (theoreti-
cal) mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, actu-
arial sciences, or secondary mathematics education.
Depending on the college or university, the programs
and faculty for statistics or applied mathematics, as
well as actuarial sciences and mathematics education,
may be housed in a department distinct from the tradi-
tional mathematics department.
The actual course of study for mathematics majors
will differ depending on the specic college or univer-
sity. In general, students in their rst years of study will
take a sequence of courses in calculus consisting of sin-
gle- and multivariable calculus, which include the topics
of differentiation and integration, sequences and series,
vector analysis, and differential equations. Beyond cal-
culus, mathematics students often take a transition
course that includes an introduction to proof-writing
techniques demonstrated by a study of various founda-
tional topics in mathematics, such as logic, set theory,
functions and relations, and cardinality.
Other commonly required courses for the math-
ematics major include linear algebra, abstract algebra,
and real analysis (or advanced calculus). Several other
advanced courses in mathematics that make up the
major include ordinary differential equations, partial
differential equations, discrete mathematics, prob-
ability and statistics, modern geometry (Euclidean and
non-Euclidean geometry), complex analysis, topology,
combinatorics, and number theory. Students who are
interested in learning more applied mathematics may
take courses in dynamical systems, numerical analysis,
cryptanalysis, and operations research. A course in the
history of mathematics may also be offered, especially
for those students preparing to teach mathematics.
Because there are numerous topics that connect
mathematics with other disciplines, various interdis-
ciplinary courses may also be offered by mathemat-
ics departments in conjunction with other academic
departments on campus. Some schools use common
syllabi or exams for certain courses, and other schools
allow more exibility in what is taught and how it is
taught. Regardless, there are at least some common
expectations because mathematical denitions, ideas,
and proofs build upon one another across courses,
and so earlier courses in the major impact later ones.
For example, a single-variable calculus class impacts
multivariable calculus, and an analysis course impacts
courses in complex analysis and topology.
The curriculum for students majoring in math-
ematics is designed so that there is a progression from
the study and practice of computational methods and
procedures toward an extensive understanding of the
subject, which may include logical reasoning, general-
ization, abstraction, sophisticated applications, and for-
mal proof. Students majoring in mathematics are also
encouraged to demonstrate their mathematical knowl-
edge in both written and oral formats. Students should
also gain experience in the analysis of data, gaining the
ability to move between context and abstractionan
especially important ability for students whose course of
study focuses on applied areas of mathematics as well as
for those becoming mathematics teachers. While math-
270 Curriculum, College
ematics students may prefer one area of mathematics
over another, they are encouraged to gain a broad view
of the subject, recognizing the complementary nature
of the following concepts: theory versus application;
discrete versus continuous; algebraic versus geometric;
and deterministic versus probabilistic.
In addition to specic mathematics courses, stu-
dents majoring in mathematics may take courses in
computer science. On some college and university
campuses, mathematics and computer science are clas-
sied in the same department or division. The natural
afnity between the skills used by mathematicians and
computer scientists makes this partnering possible,
since the application of logical reasoning to the task
of programming enhances the learning of both dis-
ciplines. For mathematics majors who are preparing
to enter the nonacademic workforce, experience with
teamwork, creativity, and problem synthesis skills is
enhanced by computer programming coursework.
Undergraduate Research in Mathematics
Many mathematical science departments require their
mathematics majors to engage in some form of research
at the undergraduate level. This research can take many
forms, such as a capstone course, a thesis, or some other
form of a project during the senior year of college. The
athematics departments need to serve all
students wellnot only those who major in
the mathematical or physical sciences. The follow-
ing steps will help departments reach this goal.
Design undergraduate programs to
address the broad array of problems in
the diverse disciplines that are making
increasing use of mathematics.
Guide students to learn mathematics
in a way that helps them to better
understand its place in society: its
meaning, its history, and its uses.
Such understanding is often lacking
even among students who major in
Employ a broad range of instructional
techniques, and require students to
confront, explore, and communicate
important ideas of modern mathematics
and the uses of mathematics in
society. Students need more classroom
experiences in which they learn to think,
to do, to analyzenot just to memorize
and reproduce theories or algorithms.
Understand and respond to the impact
of computer technology on course
content and instructional techniques.
Encourage and support faculty in this
worka task both for departments and
for administrations.
The CUPM Guide 2004 presents six general
recommendations to assist mathematics depart-
ments in the design and teaching of all of their
courses and programs:
1. Understand the student population and
evaluate courses and programs.
2. Develop mathematical thinking and
communication skills.
3. Communicate the breadth and
interconnections of the mathematical
4. Promote interdisciplinary cooperation.
5. Use computer technology to support
problem solving and to promote
6. Provide faculty support for curricular and
instructional improvement.
From the Introduction of Undergraduate Pro-
grams and Courses in the Mathematical Sciences:
CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004 by Committee on the
Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) of
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
Mathematics Departments
Curriculum, College 271
area of study for such research may connect knowl-
edge of previous courses in an advanced manner. Such
research often culminates in both a written paper and an
oral presentation. This presentation provides the oppor-
tunity for mathematics students to not only study the
mathematics, but write and speak about their results in
the fashion conventional to the discipline.
Separate from major program requirements,
research in mathematics at the undergraduate level
can also be performed at National Science Founda-
tion (NSF) programs, such as Research Experiences
for Undergraduates (REUs) held at various schools
across the country, often during the summer months.
These opportunities allow students to become actively
involved in current mathematical research projects
under the guidance of faculty, and thus demonstrate
how mathematical research is done and how it differs
from research done in other elds. Programs such as
REUs demonstrate how the activities of a professional
mathematician are performed, including the various
stages: formulating and solving a problem, writing a
mathematics paper, communicating the results in a
talk or poster (perhaps at a local or national mathe-
matics conference), and possibly publishing a research
article. The topics of study in REUs go beyond the stan-
dard undergraduate curriculum and also draw upon
previous coursework and experience. By conducting
research before they graduate from college, students
get a taste of what happens in graduate school pro-
grams in mathematics, specically the research com-
ponent of the dissertation requirement.
Two-Year Colleges
A signicant percentage of students who receive a
bachelors degree in the mathematical sciences have
taken some of their mathematics courses at two-year
272 Curriculum, College
The Hutlee/Umyuarchdelee program is funded by the National Science Foundation to help Natives and rural
Alaskans succeed in college and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
colleges. While many college students may fulll their
general education requirement in mathematics by tak-
ing such courses at a two-year college prior to attend-
ing a four-year college or university, many potential
mathematics majors complete a variety of mathemat-
ics courses that satisfy requirements in the major pro-
gram. Such courses include developmental mathemat-
ics, precalculus, introductory calculus, multivariable
calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, discrete
mathematics, and statistics. While an associates degree
in mathematics may not be obtainable from a two-
year college, it is becoming more common that future
mathematics majors are beginning their mathematics
career at these schools, including students who are also
preparing to become mathematics teachers at the vari-
ous school levels.
With the advances made in science and technology
during the latter half of the twentieth century, many
new instructional techniques are being designed and
utilized in the mathematics classroom at all levels,
including the collegiate. With an emphasis on critical
thinking and deductive reasoning and a movement
away from rote memorization of mathematical theo-
ries and algorithms, there has been an increase in the
use of technology for teaching and learning advanced
mathematics. Accurate visualization of graphs and
geometric objects and easy manipulation of algebraic
constructs are some of the benets of current technol-
ogy available for mathematics education.
Computational technology changed rapidly during
the latter part of the twentieth century. At the begin-
ning of the twenty-rst century, computer algebra
systems (CAS), such as Mathematica, MATLAB, and
Maple, are often helpful tools for both in-class dem-
onstrations and independent student assignments.
These software packages are commonly implemented
in a variety of courses, such as calculus, linear alge-
bra, differential equations, statistics, real analysis, and
complex analysis.
Other software packages, such as Geometers
Sketchpad and Exploring Small Groups (ESG), are
more course-specic to geometry and group theory,
respectively. In addition to desktop or laptop com-
puter technology, the development of handheld
graphing calculators, such as the various models pro-
duced by Texas Instruments (TI-83+, TI-84, TI-86,
and TI-89), has also inuenced the use of this tech-
nological tool in the classroom. Computer programs
and graphing calculators are also being used at the
secondary school level, and the transition to using
such technology in the mathematics classroom at the
collegiate level is often a smooth experience for the
mathematics student.
Further Reading
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year
Colleges (AMATYC). Crossroads in Mathematics:
Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before
Calculus. Memphis, TN: AMATYC, 1995. http://www
American Mathematical Society (AMS) and The
Mathematicians and Education Reform (MER)
Forum. Excellence in Undergraduate Mathematics:
Confronting Diverse Student Interests. http://
Cajori, Florian. The Teaching and History of Mathematics
in the United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Ofce, 1890.
Committee on the Undergraduate Program in
Mathematics (CUPM) of The Mathematical
Association of America (MAA). Undergraduate
Programs and Courses in the Mathematical Sciences:
CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004. Washington, DC:
MAA, 2004.
Friedler, Louis. Calculus in the U.S.: 19402004.
Studies in College Mathematics 8, no. 3 (2005). http://
Steen, Lynn Arthur. Achieving Quantitative Literacy: An
Urgent Challenge for Higher Education. Washington,
DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2004.
Zitarelli, D. The Origin and Early Impact of the
Moore Method. American Mathematical Monthly
111 (2004).
Daniel P. Wisniewski
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education;
Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics, Theoretical;
Pythagorean School.
Curriculum, College 273
Curriculum, K12
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Curricular standards of mathematics have
undergone a series of changes in the twentieth and
twenty-rst centuries in response to various national
The term curriculum has been variously dened
as a coherent program of study in a specic subject
area consisting of a set of courses and learning expe-
riences provided by an educational institution. Since
the beginning of the twentieth century, the school cur-
riculum (grades K12) of the United States has under-
gone numerous changes, particularly in mathematics.
Indeed, the U.S. school curriculum has been more pro-
foundly inuenced by the demands of society than any
other country in the world.
Twenty-rst-century debates over the school cur-
riculum are essentially debates on how best to prepare
students to live in a just, democratic society; be com-
petitive in a global economy; and thrive in a technolog-
ically literate workforce. Employers in both explicitly
technical and nontechnical elds seek candidates who
can use mathematics content, logical reasoning, and
other problem-solving skills that are ideally acquired
by the end of high school. Both government and pri-
vate employers have publicized the various require-
ments for different career paths. Differences of opin-
ion often stem from opposing views about the nature
of learning, the needs of society, and the purposes of
schooling. The evolution of the school curriculum in
the United States and the changing nature of its math-
ematics component are most easily understood from
an historical context.
Change in the Mathematics Curriculum
Since the inception of the United States, the predomi-
nant view has been that education is necessary for the
common good of society and the survival of democ-
racy. Although mathematics has always been recog-
nized as an essential component of the K12 curricu-
lum, the role of mathematics in public schools and the
nature of its content have uctuated over the years.
Benjamin Franklin was one of the nations rst leaders
to understand the need for mathematics instruction
beyond basic arithmetic and measurement. For exam-
ple, in 1751, he helped institute an academy in which
geometry and algebra were among curricula designed
to meet the practical needs of merchants, seamen,
builders, and artisans.
Common School Movement
Throughout the 1800s, the curricular and educational
trends of Europe inuenced the mathematics curricu-
lum of the United States. The focus of the mathematics
curriculum was on basic arithmetic skills in the early
grades and algebra and geometry in the upper grades.
In 1837, the Common School movement was instituted
by Horace Mann (17961859) from Massachusetts. He
worked to develop a statewide common-school (pub-
lic school) system. The philosophy was that education
is a major human equalizer that balances the social
structure of a country. For this reason, Horace Mann is
often considered the father of American public educa-
tion. The curriculum of the common schools of the
1800s served to reect the values and needs of a demo-
cratic society and instituted free education for all U.S.
citizens, making mathematics education much more
broadly available
The Progressive Movement
For the majority of the twentieth century, U.S. educa-
tors consistently promoted a Progressive Education
agenda, spearheaded by John Dewey (18591952). Pro-
gressive educators believed that the school curriculum
should be determined primarily by the needs and inter-
ests of children. Dewey advocated a school curriculum
that encouraged students to be thinkers and problem
solvers. He encouraged instructional methods that
were experiential and child-centered, covering content
arising naturally within the childs environment. This
method is in contrast to traditional instruction which
is usually classroom-based and teacher-centered, cov-
ering predetermined content. During the Progressive
movement, mathematics instruction emerged primar-
ily when needed within the real-life experiences of the
child and was thus widely varying
By the 1940s, an alternate version of Progressive
Education called Life Adjustment had gained popu-
larity among some U.S. schools. The curriculum of Life
Adjustment schools was designed to prepare many of
the students for the working world and everyday liv-
ing, though some opponents claim it was motivated by
anti-intellectual philosophies. These students focused
274 Curriculum, K12
on practical concerns, such as home budgeting, con-
sumerism, taxation, health, and citizenship, and math-
ematics courses, such as algebra, geometry, and trigo-
nometry, were deemphasized.
By the end of World War II, rapid societal and tech-
nological changes abruptly came to the forefront. Pub-
lic knowledge of the impact of atomic energy, radar,
cryptography, and other scientic and technological
advances underscored the need for a strong national
curriculum in mathematics and science to maintain
national security, to retain the nations lead in technol-
ogy, and to prepare students for jobs in the sciences.
As a consequence, Progressive Education came under
severe attack following World War II.
New Math
A momentous event occurred in 1957 that impacted
the nations mathematics and science curricula at all
levels. U.S. society was stunned by the launching of
the rst space satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviet Union.
Sputnik was considered a national embarrassment and
a potential security threat. Its mere existence suggested
that the Soviet Union was technologically superior and
had a military capacity of launching offensive missiles
at the United States. It also underscored an overall
weakness in the U.S. educational system, particularly
in mathematics, science, and technology.
The U.S. Congress responded to the nations panic
and the implications of a security threat by passing
the 1958 National Defense Education Act, intended
to increase the quantity and quality of mathematics
and science professionals. That same year, the Ameri-
can Mathematical Society (AMS) established the
School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG), headed
by Edward G. Beg1e of Yale University, to develop a
new mathematics curriculum for the nations high
schools. The aim was to produce the most highly
capable mathematics students in the world, with
a view toward regaining the nations technological
superiority and bolstering its defense system against
the Soviet Union. This marked the beginning of the
New Math movement.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, the
SMSG created a new, more-rigorous high school
mathematics curriculum for college-bound students
and wrote textbooks supporting the new curriculum.
The SMSG curriculum was developed by mathematics
professionals consisting of working mathematicians,
university professors, high school teachers, and school
supervisors. The SMSG soon expanded its curriculum
to include mathematics for grades K12. Similar math-
ematics curricula emerged in the early 1960s, mod-
eled after the original work of SMSG. These curricula
were products of other federally funded projects such
as the Ball State Project, Greater Cleveland Mathemat-
ics Program, the University of Maryland Mathematics
Curriculum, K12 275
U.S. Mathematics
Curriculum Evolution
he evolution of the mathematics cur-
riculum in the United States has been
unstable. Over the years, it has responded to
the demands of society, professional educa-
tors, and national organizations, often at the
expense of the needs of the country. While
unpopular in some segments of society, the
New Math movement responded favorably to
the national panic following the Soviet Unions
launch of Sputnik. The New Math movement
was responsible in large measure for regain-
ing the nations international lead in technol-
ogy and winning the race to the moon. Since
the 1980s, the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics has contributed signicantly to
the nations mathematics curriculum by devel-
oping a series of well-articulated standards that
have informed the curriculum and assessment
strategies for every state.
Student assessment has also gained a
more prominent role in federal funding and
curriculum development. Specically, the suc-
cess of states in meeting national education
standards will be measured by students per-
formance on high-stakes tests. A positive con-
tribution of the Common Core State Standards,
initiated by the nations state governors, will be
the establishment of a national school curricu-
lum. According to U.S. Secretary of Education
Arne Duncan, For the rst time, a child in Mis-
sissippi and a child in Massachusetts will be
judged by the same yardstick.
Project, and the Minnesota School Science and Math-
ematics Center. Each curriculum mirrored the rigor-
ous mathematics content and educational philosophy
of the New Math movement.
The New Math curriculum included advanced
content that had never before been covered in public
schools, such as set theory, Boolean algebra, base arith-
metic, eld axioms, algebraic structures, and formal
math language and symbolism. The curriculum was
designed to provide the theoretical foundations for
studying calculus and abstract algebra in college, with
the intent of producing as many mathematics, science,
and engineering majors as possible.
Even though there were numerous successes in the
New Math movement, after a decade of implementa-
tion, it was slowly removed from the nations public
schools. Some believed its downfall was a result of exces-
sive rigor and mathematical formalism at the expense
of basic skills and problem solving. Many parents and
school administrators were confused by the unfamiliar
mathematics content and advanced symbolism. More
importantly, a large number of the nations older teach-
ers were unable to implement the New Math curricu-
lum because they, themselves, were not academically
prepared to deal with the content. Notwithstanding, 12
years following the launching of Sputnik, the United
States succeeded in placing the rst man on the moon
with its 1969 Apollo 11 mission.
Back to Basics
By the early 1970s, the New Math movement was over.
The National Science Foundation discontinued its fund-
ing of New Math programs, and the U.S. public called
for a return of a Back to Basics curriculum, under a
Progressive agenda. Mathematical rigor and advanced
symbolism were discouraged; teachers experimented
with child-centered instructional approaches, such as
Individualized Instruction, Continuous Progress, and
Open School environments. The failures of such prac-
tices were soon exposed as standardized mathematics
test scores of U.S. students steadily declined through-
out the decade.
Fueled by the failure of the Back to Basics move-
ment, the lowering of college entrance requirements,
and reduced enrollments in higher-level mathematics
courses, by the end of the 1970s, the U.S. school curric-
ulum was once again under severe public attack. Two
publications by U.S. federal agencies had a signicant
impact on public perceptions of the U.S. educational
system, An Agenda for Action and A Nation at Risk.
An Agenda for Action
Based on multiple national assessments, the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) pro-
duced the 1980 An Agenda for Action, which provided
recommendations for reform in mathematics educa-
tion. Its primary recommendation was that problem
solving should be the primary focus of the mathemat-
ics curriculum, supported by the following instruc-
tional practices:
Calculators and computers should be used in
K12 classrooms.
Estimation and approximation should be an
integral part of instruction.
Team efforts in problem solving should be
encouraged in the elementary classroom.
Manipulatives should be used to develop new
mathematical concepts and skills.
Instructional strategies should provide for
situations requiring student discovery and
Mathematics programs and student
performance should be evaluated on a
broader range of measures than conventional
A Nation at Risk
Although An Agenda for Action provided innovative
and lofty recommendations for reform in the school
mathematics, it was overshadowed by the 1983 pub-
lication of A Nation at Risk, a report by the National
Commission on Excellence in Education. In graphic
terms, it warned Americans, The educational foun-
dations of our society are presently being eroded by a
rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future
as a nation and a people, and, If an unfriendly for-
eign power had attempted to impose on America the
mediocre educational performance that exists today,
we might well have viewed it as an act of war.
A variety of educational issues and specic weak-
nesses in the mathematics curriculum were addressed.
Specically, the commission found that the textbooks
used for instruction were void of rigorous content,
the curriculum lacked continuity and depth, and high
school teachers were typically underprepared in math-
276 Curriculum, K12
ematics and academically weak. Despite out-dated
information, A Nation at Risk is still often quoted in
the twenty-rst century and remains an inuential
National Standards-Based Curriculum
The publication of A Nation at Risk and similar reports
of the dismal performance of U.S. students on inter-
national assessments have all served to provoke U.S.
society and government to demand higher academic
standards in public schools. International assessments
provided strong evidence that mathematics teaching
and its school curriculum must change if U.S. students
are to be competitive in the global economy and able
to deal with the complex decisions they will confront as
responsible citizens and members of a technologically
literate workforce.
In 1989, NCTM took a giant step in recommending
a national agenda for curriculum reform, resulting in
NCTMs 1989 publication of Curriculum and Evalua-
tion Standards for School Mathematics. This document
initiated a national standards-based curriculum move-
ment, inuenced by its earlier work reported in An
Agenda for Action.
Within ve years, NCTM also produced two sup-
porting documents: the 1991 Professional Standards
for Teaching Mathematics and the 1995 Assessment
Standards for School Mathematics. These documents
recommended teaching standards, instructional meth-
odologies, and an array of assessment strategies for
accommodating the new standards-based curriculum.
An updated version of NCTMs original 1989 Stan-
dards was published in 2000, having a new title: Prin-
ciples and Standards for School Mathematics. These
three standards documents continue to be profoundly
inuential in the twenty-rst century in matters of
curriculum and assessment decisions for U.S. school
mathematics. Specically, Principles and Standards
for School Mathematics provides six principles for
school mathematics, ve process standards, and ve
content standards.
The six principles for school mathematics are as fol-
Equityhigh expectations and strong
support for all
Curriculumcourses and learning
experiences focused on important
mathematics, well articulated across
the grades
Teachinginstruction that is challenging,
supportive, and focused on what students
know and need to learn
Learningdevelops understanding by
building new knowledge on students
experiences and prior knowledge
Assessmentprovides useful information
to teachers and students and supports the
learning of important mathematics
Technologyessential for teaching and
learning mathematics, inuences the
mathematics that is taught, and enhances
student learning
The ve process standards considered essential for
teaching all mathematics, are problem solving, rea-
soning and proof, communication, connections, and
representation. These processes were expected to be
integrated into the teaching of all of mathematics,
regardless of the topic or the grade level.
The ve content standards include each of the fol-
lowing: number and operations, algebra, geometry,
measurement, and data analysis and probability. Each
content area is expected to be covered to some degree
of integrity at every grade level.
Overall, given the breadth of mathematics applica-
tions found in modern society, both in work and every-
day life, schools were encouraged to widen their math-
ematics offerings. For example, one recommendation
for the high school curriculum was that calculus should
not always be the primary goal for the mathematics
curriculum. Instead, discrete mathematics, probability,
and statistics should also be considered valuable goals.
The curriculum must prepare students for a variety of
career paths that use mathematics; for example, actu-
arial science (probability), engineering and electronics
(technical mathematics), economics and behavioral
science (statistics and decision theory), theoretical or
nuclear physicist (calculus), and numerous others.
In 2006, NCTM released another supporting docu-
ment, Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten
through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence,
which articulated the specic topics that should be the
focus for each grade level pre-K8. The curriculum
focal points acknowledged that NCTMs ve content
standards are not equally weighted and should have
Curriculum, K12 277
greater emphasis at different grade levels. These topics
are identied in this document.
In 2009, NCTM released Focus in High School Math-
ematics: Reasoning and Sense Making. This publica-
tion was designed to provide teachers with curricu-
lum guidance and content focal points for high school
mathematics, modeled after NCTMs 2006 pre-K8
document, Curriculum Focal Points. In this 2009 docu-
ment, NCTM stresses that reasoning and sense mak-
ing should be the focus of all high school mathematics,
spanning all content areas, and evident in the teach-
ers instructional strategies and assessment practices.
The goal is for mathematics to be viewed as a logical,
problem-solving tool, rather than a set of meaningless
procedures, disconnected from everyday life and deci-
sion making. It is stressed that students should have
experiences with reasoning and sense making within a
broad curriculum that may deviate from the textbook.
Such experiences should be designed to meet students
future needs and prepare them for citizenship, the
workplace, and future careers.
Twenty-First-Century Mathematics Curriculum
History has shown that as national needs and societal
perceptions change, so does the school curriculum.
Pervasive and radical changes have occurred through-
out the world since the 1990s, such as genetic engi-
neering, nanotechnologies, global economies, envi-
ronmental disasters, global warming, depleting energy
sources, and countless others. It is clear that U.S. citi-
zens must be prepared to deal creatively and compe-
tently with a multitude of rapid changes and to tackle
complex problem situations. The school curriculum
must respond accordingly to provide students with the
content knowledge, problem-solving skills, and learn-
ing experiences that are necessary for students to meet
these immense challenges.
Unfortunately, the U.S. mathematics curriculum
still has a long way to go in preparing students to meet
these challenges. In fact, international assessments
report serious deciencies in the mathematical perfor-
mance of U.S. students. In 2009, the Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) reported that
15-year-olds from the United States ranked 18 among
33 developed nations in mathematical literacy and
problem solving. In sum, compared to other devel-
oped nations, students from U.S. schools score in the
lower 50th percentile in mathematics. Furthermore,
the National Center for Education Statistics reported
in 2003 signicant racial achievement gaps in the
United States. Societal concerns for economic stability,
national security, and equity in instruction all demand
immediate and substantial reforms in the U.S. mathe-
matics curriculum and educational system as a whole.
No Child Left Behind
Research has shown that the school curriculum is
closely tied to assessment. One governmental attempt
to address the school curriculum and the lagging aca-
demic achievement of U.S. students is the No Child Left
Behind (NCLB) Act of 2002. NCLB includes a number
of mandates designed to promote signicant gains in
student achievement and to hold states and schools
accountable for meeting curricular goals. NCLB sup-
ports a standards-based curriculum and was founded
on the belief that setting high standards and measur-
able objectives would result in improved teaching and
learning in the nations schools.
As a provision for federal funding, the NCLB Act
requires that states develop assessments in basic skills
for students at specic grade levels and that each state
set its own curriculum, content standards, and achieve-
ment benchmarks. The Act further mandates that
100% of the students in each school be procient in
reading and mathematics by the year 2014. As a con-
sequence, any school not showing signicant progress
toward meeting these goals will be subject to sanctions,
culminating in the closing of the school and termina-
tion of the faculty and staff.
The underlying theory is that schools will show sig-
nicant improvement if children in grades 38 are held
accountable for their academic achievement, as mea-
sured by their test scores every year. As of 2011, more
than 10,000 schools have been labeled as failures;
thousands of teachers have been red; and numerous
schools, heretofore considered very good, are being
forced to close. To meet NCLB goals, many schools have
eliminated studies in art, history, science, foreign lan-
guages, physical education, and geography from their
offerings. The majority of school time is now devoted
to preparing students for high-stakes tests in the basic
skills, the results of which will determine if the school
remains open for the following year.
The consequences of students test performance are
so punitive that some districts have experienced record
amounts of cheating. Some states have even lowered
278 Curriculum, K12
the passing score on their annual mathematics exams to
increase the pass rates for their schools. Reactions such
as these to the mandates of the NCLB Act underscore the
fact that testing alone will not increase student achieve-
ment nor improve instruction. Regardless of how well
the curriculum is constructed, meaningful instruction
will be abandoned for the sake of test preparation.
Common Core State Standards
Several of the nations to which the United States is
often compared academically do have national curri-
cula, such as Great Britain, Germany, France, and Japan.
Even though NCTM has provided national guidelines
for mathematics education, until 2010, nearly every
state had its own unique set of mathematics standards
and curriculum for each grade level. In some cases,
decisions about curricula were made by county and
local school districts and boards. Consequently, state
mathematics standards have varied considerably from
state to state, and valid comparisons are difcult to
make with respect to student performance. Because
of the absence of a common set of standards among
states, 48 of the nations state governors and their chief
school ofcers set forth to create the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS), released in 2009.
The CCSS were developed in collaboration with con-
tent experts, college professors, public school teachers,
school administrators, and parents. They are designed
for a curriculum that includes rigorous content and
applications; requires high-order thinking skills; and
prepares students to succeed in a global economy. They
are also aligned with the mathematics curricula of top-
performing countries in the world. As of 2011, 41 of
the 50 states have adopted CCSS.
Race to the Top
The rapid adoption of the CCSS by nearly every state
in the nation was surely spurred by the Race to the Top
(RTTT) program funded the Educational Recovery
Act of 2009. RTTT is a $4.35 billion U.S. Department
of Education program offering competitive grants
designed to promote educational reforms in state edu-
cation. The underlying federal agenda is to establish
national standards, tests, and curricula. Even though the
principle of states rights ensure that individual states
have total control over their educational systems, the
promise of RTTTs discretionary funding of hundreds
of millions of dollars is a huge incentive for states to
adopt the CCSS, which is prerequisite to RTTT funding.
When states receive RTTT discretionary federal fund-
ing, they must agree to implement the CCSS as well as
comply with other stipulations.
Consistent with NCLB, state assessments for RTTTs
funding are highly reliant on students test scores as
the sole measure of student achievement. Additionally,
many states intend to use students test scores to evalu-
ate their teachers performance and determine salaries
and bonuses. As of 2011, there is also a rising movement
among state governors to push for an end to teachers
unions, tenure, and rights to due process, many of
which have existed since at least the early twentieth cen-
tury. It appears that if these movements continue in the
twenty-rst century, teachers will soon have no orga-
nized voice for addressing teaching conditions, budget-
ary concerns, or program and curricular issues.
Further Reading
Alter, Jonathan. Obamas Lesson Planner. Newsweek
(April 11, 2011).
The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working
Families, The Partnership for 21st Century Skills,
and the Society for Human Resource Management.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Are They Really
Ready to Work?
Council on Competitiveness. Innovate America: National
Innovation Summit and Report. Thriving in a World
of Challenge and Change. Washington, DC: 2004.
Klein, David. A Brief History of American K12
Mathematics Education in the 20th Century. 2003.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
An Agenda for Action: Recommendations for School
Mathematics of the 1980s. Reston, VA: NCTM, 1980.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Standards and Focal Points.
Reys, Barbara. The Intended Mathematics Curriculum as
Represented in State-Level Curriculum. 2006. http://
Smith, Karl. Mathematics: Its Power and Utility. 9th ed.
Bellmont, CA: Brooks-Cole, 2009.
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook.
Sharon Whitton
Curriculum, K12 279
See Also: Careers; Competitions and Contests;
Curricula, International; Curriculum, College;
Educational Manipulatives; Educational Testing;
Government and State Legislation; Learning Models
and Trajectories; Math Gene; Mathematicians, Amateur;
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights; Professional
Associations; Schools.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Field of Study: Algebra; Calculus; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Curves have many different denitions
and applications in various elds of mathematics.
Intuitively, a curve might be thought of as a path, like
that of a curveball. A curve is viewed and dened in
several ways depending on the branch of mathematics.
A curve can be dened as the one-dimensional contin-
uous trajectory of an object in space moving in time,
the intersection of two surfaces in space, the image of
the unit interval under a continuous function, or the
graph of a solution of a polynomial equation. Each of
these approaches captures the intuitive idea of a curve
in their respective domains; the rst is more physical,
the second is geometric, the third is topological, and
the last is an algebraic view of a curve. Curves can
be used to create gures, model paths of motion, or
express relationships between variables.
There are many types of curves that are the focus of
classroom investigations, including yield curves, which
are important to investors, and the normal distribution
or bell-shaped curve. Felix Klein is noted to have said,
Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has stud-
ied enough mathematics to become confused through
the countless number of possible exceptions. In edu-
cation, a learning curve is a phrase that is meant to
informally capture the notion of the change in knowl-
edge over time. Algebraic and geometric curves are also
important in school. Children study lines and circles
in primary and middle school. They investigate their
lengths and areas. By high school and college, they
learn about parametric equations of curves and the
280 Curves
area under a curve. In order to enrich classroom learn-
ing, mathematicians and mathematics historians cre-
ated the National Curve Bank Web site.
Early History of the Study of Curves
The Greeks initiated the study of curves and discovered
numerous interesting curves. Apollonius of Perga stud-
ied conic sections as the intersections of a plane and a
cone by changing the angle of intersection. Diocles of
Carystus invented the cissoid curve and used it in his
attempts to solve the problem of doubling the cube.
Nicomedes invented the conchoid curve and used it
in his attempts to solve the problems of doubling the
cube and trisecting an angle. Some have noted that
aspects in the design of the columns of the Parthenon
may resemble a conchoid of Nicomedes, although oth-
ers present different curves as the model. Canon of
Samos invented the spiral that was eventually called the
Archimedean spiral.
This curve was utilized by Archimedes of Syracuse as
a method to attempt to trisect an angle and square the
circle. The Greek view of curves was geometric, since
Greek mathematics was, essentially, geometry-centered.
Hence, their study of curves usually was through some
elaborate and often ingenious methods of construc-
tion. Besides the lack of analytical tools, their insistence
of having concrete or mechanical methods of construc-
tion, andmore importantlytheir attempts to solve
some important problems of antiquity that later were
shown to be unsolvable by ruler and compass construc-
tions are some of the factors contributing to the Greek
concept of curves.
Mathematicians, philosophers, and others intro-
duced and investigated the geometry of many interest-
ing curves long after the ancient Greeks. For example,
Nicholas of Cusa lived in the fteenth century. He is
noted as the rst of many to explore the cycloid, which
was eventually known as the path of a point on a wheel
as the wheel rolls along a straight line.
Developments Since the
Seventeenth Century
With the introduction of analytic geometry in the
seventeenth century, the theory of curves received a
new impetusexpressing curves by equations would
make their study much easier compared to doing it via
elaborate geometrical constructions. Analytic geom-
etry enabled mathematicians to focus on the intrinsic
features of curves; discover and investigate new curves;
study curves in a more systematic way, leading to their
classication into algebraic versus transcendental cat-
egories; and apply the results to various physical prob-
lems, such as the long-standing problem of determin-
ing the orbits of planets or solving the problem of a
hanging chain, which was posed by Jacob Bernoulli.
Gottfried Leibniz, Christiaan Huygens, and Jacob
Bernoullis brother Johann Bernoulli responded to the
elder Bernoullis challenge with the equation of the cat-
enary. In the eighteenth century, Guido Grandi inves-
tigated rhodonea curves that resemble roses and what
was later to be known as the Witch of Agnesi, named
because of a mistranslation of the example in Maria
Agnesis famous calculus textbook.
Beginning with the seventeenth century, smooth
curves have been an intense subject of investigation
leading to determination of various features. Smooth
curves, like lines, circles, parabolas, spirals, and helices,
possess properties that make them amenable to numer-
ous applications besides lacking any jagged behavior.
For example, younger students learn that a straight line
is the shortest path between two points in the plane,
and mathematicians in the seventeenth century won-
dered about an analog for surfaces. A geodesic curve is
locally a minimizing path; as a result, it is important in
advanced mathematics and physics classes. Leonhard
Euler published differential equations for geodesics in
1732. Mathematicians also investigated the classica-
tion of smooth curves. One invariant is the length of
a curve. In general, length does not distinguish two
different curves. It turns out that two other invariants,
called the curvature and torsion, work much bet-
ter for this purpose. Broadly speaking, at any point on
the curve, the curvature measures the deviance of the
curve from being a straight line, and the torsion func-
tion measures the deviance of the curve from being a
plane curve. Furthermore, the fundamental theorem of
curves states that these invariants determine the curve, a
result that is proved in twenty-rst-century college dif-
ferential geometry classrooms using the FrenetSerret
Formulas. These are named for Jean Frdric Frenet
and Joseph Serret, who independently discovered them
in the nineteenth century.
With further investigations by prominent math-
ematicians, like Carl Friedrich Gauss, Gaspard Monge,
Jean-Victor Poncelet, and their students, the theory
of curves, particularly smooth curves, matured into
an active eld of research. The ndings in the theory
of curves not only enriched the realm of curve stud-
ies, they also contributed to the development of new
ideas that ended up revolutionizing mathematics in
the nineteenth century. Broadly speaking, the general
denition of a curve is topological; namely, a curve
is dened as a continuous map from an interval to a
space. Curves can be algebraic (those dened via alge-
braic equations). For instance, a plane curve can also
be expressed by an equation
F x y , ( ) = 0
and a space curve can be expressed by two equations
F x y z , , ( ) = 0 and G x y z , , ( ) = 0.
A curve is algebraic when its dening equations are
algebraica polynomial in x and y (and z). The cardi-
oid, a heart-shaped curve whose Cartesian equation is
x y ax a x y
2 2
2 2
2 4 +
( )
= +
( )
and the asteroid, whose Cartesian equation is
x y a
+ =
where a is a constant, are algebraic curves.
Before analytic geometry, each of these curves had
been expressed using geometric investigations; for
example, a circle turning around a circle that sweeps
out the cardioid, or wheels turning within wheels that
form the asteroid. Transcendental curves cannot be
dened algebraically and include the brachistochrone
curve, also known as the curve of fastest descent; very
complicated looking fractal curves, such as the Koch
snowake, named for Helge von Koch, who explored
the geometry in a 1904 paper; and paradoxical sound-
ing space-lling curves, discovered by Giuseppe Peano
in 1890. The last two types of curves can be extremely
jagged curves with no smooth components.
An algebraic curve of the form y x ax b
2 3
= + + ,
where a and b are real numbers, satisfying the relation
4 27 0
3 2
a b + , is called an elliptic curve. Geometri-
cally, this condition ensures that the curve does not
have any cusps, self-intersections, or isolated points.
On the points of elliptic curves (including the point
at innity), one can dene an operation by three
Curves 281
points sum to zero, if and only if they are collinear.
This interesting feature of elliptic curves, besides being
an important algebraic structure to be studied on its
own, also has found some astonishing applications,
such as in cryptography for developing elliptic curve-
based public-key cryptosystems. Elliptic curves are also
important in number theory; they are effective tools
in integer factorization problems. They also turned up
as an instrumental tool in the proof of Fermats Last
Theorem, named for Pierre de Fermat.
Further Reading
Boyer, C. B. Historical Stages in the Denition of Curves.
National Mathematics Magazine 19, no. 6 (1945).
Lockwood, E. H. A Book of Curves. New York; Cambridge
University Press, 1963.
National Curve Bank.
OConnor, John, and Edmund Robertson. MacTutor:
Famous Curves Index. http://www-history.mcs
Dogan Comez
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Conic Sections; Limits and Continuity;
Normal Distribution; Planetary Orbits; Polynomials.
282 Curves
Curves can be extremely jagged curves with no smooth components, such as the complicated Koch snowflake
fractal curve named for Helge von Koch who explored the geometry in a 1904 paper.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is vital to the design,
monitoring, maintenance, and safety of dams.
Dams are embankments across a waterway for control
of water or for water storage; they have served many
functions in societies throughout history. The earli-
est dams were primarily used for irrigation and as a
water source for livestock. Today, smaller dams provide
water for livestock, sh and wildlife habitat, and recre-
ation. Larger dams can provide ood control in places
below sea level, like New Orleans and the Netherlands;
municipal and industrial water supply; irrigation for
crops; hydroelectric power; commercial navigation;
and recreation. They are typically earthen dams, con-
crete structures, or some combination. Older dams
were sometimes made of timber, masonry, or steel.
Mathematicians and engineers investigate many aspects
of the construction and maintenance of dams using
geometry, trigonometry, and stochastic and limit-state
analyses. For instance, Boris Galerkin, who had degrees
in applied mathematics and mechanics, studied stress
in dams, and Pelageia Polubarinova, who had a degree
in mathematics, contributed to the theory of seepage
ow of groundwater through porous materials that
included earth dams. Some well-known dams are the
Itaip Dam in Brazil and Paraguay, the Hoover Dam
in the United States, the Aswan Dam in Egypt, and the
Dneproges Dam in the Ukraine.
Considerations for building a dam must take into
account both positive and negative impacts. There are
a variety of benets of a dam that are closely related
to its usesproviding water supply, ood control,
hydroelectric power, and navigation. Hydroelec-
tric power provides an important source of electri-
cal power around the world. Commercial navigation
through river systems provides efcient and economi-
cal transportation of agricultural products and com-
mercial goods. Many dams that control ood plains
provide farmers with an increased crop yield because
land that would once have been ooded is now con-
trolled upstream by the dam. Negatively, some dams
may hinder sh movement; for example, along some
streams, salmon are not able to get back to their native
spawning areas because of the dam. Additionally, dams
affect the natural order of a streamits sediment load
and ooding characteristics.
Purposes and Design
Dams are constructed with a denite purpose in mind
based on the function(s) they are to serve. Dams are
built to control watershed areas (all the area upstream
of the dam, which provides runoff to the structure).
Engineers use a variety of mathematics skills as they
plan, design, construct, and operate a dam. During the
planning stage, engineers work with sponsors to scope
out the needs and develop a basic design for the struc-
ture including design issues such as location, height,
and base ow of the structure. Base ow is calculated
with the formula Q = v A where Q is the base ow
rate, v is the velocity of water, and A is the area. Another
important part of the planning stage is determining the
economic feasibility of building the dam by calculating
a benet-to-cost ratio. Using a mathematical model,
both the benets of the dam over its life and the total
cost of building and maintaining the dam are calculated.
Ideally, for the construction of a dam to be feasible, the
benet-to-cost ratio needs to be greater than 1.
As a part of the design process, engineers must cre-
ate detailed blueprints for the structure and an accom-
panying cost sheet that includes items such as quanti-
ties or volumes of a variety of materials (for example,
cubic yards of concrete) and the cost of the removal
and placement of earthen materials, which can be mil-
lions of cubic yards in the case of large dams. During
the construction of the dam, the blueprints must be
followed with precision and detail to ensure the integ-
rity of the dam. Once the dam is constructed, regular
monitoring is important to ensure the most efcient
use of the available storage. Engineers monitor the
amount of water leaving the dam through its spillway,
as well as the amount of water entering the watershed.
These inows and outows must be balanced in order
to maintain storage needs and prevent ooding or low
ows in the river downstream.
A major consideration in the planning, design, con-
struction, and maintenance of any dam is safety. Engi-
neers determine a hazard rating for each dam, with
the highest hazard rating dealing with potential loss of
human life. A breach in a dam can be catastrophic. A
breach in a dam can be caused by a aw in the design
of the structure, extreme rainfall, lack of or poor main-
tenance of the structure, or a geological occurrence.
Regular inspection and maintenance are important to
ensure the safety of those downstream from the dam.
Further Reading
Hiltzik, Michael. Colossus: Hoover Dam and the Making
of the American Century. New York: Free Press, 2010.
Macy, Christine. Dams. New York: W. W. Norton
& Company, 2009.
Prabhu, N. U. Stochastic Storage Processes: Queues,
Insurance Risk, Dams, and Data Communication.
2nd ed. New York: Springer, 1998.
Juliana Utley
See Also: Engineering Design; Floods; Water
Data Analysis and
Probability in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Data Analysis and
Summary: Today, most industries depend on data
analysis for some aspect of their work.
Data analysis can be thought of as the process of collect-
ing, transforming, summarizing, and modeling data,
usually with the goal of producing useful information
that facilitates drawing logical conclusions or making
decisions. Virtually any eld that conducts experiments
or makes observations is involved in data analysis.
There are many mathematical data analysis meth-
ods, including statistics, data mining, data presentation
architecture, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and Fou-
rier analysis, named for mathematician Joseph Fourier.
Probabilistic statistical methods are among the most
widely applied tools, and they are what many people
think of when they hear the term data analysis. The
use of probability, statistical analysis, and other mathe-
matical data analysis methods is widespread, especially
given technological advances and computer software
that facilitate rapid, automated data collection and ef-
cient, effective processing of massive data sets. Accord-
ing to forecasts included in the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics 20102011 Occupational Outlook Handbook,
the demand for statisticians and individuals with
mathematical data analysis skills is expected to grow.
Jobs that involve data collection, probabilistic model-
ing, statistical data analysis, data interpretation, and
284 Data Analysis and Probability in Society
technical and nontechnical audiences, and statistical
thinking or literacy. People with bachelors degrees in
mathematics, statistics, or related mathematical elds,
like operations research or decision sciences, can often
nd entry-level data analysis positions in government
and industry, but research-related jobs and teaching at
the community college level typically require masters
degrees. Teaching or research-related jobs at four-
year colleges and universities usually require doctoral
degrees. Work experience or qualifying exams, such
as those administered by the Society of Actuaries, are
often necessary for employment in some industries.
Training and certication programs like Six Sigma
Black Belt also signify a certain level of data analysis
skill and knowledge.
Virtually all federal organizations have data analy-
sis specialists or entire statistical subdivisions that use
mathematical and statistical models. Since ancient
times, governments have collected data and used math-
ematical methods to perform necessary functions.
Archaeological evidence suggests that many ancient
civilizations conducted censuses to enumerate their
populations, often for taxation or military recruitment.
Livestock, trade goods, and other property were some-
times counted in addition to people. Mathematics facil-
itated decisions regarding the distribution of resources
like land, water, and food. The German word for this
process of state arithmetic is cited as the origin of the
English word statistics, which rst appeared in Statis-
tical Accounts of Scotland, an eighteenth-century work
by politician John Sinclair that included data about
people, geography, and economics. In the United States,
counting of the population is required by the U.S. Con-
stitution, and congressional representation for the U.S.
House of Representatives is determined by the decen-
nial census population values.
Over the decades, many mathematicians and stat-
isticians worked on planning and implementing the
census, like Lemuel Shattuck, who also co-founded
the American Statistical Association in 1839. Since its
creation in 1902, the duties and activities of the U.S.
Census Bureau have grown beyond the mandated 10-
year census to include collecting and analyzing data on
many social and economic issues, and the U.S. Census
Bureau is one of the largest employers of mathemati-
cians and statisticians in the country. At the start of
data dissemination are found in both the public and
private sector, as well as in a diverse array of disciplines,
including agriculture, biology, computer science, digi-
tal imaging, economics, engineering, education, for-
estry, geography, insurance, law, manufacturing, mar-
keting, medicine, operations research, psychology, and
Many specialized data analysts are known by job titles
or classications other than statistician, such as actuary,
biostatistician, demographer, econometrician, epidemi-
ologist, or psychometrician. In the twenty-rst century,
both probability and data analysis are components of
U.S. primary and secondary mathematics education,
usually starting in the earliest grades and continuing
through high school. This curriculum has been advo-
cated by the National Council of Teachers of Mathemat-
ics in its Principles and Standards for School Mathematics,
published in 2000, as well as by professional organiza-
tions such as the American Statistical Association and
the Mathematical Association of America.
Professional Education
The rst college statistics department was founded
in 1911 at University College London. Other depart-
ments in universities around the world followed. In
the twenty-rst century, more than 200 colleges and
universities in the United States offer undergraduate
statistics degrees, and many more schools offer minors
and courses in probability and statistics, data mining,
and other mathematical data analysis methods. These
courses may be taught either in mathematics and sta-
tistics departments or, often, in one of many partner
disciplines, such as psychology, biology, or business.
Graduate degrees in statistics do not necessarily require
an undergraduate degree in statistics or mathemat-
ics, but most graduate degree programs prefer strong
mathematical or statistical backgrounds with courses
in areas like differential and integral calculus, mathe-
matical modeling, probability theory, statistical meth-
ods, vector analysis, linear algebra, and mathematical
statistics. Historically, computational methods were a
primary focus of statistics education. With the evolu-
tion of technology and the growing role of statistics in
everyday life, statistics education has shifted to focus
on conceptual understanding, analysis of real data
in context, survey sampling and experimental design
methods, technology for analysis and presentation,
communication of methodology and results to both
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 285
the twenty-rst century, various agencies of the U.S.
government employed approximately 20% of the
statisticians in the country. An additional 10% were
employed by state and local governments, including
state universities.
Statisticians and other mathematical data analysts
working within many federal agencies are also respon-
sible for developing new and innovative methods for
gathering, validating, and analyzing data, especially the
massive, messy, or incomplete data sets that are increas-
ingly common in technological and industrialized
societies. They also work to reduce bias and more accu-
rately model issues that affect individuals and organi-
zations. Many countries and governing entities around
the world have agencies that perform similar functions.
One major area of interest for most governments is the
economic health of the country and the well-being of
its workers. In the United States, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics measures and forecasts factors such as labor
market activity, productivity, price changes, spend-
ing, and working conditions. They began collecting
data at the federal level in 1884. The Current Popula-
tion Survey, implemented by the U.S. Census Bureau,
is a monthly survey of about 50,000 households that
has been conducted for more than 50 years, and the
Current Employment Statistics Survey gathers data from
about 410,000 worksites to summarize variables such
as hours worked and earnings.
While the Bureau of Labor Statistics focuses mostly
on manufacturing and services, the U.S. Department of
Agricultures Economic Research Service, established
in 1961, is responsible for data about farming, natural
resources, and rural development, addressing issues
like food safety, climate, farm employment, and rural
economies. Its online Food Environment Atlas includes
indicators that describe the U.S. food environment
and model concepts like peoples geographic proxim-
ity to grocery stores or restaurants and food prices.
The National Agricultural Statistics Service, also estab-
lished in 1961, conducts the Census of Agriculture. It
286 Data Analysis and Probability in Society
The SeaWiFS Data Analysis System at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an image
analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data.
can be traced in part to a 1957 Congressional decision
to approve probability survey methods for agriculture
research. The U.S. Internal Revenue Services Statistics
Income Division, created in 1916, was among the rst
federal agencies to use stratied random sampling and
machine summarization of data, both in the 1920s. In
the twenty-rst century, it assesses the tax impact of
federal legislation.
Beyond their workforces, governments are also typi-
cally interested in the overall health, safety, and education
of members of the broader society. The U.S. National
Center for Health Statistics, established in 1960, com-
piles public health statistics, tracks federal health ini-
tiatives, and helps assess trends related to health care
and health behaviors. For example, it has monitored
efforts to reduce obesity and teen pregnancy. Other data
include health care delivery and changes, such as the use
of prescription medications and emergency rooms. The
Bureau of Justice Statistics, founded in 1980, is primar-
ily responsible for crime and criminal justice data col-
lection, analysis, and dissemination in the United States.
One of its principal reports is the annual National Crime
Victimization Survey. The Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion, founded in 1908, creates the annual Uniform Crime
Report. The National Center for Education Statistics is
mandated by the 2002 Educational Sciences Reform Act
to collect and analyze statistics and facts as shall show
the condition and progress of education in the several
states and territories of the United States. The U.S. Con-
gress uses data from this agency to plan education pro-
grams and to apportion federal funds among states.
In the twentieth century, issues like the energy cri-
sis of the 1970s, climate change, and concerns over the
future availability of oil focused more attention on U.S.
energy resources and infrastructure. The Energy Infor-
mation Administration (EIA) was established in 1977
to independently and impartially collect and analyze
data to disseminate information about energy resources,
uses, infrastructure, and ow, as well as their impacts on
and responses to economic and environmental variables.
The goals are to assist in creating policies and making
energy decisions as well as educating the public about
all aspects of energy. The EIAs Energy Kids Web site
contains educational materials for primary and middle
school students, and its Energy Explained Web site is
aimed at the older students and the general public.
While government is one of the largest producers
and users of statistics, not everyone agrees on their
validity or utility. Many have criticized politicians for
selectively using or deliberately misusing data and
statistics, while others have suggested that the issue is
insufcient training or understanding of mathematical
data analysisthough statistical methods are increas-
ingly part of political science degree programs. For-
mer North Carolina Representative Lunsford Richard-
son Preyer once said: Statistics do not always lie, but
they seldom voluntarily tell the truth. We can argue
any position on this bill on a set of statistics and some
study or another. At the same time, some propose that
effective democracy depends on citizens being able to
access and understand current statistics. The burden
and responsibility to produce credible information
then rests with both the public, which has an obli-
gation to provide valid data and seek to understand
the outcomes, and the government, which must col-
lect, analyze, and publicize information in a reliable,
timely, and nonpartisan manner.
Industry and Manufacturing
The notion of interchangeable partspioneered by
individuals like eighteenth-century army ofcer and
engineer Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval and
inventor Eli Whitneyfollowed by the mass produc-
tion of goods during the Industrial Revolution, ushered
in a new era of data collection and analysis to ensure the
quality of manufactured products. In the early twenti-
eth century, physicist and statistician Walter Shewhart
pioneered data analysis methods in manufacturing
that led some to call him the father of statistical qual-
ity control. Among other accomplishments, he devel-
oped specialized charts using data and probability to
sample and track the variability in processes to iden-
tify both natural, random process deviations and non-
random deviations in order to eliminate the latter and
thus improve consistency in the product.
W. Edwards Deming expanded on these notions
to help develop the industrial management practice
known as continuous quality control or continu-
ous quality improvement. Deming is credited with
signicant contributions to Japans postWorld War
II reputation for high-quality products, and his data-
based control methods have been widely adopted in
the United States. For example, Motorolas Six Sigma
program, founded in the 1980s, focused on training
managers and employees at various levels in statistical
methods and practices designed to identify and remove
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 287
causes of product defects with the overall goal of mini-
mizing process variability. The program name derives
from statistical notation: sigma () is commonly used
to represent standard deviation, a measure of vari-
ability. Six standard deviations on either side of the
mean in a bell-shaped or normal curve encompasses
virtually all of the data values. If there are six standard
deviations between the process mean and the nearest
product specication limit, only three or four items per
million produced will fail to meet those specications.
General Electric and other companies adapted and
evolved the original Six Sigma ideas by merging them
with other management strategies. For example, in the
1990s, concepts from a manufacturing optimization
method known as lean manufacturing resulted in a
hybrid program called Lean Six Sigma.
Data analysis and probability are also used in adver-
tising and market research. Many of the common mar-
ket research practices used in the twenty-rst century
are traced to the work of engineer and pioneer tele-
vision analyst Arthur Nielson. These practices include
data analysis to quantify market share and determin-
ing sales patterns by combining consumer surveys with
sales audits.
Medicine and Pharmacy
In the nineteenth century, some in the medical commu-
nity began to investigate the idea of using data analysis
for medical applications. Physician William Farr applied
data analytic methods to model epidemic diseases. He
is often credited as the founder of epidemiology. Phy-
sician John Snow gathered data to trace the source of
an 1854 cholera outbreak in London. Along with his
census work, Shattuck helped implement many public
health measures based on data analyses. Florence Night-
ingale invented her own graphical data presentations in
order to summarize data on the health impacts of poor
hygiene in British military hospitals. In the twenty-rst
century, agencies like the U.S. Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention and the World Health Organiza-
tion collect, analyze, and model data in order to, among
other goals, track the spread of infectious disease; assess
the impact of preventive measures, like vaccinations;
and test the virulence of infectious agents.
Clinical trials or experiments are also performed to
determine the effectiveness and safety of new medical
procedures and drugs. In the eighteenth century, phy-
sician James Lind tested remedies for scurvy aboard a
British navy ship, which can be cited as one of the rst
recorded cases of a controlled medical trial. Statistician
and epidemiologist Austin Bradford Hill helped pioneer
randomized, controlled clinical trials in the twentieth
century and also worked to develop the Bradford-Hill
criteria, a set of logical and mathematical conditions that
must be met to determine causal relationships. Approval
and patenting of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
by federal agencies like the Food and Drug Administra-
tion, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, require extensive experimentation and data
analysis. For example, when a television commercial
for a drug states that it is clinically proven, this usually
means that it has gone through experimental testing and
that appropriate analyses of data have determined that
it is very probably effective and safe, according to mea-
sures like the Bradford-Hill criteria.
Finance and Insurance
Probability is essential for quantifying risk, a concept
that underlies most nancial ventures and drives inter-
est, credit, loan, and insurance rates. Data analysis can
be used to derive probabilities and create nancial
models or indices like Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO)
scores, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and nations
gross domestic products. Engineer and economist Wil-
liam Playfair is considered to be one of the creators of
graphical data analysis. Beginning in the eighteenth
century, he researched trade decits and other types
of economic and nancial data. Mathematician Louis
Bachelier is known as the father of nancial math-
ematics for his use of Brownian motion to model stock
options at the turn of the twentieth century. Brownian
motion, named for botanist Robert Brown, is a stochas-
tic (probabilistic or random) process. The international
Bachelier Financial Society is named for Louis Bach-
elier. Its goal is the advancement of the discipline of
nance under the application of the theory of stochastic
processes, statistical and mathematical theory, and it is
open to individuals in any discipline. Actuarial scientists
or actuaries are also widely employed to develop models
of the nancial impact of risk. For example, they may
use a combination of theoretical probability and data
analysis to determine appropriate premiums for life or
health insurance using variables such as life expectancy,
which is adjusted for characteristics or behaviors that
modify risk, like gender or smoking. Astronomer and
mathematician Edmund Halley, for whom Halleys
288 Data Analysis and Probability in Society
Comet is named, is also often cited as the founder of
actuarial science. He calculated mortality tables using
data from the city of Breslau, Germany (now Wrocaw,
Poland). Published in 1693, these tables are the earliest
known works to mathematically quantify the relation-
ship between age and mortality.
Entertainment and Gambling
Archaeological evidence suggests that games of chance
have existed since antiquity. Probability appears in
different forms in written works throughout the cen-
turies, like the body of Talmudic scholarship and the
1494 treatise of mathematician and friar Luca Pacioli
known as Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni
et proportionalita. The mathematical study of probabil-
ity as it is known in the twenty-rst century is tradi-
tionally traced to seventeenth-century mathematicians
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat, who were inspired
to formulate their mathematical doctrine of chances
by problems in gambling. In the twenty-rst century,
gambling is a multibillion dollar industry. In Las Vegas
and other places, oddsmakers use probability to deter-
mine risks, point spreads, and payoff values for games
of chance, sporting events, and lotteries. Players often
use betting systems that are based on data analysis or
probability to attempt to beat the odds and increase
their chances of winning.
One example was a group of students from the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology and other schools
who used card counting techniques and mathemati-
cal optimization strategies in blackjack, which was the
basis of the 2008 movie 21 and a television documen-
tary Breaking Vegas. The television game show Deal or
No Deal, which has aired versions in approximately 80
countries around the world, has been studied by math-
ematicians, statisticians, and economists as a case of
decision making involving probability and data anal-
ysis concepts, like expected value. Probability-based
random number generation is incorporated into many
popular video games to increase realism and create
multiple scenarios, while moviemakers are exploring
probability-based articial intelligence systems to gen-
erate realistic behavior in large, computer-generated
battle scenes. The pioneering Lord of the Rings mov-
ies used a program developed by computer graphics
software engineer Stephen Regelous and named Mul-
tiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment
(MASSIVE), which uses probabilistic methods like
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 289
he growing importance of statistical data anal-
ysis in global twenty-rst century society was
highlighted by the rst World Statistics Day, which
was held on October 20, 2010 (20.10.2010 in
common international date notation). In his letter
to world leaders, United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Ban Ki-moon emphasized the importance of
data and statistical analysis to the current and
future welfare of global society: Let us make
this historic World Statistics Day a success by ac-
knowledging and celebrating the role of statistics
in the social and economic development of our
societies and by dedicating further efforts and
resources to strengthening national statistical
capacity. More than 130 countries and areas,
as well as professional statistical organizations,
universities, and other groups, held celebrations.
Several international organizations also hosted a
World Statistics Day conference in Geneva, Swit-
zerland. That gathering brought together data
analysis professionals from academia, govern-
ment, and business, along with various end-us-
ers of statistics, to discuss the essential role
of statistical data analysis in everyday life and
in solving humanitys most pressing social, eco-
nomic, and environmental issues. In the United
States, President Barack Obama cited the impor-
tance of such methods: Statistical data drives
countless decisions which impact our nation. It
guides representation in the United States Con-
gress; informs our economic, social service, and
national security outlook; and helps determine
where infrastructure like schools, hospitals, and
roads should be built.
World Statistics Day
fuzzy logic, derived from the fuzzy set theory of com-
puter scientist and mathematician Lot Zadeh. Most
sports collect a wide variety of data about their play-
ers, but in the latter twentieth century, advanced math-
ematical modeling, such as sabermetrics, developed by
statistician George William Bill James, gained popu-
larity for analyzing player and team performance and
making predictions.
Further Reading
Best, Joel. Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling
Numbers From the Media, Politicians, and Activists.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
Davenport, Thomas. Competing on Analytics: The
New Science of Winning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Business School Press, 2007.
Mlowdinow, Leonard. The Drunkards Walk: How
Randomness Rules Our Lives. New York: Vintage
Books, 2009.
Murphy, Megan, ed. World Statistics Day. Amstat News
400. (October 2010).
Rosenthal, Jeffrey. Struck by Lightning: The Curious
World of Probabilities. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry
Press, 2008.
Salsburg, David. The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics
Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century. New
York: Holt Paperbacks, 2002.
Taleb, Nassim. Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of
Chance in Life and in the Markets. New York: Random
House, 2008.
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook.
Wainer, Howard. Picturing the Uncertain World: How to
Understand, Communicate, and Control Uncertainty
through Graphical Display. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Baseball; Census; Congressional
Representation; Deming, W. Edwards; Diseases, Tracking
Infectious; Energy; Expected Values; Forecasting;
Gerrymandering; Industrial Revolution; Inventory
Models; Life Expectancy; Market Research; Normal
Distribution; Probability; Quality Control; Sample
Surveys; Statistics Education; Stock Market Indices.
Data Mining
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Data mining is the relatively recent practice
of using algorithms to distill patterns, summaries, and
other specic forms of information from databases.
Advances in technology in the latter half of the twen-
tieth century led to the accumulation of massive data
sets in government, business, industry, and various
sciences. Extracting useful information from these
large-scale data sets required new mathematical and
statistical methods to model data, account for error,
and handle issues like missing data values and differ-
ent variable scales or measures. Data mining uses tools
from statistics, machine learning, computer science,
and mathematics to extract information from data,
especially from large databases. The concepts involved
in data mining are drawn from many mathematical
elds such as fuzzy sets, developed by mathematician
and computer scientist Lot Zadeh, and genetic algo-
rithms, based on the work of mathematicians such as
Nils Barricelli. Because of the massive amounts of data
processed, data mining relies heavily on computers,
and mathematicians contribute to the development of
new algorithms and hardware systems. For example,
the Gfarm Grid File System was developed in the early
twenty-rst century to facilitate high-performance
petascale-level computing and data mining.
Data mining has roots in three areas: classical statis-
tics, articial intelligence, and machine learning. In the
late 1980s and early 1990s, companies that owned large
databases of customer information, in particular credit
card banks, wanted to explore the potential for learn-
ing more about their customers through their transac-
tions. The term data mining had been used by statis-
ticians since the 1960s as a pejorative term to describe
the undisciplined exploration of data. It was also called
data dredging and shing. However, in the 1990s,
researchers and practitioners from the eld of machine
learning began successfully applying their algorithms
to these large databases in order to discover patterns
that enable businesses to make better decisions and to
develop hypotheses for future investigations.
290 Data Mining
Partly to avoid the negative connotations of the term
data mining, researchers coined the term knowledge
discovery in databases (KDD) to describe the entire
process of nding useful patterns in databases, from
the collection and preparation of the data, to the end
product of communicating the results of the analyses
to others. This term gained popularity in the machine
learning and AI elds, but the term data mining is still
used by statisticians. Those who use the term KDD
refer to data mining as only the specic part of the KDD
process where algorithms are applied to the data. The
broader interpretation will be used in this discussion.
Software programs to implement data mining
emerged in the 1990s and continue to evolve today.
There are open-source programs (such as WEKA, and packages in
R, and many commercial
programs that offer easy-to-use graphical user inter-
faces (GUIs), which can facilitate the spread of data
mining practice throughout an organization.
Types of Problems
The specic types of tasks that data mining addresses
are typically broken into four types:
1. Predictive Modeling (classication, regression)
2. Segmentation (data clustering)
3. Summarization
4. Visualization
Predictive modeling is the building of models for a
response variable for the main purpose of predicting
the value of that response under newor futureval-
ues of the predictor variables. Predictive modeling
problems, in turn, are further broken into classication
problems or regression problems, depending on the
nature of the response variable being predicted. If the
response variable is categorical (for example, whether
a customer will switch telephone providers at the end
of a subscription period or will stay with his or her cur-
rent company), the problem is called a classication.
If the response is quantitative (for example, the amount
a customer will spend with the company in the next
year), the problem is a regression problem. The term
regression is used for these problems even when tech-
niques other than regression are used to produce the
predictions. Because there is a clear response variable,
predictive modeling problems are also called super-
vised problems in machine learning. Sometimes there
is no response variable to predict, but an analyst may
want to divide customers into segments based on a vari-
ety of variables. These segments may be meaningful to
the analyst, but there is no response variable to predict
in order to evaluate the accuracy of the segmentation.
Such problems with no specied response variable are
known as unsupervised learning problems.
Summarization describes any numerical summaries
of variables that are not necessarily used to model a
response. For example, an analyst may want to exam-
ine the average age, income, and credit scores of a large
batch of potential new customers without wanting to
predict other behaviors. Any use of graphical displays
for this purpose, especially those involving many vari-
ables at the same time, is called visualization.
Data mining uses a variety of algorithms (computer code)
based on mathematical equations to build models that
describe the relationship between the response variable
and a set of predictor variables. The algorithms are taken
from statistics and machine learning literature, including
such classical statistical techniques as linear regression
and logistic regression and time series analysis, as well
as more recently developed techniques like classication
and regression trees (ID3 or C4.5 in machine learning),
neural networks, nave Bayes, K-nearest neighbor tech-
niques, and support vector machines.
One of the challenges of data mining is to choose
which algorithm to use in a particular application.
Unlike the practice in classical statistics, the data miner
often builds multiple models on the same data set,
using a new set of data (called the test set) to evaluate
which model performs best.
Recent advances in data mining combine models
into ensembles in an effort to collect the benets of the
constituent models. The two main ensemble methods
are known as bootstrap aggregation (bagging) and
boosting. Both methods build many (possibly hun-
dreds or even thousands of) models on resampled ver-
sions of the same data set and take a (usually weighted)
average (in the case of regression) or a majority vote
(in the case of classication) to combine the models.
The claim is that ensemble methods produce models
with both less variance and less bias than individual
models in a wide variety of applications. This is a cur-
rent area of research in data mining.
Data Mining 291
Data mining techniques are being applied everywhere
there are large data sets. A number of important appli-
cation areas include the following:
1. Customer relationship management (CRM).
Credit card banks formed one of the
rst groups of companies to use large
transactional databases in an attempt to
predict and understand patterns of customer
behavior. Models help banks understand
acquisition, retention, and cross-selling
2. Risk and collection analytics. Predicting both
who is most likely to default on loans and
which type of collection strategy is likely to
be successful is crucial to banks.
3. Direct marketing. Knowing which customers
are most likely to respond to direct marketing
could save companies billions of dollars a
year in junk mail and other related costs.
4. Fraud detection. Models to identify fraudulent
transactions are used by banks and a
variety of government agencies including
state comptrollers ofces and the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS).
5. Terrorist detection. Data mining has been
used by various government agencies in an
attempt to help identify terrorist activity
although concerns of condentiality have
accompanied these uses.
6. Genomics and proteomics. Researchers use
data mining techniques in an attempt to
associate specic genes and proteins with
diseases and other biological activity. This
eld is also known as bioinformatics.
7. Healthcare. Data mining is increasingly used
to study efciencies in physician decisions,
pharmaceutical prescriptions, diagnostic
results, and other healthcare outcomes.
Concerns and Controversies
Privacy issues are some of the main concerns of the
public with respect to data mining. In fact, some kinds
of data mining and discovery are illegal. There are fed-
eral and state privacy laws that protect the information
of individuals. Nearly every Web site, credit card com-
pany, and other information collecting organization has
a publicly available privacy policy. Social networking
sites, such as Facebook, have been criticized for shar-
ing and selling information about subscribers for data
mining purposes. In healthcare, the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
was enacted to help protect individuals health infor-
mation from being shared without their knowledge.
Further Reading
Berry, M. A. J., and G. Linoff. Data Mining Techniques For
Marketing, Sales and Customer Support. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 1997.
De Veaux, R. D. Data Mining: A View From Down in the
Pit. Stats 34 (2002).
, and H. Edelstein. Reducing Junk Mail Using
Data Mining Techniques. In Statistics: A Guide to the
Unknown. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks-
Cole, 2006.
Piatetsky-Shapiro, Gregory. Knowledge Discovery in
Real Databases: A Workshop Report. AI Magazine
11, no. 5 (January 1991).
Richard De Veaux
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Forecasting; Neural Networks; Predicting Preferences;
Statistics Education.
Daubechies, Ingrid
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Summary: The rst female president of the
International Mathematical Union, Belgian Ingrid
Daubechies revolutionized work on wavelets.
Ingrid Daubechies is a physicist and mathematician
widely known for her work with time frequency analy-
sis, including wavelets, and their applications in engi-
neering, science, and art. Some people even refer to
her as the mother of wavelets. In 1994, Daubechies
became the rst tenured woman professor in the Math-
ematics Department of Princeton University, and in
2004 she was named the William R. Kenan, Jr. Profes-
292 Daubechies, Ingrid
sor of Mathematics at Princeton.
Daubechies has achieved many
honors internationally and was
the rst woman to receive a
National Academy of Sciences
Award in Mathematics. In 2010,
she became the rst woman
president of the International
Mathematical Union.
Daubechies was born in
Houthalen, Belgium, in 1954. As
a child she enjoyed sewing clothes
for dolls, saying about her expe-
riences, It was fascinating to
me that by putting together at
pieces of fabric one could make
something that was not at at all
but followed curved surfaces.
She also computed powers of
two in her head before sleeping,
a childhood activity that coinci-
dentally her future husband also
engaged in. She had the support
of her parents, which she appre-
ciated. Her father, a coal mine engineer, answered her
mathematical questions, and she tried to do the same
with her own children. She attended a single-sex school
and was not exposed to the idea that there might be
gender differences in mathematics, saying, So it didnt
occur to me.Later on, I did meet people who felt
or even articulated very clearly that women were less
suited for mathematics or science, but by then I was
condent enough to take this as a sign of their nar-
row-mindedness rather than let it inuence me. She
earned her bachelors degree in 1975 in physics, and her
Ph.D. in physics in 1980 from the Free University (Vrije
Universiteit) in Brussels, Belgium. She held a research
position at the Free University until 1987, when she
accepted a position as a member of the technical staff of
the Mathematics Research Center at AT&T Bell Labora-
tories in the United States. She remained at the Bell Labs
until 1994, although she took two leaves of absence for
research: one for six months at the University of Michi-
gan, and another for two years at Rutgers University
Wavelet Analysis
Daubechies is best known for her work in wavelet
analysis, a cross-disciplinary eld that allowed her to
combine her interest in math-
ematics with her training in
physics. She has stated that she
now considers herself a math-
ematician rather than a physicist
because her work in physics was
always highly theoretical and
mathematical, and because she
is interested in applications out-
side physics, particularly in engi-
neering. A wavelet is an oscilla-
tion that has an amplitude that
moves from zero to some point
and then decreases back to zero
(similar to an oscillation on a
heart monitor). A wavelet trans-
form is a mathematical function,
similar to a Fourier transform,
which allows data to be divided
into frequency components and
may be used to analyze signals
that contain discontinuities and
spikes. Jean Morlet and Alex
Grossman developed the con-
tinuous wavelet function in the 1980s, and Daubechies,
working with Yves Meyer and Alex Grossman, devel-
oped a discrete approach that allowed the reconstruc-
tion of wavelets from discrete values.
Applications of Wavelet Analysis
Wavelet analysis has many practical applications, par-
ticularly in creating and storing digital images. For
instance, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
has used wavelet analysis since 1993 to encode digitized
ngerprint records. This application is due in large part
to the fact that a wavelet transform of an image reduces
the amount of computer memory required to store it by
as much as 93% compared to conventional image stor-
age methods. Another application of wavelet analysis
is in medical imaging systems, such as magnetic reso-
nance imaging and computerized tomography. These
technologies use scanners to collect digital information
that is then assembled by a computer into a two- or
three-dimensional picture of some internal aspect of
the patients body. Data processing methods involv-
ing wavelet transforms clean up and smooth digital
information to yield a sharper image. Using wavelet
transforms in medical scanning also reduces the time
Daubechies, Ingrid 293
Physicist and mathematician
Ingrid Daubechies is the first
woman president of the
International Mathematical Union.
used to take the scan (thus reducing the patients expo-
sure to radiation) and makes the process of acquiring
usable images faster and cheaper.
Further Reading
Case, Bettye Anne, and Anne Leggett. Complexities:
Women in Mathematics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2005.
Haunsperger, Deanna, and Stephen Kennedy. Coal
Miners Daughter. Math Horizons 7 (April 2000).
National Academy of Sciences. InterViews: Ingrid
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Animation and CGI; Digital Images; Digital
Storage; Women.
Deep Submergence
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Field of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Submergence vehicles must be carefully
designed to take into account undersea conditions.
Deep submergence vehicles are primarily designed to
aid researchers in exploring the depths of Earths oceans.
Much is unknown about the suboceanic environment,
and exploration of these depths requires transport vehi-
cles that can withstand tremendous pressures. Modern
submergence vehicles can not only dive to great depths
but can also stay submerged for hours at length, and are
equipped with external lights and tele-operated robotic
manipulators to gather deep sea samples for further
research. Besides researching marine life, deep submer-
gence vehicles also play vital roles in the oil exploration
and the telecommunications industries where robotic
submarine vehicles known as autonomous underwater
vehicles detect faulty cables and help in oil eld explo-
ration. English mathematician William Bourne may
have been the rst to record a design for an underwater
navigation vehicle in 1578. In addition to mathemat-
ics and mathematicians impacting deep submergence
vehicles, submarines have also impacted the develop-
ment of mathematics. Mathematicians examined the
optimal way for airplanes to search for submarines, and
the eld of operations research was born.
Physical Characteristics of the Abyss
Pressure. At any given depth under the sea level, the
pressure on a body can be calculated as
P g h =
where P is pressure, is the density of the seawater, g is
the acceleration because of gravity, and h is the depth
at which the measurement is being taken.
The atmospheric pressure at sea-level is about 100
kPa (~ 14.6 psi), the same amount of water pressure at
about 10 meters (33 feet) below the surface, making the
combined pressure experienced by a body at a 10 meter
depth almost double of that at the surface.
Light. Most of the visible light entering the ocean is
absorbed within 10 meters (33 feet) of the waters sur-
face. Almost no light penetrates below 150 meters (490
feet). Solid particles, waves, and debris in the water affect
light penetration. The longer wavelengths of light, red,
yellow, and orange, penetrate to 15, 30, and 50 meters
respectively, while the shorter wavelengthsviolet,
294 Deep Submergence Vehicles
William Bournes 1578 design was one of the first
recorded plans for an underwater navigation vehicle.
blue, and greencan penetrate further. The depth of
water where sunlight penetrates sufciently for photo-
synthesis to take place is called the Euphotic Zone and
is normally around 200 meters (655 feet) in the ocean.
The zone where ltered sunlight only suffuses in the
water is known as the Disphotic Zone and extends from
the end of the Euphotic Zone to about a depth of 1000
meters. Below that, no sunlight ever penetrates, and this
is known as the Aphotic Zone.
Temperature. There is a signicant difference in
the temperatures between the Euphotic and Aphotic
zones. However, in the Aphotic Zone, the tempera-
ture remains almost constant, hovering around 2 to 4
degrees Celsius. The only exception occurs when deep-
sea volcanoes or hydrothermal vents exist, which cause
signicant warming of the waters.
The earliest deep-sea submersibles were known as
bathyspheres (from bathys, Greek for deep). They
were raised in and out of the water by a cable. They
were tted with oxygen cylinders inside to provide air
to the divers, and had chemicals to absorb the expelled
carbon dioxide. The early bathyspheres were not
maneuverablethe only degree of freedom they had
enabled them to go up and down.
The notable Swiss physicist Auguste Piccard (1884
1962) was inuential in making the next design iteration
to the bathysphere, called the bathyscaph. The vessel
was not suspended from a ship but instead attached to
a free-oating tank lled with petroleum liquid. This
tank made it buoyant (lighter than water). The bathy-
scaph had metal ballasts that, when released, allowed the
vessel to surface. Auguste and his son Jacques designed
the next generation bathyscaph, the Trieste. The Trieste
set a new world record when it reached the lowest point
on Earth, the Marianas Trench (35,800 feet).
Improvements in electronics and materials engi-
neering have led to the design of Alvin, a deep-sea ves-
sel capable of accommodating up to three people and
diving for up to nine hours. Alvin sports two robotic
arms that can be customized depending on the mis-
sion it is undertaking. Alvins most notable contribu-
tion was its role in exploring the RMS Titanic.
Further Reading
Arroyo, Sheri, and Rhea Stewart. How Deep Sea Divers
Use Math. New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
Morse, Philip and George Kimball. Methods of
Operations Research. Kormendi Press, 2008.
Mosher, D. C., Craig Shipp, Lorena Moscardelli, Jason
Chaytor, Chris Baxtor, Homa Lee, and Roger Urgeles.
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences.
New York: Springer, 2009.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Coral Reefs; Marine Navigation; Robots;
Tides and Waves.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematicians study and model many
aspects of deforestation.
Deforestation is the removal of forests by logging or
burning. While some deforestation can occur acciden-
tally as a result of wildres, most is deliberate. Trees may
be sold for lumber or charcoal, and land may be cleared
for housing, farming, or pasturing livestock. Trees may
also be removed for benecial purposes, such as direct-
ing water ow or controlling future forest res. Many
people believe that deforestation is a signicant factor
in climate change and biodiversity loss, and research
has shown that deforested regions are much more vul-
nerable to soil erosion and desertication.
While logging is linked to deforestation in the popu-
lar imagination, the United Nations Framework Con-
vention on Climate Change actually found that in the
early twenty-rst century, logging actually accounted
for less than 20% of deliberate deforestation. In con-
trast, commercial agriculture claimed about one-third
of deforested lands and subsistence farming nearly
one-half. This statistic indicates one reason why defor-
estation is increasing primarily in relatively poorer
countries. However, within an industrialized coun-
try, like the United States, logging and clearing land
for housing or other real estate development account
for far more deforestation than subsistence farming,
which few Americans have practiced since the dawn
Deforestation 295
of the twentieth century. Mathematicians study and
model many aspects of deforestation, including pos-
sible causes and the biological, geological, social, and
economic effects; uses of deforested land; patterns of
regrowth and biodiversity in areas where the forest has
been allowed to return; and spatial mapping and visu-
alizations of geographical regions before, during, and
after deforestation. Data collection, statistical analyses,
and spatial dependency analyses, as well as stochastic
spatial modeling, linear programming, geometry, and
digital image analysis, are all mathematical methods
that have played a role in such analyses.
Environmental Effects
Deforestation is implicated in numerous environmen-
tal problems. The relationship between the forest and
atmospheric carbon dioxide, for instance, is compli-
cated. While they are alive and actively growing, trees
remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, store it
as carbon, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere
through respiration. This process reduces the amount
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and this basic
dichotomyplants breathing in carbon dioxide and
releasing oxygen, while humans and animals do the
oppositehas long been taught to schoolchildren as
the critically interdependent relationship between ora
and fauna on Earth. In the early twenty-rst century, the
worlds forests store roughly three-quarters or greater of
aboveground and soil carbon. When trees are cut down
and burned, they release their stored carbon back into
the atmosphere. When trees die and decay, they do the
same, as fungi and bacteria break down the carbon prod-
ucts into carbon dioxide and methane. Their effect on
the worlds oxygen supply is actually very minorthe
amount of oxygen they release is not as signicant as the
amount of carbon dioxide involved in a trees lifespan.
296 Deforestation
Many people believe that deforestation is a significant factor in climate change and biodiversity loss, and
research has shown that deforested regions are much more vulnerable to soil erosion and desertification.
But cutting trees down and turning them into long-
lived products (using them to build houses, for instance)
stores the carbon just as efciently. For forests to con-
tinue to take carbon dioxide in from the atmosphere,
the trees must be harvested regularlywith new trees
plantedso that there are always actively growing trees.
Left to their own devices, mature forests cycle through
periods as carbon dioxide sources (when the carbon
dioxide released by decaying or wildre-burned trees
exceeds that taken in by growing trees) and sinks (when
the net carbon dioxide release is negative).
The greatest amount of carbon dioxide is taken in
by deciduous trees when spring leaves are growing,
which results in an observable dip in the Keeling Curve
(a graph that tracks variation in the concentration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide from 1958 onward). The
dip is mirrored by a rise corresponding to the release of
carbon dioxide back into the air every fall when these
leaves fall and decay. The curve is named for Charles
Keeling, a University of California, San Diego, oceanog-
rapher whose observations helped bring global atten-
tion to anthropogenic climate change. Measurements
continue to be taken at Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, and
those data have shown a roughly 20% to 25% increase
in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide between
1958 and 2010. There have been no declining trends
in that time, countering the pre-Keeley claim that an
apparent rise in carbon dioxide atmospheric concen-
tration was the result of random uctuations. Periodic
local decreases and increases of about 1% to 2% are
associated with seasonal cycles.
Anti-Deforestation Efforts
Recent efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
international agreements binding countries to do so,
have brought more focus to the task of accurately mea-
suring those emissions. It came to light in 2010 that
Australias efforts to reduce emissions in order to com-
ply with the Kyoto Protocol goals were hampered by
their inaccurate measurement of deforestation emis-
sions. Since 1990, Australia has had the highest rate of
deforestation in the developed world, and thus is the
only developed country targeting deforestation emis-
sions as its primary way of reducing overall emissions.
But its inability to generate an accurate gure of what
those emissions currently are, to establish a baseline,
or reliably measure them in the future, has thrown a
wrench in its efforts.
Data Collection and Mathematical Modeling
The highly complex nature of forest ecosystems and
even individual trees makes it virtually impossible to
collect complete data on the system dynamics of nat-
ural forests. As a result, investigations of long-term
dynamics rely heavily on scientic inference. One way
of making any estimate, heavily relied on when con-
sidering the environmental costs of possible actions, is
through ecosystem modeling, which constructs math-
ematical representations of ecosystems. The entire
ecosystem need not be represented (though this leaves
open the possibility of unforeseen consequences in
parts of the ecosystem not modeled). Typically, models
are constructed to examine the inventory of a specic
chemical in the environment, like carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorous, or a toxin. The ecosystem is reduced to a
set of state variables that describe the state of a dynamic
system, like the population of a specic species or the
concentration level of a particular substance.
Mathematical functions dene the relationships
between those variables, such as the relationship
between new leaf growth and carbon dioxide intake.
A usable model typically requires many variables and
much ne-tuning to afrm that the relationships have
been dened accurately, and, in some cases, a model
may be constructed simply to test a hypothesis about
those relationships, by comparing the behavior of the
model ecosystem to the real one. For example, math-
ematician and ecologist Nandi Leslie developed math-
ematical models using techniques such as spatial statis-
tics, mean eld and pair approximation, and the theory
of interacting particle systems to investigate questions
about forest fragmentation and degradation, ecology
and biodiversity in lands reclaimed by forests, and
landscape-level impact of land-use activities in Bolivia
and Brazil. Leslie is included on a Web site called Math-
ematicians of the African Diaspora and is the daugh-
ter of mathematician Joshua Leslie, who has published
widely in the elds of algebraic and differential geom-
etry. The applications of modeling in deforestation are
as broad as the types of models. Some mathematicians
have used calculus to measure tree density, includ-
ing the number of trees per acre and the quantity of
foliage. Logistic functions have been used to estimate
insect density or infestations. Many linear and nonlin-
ear modeling techniques, like regression analysis, are
widely employed to help reveal and explain associa-
tions between multiple variables, such as social choices
Deforestation 297
and government policies; economic measures; envi-
ronmental measures; geographic features, like altitude
and slope; and human constructions, like roads. These
models are then frequently used to forecast important
quantities of interest, like deforestation rates and the
overall proportion of deforested land. However, inap-
propriate extrapolations and generalizations can lead
people to make inaccurate predictions or conclusions.
For example, extrapolations from exponential models
tend to lead to overestimation of future values. This
has an impact on contentious and world-reaching sci-
entic debates, such as global warming.
Further Reading
Babin, Didier. Beyond Tropical Deforestation: From
Tropical Deforestation to Forest Cover Dynamics and
Forest Development. Paris: UNESCO, 2005.
Fowler, Andrew. Mathematical Models in the Applied
Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Harte, John. Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in
Environmental Problem Solving. Sausalito, CA:
University Science Books, 1988.
Shugart, Hurman. A Theory of Forest Dynamics: The
Ecological Implications of Forest Succession Models.
Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press, 2003.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Floods; Forest Fires; North America; South
Deming, W. Edwards
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: W. Edwards Deming (19001993) was
an American applied statistician who revolutionized
Japanese management as part of the rebuilding effort
after World War II.
W. Edwards Deming was an internationally renowned
consultant whose work led Japanese industry into
new principles of management and revolutionized
quality and productivity in Japanese companies. He
believed: Innovation comes from freedom. It comes
from those who are obligated to no one. It comes from
people who are responsible only to themselves. He
was born October 14, 1900, and died on December 20,
1993. His undergraduate degree in engineering was
from the University of Wyoming in 1921. He earned a
M.S. in physics and mathematics from the University
of Colorado in 1925 and a Ph.D. in physics from Yale
University in 1928. He had a wide and varied career,
which included his rst scientic paper on the nuclear
packing of helium, mathematical and statistical work
for the Department of Agriculture in Washington,
D.C., and work on sampling issues for the U.S. Cen-
sus Bureau. He noted that he also worked on many
different studies, including: application of statistical
theory to problems that arise in industrial produc-
tion, in tests of physical materials . . . motor freight,
rail freight, accounting . . . average life of returnable
bottles, comparison of medical treatments, compari-
son of methods of diagnosis, social, and demographic
problems created by physical or mental handicaps. My
part in any study is the design thereof, followed by
evaluation of the statistical reliability of the results.
He received many honors and awards and was also an
active member in professional societies, such as the
American Statistical Association and as president of
the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 1945.
In 1999, the Los Angeles Times recognized him as
one of the 50 people who most inuenced business in
the twentieth century because of his work in rebuild-
ing Japan after World War II. He urged Japanese
companies to concentrate on constant improvement,
improved efciency, and doing things right the rst
time. The essence of his ideas was based on the con-
cepts of statistical process control, a process originally
developed by Walter A. Shewhart in the 1920s. It has
since been expanded to include the total quality man-
agement approach.
The essence of Demings process was to record the
number of product defects, statistically analyze why
those defects occurred, institute changes to correct the
defects, record how much the quality then improved,
and to continue to rene the production process until
it was done correctly. He said: If you dont have a
method, you were goong off. A system must be man-
aged and must have an aim.
Deming rst successfully applied his ideas in the
United States during World War II in improving the
manufacture of munitions and other strategically
298 Deming, W. Edwards
important products. As mentioned above, he brought
those same ideas to Japan in the 1950s and early 1960s.
During that time period, Made in Japan went from
being a joke and a synonym for poor quality to a sym-
bol of some of the highest quality products. The focus
on quality that he emphasized was dened as the ratio
of results of work efforts with total costs. If a company
or manager focuses on quality, Demings work demon-
strated that, over time, quality will increase and costs
will fall. On the other hand, if the focus is primarily on
costs, then costs will rise and quality will decline.
Two major publications have outlined his theories
and the processes he developed. In his 1982 book Out
of the Crisis, Deming discusses his 14 key principles
for management for transforming business execu-
tives. Deming felt that if his 14 points were applied
in a meaningful way, they would lead to a process
of continual improvement. The New Economics,
published in 1993, emphasized that the solution to
problems comes from cooperation, not competition.
This concept is accomplished through a new type of
management, which Deming identied as profound
knowledge and which includes four parts: apprecia-
tion for a system, knowledge about variation, theory
of knowledge, and psychology.
Deming also had an interest in music. He composed
several pieces, mostly liturgical. He also composed a
new rendition of the Star Spangled Banner with the
same words set to a different tune. He had always felt
that the pub music of the original version was not
appropriate for a national anthem.
Further Reading
Deming, W. Edwards. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, MA:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for
Advanced Engineering Study, 1982.
. The New Economics. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1993.
. The W. Edwards Deming Institute: Dr.
Demings 1974 CVfrom his Study. http://deming
Paton, Scott. Four Days With W. Edwards Deming.
Jim Austin
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Quality Control; Scheduling; Statistics Education.
Diagnostic Testing
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Diagnostic tests rely on statistics from
clinical research to predict the presence or severity of
a disease in a specic patient.
The ability of humans to detect and treat diseases has
advanced considerably in the past two centuries, with
the discovery of underlying causes, such as microor-
ganisms, and treatments, like antibiotics, as well as
methods for diagnosing injury and disease. In medi-
cine, a diagnostic test is in an instrument used to detect
or predict the presence or absence of disease or the
severity of disease.
The instrument used may take a variety of forms,
including a patient inventory or a mechanical device.
In clinical research, it is common practice to assess the
quality of such instruments relative to established gold
Here, the intention is often to replace a traditional
method by a newer one that offers greater benets to
health providers or patients, including cost reduction
and less physical or psychological discomfort.
It may be of interest to use the diagnostic tool to
predict outcomes based on existing symptoms. In this
case, the gold standard is used to conrm patient out-
comes for comparison with test predictions based on
surrogate measures.
Common measures of instrument quality include
reliability, validity, sensitivity, specicity, positive pre-
dictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value
(NPV). Strictly speaking, these measures apply spe-
cically to the scores forthcoming from the instru-
ments rather than the instruments themselves, as they
are based on studies applied to a specic sample of
patients. Mathematicians and statisticians are essen-
tial partners in creating many diagnostic tools, such
as magnetic resonance imaging, as well as for devel-
oping and rening the measures that allow clinicians
and researchers to determine the efcacy of diagnos-
tic instruments. They also help design experiments in
which new instruments are tested and compared.
Nursing and other healthcare education programs
frequently require courses in mathematics or statis-
tics, and the eld of biostatistics is one of the fastest-
Diagnostic Testing 299
growing occupations in the late twentieth and early
twenty-rst century.
Reliability represents the reproducibility of the test
outcomes. A simple case involves estimation of the
extent of chance-corrected agreement in the inter-
pretation of categorical ndings from medical images
derived from patients. Here, agreement might be mea-
sured across different clinicians based on a single imag-
ing procedure or alternatively, across different imaging
procedures. In such cases, an appropriate choice of
Kappa statistic or intra-class correlation coefcient
may prove helpful. For continuous data, the Bland
Altman method has also proved particularly popular
in measuring agreement across different methods.
This is especially so within medicine, where for exam-
ple, there may be a need to compare residual tumor
sizes obtained using magnetic resonance imaging, and
pathologic ndings (the gold standard) in breast can-
cer patients who have undergone neoadjuvant (preop-
erative) chemotherapy.
The remaining measures above represent the accu-
racy of the test outcomes. Validity, which is a function of
reliability, represents the extent to which the diagnostic
test measures what is intended and is particularly rel-
evant in psychological testing. Sensitivity (specicity)
measures the proportion of genuine instances of disease
(absence of disease, respectively), which are detected as
such by the diagnostic test. By contrast, the PPV (NPV)
measures the proportion of cases diagnosed by the test
as instances of disease (absence of disease, respectively)
which are, or will turn out to be, genuine. In assessing
test accuracy, it can prove misleading to focus exclu-
sively on sensitivity and specicity.
The PPV and NPV for a disease are inuenced
strongly by disease prevalence (the pre-test probability
that a randomly chosen person from the study cohort
has the disease). The PPV increases with increasing
prevalence and where prevalence is particularly low
(less than 5%), the PPV can be markedly improved by
moderate increases in test specicity. In interpreting a
published PPV, it is essential not only to consider the
CI but also to verify whether disease prevalence for the
published study is representative of that for the types
of patient currently under consideration. This require-
ment is also particularly true of the NPV.
Further, it is typically the case that an initial stage
has occurred whereby diagnostic test measurements
in continuous form have been classied into catego-
ries. This categorization requires the derivation of a
threshold value for differentiating between diseased
and non-diseased patients. The clinician may be inter-
ested in nding the threshold value that offers an
optimal combination of values for sensitivity and (1-
specicity). Examples of scores that have been used in
this way include
The GRACE (Global Registry of Acute
Coronary Events) score in predicting death
and myocardial infarction for patients with
Acute Coronary Syndrome
The APACHE (Acute Physiology and
Chronic Health Evaluation) II score and GS
(Glasgow Severity) score in the prediction of
each of onset of severe pancreatitis, MODS
(multiorgan dysfunction syndrome), and
death in patients presenting with acute
The MELD (Model of End-Stage Liver
Disease) and UKELD (United Kingdom
MELD) scores in the assessment of risk of
acute liver failure and hence the prediction of
waiting list mortality in patients awaiting liver
The underlying procedure for deriving the thresh-
old value involves the segregation of the test instru-
ment scores into two groups, as determined by the
gold standard, namely those who do and those who
do not have the condition of interest. The accuracy
of the diagnostic test is in turn assessed on the basis
of these two groups. This assessment involves gener-
ating a series of threshold values and corresponding
values for sensitivity and 1-specicity. The ROC curve
(Receiver Operating Characteristic) involves a plot of
sensitivity versus 1-specicity. If the intention is to
compare the performance of competing diagnostic
tests, ROC curves for the different tests can be plotted
on the same graph. For any one plot, the numerically
optimal combination of sensitivity and specicity
values is represented by the point on the curve that
is closest to the top left-hand corner. However, the
trade-off between sensitivity and specicity must also
be carefully weighed.
For example, if the test is conrmatory, as might
be the case in human immunodeciency virus (HIV)
testing, it may be preferable to choose a slightly dif-
300 Diagnostic Testing
ferent point, which further reduces the proportion
of false positives (1-specicity) with a small cost to
sensitivity. In comparing the accuracy of two tests by
means of ROCs, it is common to use the area under
the curve (AUC).
Where the diagnostic test identies cases falling into
the upper (lower) range of a test score, the AUC may
be interpreted as a measure of the likelihood for a ran-
domly chosen diseased patient and disease-free patient
that the diseased patient will have a higher value (lower
value, respectively) than the disease-free patient.
Where ROCs do not overlap, therefore, the greater
the area under the curve, the more effective the diag-
nostic tool. Where they do overlap, the curve with
the lower overall AUC may have a peak at an optimal
combination of sensitivity and specicity values not
attained by the other curve. It may therefore make
sense to compare the partial areas under the curves
within one or more ranges of specicity values.
Further Reading
Fox, Keith A., et al. Prediction of Risk of Death and
Myocardial Infarction in the Six Months Following
Presentation With ACS: A Prospective, Multinational,
Observational Study (GRACE). British Medical
Journal 333 (2006).
Lasko, Thomas A., et al. The Use of Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curves in Biomedical Informatics.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38, no. 5 (2005).
Modi, Reza, et al. Identication of Severe Acute
Pancreatitis Using an Articial Neural Network.
Surgery 141, no. 1 (2007).
Neuberger, James, et al. Selection of Patients for Liver
Transplantation and Allocation of Donated Livers in
the UK. GUT 57 (2008).
Obuchowski, Nancy A. Receiver Operating Curves and
Their Use in Radiology. Radiology 229 (2003).
Pan, Jian-Xin, and Kai-Tai Fang. Growth Curve Models
and Statistical Diagnostics. New York: Springer, 2002.
Partidge, Savannah C., et al. Accuracy of MR Imaging
for Revealing Residual Breast Cancer in Patients
Who Have Undergone Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
American Journal of Roentgenology 179 (2002).
Ward, Michael E. Diagnostic Tests. www.chlamydiae.
Wilson, Edwin B. Probable Inference, The Law of
Succession, and Statistical Inference. Journal of the
American Statistical Association 22, no. 158 (1927).
Zhou, Xiao-Hua, Donna McClish, and Nancy
Obuchowski. Statistical Methods in Diagnostic
Medicine. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2002.
Margaret MacDougall
See Also: Chemotherapy; Data Analysis and
Probability in Society; Diseases, Tracking Infectious;
HIV/AIDS; Medical Imaging; Probability; Psychological
Testing; Surgery; Transplantation.
Dice Games
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Probability is the key factor for winning
any dice game.
Dice games use one or more dice as central components
of the activity, which excludes board games using dice
solely as random devices to determine moves. The de-
nition can be murky, as in the case of Backgammon,
dice outcomes determine a players moves and are inte-
gral parts of game strategies. Historically, dice games
involving gambling led to the creation of probability.
Archaeological evidence from as early as 6000 b.c.e.
shows that dice games were part of early cultures, where
dice were cast to invoke personal divinations. The notion
of luck was not involved, with the dice rolls controlled
by the gods. Gamblers still refer to Fortuna, the Roman
goddess and Jupiters daughter, as their Lady Luck.
The ancient die differed from the six-sided cube
bearing pips, as the number of sides varied with the
materials used, including fruit pits, nut shells, pebbles,
and animal knucklebones. The latter, with four sides
involving different probabilities, led to the phrase roll-
ing the bones.
Compulsive gambling and dice games have always
been connected, being traced to Egyptian pharaohs,
Chinese leaders, Roman emperors, Greek elite, Euro-
pean academics, and English kings. On the request of
professional gamblers in the fteenth and sixteenth
Dice Games 301
centuries, mathematicians such as Fra Luca Bartolo-
meo de Pacioli and Girolamo Cardano began to study
the probabilities of winning dice games. In the seven-
teenth century, correspondence between Blaise Pascal
and Pierre Fermat ultimately solved the problem of
points and established basic principles of probability.
The problem of points involves a dice game
between two players; multiple rounds are played with
each player having an equal chance of winning on
each roll. If the game was interrupted before either
player had won the necessary number of rounds, gam-
blers could not determine the fair division of stakes
based on current scores. Fermat and Pascals solution
analyzed the probability of dice rolls and each player
winning the pot.
Types of Dice Games
The simplest dice game involves a single die, where
the winner is the person rolling the highest number.
This can be extended to rolls of multiple dice, with the
players score being the sum or product of the numbers
shown. Since these dice games involve only luck, gam-
blers prefer variations with elements of strategy.
The dice game craps involves strategy, as the
shooter controls the number of dice rolls and betting
options. Though craps is complex, key elements can be
explained. Mathematically, each roll of two dice has 36
possible outcomes with shown totals ranging from 2
to 12. However, the probabilities of the totals vary, as
the probability of a 2 (known as snake eyes) or 12
(known as boxcars) is 1/36, while the probability of a
7 is 6/36. Prior to the rst come out roll, players bet
on the Pass Line or Dont Pass Line. If the shooter
then rolls a 7 or 11, the Pass Line bet wins dou-
ble their amount and the Dont Pass Line bet is lost.
However, if the initial roll is a 2, 3, or 12, the Pass
Line bet is lost, while the Dont Pass Line bet is
doubled if a 2 or 3 shows and is returned if a 12
(push) shows. A sum of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10
becomes the point number, which the shooter tries
to duplicate on the second roll. If the point number is
made, the point bet is won and additional rolls can be
made. But, if a 7 is rolled before the point number,
the shooter craps out and a different shooter starts a
new round. Craps games involve many other options,
such as Come/Dont Come Bets and Horn Bets.
Other dice games are used for gambling, each
with their own multiple versions and strategies. For
example, in the dice game Ship, Captain, and Crew,
a players gets three rolls of ve dice to gain a ship
(6), a captain (5), and a crew (4) in that order
(or simultaneously). When those special numbers are
rolled, that die is removed from play, with a success-
ful players score being the sum of a roll of the two
remaining dice.
In Buck Dice, a player throws one die to determine
the point number. Another player then rolls three
dice, continuing the rolls as long as one of the dice
equals the point number. When this doesnt occur, the
players score for that round is the number of rolls.
The dice game craps is thought to have developed
from a simplification of the Old English game Hazard.
302 Dice Games
Abig buck occurs when all three dice equal the point
number, and the player withdraws from the game. A
little buck occurs if all three die do not equal the
point number, which adds 5 points to the players
score. Any player with exactly 15 points withdraws
from the game; any score forced higher than 15 nul-
lies a roll, and the player must reroll. The loser is the
last person without reaching 15.
In Aces, a player starts with at least ve dice, which he
or she loses according to the numbers thrown. All rolled
1s are placed in the tables center and eliminated. All
rolled 2s are passed to the player on the left, while all
5s are passed to the player on the right. Turns continue
with rolls of the remaining dice until players either do
not throw a 1, 2, or 5, or have lost all of their dice.
Play continues around the table until the last die rolled
is a 1, and the player who threw it is the winner.
Farkle begins with a player rolling six dice. Each 1
adds 100 points, each 5 adds 50 points, and if three
dice show the same number, the player adds 100 times
that shown number. A player can stop after any roll
and keep the current total. Alternately, a player can roll
again to possibly increase his or her score. But, if the
next dice do not produce a positive score, the player lose
all accumulated points for that round. The winner is the
rst to reach 10,000 points. Some variations of Farkle
give 1000 points for shown runs of 15 or 26.
In line with their history, multiple versions of dice
games exist and will continue to be used by gamblers.
Thus, the players who understand the probabilities
involved will always have the advantage.
Further Reading
Barboianu, Catalin. Probability Guide to Gambling:
The Mathematics of Dice, Slots, Roulette, Baccarat,
Blackjack, Poker, Lottery, and Sport Bets. Craiova,
Romania: INFAROM Publishing, 2008.
Bell, R. C. Board and Table Games From Many
Civilizations. New York: Dover Publications, 1979.
Devlin, Keith. The Unnished Game. New York: Basic
Books, 2008.
Mohr, Merilyn. The Game Treasury. Shelburne, VT:
Chapters Publishing, 1993.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Betting and Fairness; Board Games;
Game Theory.
Digital Book Readers
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: The twenty-rst-century surge in e-books
began with the advent of electronic ink and future
innovations include sketchpad-like functionality.
People have been reading digital content on computer
screens since the 1970s, but the technology used for most
computer screens at the end of the twentieth century
made them somewhat less useful for replacing paper
books, magazines, and newspapers. In 1971, volunteers
started digitizing and archiving books for Project Guten-
berg, whose goal was to encourage the development of
electronic books. Research on electronic paper began in
the 1970s. Many open and proprietary digital document
formats were devised for potential use in e-books, like
Adobes Portable Document Format (PDF), created by
mathematician and engineer John Warnock. However,
most early attempts at digital books were unsuccessful
or aimed at niche technical audiences.
In the early twenty-rst century, the E Ink company
introduced electronic ink technology, which revolu-
tionized digital books. The company was co-founded
by several individuals, including physicist Joseph Jacob-
son and Russell Wilcox, who has a degree in applied
mathematics. The resulting electronic paper has a
high contrast ratio similar to standard paper, and for
most users it closely matches the experience of reading
on standard paper. One early application was exible,
changeable store signs. The 2004 Sony Libri, released
in Japan, was the rst e-reader to make the technology
widely available, while the Amazon Kindle is credited
with popularizing it in the United States. As of 2010,
there were many variations on e-readers with the ability
to display multiple e-book formats. Some of the most
popular included the Sony Reader, the Amazon Kindle,
and the Barnes & Noble Nook. Motorolas FONE F3
was the rst portable phone to include this technology.
Electronic Ink
Electronic ink technology is based on microcapsules,
which were already in use for applications like scratch-
and-sniff stickers and time-release medications. Rotat-
ing microcapsule spheres for electronic ink are lled
with a clear liquid containing a mix of small, electrically
Digital Book Readers 303
charged black and white particles. Some implementa-
tions contain on the order of 100,000 spheres per square
inch. Electronic paper is a sheet of plastic coated with
millions of microcapsules and equipped with an elec-
tronic device to draw the black and white particles into
desired patterns of black and white dots.
When viewed from a distance, the patterns create
words and pictures. The dots can also be mixtures of
black and white, resulting in a range of grayscale tones.
To change the image, computer programs in the reader
send an electronic pulse to rearrange the pattern.
Microcapsules are bistatic, which means they stay in
place once they are arranged without drawing continu-
ous electrical power. This factor contributes to long bat-
tery life. Electronic paper also has no backlighting like
personal computer screens; it uses light reection for
viewing, just like ordinary paper. Scientists are investi-
gating red, green, and blue lters to produce full-color
electronic ink images. A version of the Barnes & Noble
Nook released in 2010 uses a liquid crystal display
(LCD) screen for color and touch-screen functionality.
Some praise this, while others consider it to be a step
backward in e-reader technology.
Early twenty-rst-century digital book readers
embody several other features that make them well-
suited alternatives for leisure reading and textbooks in
schools. One important aspect is their portability with
high-capacity storage. Typical readers have the capa-
bility to store hundreds of books, so all required text-
books could be stored in single digital reader. Connec-
tivity via wireless networking allows the downloading
of a variety of books or teacher-created documents,
including RSS feeds for blogs and Web content. RSS
was developed by programmers like David Winer,
who has degrees in mathematics and computer sci-
ence. The reading experience is customizable; some
e-readers have touch-screen navigation, adjustable
font levels, the ability to take notes directly on screen
or highlight text sections, built-in dictionaries, or
search functions.
Readers that debuted in 2010 featured applica-
tions to allow users to write or draw, like a tablet
PC, which would be important for many mathe-
matical subjects, like geometry. Some mathemat-
ics educators have explored the use of electronic ink
to support mathematics distance education. For exam-
ple, electronic ink tools in a chat program allowed stu-
dents and instructors to post and edit mathematical
formulas, diagrams, and graphs while communicating
in real time.
Further Reading
Howard, Nicole. The Book: The Life Story of a Technology.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005.
Kipphan, Helmut. Handbook of Print Media: Technologies
and Production Methods. New York: Springer, 2001.
Serkan Ozel
Zeynep Ebrar Yetkiner
See Also: Cell Phone Networks; File Downloading
and Sharing; Personal Computers.
Digital Cameras
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
304 Digital Cameras
A third-
showing text
from Herman
Summary: Rapid advances in digital camera
technology have led to their widespread use.
From the invention of modern photography in the
1800s to the rise of digital photography in the twenty-
rst century, the function of the camera has been the
same: to record patterns of light. The word photogra-
phy, coined by Sir John Herschel in 1839, is from the
Greek phos (light) and grphein (to write). Simple pin-
hole cameras were described as early as the fourth and
fth centuries b.c.e. by Chinese philosopher Mo Ti and
Greek mathematicians Aristotle and Euclid of Alexan-
dria. Mathematician and physicist James Maxwell cre-
ated the rst color photograph in 1861. Not long after,
American inventor and Kodak founder George East-
man developed inexpensive equipment and lm that
made photography practical for common use. Until
recently, cameras recorded images on media coated in
photosensitive compounds. Incoming light was reg-
istered as a chemical change that could be seen upon
development in specialized photochemistry. Digital
cameras use an electronic chip that is sensitive to light.
The chip, either a charge coupled device (CCD) or
complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS),
converts the light into an electrical signal, and a small
computer in the camera then transforms that signal
into the ons and offs (or 1s and 0s) of binary
code for storage on a digital storage device. The digital
information that represents an image can easily be cop-
ied onto a computer, manipulated, published electron-
ically, and printed. Researchers also investigate math-
ematical questions like how many images one should
shoot in order to be reasonably condent that no per-
son in the photograph blinks. For groups under 20
people, the number of images is approximately equal
to the number of people divided by one-half.
The Lens and the Shutter
Like most cameras, a digital camera begins the process
of taking a photograph by letting light in through a
lens (a curved piece of glass or plastic) that bends light
through the principle of refraction and focuses the
image. The light then passes through an opening called
an aperture whose size can be adjusted to let more
or less light pass. Apertures are described by an f-stop
number, which is proportional to the focal length of the
lens over the diameter of the entrance pupil. Since it is
a ratio, larger f-stop numbers refer to smaller apertures.
Each doubling or halving of the f-stop number trans-
lates to a change in amount of light let in by a factor of
four. Thus, an f-stop of 11 lets in four times more light
than an f-stop of 22. Finally, the light comes to a shutter
that opens for a period of time when the shutter release
is triggered, allowing light into the camera body. Usually,
a shutter speed is a fraction of a second, though long
shutter speeds can be used in low light, or for a variety
of effects. With especially long shutter speeds, heat can
build up in the CCD or CMOS, causing electrical inter-
ference that interferes with accurate, binary recording of
the image, resulting in error or noise, though camera
manufacturers are developing a number of processes
that have made this less of a problem over time.
In order to capture an image, the light that comes into
the camera falls on the CCD or CMOS chip, which
changes the image into electric current. A CCD is made
up of tiny regions called picture elements or pixels
that will correspond to the points in the photograph.
A CMOS works similarly, though the specic underly-
ing technology is a bit different. Some cameras have
one CCD for all three primary colors of visible light,
red, green, and blue; each pixel records only color of
light from the scene. More advanced cameras use three
different CCDs, one for each primary color, resulting
in a more accurate image. Ultimately, the electric cur-
rent from the CCD is encoded by a small computer in
the camera into a stream of binary information in the
form of ons and offs that ultimately will be stored
on a ash memory card.
Sensitivity and ISO
In lm cameras, different formulations of lm are used
for different light conditions, with more sensitive lms
employed in low light. In a digital camera, the signal
from the CCD can be boosted to handle low light lev-
els; however, doing so introduces noise in the signal.
The setting for camera sensitivity is described as its
ISO number, an international standard for measuring
the speed of color lm. It uses both an arithmetic and
logarithmic scale to combine two previous lm stan-
dards. In the arithmetic scale, which is commonly the
only one given, each doubling of the ISO representing
a doubling of the sensitivity. Thus, a camera set to ISO
100 will be half as sensitive to lightand will require
twice as long an exposure for a given scene to achieve
Digital Cameras 305
the same result, given the same f-stop settingas one
with an ISO of 200.
Pixel Dimensions
One of the factors that determines the picture quality of
an image produced by a digital camera is the number of
pixels it records. This is especially relevant when images
are blown up to large dimensions, as the individual
pixels begin to become visible. Pixels are the individual
binary units into which the image is broken up and
stored during the electronic conversion process by the
cameras chip. For example, the Droid Incredible phone,
released in 2010, contains an 8 megapixel camera,
which means its photographs are composed of about
8 million individual pixels, with each picture having a
possible resolution of roughly 3264 pixels wide by 2468
pixels high. However, in practice, there are many fac-
tors that affect picture quality. The size of the electronic
chip plays a large role. When the photosensitive regions
of a cameras chip are packed too tightly together, they
create electronic interference in their neighbors, poten-
tially affecting the binary storage, and ultimately affect-
ing the accuracy and quality of the stored image.
Further Reading
Stone, J., and B. Stone. A Short Course in Digital
Photography. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
Svenson, Nic. Velocity Science in Motion: Blink-free
Photos, Guaranteed.
Jeff Goodman
See Also: Digital Images; Digital Storage; Movies,
Making of.
Digital Images
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Summary: Digital images are recorded as a binary
account of pixels, which algorithms may compress.
Digital images are not images at all but rather are visual
information encoded as binary data. Viewing a digital
image requires a computer to decode binary informa-
tion and display it on a screen in the form of an array of
discrete lights called picture elements or pixels. The
rst computer-generated digital images were produced
in the early 1960s. The needs of the Cold War, medicine,
and the space race drove many developments in digital
imagery, some of which were achieved in the context of
projects on satellite imagery, medical imaging, optical
character recognition, and photo enhancement. The
advent of microprocessors in the 1970s and advances
in digital storage and display technologies made pos-
sible sophisticated imaging tools, like computerized
axial tomography (CAT scanning).
The degree of mathematical sophistication that CAT
scans introduced into medical imaging, such as integral
Cameras in Mathematics
ameras have grown in popularity since
Eastman rst made them readily available.
Digital cameras are relatively inexpensive, and,
in fact, are now standard features on many cell
phones. Educators have seized on the digital
camera as a very useful tool in the classroom
for introducing concepts, making connections,
and enriching educational experiences in a very
hands-on way. For example, students in middle
grades and above have been asked to use digi-
tal cameras to record their own examples of
geometric concepts found in the world. They
can then use the photographs, along with vari-
ous mathematics concepts such as scaling and
trigonometry, to answer questions like Is the
Houston Astrodome really round? or What is
the slope of a roof? In other cases, students
use photos to record and measure themselves
and their classmateseither once or repeat-
edly over timeto provide data for many inter-
esting mathematics activities and discussions,
such as variability and the importance of re-
peated sampling.
306 Digital Images
geometry, optimal sampling, and trans-
port equations, was unheard of at that
time. It is reected in further advances
such as magnetic resonance imaging
as well as developments in other elds
that use similar imaging techniques, like
seismic and electron microscopy. At the
same time, scanners to digitize analog
images began to be used in a diverse array
of elds, such as archaeology and law
enforcement. The rst fully digital cam-
era was released in 1995, and by the end
of the twentieth century, charge-coupled
devices (CCDs) largely displaced ana-
log lm and tape for photography and
videography. Willard Boyle and George
Smith shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in
Physics for their invention of the CCD, an
idea they rst brainstormed at Bell Labs
in 1969. Improved computing power also
allowed for production of near-photore-
alistic images. All areas of digital imagery
(creation, compression, restoration, rec-
ognition, and display) involve mathe-
matics. In the twenty-rst century, digital
images are regularly used in both math-
ematics research and teaching.
Bitmap Graphics
In most digital images, each pixel has been dened
numerically and this number has been converted into
a string of 1s or 0s. This system is the approach of
bitmap graphics (also known as raster graphics),
and it is how digital cameras work. Depending on the
number of bits used to represent each pixel, more or
less color information is given. For example, a one-bit
system would allow only a black or white pixel, as the
only choices would be a 0 or a 1. A two-bit system
would gives four choices per pixel, 00 (black), 01
(dark grey), 10 (light grey), and 11 (white). Typi-
cally, in photo editing programs of the early twenty-
rst century, each pixel is described by 24 bits of infor-
mation, yielding more than 16 million possible colors.
Bitmap images contain information for a given num-
ber of pixels. The larger the pixel number, the more
information is in the image and the higher the resolu-
tion; typically, this also results in a bigger le. Screens
are all made of pixels, whether they are on comput-
ers or cell phones; if an image is viewed at full size,
each pixel in the image will show up as one pixel on
the screen. However, if a viewer zooms in beyond this
point, the pixels in the le are actually represented by
big blocks of pixels on the screen, and the image is said
to become pixelated.
Thus, if an image is to be viewed on a screen, it will
ideally have the same number of pixels as the size one
wants it on the screen; any more than that is wasted
le space, and any fewer will result in an image that
appears pixelated. If images are going to be printed,
however, more pixels will translate into sharper pic-
tures, limited only by the resolution of the printer.
Again, the larger the print, the more pixels you will
need for a sharp print.
File Types and Compression
Bitmap graphics can be stored in a variety of le for-
mats depending on how they will be used. Raw les,
Digital Images 307
CAT scanning of the head is typically used to detect tumors,
calcifications, hemorrhage, and bone trauma.
which store all the raw data for the light that hits each
CCD pixel, are commonly used by photographers who
wish to have maximum exibility and are not worried
about le size. In order to make les smaller, com-
puters use mathematical algorithms to compress the
les. For example, instead of recording values for each
pixel, the values for some could be calculated by the
difference between a pixel and its surroundings, thus
yielding substantial le size savings where blocks of
pixels are the same as their neighbors. Some kinds of
compression are considered lossless, because all the
information from the original can be re-created when
the le is decompressed. However, there are a number
of compression schemes such as the popular jpeg for-
mat in which the mathematical approximations do not
quite match the original. In these cases, accuracy is sac-
riced in order to save le size, and these approaches
are said to be lossy. However, the algorithms used to
compress and decompress les are generally so good
as to be unnoticeable in many cases. The JPEG 2000
image compression standard for both lossless and lossy
compression uses biorthogonal wavelets, which extends
from the work of mathematician Ingrid Daubechies,
known as the mother of wavelets.
Vector Graphics
Certain kinds of images, especially those created in
computer graphics programs, use a different method
for describing the content of the image. Instead of
denoting each pixel with a number, these vector graph-
ics are described mathematically as a set of equations
representing the lines and curves that make them up.
When a viewer zooms in on a vector graphic, the image
does not become pixelated, because the computer
recalculates the curve or line based on the new image
size. While vector graphics are not appropriate for pho-
tographs, photo editing programs may use them when
overlaying text or graphics on a digital image.
Image Reconstruction
The basic problem of image reconstruction is to build
a best-guess object out of averaged data and then
estimate how close the reconstruction is to the actual
object. For example, in a single-angle X-ray of a per-
son, the amount of radiation going in and coming
out the other side can be measured and visualized on
X-ray lm. The difference between the values is how
much was absorbed, but there is limited information
about the inner structures that blocked the radiation.
This limitation can make diagnoses difcult. However,
if the same person is X-rayed from several directions
and angles, the resulting information can be compiled,
averaged, or mathematically modeled to estimate what
the internal structure looks like.
Further Reading
Alsina, Claudi. Math Made Visual: Creating Images for
Understanding Mathematics. Washington, DC: The
Mathematical Association of America, 2006.
Hoggar, S. G. Mathematics of Digital Images: Creation,
Compression, Restoration, Recognition. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Jeff Goodman
See Also: Daubechies, Ingrid; Digital Camera; Digital
Storage; Medical Imaging; Televisions.
Digital Storage
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Information can be stored digitallya
process that requires information to be translated into
binary code.
Digital information is information in binary code. In
order to create, manipulate, and store this digital code,
it must be created in physical form. This creation is
done by using media that can exist in one of two dis-
tinct states and assigning one state to each of the two
digits (0 and 1) in binary code. Within a computer,
the 1s and 0s are represented as ons and offs; on
a magnetic hard disk, they are tiny magnets pointing one
way or another; and on a CD, the two states are shiny
and dull spots. Engineers used metal tape on reel-to-reel
machinery to record audio signals in the early twentieth
century. In 1952, IBM introduced a tape drive with iron
oxidecoated plastic tape. Reel-to-reel tape drives were
the standard for data storage by the mid-1970s. IBM
also created magnetic hard disks in the late 1950s, but it
took decades to overcome size and access speed issues to
308 Digital Storage
make hard disk drives (HDDs) feasible for applications
like personal computers. Solid-state drive (SSD) technol-
ogy, such as ash memory, was the necessary next step
to overcoming the lagging mechanical speeds of HDDs.
Mathematicians in many elds have been essential in all
stages of development and continue to address emerg-
ing issues. Ingrid Daubechies, the mother of wavelets,
is perhaps best known for her work with wavelet-based
algorithms for compressing digital images. Irving Reed
and Gustave Solomon developed algebraic error-detect-
ing and error-correcting codes. These ReedSolomon
codes are widely used in digital storage and communi-
cation, from satellites to CDs.
Bits and Bytes
The smallest unit of stored digital information, cor-
responding to a single 1 or 0, is called a bit. The
term bit, a contraction of binary digit, is commonly
attributed to statistician John Tukey, working in con-
junction with mathematician John von Neumann. Bits
are collected into 8-unit chunks called bytes, and
these collections of 8 bits can represent various types of
information. The lowercase letter a, for instance, can
be represented as 01100001, and b as 01100010. The
music on a compact disc is encoded as a set of 44,100
reading (or samples) per second, with each reading
represented by 2 bytes containing 16 bits.
Storage Size
Sizes of les, and the capacity of storage devices, are
often referred to as multiples of the byte. A kilobyte (KB)
is approximately 1000 bytes, enough information to
store about 150 words, or about half a page of text from
a paperback book. As larger units are used, the naming
system employs other metric prexes, with each step up
representing a multiple of either 1000 or 1024, depend-
ing on the device. Thus, a megabyte (MB) is approxi-
mately 1000 KB, and a gigabyte (GB) is approximately
1000 MB. Units beyond the gigabyte include the terabyte
(TB), petabyte (PB), and exabyte (EB).
Magnetic Storage
Since grains in a magnetic medium can be magnetized
with the north pole pointed in either of two directions,
magnetism is an ideal medium for representing binary
information. In addition, since information stored in
this way is relatively stable, it is useful for long-term
storage. Finally, since this magnetism can be reset eas-
ily using an electromagnet, magnetic media are easy to
erase and rewrite.
A magnetic hard disk employs one or more spin-
ning platters coated in a magnetic medium. An arm
with tiny electromagnetic heads oats over the surface
of the disk and is used to magnetize regions of the disk
corresponding to the 1s and 0s of binary code. To
retrieve information, the disk spins past the heads, gen-
erating current that corresponds to the code stored on
the disk. While the principle is straightforward, it has
been a remarkable feat of engineering to create disks
that spin up to 7200 revolutions per minute with arms
that can travel across the surface of a platter 50 or more
times per second as they seek and write information.
Even so, writing and retrieval speeds have not increased
over time at the same exponential rate as the amount
of information that can be stored on such disks, result-
ing in undesirable lags.
Even in the early twenty-rst century, long-term
backup of computer information is often done on low-
cost magnetic tape, with bits of information laid down
as magnetic regions on moving tape. However, since
the information is laid down on a long piece of tape,
there can be no random access of information, limiting
its usefulness in everyday applications. Until recently,
digital camcorders used magnetic tape to record video;
however, the desire to have random access of footage
and recent advances in hard drive and other storage
techniques have brought on a new generation of tape-
less camcorders.
CDs, DVDs, and Flash Memory
Both CD and DVD players are optical devices that use
lasers to read the shiny and dull spots encoded on a
plastic disk. Information is recorded by burning non-
reective pits into the surface of the disk to represent
0s and leaving the reective surface to represent 1s.
When the disk is played, it spins past a laser. When
the light encounters a pit, it is not reected, and the
player registers an off signal (0), and when the light
bounces back off a shiny region, the player registers an
on signal (1). This information is interpreted by a
small computer in the player.
Many devices, including digital cameras, camcord-
ers, video game consoles, and cell phones, use ash
memory, which can store large amounts of informa-
tion on small cards that have no moving parts. This
technology employs an array of microscopic transistors
Digital Storage 309
through which current may pass. Whether this current
passes through or not is controlled by what is called a
oating gate, and the path through the transistor can
be electrically opened or closed. This method allows the
transistor to have the two states needed for binary code.
Sections of ash memory can easily be reset (erased) by
ushing out the electrons trapped in the oating gate.
One of the primary benets of this technology is that
information can be stored on a card with no moving
parts, improving both access speed and portability.
Data Rot and Error Correction
Tape, hard disks, CDs, and ash memory store and
retrieve information accurately most of the time, but
they are not problem-free. Errors and noise can hap-
pen in an electromechanical recording system1s
that should have been 0s, and vice versawhich
diminish information accuracy. Mathematical meth-
ods are used to check for and correct errors. For
example, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) coding
algorithms calculate a xed-length binary sequence
(code) for each block of data using polynomial divi-
sion in a nite eld. The codes and data blocks are
stored together, and they can be checked after trans-
mission or retrieval. CRC was invented by mathema-
tician W. Wesley Peterson, who also devised many
error-correcting codes.
Even if the recording is perfect, the media that hold
binary code can degrade in a variety of ways over time.
For instance, magnetic media can lose their magnetic
orientation, especially if they are subjected to a strong
magnetic eld. In addition, the substrates on which
the magnetism is storedthe platters on hard drives
and plastic backing on magnetic tapewill invariably
degrade over time. Even the plastic on CDs and DVDs
will begin to break down, and ash memory oating
gates will ultimately leak the electrons that maintain
data in their ash memory transistor states. Even if the
storage media and binary information survive over
time, there is a real chance that in the future there may
USB ash drives are smaller, faster, and have thousands of times more capacity than oppy disks or CD-ROMs.
Flash memory stores and retrieves information accurately most of the time, but the devices are not problem-free.
310 Digital Storage
not be hardware available to read information encoded
in an outdated media.
Further Reading
Somasundaram, G., and Alok Shrivastava. Information
Storage and Management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.
Wicker, Stephen. Error Control Systems for Digital
Communication and Storage. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1994.
Jeff Goodman
See Also: Digital Images; MP3 Players; Personal
Disease Survival Rates
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Sophisticated mathematics is used to
calculate disease survival rates and to help doctors and
patients make treatment decisions.
Disease survival rates indicate the seriousness of a cer-
tain disease, and the prognosis of a person with the
disease based on the experience of others in the same
situation (in terms of the stage of the disease, gender,
and age). Overall survival rate is dened as the per-
centage of people who are alive after a specic period
of time after diagnosis with the disease, which is com-
puted using the following formula: Overall Survival
Rate = 100 (Number alive at the end of a time period
Number alive at the start of a time period).
Standard time periods such as one, ve, and 10 years
are often used. For instance, the ve-year overall sur-
vival rate for stage-I breast cancer is said to be 95%
if 95% of all people who are diagnosed with stage-I
breast cancer live for at least ve years after diagnosis.
Conversely, 5% of these people die within ve years.
Survival rates depend on many factors, including
both the type and stage of disease, as well as age, gen-
der, health status, lifestyle, and treatment. Doctors and
researchers use survival rates to evaluate the efcacy of
a treatment, compare different treatments, and develop
treatment plans. For example, the treatment having
the highest survival rates over time is usually chosen.
If treatments have similar survival rates but different
numbers of side effects, the treatment with the fewest
number of side effects is often selected.
Other Types of Survival Rates
Overall survival rates have some limitations. First, they
do not distinguish causes of mortality within a given
time period. For instance, a death may be caused by
a car accident rather than by the disease. Second, they
fail to indicate whether the disease is in remission or
not at the end of the time period. Moreover, they do
not directly provide the prognosis for a specic patient.
For instance, the 95% ve-year survival rate for stage-
I breast cancer does not guarantee that every patient
will survive more than ve years. When considering
only deaths caused by the disease, relative survival rate
or cause-specic survival rate is often used. Relative
survival rate is the ratio of the overall survival rate for
people with the disease to that for a similar group of
people in terms of age and gender without the disease.
One advantage is that relative survival rates do
not depend on the accuracy of the reported causes of
death. On the other hand, cause-specic survival rate
is computed by treating deaths from causes other than
the disease as withdrawals so that they do not deate
the survival rate due to the disease. When using this
rate, there is no need to involve a similar group of
people without the disease. Sometimes more detailed
survival rates in terms of the status of a disease after a
given period of time, such as disease-free survival rate
and progression-free survival rate, are of interest. The
computation for disease-free survival rate is similar to
that of the overall survival rate except that the numer-
ator is the number of patients who are cured at the
end of the time period. Similar computation applies
to the progression-free survival rate except that the
numerator is the number of people who are alive and
still have the disease, but the disease is not progressing
at the end of the time period. As before, disease-free
and progression-free survival rates can be adjusted by
ltering out the effect of deaths from causes unrelated
to the disease.
Survival Function
Related to survival rates, the survival function is a
mathematical function that uniquely determines the
Disease Survival Rates 311
probability distribution of a random variable. In sur-
vival analysis, the random variable of interest is sur-
vival time or time to a certain event, denoted by T. For
instance, survival time could be time until recovery
from a disease, or time to death. The survival function
for T is a function of time point t dened as
S t P T t ( ) = > ( )
which is the true probability that the survival time of
a subject is beyond time t. The survival rates with an
adjustment for deaths because of unrelated causes are
estimates of the survival function at some t based on
existing data. For a study with n patients, the survival
function can be estimated by the empirical survival
S t
( ) = Number of patients not experiencing the
event up to t/n.
In follow-up studies, however, a patient with a cer-
tain disease may withdraw, die from other causes, or
still be alive at the end of the study. In such cases, the
survival time T of the patient is not exactly observed
but only known to be greater than a certain time (with-
drawal time, death time, or time at the end of the study)
called censoring time. Then T is said to be right-cen-
sored, and the resulting set of data is called right-cen-
sored data. Based on right-censored data, the survival
function can be estimated by
S t
( ),
the K-M estimator developed by statisticians Edward
Kaplan and Paul Meier in 1958. As a special case,
S t
( )
coincides with S t
( ) when there is no censoring.
When estimating survival probability,
P T t > ( ) at a given time t,
S t
( ) or a cause-of-death-adjusted survival rate
introduced earlier can be used. Taking a more sophis-
ticated approach, P T t > ( ) can be estimated using a
condence interval. For example, one may conclude
that, with 95% condence, P T t > ( )
is between two
numbers, say 0.80 and 0.90. Such a condence inter-
val can be constructed using S t
( )
and its variance
estimate from statistician Major Greenwoods for-
mula based a normal distribution.
Further Reading
Gordis, Leon. Epidemiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia:
Saunders Elsevier, 2009.
Kalbeisch, John D., and Ross L. Prentice. The Statistical
Analysis of Failure Time Data. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2002.
Klein, John P., and Melvin Moeschberger. Survival
Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Marks, Harry. A Conversation With Paul Meier. Clinical
Trials 1 (2004).
Qiang Zhao
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Functions; Statistics Education.
Diseases, Tracking
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Communication; Data Analysis
and Probability.
Summary: Physicians and mathematicians have long
worked together to develop and use models that track
the spread of infectious diseases in order to develop
appropriate countermeasures and responses to halt
the disease spread.
The health of societies relies on quickly and correctly
tracking and predicting the growth and spread of dis-
ease in populations. Epidemiology is a mathematically
rich area. Exposure and infection are both probabilistic
processes, and tracking infectious diseases is a dynamic
application of mathematics. The World Health Orga-
nization (WHO) and other organizations concerned
with public health use mathematical models in their
decision-making, such as when WHO analyzed the
risks and benets of travel restrictions during the early
twenty-rst-century H1N1 (swine u) epidemic. Epi-
312 Diseases, Tracking Infectious
demiology has a long history with important societal
connections. Some trace one early use of mathemati-
cal modeling for disease to eighteenth-century math-
ematician Daniel Bernoulli. He presented an analysis
of smallpox morbidity and mortality to demonstrate
the efcacy of vaccination.
Nineteenth-century physician William Farr is often
called the father of epidemiology and was respon-
sible for the collection of ofcial medical statistics in
England and Wales. His most important contribution
was to set up a system for routinely recording causes of
death. Physician John Snow is frequently cited as using
graphical methods to propose a mechanism of trans-
mission and the source of a cholera epidemic in nine-
teenth century London. Epidemiologists using math-
ematical and statistical models have been inuential in
research, treatment, and some methods of prevention
for potentially devastating diseases, like tuberculosis,
smallpox, typhus, and malaria.
Infectious diseases are a leading cause of death
for humans. In order to understand the dynamics of
tracking infectious disease at the population level, it is
important to understand the responsible mechanisms
at the individual level. Infectious disease is caused by
a pathogenic agent (for example, a virus, bacterium,
or parasite) transmitted through one of many meth-
ods, such as air or body uids. One method scientists
have developed for investigating why outbreaks of
disease take place and how to contain or end them is
to design a system of surveillance and data collection
from individual cases, which can then be used to model
the infections trajectory through a population. Other
Diseases, Tracking Infectious 313
This microfluidic labchip was used in a CDC bioanalyzer to evaluate Mycobacterium cosmeticum strains. There
are some 115 species of Mycobacterium, causing infectious diseases like tuberculosis and leprosy.
times, they may use data from past similar situations to
extrapolate possible solutions.
Surveillance of Infectious Disease
Central public health institutions have created com-
puter systems to monitor emerging outbreaks of ill-
nesses. Traditional notication has relied on disease
reporting by laboratories and hospitals. However, the
rst indications of an outbreak usually occur before a
formal diagnosis. People respond to illness with a vari-
ety of behaviors to illness that can often be tracked; for
example, the number of visits to emergency rooms, or
purchases of over-the-counter drugs. Other peoples
behaviors are more difcult to track, such as those
people who continue their daily routines even though
they feel sick. Systems of surveillance may compile
data from many sources to look for unusual patterns
or signicant increases in activities like emergency
room visits. Another approach, based on Internet
search queries, collects disease-related searches. The
searches are linked to geographic mapping tools and
are used to identify clusters of symptoms. Further
analysis and modeling using mathematical and sta-
tistical methods are needed to estimate the potential
impact of a disease outbreak.
Modeling Infectious Disease
Quantitative analysis describes probable disease trajec-
tories for predicting impact over time. The parameters
may include the variables of time, geographic location,
population density, contact rate, and saturation, as well
as the personal characteristics of those who contract
the disease. For example, eighteenth-century mathe-
matician Daniel Bernoulli created mathematical mod-
els for smallpox to support the use of inoculations. At
the turn of the twentieth century, British physician
Ronald Ross began to develop mathematical models to
help him understand malarias trajectory, rate of pro-
gression, and probability of infection. He received the
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1902, indicat-
ing the importance of his mathematical contributions
to epidemic theory. Another early twentieth-century
model is the ReedFrost epidemic model, which was
developed by scientists Lowell Reed and Wade Hamp-
ton Frost. It models disease transmission via person-
to-person contact in a group and includes concepts like
a xed probability of any person coming into contact
with any other individual in the group.
Quantitative research continued throughout the
twentieth century and continues to be active in the
twenty-rst century. There are many large agencies
that use epidemiological models, such as WHO and
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). As medicine and technology advance, new
variables become important in models; for example,
global air travel, which brings previously isolated pop-
ulations into greater contact with one another, along
with new vaccinations and vaccination policies. Dif-
ferential use of longtime practices, like quarantining
sick and potentially exposed individuals, may also be
a factor.
Other models incorporate seasonal information,
such as varying contact rates, which can be affected
by societal structures, such as school schedules. In the
latter twentieth century, computer networking and
the subsequent spread of computer viruses have led
mathematicians and others to extend epidemiological
models to research and model the spread of comput-
ers worms and viruses using mathematical techniques,
such as directed graphs and simulation. In such an
active eld of research, new technologies and methods
for quickening the pace of identifying patterns of dis-
ease are expected to be developed.
Further Reading
Diekmann, O., and J. A. P. Heesterbeek. Mathematical
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building,
Analysis and Interpretation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2000.
Hethcote, H. W. The Mathematics of Infectious
Diseases. Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics 42 (2000).
Keeling, Matt, and Pejman Rohani. Modeling Infectious
Diseases in Humans and Animals. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2007.
Douglas Rugh
See Also: Disease Survival Rates; HIV/AIDS;
Mathematics, Applied; Viruses.
See Multiplication and Division
314 Diseases, Tracking Infectious
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Domes have been used throughout
history to cover open spaces.
In architecture, a dome is a hemispherical structure
with a circular, polygonal, or elliptical base that is usu-
ally used to cover a large open space. It developed as a
generalization of the full revolution of an arch around
a vertical axis.
Early domes appeared in small buildings and tombs
of the ancient Middle East, India, and the Mediterra-
nean. Because these domes consist of horizontal layers
of materials progressively cantilevered inward until
they reach the top of the roof, they are considered
false domes and called corbel domes. True domes
present the characteristic of having a continuously
changing slope ranging from being vertical at the base
to horizontal at the top, which requires adaptable roof-
ing materials.
Large-scale masonry domes were rst introduced by
the Romans in public buildings, such as baths, temples,
mausoleums, and basilicas. With an interior diameter
of 142 feet, the Pantheon, built during the second cen-
tury in Rome, remained the largest dome until 1881
and is still the worlds largest unreinforced concrete
dome. Built on a rotunda, it exerts tremendous thrusts
on the perimeter walls. It is not only an engineering
triumph but also a tremendous achievement in sacred
geometry and cosmography. Its hemispherical ceiling
has regularly been compared to the vault of heaven.
Carried on four pendentives, the 102-foot central
dome that covers Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is a mas-
terpiece of Byzantine architecture. Built in the sixth
century, it exemplies the full development of the
pendentive (a triangular segment of a sphere) as a
constructive solution allowing the construction of a
dome over a square nave. Volumetric transitions and
intersections are critical components of the geometry
of architecture.
Built from 1420 to 1436 under the direction of
Brunelleschi, the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Flor-
ence succeeded Hagia Sophia as the largest masonry
dome in the world, a record it stills holds. Brunelles-
chi designed an eight-sided double dome shell without
exterior buttresses that did not require any support-
ing framework during construction. Standing at about
165 feet above ground level, the interior of the dome
is approximately 100 feet tall and spans 139 feet. The
dome weighs more than 40,000 tons and required the
use of more than 4 million bricks.
Domes became increasingly popular during the
Renaissance, the Baroque era, and the nineteenth cen-
tury. Inuenced by the Pantheon and Santa Maria del
Fiore Bramante, Michelangelo designed St. Peters Basil-
ica in Rome.
It has the worlds tallest dome, and it inspired one of
the most famous landmarks of Baroque architecture: the
dome of the Invalides designed by Mansart. Completed
in 1711, Wrens three-layer dome for St. Paul cathedral
in London inuenced the construction of the dome of
Domes 315
Hagia Sophia was built in the sixth century and is a
masterpiece of Byzantine architecture.
the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., which ultimately
inspired the design of most U.S. state capitols.
Since the late nineteenth century, different mate-
rials, such as steel, wood, membrane, and reinforced
concrete, have allowed the building of domes covering
much larger spaces. The two monumental arches sup-
porting the retractable roof of the Cowboys Stadium
in Arlington, Texas, reach a height of 292 feet and span
of 1225 feetmaking it the largest domed stadium in
the world.
Geodesic domes represent another modern type of
dome, rejecting the classical arch principle. This type
of dome is usually a partially spherical structure con-
stituted of a network of triangular or polygonal facets
that are in tension and compression. Because the thrust
is equal in all directions, the dome can be anchored
directly on the ground. Because of their cost-effective-
ness and structural strength, hundreds of thousands of
geodesic domes have been built all over the world
most often as a solution to provide shelter for poor
families in developing countries, or to house people
in extreme weather conditions. In 1960, Buckminster
Fuller, who developed the mathematics of this type of
dome, designed a geodesic dome two miles in diameter
and one mile high at its top that would have covered
Midtown Manhattan, and provided the whole district
with permanent climate control.
Further Reading
Blackwell, William. Geometry in Architecture. Boston:
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1984.
Hammond, Victoria. Visions of Heaven: The Dome
in European Architecture. New York: Princeton
Architectural Press, 2005.
Kenner, Hugh. Geodesic Math and How to Use It. 2nd ed.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
King, Ross. Brunelleschis Dome: How a Renaissance
Genius Reinvented Architecture. New York: Penguin
Books, 2000.
McDonald, William L. The Pantheon: Design, Meaning,
and Progeny. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 2002.
Catherine C. Galley
Carl R. Seaquist
See Also: City Planning; Engineering Design;
Doppler Radar
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry;
Summary: Doppler radar uses the mathematical
characteristics of waves to track and predict weather
Radio detection and ranging, commonly known by the
acronym radar, was initially developed to detect and
determine the distance of enemy aircraft when visual
methods were insufcient, such as in poor weather or at
night. It is commonly traced to the nineteenth century
work of physicist Heinrich Hertz, who investigated the
reection of radio waves from metallic objects. Dop-
pler radar is a type of radar that uses the Doppler effect
to judge the speed and direction of distant objects.
The Doppler effect (also known as Doppler shift) is
a physical property that applies to all types of waves,
including sound and light. Mathematician and physi-
cist Christian Doppler presented a paper on this effect
in 1842, describing how frequencies of waves change
in correspondence to the relative movement between
source and observer. In 1948, Hippolyte Fizeau inde-
pendently discussed the shift in the wavelength of light
coming from a star in similar terms. Doppler radar has
applications in many elds including aviation, meteo-
rology, sports, and trafc control. For example, Dop-
pler radar is widely used for detecting severe weather,
and it is a critical component in wind-shear detection
and warning systems for airports.
Mathematics of Waves
The Doppler effect relies on the mathematical prop-
erties of waves. Transverse waves, which disturb a
medium perpendicular to the direction the wave is
traveling, are described in terms of their wavelength
and amplitude. Wavelength is the distance between
two wave crests or troughs, while amplitude is the
height of the wave. An example of this is light. Lon-
gitudinal waves produce a series of compressions and
rarefactions in a medium and are described by their
amplitude and frequency. An example is sound, where
amplitude corresponds to intensity (or loudness)
and frequency corresponds to pitch.
A car with a siren emits a series of sound waves of
constant frequency. If the car moves toward a station-
316 Doppler Radar
ary observer, the waves will seem to be bunched up
(to have greater frequency), thus a higher pitch. The
same siren moving away will have waves that appear
stretched out, with lower frequency and pitch. Simi-
larly, an oncoming light source will appear more blue,
while one moving away will appear more red, corre-
sponding to higher and lower frequencies on the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum. The amount of change in fre-
quency is relative to both speed and direction of the
moving object. The speed of a moving object can be
measured by shooting waves of a known frequency at
the object, and then observing the frequency of the
waves that bounce from the object to the source. The
difference between the outgoing and incoming fre-
quencies is used to calculate speed. Common examples
are the handheld radar guns used to measure the speed
of automobiles or a thrown baseball. Edwin Hubble,
for whom the Hubble Space Telescope was named,
used the Doppler effect to help measure the distances
to other galaxies. Light from other galaxies looks more
red, indicating they are moving away. This redshift is
commonly used as evidence in favor of the Big Bang
theory of the origin of the universe.
Weather Detection
Many consider Doppler radar to be the best tool avail-
able for detecting tornadoes, hurricanes, and other
extreme weather in the twenty-rst century. Weather
stations commonly emit radio waves that strike objects
like clouds or heavy rain, and reect back. Meteorolo-
gists use this data to determine the speed and direction
of a weather system, as well as for probabilistic models
to predict the path and potential severity of a storm
in a given geographic area. Mathematical algorithms
produce color-coded weather maps, weather anima-
tions, and other visualizations for new programs or
Web sites, indicating how a storm system is predicted
to move through a geographic area. Some researchers
have used input data from a single radar station and
knowledge of the mathematical structure of hurricanes
to construct three-dimensional maps.
In the twenty-rst century, a system of 21 Atlantic
and Gulf coast radar stations, starting in Maine and
ending in Texas, gathers real-time data to mathemati-
cally estimate the characteristics of hurricanes within
120 miles of the coast. Previously, forecasters had to y
aircraft into oncoming hurricanes and throw instru-
ments overboard to collect data, giving them a lead
time of about half a day before hurricane landfall. Other
mathematicians have explored numerical weather pre-
diction using Doppler radar and a technique known
as four-dimensional variational data assimilation,
which estimates model parameters by optimizing the
t between the solution of a given model and a set of
observations the model is intended to predict.
Further Reading
Harris, William. How the Doppler Effect Works.
OConnor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. Mactutor History
of Mathematics Archive: Doppler Biography. http://
Schetzen, Martin. Airborne Doppler Radar: Applications,
Theory and Philosophy. Reston, VA: American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2006.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: GPS; Trafc; Weather Forecasting.
Drug Dosing
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians and scientists calculate
optimal drug dosages to help ensure patient health.
Drug dosing is the administration of a particular
amount of medication according to a specic schedule.
There are two kinds of drugs: prescription drugs and
nonprescription drugs (over-the-counter medicine).
For prescription drugs, medical doctors normally pre-
scribe the amount and time to take the medication. For
over-the-counter drugs, information of drug dosing
is usually recommended on the label of the medicine.
Drug dosing is common in everyday life, but an error
in drug dosing may claim lives or create serious medi-
cal burdens. According to a conservative estimate in
2006, drug errors injure more than 2 million Ameri-
cans per year.
Drug Dosing 317
Dosage Measurements
Some drug dosing errors stem from inaccurate mea-
surements and administering improper amounts of
chemical compounds to the patient. The rst math-
ematics-related issue is the measurement systems in
treatment dosing. Drug dosing normally utilizes the
metric system, the apothecary system, or the house-
hold system. These are the three main forms of mea-
surement systems in the pharmaceutical industry.
The apothecary system is historically the oldest sys-
tem in medicine measurement. It consists of grains,
drams, ounces, and minims.
60 grains (gr) =
1 dram
8 drams =
1 ounce (oz)
1 uid dram =
60 minims.
Although the apothecary system was widely used
during earlier times, it is rarely used in the twenty-rst
century. The most widespread dosing measurement in
liquid drugs in the twenty-rst century is the house-
hold system, which is rooted on the apothecary system
but uses relatively common items as measurement
units. The household system primarily consists of tea-
spoons (tsp), tablespoons (tbsp), ounces (oz), pints
(pt), juice glasses, coffee cups, glasses, measuring cups,
drops, quarts (qt), and gallons (gal).
1 tablespoon (tbsp) =
3 teaspoons (tsp)
1 teaspoon (tsp) =
60 drops
1 ounce (oz) =
2 tablespoons
1 juice glass =
4 ounces
1 coffee glass =
6 ounces
1 glass =
8 ounces
1 measuring cup (c) =
8 ounces
1 pint (pt) =
2 measuring cups
1 quart (qt) =
2 pints
1 gallon (gal) =
4 quarts
The household system is convenient and commonly
understandable, but it is just an equivalent measure
without specic precision; for instance, the size of a cof-
fee cup may vary. A more scientic and precise way is to
measure with the metric system. The metric system is
accurate, simple, and popular in most scientic experi-
ments, including drug measurements, even though it is
not as handy as the household system. It essentially con-
sists of length, volume, and weight measures.
The basic metric length measure is meter (m). Along
with the meter are the following:
1 kilometer (km) =
1000 meters
1 decimeter (dm) =
0.1 meter
1 centimeter (cm) =
0.01 meter
1 millimeter (mm) =
0.001 meter
The basic metric volume measure is liter (L). Along
with the liter are the following:
1 kiloliter (kL) =
1000 liters
1 milliliter (mL) =
0.001 liter
The basic metric weight measure is gram. Along
with the gram are the following:
1 kilogram (kg) =
1000 grams
1 milligram (mg) =
0.001 gram
1 microgram (mcg) =
0.001 milligram
Each measuring system has its advantages and dis-
advantages. Administering a drug with a wrong mea-
surement system could result in a fatal error. It is criti-
cal to distinguish the different systems and use them
appropriately. The following are some basic conver-
sions among the three drug measuring systems.
480 grains =
1 ounce (oz)
1 minim =
1 drop
1 milliliter (mL) =
1516 drops
1 tablespoon =
15 milliliters
Dose Response, Drug Dosing, and Statistics
Besides dosage measurement, another important
aspect in drug dosing is to understand that because
of the immune system and drug resistance, efcacy
318 Drug Dosing
does not necessarily increase as dosage increases. Fac-
tors such as body weight and age affect the shape of
the dose response curve for each individual. To take
account of population diversity, the expected effect
within a population is principally considered as the
guideline for the recommended drug dosage. For
example, over-the-counter medication normally uses
age or body weight of the patient as the guide to rec-
ommend efcient dosages.
Similar to the efcacy of a drug, for some medicines,
side effects or toxicity of a drug need to be simultane-
ously considered in drug dosing. If the side effect or
toxicity is too strong, administering the medicine may
kill (rather than cure) the patient. In this regard, it is
necessary to identify the maximum tolerated dose of a
drug. The maximum tolerated dose is the largest dos-
age at which the toxicity/side effect has not reached the
level to cause the specic harm to the patient, while
the minimum effective dose is the smallest dosage to
reach the expected treatment effect of the drug. If the
minimum effective dose exceeds the maximum toler-
ated dose, the drug is normally not permitted. If the
minimum effective dose is smaller than the maximum
tolerated dose, the dosage range in which the drug is
both safe and effective is called the therapeutic window
of the drug. For example, if the minimum effective
dose of a drug is 5 mg daily and the maximum toler-
ated dose is 12 mg daily, then the therapeutic window
of the drug is 512 mg daily.
To make an inference on the efcacy and toxicity of
a drug at the same time, statistical methods are used.
After clinical trials (such as the double-blind experi-
ment), simultaneous inference methods are used to
estimate the minimum effective dose and the maxi-
mum tolerated dose. One of the well-known meth-
ods in identifying dose effects is Dunnetts method
for multiple comparisons with a control, developed
by statistician Charles Dunnett in the mid-twentieth
century. Other effective techniques for identifying the
therapeutic window of a drug have been explored by
mathematicians and statisticians since that time.
Shelf Life
Mathematics and statistics also intertwine with drug
dosing on the shelf life of a drug. For medications that
emit chemical compounds over time, the drug effect
may be affected by chemical half-lives well before the
expiration date. In the United States, the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) requires companies to
conduct stability analyses to establish the shelf life of
new products. The same is true in many other coun-
tries around the world. The conclusions are generally
based on statistical sampling and mathematical model-
ing of data, using estimation methods such as simulta-
neous condence segments over time.
Further Reading
Boyer, Mary. Math for Nurses: A Pocket Guide to
Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation. 7th ed.
Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Chow, Shein-Chung, and Jun Shao. Statistics in Drug
Research: Methodologies and Recent Developments.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002.
Lacy C., et al. Drug Information Handbook. 19th ed.
Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp. Inc., 2010.
John T. Chen
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Measurement in Society; Probability.
DVR Devices
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics is essential to the
functioning of DVRs, including image processing,
compression, and error correction.
Digital video recording devices (DVRs) have become
an increasingly prominent factor in the television
industry in the twenty-rst century. The basic function
of a DVR is to record television to a digital format on
a disk drive, allowing it to be played back later. Com-
bined with the timer and basic replay functions, this
feature allows standard DVRs to perform many func-
tions: store and play back television shows; automati-
cally record specic television programs; and buffer
live television to allow pausing and skipping.
Many DVRs can play and record the same program
at the same time, a function earlier video recording
devices lacked. A 1991 patent by fatherdaughter team
DVR Devices 319
Eric and Romi Goldwasser is one of the earliest known
for digital video recorders. One well-known brand of
DVR is TiVo, introduced by engineer Michael Ramsay
and computer scientist James Barton in 1999. Both
previously worked at Silicon Graphics, Inc., which was
a pioneer of computer workstations. Because of these
roots in computers and the technology they utilize,
some consider DVRs to be computers. Mathematics is
essential to the functioning of DVRs, including image
processing, compression, and error correction. It also
plays a role in digital watermarking, which is widely
used to enforce copyright laws.
Statistical analyses of television viewing habits by
companies, such as ACNielsen, suggest that DVR use
combined with online viewing are signicantly chang-
ing the pattern of television delivery and assessments
of popularity and marketability in the early twenty-
rst century. TiVos Ramsay noted, . . . its forcing the
industry to embrace the Internet . . . and once they
embrace it, they will nd that their business models
change and new opportunities will arise.
Process and Functions
In DVRs, images are captured and stored in binary
form. This process differs from older electromechani-
cal systems, like videocassette recorders (VCRs). Raw
video les tend to be very large and require sizable
storage space, so DVRs use mathematical compres-
sion algorithms. Files must then be decompressed
before viewing. Decompression is accomplished by
hardware or software codec technology, which imple-
ments specic formats or standards. Motion Pictures
Experts Group (MPEG) created the MPEG-1 for-
mat for digital storage in 1993 and MPEG-2 in 1994,
which made high-denition television (HDTV) and
digital versatile discs (DVDs) possible. The MPEG-4,
released in 1999, facilitated digital video for Internet
streaming and replaced some proprietary codecs in
DVRs to facilitate le transfer.
MPEG compression is typically asymmetric; algo-
rithmic encoders are more complex than their paired
systematic decoders. Optimized compression to pre-
serve image quality is achieved by mathematically con-
trolling bit rates subject to constraints on variables like
le size or transmission bandwidth. Quality applies
not only to individual frames but also to the smooth-
ness of transitions between frames, which affects the
users visual experience of motion. This approach can
be formulated as a Lagrange minimization problem,
named for mathematician Joseph Lagrange. Two- or
three-pass encoding schemes are often used. A rst
pass collects complexity data for the entire video. Sub-
sequent passes perform the actual encoding based on
the information. Algebraic structures known as Galois
elds, after mathematician Evariste Galois, are help-
ful in coding and error correction, and are sometimes
paired with Fourier transforms, named for mathema-
tician Joseph Fourier. This pairing is especially true
in recorders that incorporate nonbinary, cyclic error
correction, such as ReedSolomon codes, named for
mathematicians Irving Reed and Gustave Solomon, as
well as for pseudo-random digital dither and random-
ized channel codes. Recording and compression are
also affected by digital watermarking, where extra vis-
ible or invisible information is embedding in a digital
signal. It can be used to identify ownership, track the
le, and prevent recording. Watermarks may be classi-
ed by the embedding method, like quantization-type
watermarks, which rely on quantization matrices.
Perhaps the best-known brand of DVR is TiVo,
introduced in 1999. One of TiVos features is its abil-
ity to employ statistical techniques, such as data min-
ing, to generate recommendations. Viewers can rate
shows they watch, and TiVo tracks the ratings, which
are then examined for patterns. As of 2004, TiVo had
accumulated more than 100 million user ratings on
30,000 different programs. The TiVo algorithm uses
a collaborative ltering architecture, which relies on
comparing viewer proles and a viewers past patterns
using several thousand key details, like favorite actors
and genres.
However, some users have complained about
unusual or extreme matches resulting from this meth-
odology and have intentionally subverted the algo-
rithms by giving false or contradictory ratings. The
server architecture is scalable and throttleable, which
means as more server resources and user data become
available, the system is faster for everyone and perhaps
more efcient in nding recommendations for harder-
to-match viewers.
Further Reading
Ali, Kamal, and Wijnand van Stam. TiVo: Making Show
Recommendations Using a Distributed Collaborative
Filtering Architecture. Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (KDD) conference paper, 2004.
320 DVR Devices
Davis, Philip J., and Reuben Hersh. The Mathematical
Experience. Boston: Houghton-Mifin, 1981.
Littlewood, J. E. Littlewoods Miscellany. New York:
University of Cambridge Press, 1986.
Schaefer, Jimmy. Digital Video Recorders: DVRs
Changing TV and Advertising Forever. Oxford,
England: Focal Press, 2009.
Watkinson, John. The Art of Digital Video. 4th ed.
Woburn, MA: Focal Press, 2008.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Digital Storage; MP3 Players; Nielsen
Ratings; Predicting Attacks; Televisions.
DVR Devices 321
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Earthquakes are measured in several
ways, the most famous of which is the logarithmic
Richter scale.
Earthquakes are the movements of Earths crust result-
ing from tectonic plates colliding against each other. This
sudden release in energy causes seismic waves that cause
destruction. Depending on their severity, earthquakes
range from being barely noticeable to causing perma-
nent damage to infrastructure along with a signicant
loss of life. Most earthquakes are caused by the action
of geological faults but they can also be caused by mine
blasts, volcanic activity, and subterrestrial activity, such
as injecting high-pressure water for geothermal heat
capture. The focal point of the earthquake is called the
hypocenter. The point on the ground directly above
the hypocenter is known as the epicenter of the earth-
quake. Philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists
have long attempted to understand earthquakes. Thales
of Miletus thought that earthquakes occurred because
Earth rested on water. Mathematician, astronomer, and
geographer Zhang Heng invented the rst seismograph
for measuring earthquakes in the second century. Math-
ematician Harold Jeffrey theorized that Earths core is
liquid after analyzing earthquake waves. Geologists use
statistical methods to try to predict earthquakes.
Seismic Waves
A tremendous amount of energy is released from the
epicenter radially outward. As the energy spreads, it
is manifested in three forms: compression waves (P
waves), shear waves (S waves), and surface waves.
P waves are felt rst and do minimal damage. S
waves follow the P waves and do minimal damage. It is
the slower surface waves (also known as Love waves)
that cause the majority of the damage.
The goal of earthquake measurement has been to
quantify the energy released. Seismographs are highly
sensitive instruments employed to record earthquakes.
Conventionally, earthquake magnitudes are reported
in the Richter scale. The Modied Mercalli Intensity
Scale is commonly used to ordinally quantify (or rank)
the effects of an earthquake on humans and infrastruc-
ture. Body wave or surface wave magnitudes are also
used to measure earthquakes.
Richter Scale
The Richter scale quanties the amount of seismic energy
released during a quake. It is a base-10 logarithmic scale,
which means that the difference between an earthquake
of rating 2.0 on the Richter scale and 3.0 correlates to a
tenfold increase in measured amplitude. Specically, the
Richter scale is dened as
= + log
where A is the peak value of the displacement of the
WoodAnderson seismograph (mm) and B is the cor-
rection factor. The wave intensity measurements are
also logarithmic functions, using variables such as the
ground displacement in microns, the waves period in
seconds, and distance from the earthquakes epicenter.
Modied Mercalli Intensity Scale
The Modied Mercalli Intensity Scale has 12 grada-
tions: instrumental, feeble, slight, moderate, rather
strong, strong, very strong, destructive, ruinous, disas-
trous, very disastrous, and catastrophic.
Further Reading
Brune, James. Tectonic Stress and the Spectra of Seismic
Shear Waves From Earthquakes. La Jolla, CA: Institute
of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCSD, 1969.
Gutenberg, B., and C. F. Richter. Earthquake Magnitude,
Intensity, Energy and Acceleration. Pasadena, CA:
Bulleting of the Seismological Society of America,
Hough, Susan. Predicting the Unpredictable: The
Tumultuous Science of Earthquake Prediction.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Exponentials and Logarithms; Geometry
and Geometry Education; Weather Forecasting;
Weather Scales.
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Problem Solving;
Summary: Some educators use objects to engage
students attention and encourage them to learn
sensorially and experientially.
Educational manipulatives are physical, technological,
or virtual objects that are intended to help students
learn concepts by taking advantage of tactile and visual
Mathematical tools and technologies are common
in mathematics education. Entire companies and sales
catalogues are devoted to such mathematical products,
and national and state curriculum standards empha-
size their importance in schools. There is a rich his-
tory of tools and manipulatives in mathematics class-
rooms, and these have changed over time along with
curricular, industrial, and technological needs and
innovations. For instance, in the seventeenth century,
the slide rule replaced logarithmic tables in scientic
calculation and mathematics classrooms but these in
turn became obsolete in the twentieth century because
of calculators and computers. Educators, including
classroom teachers and university researchers, along
with professional designers, continue to create and
rene manipulatives and research their effectiveness.
Some also work for companies to develop or market
these products and materials.
Two early developers of collections of learning manip-
ulatives included Friedrich Frbel (17821852) and
Maria Montessori (18701952). Frbel was a Ger-
man educational researcher who is also referred to as
the inventor of kindergarten. He developed a set of
manipulative tools called the Frbel Gifts, which were
intended for kindergarten play and learning in the nine-
teenth century. The fuller development of the manipu-
latives occurred after Frbels death. The Frbel Gifts
set contained objects such as balls, cubes, tiles, sticks,
and framed gures that were built out of toothpicks
and peas. They were designed to help young students
explore mathematical concepts in two and three dimen-
sions. Some of the surfaces were hung from string in
order to highlight their cross-sections and symmetries.
One focus of Frobels kindergarten philosophy was free
play, which was also carried out in different settings with
other objects. For example, the Milton Bradley Com-
pany, an American game company established in 1860,
sold a curvilinear set of pieces that could form a cylin-
324 Educational Manipulatives
the physical manipulatives like pattern blocks, which
teach similar concepts while providing different sorts of
tactile and visual stimulation.
There are diverse opinions regarding the effectiveness
of manipulatives in mathematics education. In 2005,
mathematician David Klein warned, Too much use
of them runs the risk that students will focus on the
manipulatives more than the math and even come to
depend on them.Yet many state standards recom-
mend and even require the use of a dizzying array of
manipulatives in counterproductive ways. In the nal
report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel in
2008, the panel cautioned that
Despite the widespread use of mathematical
manipulatives such as geoboards and dynamic
software, evidence regarding their usefulness in
helping children learn geometry is tenuous at best.
Students must eventually transition from concrete
(hands-on) or visual representations to internalized
abstract representations. The crucial steps in mak-
ing such transitions are not clearly understood at
present and need to be a focus of learning and cur-
riculum research.
Developmental psychologists and educators David
Uttal, Kathyrn Scudder, and Judy DeLoache noted that
. . . the sharp distinction between concrete and
abstract forms of mathematical expression may not
be justied. We believe instead that manipulatives
are also symbols; teachers intend for them to stand
for or represent a concept or written symbol.
Other researchers and teachers counter the claims that
there is insufcient evidence; they cite a vast amount
of educational literature and anecdotes regarding the
benets of hands-on activities, software, and manip-
ulatives. Many students report that they enjoy the
tactile manipulation. Students may also feel satised
when they discover or conrm mathematical rela-
tionships, and this may help them connect to math-
ematics. Mathematics educators continue to study the
effects of various manipulatives and the potential dif-
ferences between physical and virtual manipulatives
on student learning.
der. In addition to free play, students ultimately learned
to draw what they observed. Ideally, children would
revisit concepts they learned using the manipulatives
in increasingly sophisticated ways as they progressed
through school. For example, in 1869, Edward Wiebe,
who was an early proponent of kindergarten educa-
tion in the United States, suggested that children could
explore concepts like the Pythagorean theorem, named
for Pythagoras of Samos, long before they understood
the square of a number. Frank Lloyd Wright acknowl-
edged the inuence of Frbels Gifts on his career as
an architect. Aspects of Frbels legacy continue to be
found in manipulative design and in schools, although
they have been greatly modied and adapted.
In the twentieth century, Italian physician and
educator Maria Montessori, who is well known for
the Montessori method of education, also focused
on the importance of manipulatives in classrooms.
She developed an integrated set of sensorial learning
materials that included cylinders, cubes, rods, circles,
triangles, polygons, boxes, and binomial and trinomial
cubes. Montessori designed activities with educational
outcomes in mind. Her ideas became popular in the
United States and are still used in the twenty-rst cen-
tury. Montessori schoolteachers challenge students to
arrange objects in specic ways so that the students will
uncover concepts.
There have been a wide number and variety of other
educational manipulatives created in the twentieth and
twenty-rst centuries, including polyhedral dice with
varying numbers of sides for studying probability; mul-
tiplication blocks; algebra tiles that represented poly-
nomials and polynomial operations; multicolored and
interlocking Unix cubes intended to teach number and
operations concepts; pattern blocks for studying tessel-
lations and fractions; tangrams for exploring geometry;
and geoboards, which are pegged boards on which rub-
ber bands could be placed and stretched to investigate
concepts like perimeter and area. The abacus or count-
ing frame that had been in use since antiquity found its
way into U.S. schools in the nineteenth century. While it
has mostly disappeared from twenty-rst century class-
rooms, it remains important in a few educational con-
texts, like in classrooms for visually impaired children.
Virtual manipulatives have replaced physical objects in
some cases. There are even applets that mimic some of
Educational Manipulatives 325
Further Reading
Burns, Marilyn. How to Make the Most of Math
Manipulatives: A Fresh Look at Getting Students
Headsand Hands!Around Math Concepts.
Instructor 105, no. 7 (1990). http://teacher.scholastic
Kidwell, Peggy, Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, and David
Roberts. Tools of American Mathematics Teaching,
18002000. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University
Press, 2008.
Klein, David. The State of State MATH Standards.
Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation,
Moyer-Packenham, Patricia. Teaching Mathematics With
Virtual Manipulatives, Grades K8. Rowley, MA:
Didax, 2010.
National Mathematics Advisory Panel. Foundations for
Success: Final Report of the National Mathematics
Advisory Panel. March 13, 2008.
Uttal, David, Kathyrn Scudder, and Judy DeLoache.
Manipulatives as Symbols: A New Perspective on
the Use of Concrete Objects to Teach Mathematics.
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 18,
no. 1 (1997).
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Calculators in Society; Measuring Tools;
Puzzles; SMART Board; Software, Mathematics;
Educational Testing
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Mathematicians and researchers are
constantly exploring the validity and reliability of
educational testing.
Purpose of Testing
Educational testing is pervasive in modern education
at the local, state, and federal levels, and mathematics
is one of the most frequently tested areas. The pur-
pose of educational testing is broad and multifaceted:
to assess student progress and school accountability;
to identify students strengths and weaknesses, as well
as their eligibility or need for special services; to make
educational decisions about individuals and groups of
students; to choose curriculum and instructional tech-
niques; to reward teachers or schools for performance;
and to formulate educational legislation and policies.
Students are often placed in courses and special pro-
grams as a result of educational testing and may be
required to pass tests to graduate from high school or
be admitted to schools at all levels, especially colleges
and universities.
While some educators, parents, and politicians cite
standardized tests for their presumed objectivity in
measuring achievement and other skills or attributes,
these tests are frequently a source of anxiety and com-
petitive pressure for students. There is an entire indus-
try dedicated to helping students prepare for and pass
or score well on these tests. At the same time, researchers
are constantly exploring the validity and reliability of
tests with regard to fairness for subgroups of students,
as well as their actual predictive ability. For example,
there is a broad body of research on whether measures
like high school grade point average, SAT math scores,
or mathematics placement tests are predictors of suc-
cess in college mathematics courses.
Types of Testing
The decisions that can be made based on testing infor-
mation depend on the type of test that is administered.
There are two different types of tests that provide dif-
ferent types of information: norm-referenced tests
(NRT) and criterion-referenced tests (CRT).
NRTs are created for the purpose of comparing stu-
dents to a norming group, which is composed of stu-
dents who are similar to the student being tested. The
scores of the norming group create the very familiar
normal (bell-shaped) curve. NRT scores are typically
reported as percentiles, which indicate that a student
scored above a certain percentage of the norming
group. For example, a student at the 84th percentile
scored the same or higher than 84% of the students
in the norming group. It is a common misconception
with NRTs that students are compared to all other stu-
dents who have taken the test; however, most NRTs are
normed every several years using a new norming group
326 Educational Testing
with which test-takers are compared. NRTs are typi-
cally very general in nature, covering a broad range of
objectives. Items that have a variety of difculty levels
are chosen for NRTs, as these types of items encourage
a wide variability in the scores, thus allowing evalua-
tors to more accurately determine how a student com-
pares to others. The SAT and many intelligence tests
such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
are norm-references tests.
Unlike NRTs, which are used to compare students to
each other, CRTs are used to determine if a student has
mastered a given set of standards. CRTs are typically
narrow in focus, testing only a few objectives, and are
generally focused on those objectives that are deemed
most important. Scores for CRTs are typically reported
as percentage correct or as scaled scores. Prociency is
determined by comparing a students score to an estab-
lished cut point. Many schools regularly administer
end-of-grade or end-of-course tests through which
student achievement in mathematics subjects is mea-
Issues in Educational Testing
Two primary concerns with educational testing are
the validity and reliability of the assessment. Validity
in this context refers to whether a test is appropriate
for the population being tested, as well as whether it
appropriately addresses the content it is intended to
measure. Educators from around the United States
have expressed concern as to whether the tests that
are currently being used to measure student achieve-
ment are valid and reliable. In an effort to address this
concern, many states have undergone revisions of their
tests in the past several years.
An additional concern with educational testing is
in how student progress is measured over time. Stat-
isticians have developed a variety of growth models
to determine if individual students are improving as
they move through school. These models may focus on
improvement from grade level to grade level, or they
may focus on student progress within a single school
year (referred to as value-added or teacher impact).
An ongoing issue with measuring student progress
over time lies with the relationship between the assess-
ments and the statistical measures that are used to ana-
lyze assessment data. Growth models are all based on
certain assumptions about the assessments, which may
or may not be met. In order to determine the impact of
schools on student learning, one must ensure that the
assessments and the statistical models used to analyze
the data are compatible.
Test Analysis
Standardized educational tests undergo a variety of
analytical procedures to evaluate their effectiveness at
measuring a construct. Item analysis is frequently con-
ducted to determine if items are functioning the way test
developers intended. This analysis of student responses
to items provides the difculty index and the discrimi-
nation index. The difculty index is simply the ratio of
the number of students who answered the item correctly
to the number of students who attempted the item; a
higher difculty index indicates an easier item. The dis-
crimination index provides information on how well
Educational Testing 327
Students may be placed in courses and special
programs as a result of educational testing.
an item differentiates between students who performed
well on the test and students who did not. A positive
discrimination index indicates that those students who
performed well overall on the test were more likely to
answer the item correctly, while a negative discrimina-
tion index indicates that those students who performed
poorly overall were more likely to answer the item cor-
rectly. For NRTs, item discrimination is particularly
important, and test developers attempt to develop items
that will have a high discrimination index.
Modern test analysis also uses a process called item
response theory (IRT) to determine the effectiveness
of a test or test item. IRT evaluates items based on
the parameters of item difculty, discrimination, and
guessing and provides test developers with the prob-
ability that a student with a certain ability level will
answer an item correctly. In addition, IRT allows for a
more sophisticated measure of a tests reliability.
Trends in Educational Testing
Recent trends in educational testing have been focused
around making international comparisons of student
achievement. The most well known of these comparisons
are the Third International Mathematics and Science
Study (TIMSS), conducted in 2007, and the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA), conducted in
2006. The TIMSS included fourth-grade students from
36 countries and eighth-grade students from 48 coun-
tries. Participating countries submitted items for the
test and the test was developed by a committee of edu-
cational experts from various nations. The TIMSS also
collected information on students background, includ-
ing attitudes toward mathematics and science, academic
self-concept, home life, and out-of-classroom activities.
The PISA focused on problem solving in mathemat-
ics and science and on reading skills. The 2006 PISA
included 15-year-olds from 57 countries. The goal of
PISA is to determine students abilities to analyze and
reason and to effectively communicate what they know.
Additional international studies involving educational
testing include the International Adult Literacy Survey,
the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study,
and the Civics Education Study.
In the United States, the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) is used to compare stu-
dent achievement across states. NAEP includes students
from grades 4, 8, and 12 and is designed to provide an
overall picture of educational progress. Schools are
randomly chosen to participate and students within
those schools are also randomly chosen. The NAEP
tests students in mathematics, reading, science, writ-
ing, civics, economics, and history.
The public focus on educational testing in the
United States sharpened with the implementation of
the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act in 2002. For the
rst time in American history, schools were publicly
designated as meeting or failing to meet state stan-
dards, and issues of educational testing were brought to
the forefront. Organizations like Achieve began closely
examining how schools were preparing students for
college and the work force and began working with
state ofcials and business executives to improve stu-
dent achievement. Educational testing is a valuable tool
for these types of organizations, providing information
on the effectiveness of American schools.
Controversies in Educational Testing
Not everyone believes educational testing is useful or
meaningful, and there are many arguments against
the use of such tests. For example, studies have sug-
gested that the SAT is both culturally and statistically
biased against African Americans, Hispanic Americans
and Asian Americans. Others have found that socio-
economic status is correlated with performance on
the SAT, which is believed to be related to the fact that
students from wealthier families can afford expensive
test preparation courses or multiple retakes of the test,
both of which have been demonstrated to improve test
scores in some cases. Others have documented a gen-
der gap in SAT mathematics scores that is not easily
explained by issues like the difference in the number of
male and female test takers.
On many tests, stereotype threat or vulnerability has
also been shown to affect test scores when race, gender,
or culture are cued before a test. In response, some have
advocated that self-identication should occur after a
test. Researchers have also shown that the structure or
methodology of the test can have an effect on perfor-
mance. For example, female test scores on tests of spatial
ability can improve when I dont know is removed as
an answer, or when ratio scoring or un-timed tests are
used. Finally, there are many who believe that there are
concepts that cannot be adequately measured by stan-
dardized assessments, even when the answers are not
exclusively multiple choice and that using standard-
ized tests as a primary method of assessment leads to
328 Educational Testing
teaching to the test rather than a broader educational
experience for students.
Further Reading
Allerton, Chad. Mathematics and Science Education:
Assessment, Performance and Estimates. Hauppauge,
NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Crocker, Linda, and James Algina. Introduction to
Classical and Modern Test Theory. Chicago, IL:
Harcourt College Publishers, 1986.
Kubiszyn, Tom, and Gary Borich. Educational Testing &
Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice. 9th
ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
Mertler, Craig A. Interpreting Standardized Test Scores:
Strategies for Data-Driven Instructional Decision
Making. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Wright, Robert J. Educational Assessment: Tests and
Measurements in the Age of Accountability. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008.
Calli A. Holaway
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Diagnostic Testing;
Learning Exceptionalities; Learning Models and
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: EEGs and EKGs visually convey important
information about a patients heart and brain.
Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) and electroen-
cephalography (EEG) are graphic representations of
bioelectric activities of the heart and brain, respectively.
EKG quanties the rhythm of heart contractionmea-
surements that can be used to identify damage to vari-
ous myocardial muscles. EEG is used in the diagnosis of
epilepsy, seizure, and encephalopathy. The production
of EKG and EEG signals is grounded in mathematical
analysis. Diverse mathematical and statistical tech-
niques, including applications of calculus and chaos
theory, are also used to analyze and interpret signals re-
lated to conditions such as sleep disruptions, seizures,
and mental illness.
EKG is a graphic representation of the myocardial con-
traction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) caused by
depolarization of the heart. In the myocardial muscles,
depolarization is an increase of membrane potential,
and repolarization is a decrease of membrane poten-
tial. A typical EKG consists of P, Q, R, S, and T waves.
Atrial depolarization normally begins at the SA node
and is represented as the P wave. The depolarization
proceeds to ventricles, which causes the ventricular
depolarization (QRS complex) and then ventricular
repolarization (T wave).
EKG was rst systemically studied in humans by
Augustus Walker in 1887. In 1903, Willem Einthoven
created a reliable EKG device based on the galvanom-
eter. Einthoven was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1924 for
his invention. EKG provides information on heart con-
traction and the abnormality of EKG has been used to
diagnose the area of myocardial damage. Heart rate
variability is a quantication of uctuations of EKG
complex; a healthier heart has higher variability.
The production of EKG signals can be explained
by an idealized model in which both intracellular and
extracellular currents are conned to the direction par-
allel to the propagation of the plane wavefront. When
there are no external currents, the relationship between
the potential inside the membrane V
and the potential
outside the membrane V
can be represented as
r r
i o
and V
r r
i o
where r
and r
are the intracellular axial resistance and
extracellular axial resistance, respectively; and U
is the
membrane potential. During the depolarization, the
transmembrane current i
r r
i o
the electrical potential at a
lying at a distance, R
from r
( R r r = | |
the following:
V r
d r
( )
where is the conductivity of the medium; the opera-
tor div indicates differentiation of a vector. When the
injected current densities originate at the cell mem-
brane, by assuming that the neuronal membrane is
equivalent to a double layer with an intracellular mem-
brane potential V
, the potential at a point r
is given
approximately by
V r V r d r r
sur f
( ) ( ) ( )
0 0
is the intracellular conductivity,
the extra-
cellular conductivity, and
d r r ( )
is the solid angle subtended by an innitesimal surface
on the membrane surface and seen from the extracel-
lular point r
Further Reading
Malmivuo, Jaako, and Robert Plonsey.
Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of
Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1995.
Niedermeyer, Ernst, and Fernado Lopes da Silva.
Electroencephalography: Basic Principles, Clinical
Applications, and Related Fields. 5th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.
Sanei, Saeid, and J. A. Chambers. EEG Signal Processing.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007.
Yih-Kuen Jan
Fuyuan Liao
Robert D. Foreman
See Also: Medical Imaging; Nervous System;
Egyptian Mathematics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry;
Measurement; Number and Operations;
Summary: Ancient Egyptians were adept at
engineering and geometry and deeply dependent on
accurate measurements of the annual Nile ood.
330 Egyptian Mathematics
Our knowledge of Egyptian mathematics (30001000
b.c.e.) is based on hieroglyphic writings found on
stone or as script (hieratic and demotic) in multiple
papyri. Preserved in tombs and temples in the Nile val-
ley, a papyrus is a narrow scroll of paper, about 15 feet
in length, made by interweaving tiny strips of a water
reed called papu. The key documents are the Moscow,
Rhind, Rollin, and Harris papyri. These works are gen-
erally thought to be textbooks used by scribes to learn
mathematics and solve problems.
In ancient Egypt, mathematics was used for many
purposes necessary to everyday life: measuring time,
drawing straight lines, measuring and recording the
level of the Nile oodings, calculating land areas, and
managing money and taxes. The Egyptians were also
one ancient culture that came closest to determin-
ing the true length of Earths year with mathematics.
Perhaps most well known to the modern world are
the fantastic tombs, pyramids, and other architectural
marvels constructed using mathematics. Though their
knowledge ranged from arithmetic calculations to
algebraic rules to geometrical formulas to numerical
ideas, historians consider the Egyptians mathematical
achievements to be somewhat less advanced compared
to the Babylonians.
Egyptian Number System
Egyptian numbers are written using a simple group-
ing system whose symbols denote powers of 10. Their
symbols included a vertical staff (10
), heel bone (10
scroll (10
), lotus ower (10
), pointing nger (10
tadpole (10
), and astonished man (10
Using these symbols, a number was expressed addi-
tively. For example, the base-10 number 4501 was
represented by a visual collection of 4 lotus owers, 5
scrolls, and 1 vertical staff. As no place-value system is
involved, these symbols can be written in any order or
arrangement visuallythey equal a numerical value as
a group. Though able to represent large values of num-
bers with these symbols, the Egyptians lack of place
values deterred their ability to calculate prociently
using algorithms.
Again represented by hieroglyphic symbols, Egyptian
fractions were restricted to unit fractions (numerator of
1) except for the special fraction 2/3. For example, the
unit fraction 1/3 was represented by an ellipse (or dot)
placed visually over 3 vertical staffs. The Egyptians had
no symbol for zero as a place holder but such was not
really needed because of their simple grouping system
and use of distinct symbols for each power of 10.
Egyptian Arithmetic
Addition and subtraction are quite easy using the Egyp-
tian numbers, involving only the union or removal
of the grouped symbols. In addition, a symbol that
appeared 10 times was replaced by the next higher level
symbol; for example, 10 vertical staffs could be replaced
by 1 heel bone. Similarly, in subtraction, a symbol could
be traded in for 10 of the next lesser symbol if such was
necessary. For example, to perform 238, a heel bone
could be traded for 10 vertical staffs so that 8 vertical
staffs could be taken from the 13 vertical staffs.
Egyptian multiplication involved repeated addition,
using a doubling process along with a counter. For
example, to multiply 23 13, their process (in modern
notation) would look like the following, with the coun-
ter on the right:
23 1*
46 2
92 4*
184 8*
Using the starred counters (1 + 4 + 8 =13), the
product is obtained by adding the associated numbers
(23 + 92 + 184 = 299). The key to this multiplication is
the distributive process, since
23 13 23 8 4 1 23 8 23 4 23 1
184 92 23
= + + ( ) = ( ) + ( ) + ( )
= + + = 299.
Thus, base two notation also is the underlying prin-
ciple, since
13 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 .
3 2 1 0
= ( )( )
+ ( )( )
+ ( )( )
+ ( )( )
These processes of duplation and mediation (dou-
bling and halving) remained as standard algorithms in
Western mathematics until the 1500s.
Division required an inversion of the multiplica-
tion process. For example, to divide 299 by 23, the
Egyptian scribe determined what number times 23
Egyptian Mathematics 331
would produce 299, using a process like the following
(in modern notation):
23* 1
46 2
92* 4
184* 8
Using the starred sums, 23 + 92 + 184 = 299, the
desired factor (or quotient) is obtained by adding the
associated numbers, or 1 + 4 + 8 =13. The division pro-
cess becomes complicated when no combination of the
starred numbers equals the desired sum (for example,
300 divided by 23), requiring the use of unit fractions:
23* 1
46 2
92* 4
184* 8
1* 1/23
For more difcult divisions (for example, 301 divided
by 23), considerable creativity was needed.
To aid in their computations, the Egyptians created
tables for doubling and halving numbers, comple-
mented by special 2/n tables that would help avoid
odd-number situations. For example, the Rhind papy-
rus had a 2/n table for the odd numbers 5101.
Egyptian Algebra
Though without an algebraic notation, the Egyptians
solved numerous types of algebraic equations, known
as aha calculations. The majority of their problems
were linear equations with one unknown (called the
heap). Their solution process involved the method
of false position, where an initial guess is made, exam-
ined, and then adjusted to obtain the correct solution.
This same process is now fundamental to the area of
numerical analysis and is used extensively for scientic
computing using computers.
Consider this Egyptian problem, Heap and a sev-
enth of the heap together give 19. In modern notation,
the associated linear equation is x + x/ 7 = 19, while
their step-by-step solution was the following:
Make a guess for heap, for example, 7
8 +
8 19 + +
( )
Thus, heap ( ) + +
+ + 7 2
The processes of multiplication and division, as well
as the law of associativity, play very important roles:
8 + +
( )
+ +
+ +
( ) +
7 1
+ +
( )
7 1
+ +
= 19.
The majority of the Egyptians aha problems cre-
ated practical situations requiring the use of ratios and
proportions, such as determining feed mixtures or com-
binations of grains to make bread. In some instances,
the Egyptians did use special hieroglyphic symbols as
part of their algebraic work, including plus (legs walk-
ing left to right), minus (legs walking right to left) and
other ideograms for equals and the heap.
Egyptian Geometry
The Egyptians geometry was rooted in an algebraic
perspective, devoid of any evidence of generalization
or proof. Approximately one-fourth of the problems
found in the papyri are geometricalfocusing on
practical measurements, such as the calculation of land
areas, or volumes of storage containers. Similar to the
Babylonians, the Egyptians used prescriptive formulas.
For example, they viewed a circles area as equal to that
of a square erected on 8/9 of the diameter. That is,
A r r ( )
implying their value of approximated 3.160493827.
Historians agree that the Egyptians knew key formu-
las for computing the area of a triangle, the volume of a
cylinder, some curvilinear areas, and even the volume of
the frustum of a square-based pyramid. These formu-
332 Egyptian Mathematics
las were apparently put to great use by the Egyptians in
their accurate construction of the pyramids, feats that
required a solid understanding of ratios, proportions,
dihedral angles, and even astronomy. No evidence sug-
gests the Egyptians knew of the relationships described
by the Pythagorean theorem. Some of their geometri-
cal prescriptions were also incorrect. For example,
the area of a general quadrilateral (with ordered side
lengths a, b, c, d) was calculated by the formula
A a c b d = + ( ) + ( )
which is correct only if the quadrilateral is a rectangle
or square.
Signs of Advanced Mathematical Thinking
Egyptian mathematics was utilitarian in its direct ties to
the solution of practical problems. Also, because their
numeration system involved simple grouping with
no place values, it is not reasonable to expect that the
Egyptians had explored ideas such as factors, powers,
and reciprocals. This limitation perhaps explains why
no record has been found of tables involving Pythago-
rean triples. Nonetheless, they did apparently use some
number tricks; when multiplying a number by 10, they
merely replaced each hieroglyphic symbol by the sym-
bol representing the next higher power of 10 (that is,
replacing each vertical staff with a heel bone, each heel
bone with a scroll, and so forth).
Problem 79 in the Rhind Papyrus suggests that the
Egyptians did some recreational mathematics that
had no real-world applications. The problem states, 7
houses, 49 cats, 343 mice, 2401 ears of spelt, 16,807
hekats. Historians assume that the scribe was creat-
ing a problem involving seven houses, each with seven
cats, each of which eats seven mice, each of which had
eaten seven ears of grain, each of which had sprouted
seven grains of barleywanting to know the total
number of houses, cats, mice, ears of spelt, and grains.
Mathematically, the solution of this problem would
require some knowledge of powers of 7 and geometric
Further Reading
Aaboe, Asger. Episodes From the Early History of
Mathematics. Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America, 1975.
Friberg, Jran. Unexpected Links Between Egyptian and
Babylonian Mathematics. Singapore: World Scientic
Publishing, 2005.
Katz, Victor J., ed. The Mathematics of Egypt,
Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Van der Waerden, B. L. Science Awakening. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press, 1985.
. Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations.
Berlin: Springer, 1983.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Babylonian
Mathematics; Chinese Mathematics; Greek Mathematics.
Einstein, Albert
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: One of the most well-known physicists,
Albert Einsteins work continues to inuence
many elds.
During the twentieth century, research in the elds of
mathematics, physics, chemistry, information technol-
ogies, and engineering exploded. Peoples perception
concerning the world and the universe around them
changed dramatically within a faster and faster chang-
ing world. If one were to choose a single inuential sci-
entist to represent this era, some might choose Albert
Einstein. During the Age of Einstein, he introduced
many original concept widely used in various elds,
such as mathematics, science and technology, world
politics, economics, and philosophy.
Early Life and Education
One common myth about Einstein was that he failed
mathematics as a child. Albert Einstein was born at
Ulm (Wrttemberg, Germany) on March 14, 1879.
He studied in various places, including Munich, Italy,
and Switzerland. His uncle, an engineer, presented him
with questions about mathematics, such as a challenge
to nd a proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Einstein
Einstein, Albert 333
noted, After much effort I succeeded. After viewing a
Ripleys Believe It or Not headline about his proposed
failure in mathematics, biographers note that Einstein
replied, I never failed in mathematics. Before I was 15 I
had mastered differential and integral calculus. In 1896,
he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zur-
ich to study physics and mathematics. In 1901, he began
working at the Swiss Patent Ofce. In 1905, he obtained
his doctorate degree. He was a professor at various uni-
versities in Europe until 1933, when he immigrated to
America because of anti-Jewish laws in Germany.
One notable quotation attributed to Einstein is: Do
not worry about your difculties in mathematics, I
assure you that mine are greater. During his life, Ein-
stein published a great amount of papers in several
elds of the sciences. Many equations and laws are
named for him, including: Einsteins absorption coef-
cient, Einstein photoelectric law, Einstein frequency
condition, Einstein diffusion equation, EinsteinBohr
equation and Einstein coefcients, Einstein frequency
and Einstein elevator, EinsteinPlanck law, Einstein
massenergy relation, and so on. In chemistry, a syn-
thetic radioactive chemical element having the symbol
Es, the atomic number 99, and atomic weight 252.08
is called einsteinium. Einsteins principle of relativity,
the basic postulate of Einsteins special relativity the-
ory, states that the laws of nature have the same form
in all inertial frames of reference. Einstein based his
general theory of relativity on mathematical ideas like
mathematician Bernhard Riemanns geometric formu-
lations. Gravity was now described to be curved spacet-
ime, Matter tells spacetime how to curve and curved
spacetime tells matter how to move. He was also phil-
osophical about the applicability of mathematics, say-
ing, How can it be that mathematics, being after all
a product of human thought which is independent of
experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects
of reality? Is human reason, then, without experience,
merely by taking thought, able to fathom the proper-
ties of real things? Einsteins eld equations from gen-
eral relativity and their solutions have been a fruitful
research area in mathematics and physics, leading to
concepts like metrics for black holes and the notion of
Einstein manifolds, named for him. However, he com-
plained that he had difculty understanding the theory
of relativity after mathematicians invaded it.
Conservation of Mass and Energy
While twenty-rst-century researchers continue to
investigate Einsteins eld equations, Einsteins most
famous equation is probably E mc . =
In his paper
on the equivalence of matter and energy, he deduced
the equation. It meant that conservation laws can be
unied into a single law of the conservation of mass-
energy. This equation also predicted the development
of nuclear power. However, Einstein was an opponent
of nuclear weapons. In 1939, Einstein wrote and signed
a letter to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to warn
him about research on uranium and the possibility of
the development of an atomic bomb. The president
took his words seriously, which was the beginning
of the Manhattan Projectthe effort to construct
a nuclear bomb. In a 1954 letter to his friend, Linus
Pauling, Einstein confessed that his letter to Roosevelt
was the one great mistake of his life. During his life, he
made many contributions for peace. Einstein stated,
We have to divide up our time like that, between our
334 Einstein, Albert
Albert Einstein once said A man should look for
what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
politics and our equations. But to me our equations
are far more important, for politics are only a matter
of present concern. A mathematical equation stands
forever. Just before his death, in a letter to Bertrand
Russell, he still urged all nations to give up nuclear
A Public Person
Einstein was in his whole life a public person. Being a
good-humored speaker, he took part in a large number
of conferences and traveled in many countries. His name
became the brand for genius, and a large number of
sayings and anecdotes are told on his account, such as
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logi-
cal ideas. He always seemed to have a clear view of
the problems to solve and the will to solve them. He
remained a very curious person and taught his pupils
not to be afraid of asking, trying, and failing. Failures,
together with achievements, are merely stepping stones
for the next adventure of discovery, he said.
In the 1949 publication of Autobiographical Notes,
he stated, In the beginning (if there was such a thing),
God created Newtons laws of motion together with
the necessary masses and forces. This is all; everything
beyond this follows from the development of appropriate
mathematics methods by means of deduction. After
his retirement from Princeton, he continued to work
on a theory of unication of the basic concepts of
physics, natural sciences, mathematics, and religion.
Albert Einstein received a Nobel Prize in physics along
with honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine,
and philosophy from many universities. A crater on the
moon is named after him.
Further Reading
Cox, Brian, and Jeff Forshaw. Why Does E mc =
? (And
Why Should We Care?). Cambridge, MA: Da Capo
Press, 2009.
Cropper, William H. Great Physicists: The Life and Times
of Leading Physicists From Galileo to Hawking. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Geroch, Robert. General Relativity From A to B. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Isaacson, Walter. Einstein: His Life and Universe. New
York: Simon & Schuster, 2007.
Staley, Richard. Einsteins Generation: The Origins of the
Relativity Revolution. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press, 2009.
Troemei-Ploetz, Senta. Mileva Einstein-Mari: The
Woman Who Did Einsteins Mathematics. Womens
Studies International Forum 13, no. 5 (1990).
Simone Gyorfi
See Also: Clocks; Elementary Particles; Geometry
of the Universe; Gravity; Hawking, Stephen;
Measuring Time.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Communication; Data Analysis
and Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematics can help explain and predict
Long the domain of economists, political scientists, and
philosophers, systems of government has emerged as a
eld ripe for the application and study of mathemat-
ics. Elections are typically classied under an emerging
branch of mathematics called social choice theory,
though there are historical connections and applica-
tions in a number of areas, such as combinatorics and
probability theory. Economist Duncan Blacks 1958
book The Theory of Committees and Elections is cred-
ited with helping to revive modern interest in using
mathematics to study election questions.
In a democratic society, such as the United States,
elections are the primary vehicle for providing citizens
a fair and equal voice in the machinations of federal,
state, and local governments. As such, it is fundamen-
tally important that elections be conducted in a man-
ner that is perceived to be fair by the citizenry; that is, a
governing body derives its legitimacy from the equita-
ble interpretation and application of the voting power
of the public.
Beyond the widely known popular elections (elect-
ing the candidate with the most rst-place votes) there
are a number of alternative voting methods; many of
these allow voters to express more information about
their preferences of various candidates. Since it is pos-
sible for different methods to produce different win-
ners given the same voter preferences, a number of
Elections 335
voting properties have been postulated. Each property
states a desired outcome or effect that a voting system
should express. For example, a voting system should be
anonymous in that individual voters should be able
to exchange ballots without affecting the outcome; in
other words, one persons ballot should not have special
signicance. A more challenging property is indepen-
dence from irrelevant alternatives, which requires the
relative outcome of an election to remain unaffected if
candidates are added or removed from consideration
(provided this addition or removal does not change
the relative way voters feel about the other candidates).
Economist Kenneth Arrow demonstrated mathemati-
cally in his doctoral dissertation that no voting system
can satisfy all the desired properties. Arrows Impos-
sibility Theorem was later published in his 1951 book
Social Choice and Individual Values.
A particular type of voting system, weighted vot-
ing, arises when voters are assigned different numbers
of votes. This system is usually employed to reect a
situation where some voters should have greater say or
representation than others. The Banzhaf Power Index,
named after John Banzhaf, is a tool that elucidates the
voting power enjoyed by the voters in a weighted vot-
ing scheme and reveals that voting power is not always
commensurate with a voters number of votes. It is also
sometimes called the PenroseBanzhaf Power Index to
include its original inventor, Lionel Penrose.
The U.S. Electoral College, an example of a weighted
voting system, is used to elect a winner in U.S. presi-
dential elections. The U.S. Electoral College illustrates
a drawback of weighted voting in that a winning presi-
dential candidate may not have received a majority of
popular votes. This has sparked much interest in replac-
ing the U.S. Electoral College in favor of the popular
vote method but smaller states that enjoy more voting
power with the U.S. Electoral College are likely to block
attempts at Constitutional reform.
Exit polling, invented by statistician Warren Mitof-
sky, allows social demographers to understand the
dynamics of an election and to predict the winner.
Exit polling has become an increasingly important tool
336 Elections
Townspeople lined up to vote in rural areas of Guatemala for the 2007 national elections. In a democratic
society, elections provide citizens with a voice in the workings of federal, state, and local governments.
for media and news outlets as they scramble to retain
and inform viewers on the eve of an important elec-
tion. A number of studies have investigated the inu-
ence of exit polling while an election is taking place; for
instance, polls broadcast in real time may inuence vot-
ers who have yet to vote and hence possibly change the
outcome of an election. Exit polling has also garnered
interest in recent presidential elections when errone-
ous predictions caused media sources to prematurely,
or incorrectly, identify a winning candidate.
The Ballot Box Problem is an interesting math-
ematical puzzle, proposed by Joseph Bertrand, which
seeks answers about how an election may unfold as
ballots are removed from the ballot box and counted.
The solution to Bertrands theorem is a Catalan num-
ber, named for Eugne Catalan. An elegant proof was
derived by Dsir Andr.
Types of Elections
Though most people are familiar with the plurality
election (also known as popular vote) in which the
candidate with the most votes (most rst-place votes)
wins, there are a number of alternative election meth-
ods. One of the most prominent is the Borda method,
named for Jean-Charles de Borda, where voters are
required to rank all candidates from their rst choice
to their last; points are then assigned to each candidate
based on the candidates rank on the each ballot. The
sum of a candidates total points is used to determine
the winner. This method allows voters to specify more
information about how they view the candidates, other
than merely selecting their favorite.
In the Sequential Pairwise method, two of the can-
didates vie in a head-to-head competition (an imagi-
nary election with only the two candidates) where the
losing candidate is eliminated and the winner proceeds
forward to battle another candidate. Again, voters
rank candidates in preference listings, which are used
to determine the winner between a particular pair of
candidates. The winner can be inferred from the pref-
erence lists by assuming each voter would select the
candidate that is higher on his or her list. A drawback
of this method is that the order in which the candidates
are selected for the individual competitions can change
the ultimate outcome of the election.
A Condorcet Winner is a candidate who beats every
other candidate in a head-to-head election. When one
exists, a Condorcet Winner will obviously win the
Sequential Pairwise election but not all sets of voter
preference rankings produce a Condorcet Winner. The
method is named for Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de
Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet.
In an Instant Run-off election, a plurality vote is
taken and the candidate with the least number of rst-
place votes is eliminated. Then the election is repeated
with the remaining candidates until only one winner
remains. Again, voter preference rankings can be used
to simulate the repeated elections in order to determine
the winner without holding a series of actual elections.
Weighted Voting
Much of rationale behind the U.S. system of govern-
ment is based on the principle of one person, one
vote (each citizen should have equal say in the sys-
tem of government). There are times, however, when
it is appropriate to give certain individuals (or groups)
more voting power than others. This type of voting sys-
tem, often called yesno voting or weighted voting,
occurs when voters are assigned a different number of
votes or weights to their votes. Elections are between
two alternatives; the winner is selected if the vote total
exceeds a predetermined threshold. Each voter must
use all available votes toward the same candidate or
choicevotes cannot be split between the candidates
or choices.
An example of a weighted voting system was the
European Economic Community (EEC) established
in 1958 as a precedent to the current European Union.
The original six members were assigned votes in pro-
portion to their population size:
Country # Votes
France 4
Germany 4
Italy 4
Belgium 2
Netherlands 2
Luxembourg 1
A threshold is established to determine the number
of total votes necessary to win an election. Though this
threshold is often simple majority, in the EEC example,
a threshold of 12 (of the total 17 votes) was established
to pass certain types of legislation.
An interesting question arises as to the dynamics
of weighted voting systems and, more specically, an
Elections 337
entitys ability to inuence the outcome of an elec-
tion. Several theorists have shown that voting power
is not necessarily proportional to an entitys vote
count. For example, it would be misleading to assume
that France enjoys 23.5% (4/17) of the voting power
in the EEC example.
Banzhaf applied a power index to argue a landmark
case in Nassau County, New York, in 1965. His voting
power calculations demonstrated the disenfranchise-
ment of certain entities within weighted voting schemes
and thus questioned the systems constitutionality.
Banzhaf s computation is based upon the notion
of a winning coalition (a collection of voters whose
vote total exceeds the threshold). Such a coalition (or
voting block) can win an election by all voting the
same way. A voter is critical to a winning coalition if
by removing that voter, the coalition no longer exceeds
the threshold. A voters Banzhaf Power Index (BPI) is
related to the number of times that voter is a critical
member of a winning coalition.
In the EEC example, France, Germany, Italy, and
Belgium form a winning coalition since their vote total
of 14 exceeds the threshold of 12. France, Germany,
and Italy are all critical members because the coalition
ceases to win without their votes. However, Belgium is
not a critical member since France, Germany, and Italy
together still form a winning coalition. The number of
times each voter appears as a critical member of some
winning coalition is computed as follows:
Country # Critical BPI
France 10 10/42 = 23.8%
Germany 10 110/42 = 23.8%
Italy 10 10/42 = 23.8%
Belgium 6 6/42 = 14.3%
Netherlands 6 6/42 = 14.3%
Luxembourg 0 0/42 = 0%
Each countrys BPI is the number of times it is
critical compared to the total number of critical
instances. Here, there are 42 total instances where
an entity is critical; Belgium has 6 of them and thus
14.3% (6/42) of the voting power. Thus, Belgium
commands 14.3% of the voting power even though it
has 11.8% of the votes. In this scheme, Luxembourg
has no voting powerit is not able to inuence the
outcome of any possible election. It is common in
weighted voting schemes of smaller size (20 or fewer
members) for entities with a greater number of votes
to possess greater voting power, while small enti-
ties (with a fewer number of votes) possess less vot-
ing power. As the number of voters increase, voting
power tends to better approximate the proportion of
votes. But such weighted voting systems are subject
to arbitrary swings of voting power as new voters are
added or removed, or as seemingly subtle changes to
the weights are made.
An equally popular voting power computation was
proposed by Lloyd Shapely and Martin Shubik in 1954.
Instead of critical members in winning coalitions, their
system identies pivotal voters as the ones who enter
a coalition and cast the deciding vote by doing so. A
similar calculation ensues in which voting power is
correlated with the percentage instances in which each
entity plays the pivotal role.
U.S. Electoral College
The voting system responsible for electing the presi-
dent of the United States, the U.S. Electoral College, is
essentially a weighted voting scheme. A states electors
(or votes) arise from the sum of their congressional
representation: one vote for each of a states two sena-
tors and one vote for each representative to the House
of Representatives. The District of Columbia receives
three electors to form a total of 538 (100 senators, 435
representatives, and three from Washington, D.C.). A
presidential candidate needs a majority of the electoral
votesat least 270to claim victory.
Under such a system, it is possible that the winning
candidate need not garner a majority of rst-place
votes. In fact, U.S. presidential elections in 1824, 1876,
1888, and 2000 all produced a winner who lost the
popular vote total.
Those elections and other issues have created an
endless interest in reforming or removing the U.S.
Electoral College and replacing it with a popular vote
system. As recently as 2004, the Every Vote Counts
Amendment proposed to replace the U.S. Electoral
College with a popular vote initiative. Such a reform
requires a Constitutional change and thus approval of
75% of the states.
It is unlikely such a measure would ever be adopted
because small states enjoy signicantly more voting
power in the U.S. Electoral College than they would in
a popular vote system. A state with few votes, such as
South Dakota, would likely be ignored by campaign-
338 Elections
ers since the voting population is too small to make a
difference under a popular vote election.
The National Popular Vote Compact is an alternative
attempt at election reform. In this compact, individual
states would cast their electoral votes according to the
national popular vote, not simply the tallies within the
state. This has the effect of choosing a president elected
by popular vote within the Electoral College system
and thus bypassing the hurdle of constitutional reform.
To date, this compact has been adopted by ve states
(61 electoral votes) with a number of others consid-
ering the compact in state legislatureenough states
to compile 270 electoral votes would have to sign on
to the compact in order to have the intended effect of
electing a president by popular vote.
Exit Polling
An important factor associated with elections is the
attempt to predict election outcomes through the sur-
veying of voters as they leave the voting areas, a proce-
dure known as exit polling. This procedure contrasts
with pre-election polls in that actual voters who have
(presumably) just cast a vote are being sampled and
thus results are typically more accurate than surveying
people prior to an election who are likely to vote, or
who may change their mind between being polled and
actually casting a vote.
Although the science of predicting election out-
comes has been around as long as elections themselves,
it is at the beginning of the twenty-rst century
with widespread electronic media coverage and more
sophisticated polling techniquesthat exit polling has
garnered more national attention. A number of papers
have been written about the effects of exit polling being
broadcast in real time; the researchers hypothesize
that exit polling inuences voter behavior primarily
by making an election seem closer or not closer than
was previously perceived. This effect is especially true
in the United States where, as a function of different
time zones, voters in western states have access to more
complete results of a national election unfolding across
the country.
Exit polling has garnered an additional spotlight
with the controversial presidential elections of 2000
and 2004. In both cases, especially the 2004 election,
exit polling differed signicantly from the actual vote
tally, causing many media outlets to incorrectly, or pre-
maturely, announce a victor.
Ballot Problem
There are several interesting mathematical puzzles
based on elections and voting; perhaps the most well
known of them is the Ballot Problem, originally pre-
sented by Joseph Bertrand in the late nineteenth cen-
tury. Consider an election between two people, Alice
and Bob, where Alice has received A votes and Bob B
votes. Let A > B so that Alice wins the election. The
puzzle arises from the counting of the votes: what is
the probability that as the votes are pulled randomly
from the ballot box and tallied one by one, that Alice
and Bob are tied in their vote total at some point after
the rst vote is read?
Elections 339
he popular television series Survivor nicely
illustrates a ballot-box type of problem. In
individual tribal councils, as well as the nal
vote for an overall winner, ballots are drawn
from a ballot box and read aloud. It is easy to
hypothesize that the ballots are not drawn in a
random order but instead are selected so as
to maximize the suspense of the election out-
come. Another interesting question, related to
information theory, is that ballots are read only
until the election outcome is certain; unread
ballots are not presented to the remaining tribe
members, thereby depriving them of strategic
information about the voting behavior of their
fellow competitors.
The puzzles solution is a creative argument based
on combinatorics and probability. Sequences, a listing
of votes as they are pulled from the ballot box, can be
identied as those with ties and those without. The fol-
lowing is a sequence from an election with nine voters
(A = 5, B = 4):
b b a b a a b a a.
In this sequence, the rst tie occurs with the reading
of the sixth vote, though there is also a subsequent tie.
There is also a matching partial sequence in which
the as and bs exchange places up through the point of
the rst tie:
a a b a b b b a a.
Every such sequence of strings that produces a tie
somewhere in the intermediate vote tally comes in match-
ing pairs as shown. Out of each pairing, one sequence
must start with an a while its match starts with a b. Since
Alice wins the election, some of the sequences starting
with an a will result in a tie but not all of them. However,
every sequence that starts with a b must at some point
achieve a tie since ultimately there will be more as than
bs. There are three categories of sequences:
sequences that start with an a but never have
a tie
sequences that start with an a and achieve a
tie at some point
sequences that start with a b and achieve a tie
at some point
The probability that any sequence is found starting
with a b is
A B +
since there are B ballots out of A + B total ballots where
a b can be the rst vote drawn. There are exactly as
many sequences that start with an a and also achieve
a tie because each one is matched with exactly one b-
starting sequence. Therefore, the probability of reading
the votes and achieving a tie along the way is exactly
A B + .
This problem has spawned a number of related
problems with interesting ties to Catalan numbers.
Further Reading
Freeman, Steven F. The Unexplained Exit Poll
Discrepancy. Philadelphia: Center for Organizational
Dynamics, University of Pennsylvania. 2004.
Hodge, Jonathan K., and Richard E. Kilma. The
Mathematics of Voting and Elections. Providence, RI:
The American Mathematical Society, 2005.
Sudman, Seymour. Do Exit Polls Inuence Voting
Behavior? Public Opinion Quarterly 50, no. 3 (1986).
Taylor, Alan D. Mathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting
Power, and Proof. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1995.
Matt Kretchmar
See Also: Census; Congressional Representation;
Game Theory; Gerrymandering; Government and State
Legislation; Mathematics, Elegant; Voting Methods.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Representations.
Summary: Electricity, arising from the ow of
electrons, can be described mathematically.
Daily operations of modern industrial societies, includ-
ing transportation, communication, heating, cooling,
lighting, computing, and medical technology, rely on
the use of electrical power. Power from batteries and
electrical outlets is derived from the ow of electrons,
known as electric current. The term electricity re-
fers to a variety of physical effects, both static and dy-
namic, that arise from electric charge. The mathemati-
cal description of electric and magnetic phenomena
developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
contributed to a rapid expansion of electrical technol-
ogy, which is powered today by a vast grid of electric
power stations and distribution systems.
Electric Charge and Coulombs Law
Electric charge is a property of matter that can be nega-
tive (as in electrons), positive (as in protons), or zero.
340 Electricity
Most matter has a net charge of zero, containing essen-
tially the same number of electrons as protons. Two
objects whose charges are both positive or both negative
repel each other, while objects with opposite charges
attract each other. Static electricity is created when elec-
trons build up on or are depleted from the surface of a
material, often by rubbing materials together. Effects of
static electricity are seen, for example, in a rubbed bal-
loon clinging to a wall, or in hair standing on end. In
metals, electrons are not strongly bound to individual
atoms but move freely through the lattice of protons.
Materials with freely moving charges are known as con-
ductors. The force between two charged particles at
rest is described by Coulombs Law, named after French
engineer Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (17361806).
Coulombs Law states that the magnitude F of the force
exerted by one charged particle on the other is
where q and q are the magnitudes of the charges of
the particles, r is the distance between the two particles,
and k is a constant. This equation shows, for example,
that if one charge is tripled, then the force is tripled,
and if both charges are tripled, then the force becomes
nine times as large. On the other hand, tripling the dis-
tance r between the particles multiplies the right-hand
side of the equation by 1/3
, or 1/9, reducing the force
to a ninth of its previous value.
Electric Field and Electric Current
The presence of charged particles creates an electric
eld that exerts a force on other charged particles in the
region. An electric power generator, usually driven by
a steam turbine fueled by coal or a nuclear reactor, cre-
ates an electric eld between two terminals by building
an over-supply of electrons (negative charge) in one
terminal and a decit of electrons (positive charge) in
the other. The ow of electrons from a negative toward
a positive terminal along a conducting path, such as
a wire, is an electric current. In lightning, electrons
from negatively charged clouds in the atmosphere are
attracted to positively charged objects on the ground
beneath the cloud. Here the electric eld is so strong
that electric current passes through air, which usually
acts as an insulator that prevents the ow of electrons.
Batteries operate by producing an electric current
between oppositely charged terminals of chemical cells.
A battery produces direct current (DC), where elec-
trons ow in one direction, while a power generator
creates alternating current (AC), where the direction of
electron ow alternates rapidly, typically at a frequency
of 60 hertz (cycles per second). The hertz is named for
German physicist Heinrich Hertz (18571894), who
made important advances in understanding the con-
nection between electric and magnetic elds.
Ohms Law
The energy that an electric eld imparts to a unit charge
moving from one terminal to another is the number
of volts (V) between the terminals, named after Ital-
ian physicist Alessandro Volta (17451827). On electric
bills, energy usage is typically given in kilowatt hours
(kWh). The watt, named for British engineer James
Watt (17361819), is a unit of power, or energy per
time, and 1 kilowatt is 1000 watts. Multiplying power
(in kilowatts) by time (in hours) yields energy, in kilo-
watt-hours. In an electric current, the current intensity
(I) is abbreviated as current and is the quantity of
charge that moves past a cross-section of the conduct-
ing path per unit time. As electric current ows through
a material, the motion of the electrons is hindered by
positive ions, creating electrical resistance (R). Resis-
tance in the path of a current creates heat and light, as
in appliances, such as stoves and light bulbs. Electrical
energy can be transformed into mechanical energy to
power motors as in cars, airplanes, power tools, kitchen
blenders, and hair dryers when electric current passes
through a coil of wire, inducing a magnetic eld that
sets the coil in motion.
Ohmss Law, formulated by German physicist Georg
Ohm (17891854), states that for a metal conductor at
constant temperature, the voltage (V) is V = IR,
I is the current, and R is the resistance. This equation
shows, for example, that if the resistance is cut in half,
then to maintain the same voltage, the current must be
doubled. If too little resistance is present, the current
may become so strong as to damage electrical equip-
ment. Circuit breakers then sever the path of the cur-
rent to avoid damage.
Electric Power from Generator to Consumer
High voltage generated at power stations is propa-
gated along power lines almost instantaneously, over
many miles, to substations near cities and towns. At
Electricity 341
the substations, the voltage is reduced and transmit-
ted to electric distribution centers that channel the
voltage to homes, ofces, and other facilities. In stan-
dard electrical outlets in the United States, there are
120 volts between the wires leading to the two verti-
cal slots. When an appliance is plugged into the outlet,
the vertical prongs of the plug make contact with these
wires, creating a pathway of current through the appli-
ance. The third slot in the outlet carries a protective
ground wire. In appliances with a three-pronged plug,
the ground wiring is designed to provide a preferred
pathway for escaped current so that it will not travel
through the body of the person holding the appliance.
Large appliances, including most drying machines
and ovens, operate at 240 volts, using a different type of
outlet. Touching one or more openings in an electrical
outlet or touching the prongs of a plug as it is inserted
into the outlet may pass an electric current through the
body that can be harmful or even deadly. At electrical
facilities, High Voltage signs warn of the danger of
electric shock because of the presence of high voltage.
Further Reading
California Energy Commission. What Is Electricity?
Herman, Stephen L., and Crawford G. Garrard. Practical
Problems in Mathematics for Electricians. 6th ed.
Albany, NY: Delmar, 2002.
U.S. Energy Information Administration: Independent
Statistics and Analysis. Electricity. http://www.eia
Barbara A. Shipman
See Also: Elementary Particles; Light; Light Bulbs;
Lightning; Microwave Ovens; Nanotechnology; Radiation.
Elementary Particles
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Various branches of mathematics are
employed to study elementary particles, the smallest
particles in the universe.
Particle physics is a branch of physics that seeks to de-
scribe and explain the universe on the smallest scales.
The particles thought to be the fundamental build-
ing blocks of matter and force are called elementary
particles. Like all branches of physics, the study of el-
ementary particles relies heavily upon many branches
of mathematics, including calculus, geometry, group
theory, algebra, and statistics. Particle physics also con-
tributes to mathematical research by posing questions
that give rise to new mathematical theories.
For thousands of years, scientists and philosophers have
been asking the questions, What is the universe made
of? and Are there fundamental units that make up
space, matter, energy, and time, or are these innitely
divisible? As early as the fth century b.c.e., Greek
philosopher Democritus (c. 460370 b.c.e.) hypoth-
esized that all matter is made of indivisible, fundamen-
tal units called atoms. Despite these early hypotheses,
there was very little progress in this eld until the dawn
of the twentieth century.
The twentieth century saw the emergence of sev-
eral new branches of physics. Among these was par-
ticle physics, a eld that seeks to explore the universe
on the smallest scales. Particle physicists try to identify
the particles that form matter and force, describe their
properties, and understand how these particles relate
to each other. Some of these particles are not composed
of any other particles and are therefore called elemen-
tary particles. These elementary particles form the
basic building blocks of the universe.
The understanding of particle physics at the begin-
ning of the twenty-rst century is embodied in the
Standard Model of Particle Physics, an elaborate
yet still incomplete model that attempts to list and
describe all existing particles. Jokingly referred to as
The Particle Zoo, the Standard Model lists dozens of
particles and includes elementary particles with exotic
names such as gluon, muon, and quark. Many
of the particles in the Standard Model have yet to be
detected experimentally, and their existence is conjec-
tured based on theoretical work.
Mathematics Used in the
Study of Particle Physics
Like all physical theories, particle physics relies heav-
ily upon mathematics, which provides the theoreti-
342 Elementary Particles
cal framework physicists use to explain and describe
physical phenomena. Mathematics also enables physi-
cists to make predictions that can later be tested using
modern tools, such as particle accelerators.
One of the most useful branches of mathematics
is calculus, a eld that has applications in practically
all branches of the natural sciences, as well as in engi-
neering and even in the social sciences. It is therefore
not surprising that calculus occupies a central role in
the theory of elementary particles. Differential calcu-
lus may be used to describe properties of particles at
an instant, while integral calculus is used to describe
cumulative effects of a particle or a system of particles
over time and space.
Calculus is but one branch of the mathemati-
cal eld of analysis that is useful in particle physics.
Other branches of analysispartial differential equa-
tions, complex analysis, and functional analysisplay
important roles as well.
Geometry has traditionally been used to describe
the universe on the grandest scales, those of galaxies,
galaxy clusters, and the universe as a whole. Recently,
geometry has found a place in elementary particle
research as well. French mathematician Alain Connes
(1947) has described a theoretical model for particle
physics that is based on noncommutative geometry,
which is a geometrical representation of noncommuta-
tive algebrassystems in which the order of factors in
Elementary Particles 343
NASA scientists detected a ring of dark matter that formed during a collision between galaxy clusters.
Astronomers dont know what dark matter is made of; however, they believe it is a type of elementary particle.
an operation determines the value of the operation. For
example, if a and b are real numbers, then it is always
true that a b = b a, as multiplication is commuta-
tive for real numbers. However, if A and B are matrices,
then generally A B B A. Matrix multiplication is
therefore noncommutative.
Symmetry, Group Theory,
and Quantum Mechanics
One of the most fundamental mathematical concepts
in elementary particles is symmetry. In mathematics,
symmetry is dened as an operation on an object that
leaves some of the objects properties unchanged. As an
example, consider a square drawn in the plane and an
axis of rotation that passes through the squares cen-
ter, perpendicular to the plane. If the square is rotated
by 90 degrees around that axis, the square will appear
unchanged. Rotation by 90 degrees is thus called a sym-
metry of the square. The set of all symmetries of an
object forms a mathematical construct called a group
(a set with an operation that obeys several axioms).
Group theory, a branch of algebra, plays an important
role in particle physics, as properties of many elemen-
tary particles can be explained and described by the use
of symmetry.
The chief group-theoretic structure in particle phys-
ics is the Lie (pronounced Lee) group, named after
Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie (18421899).
Lie groups are groups that posses the properties of
geometric constructs known as differentiable mani-
folds. Lie groups thus provide yet another connection
between geometry and elementary particles.
One of the most important physical theories of the
twentieth century is quantum mechanics, a theory that
holds that, at the atomic and subatomic levels, behav-
ior of particles is a statistical rather than a determin-
istic phenomenon. Since elementary particles obey
quantum-mechanical laws, statistics and probability
are invariably major components of the mathematical
framework of elementary particles.
While physicists use mathematics as a tool for
exploring the universe, the relationship between par-
ticle physics and mathematics is not one-directional.
Research in particle physics drives the emergence of
new mathematical theories, just as mechanics drove
the emergence of calculus in the seventeenth century.
In 1990, American theoretical physicist Edward Wit-
ten (1951) won the Fields Medal, the highest honor
in mathematics, for his many contributions to math-
ematics. He is the only non-mathematician ever to
win the prestigious award. As both mathematicians
and physicists continue to explore new horizons, the
cross-fertilization of ideas will benet both elds in
decades to come.
Further Reading
Grifths, David. Introduction to Elementary Particles.
Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2008.
Hellemans, Alexander. The Geometer of Particle
Physics. Scientic American 295, no. 2 (2006).
Mann, Robert. An Introduction to Particle Physics and the
Standard Model. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2010.
Or Syd Amit
See Also: Gravity; Relativity; Symmetry.
Category Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Summary: Various aspects of elevation can be
calculated using mathematical techniques.
Trigonometry has long been used to measure height.
Elevation is often the height of a point relative to sea
level, and its measurement is called hypsometry. El-
evation affects air pressure, temperature, and gravity,
all of which have noteworthy effects on people. As-
tronomers and mathematicians such as Blaise Pascal
and Edmund Halley investigated relationships between
barometric pressure and elevation.
Historical surveys of elevation include those who
used barometers, like John Charles Frmont, who was
at one time professor of mathematics of the Navy, and
physician Christopher Packe. However, this method is
sensitive to a number of variables. In the twenty-rst
century, detailed elevation data are available. Mount
Everest is known as Earths highest elevation. Topo-
graphical maps represent elevation by using contour
lines, each line following a path of constant elevation.
Transits were developed in the nineteenth century,
344 Elevation
and they can be used to calculate changes in elevation.
Contour integrals and generalized contours for func-
tions of two variables are investigated in multivariable
calculus classrooms. Mathematicians and computer
scientists have helped create realistic computer mod-
els of land elevation, called digital elevation models.
They have explored ideas like irregular-mesh grids or
shifting nested grids in surface reconstruction. Other
types of elevation studies also benet from mathemat-
ical techniques, like using the ocean wave spectrum
to investigate sea surface elevation peaks, or statisti-
cal techniques to investigate the impacts of elevation
changes. Mathematician and astronomer Nilakantha
Somayagi investigated the elevation of lunar cusps in
the sixteenth century. The term angle of elevation in
high school classrooms represents the angle between
where an observer is standing and the line of sight to
an object. The angle of elevation is found in many con-
texts, including in the Pyramids of Egypt, in the astro-
labe, and in global positioning systems.
Topographic Maps
A topographic map is a two-dimensional map that
conveys elevation information as well as other features
of an area. Contour lines are the key to capturing eleva-
tion changes from a three-dimensional world on a two-
dimensional map. A contour line is a path that follows
a constant elevation. Early uses of contours date to the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and include the
work of engineer Jean-Louis Dupain-Triel and astron-
omer and mathematician John Couch Adams.
A contour line is drawn each time a predetermined
elevation change is achieved. For example, a map may
use 100-foot elevation increments, with one contour
line following points having an elevation of 100 feet
and the next marking an elevation of 200 feet. Con-
secutive contour lines always differ by 100 feet in eleva-
tion. As the mapped terrain climbs more steeply, the
contour lines on the map will be closer together. The
lines can mark elevations that increase and decrease,
representing terrain that rises and falls intermittently.
Contour lines can represent elevations that are zero, or
negative numbers as when mapping an ocean oor.
A topographic map of an area with constant eleva-
tion at its boundary, such as an island bounded by
the sea, will not have contour lines extending off the
maps edge. In such cases, all contour lines will appear
as closed curves. A curve is closed if it loops back to
where it started. Typically, contour lines appear as
simple closed curves that do not cross themselves. The
pattern of contour lines as nonintersecting rings lying
one within another is common on topographic maps.
Elevation 345
Highest Elevations
on Earth
levations are nearly always computed rela-
tive to sea level, the average height of the
oceans surface. Sea level is an inexact mea-
sure since tides, temperature, wind, salinity,
and air pressure affect the oceans. Mount Ever-
est (above) in the Himalaya Mountains near the
border of Nepal and Tibet is the highest moun-
tain on Earth at an elevation of 29,035 feet as
of 2010. Everest gains more than two inches
of elevation per year because of the collision of
tectonic plates and there are discrepancies in
its listed height.
Earth is not spherically symmetric; its
radius near the equator is more than 13 miles
greater than its radius near the poles. Conse-
quently, Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador holds
the distinction of having the summit farthest
from Earths center. Lying about one degree
south of the equator, where Earth is widest,
Mount Chimborazo is approximately 20,561
feet above sea level, enough to make its sum-
mit more than a mile farther from Earths cen-
ter than Mount Everests summit.
Also common is to have two separate sets of noninter-
secting rings contained within a single contour line,
as when two hills are surrounded by a larger path of
constant elevation.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has created a
complete large-scale topographic map of the United
States in more than 56,000 pieces. The National Eleva-
tion Dataset is noted as the the primary elevation prod-
uct of the USGS. The data set is updated regularly, and
historic data sets are also available for investigations.
There is an ever-growing growing need for digitized
maps, which allow a computer user to read elevation
at any spot on the map. Some digitized maps enable
the user to view a landscape from different perspec-
tives, creating a three-dimensional view of the areas
elevation changes, similar to what would be seen at the
actual location. Data from existing topographic maps
and aerial photography are used to create digitized
maps. Improvements in technology will continue to
affect the science of map making.
Effects of High Elevation
As elevation increases, air temperature drops because
of a decrease in air pressure. At about 18,000 feet above
sea level, for example, the air pressure is half that at
sea level. In the troposphere, the lowest layer of Earths
atmosphere, a general rule of thumb is that air temper-
ature drops 6.5 degrees Celsius for every 1000 meters
of elevation gain, or roughly one degree Fahrenheit
for every 280 feet of elevation gain in standard condi-
tions. This phenomenon, which can be modeled with
an equation, can be seen directly when an observer
standing at a low elevation on a warm day views a tall
mountain covered with snow.
Another consequence of this cooling is that water
vapor in the air condenses, sometimes causing increased
rainfall on the windward side of a mountain range and
a rain shadow downwind from the mountains. Many
deserts lie just downwind from a mountain range. For
example, sand dunes in Death Valley, California, lie in
the rain shadow of Mount Whitney, the highest peak in
the continental United States.
Because of these differences in temperature and
precipitation, tall mountains can have multiple cli-
matic zones, with different plant species thriving near
the summit than at lower elevations. Some animal
species, such as Roosevelt elk, migrate seasonally to
take advantage of elevation effects, climbing to cooler
locations in the summer and descending to warmer
valleys in winter.
The lower atmospheric pressure at high elevations
makes breathing more difcult. Mountain climbers at
high elevations use special apparatus to breathe. Some
competitive distance runners train at high elevations
in order to challenge their cardiovascular systems.
When they race at a lower elevation, the air feels rela-
tively dense and oxygen-rich, giving them a competi-
tive advantage.
With the less-dense atmosphere at high elevations,
the suns rays can penetrate more easily, making sun-
burn possible even on cold days. Engines of naturally
aspirated cars get less horsepower at higher elevations.
Projectiles travel farther, a phenomenon known to golf-
ers and baseball players. Standard equations for pro-
jectile motion sometimes assume a sea-level location;
adjustments must be made to account for elevation.
The effect of gravity is reduced with travel to high
elevations; mass remains the same but weight decreases
slightly, primarily because of the increase in distance
from Earths center of mass. A persons weight would
be less atop Mount Chimborazo than anywhere else
on Earth.
Further Reading
Smith, Arthur. Angles of Elevation of the Pyramids of
Egypt. Mathematics Teacher 75, no. 2 (1982) .
Thrower, Norman. Maps & Civilization: Cartography in
Culture and Society. 3rd ed. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2008.
U.S. Geological Survey. National Elevation Dataset.
David I. Kennedy
See Also: Curves; Gravity; Maps; Plate Tectonics;
Temperature; Trigonometry; Weather Scales.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematics is used to quantify aspects
such as the maximum speed and distance range of
346 Elevators
elevators as well as model vibration
and optimize trafc ow.
An elevator is a mechanism for vertical
transport of persons or cargo. Mathe-
matics is used to quantify aspects such
as the maximum speed and distance
range of elevators, determined by their
purpose, such as lifting passengers,
cars, or aircraft. Applied mathemati-
cal models focus on the dynamics and
vibrations within different types of el-
evator mechanisms, such as hydraulic
or rope systems. Mathematicians also
investigate questions related to aspects
such as waiting time, using probabil-
ity models. Systems of multiple eleva-
tors are modeled as high-dimensional
spaces using dynamical systems. The
number of passengers in an elevator
system constantly changes, making an
optimal policy for what is referred to
as an elevator group control mathe-
matically interesting. At the end of the
nineteenth century, scientist Konstan-
tin Tsiolkovsky conceived of a space el-
evator. He was self-taught and worked
as a mathematics teacher.
Hydraulic Elevators
The main concept related to why hydraulic eleva-
tors work is Pascals Law, stating that when the pres-
sure increases anywhere in a conned uid, it equally
increases everywhere. This, together with the fact that
pressure (P) is equal to force (F) per unit area (A), can
be exploited for an advantage of force. The elevator car
stands on top of a piston ending in a wide shaft lled
with oil, connected to a narrow shaft with oil. When a
pump increases pressure in the narrow shaft, by apply-
ing a relatively small force, the equal pressure applies to
the oor of the cabin, producing higher force because
of the larger area: P
, and
= .
Hydraulic elevators are only used in relatively low
buildings since the piston has to be as tall as the build-
ing to extend to the top oor but fully t under the
building when the elevator is on the ground oor. Dig-
ging as deep as a skyscraper is high to install an eleva-
tor is impractical. These elevators are mostly used for
heavy loads in places such as car mechanic shops.
Roped Elevators
A mathematically interesting concept related to roped
elevators is the conservation of energy. A roped elevator
consists of two ends of a steel cable going around a pul-
ley attached at the top, called a sheave. The elevator
car is attached to one end of the cable, and the coun-
terweight, which weighs about the same, is attached to
the other end.
When the elevator car is at the bottom of the shaft,
the counterweight is at the top, and its potential energy
converts to force, helping move the elevator car up.
When the elevator car is higher than the counter-
weight, their roles are reversed. This way, it takes very
Elevators 347
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) holds
an annual engineering competition to design a space elevator.
little additional force to make the sheave rotate and the
elevator car move up and down.
In modern buildings with multiple elevators, computer
programs determine how to dispatch elevators to mini-
mize wait time and to save energy. For example, a sensor
may detect that an elevator is near capacity and will not
stop it for any additional passengers. An elevator going
down may not open its doors for people who want to go
up, avoiding carrying them back and forth. More sophis-
ticated elevator software can take into account typical
trafc patterns, directing elevators to the busiest oors.
Space Elevator
A space elevator is a structure for escaping the grav-
ity well of a planet, transporting objects between the
surface and a geostationary orbit. This proposed struc-
ture would consist of a large satellite counterweight
in orbit and a cable connecting it to the ground. The
inertia of the counterweight rotating around the planet
will balance the gravitational pull on the cable, keep-
ing the cable taut. The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) is working on several efforts
related to construction of a space elevator, including
an annual engineering competition. The technological
problems include avoiding meteorites and dangerous
atmospheric weather systems, developing materials
strong enough for the cable, designing the counter-
weight, protecting passengers from radiation, and
powering the elevator cars. In 2008, Japan announced
plans to build a space elevator in the immediate future.
Space elevators have frequently appeared in science c-
tion since the early twentieth century.
Further Reading
Bangash, M. Y. H., and T. Bangash. Lifts, Elevators,
Escalators and Moving Walkways/Travelators. Leiden,
The Netherlands: Taylor and Francis, 2007.
Van Pelt, Michel. Space Tethers and Space Elevators. New
York: Copernicus Books, 2009.
Wufe, A. The Pure Theory of Elevators. Mathematics
Magazine 55, no. 1 (January 1982).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Engineering Design; Interplanetary Travel;
Pulleys; Spaceships.
See Coding and Encryption
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is used to study energy and
energy conservation as well as to develop new sources
of energy.
The concept of energy and transportation of energy
are central to the survival of any civilization. As math-
ematical physicist Ludwig Boltzmann noted, Available
energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for ex-
istence and the evolution of the world. At the start of
the twenty-rst century, human beings have accessed
or created many forms of energy and power produc-
tion, including coal-red and oil-red power plants,
solar heating plants, wind farms, nuclear power plants,
geothermal sources of heat, hydroelectric power pro-
duced by dams, biofuels that store solar energy, and
tidal energy produced by gravitational interactions be-
tween Earth and the moon.
There are also potentially disruptive energy sources,
including natural events, such as lightning, volcanoes,
and earthquakes. Some global sources of energy and
power that remain to be tapped by humans include the
atmospheres expansion and contraction, ocean cur-
rents, and sea level differences. Various calculations of
energy, including chemical reactions and nuclear reac-
tions, invoke the principle of conservation of energy.
In relativistic or quantum terms, the conservation
of mass-energy is also important. Energy, work, and
quantity of heat are all expressed in joules, a mea-
sure of work named for physicist James Joule. There
is a vast array of energy problems that mathematicians
research, and mathematics makes many contributions
to energy issues.
Energy, Dened
Energy is found in nearly every system or process in
the universe: mechanics, chemicals, heat, electricity,
nuclear processes, and quantum effects. Mathemati-
348 Energy
cian and scientist Ren Descartes studied mechanics;
centuries later, mathematician and philosopher Gott-
fried Leibniz criticized his ideas and developed what
are referred to today as kinetic energy, potential
energy, and momentum. In mechanics, the kinetic
energy (E) of an object is expressed as
E mv =
where m is the objects mass and v is its velocity.
Another form of energy found in mechanics is the
energy of position called potential energy. It has the
units of joules. An example is the potential energy
dened as work done in the compression of a coiled
spring. The sum of all the kinetic and potential ener-
gies within a system comprises the mechanical energy
of the system. Energy may be a conserved quantity
within a closed system, or it may change forms, such
as mechanical energy being converted to heat by fric-
tion. How energy in a system is measured is important.
As noted, mechanical energy is measured as the sum
of kinetic energy and potential energy, or energies of
motion and position. Chemical energy is measured by
the heat energy released in chemical reactions. Electri-
cal energy is measured by work done in a system.
Energy Conservation
In general, the amount of energy of various types can
be equated to an equivalent amount of heat energy.
On an experimental scale, heat energy is the ability
of work done to raise the temperature of water. The
joule is a measure of thermodynamic energy and is the
common unit of energy. James Joule is credited with
experiments in the mid-1800s that demonstrated that
work done on a system can be converted into heat.
His experiments and those of others eventually led
to the realization and statement of the principle of
conservation of energy as a hypothesis, which was
proved in certain restricted settings and generalized
by induction. In 1865, mathematical physicist Rudolf
Clausius worked on thermodynamics and stated his
rst law as, The energy of the universe is constant.
The principle of conservation of energy applies not
only to certain mechanical systems but is also seen
widely in systems where other forms of energy are
considered. Thus, heat energy is produced by com-
bustion and friction, radiant energy is from light
and other forms of radiation, and chemical energy
is stored in fuels and electrical energy. The principle
is continually tested in new situations. This testing
led to discoveries in the twentieth century in atomic
physics. In the International System of Units, Le Sys-
tme International dUnits (SI), a joule is dened as a
newton-meter, named for Isaac Newton. The system-
atic study of the relation of various physical quantities
through an analysis of their dimensions is the subject
of dimensional analysis. Richard Feynman noted,
For those who want some proof that physicists are
human, the proof is in the idiocy of all the different
units which they use for measuring energy.
One energy issue that has been important to math-
ematicians, philosophers, and physicists is the rela-
tionship between matter and energy. Some physicists
wanted to assign matter-like properties to energy, such
as Wilhelm Wien, who considered that energy might
have a traceable motion. Mathematician William Clif-
ford thought of matter and energy as types of curva-
tures. In the theory of special relativity of 1905, Albert
Einstein proved an equivalence of mass and energy as
expressed in his famous equation E mc =
, where E
is the energy equivalent of mass m, and c denotes the
speed of light, 299,792,458 meters per second. There is
no process available to human beings at the start of the
twenty-rst century in which matter can be converted
completely into radiant energy.
For example, in a nuclear explosion, only a tiny frac-
tion of nuclear material is converted into energy. The
only known process of annihilating matter is to pair a
particle of matter with a particle of anti-matter, with
the result that two photons are formed with energies
that are equivalent to the energies of the particles. This
process is on a quantum scale. Fusion is one process
for partially converting mass into energy and occurs
naturally in stars. Many controlled fusion experiments
have been performed but in the process of producing
fusion, a greater amount of input energy is needed for
the reaction than is ultimately released by the reaction.
Only in uncontrolled thermonuclear explosions are
large amounts of energy released by fusion.
Scientists continue to explore novel sources of energy
and power from sources that entail motion, heat, quan-
tum uncertainty and other natural physical phenom-
ena. One possible source of power is controlled fusion
reactions, hot or cold. Controlled hot fusion reactions
Energy 349
have not yet reached a break-even point where the
energy of the reaction exceeds the energy input needed
to trigger the reaction.
There are ongoing fusion experiments that use vari-
ous solids and liquids with energy pumped into them
by lasers in which fusion occurs but the fusion is not
self-sustaining. The main problem is the energy input
and inherent danger in heating suitable substances to
temperatures at which fusion between atoms of hydro-
gen isotopes can occur. The hydrogen is in the form
of deuterium or tritium, and the temperatures reached
through compression must be on the order of millions
of degrees, and there are often energetic byproducts
that are dangerous to objects and people. In contrast
to hot fusion, cold fusion (also known as low-energy
nuclear reactions among the twenty-rst-century
research community) is the fusion of atoms at close to
room temperature, generally through the use of super-
saturated metal hydrides. These reactions produce heat,
helium, and a very low level of neutrons. The energy
output is greater than the input, leading many scien-
tists and others to investigate this process as a viable
solution to the energy needs of the future. Chemists
Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons were the rst,
in 1989, to publicly announce that they had achieved
cold fusion. Many competing scientic and mathemat-
ical models have been developed to explain how cold
fusion works but many researchers and others remain
skeptical regarding its existence or viability.
Other Mathematical Applications
Mathematicians and other scientists have long studied
the various aspects of energy. The concept of energy
is fundamental to many scientic and business theo-
ries, applications, and disciplines. For instance, math-
ematicians have modeled energy trading in nancial
markets, which is quantitatively interesting because,
in such applications, energy possesses unique attri-
butes as a non-storable and non-fungible commodity.
They have also worked to design efcient shutdown
schedules for electronic systems to address concerns
related to energy conservation. Mathematics is impor-
tant for explaining the cosmic phenomenon of dark
energy. This type of energy, often modeled as a sca-
lar eld and inferred in large part from observation
and mathematical analysis of gravitational elds, has
implications for theories and measurement of uni-
verse expansion and dark matter. On the other hand,
mathematicians such as Blake Temple have used
mathematics to attempt to disprove the existence of
dark energy and posit alternative explanations. Others
have investigated the geometry of symplectic energy.
Mathematicians are also inuential in energy research
and policy making via work at federal agencies like the
U.S. Department of Energy. Mathematician J. Ernest
Wilkins was a fellow at the Department of Energys
Argonne National Laboratory and physicist and math-
ematician Hermann Bondi was the chief scientic
adviser to the Department of Energy. Mathematical
analysis and computational methods have also been
used to study energy problems related to equilibrium,
stability, and energy transport.
Further Reading
Coopersmith, Jennifer. Energy, the Subtle Concept: The
Discovery of Feynmans Blocks from Leibniz to Einstein.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Gerritsen, Margot. Mathematics Awareness Month
April 2009Theme Essay: Mathematics in Energy
Greengard, Claude, and Andrzej Ruszczynski. Decision
Making Under Uncertainty: Energy and Power. New
York: Springer, 2010.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Fuel
Cells, Energy Conversion, and Mathematics. http://
Veigele, William. How to Save Energy and Money at
Home and on the Highway: The Mathematics and
Physics of Energy Conservation and Reduction of
Consumer Energy Costs. Boca Raton, FL: Universal
Publishers, 2009.
Julian Palmore
See Also: Einstein, Albert; Electricity; Geothermal
Energy; Green Mathematics; Light Bulbs; Radiation;
Solar Panels; Tides And Waves; Universal Constants;
Wind and Wind Power.
Energy, Geothermal
See Geothermal Energy
350 Energy
Engineering Design
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Engineering design is a carefully regulated
process to create optimal solutions for given problems.
Engineers design everything from automobiles and
bridges to prosthetic limbs and sporting equipment.
Designing is different than simply building in that it
requires the adherence to a very systematic, yet itera-
tive, process known as the engineering design pro-
cess. This process is to engineers what the scientic
method is to scientistsguiding steps that help ensure
that the end result is the best it can be. When a new
product is created without following the steps of the
engineering design process, there is a higher likelihood
that the product designed will lack some important
aspect: the end product may not appropriately ac-
count for the needs of its users, it may cost too much
to manufacture, or it may not have been tested to en-
sure safety. Accordingly, the term designing refers to
the entire process, such that an engineer does design.
The use of the term design as a noun may be used at
different points in the process but may have very dif-
ferent meanings depending on what phase of the pro-
cess the engineer is in. Design may really mean design
idea during the brainstorming phase of the process or
model or prototype of the design during the build-
ing phase of the process.
The engineering design process requires the applica-
tion of mathematics in many of the steps. Throughout
the process, engineers use basic mathematics concepts,
including addition and multiplication to calculate costs;
geometry to calculate surface areas for material needs;
and measurements to ensure appropriate dimension-
ing. However, more sophisticated projects may require
the application of higher-level mathematics, such as
calculus and differential equations, to solve the techni-
cal engineering problems certain designs pose.
The Engineering Design Process
The engineering design process refers to the steps that
are required to create the best possible solution to a
problem. It is a process often undertaken by a team
of engineers who work together, though it can be per-
formed by an individualtrained or untrained as an
engineer. Though there is no consensus as the exact
breakdown and name of each step, the general design
process is universally accepted.
In the rst step of the engineering design process,
the engineering team is presented with some type of
problem or unmet societal need to be solved. Often,
this problem is presented to the engineering team by
a company that is trying to offer a product that bet-
ter meets its customers needs. The engineer must ask
many questions to both the client and the user, as well
as conduct background research, in an effort to estab-
lish the objectives and constraints of the design. The
objectives are what the solution to the problem (the
nal designed product) should aim to accomplish.
The constraints are the factors that limit the possible
designs, such as time, money, or material restrictions.
Time and money constraints are particularly important
as they often drive the project and must be monitored
throughout to ensure that the project is completed on
time and within budget. At the end of this step of the
design process, the engineering team fully understands
the problem and has developed objectives and con-
straints to guide their possible solutions.
In the next step of the engineering design process,
the engineers generate design ideas to solve the newly
rened problem. Idea generation normally occurs
through group brainstorming methods, with the goal
of producing as many ideas as possible. There are a
number of methods used to enhance the innovation
and creativity of the ideas that come from the brain-
storming session, including ensuring group diversity,
drawing from existing stimulus and building off of
each others ideas. In this step of the process, some of
the generated ideas will evolve into rough hand-drawn
sketches. These sketches need to show perspective and
relative size clearly.
The next step of the engineering design process is
design selection. A method known as decision analy-
sis is most commonly used for design selection. Deci-
sion analysis is a systematic process to objectively and
logically choose the best idea to move forward with
from the many generated through brainstorming. It is
important because it reduces the likelihood of a design-
ers bias in selecting a design. As a rst step, the brain-
stormed ideas must initially be narrowed down through
discussion or other means to only the handful of ideas
that appear to be most promising. These ideas are then
compared through decision analysis. For the decision
analysis, it is rst necessary to create a list of design
Engineering Design 351
criteria and weight them based on their relative impor-
tance. As an example, as safety is paramount in design,
the criteria of safety would be the most important cri-
teria and would be weighted as 1.0 on a scale of 0 1.
The criteria of portability, on the other hand, might
be desirable but not necessary, so it would be weighted
as 0.5. There is no standard as to what weighting scale
should be used but it is important to be consistent in its
application. For each criterion, in addition to the deter-
mined weighted importance, a numerical range must
also be established for rating each design with respect
to the criterion. When possible, this range should be as
objective and quantiable as possible.
Each design being considered is then scored using
the range for each criterion. The score is then multi-
plied by the relative criteria weight for a total score for
each criterion and for each design. The total scores
for each criterion are then summed for each design.
The summed scores can be used to compare multiple
designs, with the one scoring the highest being the one
most likely to be successful.
After identifying a design to move forward with,
renement of the design is necessary. This step
includes determining dimensions and materials that
will be used to construct the chosen design. Detailed
sketches, often drawn from multiple perspectives,
are created and include the dimensions of each part
to be made. Determining these
dimensions often requires in-
depth estimation and calcula-
tion. At the most simplistic level,
dimensioning requires tak-
ing into account any necessary
clearances or gaps in the design,
especially when multiple parts
need to be tted together. It may
also be necessary to determine
the combinations of dimen-
sions that ensure a specied
surface area requirement is met,
in which case algebra can be
helpful. More in-depth designs
may require that dimensions
come from established tables
of normative dimensions, such
as anthropometric tables, pro-
viding typical measurements of
different-sized people, or from
engineering analysis, such as stress or buckling calcu-
lations. Deriving dimensions from engineering analy-
sis methods often requires high-level mathematics and
a technical background in engineering but ensures a
stronger, safer product.
Once the design has been rened and the dimen-
sions are known, building begins. For most designs,
a scale model or a simplied prototype is created rst
to test for feasibility of the design before further time
and money is invested. To create a scale model, all
dimensions of the detailed sketches must be reduced
by multiplying by some chosen scaling factor, often
1:2. Regardless of whether a full-size design or scale
model is used, it is necessary to calculate the amount
of each material that needs to be purchased to build
the design. This requires thought and calculation, in
particular when multiple parts could be cut from one
piece of wood, metal, or fabric. Often, surface area is
calculated according to the parts geometry to deter-
mine the total amount of material needed. Once mate-
rial has been secured, building of the design can occur.
Throughout building, it is essential to make careful
measurements for all parts because almost all designs
are made from multiple components that must t
together to function as one product. For example, if a
piece of wood to be used for one leg of a chair is mea-
sured even inch shorter than the other legs, it will
352 Engineering Design
Once the engineering team is satised with the nal product, the design is
executed through computer-aided design (CAD) drawings.
likely mean the nished chair will rock and wobble,
and the design will be undesirable.
As a next step in the engineering design process, the
constructed design is experimentally tested to deter-
mine its performance. This step helps to identify design
strengths and weaknesses, which can be used to make
recommendations for future renement of the prod-
uct. The specic experimental test performed is deter-
mined by the type of product designed and the design
objectives. Regardless of the type of test conducted,
measurements are taken throughout the experiment to
record some aspect of the designs performance. Often,
multiple trials will be taken, generating many data
points. The data obtained from these measurements
are then used to draw conclusions about the success of
the design. Statistical analysis may also be employed to
further assist in the interpretation of the data.
Almost always, the data collected during testing
will suggest that the design could perform better if
rened in some way. As such, it is common for the
engineering team to return to the building stage and
then iteratively cycle between it and testing steps
until satised. At times, it may also be necessary to
return to earlier steps in the engineering design pro-
cess. Once the team is satised with the nal product,
nal documentation is prepared to explain the design
and share it with others. This is often done through
computer-aided design (CAD) drawings and written
technical reports.
Further Reading
Dym, Clive L. and Patrick Little. Engineering Design: A
Project Based Introduction. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
and Sons, 2009.
Eide, Arvide, et al. Introduction to Engineering Design and
Problem Solving. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Pahl, Gerhard, et al. Engineering Design: A Systematic
Approach. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, 2007.
Pilloton, Emily. Design Revolution: 100 Products That
Empower People. Los Angeles, CA: Metropolis
Books, 2009.
Ulrich, Karl, and Steven Eppinger. Product Design and
Development. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007.
Kimberly Edginton Bigelow
See Also: Bridges; Green Design; Problem Solving in
Society; Robots.
Equations, Polar
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Polar coordinate systems were developed
in the seventeenth century and have numerous
modern applications.
The polar coordinate system is a coordinate system
for the plane in which each point is determined by a
distance from a xed point, called the pole, and an
angle from a xed direction, called the polar axis.
In normal usage, the pole is analogous to the origin
in the Cartesian coordinate system, named for Ren
Descartes. Both polar and rectangular (Cartesian) co-
ordinates require two bits of data to place a point in
the plane. While the Cartesian coordinate system re-
quires knowing and placing two chosen lines to serve
as axes, polar coordinates requires knowing one xed
point and one xed ray. This characteristic makes polar
coordinates useful in navigation. Students in twenty-
rst-century high schools are introduced to polar co-
ordinate systems and the topic is further developed in
college mathematics and physics classrooms.
The concept of using an angle and a radius may be
dated to the rst millennium b.c.e. There are refer-
ences to Hipparchus of Rhodes (c. second century
b.c.e.) using a type of polar coordinates to establish
the positions of the stars that he studied. Archimedes
of Syracuse describes his namesake spiral in the book
On Spirals, as where the distance from a given point
depends on the angle from a given radius.
In a number of articles about the development of
polar coordinates, most notably the 1952 article Ori-
gin of Polar Coordinates by Julian Lowell Coolidge,
further development of polar coordinates was gener-
ated by studying the Archimedean spiral. According
to Coolidges history, the rst mention should go to
Bonaventura Cavalieri in his 1635 treatise Geometria
indivisilibus continuorum in which he studies the spiral
of Archimedes. Cavalieri studies the area inside the spi-
ral and relates it to other known areas.
Like all good stories in the history of mathematics,
this assertion is not without disagreement. In 1647,
Equations, Polar 353
Grgoire de Saint-Vincent in his work Opus Geomet-
ricum claimed that he was familiar with the method
and had sent his work to Christopher Grienberger in
1625. Grienberger had died in 1636, and the priority
of the work was the subject of an article by Moritz
Cantor in 1900.
Spiral curves were of interest to many mathemati-
cians, including Gilles Personne de Roberval, James
Gregory, Descartes, and Pierre Varignon. Gregory, Des-
cartes, and Varignon all used a type of transformation
of coordinates that heralded the complete develop-
ment of polar coordinates. It appears to be Jacob Ber-
noulli and Isaac Newton who most completely devel-
oped these transformations. Bernoulli worked on the
lemniscate and introduced the terms pole and polar
axis. Newton investigated transformations between
coordinate systems, including polar coordinates, in his
work Method of Fluxions, which was written in 1671
but not published until 1736.
Polar coordinates are the basis for navigation and radar,
since the direction of travel can be given as an angle
and distance from the origin. The radar screen that is
used in air trafc control uses the location of the radar
transmitter/receiver as the pole and magnetic north as
the polar ray, zero degrees. This aspect and the fact that
the angles continue in a clockwise direction instead of
a counterclockwise direction are the major differences
between a navigational use and the mathematical sys-
tem. This same radar is the basis for all weather radar
that is available for viewing either on television or from
the Internet. Each radar location (there are 178 National
Weather Service Doppler weather radar locations that
cover the United States) sets a pole and covers a specic
area. Storms are located and their paths are computed
using the overlaps. This information must be trans-
formed from the polar system (how far from the radar
site and at what angle) into GIS coordinate system and
then placed on a map to go to television or to the Inter-
net. One well-known measuring device is the polar pla-
nimeter, created by mathematician and physicist Jacob
Amsler in the nineteenth century. It measured the area
enclosed by a curve. Amsler switched careers to focus
on mathematical instruments, and he produced thou-
sands of Amsler planimeters.
Other examples of the use of polar coordinates are
very simplied uses in planning sprinkler systems in a
building, as well as in irrigation systems in landscape
and farming. Each of the sprinkler heads serves as a
pole, and different walls, boundary lines and such serve
as polar axes.
Different microphones have different recording pat-
terns depending on the specic purpose. The omni-
directional microphone is used when sound from all
directions is to be recorded, such as a choir or a large
group. A cardioid microphone is a unidirectional
microphone, which would be used to record a per-
former but not the crowd. Bidirectional microphones
are used in an interview situation where the voices
of both the interviewer and interviewee need to be
recorded. The pattern of sounds that are picked up by
the microphone are a lemniscatethe gure studied
by Bernoulli.
Further Reading
Boyer, C. B. Newton as an Originator of Polar
Coordinates. The American Mathematical Monthly
56, no. 2 (1949).
Coolidge, J. L. The Origin of Polar Coordinates. The
American Mathematical Monthly 59, no. 2 (1952).
A Periodic Shift in Polar Roses for Valentines Day.
David C. Royster
See Also: Climbing; Coordinate Geometry; Graphs;
Maps; Transformations.
Escher, M.C.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: The works of M.C. Escher are frequently
used by mathematicians and mathematics educators
to explore mathematical concepts.
Maurits Cornelis Escher (18981972) was a Dutch
graphic artist perhaps best known for creating artwork
with illusional and conceptual effects including wood-
cuts, lithographs, and mezzotints with meticulous de-
354 Escher, M.C.
tail. Despite the fact that he did poorly in mathematics
in school, he accurately illustrated mathematical con-
cepts in many of his works, which are frequently used
by mathematicians and mathematics educators to il-
luminate and explore those concepts. He also wrote a
paper called Regular Division of the Plane with Asym-
metric Congruent Polygons. About his own work and
processes, Escher said:
By keenly confronting the enigmas that surround us
and by considering and analyzing the observations
that I had made, I ended up in the domain of math-
ematics. Although I am absolutely without training
or knowledge in the exact sciences, I often seem to
have more in common with mathematicians than
with my fellow-artists.
Early Work
As a student, Escher did not excel at any subject except
drawing. After failing the nal secondary school exami-
nations, he enrolled in the Haarlem School of Architec-
ture and Decorative Arts in 1919. Encouraged by one
of his teachers, he shifted his interest from architecture
to graphic arts. His rst trip to the Mediterranean in
1922 made a strong impression upon him. He decided
to leave the school and settle in Rome, where he mar-
ried Jetta Umiker in 1924. In the following years, his
fascination with Italian landscapes, combined with his
passion for printmaking, resulted in a series of realistic
woodcuts, Castrovalva being one of the most notable.
Hand with a Reecting Globe (1935) marks the
beginning of a period when the exploration of what he
called an inner vision replaced his interest in the out-
ward appearance of things. After eeing from politi-
cal turmoil to Switzerland, he testied that he was no
longer inspired by his surroundings. During a visit to
Spain in 1936, he worked extensively on copying the
motifs from the Moorish mosaics in the Alhambra
castle in Granada. The idea of creating patterns that
would not only involve abstract shapes but also animal
and human gures strongly obsessed him.
Art and Mathematics
In 1937 Escher created Still Life and Street, his rst
impossible reality image. In the same year, he moved
with his family to Belgium, where he began to consider
divisions of the plane using the work of mathematicians
such as George Plya regarding the 17 distinct plane
symmetry groups. Using his own techniques, Escher
explored questions such as the possible shapes for tiles
that can produce a regular division of the plane, along
with the various isometries that relate the edges of such
tiles. Escher mapped adjacent tiles using translations,
rotations and glide-reections, all of which require the
tiles edges to be straight segments. This aspect became
one of the central ideas of his art.
German occupation forced him to ee to Baarn,
The Netherlands, in 1941, where he settled perma-
nently. Two articles in Life and Time magazines in
1951 brought the worlds attention to his work. Besides
increasing demand for prints and numerous commis-
sions, this recognition enabled him to start exchanges
with many world-renowned scientists.
Eschers rst ideas about innity revolved around
depicting decreasing gures as one moves toward the
center of an image, as seen in his woodcut Development
II. An article by a Canadian geometer Harold Scott
MacDonald Coxeter made him reverse his point of view
by creating a tessellation of a disc with tiles decreas-
ing while moving toward the boundary of a disc. This
approach produced some of his later prints, including
Circle Limit III, and his last work, The Snakes (1969).
British mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, fas-
cinated by Eschers lithograph Relativity, developed
impossible objects known as the Penrose tribar and,
together with his father, Lionel Penrose, the Penrose
staircase. After exchanging his ideas with the art-
ist, these objects inspired lithographs Waterfall and
Ascending and Descending. Mathematicians continue to
investigate the mathematical details of Eschers work.
Number theorist Hendrik Lenstra used the theory of
elliptic curves and complex exponential functions to
analyze aspects of Eschers Print Gallery.
Eschers most ambitious work, a 22-foot-wide
woodcut, Metamorphosis III, was based on tessella-
tions. Many other mathematical topics were also imple-
mented in Eschers work: topology in depictions of the
Mbius strip, the principle of self-reference in Draw-
ing Hands, numerous polyhedra, concave and con-
vex objects, irregular perspective, spherical geometry,
optical illusions, and visual paradoxes, among others.
Eschers creative interpretation of these subjects erased
the boundaries between mathematics and art. He said,
At rst I had no idea at all of the possibility of
building up my gures. I did not know any ground
Escher, M.C. 355
rules and tried, almost without knowing what I
was doing, to t together congruent shapes that I
attempted to give the form of animals. Gradually,
designing new motifs became easier as a result of
my study of the literature on the subject . . .espe-
cially as a result of my putting forward my own
laymans theory, which forced me to think through
the possibilities.
M.C. Escher felt closer to mathematicians than to his
peers. Although he frequently stated that he was a mere
craftsman, not an artist, some of the images he created
found their place in popular culture and mathematics,
becoming icons of the twentieth century. Eschers son
George noted that his father often did not seem to com-
prehend that his process of creation and exploration of
the mathematical concepts he used in his work was in
fact very much like a mathematician. His work tackles
human understanding of the order of the universe and
unveils it with unexpected beauty and renement.
Further Reading
Ernst, Bruno. The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher. New
York: Random House, 1976.
Escher, M.C., Escher on Escher: Exploring the Innite.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1982.
Robinson, Sara. M.C. Escher: More Mathematics Than
Meets the Eye. SIAM News 35, no. 8 (2002).
Schattschneider, Doris. The Mathematical Side of M.C.
Escher. Notices of the AMS 57, no. 6 (2010).
Zoran Petrovic
Karim Salim
See Also: Crystallography; Geometry in Society;
Optical Illusions; Symmetry; Transformations.
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Since the time of Plato, mathematicians
have been analyzing and confronting ethical problems.
Mathematics and ethics have a long and tangled his-
tory. Philosophy has nurtured mathematical forms
of thought that, in turn, have had a profound inu-
ence on ethical theorizing. For example, mathematics
served as a model for Jeremy Bentham (17481832)
whose goal in utilitarianism was to develop a calculus
of pleasure and pain.
Several contemporary ethical theories are tied to the
mathematics of game theory, especially the work of John
Rawls (19212002). Ethical issues arise in mathemat-
ics teaching, research, industry, and government work.
Mathematicians such as Lee Lorch challenge discrimi-
natory practices and ght for human rights, justice, and
equality. Other mathematicians have refused to work on
projects they nd ethically problematic. Ethical norms
often change over time and for various contexts, leading
to controversial applications of mathematics research,
like the atomic bomb. In the face of increasing market-
ability of mathematical results, some have questioned
the disparity between the academic tradition of mak-
ing knowledge freely available and personal ownership
of intellectual property. Many professional associations
have developed, maintained, and revised ethical guide-
lines for their members, and mathematicians who wish
to perform experiments must submit a proposal to an
institutional review board for ethical review. In 2010,
the National Science Foundation issued a program
solicitation for an Ethics in Science, Mathematics, and
Engineering Online Resource Center.
Mathematics and Ethics in Plato
(429347 B.C.E.)
Platos Republic is the rst systematic treatment of eth-
ics. The best preparation for acquiring ethical knowl-
edge is a rm foundation in mathematics. However,
the connection between mathematics and ethics is
much deeper. Methodologically, Plato develops his
argument by building a simplied model of the state
in the same manner in which a study of any geometri-
cal gure is done in mathematics. Justice in the state is
merely justice in the individual writ large. Thus, Plato
appeals to similarity transformations. The argument is
that, as a result of a uniform scaling operation, justice
in the individual is similar to justice in the state. Fur-
ther, within the Platonic tradition, mathematical and
ethical knowledge have the same formal characteristics.
They are both examples of purely intelligible objects
grasped entirely by reason in an intellectual intuition
356 Ethics
and known as a result of a process of recollection.
Thus, they are examples of immutable and unchange-
able truths, which could not be other than what they
are. Platos very denition of justice contains a math-
ematical element, because justice is a type of equality.
Justice is a matter of treating equal individuals equally
and unequal individuals unequally. According to Plato,
different political orders arise from the different con-
ceptions of equality.
Mathematics and Ethics in Aristotle
(384322 B.C.E.)
For Aristotle, mathematics does not provide a model
for ethics. However, mathematical concepts function
in an analogical sense. Aristotle used a distinction
between arithmetic and geometric proportion in his
discussion of justice. Distributive justice is based on
geometrical proportion, while recticatory justice is
based on arithmetical proportion. Issues of rectica-
tory justice arise when a judge must rectify a situation
by attempting to restore equality to someone who has
been injured. Issues of distributive justice arise when
something has to be divided among two individuals.
Modern Moral Euclidian Philosophers
Both Thomas Hobbes (15881679) and Baruch Spi-
noza (16321677) incorporated the mathematical
method of Euclid of Alexandria into their treatment
of ethics. Hobbes thought that mathematical modes
of thought could produce clarity in ethics and poli-
tics. However, it was Spinoza who most rigorously
and consistently imitated Euclids method. He begins
each section of his Ethics with a set of denitions and
axioms, which he then uses to demonstrate a series of
propositions about the universe, human nature, and
basic ethical precepts.
Mathematical Ethics
The guidelines of professional mathematical associa-
tions cover a wide range of topics. Creation, attribu-
tion, publication, and presentation of research, espe-
cially with regard to falsication and plagiarism, as
well as skewed interpretations and one-sided advertis-
ing style arguments, are commonly addressed. These
guidelines extend into the classroom, along with data
sharing or loaning and responsible group work. Atten-
tion is also given to the nature of teacher-student and
colleague relationships in which one individual has
some level of authority over the other, especially when
they involve professional decisions like hiring, granting
tenure, issuing promotions, and conferring degrees.
Mathematician Philip Davis noted that ethics are typ-
ically derived from past experiences and so may do little
good in addressing many future or even current dilem-
mas. Further, judging the past based on current criteria
leads to additional difculties. Arguments abound, for
example, about whether statistical data gathered from
Nazi medical experiments should be used or destroyed,
or whether mathematicians can be held responsible for
any future unanticipated uses of their work, such as
computer viruses or code-breaking algorithms usurped
by data thieves. The Manhattan Project exemplies
many of the moral dilemmas faced by mathematical
scientists. Many participants have expressed profound
regrets; others have not, citing the undeniable advances
made in numerous elds and the need at the time to
Ethics 357
A detail of Plato (left) and Aristotle from the painting
The School of Athens by Italian artist Raphael.
bring an end to the greater destruction of World War
II. For example, the cyclotron was invented by Ernest O.
Lawrence in 1931, who received the Nobel Prize in 1939
for this invention.
Further Reading
Ernest, Paul. Values and the Social Responsibility of
Mathematics. Philosophy of Mathematics Education
Journal 22 (2007).
Hersh, Reuben. Mathematics and Ethics. The
Mathematical Intelligencer 12, no. 3 (1990).
Huff, Darrell. How to Lie With Statistics. New York: W. W.
Norton, 1993.
Michael K. Green
See Also: Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project); Game
Theory; Genetics; Nanotechnology; Vietnam War.
Europe, Eastern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Eastern Europe has a long tradition of
both mathematics research and education.
Throughout history, the countries of Europe have
had shifting political and social boundaries. Eastern
European mathematics evolved within the context of
many mathematics traditions, including Soviet Union
mathematics, over the past centuries. Historically,
gifted young scholars from regions around the world
completed their mathematical studies at Europes well-
known and respected universities. Studies of mathema-
ticians letters and scientic papers show that they often
maintained connections with people in other countries
who shared their elds of interest. The Soviet Union
exercised broad social and political inuence over most
of eastern Europe and also impacted U.S. mathemat-
ics in the twentieth century. Within the Soviet Union,
students from the far reaches of the nations within its
boundaries were often brought to Russia for work or
education, as well as sent to other parts of the Soviet
Union to teach or to establish research centers. In the
twenty-rst century, students in the United States and
around the worked attend study abroad programs,
such as the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. In
the twenty-rst century, the United Nations Statistics
Division classied the following countries belonging
to eastern Europe: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia,
and Ukraine. The CIA World Factbook adds Estonia,
Latvia, and Lithuania, which were among the member
nations of the Soviet Union, though the United Na-
tions classies them as belonging to northern Europe.
Geographical boundaries continued to change in the
twentieth century because of postWorld War II struc-
tures and, later, the breakup of the Eastern Bloc na-
tions, which were once under the Soviet Unions po-
litical inuence. Therefore, mathematics contributions
of some people from eastern Europe may be included
within the histories of other regions or countries.
History of Russian and Soviet
Mathematics Education
When examining past and present states of mathemat-
ics in Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lat-
via, and Lithuania, it is pertinent to acknowledge that
they share a common sociopolitical root: they are all
former member states of the Soviet Union. Further, the
broader Eastern Bloc of Soviet Union allies included
Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Poland,
Albania (until the early 1960s), and Czechoslovakia
(which later split into the Czech Republic and Slova-
kia). The Eastern Bloc is sometimes known histori-
cally as eastern Europe, versus the western Europe
countries allied with the United States, a rival of the
Soviet Union. During its several decades of existence in
the twentieth century, the Soviet Union included many
mathematicians who made signicant contributions to
the body of modern mathematical knowledge. Further,
Russian and Soviet mathematicians were inuential on
many other countries.
One important landmark in mathematics education
in Russia is the creation in 1701 of the School of Math-
ematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. Peter
the Great, who had traveled widely in other parts of
Europe to study the state of mathematics and science as
part of his effort to modernize Russia and expand the
empire, founded this school. It educated students in
basic mathematics as well as more specialized subjects,
such as astronomy and navigation. Notably, students
from all social classes except serfs were admitted, and
358 Europe, Eastern
nancial assistance was available. Graduates worked in
the navy, as engineers, and as teachers in a variety of
settings, so the school had a multiplier effect in terms
of spreading mathematics education throughout Rus-
sia. Peter the Great also founded the Saint Petersburg
Academy of Sciences in 1724, inuenced in part by
correspondence with mathematician Gottfried Leib-
niz, who also purportedly recommended a three-tiered
educational system of schools, universities, and acad-
emies. Many eminent foreign mathematicians, such as
Leonard Euler, Christian Goldbach, and Daniel Ber-
noulli, worked at the Saint Petersburg Academy.
As part of her goal of modernizing Russia in the
European style, Empress Catherine the Great, who was
born in Germany, established the rst gymnasiums in
Russia. These gymnasiums were schools meant to pre-
pare students for higher education and were created in
most major Russian cities in the nineteenth century.
Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, one of the rst Rus-
sian mathematicians to achieve international recogni-
tion, was a beneciary of this expanded educational
opportunity. He graduated from Kazan Gymnasium
and Kazan University (in Tatarstan) and is most noted
for his work in hyperbolic geometry, a form of non-
Euclidean geometry. However, despite this considerable
expansion, access to education was far
from universal until the Soviet era. The
Soviet Union was founded by revolution
in 1917, when the monarchy of the Rus-
sian Empire was overthrown, but was
not made ofcial until 1922. The Saint
Petersburg Academy of the Sciences
evolved into the Russian and then Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Academy of the Sciences. It reverted to
the Russian Academy of Sciences follow-
ing the dissolution of the Soviet Union,
and remains an inuential organiza-
tion in the twenty-rst century. Acad-
emies of sciences were also founded in
most of the states of the Soviet Union.
Universal compulsory education was
established in 1919. Soviet schools had
both political and educational goals but
the expectation that all children would
attend school rapidly increased literacy
and played a key role in modernizing
and industrializing the country.
In the Soviet Union, the study of mathematics and
the sciences was emphasized, a choice that not only fos-
tered rapid economic growth but also became a point
of national pride, as by mid-century the Soviet Union
was frequently seen to rival or even surpass the United
States in scientic and applied research. When the
Soviet Union successfully launched the satellite Sput-
nik in 1957, it raised concern in the United States not
only because of the possibility that the Soviet Union
was developing weapons for which the United States
had no counter but also because it put into question
the common assumption that the United States was the
world leader in mathematics and science. One result of
Sputnik in the United States was a substantial increase
in federal funding for scientic education and research
in the hope of catching up and surpassing the Soviet
Union in the space race.
As part of this concern that the Soviet Union was
surpassing the United States, many studies were com-
missioned of the Soviet educational system and how it
differed from the American system. Among the differ-
ences noted by researchers were the facts that in Soviet
schools, specialists taught mathematics from the fourth
grade onward, a uniform curriculum was used across
the entire country, and much greater emphasis was
Europe, Eastern 359
The launch of the rst articial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet
Union on October 4, 1957, started the race to the moon.
placed on developing the talents of students who were
identied as gifted in mathematics. The Soviet Union
had special schools, which were free boarding schools
at high school level for gifted students and specialized
in particular subjects. Four such schools were devoted
to mathematics. Correspondence courses in advanced
mathematics were also available to increase the number
of students studying those subjects. American observers
noted that the level of mathematics required for uni-
versity admittance during the Soviet period was much
higher than what would be expected for entering fresh-
men in the United States. At the same time, other authors
have noted that English-language sources often do not
reect the full scope and inuence of Russian and Soviet
mathematics. These omissions may be because of Cold
War inuences and a period of Soviet isolationism from
the United States and much of Europe, a policy that con-
trasts strongly with earlier Russian connections and the
growing collaborations following the Soviet era.
Notable Soviet and Russian Mathematicians
Andrey Kolmogorov (19031987) is known for his
work in the elds of probability theory and topology,
including the Kolmogorov axioms, Kolmogorovs zero-
one law, and Kolmogorov space.
Stefan E. Warschawski (19041989) studied at the
University of Knigsberg and Gttingen. His doctoral
thesis was on the boundary behavior of conformal
Sergei Lvovich Sobolev (19081989) worked in
mathematical analysis and partial differential equa-
tions. Sobolev spaces (named after him) can be dened
by growth conditions on Fourier transforms.
Israel Moiseevich Gelfand (19132009) worked in
the eld of functional analysis. He is known for the Gel-
fand representation in Banach algebra theory; the rep-
resentation theory of the complex classical Lie groups;
contributions to distribution theory and measures on
innite-dimensional spaces; integral geometry; and
generalized hypergeometric series. His name is linked
to the development of mathematical education.
Igor Shafarevich (1923) is the founder of the
major school of algebraic number theory and algebraic
geometry in the Soviet Union. He has also written well-
known textbooks.
Grigori Perelman (1966) declined the Fields medal,
a prestigious award in mathematics often equated to
the Nobel Prize, for his work on the Poincar conjec-
ture, named for Henri Poincar. He cited inequities
and reportedly noted, If the proof is correct then no
other recognition is needed.
Other well-known Soviet or Russian twentieth-
century mathematicians include Boris Pavlovich Demi-
dovich, who worked on problems in mathematical anal-
ysis, and Yakov Isidorovich Perelman, who was a science
writer and author of many popular science books.
Czech Republic and Slovakian Mathematicians
Kurt Gdel (19061978) proved fundamental results
about axiomatic systems. Gdels Incompleteness The-
orems are named for him.
Stefan Schwarz (19141996) studied semigroups,
number theory, and nite elds and founded the
Mathematico-Physical Journal of the Slovak Academy
of Sciences in 1950.
Hungarian Mathematicians
Hungarian mathematicians of the twentieth century are
well known in the mathematical world. Many of them
immigrated to the United States after World War II.
Frigyes Riesz (18801956) was a founder of func-
tional analysis. He produced representation theorems
for functional on quadratic Lebesgue integrable func-
tions, named for Henri Lebesgue, then introduced the
space of q-fold Lebesgue integrable functions. He also
studied orthonormal series and topology.
George Plya (18871985) worked in probability,
analysis, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, and
mathematical physics. He wrote books about prob-
lem-solving methods, complex analysis, mathematical
physics, probability theory, geometry, and combinator-
ics. He was regarded by many as a great teacher and
inuenced many mathematicians.
Cornelius Lanczos (18931974) worked on relativ-
ity and mathematical physics. He invented what is now
called the Fast Fourier Transform, named for Joseph
Fourier. He published more than 120 papers and books.
John von Neumann (19031957) worked in quan-
tum mechanics, game theory, and applied mathemat-
ics, as well as helping pioneer computer science. His
doctoral thesis was on set theory. His denition of
ordinal numbers is the one commonly used in the early
twenty-rst century.
Rzsa Pter (19051977) is known for teaching, for
her books on the history of mathematics, and for her
series of theorems about primitive recursive functions.
360 Europe, Eastern
Paul Erdos (19131996) is well known among math-
ematicians for his insatiable ability to pose and solve
problems. It is often said that he lived on mathematics
and coffee, touring the circle of his friends and pupils
and giving lectures on combinatorics, graph theory,
and number theory. He advocated for elegant and ele-
mentary proof. One of the most prolic mathemati-
cians in history, he wrote more than 1500 papers.
Paul Richard Halmos (19162006) is known for his
contributions to operator theory, ergodic theory, func-
tional analysis (in particular Hilbert spaces, named for
David Hillbert), and for his textbooks.
Alfrd Rnyi (19211970) worked on probability
theory, statistics, information theory, combinatorics,
graph theory, number theory, and analysis.
Lszl Lovsz (1948) published his rst paper
called On graphs not containing independent circuits
when he was only 17 years old. He is a prominent gure
of postWorld War II mathematicians.
Notable Polish Mathematicians
Stefan Banach (18921945) worked on the theory of
topological vector spaces, measure theory, integration,
and orthogonal series. His doctoral thesis On Opera-
tions on Abstract Sets and their Application to Integral
Equations (1920) marks the birth of modern func-
tional analysis. He dened the Banach space.
Benoit Mandelbrot (19242010) is known as the
father of fractal geometry. The Mandelbrot set, a con-
nected set of points in the complex plane, is named
after him.
Mathematicians From Romania
Jnos Bolyai (18021860) is perhaps the most famous
Romanian mathematician because of his treatise on
a complete system of non-Euclidean geometry in his
book Appendix. In his own words, he created a new
world out of nothing.
Caius Iacob (19121992) worked in the elds of
analytic geometry, descriptive geometry, analysis, and
complex functions.
Grigore C. Moisil (19061973) worked on differen-
tial equations, the theory of functions, and mechanics.
He set up the rst Romanian computer science course.
Moisil was appreciated for his philosophy and humor.
Other important Romanian mathematicians
include Dimitrie Pompeiu, Ferenc Rad, Isaac Jacob
Schoenberg, Simion Stoilow, Gheorghe Titeica, Gheo-
rghe Vranceanu, Octav Onicescu, Ion Colojoara, and
Dan Barbilian.
Competitions and Contests
Building on eastern Europes strong mathematics tra-
ditions, many mathematical contests are hosted fre-
quently or entirely within the region, such as Inter-
national Mathematical Olympiad, Romanian Master
of Sciences (formerly called the Romanian Masters in
Mathematicsit was expanded to include physics),
Czech-Polish-Slovak Match, Bulgarian Competition
in Mathematics and Informatics, Romanian National
Olympiad, and the International Kangaroo Mathemat-
ics Contest (often called Math Kangaroo) among
others. Individuals from all over the world participate
regularly in these competitions. There are also several
winners of the Fields Medal who were born or worked
in eastern Europe.
Further Reading
Davis, Robert B. An Analysis of Mathematics Education
in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Report for
the National Institute of Education. December 1979.
Dickson, Paul. Sputnik: The Shock of the Century. New
York: Walker Publishing, 2001.
Sinai, Iakov. Russian Mathematicians in the 20th Century.
Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 2003.
Vogeli, Bruce R. Soviet Secondary Schools for the
Mathematically Inclined. Washington, DC: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1968.
Simone Gyorfi
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Europe, Northern; Europe, Southern;
Europe, Western.
Europe, Northern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Since the Enlightenment, Northern
Europe has made considerable contributions to
mathematics research and continues to do so.
Europe, Northern 361
Northern Europe has produced many outstanding
mathematicians and scholars in related elds, from the
development of calculus by Isaac Newton in the seven-
teenth century to the cosmological models developed
by Stephen William Hawking in the twentieth and
twenty-rst centuries.
Northern Europe also led the way in developing
many practical applications of mathematics and later
statistics, including taking a national census like the
Domesday Book undertaken in England in 1183 and
developing mathematical ways to measure the inu-
ence of personal habits on health as in the studies of
Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill on the rela-
tionship between smoking and disease. In the twenty-
rst century, the United Nations category of north-
ern Europe includes the land Islands, the Channel
Islands, Denmark, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Finland,
Guernsey, Iceland, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jersey,
Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Islands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. However, the chang-
ing political boundaries in many of these countries
throughout history, as well as the rise and fall of the
Soviet Union, which included countries like Esto-
nia, Latvia, and Lithuania, mean that mathematical
contributions of some individuals may be included
within the histories of other regions.
Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most inuential
mathematicians of the modern era. He shares credit
with Gottfried Leibniz for developing integral and dif-
ferential calculus, and he also made major contribu-
tions in the elds of physics and astronomy. Newtons
1687 book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Math-
ematica laid the groundwork for classical mechanics
including a description of the three laws of motion and
remains one of the most inuential books in the his-
tory of science. He also built the rst reecting tele-
scope and developed a theory of color based on the vis-
ible spectrum displayed when visible light is refracted
through a prism. Through his work with the laws of
gravity and Keplers laws of planetary motion, named
for Johannes Kepler, Newton was able to demonstrate
mathematically the validity of heliocentrism, which
is the scientic principle that Earth and other planets
revolve around the sun.
The nineteenth century saw several major break-
throughs in mathematics by scholars from northern
Europe. In England, philosopher and mathematician
George Boole developed the system now known as
Boolean logic, which has many practical applications
and was instrumental in the development of modern
digital computers. His most famous works are The
Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847) and The Laws
of Thought (1854). His slightly younger contemporary,
Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel, invented the eld of
group theory (contemporaneously with Frenchman
Evariste Galois), which has many applications in math-
ematics and physics. Abel is well known for a proof he
wrote at age 19 that there can be no general algebraic
solution of an equation greater than degree four. In
Ireland, Sir William Rowan Hamilton provided an
important reformulation of Newtonian mechanics
and invented an extension of the number system
called quaternions.
In the period 19101913, the British scholars Ber-
trand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead wrote
the inuential Principia Mathematica in which they
attempted to derive the foundations of mathematics
from a set of axioms and inference rules. Russell was
also a prominent writer and political activist who won
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950, while Whitehead
was also noted as a philosopher. More recently, Andrew
Wiles, who was born and educated in the United King-
dom but immigrated to the United States, achieved
fame for proving Fermats Last Theorem (named for
Pierre de Fermat), one of the most famous previously
unsolved problems in mathematics.
362 Europe, Northern
A replica of Sir
Isaac Newtons
second reflecting
telescope of 1672.
The reflecting
telescope did not
become popular
until more than a
century later.
There is no Nobel Prize for mathematics but several dif-
ferent international awards are offered that have been
termed the Mathematics Nobel Prize because of their
prestige. The Fields Medal is awarded every four years
to one or more mathematicians of age 40 or younger by
the International Mathematical Union. Winners from
the United Kingdom have included Klaus Roth (1958),
Michael Atiya (1966), Alan Baker (1970), Simon Don-
aldson (1986), Richard Borcherds (1988), and Timothy
Gowers (1998). Lars Ahlfors of Norway won in 1936, the
rst year the medal was given; Atle Selberg of Norway
won in 1950; and Lars Hormander of Sweden won in
1962. Another major mathematical prize, the Abel Prize,
is named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik
Abel and is awarded annually by the Norwegian Academy
of Science and Letters. The Abel Prize has been awarded
since 2003. Northern European winners include Michael
F. Atiyah of the United Kingdom and Lebanon in 2004
and Lennart Carleson of Sweden in 2006.
The Wolf Prize in Mathematics has been awarded
almost annually by the Wolf Foundation since 1978
and more than one prize may be given per year.
Northern European winners include Lars Ahlfors of
Finland (1981), Atle Selberg of Norway (1986), Lars
Hormander of Sweden (1988), Lennart Carleson of
Sweden (1992), Andrew Wiles of the United Kingdom
(1995/1996), and David B. Mumford of the United
Kingdom (2008).
Northern European countries have been regular
competitors in the International Mathematical Olym-
piad, an annual competition held since 1959 for high
school students. Each competing country sends a team
of six students who are assigned six questions to solve.
Individual students are awarded medals based on their
scores, and countries are also compared based on the
total score for their team.
There have been many medal winners from north-
ern European countries. The United Kingdom began
participating in 1967 and even hosted the 1976 and
2002 competitions. Ireland rst participated in 1988.
The northern Europe countries from the former Soviet
UnionEstonia, Latvia, and Lithuaniarst partici-
pated in 1993, which coincided with the removal of
Russian troops from the area and other political reorga-
nization throughout the former Soviet Union. Among
the Scandinavian countries, Sweden rst participated
in 1967, Norway in 1984, Finland in 1965, Denmark
in 1991, and Iceland in 1985. Sweden hosted the 1991
competition, and Finland hosted it in 1985.
Further Reading
Knox, Kevin C., and Richard Noakes. From Newton to
Hawking: A History of Cambridge Universitys Lucasian
Professors of Mathematics. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Krantz, Steven G. An Episodic History of Mathematics:
Mathematical Culture Through Problem Solving.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of
America, 2010.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Andrews
University. The MacTutor History of Mathematics.
Westfall, Richard S. Isaac Newton. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education;
Europe, Eastern; Hawking, Stephen; Lovelace, Ada;
Wiles, Andrew.
Europe, Southern
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Modern Western mathematics was
developed in southern Europe and continues to
thrive there.
The system of modern mathematics originated in
southern Europe, with the ancient Greeks undoubtedly
building on traditions already used in Egypt and by the
Phoenicians. Like many areas of the world, the nations
of southern Europe have had many different boundar-
ies, names, and political alliances throughout history,
and so the mathematical contributions of some indi-
viduals may be included within the histories of other
regions. For example, many nations were member
states of the former Soviet Union. The United Nations
now includes Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegov-
ina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Malta,
Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia,
Europe, Southern 363
Spain, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
in Southern Europe.
Ancient Greeks and Romans
The earliest Greek school of mathematics is ascribed to
Thales (c. 640550 b.c.e.), who came from Miletus, in
present-day Turkey, and Pythagoras (c. 569500 b.c.e.)
who hailed from the Mediterranean island of Samos
and later moved to Sicily. Archytas, who subscribed to
the Pythagorean philosophy and worked on the har-
monic mean, was from Tarentum in modern-day Italy.
One of the most well-known Greek mathematicians
of the ancient world, Euclid of Alexandria (c. 330260
b.c.e.), was also not from the Greek mainland. He lived
in Alexandria, in modern-day Egypt, and his work
proved hugely inuential to subsequent mathemati-
cians with his detailed hypotheses and proofs. The
great mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 285
212 b.c.e.) also studied in Alexandria but was from Sic-
ily, where he spent most of his life.
These early Greek mathematicians were undoubt-
edly an inuence on the Romans but the Romans
themselves were seemingly more interested in applied
mathematicsespecially how it related to engineer-
ing and buildingthan in the pure mathematics that
was favored by the Greeks. Mathematics was certainly
taught in Roman schools and historians have long
pondered why Roman mathematicians did not have
more inuence. This dearth of mathematical advance-
ment has generally been ascribed to the Romans lack
of a designation for zero and their awkward system of
numbers, which may have prevented any great advances
in theory. The Roman Empire did, however, see a con-
tinual ourishing of mathematics in Greece and the
Greek diaspora, in particular the city of Alexandria.
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (c. 475525) was a
well-known Roman mathematician who worked dur-
ing the declining years of the Roman Empire.
The Renaissance
The Bishop of Seville, Isidorus Hispalensis (570636),
helped develop mathematics in Spain and there were
great advances made in arithmetic with the Moorish
invasions of Spain and the incorporation of many of the
advances made in the Muslim world. The great trading
cities of Genoa and Venice soon established themselves
as important centers of nance, as did Florence dur-
ing the Renaissance. Venice, in particular, because of
its geographical position and its connections with the
Arab world, saw the importation of many books and
manuscripts on Arab mathematicsat that stage well
advanced in pure mathematics theories compared to
Europe. This Arab inuence saw Leonardo Pisano Big-
ollo (c. 11701250), the son of an Italian merchant in
North Africa, develop theoriesthe most well-known
being the Fibonacci numbers, which were termed after
his assumed name.
Several centuries later, the advent of the printing
press also led to a republication of the works of Greek
mathematicians such as Euclid, albeit in Latin trans-
lation. Cardinal Bessarion, the former Archbishop of
Nicaea, helped bridge the link between Byzantium and
Rome, helping to preserve some of the Greek learning
that was lost when the city of Constantinople was cap-
tured and sacked in 1453. Leonardo da Vinci (1452
1519) developed mathematics theories, testing out
some of them in siege machines designed for Cesare
Borgia and others. Girolamo Maggi (c. 15231572),
another Italian mathematician, was involved in design-
ing military defenses in Cyprus. He was captured by
the Ottoman Turks and executed in Constantinople
but not before writing two major treatises from mem-
ory while in prison there.
The Renaissance saw a new interest in mathemat-
ics in Italy, with Galileo Galilei (15641642) being a
well-known mathematician and scientist. He was a
great inuence on many subsequent mathematicians,
including Alessandro Marchetti (16331714). Evan-
gelista Torricelli (16081647) invented a barometer;
Giovanni Ceva (16471734) proved Cevas theorem
in elementary geometry; and the Jesuit Franceso Cetti
(17261778) helped connect mathematics to other sci-
entic discoveries. Later Italian mathematicians include
Giulio Ascoli (18431896) who taught in Milan, and
Carlo Emilio Bonferroni (18921960) who developed
the theory of Bonferroni inequalities. The Italian Math-
ematical Union was established in 1922 by Salvatore
Pincherle and others, and its journal, the Bollettino
dellUnione Matematica Italiana, is widely respected
around the world.
Professional Associations
Professional associations in the region other than
the Italian Mathematical Union include the Bosnian
Mathematical Society; the Croatian Mathematical
Society; the Cyprus Mathematical Society; the Mon-
364 Europe, Southern
tenegro Mathematical Society; the Portuguese Society
of Mathematics; the Mathematical Society of Serbia;
the Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy Society of
Slovenia; and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Soci-
ety. Mathematicians also gather from all over Europe
in the European Mathematical Society. The Interna-
tional Mathematical Olympiad is a competition for
high school students that originated in 1959. Albania
rst participated in 1993, Bosnia and Herzegovina in
1993, Croatia in 1993, Greece in 1975, Italy in 1967,
Montenegro in 2007, Portugal in 1989, Serbia in 2006,
Slovenia in 1993, Spain in 1983, Yugoslavia in 1963,
and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in
1993. Greece was a host of the competition in 2004,
Slovenia in 2006, Spain in 2008, and Yugoslavia in
1967 and 1977.
Further Reading
Field, Judith Veronica. The Invention of Innity:
Mathematics and Art in the Renaissance. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1997.
Hodgkin, Luke. A History of Mathematics: From
Mesopotamia to Modernity. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2005.
Manaresi, Mirella. Mathematics and Culture in Europe:
Mathematics in Art, Technology, Cinema, and Theatre.
New York: Springer, 2007.
Justin Corfield
See Also: Archimedes; Europe, Eastern; Greek
Mathematics; Roman Mathematics.
Europe, Western
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Western Europe has been home to many
of the important astronomical and mathematical
discoveries of the early modern age.
Historically, the term western Europe has had cul-
tural and political denitions. For example, during the
Cold War it was often used to designate a collection
of noncommunist countries allied in some way with
the United States. In the early twenty-rst century, the
United Nations Statistics Division for western Europe
contains Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liech-
tenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, and
Switzerland. There is a rich history of mathematics
scholarship, education, and achievement in western
Europe. Important work in a diverse array of math-
ematical areas like calculus, number theory, analytical
geometry, probability, statistics, functional analysis,
graph theory, logic, and number theory was pro-
duced by people from this geographic region, as well
as many mathematical contributions to related dis-
ciplines like physics, astronomy, optics, engineering,
and surveying.
Historical Contributions
Western European mathematicians have made major
contributions to the development of mathematics
and the application of mathematical theory to prac-
tical problems, from German mathematician and
astronomer Johannes Kepler, who worked with Dan-
ish astronomer Tycho Brahe and helped established
the laws of planetary motion, to French mathemati-
cian Ren Thom, who founded the study of catastro-
phe theory.
Much of modern science and mathematics has
its roots in work done in Europe in the seventeenth
century. Johannes Kepler studied at the University of
Tubingen, where he learned both the geocentric model
of astronomy (the view that Earth is the center of the
universe, with the other planets revolving around it)
and the heliocentric model of German astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus (the view that the sun is the cen-
ter of the universe and the planets, including Earth,
revolve around it). He later worked with Brahe and
established the laws of planetary motion in several
inuential publications: Astronomia Nova, Harmo-
nices Mundi, and The Epitome of Copernican Astron-
omy. Also in Germany, mathematician Gottfried Leib-
niz developed the eld of calculus independent of Sir
Isaac Newton in England.
In France, mathematician and philosopher Ren
Descartes developed analytical geometry, including
the development of Cartesian coordinates, did impor-
tant work in optics, and was also one of the fathers
of modern Western philosophy with inuential books
such as Meditations on First Philosophy, Discourse on
the Method (which contains the oft-quoted statement
Europe, Western 365
cogito ergo sum, or I think, therefore I am), and
Principles of Philosophy. Also in France, the basics of
probability theory were developed by mathematicians
Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal, while Fermat also
did important work in number theory, analytic geome-
try, and optics. Fermats Last Theorem, mentioned but
not proved by Fermat in 1637 in the margin of a book,
was among the unsolved problems in mathematics
until British mathematician Andrew Wiles proved it
in 1994. Pascal invented the mechanical calculator and
the hydraulic press and is well known among middle
school students for Pascals Triangle, a presentation of
binomial coefcients.
In the eighteenth century, Swiss mathematician and
physicist Leonhard Euler spent much of his adult life
working at the Russian Academy of the Sciences in St.
Petersburg. He developed the concept of the function
and the notation f x ( ), one of several notation con-
ventions he developed that are still used in the early
twenty-rst century (others include using the letter
e for the natural logarithm, i for an imaginary unit,
and the Greek letter sigma () for summation). He
also made important contributions to calculus, num-
ber theory, graph theory (he solved the famous Seven
Bridges of Konigsberg problem), and applied math-
ematics. French and Italian astronomer and math-
ematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who was born in
Italy but worked primarily in France and Prussia, cre-
ated the calculus of variations, developed a method of
solving differential equations and transformed New-
tonian mechanics into a branch of analysis, which
facilitated the development of mathematical physics.
He was also the rst professor of analysis at the cole
Polytechnique, an elite engineering school founded
in France in 1794. Also in France, mathematician and
astronomer Pierre-Simon LaPlace played a key role
in the development of Bayesian statistics, named for
English minister and mathematician Thomas Bayes,
and mathematical astronomy. He also posited the
existence of black holes and gravitational collapse in
the solar system.
In the nineteenth century, mathematician German
Carl Friedrich Gauss made important contributions
to several mathematical and physics elds including
statistics, number theory, astronomy, surveying (he
invented the heliotrope), and optics. The well-known
normal distribution is sometimes referred to as the
Gaussian distribution because he is often credited
with discovering it. In France, Augustin-Louis Cauchy
not only worked as an engineer but also pursued math-
ematical studies in his spare time and was appointed to
the Acadmie des Sciences in 1816. He made numerous
contributions to mathematics and physics, including
his development of complex function theory, clarica-
tion of the principle of calculus, and development of
the argument principle. In France, mathematician Eva-
riste Galois proved, in parallel with the work of Norwe-
gian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, that there was
no general method for solving polynomial equations
of degree of greater than degree four.
In 1900, German mathematician David Hilbert
gave an inuential talk at the International Congress
of Mathematicians in which he identied 23 unsolved
problems in mathematics, which served as a spur for
other mathematicians to focus on those problems (10
have been solved as of 2010). Hilbert is also well known
for formulating the theory of Hilbert spaces, which are
key to functional analysis, and did important work in
mathematical logic and proof theory. Austrian math-
ematician Kurt Gdel, best known for his two incom-
pleteness theorems, immigrated to the United States to
escape World War II and spent his later years at Princ-
eton University. A group of primarily French mathe-
maticians, including Jean Dieudonne and Andr Weil,
366 Europe, Western
Johannes Keplers platonic solid model of the solar
system was published in 1596.
began publishing anonymously under the pseudonym
Nicolas Bourbaki. They are now known as the Bour-
baki Group or Association des collaborateurs de
Nicolas Bourbaki and have published several books in
which they attempt to ground different areas of math-
ematics in set theory.
Awards and Honors
There is no Nobel Prize for mathematics but several dif-
ferent international awards are offered that have been
termed the Mathematics Nobel Prize because of their
prestige. The Fields Medal is awarded every four years
to one or more mathematicians of age 40 or younger
by the International Mathematical Union. Winners of
the Fields Medal from western Europe include Laurent
Schwartz of France (1950), Jean-Pierre Serre of France
(1954), Rene Thom of France (1958), Pierre Deligne
of Belgium (1978), Alain Connes of France (1982),
Gerd Faltings of Germany (1986), Jean Bourgainof
Belgium (1994), Pierre-Louis Lions of France (1994),
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz of France (1994), Laurent Laf-
forgue of France (2002), Wendelin Werner of France
(2006), Ngo Bao Chau of Vietnam and France (2010),
and Cedric Villani of France (2010).
The Abel Prize, named after Norwegian mathema-
tician Niels Henrik Abel, is awarded annually by the
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Western
European winners include Jean-Pierre Serre of France
(2003), Jacques Tits of Belgium and France (2008), and
Mikhail Gromov of Russia and France (2009).
The Wolf Prize is awarded in several elds, includ-
ing mathematics, by the Wolf Foundation. The rst
prizes were given in 1978 and it is awarded almost
annually, with the possibility of more than one winner
in a eld in a given year. Western European winners
include Carl L. Siegel of Germany (1978), Jean Leray
of France (197), Andr Weil of France and the United
States (1979), Henri Cartan of France (1980), Fried-
rich Hirzebruch of Germany (1988), Mikhail Gromov
of Russia and France (1993), Jacques Tits of Belgium
and France (1993), Jurgen Moser of Germany and the
United States (1994/1995), Jean-Pierre Serre of France
(2000), and Pierre Deligne of Belgium (2008).
Western European countries have been regular
competitors in the International Mathematical Olym-
piad, held annually for students younger than 20 who
have not yet begun tertiary education. There is both
an individual and a team competition. Each coun-
try sends six students who are assigned six questions
to solve. Countries are compared based on the total
score for their team, while individual students may
be awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals depend-
ing on how many problems they solve correctly. Ger-
many has twice hosted the International Mathemati-
cal Olympiad and has participated since 1977.
East Germany also twice hosted the Olympiad
and rst participated in 1959, the year the Olympiad
began. France began competing in 1967 and hosted
the competition once. Belgium began participating in
1969. Austria began competing in 1970 and has served
once as host. The Netherlands hosted the Olympiad
in 2011 and has been competing since 1969. Luxem-
bourg began competing in 1970, Switzerland began
competing in 1991, and Liechtenstein began compet-
ing in 2005.
Further Reading
Bradley, Robert E., Lawrence A. DAntonio, and C.
Edward Sandifer, eds. Euler at 300: An Appreciation.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of
America, 2007.
Hahn, Robert. Pierre Simon Laplace, 17491827: A
Determined Scientist. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 2005.
Joyce, David E. The Mathematical Problems of David
Krantz, Steven G. An Episodic History of Mathematics:
Mathematical Culture Through Problem Solving.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of
America, 2010.
Mashaal, Maurice. Bourbaki: A Secret Society of
Mathematicians. Translated by Anna Pierrehumbert.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2006.
Repcheck, Jack. Copernicus Secret: How the Scientic
Revolution Began. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Andrews
University. The MacTutor History of Mathematics.
Segal, Sanford L. Mathematicians Under the Nazis.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Astronomy; Daubechies, Ingrid; Europe,
Eastern; Europe, Northern; Europe, Southern;
Mathematicians, Religious.
Europe, Western 367
Expected Values
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: The mathematical concept of expected
value arose in the study of fairness in gambling but it
has many scientic applications.
When people play lotteries or purchase insurance, they
are investing money for a chance of some future nan-
cial return that may or may not occur. From the lottery
or insurance companys perspective, money comes in
from multiple purchasers and is paid out to the win-
ners or claimants. Both sides may have questions re-
garding whether the investments are worthwhile or
the payments are fair. These questions appear to date
back to antiquity. Evidence of gambling games has
been found in archaeological excavations of caves and
in many ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Greece,
and the Roman Empire. Babylonians used a form of
maritime insurance and the Romans paid some invest-
ments in annuities.
A question concerning the fairness of certain gam-
bling games spurred the development of probability
theory in the seventeenth century. Mathematicians
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat addressed fairness
and related concepts while corresponding about a
scenario in which two people wanted to quit playing
a game and divide the winnings fairly, given that one
player had a better chance of winning the game than
the other. Mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace seems
to have rst dened expected value in his 1814 work
Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilitis, writing, This
advantage in the theory of chance is the product of the
sum hoped for by the probability of obtaining it.We
call this advantage mathematical hope. Expected value
is the long-term average of the possible outcomes of
a random variable or process, like tossing a six-sided
368 Expected Values
onsider a game in which a player rolls a
standard six-sided die one time. If the result
is a six, the player wins $4. If the result is any
number from one to ve, the player loses $1.
If the player continues to play the game many,
many times, will the overall outcome be a prot,
a loss, or will the player break even? Mathemati-
cal calculations of expected value can be used
to nd an answer to this question and determine
whether the game is fair to both sides.
Let x = the outcome of a single roll of a six-
sided die, expressed as nancial gain or loss
Roll Outcome x
1 Lose $1 1/6
2 Lose $1 1/6
3 Lose $1 1/6
4 Lose $1 1/6
5 Lose $1 1/6
6 Win $4 1/6
Expected Value
The expected value would be
Expected Value ( ) ( )
E x xp x
$ $ $ $ + $ $ $ . . 1
0 17
This value means that over a large number of
times playing the game, the player should expect to
lose 17 cents per play, on average. However, in the
short run, a player might win or lose more, since
a winning a single roll could yield $4 or a series
of losses could cost several dollars. If the amount
received for winning were $5 instead of $4, the
expected value would be $0 and the game would
be fair in the sense that neither side would have
a monetary advantage. This notion of fairness is
different than the fairness or equal chances of the
die rolls, which determine the probabilities and
could also affect the expected value.
die. Mathematically, expected value is computed as
the weighted sum of the outcomes, where the weights
are the corresponding probabilities. For discrete ran-
dom variables, expected value is a summation; for
continuous variables, it is an integration. While com-
puting means for data is very common beginning in
middle school classrooms in the twenty-rst century,
nding expected values for random variables is more
commonly part of high school and college curricula.
Though initially motivated by notions of fairness,
expected values have many important applications in
probability and statistical theory and practice.
Scientic problems involving measurement were an
inspiration for many mathematical advances in prob-
ability and applied data analysis. Astronomers in the
eighteenth century often computed arithmetic means
(or averages) for data to estimate parameters and
describe distributions of errors, like those they found
when taking multiple measurements of the same astro-
nomical distance. These averages were likely to be
close to the true distance or value, or so they generally
believed. This technique was used without proof for a
long time, though mathematician Thomas Simpson had
shown that an average was a better measure than a single
observation in a very limited set of cases. Some issues
in nding a suitable proof stemmed from the fact that
probability distributions commonly used for describing
errors at that time presented mathematical difculties
when trying to nd expected values for averages versus
expected values for individual observations. Work by
mathematicians Abraham de Moivre and Laplace led to
the Central Limit Theorem, derived by Laplace in the
nineteenth century and later extended by other mathe-
maticians such as Francis Edgeworth. This result is some-
times called the DeMoivreLaplace theorem and was
given its more common name in work by George Plya
in the early twentieth century. The primary impact of
the Central Limit Theorem with regard to expected val-
ues is that it dened the expected value for the sampling
distribution of the mean, given sufciently large sample
sizes. It established a theoretical basis for estimation and
a later hypothesis testing for various parameters.
There are many different probability distributions
that mathematicians, statisticians, and others have
found, derived, named, and studied. For many years the
normal distribution, credited to mathematician Carl
Friedrich Gauss, played a central role in error mod-
eling and other applications. However, approaching
the twentieth century, increasing application of prob-
ability and statistics in a wide variety of elds, includ-
ing biology, business, genetics, and psychophysics, led
investigators like statistician Karl Pearson to research
non-normal or skewed distributions to better repre-
sent phenomena they encountered. The problem then
became to estimate parameters for these distribu-
tions and discover their mathematical properties. The
method of moments estimates parameters like variance
and skew using expected values. It primarily considers
deviations of points from the distribution mean, called
central moments, which are conceptually related to
the idea of moment or torque about a point in physics.
Deviations are raised to various powers so that the k-th
moment corresponds to the k-th power. The rst cen-
tral moment is zero, since it essentially sums all devia-
tions from the mean or expected value. Variance is the
second central moment, which is the expected value
(the weighted sum) of all squared deviations from the
mean. The third moment quanties skew or asymmetry
and is the expected value of all cubed deviations from
the mean. A symmetric distribution has skew of zero.
The fourth moment is called kurtosis and measures
whether the distribution is taller or shorter and has
thicker or thinner tails than a normal distribution with
the same variance. Mixed moments can be found for
two variables together to quantify the covariance and,
by extension, correlation. Measures of skewness and
kurtosis based on moments are credited to Pearson.
Further Reading
Aven, T. Risk Analysis: Assessing Uncertainties Beyond
Expected Values and Probabilities. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2008
Fey, James, Elizabeth Phillips, and Catherine Anderson.
What Do You Expect: Probability and Expected Value.
Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1997.
Hald, Anders. A History of Parametric Statistical Inference
from Bernoulli to Fisher, 17131935. New York:
Springer, 2007.
Carmen M. Latterell
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Dice Games; Game Theory; Lotteries; Measures of
Center; Probability.
Expected Values 369
Exponentials and
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Summary: Exponential and logarithmic
functions are used to study and analyze a variety of
mathematical relationships.
Much of the language and notation of mathematics in-
volves a very advanced shorthand. As ideas grow and
become more complex, mathematicians seek ways to
express highly condensed thought in relatively simple
terms. Exponents are an elementary example: if one
wants to multiply the number 2 times itself 10 times,
rather than write 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 one can
write 2
instead. From these beginnings, which date
to ancient Egypt and Babylon, the remarkable worlds of
exponential and logarithmic functions emerge. When
one develops the understanding of what it means to
take 2 to any real number power, one naturally con-
siders the function f x
( ) 2 , an example of what is
called an exponential function. For larger and larger
positive x, the function grows amazingly fast: 2
=1,048,576, and 2
The exponential function f x e
( ) = , where e is the
so-called natural base, an irrational number whose
decimal approximation is e 2.71828,
is an important
exponential function. With e in homage to the great
Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (17071783), this
special exponential function f x e
( ) = might rightly
lay claim to the title of the most important function
in all of mathematics. Exponential growth and decay
functions, along with the number e itself, have a wide
variety of uses and applications.
In classrooms in the twenty-rst century, the loga-
rithm of a number is dened as the exponent or power
to which a stated number, called the base, is raised
to obtain the given number. The development of loga-
rithms in the seventeenth century led to a revolution
in scientic calculation, especially when the slide rule
replaced tables of logarithms. While the advent of cal-
culators and computers eliminated the need for cal-
culation by logarithms in the latter part of the twen-
tieth century, logarithms remain important in order
to understand nancial and natural processes. For
instance, the Richter scale to measure earthquakes,
named for Charles Richter, is a logarithmic scale. In
chemistry, the pH scale is based on the negative log-
arithm of the concentration of free hydrogen ions.
Students in the middle grades investigate exponential
notation while high school students explore exponen-
tial and logarithmic functions.
Archimedes of Syracuse investigated that the addi-
tion of what he called orders corresponded with their
product, known today as the rst law of exponents.
The number e may have rst appeared in the early sev-
enteenth century in an appendix to John Napiers work
on logarithms. This number also arose in the work of
Christiaan Huygens in the mid-seventeenth century
when he was exploring the area under the hyperbola
xy =1. Finally, in the late seventeenth century through
work involving continuous compound interest, Jacob
Bernoulli was led to consider the expression
for large values of n, and this expression approaches e
as n grows without bound. Mathematicians explored
many issues related to e and exponentials, including
such people as Euler, Gotthold Eisenstein, and others,
who investigated the convergence of sequences of iter-
ated exponentials. Bernoulli may also have been the
rst mathematician to realize that the number e was
intricately linked to emerging ideas with logarithms.
The Natural Exponential Function
Because any exponential function can be written
in terms of e, one nds that functions of the form
P x Me
( ) , where M and k are constants that depend
on the context, arise in many natural settings. Expo-
nential cell and population growth, as well as expo-
nential decay in radioactive materials, are modeled
by functions of this form. Once the values of M and k
are identied, the function easily indicates the corre-
sponding output for any input value x. For example, if
a car is initially valued (at time t =100) at $10,000 that
depreciates at a certain continuous rate, one might use
the function P t e
( )
0 2
to model the worth of
the car in year t.
Functions like this generate very natural questions,
including ones like At what time t will the cars value
370 Exponentials and Logarithms
be $3,000? Before trying to answer this more com-
plicated question, consider some simpler ones. For
instance, what value of t makes 10
=17? Since 10
while 10
=100, it seems like there ought to be a num-
ber between 1 and 2 such that 10 raised to that power
is 17. But what is the number? Here, some very consid-
erable mathematical ideas are involved: the function
y t
( ) 10 is continuous; the range of y is all positive
real numbers; and y is always increasing, making it a
one-to-one function. All these facts together combine
to indicate that one can pick any positive real number
y and know that there must be one and only one real
number t that satises the equation 10
=y. In other
words, there is a function h that takes any positive real
number y, and to this value y associates the real num-
ber t so that 10 raised to the power t is y. This explana-
tion is how teachers usually describe to students where
logarithms come fromthe logarithm is the very
function that accomplishes this association. It is all a
matter of perspective; if t is known and y is sought, the
exponential function is used, while if y is known and
t is sought, the logarithm function is used. Expressed
in words, it is y equals 10 to the power t and t is the
power to which we raise 10 to get y. Babylonian clay
tablets presented similar questions.
Historical Development
Historically, the further development of logarithms
arose very differently. In the late fteenth century
and early sixteenth century, both John Napier and
Jost Burgi, who were each interested in key problems
in astronomy, developed logarithms for a much dif-
ferent use: as a new tool to help do arithmetic with
large numbers. Their approach to logarithms was
fundamentally geometric, as algebra was not yet suf-
ciently well developed to aid their work, although
Napiers approach was more algebraic than Burgis
methods. Napier noted, Seeing there is nothing that
is so troublesome to mathematical practice, nor doth
more molest and hinder calculators, than the multi-
plications, divisions, square and cubical extractions of
great numbers, which besides the tedious expense of
time are for the most part subject to many slippery
errors, I began therefore to consider in my mind by
what certain and ready art I might remove those hin-
drances. In 1624, Henry Briggs published logarithm
tables in Arithmetica Logarithmica and he is noted by
some as perhaps the man most responsible for popu-
larizing logarithms among scientists. The development
of the slide rule made logarithms easy to use, since
they reduced the reliance on tables. In 1620, Edmund
Gunter noted logarithms on a ruler by marking the
position of numbers relative to their logarithms. Wil-
liam Oughtred placed two sliding logarithmic rulers
next to each other and by 1630, the portable circular
slide rule reduced multiplication computations to the
act of lining up two numbers and reading a scale. Loga-
rithms remain a useful way to deal with large numbers
in the early twenty-rst century, because the logarithm
of a large number is a much, much smaller one. R. C.
Pierce Jr. noted, It has been postulated that logarithms
literally lengthened the life spans of astronomers who
had formerly been sorely bent and often broken early
by the masses of calculations their art required. Mod-
ern mathematicians have also come to fully understand
the connection between logarithms and the area under
the curve xy = 1, which was explored by Huygens in
the 1600s.
Using Logarithms to Solve
Exponential Functions
Perhaps the most powerful property of logarithms is
that they undo exponential functions. For example,
for the natural logarithm of base e, denoted ln, one
obtains ln( ) e
5 . Remember, ln( ) e
means the
power to which one raises e to get e
. This power, of
course, is 5. The general property that holds here is that
for any real number t, ln( ) e t
. This rule proves to
be immensely useful in solving exponential equations.
To see how, consider an earlier example: the function
P t e
( )
0 2
(the value of a car in year t). At what
time t will the cars value be $3,000? This question is
equivalent to solving the equation:
0 3
0 2
Taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the
equation undoes the effects of the exponential func-
tion and hence gains more direct access to the variable
t: ln( . ) ln( ) .
0 3 0 2
0 2
e t
Dividing both sides of the last equation above by
0.2, one nds that
ln( . )
0 3
0 2
6 0199
Exponentials and Logarithms 371
so that the cars value will be $3,000 in just over six
years. The natural logarithm of 0.3 is central to answer-
ing the question.
While the motivation for the need for logarithms
can be seen in relatively elementary termssolving
exponential equationsthe actual mathematics that
explains what logarithms really are and how they work
is deep and is best supported using some sophisticated
ideas from calculus. Even with exponential functions,
there are some big questions without answers: how is
e to the 5th power calculated? How is the natural loga-
rithm of 0.3 computed? Until the invention of personal
computers in the 1970s, such computations were all
done by hand, usually with the assistance of elaborate
tables, or with slide rules. At one point in history, entire
books were written that held nothing but tables of val-
ues for logarithms. People now use inexpensive hand-
held calculators, computer algebra systems like Maple
or Mathematica, or even Google, and each returns a
value almost immediately. These modern technologi-
cal tools rely on a rich and beautiful mathematical the-
ory of exponential and logarithmic functions. Beyond
their interesting mathematical properties, exponential
and logarithmic functions remain important for their
many applications, such as the key role that exponen-
tial functions play in the study of differential equa-
tions, including those that model vibrations in bridges
and buildings, thus forming a central component of
modern civil engineering.
Further Reading
Maor, Eli. e: The Story of a Number. Reprint. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Nahin, Paul J. An Imaginary Tale: The Story of i (The
Square Root of Minus One). Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2010
Pierce Jr., R. C. A Brief History of Logarithms. The
Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 8, no. 1 (1977).
Stoll, Cliff. When Slide Rules Ruled. Scientic American
294, no. 5 (2006).
Strogatz Steven. Power http://
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Calculators in Society; Carbon Dating;
Earthquakes; Functions; Mathematics, Elegant.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Problem Solving.
Summary: Causes and factors of extinction can be
quantied and modeled using mathematical and
statistical techniques.
Extinction occurs when the last member of a species
dies. A species survives for much longer than any of
its members. For example, a human can live up to
about 120 years, whereas the human species (Homo
sapiens) is thought to have existed for hundreds of
thousands of years. It is not known how long our spe-
cies will endure and indeed most species on Earth
have already become extinct. There are many causes
of extinction, some natural and others as a result of
human activities. Many factors inuence whether an
endangered species can avoid extinction. These fac-
tors can be quantied and modeled using mathemati-
372 Extinction
Causes of Extinction
species can become extinct for various
reasons, including intense competition
with other species, disease, or failure to adapt
to changing climatic conditions, as well as the
disappearance of a species prey. Anthropomor-
phic reasons for extinction include over-hunt-
ing by humans, habitat loss from
human activities such as defor-
estation, and social planning
(the intentional eradication
of smallpox).
cal and statistical techniques. A species can disappear
in some parts of its habitat but not in others. Not all
species have existed on Earth for the same length of
timesome appear only briey while others manage
to persist for incredibly long periods of time. Human
activities may be increasing the rate at which other
species become extinct.
Rise of Extinction
A species is endangered when it consists of a small
number of members. In such cases, individuals may
have trouble nding each other because of geographi-
cal separation. For a species that is endangered, it is
of interest to know whether the species is likely to
become extinct. It is customary to let N t ( ) represent
the size of a population at time t. The fact that the spe-
cies is endangered implies that N t ( ) takes positive
values close to zero. If N t ( ) is eventually measured to
be zero, then the species has become extinct. However,
if N t ( ) rebounds to larger positive values, then the
species persists. In general, stochastic effects largely
determine whether an endangered species will become
extinct. Given population data N t ( ) at different times
t, one may compute the mean () of the population
growth rate.
R t
N t
N t
( ) =
( )
( )
For example, if t =10 then
( ) + ( ) + + ( ) ( ) R R R 1 2 10
. . .
A positive (or negative) value of indicates that the
population is growing (or declining) on average. Com-
bining this information with the standard deviation
() of R(t) allows one to assess the risk for extinction,
which is typically highest when is negative and is
small. Complex models of population dynamics exist
to predict whether a species will persist or become
extinct. These include geometric growth models in
which a population multiplies at a xed rate, logis-
tic growth models in which populations slowly attain
steady-state sizes, and LotkaVolterra predator-prey
models for interactions between multiple species,
named for Alfred Lotka and Vito Volterra.
Local Extinction
A species can become extinct in one area (such as an
island) and still persist elsewhere (such as a continent).
If the species is able to recolonize the former area, then
this is known as a rescue effect. If local extinction
events become synchronizedas a result of global cli-
mate change, for examplethen the risk of a species
becoming globally extinct is much higher.
Rate of Extinction
Scientists estimate that there may be 10 million spe-
cies alive today and yet they account for fewer than 1 in
1000 species that have ever lived. The average time to
extinction for a species, as measured from the time of
its rst appearance, is close to 10 million years. When
the time to extinction for a species is much longer, such
as more than 100 million years, then later members are
said to be living fossils.
Mass Extinction
A mass extinction occurs when a large number of spe-
cies become extinct in a short period of time. Although
rare, the fossil record indicates that these events have
occurred at least ve times, the most famous being the
mass extinction of non-ying dinosaurs 65 million
years ago in what was probably a meteor impact. Many
scientists believe that we are currently in the midst of a
sixth mass extinction, with up to 40,000 species becom-
ing extinct each yeara rate that is roughly 1001000
times higher than in prehistoric times.
Further Reading
Allen, Linda J. S. An Introduction to Mathematical
Biology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2007.
Bright, Michael. Extinctions of Living Things (Timeline:
Life on Earth). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2008.
Erickson, J., and A. E. Gates. Lost Creatures of the Earth.
New York: Facts on File, 2001.
Hallam, T. Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities: The
Causes of Mass Extinctions. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2005.
Hecht, J. Vanishing Life: The Mystery of Mass Extinctions.
New York: Atheneum, 2009.
Thieme, Horst R. Mathematics in Population Biology.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Andrew Nevai
Extinction 373
See Also: Animals; Climate Change; Deforestation;
Forest Fires; Mathematical Modeling; PredatorPrey
Extreme Sports
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: The emphasis on fast motion, tricks,
and personal expression in extreme sports makes
geometry especially relevant to athletes.
There is no single denition of extreme sports, though
they generally include dangerous sporting activities
that involve a substantial risk of injury, like Buildings,
Antennae, Spans, and Earth (BASE) jumping, cliff div-
ing, street luge, or even the traditional running of the
bulls in Pamplona, Spain. Extreme sports are believed
to be attractive to participants because of the challenge
and adrenaline rush and to spectators because the re-
sults are typically unpredictable.
The popularity of extreme sports grew rapidly in
the latter part of the twentieth century. The televi-
sion network ESPN created the Extreme Games, now
called the X Games, in 1995, making extreme sports
more visible to the general public. Other networks have
also begun to televise these types of competitions and
some extreme sports events have been included in the
Olympic Games. Mathematics is important in extreme
sports. Knowing and applying concepts from geometry
and probability helps participants be safe and success-
ful. Innovative equipment manufacturers use concepts
and techniques from many areas, including geometry,
statistics, modeling, and simulation, to prototype and
rene their designs, resulting in greater safety and
Skateboarders perform tricks using a wheeled board,
either on a at surface or using equipment like ramps
or rails. Many stunts rely on differential pressure
applied by the riders feet to various parts of the skate-
board to tilt or ip it, often rotating both board and
rider in one or more axes. Lip tricks require a verti-
cal orientation and transitional edge like the lip of
a swimming pool or ramp. In aerial tricks, the rider
leaves the ground completely, using counterpressure
of hands and feet to maintain control of the board
while spinning or ipping.
Tony Hawk is one of the most well-known extreme
athletes and a vertical skateboarding pioneer. He was
the rst person to competitively perform an aerial turn
of two and a half rotations, or 900 degrees, at the 1999
X Games. In the past, he has done 720 degree turns. For
the 900, he exerted greater takeoff force in the direction
of the turn, producing more rotational velocity. Tony
Hawks Project 8 video game used motion capture
technology to smoothly animate professional skaters,
while Tony Hawk Ride allowed players to simulate the
sport using a skateboard-like controller.
Snowboarding is similar to skateboarding and involves
standing on a board and sliding down a snow-covered
hill. Snowboarding became an Olympic sport in 1998,
with giant slalom and half pipe competitions taking
place. The giant slalom is a speed race in which ath-
letes speed down a steep hill with gates that require
them to zigzag between. Determining an optimal path
from one gate to another without crashing or wast-
ing time requires mathematics, especially geometry. A
half-pipe consists of two quarter-cylinders connected
by a at space and topped by a small lip. The competi-
tion is a more artistic event, with athletes generating
enough speed using the curves of the pipe to become
airborne and do tricks. These may include multiple
rotations, both twisting and somersaulting. At the
2010 Olympics, Shaun White executed a record-set-
ting 1260-degree trick consisting of two ips and three
and a half spins.
BMX Biking
In bicycle motocross (BMX), athletes ride specially
designed smaller bicycles that enable them to shift
their center of mass to make precision movements.
BMX courses often use steep hills to launch the rider
into the air to perform tricks. Other tricks and spins
may be done on at ground. The sport was added
to the list of events for the 2012 Summer Olympic
Games. Billy Gawrych is a professional BMX com-
petitor who performs intricate routines, often set to
music, with tricks linked together in a series of con-
nected, owing patterns.
374 Extreme Sports
Sports Engineering and Equipment
Sports engineering is a growing interdisciplinary eld
that draws from mathematics, engineering, biology,
physics, materials science, and many other disciplines
to study characteristics of athletes and equipment, as
well as their interaction. The focus is on performance
and safety. For example, engineer Mont Hubbard
described the motion of skateboards with riders using
two mathematical models, and mathematicians develop
new models using techniques and theories from areas
like trigonometry, physics, differential equations, and
probability. Quality function deployment is a method
of quality control that attempts to translate often sub-
jective customer requirements into mathematical engi-
neering specications. One research group studied the
subjective perception of the feel of snowboards. They
used eld evaluations and laboratory data to create
matrices of parameters. Snowboards for freeride and
freestyle, the two primary types of snowboarding, have
somewhat different designs; however, issues of exibil-
ity, torsional stiffness, and curvature were the impor-
tant factors affecting feel and performance for both
styles. Equipment for sports of all kinds is subjected to
statistically designed tests to evaluate safety, and data
from accidents and failures helps fuel further research.
Further Reading
Clemson, Wendy, David Clemson, Oli Cundale, Laura
Berry, and Matt King. Using Math to Conquer Extreme
Sports. New York: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2004.
Estivalet, Margaret, and Pierre Brisson. The Engineering
of Sport 7. Vol. 1 New York: Springer, 2008.
When a skateboarder performs an ollie, the forces acting on the board are the weight of the rider, the force of
gravity on the board, and the force of the ground pushing up on the board, which balance out to zero net force.
Extreme Sports 375
Gutman, Bill. Being Extreme: Thrills and Dangers in the
World of High-Risk Sports. New York: Citadel Press,
Sagert, Kelly Boyer. Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008.
Thorpe, Holly. Snowboarding Bodies in Theory and
Practice (Global Culture and Sport). New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Tyler, M., and K. Tyler. Extreme Math: Real Math, Real
People, Real Sports. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, 2003.
Michele LeBlanc
Nena Amundson
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Probability;
376 Extreme Sports
and Society
and Society
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
Appalachian State University
Salem Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of mathematics and society / Sarah J. Greenwald , Jill E. Thomley, general Editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-58765-844-0 (set : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-845-7 (v. 1 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-846-4
(v. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-847-1 (v. 3 : alk. paper)
1. Mathematics--Social aspects. I. Greenwald, Sarah J. II. Thomley, Jill E.
QA10.7.E53 2012
First Printing
Printed in the United States of America
Volume 1
Publishers Note vi
About the Editors viii
Introduction ix
List of Articles xiii
Topic Finder xxi
List of Contributors xxvii
Articles A to E 1376
Volume 2
List of Articles vii
Articles F to O 377744
Volume 3
List of Articles vii
Articles P to Z 7451090
Chronology 1091
Resource Guide 1109
Glossary 1113
Index 1127
Photo Credits 1191
List of Articles
Accident Reconstruction 1
Accounting 2
Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Actors, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Addition and Subtraction 7
Advertising 10
Africa, Central 13
Africa, Eastern 15
Africa, North 17
Africa, Southern 19
Africa, West 20
African Mathematics 23
AIDS, see HIV/AIDS 478
Aircraft Design 25
Airplanes/Flight 28
Algebra and Algebra Education 31
Algebra in Society 36
Analytic Geometry, see Coordinate Geometry 247
Anesthesia 42
Animals 43
Animation and CGI 49
Apgar Scores 51
Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Archery 55
Archimedes 57
Arenas, Sports 61
Artillery 63
Asia, Central and Northern 66
Asia, Eastern 68
Asia, Southeastern 70
Asia, Southern 72
Asia, Western 74
Astronomy 76
Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project) 79
Auto Racing 81
Axiomatic Systems 84
Babylonian Mathematics 87
Ballet 90
Ballroom Dancing 91
Bankruptcy, Business 92
Bankruptcy, Personal 94
Bar Codes 96
Baseball 97
Basketball 99
Basketry 102
Bees 103
Betting and Fairness 105
Bicycles 107
Billiards 110
Binomial Theorem 111
Birthday Problem 113
Black Holes 115
Blackmun, Harry A. 117
Blackwell, David 118
Board Games 119
Body Mass Index 122
Brain 124
Bridges 129
Budgeting 130
Burns, Ursula 132
Bus Scheduling 133
Calculators in Classrooms 137
Calculators in Society 139
Calculus and Calculus Education 142
Calculus in Society 148
Cameras, see Digital Cameras 304
Calendars 153
Canals 155
Carbon Dating 157
Carbon Footprint 159
Careers 162
Caribbean America 166
Carpentry 167
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos 169
Castles 171
Caves and Caverns 172
Cell Phone Networks 174
Census 176
Central America 178
Cerf, Vinton 180
Cheerleading 181
Chemotherapy 183
Chinese Mathematics 184
Circumference, see Perimeter
and Circumference 761
City Planning 188
Civil War, U.S. 191
Climate Change 194
Climbing 200
Clocks 201
Closed-Box Collecting 204
Clouds 206
Clubs and Honor
Societies 207
Cochlear Implants 209
Cocktail Party Problem 210
Coding and Encryption 212
Cold War 214
Combinations, see Permutations
and Combinations 763
Comic Strips 218
Communication in Society 219
Comparison Shopping 225
Competitions and Contests 227
Composing 229
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI),
see Animation and CGI 49
Congressional Representation 231
Conic Sections 235
Connections in Society 238
Continuity, see Limits and Continuity 552
Contra and Square Dancing 243
Cooking 244
Coordinate Geometry 247
Coral Reefs 250
see Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Coupons and Rebates 252
Credit Cards 253
Crime Scene Investigation 255
Crochet and Knitting 257
see Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Crystallography 259
Cubes and Cube Roots 260
Currency Exchange 262
Curricula, International 264
Curriculum, College 267
Curriculum, K12 274
Curves 280
Dams 283
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Data Mining 290
Daubechies, Ingrid 292
Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Deforestation 295
Deming, W. Edwards 298
Diagnostic Testing 299
Dice Games 301
Digital Book Readers 303
Digital Cameras 304
Digital Images 306
Digital Storage 308
Disease Survival Rates 311
viii List of Articles
Diseases, Tracking Infectious 312
Division, see Multiplication and Division 685
Domes 315
Doppler Radar 316
Drug Dosing 317
DVR Devices 319
Earthquakes 323
Educational Manipulatives 324
Educational Testing 326
Egyptian Mathematics 330
Einstein, Albert 333
Elections 335
Electricity 340
Elementary Particles 342
Elevation 344
Elevators 346
Encryption, see Coding and Encryption 212
Energy 348
Energy, Geothermal, see Geothermal Energy 441
Engineering Design 351
Equations, Polar 353
Escher, M.C. 354
Ethics 356
Europe, Eastern 358
Europe, Northern 361
Europe, Southern 363
Europe, Western 365
Expected Values 368
Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Extinction 372
Extreme Sports 373
Fantasy Sports Leagues 377
Farming 379
Fax Machines 382
Fertility 384
Fibonacci Tuning, see Pythagorean
and Fibonacci Tuning 823
FICO Score 386
File Downloading and Sharing 387
Fingerprints 388
Firearms 390
Fireworks 392
Fishing 394
Floods 395
Football 398
Forecasting 400
Forecasting, Weather, see Weather Forecasting 1052
Forest Fires 402
Fuel Consumption 404
Function Rate of Change 405
Functions 408
Functions, Recursive 410
Game Theory 413
Games, see Board Games; Video Games 119, 1032
Gareld, Richard 415
Genealogy 417
Genetics 419
Geometry and Geometry Education 422
Geometry in Society 427
Geometry of Music 433
Geometry of the Universe 436
Geothermal Energy 441
Gerrymandering 443
Global Warming, see Climate Change 194
Golden Ratio 445
Government and State Legislation 448
GPS 450
Graham, Fan Chung 453
Graphs 454
Gravity 456
Greek Mathematics 458
Green Design 461
Green Mathematics 463
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 466
Growth Charts 468
Guns, see Firearms 390
Gymnastics 469
Harmonics 471
Hawking, Stephen 473
Helicopters 475
Highways 476
Hitting a Home Run 477
Hockey 480
Home Buying 482
Houses of Worship 485
HOV Lane Management 488
List of Articles ix
Hunt, Fern 489
Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Income Tax 496
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
see Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Industrial Revolution 499
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements) 501
Innity 504
Insurance 506
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Intelligence Quotients 511
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Research,
see Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Interior Design 514
Internet 515
Interplanetary Travel 520
Inventory Models 523
Investments, see Mutual Funds 691
Irrational Numbers, see Numbers, Rational
and Irrational 724
Islamic Mathematics, see Arabic/Islamic
Mathematics 53
Jackson, Shirley Ann 525
Joints 526
Kicking a Field Goal 529
King, Ada (Countess of Lovelace),
see Lovelace, Ada 565
Knitting, see Crochet and Knitting 257
Knots 531
Landscape Design 533
LD50/Median Lethal Dose 535
Learning Exceptionalities 536
Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Levers 544
Life Expectancy 545
Light 547
Light Bulbs 549
Lightning 550
Limits and Continuity 552
Linear Concepts 553
Literature 556
Loans 561
Logarithms, see Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Lotteries 563
Lovelace, Ada 565
Magic 567
Mapping Coastlines 570
Maps 571
Marine Navigation 574
Market Research 578
Marriage 580
Martial Arts 582
Math Gene 584
Mathematical Certainty 586
Mathematical Friendships and Romances 588
Mathematical Modeling 589
Mathematical Puzzles 593
Mathematician Dened 595
Mathematicians, Amateur 597
Mathematicians, Religious 600
Mathematics, African, see African Mathematics 23
Mathematics, Applied 603
Mathematics, Arabic/Islamic,
see Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Mathematics, Babylonian,
see Babylonian Mathematics 87
Mathematics, Dened 608
Mathematics, Chinese, see Chinese Mathematics 184
Mathematics, Egyptian,
see Egyptian Mathematics 330
Mathematics, Elegant 610
Mathematics, Greek, see Greek Mathematics 458
Mathematics, Green, see Green Mathematics 463
Mathematics, Incan and Mayan,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Mathematics, Native American,
see Native American Mathematics 697
Mathematics, Roman, see Roman Mathematics 878
Mathematics, Theoretical 613
Mathematics, Utility of 618
Mathematics, Vedic, see Vedic Mathematics 1029
Mathematics: Discovery or Invention 620
Mathematics and Religion 622
x List of Articles
Mathematics Genealogy Project 628
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights 630
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Mathematics Software,
see Software, Mathematics 926
Matrices 634
Mattresses 636
Mayan Mathematics,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Measurement, Systems of 637
Measurement in Society 640
Measurements, Area 645
Measurements, Length 647
Measurements, Volume 651
Measures of Center 653
Measuring Time 655
Measuring Tools 657
Medical Imaging 659
Medical Simulations 660
Microwave Ovens 661
Middle Ages 663
Military Draft 665
Minorities 667
Missiles 671
Molecular Structure 672
Money 674
Moon 677
Movies, Making of 679
Movies, Mathematics in 681
MP3 Players 684
Multiplication and Division 685
Music, Geometry of,
see Geometry of Music 433
Music, Popular, see Popular Music 786
Musical Theater 689
Mutual Funds 691
Nanotechnology 693
National Debt 695
Native American Mathematics 697
Nervous System 700
Neural Networks 701
Newman, Ryan 703
Nielsen Ratings 704
Normal Distribution 706
North America 708
Number and Operations 710
Number and Operations in Society 714
Number Theory 719
Numbers, Complex 721
Numbers, Rational and Irrational 724
Numbers, Real 727
Numbers and God 729
Nutrition 731
Ocean Tides and Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Oceania, Australia and New Zealand 735
Oceania, Pacic Islands 737
Operations, see Number and Operations;
Number and Operations in Society 714
Optical Illusions 739
Orbits, Planetary, see Planetary Orbits 771
Origami 741
Pacemakers 745
Packing Problems 746
Painting 748
Parallel Postulate 750
Parallel Processing 752
Payroll 754
Pearl Harbor, Attack on 755
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Percussion Instruments 760
Perimeter and Circumference 761
Permutations and Combinations 763
Perry, William J. 766
Personal Computers 767
Pi 770
Planetary Orbits 771
Plate Tectonics 773
Plays 774
Poetry 777
Polygons 779
Polyhedra 782
Polynomials 784
Popular Music 786
PredatorPrey Models 788
Predicting Attacks 790
Predicting Divorce 792
Predicting Preferences 793
Pregnancy 796
Prehistory 798
Probability 800
List of Articles xi
Probability in Society,
see Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Problem Solving in Society 804
Producers, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Professional Associations 809
Proof 812
Proof in Society,
see Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Psychological Testing 815
Pulleys 818
Puzzles 819
Puzzles, Mathematical, see Mathematical Puzzles 593
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning 823
Pythagorean School 825
Pythagorean Theorem 827
Quality Control 831
Quilting 833
Racquet Games 835
Radar, see Doppler Radar 316
Radiation 836
Radio 838
Raghavan, Prabhakar 840
Randomness 841
Rankings 843
Rational Numbers, see Numbers,
Rational and Irrational 724
Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Recycling 850
Relativity 853
Religion, Mathematics and,
see Mathematics and Religion 622
Religious Mathematicians
see Mathematicians, Religious 600
Religious Symbolism 855
Religious Writings 857
Renaissance 860
Representations in Society 863
Revolutionary War, U.S. 868
Ride, Sally 870
Risk Management 872
Robots 874
Roller Coasters 877
Roman Mathematics 878
Ross, Mary G. 880
Ruler and Compass Constructions 881
Sacred Geometry 885
Sales Tax and Shipping Fees 886
Sample Surveys 888
Satellites 890
Scales 892
Scatterplots 894
Scheduling 896
Schools 897
Science Fiction 899
Sculpture 903
Search Engines 905
Segway 906
Sequences and Series 908
Servers 910
Shipping 912
Similarity 914
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon 915
Skating, Figure 916
Skydiving 918
Skyscrapers 919
SMART Board 920
Smart Cars 922
Soccer 923
Social Networks 924
Social Security, see Pensions, IRAs,
and Social Security 757
Software, Mathematics 926
Solar Panels 930
South America 931
Space Travel, see Interplanetary Travel 520
Spaceships 933
Spam Filters 935
Sport Handicapping 936
Sports Arenas, see Arenas, Sports 61
Squares and Square Roots 938
Stalactites and Stalagmites 940
State Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Statistics Education 941
Step and Tap Dancing 946
Stethoscopes 947
Stock Market Indices 949
Strategy and Tactics 951
Street Maintenance 954
String Instruments 956
xii List of Articles
List of Articles xiii
Stylometry 957
Submarines, see Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Succeeding in Mathematics 958
Sudoku 962
Sunspots 963
Subtraction, see Addition and Subtraction 7
Surfaces 964
Surgery 966
Swimming 969
Symmetry 970
Synchrony and Spontaneous Order 972
Tao, Terence 975
Tax, see Income Tax; Sales Tax
and Shipping Fees 496, 886
Telephones 976
Telescopes 978
Television, Mathematics in 981
Televisions 985
Temperature 987
Textiles 989
Thermostat 990
Tic-Tac-Toe 992
Tides and Waves 993
Time, Measuring, see Measuring Time 655
Time Signatures 995
Toilets 997
Tools, Measuring, see Measuring Tools 657
Tornadoes, see Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Tournaments 998
Trafc 1000
Trains 1001
Trajectories, see Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Transformations 1004
Transplantation 1006
Travel Planning 1007
Traveling Salesman Problem 1009
Trigonometry 1010
Tunnels 1014
Ultrasound 1017
Unemployment, Estimating 1018
Units of Area 1020
Units of Length 1021
Units of Mass 1023
Units of Volume 1024
Universal Constants 1026
Universal Language 1027
Vectors 1029
Vedic Mathematics 1031
Vending Machines 1033
Video Games 1034
Vietnam War 1037
Viruses 1038
Vision Correction 1039
Visualization 1041
Volcanoes 1044
Volleyball 1046
Voting, see Elections 335
Voting Methods 1047
Water Distribution 1051
Water Quality 1053
Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Weather Forecasting 1054
Weather Scales 1057
Weightless Flight 1059
Wheel 1060
Wiles, Andrew 1061
Wind and Wind Power 1063
Wind Instruments 1065
Windmills 1066
Wireless Communication 1068
Women 1069
World War I 1073
World War II 1075
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1080
Writers, Producers, and
Actors 1081
Zero 1087
Fantasy Sports
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Fantasy sports leagues employ a variety of
algorithms to predict player performance and to rank
players and teams within each league.
In fantasy sports leagues, players act as the owners
and managers of virtual sports teams that are typi-
cally composed of real players who are active in a
given sport during a competitive season. Performance
statistics for individual athletes on a fantasy owners
roster, who usually belong to many different teams in
the sport in real life, are mathematically combined to
produce fantasy points for the owner. Often, own-
ers may trade athletes or must make other types of
decisions about who on their roster will be counted
as active for a given period of competition, just like
real managers. Fantasy baseball and fantasy football
have historically been the most popular but fantasy
leagues have evolved for many other sports, including
basketball, golf, hockey, soccer, auto racing, and even
cricket. Different leagues, even within the same sport,
use a variety of formats, statistics, and weighting
schemes to compute fantasy points. Season winners
are usually the owners who have accrued the most
fantasy points. While such games have existed in one
form or another since at least the end of World War II,
the development of the Internet drastically changed
the nature and popularity of fantasy sports leagues
by providing real-time access to data and tools for
automated computation, making the activity more
accessible for a broader range of participants. There
are estimated to be millions of fantasy sports play-
ers in the United States alone. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, mathematicians and others study fantasy sports
leagues, and they have become a tool in mathematics
classrooms as well.
Fantasy sports leagues grew from other types of sports
simulator games that used data from past seasons and
random number generation to determine the outcomes
of simulated games. One of these was Strat-O-Matic, a
board game using player statistics cards and dice that
was developed by Hal Richman. It premiered in 1961
and still exists in both card and computerized forms.
Richman began developing the game as a child because
he loved baseball and numbers and disliked what he
saw as unrealistic randomness in other baseball board
games. He released the game while earning his under-
graduate mathematics degree. John Burgeson, an IBM
computer programmer, created a computer fantasy
baseball simulator in 1960 that used random numbers
and player statistics to generate a play-by-play descrip-
tion of a game between two teams. Many real baseball
managers reportedly played fantasy-style games when
they were young. According to writer Alan Schwartz,
Thats how they learned how to apply the mathemat-
ics of risk-taking.
In the 1970s and 1980s, early fantasy leagues began
to emerge for baseball and football. Writer Daniel
Okrent developed Rotisserie League Baseball, which
was named after the restaurant where players con-
ducted the rst draft. Rotisserie baseball is now a
standard term for this widely-used format. It differed
from most older games by using current-season statis-
tics and data as they occurred rather than past seasons
statistics. This style of play became popular after an
Inside Sports magazine article described the rules of the
game and discussed the leagues rst season. Statisti-
cian George William Bill James also developed the
analytical methodology of sabremetrics around this
time and his Bill James Baseball Abstract was widely
used by fantasy players. Similar mathematical analyses
were produced for fantasy football by Fantasy Football
magazine, which evolved into the print and online Fan-
tasy Football Index (and also Fantasy Baseball Index).
These publications and many others provided math-
ematically modeled variables, such as dollar values,
statistical projections, and optimization strategies, for
fantasy players. Sometimes the modeling proved useful
enough that the writers went on to advise real teams.
Before the Internet, coordinating fantasy sports
and calculating points could be time consuming.
Data came largely from print sources, which were
time delayed. A standard 162-game baseball schedule
required near-daily computations for each owner in
the league. Fantasy football was somewhat less chal-
lenging because of the smaller number of games in a
season, but most fantasy methods had to restrict the
number of variables used. Some commercial statistical
services started to ll this need by compiling databases
of sports statistics and providing services to calculate
pointsfor a fee. Results were mailed or faxed; later,
they could be sent electronically. The development of
the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s facilitated and
often automated the process of tracking player statis-
tics and calculating points and league standings. Fan-
tasy players could also quickly communicate with each
other using e-mail, message boards, and chat rooms,
resulting in online communities and worldwide
leagues. Researchers have modeled this growth using
sociologist Everett Rogerss diffusion of innovation
theory. The curve of fantasy players over time exhibits
the classic S-shape of slow initial growth among early
innovators and adopters, a middle period of acceler-
ated growth, and a saturation of the market leading
to a leveling off or slower growth period. The rapid
growth of fantasy sports in the late twentieth cen-
tury led to issues related to its potential classication
as gambling, fairness in prizes, and the legal rights of
players or teams to control the dissemination and use
of statistical information about professional athletes,
especially when outside companies were making a
prot from such use.
Mathematical and Social Connections
The line between fantasy sports and real sports is often
blurred and mathematical methods used in one are
often applied to the other. For example, mathemati-
cians have explored a concept often called the magic
number or elimination number, which quanties
the number of games a team must win to avoid being
eliminated from the championship. The problem is
popular in computer science classes. A common solu-
tion is to compare the number of games a team has left
to play to the win-loss difference of the nearest rival.
Researchers found that the numbers for all teams may
be found simultaneously as they are a function of the
number of games won plus the number of games left to
play. Other mathematicians investigate optimal strate-
gies for drafting players to teams using methods such
as stochastic dynamic programming and deterministic
dynamic programming coupled with various types of
mathematical modeling and decision making. Some
have researched the extent to which players rely on
mathematical modeling and statistical methods instead
of on heuristics and personal preferences. Mathemat-
ics teachers have found some success in using fantasy
sports to motivate students and to help them succeed.
Additional evidence suggests that fantasy sports may
help reduce gender gaps in mathematics achievement.
Some girls have stated that fantasy sports are cool
and help them relate to boys as equals, and women
are involved in the creation and management of fan-
tasy leagues. For example, Jordan Zucker, who has an
undergraduate degree in mathematics, created the
378 Fantasy Sports Leagues
research institutions in the world. Methods pioneered
by Fisher are still widely used in the twenty-rst century,
including hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, maxi-
mum likelihood estimation, and factorial experimental
design. Mathematician Michael Weiss has worked in
several mathematical areas with applications in agricul-
ture, including nonlinear and chaotic dynamics, fuzzy
set theory, and topological and algebraic entropy. Some
applications of his work include a model of crop yields
as a two-dimensional stochastic process, called ran-
dom surfaces, and assessing revenue risk as a proba-
bilistic function of foodborne disease outbreaks. Preci-
sion farming models spatial variability in farmland and
the resulting changes in yields as geometric surfaces.
Numerical characteristics of the farmland, such as
fertilizer needs, are assigned to surfaces by functions
and mapped to other surfaces by operators using mod-
eling software. The so-called cobweb theorem relates
price and production for situations in which there is a
time lag between the marketing of a product and ini-
tially obtaining price information to determine pro-
duction. This is common in agricultural markets, since
prices in one year tend to inuence planting in subse-
quent years.
The Role of Agriculture in the History
of Mathematics and Science
Agricultural development shaped the history of human-
kind, including the growth of science in mathematics.
This impact is acknowledged in the historical tradi-
tion of naming major farming breakthroughs revo-
lutions, since the changes they produced in society
were large and relatively fast. The neolithic revolution
started circa 8000 b.c.e. and included the development
of permanent settlements. The resulting architecture
and centralized management systems required abstract
thought and systems of knowledge, including writing,
mathematics, and science. The Arab agricultural revo-
lution took place in the eighth through the thirteenth
centuries c.e. and included the development and dis-
tribution of international knowledge exchange, sophis-
ticated algebra and geometry, and astronomy for farm-
ing and navigation, as well as the scientic method
and the modern number and computational system
in mathematics. The British agricultural revolution
started in the seventeenth century. It codeveloped with
the Industrial Revolution and included the heavy use
of mechanical tools and developments in the natural
Girls Guide to Fantasy Football Web site and manages
an all-female fantasy football league.
Further Reading
Fantasy Sports and Mathematics. http://www.fantasy
Fry, Michael, Andrew Lundberg, and Jeffrey Ohlmann.
A Player Selection Heuristic for a Sports League
Draft. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 3,
no. 2 (2007).
James, Bill. The Bill James Handbook 2011. Chicago:
ACTA Publications, 2010.
Schwarz, Alan. The Numbers Game: Baseballs Lifelong
Fascination with Statistics. New York: St. Martins
Press, 2004.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Baseball; Betting and Fairness; Ethics;
Football; Lotteries; Rankings.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: As a fundamentally important human
activity, agriculture has long been a motivator for
mathematical and statistics research.
Farming, also called agriculture, is the production
and distribution of plant and animal products. Farm-
ing methods range from organic farming to industrial
agriculture. Farming operations are also categorized by
their products, including foods, pets, decorative plants,
pharmaceuticals, building materials, bers, resins, and
bioplastics. Agriculture has long been a motivator for
mathematical and statistic research. Mathematical con-
cepts and models have helped advance many agricul-
tural methods beyond simple arithmetic calculations of
quantities of seed and fertilizer. Many consider Ronald
Fisher to be the father of modern statistics. Much of his
research in statistical methods originated from his work
with more than 60 years of agricultural data at Rotham-
sted Experimental Station, one of the oldest agricultural
Farming 379
sciences, including chemistry and biology. This indus-
trialization of agriculture continued into the twentieth
century, driving the research in organic chemistry and
genetics known as the green revolution.
Domestication of local crops, such as rice in China
around 8000 b.c.e., allowed for both population growth
and population concentration in villages and, later,
towns. Planting, harvesting, and other timed activities
required relatively exact time and weather observation,
which in turn led to the development of astronomy
and the development of sophisticated time measure-
ment tools and calendars. Circa 5000 b.c.e., the people
of Mesopotamia employed intensive farming methods,
including monocrop elds, aggregation of crops for
trade, and complex irrigation. Such methods
called for and enabled major technologi-
cal developments, such as better plows. It is
hypothesized that the complex division of
labor, distribution, and observation of water
levels and calendars required for this type of
agriculture led to the development and rela-
tively widespread use of writing.
Mesopotamian clay tables show that qua-
dratic and cubic equations, the Pythago-
rean theorem, and other topics currently
found in algebra, geometry, and calculus
were already widely used circa 2000 b.c.e.
in problems related to agriculture, such as
astronomy-based calendars to time ooding
and harvesting or the distribution of prod-
ucts. Some of this knowledge later was lost
and then rediscovered by other cultures, and
some continued to be used in the original
form. For example, the practice of measur-
ing time based on 60 minutes in an hour
and 60 seconds in a minute comes from the
Babylonian sexadecimal (base 60) number
system. The number 60 was a convenient
one for the Babylonians being highly com-
posite (with more divisors than any number
less than 60).
Agriculture promoted the development
and spread of increasingly complex mecha-
nisms, such as waterwheels in China. Excess
crops supported the development of trade
and transportation, from the domestication
of draft and pack animals in ancient times
to sophisticated spice trade eets circa the
sixteenth century. Starting in the eighth century c.e.,
Muslim traders established an extensive network of
trade routes among Asia, Europe, and Africa, enabling
the diffusion of agricultural techniques and crops
beyond their places of origin. This Arab agricultural
revolution led to the development and distribution of
science and mathematics, including the Arabic numer-
als used around the world in the twenty-rst century.
For example, one of the rst documented uses of the
scientic method comes from thirteenth-century
work on medicinal plants and agronomy (the farming
of plants).
The Industrial Revolution, starting in the eigh-
teenth century, included the increasing mechaniza-
380 Farming
Combines harvesting crops at precise intervals with each row
overlapping slightly. Combines were invented in 1834.
tion of agriculture. Agricultural machines, such as the
tractor, both decreased the number of people required
for farming and increased productivity. The scientic
advances associated with these developments primar-
ily took place in engineering and chemistry. The green
agricultural revolution of the second half of the twenti-
eth century promoted advances in chemistry, genetics,
and bioengineering, which led to high-yield, disease-
and pest-resistant cultivation of major crops. The sus-
tainability of these practices is not yet clear at the start
of the twenty-rst century.
Measurements in Agriculture
Metrics used in farming focus on average production of
different cultivars of plants, breeds of animals, or farm-
ing methods; resource intensity of practices; efciency
of distribution; nutritional value of food products and
industry-specic values of bers, fuels, and lumber;
environmental impact and sustainability; and the role
of agriculture in local and global economy.
The global production levels, by crop type, are mea-
sured in tons per year. For example, cereals was the
number one category of agricultural product, with
worldwide production at around 2 billion tons per
year in the early twenty-rst century, while meat pro-
duction at this same time was around 250 million tons
per year. The total and per capita rates of production
are frequently compared between years. For example,
the total agricultural production grew by a factor of
16 between the early 1800s and 1970, while the world
population grew by a factor of seven. This means that
per capita consumption of agricultural products more
than doubled during that period but not necessarily
because of food items. Fiber or farmed trees for paper
and construction are also included.
Farm yields are measured in crop weight per area
for plants; in the ratio of seed input to seed output for
grains; or in meat, ber, or egg production per animal
for animals. The yields are estimated using statisti-
cal methods of random sampling, or total outputs of
a farm. In the United States, for example, corn yields
averaged about 30 bushels per acre in the early 1900s
and around 130 bushels per acre in the early 2000s.
Food anthropologists estimate the minimal ratio of
grain input to output necessary for sustaining farm-
ing as the main source of food as 1:3. For each grain
planted, farmers get three grains, one of which is
planted and two of which are either eaten by people
or fed to farm animals. Yield metrics can be used to
compare different methods of farming. For example,
irrigation can raise corn yields by a factor of four or
ve. Industrial farming in developed countries pro-
duces yields that are about 10% greater than organic
farming in nondrought years and about 70% less in
drought years, netting about the same average yields
over decades.
Resource intensity is measured by the outside input
required per area of crops, per individual animal in
meat or egg farms, or per unit of farm product output.
For example, it takes about 1000 liters of water to pro-
duce 1 liter of corn-based ethanol. Resource intensity
is one of many sustainability metrics used in farming.
Other mathematical metrics of sustainability include
nutrient leaching into water systems, which may cause
proliferation of algae; biodiversity of farms; and pol-
lution of soil, water, and air with herbicide and pesti-
cide residues; as well as the carbon footprint of farm-
ing practices. For example, livestock production is
currently responsible for about one-fth of the total
carbon footprint of humanity.
Farming and the Economy
Agricultural systems include production, processing,
packaging, distribution, marketing, and consumption.
The proportion of resources and energy required for
these activities varies with farming practices. For exam-
ple, eating local foods reduces the resources expended
in transportation; operating monocrop farms reduces
labor per unit of production; eating processed foods
increases packaging costs.
Agricultural economics is the study of resource allo-
cation and distribution related to agriculture. It uses
mathematical statistics for data analysis and trend pre-
diction and mathematical modeling for research and
development. Many general economic mathematical
models were rst developed in agricultural econom-
ics, for example, the cobweb model, which explains
the cycles of price uctuations through analyzing lags
within the production chains, such as planting and
Factory farming uses economies of scale by raising
livestock in connement and with high population
densities. The calculations involved in factory farm-
ing include cost-output analysis and bioengineering
of animals to optimize product output as well as the
logistics of supplying food in to each animal in place
Farming 381
and disease prevention through administering antibi-
otics. There are several measurements of factory farm-
ing impacts. For example, there are metrics involved
with animal welfare, such as the degree of connement,
measured in area of pen per animal. Human health
impact measures and research include studies of pes-
ticide, antibiotic, and growth hormone levels in farm
products and statistical studies of the impact of food
on human health. Environmental impact measures
are standard for all operations and include levels of
specic air, water, and soil pollutants produced by the
farm and its carbon footprint. Capital redistribution
is the measure of movement of money among com-
munities, which is relatively high for factory farming
because of its centralized nature.
Industrial marketing and distribution models
do not work well for organic farming because most
organic products are not scalable. In the early 2000s,
organic farmers developed a variety of peer-to-peer
credence and distribution models, network marketing
models, and sharing economy (mesh) models. Such
modern models support decentralized production and
disintermediated distribution. Some organic farmers
join together in cooperatives and use economies of
scale. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is an
economic model that provides a way to share the ben-
ets and risks of farming. In a typical CSA, consumers
buy farm shares and receive a weekly delivery of farm
Further Reading
Alspaugh, Shawn. Farmer Ted Goes 3D. Mathematics
Magazine 78, no. 3 (2005).
Glen, John. Mathematical Models in Farm Planning:
A Survey. Operations Research 35, no. 5 (1987).
Street, Deborah. Fishers Contributions to Agricultural
Statistics. Biometrics 46 (1990).
Weiss, Michael. Precision Farming and Spatial
Economic Analysis: Research Challenges and
Opportunities. American Journal of Agricultural
Economics 78, no. 5 (1996).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Animals; Arabic/Islamic Mathematics;
Calendars; Carbon Footprint; Chinese Mathematics;
Deforestation; Green Design; Industrial Revolution;
Measuring Tools; Nutrition; Quality Control.
Fax Machines
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: Fax machines revolutionized the process
of sending and receiving documents.
A fax machine enables documents, including illustra-
tions and other graphical elements, to be transmitted
over a distance and reproduced by the receiver. The
roots of the word facsimile are from the Latin words
facere, meaning to make, and similis, meaning like.
In the nineteenth century, Alexander Bain developed
what some refer to as the rst fax machine. His sys-
tem transmitted information using analog telegraph
lines. The sending and receiving equipment was timed
using matched pendulums. At the receiving end, an
electrically powered stylus recorded messages on a roll
of paper. Current from the stylus turned the chemical
coating on the paper blue, transcribing the signals dots
and dashes. Frederick Bakewell demonstrated a chemi-
cal fax machine at the 1851 London Exhibition, and
the rst commercial telefax service began operation in
1865, predating the telephone.
A more modern ancestor is the radio facsimile,
developed in 1924, which used radio waves to wirelessly
transmit images and is still used in the early twenty-
rst century to transmit weather information. Modern
fax machines scan an input sheet line by line to pro-
duce rows of pixels. Algorithms used in fax machines
take advantage of the fact that there are white and
black pixels in order to compress the data. For exam-
ple, David Huffmans variable-length lossless codes
and their variations, originally invented in the 1950s,
assign binary codes to patterns of pixels using proba-
bilistic methods. The codes are shorter than the strings
they replace, reducing overall le size. To optimize
compression, symbols with higher probabilities or fre-
quencies of occurrence are assigned shorter codes. The
International Telecommunications Union, based in
Geneva, Switzerland, makes recommendations for data
compression standards. To derive one code called the
Group 3 code, the organization applied the Huffman
algorithm to eight representative samples to assign a
code to each run length. Fax machines transmit docu-
ments in minutes instead of hours thanks to compres-
sion algorithms.
382 Fax Machines
Fax Machine Technology
Modern fax machines utilize the technology of the
telephone and the copy machine. Fax machines devel-
oped in the 1970s could scan a document and encode
and transmit it over telephone lines to another fax
machine, which could record and reproduce the docu-
ment. Fax machines became common in ofces as
they replaced the need to send paper documents by
messenger service or mail, were much quicker than
retyping a document for telex, and could send any
type of graphical information. Japan played an impor-
tant role in developing modern fax machines, which
used electronic circuits to replace mechanical parts
and greatly increased the speed of transmission and
reduced the size and price of the machine. Because the
Japanese language incorporates many Chinese char-
acters (kanji), the ability to transmit graphical images
was particularly useful in that country.
Sending a document by fax requires two fax
machinesone to send the document and one to
receive it. The sending machine uses a sensor to scan
the document, usually line by line, and to convert
the pattern of black and white elements on the page
into a code (several coding standards exist). The fax
machine is not reading textin the sense of con-
verting the letters into meaningbut only recording
their shape. For this reason, fax machines are as adept
at sending images and diagrams as they are at send-
ing text. The scanned data are compressed in order to
reduce the number of bits to be transmitted and thus
to speed up the process. The speed of transmission
depends in part on how much information, such as
text or diagrams, as opposed to blank space is con-
tained on the page being scanned. The receiving fax
machine decodes and uncompresses the information
and uses it to re-create and to print the sent docu-
ment. In the 1980s, most fax machines used thermal
printing, which required the use of special paper
that turns black when exposed to heat. However, in
the twenty-rst century, most fax machines print on
standard white copy paper using either laser or inkjet
printing technology.
Fax Machines 383
The sending fax machine uses a sensor to scan the document and to convert the pattern of black and white
elements into a code. The receiving machine decodes and uncompresses the information and prints it.
Internet fax (efax, or online fax) technology has sup-
plemented and, in some cases replaced, the use of tra-
ditional fax machines. There are a number of different
services offering Internet fax capability, and although
they differ in some details (for instance, can the machine
receive, send, or both) the principle is the same: they
provide a means to transmit facsimile documents to
and from computers either as e-mail attachments or
through a dedicated phone number or Internet site.
Further Reading
Brain, Marshall. How Fax Machines Work. http://
McConnell, Kenneth R., Dennis Bodson, and Stephen
Urban. FAX: Facsimile Technology and Systems. 3rd ed.
Boston: Artech House, 1999.
Salomon, David. A Guide to Data Compression Methods.
New York: Springer, 2002.
Smithsonian Institution. From Carbons to Computers:
The Changing American Ofce. http://www.smith
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Digital Images;
Internet; Telephones.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Individual fertility cycles can be
mathematically predicted and national fertility
rates are a useful statistical measure for analyzing
population demographics.
The term fertility has been used historically in a
variety of contexts, including the richness of crop-
lands with respect to producing food, the creativity of
the human mind and imagination, and the ability of
people to have children. The term fecundity is often
interchanged with fertility when discussing human
reproduction. However, nineteenth-century physician
Matthews Duncan, who researched birth statistics and
fertility, differentiated the two terms by dening fecun-
dity in an essentially binary fashion as the capability of
bearing children or not, versus fertility, which he used
to quantify the number of children a woman had borne.
Demographers often use fertility rate as a standardized
metric to describe the number of children borne per
person, couple, or population and to make compari-
sons across populations. Many collections of global
statistics, like the CIA World Factbook, include fertil-
ity rates, which have been connected by mathematical
and statistical models to economic measures such as
individual income or a countrys gross domestic prod-
uct. Others study relationships to medical and social
variables, such as the availability of birth control and
assisted reproduction or attitudes about single parent-
ing. Some rates adjust for women in specic age groups
or other variables. At the start of the twenty-rst cen-
tury, organizations such as the United Nations also
began to turn serious attention to the issue of popula-
tion decline in many nations and its potential effects
on national economies, workforces, and social security
systems. Mathematicians, statisticians, demographers,
and others continue to research the reciprocal relation-
ships between fertility and other measures to attempt
to determine causes and effects and to forecast future
trends as well as to contribute to the development of
technologies related to fertility and reproduction. Stat-
istician Leslie Kish was awarded the American Statisti-
cal Associations Samuel S. Wilks Award for his work on
the World Fertility Survey, which illustrates his impact
as an international ambassador of statistics and a tire-
less advocate for scientic statistical methods.
Fertility Rates
In the years immediately following World War II,
many countries, especially the United States, Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand, saw a marked increase in
the number of babies borne. This baby boom gen-
eration has been widely researched and continues to
have an impact on society and social policy. There are
many ways to quantify fertility. For example, birth rate
is typically the number of live births per thousand
people per year for a given population. The total fertil-
ity rate of a population is an estimated measure based
on observed age-related fertility rates during a given
time period and assuming a woman lives throughout
her entire likely reproductive span, or roughly to age
50. It is intended to represent the average number of
384 Fertility
live births per woman in a given population. However,
since human reproduction requires genetic contribu-
tions from both males and females and social conven-
tions typically restrict who may reproduce with whom,
the male-female ratios in populations can affect actual
fertility. Net reproduction rate quanties the number
of daughters borne to a woman, using statistical esti-
mation methods similar to the total fertility rate. This
statistic is often used in researching countries that
exhibit strong preferences for one sex of child over
another or that practice sex selection. Some other pos-
sible estimates include gross fertility rate, generational
or cohort fertility rate, or completed family size.
In 2010, Russian president Vladimir Putin publicly
addressed the growing concern of Russias declining
population, which he attributed to both declining fer-
tility and high death rates, calling it the most acute
problem of contemporary Russia. Sub-replacement
fertility rate is a threshold value of the total fertility
rate where the number of births is not large enough to
replace or maintain a given population at its current
level. In theory, each couple must produce two children
to replace themselves or, referring to net reproduction
rate, each woman must have one daughter to replace
herself. In reality, not all people pair and reproduce
and early mortality and other factors affect popula-
tion sizes. Mathematical and statistical models have
been used to model average behavior and account for
such variables. In the early twenty-rst century, the
global replacement fertility rate was about 2.3 children
per woman: the theoretical value of two, plus a frac-
tional value that adjusts for mortality and other fac-
tors. Anything below this value is sub-replacement,
leading to a declining overall population. In developed
countries, the value was about 2.1 children per woman,
while in some developing nations, the replacement rate
has been calculated to be as high as 3.3 children per
woman. Leslie models, named after population biolo-
gist Patrick Leslie, often include fertility matrices based
on age groups to model population growth. They are
also related to EulerLotka equations of population
dynamics, named for mathematical demography pio-
neer Alfred Lotka and mathematician Leonhard Euler.
Fertility Cycles
Individuals seeking to improve their own fertility
often rely on various methods to either predict when a
woman will be fertile, such as measuring and charting
basal body temperature, or to study the viability and
motility of male sperm. In the late nineteenth century,
physician Mary Putnam Jacobi was among the rst
to observe biphasic patterns in basal body tempera-
ture during menstrual cycles, though the connection
with ovulation was not made until the early twentieth
century. Studies by many researchers throughout the
twentieth century statistically determined patterns in
ovulation and fertility, such as the frequency of ovula-
tion, the most probable window of ovulation during
the menstrual cycle, and associations between fertility
and observable physical characteristics, such as tem-
perature, pain, and mucosal secretions. Many of these
studies were the basis for calendar-based methods
of fertility planning, such as basal body temperature
(BBT) graphs. Beginning in the mid-twentieth cen-
tury, physicians and others mathematically analyzed
and interpreted BBT charts, though some techniques
required complete data over long periods, which was
considered not to be practical for use by individual
couples. In the 1960s, neurologist John Marshall pro-
posed the three over six prediction method: a pattern
of any three plotted daily temperatures higher than the
previous six was a sign of likely ovulation. This method
was still in common use at the start of the twenty-rst
century, though with advances in computing technol-
ogy, mathematical algorithms for detecting patterns
may be used. Alternatively, the Billings method, named
for physicians John and Evelyn Billings, is a scoring or
quantication system for rating and graphing charac-
teristics of cervical mucus to predict ovulation.
Greater understanding of the biomechanics of con-
ception resulted in new studies of the male role in fer-
tility. Male fertility is often quantied by sperm count
or sperm concentration, which is the number of sperm
cells per unit uid volume. The term oligozoosper-
mia refers to a sperm count that falls below normal
as compared to statistically derived reference standards
set by the World Health Organization and other agen-
cies. Sperm cells may also be analyzed for abnormal
morphology or geometry, which is one of the factors
that affects their motility (rate of motion). Mathemati-
cal analyses have been used to explore motility. For
example, mathematicians David Smith and John Blake
created a mathematical model of a swimming sperm
cell that they used to explore the uid dynamic forces
between sperm cells and surfaces. Understanding nor-
mal sperm motility via such models may help correct
Fertility 385
motility problems in infertile men and suggest future
clinical practices.
Further Reading
Brown, Robert. Introduction to the Mathematics
of Demography. 3rd ed. Winstead, CT: Actex
Publications, 1997.
Poston, Dudley, and Leon Bouvier. Population and
Society: An Introduction to Demography. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Census; Forecasting; Pregnancy.
Fibonacci Tuning
See Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning
FICO Score
Category: Business, Economics,
and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra;
Measurement; Representations.
Summary: A persons
FICO score helps lenders
mathematically evaluate risk.
The FICO score is a standard measure for
credit risk. It was developed in 1989 by the Fair
Isaac Corporation (commonly referred to as
FICO, which is also its ticker symbol), a pub-
lic company (traded on the New York Stock
Exchange) founded in 1956 and based in Min-
neapolis, Minnesota, and Equifax, one of three
major U.S. credit reporting agencies. The FICO
score is one of the chief ways lenders evaluate
the credit risk posed by a consumer, using that
information to decide whether to advance credit
or a loan to them and, if so, how much interest
to charge. Consumers judged to pose greater risk of
default are generally charged higher interest rates to
compensate for the high probability that they will not
repay their debts. Models based on FICO scores are
blamed in part for the housing crisis that occurred in
the early twenty-rst century. In the 1990s, subprime
mortgage lenders began relying more on automated
underwriting and quantitative models. These sug-
gested that subprime borrowers were improving in
terms of average FICO scores. This suggestion, coupled
with the historical performance of subprime mortgage
securities, was interpreted as a sign of strength in the
subprime market, which proved not to be true.
Calculating the FICO Score
The formula for calculating the FICO score is propri-
etary and is regularly revised, but it can be described in
general terms. The FICO score is calculated from data
in a persons credit report. The importance placed on
the different categories of information varies but for an
average customer the weights are approximately as fol-
lows: payment history is 35%, amounts owed is 30%,
length of credit history is 15%, types of credit used is
10%, and new credit is 10%. FICO does not calculate
the report itself; instead, when a lender
requests a credit rating for an individ-
ual FICO, software is used by one
of the three major national credit
reporting agencies (Equifax,
Experian, and TransUnion)
to calculate the FICO score.
These calculations may dif-
fer, since the three credit
agencies often include dif-
ferent information. The score is
therefore time dependent, and
changes in a persons nan-
cial and credit situation can be
expected to result in changes to
their FICO score as well.
The range of a FICO score
is from 300 to 850, with higher
scores denoting greater credit-
worthiness. The median score is
about 725 and a score above 700
is considered good; a score above 770
generally qualies people for the best credit
rates. Scores lower than about 660 generally
386 FICO Score
qualify people for only limited credit at much higher
interest rates.
History of the FICO Score
The FICO score is a modern solution to a long-stand-
ing issue in business: managing the risk of lending
money to an individual or business not personally
known to the lender. Systems of credit reporting have
been in existence for over 100 years and throughout
their history, credit reporting systems have had to
deal with the tension between lenders and merchants
who wanted to protect their assets and consum-
ers and businesses who wanted fair access to credit,
which would help them expand their businesses or
purchase major assets, such as a house. Credit report-
ing was largely unregulated until the 1960s, so there
were no legal restrictions over what could be included
(information about sexual preference and alcohol
consumption were sometimes included, for instance)
and individuals had no right to see what was in their
records or to challenge incorrect information. Some
criticize the FICO calculations, saying that the pro-
prietary nature makes them unfair, they are inexact
and poorly quantify risk for some subgroups of bor-
rowers, information is not updated frequently, and
the burden of correcting misinformation falls on the
individual rather than the companies.
In 1971 Congress passed the Fair Credit Report-
ing Act (FCRA), which gave individuals the right to
view their records and to dispute or correct any mis-
takes in their records. At the same time, credit reports
began to include positive information (for instance,
loans repaid on time) as well as negative information
and, in 2001, consumers gained the right to see their
credit scores rather than simply the information in
their reports. The importance of the ability to view
and to challenge information in ones credit report
was underlined in a 2004 study by the U.S. Public
Interest Research Group, which found that 79% of
credit reports have errors (usually outdated informa-
tion or information that pertained to a different per-
son), including about one-quarter with errors serious
enough to justify the denial of credit. Although there
are many criticisms of the process of computing credit
scores, few would be willing to discontinue their use
because they are an important tool for risk assess-
ment, help ensure equitable treatment, and make the
credit market more efcient.
Further Reading
Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO.
Neal, Dana A. BestCredit: How to Win the Credit Game.
2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2006.
Wozniacka, Malgorzata, and Snigdha Sen. Credit Scores:
What You Should Know About Your Own.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Bankruptcy, Personal; Credit Cards;
Home Buying.
File Downloading
and Sharing
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians work on developing
compression algorithms and resolving security issues
to make le downloading and sharing faster and
more secure.
The words downloading and uploading began to
enter mainstream usage in the 1970s. Bulletin board
systems, a precursor to the Internet, were among the
rst systems that allowed computer users to access an
external system. At the start of the twenty-rst century,
e-mail was commonly uploaded and downloaded from
remote servers. The term le sharing came into pop-
ular usage later, especially in reference to peer-to-peer
le sharing systems, like Napster. File sharing refers to
providing multiple users access to digitally stored infor-
mation, usually from a remote system. Streaming differs
from downloading, since data that is streamed is not
stored but used as soon as it is accessed. The amount
of time that is required to upload or download a le is,
in part, a function of its size. Compression algorithms
make data faster and easier to transfer. Mathematician
Claude Shannon formulated a theory of data compres-
sion in the late 1940s using concepts from entropy and
probability, including theoretical limits on lossless and
File Downloading and Sharing 387
lossy compression that depended, in part, on a func-
tion expressing the allowable distortion error. This
theory is also known as source coding theory. Math-
ematicians work on reliability and security issues, such
as detecting and preventing le sharing worms. Math-
ematical models of le sharing systems created using
techniques from areas such as graph theory and statis-
tics help study connections, patterns, and probabilities.
The Gfarm Grid File System was developed in the early
twenty-rst century as a federated and scalable virtual
le system designed to facilitate the high performance
petascale-level computing and data mining problems,
such as those that result from theoretical particle phys-
ics. Mathematicians Duncan Watts and Steve Strogatz
made mathematical connections between the behavior
of network nodes using look up protocols and human
participants in Stanley Milgrams experiments on the
small world phenomenon.
In the early twenty-rst century, the term le
sharing is sometimes used specically with refer-
ence to the illegal proliferation of copyrighted mate-
rial, which may be attributed, in part, to widespread
publicity about this issue. There are several important
variables related to the prominence or frequency of
illegal le sharing: the availability of Internet access;
the growth of typical Internet connection speeds;
the development of new le formats that resulted in
smaller sizes for high-quality music les; and peer-
to-peer le sharing systems. Napster, released in 1999,
was the rst widely used peer-to-peer le sharing sys-
tem. It was developed by Shawn Fanning and enabled
mostly anonymous sharing of music les with other
users through a centralized server, including a search
function to locate songs. Though it was shut down by
court order only two years later, half a dozen similar
programs had been released in that time and the Bit
Torrent client was released shortly thereafter. Napster
was purchased by Best Buy in 2008 and is now a pay
service. Mathematicians research topology and traf-
c in distributed networks, like Napster and Gnutella,
with methods from graph theory and scheduling
algorithms, among other tools. They are often seen as
advantageous because they reduce or eliminate reli-
ance on centralized servers. These highly connected
network nodes are often critical failure points. They
also use statistical methods and other types of math-
ematical modeling to study the economic impacts of
peer-to-peer le sharing on retailers and artists as
well as user behaviors with regard to their willingness
to pay for digital music or movies.
The Bit Torrent client was nearly as large a step for-
ward in le sharing as Napster had been, because it was
not a service but a protocol, or a method of sharing les,
and is not exclusive to sharing music les. The essential
innovation of Bit Torrent, developed by Bram Cohen,
was that le seekers were connected to many peers at
once, instead of just a single peer. Pieces of the le are
simultaneously downloaded and then reassembled on
the users computer. Furthermore, all peers download-
ing the le were capable of sharing the pieces they have,
even before they have the complete le. A complete copy
of a le is called a seed. There must be at least one seed
involved for downloads to successfully complete. Once
a more-popular le has propagated many locations, the
network of peers broadens, increasing the piecewise
download speed. Unlike Napster, the Bit Torrent proto-
col does not utilize a central server, making it difcult to
detect downloading, though servers called Bit Torrent
trackers are the targets of law enforcement. Random
ports also help users avoid detection. Mathematical
methods, such as stochastic differential equations, have
been used to model network environments and peer
behavior and mathematically based peer-to-peer simu-
lators can be used to evaluate and test new algorithms
and solutions before they are implemented.
Further Reading
Caviglione, Luca. File-Sharing Applications Engineering.
Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Shen, Xuemin, et al. Handbook of Peer-to-Peer
Networking. New York: Springer, 2009.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Cerf, Vinton; MP3 Player; Servers.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical algorithms help
professionals use ngerprints as a means of
388 Fingerprints
The study of ngerprints could be considered both sci-
ence and art. Fingerprint interpretation and analysis
have grown over the twentieth and twenty-rst centu-
ries along with the development of new technologies
and mathematical tools for imaging processing. Fin-
gerprinting is a recognized method for personal iden-
tication and is used worldwide.
A ngerprint is an impression left by the raised por-
tion of the epidermis on the ngers. The epidermal
ridges are small corrugations of the skin (with an aver-
age of 0.5 mm in breadth) without hair or sebaceous
glands but with numerous sweat glands, also found in
the toes. The epidermal ridges in a particular area of
the inner hands and bottom of the feet have two func-
tions: to provide traction to help people grab objects
(the sweat glands moisten the skin, augmenting the
security of contact) and to enhance the sense of touch
by the stimulation of the underlying nerve. Humans
are not the only species with epidermal ridges; some
primates, including gorillas and chimpanzees, and
koala bears have their own unique prints.
Fingerprint Patterns
There are three general groups of ngerprint pat-
terns: arch, loop, and whorl. They may be divided into
subgroups by means of the smaller differences exist-
ing between the patterns in the same general group.
Fingerprint groups may be also divided into male and
female and by age. Historically, the identication of
these patterns was done manually in a tedious and
time-consuming approach requiring ink, paper, and
sufcient knowledge and training of the ngerprint
examiner. In the early twenty-rst century, automatic
ngerprint identication systems can quickly verify a
persons identity by searching millions of records in a
matter of seconds. Advanced mathematical algorithms
are used in forensic science and other areas such as
biometric identication, the science of identifying
a person using some unique physical characteristic.
Correlation-based methods rely on identifying charac-
teristics of print patterns and positioning those char-
acteristics within the pattern, using what are called
registration points. Another mathematically inter-
esting problem is to reconstruct a ngerprint from a
partial print or a blurred print.
Other Advances
Other methods to identify humans are used in addi-
tion to ngerprints: biometric technology voiceprint,
retina/iris scan, hand geometry, and facial recognition.
However, ngerprinting is the easiest to use and it pro-
vides an average accuracy of 98%.
Wavelets have become an important mathematical
tool for ngerprint recognition. This method could be
an efcient solution for ngerprint recognition systems
Fingerprints 389
Brief History
of Fingerprinting
n 1788, a German scientist, J. C. A. Mayer,
presented the theory that each person pro-
duces a unique ngerprint. Almost 50 years
later, Johannes Purkinje explained that the n-
gerprints could be classied in patterns that
could be recognized. It was the beginning of n-
gerprints being used to identify individuals. In
1892, anthropologist Sir Francis Galton, cousin
of Charles Darwin, published that ngerprints
remain unchanged for a persons life and they
are permanent. This led to the ofcial use of
ngerprints for criminal identication at Scot-
land Yard. In the early twenty-rst century, n-
gerprint verication has been used as one of
the most reliable personal identication meth-
ods for criminal investigation or to access con-
trol applications.
because it eliminates the necessity of preprocessing the
images, reducing the time required for analysis.
Fingerprint identications play a vital role in many
criminal investigations but there are still challenges,
such as identifying the body of a victim of a re with
parts of the ngers burned. Mathematical equations
and operators have been used for the calculation of
ngerprint probabilities based on individual charac-
teristics, such as only a partial print. The use of digi-
tal ngerprints requires more work in description and
analysis to avoid ambiguities in identication, such as
wrongly convicting an innocent person to prison.
Further Reading
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Science of
Fingerprints (Classication and Uses). http://ebooks
Hawthorne, M. R. Fingerprints: Analysis and
Understanding. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009.
Komarinski, P. Automated Fingerprint Identication
Systems (AFIS). London: Elsevier, 2005.
Orton, William. The Mathematics of Fingerprints.
School Science and Mathematics 88, no. 1 (1988).
Maria Elizete Kunkel
Maria Elizabeth S. Rodrigues
See Also: Accident Reconstruction; Crime Scene
Investigation; Daubechies, Ingrid.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians have long studied and
analyzed rearms and projectile motion to create
more accurate weapons.
The successful construction and use of many types of
offensive weaponry rely on mathematical principles.
Ancient people typically used body-powered projec-
tiles, like spears and stones thrown from slings, which
required judgments of force and angles to achieve the
correct parabolic motion to hit the target. Archimedes
of Syracuse designed weapons like mechanical cata-
pults to defend Syracuse from attack by the Romans.
The development of gunpowder-propelled eld artil-
lery, the successor to mechanical missile weapons like
catapults and ballistae, created a demand for sophis-
ticated mathematics. Mathematicians studied and
solved problems of ballistic velocities and trajectories
to increase accuracy and impact. Handheld rearms of
all types rely on similar principles. There are a num-
ber of interesting mathematical properties related to
rearms, including weapon caliber, rate of re, riing,
muzzle velocity, and propulsion, as well as telescopic
sights and other characteristics. Mathematics training
or degrees are suggested for rearms identication and
bullet matching, which are increasingly used to match
weapons to crimes, and mathematics skills are one of
the requirements cited for careers in rearms repair.
Brief History of Firearms
As artillery and projectiles began to play a much
larger role in warfare, kings, generals, and powerful
concerns in society began looking for more powerful
and more accurate weapons. They called upon scien-
tists and mathematicians to address the problem. Nic-
colo Tartaglia, Galileo Galilei, Evangelista Torricelli,
Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, and Johann Bernoulli
are some of the people who worked on the problem
of projectile trajectories. Two of the foremost math-
ematicians to work in this area were Benjamin Robins
and Leonhard Euler.
Tartaglia published an important work on cannon
trajectory in the sixteenth century. Using the science
and mathematics of the time (Aristotelian dynamics,
named for Aristotle, and Euclidean geometry, named
for Euclid of Alexandria), he thought of the ight of
a cannonball as moving from a line with slope deter-
mined by the angle of the cannon, the nal trajectory
by a vertical line and a circular segment on which the
apex of the trajectory occurs joining these two lines. In
his 1537 text La nova scientia and his 1546 text Questi
et inventioni diverse, he indicated that this was only an
approximation to the actual trajectory. However, it was
such a good approximationand so comparatively
easythat it was used by artillery groups well into
the eighteenth century. His model took into account
the practical knowledge gained through working with
gunners and their experience in the eld.
390 Firearms
Galileo stated that if there is no air resistance, the
trajectory of a projectile is a parabola. This conjecture
appears rst in the work of his student Bonaventura
Cavalieri in 1632 and, later, in Galileos 1638 work Dis-
corsi e dimostrazioni matematiche: intorno a due nuoue
scienze. Torricelli also worked with Galileo. His book
De motu contained a geometric method for computing
the range of a projectile. Galileo asserted that the path
of the trajectory and the shape of a hanging curve (the
catenary) are the same, leading him to work with the
idea that the trajectory curve is symmetric. This idea
results in erroneous computations for range.
In the next era, the important work of Christiaan
Huygens, Bernoulli, and Newton on air resistance set
the stage for great strides forward in understanding
projectile trajectories. The rst to explicitly consider
air resistance was Benjamin Robins, an English math-
ematician who was a student of Henry Pemberton
and a protg of Newton. Robins became interested
in military engineering in the 1730s from his work
on Newtons uxions and their utility in describing
objects in motion. In 1736, he wrote a detailed critique
of Eulers Treatise on Motion and his extensive use of
algebra versus geometry. He was subsequently barred
from an appointment as mathematics professor at
the new Royal Military Academy in Woolrich in 1741
because of a political dispute. In order to bolster his
application for this position, he returned to his work
on ballistics and in 1742 published New Principles of
Gunnery. In 1747, the Royal Society awarded him its
prestigious Copley Medal for his work in ballistics. A
major contribution of Robins was in determining that
the important consideration for ballistics was the initial
velocity of the projectile and the effect of air resistance,
not the range, which was a function of initial velocity.
Experiments showed that the assumption of Huygens
and Newton that air resistance was proportional to the
square of the velocity was true only at low velocities.
Also, Robins hypothesized that lateral deviations were
caused by random spinning of the projectile. He advo-
cated the use of ried barrels with ovoid (rather that
spherical) bullets to control this effect.
Firearms 391
A collection of World War II firearms. Groups of mathematicians were employed by the war departments both in
World War I and World War II for tasks such as creating tables of trajectories for army artillery units.
Robinss work ultimately had a broad impact. In a
time of very poor English-Continental mathematical
relations, Euler himself found Robins work from 1742
so important that he translated it into German in 1745
and made extensive additions. He contributed and
acclaimed the work of Robins. Napoleon Bonaparte,
an avid student of mathematics who is widely consid-
ered to have revolutionized the use of eld artillery,
had Eulers translation translated into French for his
study. Euler is credited with bringing the study of tra-
jectory motion into the modern mathematics realm.
In his 1753 work, he described motion in terms of
second-order differential equations, allowing him to
make appropriate changes in assumptions about air
resistance and to give better approximate solutions that
matched experimental results. Work was undertaken to
create tables of trajectories for army artillery units. As
technology advanced, mathematics had to evolve to
keep pace. There were groups of mathematicians who
worked for the war departments in both World War I
and World War II. For example, British mathematician
John Littlewood improved and simplied calculation
formulas for range, ight time, and angle of descent
of projectiles and updated ballistics tables. The Applied
Mathematics Panel in the United States in World War
II looked at various trajectory issues, including aer-
ial dogghts and projectile trajectory. The U.S. Navy
maintained the Aberdeen Proving Grounds after the
war and had panels of mathematicians there to help
model projectile motion and explosions.
There are a number of other interesting mathemati-
cal connections related to artillery and rearms, such
as caliber and barrel riing. The caliber of a rearm is
the approximate diameter of the barrel and the projec-
tile used in it, usually measured in inches or millime-
ters. Riing is traditionally the process of making heli-
cal grooves down the entire length of a rearms barrel
to impart a spin to the projectile. Polygonal riing is
another method that shapes the interior of the barrel
like a polygon with rounded edges to achieve a similar
effect, most commonly with hexagons but sometimes
with octagons or decagons. Overall, riing gives the
projectile gyroscopic stability and improves its trajec-
tory. Since a ried barrel is noncircular, as opposed to
a smoothbore (nonried) weapon, there are different
ways of measuring caliber. In the case of helical riing,
measurements may be taken of the bore diameter, which
is the diameter across the lands or high points in the
riing, or the groove diameter, which is the diameter
across the grooves or low points. Riing grooves cre-
ate striations on the bullet, which, together with caliber,
are used in forensics to identify the rearm that shot a
bullet. Twist rate for riing is the distance the projectile
must travel down the barrel to complete one full revo-
lution about its own axis, which is often given in units
of turns per inches or centimeters. A shorter distance
indicates a higher turning rate and a faster spin.
Further Reading
Barnett, Janet Heine. Mathematics Goes Ballistic:
Benjamin Robins, Leonhard Euler and the
Mathematical Education of Military Engineers.
BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the
History of Mathematics 24, no. 2 (2009): http://dx
McCleary, J., and D. E. Rowe. Airborne Weapons
Accuracy: Topologists and the Applied Mathematics
Panel. The Mathematical Intelligencer 28, no. 4 (2006).
McMurran, Shawn, and V. Frederick Rickey. The Impact
of Ballistics on Mathematics. http://www.math.usma
2009 Product Engineering Processes. Archimedes Death
Ray: Idea Feasibility Testing. October 2005. http://
David C. Royster
See Also: Archimedes; Artillery; Crime Scene
Investigation; Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements);
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Summary: Firework mathematics involves the timing
and rhythm of burning, rocket ight, and explosions.
Fireworks are explosions for entertainment with design
elements of light, sound, and smoke. Chemical addi-
392 Fireworks
tives are used to color reworks, which originated in
ancient China. The province of Liuyang is known as the
home of reworks. Fireworks as an art are temporal,
like dance or animation; therefore, much of rework
mathematics has to do with the timing and rhythm
of burning, rocket ight, and explosions. Mathemati-
cians around the world have modeled and quantied
various aspects related to reworks, like the path and
maximum height. In the seventeenth century, Claude
Dechales published what became a popular textbook
on mathematics that included pyrotechnics. Engineer
Amde-Franois Frzier, whom some also refer to as
a mathematician, worked on the theory of reworks
in the eighteenth century. The process of mathematical
induction has been likened to a sequence of con-
nected reworks. In the United States, the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
classies and regulates reworks.
Patterns of Explosions
Most reworks shot into the air explode in
spherical patterns. By modifying the composi-
tion of reworks, it is possible to add or remove
tail effects, change the speed of individual parts,
and produce delayed explosions to parts, lling
spheres with radial lines or creating expanding
spheres. Less frequent are reworks that burn
sustained, extending, two-dimensional shapes,
such as rings or hearts.
Ratios and Proportions
of Shells and Mortars
Many reworks are packed into shells and red
out of special mortars, or small cannons. Larger
shells are red out of larger mortars with higher
speeds and also y higher. As with any projectile,
the path and height of the rework shell, until the
explosion, obey the quadratic equation of gravita-
tional deceleration and the shell ies following the
path of a parabola. On the other hand, because of
the physics of the black powder or pyrex used to
propel the shells out of the mortars, the relation-
ship between the size of shells, mortars, and their
initial speed is linear. The relationship between
the size of the shells and the maximum height
they y is also linear. Pyrotechnician formulas
approximate 100 feet of the shells maximum
ight height per every inch of its diameter. The
explosion of the rework has to be timed so it happens
when the shell is high up in the air, which is achieved
through solving the height equation and matching the
time of chemical reactions in the shell to that height.
Fireworks Color and Temperature Gradients
There are two distinct ways to color reworks. The rst
method is based on the same physical process used in
incandescent light bulbs and the second on that used
in neon lights. The rst method uses blackbody radia-
tionthe property of objects to emit more light with
higher temperature. Blackbody radiation emits light
over a broad spectrum. As metals heat, they start to
become red to the human eye because the majority of
Fireworks 393
Many of todays fireworks are made in much the same way
they were hundreds of years ago.
the spectrum is light at infrared wavelengths human
beings cannot see. When the temperature rises, the
emission of the light in the visible spectrum increases
and the object becomes rst yellowish and then white,
the mixture of all visible-light wavelengths. Thus, re-
works that depend on blackbody radiation for their
color can only be dull red, pale yellow, or white.
The second method of rework coloring is based on
the so-called atomic emission. Atoms in the rework
material, before the rework is red, are in a stable state,
corresponding to particular orbits of electrons. If atoms
are electronically excited, they emit photons to return to
that stable state. When photons are in the visible spec-
trum, the human eye sees a color as the atomic emission
takes place. Some elements have a narrow spectral band
in their atomic emissions, allowing particular pure
colors to be pinpointed. For example, sodium emits
bright yellow and barium emits green when electroni-
cally excited. Copper salts emit pure blue but they are so
unstable at high temperature that people only recently
learned to use them safely in reworks.
If the rework material burns too hot, the blackbody
radiation process takes over. Therefore, to produce pure
colors of the atomic emission process, pyrotechnicians
create mixtures that burn relatively cool. The chemis-
try breakthrough allowing this to happen was the sub-
stitution of potassium chlorate, which burns at around
120 degrees Celsius, for potassium nitrate, which burns
at 560 degrees Celsius. Fireworks contain coolants that
prevent burning from reaching higher temperatures,
for example, by releasing some water and carbon diox-
ide, as sodium bicarbonate does.
Pyrotechnic Competition and Measurements
At competitive events, reworks are measured based
on several criteria, mostly qualitative and artistic. The
quantitative criteria include purity and brightness of
color and the appropriate explosion height. The timing
of the intended reworks effects, such as the change
of shape and color, is also taken into considerationit
has to follow a recognizable temporal pattern and to
form a pleasing rhythm.
Competition judges add points for technical dif-
culty, celebrating innovations in reworks. For example,
when strobe effects were rst discovered, reworks using
them were awarded technical difculty points at com-
petitions. After a few years, as strobe effects became well
researched, judges stopped awarding points for them.
Further Reading
Danby, J. M. A. Fireworks. The College Mathematics
Journal 23, no. 3 (1992).
Lancaster, Ronald. Fireworks, Principles and Practice. 4th
ed. Gloucester, MA: Chemical Publishing, 2005.
Shimizu, Takeo. Fireworks: The Art, Science, and
Technique. 3rd ed. Post Falls, ID: Pyrotechnics
Publications, 1996.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Chinese Mathematics; Energy; Light;
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Fishing tactics, management, and
measuring all require the sophisticated use of
mathematical principles.
Mathematics has proven to be a useful tool in under-
standing the impact of a variety of factors that inu-
ence sh populations. Other mathematical techniques
have been used to analyze photographs of sh and to
generate useful estimates of the shs weight. Mathe-
matics has also demonstrated its utility in the creation
of tools for locating and catching sh.
Fishery Management
The estimation and regulation of the striped bass and
bluen tuna populations along the East Coast of the
United States are examples of important shery man-
agement issues with serious economic implications.
Mathematics as an ecosystem-based management
tool has been used to formulate population models
that attempt to account for very complex environ-
mental factors, including variations in water quality
and temperature; uctuations in the availability of
important forage species upon which the targeted spe-
cies depend for food; the presence (or lack thereof) of
appropriate spawning areas; the impact of sh farming
on wild sh populations; the interplay of commercial
shing and sport shing; the introduction of invasive
394 Fishing
species; and the impact of diseases. Regulations regard-
ing the timing, size, and number of sh that are to be
harvested are based, in part, on mathematical models.
Presumably, understanding the likely consequences of
changes in these and other factors will lead to improved
management decisions. An alternative management
approach has been suggested by analysis of the history
of the sardine shery in Californias coastal waters.
Such evidence has led some mathematicians to believe
that uctuations in sh populations are best explained
by utilizing branches of mathematics known as com-
plexity theory and chaos theory.
Weight Estimation
Mathematicians were called upon when the National
Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame faced controversy over
its listing of the record muskellunge as a sh caught in
1949, reported to be 63.5 inches in length and weigh-
ing 69 pounds. Three photographs of the angler hold-
ing the sh in front of him documented the catch. The
question arose, since the height of the angler in the
photograph was known: could the length of the sh
be accurately estimated? In fact, projective geometry
together with some precise measurements gleaned from
the photographs could provide very good estimates of
the length of the sh. However, a difculty remained:
was there a way of accurately estimating the weight of
a muskellunge based upon its length, without knowing
its girth? In fact, an algebraic formula has been devel-
oped for estimating the weight of a muskellunge that
requires only a precise measurement of the length of a
portion of the shs body. The formula is
where W is the weight in pounds and L is the length
in inches.
Tools for Locating and Catching Fish
The electronic devices often utilized in locating sh
include ashers, LCD graphs, and global positioning
systems. Each of these items depends upon mathemat-
ical underpinnings. However, mathematics also plays
an important role in the creation of the nonelectronic
tools used in sport shing.
The design of reels, y lines, and shing rods depends
upon mathematics. The role of geometry is especially
apparent in the building of traditional split-bamboo
y rods. For example, in a two-piece split-bamboo rod,
each of the two sections of the rod requires that six
strips of bamboo be cut and planed to a precise taper
such that each strip has cross sections along its length
that are equilateral triangles of diminishing size. When
these strips are properly glued together, hexagonal cross
sections result. The rod blank so created is the founda-
tion of a bamboo y rod. The builder must still decide
where to place the line guides along the length of the
blank in order to produce a shing rod that will both
cast well and enable the sherman to quickly capture
hooked sh. Not only does the distance between con-
secutive guides increase from the rod tip toward the butt
of the rod but also those distances change in a precise
way. The initial placement of the guides on the rod is
accomplished by using an idea from algebra known as
arithmetic progression. The ne-tuning of the guide
placement on the rod then depends upon measuring the
arc through which the rod bends when placed under a
predetermined load.
Further Reading
Raeburn, Paul. Using Chaos Theory to Revitalize
Fisheries. Scientic American (February 2009).
Yami, Ben. Mathematics and Selective Fishing.
WorldFishing & Aquaculture (June 1, 2009).
Philip McCartney
See Also: GPS; Knots; Marine Navigation;
Mathematical Modeling; PredatorPrey Models;
Problem Solving in Society; Tides and Waves.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement.
Summary: Engineering has always been engaged with
ood protection and the containment of oodwaters;
mathematics is also used to predict ooding.
Although some oods occur with little to no warning,
overall patterns of ooding along rivers or streams can
Floods 395
be determined based on measurement and the statis-
tical analysis and extrapolation of gathered data, such
as a rivers historical and current discharge, stage, and
ood-stage levels. The resulting data can be used to
nd the probability of future ooding. Mathematicians
and engineers are actively engaged in developing sys-
tems to model, predict, and control oods, especially
for low-lying areas of the world like the Netherlands
and the Mississippi Valley in the United States. Flood
prediction and ood control are vital because of oods
potentially devastating impactsoods are among the
leading natural disasters in terms of loss of life and
property damage.
Flood Prediction
One of the rst steps in ood prediction is the mea-
surement of a rivers discharge, stage, and ood stage.
The size and ow of rivers are measured using a vari-
ety of different methods. Key determinations include
the discharge or ow, which measures the volume of
water passing through a section of the river in a par-
ticular time frame, such as cubic feet per second; the
stage, or water surface level over a set criteria, such as
sea level; and the ood stage, when a rivers overow
will result in widespread inundation or heavy impacts
on life and property. Determination of the area of
inundation during a ood stage must also take into
consideration the topography of the nearby area, such
as its slope. During a particular ood, analysts also
determine the peak or crest, when the river reaches its
highest stage.
Scientists then create ood forecasts based on cal-
culations determined from the statistical analysis of
the gathered data. The mathematical calculation of
396 Floods
An aerial photograph of flooding in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, caused by Hurricane Ike in 2008. The U.S. Navy
photographed the flood while providing disaster relief support to Haiti.
the relationship between an areas precipitation levels
and the discharge of nearby rivers and streams relies
on a number of complex factors. Geographical factors
can include the topography; types of bedrock, soil, and
vegetation; and area of the drainage basin. Meteoro-
logical factors can include the intensity and duration
of precipitation on average, as well as before and dur-
ing a particular storm. Because of the complexity of the
data, forecasters rely on calculating probability based
on historical data of peak discharge frequency.
Statistical analysis of the probability of exceeding
the average annual peak discharge in a specied time
frame can be made for drainage basins for which a
series of records of maximum annual discharges
(peak ow) are available and ranked from larg-
est to smallest. The calculated probabilities include
the probability that a peak ow will be equaled or
exceeded within one year, known as the exceedence
probability and expressed as a decimal fraction; and
the recurrence interval, which is the average number
of years between past events. The recurrence interval
can also be dened as the number of years in which
analysts expect a one-time ow that will equal or
exceed a peak ow.
The recurrence interval for a particular location can
be used to determine the probability of a ood at that
location, expressed by the formula
where P is the probability of a ood and T is the recur-
rence interval. For example, a 100-year recurrence
interval would produce a 1% probability of a ood of
equal or greater magnitude in a given year. Engineers,
scientists, forecasters, and the public must be aware,
however, that the resulting probability is an aver-
age. For example, a 100-year ood is not statistically
expected to occur exactly once every 100 years and two
such oods may occur in close proximity.
Graphing and Modeling Floods
Analysts use these statistics in the construction of
graphs and tables known as frequency distributions,
which show the probability of various discharges for
particular locations and thus the probability of a ood
in a particular area. Analysts can utilize a variety of
mathematical equations to carry out the statistical
analysis needed to create frequency distributions. The
most common equations include Normal Distribu-
tion, Log-Normal Distribution, Gumbel Distribution,
and Log-Pearson Type III Distribution.
Different mathematical methods are used to deter-
mine frequency distributions in those locations where
recorded data of discharge is unavailable or incom-
plete. In some cases, analysts use ood frequency esti-
mates from nearby or similar areas with complete data
to create estimates for areas that lack data. One com-
monly used method is the rational method, which uti-
lizes the relationship between peak discharge and the
product of drainage basin area, precipitation intensity
level, and a standard coefcient based on the drainage
basins land use or ground cover. Other methods allow
for the incorporation of changes in a rivers discharge
over time as well as its peak discharge. The increasing
availability of ood-modeling software allows analysts
to input data into computers, which then produce
ood probabilities and frequency distributions as well
as the effects of environmental impacts, such as defor-
estation and global climate pattern changes, on future
ood patterns.
Applications of Flood Models
Meteorologists use ood probabilities and frequency
distributions to aid in the issuance of ood watches
and warnings. Engineers use ood probability esti-
mates of both magnitude and frequency when con-
structing and managing ood control structures, such
as dams and levees, as well as nearby structures, such
as roads and bridges.
The information is also useful when planning to
divert or change the course of rivers or streams that
frequently ood, increase the slope of the surround-
ing topography to lessen inundation, create oodway
channels, or determine when to lower dam reservoir
levels. Governments and other groups use ood prob-
abilities and frequency distributions when planning
the location of residences, towns, and industries along
rivers and streams.
Further Reading
Baker, Victor R., and R. Craig Kochel. Flood
Geomorphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1988.
Bedient, Philip B., and Wayne C. Huber. Hydrology
and Floodplain Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 2002.
Floods 397
Bhaskar, Nageshwar Rao. Regionalization of Flood Data
Using Probability Distributions and Their Parameters.
Lexington: University of Kentucky, Water Resources
Research Institute, 1989.
Miller, E. Willard, and Ruby M. Miller. Natural Disasters:
Floods: Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2000.
Purseglove, Jeremy. Taming the Flood: A History and
Natural History of Rivers and Wetlands. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1988.
Marcella Bush Trevino
See Also: Earthquakes; Forecasting; Hurricanes and
Tornadoes; Landscape Design.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Football coaches use statistics to inform
their decisions while the National Football League
analyzes the effects of its rules.
Though a physical battle between two teams of talented
athletes, football can be analyzed using mathematical
ideas and techniques. Pertinent to coaches, players, fans,
and betting agents, these analyses focus on all aspects
of footballthe physical aspects and performance of
players, game elements (passing, running, defense, and
kicking, as well as strategies), and the geometry-based
physics surrounding the game. Mathematical analysis
can impact the game positively or negatively. Nonethe-
less, football remains a physical competition between
two teams, despite the use of mathematics to identify
patterns of strengths and weaknesses, suggest optimal
strategies, provide rankings, stimulate discussions, and
possibly resolve arguments.
Quarterback Rating
The National Football League uses a mathematical for-
mula to rate quarterbacks. Data are collected for each
game and for the season relative to a quarterbacks pass
completion percentage (P), touchdown pass percentage
(T), pass interception percentage (I), and average gain
per attempt (G). Using a few boundary conditions, a
quarterbacks rating (Q) is determined by the formula
Q P T I G = + = + ( )
4 5 5 2 5 .
The formulas derivation in terms of four independent
variables involves multiple regression techniques.
Overtime Rules
The National Football League also uses Markov chain
techniques to analyze its overtime rules in response to
the statistical fact that too many football teams were
winning important games with a eld goal on their rst
overtime possession. Thus, the winning team, after a
hard-fought game, is inuenced too greatly by a single
coin ip that determines team possession, with mini-
mal differences accounted for by a teams ability to score
on the rst possession. Effective in 2011, the rules for
play-off games were changed to prevent the game end-
ing with a eld goal on the rst possession of overtime.
Though difcult to implement practically, geom-
etry, trigonometry, and calculus all play strong roles
within a football game and its situations. Examples
include the following:
Use of a quarterbacks physical characteristics
to determine the best angle and release points
for throwing a pass, assuming it must reach
receivers in different eld locations and at
multiple distances
Use of the law of cosines to both understand
and improve passing angles, timing, and
patterns run by receivers
Determination of an optimal efciency
for punters on each kick, or the ratio of
the actual kicks distance to the maximum
possible distance using the same force
Prior to kicking a eld goal, determination
of success in terms of the angle subtended by
the two goal posts
Determinination of a defensive linemans
stance to maximize centers of gravity and
potential force on impact with an
opposing linemen
By gathering and analyzing the available data pro-
vided by a game, probabilities can help examine the
398 Football
particular events happening within a game, such as the
Likelihood of a team making 0, 1, or 3 points
after a touchdown score
Reality of a quarterback having a hot hand
in his or her completion of successive passes
Success of making a eld goal, given it will
or will not result in a change in who has the
leading score
Probability of scoring during a fourth-and-goal
Monitoring a coachs decisions in calling
plays, especially if conservative
Probability of a record being broken, either
by a team or by a player
Similarly, mathematical statistics provide perspec-
tives that explain game occurrences, provide compara-
tive rankings of teams and players, and assist in deci-
sion making by coaches and team management. The
usual sources of statistics are data regarding passing,
running, defense, kicking, turnovers, and time man-
agement. Examples include the following:
Use of ratios, means, and medians as
descriptive statistics for a player, a position, a
game, or a season
Use of logistic regression models to calculate
end-of-game point differentials, based on
independent variables such as turnovers,
passing yardage, running yardage, penalty
yardage, number of rst downs, and number
of completed passes
Impact of icing a place-kicker at crucial times
within a game
Correlations between a players characteristics
and training regimens relative to game
Trend analysis, based on either a players or a
teams performance in specic ways over the
past 5, 10, and 15 games
Winning tendencies based on connections to
lead changes during a game or knowledge of
the team leading at the end of the third quarter
Impact of rules changes on team scoring
and defenses within the sport itself, such
as observed effects of initial eld positions
subject to penalties or punts out of bounds
Determining the best all-time player in a
particular position (for example, quarterback,
tight end, halfback, linebacker, or eld-goal
kicker), at a particular time in a game (such
as the last quarter) or in an era
The use of digraphs and mysterious
statistical formulas to determine weekly
rankings and placement of teams in a
bracketed tournament (such as the Bowl
Championship Series), directly affecting
betting pools with stated odds
Selection of players by professional teams
during the annual draft, using historical data
for each players performance in conjunction
with physical data
The use of statistical data as part of
contract negotiations between players and
management, or even the release or trading
of players based on team needs
The questionable yet signicant correlation
between stock market performance and the
Super Bowls winning team
Mathematical game theory is evident in a coachs
decision-making process, such as on each play within
a football game, hoping to choose optimal tactics. The
specic decisions range considerably and include the
A coachs choice of designed offensive plays
and defensive set-ups, relative to the down,
position on the eld, time of game, score, and
A coachs calling of time-outs and play
reviews at opportune times
A coachs use of techniques to motivate
specic players
A teams selection of players during a draft,
dependent on the players apparent abilities,
the inferred needs of other teams, and the
specic draft round
Contract negotiations involving players,
agents, and team management
Finally, using these statistical data and mathemati-
cal modeling techniques, one can create realistic simu-
lations of football games, possibly using computer
Football 399
At the collegiate and professional levels, coaches
increasingly use mathematics to remain competitive,
even hiring mathematical statisticians as important
parts of their staff. However, some authors and fans
suggest that the football team with the best players and
coaching will usually win, despite any use of sophisti-
cated mathematics.
Further Reading
Bennett, Jay, and James Cochran. Anthology of Statistics
in Sports. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, 2005.
De Mestre, Neville. The Mathematics of Projectiles in
Sport. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Eastway, Rob, and John Haigh. Beating the Odds: The
Hidden Mathematics of Sport. London: Robson
Books, 2007.
Friedman, Arthur. The World of Sports Statistics: How
the Fans and Professionals Record, Compile, and Use
Information. New York: Athenaeum, 1978.
Gay, Timothy. The Physics of Football. New York:
HarperCollins, 2005.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Baseball; Basketball; Hockey; Kicking a Field
Goal; Soccer.
Category: Business, Economics and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: The science of prediction is grounded
in statistics, data analysis, and modeling, applied to
such areas as trafc, sales, and the stock market.
Forecasting essentially means predicting. Prediction of
various phenomena has been of interest to mankind
ever since humans have inhabited the planet. One pre-
diction of early human beings may have been that the
sun would rise the next day, along with where animals
or other food might appear. These predictions would
be based on observation and experience. Once human
beings began to investigate natural laws, certain predic-
tions like the rising of the sun came to be regarded as
certainties by many scientists. Generally, all predictions
are based on experience but may be formulated with
varying degrees of mathematical rigor that involve dif-
ferent levels of probability or uncertainty. Prediction
may refer to guessing about the past but forecasting is
always used to mean guessing events that may or may
not happen in the future. Forecasting may be qualitative
or quantitative, and events may not occur at all or may
only occur after a very long period of time.
Mathematicians and statisticians have explored
forecasting in a variety of elds, such as trafc ow,
ocean waves, and asset price forecasts. Many mathema-
ticians have contributed to weather forecasting, such
400 Forecasting
Business Forecasting
orecasting is used extensively in business.
Data required for mathematical forecasting
models in business come from a variety of sub-
jective, judgmental, or objective sources, some
of which must be coded or quantied. Some
common problems in business include predict-
ing the following: the number of people who are
interested in or are likely to buy a particular new
product, sometimes called a market survey or
demand forecast; the amount of sales a com-
pany will make during a given scal period, called
sales projection; or consumer satisfaction.
Mathematician John Pauloss book, A Mathema-
tician Plays the Stock Market, addressed the
issue of predicting stock market behavior, widely
regarded as one of the most mathematically
challenging forecasting problems.
His discussion included criticisms of some
mathematical methods of stock market fore-
casting, like Elliott waves. Accountant Ralph
Elliott studied stock market data and inves-
tor psychology. He theorized that the market
moved in probabilistic cycles that could be ana-
lyzed and predicted using Fibonacci numbers,
named for mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci.
Many investors engage in pattern trading based
on Elliott wave methods.
as Johann Werner, James Glaisher, Lewis Richardson,
Vilhelm Bjerknes, and Edward Lorenz. With regard to
business, economics, and marketing, in the eleventh
century, Shen Kua explored price forecasting and the
theory of supply and demand. Statisticians George Box
and Gwilym Jenkins in 1970 published a book on time
series analysis for forecasting. In 2001, George Tiao
won the Samuel Wilks Award of the American Statisti-
cal Association, in part for his work in forecasting, and
in 2003, David Wallace won the same award, in part for
his research on forecasting elections.
Forecasting Models
Forecasting models are created using a wide variety of
analytical and computational methods from mathe-
matics and statistics. In general, the quantication and
reduction of uncertainty are required to make forecast-
ing models accurate enough to help businesses make
sound decisions.
Several issues arise while forecasting, including the
time range of the forecast (the time until which the
forecast may be applicable) and the availability and
reliability of the data. Some traditional data analytic
methods must be modied to account for the serial
correlation common in data resulting from processes
observed repeatedly over time. A large class of mathe-
matical forecasting models involves applying weighted
smoothing methods to t functions or trends to his-
torical data. Smoothing constants and other param-
eters may depend on choices made by the forecaster, so
different models based on exactly the same data might
produce varying forecasts.
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) mod-
els, sometimes called BoxJenkins models because
they are estimated using a methodology developed by
Box and Jenkins, along with integrated moving aver-
age (ARIMA) models, are widely applied to what are
known as observable, nonstationary processes with
serially correlated data. Financial data commonly falls
into this process category. They may also use adaptive
ltering, widely found in other applications such as
signal processing, to remove noise.
Decomposition forecasting models mathematically
separate overall trend, seasonal, and random com-
ponents in data. Scatterplots, simple linear regres-
sion, and curve tting may be useful for explorations
and some modeling. Simulation methods facilitate
dynamic models and exploration of what-if scenar-
ios. The cross-impact matrix method explicitly takes
into account the fact that the occurrence of one event
can impact the likelihood of other events, so probabil-
ities can be assigned to produce an intercorrelational
structure to examine relationships between system
components. Multiple regression is also used to exam-
ine multifactor inuences. In general, the greater the
interdependence of components, the more difcult it
becomes to make a prediction about any single com-
ponent. Decision trees, game theory, and chaos theory
are other mathematical areas that have been used to
explore systems to make forecasts.
Forecasting Validity
Ultimately, forecasts are usually judged by their accu-
racy, often in a subjective manner, and there are many
theories regarding how to measure the utility of fore-
casts. One criterion is to assess whether the forecast dif-
fers from pure randomness. Another is to quantify the
magnitude of error. Decision scientist Spyros Makrida-
kis has stated that in many situations, judgmental fore-
casting by human experts has been shown to be superior
to mathematical models. However, in terms of optimi-
zation, he also noted that forecasting many complex
problems is unfeasible without computer modeling. For
example, simultaneously forecasting inventory levels for
thousands of items for sale at a major retailer or needed
by a manufacturing company is likely beyond the scope
of subjective judgmental forecasting. Computer tech-
nology also allows for the creation of complex decision
algorithms with subsystems and feedback loops.
Stability in the system being modeled is also an
important factor in determining whether model
extrapolation will be valid and reliable for forecasting.
Developmental inertia is the idea that some systems
are less variable and therefore more easily predictable
than others. For example, the rapidly changing fash-
ion industry is a low-inertia or unstable system and
new trends are difcult to predict mathematically.
Decisions also need not be dichotomies but rather
probabilities along multiple paths. Mathematical con-
cepts from decision theory and utility theory, such as
expected value, have also been incorporated into fore-
casting modeling and decisions.
Forecasting Ethics
An ethical consideration raised by forecasting is
whether probabilistic inferences actually create the
Forecasting 401
future, since decisions made today by individuals, busi-
nesses, and policy makers undoubtedly affect actions
taken later. In his 1970 novel Future Shock, sociologist
Alvin Tofer discussed the impact of evolving technol-
ogy on humans and asserted the need for value impact
forecasting, which is the idea that social forecasting
must incorporate cultural and societal values. Math-
ematicians and others continue to study and debate
these theories and problems and to seek ways to quan-
tify psychological and qualitative variables considered
essential by many forecasters.
Further Reading
Chase, Charles. Demand-Driven Forecasting: A Structured
Approach to Forecasting. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.
Hanke, John. Business Forecasting. 9th ed. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2008.
Howe, Leo, and Alan Wain. Predicting the Future. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Morlidge, S., and S. Player. Future Ready: How to Master
Business Forecasting. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
Sreenivasan Ravi
See Also: Data Mining; Ethics; Inventory Models;
Predicting Preferences; Probability; Scheduling.
Forecasting, Weather
See Weather Forecasting
Forest Fires
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: The spread of forest res has been
modeled for decades to guide reghting decisions.
Forest service ofcials have often used controlled
burns to reduce the risk of res spreading by burning
the dry vegetation that builds up on the forest oor.
Predicting the spread of a re, whether a controlled
burn or a wildre burning out of control, is of great
interest in forest management. Mathematical models
take into account various parameters, indices, and
activity levels.
Brief History of Forest Fire Modeling
According to Forest Service (a branch of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture) documents, the rst mathematical
model of the spread of res was developed in 1946 by
W. R. Fons. Fonss model was based on approximating
the spread as a series of ignitions, with the key elements
being ignition time and the distance between particles.
Over the years, re models became more sophisticated,
using increasingly complicated mathematical equa-
tions, as in Richard C. Rothermels 1972 differential and
integral equation model of re spread.
With the development of high-speed computers in
the last quarter of the twentieth century, simulation
models that use large numbers of relatively simple
probabilistic and geometric relationships have become
more common. In these models, forest res are repre-
sented by a grid of trees where a variety of parameters
are set for each tree.
Examples of Forest Fire Models
A very simple simulation of a forest re can be modeled
with a grid of evenly spaced trees and a number cube.
Set a forest dryness factora set of numbers that, when
rolled on a six-sided die, indicate that a tree will catch
re if one of its four neighbors is on re. For example,
a dry forest might be represented by the numbers 1, 2,
3, and 4. In this example, 4/6 or 2/3 of the time, the re
would spread to neighbor trees.
To see how such a simple model works, set the tree
in position (3,2) on re in the grid below and then roll
the number cube for the trees in positions (3,1), (2,2),
(3,3) and (4,2) to see if they will catch re as the origi-
nal tree burns out.
402 Forest Fires
Suppose the number cube rolls are 5, 2, 3, and 2,
respectively; then the re would spread as pictured,
with the tree in position (3, 1) remaining unlit.
To complete the simulation, continue rolling the
number cube to see if the trees adjacent to the three
now on re will burn. As with all models involving
probabilities, it is important to run the simulation a
large number of times and to look at the average or
most common results rather than to rely on one run of
the simulation, such as the forest re simulation screen
shot below:
The simulations in use today to model forest res
are very sophisticated. They include thousands of trees
and hundreds of parameters, such as tree size, distribu-
tion, and dryness; wind speed and direction; humidity
and ambient air temperature; leaf litter buildup; heat-
ing, ignition, and burn time; and the geometry of the
terrain. These parameters contribute to the calculation
of the probability that a tree will catch re when its
neighbors are on re. Computer visualization software
of the early twenty-rst century allows programmers
to build sophisticated user interfaces for these mod-
els in which the spread of the re can be watched on
screen and users can interact with the model, clearing a
rebreak or starting a backre.
Applications of Forest Fire Models
These models can be used to predict how a hypotheti-
cal re might behave or to determine the best interven-
tion in an existing re, provided the parameter values
used in the model accurately reect the real conditions
in the forest. Estimating these parameters poses a chal-
lenge to forestry ofcialsterrain and tree size and
distribution are constant in a given forest at a specic
time but other parameters, such as tree dryness, wind
speed and direction, humidity, and ambient air tem-
perature, vary over time, sometimes signicantly.
Failure to accurately gauge parameters in a model
can lead to disastrous results. In 2000, the National
Park Service developed a re plan for a controlled burn
at the Bandolier National Monument in New Mexico.
Now known as the Cerro Grande re, the wind shifted
and strengthened unpredictably, causing the re to
rage out of control, damaging more than 200 homes
and 48,000 acres of land in and around the town of
Los Alamos.
Agencies and reghters use a wide variety of
National Fire-Danger Rating System (NFDRS) indi-
ces and activity levels to monitor and make decisions
about res. For example, the Occurrence Index pre-
dicts the potential re incidence within a rated area.
Fire behavior researchers, like George Byram, dened
many quantitative measures of re behavior, such
as the denition for re intensity as the rate of heat
energy release per unit time per unit length of re
front, which is dened independently of the depth or
width of the re. The Burning Index (BI) is commonly
used to indicate the amount of effort that is needed to
contain a given re. The BI is calculated based on the
material that is burning and other factors, including
a modication of an equation dened by Byram for
ame length. Some people have criticized agencies for
failure to use historic data in making future predic-
tions of wildre hazards, such as recent burn areas in
which wildre is rarely likely to spread.
Newer mathematical models may improve re
forecasts and replace indices like the BI. Statistician
Frederic Schoenberg collected and analyzed historic
Forest Fires 403
wildre data in order to build statistical models that
clarify relationships such as the apparent linear asso-
ciation between wildre hazard and average tempera-
ture for those that fall below 21 degrees Celsius. While
drought is a demonstrated predictor of res, climatol-
ogy statistician Sam Shen, atmospheric physicist Rob-
ert Field, and earth scientist Guido van der Werf also
linked res in Indonesia with changes in land use and
population density. These types of studies have led to
quips that only mathematics can prevent forest res.
Further Reading
Cohen, Jack, and John Deeming. The National Fire
Danger Rating System: Basic Equations. Berkeley,
CA: Pacic Southwest Forest and Range Experiment
Station, 1985.
Johnson, Edward, and Kiyoko Miyanishi. Forest Fires:
Behavior and Ecological Effects. San Diego, CA:
Academic Press, 2001.
National Science Foundation. NSF Discoveries
Improving Fire Forecasts.
Rothermel, Richard C. A Mathematical Model for
Predicting Fire Spread in Wildland Fuels. Report
from the Intermountain Forest and Range
Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, 1972. http://www.treesearch.fs.fed
Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. Interactivate: Fire!
Holly Hirst
See Also: Earthquakes; Floods; Forecasting.
Fuel Consumption
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Vehicle fuel consumption and efciency
are often mathematically investigated.
Fuel consumption can be dened as the amount of
fuel used for each unit of measurement (usually time
or distance). An often mistaken meaning is fuel econ-
omy, which is the reciprocal of fuel consumption: the
amount of distance or time for each unit of fuel used.
In addition to people in all walks of life using math-
ematics to measure fuel consumption, mathematicians
research fuel optimization.
In one case, Pontryagins Maximum Principle,
named after mathematician Lev Pontryagin, character-
izes optimum values that determine a trajectory, such
as fuel consumption or ight time. On the other hand,
the counterintuitive assertion that greater fuel ef-
ciency often results in increased fuel consumption is
sometimes known as the Jevons Paradox, after econo-
mist and logician William Jevons. Mathematicians are
also involved in research for alternative fuel sources for
vehicles, such as biodiesel and electrical power.
Fuel consumption is calculated for various reasons,
including budgeting and maintenance. If a business
that uses fuel knows the average amount of time or
average distance traveled by its machines and the fuel
consumption for each unit, it can calculate the approx-
imate amount of money needed for purchasing fuel
over the next scal period. Tracking fuel consumption
on a regular basis can indicate a potential breakdown
of internal engine parts before the issue becomes a
major repair or hazardous situation.
Calculating Fuel Consumption
Calculating fuel consumption is a fairly simple pro-
cess if you have a way to measure both the time or dis-
tance the machine was used and the amount of fuel
used to refuel the machine. For example, machines
that are designed for travel, like cars, trucks, vans,
or tractor-trailers contain an odometer to record the
number of miles or kilometers traveled. Many even
have a trip odometer that can be reset after refueling.
To calculate fuel consumption, start by having the
vehicle completely lled with fuel and the odometer
reading recorded or reset.
After using the vehicle, ll its tank with fuel and
measure the amount of fuel that has been added. The
assumption here is that the amount of fuel added to
bring the tank back to its full position would approxi-
mate the amount of fuel used since the last time the
vehicle was fueled. At the same time that the vehicle
is refueled, also record the odometer. A trip odometer
indicates the exact distance traveled since the last ll-
up (the distance traveled since it was last reset). If not
404 Fuel Consumption
using a trip odometer, take the current total distance
traveled and subtract the previous reading taken at the
last ll-up.
Now that the distance and amount of fuel has been
measured, calculating fuel consumption is the simple
division problem C = F D, where C is the fuel con-
sumption, F is the amount of fuel used, and D is the
distance traveled.
For example, a vehicle that traveled 400 miles
on 20 gallons of fuel has a fuel consumption of
20 400 = 0.05 gallons per mile, meaning that ve-
hundredths of a gallon (6.4 uid ounces) of fuel was
used to travel each mile. In Europe, Australia, and other
countries (like Canada and China) fuel consumption is
calculated in liters per 100 kilometers traveled.
A vehicle that traveled 600 kilometers on 75
liters of fuel would have a fuel consumption of
75 600 = 0.125 liters per kilometer. To get liters per
100 kilometers, multiply the result by 100 to get 12.5
liters per 100 kilometers. When looking at fuel con-
sumption, a lower number is better than a higher
number, meaning you use less fuel to achieve the
same distance.
Some countries use fuel economy; for example, the
United States uses miles per gallon and Japan uses kilo-
meters per liter. The formula for fuel economy (E) is
E = D F.
In the above examples, 400 20 = 20
miles per gal-
lon (mpg), and 600 75 = 8 kilometers per liter. For
fuel economy, a larger number is desired, meaning a
greater distance can be traveled using the same amount
of fuel.
Not all machines were designed to travel, such
as forklifts and construction equipment. Generally,
these machines do not measure the distance they
have traveled but rather the number of hours the
machine has been in use. Many of these machines
have an hour meter that measures the time the
machine operates. For example, if a forklift uses 5
gallons of fuel over an 8-hour shift, fuel consump-
tion is found by the formula C = F T where T is
the time the machine is in use. In the above example,
5 8 = 0.625 gallons per hour.
Further Reading
OHayre, Ryan, Suk-Won Cha, Whitney Colella, and
Fritz B. Prinz. Fuel Cell Fundamentals. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2009.
Ross, Michael. A Primer on Pontryagins Principle
in Optimal Control. Carmel, CA: Collegiate
Publishers, 2009.
U.S. Department of Energy. Save Money. http://www
Woodsie, Christine. Energy Independence: Your Everyday
Guide to Reducing Fuel Consumption. Guilford, CT:
Lyons Press, 2009.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Auto Racing; Energy; Measurements, Length.
Function Rate
of Change
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus;
Communication; Connections.
Summary: The rate of change of a function is a key
focus of differential calculus.
Though calculus has a reputation for impenetrabil-
ity compared to algebra and geometry, one of its two
main branches, differential calculus, is concerned with
derivatives, or rates of change. Rate of change is intui-
tively understood: the stock market is falling, but how
fast? The rolling ball is slowing down, but when will it
stop? A derivative is the rate of change of a mathemati-
cal function, discovered through a process called dif-
History and Language of the
Study of the Rate of Change
The ancient Greeks wrestled with the concept of
change. Parmenides of Elea asserted that change is
impossible, while Heraclitus of Ephesus believed that
everything changes and nothing remains still. Aris-
totle accepted some forms of change but he denied
a change of change related to motion. Historians
have commented that a lack of recognition of a rate of
change of a velocity was the major stumbling block to
the development of calculus by Archimedes of Syra-
cuse almost 2000 years before Sir Isaac Newton.
Function Rate of Change 405
The language that describes changing quantities can
still be confusing. A politician announces that a pro-
posed spending bill will cut the decit because it will
lower the rate at which the decit is growing. Geolo-
gists announce that global oil production continues
to increase and that the rate at which production is
growing is decreasing. Does this mean that the rate
of global oil production itself may soon also decrease?
Reecting on a particular twenty-rst century reces-
sion, economists shared that the rate at which jobs
are being lost is decreasing. Are these announcements
good news or bad news?
Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change
In order to understand these statements, several key
ideas about functions must be investigated; in par-
ticular, it is important to know what it means to say
that a function is increasing or decreasing, as well
as whether a functions rate of change is increasing or
decreasing. A familiar physical situation is helpful to
consider. Let a ball be tossed into the air and follow its
height above the ground at time t.
In the late 1600s, Sir Isaac Newton correctly con-
jectured that the balls height can be modeled by a
certain quadratic function. Consider the function
y h t t t = = + + ( ) 16 32 4
, where h is measured
in feet and t is measured in seconds, and observe its
graph below. The goal is to study how the function
changes as time moves forward and, hence, to under-
stand what is meant formally by the rate of change of
the function.
From our understanding of quadratic functions, we
can observe that at time t = 0, when the ball is tossed, its
height is h 0 4 ( ) = feet. The ball lands when its height
is h = 0, which occurs for the positive value of t that
satises + + = 16 32 4 0
t t ; the quadratic formula
indicates that the positive t that satises this equation
is t = + 1 5 2 2 118 / . seconds.
Finally, since the vertex of the parabola occurs at
t = = 32 2 16 1 /( ( )) , it follows that the maximum
height the ball reaches is h( ) 1 16 1 32 1 4 20
= + + =
feet. Clearly the ball is going up on the interval from
t = 0 until t = 1, and the ball is going down thereafter.
Perhaps a more interesting question is how is the ball
going up and going down? Or, how fast is the ball
rising or falling at a particular moment? For instance,
consider the interval [
, 1].
On that interval, the ball rose 4 feet, since
h h 1 1 2 20 16 4 ( ) ( ) = = . In addition, half a second
of time elapsed. This knowledge shows that the func-
tions average rate of change on the time interval
, 1]is
h h 1
20 16
4 8
( ) ( )
= =
feet per second.
The units on this quantity are important: the
numerator is measured in feet, while the denominator
is in seconds, so the overall units are feet per second,
reecting the rate of change of height with respect to
time. The algebraic form of the average velocity on the
time interval [a, b],
h b h a
b a
( ) ( )
= = feet per second,
while on the interval [ , ]
1 , the average rate of change
h h ( ) ( ) 1
20 16
4 8
= = feet per second.
These quantities conrm numerically what we can
see visually from the graph: the ball is rising faster dur-
ing the rst half-second than it is during the second half-
second. What happens in the subsequent half-second?
Similar computations, shows that on the time inter-
val [ , ] 1
, the average rate of change is
h h ( ) ( )
16 20
4 8
= = feet per second.
Here, for the rst time, a negative average rate of
change is encountered; the minus sign is extremely
important, as it is the numerical indicator that the ball
is falling. From the symmetry of the parabola, one can
expect (and can calculate to check) that on [ , ]
2 , the
average rate of change of h is 24 feet per second. This
result accurately reects that the ball is falling faster,
since its average rate of change is more negative than
on the preceding interval.
It is next natural to seek to understand the differ-
ence between the balls average rate of change on a
time interval and its instantaneous rate of change at
a single value of t. By taking average rates of change
on smaller and smaller time intervals, one encounters
a remarkable phenomenon. For instance, consider the
average rates of change on [0.5, 1], [0.5, 0.6], [0.5, 0.51],
and [0.5, 0.501]. The average rate is 8 feet per second
on the rst interval; on the next interval, the functions
average rate of change is
h h ( . ) ( . )
. .
0 6 0 5
0 6 0 5
17 44 16
0 1
14 4
= feet per second.
On [0.5,0.51], similar computations reveal that the
average rate of change is 15.84 feet per second, while
on the nal interval, [0.5, 0.501], the rate is 15.984.
Here, despite the fact that one is dividing by num-
bers that are getting closer and closer to zero (0.5, 0.1,
0.01, 0.001), it can be seen that the resulting quanti-
ties themselves seem to be settling down, nearer and
nearer a single number. Calculus is the mathematics
that allows these ideas to be made precise. The notion
of limits and other key related ideas allow mathema-
ticians to move from the notion of average rate of
change to instantaneous rate of change and indeed
the instantaneous rate of change of the balls height
with respect to time at the time t = 0.5 is 16 feet per
second. By considering the corresponding line seg-
ments that pass through two points on the curve, the
so-called secant lines actually approach a single line
that is tangent to the curve at the point (0.5, 16), as
pictured in the graph as point B. The red line touches
the curve only at (0.5, 16), has slope 16, and represents
the instantaneous rate of change of the balls height
with respect to time at the moment t = 0.5.
The Beginnings of Calculus
This idea of moving from average rates of change to
instantaneous ones is the starting point for the entire
subject of differential calculus. Abu Arrayhan Muham-
mad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni investigated instantaneous
velocity and acceleration approximately 1000 years ago,
and Isaac Barrow may have been the rst to draw tan-
gents to curves in 1670. The development of calculus
led to a rich collection of concepts centered on the idea
of a rate of change, many of which were introduced
by Isaac Newton in his attempts to develop a universal
theory of gravitation. For instance, Newton attempted
to avoid the use of the innitesimal by forming calcu-
lations based on ratios of changes and he determined
the area under a curve by extrapolating the rate of
change. In fact, Newtons second law states that the rate
of change of momentum of a body is equal to the force
acting on the body in the same direction. Gottfried
Leibniz also investigated concepts related to rate of
Function Rate of Change 407
change. He explored maxima, minima, and tangents in
1684, but mathematicians had difculty understand-
ing his six-page work.
Other notions of rate of change are also important
in mathematics and in real-life applications. For exam-
ple, in 1847, Jean Frdric Frenet assigned a frame of
vectors to each point on a curve and described the
twists and turns of the curve by the rate of change of
the frame. Joseph Alfred Serret independently consid-
ered similar ideas in 1851. The FrenetSerret frame
continues to be useful in the early twenty-rst cen-
tury when it is impossible to assign a natural coordi-
nate system.
Many real-life problems, such as population growth,
can be expressed and modeled as an equation involv-
ing a quantity and its rate of change. All of these ideas
rest in some way on the fundamental concept of slope,
which is investigated beginning in the middle grades,
while the notion of rate of change is rst developed
in high school. Other methods to solve these types of
problems are studied in the eld of differential equa-
tions, which is usually introduced in college.
Applications of Rates of Change
Returning to two of the original questions about the
meaning of certain statements and whether they are
good news or bad news: a proposed spending bill will
cut the decit because it will lower the rate at which
the decit is growing. This is not great news, since the
decit is still growing, but a decit growing at a decreas-
ing rate is better than one growing at an increasing rate.
It would be much better to hear that the budget decit
itself was decreasing. Next, the information that the
rate at which oil production is growing is decreasing
may likely mean that the rate of oil production could
be leveling off and soon start to decreasethe concept
of peak oil (when the rate of daily global oil produc-
tion reaches its maximum)and many analysts believe
humans have just passed this peak and that the rate of
oil production will only continue to fall from here.
With the Earths human population growing at a
present rate of 83 million people per year, as well as
so many other changing quantities, collective efforts
to understand resource allocation and management
require sound understanding of rates of change and
trends in data. Calculus and its language of change are
a key tool in building a sustainable future for humanity
and the planet.
Further Reading
Cohen, David, and James Henle. Calculus: The Language
of Change, Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2005.
Connally, Eric, et al. Functions Modeling Change: A
Preparation for Calculus. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley 2007.
Dunham, William. The Calculus Gallery. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2005.
Strogatz, Steven. Change We Can Believe In.
New York Times (April 11, 2010). http://opinionator
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education; Climate
Change; Functions; Linear Concepts; National Debt;
Water Distribution.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Summary: There are many different types of
functions that arose in a variety of historical contexts.
A mathematical function expresses the idea that one
quantity can be completely determined by another
quantity. As such, a function is a well-dened rule
between two sets, A and B, where each element x of
A is assigned to one element y of B. The careful study
of the implications and applications of this denition
comprises much of mathematics. Functions are ubiq-
uitous throughout nearly all elds of mathematics and
their importance cannot be overstated. Since a func-
tion expresses a relationship between an independent
variable and a dependent variable, many real-world
phenomena are modeled using functions. Functional
correspondence between variables can be expressed
verbally, algebraically, or graphically. Although the for-
mal denition of a function is a relatively recent devel-
opment, this concept has been implicit since the begin-
ning of mathematics.
408 Functions
Examples of Functions
Functions can be classied in various ways and many of
these specic classes of functions are the bases of entire
elds of study within mathematics. Below are a few
examples to illustrate some areas encompassed by the
denition of a function. The algebraic equation y = x
expresses y as a function of x. No matter what value has
been chosen for x, only one y value will be produced.
The expression y = x does not represent y as a
function of x. If x = 1 is entered into the equation, then
two y values are obtained, y = 1 and y = 1.
The expression y x = ( ) cos is a trigonometric func-
tion. For any given angle expressed in radian measure,
the cosine function uses a rule from trigonometry to
produce a real number from 1 to 1.
An example of an exponential function is given by
the formula y = 2
. For instance, when x = 2, y = 4. Expo-
nential functions are useful for situations in which the
rate of growth of a population is directly proportional to
the size of the population, such as modeling the growth
of bacteria or the decay of a radioactive sample.
A piecewise function is dened by different formulas
for different values of x that are entered into the func-
tion. The Heaviside function is an example of a piece-
wise function: y = 1 for x 0, and y = 0 for x < 0.
If one assigns on to 1 and off to 0, this function
models the behavior of turning on a switch at x = 0 and
leaving it on. It is also used in the study of electric cir-
cuits to indicate the surge of an electric current.
A barcode scanner at a supermarket can be thought
of as a function. After a particular barcode is scanned,
only one price will be displayed.
A computer program that obtains the ve-digit zip
code for an address acts as a function because every
address in the United States has only one zip code
assigned to it.
Equivalent Formulations
A helpful way to think about a function is as a machine
that produces exactly one output y for each input x.
This machine could simply be a description or a list
of the pairings between x and y. Although this may be
easier conceptually, in practice it is unfeasible to list all
of the pairings when there is a large number (or even
an innite number) of x values. When one considers
an innite number or a large number of x values, it
is more advantageous to have a mathematical formula
that precisely relates x and y.
Graphs of Functions
Another way to represent a function is by using a graph.
One begins with a set of x values from any subset of
the real number line and a function. The function then
species a y value for each x. This results in a collection
of pairings (x, y). Each of these pairs denotes a point,
which is plotted on the xy-plane in the two-dimensional
Cartesian coordinate system. The collection of all points
produced by this process is the graph of the function.
By virtue of the denition of a function, every x
value on the graph is paired with, at most, one y value.
Thus, any vertical line that is drawn will cross the
graph of the function at most one time. This is known
as the vertical line test: a curve in the xy-plane is the
graph of a function ifand only ifno vertical line
crosses the curve more than once. As a consequence of
the vertical line test, given a curve, it is relatively easy
to determine if it is the graph of a function. All non-
vertical straight lines are graphs of functions. Circles
are not graphs of functions.
The notion of a function has been implicit through-
out the history of mathematics. Addition is the most
fundamental arithmetical operation and, although it
was not initially formulated as such, it is a function
of two variables. The pair of numbers to be added is
the input and the resulting sum is the output of the
addition function. Ancient cultures, such as the Baby-
lonians, developed extensive tables of mathematical
calculations of the reciprocals and square roots of
positive whole numbers. These calculations involve
specic functions but were not formulated using the
function concept.
In the fourteenth century, Nicole Oresme had a
rudimentary grasp of the idea that one changing quan-
tity can be dependent upon another. He depicted this
relationship graphically using a method he called the
latitude of forms. This depiction was the rst known
attempt of the graphical representation of a function.
Throughout the Middle Ages, the latitude of forms
continued to be studied; however, further development
of the function concept was hampered by the absence
of a suitable algebraic framework.
The formal study of functions began in the late
seventeenth century with the discovery of calculus.
Although in 1692, Gottfried Leibniz rst introduced
the word function in association with the tangent
Functions 409
problem in calculus, its rst denition did not emerge
until 1718 with Johann Bernoulli. The primary repre-
sentation of a function at that time was from curves
that were connected to physical problems.
As the eighteenth century unfolded, algebraic equa-
tions were increasingly being used to represent two-
dimensional curves. As a result, the emphasis and focus
of the function concept evolved from a graphical setting
to that of algebra. This shift was evident in Leonhard
Eulers 1748 treatise on functions, Introductio in ana-
lysin innitorium. Eulers denition of a function was
that of an analytic expression or an algebraic formula
that could contain any combination, the ve arithme-
tic operations: exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric
ratios, derivatives, and integrals. Eulers emphasis on
the algebraic formulation of functions was evident, as
the rst volume of the Introductio contains no graphs.
The middle of the eighteenth century saw a devel-
opment of the function concept when a controversy
arose over the solution to the Vibrating String Prob-
lem. Given an elastic string with xed endpoints and
deformed into an initial shape, the string was released
and began to vibrate. The problem was to determine
a function that would describe the shape of the string
at any future time. In 1747, Jean Le Rond dAlembert
produced a solution in the form of an algebraic equa-
tion. A year later, Euler veried that this solution was
correct but he disagreed that it was the most general. He
claimed that dAlembert had neglected several initial
shapes of the string that could be drawn freehand and
for which there were no algebraic expressions. Euler also
pointed out that other initial shapes could be obtained
by piecing together simpler curves. This critique led to
the acceptance of functions produced from freehand
drawing for which there may not be any algebraic for-
mula and piecewise dened functions.
Another solution to the Vibrating String Problem
further complicated matters. In 1753, Daniel Ber-
noulli solved the problem differently than Euler and
dAlembert and arrived at a seeming contradiction:
different mathematical expressions dened the same
function. The controversy was not resolved at the time;
it remained for Joseph Fourier to expand upon Ber-
noullis idea. Fouriers solution to the Heat Conduc-
tion Problem in 1807 resulted in a revolution of the
understanding of a function. Fourier demonstrated
that a function could be expressed as an innite series
of sine and cosine functions, now known as a Fourier
series. These series demonstrated that two different
expressions could dene the same function. Follow-
ing the development of Fourier series, the connection
between the geometric and algebraic forms of a func-
tion was further solidied. Furthermore, ideas from
calculus were reexamined in a new light.
In 1837, Lejeune Dirichlet suggested a denition of
function that was closely related to the modern de-
nition. Dirichlet emphasized that a function provides
a relationship between two variables but allowed for
freedom in describing the rule that describes how x
and y are related. To show how pathological a function
can become, Dirichlet introduced the function y = c for
x an irrational number, and y = d c for x a rational
This badly behaved function cannot be sketched
and there is no algebraic equation dening it.
Since the nineteenth century, it was a natural evolu-
tion to recast Dirichlets denition by using set theory.
The modern denition for a function now provides a
correspondence between two sets, which may or may not
be numerical; for example, functions between algebraic
structures like groups or geometric objects like surfaces.
Further Reading
Boyer, Carl B. A History of Mathematics. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1985.
Kleiner, Israel. The Evolution of the Function Concept:
A Brief Survey. College Mathematical Journal 20, no.
4 (1989).
Stewart, James. Calculus: Early Transcendental. 6th ed.
Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2008.
Courtney K. Taylor
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education; Function
Rate of Change; Functions, Recursive; Limits and
Continuity; Number and Operations.
Functions, Recursive
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
410 Functions, Recursive
Summary: Recursive functions describe the output
value of a function in terms of other output values of
the function.
Recursive functions, by iterating certain dened pro-
cedures, can provide a succinct way of describing a
multistep algorithm or calculating an intricately
dened number. Long used in mathematical problem
solving, recursive functions became indispensable
with the advent of computer programming, as they
provide a method of concisely encoding repetitive
Many mathematicians explored ideas related to
recursive functions, including nineteenth-century
mathematicians Richard Dedekind and Giuseppe
Peano. In the early and middle part of the twentieth
century, the development of recursion theory is tied to
questions about computability and the foundations of
Alan Turing and Kurt Gdel preferred the term
computable over recursive but the latter terminol-
ogy has been common since the 1930s. Mathematician
Rosza Peter is noted as a founding mother of recursion
theory who, along with other researchers like Alonzo
Church, Gdel, Jacques Herbrand, Stephen Keene,
Andrey Markov, Emil Post, and Turing, developed the
area. In the twenty-rst century, high school students
explore recursive functions in mathematics classes, and
college students apply ideas from a related topic, the
principle of mathematical induction, in proofs.
What Is a Recursive Function?
Recursive functions describe the output value of the
function in terms of other output values of the func-
tion, usually for smaller input values. In this case, to
avoid an innite recursion loop, one must explicitly
specify at least one specic output value. For instance,
one could say that the value of a certain function at
some counting number is equal to that input value
multiplied by the value of the function at the next
smaller input valuealgebraically,
f n n f n ( ) = ( ) 1 .
Then one would need to dene a specic value of the
function. Say, at 0, the function is equal to 1; that is,
f 0 1 ( ) = . This specication effectively denes the value
of f at each whole number, although it may require a
few steps to get there. For example, if one wanted to
determine f f 3 3 2 ( ) = ( ) , one would rst see that
f f 3 3 2 ( ) = ( ).
However, f f 2 2 1 ( ) = ( ) , and f f 1 1 0 1 ( ) = ( ) = .
So, working backwards, f 1 1 ( ) = , f 2 2 ( ) = , and
f 3 6 ( ) = . This example, known as the factorial func-
tion, plays a key role in combinatorics and probability,
where f (n) is written n! and equals the number of ways
to arrange n objects in an ordered list.
Early Uses of Recursion
Dating from ancient Egypt (c. 1650 b.c.e.), Problem 79
of the Rhind (or Ahmes) Papyrus describes an estate
containing 7 houses, 49 cats, 343 mice, 2401 heads of
wheat, and 16,807 hekat measures (of grain) and gives
the total of all these numbers as 19,607. The list contains
powers of the number 7. In 1907, Moritz Cantor inter-
preted this list as a possible precursor of a modern nurs-
ery rhyme. He proposed: an estate has 7 houses; each
house has 7 cats; each cat can catch 7 mice; each mouse
eats 7 heads of wheat; and each head of wheat produces
7 hekats of grain. What is the total of these numbers? Or,
for a different question, because of all the mouse-eating
cats in all the houses, how many hekats of grain were
saved on the estate? This calls to mind the familiar As I
was going to St. Ives nursery rhyme, with its nal ques-
tion, . . . kits, cats, sacks, wives, / How many were going
to St. Ives? [The answer is one.]
The Rhind Papyrus problem can be posed as a simple
recursive function via iteration in which the output of a
function is used as the same functions next input value
and this process is repeated a preordained number of
times. In this case, one could use the function that mul-
tiplies the input value by 7: f x x ( ) = 7 . To obtain the
number of houses, input the number of estates into the
function, obtaining f 1 7 ( ) = . Then, to determine the
number of cats, input the number of houses into the
function: f 7 49 ( ) = .
Thinking recursively, this is calculating f f 1 ( ) ( ).
The number of mice is then
f f f f f f 1 7 49 343 ( ) ( ) ( ) = ( ) ( ) = ( ) = , and so on.
Simply put, to obtain the next term in the sequence,
perform the function on the previous term.
Functions, Recursive 411
A similar problem appeared in Leonardo Fibonac-
cis 1202 work, Liber Abaci. In the same work, he also
posed another famous problem to determine how
many pairs of rabbits there would be at the end of 12
months, starting with one mature breeding pair and
assuming that each mature pair breeds one pair of off-
spring each month and that the new offspring must
wait one month until they become a mature breed-
ing pair. The sequence of the total numbers of pairs of
rabbits in each month proceeds 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . .
Fibonacci noted that the number of rabbit pairs, from
the third month on, is equal to the sum of the number
of pairs in each of the two previous months. Today,
this sequence is called the Fibonacci sequence and its
entries are called Fibonacci numbers.
Often, the Fibonacci sequence is dened as a recur-
sive function, this time with two starting values: f 1 1 ( ) =
and f 2 1 ( ) = . Then, the Fibonacci sequence is
f n f n f n ( ) = ( ) + ( ) 1 2
for all positive integer values of n greater than 2. The
Fibonacci sequence has appeared in botany, speci-
cally in phyllotaxis, the method of leaf formation. The
number of spirals in a sunower head, a pineapple, or
a pinecone are often Fibonacci numbers.
Recursion in Computer Programming
Recursive functions play a key role in computer pro-
gramming, as they allow the programmer to encode
a possibly lengthy algorithm in a relatively short
number of steps. For instance, to calculate the facto-
rial function mentioned above using a computer, the
non-recursive approach could be to store several
values of the function in memory and return those
values when needed.
This approach could take an unlimited amount of
memory, because each value of the function would
require its own memory space. The recursive approach
is simplerthe factorial of a number can be encoded
in two statements, thus allowing the computer to cal-
culate the factorial function for any positive integer
efciently. Some sample pseudocode follows:
Function Factorial(input):
If input = 0, then Factorial(0) = 1;
Else, Factorial(n) = n Factorial(n 1);
End Factorial.
Some computer games require players to demonstrate
recursive programming skills. For example, Robozzle
asks the player to program a spaceship to collect all the
stars on the screen but to do so with a limited number
of commands. The Tower of Hanoi puzzle, marketed
by French mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883, is
often used as an example of recursion in classrooms.
Often, recursion is necessary to complete the task. For
instance, to move the rocket ship forward indenitely
using recursion, one could simply enter a command to
move the ship forward and a command to go back to
the beginning of the program, which would then move
the ship forward and then go back to the beginning of
the program again and again. It is often surprising to
see the intricate patterns that can be programmed rela-
tively succinctly using recursive functions.
Further Reading
Hayashi, Elmer. Fibonacci Numbers, Recursion,
Complexity, and Induction Proofs. College
Mathematics Journal 23, no. 5 (1992).
Lannin, John. Developing Mathematical Power by
Using Explicit and Recursive Reasoning. Mathematics
Teacher 98, no. 4 (2004).
Morris, Edie, and Leon Harkleroad. Rzsa Pter:
Recursive Function Theorys Founding Mother.
Mathematical Intelligencer 12, no. 1 (1990).
Smith, Robert T., and Roland B. Minton. Calculus: Early
Transcendental Functions. New York: McGraw-Hill
Science, 2006.
Soare, Robert. Computability and Recursion. Bulletin
of Symbolic Logic 2 (1996). http://www.people.cs
Christopher Goff
See Also: Egyptian Mathematics; Functions; Middle
Ages; Sacred Geometry; Social Networks.
412 Functions, Recursive
Game Theory
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Game theory models various real-world
and hypothetical situations as games, the play and
strategy of which can be analyzed mathematically.
Game theory is the branch of mathematics dedicated
to analyzing strategic behavior in different situations.
It attempts to describe situations in which several peo-
ple or entities must make choices even when the out-
comes of their decisions rely on the choices made by
others. While game theory can be used to address situ-
ations typically thought of as games, such as checkers
and poker, it can also be used to study situations that
are extremely practical and important, such as strate-
gies to use in military operations or auctions and the
evolution of species. As with many areas of mathemati-
cal modeling, approaching a problem in game theory
rst typically involves quantifying the objectives and
options in terms of algebraic equations and then nd-
ing the choice that gives the highest possibility of maxi-
mal success.
History of Game Theory
People have studied games and strategies for centu-
ries, but game theory came into its own as a branch of
applied mathematics when John von Neumann proved
what is known as the minimax theorem in 1928. This
theorem considers games played between two players
in which each player chooses one of a nite number of
options, anddepending on the choice made by each
playerone of the players gives a certain amount of
money to the other player. This is commonly referred
to as a zero-sum game, as the losses incurred by one
player exactly equal the gains won by the other player.
Von Neumann was able to prove that there is a unique
strategy that will maximize a players winnings (or
minimize losings), and one can nd this strategy by
considering the worst-case outcomes of each of the
players choices and choosing the best-possible, worst-
possible outcome. In particular, one would typically
like to choose an option that leaves the player indif-
ferent to the choice made by his or her opponent. This
work was later expanded by von Neumann and Oskar
Morgenstern in their book Theory of Games and Eco-
nomic Behavior, which introduced game theory as a
valuable tool for economists.
An example of the type of strategy that von Neumann
wrote about comes up when playing the childrens
game of rock-paper-scissors. In this game, each of two
players chooses one of three possible options (rock,
paper, or scissors), anddepending on the choice
made by each playerone of the two is declared the
winner. In particular, rock beats scissors, scissors beats
paper, and paper beats rock. If the two players make
the same choice, the game is declared a tie. No mat-
ter which choice an opponent makes, one of a players
three options will result in a win, one will result in a
loss, and one will result in a tie. Therefore, if the player
does not have any inside knowledge of what the oppo-
nent will choose, the player will do best by choosing
one of the three options at random, each with a prob-
ability of one-third.
The Prisoners Dilemma
The most famous problem in game theory is the Pris-
oners Dilemma. The Prisoners Dilemma is a non-zero-
sum game in which there are two participants, each
choosing one of two possible outcomes. It is most often
described by the following type of story: two criminals,
Alice and Bob, are arrested after committing a crime.
The police isolate the two prisoners and interrogate
them separately. Each criminal must choose whether to
confess or to deny the crime, without communicating
with the other prisoner. If both confess, they will each
get three years in jail. If both deny the crime, there will
not be enough evidence to convict them of the felony,
but both will get one year in jail. If Alice confesses and
Bob denies the crime, then Alice will go free and Bob
will go to jail for ve years, but if Bob confesses and
Alice denies the crime, then Bob will go free and Alice
will go to jail for ve years. One can see that no matter
what Alice chooses to do, Bob will be better off confess-
ing and no matter what Bob chooses to do, Alice will
be better off confessing. Because they cannot commu-
nicate, one is led to suspect that they will both end up
confessing, even though they would both be better off
if they both chose to deny the crime. This situations
key principle is how much the criminals trust their
partner to deny the crime, rather than do what is in
their own self-interest. While this story may seem con-
trived, it turns out to have many applications in areas
such as economics, biology, and political science.
Applications of Game Theory
Much of the research on the Prisoners Dilemma, as
well as other areas of game theory, has taken place at
the RAND Institute, a nonprot think tank originally
set up by the United States Army and the Douglas Air-
craft Company with a mission to help improve policy
making through research and analysis. Along with
then defense secretary Robert McNamara, they devel-
oped the game theoretic concept of mutually assured
destruction (MAD), which leads to a military doctrine
of nuclear deterrence. The idea is that if one country
launches a nuclear attack on another, then the conict
quickly escalates until the whole planet is destroyed,
and, therefore, such an attack will never take place. This
concept has been critiqued by many scholars, but is still
an inuence on foreign relations today.
414 Game Theory
ohn Forbes Nash, Jr., is a mathematician who
worked extensively in game theory, in addi-
tion to work in algebraic geometry and topology.
His best-known work involved nding solutions
to games that are not zero-sum games so that
players can collectively get better outcomes if
they work together than they will get if they work
against one another. Nash was born in Blueeld,
West Virginia, in 1928 and received his under-
graduate degree from Carnegie Mellon University.
His dissertation, completed in 1950 at Princeton
University, dened the concept that has become
known as Nash Equilibria, which are pairs of
choices that two players can make in which nei-
ther player is tempted to change their choice. His
theory was that most games will eventually work
their way to such a situation if they are played
This work, along with subsequent work in
this area, led to Nashs being awarded the Nobel
Prize for Economics in 1994. In addition to being
a mathematician, Nash was a schizophrenic and
has spent much of his life dealing with treatments
for paranoid schizophrenia, including several pro-
longed stays in mental hospitals. His life story is
the subject of the book and lm A Beautiful Mind.
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Poundstone, William. Prisoners Dilemma: John von
Neumann, Game Theory and the Puzzle of the Bomb.
New York: Anchor, 1992.
Darren Glass
See Also: Baseball; Basketball; Board Games; Cold
War; Tic-Tac-Toe; Voting Methods.
See Board Games; Video Games.
Gareld, Richard
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Mathematician Richard Gareld applied
his understanding of combinatorics to create
Magic: The Gathering, the game responsible for the
collectible card game craze.
Richard Gareld was born on June 26, 1963, and is a
mathematician and an inventor of card and board
games. He holds a B.S. degree in computer mathemat-
ics and a Ph.D. in combinatorial mathematics and has
worked as a professor at Whitman College. Gareld is
probably best known for creating Magic: The Gather-
ing, the rst widely popular collectible card game, but
he has also designed board games and many other card
gamescollectible or not.
It should not be surprising that a mathematical
background would be useful in designing games. The
connections between mathematics and music, archi-
tecture, dance, and other forms of art is somewhat
well understood. The role of mathematics in the art
of game design is at least as direct. The aesthetics of
a game come from the dynamics and combinatorial
interaction of its rules and various components. This
principle is especially true of so-called collectible card
games, such as Magic: The Gathering, in which each
players creativity in designing his or her own deck is
While most games in the real world deal with situ-
ations in which the players do not have full informa-
tion or in which there is an element of chance, there
is also a strong mathematical study of perfect infor-
mation games such as checkers and Go. One famous
example of such a game is Nim, a game played between
two players starting with a number of objects in differ-
ent piles. On each players turn, they can remove any
number of objects from a single pile. The players alter-
nate turns, and the player to remove the nal object
loses. This game has been extensively studied and writ-
ten about by game theorists, such as Elwyn Berlekamp
and John H. Conway. It turns out that one of the two
players is guaranteed to have a winning strategy, but
which player it is depends on the number of piles and
the number of objects.
Further Reading
Berlekamp, Elwyn, John H. Conway, and Richard Guy.
Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays. 2nd ed.
Natick, MA: A K Peters, Ltd., 2001.
Nash, John. Equilibrium Points in N-Person Games.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 36, no. 1 (1950).
von Neumann, John, and Oskar Morgenstern. Theory of
Games and Economic Behavior. 4th ed. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2007.
Gareld, Richard 415
A Game of Pistols
hree people have decided to settle a con-
ict by ring at each other with pistols. Mr.
Pink has a one-third chance of succeeding and
killing his opponent, while Mr. Blue has a two-
thirds chance, and Mr. Orange is guaranteed to
succeed. To even this score, the men will take
turns with Mr. Pink taking rst shot, followed by
Mr. Blue, and then Mr. Orange. A natural ques-
tion in this situation is whether Mr. Pink should
shoot at Mr. Blue or Mr. Orange rst. It turns
out that the answer is neither. Using game the-
ory, one can show that Mr. Pink has a better
chance of surviving if he shoots into the air and
intentionally misses both of the other players.
part of the game. The rules and the library of cards
must have sufcient exibility to accommodate a large
variety of strategies and styles (keeping play interest-
ing and dynamic), but sufcient control to prevent a
single overpowered card or combination of cards from
breaking the game.
Collectible Card Games
In a collectible card game, such as Magic: The Gath-
ering, players buy packages containing random cards
from a large universe of possible cards. Some cards are
much more rare and others much more common. Play-
ers organize their cards into decks according to certain
guidelines and play casually against friends or com-
petitively at ofcial tournaments. In order to keep the
game dynamic, the universe of cards periodically grows
as expansions are released and older cards are retired.
Expansions are still developed today, though Garelds
direct involvement is limited and intermittent.
Much has been written about the mathematics that
underlies the gameplay of Magic: The Gathering. Many
relevant mathematical ideas come from combinatorics
and probability, and a recurring theme is trade-offs.
Including many copies of a card increases the chances
of drawing it at a crucial time, but at the expense of
having a smaller variety of different cards to deal with
unexpected situations. An important game mechanic
in Magic is that cards come in ve different colors.
Different-colored cards tend to have different types of
effects and require different energy in order to func-
tion. Multicolored decks can be much more exible,
but at the expense of being much more likely not to
have the energy you need at a key moment.
Richard Gareld created several other collectible
card games, including Vampire: The Eternal Struggle,
Netrunner, BattleTech CCG, and the Star Wars Trading
Card Game. Though these have enjoyed some success
and favorable opinions from critics, none can boast
416 Gareld, Richard
Players at the 2009 Magic: The Gathering World Championships. Most countries sends their top four players to
the tournament, though nations with smaller Magic-playing communities may send just one player.
the mainstream attention that Magic: The Gather-
ing received. In Richard Garelds most famous board
game, Robo Rally, players navigate robots around an
obstacle course. Players construct programs for their
robot out of instruction cards like turn left and
forward two spaces, then all robots simultaneously
attempt to execute their instructions. If a player has
miscalculated, or if multiple robots attempt to use the
same paths at the same time, the results can be unex-
pected. This is a challenging game, requiring players
to develop skills in game theory, logic, sequential and
spatial reasoning, and the basic concepts of computer
Not all of Richard Garelds creations require the
player to use mathematical skills in a conscious way.
In The Great Dalmuti, players match cards from a spe-
cial deck, racing to empty their hands and get the most
prestigious status among the group. After each hand,
players relative rank may change, causing changes to
the seating order and their privileges within the game.
The elegance of the game is that it is easier to advance
to a higher rank than it is to consistently hold on to the
highest rank. In this case, the mathematical structure
operates quietly in the background, ensuring that the
game remains dynamic and engaging.
In some cases, the mathematics in Richard Garelds
games is more explicit. One such game is Complex
Hearts, a complex-number-themed variation on the
classical game of Hearts. As in the original game, play-
ers score points based on which cards they take. How-
ever, in this version, the scores can be positive, negative,
or imaginary, depending on the cards and card combi-
nations, so that each players total score is a complex
number. The goal of the game is to keep the magnitude
of ones score as low as possible.
Further Reading
Bosch, Robert A. Optimal Card-Collecting Strategies for
Magic: The Gathering. College Mathematics Journal
31, no. 1 (2000).
Prywes, Jon. The Mathematics of Magic: The Gathering:
A Study in Probability, Statistics, Strategy, and Game
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Board Games; Competitions and Contests;
Game Theory; Probability.
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Data
Analysis and Probability; Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical methods are used to
investigate genealogies in a variety of ways, including
creating probability models and simulations to
determine the likelihood of common ancestors.
Genealogy is the study of families, often motivated by
the desire to tell the story of lineage and to place fam-
ily history in a larger historical context. For instance,
among Americans there is often a great interest in
determining ones pre-American roots. The study of
genealogy requires not only an understanding of his-
tory and the ability to work with historical primary
sources of data but also mathematical structures.
Ancestral charts double with every generation, and this
geometric progression grows to large numbers quickly,
so mathematical techniques have been fundamental in
organizing and presenting family connections, both
visually and in numerical formats. Mathematicians
may use probability models and simulations to inves-
tigate the likelihood of common ancestors. Mathema-
ticians also construct their mathematical genealogy,
where parentage is redened using the adviser and
student relationship.
Genealogy Graph and Visualization Formats
Though people tend to think of a family tree, genea-
logical graphs may overlap or be shaped differently
than tree-like structures. Other representations of the
data include hourglass charts, which are centered on
an individual, and spread both upward and downward
to show direct ancestors and descendants, eliminat-
ing relations like cousins. Exponential crowding and
edge crossing are common challenges in visualizing
family data, and some researchers propose a multitree
Genealogical software typically presents a variety
of visualization options. Numbering systems have
long been used to identify individuals. Methods from
graph theory are important in analyzing the data for
connections and patterns. Another genealogical chal-
lenge is the integration of information from disparate
sources, such as census information and individual
Genealogy 417
While standardized software and Genealogical
Data Communication (GEDCOM) les may on one
level make it easier to share information, the dynamic
nature of huge online genealogical graphs presents new
mathematical challenges. One method used to simplify
such graphs has been to deemphasize individuals who
enlarge a tree but do not increase the complexity.
Brief History of Genealogy
Historically, most genealogy was the study of the
kinship and descent of royal and noble familiesin
this form, many of the earliest histories in Egypt and
ancient Rome are genealogies mixed with mythology.
As a study of royalty, genealogical research generally
had the ultimate goal of demonstrating or under-
cutting claims of legitimacy or determining a line
of succession. Early American genealogical research
was associated with efforts to prove kinship to noble
families and was thus part of the British class system,
which the egalitarian republic had outgrown. The
New England genealogist and historian John Farmer
(17891838) may have been the rst to change this, as
his work on local histories was seen as a way to honor
and glorify the work of early Americans and the story
of Americas growth from loosely afliated royal colo-
nies to an independent nation. Farmer referred to his
workthe combination of genealogy and local his-
toryas antiquarianism.
The trend he helped to popularize led to the cre-
ation of the New England Historic Genealogical Society
(NEHGS), the oldest genealogical society in the United
States, in 1845, six years after his death. Many such
societies opened throughout the country, notably the
Genealogical Society of Utah (1894), now associated
with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(LDS), which has since developed the most extensive
genealogical records in the world. Because LDS beliefs
focus strongly on the sealing of family units together
so that they may copersist in eternity, genealogy is an
especially critical concern for the faith and necessary
for religious ceremonies. Later in the twentieth cen-
tury, the revival of interest in ethnic identity and in
ties to ethnic roots long abandoned or forgotten in the
1960s and 1970s led to a revival of interest in genealogy.
This interest was furthered in the following decades as
software and genetic research provided new genealogi-
cal tools, while the Internet provided a new source of
information sharing.
Genealogical Numbering Systems (GNS)
A variety of numbering systems are used to quantify
family relationships. One descending numbering sys-
tem that traces the line of an earlier ancestor is the Reg-
ister System, which was developed by NEHGS in 1870,
for the purpose of simplied recordkeeping in the New
England Historic and Genealogical Register.
The system groups generations separately and uses
both Arabic and Roman numerals, assigning each
parent a unique Arabic numeral and using lower-
case Roman numerals to enumerate progeny of each
1 Parent
2 i Child
ii Child (no progeny)
3 iii Child
(2nd Generation)
2 Child
4 i Grandchild
3 Child
i Grandchild (no progeny)
(3rd generation)
4 Grandchild
5 i Great-grandchild
Along with the Register System, the most popular
GNS in the United States is the NHSQ System, named
for the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, and
often called the Record System. It is derived from the
Register System but assigns Arabic numbers to children
without progeny as well. If a new child is discovered,
the family numbers must be recalculated.
An older GNS is the Ahnentafel (ancestor table),
published by historian Michael Eytzinger in 1590.
Unlike the Register and Record systems, the Ahnentafel
is an ascending numbering system, beginning with 1
in the present generation and increasing as generations
are traced backward through time:
1 Subject
2 Father
3 Mother
4 Fathers father
5 Fathers mother
6 Mothers father
418 Genealogy
7 Mothers mother
8 Fathers fathers father
The Ahnentafel results in the following mathemati-
cal relationship: the number of an individuals father is
double that individuals number, while the number of
the individuals mother is double plus one. Apart from
#1, all even-numbered persons are male, and all odd-
numbered persons are female. It is plain to see why
this version did not become the dominant system in
the United States: it is principally concerned with dem-
onstrating to which families one has a blood relation,
without accounting for siblings in any generation: nor
can it be continued through the subjects children and
their descendants. It was a popular system for Euro-
pean nobility to display the noble families to whom
they were related, along with their coats of arms.
Common Ancestors
Common ancestors are individuals who are the genea-
logical ancestors of every person in some given set of
people. Genealogists and mathematicians often try to
determine how many generations into the past a tree
must be traced to nd such common ancestors. These
models rely on statistical estimates, such as the aver-
age human lifes pan at different points in time, and
average length of time between successive generations,
as well as rates of reproduction. In the early twenty-
rst century, computer scientist Douglas Rohde, writer
and editor Steve Olson, and statistician Joseph Chang
collaborated to create mathematical models to esti-
mate the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of
every human currently alive. Their initial probabilis-
tic model, designed primarily for theoretical insight,
assumed an unrealistic random mating scheme to
facilitate an explicit analytical solution. A second, more
realistic model required the researchers to mathemati-
cally express historical population dynamics and con-
duct Monte Carlo simulations to produce a distribu-
tion of feasible results with associated probabilities.
According to these models, the MRCA likely lived just
a few thousand years ago, perhaps during the reign of
Tutankhamen, or even as recently at the start of the
rst century c.e.
In 2008, the genealogical Web site Geni allowed
people with common ancestors to merge trees. Privacy
was maintained by dening a set distance from the
ancestor in which the information would be viewable.
This dened distance has changed over time. The rate
at which the trees enlarged often increased as the size
of the tree increased. One particularly large, connected
component of Genis graph is known as the big tree
and represented over 35 million people in 2010.
Further Reading
Chang, Joseph. Recent Common Ancestors of All
Present-Day Individuals. Advances in Applied
Probability 31 (1999).
Lewis, Cathryn. The Use of Graph Theory Techniques
to Investigate Genealogical Structure. Mathematical
Medicine and Biology 9, no. 3 (1992).
McGufn, Michael, and Ravin Balakrishnan. Interactive
Visualization of Genealogical Graphs. Proceedings
of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization
(InfoVis), 2005.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Graphs; Mathematics Genealogy Project; Six
Degrees of Kevin Bacon; Social Networks.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Bioinformatics and probability theory
come into play in the study of genetics.
Issues related to genetics are no longer exclusively dis-
cussed in academic circles. The lay community every
day accesses a large amount of information through
the mass communication vehicles that enable the
socialization of knowledge related to heredity and
biotechnology. Paternity tests, transgenic plants, early
diagnoses in medicine, gene therapy, and cloning are
no longer exclusive subjects of specialized research
centers and can be easily researched in the media and
found in movies, cartoons, and on the Internet. These
are examples of how closely aligned this area of science
is to modern society and how broad the possibilities
are for development. Mathematical tools are essential
Genetics 419
for the analysis and interpretation of data related to
these genetic processes that otherwise would become
empty of real meaning. From the simple knowledge
of probability to the most powerful algorithms associ-
ated with genetic engineering techniques, probability is
necessary to elucidate the most difcult questions sur-
rounding the genetics eld. Sharon Grossman is one
mathematician who has notably contributed to genet-
ics research through her investigations of gene group-
ings based on geographic location.
Genetics is the eld of biology that studies the chem-
ical nature of hereditary material and the mechanism
responsible to transfer information contained in genes.
In general, reproduction is constituted by a series of
events that result in a randomized combination of
gametes. This process involves the mixing of thousands
of information packets and results in the production of
a new living being.
Early Findings
The rst steps of genetics were performed by Austrian
Gregor Mendel (18221884), who, for many years,
crossed varieties of peas. After obtaining numerous
generations of these plants, he observed differences in
the types of progeny formed and identied the propor-
tion of each of these features in future generations. His
main ndings showed that specic factors were trans-
mitted by parents to offspring. He also found that these
factors occur in pairs and that their descendants receive
one from each parent. Crosses made with peas (called
hybrids) had particular characteristics, like seed
color. By calculating their frequencies, Mendel realized
that the prevalence of these factors was different in sev-
eral generations. Some manifest themselves only when
appearing in double dose (recessive), while others in a
single dose determined the characteristic (dominant).
These ndings served as the basis for developing laws
on inheritance, which came to be called the rst and
second laws of Mendel.
Genetic Probability
Probabilities are used to express the chance of occur-
rence of an event. They represents a possibility, not a
conviction. The probabilities can be expressed in sev-
eral ways, including fractions, percentages, and deci-
mals. For example, the chance of occurrence of a bio-
logical event can be expressed as 50%, 0.50, or 1/2.
Many genetics calculations are solved using probabil-
ity. Mendel used mathemati-
cal rules previously used for
common events, such as a coin
toss (individual events), or
combined events, such as the
simultaneous release of mul-
tiple dice.
Genotype is the set of genes
from one living being, the fre-
quency of these genes, and can
be calculated mathematically.
The calculations performed in
the theory of probability do
not determine the appearance
of a particular genotypethey
merely represent the chance
this event will occur. In prac-
tical terms, genetic calcula-
tions allow one to determine
the probability, for example, of
two individuals with dark eyes
to conceive a child with blue
eyes (a recessive gene). This
event is possible if both parents
420 Genetics
Powerful computers can analyize a patients DNA data, and have revealed
that most of the DNA molecule is not involved in protein-coding.
are hybrids, in which case the probability in each preg-
nancy is 25%.
The application of rigorous scientic method and
careful statistical research of some characteristics led
Mendel to conclusions that still underlie modern
genetics in the early twenty-rst century. Not until in
1900 could the work of three independent research-
ersHugo de Vries, Karl Correns, and Erich Tscher-
makshow that Mendels conclusions were correct.
Modern Genetics Research
For a long time it was believed that protein was the mol-
ecule that contained genetic information. Biochemical
studies allowed the identication of a molecule able
to replicate and thereby allow a ow of identication
information: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)the mol-
ecule associated with heredity. In 1953, James Watson
and Francis Crick published in Nature the model of
the DNA molecule. Understanding the complex spa-
tial geometry of DNA allowed researchers in the early
1960s to prove that the code was formed by groups of
three nucleotides that were repeated in complementary
sequences. It was noticed that sequences of the DNA
molecule were able to be expressed as proteins with the
participation of another nucleic acid: ribonucleic acid
(RNA). Studies of the most primitive life forms, like
bacteria, also led to knowledge related to peculiarities
of DNA activity, as well as its transmission and their
biochemical behavior.
The challenge became the elucidation of the genome
(the entire set of genetic information that is found in the
chromosomes) from a living organism. After advanc-
ing with some simple life forms, such as bacteria and
protozoa, the Human Genome Project (19882003)
arose. International cooperation efforts were neces-
sary to decipher the sequence of 3 billion base pairs of
DNA subunits found in human chromosomes. Power-
ful computer programs and the use of combinatorial
analysis revealed that most of the DNA molecule is not
involved in protein-coding. It is now known, however,
that the role of this DNA is very signicant, especially
for matters pertaining to evolution, and it is respon-
sible for many adaptive differences between species.
Genetic Variability
The prevalence of certain genes in a population
depends on how the expression of a particular feature is
selected by the environment and is related to the pres-
ence of other genetic variation factors, such as genetic
mutations, numbers of crosses, or natural events that
abruptly decrease the frequency of certain genes in a
population (for example, earthquakes, res, or oods).
How is it possible to evaluate this natural dynamic
that sometimes takes decades or even centuries to occur?
Since a group within the set of genes undergoes a ran-
dom process of transmission, it cannot be adequately
studied without resorting to mathematical tools to
assess the frequency of certain genes in a population
and the possible consequences of this variability for that
group. Wild populations (animals, plants, or, speci-
cally, humans) are subject to phenomenasuch as gene
recombination, mutation, and gene conversion, which is
the change of position of genes within a chromosome
that lead to the emergence of genetic variability. Genetic
mathematics aims to understand how genetic changes
occur for individuals both within species and over time.
Several phenomena are responsible for genetic varia-
bility. Crossing-over, for example, is a phenomenon in
which parts of chromosomes are broken and glued in
different positions, generating a larger mix of informa-
tion and expression of phenotypes (physical or phy-
siological), which results in an increased possibility of
adapting to the environment in which the individual
belongs. Random events observed in gene transfer result
in the formation of functional characteristics and pat-
terns that may often cause trouble and injury, but that is
partly responsible for the possibility of evolution.
Genetics is an area of study that uses the theories of
probability and the handling of large volumes of data.
The difculties in performing complex calculations
far more advanced than the calculations made by Men-
delnecessitated the use of information technology
in studies of biological and genetic research. Bioinfor-
matics is the application of computer systems in the
processing of biological and biomedical data. It is an
interdisciplinary science that aims to develop and apply
computational techniques to study genetics, molecular
biology, and biochemistry. Without this tool, it would
be impossible to perform thousands of mathematical
operations in real time.
In bioinformatics, gene sequences are analyzed and
stored in databases, manipulated, and analyzed using
specic software. Databases allow scientists to get
information from other laboratories and also to share
Genetics 421
the genetic sequences. Despite the efforts of interna-
tional collaboration in this area, the patenting of genes
clashes science with ethical issues regarding the deten-
tion of the natural heritage of knowledge as private
property. Laws regarding other issues related to cloning
and gene manipulation vary according to country.
Genetic engineering uses principles formulated
many years ago. The development of rened meth-
ods using molecular biology techniques allowed the
manipulation of genetic material, known as recombi-
nant DNA technology or genetic engineering. Once
DNA ngerprinting had become associated with the
identication of individuals, great hopes arose regard-
ing the possibility of isolating and cloning genes to
replace defective genes as therapy.
Further Reading
Genetics Home Reference: Your Guide to
Understanding Genetic Conditions. U.S. National
Library of Medicine.
Lachowicz, M., and J. Miekisz, eds. From Genetics
to Mathematics. Vol. 79 of Series on Advances in
Mathematics for Applied Sciences. Hackensack, NJ:
World Scientic Publishing Company, 2009.
Learn. Genetics: Genetics Science Learning Center.
University of Utah.
Maria Elizete Kunkel
Maria Elizabeth S. Rodrigues
See Also: Math Gene; Pregnancy; Probability.
Geometry and
Geometry Education
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Geometry has been studied since ancient
times and continues to develop today.
The word geometry is derived from the ancient Greek
words geo (Earth) and metron (a measure). In addi-
tion to its practical origins, it is also associated with
the language and theory of geometric gures, spaces,
and forms. Ancient and medieval civilizations from
all around the world contributed to the development
of geometric concepts, including mathematicians in
Babylonia, Egypt, China, India, Mesoamerica, Greece,
and the Islamic and Arabic world. At times, the prom-
inence of geometry has declined, such as in Western
Europe during the Middle Ages and in certain research
areas and undergraduate courses in North America in
the twentieth century. Some curricular concepts that
were once the focus of investigations have declined
in relevance, such as spherical trigonometry, having
been replaced in curricula by new elds or notions.
Geometry research and education continue to evolve
in response to changing emphases. At the beginning of
the twenty-rst century, students explore the proper-
ties of geometric objects and transformations. They
learn about deductive geometry, coordinate geometry,
and algebraic connections. Visualization and geometric
history and applications are also a focus. Some of the
curricular topics have been fundamental for millennia,
like the Pythagorean Theorem, named for Pythagoras
of Samos (c. 569475 b.c.e.), while others, like vertex-
edge graphs, are relatively recent inclusions.
Early Geometry
Some of the rst indications of geometry in terms of
geometric patterns appeared about 25,000 years ago.
These indications have been found in a number of
prehistoric sites, such as Stonehenge, spirals in Europe
(Ireland and Italy), and various places in Mesoamer-
ica and North America. Geometry also appears in the
designs of the pottery, baskets, and mat weaving of
many older civilizations and aboriginal peoples in the
world. For instance, African tapestry and pottery are
lled with symmetric gures. Civilizations around the
world, including Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India,
Mesoamerica, and later civilizations, also used geom-
etry to help produce calendars, which, at the zenith of
their power, were quite accurate. The Greek historian
Herodotus of Halicarnassus (c. fth century b.c.e.)
credited the Egyptians with having originated the sub-
ject of geometry, but there is evidence that the Baby-
lonians, the Hindu civilization, and the Chinese knew
much of what was passed along to the Egyptians. The
earliest extant written records of geometry come from
the predynastic Egyptians and Sumerians as early as
422 Geometry and Geometry Education
the fth millennium b.c.e. Many have connected these
papyri and cuneiform stone tablets to art, decoration,
and construction rather than to the systematic investi-
gation of gures, patterns, forms, and quantities that
has come to be associated with deductive geometry.
Some historians and mathematicians caution against
interpretations that examine earlier knowledge with-
out considering the contextual language and culture or
through the lens of later work in geometry. In many
cases, the evidence that survives likely represents an
incomplete geometric record.
The Egyptians were extremely accurate in construction,
making the right angles in the Great Pyramid of Giza
precise to what is noted as one part in 27,000. Most
of what is known about Egyptian mathematics comes
from two Egyptian documents from about 1650 b.c.e.,
the Rhind Papyrus and the Moscow Papyrus. There are
only a limited number of problems from these ancient
Egyptian works that concern geometry. The examples
therein demonstrate that the ancient Egyptians com-
puted areas of triangles, rectangles, and circles; surface
areas of hemispheres; and volumes of cylindrical gra-
naries, rectangular granaries, and pyramids.
In the late twentieth and early twenty-rst centuries,
scholarly work on some of the thousands of extant
Babylonian mathematical clay tablets has led to revi-
sions and insight in the understanding of Mesopota-
mian mathematics and geometry. Some tablets illus-
trate problems related to lengths and areas of elds,
trapezoids, rectangles, right and isosceles triangles, cir-
cles, and irregular quadrilaterals. A number of clay tab-
lets provide evidence of knowledge of the Pythagorean
theorem long before the Greeks. The Babylonians also
computed volumes and used geometric techniques to
solve algebraic problems, like completing the square.
In the Story of Civilization series, Will and Ariel Durant
state that Chinese mathematicians apparently derived
algebra from India, but developed geometry for
themselves out of their need for measuring the land.
Geometry was also an integral part of cosmology and
astronomy in China. For instance, astronomers from
the Confucian time had correctly calculated eclipses
and created a basis for the Chinese calendar. One early
work is from the Mohists, where one nds a denition
of point as the smallest indivisible component, one that
cannot be divided into smaller parts. In contemporary
terminology, they also explored the congruency of two
lines of equal length and provided denitions for the
comparison of lengths, parallels, circumference, diam-
eter, radius, and volume. There remain some disagree-
ments about document dating in the history of math-
ematical development in China. For example, some
have dated Zhoubi suanjing (The Arithmetical Clas-
sic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven)
from approximately 12001000 b.c.e. during the Han
dynasty, but many scholars believed that early versions
were written during 300250 b.c.e. The Zhoubi suan-
jing has a diagram of the Gougu Theorem (Pythagorean
Theorem) that is well-known in twenty-rst-century
classrooms. The best known of the Chinese mathemati-
cal classics may be the Jiuzhang suanshu (Nine Chapters
on the Mathematical Art). The book had many applied
geometry problems, such as nding areas for squares
and circles, the volumes of various solids, and the use
of the Pythagorean theorem. Included are mathemati-
cal surveying techniques in order to calculate distance
measurements of depth, height, width, and surface area.
There are also formulas for the areas of planar gures
and the volumes of solids that were known by the time
of the Han dynasty (202 b.c.e.9 c.e.). Jesuit mission-
aries introduced the Chinese to Western mathematics
during the Ming dynasty. As part of the Jesuits program,
part of Euclids Elements was translated into Chinese in
1607. The translation of this ancient Greek textbook on
Geometry and Geometry Education 423
The Chinese Pythagorean theorem identied the 3-4-5
triangle in the Chou Pei Suan Ching, 500200 B.C.E.
deductive geometry led to research and comparison of
early geometric knowledge in both cultures, work that
continues in the twenty-rst century.
The Sulbasutras (c. 700400 b.c.e.), which can be
translated as cord-rules, are often referenced in the
twenty-rst century as a source of ritual geometry
from India. This and earlier texts gave precise rules
for the construction of sacricial re altars. The Sul-
basutras, specically the Baudhayana Sulbasutra, may
contain the earliest extant expression of the Pythago-
rean Theorem: The rope which is stretched across the
diagonal of a square produces an area double the size
of the original square. Many historians agree that the
statement predates the Pythagoreans in Greece. Some
of the material in the Sulbasutras may have originated
from the Babylonians or the Chinese or been passed
to the Chinese or Greeks. The Sulbasutras also contain
other geometric constructions that preserve areas, as
well as lists of Pythagorean triples and statements about
squaring the circle or circling the square needed to
construct certain altars for the rituals. There are vari-
ous theories about the association between the geo-
metric constructions and the religious rituals, such as
whether the rituals inspired the geometry or vice versa.
Aryabhatas Aryabhatiya (499 c.e.) includes the com-
putation of numerous areas and volumes. Brahma-
gupta wrote his astronomical work Brahmasphuta-
siddhanta in 628, which included his famous theorem
on the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral as well as
his formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral. The
Bakhshali manuscript written on birch bark and found
in 1881 near the village of Bakhshali in what is now
Pakistan is another mathematical manuscript from the
Indian subcontinent. The date is uncertain, but many
scholars agree that it contains information that is older
than the document itself. It includes some geometric
items such as the volumes of irregular solids.
The ancient geometry was passed on to the Greeks,
who furthered and transformed the eld into an essen-
tial component of a liberal arts education. The begin-
nings of deductive and axiomatic geometry have tradi-
tionally been attributed to Thales of Miletus (624547
b.c.e.). Having studied in Egypt, he was likely familiar
with the computations handed down from Egyptian
and Babylonian mathematics. The deductive approach
was continued over the next two centuries by Pythago-
ras of Samos (569475 b.c.e.) and his disciples. Their
foundation of plane geometry was brought to a con-
clusion around 440 b.c.e. in a treatise by the math-
ematician Hippocrates of Chios (470410 b.c.e.).
Plato (427347 b.c.e.) founded The Academy in 387
b.c.e., which ourished until 529 c.e. and is noted to
have included an inscription at the entrance stating the
importance of geometry as prerequisite knowledge:
Let no one who is unversed in geometry enter here.
Thetetus of Athens (417369 b.c.e.) was a student of
Plato, who developed solid geometry and the Platonic
solids. Menaechmus (380320 b.c.e.) discovered and
developed the conic sections. He was the rst to show
that ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are obtained by
cutting a cone in a plane not parallel to the base.
Euclid of Alexandria (325265 b.c.e.) collected the
theorems of Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Theaetetus, and
other predecessors and included discoveries of his own
into a logically connected formal axiomatic system, the
Elements. So completely did Euclids work supersede
earlier attempts at presenting geometry that few traces
424 Geometry and Geometry Education
esoamerican civilizations apparently had
no written language, which is a measure
of a civilization. The mathematics that can be
identied in the Olmec, the Mayan, the Incan,
and the Aztec civilizations is quite remarkable.
In addition to sophisticated calendars, these
civilizations were great builders, and there are
indications that the Aztec builders had a com-
pass as one of their standard tools, though very
little is known about how they used it. Additional
research has shown that they were knowledge-
able of right triangles with the angles that would
result in a 3-4-5 right triangle. Fractal geometry
patterns have also been observed. Too little is
known or left existing in the twenty-rst century
for historians to be able to be more certain
about the full extent of geometric knowledge in
remain of these efforts. His approach to geometry has
dominated the teaching of the subject for over 2000
years. Moreover, the axiomatic method used by Euclid
is the prototype for what is now called pure math-
ematics. Euclidean geometry was certainly conceived
by its creators as an idealization of physical geometry.
The entities of the mathematical system are concepts
suggested by, or abstracted from, physical experience
but differing from physical entities as an idea of an
object differs from the object itself. Centuries later, the
philosopher Immanuel Kant even took the position
that the human mind is essentially Euclidean and can
only conceive of space in Euclidean terms.
Some attributed the eventual decline of Greek
mathematics to events like the destruction of the
library at Alexandria and political and economic fac-
tors, and others to a lack of algebraic notation, which
was developed by Arabic and Islamic mathematicians
and was later to revolutionize geometry theory and
applications. However, some Greek mathematicians
after Euclid continued to explore concepts that became
a fundamental part of school curricula. For instance,
Archimedes of Syracuse (287212 b.c.e.) is regarded as
one of the greatest Greek mathematicians. He found
the areas and volumes of many objects and explored
semiregular polyhedra. Apollonius of Perga (262190
b.c.e.) was known as The Great Geometer for his
work on conics and other geometric concepts. Menel-
aus of Alexandria (70130) developed spherical geom-
etry in his only surviving work, the Sphaerica. Pappus
of Alexandria (290350) is considered one of the last of
the great Greek geometers. His major work in geometry
was the Synagoge, or The Collection, a handbook on a
wide variety of topics: arithmetic, mean proportionals,
geometrical paradoxes, regular polyhedra, the spiral
and quadratrix, trisection, honeycombs, semiregular
solids, minimal surfaces, astronomy, and mechanics.
Islamic World
Mathematicians in the medieval Islamic and Arabic
world preserved and extended classical geometry and
astronomy from India, Persia, Syria, and Greece, and
developed and applied geometric concepts. Geometric
design was found in mosaic tessellations in mosques.
Mathematicians extended the astrolabe by adding
circles for azimuths on the horizon in order to solve
problems in spherical astronomy and trigonometry.
Scholars, such as Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-
Khwarizmi (c. 780850) and Omar Khayyam (1048
1131), developed algebraic and trigonometric con-
cepts and applied them to geometric notions. Arabic
and Islamic mathematicians explored many geometric
topics, including conic sections, constructions, spheri-
cal projections, and the parallel postulate. Scholars
like Ibrahim Ibn Sinan (908946) wrote works on
geometric analysis and problem solving. Abu Array-
han Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (9731048)
calculated an extremely accurate radius of Earth using
the law of sines. There are examples of Greek works
that would have been lost if not for copies that were
preserved in Islamic libraries or translated as a part
of Arabic treatises and commentaries. As Europe
emerged from the Dark Ages, these works were trans-
lated into Latin and this paved the way for geometrys
return to Europe.
The Changing Nature of Geometry Education
and Research Since the Seventeenth Century
While Euclids Elements has been standard in math-
ematics education for thousands of years, geometry
curricula were impacted by the development of many
new research areas since the seventeenth century. For
example, Ren Descartes (15961650) and Pierre de
Fermat (16011665) explored analytic geometry in the
seventeenth century. This exploration allowed for the
representation of geometric objects in terms of coor-
dinates and two-variable equations, a topic that begins
in primary schools in the twenty-rst century and is
fundamental in many real-life applications. In addi-
tion, analytic geometry is typically paired with calcu-
lus courses. However, axiomatic or synthetic perspec-
tives continued, such as through the work of Girard
Desargues (15911661) and Jean-Victor Poncelet
(17881867) on projective geometry. While projective
geometry declined in some contexts, such as in under-
graduate education in the twentieth century, students
continue to learn about both coordinate geometry and
deductive perspectives. Gaspard Monge (17461818)
emphasized descriptive geometry at the cole Poly-
technique, a French technical university, by exploring
three-dimensional geometry through two-dimensional
images. Descriptive geometry remained important in
architecture, engineering, and mathematics classes.
The discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, which
can be found in some twenty-rst-century high school
and college classrooms, was a revolution in geometry.
Geometry and Geometry Education 425
It fell to three different mathematicians independently
to show that Euclids fth postulate is not provable
from the other axioms and what is derivable from
them. These mathematicians were Karl Friedrich Gauss
(17771855), Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792
1856), and Jnos Bolyai (18021860). Gausss work
appears only in a letter to Franz Taurinus (17941874)
in 1824, but he seems to have foreseen the results of the
other two. Lobachevsky published his work in a Russian
journal in 1826, and it was not until 1848 that it came
to be published more widely in German. Bolyais work
received the widest initial distribution, being published
in 1831 as an appendix to his fathers algebra textbook.
Each of these men, independently, assumed the negation
of Euclids fth postulate and developed a consistent
geometry: worlds out of nothing, as Bolyai described
it. Following the pioneering work of these mathemati-
cians, the pieces of geometry began to fall into place.
More was learned about non-Euclidean geometries
hyperbolic and elliptic, or doubly elliptic (spherical).
For instance, Eugenio Beltrami (18351900) helped rig-
orously establish the subject, and the elliptic geometry
studied by Bernhard Riemann (18261866) gave rise to
Riemannian geometry and manifolds, which gave rise
to differential geometry and then to relativity theory.
Students may explore Henri Poincars (18541912)
disk model of hyperbolic geometry. Some undergradu-
ate and graduate students take courses in differential
or Riemannian geometry. Mathematicians also started
looking at nite geometries (from the standpoint of an
algebraic geometry and from an axiomatic process),
which led to areas of combinatorics and graph theory
that are a curricula part of schools and colleges.
Geometry research continued to revolutionize
school geometry. For instance, Felix Klein (18491925)
greatly inuenced geometry through his Erlangen Pro-
gram, which attempted to unify geometry through
symmetries; middle grades students in the twenty-rst
century explore transformations and symmetries. Kurt
Godels (19061978) work on consistency shook the
foundations of axiomatic geometry, and David Hil-
berts (18621943) axioms are now explored in some
high school classrooms. Donald Coxeter (19072003)
was noted as preserving the tradition of classical geom-
etry, which then remained a core area in primary school
through high school. Likewise, following World War I,
the French mathematicians Pierre Fatou (18781929)
and Gaston Julia (18931978) began looking at objects
that later came to form the foundation of fractal geom-
etry, introduced in the late twentieth century by Benot
Mandelbrot (19242010). Some middle grades stu-
dents are exposed to fractals, and undergraduate stu-
dents may take courses focusing on fractal geometries.
Educational theories about geometric learning also
had an effect on school geometry. For example, English
educator John Perry (18501920) advocated an intui-
tive, inductive approach to teaching geometry, such as
graph paper measurements to test Euclids proposi-
tions. George Bruce Halsted (18531922) noted that
geometry always relied upon for training in the logic
of science, for teaching what demonstration really is,
must be made worthy [of] the worlds faith. There
must be a text-book of rational geometry really rigor-
ous. Halsteds textbook was based on Hilberts axioms
rather than on Euclids. One well-known geometric
learning model was the van Hiele model of geometric
thought, which originated in 1957 through the work of
Dutch educators Dina van Hiele-Geldof (d. 1959) and
Pierre van Hiele (19092010). The model encompassed
ve levels: visualization, analysis, informal deduction,
deduction, and rigor. Educational research on the van
Hiele model in the Soviet Union during the 1960s and
1970s led to curriculum based on the theory. Some
have criticized the structure of the levels and created
other geometric learning models.
Recent Developments
In the twentieth century, geometry education was fun-
damentally transformed because of computers, calcu-
lators, and other devices. Geometry for navigation, like
spherical trigonometry computations, was built into
computer programs or global positioning systems, and
so the related topics were eliminated from the curricu-
lum. Other geometric topics were introduced, such as
fractal geometry and computational geometry. Math-
ematicians at places like the Geometry Center for the
Computation and Visualization of Geometric Struc-
tures produced videos and applets. Teachers and math-
ematicians discussed topics and shared resources on
the Internet. For instance, what began as the Geometry
Forum in 1992 was extended in 1996 to the Math Forum.
The development of dynamic geometry software pro-
grams encouraged mathematical discovery. Students
could manipulate geometric constructions while pre-
serving the mathematical relationships that dened
the gure. This method enabled students to uncover
426 Geometry and Geometry Education
invariants like the angle sum in a triangle and allowed
for inductive educational approaches. Two school pro-
grams that originated in the 1980s and remain in use
at the beginning of the twenty-rst century are Cabri
Geometry and the Geometers Sketchpad. Jean-Marie
Laborde (1945) headed a team to develop Cabri in
order to explore geometric relationships. Nicholas
Jackiw (1966) created Sketchpad as part of a visual
geometry project headed by Eugene Klotz and Doris
Schattschneider (1939). Geometry educational soft-
ware continues to be developed, including open source
versions. Graphing calculators and computer algebra
programs allowed for easy visualization of sophisti-
cated curves and surfaces.
There has long been debate in geometry education
regarding which topics should be taught, including a
tension between practical applications and theoreti-
cal considerations. For instance, in some locations and
time periods around the world, educators concentrated
on geometric techniques for construction, survey-
ing, and navigation, while in others Euclidean geom-
etry was the focus in order to train the mind. Teachers
point to Euclids philosophy, as noted by commentator
Proclus Diadochus (411485): They say that Ptolemy
once asked him if there were a shorter way to study
geometry than the Elements, to which he replied that
there was no royal road to geometry. Educators con-
tinue to debate how to teach geometry, such as whether
two-dimensional perspectives should be taught before
three-dimensional perspectives.
Further Reading
Gorini, Catherine. The Facts on File Geometry Handbook.
New York: Facts on File, 2003.
Gray, Jeremy. Worlds Out of Nothing: A Course in the
History of Geometry in the 19th Century. New York:
Springer, 2007.
Greenberg, Martin. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean
Geometry: Development and History. 4th ed. New
York: W. H. Freeman, 2007.
Holme, Audun. Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage.
Berlin: Springer, 2002.
Joseph, George. The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European
Roots of Mathematics. 3rd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2011.
Katz, Victor. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia,
China, India, and Islam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2007.
Lumpkin, Beatrice. Geometry Activities From Many
Cultures. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch, 1997.
Roberts, Siobhan. King of Innite Space: Donald Coxeter,
The Man Who Saved Geometry. New York: Walker &
Company, 2006.
Rozenfeld, Boris. A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry:
Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space.
Translated by Abe Shenitzer. New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1988.
Sinclair, Nathalie. The History of the Geometry
Curriculum in the United States. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing, 2008.
Tabak, John. Geometry: The Language of Space and Form.
New York: Facts on File, 2004.
Whiteley, Walter. The Decline and Rise of Geometry in
20th Century North America. Canadian Mathematics
Study Group Conference Proceedings. Edited by J.
G. McLoughlin. St Johns: Memorial University of
Newfoundland, 1999.
David C. Royster
See Also: Conic Sections; Coordinate Geometry;
Curves; Geometry in Society; Geometry of Music;
Geometry of the Universe; Graphs; Measurements,
Area; Measurements, Length; Measurements, Volume;
Measuring Tools; Painting; Parallel Postulate;
Perimeter and Circumference; Pi; Polygons; Polyhedra;
Proof; Pythagorean Theorem; Ruler and Compass
Constructions; Squares and Square Roots; Surfaces;
Transformations; Trigonometry; Vectors; Visualization.
Geometry in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Geometry permeates society from its
many applications in daily life to its usefulness as a
framework for deductive inquiry.
Geometry has long been useful in society for both
practical purposes and as deductive inquiry. The word
itself is a combination of two ancient Greek words: geo
(Earth) and metron (a measure).
Geometry in Society 427
Thus, a direct translation might be Earth-measur-
ing. Geometry developed from practical needs in anci-
ent cultures, such as the taxation of lands and the con-
struction of monuments. In many settings, geometry
played an important role in both aesthetic quality and
stability. For instance, in art and architecture, beauti-
ful geometric gures tiled surfaces. Stability notions,
like the center of mass, could be calculated using geo-
metry, and a cameras tripod has three legs because
three points determined a plane, so three legs made it
more convenient to nd a stable position on an arbi-
trary surface. The Greeks explored geometry as an axi-
omatic system, and for thousands of years geometry
was an essential part of a liberal arts education. Along
with elds such as algebra and analysis, it also formed a
core area in research. However, the role of geometry in
school has changed over time, reecting the priorities
of society, researchers, and industry. In addition, educa-
tors have long debated which geometric topics should
be taught. In some college settings in the twentieth
century, the prominence of geometry declined. Some
topics from courses like discrete geometry were taught
in other departments, like computer science. Emerg-
ing elds, like algebraic geometry, were associated with
algebra programs. While geometry was no longer a core
area in some undergraduate mathematics curricula, it
remained important in all levels of school in one way
or another because it could be used in so many occupa-
tions. Construction, design, and architecture are just a
few of the jobs that make use of geometry.
Early History
One development from the history of geometry and
measurements of length, area, and volume can be found
about 3000 years ago, when peoples in ancient Egypt
farmed along the Nile River. King Sesostris is noted as
having divided the land into rectangles. He taxed farm-
ers based on the area of the land they occupied. But
there was a problem: every year, the Nile River ooded
the surrounding area. After ooding, a large portion of
the lands allocated to farmers was destroyed. Hence,
Sesostris had to exempt the tax on the destroyed lands.
To do this, he had to measure the exact area of destroyed
land. Another problem that naturally arose was how to
divide the land among a number of farmers. Covering a
given region by pieces is called a tessellation or a til-
ing of the region. Precisely, a tessellation of the plane is
a set of plane gures or tiles that cover the plane with-
out any overlaps and gaps. Tessellations were also found
in mosaics as well as in oor and wall coverings.
Historians theorize that axiomatic investigations
arose in ancient Greece because there was a prevalence
of debate and justication in Greek society. However,
even though the Greeks are noted as transforming
geometry into a deductive branch of mathematics,
they were still interested in practical applications. Plato
is noted as believing that for the better apprehension
of any branch of knowledge, it makes all the difference
whether a man has a grasp of geometry or not.
Geometry Education Since the
Seventeenth Century
Ideas about the utility of geometry have spurred some
changes in the way that geometry has been taught over
the years. Most students who went to college prior
to 1800 came from some type of preparatory school
or had private tutors. As more universities opened in
the United States and Europe, the preparation of the
students needed to be considered. In some locations,
Euclidean geometry was taught directly from a transla-
tion of Euclid of Alexandrias Elements as a second-year
course in college. Students were expected to learn how
to prove everything in the Elements in the same way that
Euclid had outlined the proof. This process developed a
strong sense of proof and logical structure
in the student, but may not have pre-
pared students for geometric
problems that fell out of
428 Geometry in Society
In The School of Athens painting by Raphael, Euclid
performs a geometric construction with a compass.
the direct line of proofs in the Elements. The argument
about the utility versus the deductive nature of geometry
was reected in the diverse foci of geometry education
around the world: was geometry to prepare students in
the formal axiomatic method offered by geometry, or
was geometry to teach students about how geometry
could be used? In some locations, solid geometry and
spherical geometry and trigonometry for surveying and
navigation were the focus, while in others, it was Euclids
planar geometry and axiomatic perspectives.
In 1794, Adrien-Marie Legendre wrote a textbook
in which he rearranged the material from Euclid and
added other concepts, such as measurement. This text-
book was adopted by Claude Crozet and brought to
the United States Military Academy (USMA) in 1817.
In 1819 Charles Davies, a mathematics professor at
the USMA, translated this textbook into English and
started making changes to include the type of geometry
useful in mensuration and navigation that the United
States Army and Navy wanted of its leaders. This type
of geometry was adopted by most of the other mili-
tary schools in the United States. This course came to
be known as descriptive geometry, which then led to
engineering drawing. By the 1840s, universities decided
that students who desired entrance needed to have had
a course in Euclidean geometry in high school. This
requirement moved the course in geometry into the
K12 curriculum.
Bernhard Riemann, for whom Riemannian geom-
etry is named, considered that: It is well known that
geometry presupposes not only the concept of space
but also the rst fundamental notions for construc-
tions in space as given in advance. It only gives nomi-
nal denitions for them, while the essential means of
determining them appear in the form of axioms. The
relationship of these presumptions is left in the dark;
one sees neither whether and in how far their connec-
tion is necessary, nor a priori whether it is possible.
From Euclid to Legendre, to name the most renowned
of modern writers on geometry, this darkness has been
lifted neither by the mathematicians nor the philoso-
phers who have laboured upon it. At the turn of the
twentieth century, Felix Klein, who revolutionized the
understanding of geometric spaces by investigating
them through their transformations or symmetries,
noted: Everyone who understands the subject will
agree that even the basis on which the scientic expla-
nation of nature rests is intelligible only to those who
have learned at least the elements of the differential
and integral calculus, as well as analytical geometry.
The debate about how geometry should be taught has
continued into the twenty-rst century.
Geometry is a broad subject, hence it casts a broad
shadow. Henri Poincar, whose name is attached to the
Poincar disk in hyperbolic geometry, stated by natu-
ral selection our mind has adapted itself to the condi-
tions of the external world. It has adopted the geometry
most advantageous to the species or, in other words, the
most convenient. Geometry is not true, it is advanta-
geous. Recent work has shown that geometry may be
innate and form some core knowledge in the brain. For
example, some researchers have reported that indig-
enous tribes in the Amazon River basin have a much
deeper geometric intuitionwithout any formal edu-
cationthan Western schoolchildren. Studies of ani-
mals, including sh and chimpanzees, have indicated
that they may have a Euclidean map of their home terri-
tory in their brains. There are several types of geometry
that illustrate the wide variety of applications:
Euclidean plane geometry is the plane
geometry of Euclid. It has close connections
with computational geometry, computer
graphics, discrete geometry, and some areas
of combinatorics. It is the geometry of
engineering drawing and architecture.
Euclidean solid geometry describes three-
dimensional space. It is used in solid
modeling, constructive solid geometry,
computer graphics, engineering design, and
architectural design, among other elds.
Differential geometry has become increasingly
important to mathematical physics and
cosmology because of the work of Albert
Einstein on general relativity. The objects
that are considered in differential geometry
are smooth objectsobjects without sharp
corners or edges. Differential geometry is
used in econometrics in economy; to solve
problems in digital signal processing in
engineering; to analyze and describe geologic
structures in geology; to analyze shapes in
computer vision; and to analyze and process
data in image processing.
Geometry in Society 429
Discrete geometry focuses on the properties
of nite or discrete objects, like lattice points.
It is used in robotics, computer graphics,
crystalline theory, packing theory, and
congurations of objects, among others.
Computational geometry is a eld that
includes researchers from computer science
and mathematics and investigates algorithms,
data structures, and computational
issues related to geometric structures and
operations. It is used in robotics, computer
graphics, geographic information systems
(GIS), computer-aided design, medicine, and
machine learning, among others.
Geometry in Design and Manufacturing
Geometry is used in the planning, layout, and produc-
tion of most items that are manufactured. The design
process may involve nding the optimal way to lay out
a pattern on a piece of cloth or on a piece of wood,
plastic, or metal so as to minimize waste. Computers
are used to nd the best place to divide large sheets
of wood in the manufacture of cabinets, ooring, and
paneling so as to generate the maximal use from that
wood. Areas that use geometry in this manner are quite
diverse and include the following:
Architecture includes home planning, interior
design, and landscape architecture.
Assembly planning involves objects manufactured
using an automated assembly line or robotic manipu-
lations. In robotic manufacturing, the constraints of
the robots determine the motions that can be made,
and the motions can determine the programming and
design of the robotics to be used.
Computer-aided design (CAD) includes many com-
mercial and open source programs used by architec-
tural and manufacturing rms to complete the design
of items from motherboards to cars.
Grasping and xturing answers the question: where
does one place obstacles, such as robot ngers or x-
tures, to prevent some object from moving?
Machinists are professionals who work on computer
numerical control (CNC) machines to make parts in
the manufacturing process. They can understand the
process better if they have a deeper understanding of
solid geometry. The cutter on one of these machines
is controlled by the computer that is reading from a
design that has been programmedprobably digitized
and programmed. Because of the manner in which the
machine operates, most instructions do not come from
reading in the standard Cartesian coordinate system,
but in cylindrical or spherical coordinates, or at times
in a newly developed coordinate system designed just
for that machine. The tool and die makers for manu-
facturers across the nation must take designsand
sometimes the designs are only outlinesfrom the
engineer and create a prototype for the part. These
prototypes can now be designed in the computer using
CAD and then printed on a three-dimensional printer.
The geometry for printing these parts is complicated,
but allows for faster prototyping and manufacture.
Geometry in Graphics and Visualization
Computer graphics is an area that continues to expand
from its beginnings attempting to represent geometric
shapes (consider the 1982 movie Tron) to the extensive
work of Pixar and other computer-generated imag-
ery (CGI) groups in the movie industry to bring to
life entire worlds that look realistic (consider the 2009
movie Avatar). Shapes and gures are rst designed,
digitized, and then rendered as nets. Once the basic g-
ure is digitized, it is manipulated by computers accord-
ing to the movie script. Once the entire script is done,
the gures are nalized to give them a more realistic
appeal. Advances in this area seem relatively simple, yet
the example of making Sulleys hair move realistically
in the 2001 movie Monsters, Inc. or the realistic appear-
ance of the water in the 2005 movie Madagascar took a
great deal of effort to develop.
Printing and the graphic arts involve issues of layout
and form. The optimal use of geometric shapes on a
page or palette, relative size of objects, and perspective
are some of the relevant geometric considerations.
Geometry in Information Systems
Cartography and geographic information systems
(GIS) are used by most local and state governments in
the United States for maintaining property and road
records and for making maps.
Voronoi diagrams answers the question: given a
collection of objects (for example, re stations) to be
located throughout a city, how does one allocate these
objects so that each person in the city is closer to one
than any of the others? The Voronoi diagram, named
for Georgy Voronoi, is a geometric partition of a space.
Voronoi diagrams are used in situations such as models
430 Geometry in Society
of crystal and cell growth, locations of limited facilities,
and reservoir simulations.
Geometry in Medicine and Biology
Protein and virus modeling investigates the shape of
a protein or virus and its motions, which are impor-
tant in understanding its behavior and in developing
Medical imaging uses lower dimensional informa-
tion, such as two-dimensional images, to reconstruct
the shapes of organs, bones, or tumors. The recon-
struction of three-dimensional shapes from slices is a
geometric problem.
Geometry in Physical Sciences
Astronomy is one of the oldest uses for solid geom-
etry. Computational geometry problems come about
in observation planning and shape reconstruction of
irregular shapes, such as asteroids.
Scientic computation involves the application of
computer visualization and simulation.
Physics has long been intertwined with geometry.
For example, symmetry is an important concept in
both elds. Physicists have used geometric ideas to
model the world and the universe, and geometers have
investigated physical problems.
Computer vision is the ability of a robots computer to
recognize the shape and geometric features of an object
before it can interact with the object, such as picking
up a part from a manufacturing line to be used in the
assembly of a larger component.
Robot motion planning is an issue in robot design.
While the engineer and the planner know what they
want the robot to do in a manufacturing or other type
of process, the composition of the robot and the com-
ponents used in its manufacture put restrictions on
what movements it can actually perform. An under-
standing of this movement space and what can be
reached, held, moved, and so forth is a consideration of
the geometry of the robot.
Geometry in Fashion Design
In March 2010, there was a fashion show of a Japa-
nese fashion designer, Dai Fujiwara for Issey Miyake.
It was not an ordinary fashion show but a place where
fashion and advanced mathematics met. Dai Fujiwara
was inspired by a legendary mathematician, William P.
Thurston. Human bodies are beautiful geometric g-
ures, which are curved in quite complicated ways. Cov-
ering these geometric objects with pieces of clothing
in various types is certainly a place where mathematics
can have a great inuence.
A body is a surface of variable curvature. The top of
the head, or shoulders, are positively curved parts, like
spherical surfaces. The armpit is an example of a nega-
tively curved part of the body, like a hyperboloid or
saddle shape. Divide a circle into three arcs with equal-
length and three points, A, B, and C, form endpoints of
Geometry in Society 431
(Left) Graduate
students in Cornell
department try
to make a tiling,
which is fit to one
students body.
(Right) A sample tiling
covering made by
Professor Thurston.
the arcs. Suppose there are hinges at A, B, and C so that
the angle between two adjacent arcs can be changed.
By changing the angle, one can make the deformed
circle t to a part of some surface. If the curvature is
locally constant on some neighborhood of a point on
the surface, and the size of the circle is small enough to
be contained in that neighborhood, then this is pos-
sible. The curvature of the surface there should be
same with the sum of all angle changes at the hinges.
This idea was originally proposed by the great German
mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss. A similar idea
was proposed by Thurston. His idea was the following.
Instead of a circle, consider Y-shape pieces. The three
legs have the same length, and the angle between each
pair of adjacent legs is 120 degrees. Suppose the size of
the Y-shape piece is small enough. Connect endpoints
of many Y-shape pieces by adding hinges, and let the
hinges have some appropriate angles, and the result
could t on various types of surfaces. The angles that
the hinges make determine the local curvature of the
surface. If the surface is curved dramatically or the cur-
vature of the surface is very large, then much smaller
Y-shape pieces would be needed. This is one of the sim-
plest ways to obtain a tessellation of a surface. Fashion
designers have made use of these ideas in order to make
beautiful coverings for the human body.
Geometry in Other Applications
In character recognition, a document is scanned and
read on a computer; a computer is able to distinguish
characters since they have certain congurations. If
the image is clear, the recognition is simple. When the
image is not clear, recognition becomes a much harder
problem and geometry is brought to bear to try to dif-
ferentiate characters. The algorithms used must be fast,
Social network theory involves the connections
that people make in their social networks, which form
a part of what can be studied using nite geometries.
A 2009 survey of friends on Facebook showed that
there was an average of 6.5 connections between any
two randomly chosen participants.
Occupational Connections
Geometry is connected to a number of occupations
and is used often in industry.
Carpenters, cabinetmakers, and construction man-
agers are professionals who need to know, understand,
and use the concepts of angle measurement, paral-
lel lines, quadrilaterals, the Pythagorean Theorem
(named for Pythagoras of Samos), area, and volume
and need to know how to make and read three-dimen-
sional drawings.
Surveyors, cartographers, photogrammetrists, and
surveying technicians are professionals who need to
know, understand, and use the concepts of angle mea-
surement, congruent triangles, the triangle inequality,
parallel lines, quadrilaterals, similarity, the Pythago-
rean Theorem, right-triangle trigonometry, circles,
constructions, area, volume, and transformations and
need to know how to make and read three-dimen-
sional drawings.
Fireghters are professionals who need to know,
understand, and use the concepts of area and volume.
Forest, conservation, and logging workers are pro-
fessionals who need to know, understand, and use the
concepts of angle measurement, congruent triangles,
right-triangle trigonometry, area, and volume and need
to know how and read three-dimensional drawings.
Automotive service technicians and mechanics are
professionals who need to know, understand, and use
the concepts of angle measurement, area, and volume.
Geometry has been useful in a wide variety of other
professions also, including printing and the graphic
arts, heavy equipment operation, fashion and apparel
design, navigation, painting and paperhanging, engi-
neering, home planning, plumbing and pipe tting,
outdoor advertising, landscape technology, and archi-
tecture and drafting, as well as optical technicians,
machinists, cement workers, electricians, general con-
tractors, and surveyors.
In the twenty-rst century, geometry is connected
to many occupations and elds within and outside
mathematics. Students investigate geometric topics
throughout their school experiences. Sometimes these
experiences are in separate geometry courses, but often
they are integrated with numerous mathematical per-
spectives and applications. In the nineteenth century,
algebraist James Joseph Sylvester explained that
Time was when all the parts of the subject were
dissevered, when algebra, geometry, and arithme-
tic either lived apart or kept up cold relations of
acquaintance conned to occasional calls upon
one another; but that is now at an end; they are
drawn together and are constantly becoming more
432 Geometry in Society
and more intimately related and connected by a
thousand fresh ties, and we may condently look
forward to a time when they shall form but one
body with one soul.
Further Reading
Dehaene, Stanislas, Vronique Izard, Pierre Pica,
and Elizabeth Spelke. Core Knowledge of
Geometry in an Amazonian Indigene Group.
Science 311 (2006).
Elam, Kimberly. Geometry of Design: Studies in
Proportion and Composition. New York: Princeton
Architectural Press, 2001.
Eppstein, David. Geometry in Action. http://www.ics
Gibilisco, Stan. Geometry Demystied. New York:
McGraw Hill, 2003.
Gorini, Cathy. Geometry at Work: Papers in Applied
Geometry. Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America, 2000.
Meyer, Walter. Geometry and Its Applications. 2nd ed.
Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2006.
Navigation: Using Geometry To Navigate Is Innate,
At Least For Fish. ScienceDaily, August 15, 2007.
Pierro, Mike, et al. Geometry: Career Related Units.
Teachers Edition. Minnesota State Department
of Education, 1973.
Sinclair, Nathalie. The History of the Geometry
Curriculum in the United States. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing, 2008.
Whiteley, Walter. The Decline and Rise of Geometry
in 20th Century North America. In Canadian
Mathematics Study Group Conference Proceedings.
Edited by J. G. McLoughlin. St Johns: Memorial
University of Newfoundland, 1999. http://www.math
David C. Royster
Hyungryul Baik
See Also: Animation and CGI; Engineering Design;
Geometry and Geometry Education; Geometry of
Music; Geometry of the Universe; Medical Imaging;
Origami; Painting; Pythagorean School; Sacred
Geometry; Symmetry; Visualization.
Geometry of Music
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Representations.
Summary: The mathematical principles of
symmetry and scaling play important roles in
musical composition.
Musical information can often be represented natu-
rally with shapes, allowing insights to be gained from
geometric techniques.
One indication of the close connection between
music and geometry comes from the fact that Euclid
of Alexandria, who wrote Elements of Geometry (300
b.c.e.), a founding document of geometry, also wrote
a comprehensive treatise on the mathematics of musi-
cal pitches, Theory of Intervals. The eighteenth-century
mathematician Leonhard Euler also developed geo-
metric tools for music analysis.
Symmetry is one of the most powerful ideas in
geometry. No less so in the geometry of music, where
symmetries abound. Geometric techniques can be
applied to musical scales, chords, and melodic lines.
Because of the concept of octave equivalence, the 12
pitches of the equally tempered chromatic scale are
inherently cyclic in nature. Thus, the geometric theory
of cyclic groups plays a major role in the mathemati-
cal description of scales and chords. Similarly, geom-
etry can play a role in the analysis of musical rhythm,
particularly in musical forms based upon a repeating
rhythmic motif. In twentieth-century atonal music,
geometric ideas have been proposed as unifying theo-
retic structures to ll the role once played by tonal
harmonic concepts.
Symmetries in the Twelve Pitches
of the Equally Tempered Scale
Two fundamental principles of modern musical analy-
sis are octave equivalence and equal temperament.
Octave equivalence refers to the perception, believed
to be universal in developed music cultures, that two
pitches separated by an octave are members of the same
pitch class. Equal temperament refers to the system
of musical intonation by which the 12 chromatic half
steps within the octave represent uniform frequency
scalinggiven a pitch with frequency f, the pitch one
half step above has frequency 2
f. In the equally tem-
Geometry of Music 433
pered scale, enharmonically spelled notes, such as C
and D, represent the same pitch.
The twelve pitch classes are inherently cyclic. This
principle is represented in the left view of Figure 1,
which is identical to an analog clock face, with the
traditional 12 replaced by 0. The diatonic scale is
represented by the vertices of the inscribed polygon
in the center view of Figure 1. This arrangement of
the seven diatonic pitches is the most even spacing
possible for seven pitches in the 12-tone octave. The
evident symmetry about the 28 axis puts the compli-
cated diatonic sequence of half steps and whole steps
into a simpler conceptual framework. The gure illus-
trates that the Dorian Mode (which begins and ends
on the second diatonic scale degree, given here as D
or 2) is unique among the diatonic modes in that it
follows the same sequence of intervals both ascending
and descending.
The six pairs of diametrically opposite pitch classes
in the clock representation are separated by the inter-
val of a tritone, so named because it contains three
whole steps. In tonal music, the tritone is considered
the most dissonant-sounding interval. If the three
odd-numbered pitch class pairs on the clock face
are reected diametrically, the result is the circle of
fths shown in the right view of Figure 1. The cir-
cle of fths is familiar to music students as a mne-
monic device for learning the musical key signatures:
the number of sharps increases by one (or alterna-
tively, the number of ats decreases by one) at each
step in the clockwise direction, while the number of
ats increases (or sharps increase) at each step in the
counterclockwise direction. The circle of fths is used
extensively as an analytical tool for twentieth-century
music in the work of American composer and music
theorist Howard Hanson.
Representing Musical Structure in
Geometric Spaces
Beginning with the musical writings of Euler and con-
tinuing at least through the work of the inuential music
theorist Hugo Riemann (not to be confused with the
mathematician Bernhard Riemann) in the nineteenth
century, the representation of harmonic concepts in a
two-dimensional array called a Tonnetz (Tonal Net-
work) has guided the understanding of tonal harmony.
In the tonnetz shown in Figure 2, the rows are simply
the entries of the circle of fths, while the columns
are the 12 diatonic pitch classes arranged chromati-
cally (by half steps). The result is that the diagonals
are made up of pitch classes separated by minor thirds
(in the southeast direction) and major thirds (in the
northeast direction). In this arrangement, the sonori-
ties of tonal harmony can be represented by polygonal
groupings of the adjacent symbols: triangles for major
and minor triads, parallelograms for major and minor
seventh chords, and similar structures for diminished,
augmented, and dominant seventh chords. The musi-
cal theory of modulation (changing from one tonal
center to another in the course of a musical composi-
434 Geometry of Music
Left: The 12 pitches of the equally tempered chromatic scale arranged on a circle. Center: The vertices of the
inscribed polygon represent the pitches of the diatonic scale. The diatonic arrangement is the most evenly spaced
distribution of seven vertices in a 12-sided gure. Note the symmetry inherent in the Dorian Mode, which begins
and ends on pitch 2 (D). Right: Diametric reection of the odd-numbered pitches results in the circle of fths.
Figure 1. The 12 pitch classes.
tion) is aided by the geometric perspective of a Ton-
netz. Tonal networks such as the one shown here are
precursors of the contemporary musical theory of
pitch class spaces.
Recently, chords have been modeled as points in
geometric spaces called orbifolds. Music theorists
analyze the symmetry of chords inside of the space
with respect to translation, reection, or permutation
and look at short line segments between structurally
similar chords.
Rhythmic Symmetry
Like the 12 pitch classes, the metrical organization of
music in time is also highly cyclic, allowing similar
geometric techniques to be applied to rhythm. The left
view of Figure 3 shows the eighth-note subdivisions of
a 4/4 measure. The vertices of the inscribed polygon
represent the rhythmic placement within the measure
of the handclap rhythm from the iconic 1956 Elvis
Presley recording of Hound Dog. This complicated
rhythm has a simple symmetric structure when viewed
Geometry of Music 435
Left: The vertices of the inscribed polygon represent the handclap rhythm heard in the Elvis Presley recording
of Hound Dog. Center: The vertices of the inscribed polygon represent the well-known clave rhythm heard
in Afro-Cuban music. Right: The bossa nova cowbell rhythm heard in Quincy Joness Soul Bossa Nova.
Figure 3. Eighth-note subdivisions of rhythmic units arranged around a circle.
The pitch classes of the circle of fifths are arranged horizontally. The vertical alignment of the pitch classes is
chromatic. Diagonals in the southeast direction progress by intervals of the minor third. Northeast diagonals
progress by major thirds. All tonal sonorities are given in this representation by polygons containing adjacent
pitches. For example, major triads are given by triangles with vertex at top and minor triads are given by
triangles with a vertex at the bottom, as shown above for the C major and A minor triads.
Figure 2. The first eight rows of a Tonnetz (or Tone Network).
geometrically. Similarly, the center view in Figure 3
shows the clave rhythm familiar to listeners of Afro-
Cuban music, with its line of symmetry. The left view
of Figure 3 shows a characteristic bossa nova rhythm
(which can be heard on the cowbell in Quincy Joness
Soul Bossa Nova) and its line of symmetry.
Further Reading
Archibald, R. C. Mathematicians and Music. American
Mathematical Monthly 31, no. 1 (1924).
Demaine, E. D., F. Gomez-Martin, H. Meijer, D.
Rappaport, P. Taslakian, G. T. Toussaint, T. Winograd,
and D. R. Wood. The Distance Geometry of Music.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 42,
no. 5 (2009).
Hall, Rachel Wells. Geometrical Music Theory. Science
320 (2008).
Johnson, Timothy. Foundations of Diatonic Theory:
A Mathematically Based Approach to Music
Fundamentals. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Eric Barth
See Also: Composing; Harmonics; Scales.
Geometry of
the Universe
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurements;
Summary: Characteristics of the universe such as
size, shape, and composition have long concerned
mathematicians and astronomers and over the course
of history various models have been offered.
The shape of the universe and its geometry have been
the topic of human interest for millennia. Research-
ers in scientic disciplines such as physics, astronomy,
and cosmology, along with mathematicians, especially
those working in geometry, are seeking to discover
what shape the universe is, whether it is nite or in-
nite, and how many dimensions it has. Not only do
researchers investigate this topic; it is also popular for
philosophical debates in the media and educational
settings, for example, as the theme of Mathematics
Awareness Month in 2005. Generally speaking, the
density of the universe determines its geometry. The
shape of the universe could therefore be estimated by
measuring the average density of the matter within
it, assuming that all matter is evenly distributed
though there might be considered distortions caused
by very dense objects with mass accumulated locally,
such as galaxies. This assumption is well justied by
cosmological observations showing that, while the
universe appears to be weakly inhomogeneous and
anisotropic locally, on average it is homogeneous
and isotropic. Therefore, all considerations about the
geometry of the universe have to be seen from two
perspectives: the local geometry that is related to the
observable universe and the global geometry related
to the universe as a whole, where also that is included
which humans have yet to be able to measure in the
early twenty-rst century.
Measurements are closely related to the origins of
geometry, a discipline ourishing more than 5000
years ago from the early stages of the human civiliza-
tion in ancient Egypt and later in ancient Greece, and
are practical and necessary in connection to the geo-
detic measurements of Earth. Later, developed as a
theoretical abstract branch of mathematics, geometry
offered mathematical background for the description
of geometric abstract spaces with more dimensions,
which cannot be visualized in the three-dimensional
spaces, but can be used as models in modern physi-
cal and cosmological theories describing the possible
form, structure, and principal laws of the universe.
From the History
For thousands of years, people believed that the uni-
verse revolved around Earth, and astronomers cre-
ated mathematical models to explain observations in
the sky. Eudoxus of Cnidus created a model contain-
ing rotating spheres centered about Earth. With this
model, Aristotle was able to partially explain some of
the planetary motions by rotating the spheres at dif-
ferent velocities, but other observations, such as differ-
ences in brightness levels, could not be resolved.
In the next century after Aristotle, Euclid of Alexan-
dria expressed the parallel postulate. While it was not
linked with models of the universe at the time, it was to
eventually take on an important role in the geometry
436 Geometry of the Universe
of the universe. Euclid is the author of the famous Ele-
ments, one of the earliest and most inuential works
in the history of mathematics, consisting of 13 books.
Here, all principles of the geometric space, today called
Euclidean, were deduced in the form of mathemati-
cally proved propositions and constructions from a
small set of postulates and denitions. Postulates were
not proved or demonstrated, but considered to be self-
evident and true. They described all basic relations and
measures between ideal geometric gures as points,
lines, triangles, circles, or solids, and also numbers that
were treated geometrically as line segments with vari-
ous lengths. The introduced list of postulates referred
to the following ve groups of relations: incidence,
congruence, order, continuity, and parallelism.
The fth postulate about parallelism says: If a
straight line falling on two straight lines makes the inte-
rior angles on the same side less than two right angles,
the two straight lines, if produced indenitely, meet on
that side on which are the angles lesser than the two
right angles. From the time of its publication until the
late nineteenth century, this postulate, apparently dif-
ferent from all others and of more complicated form,
attracted mathematicians, who strived to prove it as a
consequence of the rst four groups. New equivalent
formulations of this famous parallel postulate appeared.
The most familiar form is this: Through a point not on
a given straight line, at most one straight line can be
drawn that never meets the given line (see Figure 1).
All efforts to prove the fth parallel axiom appeared
to be pointless. On the contrary, different possible for-
mulations of this special property were introduced, as
the negations of Euclids postulate, revealing thus the
existence of new kinds later called non-Euclidean
geometries with unusual properties emerging from
these formulations.
Geometric Spaces
Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, it took a
long time for humanity to accept that Earth is not at the
center of the universe because this revolution required
an imaginative leap that surpassed problematic reli-
gious and philosophical implications. In his famous
work, the Almagest, Claudius Ptolemy, a second-cen-
tury philosopher, rened and improved an Earth-cen-
tered model based on the earlier work of Apollonius
of Perga and Hipparchus of Rhodes. In the Ptolemaic
universe, planets now moved along epicycles, which
had circles attached to the spheres around Earth, and
yet this model still did not completely resolve contra-
dictions with astronomical observations. Aristarchus
had suggested a heliocentric system, and in the six-
teenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus gave substance to
Aristarchuss ideas by carrying out the detailed math-
ematical calculations. His model still utilized epicycles
in order to explain the circular motion of the planets,
but it placed a motionless sun close to the center of the
universe. Johannes Kepler revolutionized astronomy
by nally overthrowing the stranglehold of purely
circular motions. His introduction of elliptical orbits
Geometry of the Universe 437
Figure 1. Axiom on parallelism.
Triangles in Different
Geometric Spaces
mong many consequences of the valid-
ity of Euclids postulate on parallelism,
the most striking one is about the sum of the
triangle interior angles. The measures of the
interior angles of a triangle in the Euclidean
space always add up to exactly 180 degrees.
This property is related to the planar triangles
located in a at plane. Examples of triangles
in non-Euclidean geometries are spherical
triangles and hyperbolic triangles. Here, the
sum of measures of the interior angles of a
triangle is always more than 180 degrees in
the elliptical non-Euclidean space, while in the
hyperbolic non-Euclidean space it is always
less than 180 degrees.
k l = R
B a
B b //a
B b
together with his other two laws of planetary motion
form the basis of celestial mechanics to this day. They
were also critical in the formulation and verication
of Sir Isaac Newtons laws of gravity and of motion,
which in turn became the basis for cosmology for the
following two centuries.
Around 1830, Hungarian mathematician Jnos
Bolyai and Russian mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich
Lobachevsky published their papers on non-Euclidean
geometry, independently and unaware of each other
hyperbolic geometry is therefore also called Bolyai
Lobachevskian geometry. The famous mathematician
Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss explored such geometry
about 20 years earlier, but he never published his
work. Lobachevsky developed a theory of a new geo-
metric space, in which the fth postulate was not true,
by negating the Euclids postulate about the existence
of a unique parallel to a given line. He stated a new,
nowadays called the Lobachevsky, axiom of parallel-
ism: Through a point not on a given straight line, at
least two different lines can be drawn that never meet
the given line. Lobachevsky based this reasoning on
his own ndings received from measuring distances of
stars calculated from their trajectories traced on the
celestial sphere because of the movements of Earth
in the solar system. In his gigantic triangles, the sum
of the interior angles measured less than 180 degrees.
Bolyai worked out a geometric theory whereby both
the Euclidean and the hyperbolic geometry were pos-
sible, depending on a special introduced parameter.
Bolyai wrote in his work that it is not possible to
decide whether the geometry of the physical universe
is Euclidean or non-Euclidean through mathematical
reasoning alone, and he regarded this to be a task for
the physical sciences.
Bernhard Riemann was a German mathematician
who founded a new eld of geometry, later called the
Riemannian geometry, in his famous lecture in 1854.
He constructed an innite family of non-Euclidean
geometries by giving a formula for a family of Rieman-
nian metrics on the unit ball in the Euclidean space. His
theory of Riemannian surfaceswhich can be divided
into three types: hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic or
spherical corresponding to negative, zero, or positive
curvaturecan be generalized by his uniformization
theorem in terms of conformal geometry. Every con-
nected Riemann surface X admits a unique complete
two-dimensional real Riemannian metric with con-
stant Gaussian curvature equal to
1, 0, or 1 inducing
the same conformal structure. The surface X is then
called hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic, respec-
tively, according to its universal cover.
Later on, Riemanns remarkable work was elabo-
rated by German mathematician Felix Christian Klein,
who established a new classication of geometric
spaces based on algebraic theory of the underlying
group of transformations and their invariants, which
is known as the Erlangen program presented at the
University of Erlangen in 1872. Basic properties of a
specic geometry can be represented as sets of invari-
ant properties of the space gures under a given group
of transformations. This denition of geometric
spaces encompassed both Euclidean and non-Euclid-
ean geometry in a unifying theory of geometric spaces,
taking into consideration not only geometric gures
and the space dimension, but also specied geometric
transformations and their invariants.
The development of non-Euclidean geometries was
inevitably important to physics in the twentieth cen-
tury. Modern geometry shows multiple strong bonds
with physics, exemplied by the links between Rie-
mannian geometry and relativity. In 1917, Albert Ein-
stein used Bernhard Riemanns mathematics in order
to present a model for the universe that was consistent
with his theory of relativity. His model was based on a
nite spherical universe. Geometry, where the curva-
ture changes locally from point to point, is the Rieman-
nian geometry of continuous manifolds. One of the
youngest physical theories, string theory, is also very
geometric in avor.
Dimensions: Shape of the Universe
There is a direct link between the geometry of the uni-
verse and its shape. The homogeneous and isotropic
universe allows for a spatial geometry with a constant
curvature, and three different possible types of geo-
metric spaces can be distinguished, depending on the
sign of the curvature.
If the density of the universe equals exactly the criti-
cal density, then the geometry of the universe is at,
like a plane. One has to consider a geometric space with
zero curvature and Euclidean geometry as described by
Euclid. As Euclids fth postulate on parallelism is true,
the sum of the triangles inner angles equals exactly 180
degrees, and light photons traveling on parallel lines
never meet each other (see Figure 2).
438 Geometry of the Universe
If the density of the universe exceeds the critical
density, then the geometry of space is closed and posi-
tively curved like the surface of a sphere. No parallel
lines exist, and the sum of the triangles inner angles
is more than 180 degrees. This implies that, initially,
parallel photon paths converge slowly. Eventually, they
cross and return back to their starting point if the uni-
verse lasts long enough (see Figure 3).
If the density of the universe is less than the critical
density, then the geometry of space is open, negatively
curved like the quadratic surface called hyperbolic
paraboloid. Innitely many parallels exist through a
point to a given line and the sum of the triangles inner
angles is less than 180 degrees. Parallel photon paths
can be considered as traveling to innity in different
directions from one starting point (see Figure 4).
Global geometry describes the topology of the
whole universethe observable part and beyond. For
a at spatial geometry, any topological property may or
may not be directly detectable, as the scale of all such
properties is arbitrary. Probability to detect the topol-
ogy of spherical and hyperbolic geometries by direct
observation depends on the spatial curvature. Using
the radius of curvature as a scale, a small curvature of
the local geometry, with a corresponding scale greater
than the observable horizon, makes the topology dif-
cult to detect. In a hyperbolic geometry, the radius
scale is unlikely to be within the observable horizon,
while a spherical geometry may have a radius of curva-
ture that can be detected.
There are three primary methods to measure cur-
vature: luminosity, scale length, and density. Luminos-
ity requires an observer to x some standard source of
light, such as the brightest quasars, and follow them out
to high red shifts. Scale length requires determination
and usage of some standard size, which can be the size
of the largest galaxies. Density is a number of galaxies
in a chosen box as a function of distance. Recently, all
these methods have been inconclusive because the size
and number of observable galaxies and their brightness
are changing with time in unpredictable ways. As of
2011, the cosmological measurements were consistent
with the model of a at universe, based on data from
sources such as NASAs Wilkinson Microwave Anisot-
ropy Probe (WMAP). NASA has declared the universe
to be at within a 2% margin of error.
Two following investigations are decisive in the
study of the global geometry of the universe:
Whether the universe is a compact space or it
is innite in extent
Whether the topology of the universe is
simply or nonsimply connected
Geometry of the Universe 439
Figure 2. Planar parabolic Euclidean geometric space. Figure 3. Spherical non-Euclidean geometric space.
Figure 4. Hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometric space.
Both of these topological properties depend on the
mass distribution and, therefore, on the total strength
of gravitation within the universe. However, each of
them implies a different history and future develop-
ment of the universe:
1. If the universe is a space with negative
curvature, there is insufcient mass to cause
the universe to cease expansion. Therefore,
the universe has no boundaries, and it will
continue expanding forever, ending in a
Heat Death. This model of the universe is
presented as an open universe.
2. If the universe is a space with zero curvature,
there is exactly enough mass to stop its
expansion, but this will take an innite
amount of time. In this case, the universe has
also no bounds and will expand forever; but
after an innite amount of time, the rate of its
expansion will be gradually approaching zero.
This is a Euclidean at universe model.
3. If the universe is a space with positive
curvature, there is more than enough
mass to stop its expansion. The universe is
not innite, but it is endless. The present
expansion of the universe might eventually
stop and turn into a contraction, and the
universe will start collapsing on itself. This
model is called a closed universe.
Scientists still do not know which of these three sce-
narios of the future of the universe could be correct, as
they have not yet been able to determine exactly how
much mass is in the universe.
If the three-dimensional manifold of a spatial sec-
tion of the universe is compact, then the universe has
a denable volume, as on a sphere. If the geometry of
the universe is not compact, then the universe is in-
nite in extent with no denable volume, such as the
Euclidean plane. Therefore, if the spatial geometry is
spherical, then its topology is compact, while for a at
or a hyperbolic spatial geometry the topology can be
either compact or innite.
Particle physics, quantum eld theory, and cosmo-
logical theories led to a revolution in thought and new
paradigms of subatomic matter that require the exis-
tence of a so-called hyperspace, which is an ultimate
universe of many dimensions. In an ongoing quest
for a synthesis of quantum mechanics and relativity
physics into a superstring theory of universe unifying
four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism,
and the strong and weak nuclear forces), the idea of
a Theory of Everything has been born. This unied
eld theory, as it is understood in the early twenty-rst
century, does not preclude any of such hypotheses as,
for instance, the existence of superstrings, black holes,
wormholes, other parallel universes, and time travel
ideas. Modern physics still needs a more powerful
440 Geometry of the Universe
imensionality of the geometric space is an
intrinsic characteristic that is understood
and perceived differently for the space inhabit-
ants (locally) than from the global point of view
of the outside observers. Inhabitants of the
three-dimensional space cannot easily realize
the fourth dimension, similarly to the behavior
and abilities of inhabitants of a two-dimensional
space, Flatland. English mathematician and
writer Edwin A. Abbott explored the nature of
dimensions in his novel Flatland: A Romance
of Many Dimensions that appeared in 1884,
where he predicted the possible existence and
reality of the fourth dimension of the universe.
Flatlanders are not able to imagine the third
dimension existing outside their living environ-
ment of the two-dimensional space, which is,
however, quite natural for the three-dimensional
space inhabitants. His work inspired mathema-
ticians to develop considerations of how higher
dimensions could appear to human beings as
inhabitants of the universe, provided this can
be considered as a three-dimensional surface
of a four-dimensional space-time. Many books
and lms appeared, describing the idea of
dimensionality and its perception; for example
the short lm Flatland produced by Seth Caplan
in 2007, or the computer animated lm Flatland
directed and animated by Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., in
Lightwave three-dimensional software.
mathematical theory and topology of the 10-dimen-
sional space in order to understand completely our
expanding and evolving cosmos. The theory of hyper-
space introduced by American mathematician Michio
Kaku may be the leading candidate for the Theory of
Everything, for which Albert Einstein spent the last
years of his life searching.
When, in 1990, scientists sent the Hubble Space
Telescope into space, they did not expect to nd that
the expansion of the universe was speeding up, nor
did they realize the existence of the black matter and
the dark energy that became the dominant force in the
universe, recently accelerating its expansion. The James
Webb Space Telescope, NASAs next orbiting observa-
tory and the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope,
is scheduled to be launched in 2014 to distant orbits.
This infrared telescope detecting infrared radiation
will be capable of seeing wavelengths of light difcult
to observe from Earth, thus opening new horizons of
the visible universe. It is hard to imagine and predict
what discoveries and answers to the mysteries of the
universe scientists will gain using its observations in
the future.
Further Reading
Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland: A Romance of Many
Dimensions. Los Angeles: Indo-European
Publishing, 2010.
Frank, Adam and Erika Larsen. Is the Universe Actually
Made of Math? Discover Magazine (July 2008).
Kaku, Michio. Hyperspace: A Scientic Odyssey Through
Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth
Dimension. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Rucker, Rudy. Spaceland. New York: Tom Doherty
Associates, 2002.
Stewart, Ian. Flatterland. New York: Perseus
Publishing, 2001.
Weeks, Jeff. The Shape of Space: How to Visualize Surfaces
and Three-Dimensional Manifolds. New York:
Dekker, 1985.
Yau, Shing-Tung and Steve Nadis. The Shape of Inner
Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universes
Hidden Dimensions. New York: Basic Books, 2010.
Daniela Velichov
See Also: Black Holes; Gravity; Parallel Postulate;
Universal Constants.
Geothermal Energy
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement.
Summary: Geothermal energy can be harnessed
for domestic heating or to produce electricity via
steam turbine.
Geothermal refers to heat from the interior of Earth
generated from the forces that led to the planets cre-
ation and the ongoing slow radioactive decay that
continues to generate thermal activity. While Earths
surface is relatively cool, temperatures increase dra-
matically with depth, which is known as a regions
geothermal gradient. The interiors of continents
tend to have lower gradients than spreading center
regions, where continental tectonic plates are slowly
separating. A prime geothermal area is along the Ring
of Fire rimming the Pacic Oceans eastern, northern,
and western coasts.
High geothermal gradients make prime candidates
for geothermal energy projects. However, the average
gradient is approximately 2.53 degrees Celsius per 100
meters. Approximately 6000 kilometers beneath the sur-
face, molten rock reaches temperatures of approximately
5000 degrees Celsius. A small portion of this extreme
heat makes its way to the surface as steam through cracks
and ssures. Geothermal leakage to the surface leads to
dramatic volcanic eruptions as well as to the formation
of hot springs and geysers. Geothermal-warmed, min-
eral-rich waters have long been considered to be sacred
or to have healing properties by many people. Geysers
such as Old Faithful in Yellowstone continue to attract
visitors from around the world.
Mathematicians, geothermal engineers, geologists,
and other scientists use mathematical methods to
research various aspects of geothermal processes, such
as the deformable, porous properties of soil and rock
that allow geothermal heat to make its way to the sur-
face. These studies have broad applications in many
scientic areas, including the way brains deform dur-
ing neurosurgery and in industrial injection mold-
ing. In other cases, LagrangianEulerian ow models,
named for Joseph Lagrange and Leonhard Euler, are
used to model characteristics such as precipitation and
transport, which have applications for engineering
geothermal reservoirs and isolating radioactive waste.
Geothermal Energy 441
Stochastic models for system optimization and control
as well as geometric models also help mathematicians
understand geothermal heat. Many are working on
computer models to update, integrate, and expand the
U.S. Geological Surveys MODFLOW, a three-dimen-
sional nite-difference groundwater ow model rst
published in 1984 and widely used for research and
industrial applications.
Geothermal Heating
As long ago as the nineteenth century, scientists and
engineers began to develop geothermal-based appli-
cations for chemistry and heating, though there is
evidence that even prehistoric people built dwellings
around naturally occurring geothermal heat sources.
With abundant geothermal resources, Iceland began to
emerge by the late 1920s as a world leader in the use
of geothermal energy for domestic heating and cool-
ing. Advances since that time have led to the develop-
ment of geothermal heat pump systems. During cold
periods, heat pumps transfer to buildings heat from
either the ground (beneath the frost line) or from the
bottom of ponds. During warm periods, the process is
reversed and heat is taken from buildings and put into
the ground or ponds. However, purposeful movement
of water on a large scale can have geological conse-
quences. For example, in Venice, the removal of sub-
surface water resulted in subsidence (settling of loose,
porous soil), which lowered some buildings. Adding or
subtracting water from one part of a geothermal eld
can affect all aspects of the eld, including system pres-
sure and surface vents. Seismologists use mathematical
models describing the behavior of deformable porous
rock and soil to predict where events like earthquakes
might occur as a result of water-pumping activities.
Geothermal Electricity
Geothermal resources can also be used to produce elec-
tricity. The rst geothermal electric power plant was
built in Larderello, Italy, in 1904. Japan and the United
States followed suit in 1910 and 1921, respectively.
The spread of geothermal energy has been slow in the
decades since. However, because of concerns regarding
global warming and a quest to develop nongreenhouse
gas (GHG)emitting energy technologies, geothermal
power generation has received more attention.
There are two types of geothermal power plants,
both of which rely upon the production of steam to
drive the conventional turbines that create electricity.
Electricity can be produced directly from steam if the
temperatures are at a minimum of 95 degrees Celsius
(200 degrees Fahrenheit), and higher outputs are pos-
sible after temperatures crest at
175 degrees Celsius (350 degrees
Fahrenheit). At the Geysers geo-
thermal power plant in Califor-
nia, steam at a temperature of
approximately 235 degrees Cel-
sius (455 degrees Fahrenheit) is
used to directly drive turbines. At
lower temperatures, geothermal
heat can still be used, but it relies
upon specialized uids that have
a low boiling point capable of
producing high pressures, rather
than natural steam.
While the capital costs are
high for both types of geothermal
electricity, once in production it
has several advantages over other
forms of electricity generation.
Like wind, its fuel costs are negli-
gible. Similar to wind and nuclear
power, once constructed, geother-
442 Geothermal Energy
Volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches partly encircling the Pacific Basin form
the Ring of Fire, a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
mal plants produce far fewer GHG emissions than tra-
ditional fossil fuel plants. Geothermal also has advan-
tages over other alternative energy producers. Unlike
wind, which is intermittent because of its dependency
on weather conditions, geothermal electricity can be
relied upon to produce consistent baseload power. Geo-
thermal plants are also less intrusive visually than large
wind farms and tend to draw less public attention.
Geothermal also has two key advantages over nuclear
generation. Nuclear power plants are dependent upon
a nite resource (uranium), and nuclear waste disposal
is both controversial and costly. In contrast, geother-
mal generation depends on a virtually innite source
(heat generated in Earths interior), and there are no
long-term waste issues.
Popular and government interest in geothermal
energy and its advantages over both traditional and
alternative electricity generating options led to a 20%
increase in global geothermal electricity production
between 2005 and 2010. In addition, there has been
a 52% increase from 2007 to 2010 in the number of
countries developing geothermal resources.
Despite the increasing numbers, geothermal energy
production continues to signicantly lag behind other
electricity sources at the start of the twenty-rst cen-
tury. In part, this lag is the result of a perception that
there are a limited number of high-quality geothermal
sites that would enable geothermal energy to become a
major producer. In addition, there are technical, per-
mitting, and electric transmission issues that drive up
capital costs and inhibit substantial expansion.
Further Reading
Bundschuh, Jochen, and Mario Surez. Introduction
to the Numerical Modeling of Groundwater and
Geothermal Systems: Fundamentals of Mass, Energy
and Solute Transport in Poroelastic Rocks. Oxfordshire,
England: Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Dickson, Mary H., and Mario Fanelli. What Is
Geothermal Energy? International Geothermal
Geothermal Energy: Tapping the Earths Heat.
National Geographic. http://environment.national
Holm, Alison, Leslie Blodgett, Dan Jennejohn, and Karl
Gawell. Geothermal Energy: International Market
Update. Washington, DC: Geothermal Energy
Association, May 2010.
Idaho National Laboratory. The Future of Geothermal
Energy: Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
on the United States in the 21st Century. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press 2006.
Lerner, K. Lee, and Brenda Wilmoth, eds. Geothermal
Gradient. In World of Earth Science. Farmington
Hills, MI: Gale Cengage, 2003.
National Energy Board. Emerging Technologies in
Electricity Generation: An Energy Market Assessment.
Ottawa : Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
as represented by the National Energy Board, 2006.
U.S. Government Accountability Ofce. Renewable
Energy: Increased Geothermal Development Will
Depend on Overcoming Many Challenges. May 2006.
Jason L. Churchill
See Also: Climate Change; Electricity; Energy;
Volcanoes; Wind and Wind Power.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematical algorithms are used in the
process of redistricting and to help evaluate whether
or not gerrymandering has occurred.
Gerrymandering is a form of political boundary
delimitation, or redistricting, in which the boundaries
are selected to produce an outcome that is improperly
favorable to some group. The name gerrymander
was rst used by the Boston Gazette in 1812 to describe
the shape of Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Ger-
rys redistricting plan, in which one district was said
to have resembled a salamander. In the United States,
congressional and legislative redistricting occurs every
10 years, following the decennial census. The aim of
redistricting is to assign voters to equipopulous geo-
graphical districts from which they will elect represen-
tatives, in order to reect communities of interest and
to improve representation.
Gerrymandering 443
Both redistricting and gerrymandering can be char-
acterized as mathematical optimization functions. For
good-government redistricting, the optimization func-
tion is based on measures of representation and fair
political outcomes. These measures may include the
number of expected majority-minority districts and
the number of competitive districts as well as bias and
responsiveness of the expected seats-votes response
curve. In contrast, a gerrymander may aim to mini-
mize the number of districts in which a racial or eth-
nic minority can elect a representative, maximize the
number of partisan seats, protect incumbents by creat-
ing districts that are not competitive, or obtain some
other improper advantage.
Forms of Redistricting
Redistricting is the process of dividing a larger geo-
graphical unit into a xed number of regions (known
as districts). The formal aim of redistricting is to cre-
ate the set of districts that yields the optimal results
as measured by some cost/benet criteriawhile at
the same time meeting a set of constraints. The gen-
eralized redistricting problem applies to a variety of
elds, including the assignment of sales territory;
the site selection for warehouses, re stations, and
schools; and the division of political territories into
election districts.
In political redistricting, a larger political unit, such
as a state, is divided into a number of districts con-
taining roughly equal numbers of people (or, in some
jurisdictions, voters). The voters in each district will
have the right to elect a xed number of candidates
to represent that district. In addition, the district plan
must satisfy various legal requirements such that dis-
tricts are geographically contiguous; composed from
undivided subunits, such as counties, or census blocks;
be nonempty; and do not overlap.
Mathematical Representation
In mathematical terms, both redistricting and gerry-
mandering are readily represented as a type of combi-
natoric partitioning problem. (The optimization prob-
lem is combinatoric because the rules for redistricting
typically require that districts be constructed only from
whole census blocks.) There are many specic formu-
lations of this problemall equivalentincluding set-
partitioning, integer-programming, polygon-division-
ing, and graph-partitioning.
The law typically requires that each district is
contiguous and has roughly equal population. For
legislative districts, equal population may be within
10% of the ideal population; for congressional dis-
tricts, only minimal differences are permitted. Thus,
a common characterization of the redistricting prob-
lem is the weighted graph partition problem: nd a
partition of the entire graph (for example, state to be
redistricted) that induces connected subgraphs (guar-
anteeing contiguity) of equal node-weight (guaran-
teeing equal population) and that maximizes some
goal function.
The choice of goal function depends on the objec-
tives of the redistricter. For example, a redistricter
intent on creating a partisan gerrymander might use a
goal function that estimates the expected probability of
one party controlling the legislature under a given plan,
or alternatively, the expected number of party-con-
trolled seatsa crude estimate of this is the number of
districts with party registration over 55%. In contrast,
the goal function for a more fair-minded redistricter
might be the number of expected competitive seats,
the expected bias of the expected seats-vote curve, or
another measure of political representation.
Computational Issues
The behavior and characteristics of a district can be
readily predicted based on the properties of the units it
contains. For example, it is relatively straightforward
using modern statistical modeling and computational
methodsto predict the number of seats each party is
likely to capture in the next election, given a particular
districting plan.
However, although each plan may be easy to evalu-
ate, and the problem of choosing the best plan is easy
to formulate, actually nding the best plan is extremely
difcult. In fact, it is provably NP-complete. NP-com-
plete problems are generally considered by computer
scientists and mathematicians to be computationally
intractable. Surprisingly common forms of redistrict-
ing to optimize neutral, good-government, or partisan
objectives (including compact, contiguous, equipopu-
lous plans, proportionally representative plans, and
partisan-seat maximizing plans) are all computation-
ally intractable.
While algorithms exist to solve these problems pre-
cisely, reliably, and with certainty, the time required
to obtain such a solution grows exponentially as the
444 Gerrymandering
number of problems grow. Thus, it is impossible to
use reliable solution methods for practical problems.
Redistricting problems are instead solved computation-
ally using heuristics (problem-solving procedures that
provide no guarantees of yielding good solutions,
although they may produce acceptable solutions in cer-
tain circumstances). In other words, when districts are
created manually or with a computer, one usually can-
not know whether these are the best districts possible.
Distinguishing Gerrymandering
and Redistricting
In theory, and in U.S. law, a gerrymander is distin-
guished from a legitimate redistricting through its
effect and the intent of the redistricter. If the intent
of the redistricter is to produce an improper outcome
and is effective in achieving that outcome, a gerryman-
der has occurred. In practiceexcept in more extreme
casesdistinguishing gerrymanders from ordinary
redistricting is challenging for three reasons. First,
although it may seem easy to identify gerrymanders
by district shape alone (and many measures of shape
compactness have been proposed), in fact, none of
these measures is related strongly either theoretically
or empirically to improper political intent or effect.
Politically relevant groups are not uniformly distrib-
uted in space. Further, partisanship and demographics
are often strongly correlated. For example, members of
some parties tend to live in cities, and the poor are often
clustered in neighborhoods. As a result, geographical
compactness measures that may seem neutral on their
face have predictable political biases when applied.
Thus both scholars and the courts have declined to
accept measures of geographical compactness for ger-
rymander detection.
Second, it is not feasible to determine the optimal
plan for a given objective, or the statistical distribution
of possible redistricting plans, because the problem is
too difcult to compute. This makes it challenging to
determine whether a redistricter intended or achieved
maximization of a particular goal, or not. Third, there
is generally a lack of consensus on how to measure the
various dimensions of political representation. Thus
even good-government redistricters may disagree as to
the best goal function to use when creating a plan.
These three issues makes it challenging to use statis-
tical and quantitative methods to determine whether
the properties of a proposed plan are extreme, to deter-
mine the intent of the redistricter, and to determine
whether a particular plan has unambiguously violated
representational values.
Further Reading
Altman, M. A Bayesian Approach to Detecting Electoral
Manipulation. Political Geography 22, no.1 (2002).
. Is Automation the Answer? The Computational
Complexity of Automated Redistricting. Rutgers
Computer and Technology Law Journal 23, no. 1
Altman, M., and M. McDonald. The Promises and Perils
of Computers in Redistricting. Duke Constitutional
Law and Policy Journal 5 (2010).
Butler, D., and B. Cain. Congressional Redistricting:
Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives. New York:
Macmillan Publishing, 1992.
Cortona, P. G. di, C. Manzi, A. Pennisi, F. Ricca, and B.
Simeone. Evaluation and Optimization of Electoral
Systems. New York: Society for Industrial & Applied
Math Press, 1999.
Puppe, Clemens and Attlia Tasnadi. A Computational
Approach to Unbiased Districting. Mathematical and
Computer Modeling 48, nos. 910 (November 2008).
. Optimal Redistricting Under Geographical
Constraints: Why Pack and Crack Does Not Work.
Economics Letter 105 (2009).
Micah Altman
See Also: Graphs; Packing Problems; Permutations
and Combinations.
Global Warming
See Climate Change
Golden Ratio
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Golden Ratio 445
Summary: The golden ratio of roughly 1.618 is
found throughout nature and art.
It was Euclid of Alexandria, a well-known Greek math-
ematician, who in his book The Elements (300 b.c.e.)
rst wrote about the golden ratio. The golden ratio is
denoted by the Greek letter (phi) and known also
as the golden section, the golden mean, and the
divine proportion.
This last name was given to because of the fre-
quency with which the ratio exists in the natural
worldleading many to hold it up as a mystical num-
ber. The golden ratio is, as all ratios are, a comparison.
In his description, Euclid describes the golden ratio
through the division of a line segment. A line segment
whose length is A is divided into two smaller pieces,
one of length B and the other of length C, such that
the ratio of the original segment to the larger piece
is equal to the ratio of the larger piece to the smaller
piece. Mathematically, this ratio would be represented
as the following:
A perfect rectangle is a rectangle in which the ratio
of the length of the longer sides to the length of the
shorter sides yields . Alternatively, the ratio may be
expressed as follows:
1 5
and it is approximately equal to 1.16180339877. . . . As
this is an irrational number, there is no end to its digits
and no pattern among them.
The golden ratio may be used to create a golden spi-
ral. Golden spirals are common in nature and can be
found on shells, the caverns of the inner ear, the horns
of various animals, and even some owering plants. A
golden spiral is a spiral that gets wider by a factor of
for every quarter turn it takes as it opens outward from
the point of origin (see Figures 12). If one considers
the origin to be the eye of a hurricane, the spiraling
out can be seen in the shape of the hurricane (the cir-
cling of winds that opens outward from the eye), and
this provides yet another example of the golden ratios
appearance in nature.
The golden ratio appears in many other areas as well,
including science, art, and nature. For example, the
work of Herodotus (fth century b.c.e.), considered the
rst historian, indicates the use of the golden ratio in
the construction of the pyramids (see Figure 3). Phid-
dias (490430 b.c.e.), a sculptor, is said to have used
the golden ratio in the creation of sculptures that were
later found in the Parthenon. The Parthenon itself con-
sists of many uses of the golden ratio, a simple example
being the length and width of the building. Similarly,
the golden ratio appears in modern architecture, such as
the United Nations Building in New York City. Here the
ratio of the height of every 10 oors as compared to the
width of every 10 oors also yields the golden ratio.
The work of Leonardo da Vinci is also said to incor-
porate the golden ratio, including in the denition of
the proportions in the Mona Lisa (see Figure 4).
446 Golden Ratio
Figure 1. A golden spiral.
Figure 2. A golden spiral in a seashell.
The use of the golden ratio in art and architecture is
common, especially when one considers that the ratio
is pleasing to the eye. Gustav Fechner (18011887) per-
formed many experiments with respect to this ratio.
He found that rectangles, books, buildings, and other
objects were more pleasing to individuals when they
contained the golden ratio.
Music is another place where the golden ratio plays
a vital role. Mozarts piano sonatas use the golden
ratio in the arrangement of sections of measures that
make up individual pieces. Mozarts piano sonatas are
made up of two sections called the exposition and
the recapitulation. In one 100-measure composition,
Mozart divided the pieces into two sections between
the 38th and the 62nd measures. The measures in the
pieces, when compared, yield the closest approximation
to the golden ratio that can be made when dividing a
100-measure composition into two sections. However,
the pieces do not always make use of the golden ratio
throughout. That is, subsections do not always include
the golden ratio, leading some to question whether
Mozart was conscious of his use of it. In addition, in
many of the most successful musical pieces, the cli-
max of the piece occurs in accordance with . That is,
the ratio between the length of the piece prior to the
climax compared to that after the climax yields, once
more, the golden ratio.
Further, the golden ratio is apparent in proportions
in the human body. If the distance from the navel to a
persons foot is considered to be 1, then the height of
the person is approximately . The ratio of the distance
from the navel to the top of the head to the length of
the head also approximates . In the idealized human
face (that which is said to be most beautiful in terms of
proportions, comes up when comparing the length
of the face to the width; the length of the mouth and
the width of the nose, and many other comparisons.
The golden ratio is also related to the Fibonacci
sequencea numeric sequence in which each succes-
sive term (except for the rst two) is obtained by add-
ing the two prior terms. This yields 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
21, . . . . When the ratios between successive terms in the
sequence are found, they approach the golden ratio.
Some question whether the golden mean is a num-
ber that is preferred or signicant in nature or whether
the number is so prevalent because the mathematical
meaning of the number inuences or biases perceptions
of the applicability. The diversity of systems in which it
Golden Ratio 447
Figure 3. The golden ratio in pyramids.
Figure 4. The golden ratio in the Mona Lisa.
appears, including multiple developmental markers of
human growth, suggests that it may be broadly advan-
tageous. Analysis shows that the ratios logarithmic
spiral is a system that could theoretically self-replicate
indenitely. It also minimizes wasted space and gives
new growth maximum exposure to necessary resources,
such as sunlight. This makes a golden spiral an optimal
and efcient design for growth in biological systems.
Further Reading
Dunlap, R. The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers.
London: World Scientic Publishing, 1998.
Hemenway, P. Divine Proportion: Phi in Art, Nature and
Science. Salt Lake City, UT: Sterling Press, 2005.
Livio, M. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, The Worlds
Most Astonishing Number. New York: Broadway
Books, 2002.
Lidia Gonzalez
See Also: Geometry of Music; Hurricanes and
Tornadoes; Painting; Sequences and Series.
Government and
State Legislation
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Representations.
Summary: Legislation shapes the conditions in which
mathematics education and research take place and
mathematics quanties the impact of proposed laws.
Government and state legislation impacts mathemat-
ics and mathematics education in many ways. For
instance, legislators may guide research or teaching
or mandate state or federal testing. They set funding
levels that affect raises, the hiring or ring of teachers,
and the daily operations at many state-assisted schools,
colleges, and universities. Federal funding for math-
ematics programs at organizations like the National
Science Foundation or the Department of Education,
as well as state funding through Boards of Education,
is often given as grants with the hope that they will lead
to innovations in research and teaching. Some schol-
arship programs or economic incentives are designed
to increase the number of graduates in science, tech-
nology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). U.S.
House or Senate resolutions bring attention to math-
ematical events like Mathematics Awareness Month or
-Day. Professional mathematical societies organize or
co-organize policy and advocacy committees that lobby
the U.S. Congress and provide testimonies on issues
related to mathematics. Another way that mathematics
impacts legislation is through the quantitative knowl-
edge of legislators. Scientists and mathematicians also
serve on state or national committees like those at the
National Academy of Sciences, which advise the federal
government on STEM issues.
Structure and Representation
When citizens are not voting directly on legislation,
they rely on elected representatives to give voice to
their preferences. The constitutional democracy imple-
mented in the United States was formulated expressly
to prevent any one individual or group from exerting
too much inuence over the citizenry. Power sharing
is manifested in the United States by partitioning gov-
erning responsibilities across the three branches of the
federal government: judicial, executive, and legislative.
The familiar system of checks and balances allows
each branch to exert some measure of control over the
other two.
Most state governments are structured in a similar
way. The legislative branches at the federal and state
levels implement further power-sharing measures in
that they are often bicameral, meaning two separate
bodies deliberate on laws and policies. Reecting one
of the great political compromises of American gov-
ernment, these two legislative bodies are formulated on
two distinct representative principles. The U.S. Senate,
for example, has equal representation from each state
to ensure that each, especially smaller states, has equal
voice in new policy formation. The U.S. House of Rep-
resentatives features representation that is in propor-
tion to the population size of each state, thereby ensur-
ing that larger states have a voice that fairly represents
their larger constituency. In a system of representation,
a single representative usually stands in for a popula-
tion of citizens. The primary technical and mathemati-
cal challenge in this system of representation is that not
all representatives will represent the same number of
citizens. That question forms the basis of the appor-
448 Government and State Legislation
tionment problem, which is a topic of great historical
and theoretical mathematics study.
Mathematics Education
Many federal and state agencies impact STEM elds
through legislated acts such as those related to fund-
ing or establishment of responsibilities. For instance,
in 1867, the U.S. Department of Education was created
in order to collect data on schools. The 1890 Second
Morrill Act, which required states to prove that race
was not a factor in granting college admissions or to
land-grant institutions, led to new responsibilities for
the Department of Education. As a result of the launch
of Sputnik, Congress passed the National Defense
Education Act (NDEA) in 1958: To help ensure that
highly trained individuals would be available to help
America compete with the Soviet Union in scientic
and technical elds, the NDEA included support for
loans to college students, the improvement of science,
mathematics, and foreign language instruction in ele-
mentary and secondary schools, graduate fellowships,
foreign language and area studies, and vocational-tech-
nical training. In 1980, Congress established the U.S.
Department of Education as a cabinet-level agency.
The Department of Education continues to impact
mathematics education in the twenty-rst century by
focusing on educational excellence and equal access.
Legislative funding and policies are an important aspect
of curriculum changes through state or local agencies
such as Boards of Education or Departments of Public
Instruction. For example, in the late 1990s, concerns
about student achievement led the state of California
to adopt mathematics standards and the states legis-
lature appropriated $1 billion for new instructional
materials. Local agencies impact mathematics educa-
tion through funding for teachers, charter schools, or
voucher programs.
Another important federal agency for mathematics
is the National Science Foundation. Under President
Harry Truman, Congress established the National
Science Foundation in 1950 via Public Law 81-507.
The National Science Foundation provides grants
and supports research and education in STEM. The
agency attributes its founding to a response to the
contributions of research scientists who helped win
World War II, for example, with the creation of peni-
cillin and the atomic bomb.
Professional Organizations
Mathematicians in professional mathematics organi-
zations, such as the National Alliance of State Science
and Mathematics Coalitions, track federal and state
legislation, help lobby legislators, and review legisla-
tion for potential positive and negative impacts. One
well-known example of mathematics legislation with
mathematical errors at the state level relates to the
concepts and squaring a circle. House Bill 246 read:
A bill for an act introducing a new mathematical
truth and offered as contribution to education to be
used only by the state of Indiana free of cost by paying
any royalties. . . . This erroneous bill did not become
law because of the intervention of mathematics pro-
fessor C. A. Waldo.
Mathematics in Government
The extent of mathematics and scientic knowledge
among legislators has long been a concern. Plato advo-
cated the idea that learning to calculate is a kind of
knowledge which legislation must make a subject of
study; and we must endeavor to persuade those who
are in positions of authority in our State to go and
learn arithmetic, not as amateurs, but they must carry
on the study until they properly understand the nature
of numbers; nor again, like merchants or retail-trad-
ers, with a view to buying or selling, but for the sake of
their military use, and of the mind itself; and because
this will be the easiest way for it to pass from the world
of becoming to that of truth and reality. Under Presi-
dent Abraham Lincoln, an act of Congress established
the National Academy of Sciences in 1863 in order to
conduct experiments on scientic issues and advise
any department of the government that needed them
to do so. The National Academy of Sciences created the
National Research Council in 1916.
An example of how the National Academy of Sci-
ences has impacted legislation related to mathematics
is the twenty-rst-century report Rising Above the
Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America
for a Brighter Economic Future, also known as the
Augustine Report. Congress had requested an eco-
nomic competitiveness study and Normal Augustine,
also a member of the Presidents Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology, chaired the resulting National
Academy of Sciences committee. He was educated as
an engineer and served as chairman and chief execu-
tive ofcer of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Through
Government and State Legislation 449
the report, the committee highlighted the ties between
STEM innovations and the global economy and made
international comparisons. It advocated improved edu-
cation in mathematics and science as well as an increase
in the number of students in the STEM pipeline. This
report led to the American Competitive Initiative of
2006, which was enacted into law in 2007 as the Amer-
ica Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote
Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act,
or the America COMPETES Act. It sets targeted federal
funding levels for STEM, such as doubling funding for
the National Science Foundation.
Congress has investigated many issues related to
mathematics, which often rst arose out of related
congressional and National Academy of Sciences com-
mittee work. The twenty-rst century Committee on
Science and Technology or the historic Committee on
Coinage, Weights, and Measures is one example. Con-
gress passed the Metric Act of 1866: It shall be lawful
throughout the United States of America to employ
the weights and measures of the metric system; and
no contract or dealing, or pleading in court, shall
be deemed invalid or liable to objection because the
weights or measures expressed or referred to therein are
weights or measures of the metric system. Additional
relevant legislative actions include the House Resolu-
tion: Expressing Support for Mathematics Awareness
Month, or House Resolution 224, that supported the
designation of March 14 as -Day to help publicize
mathematical events. Congress has also investigated or
held hearings on issues such as how to close the gender
gap in STEM or whether to relax H1B1 visa caps so
that technology rms can hire more foreign workers.
Mathematicians, scientists, and business leaders testify
before Congress on STEM issues. Presidents can also
issue executive orders related to mathematics, such as
when President George W. Bush created the National
Mathematics Advisory Panel in 2006 to advise both
him and the Secretary of Education regarding best
practices in mathematics education.
Further Reading
Crowley, James. Joint Policy Board for Mathematics
Testimonies. Notices of the American Mathematical
Society 43, no. 10 (1996).
Dudley, Underwood. Legislating Pi. Math Horizons 6
(February 1999).
Jacob, Bill, and Joan Akers. Research-Based
Mathematics Education Policy: The Case of California
19951998. International Journal for Mathematics
Teaching and Learning (May 2000). http://www.cimt
Lutzer, David. Science Policy at the MAA. MAA
FOCUS: The Newsmagazine of the Mathematical
Association of America 24 (2004). http://www.maa
National Alliance of State Science and Mathematics
Coalitions. Survey of State STEM Legislation. http://
U.S. Department of Education. Federal Role in
Matt Kretchmar
See Also: Curriculum, College; Curriculum, K-12;
Educational Testing; Mathematics Literacy and Civil
Rights; Professional Associations.
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Global positioning systems have been
made available to the private sector but depend on
satellites originally placed into orbit for military
purposes and require precise calculations.
The global positioning system (GPS) is a satellite-based
navigation system comprised of a network of satellites
placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense in
1973. GPS was originally intended for military applica-
tions to accurately determine locations worldwide in
all kinds of weather. In the 1980s, the U.S. government
made the system available for civilian use. GPS is used
as a navigation and positioning tool in transportation,
such as eet cars and commercial trucking, in survey-
ing, and for almost all outdoor recreational activities.
In the scientic community, GPS plays an important
role in geology, meteorology, wildlife studies, archeol-
ogy, and many other areas. Mathematics was critical in
450 GPS
the development of this system and mathematicians
work on many ongoing issues, such as precision and
error correction.
There are three parts that form the GPS: the space
segment (satellites), the user segment (the receiver),
and the control segment (control stations). The control
segments are on the geoid (a three-dimensional model
of Earth). The rst segment of the system consists of
a constellation of satellites, orbiting 20,000 kilometers
above Earth in 12-hour circular orbits. While the exact
number of satellites in operation varies at any given
moment, at least six groups of four satellites are neces-
sary to ensure that they can be detected from anywhere
on Earths surface. Each group is assigned a different
path, creating six orbital planes that completely sur-
round Earth.
The satellites transmit signal information to Earth.
GPS receivers take this information and use trilatera-
tion to calculate the users exact location. Each satellite
continuously transmits a data stream containing orbit
information, equipment status, and the exact time. GPS
receivers contain computer chips that then calculate the
difference between the time a satellite sends a signal and
the time it is received. The unit multiplies this time of
signal travel by the speed of travel to get the distance
between the GPS receiver and the satellite. Since these
are radio waves, the speed used is the speed of light. One
satellite gives a sphere on which the receiver sits. Two
satellites give two spheres on which the receiver sits. The
intersection of two spheres (and they must intersect) is
a circle. Adding a third satellite gives the receiver one of
two points at which the sphere will intersect the circle.
Using the geoid as the fourth solid, the receiver xes the
point of location. Despite this, there is still some pos-
sibility for error if the clock on the receiver has a slight
error. A clock error of only one-thousandth of a second
causes a position error of almost 200 miles. The solu-
tion is to use geometry. If one more satellite is added,
then even if the clock in the receiver is off, it is off for
all of the satellites by the same amount. The receiver
lies on a line from each of the satellites. If all clocks are
exact, then the receiver will sit at the intersection of the
GPS 451
Once a users position has been determined, a GPS unit can calculate not just location but speed, bearing,
track, trip distance, distance to destination, and sunrise and sunset times, among other things.
lines. However, the error in the receiver clock will cause
the lines to intersect in different points, resulting in a
polygon surrounding the receiver. The receiver can be
calculated to be at the center of this polygon.
GPS Capabilities and Accuracy
A GPS receiver must be locked on to the signal of at
least three satellites to calculate the latitude and longi-
tude and to track movement. With four or more satel-
lites, the receiver can determine the users latitude, lon-
gitude, and altitude. Once the users position has been
determined, the GPS unit can calculate other informa-
tion, such as speed, bearing, track, trip distance, distance
to destination, sunrise and sunset times, and more.
Most GPS receivers are accurate to within 15 meters on
average. Newer GPS receivers often come with wide-
area augmentation system (WAAS) capability that can
improve accuracy to less than three meters on average.
No additional equipment or fees are required to take
advantage of WAAS. Users can also get better accuracy
with differential GPS (DGPS), which corrects GPS sig-
nals to within an average of three to ve meters. The
U.S. Coast Guard operates the most common DGPS
correction service. This system consists of a network
of towers that receive GPS signals and transmit a cor-
rected signal by beacon transmitters. In order to get the
corrected signal, users must have a differential beacon
receiver and beacon antenna in addition to their GPS.
Possible sources of error include the following:
Ionosphere and Troposphere Delays. Different
layers of the atmosphere have different
impacts on the speed of the satellite signal
through those layers. Mathematicians have
been working on creating better models of
these atmospheric layers in order to give
smaller errors.
Geoid Error. The receiver uses a mathematical
model of the surface of Earth, the geoid.
Better mathematical models can improve the
accuracy as long as they are relatively easy to
use in computation.
Signal Multipath. The GPS signal may be
reected off objects, increasing the travel
time of the signal, thereby causing errors.
Mathematicians are working on developing
models to account for multipath based on the
relative location of receiver.
Orbital Errors. Inaccuracies in the satellites
reported location are handled by the control
segment, which tries to keep each satellite
on track.
Number of Satellites Visible. If only three
satellites are visible, the receiver gives a
position with a warning that it is likely to be
very inaccurate.
Satellite Geometry/Shading. Differences in
the relative position of the satellites at any
given time may cause errors. Ideal satellite
geometry exists when the satellites are located
at wide angles relative to each other. Poor
geometry results when the satellites are
located in a line or in a tight grouping.
Intentional Degradation of the Satellite Signal.
Selective Availability (SA) is an intentional
degradation of the signal previously imposed
by the U.S. Department of Defense. SA was
intended to prevent military adversaries
from using the highly accurate GPS signals.
The government turned off SA in May 2000,
which signicantly improved the accuracy of
civilian GPS receivers.
GPS Signal Transmission
GPS satellites transmit two low-power radio signals,
designated L1 and L2. Civilian GPS uses the L1
frequency of 1575.42 MHz in the UHF band. A GPS
signal contains three different bits of information: a
pseudorandom code, ephemeris data, and almanac
data. The pseudorandom code is simply an identica-
tion code that identies which satellite is transmitting
information. Ephemeris data, which are constantly
transmitted by each satellite, contain important
information about the status of the satellite (healthy
or unhealthy), current date, and time. The almanac
data tell the GPS receiver where each GPS satellite
should be at any time throughout the day. Each satel-
lite transmits almanac data showing the orbital infor-
mation for that satellite and for every other satellite
in the system.
Further Reading
Cooke, D. Fun with GPS. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2005.
Kaplan, Elliot D., and Christopher Hegarty, eds.
Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications. 2nd
ed. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2005.
452 GPS
Levitan, Ben. GPS Quick Course: Systems, Technology and
Operation. Fuquay-Varina, NC: Althos, 2007.
David Royster
See Also: Geometry of the Universe; Marine
Navigation; Satellites; Trigonometry.
Graham, Fan Chung
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Fan Chung, a role model to mathematics
students, has done key work in Ramsey theory.
Known professionally as Fan Chung, Fan R. K. Chung
Graham (1949) is a Taiwanese-American mathema-
tician specializing in combinatorics. She earned her
doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974,
where she was a student of Herbert Wilf (1931), then
spent two decades at Bell Labs and Bell Corp. In 1983,
she married Ron Graham, a famous mathematician
in his own right; she has two children from a previ-
ous marriage. In 1994, she left industry and returned
to academia as an endowed professor at the University
of Pennsylvania. Three years later she accepted her cur-
rent position as a professor at the University of Califor-
nia, San Diego.
Fan Chung loved mathematics from a young age
in Taiwan and decided in high school to be a math-
ematician. She gravitated to combinatorics because the
problems were fun and many problems . . . were easily
explained, you could get into them quickly, but getting
out was often very hard. She is a role model to math-
ematics students, especially young women entering
mathematics. Fan Chung advises students, Dont be
intimidated! and emphasizes the importance of seek-
ing and exploring the connections between different
topics in mathematics and applications. It is like play-
ing a game of Go. . . . If your territory is all connected
together, then each piece is strong and useful.
Another theme in Fan Chungs discussions about
mathematics is the importance of communication.
As an undergraduate in Taiwan, I was surrounded
by good friends and many women mathematicians.
We enjoyed talking about mathematics and helping
each other. At Bell Labs, she was intimidated at rst
by some of the research mathematicians and scien-
tists with whom she worked. However, her interest
in diverse mathematical problems led her to inquire
about others work. Then, as she said, You make
mathematical friends and share the fun!
Fan Chungs primary research interests are in ran-
dom graphs, spectral graph theory, and extremal graph
theory. She has also made many contributions in dis-
crete geometry, communication networks, and algo-
rithms. Her generalization of the ErdosRnyi model
for random graphs has applications to the study of
large information networks. At the same time, she
has blended and balanced her work and family lives.
When she became pregnant with her second child, she
reassured others, Since I already had one at home, I
thought whats the problem with one more? . . . I just
took four weeks vacation and wrote one paper in
between. She has also said that it is quite wonderful
to have a supportive spouse with whom she can share
her ideas and challenges. Recreationally she paints,
including portraits of mathematicians she has known.
In 1999, the Graham home, which has a unique circu-
lar design, was named Home of the Year by Dcor &
Style magazine and was also featured on the television
program Extreme Homes.
Ramsey Theory
Fan Chungs doctoral dissertation and much of her
work since come under the general heading of Ramsey
theory, named for British mathematician and econo-
mist Frank Ramsey (19031930). This branch of com-
binatorial mathematics deals with the inevitability of
certain types of order and patterns. The simplest non-
trivial result says that, in any group of six people, there
are either three where all know each other or three
where none know each other. If there are six vertices
with a line connecting each pair, and each line is col-
ored either red or blue, there will necessarily be either
a red triangle or a blue triangle. A fundamental result
of the theory says if there are N vertices, with each pair
connected by a line, and if each line is colored in any
of k colors, then there will be some n vertices that are
all connected in the same color, provided N is large
enough in terms of n and k. It is very difcult to esti-
mate well how large N must be, given values of n and
k. Ramsey theory is not limited to people. The objects
Graham, Fan Chung 453
of study may be, for instance, stars or sequences of ran-
dom numbers. There are also connections to number
theory and implications in scheduling problems.
Further Reading
Albers, Don. Making Connections: A Prole of Fan
Chung. Math Horizons (September 1994).
Chung, Fan. Spectral Graph Theory. Providence, RI:
AMS, 1997.
Chung, Fan, and Ronald Graham. Erdos on Graphs:
His Legacy of Unsolved Problems. Wellesley, MA:
A K Peters, 1998.
Graham, Ronald, Bruce Rothschild, and Joel Spencer.
Ramsey Theory. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1990.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Cocktail Party Problem; Graphs;
Mathematics, Theoretical; Scheduling.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Graphs and diagrams are one way
to represent mathematical information and may
convey it more clearly than other methods or reveal
interesting patterns and relationships.
Graphical representations have been found since antiq-
uity in such places as cave drawings and maps. Mod-
ern graphs are fundamental to the organization and
presentation of information. The concept of a graph
developed along with advances in printing, math-
ematical theory, and empirical observations, espe-
cially in such elds as astronomy, cartography, chem-
istry, crystallography, calculus, geometry, probability,
and statistics. Quantitative information, such as data
points or functions, is often exhibited and analyzed in
graphs. In twenty-rst-century classrooms, students of
all ages explore various types of graphs. Graph theory
is a branch of mathematics that studies mathematical
graphs in which vertices or nodes, representing objects,
are connected by edges that represent relationships
between the objects.
Early Graphs
Attempts to depict familial relationships led to a vari-
ety of family trees and graphs, some of which survived
from the Middle Ages. Family trees have long been of
historical and personal interest in tracing ancestry and
nobility relationships. The rise of genealogical social
networks at the beginning of the twenty-rst century
led to huge family trees. Researchers and software
developers have created new ways to visually represent
ever-changing family relationships, including divorce
and remarriage.
Some graphical representations arose in the context
of puzzles or games. For instance, variants of a game
known as Mens Morris have long appeared in carv-
ings on Roman buildings and in cathedrals in medi-
eval England. In the thirteenth century publication of
Alfonso X of Castile, the Libro de los Juegos (Book of
Games), an illustration, below, shows a Morris game
board with nodes that represent the positions of game
counters and connections between them that repre-
sent the moves. The beginnings of graph theory are
often attributed to eighteenth-century mathemati-
cian Leonhard Euler. In 1736, he presented a solution
showing that it was impossible to continuously tra-
verse the seven bridges of Konigsberg, Russia, without
retracing the same path or lifting the writing uten-
sil. However, his paper does not contain any graphs,
454 Graphs
An illustration from the 1283 LIbro de los Juegos
depicting a group of men playing Nine Mens Morris.
although it does contain maps of Konigsberg. Con-
tinuous gure tracing also appeared in Danish folk
puzzles, as well as in the Angola, Zaire, and Zambia
region in Africa, and in the New Ireland and Vanuatu
regions in Oceana. Euler also did not use graphs in his
1759 work on a Knights Tour, where a knight must
traverse each square on a chessboard without rep-
etition. In 1771, Alexandre-Theophile Vandermonde
used a graph drawing in this context.
One common notion of a graph is a pictorial repre-
sentation of a function. The graph of a function passes
the vertical line test, so that each input has one assigned
output. Egyptologists Somers Clarke and Reginald
Engelbach noted that an ancient Egyptian architects
diagram showed a curve with vertical lines and coordi-
nate measurements expressed in units of cubits, palms,
and digits. The graphical depiction of changing quan-
tities where one quantity depends on another can be
found in the fourteenth-century publications of Nicole
dOresme and in De latitudinibus formarum (the Lati-
tudes of Forms), which may also have been written by
dOresme. The development of coordinate geometry,
coordinate axis systems, and the notion of a function in
the seventeenth and later centuries, through the work
of Ren Descartes, Pierre de Fermat, Gottfried Leibniz,
Peter Dirichlet, and others, allowed for the graphical
representations of algebraic formulas, curves, and other
mathematical objects. Thomas Hankins noted that
graphs started appearing in 1770 in the context of
. . . the statistical atlases of William Playfair, the
indicator diagrams of James Watt and the writings
of Johann Heinrich Lambert. . . . That leaves us
with the question of what is to count as a graph. If
we include maps and geometrical and astronomi-
cal diagrams, graphs are very old indeed. What
was new in the late eighteenth century was a dia-
gram with rectangular coordinates that showed
the relationship between two measured quantities.
Lambert called them Figuren, Watt called them
diagrams, and William Playfair called them lin-
eal arithmetic. William Whewell, who seemed to
rename everything that he came into contact with,
called them the method of curves.
Gaspard Monges eighteenth-century work also inu-
enced the development of graphs as well as elds like
architecture and engineering. He is known as the father
of descriptive geometry, which studies three-dimen-
sional geometry through two-dimensional images.
The earliest known uses of the terms graph, graph
paper, and graph theory originated in the nine-
teenth and twentieth centuries. Mathematician James
Sylvester is noted as the rst to use the term graph
in the publication Nature in 1878 when he described
a chemical graph. Graphs in chemistry originated ear-
lier, such as in the eighteenth century when chemist
William Cullen referred to an afnity diagram to
model molecular forces. Alexander Brown depicted
molecules as graphs in 1864. Mathematician Arthur
Cayley developed graph theory in the 1870s in the
context of chemistry. Some have cited Julius Petersons
late-nineteenth-century work as the start of the eld
of graph theory. The Peterson graph that is named
for him is explored in graph theory classes. George
Chrystal referred to the graph of a function in his
1886 algebra text: This curve we may call the graph
of the function. Graph paper was originally known
as squared paper or coordinate paper and was pat-
ented by Dr. Buxton in the late eighteenth century.
The use of graph as a verb may date to an 1898 work
on applied mechanics, in which John Perry advised:
Students will do well to graph on squared paper some
curves like the following . . . in each case calculate y.
Plot the values of x and y as co-ordinates of points
on squared paper, and draw the curve passing through
the points. . . .
Types of Graphs
The study of logical statements, their implications,
and their relationships resulted in a variety of differ-
ent types of diagrams. Young children use Venn dia-
grams, which represent set containments and intersec-
tions using overlapping circles. These were named for
philosopher and mathematician John Venn because of
his nineteenth century work to formalize and gener-
alize them. The concept of a Eulerian Circle, named
for Euler, is related. Aristotles square of opposition
is named for the ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle
analyzed deductive logic among various statements.
Fourth-century mathematician and philosopher Ani-
cius Manlius Severinus Boethius also explored the logi-
cal relations.
In some versions, the square of opposition was pre-
sented as a square diagram that contained propositions
that were represented inside circles. Lines that con-
Graphs 455
nected the circles represented the relationships between
the propositions. College students and researchers in
elds like logic, topology, algebra, and geometry use
commutative diagrams with arrows or other symbols
to represent mappings or logical relationships.
Educational Graphs
Students in the twenty-rst century investigate a wide
variety of graphical and diagram representations. In
primary schools in the United States, students repre-
sent and analyze problems using graphs, charts, data,
and functions; the graphs also serve as a subject of
study themselves. William Playfairs 1786 publica-
tion The Commercial and Political Atlas is noted as the
beginning of charts, such as bar charts and line charts,
and perhaps the rst appearance of statistical time
series graphs. He also invented the pie chart in 1801.
In the middle grades, students also generalize patterns
with graphs and identify and contrast linear and non-
linear graphs.
In addition, they convert between symbolic alge-
braic formulas and graphical representations and
learn about graphical features, such as the slope or
intercept of a line and the changing quantities in a
graph. In high school, students continue to cre-
ate graphical representations and they approximate
the rate of change of a function from its graph. In
calculus, students use graphs to further understand
the properties of functions, such as their derivatives,
integrals, and the notion of concavity. The integral is
dened as the area under a curve, and students use
Riemann sums, named for nineteenth-century math-
ematician Bernhard Riemann, to approximate the
area using rectangles.
The widespread use of graphing calculators and
computer software in the late twentieth century
changed the way that students explored graphs. They
were able to quickly graph complex equations and
large amounts of data to look for patterns. Students
and teachers explore candidates for categories like the
most beautiful graph, the funniest graph, or the worst
graph, which some dene as the most misleading and
others as the most confusing.
Debate continues regarding what is the desired bal-
ance between by-hand graphing skills versus a reliance
on graphical methods on the computer or calculator.
Some teachers argue that if students do not under-
stand how to create graphs, they will not be able to fully
understand misrepresentations or analyses. Another
area that has taken on new prominence in twenty-rst
century schools and colleges is discrete mathematics
and graph theory.
Further Reading
Ascher, Marcia. Graphs in Cultures: A Study in
Ethnomathematics. Historia Mathematica 15 (1988).
Biggs, N., E. Keith Lloyd, and R. Wilson. Graph Theory
17361936. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Friendly, Michael. Milestones in the History of
Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and
Data Visualization.
Hankins, Thomas. History of Science Society
Distinguished Lecture: Blood, Dirt, and Nomograms,
A Particular History of Graphs. Isis 90 (1999).
Kruja, Eriola, Joe Marks, Ann Blair, and Richard Waters.
A Short Note on the History of Graph Drawing. 9th
International Symposium on Graph Drawing. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Coordinate Geometry; Curves; Function
Rate of Change; Functions; Maps; Visualization.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Our understanding of gravity has
changed considerably over time, such that a history
of gravity is virtually a history of physics. Researchers
study many different effects and conceptualizations
of gravity, some of which are very far from Isaac
Newtons falling apple.
On the surface of the Earth, every object has some
weight, which is simply the gravitational force that
Earth exerts on it. In reality, minuscule gravitational
forces are exerted on every atom of every object, the
net effect of which is the same as the effect of a single
force (the weight) acting at a single point, the center
456 Gravity
of gravity (CoG). If the object is sitting on a table, the
downward force of gravity is balanced by the upward
force provided by contact with the table, and there is
no movement. Likewise, when a person holds an object
like a barbell, the person must provide an upward force
equal to the barbells weight to keep it from falling.
Mathematics shows how Sir Isaac Newtons second law
of motion can explain a very complex set of observa-
tions. Scientists and mathematicians also study other
conceptualizations of gravity, such as energy extrac-
tion from gravitational elds, quantum gravity, topo-
logical gravity, and supersymmetric gravity.
Properties of Gravity
Gravitational force is peculiar in that it does not
depend on motion (unlike, for example, muscle forces
or aerodynamic forces). The force of gravity is the same
whether the object sits on a table or is allowed to fall.
For an object in free fall, Newtons second law dictates:
downward acceleration = net downward force mass,
and if aerodynamic forces are small enough to be
neglected, net downward force is equal to weight, so
that downward acceleration = weight mass.
Another peculiarity of gravitational force is that it
is directly proportional to mass. Therefore (weight
mass) is the same for all objects; it is approximately
9.81 m/s
near the surface of Earth, called acceleration
due to gravity, generally denoted by g.
Any object accelerates as it falls downward. Starting
from rest (speed = 0), its speed after t seconds will be
g t. So,
average speed =
2 2
g t g t
Therefore, the distance traveled (d) can be calcu-
lated as d = average speed t, which can be expressed
algebraically as
g t
g t
( ) =
2 2
This gravitational force provides a simple method
for measuring a persons visual reaction time: have the
subject hold a ruler at the top and let it hang vertically.
Let the subject bring his thumb and forenger near to
but not touching a known reading on the ruler, ready
to grab it when it falls. At a random time, let the ruler
fall. Measure the distance d it fell before it was grabbed
and compute t, the reaction time, from the above equa-
tion. For d in centimeters:
t in milliseconds = 45 15 . d .
When gravity is the only force, whether the object
is moving up, down, or at an angle, its velocity vector
changes continually but its acceleration vector remains
constant (magnitude g, pointing downward). The dis-
tinction between the velocity and acceleration vectors
is fundamental to dynamics. The space shuttle circling
Earth has constant downward acceleration when it is
not ring its rockets, though its velocitynever down-
wardchanges direction continually. Mathematics
allows one to calculate what its speed must be so that
the change in direction would correspond to the known
constant acceleration. This speed (about 17,500 miles
per hour) then determines that the period of making a
complete circle around Earth is approximately 90 min-
utes. Farther away from Earth, gravity is weaker, so that
g is smaller. It is proportional to
where r is the distance from Earths center (inverse
square law). Taking this factor into consideration,
one can determine that a circular orbit at an altitude
of 22,236 miles will take 24 hours to make a complete
circle. This is, indeed, where communications satel-
lites are located, so that they would seem not to be
moving as seen from the rotating Earth. Similarly,
the distance to the moons orbit can be related to its
period of revolution.
The same ideas can be applied to the gravitational
forces between the sun and the planets, leading to
remarkably accurate descriptions of the shapes the
orbits of planets can take, the change in speed as the
orbit is traversed, and the relation between period of
revolution and distance from the sun. All this follows
from Newtons second law and a rule of how much the
gravitational force weakens with distance.
Further Reading
Buchbinder, Joseph, and Sergei Kuzenko. Ideas and
Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity.
Oxfordshire, England: Taylor & Francis, 1998.
Gravity 457
Gamow, George. Gravity. New York: Dover
Publications, 2002.
Rovelli, Carlo. Quantum Gravity. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Ziaul Hasan
See Also: Interplanetary Travel; Planetary Orbits;
Greek Mathematics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Geometry;
Reasoning and Proof; Representations.
Summary: Greece provided the deductive
foundation for many mathematical concepts.
Historians of mathematics and ethnomathematicians
have noted that we do not know what all early civi-
lizations did in mathematics. From the evidence that
is available, however, it seems that ancient Greece in
the late half of the rst millennium b.c.e. was the rst
known civilization to specically study pure mathe-
maticsmathematics for its own sake, mathematics as
aesthetically beautiful. There are occasional examples
of pure mathematics in earlier civilizations, notably
mathematical proportions in art and design in Egypt
and elsewhere, but the earlier peoples used mathe-
matics mostly for practical applications, even if those
applications related to religion and art.
Most of the earlier civilizations had subsistence
economies, where successful life depended on success
in producing food and shelter, so mathematical think-
ing was used to contribute to these ends. Life was dif-
cult for most people and required full-time concen-
tration, so there was little time for the relaxation that
would allow contemplation of mathematical relation-
ships as beauty. However, by 600 and 500 b.c.e., Greece
had become prosperous, with strong markets and trade
ties around the eastern Mediterranean. There was sub-
sistence work to be done, but the upper-class elite did
not have these responsibilities and could devote time to
philosophy and learning for its own sake. The trade also
brought ideas from other areas, and the open market-
places encouraged the exchange of ideas and the defense
of ones own. These encounters set the stage for study-
ing mathematics beyond the everyday uses and also for
the idea of deduction to prove statements.
Early Greek Mathematicians
One of the earliest mathematicians known by name
was Thales (624547 b.c.e.) of Miletus (in modern
Turkey). He was an early user of formal deduction in
geometry and was known for demonstrating several
basic geometric properties: that a diameter bisects
a circle, that base angles of an isosceles triangle are
equal, and that vertical angles formed by the inter-
section of lines are equal. He also used angle-side-
angle and angle-angle-side triangle congruences
and showed that an angle inscribed in a semicircle is
always a right angle. In practical geometry, he recog-
nized that the North Star (Polaris) could be used for
navigation, and, most impressively, he is said to have
predicted a solar eclipse in 585 b.c.e. (though some
doubt this). He was also a businessman and bought
oil-press mills when his predictions showed a good
year for olives.
Pythagoras (572497 b.c.e.) is more famous, and,
for many, more interesting. After traveling as a young
man, he settled in Crotona (in what is now southeast-
ern Italy) and gathered followers in a secretive cultlike
organization of number worshippers. They believed
that whole numbers and ratios of whole numbers
are central to everythingnumbers rule the uni-
verse! They studied geometry, astronomy, and music,
but linked all to numbers (including noticing how a
458 Greek Mathematics
Artists representations of Greek mathematicians,
Thales (left) and the more famous Pythagoras (right).
plucked string sounds an octave higher when it is half
as long, and that other common fractions of the length
also make harmonic tones). Their worship led them
to the beginnings of number theory as they studied
odds and evens, prime numbers, and gurate numbers
(numbers of objects arranged into squares, triangles,
or other shapes). Some of the questions of number
theory that they investigated remain as unsolved prob-
lems even in the early twenty-rst century.
The most famous mathematics connected with
Pythagoras and his group is the theorem of the rela-
tionship of the lengths of the sides and hypotenuse
of right triangles. Others, notably the Egyptians and
the Babylonians, also recognized this relationship, at
least in simple cases such as the 3-4-5 triangle for the
Egyptians, more such triples for the Babylonians, and,
independently, the Chinese. However, the Pythagore-
ans were probably the rst to prove the relationship
in general, and hence, in Western mathematics, it is
called the Pythagorean Theorem, a
= h
, where a
and b are the lengths of the right triangle legs with the
right angle between them, and h is the length of the
hypotenuse across from the right angle. This theorem
has been described as the rst nonobvious theorem of
The simplest example of the Pythagorean Theorem
is a right triangle with each leg one unit long. This tri-
angle has a hypotenuse of the square root of 2. Unfor-
tunately for the whole-number-worshipping Pythago-
reans, the square root of 2 can never be expressed as
the ratio of any two whole numbers. Today, it is called
an irrational number, with an innite, nonrepeating
decimal expansion. An irrational number is contrary
to the beliefs of the Pythagoreanssuch a serious dis-
crepancy that they kept this result secret. More broadly,
the issue of irrational numbers caused a crisis in Greek
mathematics. Some have even credited this problem to
the general shift of Greek mathematics from numbers
to a basic geometry that does not use measurement.
The geometry of the Greeks became one that allowed
gures to be constructed using only a compass and an
unmarked straightedge.
Three Construction Problems
Three construction problems challenged the Greeks
and many others in later centuries. One was the task
of constructing a square with exactly the same area as a
given circlethe hope was that this would aid in nd-
ing areas of round shapes. This would require nding
a way to construct a line units long. Another was
to construct a cube of volume double that of a given
cube, which would need a line of length the cube root
of 2. The third problem asked for a trisection of a given
anglebisecting an angle was easy, but this asked for
the angle to be cut into thirds. The problems were never
solved by the Greeks, but their efforts led to interesting
insights in geometry. The Greek mathematicians were
redeemed in the nineteenth century when all three
constructions were proved to be impossible, but there
are still some skeptics who erroneously claim to have
produced proofs for these constructions.
Deductive Reasoning and Euclid
This geometry and the use of deductive arguments
became the standard not only of mathematics but
also of clear thinking and logic. Platos Academy
posted a sign that said only those with a knowledge of
geometry could enterdeductive geometry was the
prerequisite knowledge for philosophy, government,
and critical thinking in all areas. Greek civilization
greatly expanded under Alexander the Great late in
the fourth century b.c.e., reaching as far east as mod-
ern Afghanistan and south into Egypt. The city of
Alexandria was established at the mouth of the Nile
and became a center of tradeand a scholarly cen-
ter with the construction of the library (also called
museum) of Alexandria.
One of the early leaders of the library was Euclid (c.
300 b.c.e.), a mathematician whose life is little known,
but his work is one of the most published works in
all of mathematics. Probably drawing on the work
of earlier scholars, he set up an axiomatic, deductive
structure of geometry that became the basis for much
future mathematical research. He began with ve pos-
tulates that mostly drew upon the rules of geometric
construction, plus some fundamental obvious truths
and some basic denitions. From these, he developed
deductive proofs of more geometric properties.
From these early theorems, further deductions
eventually led to a tree of proven statements, each
traceable back to the original theorems. His book, The
Elements, is said to have been published more than any
book except the Bible, and remains the framework for
the introductory study of formal geometry even today.
His fth postulate did not come from constructions
and dened parallel lines, leading to the difcult use
Greek Mathematics 459
of innitynoting that parallel lines would not even
meet no matter how far they were extended. It seems
Euclid himself was worried about the issue of innity
and hesitated using this postulate as long as possible.
Two thousand years later, challenges and changes to
the fth postulate would lead to the development of
non-Euclidean geometries in the nineteenth century.
Archimedes (287212 b.c.e.) is often considered the
greatest of the ancient Greek mathematicians and one
of the greatest in all of history. Unlike many math-
ematicians, he was recognized even in his lifetime. His
achievements are especially notable in that he worked
in both pure and applied areas of mathematics. In
pure mathematics, Archimedes came close to devel-
oping integral calculus more than 1800 years before
Newton and Leibniz. He wanted to nd ways to cal-
culate areas and volumes of round shapes and used
the idea of dividing the shapes into very small slices,
much like the similar slices used to integrate areas and
volumes in calculus. He found volumes of spheres,
cones, and cylinders and discovered an interesting
relationship when these shapes have the same diam-
eter and height: the volumes of these special cones,
spheres, and cylinders form a 1:2:3 ratio.
Also using calculus-like techniques, he found the
value of by inscribing and circumscribing regular
polygons inside and outside a circle and then increas-
ing the number of sides on the polygons so they would
close in and estimate the circumference of the circle.
He calculated the value of to be between 3 1/7 and
3 10/71. To help handle large numbers, he greatly
expanded the numeration system.
Archimedes lived in Syracuse on the island of Sic-
ily, and his applied work often was related to his life
there. He studied the mechanics of simple machines
such as levers, pulleys, and screws. He was reputed to
have used some of this knowledge to help the king
repulse an invasion from the Romans. Once the king
asked him to check the authenticity of gold in a crown.
He knew he could compare densities of pure gold and
an alloy, but to do so, he needed to know the volume
of the very irregularly shaped crown. As he entered
his bath, he noticed the water level rise to compen-
sate for his own volume; from that he recognized that
he could measure the volume of the crown from the
amount of water it would displace. The story says he
jumped out of the bath and ran through town naked
shouting Eureka! (I have found it!) in his excite-
ment at the discovery.
Although Archimedes had helped ght off the
Romans, they returned when he was an old man. Leg-
end says he refused to leave the geometry he was writ-
ing in the sand when a Roman soldier told him to go.
At the refusal, the soldier killed him. In some sense,
this is symbolic, in that not only did Archimedes die
at the hand of a Roman soldier but much of the Greek
civilization fell to the expanding Roman Empire. The
Romans were good engineers and built a network of
roads and aqueducts, but they mostly used existing
mathematics and contributed little beyond the work of
the Greeks.
Other Greek Mathematicians
However, across the Mediterranean Sea, Alexandria and
its library did not fall. Following from Euclid, the Alex-
andria library continued to be a center for Greek math-
ematics that would continue even several centuries after
the decline of the overall Greek civilization. Some of
the work was in astronomy. As early as 200 b.c.e., Era-
tosthenes calculated the circumference of Earth fairly
accurately (incidentally, also indicating that he knew
the Earth was round) by comparing the angle of the
sun at noon in Alexandria and at Cyrene and using geo-
metrical comparisons to do the calculation.
Later, other Greek astronomers, notably Ptolemy
(100178 c.e.), found more measurements of the
movements of the planets. Some of their work led to
the erroneous belief that Earth was the center of the
solar system, but other studies provided a sound math-
ematical basis for early astronomical research.
Three other names of mathematicians bring the
story of ancient Greek mathematics to a close in the
early centuries of the Common Era. Hero (also called
Heron) in the rst century designed a device that, if
constructed, could have been the rst steam engine,
but it did not get built. He also found a remarkable for-
mula for the area of a random triangle when only the
lengths of the three sides (a, b, and c) are given:
Area = ( ) ( ) ( ) s s s a s b s c
a b c
+ +
460 Greek Mathematics
the semiperimeter. Like the Pythagorean Theorem,
this formula is considered one of the important early
non-obvious theorems and is also useful in practical
Diophantes, who lived in the mid-third century,
has sometimes been called the Father of Algebra. He
broke from the Greek interest in geometry and stud-
ied numerical problems with techniques that resemble
later algebraic methods. He was especially interested in
problems whose statements and results were all whole
numbers, thus restricting the range of solutions but
offering challenges that led to creative work.
Hypatia (370415) was famous as a mathematics
researcher and teacher in Alexandria. Notably, Hypatia
is one of the earliest important women mathematicians
known in history. Originally taught by her father, who
was also a mathematician, Hypatia wrote commentar-
ies and expansions on earlier Greek work, a common
type of mathematical research of the time. She was also
especially noted as a teacher. However, she inadvertently
was caught up in the religious politics of her time and
was captured and killed by a mob. Thus, two phases of
Greek mathematics ended in tragic deaths: Archimedes
at the hands of Roman soldiers approximately marked
the end of Greeces Golden Age in mathematics, while
the mob killing of Hypatia came near the very end of
Greek mathematical work.
Overall, Greek mathematics had continued for
nearly 1000 years, providing an unequaled example for
future mathematical work. The Greeks did important
work in the applied areas but are especially recognized
for laying the foundations for pure mathematics.
Further Reading
Boyer, Carl. A History of Mathematics. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 1991.
Burton, David M. The History of Mathematics: An
Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Eves, Howard. An Introduction to the History of
Mathematics. New York: Saunders College
Publishing, 1990.
Katz, Victor. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction.
New York: Addison-Wesley, 2008.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Archimedes; Golden Ratio; Pythagorean
School; Pythagorean Theorem; Roman Mathematics.
Green Design
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Green design requires evaluating the life
cycle of a product or material and the cost of that life
cycle in energy and other resources.
Green design, also called environmental or sustain-
able design, is a set of design principles for optimizing
environmental impact. This includes reducing pollu-
tion, promoting ecological and economical sustainabil-
ity, using reusable resources, and promoting harmony
between people and natural environments. Mathemat-
ics plays a signicant role in both designing green solu-
tions to a variety of problems and measuring the impact
of green solutions. Many colleges offer degree or intern-
ship programs in green design, which requires strong
science and mathematical skills.
Impact Measures
Ecological design employs a series of metrics for evalu-
ating the degrees of sustainability. A mnemonic used
for types of sustainability is Three Rs: reduce, reuse,
and recycle. Reducing waste, pollution, and resource
use involves calculations of the impact of produc-
tion, packaging, transportation, and disposal, as well
as renewability of resources. Some design movements,
such as Tiny Houses, are predominantly based on the
principle of reducing space and resources. Reuse design
principles allow objects to be used multiple times, pos-
sibly for different purposes. Recycling is the ability to
turn objects into materials for making other objects.
The notion of life cycle is central to measuring envi-
ronmental impact. For example, product life cycles
include research and development, main use, and dis-
posal after use. Different stages in the cycle require dif-
ferent types of impact measures. Green design has to
address all the stages, from sustainable research prac-
tices to possibilities of reuse and recycling at the last
stage of the products life.
There are numerous rubrics and point systems for
measuring environmental impacts of industrial, product,
or architectural designs. For example, products, activi-
ties, or organizations can be measured by their resource
intensity, with amount of resources used per unit cost.
A toy designer can calculate liters of water spent during
Green Design 461
manufacture per dollar of the toys cost. The inverse of
resource intensity is resource productivity, measured in
quantity or price per unit of resource spent. In this exam-
ple, resource productivity is the price, in dollars, of toys
produced using one liter of water.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) is an international green building certicate. To
give a building or a community its score, LEED com-
bines metrics, such as the carbon footprint, as well as
energy and water efciency. LEED has separate ratings
for construction of commercial buildings and homes,
interior design, maintenance of existing buildings, and
neighborhood development. In each category, the max-
imum score is 100 points, with certication levels of
Platinum (more than 80 points), Gold (6079 points),
Silver (5059 points), and Certied (4049 points).
There is a global mathematical problem involved
in measuring and reducing environmental impact of
design. Namely, there are money and environmental
price differences between different design types, and
noticeable costs of certication and measurement. The
overall sustainability measures have to include all these
costs and optimize the total. Because many current
economical practices are standardized in nonsustain-
able manners, the economy of scale makes their use
cheaper than the corresponding green designs. This
phenomenon is being addressed at the government
level by changing price and tax structures
to promote sustainable practices.
Green Urban Design
New urbanism is an example of urban design that
includes several green principles, including jobs within
walkable distances, bike-friendly roads, shared public
and housing spaces, diverse communities, and matching
local terrain and conditions in landscaping. Geometries
of new urbanist designs are concentric and include dis-
cernible centers for neighborhoods, such as a historical
artifact or a town square, with a transit node tied to this
center for optimized logistics. Houses of different types,
matching a variety of family and economic situations,
are situated within the ve-minute walk radius (about
one-half kilometer) from this center, and commercial
properties surround the houses. The design of roads
uses network science to slow down car trafc, minimize
travel, and place important administrative, educational,
and religious public buildings in trafc network nodes.
This relatively compact design, the opposite of urban
sprawl, also helps make electricity, water, and gas dis-
tribution more efcient, because less energy is spent on
delivering these resources and less is lost in transit.
Models from Nature
One of the principles of green design is the use of mod-
els found in nature to build products or systems. For
example, thermoeconomics models the design of social
structures on the laws of thermodynamics. Economi-
cal entities are considered on the basis of energy, mat-
ter, and information involved in them. Production and
use of goods and services are seen as energy and mass
exchange, and scarcity has to do with entropy.
The concept of exergy is especially impor-
tant in industrial design. Exergy is the maxi-
mum work theoretically possible as a system
reaches energy equilibrium with its sur-
roundings. The second law of thermodynam-
ics says that systems tend to dissipate energy
or increase entropy. This loss of exergy is
called anergy. Green designers use both
energy and exergy efciency. Energy ef-
ciency measures how much energy is lost
during industrial processes. Exergy ef-
ciency has to do with minimizing anergy,
that is, the loss of exergy.
Some social designers consider the
total exergy of Earth or even the solar
system, working toward designs at these
large scales. For example, burning oil or
462 Green Design
Cherokee Mixed-Use Lofts is an urban market-rate housing project
and was the first LEED-certified building in Hollywood, California.
coal produces heat, but these fuels also required inputs
of exergy in their making. A mathematical model can
approximate the history of the fuels and incorporate
their current use, computing energy and exergy ef-
ciency of our actions with regard to Earth, and the sus-
tainability of Earth, over time.
Biomimicry, biomimetics, and bionics are direct
uses of design ideas and principles found in nature.
For example, engineers studied birds and insects to
develop ying devices. More recent examples have
to do with efciency and sustainability. The shape of
nautilus shells, mathematically related to the Fibonacci
sequence named for mathematician Leonardo Fibo-
nacci, is used to minimize friction in fans, conserving
energy. The mechanism of water condensation used by
desert beetles can be applied on the human scale. The
ways termites keep their mounds warm at night and
cool during the day are studied to produce sustainable
air conditioning in houses.
Designers and engineers rarely repeat natural designs
completely but rather analyze them to nd appropriate
elements and include elements into the design. There are
three directions for such analysis. Designers can incor-
porate methods of manufacture found in nature, such as
the strong material of the mussels shell. They can mimic
mechanical or thermodynamical principles found in
nature, for example, the way buttery wings are colored
as the basis of energy-efcient displays. Finally, designers
can look at the global organizational principles found
in nature, such as modeling a robotic cleaner on insect
scavenging behaviors or building articial intelligence
based on the ways brains work.
Further Reading
Andraos, John. The Algebra of Organic Synthesis:
Green Metrics, Design Strategy, Route Selection, and
Optimization. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2011.
Passino, Kevin. Biomimicry for Optimization, Control,
and Automation. New York: Springer, 2004.
Vallero, Daniel, and Chris Brasier. Sustainable Design:
The Science of Sustainability and Green Engineering.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Carbon Footprint; City Planning; Energy;
Engineering Design; Fuel Consumption; Landscape
Design; Solar Panels; Wind and Wind Power.
Green Mathematics
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Modeling, analysis, and computation are
used to promote environmentally conscious practices.
Green mathematics is the use of mathematical mod-
eling, analysis, and computation to promote ecologi-
cally sound practices, such as sustainable production
or reduction of pollution. Green mathematics is an
increasingly popular and controversial topic with ties
to other contentious social, scientic, and political
issues, such as recycling laws and global warming. It is
a rich area of research and development for mathema-
ticians and scientists. For example, computer scientists
Young Choon Lee and Albert Zomaya have developed
and patented an Energy Conscious Scheduling (ECS)
algorithm. The ECS software maps the assignment of
computational tasks in high-performance computer
systems as a function of the dynamic voltage scaling
capability of the processors. It optimizes scheduling to
decrease task completion time and energy use. Green
mathematics also appeals to many mathematics educa-
tors at all levels for its apparent applicability, real-world
connections, and the ability to connect to academic
curriculum in other areas like history and science. In
2010, Roger Williams Universitys student mathemat-
ics fair was organized around the theme Designer
Math Goes Green! Mathematics and the Environ-
ment! College programs for ecology and sustainable
development rely heavily on mathematics and statis-
tics for research and applications. On the other hand,
green math can have negative connotations for some
people, especially when it affects taxpayer dollars and
restrictive changes in public policy. In some cases, this
reects an incomplete understanding regarding the
basis for such calculations and the methods by which
nal gures are derived, often because such informa-
tion is not presented to the public. In others, this may
result from inappropriate extrapolation or the political
spin attached to such calculations.
Green Measurements and Metrics
Measurements of sustainability and environmental
impact apply to persons, groups, products, and events.
Carbon footprint, for example, is the measure of total
Green Mathematics 463
emission of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide,
involved in an event or in the lives of people over a
given time, usually a year. Energy consumption mea-
sures how much energy a process or product takes
over its lifetime and accounts for sources of energy,
such as atomic or fossil fuels. Ecological metrics may
also include emissions of chemical pollutants, such as
heavy metals, strength of potentially harmful electro-
magnetic elds, and intensity of light pollution. The
units of measure vary by type of pollution; for exam-
ple, weight per volume is used for water quality mea-
surements, but light pollution is measured in changes
in sky brightness.
Quality standards in ecological measurements
include some of the same principles that apply to mea-
surement in general, such as precision and accuracy,
together constituting validity. In addition, the measure-
ment of ecological impact requires holistic, systemic
approaches, taking into account interactions among
multiple variables and their relative weight for particu-
lar ecosystems. For example, different ecosystems have
different resource balances. Polluting a scarce resource,
such as the only water source in a desert oasis, has
higher environmental impacts than polluting an abun-
dant resource. This can be reected in mathematics
equations by applying different coefcients to different
types of impacts, according to the particular situation
within each ecosystem.
It is difcult to weigh different types of environmen-
tal impacts against one another. For example, produc-
ing paper from trees grown for that specic purpose
takes less energy than recycling paper, but involves
more water and air pollutants.
Computational Modeling in Ecology
A mathematical model is an idealized system of vari-
ables, parameters, and equations governing relation-
ships, assumed to be close enough to a real system for
the purposes of prediction or explanation. Mathemati-
cal models in ecology are typically based on observa-
tions of sets of data from real environments and involve
hypothesizing about sets of data that would result if
variables changed.
Models can predict developments of ecological sys-
tems if the outputs of models, taken over time, t the
corresponding changes in variables of the real ecosys-
tem closely enough. Evaluation of a model includes
its accuracy, based on a statistical metric of closeness
between observed and predicted data. Nonparamet-
ric statistics is the eld that deals with evaluating the
accuracy of models when the data is limited and not all
mathematical assumptions can be tested.
The explanatory power of a model is based on the
claim that the model preserves cause-effect relation-
ships within the ecosystem. In mathematical models,
such relationships are expressed as algebraic or differ-
ential equations among variables of the model.
The possibility of general patterns (models) in ecol-
ogy has to do with two global problems, or hypoth-
eses: contingency and complexity. The contingency
hypothesis says that causal relationships in any given
ecosystem are so numerous that projection from
one system to another is not possible. The complex-
ity problem is that the number of variables and their
weak interactions in any given ecosystem are beyond
the computational power theoretically available, mak-
ing systems immeasurable, their equations insoluble,
and the models unable to be interpreted. That is, con-
tingency and complexity are theoretical and philo-
sophical challenges to the possibility and validity of
ecological modeling.
Environmental Considerations
by Type of Mathematics
Different areas of mathematics allow different
approaches to environmental problems. Algebraic
reasoning, for example, assumes functional depen-
dencies among variables and known operations. It is
most appropriate in cases where algebraic relationships
among variables are stable over time and can be estab-
lished with empirical measurements. For example,
producing one megajoule of energy by burning coal
emits 92 grams of carbon dioxide. One can compute
the carbon footprint of heating a house by coal alge-
braically by measuring the energy consumption and
multiplying it by 92 grams of coal.
Calculus is the study of rates of change in variables
and limits of change. In green mathematics, calculus
methods are most appropriate when algebraic relation-
ships between variables and their changes over time are
measurable. For example, rocket propulsion consumes
fuel stored within the vehicle, making the vehicle
lighter with time. The efciency of rocket engines can
be computed by applying integrals over time to equa-
tions connecting changes in mass and momentum
resulting from the engine.
464 Green Mathematics
Differential equations involve the study of unknown
functions by known values and their rates of change,
that is, derivativesa situation frequently encountered
in ecology. Differential equations are extensively used
in green mathematics to model interactions within
systems, such as predator-prey dynamics, uid dynam-
ics in natural and human-made water and gas systems,
radioactive decay, or economic growth.
Statistical methods deal with the organization and
interpretation of data that include random elements.
Descriptive statistics summarizes patterns in data col-
lected from some group of objects or events, called
population. It may include data calculations such as
mean or frequency. Descriptive statistics is useful for
comparing systems that include randomness, such as
per capita consumption of energy in different coun-
tries or recycling behaviors in neighborhoods of a city.
Inferential statistics predicts patterns in the whole
population based on data observed in a sample of the
population. It is extensively used in biology, ecology,
and economics because collecting data about every
element in the population is rarely possible. One of
the most powerful methods of inferential statistics is
the analysis of correlations within data. For example,
the levels of air pollution in cities correlate with the
incidence of asthma among the population. Notably,
even strong correlations between two variables do not
necessarily mean particular cause-effect relationships.
The rst variable may depend on the second, or the
second on the third, or both may depend on another
factor. For example, in children younger than 6, prob-
lem-solving abilities strongly correlate with foot size.
The reason is that both foot size and problem-solving
abilities increase with age.
Data visualization is an interdisciplinary area span-
ning descriptive statistics; grid and graph use from
algebra and calculus; specic representation methods
from more narrow areas of mathematics, such as tree
diagrams from combinatorics; psychology of percep-
tion and learning; and design. Visual literacy combines
the ability to understand and critically analyze visu-
alizations produced by others and to create quality
visualizations for the purposes of analyzing and shar-
ing messages. Because green mathematics frequently
deals with controversial issues, individuals and groups
promoting different agendas use and often abuse data
visualization to make their point. Visual literacy is one
of the twenty-rst-century skills whose importance
is growing with heavier use of mathematics in ecology
and growing emphasis on ecological approaches in all
areas of life.
Green Economics and Sustainability
Mathematics is used to describe, plan, model, and
predict green economy, which is economy based on
ecological and social sustainability. Sustainability is a
systems capacity to endure over time, measured by a
variety of indices and metrics. For example, the biodi-
versity index measures the number of plant and animal
species in an ecosystem. Using an old-growth forest for
lumber and replanting trees may produce the same
amount of biomass, but such farmed forest typically
has a much-lower biodiversity index. Air quality indi-
ces assign point values to combinations of air pollut-
ants, such as dust, ground-level ozone, and sulfur diox-
ide. Higher values of an air quality index correlate with
higher incidents of asthma and other adverse health
effects. Factories and other entities and events can be
evaluated by their effects on an air quality index.
Carrying capacity of an environment, with respect to
a species, is the number of individuals the environment
can sustain. In differential equations, carrying capacity
is the stable state of the system: populations over car-
rying capacities decrease over time, and populations
under carrying capacities grow. Carrying capacity for
humans changes depending on their practices. For
example, hunter-gatherer tribes need larger areas for
sustenance than groups that practice agriculture. The
classic mathematical models of carrying capacity were
developed for animal populations in relatively small and
closed ecosystems. Because people actively change their
environments, travel, and exchange resources globally,
such models need signicant modications for appli-
cations to humans. Current mathematical models are
based on evaluating population growth and resource
use over time. For example, mining for groundwater
can dramatically increase agricultural outputs and thus
support population growth until the water runs out, at
which time famine can lead to a population collapse.
Further Reading
Fusaro, B. A., and P. C. Kenschaft. Environmental
Mathematics in the Classroom. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 2003.
Hanebuth, Eddie. A Geospatial Industry Series in Science,
Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics: Green &
Green Mathematics 465
Sustainability Focus. Ridgeland, MS: Digital
Quest, 2010.
Pfaff, Tom. Mathematics and Sustainability. http://
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Carbon Footprint; Climate Change;
Deforestation; Farming; Fuel Consumption; Green
Design; Nutrition; Probability; Randomness; Recycling;
Gross Domestic
Product (GDP)
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Gross domestic product is a gure
used frequently in economics to discuss a countrys
complete economic output.
Until the Industrial Revolution, population size was a
dominant factor in economic output. With the com-
ing of technology, notions of productivity changed.
The gross domestic product (GDP) is currently the
most widely accepted and broadest indicator of aggre-
gate economic activity.
The GDP represents a countrys overall economic
output, the dollar value of all nal goods and ser-
vices produced over a period of time within a nations
domestic boundaries. Many assert that the concept of
quantifying a nations economic output can be traced
back to newspaper articles written in 1939 by British
economist John Maynard Keynes, who was concerned
about how Britain would manage its very limited
resources at the start of World War II. The Keynesian
formula for GDP was the sum of a countrys consump-
tion, investment, government spending, and exports,
minus its imports.
In the United States, the GDP is calculated and
released quarterly by the Department of Commerce.
In general, the GDP is used to dene emerging eco-
nomic trends, devise appropriate policies, and gauge
the effectiveness of current economic policies. More
specically, corporations use the data to forecast sales
and adjust production and investment accordingly.
Social scientists monitor the GDP as an indicator of
well-being and as a proxy for individuals voting and
investment decisions. In 2003, economists Sir Clive
Granger and Robert Engle won a Nobel Prize for
their innovative, sophisticated methods of statistical
time series analyses that enhance the understanding
of market movements and economic trends. In 2010,
mathematicians developed an objective quality of life
index that uses linear functions and dimensionality
reduction to combine four well-studied and widely
used indices, including per capita GDP, to produce a
relative ranking of countries.
Economists have devised three distinct methods
of calculating a nations GDP. While these approaches
derive the same value, each views the GDP differently.
The product method represents the market value
of nal goods and services newly produced within a
nation during a particular time frame. The expen-
diture method is the national expenditure on goods
and services within a specic time frame. The income
method is the total of wages, rents, dividends, inter-
est, and prots received by producers during a speci-
ed time frame. Regardless which method is used, the
outcome is referred to as the nominal gross domestic
product. When the nominal GDP is adjusted for ina-
tion, it is called the real gross domestic product. The
real GDP is used to measure the growth of a countrys
economy and real GDP per capita is often used as an
indicator of aggregate standard of living.
The Product Approach to Measuring the GDP
The simplest and most direct way to calculate the
GDP is the product approach. The product approach
calculates the GDP as the market value of nal goods
and services newly produced within a specic nation.
Goods and services produced throughout the year
may be classied as either intermediate or nal goods.
Intermediate goods and services are those that are
consumed during the production of other goods
and services and are not counted when calculating
the GDP; only the nal value of a good or service is
included in total output. This avoids an issue often
called double counting, in which the total value of
a good is included multiple times in national output.
The following equation is used to solve for the GDP
using the product approach:
466 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
where P is the market price of nal goods and services
and C is intermediate consumption.
The Expenditure Approach
to Measuring the GDP
The expenditure approach works on the principle
that all of the products must be consumed, therefore
the value of the total product must equal the peoples
total expenditures. The four main components in cal-
culating the GDP via the expenditure method are con-
sumption expenditures by households (C), gross pri-
vate investment spending (I), government purchases of
goods and services (G), and net exports (exports minus
imports, EX IM).
The expenditure approach can be represented in the
following equation:
GDP C I G EX IM = + + + ( ) .
The Income Approach to Measuring the GDP
The income approach to measuring the GDP assumes
that expenditures on nal goods and services are
eventually received by households and corporations
as income. A key to calculating the GDP using this
method is a concept known as national income. The
national income consists of ve types of income: com-
pensation of employees (W), proprietors income (P),
rental income (R), corporate prots (C), and net inter-
est (I). Thus, national income = W + R + I + P + C.
Once the national income is calculated, several
adjustments must be made before arriving at the GDP.
The rst is an adjustment for the taxes paid by busi-
nesses to the government (indirect business taxes).
Next, depreciation, or the consumption of xed capi-
tal, is taken into account. Finally, the net foreign factor
income (NFI) is included as an adjustment. The NFI
is the difference between payments received from the
foreign sector and payments made to the foreign sec-
tor for domestic production. The NFI represents the
key difference between gross domestic product and
gross national product. The following equation is used
to solve for the GDP using the income approach:
GDP = Compensation of Employees + Rent
+ Interest + Proprietors Income + Corporate Prots
+ Indirect business taxes + Depreciation + NFI.
Nominal Versus Real GDP
If using GDP to examine production over time, the
effects of price increases and ination must be taken
into account. The real GDP is the total value of all goods
and services adjusted to eliminate the effects of chang-
ing prices. The nominal GDP is calculated by using
current market prices. Hence, the real GDP is the value
of all goods and services produced by an economy in a
given year in dollars of constant purchasing power.
Figure 1. Top 10 Countries by GDP in 2009
(**International Monetary Fund, World Economic
Outlook Database).
Year Units Scale GDP
States 2009 U.S. $ Billions 14,256.28
Japan 2009 U.S. $ Billions 5,068.06
Peoples Rep.
of China 2009 U.S.$ Billions 4,909.28
Germany 2009 U.S. $ Billions 3,352.74
France 2009 U.S. $ Billions 2,675.92
Kingdom 2009 U.S. $ Billions 2,183.61
Italy 2009 U.S. $ Billions 2,118.26
Brazil 2009 U.S. $ Billions 1,574.04
Spain 2009 U.S. $ Billions 1,464.04
2009 U.S. $ Billions 1,336.43
Mathematics concepts have also been used in recent
years to debate related economic concepts that are
rooted in mathematics, such as the principle of com-
parative advantage. Taken in its simplest form, it states
that if two or more countries have already expanded
their respective GDPs as far as possible under some set
of international trade restraints, they can expand them
further by relaxing those restraints. This has been for-
mulated and proven mathematically, using techniques
like convex analysis. However, one June 2000 letter to
the editor of SIAM News (the monthly magazine of
the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
argues against such practices for soft social science
concepts. Motivated by a then-recent protest of global
free trade policy, the author stated, . . . you can criticize
the application of a theorem not only by questioning
the validity of the hypotheses, but also by questioning
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 467
the interpretation of the conclusion. international
trade in addictive drugs and guns being only the most
glaring and brutal counterexamples to the goodness
of increasing GDP.
Further Reading
Abel, Andrew, and Ben Bernanke. Macroeconomics. 5th
ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Addison
Wesley, 2005.
Baumohl, Bernard. The Secrets of Economic Indicators:
Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and
Investment Opportunities. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education, 2008.
Eisen, Peter. Economics: Barrons Business Review Series.
Hauppauge, NY: Barrons Educational Series, 2000.
Frumkin, Norman. Guide to Economic Indicators. 4th ed.
Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2000.
Moss, David. A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School
Press, 2007.
Kristi L. Stringer
Casey Borch
See Also: Accounting; Mathematics, Applied;
Measurement in Society; Statistics Education;
Unemployment, Estimating.
Growth Charts
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Childrens development both mentally
and physically is modeled using data-based norms,
some of which are indicated by growth charts. .
When a parent brings his or her child to a physician for
a checkup, a number of measurements are taken to help
the physician assess the health and development of the
child. For children up to 36 months of age, three typi-
cal measurements include height, weight, and head cir-
cumference. The healthcare professional will use these
measurements to decide whether the child is on track
developmentally. These measurements are expected
to vary depending on the gender and age of the child.
Considering weight, for instance, younger children
tend to weigh less than older children and girls tend
to weigh less than boys. However, there is even consid-
erable variability in these measurements for children
within the same gender and age group. There are indi-
vidual differences from child to child resulting from
genetic and environmental factors, including diet and
physical activity habits.
To make a judgment about whether the childs devel-
opment is on track, the relevant question to pose is
where the childs measurements t in relation to other
children of the same age and gender in the population.
Percentiles are typically used to facilitate this compari-
son and growth charts summarize these quantities in
graphs. If a young boys weight is at the 75th percentile,
this means that of the boys the same age in the popu-
lation, about 75% of them weigh less and about 25%
of them weigh more than this boy. If parents are told
that one of their childs measurements is at the 99th
percentile, should they be concerned? Very high or very
low percentiles may be a sign of something abnormal.
For example, a childs weight at the 4th percentile may
be a sign of malnutrition. Extreme measurements indi-
cate to the healthcare professional that further follow-
up may be necessary. Generally speaking, measure-
ments under the 5th percentile or over 95th percentile
or growth patterns that shift considerably in terms of
their percentiles over time require further assessment.
Growth Charts
Growth charts are graphical summaries of mathemat-
ical functions that are developed based on extensive
body measurement data collected on large groups of
children from the population of interest. They pro-
vide benchmarks for comparison and are widely used
by the health community to monitor and track the
growth and development of children. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
growth charts have been used in the United States
since 1977. Prior to 1977, there were child develop-
ment references in use, but they did not adequately
represent the population. As of 2011, the charts used
in the United States are the 2000 CDC Growth Charts.
The infant (036 months of age) charts include
smoothed percentile curves of weight by age, length
by age, head circumference by age, and weight by
468 Growth Charts
length for boys and girls. The children and adolescent
(220 years of age) charts include weight by stature,
weight by age, stature by age, and body mass index by
age for each sex.
In order to nd a percentile based on these charts,
one needs to be able to plot a point on the graph. For
instance, consider the weight-by-age infant chart for
boys. Suppose the boy is 18 months and his weight is 25
pounds. Find 18 months along the horizontal axis and
25 pounds along the vertical axis of the graph. Mark
this point. Based on the chart, this point falls between
the 25th and 50th percentile curves. As demonstrated
by this example, not all percentile curves are summa-
rized in the charts. If a measurement falls somewhere
between the 3rd, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th,
95th, or 97th percentile curve, the professional read-
ing the chart will need to interpolate between curves to
approximate the percentile value.
The percentile curves summarized in the 2000 CDC
Growth Charts were developed by the United States
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) based on
the results from a number of large health surveys con-
ducted based on representative groups from the U.S.
population. Data analysis was used to estimate percen-
tiles for the various growth measurements and statisti-
cal modeling was used to smooth the estimates into the
percentile curves to facilitate comparisons.
Further Reading
Kuczmarski, R. J., C. L. Ogden, and S. S. Guo, et al. 2000
CDC Growth Charts for the United States: Methods
and Development. National Center for Health
Statistics. Vital and Health Statistics 11, no. 246 (2002).
World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO Child
Growth Standards.
Bethany White
See Also: Disease Survival Rates; Graphs; Life
See Firearms
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Performing gymnastics depends upon an
understanding of geometry and forces.
Gymnastics is an athletic performance activity that
depends on balance, exibility, and strength for pro-
ducing graceful movements. Gymnastics can be recre-
ational or competitive. There are also numerous forms
of gymnastics, including artistic, acrobatic, and aerobic.
The main mathematical topics involved in gymnastics
include the mechanics of motion, patterns in choreog-
raphy, and competition scoring systems. Mathematics
has sometimes been described as mental gymnastics.
Many gymnastics routines include rotations. The key
mathematical characteristic of a rotating body is its
angular momentum, which is equal to the product of
the mass, the velocity, and the distance between the
center of mass and the axis of rotation. When there
are no external forces, the angular momentum is con-
servedit does not change. Gymnasts cannot change
their mass, but they can reposition their center of mass
relative to the axis of rotation, making the speed change
to preserve the momentum. When a rotating gymnast
tucks in closer to the center of rotation, the speed
increases. For example, a gymnast can hold onto a bar
by the hands and keep the body straight, making a rela-
tively slow rotation around the top uneven bar called
giant swing. As the gymnast tucks his or her limbs
in closer to the bar, the center of mass becomes closer
to the axis of rotation, and the gymnast spins faster.
Mathematics also helps determine the optimal angle at
which the gymnast should release from the bar in order
to perform subsequent transitions and maneuvers.
While simpler routines can be performed intuitively,
through trial and error, competitive gymnasts develop
complex sequences of moves that involve detailed cal-
culations of mass, momentum, velocity, position of the
apparatuses, and so on. Conversions between rotation
and moving along straight lines are a part of many rou-
tines, with speeds and directions determined by con-
servation of momentum laws. For example, a gymnast
runs to a springboard, accumulating momentum. As
Gymnastics 469
the gymnast jumps off the springboard, the vectors
of the momentum generated by the springs and the
momentum of the run are added together, propelling
the gymnast forward at about a 45-degree angle to the
oor. The gymnast can then push off a horse ahead,
converting momentum into the angular momentum
of rotating the body around the horse. At the highest
point of this rotation, the gymnast can tuck the limbs
in, moving the mass close to the axis of rotation and
accelerating for a ip in the air. For example, a triple
back somersault involves two and three-quarter body
rotations before landing. Before landing, the gymnast
straightens out, moving the limbs farther from the axis
of rotation and slowing down the rotation, allowing
for a soft, safe landing on the feet.
Scoring of Artistic Gymnastics Competitions
The current system of scoring in artistic gymnastics is
relatively complex. It assigns a difculty score to the
attempted routine and then subtracts from that score
for mistakes in execution. The score is analyticit is
based on decomposing gymnastic routines into indi-
vidual elements. Existing elements are summarized in
the illustrated Table of Elements, and given difculty
ratings from A (0.1 points) to G (0.7 points). Additions
to the Table of Elements are frequently named after
gymnasts who rst performed them successfully. Such
new elements are submitted by the competing gym-
nasts ahead of the competition event, to be evaluated
by an international committee.
Eight highest difculty values of the routine, added
together, form the difculty value (DV). Skills from ve
required Element Groups are awarded 0.5 points each,
for the maximum 2.5 points in composition require-
ment (CR). Finally, an additional 0.1 or 0.2 points are
given for each element if elements are connected, which
adds to connection value (CV). The difculty score (D)
is the sum of these points: D= DV + CR + CV.
In addition to the difculty score, there is an evalua-
tion of the artistry and execution called E-score. The
judges take away points from the perfect 10.0 E-score for
technical or artistry mistakes. Each fall costs 1 point.
Trampolining and Conservation of Energy
Many gymnastic apparatuses are somewhat springy.
Trampolining is a type of gymnastics that occurs
entirely on trampolines and uses ight-like moments
between contacts with the surface for striking routines.
Trampolining involves the accumulation of energy.
First, the kinetic energy of the gymnasts limb exes
and motions is converted into the potential energy of
the stretched trampoline fabric. Then, the gymnast is
thrown in the air, converting this potential energy into
the kinetic energy of the motion. As the gymnast gains
height, the kinetic energy is converted into the poten-
tial energy again. Gravity pulls the gymnast down with
acceleration, converting to kinetic energy, which con-
verts to the potential energy of the stretched trampo-
line upon contact, and so on.
From the point of view of mechanics, the trampoline
is a device for storing the gymnasts potential energy
between jumps. This view can explain, for example, why
gymnasts cannot jump innitely high, adding more and
more energy to the trampoline. The maximum stretch
of the trampoline limits the amount of energy stored
in it. This can also be used to compute the theoretical
maximum height of a trampoline jump.
Different types of gymnastics are easier to perform
with different body types. A lower body-mass-to-
height ratio makes it easier to twist during movements
and to hide momentum transitions in the twisting, so
tall, skinny people are better suited for artistic gymnas-
tics. In trampolining, twists and transitions are not as
crucial as higher rotation speeds and are easier with a
higher body-mass-to-height ratio. Also, both take-offs
and landings on trampolines require signicant bursts
of energy and muscle strength. Therefore, shorter,
stockier athletes are better suited for trampolining.
Further Reading
Jemni, Monem, ed. The Science of Gymnastics. New York:
Routledge, 2011.
Roper, Tom. Mathematics and the Motion of the
Human Body. The Mathematical Gazette 74,
no. 467 (1990).
. Mathematics and the Motion of the Human
Body, Continued. The Mathematical Gazette 74,
no. 468 (1990).
Sommer, Christopher. Building the Gymnastic Body: The
Science of Gymnastics Strength Training. Mesa, AZ:
Olympic Bodies, 2008.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Body Mass Index; Cheerleading; Joints;
470 Gymnastics
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Harmonics are sonic components that are
periodic at and integer multiples of the fundamental
Harmonics are components of a musical sound with
well-dened frequency relationships to one another.
For a pitch of frequency f, typically measured in units
of cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), the nth harmonic
has frequency n f . In this context the frequency
f is referred to as the fundamental frequency. Har-
monics are closely related to overtones (or partials),
which are dened to be secondary pitches that audi-
bly resonate when a fundamental pitch sounds. The
number and strength of these secondary pitches are
responsible for the distinct timbres perceived in dif-
ferent instruments or voices. The overtone series in
music (also called the harmonic series at the risk of
confusion with the innite sum of the same name)
refers to the sequence of ascending harmonics with
frequencies 2f, 3f, 4f . . . . With only a few exceptions,
the pitches of the lower harmonics match well with
the frequencies of 12 pitches of the equally tempered
scale. Further along the overtone series, the pitch
spacing becomes very smallsmaller than the tradi-
tional half stepand these upper harmonics, if heard,
would sound distinctly out of tune. With the discovery
of the overtone series by Jean-Philippe Rameau in the
eighteenth century, the notion of musical consonance
as the exclusive natural and rational sonic phenom-
enonpursued by mathematicians from Pythagorus
of Samos to Leonhard Eulerbegan to fade. There
is a close physical relationship between the harmonic
frequencies and the length of the vibrating medium.
This relationship is exploited in the performance
practices of musical instruments.
Vibrating Media and the Overtone Series
For vibrating strings (such as violins and guitars) and
open vibrating air columns (such as the Western con-
cert ute and some organ pipes), the words harmonic,
partial, and overtone are essentially synonymous,
with a slight difference in the enumeration: the fun-
damental pitch (frequency f ) is referred to as the rst
harmonic. The rst overtone (frequency 2f ) refers to
the second harmonic, and so on. In stopped air col-
umns (such as the clarinet and some organ pipes), the
overtone series omits certain harmonic frequencies. For
vibrating membranes (such as percussion instruments),
overtones may exist at nonharmonic frequencies.
It is therefore a slight abuse of terminology to refer,
as is commonly done, to the sequence of harmonics as
the overtone series. Physically, the overtone series is
seen by observing the motion of a vibrating string of
length L and natural frequency f. If forced to vibrate
at frequencies n f (for n = 2, 3, . . .), n1 stationary
points (nodes) appear along the string, at intervals of
L/n. In effect, the string moves as n strings of length L/n
joined end to end. String performers utilize this fact by
lightly stopping the string at lengths L/2, L/3, . . . L/n to
produce ute-like harmonic tones (sometimes called
ageolet tones).
From the overtone perspective, only lower harmonics
are perceptible to the hearer of a fundamental pitch. The
rst six harmonics are perceived by the modern hearer
as in tune within the 12 pitches of the equally tempered
scale, in which the octave (the distance between the rst
and second harmonic) is divided into 12 equal half-step
intervals. The frequency difference between successive
pitches in this 12-tone system is given by
f f
n n +
1 12
2 .
The second, fourth, and eighth harmonics, at octaves
above the fundamental, sound perfectly in tune. Upper
harmonics can sound signicantly out of tune, how-
ever. The seventh harmonic sounds uncomfortably at
compared to its nearest corresponding equal tempera-
ment pitch. The 11th harmonic has a frequency almost
equidistant between adjacent notes of the equally tem-
pered scale, causing it to sound very out of tunelike-
wise for the 13th and 14th harmonics.
These considerations are signicant for period-
instrument brass performers, whose instruments, like
the so-called natural trumpet, are nothing more
than long tubes without the length-changing system
of valves of modern trumpets. Performers play tunes
on these instruments by producing overtones, typically
between the 3rd and 16th in the series.
While skillful performers can compensate for
the most problematic overtones, composers in the
baroque era typically avoided these notes or used their
sonic character for special effect. Modern composers
have experimented with specially tuned pianos and
electronic instruments to directly explore the sonori-
ties of harmonics. The rst 24 harmonics are listed in
Table 1 with fundamental pitch taken as the A below
middle C. Harmonics with frequencies that differ sig-
nicantly from the equally tempered scale are indi-
cated in bold type.
472 Harmonics
Nearest Pitch
Harmonic Nearest Pitch
A (220) 220 1st harmonic F (2960) 2860 13th harmonic
A (440) 440 2nd harmonic G (3136) 3080 14th harmonic
E (659) 660 3rd harmonic G (3322) 3300 15th harmonic
A (880) 880 4th harmonic A (3520) 3520 16th harmonic
C (1109) 1100 5th harmonic A (3729) 3740 17th harmonic
E (1318) 1320 6th harmonic B (3951) 3960 18th harmonic
G (1568) 1540 7th harmonic C (4186) 4180 19th harmonic
A (1760) 1760 8th harmonic C (4435) 4400 20th harmonic
B (1976) 1980 9th harmonic D(4698) 4620 21st harmonic
C (2218) 2200 10th harmonic D (4978) 4840 22nd harmonic
D (2349)
D (2489)
2420 11th harmonic E (5274) 5060 23rd harmonic
E (2636) 2640 12th harmonic E (5274) 5280 24th harmonic
Table 1. The rst 24 harmonics of a selected fundamental frequency. Also listed is the nearest pitch in the equally
tempered scale. Note that some upper harmonics deviate substantially from pitches of the 12-tone scale.
Hawking, Stephen
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Stephen Hawkings work has popularized
the mathematics of the universe.
Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist recognized
for his groundbreaking scientic work concerning the
relationship between black holes and the beginning of
the universe. He studies the basic physical laws govern-
ing the universe in an effort to understand how the
universe began. Hawking uses complex mathematical
models to explore his ideas and develop his scientic
theories. He believes anyone can understand the basic
ideas of his research and endeavors to share his excite-
ment about science with anyone who is interested,
regardless of academic background. He is the author
of several books written for nonscientists explaining
the concepts of his research on black holes and the
universe. His best-selling book A Brief History of Time,
rst published in 1988, sold over 9 million copies as of
2010 and is published in more than 30 languages. His
personal story is also a human interest story. At the age
of 21, while attending Cambridge University, Hawk-
ing was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), also known as motor neuron disease. This
degenerative disease affects voluntary muscle coordi-
nation. ALS does not affect brain function and Hawk-
ing is able to continue working in spite of the disabling
effects of the disease. His connement to a motorized
wheelchair, his use of a computer-generated voice syn-
thesizer, and his many appearances in the media have
made Hawking one of the most recognized scientists
around the world.
Born January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England, Hawking
realized at a young age that he wanted to study science.
He attended Oxford University and planned to study
mathematics, but chose to study physics because the
university did not have a program in mathematics. After
completing his studies at Oxford, Hawking earned a
Ph.D. in cosmology from Cambridge University. While
working as a research associate at Cambridge, Hawking
became interested in the study of black holes and the
history of the universe. In his dissertation, Hawking
theoretically proved that the universe began as a single
point of innite density, known as a singularity. As a
theoretical physicist, Hawking relies on mathematical
Other Uses of the Word
Harmonic in Mathematics
In mathematics, the word harmonic appears in a
number of contexts, all of which trace their origins
to the overtone series and associated physical vibra-
tions. A harmonic progression is dened as the term-
by-term reciprocal of an arithmetic progression. For
example, the arithmetic sequence a
= 1, a
= 2, a
. . . , a
= n gives rise to the harmonic sequence h
= 1,
= 1/2, h
=1/3, . . . , where h
=1/n. In this example, the
arithmetic sequence gives the frequency multiples for
the overtone series, and the harmonic sequence corre-
sponds to the wavelengths of the respective overtones.
The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic
mean of reciprocals.
For example, the harmonic mean of two numbers x
and y is dened as 2 1 1
/ / x y + ( )
1 1
Additions to this base payment include the following:
PMI: Borrowers paying less than 20%
down may be required to purchase private
mortgage insurance (PMI) to protect
the lenders investment. The cost of this
insurance is added to the loan payment.
Escrow: Many banks require that payments be
made into an escrow account to accrue funds
to pay property tax and insurance.
Finalizing a Mortgage Loan
Transaction fees for processing a mortgage are more
commonly called closing costs; hence nalizing a
home loan is called closing. Charges to be paid when
closing on a loan typically include an origination fee for
the lender, appraisal fee for the appraiser, title search
and recording fees for the attorney, and points. Points
are up-front interest fees charged by the lender, with
one point costing 1% of the principal. Banks often give
borrowers the option of purchasing additional points
at closing to decrease the interest rate on a mortgage.
The reduction of interest for purchasing a point can
vary from bank to bank; one point may reduce the rate
by as little as 0.1% or as much as 0.25%. The cost of the
points purchased at closing is tax deductible, as is any
interest paid over the life of the mortgage.
Amortization of Loans and Fixed Rates
Loan payments include a portion that reduces the prin-
cipal balance and a portion that the lender keepsthe
interest. The amount of interest included in a pay-
ment varies over the life of the loan, but can be deter-
mined by remembering that each payment includes
simple interest payable on the balance. Calculating
the schedule of payments, including the split between
principal and interest for each payment, is referred
to as amortizing. The Latin roots of the term mean
death pledge, indicating linguistically the willingness
to forfeit something of great value if the debt is not
paid. In this case, failure to pay the debt results in fore-
closure by the bank and the loss of the property.
To illustrate, suppose a home buyer borrows
$100,000 at 6% xed annual interest (the interest
rate does not change over the life of the loan) payable
monthly for 30 years (360 payments). Using the loan
formula, the monthly payment is $599.55, assuming
no PMI or escrow. Since the homebuyer is paying 6%
annual interest and 12 payments a year, the adjusted
(monthly) interest rate is 0.5% for all payments.
Thus, the homebuyer owes the lender 0.5% of
$100,000 in the very rst payment; $500 will be kept
by the lender as interest and $99.55 will be used to
reduce the principal. For the next payment the balance
is $99,900.45; the interest will be 0.5% of that balance
or $499.50. These calculations can be summarized in
an amortization table, which is usually provided to
the buyer as part of the mortgage agreement. The rst
and last several rows for this example are presented
in Table 1. As the loan progresses, the interest portion
decreases and the remaining amount applied to the
principal increases.
Home Buying 483
Variable Rates
The example uses a xed interest rate, but many lend-
ers also offer variable rate loans, meaning that the inter-
est rate may be changed according to some economic
indicator (called the index), such as the prime rate.
There are legal restrictions on this practice: the lender
must inform the borrower of the size and frequency of
such changes (called the interval), and the maximum
(called the cap) for the rate. For example, a two-year
adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) payable monthly over
30 years might have the following particulars: 6% to
start indexed on the 6-month U.S. Treasury Bill, and
adjustments of at most 2% are allowed every two years
with a cap of 10%.
The initial calculations, such as down payments or
the payment amount, do not change in this case. For
this two-year ARM, the rst two years of the amortiza-
tion table above does not change. One important ques-
tion to ask the lender when considering an adjustable
rate loan is what happens to the payment when the
interest changes? Most redo the amortization calcula-
tions starting at the next payment, so a new rate would
mean a new payment amount.
The housing crisis of 20072009 resulted in many
homeowners nding themselves with homes whose
values had decreased to the point that they were worth
less than the amount owners still owed on their mort-
gages. There were many factors that inuenced this
outcome. Prior to the Great Depression, home owner-
ship was much more rare than in the early twenty-rst
century when homes were often nanced with bal-
loon-payment mortgages in which a loan is amortized
over only part of its lifetime, leaving a large principal
payment due at the end. The federal push to open the
housing market using fully amortized, xed-interest
mortgages required lenders to assume much greater
nancial risk, which can be mathematically mod-
eled but not perfectly predicted. To manage that risk,
mortgages became nancial commodities in the larger
nancial marketplace. Housing prices, interest rates,
and other aspects of nancial markets are highly vari-
able, and some people blamed the housing crisis on too
much reliance on sophisticated mathematics.
In general, it was probably not the models them-
selves but the sometimes-incorrect ways in which the
models were often used. In addition, many lenders
ignored reliable risk predictors, such as FICO scores
and debt-to-income ratios, resulting in more peo-
ple taking on higher loan payments than they could
afford. Home prices rose from demand to the point
where properties were extremely overvalued. They
later decreased in value, so the property was worth
much less than the balance on the loan, leading to a
large increase in foreclosures. Homeowners defaulted
on loans, ruining their credit ratings, and banks paid
large foreclosure fees. There were also more short sales,
where banks agreed to accept less than the mortgage
balances when homes sold to avoid foreclosure charges
and poor credit ratings for the homeowners.
Further Reading
Johnson, Tim. Paying the Price. Plus Magazine
(July 14, 2009).
Perry, Timothy, and Daniel Prouty. The Book of Home
Purchase: Make Quick, Simple On-Site Room-to-Room
Calculations of Repair and Replacement Costs.
Bergamo, Italy: Bergamo Publications, 1998.
484 Home Buying
Table 1.
Payment # Interest Owed Payment Principal Paid Balance
Closing $100,000.00
1 $500.00 $599.55 $99.55 $99,900.45
2 $499.50 $599.55 $100.05 $99,800.40
3 $497.99 $599.55 $101.56 $99,497.24
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
358 $8.90 $599.55 $590.65 $1,190.17
359 $5.95 $599.55 $593.60 $596.57
360 $2.98 $599.55 $596.57 $(0.00)
Shestopaloff, Yuri. Mortgages and Annuities:
Mathematical Foundations and Computational
Algorithms. Toronto: AKVY Press, 2009.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Bankruptcy, Personal; Budgeting;
Comparison Shopping; Loans.
Houses of Worship
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Sacred spaces have often been designed
with special attention paid to their geometry.
Houses of worship are places dedicated to spiritual
and religious practices. Because spatial metaphors are
universally important to humans, many faiths tie their
religious ceremonies or practices with special architec-
ture, decoration, and visual symbols that promote spir-
itual contemplation or changed states of consciousness
or, in some cases, serve to teach aspects of the religion.
Mathematically rich areas of study and practice related
to houses of worship include sacred architecture and
sacred geometry. The mathematical patterns from
these studies are frequently investigated within both
mainstream science and religions, for example, under
the umbrella of ethnomathematics.
Houses of Worship as Motivators for
Mathematics and Science
Because houses of worship typically had special mean-
ings, they were often constructed differently than other
buildings. At times, this elevated the architectural and
aesthetic demands on both designers and builders, who
found themselves challenged with erecting unusual and
often very large structures, which promoted applied
mathematics. Their methods remain a source of debate
in modern scientic circles, since it is not clear exactly
which engineering methods were used to lift the enor-
mous monoliths that make up Stonehenge in England,
to t together large blocks forming the ancient Egyptian
Luxor temples or pyramids, or to orient Sumerian tem-
ples with compass directions. However, it is clear that the
desire for special sacred architecture could provide justi-
cation to spend time, materials, and other resources in
mathematically rich ways.
A Sampler of Mathematical Features in
Houses of Worship Through History
Sophisticated mathematical ideas and principles can
be found in Sumerian ziggurats, which were built in
ancient Mesopotamia. These structures have a charac-
teristic gigantic step shape made of two to seven reced-
ing tiers. The top tier, where historians assume rituals
were performed, could only be reached through narrow
ramps. This feature would have isolated the priests and
made the defense of the top tier easy. This was impor-
tant, as ziggurats also served as city administrative cen-
ters, and the shrine complexes contained within them
housed kings who performed rituals or who may have
been considered deities themselves by the people they
ruled. Such ties between ruler and divinity, or the con-
cept of the divine right of kings, were found in many
of the ancient cultures, including Egypt, as well as in
many European monarchies. This principle may also
have played some role in design. The ziggurat tier shape
is still frequently used in modern architecture.
In Japan, Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples
encouraged congregants to bring small wooden tab-
lets called sangaku as offerings to gods. They have been
traced back to the beginning of the Edo period of the
seventeenth century. Temple visitors painted colorful
sangaku to share Euclidian geometry puzzles, named
for Euclid of Alexandria, or solutions and variations on
puzzles others shared earlier.
Hindu temples were based on vedic mathemat-
ics. Their shape was usually square, with sides divided
into eight or nine parts. This dened 64 or 81 smaller
squares within the temple, dedicated to different gods.
The whole temple, in a fractal manner that appears in
many houses of worship, represented both the universe
and the inner space of a person and the idea that the
two are similar. Town plans often followed these temple
plans, to add another level of recursion. Mathematical
formulas in India were frequently used as descriptions
or metaphors for sacred ideas. For example, one of the
words for temple is vimana, which literally means
well-proportioned. Ratios within the temple symbol-
ized the harmony within the universe and were strictly
followed during construction. Even images within
temples displayed the sacred ratios of iconometry.
Houses of Worship 485
Ancient Egyptian temples, built strictly along the
east-west line, were believed to be symbolic models of
the universe. For example, the oor was slant upward
from outer to inner courts, symbolizing the rise of the
world out of primordial waters. Precise measurements
and astronomical observations were required for con-
struction of the temples, which also served as libraries
and education centers.
Islamic architecture typically includes repeating
geometric patterns, symbolizing Allahs innite power.
The mathematics underlying some of the patterns is
so intricate that research papers connecting it to recent
discoveries are still published in the twenty-rst cen-
tury. For example, girih design consists of tessellating
polygons overlaid with networks of lines, described
by the areas of mathematics now called quasicrystal-
line structures and Penrose tilings, named for Roger
These designs can be innitely extended without
repetition. Muquarnas (or stalactite vaults) are nested,
self-similar structures consisting of niches hanging
from the ceiling. Their two-dimensional projections
consist of tessellating shapes of decreasing size, with
ratios set in such a way that shapes still t together.
As with compass orientations and direction in some
other sacred spaces, the alignment of mosques toward
Mecca, the direction of which varies by geographical
location, is another topic that is of interest to math-
ematicians and others.
The sweat lodges used by Native Americans for puri-
cation ceremonies employ the effects of raised tem-
perature, humidity, and plant smoke rather than spe-
cic architectural elements to achieve spiritual effects
by affecting the body. Sophistication of the lodge expe-
rience comes from matching the rhythm of changes
in temperature and humidity to the pace of the
Traditional southern African settlements
display a fractal structure based on circles.
The village is built in a large circle made
of smaller extended-family circles,
and the large circle in the middle for
the chief s family that includes cir-
cular huts for honoring the spirits
of ancestors. Within each house,
the shape is repeated on a min-
iature scale, with a circular
sacred altar in the middle.
Light and Sound
Stained glass windows have long been used in temples
and churches. Geometric elements of stained glass
windows include reections, rotations, symmetry, and
tessellations. The chemical knowledge necessary for
coloring glass and for connecting it with metal strips
helped promote scientic development. Dividing
large stained glass windows into panels for structural
stability was an engineering problem. The colored
light, ltering through stained glass, which is vari-
able depending on time of day and weather, is also an
important element of the internal atmosphere of the
religious space. Another application of light is in the
Abu Simbel temples in Egypt, the design of which was
reportedly astronomically aligned so that the light rays
would reach the innermost sanctum on the birthday
of Ramses II.
The dynamic play of light and shadows may also
lead to mathematical investigations. Mathematician
Thomas Banchoff has commented on the abundance
of geometry in houses of worship, which provided
him with both spiritual and mathematical inspira-
tion. For example, as a student, he noted, there was
plenty of time to contemplate the shadows advanc-
ing across the tiles at the base of the altar rail. When
we rst arrived, the narrow of the altar rail covered
only a small portion of the triangular tiles, and by the
end of Mass, almost the entire triangle was in shadow.
When, I asked myself, did the shadow cover half the
area? I hadnt studied any formal geometry yet, but I
gured that if you cut an isosceles right triangle in half
486 Houses of Worship
A rendering of the
Ur ziggurat based on
a 1939 drawing by
Leonard Woolley.
by a line perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then one
of those halves could be rotated to give the triangle
that remains when the shadow was covering half of the
original triangle. It surprised me that the line did not
pass through the centroid of the triangle! To this day,
I still use that example when I teach calculus students
about centroids.
Sound as well as light is an important feature of
houses of worship. The acoustics of houses of worship
are determined by the architecture, including the shape
and size of spaces as well as construction materials.
Resonance is the property of a system in which it oscil-
lates with larger amplitude at some frequencies than
at others. Very high ceilings used in many houses of
worship amplify sound and make group singing more
resonant and subjectively powerful.
Domed ceilings and other shapes may reect sound
back toward the speakers or singers at many different
angles at the same time. This reection causes interfer-
ence and reverberation in the sound waves that may
make individual words less intelligible, which may pro-
mote a feeling of the merging of individuals into the
Places of worship tended to be some of the largest
buildings within each settlement, since they were often
the only gathering place for the community for both
spiritual and secular uses. Historically, group trad-
ing and entertainment also attracted large numbers
of people. To symbolize the higher importance of the
house of worship compared to secular buildings, some
places also required it to be the highest building. This
led to sacred architectures that had tall narrow towers,
such as steeples on churches and minarets on mosques,
soaring high over the town. Large constructions could
also provide security, such as the Sumerian ziggurats.
Another reason for height was the need for sounds
related to religious practices to carry through the set-
tlement, such as calls to prayer from minarets or tolling
bells marking the start of services.
Conversely, some spiritual practices call for small,
temporary houses of worship. These ephemeral struc-
tures evoke meanings opposite to large, permanent
houses of worship, such as unity in hard times or inti-
macy within families; for example, some Native Ameri-
can sweat lodges and the Jewish sukkaha temporary
structure decorated with branches and gourds that is
used for a week-long harvest festival. It symbolizes joy-
ful but temporary shelter from the wilderness.
Unusual Modern Designs
Several houses of worship built in the last decades
of the twentieth century and the rst decade of the
twentieth-rst century feature interesting mathemati-
cal concepts. The Bahai House of Worship in Delhi,
India, also known as the Lotus Temple, is based on
a nine-sided polygon. It looks like a half-open lotus
ower, with all walls consisting of curved petals.
Modern software allows for the design of such com-
plex surfaces. Wotruba Church, in Austria, consists
of 152 asymmetrical concrete blocks and resembles
an abstract sculpture. Balancing such blocks and
calculating safe loads within the structure presented
interesting spatial geometry problems. The Cathe-
dral of Christ the Light in California employs many
traditional features in unique ways. From the outside
it appears as a truncated cone composed of many
semiopaque windows in a steel grid. In the tradition
of stained glass windows, the cathedral uses light to
create atmosphere and convey images. The churchs
Omega Window is a representation of a traditional
Christian symbol known as Christ in Majesty, which
often includes a mandorla frame. The image was taken
from an eleventh-century stone sculpture and digitally
converted into a pixel-like pattern of 94,000 holes that
were drilled into aluminum panels. The holes vary-
ing diameters transmit different degrees of sunlight to
create the image.
This is one of many light effects created by the
curved internal and external geometry and features
like curved beams, folded gothic-style arches, and slats
that tilt to manipulate light.
Further Reading
Albers, Donald. The Third Dimension and Beyond.
Math Horizons 3 (February 1996).
Koetsier, T., and L. Bergmans. Mathematics and the
Divine: A Historical Study. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.
Strachan, Gordon. Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred
Space. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 2003.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: City Planning; Mathematics and Religion;
Sacred Geometry; Vedic Mathematics.
Houses of Worship 487
HOV Lane
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Problem Solving.
Summary: The decision to designate a trafc lane
as a High Occupancy Vehicle lane is based on trafc
analysis, computer simulations, and mathematical
models showing the effects of implementation.
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are intended
to improve automobile transportation efciency by
reserving certain trafc lanes for vehicles carrying at
least two or three people. The idea is to encourage car-
pooling by allowing cars with multiple occupants to use
a dedicated lane and thus reduce the number of cars
on the road relative to the number of people traveling.
Sometimes trafc lanes are designated HOV only at cer-
tain times of the day, or they may be used under special
circumstances by buses, hybrid power vehicles, or other
single-passenger vehicles. HOV lanes have been tested
or used in many countries, including the United States,
Canada, Spain, the United Kingdom, Norway, Austria,
Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. Mathematical
modeling, data analysis, and computer simulation are
widely used for making decisions regarding when and
where to use HOV lanes, for designing their construc-
tion and geometric properties, and for evaluating their
safety and effectiveness. Many mathematical modelers
are using cross-disciplinary concepts and approaches
to analyze trafc. For example, engineer Morris Flynn
and mathematicians Aslan Kasimov, Jean-Christophe
Nave, Rodolfo Rosales, and Benjamin Seibold modeled
trafc jams using continuous density and ow func-
tions similar to those used for modeling uid ow and
the propagation of detonation waves. Analogous to the
traveling nonlinear wave solutions called solitons,
they christened trafc waves jamitons.
HOV lanes are typically most useful in regions that
have severe trafc congestion and many vehicles car-
rying only the driver. The opportunity to use less-con-
gested, quickly moving HOV lanes is intended as an
incentive to encourage drivers to decide to use carpool-
ing or to carry passengers, with the overall intent of
reducing trafc jams and accidents caused by trafc
volume and lane changing. Studies of HOV lane usage
and effectiveness showed that, as of 2008, 21 U.S. states
had HOV lanes for a total of 1,745.14 miles with an
average density of 833 vehicles per lane per hour and a
total of over 276 million miles of vehicle travel. Exclu-
sive HOV lanes were most common (993.27 miles) and
carried the highest density of trafc (an average of 906
vehicles per hour), followed by normal lanes designated
HOV in certain periods (545.82 miles, 790 vehicles per
hour) and shoulder or parking lanes designated HOV
in certain periods (206.6 miles, 596 vehicles per hour).
Experience with HOV lanes is mixed, although it
should be noted that this is a relatively new method
of organizing transportation and that local variation
in conditions and implementation could explain why
some projects were more successful than others. An
example of a successful HOV implementation was
that introduced in 1998 near Leeds, United Kingdom
(the rst HOV lanes in the United Kingdom). Prior to
HOV lane implementation, 30% of the cars had two
or more occupants, and a journey that should take
three minutes if trafc were moving freely regularly
took more than 10 minutes. After implementation of
the HOV lanes, trafc was reduced 10% to 20%, jour-
neys were quicker for both HOV and non-HOV traf-
c, lane violations were low, casualties were reduced
30%, and noise reduction was noticeablealthough
little change was noted in air quality. In the United
States, an HOV lane scheme near Washington, D.C.,
for vehicles carrying four or more occupants, proved
successful, with the HOV lanes operating at twice the
speed of travel of the regular lanes. However, a study
of HOV lanes in San Francisco, California, found that
they actually increased congestion. HOV lanes have
also been criticized on grounds of safety, because of
the differing speeds of trafc in adjacent lanes, and as
a violation of the right of motorists to freely use high-
ways paid for with their tax dollars.
Mathematicians continue to investigate issues for
HOV lane design, implementation, and management.
Analyses using concepts from elds such as geometry,
graph theory, and statistics help designers optimize
features like lane setbacks, entrance and egress paths,
gates and signals, and shoulder widths. Speed con-
tour plots can be used to visualize recurrent blockages,
while probability models and scatterplots can be used
to quantify and display spatial distribution of accidents
as functions of one or more variables. Other mathema-
ticians seek to simplify existing multiparameter mod-
488 HOV Lane Management
els, which may rely on unobservable quantities, using
smaller sets of physical and measurable variables in
order to study the impact of design features and traf-
c behavior. Yet others have used logit-type models to
investigate economic concerns, like converting HOV
lanes to high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes.
Further Reading
Kwon, Jaimyoung, and Pravin Varaiya. Effectiveness
of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes in the San
Francisco Bay Area. Transportation Research Part
C: Emerging Technologies 16, no. 1 (February 2008).
Menendez, Monica. An Analysis of HOV Lanes: Their
Impact on Trafc. Saarbrcken, Germany: VDM
Verlag, 2008.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)
Lanes by State.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Climate Change; Highways; Smart Cars;
Trafc; Travel Planning.
Hunt, Fern
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Fern Hunt is a prominent mathematician
at NIST with diverse research interests.
Fern Hunt is an applied mathematician employed as
a prominent researcher in the Mathematical Model-
ing Group at the National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST). The daughter of Jamaican immi-
grants, she earned a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1978 from
the renowned Courant Institute of Mathematical Sci-
ences at New York University. She recognizes that, I am
here because of the sacrice of other black people. I am
aware of that and immensely grateful. Before assuming
her current position at the NIST, she taught as a pro-
fessor. Her interest in education and in inspiring and
mentoring students has not diminished; in addition to
her extensive and varied research, she continues to give
mathematics lectures at universities across the country
and to work directly with students during the summer.
Fern Hunts research interests and applications are
highly diverse. Her early work was in mathematical biol-
ogy, including models of behavior of certain bacteria and
models of the genetic evolution of populations in a dete-
riorating environment. At NIST, she studies the physi-
cal and chemical properties of many materials used in
industry. She says, I think of myself as your average Jane
and the fact that I can discover these connectionsevery
now and again!gives me a great deal of satisfaction. It
means Im participating in something thats at the root
of the universe. Mathematics gives you the opportunity
to create. Her work has drawn from many areas, includ-
ing chaos, dynamical systems, and probability.
A notable example is her work with physicist Robert
McMichaels on modeling the Barkhausen effect. The
Barkhausen effect, or Barkhausen noise, is a phenom-
enon in which the magnetic output of a metallic object
has a jumpy, erratic response to a change in magnetic
force (the term noise is appropriate, since these erratic
jumps can be amplied and heard on a loudspeaker as
a static-like click pattern). Using sophisticated math-
ematical tools, Fern Hunt developed a new, much more
accurate statistical model of the phenomenon; the new
model was able to explain subtle, experimental obser-
vations that the previous model could not. A better
understanding of this effect has wide practical applica-
tions to all the ferromagnetic data storage devices in
society, including disk drives and the magnetic stripe
on credit cards.
Another important set of projects for Hunt deals
with paints and other surface coverings. She studies
paints and other such materials at a microstructural
level, both measuring and modeling properties such
as light-scattering behavior. One innovation of her
research program is the use of computer-rendering
software to understand and control much more closely
how materials will actually appear to the human eye
in real life. Research of this kind is expected to lead to
improvements in the materials used by industry.
In addition to the applied research problems aris-
ing from the NIST projects, Fern Hunt actively stud-
ies ergodic theory and dynamical systems. She has
expressed the belief that some mathematical research
Hunt, Fern 489
for its own sake, not directly connected to a current
project, is very importantit serves to stimulate cre-
ativity and to strengthen ones command of math-
ematical ideas. This belief is especially important for
an applied mathematician such as Hunt, whose NIST
projects require the use of mathematical ideas from
very diverse and unpredictable parts of mathematics.
Ergodic theory, Fern Hunts primary area of theoreti-
cal mathematical research, is the study of how certain
types of systems evolve over time. A simple ergodic sys-
tem is the circumference of a circle that is being rotated
in increments of one radian; if one follows the trajec-
tory of any single point over time, it will eventually come
arbitrarily close to every point on the circle. Ergodic
theory turns out to have deep connections to geodesic
ow, number theory, representation theory, harmonic
analysis, and probability theory. The connection to
probability theory, in fact, is through Markov chains, a
mathematical tool that Fern Hunt has used frequently in
her research, such as her improvements to existing mod-
els of the Barkhausen effect. This research area is closely
related to the mathematics of chaos and fractals.
Fern Hunt has been dedicated to service, and is a
member of a number of important committees and
boards; she advises, be in service to others and the
world itself. Also try to look beyond day-to-day dif-
culty and look at maximizing opportunities here and
now. This is what keeps me going. She has served on
the board of trustees for the Department of Energy and
for the Biological and Environmental Research Advi-
sory Committee and has also been part of the Ameri-
can Mathematical Society Committee for Education.
Further Reading
Henrion, Claudia. Women in Mathematics: The
Addition of Difference. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1997.
Hunt, Fern. A Monte Carlo Approach to the
Approximation of Invariant Measures. Random
Computing Dynamics 2 (1994).
Williams, Scott. Fern Hunt: Mathematician of the
African Diaspora.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Careers; Mathematical Modeling;
Mathematics, Applied.
490 Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Hurricanes and
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement; Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematical analysis and modeling
have been used to attempt to predict and simulate
hurricanes and tornadoes.
Hurricanes and tornadoes are both potentially cata-
strophic types of storms that cause billions of dollars
in damage and claim many lives each year. Predict-
ing major weather events of these types is difcult,
though mathematical modeling and computer power
have allowed mathematicians and scientists to make
advances in storm science. The term cyclone is often
erroneously applied to tornadoes; it properly refers to
the class of storms originating over water that includes
hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical cyclones. Tornadoes
and cyclones are characterized by revolving forms and
high winds, but tornadoes are typically smaller, faster
spawning, shorter lived, and their damage is usually
more focused. Mathematical analysis and modeling of
storms draws from many elds.
For example, vector calculus plays a substantial
role in analyzing and modeling these storms, since
both pressure and humidity can be represented as
scalar elds and wind as a vector eld. Theories and
equations from physics for conservation of mass and
energy, along with angular momentum and shear,
are also quite important. Historically, challenges in
storm description, prediction, modeling, and simu-
lation have often been related to data collection and
computing power. One of the earliest systematic data
collection and prediction efforts was conducted in the
1880s by John Finley of the U.S. Army Signal Corps,
but for a variety of sociopolitical reasons, federal
research lagged until about World War II. The emer-
gence of Doppler radar advanced storm science, as did
computers in the 1970s that were capable of generat-
ing three-dimensional models. However, even in the
twenty-rst century, no one can perfectly predict the
emergence, path, strength, or damage of a hurricane
or tornado. Even with multiple stations and satellites,
data are still sometimes sparse or difcult to integrate
across sources, and this type of research raises theo-
retical questions about the limits of predictability. At
the same time, early warning systems that give even a
few hours of notice regarding approaching storms are
widely considered to be benecial, and mathemati-
cians continue to contribute to this area. Actuaries are
also involved in calculating the costs of these storms,
in terms of both money and lives.
A tornado is a rotating column of air that is in
contact with both the ground and a cloud. Tornadoes
are generally spawned by thunderstorms. The United
States has the highest incidence of tornadoes of any
country in the world, in part because of the conu-
ence of cold air from Canada, warm, moist air from
the Gulf of Mexico, and dry air from the Southwest.
A related phenomenon is water spouts, which are
essentially tornadoes that form over water, especially
in tropical areas. A hurricane is a powerful, spiraling
storm that begins over a warm sea, near the equator.
Hurricane is, in fact, just one name for the kind of
storm scientists refer to as a strong tropical cyclone.
Depending on where they occur, hurricanes are given
a different label. If they begin over the Atlantic Basin
(Atlantic Ocean north of the equator, the Caribbean
Sea, the Gulf of Mexico) or the Northeast Pacic
Ocean, they are called hurricanes.
When the same kind of storm occurs in the west-
ern North Pacic Ocean, it is called a typhoon. In
the southwest Pacic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, the
storms are referred to as cyclones. No matter what it
is called when a hurricane, typhoon, or cyclone hits
land, it can do great damage through erce winds, tor-
rential rains, inland ooding, and huge waves crashing
ashore. A powerful hurricane can kill more people and
destroy more property than any other natural disaster.
Hurricanes and other cyclones form in the tropics dur-
ing summer and fall.
Hurricanes and Tornadoes 491
A weather satellite image of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico. Starting as a slight pressure difference,
hurricanes grow into large spiraling storm systems of low pressure, complete with high winds and driving rain.
Predicting Major Storms
A few very important characteristics of hurricane are
as follows:
Hurricanes form under weak, high-altitude
Hurricanes have no fronts
Hurricanes main energy source is the latent
heat of condensation
The center of a storm is warmer than the
surrounding air
Hurricane winds weaken with height
Strongest winds are near the Earths surface
Hurricanes weaken rapidly over land
As global weather patterns become more erratic
as evidenced in the early twenty-rst century, it has
become difcult to accurately forecast hurricanes.
However, mathematics allows forecasters a thorough
insight into the mechanisms of weather features,
including large-amplitude water waves and sustained
winds cloud structure. Moreover, statistical models
built from historical data perform with greater preci-
sion. Also, scientists use high-quality time series data
along with less precise time series data using a Bayesian
approach, which does not require data to have uniform
precision. This way, scientists have been able to forecast
U.S. hurricanes six months in advance.
Wind engineer Herbert Safr and meteorologist
Robert Simpson introduced the very popular Safr
Simpson wind scale, which is a 15 categorization based
on the hurricanes intensity at the indicated time. This
scale is an excellent tool for alerting the public about the
possible impacts of various-intensity hurricanes. How-
ever, the scale does not address the potential for other
hurricane-related impacts, such as storm surges, rain-
fall-induced oods, and tornadoes.
The estimation of hurricane-generated waves and
surges in coastal waters is of critical importance to the
timely evacuation of coastal residents and the assess-
ment of damage to coastal property in the event that
a storm makes landfall. Tornado wind speed or inten-
sity is rated using the Fujita scale, named for Tetsuya
Theodore Fujita. It is based on the subjective assess-
ment of the damage caused to human and vegetation
structures by the tornado. Its original development
was linked to the Beaufort wind force scale, named
for Francis Beaufort. Ratings range from a minimum
of F0 to a maximum of F6. It is also sometimes
called the FujitaPearson scale to recognize contri-
butions of Allen Pearson, who was director of the
National Severe Storms Forecast Center at the time.
The scale has since been revised by data gathered
from structural engineers and others that suggested
that the original wind speeds were too high for cat-
egories F3 and above.
To provide accurate estimates for wave height, sci-
entists use Wave Model (WAM). WAM is built around
the solution to the action balance equation in terms of
an action density function. With the aid of FORTRAN
and other programming languages today, WAM is an
extremely efcient model.
Hurricane size (extent of hurricane-force winds),
local bathymetry (depth of near-shore waters), topog-
raphy, the hurricanes forward speed, and its angle to
the coast are all factors that affect the surge that is pro-
duced. Mathematicians and scientists are working hard
to develop a reliable technique for prediction of storm
surges. The capability for prediction of hurricane surges
is based primarily on the use of analytic and mathemat-
ical models, which estimate the interactions between
winds and ocean, also taking into account numerous
other factors. One of the models used for storm-surge
modeling is known as the Advanced Circulation Model
(ADCIRC). This is a nite-element circulation model
based on the two-dimensional, depth-integrated shal-
low-water equations representing the conservation
laws for mass and momentum. The momentum equa-
tions are combined with the continuity equation and
result in the generalized wave continuity equation.
ADCIRC is implemented in spherical coordinates for
this application. As expected, many parameters can be
set to optimize running the model for specic applica-
tions and locations.
Further Reading
Adam, John. Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns
in the Natural World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2003.
Elsner, J. B., et al. Bayesian Analysis of U.S. Hurricane
Climate. Journal of Climate 14, no 23 (2001).
Kumer Pial Das
See Also: Climate Change; Clouds; Coral Reefs;
Geothermal Energy; Green Mathematics.
492 Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Incan and Mayan
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: The Incan and Mayan civilizations had
a variety of mathematical achievements, including
number systems and calendars.
The Inca Empire existed from 1438 until 1533 c.e.,
when it was conquered by the Spanish and the last
Inca emperor, Atahualpa, was murdered. At its height,
the Inca Empire comprised most of present-day Peru,
Bolivia, and Ecuador, as well as parts of Colombia, Chile,
and Argentina. It was a culturally diverse but politi-
cally centralized empire, based in the capital of Cuzco.
Having no written words, the Incas invented a clever
method of recording numbers, usually for administra-
tive purposes, using knotted cords called a quipu.
The Maya civilization ourished between 250 and
900 c.e. The homeland of the Mayans was the Greater
Yucatan Peninsula, including present-day Guatemala
and Belize, as well as parts of Mexico, Honduras, and
El Salvador. In contrast to the Inca Empire, the Maya
civilization was never a political entity but consisted
of a multitude of independent city-states. Among the
many remarkable accomplishments of Mayan culture
were hieroglyphic writing, a vigesimal and duodevi-
gesimal number system, the invention of a symbol for
zero, an elaborate system of calendars, and highly accu-
rate astronomical observations.
Incan Quipus
A quipu is a bundle of colored, knotted cords. Every
quipu has a main cord that is thicker than the others.
Pendant cords are tied to the main cord, and subsidiary
cords are tied to pendant cords or other subsidiaries.
Quipus have been found with as many as 2000 pen-
dants and six levels of subsidiaries. The pendant and
subsidiary cords carry knots. Three types of knots are
used: simple knots, gure-eight knots, and long knots
with two to nine turns. To record numbers, the Incas
used a decimal number system. Each digit other than
the units is represented by a cluster of the appropri-
ate number of simple knots. The Incas did not have a
special knot for zero but simply left an empty space on
the cord.
Units are represented by a long knot with the appro-
priate number of turns. If the unit is one, however, a
gure-eight knot is used, since a long knot with only
one turn is identical to a simple knot. For example, the
number 701 is represented by a cluster of seven simple
knots, an empty space, and a gure-eight knot. The dig-
its are ordered with the units away from the main cord.
Since the units are distinguished from the other digits,
the same cord can carry several numbers. The colors of
the cords and the topology of pendants and subsidiar-
ies do not contribute to the numerical information but
signify the item that is being counted. There are about
800 quipus in museums today. The largest number
found on a quipu is 97,357.
Quipus are not suitable for performing arithme-
tic. In 1590, Spanish Jesuit missionary Jos de Acosta
described how the Incas carried out difcult compu-
tations by moving around maize kernels. A Peruvian
drawing from about 1615 shows a tablet, called a
yupana, that might have been used for this purpose.
This yupana is divided into smaller squares, each con-
taining 1, 2, 3, or 5 dots, which could be maize kernels.
Acosta explicitly mentioned the numbers 1, 3, and 8.
This has led to speculations that the Incas used so-
called Fibonacci numbers in their calculations since
1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 are the rst such numbers.
Mayan Numbers and the Invention of Zero
The Mayan number system is neither a pure group-
ing system, like Roman or Aztec numbers, nor a pure
positional system, like HinduArabic numbers, but a
mixture of the two, like Babylonian or Incan numbers.
Numbers from 0 to 19 are written with dots represent-
ing 1, lines representing 5, and a symbol for 0 resem-
bling an eye. Thus, 17 is written as two dots and three
lines. For numbers larger than 19, a base-20 and, at
one place, a base-18 positional system is used. The rst
place represents units, and the second place represents
multiples of 20.
The third place, however, does not represent mul-
tiples of 20 20 = 400 but multiples of 18 20 = 360.
From then on, the fourth place represents multi-
ples of 20 360 = 7200, the fth place multiples of
20 7200 = 144,000, and so on. Mayan numbers were
originally written vertically with the units at the bot-
tom. For convenience, Mayanists write them horizon-
tally with the units to the right. Thus, the Mayan num-
ber means the following:
9 144 000 12 7200 11 360 5 20 18
1 386 478
+ + + +
, ,
After the Babylonians, the Mayas or possibly their
Olmec predecessors were the rst culture in the world
to invent a symbol for zero. The earliest known occur-
rence of this zero symbol is found on a stela in Uaxactun,
Guatemala (357 c.e.). The earliest indisputable inscrip-
tion using the HinduArabic decimal system including
a symbol for zero is from Cambodia (683 c.e.).
Mayan Calendars
The Mayas used three different calendars: the Tzolkin,
the Haab, and the Long Count. A typical Mayan date
looks like the following: 6 Etznab 11 Yax.
Here, is the Long Count date, 6
Etznab is the Tzolkin date, and 11 Yax is the Haab
date. This was the day of death of the great ruler, Pacal,
of the city-state, Palenque, corresponding to August 29,
683 c.e.
The Tzolkin calendar is based on two independent
cycles of 13 and 20 days, respectively. A Tzolkin date
consists of a number from 1 to 13 followed by one of
the following 20 names of days:
Ahau Kan Lamat Eb Cib
Imix Chicchan Muluc Ben Caban
Ik Cimi Oc Ix Etznab
Akbal Manik Chuen Men Cauac
Both the number and the day name change daily
such that the calendar runs as follows: 1 Ahau, 2 Imix,
3 Ik, and so forth. Every possible Tzolkin date occurs
once during the Tzolkin year of 13 20 = 230 days.
This follows from the so-called Chinese Remainder
Theorem, which the Mayas must have known at least
in some special cases, and the fact that 13 and 20 have
no common divisors.
The Haab calendar consists of 18 months of 20 days,
followed by ve extra days. The length of the Haab year
is thus 18 20 + 5= 365 days. The names of the months
are the following:
Pop Tzec Chen Mac Kayab
Uo Xul Yax Kankin Cumku
Zip Yaxkin Zac Muan
Zotz Mol Ceh Pax
The days of each Haab month are numbered from
0 to 19. The Haab calendar thus runs as follows: 0 Pop,
1 Pop, 2 Pop, and so forth. The nal ve days, called
494 Incan and Mayan Mathematics
the Long Count date and the Tzolkin day name. If the
last digit is 0, the day name is Ahau; if the last digit is
1, the day name is Imix, and so forth. According to
various Mayan sources, the previous era ended on the
following date: 4 Ahau 8 Cumku.
The problem of translating Long Count dates into
dates in the Gregorian calendar is known as the Cor-
relation Problem and has been a topic of consider-
able controversy. Today, most Mayanists believe that
Uayeb, are numbered from 0 to 4; these days were con-
sidered unlucky.
The least common multiple of 260 and 365 is
73 260 = 52 365 = 18,980, which means that the
combined TzolkinHaab calendar repeats itself after 73
Tzolkin years, or 52 Haab years, or 18,980 days.
The Mayas believed in a cycle of eras of 13 144,000
days or approximately 5125 years, each era ending
with a time of great change. A Long Count date is a
ve-digit Mayan number recording how many days
have elapsed since the last transition of cycles. There
is a unique correspondence between the last digit of
Incan and Mayan Mathematics 495
The Mayas were known for building complex and highly decorated ceremonial structures, including temple-
pyramids, palaces, and observatories, all contructed without the use of metal tools. 4 Ahau 8 Cumku corresponds to August
11, 3114 b.c.e. The Mayans thus expected the next
cycle change upheaval to occur on 4 Ahau
3 Kankin, corresponding to December 21, 2012 c.e.,
when the present Long Count cycle ends.
Mayan Astronomy and the Dresden Codex
The Dresden Codex is one of only four original Mayan
books that have survived to the present day. It contains
astronomical tables in which the number 584 gures
prominently; this is the best integer approximation to
the average period of Venus, as seen from the Earth, of
583.92 days. In the Codex, 584 is divided into parts of
236, 90, 250, and 8, reecting the phases of Venus.
First Venus appears as the Morning Star for 236
days, then it disappears on the far side of the sun for 90
days, then it reappears as the Evening Star for 250 days,
and nally it disappears again for eight days while it is
between the Earth and the sun. The difference between
90 and 8 is explained by the fact that, as seen from the
Earth, Venus moves more slowly relative to the sun
when it is on the far side of the sun. The difference
between 236 and 250 is thought be because of a local
difference between the eastern and western horizons.
It is a strange coincidence that 584 = 8 73 and
365 = 5 73 have the large common prime factor of
73. This implies that ve Venus periods correspond
very closely to eight Haab years, and indeed the Codex
contains a Venus table of this length of time. The Mayas
knew, however, that this correspondence was not exact.
To compensate, they subtracted either four days after
days, giving a period of 583.93 days, or eight days after
days, giving a period of 583.86 days.
It has been suggested that the Mayas used the rst
correction four times and the second correction once,
thus subtracting a total of 24 days after 301 584 days,
which gives a Venus period of exactly 583.92 days. This
explanation, however, was questioned by the famous
physicist, Nobel laureate, and amateur Mayanist Rich-
ard Feynman.
Further Reading
Coe, Michael D. Breaking the Maya Code. New York:
Thames & Hudson, 1992.
Feynman, Richard. Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman!
New York: Vintage, 1992.
OConnor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. Mactutor History
of Mathematics Archive: Mayan Mathematics.
Teresi, Dick. Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of
Modern ScienceFrom the Babylonians to the Maya.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
David Brink
See Also: Astronomy; Calendars; Central America;
South America; Zero.
Income Tax
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Summary: Mathematics is used to compute income
tax returns and analyze income-tax fraud.
Albert Einstein once quipped that preparing a tax
return was an activity too difcult for a mathematician
and was better suited for a philosopher. Many would
point to the complex and ever-changing laws regard-
ing taxation, rather than the underlying mathematical
concepts, as being the problematic part of understand-
ing income taxes.
Numbers and their operations, along with algebra,
are very useful in the calculation of the taxes owed by
individuals and corporations. In addition, probability,
statistics, and geometry are among the elds used by
those interested in the analysis of the process and out-
comes of taxation, such as tax irregularities and eva-
sions, tax burden, and the effects of taxation on overall
economic welfare.
In 1861, the U.S. Congress imposed a tax on per-
sonal incomes to help nance the Civil War. Prior to
that time, it had depended mainly on excise taxes and
customs duties. The rst income tax was a propor-
tional (or at) tax: anyone who made an income of
more than $800 per year had to pay a xed 3% of that
income in taxes. The next year, a two-tiered progressive
rate structure was put into place. Taxable incomes up
to $10,000 were still taxed at 3%, while higher incomes
496 Income Tax
paid 5%, though people were allowed to take various
deductions from their incomes before calculating the
tax. Taxes were also withheld by employers for the rst
time. This tiered taxation method became the standard
for income tax, although some countries in the early
twenty-rst century use a dual income tax system in
which individuals and corporations are taxed at a low
rate while labor income is taxed at a high rate.
Income taxes were abolished in 1872; but after a
great deal of legal debate, they returned permanently
with the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913.
Everyone who earns income in the United States is
subject to federal individual income tax and, in most
cases, state income tax as well. Some municipalities
also charge local income tax. Employers are required
to withhold money from taxpayers paychecks and to
remit the funds to the appropriate government agen-
cies. Self-employed taxpayers are required to submit
quarterly payments.
Calculating the Income Tax
As can be seen from the Internal Revenue Service 1040
individual income tax form, a series of calculations
are required to determine the amount of income tax
Total Income: All sources of taxable income must
be added to calculate total income, including not just
wages but also funds accrued from sources such as tips,
interest earned, alimony, capital gains, retirement with-
drawals, royalties, and business income.
Adjusted Gross Income: Certain types of expenses
can be subtracted from the total income, including
some expenses related to moving, business, education,
alimony paid, self-employment, and student loans.
After subtracting the allowable expenses, the result is
the adjusted gross income.
Taxable Income: Additional deductions and exemp-
tions are subtracted from the adjusted gross income to
arrive at the taxable income.
Deductions: Taxpayers can elect to take the
standard deduction, which is a set amount
depending on ling status, or they can
itemize their deductions to see if a tally of the
allowable deductions results in more than the
standard amount. People who paid mortgage
interest, signicant medical costs, large
charitable donations, and/or business expenses
will often nd that itemizing produces a larger
deduction than the standard.
Exemptions: The federal government allows
taxpayers to deduct a xed amount for each
dependent in the household; in 2009 that
amount was $3,650 per dependent.
Tax owed: The tax is then looked up in the tax table,
reading the appropriate column depending on l-
ing status (single, married ling jointly, married l-
ing separately, head of household), unless the taxable
income is over $100,000, in which case a tax computa-
tion worksheet is used. In general, single people pay
more taxes than married couples ling jointly with the
same income.
Understanding the Federal Tax Tables
and the Tax Computation Worksheet
The government denes a series of tax brackets, which
are percentages linked to income ranges. The income
ranges for a specic tax bracket vary depending on the
ling status of the taxpayer.
The federal government sets different ranges for the
following categories: single, married ling jointly, mar-
ried ling separately, and head of household. In 2009,
for example, the tax brackets were 10%, 15%, 25%,
28%, 33%, and 35%. The range for a single tax payer
in the 10% bracket was $0 to $8,350 in taxable income.
For a married couple ling a joint return, the income
range for the 10% bracket was $0 to $16,700.
The tax table and tax computation worksheet val-
ues do not correspond directly to the tax brackets.
For example, a single person earning $62,025 in 2009
would appear to fall into the 25% tax bracket ($33,950
to $82,250). However the tax shown in the tax table is
$11,694, which is less than $17,250 (25% of $69,000).
The tax table value was determined by applying the tax
brackets to the taxable income in stages. In 2009, the
tax brackets for a single taxpayer were
10% bracket: $0 to $8,350
15% bracket: $8,350 to $33,950
25% bracket: $33,950 to $82,250
The rst $8,350 of the taxable income earned falls
into the 10% bracket, yielding $835 in taxes. The next
$25,600 ($33,980 $8,350) of the taxable income falls
Income Tax 497
into the 15% bracket, yielding $3,840. The last $28,075
($62,025 $33,950) falls into the 25% tax bracket,
yielding $7,018.75.
The total tax is $835 + $3,840 + $7,018.75 = $11,694
(rounded to the nearest dollar).
The tax tables are provided in $50 increments, so
anyone earning between $62,000 and $62,050 would
pay the same amount of tax.
The tax computation worksheet calculations work
the same way. For a single person with a taxable income
of $130,000 (28% tax bracket), the worksheet calcula-
tion is to multiply by 0.28 and then subtract $6,280. The
$6,280 gure is subtracted to compensate for the lower
taxes paid on the portions of the $130,000 income that
fall into the lower tax brackets.
Other Methods of Calculating Taxes
Some groups are concerned that the federal tax code is
too complicated, confusing, and unfair. There are those
who advocate simplifying the tax code and leaving the
graduated tax bracket structure, and others who advo-
cate a at taxone percentage rate for all with no
exemptions or deductions.
Most states follow the federal governments lead and
have a series of tax brackets. In 2009, Colorado, Illi-
nois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
and Utah all had at taxes ranging from 3 percent to 6
percent. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas,
Washington, and Wyoming did not collect any indi-
vidual income tax.
Mathematical Modeling
The impact of taxation is of great personal and politi-
cal concern. Income taxes, in particular, can generate
a great deal of debate, and many people feel person-
ally and directly affected by changes in these taxes.
Mathematical methods are used to model a variety
of phenomena related to taxes. For example, equilib-
rium modeling seeks to explain and predict the broad
economic repercussions of different market factors,
including taxes.
These complex models take into account the ow
of cash, commodities, and other goods between vari-
ous people and businesses, which have different moti-
vations and constraints. Other potential variables can
include prices, interest rates, and taxes. A system (like
the U.S. economy) is in equilibrium when the inows
and outows, or supply and demand, are balanced.
These models are computationally intense and gen-
erally solved using numerical methods, graph theory,
geometry, and stochastic simulation.
Several countries and U.S. states, as well as com-
panies and accounting rms, use software based on
Benfords Law to check income tax returns for fraud.
Benfords Law is named for engineer and physicist
Frank Benford. According to stories about Benford, he
was inspired by the fact that pages of logarithm books
associated with numbers starting with the digit 1 were
dirtier and more worn than other pages. Thinking that
it was unlikely that scientists had some special prefer-
ence for these numbers, he analyzed over 20,000 sets
of data from a wide variety of sources, such as baseball
statistics, numbers he found in magazine articles, and
atomic weights.
All of these data sets followed a similar pattern in
terms of the rst digits of the numbers. About 30% of
the time, the rst digit of the numbers was a 1. Each
subsequent numeral 2 through 9 occurred less and less
often as the initial digit, such that the probability of
any number n from 1 through 9 being the rst digit is
the following:
log 1
One simple way that data can be tested is by com-
paring the observed rst-digit counts to Benfords
Law. For example, accountant Mark Nigrini examined
169,662 IRS les and found that they follow Benfords
Law, with an allowable statistical margin of error. For-
mer president Bill Clinton and (as of 2010) Secretary
of State Hillary Rodham Clintons tax returns for sev-
eral years were also analyzed.
Nigrini concluded that the Clintons may have used
some rounded-off dollar estimates rather than exact
numbers, but his test did not uncover any fraud. Gen-
erally, studies show that fraudulent data contain too
few numbers starting with 1 and too many starting
with 6.
Further Reading
Fu, Michael, Robert Jarrow, Ju-Yi Yen, and Robert Elliott.
Advances in Mathematical Finance. Basel, Switzerland:
Birkhuser, 2007.
Nievergelt, Yves. A Graphic Introduction to Functions: The
Federal Income-Tax Law. Bedford, MA: COMAP, 1989.
498 Income Tax
Radulescu, Doina Maria. CGE Models and Capital
Income Tax Reforms: The Case of a Dual Income
Tax for Germany (Lecture Notes in Economics and
Mathematical Systems). Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Woytek, Steve. Mathematics in Living, Credit, Loans
and Taxes Book IV. Boulder, CO: Pruett
Publishing, 1976.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Accounting; Data Mining; Sales Taxes and
Shipping Fees.
Individual Retirement
Accounts (IRAs)
See Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
Industrial Revolution
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: New energy sources, management styles,
and more intensely divided labor revolutionized
manufacturing and technology.
The term Industrial Revolution refers to the great
social transformation, beginning in the mid-eighteenth
century, during which manufacturing replaced agricul-
ture as the center of productive activity. This transition
had profound implications for economic and politi-
cal institutions and international relations, as well as
for the landscape and environment, family, education,
and culture. Its two main dimensions were technologi-
cal innovation and the social organization of produc-
tion. The Industrial Revolution was facilitated by the
increased use of realistic perspectives in painting and
drawing that ourished in the Renaissance, as well as by
the invention of the printing press in the fteenth cen-
tury, which spurred intellectual growth in many elds,
including mathematics. These developments allowed
for better visual representation and distribution of
mathematical ideas and inventions to a much broader
audience than the older master-apprentice models.
Some historians question the use of the term revolu-
tion, since these developments indisputably occurred
incrementally over a period of a century or more.
Nonetheless, their cumulative impact dramatically
Industrial Revolution 499
Watt and Horsepower
s Watt marketed his steam engines, he
developed the standard unit of horse-
power to demonstrate the superiority of his
product over the horses traditionally used to
power a mill wheel. Based on his observa-
tions, he calculated that one horsepower was
equal to approximately 33,000 ft-lb/min. The
watt, which came into use as a unit of power
in the late nineteenth century, was named for
James Watt.
Engraving of gears and pumps from James Watts
double steam engine specications of 1782.
changed virtually every aspect of life, rst in Great
Britain and eventually worldwide. New technologies
both drew on existing mathematics and prompted
its further development. New institutions of intellec-
tual life also fostered the emergence of increasingly
abstract mathematics.
The key technological feature of the Industrial Rev-
olution was the application of new sources of power:
rst the steam engine (late eighteenth century), and
later electricity and the internal combustion engine
(late nineteenth century). As the Industrial Revolution
spread in the late twentieth century, nuclear energy and
emerging green energy sources have been developed.
A crucial problem of the early Industrial Revolution was
the means of transmitting power from the steam engine
to the machines used in production itself. This problem
gave rise to the mathematical theory of linkages.
Equally important to the Industrial Revolution was
the large-scale organization of labor. In England, the
Enclosure Acts (17601845) forced small farmers into
urban areas, while vagrancy laws, poor laws, and work-
houses (places where those who were not able to support
themselves could seek shelter and employment) instilled
labor discipline. A large labor pool was thus created for
the new factories. Market competition impelled factory
owners to use the cheapest possible laborchildren as
young as 5 as well as adult women and menand to
maximize prots by extending the working day to 14
hours or more per day, seven days per week.
The vastly larger scale of production made pos-
sible by mechanization and the steam engine created a
qualitatively distinct industrial organization of labor. It
intensied the division of labor, de-skilling some jobs
and creating new forms of specialization.
The Industrial Revolution therefore meant pro-
found changes in work, residence patterns, family
relations, and urban life. This in turn sparked inter-
est in social statistics. Edwin Chadwick (18001890)
and Friedrich Engels (18201895) pioneered the use
of quantitative measures to describe social problems.
Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet applied the
statistical techniques previously used in astronomy to
social problems, further developing them and helping
to institutionalize the discipline of statistics.
James Watt and the Steam Engine
James Watt (17361819), the grandson of a mathemat-
ics teacher, possessed the combination of manual dex-
terity and an aptitude for mathematics. He trained as
a maker of mathematical instruments, securing a posi-
tion at the University of Glasgow, a major center of the
British Industrial Revolution, where he rst encoun-
tered the inventive yet inefcient Newcomen steam
engine. While the Newcomen engine served to pump
water from coal mines, Watts improvements turned
the steam engine into a practical means of supplying
power to factories and of transporting manufactured
goods to market.
James Watts parallel motion mechanism (1804), in
particular, allowed the force of an engine to act in both
push and pull directions, converting rotary motion
to linear motion. This provided an empirical, though
imprecise, solution to the geometrical problem of con-
structing a straight line without tracing a straight line.
In Euclidean geometry, it is axiomatic that a straight
line can be produced, butin contrast to the circle
no method existed to do so.
Following Watt, a spatial linkage that traced exact
straight lines was created by mathematician Pierre-
Frederic Sarrus in 1853 and proved geometrically by
Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier in 1864. The mathematical
theory of linkages was further developed by Pafnuty
Chebyshev, James Joseph Sylvester, Alfred Kempe, and
Arthur Cayley.
Mathematics and the Industrial Revolution
The late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were
extremely fruitful in the development of modern math-
ematics. However, the connections between this work
and the Industrial Revolution are mainly indirect.
A notable exception was Charles Babbage (1791
1891) and his work on some of the earliest computing
machines. Numerical tables used in applied mathemat-
ics were calculated by hand and often contained many
errors. Babbage sought to replace these human com-
puters with machines, as so many manufacturing jobs
were being mechanized. He began work on his rst dif-
ference engine in 1822, moved on to a programmable
analytical engine, and continued experimenting with
steam-powered computing machines for much of the
rest of his life. Ada Lovelace, generally credited as the
rst computer programmer, created a program that
could have run on Babbages machine, had it been built.
Some technical problems that arose in connection
with the Industrial Revolution proved amenable to
solution via abstract mathematics developed in other
500 Industrial Revolution
contexts. For example, analysis of electrical circuits,
waves, and oscillations is simplied by using complex
numbers, originally explored in relation to the solution
of algebraic equations.
In France, the cole Polytechnique, founded by
mathematicians Lazare Carnot and Gaspard Monge
in 1794 to train military engineers, supplied technical
training and expertise for emerging French industries.
Its faculty, students, and examiners included many
of the most inuential French mathematicians of the
nineteenth century, and its textbooks, such as the cal-
culus texts of Adrien-Marie Legendre and Sylvestre-
Francois Lecroix, inuenced mathematics instruction
Further Reading
Musson, A. E., and Eric Robinson. Science and Technology
in the Industrial Revolution. New York: Gordon &
Breach, 1989.
Sangwin, Christopher. Revisiting James Watts Linkage
with Implicit Functions and Modern Techniques.
Mathematics Magazine 81, no. 2 (2008).
Weightman, Gavin. The Industrial Revolutionaries: The
Making of the Modern World 17761914. New York:
Grove Press, 2010.
Bonnie Ellen Blustein
See Also: Electricity; Lovelace, Ada; Measurement in
Society; Painting; Renaissance.
Infantry (Aerial and
Ground Movements)
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Mathematics has long played a signicant
role in infantry operations, including inuencing
cryptography, logistics, and military strategy.
The oldest military unit and still the backbone of most
modern armies, infantry units consist of soldiers who
engage the enemy face-to-face. Historically, infantry
units marched from one location to another. In mod-
ern times, infantry units may be deployed in a variety
of ways, including overland in trucks; by sea, such as the
troops landing on Omaha Beach on D-Day; or by air,
either from planes or helicopters. Paratroopers are often
considered elite among infantry units. In general, infan-
try are distinct from other land-based mobile units, such
as cavalry, employing different tactics and strategies.
Mathematics has always played a major role in war-
fare, including infantry movements. Early Babylonian
clay tablets show evidence of sophisticated mathemati-
cal calculations of the volume of dirt that would be
needed for siege ramps and what sort of minimum
manpower would be required to accomplish the task.
The sophistication of mathematics in ancient Greece
was no doubt in part because of its usefulness to war
the Greeks may have left a legacy of philosophy and
art but spent much of their time and resources at war
among themselves and with their neighbors.
Napoleon Bonaparte is widely considered to be a
military genius who revolutionized the use of light
infantry and artillery. He was also an avid mathemat-
ics student and was often accompanied in the battle-
eld by mathematicians, including Joseph Fourier. He
discussed his own solutions to mathematics problems
with notable mathematicians, such as Lorenzo Masche-
roni, Pierre Laplace, and Joseph Lagrange, including
what is known as Napoleons Theorem. He was quoted
as saying, The advancement and perfection of math-
ematics are intimately connected to the prosperity of
the state. Many modern ofcers have been educated
at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and other
military academies, which emphasize mathematics and
engineering in their curriculums, and both military
and civilian mathematicians continue to play critical
roles in infantry tactics and deployment, especially in
the modeling and simulation of twenty-rst-century
combat strategies.
Archimedes, one of the most famous ancient mathe-
maticians, applied his knowledge of geometry, the esti-
mation of weights and volumes, and three-dimensional
rotations to defending the city of Syracuse from siege
by Roman forces (214212 b.c.e.). In addition to the
standard trick of cutting holes into the walls for archers
to re arrows through, Archimedes helped to design
the catapults used by the Syracuse artillery units, and
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements) 501
he called for traps to be built in the walls to drop heavy
stones on approaching ships. Cranes were even used
to drop grappling hooks onto ships and capsize them.
The siege took much longer than it otherwise would
have, and the Roman commander reportedly ordered
that Archimedess life be spared out of respect for his
intellectan order that was ignored, and Archimedes
was killed when the siege nally succeeded.
The Renaissance was a time of ourishing math-
ematics, with applications in a wide variety of sciences,
including cartography. While the Age of Discovery cer-
tainly was one cause for the demand for increasingly
more precise maps, so too was the desire to accurately
direct the movement of troops and ships while at war.
Accurate chronometers were developed at the order of
the military, which also called for more precise ways of
determining latitude in order to increase the usefulness
and accuracy of maps.
Modern Warfare
Eventually, mathematics would be used to more accu-
rately determine the velocities and paths of projectiles,
which in turn inuenced not only the behavior of
artillery units but also the design of infantry rearms,
which became increasingly critical in conicts like the
U.S. Civil War and World War I.
World War II, because of its extraordinary size and
resource consumption, put mathematicians to use in all
areas of the military, a close relationship that has con-
tinued and been further assisted by the development of
modern-day computers. The advent of paratroopers in
World War II added a new level of complexity to the
deployment of infantry troops, taking into account not
only point-to-point movement on the ground but also
precision insertion via parachute. Humans leaping from
a moving plane do not fall straight down, so calculations
had to be made to take altitude, speed, and other fac-
tors into account in order to determine when, where, at
what altitude, and at what intervals paratroops should
deploy to successfully land on a predetermined spot. A
hybrid transportation algorithm that rst mathemati-
cally computes an ideal solution, which is then used for
stochastic simulations, has been successfully used to
model deployment of troops and equipment.
502 Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements)
Scientists such as Luis Alvarez helped create the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) radar camera, shown above,
and improved antenna systems to identify friendly aircraft without using visual confirmation.
Other investigations into this problem often
use numerical methods, uid dynamic equations,
3-dimensional ows, mesh resolution techniques,
and simulation methods. The use of aircraft for com-
bat reconnaissance was also largely pioneered during
World War II, though it was hampered by their limited
speed and at times by unreliable radio communica-
tions, which did not facilitate the rapid decisions infan-
try commanders in the eld were required to make.
Modern communication methods allow for rapid
computer modeling and real-time decision making,
virtually as soon as the data are collected. Military
radar was also in its infancy in World War II, though
work by mathematicians and scientists such as physi-
cist Luis Alvarez would improve its utility. For exam-
ple, Alvarez helped create transponders, then known
as Identication Friend or Foe (IFF) radar beacons,
and improved antenna systems, which identied
friendly aircraft without visual conrmation and
facilitated precision delivery of troops and bombs
even in poor weather.
Mathematics at War
The quantication of troops, inventory, and distances
as well as the order of battle and the estimations of
travel speeds and damage to fortications have likely
always played a role in warfare. The term order of
battle originally referred to the order in which troops
were positioned relative to the position of the com-
mander but has come to refer to the composition of
the forces involved in a eld operation, including their
command structure, personnel, disposition (the geo-
graphical locations of the headquarters of units and
subunits), and equipment.
In U.S. Army practice, an order of battle prepared
for an intelligence report also includes information
on personalities (known enemy personnel and rel-
evant information pertaining to them), unit history
relevant to the current situation, a logistics report on
how units obtain supplies, and a combat effective-
ness section that is prepared using combat model-
ing applications based on sophisticated algorithms.
Orders of battle are fundamental to a military com-
manders situational awareness. Commanders depend
more on combat effectiveness projections as model-
ing techniques have become more sophisticated and
data from eld operations have been applied in order
to continually evaluate them.
In essence, the same mathematics responsible for
governing the articial intelligence of enemy forces
in video games like Call of Duty is usedalbeit with
a great deal more data and more powerful process-
ingto evaluate enemy forces in real life. These mod-
els draw on a diverse array of mathematical methods.
Game theory in general is concerned with modeling
strategy. Statistical analysis, Andrey Markov chains,
business logistics, and uid dynamics have all played
signicant roles. During World War I, mathemati-
cian Frederick Lanchester devised Lanchesters Laws,
which use systems of ordinary differential equations to
determine which of two sides will remain at the end
of a battle, as functions of the defenders strengths and
time, assuming neither side breaks off combat. They
continue to be the basis for many modern simulations.
Some models simplify problems or address only small
portions of a vastly complex problem, including try-
ing to quantify soft or qualitative aspects of combat,
though hybrid modeling with both discrete and con-
tinuous components is a growing way to reliably model
critical subsystems and also their interactions with one
another. Mathematical analysis of satellite data and
images is also used for detecting landmines and impro-
vised explosive devices, which are some of the greatest
threats to troops on the ground.
Perhaps the biggest impact of mathematics on the
infantry is that the use of combat modeling means the
ability to predictif not always accurately, at least with
a greater degree of accuracy than in the pastthe out-
come of various combat scenarios and, thus, to manage
risk and reward when allocating troops. Military effec-
tiveness can be maximized at multiple levels, from the
allocation of funds at the budget stage to recruitment
techniques to the command structure of the armed
forces to troop movements.
Further Reading
Biddle, Stephen. Military Power: Explaining Victory and
Defeat in Modern Battle. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2004.
Boo-Bavnbek, B., and J. Hyrup. Mathematics and War.
Basel, Switzerland: Birkhuser, 2003.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Archimedes; Artillery; Predicting Attacks;
World War I; World War II.
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements) 503
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Calculus; Communication;
Connections; Number and Operations.
Summary: Innity is an important part of the
curriculum and has a rich and interesting history.
Counting comes naturally to humans. Children as
young as 2 years old begin to associate numbers with
groups of objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are quickly under-
stood. The concept of plus one also develops early in
life. Given any whole number, there is always a next
number, the one achieved by adding one. As such,
early in life we face the reality that there is no largest
number, for given a number of any size, adding one to
it produces a number that is yet bigger. That is, the set
of natural numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .} is innite. While
the concept of innity is fundamental in mathemat-
ics, cosmology, and theology, many of the advances
in understanding innity were met with severe criti-
cism or worse. For example, according to some stories,
Hippasus, a member of the Pythagorean order, was
drowned for divulging the existence of innite non-
repeating decimals. Revolutions in philosophy and
mathematics resolved many of the fascinating para-
doxes related to innity, but innity continues to chal-
lenge and interest us today.
A Hotel Example
Innity is a concept, but it is not itself a number. To
illustrate how the notion of innity is different, it is
helpful to turn to one of the great mathematicians of
all time, David Hilbert (18621943). In 1900, he spoke
to the International Congress of Mathematicians about
23 unsolved problems that he considered to be the
most important to the progress of mathematicsthe
search for solutions to these problems shaped a great
deal of twentieth-century mathematics, and some even
remain open to this day. Besides being a leading math-
ematician, Hilbert was also a thoughtful teacher, and
he was reputed to have used the following paraphrased
story to challenge his students to think about the curi-
ous nature of innity.
A mathematician owned an unusual hotel, one with
innitely many rooms. Each room was assigned a
natural numberRoom 1, Room 2, and so on
and on one occasion, it happened that every room
in the hotel was lled. A customer seeking a room
walked into the lobby and asked the manager if
there were any openings. The manager reported
that every room was full but that there was a way for
the customer to get a room.
The occupant of Room 1 was asked to move to
Room 2; the occupant of Room 2 moved to Room
3; and in general, the person in Room N stepped
next door to Room N+ 1. The customer who had
requested a room at the entirely full hotel was now
able to occupy Room 1.
The next day, when the hotel was still completely
full, an unusual charter bus arrived, carrying in-
nitely many passengers, all seeking rooms. At rst,
the members of this group were disheartened to
learn that the hotel was completely booked. But
the mathematically savvy manager once again had
a solution.
The occupant of Room 1 was asked to move to
Room 2; the occupant of Room 2 moved to Room
4; the person in Room 3 went to Room 6; and
in general, the person in Room N stepped down
the hall to Room 2N. The customers getting off
the bus were now able to move into all of the
odd-numbered rooms, as rooms 1, 3, 5, 7. . . were
all open.
While this story may seem far-fetched because there
are only a nite number people alive on Earth, it illus-
trates some remarkable properties of natural numbers
and raises concerns, such as whether more natural
numbers exist than there are natural numbers.
Innite Sets
Georg Cantors revolutionary ideas on the sizes of such
innite sets form the basis of many ideas in modern
mathematics, including the elds of analysis and cal-
culus. For example, removing the odd natural numbers
from the set of all natural numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . . . 2n, 2n + 1, . . .
leaves the set
2, 4, 6 . . . 2n, 2n + 2, . . .
504 Innity
which is yet another innite set. Galileo Galilei believed
that the sizes of innite sets could not be compared or
contrasted. However, Cantor and mathematicians today
agree that since a rst even natural number can be iden-
tied, a second even natural number, and so on, just as a
rst natural number can be identied, a second natural
number, and a third, then there are the same number
of even natural numbers as there are natural numbers
since they can be put in one-to-one correspondence.
Cantor also proved that there are uncountable sets that
have a different measure of innity, such as the real
numbers. However, Cantor did not receive the recogni-
tion during his lifetime that he has today. Some theolo-
gians believed his work challenged the uniqueness and
innity of God, and both mathematicians and theolo-
gians strongly objected to his work at the time.
A question that has intrigued many people over the cen-
turies is whether or not the numbers 1 and 0 9 . are the
same. In fact they are, as the following argument shows.
If we consider the number 0 9 . , observe the following:
0 9 0 9999
. . = = + + + +
Certainly, two numbers can be added, three num-
bers, four numbers, and indeed, as many nite num-
bers as likened be. From this, observe the following:
+ = ;
+ + = ;
+ + + =
; and,
10 1
+ + + + =
Since this last sequence of numbers converges to
the number 1, one concludes that the innite sum is
1. That is,
0 9 0 9999
1 . . = = + + + + = .
At rst glance, this may seem strange to a person
unaccustomed to the role of limits in mathematics.
But, as was perhaps rst understood by Archimedes in
antiquity, limits are the bridge from the nite to the
innite, and they are indispensable to mathematics
and the mathematician. Understanding innity allows
for the understanding that the numbers 1 and 0 9 . are
the same.
Certainly the concept of innity presents some chal-
lenges and unusual situations. Greek philosopher Zeno
of Elea was known for posing paradoxes that chal-
lenged mathematicians for centuries. For instance, in
Zenos Paradox, a person walks toward a wall by each
time stepping half the remaining distance, thus taking
time stepping half the remaining distance, thus taking
an innite number of steps but (theoretically) never
actually reaching the wall.
Another example is Gabriels Horn, an innite sur-
face that can be easily generated by revolving a simple
curve about an axis. Interestingly, the surface is not
named after its discoverer, Italian physicist and math-
ematician Evangelista Torricelli, but is rather named
after the Archangel Gabriel in order to connect the in-
nite with theology. This innite surface can be shown to
contain nite volume yet have innite surface area. In
other words, Gabriels Horn, if lled with paint, would
require only a nite volume, yet that paint could not
cover the surface of the horn. While situations like these
initially seem impossible, mathematics provides inter-
esting and satisfying explanations of these phenomena.
Modern Developments
In the twentieth and twenty-rst centuries, mathema-
ticians continue to grapple with the concept of inn-
ity. French mathematicians mile Borel, Ren Baire,
and Henri Lebesgue explored rationalist ideas, while a
group of Russian mathematicians led by Dmitry Ego-
rov linked mathematics to philosophy and theology.
Building upon the French work and using mystical
insights gained during their religious practice of Name
Worshipping, they founded descriptive set theory,
which transformed mathematical analysis.
However, this did not resolve the contradictions
of innitesimals in calculus, which Sir Isaac Newton,
Gottfried Leibniz, and Bishop Berkeley had wrestled
with during the development of that subject in the
Innity 505
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Abraham Rob-
inson created the eld of nonstandard analysis in 1960
when he gave a rigorous denition of an innitesimal
number, and mathematicians continue to explore
the implications of both standard and non-standard
analysis. Besides there being innitely many natural
numbers, there are even innitely many prime num-
bers. Primes form the building blocks of numbers and
in many ways the very foundation of mathematics. In
a similar way, calculus rests upon the notion of limit,
which at its core involves innite processes. Because
so much of the subject naturally involves the innite,
mathematicians have had to face, understand, and con-
quer innity; more than this, the presence of innity
in the world guarantees that there will always be more
mathematics to explore, discover, and comprehend.
Further Reading
Clegg, Brian. A Brief History of Innity: The Quest to
Think the Unthinkable. London: Robinson, 2003.
Graham, Lauren. Naming Innity: A True Story of
Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University
Press, 2009.
Rucker, Rudy. Innity and the Mind. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2004.
Stillwell, John. Roads to Innity: The Mathematics of
Truth and Proof. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 2010.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Archimedes; Calculus and Calculus
Education; Number Theory.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Society has long used mathematical
methods to quantify risk and protect against loss, and
professionals like actuaries help make these decisions.
Insurance involves the exchange of a xed amount of
money or sequence of payments (called premiums) by
the insured to an entity or group for indemnication
of the insured from specied losses. Thus, insurance
involves trading a small but certain cost (the premium)
for payment of a potentially large but uncertain loss in
the future.
It is used to manage risk of loss in uncertain situ-
ations by hedging the risk (for example, by pooling
money with others and sharing losses) or transferring
it to some entity, like an insurer, for a price. Because
the price paid today must cover future costs and future
uncertain indemnication payments, the insurance
industry employs many mathematicians to calculate
and predict expected future costs and payments.
Risk transfer and risk pooling via insurance are very
important. Following the government, insurance is
probably the second most important mechanism avail-
able to alleviate social upheaval and to reduce risks
to citizens. Social upheaval is reduced by supplying
a nancial safety net in times of loss. Risk reduction
506 Insurance
Partial copies of the Code of Hammurabi exist on clay
tablets, like the one above in the Louvre Museum.
is achieved since insurance establishes risk reduction
incentives, such as lowering the cost of insurance,
for those who undertake risk reduction behaviors.
Examples of risk reduction behavior include premium
reduction in automobile insurance for defensive driv-
ing classes or having air bags; lowering premiums and
providing loss control consulting to business rms
concerning risk exposures; and lobbying governments
for stronger safety standards.
Insurance allows entrepreneurs to create new prod-
ucts, explore new energy alternatives, and engage in
selective risk-taking benecial to society, such as creat-
ing new pharmaceuticals, which might be too uncertain
or create potential liability exposure consequences too
great to be undertake if not insured. Through insurance,
cash ows of rms are stabilized, bankruptcy likelihood
is reduced, and the cost of capital to rms is lowered.
Because of the individual and societal benets of insur-
ance, it is no wonder that the rudiments of insurance
date back millenniaalthough the modern approach
to insurance awaited the development of mathematical
tools to create the logical underpinning of the industry.
The Code of Hammurabi (c. 1750 b.c.e.) details how
early Babylonian merchants who had a loan on car-
gos or vessels could pay a little extra so that if the ship
were lost at sea, the loan would be forgivenan early
example of risk transfer. Early civilizations also had
arrangements wherein members pooled resources, and
if one suffered a loss, such as a building burning down,
others would pitch in and furnish materials and labor
to rebuild the members lost structurean example of
risk pooling. Before formal life insurance companies
were developed, people in England in the seventeenth
century would band together in groups called friendly
societies, each contributing a small sum such that if
an emergency or death occurred, the group would pay
medical expenses, funeral costs, and sometimes give a
stipend to the widow. Some of these friendly societies
later developed into insurance companies.
Mathematics of Premiums
A crucial element in insurance is determining the
insurance premium. The premium is the amount of
money to be paid by the insured whose risk of loss
is being indemnied, but needs to be an amount suf-
cient for the insurer selling the insurance to both
cover potential loss costs and make a prot. Indeed,
many early insurance-type organizations failed from
the lack of correct assessments of risk and potential
exposures to nancial loss by the group furnishing
the insurancean incorrect quantication of risk.
Without quantication of risk, the expected lost costs
cannot be formalized and monitored. It is in this area
of risk quantication that mathematics of insurance
arises, mostly in the area of probability and statistics,
which deal with the quantication of uncertainty.
The mathematics of insurance, known as actuarial
science, had its birth amid the incredible growth in
mathematics in the seventeenth century. Most major
mathematicians of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries contributed to insurance mathematics in
a variety of ways, such as calculating annuity tables
based on interest rates and tables listing the probability
of death at each age (called life tables). Some, such
as Abraham DeMoivre, made a living, in part, by con-
sulting on the calculation of annuity values. The rst
life table was constructed in 1694 by mathematician
and astronomer Edmund Halley, now most famous for
identifying Halleys Comet.
The development of modern probability theoryan
essential element of the quantication of risk needed
to price insuranceis usually attributed to French
mathematicians Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat from a
series of letters from 1654 concerning games of chance
left unnished. Using this new mathematical theory,
the fair price of insurance could be rationally devel-
oped for the rst time. For example, if, in the case of the
occurrence of an event having a probability p, a benet
B is to be paid at some future time T, then the fair price
today is pBv
where v is the discount rate accounting
for interest available on money invested today and paid
at time T, expressed algebraically as the following:
In this formula, i denotes the annual interest rate on
invested money. Subsequent developments in math-
ematics have allowed for uncertainty in B, v, and T,
enabling one to obtain the fair value of the insurance
in more-complex risk transfer situations.
A mathematical foundation for insurance lies in the
Law of Large Numbers (LLN), developed by mathema-
tician Jacob Bernouli, and the Central Limit Theorem
(CLT), developed by Abraham de Moivre and extended
Insurance 507
by mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace. The LLN is
fundamental to insurance since it proves that the
empirical relative frequency with which an event occurs
in a risk pool will, as the size of the sample increases,
approach the true probability of the event.
This allows insurance companies to objectively
obtain the likelihood of loss-producing events from
their experience in large collections of policyholders.
The CLT proves that the average of a sample of homo-
geneous independent observations, such as losses
within a pool of risks, will be well approximated by
the bell-shaped Gaussian distribution as the number
in the pool increases. From this idea, the setting of pre-
miums for insurers who are appropriately condent of
remaining solvent can be calculated.
Further Reading
Baranoff, Etti G., Patrick Brockett, and Yehuda Kahane.
Risk Management for the Enterprise and Individuals.
Flatworld Knowledge (2009). http://www.atworld
Pearson, Egon. The History of Statistics in the Seventeenth
and Eighteenth Centuries Against the Changing
Background of Intellectual, Scientic and Religious
Thought. New York: Macmillan, 1978.
Trieschmann, James S., Robert Hoyt, and David Sommer.
Risk Management and Insurance. Cincinatti, OH:
South-Western College Publishing, 2004.
Patrick L. Brockett
See Also: Betting and Fairness; Data Analysis and
Probability in Society; Expected Values; Life Expectancy;
Normal Distribution; Probability.
Intelligence and
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra, Number and Operations;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Quantitative data, mathematical models,
cryptography, data analysis, and social network
analysis have proved powerful tools in intelligence.
The intelligence industry is tasked with gathering
information and predicting or inferring past, present,
or future behavior based on that information. While
code-breaking is the most popularly known intersec-
tion of intelligence and mathematics, lattice theory is
at least as relevant and various forms of data analysis
are constantly relied upon. Math can connect the dots
to maximize the usefulness of a small set of data.
Mathematicians Won the War
During World War II, the mathematics underlying
cryptography played an important role in military
planning. Winston Churchill admired Alan Turing,
the Cambridge University mathematician who had
mastered the Nazi codes, recognizing him as the man
who had perhaps made the single greatest individual
contribution to defeating Germany. After the rst
frosts of the Cold War descended in the Soviet East,
approximately $2 billion was spent in the develop-
ment of game theory.
After the Cold War came the war on terror. The
adversary uses rational strategies to attack, so rational
strategies are needed for defense.
The War on Terror
The National Security Agency (NSA) is a riddle
wrapped in a mystery inside a codea black palace
of glass located in Fort Meade, Maryland. It dwarfs
the location of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Its budget is unknown, and it is the worlds largest
employer of mathematicians, primarily number theo-
rists, whose work depends integrally on the presumed
complexity of factoring large numbers.
In May 2006, one of the NSAs secrets escaped. USA
Today reported that the phone companies AT&T, Veri-
zon, and Bell South had handed customer records over
to the agencynot transcripts of calls, they said, just
who was calling whom. Technically, only telephone
numbers were being recorded, but one could easily
obtain a name from a phone number. This information
was being used to determine who might be a terrorist.
With the NSA data, one can draw a picture or a graph
with nodes (or dots) representing individuals and
lines between nodes if one person has called another.
The eld of social network analysis (SNA) deals with
trying to determine information about a group from
such graphs, such as who the key players are or who the
cell leaders might be.
508 Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Even if everyone in the graph is a known terrorist,
graphs do not directly portray information about the
order or hierarchy of the cell. SNA researchers look
instead for graph features like centralitythey try to
identify nodes that are connected to many other nodes,
like spokes around the hub of a bicycle wheel. Indeed,
Monterey Naval Postgraduate School researcher Ted
Lewis, in his textbook Critical Infrastructure Protection,
denes a critical node to be such a central hub.
There are two problems in creating such a graph.
First, the central player might not be as important
as the hub metaphor suggests. For example, Jafar
Adibi of the University of Southern California looked
at e-mail trafc between employees of the company
Enron before its famous collapse and drew a graph.
He found that if you naively analyzed the graph, you
could mistakenly conclude that one of the central
players was CEO Kenneth Lays secretary. Second, as
the journal Studies in Conict and Terrorism reported
in 2003, one can capture all the central players in a
terrorist cell and leave the cell with a complete chain
of command still capable of carrying out a devastat-
ing terrorist attack.
Lattice Theory Applied to the War on Terror
While it is true that NSA expert Kathleen Carley of
Carnegie Mellon University was twice able to cor-
rectly predict who would take over Hamas when its
leaders were assassinated (Hamas, the Palestinian
Islamic Resistance Movement, is considered a terror-
ist organization by the U.S. government), her analysis
uses detailed information about the individuals in the
organization, not just which anonymous nodes were
linked with which. Since terrorist cells are composed
of leaders and followers, it is important to utilize lattice
theory, which takes into account order and hierarchy.
Formal concept analysis (FCA), a branch of applied
lattice theory, helps identify persons of interest. Indi-
viduals who share many of the same characteristics
are grouped together as one node, and links between
nodes in this picture, called a concept lattice, indi-
cate that all the members of a certain subgroup with
certain attributes must also have other attributes. For
instance, one might group together people based on
what cafs, bookstores, and houses of worship they
attend and then nd out that all the people who go to
a certain caf also attend the same church, but maybe
not vice versa. At Los Alamos National Laboratory, the
laboratory that helped build the rst atomic bomb,
formal concept analysis has been used to mine data
drawn from hundreds of reports of terrorist-related
activity and to discover patterns and relationships that
were previously in shadowconnections that human
analysts could not have easily found without some-
thing like FCA.
Tools from lattice theory can be applied to help
intelligence agencies determine whether they have dis-
rupted a terrorist cell. In early June 2005, the Penta-
gon announced plans to revise its strategy in the war
on terror. While then U.S. president George W. Bush
repeatedly cited that 75 percent of Al Qaedas leader-
ship had been killed or captured, Al Qaeda remained
active. The Pentagon shifted its target to mid-level cap-
tains and foot soldiers. Lattice theory, along with some
extramathematical analysis, will help law enforcement
agencies determine which individuals in a terror-
ist cell should be captured rst, in order to maximize
the chances of disrupting a cell by expending as few
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 509
Critical Infrastructure
he U.S. government tried to prevent the
publication of a study showing how the
U.S. milk supply could be poisoned by terror-
ists, an analysis that uses queuing theory. Simi-
lar mathematics has been used to study the
threat of dirty bombs.
Which border do you guard? Which border
do you want the terrorist to think is weak? You
want to funnel him toward your snare, thinking
the eld is open. Reexive theorya branch
of mathematical psychology developed by the
Soviet military and funded by the U.S. State
Departmentgives a quantitative method to
address these questions. The same mathe-
matical analysis could potentially be used to
alleviate the problem of improvised explosive
devices in Iraq. Phoenix Mathematics, Inc. is
developing software tools to help border patrols
allocate personnel and spread disinformation
to the adversary.
resources as possible. Lattice theoretical methods tell
us the probability that a terrorist cell has been disabled
based on how many terrorists have been captured and
what rank they held in the organization.
Social choice theory has been applied to the hier-
archical relationships within terrorist cells, deter-
mined from the direction of communications traf-
c, to model network formation. Researchers at New
York University have identied two types of coalitions.
They have found that the detection of one type of cell
is more effective in disrupting networks, whereas the
detection of the other type of cell is more effective in
identifying all the members of the cell. They have also
used the lattice theory to try to determine the leaders
from the graph of a terrorist network. Lattice theory
and graph theory can even account for gaps in ones
knowledge of the structure of a terrorist cell by mak-
ing assumptions about how the perfect terrorist cell
must be organized. The knowledge of the structure of
the perfect terrorist cell could also be used by terror-
ists to counter intelligence efforts.
Winning the Battle for Hearts and Minds
Former U.S. defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld stated
in a USA Today article on October 22, 2003, Today, we
lack metrics to know if we are winning or losing the
global war on terror. Are we capturing, killing, or deter-
ring and dissuading more terrorists every day than the
madrassas and the radical clerics are recruiting, train-
ing, and deploying against us? To model the growth
of a terrorist network, one could use the same differ-
ential equations that govern the spread of an infection,
like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Such
models could be used to help the government under-
stand, and eventually contain, the spread of a terrorist
On March 16, 2003, then U.S. vice president Dick
Cheney predicted on Meet the Press that Americans
would be greeted as liberators in Iraq. Ideas from sta-
tistical physics have been used to model the battle for
the hearts and minds of the people of Iraq. Just as a
magnetic pole may be north or south, a person could
be either for the occupation or against it. The model
shows that there can be a tipping point in the evolution
of public opinion. It may seem as if much of the popu-
lation is with one side (for example, the United States)
but then, dramatically, a wave of hostility sweeps down,
and one witnesses the birth of an insurgency.
Terrorism of the Futures Market
When bombs explode, the stock market drops. Math-
ematician Stefan Schmidt of the Technical University
in Dresden, Germany, has attempted to quantify the
impact on the market of a terrorist incident. The only
people who know when a bomb will explode are, of
course, the terrorists. By playing the market, they may
already have obtained as much money as they need,
thus stiing U.S. Treasury Department efforts to cut off
their funding. The terrorism of the futures market may
be the terrorism of the future.
Further Reading
Argamon, Shlomo. Computational Methods for
Counterterrorism. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
Associated Press. Mathematicians Offer Help in the War
on Terror. USA Today (October 9, 2004).
Brams, Steven J., et al. Inuence in Terrorist Networks:
From Undirected to Directed Graphs. Studies in
Conict and Terrorism 29 (2006).
Farley, Jonathan David. Breaking Al Qaeda Cells:
A Mathematical Analysis of Counterterrorism
Operations (A Guide for Risk Assessment and Decision
Making). Studies in Conict and Terrorism 26 (2003).
. Evolutionary Dynamics of the Insurgency in
Iraq: A Mathematical Model of the Battle for Hearts
and Minds. Studies in Conict and Terrorism 30 (2007).
. Toward a Mathematical Theory of
Counterterrorism: Building the Perfect Terrorist Cell.
Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College, 2007.
Krebs, Valdis. Mapping Networks of Terrorist Cells.
Connections 24 (2002).
Lefebvre, Vladimir A., and Jonathan David Farley.
The Torturers Dilemma: A Theoretical Analysis
of the Societal Consequences of Torturing Terrorist
Suspects. Studies in Conict and Terrorism 30 (2007).
Lewis, Ted G. Critical Infrastructure Protection in
Homeland Security: Defending a Networked Nation.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Lindelauf, R., P. E. M. Borm, and H. J. M. Hamers. The
Inuence of Secrecy on the Communication Structure
of Covert Networks. Social Networks 31 (2009).
Memon, Nasrullah, Jonathan David Farley, David L.
Hicks, and Torben Rosenrn, eds. Mathematical
Methods in Counterterrorism. Norderstedt, Germany:
Springer Verlag, 2009.
Rosoff, H., and D. von Winterfeldt. A Risk and
Economic Analysis of Dirty Bomb Attacks on
510 Intelligence and Counterintelligence
the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Risk
Analysis 27 (2007).
Wein, Lawrence, and Yifan Liu, Analyzing a Bioterror
Attack on the Food Supply: The Case of Botulinum
Toxin in Milk. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America 102
(July 12, 2005).
Woo, Gordon. Quantifying Insurance Terrorism Risk.
Risk Management Solutions (2002).
Zhao Guomin, Liu Mao, Zhang Qingsong, Wang Li,
and Yang Yang.Risk Control of Terrorism Attack
Based on Order Theory. Proceedings of the 2006
International Symposium on Safety Science and
Technology. Changsha, China (2006).
Jonathan David Farley
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Risk Management;
Social Networks; Strategy and Tactics.
Intelligence Quotients
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Intelligence tests are created and analyzed
using mathematics.
The term intelligence is broadly synonymous with
the term cognitive ability. Intelligence tests are tests
designed to measure cognitive abilities. According to
Ian Deary and David Batty, cognitive abilities are men-
tal abilities that are not principally sensory, emotional
or conative (related to the will). Standardized intel-
ligence tests produce a score called the Intelligence
Quotient (IQ). IQ tests are usually copyrighted, and to
prevent people from practicing for them, they must be
administered in supervised conditions. Many tests that
claim to measure IQ have appeared on the Internet but
may not have been validated by professional psycholo-
gists. Intelligence, or cognitive ability, has been dened
in different ways but broadly refers to peoples ability
to process complexity on the spot.
Since psychologists such as Alfred Binet (originator
of the test that later evolved into the StanfordBinet)
and David Wechsler (creator of the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children) began measuring cognitive abilities over 100
years ago, nearly all measures of cognition have been
shown to correlate. This fact is interpreted as evidence
for a general factor, called g, representing general intel-
ligence. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century,
no test of cognitive ability has been created that does
not correlate with other cognitive ability tests. In prac-
tice, this means that people who are good at processing
complexity in one area tend to be good at processing
complexity in another. A persons IQ score is a numeri-
cal representation of their level of g.
Most IQ tests are designed to have a mean of 100 and
scores are normally distributed. However, the standard
deviation varies across different tests. The interpreta-
tion of the standard deviation is that it represented the
average distance from the mean, in either direction. To
understand and interpret a persons IQ score, it is nec-
essary to know the standard deviation of the test they
took. Common standard deviations are 15 or 16, and
the range of IQ scores is generally between about 55 and
145 for a test with a standard deviation of 15. Further,
about two-thirds of individuals will have scores within
one standard deviation of the mean and about 95 per-
cent will have scores within two standard deviations
of the mean. For this reason, IQ scores are sometimes
evaluated using percentile scores, which divide the nor-
mal distribution into 100 parts so that 1% of the scores
are in each part. For example, admission to the high-IQ
society Mensa requires a person to score in the 98th per-
centile or higher on several different validated IQ tests.
This requirement means about one in 50 people would
be eligible to join.
Percentile IQ scores can be useful, but they can be
misinterpreted since the distance between each percen-
tile is not equal. In contrast, standard deviations are the
same distance apart, sometimes making it more sensible
to compare individuals in terms of average distance
from the mean. Also, IQ tests are imperfect measures of
intelligence because they generally do not produce the
exact same score for the same person, even if the test is
taken more than once. This inaccuracy is quantied by
the standard error of measurement and represents how
much variability an individual persons scores would
have if they took the test many times. For example, if
a person scored 100 on an IQ test that had a standard
error of 2, the persons true IQ score would often be
Intelligence Quotients 511
interpreted as being somewhere between 96 and 104.
Some researchers and others have suggested that the
average of three IQ tests provides a better indication of a
persons true IQ score than a single test.
There are three features of general intelligence that
are important because they negate arguments that IQ
scores have no meaning: their stability, their heritability,
and their correlation with external phenomena. First,
IQ scores are remarkably stable across the life course
from childhood to old age. Data to demonstrate this
are exceptionally rare, but one exception can be found
in Scotland. During one day in 1932, every 11-year-old
in the country took an IQ test. They were retested 66
years later, and the scores were found to correlate highly
with childhood IQ score (0.76), providing evidence of
stability of IQ scores over time. Second, IQ scores are
highly heritable. The heritability of individual differ-
ences has been estimated as between 30% and 80%,
illustrating that genetics contributes strongly to IQ
scores. However, no single gene or set of genes has been
identied. This suggests that the genetic contribution
to intelligence is multifactorial, as with other observ-
able characteristics (phenotypes), such as height. There
are no sex differences in IQ, although the distribution
of males scores is slightly wider at both ends of the dis-
tribution. Third, IQ scores correlate with variables that
can be considered external, or outside the IQ test itself.
IQ correlates with indicators of socioeconomic status
(SES)a indication of factors like educational attain-
ment, income, and occupational social classand with
many biological variables, including brain size, height,
sperm quality, and mortality. The causes of these cor-
relations are disputed.
Content of IQ Tests
The content of IQ tests differs, depending on the
specic cognitive abilities they are intended
to measure. Some tests have been criticized
as being culturally biased because they ask
questions that require culturally specic
knowledge. Tests that do not evaluate general
knowledge are considered more culture fair.
For example, Ravens Matrices is a test that contains
no written information, requiring abstract reasoning
skills. This test contains no culturally specic infor-
mation, so that it is not possible to learn how to take
the test. Similarly, tests of reaction time are considered
indicators of g, because they reect speed of informa-
tion processing. These do not assess culturally specic
information or knowledge. Clifford Pickover imagined
how aliens might test human intelligence and designed
related mathematics and logic puzzles. Other intel-
ligence researchers argue that knowledge is a reliable
indicator of g and should therefore be included in IQ
tests. IQ tests also differ in the extent to which it is nec-
essary to complete every question. Traditional IQ tests
are designed using classical test theory. In these tests,
the IQ score is more reliable for people with an average
level of IQ. Since people with high IQs nd many ques-
tions easy and people with low IQs nd many questions
difcult, fewer relevant questions are answered by peo-
ple at either end of the IQ distribution. More recently,
computerized adaptive tests have been developed and
informed by item response theory, which addresses
these problems. These tests can alter the difculty of
test items, so that people with high IQs receive a larger
number of difcult items. Reliability is improved and
testing length can be reduced because respondents do
not have to answer every question.
IQ tests are usually copyrighted and must be
administered under supervised conditions.
512 Intelligence Quotients
Age and Intelligence
Although IQ scores are relatively stable, cognitive
decline typically occurs with increasing age. This fact
is important because cognitive decline may indicate
mild cognitive impairment and risk of dementia.
When considered over time, specic kinds of cognitive
abilities appear to deteriorate at different rates. Fluid
intelligence, referring to processing speed (particularly
of new information), declines from age 26 onward. In
contrast, crystallized intelligence, referring to speed of
recall of existing knowledge (for example, vocabulary
and general knowledge) is relatively stable.
For this reason, standardized tests of word recogni-
tion, such as the National Adult Reading Test (NART),
are useful at estimating premorbid IQ in patients sus-
pected of having dementia. A discrepancy between IQ as
estimated by the NART and IQ estimated from another
test could indicate that cognitive decline has occurred.
Cognitive decline can result in mild cognitive impair-
ment and dementia or Alzheimers disease, which have
high mortality, morbidity, and treatment and care costs.
Research into the prevention of cognitive decline
is ongoing, but several risk factors have emerged con-
sistently, such as cigarette smoking and physical inac-
tivity. Consumption of sh oils, either from oily sh
or sh oil supplements, may help prevent cognitive
decline. Prior IQ is a strong protective factor, such that
a higher initial IQ appears to protect against cognitive
decline in later life. Claims that IQ can be changed are
controversial. Although brain plasticity is known to
be greater than once thoughtand there is evidence
that children exposed to cognitive stimulation enjoy
increases in IQit is not clear how stable these gains
are. Furthermore, attempts to increase IQ in adults
have not been successful.
Lower IQ scores are associated with earlier mortal-
ity and higher morbidity. This association provides
further evidence for the validity of IQ tests. It is note-
worthy that the relationship between IQ and mortality
often remains after adjusting for indicators of socio-
economic status (SES), such as income, educational
attainment, and occupational social class. Given that
IQ is largely stable after childhood, this relationship is
unlikely to be explained by societal factors. Evidence
suggests that IQ contributes strongly to health literacy,
which, according to the World Health Organization,
refers to the cognitive and social skills which deter-
mine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain
access to, understand, and use information in ways
which promote and maintain good health. People with
inadequate health literacy skills tend to have unhealth-
ier lifestyles, adhere less well to medical regimens, and
do not understand written health information or the
need for regular screening for diseases.
Access to healthcare does not solely explain the IQ-
health relationship because it can also be found in coun-
tries that have free healthcare, such as the United King-
dom, which has the National Health Service (NHS).
Managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, involves
repeating many complex tasks, such as monitoring
blood sugar and planning activities around meals.
Without supervision and support, the risk of making
dangerous mistakes could accumulate over time. Many
areas of life involve repeating a set of unpredictable,
complex tasks, which can damage health in the long
term. The eld of cognitive epidemiology studies why
IQ is linked to worse health outcomes and the role that
literacy plays in this relationship.
Further Reading
Deary, Ian. Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction.
Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Deary, Ian, Lars Penke, and Wendy Johnson. The
Neuroscience of Human Intelligence Differences.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, no. 3 (2010).
Gottfredson, Linda. Intelligence: Is It the
Epidemiologists Elusive Fundamental Cause of
Social Class Inequalities in Health? Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 86, no. 1 (2004).
Gottfredson, Linda, and Ian Deary. Intelligence Predicts
Health and Longevity, But Why? Current Directions
in Psychological Science 13, no. 1 (2004).
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
See Also: Educational Testing; Measurement in
Society; Normal Distribution; Psychological Testing.
Mathematics Research
See Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary
Intelligence Quotients 513
Interior Design
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Problem
Summary: Mathematics is involved in the layouts
and color schemes of interior design.
Interior design is a career that combines mathematics
and art and is the art and craft of making living spaces
that bring positive emotional and aesthetic effects to
the inhabitants. Mathematics has long been connected
to interior design. One of the 10 books of Marcus Vit-
ruvius Pollios mathematical work, De Architectura,
is focused on interior decoration. These books heav-
ily inuenced the Western scientic, engineering, and
mathematical developments in the 2,000 years since
they were written. Mathematician Jamshid al-Kashi
approximated the surface area of a muqarnas, a deco-
ration made of at and curved polygons that covers
building joints, while the Art Deco design movement of
the 1920s and 1930s relied on geometric forms.
Computations to estimate the amount of materials
and their cost, such as the area of a surface that will be
covered in fabric, tile, or paint, underlie interior design.
The International Mathematics & Design Association
was founded in 1998. It publishes a journal focusing on
areas such as computer-aided design, computational
geometry, mathematical modeling, visualization, and
system media design.
Design Principles and Elements
Lists of overarching design principles tend to sound
very mathematical. Figure 1 shows a widely accepted
example, with mathematical elements listed next to
each principle.
The principles are achieved through the combina-
tion of design elements. With the extensive use of soft-
ware and digital media for home decorating, expressing
design elements in formulas, graphs, tables, and other
mathematical representations has become common-
place. A typical list of elements includes the following:
line, shape, direction, size, texture, color, and value.
Shape and Logistics
A circle has the maximum possible area to perimeter
ratio of all two-dimensional shapes. This characteristic
is the reason circles were adopted as elements of living
space structures whenever exposure needs to be mini-
mized. Houseboats may have circular windows to min-
imize leak danger. In noisy cities or harsh natural envi-
ronments, architects opt for circular shapes of houses,
or their key parts, to minimize the contact with the
outside. This design was used in many cultures, such
as in traditional Mongol yurts, Celtic roundhouses,
Lakota tipis, and Lesothos mokhoros.
City and road building dictated cuboid houses
for several reasons. Many tools and materials make it
easy to mass-produce rectangular structures, such as
boards, bricks, and panels. Also, circles do not tessel-
late (tessellation occurs when a repeated shape covers a
plane without any gaps or overlaps), making it impos-
sible to build circular houses adjacent to one another,
as is done in cities. While hexagons tessellate, the edge
of a block of hexagonal houses is not straight, making
it problematic to build roads. Another tessellating oor
shape candidate, a triangle, has sharp corners that are
inconvenient to use and psychologically problematic.
Figure 1.
Design Principle Corresponding Mathematics
Balance Symmetry, center of mass, and equivalence
Rhythm Pattern, algebraic group, gradient, tessellation, sequence, and growth
Proportion Ratio and proportion, golden ratio, geometric series, scale, and dimensions
Dominance Ratio and proportion, categories (similarities and differences), extreme value, and
Unity Categories (similarities and differences), shape, pattern, continuity, similarity, density and
proximity, vectors, and alignment
514 Interior Design
Order in Complexity:
Tessellations and Fractals
Repeating patterns satisfy the design principles of bal-
ance, rhythm, and unity. Since they are practical to
make and use with a variety of simple tools, they are
used in home decorating in all human cultures. Tes-
sellations appear in mosaics, on all parts of buildings,
and in designs of rugs, coverings, and wall hangings.
Traditional designs often combine beauty, cultural and
spiritual meanings, and utility through modular units.
The mathematics known to artisans is still being for-
mally described. This process of rediscovery and formal
mathematical description is called ethnomathemat-
ics. For example, medieval Islamic mosaics masters
described very complex symmetric, never-repeating
patterns, made of standard polygons. These patterns
were rediscovered by mathematicians in the 1970s and
named quasicrystalline and Penrose tilings. Many
traditional African villages are laid out to form fractals,
with the village shape repeated in the house clusters,
houses, and interiors of each house.
These villages were rst mathematically described
in the 1990s. Mandalasappearing in several cultural
traditions, such as Hinduism, and in work of mod-
ern artists, such as M.C. Escherexhibit elements
of projective geometry, as their tessellating shapes
shrink toward the edge of the circle. Once the under-
lying mathematical principles of complex patterns are
understood, software can be programmed for further
experimentation and discovery. Complex computer-
generated patterns, often incorporating ancient arti-
san traditions, are now ubiquitous in home decorating
materials such as wallpaper, ooring, textiles, and tiles.
Color Models, Circles, and Schemes
Colors are dened by spectral wavelengths; for exam-
ple, the wavelengths of reds are approximately 630730
nanometers. Color models dene colors as additions or
subtractions of primary colors and are used to pinpoint
precise colors for decorating projects, often using soft-
ware. The additive model known as red, green, blue
(RGB) can be physically implemented in overlapping
lighting with different colors. The subtractive model
known as cyan, magenta, yellow, key black (CMYK)
can be implemented by mixing pigments and is used
in color printing, including wallpaper, yarn, and fab-
ric dyes, as well as in mixing household paints. A color
wheel is a traditional artist and designer infographic
used to visualize color models. The wheel has the pri-
mary colors positioned at three equidistant points
around it and color mixes between the primaries, with
the position signifying the ratio of the mix.
A color scheme is a combination of two or more
colors that work well together. Home decorators use
special terms to describe colors, with each term having
mathematical meaning in color models. The terms for
describing colors include warm, cool, hue, inten-
sity, contrast, and tone. On the other hand, colors
can be described metaphorically, which is used more
frequently in consumer-oriented product names such
as Light in the Leaves or Chilled Chardonnay.
Further Reading
Cook, Tony, and Robin Prater. ABCs of Architectural
and Interior Design Drafting with an Introduction to
AutoCAD 2000. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2000.
Dold-Samplonius, Yvonne. Practical Arabic
Mathematics: Measuring the Muqarnas by al-Kashi.
Centaurus 35 (1992).
International Mathematics & Design Association.
M & D.
Lidwell, William, Kritina Holden, and Jill Butler.
Universal Principles of Design: 125 Ways to Enhance
Usability, Inuence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make
Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design.
Rev. ed. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers, 2010.
Modules and Monographs in Undergraduate
Mathematics and Its Applications Project (1980).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Engineering Design; Painting; Quilting;
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Many properties and problems of the
Internet are studied and modeled using mathematics.
Internet 515
The Internet is a worldwide computer network con-
necting other computer networks in government, busi-
ness, academia, and other public and private sources.
Communications are facilitated by the Internet Pro-
tocol Suite (TCP/IP), originally proposed by Vinton
Cerf and Robert Kahn in 1974. The Internet is used
for implementing various applications including elec-
tronic mail, pioneered in the late 1960s, and the World
Wide Web (WWW) of linkable documents. The idea of
networks connecting information nodes appeared in
futuristic scientic writings and science ction begin-
ning in the early twentieth century.
The work of mathematicians, computer scientists,
cyberneticists, and many other scientists contributed to
the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web
by the end of the twentieth century. Researchers and
teachers in nearly every discipline use the Internet to
further their work, and many study the properties of the
Internet itself using mathematics. One problem explored
by mathematicians and computer scientists is mapping
the Internet, often undertaken to understand the nature
of connections and to reduce stress on routers. The eld
of hyperbolic geometry has proven to be highly useful in
creating such maps, especially with regard to assessing
global stability and developing efcient routing meth-
ods. Mathematicians also consider the theoretical and
computational challenges posed by the massive graphs
that result from Internet mapping, which test the limits
of even the largest and fastest computers. Others exam-
ine societys increasing dependence on the Internet for a
range of critical everyday tasks (like banking and medi-
cal recordkeeping) along with the risks and vulnerabili-
ties (like identity theft) that this reliance may create.
Codevelopment of Mathematical
Sciences and the Internet
Mathematicians including John Von Neumann, Alan
Turing, and Norbert Wiener contributed to the devel-
opment of both the hardware and the software neces-
sary to implement computer networks and the Inter-
net. The precursors of the Internet were networks such
as the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. Even
early electronic computers had systems for data input,
computation, and output. In the late 1960s, individual
computer nodes were connected to one another,
building on the technology for connecting subsystems
within the same computer. These early stages of build-
ing computer networks promoted the development of
the mathematics-rich elds of cybernetics, informat-
ics, and articial intelligence.
Mainframe computers enabled countless historical
achievements and facilitated research and problem-
solving in mathematical elds such as cryptography,
simulation, and genetics. In the late 1970s and early
1980s, the introduction of the rst personal comput-
ers changed the face of computing by creating appli-
cations and giving access to new groups of users. In
the 1980s, the National Science Foundation (NSF)
funded ve supercomputer centers connected by NSF-
NET, which built on Computer Science Net (CSNET)
and the Department of Defenses Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). Demand dur-
ing the rst year was so great that the system had to
be upgraded almost immediately, and uses for the new
network continued to expand, as did the mathematics
research needed to meet user demands for function-
ality. At the same time, national computer networks
such as ARPANET and NSFNet, the Japanese JUNET,
and the European CERN remained isolated from one
another. The big challenge at the time was to make
these separate networks compatible and interoperable.
Adoption of several dozen international protocols,
such as the TCP/IP for the Internet, facilitated inter-
linking. In the early 1990s, the idea of common pro-
tocols enabled the system of le hosting, accessible by
anyone at all times and called the World Wide Web.
The explosive evolution of the Internet and the Web
in the next decade is well documented. In the United
States, efforts were aided by several pieces of legisla-
tion. For example, the High Performance Computing
Act (HPCA) of 1991 reset priorities for computing
research and education. President Bill Clinton stated
that he believed such legislation enabled collaborations
critical for assuring American prosperity, national and
economic security, and international competitiveness
in the twenty-rst century. Computer scientists Eric
Bina and Marc Andreessen developed the rst widely
used graphical browser, Mosaic, released in 1993 and
funded by a program associated with the HPCA. Tim
Berners-Lee, the creator of several WWW protocols,
was knighted in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II for the
invention of the World Wide Web.
Mathematical Problems
One mathematical problem that had to be solved in
order to build computer networks was packet switch-
516 Internet
ing, which is grouping data of all types into blocks
known as packets of size that are appropriate for
network transmission. Network nodes or routers have
algorithms that decide how to queue, buffer, and deliver
individual packets as a function of network trafc pat-
terns. This is a different, mathematically more complex
model from circuit switching, which was used in older
telephone networks to transmit information bits at a
constant rate. Computer scientists Paul Baran, Don-
ald Davies, and Leonard Kleinrock pioneered packet
switching networks. Barans work was shaped in part
by Cold War concerns about maintaining communi-
cations in the face of nuclear attack. Donald Davies
worked with Alan Turing at the National Physical Lab-
oratory and is reputed to have found mistakes in Tur-
ings groundbreaking paper On Computable Num-
bers. Kleinrock, a recipient of the U.S. National Medal
of Science, said of his work, Basically, what I did for
my Ph.D. research . . . was to establish a mathematical
theory of packet networks.
In the late 1960s, mainframe computers had mes-
sage systems among their different users, who all had
to be online at the same time to communicate. In the
early 1970s, the message system software was modi-
ed to include new computer networks. The ability
to deliver messages to ofine users, make different
systems compatible, and uniquely identify users were
signicant research problems. The compatibility issue,
still important in the twenty-rst century, was resolved
in part by creating software and hardware gateways that
connect different systems. BITNET was cofounded by
Ira Fuchs and Greydon Freeman primarily for research
and academic communities, while FidoNet was imple-
mented for personal computers and bulletin board
systems by Thomas Jennings. Unique identication of
users is a complex mathematical problem, since for any
string length there is a nite number of possible letter
and symbol permutations.
Similar concepts apply to the study and selection
of secure electronic passwords. A system developed in
A mathematical problem that had to be solved in order to build computer networks was packet switching
grouping data of all types into blocks known as packets that are sized appropriately for network transmission.
Internet 517
the early 1970s assigned registration codes to domains
and then to users within domains in the form user@
domain. This method and the use of @ are credited
to Raymond Tomlinson. At the start of the twenty-rst
century, the mathematical structure of domain names
is a type of tree, with multiple hierarchical levels. Min-
imally, there are two levels. Each domain name ends
with the top-level domain including generic ones, such
as .com and .edu, and country code ones, such as
.us or .uk, with a period on the left. To the left of
that period comes the second level domain name; for
example, or
If there are more domain levels, they appear on the
left of the second-level domain and are separated by
periods as well; for example,
or There is no limit to the num-
ber of domain levels. This syntax and structure was
rst published in the 1980s in connection with the
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPA-
NET). IP addresses are the numerical representations
of individual computers, mapped to domain names.
They consist of four bytes of information displayed
as numbers. Each byte has eight bits and can be any
integer from 0 to 255. With the exponential growth
in Internet users, assigning unique identities to users,
domains, and computers continues to be a challeng-
ing problem, especially since many users have multiple
e-mail and IP addresses. For computer users, off-line
message delivery is achieved by storing messages on
digital servers until the recipient accesses them.
E-mail programs typically employ the Internet
Message Access Protocol (IMAP), developed by Mark
Crispin, or the older Post Ofce Protocol (POP) to
retrieve mail. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
is also used for sending and receiving functions. Math-
ematical algorithms enable the queuing, encryption,
authentication, and ltering of e-mail, and math-
ematicians continue to contribute new developments
and improvements. Many agencies are responsible for
making assignments and tracking Internet protocols.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority was headed
for nearly 30 years by computer scientist Jonathan Pos-
tel, who codeveloped and documented many of the
key Internet standards, including SMTP and Domain
Name System (DNS) servers.
The Growth of Networks
Other mathematical problems of Internet develop-
ment sprang from the incredibly fast growth of net-
works. To compare the rate of growth of different
networks, researchers use metrics such as time per
number of users. They have determined, for example,
that it took only ve years for the Internet to reach
50 million users, versus 13 years for television and 38
years for radio. As the number of users and domains
grew, search algorithms became a prominent eld in
computer science and mathematics, with several major
developments such as clustering and relevance rank-
ings. There are many search engines, many of which
initially used the content of Web pages to rank results.
Googles PageRank method was among the rst search
protocols to use sophisticated mathematical modeling,
including directed graphs and stochastic matrices, to
ErdsRnyi Graphs
ne mathematical discovery of network sci-
ence is that large-scale networks like the
Internet are structured in ways that do not
appear to be random, though some research-
ers initially thought they would produce Erds
Rnyi graphs, which are random graph models
having bell-shaped degree distributions. They
are named for mathematicians Paul Erds and
Alfrd Rnyi. Instead, large social networks
have degree distributions with no peaks and
heavy tails, proportional to a power function.
This means that most nodes have very few con-
nections, and only a few nodes, called hubs,
have many connections.
For example, the majority of Wikipedia edi-
tors have edited only one or two articles, and
the majority of Web pages have one or no links
leading to them. In 2004, physicist Mark New-
man and his colleagues studied scientic coau-
thorship networks using these models. Math-
ematician Paul Erds, acknowledged by many
as one of the founders of graph theory, was a
highly prolic collaboratora node of very high
degree in the network of published mathemati-
cians, who often compute their personal Erds
number to describe their closeness to Erds.
518 Internet
explore links between pages hierarchically. The Page
Rank algorithm is named for Google cofounder and
computer scientist Lawrence Page.
In 2009, Google research scientist Kevin McCurty
noted that successful search engines continually improve
by employing mathematical methods that quickly nd
relevant material and eliminate irrelevant factors that
can skew results. Along with better ranking schemes,
Internet speed is critical in effective searching and con-
tent delivery. The original packet switching and data
routing problems have become even more complex as
the Internet has grown. Mathematicians and computer
scientists model Internet trafc ow using many math-
ematical and statistical techniques, taking into consid-
eration many variables, including the type of content
being exchanged. Photos, videos, music, text, e-mail,
and online gaming all require different resources. Based
on these models, algorithms to optimally route trafc
can be designed and implemented, reducing conges-
tion and slowdowns. For example, the trafc load on
a given Websites computers can be reduced by storing
some content at other servers that provide more optimal
access patterns, a process known as network caching.
Some twenty-rst century models are starting to
use concepts from disciplines like economics, such as
equilibrium theory. One example is called conges-
tion-dependent pricing, which would route packets
depending on users willingness to pay more for privi-
leged Internet access during periods of congestion.
Given the number of packets in even a small text le,
this is a mathematically complex problem that still
requires a great deal of research.
A separate set of science problems has to do with
hardware and the various means of connecting to the
Internet. As of 2010, it is possible to connect to the
Internet through both land-line and cell phones, radio,
satellites, dedicated ber-optic lines, and television
cables. While similar in many ways, each has a unique
set of issues related to speed, security, data transmis-
sion, compatibility, and bandwidth, especially when
considering that people are connecting to the Inter-
net with many devices other than personal computers.
Mathematicians, computer scientists, and others work
on both the hardware and the software solutions.
Network Science
Network science predates the Internet, having its root
in graph theory. It is interdisciplinary and includes
mathematics, engineering, computer science, biologi-
cal sciences, sociology, and other disciplines interested
in studying various types of networks. It ourished
with easy availability of empirical data from computer
and social networks made possible by the Internet
and the high demand for applications in all aspects
related to the Internet. Concepts and methods from
graph theory, such as centrality, betweenness, and
closeness are used to quantify and describe networks.
Centrality is a measure of the importance of a node
within a network. Betweenness measures the qual-
ity of paths through the node, such as the number of
shortest paths between pairs of other nodes. Closeness
is the topological measure similar to distance, usually
dened as the average number of nodes in the short-
est path between a given node and all other nodes in a
network that connect to it.
Maps of networks help mathematicians and others
analyze vulnerabilities, such as critical nodes that lie
between many other nodes and whose loss would sever
connectivity, and deprecated connections, where use of
outmoded software or features affects speed or leaves
the users open to attack. In addition to graph theory,
hyperbolic geometry adds to Internet mapping by con-
sidering geometric coordinates of nodes in space, not
simply the map of connections. The added informa-
tion can then be used to quantify the issue of closeness
from a geometric point of view. In graph theory, each
node of a network has a degree, which is the number
of other nodes connected to it. Degree distribution is
a statistical measure showing the probability distribu-
tion of various node degrees over the network. Sta-
tistical sampling strategies are often used in network
research, since the problems and networks examined
are typically far too vast for complete data collection.
Economics and the Internet
In the 1990s, many people believed that the Internet
would bring about fundamental changes in the land-
scape of the business world. Starting in the mid-1990s,
venture capitalists were investing heavily in new Inter-
net businesses, sometimes called dot-coms. Dur-
ing this time, many Internet companies operated at
annual losses, expanding in anticipation of future
revenues. This worked for relatively few companies,
such as Amazon and Google. In 2001, this dot-com
bubble burst, with many Internet-related businesses
declaring bankruptcy.
Internet 519
The promises of the Internet that survived the dot-
com bubble became clearer toward the end of the rst
decade of the twenty-rst century. For example, research-
ers found that in many cases, product popularity obeys
a frequency distribution law similar to the degree dis-
tribution of network nodes. The majority of customers
use a few most popular products, with the majority of
products liked by small minorities of customers.
In the early 2000s, several companies realized large
prots by reaching these so-called long tails (named
after the characteristic shape of the distribution curve)
of niche customers and redened their industries.
Apple changed the music industry by selling individ-
ual tracks online; Netix had a similar effect on movie
rentals. Mathematical algorithms for determining cus-
tomer preferences and making recommendations were
driven in large part by Internet commerce. Recom-
mender systems use complex relevance metrics, evalu-
ating content such as texts or video based on statistics
of past behavior of all users within the system.
These systems use explicit data, such as rank pref-
erences given by users, as well as implicit data, such
as actions other similar users have done before. Over
time, these systems accumulate large amounts of data
and increase the accuracy of their recommendations.
Mathematics involved in creation of these algorithms
includes statistical analysis and linear algebra for work-
ing with matrices dening closeness of users. Illustrat-
ing how lucrative good algorithms are from the busi-
ness perspective, in 2009 the Netix Prize awarded $1
million to the developers of an improved ltering algo-
rithm for recommending movies.
Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 2000.
Bogu, Marin, et al. Sustaining the Internet with
Hyperbolic Mapping. Nature Communications 1,
no. 1 (September 2010).
Churchhouse, R. F. Codes and Ciphers: Julius Caesar, the
Enigma, and the Internet. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Dietrich, Brenda, Rakesh Vohra, and Patricia Brick.
Mathematics of the Internet: E-Auction and Markets.
New York: Springer, 2010.
Langville, Amy, and Carl Meyer. Googles PageRank
and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Srikant, Rayadurgam. The Mathematics of Internet
Congestion Control. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser,
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Cerf, Vinton; File Downloading and
Sharing; Personal Computers; Raghavan, Prabhakar;
Search Engines.
Interplanetary Travel
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Problem
Summary: Space exploration requires mathematics
to plan trajectories and to navigate in space, as well as
to measure and to analyze massive amounts of data.
Interplanetary travel can be dened as any space-
ightmanned or remotely guidedto the various
bodies of the solar system, including planets, their sat-
ellites, and asteroids. Such space exploration required
new mathematics to plan trajectories and navigate in
space, as well as to measure and to analyze massive
amounts of data. These ights have had a great societal
impact and have radically changed human attitudes
toward the outer space surrounding the Earth.
A scientic possibility of interplanetary travel was
discussed for centuries after Isaac Newton wrote
Principia in 1687, in which he unied terrestrial and
celestial dynamics by discovering the force of grav-
ity as an important source of motion, including the
movement of celestial bodies. Step by step, an impor-
tant new mathematical branch of astronomy emerged
and received the title celestial mechanics. In its for-
mative days, celestial mechanics played an outstand-
ing role in the progress of mathematics, demanding
and inspiring novel and efcient mathematical tools.
Among the pioneers of celestial mechanics were
prominent mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler
(17071783), Alexis-Claude Clairaut (17171765),
and Joseph-Louis Lagrange (17361813). Today, the
520 Interplanetary Travel
branch of celestial mechanics dedicated to spaceight
is usually termed astrodynamics.
For many years following Newtons discovery, the
topic of interplanetary travels mainly remained the
subject of science ction writers. In the nineteenth cen-
tury, among the most inuential science ction writers
were Jules Verne (18281905) with his books From the
Earth to the Moon and All Around the Moon and H. G.
Wells (18661946) with his book War of the Worlds.
Vernes work contained a great deal of mathematics
discussion, much of which was reasonably accurate
based on the knowledge of the time.
To put interplanetary travel into practice, it was
necessary to realize some signicant preconditions,
including designing spacecraft with the capacity for
maneuvering, designing technologies for boosters to
reach escape velocity, developing a theoretical base
for space navigation, and creating systems for long-
distance radio communications. These technological
developments were not made until the beginning of
the space era in 1957.
Mathematical Development
From a mathematical viewpoint, the most interest-
ing part of interplanetary travel is space navigation.
An appropriate example of a solution with respect to
navigational problems is the Hohmann transfer orbit.
In 1925, Walter Hohmann calculated that the lowest-
energy route between any two celestial bodies is an
ellipse that forms a tangent to the starting and des-
tination orbits of these bodies. Such a transfer orbit
between the Earth and Mars is graphed in the follow-
ing illustration. A spacecraft traveling from Earth to
Mars along the Hohmann trajectory will arrive near
Marss orbit in approximately 18 months. Just a small
application of thrust is all that is needed to put a space
probe into a circular orbit around Mars. The Hohm-
ann transfer applies to any two orbits, not just those
with planets involved (see Figure 1). In the gure,
Hohmann Transfer Orbit (light gray oblong ring),
Earths orbit is represented by the white circle, and
Mars orbit is represented by the darker gray circle.
A spaceship leaves from point 2 in Earths orbit and
arrives at point 3 in Marss.
Another example of navigational technique is rou-
tinely called the gravitational slingshot. It utilizes the
gravitational inuence of planets and their moons to
change the speed and direction of a space probe with-
out the application of an engine. In this case, a space-
craft is sent to a distant planet on a path that is much
faster than the Hohmann transfer. This would typi-
cally mean that it would arrive at the planets orbit and
continue past it. However, if there is a planetary mass
between the departure point and the target, it can be
used to bend the path toward the target, and in many
cases the overall travel time is greatly shortened. Prime
examples of the gravitational slingshot are the ights of
the two spacecraft of the American Voyager program,
which used slingshot effects to redirect trajectories
several times in the outer solar system. Astrodynamics
considers many other interesting approaches. Several
technologies have been proposed that both save fuel
and provide signicantly faster travel than Hohmann
transfers; most are still theoretical.
Because of astrodynamics limitations, travel to
other solar systems bodies is practical only within cer-
tain time windows. Outside of such windows, these
bodies are essentially inaccessible from Earth using
current technology. Mathematicians helped design the
Interplanetary Superhighway, a network of low-energy
trajectories, in order to nd efcient routes through
space; these mathematical foundations originated with
French mathematician Henri Poincar.
Interplanetary Travel 521
Figure 1. Hohmann Transfer Orbit.
Achievements and Obstacles
The modern accomplishments in interplanetary travels
are extraordinary. Remotely guided space robots have
own past all of the planets of the solar system from
Mercury to Neptune, and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administrations (NASAs) spacecraft New
Horizons is scheduled to y past the dwarf planet Pluto
in 2015. The ve most distant spacecraft (including
the American ships Pioneer-10, Pioneer-11, Voyager-1,
and Voyager-2) were scheduled to leave the solar sys-
tem at the beginning of the twenty-rst century. Arti-
cial satellites have orbited Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and
Saturn. Spacecraft have landed on the Moon, Venus,
Mars, Saturns moon Titan, and asteroid 433 Eros. The
rst probes to comets (European Giotto, Russian Vegas,
American Stardust) were y-by missions. In 2005, the
Deep Impact probe hit the comet 9P/Tempel to study
the composition of its interior.
Great achievements took place in manned inter-
planetary travels once mathematicians, scientists, and
engineers understood the mathematical principles
required to launch spacecraft outside Earths atmo-
sphere and to maneuver in the microgravity environ-
ment of space. NASA also recruited astronauts with
strong academic credentials in science and math-
ematics. Americas Mercury and Gemini programs
put humans into space and Earth orbit and taught
them how to change trajectory in space to move to a
new orbital altitude or to dock with other spacecraft,
while the Apollo program took them to the moon.
After missions in which men orbited the moon and
returned, Apollo 11 landed astronauts Neil Armstrong
and Edwin Buzz Aldrin on the moon in 1969. There
were six successful manned American expeditions to
the moon from 1969 to 1972.
Further development of interplanetary travel has
many obstacles that will require a great deal of math-
ematical analysis to model, simulate, and solve. For
example, astronauts must be protected from extreme
radiation exposure in the Van Allen belt, a torus-
shaped region of space surrounding the Earth and
other planets named after geophysicist James Van
Allen of Iowa.
The larger outer radiation belt is about four Earth
radii (RE) above the surface of the Earth and the inner
is about 1.6 RE, with a gap at roughly 2.2 RE. Apollo
astronauts were briey exposed to this radiation on
trips to the moon. Conspiracy theorists who disputed
the notion that humans landed on the moon cited the
Van Allen belt as evidence that the astronauts would
have died from radiation, but simple calculations
and the data collected by radiation sensors worn by
astronauts (similar to those worn by scientists and
hospital workers who may be exposed to radiation)
demonstrated that the speed and design of the Apollo
capsules protected astronauts during these relatively
short trips.
If the Earth was the main focus of many sciences
(geodesy, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and
oceanography) for millennia, interplanetary travel cre-
ated a new important branch of researchcompara-
tive planetologywhich is essential for understanding
the history of Earth and its evolution.
Among many other difcult problems of interplan-
etary travel is developing adequate human life support.
A breathable atmosphere must be maintained, with
adequate amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, controlled lev-
els of carbon dioxide, trace gases, and water vapor. It is
also necessary to solve the problem of food supply.
At some point in time, all of these problems may be
overcome. Incentives for future expansion of interplan-
etary ights include the possibility of colonizing other
portions of the solar system and utilizing resources.
Further Reading
Battin, Richard. An Introduction to the Mathematics
and Methods of Astrodynamics. New York: American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999.
Benson, Michael. Beyond: Visions of the Interplanetary
Probes. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2003.
Kemble, Stephen. Interplanetary Mission Analysis and
Design. Berlin: Springer, 2006.
Launius, Roger D. Frontiers of Space Exploration.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004.
Launius, Roger D., and Howard E. McCurdy. Robots
in Space: Technology, Evolution, and Interplanetary
Travel. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 2008.
Zimmerman, Robert. Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival
Superpowers, and the Quest for Interplanetary Travel.
Washington, DC: J. Henry Press, 2003.
Alexander A. Gurshtein
See Also: Planetary Orbits; Ride, Sally; Spaceships;
Weightless Flight.
522 Interplanetary Travel
Inventory Models
Category: Business, Economics and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematical inventory control models
help businesses make decisions, and they are widely
studied in the discipline of operations research.
In an ideal world, retail stores would stock all of the
products that customers are interested in buying and
stock these in sufcient quantity to cater to all cus-
tomers. In reality, store area is limited and a company
would not benet by stocking an excess of each prod-
uct. The problem, then, is to calculate the optimal
amount of supply.
These decisions take into consideration how many
units should be kept so that most, if not all, custom-
ers can be served on a particular day, because if cus-
tomers do not nd what they want, they will shop
elsewhere. At the same time, a store does not want
too many units on hand, as there are costs attached
to storing excess units, and they may remain unsold,
which also reduces prot.
The problem can be considered in manufacturing,
where a product consists of many small components,
and a business has to decide how many components it
must order and store so that fabrication runs smoothly.
Similar examples exist in service industries and mili-
tary ships. Mathematical inventory control models help
businesses make decisions, and they are widely studied
in the mathematical discipline of operations research.
Mathematics of Inventory
Computational logistics is a mathematical and busi-
nesses eld concerned with planning the ow and stor-
age of goods, services, or information from the point of
origin to the point of use. One key planning consider-
ation is the trade-off between transport and inventory
costs, a factor recognized at least as early as the mid-
1880s. Mathematicians, computer scientists, and oth-
ers continue to develop new inventory management
and optimization models as well as the algorithms and
software necessary to implement them. Mathematician
Samuel Karlin was awarded the John von Neumann
Theory Prize in 1987, as well as the National Medal of
Science in 1989, for diverse mathematical contribu-
tions, including inventory theory.
Inventory models used to calculate optimal order
quantities and reorder points, often broadly called
economic order quantity (EOQ) models, existed
long before the arrival of the computer. Advances
in mathematical methods and computer technology
have facilitated more realistic models that account
for more variables. Optimizing inventory depends on
factors such as storage space, storage cost, demand
rate, time between demands, cost of ordering, time
for retrieving stored item or receiving an ordered
item, discounts for bulk orders, and many other real-
world costs.
Just-in-time models are based on the idealized prin-
ciple that items are available exactly when they are
needed, with zero storage time or delay. Just-in-time
inventory management and lean manufacturing ideas
existed as far back as Henry Fords Model T factories
but became widely feasible in the late twentieth century
with advances in technology that affected variables, like
the lead time required to place an order for more stock.
Reduction of process variability, using better monitor-
ing, waste reduction, or inventory buffers, are typically
seen as key to achieving optimal models under this sys-
tem. A just-in-time model can save money by reducing
inventory, but tighter constraints make them conse-
quently more vulnerable to disruptions that violate the
Many basic EOQ models are simplied by assum-
ing that variables such as demand are xed or uni-
form across some period of time. These deterministic
models are easy to solve analytically but may produce
unrealistic results. They are often useful for theoreti-
cal study or businesses with greater variability toler-
ances. Many variables that inuence inventories, such
as demand and delay times for orders of new goods, are
more realistically modeled as random variables. As a
result, inventory models are often probabilistic or sto-
chastic. Constraints tend to be operationalized as costs.
For example, the physical area available for storage,
such as square footage of shelf space or warehouse vol-
ume, can be reformulated as a cost constraint by cal-
culating a cost per unit area or volume. Cost may also
be parameterized into components like procurement
and maintenance costs. Markov chains and linear pro-
gramming techniques are useful for formulating and
solving various types of inventory models. Statistical
methods are used to obtain valid data for modeling
and simulations.
Inventory Models 523
524 Inventory Models
Further Reading
Cachon, Gerard, and Christian Terwiesch. Matching
Supply With Demand. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Luenberger, David G., and Yinyu Ye. Linear and Nonlinear
Programming. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, 2010.
Porteus, Evan. Foundations of Stochastic Inventory Theory.
Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books, 2002.
Sethi, Suresh P., et al. Inventory and Supply Chain
Management With Forecast Updates. New York:
Springer, 2010.
Sherbrooke, Craig. Optimal Inventory Modeling of
Systems. 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2004.
Ravi Sreenivasan
See Also: Budgeting; Deming, W. Edwards;
Probability; Quality Control; Shipping.
See Mutual Funds
Irrational Numbers
See Numbers, Rational and Irrational
Islamic Mathematics
See Arabic/Islamic Mathematics
Jackson, Shirley Ann
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Shirley Jackson is a noted physicist
and mathematician who has performed important
research in semiconductor systems.
Shirley Jackson (1946) is an American physicist. She
was always interested in mathematics, in part because
her father shared his talent in mathematics and science
with her. She excelled in school, graduating as valedic-
torian in 1964 after completing accelerated programs
in both science and mathematics. She advises, to do
science takes a cumulative background. You cant do
advanced mathematics if you dont know calculus; if
you dont know trigonometry, geometry, algebra and
you certainly cant do those things if you cant add,
subtract, multiply, divide, no fractions, et cetera. She
went on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
for both her bachelors degree and, in 1973, a Ph.D. in
physics under the direction of James Young, thereby
becoming the rst African-American woman to receive
a Ph.D. from that institution. Her research as a stu-
dent centered on solid-state physics and elementary
particle theory, both of have continued as motivating
research interests throughout her career. Shirley Jack-
sons research interests are diverse, but largely relate in
some way to semiconductor systems, particularly new
or unconventional types of semiconductor systems.
Her research includes electronic, optical, and magnetic
aspects, as well as YangMills gauge theory, which is
an extremely important topic in applied mathemat-
ics. Jackson has been highly acclaimed for her achieve-
ments in science, education, and public policy. She
has been elected to both the American Philosophical
Society and the American Physical Society, among
others. She noted, how does a young woman, eager
for success, but also desirous of support and respect,
respond to . . . the limitations associated with racial and
gender stereotypes? I will tell you. I chose a trade. I
chose physics! In 1998, she was formally inducted into
the National Womens Hall of Fame. In 2002, Discover
magazine named Shirley Jackson one of the 50 most
important women in science.
Professional Life
After receiving her doctoral degree, Jackson obtained
a position as a research associate at the Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, where her
work concentrated on hadrons, a class of subatomic
particles including protons, neutrons, pions, and kaons,
among others. Later she was a visiting scientist, rst at
the European Organization for Nuclear Research (also
known as CERN) and subsequently at the Aspen Center
for Physics. She noted, I like everything about begin a
physicist: thinking about a problem, solving it, writing
about it, working with my colleagues, and giving talks all
over the world. Jackson was a respected lecturer in phys-
ics at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. In 1976,
Jackson became part of the Theoretical Physics Research
Department at Bell Laboratories. From 1991 to 1995,
she was a professor on the faculty of Rutgers University,
but continued to consult with Bell Laboratories.
President Bill Clinton appointed Jackson to the posi-
tion of chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-
mission (NRC) in 1995. At that time, she was both the
rst woman and the rst African American to hold this
position. In 1999, after her term at the NRC expired,
she became president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute, a private university in Troy, New York, dedicated
to scientic and technological research. She continues
to hold this position to the present time and her cur-
rent contract extends until 2020.
She has also served on the boards of directors of
a large number of organizations, including the New
York Stock Exchange, FedEx Corporation, Marathon
Oil Corporation, IBM Corporation, the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and the Smithsonian Institu-
tion. She is an active member of the National Academy
of Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
She has described her purpose on these committees
as supporting American innovation by (1) increasing
support for education, (2) bringing in the best inter-
national talent, and (3) promoting the participation
of women, minorities, and other underrepresented
groups in science-based careers. She feels that, We
have to have more degreed teachersteachers with
actual degrees in science, mathematics and engineer-
ing. In 2009, she was appointed by President Barack
Obama to the Presidents Council of Advisors, which
focuses on important matters of public policy.
Further Reading
The Charlie Rose Science Series: The Imperative of
Science. (April 7, 2008).
Jackson, Shirley Ann. Getting Students Excited About
Science. Interview by David Hirschman. Big Think.
May 12, 2010.
Jackson, Shirley Ann. Standing on Strong Shoulders.
Speech at the NRC Black History Month 1999
OConnell, Diane. Strong Force: The Story of Physicist
Shirley Ann Jackson. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press, 2005.
Williams, Scott. Shirley A. Jackson. http://www.math
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Careers; Mathematics, Applied.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra, Geometry.
Summary: Joints allow bones to movea movement
that is modeled and analyzed using mathematics.
A joint (where bones join) generally allows motion of
those bones relative to each other. The motion, typically,
526 Joints
Shirley Ann Jackson speaks at the 2010 Annual
Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China.
rotation about the left-right axis (raising the
arm up, above the head)
The opposite sequence of rotations, rst
about the left-right axis (twisting the arm
about its long axis), followed by rotation
about the vertical axis (bringing the arm
pointing to the front)
The two sequences lead to different congurations.
The dependence of the nal outcome on the sequence
of the rotations is expressed by mathematicians as the
noncommutativity of rotations in three-dimensional
space. It means that rotations can not be described
simply by three numbers, unless the sequence is also
specied. Certain ways of specifying the sequence have
been standardized, such as a rotation being described
by three Euler angles (yaw, pitch, and roll). There are
also several other mathematical techniques, involving
matrices, for dealing with rotations in 3-dimensional
space, as matrices too have the property of noncom-
mutativity (A B B A). Another technique, which
uses four rather than three numbers to represent
a rotation, is the method of quaternions. These
abstract entities were proposed originally as exten-
sions of complex numbers. Incidentally, the designers
of computer visualizations, like video games, utilize
quaternions for programming the rotational motions
of the objects.
Motions about joints result from muscle and exter-
nal forces. It is the moments of these forces that mat-
ter for rotation. In multijoint movements, a muscle
moment about one joint can cause motions about sev-
eral joints; specically, even a fully relaxed joint would
op when there is motion about nearby joints. This
phenomenon is described by rather complicated dif-
ferential equations, which the neural control system
takes into account in its planning. But the force with
which the bones at a joint push against each other can-
not be determined simply from the moments of forces.
This force (called joint loading) depends upon both
external and muscle forces, and is typically many times
greater than any external forces. The wear and tear of
the jointnatural or articialdepends upon the
loading. Also, joints being nearly frictionless, slippage
occurs if the load has a substantial component paral-
lel to the surface of contact. Noninvasive techniques
is a rotation about the joint. Such rotations underlie
almost all the movements humans perform in everyday
life. Mathematics plays a crucial role in understanding
the causes and consequences of the joint rotations, sin-
gly or in combination, and also in estimating the forces
to which the joints are subjected.
Simple Joint Movement
Suppose, for simplicity, that rotation is conned to the
elbow joint. Then the forearm would move in a plane,
and the position of the hand would be represented by
extrinsic (x, y) coordinates that involve trigonometric
sine and cosinefunctions of the elbow angle. When
many joints participate, such as the shoulder, elbow, and
wrist, the description of a hand movement, like reach-
ing for a cup, involves combinations of trigonometric
functions of the joint angles. The relationship between
changes in the joint angles and the resulting changes in
the extrinsic coordinates is expressed in the form of a
matrix (called the Jacobian matrix), consisting of rows
and columns of trigonometric functions. The methods
of matrix algebra can be used for understanding the
consequences of a sequence of changes in joint angles.
The inverse problem of nding the joint angles when
the extrinsic coordinates are given can have an innite
number of solutions, called kinematic redundancy.
For example, there are many ways of conguring an
arm so as to get a nger to touch ones nose. Why a
person chooses a certain conguration is not known,
though various hypotheses have been proposed. This is
a crucial issue also in robotics, where joint angles have
to be computed in order to reach a prescribed position
in space. Various mathematical methods have been uti-
lized for picking an optimal solution to this problem.
Three-Dimensional Joint Movement
The importance of mathematics in understanding
and describing joint function is further emphasized
when considering motions in three-dimensional
space because certain phenomena arise that are far
from intuitive. As an example, assume the shoulder to
be a ball-and-socket joint and imagine the following
two sequences of 90-degree rotations about the right
shoulder, starting each time with the arm horizontal
and stretched out to point to the right:
Rotation about the vertical axis (bringing
the arm to point to the front), followed by
Joints 527
for estimating the joint loading force are highly com-
putational. Given the external forces and observed
motions, one determines the needed muscle torques
at each joint, and then, knowing the anatomical lay-
out of the muscles and their strengths, one estimates
the distribution of forces among the muscles. With all
other forces thus known or estimated, one can derive
the joint loading.
Further Reading
Alexander, R. McNeill. Principles of Animal Locomotion.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Burstein, Albert H., and Timothy M. Wright.
Fundamentals of Orthopaedic Biomechanics.
Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1994.
Hanson, Andrew. Visualizing Quaternions. San Francisco:
Morgan Kaufmann, 2006.
Hasan, Ziaul, and James S. Thomas. Kinematic
Redundancy. Progress in Brain Research 123 (1999).
Ziaul Hasan
See Also: Matrices; Robots; Trigonometry;
Video Games.
528 Joints
A National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering (NIBIB) medical imaging study.
Kicking a Field Goal
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Probability, statistics, and physics govern
a football coachs decision to attempt a eld goal.
Football is one of the most popular sports in the United
States, and successfully kicking a eld goal is one of a
few ways that football teams can score points. Every
kick that is made is unique, and a solid knowledge of
mathematics is necessary to tailor the kick to be suc-
cessful. The path of the ball is parabolic in nature and
may differ based on environmental conditions. Geom-
etry plays a major role in the strategy used when kick-
ing a eld goal. Coaching staffs gather large amounts
of data not only from their own team but from others
as well to understand how these conditions alter kick-
ing success. The data are used to create information
about the probability of success to then determine if
and when a eld goal will be attempted. Mathemati-
cians have also studied and modeled these problems
using a variety of methods such as partial derivatives
and concepts from algebraic topology. Many models
focus on such critical variables as goal post placement
with respect to inbounds lines, goal post height and
distance between uprights, the kickers distance from
the goal post base, wind factors, and kicking angles.
These models can also be applied to other sports that
have goals, like hockey and soccer.
American football has been played for over 100 years
and has evolved over the years into the game played
today. Scoring can occur in a variety of ways including
the eld goal, which gives the kicking team three points.
A eld goal is scored when the ball is kicked from the
ground and through a goal. The goal is made up of a
horizontal crossbar that is 10 feet off of the ground
and two upright side posts that are 18.5 feet apart in
the National Football League and 23 feet 4 inches apart
for college and high school games. The ball must pass
between the two upright posts while going over the
crossbar, which is located 10 yards behind the end zone
line. The ball is kicked from a position on the eld that
is either where the last down was marked (if the ball
is in the center of the eld) or on hash marks that are
lined up with the two side posts of the goal.
Thus, the path the ball must travel to score a goal is
not a set path, but rather is based on the starting posi-
tion of the ball; as long as the ball clears the crossbar
between the two side posts, it is successful. If the kick
is not successful, the other team gets possession of the
ball at the location of the ball prior to the kick. Because
of this potential exchange of possession of the football,
the likelihood that a kick will be successful must be well
Flight Path Factors
The path that the ball travels is very close to a parabola,
with differences potentially being created by environ-
mental conditions such as wind, rain, or altitude. Wind
can act to either increase or decrease the distance of
ight, depending on the wind direction. Rain acts to
decrease both the balls distance of ight and height.
Higher altitudes mean there is less air resistance, so the
ball will travel both farther and higher when games
are played in stadiums high above sea level. Other fac-
tors that inuence the ball path include aerodynamic
forces related to ball spin. These can lead the ball to
move to one side or the other and make a ball that has
the appropriate distance and height fail to score. These
forces can also shorten a ball distance if the ball is spin-
ning backward.
Coaches gather large sets of data about successful
and unsuccessful kicks in different venues to better
understand how the environmental conditions might
alter the kick path. A team with an outdoor stadium
often has an advantage over a team whose home eld
is in an enclosed dome. Along with venue information,
coaches study information about their kickers prac-
tice kicks and the opponents defense to determine the
probability of a kick leading to a score. Collectively, this
information helps coaches decide whether they want to
take the risk of kicking a eld goal or whether punting
the ball down the eld is the wiser decision.
Further Reading
Gay, Timothy J. Football Physics: The Science of the Game.
Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2004.
. The Physics of Football: Discover the Science of
Bone-Crunching Hits, Soaring Field Goals, and Awe-
Inspiring Passes. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.
530 Kicking a Field Goal
Sergi Gibas attempts a field goal during a Seattle Mariners game. Coaches study their own team and others,
using geometry to understand how different conditions alter kicking success.
the loop or passing the string through itself. In 1926,
Kurt Reidemeister demonstrated that all such trans-
formations were made up of a sequence of just three
basic moves called Reidemeister moves. Deciding
whether two knots are the same via a sequence of such
moves is a member of a host of problems involving
changing one object into another without breaking or
tearing, which have long stumped topologists. Topolo-
gists nd it difcult to assure themselves that failing to
transform one knot into another truly reects impos-
sibility, or rather just their own failure. In modern
times, mathematical knots are useful in physics and
Invariants and Links
To wrestle with this problem, topologists have created
an assortment of invariants, mathematical entities that
can be unambiguously computed for each knot. If a
particular invariant has different values on two knots,
then those knots are different. Unfortunately, differ-
ent knots can have the same invariants. In 1928, James
Waddell Alexander II created a method for associat-
ing a polynomial to a knot, now called its Alexander
polynomial. In 1983, Vaughan Jones, studying a sim-
plied model of phase transitions, such as freezing,
discovered a second invariant, the Jones polynomial.
Another mathematician, Edward Witten, soon noticed
that the same polynomial could be computed from an
invariant on particular three-dimensional spheres,
providing insight into another difcult classication
problem. Witten and Jones shared part of the Fields
Medal in 1990 for these discoveries. Victor Vassiliev
has since created a host of new invariants. The Vas-
siliev invariants are innite in number, and it is con-
jectured that any two different knots will differ in at
least one such invariant.
Not all invariants are polynomials. Henri Poincar
created a topological invariant called the fundamental
group. Applied to knots, it is called the knot group
and is actually computed on the complement of the
knot, that is, the abstract concept of all space with the
knot removed. Poincars invariant was the seed of an
area that grew into a central focus of twentieth-century
mathematics called homological algebra.
Knots, and their close cousins, links, have proven
useful in a branch of physics called topological quan-
tum eld theory. For this application, physicists use
particular guidelines to trace knots in two dimensions.
Isaksen, Daniel. How to Kick a Field Goal. College
Mathematics Journal 27, no. 4 (1996).
Libassi, Steve. Placekicking Fundamentals and Techniques:
Mastering the Mechanics and Exploiting the Scoring
Potential of the Kicking Game. Monterey, CA: Coaches
Choice, 2001.
Michele LeBlanc
See Also: Hockey; Mathematical Modeling; Soccer.
King, Ada (Countess
of Lovelace)
See Lovelace, Ada
See Crochet and Knitting
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical knots are useful in physics
and biochemistry.
Since ancient times, knots have been used in sailing,
building, textiles (knit comes from knot), climb-
ing, and in recreation, as well as serving as symbols
for spiritual or religious concepts like eternity or wis-
dom. Topology generalizes the idea of a knot to an
embedded circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. In
knot theory, a knot is a tangled-up loop, like a piece
of string with the ends fused together. The simplest
is the unknot, simply an untangled loop like a rubber
band. Two knots are the same if one can be manipu-
lated (transformed) into the other without breaking
Knots 531
The knot diagrams then portray scenarios in which
particles are created, interact, and are nally annihi-
lated. By appropriately labeling pieces of knots, mathe-
maticians can realize the Jones and other invariants via
important modern mathematical constructs, includ-
ing the YangBaxter equations and quantum groups.
Mikhail Khovanov has created a new type of invariant
on links, keeping this topic at the very forefront of con-
temporary mathematics.
Applications in Biochemistry
The application of knot theory to DNA molecules has
helped to elucidate their biochemistry. The DNA mol-
ecule of a bacterium closes into a circle, which bends
and twists itself into a knot. This knotted structure can
block DNA replication. Using electron microscopy or
gel electrophoresis, the biologist can determine an indi-
vidual molecules crossing and unknotting numbers,
two numbers that classify knots. Enzymes called topoi-
somerases release the knots as a preliminary step to
DNA replication. By carefully examining the knots that
arise, molecular biologists have determined that there
are two different topoisomerase molecules. Topoisom-
erase I releases the knot by cutting both strands of the
molecule, and Topoisomerase II nicks just one strand
and twists the cut strand around the other.
Further Reading
Adams, Colin C. The Knot Book: An Elementary
Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2004.
Menasco, W., and L. Rudolph. How Hard Is It to Untie a
Knot? American Scientist 83 (1995).
Sossinsky, Alexei. Knots: Mathematics With a Twist.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002.
Michael Klucznik
See Also: Elementary Particles; Game Theory;
Genetics; Surfaces.
532 Knots
Landscape Design
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Landscape design is an application
of geometry, shaping an outdoor environment to
something pleasing.
Landscape design is the combination of gardening and
architecture for making outdoors environments more
aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic, and useful.
It is a synthetic occupation, requiring the knowl-
edge and skills of horticulturists, engineers, architects,
and visual artists.
Mathematical calculations underlie many aspects of
landscape design, such as how many plants are needed
to ll a bed or landscape or how to build a landscaped
terrace that will resist erosion. Landscape architects
often include design elements based on symmetry and
other geometric features of areas, surfaces, and three-
dimensional elements. More advanced mathematical
forms, such as fractals or labyrinths, are incorporated
in some landscapes, like crop circles. Peter Schaar was
an applied mathematician for many years before turn-
ing to a career as a landscape designer. He noted that
the notion of an elegant solution is common to both
mathematics and garden design.
Design Elements and Principles
Landscape design, like other forms of design and dec-
orating, uses design principles and elements that are
mathematical in their nature. The Western traditions
of landscape design typically use lists of elements,
including the following:
Every element is expressed through natural or
architectural media, including plants, stones, and
ground shapes. Straight or curved lines and shapes
are created using hedges, paths, ower borders, and
shapes of bushes and trees. Sizes of landscape ele-
ments, including stones, plants, and built structures,
can match or contrast. Textures and color can be nat-
ural, such as foliage, water, grass, and stone, or modi-
ed by people, such as cut bushes, polished stones,
and painted structures.
Likewise, the artistic principles, such as repetition,
balance, and focal points, are achieved with the com-
bination of human-made and natural elements. For
example, traditional landscaping focal points include
sculptures, fountains, and ower beds.
Sacred Traditions and the
Development of Mathematics
Building, gardening, and designing landscapes were
connected to spiritual practices by many cultures
around the world. The resulting complexity of habitats
often elevated mathematical and scientic knowledge,
as well as the arts within the cultures practicing these
For example, feng shui is the Chinese design tradi-
tion connected with the development of astronomy
and precise measurement instruments, such as mag-
netic compasses and astrolabes. Mathematical ideas
involved in feng shui symbols include binary numbers,
powers, and combinatorics.
Some mid-African cultures use fractal structures in
village design, where the shape of the village is repeated
in shapes of house clusters, then houses, then rooms
within houses. The shape is connected to the beliefs of
the people and reected in the lore while at the same
time being practical for the needs of the village.
Ancient Egyptians used the concept of gnomon,
which is a specially constructed geometric shape corre-
sponding to a regular polygon, in their area and archi-
tecture calculations. When a gnomon is added, the
ratio of polygon sides is maintained. Osiris was associ-
ated with this idea of the constant ratio, in the myth
as the God of Sun, growth, and constant change, and
was often drawn on a square throne expanded with the
L-shaped gnomon. These geometric traditions were
inherited by the Greeks, formalized as Euclids geom-
etry, and entered the Western knowledge base.
Budgets and Rates
Landscaping expenses include the price of material and
labor for construction and maintenance. It is estimated
that in the United States, a house with its landscape
design rated excellent by experts can sell for 5% to
10% more than the same house with its design rated
good. Therefore, it may make nancial sense to spend
money landscaping the property. These calculations are
performed by developers and real estate agents when
deciding landscaping budgets.
Further Reading
Agnew, Michael, Nancy Agnew, Nick Christians, and Ann
VanDerZanden. Mathematics for the Green Industry:
Essential Calculations for Horticulture and Landscape
Professionals. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Ferrater, Borja, and Carlos Ferrater. Synchronizing
Geometry: Landscape, Architecture & Construction.
New York: Actar, 2006.
Winn, Becky. The Mathematicians Garden. Dhome,
February 2006.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: African Mathematics; Chinese Mathematics;
City Planning; Egyptian Mathematics; Geometry in
Society; Green Design; Knots; Mathematical Puzzles;
Mathematics, Elegant; Perimeter and Circumference;
Sacred Geometry.
534 Landscape Design
Labyrinths and Mazes
labyrinth is an elaborate landscape struc-
ture consisting of live or stone hedges or
mosaic ground patterns, with a winding single
path leading to its center. Unlike mazes, which
have many possible paths and serve as spatial
puzzles, labyrinths are easy to navigate. Laby-
rinths are used as pleasing places for conver-
sation or meditation. Mathematically similar
patterns for labyrinths appear in archaeologi-
cal nds on all continents. Solutions of mazes
and constructions of labyrinths have to do
with topology, graph theory, and knot theory in
Mortality would be just the complement of the propor-
tion of survivors, expressed as: Mortality = (number
of individuals dead after exposure) (total number of
exposed individuals).
Based on common sense, one would expect that the
mortality would increase with the dose of a toxic com-
pound. Most typically this is indeed the case and the
mortality obtained from an experiment with a large
total number of exposed is monotonic, meaning it
increases with the dose.
Dose-Response Curve
When mortality is taken as a function of dose, one
can plot the so-called dose-response curve. Dose-
response curve has lower asymptote at 0 since no
exposure-related death can occur when no exposure
is applied. Similarly, it has upper asymptote at 1, since
exposure-related death will always occur with a large
enough dose. The asymptotes are shown as horizontal
dashed lines.
Note that often one needs to go over several orders
of magnitude of doses in order to observe transition
from zero effect to the full effect, so the dose-response
is then plotted as the mortality versus logarithm of the
dose. Since the logarithm is a one-to-one function,
nothing is lost by the transformation, and the plot is
more readable.
Because the dose-response curve is a rather complex
quantity, many possible features might be compared
across different compounds. It might be cumbersome
in practice to compare curves, however. A simple sum-
mary is often all what is needed. Median lethal dose, or
LD50, is the most popular characteristic. It is dened
as the dose at which 50% of exposed individuals die.
When a dose-response curve is available, an LD50 is
constructed by drawing a horizontal line at 0.5, nding
its intersection with the dose-response curve, draw-
ing vertical line at the intersection, and reading off the
value where it crosses the horizontal axis.
Statistical Estimation
In practice, one does not have the dose-response curve
at hand. It needs to be estimated from experimen-
tal data by statistical means. In fact, the mortalities
obtained from two experiments with the same doses
would be very likely somewhat different, as a result
Lethal Dose
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: The median lethal dose of a compound
is determined through experiment and statistical
Toxicity often needs to be compared across various
chemical compounds and other noxes. The detailed
and complex dose-response curve describes the rela-
tionship between the dose of a compound and its
harmful effect. Frequently, a simple summary in the
form of a single number is needed for practical pur-
poses. Median lethal dose, or LD50 is most popular
in this context. It is dened as the dose at which 50% of
exposed individuals die.
In order to be meaningful, such a denition implic-
itly assumes certain features of the dose-response
relationship, namely its monotonicity, the fact that
mortality increases with dosage. Although the con-
cept is dened for a theoretical dose-response curve,
its practical application is strongly related to statistical
estimation of the dose-response curve model based on
data obtained from an experiment with many animal
or other nonhuman organisms randomly assigned to
various doses.
Toxicological Testing
In toxicology and related disciplines, such as food
safety and environmental risk assessment, one often
needs to quantify how toxic or dangerous a substance
is. A quantication of the harmful effect is needed for
many practical comparisons; for instance, to compare
the toxicity of different substances or to compare
them with a standard. Although there are many pos-
sible aspects of how dangerous a compound is, sur-
vival of exposed individuals is frequently of interest.
The survival is assessed experimentally in the quan-
tal response trial.
It is based on a set of animal or other nonhu-
man organisms, whose randomly selected groups are
exposed to different doses of the tested compound.
The outcomes are summarized as the percentages or
proportions of those that survived in each dose group.
LD50/Median Lethal Dose 535
of random errors. For example, different randomly
selected experimental animals would react differently
to a given dose.
Nevertheless, when the size of the experiment
increases, increasing both the number of animals in
every dose group and increasing the number of dif-
ferent dose groups, random errors would tend to
decrease in line with the law of large numbers. In fact,
for a very large experiment, the mortality estimates
get close to the probabilities of survival. Since not all
of the innite possible doses can be explored in a real
experiment, a model relating the survival probability
to the dose is assumed in order to be able to interpo-
late between the doses actually used in the experiment.
An interpolation is typically needed when calculating
LD50. Parameters of the model are then estimated by
various statistical means. Very often, logistic regres-
sion is used to this end.
Other Uses of LD50
While the denition of LD50 is directly related to
lethality, the mathematical concepts used in LD50
testing and modeling can be applied to many other
less-dramatic outcomes. In general, these models are
useful when the relationship being explored involves a
binary response variable, like yes/no or pass/fail, pre-
dicted by a quantitative explanatory variable, as long
as the relationship is bounded and monotonically
increasing in the same manner as before. For example,
rather than nding the dose that induces mortality,
researchers may wish to model what dose of a medi-
cine will cause 50% of exposed individuals to show a
certain, nonlethal symptom.
Further Reading
Agresti, A. Categorical Data Analysis. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2002.
Casarett, L. J., J. Doull, and C. D. Klaassen, eds. Casarett
and Doulls Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons.
6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Dixon, W. J. Design and Analysis of Quantal Dose-
Response Experiments. Los Angeles: Dixon Statistical
Associates, 1991.
Marek Brabec
See Also: Curves; Functions; Limits and Continuity;
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: There are a variety of ways in which
students can perform especially well or poorly in
particular areas of mathematics and ways for schools
to address their needs.
Learning exceptionalities in mathematics include both
difculties in learning mathematical concepts and
mathematical giftedness. In both cases, exceptionalities
take many forms and may manifest themselves at nearly
any stage of life. In some cases, students may even excel
in one area while displaying a decit in another. The
neurobiology of learning mathematics is not yet fully
understood. Research in these areas is ongoing, often
using sophisticated medical imaging to identify and
map mathematical associations and processes, such
as calculations, visualization of polyhedrons, prov-
ing theorems, or pondering number theory problems.
There are also some difculties in devising tests to
reliably identify specic types of exceptionalities, and
many people, especially those with difculties, may not
be diagnosed until very late in their academic careers.
Educational institutions often struggle with appro-
priate ways to serve students with exceptionalities so
that all students may reach their maximum potential.
These range from specic classroom instruction tech-
niques all the way up through broader policies or leg-
islation that addresses the needs of these subgroups of
students. There are currently many formal systems in
place by which students are assessed and accommoda-
tion plans are developed, most of which require peri-
odic reassessment and revision. Plans for students with
disabilities typically fall under Section 504 of the Amer-
icans with Disabilities Act and are commonly referred
to as 504 Plans. In recent years, the term dyscalculia
has emerged as a broad term to encompass the set of
mathematics learning disabilities.
Mathematical Disabilities
Sadly, unlike reading disabilities, many mathematical
disabilities go undiagnosed, primarily because of social
acceptance of the idea that certain people either have or
have not mathematical abilities. For many students, the
536 Learning Exceptionalities
perception that they are not good at math provides a
reason for them not to strive for success in the math-
ematics classroom. Researchers and practitioners alike
indicate that if teachers truly want all students to suc-
ceed, a new perspective must be adopted: all students
can do math, should do math, and will do math.
With this new perspective in mind, the focus shifts
to identifying mathematical disabilities. According to
David Geary, researchers in the eld of mathematical
disabilities have attempted to identify disabilities by
studying normal mathematical development theories
and using those theories to study children who demon-
strate difculties in mathematics despite having average
or better IQs. Since most of the research has focused
on students in the elementary grades, it becomes even
more important for teachers and parents to be alert for
mathematical difculties early in school.
Currently, children with mathematical disabilities
are dened as children with at least average IQ scores
who also score at or below the 10th percentile on
mathematics achievement exams. Research indicates
that 6% to 7% of elementary school children demon-
strate persistent mathematical difculties in the area
of number and arithmetic. It is important to note that
current research studies indicate these difculties per-
sist regardless of IQ, motivation, and other factors that
inuence learning. What makes this area of research
perplexing is that these children may have very specic
decits that make only certain aspects of mathematics
difcult. For example, a child may have difculty with
counting but show a strong ability in geometry. Because
standardized tests, which are frequently used for mak-
ing decisions about whether a child should be recom-
mended for special services, assess a wide variety of
mathematical skills, a childs particular mathematical
disability may not be immediately identied. Adding
to the difculty is that children who score at approxi-
mately the same level on standardized tests may have
vastly different mathematical decits. Unfortunately,
current methods of assessing mathematics knowledge
are not sufcient for identifying mathematical disabil-
ities, as assessments that focus on specic number and
arithmetic skills are needed.
Learning Basic Numbers
Several mathematical disabilities have been identied.
First, children may have a disability in learning basic
number skills. Geary states that the learning of basic
number skills is much more complicated than many
adults would assume. In order to learn basic number
skills, children must learn the English number words
(known as word tags) and the Arabic numbers in the
correct sequence, and learn to translate between the
two. Children must then learn the quantities associ-
ated with the number words and number symbols, as
well as develop an understanding that numbers can be
decomposed into smaller numbers or combined into
larger numbers.
The learning of place value in the base-10 system
is a key component of developing number sense, and
children with this particular type of mathematical
disability may not be able to comprehend that 12 is
actually 10 + 2, leading to later difculty with basic
arithmetic skills.
Counting Skills
A second mathematical disability is in the area of
counting. While children do not typically have dif-
culty learning the basic counting sequence, they may
have difculty learning the basic concepts that enable
them to count objects effectively. Geary identies these
concepts as the following:
Oneone correspondence: When counting,
one does not count and tag the same
item twice
Stable order: The order of the word tags
remains constant across counted sets
Cardinality: The value of the nal word tag
represents the quantity of the items in the
counted set
Abstraction: The concept that objects of any
kind can be collected together and counted
Order-irrelevance: Items within a set can be
counted in any sequence
Geary notes that having children count does not
provide an indication of a childs understanding of
the counting rules, as children may learn the sequence
of counting without developing the understanding of
applying the word tags to objects. An additional com-
plexity to this mathematical disability is that children
may have difculty remembering information during
the act of counting; therefore, they may understand the
counting rules but may forget numerical information
during the counting process.
Learning Exceptionalities 537
Arithmetic Skills
A third area of mathematical disability is that of
arithmetic skills. Children with arithmetic disabilities
typically have difculty remembering as many basic
arithmetic facts as other children and may not recall
basic facts as quickly. This memory difculty may
be the result of children having trouble storing basic
facts in long-term memory, or it may be the result of
other arithmetic facts inhibiting the childs ability to
recall. For example, a child may see a problem like
4 + 5, and the child may correctly remember 9, but
also may remember 20 (or 4 5), causing the child
to take longer to recall the correct fact. Children with
arithmetic difculties also may not use highly devel-
oped problem-solving procedures to solve arithmetic
problems but may rely on procedures typically used
by younger children.
In general, children with mathematical disabilities
use less mature strategies in their approach to mathe-
matics, resulting in more errors and delayed acquisition
of advanced mathematical thinking. Finally, children
may verbally show an excellent grasp of mathemati-
cal concepts but have difculty translating that under-
standing into paper and pencil assessments. These
children struggle with paying attention to operations
and sequencing steps in complex operations. Interest-
ingly, many students who show difculty with arith-
metic skills in the elementary grades become good
math students in the higher grades where conceptual
understanding is emphasized more heavily.
The Language of Mathematics
Fourth, some children may have difculty with the
language of mathematics. These children easily con-
fuse mathematics terminology and struggle with ver-
bally communicating their mathematical thinking.
This decit can inhibit students from making progress
in advanced mathematics, as they may not have the
538 Learning Exceptionalities
When learning exceptionalities are mentioned, most people automatically think of learning disabilities.
However, there is another group of students that has exceptional needs: gifted mathematics students.
verbal skills necessary to track the steps needed for
complex calculations.
Visual-Spatial Skills
Finally, children may be disabled in their visual-spatial
skills. These students frequently have difculty with
complex problems, as they may not be able to maintain
a logical, coherent sequence of steps on a piece of paper.
Additionally, these students have difculty with picto-
rial representations, making mathematical topics such
as graphing and trigonometry especially challenging.
The National Council of Supervisors of Math-
ematics (NCSM) offers several recommendations for
teachers of students with mathematical disabilities in
a 2008 position paper. First and foremost, teachers
must reconsider their perceptions of what students
with mathematical disabilities can and cannot do and
maintain high expectations for all students. Teachers
need to be better educated about mathematical dis-
abilities, particularly about the diagnostic language
that is used to describe the needs of the mathemati-
cally disabled student. If teachers develop a conceptual
framework for what students with mathematical dis-
abilities need, they can incorporate effective interven-
tions and accommodations in the classroom. NCSM
also suggests that mathematics teachers should estab-
lish collaborative relationships with special education
teachers. Mathematics teachers should focus on using
teaching strategies that enable students to move from
the concrete to the abstract and that allow students to
demonstrate understanding through a variety of meth-
ods. Mathematics education activities should be mean-
ingful and connected to a number of mathematical
topics, thereby enabling struggling students to make
connections between mathematical concepts.
Mathematical Giftedness
When learning exceptionalities are mentioned, most
people automatically think of learning disabilities.
However, there is another group of students that has
exceptional needs: gifted mathematics students. These
students are typically described as having natural
mathematics ability and frequently are left to their
own devices as teachers spend the majority of their
time and attention on struggling students. While the
reality of the classroom is that teachers focus more on
students with difculties, the needs of the gifted stu-
dents are just as important.
M. Katherine Gavin points out that three main issues
exist regarding gifted mathematics students. First, just
as with students with mathematical disabilities, gifted
mathematics students demonstrate a wide variety of
aptitude, and abilities. Some students learn concepts
quickly, which makes mathematics easier to learn and
apply. Other students show great persistence in prob-
lem-solving, while still others demonstrate an ability to
apply mathematical concepts in new ways.
Second, elementary teachers typically do not have
specialized training in mathematics and may not
know how to address the gifted students needs in the
elementary grades. The response of many elementary
teachers is to keep gifted mathematics students occu-
pied with puzzles or advanced curricular materials,
which typically do not advance the gifted students
mathematical ability.
Third, current grade-level curricula are lacking in
materials that are challenging and substantial enough
for the gifted mathematics student. Therefore, gifted
mathematics students may be given materials that do
not allow for the development of critical thinking skills
and the conceptual understanding of complex math-
ematics concepts.
For classroom teachers, it can be difcult to meet
the needs of gifted mathematics students. Dana John-
son offers the following suggestions:
Pre-assess students to determine which
students already have mastered the material.
For students who demonstrate mastery,
provide instructional materials with advanced
content and a problem-solving focus.
Utilize a variety of assessment techniques,
providing students with opportunities to
show differences in understanding, creativity,
and accomplishment.
Choose textbooks with a variety of enriched
opportunities. Use multiple resources to meet
the needs of gifted mathematics students.
Be exible in expectations about pacing.
A student may be gifted in one area of
mathematics but struggle in another.
Use hands-on, discovery-based teaching
strategies as well as higher level questions.
Provide opportunities for students to
participate in mathematics contests, such as
Mathematical Olympiads and Math Counts.
Learning Exceptionalities 539
According to Gavin, the implementation of such
strategies in the classroom will allow gifted mathe-
matics students to develop their cognitive skills while
maintaining the joy of doing mathematics.
Further Reading
Emerson, Jane, Brian Butterworth, and Patricia Babtie.
Dyscalculia Assessment. New York: Continuum, 2010.
Garnett, K. Math Learning Disabilities. LD Online.
Gavin, M. K. Meeting the Needs of Talented Elementary
Math Students. Project M
. http://www.gifted.uconn
Geary, D. C. Mathematical Disabilities: What We Know
and Dont Know. LD Online. http://www.ldonline
Hannell, Glynis. Dyscalculia: Action Plans for Successful
Learning in Mathematics. London: David Fulton
Publishers, 2005.
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics.
Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics for
Students with Special Needs. The National Council
of Supervisors of Mathematics Improving Student
Achievement Series 4 (Winter 2008).
Sousa, David. How the Brain Learns Mathematics.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2007.
Calli A. Holaway
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Educational Testing;
Succeeding in Mathematics.
Learning Models
and Trajectories
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Various models of learning mathematics
suggest in turn different approaches to teaching.
In October 2010, educator Jill Biden, the wife of Vice
President Joseph Biden, chaired the rst White House
summit on community colleges. She restated an idea
that is increasingly in the forefront of both political
and educational discussions: The nations that out-
educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. This
idea is considered to be particularly true in the elds
of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM). The philosophy and methods of mathemat-
ics education are driven not only by perceived soci-
etal needs and events, such as the Industrial Revolu-
tion, the Cold War, the civil rights movement, and the
coming of the digital age, but by research and theo-
ries on the way people learn. Biologists, psychologists,
mathematicians, and others have all contributed to
the current body of knowledge on how both children
and adults learn mathematics, and research in these
areas is active and ongoing. In turn, organizations
like the Mathematical Association of America and the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics synthe-
size this knowledge and make recommendations that
shape curriculum at all levels.
The Piaget Model
Epistemologist Jean Piaget reportedly believed that
what distinguishes human beings from other animals is
the ability to reason with abstract symbols. The model
of cognitive development that bears his name includes
four hierarchical stages that mathematics educators
have analyzed with regard to the development of math-
ematical concepts like spatial skills or abstract reason-
ing. In Piagets model, infants in the rst stage can
link numbers with objects and may have some under-
standing of counting. In the second stage, toddlers and
young children can recognize the concept of closeness
and other topological ideas, as demonstrated in experi-
ments and puzzle-solving activities. However, percep-
tions at this level are often restricted to one aspect or
variable at a time. For example, Piaget poured liquid
from one container into a similar container and then
into a wider container while children watched. The
children failed to recognize that the volume of liquid
was the same because the height of the liquid in the
new container was lower. In the third stage, elementary
school children and early adolescents develop logi-
cal operations skills like classication or seriation, the
ability to order objects based on a variable like height,
and they can analyze many variables at the same time.
However, experience and training combine with the
cognitive stage to determine the level of advancement,
such as how successfully an early adolescent can ana-
lyze mental images of rotated objects. Hands-on activi-
540 Learning Models and Trajectories
ties can help students at this stage to connect abstract
concepts and symbols with concrete objects. In the
fourth stage, adolescents and adults can fully develop
abstract arguments using symbolic notation. They can
learn to analyze and evaluate logical arguments and to
apply deductive reasoning.
Piagets theories have had broad impact on math-
ematics education, but not without criticism. His
ideas are used to develop puzzles that are designed for
toddlers. Elementary and middle grades students use
mathematical manipulatives, like blocks, Pythagorean
theorem puzzles, algebra tiles, or tangrams. Abstract
courses, like algebra, are usually taught to adolescents
because Piagets model suggests that abstract reasoning
is developed then. Critics believe Piagets model may
under- or overestimate the abilities of children and
adolescents. For instance, children ages 35 sometimes
notice incorrect counting sequences and can develop
ingenious strategies to solve problems related to some
higher stage concepts if they have age-appropriate task
design and instructions. Middle grade children may
not be ready in the way that Piaget asserted, though
Piaget recognized that the level and time in a develop-
mental stage varies with each child. As a result, differ-
ent representations might be more meaningful to some
children than to others.
Right- versus left-brain learning is often discussed in
mathematics education. This differentiation appears
to have some basis in biology, and many people do
exhibit preferences for one style over the other when
tested. Critics point to people called middle-brain
thinkers, who exibly switch between styles depend-
ing on the situation. Some argue that brains, espe-
cially those in children, are much more malleable
than previously believed, so that anyone can be a
exible learner with training or a variety of methods
of engagement. The neurobiology underlying math-
ematics learning is not yet well understood. In the
past, researchers relied largely on verbal descriptions
of how people solved problems.
Visualization methods like magnetic resonance
imaging allow researchers to make connections between
brain components and specic processes, some of
which have been found to activate parts of both the
left and the right sides of the brain, often in surprising
ways. For example, scans of infant brains showed that
they seem to detect changes in the number of objects
in an array, suggesting they have number sense. Over-
all, the right brain is commonly associated with holis-
tic, subjective, intuitive learning as well as with artistic
skills. Mathematics is often considered to be a left-brain
activity, since the left brain is associated with logically
and objectively analyzing parts or sequences to under-
stand the whole. People have also researched teaching
styles according to right- and left-brain theory. Teach-
ers classied as left-brained more often used highly
outlined lectures and discussions in their classes. They
also assigned more independent problem solving or
Learning Models and Trajectories 541
The Van Hiele Model
nother inuential model that has espe-
cially impacted geometry curricula is the
van Hiele model, developed by Dutch educators
Dina van Hiele-Geldof and Pierre van Hiele. The
ve levels of geometric thinking are visualiza-
tion, analysis, informal deduction, deduction,
and rigor. The levels are sometimes labeled as
04 and other times as 15. Children master
one model level before progressing to the next.
This occurs with repeated exposure and expe-
rience. For instance, students do not usually
satisfy the deductive level after only one proof-
oriented course. Unlike Piagets model, the van
Hiele model is not age dependent. During the
1960s and 1970s, Russian (Soviet) research-
ers may have been the rst educators outside
Denmark to extensively experiment with the
theory. They found that grade 8 students in a
curriculum based on the van Hiele model dem-
onstrated geometric sophistication on par with
students in grades 11 and 12 under the old
curriculum. This research and other worldwide
studies of the van Hiele model have led math-
ematics educators in many countries to develop
activities, textbooks, and curricular innovations.
However, some have critiqued the rigidity and
linearity of the van Hiele structure and asserted
that students weave between levels or reason
at multiple levels at the same time.
research than teachers classied as right-brained, who
were more likely to use less-structured, hands-on activ-
ities or group projects that included manipulatives, art,
visuals, role playing, and music. In many educational
settings, teachers are encouraged to consciously con-
sider both the ways they teach and the ways in which
their students may learn in order to design a breadth of
teaching and assessment methods.
Educational reformers in countries such as the United
States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Tai-
wan began strongly promoting constructivism in the late
twentieth century. The constructivist framework rejects
objective reality; learning is experiential, and the instruc-
tor is more of a facilitator than a teacher. The foundations
can be traced to Socrates and the term constructivism
was coined by Giambattista Vico in the eighteenth cen-
tury, though many consider Piaget to be the rst edu-
cational constructivist. The United Kingdom mandated
constructivism in the 1980s and the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics 1989 Curriculum and Evalua-
tion Standards for School Mathematics endorsed con-
structivism for U.S. schools. There are many vocal crit-
ics of constructivism, sometimes known as the back
to basics movement. Opponents argue, among other
things, that constructivism fails to systematically instill
fundamental skills required for true mathematics mas-
tery. Also, constructivist approaches can be very time
consuming and difcult to assess fairly, especially in an
environment of increasingly common standardized tests.
Many constructivists assert that mathematics is a cogni-
tive process shaped by sociocultural context, as well as
a sociocultural phenomenon created by the community
of active learners. Mathematics learning is therefore seen
as a function of prior knowledge; perceptions of what
others know; methods of knowledge sharing; norms of
participation in the classroom or community of learn-
ers; what it means to do mathematics; and methods by
which mathematical validity is determined.
Learning Trajectories
If all learners are unique, then schools must take into
account the many ways individuals might learn math-
ematics. Educators have to consider what it means to
know and to do mathematics, both in school and beyond,
before they can develop curriculum and select teaching
strategies. In some cases there seems to be a natural pro-
gression, similar to the way children learn to crawl, then
walk, then run. A hypothetical learning trajectory is a
hypothesized typical path that students might follow
when learning a set of interrelated concepts and skills,
including ways in which learning will be facilitated by
the instructor. Research suggests that learning trajec-
tories can be effective for early-grades mathematical
concepts, such as counting and arithmetic. Additional
research is needed on mathematics topics from later in
the standard school curriculum, like patterns, as well as
for more sophisticated ideas addressed in high school
and beyond. Learning trajectories are also empirically
linked to teacher development. For example, training
in learning trajectories increased knowledge in teach-
ers as well as motivation and achievement in students.
Some researchers assert that students should be explic-
itly included in the formation of learning trajectories to
better anticipate individual responses and divergences
from the typical path.
A hypothetical learning trajectory begins with the
students current knowledge and is targeted toward a
specic big idea or goal, such as the idea that geometric
shapes can be analyzed, described, transformed, com-
posed, and decomposed into other shapes. The learning
trajectory also includes a sequence of tasks designed to
guide students in learning concepts and building upon
their previous learning, taking into account that some
students may think about ideas in different ways or learn
them in a different order. It may also include remedia-
tion for students who begin with insufcient knowledge
or extensions for students who reach the goals quickly.
Consider, for example, counting. Young children rst
learn the words and sounds associated with numbers.
Then they put those words in order, though not always
completely, before they begin to associate words with
objects on a one-to-one basis. Eventually they can count
objects, determine why counting is important and what
how many means, and nally acquire a true sense
of cardinality. A teacher would select tasks, teaching
methods, and assessments to address each stage in turn,
while working with students to determine whether they
are learning and adjusting accordingly. At most grade
levels, students are simultaneously involved in multiple
learning trajectories.
Scaffolding is one teaching technique closely associ-
ated with learning trajectories. The term scaffolding
542 Learning Models and Trajectories
is a metaphor for the teachers supporting role with
respect to the student. Parents seem naturally to use
scaffolding with babies and young children. Research
suggests that scaffolding provides individualized
instruction that engages and motivates students while
also improving learning and retention. However, the
method can take a great deal of time to implement in
the classroom and relies on trained teachers who have
access to appropriate educational materials. Further,
teachers must be willing to relinquish some degree of
control in order to promote students independence
and those students must be carefully and differentially
assessed at the beginning and throughout the process.
In an environment where standardized testing is the
norm and teachers are assessed based on student per-
formance, or for teachers used to a more traditional
approach to classroom management, the issue of
control can be a difcult one to manage. Scaffolding
is widely used in business and sports applications. In
many settings, peer working groups serve as teach-
ers. From an employers point of view, scaffolding
seems well suited to promote the lifelong independent
learning skills that are needed in the rapidly changing
twenty-rst-century job market.
In scaffolding, a student learns independently as
much as possible. The teacher structures tasks and
provides help with concepts or techniques that are
just beyond a students current capability. Scaffolding
usually involves several steps. First the student and
teacher agree on the goal. Then the student focuses on
the concepts and tasks as a whole, not as a sequence
of discrete steps. The teacher is available to provide
quick help and feedback. Rapid response is intended
to minimize frustration and wasted time while
encouraging the students self-efcacy. The teacher
helps only with immediate needs in areas where it
is truly neededthe teacher does not repeat knowl-
edge the student has already mastered and over time
intervenes less and less. The teacher may also give an
explicit example as an expert model. All of this takes
into account different student approaches and the
students current state of knowledge.
Computer software can also include scaffolding to
facilitate online or independent learning, though these
scaffolds often provide static, versus dynamic, interac-
tion with a teacher. Different sorts of scaffolds that have
been explored for software include conceptual scaf-
folds, which help students organize ideas and connect
them to related information; strategic scaffolds, which
help students ask more specic questions about con-
cepts and processes; and procedural scaffolds, which
clarify tasks. These scaffolds might include suggested
readings, templates for presentations or note-taking,
journals, and interactive essays.
An Australian dance conference called Moving On
2000 included an interesting application of scaffold-
ing. At an initial workshop, participants created the
beginnings of a dance piece. The dancers met again
later to further the work. Not every person remem-
bered each step and sequence, so other participants
assessed what they did know (prior knowledge) and
then modeled the forgotten components as the learn-
ers followed along. This was done without explicit
direction from anyone. Eventually the students no
longer needed the teachers or experts; their goal
of knowing the whole dance had been met. Then the
dance was extended ever further by participants, who
later modeled and taught the new moves to others at
successive sessions. In this context, people were both
teachers and learners in turn.
Many models and theories continue to shape math-
ematics education. Elements of behaviorism, cogni-
tivism, and humanism appear in some educational
approaches. One often-promoted theory is psycholo-
gist Howard Gardners multiple intelligences, which
posits that intelligence is divided into several parts,
including logical-mathematical intelligence and spatial
intelligence. Italian physician and educator Maria Mon-
tessoris early-twentieth-century philosophies about
childrens self-guided, sensory learning also persist. In
Montessori schools, shaped and textured beads, sandpa-
per numbers, and segmented rods help students explore
basic mathematical concepts like numbers, place value,
operations, geometrical relationships, and algebra, such
as the binomial and trinomial theorems.
Further Reading
Lesh, Richard, and Helen Doerr. Beyond Constructivism:
Models and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics
Problem Solving, Learning, and Teaching. New York:
Routledge, 2003.
Ojose, Bobby. Applying Piagets Theory of Cognitive
Development to Mathematics Instruction.
Mathematics Educator 18, no. 1 (2008).
Learning Models and Trajectories 543
Sarama, Julie, and Douglas Clements. Early Childhood
Mathematics Education Research: Learning Trajectories
for Young Children. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Educational
Manipulatives; Mathematical Modeling.
See Government and State Legislation
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Levers negotiate forces in ways useful in
Levers are rigid beams that pivot around
a point called the fulcrum to mediate
three forces: an applied effort, a load
to be moved, and the fulcrums reac-
tion. Depending on how the load, effort,
and fulcrum are placed along the beam,
either force or travel distance can be
increased and the other decreased in
proportion. There are three classes of
lever, distinguished by the placement
of the effort, load, or fulcrum. Levers of
the rst class have the fulcrum between
the effort and load, like a see-saw, for
changing direction of force and travel
distance and increasing or decreasing
either of them. The second class has
the load in the middle, like a wheelbar-
row for increasing force. The third class
has the effort in the middle, like a pair
of tongs for increasing travel distance.
As these examples illustrate, levers are
everywhere in the mechanical world and have been for
the entirety of civilization.
Levers also occur in animals: the bones in limbs
function as rigid rods and fulcrums, with muscles pull-
ing hard close to a joint (the fulcrum) to move the
extremity through greater distances than the contract-
ing muscle can cover but exerting a force weaker than
the muscle exerts on the bone. A train of three levers
the hammer, stirrup and anvil bonesmagnify tiny
acoustic displacements as they transmit sound from
the eardrum to the cochlea.
Early Study
Our present formulation of levers derives from the Equi-
librium of Planes of Archimedes, who determined that
Magnitudes are in equilibrium at distances reciprocally
proportional to their weights. Using levers, Archimedes
investigated the volumes of spheres and cones. Archime-
des imagined the cone or sphere divided into thin slices:
if a slice is hung on one side of a lever, what cylinder
slice must be hung at what position to maintain equilib-
rium? By working through the entire volume of the cone
or sphere, Archimedes constructed a cylinder of equal
volume, thus giving the spheres and the cones volume.
Levers also appear in Galileos 1638 book of mechanics,
544 Levers
Alexander Calders mobile sculpture Lempennage displayed in the
sculpture garden of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
Two New Sciences. Whereas Archimedes had abstracted
the lever as a perfectly rigid line, Galileo considered it as
a three-dimensional, exible object, leading to the rst
theory of beams. Combinations of levers, constrained in
various ways, became a research topic during the Indus-
trial Revolution. Linkages, as these devices are called,
were important for converting the rotation of steam
engines into linear motion. Researchers in the nineteenth
century took a mathematical approach to the problem.
Among the best-known linkages is the Peaucellier cell,
invented in 1864. The Peaucellier cell also plays theoreti-
cal roles in computer science.
Levers feature in mobiles and, notably, in the sculptures
of Alexander Calder, who often places the fulcrum
slightly above the beam that assists in balancing. The
raised fulcrum has long featured in balances for weigh-
ing; the pivot point is above the levers center of gravity
so that, when the pans pull with equal torque, torque
from the displaced beams own weight will pull it level.
Not all balances rely on this feature. Chinese pharma-
ceutical balances, for example, require the operator to
look for nonrotation rather than perfect leveling.
More generally, nonmechanical levers exploit length
to multiply distance. Optical levers rely on a mir-
ror doubling an angle and a long travel distance for
the light ray to register a large displacement. Social,
nancial, intellectual, and political resources can be
metaphorically leveraged by using them to achieve
outcomes larger than the resource itself, though the
metaphor generally neglects to acknowledge the loss
required for a mechanical lever to provide any gain.
Further Reading
Heath, T. L., ed. The Works of Archimedes. New York:
Dover, 1953.
Moon, Francis C. The Machines of Leonardo da Vinci and
Franz Reuleaux. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer,
Reynolds, Laura. How to Build Levers and Pulleys.
Alistair Kwan
See Also: Animals; Industrial Revolution; Pulleys;
Life Expectancy
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Estimating life expectancy in present
populations relies on actuarial tables.
Life expectancy for an individual is the average number
of years remaining until death. It is often used to quan-
tify risk of certain characteristics or behaviors as well as
to evaluate and compare populations in terms of eco-
nomics and health. For example, in the United States
the life expectancy for a single female currently age 35
is 50.1 years using the 2010 Social Security mortality
table. Life expectancy can also be applied to machines
or appliances, for product development, to manufac-
turing quality control, and for the determination of
warranty periods. Most incandescent light bulb pack-
ages have the life expectancy printed on the packaging.
A typical value is 900 hours of use. In this type of appli-
cation, life expectancy is used as a measure of quality.
The calculation of life expectancies can be as simple as
taking averages, but normally it uses more advanced
mathematics or sampling.
Human Life Expectancy
For human populations, factors affecting life expectancy
include resource availability, sanitary practices, health-
care quality, war and sociopolitical factors, cultural
and behavior factors, genetic and demographic factors,
environmental factors, and epidemics. An increase or
decrease in life expectancy may be quoted to describe
the risk of a behavior or activity. As an example of using
mathematics to make decisions, mathematician James
Stein provides the statistic that each hour driven on an
interstate highway decreases life expectancy by 19 min-
utes, while each hour ying decreases life expectancy
by only 13 minutes, thus illustrating that ying may be
a safer mode of transportation. To quantify the risk in
smoking, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention (CDC) states that the average life expectancy
for a smoker is approximately 14 years less than for a
Comparing Populations
The life expectancy of newborns is often quoted to
compare the relative health of populations in different
Life Expectancy 545
geographic areas as well as for differences between eth-
nic or socioeconomic groups, sexes, historical periods,
or age groups. The populations being compared may
differ in time, geographic region, or demographic char-
acteristics. To compare populations from different time
periods, the life expectancy of a newborn in the United
States in the early 1900s was about 47 years, improving
to about 60 years by the mid-1930s, and further improv-
ing to about 78 years by 2009. Life expectancy can vary
by gender and race. Historically, females have typically
exhibited a higher life expectancy than males. The life
expectancy of a newborn female in the United States
was estimated to be 80.2 years in 2006, compared to just
75.1 years for a newborn male. Also in 2006, a newborn
white male had a life expectancy of 75.7 years, com-
pared to 69.7 years for a newborn black male. Accord-
ing to the United Nations World Population Prospects
2006 Revision, the world life expectancy for a newborn
in 20052010 is estimated to be 67.2 years, with Swazi-
land exhibiting the lowest life expectancy at birth for an
individual countryapproximately 40 years. The latter
is often attributed to the high HIV/AIDS mortality and
poor healthcare and socioeconomic conditions in sub-
Saharan Africa.
For populations that lived in the past, the life
expectancy can be calculated by taking the average of
the age at death for all of the individuals who lived
in the population of interest. For this type of calcu-
lation, one normally needs detailed records of dates
of births and deaths for the entire population. The
rst life tables constructed in this way are attributed
to John Graunt (16201674), who also provided
estimated life expectancies in his tables. Following
Graunt, a notable life table constructed from birth
and funeral data for the purpose of determining life
annuity values was published in 1693 by Edmund
Halley (Halleys Comet is named after him) for the
city of Breslaw, Poland. Halley used this city for his
table because he thought Breslaw was representative
of an average European population at the time. Inter-
estingly, Halley provided his own denition of life
expectancy in describing the third use of his table. In
Halleys description, the expected future years a per-
son of a certain age can reasonably expect to live is the
proposed number of years upon which an even wager,
which is a bet with a 50-50 chance of being won, can
be made that the person arrives at that age before he
dies. Halleys description is that of the median future
lifetime, which differs mathematically from the more
modern denition of life expectancy.
Sampling and Estimation
In the absence of complete data, modern statistical
methods, including sampling, are used to estimate
the average age at death. Similar statistical methods
are used to estimate the life expectancy of appliances,
components, and machines. In the case of inanimate
objects, life expectancy may be interpreted as the aver-
age time to failure. To estimate the average time to fail-
ure, a sample may be taken and tested in a laboratory
environment, or failure statistics may be kept after the
product goes to market. The failure rates obtained from
such data not only provide a basis for determining the
life expectancy of the product, but also can be used in
determining the cost of a warranty or guarantee issued
by the manufacturer.
In modern populations, actuarial tables are devel-
oped that estimate the probability of death at any par-
ticular age. These probabilities are used to calculate the
life expectancy for an individual at his or her current
age. For example, suppose a male age 96 is within a
population whose mortality table indicates the prob-
ability of a male age 96 dying before age 97 is 0.45; the
probability of surviving to age 97 and dying before age
98 is 0.35; and the probability of surviving to age 98
and dying before age 99 is 0.2. Then the expected age at
death is calculated as the expected value,
96 0 45 97 0 35 98 0 1
97 25 . . . . . ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + =
Hence, the life expectancy is 1.25 years. The term
1/2 in the expected age at death calculation reects
the assumption that the individual dying within the
year lives on average one-half the year.
Further Reading
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annual
Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life
Lost, and Productivity Losses-United States, 1997
2001 54, no. 25 (2005).
Halley, Edmund. An Estimate of the Degrees of the
Mortality of Mankind. Philosophical Transaction 196
546 Life Expectancy
Stein, James. How Math Can Save Your Life (And
Make You Rich, Help You Find The One, and Avert
Catastrophes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
United Nations. Department of Economic and Social
Affairs, Population Division. World Population
Prospects: The 2006 Revision (2007).
U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital
Statistics Reports (NVSR) Deaths: Final Data for
2006 57, no. 14 (2009).
Kevin L. Shirley
See Also: Disease Survival Rates; Expected Values;
Forecasting; Insurance; Measures of Center; Quality
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Representations.
Summary: Now understood as both a particle and a
wave, light is a recurring subject of interest in physics.
Light, a form of electromagnetic energy, mediates the
electrostatic interactions between particles. Under
some experimental conditions, it acts as a particle, and
under others, as a wave. Attempts by physicists to rec-
oncile this dual nature and to otherwise exploit this
duality have been the impetus for the development of
large areas of mathematics.
Particle or Wave?
Isaac Newton advocated the particle nature of light, ini-
tiating the study of geometric, or ray, optics. This form
of optics treats light as rays that travel in straight lines,
though capable of bending near objects. It is based on
two laws. The law of reection states that when light is
reected from a surface, the angle of incidence equals the
angle of reection. The law of refraction says that light
will bend when it passes from one medium to another
according to Snells Law, named for mathematician Wil-
lebrord Snell, a relation between the angles of incidence
and refraction and lights speed in the two media.
At about the same time, Christiaan Huygens dis-
covered polarized light and explained it with a wave
theory. From this beginning, Thomas Young and
Augustin-Jean Fresnel developed physical optics. The
resulting mathematics allowed engineers to construct
extremely faithful lenses; its close cousin, wave acous-
tics, helped architects design performance halls. Sci-
entists pursued these optics to ever-ner scales. Even-
tually, they developed the electron microscope, which
permits biologists to see individual DNA molecules.
Physical biochemists use a related technique called
crystallography. When X-rays are shot through crys-
tals of protein molecules, they form a diffraction pat-
tern, which when transformed by a technique called
Fourier analysis (named for mathematician and phys-
icist Joseph Fourier) allows the precise determina-
tion of the proteins atomic structure. Many owe their
Nobel Prizes to this transformation.
The wave theory of light provides the most natu-
ral explanation for the spectrum of visible light. What
the physicist calls light varies from about 10
per second, corresponding to gamma rays, down to
roughly 1000 cycles per second for the electron waves
in plasma. What humans can see is but a small part of
this, varying from purple at a wavelength of 380 nano-
meters (nm) or 7.8 10
cycles per second, to red at
about 780 nm, or 3.8 10
cycles per second.
Light Speed
In 1861, James Clerk Maxwell wrote down his famous
equations describing the interactions between electric
and magnetic elds in terms of their sources. Four
years later, he derived from them an electromagnetic
wave equation, which physicists soon understood to
be a description of light waves. In 1907, Edward Rosa
and Noah Dorsey used these equations to calculate the
speed of light at 299,784 km/sec. The accuracy of this
calculation was not matched by experiment until 1926,
when Albert Michelson obtained a value of 299,796
km/sec. In 1983, the 17th Confrence Gnral des Poids
et Mesures established a new standard for the length of
the meter by xing the speed of light at 299,792,458
In the 1890s, Hendrik Lorentz, George Fitzgerald,
and Joseph Larmor noticed that Maxwells equations
did not change under a certain type of transformation.
Henri Poincar called these Lorentz transformations
and noticed that they formed a group of symmetries
on four-dimensional space-time. Albert Einstein
incorporated this symmetry into his theory of special
Light 547
relativity. One of the key postulates is that light travels
at the universes speed limit and so nothing can travel
faster. Hermann Minkowski developed from these the-
ories a four-dimensional geometry called Minkowski
space, in which Einsteins famous theory is under-
stood as geometric properties of the space.
Quantum Phenomena
Light held yet further mysteries. Nineteenth-century
physics predicted that heated bodies should radiate
innite amounts of energy and that an atomic electron
should plunge into the nucleus. Max Planck eliminated
the rst problem by postulating the quantization of
light. Einstein used this idea to explain properties of
the photoelectric effect, the phenomenon behind solar
panels. Niels Bohr expanded these ideas into an expla-
nation of why electrons in atoms do not continuously
radiate light until they collapse into the nucleus. All
three won Nobel Prizes for their work and quantum
physics was born.
John von Neumann developed a mathematical
description of these quantum phenomena involv-
ing Hilbert spaces and operator algebras. As a result,
research into Operator Algebras became a major
research focus of the last half of the twentieth century.
To further explain quantum behavior, von Neumann
and Garrett Birkoff developed quantum logic, a subject
pursued not only by mathematicians but also by many
philosophers. In a high point of this endeavor, John Bell
developed the Bell inequalities in 1966. Sixteen years
later, Alain Aspect conrmed that quantum systems do
violate these inequalities, and provided strong evidence
that the mysterious results of quantum mechanics are
not solely because of our difculties in measuring sys-
tems on such a ne scale but are because of the very
nature of these small-scale systems. These experiments
exploited a quantum property called entanglement.
Richard Feynman hypothesized this entanglement
might be exploitable as a computational resource. In
recent decades, Peter Schor, Lov Grover, and others have
developed algorithms based on Feynmans idea and cre-
ated the eld of quantum computing.
Quantum mechanics has, in the last half century,
developed into quantum eld theory (QFT). QFT
attempts to explain all particles and forces by equa-
tions that are modeled on Maxwells. In developing
their models, mathematical physicists rely on physical
properties to perform manipulations mathematicians
nd objectionable because of their lack of rigor. Many
great mathematicians have taken up the challenge of
developing a rigorous axiomatic basis for QFT. Lying at
the intersection of philosophy, mathematics, and phys-
ics, many mathematicians see this as one of the great
challenges of the twenty-rst century.
Further Reading
Baierlein, Ralph. Newton to Einstein: The Trail of
Light. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1992.
Farndon, John. From Newtons Rainbow to Frozen Light:
Discovering Light. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2007.
Smith, Francis Graham, and John Hunter Thomson.
Optics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1971.
Sobel, Michael. Light. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1987.
548 Light
The National Center for Electron Microscopy houses
this microscope with a 2048x2048 CCD camera.
Zeilinger, Anton. Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to
Quantum Teleportation. New York: Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 2010.
Michael Klucznik
See Also: Crystallography; Einstein, Albert;
Electricity; Elementary Particles; Radiation.
Light Bulbs
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections.
Summary: Light bulbs are ideally designed for great
luminous efcacy, emitting more light than heat.
Light bulbs are common sources of electric light. The
light bulbs evolution is not entirely certain. Histori-
ans cite more than 20 contributors, dating back to
roughly 1800, who made discoveries prior to inventor
Thomas Edisons 1879 patent for an incandescent bulb.
Some attribute Edisons success to the fact that he also
invented an entire electricity distribution system.
Traditionally, light bulbs work on the principle of
incandescence. The lament inside an incandescent
bulb resists the ow of electrons supplied by an elec-
trical source, causing the lament to heat up and emit
radiation. Approximately 90% of the power consumed
by an incandescent light bulb is, in fact, emitted as heat
rather than as visible light. The wavelength of the emit-
ted radiation determines the color of the light. In com-
mon household incandescent bulbs, the emitted radia-
tion is primarily in the infrared region of the spectrum,
which humans cannot see, along with the visible red,
orange, and yellow wavelengths nearest the infrared.
This characteristic gives the bulb its characteristic yel-
lowish color.
Compact uorescent light bulbs, which are intended
to replace incandescent bulbs, operate on a different
principle. Electricity excites mercury vapor to produce
light, but little heat. The emitted spectrum of tradi-
tional uorescents is much closer to the blue end of
the visible spectrum, though there are now a variety
of models that closely mimic natural light. In addition
to quantifying the emitted radiation spectrum, math-
ematics is used to calculate other important features of
light bulbs, such as electrical rating and efciency.
Incandescent bulbs are normally rated according to
their electrical power. Common household sizes in
the United States range from 15 watts, often found in
refrigerators and other appliances, to 150-watt bulbs
used for reading or to light large areas. As the bulb
is purely resistive (its inductance and capacitance are
insignicant), the electrical power can be computed as
P V I = , or P I R =
, where P is the electric power
in units of watts, V is the potential difference in volts,
R is the resistance of the lament in ohms, and I is the
current in amperes or amps, named after Andr-
Marie Ampre, a French mathematician and physicist
considered the father of electrodynamics. Household
voltage in the United States is usually 120 volts, so
higher wattage bulbs require more current to operate,
which makes them more costly to use. Because com-
pact uorescents operate on a different principle than
resistance, they typically draw less current to produce
the same perceived intensity of light.
Luminous Efcacy
Another metric used to distinguish light bulbs is lumi-
nous efcacy, dened as
where F, the ux in lumens, is the total useful amount
of visible radiant light, and P is the power. A weighted
luminosity function adjusts for the human eyes
response to different wavelengths of light when ux is
calculated. If total electric power consumed by a bulb is
used in this computation, it is referred to as luminous
efcacy of a source (LES). LES is a good indicator of
sources ability to provide visible light from a given
amount of electricity. For example, a 40-watt incandes-
cent bulb has an LES of roughly 12.6 lm/W, and a ux
comparable to a 9- to 13-watt compact uorescent. A
100-watt bulb has a ux comparable to 17.5 lm/W, ver-
sus a 23- to 30-watt compact uorescent.
Light bulbs are also a source of humor, with hundreds
of light bulb jokes of the general form, How many
(ll in the blank) does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Light Bulbs 549
Many of these jokes are intended to satirically poke fun
at the subjects; mathematicians are no exception. For
example, How many mathematicians does it take to
screw in a light bulb? The answer is None. A math-
ematician cant screw in a light bulb, but he can easily
prove the work can be done.
Further Reading
Collier, James L. Electricity and the Light Bulb. Tarrytown,
NY: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2006.
Kaufman, John. IES Lighting Handbook 1981 Reference
Volume. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America, 1981.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Carbon Footprint; Electricity; Energy;
Green Mathematics; Light.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement; Representations.
Summary: Lightning is studied, modeled, and
predicted using mathematical techniques.
Lightning is an electrical phenomenon of nature that
has been observed by people around the world for
thousands of years. Thunder is the sound of lightning,
created by the intense heat of a lightning bolt. Many
people may have learned as children a simple calcu-
lation for estimating the distance of lightning based
on the sound of thunder. Since thunder travels about
one mile in ve seconds, a 15-second delay between
the time lightning is seen and the time the thunder
is heard indicates that the lightning strike was about
three miles away.
Lightning strikes occur frequently around the
globe, with an estimated 25 million cloud-to-ground
strikes per year in the United States alone. Lightning
has a large number of religious associations, and it
is often used as a metaphor for sudden insight or
inspiration. Mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss is
reported to have said, regarding a problem he had
been working on, Like a sudden ash of lightning,
the riddle was solved. Lightning is studied by math-
ematicians, often in collaboration with scientists in
other elds, to better understand the various facets of
this complex phenomenon.
Among the several types of lightning that occur, the
most commonly seen and the most dangerous is cloud-
to-ground lightning, caused by the discharge of electrons
into the Earth from thunderclouds in the atmosphere.
The voltage released by a bolt of cloud-to-ground light-
ning is on the order of 1 million times the voltage in a
standard electrical outlet.
The excess of electrons at the base of a thunder-
cloud repels electrons on the ground deep into the
Earth, inducing a strong positive charge on the ground
below. While air usually acts as an insulator, prevent-
ing the ow of electric current, the strong electric eld
between a storm cloud and the Earth can reach tens of
thousands of volts per inch, pulling air molecules apart
into negatively charged electrons and positive ions.
This creates pathways of ionized air known as stream-
ers. The freely moving charges in the ionized air allow
electric current to ow through it.
A lightning strike occurs when a streamer carry-
ing electrons from the cloud toward the Earth meets a
shorter, positively charged airstream reaching up from
an object on the Earth. This creates a complete con-
ductive pathway between the cloud and the ground
and a sudden and massive discharge of electrons into
the Earth.
Between an average thundercloud and the Earth,
there are an estimated 10
volts, reaching 10
(1 bil-
lion) volts in more-intense strikes. For perspective, one
may compare 1.2 10
volts between a thundercloud
and the Earth to the 120 volts delivered by a standard
electrical outlet in the United States:
Voltage between cloud and ground
= 1.2 10
= 1.2 10
= 120 volts 10
= Voltage in standard electrical outlet 1 million.
The heat created by the electric current in a bolt of
lightning reaches temperatures up to 30,000 kelvins
(K), more than ve times the temperature of the sur-
face of the sun and hot enough to melt rock and fuse
soil and sand into glass. The temperature on the Kelvin
550 Lightning
scale is the temperature in degrees Celsius plus 273.15.
The intense heat in a channel of lightning causes the
air within the channel to expand rapidly, sending out
a shock wave that weakens into the acoustic wave of
thunder. The electric current and heat of a lightning
strike can start forest res, damage a property, destroy
electrical equipment, and cause serious or fatal injuries
to people and animals. According to estimates by the
National Weather Service, lightning causes on average
about 60 deaths and 300 injuries in the United States
each year.
Statistics collected by NASA satellites have found
that most of the eastern half of the United States sus-
tains about eight ashes of lightning per square mile
per year (decreasing to less than one per square mile
per year toward the West Coast). Since 1 mi
= 640
acres, this translates to eight ashes per 640 acres per
year, or one ash per 80 acres per year. Accordingly, a
one-acre lot in this region would be struck by lightning
on average once every 80 years.
Mathematical research can help to predict the
behavior of lightning strikes based on weather pat-
terns and other variables; for example, by modeling
probabilistic distributions of lightning strikes accord-
ing factors such as time, geography, and strength. The
mathematical theory of highly optimized tolerance
(HOT) is useful in controlling forest res caused by
lightning. This theory suggests optimal placement
of re breaks: if data or other evidence suggests that
lightning strikes some areas of a forest more fre-
quently than others, then large res can best be pre-
vented by purposefully cutting re breaks that create
sections whose sizes are inversely proportional to the
rate at which lightning strikes. Other mathematicians
are interested in studying the patterns and geom-
etry of lightning. Mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot,
known for his study of fractal patterns, noted that
lightning does not travel in a straight line but rather
in patterns reminiscent of fractals. Techniques of
fractal modeling are used to study fractal patterns in
Lightning 551
Lightning has been observed around the world for thousands of years. It has been spotted not only during
thunderstorms but in volcanic eruptions, intense forest fires, heavy snowstorms, and large hurricanes.
the ionized plasma structures of lightning streamers.
Morphological ltering and gradient detection can
be used to help visualize lightning in satellite imagery
and separate it from other visible effects, such as city
Further Reading
Krider, E. Philip. Lightning Damage and Lightning
Protection. In The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs.
2nd ed. Edited by Edwin Kessler. Norman: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1988.
Rakov, Vladimir, and Martin Uman. Lightning: Physics
and Effects. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 2007.
Uman, M. A. Lightning. New York: Dover, 1984.
Barbara A. Shipman
See Also: Earthquakes; Electricity; Elementary
Particles; Energy; Forest Fires; Light.
Limits and Continuity
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus;
Communication; Connections.
Summary: One of the key concepts of calculus, the
limit is the value a function approaches as its input
approaches a given value.
The concepts of limit and continuity are fundamental
in calculus, analysis, and topology. Their inception can
be traced back more than 2000 years to Greece, China,
Babylon, Egypt, and other places. During the inception
of calculus, introduced independently by Isaac Newton
and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, these concepts were
still vague and controversial. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, these concepts are explored in high school. The
modern limit of a function f x
( )
is the value the func-
tion tends to when x changes in a structured way; for
instance, x approaches a specic value. Many differ-
ent denitions of limits in calculus can be combined
into a single denition of limit in topology. Moreover,
a function is continuous if it preserves closeness or,
equivalently, if it preserves limits, and topology is the
study of continuous functions and the properties they
preserve. These ideas underpin many mathematical
results and can be used to organize and simplify math-
ematical processes. Limits are also useful in real life to
understand such concepts as demographics, nance, or
terminal velocity. Modeling discrete data with a con-
tinuous function and the notion of continuous pay-
ments are also important. Leibniz dened a principle
of continuity, or lex continuitatis, which inspired phi-
losophers such as Charles Peirce. The notions of limit
and continuity are still debated philosophically, as in
whether growth spurts are continuous over time.
The Ideas of Limit and Continuity
in the Ancient World
The idea of limit in the ancient world was related mainly
to two activities: one was more practical, like measur-
ing length, area, and volume, and the other was more
abstract, such as making sense of numbers that are not
rational. For example Archimedes from Greece and
Liu Hui in China used regular polygons, inscribed in a
circle, increasing the number of sides of the polygons,
in order to compute the length of the circumference
and the area of a circle. In the process, approximations
of were computed. Eudoxus from Greece created his
theory of proportions to legitimize irrationals like 2.
This theory is expounded in Book Five of Euclids
Elements. It is also a precursor of the contemporary the-
ory of the real numbers. Ancient mathematicians, such
as Zeno of Elea and Aristotle, wrestled with the notion
of continuity. They debated whether motion, time, and
space are continuous. The paradox about Achilles and
the tortoise illustrated the interplay between the ideas.
The paradox states that Achilles can never overtake the
tortoise if the tortoise is given a head start, because by
the time Achilles reaches its initial position the tortoise
has farther advanced and so on; innitely many seg-
ments of time are necessary.
The Calculus of the Innitesimals
In the middle of the seventeenth century after sig-
nicant advances in science, particularly in physics,
mechanics, and geometry, the methods of innitesi-
mal calculus were introduced independently by Isaac
Newton in England and by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
in Germany. Newton assumed that geometric magni-
tudes are generated by continuous motion, and some
552 Limits and Continuity
historians suggest that he may have been the rst to
present a limit argument using an innitesimal like
epsilon. Leibniz explored a principle of continuity but
is not thought to have explored the derivative as a limit.
He viewed the ocean as continuous.
The quest to nd an acceptable, rigorous foundation
for the new calculus was ongoing. There were attempts
made to follow the method of exhaustion from the
Greeks or to use series instead of innitesimals to
introduce the derivative. Jean le Rond dAlembert
stressed the importance of a rm foundation for limits
and explored a geometric limit of secant lines. But it
was Augustin-Louis Cauchy who introduced contem-
porary denitions of limit and continuity and placed
them as a cornerstone of calculus. It is interesting to
mention that another mathematician, Bernard Bol-
zano, from Prague and a contemporary of Cauchy,
came up with the same denitions rst, but he was
more isolated and his work did not get the same recog-
nition that the Cours danalyse enjoyed. The German
mathematician Karl Weierstrass solidied the rigorous
denitions and made signicant contributions to the
development of analysis.
Contemporary Denitions
The limit of a function is a dynamic concept. The input
of the function varies and the output varies as well.
Intuitively speaking, one says that lim
x c
f x L
( ) =
when the values of f become closer and closer to the
number L when c gets closer and closer to c. This intui-
tive concept is easy to grasp and also not difcult to
observe if one has a graph of the function f. But this
should be expressed rigorously, so that there is a tool to
verify whether the limit exists.
Denition: The lim
x c
f x L
( ) = if and only if for
each > 0 there is a > 0, such that if 0 < < x c ,
then f x L ( ) < .
This denition enables mathematicians to verify the
existence of limit or to make an argument that there
is no limit and is also a tool to prove many properties
about limits. The number c does not have to be in the
domain of the function, but one should be able get
close to it from the domain for any positive . The con-
cept of limit is used to dene a continuous function.
Denition: A function f is continuous at a point c
if c is in the domain of the function and for any posi-
tive there is a positive , such that if x c < , then
f x f c ( ) ( ) < .
The concept of limit is used to dene the denite
integral and to measure area.
Contemporary Developments.
Limits of other objects, such as sequences and geometric
spaces, can be dened and are important in many dis-
ciplines of mathematics and continuity is still explored
in the eld of topology. One twentieth-century devel-
opment that goes back to the history of limits occurred
around 1960 when Abraham Robinson entertained the
idea that the advantages of innitesimal calculus can
be utilized as soon as the innitesimals are dened in a
rigorous way. This would eliminate the use of limit in
the way it is known and make the analysis very much
like algebra, as soon as the number system is extended
to permit innitely small and innitely large numbers.
This is exactly what Robinson did using tools from
logic, a development called non-standard analysis.
Further Reading
Edwards, Charles. The Historical Development of
Calculus. New York: Springer, 1994.
Ilarregui, Begoa, and J. Nubiola. The Continuity of
Continuity: A Theme in Leibniz, Peirce, and Quine.
In Leibniz und Europa, VI. Hannover, Germany:
Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft, 1994.
Elena Toneva
See Also: Function Rate of Change; Functions;
Numbers, Real; Proof.
Linear Concepts
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Summary: Linear relationships are a fundamental
concept of mathematics.
From ancient civilizations to modern societies, people
use linear concepts in a multitude of ways, including
statistical analysis, for advanced mathematics, and in
scientic applications, many of which are designed to
Linear Concepts 553
solve real-world problems. The fundamental idea of
a linear relationship involves comparing two or more
quantities which form a straight line when graphed. A
basic linear relationship comparing two quantities is
represented by the linear equation y = mx + b, where x
and y are the quantities which vary in direct proportion
to each other, m represents the slope of the line, and b
represents the value where the line crosses the y-axis on
the coordinate plane. This idea implies that the quanti-
ties in a linear relationship depend upon each other.
One of the most common ways to represent a linear
relationship is the linear equation. Linear equations
are equations involving one or more unknown values,
called variables, which are of the rst degree. Linear
equations are the simplest type of equation, since the
unknown quantities are always raised to the power of
one. Spaces of lines, such as a plane, are also the sim-
plest type of geometric space. However, linear equa-
tions and the methods of nding the solutions become
more complex as the number of unknowns increases
or when solving more than one linear equation at a
time. Students begin to explore linear concepts in the
primary grades, and these are built upon and extended
throughout high school and college.
Linear equations are used extensively in applied
mathematics, particularly in modeling and represent-
ing real-world phenomena. Linear relationships are also
used in advanced mathematical applications and mod-
eling, typically by reducing nonlinear equations to linear
equations or by constraining events within a set, or sys-
tem, of linear equations. The development of general
methods for solving linear equations was a slow process
because of the limitations of communicating and repre-
senting the unknown quantities in linear relationships.
These equations were initially solved using the elemen-
tary operations of addition, subtraction, multiplica-
tion, and division. The problems and their solutions
were written using words. Algebraic methods of solving
equations were not developed until a system of sym-
bolic notation replaced the use of words. The modern
practice of using variables in place of unknown values
did not gain widespread use until the sixteenth century.
Before that time, problems were typically written using
only words or by using a limited set of symbols.
Linear Equations
The earliest known linear equations and methods of
solving them are found in several ancient civilizations.
These societies used linear equations and systems of
linear equations to solve problems arising in everyday
life, particularly based on civic and government needs.
Although the historical information and records that
exist from these ancient civilizations are fragmented,
there exists enough evidence to show how the Babylo-
nian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Islamic civilizations used
and solved linear problems. Within the Babylonian
civilization, the need for computational techniques
beyond simple counting arose in areas of commerce,
taxation, and construction. The Babylonians wrote
their problems on clay tablets and included many
examples of solving linear equations and systems of
linear equations. These numerical problems were
expressed rhetorically, without symbolic notation, and
were provided to show the method of solution for a
particular example. Reasons and explanations were
not given, nor were any general methods of solution.
The Egyptians were also concerned with commerce,
taxation, and construction. They also described the
methods used to solve linear equations arising from
everyday life, such as dividing loaves of bread or a given
amount of grain. They wrote their problems on papy-
rus, which was made from a reed plant, very few of
which exist today. The most famous surviving papyri
are the Rhind Papyrus and the Moscow Papyrus. One
particular procedure the Egyptians devised for solv-
ing linear equations is known as the method of false
position. This procedure began with guessing a value
for the unknown and then adjusting the value until the
correct result was found. This method was also used
by other ancient civilizations and continued to appear
554 Linear Concepts
A portion of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, one of
the most famous surviving papyri.
in elementary algebra textbooks until the nineteenth
century. The Chinese used a similar method of false
position but made two guesses for the unknown rather
than one guess. This method is known as the method
of double false position and was later used by Islamic
mathematicians. This approach continued to be used
in Europe until the 1600s when advances in symbolic
notation made solving linear equations a much more
simple process. It took many years for a symbolic sys-
tem to develop and allow for the development of gen-
eral solutions to linear equations.
Linear Modeling
Linear relationships appear extensively in modeling
applications. In statistics, simple linear regression is
commonly used to model the relationship between two
variables when that relationship appears to be gener-
ally linear. That is, when plotted on the coordinate
plane, the data tend to cluster about a straight line.
It can also be used to make predictions for situations
when the value of one variable is known and the other
is not. The concept of linear regression was developed
by Sir Francis Galton in the late nineteenth century
while investigating genetic inheritance. A description
of this method was published in the article Regres-
sion Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature. The
term regression was actually a reference by Galton to
observed effects in the data, not to the method itself,
yet the statistical process of tting a line to data still
bears this name. An extension of the method, called
multiple linear regression, is used to model relation-
ships between several variables in n dimensions.
Many types of advanced mathematical models also
rely on the use of linear relationships. For example,
linear programming is used in business applications
as a way to model important decisions that lead to
maximum prot. This modeling is accomplished by
constraining the variables, such as production costs,
within a system of linear equations. Linear program-
ming is also used in a modeling process known as
linear optimization. This modeling process has
a wide variety of applications in areas such as busi-
ness, nance, engineering, and industry. Linear pro-
gramming and linear optimization are based on the
mathematical procedure of dening all of the related
variables as linear relationships. This process was rst
developed in the 1940s and is one of the few math-
ematical applications that has a wide range of practi-
cal uses as well as a theoretical development of the
Many denitions in mathematics rely on linear
approximations. The derivative of a function of one
variable at a point is the slope of the tangent line (the
slope of the line that best approximates the curve at
a given point). Mathematicians such as Isaac Barrow
and Sir Isaac Newton made linear concepts a fun-
damental part of their work in the development of
calculus. In higher dimensions the derivative is a lin-
ear transformation that is represented as a matrix. In
geometry, a surface is dened as a space that locally
looks like a plane. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann
dened higher dimensional spaces, now called mani-
folds, as locally looking at and possessing shortest
paths that are straight. In 1917, Albert Einstein used
Riemanns mathematics in order to present a model
for the universe that was consistent with his theory
of relativity.
Linear Algebra
Linear algebra is a subject that is fundamental to mod-
ern mathematics and applications. It arose from the
study of coefcients of systems of linear equations,
and linear concepts are fundamental in this area. For
example, Arthur Cayley explored linear maps or trans-
formations, and Giuseppe Peano was the rst to give an
abstract denition of the algebraic structure of linear
vector spaces.
The late development of a symbolic notational sys-
tem used in solving linear equations slowed the devel-
opment of nding general methods for solving these
equations. The rst breakthrough in using algebraic
techniques to solve linear equations occurred in the
sixteenth century when Jacques Peletier proposed a
general rule of algebra. This general rule involved set-
ting up linear relationships as equations and nding
the roots, a method still used in the teaching of alge-
bra. With the adoption of a system of symbolic nota-
tion, the applications of linear equations continue to
evolve and to be used in numerous ways, from basic
equation solving to advanced mathematical techniques
in both pure and applied mathematics. Linear algebra
has a long history in mathematics, and linear concepts
are considered one of the most important concepts in
mathematics because of their appearances in so many
levels of both pure and applied mathematics and in a
multitude of real-world applications.
Linear Concepts 555
Further Reading
Bressoud, David. The Queen of the Sciences: A History of
Mathematics. Chantilly, VA: Teaching Company, 2008.
Coxford, Arthur, ed. The Ideas of Algebra, K12: 1988
Yearbook. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 1988.
Katz, Victor. A History of Mathematics. Boston, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 2009.
Kelli M. Slaten
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Algebra
in Society; Babylonian Mathematics; Egyptian
Mathematics; Function Rate of Change; Graphs;
Mathematical Modeling; Scatterplots.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Since ancient Greece, literature has drawn
on mathematical imagery.
Literature and mathematics share many characteristics
despite their apparently different natures. The work of
the mathematician is similar to that of the writer, and
mathematics has inspired many works of ction, biog-
raphy, satire, and mystery. Because of their intelligence
and interesting personalities, mathematicians appear
as characters in many works of ction. Biographies
of mathematicians and tales of famous mathematical
problems also provide fascinating narratives because of
their interesting characters and the characters struggles
with mathematical and personal problems.
At times, mathematics has been a target for attack
by satirists for mathematicians tendency to overuse
mathematics by reducing social and economic issues
to mere mathematical equations. Literature is also an
effective tool in mathematics education, especially for
small children.
The MathematicsLiterature Connection
Few elds of human activity seem, at rst glance, as
distant as mathematics and literature. Mathemat-
ics is a eld of rigor, exactness, and absolute truth.
It involves formulas, equations, laws, and theorems
that do not leave much room for opinion, subjectiv-
ity, or individuality. On the other hand, literature is
the realm of emotions, characters, imagination, and
subjectivity. The author, unconstrained by the strict
laws of nature, creates worlds, people, and events as
the imagination desires. The resulting stories are usu-
ally told by a human or anthropomorphic narrator,
and the narrators tone and style affect the story and
the reader.
Despite these differences, there are many connec-
tions and commonalities between mathematics and lit-
erature. Mathematics describes relationships between
numbers, functions, sets, and other mathematical
objects; literature is concerned with relationships
between characters. Mathematics tries to describe how
nature works; literature describes how people behave.
Mathematics often describes paradoxes, unintuitive
concepts, and unsolved problems; literature often
depicts irrational behaviors, impossible situations, and
other situations that defy explanation.
The work of a mathematician is similar to that of an
author in many ways. Both mathematics and literature
require imagination and creativity, albeit of a some-
what different type; both are mostly individual endeav-
ors; both require intuition and insight; both require a
signicant amount of time, patience, and persistence;
and both provide an immense sense of accomplish-
ment and exhilaration when the productbe it a novel
or a proofis complete.
Early Inuences
The relationship between mathematics and literature
can be traced back to ancient Greece, the cradle of both
modern mathematics and the liberal arts. Greek think-
ers were philosophers (lovers of wisdom) and pursued
knowledge and beauty in all forms. These philosophers
were thus interested in the arts as well as in scientic
This intellectual environment was conducive to
cross-fertilization of the arts and sciences, and the
great mathematician Pythagoras was among the rst
to seek the literary and metaphysical meanings of
numbers. For the Pythagoreans (followers of Pythag-
oras), numbers were not merely abstract tools for
counting and measuring but also symbols with mys-
tical meanings. For Pythagoras, all things were essen-
tially numbers.
556 Literature
Pythagorass notions on the mystical meaning of
numbers have little relevance in modern science and
mathematics, but they advance the idea that numbers
may be used as literary objects. These ideas paved the
way for other thinkers seeking greater meanings for
mathematics than those constrained within the realm
of science.
Mathematical Imagery in Fiction
Mathematics is a eld rich in shapes, structures, and
relations, and writers may nd in mathematics a vast
resource of imagery, analogy, and metaphor. Exam-
ples of mathematical imagery in ction abound, and
while some are explicit and obvious, others require
varying degrees of mathematical knowledge to be
fully appreciated.
Edwin Abbotts 1884 Flatland is perhaps the most
famous novel whose characters are mathematical
objects. This witty and inuential novel takes place in a
two-dimensional universe whose denizens are anthro-
pomorphic lines and polygons. The narrator, a square,
describes social classes, political unrest, and practical
issues of life in two dimensions. He then describes vis-
its to lower dimensional worlds and to Spaceland, the
world of three dimensions. The narrator then conjec-
tures the existence of higher dimensional worlds. The
novel won renewed recognition near the end of the
twentieth century in part because of the development
of physical theories, such as string theory, which sug-
gests that the universe may have more than the three
spatial dimensions that are visible to us.
The popular 1865 fantasy novel Alices Adven-
tures in Wonderland was written by a mathematician,
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who wrote it under the
pen name Lewis Carroll. The novel contains several
mathematical themes, such as apparently faulty mul-
tiplication (4 times 5 is 12) that can be rationalized
by using a different base (4 times 5 is 12 in base 18).
Logic (or lack thereof) also plays a role in the novel.
During a tea party, the Mad Hatter reproaches Alice
for committing the logical fallacy of assuming that a
statement implies its converse. There are many other
possible mathematical themes in the book; however,
because of the light-hearted and fantastic nature of
the works, it is impossible to determine which of
those were intentional.
Argentinean author Jorge Luis Borges uses many
mathematical themes in his stories. In his 1941 short
story Library of Babel, he tells the story of a library
lled with an innite number of books, each contain-
ing exactly 410 pages. The story incorporates diverse
mathematical ideas and concepts ranging from com-
binatorics to geometry and topology. The concept of
innity is also a recurring theme in the story. The story
is so rich in mathematical imagery that it inspired a
2008 book, William Goldbloom Blochs The Unimagi-
nable Mathematics of Borges Library of Babel, dedicated
to the exploration of these themes.
In his 1869 novel War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy argued
that history is not driven by major historical characters
but rather by the innitesimal contributions of many
people. He uses an analogy with mathematical integra-
tion, where the sum of an innite number of innitesi-
mal terms is taken, thereby giving the integral its value.
Fictional Mathematicians in Literature
In popular culture, mathematicians are considered to
be highly intelligent individuals who possess an inves-
tigative mind and a good sense for problem solving.
Literature 557
Edwin Abbotts 1884 witty and influential novel
Flatland, whose characters are mathematical objects.
Mathematicians also have a reputation for eccentric-
ity and lack of social skills. These attributes appeal to
many authors and readers and make mathematicians
interesting literary characters.
In 414 b.c.e., Athenian comic playwright Aristo-
phanes incorporated a ctional mathematician into his
play Birds. In the play, the characters decide to build a
utopia in the sky in order to escape the routine of Athe-
nian life. Meton, a geometer, joins them and proposes
to survey the skies and parcel them into lots. While
describing his planned layout, he mentions his plan to
circle the square, a mathematical problem that occu-
pied several Greek mathematicians.
The American poet and author Edgar Allan Poe was
a science and mathematics enthusiast and used many
scientic and mathematical themes in his stories. In
the 1843 short story The Gold Bug, the protagonist
uses mathematical intuition, common sense, and rudi-
mentary principles of cryptanalysis (code breaking) to
decipher an encoded message that describes the loca-
tion of a buried treasure.
In Poes 1841 story A Descent into the Maelstrm,
the narrator uses his knowledge of solid geometry and
uid physics to escape death in a giant whirlpool that
is sinking his ship. Thinking of a fabricated result in
uid mechanics that Poe attributes to Archimedes, the
narrator recalls that solids subject to whirlpool display
differential otation based on their shape and that cyl-
inders sink slower than other solids. He then saves his
life by attaching himself to a water cask and throwing
himself into the water with the cask.
Fictional characters may use mathematics as a
pastime or as a source of pleasant diversion. In John
Cheevers 1966 story The Geometry of Love, Charlie
Mallory distracts himself from his unhappy mar-
riage and unsatisfying professional and personal lives
by trying to create Euclidean models of his relation-
ships. To Mallory, these models are simple, elegant,
and stable structures, while his life is often unpredict-
able and turbulent. Through these models, Mallory
receives the stability and equanimity that are lacking
in his life.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns 1968 book The First Circle
is a quasi-autobiographical novel set in a gulag in the
Soviet Union. The novels protagonist, Gleb Nerzhin, is
a mathematician incarcerated in the gulag and forced
to work with other scientists and engineers on secret
state projects. The novel takes a close look at the dif-
cult choices that scientists and mathematicians have
to make when they have little or no control over their
lives or the products of their research.
Arthur Conan Doyles iconic detective Sherlock
Holmes was a master of deductive reasoning. An expert
at deriving surprising conclusions from evidence and
clues, Holmes treated crime mysteries as mathemati-
cal puzzles and derived great pleasure from solving
them. It is tting that Holmess arch-nemesis, Professor
James Moriarty, was a mathematician. Moriarty was a
genius villain and head of a large crime organization
that pervaded England throughout Holmess career. In
the 1893 short adventure The Final Problem, Holmes
and Moriarty are engaged in hand-to-hand combat as
they fall to their deaths from a gorge.
558 Literature
Literature in
Mathematics Education
n recent decades, literature has been
increasingly used in mathematics educa-
tion, especially with small children. Childrens
literature provides an approachable path to
learning mathematics through the use of
friendly characters, ample graphics, and age-
appropriate narrative. Literature may assist
children in learning basic mathematical con-
cepts, such as numbers, counting, shapes,
sizes, and arithmetic.
Literature can also be used to teach chil-
dren that mathematics is not merely a eld of
dry equations and laws, but rather that it has
many practical uses in everyday life. By reading
about characters learning and using mathemat-
ics, children can learn to appreciate the many
roles mathematics plays in their lives.
An example of childrens books that may
be used as mathematics education tools is the
series Sir Cumference by Cindy Neuschwander.
The books present children with mathematical
and geometrical notions such as circumfer-
ence, radius, and diameter through the use of
similarly named characters, such as the series
Not all mathematical geniuses realize their poten-
tial, in ction or in real life. Aldous Huxleys 1924 short
story Young Archimedes is a tragic tale of a mathemati-
cally gifted boy who falls victim to the unscrupulous
and selsh behavior of adults. Huxley suggests that the
tragedy is not only the victims but also that of a society
that fails to give its geniuses the environment they need
in order to thrive.
Science Fiction
With its emphasis on science and technology, science
ction is a natural genre for mathematical themes. This
theme is particularly true with the advent of hard
science ction, a branch of science ction that stresses
scientic rigor and theoretically possible technolo-
gies. A notable example of hard science ction is Greg
Egans 2002 novel Schilds Ladder, which uses themes
from advanced mathematics and physics. The novel
describes a futuristic civilization that is forced into per-
petual migration and the discord that develops within
that civilization.
Isaac Asimovs classic Foundation series of novels
portrays a ctional mathematician, Hari Seldon, as an
inuential character. Seldon is a brilliant mathemati-
cian who developed a branch of mathematics known
as psychohistory, which he uses to predict the col-
lapse of the Galactic Empire.
Biographies and Memoirs
Many biographies of mathematicians are available in
the literary market. While some of these biographies
appeal mostly to mathematicians and historians,
many appeal to the general public because of their
historical narrative and the extraordinary characters
they describe.
Perhaps the most popular biography of a math-
ematician is A Beautiful Mind, written in 1998 by Syl-
via Nasar. The book tells the touching and tragic story
of John Forbes Nash, a mathematical genius who was
diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Nashs stel-
lar rise in the ranks of mathematics and his tragic fall
provide a fascinating juxtaposition of mathematical
genius and mental illness. Nash won the Nobel Prize in
Economics in 1994 for his work on game theory.
Masha Gessens 2009 book Perfect Rigor: A Genius
and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century
tells the story of Grigori Grisha Perelman, a Russian
mathematician who proved the century-old Poincar
Conjecture in 2003. Perelmans proof was ensued by a
distasteful affair that was fueled in part by Perelmans
reclusive personality and eccentric behavior, as well
as by the controversial conduct of his fellow math-
ematicians. Disappointed and disillusioned, Perelman
withdrew from mathematics at a fairly young age. Per-
lemans story sheds light on both the often-overlooked
world of scientic politics and intrigues and the col-
orful individuals who supply them. In 2006, Perelman
was awarded the Fields Medal, the most prestigious
prize in mathematics, for his ground-breaking work.
He declined the award.
Memoirs and autobiographies of mathematicians
also abound. Notable among these is G. H. Hardys A
Mathematicians Apology, a 1940 philosophical memoir
that discusses the beauty of mathematics and the life of
a mathematician, with its inevitable joys and sorrows.
The memoir is highly inuential among mathemati-
cians and among laypersons who want a glimpse into
the mind of a mathematician.
Because of the wide-ranging utility of mathematics, there
exists a tendency to overuse it and to attempt to reduce
social, political, and economic problems to mathemati-
cal equations. This attempt at oversimplifying serious
societal problems raises the ire of some authors, who
use their pens to strike back. By using reductio ad absur-
dum (reduction to absurdity, also known as proof by
contradiction), a popular technique for proving math-
ematical theorems, authors may attempt to defeat math-
ematicians on the mathematicians turf by showing the
absurd results of the overuse and abuse of mathematics.
The resulting satires describe these absurd results in an
entertaining yet serious fashion.
In the 1726 novel Gullivers Travels, Jonathan Swift
describes the people of Laputa as obsessed with math-
ematics. They describe everything, even the beauty of
women, in mathematical terms, and their constant
political bickering reminds the narrator of the math-
ematicians of Europe. Swift made a similaralbeit less
obviousattack upon mathematical reductionism in
his 1729 essay A Modest Proposal in which he proposes
that the poor sell their children for food. By offering
a preposterous yet simple solution to the problem of
poverty, Swift was arguing that not all social problems
can be solved by the use of deductive reasoning and
mathematical thinking.
Literature 559
In his 1854 novel Hard Times, Charles Dickens criti-
cizes an education system that is based solely on learning
of facts, with no room for fancy, imagination, feelings, or
arts. The ideal of fancy is embodied in Sissy Jupe, a poor
schoolgirl who struggles with a curriculum obsessed
with facts. Her frustration rises when she is asked to cal-
culate the percentage of dead if 500 of 100,000 voyagers
perished at sea. Jupe, confused and embarrassed, answers
that the percentage is nothing, so far as the loved ones of
those killed are concerned. Sissy Jupe is thus portrayed
as humane and emotional, a person capable of seeing
the people behind the numbers. Her schoolteachers, on
the other hand, are emotionally paralyzed and see num-
bers as satisfactory descriptions of everything.
Famous Mathematical Problems
Stories of famous mathematical problems, whether
open or solved, make for fascinating reading material
for their mathematical content as well as for their nar-
rative. By telling the tale of a particularly difcult math-
ematical problem, the author can braid an exposition of
a difcult mathematical subject with stories about the
history of the problem and the lives and personalities of
famous mathematicians who tried to solve it.
The Riemann Hypothesis, the most famous open
problem in mathematics, has inspired several books. In
the 2003 book Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and
the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics, author
John Derbyshire uses odd-numbered chapters for
mathematical exposition and even-numbered chapters
for discussion of the history of the problem and the
people behind that history.
In the 1997 book Fermats Enigma, author Simon
Singh tells the story of Fermats Last Theorem, a math-
ematical riddle that tantalized mathematicians for four
centuries. Singh tells the tale of the famous conjecture,
from its formulation by Fermat in 1637 to its proof
by British mathematician Andrew Wiles in 1995. The
book combines mathematical exposition with stories
about the many mathematicians who struggled with
the problem throughout the centuries.
Creativity in Mathematics and in Literature
Fiction writers often face the question How do you
come up with your ideas? Similarly, mathematicians
are often asked how they concoct the brilliant ideas that
allow them to solve mathematical problems. Psycholo-
gists and neuroscientists have been trying to identify
the sources of creativity for a long time. New discover-
ies are published regularly, and advances in technology,
such as brain-mapping magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) machines, may shed further light on the sub-
ject. Until scientists elucidate the sources of creativity,
the experiences and opinions of creative individuals
writers, mathematicians, and othersmay provide
glimpses into the workings of creative minds.
In his 1846 essay Philosophy of Composition, author
and poet Edgar Allan Poe analyzes the creative process
he used to compose his famous poem The Raven:
It is my design to render it manifest that no one
point in its composition is referable either to acci-
dent or intuitionthat the work proceeded step by
step, to its completion, with the precision and rigid
consequence of a mathematical problem.
Another glimpse into the creative process is pro-
vided by mathematician Jacques Hadamard in his 1945
work The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical
Field, in which he discusses the psychological processes
of discovery and invention in mathematics. While
Hadamard acknowledges the crucial role of conscious,
logical thought, he contends that mathematical inven-
tion is a multi-step process in which intuition, inspira-
tion, and unconscious thought are integral.
Poes and Hadamards views provide an interest-
ing juxtaposition: while the poet describes his creative
work in terms of a mathematical problem, the mathe-
matician emphasizes creative processes that are usually
associated with artistic work.
Further Reading
Ahearn, Stephen T. Tolstoys Integration Metaphor
From War and Peace. American Mathematical
Monthly 112, no. 7 (2005).
Bloch, William Goldbloom. The Unimaginable
Mathematics of Borges Library of Babel. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2008.
Fadiman, Clifton, ed. Fantasia Mathematica. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Hadamard, Jacques. A Mathematicians Mind. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.
Kasman, Alex. MathFiction. http://kasmana.people
Koehler, D. O. Mathematics and Literature.
Mathematics Magazine 55, no. 2 (1982).
560 Literature
Poe, Edgar Allan. Edited by G. R. Thompson. Edgar
Allan Poe: Essays and Reviews. New York: Library of
America, 1984.
Whitin, David J., and Phyllis Whitin. New Visions for
Linking Literature and Mathematics. Urbana, IL:
National Council of Teachers of English, 2004.
Or Syd Amit
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Movies, Mathematics in;
Poetry; Science Fiction.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Determining the terms of a loan so that
they are fair but compensate for risk is a challenge of
Most people have personal experience with one or more
types of loans, such as home mortgages, car loans, or
home equity loans. In each case, the general format of
the loan is the same: the lender provides temporary
funds to a borrower, and the borrower repays these
funds over a prespecied period of time, according to
a prespecied pattern. As it is for any nancial asset
or liability, mathematics is a critical tool for determin-
ing the appropriate parameters of loans,
including the periodic payment necessary
for the borrower to completely pay off the
loan by the end of the loans life.
Mathematicians work on many problems
related to loans. For example, individuals
who take out large loans, like mortgages,
are often required to purchase insurance for
those loans. Actuaries use mathematical and
statistical methods to assess lending risk to
decide whether insurance is needed and
how much. They also work on more com-
plex problems related to interest rates and
credit, such as deciding what constitutes
usury (unreasonably high interest rates) for
loans whose yield rate is not xed or deter-
mining the reliable predictors of credit risk.
Loans appear to have been a part of economic activity
ever since economies began to become sophisticated.
In response to certain historical unfair lending prac-
tices, a number of proscriptions against usury were
recorded in ancient sources, such as the Old Testament,
and works by Aristotle and Tacitus. More generally, an
active lending market is important to an economy, as it
facilitates the availability of funds for investment.
Loans, like other nancial instruments, are two-
sided transactions. There is a lender and there is a bor-
rower, and cash ows are made between themwhat
one party pays, the other receives. Algebraically, this
process is usually reected by identifying the cash ows
as either positive or negative; a positive cash ow for the
lender would be a negative cash ow of the same mag-
nitude for the borrower, and vice versa. For the lender,
the loan transaction is essentially an investment, and
thus an asset. For the borrower, the loan represents a
liability and ultimately needs to be paid back.
The most common method in the twenty-rst cen-
tury of paying off a loan is via amortization, in which
interest and a portion of the original borrowed prin-
cipal are paid back in each of the periodic payments.
There are a number of parameters associated with the
typical amortization loan, including the following:
The original amount borrowed (B)
The length or term (n) of the loan (for
personal loans, such as mortgages and auto
loans, the length of the loan is typically
Loans 561
For the lender, a loan is basically an investment and an asset. For
the borrower, the loan is a liability and needs to be paid back.
measured as the number of monthly
payments to be made by the borrower to the
lender; theoretically, however, payments can
be made according to any schedule, such as
weekly, annually, or uneven periods of time)
The periodic (for example, monthly) interest
rate (i) on the loan, which determines the
amount of interest paid by the borrower to
the lender
The periodic (for example, monthly)
payment (R) made by the borrower to the
In the most common type of amortized loan, the
payment made by the borrower each period is con-
stant over time. Each payment consists of two com-
ponents: an interest payment and a partial principal
repayment. Across the life of the loan, the sum of all
of the n partial principal repayments is equal to the
total original amount borrowed, B. As each payment is
made, the outstanding balance of the loan is lessened
by the amount of the partial principal repayment in
that payment.
The effect of this approach is that, while each pay-
ment R is of the same size, the split between the interest
component and the principal component of each pay-
ment changes over time. More specically, as time moves
on, the principal component increases and the interest
component decreases. This is because the indebtedness
(the outstanding balance) of the loan decreases over
time, and thus the periodic interest charged on the loan
(which is equal to the interest rate multiplied by the
loans outstanding balance) also decreases over time.
To illustrate, suppose that $1,000 is borrowed, and
this four-year loan is to be paid off with four equal
annual payments of R, one at the end of each of the
four years during the life of the loan. Suppose that the
effective annual interest rate i =0.10, or 10%. In this
situation, the annual payment R can be determined by
the formula
i B
where i =0.10, B =$1,000, and n =4. Thus, R=$315.47.
This value for R can be veried by considering
the impact of each annual payment separately. For
example, consider the rst payment of R. During
the rst year, the borrower incurs interest charges of
10% of the outstanding balance at the beginning of
the year, or $100. Thus, $100 of the $315.47 rst pay-
ment covers the interest for borrowing the original
$1,000 during the rst year; the remaining $215.47 of
the rst payment then serves to partially pay off the
loan, leaving an outstanding loan balance, or indebt-
edness, of $1,000$215.47 =$784.53. During the
second year, the borrower incurs interest of 10% of
that new outstanding balance, or $78.45. That portion
of the second payment of R covers this interest, and
the remainder ($315.47 $78.45 = $237.02) serves
to further pay down the loan. Thus, after the sec-
ond payment, the borrower has loan indebtedness of
$784.53 $237.02 = $547.51. Continuing this process
through the fourth and nal payment will reveal that,
after that nal payment, the original $1,000 loan has
been completely and precisely paid off.
Occasionally, people will pay off installment loans
before their nal due date by making early payments
or paying slightly more than is due at each installment.
In this case, they may be entitled to a rebate on some
of the originally computed interest. Rebates can be g-
ured using several methods, including variables such as
how the interest was originally computed and the way
in which the regular and extra payments were divided
between principal and interest. The actuarial method
of calculation is generally more favorable to the bor-
rower than rebates calculated under other methods,
such as the Rule of 78s.
There are other ways of paying off loans; for exam-
ple, paying the interest regularly and then paying off
the entire principal at the end of the loan term. In
fact, this process is essentially how a specic type of
nancial instrument, a bond, works. When corporate
or governmental entities issue bonds, they are bor-
rowing money. More precisely, they are borrowing an
amount equal to the price of the bond from the inves-
tor or investors who purchase the bond. The issuing
organization pays periodic interest to the investors (in
the form of coupons) and at the expiration date of the
bond pays back to the investors a lump sum, known as
the redemption value.
Further Reading
Broverman, Samuel A. Mathematics of Investment and
Credit. Winsted, CT: ACTEX Publications, 2008.
562 Loans
tions and permutations, are used to compute the odds
or chances of winning, given certain conditions.
Distribution of Winnings
If lottery commissions somehow redistributed all of the
ticket sale money into winnings for each game, then,
at least in a cumulative sense, the purchase of lottery
tickets would constitute fair betsthe average payoff
would equal the average ticket price. An example of this
would be if each player paid a dollar for a ticket that
went into a hat, and then a winning ticket was chosen
from the hat, with the purchaser of that ticket winning
all of the money that had been collected. The reality is
usually more complicated. Typically, multiple players
can purchase the same ticket (thus having to share the
winnings if that ticket is drawn) or the winning ticket
might not have been purchased by anyone. In the latter
Lotteries 563
History of Lotteries
n Athens during the fourth and fth centuries
B.C.E., lotteries were used to select political
ofce holders. In Rome, the emperor Gaius
Julius Caesar Augustus rebuilt his empires
infrastructure with money raised through lot-
teries. Lotteries also helped to fund the build-
ing of the Great Wall of China. Governments
throughout much of Europe, notably in England
and France, have raised essential funds with
lotteries over the past few centuries.
George Washington supported lotteries as
a means of funding transportation and educa-
tional systems in a edgling nation. In the United
States in the twenty-rst century,
most states sponsor lotter-
ies. The jackpots for
Powerball and for
Mega Millions,
two popular
multistate lot-
teries, sometimes
run into the hundreds
of millions of dollars.
Kellison, Stephen. Theory of Interest. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2008.
Rick Gorvett
See Also: Accounting; Home Buying; Money;
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security.
See Exponentials and Logarithms
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations.
Summary: A successful lottery depends on assuring
the randomness of its selections and maintaining the
perception of fairness.
Lotteries, which can be thought of as games that involve
a winner selected by chance, have played an important
role in the development of societies for more than
2000 years. Lotteries can include those run by political
bodies, like states, where the winnings are money, or
those run by a sports entity, like the National Basket-
ball Association (NBA) Draft Lottery, where teams get
to select new members. The U.S. government runs a
Green Card Lottery program and selects winners using
a computer-generated drawing. In most lotteries, very
few people win anything substantial, and the purchase
of a lottery ticket usually amounts to an unfair bet, in
that the price of a single ticket is less than the average
payoff across all tickets.
Nevertheless, lotteries are quite popular and conse-
quently can raise substantial funds or allocate a small
number of goods, services, or sought-after players among
a large number of people or teams. The mathematical
concepts of randomness and expected value are fun-
damental to the operation of lotteries and perceptions
of fairness. Probability methods, especially combina-
case, the money is rolled over to the next game, which
might be better than fair for the players if the jackpot is
larger than the total investments for that week. Usually,
however, the game is worse than fair for the players,
primarily because the state (or whatever organization
is hosting the lottery) keeps a portion of the proceeds.
The state of Wisconsin, for example, pays out slightly
more than half of its lottery revenue as winnings; most
of the remaining revenue is used for property tax relief.
Other common uses for funds among state-run lot-
teries include education, transportation, construction,
and, ironically, help for compulsive gamblers.
Calculating the Chances
Regardless of the question of fairness, a lottery is clearly
disadvantageous to almost every player. Nevertheless,
lotteries attract large numbers of players because peo-
ple are willing to pay a small amount of money for the
small chance of winning a fortune. Powerball, oper-
ated by the Multi-State Lottery Association, provides a
good illustration. There are nine ways to win with a $1
Powerball ticket; in four of these ways, the winnings are
less than $10. The probability of winning something
is about 1:35, but the probability of winning anything
more than $100 is less than 1:700,000. The probability
of winning the big jackpot is 1:195,249,054, as can be
veried with some basic rules of counting.
Each Powerball ticket consists of ve distinct num-
bers, 159, together with a Powerball number, 139.
To determine the winning ticket, ve balls are randomly
drawn from a drum containing white balls numbered
159, and then one ball (the Powerball) is drawn from
a drum containing red balls numbered 139. The win-
ning ticket must match all ve white balls (irrespec-
tive of the order in which they are drawn) as well as
the red ball. The probability of winning the jackpot
is 1 divided by the number of distinct possible tickets
(the number of possible outcomes of the drawing).
There are 59 possibilities for the rst white ball; for
each of those there are 58 possibilities for the second
white ball. Continuing, there are 57 possibilities for
the third, 56 for the fourth, and 55 for the fth. If the
order of drawing these balls were relevant, a total of
5958 57 56 55=600,766,320 ways of drawing
the white balls would be counted. This number, how-
ever, is much larger than the true probability, since the
order of the drawings is not relevant. For instance, the
possible outcome 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 should be counted once;
but among the aforementioned count of 600,766,320,
this collection of balls appears 54 3 2 1=120
times (because ball 2 could be listed in any one of ve
positions, and then ball 4 could be listed in any of the
remaining four positions, and so on). The earlier count
should be divided by 120 in order to correct for this
systematic overcounting. Finally, incorporating the
possibilities for the red ball, the result should be mul-
tiplied by 39. This calculation yields the 195,249,054
possible jackpot tickets.
Winning Strategies?
One way to improve the chances of winning is to buy
more tickets. A properly run lottery does not lend itself
to winning strategies. For instance, the Powerball draw-
ings are videotaped and audited, and the equipment is
stored in a vault and meticulously tested for nonran-
dom behavior. So bribery would be difcult, and knowl-
edge of historical winning numbers would most likely
be pointless. One could ensure a win by purchasing all
possible tickets (an attractive option if the jackpot has
grown very large because of rollovers), but this would
require a huge initial investment, and it would be quite
difcult from a practical standpoint to orchestrate the
purchase. Further, if multiple people purchased the win-
ning ticket, then the jackpot would be divided among
them. Commonly chosen tickets involve previous win-
ning combinations, numbers below 32 (because they
could represent birthdays or other signicant dates),
and simple combinations such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The one
bit of control a lottery player does have is to avoid such
combinations to reduce the likelihood of splitting the
jackpot in the event of a win.
Further Reading
Bialik, Carl. Odds Are, Stunning Coincidences Can
Be Expected. Wall Street Journal (September 24,
Hicks, Gary. Fates Bookie: How the Lottery Shaped the
World. Stroud, England: The History Press, 2009.
North American Association of State and Provincial
Lotteries (NASPL). Cumulative Lottery
Contributions to Beneciaries. http://www.naspl
John Beam
564 Lotteries
See Also: Betting and Fairness; Expected Values;
Military Draft; Probability.
Lovelace, Ada
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace,
is known as the rst computer programmer.
Charles Babbage, the inventor of an early computer,
called Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, the
enchantress of numbers. It is through her association
with Babbage and his calculating machines that King
inuenced the history of mathematics. Ada King is
widely regarded as the worlds rst computer program-
mer for material in her notes on Babbages invention,
the analytical engine. Her contribution to the develop-
ment of mathematics was signicant in that she created
the rst set of computer instructions, or algorithm, and
anticipated many features of modern computers.
Early Life and Eductation
King was born Augusta Ada Byron on December 10,
1815, in London, England. She was the only child of
George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron), the renowned
romantic poet, and his wife Annabella Milbanke Byron.
Her parents marriage was stormy and brief; they sepa-
rated two months after Kings birth, and her father
left the country for good soon thereafter. Because of
the strained association with her mother, Lord Byron
never had a relationship with King, though he made
several mentions of her in his poetry.
Her parents difcult relations ultimately inu-
enced Kings exposure to mathematics. Lady Byron
required her daughter to study mathematics as a way
to discipline the passionate side of her nature and to
eliminate fanciful tendencies suspected to have been
inherited from her poet father. Over the years, King
studied mathematics with a variety of tutors and men-
tors, including mathematicians Mary Somerville and
Augustus De Morgan.
In 1835, she married William King. He became the
Earl of Lovelace in 1838 and King was thereafter the
Countess of Lovelace. The couple had three chil-
dren; Byron in 1836, Anne Isabella in 1837, and Ralph
in 1839.
Work with Calculating Machines
Kings work with Charles Babbage began after the birth
of her last child. Charles Babbage was the inventor of
two calculating machines. The rst, called the difference
engine, was created to solve a specic problem involving
polynomial equations and was displayed in his drawing
room to amaze guests, along with a silver lady automa-
ton. Babbages other machine, the analytical engine,
was never built; however, Babbage created a number
of plans and drawings for the machine that excited
interest in the scientic community. In 1842, Italian
mathematician Luigi Menabrea published a descrip-
tion of the analytical engine. Menabreas paper was
Lovelace, Ada 565
Margaret Carpenters portrait of nineteenth-century
British mathematician Ada Lovelace.
written in French, and King translated this work into
English. Encouraged by Babbage, she compiled a set of
seven original notes meant to complement Menabreas
explanations. The translation and notes were published
in 1843. These notes constitute Kings only scientic
publication, andthough briefthey established her
modern reputation as the rst computer programmer.
King began the notes by contrasting the difference
engine, which was well known to the public, and the
analytical engine, which would be a much more func-
tional and exible machine. The most signicant dif-
ference between the two was that the analytical engine
would be programmable, whereas the difference
engine was not. In her notes, King anticipated many
functions of modern computers and computer pro-
grams. She described the machines projected abilities
to utilize symbolic information, to repeat a series of
steps multiple times based on a single set of instruc-
tions (as in a modern loop), to give intermediate as
well as nal results, and even to store information
meant to explain to the machines user what was tak-
ing place rather than to give instructions to the engine
(a form of programming comments). With regard
to the engines capabilities, she said, The Analytical
Engine weaves algebraic patterns, just as the Jacquard
loom weaves owers and leaves. King also predicted
that the analytical engine would facilitate faster and
more accurate solutions to difcult computing prob-
lems, and that it would enable solution of problems
theretofore insoluble because of computational com-
plexity. She even foresaw such modern ideas as arti-
cial intelligence and computer music.
Kings reputation as the rst computer programmer
comes from note G, the nal note in the collection.
In this section, she gave a detailed example of the func-
tionality of the analytical engine, describing how the
engine would compute the Bernoulli numbersthe
rst computer program.
Ada died from uterine cancer on November 27,
1852, at the age of 36 and was buried beside her father.
In reecting on her own work, she is quoted as saying,
I never am really satised that I understand anything;
because, understand it well as I may, my comprehen-
sion can only be an innitesimal fraction of all I want
to understand about the many connections and rela-
tions which occur to me . . . Her work was largely over-
looked for 100 years after her death until she was men-
tioned in a 1952 book on the history of computing.
Since then, many books and articles have been written
on her life and work, including a comic in which she
and Charles Babbage are portrayed as a crime-ghting
team. In 1980, the U.S. department of defense named
a computer language Ada in her honor. There is also
an international day of blogging named for herAda
Lovelace Daywhose purpose is to draw attention to
women in technology.
Further Reading
Baum, Joan. The Calculating Passion of Ada Byron.
Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1986.
Warrick, Patricia. Charles Babbage and the Countess.
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2007.
Woolley, Benjamin. The Bride of Science: Romance,
Reason, and Byrons Daughter. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2002.
Kady Schneiter
See Also: Calculators in Society; Software,
Mathematics; Women.
566 Lovelace, Ada
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations;
Summary: Many tools of mathematics and
mathematical properties lend themselves to tricks.
Mathematical magic may seem to be either redundant
or an oxymoron. Many people equate mathematical
processes or theorems with magic, such as the magic
of logarithms or when mathematicians are thought to
have magical powers with numbers oating around
their heads in movies and on television. Others view
it as a collection of sterile algorithms absent of any
signs of magic. However, the realm of mathematical
magic counters both of these views, blending together
elements from mathematics as a structure with an ele-
ment of surprise akin to magic. Invoking mathematics
of great breadtharithmetic, number theory, algebra,
geometry, and topologythe mathematical magicians
tools are numbers, cards, string, dice, dominoes, cal-
endars, watches, coins, dollar bills, and rubber bands.
Arithmetic Magic
Arithmetic magic depends on the clever use of divi-
sors, multiples, and basic operations. As an example,
ask a friend to write down his or her age. Then, add
the age on the friends next birthday. Add 9 to this sum.
Divide that sum by 2. Finally, subtract the friends cur-
rent age. Then, magically announce that the answer is
5. It will always be 5, thanks to mathematics. For exam-
ple, if the friends age is 24, the friend would calculate:
24 + 25 =49; 49 +9 =58; 58 2 =29; 29 24 =5. In
fact, with a slight modication of the rst calcula-
tion (add one more than your starting number), your
friend could start with any number, such as 3.5, , or
even 72.3, and the result will still be 5.
Card and Dice Magic
Mathematical magic using playing cards capitalizes on
their propertiesnumerical values 113, four suits,
two colors, front-back orientationas well as the fact
that a deck of cards can be both ordered and shufed.
As another example with a friend, shufe a deck of
cards, hand it to your friend, and then casually write
something on a piece of paper, which is folded and set
aside. Ask your friend to deal the top 12 cards face-
down on the table and then touch any four cards, which
you turn over. Group the other eight dealt cards and
return them to the bottom of the card deck. Suppose
the four face-up cards are a 3, 5, 7, and King (where all
face cards are to be treated as a 10). Taking the deck,
deal more cards on top of each card to make 10, count-
ing out loud the sequences (for example, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 7, 8, 9, 10). Because the
King has the value 10, no cards are dealt on top of it.
Hand the deck to your friend, ask him to add the val-
ues of the original four cards (3 + 5 + 7 + 10 = 25) and
then count out that number of cards (25 cards). When
the last card is turned over, reveal that it matches your
prediction written on the paper.
Mathematical magic using dice depends on the fact
that the pips on the opposite sides sum to 7. As an
example of a trick, with your back turned, ask a friend
to throw three dice on a table and add the top faces
(for example, 2 + 4 + 5 = 11). Then ask the friend to
pick up any one of the dice and add its bottom num-
ber to the current sum (for example, opposite the 2
on the rst dice is a 5, so 11 + 5 =16). Finally, ask the
friend to roll that die again, and add the new top face
to the current sum (for example, 16 + 6 = 22). Turn
around and announce that you have no way of know-
ing which die was rolled twice, pick up the 3 dice,
shake them in your hand, and magically announce
your friends nal sum.
Geometric Magic
Mathematical magic involving geometry or topology
is similar to actual tricks performed by magicians,
such as the Chinese Linking Rings, Magical Knots, and
Houdini Escapes. As a simple example, start with an
8 8 grid square and draw 3 lines to subdivide it as
shown. Cut along the 3 lines, producing 4 pieces, which
can be rearranged to form the 5 13 solid rectangle.
What is the magic? The initial square with an area of
64 square units has been transformed into a rectangle
with an area of 65 square units.
The Magic Revealed
Why do the previous four tricks work? The rst arith-
metic trick is explained using algebra, where N is the
starting number, shown as
+ + ( )+
1 9
5 .
For the second trick, it is important that the card
you write on the paper matches the bottom card on
the shufed deck at the start. The trick becomes auto-
matic, since the 4 face-up cards and the 8 cards placed
on the bottom as part of the deck essentially force your
secret card to now be in the 40th position in the orig-
inal deck. The counting mechanism forces this card to
be the card revealed. For the third trick, determine the
nal sum by adding 7 to the sum of the 3 top faces seen
as you pick up the dice. Finally, for the fourth trick, the
magical effect is because of the apparent diagonal of
the rectangle, as it is not a straight line but is a thin
parallelogram with an area of 1 square unit. To show
this mathematically, the two line segments forming
the diagonal have differing slopes of 3/8 and 2/5. As a
twist to this trick, note that the square had side length
8 while the rectangle had side lengths 5 and 13, where
the numbers 5, 8, 13 are part of the Fibonacci sequence.
In fact, any three ordered numbers (different) in this
sequence produces this magical effect.
Magic Squares, Cubes, and Circles
In any discussion of mathematical magic, one must
mention magic squares, cubes, and circles. First, sub-
divide a square into smaller squares, each containing
a number. The magical effect is that the numbers in
each row, each column, and each diagonal all sum to
the same constant value.
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
This common example is the Lo Shu magic square
with a constant sum of 15, being part of the legend
(650 b.c.e.) of the Chinese Emperor Yu nding a turtle
with the same square inscribed on its back. Also, the
German artist Albrecht Drer inserted a famous magic
square in his painting Melancholia, with its constant
sum of 34 and the paintings date of 1514 included in
the bottom row of cells.
16 3 2 13
5 10 11 8
9 6 7 12
4 15 14 1
568 Magic
1 1
11 121
111 12321
1111 1234321
11111 123454321
111111 12345654321
1111111 1234567654321
11111111 123456787654321
111111111 12345678987654321
Martin Gardner claimed in his 1956 book Mathe-
matics, Magic and Mystery that mathematical magic has
a unique but limited audience. In his opinion, math-
ematicians reject mathematical magic as trivial and
dull, while magicians reject it as pseudomagic. The true
audience is therefore those who appreciate mathemati-
cal recreations implemented in a creative, entertain-
ing context. A master of such presentations is Arthur
Benjamin, a combinatorics professor and professional
magician, who has appeared on many radio and tele-
vision programs, such as the widely popular political
satire program The Colbert Report, and been proled
in entertainment, news, and scientic publications. His
popular demonstrations and explanations of methods
for rapid mental calculations, which have been enjoyed
by audiences of all ages and cultures worldwide, as well
as his many popular books on mathematical magic
would appear to belie Gardners claim.
Further Reading
Andrews, W. S. Magic Squares and Cubes. New York:
Dover, 1960.
Benjamin, A. Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math
Tricks. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006.
Blum, Raymond. Mathemagic. New York: Sterling, 1992.
Carter, Philip, and Ken Russell.The Complete Book of
Fun Maths: 250 Condence-Boosting Tricks, Tests and
Puzzles. Mankato, MN: Capstone, 2004.
Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. New
York: Dover, 1956.
Longe, Bob. The Magical Math Book. New York: Sterling
Publishing, 1997.
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Dice Games; Mathematical Puzzles; Optical
Illusions; Puzzles.
Historically, mathematics and magic are intertwined,
back to the Pythagoreans who revered certain numbers
with a special mysticism. This aura of numbers hav-
ing special magical effects surfaced often throughout
history in the form of special primes, special products,
and special properties. For example, one can not dis-
miss the magic of numbers when considering these
number patterns, all evoking a feeling of Behold!
0 9 1 1 + =
1 9 2 11 + =
12 9 3 111 + =
123 9 4 1111 + =
1234 9 5 11111 + =
12345 9 6 111111 + =
123456 9 7 1111111 + =
1234567 9 8 11111111 + =
12345678 9 9 111111111 + =
123456789 9 10 1111111111 + =
1 8 1 9 + =
12 8 2 98 + =
123 8 3 987 + =
1234 8 4 9876 + =
12345 8 5 98765 + =
123456 8 6 987654 + =
1234567 8 7 9876543 + =
12345678 8 8 98765432 + =
123456789 8 8 987654321 + =
9 9 7 88 + =
98 9 6 888 + =
987 9 5 8888 + =
9876 9 4 88888 + =
98765 9 3 888888 + =
987654 9 2 8888888 + =
9876543 9 1 88888888 + =
98765432 9 0 888888888 + =
12345679 9 111111111 =
12345679 18 222222222 =
12345679 27 333333333 =
12345679 36 444444444 =
12345679 45 555555555 =
12345679 54 666666666 =
12345679 63 777777777 =
12345679 72 888888888 =
12345679 81 999999999 =
Magic 569
Mapping Coastlines
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Fractals can be used to help map
A map is an infographic representing an area. Maps use
symbols to represent objects or scale renderings of spa-
tial features. The science of mapmaking is called car-
tography. The mapping of coastlines is important for
navigation and for determining the boundaries of ter-
ritorial waters, which are measured as xed distances
from coastlines. Coastline cartography presents spe-
cial mathematics because of connections with several
actively developing branches of mathematics, includ-
ing fractal theory.
Traditional Mapmaking Mathematics
and Analytical Cartography
Several mathematical features of maps have been used
for centuries. Orientation is the correspondence of the
maps coordinate system with directions of the terrain.
When three-dimensional objects are depicted in two-
dimensional media in the process called projection,
such as maps of Earth on paper, some areas are neces-
sarily distorted. Ratios are used to map objects to scale,
including the systematic changes in the ratios in differ-
ent parts of two-dimensional maps using projections.
With the increasing use of computers in cartogra-
phy, several new areas of modeling and computation
expertise have appeared over the last few decades. These
new, mathematics-rich cartography areas include com-
puter-based geographic information systems, interpo-
lation, and photogrammetry. Collectively, these areas
of expertise are called analytic cartography.
Types of data in analytic cartography include
numerical data, such as elevation values, images or
photographs, and attribute data, like tags identify-
ing features near particular coordinates. All data are
dynamically linked and manipulated in a geographic
information system; for example, a projection map can
be generated from a series of aerial photos, rotated and
zoomed. In contrast, paper maps do not allow dynamic
data connection and are static, which limits the possi-
bility for mathematical modeling and experimentation
with variables. Geographic information systems may
also include remote sensing data; for example, display-
ing changes in coastlines in real time as tides change.
Analytic Cartography and Coastline Changes
Because coastlines change a lot compared to other map
features, from tides and oods, analytic cartography
that allows for rapid analysis of real-time data is espe-
cially valuable in mapping coastlines. Using data from
previous events and mathematical models within geo-
graphic information systems, cartographers can simu-
late oods, tsunamis, or effects of rising water levels
from global warming on existing coastlines. The same
software can be used to predict effects of terrain modi-
cation projects over time.
Modeling coastline changes is more complex than
simply mapping higher or lower water levels onto the
existing coast elevation data. The models also have to
take into account erosion, deposits of matter by rivers
and rainfall runoff, changes in river basins, and other
systemic factors.
Fractal Dimension and the Coastline Paradox
A fractal is a self-similar structure that looks the same
at all zoom levels. Coastlines, while not perfectly fractal
(not having innite number of levels), exhibit enough
fractal features to make some mathematics of fractals
applicable. The famous 1967 paper by Benot Mandel-
brot, How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-
Similarity and Fractional Dimension started this line
of thought, though the term fractal appeared later.
An important feature of a coast is its fractal dimen-
sion (a measure of how long the coast is compared to
the area it occupies). Because the area has two coordi-
nate dimensions and the length has one, theoretically,
a curve lling a unit of area can have innite length.
Fractal dimension is a way to compare different coasts,
from straight coastlines that have the fractal dimension
of 1 to increasingly complex, space-lling coastlines
that have higher fractal dimensions between 1 and 2.
In Mandelbrots paper, the relatively smooth coast of
South Africa has the fractal dimension of 1.02 and the
highly irregular (long for its area) coast of Britain has
the fractal dimension of 1.25.
The length of the coast and its fractal dimension
depend on the units of measure. Because smaller
units allow the cartographer to capture more detail
of the coastline, measuring with smaller units pro-
duces higher total length. This is denitely not true
570 Mapping Coastlines
about measuring straight lines, and thus it is called the
coastline paradox.
Randomness and Pattern
Perfectly self-similar fractals created by mathematical
models have limited applicability to coastline mapping
because real coasts are irregular. Therefore, some math-
ematical models include the element of randomness in
creation of factors and use statistical methods to com-
pute fractal dimensions. For example, one method for
generating random fractals is called random midpoint
displacement, produced by using the following cyclic
algorithm repeatedly:
Step 1: Start with a straight line.
Step 2: Displace the midpoint randomly,
perpendicular to itself, by the distance within
the given ratio to its length.
Step 3: Apply Steps 1 and 2 to the segments
resulting from the previous steps.
A similar method can be applied to generating ele-
vation of areas. In this case, the algorithm starts with a
rectangle, displaces its midpoint, and then is applied to
the four rectangles formed by the lines parallel to the
original rectangles sides and crossing at the midpoint.
Because these methods are computationally inten-
sive, as the number of computations at each step grows
exponentially with the number of cycles, their develop-
ment coincides with increases in computing power. In
addition to mathematical modeling of existing coasts,
these methods are used to generate ctional terrain for
computer games, virtual worlds, and digital artworks.
Coast-Mapping Satellites
Several government and private projects connect real-
time satellite data to specialized coastline geographic
information systems. This connection provides either
real-time or within-minutes data for ship navigation
charts, environmental hazards (like oil spills in harbors),
and natural disaster data (like tracking tsunamis).
Satellite mapping has to use methods beyond optical
imagery because data have to come during the night as
well as in cloudy conditions. Coast-mapping satellites
use radar sensors that do not depend on light. These
sensors measure changes in reected radar pulses.
Rougher surfaces reect differently from water, allow-
ing for relatively precise mapping of the coastline.
Further Reading
Monmonier, Mark. Coast Lines: How Mapmakers Frame
the World and Chart Environmental Change. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2008.
Seppala-Holtzman, D. N. International Waters:
An Anatomy of an Analysis. Math Horizons 14
(September 2006).
Turcotte, Donald. Fractals and Chaos in Geology and
Geophysics. 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 2010.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Curves; Data Analysis and Probability in
Society; Maps; Measurements, Area; Measuring Tools;
Randomness; Tides and Waves.
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Scales and projections are used to display
geographic features on maps.
The word map is the name given to any representa-
tion of the Earths featuresnatural and articial
usually on a plane using a given scale and map pro-
jection. In scientic and mathematics applications, the
term map is more broadly interpreted. The purpose
of a map is to register and transmit information about
those features and the spatial relations between them.
A common characteristic of all maps is that they
are reduced and conventional representations of real-
ity, which makes them signicantly different from an
aerial photograph. While an aerial photograph depicts
all the physical objects that a sensor could detect and
register (and only those), a map is a selection of natu-
ral and articial objects, visible and invisible, chosen to
t the cartographers purpose and the limits imposed
by the available space. These objects are represented
on maps in a conventional way by means of symbols;
this is not the case with photographs, in which they are
depicted by the visual image they present when viewed
from above by the sensor. The symbols in a map are
designed to categorize features by type and to optimize
Maps 571
the documents legibility. Very often, their size is not
proportional to the size of the objects they represent.
For example, roads are symbolized by lines of variable
thickness and pattern, often much larger than the cor-
responding width of the actual roads, since represent-
ing them to exact scale would often make them too
thin, even invisible. In other cases, such as with cities,
features are symbolized by punctual symbols whose
color and shape depend on the classication scheme
chosen (such as administrative status or population).
Maps are usually classied in three main categories:
general reference maps, thematic maps, and charts. A
general reference map depicts generic geographic infor-
mation of various types considered useful to a large
spectrum of users. This information may include topog-
raphy, political and administrative borders, and land
cover. The best example of a general reference map is the
topographic map. A thematic map, on the other hand,
represents the geographic distribution of a specic
theme or group of themes such as geological features,
population, or air temperature. A chart is a special type
of map designed to support navigation, either maritime
(with nautical charts) or aerial (with aerial charts).
Maps were rst made by the ancient civilizations of
Europe and the Middle East several centuries before
the Common Era. One of the oldest known is a Baby-
lonian clay map of the world c. 600 b.c.e., now kept in
the British Museum. Though it is documented in the
testimony of Ptolemy of Alexandria (c. 90169 c.e.)
and others that maps were drawn in Greece as early
as the seventh century b.c.e., none are known to have
survived. However, several medieval manuscript maps
have survived that represent the ecumene (the known
inhabited part of the world around the Mediterranean
basin). Few had any practical purpose, and most were
symbolic representations inspired by religion and myth
rather than by reality. In his Geography, published
for the rst time in the second century c.e., Ptolemy
describes three map projections in detail and presents
a list of more than 8000 places in the ecumene, dened
by their latitudes and longitudes.
This list permitted others to redraw the maps that
may have accompanied the original text once the work
was translated into Latin and disseminated through-
out Europe during the fteenth century. The publi-
cation of several editions of Geography did much to
bring about the rebirth of scientic cartography. By
this time, nautical charts had already been used to
navigate in the Mediterranean for at least two centu-
ries. And while terrestrial cartography quickly adopted
the geographic coordinates and map projections pro-
posed by Ptolemy, nautical charts remained based
on the magnetic directions and estimated distances
observed by pilots at sea. Still, these representations
were of astonishing accuracy and detail compared
with the traditional maps of the time.
It is now known that the rst nautical charts, com-
monly known as portolan charts, were constructed
in the rst half of the thirteenth century, probably in
Genoa, after the introduction of the magnetic com-
pass and the adoption of the decimal system in Europe.
This basic model continued to be used in nautical car-
tography for a long time, though much improved by
the introduction of astronomical navigation during
the fteenth century. The resulting modality, based on
observed latitudes and magnetic directions, became
known as the latitude chart (or plane chart) and
played a fundamental role in the discoveries and mari-
time expansion periods. In 1569, an important world
map specically conceived for supporting maritime
navigation was constructed by the Flemish cartogra-
pher Gerard Kremer (15121594), better known by the
Latinized name of Gerardus Mercator. Contrary to
traditional portolan charts, this map was based on the
latitudes and longitudes of places and represented all
rhumb lines (lines of constant course) as straight seg-
ments making true angles with the meridians.
Though Mercator did not explain how the plani-
sphere was made, a geometric method was most likely
used. The mathematics of the projection is not trivial
and its formalization had to wait until after calculus
was developed, more than one century later. As for its
full adoption as a navigational tool, that did not occur
until the middle of the eighteenth century, when the
marine chronometer was invented and longitudes
could nally be determined at sea.
Mathematical Cartography
Maps may depict only a small part of the whole sur-
face of the Earth. The word scale means the quotient
between a length measured on a map and the corre-
sponding distance measured on the Earths surface.
Because it is not possible to represent the spherical
surface of the Earth in a plane without distorting the
572 Maps
relative position of the places (and thus, the shape of
all objects), the scale of a map is not constant, always
varying from place to place and, in the generality of
cases, also with the direction. In large-scale maps,
like the plant of a city or the topographic map of a
small region, these distortions can be ignored and the
scale considered constant for most practical purposes.
That is not the case when a large area of the Earths
surface is represented, like in a planisphere or a map
of a whole continent. Here shapes may be strongly
deformed and the scale varies signicantly from place
to place. Measurements made on those maps with the
purpose of evaluating distances between places, using
their graphical or numerical scale, are only approxi-
mations, as the scale strictly applies only to certain
parts of the maps (like the central meridian or paral-
lel), and their use in the other regions may lead to
very large errors.
Map projection refers to any systematic way of
representing the surface of the Earth on a plane. The
process consists of two independent steps. First, one
has to replace the irregular topographic surface, with
all its mountains and valleys, with a simpler geometri-
cal model, usually a sphere or an ellipsoid where a sys-
tem of geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude)
is established. Second, one has to project that model
onto a plane surface. This step may be accomplished
by some geometric construction or by a mathemati-
cal function that transforms each pair of geographic
coordinates latitude (j) and longitude (l) into a pair of
Cartesian coordinates x and y, dened on the plane.
Depending on the purpose of the map, there are many
Maps 573
A printed map from Ptolemys description of the ecumene by Sebastian Mnster, Geographia Universalis (1540).
The term ecumene was used in Greco-Roman times to refer to the known portions of the Earth.
different map projections to choose from. Knowing
that none of them conserves the relative position of all
places on the surface of the Earth, the choice is usually
driven by the type of geometric property one wants to
preserve. For example, equivalent or equal-area projec-
tions conserve the relative areas of all objects and are
typically used in political maps. Conformal projections
conserve the angles around any point on the map (the
scale does not vary with direction), as well as the shape
of small objects, and are utilized in nautical charts and
topographic maps. Equidistant projections conserve
the scale of certain lines and are used whenever one
wants to preserve distances measured along those lines.
This is the case of the azimuthal equidistant projection,
where distances measured from the center of the pro-
jection along all great circles are conserved. This prop-
erty is useful, for example, for quickly determining the
distance of any place in the world measured from a
chosen location.
However, it is not possible for a map projection to
have all these properties at the same time, and the con-
servation of some properties is usually accompanied
by signicant distortions of the others. A signicant
example is the Mercator projection (which is confor-
mal), where all rhumb lines are represented by straight
segments making true angles with the meridians. How-
ever, the scale increases with latitude in this projection,
strongly affecting the proportion of the areas. The
branch of cartography dealing with map projections is
known as mathematical cartography. Though some
map projections have been well known since remote
antiquity, when they were often used for representing
the sky, a more formal approach became possible only
after the development of calculus. The most important
contributions in the formalization of mathematical
cartography were those of Johann Heinrich Lambert
(17281777), Joseph-Louis Lagrange (17361813),
Carl Friedrich Gauss (17771855) and Nicolas Auguste
Tissot (18241897).
Computers and geographic information systems
have made it possible for previously unforeseen num-
bers of users to produce good-quality maps tailored to
their specic needs and at a reasonable cost. They also
allow scientists and mathematicians to map increas-
ingly complex systems and concepts, such as the uni-
verse and the World Wide Web. They can also often
render in three dimensions and beyond. In mathemat-
ics, maps can be used to alternatively express func-
tions or connect mathematical objects. In conceiving
those systems, as well as in acquiring the geographic
data necessary to construct the representations within,
mathematics continues to play a fundamental role.
Further Reading
Brown, Lloyd A. The Story of Maps. New York: Dover
Publications, 1977.
Bugayevskiy, Lev, and John Snyder. Map Projections.
A Reference Manual. Oxfordshire, England: Taylor &
Francis, 1995.
Ehrenberg, Ralph E. Mapping the World: An Illustrated
History of Cartography. Washington, DC: National
Geographic, 2005.
Snyder, John. Flattening the Earth. Two Thousand Years
of Map Projections. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1993.
Zuravicky, Orli. Map Math: Learning about Latitude and
Longitude Using Coordinate Systems. New York: Rosen
Publishing, 2005.
Joaquim Alves Gaspar
See Also: Calculus in Society; Functions; Geometry of
the Universe; Mapping Coastlines; Marine Navigation;
Social Networks.
Marine Navigation
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations.
Summary: With the help of mathematicians, sailors
throughout history have been able to devise ingenious
methods for navigation.
Marine navigation is the process of conducting a
waterborne craft from one point on the surface of the
Earth to another, using all the associated science and
techniques. The primary activities required for marine
navigation may be organized into two closely related
components: the planning of the crafts movement,
including the determination of the course and speed
needed to reach a chosen destination at a specic time,
and determining and controlling the crafts position at
574 Marine Navigation
sea. Many problems in marine navigation are complex
because the Earth is spherical. With the help of math-
ematicians and other scholars, sailors throughout his-
tory have been able to devise ingenious methods for
approximating workable solutions, resulting in great
voyages. Before the 1400s, many cultures sailed in the
open ocean, including Pacic Islanders, Persians, Arabs,
and inhabitants of some Indian Ocean islands. They
used techniques such as poems or visual imagery to
remember the positions of the stars, which were their
primary guide. Polynesians and Micronesians created
the most elaborate star maps and star compasses, as they
sailed the longest distances. The Chinese developed a
magnetic compass in the eleventh century, which then
spread to India and Europe. However, many problems
remained numerically and geometrically impractical
until the development of modern computers, which
are capable of resolving these problems.
Early Developments
Since the rst nautical charts were produced in the
Mediterranean approximately 800 years ago, the
basic principles of marine navigation have remained
unchanged. Still a dramatic improvement of ef-
ciency, accuracy, and safety has occurred during this
long period, largely as a result of new navigational
techniques. These developments include astronomical
methods for measuring latitude (c. 1450), the inven-
tion of the maritime chronometer (c. 1750), and the
advent of electronic positioning systems (twentieth
century). Mathematics has played a fundamental role
in this evolution. Scientic navigation in Europe can
be traced back to the rst quarter of the thirteenth cen-
tury, following the adoption of the decimal numeral
system, the introduction of the magnetic compass in
the Mediterranean, and the creation of the rst nau-
tical charts. Contrary to traditional medieval maps,
which represented the world in some schematic or
symbolic way, these charts were drawn to scale using
distances and directions measured by pilots at sea.
Taking into account the relatively crude methods used
for estimating these quantities, the result is astonish-
ingly accurate and detailed when compared to the ter-
restrial cartography of the time.
The mathematics of navigation is somewhat com-
plicated by the fact that ships move on the spherical
surface of the Earth, where the calculation of angles
and distances is considerably more complex than on
a plane. However, these complications only began to
be relevant for the routine practice of navigation when
Europes period of great explorations began in the
middle of the fteenth century and ships started to sail
routinely in the open sea.
Although the spherical shape of the Earth was well
known to most educated people of the time, including
the cosmographers of the Middle Ages and the Renais-
sance, the fact could be ignored when sailing in the rel-
atively conned waters of the Mediterranean and west-
ern Europe. This omission was possible because the
geometric errors from assuming a at Earth were usu-
ally smaller than those resulting from the crude navi-
gational methods of the time. In these circumstances,
the mathematics of navigation was largely reduced to
estimating the distance sailed during a given period,
based on simple practical rules and pilots experience,
and determining the ships position as a function of the
course steered and the distance sailed. This determi-
nation could be made graphically on a nautical chart
using the graphical scale of distance and the mesh of
colored lines radiating from chosen spots, representing
the directions of the winds, given by the magnetic com-
pass. Because it was not always possible to sail along the
straight line connecting the point of departure to the
point of destination, tables and abacuses were created
to help determine a ships position relative to that line.
These were called the toleta de marteloio and gave no
more than the solution of the right triangle for some
different angles and distances between the planned
track and the present track.
By the middle of the fteenth century, ships started
sailing into the open sea on a regular basis and the tradi-
tional method for determining their position, based on
distances estimated by the pilots and directions given
by the compass, was no longer adequate because of the
long periods of time ships went without sighting land.
This problem was solved with the introduction of astro-
nomical navigation, c. 1450, which permitted sailors to
easily determine the latitude by observing the height of
the sun and stars above the horizon. Before this impor-
tant development could be possible, it was rst neces-
sary to construct adequate tables with the positions of
the heavenly bodies for each day of the year (ephemeri-
des), simplify the instruments of observation used on
land (the quadrant and the astrolabe), and devise meth-
ods simple and accurate enough to be used on board a
ship by uneducated people. The toleta de marteloio was
Marine Navigation 575
then replaced by the regimento das lguas (regiment of
the leagues), which solved the right triangle formed by
the track of the ship along its course (the hypotenuse)
and the arcs of meridian and parallel connecting the
point of departure to the point of destination. Once
again, no allowance was made for the spherical shape of
the Earth, since these components were small enough
to be considered planar and straight. Soon, though, it
was necessary to establish a relation between the degree
of latitude and the corresponding arc of meridian on
the surface of the Earth so that the length of the degree
could be expressed in distance units (leagues). Because
this length was directly related to the size of the Earth
(a longer degree implied a larger Earth), the problem
had signicant strategic and political implications. For
example, Columbus always defended a degree smaller
than the one used by the pilots of his time because this
made the distance sailing west to the Indieswhat he
proposed to the Catholic Monarchs of Spaincon-
siderably shorter. A similar reason was behind the dis-
pute between Portugal and Spain over the location of
the spice islands of the Moluccas, in the rst quarter of
the sixteenth century. The new astronomical methods
were soon reected in the geometry of the charts used
for navigation. The new cartographic model, known
as the latitude chart (or plane chart), was based on
observed latitudes and magnetic courses rather than on
estimated courses and estimated distances. It replaced
the old portolan chart of the Mediterranean for repre-
senting the newly discovered lands.
Though it may contradict common sense, a ship
sailing with a constant course between two points on
the Earths surface does not usually follow the short-
est track. This paradox is because a line that makes a
constant angle with all meridians (called a rhumb
line or loxodrome) does not coincide with a great
circle arc (or orthodrome). This discrepancy was
rst recognized in 1538 by the Portuguese mathemati-
cian Pedro Nunes (15021578), who showed that all
loxodromes, except the meridians and the equator,
576 Marine Navigation
The Mercator chart of the world (1569), Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae Descriptio ad Usum Navigatium Emendate
(New and Augmented Description of Earth Corrected for the Use of Navigation).
are spirals asymptotically approaching the poles with-
out reaching them. This knowledge was later used by
Gerardus Mercator (15121594) in the construction
of a new world map intended to be used in navigation
(1569) in which all loxodromes were represented by
straight segments making true angles with the merid-
ians. This important map, known as the Mercator
projection, is still used today to support marine navi-
gation, though history has shown that the projection
was developed well before it could be consistently put
to practical use. Any at map of the Earth must con-
tain some type of distortion, since it must represent
features of a spherical object in a at surface. Despite
its geometric inconsistencies, the latitude chart, based
on magnetic courses and observed latitudes, contin-
ued in use throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries. This longevity was because determining the
longitudes at sea remained impossible, and the spa-
tial distribution of the magnetic declination was still
unknownboth necessary for the construction and
use of the Mercator projection. Only in the second
half of the eighteenth century, following the invention
of the maritime chronometer and the development of
practical methods for nding the longitude at sea, was
the latitude chart nally abandoned by the pilots and
replaced with the Mercator projection.
Knowing that the Earth completes one rotation
around its axis every 24 hours, the longitude can be
expressed as the difference between the local time and
the time at the prime meridian (Greenwich Time),
from where longitudes are reckoned. Thus, one day
corresponds to 360 degrees of longitude, one hour to
15 degrees, and so on. In any method based on this
principle, an error in the determination of the time
is thus directly reected as an error in the longitude.
Two independent methods for solving the longitude
problem were developed in the eighteenth century,
encouraged by an important prize offered by the Brit-
ish Admiralty: the lunar distances method, based on
measurements of the angular distance between the
moon and the sun or a given star, from which the
Greenwich Time was determined; and the chronom-
eter method, where the Greenwich Time was given by
a very accurate maritime chronometer kept on board.
In both methods, local time could be determined by
observing the position of the heavenly bodies in the
sky. The second method proved to be the more practi-
cal of the two and is still used today. However, at the
core of both were long and fastidious calculations,
done by hand using tables of logarithms and trigono-
metric functions.
Signicant improvements in the accuracy and ef-
ciency of the astronomical navigation methods were
made possible in the beginning of the twentieth cen-
tury by the advent of telecommunications, which per-
mitted ships to receive the exact time on board. The
construction of more sophisticated tables in the second
half of the century further simplied and signicantly
shortened the required calculations. Finally, the intro-
duction and dissemination of handheld calculators and
computers in the last quarter of the century permitted
pilots and other users to easily solve the complex equa-
tions governing the heavenly bodies and to determine a
ships position using the time and astronomical obser-
vations made on board.
The introduction of radio positioning systems, rst
relying exclusively on land stations (Loran, Omega,
Decca) and later on articial satellites (GPS, Galileo),
represents the latest development in maritime naviga-
tion. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, it is
possible to nd the exact position of a ship in the middle
of the ocean and to control its movements with unprec-
edented accuracy. Although the mathematics involved in
all the components of the present navigational systems
is vast and complex, the interface is usually transparent
enough that the navigator can concentrate his attention
on other aspects of the ships activity and safety.
Further Reading
Calder, Nigel. How to Read a Nautical Chart: A Complete
Guide to the Symbols, Abbreviations, and Data
Displayed on Nautical Charts. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2002.
Hollingdale, S. H. Mathematical Aspects of Marine Trafc.
New York: Academic Press, 1979.
Molland, Anthony. The Maritime Engineering Reference
Book: A Guide to Ship Design, Construction
and Operation. Oxford, England: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2008.
Williams, Roy. Geometry of Navigation Cambridge,
England: Woodhead Publishing, 1998.
Joaquim Alves Gaspar
See Also: GPS; Mapping Coastlines; Maps; Radio;
Satellites; Telescopes.
Marine Navigation 577
Market Research
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Communication; Data Analysis
and Probability; Problem Solving.
Summary: Quantitative and qualitative methods are
used to analyze data and guide business decisions.
Market research is a eld of study and practice focused
on gathering information about markets and custom-
ers for the purpose of improving sales or other business
outcomes, though similar techniques have been applied
to public awareness campaigns designed to change
behavior such as smoking and weight loss. Market
research draws from a variety of disciplines, with math-
ematics, statistics, actuarial science, psychology, and
business being particularly inuential. Careers in mar-
ket research require strong quantitative skills and mar-
ket researchers may be required to use concepts from
algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, economics,
or statistics. Statistical data collection using surveys,
experiments, and focus groups is widespread. Both
quantitative and qualitative methods are used to ana-
lyze these data and guide decisions. Mathematical and
statistical models are also developed to try to explain
consumer behavior, predict future sales and trends,
direct the optimal placement of advertising media or
allocation of advertising funds, make consumer recom-
mendations, and simulate market behavior. The avail-
ability of enormous consumer databases accumulated
from credit cards, store discount cards, and many other
sources has spurred the use of data mining techniques,
like data fusion and clustering, to merge sometimes-
incomplete data sources and then classify subgroups of
consumers according to selected criteria.
Types of Market Research
Market research is a broad eld and it is important to
understand several distinctions about how and why
such research is conducted. The rst distinction is
between marketing intelligence and market research
projects: the former is an ongoing, broad-based process
of gathering and analyzing information; the latter are
focused on a particular question or product and gener-
ally have a dened budget and time for completion. A
second distinction is between exploratory and conr-
578 Market Research
ormal consumer marketing research got
its start in the 1920s with the founding of
ACNielsen Corporation in Chicago by engineer
Arthur C. Nielsen. Nielsen pioneered many con-
cepts now common in market research, includ-
ing market share and combined consumer sur-
veys with quantitative audits of sales (both from
account books and by observing what was on store
shelves) to track sales patterns. Nielsen was also
involved in early radio marketing research and
later applied the same methods to measure the
audiences for different television programs (fore-
runners of the well-known Nielsen ratings, which
are still used today). In the early days of radio
and television it was common for advertisers to
sponsor an entire program, rather than to buy a
short segment of time to deliver a commercial
message, and so the issue of how many people
and which particular demographic groups were lis-
tening to specic radio programs (or watching spe-
cic television programs) became crucial because
the sponsor wanted to deliver their message to
the right market and be associated with program-
ming that would appeal to that market.
A famous example is the development of
soap operas on radio and television. These
were serial programs about domestic life and
were sponsored by soap companies because
the programming was developed to appeal to
female audiences who presumably were the pri-
mary purchasers of household soap products.
Marketing research was largely limited to inter-
nal departments of mainstream packaged-goods
companies until the 1980s but since then has
become a major industry as more companies
became interested in using market research, and
independent consulting rms were developed to
answer this need.
History of Market Research
matory research: exploratory research is usually con-
ducted early in the decision cycle, and its goal is to dis-
cover what options exist; conrmatory research comes
into play later in the cycle when the goal is to narrow
options and decide which course of action to follow.
These distinctions are crucial because the same tech-
nique can be used for different purposes; for instance,
surveys or focus groups can be part of an ongoing and
broad-based data collection effort or may be a one-
time effort focused on a particular product or some
aspect of a product. Both research techniques may be
used either to gather a broad array of data whose pur-
pose may not be known (which might be conceptual-
ized as seeing whats out there) or as a tightly focused
effort at making distinctions to guide decision making
among a small set of already-known options.
Another distinction is whether the research will be
focused on sales to consumers or to other businesses.
The former is sometimes called business-to-consumer
(B2C), and the latter is called business-to-business
(B2B) marketing. Most people are familiar with con-
sumer market research and may have taken part in it,
whether they were aware of it or not. Consumer market
research is focused on the goal of selling a product to
a large number of people (or, in a more general sense,
of discovering their preferences). For instance, an entre-
preneur might want to design a sports sneaker that will
appeal to urban young men of high school age. Because
of this focus on describing the preferences and judg-
ments of groups, consumer market research often incor-
porates knowledge and techniques from social sciences,
such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Tech-
niques include surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic
observation (observation of how people make choices
or use products without interfering in that process).
B2B refers to commercial transactions between
businesses. For instance, a wholesaler may sell goods
to a retailer (who will then sell them to the public), or
a supplier may provide goods necessary for business
operations, such as paper, computers, and other ofce
supplies for business. Although B2B accounts for a high
volume of sales, the process of market research is dif-
ferent because the consumers may be assumed to have
a high degree of knowledge about the product they
will be buying, and usually a single individual or small
department can make the decision for large purchases
of goods. For these reasons, B2B market research may
be focused differently, for instance, on discovering how
a corporation views its own brand and how a product
may be allied with that effort. However, as with con-
sumer marketing, the goal is still to gain information
that will allow businesses to develop and market prod-
ucts that meet the needs and desires of potential pur-
Another distinction is between qualitative research,
which generally collects verbal data, and quantitative
research, which collects information that may be trans-
lated into numbers. Qualitative research is often used
for exploratory research and to gather information
very early in the research process; for example, focus
groups and unstructured interviews may be used to
gather reactions to a new idea or product. When the
research effort has progressed sufciently that a few
questions have been selected for further investigation,
more structured quantitative research (for instance,
a questionnaire-based survey) may be used to gather
precise information relating to these questions.
The Research Process
The process of market research proceeds in a man-
ner similar to much social science research, with the
main difference being the ultimate goal. In the social
sciences, it is generally to add to human knowledge,
while in market research, it is generally to make an
optimal business decision. In either case, the rst step
is to identify the question to be answered or the prob-
lem to be solved, a process that is particularly impor-
tant when the research will be conducted by a separate
department or a consulting group. The next step is to
elaborate on the problemexactly what information
is required or what questions much be answered in
order for a decision to be made? The third step is to
identify which research techniques are most appro-
priate for answering the questions, including con-
sideration of the time and other resources available.
Once these steps have been completed, a study can be
designed, including specication of a time frame and
the data sources to be used.
In research, the distinction is often made between
primary and secondary data sources. Primary sources
are data that are collected by an individual or organi-
zation for its own use, for instance, conducting focus
groups to see how people react to several versions of a
new product a business is planning to introduce to the
market. Secondary sources are those collected by some-
one else and then made available to others. Examples
Market Research 579
include government data sets such as the U.S. Census
and data collected by private or university researchers
for specic projects that are later made available for use
by others.
Both primary and secondary data have their advan-
tages and disadvantages. Collecting primary data
allows the research team to specify exactly what data
they want, for instance, color and design preferences
among housewives in a specic urban area. They are
generally more expensive because the researchers
must collect the data themselves and they are neces-
sarily more limited in scope. It is generally cheaper
to use secondary data, and the scope is often much
broader (for example, it may have been collected on
a national or international basis) than could be col-
lected by a small research team. However, secondary
data may be several years out of date by the time it is
available and may not focus specically on the ques-
tions of interest for a particular marketing research
project. Often, both types of data are combined in the
same research project; for instance, U.S. Census data
about neighborhoods (racial composition, median
household income, etc.) can easily be combined with
information from a primary, purpose-designed sur-
vey of individuals.
Further Reading
Burns, Alvin C. and Ronald F. Bush. Marketing Research.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Mariampolski, Hy. Qualitative Market Research:
A Comprehensive Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage, 2001.
McDaniel, Carl D. Marketing Research: The Impact of the
Internet. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western, 2002.
McQuarrie, Edward F. The Market Research Toolbox: A
Concise Guide for Beginners. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage, 2006.
Percy, Larry, ed. Marketing Research That Pays Off: Case
Histories of Marketing Research Leading to Success in
the Marketplace. London: Haworth Press, 1997.
Swzwarc, Paul. Researching Customer Satisfaction and
Loyalty: How to Find Out What People Really Think.
Sterling, VA: Kogan Page, 2005.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Budgeting; Careers; Coupons and Rebates;
Data Mining; Internet; Social Networks.
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Sociologists and others have made many
demographic studies of marriage, even modeling it.
Many kinds of arrangements have existed through-
out history under the umbrella of marriage, with the
expectations and responsibilities of married partners
and their rights both to enter into marriage and within
the marriage changing considerably over time and
across (or within) cultures. It has always included legal
and economic dimensions, which have played into the
changing demographics of the married.
History of Marriage
The modern concept of marriage for love is a rela-
tively recent development in the history of marriage;
for several millennia, marriage was an important soci-
etal convention fullling critical economic, legal, and
political functions. Among elite people, marriage was
a tool for the control and consolidation of wealth and
power by forming strategic alliances between fami-
lies. Political and military agreements were sometimes
forged in the context of a marriage. In middle and
lower classes, marriage played a similarly important
societal role, especially economically. Marriages eco-
nomic role was further reected in conventions such as
illegitimacy, the dowry, and large families of children,
which proved a vital source of labor and economic gain
for the family. Marriage was also the societal device for
conferring a host of legal rights.
The sexual marriage, a marriage that is freely
arranged between two people on the basis of love,
is a newer development that evolved from cultural
changes that occurred during the Enlightenment and
were further developed by the Industrial Revolution.
The economic and legal changes that grew from this
period gradually eroded the historical reasons behind
arranged marriages. This gradual change in marriage
perhaps culminated with the 1950s concept of the
Leave It To Beaver family; however, this short-lived
paradigm of marriage experienced dramatic shifts in
the socially turbulent decades to come.
The legal and political advances for women in the
early twentieth century, coupled with important eco-
580 Marriage
nomic and demographic advances in the latter half of
that century, paved the way for important changes in
the way people approach marriage. Women made sig-
nicant strides economically and socially that allowed
them the possibility of viable, independent lives apart
from marriage. The innovation of birth control also
played an important role in the evolution of marriage
by allowing women to effectively separate sex and
child rearing.
Statistically Analyzing Marriage
Marriage in the United States has undergone critical
demographic changes that are closely allied with edu-
cation level and socioeconomic status. Data spanning
ve decades of the latter twentieth century and early
twenty-rst century demonstrate a steady decline in
marriage rates. In 1970, 84% of adults aged 3044 years
were married compared with only 60% in 2007. The
decline in marriage rates mirrors corresponding rises
in the divorce rate and a greater tendency of couples to
nd alternate arrangements, such as short-term rela-
tionships and cohabitation.
Table 1. Percentage of married adults 3044.
1970 84%
1980 77%
1990 69%
2000 65%
2007 60%
Marriage is associated with well-established eco-
nomic benets. Most obvious is the economy of scale
realized when a couple can share major assets, like a
house, a car, or furniture, that they would otherwise
each need to purchase individually. This economy
of scale is still a signicant advantage even when the
additional economic cost of raising children is fac-
tored in.
However, economic benets are also realized when
a spouse marries someone with a higher income. In
2007, individual income for married men was an
average of 12% higher than for single men. Mar-
ried women outearned their single counterparts
even more substantially, with a 53% higher average
income. However, this statistic is not a simple causal
relationship between being married and accruing
greater wealth; these economic gains are closely tied
to education level and earning power. Essentially,
people with a higher educational level are more likely
to be married, more likely to be married to a spouse
of a similar educational level, and more likely to real-
ize and compound the economic benets of mar-
riage. Interestingly, this is a trend not present in the
1970 data, where the marriages rates across the socio-
economic spectrum were nearly identical. The period
since the 1970s has seen signicant changes in the
number of women attending college and their choices
in forming relationships.
Research literature also indicates important health
and emotional benets associated with marriage.
These benets stem not only from lifestyle changes
(for example, the healthier diet of a married couple
or the shared division of household labor); contem-
porary studies suggest an even more important fac-
tor is the mitigation of stress and its effects on health.
Married people live longer, experience less illness, and
are less prone to many diseases. Importantly, studies
clearly indicate that the quality of the marriage is an
important factor; poor marriages have been shown to
be even unhealthier than being single. There are also
clear gender differences in the extent and the way in
which spouses realize the health benets of marriage.
Mathematically Modeling Marriage
Marriage statistics are extensively tabulated like many
other social statistics, but researchers also use math-
ematical modeling to study marriage. The 2003 book
The Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic Nonlinear
Models was authored by an interdisciplinary team
including mathematicians. It used mathematical ideas,
such as difference equations, phase space, null clines,
inuence functions, inertia, and stable steady states
(attractors), to model marriage, with applications to
other psychological phenomena. In 2009, a team of
mathematicians from the United Kingdom and the
United States analyzed the behaviors of 700 couples
over the course of 12 years to develop a probabilis-
tic model that accurately predicted which marriages
would last. It was based on classifying couples into
one of ve types using behavioral variables. Only one
type suggested a long-lasting marriage. In 2010, Span-
ish economist Jos-Manuel Rey developed an equa-
tion based on optimal control models and the sec-
ond thermodynamic law for sentimental interaction,
Marriage 581
which states a relationship will disintegrate unless it
receives input energy or effort.
As with the Birthday and Cocktail Party Problems,
mathematicians have identied a similar social puzzle
in the Stable Marriage Problem. First introduced as a
matching problem by D. Gale and L. S. Shapley in 1962,
the stable marriage problem consists of equal numbers
of single men and women. Every man creates a pref-
erence ranking of each woman as a potential match;
similarly, every woman ranks each of the men. The goal
is to pair the men and women in couples so as to create
stable, happy marriages.
The technical challenge is to avoid an unstable
matching, which arises when a man and woman who
are not paired under the matching would each prefer to
be with each other over their paired spouse. The imme-
diately interesting questionwhether there always
exists a stable matching given a set of preference rank-
ings for each individualwas answered in the same
seminal work. The Stable Matching Algorithm provides
a solution to this problem and, furthermore, is guar-
anteed to always produce a stable matching. Curiously,
this algorithm maximizes one genders happiness while
minimizing the others, depending upon which gender
does the proposing and which does the accepting. This
same algorithm has other applications, for example, in
matching medical school applicants with schools and in
pairing roommates for college residence halls.
Further Reading
Coontz, Stephanie. Marriage: A History. New York:
Penguin. 2005.
Fry, Richard and DVera Cohn. Women, Men and
the New Economics of Marriage. Pew Research
Center (January 19, 2010). http://pewsocialtrends
Gale, D., and L. S. Shapley. College Admissions and
the Stability of Marriage. American Mathematical
Monthly 69 (1962).
Gottman, John, James Murray, Catherine Swanson,
Rebecca Tyson, and Kristin Swanson. The
Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic Nonlinear Models.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
Knuth, Donald. Stable Marriage and Its Relation to
Other Combinatorial Problems: An Introduction to the
Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society. 1997.
Parker-Pope, Tara. For Better: The Science of a Good
Marriage. New York: Dutton, 2010.
Matt Kretchmar
See Also: Birthday Problem; Cocktail Party Problem;
Life Expectancy; Mathematical Friendships and
Romances; Predicting Divorce; Predicting Preferences.
Martial Arts
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: The motions and stances of martial artists
can be analyzed for their efciency and use of force.
In the martial arts, humans use repetitive training to
standardize their response to threat. The original bare-
handed style of ritualized combat training that evolved
into the modern martial arts is believed to have devel-
oped in China at about the same time as the intro-
duction of bronze, agricultural sciences, and Chinese
philosophy, and later spread to Korea and Japan. Many
regions of the world have their own native forms of
combat training, which are now also called martial
arts in English, but the English term comes originally
from the Japanese.
While techniques and philosophies differ, the under-
lying goal of all martial arts is the same: that through
deliberate physical and mental training, forces can be
concentrated or dissipated across time and space in
order to either attack or defend. In the modern world,
most martial artists train for sport or health promo-
tion. Mathematics can be used to describe and model
the stances and movements of martial arts forms and
practitioners, such as the geometry of balance and the
forces concentrated across time and space in the form
of kicks, blocks, and strikes.
The term martial arts rst appeared in English in
1933. The Japanese Railway Ministry released the Of-
cial Guide to Japan, including a reference to the Butoku-
kai in Kyoto, which they translated as the Association
for Preserving the Martial Arts. Martial arts became
582 Martial Arts
an umbrella term describing the ghting skills dis-
played by Japanese practitioners of jiu jitsu who had
been invited to give demonstrations in England and the
United States in the late nineteenth century and the judo
practitioners who followed soon after. When American
troops returned from the occupation of Japan in the
1940s and 1950s, they brought along
some knowledge of and interest in
karate. In the 1960s, the Chinese
Martial Arts came to be recognized
in the West and were grouped under
that increasingly pan-Asian umbrella term.
Since then, many modern and traditional martial arts
have been recognized to varying degrees, and the term
has become international.
The Mathematics of Attack and Defense
An attack is the concentration of force across time and
space. An ideal blow multiplies the mass of the entire
body by the speed at which the striker moves and deliv-
ers the resultant force to a precisely determined sur-
face. This may be done to inict damage directly or to
interfere with the opponents intent by disrupting his
or her balance. Defense is the opposite, dissipating the
attacking force across both time and space by either
absorption, deection, preemption, or avoidance. The
same principles that allow defense against an attack
can be used to dissipate an entire conict.
Variables that affect the force delivered or deected
include center of gravity or mass, kinetic energy, linear
and angular (rotational) momentum, velocity, inertia,
and acceleration (as governed by Isaac Newtons laws
of motion). Mathematicians have studied and modeled
many aspects of martial arts. Analysis of data has shown
that kicks are typically three to six times as powerful as
punches; the speed of a st during a forward punch is
a nonlinear function of arm extension; and a smaller
ghter can punch as hard as a larger one by moving
faster. Some of these models approximate body parts
with geometric forms, such as cylinders for arms, in
order to simplify the calculations involved. Geometry
is also important for examining the basic stances and
movements of all martial arts. Stability for both attack
and defense comes from maintaining the correct align-
ment and balance in three dimensions. The mathemat-
ics becomes even more complicated once the practi-
tioner starts moving. Correct form requires a specic
angle between body parts when kicking or punching.
These angles
have been determined
through generations of
practice and can be measured very specically by the
avid student who enjoys applied mathematics. In this
way, experts in many martial arts have learned that
correcting the angle of ones foot or knee or wrist by
just a few degrees makes all the difference for gaining
leverage or applying the maximum amount of force.
These small differences, best measured mathematically,
can make the difference between a novice and a martial
arts master.
There are many martial arts, but they all present both
attacker and defender with the challenge of maintain-
ing ones own intent while interfering with the intent
of ones opponent. This is like balancing an equation,
where the intent of the two or more people involved
in a confrontation can be reduced like the terms in an
exercise in algebra. A parry on one side negates a strike
from the other, and so on. This is why martial artists
are sometimes seen standing almost still and looking
at each other before a ght begins. In their minds, they
are balancing out the equation. Usually this ends when
one or the other thinks he or she see a way to make
the balance work out in their favor and they start the
action. Sometimes, however, the equation is so unbal-
anced that both sides can see it, and the ght ends
without any violence at all.
Further Reading
Diacu, Florin. On the Dynamics of Karate. http://www
Martial Arts 583
In martial arts, a kick
is generally three to
six times as powerful
as a punch.
Sprague, Martina. Fighting Science: The Laws of
Physics for Martial Artists. Wetherseld, CT: Turtle
Press, 2002.
Starr, Phillip. Martial Mechanics: Maximum Results With
Minimum Effort in the Practice of the Martial Arts.
Berkeley, CA: Blue Snake Books, 2008.
John N. A. Brown
See Also: Asia, Eastern; Brain; Strategy and Tactics;
Tournaments; World War II.
Math Gene
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving.
Summary: The idea of the so-called math gene
is false; mathematical ability is not genetically
Some believe that mathematical problem-solving abil-
ity is encapsulated in a math gene that endows some
people with the ability to solve mathematical prob-
lems, while those who lack that gene are doomed to
mathematical illiteracy. This notion is false; the ability
to solve mathematical problems is inuenced (but not
determined) by many interacting genes, not a particu-
lar one. The term math gene is often used to indicate
an innate facility for mathematics, not a specic gene.
The math gene concept has a negative impact on
society; it discourages students from working harder
by making failure at mathematics socially acceptable.
Because of the many benets of mathematical literacy,
research suggests that the related genes are under a pos-
itive selection force, and thus mathematical ability is to
a signicant degree heritable. However, mathematical
ability is also inuenced by many nongenetic (envi-
ronmental) factors. It is this complex web of interac-
tions of genes and environment that is responsible for
a persons mathematical ability.
The concept of a math gene is especially prevalent in
places like the United States in the late twentieth and
early twenty-rst centuries. Research shows that stu-
dents who believe in the concept may perceive that
it is others who do mathematics, rather than people
with whom they identify. Mathematics educators deem
positive attitudes as critical for success in mathematics.
Impostor syndrome is a well-documented phenome-
non in mathematics in which students feel like outsiders,
with an accompanying fear of being found out. How-
ever, the notion of a math gene does not proliferate in all
areas of the world. For example, it is rare in Japan in the
early twenty-rst century, where students are expected
to work harder if mathematics does not come easily.
Parents, teachers, and students who believe that
biology is more inuential than education, practice,
and effort may nd it socially acceptable to use the
notion of a math gene as an excuse for poor mathemat-
ics performance. Politicians and industry leaders in the
United States have stressed the importance of math-
ematical training and success to the global economy.
Some educators have suggested that instead of being
complicit in students failures, society should reject the
concept of a math gene and encourage a positive atti-
tude toward learning mathematics.
Genes and Environment
Almost all human cells contain molecules of deoxyribo-
nucleic acids (DNA) that are arranged into functional
units called genes. Information encoded in genes is
transmitted from parents to their children, thereby
forming the process of heredity. All humans possess
approximately the same set of genes, with the excep-
tion of genes located on sex chromosomes. This set of
genes is the called the human genome. Individuals
carry different variants, called alleles, of these genes.
Different alleles are responsible in part for differences
in phenotypes, the observable characteristics of indi-
viduals. Characteristics inuenced by different alleles
include both physical characteristics such as eye color
and height and psychological and emotional character-
istics such as intelligence and personality.
Despite the important role of genes, the genome
should not be viewed as a predetermined recipe in
which each gene determines a specic trait or character-
istic. There are many nongenetic factors that inuence
a persons traits; these are broadly termed environ-
mental factors. These factors include nutrition, soci-
etal and cultural inuences, education and upbringing,
exposure to chemicals and radiation, and other factors
584 Math Gene
of nongenetic origin. Many of these factors exert their
inuence from the moment of conception.
Genes interact with each other and with their envi-
ronment, thus forming a remarkably complex network
of interdependence, regulation, and feedback. Many
of these pathways and networks are still poorly under-
stood. It is therefore practically impossible to point to
one gene that controls a particular trait. Instead, the
human genome should be viewed as a complex, non-
deterministic, exible blueprint that is inuenced by
environmental factors.
Although neither genes nor environment alone are
responsible for any phenotype, it is nonetheless pos-
sible to estimate the relative contributions of genetics
and environment to the development of any particular
trait. While some traits are inuenced largely by genet-
ics, others are due mostly to environment. Determin-
ing the relative contribution of genetics and environ-
ment is a complicated problem, particularly in the case
of mathematical ability.
Genetic and Evolutionary Inuences
The process of solving mathematical problems involves
the use of abstract reasoning to seek generalizations
and relationships and to derive conclusions from given
facts and known laws. By its nature, abstract reason-
ing is nonspecic and can be useful in many situations
ranging from solving everyday problems to answer-
ing questions arising from complex scientic research
projects. Hence, mathematical ability constitutes more
than the ability to manipulate numbers and equations;
it is the ability to understand and solve problems that
arise in many walks of life.
Consequently, mathematically literate individuals
are able to solve problems and to adjust to their envi-
ronment better than those who lack mathematical abil-
ity. In modern societies, those who are mathematically
literate are also able to pursue careers of high socio-
economic status, thereby adding to the benets of their
mathematical ability. Since adaptation to environment
is a major force of evolution, gene variants that inu-
ence mathematical ability have enabled their possessors
to thrive throughout human history. Thus, mathemati-
cal ability is to some degree genetic and hereditary.
Nevertheless, mathematical ability is also inu-
enced by genes that have little or nothing to do with
reasoning or with cognition. Since the process of
learning and doing mathematics is a long and ardu-
ous one, it requires personality traits such as persis-
tence, diligence, patience, and self-discipline. Gene
variants that promote these qualities tend to improve
mathematical problem-solving ability in those who
possess them.
Further Reading
Coyle, Daniel, and John Farrell. The Talent Code:
Unlocking the Secret of Skill in Sports, Art, Music,
Math, and Just About Anything. New York:
Bantam, 2009.
Deary, Ian J., et al. Genetic Foundations of Human
Intelligence. Human Genetics 126, no. 1 (2009).
Devlin, Keith. The Math Gene: How Mathematical
Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip.
New York: Basic Books, 2001.
Math Gene 585
hile the ability to excel in mathematics
is to a degree inherited, environmental
factors play an important role in the develop-
ment of mathematical ability. Foremost among
these environmental factors are education and
upbringing. There is substantial evidence that
mathematically gifted individuals are often per-
sons who have been exposed to mathematics
from a very young ageat home or at school.
Support from parents and teachers plays an
important role in this process, as is the availabil-
ity of books and other educational materials.
Other environmental factors are also crucial.
These factors include adequate nutrition and the
absence of environmental toxins, both of which
are necessary to ensure proper brain develop-
ment and function. Since environmental factors
interact with each other as well as with genes, it
is difcult to elucidate the precise way in which
these factors affect mathematical ability. Fur-
ther research may reveal other environmental
factors that are unknown at present. It may also
reveal new ways in which environmental factors
interact with each other and with genes.
Holden, Constance. Wanted: Math Gene. Science 322,
no. 5903 (2008).
Or Syd Amit
See Also: Brain; Genetics; Intelligence Quotients;
Succeeding in Mathematics; Women.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Problem Solving; Reasoning and
Proof; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics is arguably the most stable
and rigorous source of knowledge; yet any system of
mathematical reasoning is incomplete.
At one end of the spectrum in mathematics, it seems as
if people can be absolutely certain, using mathematical
proofs of concepts. At the other, in statistics and many
applied mathematics elds, it is virtually impossible
to be certain, but people can make probabilistic state-
ments with regard to degrees of uncertainty inherent
in a given calculation or statement.
The Greeks may have been the rst to attempt a
rational explanation of nature. The crucial tool in
their investigations was mathematical reasoning.
They assumed that all questions about nature can
be answered by reason and that all these answers are
knowable and can be discovered, a property known
as completeness. They also assumed that all answers
are compatible, which is called consistency. How-
ever, the evolution of mathematical certainty revealed
that these assumptions can never be fully realized.
The notion of what is certain and what is uncertain
is a fundamental component that is threaded in vari-
ous ways throughout twenty-rst-century mathemat-
ics curricula. For example, in primary school, stu-
dents investigate the differences between likely and
unlikely events. Students also develop inductive and
deductive reasoning by exploratory investigations and
examples as well as by proofs.
Axiomatic Systems
The Pythagoreans (c. 585500 b.c.e.), a school inu-
enced by Pythagoras of Samos, offered a mathemati-
cal plan of nature. The Greeks goal was to rationally
explain why things are the way they are. They con-
fronted a fundamental question: can all knowledge be
veried? Aristotle (384322 b.c.e.) answered no, since
there are self-evident truths (called axioms) that can-
not be explained. Moreover, in geometry, Aristotle said
a proposition is proven when it is shown to logically
follow from the axioms and other proven propositions.
Euclid of Alexandria (323285 b.c.e.) knew of these
developments and incorporated them into his text, Ele-
ments. It is recognized as the prototype for how math-
ematics should be done: well-thought out axioms, pre-
cise denitions, carefully stated theorems, and logically
coherent proofs.
Formulation of the axioms or postulates (the
Greek term for axioms about geometry) is the crucial
step in building an axiomatic system. These statements
should be intuitively self-evident, and, from these, it
must be possible to deduce the important properties
of the objects of study. Later, mathematicians found
assumptions used in Elements that were not explicitly
stated in the axioms. Credit for completely and suc-
cessfully axiomatizing Euclids geometry is generally
given to David Hilbert.
The Parallel Postulate and
Non-Euclidean Geometries
Euclids fth (or parallel) postulate states that, through
a given point, not on a given line, only one parallel line
can be drawn to the given line. Almost immediately,
this postulate was controversial. Many did not nd it
to be self-evident and thought it required a proof. Over
two millennia, countless mathematicians tried to derive
the parallel postulate from the others, all with no suc-
cess. These futile efforts had important consequences
in all of mathematics. Beginning in the eighteenth cen-
tury, some mathematicians began to use indirect meth-
ods to prove this postulate.
Though unsuccessful, the indirect methods led to
the discovery of non-Euclidean geometriesusing
the other axioms but denying the parallel postulate.
Attempts to prove non-Euclidean geometries were
invalid were essentially attempts to show that they were
inconsistent. Eventually, it was determined that Euclid-
ean and these other geometries were consistent and
586 Mathematical Certainty
complete. The discovery of non-Euclidean geometries
revealed that mathematics could deal with completely
abstract axiomatic systems, which no longer had to
correspond to beliefs based on real-world experiences.
The Consistency and
Completeness of Mathematics
It became clear that the most important considerations
for an axiomatic system were its consistency and com-
pleteness, and at the International Congress of Math-
ematicians in 1900, Hilbert addressed these problems.
He felt all mathematics should be put on a sound basis
using the axiomatic method. In 1904, Hilbert con-
structed an arithmetic model of Euclidean geometry,
showing that geometry was a subset of arithmetic.
Mathematicians then set out to show the consistency of
arithmetic, from which it would follow that Euclidean
geometry was consistent.
These efforts ended in 1931 with the results of Kurt
Gdel. His rst Incompleteness Theorem showed that
in any axiomatic system rich enough to include the
arithmetic of the natural numbers, it is possible to
prove some statements that are false, showing the sys-
tem is inconsistent; or it is not possible to prove some
statements that are true, showing the system is incom-
plete. In his second Incompleteness Theorem, Gdel
showed the question of whether an axiomatic system
is consistent cannot be determined within the system.
Gdels results revealed that any mathematical reason-
ing system based on axioms as rich as arithmetic can
never be fully realizedsuch systems must be either
incomplete or inconsistent. Modern mathematicians
operate under the assumption that mathematics is
incomplete and not inconsistent.
Different Axioms Lead to
Different Mathematics
One axiom of set theory, the axiom of choice (AC),
was used implicitly for years before it was explicitly
described. The AC states that for any collection of non-
empty mutually exclusive sets, nite or innite, there is a
set that contains exactly one element from each set. The
AC with ZermeloFraenkel (ZF) axiomatic set theory,
named for Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel, is the
basis of modern mathematics. In 1938, Gdel proved
that if ZF set theory without the AC is consistent, then
ZF set theory with the AC is also consistent. So, just as it
is possible to choose between different acceptable geom-
etries in which the parallel postulate may or may not be
true, it is possible to choose between different accept-
able ZF set theories in which the AC may or may not be
true. On one hand, theorems requiring the AC are fun-
damental in such areas as modern analysis. Then again,
by adopting the AC, results such as the BanachTarski
paradox, named for Stefan Banach and Alfred Tarski,
can be derived, which says a golf ball can be divided into
a nite number of pieces and then rearranged to make
a solid sphere the size of the Earth. Thus the decision
as to which axiomatic system to adopt cannot be made
lightlydifferent mathematics can be derived from
these different axiomatic systems.
Valid Proofs
The idea of a valid proof depends on ones philosophi-
cal approach to mathematics. A number of schools of
thought have evolved, including (1) the logistic school,
which holds mathematical proofs derive from logic; (2)
the intuitionist school, which maintains mathematics
takes place in the human mind and is independent of
the real worldit composes truths rather than derives
implications of logic; (3) the formalist school in which
proofs follow from the application of a system of axi-
oms; and (4) the set theoretical school, which derives
proofs from the axioms of set theory.
Mathematics remains our most rigorous form of
knowledge. As proofs grow more complicated, math-
ematicians worry they will have to accept a greater
degree of uncertainty in solutions. For example, the
entire proof of the Classication Theorem for Finite
Simple Groups consists of an aggregate of hundreds of
research papers and over 10,000 printed pages. Addi-
tionally, the Four-Color Problem solution has been
achieved only on the computer and involves checking a
prohibitively large number of cases. Some mathemati-
cians believe that since it is not reasonable and possible
for any one individual to check all these cases, then a
valid proof has not been provided for such problems.
Further Reading
Borba, M. C., and O. Skovsmose. The Ideology of
Certainty in Mathematics Education. For the
Learning of Mathematics 17, no. 3 (1997).
DeLong, Howard. A Prole of Mathematical Logic.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1970.
Kline, Morris. Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Mathematical Certainty 587
Wainer, Howard. Picturing the Uncertain World: How to
Understand, Communicate, and Control Uncertainty
Through Graphical Display. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Linda Becerra
Ron Barnes
See Also: Probability; Proof; Randomness; Reasoning
and Proof in Society; Risk Management.
Friendships and
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Communications; Connections.
Summary: The shared and often highly specialized
interests of mathematicians naturally lead to bonding.
While mathematics is often thought of as independent
work, collaboration among mathematical peers is evi-
dent throughout the history of mathematics and
in contemporary research settings. In the twenty-
rst century, many mathematicians write papers
together, and most graduate students share
ofces and work with an adviser. These types
of collaborative interactions may foster
a sense of shared bonding that some-
times leads to friendship or romance. In
his book Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle
posits the widely held view that friend-
ships may be based on pleasure, prot, or
similar values. Mathematical partnerships
may be rooted in a common desire to pro-
duce mathematical results or to discuss the
frustrations and difculties that arise from
work. However, successful partnerships do
not exist just for pleasure or prot but for the
mutual good.
During the seventeenth century, many natu-
ral philosophers engaged and developed their
mathematical knowledge and shared their theo-
ries via letter writing. One prolic example was the
Minim monk Marin Mersenne (15881648) who had
about 200 correspondents, including Ren Descartes
(15961650), Pierre de Fermat (16011665), and
Blaise Pascal (16231662). Because of his connections
with so many mathematicians and philosophers of the
time, and as he lived in Paris near the Place Royale,
Mersenne became the hub of a social network that
often assembled at his residence. This gathering even-
tually evolved into the Paris Academy around 1635
and fostered a community of learning.
Mathematical friendships or romances may blos-
som from a mentorship between professor and stu-
dent, although this violates the faculty guidelines of
many twenty-rst-century institutions. There is the
potential for abuse because of the power and authority
the mentor or instructor has over the student in terms
of grades, evaluations, letters of recommendation, and
other educational and professional outcomes. Johann
Bernoulli (16671748) and Leonhard Euler (1707
1783) developed a mutually benecial relationship that
began when Euler was studying at the University of
Basel. This friendship spawned another between Euler
and Johanns son Daniel Bernoulli (17001782), who
later encouraged Euler to join him at the St. Peters-
burg Academy. Eventually, Euler not only joined the
academy but, during his early years in Russia, resided
with Daniel Bernoulli. Together, these two men
engaged in learned discussions of their shared
research interests in mathematics and physics,
particularly hydrodynamics.
Another friendship between mathema-
ticians that developed from a student
teacher relationship was that of Karl Wei-
erstrass (18151897) and Sonia Kovalevsky
(18501891), who met in Berlin. Because
women could not take courses at the Uni-
versity of Berlin, Weierstrauss agreed to
privately work with the 20-year-old Rus-
sian. Based on her strong independent
research and Weierstrasss recommenda-
tion, Kovalevsky earned her doctorate
588 Mathematical Friendships and Romances
Similar to the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
game, mathematicians have defined a
number that signifies how closely related
one is to Paul Erds (left).
in mathematics from the University of Gttingen in
1874. The mathematical collaboration between these
two friends continued even when Kovalevsky returned
to Russia, where she also connected with other former
students of Weierstrauss.
During the nineteenth century, collaboration or
marriage between scientists was one way for women to
gain acceptance by the scientic community. However,
in the twentieth century, mathematicians like Mary
Ellen Rudin (1924), married to fellow mathemati-
cian Walter Rudin (19212010), found it difcult to
obtain jobs because of antinepotism rules. In 1992, it
was widely reported that approximately 80% of female
mathematicians were married to other mathematicians.
This statistic may be explained in part by the fact that
advanced study of any type is time-consuming, and
people may move away from home for educational or
career opportunities, such that their social circle often
overlaps substantially with their work circle. It may also
be true that people nd personal connections arising
from professionally shared interests. Scientic couples
refer to the difculty of nding jobs together as the
two-body problem, which is also a problem in classi-
cal mechanics involving the motion of two particles.
Mathematical friendship is famously found in the life
of Paul Erds (19131996). The mathematical geniuss
passion for the subject is illustrated by his more than
1475 academic publications with more than 500 coau-
thors. Erds traveled around the globe, arriving at the
homes of his friends to work on problems with them.
Many such visits resulted in a mathematical research
paper authored by Erds and his host/hostess. Among
these collaborators, mathematician husband and wife
Ronald Graham (1935) and Fan Chung (1949) were
particularly close friends who handled many of Erdss
temporal affairs, day-to-day scheduling, and nancial
matters. Erds stayed with Graham and Chung regu-
larly, and they even built an addition onto their New
Jersey home for Erds to stay during his annual month-
long visits. Similar to the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in
social network analysis, mathematicians have dened
a number that signies how closely related one is to
Erds. A mathematician has an Erds number of 1 if he
or she has written a paper with Erds himself; an Erds
number of 2 if he or she published with someone who
coauthored a paper with Erds; an Erds number of
3 if he or she published with someone who published
with someone who coauthored with Erds; and so on.
Further Reading
Burton, David M. The History of Mathematics: An
Introduction. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Creamer, Elizabeth G. Working Equal: Academic Couples
as Collaborators. New York: Routledge, 2001.
Gibbons, Ann. Key Issue: Two-Career Science Marriage.
Science 255 (1992).
Hoffman, Paul. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The
Story of Paul Erds and the Search for Mathematical
Truth. New York: Hyperion Press, 1998.
James, Ioan. Remarkable Mathematicians: From Euler
to von Neumann. Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America, 2002.
Daniel P. Wisniewski
See Also: Clubs and Honor Societies; Mathematics
Genealogy Project; Number Theory; Professional
Associations; Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon; Social
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving; Representations.
Summary: Modeling reformulates scenarios to
mathematical elements for analysis and problem
Mathematical modeling has been in use since prehis-
tory and was likely the rst kind of mathematics ever
employed. Mathematical modeling can be thought of
as the activity involved in nding a solution to a real-
life problem by working with a mathematical structure
that captures the important characteristics of the situa-
tion. In the twenty-rst century, mathematical model-
ing is found in many areas of mathematics, engineer-
ing, science, social science, and business and has often
resulted in the formation of recognized subdisciplines
within these elds. Research and applications occur in
a diverse range of theoretical and real-world problems,
Mathematical Modeling 589
and modeling is used in schools starting in the primary
grades to help students visualize and solve problems,
create alternative representations of various concepts,
and make connections between different areas of
mathematics. The advent of computers has facilitated
mathematical modeling and allowed researchers to
conduct simulations or nd numerical solutions to
problems that may be difcult to solve analytically.
However, there are those who argue against overuse
of mathematical models, citing issues of faulty data,
unwarranted extrapolation, and the inherent error of
attempting to quantify many complex or qualitative
real-world phenomena. These types of criticisms have
been applied to models associated with the nancial
and housing crises of the early twenty-rst century and
evidence on both sides of the global warming debate.
Anyone who has ever attempted to solve a story
problem has dabbled in modeling. Consider the fol-
lowing story problem:
I asked my dad for some money. He gave me 24 coins
with three times as many dimes as quarters, for a
total of $3.30. How many of each coin do I have?
To solve the problem, one converts the verbal state-
ments into equations. The set of equations is the math-
ematical model, which can be solved to determine an
answer. When formulating the mathematical equations,
assumptions would be made, such as which denomina-
tions of coins to include in the model.
Modern treatises on the modeling process often por-
tray the steps involved in modeling using a diagram
similar to Figure 1.
Starting with a problem statement, the rst action
is to determine the assumptions that should be made,
information in the problem that is extraneous and can
be neglected, quantities that are known (parameters)
and unknown (variables), and relationships between
the quantities. This work may entail using a variety of
strategies, including developing or using existing phys-
ical laws, proportionality arguments, equations from
the current experts in the eld, or equations empiri-
cally determined from experimental data.
That rst step will lead to a mathematical representa-
tion of the real-world situation. The mathematics may
take the form of equations, inequalities, recursive rela-
tions, matrices, graphs, integrals, differential equations,
geometric structures, or other mathematical objects.
The next action is to solve the mathematics, lead-
ing to an answer. That answer may be an exact solution,
a simulation, or an approximation. The answer must
then be interpreted in the context of the problem, and
any approximations must be checked (validated) to see
if the solution is correct. Lastly, the explanation of the
answer in the context of the situation should be used to
verify or predict the solution to the problem.
In practice for complex real-world problems, the
modeling process is really a cycle that is traversed
repeatedly as the model is rened to produce more
realistic behavior. It is common to nd that these pro-
cesses involve multidisciplinary teams of profes-
sionals, including mathematicians and scientists,
who participate in a dialogue to clarify and rene
the assumptions based on the success of the last
step in the process: analyzing the mathematics in
the context of the problem.
There is archeological evidence from more than
10,000 years ago of simple mathematical ideas
being developed to solve problems related to
counting objects, measuring land area and dis-
tance, and recording time. More complex math-
ematical problem solving appears around 3000
b.c.e., when the cultures of Asia, the Middle
East, and North Africa began using arithme-
tic, algebra, and geometry to solve problems in
590 Mathematical Modeling
Figure 1. The modeling process.
astronomy, building construction, and nancial situa-
tions, such as taxation. The design and construction of
complex pyramids and temples and the development
of sophisticated astronomical calendars in Central and
South America in the rst century c.e. point to the
development of mathematical ideas to solve problems.
It can be argued, in fact, that most of the mathematics
developed before 1800 was conceived to help model a
situation in the real world.
Before the mid-nineteenth century, many of the
real-world problems that were approached using math-
ematics would be classied today as astronomy, phys-
ics, or engineering. For example, Archimedes (287212
b.c.e.) was instrumental in modeling physical tools,
such as levers, and in the development of models for
hydrostatics (the properties of water at rest, such as
pressure). Eratosthenes (276194 b.c.e.) used a geo-
metric model and his knowledge of how the sun casts
shadows to determine the circumference of the Earth.
Abu Ali Hasan Al-Haitham, known more commonly
as Alhazan (9651040), developed the rst principles
of optics for spherical and parabolic lenses. Blaise Pas-
cal (16231662) developed the ideas fundamental to
probability while helping a gambling friend by mod-
eling a dice-rolling game. Isaac Newton (16421727)
is perhaps the best-known mathematical modeler
who ever lived, famous for his ground-breaking work
on the classical laws of motion and gravitation. Build-
ing on equations of uid ow developed by Leonhard
Euler (17071783), Claude Henry Navier (17851836),
and George Stokes (18191903) produced the Navier
Stokes equations, which model velocity, pressure, tem-
perature, and density of a moving uid. The Navier
Stokes equations, a set of nonlinear partial differential
equations, were truly understood only after the advent
of modern digital computers in the 1960s.
The nineteenth century saw an expansion into bio-
logical and social science modeling. Thomas Malthus
(17661834) wrote about population growth and the
familiar exponential model for population growth is
named after him. Pierre Verhulst (18041859) took
Malthuss ideas and developed the logistic, limited
growth model (see Figure 2).
Late Nineteenth Century Through
Twentieth Century
From the late nineteenth century forward, mathemati-
cians have become more concerned with the develop-
ment of theoreticalsometimes called puremath-
ematics: abstract structures derived from fundamental
axioms and built through proving theorems following
logical precepts. However, this interest in mathematics
for its own sake did not slow down the development
and use of mathematics as a tool to model the real
world. The application areas have become increasingly
diverse, and the twentieth century saw the process of
mathematical modeling adopted in many elds outside
physics and engineering.
Mathematical Modeling 591
Figure 2. Malthuss exponential population growth model (left) as compared to the Verhulst model, which
incorporates intra-species competition for resources.
In the rst two decades of the twentieth century,
Albert Einstein (18791955) developed his theories of
relativity, mathematical models that predict gravita-
tional processes on the planetary scale more accurately
than Newtonsnow called classicalmechanics.
Alfred Lotka (18801949) and Vito Volterra (1860
1940) worked in the 1920s on models of the interac-
tion between predator and prey species, each arriving
at the same model using different assumptions and
arguments about how variables interact. Population
models continue to be explored and rened through
the present day. George Danzig (19142005) developed
the simplex algorithm in 1947 to solve the mixing, sup-
ply chain, and other logistical problems that arose in
World War II; these problems could be modeled with
the well-understood linear programming approach,
but the problems had so many variables and con-
straints that they were too complex to solve without
computers. Linear programming is arguably the math-
ematical model most used in business and agriculture
today. Edward Lorenz (19172008) developed one of
the rst nonlinear models for the atmosphere in the
early 1960s, a precursor to the sophisticated climate
models of today. His model displayed a very interesting
sensitivity to initial conditions, and the study of this
and similar models led to the eld of chaos theory.
Twenty-First Century
In the twenty-rst century, the use of mathematical
modeling is ubiquitous across many research areas and
academic disciplines. The Society for Mathematical
Psychology publishes research in mathematical models
used to examine psychological problems in neurology
and cognition. The Society for Mathematical Biology
concerns itself with applications of mathematics to
modeling complex ecological systems, genetics, medi-
cine, and cell biology. The Journal of Mathematical
Chemistry is published by Springer-Verlag to provide a
venue for researchers to share results from mathemati-
cal models of molecular behavior and chemical reac-
tions. The American Sociological Association Section
for Mathematical Sociology meets regularly to share
research that uses the language of mathematics to
describe the structure, explain the events, and predict
the dynamics of the social world. The American Insti-
tute of Physics publishes the Journal of Mathematical
Physics, which focuses on applications of mathematical
modeling to classical mechanics and quantum phys-
ics. The eld of operations research, also called man-
agement science, has evolved with the goal of solving
mathematical models to determine the best business
decision (often the maximum prot or minimum cost)
given a situation in which there are limited resources.
The Institute for Operations Research and the Man-
agement Sciences (INFORMS) is one of many organi-
zations that publish results from this discipline.
The research presented through these venues tack-
les a diverse range of real-world problems. In medicine,
mathematical models for physical principles of ow and
pressure have been adapted and expanded to model the
heart as a double-chambered pump. The ow of blood
through the vessels can be examined and the parameters
for exibility of the vessels can be changed to investi-
gate health conditions, such as hardening of the arteries
brought on by aging. The ideal gas law and equations
governing transport have been used to model how the
lungs function to transport oxygen from the air inhaled
to the blood in the aveoli in exchange for carbon dioxide.
In the social sciences, Markov processes (mathematical
matrices of transition probabilities) have been used to
model social mobility and vacancy chains (the notion
that a vacancy in a company or a house causes a chain
reaction as others move in to ll the vacancy) as well as
recidivism (the likelihood that a criminal will become a
repeat offender). Generalizations of the NavierStokes
and Lorenz models have been used to model the Earths
atmosphere, including sources of pollution and other
greenhouse gases in an effort to prove and to predict
the presence (or absence) of global warming. Scientists
at NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies conduct
research in three-dimensional atmospheric circulation
models and in coupled atmosphere-ocean models in an
effort to understand climate sensitivity.
With the advent and development of computers,
increasingly sophisticated situations can be modeled
and approximate solutions or simulations obtained
using numerical algorithms. With modern computers
to do the heavy computational work solving or simu-
lating the mathematics, the most challenging step in
the process is often the formulation of the mathemati-
cal model.
Further Reading
Beltrami, E. Mathematical Models in the Social and
Biological Sciences. Boston: Jones and Bartlett
Publishers, 1993.
592 Mathematical Modeling
Friedman, A., and W. Littman. Industrial Mathematics:
A Course in Solving Real-World Problems.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, 1994.
Hadlock, C. Mathematical Modeling in the Environment.
Reston, VA: Mathematical Association of
America, 1998.
Hoppensteadt, F., and C. Peskin. Modeling and
Simulation in Medicine and the Life Sciences. 2nd ed.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Klamkin, M., ed. Problems in Applied Mathematics:
Selections from SIAM Review. Philadelphia: Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1990.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Sciences. GISS
Research: Global Climate Modeling (2010). http://
Smith, S. Agnesi to Zeno: Over 100 Vignettes From the
History of Math. Berkeley, CA: Key Curriculum
Press, 1996.
Swetz, F., ed. From Five Fingers to Innity: A Journey
Through the History of Mathematics. Chicago: Open
Court Publishing, 1994.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics
Research, Interdisciplinary; Visualization.
Mathematical Puzzles
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Reasoning
and Proof.
Summary: The emphasis on problem solving in
mathematics lends itself well to puzzles.
When considering mathematical puzzles, there are
really two different types of puzzles available. Some
puzzles are mathematical in nature, but require no
mathematics to solvesimilar to games like checkers,
chess, and tic-tac-toe. Other puzzles are mathematical
in nature and require a certain level of mathematics to
solvesimilar to games like cryptograms and Sudoku.
Sometimes mathematical puzzles are referred to as
Tower of Hanoi
One of the oldest mathematical puzzles is the Tower of
Hanoi. This puzzle was developed in 1883 by French
mathematician douard Lucas. In the game, the player
has several disks of different sizes and three pegs. The
object is to move all of the disks from the starting peg
to a different peg, according to the rule that a disc can
only be placed on an empty peg or on top of a larger
disc. In the legend believed to have inspired the game,
there is a Vietnamese temple in Hanoi that contains a
large room with three posts surrounded by 64 golden
disks. The temple priests perpetually move the disks,
according to the rules of the puzzle. According to the
legend, when they are done, the world will end. If the
legend were true, and if the priests moved disks at a
rate of one per second, it would take them a minimum
of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 turns to nish585
billion years. In general, the number of starting disks
will determine the minimum number of moves to
solve the puzzle.
To move a single disk requires only one move. To
move two disks (D
and D
with the smaller number
being the smaller, or topmost, disk) would require three
moves: (1) D
to an empty, (2) D
to an empty, and (3) D
onto D
. Three disks would require seven moves: move
the top two disks as described above (three moves), move
the last (bottom) disk to the empty, then move the two-
disk stack onto the third disk (another three moves).
A fourth disk would similarly require 7 +1 + 7 =15
moves. Using this pattern, the minimum number of
moves for an additional disk will be double what the
previous number of layers took plus one. However, to
nd the minimum number of moves for 10 disks, one
needs to know what the minimum number of moves
Mathematical Puzzles 593
A model set of the Tower of Hanoi (using only eight
disks), among the oldest known mathematical puzzles.
for nine disks would be. For nine disks, one needs to
know the minimum number of moves for eight disks,
and so on. Although a working recursive formula exists,
it is not helpful for large numbers of disks. However,
there is a pattern that can be found looking at the mini-
mum number of moves for a certain number of disks
that can be used to determine the minimum number
of moves for any number of disks. In general, if there
are n disks, the minimum number of moves to solve the
tower problem will be 2
Two-Container Problem
Another old mathematics puzzle that was used in the
1995 movie Die Hard with a Vengeance involves two con-
tainers of different sizes that are used to measure a dif-
ferent third value. For example, in the movie, the char-
acters were given a 5-gallon and a 3-gallon container
and needed to measure exactly 4 gallons of water. It is
assumed that there is an unlimited amount of water to
pour into either container, and that contents of either
container can be poured down a drain. Other versions
of this puzzle can be formed by changing the size of
the original containers or the quantity needed at the
end. If the containers have capacities that are relatively
prime to one another (greatest common factor is one),
then any number less than the bigger container can be
achieved. If the capacities are not relatively prime, then
only certain values can be obtained. For this specic
version, if x equals the number of times the 5-gallon
container is lled and y equals the number of times the
3-gallon container is lled, the problem can be rewrit-
ten as an equation in two variables: 5x + 3y = 4.
Any ordered-pair solution to this equation will be a
solution to the problem, although the method would
still have to be determined. In the movie, the solution
they found was (2, 2). The ve-gallon bottle needed to
be lled two times and the three-gallon bottle needed
to be emptied twice (hence, the negative number). To
actually solve the problem, they would have to ll the
ve-gallon container (rst ll) and use it to ll the three-
gallon container, leaving two gallons in the ve-gallon
container. The three-gallon container would then be
emptied (rst empty) and the remaining two gallons
poured into the three-gallon container. The ve-gallon
container would then be lled again (second ll) and
used to pour into the three-gallon container. Since the
three-gallon container would have two gallons of water
already inside, it would only hold one more gallon,
leaving four gallons in the ve-gallon container. The
three-gallon container would then be emptied (second
empty), leaving exactly four gallons. An alternate solu-
tion to this equation is (1, 3).
Cabbage, Goat, Wolf
Another type of mathematical puzzle involves three
objects and a keeper. As long as the keeper is present,
all objects will remain safe, but if the keeper were to
leave certain pairs of objects together unsupervised, at
least one would be destroyed. For example, a farmer
needs to transport cabbage, a goat, and a wolf across a
river. The farmer is the only one who can row the boat
and the boat is only large enough to carry the farmer
and one other object. The goat and the cabbage cannot
be left alone together as the goat would eat the cabbage.
Similarly, the wolf and the goat cannot be left together
as the wolf would eat the goat. The wolf has no interest
in the cabbage, so that pair can be left alone together.
The task is to determine how the farmer will get all
three objects across the river.
On the initial row, the farmers only option is to take
the goat. If he takes the cabbage, the goat is eaten. If he
takes the wolf, the cabbage gets eaten. Once the goat is
on the other side, the farmer leaves the goat and returns
across the lake alone. The farmer must now choose to
take either the cabbage or the wolf to the other side.
The farmer returns to the rst side with the goat and
swaps the goat for the last object on the original side.
Upon crossing the river, the farmer now leaves both the
cabbage and the wolf on the opposite side of the river
and returns to the original side with an empty boat
in anticipation of picking up the goat. One nal row
allows the farmer and all three objects to be on the far
side of the river.
Squaring a Double-Digit Number
Some mathematics puzzles take the form of math-
ematics magic. For example, if a spectator calls out
any two-digit number, the mathematician can square
the number without a calculator in a short amount of
timewith practice, faster than a human verifying it
on a calculator. Finding the square of some numbers
is easy; for example, any multiple of 10 (such as 10,
20, or 30). All that is needed is to square the 10s digit
and concatenate two zeros to the right. For instance,
70 squared would be 4900. A number that has a ve
in the ones digit is also easy to square; merely take the
594 Mathematical Puzzles
10 digit, multiply it by the next-highest integer, and
concatenate a 25 to the right. For example, to nd 75
squared, take 7 8 = 56, then append 25 to get 5625.
However, there are 90 possible two-digit numbers that
could be called out and only 18 that t one of the pat-
terns above. For the remainder, the mathematician can
employ a principle referred to as squaring a binomial,
which is expressed algebraically as
A B A AB B + ( ) = + +
2 2
2 .
If one needs to square a different two-digit number,
such as 43, mentally rewrite 43 as 40 3 + ( ). Using the
above formula, the square can be found by
43 40 3 40 2 40 3 3
1600 240 9 1849
2 2
= + ( ) = + ( )( ) +
= + + =
As mentioned above, 40 is a multiple of 10 and easy
to square; similarly, 3 is easy to square. The more dif-
cult part of the formula to calculate in ones head is
the middletake 40 times 3 and double it. Then, add
those three numbers together to get the square of the
original number.
Squaring a number that has a 5 in the ones digit is
a special case of squaring the binomial. If t equals the
tens digit, then 10t +5 is the original number. Squaring
the binomial yields
10 5 10 2 10 5 5
100 100 25
2 2
t t t
t t
+ ( ) = ( ) + ( )( ) +
= + +
Factoring 100t from the rst two terms yields
100 1 25 t t + ( ) + .
Martin Gardner and Recreational Mathematics
Martin Gardner (19142010), an American mathema-
tician, specialized in recreational mathematical games.
From 1956 to 1981 he wrote Scientic American maga-
zines Mathematical Games column and is credited by
many for almost single-handedly sustaining and nur-
turing interest in recreational mathematics for much of
the twentieth century. The kind of mathematical games
Gardner wrote about are still being promoted not only
for training childrens minds for mathematics, both in
and out of school, but also for helping older citizens
maintain sharp minds. In addition to paper and pen-
cil books, there are many Web sites aimed at seniors
that have mathematical puzzle collections, and popular
handheld gaming devices (like the Nintendo DS) are
now being targeting at consumers in all age groups for
mathematics and memory games.
Further Reading
Behrends, Ehrhard. Five-Minute Mathematics.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2008.
Gardner, Martin. Hexaexagons, Probability Paradoxes,
and the Tower of Hanoi: Martin Gardners First Book
of Mathematical Puzzles and Games. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
. My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles. New
York: Dover, 1994.
Vennebush, G. Patrick. Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks.
Brandon, OR: Robert Reed Publishers, 2010.
Winkler, Peter. Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseurs
Collection. Natick, MA: AK Peters, 2004.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Acrostics and Crosswords; Birthday Problem;
Deep Submergence Vehicles; Magic; Puzzles; Sudoku; Tic-
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Mathematicians work in a variety of elds
and contribute widely to society.
Broadly construed, a mathematician is anyone who
actively researches or studies mathematics. Many math-
ematicians work in academia as professors, involved in
teaching, new research, or (most commonly) a com-
bination of both. However, mathematicians are also
employed in large numbers by industry, and there are
innumerable amateur mathematicians who are drawn
to mathematics, pursuing its study and research as an
avocation. Some mathematicians, called applied math-
ematicians, use mathematical ideas to solve problems
Mathematician Dened 595
arising in other disciplines; others, pure or theoretical
mathematicians focus on furthering mathematics for
its own sake. Of course, many mathematicians belong
to both categories. The image of the mathematician is
somewhat stereotyped in popular culture, but, in fact,
mathematicians comprise an extremely diverse group.
Mathematicians are women and men, girls and boys, old
and young, and come from every country and culture.
If mathematicians are introduced to other math-
ematicians, they are unlikely to describe themselves
as just mathematicians. More often they would use
a more precise term indicating their primary research
interests, such as number theorist, analyst, algebra-
ist, combinatorialist, probabilists, or logicians.
The degree of specialization varies widely from one
mathematician to the next. A mathematician may have
only one area of research interest or may work across
several. It is now seen as impossible for any single per-
son to be expert in all areas of mathematics, but there
are still so-called generalists who work in as many
branches of mathematics as possible.
Mathematicians, Scientists, and Poets
While there are some overlap and blurred boundaries
between the terms mathematics and science as these
terms are used in ordinary discourse, the terms math-
ematician and scientist are usually used with more
clearly distinct meanings. Scientists apply the scientic
method, a continual process of investigating phenom-
ena, collecting empirical data, formulating explanation
hypotheses, and testing them by experiment; for scien-
tists, experiments and empirical data provide the ulti-
mate test of a theory. While mathematicians may also
use experiments as part of their work, this is chiey as
a source of inspiration, as an aid in formulating conjec-
tures and understanding complex concepts. Some might
make the distinction that the scientist is generally an
inductive reasoner, while the mathematician is generally
a deductive reasoner. However, many applied mathema-
ticians and statisticians may be more like scientists in
this regard. To many people, it might seem that math-
ematicians and poets are polar opposites, or at the very
least unrelated. It is remarkable, as such, how often great
mathematicians and great poets speak of the vocations as
intertwined. For example, Russian mathematician Sonia
Kovalevsky (18501891) wrote, It is impossible to be a
mathematician without being a poet in soul. Likewise
German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (18151897)
wrote, A mathematician who is not also something of
a poet will never be a complete mathematician. From
the other direction, the great English poet John Dryden
(16311700) wrote, A man should be learned in sev-
eral sciences, and should have . . . , in some measure, a
mathematical mind, to be a complete poet. Of course,
596 Mathematician Dened
well-known joke denition among the math-
ematics community says that A mathemati-
cian is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
This aphorism evokes the image of mathemati-
cians holed up alone in ofces, drinking coffee
by the pot as they ll blackboards and notebooks
with computations and it is often attributed to
the famous mathematician Paul Erds. Though
Erds certainly did popularize this quip, it is
more likely that it originated with his friend and
colleague Alfrd Rnyi. This notion comes from
the then-nascent popularity of coffeehouses as
gathering places for the European mathemati-
cians. The stimulative effects of caffeine on the
mathematicians brain, now well known, were still
a relatively recent discovery in the early-to-mid
twentieth century.
Paul Erds (19131986) was a legendarily pro-
lic Hungarian mathematician and author of more
published mathematical papers than any other
mathematician. He collaborated with hundreds of
mathematicians in diverse areas of mathematics,
including combinatorics, number theory, classical
analysis, graph theory, and probability.
Alfrd Rnyi (19211970) was another Hun-
garian mathematician, a frequent collaborator and
a friend of Erds. He was primarily a probability
theorist, but is also remembered for important
contributions to number theory, graph theory, and
Rnyis and Erdss Joke
there are many major differences between the job of the
mathematician and that of the poet. For one, poetry is
in some sense purely subjective, while the mathemati-
cian is judged on grounds both objective (for example,
is this proof correct?) and subjective (for example,
are these ideas beautiful? Important?). Let mathema-
tician G. H. Hardy (18771947) have the last word here:
A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of
patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs,
it is because they are made with ideas.
Further Reading
James, I. M. Remarkable Mathematicians: From Euler
to von Neumann. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
Kac, Mark, et al. Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics,
Science, and Philosophy. Boston: Birkhuser, 1992.
Schechter, Bruce. My Brain Is Open: The Mathematical
Journeys of Paul Erds. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1998.
Szpiro, George. The Secret Life of Numbers: 50 Easy
Pieces on How Mathematicians Work and Think.
Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2006.
Young, Laurence. Mathematicians and Their Times.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1981.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics,
Dened; Mathematics Genealogy Project; Mathematics,
Theoretical; Movies, Mathematics in.
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematics has appealed to amateurs as
a recreation and even without the rigor of the academy
and peer review they have made strong contributions.
Historically, amateurs around the world have made
signicant contributions to mathematics in amazing
and diverse ways. Can anyone now contribute to the
development of contemporary mathematics, or can
only professionally trained individuals do so? Answer-
ing this question requires reection on both the ways
in which mathematical research develops and the
nature of the community that denes who is accepted
as a mathematician.
The Nature of Mathematics
There are many examples of self-taught mathema-
ticians or part-time mathematicians whose main
Mathematicians, Amateur 597
Rota and What
Mathematicians Do
athematician and philosopher Gian-
Carlo Rota wrote, We often hear that
mathematics consists mainly in proving theo-
rems. Is a writers job mainly that of writing
sentences? A mathematicians work is mostly
a tangle of guesswork, analogy, wishful think-
ing, and frustration. . . . Rota goes on to write
that the proofs emerge only later, after the
mathematician has explored the problem. The
proofs allow mathematicians to be sure that
they are doing more than guessing and also
encapsulate the relationships among different
mathematical concepts and objects. It is these
relationships among ideas, patterns, and struc-
tures that mathematicians are chiey involved
in exploring. Here Rota is writing against the
wide gulf between what mathematicians do and
what nonmathematicians typically imagine that
mathematicians do. There is an also an implicit
comparison of mathematicians and other pro-
fessionals (such as writers) whose role also
involves making meanings, exploring patterns,
and explaining ideas.
Gian-Carlo Rota (19321999) was an Ital-
ian-American mathematician and philosopher,
unique in holding professorships in both sub-
jects at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology. His mathematical work was chiey in
functional analysis and combinatorics; his main
philosophical work was in phenomenology.
professions or training was in another eld. Some
of these are well known in the history of mathemat-
ics, like Albert Einstein (18791955), who showed an
early interest in mathematics by teaching himself geo-
metric concepts at the age of 12. Gottfried Leibnizs
(16461716) and Pierre de Fermats (16011665)
initial formal training was in law, not mathematics.
Srinivasa Ramanujan (18871920) is cited as a math-
ematical genius who was self-taught.
People such as these raise the question about the
nature of mathematical ability. Experiments on very
young children have indicated that all individuals have
the innate ability to recognize quantitative differences
when the quantities are small. Further, lesions in the
angular gyrus within the inferior parietal cortex of
the brain can signicantly impair mathematical abil-
ity, while the inferior parietal lobe region of Einsteins
brain was 15 times larger than normal. In approach-
ing the physical world, humans utilize number sense,
pattern identication, and spatial awareness. These
concepts contribute to mathematical reasoning. Con-
temporary mathematics as an academic discipline
often requires high-level abstraction and complex
Mathematicians like Reuben Hersh and Ian Stewart
hold that abstract mathematical objects are cultural
creations. Although it is true that any contribution to
mathematics must take an account of
the cultural context, this still leaves
open the question whether only
individuals professionally trained in
these traditions can make contribu-
tions to the development of math-
ematics. For example, Leibniz sought
a tutor, and Einstein immersed him-
self in these cultural traditions. Fur-
ther, over the course of the twentieth
century, mathematics has become
increasingly professionalized. Pro-
fessions consist of individuals with
specialized training who, as a result,
are granted a large degree of auton-
omy and self-policing oversight in
determining what does and does not
constitute acceptable mathematical
thought by setting the appropriate
standards, methods, and problems
of the discipline. These functions are
embodied in institutions, such as mathematics depart-
ments in universities and mathematical periodicals,
societies, and conventions.
Some conference talks are by invitation only, and,
in other cases, a conference or session organizer
selects from submissions. Journal editors and review-
ers decide what is appropriate for publication. In this
way, the people in the mathematical community deter-
mine standards and recognition or rejection of ideas
and results. Over the twentieth century, mathematics
developed through higher levels of generalization and
abstraction using the axiomatic method, by cross-
fertilization among different mathematical elds, by
developing new mathematical theories in an attempt
to solve a given mathematical problem, and by exam-
ining the foundations of mathematics as a mathemati-
cal problem. All of these processes require immersion
within the discipline.
Amateur Contributions
It seems that by the mid-twentieth century, barring
any new approaches, the mathematical universalist
was a thing of the past, which leads to the question of
whether this leaves any space for the amateur math-
ematician. The mathematical profession generally
holds that an individual without formal credentials in
mathematics could not engage in signicant mathe-
matical research or make any mean-
ingful contributions to the discipline.
However, there are several areas that
are, in theory, still open to amateurs.
The development of new forms of
mathematics from nonmathemati-
cal considerations, the applications
of abstract mathematics to real
world problems, and discoveries of
solutions to specic mathematical
problems are three possible ways in
which amateurs can make contribu-
tions. Further, amateurs can identify
mathematical problems, topics, and
subject matters that professionals do
not recognize. They can conceptual-
ize mathematical problems in ways
that the professionals do not with
new denitions or proofs. They can
develop new symbolic notations that
assist in solving existing mathemati-
598 Mathematicians, Amateur
Albert Einstein taught
himself geometry as a child.
cal problems. Finally, they can develop new methods
for solving mathematical problems.
High school students have published their discov-
eries, such as Ryan Morgan in 1994. Someone outside
the profession can have fresh, fruitful insights. Indeed,
it has been argued that disciplines go through periods
of normal change in which there is development of
existing paradigms and revolutionary periods in which
basic paradigms change. Often, the revolutionary stage
is initiated by individuals outside or at the margin of
the discipline. Stock market analyst Robert Prechter,
Jr.s (1949) love of mathematics, deep belief in the
mathematical structure of the universe, and search for
innovative ways to apply mathematics to develop an
understanding of the real world make him an interest-
ing amateur mathematician. One of Prechters goals
has been to identify Fibonacci growth patterns in the
stock markets. Prechter stated, We would love to see
Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 11751240) at least make the
list of contenders for the real Man of the Millennium.
However, an individual may face an uphill battle to have
his or her work understood and accepted. This battle is
made even more difcult by the existence of a plethora
of what are often called mathematical cranks (individ-
uals who claim to be able to solve all sorts of mathemati-
cal problems, but often just produce aimless ramblings).
English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (15881679), who
claimed to be able to square the circle, was such a per-
son. Others have submitted proofs of Fermats Last The-
orem. Notable mathematicians are bombarded by such
claims, making them less receptive to genuine amateur
innovators. For instance, Ramanujan wrote letters about
his work to mathematicians outside India. However, his
mathematical writing was not the same as the standard
communication at the time, and he was ignored until
Godfrey G. H. Hardy (18771947) looked beyond the
stylistic and notation issues and recognized his genius.
This recognition was the beginning of a fruitful and
well-known collaboration between them. Hardy noted:
What was to be done in the way of teaching him
modern mathematics? The limitations of his
knowledge were as startling as its profundity. Here
was a man who could work out modular equations
and theorems of complex multiplication, to orders
unheard of, whose mastery of continued frac-
tions was, on the formal side at any rate, beyond
that of any mathematician in the world, who had
found for himself the functional equation of the
Zeta-function, and the dominant terms of many of
the most famous problems in the analytic theory
of numbers; and he had never heard of a doubly
periodic function or of Cauchys theorem, and had
indeed but the vaguest idea of what a function of a
complex variable was. His ideas as to what consti-
tuted a mathematical proof were of the most shad-
owy description. All his results, new or old, right or
wrong, had been arrived at by a process of mingled
argument, intuition, and induction, of which he
was entirely unable to give any coherent account.
Oliver Heavisides (18501925) operator calculus
work was not well received until Thomas Bromwich
(18751929) justied the theory. Radio engineer and
high school teacher Kurt Heegners (18931965) alge-
braic number theory result was initially dismissed, but
number theorist Harold Stark (1939) lled in the gaps
and the StarkHeegner theorem is named for them.
Another notable example is Thomas Fuller (1710
1790), a slave who could perform remarkable mental
calculations. In 1788, abolitionists interviewed Fuller in
order to demonstrate the superior intellectual abilities of
African Americans. Historians do not know exactly how
Thomas Fuller performed his calculations. However,
they theorize that the algorithms he used were probably
based on traditional African counting systems.
Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher (18981972) and
a San Diego homemaker, Marjorie Rice (1923), have
been cited as amateur mathematicians. They developed
innovative approaches to geometric tiling and tessella-
tions, which were introduced to the mathematical com-
munity by mathematicians like Doris Schattschneider
(1939). Some self-taught mathematicians are noted
both for their work and for their other contributions to
the mathematical community, such as Artemas Martin
(18351918), who not only published articles but also
was cited as having founded journals like the American
Mathematical Monthly that paved the way for others
who followed.
Some mathematicians have given stylistic advice to
those who want to be taken seriously. Others identify
mathematical puzzles or problems that could be solved
by the amateur. For instance, some have noted that the
question of whether P = NP in theoretical computer
Mathematicians, Amateur 599
science might be solved by an amateur, and others have
noted the Beal Conjecture, named for Andrew Beal
(1952), a self-made billionaire and banker. Mathema-
ticians and historians continue to publicize results from
amateurs who might not otherwise be as known to the
community, such as Mehmet Nadir (18561927), who
is noted as an amateur mathematician in Ottoman
Turkey, and geometric theorems on Japanese wooden
tablets in temples that predate the work of Western
Further Reading
Alfred, U. The Amateur Mathematician. Mathematics
Magazine 34, no. 6 (1961).
Allaire, Patricia, and Antonella Cupillari. Artemas
Martin: An Amateur Mathematician of the
Nineteenth Century and His Contribution to
Mathematics. College Mathematics Journal 31, no. 1
Hardy, G. H. Srinivasa Ramanujan (18871920).
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 19
(1921). In Collected Papers of Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Edited by G. H. Hardy, et al. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 2000.
Johnson, George. Genius or Gibberish? The Strange
World of the Math Crank. New York Times (February
9, 1999).
Lipton, Dick. Can Amateurs Solve P=NP? What Is an
Amateur Mathematician, What Have They Done, and
What Might They Do? http://rjlipton.wordpress
Normile, Dennis. Amateur Proofs Blend Religion
and Scholarship in Ancient Japan: A 300-Year-
Old Japanese Art Form Presents Some Surprising
Mathematical Discoveries on Elegant Wooden
Tablets. Science 307, no. 5716 (March 18, 2005).
Prechter, Robert, Jr. Beautiful Pictures From the
Gallery of Phinance. Gainesville, GA: New Classics
Library, 2010.
Schattschneider, Doris. In Praise of Amateurs. In
The Mathematical Gardner. Edited by David Klamer.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1981.
Michael K. Green
See Also: Math Gene; Mathematical Puzzles;
Mathematician Dened; Mathematics Research,
Interdisciplinary; Professional Associations.
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Despite the emphasis in mathematics on
logic, empiricism, and proof, many mathematicians
have been inuenced by religion.
In large part because of writings from the ancient
world, cosmological and metaphysical dimensions of
mathematical reasoning became closely connected
with theological concerns, particularly in the West.
Consequently some mathematical practitioners, com-
municators, and professionals used their knowledge
to illuminate religious beliefs and doctrines. Others
responded to spiritual convictions in ways that shaped
their view of mathematics. Many inuential mathema-
ticians are religious, even in the twenty-rst century.
Noted Islamic mathematician Abu Jafar Muhammad
ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmis ninth-century algebra trea-
tise Hisab al-jabr wal-muqabala originated the term
algebra, and the pious preface illustrates his Muslim
beliefs. Brahmin mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan
(18871920) attributed his mathematical ability to
the Hindu goddess Namagiri, his family deity. In the
twenty-rst century, some religious mathematicians
have established formal groups, such as the Association
of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences. There are
also examples of religious leaders like Bharati Krishna
Tirthaji, who also wrote mathematical works. Through-
out history, there are mathematicians who have been
persecuted because of religion. For example, math-
ematician Ludwig Bieberbach spoke out against Jewish
professors in Germany, beginning in 1933. Mathemati-
cal historians and others have examined the contribu-
tions of people of various religions, such as the Incan
religion or the percentage of Jewish mathematicians
who have received mathematics highest awards. Over-
all, there are numerous cases of those who dedicated
themselves to working at, as well as commenting on,
the intersection of religion and mathematics.
Roger Bacon
The legacy of Classical thinkers, most notably Plato
and Aristotle, signicantly inuenced perspectives
on mathematics through the Early Modern period
600 Mathematicians, Religious
(through the sixteenth century). One particular con-
cern addressed during this long period involved
articulating the appropriate relationships between
mathematics and natural philosophy. Roger Bacon
(12141294) dedicated much of his writing to estab-
lishing mathematics as an essential starting point for
investigating fundamental areas of knowledge, which
included both science and moral philosophy. Making
such a claim had important theological implications
that Bacon was keen to make explicit. Specically, he
maintained that those dedicated to the promotion of
Christianity were obliged to teach mathematics, as this
knowledge is prerequisite for the complete and correct
interpretation of the scripture. For Bacon, the effective
execution of both exegesis and church administration
required the development of mathematical skills.
Nicholas Cusanus
Nicholas Cusanus (14011464), though primarily
remembered for his philosophical and theological trea-
tises, expended considerable effort on the problem of
squaring the circle. His dedication went beyond that
of many; for him the problem was replete with spiri-
tual signicance. For example, he admitted the impos-
sibility of solving the problem exactly, yet continued
to develop compass and ruler constructions that could
provide a solution within a specic degree of accu-
racy. Any apparent inconsistency in these attitudes is
explained by Cusanus understanding of the divine.
Specically, humankind has no means for knowing
God with certainty, although it can strive for increas-
ingly more exact approximations of such unattainable
knowledge. Much of Cusanus exposition emphasizes
practical reasoning based on geometrical gures. It
does so as a way of underscoring the limitations of
conjectural knowledge that, while inescapable, consis-
tently encourage more fulsome reection.
Blaise Pascal
His many achievements notwithstanding, Blaise Pas-
cal (16231662) claimed that acquiring mathemati-
cal knowledge is of lesser signicance than attaining
spiritual knowledge. Still, his understanding of math-
ematics supports the positions he adopted on several
theological matters. For example, the emerging notion
of mathematical probability he helped to develop sug-
gested to him that even though deterministic processes
governed human salvation, individual outcomes could
not be predicted with certainty. His belief that human-
kind should seriously consider the difference between
seeking pleasure in this life and eternal happiness after
death as a wager is indicative of inuences that gave
rise to probabilistic theorizing.
John Wallis
A theologian by training, John Wallis (16161703) was
also the third Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford.
His long-running dispute with philosopher Thomas
Hobbes (15881679) partly focused on the nature of
the innitein its potential and actual manifesta-
tionsand ranged across the domains of both math-
ematics and religion. Mathematical considerations also
feature, if largely as a source of analogy, in his defense
of Trinitarianism within the Anglican tradition. Like
other mathematical divines who followed him, Wallis
ultimately sought to promote religious doctrine in the
face of new developments in mathematics and science
that might undermine fundamental tenets.
Evidence of the ways in which Gottfried Leib-
niz (16461716) melded mathematical and religious
thinking can be found across various essays and tracts.
The essential feature of his position holds that the per-
fection of mathematics serves to reect the perfection
of God. Moreover, he believed that reason provided the
most effective means of promoting true religion. The
calculus ratiocinator emerges in relation to this fun-
damental belief. He maintained that reasoning based
on the strict use of rules and symbols could serve reli-
gion in its capacity to convince nonbelievers. Addition-
ally, Leibniz considered the binary representation of
numbers to be strongly associated with the Creation,
in which God created everything from nothing. That
the binary representations of numbers exhibit periodic
patterns in their digits was further evidence of the har-
mony embedded within Gods creation.
The use of innitesimals in Leibnizs development
of calculus also exemplies aspects of his theological
position. They were essential to attaining knowledge of
the innite complexity of Gods creation. For Leibniz,
the contingent truths of the world were like irrational
numbers insofar as they could only be approximated
with nite methods.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton (16431727) opposed the metaphysical
speculation of Leibniz and others, advocating instead
Mathematicians, Religious 601
the purer considerations associated with natural phi-
losophy. Consequently, disagreements with Leibniz
took on theological as well as mathematical dimen-
sions. Newton was also a Unitarianhe did not sub-
scribe to the notion of the Holy Trinity. This theologi-
cal position bears on tensions he felt as the Lucasian
Chair of Mathematics that he held at Cambridge
(16691702). His heretical view made the idea of ordi-
nation in the Church of England, then a requirement
of all fellows of Cambridge and Oxford, untenable.
Even so, his 1687 text, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica, reects Newtons belief in an omnipres-
ent God who created the universe and can intervene
in its affairs. The rationalism represented by the text
appealed to deists, who took a slightly different view.
While sharing Newtons belief in His omnipresence,
they denied that God takes an active role in the affairs
of His creation.
Maria Agnesi
The contributions to mathematics made by Maria
Agnesi (17181799) lie primarily in compiling and
disseminating its knowledge. Her efforts also served
a religious function as part of the Catholic reform
movement of the eighteenth century, which sought
to incorporate new modes of thought into teaching
without jeopardizing church orthodoxy. The move-
ment also called for extending educational opportuni-
ties, especially for women. Agnesis efforts to present
a practical account of analytic geometry and calculus
are underpinned by these reformist commitments, as
well as beliefs she shared with others regarding the
power of mathematics, and its distinctive infallibility
to religious contemplation. Her decision to develop her
popular 1784 textbook Analytical Institutions, in ways
that privilege geometric reasoning, which contrasts
with the Leibnizian approach adopted by many of her
Continental contemporaries, reects these beliefs.
George Boole
Sensitive to the professional expectations of his day,
mathematician and logician George Boole (1815
1864) carefully controlled expressions of his conten-
tious and eclectic religious beliefs during his lifetime.
There is little doubt, however, that an important aspect
of his 1854 work, the Laws of Thought, was inuenced
by particular events and views having spiritual signi-
cance for him. Through an acquaintance with a Hebrew
scholar during his youth, Boole became familiar with
the Judaic tradition of describing the Divine in terms
of an all-encompassing, if unknowable, unity. Later
revelations, some mystical in natural, regarding this
unitary perspective bore on his efforts to recast logic as
602 Mathematicians, Religious
Other Religious
ike John Wallis before them, George
Salmon (18191904) and Ernest Barnes
(18741953) commanded respect in their
day as both mathematicians and theologians.
Salmon, who long enjoyed a productive asso-
ciation with Arthur Cayley (18211895), main-
tained a tradition of guarding religious faith from
speculations that attended new innovations in
mathematics and science. He was particularly
concerned with threats to the disciplines long-
standing commitment to Platonic idealism and
Euclidean geometry, as these constituted much
of the common ground between mathematics
and religion. Consequently, Salmon publicly
criticized mathematicians like William Kingdon
Clifford (18451879), who used new geomet-
ric knowledge as a platform for advocating a
form of secular humanism. Some years later,
Barnes attempted to make investigations into
non-Euclidean geometry relevant to religion. In
particular, he promoted the geometric under-
standing of a nite, yet unbounded, universe
as part of a spiritual message that reected
the modernist as well as the cynical tendencies
of the early twentieth century.
Mathematicians became more reluctant to
comment on religious matters as the degree
of professionalization within the discipline
increased from the nineteenth century onward.
Additionally, the failure to identify an uncontested
foundation for mathematical certainty presented
other philosophical obstacles. Recent research,
however, has begun to consider the religious
beliefs of mathematicians and the extent to
which these relate to their work.
an algebraic system. In particular, the use of the symbol
1 to denote any universe of thought is an essential fea-
ture of the Boolean system. According to his wife, the
source of much of the reliable bibliographic informa-
tion on her husband, Boole was working on an unpub-
lished text that was intended to emphasize the spiritual
signicance of the Laws of Thought during the nal
years of his life.
Further Reading
Koetsier, T., and L. Bergmans, eds. Mathematics and the
Divine: A Historical Study. Oxford, England:
Elsevier, 2005.
Sriraman, Bharath. The Inuence of Platonism on
Mathematical Research and Theological Beliefs.
Theology and Science 2 (2004).
Valente, K. G. Triangulating the Contributions
of George Salmon to Victorian Disputes on
Mathematics, Evolution, and Liberal Theology.
Nineteenth-Century Contexts 31 (2009).
K. G. Valente
See Also: Geometry of the Universe; Mathematical
Certainty; Mathematics and Religion; Numbers and
God; Probability; Religious Writings.
Mathematics, Applied
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Connections; Representations.
Summary: Virtually all human pursuits depend
on or were made possible by some application of
mathematics, and historically applied mathematics
often preceded the study of pure mathematics.
In the 1920s, the German military adapted, from a then
recently developed business device, and began using
an encryption code device known as the Enigma
machine. Believing it to be an unbreakable encryption
device, they continued to employ it into World War
II. A signicant effort to crack the Enigma code was
undertaken, rst by Polish mathematicians prior to the
German invasion of Poland and then by British math-
ematicians at Bletchley Park, culminating in the break-
ing of the code in 1940. This success was instrumental
in the ultimate Allied victory and in shortening the war
To this day, a key role of many applied mathemati-
cians still involves encryption and cryptography, not
just for military and defense purposes, but for a wide
range of life activities, including computer and ATM
security. In fact, more generally, there is almost no area
of science, technology, and culture that is not heav-
ily dependent upon the application of mathematical
concepts and techniques. Applied mathematics there-
fore represents, in many ways, the ultimate multidisci-
plinary subject.
Historical Context
Although archaeological evidence is spotty and incom-
plete, it appears that the rst mathematical efforts of
civilized society involved either commerce, includ-
ing accounting for transactions and inventories, or
the measurement of land holdings for agricultural
purposes. For these purposes, ancient Egyptians and
Babylonians developed and applied basic concepts and
techniques in arithmetic and geometry. Both peoples
also used geometry in support of their building efforts
and in the placement of monuments.
A large part of what is known about Egyptian math-
ematics comes from examination of the Rhind Papy-
rus. This document includes practical mathematical
examples and exercises. It is apparent that the early
development and purposes of mathematics were in
response to, and in support of, practical, real-world
problems, often of an engineering nature.
As with so many aspects of human culture and cog-
nition, ancient Greece represented a shiftor, at least,
the beginnings of a shiftin its approach to and philos-
ophy regarding mathematics. There were certainly still
applied mathematics problems, for example, involving
navigation and astronomy. However, apropos of the
birth in Greece of philosophical thought and reason-
ing, there was also some movement toward a reasoned
approach to advancing mathematical knowledge. Thus,
a divergence between pure and applied mathematics
began to emerge.
There were several areas of mathematics in which
inroads were made by the Greeks, for example, in
geometry, trigonometry, logic and proof, and algebra
(although work in algebra began with later Greeks).
The Greeks also noted and struggled with irrational
Mathematics, Applied 603
numbers (numbers that cannot be expressed as a
ratio of integers). One can imagine, in an age where
immediate physical needs and practical problems were
paramount, that the inability to precisely measure a
length (for example, not being able to precisely express
the length of the diagonal of a square in terms of the
known length of the sides) would have provided a
Because of the Greek willingness to consider the
theoretical, they were able to deal with, or accept, such
situations to a degree. These situations led, however, to
certain philosophical problems or paradoxes, such as
Zenos paradox, named for Zeno of Elea, that continue
to challenge mathematicians. It can still be difcult
for modern people, who initially in life are cognitively
dependent upon experience and observation, to make
the jump from the world of physically demonstrable,
practical, applied mathematics to that of abstract and
representative theory.
The Roman Empire had a largely practical, engi-
neering-oriented approach to life, and this was mani-
fested in their approach to mathematics. They were
not particularly interested in expanding the horizons
of mathematical theory. Instead, they used mathe-
matics for applied engineering purposes from which
emerged remarkable achievements that have survived
through history.
A key application of mathematics beginning in the
seventeenth century involved trying to understand
and mathematically model the natural world. Cer-
tainly, there had been earlier efforts in that direction
going back thousands of yearsperhaps most nota-
bly by Ptolemy of Alexandria, with his extensive sys-
tem of cycles and epicycles geared toward explaining,
and ultimately predicting, the movements of heavenly
bodies. But in the seventeenth century, with math-
ematicians and physicists such as Galileo Galilei and
Isaac Newton, the modern effort to explain the world
began in earnest.
Into and through the nineteenth century, a mathe-
matician, like a scientist, was largely capable of under-
standing and keeping up with mathematical develop-
ments. With the explosion of mathematical activity
in the twentieth century, it became impossible to do
so, leading to a splitting of different specializations
and mathematical disciplines and also a split between
pure and applied mathematics, particularly in aca-
demic institutions. Interestingly, toward the end of
the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-
rst century, that separation seems to have lessened
as each area began to appreciate more the usefulness
of the other.
Substance of Applied Mathematics
It is difcult to comprehensively identify the substance
of applied mathematics. In part, the difculty is because
of the overlap, which can take several forms, between
pure and applied mathematics. First, a mathematical
discovery or technique that initially seems without a
practical application can, over time, become adopted
and embraced by science and technology for practical
application. Thus, to complain that an area of math-
ematics has no current usefulness can be potentially
shortsighted; no one knows what future advances in
society might be welcoming ofor possibly even made
possible bythose pure mathematical excursions.
Another way in which pure and applied mathemat-
ics can overlap is simply in how such things are labeled.
It is impossible to draw a clear line of demarcation
between pure and applied mathematics. A new proof
or technique made in a pure mathematics context
may have very real practical applications, either now
or later. Similarly, a practical, real-world problem may
result in the development of a new approach with con-
ceptual implications for theoretical mathematics. Fur-
thermore, while many jobs require mathematical skills
and techniques, such as architecture and engineering,
they may not be technically classied as applied math-
ematics careers.
For example, a mathematical subject area such as
number theory would generally not be considered an
area of applied mathematics; and yet, it has signicant
implications and relevance for certain types of indus-
trial applications, such as encoding. Similarly, abstract
algebra would not, on the surface, seem to be applied;
nevertheless, physicists now use group theory to bet-
ter understand the world of elementary particles and
quantum physics.
An important organization for applied mathematics
is the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM). According to its Web site, SIAM was organized
in 1952 to convey useful mathematical knowledge to
other professionals who could implement mathemati-
cal theory for practical, industrial, or scientic use,
and its membership in 2011 consisted of some 13,000
individuals and nearly 500 institutions.
604 Mathematics, Applied
A listing of some of the activity groups within SIAM
serves to indicate the wide range of mathematics with
important applications:
Computational science and engineering
Control and systems theory
Dynamical systems
Financial mathematics and engineering
Imaging science
Life sciences
Mathematical aspects of materials science
Nonlinear waves and coherent structures
Example of an Applied Mathematics
Discipline: Actuarial Science
Mathematics can beand isapplicable to most
any discipline. An example of an important and well-
respected applied mathematics profession (which is
generally ranked in the top ve and sometimes at the
very top of job-ratings surveys) is actuarial science.
This applied mathematics career is representative of
others and gives a sense of the general nature of applied
mathematics work as well as its impact on society.
The ability to manage risknot necessarily to
eradicate or even reduce it, but at least to manage
its potential impactis critical in a complex socio-
economic environment. Without a way to manage risk,
for example via an effective insurance industry, many
activities that humans rely on might never happen
(bridges might not be built and surgical procedures
might not be undertaken) without the protection to
society, organizations, and individuals that insurance
provides. The ability to offer protection against the
impact of risks is based on some key statistical ideas:
the Law of Large Numbers and its related concepts.
Only with a sophisticated understanding and applica-
tion of probability and statistics can an effective risk
management industry be sustained.
Actuarial science developed as the mathematical
discipline underlying the analysis of risk contingen-
cies. There are basically three types of actuaries: (1)
life actuaries, who deal primarily with human mor-
tality issues and life insurance; (2) pension actuaries,
who focus on pension and retirement systems; and (3)
property-casualty actuaries, who deal with other areas
of risk and insurance, such as auto, homeowners, work-
ers compensation, and medical malpractice insurance.
Actuarial science is, in some ways, the ultimate inter-
disciplinary eld.
Since risk applies to any type of endeavor or situ-
ation, an actuary attempting to quantify risk should
potentially understand at least the fundamentals asso-
ciated with almost all topics. One cannot adequately
comprehend or evaluate a set of data without under-
standing where it came from and under what specic
conditions it emerged. Thus, being an actuary or a risk
analyst involves not only the relevant mathematics but
also asking questions and learning about the context
of the situation and using the ndings to tailor math-
ematical methods appropriately. Furthermore, as with
any quantitative discipline that uses sophisticated tech-
niques, an effective actuary must be a very good com-
municatorable to translate mathematical concepts
and techniques into understandable descriptions for
Becoming an actuary is a signicant accomplishment.
After earning an undergraduate degree (most often in
either actuarial science or mathematics), actuaries spend
Mathematics, Applied 605
A well-respected applied mathematics profession is
actuarial sciencea truly interdisciplinary field.
several of their rst careers both working at a job and
studying for an extensive series of professional exams in
an attempt to earn a designation or certication. These
exams cover a variety of relevant areas, including spe-
cic actuarial techniques, nance and economics, and
business processes.
On the job, actuaries use mathematics in an attempt
to model real-world stochastic processes, such as the
frequency and size of insurance losses, as well as eco-
nomic and nancial variables, such as interest rates,
ination, and investment performance. For example,
based largely on historical data, an actuary might
estimate that the frequency, or number, of claims that
will occur in a given year is well-represented by a cer-
tain statistical distribution, such as a Poisson, named
for Simon-Denis Poisson, or a Negative Binomial.
Similarly, given that a claim has occurred, historical
loss information might suggest that the dollar size of
a particular claim probabilistically follows another
type of distribution, such as a Normal, Gamma, Log-
normal, or Pareto, named for Vilfredo Pareto. Such
decisions are largely based upon a thorough analysis
of historical data, but other factors are also taken into
account, including a qualitative understanding of
the nature of the risks and hazards that the insurer is
indemnifying and the entire socioeconomic context
of the insurance activity. Once a model is developed,
it provides a basis for not only prediction and analy-
sis of appropriate future insurance policy rates but
also testing the potential impact of making a variety
of possible strategic or operational decisions, such as
changes to the types of policyholders targeted and
changes in policy provisions.
In the last few decades of the twentieth century,
actuarial science and risk management became more
technically sophisticated and more enterprise-wide
in perspective. Part of the actuarys job is to under-
stand the behavior of economic and nancial vari-
ables and how they may impact the insurance and
risk management process. For example, Brownian
motion equations and concepts, named for Robert
Brown, are frequently used to model the movements
of interest rates and equity prices over time. Because
insurance companies take in premiums but may not
pay out corresponding losses for months or years, it
is important to model how the insurers investments
may perform in the future. Insurers may even decide
to sell some of their policies at an underwriting loss
because they know that they have the opportunity to
earn an adequate return on equity from the potential
investment earnings on the premiums they take in as
well as on their equity. By considering all aspects of an
insurers operations, including the effect of economic
and nancial conditions, the actuarys job has become
much more holistic, or multidisciplinary.
Overall, an actuarys or risk analysts job is one that
is completely predicated upon mathematical tech-
niques and quantitative skills, but it is also a business
position. Skills involving communications, problem
solving, project management, and teamwork are also
essential for success in this environment.
Other Applied Mathematics
Fields and Careers
The above description of actuarial science is repre-
sentative of a variety of areas of applied mathematics.
There are several other areas, including the following:
Biomathematics and biostatistics. Applications
of mathematics to biology have the
potential to advance society and the human
condition in substantial ways. Some of that
advancement will come from mathematical
modeling and analysis of genome and DNA
mapping and sequencing. Another important
area involves applying network analysis and
dynamical systems techniques to the potential
spread of infectious disease. Other areas
include using geometry, topology, and other
mathematical tools to examine and image
brain activity; using differential equations
and geometry to locate and attack tumors;
and modeling human organs to allow testing
of new surgical or other medical techniques.
Operations research. Anything involving
sequential processes can potentially be
made more efcient and effective with the
application of mathematical techniques and
modeling. A few examples of such processes
to be modeled include queue lines to limited
resources, such as ATMs or grocery checkout
machines; automobile trafc patterns;
and Internet trafc. Like much of applied
mathematics, the ultimate goal of operations
research is to improve operational and
strategic decision making.
606 Mathematics, Applied
Natural hazard modeling. Hurricane and
earthquake modeling are examples of
interdisciplinary applied mathematics
areas. Modelers need not only appropriate
quantitative skills, such as geometry and
systems of differential equations, but also an
understanding of the appropriate science or
technology, such as atmospheric sciences or
Software, computers, and data. Applied
mathematics disciplines make use of
computers, and some are very heavily
dependent upon computational techniques
and resources. In addition, numerous areas of
mathematics play a role in careers in software
engineering, data analysis, digitization, and
Looking Forward
Ian Stewart, in the 2002 book The Next 50 Years: Science
in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century, offers an
essay titled The Mathematics of 2050. In that chapter,
he opines that several areas of mathematical explora-
tion will undergo, and indeed are already undergoing,
upswings or even revolutions. Among those he men-
tions are several areas of applied mathematics, includ-
ing biomathematics and nancial mathematics. Bio-
mathematics certainly seems to be coming of age, and
peoples lives, and those of their immediate descen-
dants, are being overwhelmingly affected by develop-
ments in this area.
One might argue, after the nancial and economic
crises of the rst decade of the twenty-rst century,
that nancial mathematics sustained a black eye that
will suppress its credibility and potential. However,
these same crises certainly made clear the importance
of understanding the nature and potential impact of
risk in the world, perhaps especially economic and
nancial risks. Being able to identify, quantify, and
manage risk is critical to the smooth operation and
advancement of society. This ability is simply impos-
sible without a good understanding of the mathemati-
cal underpinnings of economics and nance and their
attendant risks, as well as the ability to model different
approaches and solutions to managing those risks.
It is, of course, difcult to hazard any guesses about
long-term societal developments. However, one pro-
spective application from the realm of science ction
is interesting to note. Isaac Asimov, in his Foundation
series of stories and books, posited a mathematics-
based psychohistory. The stories focus on the legacy
of Hari Seldon, a mathematician who built psychohis-
tory into a statistical basis for modeling and predicting
how human society will likely respond to various factors
and stimuli. In the early twenty-rst century, applied
mathematicians are far from exhausting the potential
of mathematics to change and advance society.
Further Reading
Holmes, Mark H. Introduction to the Foundations of
Applied Mathematics. New York: Springer, 2009.
The Operational Research Society. http://www.orsoc
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Thinking of a Career in Applied Mathematics?
Tan, Soo Tang. Applied Mathematics for the Managerial,
Life, and Social Sciences. Belmont, CA: Brooks Cole/
Cengage Learning, 2008.
U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Occupational Outlook Handbook 201011. http://
Rick Gorvett
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Mathematics,
Theoretical; Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary;
Statistics Education.
See Arabic/Islamic Mathematics
See Babylonian Mathematics
Mathematics, Applied 607
Mathematics, Dened
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Reasoning and Proof; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics often begins with
denitions; however, it is much more difcult to
succinctly describe the whole of mathematics.
For most students, the subject of mathematics is stud-
ied on an almost daily basis from kindergarten through
high school. But if asked, What is mathematics? the
majority might struggle to formulate a meaningful
answer, perhaps saying that mathematics is arithme-
tic or algebra. But saying that the essence of math-
ematics is arithmetic is akin to saying that the essence
of chemistry is the periodic table; mathematics and
chemistry are both so much more. Not only may stu-
dents have difculty describing what mathematics is,
but even professional mathematicians struggle to pro-
vide a succinct, convincing description of the nature of
their subject of expertise.
In his delightful 1940 essay, A Mathematicians Apol-
ogy, G. H. Hardy (18771947) spends about 150 pages
presenting a passionate case for the meaning, essence,
and importance of mathematics and the professional
mathematician. Along the way, he offers many keen
insights into the nature of mathematics:
A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker
of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than
theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. . . . The
mathematicians patterns, like the painters or the
poets, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours
or the words, must t together in a harmonious way.
Beauty is the rst test: there is no permanent place
in the world for ugly mathematics.
This quote may appear odd; most people do not
view mathematics as a creative endeavor, much less
one that can be rightly considered beautiful. Often,
students who learn the subject view the discipline as
one that is rigidly bound by rules, one in which there is
always one right answer, and perhaps even that there is
only one right path to follow. But mathematicians have
a decidedly contrary viewpoint. Faced with an inter-
esting problem to solve, the mathematician strives to
have his full cadre of creativity owing, perhaps ask-
ing: What unusual approach might I take to solve this
problem, one that nobody else has yet considered?
How might I alter the problem to a new, related one
that I might be able to solve rst? and Is there new
language or notation that I might introduce that makes
the problem easier to understand or similar to another
problem that is already well understood?
More than this, as Hardys quote alludes, math-
ematics is about more than individual problems;
rather, it involves the study of patterns. If mathemati-
cians can solve one particular problem, they are next
interested in knowing if their methods extend to solv-
ing an entire collection of related problems. If a theo-
rem can be proved to explain a wide class of situa-
tions, is it possible to extend the result to include even
more possible scenarios? In this way, mathematics
and mathematicians seek to recognize, understand,
and explain patterns. Some of these patterns occur
in the world around us; others may be purely theo-
retical. Once a pattern is understood or explained,
mathematicians wonder if they have found the best
explanation. What is best? While that is somewhat a
matter of individual taste, most mathematicians agree
that the best mathematics is clear, brief, and elegant.
In Hardys words, the ideas . . . must t together in
a harmonious way. It usually takes a great deal of
creative insight (creative thinking, creative writing,
and creative problem solving) to make the ideas t
together in a harmonious way.
Philosophers on Mathematics
Philosophers have argued for centuries, even millennia,
over the nature and meaning of mathematics. There
are entire schools of thoughtreferred to with names
like intuitionism, logicism, and formalismthat
seek to explain what mathematics is. However, each
somehow comes up short. Perhaps mathematics itself
is simply too big to describe with a formal philosophi-
cal system. Some parts of mathematics do rely on our
intuition and understanding of physical happenings
in the surrounding world; other aspects of the sub-
ject rely considerably on the foundations of logic; and
part of mathematics grows from the formal rules that
seem to many to lie at its very core. But no one of these
perspectives encompasses the entire subject nor sat-
isfactorily describes its essence. Nor does any one of
these perspectives fully answer the question of where
mathematics exists. Is it embedded in the surrounding
608 Mathematics, Dened
world, or is it a mental construct that rightly belongs to
humanitys collective brain?
Nobel prizewinning physicist Eugene Wigner
(19021995) was one scientist who recognized the
beauty, power, and harmony of mathematics while still
being somewhat mystied by its nature. In his own 1960
essay on the question of what mathematics is, titled The
Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics, Wigner
tells the story of a statistician sharing with a friend his
work in analyzing population trends. In one of his key
formulas, the symbol arises. The friend asks, What
does that symbol represent? The statistician notes that,
as usual, the symbol is the familiar associated with cir-
clesthe ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter.
The friend is incredulous, for how can the relationship
between a circles circumference and diameter have any-
thing to do with how a population is distributed?
This story that opens the essay illustrates Wign-
ers broad point: mathematics is unreasonably effec-
tive, with abstract mathematical ideas emerging in
remarkable and surprising places. As a scientist trying
to understand the workings of the physical universe,
Wigner was particularly mystied by how well math-
ematics helped him describe observable phenomena.
In his words, the enormous usefulness of mathematics
in the natural sciences is something bordering on the
mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it.
He goes on to argue that somehow the very nature of
mathematics, even though it is abstract and a mental
construct, leads the way in describing the surrounding
world and that somehow this is indicative of a deeper
truth. He concludes the essay by observing, the miracle
of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics
for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonder-
ful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. We
should be grateful for it and hope that it will remain
valid in future research and that it will extend, for bet-
ter or for worse, to our pleasure, even though perhaps
also to our bafement, to wide branches of learning.
To the pure mathematician, mathematics may be a
quest to recognize, understand, and explain abstract
patterns that arise in considered ideas. To the applied
mathematician, mathematics may be a language that
aptly describes patterns that emerge in some sort of
physical reality. Somehow, it is the same mathemat-
ics in both cases, and the subject seems not to care
whether or not it is used for abstract or applied pur-
poses. The history of mathematics is lled with stories
that show how mathematics emerges from the mental
doodling of interested people, only later to nd rich
connections with other areas of mathematics itself,
and then nally to spectacularly describe some deep
physical reality.
As an example, the Greeks (c. 350 b.c.e.) came to
know a beautiful number with marvelous abstract
properties, today called the golden ratio
( )
1 5
This number, approximately 8/5, arises naturally
from considering line segments or rectangles that can
be divided in ways that are self-similar and possesses
a wide variety of interesting geometric and numeric
properties. Roughly 1500 years later, people in India (c.
1150) rst encountered the so-called Fibonacci num-
bers: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . .), which come from
starting with a pair of 1s, and then adding the preceding
two numbers to create the next. Spectacular patterns and
relationships exist among the Fibonacci numbers, and
mathematicians have been fascinated with them since.
An early observation showed that the ratios of con-
secutive Fibonacci numbers (5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, . . .)
forms a sequence of numbers that converges to
( )
1 5
Much later, near the end of the twentieth century,
mathematicians and biologists came to understand
the apparent role that both Fibonacci numbers and
the golden ratio play in explaining seed distributions
in plants, such as coneowers and sunowers: the
golden ratio appears to be the constant angle at which
seeds are born, and the relationships the golden ratio
enjoys with the Fibonacci numbers help explain why
this phenomena occurs, which one can better under-
stand when the seeds in the ower are numbered.
What is Mathematics?
There is a great deal of delightful reading one can pur-
sue to learn more about the nature of mathematics.
Such investigation will help each person decide indi-
vidual answers to the question What is mathematics,
really? For the novice mathematician, Steven Strogatz
has written the quintessential modern sequence of
Mathematics, Dened 609
essays on the topic, essentially in the form of a blog
for the New York Times. Strogatz, a prominent applied
mathematician who has done groundbreaking work in
the eld of dynamical systems, begins with the won-
derful 2010 essay From Fish to Innity, where his
overall goal for the series is to be writing about the
elements of mathematics, from pre-school to grad
school, for anyone out there whod like to have a sec-
ond chance at the subjectbut this time from an adult
perspective. Its not intended to be remedial. For the
reader with a bit more mathematics background, one
can consider the American Mathematical Societys
Online Feature Column, a monthly column that takes
a look at accessible mathematical research and (often)
its applications. To begin, the interested reader might
read David Austins immensely popular 2006 explana-
tion of Googles PageRank algorithm, How Google
Finds Your Needle in the Webs Haystack. For a more
historical view, it is hard to beat the marvelous writing
of Professor William Dunham in his 1990 book Jour-
ney Through Genius, which surveys some of the great
theorems of mathematics.
An encyclopedia entry is a tiny start to describing
the essence of mathematics. Each person must read,
explore, think, and investigate to seek understanding
of what mathematics really is. It is a beautiful exam-
ple of the depth and complexity of mathematics itself
that so many different perspectives on the subject ring
true and that each person can nd something unique
in the subject.
Further Reading
Austin, D. How Google Finds Your Needle in the Webs
Haystack. American Mathematical Society. http://
Dunham, W. Journey Through Genius. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 1990.
Hardy, G. H. A Mathematicians Apology. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 1940.
Naylor, M. Golden, 2, and Flowers: A Spiral Story.
Mathematics Magazine 75, no. 3 (June 2002).
Wigner, E. The Unreasonable Effectiveness
of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.
Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics
13, no. I (February 1960). http://www.dartmouth.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Geometry of the Universe; Golden Ratio;
Mathematician Dened; Parallel Postulate; Pythagorean
School; Pythagorean Theorem.
Mathematics, Egyptian
See Egyptian Mathematics
Mathematics, Elegant
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Reasoning
and Proof.
Summary: A mathematical accomplishment may be
considered elegant because of its conceptual depth, its
aesthetic appeal, its importance and implications, its
rigorousness, or the surprise of its results.
Elegant mathematics is an elusive idea, often being
an aesthetical judgment determined subjectively as a
reection of ones knowledge and understanding of
mathematics. That is, an intricate proof in number the-
ory or analysis may be deemed elegant by mathema-
ticians, but it would be mere nonsense to a struggling
high school student. In turn, the visual completing of
the square as a proof of the quadratic formula may be
deemed elegant by high school students, but it would be
too simplistic and inefcient to mathematicians. Thus,
it is necessary to dig deeper into the meaning of ele-
gant mathematics, trying to focus on the many forms
of mathematicsits methods, its visual aspects, and its
role as a language.
The word elegance often is dened as an attri-
bute that is effective and simple. Elegant mathematics
can then be dened as mathematics that is effective
and simple. However, this denition can be deceptive
because one of the primary roles of mathematics is as a
language, capitalizing on its ability to effectively record
and model ideas and situations using a symbolic nota-
tion that is both effective and simple. Thus, since math-
ematics is broader than a mere language, the view of
aspects of mathematics as elegant should include other
610 Mathematics, Elegant
attributes, such as surprise, nontriviality, consistency,
power, conceptual depth, and even beauty.
When discussing elegant mathematics, mathemati-
cians usually refer to proofs as prime examples, shift-
ing the focus from the correctness of the proof s logi-
cal structure to its effectiveness and simplicity. Specic
elements that suggest elegance are the following:
Uses a minimal number of necessary
Is unusually succinct yet understandable
Avoids complex or laborious calculations
Offers a surprising path from assumptions to
Models out-of-the-box thinking
Achieves a difcult result with a minimum
of work
Includes original conceptual insights that
clarify both the how and the why
Can be generalized to a broader context or set
of problems
Displays the power of mathematics as both a
method and a language
An example of an elegant mathematical proof is
Euclids proof that an innite number of primes exist.
Using the process of reductio ad absurdum, assume
that the number of primes is nite, which may be writ-
ten as p
, p
, p
, . . . , p
. Let
N = p
. . .
+ 1
which cannot be prime because N>p
. Thus, N must
be composite and have a prime factor. However, all of
the known primes p
, p
, p
, . . . , p
are not factors of N
because on division they leave a remainder of 1. Thus,
there must exist another prime q >p
for all i, such that
q is a factor of N. But, this is a contradiction of the
original assumption, and the number of primes is in-
nite. Euclids proof is mathematically elegant because
it is effective, simple, powerful, and surprising. Many
other mathematical proofs are regarded as elegant,
such as these examples:
Archimedess use of mechanical concepts
to prove that the volume of a sphere is
two-thirds the volume of its circumscribing
The Chinese Behold! proof of the
Pythagorean Theorem
Fouriers use of series to prove that the
number e is irrational
Eulers proofs involving innite series
Cantors diagonal proof of the countability of
the rationals, as well as his related proof that
the reals are not countable
Paul Erds, a Hungarian mathematician, often
referred to an imaginary book in which God had
included all the most beautiful or elegant proofs in
mathematics. Then, when he came across a proof
that he felt was elegant, Erds would suggest, This
ones from The Book! In the 1990s, Martin Aigner
and Gnter Ziegler capitalized on Erdss ideas and
published Proofs From THE BOOK. The most recent
edition (2009) includes 30 sections involving elegant
proofs from number theory, geometry, combinatorics,
analysis, and graph theory.
Inelegant Proofs
A mathematics proof that is not elegant is viewed as
ugly, laborious, awkward, or pedantic. Inelegant mathe-
matical proofs often involve computer-based computa-
tions that cannot be easily replicated by mathematicians
within a reasonable time frame. These inelegant yet
effective proofs are akin to proofs by exhaustion involv-
ing a great number of cases, thereby disguising any ele-
ments of brevity or simplicity. A primary example of
such a proof is Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Hakens
proof of the Four Color Theorem in 1976. Despite their
use of some clever categorizing techniques, the nal
steps in the proof required more than 1000 hours of
computer time to check 1,936 maps of reducible con-
gurations as possible counterexamples. In fact, some
mathematicians do not accept the proof because of its
reliance on computers. Yet, the Four Color Theorem as a
conceptual statement is itself considered to be elegant.
Elegant Versus Ugly
Famous mathematicians such as Bertrand Russell,
G. H. Hardy, Richard Feynman, and Paul Erds also
have shared their opinions relative to the distinctions
between elegant and inelegant proofs (or mathematics,
in general), often taking strong stands. For example,
in a letter to Max Wertheimer, Albert Einstein even
discussed the distinctions between elegant and ugly
Mathematics, Elegant 611
proofs. For him, a proof was ugly if it depended on the
articial introduction of additional elements, such as
constructing auxiliary lines, which distracted the reader
from the ow and symmetry of a proof. In his letter,
Einstein provides both elegant and ugly examples of
proofs of Menelauss Theorem on Colinearity.
Authors have jumped on this elegant versus ugly
bandwagon, extending it by their evaluations of both
the proof and the conceptual claims associated with
a mathematical theorem. The result is published
resources such as The Most Beautiful Mathematical
Formulas (1992) and An Introduction to the Worlds
Most Elegant Mathematics (2006).
Unfortunately, the sorting process is not as straight-
forward as these authors suggest. Often, mathemati-
cians vacillate, being unsure in the classication of a
proof as either elegant or inelegant. A current example
of this indecision is Andrew Wiless proof of Fermats
Last Theorem, which conjectures that no three whole
numbers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation a
+ b
= c
for any integral value of n >2. On one level, Wiless
approach was ingenious (and thereby elegant) in his
use of elliptic curve theory and modular forms to solve
this famous extension of the Pythagorean Theorem.
And on the other hand, Wiless nal proof is inelegant
because it involves more than 100 pages of very dif-
cult mathematics that deters both mathematicians
and non-mathematicians. The same can be said for the
proof of the Monster Group.
Moving the focus beyond proofs alone, mathematicians
tend to classify mathematical ideas, such as theorems
and concepts, as elegant if they establish insightful
connections between two areas of mathematics that
were assumed to be unrelated. The most famous exam-
ple perhaps is Leonard Eulers identity that relates spe-
cial mathematical constants: e
+ = 1 0.
Framed copies of this fascinating identity often will
be found hanging on the walls of mathematicians
ofces. It exudes simplicity and explains unexpected
connections of several different mathematical ideas.
The symbolic simplicity of the above identity also
illustrates the elegance of mathematics as a language.
In fact, combinations of mathematical symbols with
words can convey mathematical ideas that are simulta-
neously complex and powerful. Combined further with
mathematical graphics, the elegance of mathematics as
a language is enhanced by the ability to convey com-
plex ideas efciently, consistently, and with economy.
And, partially because of its elegance in form, math-
ematics also is the preferred language of the sciences
and many other disciplines that involve quantitative
models. Awareness of this elegance led physicist Eugene
Wigner to write his famous essay, The Unreasonable
Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
in 1960. He concludes his paper with the statement that
The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of
mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics
is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor
It is expected that the idea of elegant mathematics
will remain an elusive one, because it is a subjective
judgment of the aesthetics of proof and ideas within
mathematics. Though the quandary will lead to argu-
ments, it should not have any impact on the continu-
ing development of mathematics. That is, because of
the nature of both elegance and mathematics, it is not
possible to merge them as a thinking strategy. Rather,
as history has demonstrated, the mathematics is rst
developed and proven and only then can the aesthetic
judgments (elegant versus ugly) begin. And one can-
not ignore the quality of the considerable mathematics
that lies between these two extremes.
Further Reading
Aigner, Martin, and Gnter Ziegler. Proofs From THE
BOOK. 4th ed. New York: Springer, 2009.
Clements, Ken, and Nerida Ellerton. Historical
Perspectives on Mathematical Elegance. Conference
Proceedings, Mathematics Education Group of
Australia, Adelaide, Australia: MERGA, 2006.
Hardy, G. H. A Mathematicians Apology. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 1941.
Salem, Lionel, Frdric Testard, and Coralie Salem.
The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas. Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley, 1992.
Wigner, Eugene. The Unreasonable Effectiveness
of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.
Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics
13, no. 1 (February 1960).
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Mathematicians, Amateur; Mathematics,
Theoretical; Proof.
612 Mathematics, Elegant
Mathematics, Greek
See Greek Mathematics
Mathematics, Green
See Green Mathematics
Mathematics, Roman
See Roman Mathematics
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Connections; Reasoning and Proof;
Summary: The complement to applied mathematics,
theoretical mathematics advances the eld without
necessarily focusing on potential applications.
Often mathematics, as a discipline, is categorized in
two general areas: theoretical mathematics and applied
mathematics. When this is done, it is common to con-
sider theoretical mathematics (or pure mathematics)
as the part of mathematics that is carried out for the
sheer pleasure of doing mathematics, for the intrinsic
beauty that lies in the study of the logical patterns and
abstract relations that can be found when organizing
space (geometry and topology), structures (algebra),
quantities (number theory), approximations (analy-
sis), and the thought behind these actions (logic and
foundations). However, in many historical cases, the
results found in theoretical mathematics have had a
practical or applied value, often not foreseenor
even understooduntil many years after their discov-
ery. Such is the case, for example, of the non-Euclidean
geometries that were seen to be coherent within their
axiomatic systems but were not thought of as repre-
senting physical reality. Riemannian geometry, named
for mathematician Bernhard Riemann who lived in the
rst part of the nineteenth century, became the math-
ematical context for Albert Einsteins General Theory
of Relativity and led to other non-Euclidean applica-
tions in twentieth-century physics.
In much of the research done in theoretical math-
ematics, the focus is upon extending the eld in which
the particular mathematician involved is a specialist.
Real world applications are not usually relevant to the
activity of the pure mathematician, as these belong to
the realm of applied mathematics. However, research
in pure mathematics often involves the application of
results to other mathematical objects. It is also impor-
tant to emphasize that new knowledge in mathematics
does not come about by experimentation but by proof.
Algebra: The Study of Structure
People often associate algebra with their experience
in secondary school. Algebra studied at this level is
known as elementary algebra, and, while it is a big
step in abstraction for the young student, it still focuses
upon real numbers and arithmetic operations in which
unknown variables are substituted for numbers. How-
ever, the abstract algebra studied and developed by the-
oretical mathematicians generalizes the structure of the
real number system and its arithmetic operations by
means of axioms and works with structures that have
little to do with the numbers and operations learned in
school. Some of the structures most studied in alge-
bra include groups, rings, modules, vector spaces, and
elds. These structures are dened by properties and
operations. Theoretical mathematicians study the rela-
tions that are established between different representa-
tions of the same structure, or even between different
structures. Once again, even though the exploration,
discovery, and development of all these structures is the
motivation and a goal in itself, these abstract structures
have found applications in areas as diverse as crystal-
lography, computer science, music, and physics.
Geometry and Topology: The Study of Space
The study of symmetries and rigid transformations,
such as rotations, reections, and translations, is associ-
ated with the Euclidean geometry that everyone stud-
ies in a secondary school program. Euclidean geometry
Mathematics, Theoretical 613
arose from the need to measure and survey as territorial
delimitation began to be registered and ancient civiliza-
tions developed sophisticated towns and cities. Euclidean
geometry, with its study of at space (where the short-
est distance between two points is a straight line), was a
faithful representation of how the world really is. The
discovery of the other geometries in the 1800s, when
some theoretical mathematicians removed the paral-
lel postulate from the axioms of Euclidean geometry,
opened a world of possibilities (or possible geometrical
worlds) for exploration on the level of theoretical math-
ematics. However, it was to be seen that the universe,
both on the macrolevel (as in, for example, astronomy)
and the microlevel (as in, for example, particle physics),
could be much more faithfully described with non-
Euclidean geometrical properties.
In general, geometry studies the properties that
change when an object is deformed, while topology
studies the properties that do not change when an
object is deformed. For the topologist, a circle and a
square are essentially the same, because there exists
a continuous function that transforms one into the
other. This is the reason that topology is often called
rubber band geometry. Whereas in geometry an
object remains the same only under rigid transforma-
tions, in topology, as long as adjacent points continue
to stay adjacent (which means that the object cannot
be cut or twisted), the object is considered the same.
The rubber band can be stretched, shaped as a square,
ellipse, or circle; but points that are close remain close,
and the rubber band itself does not change.
Although the study of topology is very axiomatic
and theoretical, its results have had important appli-
cations in physics, biology, computer science, and
robotics. For example, the study of DNA topology by
applied mathematicians, together with biologists and
chemists, uses results from the theoretical study of
rubber geometry.
Number Theory: The Study of Quantities
Number theory, also known as higher arithmetic, stud-
ies the properties of the natural numbers and the inte-
gers as well as the properties of those structures that are
a generalization of natural numbers and integersthose
structures that maintain certain fundamental properties
that these numbers possess. Some of these properties are
as familiar as divisibility, prime factorization, or congru-
ence, while others have arisen through conjectures that
theoretical mathematicians have made. Some of these
conjectures are extraordinarily easy to understand by
any nonmathematician or young student, but they are
also extraordinarily difcult to prove.
Such is the case, for example, of the now famous
Last Theorem of Fermat. The theorem states that
+ y
= z
can be true only for n = 1 or 2. For over 350
years, some of the best mathematical minds worked
on this problem and could not nd a proof. In 1995,
a proof was presented, but it used some of the most
sophisticated and modern mathematical concepts from
other areas of pure mathematics to be found.
Number theory has been considered by some math-
ematicians as a paradigm of pure mathematics. How-
ever, since the appearance of computer science, number
theory has been applied in a very practical way, espe-
cially in cryptography (the encoding of information)
and random number generation for statistical analysis;
it has even been applied in quantum mechanics.
Analysis: The Study of Approximation
Mathematical analysis began as the process of formal-
ization and axiomatization of calculus, whose depen-
dence on innitesimally small quantities that tend to
zero did not have a rigorous foundation. Today, analysis
has branched out into different areas of interest. Real
analysis is the study of the properties of sequences and
functions of real numbers using notions such as limit,
continuity, differentiation, and integration. There is also
complex analysis, which studies similar notions in the
context of the complex numbers, and functional analy-
sis, which studies these notions and others properties of
functions that are seen as objects in a function space.
Probability theory is also considered an area of analysis.
Indeed, probability theory is a very abstract and axiom-
atic subject, based on set theory and measure theory.
It is worthwhile mentioning that in the 1960s an
alternative axiomatization of the innitesimal, known
as nonstandard analysis, was developed. There are
mathematicians who advocate the use of this formal-
ization as a basis for teaching calculus, given that the
concept of limits is often difcult to comprehend
for the beginning student. As seems to be the rule in
theoretical mathematics, although the mathematician
does not look for applications and the main goal is to
expand the particular eld of study, applications of
analysis have found their way into science, engineer-
ing, and economics.
614 Mathematics, Theoretical
The Theoretical Mathematician:
Training and Workplace
The educational systems in the world are not homo-
geneous, although once a student is at the level of
graduate studies, equivalences are usually recognized.
In many countries outside of the United States, an
undergraduate program consists of a complete sub-
mersion in the eld and virtually no courses outside
the eld are taken. In the United States, the majority
of elds, mathematics included, are offered as majors
at the undergraduate level; therefore, the number of
courses taken in the particular area is less, as there are
other general education requirements that need to be
fullled. It is also common for students to take a minor
in another area or even a double major.
However, people with undergraduate degrees in any
part of the world will not be formally considered the-
oretical mathematicians. Theoretical mathematicians
will have a graduate degree, almost always a Ph.D., and
graduate studies are fairly homogeneous worldwide.
People trained in mathematics will have taken a full
calculus sequence (single variable and multivariable),
followed by an analysis sequence. As undergraduates,
they often will have taken linear algebra, abstract alge-
bra, discrete mathematics, and usually some topology
or geometry. Once a student has opted to study pure
mathematics, and is in a masters program, the student
will orient electives to an area of interest. At the Ph.D.
level, students still have to present doctoral compre-
hensive exams in the subjects of analysis, algebra, and,
often, topology as requisites, independently of his or
her area of specialization. Students will also present a
comprehensive exam in their eld of interest, and then
they will do doctoral research, culminating in their
doctoral dissertation. There are, of course, variants to
this process. Some students will specialize in several
elds; some will have done research in their master;s
program and have produced masters theses.
The University of Cambridge established the Sadle-
irian Chair in pure mathematics and, since 1863, there
have been eight professors who have held it. This posi-
tion is usually considered a landmark in the recogni-
tion of pure mathematics as separate from applied
mathematics. Universities, in general, do not have a
standard approach to the separation of theoretical and
applied mathematics. Some universities have a single
mathematics department; some have mathematics and
statistics departments in which applied mathematics
is considered a concentration in mathematics. Some-
times computer science is part of the mathematics
department, although this is not common at research
Mathematics, Theoretical 615
Foundations of
The Study of Thought
he study of the foundations of mathemati-
cal knowledge includes areas such as
mathematical logic, axiomatic set theory, model
theory, and category theory. The quest for
understanding the foundations of mathematics
is also part of the philosophy of mathematics.
Much of the development of certain areas
of theoretical mathematics occurred in the
twentieth century; for example, topology has
been based on set theory, which was pre-
sented in its axiomatic precision in the late
nineteenth century. The axiomatization and
actual arithmetization of innite cardinalities
was essential to much of the development of
theoretical mathematics as well.
On the other hand, category theory, which
abstracts the sets and functions from set
theory to objects and morphisms and relies
heavily on arrow diagrams to model mathemat-
ical behavior, has played an important role in
pure mathematical areas, such as algebraic
topology and algebraic geometry. These areas
cross the rather articial boundaries into which
theoretical mathematics has been divided. For
this reason, the importance of category the-
ory can be seen, as this theory provides the
notions that permit transit between different
mathematical structures. At the end, theoreti-
cal mathematics is founded on the idea of the
demonstration. The importance of Euclid, inde-
pendently of geometry in itself, rests on the
fact that he was the rst to formalize the way
that, to this day, theoretical mathematics is
done and thought about.
The natural ambience of theoretical mathematicians
is academia. In this context, they can transmit their
knowledge, which is the product of many years of study,
reection, discovery, and creation, to future generations.
Academia is also the place where theoretical mathemati-
cians can have the time and resources to dedicate them-
selves to research. There are also institutions, albeit few,
that support theoretical mathematicians to do research,
usually at a stage in which they have already produced
results and it is clear that they have a big probability of
successfully obtaining new ones.
Employment in government and industry is usu-
ally reserved for the applied mathematician. However,
there are theoretical mathematicians who also have
applied knowledge that makes them attractive for these
positions. The theoretical mathematician who ends
up in an applied context can often provide insights,
because of training, that will bring about novel ways of
approaching concrete problems.
It is interesting that there is very little difference
in the type of work and perspectives of theoreti-
cal mathematicians worldwide. The differences have
more to do with the size and extension of the univer-
sity systems in different countries, but the culture
and daily life of the pure mathematician is remark-
ably homogeneous.
The Germ of Theoretical Mathematics
in School Mathematics
In many universities in the world, prospective school-
teachers who will be teaching mathematics must take a
course, or courses, that analyze elementary mathematical
concepts from an advanced point of view. This require-
ment is because many of the concepts that are present
from the very beginning of mathematical instruction are
very deep, although not necessary to understand for the
young student who begins the procedure of basic math-
ematical operations. Felix Klein (18491925) is known
for his work in geometry, where he demonstrated that
the Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries could be
considered as special cases of projective geometry, that
algebra (group theory) can be basic to the study of geom-
etry, and other achievements in theoretical mathematics.
The Klein Bottle, a two-dimensional object from topo-
logical studies that can only be understood as a whole
in a four-dimensional context, is named after him. His
book Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Stand-
point: Arithmetic, Algebra, Analysis is made up of lectures
to future teachers over a 20-year period.
At the elementary school level, for example, the con-
cept of innity is present from the moment that chil-
dren learn to count with natural numbers. The notion
of dimension appears when two- and three-dimensional
objects are introduced geometrically,
and abstraction is required when these
physical objects are represented by for-
mulas, often a rst contact with alge-
bra. The notions of number theory
are omnipresent, for example, in the
concept of divisibility and integer
numbers. The concepts of equiva-
lence class from algebra, and limit
from analysis are also fundamental to
work with both rational numbers and
roots and real numbers and approxi-
mations. Notions from set theory and
logic are implicit in teaching meth-
ods and explanations about many of
the operations and concepts that are
expected to be taught and learned at
the school level. For this reason, the
schoolteacher who is expected to com-
municate mathematical ideas should
have a basic understanding of many of
the concepts of theoretical mathemat-
616 Mathematics, Theoretical
A mathematics lecture at Helsinki University of Technology in Finland.
College students may study theoretical mathematical concepts.
ics. Further, schoolteachers who understand the broader
theoretical and applied contexts of the mathematics that
they teach can answer student questions and plant the
seeds of ideas and connections that will later become
important. It is the job of mathematicians at universi-
ties mathematics departments to transmit these ideas to
students who, while not pursuing a degree or career in
pure mathematics, must understand some of its funda-
mental components.
Theoretical Mathematicians:
Their Work and Their Views
It is usually agreed upon that until the middle 1800s,
there was no clear division between theoretical and
applied mathematics. Even though, arguably, Euclids
Elements could be considered pure mathematics, the
majority of mathematicians from ancient times until
the 1800s were interested in solving problems. It is also
true that some of these problems, such as nding the
roots of polynomials of varying degrees (which led to
the development of Group Theory), might not seem to
have much practical application. However, in general,
mathematicians as renowned as Isaac Newton, Gott-
fried Leibniz, Leonhard Euler, Carl Friedrich Gauss,
brothers Jacob and Johann Bernoulli, Joseph Fourier,
Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Evariste Galois, or Niels Abel,
in their contributions to the ideas now considered part
of theoretical mathematics, usually were also involved
in research in which direct applications were the cen-
tral objective.
In the 1800s, the axiomatization of calculus, with its
convenient but mysterious innitesimals, was carried
out by Augustin-Louis Cauchy (17891857) and Karl
Weierstrass (18151897). George Boole (18151864)
tried to formalize the laws of thought using algebra and
initiated the algebra of logic, called Boolean algebra, in
which algebraic symbols represent logical forms. It is
interesting that this theoretical endeavor actually laid
the ground for the construction of computers and elec-
tric circuits, given that these circuits can represent com-
plex logical operations. These mathematicians would
now be considered theoretical mathematicians, as their
work was oriented to expanding the mathematical areas
in which they worked, not to practical applications.
Although the computer does not play the same
role in the work of the theoretical mathematician as it
does in that of the applied mathematician, it would be
false to think that the theoretical mathematician has
remained untouched by the advent of the computer.
In number theory, for example, if there is a conjecture
about properties of, for example, prime numbers, the
numbers can be generated to billons or trillions in a
short interval of time, detecting in this way if some
counterexample could appear. Before this possibility
arose, theoretical mathematicians could sometimes
spend a lifetime trying to prove a false conjecture
because it would have taken several lifetimes to gen-
erate enough numbers to arrive at the counterexam-
ple. In purely theoretical areas such as commutative
algebra and algebraic geometry, computer programs
have been developed that permit the calculation of,
for example, Grbner bases, named for Wolfgang
Grbner, that help to further theoretical results. The
proof of the Four Color Theorem, which had been
attempted by theoretical mathematicians for over 100
years, was done with the aid of the computer, which
carried out the multiple calculations that would not
have been possible to do by hand in a lifetime.
Of course, there are those who say this proof (of
the Four Color Theorem) does not correspond to pure
mathematics. This very interesting debate is a product
of the transition at the beginning of the twenty-rst
century that coexistence with computers has become a
reality. A quote from theoretical mathematician David
Cox, who has played an important role in bridging this
gap, is very illustrative:
My fascination with algebra led me to algebraic
geometry, which was then among the most abstract
areas of pure mathematics. At the time, I never
would have predicted that 25 years later I would be
writing papers with computer scientists, where we
use algebraic geometry and commutative algebra to
solve problems in geometric modeling.
Often, quotes from actual theoretical mathemati-
cians best give an idea of how they themselves conceive
their work. These quotes may illustrate a perception
of pure theoretical mathematics, perhaps not so well
known to a general public, rather than absolute impor-
tance of these mathematicians over any othersan idea
that will always be debatable and impossible to dene:
It is not of the essence of mathematics to be occu-
pied with the ideas of number and quantity.
George Boole (18151864)
Mathematics, Theoretical 617
No matter how correct a mathematical theorem
may appear to be, one ought never to be satised
that there was not something imperfect about it
until it also gives the impression of being beautiful.
George Boole (18151864)
Mathematics is entirely free in its development,
and its concepts are only linked by the necessity of
being consistent, and are co-ordinated with con-
cepts introduced previously by means of precise
Georg Cantor (18451915)
In mathematics the art of proposing a question
must be held of higher value than solving it.
Georg Cantor (18451915)
Often theoretical mathematicians are motivated by
the knowledge that their abstract research and discov-
eries will eventually nd their way to applications in
technology, medicine, or economics. Theoretical math-
ematics can very well be conceived of as an art by those
who nd aesthetic pleasure in its logic and patterns, but
there is no doubt, as historically has been seen time and
time again, that mathematics is science as well.
Further Reading
Cox, David. What is the Role of Algebra in Applied
Mathematics? Notices of the American Mathematical
Society 52, no. 10 (2005).
Famous Mathematics Quotes. http://www.math.okstate
Gowers, Timothy, June Barrow-Green, and Imre Leader.
The Princeton Campanion to Mathematics. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.
Klein, Felix. Elementary Mathematics From an Advanced
Point of View. New York: Dover, 2004.
Stewart, Ian. Concepts of Modern Mathematics. New York:
Dover, 1995.
U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Mathematicians.
Mariana Montiel
See Also: Connections in Society; Mathematics,
Dened; Reasoning and Proof in Society.
Mathematics, Utility of
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Though doing mathematics does not
necessarily require utility as an outcome, there are
many examples of applications in various elds.
To discuss the utility of mathematics, there must be
some agreement on the denition of the term math-
ematics. Many may agree that mathematics is a pure
creation of the human mind. It is a body of knowledge
at which one arrives by pure reason and does not rely
upon any observations of the phenomenal world. This
characteristic makes it free from the limitations imposed
by the particular way that human minds create experi-
ence from their understanding of the underlying phe-
nomena. The argument comes down to the following: is
mathematics the complete construction of the human
mind or is it universally inherent, only being discov-
ered/uncovered by mathematicians? Many books have
been written to discuss this question, and no decision
has been (or will be) made on one side or the other.
There are examples of people in the mathematics
community, such as G. H. Hardy in A Mathematicians
Apology, who see a difference between pure and applied
mathematics based solely on utility and revel in the fact
that nothing that they will do will be useful to human-
ity. This statement was in part a response to the work
of Andrew Littlewood and a group of mathematicians
who worked strenuously for the British War Depart-
ment during World War I.
There are ample examples in the historical record
of mathematics, done for its own sake, that were later
discovered to be applicable to real-world problems. The
theory of tensors by Giovanni Ricci-Curbastro and Tul-
lio Levi-Civita proved to be a cornerstone for some of
Albert Einsteins work on relativity. The purely algebraic
area of twistor theory in physics, which predicted the
existence of certain subatomic particles in the 1980s,
started in the area of nite algebraic geometry. Areas that
in the 1980s and 1990s were considered pure mathemat-
ics now nd themselves at the forefront of application:
algebraic topology used to study distribution of sensors;
hyperbolic geometry used to study the extent and reach
of the Internet; number theory used in architecture and
cryptography; and category theory used in studying
618 Mathematics, Utility of
social behavior. Where will the applicable mathematics
of the mid-twenty-rst century come from?
What sort of mathematics should be taught in
schools? This question dates back to at least the early
1800s in the United States and is discussed in the work
of Charles Davies. E. R. Hedrick again raised the same
question in his address to the New York Section of the
Mathematical Association of America in 1933. The
question arises with each new generation. Should only
the mathematics that is currently known to be appli-
cable be taught to those who will only use the tool, or
should they be exposed to the whole of mathematics?
The purpose of asking this question lies in the pur-
pose of mathematics. Should mathematics, or is math-
ematics, done only for its own sake? If that is the case,
then why has mathematics been so useful to science?
This is the question raised by Eugene Wigner in his
1960 work The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Math-
ematics in the Natural Sciences. The question and his
answer have again brought to the fore this long stand-
ing argument.
Historical Context
From the earliest recordings in Babylonian and Egyp-
tian mathematics, historians and archaeologists nd
problem books with problems created to train the
mathematical neophytespossibly young priestsin
the algorithms that were used for building, surveying,
and the like. The problems were not all applied prob-
lems but did include some examples of mathematics
being done for mathematics sake. This was not the
rule, though. Most mathematics of these earlier eras
seemed to have been for inherently practical purposes.
From the Western perspective, it was the Greeks
under the Pythagoreans who took the idea of math-
ematics and made it deied. The question of the util-
ity of mathematics does not skip the Platonic school.
There is a quote, ascribed to Euclid in Stobaeus Extracts
A youth who had begun to read geometry with Euclid,
when he had learnt the rst proposition, inquired,
What do I get by learning these things? So Euclid called
a slave and said Give him three pence, since he must
make a gain out of what he learns. Already the teacher
has to answer the long-asked question, What is this
good for? The Platonic school may have been one of
the rst in which mathematics was studied for its own
beauty and internal structurenot being required to
have any other purpose. Archimedes saw the utility of
mathematics; whether he held the same philosophical
beliefs as did the Platonists, we cannot be certain.
The Romans were extremely interested in the utility
of mathematics to warfare, navigation, and architec-
ture. It was the Greeks and the Alexandrians, though,
that kept mathematics moving forward until it was res-
cued from the fate of much of the ancient worlds sci-
ence by the Islamic mathematicians. Not only did they
need mathematics for navigation and geometry, but
they also imbued into the geometry the need to glorify
Allah with the perfectness of the geometric form.
In the Renaissance in the late thirteenth century, the
early scientist, Roger Bacon, made statements about
the utility of mathematics, Mathematics is the door
and key to the sciences, and . . . mathematics is abso-
lutely necessary and useful to the other sciences.
Perhaps the best summary can be found in various
The Universe is a grand book which cannot be read
until one rst learns to comprehend the language
and become familiar with the characters in which it
is composed. It is written in the language of math-
ematics. . . .
Galileo Galilei (15641642)
Mathematics is a game played according to certain
rules with meaningless marks on paper.
David Hilbert (18621943)
(Cantors work on set theory) . . . the nest prod-
uct of mathematical genius and one of the supreme
achievements of purely intellectual human activity.
David Hilbert (18621943)
From the intrinsic evidence of his creation, the Great
Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a
pure mathematician.
James Hopwood Jeans (18771946)
I have never done anything useful. No discovery
of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or
indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the
amenity of the world.
G. H. Hardy (18771947)
. . . enigma that researchers of all times have worried
so much about. How is it possible that mathematics,
Mathematics, Utility of 619
a product of human thinking independent of any
experience, so excellently ts the objects of physical
Albert Einstein (18791955)
As far as the propositions of mathematics refer to
reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are
certain, the do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein (18791955)
The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in
the natural sciences . . . that the enormous useful-
ness of mathematics in the natural sciences is some-
thing bordering on the mysterious and that there is
no rational explanation for it.
Eugene Wigner (19021995)
. . . [enumerating cases where structures needed
in physics have already been found and developed
by mathematicians] . . . long before any thought of
physical application arose. It is positively spooky
how the physicist nds the mathematician has been
there before him or her.
Steven Weinberg (1933)
This universality of application [of mathematics]
can be traced back to the fact that all aspects of
Nature and areas of life are governed by the same
principles of order and intelligence that have been
discovered subjectively by mathematicians by refer-
ring back to the principles of intelligence in their
own consciousness.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (19142008)
Was it not the Pisan scientist who maintained that
God wrote the book of nature in the language of
mathematics? Yet the human mind invented math-
ematics in order to understand creation; but if
nature is really structured with a mathematical lan-
guage and mathematics invented by man can man-
age to understand it, this demonstrates something
Benedict XVI (1927)
Further Reading
Barrow, John D. One Hundred Essential Things You Didnt
Know You Didnt Know: Math Explains Your World.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2008.
Hamming, R. W. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of
Mathematics. The American Mathematical Monthly
87, no. 2 (1980).
Lakoff, George, and Rafael E. Nez. Where Mathematics
Comes From. New York: Basic Books, 2000.
Russell, Peter. Spirit of Now. http://www.peterrussell
.com/Reality/realityart.php .
Sarukkai, Sundar. Revisiting the Unreasonable
Effectiveness of Mathematics. Current Science 88, no.
3 (2005).
Scheibe, Erhard. The Role of Mathematics in Physical
Science. In The Space of Mathematics: Philosophical,
Epistemological and Historical Explorations. Edited by
Javier Echeverra, et al. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1992.
Stein, James D. How Math Explains the World: A Guide
to the Power of Numbers, From Car Repair to Modern
Physics. Washington, DC: Smithsonian, 2008.
Weinberg, Steven. Mathematics: The Unifying Thread in
Science. Notices of the American Mathematical Society
33 (1986).
Wigner, Eugene. The Unreasonable Effectiveness
of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.
Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics
13 (1960).
David C. Royster
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Mathematics,
Applied; Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary;
Mathematics, Theoretical; Mathematics: Discovery or
Mathematics, Vedic
See Vedic Mathematics
Discovery or Invention
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Representation.
620 Mathematics: Discovery or Invention
Summary: One of the central questions of the
philosophy of mathematics is that of mathematical
Mathematicians engage in a great many activities,
including investigating and extending old and new
concepts within the eld, as well as developing new
techniques to solve problems in mathematics and other
disciplines. The question is, when they carry out this
activity, do they discover existing laws or do they invent
and create? If invention is involved, is it individual or
is it social? This question is a polemical topic that has
been subject to strong controversy and refers to ideas
that have emanated everywhere from ancient Greek
personages, such as Plato, up to modern advocates of
articial intelligence (AI).
Those who subscribe to the discovery position are usu-
ally classied as Platonists. Plato expressed that math-
ematical ideas are discovered, existing independently
of human observation or changes of a physical nature.
However, the general trend known as mathematical
realism, which includes formalism and logicism, also
catalogued within the discovery perspective. Mathe-
matics is seen as the science of logic with its laws based
on enduring truths, whether they have been discovered
or not. Those who subscribe to this position cite, for
example, the existence of universal constants, such as
, , Eulers e, or Feigenbaums and in bifurcation
theory. It is put forth that the circumference of a circle
has always measured times diameter, whether or not
that fact had been discovered by a particular society or
It is also claimed that the discovery of mathemati-
cal laws, objects, and relations occurs simultaneously, or
over time, in distant places. The most famous examples
include the simultaneous, but independent, discovery
of calculus by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz in
the seventeenth century and the independent discovery
of the universal constant by the Babylonians, Greeks,
Chinese, and others at different historical moments.
Many of the structures from very abstract areas of
mathematics are often found to model phenomena in
the physical world, such as the case of Cantors set, orig-
inally an abstract construct, which serves as a model for
error distribution of the noise in transmission lines (for
example, electric power lines or telephone wires). This
case is also taken as evidence that mathematics is, apart
from a consistent logical system when accepting the
axioms, a language that describes the physical universe,
whether or not that description was intended by the
mathematician who discovered the pattern, technique,
theorem, or other relevant mathematical object.
Criticisms of Platonists
This idea adds another element to the discussion. For
the realists, it is important to distinguish between
mathematics itself, as a timeless science of logic,
together with the laws that govern its existence, and the
practice of mathematics, which includes many aspects
that are language-like and that, they agree, are created,
such as particular symbolism, notation, formalization,
and nomenclature. Often the Platonists are dismissed
by arguments that ridicule or simplify Platos allegory
of the cave to an alleged discovery of an almost physical
mathematical realm. This simplication seems because
of a literal, instead of a metaphorical, interpretation of
the way that many working mathematicians refer to
their subject, a way of expression that reects the actual
feeling of concreteness that is provoked by daily con-
tact, manipulation, and struggle with their abstract
objects. Roger Penrose, for example, who identies
with the Platonist perspective, speaks of the Mandel-
brot set as a structure whose constant surprises, within
its self-similarity, are waiting to be explored.
Diversities of Non-Platonists
On the other hand, those that challenge Platonism and
mathematical realism in general are not a homoge-
neous group.
One of these positions asserts that the existence of
mathematics can be understood only as part of human
culture. It is argued that the reality of mathematics is
a sociocultural and historical phenomenon and that
mathematics exists only because there are human
beings who create it. Advocates of this position argue
that mathematics is in the same category as law, reli-
gion, and money. It is only human consciousness and
society with its conventions that makes them real.
Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein regarded math-
ematics as a type of . . . communication; people play
language-games and sign-games to invent, rather
than discover, mathematics. The Social Constructiv-
ists, supporters of this position, argue that mathemati-
cal development is guided by fashions and trends in
Mathematics: Discovery or Invention 621
human societies. They claim that mathematical truth
is invented and depends on the sociocultural context.
The term quasi-empirism is used for the type of
modern mathematical research that relies on computers
and other quasi-experimental methods that seem to con-
tradict the deductive nature of mathematics and ques-
tion the existence of absolute and eternal mathematical
truth. The Social Constructivists assert that this activity
demonstrates the fallibility of mathematical activity and
removes it from the realm of any absolutes, thus sup-
porting their claim that mathematics is man-made.
The embodied theories consider mathematics as
an exclusively human endeavor, invented according to
the physical and cognitive human reality. Exponents
of this position privilege the biological evolution of
the human brain and consider mathematical objects
as a reection of human cognition. Hence, accord-
ing to this perspective, mathematics is constructed by
the human brain, and its apparent truths were created
because they actually work efciently in the universe in
which we nd ourselves.
Further Reading
Davis, Philip, and Reuben Hersh. The Mathematical
Experience. Boston: Mariner Books, 1999.
Ernst, Paul. Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of
Mathematics. Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1998.
Lakoff, George, and Rafael Nuez. Where Mathematics
Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings
Mathematics Into Being. New York: Basic Books, 2001.
Mazur, Barry. Mathematical Platonism and its
Penrose, Roger. The Emperors New Mind. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Persson, Ulf. Platonism, a Synopsis. http://www.math
Rehmeyer, Julie. Still Debating with Plato. Science News
(April 25, 2008).
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Remarks on the Foundations
of Mathematics. Translated by G. H. von Wright,
R. Rhees, and E. Anscombe. Oxford, England: Basil
Blackwell, 1978.
Mariana Montiel
See Also: Axiomatic Systems; Mathematics Dened;
Mathematics, Elegant; Mathematics, Theoretical;
Mathematics, Utility of; Proof; Reasoning and Proof
in Society.
and Religion
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Reasoning and Proof; Connections.
Summary: The connection between religion
and mathematics is intricate, spanning cultures
and centuries, with mathematics itself sometimes
manifesting religion-like features.
Mathematical knowledge has been intertwined with
spiritual or religious contemplation since humans
began to develop numerical, spatial, and symbolic
reasoning in order to understand the world and
humanitys place within it. Both practical and abstract
knowledge have been signicant to cosmological and
theological considerations. Another way that math-
ematics is linked to religion is by those who suggest
that mathematics is a religion.
Mathematics provides tools that underpin com-
putation, prognostication, organization, and design.
Consequently, mathematical knowledgeas consti-
tuted by practical arithmetical (computational), alge-
braic (numerical problem solving). and geometric
(spatial) knowledgehas been an essential ingredi-
ent in divination as well as in ritual constructions and
practices. The inuences of mathematical knowledge,
broadly construed, on cosmology can be found in dif-
ferent times, places, and cultures. They are evident in
a variety of contexts that include Pythagorean, Judaic,
and Chinese number mysticism; Vedic rituals; Islamic
trigonometry; and pattern drawings that some South
Pacic Islanders believe are essential to entering the
land of the dead.
Beyond skill-based practicality, mathematics as a
way of obtaining infallible knowledge of transcen-
dental objects engendered and strengthened spiritual
considerations that became more closely aligned with
doctrine. It did so to such an extent that the develop-
622 Mathematics and Religion
ment of new mathematical knowledge often instigated
immediate responses from religious authorities. Such
symbiotic yet ever-evolving relationships between
mathematical epistemology and theological contem-
plation are a central feature of the Christian tradition
across the ages.
Implicit Practices, Divination,
and Pattern Drawing
In the oldest cultures it is difcult to separate math-
ematical and ritual practices. Shamans and priests,
from ancient Babylonia to Mesoamerica, used arith-
metical and geometrical knowledge as part of their
efforts to organize time and space so as to facilitate
particular observances. In some cultures, the draw-
ing of geometric patterns was integral to storytelling
that conveyed origin myths as well as aspects of the
afterlife. For both ancient and contemporary peoples,
mathematics is not identiable as a constituent of an
explicitly distinctive knowledge. Rather, mathematics
as it is recognized today is seen as implicitly embedded
within customs of cultural signicance that included
spiritual well-being.
Divination, as practiced in various times and places,
typically involves both randomness and structure. The
objects required for the foretelling of events, while spe-
cic to custom, are subjected to a process that produces
a random outcome. The diviners skill comes into play
when interpreting the result. Doing so involves adher-
ing to rules that apply to the particular procedure.
Consequently, divination often involves strictures that
can be resolved into numerical or logical systems, sys-
tems that often reect binary considerations. Such can
be found today in the methods of divination practiced
by the Caroline Islanders of the South Pacic (knot
divination), the Yoruba people of Africa (Ifa), and the
Malagasy (Sikidy).
Pattern drawing has often accompanied cultural
narratives regarding both ancestors and the afterlife.
Such traditions continue into the modern era with
the Tshokwe people of Angola and the Malekula of
Vanuatu. In each case, intricate patterns are drawn
in a continuous, uninterrupted fashion. While mod-
ern mathematics conceives of such in terms of graph
theory and Eulerian circuits, there is little evidence
to suggest that the cultures discussed here have an
explicit or external framework within which such pat-
terns are considered. Indeed, Tshokwe have relatively
few patterns that accompany their origin myths, and
knowledge of their production is limited. The cul-
tural situation for the Malekula is considerably dif-
ferent. Their patterns number in the hundreds and
all require that the tracing begin and end at the same
point without repetition of any edge. Knowing how
such patterns are produced, which constitutes a form
of implicit mathematical training insofar as it recog-
nizes various systematic elements within the draw-
ings, is part of what men pass on to their sons. The
ability to reconstruct a pattern correctly earns one
access to the land of the dead.
Like the Tshokwe and Malekula, Tamil women in
southern India draw patterns as a way of marking pas-
sages or transitions. The ritual designs produced by
them, which are known as kolam, are used to decorate
Mathematics and Religion 623
A Cameroon sorcerer uses divination interpreting
the positions of various objectsto tell the future.
the entrance to a house. They vary according to the
events being marked, many of which relate to life- or
worship-cycles. Recently kolam have attracted the atten-
tion of computer scientists who are interested in the
formulation and formalization of picture languages.
Classical and Judeo-Christian Traditions
The mathematics of Greek antiquity marked a distinc-
tive break with the implicitly integrated practices asso-
ciated with various cultures across time. Moreover, it
laid the foundation for more explicitly considered con-
nections between the mathematical and the spiritual.
The perspective held during the earliest portion of the
Pythagorean-Platonic period is often simply charac-
terized as follows: number is religion and religion is
number. That is, numbers provided the lens through
which the Pythagoreans viewed the cosmos. In this way
mathematics links the mundane and the sacred in ways
exemplied in different ages and cultures. Mathemati-
cal reasoning, which at this time might more closely
have aligned with numerology or number mysticism,
provided a means of bringing order and harmony to
the universe.
The realization that certain numbers are irrational
(that is, that some measures are incommensurable)
represented a serious challenge to Pythagoreans, for
it contradicted the assumption of a cosmic harmony.
While the need to resolve paradoxes instigated monu-
mental discoveries, it soon became apparent, as it would
again in the years to come, that using mathematics as a
means of demystifying the world could engender new
and even greater mysteries.
According to Plato, arithmetic and geometry consti-
tuted areas of study essential to higher education, and
thus they became part of the quadrivium of Western
education, which included astronomy and music. That
philosophical discussions found in his dialogues turn
to and on mathematical reasoning underscores the sig-
nicance of mathematics to Platonic conceptions of
the good and true. It represented an a priori, if for
many a latent, body of knowledge through which one
accessed eternal and perfect forms rather than tran-
sient and imperfect perceptions of these.
While he maintained a distinction between the
physical and the otherworldly, Aristotle differed from
those who believed that mathematics provided a
special conduit to transcendental realms. Rather, his
perspective of mathematics as abstraction based on
physical reality reverses the mystical point of view.
Aristotelian thinking underpins a more humanistic
and, in later ages, secular understanding of math-
ematics. Underscoring the difference between process
and object, classical Greek mathematics attempted to
distinguish between the potential and the actual when
discussing innity. Powerful analytic arguments and
famous paradoxes hinged on the process of innite
subdivision that gave rise to innitesimal consid-
erations. Amid this conceptual ambiguity, Aristotle
maintained that the actual innitethe innite as a
completed objectis unknowable.
Euclids Elements is especially signicant among
classical texts that helped to solidify, as well as per-
petuate, connections between mathematical and meta-
physical reasoning. As a compendium of geometric
knowledge of its day, Elements is most signicant for its
presentation of timeless and unassailable conclusions
rigorously deduced from self-evident truths. It speaks
to absolute certainty and provides geometry as a model
for attaining such. Consequently, the inuences of the
Elements on mathematics and Christian theology echo
across the centuries.
Aurelius Augustinius (354430), or Saint Augustine,
helped to begin the process of transforming Pythago-
reanPlatonic conceptions into Christian doctrines
during the Middle Ages (fth through twelfth centu-
ries). His contributions, among many things, served
to imbue Christian symbolism, including the Ark of
the Covenant with its divinely prescribed dimensions,
with numerical and geometric signicance. Such sym-
bolism was considered necessary for analogizing and
simulating the majesty of Gods power in ways com-
prehensible to a faithful laity. Following classical tradi-
tions, numbers represented an ideal conduit for tran-
scendental contemplation. Shapes, on the other hand,
could both signify the sacred and convey divine wis-
dom. The successful adaptation of Hellenistic math-
ematical cosmology to Christian theology owes much
to Saint Augustine and others.
Scholastic theologians of the Early Modern period
(twelfth through sixteenth centuries) built upon the
connections between mathematics and Christian faith
promoted by Saint Augustine. Setting the tone for
the age, Giovanni di Fidanza (12211274), or Saint
Bonaventure, extended Aristotles prohibition against
attempting to understand the innite by claiming
that it existed in God only. Even so, one could aspire
624 Mathematics and Religion
to a better appreciation of the divine. To this end
Nicholas Cusanus (14011464), or de Cusa, believed
that mathematics emulates the creative power of God
insofar as it is a manifestation of humankinds abil-
ity to create knowledge and to completely understand
this creation. By virtue of this manifestation, math-
ematics served as an essential and mutually bene-
cial component of Cusanuss theology. Specically,
practicing mathematics is a way by which humankind
can become closer to the divine. Whereas the platonic
dialogues use mathematics to underpin conceptions
of the Good, the Neoplatonic theology of Cusanus
redirects mathematical attention toward conceptions
of the divine.
Rendering perspective in painting by means of a
vanishing point is one of the most important markers
of Renaissance art. Anticipating the aesthetic signi-
cance of this development, Roger Bacon (12141294)
encouraged the incorporation of geometric innovation
in painting, believing it offered a way of better commu-
nicating Gods majesty through more powerful visual
imagery. As such sentiments make clear, the connec-
tions between mathematics and religion could be both
rendered and read visually, thereby making such con-
cepts accessible to lay audiences who were not neces-
sarily conversant with the particulars of either.
Alongside Neoplatonic scholasticism, the late Mid-
dle Ages saw a resurgence of interest in gematria, a
practice by which one attempts to reveal and interpret
divine secrets through the association of alphabetic
characters with numbers. Truth seeking by means of
numerically organized systems was not a new devel-
opment; it has a long history in the Jewish religious
tradition and is central to Kabbalism. Among the
more shocking identications established by Michael
Stifel (14861567) through gematria was Pope Leo X
with the Beast of the Apocalypse. Similar ideas under-
pin recent interest in topics such as the Bible Code.
While breaking with the intellectual traditions of
the past, mathematicians associated with the Scientic
Revolution (c. sixteenth through eighteenth centuries)
and the Modern period (from c. eighteenth century)
continued to connect the disciplines reasoning and
knowledge with theological concerns. Ren Descartes
(15961650) promoted the individuals power of rea-
son through geometry. His rationalism was a reaction
against the constraints of scholasticism and, therefore,
many considered it a threat to religious authority. Nev-
Mathematics and Religion 625
odern mathematics is seen by some people
to have features similar to those of reli-
gion; for example, that mathematical foundations
are accepted on belief rather than logic and com-
prehension. Analogies between mathematics and
religion also include discussions about their omni-
present nature, their pivotal role in society, and
their dependence on teaching the next generation.
Some people point to aspects of mathematics that
may appear unresolved or include contradictions,
such as the axiom of choice or Kurt Gdels incom-
pleteness theorems, which showed that there are
limitations to axiomatic systems. For example, in
1999 John Barrow wrote, If a religion is dened
to be a system of ideas that contains unprovable
statements, then Gdel has taught us that, not
only is mathematics a religion, it is the only reli-
gion that can prove itself to be one.
Religious terms have been applied to math-
ematical theorems or mathematicians. For exam-
ple, mathematical discoveries are sometimes
described in terms of a revelation, epiphany, or her-
esy. In 1985, mathematician Paul Erds asserted
that it was important to believe in The Book, an
imagined type of bible containing elegant proofs.
This assertion inspired the 1998 work Proofs
from THE BOOK by Martin Aigner and Gnter
Ziegler. Some people have referred to mathemati-
cians, including Erds, as priests of mathematics
who share their gospel. Mathematicians, philoso-
phers, and theologians also consider whether a
divine force is needed to explain such concepts
as how the universe was formed or whether the
underlying mathematical and physical principles
are sufcient, which is Stephen Hawkings asser-
tion in his 2010 book The Grand Design.
Mathematics as Religion
ertheless, and like others of the age, including Gottfried
Leibniz (16461716), he used humankinds ability to
reason mathematically as the basis for discussions that
ultimately asserted the existence of God.
Unlike some inclined to rationalism and deism,
Blaise Pascal (16231662) believed that mathematical
reasoning could not be applied to prove the existence
of God. Another critic of mathematics inuence on
theology, George Berkeley (16851753) pointed out
that accepting the mysterious notion of innitesimal
quantities so essential to the development of calculus
was tantamount to an act of faith. Consequently, he
contested deism by asserting that mathematical knowl-
edge could not provide a more exact, or more accept-
able, model for theological reasoning.
Immanuel Kant (17241804) asserted that geome-
try is a contentful, or synthetic, knowledge that adheres
to a universal, a priori form of spatial intuition. He
did not, however, use this to gird theological specula-
tion. Indeed, he attacked proofs of Gods existence in
his Critique of Pure Reason (1781) and Critique of Prac-
tical Reason (1788). Rather, Kant posited morality as a
distinct form of intuition. The knowledge built upon
this intuition leads to an understanding of the divine.
Though independent forms of intuition, the geometric
and the moral knowledge built upon these exemplied
a common epistemological perspective.
The power of Kants argument is evident in responses
to the development of non-Euclidean geometries in the
nineteenth century. With this development, the abso-
lute certainty long associated with geometric reasoning
gave way to contingent knowledge. Along with more
familiar paradigm shifts, most notably Darwinian
evolution, new mathematical knowledge contributed
signicantly to the Victorian crisis in faith. Euclids
Elements anchored mathematical and theological spec-
ulation for centuries; its promise of eternal and neces-
sary truths was much in doubt.
Considerations outside geometry also exacerbated
religious anxieties. Though obsessed with the notion
of an all-encompassing innite informed by the Ein
Sof of the Jewish religious tradition, Georg Cantor
(18451918) further destabilized relations between
mathematics and spirituality with investigations that
sought to establish the cardinality of the real contin-
uum. Correspondences with Pope Leo XIII provide
evidence that Cantor himself was concerned with the
contentious potential of his work. The distinction
between process and object so clearly delineated in
antiquity meant that Christianity could safely adjudi-
cate conceptions of the innite as these pertained to
the divine. Cantors identication of innite sets as
objects of mathematical interest represented a clear
threat to this religious privilege.
Some claim that new and contingent perceptions of
mathematical certainty evident from nineteenth-cen-
tury innovations instigated a period of deseculariza-
tion. Failure to secure mathematics on a rm episte-
mological foundation through Formalism, Logicism,
and Constructivism suggested that its knowledge is the
conrmation of intuitions and creative possibilities,
even if such cannot be constrained by any particular
formal systems. Reminiscent of relationships articu-
lated by Aristotle and Cusanus centuries earlier, mod-
ern mathematical thinking provided a new model for
theological contemplations attuned to divine imma-
nence inherent in processes and potentialities as much
as to transcendental conceptions.
Chinese, Indian, and Modern
Esoteric Traditions
Chinese engagements with mathematics have long
been intertwined with cosmological and spiritual con-
cerns. Astrology and divination depended on compu-
tational abilities. Consequently, one nds strong asso-
ciations between mathematical practices and number
mysticism, relationships not unlike those found in
antiquity and throughout Europe during the Middle
Ages. Even so, the desire to predict astronomical and
calendrical events inspired the need to solve systems
of modular congruences. Such solutions date to the
thirteenth century and form the basis of the Chinese
Remainder Theorem.
Mathematical practices historically associated with
the Indian subcontinent also evidence spiritual inu-
ences. Ancient Vedic observances required geometric
knowledge in the construction of altars that were built
in various shapes with xed areas. Similar mathemati-
cal prescriptions eventually extended to the building of
temples. Vedic literature also suggests the incorpora-
tion of a symbol for zero, which became part of the
HinduArabic system later adopted in Europe. The
symbol emerged from the considerations of Brahma as
universally divine and immanent even in nothingness.
Though distinct traditions, Hinduism and Jainism
attended to numerical computations as a way of con-
626 Mathematics and Religion
templating the complexity and extent of the universe,
including the number of ways that things might be
combined. One verse from the Jainaic sthananga sutra
(c. 300 b.c.e.) identies algebra, geometry, and combi-
natorics as constituents of mathematical expertise in
a way that reects the Platonic prescription of math-
ematics as an essential form of knowledge.
The emergence of modern theosophy in the nine-
teenth century was precipitated in part by the Vic-
torian crisis in faith and obsession with orientalism.
Mathematics occupied a special place in theosophy,
particularly in the numerological interests of the
ancients. More contemporary concerns, however, also
commanded attention within this esoteric movement.
The notion of higher dimensional space, which gained
credibility and notoriety through the development of
algebraic methodologies and non-Euclidean geom-
etries, was a topic of considerable discussion among
theosophists. Some appealed to it by way of analogy to
support beliefs in a universal present that connected
the past with the future. Others made claims of broth-
erhood based on the notion that all of humankind
is the manifestation of a single universal being that
could be accommodated in an expanded conception
of space. Peter Ouspensky (18781947) provided one
of the most fulsome accounts of such thinking in his
Tertium Organum.
Islamic Tradition
Islamic mathematics incorporated and extended
ancient Greek and Indian knowledge. More signi-
cantly Muslims transmitted this expanding body of
knowledge widely during the period that saw their
cultural and intellectual inuence spread from the
Middle East to Spain (c. 7001500). As with other cul-
tures, astronomical considerations focused attention
on geometry and trigonometry. Further, requirements
associated with daily prayers, one of the Five Pillars
of Islam, served to connect religious and mathemati-
cal practices. Interest in accurately establishing the ve
daily prayer times, which are set according to the Suns
position as determined by shadow length, provides
one connection with the trigonometry of astronomi-
cal computations. Additionally, the problem of locat-
ing the direction of Mecca, toward which the faithful
must face when praying, meant the Muslim mathema-
ticians were equally concerned with the trigonometry
of geography.
The signicant relationships between the offering of
prayers and trigonometry notwithstanding, discourses
explicitly linking mathematical and theological concerns
are not common features of Islamic texts dating from
the Middle Ages. Patterns incorporated as architectural
ornamentation may reect natural observations rather
than the realization of mathematical knowledge. How-
ever, some have suggested that the algorithmic pattern
making so prevalent in Islamic architecture may reect
cosmological and theological contemplation. Speci-
cally, it could provide a visual representation of creation
that was understood in the context of number, especially
in the generation of the many (numbers) from a singu-
lar unit (one). The use of multiple geometrical patterns,
each integral yet distinct, may also serve a visual invita-
tion to reect on the parables of the Quran. While theo-
logical intentions might be difcult to document, math-
ematical expertise was certainly involved in rendering
the elaborate spherical tessellations that adorn many of
the domes found in Islamic architecture. Such knowl-
edge is contained in Islamic texts such as Those Parts of
Geometry Needed by Craftsmen (c. tenth century).
Further Reading
Ascher, Marcia. Mathematics Is Everywhere: An
Exploration of Ideas Across Cultures. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2002.
Henry, Granville C. Logos: Mathematics and Christian
Theology. Lewisburg, VA: Bucknell University
Press, 1976.
Hersh, Rueben. What Is Mathematics, Really? Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Koetsier, T., and L. Bergmans, eds. Mathematics and
the Divine: A Historical Study. Amsterdam:
Elsevier, 2005.
Rajagopal, Pinayur. Indian Mathematics and the West.
In Knowledge Across Cultures: A Contribution to
Dialogue Among Civilizations. Edited by Ruth Hayhoe
and Julia Pan. Hong Kong: Comparative Education
Research Center, 2001.
K. G. Valente
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Chinese
Mathematics; Geometry in Society; Graphs; Greek
Mathematics; Innity; Maps; Mathematicians, Religious;
Numbers and God; Pythagorean School; Religious
Writings; Sacred Geometry; Trigonometry.
Mathematics and Religion 627
Genealogy Project
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communications; Connections.
Summary: The Mathematics Genealogy Project maps
professional relationships among mathematicians.
Two fundamental components of the fabric of human
societies are family and community. For reasons like
innate socialization, sense of responsibility, and loy-
alty, an individual is compelled to be a part of a larger
organization. In a similar way, the desire to distin-
guish ones place in the community, the wanting to
carve out a place in the family, the urge to preserve
the past for future generations, and numerous such
factors motivate an individual to seek a family his-
tory. Consequently, throughout history individuals
have spent much time and effort on genealogy in pur-
suit of their own ancestries and to reconstruct trees
of ancestors.
Similarly to an individuals desire of constructing
family genealogy, many professionals also have the
desire and motivation to pursue their professional his-
tory. This desire is particularly the case for the profes-
sions or crafts in which some form of apprentice and
master relationships are the main mode of transfer-
ring knowledge or skills from one generation to the
next. Professional mathematics is a prime example of
such a vocation. Particularly since the Renaissance, a
prospective mathematician usually studies and con-
ducts research under the supervision or tutelage of
a master mathematician whose guidance and knowl-
edge are major factors in obtaining successful certi-
cation to become a recognized mathematicianthe
Ph.D. degree.
Mathematicians usually have very high regard for
this type of transfer of knowledge and profession;
hence, Ph.D. advisers are given special respect. Indeed,
in mathematical events, novice mathematicians intro-
ductions typically include their advisers name, or nov-
ice mathematicians introduce themselves as students
of their adviser. Some even go as far as calling their
Ph.D. adviser as their mathematical parent. In such
an environment, it is natural for mathematicians to
inquire about their mathematical ancestries. Another
factor that contributes to this curiosity is, in the vast-
ness of mathematics, nding the intertwining connec-
tions between the various subdisciplines and tracing
back the original sources and motivations of the prob-
lems or concepts being studied.
Birth of the Project
The Mathematics Genealogy Project is a natural out-
come of such curiosity and is the brainchild of Pro-
fessor Harry B. Coonce. Although several small groups
of mathematicians or some individual mathematicians
had information on the genealogy of numerous promi-
nent mathematicians, until Coonces initial work in the
late 1990s, no attempt was undertaken to construct a
genealogy tree for a large group of mathematicians. In
1997, realizing that there was no central location where
the information on mathematics Ph.D. students and
their advisers was available, Coonce (whose adviser
was Malcolm S. Robertson) started a Web site for this
purpose. Upon his retirement in 1999, he devoted
all his time to the project and began systematic data
collection and formation of a genealogy tree for all
628 Mathematics Genealogy Project
Some mathematicians refer to their Ph.D. advisers as
their mathematical parents.
mathematicians, which has become the Mathematics
Genealogy Project (MGP). In 2003, the MGP moved to
North Dakota State University (NDSU) and has been
housed there since. The projects primary responsibil-
ity rests with the NDSU Department of Mathematics.
In late 2009, Coonce retired from being the managing
director of the project; and in October 2009, the Amer-
ican Mathematical Society became the sole designated
partner of NDSU for MGP.
Construction of a genealogy tree is a complex pro-
cess that uses historical records and other reliable
sources to demonstrate kinship. Because of its unique
position and its desire to provide the family tree for
all mathematicians, this task is particularly difcult for
the MGP. It is essentially a searchable database in which
information for each entry contains all relevant profes-
sional information about that individual. The projects
mission statement, quoting from the project Web site,
indicates this ambitious goal clearly:
The intent of this project is to compile information
about ALL the mathematicians of the world. We
earnestly solicit information from all schools who
participate in the development of research level
mathematics and from all individuals who may
know desired information. It is our goal to list all
individuals who have received a doctorate in math-
ematics. For each individual we plan to show the
following: the complete name of the degree recipi-
ent; the name of the university which awarded the
degree; the year in which the degree was awarded;
the complete title of the dissertation; and the com-
plete name(s) of the advisor(s).
In order to provide all this information as accurately
as possible, the project managers gather data from reli-
able sources. The main sources of data are information
provided from the Ph.D.-awarding institutions and
the Dissertation Abstracts. Another important source is
the mathematical community itself; voluntarily, many
mathematicians provide valuable information that
is not accessible to the project managers. In any case,
before any entry is included in the project database, it
is scrutinized for possible errors. However, some erro-
neous information can still be found; some of this is
because of changes in the individuals records, such as
name changes because of marriage, revised spellings
because of move, and name changes of institutions, and
some are genuine errors. These errors are other reasons
that the project administrators rely on the mathemati-
cal community for monitoring the entries and report-
ing and correcting the errors found.
Besides providing the information on the geneal-
ogy of mathematicians, the MGP aims to be a source
of other relevant data and a hub of connections to
other related projects. Therefore, the project Web site
( also con-
tains interesting features of this kind. It provides links
to databases or search tools, like MathSciNet, and links
to other institutions that carry relevant information.
One can also nd some interesting information on the
mathematicians who are most prolic and have a large
number of descendants.
Mathematicians, naturally, are inclined to seek a
mathematical structure within any object on which
they cast their eyes. As is seen in the Extrema section
of the project Web site, the MGP tree happens to have
a special nonplanar graph structure. Researchers are
using the data to investigate graph theoretic and visu-
alization issues as well as social issues, like the advisers
with the most students or descendants and the role of
mentoring in advisee productivity. It is even possible
that a new research area of mathematics on the study
of structures within the MGP tree may emerge.
Further Reading
Adams, Jon. A Trace of Greatness. Times Higher
Education 6 (May 2010).
Jackson, Allyn. A Labor of Love: The Mathematics
Genealogy Project. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 54, no. 8 (2007).
Malmgren, R. Dean, Julio Ottino, and Luis Amaral. The
Role of Mentorship in Protg Performance. Nature
465 (June 3, 2010).
Miller, Frederic P., Agnes F. Vandome, and John
McBrewster, eds. Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Beau-Bassin, Mauritius: Alphascript Publishing, n.d.
North Dakota State University. Department of
Mathematics. The Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Dogan Comez
See Also: Genealogy; Graphs; Mathematical
Friendships and Romances; Mathematician Dened;
Social Networks.
Mathematics Genealogy Project 629
Mathematics Literacy
and Civil Rights
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Problem Solving.
Summary: The opportunity to learn mathematical
knowledge and problem solving abilities is a right that
should not be denied to any social groups.
Mathematical literacy is the conceptual understand-
ing and, especially, the operational skills to deal with
mathematical situations encountered in all areas of
daily life. At a higher level, it is also the ability to use
mathematical knowledge and problem-solving ability
in more sophisticated uses of mathematics in careers
and technical applications. This mathematical knowl-
edge includes having a number sense of compara-
tive sizes of numbers, being able to estimate and to do
mental arithmetic, and being able to use technology
necessary for modern life and jobs. Beyond basic arith-
metic, skills identied by professional organizations
also include an understanding of basic statisticsat
least enough to read and understand graphs, to inter-
pret statistics reported in the media, and to beware of
attempts to mislead with statistics. Similarly, algebra
teaches the symbolic and logical sense of problem solv-
ing necessary to understand the mathematical issues of
modern life.
Some basic mathematical knowledge, such as count-
ing, comparisons of size, and even the fundamentals
of arithmetic, may be innate or at least learned eas-
ily at an early age from the experience of working
with numbers and mathematical concepts. However,
beyond the very basic fundamentals, usually math-
ematical understanding needs to be taught as the
processes become more intricate. All people need to
use certain mathematical ideas, such as counting and
measuring. In the absence of formal schooling, chil-
dren learn these skills from experience or from older
mentors, perhaps even as apprentices. However, mod-
ern society usually considers the teaching of basic
mathematics as one of the more important tasks of
elementary and middle schools.
More than most school subjects, mathematics is
cumulative. Each higher level of mathematics content
builds on lower levels studied earlier. Even as school
mathematics curriculum may spiral, returning to ear-
lier topics, each cycle returns at a higher, more sophis-
ticated level. Consequently, any review that takes place
leads to further growth in understanding the content
and newer applications. Mathematics is known to
open doors for careers in many areas from nursing to
accounting to engineering and science. Since no one
can predict the future mathematical needs of indi-
vidual students in elementary or middle school, it is
important that all have every opportunity to be ade-
quately prepared for whatever mathematical direction
they may go. If a student misses out at understand-
ing a particular topic or has a gap in the coverage of
material, he or she may be hindered in the process of
learning the next step. Students in high school or col-
lege who develop a late interest in scientic or math-
ematical careers often require additional preparatory
coursework, time, and assistance in learning if their
academic backgrounds lack the necessary content of
the eld. This requirement can be seen in the growth
of remedial courses in colleges.
These considerations make it important to be
watchful for any loss of opportunity that can occur
along the path of mathematics learning. A key transi-
tion for students is the move from the basic mathemat-
ical literacy of elementary school to the start of more
specialized mathematics that usually begins in middle
school. Sometimes children themselves opt to move
away from mathematics. They may be discouraged by
a lack of success, pushed by peer pressure, or not fully
engaged by the methods of presentation they experi-
enced in their early classrooms. Even for successful stu-
dents, mathematics classes may not completely capture
their interest, especially if much repetition occurs with
the intent of lling in content that was missed earlier.
Enrichment material and new challenges that address
different styles of learning can help show successful
students that mathematics is fun and interesting, and
mathematics competitions allow them to be cheered
and congratulated. Other students may need extra care
to learn the concepts and procedures they had missed
before, especially if the presentation can be made in
new ways to provide extra clarity and interest.
Perhaps of greater concern are the students who
feel pressure that mathematics is not for them. Often
girls may get the impression that mathematics is only
for boys (sometimes from the attitudes of their par-
630 Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights
ents, peers, the media, or society at large). Children
of other underrepresented groups may not see people
who look like them doing mathematics and therefore
come to believe that they are ruled out of these pur-
suits. Enrichment in school mathematics needs to go
beyond additional challenging content, but also to
demonstrate that everyone can do mathematics, and
that mathematical careers welcome anyone with the
interest and motivation to pursue them. Guest speakers
from underrepresented groups who have been success-
ful in mathematical careers (or at least stories about
their successes) can provide examples of achievement
for children of these groups.
In many school districts, children as early as the fourth
or fth grades are evaluated, sometimes from one-time
tests that may not reect their overall performance.
The evaluations direct or track children into various
types of mathematics classes as they move into middle
schools. Some go immediately into prealgebra or alge-
bra classes, while others remain in arithmetic classes,
often recycling content from earlier grades. Once a
student is put into the lower-level track, it becomes
increasingly unlikely that they will be able to move
into faster streams or have the opportunities to take
advanced mathematics in high schooleven if they
are doing well and demonstrating high abilities.
In todays increasingly technical world, ordinary citi-
zens need to understand more mathematics than in the
past, just to do the ordinary tasks of daily life. At the
same time, the elds of science, technology, engineer-
ing, and mathematics need to recruit new workers who
can pick up and carry on with this growth. In short,
people need more mathematics, and mathematics
needs more people. The pipeline of children in math-
ematics in elementary schools becomes narrower and
narrower as one moves through the levels of schools to
graduate degrees in mathematics. If todays successes
in mathematics are to continue, doors must be opened
for all students to study and learn more mathematics.
Further Reading
Gutstein, Eric, and Bob Peterson, eds. Rethinking
Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers.
Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools, 2005.
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights 631
Civil Rights
obert Moses was a civil rights activist as
a young adult and later became a math-
ematics educator, but continued his concern
for civil rights. He argued that the opportunity
to study algebra is a civil right.
As the beginning of the cumulative series
of mathematics courses beyond arithmetic,
algebra is the gateway to further mathemat-
ics. Many advanced mathematics courses,
and the resulting career choices and opportu-
nities, depend on the successful completion
of a course in algebra; and, of course, com-
pletion depends on the opportunity to take
algebra at an appropriate point in the school
program. If children are being put into tracks
that delay or deny their study of algebra, they
are being hurt. If tracking occurs based on
gender, race, or socioeconomic statusas
some believethen it amounts to actual dis-
Robert Moses founded the Algebra Project to
help bring math literacy to low-income students.
Moses, Robert P., and Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Radical
Equations: Civil Rights From Mississippi to the Algebra
Project. Boston: Beacon Press, 2001.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The
Equity Principle. In Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, 2000.
Steen, Lynn Arthur. Mathematics for All Americans.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Teaching and Learning Mathematics (1990 Yearbook).
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 1990.
Trentacosta, J., and M. J. Kenney, eds. Multicultural and
Gender Equity in the Mathematics Classroom: The
Gift of Diversity 1997 Yearbook. Reston VA: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1997.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Minorities; Women.
Mathematics Research,
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving; Representations.
Summary: There is a sense in which mathematics
is always interdisciplinary but there can be special
benet to approaching it collaboratively with
researchers from different disciplines bringing
disparate skills, knowledge, and methodologies
to bear.
In our increasingly complex society, the problems
that need to be solved often lie beyond the scope of a
single academic discipline. Interdisciplinary research
crosses these traditional boundaries. Frequently, this
boundary crossing involves bringing together indi-
viduals with a variety of knowledge and skills into col-
laborative working groups. Interdisciplinary research
can also refer to an individual who regularly works
in a eld that is inherently interdisciplinary, such as
mathematical physics. Interdisciplinary research can
be both highly productive and truly inspiring, creat-
ing connections that lead to new knowledge, both at
the intersection of the participating disciplines and
within the individual elds involved in the collabora-
tion. Mathematics plays a role in collaborations with a
wide variety of disciplines, and many early mathema-
ticians were multidisciplinary researchers and explor-
ers. In the twenty-rst century, the sciences, social sci-
ences, businesses, and even the liberal and ne arts are
working ever more closely with mathematicians on
interdisciplinary problems. Despite the apparent ben-
ets and future promises of interdisciplinary research,
those who are interested in pursuing such activities
often face obstacles and disincentives.
Sometimes these are barriers of communication
or culture, since different disciplines have their own
vocabularies and ways of working. Other barriers are
related to the tradition of organizing academic insti-
tutions into discipline-based departments, which
sometimes carries over into support and professional
structures like funding organizations, professional
societies, and journals. At the same time, mathemati-
cians with interdisciplinary skills and experience are
highly sought by employers, resulting in a shift toward
creating departments or programs that exist on these
interdisciplinary boundaries. There are also interdis-
ciplinary centers and workshops to educate new and
current mathematicians in both the rewards and chal-
lenges of interdisciplinary research.
Funding and Support
Funding agencies for research are generally supportive
of interdisciplinary research because they feel more con-
dent that expert input will be available in all necessary
elds and that the results will be usable. They also want
to help researchers learn from each other. However, it is
not easy to publish interdisciplinary research, as it may
not seem sufciently novel to each discipline. A bigger
problem is the lack of academic employment oppor-
tunities. One solution is to create a new discipline, for
example, mathematical biology, sports science, science
policy, or computational science. In times of budgetary
constraint, disciplines may be reluctant to share scarce
resources in interdisciplinary activities. However, this
can be a difcult endeavor, as a new discipline may
not immediately be seen as legitimate until it has been
established within the peer communityand perhaps
in society at largethat its results are valid and impor-
632 Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary
tant. Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary mathematics
research is reected in a wide range of interdisciplinary
societies, Web sites, and emerging venues for interdis-
ciplinary publication and presentation.
Interdisciplinary mathematics research can reveal the
connections between methods used in different disci-
plines hidden beneath different representations. The
engineers assessment of smoothness by spatial correla-
tion is basically the same as the economists assessment
of temporal change by autocorrelation. Even within
the mathematics community, nomenclature and
approaches can differ. The term normal means one
thing to a statistician and something entirely different
to an algebraist, and the use of the term dimension
within linear algebra somewhat differs from many
other applications of the term. Proper communication
is essential to clarify and accommodate these linguistic
and conceptual differences. However, this is also true
for single-discipline research. The extra effort put into
ensuring good understanding and communication
makes a successful outcome more likely.
All participants in an interdisciplinary group can
benet from the diverse perspectives of the various
elds that are represented, but care must be taken to
avoid incompatible levels of detail and complexity as
well as confusion over discipline-specic use of lan-
guage or jargon. For example, clarication of con-
dence intervals can save much misunderstanding in
the public sector, and understanding how government
works is very useful to mathematicians. In the eld of
algebraic geometry, algebraic problems may be trans-
lated to geometric problems that are more easily solved
in that setting, or vice versa.
Lean Six Sigma, a business management strategy
that draws heavily on modern quality-improvement
techniques, statistical process control, and broader sta-
tistical methods, is a good example of interdisciplinary
mathematics research. Company staff are trained in a
range of statistical methods and have to apply their
knowledge in work-based projects. Computational
science emerged from the multidisciplinary overlap of
computer science, mathematics, and scientic appli-
cations. At rst it was seen only as the intersection of
these disciplines. As it grows in scope, computational
science is seen as an independent discipline with
unique issues and content. Mathematics and biology
have long been intertwined, but the increasing col-
laboration and interdependence will no doubt enrich
not only the interdisciplinary eld but also both of its
parent disciplines.
Interdisciplinary researchers also inuence math-
ematics by analyzing and forecasting disciplinary
trends. For example, technology forecaster Alan Porter
and science and technology policy researcher Ismael
Rafols examined whether science was becoming more
interdisciplinary. They analyzed work between 1975
and 2005 over six research domains using established
metrics, a new index of interdisciplinarity, and a sci-
ence mapping visualization method.
Their analysis showed large increases in the number
of cited disciplines, references, and coauthors per arti-
cle, but the citations tended to be in close disciplinary
areas. This suggested that science has in fact become
more interdisciplinary, but incrementallyrst to
closely related elds and only later to more disparate
areas. This is consistent with the fact that close disci-
plines are more likely to share methods and vocabu-
lary, as well as peer reviewers, conferences, and venues
for publication.
Further Reading
Boniolo, Giovanni, Paolo Budinich, and Majda Trobok.
The Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences:
Interdisciplinary and Philosophical Aspects. Dordrecht,
Netherlands: Springer, 2010.
Cohen, Joel. Mathematics Is Biologys Next Microscope,
Only Better: Biology Is Mathematics Next Physics,
Only Better. PLoS Biology 2, no. 12 (2004).
Sriraman, Bharath, and Claus Michelsen.
Interdisciplinary Educational Research in Mathematics
and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences. Charlotte,
NC: Information Age Publishing, 2008.
Shirley Coleman
See Also: Careers; Communication in Society;
Problem Solving in Society.
Mathematics Software
See Software, Mathematics
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 633
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Number and Operations, Algebra,
Communication, Connections, Representations.
Summary: Matrices are useful for a variety of
calculations and applications.
Matrices are used throughout modern mathematics and
statistics and their applications in the natural and social
sciences. Matrix theory and the closely related theory of
vector spaces form what is now known as linear alge-
bra: the study of systems of linear equations and their
solutions in n-dimensional space. A matrix is a rectangu-
lar array of numbers representing the coefcients of the
unknowns in a linear system. The rst example of such
a system and its solution using matrix operations dates
from more than 2000 years ago in China. The closely
related concept of determinants was introduced inde-
pendently in Japan and Europe in the seventeenth cen-
tury. The systematic development of basic matrix theory,
in both its algebraic and geometric aspects, took place in
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This the-
ory played a major role in the development of quantum
mechanics, the branch of physics underlying many of
the technological advances of the twentieth and twenty-
rst centuries. Matrices have been commonly explored
in high school since linear algebra became a standard
topic in the mathematics curriculum during the middle
of the twentieth century. Contemporary applications of
matrix theory are cryptography, Internet security, and
Internet search engines, such as Google.
Origin of the Term
The word matrix comes from Latin, meaning womb,
deriving from mater (mother). The mathematical
use was introduced by James Joseph Sylvester as an
oblong arrangement of terms consisting, suppose, of
m lines and n columns, a Matrix out of which we may
form various systems of determinants. At present, the
word matrix refers to a rectangular array of numbers
regarded and manipulated as a single object.
Linear Systems and Row Operations
The rst calculation with such an array dates from the
Han dynasty in ancient China, in Nine Chapters of the
Mathematical Art, a practical handbook on surveying,
engineering, and nance. One problem posed in the
handbook is this:
There are three types of corn, of which three bun-
dles of the rst, two of the second, and one of the
third make 39 measures. Two of the rst, three of
the second, and one of the third make 34 measures.
One of the rst, two of the second, and three of the
third make 26 measures. How many measures of
corn are contained in one bundle of each type?
In modern notation, this becomes a system of linear
equations, with unknowns x, y, and z representing the
three types of corn:
3 2 39
2 3 34
2 3 26
x y z
x y z
x y z
+ + =
+ + =
+ + = .
The ancient Chinese author writes the coefcients in a
rectangular array and solves the system by performing
operations on this array. In modern notation, start with
the 3-by-4 matrix of coefcients, and then (1) multiply
row 2 by 3 and subtract 2 times row 1; multiply row 3
by 3 and subtract row 1; (2) multiply row 3 by 5 and
subtract 4 times row 2:
3 2 1 39
2 3 1 34
1 2 3 26
3 2 1 39
0 5 1 24
0 4 8 39
( )
( ) 2
3 2 1 39
0 5 1 24
0 0 36 99
The third row of the last array represents the equa-
tion 36z = 99, giving z = 11/4. The second row repre-
sents 5y + z = 24, giving y = 17/4. The rst row repre-
sents 3x + 2y + z = 39, giving x = 37/4.
Gaussian and GaussJordan Elimination
This simplication of linear equations by using one
variable to cancel another is called Gaussian elimina-
tion. Carl Friedrich Gauss used it systematically in the
early nineteenth century in his study of the orbit of
the asteroid Pallas. An even more reduced version of
a system, called row echelon form or GaussJordan
634 Matrices
form, was rst published in a handbook on geodesy
written by Wilhelm Jordan. At that time, elimination
methods were considered a tool for geodesy instead of
a part of mathematics.
Other Historical Developments
The closely related concept of determinants originated
during the late seventeenth century simultaneously in
work of Seki Kowa, in Japan, and Gottfried Leibniz, in
Germany. From the modern point of view, the deter-
minant is a function of a matrix, so it is remarkable
that the study of determinants originated more than
a century before the study of matrices. A systematic
theory of matrices, determinants, and systems of linear
equations was developed by European mathematicians
during the nineteenth century: the most important
contributors were Augustin Cauchy, Arthur Cayley,
Ferdinand Eisenstein, Ferdinand Frobenius, Charles
Hermite, Edmond Laguerre, and Karl Weierstrass.
Thomas Hawkins, a historian of mathematics, who has
done much research on these developments, argues
that the most important motivation for this develop-
ment was the CayleyHermite problem of determining
all linear substitutions of the variables of a quadratic
form, which leave the form invariant.
A famous memoir by Cayley introduced the single-
letter notation for matrices together with the opera-
tions of matrix addition and multiplication and clari-
es the relation between matrices and systems of linear
equations: a set of quantities arranged in the form of
a square, for example,
a a a
b b b
c c c
( ) 1
where CF
is the cash ow that will occur t periods from
now, and i
is the annual effective interest rate appro-
priate for an investment of t periods.
The above reference to i
(an interest rate appro-
priate for an investment of t periods) suggests that
cash ows over different time periods, or with differ-
ent characteristics, might be associated with different
levels of interest rates. Indeed, this is true, and in fact
the cost of using money can be different in accordance
676 Money
with the period of time over which an investment is
made. Typically, annual interest rates associated with
relatively longer term investments are relatively larger
than those associated with shorter term investments.
This relationship is described formally by the yield
curve, or the term structure of interest rates.
Similarly, one of the most critical factors in deter-
mining an appropriate interest rate is the level of riski-
ness inherent in the investment process (or uncertainty
in the amount and timing of the future cash ows, if
discounting is being performed for present value pur-
poses). In general, riskier cash ows or investment
opportunities are associated with higher interest rates.
This association is a manifestation of the risk-return
relationship, which suggests that taking on greater risk
should be compensated by a relatively greater reward.
Further Reading
Biehler, Timothy. The Mathematics of Money: Math for
Business and Personal Finance Decisions. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Broverman, Samuel A. Mathematics of Investment and
Credit. Winsted, CT: ACTEX Publications, 2008.
Marquez, Elizabeth, and Paul Westbrook. Teaching
Money Applications to Make Mathematics Meaningful.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2007.
Rick Gorvett
See Also: Accounting; Loans; Pensions, IRAs, and
Social Security; Stock Market Indices.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Though mankind has always looked up at
the moon and even visited, most of the body of lunar
knowledge is actually contributed by mathematics,
which continues to attempt to model its motion.
The moon is the sole natural satellite of the Earth. Spe-
cic astronomical searches have established positively
that the Earth has no other satellites larger than a few
meters. The lunar body is nearly a sphere with a mean
radius of 1738 kilometers (km) or 1000 milesonly
3.7 times less than the Earth. The mean distance of the
moon from the Earth is 384,400 km (238,855 miles). The
moon is the fth largest satellite in the solar system and
the largest one relative to the size of its planet. The moon
is so near and so large in comparison with its host that
the entire system is often dubbed the double planet.
Viewed from above the North Pole of the Earth, the
moon travels around it counterclockwise in a slightly
elliptical path. The sideric month (one orbit around
the Earth with respect to the stars) is 27.3217 days. The
synodic month (the cycle of phases visible from the
Earth; for example, the time interval between two suc-
cessive new moon phases) is 29.5306 days.
The period of one spin of the moon around its axis
(a lunar day) is exactly equal to the sideric month
because of tidal breaking. This phenomenon is also
known as synchronous rotation, or tidal coupling.
As a result, from the Earth, people can observe only
half of the lunar surface (called the near, or visible,
side). The far (called invisible) hemisphere was
photographed for the rst time in 1959 by the Soviet
robotic spacecraft Luna-3, an episode of the space race
between the United States and the Soviet Union. On
the moon, the disk of the Earth does not rise and set. It
is observable only from the near side in an almost per-
manent point of the lunar sky (uctuating a little from
a small phenomenon called libration).
The face of the moon was inuenced by both inter-
nal and external factors. On the surface, observers dis-
tinguish so-called darker maria (at seas without
water) and brighter highlands. All of them are covered
with numerous craters, the highlands more so than the
seas. The far side of the moon has practically no seas.
Because of constant bombardment by various small
interplanetary particles, the entire surface is enveloped
with thin fractured material called regolith. There is
no atmosphere on the moon. As a result, the differ-
ence in temperatures between a lunar day and a lunar
night is very high: between 170 degrees Celsius and
+130 degrees Celsius (274 degrees Fahrenheit to +266
degrees Fahrenheit). Water in the form of subsurface
ice exists in polar regions. There are no traces of mod-
ern tectonics on the surface.
From the Earth, the visible angular diameter of
the moon is 0.5 degrees and fairly close to the angu-
lar diameter of the sun. This property is essential
Moon 677
because sometimes the three bodies, the sun, the Earth
and the moon, align along a straight line. In this case,
humans observe either a total lunar (if the moon is far-
ther from the sun than the Earth) or a total solar (if
the moon is between the sun and the Earth) eclipse.
The latter is visible only within narrow strips on the
Earth. Such observations are important for solar phys-
ics. To see these phenomena, astronomers regularly
organize special expeditions. Eclipses often held great
religious signicance. Scholar Anaxagoras of Clazom-
enae explained the phenomenon using mathematics.
He was imprisoned for asserting that the sun was not a
god and that the moon reected the suns light.
The age of the moon is about 4.5 billion years,
which is close to the age of the sun and the entire solar
system. Of the various concepts of the moons origin,
the prevailing hypothesis is that the Earth-moon sys-
tem was formed by a giant impact: a planet-sized body
hit the nearly formed proto-Earth, ejecting material
into orbit around the proto-Earth, which accreted to
form the moon.
The mean density of the moon is just 3.34 grams
per centimeter
and, as a result, the mass of the moon is
81 times less than that of the Earth. The interior of the
moon is geochemically differentiated: it has a distinct
crust, mantle and core. Surface gravity on the
moon is six times less than on the Earth. The
general magnetic eld of the moon is practi-
cally absent.
The moon has always played a signicant
role in religion, science, art, and culture. Since
the Paleolithic, the lunar orb in the sky has
been utilized for calendar purposes. That is
why the similarity of the terms moon and
month is not coincidental. For the philoso-
pher Aristotle, the moon marked a great bor-
der between a mortal and corruptible sublu-
nar (terrestrial) world and an immortal world
of ideal heavenly bodies. It became a signi-
cant symbol for Islam. For Isaac Newton, the
moon was the prime test body to demonstrate
mathematically that the fall of an apple and
the orbiting of a celestial body are ruled by a
single natural law of universal gravity.
Mathematical Modeling
Many mathematicians have developed theo-
retical models for the motion of the moon. The
exact path of the moon around the Earth is affected by
many perturbations and is extremely complicated. That
is why, after Newton, research of lunar motion (lunar
theory) became the central problem of celestial mechan-
ics. Consequently, it appeared among the most critical
and difcult tasks for applied mathematics. The moons
gravitational inuence on the Earth produces the ocean
tides and the tiny lengthening of the calendar year. Most
of what we know about the moons size, shape, and other
properties has been derived largely through mathemati-
cal computations, using mathematical theory and data
from Earth-based observations, satellite imagery, and
direct measurements made by astronauts.
Human Exploration
Starting at least from Roman times, science ction
authors were the forerunners for delivering terrestrials
to the moon. In reality, the rst space robots to the moon
were launched by the Soviets in 1959. But they failed in
the space race with the United States to realize manned
expeditions. The rst terrestrials to visit the moon were
the American astronauts of the Apollo program. After
preliminary robotic programs (Ranger, Lunar Orbiter,
and Surveyor) and Apollo ybys, American manned
landings on the moon occurred in 19691972. Among
678 Moon
Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt standing next to a huge
boulder during the Apollo 17 mission to the moon.
seven planned landings (from Apollo-11 up to Apollo-
17), six missions were tremendously successful. Twelve
crewmembers stepped down on the near side of the
moon, and six more orbited it. Astronauts performed a
number of experiments and returned to the labs about
382 kg of lunar matter. Since 2004, Japan, China, India,
the United States, and the European Space Agency have
each sent successful automatic lunar orbiters.
Among the many thousands of contributors to lunar
programs, mathematicians often played outstanding
roles. One signicant individual was mathematician
Richard Arenstorf, who solved a special case of the three-
body problem with gure-eight trajectories now called
Arenstorf periodic orbits. In 1966, he was awarded a
NASA medal for exceptional scientic achievement for
this work. Another was Evelyn Boyd Granville, who
used numerical analysis to aid in the design of missile
fuses. She later worked on trajectory and orbit analyses
for several space missions, including Apollo. She said,
I can say without a doubt that this was the most inter-
esting job of my lifetimeto be a member of a group
responsible for writing computer programs to track the
paths of vehicles in space. In fact, mathematicians occu-
pied many seats in the rst row of the Mission Control
center. Their work was critical for calculating trajecto-
ries and for maneuvers that involved the meeting of two
objects in space, including landing on the moon. They
also played a signicant role in determining a rapid and
feasible solution that would safely return the damaged
Apollo 13 manned spacecraft to Earth.
Among mathematicians in Russia, the most noticeable
contribution to ights to the moon was made by Efraim
L. Akim of the Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathemat-
ics at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He
was the principal investigator for special lunar orbiters
to create a mathematical model of the lunar gravitational
eld and the leader of a team to calculate trajectories of
the Russian lunar robotic spacecraft.
Several international treaties regulate mutual rela-
tions of various states with respect to modern space
explorations of the moon. The most important among
them are the Outer Space Treaty (1967) and the Agree-
ment Governing the Activities of States on the Moon
and Other Celestial Bodies (1979).
Further Reading
Gass, S. I. Project Mercurys Man-in-Apace Real-Time
Computer System: You Have a Go, at Least Seven
Orbits.Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE 21,
no. 4 (1999).
Eckart, Peter, ed. The Lunar Base Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Stroud, Rick. The Book of the Moon. New York: Walker
and Co., 2009.
Ulivi, Paolo, and David Harland. Lunar Exploration:
Human Pioneers and Robotic Surveyors. Chichester,
England: Praxis Publishing, 2004.
Alexander A. Gurshtein
See Also: Interplanetary Travel; Measuring Time;
Planetary Orbits; Ride, Sally; Spaceships; Weightless
Movies, Making of
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry;
Summary: A variety of mathematics, including
signal processing, geometry, and lighting, are required
for making movies.
It takes many people with many different talents
to make a movie. Some of these required talents are
very technical, so these lmmakers must have a work-
ing knowledge of various mathematical principles to
employ the tools of their trade. A sampling of these
areas includes camerawork, sound recording, and spe-
cial effects. Signal processing, a branch of applied math-
ematics, is necessary both during the production of a
lm (for selection of lters and set dressings of accept-
able visual frequency) and in postproduction, where
dialogue must be made understandable in the sound
track. In addition, often the shooting of a scene itself,
with its restrictions on space and desired camera angles
as well as satisfying lighting needs, becomes a problem
in geometry. Physical phenomena and their interac-
tions can increasingly be modeled using mathematics.
Mathematicians such as Tony DeRose, who won a 2006
scientic and technical Academy Award for his work
on surface representations, play an increasingly impor-
tant role in producing modern special effects.
Movies, Making of 679
Camera Work
In the shooting of a scene, the number of variables is
considerable, and those directing the operation of a
camera have many decisions to make. Considerations
include viewing angles, shutter speeds, lens selection,
current lighting, and the format of the lm. These con-
siderations become considerably more complicated
when working with miniatures in which an attempt is
made to fool the eye of the viewer into believing the
miniature is a real, full-sized object. The choice of the
camera itself, which has many parameters, has a signi-
cant effect on the look of the lm.
The operation of the camera depends a great deal
on the lighting of the set. An f-stop, which has been
used for many years on cameras, is the ratio of the
focal length of the lens to the diameter of the entrance
pupil. This unit was used to control the quantity of
light reaching the lm. However, because of the fact
that much of the light reaching the lm plane is lost
to diffraction, reection, and refraction, more modern
cameras use the T-stop calibration, which is a measure
of the actual amount of light reaching the lm plane.
If no light were lost to optical factors, these two values
would be identical. Both of these measures are used
extensively: the f-stop for depth of eld calculations
and the T-stop for light transmission.
The gaffer (crew boss responsible for planning the
lighting) uses a variety of tools to light a scene so that
the lm can be recorded with the desired viewing
window, shutter speed, and camera angles, as well as
various aesthetic considerations. One such tool is the
inverse square law. This law states that the intensity of
a single source of light decreases in proportion to the
square of its distance from the subject. Using this law, a
small light puts less light on the background, if desired,
or a larger light farther away creates a larger area with a
similar light level. The light used will also affect the T-
stop to be used on the camera, so the light placements
must be planned carefully and light output levels must
be known exactly.
One calculation the camera operator must con-
stantly make is to determine the depth of eld. A lens
can focus on only one distance at a time. Therefore,
technically, both the foreground and the background of
a scene are never in focus simultaneously; in fact, only
one point on an actor is in focus at any one time. How-
ever, objects close to this distance will not appear blurry
to the human eye, which does not perceive imperfec-
tion within a certain distance of the point of focus. The
distance interval in which all objects are acceptably
focused is called the depth of eld. To determine the
depth of eld, one must rst determine the hyperfocal
distance, the smallest distance such that all objects from
half this distance through innity are in acceptable
focus. This distance can be approximated algebraically,
with a parameter known as the circle of confusion
determining what is considered to be acceptable focus
dependent on the focal length and f-stop setting of the
lens. Finally, the near and far limits of the depth of eld
can be determined with the equations
1 1 1
= +
1 1 1
where D
and D
are the near and far limits of the depth
of eld, S is the distance from the camera to the sub-
ject, and H is the hyperfocal distance. These formulas are
simplied versions of the normal depth of eld equa-
tions, which have an interesting geometric derivation.
Audio and Visual Signal Processing
The production sound mixer is in charge of recording
the sound and dialogue for a lm. Typically, crewmem-
bers are hired to operate microphones, often using long
poles with a microphone on the end. These microphones
are used to record various sounds on the set, with wire-
less microphones attached to the actors to record dia-
logue. Sound effects are recorded separately, as is the
score. During post-production, unwanted noise must
be ltered out of the recordings, the dialogue must be
made understandable, and the effects, score, and dia-
logue must be mixed together meaningfully.
To remove background noise, the audio signal
(composed of sound waves) is decomposed using a
Fourier transform, so that the model of the audio
signal is divided into simpler, trigonometric compo-
nents. These components are then analyzed, isolating
frequencies corresponding to unwanted artifacts in the
recording, such as the sound of the wind on the micro-
phone. Background noise is removed by removing the
Fourier components of amplitude below a certain level.
Finally, by reversing the transform, a more lmworthy
audio signal is obtained.
Processing must also be done to the visual signal.
Video cameras record at a frame rate, the frequency
with which the camera produces images. These images
680 Movies, Making of
are recorded as discrete signals, which are then recon-
structed on lm. If objects of a high visual frequency
are used in a scene, a loud tie for example, then the
image on lm will experience aliasing, causing visual
distortion or artifacts. To avoid this, the set designer
or costumer needs to avoid objects above a certain
visual frequency. This frequency, called the Nyquist
frequency, is half the frame rate. If images of high-
visual-frequency objects are desired, then an antialias-
ing lter must be used, such as a lowpass lter, which
will pass the low-frequency objects but reduce the
amplitude of the high-frequency objects. Filmmakers
have many lters that can be used to capture a wide
variety of objects in a scene, depending on the mix of
visual frequencies present.
Further Reading
Burum, Stephen, ed. American Cinematographer Manual.
Hollywood, CA: ASC Press, 2007.
Haunsperger, Deanna, and Steve Kennedy. Math Makes
the Movies. Math Horizons 9 (November 2001).
McAdams, A., S. Osher, and J. Teran. Crashing Waves,
Awesome Explosions, Turbulent Smoke, and Beyond:
Applied Mathematics and Scientic Computing in
the Visual Effects Industry. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 57, no. 5 (2010).
William Griffiths
See Also: Animation and CGI; Optical Illusions;
Movies, Mathematics in
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communications; Connections.
Summary: Mathematics and mathematicians often
appear in movies, helping to shape the publics image
of mathematics
Mathematics has been showcased in a number of
movies. Often, the lives of mathematicians, both real
and ctional, have been dramatized for use in lm.
Mathematics in movies can reveal, reect, and shape
how society views mathematics. Images of nerds and
geniuses are very common in movies, and the math-
ematical powers of geniuses are sometimes equated
with mental illness. There are also examples in which
talented women deny their mathematical ability. Some
of the lms that focus heavily on the lives of math-
ematicians include A Beautiful Mind (2001), Good
Will Hunting (1997), Pi (1998), Proof (2005), I.Q.
(1994), Innity (1996), and Agora (2009). Other mov-
ies, such as 21 (2008), Contact (1997), Cube (1997),
Jurassic Park (1993), Fermats Room (2007), and Mean
Girls (2004), use mathematics as the basis of key plot
points. Some lms, such as Stand and Deliver (1988),
dramatize the teaching of mathematics. There are also
numerous documentaries, including N is a Number:
A Portrait of Paul Erds (1993) and Julia Robinson and
Hilberts Tenth Problem (2008). Such lms are often
the publics only connection to mathematics. As such,
it important to point out how accurately these lms
communicate these ideas.
Mathematics and Character Development
A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 lm directed by Ron How-
ard based on the life of Nobel Prizewinner John Nash.
The lm chronicles the life of Nash (Russell Crowe)
beginning with his graduate studies at Princeton.
While there, Nash discovers the principle of govern-
ing dynamics, a central principle in game theory and
modern economics. The lm simplies the principle
by showing an attractive blonde woman and her four
friends entering a bar. If Nashs friends all irt with the
blonde, they impede each other. Further, her friends
will also spurn the would-be suitors, as they do not
want to be the second choice. Hence, the best strategy
for Nashs friends is to avoid the blonde and instead
approach her friends. The lm later shows Nashs
romance with Alicia Larde (Jennifer Connelly) and
his problems because of schizophrenia. The lm omits
many details of Nashs life, including both his previ-
ous marriage and his divorce from and later remarriage
to Alicia. Nonetheless, the lm received four Academy
Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
Good Will Hunting is a 1997 lm directed by Gus
Van Sant starring Matt Damon and Robin Williams.
In this lm, Will Hunting (Damon) is a janitor work-
ing at MIT. One night, he solves a difcult mathematics
problem left on a chalkboard in the hall. When none
of the students admit to solving the problem, Professor
Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) places a second problem
Movies, Mathematics in 681
on the chalkboard, which Will promptly solves. Unfor-
tunately, Will is plagued by antisocial behavior, causing
him to be arrested after a ght in a bar. Lambeau has
Will released into his custody provided that Will works
with him on mathematics and Will sees a therapist
(Williams). While the lm does present what appear to
be well-posed problems in graph theory and combina-
torics, it is unlikely the solution to such difcult prob-
lems could be placed on a single chalkboard in a short
amount of time. The lm won two Academy Awards.
The 1998 lm Pi was directed by Darren Aronofsky.
In Pi, Max Cohen (Sean Gullette) is a number theo-
rist who believes in three basic principles: mathemat-
ics is the language of the universe; the universe can be
understood through numbers; and if one graphs these
numbers correctly, patterns will emerge. In particu-
lar, he studies the stock market looking for patterns.
If one were able to nd patterns in the stock market,
one could accurately predict the future. After a conver-
sation with Lenny Meyer (Ben Shenkman) a Hasidic
Jew, Cohen begins to do research on the numbers in
the Torah. Meyer tells Cohen that the Torah is com-
posed entirely of numbers, and there are relationships
between the numbers. Thus, Cohen searches for a
pattern in the Torah in the hope of revealing the true
name of God. There has been mathematical research
on nding patterns to the stock market. However, the
level presented in this lm is impractical. For instance,
there are literally thousands of variables involved in the
stock market. A slight change in any of these variables
can lead to a large change in the market.
The 2005 movie Proof was directed by John Mad-
den, based on the play by David Auburn. In Proof,
Gweneth Paltrow plays Catherine, a woman who has
been looking after her father (Anthony Hopkins). Her
father was a brilliant mathematician who later became
incapacitated because of mental illness. During this
time, he wrote numerous notebooks full of his delu-
sional ramblings. After his death, his former student
Hal (Jake Gyllenhaal) nds one of these notebooks
containing what appears to be an important result.
While Catherine claims the result is hers, some ques-
tion both her authorship and her sanity. Catherines
father seems based in part on real life mathematician
Kurt Gdel. Like her father, Gdel was an important
mathematician who descended into insanity, writing
endlessly. Like most research professions, it is impor-
tant to establish priority. However, the lm does not
accurately depict suitable ways to establish priority,
such as presenting at research conferences or publish-
ing a preliminary technical report.
Romance and Mathematicians
Two lms, I.Q. (1994) and Innity (1996), focus more
on the romantic sides of mathematicians lives. In I.Q.,
Albert Einstein (Walter Matthau) and his friends help
local mechanic Ed Walters (Tim Robbins) to romance
Einsteins niece, Catherine Boyd (Meg Ryan), a doctoral
candidate in mathematics. In order to accomplish this,
Einstein makes it appear that Ed is a genius in physics.
In typical romantic comedy fashion, Catherine falls for
Ed, only to discover the deception. The lm takes many
liberties in portraying the personalities of Einstein and
his friends. Further, the lm does not discuss the sci-
ence of Einstein or his colleagues.
Science and Mathematics Themes
Innity is a 1996 lm based on the books Surely Youre
Joking, Mr. Feynman, and What Do You Care What Other
People Think by Richard Feynman. Feynman (Matthew
Broderick) was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who
worked at Los Alamos and later investigated the Chal-
lenger shuttle disaster. Like I.Q., the lm does nothing
to discuss Feynmans scientic discoveries. Instead,
the lm focuses on the romance of Feynman and his
rst wife Arline (Patricia Arquette). In one of the lms
more memorable scenes, Feynman impresses Arline
with his ability to do mental computations faster than
a shop owner with an abacus. Such anecdotes form the
cornerstones of Feynmans biographies, however, they
are largely omitted in the lm.
Agora is a 2009 Spanish drama that presents a semi-
ctionalized account of the life of Hypatia of Alexan-
dria. This lm has elicited a variety of reactions among
members of the mathematics community, including
concerns about its focus on certain aspects of her per-
sonality and private life as well as her mathematical
investigations and achievements.
The 2008 lm 21 is based on the book Bringing Down
the House by Ben Mezrich. In this lm, Ben Campbell (Jim
Sturgess) and the mathematics club (Kate Bosworth, et
al.) are coached by Professor Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey)
to count cards in blackjack. Using simple counting tech-
niques and signals, they act as a team to bring in the big
player when the deck begins to favor the player. By doing
so, they are able to bring in much greater returns than an
682 Movies, Mathematics in
individual counting cards on their own. Unfortunately,
their success is hampered by a security chief (Lawrence
Fishburne) who begins to realize their system.
Jurassic Park is a 1993 movie directed by Steven
Spielberg starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Gold-
blum, and Richard Attenborough. Jurassic Park was
constructed by John Hammond (Attenborough) to
feature genetically recreated dinosaurs. To gain sup-
port for the park, he recruits paleontologists (Neill and
Dern) as well as mathematician Ian Malcolm (Gold-
blum). Malcolm specializes in chaos theory, preferring
to be called a chaotician. Chaos theory deals with
unpredictability in a complex system. The lm accu-
rately illustrates this phenomenon with an experiment
involving placing drops of water on the back of a still
hand. Despite the best attempts to achieve predictable
results by placing the drops of water at the same place,
subtle differences on the hand will cause the drops
to roll off in different places. Malcolm argues that,
despite the best intentions of the engineers and geneti-
cists, Hammond and his associates do not have con-
trol of Jurassic Park. For instance, they do not predict
the actions of a saboteur or that the dinosaurs would
begin to breed. These oversights lead to the failure of
the park. Jeff Goldblum returns as Ian Malcolm in the
1997 sequel The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
Prime Numbers
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the basis of
the 1997 lm Contact, based on the book by Carl Sagan.
In this lm, Dr. Eleanor Arroway (Jodie Foster) discov-
ers a signal that appears to be from the star Vega using
the telescope array in New Mexico. The signal consists
of a long string of prime numbers. Prime numbers are
positive numbers divisible only by themselves and the
number 1. Moreover, the prime numbers are not asso-
ciated with any random natural phenomenon. Hence,
the broadcast of the primes from an extraterrestrial
source suggests the work of an alien intelligence. As
various layers of the message are decoded, her team
discovers the plans for a machine that will hopefully
transport one individual to meet these aliens. The lm
won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.
The 1997 psychological thriller Cube also uses prime
numbers as a key plot point. In Cube, a group of ve
individuals (Nicole de Boer, David Hewlett, et al.) nd
themselves in a cube-shaped room. The room they are
in is surrounded on all six sides by other cube-shaped
rooms. They quickly discover that many of the rooms
contain deadly traps. One of the group is a mathema-
tician and realizes that if the rooms are labeled with
prime numbers, then the room is trapped. They also
discover that the numbers give the position of the room
within the larger cube structure. Finding an autistic
savant in the maze allows them to factor the numbers
more quickly and thus navigate the cube structure.
The 2007 Spanish lm Fermats Room uses a famous
conjecture about prime numbers as a catalyst. The
Goldbach Conjecture states that every even number
greater than two can be expressed as the sum of two
primes. Despite being conjectured in 1742, this prob-
lem has remained unsolved as of 2010. A young math-
ematician known only as Galois claims that he has a
proof of the Goldbach Conjecture to impress a young
woman called Olivia. They are soon invited to dinner by
the enigmatic Fermat along with a middle-aged math-
ematician, Pascal, and an older mathematician, Hilbert.
Coincidently, Hilbert has been working on Goldbach
for 30 years. When their host, Fermat, leaves, they soon
nd themselves locked in the room. They are presented
with riddles one after another. If they are unable to solve
the riddles within their time limit, the walls of the room
close in until they solve the riddle. While the names of
the characters are based on famous mathematicians
and the Goldbach Conjecture is presented accurately,
the riddles in the lm are quite elementary.
Social Life and Mathematics
In the 2004 movie Mean Girls, the main character, high
school student Cady Heron, struggles to balance her
mathematical talent with social pressures and attempts
to be popular. She pretends to struggle at mathematics
in her calculus class in order to impress a boy she likes.
Finally, the 1988 movie Stand and Deliver illustrates
the difculty of teaching mathematics in an inner-city
school. Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos) teaches
basic arithmetic in a Los Angeles high school. He senses
that his students are capable of more, and using props,
humor, and examples from their lives, he motivates
them to learn calculus. At the end of their senior year,
his students all pass the AP calculus exam.
Some producers hire mathematical consultants
to ensure the accuracy of the content. It is likely that
mathematics and mathematicians, both real and c-
tional, will continue to remain sources of dramatic
material in feature lms. Mathematicians also analyze
Movies, Mathematics in 683
these representations in the classroom and in publica-
tions, such as the media column in the Association for
Women in Mathematics Newsletter.
Further Reading
Farley, Jonathan. Moment of Proof. Notices of the
American Mathematical Society 53, no. 3 (2006).
Greenwald, Sarah J., and Jill E. Thomley. Mathematically
Talented Women in Film and Television. Association
for Women in Mathematics Newsletter 38, no. 1 (2009).
Polster, B., and M. Ross. Mathematics Goes to the Movies.
Reinhold, Arnold. Math in the Movies. Math Horizons
4 (April 1997).
Robert A. Beeler
See Also: Betting and Fairness; Coding and
Encryption; Curriculum K12; Einstein, Albert; Game
Theory; Mathematical Friendships and Romances;
Mathematical Puzzles; Number Theory; Numbers and
God; Pi; Proof; Puzzles; Television, Mathematics in.
MP3 Players
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication; Data
Analysis and Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematics and mathematical data
compression algorithms make MP3 players possible.
MP3 players have revolutionized the way people listen
to music. MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) is an audio
compression standard that reduces music les with
little perceptible loss of quality. It is one of the Motion
Pictures Expert Group standards for lossy compres-
sion. The inventors of MP3, according to the United
States MP3 patent, are engineers Bernhard Grill, Karl-
Heinz Brandenburg, and Bernd Kurten; computer
scientist Thomas Sporer; and mathematician Ernst
Eberlein. The development was mathematically and
technically challenging according to Brandenburg,
who is sometimes called a specialist in mathematics
and electronics. He stated, in 1991, the project almost
died. During modication tests, the encoding simply
did not want to work properly. Two days before sub-
mission of the rst version . . . we found the compiler
error. Scientists at Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft developed
an MP3 player in the early 1990s.
In 1997, engineer Tomislav Uzelac invented the
AMP MP3 Playback Engine, which is regarded as the
rst successful MP3 player. Computer science student
Justin Frankel, who also helped develop the peer-to-
peer Gnutella network, and fellow student Dmitry
Boldyrev created the free MP3 player Winamp in
1998. Inventor Briton Kramer contributed to the rst
mass-produced player MPMan. The ability to share
les over the Internet, legally and illegally, for free
or for purchase, was a signicant factor in the rapid
spread of the MP3 format. By the twenty-rst century,
iPods became one of the most popular MP3 players,
in part because of the availability of music and video
via the iTunes store. The ability to hold thousands of
songs, videos, and other types of les is one of the
benets of MP3 players, all of which would not be
possible without mathematics and mathematical data
compression algorithms.
Compression and Encoding
Data compression is either lossy or lossless, refer-
ring to whether any data is discarded in the process
of creating a smaller le. Huffman coding, developed
by mathematician David Huffman, is used for MP3
compression. It employs a mathematical idea called a
frequency-sorted binary tree to look for recurring
strings of binary information in the digital le. These
strings are replaced by shorter binary codes. The most
frequently occurring strings are assigned the shortest
replacement codes, optimizing compression. In lossless
compression, all original information is preserved in
some way. In lossy compression, some information is
discarded to decrease le size. MP3 compression relies,
in part, on perceptual coding.
In a human ear, certain waveforms are indistinguish-
able. Psychoacoustic models prioritize data according
to the ears ability to distinguish the sounds the data
produce. Mathematical models of auditory process-
ing yield encoding information and algorithms, such
as frequency threshold curves, masking functions, and
critical bandwidths. Signal processing typically relies on
Fourier transforms, named for mathematician Joseph
Fourier, to enable coding and decoding. Ultimately, an
MP3 music le consists of a series of short, dependent
684 MP3 Players
frames, like a lmstrip. Each frame has a header with
information about the data in the frame. Inside the
frame is audio information in frequencies and ampli-
tudes. Sometimes, at the beginning or end, there is an
ID3 data block, which stores the artist name, track title,
album name, recording year, or other information.
Optimization of audio playback depends not just on
the human ear but on the equipment used. Speakers
are common on computers, while most MP3 play-
ers use some form of over-ear headphones or earbuds
that t into the ear canal. Empirical studies suggest that
noise from internal earbuds may be damaging to hear-
ing because the decibel level experienced by listeners is
higher on average than with external earphones, and
long-life batteries players allow people to listen longer.
Some researchers have reported average listening levels
of about 110120 decibels, equivalent to a rock concert.
Based on ndings of such studies, many audiologists
recommend using noise-canceling headphones rather
than turning up the volume. Engineer Lawrence Fogel
rst explored noise-canceling headphones for aviation
in the 1950s. Noise cancellation uses the mathemati-
cal properties of waves to create a signal with the same
amplitude but with an inverted phase to unwanted noise,
creating a combined wave inaudible to the human ear.
One other interesting mathematical problem related
to MP3 players is the shufe function. Various math-
ematical algorithms are used to permute the play order
of songs in an MP3 players library. In the early twenty-
rst century, the iPods default shufe system reorders
songs much like someone shufing a deck of cards, giv-
ing each song an equal chance to end up in any posi-
tion in the shufe and resulting in no repeats. How-
ever, many factors can affect perceived randomness
and equal likelihood of orderings. For example, users
can request higher chances of play for songs with high
user ratings. Songs can also be marked Skip When
Shufing so that they are completely excluded. Most
people frequently reshufe, generating new random
orderings before completing the library, and so some
tracks appear to repeat or group in nonrandom ways.
Further Reading
Kallen, Stuart. iPods and MP3 Players. Florence, KY: Gale
Cengage, 2010.
Salomon, David. A Guide to Data Compression Methods.
New York: Springer, 2002.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Cocktail Party Problem; File Downloading
and Sharing; Randomness.
and Division
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Number and Operations.
Summary: Scholars throughout history have
developed a variety of algorithms to compute
multiplication and division.
Multiplication and division of numbers are useful for
scaling a quantity, which is fundamental in any quan-
titative society. For example, to determine the correct
cost for purchasing more than one unit of some item,
the buyer should multiply the number of units by the
unit price. One of the most common exposures peo-
ple have to the concept of multiplication is the idea of
Multiplication and Division 685
The inside of a
Rio Riot 20GB
MP3 player.
repeated addition, which is frequently taught in ele-
mentary school. Some mathematicians object to this
analogy, since it fails in specic instances, such as the
case of fractions. Multiplication in this context can be
thought of as a scaling process. Multiplication of math-
ematical objects is an operation that combines those
objects in some representative manner. For example,
matrix multiplication is the composition of the corre-
sponding linear transformations.
Some theorize that the rst evidence of multiplica-
tion is the Ishango Bone, a tool from Upper Paleolithic
era, which may demonstrate multiplication by two. The
ancient Chinese as early as the Warring States period
(475221 b.c.e.) developed a system of multiplication
using a place-value system and counting boards for
calculations. Multiplication using a place-value sys-
tem of HinduArabic numerals dates back to Indian
mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta in the
seventh century.
Division is an operation that is generally the inverse
of multiplication. For whole numbers, division can
be thought of as nding the number of identically
sized groups into which a number of individuals can
be divided or partitioned. The remaining individuals,
after all identically sized groups have been removed, are
called the remainder. People in ancient Egypt com-
monly divided food and other supplies and formalized
the notion of division. Concepts of division and mul-
tiplication are generalized and studied in the elds of
number theory, algebra, and numerical analysis.
History of Multiplication Algorithms
One of the earliest methods for multiplying whole
numbers is called the Russian Peasant algorithm, but
a similar procedure was described thousands of years
earlier in ancient Egyptian papyri and is based on dou-
bling the multiplicand. Assume that an Egyptian scribe
wanted to compute the product of 13 and 23. The scribe
would compute the products 1 23 = 23, 2 23 = 46,
4 23 = 92, and 8 23 = 184. By doubling each previ-
ous result, the scribe would, realizing the sum of the
multipliers 1, 4, and 8 equals the multiplier 13, nd the
sum 23 + 92 + 184 = 299, the required product. Thus,
multiplication is reduced to being able to both double
a number and add.
Another method used to multiply numbers is called
gelosia or lattice multiplication, which is still taught
in some elementary schools. This method probably
originated in India before the twelfth century and
eventually became the inspiration for Napiers bones,
an instrument created by John Napier, which was used
to accomplish multiplication after its invention in the
early 1600s. To multiply, for example, 23 48, one
draws a 2-by-2 lattice of squares where each square is
bisected by a diagonal from upper right to lower left.
The rows are labeled, top to bottom, 4 and 8, while the
columns are labeled, left to right, 2 and 3. The product
of each of the single digits is written in the correspond-
ing square as shown below. Once numbers in the lattice
have been written, the nal product, 1104, is formed by
adding along the diagonals from upper right to lower
left, being careful to remember to carry.
Another method still taught in the early twenty-rst
century has been called cross-multiplication. It was
described by Leonardo Fibonacci in the twelfth cen-
tury but was certainly known earlier in India and the
Middle East. To multiply 23 48, one starts from the
right and multiplies 3 8 to get 24. The 4 is written
down and the 2 is remembered. Then the cross mul-
tiplication is performed, 2 8 + 3 4 to get 28, which
is added to the remembered 2, obtaining 30. The 0 is
written down and the 3 is remembered. Finally 2 4 is
computed obtaining 8, which is added to the remem-
bered 3, resulting in 11, which is written down. The
nal result is thus 1104. This method can be gener-
alized and, by keeping various remembered digits
using nger numbers, it is possible to multiply many
two-digit numbers without writing down any inter-
mediate results.
Probably the most popular method for multiplying
that is taught in the early twenty-rst century computes
the products of multiplicand with each of the digits of
the multiplier, working from right to left. Each of these
successive products is shifted one more digit to the left.
These partial products are then summed to obtain the
nal result as the following example shows:
686 Multiplication and Division
This and similar methods were implemented on
various counting boards, the abacus, and dust boards.
Division Algorithms
An ancient method for nding the quotient of two
large whole numbers that is most appropriate for
either the dust board or the Chinese counting board
was adapted to pen and paper and became the scratch
method that was used in Europe up into the nine-
teenth century. Two methods of computing long divi-
sion using pencil and paper eventually replaced the
scratch method.
One method is popular in Italy, England, and the
United States and will be referred to as the Italian
method. The other is popular in Spain, France, Latin
America, Austria, and Germany. This second approach
will be referred to as the Spanish method. Both meth-
ods date from at least the dawn of the sixteenth cen-
tury. Both methods are shown by demonstrating how
to nd 2456/57, which is 43 with a remainder of 5.
Italian Method Spanish Method
In the Italian method, the dividend is written under
a horizontal line above which the quotient will be writ-
ten as it is found. The divisor is written to the left of
the dividend with a vertical line drawn between them.
It is determined that 57 will go into 245 at least (but
no more than) 4 times, and 4the rst digit of the
quotientis written above the 5 of the dividend. The
product 4 57 = 248 is computed and written below
the 245. Subtraction is performed, obtaining 17 and
the 6 from the dividend is brought down to the right
of the 17. Then, it is determined that 57 will go into
176 at least (but no more than) 3 times. The product
3 57 = 171 is computed and subtracted from 176 to
get the remainder of 5.
The Spanish method is cosmetically different and is
characterized by many fewer digits being written down
because the multiples 4 57 = 248 and 3 57 = 171
are never explicitly computed. To start, the dividend
is written down followed by a long vertical line and
the divisor. A horizontal line is then drawn under the
dividend and divisor. The quotient will be developed to
the right of the vertical line below the horizontal line
one digit at a time. First, it is determined that the rst
digit of the quotient is 4. Then 4 7 = 28 is computed,
which must be subtracted from 5. This operation can-
not be done, and so a little 3 is written between the 4
and the 5 of the dividend. Now 28 can be subtracted
from 35 obtaining 7, which is written under the 5 of
the dividend. The 4 5 is found and added to the lit-
tle 3 obtaining 23. This number is subtracted from 24
obtaining 1, which is written below the 4 of the divi-
dend. To complete this phase, the 6 from the dividend
is brought down so that the problem is now to divide
176 by 57. It is determined that 57 will go into 176 at
least (but no more than) 3 times, and so 3 is written
down as the next digit of the quotient. Computing
3 7 = 21, try to subtract 21 from 6, which cannot be
done, and so a small 2 is written between the 7 and 6.
Now, subtract 21 from 26, obtaining 5, which is written
below the 6. Now, 3 5 is computed and added to the
little 2, obtaining 17, which when subtracted from 17 is
0. As such, nothing needs to be written to the left of the
5. By the time a student is out of elementary school, it
is expected that the annotations like the little 2 and 3
will no longer need to be written.
Checking Results
Because the algorithms for computing products and
quotients of whole numbers are complex, meth-
ods to check the results have existed since antiquity.
Since division and multiplication can be viewed as
the inverse operations of each other, a division can
be checked by multiplying the quotient by the divi-
sor and adding the remainder. If the result is the divi-
dend, then the division has been performed correctly.
Another approach to checking the result of an arith-
metic operation is to perform the operation using
modular arithmetic, typically with respect to 7, 9, or
11. A number a modulo b is dened to be the remain-
der of a b. Thus, 267 modulo 9 is 6. There are easy
Multiplication and Division 687
tricks for computing numbers modulo 7, 9, and 11.
For example, the method of casting out 9s can be
used to compute 267 modulo 9 by simply summing
the digits and subtracting 9 whenever the sum is over
9. For example, 2 + 6 + 7 = 15 9 = 6. In order to check
the correctness of the multiplication 23 48 = 1104,
check to see if [(23 modulo 9) (48 modulo 9)]
modulo 9 = 1104 modulo 9.
In this case, 5 3 = 15 and 15 modulo 9 is 6, which
is equal 1104 modulo 9. One can conclude that the
product, 1104, is probably correct. Although it is pos-
sible that such a check will conrm an incorrectly per-
formed multiplication, this is unlikely.
Multiplication by Addition
Because multiplication and division are time consum-
ing and tedious to perform compared to addition and
subtraction, there has been much work to simplify
the nding of products and quotients. Simplication
results from using logarithms, invented in the seven-
teeth century, since
log log log A B A B
( )
( )
( ) .
Thus, it is easy to nd the product of two numbers
using a table of logarithms by looking up the logarithm
of both the multiplier and the multiplicand in the table,
adding these two logarithms and then using the table
to nd the number that has that sum as its logarithm.
It is also possible to convert multiplication to addi-
tion (and halving) using a table of cosines along with
the trigonometric identity
cos cos
cos cos
( ) ( )
( )
( )
This method was used by some astronomers before
the invention of logarithms.
Rapid Multiplication and Division
Throughout history, people have developed the ability
to multiply large digits in their head. Thomas Fuller,
a slave, was one such person. For example, he calcu-
lated the number of seconds a man who is 70 years, 17
days, and 12 hours old has lived. He correctly answered
2,210,500,800 in only a minute and a half, and histori-
ans hypothesize that the algorithms he used were prob-
ably based on traditional African counting systems. In
the twenty-rst century, mathematician and magician
Art Benjamin has turned his rapid mental calculations
into educational entertainment.
Multiplication of whole numbers that can be repre-
sented as single binary words in a computer can typi-
cally be done with a single hardware instruction that
combines addition and shifting to nd the product.
To multiply numbers with thousands of digits, other
methods are possible that make use of fast methods for
computing Fourier transforms, named for Joseph Fou-
rier. The SchnhageStrassen algorithm, developed
by Arnold Schnhage and Volker Strassen, and the
Frer algorithm, developed by Martin Frer, are two
such methods. These complicated algorithms, how-
ever, have limited practicality when implemented on a
conventional computer. Mathematicians in the eld of
numerical analysis consider issues of speed and error
in computer algorithms.
Early computers multiplied or divided using repeated
addition, subtraction, and shifting algorithms. Depend-
ing on the computing system, the amount of time
required for multiplication or division on a computer is
approximately the same. However, factoring a number
into its unknown divisors is signicantly harder. The
RSA (which stands for the people who rst described
the system: R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman) cryp-
tosystem takes advantage of this characteristic.
Generalizing Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and division can be used for computa-
tional purposes and to help understand other math-
ematical principles. The product of two rational num-
bers a/b and c/d is dened to be the rational number
whereas the quotient, a/b c/d is dened be the prod-
uct of a/b and d/c. The reciprocal of a rational number,
a/b, is the number b/a, since the product of a/b and
a/b is 1. The product of two irrational numbers, which
cannot be represented as a fraction of whole numbers,
is approximated by taking the product of their approx-
imating rational numbers. The product of irrational
measurements can be found exactly with geometry
using similar triangles.
Multiplication can be generalized to other math-
ematical objects, such as complex numbers and matri-
688 Multiplication and Division
ces. One of these objects, typically called the identity
and denoted by 1, has the property such that if a is
any object, then the product of 1 and a is a. The recip-
rocal of an object a, if it exists, is denoted by a
and is
dened to the object so that the product, a a
is 1.
When the reciprocal of an object b exists, then the quo-
tient of objects a and b is dened to be a b
Further Reading
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcrotf, and J. D. Ullman. The Design
and Analysis of Computer Algorithms. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1976.
Boyer, C. B. A History of Mathematics. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley and Sons, 1991.
Gillings, R. J. Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs.
New York: Dover Publications, 1982.
Smith, D. E. History of Mathmatics, Volume II. New York:
Dover Publications, 1958.
Carl R. Seaquist
Catherine C. Galley
See Also: Addition and Subtraction; Magic;
Mathematicians, Amateur; Number and Operations;
Number and Operations in Society.
Music, Geometry of
See Geometry of Music
Music, Popular
See Popular Music
Musical Theater
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical concepts and
mathematicians have become interesting subjects of
musical theater.
After the popular and critical success of Tom Stop-
pards Arcadia, rst performed in London in 1993,
playwrights began making regular use of mathematics
as source material for new scripts. This interdisciplin-
ary collaboration, however, has largely been conned to
stage plays and in the early twenty-rst century has not
found its way into musical theaterwith one glaring
and quite remarkable exception. In 2000, the husband-
and-wife team of Joanne Sydney Lessner and Joshua
Rosenblum created Fermats Last Tango, a comic musi-
cal inspired by Princeton mathematician Andrew Wiles
and his successful proof of Fermats Last Theorem.
Fermats Last Tango
Fermats Last Theorem (FLT) is arguably the most
famous mathematical problem in history. When Pierre
de Fermat left his tantalizing note in the margin of his
copy of Diophantus Arithmetica in 1637, the result was
a challenge that resisted the efforts of mathematicians
for the next 350 years. By the twentieth century, FLT had
acquired such a daunting reputation that when Prince-
ton mathematician Andrew Wiles decided to take it on
around 1986, he did not tell anyone what he was doing
until seven years later, when he emerged from the ofce
in his attic with what he thought was a proper proof
of the TaniyamaShimura conjecture. A proof of Tani-
yamaShimura was known to imply FLT, and the unas-
suming Wiles was propelled to unprecedented stardom
far beyond the mathematical community.
This event is the jumping-off point for Fermats Last
Tango. Because of the ctional liberties they take with
the story, Lessner and Rosenblum have changed the
name of their protagonist from Andrew Wiles to Dan-
iel Keane, and the rst major piece of revisionism we
experience is when Keane is visited by a devilish and
vindictive Fermat and whisked off to the Aftermath
to fraternize with Pythagorus of Samos, Euclid of Alex-
andria, Isaac Newton, and Carl Friedrich Gauss. The
fantasy is enjoyable, but what is really striking is how
few liberties are taken with the mathematics. That the
authors have done their homework is clear early on
when Fermat rhymes ShimuraTaniyama with alge-
braic melodrama. In the Aftermath, Fermat reveals that
Keane has made some incorrect assumptions about the
Musical Theater 689
Galois representations he used in his argumentwhich
is indeed a mistake Wiles had madeand Keane retreats
to his attic to try to repair the big fat hole in his proof.
Wiles, like Keane, was deeply uncomfortable trying
to ll the gap in his proof under the glare of public
scrutiny. The writers also keep the touching anecdote
that Wiles promised his wife a corrected proof by her
birthday, although it is unlikely that the real Ms. Wiles
tried to lure her husband away from his research by
crooning Check out my modular form. Taken in
the lighthearted spirit in which it was intended, Fer-
mats Last Tango is roundly successful entertainment.
Beyond this achievement, it also comes as close as any
other piece of science theater to effectively staging the
moment of discovery, creating a genuinely breathless
moment when a defeated Keane nally realizes how to
repair the hole in his proof using the Iwasawa theory
approach he had abandoned several years earlier.
For those who do not have an opportunity to view a
live production, a performance of Fermats Last Tango
was recorded and is available through the Clay Math-
ematics Institute. Others have staged Fermats Last
Tango specically as a teaching experience. A 2007
article in PRIMUS, a publication dedicated to teach-
ing undergraduate mathematics, describes a fully stu-
dent-mounted production, along with suggestions
for related educational activities. The play is cited as a
good introduction to not only mathematics products
but also the personalities of people and the processes
involved in mathematics research.
The Natural Sciences
There does not seem to be any other piece of widely
disseminated musical theater devoted to a mathemati-
cal topic, though certainly there are mentions of math-
ematics in various popular scores. For instance, in
Pirates of Penzance, rst performed in 1879, W. S. Gil-
bert and Arthur Sullivan include the following stanza in
the famously tongue-twisting Major-Generals song:
Im very well acquainted, too, with matters
I understand equations, both the simple and
About binomial theorem Im teeming with a lot o
With many cheerful facts about the square of the
Broadening the net to include the mathematical
sciences brings into play the work of American com-
poser Philip Glass. In 1976, Glass scored and wrote
Einstein on the Beach, which was viewed as ground-
breaking in several waysone being that it was nearly
ve hours long with no intermission. The implication
here was that audience members were expected to
come and go as they so desired. In a similar vein, it
was not plot driven but did contain many references
to Einstein, including a musical event meant to sug-
gest a nuclear explosion.
In 2001, Glass wrote the music for the opera Galileo
Galilei, which tells the life story of Galileo in reverse.
The opera opens with Galileo blind and on his death-
bed, follows him back through his trial and astronomi-
cal discoveries, and ends with Galileo as a child attend-
ing an opera written by his father. Glass returned to the
natural sciences a third time in 2010 when he wrote
the music for Kepler, an opera that features Johannes
Kepler as the only named character, although there are
six other soloists and a chorus.
Glass did study mathematics early in his educa-
tion before devoting himself wholly to music, and he
readily admits to seeing mathematics and music as
being linkednot just technically but artistically. The
beauty of mathematics is something that mathemati-
cians talk about all the time, Glass said in a Novem-
ber 2009 feature for the Wall Street Journal. And the
elegance of a mathematical theorem is almost as good
as its proof. Not only is it true, but its elegant. So you
get into almost aesthetic questions.
Kepler and Galileo are also the featured characters in
a 2001 musical called Star Messengers, written by Paul
Zimet with music composed by Ellen Maddow. A much
more widely toured musical production was Dr. Atomic,
written by John Adams with libretto by Peter Sellars.
This opera tells the story of the Manhattan Project
largely through the eyes of physicist J. Robert Oppen-
heimer, in part by borrowing text from government
documents and interviews with scientists who worked
on the bomb. First produced in San Francisco in 2005,
Dr. Atomic has since been performed at multiple loca-
tions in Europe and the United States, including a live
broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera in 2008.
Further Reading
Chin, Cynthia E. Mathematical HeroesNo Longer
Unsung. PRIMUS 17, no. 1 (2007).
690 Musical Theater
Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten. Science on Stage. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2006.
Stephen Abbott
See Also: Movies, Mathematics in; Plays; Television,
Mathematics in; Wiles, Andrew.
Mutual Funds
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Many mathematicians attempt to
develop mathematical models that forecast the future
direction of the stock market and thus to produce
better investment results for mutual funds.
Mutual funds are a type of investment in which large
numbers of people pool their money and a fund man-
ager invests these funds in one or more types of secu-
rity. Investors own shares in the fund, and the value of
those shares is determined by the total value of all the
securities owned by the fund. Mutual funds are a pop-
ular investment vehicle because they allow people to
achieve a varied investment portfolio with a relatively
small investment, thus limiting their risk in compari-
son to buying individual stocks, bonds, or other assets.
Many types of mutual funds are available, depend-
ing on the desires of the investor. For instance, are they
more interested in a riskier fund that may produce a
higher yield for their investment, or a safer fund that
is more likely to preserve the value of their capi-
tal? Some mutual funds specialize in a single type of
investmentfor instance, international stocks, health
sector stocks, U.S. government bonds, or real estate
while others invest in a variety of securities in order
to achieve a desired balance between yield and risk.
Although mutual funds are often perceived as a safe
investment, they are not guaranteed by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as are bank
deposits, and it is possible to lose money by investing
in mutual funds. Economists, statisticians, actuaries,
and others frequently try to predict the stock mar-
ket using time series analyses and other mathemati-
cal methods. Prediction has historically proven to be
quite challenging because of the complexities of time
series data and the different socioeconomic variables
and human psychological factors that appear to inu-
ence the stock market.
History and Growth
Although the rst mutual funds were offered in the
United States in the 1920s, the modern mutual fund
industry dates from 1940 when the Investment Com-
pany Act established a body of rules regarding nan-
cial investments. In 1949, less than $2 billion were
invested in mutual funds, but they became a more
popular investment vehicle in the 1960s. By 1973, $47
billion was invested in mutual funds. By 1987, this
amount had grown to $4 trillion, and by 2000, to $6
trillion, representing the investments of over 83 mil-
lion investors. One factor in the growth of individual
investments in mutual funds is the shift in the United
States from guaranteed pension plans to retirement
savings plans like the 401(k) in which an individual
worker is responsible for choosing how to invest his or
her retirement funds.
In 2008, there were over 8000 mutual funds in the
United States versus about 3000 stocks listed on the
NASDAQ stock exchange and a similar number on
the New York Stock Exchange. It may at rst be coun-
ter intuitive that there should be more funds than
stocks, but this fact is not surprising if one considers
any mutual fund as a composite made up of individ-
ual stocks or a subset of the total number of stocks
(although, of course, a mutual fund may also include
bonds and other components). Any set of n elements
has 2
possible subsets, so a set of 10 elements has 1024
subsets and a set of 25 elements has over 33 million.
Risk Minimization
One appeal of mutual funds is that they allow people to
reduce their risk through diversication. Modern port-
folio theory attempts to select assets to minimize risk,
maximize return, or some combination of those two
(in general, higher risk is associated with higher return,
although this does not hold absolutely). The basic con-
cept behind the theory is that stocks or other assets,
such as bonds, in the fund are evaluated in the context
of other assets, and the goal is to maximize return or
minimize risk for the total collection of assets, called
a portfolio. American economist Harry Markowitz
Mutual Funds 691
developed portfolio theory beginning in the 1950s, and
in 1990, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for
this achievement.
Because the performance of a mutual fund is often
related to that of the economy as a whole, the perfor-
mance of specic mutual funds as well as mutual funds
as a class is often evaluated against the performance
of indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (a
scaled average of the stocks of 30 large, publicly owned
companies) or the S&P 500 (a weighted index of 500
large-cap common stocks). There are always pitfalls
in making these types of comparisons; for instance,
the return of mutual funds as a whole appears larger
than it really is because funds that do poorly often go
out of existence and are thus dropped from the aver-
age (survivorship bias). Interestingly, over time most
individual funds produce somewhat worse results than
a large index, such as the S&P 500, suggesting that the
talent of individual managers (who choose when to buy
and sell the stocks or other investments that comprise
a mutual fund) are less efcient than the stock mar-
ket as a whole. For this reason there are mutual funds
today that are not actively managed in the sense that
an individual manager makes buying and selling deci-
sions. Instead, such funds simply own the stocks that
comprise some index, such as the S&P 500, with buy-
ing and selling decisions motivated by changes in the
makeup of the index (for instance, because of mergers
or to new stocks joining or leaving the index).
This method is not a criticism of mutual funds per
se but simply an argument for the efciency of the
market. Studies of the stock picks of professional ana-
lysts also tend to perform only marginally better than
those selected randomlymost famously by throwing
darts at a dartboard. Despite this well-known result,
many individuals and investment rms have devel-
oped complex mathematical models that attempt to
forecast the future direction of the stock market and
thus produce better investment results. In addition,
people have tried to predict the movement of the
stock market with other types of data; for instance,
in 2010, two graduate students found that the emo-
tional content of tweets (messages sent on Twitter, a
social networking Web site that can receive and send
text messages from mobile devices, such as mobile
phones) from the general public could be used to pre-
dict movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
several days in advance.
Further Reading
Fink, Matthew P. The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insiders
View. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Grossman, Lisa. Twitter Can Predict the Stock Market.
Wire Science (October 19, 2010). http://www.wired
Malkiel, Burton G. A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
Rev. ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 2007.
Paulos, John A. A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market.
New York: Basic Books, 2003.
Wepsic, Eric, Sendehil Revuluri, and Chris Welty.
Mathematical Modeling in the World of Finance.
Math Horizons 6 (September 1998).
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Forecasting; Mathematical Modeling;
Money; Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security; Stock
Market Indices.
692 Mutual Funds
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Nanoscience relies on mathematical
modeling to predict the behavior of substances at the
Nanotechnology is a relatively new eld of scientic
study, the conceptual origins of which are typically
credited to a presentation by physicist Richard Feyn-
man in the late 1950s. A nanometer is one-billionth
of a meter, and nanoscience focuses on matter with
dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometers. For com-
parison, an ordinary sheet of paper is about 100,000
nanometers thick, a human hair is between 60 and
120 nanometers thick, and the diameter of one atom
of gold is about 1/3 of a nanometer. Thus, nanotech-
nology is concerned with studying materials at a very
small scale, ranging from roughly larger than a single
atom at the lower end to objects that can be seen with a
high-quality optical microscope at the upper end.
Physicists, mathematicians, and other nanotechnol-
ogists are often particularly interested in how the physi-
cal, chemical, and biological properties of materials
may differ at this scale as opposed to properties of the
same materials in bulk or at the scale of single atoms or
molecules. Feynman discussed the notion that human
beings would someday be able to create increasingly
smaller and smaller machines, in part through directed,
precision arrangement of atoms and molecules. He also
introduced the idea that change in scale would affect
the mathematical and physical properties of technology
and processes. For example, relatively large-scale forces
like gravity would begin to diminish in importance as
machines grew smaller, while molecular-level van der
Waals attractive forces, named for chemist Johannes
van der Waals, and other properties would take on more
important roles. However, he did not call his own ideas
nanotechnology. Instead, the rst use of the term as
it is typically meant in the early twenty-rst century is
credited to engineer K. Eric Drexler in the 1980s. He
also helped spread nanotechnology and molecular
manufacturing ideas to a broader audience. There are
types of technology that are already being created at
nanoscales. Some visions about the future of molecu-
lar manufacturing are much like the replicator device in
the science ction franchise Star Trek: human-scale or
even larger objects, even complex devices like comput-
ers, quickly assembled atom by atom.
Any word with the prex nano means at a nano-
meter scale (for example, the word nanolter would
refer to a lter at the nanometer scale), but there are
also some basic classications that are in common use.
Nanomaterials are furthered classied as nanoparticles
(if all three dimensions are nanosized), nanotubes
(which have a nanosized diameter but greater length),
and nanolms or nanosheets (the thickness is nano-
sized, but the width and height may be much greater).
Nanostructured materials have an internal structure
that is nanosized, but the pieces of material may be
much larger.
Nanotechnology draws on many scientic elds,
including chemistry, physics, and biology, as well as
engineering and materials science, and one common
thread among them all is mathematics. Interestingly,
the extreme difference in size between usual applica-
tions and applications at the nanoscale means that
some of the most fundamental laws describing natu-
ral processes do not apply. For instance Ohms law
describes the ow of electrical current as
where I is the current in amps, V is the potential dif-
ference in volts, and R is the resistance of a conductor
in ohms. This law is based on the free ow of electrons
and hence does not describe the movement of elec-
trons through nanowires, which may be so narrow as
to allow only one electron to pass through at a time.
To take another example, at the nanoscale,
heat ow is no longer governed by standard
continuity boundary conditions and differ-
ent assumptions that allow for discontinui-
ties must be used instead. Identifying and
quantifying how such fundamental laws
and expectations change at the nanoscale is
one important eld of study within nano-
Construction of systems at the nanoscale
allows researchers great control over the
form of the nanoparticles developed as well
as the ways they form three-dimensional
wholes. One line of research involves devis-
ing structures that require the minimum
number of molecules for a given construct,
while another involves developing self-
assembling structures, such as cubes and
buckyballs. Nanotechnology also adds new
complications to issues of dimensionality.
From elementary geometry, humans are accustomed to
thinking in terms of one dimension (a line), two dimen-
sions (a plane), and three dimensions (a cube, or any
object in space). However, at the nanoscale the picture
is not so clear. For instance, quantum dots or articial
atoms that contain only one or a few electrons with dis-
crete energy states are zero-dimensional solids, which
can function in quantum computers as a binary switch.
Fractals, which are described by noninteger dimension-
ality (for example, a two-and-a-half-dimensional object)
are also used to model nanoscale systems.
Medicine is one of the most promising elds for
nanotechnology because many internal processes of
the human body take place at nanoscale dimensions.
Drug delivery is one promising eld: nanoparticles
can be used to deliver drugs directly to particular cells,
for instance, for chemotherapy that targets cancerous
cells but not healthy cells and thus reduces tissue dam-
age. Nanotechnology has also developed ways to use
nanoshells to concentrate heat from infrared light to
destroy cancer cells with minimal damage to adjacent
healthy cells. Nanotechnology promises to allow some
drugs now delivered by injection to be taken orally,
encapsulated in a nanoparticle, which would help it
pass into the bloodstream from the stomach. Nano-
bers have been used to repair damaged joints by stimu-
694 Nanotechnology
The worlds rst motorized light-powered nanocars made from
only 169 atoms were built at Rice University in 2006.
Jump Boundary Conditions. IMA Journal of Applied
Mathematics 72 (2007).
Nanotechnology. Scientic American. http://www
Nanotechnology News. Science Daily. http://www.sci
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Chemotherapy; Molecular Structure;
Personal Computers; Water Quality.
National Debt
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: The accumulation of federal government
budget decits over time is the national debt, which is
best considered relative to GDP or other factors.
Mathematician Richard Feynman once said, There are
stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number.
But its only a hundred billion. Its less than the national
decit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
Now we should call them economical numbers. In
modern society, entities from individuals through gov-
ernments need money to function. Most government
funds are generated by taxing individuals, businesses,
goods, and services.
At the same time, governments must spend money
for various purposes. If a government has more income
than expenditures in a given scal period, usually one
year, the excess of income over expenditures is called a
surplus; if a government has more expenditures than
income, the excess of expenditures over income is called
a decit. The sum of all of these single-year surpluses
and decits over the entire history of the federal gov-
ernment is called the national debt. Mathematics has
long been used to quantify expenditures, decits, and
debts. Taxation and deciency problems were men-
tioned in the Chinese mathematical text The Jiuzhang
suanshu (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art), and
Indian mathematician Brahmagupta referred to debts to
mean what are now called negative numbers. William
lating the bodys production of cartilage; nanoparticles
have been used to increase the speed of blood clotting
to prevent blood loss in trauma patients; and nanocrys-
talline silver is already being used as an antimicrobial
agent for wound treatment. Nanocrystal technology
is being developed to improve medical imaging, and
in the future it may be possible to develop cell repair
nanorobots, which could be programmed to repair dis-
eased or damaged cells in a persons body.
Nanotechnology has many applications in the elds
of energy production and pollution control. Nanotech-
nology has made it possible to create more efcient
solar cells at a lower cost (making the technology more
likely to be adopted) and provided new forms that
make solar technology more convenient. For instance,
solar cells created by embedding nanoparticles in plas-
tic lm can be incorporated into mobile phones and
portable computers. Batteries created using nanotech-
nology can be made lighter and more powerful and
can also be charged more quickly than conventional
batteries, increasing the efciency of hybrid automo-
biles. Nanolters are increasingly being applied in food
production, water ltration, and air pollution control,
and nanoparticles are also used in some applications to
absorb contaminants.
In manufacturing and construction, nanotechnol-
ogy has led to the development of new materials that
are lighter, stronger, and possess more desirable prop-
erties than their conventional analogues. For instance,
nanomolecular structures are already being used to
make concrete and asphalt more resistant to water, and
nanomaterials added to light-emitting diode (LED)
lighting makes them more resemble standard lighting,
allowing the incorporation of more efcient LED lights
in home and industrial use while retaining the look of
traditional lighting. Nanocoatings are commercially
available that resist corrosion, offer insulation and UV
protection, and can remove pollutants from a build-
ings atmosphere.
Further Reading
Foster, Lynn E. Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation
and Opportunity. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2006.
Garcia-Martinez, Javier, ed. Nanotechnology for the Energy
Challenge. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2010.
Matthews, Miccal T., and James M. Hill. Micro/Nano
Thermal Boundary Layer Equations with Slip-Creep-
National Debt 695
Playfair created some of the earliest graphical represen-
tations of social and economic data around the time of
the American Revolution, such as trade balances between
England and other countries and the English national
debt. By the twentieth century, mathematical mea-
surement, estimation, and modeling were increasingly
used. Standard economic measures like gross domestic
product (GDP) were common, and there were theories
and research on principles like return on capital, inter-
est rates, and exchange rates, many of which cannot be
known with certainty. Stochastic modeling, random
walks, particle theory, and Brownian motion, named for
botanist Robert Brown, have been used extensively in
the mathematical modeling of nancial processes. After
events like the Wall Street crash of 1929, there was also
interest in forecasting models that could warn of debt
crises. Mathematicians continue to research and create
models to address both historic and new nancial con-
cerns, and many people have created representations
such as the national debt clock and decit calculators
to extrapolate trends. Others argue against too much
aggregation or extrapolation in mathematical models,
citing inherent data collection errors in large-scale indi-
ces, like the consumer price index and gross national
product, as well as subjectivity in individual perception
and often-complex interactions between variables such
as debt, decit, production of good and services, and
allocation of consumer resources.
National debt differs uniquely from individual debt in
the fact that governments usually have the power to print
more money to pay debts. However, doing so often leads
to undesirable economic consequences. More money in
circulation can lead to increased demand for goods and
services, which in turn may lead to ination. Mathema-
ticians and economists study ination trends and cycles,
as well as the reciprocal impacts of ination on factors
such as labor costs. While most economies function
reasonably well with some level of ination, too high a
level of ination leads to a host of problems, including
hoarding of goods, increases in interest rates for credit
and loans, and trade decits with other countries. For
this reason, most governments borrow rather than
print the money to nance debt. In the United States,
borrowing is accomplished primarily by selling govern-
ment bonds. The purchaser, who may be an individual
or another country, pays for a bond at the time of sale,
and in return is promised a future amount of money,
sometimes with interest payments made before the end
of the bond period. The United States pays interest on
its national debt bonds, which can be signicant. For
example, in 2009, interest on the national debt was $260
billion, approximately 8.5% of that years federal budget
and the fourth-largest single expense.
Intentional Debt
Having a large national debt poses many risks to an econ-
omy. A large national debt can help contribute to ina-
tion and can lead to tax increases. Economists have also
696 National Debt
Federal Reserve System
he Federal Reserve System (sometimes
called the Fed) is the national bank of
the United States and is independent of other
United States institutions, including the Treasury
Department. While it is not directly related to
administering the decit or to making decisions
on government spending, it helps to manage the
money supply in the United States by facilitat-
ing the lending of money between banks and by
lending money to banks directly, which in part
determines the interest rates that banks charge
for borrowing money. These interest rates in turn
inuence the rates on the Treasury bonds that
nance decits. Many mathematicians and actu-
aries work for the Federal Reserve. For example,
mathematician and Federal Reserve board mem-
ber (as of 2010) Gary Anderson and economist
George Moore developed the AndersonMoore
algorithm for solving linear saddle point models,
which are used in economic modeling.
determined that GDP tends to grow more in an econ-
omy with a moderate level of national debt than in one
with a high level of debt. Many variables affect spend-
ing, decit, and debt. For example, governments often
run decits during economic recessions or depressions,
spending money to attempt to stimulate the economy,
partly under the notion that future gains will compen-
sate and yield a positive long-term average or expected
value. In 1900, the national debt in the United States was
$2.6 billion and experienced overall nonlinear growth
approaching the twenty-rst century. Mathematical
analyses have shown that debt increased sharply during
World War I, while in the 1920s national debt decreased
due to surpluses. It increased sharply again during the
1930s because of the Great Depression. Another increase
occurred with spending for World War II. By 1950, the
U.S. national debt had grown to $256.8 billion. After
several relatively small increases, the national debt grew
quickly beginning in the mid-1970s. Using exponen-
tial regression, mathematicians and economists have
estimated that the national debt was doubling approxi-
mately every six years during this latter period up to
nearly the end of the twentieth century. Projective mod-
els extrapolate such trends to estimate debt, often based
on other estimated values, like the future population.
Debt Compared to GDP
In the same way that individuals can afford to spend
more money when they receive a raise in salary, it can
be misleading to look at the dollar amount of the fed-
eral debt without considering the overall size of the
economy and the time value of money. For this reason,
economists often evaluate the economic health of gov-
ernments by considering national debt as a percent-
age of the countrys GDP. In the United States in 1940,
the national debt was 52.4% of the GDP. This num-
ber increased during World War II to 121.7% in 1946,
meaning that national debt was actually larger than the
GDP, but fell below 100% again in subsequent years.
Mathematicians and economists have created models
to forecast this index, with some predicting that fac-
tors like the housing and nancial crises will cause the
United States to once again pass the 100% threshold in
the twenty-rst century.
Further Reading
Paulos, John. A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper.
New York: Anchor Books, 1996.
Stein, Jerome. Stochastic Optimal Control, International
Finance, and Debt Crises. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press, 2006.
U.S. Ofce of Management and Budget. Historical
Tables: Budget of the U.S. Government. http://www
Pete Johnson
See Also: Forecasting; Gross Domestic Product
(GDP); Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security; Sales Taxes
and Shipping Fees.
Native American
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry;
Measurement; Number and Operations;
Summary: Native Americans developed numbering
systems and had a clear sense of dimension, geometry,
and probability.
The term Native American mathematics is deceptive
because there is no single culture for all Native Ameri-
cans. Rather, each of more than 400 Native American
tribes has its own distinct culture, with each mathemat-
ical element being specic to that culture. Nonetheless,
in an examination of mathematical aspects, it is pos-
sible to discuss some commonalities across the many
tribes, producing evidence of multiple number systems,
arithmetic operations, geometry, and probability.
Number Systems
Native American numbering systems often used a sim-
ple grouping system that corresponded to different parts
of the human body. For example, the idea of tens is
contained in the numbering system of the San Gabriel
Indians in California, where all my-hand nished
represented the number 10, all my-hand nished and
one my-foot represented the number 15, and another
nished my-foot the side represented the number 20.
It is inferred that they used single ngers on each hand
Native American Mathematics 697
to represent any number less than 10. Often, a Native
American tribe would have names for large numbers,
but had little use for such in their daily lives. For exam-
ple, Michael Closs, a cultural historian, describes a Cop-
per Eskimo elder while relating a story about two men
who, trying to settle an argument, begins to count the
hairs on a wolf and a caribou. The story ends with the
count unnished, as both men die of starvation. And,
the story concludes with the phrase: That is what hap-
pens when one starts to do useless and idle things that
can never lead to anything.
Though using groupings of 5 and 10 as the structure
for their number systems, the idea of a number base
is not always evident. Also, some evidence exists for
the use of 2, 4, and 20 as the structuring element. For
example, the Yukis tribe in northern California used a
combination of the quaternary (base four) and octal
(base eight) systems. In turn, their counting mecha-
nism depended on referring to the four spaces between
the ngers on both hands, not the ngers themselves.
In a study of North American Native Americans,
researchers documented the use of 307 different num-
ber systems; 33% were base 10, 33% were base 5, 23%
were base 2, 10% were base 20, and the remaining 1%
were base 3.
In any discussion of Native American mathematics,
it is necessary to include the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans.
For example, the Aztecs number system was based on
the number 20, with the numbers 400 and 8000 given
special signicance. In contrast, the Incas used a slight
variation of the base 10 system, and even had specic
words for the numbers 110, 100, 1000, and 1,000,000.
Finally, the Mayans, the most mathematically sophis-
ticated of the three, had a vigesimal system using the
number 20 as its base. The Mayan system also included
special notations for multiples of numbers and used a
special symbol glyph to represent zero.
The idea or use of arithmetic operations was not some-
thing needed by early Native Americans, who depended
on a hunting-gathering culture. Historians suggest that
any signs of signicant arithmetic are due to a tribes
interactions and trade with the early fur traders or buf-
falo hunters. For example, the language of the Navajo
does not include words for multiply or divide, yet
that should not imply their inability to perform either
process computationally or using real items.
Evidence of addition is found in words used to denote
different numbers, using a process of addition by juxta-
position. For example, Alaskan Natives living near the
Yukon River essentially used the words ve one and
ve four to denote the numbers 6 and 9, respectively.
In direct contrast, the Miluk Coos, an Oregon tribe,
used subtraction by juxtaposition, where four ten and
one ten denoted the numbers 6 and 9, respectively.
Some historians claim that 40% of the Native American
tribes used some version of this subtraction process,
especially for numbers close to multiples of 10.
Evidence of multiplication is found among Pawnee
tribes, in a very creative fashion. Their term 50 per-
sons represented the number 1000, based on their use
of the word man for the number 20, knowing that
man had 10 ngers and 10 toes. Thus, 50 persons
was equivalent to 50 sets of 20 ngers and toes, or a
total of 1000.
The measurements invoked by Native Americans were
context-sensitive and personal in nature. No standard
units were established and used widely either within a
tribe or across tribes. In most instances, the measure-
ments used were specic to the context and informal.
The Ojibwa tribe is a good example. For short lengths,
their units were nger widths, hand spans, forearm
lengths, and arm spans, while their longer lengths
might reect a changing position of the sun or even
mention the unit number of sleeps involved in tra-
versing a long distance.
Native American geometry is evident in the color-
ful decoration and intricate patterns found on knife
cases, moccasins, blankets, pouches, baskets, and pot-
tery. At rst, many of these patterns were created using
porcupine quills but eventually the shift was made to
using glass beads.
When creating a pattern, the different Native
American tribes differed in their use of geometrical
structures. In some instances, a tribes members cre-
ated irregular oral patterns, while other tribes used a
geometry based only on straight lines, allowing them
to create blocks, crosses, and triangles. The types of tri-
angles ranged from isosceles to equilateral to right, with
common traits being tall isosceles triangles or pairs of
reecting congruent triangles. Occasionally, circles and
698 Native American Mathematics
spirals appear as part
of a design.
Many studies have
focused on Native
Americans use of sym-
metry in strip patterns
using beads. Of the
seven possible sym-
metry groups, the
most popular pattern
is labeled pmm2 in
standard transformational schemes, which means that
the pattern has horizontal, vertical, and rotational sym-
metry. Figure 1 shows this pattern.
Also, in the process, the creator of the visual pat-
tern possibly used counting or even some computing
skills (for example, skip counting by threes to form a
border). It is possible that creators of some of the pat-
terns included elements of measurement (perimeter
or area), number theory (multiples and divisors), and
fractions (common, decimal, and ratios).
Tiling patterns are evident in the creation of blan-
kets, going beyond strip patterns. An example is the
section from a Navajo blanket in Figure 2.
Some historians claim tiling elements are also found
in some of the Native American petroglyphs carved on
the surfaces of caves, cliffs, and large stones.
Finally, Native Americans had a clear sense of dimen-
sion, using objects to represent the three possibilities. A
stick represented dimension one, an animal skin rep-
resented dimension two, and an apple or walnut rep-
resented dimension three. However, in their paintings
on at surfaces, the idea of dimensional perspective is
not utilized.
Elements of probability are found in some of the chil-
drens games played by various Native American tribes.
For example, consider the Apaches Throw Sticks
game involving two or more people. In one version,
three sticks are decorated with colorful designs on one
side only, called the face. The sticks are held in one
hand and then dropped on the ground. The scoring
is as follows: 10 points for three faces up, 5 points for
two faces up, 2 points for 1 face up, and 1 point for
no faces up. The score is kept by moving small sticks
or horses around a circle of 30 stones. Play contin-
ues until someone travels the full circle. Elements of
probability, such as likelihood, events, and dice-like
actions, are all evident in this game.
Native Americans also played dice games, using dice
made from bone, peach stones, deer horn, beaver teeth,
or walnut shells. As most of these dice were two-sided,
one side was colored to distinguish the two sides. When
sets of dice were thrown, the scoring was based on the
number of a given side appearing. Because the dice
were crudely made, the chances of each side appearing
are not equal. This observation actually validates the
claim that Native Americans had a good sense of prob-
ability, because the higher score values were assigned to
the least probable events.
Further Reading
Barta, Jim. Native American Beadwork and
Mathematics. Winds of Change (Spring 1999).
Closs, Michael. A Survey of Mathematics Development
in the New World. Ottawa, Canada: University of
Ottawa, 1977.
ed. Native American Mathematics. Austin:
University of Texas Press, 1986.
Culin, S. Games of the North American Indians, Volume
1: Games of Chance. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1992.
Hughes, Barnabas, and Kim Anderson. American and
Canadian Indians: Mathematical Connections.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2, no. 2
(NovemberDecember 1996).
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Babylonian Mathematics; Basketry; Incan
and Mayan Mathematics; Measurements, Length;
Measuring Tools.
Native American Mathematics 699
Figure 1. Native American pattern.
Figure 2. Navajo blanket.
Nervous System
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians use a variety of
mathematical modeling techniques to map and
analyze nervous systems.
Human beings and many animals have two systems that
are responsible for regulating and coordinating the activ-
ities of the body: the nervous system and the endocrine
system. The rst provides extremely fast responses, like
reacting to touching a hot stove. The second responds
more slowly and continuously, such as regulating blood
sugar after a meal. Both systems work by detecting inter-
nal and external variations, such as shapes, odors, or
temperature, to maintain the balance of body functions.
Neuroscience, which is the study of the nervous system
(including the brain) and its functions, is an interdis-
ciplinary eld that draws concepts and methods from
many elds such as mathematics, psychology, biology,
physics, and medicine. The HodgkinHuxley equa-
tions, named for Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley,
are fundamental to the development of mathematical
models and simulations that have long been the basis of
many experiments to study the nervous system. Many
neuroscience researchers and teachers use the open
source NEURON computer simulation system, which
incorporates systems of equations and computational
algorithms to mathematically model and display the
behavior of individual neurons or networks of neurons
in a dynamic way that is often difcult or impossible to
achieve in traditional laboratory experiments.
Nervous System Processes
Everyday situations can highlight the complex action
of the nervous system. For example, in a soccer match,
players anticipate the opportunity to act. At the exact
moment the ball is thrown in a players direction, thou-
sands of nerve connections start to become active. In
milliseconds, the player begins to use sensory memo-
ries and visual information to immediately decide the
best course of action, such as to kick the ball to another
player or directly to the goal. The central nervous sys-
tem consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is
the control central of the nervous system. The spinal
cord conducts electrical signals between the brain and
various nerves throughout the body, and controls some
reex functions. Neurons are cells that propagate the
electrical impulses in the nervous system, and glial cells
help maintain parts of the nervous system. For exam-
ple, they produce myelin, which coats many neurons
like insulation in electrical wiring. The neurons have
important properties, such as excitability and conduc-
tivity, and act similarly to an electric current transmit-
ted along a wire. This phenomenon occurs because of
permeation of ions, such as sodium and potassium,
through the neural membrane, which generate an elec-
trical signal that propagates between neurons via its
branched structure, consisting of thousands of small
Early Research
Nerve impulse propagation and the nervous system pro-
cesses have been researched for many years using theo-
ries and techniques from genetics, molecular biology,
physiology, psychology, and mathematics, among others.
In the 1950s, physiologists and biophysicists Alan Hodg-
kin and Andrew Huxley experimented on the nervous
systems of squids, specically on a structure known as
the giant axon. An axon transmits electrical impulses
in the nervous system, and a squids giant axon can be
up to 1 millimeter in diameter, much larger than most
axons and visible to the naked eye. These experiments
led to the development of the HodgkinHuxley equa-
tions, which are nonlinear ordinary differential equa-
tions that describe or approximate the electrical char-
acteristics of neurons and other electrically excitable
cells, such as those in the heart. They involve concepts
like gates (channels that allow the ions to ow), volt-
age thresholds, and conductances, which act together
to determine if and when a neuron res an electri-
cal burst. They are very similar to electric circuit theory,
and some models of nervous systems look very much
like electrical circuit diagrams.
Other Mathematical Connections
Hodgkin and Huxley won a Nobel Prize for their
experimental and mathematical work, which has since
led to other mathematical explorations of the nervous
system. The nervous system in mammals is a very
complex dynamic system, with many interconnected
components. Periodic rhythms are found in some
types of movement-related behaviors that are gov-
erned by the nervous system, like walking and breath-
ing. They are also related to sensation and cognition.
700 Nervous System
Studies of all these various substructures involve not
only understanding how each structure behaves on its
own but also how they interconnect and communi-
cate with one another. Because of the vast degree of
intercorrelation among various nervous system struc-
tures, from individual neurons to larger structures like
the brain and spinal cord, one challenge facing math-
ematical modelers is creating systems of equations
that optimize the ability of the equations to realisti-
cally represent neuronal systems and their behaviors
while making them tractable for computation and
interpretation. One of the interesting mathematical
phenomena that researchers study is called gamma
and beta rhythms. These brain waves have been con-
nected to so-called higher mental activity, like per-
ception and consciousness, as well as to synchronous
activity that may help link various sensory inputs into
a single mental construction of an object. However,
many questions remain. Techniques such as graphs,
circuits, networks, clustering, geometry, and simula-
tion all play a role in investigation of nervous system
properties and functions.
One additional important advance in neuroscience
is the neurochip. It can be used to help link biological
neurons and semiconductor materials, which may one
day help to create prosthetics that integrate fully into
the bodys own neural system. They may also facilitate
treatments for neurological diseases like Alzheimers
and Parkinsons.
Further Reading
Ermentrout, G. B., and D. H. Terman. Mathematical
Foundations of Neuroscience (Interdisciplinary Applied
Mathematics). New York: Springer, 2010.
Gabbiani, F., and S. T. Cox. Mathematics for
Neuroscientists. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2010.
Kopell, Nancy. We Got Rhythm: Dynamical Systems
of the Nervous System. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 47, no. 1 (January 2000). http://
Scott, Alwyn. Neuroscience: A Mathematical Primer. New
York: Springer, 2002.
Maria Elizete Kunkel
Maria Elizabeth S. Rodrigues
See Also: Brain; Mathematical Modeling; Medical
Simulations; Neural Networks.
Neural Networks
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Articial neural networks use
sophisticated mathematical algorithms and
computational functions to simulate biological
neural networks.
The term neural networks is generally applied to the
systems of biological or articial neurons. More often it
is used in application to articial neural networks that
are designed to reproduce some human brain func-
tions, such as information processing, memory, and
pattern recognition. However, this term is also used for
biological neural networks, for which the term neural
system is more common. The beginning of modern
neural network research is credited to neuroscientist
Warren McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts
in 1943. McCulloch had spent decades pondering the
logic of the nervous system (for example, what allows
people to think or feel) before beginning his collabora-
tion with Pitts. He specically credited Pittss knowl-
edge of modular arithmetic for the success of their joint
work, which produced the McCullochPitts Theory of
Formal Neural Networks. Their research suggests that
any computable function can be completely realized
by a McCullochPitts articial neural network, though
some such networks would be impractically large.
Articial Neural Networks
Articial neural networks are mathematical tools or
physical devices that function similarly to biological
neural systems. They consist of building blocks, called
articial neurons, which resemble the structure of real
neurons. Each biological neuron includes three major
parts: dendrites, soma, and axon (see Figure 1A). Corre-
spondingly, each articial neuron also consists of three
major parts: inputs (or dendrites), transformation
function (soma), and output (axon) (see Figure
1B). The terminology that is generally used for biologi-
cal neurons is also often applied to articial neurons.
Modern neural networks use data analysis and non-
linear statistical methods to model complex relation-
ships between inputs and outputs or to nd patterns.
Bayesian methods of inference, named for Thomas
Bayes, are increasingly employed. Graph theory and
Neural Networks 701
geometry are also very useful for mapping neural net-
works, assessing their capabilities, and studying pattern
classication. Articial neural networks are applied to
a variety of problems in science, industry, and nance
in which people must draw conclusions and make
decisions from noisy and incomplete data. They can
perform pattern recognition and pattern classication,
time series analysis and prediction, function approxi-
mation, and signal processing. Several types of arti-
cial neural networks were developed for the specic
problems for which they can nd the best solution. The
most famous of them are single- and multi-layer per-
ceptrons; Hopeld neural networks, named for John
Hopeld; self-organizing Kohonen maps, named for
Tuevo Kohonen; and Boltzmann machines, named for
the Ludwig Boltzmann distribution. Regardless of the
type of neural network or the problem it is designed
to solve, the output is some mathematical function of
the inputs, often involving probability distributions.
As examples, consider functions
of the three types of the arti-
cial neural networks represented
in Figure 2.
The rst, single-layer per-
ceptron consists of one layer
of articial neurons and was
designed for pattern recognition
and classication problems (see
Figure 2A). The input pattern of
signals s
is fed to each neuron
in the perceptron with differ-
ent weights, w
. Then the signals are added
in each jth neuron to form a weighted sum
, which is processed by a transforma-
tion (nonlinear) function, resulting in a pat-
tern of the output signals o
. Thus, the pattern
of output signals o
is determined by the set
of weights w
, and this set of weights forms
a memory in the neural network. To obtain
desired response pattern d
to a given input
pattern s
, the perceptron is required to be
trained. Training (or learning) procedure
consists of the method that adjusts neural
network weights w
that form desired output
pattern d
Because of limited capability of single-
layer perceptrons (for example, they cannot
reproduce exclusive OR logical operations),
the multilayer perceptrons (see Figure 2B) became very
popular for different problems in pattern recognition
and classication. Inclusion of one or more hidden
layers into the neural networks increased their learning
capability and performance. Multilayer perceptrons
are learned by so-called backpropagation algorithm
that changes weights w
in all layers to ensure desired
output in the last layer.
Both single-layer and multilayer perceptrons belong
to a class of feedforward neural networks, as connec-
tions between the neurons do not form closed loops
(see Figures 2A and 2B), and information transfers only
in one direction, from the input to the output. A Hop-
eld neural network is a representative of another class,
recurrent articial neural networks, with bi-directional
ow of information (see Figure 2C). Each neuron in
this network is connected to the others with symmetric
bidirectional connections, and its output is calculated
in a way similar to that for perceptrons. A Hopeld neu-
702 Neural Networks
Figures 1A and 1B. Biological and Articial Neurons.
Figures 2A, 2B and 2C. Articial Neural Networks.
1A 1B
2A 2B 2C
ral network runs by cycles. During one cycle, the output
of each neuron is calculated using external inputs and
neural outputs from the previous cycle. These neuro-
nal outputs become their inputs, with corresponding
weights and transformation function, during the next
cycle. Neural outputs are recalculated for each cycle
until the system reaches a steady state. This steady state
pattern of neural outputs represents a stored pattern
in the Hopeld neural network. Information in Hop-
eld neural networks, as in perceptrons, is stored in the
weights, w
Further Reading
Coolen, A. C. C. A Beginners Guide to the Mathematics
of Neural Networks. In Concepts for Neural Networks.
Edited by L. J. Landau and J. G. Taylor. New York:
Springer, 1998.
Haykin, Simon. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
Foundation. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1999.
Kandel, Eric, James Schwartz, and Thomas Jessell.
Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Rumelhart, David E., James L. McClelland, and the PDP
Research Group. Parallel Distributed Processing. Vol. 1.
Foundations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.
Vladimir E. Bondarenko
See Also: Nervous System; Parallel Processing; Robots.
Newman, Ryan
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Ryan Newman is a NASCAR race car
driver who credits his success, in part, to his
engineering background.
Ryan Joseph Newman, National Association of Stock
Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) great and structural engi-
neer, was born on December 8, 1977, in South Bend,
Indiana. He attended Purdue University and in 2001
earned a bachelors degree in vehicle structure engi-
neering, which has since benetted him throughout his
illustrious auto racing career and pursuit of a NASCAR
Sprint Cup Championship.
Early Career
In 1993, at the age of only 16, Newman made his
auto-racing debut in the United Midget Auto Racing
Association (UMARA) and the All-American Midget
Series (AAMS). Success came quickly to young New-
man as he won not only Rookie of the Year honors
but the AAMS Championship. During these early
years, Newman amassed over 100 wins in these and
other divisions. His rapid rise and prolic success
behind the wheel earned him a step up to the nation-
ally acclaimed United States Auto Club (USAC) Series
in 1995, where he competed in racing competition at
various levels. Again, he was recognized with Rookie
of the Year honors. In 1999, he became the rst driver
in USAC history to win races in a midget, sprint car,
and Silver Crown car. He also won the Silver Bullet
Series Championship that year.
Engineering Skills
It was also during this time that Newman was study-
ing vehicle structure engineering at Purdue University
in West Lafayette, Indiana, and in 2001 he earned his
bachelors of science degree in this eld. His engineer-
ing skills have been useful in fuel management, under-
standing the geometry and physics of each race track,
the design of race cars, and more generally in time
management and problem solving. He stated, Ive
always said that an engineer, every time he gets one
answer, he gets two additional questions, which is eas-
ily How and Why. I think that for me, it has made my
career more successful being an engineer.
This training proved valuable in Newmans chosen
profession, and as he continued to win on the track, peo-
ple took notice. One observer, in particular, was racing
legend Roger Penske, who asked Newman to drive his
cars in NASCARs ARCA Series and Busch Series. New-
man experienced immediate success, winning three of
his rst ve races, and in a matter of weeks it became
clear he was well on his way to NASCARs premier divi-
sion: the Sprint Cup Series. He made his Sprint Cup
Series debut at Phoenix International Raceway in 2000.
By 2002, Newman had won six pole positions and
his rst race in the Sprint Cup Series, also at Phoenix
International Raceway, and was well on his way to yet
another Rookie of the Year Award. It was during this
Newman, Ryan 703
time, in part because of his rapid rise through the NAS-
CAR ranks and race-qualifying prowess, that he earned
the nickname Rocket Man.
Sprint Cup Series Success
Newman has been among the most popular and con-
sistent competitors in NASCARs Sprint Cup Series
each season since 2002, winning 14 races as of 2010,
the most notable being his 2008 Daytona 500 victory.
In 2009, he joined Stewart-Haas Racing, driving the
No. 39 U.S. Army Chevrolet. Since making the move
to Stewart-Haas, Newman has won two pole positions
as of 2010 and has nished a race in the top 10 no less
than 15 times. His success has kept him in the hunt
for the series championship. In his nearly 300 starts in
the Sprint Cup Series, Newman has qualied for the
pole position 46 times, earning at least one pole posi-
tion each year since 2001. At this pace, he is well on his
way to breaking into NASCARs top 10 pole position
winners of all time, placing him among many of auto
racings elite and Hall of Fame drivers.
Newman has brought a new perspective to NAS-
CAR racing, showing fans that scientic knowledge
can play a major role in success on the track. Newman
is often asked about engineering in interviews, and in
this context, he regularly critiques and analyzes the
pros and cons of changes in racing. Some of his com-
ments have been controversial, such as those related to
the original moon landing. Newmans crew chief, Matt
Borland, also possesses an engineering degree, and
mathematical conversations are commonplace with
the crew. As Newman told Sports Illustrated, Its cre-
ated a common language for me and the crew because
theres at least three other guys on our travel team that
are engineers alongside of the engineers that we have
in a group back in the shop. So we have that common
language. Newmans success opened NASCAR to
engineering specialists, which has brought signicant
changes to the world of NASCAR. In 2005, Newman
and wife Krissie founded the Ryan Newman Founda-
tion, where its mission, in part, is to provide college
scholarship funding to students interested in auto rac-
ing careers.
Further Reading
Maloof, Denise. Beat the Geeks. http://sportsillustrated
White, Ben, Nigel Kinrade, and Smyle Media. NASCAR
Then and Now. Minneapolis, MN: Motor Books, 2010.
Williams, Deb. Ryan Newman: Engineering Speed.
Champaign, IL: Sports Publishing, 2004.
Calli A. Holaway
Michael G. Lovorn
See Also: Arenas, Sports; Auto Racing; Engineering
Design; Extreme Sports.
Nielsen Ratings
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Data Analysis
and Probability; Measurement.
Summary: Television viewing data are estimated
using metrics collection and statistical modeling.
The Nielsen Ratings are a measure of how many peo-
ple are watching certain television programs. When
704 Nielsen Ratings
Ryan Newman stands beside his Number 39 Army
Chevrolet Impala in New Hampshire in 2009.
Arthur Nielsen began measuring television viewing in
1950, there were three networks and about 9% of U.S.
households had a television. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, homes often have multiple televisions receiving
scores of channels. Even when the number of television
sets was small, it was not possible to gather complete
viewing data for every single person who owns a tele-
vision. Instead, Nielsen Media Research uses statistical
sampling methods to take a representative subset of
viewers and then extrapolates from the samples view-
ing activities to the whole population of viewers. The
statistical methods Nielsen uses to collect its data have
been rened several times in response to changes in
viewer behavior. People who develop and analyze rat-
ings typically have expertise in analytics, metrics, and
statistical modeling.
Advanced statistical methodologies, like data mining
and software such as Mathematica, are used to extract
patterns from Nielsen data that help explain which
segments of the population view particular shows.
Networks make decisions about whether to cancel or
renew programs based on Nielsen ratings. Companies
also use Nielsen audience estimates to allocate tens of
billions of television advertising dollars each year.
Statistical Sampling and Data Collection
No one knows exactly how many households have tele-
visions, but 2010 estimates suggest that the average U.S.
household has just fewer than three televisions. Using
statistical sampling, Nielsen can obtain representative
data using small a proportion of households: approx-
imately 9000 in its national sample, another 1000 in
its Hispanic sample, and various smaller amounts in
selected local markets. For the national television sam-
ple and major local markets, people meters record
what television shows household members watch
using an electronic set meter, along with a remote
control that distinguishes each individual member
of the household. Set meters are also used to collect
data in mid-sized local markets, but with paper diaries
for individual demographics. Meters transmit data to
Nielsen every night, where it is checked mathematically
for transmission or recording errors before analysis. In
the smallest markets, viewers record programs in paper
diaries and mail them to Nielsen. Historically, Nielsen
tracked only television programs that were viewed live
at the time they aired. However, people are increasingly
using digital video recorders (DVRs), streaming video,
and other delayed viewing technologies, which biases
live ratings and affects both programming and adver-
tising decisions. Nielsen began adding DVR house-
holds to its sample in 2006 and now regularly reports
same-day and seven-day DVR playback ratings as well
as its traditional live viewer ratings. Peoples failure to
return paper diaries is also a growing source of bias,
and research methodologists are working on revising
this method to make completing the diaries easier to
encourage greater response.
Television Metrics
Nielsens primary metrics for television viewing are
rating, share, and projected audience. A programs
rating is a percentage that represents the number of
households that watched the program out of the total
number of households that could have watched the
program. In this case, the denominator of the fraction
is xed according to the Nielsen sample size. The 1983
nale of the television show M*A*S*H holds the record
for highest Nielsen rating, 60.2, which means slightly
more than 60% of possible sample households tuned
in to watch. At the time there were about 83 million
television households, so one sample rating point rep-
resented 1% or 830,000 households in the population.
However, it would be very unusual for every household
to be watching television at the same time.
Share adjusts for this fact by computing the percent-
age of households that watched a specic program out
of the number of households that were actually watch-
ing television during that time. This is a more com-
plicated calculation, since the number of televisions
being used at any given moment changes constantly.
Shares are often used to measure how competitive a
program is in its particular time slot. The M*A*S*H
nale had a 77 share, which means 77% of households
watching television at all were tuned to that program.
Ratings and shares are also computed for several age,
race, and other subgroups, as these are very important
to advertisers. Since data are recorded at the household
leveland many people may watch the same program
in one house, or outside the home in places like sports
bars or dormsthe number of individual viewers in
a subgroup or population can only be estimated from
the demographic data recorded by people meters and
diaries. In 2007, Nielsen also began to measure college
students viewing habits by treating them as if they
were watching an additional television set at home.
Nielsen Ratings 705
Projected audience is the estimated number of peo-
ple reached in the overall population, which is calcu-
lated using statistical modeling. The M*A*S*H nale
had a projected audience of 106 million viewers. The
number of television households grows every year, as
does the number of channel choices, so it can be dif-
cult to compare ratings from across years, especially
over large stretches of time. For example, although
Super Bowl XLIV surpassed the M*A*S*H nale in
terms of estimated viewers (106.5 million), it had a
lower rating (46.4). Another reason that the numbers
may be difcult to compare is that Nielsen produces
rapid overnight ratings for many media outlets and
these values are later adjusted. Further, only selected
numbers are made public, such as the daily or weekly
top 20 shows, which vary from week to week. Com-
prehensive data is generally available only to Nielsens
clients, and networks may advertise only the statistics
that are most favorable.
Further Reading
Balnaves, Mark, Tom ORegan, and Ben Goldsmith.
Rating the Audience: The Business of Media. New York:
Bloomsbury, 2011.
Nielsen Company. How DVRs are Changing the
Television Landscape.
Webster, James, Patricia Phalen, and Lawrence Lichty.
Ratings Analysis: The Theory And Practice Of Audience
Research. 3rd ed. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, 2008.
Carmen M. Latterell
See Also: Randomness; Rankings; Sample Surveys.
Normal Distribution
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Calculus; Communication;
Connections; Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Better known to laymen as the bell curve,
there are many applications for normal distribution.
The normal distribution is one of the most useful and
important probability distributions, with a wide range
of theoretical and real-world applications. Many people
know the normal distribution primarily by its colloquial
name, the bell curve, which comes from its characteris-
tic shape: a symmetric curve with a pronounced peak in
the middle and diminishing tails. Mathematically, nor-
mal distributions are a family of continuous probability
distributions. The normal function has no closed-form
integral, but areas under the curve, which correspond
to probabilities, can be accurately approximated with
methods like numerical integration. All normal prob-
ability distributions display the same symmetric bell
shape, but can have any real-valued mean () and posi-
tive real-valued standard deviation (). The standard
normal distribution is a special case with a mean of zero
and standard deviation of one. All normal distributions
can be transformed or standardized to the standard nor-
mal, which is theoretically important and extensively
tabulated. Computers and calculators also allow direct
calculation of normal probabilities. Students often use
both technology and tables when they study the normal
distribution in high school and beyond.
Many naturally occurring phenomena are normally
or approximately normally distributed, like the heights
of adult human beings. In other cases, such as intelli-
gence tests, the measurements are purposely structured
or scaled according to this distribution. Several other
probability distributions converge to the normal dis-
tribution or are well approximated by it. The central
limit theorem, based on normal approximations, is the
foundation for a wide range of commonly used statis-
tical procedures, particularly for estimation and infer-
ence. Another common name for the normal distribu-
tion is the Gaussian distribution, after Carl Friedrich
Gauss, whose work signicantly advanced many statis-
tical theories and concepts. Occasionally it is referred
to as the Laplace distribution, after Pierre-Simon
Laplace. The variety of names for the normal distribu-
tion likely reects the debate on the origins of the term
normal distribution and the breadth of people who
inuenced its development.
The rst appearance of the term normal distribu-
tion in a published document is often credited to a
seminal paper from Karl Pearson in 1895. However,
there are some who say the rst use corresponds to
706 Normal Distribution
Charles Peirce in 1783, to Francis Galton in 1889, or
to Henri Poincar in 1893. Statistician and historian
Stephen Stigler believes that it might have been used
much earlier, and there is certainly evidence to sup-
port that assertion.
Abraham DeMoivre is credited with the rst math-
ematical derivation of the normal distribution in
his 1733 work Approximatio ad summam termino-
rum binomii (a+b)
in seriem expansi. Using sums of
Bernoullis binomial random variables, he approxi-
mated a continuous distribution to the discrete
binomial using integral calculus, which resulted in a
bell-shaped continuous distribution. Continuing this
idea, Pierre-Simon Laplace presented the central limit
theorem in 1778, which is also sometimes called the
DeMoivreLaplace theorem. In fact, the name cen-
tral limit theorem is credited to George Plyas 1920
work on the normal distribution. Since the central
limit theorum is the limit of a summation of binary
variables, it is applicable to both discrete and continu-
ous random variables. It has many real world applica-
tions along with its theoretical importance, and it is
fundamental to statistical inference.
Robert Adrain, an American, and Carl Friedrich
Gauss, a German, worked simultaneously on similar
notions at the start of the nineteenth century without
being aware of each others work. In 1808, Adrain pre-
sented arguments regarding the validity of the normal
distribution for describing distributions of measure-
ment errors, inspired by a real-world problem in sur-
veying. He used this initial work to further develop and
prove Adrien-Marie Legendres method of least squares.
Gauss published his Theory of Celestial Movement in
1809. This work included several critical contributions
to mathematics and statistics, including the maximum
likelihood parameter estimation, the method of least
squares, and the normal distribution. This is perhaps
part of the reason that Gauss tends to be given credit
over Adrain for their similar contributions regarding
the normal distribution.
In 1829, Adolphe Quetelet brought the concept of the
normal distribution of error terms into the analysis of
social data. He wanted to discover the underlying laws
of society in the same way other researchers were explor-
ing scientic and mathematical laws. Quetelet invented
the term social physics and empirically developed
the rst notions of the measure now called body mass
index. He analyzed several data sets of human biologi-
cal and social data, such as the heights and weights of
conscripted soldiers, and by inductively using the cen-
tral limit theorem, he concluded that the normal error
distribution described these measures quite well. Galton
also contributed to the application and development
of the normal distribution in the biological and social
sciences. He produced the rst known index of correla-
tion as well as regression analysis, and he proved that
a normal mixture of normal distributions is itself nor-
mal. His colleagues Walter Weldon and Karl Pearson also
contributed to normal theory and applications, and the
three of them cofounded the journal Biometrika. The
eld of biometrics is generally traced back to Weldons
seminal papers. Pearson used the method of moments
to estimate mixtures of normal distributions and further
developed correlation and regression methods based on
the normal distribution. However, part of his motiva-
tion for developing methods like chi-square analyses
was apparently to try to decrease the growing reliance
on the normal distribution as a foundation of statistical
theory and analytic methods.
Normal Distribution 707
Galileo and Bernoulli
he early origins of the normal distribution
can be traced in part to Galileo Galilei and
his work in astronomy. In 1610, Galileo noticed
that the measurement errors in astronomical
tables were distributed symmetrically (in an
unbiased fashion) around the correct value.
A century later, Jacob Bernoulli made two
critical advances toward the development and
characterization of the normal distribution. The
rst was the law of large numbers (named as
such by Simeon Poisson in 1835). The second
was the development of the binomial distribu-
tion. The law of large numbers predicts the con-
vergence of sample means to the true popula-
tion mean as sample size approaches innity.
The binomial distribution models probability
in situations in which there are sequences of
independent random events with two equally
likely outcomes for each event, such as ip-
ping a coin.
Pearsons efforts to diminish the role of the nor-
mal distribution in statistics failed. Many other math-
ematicians and statisticians, including Pearsons son
Egon, continued to develop theory and applications
in a variety of areas. For example, William Gossett and
Ronald Fisher derived and rened the closely related
Students t distribution in the early twentieth century.
The distribution is not called Gossets t because he
worked for Guinness Brewery and he could not pub-
lish his work in his own name because of proprietary
issues, so he adopted the pseudonym Student. Start-
ing in the 1930s, Samuel Wilks explored many aspects
of normal distributions. These included deriving
sampling distributions for parameter estimates in
bivariate normal distributions as well as for covari-
ances in multivariate normal distributions, which
led to important advances in multivariate statistical
methods. The American Statistical Associations Wilks
Award is one of the most prestigious in the eld of
statistics. Miroslaw Romanowski published a general-
ized theory of modied normal distributions in 1968
that help characterize errors that do not seem to be
well-described by the normal distribution. Another
such generalization is the skew normal. Other related
distributions include the lognormal distribution
or Galton distribution, which describes a variable
whose log is normally distributed, and the folded
normal, which is based on taking the absolute value
of a normal distribution.
Recent Developments
The term bell curve became even more widely
known in 1994 when psychologist Richard Herrnstein
and political scientist Charles Murray wrote The Bell
Curve, which took its name from the distribution of
IQ scores and included a picture of the normal distri-
bution on its front cover. Herrnstein and Murray cor-
related intelligence scores with social outcomes and
asserted that social stratication based on intelligence
was on the rise. The book remains highly controver-
sial for the authors inclusion of discussions regarding
supposed relationships between race and intelligence
and has spurred many debates on both social and sta-
tistical matters.
Further Reading
Heyde, Chris, and Eugene Seneta, eds. Statisticians of the
Centuries. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Stigler, Stephen M. The History of Statistics. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1986.
Carlos J. Vilalta
See Also: Expected Values; Probability; Randomness;
Sample Surveys.
North America
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Mathematics has a long history in North
America, including a twentieth and twenty-rst-
century focus on improving mathematics education.
North America, as dened by the United Nations,
includes the United States, Canada, the Danish auton-
omous country of Greenland, the British overseas ter-
ritory of Bermuda, and the French overseas territory
of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The United States and
Canada have been especially active in the eld of math-
ematics. By the mid-twentieth century, people from
around the world were increasingly coming to North
America to study and to work in mathematical disci-
plines. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century,
mathematicians and mathematics educators continue
to explore ways to improve and advance research and
teaching. Research and other work done by mathemat-
ics organizations in Canada and the United States show
that mathematics education is a concern in North
America, in part because of international comparisons
of student performance. These efforts are also driven in
part by the increasingly technical demands of society
and the resulting economic and social needs.
Brief Early History
Mathematics played a role in the societies of the earliest
native peoples as well as those of settlers from around
the world. The prehistoric serpent burial mounds in
what is now the state of Ohio have mathematical ele-
ments and interpretations.
In the seventeenth century, the rst North American
colleges began to teach a variety of subjects, including
mathematics. North American mathematicians made
708 North America
advances in mathematical theory and contributed to a
wide range of inventions.
One way to explore mathematical efforts and priorities
in the twenty-rst century is to examine the activities of
professional associations like the Canadian Mathemati-
cal Society (CMS). The purpose of the CMS is to pro-
mote and advance the discovery, learning, and applica-
tion of mathematics in Canada. According to the CMS
Web site, the CMS is currently seeking to more aggres-
sively reach out to and form new partnerships with the
users of mathematics in business, governments, and
universities, educators in the school and college systems
as well as other mathematical associations; and in doing
so, share experiences, work on collaborative projects
and generally enhance the perception and strengthen
the prole of mathematics in Canada.
The mathematical skills of Canadian students have
been a primary concern for Canadian educators and
business owners alike. The CMS is particularly inter-
ested in reaching out to students who are interested in
mathematics and in working with the educational sys-
tem to improve mathematics education. To that end,
the CMS sponsors a variety of educational activities,
including national and regional mathematics camps,
the Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics
Challenge, and the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad.
Additionally, the CMS publishes a journal dedicated
to unique and challenging mathematics problems that
can be used in secondary and collegiate mathematics
classes. The CMS also provides funding for a Pub-
lic Lecture Series with the goal of promoting public
awareness of mathematics. The CMS strongly pro-
motes collaboration between mathematics education
and business in an effort to align the education of stu-
dents with the needs of the business community, and it
has developed workshops and publications to broaden
participation in mathematics,
United States
World wars, especially World War II, had a notable
inuence on the evolution of twenty-rst-century
mathematics, especially in the United States. Many
European mathematicians ed their native countries
because of violence or oppression and settled in the
United States. Military and industrial needs spurred a
great deal of mathematics research and applications,
which further escalated during the Cold War, spurred
by advances like the Soviet Unions Sputnik satellite.
The growth of universities in the wake of this boom,
along with the relative isolation of the Soviet Union,
were contributing factors to the rising numbers of stu-
dents from other countries studying mathematics in
the United States. By the beginning of the twenty-rst
century, the inux of foreign nationals into the United
States educational system and workforce had slowed,
in part because of change in political policies, includ-
ing caps on visas; the rising prominence of universities
in many other parts of the world; and the efforts of
many nations to stem the brain drain or emigration
of educated individuals.
Within the United States, many mathematical orga-
nizations have had a strong impact on the eld of
mathematics, including the Mathematical Association
North America 709
The Mathematical Association of America
headquarters (since 1979) in Washington, D.C.
of America (MAA) and the American Mathematical
Society (AMS). Many of the concerns in the United
States are similar to those in Canada. There has also
been a great deal of concern and discussion regarding
the perception that only some students are capable of
succeeding at mathematics. Some assert that the No
Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was designed to chal-
lenge this perception by ensuring that all students
could demonstrate grade-level mathematics pro-
ciency. However, this measure was negatively received
by many, in part because increased demands on teach-
ers and schools were not always fully funded and cri-
teria used to measure success and improvement were
not universally agreed upon as appropriate. A primary
focus is on improving the mathematics achievement of
public school students in an effort to ensure that more
students are college-ready.
In an effort to address this need, the National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) released a series
of publications that focus on the idea that mathemat-
ics education at every grade level needs to center on
in-depth development of a few key mathematical con-
cepts. The MAA and AMS both have made resources
available to teachers to aid in this endeavor. Like Can-
ada, the United States also works to recruit a wider
demographic of students into mathematical elds.
Further Reading
American Mathematical Society.
Canadian Mathematical Society.
Duren, Peter, Richard Askey, and Uta Merzbach.
A Century of Mathematics in America. Vols. 13.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1991.
Hankes, Judith, and Gerald Fast. Changing the Faces
of Mathematics: Perspectives on Indigenous People
of North America. Reston, VA: National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, 2002.
Jones, Philip. A History of Mathematics Education in the
United States and Canada (32 Yearbook). Reston, VA:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2002.
Mathematical Association of America. http://www
Calli A. Holaway
See Also: Algebra and Algebra Education; Calculus
and Calculus Education; Curriculum, College; Geometry
and Geometry Education; Statistics Education.
Number and
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Numerous civilizations throughout
history developed unique number systems and
number operation methods, some principles of which
survive into the twenty-rst century.
The properties of numbers and operations are among
the rst concepts that most people learn about math-
ematics and they were also among the earliest type
of mathematical knowledge developed historically.
Number and operations are pervasive in school cur-
ricula. There are many types of numbers (for example,
integers, irrational numbers, and imaginary num-
bers), each with their own properties. Learning how
to work with different types of numbers is basic to the
work of learning mathematics. The term operations
refers to the practice of applying some rule on a set of
numbers; the four basic operations are addition, sub-
traction, multiplication, and division. However, there
are a wide variety of other mathematical operations
or operation-like procedures on many types of math-
ematical objects, such as modular arithmetic, that may
be explored at many levels.
In the twenty-rst century, students in the earliest
grades start to investigate whole numbers and com-
mon fractions along with addition and subtraction.
In the later primary grades, they may study base-10
decimals, a broader range of fractions, negative num-
bers, and equivalent forms for fractions, decimals, and
percentages. Operations extend to include addition
and subtraction of common fractions or decimals;
multiplication and division of whole numbers; and
relationships between operations. Concepts like ratios
and proportions, integers, factorization, prime num-
bers, and some alternative methods of notation for
very large numbers begin to be introduced in middle
school. Students learn more arithmetic procedures
with fractions, decimals, or integers, as well as to sim-
plify computations using addition and multiplication
properties. They also investigate squares and square
roots. In high school, students may study very large
710 Number and Operations
and small numbers; properties of numbers and vari-
ous number systems; vectors and matrices with real
number properties; and number theory. Operations
begin to include addition and multiplication of vec-
tors and matrices, as well as permutations and combi-
nations. These concepts continue to be extended into
college with new systems of numbers and operations
or operation-like procedures.
Early Number Systems
The rst type of numbers people generally learn
about are called the natural or counting numbers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . . . The historical record shows that the
use of counting numbers is an ancient practice. As
with measurement, body parts may have been used,
and archaeologists have found other evidence, such
as notched bones, that support the idea of tallying
or counting. The Egyptians used a base-10 system,
written either with hieroglyphs or hieratic (cursive)
script, and using special symbols for powers of 10 (10,
100, 1000, and so on). The ancient Egyptians were
also aware of fractions, which were primarily written
as unit fractions of the form 1/n, such as 1/2 or 1/4,
although some Egyptian texts contain fractions of the
form 2/n or 3/n, and other quantities were expressed
as combinations of unit fractions.
The Babylonians used a numerical system with a
base of 60, a practice that survives into the twenty-rst
century in the convention of dividing a circle into 360
degrees and in units of time, such as 60 seconds in a
minute and 60 minutes in an hour. They used only two
symbols, one signifying 1 and the other 10, to write
all the values 160, and used the place system so that
the meaning of a symbol depended on its place within
a numbera major advance that was crucial to the
development of modern mathematics. In a decimal or
base-10 system,
111 1 10 1 10 1 10
2 1 0
( )
( )
( )
The same digits in the base-60 system would mean
111 1 60 1 60 1 60
2 1 0
( )
( )
( )
or the same quantity as 3661 in a base-10 system.
The ancient Mayan developed a number system
with a base of 20 and a place system, using dots (with
a value of 1) and bars (with a value of 5) to write the
numbers 119, with powers of 20 indicated vertically.
The Mayans also understood the concept of zero as a
placeholder and had a special symbol for it, which they
used in their calendar system.
An acrophonic number system was used in Greece
by the rst millennium b.c.e. Acrophonic means that
numbers are signied by the rst letter of the word
used for that number, with symbols for 1, 5, 10, 100,
and so on. As with the more familiar Roman numer-
als, this system was an additive system (rather than
place), so the value of a number was found by add-
ing up the value of all the symbols that comprised
it. A competing system also used in Greece was one
in which each letter of the alphabet was assigned a
numeric value reecting its order in the alphabet. In
this system, the rst 10 letters (alpha through iota)
correspond to the numbers 110, then the next letter
(kappa) stands for 20, the next (lambda) for 30, until
rho, which signies 100.The next letter (sigma) signi-
es 200, and so on. This system was also an additive
system, so that 12 was written as iota beta or 10 + 2
and 211 as epsilon iota alpha. Numbers 10009000
were written by adding a superscript or subscription
to the letters alpha through theta, while larger num-
bers were written with the symbol M (meaning myr-
iad) for 10,000, with multiples indicated by writing
other numbers above the M.
Roman Numerals
The familiar system of Roman numerals was devel-
oped from about the third century b.c.e. It was used
throughout the Roman Empire and in Europe into the
Middle Ages and was eventually replaced by the more
efcient HinduArabic number system. The Roman
number system has the benet of using only a few sym-
bols, but does not include the concepts of zero or of
place, so the value of a number is calculated by adding
together all the values of its elements. The symbols used
include M for 1000, D for 500, C for 100, L for 50, X for
10, V for 5, and I for 1, with the later renement that a
smaller number could be placed next to a larger num-
ber to indicate subtraction. Roman numerals translate
to HinduArabic numerals as the following:
MMX = 2010
Number and Operations 711
Roman numerals are still in use in the twenty-rst
century to indicate succession (for example, King
Richard III of England) and sometimes in lm release
dates. The inefciency of the Roman system compared
to the modern system of HinduArabic numerals can
be illustrated by trying to quickly determine which of
the following three dates is most recent: MCMXCIX,
MCMLXXXVII, and MMVII. Now try again with the
same values in Hindu-Arabic numerals: 1999, 1987,
and 2007.
Indian or Hindu Numerals
Indian or Hindu numerals and the concept of zero
(written as a dot or small circle and referred to by
the Sanskrit term sunya, which means empty) also
appear to date to the third century b.c.e. Historians
have cited Brahmi numerals, which share a name with
a family of alphabets or scripts; which evolved into
Gupta numerals, named for the fourth to sixth century
c.e. Gupta dynasty; and then Nagari or Devanagari
numerals, also named for alphabet systems, begin-
ning in about the ninth century; and nally symbols
that looked very much like the familiar numerals 09
somewhere around the fourteenth century. There are
many origin theories for Hindu numerals, which fall
into two general classes: they came from an alphabet
(as did the Greek system) or they came from some
other earlier number system (as did Roman numerals).
Hindu number systems were predominantly base 10,
and documents suggest that Indians were using a place
value system by the sixth century c.e. Mathematician
Pierre-Simon Laplace said, The ingenious method
of expressing every possible number using a set of ten
symbols (each symbol having a place value and an
absolute value) emerged in India . . . Its simplicity lies
in the way it facilitated calculation and placed arithme-
tic foremost amongst useful inventions.
Hindu systems of numerals appear to have made
their way into Arabic and Islamic cultures in the latter
half of the rst millennium c.e. These Hindu numer-
als, along with a base-60 system using Arabic letters
to represent numbers (common among astronomers)
and a nger arithmetic system (widely used in busi-
ness), coexisted for some time in the Arabic world. In
the ninth century, mathematician Abu Jafar Muham-
mad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi wrote On the Calculation
with Hindu Numerals. His contemporary Abu Yusuf
Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi also wrote On the Use of
the Indian Numerals (c. 830 c.e.). Several Arabic and
Islamic scholars studied Hindu numerals in the tenth
century. Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (also
known as Avicenna) was purportedly taught by Egyp-
tians, and Abul Hasan Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Al-Uqlidisi
is credited with helping to modify Hindu numerals to
replace the traditional nger arithmetic. Mathemati-
cian Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni
visited India in the eleventh century c.e., though even
before his rst travels he had examined Arabic transla-
tions of Indian mathematics texts.
HinduArabic Number System
The HinduArabic number system was adopted in
Europe a few centuries later, replacing Roman numer-
als, as Europeans became familiar with Arabic manu-
scripts. The rst known example of Hindu numerals
in a European document are in the tenth-century
Codex Vigilanus, but the beginnings of widespread
use appear to date closer to the fteenth century. The
symbols used in this system are similar to those used
in Europe in the twenty-rst-century (09), while a
different set of symbols is used with the same number
system in the Middle East and in parts of India (thus
many Arabic speakers do not use what in the United
States are commonly called Arabic numerals). The
Moroccan mathematician Abu Bakr Al-Hassar is cred-
ited with developing the modern method of notating
fractions (two numbers separated by a horizontal bar)
in the twelfth century. Liber Abaci, written by Italian
mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in the early thir-
teenth century, was also inuential in spreading the
use of HinduArabic numerals (and the place system)
throughout Europe.
Any number may be used as a base when numbers
are written using the place system. For instance, the
binary (base 2) and hexadecimal (base 16) systems are
used in work with computers. In the binary system,
there are two digits (0 and 1), and each successive place
is a greater power of 2. In the hexadecimal system, there
are 16 digits (letters are used to express the extra digits
required, so A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, and
F = 15). If necessary to avoid confusion, the base of
the number system may be included as a subscript; for
example, 17
would be 17 in the base-10 system.
Modular arithmetic was developed by German
mathematician Leonhard Euler in the eighteenth cen-
tury and was advanced by others, including German
712 Number and Operations
astronomer and mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss,
whose 1801 Disquisitiones Arithmeticae established
many of the rules of number theory. Modular arith-
metic is sometimes called clock arithmetic because
the concept is similar to that of a 12-hour clock. If it is
currently 9 oclock, 6 hours later it will be 3 oclock, not
15 oclock, because the clock starts over with 0 as soon
as it reaches 12.
Aids to Computation
Systems to aid computation are almost as old as number
systems themselves. For instance, Egyptian scribes used
tables to help them perform arithmetic with fractions,
and the abacus or counting frame was used in several
ancient cultures, including those of Mesopotamia,
Egypt, Persia, and Rome. However, the abacus is most
strongly identied today with Asia, in particular China,
where it was used at least as early as the second century
b.c.e. A Chinese abacus consists of a number of rods
divided by a beam into two regions or decks: the upper
deck of each rod has two beads, and the lower deck has
ve. Mathematical operations are carried out by sliding
the beads toward or away from the deck, and expert
abacus operators can rapidly solve problems involving
not only the four basic functions (addition, subtrac-
tion, multiplication, and division) but also square and
cube roots. The simplicity and efciency of the abacus
encouraged its spread to other Asian countries, includ-
ing India, Japan, and Korea. Use of the modern Japa-
nese abacus, which uses one bead in the upper deck
and four in the lower, is still taught in primary schools
in Japan today as it is believed to aid students in form-
ing a mental representation of numbers.
Arabic mathematicians developed a system of lattice
multiplication, which involves using a lattice or grid of
boxes divided into diagonal halves. To perform lattice
multiplication, the two numbers to be multiplied are
written across the top and the side of the grid, the digits
are multiplied separately and then added along the diag-
onals to produce the result. This system was introduced
to Europe by Fibonacci in 1202. It was improved by Scot-
tish mathematician John Napier in the early seventeenth
century through a type of abacus referred to as Napiers
bones, which consists of a tray and a set of 10 rods, one
for each digit 09. Each rod is divided into nine squares,
with each but the top divided by a diagonal line. Each
square contains the product of its own digit multiplied
by each other digit; for instance, the rod for 5 contains
the values 5, 1/0, 1/5, 2/0, and so on (the / indicating
the diagonal of the square). Napiers bones are used to
multiply, divide, and extract square roots. For example,
to multiply, the rods for one number are placed in the
tray, and the values from the rows comprising the digits
of the second number are read off, adding together the
pairs of values on the diagonals.
Logarithms are another important aid to calcula-
tion. A logarithm is an exponent such that when the
base of a number system is raised to that power, the
result will be the number. For instance in base 10, the
logarithm of 100 is 2 because 10
= 100. In the system
of natural logs, the base is e (sometimes called Eulers
number after the Swiss eighteenth-century math-
ematician Leonhard Euler), the irrational constant
2.718281. . . . The natural log of 100 is 4.6051 because
4 6051
One common use of logarithms before the advent
of electronic calculators and computers was to simplify
multiplication, division, and the calculation of pow-
ers and roots. As such, logarithms played an important
role in the development of astronomy and other math-
ematically based sciences.
Napier is usually credited as the inventor of the loga-
rithm due to his 1614 publication Mirici Logarithmo-
rum Canonis Descriptio, which included tables of natu-
ral logarithms and explanations of their use. Important
tables of base 10 logarithms were published in 1617
and 1624 by English mathematician Henry Briggs.
Multiplication using logarithms rests on the follow-
ing rule. For any base b
c d b
b b
c d
+ ( ) log log
For instance, if the base is 10, c is 108, and d is 379:
108 379 10 10 40 932
2 033424 2 578639 4 612063
+ ( ) . . .
because 108 10
2 033424
and 379 10
2 578639
Conducting multiplication in this way requires only
looking up the two logarithms in the table, adding them,
and looking up the antilogarithm (the base 10 raised to
a power) in another table, which for large numbers is
much quicker than doing the multiplication by hand.
The slide rule, also developed in the seventeenth cen-
tury, made the process even quicker and remained in
common use well into the twentieth century.
Number and Operations 713
Further Reading
Dantzig, Tobias. Number, the Language of Science: A
Critical Survey for the Cultured Non-Mathematician.
New York: Doubleday, 1956.
Eymard, Pierre, and Jean-Pierre Lafon. The Number
Pi. Translated by Stephen S. Wilson. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 2004.
Flannery, David. The Square Root of 2: A Dialogue
Concerning a Number and a Sequence. New York:
Copernicus, 2006.
Hodger, Andrew. One to Nine: The Inner Life of Numbers.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2008.
Kaplan, Robert. The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of
Zero. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication
and Division; Number and Operations in Society;
Number Theory; Numbers, Real.
Number and
Operations in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Number and
Summary: Number, arithmetic, and estimation are
parts of daily life.
In early human societies, wealth was often measured in
terms of physical possessions. Commerce depended on
nding an even or fair exchange of goods. Counting
and arithmetic were fundamental skills for enumerat-
ing goods and engaging in trade. Later agrarian soci-
eties also needed these skills to plan for activities like
planting crops and storing or dispersing the harvest in
an equitable way. When humans began to travel farther
from home, they needed to be able to measure and cal-
culate distances and directions.
The introduction of money and more advanced
tools and technology did not change the need to
count and calculate; in most cases, they merely altered
what was counted and the way in which the count-
ing and arithmetic were done. In modern society,
numbers and their basic operations are pervasive.
Numeracy (or quantitative literacy) is a primary con-
cern of government and educators in the twenty-rst
century. The increasingly quantitative nature of soci-
ety requires some level of basic prociency in all its
citizens, not merely from mathematicians, engineers,
scientists, and others in traditionally quantitative
professions. In modern society, studies have shown
that lack of basic number and operations skills can be
associated with negative outcomes, such as nancial
mismanagement, consumer debt, poor risk assess-
ment, and limited job prospects. Some individuals
who experience difculty with arithmetic operations
have a condition called dyscalculia, which may be
caused by neurological lesions.
Early Number History
Rows of tally marks have been found in many archaeo-
logical sites, indicating that people not only counted,
but also recorded their counts. However, it is difcult
to quickly know a total merely by looking at a long row
of tally marks. Recognizing a quantity without count-
ing one by one is called subitizing. Psychologists note
that humans usually can subitize accurately only up
to quantities of about 5, 6, or 7 without making some
combinations, so a line of 23 tally marks would allow
only a guess of its number. Because of this limitation of
subitizing ability, ancient humans arranged the marks
into groupsusually equal groupsand counted the
groups to nd the total (many people also commonly
do this in the twenty-rst century by drawing every
fth tally mark over the rst 4 to make groups of 5 for
easier counting).
This system appears to exist in many parts of the
world and led to both the idea of place value and the
operation of multiplication. The counting system of
nearly every language uses terms of grouping; many,
including English, group by 10s and then 10s of 10s
(100s) and continue with higher powers of 10. Prob-
ably the group size of 10 was chosen for physiological
reasonshumans have 10 ngerssince other choices,
such as dozens, might have made for more convenience
(especially for fractions) and mathematical efciency.
Some languages do use other bases, including 4, 5, and
12, and the English words dozen and score indicate
an earlier use of groupings of 12s and 20s in old English.
Similarly, multiplication in objective terms amounts to
714 Number and Operations in Society
nding a total by counting groups of equal quantities
(even when used for area or combination calculations).
Learning the times tables is simply learning how those
groupings come together and grow into such totals.
The groupings were originally oral linguistic terms,
but the idea also translated into written numeralsthe
ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Mayan, and Chinese
symbols (and others) were tted into various types of
place-value frameworks, some more structured than
others. It is thought that the current widespread system
of written numerals, the HinduArabic system, origi-
nally grew out of earlier place-value grouping systems.
It developed in India, early in the common era, where
repeated marks were replaced by a single cipher (for
example, 7 instead of ///////), allowing more ef-
cient writing and calculation. The Islamic mathemati-
cians added more convenient algorithmssmoother
techniques for doing arithmetic calculations and han-
dling rational numbers.
Although people in all parts of the world needed to do
arithmetic and developed their own methods, the stan-
dard algorithms most widely used in the twenty-rst
century developed from the Islamic algorithms (the
word algorithm even comes from the name of Al-
Khowarizmi, a mathematician who worked in Baghdad
around the year 800). These algorithms were modied
and rened over the centuries as the techniques were
carried into Europe. Usually the adding and multiply-
ing methods were straightforward, mostly collecting
and regrouping symbols, but subtracting and dividing
were more complicated and led to a greater variety of
algorithmsespecially different ways and sequences to
regroup numbers, both in conceptual terms and in the
written expositions. An important difference involved
either starting with the units and moving to the higher
groupings, often called a right-to-left method, or the
reverse of working rst with the larger groups and then
taking care of the smaller unit details.
The standard symbols of the numerals stabilized in
medieval Europe (c. sixteenth century), as did most of the
algorithmic methods. Along with this standardization
came the symbols for the operations (+, , , , and =)
and later other notations such as exponents for pow-
ers, the square root symbol, various kinds of brackets
for groupings, and symbols for fractions and decimals.
These symbols are not completely standardized; for
example, Americans use a dot (.) between the whole
number and a decimal fraction, while many Europe-
ans use a comma (,). Also, there are some remaining
discrepancies in the terminology of large numbers, as
Americans say a thousand millions is a billion, but
British usage is that a billion is a million millions.
Types of Numbers
Languages usually differentiate number usage accord-
ing to the purpose of the number. If the number is an
adjective that tells the numbers of members in a set or
collection, is it called a cardinal number. Thus, three
houses describes the quantity of houses being dis-
cussed. In higher mathematics, especially in number
theory, the quantity of the members of a set is called
Number and Operations in Society 715
Counting and arithmetic are fundamental skills for
many occupations, including the pharmacy trade.
the sets cardinality, which, signicantly, can be in-
nite or even different innities. In many languages,
especially in eastern Asia, an extra word is inserted after
the number to describe the category of the item being
counted. For example, a certain word for the category
of at items might be used to describe quantities of
paper, boards, or leaves, but a different category word
would be used for quantities of round objects.
Another everyday use of numbers is to describe the
place of something in a sequence. If there is a line of
houses along a street, the third house may be noted
counting from the beginning of the line to position
number 3. Since the houses are considered in order,
this is called the ordinal number: rst, second, third,
fourth, and so on, with most of the higher values using
a -th at the end of the number word.
A third kind of number is as a name, so it can be
called a nominal number. These are used when count-
ing in general or referring to the number itself, as in, I
am writing a ve. In English, this is usually the same
word as the cardinal form, though in other languages,
this is not always the case. Also, the nominal form is
often used in nonmathematical language, where a num-
ber term is used to name a person or something else.
Examples include numbers of Social Security accounts,
house street addresses, bank accounts, telephones,
routes of highways, buses, or planes, and car license
plates. Sometimes they are arranged in a numerical
order for convenience, but usually do not represent true
ordinal usage. These are only a convenience (for exam-
ple, they work well in computers) and usually have no
mathematical meaningone would not think of add-
ing two phone numbers! Distinctions of cardinal, ordi-
nal, and nominal usage are (1) taking three buses with
the necessary changes from one to another (cardinal),
(2) waiting as two buses pass and then taking the next
onethe third bus (ordinal), and (3) looking for a sign
on an approaching bus that says it is bus #3 (nominal)
and then getting aboard. Often, when people complain
of modern society reducing everyone to a number, they
are in fact referring to the nominal usage. Since nominal
numbers are so pervasive, it is important for children to
learn the distinctions, so they will understand that these
nominal usages are not mathematical.
Economics and Demographics
Beyond the nominal names, actual quantities are used
in nearly all aspects of society. At the heart of economic
activity is the need to quantify money and compare
this quantity with measurements of value, which may
also be quantied. Accountants and bankers may not
be mathematicians, but they constantly use numbers
and carry out operations that may be based on sim-
ple arithmetic but used in very complex applications.
These users may range from high-level nancial man-
agers to retailers to children selling lemonade. Some
have suggested that, especially in the modern world,
economic uses of numbers may be the biggest appli-
cation of mathematics in society. Another important
subject of counting is peoplefor records of popula-
tion, attendance at schools and events, families, public
health, television viewing, and many others.
When numbers are applied to comparisons, measure-
ment is happening. Measurements of length, weight,
volume, and many of the technical quantitiessuch as
electrical conductivity, strength of magnetism, blood
pressure, engine power, and acoustic propertiesare
used by scientists, engineers, architects, medical work-
ers, mechanics, and even artists and musicians to deal
with properties essential to their work. Numbers are
not needed for sophisticated technicalities but may
may help with shopping for shoes, getting a rst
down in football, and giving directions to the library.
Operations include totaling a shopping bill, convert-
ing currency, checking the movement of a comet, and
building an oil rig. Few people may calculate comet
orbits, but nearly everyone needs to check their shop-
ping and bank account calculations. Over time, many
systems of units of measurement developed, showing
the importance of this use of numbers. Many mea-
surements, especially linear measures, were compar-
isons with human body parts, such as the length of
a handspan, the distance from the elbow to the n-
gertips (called a cubit), or the distance of a walking
pace. It became clear that standardized measurements
were needed for fair comparisons, especially in trade,
so governments as early as the ancient Egyptians and
Romans developed standardized systems. Many tradi-
tional measures were converted to standard systems,
but often the units did not t well into an organized
system. In the late 1700s in France, the metric system
was devised to serve as a well-organized standard sys-
tem for world use. In the two centuries since then, that
goal has almost been achieved.
716 Number and Operations in Society
The tools of statistics are used to analyze and report
results of counting and measuring. Tables arrange data
in columns and rows for easier comparisons as well as
summations, averaging, and other calculations. In the
twenty-rst century, computerized spreadsheets have
given new power to the calculation and manipulation
of data in tabular form. Graphical displays make the
information visible for quicker comprehension. Bar
graphs and histograms sort data into comparative cat-
egories, while line graphs are especially useful to show
changes over time. Circle graphs show comparative
portions of a total. Newer displays include bar-and-
whisker charts, which show the distribution of a collec-
tion of data, and stem-and-leaf charts, which are used
to assemble data for bar charts. Statistics educators
often warn that the ease of display of statistical graphs
can also be misused to offer misleading implications,
so a familiarity with statistics is considered important
in evaluating displays in advertising and reports.
Arithmetic is considered part of the basic foun-
dation of the school curriculum because the need
to deal with numbers and arithmetic is central to so
many aspects of daily life and is the starting point
of all higher mathematics and applications of math-
ematics in science, engineering, and technology. Usu-
ally instruction in counting begins even before formal
schooling, the basic arithmetic operations are taught
in the early grades, and work with fractions, percent-
ages, and ratios in the upper grades of elementary
school. Even in areas where few children may have
the opportunity to attend higher levels of school, it is
considered essential that they learn this foundational
materialin school or perhaps on the jobbecause
of the central role of number and operations in so
much of life activity.
Mental Arithmetic
Mental arithmetic is the operational counterpart to
estimation, in which calculations are done without
writing or using other calculation tools. A variety of
techniques for mental arithmetic have been devel-
oped. Sometimes, it simply means using rounded off
estimates to make the calculation easier. In addition
and subtraction, the technique might mean ignoring
the ones column or even more. Also, using factors can
often simplify multiplication and division. Sometimes
there are special tricks to using specic numbers in
calculations, such as adjusting numbers to t together
to make 10s, adding a reciprocal to carry out subtrac-
tion, or applying algebraic techniques to simplify the
numerical work.
Calculation Tools
Even though mental arithmetic is fast and convenient,
many mathematical calculations are too complex for
such methods. Very early in history, people realized
that they needed various tools to assist their compu-
tational work. It might even be argued that the process
of writing numerals and using written algorithms is
the most fundamental toolthough perhaps counting
on ones ngers is an even earlier tool. More than 2000
years ago, tools were developed to handle basic arith-
metic. Romans made shallow grooves in the ground to
represent the place-value positions and moved stones
within the grooves to represent the value of each posi-
tion. Adding and removing stones from the grooves
carried out addition and subtraction operations, often
requiring regrouping or exchanging 10 of a smaller
position for 1 of the next larger position in order to
have enough stones for the results or to reduce an over-
loaded position. The abacus uses the same principles of
Number and Operations in Society 717
ften, the use of numbers implies that
precision and accuracy are requiredpar-
ticularly true in scientic and technical applica-
tions. However, for many applications of daily
life, and even some economic and technical
uses, the specic exact quantity may not be
necessary. The time (and expense) it takes to
nd the exact quantity may not be justied, and
such quantication may not even be possible.
For example, populations of countries are often
quoted down to the exact number of individu-
als, but in reality, people are born and are dying
every day, causing the number to vary con-
stantly. Similarly, if one inquires about the dis-
tance between two cities, one does not need
the answer to the nearest metereven an
error of a few kilometers would be tolerated.
mechanizing arithmetic, but does it with beads strung
onto wires in a frame instead of with stones in grooves.
Since the beads cannot be physically added or removed
from the wires, various new techniques were developed
to handle the regrouping, often involving reciprocal
adding or mental regrouping.
As early as the 1600s, more sophisticated mechanical
devices were being developed to make arithmetic even
more automated. Two famous mathematicians, Blaise
Pascal (16231662) and Gottfried Leibniz (16461716),
both made mechanical devices with gear wheels and a
ratchet mechanism to handle regrouping. John Napier
(15501617) invented two very different tools, one for
ordinary people and one for scientists. For ordinary
people, Napier took the idea of lattice multiplication,
which had come from Islamic mathematicians, and
used small four-sided rods of multiplication tables to
arrange like lattices to ease the multiplication of mul-
tidigit numbers. They were called Napiers Rods or
Napiers bones, since he sometimes made the rods
from bones. More signicantly, he (and others) intro-
duced the concept of logarithms, which are actually
representations of powers of a common base (usually
10 or e). Since multiplication of two numbers written
as exponents of the same base can be done by addition
(and handling powers can be done with multiplica-
tion), logarithms simplied multiplication to addition
and exponentiation to multiplication and thus allowed
scientists to deal with much more complicated powers
and roots than other techniques allowed, greatly speed-
ing their calculations.
Charles Babbage (17911871) is sometimes called
the father of computers, but also he was a very frus-
trated man, since he was trying to invent devices one
century too earlyin the rst half of the nineteenth
century. Noting that calculations by hand often had
errors (even errors in transcription), he wanted to
avoid errors by substituting the handwork with com-
plicated machinery. His inventionsthe difference
engine, followed by plans (which he could never com-
pletely carry out) for the analytical enginehad the
same basic parts as modern computers: input/output,
a storage memory, and a central processor. He used a
system of programming to input data and to instruct
the machine on what to do and then had the results
printed outall aiming to keep the work away from
human error. Unfortunately, his plans were beyond the
technical capability of his day. His support from the
British government was used up as he struggled unsuc-
cessfully to overcome technical problems.
Later in the nineteenth century, Herman Hollerith
(18601929) also worked to mechanize data handling.
He noticed the programming of Jacquard textile
weaving looms was implemented by wooden plates
with holes arranged in particular patterns to control
the movement and alignment of the threads. He real-
ized that paper cards similarly punched with holes
could be used to direct the movement and combina-
tion of data. He convinced the U.S. Census Bureau to
use the idea in tabulating its data, and later he joined
Thomas Watson in starting the company that became
IBM. His punchcards were a staple of data processing
and, later, computing for many decades.
Computers nally came on the scene from consider-
able theoretical work in the 1930s, the pressures of
war needs in the 1940s, and the growth of technology
in general in the 1950s and 1960s. Technical develop-
ments, such as transistors, integrated circuits, and
interactive interfaces, moved the development toward
enabling the common person to compute. Interactivity
opened the door for word processing and publishing,
e-mail and other communications, and, eventually, the
Internet. Meanwhile, tting greater power into smaller
and smaller devices allowed cell phones, thin television
sets, laptops, and the explosion of handheld devices
with thousands of applications.
Computers have become such a central part of mod-
ern life that some concern has been raised about their
role and their power. Even as computers may seem
cold and inhuman, programming and merging of data
les allow many more individualized responses than
humans would be able to handle efciently. Mathema-
ticians and mathematics teachers sometimes debate the
use of calculators and computers in both school math-
ematics and mathematical research. In both cases, the
main argument is the efciency and accuracy of using
electronic tools against the sense that doing mathemat-
ics should be a human, mental activity.
In a broader sense, this same question comes to the
role of numbers and operations in society: quantitative
versus qualitative. Certainly, numbers and operations
are essential to science, business, and in fact all of mod-
ern life (and were quite essential even in ancient times).
Some would argue, however, that the essence of human-
718 Number and Operations in Society
ity is found in the arts, philosophy, and religion. The
division of the two worlds has long been debated. How-
ever, a convergence may have been found as quantitative
measures are increasingly applied to the humanities and
the sciences have researched the mysteries of the brain
and cognition, quantum mechanics and cosmology, and
multiple dimensions and innities.
Further Reading
Ifrah, Georges. The Universal History of Numbers.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1994.
Katz, Victor. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction.
New York: HarperCollins, 1998.
Paulos, J. A. Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and its
Consequences. New York: Vintage Books. 1988.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Algebra in Society; Calculators in Society;
Calculus in Society; Connections in Society; Geometry
in Society; Learning Exceptionalities; Measurement in
Society; Number and Operations.
Number Theory
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Number theory has captured the
imagination through numerous famous problems,
many still unsolved.
The legendary mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss
(17771855) famously described number theory as
the queen of mathematics. The core of number
theory is the study of the integers, but number theory
includes a much wider class of concepts and problems
that arise in the study of the integers. Number theory
is extremely popular as recreational mathematics and
is explored in twenty-rst-century high school class-
rooms. Early mathematicians in Greece, India, and
the Islamic world investigated and developed number
theory, making enormous and widely varied contribu-
tions. The eld has continued to blossom through the
twenty-rst century. Some mathematicians view num-
ber theory as a branch of pure mathematics, but oth-
ers view it as applied mathematics because of its utility
to so many elds, such as physics, chemistry, biology,
computing, engineering, coding, cryptography, ran-
dom number generation, acoustics, communications,
graphic design, music, and business.
Prime Numbers
A large portion of number theory is related directly or
indirectly to the study of prime numbers and divisibility.
An integer a is divisible by integer b if there is an integer
c such that a = bc. A prime number is an integer p > 1
that is divisible only by itself and 1, and a composite
number is a positive integer with more than two factors.
It is technically most convenient to consider 1 to be nei-
ther prime nor composite. The so-called Fundamental
Theorem of Arithmetic, investigated by Carl Friedrich
Gauss in the nineteenth century, states that every posi-
tive integer n > 1 can be written as a product of prime
numbers, and furthermore, that this prime factorization
is unique (except for the order in which the factors are
written). The theorem was partially proved by Euclid of
Alexandria in ancient Greece. The recognition that the
theorem does not hold in more general number systems
by mathematicians such as Ernst Kummer led to the
development of the eld of algebraic number theory.
It is well known that there are innitely many prime
numbers, so it would not be possible to obtain a com-
plete list of all prime numbers. The search for ever-
larger prime numbers is ongoing, and testing numbers
for primality is sometimes used as a test of the compu-
tational power of supercomputers.
Modular Arithmetic and Cryptography
An important component of elementary number
theory is modular arithmetic. In modular arithmetic,
two numbers are treated to be the same if they have
the same remainder when divided by some given num-
ber, the modulus. One writes a b (mod m) if m
divides the difference a b. One reason why this con-
cept is so useful is that it is compatible with the opera-
tions of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. If
a b (mod m) and c d (mod m), then a + c b + d
(mod m), a c b d (mod m), and ac bd (mod
m). The situation is complicated for division, unless
m is a prime. Modular arithmetic is sometimes called
clock arithmetic because of the similarity between
Number Theory 719
arithmetic mod 12 and the system for counting hours.
One related theorem that is frequently studied in class-
rooms in the Chinese remainder theorem, named so
because the theorem originates in Chinese texts by Sun
Tzu and Qin Jiushao.
If there was ever a time when number theory was
studied only for its elegance and beauty and not for
any application, that time is past now. Modern cryp-
tography, essential for the security of the Internet, is
based heavily on number theory. The widely used RSA
(Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) encryption methods are
based on modular arithmetic and rely for their security
on number theorists understanding of how difcult it
is to nd large prime factors of a large number. Other
encryption systems based on more exotic number the-
oretic objects, such as elliptic curves, are under active
development by cryptographers and number theorists.
Algebraic and Analytic Number Theory
Number theorists study in a diverse range of elds
related to number theory, including probabilistic num-
ber theory, diophantine approximations, the geometry
of numbers, and combinatorial number theory. Num-
ber theorists do not exclusively study the integers, nor
are the integers the only system that admits something
like prime numbers. Number theorists also extensively
study other systems of algebraic numbers. An algebraic
number is a number that is the root of a polynomial
with integer coefcients; the role of integer is played
by numbers that are roots of polynomials with integer
coefcients and leading coefcient 1. For example, the
square root of 10 is an integer in this extended sense.
Much of algebraic number theory concerns how the
concepts of prime number and divisibility as applied
to other number elds compare and contrast with the
familiar situation for the standard integers.
For example, the Gaussian integers are those com-
plex numbers a bi + with a and b both integers. The
Gaussian integers form a number system in which the
concepts of prime number and divisibility above apply
almost exactly as described above. However, the set of
prime numbers here is very different. The number 7,
for example, is still prime in the Gaussian integers, but
13, which is prime in the integers, factors here as the
product of the two primes, 3 2 + i and 3 2 i .
Though the arithmetic integer is apparently part of
discrete mathematics, there is a large branch of number
theory, called analytic number theory, which applies
extremely sophisticated techniques from calculus and
complex analysis to the problems of number theory.
A basic fact of analytic number theory is that the
sum of the reciprocals of all primes,
, is innite.
Note that it can be recovered from this that the set of
prime numbers must itself be innite. With care, one
can estimate the sum of the reciprocals of all primes
up to some number x, which turns out to grow at the
same rate as log x ( )
. With more renement along these
lines, one obtains the celebrated Prime Number Theo-
rem, which says that the number of prime numbers less
than some large integer x is well-approximated by
x log( )
Famous Problems in Number Theory
One feature of number theory is a large number of
intriguing problems that are very simply stated but
require unexpectedly advanced and specialized tech-
niques to solve; many remain unsolved in the early
twenty-rst century. Indeed, many or most of the
major problems in mathematics that are known to the
general public have origins in number theory.
One major recent mathematical breakthrough,
which received mainstream media coverage, was the
proof of Fermats Last Theorem. Pierre de Fermat (c.
16011665) wrote a note in the margin of a book he
was reading to the effect that there are no integral solu-
tions to the equation x
+ y
= z
with n > 2. There are
innitely many solutions with n = 2, and these have
been well studied; by the Pythagorean Theorem they
correspond to right triangles with integer-length sides.
Fermat never wrote down a proof, writing instead that
the margin of his book was too small to contain it. In
the intervening centuries, mathematicians tried to sup-
ply the missing proof. Much of algebraic and analytic
number theory was developed as part of the effort to
prove this theorem. The problem was nally solved in
1995 by Sir Andrew Wiles (1953), using extremely
sophisticated number-theoretic objects involving ellip-
tic curves and modular form. It is not now generally
believed that Fermat ever possessed a valid proof.
Because all primes other than 2 are odd, the small-
est possible difference between consecutive primes
720 Number Theory
(other than 2 and 3) is 2. Prime numbers that differ by
2 (those that are as close as possible) are called twin
primes. The Twin Prime Conjecture asserts that there
should be an innite number of twin primes, but
mathematicians are very far away from being able to
prove this. In a triumph of analytic number theory,
Viggo Brun (18851978) showed that the sum of the
reciprocals of all twin primes is nite, though math-
ematicians still do not know whether there are nitely
or innitely many of them!
Another famous problem about the additive distri-
bution of the set of prime numbers is Goldbachs Con-
jecture, named for Prussian mathematician Christian
Goldbach (16901764). The conjecture asserts that
every even number larger than 2 can be written as the
sum of two (not necessarily different) prime numbers.
Computer searches have veried that there are no coun-
terexamples smaller than one quintillion. This problem
has occupied the attention of many recreational math-
ematicians and has been featured in several novels and
television shows. Again, mathematicians are very far
from proving such a theorem.
The Riemann Hypothesis is the most important
open problem in number theory, and arguably in all
of mathematics. Named for Bernhard Riemann (1826
1866), this conjecture concerns a particular function of
the complex numbers called the zeta function. Let s ( )
be the value of the innite sum
s s s s
+ + + + +
. . . .
This is apparently dened only for real numbers
s > 1, but it turns out that there is a uniquely meaning-
ful way to extend this to allow any complex number as
input. It is relatively easy to show that
( ) = ( ) = ( ) = = 2 4 6 0
and there are innitely many other nontrivial zeroes s
such that s ( ) = 0. The standing conjecture is that all the
nontrivial zeroes of lie on a particular line in the com-
plex plane. Though a tremendous amount of effort has
gone into trying to prove this and though mathemati-
cians have much corroborating evidence, it is still open.
The statement might seem esoteric and arcane; surpris-
ing as it may seem, this statement, if true, would have
profound implications about the distribution of prime
numbers, which would have ramications throughout
all mathematics. Mathematicians have found dozens
of very different-looking statements that are known to
be equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis, and there are
hundreds of statements that have been proven contin-
gent on a future proof of the Riemann hypothesis.
Further Reading
Derbyshire, John. Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann
and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics.
Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2003.
Matthews, Keith. Number Theory Web: Biographies
of Past Number Theorists and Various Items of
Historical Interest.
Oystein, Ore. Number Theory and Its History. New York:
Dover, 1988.
Pommersheim, James, Tim Marks, and Erica Flapan.
Number Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs,
Applications, and Stories. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
Yan, Song. Number Theory for Computing. Berlin:
Springer, 2002.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Mathematics,
Theoretical; Proof.
Numbers, Complex
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Number and Operations.
Summary: Complex numbers inevitably arise in
many situations, but may be difcult to accept.
Complex numbers are ubiquitous in modern science,
yet it took mathematicians a long time to accept their
existence. They are numbers of the form z a bi = +
where a and b are real numbers, and i is a symbol called
the imaginary unit, which satises the seemingly
impossible equation i
1 = . The numbers a and b are
called the real and imaginary parts of z, respectively.
The imaginary unit can be thought of as the square root
of 1 and is also written i = 1 . In fact, any negative
Numbers, Complex 721
number has a complex square root; for example, the
square root of 15 is the complex number
= 15 15 i .
In the twenty-rst century, science students routinely
encounter complex numbers, for instance, as solutions
to quadratic equations.
In mathematics, complex numbers form an inde-
pendent area of research and are also used to prove
theorems in other areas of mathematics; examples are
Machins formula and the Prime Number theorem. In
the natural sciences, complex numbers often simplify
calculations, for example, in the theory of relativity
where the distance between points in space-time can
be computed using imaginary time coordinates. The
complex exponential function is used in electrical engi-
neering as a convenient way of simultaneously describ-
ing the amplitude and phase of an alternating current,
and in chaos theory, the complex plane is the scene of
computer-generated fractals, such as the Mandelbrot
set, named after Benot Mandelbrot.
Unlike natural numbers, which are used for count-
ing, and real numbers, which are used for measuring
distances, complex numbers have no obvious real-life
interpretation. For this reason, the questions of what
complex numbers really are remained a controver-
sial topic for three centuries after their discovery in
the sixteenth century. The term imaginary numbers
for nonreal complex numbers was coined by Ren
Descartes in 1637 to indicate that they do not really
exist, a view later shared by Isaac Newton. About 1765,
Leonhard Euler characterized square roots of negative
numbers as impossible quantities, and as late as 1831,
Augustus De Morgan objected to the absurd nature of
complex as well as negative numbers. Only in 1837 did
William Rowan Hamilton give a proper construction
of the complex numbers, thereby indisputably prov-
ing their inner consistency. Nevertheless, it was their
usefulness, the beauty of their simplicity, and the abil-
ity to visualize them rather than Hamiltons proof that
eventually outweighed the objections against complex
numbers and led to their universal acceptance by the
end of the nineteenth century.
Algebra and Geometry of Complex Numbers
Complex numbers appeared for the rst time in
Gerolamo Cardanos Ars Magna from 1545. In this
famous book containing the formulas for solving cubic
and quartic equations, Cardano also showed that the
equations x y + = 10 and x y = 40 have the common
x = + 5 15 and y = 5 15.
Cardano, however, dismissed these complex num-
bers as useless and did not pursue the matter further.
Rafael Bombelli undertook a more systematic investi-
gation in LAlgebra from 1572, where he demonstrated
how complex numbers can be added, subtracted, mul-
tiplied, and divided using the usual rules of algebra and
the equation i
1 = . For example,
( ) ( ) 1 3 2 3 4 + + + = + i i i
( ) ( ) 1 3 2 1 2 + + = + i i i
and ( ) ( ) . 1 3 2 2 6 3 1 7
+ + = + + + = + i i i i i i
Division is slightly more complicated; it is most
easily performed by multiplying both numerator and
denominator by the conjugate of the denominator:
1 3
1 3 2
2 2
5 5
= +
i i
i i
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Using these operations, Bombelli showed how real
solutions to cubic equations can be found even when
square roots of negative numbers appear in Cardanos
formula for cubic equations. Bombellis brilliant use
of complex numbers for solving polynomial equations
eventually led to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,
according to which every polynomial equation of posi-
tive degree has a complex solution. The rst essentially
correct proof of this result, which had been anticipated
already in the seventeenth century, was given by Carl
Friedrich Gauss in 1799 in his doctoral dissertation.
Complex numbers can be represented geometrically
as points in the complex plane, invented in 1797 by Cas-
par Wessel. Shortly afterward, it was independently con-
ceived and popularized by Gauss, who used it implicitly
in his proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
This concrete geometric interpretation of complex
numbers was instrumental in the struggle to come to
terms with their nature. In the complex plane, points on
the x-axis correspond to real numbers, points on the y-
722 Numbers, Complex
axis to so-called purely imaginary numbers, and in gen-
eral, the point with coordinates (a, b) corresponds to
the complex number a bi + . Viewing complex numbers
as points in the complex plane gives a new geometric
understanding of Bombellis rules of addition and mul-
tiplication. Also, the numerical value z of a complex
number z a bi = + is dened geometrically as the dis-
tance between the points (0, 0) and (a, b), or
z a b = +
2 2
Machins Formula and the Computation of
John Machin, in 1706, discovered the formula
arctan arctan
and used it together with the Taylor series
arctan( ) x x
x x x x
= + +
3 5 7 9
3 5 7 9
to compute to 100 decimal places, a world record at
the time. Although Machins formula involves only real
numbers, it has a surprisingly simple and elegant proof
using the following identity of complex numbers, thus
illustrating their utility in other areas of mathematics:
( )
( )
2 1
= +
i .
Exponential and Trigonometric Functions
The exponential function e
and the trigonometric
functions cos(x) and sin(x) are well-known functions
of a real variable x. They can be expressed as Taylor
series as follows:
e x
x x x
= + + + + + 1
2 3 4
2 3 4
! ! !
cos( )
! ! ! !
x x x x
= + + 1
2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8
sin( )
! ! ! !
x x
x x x x
= + +
3 5 7 9
3 5 7 9
. . . .
Using these expressions, the complex functions e
cos(z), and sin(z) are dened for a complex variable z.
With these denitions and the fundamental equation
1 = , Euler, in 1748, proved a formula that reveals a
surprising kinship between these seemingly unrelated
e x i x
= + cos( ) sin( ) .
This result, known as Eulers formula, generalizes
a formula found by Abraham de Moivre in 1730:
(cos( ) sin( )) cos( ) sin( ) x i x nx i nx
+ = + .
Inserting x = into Eulers formula gives Eulers
identity: e
= 1.
This identity combines the three most important
mathematical constants, e, and iinto one single
expression of striking simplicity and beauty. A 1988
poll of readers of Mathematical Intelligencer voted Eul-
ers identity the most beautiful theorem in mathemat-
ics, ahead of the innitude of primes, the transcen-
dence of , and the Four-Color Theorem.
Complex Analysis
Complex analysis is the study of complex functions
functions f (z) dened on some subset U of the set of
complex numbers and with complex values. After initial
contributions by Euler and Gauss, complex analysis was
systematically investigated by Augustin-Louis Cauchy
in the 1820s. Later in the nineteenth century, the theory
was further developed by Bernhard Riemann and Karl
Weierstrass. The set of denition U is called a domain
if it is open and connected, and f (z) is called holomor-
phic if it satises the condition of complex differen-
tiability. Contrary to what the name suggests, complex
analysis is in many ways simpler than real analysis, since
complex differentiability is a much-stricter property
than real differentiability. For example, every holomor-
phic function satises the so-called Cauchy-Riemann
equations, which have no analogue in the realm of real
functions. Also, the Identity theorem states that two
holomorphic functions f (z) and g(z) dened on the
same domain U are identical only if they agree on a line
segment, a result very far from being true in real analy-
sis. Other theorems and conjectures in complex analysis
are concerned with other types of complex functions,
such as entire and meromorphic functions.
An entire function is a holomorphic function
dened on the entire complex plane. The complex
exponential function e
and the complex trigonometric
Numbers, Complex 723
functions cos(z) and sin(z) are examples of entire func-
tions. Liouvilles theorem, named after Joseph Liou-
ville, states that every nonconstant entire function is
unbounded. This theorem is considerably strengthened
by Picards little theorem, named after Charles Picard,
which states that every nonconstant entire function
takes every complex value with at most one exception.
For example, cos(z) and sin(z) both take every complex
value, whereas e
takes every complex value except 0.
A meromorphic function is a quotient of two holo-
morphic functions dened on a domain U where the
denominator is not identically zero. The zeros of the
denominator are called singularities; they can be
either removable singularities or poles. The com-
plex tangent function
( ) =
( )
( )
is an example of a meromorphic function; it has zeros
at 0, , 2, and so on, and poles at /2, 3/2,
5/2, and so on. The mysterious Riemann zeta func-
tion (z) is another example; it has a single pole at
z = 1. The Riemann conjecture, arguably the most
important unsolved problem in all of mathematics,
states that all nonreal zeros of (z) have real part equal
to one-half. The Riemann conjecture is one of the
seven Millennium Prize Problems for whose solution
the Clay Mathematics Institute has offered a prize of
$1 million.
Hamiltons Quaternions as
Extensions of Complex Numbers
The complex numbers form an extension of the real
numbers, just as the real numbers form an exten-
sion of the rational, integral, and natural numbers. It
is therefore natural to ask if there are further num-
bers extending the complex numbers. This question
was answered in the afrmative by Hamilton in 1843
when he discovered the quaternions. A quaternion is
a number of the form q = a + bi + cj + dk where a, b,
c, and d are real numbers, and i, j, and k are symbols
i j k i j k
2 2 2
1 = = = = .
Quaternions, however, do not satisfy the commu-
tative law of multiplication. For example, the prod-
uct of i and j depends on the order of the factors:
i j j i . The numerical value of a quaternion q
is dened as
q a b c d = + + +
2 2 2 2
A quaternion with numerical value q = 1 is called
a unit quaternion. Each unit quaternion corresponds
in a certain way to a rotation of three-dimensional
space. For this reason, quaternions have important
applications in computer graphics.
It happens that each unit quaternion q corresponds
to the same rotation as its negative, q. This math-
ematical subtlety explains one of the most surprising
phenomena in quantum mechanics, namely, that the
state of an electron is changed if the electron is rotated
360 degrees; only a rotation of 720 degrees leaves the
electron unchanged.
Further Reading
Mazur, Barry. Imagining Numbers (Particularly the
Square Root of Minus Fifteen). New York: Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, 2003.
Nahin, Paul J. Dr. Eulers Fabulous Formula: Cures Many
Mathematical Ills. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2006.
Stewart, I., and D. Tall. Complex Analysis. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
David Brink
See Also: Mathematics: Discovery or Invention; Pi;
Renaissance; Trigonometry; Vectors.
Numbers, Rational
and Irrational
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: While the concept of rational numbers is
easily understood, mathematicians has struggled with
the concept of irrational numbers since antiquity.
724 Numbers, Rational and Irrational
Early philosophers and mathematicians explored
whether real-life lengths were made up of whole num-
bers. The discovery of irrational numbers caused great
concern and led to the development of number theory
and real analysis. A rational number is a real number that
can be written as a ratio of two integers. Real numbers
that cannot be so written are called irrational num-
bers. So, for example, 17/47 is a rational number, while
or 2 are irrational numbers. Rational and irrational
numbers can also be represented using the decimal nota-
tion. The rational numbers are precisely those numbers
whose decimal representation either terminates after
a nite number of digits or is repeating. The decimal
representation of irrational numbers does not have a
repeating pattern. So, for example, 1/8 corresponds to
0.125 (a terminating decimal), while 1/7 corresponds to
the repeating decimal 0.142857142857. . . . On the other
hand, the irrational number has a decimal expansion
that begins with 3.14159265358979323846 . . . and con-
tinues indenitely without any patterns.
Students in twenty-rst-century classrooms explore
rational numbers in middle school and irrational
numbers in high school, and these numbers appear in
nature and in daily calculations. For example, e, which
is also irrational, is needed to calculate the interest
compounded continually on a loan, and appears in
circular or spherical objects. In fact, as a consequence
of Georg Cantors work, given any real number, there
is a higher probability of it being irrational. There are
still open problems to explore, such as whether + e
is irrational.
Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational;
in other words, any number that is not the ratio of two
integers is an irrational number. This denition by
itself, however, is circular. To be able to use it, one rst
has to know what a number is.
What is a number? This question is harder to
answer than one might expect at rst, and, in fact,
has been contentious for most of the history of math-
ematics. The positive integers (or the counting num-
bers) 1, 2, 3, . . . directly arise from the daily experience
of humans, and it is impossible to trace how long ago
humans went from the concrete ideas of three cows,
three stones, and three trees and abstracted out the
number 3 as a stand-alone concept. The advantage of
this abstraction is that people could study operations
on numbers and apply them to a large number of set-
tings. If one knows that 3 + 5 = 8, this indicates simul-
taneously that 3 cows together with 5 cows are 8 cows,
and that 3 trees and 5 trees are 8 trees. If one knows
that 3 5 = 15, then, while 3 trees and 5 trees cannot
be multiplied, this can be used to model many situa-
tions. Three boys each having ve apples have a total
of 15 apples, and a 3-by-5 piece of land has an area
of 15. Mathematicians can now concentrate on nd-
ing better algorithms and methods for doing number
operations. The concept of number was rst enlarged
to also encompass rational numbersthe ratios of
positive integers.
Some 3500 years ago, Egyptians used unit fractions
(reciprocals of positive integers) and 2/3 to pose and
solve problems. For example, the third problem in
the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus is about dividing 6
loaves among 10 men, and the answer given is
Around the same time, Babylonian scribes in Meso-
potamia used a base-60 place value system for fractions,
but conned themselves to those rational numbers that
have a nite sexagesimal representation. In any case,
for a very long time, the term number meant positive
integers and ratios of positive integerswhat are now
called the positive rational numbers.
If the only numbers are rational numbers, then by
denition there are no irrational numbers. To enlarge
the denition of number beyond rational numbers,
one has to somehow construct these other numbers,
which can be done by proposing that the length of any
line segment is a number.
It is believed that in early mathematics it was
assumed that given any two line segments, it is pos-
sible to nd a third line segmentmaybe a very small
onethat measures both lines a whole number of
times. In other words, the length of each of the origi-
nal line segments is an integer multiple of the third
smaller line segment. The third line segment is called
a common unit of measure, and the original two line
segments are called commensurable. On the face of
it, this assumption may seem reasonable, but, if true,
it would mean that the length of any line segment is a
rational number. Given an arbitrary line segment of
length a, nd a common unit of measure for it and
Numbers, Rational and Irrational 725
a line segment of unit length. If the common unit of
measure has length b, then a mb = and 1 = nb for
some integers m and n. But this means that
= =
from which it can be determined that
is a rational number.
The Pythagorean Theorem, which was known at least
1000 years before Pythagoras, states that given a right
triangle whose sides are of unit length, then the length
of its hypotenuse will be such that yields 2 if multi-
plied by itself. Since it has been decided that all lengths
are numbers, the length of this hypotenuse must be a
number called the square root of 2 and denoted by
2. One can prove that 2 is not a rational number,
thereby proving that not all pairs of line segments are
commensurable and that irrational numbers exist.
There are many proofs of the irrationality of 2,
but the most common one is as follows: Assume by way
of contradiction that 2 is rational and equal to n/m,
where n and m are integers. One has many choices for
n and m; for example, one could multiply both by 47
and get a new pair of integers with the same ratio
and values of n and m are chosen such that they do not
have any common factors. This is, of course, possible.
From 2 = n m n/m, one obtains 2
2 2
m n = , which means
that n
and therefore n is an even number. If n k = 2 ,
then 2 4
2 2
m k = and so m k
2 2
2 = , which means that m
is also an even number. But it had been assumed that
n and m have no common factors. A contradiction was
reached but, since the logic along the way was impec-
cable, it must have been that the original assumption
that 2
is rational must have been wrong.
The discovery of irrational numbers led to a crisis
in geometry and a need to revisit all the results that
depended on the commensurability assumption. Fol-
lowing Eudoxus, Euclid in his very inuential book
Elements makes a distinction between a number and
a magnitude. Roughly, one can think of numbers as
the rational numbers and magnitudes as the lengths of
line segmentsEuclid had an elaborate classication
of magnitudes. In an attempt to be rigorous, Euclid
treats number and magnitude differently, and hence
he does not regard irrational numbers as numbers. For
example, he develops the theory of proportions once
for magnitudes and once for numbers.
It took the effort of many mathematicians in the
middle agesand most notably mathematicians liv-
ing in Islamic lands and writing in Arabicto expand
the notion of number to include Euclids magnitudes
and to have a single treatment of all numbers, ratio-
nal and irrational. During this period, the decimal
number systemrst developed in India and cru-
cial in understanding irrational numbersbecame
widespread. Ninth-century Persian mathematician
Al-Mahani gave a denition of irrational numbers (as
opposed to Euclidean magnitudes), and ninth-cen-
tury Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil used irra-
tional numbers as coefcients in algebraic equations.
By the fteenth century, Persian mathematician Jam-
shid Kashani (also referred to as al-Kashi) was able to
comfortably work with real numbers and their deci-
mal expansions. He treated both rational and irratio-
nal numbers as numbers.
In the West, sixteenth-century Flemish mathemati-
cian Simon Stevin played an important role in advo-
cating the use of decimal fractions, in eliminating the
Euclidean distinction between numbers and magni-
tudes, and in the understanding of real numbers as
numbers. Finally, a modern rigorous construction
and denition of real numbers (rational and irratio-
nal) was given by nineteenth-century German math-
ematician Richard Dedekind. He started with rational
numbers and dened irrational numbers using the
rational numbers.
Further Reading
Gouvea, Fernando. From Numbers to Number Systems.
In The Princeton Companion to Mathematics. Edited
by Timothy Gowers. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2008.
Katz, Victor J. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction,
2nd ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Shahriar Shahriari
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Babylonian
Mathematics; Greek Mathematics; Measurement,
Systems of; Number and Operations; Numbers, Real;
Pythagorean Theorem; Squares and Square Roots; Zero.
726 Numbers, Rational and Irrational
Numbers, Real
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Number and Operations.
Summary: The real number system is commonplace,
but required centuries before it came to be
understood in its modern form.
The real number system is often thought of as a num-
ber line, with each point on the line corresponding to a
number. The set of real numbers includes all the integers
and fractions (rational numbers); algebraic irrational
numbers, such as the square root of 3 and the cube root
of 19; and transcendental numbers such as , log 2 ( ) ,
and e, which do not satisfy any polynomial equation.
In the twenty-rst century, students begin to explore
whole numbers beginning in the earliest grades, as
well as common fractions like 1/2 and 1/4. In the later
primary grades they develop knowledge of base-10
decimal places, fractions as portions or divisions of
a whole, negative numbers, and equivalent forms for
fractions, decimals, and percentages. These notions
are further expanded and applied in middle school,
including concepts like ratios and proportions, inte-
gers, factorization, prime numbers, and exponential
and scientic notation for very large numbers. Very
large and small numbers, properties of numbers and
various number systems, vectors and matrices with
real number properties, and number theory may be
studied in high school.
The real number system is the principal number
system used in calculus, geometry, and measurement.
In particular, when one uses coordinate (Cartesian)
geometry to describe the plane or space, one labels
points by pairs or triples of real numbers. In math-
ematics and the sciences, the word number without
qualication is generally used to mean real number.
Development of the Real Numbers
The ancient theory of length and measurement was
very different from current understanding. The
ancient Greeks (the civilization about which exists
the most complete mathematical history) believed
that any set of lengths were commensurable; in mod-
ern language, they believed that the ratio of any two
lengths (or areas, or volumes) was a rational number.
This was not a totally unreasonable belief, since indeed
all lengths can be approximated very well by commen-
surable ones. It is not correct, though; for example, the
ratio of the diagonal of a square to its side is the square
root of 2.
Greek mathematician and numerologist Pythago-
ras knew this (it is a simple consequence of what is
now called the Pythagorean Theorem) and was fur-
ther able to prove, contrary to the notion of commen-
surability, that no rational number, when squared,
could equal 2. According to some stories, probably
apocryphal, this discovery was so contrary to the
belief system of Pythagoras and his followers that a
discoverer was murdered or committed suicide. Ulti-
mately, geometers were forced to accept the existence
of irrational numbers.
The Greek mathematician and astronomer Eudoxus
(c. 400350 b.c.e.) wrote about the theory of propor-
tions in a way that did not assume all lengths were
commensurable and is generally credited with laying
the groundwork for irrational numbers as legitimate
mathematical objects.
Even after mathematicians realized that irrational
numbers were required for practical purposes, the
understanding of the real number line was somewhat
vague and confused. Real numbers were understood,
if at all, as things that could be approximated well
by rational numbers or by decimal approximations.
The major modern contribution to the understand-
ing of real numbers was made by Richard Dedekind
(18311916), who described the real numbers in terms
of so-called Dedekind cuts. In addition to its sig-
nicance for abstract mathematics, Dedekinds insight
also helped to explain some important phenomena in
geometry (for example, why a line with points inside
and outside a circle must intersect the circle).
This resistance to advancements in the understand-
ing of number, this tendency for even very intelligent
people to oppose enlarging the number system, even
when doing so enables scientic and technological
progress, is not unique to the ancient Greeks. A similar
story unfolded much more recently with the develop-
ment of the complex number system.
Decimal Representations
Every real number has a base-10, or decimal, repre-
sentation. This consists of three components: a dot
(called a decimal point in this context), a nite
Numbers, Real 727
sequence of digits to the left of the decimal point (the
integer part), and an innite sequence of digits to the
right (the fractional part). A digit can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Working from the decimal point left,
the digits occupy the ones place, the tens place, the
hundreds place, the thousands place, and so on; from
the decimal point right, the digits occupy the tenths
place, the hundredths place, the thousandths place,
and so on. In symbols, if the a
are digits, then the
decimal expansion
a a a a a a a a
k k k 1 2 1 0 1 2
. . . . . . . . . .
represents the real number
a a a a a
. . . . . .
10 10 10 10
1 0 1
+ + + + + + +
. . . .
If from some point rightward, all the digits in the
decimal representation of a number are zero, that
expression is said to terminate, and the trailing zeroes
are typically not written; for example, 7.24 instead of
7.24000. . . . Integers have only zeroes to the right of
the decimal point, and in such cases even the decimal
point is often omitted.
Relying exclusively on decimal expansions as a
way to understand real numbers can be problematic.
Specifying a real number in this way requires an in-
nite sequence of digits. Unless there is a pattern, this
requires specifying an innite amount of information.
For example, there is no known digit-by-digit descrip-
tion for important numbers like and e. Dealing with
innite expressions is confusing for many people. For
example, some people nd it difcult to accept that
0.33333 . . . = 1/3, and even more people nd it uncom-
fortable that 0.99999 . . . = 1.
Almost all real numbers have a unique decimal
expansion, but some have two. As 0.99999 . . . = 1 illus-
trates, every number that can be written so that it ends
in an innite string of 0s also has an expansion that
ends in an innite string of 9s.
Structural Properties of the Real
Number System
The real numbers form a eld, which means that real
numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and
divided (except by 0), and that the operations satisfy
certain properties (for example, commutative, associa-
tive, and distributive laws). The real numbers are actu-
ally an ordered eld, which means that there is a notion
of what it means for one number to be less or greater
than another that is compatible with the operations.
There is a natural way to measure distance between
two numbers: the distance between numbers a and b is
a b , where is the absolute value function. Loosely
speaking, this means that one can talk about closeness
of real numbers to each other; in technical language, the
number line has a metric and a topology.
Unlike the set of integers (which is discrete), the
real number line is continuous. The discrete/contin-
uous distinction in mathematics is analogous to the
digital/analog distinction in science and technology. A
digital thermometer has discrete output, moving from
24 degrees to 25. An analog thermometer, on the other
hand, can register 24 degrees or 24.65474 degrees or
any other number. Unlike both the integers and the
rational number system, the real number line is what
called topologically complete. Because of the order-
ing on the reals, this can be summarized as: Any set
of real numbers which has an upper bound has a least
upper bound.
In mathematics history, adopting a continuous
number system made it possible to develop limits, the
focal concept of calculus. The development of calculus,
in turn, made possible numerous advances in sciences,
especially physics and engineering.
Further Reading
Borwein, Jonathan, and Peter Borwein. A Dictionary of
Real Numbers. Pacic Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
Publishing, 1990.
Burrill, Claude. Foundations of Real Numbers. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1967.
Drobat, Stefan. Real Numbers. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1964.
Scriba, Christoph, with M. E. Dormer Ellis. The Concept
of Number: A Chapter in the History of Mathematics,
with Applications of Interest to Teachers. Zurich:
Mannheim, 1968.
Stevenson, Frederick. Exploring the Real Numbers.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education;
Coordinate Geometry; Numbers, Complex; Numbers,
Rational and Irrational.
728 Numbers, Real
Numbers and God
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: Many numbers and mathematical ratios
are associated with religion and the notion of deity.
Numbers and religion have been linked since at least
the beginning of recorded history. Many societies
throughout the world have associated numbers with
their spiritual beliefs. Some of these numbers still play
a role in the fabric of societys belief systems, religious
rituals, artistic renderings, and symbolisms. They con-
tinue to be explored, evaluated, and recognized in
the religious teachings and traditions of many of the
worlds religions. As early as 1150 b.c.e., Indian mathe-
matician Bhaskaracharya attributed the creation of the
base-10 numeration system and zero to the Hindu god
Brahma. Many ancient cultures and societies believed
that certain numbers had spiritual signicance. Histo-
rians, mathematicians, religious scholars, and others
interested in such connections have found evidence of
such beliefs in civilizations and religions like ancient
Babylonia, the Society of Pythagoreans, Greece, Hel-
lenistic Alexandria, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Many of these same beliefs continue into the twenty-
rst century.
Numbers of Pythagoras
Pythagoras of Samos (570495 b.c.e.), who is often
called the rst pure mathematician, and his follow-
ers, the Pythagoreans, are well-known for their math-
ematical, philosophical, and religious beliefs. In antiq-
uity, philosophy was believed by many to encompass
the very essence of mathematics and religion. The
perceived link between mathematics and the spiritual
or divine world is succinctly stated by the Pythagoras
maxim All is Number. Among the legacies associated
with Pythagoras are the theorem that bears his name;
the creation and study of musical harmonies, which
may have originated in Babylon; and concepts of sacred
geometry, such as the divine proportion.
The Divine Proportion (or Golden Ratio) is
often seen by mathematicians and other scholars in
natures designs and natural phenomena. The Greeks
widely used the principle in sculptures and architec-
ture. Phidias (490432 b.c.e.), who is counted among
the best Greek sculptors, used the Divine Proportion
in designing the Parthenon, a temple to the goddess
Athena. In honor of Phidias, the Divine Proportion is
usually symbolized by the Greek letter representing
the rst letter of his name. To understand the Divine
Proportion, consider a rectangle. The rectangle is said
to be in Divine Proportion if the ratio of its length to
its width has the following value
1 5
1 618 . .
Rectangles with these proportions are called Golden
Rectangles. This proportion (about 8/5) continues to
be used by artists and architects in designing structures
for aesthetic appeal.
The Number 12
The Greeks considered the number 12 to be signi-
cant since it represented the number of gods on Mt.
Olympus: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, Arte-
mis, Demeter, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus,
and Hestia. The signicance of 12 probably origi-
nated with the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Later, the
Babylonians used the number 12 in developing their
calendars and their clocks. They developed the zodiac
by dividing the heavens into 12 equal sections named
for constellations, one for each calendar month. These
sections continue to be the 12 signs of the zodiac, an
idea that was passed down from society to society
throughout the ages. The Babylonian zodiac impacted
many societies in the Western world. In Christianity,
the 12 disciples of Jesus are usually considered to be
symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel, which may have
been inuenced by the 12 signs of the zodiac. The
number 12 also has signicance in Buddhism. For
example, the Buddhist Wheel of Life, which depicts
the world and the human condition, has 12 stages. In
this tradition, life is composed of 12 stages, which keep
the wheel of life turning.
The Number 7
The number 7 is a signicant number in Judeo-
Christian and Islamic religious traditions. The creation
story in the book of Genesis states that God made the
heavens and the Earth in six days and rested on the
seventh day. The number 7 is associated with divine
completion and perfection. There are also references
Numbers and God 729
to 7 spirits, 7 churches, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7
vials, 7 thunders, 7 plagues, 7 mountains, and 7 kings,
and many more references. The number 7 occurs fre-
quently in Muslim architecture, art, and literature. The
Quran often couples the number 7 with references
to Allah as the all-powerful creator as well as with con-
cepts like the 7 heavens, the 7 Sleepers of Ephesus, and
the 7 periods of creation.
The Number 19
In 1974, Rashad Khalifa used a computer to explore the
structure of the Quran. He discovered that the num-
ber 19 occurred with unusual frequency. This occur-
rence was unexpected since 19 had never before been
recognized as a signicant number in the Islamic reli-
gion. Khalifa published his discovery in his 1981 work,
The Computer Speaks: Gods Message to the World.
These ndings were called the Quran Code. The
rst verse of the Quran states: In the name of Allah,
the compassionate, the merciful. In Arabic, the letters
that make up this verse total 19. Khalifa discovered
that every word in this verse is mentioned a number
of times throughout the Quran, and these numbers
are all multiples of 19. Consequently, Khalifas conclu-
sion was that the number 19 was divinely selected as
a number of signicance in the Islamic religion.
Bible Codes
What are often now known as bible codes were pop-
ularized in the twentieth century, but numerical sym-
bolism dates back to much earlier times. The Jewish
book Sefer Yetzira (Book of Creation) contained sacred
numbers. As writer and scientist Clifford Pickover has
explained: Kabala is based on a complicated number
mysticism whereby the primordial One divides itself
into 10 sephiroth [numbers] which are mysteriously
connected with each other and work together. 22 letters
of the Hebrew alphabet are bridges between them. In
gematria methods of analysis, each letter was assigned a
number. The values of a word or phrase were added and
the then values were analyzed for spiritual implications.
For example, the word for life in Hebrew is chai, which
is made up of two letters, a chet (8) and a yud (10). When
added together, they sum to 18. The number 18 then took
730 Numbers and God
The Parthenon was built in Athenian Acropolis, Greece, to honor the Greek goddess Athena. It is thought to be
the perfect example of a Doric temple and was designed using the Divine Proportion.
on symbolic meaning, which also translated to daily life.
It was considered good form to give monetary gifts in
18 and its multiples. The number 18 has been also con-
sidered prosperous in certain parts of China, and it also
took on spiritual importance in India, such as in the 18
chapters of the sacred Hindu text Bhagavad Gita.
Researchers have mathematically examined the
Bible using methods such as two-dimensional arrays,
which have been tested for what are known as equi-
distant letter sequences. Some found what seem to
be words meaningfully related to adjacent portions of
the text, and they claimed that their results were sta-
tistically unlikely to be due to chance alone. Author
Michael Drosnin reported on some mathematical and
computer analyses, referring to them as the Bible
code, in order to highlight apparent predictions and
to compare to twentieth-century knowledge. Some of
the advocates of Bible code analyses point to appar-
ent prediction of the dates of major world events as
proof of the existence of such codes. Computations
on the age of the universe are also sometimes cited
as evidence, such as when rst century rabbi Nechu-
nya ben Hakanah used the Bible to compute the age
as 15.3 billion years, which is relatively close to some
twenty-rst-century estimates. Critics, however, have
countered these assertions by citing aws in the sta-
tistical methodology and noting that any sufciently
long text may produce seemingly nonrandom pat-
terns or clusters.
Numerical Defense of the Resurrection
During the twenty-rst century, associations of num-
bers with religion continue to evolve. In 2002, Richard
Swinburne, philosophy professor at Oxford Univer-
sity, applied Bayesian statistical methods, named for
mathematician Thomas Bayes, in his defense of the
Christian tenet of Jesuss resurrection from the dead.
He noted that it was extremely improbable, based on
the laws of nature, for someone who had been dead
for 36 hours to come back to life. Swinburne asserted
that if there is a God, only God would be able to defy
the laws of nature and make the dead come alive. In
proving his point, Swinburne assigned probability
values to the existence of God and some of the events
described in the New Testament, such as the credibil-
ity of witness testimony. After mathematical analysis,
Swinburne concluded that Jesuss resurrection was
extremely probable, namely, 97 percent. Swinburnes
use of mathematical logic and statistical methods to
answer questions of faith is another step in a long tra-
dition of connections between numbers and religion.
Further Reading
Brooke, John Hedley and Ronald L. Numbers. Science
and Religion Around the World. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
Dudley, Underwood. Numerology, or, What Pythagoras
Wrought. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association
of America, 1997.
Pickover, Clifford. The Loom of God: Tapestries of
Mathematics and Mysticism. Reprint. New York:
Sterling Publishing, 2009.
Voss, Sarah. What Number Is God?: Metaphors,
Metaphysics, Metamathematics, and the Nature
of Things. Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1995.
Sharon Whitton
See Also: Innity; Numbers, Rational and Irrational;
Religious Symbolism; Religious Writings; Sacred
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians and nutrition scientists
model and analyze numerous aspects of nutrition
and diet.
Nutrition is the system of providing food to an organ-
ism as well as the science of food and eating. Nutri-
tion science is an interdisciplinary eld that involves
a wide variety of disciplines, including mathematics,
statistics, culinary science, physiology, genetics, bio-
chemistry, psychology, medical sciences, sociology,
anthropology, and ethnography. Mathematical and
statistical methods are widely used to describe and
analyze different nutrients in food, determine their
impact on nutrition and health, develop eating plans,
assess public opinion, and inform public policy.
Nutrition 731
Meal-planning and nutritional labels are often used
in classroom mathematical problems.
Taxonomies of Human Nutrients
The understanding of what balanced nutrition means is
a difcult and controversial subject, with many schools
of scientic thought, cultural traditions, and govern-
ing bodies proposing different ways of eating. Many
people may be familiar with the U.S. Department of
Agricultures food pyramid, which was introduced in
the 1990s to replace the older four food groups model.
There are similar guidelines produced in many coun-
tries, using a mix of scientic research and expert opin-
ion. One measurement scale for a nutrient is the time
it takes for its lack to manifest itself in health problems.
Lack of energy-providing nutrients, such as fats, pro-
teins, and carbohydrates, is felt within hours as hun-
ger and causes symptoms within days. A disbalance of
macrominerals, such as potassium and calcium, as well
as some vitamins has been shown to lead to specic
diseases and is felt within weeks to months.
For example, physician James Lind published an
inuential treatise on scurvy in 1753, based in part on
his controlled experiments with British sailors. Lack
of some other vitamins and minerals can take years
to manifest. Flavonoids are found in plants, changing
coloration, smell, and taste. Researchers hypothesize
that avonoids regulate organism responses, such as
inammations and allergies, as well as reactions to
carcinogens, bacteria, and viruses. Most studies of a-
vonoids in human nutrition are only decades old. Pro-
biotics are live microorganisms most frequently eaten
with fermented food. They may affect the immune
system, blood pressure, inammation, and cancer. Pre-
biotics are food items, such as inulin in chicory roots,
that promote the growth of microorganisms in the
digestive tract. Water participates in most systems and
processes in the body, playing roles such as a solvent for
other substances and entering chemical reactions.
Researching and Modeling Nutrition
Data collection and quantitative analysis are used for a
variety of purposes in nutrition science. For example,
they are used to investigate the effects of nutritional
deciencies, optimize diets for long-term health and
longevity, study the effectiveness of weight-loss plans,
and establish causal links between political policy
changes and nutrition and health effects. Qualitative
methods like case studies and ethnographic studies are
insufcient to establish cause, though they may high-
light key variables. One critical principle of scientic
studies that seek to make causal connections is isolating
a small number of variables to systematically manipu-
late, while controlling the rest. Because nutrients inter-
act with all systems in the bodywith other organisms
living in the body, with each other, and with behav-
iors other than eatingthe complexity of the resulting
system can make this approach difcult. Further, the
effects of some types of nutrients take years or even
decades to uncover, or they may occur in only a small
number of people. Studying these would require exten-
sive longitudinal studies or very large sample sizes to be
statistically valid, which may have signicant practical
and ethical barriers. Finally, individual differences in
reactions to nutrition changes may be large and non-
random, depending on genetics, culture, and daily
habits, which means that averaging the effects of nutri-
tional interventions may overlook important effects on
small minorities, such as allergic reactions.
Mathematicians and nutrition scientists use math-
ematical modeling and simulation to investigate the
functions of systems and to experiment with the con-
ditional responses of multiple variables. Increases in
computing power have made complex modeling a fea-
sible alternative to traditional scientic experimenta-
tion. Problems are drawn from areas of concern, such
as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and toxicology. Many mod-
els rely on collection of kinetic body data to develop
accurate models of physiological processes, such as
bioperiodicity and membrane transport, which is also
possible because of advances in medical imaging and
other technology. Computational approaches are used
to estimate distributions of parameters, evaluate lin-
ear integrators and other functions, manipulate mul-
tiple variables in stochastic models, and create visual-
izations. Mathematical or statistical approaches, such
as neural networks, graph theory, and cluster analysis,
have also been used to model data or systems and to
make connections.
Genetically modied foods are a controversial sub-
ject in nutrition. Typical reasons for altering food are
for resistance to pests or disease or for nutritional ben-
ets. The Swiss-developed golden rice has higher
levels of vitamin A than standard rice strains, which
would theoretically benet third world countries
where rice is a staple food and vitamin A deciencies
732 Nutrition
are common. Some support the use of such foods to
combat hunger in areas of the world with chronic
shortages and endemic malnutrition. Others cite the
unknown long-term effects, such as spontaneous
cross-pollination with unmodied organisms, as well
as the ethical implications. Mathematicians and scien-
tists have helped to create genetically modied foods
and have investigated many questions related to them.
For example, informaticists have used combinatorial
reduction rules to create a model to detect unknown,
genetically modied organisms. Others research and
model aspects such as the likelihoods of positive and
negative ecological outcomes, pathogenicity, public
acceptance, and impacts on international trade using
probabilistic and statistical methods, simulation, dif-
ferential equations, and a wide variety of computerized
modeling techniques.
Diets and Meal Planning
A diet is the description of types and quantities of
nutrients consumed. Because organisms vary in ways
other than food intake, dietary variables are typically
studied in their relationships with other variables
either direct proportionality or more complex func-
tions. Different cultures have varied proportions of
nutrients in their diets, as well as certain prohibitions.
For example, Aleuts tradi-
tionally eat a large amount
of meat, consuming about
eight times more protein than
South American agricultural
tribes. Japanese and Mediter-
ranean diets are often cited
for emphasis on certain fats,
fruits, vegetables, and car-
bohydrates. Both Jewish and
Muslim traditions forbid cer-
tain types of foods. People
may also choose diets for spe-
cic goals, such as weight loss
or control of medical condi-
tions like diabetes or high
blood pressure, often with lit-
tle scientic evidence of effec-
tivenessthough scientists
are seeking ways to validate or
refute such claims. Globaliza-
tion has made different types
of diets and foods increasingly known and accessible
to people everywhere.
Software for planning least-cost nutritional meals
was developed for mainframe computers in the early
1960s and evolved during the 1970s to include food
preferences options. Later research in the 1980s and
the evolution of personal computing led to new soft-
ware that used mathematical programming to opti-
mize and maximize menu planning for different vari-
ables, including nutrition, allergies, and preferences.
Internet-based software and algorithms, such as that
used by the weight-loss company Weight Watchers
with their Weight Watchers Online program, now
allows people to track and plan menus based on a vari-
ety of criteria, often dynamically linked to databases
with recipes, past behavior, and weight or measure-
ment tracking. Large institutions, such as schools and
hospitals, may use software that includes inventory
and other supply variables.
Nutrition and Mathematical Problem Solving
There are studies directly linking nutrition and suc-
cess in mathematics. One group of researchers found
that providing a balanced breakfast before the morn-
ing mathematics class raised test scores more than
any other variable they analyzed, such as changes in
The Japanese traditionally eat more fish, vegetables, grains, and fruit and
consume smaller portions than most Western diets.
Nutrition 733
teaching methods. Different cultures have different
beliefs of what constitutes brain food. Certain types
of fat, vitamins B and C, and monosaccharides have
been shown to increase memory and speed of compu-
tation within time periods from minutes to days from
increased consumption. More complex cognitive effects
of food, such as connections between gluten or lactose
sensitivity and attention, are being investigated.
Further Reading
Bhargava, A. Econometrics, Statistics and Computational
Approaches in Food and Health. Singapore: World
Scientic Publishing, 2006.
Kowtaluk, Helen. Discovering Food and Nutrition. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Noss Whitney, Eleanor, and Sharon Rady Rolfes.
Understanding Nutrition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing, 2010.
Novotny, Janet, Michael Green, and Ray Boston.
Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition and the Health
Sciences. New York: Springer, 2003.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Cooking; Drug Dosing; Genetics;
Measurement in Society.
734 Nutrition
Ocean Tides
and Waves
See Tides and Waves
Oceania, Australia
and New Zealand
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The indigenous cultures of Oceania are
mathematically interesting.
The United Nations classication for Oceania includes
Australia and New Zealand as well as the hundreds
of Pacic Islands groups under the headings Melane-
sia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The Australian Math-
ematical Society was founded in 1956 and promotes
mathematics and its applications. The New Zealand
Mathematical Society was found in 1974 and promotes
research and the dissemination of mathematics. Math-
ematicians born in Australia and New Zealand include
Fields Medal winners Terence Tao (2006) from Austra-
lia and Vaughan Jones (1990) from New Zealand. High
school students participate in the International Math-
ematical Olympiad. Australia began its participation in
1981 and hosted the contest in 1988, while New Zea-
land rst participated in 1988. Mathematics historians
and ethnomathematicians have researched the math-
ematics of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia and
New Zealand. For example, the structures of Austra-
lian Aboriginal kinship systems can be modeled by the
algebraic theory of groups, while the wood carving and
tattooing done by the Maori of New Zealand embody
geometrical principles of symmetry. These cultural
achievements interest mathematicians and teachers of
mathematics and also have inuenced the humanities,
the social sciences, and popular culture.
Studying Aboriginal kinship systems has greatly inu-
enced anthropology and can be mathematically mod-
eled. To give just one important example, Claude
Lvi-Strauss, in support of his ideas on structural
anthropology, cited what he called the Australian
facts to help argue that a system of exchange (as illus-
trated by marriage partners reciprocally chosen from
paired sections) underlies the origin of marriage rules.
Many Aboriginal societies are divided into two
halves, with four sections in each half, for the purpose
of determining kinship. The example best known to
mathematicians, because of the classic work of Marcia
Ascher, is that of the Warlpiri of Australias Northern
Territory. A schematic diagram is shown below.
The equal sign designates allowed marriages. That
is, for members of a section in either half, there is one
section in the other half from which marriage partners
come. For instance, women in section A marry men
from section W, and men from section A marry women
from section W. Childrens sections are determined
by their mothers; the directed arrows show how. For
instance, if a mother is in section A, her children are in
section C; mothers in C have children in B; mothers in
B have children in D; and mothers in D have children
in Acompleting a cycle. Similarly, mothers in W have
children in Z, and so on. Thus, the matrilineal cycle has
a length of 4. For fathers, if a man is in A, for instance,
following the arrow backward shows that his mother is
in D, so his father is in Z. Then his fathers mother is
in W, so his fathers father is in A again. Thus the com-
plete patrilineal cycle has a length of 2.
If one writes I for ones own section, m for ones
mothers section, m
for ones mothers mothers sec-
tion, f for ones fathers section, and so on, the cyclic rela-
tionships can be expressed by m I
= and f I
= . Other
algebraic relationships, like mf mf I ( )( ) = , can be veri-
ed from the diagram. The resulting algebraic structure
is that of the dihedral group of order 8. The Warlpiri,
of course, do not have the concept of group, but those
learning the system are asked to solve word problems
like, If someones mother is in a particular section, then
in what section is such-and-such a relative? The Warl-
piri abstract from the personal relationships to concep-
tualize the system itself. General terms of address reect
the individuals place in the structure. Kin relationships
determine a persons behavior, obligations, place to live,
and relationships to plants, animals, and landscape; they
also link past, present, and future generations.
The Aboriginal view of the origin of their kinship
system in the journeys of their ancestors during the
ancestral past (known as the dreamtime) is reected
in Aboriginal paintings. Such paintings are noted for
their symmetry, and particular geometric elements
indicate individual places, ancestral beings, or clans.
The current interest in Aboriginal art has brought these
geometric forms to a worldwide audience.
New Zealand
Geometric art pervades Maori culture in dance, song,
music, weaving, painting, latticework, carving, and tat-
tooing. Wood carving is the most prominent, though
facial and body tattoos also continue to be symbols of
Maori identity. Traditional Maori carving uses a small
number of design forms and motifs, combined accord-
ing to well-established rules. Rafters and ridgepoles of
the Maori meetinghouse are decorated with carvings
736 Oceania, Australia and New Zealand
A Maori carving representing Marupo, a warrior
ancestor of the Maori tribe in New Zealand.
See Also: Asia, Eastern; Europe, Northern; Oceania,
Pacic Islands; Tao, Terence.
Pacic Islands
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The people of the Pacic Islands
historically used sophisticated mathematics, including
a unique method of navigation.
The Pacic Ocean covers more than one-fth of the
Earths surface and includes hundreds of islands. In the
nineteenth century, few visitors to the Pacic Islands
were able to match the skill of Pacic Islanders in solv-
ing arithmetic and algebra problems. The people of
the Marshall Islands, scattered over dozens of atolls
across the central Pacic, were master navigators who
tracked their way over huge expanses of ocean without
mechanical aids. The compass, sextant, and chronom-
eter, which their European contemporaries were reliant
upon for safe and successful voyaging, were completely
unknown to them. What they possessed instead were
a set of aids that relied upon an extremely complex
type of knowledge related to what they could observe
and even feel about the ocean around them. These aids
were called Mattangs, Meddos, and Rebbelibs by their
users and are known today as stick charts.
Some other instances of mathematics in Pacic
Island culture and in the Pacic Islands region include
the often-complex geometric patterns found in basket
weaving, such as the design named stars, which has
a tessellation pattern that is mathematically sophisti-
cated and is reminiscent of Dutch graphic artist M.C.
Eschers drawings. These patterns can also be found
in traditional tattoos, where the type of pattern had
great cultural signicance and represented the rank
and bravery of the tattooed person. Scientists have also
modeled the number of species on islands as a mathe-
matical power function that depends on land area, and
they continue to study island populations of birds and
other species in this context. Researchers have explored
barriers to success in mathematics in the Pacic Islands
that embody tribal history. These carvings employ all
seven of the symmetry groups that characterize strip
patterns. They are often colored in ways that comple-
ment, rather than echo, the symmetries. Maori art also
uses bilateral symmetry, but the symmetry is often bro-
ken by the nonsymmetrical use of colors or by the addi-
tion of small gures that vary. Maori tattoos use many
of the same themes and motifs as does carving. Also,
individuals tattoos serve to identify family, tribe, com-
munity, birthplace, and inherited or achieved authority.
Maori symmetric forms are united by their near
identity while differing in their asymmetries. This aspect
reects the way the Maori characterize reality by pairs of
things existing in a tension between union and separa-
tion. Understanding the formal geometric patterns thus
gives insight into Maori culture. Maori geometric art
has become part of global culture. For example, Maori
carved wooden bowls appear in Paul Gaugins paintings.
In Herman Melvilles Moby Dick, the tattooed harpooner
Queequeg possessesand sellsMaori tattooed ances-
tral heads. Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant
felt that he had to discuss Maori tattoos in examining
the nature of beauty, though he concluded that Maori
tattoo designs could be beautiful only if they were not
on a human face. Additionally, Maori tattooing plays a
key role in the acclaimed 1994 lm Once Were Warriors.
Further Reading
Blakers, A. L. The Australian Mathematical Society:
Foundation and Early Years. I: Events Leading
Up to the Foundation of the Society. Australian
Mathematical Society Gazette 3, no. 2 (1976).
Greer, Brian, et al. Culturally Responsive Mathematics
Education. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois. The Pacic Arts of Polynesia and
Micronesia. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Munn, Nancy D. Walbiri Iconography. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, 1973.
Starzecka, D. C., ed. Maori Art and Culture. London:
British Museum, 1996.
Tee, G. J. The First 25 Years of the New Zealand
Mathematical Society. New Zealand Mathematical
Society Newsletter 76 (1999).
Washburn, Dorothy, and Donald Crowe. Symmetries of
Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998.
Judith V. Grabiner
Oceania, Pacic Islands 737
and recommended that teachers include culturally rel-
evant content in their classrooms. Professional devel-
opment programs and consortiums offer training
for teachers and explore mathematics education for
Pacic-region children.
Stick Charts
Stick charts were made from strips of the midrib of a
coconut frond or pandanus root bound together with
coconut sennit in geometric patterns meant to rep-
resent currents owing around their low-lying atolls.
Small shells or coral pebbles were attached to indicate
the location of islands, and curved sticks were used to
represent wave patterns.
The rst of these charts, the Mattang, was a small
square chart used to teach how waves reect and refract,
or bend, around a single island or atoll (see Figures 1
and 2). By detecting a change in the direction of the
prevailing swell, a navigator could discern the presence
of an island or atoll over the horizon. The Meddo was
an actual chart covering a small set of atolls and used
for voyages to nearby atolls. Meddo charts also showed
the direction of the main ocean swell and how it curves
around specic islands and the distance from a canoe
at which an island could be detected. The Rebbelib was
a more complex version of the Meddo and was used to
represent an entire chain of islands or even the whole
of the Marshall Islands. It showed the complex relation-
ship between the islands and the major ocean swell.
Stick charts were not made and used by all Mar-
shall Islanders. Only a select few knew the method
for making and reading the
charts, and the knowledge
passed only from father to
son. However, so that oth-
ers could utilize the exper-
tise of the navigator, 15 or
more canoes sailed together
in a squadron, accompanied
by a lead navigator skilled in
use of the charts. Because the
knowledge contained in each
chart was a closely guarded
secret, they were not nor-
mally carried on a voyage.
Instead, the navigator memo-
rized the chart and gauged
the wave patterns entirely by
his sense of touch. Crouching in the bow of his canoe,
he would literally feel the motion of his vessel.
It was not until 1862 that this unique navigational
system was revealed in a public notice prepared by
a resident missionary. It was an additional 30 years
before it was comprehensively described by Captain
Johann Winkler of the German Navy. He became so
intrigued by the stick charts that he made a major
effort to determine the navigational principles behind
them and convinced the navigators to share how the
stick charts were used. He recognized that the stick
charts represented a signicant contribution to the
history of both navigation and cartography because
they symbolized something that had never before
been accomplisheda system of mapping and navi-
gating by ocean swells. They are an indication that
ancient maps may have looked far different, encod-
ing different aspects from the natural world, than the
maps commonly used today. The use of stick charts
and navigation by swells apparently came to an end
shortly after World War II. The venerable stick chart
and ocean-going canoe were no match for large
motorized vessels with modern navigational devices.
They do, however, continue to be made in the Mar-
shall Islands, though very few people are able to use
them as navigation aids. They are primarily made and
sold instead as tourist souvenirs.
Further Reading
Clark, Megan. Cultural Cross-Purposes and Expectation
as Barriers to Success in Mathematics. Proceedings of
738 Oceania, Pacic Islands
Figures 1 and 2.
the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical
Education 3 (2004).
Tee, Garry. Mathematics in the Pacic Basin. British
Journal for the History of Science 21 (1988).
Thomas W. Hair
See Also: Escher, M.C.; Mapping Coastlines; Marine
Navigation; Oceania, Australia and New Zealand.
See Number and Operations; Number and Operations
in Society
Optical Illusions
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Problem
Summary: Optical illusions are predictable illusory
phenomena that are not yet fully understood.
Optics, generally, is the science of the visible. Physi-
cal optics is the study of the nature and propagation
of light. Physiological optics is the study of neuro-
physiological processes of light reception and image
forming as conditions of vision and merges with psy-
chology and cognitive science into a unitary vision
science. Optical illusions likely have been observed
as long as mankind has existed. Some optical illusions
arise from peoples ability to see in three dimensions,
even though retinal images are at representations on
a curved surface. Extracting three-dimensional infor-
mation from ambiguous two-dimensional images
requires interpretive rules in the brain. Many optical
illusions have mathematical connections, especially
in the perception of geometry within the illusion.
They are popular as entertainment, and mathematics
teachers sometimes use optical illusions in the class-
room in order to engage students and to develop visu-
alization skills.
Physical phenomena leading to seeing unreal things, or
to seeing real things in a distorted way (for example,
phenomena due to special atmospheric conditions:
halos, coronas, and sightings of distant objects caused
by reections between air layers of different density)
are now well understood, and not usually named illu-
sions. The apparent attening of the sun disc at the
sunset is in accord with the laws of light propagation
(differential refraction), but it is not an illusion. Illu-
sions of perception are situations when perception
goes wrong and where a central (neurophysiological
or psychological) cause must be supposedsomething
is perceived as something else (error of identication)
or is perceived differently than it is (error of quality
or quantity). For example, the moon at the horizon is
often reported to appear larger than if seen high in the
sky, although the angular size of the moon disc is in
both instances the same (approximately 30 arc min-
utes)this is the famous moon illusion.
Illusory phenomena have been observed since
ancient times, for example, the moon illusion was
known to Ptolemy, and an illusory motion after-
effect caused by watching a waterfall was mentioned
by Aristotle. However, the proper scientic study of
visual illusions began in the middle of the nineteenth
century with the discovery of geometric-optical illu-
sions, (distortions of perceived lengths, sizes, and
shapes observed in simple drawings or in real-world
situations). For example, a path in the visual eld sub-
divided into a series of segments usually appears lon-
ger than the same path that is empty (see the Oppel
Kundt illusion, Figure 1). Lengths of linear segments
may be overestimated or underestimated, depend-
ing on added elements (for example, the popular
MllerLyer illusion). Geometric gures drawn over
linear or curvilinear rasters often appear deformed
(see the Hering, Zllner, or EhrensteinOrbison illu-
sion Figure 2). Other instances of optical illusions
involve judgments of brightness (see Figure 3), and
particularly illusory contrast phenomena, such as
well-known Mach bands, or the Hermann grid (see
Figure 4). More recently, dynamic phenomena, such as
illusory motion seen in static pictures, or the famous
scintillating grid, have been described.
Generally, all these phenomena demonstrate the
universal principle of context-dependence in visual
(and any) perception: a stimulus, S, is perceived
Optical Illusions 739
differently if presented together with a context stimu-
lus S than if presented alone. In other words, a purely
attentional separation of S from S is impossible in
spite of the observers effort.
What differentiates all these phenomena from inci-
dental errors of perception is that they occur regularly
and predictably in most or all observers. After more
than 150 years since their discovery, there is still no sat-
isfactory theory of these phenomena, although a great
variety of explanations have been proposed.
The two main directions of explanatory approaches
have traditionally been the empiricist and the nativist
theories. The empiricist theories, going back to Herman
Helmholtzs theory of unconscious inferences, empha-
sized the role of the subjects past experience and of
cognitive factors forming the perception. By contrast,
the nativist theories searched for explanations in the
structure and the functional principles of the sensory
organ itself.
740 Optical Illusions
Figures 1 and 2
Figure 1. Oppel-Kundt illusion: the length of the
PQ segment appears greater than the segment QR,
although PQ = QR.
Figure 2. Ehrenstein-Orbison illusion: sides of the
square drawn in an array of concentric circles appear
inward-bent, although they are really segments of
straight lines.
Figures 3 and 4
Figure 3. Context effects on perceived brightness: the inner square of the left-hand-side figure appears darker
than the inner square of the right-hand-side figure, although they are printed with exactly the same gray-shade
level. Figure 4. Hermann grid: illusory grayish shadows are seen at the crossings of white stripes, although
objectively the background is uniformly white. (Fixate on the figure center marked by the circle.)
Empiricist theories, in spite of their speculative char-
acter, have been revitalized by cognitive psychologists
and are still inuential; for example, a popular theory
sought to explain a group of optical illusions as results of
inappropriate constancy scaling due to erroneous per-
spectival interpretation of the illusion-inducing gure.
However, these theories ignore much of empirical coun-
ter evidence, such as tactile analogies of certain optical
illusions, or geometrico-optical distortions observed in
contexts not suggesting any perspectival interpretation.
Neonativist theories integrating approaches of Gestalt
psychology and neurophysiology and searching for
interactions within higher levels of the visual system
are arguably more promising, although they are usually
limited to circumscribed groups of illusory phenomena.
The general opinion in the early twenty-rst century
is that the broad variety of optical illusions cannot be
explained by a single cause; therefore, a unitary theory
of optical illusions is rather unlikely.
Optical illusions are neither deceptions of the eye
nor errors of the cognitive processing of sensory data.
They are facts of vision, presumably manifestations
of the functional principles of the visual system in its
entirety. The same functional principles, or the laws
of seeing, are at work in visual arts, or in visualization
technologies such as virtual reality. The study of opti-
cal illusions in laboratory as well as in natural environ-
ments importantly contributes to the understanding of
the process of vision and of the nature of the visual life
Further Reading
Boring, E. G. Sensation and Perception in the History of
the Experimental Psychology. New York: Appleton-
Century-Croft, 1942.
Coren, S., and J. S. Girgus. Seeing Is Deceiving. The
Psychology of Visual Illusions. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum, 1978.
Gombrich, E. H. Art and Illusion. Oxford, England:
Phaidon Press, 1977.
Metzger, W. The Laws of Seeing. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 2006.
Robinson, J. O. The Psychology of Visual Illusion. 2nd ed.
New York: Dover, 1998.
Ross, H. E., and C. Plug. The Mystery of the Moon
Illusion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Seckel, Al. Masters of Deception: Escher, Dali & the Artists
of Optical Illusion. New York: Sterling, 2007.
. Optical Illusions: The Science of Visual Perception.
Buffalo, NY: Firey Books, 2009.
Jiri Wackermann
See Also: Magic; Mathematical Puzzles; Puzzles;
Vision Correction.
Orbits, Planetary
See Planetary Orbits
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: People explore many interesting
mathematical questions using the art and principles
of paper folding.
Origami is the famous Japanese art of paper folding.
Historically, it has been used for a variety of purposes,
including document certication and as a way to repre-
sent religious symbols. In traditional origami, a single
piece of paper is folded to construct one of a variety
of objects. The art has grown to include compound
forms that involve connecting several individual ori-
gami pieces together, with modular origami specifying
geometrically equal pieces.
Origami art, mathematics, and science have many
explicit interconnections, and in the 1990s and 2000s
there have been several conferences specically devoted
to these links. In the twenty-rst century, computa-
tional origami is an emerging discipline that applies
mathematical theory and computational algorithms to
formulate and solve complex folding problems, many
of which have applications in engineering, industrial
design, and a variety of sciences. Such solutions are often
called origami technology. For example, engineers and
mathematicians explored origami lenses for use in space
telescopes, and precision folding technology is already
being used to optimize manufacturing processes.
Origami 741
Origami forms are inherently mathematical. Their
geometry can be identied as reections with respect to
the folding line. The possible operations for points and
lines in origami, using a single fold, are described by
seven axioms generally known as the HuzitaHatori
axioms, named for mathematicians Humiaki Huzita
and Koshiro Hatori. However, mathematician Jacques
Justin may have been the rst to enumerate these seven
axioms. The axioms allow mathematicians to answer
interesting questions, such as the classic problems of
trisecting an angle and doubling the cube, which are
impossible using only ruler and compass constructions.
More generally, it is possible to solve any equation up to
degree three with origami geometry. Further, although
origami forms are usually produced using nite sheets
of paper, origami folding can theoretically be extended
to the innite plane.
Use of Origami in Modern Mathematics
In the late twentieth century, mathematicians got
interested in the foundations of this art. For this com-
munity of scientists, the creation of models in origami
is not a matter of inspiration; it is spurred by the search
for understanding of the concepts and limitations of
Euclidean geometry, properties of geometric gures,
symmetry, angles, lines, and mathematical communi-
cation, among others.
There are several major topics in
the practice and study of origami,
including the following:
Its geometry and relationship
between this and other
geometries, in particular,
Euclidean geometry
The straightening of the bend
whether a model can be unfolded
(which has been studied by
Marshall Bern and Barry Hayes)
Rigid origamithe possibility
of constructing models if
the paper were replaced by
metal (which has already
been used for solar panels
of satellites in space)
Mathematics teaching techniques increasingly use
origami. Moreover, paper folding is used to develop
manual dexterity, as well as to teach aesthetics appre-
ciation and topics such as proportions, foundations of
geometry, and measurements. Origami is also a handy
resource for other areas, like mathematical commu-
nication, problem solving, and investigation of three-
dimensional objects and spatial relationships.
HuzitaHatori Axioms
1. Given two points P
and P
, we can fold a line
connecting them.
2. Given two points P
and P
, we can fold P
onto P
3. Given two lines l
and l
, we can fold line l
onto l
4. Given a point P and a line l, we can make a
fold perpendicular to l passing through the
point P.
5. Given two points P
and P
and a line l, if
the distance between P
and P
is equal to
or larger than the distance between P
and l,
we can make a fold that places P
onto l and
passes through the point P
6. Given two points P
and P
and two lines l
and l
, if the lines arent parallel and if the
distance between the lines isnt larger than
the distance between the points, we can make
a fold that places P
onto line l
and places P
onto line l
7. Given a point P
and two lines l
and l
, if
the lines arent parallel, we can make
a fold perpendicular to l
places P onto line l
742 Origami
An origami
crane folded
from one
uncut square
of paper.
Robert Lang proved that this list of axioms covers
all possible cases for a single folding. If one of them is
removed from the list, it is no longer complete.
Further Reading
Demaine, Erik, and Joseph ORourke. Geometric Folding
Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Hull, Thomas C. Project Origami: Activities for Exploring
Mathematics. Wellesly, MA: A K Peters, 2006.
Lang, Robert J. Origami and Geometric Constructions.
. Origami Design Secrets: Mathematical Methods
for an Ancient Art. Natick, MA: A K
Peters, 2003.
Liliana Monteiro
See Also: Axiomatic Systems; Geometry and
Geometry Education; Greek Mathematics; Symmetry.
Origami 743
and Society
and Society
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
Appalachian State University
Salem Press
Produced by Golson Media
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Senior Layout Editor Mary Jo Scibetta
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of mathematics and society / Sarah J. Greenwald , Jill E. Thomley, general Editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-58765-844-0 (set : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-845-7 (v. 1 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-846-4
(v. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-58765-847-1 (v. 3 : alk. paper)
1. Mathematics--Social aspects. I. Greenwald, Sarah J. II. Thomley, Jill E.
QA10.7.E53 2012
First Printing
Printed in the United States of America
Volume 1
Publishers Note vi
About the Editors viii
Introduction ix
List of Articles xiii
Topic Finder xxi
List of Contributors xxvii
Articles A to E 1376
Volume 2
List of Articles vii
Articles F to O 377744
Volume 3
List of Articles vii
Articles P to Z 7451090
Chronology 1091
Resource Guide 1109
Glossary 1113
Index 1127
Photo Credits 1191
List of Articles
Accident Reconstruction 1
Accounting 2
Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Actors, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Addition and Subtraction 7
Advertising 10
Africa, Central 13
Africa, Eastern 15
Africa, North 17
Africa, Southern 19
Africa, West 20
African Mathematics 23
AIDS, see HIV/AIDS 478
Aircraft Design 25
Airplanes/Flight 28
Algebra and Algebra Education 31
Algebra in Society 36
Analytic Geometry, see Coordinate Geometry 247
Anesthesia 42
Animals 43
Animation and CGI 49
Apgar Scores 51
Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Archery 55
Archimedes 57
Arenas, Sports 61
Artillery 63
Asia, Central and Northern 66
Asia, Eastern 68
Asia, Southeastern 70
Asia, Southern 72
Asia, Western 74
Astronomy 76
Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project) 79
Auto Racing 81
Axiomatic Systems 84
Babylonian Mathematics 87
Ballet 90
Ballroom Dancing 91
Bankruptcy, Business 92
Bankruptcy, Personal 94
Bar Codes 96
Baseball 97
Basketball 99
Basketry 102
Bees 103
Betting and Fairness 105
Bicycles 107
Billiards 110
Binomial Theorem 111
Birthday Problem 113
Black Holes 115
Blackmun, Harry A. 117
Blackwell, David 118
Board Games 119
Body Mass Index 122
Brain 124
Bridges 129
Budgeting 130
Burns, Ursula 132
Bus Scheduling 133
Calculators in Classrooms 137
Calculators in Society 139
Calculus and Calculus Education 142
Calculus in Society 148
Cameras, see Digital Cameras 304
Calendars 153
Canals 155
Carbon Dating 157
Carbon Footprint 159
Careers 162
Caribbean America 166
Carpentry 167
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos 169
Castles 171
Caves and Caverns 172
Cell Phone Networks 174
Census 176
Central America 178
Cerf, Vinton 180
Cheerleading 181
Chemotherapy 183
Chinese Mathematics 184
Circumference, see Perimeter
and Circumference 761
City Planning 188
Civil War, U.S. 191
Climate Change 194
Climbing 200
Clocks 201
Closed-Box Collecting 204
Clouds 206
Clubs and Honor
Societies 207
Cochlear Implants 209
Cocktail Party Problem 210
Coding and Encryption 212
Cold War 214
Combinations, see Permutations
and Combinations 763
Comic Strips 218
Communication in Society 219
Comparison Shopping 225
Competitions and Contests 227
Composing 229
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI),
see Animation and CGI 49
Congressional Representation 231
Conic Sections 235
Connections in Society 238
Continuity, see Limits and Continuity 552
Contra and Square Dancing 243
Cooking 244
Coordinate Geometry 247
Coral Reefs 250
see Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Coupons and Rebates 252
Credit Cards 253
Crime Scene Investigation 255
Crochet and Knitting 257
see Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords 5
Crystallography 259
Cubes and Cube Roots 260
Currency Exchange 262
Curricula, International 264
Curriculum, College 267
Curriculum, K12 274
Curves 280
Dams 283
Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Data Mining 290
Daubechies, Ingrid 292
Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Deforestation 295
Deming, W. Edwards 298
Diagnostic Testing 299
Dice Games 301
Digital Book Readers 303
Digital Cameras 304
Digital Images 306
Digital Storage 308
Disease Survival Rates 311
viii List of Articles
Diseases, Tracking Infectious 312
Division, see Multiplication and Division 685
Domes 315
Doppler Radar 316
Drug Dosing 317
DVR Devices 319
Earthquakes 323
Educational Manipulatives 324
Educational Testing 326
Egyptian Mathematics 330
Einstein, Albert 333
Elections 335
Electricity 340
Elementary Particles 342
Elevation 344
Elevators 346
Encryption, see Coding and Encryption 212
Energy 348
Energy, Geothermal, see Geothermal Energy 441
Engineering Design 351
Equations, Polar 353
Escher, M.C. 354
Ethics 356
Europe, Eastern 358
Europe, Northern 361
Europe, Southern 363
Europe, Western 365
Expected Values 368
Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Extinction 372
Extreme Sports 373
Fantasy Sports Leagues 377
Farming 379
Fax Machines 382
Fertility 384
Fibonacci Tuning, see Pythagorean
and Fibonacci Tuning 823
FICO Score 386
File Downloading and Sharing 387
Fingerprints 388
Firearms 390
Fireworks 392
Fishing 394
Floods 395
Football 398
Forecasting 400
Forecasting, Weather, see Weather Forecasting 1052
Forest Fires 402
Fuel Consumption 404
Function Rate of Change 405
Functions 408
Functions, Recursive 410
Game Theory 413
Games, see Board Games; Video Games 119, 1032
Gareld, Richard 415
Genealogy 417
Genetics 419
Geometry and Geometry Education 422
Geometry in Society 427
Geometry of Music 433
Geometry of the Universe 436
Geothermal Energy 441
Gerrymandering 443
Global Warming, see Climate Change 194
Golden Ratio 445
Government and State Legislation 448
GPS 450
Graham, Fan Chung 453
Graphs 454
Gravity 456
Greek Mathematics 458
Green Design 461
Green Mathematics 463
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 466
Growth Charts 468
Guns, see Firearms 390
Gymnastics 469
Harmonics 471
Hawking, Stephen 473
Helicopters 475
Highways 476
Hitting a Home Run 477
Hockey 480
Home Buying 482
Houses of Worship 485
HOV Lane Management 488
List of Articles ix
Hunt, Fern 489
Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Income Tax 496
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
see Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Industrial Revolution 499
Infantry (Aerial and Ground Movements) 501
Innity 504
Insurance 506
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 508
Intelligence Quotients 511
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Research,
see Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Interior Design 514
Internet 515
Interplanetary Travel 520
Inventory Models 523
Investments, see Mutual Funds 691
Irrational Numbers, see Numbers, Rational
and Irrational 724
Islamic Mathematics, see Arabic/Islamic
Mathematics 53
Jackson, Shirley Ann 525
Joints 526
Kicking a Field Goal 529
King, Ada (Countess of Lovelace),
see Lovelace, Ada 565
Knitting, see Crochet and Knitting 257
Knots 531
Landscape Design 533
LD50/Median Lethal Dose 535
Learning Exceptionalities 536
Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Levers 544
Life Expectancy 545
Light 547
Light Bulbs 549
Lightning 550
Limits and Continuity 552
Linear Concepts 553
Literature 556
Loans 561
Logarithms, see Exponentials and Logarithms 370
Lotteries 563
Lovelace, Ada 565
Magic 567
Mapping Coastlines 570
Maps 571
Marine Navigation 574
Market Research 578
Marriage 580
Martial Arts 582
Math Gene 584
Mathematical Certainty 586
Mathematical Friendships and Romances 588
Mathematical Modeling 589
Mathematical Puzzles 593
Mathematician Dened 595
Mathematicians, Amateur 597
Mathematicians, Religious 600
Mathematics, African, see African Mathematics 23
Mathematics, Applied 603
Mathematics, Arabic/Islamic,
see Arabic/Islamic Mathematics 53
Mathematics, Babylonian,
see Babylonian Mathematics 87
Mathematics, Dened 608
Mathematics, Chinese, see Chinese Mathematics 184
Mathematics, Egyptian,
see Egyptian Mathematics 330
Mathematics, Elegant 610
Mathematics, Greek, see Greek Mathematics 458
Mathematics, Green, see Green Mathematics 463
Mathematics, Incan and Mayan,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Mathematics, Native American,
see Native American Mathematics 697
Mathematics, Roman, see Roman Mathematics 878
Mathematics, Theoretical 613
Mathematics, Utility of 618
Mathematics, Vedic, see Vedic Mathematics 1029
Mathematics: Discovery or Invention 620
Mathematics and Religion 622
x List of Articles
Mathematics Genealogy Project 628
Mathematics Literacy and Civil Rights 630
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary 632
Mathematics Software,
see Software, Mathematics 926
Matrices 634
Mattresses 636
Mayan Mathematics,
see Incan and Mayan Mathematics 493
Measurement, Systems of 637
Measurement in Society 640
Measurements, Area 645
Measurements, Length 647
Measurements, Volume 651
Measures of Center 653
Measuring Time 655
Measuring Tools 657
Medical Imaging 659
Medical Simulations 660
Microwave Ovens 661
Middle Ages 663
Military Draft 665
Minorities 667
Missiles 671
Molecular Structure 672
Money 674
Moon 677
Movies, Making of 679
Movies, Mathematics in 681
MP3 Players 684
Multiplication and Division 685
Music, Geometry of,
see Geometry of Music 433
Music, Popular, see Popular Music 786
Musical Theater 689
Mutual Funds 691
Nanotechnology 693
National Debt 695
Native American Mathematics 697
Nervous System 700
Neural Networks 701
Newman, Ryan 703
Nielsen Ratings 704
Normal Distribution 706
North America 708
Number and Operations 710
Number and Operations in Society 714
Number Theory 719
Numbers, Complex 721
Numbers, Rational and Irrational 724
Numbers, Real 727
Numbers and God 729
Nutrition 731
Ocean Tides and Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Oceania, Australia and New Zealand 735
Oceania, Pacic Islands 737
Operations, see Number and Operations;
Number and Operations in Society 714
Optical Illusions 739
Orbits, Planetary, see Planetary Orbits 771
Origami 741
Pacemakers 745
Packing Problems 746
Painting 748
Parallel Postulate 750
Parallel Processing 752
Payroll 754
Pearl Harbor, Attack on 755
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
Percussion Instruments 760
Perimeter and Circumference 761
Permutations and Combinations 763
Perry, William J. 766
Personal Computers 767
Pi 770
Planetary Orbits 771
Plate Tectonics 773
Plays 774
Poetry 777
Polygons 779
Polyhedra 782
Polynomials 784
Popular Music 786
PredatorPrey Models 788
Predicting Attacks 790
Predicting Divorce 792
Predicting Preferences 793
Pregnancy 796
Prehistory 798
Probability 800
List of Articles xi
Probability in Society,
see Data Analysis and Probability in Society 284
Problem Solving in Society 804
Producers, see Writers, Producers, and Actors 1081
Professional Associations 809
Proof 812
Proof in Society,
see Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Psychological Testing 815
Pulleys 818
Puzzles 819
Puzzles, Mathematical, see Mathematical Puzzles 593
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning 823
Pythagorean School 825
Pythagorean Theorem 827
Quality Control 831
Quilting 833
Racquet Games 835
Radar, see Doppler Radar 316
Radiation 836
Radio 838
Raghavan, Prabhakar 840
Randomness 841
Rankings 843
Rational Numbers, see Numbers,
Rational and Irrational 724
Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Recycling 850
Relativity 853
Religion, Mathematics and,
see Mathematics and Religion 622
Religious Mathematicians
see Mathematicians, Religious 600
Religious Symbolism 855
Religious Writings 857
Renaissance 860
Representations in Society 863
Revolutionary War, U.S. 868
Ride, Sally 870
Risk Management 872
Robots 874
Roller Coasters 877
Roman Mathematics 878
Ross, Mary G. 880
Ruler and Compass Constructions 881
Sacred Geometry 885
Sales Tax and Shipping Fees 886
Sample Surveys 888
Satellites 890
Scales 892
Scatterplots 894
Scheduling 896
Schools 897
Science Fiction 899
Sculpture 903
Search Engines 905
Segway 906
Sequences and Series 908
Servers 910
Shipping 912
Similarity 914
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon 915
Skating, Figure 916
Skydiving 918
Skyscrapers 919
SMART Board 920
Smart Cars 922
Soccer 923
Social Networks 924
Social Security, see Pensions, IRAs,
and Social Security 757
Software, Mathematics 926
Solar Panels 930
South America 931
Space Travel, see Interplanetary Travel 520
Spaceships 933
Spam Filters 935
Sport Handicapping 936
Sports Arenas, see Arenas, Sports 61
Squares and Square Roots 938
Stalactites and Stalagmites 940
State Legislation, see Government
and State Legislation 448
Statistics Education 941
Step and Tap Dancing 946
Stethoscopes 947
Stock Market Indices 949
Strategy and Tactics 951
Street Maintenance 954
String Instruments 956
xii List of Articles
List of Articles xiii
Stylometry 957
Submarines, see Deep Submergence Vehicles 294
Succeeding in Mathematics 958
Sudoku 962
Sunspots 963
Subtraction, see Addition and Subtraction 7
Surfaces 964
Surgery 966
Swimming 969
Symmetry 970
Synchrony and Spontaneous Order 972
Tao, Terence 975
Tax, see Income Tax; Sales Tax
and Shipping Fees 496, 886
Telephones 976
Telescopes 978
Television, Mathematics in 981
Televisions 985
Temperature 987
Textiles 989
Thermostat 990
Tic-Tac-Toe 992
Tides and Waves 993
Time, Measuring, see Measuring Time 655
Time Signatures 995
Toilets 997
Tools, Measuring, see Measuring Tools 657
Tornadoes, see Hurricanes and Tornadoes 490
Tournaments 998
Trafc 1000
Trains 1001
Trajectories, see Learning Models and Trajectories 540
Transformations 1004
Transplantation 1006
Travel Planning 1007
Traveling Salesman Problem 1009
Trigonometry 1010
Tunnels 1014
Ultrasound 1017
Unemployment, Estimating 1018
Units of Area 1020
Units of Length 1021
Units of Mass 1023
Units of Volume 1024
Universal Constants 1026
Universal Language 1027
Vectors 1029
Vedic Mathematics 1031
Vending Machines 1033
Video Games 1034
Vietnam War 1037
Viruses 1038
Vision Correction 1039
Visualization 1041
Volcanoes 1044
Volleyball 1046
Voting, see Elections 335
Voting Methods 1047
Water Distribution 1051
Water Quality 1053
Waves, see Tides and Waves 993
Weather Forecasting 1054
Weather Scales 1057
Weightless Flight 1059
Wheel 1060
Wiles, Andrew 1061
Wind and Wind Power 1063
Wind Instruments 1065
Windmills 1066
Wireless Communication 1068
Women 1069
World War I 1073
World War II 1075
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1080
Writers, Producers, and
Actors 1081
Zero 1087
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Articial pacemakers send a signal to the
heart to keep it pumping and mathematicians develop
models to determine when and how often to do so.
While a pacemaker is often thought of as a regula-
tor for the heart, a variety of natural pacemakers are
responsible for regulating numerous bodily functions
including circadian rhythms and menstruation. The
actions of natural pacemakers can be modeled as cou-
pled oscillators, where, for example, the behavior of the
natural pacemaker inuences the function of the heart
and vice versa. Square waves or sine waves are often
useful in understanding the theory of coupled oscilla-
tors, which dates back to 1665 when Christiaan Huy-
gens noticed synchronization in pendulum clocks.
Scientists and mathematicians have shown that cha-
otic oscillation or amplitude death can also occur in
coupled scenarios. A change in the rhythm or in the
way they are coupled can result in a change in function,
such as in irregular menstrual periods or menopause.
Dynamical systems model the interactions between
coupled oscillators and allow for theoretical predic-
tions. Using these models, mathematicians, biolo-
gists, and medical professionals have made signicant
advances in understanding natural pacemakers and in
designing effective articial pacemakers. Some of the
related mathematical theory is taught to undergradu-
ate mathematics students.
Heart Rhythms and Pacemakers
The sinoatrial node (SA node) is thought to act as the
hearts natural pacemaker via electrical impulses. The
typical rate for a resting heart is 60 to 70 beats per min-
ute. The pacemaker cells keep the heart pumping at a
steady rate, but medical problems can lead to chaotic
behavior and cardiac arrest.
Debrillation may reset the rhythm in some cases
but an articial cardiac pacemaker may be required
if the rhythm remains chaotic. Wavelet transforms
have been used to effectively model cardiac signals but
implementation is difcult because of high power con-
sumption. Australian anesthesiologist Mark Lidwell
and physicist Edgar Booth are believed to have designed
the rst articial pacemaker in 1928.
American physiologist Albert Hyman also devel-
oped an early pacemaker. Many designers of articial
pacemakers have assumed that regular impulses from
a pacemaker should be used to stabilize the heartbeat.
However, a periodic signal may lead to chaos in some
mathematical models, so scientists are developing
pacemakers that send impulses based on chaos con-
trol theory.
Body Clock and Jet Lag
Jet lag is thought to to result from a desynchronization
of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) pacemaker cells
in the hypothalamus of mammals. Experimental stud-
ies suggest that the SCN may synchronize within one
week. Scientists and mathematicians have mathemati-
cally modeled the system as a network with connec-
tions between the cells, which are called nodes in the
language of graph theory.
For example, mathematicians Channa Navaratna
and Menaka Navaratna have adapted a model of neu-
roscientist Peter Achermann and bioinformaticist
Hanspeter Kunz. The hypothalamus is thought to have
16,000 pacemaker cells, so they analyzed computer
data from a model with this many pacemaker cells and
found that the number of long-distance connections in
the network determined the synchronicity time. They
examined the types of network connections that are
needed between the nodes in order to make the model
synchronize in a week, and they designed a model that
consistently synchronized in close to seven days.
Scientists and mathematicians have also studied many
other issues related to pacemakers, such as interference
and power issues. There is controversy and conicting
evidence on whether devices such as cell phones or iPods
affect pacemakers. Many medical professionals presume
an association until clearer evidence to the contrary is
found and recommend keeping the devices at least a few
inches away from a pacemaker to err on the side of cau-
tion. Scientists have developed what some call origami
batteries made of carbon nanotubes and cellulose that
may power the next generation of pacemakers. The bat-
teries can be cut into many shapes.
Further Reading
Barold, S. Serge, et al. Cardiac Pacemakers Step by Step:
An Illustrated Guide. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.
Glantz, Stanton. Mathematics for Biomedical Applications.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
Strogatz, Steven. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With
Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and
Engineering. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Clocks; EEG/EKG; Function Rate of
Change; Medical Simulations; Origami.
Packing Problems
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Packing problems challenge the solver to
optimally ll a given space or determine how many
objects of some type may t in a space.
The name packing problems has been given to a variety
of mathematical problems in both serious and recre-
ational mathematics. Packing problems are mainly geo-
metric but the term is sometimes also applied to certain
numerical problems important to computer science.
The distinguishing feature of a geometric packing prob-
lem is the objective to position a family of shapes with
no overlap and a minimal amount of leftover space.
If a baker has rolled out a certain sheet of dough and
has a certain size and shape of cookie cutter, how should
the shapes be cut to leave as little wasted dough as pos-
sible? How many tennis balls will t in a very large box?
These are packing problems of the most fundamental
type. The most thoroughly studied case is that of pack-
ing identical spheres (circles in the two-dimensional case
or hyperspheres in the four-dimensionalor more
space) in Euclidean space. The most efcient way to pack
circles in the plane is to surround each circle with six
others in a honeycomb formation, lling about 90.7%
of the plane. It was conjectured by Johannes Kepler
that a similarly symmetric arrangement of spheres (ll-
ing about 74% of space) is optimal in three-dimen-
sions. This conjecture was generally considered to have
been proved by Thomas Hales in 1998. Haless proof of
Keplers conjecture relies on large-scale computer calcu-
lation and represents an important example of a well-
studied mathematical problem that is solved, but for
which no hand-checked proof is known.
There is much potential for generalization. There
is already much unknown for hyperspheres in four
dimensions; other important variations include con-
sidering spheres of varying sizes, considering non-
Euclidean geometry, and using different shapes instead
of spheres. There is signicant, active research along all
of these lines.
Packing Puzzles
The above type of problem has been studied both by
professional mathematicians and recreational math-
746 Packing Problems
Packing Problems in Computer Science
Another class of packing problem, the so-called knap-
sack problems, is numerical (rather than geometric)
in nature. A typical example is sometimes called the
Aladdins saddlebag problem.
Aladdin is in a cave full of a variety of treasures:
gold, silver, rubies, diamonds, rare books, and other
valuable objects. Each type of object takes up a certain
amount of space in Aladdins saddlebags, weighs a cer-
tain amount, and has a certain value. The problem is
to decide how to get the most valuable hoard possible,
if there is a limited amount of space and if Aladdins
mule can carry only a limited amount of weight. If
the solver thinks of the quantities as continuous (if it
makes sense in context to take exactly as much gold
as is wanted), then this is a classical instance of linear
programming, a powerful and efcient technique in
applied mathematics.
On the other hand, if the quantities are discrete
(for example, if the gold is in large bars, and Aladdin
cannot take more than two bars but less than three),
then the problem is in general very difcult. Indeed,
the simplest version of the discrete knapsack problem
is already believed to be computationally quite hard.
In this problem, a list of integers is given as well as a
large target integer. The goal is to achieve the target as
a sum of integer multiples of the given numbers. Any
progress toward nding more efcient solving meth-
ods or toward showing that the current methods are
optimal would be extremely signicant in the eld of
computer science.
Further Reading
Friedman, Erich. Erichs Packing Center. http://www2
Golomb, Solomon. Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns,
Problems, and Packings. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1994.
Kellerer, Hans, Ulrich Pferschy, and David Pisinger.
Knapsack Problems. Berlin: Springer, 2004.
Szpiro, George. Keplers Conjecture: How Some of the
Greatest Minds in History Helped Solve One of the
Oldest Math Problems in the World. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2003.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Polygons; Polyhedra; Puzzles; Shipping.
ematicians, but there is another category of packing
problem particular to the recreational mathematician
(and to the puzzle enthusiast). In these packing puzzles,
the solver tries to t a collection of shapes into a larger
shape; typically the pieces are of a sort that ts together
exactly (for example, packing rectangles into a rectangle
rather than packing circles into a square). An old puzzle
is to determine, for each n, how large a square is needed
to accommodate a 11 square, a 22 square, a 33
square, . . . , and an nn square. The oldest known prob-
lem of this type is the Tangram puzzle that originated
in ancient China, a set of seven simple shapes that can
be rearranged to perfectly ll a square (and many other
shapes). In the twentieth century, a wide range of pack-
ing puzzles involving polyominos (shapes made by glu-
ing together unit squares along their edges) have enjoyed
considerable popularity. Packing puzzles can also be
posed in three dimensions. Three particularly popular
and interesting examples involving blocks illustrate the
concept well. The SlothouberGraatsma puzzle, named
after architects Jan Slothouber and William Graatsma, is
to pack a 333 cube with six 122 blocks (leaving
three 111 holes). The Conway puzzle, named after
mathematician John Conway, is to ll a 555 cube
with 13 124 blocks, one 222 block, one 122
block, and three 113 blocks. A harder puzzle is to
pack 41 124 blocks into a 777 cube (leaving 15
111 holes).
Covering Problems
A class of problems closely related to the rst type of
packing problem discussed are so-called covering prob-
lems. Covering problems are dual to packing prob-
lems; instead of positioning non-overlapping copies of
a shape in a region with minimal leftover space (as in
a packing problem), the solver positions overlapping
copies of a shape so that they completely cover a region
with a minimal overlap. For example, how many circles
of radius 1 does the solver need to completely cover a
circle of radius 10? Covering problems have historically
received less attention than packing problems, perhaps
because packing problems correspond more obviously
to physical situations. Nonetheless, covering problems
have applications: for example, to designing satellite or
cellular networks. Covering a large region as efciently
as possible with circles corresponds to placing security
guards in a large area as efciently as possible so that each
point is within a xed distance of at least one guard.
Packing Problems 747
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Painting incorporates many mathematical
concepts, and mathematics is also used to analyze
Human beings strive to comprehend their reality in
a number of ways, including artistic expression and
mathematics. Examples can be found in many cultures,
such as the long history of interesting mathematical pat-
terns in Islamic art and in the cave paintings of Paleo-
lithic people. Many artists throughout history also have
been mathematicians, such as fteenth-century painter
Piero della Francesca. Modern painter Michael Schul-
theis also worked as a software engineer. He and Mary
Lesser, a painter and printmaker, both explicitly include
mathematical elements like numbers, equations, and
geometric objects in their work. Mathematical con-
cepts, especially geometry, are embedded throughout
the art of painting. Some that are most commonly
used for analyzing paintings involve symmetry, per-
spective, golden ratios and rectangles, and fractals, as
well as fundamental geometric forms, shapes, fractals,
and abstraction. Mathematicians and scientists also use
mathematical methods to determine whether or not
unidentied paintings belong to a particular artist.
M.C. Escher, a graphic artist, used transformational
geometry to create a variety of works that explored sym-
metry. His classic work Day and Night, a 1938 woodcut,
transforms rectangular elds into ying geese and uses
a black and white color scheme to emphasize the tran-
sition of a setting from day to night. While many art-
ists explore symmetry and transformational geometry,
Escher took it further by exploring and emphasizing
mathematical concepts including Convex and Con-
cave, a 1955 lithograph, Two Intersecting Planes, a 1952
woodcut, and Moebius Strip II, a 1963 woodcut. The
use of symmetry as the catalyst for transforming the
plane is one of the more pleasing aspects of his work.
Navajo sand painting also offers many good examples
of various types of symmetry. Four-fold symmetry is
widely found in Native-American painting and other
art forms, and it plays a role in some spiritual and heal-
ing ceremonies.
Early paintings did not use perspective to show a
three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional can-
vas. Giotto di Bondone, a thirteenth-century painter
began to develop depth of eld in some of his work;
but the rst artist credited with a correct represen-
tation of linear perspective is Filippo Brunelleschi
(13771446), who was able to devise a method using
a single vanishing point. An architect and sculptor, he
shared his method with fellow artist Battista Alberti,
who wrote about the mechanics of mathematical per-
spective in painting. Leonardo da Vinci used perspec-
tive in his paintings and explored articial, natural, and
compound perspective in his work. He examined how
the viewers observation point changed the perspec-
tive, and how the perspective could be perceived by
changing where the viewer was observing the painting.
Notably, while perspective and the illusion of depth
were widely used in Western painting from the 1300s
onward, it was not universal. Painters from India rarely
used this technique; rather, they tended to focus more
on patterns and geometric relationships.
Golden Ratio and Golden Rectangles
Consider a rectangle with short side a and a long side
that is a+b. A golden rectangle would be where the
ratio a/b is equal to
a b
In other words, the large rectangle is proportional to
the smaller rectangle formed by side b and side athis is
the golden ratio. Some claim that this proportion inu-
enced many artists and early Greek architecture, while
others note the variability of picking points in a painting
to have golden rectangles superimposed. It is, however, a
way of considering the proportionality of a work.
Fundamental Geometric Forms or Shapes
Geometric forms and shapes are the basis for drawing
and painting. For example, Piet Mondrian (18721944)
explored cubism in his work from black and white lines
and blocks of primary colors that divided the plane.
Other cubists, such as Pablo Picasso, broke with the
Renaissance use of perspective to provide an alternative
conception of form. Cubists made it possible for the
viewer to see multiple points of view simultaneously.
748 Painting
Paul Czanne ignored perspective in some of his work
to construct color on the two-dimensional surface.
Pointillism was used by Georges Seurat (18591891) to
create Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
In pointillism, a series of small, distinct points of color
are used to create a painting that relies on the viewers
eye to blend them into a cohesive form. The brain uses
the dots to create a solid space. The primary colors are
used to create secondary colors for shading and create
the impression of a rich palate of secondary colors.
Art deco is characterized by the use of strong geo-
metric forms that are symmetrical. This style of paint-
ing was popular in the 1920s and 1930s.
Abstraction and Fractals
Abstraction is an important tenet of mathematics. In
mathematical abstraction, the underlying essence of a
mathematical concept is removed from dependence on
any specic, real-world object and generalized so that
it has wider applications. In abstract expressionism,
the artist is expressing purely through color and form,
with no explicit representation intended. However, that
does not mean that abstract art is entirely unstructured.
Fractals are one tool used to quantitatively analyze and
explain what makes some paintings more pleasing than
others. The argument is that, even in an apparently
random abstract work, there is an underlying logic or
structure that the human brain
recognizes as fractal patterns
and that it inherently prefers
over other works that do not
have these patterns. This pref-
erence is perhaps because such
works are more reective of the
geometry of naturally occurring
spaces. For example, physicists
Richard Taylor, Adam Mico-
lich, and David Jonas analyzed
Jackson Pollocks paintings
and found two different fractal
dimensions in his work that are
mathematically and structurally
similar to naturally occurring
phenomena, like snow-covered
vegetation and forest canopies.
In addition to the application of
fractals, mathematical concepts
like open and closed sets have
been used to compare and contrast the work of abstract
expressionist artists like Pollock and Wassily Kandin-
sky to artists like Joseph Turner and Vincent van Gogh,
whose works are among those credited with inspiring
the expressionist movement.
Mathematical Analysis to
Determine Authenticity
Sometimes, the painter of a particular artwork is
unknown or disputed, which affects the study of art
and the monetary valuation of paintings. Hany Farid
and his team created a computer program that uses
wavelets to analyze digital images of paintings and map
the stroke patternssome too small to be seen with the
naked eyethat characterize an artists unique style. In
one case, known drawings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
were compared to ve drawings originally attributed
to him. The analysis determined that the ve drawings
were different from the original eight and also from
each other, suggesting multiple creators. Chinese ink
paintings are an example in which brush strokes are
critical to identication, since they do not have colors
or tones to distinguish style. One successful method,
tested on the work of some of Chinas most renowned
artists, used a mixture of stochastic models. In another
case, fractal geometry was used to question the authen-
ticity of some newly discovered Pollock works, based
Painting 749
French painter Georges Seurat used the painting technique of pointillism to
create Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
on his earlier patterns. Radioactive scans and X-ray
analysis help to authenticate works by well-known and
highly valued masters, such as Johannes Vermeer.
Additional Parallels in Painting
and Mathematics
There are many natural parallels in the work of paint-
ers and mathematicians. In the same way that painters
of different traditions and schools may represent the
same scene in drastically different ways, mathemati-
cians may approach the same problem from a variety
of disciplines or perspectives. There are also varying
degrees of connection to reality in both mathemat-
ics and painting. Applied mathematicians and realist
painters may be primarily concerned with detailed and
faithful representations of the real world in their work,
while abstract painters and theoretical mathemati-
cians often work in ways that are logically coherent
and consistent, but that do not immediately or obvi-
ously connect to the real world. As with art, there is also
subjective appreciation of the beauty of mathematics
and arguments over what is or is not mathematically
valid. Artist Michael Schultheis reported that he was
often inspired by mathematical and scientic writing
on whiteboards from his days as an engineer, and said,
I constantly revise equations with the Japanese callig-
raphy brush, rubbing out an area and thus creating a
window into the equations. I draw and re-draw new
ideas. All of these ideas are analytical. But they also live
in the realm of beauty.
Further Reading
Field, J. V. Piero della Francesca: A Mathematicians Art.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005.
Jensen, Henrik. Mathematics and Painting.
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 27, no. 1 (2002).
Robbin, Tony. Shadows of Reality: The Fourth Dimension
in Relativity, Cubism, and Modern Thought. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006.
Taft, W. Stanley, and James Mayer. The Science of
Paintings. New York: Springer, 2000.
Talasek, J. D. Curators EssayBlending the Languages
of Mathematics and Painting: The Work of Michael
Schultheis. National Academy of Sciences. http://
Linda Hutchison
See Also: Escher, M.C.; Geometry in Society; Golden
Ratio; Greek Mathematics; Renaissance; Sculpture;
Symmetry; Transformations.
Parallel Postulate
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: The parallel postulate led to thousands of
years of investigation and debate.
One of humanitys greatest intellectual achievements
occurred in approximately 300 b.c.e. when the axiom-
atic method was born. The classic text Elements, writ-
ten by the great Greek geometer Euclid of Alexandria,
is a work that shaped the nature of mathematics and
stands to this day as an example of the beauty and ele-
gance of reasoning and proof.
Euclid was among the rst people to understand
that abstract mathematics is based on reasoning, from
assumptions to general conclusions. From a very mod-
est set of assumptionshis ve postulates (called axi-
oms)Euclid set out to argue the truth of a large num-
ber of propositions (called theorems) in geometry.
The rst four of Euclids postulates appear reasonable
enough: (1) any two points determine a unique line; (2)
any line segment can be extended to an innite line; (3)
given any center and radius, a circle can be constructed;
and (4) all right angles are congruent. But the fth pos-
tulate stands out for its comparative complexity:
If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes
the interior angles on the same side less than two right
angles, the two straight lines, if produced indenitely,
meet on that side on which are the angles less than the
two right angles.
This fth postulate has come to be known as the
parallel postulate, in part for its very content, but also
for the key role it plays in proving certain propositions
about parallel lines.
From an historical perspective, Euclid himself
seemed a bit uncomfortable with his fth postulate.
This discomfort is evidenced by the order of his work
in Book I of Elements, where, on his way to eventually
750 Parallel Postulate
proving 48 propositions, he waited until proposition
29 to use the parallel postulate. The rst 28 results rely
only on the rst four postulates and theorems that can
be proven using those assumptions.
Attempts to Prove the Parallel
Postulate as a Theorem
As subsequent mathematicians studied the Elements,
most were troubled in some way by the parallel pos-
tulate. Because of its complexity, as well as its if-then
format, it struck most mathematicians that Euclids
fth postulate really ought to be a theorem. In other
words, the parallel postulate ought to be a consequence
of the rst four postulates, and this fact ought to be
provable, using only those four postulates and any the-
orems that could be derived from them.
Thus, many mathematicians set out to prove the par-
allel postulate as a theorem. It is one of the great tales
of the history of mathematics that every single mathe-
matician who attempted to prove the parallel postulate
failed. Early on, many of these esteemed intellects made
a common error that the rules of logic forbidthey
assumed precisely what they were attempting to prove.
Clearly, if the goal is to prove a statement S, one should
never be allowed to simply assume that S is true. While
certainly no mathematician was so dull as to say, To
prove the parallel postulate, I will assume the parallel
postulate, many people did make the mistake of mak-
ing the assumption that certain obvious statements
were true. For example, they may have assumed state-
ments such as the following:
Parallel lines are everywhere equidistant.
The sum of the measures of the interior
angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
If a line intersects one of two parallel lines,
then it must also intersect the other.
There exists a rectangle (a quadrilateral
having four right angles).
Remarkably, each of the above statements (along with
many others) is equivalent to the parallel postulate. Said
differently, if one of the above statements is called P and
the statement of the parallel postulate is called S, then it
turns out that P is true if and only if S is truethe truth
of one implies the truth of the other, and vice versa.
Hence, when a mathematician said, Using the fact
that any triangles angle sum is 180 degrees, and then
went on to prove the parallel postulate, this argument
was like saying the parallel postulate is true because
the parallel postulate is true. These errors came to
be well understood by the end of the eighteenth cen-
tury, perhaps most prominently in G. S. Klugels 1763
doctoral dissertation in which he debunked 43 awed
proofs of the parallel postulate.
Girolamo Saccheris Developments
Of course, even though nobody had found a valid proof
of the parallel postulate did not mean that one could
not be found, and many continued the search. Around
the turn of the eighteenth century, a Jesuit priest named
Girolamo Saccheri (16771733) made a lasting contri-
bution to the study of the parallel postulate in particular,
and to the history of mathematics in general. Saccheri
considered the unthinkable, as part of his effort to prove
the parallel postulate through a contradiction argument:
what if the parallel postulate is false?
It was well understood by Saccheris time that an
equivalent statement of the parallel postulate was Play-
fairs Postulate, which states that
For any line l and any point P not on l, there exists a
unique line through P parallel to l.
A contradiction argument works by assuming that
the statement one wants to prove true is actually false
and showing that some contradiction follows. Thus, it
is natural to consider Playfairs Postulate and suppose
that there is not be a unique line through P parallel to
l. That is, one would assume that either there is not any
line through P parallel to l, or there is more than one
line through P parallel to l. Saccheri considered a simi-
lar scenario where he had transformed the problem
about parallels to an equivalent one about quadrilater-
als (now called Saccheri quadrilaterals) in which the
quadrilateral has two congruent sides perpendicular to
the base. Fundamentally, Saccheri was trying to prove
that a rectangle existed by showing that the summit
angles of his quadrilateral were also right angles. After
proving that the summit angles were congruent, he
realized that there were three possibilities: the summit
angles were each right angles, each was less than a right
angle, or each was more than a right angle.
While Saccheri was able to rule out the possibility
that the summit angles were obtuse by assuming that
they were obtuse and nding a contradiction, when he
Parallel Postulate 751
assumed that the summit angles were acute, he could
not nd a contradiction. From this assumption, he
went on to prove many strange and unusual theorems.
Unknowingly, Saccheri had discovered a whole new
geometry, one that another mathematician named
Janos Bolyai would call a strange, new universe in
his own investigations. What both of these mathema-
ticians, along with others such as Carl Gauss, started
to realize is that there actually exists a geometry in
which there is more than one line through a point P
not on line l such that each is parallel to l. This realiza-
tion stands as one of the greatest accidental discover-
ies in the history of the human intellect: Saccheri did
not nd what he set out to prove, but instead devel-
oped a collection of ideas that would radically change
Further Reading
Dunham, Douglas. A Tale Both Shocking and
Hyperbolic. Math Horizons 10 (April 2003).
Greenberg M. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries:
Development and History. New York: W. H. Freeman
and Co., 2007.
Socrates Bardi, Jason. The Fifth Postulate: How
Unraveling A Two Thousand Year Old Mystery
Unraveled the Universe. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Axiomatic Systems; Geometry of the
Universe; Proof.
Parallel Processing
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Parallel processing speeds up the run-
time of computing through the use of mathematical
In computing, parallel processing is the action of per-
forming multiple operations or tasks simultaneously
by two or more processing cores. Ideally, this arrange-
ment reduces the overall run-time of a computer pro-
gram because the workload is shared among a number
of enginescentral processing units (CPUs) or cores.
In practice, it is often difcult to distribute the instruc-
tions of a program in such a way that each CPU core
operates continuously and efciently, and without
interfering with other cores. It should be noted that
parallel processing differs from multitasking, in which
a single CPU core provides the effect of simultaneously
executing instructions from several different programs
by rapidly switching between them, or interleaving
their instructions. Modern computers typically include
multi-core processor chips with two or four cores. The
most advanced supercomputers in the early twenty-rst
752 Parallel Processing
Modern Conceptions
oday, mathematicians understand a great
deal about the role of Euclids parallel pos-
tulate. Euclids parallel postulate really is an
axiom, and not a theorem. The parallel postu-
late is independent of the rst four postulates.
One can assume that the parallel postulate is
true, or one can assume that the parallel pos-
tulate is false. Either leads to a perfectly valid
geometry, with the truth of the parallel postu-
late leading to Euclidean geometry. Considering
Playfairs postulate, named for John Playfair, if
one assumes there are no parallel lines through
a point P not on a line l, then this leads to so-
called elliptic geometry, which is like the geom-
etry of the sphere. If instead one assumes that
there is more than one parallel line through a
point P not on l, then this leads to hyperbolic
geometry, a geometry that some believe may
help describe the shape of the universe.
It took approximately 2000 years for human-
kind to fully appreciate the work of Euclid and
to reconcile the fact that Euclid was righthis
fth postulate really is an axiom, and not a
theorem that can be derived. More than this,
the parallel postulate is like a door that opens
the world to one geometryEuclideanwhile
there are other similar postulates that open
doors to different universes, those of elliptic
and hyperbolic geometries.
century may have thousands of multi-core CPU nodes
organized as a cluster of single processor computers and
connected using a special-purpose, high-speed, ber
communication network. Although it is also possible
to perform parallel processing by connecting comput-
ers together using a local area network, or even across
the Internet, this type of parallel processing requires the
individual processing elements to work predominantly
in isolation because of the comparatively slow com-
munication between nodes. Parallel processing requires
data to be shared among processors and thus leads to the
concept of shared memory where multiple processing
cores work with the same physical memory. In large
computer clusters, the memory is usually distributed
across the nodes, with each node storing its own part
of the full problem. Data are exchanged between nodes
using message-passing software, such as Message Pass-
ing Interface (MPI).
Amdahls Law and Gustafsons Law
The speed-up gained through parallelization of a pro-
gram would ideally be linear; for example, doubling the
number of processing elements should halve the run-
time. However, very few parallel algorithms achieve
this target. The majority of parallel programs attain a
near-linear speed-up for small numbers of processing
elements but for large numbers of processors the addi-
tion of further cores provides negligible benets.
The potential speed-up of an algorithm on a par-
allel computing platform is given by Amdahls law,
originally formulated by Gene Amdahl in the 1960s. A
large mathematical or engineering problem will typi-
cally consist of several parallelizable parts and several
non-parallelizable parts. The overall speed-up attain-
able through parallelization is proportional to the size
of the non-parallelizable portion of the program and is
given by the equation
where S is the speed-up of the program (as a factor of
its original sequential runtime), and P is the fraction
that is parallelizable. Amdahls law assumes the size of
the problem is xed and that the relative proportion
of the sequential section is independent of the number
of processors. For example, if the sequential portion of
a program is 10% of the run-time (P = 0.9), no more
than a 10-times speed-up could be obtained, regardless
of how many processors are added. This characteristic
puts an upper limit on the usefulness of adding more
parallel execution units.
Gustafsons law is closely related to Amdahls law,
but is not so restrictive on the assumptions made about
the problem. It can be formulated algebraically as
S P P a P ( ) = ( ) 1
where P is the number of processors, S is the speed-
up, and a is the non-parallelizable proportion of the
Parallel computing is used in a broad range of elds,
including mathematics, engineering, meteorology,
bioinformatics, economics, and nance. However, all
of these applications usually involve performing one
or more of a small set of highly parallelizable opera-
tions, such as sparse or dense linear algebra, spectral
methods, n-body problems, or Monte Carlo simula-
tions. Frequently, the rst step to exploiting the power
of parallel processing is to express a problem in terms
of these basic parallelizable building blocks.
Parallel processing plays a large part in many aspects
of everyday life, such as weather prediction, stock mar-
ket prediction, and the design of cars and aircraft. As
parallel computers become larger and faster, it becomes
feasible to solve larger problems that previously took
too long to run on a single computer.
Further Reading
Barney, Blaise. Introduction to Parallel Computing.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2007.
Gupta, A., A. Grama, G. Karypis, and V. Kumar. An
Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis
of Algorithms. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003.
Jordan, Harry F., and Gita Alaghband. Fundamentals of
Parallel Processing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2002.
Chris D. Cantwell
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Mathematics
Research, Interdisciplinary; Software, Mathematics;
Weather Forecasting.
Parallel Processing 753
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: Various payroll systems employ different
mathematical calculations.
A variety of pay practices date back to ancient times,
including compensation for services in the form of
food, commodities, land, or livestock. Payroll systems
are connected with the history of bookkeeping, which
can be traced back to 4000 b.c.e. Paymasters were
responsible for paying workers. Governments kept
nancial records called pipe rolls at least as early as the
eleventh century. In 1494, Franciscan friar and math-
ematician Luca Pacioli published the book Summa de
Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita,
which contained double-entry bookkeeping. The term
payroll dates back to the seventeenth century, and com-
pensation gradually changed from goods to money. In
the mid-twentieth century, mathematician Grace Mur-
ray Hopper developed a compiler, later known as the
FLOW-MATIC, which could be used for payroll calcu-
lations. When the U.S. Navy could not develop a work-
ing payroll plan, they called Hopper back to active duty.
In the early twenty-rst century, a payroll specialist is
listed by some schools as a career option for mathemat-
ics majors. Accountants and actuaries calculate quan-
titative measures and predictions based on historic
payroll information and salary increases. For example,
the pensionable payroll is calculated as an integral that
takes salary increases into account. In payroll analysis,
the impact of changing salary expenses is compared to
other factors, such as sales or prot.
Some employees are paid each day they work; how-
ever, in many cases, an employer will withhold daily
earnings and pay the cumulative amount earned at a
later time as a lump sum. Common payroll frequencies
include weekly, bi-weekly (every other week), semi-
monthly (twice a month), and monthly. Each of these
frequencies would correspond to receiving 52, 26, 24,
and 12 paychecks each year, respectively, assuming a
full year of work. Some seasonal jobs pay only for part
of the year, but still use the standard payroll frequen-
cies. For example, teachers often receive pay for only
nine months. Some schools offer for that pay to be
spread over a full year to guarantee consistent income
during the summer months when teachers are not
actually working.
On payday, the employee will receive earned wages
for the previous pay period. Rather than receiving cash,
sometimes an employee will receive a check that can
be exchanged for an equivalent amount of cash. Other
times, an employee will receive income as a direct
deposit where the income is automatically deposited
into the employees checking or savings account.
Earning Money
Some employees work for an hourly wagefor every
hour of work they perform, they get paid a specied
amount of money. Suppose that a worker had an hourly
wage of $10 and worked for 20 hours. To nd the total
amount of the paycheck, the worker would multiply
the hourly wage by the number of hours worked. For
example, $10 20 =$200.
Sometimes, contracts or laws dictate the number
of hours a person can work per week andshould
they work more than that amounthis or her income
increases. For example, in the United States, 40 hours
is a common workweek. A person working over 40
hours often gets paid time and a half or wage
and a half for the number of hours over 40 that he
or she works (called overtime). Again, assuming
an hourly wage of $10, an employee who worked 48
hours in one week would earn $10 40 =$400 for
the rst 40 hours they worked. The eight hours he or
she worked beyond 40 hours would earn him or her
extra money. If the employee earns time and a half,
the time would be multiplied by 1.5 before being mul-
tiplied by his or her hourly wage. If he or she earns
wage and a half, the wage would be multiplied by
1.5 before being multiplied by the number of hours
worked beyond 40. In reality, the method of calculat-
ing overtime earnings is irrelevant since multiplication
is associative. Time and a half would be calculated as
$ . $ $ 10 1 5 8 10 12 120 ( ) = = , and wage and a half
would be calculated as $ . $ $ 10 1 5 8 15 8 120 ( ) = = .
The total earnings for that week would be found by
taking the sum of these wages: $400 +$120 =$520.
Another method for earning money is a salary.
Unlike the hourly wage, a salary is a predetermined
amount of money that the worker earns regardless of
how long (or how short) it takes the worker to accom-
plish those tasks. Often, salary is determined based on
754 Payroll
how much a person will make over a years time. How-
ever, rarely does a person only receive one paycheck a
year. The amount of money earned on each paycheck
is calculated by taking the salary and dividing it by the
number of pay periods in a year. That number will vary
depending on how often a person gets paid. Suppose
an employee agreed to work for a salary of $31,200
each year. Looking at the common pay periods, weekly,
bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly, this employee
would earn $600, $1,200, $1,300, or $2,600, respec-
tively, for each paycheck during the year.
A worker earning commission does not actually
get paid based on how long it takes to do the job, but
by how productive the worker is (oftentimes based
on the amount of items the worker sells). Sometimes,
commission is a at fee per item sold, other times, it
is a percentage of sales. For example, if an employee
earned 7% commission on sales and sold $1,250
worth of merchandise on a given day, then pay would
be calculated $1,250 7%=$1,250 0.07 =$87.50.
Some jobs combine an hourly rate and commis-
sionthe employee earns a certain amount of money
for every hour they are at the job, but then also earns
commission on top of that wage to determine the
total money earned.
Payroll Withholdings
Upon receipt of a paycheck or notice of direct deposit,
usually the amount paid to the employee (the net
pay) is less than what is calculated as his or her earn-
ings for the pay period (the gross pay). Before being
issued money, an employee may have his or her income
reduced by certain amountssome voluntary, others
involuntary. In order to pay for various levels of gov-
ernment (and the benets they offer), income and
payroll taxes are frequently withheld from earnings.
Some employees pay premiums for different insur-
ances (such as medical, life, or disability) from their
pay. Sometimes, money is withheld as a long-term
savings for eventual retirement of the employee. Job-
related expenses can also be withheld, such as for dues
or charges for employee uniforms.
Further Reading
Booth, Phillip, Robert Chadburn, Steven Haberman,
Dewi James, Zaki Khorasanee, Robert Plumb, and
Ben Rickayzen. Modern Actuarial Theory and Practice.
2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2004.
Bragg, Steven M. Essentials of Payroll: Management and
Accounting. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.
Haug, Leonard. The History of Payroll in the U.S. San
Antonio, TX: American Payroll Association, 2000.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Accounting; Budgeting; Income Tax; Money.
Pearl Harbor,
Attack on
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematicians were involved in both the
planning of and the response to Pearl Harbor.
The attack on Pearl Harbor, a major engagement of
World War II and the impetus for the United States
entry into the war, took place early Sunday morning,
December 7, 1941, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The
Japanese Navy, commanded by Admiral Isoroku Yama-
moto, planned and executed the surprise attack against
the U.S. naval base and nearby army air elds. As a
result, the United States declared war on Japan. In his
address to Congress, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
famously proclaimed December 7 a date which will
live in infamy.
Both leading up to and as a result of the attack on
Pearl Harbor, mathematicians in Japan and the United
States mobilized for the war. For instance, after Pearl
Harbor, the American Mathematical Society and the
Mathematical Association of America converted their
War Preparedness Committee to a War Policy Com-
mittee to increase research on mathematical prob-
lems for military or naval science, or rearmament
and to strengthen mathematics education in order to
prepare undergraduate students for military service.
The attack has also been surrounded by speculation
as to how the United States could have been caught off
guard so easily. The naval base had been designed as
nearly impenetrable to surprise attack because of the
geography and geometry of the island. However, new
Pearl Harbor, Attack on 755
technologies made the attack possible: the aircraft car-
rier could bring low-ying aircraft within attack range,
and the Japanese development of shallow-running
torpedoes could skim the surface of the harbors rela-
tively shallow water. One of the largest controversies
involves U.S. efforts to decode Japanese communica-
tions that may have given forewarning of the attack.
Japanese Mathematicians
Leading up to Pearl Harbor, the number of Japanese
graduate students increased and several studied in Ger-
many. Mathematicians applied lattice theory and logic
to the design of circuits. In the 1930s, both the United
States and Japan successfully built a cyclotron, an early
particle accelerator. Mathematics was also important in
electrical engineering and airplane design. With a focus
on aerodynamics and science and technology policy,
the Japanese Technology Board was founded in 1941.
A statistical institute contributed to war production.
Japanese cryptologists also created many variations of
military codes that were in use prior to Pearl Harbor,
such as Kaigun AngoSho D, later referred to as JN-
25B by cryptanalysts in the United States. Before com-
mitting to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Navy
conducted feasibility studies that included calculations
and considerations of their current military resources;
the need for a longer, circuitous route outside the cus-
tomary naval trafc lanes to avoid detection by both
military and civilian ships,; the probability
of encountering severe winter storms and
critical data obtained from spies in Hawaii,
such as the patterns of military activity
at Pearl Harbor. They concluded that the
attack was possible, if dangerous, and they
originally intended to specically target
U.S. aircraft carriers to optimize the long-
term effects of the attack. Experimentation
and simulated training attacks yielded a
satisfactory plan only a few weeks before
the event.
U.S. Mathematicians
In the United States, mathematicians
conducted ballistics research at Aber-
deen Proving Ground. Max Munk used
the calculus of variations in airfoil design
at the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, a precursor to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Tech-
nology such as radar, developed by scientists and
mathematicians including Christian Doppler and Luis
Alvarez, served military uses, though it was still in its
infancy at the time of Pearl Harbor. Responsibility for
compiling codes for military use and using cryptology
to decipher codes shifted from Military Intelligence
to the Army Signal Corps in 1929. William Friedman
was the chief civilian cryptologist at the Signal Intel-
ligence Service. The U.S. Army at that time realized
the importance of mathematics in deciphering, and
the rst three civilian cryptanalysts hired by the U.S.
Army were mathematics teachers.
Many wonder how the United States could not have
known of the impending Japanese attack, which had
been planned and practiced months in advance. The
new radar installation on Opana Point did, in fact,
detect the incoming Japanese attack planes, but they
were ultimately mistaken for a group of U.S. planes
that were due to arrive from the mainland that morn-
ing. A U.S. destroyer also spotted a Japanese submarine
attempting to enter the harbor, which it reported, but
the information was not acted upon immediately. Both
would have given at least short-term warnings to the
ships and personnel. However, much of the account-
ability is assigned to the U.S. and Japanese intelligence
756 Pearl Harbor, Attack on
A photo taken from a Japanese plane during the Pearl Harbor
torpedo attack on ships moored on both sides of Ford Island.
and counter-intelligence efforts. Correspondence
declassied many years after the war suggests that the
United States could at least partially understand the
codes needed to monitor Japanese naval movements
on the eve of Pearl Harbor. While U.S. and British
cryptanalysts had successfully broken some Japanese
codes, such as the MAGIC code, the United States was
not able to determine from those messages that the
attack was about to happen. The broken codes were the
ones used primarily for diplomatic messages sent by
the Japanese Foreign Ofce and military strategy was
rarely shared with the Japanese Foreign Ofce. The U.S.
Navy had three cryptanalysis centers devoted to break-
ing Japanese naval codes. Prior to the attack, American
cryptanalysts had been using trafc analysis to follow
Japanese naval movements. Trafc analysis is the pro-
cess of looking for patterns in communications to infer
if an attack is about to occur. According to the National
Security Agency, the Japanese, aware that their commu-
nications were being monitored, issued dummy trafc
to mislead the eavesdroppers into thinking that some
of the ships sailing through the North Pacic were
still in home waters. Additionally, as Japanese forces
were preparing for the attack, radio trafc was limited,
greatly reducing the ability of American intelligence to
determine a pattern. These efforts to stymie cryptolo-
gists were effective in keeping the impending attack a
secret from the United States. Mathematicians and his-
torians continue to analyze whether signal intelligence
techniques could have revealed Japans intentions.
Further Reading
Boo-Bavnbek, Bernhelm, and Jens Hyrup. Mathematics
and War. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhuser, 2003.
National Security Agency. Pearl Harbor Review. http://
center_crypt_history/pearl_harbor_review. Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?
Wilford, Timothy. Decoding Pearl Harbor: USN
Cryptanalysis and the Challenge of JN-25B in 1941.
The Northern Mariner XII, no. 1 (2002).
Calli A. Holaway
Michael G. Lovorn
See Also: Aircraft Design; Artillery; Coding and
Encryption; Predicting Attacks; World War II.
Pensions, IRAs, and
Social Security
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: The development and allocation of
retirement income can involve signicant
mathematical analysis.
Planning for retirement is one of the most important
nancial responsibilities a person faces. Ideally, after
working for several decades, a person will be in a nan-
cial position to sustain a desired lifestyle during retire-
ment. In the United States, the source of retirement
income can be from a combination of one or more of
the following: Social Security; an employer-sponsored
pension plan; individual savings, including individual
retirement accounts (IRAs); or other mechanisms.
The U.S. government has provided military pensions
to disabled veterans and widows since the Revolution-
ary War. This benet expanded after the U.S. Civil War
to include nearly any veteran who had served honor-
ably for some minimum time. Southern states also
paid Confederate veterans.
By the early twentieth century, state, municipal,
and city governments were paying pensions to their
employees, especially remen and policemen. Teachers
were the next large group to receive benets. Private
pensions started in the late nineteenth century with
the American Express Company and several railroads.
When the 1926 Revenue Act exempted pension trust
income from taxes, companies had a new incentive
to provide employee pensions, which became com-
monplace by the 1930s. Social Security was designed
in 1935 to extend pension benets to those not cov-
ered by a private pension plan. In the early twenty-rst
century, Social Security benets are the main source of
retirement income for most retirees, though this var-
ies greatly depending on income from earnings, assets,
and private pensions.
Each of these potential sources of retirement income
can involve signicant mathematical and nancial
analysis to estimate an individuals retirement needs,
determine necessary pre-retirement nancial plan-
ning, and evaluate the potential uncertainty associ-
ated with personal and economic factors. Specialized
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 757
mathematicians known as actuaries work for gov-
ernments and industries to design nancially sound
insurance and pension programs that help meet peo-
ples retirement needs.
At the same time, as the professionals at the Ameri-
can Pension Corporation (a major pension adminis-
trator) assert, good actuaries are more than just math-
ematicians[they] take great pride in [their] ability
to dissect and communicate the intricacies of pension
administration in laymans language.
A pension provides a stream of income during retire-
ment. It is typically sponsored by a persons employer
either a corporation or governmental entity. The
amount and timing of the retirement income stream
provided by a pension are a function of several fac-
tors, such as the workers salary, the proportion of that
salary invested into the pension plan, any matching
funds or contributions to the pension fund provided
by the employer, the length of the workers tenure with
the employer, and the investment performance of the
pension fund. There are two types of pension plans:
dened-benet (DB), and dened-contribution (DC).
DB plans, which have to some extent been phased out
in the private sector but are still common in the public
sector, dene the benets that will be paid to the worker
during retirement. Assuming the solvency of the pen-
sion plana signicant issue in itselfa worker cov-
ered under a DB plan is guaranteed to receive the ben-
ets dened by the plan.
Because of potential difculties in adequately
funding DB plans, many (particularly private sector)
employers converted to DC plans during the last sev-
eral decades of the twentieth century. With DC plans,
the retirement benets are not specied; rather, the
plan denes the periodic contributions to be invested
during the workers life, and then the retiree receives
an income stream based on the actual accumulated
amount of the investment fund. Relative to DB plans,
this means that the employers risk of inadequate
retirement benet funding is reduced, and that some
risk has been transferred to the employee, who faces an
uncertain pension income stream.
Mathematics of Pensions
The mathematics associated with pensions involves
both future (or accumulated) value and present
value concepts. The general idea is that a worker (or the
sponsoring employer) accumulates a retirement fund by
setting aside and investing periodic amounts during the
working years. Then, upon retirement, this accumulated
amount ideally represents sufcient funds with which to
provide the retiree an adequate stream of income until
death. This retirement income stream may be obtained
by leaving the funds invested and withdrawing a certain
amount per year, or through the purchase of an annuity,
which provides the payment stream. In most cases, these
two approaches are mathematically equivalent.
While somewhat straightforward conceptually,
achieving an adequately funded and effective retirement
plan (especially DB plans, which generally involve more
sophisticated and extensive mathematical and nancial
considerations than DC plans) is a challenging mathe-
matical and actuarial problem. Some of the parameters
involved in a pension analysis, and for which assump-
tions must be made, include the following:
1. Periodic contributions to the pension
investment fundusually expressed as
a percentage of worker salary during
2. Size of the retirement income stream
needed or desiredgenerally estimated as a
percentage of projected salary immediately
prior to retirement.
3. Rate of return on the invested retirement
funds, both before and after retirement.
4. Changes in worker salary throughout
5. Impact of ination on the workers buying
6. Taxation rules and regulations, both during
employment and in retirement.
7. Longevity and mortality.
Along with these assumptions, actuaries use math-
ematics and computer modeling to determine poten-
tial answers to questions such as how much must a
worker (or employer) invest every month (or year)
into a retirement plan in order to successfully achieve
that workers nancial goals in retirement?
IRAs and Social Security
In addition to having an employer-sponsored pension
plan, a worker can supplement retiree income with
758 Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
personal savings. One such mechanism is one or more
types of IRA. While the rules surrounding IRAs are
extensive, they can have potential advantages for some
people, including certain tax-advantaged properties.
Social Security is a particularly contentious issue in
the twenty-rst century. Some have compared Social
Security to a type of scam called a Ponzi scheme
in which a growing pool of new investors money is
used to pay the promised returns to previous inves-
tors. Despite supercial resemblances (for example,
current taxpayer money is used to pay variable ben-
ets to others), Social Security is not a savings plan
or investment account, but rather a tax, which nul-
lies the comparison. However, there have been pro-
posals to replace Social Security with an investment
program, using a variety of calculations and probabi-
listic mathematical models to try to demonstrate its
cost-effectiveness and the likelihood of the systems
impending failure.
Another major nancial issue related to social secu-
rity is the potential misuse of Social Security numbers.
Initially issued to track workers for taxation and ben-
ets, these nine-digit numbers are now assigned rou-
tinely at birth and have grown over time into the role
of a unique identier for creditors, schools, employers,
and others who want to assign codes to individuals.
Modern identity theft, which usually involves a person
using a fake or stolen social security number to obtain
credit or other benets, has been on the rise as a result
of Internet growth and the widespread collection of
personal data. Mathematicians have calculated that
a person making up a false social security number in
2010 has about a 50% chance of matching a real num-
ber. Faking multiple numbers results in an almost-
guaranteed match very quickly.
These calculations have been used to counter
thieves assertions that they did not know numbers
they were using were real. Social Security numbers
themselves are not random (for example, the rst
three digits are a numerical code for geographic loca-
tion), and mathematical and computer methods have
used publicly available data, like date and place of
birth, to successfully predict most or all of a persons
social security number. There are also concerns that
the government will run out of Social Security num-
bers, which are not reused after a person dies. Some
calculations suggest that the supply will be exhausted
early in rst half of the twenty-second century. Alter-
native proposals include using alphanumeric or hexa-
decimal strings, which offer more permutations for
a series of nine digits. Others suggest including a
security checksum in the number to decrease fraudu-
lent use.
Further Reading
Anderson, Arthur. Pension Mathematics for Actuaries.
Winsted, CT: ACTEX Publications, 2006.
Harding, Ann, and Anil Gupta. Modeling our Future:
Population Ageing, Social Security and Taxation.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science, 2007.
Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security 759
Stochastic Variables
hat makes such a quantitative analysis
particularly challenging is that many of
these parameters are stochastic rather than
deterministictheir future values are uncer-
tain, and they can (and do) change value over
time. Data analysis and probability concepts
are used to account for this uncertainty. For
example, ination and investment rate of return
are both stochastic variables, with consider-
able uncertainty regarding their values in both
the short- and long-term.
Estimates of possible future values and the
relative probabilities or likelihoods of those val-
ues can be made by analyzing historical data.
These estimates can then be used to project
future scenarios and quantify the potential
impact of possible future values on the retire-
ment funding process.
Another critical stochastic variable in retire-
ment planning is the age at death of the retiree.
The number of years that a retiree lives beyond
the date of retirement is an essential factor in
determining the total amount of income needed
during the retirement years. Actuaries research
and analyze historical mortality data for people
with various identiable attributes. From these
analyses, a probability distribution of possible
ages at death, with their relative likelihoods,
can be developed.
Muksian, Robert. Mathematics of Interest Rates,
Insurance, Social Security, and Pensions. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
Rick Gorvett
See Also: Budgeting; Forecasting; Loans; Money;
Mutual Funds.
Percussion Instruments
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Summary: The vibrations that emanate from
percussion instruments vary mathematically based on
the type of instrument.
Percussion instruments are characterized by vibra-
tions initiated by striking a tube, rod, membrane, bell,
or similar object. Percussion instruments are almost
certainly the oldest form of musical instrument in
human history. The archeological record of percus-
sion instruments, in particular the
bianzhong bells of ancient China,
give clues to the history of music
theory. From a mathematical point
of view, percussion instruments are
of special interest becauseunlike
other types of instruments, such as
string and wind instrumentsthe
resonant overtones typically do not
follow the harmonic series. In the
last half of the twentieth century, a
question of great interest in applied
mathematics has been the famous
inverse problem: can one hear the
shape of a drum?
Rods and Bars
Some percussion instruments pro-
duce a distinct pitch by the vibration
of a rod or bar. Examples included
the tuning fork (a U-shaped metal
rod suspended at its center), a
music box (a metal bar suspended at one end), and the
melodic percussion instruments such as the xylophone
and marimba (suspended at two non-vibrating points
or nodes along the length of metal or wooden bars).
Like vibrating strings, the frequency of the bars vibra-
tion and the pitch of the musical sound it produces are
determined by its physical dimensions. In contrast to
the string in which the frequency varies inversely with
the length, the vibrating bar has a frequency that var-
ies with the square of the length. The resonant over-
tone frequencies f
of the vibrating bar are related to
the fundamental frequency f
by the formula
f n f
where the constant is determined by the shape and
material of the bar.
In contrast with the harmonic over-
tone series of vibrating strings, f n f
( )
, these inhar-
monic overtones give percussion instruments their
distinct metallic timbre. The overtones of vibrating
bars decay at different rates, with rapid dissipation of
the higher overtones responsible for the sharp, metal-
lic attack, while the lower overtones persist longer. The
bars of the marimba are often thinned at the center,
760 Percussion Instruments
The ancient bianzhong bell set on display at the Hubei Provincial
Museum. Each bell can produce two pitches when struck.
effectively lowering the pitch of the certain overtones,
in accord with the harmonic series.
Like the vibrating bar instruments, the classic church
bell possesses highly non-harmonic overtones. These
are typically tuned by thinning the walls of the bell
along the circumference at certain heights. A distinc-
tive feature in the sound comes from the fact that apart
from the fundamental pitch, the predominant overtone
of the church bell sounds as the minor third above the
prevailing tone. This feature accounts for the somber
nature of the sound.
The bianzhong bells of ancient China were con-
structed in a manner that produced two pitches for
each bell, depending on the location at which it was
struck. In the 1970s, a set of 65 such bells were discov-
ered during the excavation of the tomb of Marquis Yi
in the Hubei Provence. The inscriptions on the bells
make it clear that octave equivalence and scale theory
were known in China as early as 460 b.c.e.
Drums are perhaps the most common percussion
instrument. Consisting of vibrating membranes
(called the drum heads) stretched over one or both
ends of a circular cylinder, drums exhibit a unique
mode of vibration, which accounts for their char-
acteristic sound. Mathematical models of vibrating
drumheads provide a fascinating application of par-
tial differential equations. The inharmonic overtone
frequencies are distributed more densely than for
vibrating strings or rods. Further, each overtone is
associated with a particular vibration pattern of the
drum head. These regions can be characterized by the
non-vibrating curves (called nodes) that arrange
themselves in concentric circles and diameters of the
drum head.
An important question in the study of spectral
geometry asks: Can one hear the shape of a drum?
In other words, can mathematical techniques be used
to work backwards from the overtone frequencies to
determine the shape of the drumhead that caused the
vibration? The answer, as it turns out, is not always.
Further Reading
Cipra, Barry. You Cant Always Hear the Shape of a
Drum. In Whats Happening in the Mathematical
Sciences. Vol. 1. New Haven, CT: American
Mathematical Society, 1993.
Jing, M. A Theoretical Study of the Vibration and
Acoustics of Ancient Chinese Bells. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 114, no. 3 (2003).
Rossing, Thomas, D. The Science of Percussion Instruments.
Singapore: World Scientic Publications, 2000.
Sundberg, Johan. The Science of Musical Sounds. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991.
Eric Barth
See Also: Geometry of Music; Harmonics; Scales;
Wind Instruments.
Perimeter and
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Measuring perimeter and circumference
is a geometric task with a long history of methods.
Measurements of length and distance abound in daily
life, from the height of a child to the distance from
home to the store. Perimeter and circumference are
types of length measurements. The perimeter of a
geometric entity is the path that surrounds its area.
The word derives from its Greek roots peri (meaning
around) and from meter (meaning measure). In
stricter mathematical sense, perimeter is dened as the
length of the curve constituting the boundary of a two-
dimensional, planar closed surface.
For example, the perimeter of a square whose side
measures length a is 4a. Perimeter is important for
applications such as landscaping projects, construc-
tion, and building fences. Circumference is dened as
the perimeter of a circle. The circumference of a circle
of radius (r) is 2r. The circumference of a circle has
played a very important role throughout history in the
approximation of the mathematical constant , which
was dened as the ratio of the circumference (C) of the
Perimeter and Circumference 761
circle to its diameter (d). Perhaps the most common
reference to circumference that most people encounter
regularly is the circumference of ones waistthe size
of their waist.
The waist circumference is used as a measurement
for some clothing and is also associated with type II
diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and other cardio-
vascular diseases. Students investigate perimeter begin-
ning in primary school, and middle grade students
explore circumference. Students formulate the length
of general curves, referred to as the arc length or rec-
tication, as integrals in calculus courses.
There is a long history of computations involving the
perimeter or circumference of gures. One way was
to measure length was with ropes. For instance, state-
ments about rope measurements and the Pythago-
rean theorem can be found in Katyayanas Sulbasutra.
Another way was to compare the length of two g-
ures. A Babylonian clay tablet was discovered in 1936
and was noted as relating the hexagon perimeter to
0;57,36 (in base 60), or 24/25 times the circumference
of a circumscribed circle. Mathematicians like Archi-
medes of Syracuse estimated the circumference or a
value for by using the perimeters of inscribed and
circumscribed polygons with many sides. For exam-
ple, Archimedes was known to have used 96-sided
polygons. Mahavira estimated the circumference of
an ellipse. In ancient times, the semiperimeter, or half
the perimeter, was useful in computing many geo-
metrical properties of polygons such as altitude, exra-
dius, and inradius of a triangle. The semiperimeter
also appears in Heron of Alexandrias formula for the
area of a triangle. The semiperimeter of a rectangle is
the sum of the length plus the height and is noted as
appearing on Babylonian clay tablets. Brahmagupta
used the semiperimeter of a quadrilaterial in the
computation of its area.
The circle is a special geometric gure, for it is the
curve, given a xed perimeter, which encompasses the
maximum surface area. This is known as the isoperi-
metric problem. Proclus commented that, a miscon-
ception is held by geographers who infer the size of a
city from the length of its walls. The Babylonians may
have worked on related problems in their investiga-
tions of solutions to quadratic equations generated by
the setting of the semiperimeter and area to constants.
The isoperimetric problem was partially solved by the
Greek mathematician Zenodorus.
Pappus of Alexandria compared the areas of g-
ures with a xed perimeter. In the tenth century, Abu
Jafar al-Khazin proved that an equilateral triangle has
greater area than isosceles or scalene triangles of the
same xed perimeter. Many mathematicians worked
on the isoperimetric problem using a variety of tech-
niques including methods from geometry, analysis,
vectors, and calculus. In 1842, a German mathemati-
cian named Jakob Steiner used geometric arguments
to present ve proofs of the theorem. However, Steiner
had assumed that a solution was possible, which was a
subtle aw to otherwise creative arguments. Karl Wei-
erstrass proved the existence of such solutions in 1879.
Other mathematicians proved the results in a variety
of other ways.
Historical Applications and Computations
One application of circumference of a circle is the
computation of the Earths circumference. Eratos-
thenes of Cyrene, in 240 b.c.e., computed the Earths
circumference using trigonometry and the angle of
elevation of the sun at noon in Alexandria and Syene.
He made an assumption that the Earth and the sun
were perfect spheres and that the sun was so far away
that its rays hitting the Earth could be considered par-
allel. By measuring the shadows thrown by sticks on
the summer solstice, Eratosthenes derived a formula
to measure the circumference of the Earth and deter-
762 Perimeter and Circumference
The curve that forms the shape of a nautilus shell is
known as a logarithmic spiral or equiangular spiral.
mined it to be 252,000 stadia. Teachers in mathematics
classrooms share Eratostheness calculation in order
to highlight his ingenuity and showcase the power of
setting up proportions and applying the congruence
of alternate interior angles of parallel lines. There is
debate about the value of a stadia, but historians esti-
mate that Eratosthenes was correct within a 2% to
15% margin of error. The Indian mathematician Ary-
abhata made revolutionary contributions toward the
understanding of astronomy at the turn of the fth
century. His calculations on , the circumference of
Earth, and the length of the solar day were remarkably
close approximations.
The middle of the seventeenth century marked a
fruitful time in the history of calculating the length
of general curves. For instance, the curve that forms
the shape of a nautilus shell is called the logarithmic
spiral or equiangular spiral. Evangelista Torricelli
described its length using geometric methods. Chris-
topher Wren published the rectication of the cycloid
curve. Hendrik van Heuraet and Pierre de Fermat inde-
pendently explored ideas that would eventually lead to
the integral formula of arc length.
In the twentieth century, methods from fractals,
popularized by Benoit Mandelbrot, have proven useful
in modeling objects like a coastline. One example that
is regularly examined in mathematics classrooms is the
Koch snowake, named for Helge von Koch, an exam-
ple of a curve that bounds a region with nite area yet
has innite perimeter.
Further Reading
Blasjo, Viktor. The Isoperimetric Problem. The
American Mathematical Monthly 112, no. 6 (2005).
Briggs, William. Lessons From the Greeks and
Computers. Mathematics Magazine 55, no. 1 (1982).
Dunham, William. Herons Formula for Triangular
Area. In Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems
of Mathematics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1990.
Steinhaus, H. Mathematical Snapshots. 3rd ed. New York:
Dover, 1999.
Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and
Interesting Geometry. London: Penguin, 1991.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Curves; Mapping Coastlines; Measurements,
Length; Pi; Polygons.
Permutations and
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability; Number and
Summary: For centuries, mathematicians have
posed and studied problems that involve various
arrangements or groupings of sets of objects, which
are known as permutations and combinations.
In a very broad sense, combinatorics is about counting.
The mathematical discipline of combinatorics addresses
the enumeration, permutation, and combination of
sets of objects, as well as their relations and properties.
Combinatorial problems can be found in many areas
of pure and applied mathematics, including algebra,
topology, geometry, probability, graph theory, optimi-
zation, computer science, and statistical physics. One
of the earliest problems in combinatorics is found in
the work of Greek biographer Plutarch, who described
mathematician Xenocrates of Chalcedons work on
calculating how many syllables could be produced by
taking combinations of the letters of the alphabet. This
occurred between 400 and 300 b.c.e. Millennia later,
mathematician William Gowers won the 1998 Fields
Medal, widely regarded as the most prestigious prize in
mathematics, for his contributions to functional anal-
ysis, making extensive use of methods from combina-
tion theory. In twenty-rst-century school curricula,
primary school children study number combinations
to facilitate learning basic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. High school
students often study permutations and combinations
as counting techniques. Permutations and combina-
tions were fundamental for cracking the World War II
Enigma code and continue to remain vital in cryptog-
raphy, among other elds.
In mathematical elds like algebraic group theory,
combinatorics, or probability, the term permutation
has several meanings that are all essentially related
to the idea of rearranging, ordering, or permuting
some kind of mathematical object. When paired with
Permutations and Combinations 763
combinations, particularly in primary and secondary
curricula, a permutation is usually thought of as an
ordered arrangement of some set or subset of objects.
For example, for the set of objects A, B, and C, there
are six permutations of the set: {A, B, C}, {A, C, B},
{B, A, C}, {B, C, A}, {C, A, B}, and {C, B, A}. A combina-
tion is then a subset of objects selected from a larger
set, where order does not matter. For example, for
the set A, B, and C, one combination of two objects is
{A, B}. In some applications, the objects in a combina-
tion are thought of as being chosen sequentially. How-
ever, since order does not matter, the selection {B, A}
would represent the same combination as {A, B}. All
possible two-object combinations are {A, B}, {B, C},
{A, C}. Mathematicians Blaise Pascal and Gottfried
Leibniz used the specic term combinations begin-
ning in the seventeenth century, while Jacob Bernoulli
is often credited with introducing the term permuta-
tions a short while later. Some alternatively trace it to
Thomas Strode in the seventeenth century.
History and Early Applications
The real-world motivation for many early problems
involving what are now called combinations and per-
mutations was religion. For example, Jaina, Christian,
and Jewish scholars were interested in letter permuta-
tions, which some believed had spiritual power. In the
ninth century, the Jaina mathematician Mahavira dis-
cussed rules for using permutations and combinations.
In the tenth century, Rabbi Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra
used combinations to study the conjunction of planets.
Another motivator was games of chance, which also
drove probability theory. Archaeological evidence sug-
gests that gambling has been around since the dawn of
humankind, and many games rely on players achieving
special combinations of symbols or objects like knuck-
lebones, sticks, or polyhedral dice. Surviving writings
show that Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Islamic, and per-
haps Chinese scholars and mathematicians studied
permutations and combinations.
The Egyptian game Hounds and Jackals used a set
of throw sticks that resulted in combinations of out-
comes that determined how far a player might move.
In the sixth century b.c.e., Hindus discussed combina-
tions of six tastes: sweet, acid, saline, pungent, bitter,
and astringent. Some consider the Chinese divination
text I-Ching to be part of the literature on combina-
tions and permutations since it discussed arrangements
sets of trigram and hexagram symbols. Versions date
to at least 400300 b.c.e. In the sixth century, Roman
philosopher Anicius Manlius Severinus Bothius pre-
sented a rule for nding the possible combinations of
objects taken two at a time from some set.
In the tenth and eleventh centuries, mathematicians
like Acharya Hemachandra explored the how many
combinations of short and long syllables were possi-
ble in a line of text with a xed length, and Bhaskaras
treatise Bhaskaracharyai contained an entire chapter
devoted to combinations, among other chapters on
topics like arithmetic, geometry, and progressions.
Both al-Marrakushi ibn Al-Banna and Kamal al-Din
Abul Hasan Muhammad Al-Farisi explored the rela-
tionship between polygonal numbers, the binomial
theorem, and combinations. Al-Farisi used what histo-
rians consider a form of induction to show the relation-
ship between triangular numbers (numbers that can be
represented by an equilateral triangular grid of points
such as, 1, 3, 6, 10), and the combinations of subsets
of objects drawn from a larger set. Miyar al-aqul ibn
Sina (Avicenna) developed a system of combinations
of simple machines to classify complex mechanisms.
The original concept of simple machines is attrib-
uted to mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse. A
group might be machines containing rollers and levers,
chosen from a larger set of possibilities that included
windlasses, pulleys, rollers, levers, and other compo-
nents. Starting in the Renaissance, the most commonly
recognized set of six simple machines was the lever,
inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, wedge, and pulley.
Students continue to discuss more complex machines
as combinations of simple machines.
In Europe, beginning around the twelfth century
and up through the nineteenth century, many math-
ematicians such as Levi ben Gerson, Bernoulli, Leib-
niz, Pascal, Pierre Fermat, Abraham de Moivre, George
Boole, and John Venn worked on the development of
combinations and permutations, frequently in the con-
text of probability theory. For example, Johann Buteo
(or Jean Borell) discussed the possible throws of four
dice as well as locks with movable combination cylin-
ders in his sixteenth-century work Logistica.
Bernoullis Ars Conjectandi collected knowledge of
permutations and combinations through the seven-
teenth century and was a popular combinatorics book
in the eighteenth century. However, standard notation
for permutations and combinations was still emerging.
764 Permutations and Combinations
A mathematical function called a factorial is used to
compute the number of possible permutations and
combinations. Let n! equal
n n n n ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 3 2 1 . . . .
For example, 5! = 5 4 3 2 1 = 120. Further, 0! is
dened to be 1. Bernoulli had proved many factorial
results, like the fact that n! gives the number of permu-
tations of n objects. The use of the exclamation point
to indicate a factorial, which was more convenient for
printers of the day than some older notations, has been
attributed to mathematician Christian Kramp. He
worked in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth cen-
turies. The general rule for nding permutations and
combinations is sometimes attributed to Bernoulli and
sometimes to sixteenth and seventeenth century math-
ematician Pierre Hrigone, who is also famed for intro-
ducing a variety of mathematical and logical notations.
However, mathematicians used their own methods for
indicating permutations and combinations well into
the nineteenth century. For example, Thomas Harriots
seventeenth-century work Ars Analyticae Praxis con-
tained unique symbolism for displaying the combina-
torial process of nding binomial products.
In the notation common in the twentieth and twenty-
rst centuries, the number of permutations is stated as
nPr where n is the total number of objects in a set and r
is the number of objects selected from n and permuted,
n r
n r
( )
The number of combinations is nCr, which is read
as n choose r,
n r
r n r
( )
! !
The partial origins of this approach may perhaps be
traced to nineteenth-century amateur mathematician
Jean Argand, who used (m, n) to represent combina-
tions of n objects chosen from a set of m objects.
Modern Developments
In the early twentieth century, mathematicians and
others continued to develop theories and applications
of combinatorial concepts. For example, statistician
Ronald Fisher applied combinations to the design of
factorial experiments, while artist Maurits Cornelius
(M.C.) Escher developed his own system for catego-
rizing combinations of shape, color, and symmetrical
properties, which can be found in his 1941 notebook
later referred to as a paper, Regular Division of the
Plane with Asymmetric Congruent Polygons. Histo-
rians discuss that the sketchbooks of a typical artist
contain preliminary versions of nal works. Eschers
book, on the other hand, appeared to form a theo-
retical mathematical basis for his tiling work. These
combinatorial categories also inuenced the eld of
Circular permutations are also common. One could
think of lining up six people in a straight line to take
their picture versus seating them at a round table. There
are n! permutations of the people lined up. However,
once all six people are seated, even if they were all asked
to move over one seat, they would all still be seated
in the same overall order. There are therefore n ( ) 1 !
ways of putting objects in a circle. Another possibil-
ity is that all items in the set are not unique, like the
letters in Mississippi, which reduces the number of
unique permutations and combinations versus a set of
the same length with unique components.
Permutation Groups
In a eld like modern algebra, permutations can be
viewed as maps that relate a set to itself. The set of per-
mutations is then collected into an algebraic structure
called a group. One example is the various possible
transformations of a Rubiks Cube puzzle, named for
Erno Rubik. There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 per-
mutations in the group for a 3-by-3-by-3 Rubiks Cube.
Mathematicians often use software like the Groups,
Algorithms, Programming (GAP) system to model and
understand the transformations. Theories about per-
mutation groups have been traced by historians to at
least as far back as Joseph Lagranges 1770 work Rex-
ions sur la rsolution algbrique des quations, in which
he discussed the permutations of the roots of equa-
tions and considered those roots as abstract structures.
Paolo Rufni used what would now be called group
theory in his work, including permutation groups, and
proved many fundamental theorems. In the nineteenth
century, Augustin-Louis Cauchy generalized some of
Rufnis results. He studied permutation groups and
Permutations and Combinations 765
proved what is now known as Cauchys theorem. High
school mathematics teacher Peter Sylow wrote his book
Thormes sur les groupes de substitutions in the latter
half of the nineteenth century, and it contained what
are now known as the three Sylow theorems, which he
proved for permutation groups. Arthur Cayley wrote
about the connections between his work on permuta-
tions and Cauchys, extended the notion of permuta-
tion groups into the broader idea of algebraic groups,
and ultimately proposed that matrices and quaternions
were types of groups. Some of his work served as one
foundation for physicist Werner Heisenbergs develop-
ment of quantum mechanics.
In the early twentieth century, George Plya used
permutation groups and other methods to enumer-
ate isomers (compounds that have the same molecular
components but different structural arrangements, or
permutations) in organic chemistry. He also inuenced
Eschers studies of combinations. The George Plya
Prize is given every two years by the Society for Indus-
trial and Applied Mathematics. One criterion for win-
ning is a notable application of combinatorial theory.
Mathematicians continue to explore permutations and
combination concepts in algebra and many other areas
of mathematics.
Further Reading
David, F. N. Games, Gods & Gambling: A History of
Probability and Statistical Ideas. New York: Dover
Publications, 1998.
Davis, Tom. Permutation Groups. http://www
Higgins, Peter. Number Story: From Counting to
Cryptography. New York: Copernicus, 2008.
Carmen M. Latterell
See Also: Binomial Theorem; Data Analysis
and Probability in Society; Dice Games; Lotteries;
Probability; Transformations.
Perry, William J.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections.
Summary: Inuential secretary of defense William J.
Perry earned a Ph.D. in mathematics.
William J. Perry (1927) is an American business-
man, mathematician, engineer, and former secretary
of defense under President Bill Clinton. William Perry
received many honors and recognition for his work. In
1997, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Free-
dom, and he has been decorated twice each with the
Department of Defense Service Medal and the Defense
Intelligence Agencys Outstanding Civilian Service
Medal. He has also received many awards from for-
eign governments. William J. Perrys academic degrees,
all of which are in pure mathematics, may seem an
unlikely preparation for a successful businessman and
secretary of defense. The logical mindset and the steps
of analytic problem solving he learned as a student of
mathematics helped Perry make rational and objective
decisions about complicated situations for which only
partial information was available. This connection
is not an unusual; people who have been trained in
mathematical reasoning before going on to careers in
nonmathematical elds often cite the utility of math-
ematical thinking as a way to approach difcult and
complex problems.
Early Life and Education
Perry was born in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania. After
graduating from high school in 1945, Perry enlisted
in the U.S. Army and served in Japan before attend-
ing Stanford University. Perry was always interested in
both mathematics and English, but he nally settled on
mathematics as a major because, I simply had more
exibility by going into mathematics. He attributed
his interest in advanced mathematics to George Polya,
his advisor at Stanford, saying: He just pushed me
and gave me interesting problems to work on. And he
exposed me to parts of mathematics that I had never
seen before. And he was just a warm human being.
He later earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Pennsyl-
vania State University, where his research was in the
eld of partial differential equations. While working
on his doctorate, Perry loved teaching mathematics,
and he imagined that he might become a mathemat-
ics professor. He took a part-time job as an applied
mathematician at an electronics company in order to
support his family and decided to concentrate on the
applied side of mathematics.
766 Perry, William J.
Perry enjoyed a successful career as an engineer and
businessman. He spent 10 years as director of the Elec-
tronic Defense Laboratories of Sylvania/GTE, followed
by 13 years as founding president of ESL Inc. In 1977,
he became President Jimmy Carters undersecretary of
defense for research and engineering. In this position,
he played an important role in developing stealth air-
craft technology. In 1981, he returned to industry as the
managing director of an investment bank that focused
on high-technology companies. In 1993, William Perry
was appointed as deputy secretary of defense under
then-secretary of defense Les Aspin. The following year,
he was promoted to secretary of defense, a position he
would hold until 1997. He stated: Quite clearly, know-
ing how to solve a differential equation is not a useful
tool for me. Ive never been asked to solve one since
becoming the Secretary of Defense. But, the discipline
of thinking, systematically approaching problems,
of rigorous thinking is a usefulI would say even an
indispensable toolfor a job of this sort.
Preventive defense was the watchword of Per-
rys strategy as secretary of defense: prevent threats
before they happen, deter threats that are realized, and
respond with decisive military force to threats that
cannot be deterred. He noted that: Analytical think-
ing is a good framework, a good foundation for which
to approach problems. This strategy manifested itself
as threat reduction programs, including the START
II treaty (for which Perry advocated strongly), active
opposition to nuclear proliferation, and expansion of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He worked
hard to maintain an effective and modern military in
spite of defense budget shortfalls. One of his priori-
ties was to establish relationships with members of the
military at all levels. Unlike many other secretaries of
defense, William Perry was an active participant in for-
eign policy, traveling often to foreign countries as part
of his response to the many global challenges during
his tenure as secretary of defense, which included the
Bosnian War, conict in Somalia, the aftermath of the
rst Gulf War, North Korean nuclear aspirations, and
the crisis in Haiti.
Further Reading
Albers, Donald. The Mathematician Who Became
Secretary of Defense. Math Horizons 4
(September 1996).
Department of Defense. SecDef HistoriesWilliam J.
Perry, William. Its Your Ship: Lessons in Leadership.
Speech given April 2007 at Stanford University.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Careers; Mathematics, Applied; Strategy
and Tactics.
Personal Computers
Category: Communication and Computers.
Field of Study: Algebra; Communication; Data
Analysis and Probability; Number and Operations;
Summary: Advances in computing have made
mathematical processing power so inexpensive that
it has become more practical to do many tasks on the
A computer is a device that manipulates raw data into
potentially useful information. Computers may be ana-
log or electronic. Analog computers use mechanical ele-
ments to perform functions. For example, Stonehenge in
England is believed by some to be an analog computer.
It allegedly uses the stones along with the positions of
the sun and moon to predict celestial events like the sol-
stices and eclipses. Electronic computers use electrical
components like transistors for computations.
Many consider the rst personal computer to be
Sphere 1, created by Michael Wise in the mid-1970s.
The Apple II was introduced in 1977, and Apple Inc.
offered the Macintosh, which had the rst mass-mar-
keted graphical user interface, by 1984. IBM debuted
its personal computer in 1981. Macs and PCs quickly
became common in businesses and schools for a vari-
ety of purposes. Processing speed, size, memory capac-
ity, and other functional components have become
faster, smaller, lighter, and cheaper over time, and
personal computers have evolved into a multitude of
forms designed to be customizable to each users needs.
Personal Computers 767
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, desktops,
laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, palm-sized smartphones,
handheld programmable calculators, digital book read-
ers, and devices like Apples iPad offer access to com-
puting, the Internet, and other functions.
Mathematical History of Computers
Modern computing can be traced to nineteenth century
mathematician Charles Babbages analytical engine.
Boolean algebra, devised by mathematician George
Boole later in the same century, provided a logical basis
for digital electronics. Lambda calculus, developed by
mathematician Alonso Church in the early twentieth
century, also laid the foundations for computer science,
while the Turing machine, a theoretical representation
of computing developed by mathematician Alan Tur-
ing, essentially modeled computers before they could
be built. In the 1940s, mathematicians
Norbert Wiener and Claude Shannon
researched information control theory,
further advancing the design of digital cir-
cuits. The Electrical Numerical Integrator
and Calculator (ENIAC) was the rst gen-
eral purpose electronic computer. It was
created shortly after World War II by phys-
icist-engineer John Mauchly and engineer
J. Presper Eckert. They also developed the
Binary Automatic Computer (BINAC),
the rst dual-processor computer, which
stored information on magnetic tape rather
than punch cards, and the rst commercial
computer, Universal Automatic Computer
(UNIVAC). Mathematician John Von
Neumann made important modications
to ENIAC, including serial operations to
facilitate mathematical calculations. Sci-
entists William Bradford Shockley, John
Bardeen, and Walter Brattain won the 1956
Nobel Prize in Physics for transistor and
semiconductor research, which inuenced
the development of most subsequent elec-
tronic devices, including personal com-
puters. During the latter half of the twen-
tieth century, countless mathematicians,
computer scientists, engineers, and others
advanced the science and technology of
personal computers, and research has con-
tinued into the twenty-rst century. For
example, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates published a
paper on sorting pancakes, which has extensions in the
area of computer algorithms. Personal computers have
facilitated mathematics teaching and research in many
areas such as simulation, visualization, and random
number generation, though the use of calculators and
software like Maple for teaching mathematics gener-
ated controversy.
Devices, Memory, and Processor Speeds
The typical personal computer has devices for the input
and output of information and a means of retaining
programs and data in memory. It also has the means of
interacting with programs, data, memory, and devices
attached to the computers central processing unit
(CPU). Input devices have historically included a key-
board and a mouse, while newer systems frequently use
768 Personal Computers
Many consider the Sphere to be rst personal computer. Sphere
had difculty providing the product and shut down after two years.
touch technology, either in the form of a special pad or
directly on the screen. Other devices include scanners,
digital cameras, and digital recorders. Memory storage
devices are classied as primary memory or sec-
ondary devices. The primary memory is comprised
of the chips on the board inside the case of the com-
puter. Primary memory comes in two types: read only
memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM).
ROM contains the rudimentary part of the operating
system, which controls the interaction of the computer
components. RAM holds the programs and data while
the computer is in use. The most popular types of sec-
ondary memory used for desktop computers include
magnetic disk drives, optical CD and DVD drives, and
USB ash memory.
The speed of the computer operation is an important
factor. Computers use a set clock cycle to send the volt-
age pulses throughout the computer from one compo-
nent to another. Faster processing enables computers
to run larger, more complex programs. The disadvan-
tage is that heat builds up around the processor, caused
by electrical resistance. ENIAC was 1000 times faster
than the electromechanical computers that preceded it
because it relied on vacuum tubes rather than physical
switches. Turing made predictions regarding computer
speeds in the 1950s, while Moores law, named for Intel
co-founder Gordon Moore, quantied the doubling
rate for transistors per square inch on integrated cir-
cuits. The number doubled every year from 1958 into
the 1960s, according to Moores data. The rate slowed
through the end of the twentieth century to roughly
a doubling every 18 months. Some scientists predict
more slowdowns because of the heat problem. Others,
like mathematician Vernor Vinge, have asserted that
exponential technology growth will produce a singu-
larity, or essentially instantaneous progress. Processing
speed, memory capacity, pixels in digital images, and
other computer capabilities have been limited by this
effect. There has also been a disparity in the growth
rates of processor speed and memory capacity, known
as memory latency, which has been addressed in part by
mathematical programming techniques, like caching
and dynamic optimization.
Carbon nanotubes and magnetic tunnels might
be used to produce memory chips that retain data
even when a computer is powered down. At the start
of the twenty-rst century, this approach was being
developed with extensive mathematical modeling and
physical testing. Other proposed solutions involved
biological, optical, or quantum technology. Much
of the physics needed for quantum computers exists
only in theory, but mathematicians like Peter Shor
are already working on the mathematics of quan-
tum programming, which involves ideas like Fou-
rier transforms, periodic sequences, prime numbers,
and factorization. Fourier transforms are named for
mathematician Jean Fourier.
The Digital Divide
The digital divide is the technology gap between
groups that have differential access to personal com-
puters and related technology. The gap is measured
both in social metrics, such as soft skills required to
participate in online communities, and infrastructure
metrics, such as ownership of digital devices. Math-
ematical methods are used to quantify the digital
divide. Comparisons may be made using probability
distributions and Lorenz curves, developed by econo-
mist Max Lorenz, and measures of dispersion such as
the Gini coefcient, developed by statistician Corrado
Gini. Researchers have found digital divides among
different countries, and within countries, among
people of different ages, between genders, and among
socioeconomic strata.
The global digital divide quanties the digital
divides among countries and is typically given as the
differences among the average numbers of computers
per 100 citizens. In the early twenty-rst century, this
metric varied widely. Several concerted private and
government efforts, such as One Laptop Per Child, were
directed at reducing the global digital divide by provid-
ing computers to poor countries. The breakthroughs
connected to these efforts, such as mesh Internet access
architecture, beneted all users. The Digital Opportu-
nity Index (DOI) is computed by the United Nations
based on 11 metrics of information and communica-
tion technologies, such as proportion of households
with access to the Internet. It has been found to be pos-
itively associated with a countrys wealth.
Further Reading
Lauckner, Kurt, and Zenia Bahorski. The Computer
Continuum. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2009.
Lemke, Donald, and Tod Smith. Steve Jobs, Steve
Wozniak, and the Personal Computer. Mankato, MN:
Capstone Press, 2010.
Personal Computers 769
Wozniak, Steve, and Gina Smith. iWoz: Computer Geek
to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer,
Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It. New York:
W. W. Norton, 2007.
Zenia C. Bahorski
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Cerf, Vinton; Internet; Lovelace, Ada;
Servers; Software, Mathematics.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Measurement; Geometry.
Summary: The ratio of a circles circumference to its
diameter, , is one of the most important constants
and the rst irrational number encountered by most
By denition, pi () is the ratio of a circles circum-
ference to the diameter. This denition holds for any
circle, with the value of being the constant value
3.14159265358979. . . . This decimal neither terminates
nor repeats, making irrational. Mathematicians and
non-mathematicians alike are intrigued by the many
appearances of in diverse situations. Capturing this
apparent mysticism in the 1800s, the mathematician
Augustus de Morgan wrote, This mysterious 3.14159. . .
which comes in at every door and window, and down
every chimney.
Values Used for Pi
Since the beginning of written mathematics, people
have tried to calculate s value. Around 2000 b.c.e.,
the Babylonians and Egyptians assigned values equal
to 3 1/8 (3.125) and 4 8 9
( ) (3.1605). In 1100 b.c.e.,
the Chinese used = 3, a value which also appears
in the Bible (I Kings 5:23). In 300 b.c.e., Archime-
des of Syracuse produced the rst accurate value,
using inscribed and circumscribed 96-sided polygons
to produce the approximation 3 10/71 < < 3 1/7
(or 3.140845. . . < < 3.142857. . .). Since that time,
multiple methods and formulas have been created to
determine more exact values of . Today, powerful
computers use similar formulas to calculate values of
to extreme precision, with the current value exceed-
ing 2.7 trillion digits (the record as of January 2010).
Two examples of these formulas involving innite
series are
2 2 4 4 6 6 8
1 3 3 5 5 7 7
= + +
Students in the twenty-rst century learn about
in elementary school, and exposure to continues
in later courses in mathematics and physics. Since
spherical coordinates are used in many applications,
is found in physical formulas such as Einsteins eld
equations, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and
Coulombs law for electric force, which are named
after Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, and Charles-
Augustin de Coulomb, respectively. Mathematicians
and computer scientists describe as a great stress
test for computers because of the seemingly random
aspects of its digits.
Algorithms to compute the digits of are regarded
as more important than the digits themselves. Mathe-
maticians continue to investigate other unsolved prob-
lems related to , including attempts to determine how
random the digits are.
The number has played important roles in multiple
situations. In 1767, Johann Lambert proved that was
irrational (it could not be written as the ratio of two
integers). Then, in 1882, Ferdinand von Lindemann
proved that was transcendental (it could not be
constructed using geometric tools and was not a root
of a non-constant polynomial equation with ratio-
nal coefcients). These two discoveries provided the
key to proving the impossibilities of the Greeks three
problems of antiquitysquaring a circle, trisecting an
angle, and duplicating a square.
Considered by many to be a ubiquitous number,
shows up in odd situations. First, in 1777, the naturalist
Georges Buffon approximated the value of experi-
mentally by tossing a needle (length L) on a ruled sur-
770 Pi
face (parallel lines spaced at distance D). If the tossed
needle touches a line S times on N tosses, then
Second, the probability that two random integers
are relatively prime (they have no common divisor) is
Anyone can try these experiments, either by drop-
ping needles or taking ratios of random integers; many
are surprised that both produce good approximations
for . However, complex mathematics is needed to
explain why.
In 1743, Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler pub-
lished the formula e
= + cos(x) i sin(x), linking expo-
nentials, trigonometric functions, and complex num-
bers. Substituting x = , the result becomes the most
beautiful formula in mathematics: e
+ = 1 0.
Popular Culture
The fascination with decimal expressions of has led
to competitive memorization contests. The Guinness
World Records ofcially recognized Lu Chao as the
most recent record holder in the early twenty-rst
century, but others have claimed more digits. Some
people use piems (mnemonic poems); for example,
How I need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the
heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics. In this
piem, replace each word with its number of letters,
producing 3 14159265358979 . . Hideaki Tomoyori,
who held the world record of 40,000 digits memorized
from 19871995, used a pictorial mnemonic system
and explained, I want to go on with the challenge of
memorizing , for just the same reason that people
climb high mountains. I think its a wonderful thing to
challenge the limits of what we can do. . . . the more one
memorizes of it, the closer one comes to the real value
of the circlecloser to perfection. Researchers com-
pared his cognitive abilities with a control group and
concluded that he was not superior; they attributed his
achievement to extensive practice.
The number also is connected to some odd events.
In 1897, the Indiana State Legislature almost passed a
mathematically incorrect bill relating to and squar-
ing the circle. By its denition, the value of changes if
the circle shifts out of the Euclidean world. That is, in
taxicab geometry, or metric geometry on a rectangular
lattice structure, the value of is 4.
The number is an amazing number, both in its
interesting properties and the obsessive attention given
it by both mathematicians and non-mathematicians.
How else could one explain why on March 14 at 1:59,
many people shout, Happy Pi Day!
Further Reading
Adrian, Y. E. O. The Pleasures of Pi, e and Other Interesting
Numbers. Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 2006.
Beckmann, Petr. A History of (Pi). New York: Barnes &
Noble, 1971.
Berggren, Lennart, Jon Borwein, and Peter Borwein. Pi:
A Source Book. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Blatner, David. The Joy of . New York: Walker &
Co., 1997.
Takahashi, Masanobu, et al. One% Ability and
Ninety-Nine% Perspiration: A Study of a Japanese
Memorist. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32, no. 5 (2006).
Jerry Johnson
See Also: Archimedes; Numbers, Rational and
Irrational; Sequences and Series; Universal Constants.
Planetary Orbits
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: It took mathematicians thousands of
years to accurately describe planetary motion.
For millennia, the shape of the paths in which the plan-
ets orbited was dominated by metaphysical concerns
and assumed, almost without question, to be circular. It
was not until the seventeenth century that science dis-
covered the actual shape of planetary orbits, the ellipse.
Early Conceptions
In ancient Greek astronomy, it was assumed that the
Earth was the center of the universe, and all of the
Planetary Orbits 771
known planets (including the sun and the moon) as
well as the stars revolved around it. Furthermore, at
least from the time of Pythagoras (c. 569475 b.c.e.),
these orbits were assumed to be circular. This assump-
tion was a metaphysical one.
The Pythagoreans believed in the perfection of
mathematics and held the view that the circle was per-
fect because of its symmetry and continuity. Therefore,
the universe must surely be constructed to reect this
perfection by requiring the planets to revolve around
the Earth in perfect circular motion. That inuential
philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle accepted the
perfection of circular motion contributed to the fact
that the idea went almost unchallenged for nearly
2000 years.
With the increasing ability to make accurate obser-
vations of the movements of the heavens and math-
ematical calculations to predict those movements, the
simple assumption of perfect circular motion became
more problematic. The predictions of the planetary
positions did not match the actual observed locations.
Eudoxus (408355 b.c.e.) addressed this discrepancy
by devising a complicated system of nested spheres in
which each planet moved, maintaining circular motion
of each sphere while more accurately predicting the
location of the planets.
For many centuries, one mans work dominated
European thinking on planetary motions. The Greek
mathematician and astronomer Ptolemy (85165
c.e.) compiled all that was known about the move-
ments of heavenly bodies into one work that came to
be known as The Almagest. This book employed an
array of very complex geometric and trigonometric
theories to describe the movement of the planets, with
the Earth remaining at the center. In order for the
observations to be as close as possible to the calcula-
tions, Ptolemy used epicycles (small circles revolving
upon bigger circles as they revolve around the Earth)
and moved the Earth away from the center of revolu-
tion of the planets.
The new center of revolution was an imaginary
point some distance away from the Earth. Ptolemys
inuence on Western astronomy was partially because
of its general agreement with Christian doctrine. As
the center of Gods creation, the Earth must rest at
the center of the cosmos. Furthermore, a perfect Cre-
ator would use the perfect circle to put His creation
in motion.
The most serious challenge to Ptolemaic cosmology
came from the Polish church ofcial, Nicolaus Coper-
nicus (14731543), whose revolutionary work De Revo-
lutionibus placed the sun, not the Earth, at the center of
the universe, relegating the Earth to mere planethood.
Copernicus, however, remained adamant in his belief
that the planets orbited the sun in a composite of per-
fect circular motions. The doctrine of perfect circular
motion in the heavens was nally challenged by the Ger-
man astronomer Johannes Kepler (15711630). Kepler,
after many years of tedious and painstaking calculations
involving the orbit of Mars, nally determined that Mars
actually orbited the sun in an elliptical orbit, not a cir-
cular one. This revolutionary idea was based in part on
another discovery by Kepler that the speed of the plan-
ets varied as they orbited the sun. Later, the great British
mathematician and scientist, Isaac Newton (16431727),
used his universal law of gravitation and laws of motion
to provide a mathematical explanation for Keplers claim
of elliptical orbits, nally putting an end to the ancient
doctrine of circular motion in the heavens.
Mathematics continues to play an important role
in modeling planetary orbits. For example, Mercurys
orbit is more accurately represented with hyperbolic
geometry than with Euclidian geometry. Further, the
orbit of Mercury allows researchers to see the impact of
the suns gravitational eld on the curvature of space.
Further Reading
Danielson, Dennis Richard. The Book of the Cosmos:
Imagining the Universe From Heraclitus to Hawking.
Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publications, 2000.
Gingerich, O. The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus,
Kepler. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1993.
Heath, Thomas L. Greek Astronomy. New York: E. P.
Dutton, 1932.
Kopache, Gerald. Planetary Motion: Also Featuring
Some Stars, Some Comets and the Moon. Ceshore
Publishing Company, 2004.
Montenbruck, Oliver, and Gill Eberhard. Satellite Orbits:
Models, Methods and Applications. Berlin: Springer,
Pannekoek, Anton. A History of Astronomy. New York:
Dover Publications, 1989.
Sagan, Carl. Cosmos. New York: Random House, 1980.
Todd Timmons
772 Planetary Orbits
See Also: Astronomy; Conic Sections; Geometry of
the Universe; Greek Mathematics.
Plate Tectonics
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Tectonic plate movement is measured and
analyzed using mathematics.
The ideas of plate tectonics and continental drift have
been theorized by many scientists over the years. For
example, in the early twentieth century, Alfred Wegener
publicly presented theories regarding the existence of a
supercontinent called Pangea that eventually formed
all the known continents. He supported centrifugal force
as an explanation for drift. A few years later, Arthur Hol-
mes supported thermal convection as an explanation. At
the time, there was insufcient mathematical and sci-
entic evidence to support these theories and they were
largely dismissed, in part because seeing into the depths
of the oceans and into the Earth itself is often a more dif-
cult venture than seeing galaxies at the far reaches of the
universe. By the latter half of the
twentieth century, discoveries
such as mid-Atlantic underwa-
ter volcanic chains and the map-
ping and mathematical analysis
of seismic activity suggested the
existence of large, mobile plates
in the Earths crust.
In the twenty-rst century,
scientists and mathematicians
are still developing new and
innovative ways to collect data,
model, visualize, and simulate
the Earths inner structure. For
example, geophysicist Robert
van der Hilst and mathema-
tician Maarten Van de Hoop
have used a mathematical tech-
nique known as micro-local
analysis, as well as statistical
methods, such as condence
intervals, to explore the geom-
etry of the layers near the boundary of the Earths core
and mantle. This technique extends existing methods
for analyzing noisy seismic data. It produces not only
an image, but also an estimate of the probability that a
true layer has been discovered. Ongoing collaboration
between mathematicians and geophysical scientists is
crucial to address the massively scaled problems that
arise in geoscience, such as continental drift. This is
true not only for data collection in the eld, but also
for computer simulation, which is increasingly an ave-
nue of exploration and cross-validation for theories
and data. These simulations often require combining
many scales of data, both macro and micro, as well as
observations collected over different periods of time.
Further, much of the data is noisy, incomplete, or dif-
cult to directly measure. Mathematics is also involved
in the increasingly sophisticated tools that allow scien-
tists to visit the depths of the oceans and begin to look
at some previously impenetrable layers of the Earth.
The Spreading Sea Floor
As an ofcer in the U.S. Navy, Harry Hesss curiosity
led him to measure the ocean oor using sounding gear
and magnetometers during World War II. Once the war
ended, Hess developed the theory of sea oor spreading
to explain his data. He proposed that magma oozed up
Plate Tectonics 773
A U.S. Geological Survey illustration of Earths rigid slabs (called tectonic
plates) that are moving relative to one another.
between the plates along the ridges in the ocean oor,
pushing them apart and causing the plates to move.
Strips of rock parallel to the ridges provide evi-
dence for sea oor spreading. Strips closest to the ridge
have the same polarity as the Earth (magnetic north
pointing to the north pole); however, the strips mov-
ing out away from the ridge on opposite sides mirror
each other and alternate between current polarity and
reversed polarity as the Earths magnetic eld reversed
over time. These alternating strips suggest that new
rock is created along the ridges over geologic time.
Continents Adrift
Until 1912, scientists assumed that the continents were
xed in place. In that year, Alfred Wenger suggested that
the continents were adrift, originally part of one large
landmass. Wegner cited evidence such as matching
geological formations and fossils from South America
and Africa. It was not until the late 1960s that discover-
ies were made and measuring techniques improved to
the extent that the theory of plate tectonics emerged
and became widely accepted. Scientists now recognize
that the continents are attached to plates and move
with them rather than moving independently. Scien-
tists also now know that the plates that make up Earths
crust and the continents attached to them are moving
several centimeters per year on average as they collide,
move apart, and brush up against each other.
Plate Movement
Muawia Barazangi and James Dorman (1969) charted
the locations of all earthquakes occurring from 1961
to 1967 and found that most occurred in a narrow
band of seismic activity. This band of high earthquake
and volcanic activity, commonly called the Pacic
Ring of Fire, denes many plate boundaries around
the Pacic Ocean.
Most plate movement occurs along the edges of the
plates. Scientists can measure the velocity (speed and
direction) of plate movement and determine how that
relates to earthquake and volcanic activity. For histori-
cal information, scientists turn to ocean oor magnetic
striping data and geological dating of rock formations.
Measurement techniques have improved greatly since
Hesss measurements. The most common technique for
measuring plate movement in the early twenty-rst
century is the Global Positioning System (GPS). As sat-
ellites continuously transmit radio signals to Earth, each
GPS ground site simultaneously receives signals from
at least four satellites. By recording the exact time and
location of each satellite when its signal was received, it
is possible to determine the precise position of the GPS
ground site on Earth (longitude, latitude, and eleva-
tion). Regularly measuring distances between specic
points allows scientists to determine if there has been
active movement between plates on a scale of millime-
ters. Using time-series graphs and plotting vectors, it is
possible to learn how the plates move.
While scientists know that most earthquakes and
volcanoes occur along plate boundaries, they still can-
not predict exactly when and where they will occur. By
monitoring plate movement, scientists hope to learn
more about the events building up to earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions.
Further Reading
Barazangi, Muawia, and James Dorman. World
Seismicity Maps Compiled from ESSA, Coast and
Geodetic Survey, Epicenter Data, 19611967. Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America 59 (1969).
Preskes, Naomi. Plate Tectonics: An Insiders History of the
Modern Theory of the Earth. Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, 2003.
Christine Klein
See Also: Earthquakes; Geothermal Energy; GPS;
Tides and Waves; Volcanoes.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Summary: Numerous plays explore mathematical
concepts and mathematicians.
The genre of mathematical theater is a relatively
recent phenomenon. A smattering of earlier examples
of mathematics appeared on stage, but the turning
point was Tom Stoppards 1993 play Arcadia, which
opened the door to an entirely new realm of collabora-
tive possibilities between theater and the mathemati-
774 Plays
cal sciences. Following on the heels of Arcadia was the
award-winning Copenhagen (1998), a play by Michael
Frayn about the fraught relationship between physi-
cists Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. If there were
any lingering doubts as to whether mathematics was a
relatable theme for theater audiences, David Auburns
Pulitzer Prizewinning play Proof (2000) laid them
rmly to rest. The ensuing years have produced suc-
cessful dramas, comedies, and biographical scripts that
are marked not just by the inclusion of mathematical
references, but also by the wholesale incorporation
of mathematics into the content and structure of the
play. Some even turn a critical lens back on traditional
mathematics education and related gender issues.
Stoppard and Science
Bertold Brechts The Life of Galileo (1939) gives a cur-
sory acknowledgment of the protagonists training as
a mathematician. The Physicists (1962), by Friedrich
Durenmatt, features Isaac Newton as a characteror
rather, it features a spy who is posing as a patient in a
mental institution, pretending to believe he is Newton.
Terry Johnsons play Insignicance (1982) contains a
scene where Marilyn Monroe explains special relativity
to Albert Einstein.
But the best place to look for a forerunner for the
substantial and explicit role of mathematics in Arca-
dia is in Tom Stoppards earlier writing. His rst
major success was Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are
Dead (1966), a dark comedy, which opens with a
scene of the two Shakespearean characters trying to
rectify the laws of probability with the fact that they
have just witnessed nearly 100 occurrences of heads
in as many ips of a coin. Zenos paradoxes appear
in Jumpers (1972), and there is a cameo appearance
of Leonhard Eulers famous Bridges of Knigsburg
problem in Hapgood (1988), a play that also contains
signicant discussions of quantum mechanics. Hap-
good comes closest to Arcadia in its attempt to fully
integrate mathematics and science into the mechanics
of the play, but this was confusing for some audiences
and the reviews for Hapgood tended to be rather harsh.
Arcadia, in contrast, was greeted as something of a
marvel and an instant classic when the play opened in
London in 1993.
The opening scene of Arcadia is set in 1809, where
13-year-old Thomasina Coverly is growing frustrated
with her tutor, who has asked her to nd a proof for
Fermats Last Theorem. Thomasina has more roman-
tic issues on her mind (Septimus, what is carnal
embrace? is the rst line of the play), and her restless-
nessand her geniuseventually lead her to discover
the core principals of fractal geometry and chaos the-
ory 150 years before their time. Arcadia also contains
a second set of characters living in the present day in
the same house, and among them is a mathematician
whose expertise in dynamical systems allows him to
decipher Thomansinas notebooks for the other char-
actersand the audience. In a clever homage to Fer-
mat, Thomasina writes in one of her notebooks that
I, Thomasina Coverly, have found a truly wonderful
method whereby all the forms of nature must give up
their numerical secrets and draw themselves through
number alone. This margin being too mean for my
purpose, the reader must look elsewhere for the New
Geometry of Irregular forms discovered by Thoma-
sina Coverly.
A recurring theme in Arcadia is the juxtaposition of
reasoned, classical thinking with untamed, romantic
expression. With respect to the mathematics in the play,
the Euclidean geometry of circles and spheres is con-
trasted with the fractal geometry of leaves and clouds.
In a related way, the determinism inherent in Newtons
Laws of Motion is challenged by the unpredictability of
chaotic systems and ultimately by the Second Law of
Thermodynamics. These scientic ideas provide a com-
pelling metaphorical backdrop for the interpersonal
tensions that drive the emotional arc of the script. The
result is a play where the science and the storytelling
work in a mutually enriching collaboration.
Whereas Arcadia is a hybrid of mathematics and sci-
ence, Frayns Copenhagen is very much a physics
play, but its inuence is too signicant to ignore.
The play is inspired by a real historical event. Wer-
ner Heisenberg had been put in charge of the Nazi
nuclear program, and in 1941, he paid a visit to his
mentor Neils Bohr, whose hometown of Copenha-
gen was under German occupation. The visit ended
abruptly, and the deep friendship between these two
pioneers of atomic physics ended with no clear reso-
lution ever agreed upon as to what exactly was dis-
cussed. Frayns play explores this question by recre-
ating the experiment of Heisenbergs visit multiple
times and, in the spirit of quantum mechanics, each
Plays 775
run of the experiment results in a different outcome.
Along the way, the fundamental ideas behind Bohrs
Theory of Complementarity and Heisenbergs Uncer-
tainty Principle are given enough explication for the
audience to apply these ideas to the process of human
introspection as well as to the play itself.
Hardy, Ramanujan, Turing, and Beyond
The most high-prole play about mathematics since
Proof is A Disappearing Number, created and produced
by a London-based company called Complicite under
the leadership of Simon McBurney. A Disappearing
Number won the 2007 Olivier Award for Best New Play,
among many others, and eventually it toured interna-
tionally. The starting point for A Disappearing Number
is G. H. Hardys famous essay, A Mathematicians Apol-
ogy. Hardy appears as a character as does the Indian
genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. The celebrated collabora-
tion between Hardy and Ramanujan is also the sub-
ject matter for a less well-known play called Partition
(2003), written by Ira Hauptman, and in a less direct
way it served as inspiration for The Five Hysterical Girls
Theorem (2000) written by Rinne Groff. Whereas Parti-
tion is a fanciful account of a real historical friendship,
The Five Hysterical Girls Theorem is a purely ctitious
comedy about an international mathematics confer-
ence that features a protagonist loosely based on Hun-
garian mathematician Paul Erds.
Biography and historical ction are the dominant
forms for most new mathematical theater. Isaac New-
ton is the central subject of Leap (2004), by Lauren
Gunderson as well as Calculus (2003) by Carl Djerassi.
Seventeenth Night (2004), by Doxiadis Apostolos, tells
the story of the nal days of logician Kurt Gdels life
in a way that is meant to illustrate the actual content
of Gdels revolutionary Incompleteness Theorems.
Georg Cantors bouts with mental illness are the sub-
ject of Count (2009), by John Martin and Timothy
Craig, and Cantor also appears alongside his philo-
sophical nemesis Leopold Kronecker in a scene in the
experimental play Innities (2002), written by John
Barrow. Innities actually consists of ve scenes or sce-
776 Plays
ven if it had not been turned into a popular
lm, Proof would still likely be the most well-
known mathematics play and most frequently per-
formed. It should be pointed out, however, that
unlike Arcadia and Copenhagen, there is virtu-
ally no technical material written into the script.
The central relationship in the play is between a
father and daughter. The father is a brilliant math-
ematician who, the audience learns, has become
debilitated by serious mental illness. His daughter
Katherine has given up on her own education to
care for her father, and upon his death, Katherine
is plagued by the question of whether this was
the right decision, as well as whether she has
inherited her fathers mental instability. A major
plot twist comes when Katherine discloses the
existence of a mathematical proof hidden in her
fathers desk, and a central issue is to determine
its rightful author. The audience is never told what
the theorem actually is, but is made to understand
that it is a monumental result on the order of the
Riemann Hypothesis.
A debate among theater critics is whether the
mathematics in Proof is crucial to the workings
of the play, or whether it is intellectual window
dressing that could be replaced by some other
creative art form; for example, the father might
be a composer and put a symphony score in the
desk drawer. Although the discussions of explicit
mathematics in Proof are conned to a few imagi-
nary number jokes and some witty banter about
primes, there are several compelling conversa-
tions about the aesthetic beauty of mathematics
and the discipline is sympathetically portrayed.
Because the main questions in the play deal
with degrees of certainty, there is an argument
that the rigorous standard for what constitutes
a mathematical proof provides a valuable point
of contrast for the various investigations by the
characters in the play.
The Most Well-Known Mathematics Play: Proof
nariosone features the Hilbert Hotel introduced by
mathematician David Hilberteach of which explores
some paradoxical aspect of innity.
The drama, and ultimate tragedy, of Alan Turings
life is the subject of at least four plays. The most well-
known of these is Breaking the Code (1986) by Hugh
Whitmore, which is available as an episode of Master-
piece Theater. The most ambitious play about Turing
in terms of engaging the essence of his mathematical
work is probably Lovesong of the Electric Bear (2003)
by British playwright Snoo Wilson, which received a
string of productions in the United States.
Plays By and About Women
Lauren Gunderson, who has been writing plays since
she was 16 years old and is known for her interpre-
tations of feminism, science, and history, has spoken
widely on the rich intersection of science and theater.
She cites Arcadia as a good example of the idea that
Science, like any theoretical idea, should lead to a
deeper kind of playa more layered, woven play where
the science permeates the form of the play as well as the
content. She also encourages playwrights to explore
these themes, noting that the fundamental questions
of mathematics and science do not exist in some inac-
cessible other world, but rather are deep and univer-
sal. One of her most well-known plays is Emilie: Le
Marquise Du Chatelet Defends Her Life Tonight, which
is about eighteenth-century woman mathematician
Gabrielle milie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise du
Chtelet, whose many achievements include a transla-
tion and commentary on Isaac Newtons Principia. In
2010, Gunderson was the rst Playwright in Residence
at The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Emilie du Chatelet was known for passionately pur-
suing mathematics in a time when many women were
barely literate. Kathryn Wallets Victoria Martin: Math
Team Queen examines the modern-day tug of war
between popularity and mathematics talent that girls
often face as they move into middle school and high
school. This theme is also critically explored in Gioia
De Caris autobiographical play Truth Values: One Girls
Romp Through M.I.T.s Male Math Maze. The author
uses her personal experiences, such as being asked to
serve cookies at a seminar, for comic effect. However,
the play is a serious exploration of traditional math-
ematics in higher education and the role of women in
science and mathematics.
Further Reading
Harvey, Don, and Ben Sammler. Technical Design Solutions
for Theatre. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2002.
Manaresi, Mirella. Mathematics and Culture in Europe:
Mathematics in Art, Technology, Cinema, and Theatre.
Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten. Science on Stage. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2006.
Stephen Abbott
See Also: Literature; Movies, Mathematics in;
Musical Theater.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: Rhyme schemes and meter in poetry can
be mathematically analyzed and some new forms of
poetry are based on mathematical priniciples.
A popular sentiment is that mathematics and poetry
lie on opposite ends of some spectrum. However, both
are the works of pure intellect and they share many
similarities. Whether considering rhyme, rhythm, or
visual layout, effective poetry is rich with patterns that
may be analyzed with a mathematical eye. At the same
time, succinct mathematics has often been compared
to poetry. In the modern era, the connections have
become explicit, as mathematics has been co-opted by
poets to create new poems, while poetry has been ana-
lyzed (and occasionally written) by mathematicians.
Meter and Rhyme
Poetic meter is a formalized version of rhythm. When
considering rhythm in spoken language, one can focus
on syllable stresses, pitch, tone, or morae. Mora (plural
morae) is a term used by linguists to denote an indi-
vidual unit of sound; a long syllable (such as math)
consists of two morae, while a short syllable consists
of a single mora. A poetic cadence of length n is a pat-
tern of long and short syllables whose total number of
morae is n. Cadences play an especially important role
Poetry 777
in Indian and Japanese poetry, as well as in modern
free verse.
Traditional English meter, however, is usually based
on stressed syllables (denoted ) versus unstressed syl-
lables (denoted
, iamb
, trochee is
This notation indicates that the word ending the
rst line must end the second line of the next stanza,
the word ending the second line must next end the
fourth line, and so forth. This permutation is then
repeated from one stanza to the next. Mathematicians
Anton Geraschenko and Richard Dore have investi-
gated a generalized notion of a sestina to an (n-line-
per-stanza) n-tina where n can be any whole number.
They prove that if the n-tina is to be interestingin the
sense that the pattern does not repeat before the poem
endsthen 2n + 1 must be a prime number.
Modern Directions
In the modern era, poetry is more often read on a page
than spoken aloud, and the two-dimensional geom-
etry of the text is visible. For example, a poem in tradi-
tional meter naturally takes on a ragged-on-the-right
rectangular shape. The diamond shape of a diamante
778 Poetry
poem, introduced in 1969 by Iris Tiedt, naturally
results from the prescribed construction of its seven
lines: one noun, two adjectives, three gerunds, four
nouns, three gerunds, two adjectives, and one noun.
When poetry purposefully forms a recognizable shape
it is called shape poetry, griphi, carmen gura-
tum, or concrete poetry. The idea of a shape poem
is nothing new: around 300 b.c.e. the Greek poet
Simias of Rhodes wrote Pteryges, Oon, and Pelekys
(Wings, Egg, and Hatchet, respectively) poems whose
shape mirrored their subject. Recently, shape poetry
has ourished: Lewis Carroll gave a mouses tail; Guil-
laume Apollinaire, the Eiffel Tower; e e cummings, a
snowake; John Hollander, a swan with reection; and
Mary Ellen Solt, a forsythia bush. In the 1990s, Edu-
ardo Kac moved poetry into the third dimension with
his holopoetry: poetry that oats above a surface as a
hologram and takes different meanings when viewed
from different angles.
The group Ouvroir de Littrature Potentielle (Work-
shop of Potential Literature), or Oulipo for short, orig-
inated in 1960 with 10 writers, mathematicians, and
philosophers. The group has the twin goals of eluci-
dating old and creating new rigid forms for potential
literature. A prototypical example of their oeuvre may
be seen in Raymond Queneaus Cent Mille Milliards
de pomes (One Hundred Thousand Billion Poems).
This work appears at rst glance to consist of 10 son-
nets. However, it also includes the instruction that the
reader should consider all poems that may be formed
by choosing a rst line from among the 10 given, then
a second line, and so forth. At each stage, the reader has
10 lines from which to choose, and there are 14 lines,
so this work encompasses 10
= 100,000,000,000,000
complete sonnets.
Many forms of poetry have emerged that are very
consciously mathematical. The pioem is a poem
whose words are of length determined by the digits of
in order: 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, . . . . The number of words
in a pioem is not predetermined; it may be as long or
short as the author desires. The Fib is a poetry form
that, like the haiku, prescribes the number of syllables
to appear in each line. This prescription is based upon
the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . in which
each number is the sum of the previous two numbers.
Interestingly, the Fibonacci sequence not only gives a
form for poetry, but also arises in the mathematical
study of poetic cadence. If C
denotes the number of
poetic cadences of length n, Indian polymath Acarya
Hemacandra showed
n n n
= +
1 2
This equation, known as a recurrence relation, gen-
erates the Fibonacci sequence. Hemacandras obser-
vance was about 50 years prior to Leonardo of Pisas
1202 treatise Liber Abaci, from which the Fibonacci
sequence derives its name.
Further Reading
Birken, Marcia, and Anne Coon. Discovering Patterns in
Mathematics and Poetry. New York: Rodopi, 2008.
Filliozat, Pierra-Sylvain. Ancient Sanskrit Mathematics:
An Oral Tradition and a Written Literature. In
History of Science, History of Text. Edited by Karine
Chemla. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2004.
Fussel, Paul. Poetic Meter & Poetic Form. New York:
Random House, 1965.
Robson, Ernest, and Jet Wimp, eds. Against Innity: An
Anthology of Contemporary Mathematical Poetry.
Parker Ford, PA: Primary Press, 1979.
Wolosky, Shira. The Art of Poetry: How to Read a Poem.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Caleb Emmons
See Also: Literature; Permutations and Combinations;
Stylometry; Vedic Mathematics.
Category: History and Development of
Curricular Concepts.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Polygons have properties making them
important in engineering, architecture, and elsewhere.
Shapes and gures dene how people view the world.
Polygons are special gures whose properties and rela-
tionships are prevalent in nature and are used exten-
sively by architects, engineers, scientists, landscapers,
and artists. Specically, polygons are traditionally
Polygons 779
planar (two-dimensional) gures that are closed and
comprised of line segments that do not cross. These
line segments are called edges or sides, and the
points where the edges meet are called vertices. Pla-
nar polygons are very important in engineering, com-
puter graphics, and analysis because they are rigid, they
work well with functions, and they are easy to trans-
form. Other types of polygons are also useful, such as
spherical, hyperbolic, complex, or near polygons.
Properties of Polygons
Polygons are named by the number of their sides.
Typically, polygons with more than 10 sides are called
Calculating angle sums, areas, and perimeters of
polygons is important in architecture, landscaping, and
interior design. Understanding properties of triangles
and parallelograms facilitates these kinds of calcula-
tions. For instance, the sum of the measures of the inte-
rior angles of a polygon can be determined by realizing
that a polygon with n sides can be divided into n 2
triangles, and that the sum of the measures of the inte-
rior angles of any triangle is 180 degrees. Using these
ideas, a carpenter could easily determine the angles at
which, for example, the sides of a hexagonal window
frame should meet. Furthermore, the ability to create
polygons from triangles and the ability to rearrange or
duplicate some polygons to form parallelograms allow
the derivation of area formulas. Michael Serra describes
in his 2008 book, Discovering Geometry: An Investiga-
tive Approach, how the area of a parallelogram can be
derived from a rectangle, and the area of a triangle can
be derived from a parallelogram.
Real World Examples
Polygons are prevalent in the world. Even trafc signs
come in the shapes of triangles, rectangles, squares,
kites, and octagons. The properties of polygons make
them useful in many areas including architecture,
structural engineering, nature, and art.
Polygons are sometimes used in architecture for
their structural benets. Trusses formed from triangles
provide support for bridges and roofs because, unlike
other polygons, triangles do not tend to deform when
force is exerted on a vertex. Fences are often formed
into polygons because they can be built by linking
together straight segments of material that are of equal
size and shape. The buildings that comprise the Pen-
tagon building in Washington, D.C., are arranged in a
pentagonal shape because, according to Stephen Vogel,
walking distances between buildings are less than in
a rectangle, straight sides are easier to build, and the
symmetrical shape is appealing. In the 1850s, Orsen
Fowler popularized octagonal-shaped houses because
octagons have larger areas than rectangles with the
same perimeter. Thus, octagonal houses provided
maximal living space while keeping heating, cooling,
and building costs similar to that of the smaller rectan-
gular house with the same outer wall space.
Properties of quadrilaterals and triangles facilitate
the creation of squares and right angles. For example,
using the properties of a squares diagonals, an approxi-
mate baseball diamond could be constructed by cutting
diagonals of equal length from string or rope.
To form the square, the diagonals would
be positioned to bisect (halve) each
other at right angles. The ends of each
string would then mark the squares
four corners. The same format could be
used to create a rectangular play area,
except the diagonals would not be per-
pendicular. According to Sidney Kol-
pas, although unaware of the Pythago-
rean theorem, ancient Egyptians used
right triangles to reconstruct property
780 Polygons
The Rich-Twinn
Octagon House in
Akron, New York,
built in 1849.
boundaries after the annual ooding of the Nile River.
To create a 90 degree angle, Egyptians would create a
3-4-5 right triangle by tying 13 equally spaced knots in
a rope, placing stakes at knots 4 and 8, then drawing the
ends of the rope at knots 1 and 13 to meet.
Polygons are prevalent in nature. Mineral crystals
often have faces that are triangular, square, or hexag-
onal. The cross section of the Starfruit is shaped like
a pentagonal star. Katrena Wells describes practical
applications of hexagons, such as the often hexagonal
shape of snowakes and the hexagonal markings on
many turtles backs.
Tessellations of polygons are arrangements of poly-
gons on a plane with no gaps or overlaps. These are also
seen frequently in nature. Marvin Harrell and Linda Fos-
naugh discuss many examples, including the facts that
bees use a hexagonal tessellation for their honeycomb,
some plant cell structures form hexagonal tessellations,
and cooling lava may have formed the tessellating hex-
agonal columns of basalt rock at the Giants Causeway
in Ireland. Interestingly, a giraffes skin is covered with a
tessellation of various approximate polygons.
When creating sketches of objects or animals, art-
ists often use polygons as the basis of their work by
breaking the gure down into polygons and circles,
then smoothing and lling in the details of the draw-
ing after the rough polygonal sketch is created. Michael
Serra explains how artist M.C. Escher used tessellations
of triangles, squares, and hexagons as a framework,
then rotated or translated various drawings along the
sides of each polygon in the tessellation to create mar-
velous patterns of reptiles, birds, and sh. Islamic art-
ists covered their buildings with ornate tessellations of
polygons. A prime example is the Alhambra Palace in
Grenada, Spain.
Investigating polygons as they exist in the world is
one method of introducing geometry and instilling
a value of geometry to people of all ages. Examining
polygons with hands-on learning activities and real-
world examples provides students with opportunities
to investigate the characteristics and properties among
polynomial shapes and helps them grasp an under-
standing of geometry at a higher level.
Development of Polygons
Planar polygons have been important since ancient
times. Up until the seventeenth century, polygons
that inscribed and circumscribed a circle were used
by Archimedes and many others to estimate values
of . In 1796, at the age of 19, Carl Friedrich Gauss
constructed a 17-sided polygon using a compass and
straight edge. A year earlier, he had described the area
of a polygon, which is often referred to as the Sur-
veyors formula, although this concept also is attrib-
uted to A. L. F. Meister in 1769. The concept of a tiling
or tessellation also requires polygons, and these have
a long history of represention in art, weaving, archi-
tecture, and mathematics. Johannes Kepler studied
the coverings of a plane with regular polygons, and in
1891, crystallographer E. S. Yevgraf Fedorov proved
that there are 17 different types of symmetries that can
be used to tile the plane. Planar polygons also star as
main characters in Edwin Abbotts 1884 novel Flat-
land and the subsequent twenty-rst-century movies.
In the early twenty-rst century, young children inves-
tigate the mathematical properties of planar polygons
in primary school.
Other types of polygons are also interesting and
useful. Non-convex polygons like a star polygon, where
line segments connecting pairs of points no longer
have to remain inside the polygon, were studied sys-
tematically by Thomas Bredwardine in the fourteenth
century. Generalized polygons in the twentieth cen-
tury include complex polygons investigated by Geof-
frey Shephard and H. S. M Donald Coxeter; Mou-
fang polygons, named after Ruth Moufang; and near
polygons. In 1797, Norwegian surveyor Caspar Wessel
explored planar and spherical polygons in his theoreti-
cal investigation of geodesy. M. C. Escher represented
hyperbolic polygons in his tessellated artwork. Some
twenty-rst-century college geometry texts contain
spherical and hyperbolic polygons.
Further Reading
Bass, Laurie E., Basia R. Hall, Art Johnson, and Dorothy
F. Wood. Geometry: Tools for a Changing World. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Botsch, Mario, Leif Kobbelt, Mark Pauly, Pierre Alliez,
and Bruno Levy. Polygon Mesh Processing. Natick, MA:
A K Peters, 2010.
Cohen, Marina. Polygons. New York: Crabtree
Publishing, 2010.
Fowler, Orson. The Octagon House: A Home for All.
New York: Dover Publications, 1973.
Guttmann, A. J. Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes.
Berlin: Springer, 2009.
Polygons 781
Harrell, Marvin E., and Linda S. Fosnaugh. Allium to
Zircon: Mathematics. Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School 2, no. 6 (1997).
Icon Group International. Polygons: Websters Timeline
History, 260 B.C.2007. San Diego, CA: ICON Group
International, 2009.
Kolpas, Sidney J. The Pythagorean Theorem: Eight Classic
Proofs. Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour, 1992.
Serra, Michael. Discovering Geometry an Investigative
Approach. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum, 2008.
van Maldeghem, Hendrik. Generalized Polygons. Basel,
Switzerland: Birkhuser, 1998.
Vogel, Stephen. How the Pentagon Got Its Shape. May
Wells, Katrena. Hexagons in Nature6-Sided Shapes
Made Fun: Teach Practical Application of Natural
Beauty of the Hexagon. http://primaryschool
Linda Reichwein Zientek
Beth Cory
See Also: Archimedes; Bees; Pi; Polyhedra; Ruler and
Compass Constructions.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Field of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Regular solid shapes play important roles
in nature and geometry.
People frequently encounter objects in polyhedral
shapes, such as buildings that have cubic or prismatic
shapes and geodesic domes or dice that are shaped like
polyhedra. This prevalence is partly because of their
aesthetic appeal and partly because of their practical
properties. Polyhedra also appear in nature; many crys-
tals have the shapes of regular solids, particularly of tet-
rahedron, cube, and octahedron, and virus capsids can
be icosahedral. Furthermore, carbon atoms can form a
type of molecule known as fullerenes, which are in the
form of a triangulated truncated icosahedron. A poly-
hedron is a solid in space with polygonal faces that are
joined along their edges. If the faces consist of regular
polygons, then it is called a regular polyhedron. A
polyhedron is convex if the line segment joining any
two points lies on or inside it. Regular convex polyhedra
are particularly important for their aesthetic value, sym-
metry, and simplicity. There are only ve of them: the
tetrahedron, cube or hexahedron, octahedron, dodeca-
hedron, and icosahedron. Beginning in primary school,
students investigate and classify geometric shapes,
including polyhedra. In middle school and high school,
students explore area and volume measurements as well
as transformations and cross-sections.
Some of the earliest known polyhedra are the Egyptian
pyramids. The ve regular solids appear as decorations
on Scottish Neolithic carved stone balls, which date to
2000 b.c.e. There are also examples of cuboctahedra
worn by east-African women around the ankle and a
variety of polyhedral earrings in medieval Europe. The
Greeks are thought to have rst studied the mathemat-
ical properties of regular solids, particularly the Pla-
tonic solids, named for Plato. The last book of Euclid
of Alexandrias Elements is devoted to the study of the
properties of these solids, including detailed descrip-
tions of their construction. The book is based on the
work of Theaetetus of Athens. There is some evidence
that Hippasus of Metapontum may have been the rst
to describe the dodecahedron. Hypsicles of Alexandria
inscribed regular polyhedra in a sphere in his treatise.
The Platonic solids also represented physical aspects:
Earth was associated with the cube, air with the octa-
hedron, water with the icosahedron, re with the tet-
rahedron, and the dodecahedron with the universe.
Plato noted: So their combinations with themselves
and with each other give rise to endless complexities,
which anyone who is to give a likely account of reality
must survey.
The KeplerPoinsot polyhedra are named for the
1619 work of Johannes Kepler and the 1809 work of
Louis Poinsot. They constructed four regular stel-
lated polyhedra. These new solids were obtained by
extending the faces. In the twentieth century, Donald
Coxeter classied and studied the stellation process
and described many stellated polyhedra.
782 Polyhedra
One common classroom investigation that relates
to polyhedra is the Euler characteristic , named for
Leonhard Euler. It is an equation that combines the
number of vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) of a
polyhedron as = + V E F. All convex polyhedra
have the same Euler characteristic: 2. Ren Descartes
discovered the polyhedral formula in 1635, and Euler
discovered it in 1752. In the nineteenth century, Lud-
wig Schli generalized the formula to polytopes and
Henri Poincar proved the result.
The shape of a polyhedron lends itself to a very con-
venient symbolic or combinatorial description, called
the Schli symbol of the polyhedron. Let {n, p} rep-
resent a regular polygon with n-gon faces, p of them
meeting at each vertex. For example {4, 3} would rep-
resent a cube because three squares meet at each ver-
tex This symbolic representation is particularly useful
if one would like to express various quantities like the
dihedral angle, angular deciency, radii of inscribed
and circumscribed spheres, and surface area. For
instance, the surface area of a Platonic solid {n, p} can
be expressed by
S nF
For cubic equations and their rootsnding where
a polynomial of degree 3 is zeroit took another 3500
years for mathematicians to fully understand the situ-
ation. Following contributions from ancient Greeks,
Indians, and Babylonians, as well as Persians in the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, a group of Italian math-
ematicians in the 1500s (Scipione del Ferro, Niccolo
Tartaglia, and Gerolamo Cardano) proved that there is
a cubic formula. In other words, based on the coef-
cients of a degree 3 polynomial, there is a very compli-
cated formula involving cube roots that calculates the
locations of the polynomials zeros.
Mathematicians were able to take these discover-
ies a step further. Near the mid-1500s, Ludovico Fer-
rari found a way to solve quartic equations. This quar-
tic formula is incredibly complicated and represents a
major feat in the understanding of polynomial func-
tions. Interestingly, these general formulas cease to exist
beyond polynomials of degree 4. In 1824, Neils Abel and
Paolo Rufni published a theorem, based on the work of
Evariste Galois, proving that there was no general for-
mula for the roots of a degree 5 polynomial or higher.
This latter work on polynomials ended up founding an
entire new branch of mathematics called modern alge-
bra. Sometimes in mathematics, the quest to solve one
problem leads to a whole host of other interesting prob-
lems or even a new collection of coherent ideas.
Polynomial functions demonstrate all sorts of interest-
ing patterns and properties and have long been stud-
ied because they are interesting in their own right. But
even more than this, polynomials play important roles
in other areas of mathematics and in applications. For
example, polynomial functions spawned the subject of
modern algebra, and key ideas in modern algebra are
used in the eld of public key cryptographythe sci-
ence of keeping important information private in such
essential settings as Internet commerce.
A more direct application of polynomial functions
comes in the design of fonts that appear on computer
screens. So-called Bezier curves, named for mathema-
tician Pierre Bezier, are degree 3
polynomial functions that can be
easily spliced together to form ele-
gant shapes. For instance, at right
is the letter S in the Palatino font.
Each piece of the Sthe por-
tion of the curve between con-
secutive squares that represent
points on the curveconsists of a degree 3 paramet-
ric polynomial. There is deep and elegant mathematics
behind why Bezier curves work so well and why they
are particularly suited to computer graphics. This is just
one example of how substantial ideas and applications
in mathematics often emerge from simple beginnings.
Polynomial functions are the simplest of all func-
tions, can be used to approximate more complicated
functions that are not polynomials, and often emerge
in important applications. They are indeed some of the
key building blocks of mathematics.
Further Reading
Barbeau, Edward. Polynomials. New York: Springer, 1989.
Kalman, Dan. Polynomia and Related Realms. Washington,
DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2009.
Kushilevitz, Eyal. Some Applications of Polynomials for the
Design of Cryptographic Protocols. Berlin: Springer-
Verlag, 2002.
Strogatz, Steven. Power Tools. New York Times.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Exponentials and
Logarithms; Functions.
Popular Music
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Popular music can be analyzed and
enhanced by mathematical techniques and to some
degree the popularity of music can be predicted
786 Popular Music
The interaction between mathematics and popular
music goes far beyond the popularity of numbers in
song titles, like Tennessee Ernie Fords 16 Tons or
2gethers U + Me = Us (Calculus). Mathematics is
fundamental to musical theory and composition. The
twentieth-century subgenres math rock and mathcore
are perhaps the most explicitly mathematical compo-
sitions, but there are also songs about mathematics
concepts. These are usually intended to be humorous
or educational, such as Thats Mathematics by mathe-
matician and musician Thomas Lehrer. Mathematics is
also increasingly important to recording and analyzing
popular music, including its potential effects on learn-
ing. Experimental electronic artist Jamal Moss, founder
of record label Mathematics, notes: Mathematics is the
body of sound knowledge centered on such concepts as
quantity, music, structure, space, and changeand also
the academic discipline that studies them.
Popular Artists
Mathematics in popular music reects societys often
polarized opinions on mathematics. For example,
Jimmy Buffets song Math Suks expressed the
singers feelings about the difculty of mathematical
concepts like fractions, algebra, and geometry. Other
singers and groups embrace mathematics, like the
Texas indie rock band named I Love Math. Math-
ematics is often found in album cover art. British
band Coldplays 2005 X & Y album featured a cover
with colored blocks that spell out X and Y in the
binary code developed in 1870 by Emile Baudot for
use with telegraph systems. Coldplays lead guitarist
Jonny Buckland studied astronomy and mathemat-
ics at University College London. Some artists have
been criticized for incorrectly using mathematics.
Pink Floyds very popular 1973 album Dark Side of the
Moon features cover art showing a prism and spec-
trum. It is correct in depicting some facts, like violet
light refracting the most and red the least, but some
other aspects are not accurate, such as the relative dis-
persion of the different colors. Mariah Careys 2009
album E=MC
, borrowed from Albert Einsteins well-
known theory of relativity.
Mathematical Subgenres of Popular Music
Avant-garde composer Iannis Xenakis and post-rock
subgenres math rock and mathcore are prominent exam-
ples of popular music that relies heavily on mathemat-
ics. Xenakis was one of the most signicant avant-garde
composers of the twentieth century and a grandfather
of modern electronic music. His work incorporated
mathematical models, such as probability theory, sto-
chastic processes, group theory, set theory, game theory,
and Markov chains. He developed algorithms to pro-
duce computer-generated music using probability the-
ory and stochastic functions in the 1960s. In his 1966
cello solo Nomos Alpha, he divided the 24 sections
of the piece into two layers. The rst layer, consisting
of every section not divisible by four, is determined by
the 24 orientation-preserving elements of the octahe-
dral group, while the second layer is a more traditional
structure. The work has been compared to a musical
kaleidoscope, and its structure likened to a fractal.
In the 1990s, post-rock like Slints Spiderland became
a dominant genre in experimental rock. Critic Simon
Reynolds coined the term math rock to describe
music that uses rock instrumentation for non-rock
purposes, using guitars as facilitators of timbre and
textures rather than riffs and power chords. Math rock
bands began to explore the use of dramatically alter-
nating dynamic shifts and unusual time signatures and
dissonance, and songs tend to avoid the verse-cho-
rus-verse structure of pop songs. Mathcore developed
largely independently of math rock, growing out of
hardcore punk and extreme metal, with a huge debt to
hardcore pioneers Black Flag.
Mathematics Songs
As of 2010, the Web site M A S S I V E: Math And Sci-
ence Song Information, Viewable Everywhere is part of
the National Science Digital Library and contains over
2,800 mathematical and scientic songs. Popular You-
Tube songs include mathematical raps and parodies,
like I Will Derive. Hard n Phirms song rose in
popularity because of the 2005 music video by award
winning director Keith Schoeld. Some songs help stu-
dents learn mathematics concepts, like multiplication.
Other songs showcase the mathematicians who love to
sing. The Klein Four Group is a Northwestern Univer-
sity a cappella group who sing about undergraduate
and graduate level mathematics. They are most known
for their song Finite Simple Group (of Order Two).
Self-proclaimed mathemusician Lawrence Lesser
writes educational songs in order to increase mathe-
matics awareness. Educators often incorporate math-
ematics songs into their classrooms to enhance student
Popular Music 787
learning of specic concepts and many students use
music of various kinds to help them focus while they
study mathematical concepts, but these effects are not
yet denitively supported or refuted. One study that
investigated using jingles to teach statistics concepts
found that students who sung several jingles versus
reading aloud denitions for the same concepts per-
formed better as a group on a follow-up test. On the
other hand, a study that compared classical, popular,
and no music to enhance learning found that the stu-
dents in the three groups performed no differently on
a mathematics placement test. This matched ndings
regarding the effect of music on other academic areas.
Audio Processing
While music production techniques have always
allowed a certain amount of alteration and error cor-
rection by adjusting the relative levels and balance of
the recorded elements, twenty-rst century software
capabilities have progressed to the point where lower-
quality vocals can be processed to professional-sound-
ing quality.
The software package most associated with this is
Auto-Tune, released in 1997, and developed by Exxon
engineer Harold Dr. Andy Hildebrand, who applied
seismic data interpretation methods to the analysis
and modication of musical pitch. Auto-Tune is an
enhancement of existing phase vocoder technology,
which uses short-time Fourier transforms, named after
mathematician Jean Fourier, to convert time domain
representations of sound into time-frequency repre-
sentations that can be modied before being converted
back. Extreme changes can leave tell-tale artifacts in
recordings, in the form of a warble like a degenerat-
ing audiocassette tape. Audio processing has become
standard in many pop albums and on television shows,
such as Glee. Some well-established singers regularly
use Auto-Tune for both albums and in live perfor-
mances. Other musicians have refused to do so out of
fear that it will change the sound enough to make them
Predicting Popular Song Success
In 2010, Platinum Blue and Music Intelligence Solu-
tions specialize in mathematically predicting hit songs,
while services like iTunes and Music IP create suggested
playlists or make recommendations. Platinum Blue
CEO Mike McCready explained that he and others dis-
covered mathematical patterns in hit songs while try-
ing to build an automated recommendation platform.
The algorithm his company uses is based on roughly
30 song traits that are quantied mathematically, such
as melody, harmony, beat, tempo, and rhythm. These
traits are analyzed for patterns, resulting in groups of
songs that are ranked according to probability of suc-
cess. Hit songs tend to have identiable similarities,
but falling into a particular category is not a guaran-
tee of success. For example, lyrics are an inuential
song component that are not reliably quantiable, and
aggressive marketing can have an effect not captured by
the algorithm. McCready noted: We gured out that
having these optimal mathematical patterns seemed to
be a necessary, but not sufcient, condition for having
a hit song.
Further Reading
Crowther, Greg, and Wendy Silk. M A S S I V E:
Math And Science Song Information, Viewable
Everywhere. National Science Digital Library. http://
Lesser, Lawrence. Sum of Songs: Making Mathematics
Less Monotone! Mathematics Teacher 93, no. 5 (2000).
VanVoorhis, Carmen. Stat Jingles: To Sing or Not to
Sing. Teaching of Psychology 29, no. 3 (2002).
Waldman, Harry. Tom Lehrer: Mathematician and
Musician. Math Horizons 4 (April 1997).
Xenakis, Iannis. Formalized Music: Thought and
Mathematics in Composition. 2nd ed. Hillsdale, NY:
Pendragon Press, 2001.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Composing; Geometry of Music;
Harmonics; Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning; Scales.
PredatorPrey Models
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: The interaction between the population
sizes of a predator species and a prey species can be
modeled using systems of equations.
788 PredatorPrey Models
Predatorprey models are systems of mathematical
equations that are used to predict the populations of
interacting species, one of whichthe preyis the
primary food source for the otherthe predator. One
famous example that has been extensively studied is
the relationship between the wolves and moose on Isle
Royale in Lake Superior.
The Isle Royale populations are well suited for mod-
eling the predatorprey relationship because there is
little food for the wolves other than the moose and
there are no other predators for the moose. In addition,
the geographic isolation limits other factors that would
complicate the mathematics in the equations, such as
hunting or migration. This predatorprey interaction
has been carefully studied since the 1950s and contin-
ues to be investigated into the twenty-rst century.
Modeling PredatorPrey Populations
Most predatorprey models are composed of two
equations, the rst representing the change in the prey
population, and the second the change in the preda-
tor population. Each equation has the following form:
birth function minus death function.
If X t ( ) represents the quantity of prey at time t, and
Y t ( ) represents the quantity of predators at time t, then
the instantaneous rate of change in prey is
f f =
1 2
and the instantaneous rate of change in predators is
f f =
3 4
where f
is the mathematical term that describes the
births in the prey population, f
describes the deaths
in the prey population, f
describes the births in the
predator population, and f
describes the deaths in the
predator population.
There have been many predatorprey models pro-
posed since the beginning of the twentieth century. The
most famous and the earliest known is the LotkaVolt-
erra system, named for the two scientists who devel-
oped the same mathematical model independently,
American Alfred Lotka (18801949) publishing the
equations in 1925 and Italian Vito Volterra (18601940)
publishing them in 1926. Lotka had degrees in physics
and chemistry, and he believed that one could apply
physical principles to biological systems. His work on
predatorprey interactions is just part of extensive
work he published in 1925 in the text titled Elements of
Physical Biology. Lotka used a chemical reaction anal-
ogy to justify the terms in the model.
In the absence of predators, the prey should increase
at a rate proportional to the current quantity of prey,
X. In other words, more moose around to mate with-
out being hunted means more calves would be born.
Likewise, in the absence of prey, the predators should
die off at a rate proportional to the current predator
population, Y. In other words, with many wolves and
no moose for food, more wolves would starve.
Lotka used a chemical reaction analogy to explain
prey deaths and predator births: when a reaction occurs
by mixing chemicals, the rate of the reaction is propor-
tional to the product of the quantities of the reactants.
Lotka argued that prey should decrease and predators
should increase at rates proportional to the product of
the quantity of prey and predators, XY. In other words,
the moose deaths should be closely related to the rate
of interaction of wolves and moose, and the wolf births
should be as well because wolves need the moose for
food to be healthy and have pups. The equations can
be written as
aX bXY = and
cXY dY =
for non-negative proportionality constants a, b, c,
and d.
Volterra arrived at the same model using different
reasoning. Volterra was a physicist whose daughter and
son-in-law were biologists. While looking for a math-
ematical explanation for a problem his son-in-law was
working on, Volterra became very interested in interac-
tions of species and spent the rest of his professional
life looking for a mathematical theory of evolution.
The LotkaVolterra predatorprey model can be
solved without a computer and yields a graph that
makes sense. The population of the predator oscil-
lates as does that of the prey, with the predator popu-
lation trailing slightly behind. Too many prey results
in more predators, who swamp the prey causing a
decrease in prey. As the prey become scarce, the pred-
ators also start to die out, and the cycle begins again
(see Figure 1).
PredatorPrey Models 789
While this result has reasonable qualitative behav-
ior, many scientists have objected to the equations in
this form. Some of the concerns about the model have
included the following:
If there are no predators, the prey population
would grow arbitrarily large
A reduction in the number of prey should
cause more predator deaths rather than fewer
predator births
For a xed number of predators, the number
of prey eaten is proportional to the number
of prey present, implying that predators are
always hungry and eat the same proportion
of the prey no matter how large the number
of prey gets
The food for the prey plays a role in the
births and deaths of the prey, and should be
included in the model
No spatial considerations are incorporated
in the model, so factors such as migration or
seeking safety in herds are ignored
These equations do not take into account
gestation periods and seasonal changes in
birth rates
The constants a, b, c, and d are difcult to
estimate for a given situation without a
large amount of data collected from eld
Much work has been done since the 1930s to modify
the equations to address these concerns and to apply
the equations to data from specic situations, such as
the moose and wolves of Isle Royale. In the twenty-rst
century, scientists use sophisticated computer models
to model predatorprey interactions using increas-
ingly intricate equations to incorporate more realistic
assumptions in the mathematics.
Further Reading
Kingsland, Sharon E. Modeling Nature, Episodes in the
History of Population Ecology. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1995.
Lotka, Alfred J. Elements of Physical Biology. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins Publishers, 1925.
Volterra, Vito. Variations and Fluctuations of the
Number of Individuals in Animal Species Living
Together. In Animal Ecology. Edited by R. Chapman.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1926.
Vucetich, John A. The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Animals; Fertility; Social Networks.
Predicting Attacks
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Predictive mathematical models can be
used to attempt to foresee and counter various types
of attacks.
An increasing area of interest in mathematics is the
use of algorithms and computer models to predict
attacksmilitary attacks, terrorist attacks, and even
attacks on Web servers. As with meteorology, a model
is a probabilistic statement; the future cannot be pre-
dicted with absolute certainty but probable causes,
patterns, and outcomes can be quantied and math-
ematically modeled to extrapolate the likelihood of
new events. Humankind has been trying to predict
attacks ever since one group rst fought another using
some combination of observation and subjective judg-
ment. However, formal prediction of attacks using
790 Predicting Attacks
Figure 1. Predatorprey interaction.
mathematical methods appears to have originated only
within the last two centuries and has escalated with
advances in technology and data gathering.
Mathematician Lewis Richardson made contribu-
tions to many areas within and outside mathematics,
such as numerical weather prediction, in the rst half
of the twentieth century. The Richardson iteration is
one method for solving systems of linear equations,
while the Richardson effect refers to the apparently
innite limit of coastline lengths as the unit of mea-
sure decreases, a precursor to the modern study of
fractals. Richardson spent many years analyzing data
on wars from the early nineteenth century onward,
using mathematical methods such as probability
theory and differential equations, often quantifying
psychological variables, such as mood. He identied
several patterns in war and identied some variables
likely to prevent conict. He is often credited with
rst introducing the notion of power laws to relate
conict size, frequency, and death toll. At the start of
the twenty-rst century, models had grown in com-
plexity. In 2009, a University of Maryland team devel-
oped a model that uses 150 variables and data accu-
mulated from the activity of 100 insurgent groups in
the Middle East in order to model their reactions to
Israeli activities. Other models have been developed
to attempt to predict violence and attacks in Iraq and
continue to be rened. Statistical methods like data
mining and power law functions are prevalent in
modern predictive modeling.
Data Mining
Data mining is the process of extracting patterns from
large to enormous bodies of data. Isaac Asimovs Foun-
dation stories, the rst of which was published in 1942,
depicted a future where psychohistory was the study
of the future using the body of history as data from
which to extrapolate the future. Modern data min-
ing is quite similar to Asimovs predictions and may
be accomplished by many mathematical methods. For
example, many use articial neural networks, which
are computational models that mimic neuron behav-
ior. Genetic algorithms, credited to scientist John Hol-
land, are search heuristics inspired by the processes of
gene recombination and evolution. Decision trees may
be used to determine conditional probabilities. In the
1980s, support vector machines (SVMs) were developed
to analyze data to nd patterns for statistical classica-
tion. All of these developments greatly advanced the
state and potential of machine learning and facilitated
rapid processing of increasingly larger and frequently
interlinked databases from sources such as credit card
companies, telecommunications businesses, and gov-
ernment intelligence agencies. Within the U.S. govern-
ment, the Department of Defense began using data
mining in the late 1990s in its Able Danger program,
which gathered counterterrorism data, including data
about the Al Qaeda terrorist group. Some asserted that
the program uncovered the names of four of the alleged
September 11, 2001, hijackers a year before the attacks.
In February 2002, the U.S. Ofce of Science and Tech-
nology Policy convened a panel of government and
industry leaders to discuss data mining as a counterter-
rorism tool. While it is now widely used, some criticize
it because the sparsity of some information and the
relative infrequency of terrorist attacks make identify-
ing statistically signicant patterns, which are critical
to nding the anomalies that signal an attack, prone to
unacceptable levels of error.
Cyber Security
Mathematicians, computer scientists, and others are
continually working on new methods to predict and
counter attacks on Web servers, e-mail, and digital
records of all kinds. The Internet is lled with mali-
cious activity, from phishing and identity theft to dis-
tributed denial of service attacks. Electronic attacks
are facilitated by the same computer technology that is
used to predict attacks. The traditional guard has been
to block a source of malice after the attack, by e-mail
as spam or blocking an IP address after harmful activ-
ity originates from it. These methods are commonly
known as blacklists and are now widely compiled and
shared. However, they are by denition reactive mea-
sures to attacks. Just as e-mail spam lters have become
preemptive, marking mail as spam automatically
based on a number of factors, IP-blocking can also be
conducted preemptively.
The method of predictive blacklisting uses shared
attack logs as the basis for a predictive system, like the
customer recommendation systems employed by Ama-
zon or Netix. Computer scientists Fabio Soldo, Anh
Le, and Athina Markopoulou developed what is known
as an implicit recommendation systemimplicit
because ratings are inferred rather than given directly
by the subjects of the model. Their multilevel prediction
Predicting Attacks 791
model uses mathematical methods, such as time series
analysis and neighborhood models, adjusted speci-
cally for attack forecasting. Inputs to the model include
factors such as attacker-victim history and interac-
tions between pairs or groups of attackers and victims.
Similar modelsusing different types of datacan
be built to predict terrorist attacks and the behavior
of enemy forces, and such models are included in the
standard order of battle intelligence reports used by
the U.S. Army.
The data needed to predict attacks are not restricted
to private databases. Information is widely available
from the Internet or the scrolling news banners of
24-hour news networks. Neil Johnson used a variety
of sources to investigate insurgent wars, employing
some of the same mathematical techniques as Rich-
ardson in his analyses and modeling. After gathering
and analyzing data for almost 60,000 insurgent attacks
occurring in multiple conicts around the world, he
and his collaborators discovered similarities between
the frequency and intensity of attacks in all conicts.
Further, they found that the statistical distribution for
insurgency attacks was signicantly different from the
distribution of attacks in traditional war. The model
quanties connection between insurgency, global ter-
rorism, and ecology, and counters the common the-
ory of rigid hierarchies and networks in insurgencies.
Johnson notes:
Despite the many different discussions of various
wars, different historical features, tribes, geogra-
phy and cause, we nd that the way humans ght
modern (present and probably future) wars is the
same, just like trafc patterns in Tokyo, London,
and Miami are pretty much the same.
Further Reading
Jakobsson, Markus, and Zulkar Ramzan. Crimeware:
Understanding New Attacks and Defenses. Boston:
Addison-Wesley, 2008.
Memon, Nasrullah, Jonathan Farley, David Hicks,
and Torben Rosenorn. Mathematical Methods in
Counterterrorism. New York: Springer, 2009.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Intelligence and Counterintelligence;
Predicting Preferences; Spam Filters; Vietnam War.
Predicting Divorce
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication: Data
Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Statistical data analysis and mathematical
models can be used to predict the likelihood of
There is a common misconception that one out of
every two marriages ends in divorce. The 50% number
comes from dividing the number of divorces in a given
year (about 1.3 million) by the number of marriages
in that same year (about 2.6 million). The mistake
is failing to realize that, in any given year, the people
getting divorced are probably not the same as those
getting married, because the average length of a mar-
riage before a divorce is about eight years (the over-
all length of marriage, on average, is about 24 years).
Hence, those getting married in any given year have
an eight-year lag in their projections for divorce. This
lag means that the numerator and denominator of the
above ratio are not comparable. Instead, experts sug-
gest that about two out of every ve marriages end in
divorce (or about 40%).
Because of the propensity for some to remain mar-
ried, for some to divorce more than once, and for some
to never marry, only about one out of every ve people
are predicted to experience a divorce in their lifetime.
However, these gures mask the distribution of divorce
rates by category40% of all rst marriages end in
divorce, 60% of second marriages end in divorce, and
73% of all third marriages end in divorce. There are
also some differences by age group, with divorce rates
highest for those in their early 20s and declines steadily
in subsequent age groups.
There are two main ways to predict divorce: empir-
ical (or statistical) methods that take advantage of
data gathered on married and divorced couples; and
mathematical models that try to make a priori predic-
tions of future divorce using features of existing mar-
riages or theoretical assumptions based on extensive
work in the area.
Empirical Methodology
Empirical work suggests that indicators predict-
ing divorce can be separated into two groups: factors
present before marriage and factors that occur within
792 Predicting Divorce
the marriage. Some of the more common risk factors
brought into a marriage include parental history of
divorce (children of divorced parents are more likely
to divorce), educational attainment (those with lower
levels of education are more likely to divorce), and
age (those who marry younger are more likely to get
divorced). The risk factors that arise within the mar-
riage include communication styles (couples with poor
or destructive communication have a greater chance of
divorce), nances (couples with nancial problems,
including a large disparity in spending habits, dispos-
able income, and wealth goals, are at a greater risk for
divorce), indelity, commitment to the marriage (a
lack of commitment or a dissimilarity in the amount
of commitment often leads to divorce), and dramatic
change in life events.
Mathematical Models
Mathematical models seek to discover features of cur-
rent relationships that will put a couple at risk for
future divorce. Professor John Gottman argues that the
way couples communicate can often predict divorce.
His research, which is based on analyzing hundreds of
videotaped conversations between married couples,
claims a 94% accuracy rate. The work also monitors
pulse rates and other physiological data that, when
combined with the observations, leads to what he calls
the bitterness rating. The rating is based on six signs.
The rst sign posits that when a conversation starts
with accusations, criticisms, or negativity, the discus-
sion is likely to end badly. However, he argues that the
opposite is also true. The second sign encompasses
four patterns of negative interaction that can be del-
eterious to a marriage: criticism, contempt, defensive-
ness, and stonewalling. The third sign is ooding, in
which negativity of one partner overwhelms the posi-
tive feelings of the spouse until there is virtually noth-
ing left but discontent. The fourth sign recognizes that
physiological changes, such as increases in adrenaline
and blood pressure, often lead to feelings of entrap-
ment and serve to poison an otherwise benign con-
versation. The fth sign identies the fact that some
marital discord is unchanged by the repeated attempt
by one partner to repair the damage done to the rela-
tionship. Finally, the sixth sign involves one or both
people rewriting the history of their relationship to
be largely negative. Once people reach the sixth sign,
Gottman argues, divorce is likely.
Predicting Preferences 793
Further Reading
Booth, Alan, and John N. Edwards. Age at Marriage
and Marital Instability. Journal of Marriage and the
Family 47 (1985).
Gottman, John, and Nan Silver. The Seven Principles for
Making Marriage Work. London: Orion, 2004.
Martin, Teresa Castro, and Larry L. Bumpass. Recent
Trends in Marital Disruption. Demography 26 (1989).
South, Scott, and Glenna Spitze. Determinants of
Divorce Over the Marital Life Course. American
Sociological Review 51 (1986).
Wolnger, Nicholas H. Trends in the Intergenerational
Transmission of Divorce. Demography 36 (1999).
Casey Borch
See Also: Mathematics, Applied; Measurement in
Society; Psychological Testing.
Predicting Preferences
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Psychology of choice and predictive
models of preferences are exciting areas of mathematics
blending social science, economics, and commerce.
Mathematically, preference is an ordering of alterna-
tive possibilities. It can refer to conscious choices based
on ideas and beliefs, positive emotional responses or
liking, or biologically mandated behaviors. Preferences
are usually determined statistically: for individuals,
based on multiple instances of decisions over time; and
for groups, based on aggregated data of members. In
2009, the Netlix Prize contest awarded a team called
BellKors Pragmatic Chaos $1 million for their prefer-
ence-predicting algorithm.
Theoretical and Behavioral Economics
Among all sciences that deal with predicting prefer-
ences, such as social psychology and education theory,
the most developed mathematical apparatus can be
found in economics. As any branch of mathematics,
theories of economic preferences start with axiomatic
assumptions. These abstract axioms do not always apply
to all real situations. Economic theories that take into
account psychological factors, such as cognitive limita-
tions and emotions, are developed within an interdisci-
plinary area called behavioral economics.
Most abstract theories of preference prediction
assume most parts of the so-called total order, which is
a group of mathematical axioms and properties from
set theory. Let A, B, and C be different choices. Total
order assumes that either A B or B A. In real life,
this assumption is a statistical statement at best: today
a person can prefer apples, but might prefer bananas
tomorrow. The property of transitivity says that if
A B and B C, then A C. This property works in
some situations; for example, if one prefers $20 over
$10, and $100 over $20, it is likely the person will pre-
fer $100 over $10. However, in complex situations with
multiple choices, such as elections, transitivity fails
to describe real human behavior. Experiments show
that, given a choice between one pair of candidates at
a time, people may prefer Beth over Alice, Carol over
Beth, and Alice over Carol. One axiom of total order,
called antisymmetry, that almost never makes sense
in preference theories is that if D E and E D, then
E = D. For example, when group data shows that peo-
ple think diesels are worse or the same than electric
cars, and electric cars are worse or the same as diesels,
it does not mean that diesel cars and electric cars are
the same entity. It means that people prefer them about
the same. Economic theories call this situation indif-
ference and use a separate symbol for it: E D.
Another assumption frequently made in economic
preference predictions comes from topology and is
called continuity. It is the assumption that if A is pre-
ferred over B, then an option that is very similar (close)
to A will also be preferred over at option that is very
similar to B. Many complex phenomena, including
preferences, are discontinuous. They exhibit various
tipping points, near which minute differences cause
radical changes in preferences. These non-continuous
phenomena are studied using models from calculus or
chaos theory, a branch of differential equations. One
frequent example of noncontinuous preference is price
near powers of 10: many people choose to buy an object
that costs $999 over a similar object that costs $1,001
even though the difference in prices is minuscule com-
pared to the total. Behavioral economics explains this
by cognitive limitations: people see 1001 as thousands
and 999 as hundreds, which is technically correct but
makes less of a difference in this case than intuition
leads one to believe.
Paradoxical Preferences
A paradox is a false or contradictory statement that
logically follows from a set of true statements. Pref-
erence prediction leads to several types of paradoxes.
794 Predicting Preferences
Psychology of Choices
tatistical analysis of real situations, such
as elections, as well as results of experi-
ments and questionnaires, allow scientists to
aggregate increasingly sophisticated knowledge
of human mechanisms of choice and prefer-
ence. For example, from the purely mathemati-
cal viewpoint, gaining an amount and avoiding
loss of the same amount are equivalent. How-
ever, most people regret loss more strongly
than they regret missed opportunitya fact
extensively used in advertisements of savings
and discounts.
Preferences are very strongly inuenced by
power over the situation. Most people accept
much higher risks for given gains if they enter
the situation of their free will, compared to
risks of mandated behaviors. This phenom-
enon comes up, for example, when mandatory
immunizations are proposedthe fact that
people would not have a choice makes very
small risks unacceptable.
A very frequent type is the situation when an initial
model describes the reality well, but its mathematical
corollaries do not. Another type, a true logical para-
dox, occurs when mathematical corollaries contradict
one another.
For example, the expected value is the sum of
products of probabilities and payoffs. Suppose a fair
coin is ipped in a hypothetical game and the player
is paid $10 if the coin lands on heads and $20 if it
lands on tails. The expected value of winning is $15
because 0 5 10 0 5 20 15 . . ( ) + ( ) . When the same game
is played many times, it is rational to prefer options
with higher expected values. Under this assump-
tion, it is better to play the game where the player is
paid nothing for heads and $40 for tails than the rst
game, because the expected value of winning is higher:
0 5 0 0 5 40 20 . . ( ) + ( ) . However, in real life, risk aversion
will make many people choose the rst game.
To resolve this and other related paradoxes, many
preference models account for risk aversion as a sepa-
rate variable. A utility function is the measure of rela-
tive satisfaction of a range of choices. An assumption
that people will only want to maximize utility is not
realistic, because it does not account for risk aversion.
Because marginal choices usually come with higher
risks, the utility function that accounts for risk aver-
sion will look like a hump, being concave.
Bounded rationality principle is commonly used
to explain paradoxical preferences by taking into
account limited information, time, and cognitive
abilities of people. Models based on bounded ratio-
nality include human limitations, such as computa-
tional capacity, and are based on computer science,
statistics, and psychology.
Information Theory and
Aesthetic Preferences
Information theory is a mathematical science that
studies storing, compressing, and processing of data. In
the 1990s, its branch called algorithmic information
theory, which deals with the complexity of algorithms,
was applied to explain some aspects of the human sense
of beauty and of aesthetic preferences. According to this
theory, objects that have shorter algorithmic descrip-
tions in terms of observers knowledge will seem more
beautiful, compared to objects with longer algorithmic
descriptions. For example, it is easier to remember an
object with mirror symmetry because only half of the
information is originalsymmetry provides informa-
tion compressibility. Therefore, symmetric objects, as
well as objects with patterns or fractal self-similarity,
are seen as more beautiful.
Algorithmic information theory also models prefer-
ences by interest, which are separate from preferences
based on beauty. Within these models, interest can be
compared to the rst derivative of beauty, showing the
observers perception of change in understanding. Peo-
ple prefer an experience on the basis of interest when
it involves better compressibility or predictability of
information than before. For example, noticing a new
pattern (and therefore better organizing an image) is
preferred because it is interesting.
Preferences, Desires, and Motivation
Many preferences and choices are based on needs,
wants, and desires, which are explained in theories
of motivation. Researching motivation is challenging
because of individual differences among people, as
well as language ambiguity. There are disagreements
among researchers even over relatively straightforward
terminology, such as intrinsic and extrinsic motiva-
tion. Many motivation theories include taxonomies of
needs and desires. For example, in Maslows hierarchy,
named after Abraham Maslow, unsatised physiologi-
cal needs, such as hunger or thirst, have higher priority
than unsatised self-esteem needs, such as recognition.
Some theories identify long lists of motivators, such as
curiosity, tranquility, order, and independence. Other
theories only dene a few broad classes of needs.
Each category of need can be considered a variable.
Graphs of values of these variables versus levels of
motivation often demonstrate the characteristic mir-
rored C shape called a backward bending curve. For
example, as activities provide more order, they rst
become more motivating (and preferred), but beyond
a certain point, more order becomes less motivating.
This curve is famously described in the baseball man-
ager Lawrence Yogi Berras joke about a restaurant:
Nobody goes there anymore. Its too crowded. Peo-
ple usually prefer restaurants that are not too empty
or too full.
Preferences and Demographics
A number of statistical studies nd signicant differ-
ences in preferences of different demographics within
populations, such as males and females, socioeconomic
Predicting Preferences 795
classes, ages, and political afliations. Because statisti-
cal packages make many types of mathematical and
statistical analyses of databases very easy, there are
many results that demonstrate signicant differences in
preferences among different demographics. However,
determining meanings of these differences is a signi-
cantly more difcult research problem. Demographic
differences in preferences can also vary from culture to
culture. In some cultures, for example, more females
than males prefer bright colors in clothes, and in other
cultures, it is reversed.
Further Reading
Anthony, Martin, and Norman Biggs. Mathematics for
Economics and Finance: Methods and Modeling. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Berry, M. A. J., and G. Linoff. Data Mining Techniques For
Marketing, Sales and Customer Support. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 1997.
Netix Prize.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Data Mining; Expected Values; Mathematical
Modeling, Predicting Attacks; Predicting Divorce;
Raghavan, Prabhakar.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Various mathematical models help
describe issues related to conception, diseases
associated with pregnancy, and population dynamics.
Much of the conclusions drawn in medicine, in par-
ticular in obstetrics and gynecology, are often based
on heuristics, limited observations, and sometimes
even biased data. Mathematicians and statisticians
have recently attempted to develop general theoreti-
cal models that can be adapted to specic situations in
order to facilitate the understanding of various aspects
of human pregnancy. Specically, more recent studies
have been conducted regarding conception time, dis-
ease prediction related to pregnancy, and the effect of
pregnancy on population growth.
Modeling the Most Efcient Time
to Conceive
One of the most fundamental and important research
topics in the study of human pregnancy is the so-called
time-to-pregnancy (TTP). TTP can be dened scien-
tically as the number of menstrual cycles it takes a
couple engaging in regular sexual intercourse with no
contraception usage to conceive a child. Fittingly, stat-
isticians attempt to generate as much data as possible
from various couples regarding their personal TTP
experiences. The data are collected in a way that is as
unbiased as possibleit is intended to accurately rep-
resent couples in the general population attempting to
conceive a child. From the data, both qualitative and
quantitative statistical methods are implemented in
order to ascertain the most efcient method to achieve
For example, some social trends increase the age at
which a woman attempts to become pregnant. When
this situation arises, women are often concerned about
achieving conception before the onset of infertility,
which proceeds menopause. In fact, couples that are
unsuccessful in conceiving within one year are clini-
cally classied as infertile. When this condition occurs,
medical doctors often recommend that the couple
engage in assisted reproductive therapy (ART). How-
ever, ART can be very expensive and often increases the
risk of adverse outcomes for the offspring, including
various birth defects. Therefore, statistical models have
been developed that pose an alternative to ART. These
models are developed using Bayesian decision theory,
named for Thomas Bayes, and search for optimal
approaches for a couple to time intercourse in order to
achieve conception naturally, without the potentially
disadvantageous ART. These models quantitatively
incorporate various biological aspects, including men-
strual cycles and basal body temperature, as well as the
monitoring of electrolytesamong other phenom-
enain order to be as efcient as possible.
Predicting Diseases Associated With Pregnancy
Medical evidence supports the notion that women
often repeat reproductive outcomes. In particular,
women with a history of bearing children with adverse
outcomes often have up to a two-fold increase in sub-
796 Pregnancy
sequent risk. Therefore, researchers in the mathemati-
cal and statistical sciences realized the necessity for
statistical analyses that address this issue. In fact, statis-
tical research has been conducted in order to promote
a consistent strategy that assesses the risks each woman
may face in a subsequent pregnancy. The goal is for
these types of models to become increasingly more
accurate, as they incorporate statistical data regarding
the recent reproductive history of the woman, among
other biological factors, which were not fully taken into
account in previous studies.
Mathematical epidemiology (the study of the inci-
dence, distribution, and control of diseases in a pop-
ulation) attempts to better comprehend, diagnose,
and predict various diseases incorporated with preg-
nancy, and this eld is ever-expanding. By designing
and implementing various statistical approaches and
mathematical models to better predict realistic out-
comes, mathematicians and statisticians have studied
congenital defects and growth restrictions, as well as
preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia, and eclampsia.
For example, pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy condi-
tion in which high blood pressure and high levels of
protein in urine develop toward the end of the second
trimester or in the third trimester of pregnancy. The
symptoms of this condition may include excessive
weight gain, swelling, headaches, and vision loss. In
some cases this condition can be fatal to the expectant
mother or the child. The exact causes of pre-eclampsia
are unknown at the beginning of the twenty-rst cen-
tury, and the only cure for the disease is the delivery
of the child. Therefore, it is apparent that determining
which women are prone to develop pre-eclampsia is an
exceedingly important area of research.
Empirical evidence indicates that a womans heart
rate is a deterministic factor in the prediction of pre-
eclampsia. In recent times, statisticians have there-
fore developed a novel and non-invasive approach
to detect abnormalities in pre-eclamptic women that
distinguishes from women with non-pre-eclamptic
pregnancies. This approach is accomplished by com-
paring the dynamical complexity of the heart rates
of women that are pre-eclamptic with those that are
non-pre-eclamptic. The analysis revealed that the heart
rate of pre-eclamptic women demonstrated a more
regular dynamic behavior than those women that were
not pre-eclamptic, which substantiates the empirical
notion that diseased states may be associated with reg-
ular heart rate patterns.
Population Dynamics
Mathematicians have long developed models to ana-
lyze population dynamics. One contemporary model
also incorporates how pregnant women directly inu-
ence such dynamics. This model consists of an equa-
tion that describes the evolution of the entire popu-
lation and an equation that analyzes the evolution of
pregnant women. These equations are coupledthey
are studied simultaneously. Moreover, this particular
system of equations can be analyzed as a linear model
(not sensitive to initial data), with or without diffusion
(permitting members of the population to travel large
distances), or as a nonlinear model (sensitive to initial
data) without diffusion. The asymptotic behavior of
the solutions to this system (the long-term behavior of
the population) was also addressed.
Further Reading
Fragnelli, Ginni, et al. Qualitative Properties of a
Population Dynamics System Describing Pregnancy.
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
4 (2005).
Germaine B., et al. Analysis of Repeated Pregnancy
Outcomes. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
15 (2006).
Salazar, Carlos, et al. Non-Linear Analysis of Maternal
Heart Rate Patterns and Pre-Eclamptic Pregnancies.
Journal of Theoretical Medicine 5 (2003).
Pregnancy 797
Mathematical epidemiology is used to predict
conditions like pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.
Savitz, David A., et al. Methodologic Issues in the
Design and Analysis of Epidemiologic Studies of
Pregnancy Outcome. Statistical Methods in Medical
Research 15 (2006).
Scarpa, Bruno, and David B. Dunson. Beyesian
Methods for Searching for Optimal Rules for Timing
Intercourse to Achieve Pregnancy. Statistics in
Medicine 26 (2007).
Scheikle, Thomas H., and Niels Keiding. Design and
Analysis of Time-to-Pregnancy. Statistical Methods in
Medical Research 15 (2006).
Daniel J. Galiffa
See Also: Disease Survival Rates; Drug Dosing;
Fertility; Genetics; Mathematical Modeling;
Ultrasound; Viruses.
Category: Government, Politics and History.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Summary: Historians believe that even the earliest
people used mathematics.
Many books on the history of mathematics begin with
the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, but those
civilizations did not begin until about 5000 years ago.
Although historians do not know many details, human
life had been progressing for several millennia prior
to that time. Even archeology offers little detail on
the earliest mathematics, so most knowledge comes
from speculation. However, from what is known about
human beings in general, and especially about prehis-
toric life, even the earliest people must have known and
used some mathematics.
The use of mathematics probably even precedes
the development of modern human beings. Studies of
animal behavior have shown that animals, and espe-
cially birds, seem to possess limited number sense, rec-
ognizing the difference between groups of two and three
and even larger sets. Bees can recognize and even com-
municate information about the location of orchards
and elds for pollination, displaying a sense of space
that could be called geometry. Even more spectacular
are the long migratory trips of herd animals, ocks of
birds, and groups of butteries, often traveling thou-
sands of miles to return to the same elds every year.
These examples certainly do not represent a sophisti-
cated concept of mathematics and are instinctual, but
they show a mathematical organization in the brain.
Language, Counting, and Quantities
The earliest humans (wherever the line is drawn
between pre-human and human) continued the math-
ematical thinking shown in animals. As their brains
developed, their mathematics also grew stronger and
more sophisticated. This progression continued as
early grunts become proto-languages, for a key part of
mathematics is not only having the concepts in ones
head, but also representing and communicating the
concepts to others. Hence, language was a key ingredi-
ent in prehistoric mathematics (as it remains today).
A concept of counting must have come early, as peo-
ple began to distinguish quantity. Even if they did not
have linguistic terms for numbers beyond three or four,
they would at least be able to make rough comparisons
of large quantities and much larger quantitiescon-
sider that even modern humans often need notations,
pictures, or concrete examples to handle specic large
quantities, but certainly can tell the difference between
a dozen and a hundred and a million. Many aspects
of life require at least limited countingto make sure
all ones goats (or children) are present, to share items
fairly in a group or to calculate the size of a load to be
carried, and many other applications.
It is only a small jump of abstraction to begin to
record quantities with tally marks. It is likely that peo-
ple rst collected stones or other small objects to rep-
resent quantities and later began to write them as tal-
lies. Tally marks have been found in many parts of the
world scratched on cave walls or carved onto wooden
sticks and were also likely written in sand or clay,
which shifted to destroy the writing. Probably the most
famous prehistoric mathematical object is the Ishango
bone, found in south-central Africa, and thought to be
at least 15,000 years old. The bone has several sets of tal-
lies scratched onto itsome have pointed out that they
are mostly prime numbers, but that is probably a coin-
cidence. Using tallies quickly leads to a problem: a long
line of marks is hard to deal with, even if one had some
limited counting words. Probably, many people around
798 Prehistory
the world recognized that some structure helped han-
dle large quantities of tally marksespecially collect-
ing them into groups of the same size. Not only does
this make counting more efcient but it also leads to
the concept of multiplication. In nearly all modern lan-
guagesmost derived from ancient or even prehistoric
languagesthe higher counting words use a system of
groups and groups of groups, now called place-value,
but they reach back to the prehistoric convenience of
putting tally marks together.
Measurement and Geometry
Closely tied to counting was the use of comparative rela-
tionshipsespecially large and small, tall (or long) and
short, and even old and young. These may have come
when exact counts were difcult, but the comparisons
were obvious and usually visual. A tall stack of blocks
would easily be seen to have more items than a short
stack; a long line of tally marks (grouped or ungrouped)
was a greater quantity than a short line. As actual count-
ing developed and numbers were applied to compari-
sons, the beginnings of measurement occurredmea-
surement is really just comparisons of quantities where
one side of the comparison is a dened unit. To make
comparisons easier, certain items of specic size or
quantity became units, and as people reached farther
to wider audiences, units became at least roughly stan-
dardized. Often, body parts were used both for counting
tabulations and as standard units. For example, the
distance from the elbow to the ngertips was approxi-
mately the same for most adults, so in the Middle East,
this length became the cubit.
Geometry also has deep roots in the human story.
Circles must have been recognized in the shape of the
sun and full moon and the apparent edge of the hori-
zon. Efciency caused people to arrange objects to t
together well in patternsoften circular but some-
times rectangular. The rst tools used sharp angles,
heavy weights, and tall, thin cylinders. The beginnings
of farms led to more organized geometrical arrange-
ments in the shapes of elds and structures. Often,
the invention of the wheel is considered one of the
big milestones of the start of civilization, and this
represents a practical understanding of the geometry
of circles. As objects became more sophisticated
woven mats, farming tools, larger structures, and even
bridgesmany more geometrical relationships and
properties were discovered. These might be considered
the beginnings of engineeringusing mathematical
properties in practical applications.
Pure Mathematics
Archeologists have also noted some prehistoric mathe-
matics that may have been closer to pure mathematics.
Cave paintings, carved sculptures, and textile patterns
show contemporary mathematical objects such as cir-
cles, triangles, parallel lines, quadrangles, symmetric
patterns, and the crosshatch. However, no one has yet
deciphered what the geometric signs meant to prehis-
toric peoples. Some symbols appeared repeatedly in
various parts of the world. They may have served prac-
tical or religious values, but they also were artper-
haps art for its own sake, for beauty. Certain numbers
may have had mystical meanings that were seemingly
less useful for day-to-day activity but important for
esthetics and spirituality.
The overlap between this pure mathematics and the
practical needs of early farmers was the use of math-
ematics in astronomy and calendars. Could the gods
show the times for planting and harvesting? Could
humans discern the plans of these gods and use them in
practice? Most of the spectacular prehistoric structures,
from Stonehenge in England to the huge geometrical
patterns of Nazca in Peru, have been linked to measures
of the suns movement and the seasons. Mathematics
led prehistoric peoples in solving their daily problems
and to thinking of the universe and innity. Mathemat-
ics still serves modern humans in the same ways.
Further Reading
Boyer, Carl. A History of Mathematics. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 1991.
Burton, David M. The History of Mathematics: An
Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Eves, Howard. Introduction to the History of Mathematics.
New York: Saunders College Publishing, 1990.
Ifrah, Georges. The Universal History of Numbers.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1994.
Von Petzinger, Genevieve. Geometric Signs in Rock Art
& Cave Paintings. http://www.bradshawfoundation
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Animals; Basketry; Bees; Calendars; Number
and Operations in Society
Prehistory 799
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Humans have implicitly understood
concepts of probability and randomness since
antiquity, but these concepts have been more formally
studied since the seventeenth century.
Throughout history, humans have used many meth-
ods to try to predict the future. Some believed that
the future was already laid out for them by a divine
power or fate, while others seem to have believed that
the future was uncertain. There are still debates on the
extent to which people were able to speculate on the
future prior to the development of statistics in the sev-
enteenth and eighteenth centuries. Some assert that
such speculations were impossible, yet other histori-
cal evidence suggests that at least some people must
have been able to perceive the world in terms of risks
or chances, even if it was not in quite the same way
as later mathematicians and statisticians. The Greek
philosopher Aristotle proposed that events could be
divided into three groups: deterministic or certain
events, chance or probable events, and unknowable
events. The idea of randomness is often used to indi-
cate completely unknowable events that cannot be
predicted. In mathematics, the long-term outcomes of
random systems are, in fact, knowable or describable
using various rules of probability. Probability distribu-
tions, expressed as tables, graphs, or functions, show
the relationship between all possible outcomes of some
experiment or process, like rolling a die, and the chance
that those outcomes will happen. For example, lotter-
ies state the chances of winning various prizes, and
people seeking medical treatment might be told the
odds of success. Random processes and probability can
run counter to human intuition and the way in which
human brains perceive and organize information,
which is perhaps another reason that quantifying ideas
of probability is still an ongoing endeavor. Students are
often introduced to probability concepts in the earliest
elementary grades, such as basic binary classications
of outcomes as likely or unlikely and the notion of
probabilities as experimental frequencies. More formal
axioms of probability may be introduced in the mid-
dle grades. Probability theory and probability-based
mathematical statistics are typically studied in college,
though they may be included in advanced high school
classes. Some elements of probability theory and appli-
cations are also taught in other academic disciplines,
like business, genetics, and quantum mechanics.
Early History
Archaeological evidence, such as astragalus bones
found at ancient sites, suggests that games of chance
have been around for several millennia or longer.
Egyptian tomb paintings show astragali being used
for games like Hounds and Jackals, much like the way
twenty-rst-century game players use dice. The ideas
of randomness that underlie probability were often
closely tied to philosophy and religion. Many ancient
cultures embraced the notion of a deterministic fate.
The Greek pantheon was among those that included
deities associated with determinism, literally known as
the Fates. The popular goddess Fortuna in the Roman
pantheon suggests a recognition of the role of chance
in the world. Jainism is an Indian religion with ancient
roots, whose organized form appears to have origi-
nated sometime between about the ninth and sixth
centuries b.c.e. The Jainist logic system known as syad-
vada includes concepts related to probability; its san-
skrit root word syat translates variously as may be
or is possible. Probability is also a component of the
body of Talmudic scholarship; for example, the notion
of casting lots, used in some temple functions. Baby-
lonians had a type of insurance to protect against the
risk of loss for sea voyages, called bottomry, as did the
Romans and Venetians.
Origins of Study in the Seventeenth Century
Given the near omnipresence of probability in the
ancient world, it seems reasonable to think that there
were some efforts to estimate or calculate probabilities,
at least on a case-specic basis; for example, those who
issued maritime insurance would have assigned some
type of monetary values for cost and payoff. There is
relatively little evidence of broad mathematical research
on probability before about the fteenth century, though
some analyses for specic cases survive. For example, a
Latin poem by an unknown author called De Ventula
describes all the ways that three dice can fall. Mathema-
tician and friar Luca Paccioli wrote Summa de arith-
metica, geometria, proportioni e proportionalita in 1494,
800 Probability
which contains some discussion of probability. A few
other works address dice rolls and related ideas. His-
torians tend to agree that the systematic mathematical
study of probability as it is now known originated in
the seventeenth century. At the time, considerable ten-
sions still existed between the philosophies of religion,
science, determinism, and randomness. Determinists
asserted that the universe was the perfect work of a
divine creator, ruled by mathematical functions waiting
to be discovered, and that any apparent randomness was
because of faults in human perception. Many emerg-
ing scientic theories, like the heliocentric model of the
universe advocated by mathematician and astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus, challenged this view by explic-
itly exploring and quantifying variation and deviations
in observations. Astronomy and other sciences, along
with the rise of combinatorial algebra and calculus,
would ultimately prove to be very inuential in the
development of probability theory. Changes in busi-
ness practices also challenged notions of risk, requiring
new methods by which likelihood and payoffs could be
determined. Harkening back to ancient human activi-
ties, however, the most popular story for the origin of
probability theory concerns gambling questions posed
to mathematician Blaise Pascal by Antoine Gombaud,
Chevalier de Mr.
In 1654, the Chevalier de Mr presented two prob-
lems. One concerned a game where a pair of six-sided
dice was thrown 24 times, betting that at least one pair
of sixes would occur. Mrs attempts at calculation
contradicted the conventional wisdom of the time and
purportedly led him to lose as great deal of money. The
second problem, now called the Problem of Points or
Problem of Stakes, concerned fair division for a pot of
money for a prematurely terminated game between
equally skilled players where the winner of a completed
game would normally take the whole pot. Spurred by
de Mrs queries, Pascal and Pierre Fermat exchanged
a series of letters in which they formulated the funda-
mental principles of general probability theory.
At the time of its development, Pascal and Fermats
burgeoning theory was commonly referred to as the
doctrine of chances. Inspired by their work, mathema-
tician and astronomer Christian Huygens published
De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae in 1657, which discussed
probability issues for gambling problems. Jakob (also
known as James) Bernoulli explored probability theory
beyond gambling into areas like demography, insur-
ance, and meteorology and he composed an exten-
sive commentary on Huygens book. One of his most
signicant contributions was the Law of Large Num-
bers for the binomial distribution, which stated that
observed relative frequencies of events become more
stable, approaching the true value, as the number of
observations increases. Prior denitions based on gam-
bling games tended to assume that all outcomes were
equally likely, which was generally true for games with
inherent symmetry like throwing dice. This extension
allowed for empirical inference of unequal chances for
many real-world applications. Bernoulli also wrote
Ars Conjectandi. Inuenced by this work, mathemati-
cian Abraham de Moivre derived approximations to
the binomial probability distribution, including what
many consider to be the rst occurrence of the nor-
mal probability distribution, and his The Doctrine of
Probability 801
The cube design of dice allows for each of their sides
to have an equal probability of being rolled.
Chances was the primary probability textbook for
many years.
Objective and Subjective Approaches
Historically and philosophically, many people have
asserted that to be objective, science must be based on
empirical observations rather than subjective opinion.
Estimating probabilities through direct observations is
usually called the frequentist approach. The method
of inverse or inductive probability, which allows for
subjective input into the estimation of probabilities,
is traced back to the posthumously published work
of eighteenth-century minister and mathematician
Thomas Bayes. Conditional probabilities had already
been explored by de Moivre, providing the basis for
what is known as Bayes theorem (or Bayes rule). In
Bayess inductive framework, there is some probability
that a binary event occurs. A frequentist would make
no assumptions about the probability and carry out
experiments to attempt to determine the true prob-
ability value. Using Bayess approach, some probability
value can be arbitrarily chosen, and then experiments
conducted to ascertain the likelihood that the value
is in fact the correct one. In later interpretations and
applications of the method, the initial value might be
chosen according to experience or subjective criteria.
His work also produced the Beta probability distribu-
tion. Bayess writings contained no data or examples,
though they were extended upon and presented by
minister Richard Price. At the time, they were relatively
less inuential than frequentist works, though Bayes-
ian methods have generated much discussion and saw
a great resurgence in the latter twentieth century.
Like Bernoulli, Pierre de Laplace extended probabil-
ity to many scientic and practical problems, and his
probability work led to research in other mathemati-
cal areas such as difference equations, generating func-
tions, characteristic functions, asymptotic expansions
of integrals, and what are called Laplace transforms.
Some call his 1812 book, Thorie Analytique des Proba-
bilits, the single most inuential work in the history
of probability. The Central Limit Theorem, named for
George Plyas 1920 work and sometimes called the
DeMoivreLaplace theorem, was critical to the devel-
opment of statistical methods and partly validated the
common practice at the time (still used in the twenty-
rst century) of calculating averages or arithmetic
means of observations to estimate location parameters.
Error estimates were usually assumed to follow some
symmetric probability distribution, such as rectangular,
quadratic, or double exponential. While they had many
useful properties, they were mathematically problem-
atic when it came to deriving the sampling distributions
of means for parameter estimation. Laplaces work,
which he proved for both direct and inverse paradigms,
rectied the problem for large-sample cases and formed
the foundation for large sample theory.
Normal Distribution
The normal distribution is among the most central
concepts in probability theory and statistics. Many
other probability distributions may be approximated
by the normal because they converge to the normal as
the number of trials or sample sizes approach innity.
Some of these include the binomial and Poisson distri-
butions, the latter named for mathematician Simeon
Poisson. The Central Limit Theorem depends on this
principle. Mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss is often
credited with inventing the normal (or Gaussian) dis-
tribution, though others had researched it and Gausss
own notes refer to the elegant theorem rst discovered
by Laplace. He can fairly be credited with the deriva-
tion of the parameterization of the distribution, which
relied in part on inverse probability. Mathematician
Robert Adrain, who was apparently unaware of Gausss
work, discussed the validity of the normal distribu-
tion for describing measurement errors in 1808. His
work was inspired by a real-world surveying problem.
However, Gauss tends to be credited over Adrain, per-
haps because of his many publications and the overall
breadth of his mathematical contributions.
The fact that Laplace and Gauss worked on both
direct and inverse probability was unusual from some
perspectives, given the philosophical divide between
frequentist and Bayesian practitioners even at the start
of the twenty-rst century. Later, both would gravitate
toward frequentist approaches for minimum vari-
ance estimation, which is seen by some as a criticism
of inverse probability. Other mathematicians, such as
Poisson and Antoine Cournot, criticized inverse meth-
ods, while Robert Ellis and John Venn proposed den-
ing probability as the limit of the relative frequency
in an indenite series of independent trialsessen-
tially, the frequentist approach. The maximum likeli-
802 Probability
hood estimation method proposed by Ronald Fisher
in the early twentieth century was interpreted by some
as melding aspects of frequentist and inverse meth-
ods, though he adamantly denied the notion, saying,
The theory of inverse probability is founded upon an
error, and must be wholly rejected. This may explain
the essential absence of inverse or Bayesian probabil-
ity concepts in the body of early statistical inferential
methods, which were heavily inuenced by Fisher.
Mathematician and anthropometry pioneer Adol-
phe Quetelet brought the concept of the normal distri-
bution of error terms into the analysis of social data in
the early nineteenth century, while others like Francis
Galton advanced the development of the normal dis-
tribution in biological and social science applications
in the latter half of the same century. Many mathemati-
cians, statisticians, scientists, and others have contrib-
uted to the development of probability theories, far too
many to exhaustively list, though recognized probabil-
ity distributions are named for many of them, such as
Augustin Cauchy, Ludwig von Mises, Waloddi Weibul,
and John Wishart. Pafnuty Chebyshev, considered by
many to be a founder of Russian mathematics, proved
the important principle of convergence in probability,
also called the Weak Law of Large Numbers. Andrei
Markovs work on stochastic processes and Markov
chains would lead to a broad range of probabilistic
modeling techniques and assist with the resurgence of
Bayesian methods in the twentieth century.
Some historians have suggested that one difculty
in developing a comprehensive mathematical theory of
probability, despite such a long history and so many
broad contributions, was difculty agreeing upon one
denition of probability. For example, noted economist
John Keynes asserted that probabilities were a subjec-
tive value or degree of rational belief between com-
plete truth and falsity. In the rst half of the twentieth
century, mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov outlined
the axiomatic approach that formed the basis for much
of subsequent mathematical theory and development.
Later, Coxs theorem, named for physicist Richard Cox,
would assert that any measure of belief is isomorphic
to a probability measure under certain assumptions.
It is used as a justication for subjectivist interpreta-
tions of probability theory, such as Bayesian methods.
There are variations or extensions on probability with
many applications. Shannon entropy, named for math-
ematician and information theorist Claude Shannon
and drawn in part from thermodynamics, is used in
the lossless compression of data. Martingale stochas-
tic (random) processes, introduced by mathematicians
such as Paul Lvy, recall the kinds of betting problems
that challenged de Mr and inspired the development
of probability theory. Chaos theories, investigated by
mathematicians including Kolmogorov and Henri
Poincar, sometimes offer alternative explanations
for seemingly probabilistic phenomena. Fuzzy logic,
derived from mathematician and computer scientist
Lotfali Zadehs fuzzy sets, has been referred to as prob-
ability in disguise by Zadeh himself. He has proposed
that theories of probability in the age of computers
should move away from the binary logic of true and
false toward more exible, perceptual degrees of cer-
tainty that more closely match human thinking.
Further Reading
Devlin, Keith. The Unnished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and
the Seventeenth-Century Letter That Made the World
Modern. New York: Basic Books, 2008.
Gigerenzer, Gerd. The Empire of Chance: How Probability
Changed Science and Everyday Life. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Hacking, Ian. The Emergence of Probability: A
Philosophical Study of Early Ideas About Probability,
Induction and Statistical Inference. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
. An Introduction to Probability and Inductive
Logic. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
Hald, Anders. A History of Probability and Statistics and
Their Applications Before 1750. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-
Interscience, 2003.
Sarah J. Greewald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Closed-Box Collecting; Data Analysis
and Probability in Society; Game Theory; Normal
Distribution; Randomness; Sample Surveys.
Probability in Society
See Data Analysis and Probability in Society
Probability 803
Problem Solving
in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Problem Solving.
Summary: Mathematics is used to nd and
solve problems, often spurring new mathematical
Problem solving is fundamental not only to the learn-
ing and application of mathematics as a student, but
to all walks of life. Many people consider mathematics
and problem solving synonymous. However, there are
many mathematicians who do not solve problems or
who do more than solve problems. Some work to build
new theories or advance the language of mathematics.
Others unify or explain previous results, sometimes
from many elds of mathematics. Yet others consider
the very nature and philosophy of mathematics as a
discipline. In twenty-rst-century society, mathemat-
ics teaching at all levels seeks to develop students abili-
ties to effectively address a wide variety of mathematics
problems, including proving theorems; reducing new
problems to previously solved problems; formulating
and solving both real-life and abstract word problems;
nding and creating patterns; interpreting gures,
graphs, and data; developing geometric constructions;
and doing appropriate computations or simulations,
often with computers or calculators.
Problem solving is also an instructional approach
in which students actively learn fundamental concepts
through their contextualization within problems rather
than from a passive lecture. What fundamentally connects
these activities, beyond the mathematics techniques and
skills necessary to solve them, is the framework of how
to think. Students must have the necessary tools and
techniques at their disposal through a solid education in
the fundamentals. They must also be able to either ana-
lyze the characteristics and requirements of a problem in
order to decide which tools to apply, or know that they do
not have the appropriate tool at their disposal. Further,
students must practice with these mathematical tools
in order to become skilled and exible problem solv-
ers, in the same way that athletes or craftsmen practice
their trades. As Hungarian mathematician George Plya
expressed, If you wish to become a problem solver, you
have to solve problems. This idea extends to the notion
that problem solving is by its nature cyclic and dynamic.
In many cases, the solution to a problem results in one
or more new problems or opens the path to solving
an older problem for which a solution has previously
proven elusive. Sometimes, mathematics problems have
real and immediate applications, and many new math-
ematical disciplines, like operations research or statisti-
cal quality control, have developed from these sorts of
problems. In contrast, there are many issues in theoreti-
cal mathematics that do not appear to have any immedi-
ate benet to society. In some cases, people question the
need to explore such abstract problems when there are
more immediate needs. Often, these abstract problems
turn out to have very concrete applications decades or
even centuries after their initial introduction. Even if
that is not the case, theoretical problem solving adds to
the growing body of mathematics knowledge and, just
as importantly, shows people yet another way to think
about the world.
The mathematics body of knowledge is not static; it
has been evolving with humans. As soon as humans
organized themselves into communities attached to the
land, benets rapidly emerged. Certainly, an advantage
was an increase in agricultural and livestock productiv-
ity. As a result, part of the harvest and the cattle was
accumulated for worse times. Accumulation demanded
certain mechanisms to identify the ownership and use
of the land (the process of land surveying) and to record
who contributed to what was collected (the system of
counting). The success of such social structure allowed
skilled individuals to take advantage of their abilities to
exchange the resultant products for food surplus (the
beginnings of commerce). The development of com-
merce demanded a new tool to register the commercial
operations in order to recognize who was implicated
and the amount involved. This tool was based in a new
kind of language (mathematics) able to do operations
such as additions, subtractions, iterative sums, and
partitions that natural languages were unable to sup-
port. As with any language, it consisted of two elements:
notation to represent ideas (numbers) and syntax to
manipulate these ideas (calculation).
After the accumulation of goods came the capa-
bility to organize collective efforts. It was possible to
build massive public works. Warehouses, markets, for-
tresses, temples, aqueducts, and even pyramids were
804 Problem Solving in Society
constructed in urban centers and their surroundings.
Construction presented a new problem related to the
manipulation and combination of forms. Early exer-
cises were based on rules used for land surveying; for
instance, to calculate areas and volumes. Additional
difculties arose when public works increased their
complexity; hence, the application of forms and their
interactions to develop better habitats gave rise to the
development of architecture as an independent disci-
pline. The Greeks separated land surveying from the
study of spatial relations and forms; as a result, geome-
try was born. This discipline was used to solve abstract
mathematical problems. For instance, Pythagoras rec-
ognized the relation between the sides of a right tri-
angle as a
+ b
= c
(the Pythagorean Theorem), and
Archimedes studied the relation between the circles
circumference and its diameter. The latter is known
as pi (), an irrational number with the value of
3.141592653589793238462643383279502 . . . .
The Problem of Representation and the
Dynamics of Change
With the accelerated increase of richness and variety in
social interactions, intractable problems of represen-
tation appeared. Operations were required to record
social experiences from an ever growing dynamism.
This endeavor made limitations in the notation systems
available at that moment evident. Hindis and, after-
wards, Arabs and Muslims developed the positional dec-
imal system still in use in the twenty-rst century. The
decimal system allows the representation of arithmetic
operations without the need to use an abacus. Changes
in quantities demanded introducing a general notation
for variable and constant amounts, which were linked by
operators to form different sentences, called equations.
The study of these relations is known as algebra.
The capability to represent abstract ideas and their
relations allowed mathematicians at the beginning of
the sixteenth century to discuss problems related to the
dynamics of change. In fact, the eld of astronomy pro-
posed new challenges to mathematics. Between 1507
and 1532, Copernicus presented a series of works where
he substituted the traditional viewpoint, which located
the Earth at the center of the universe (the geocentric
view), with another where the sun was at the focus (the
heliocentric view). This view helped to explain incon-
sistencies in the stellar movement, such as the retro-
grade displacement of planets. Around 1605, Johannes
Kepler empirically discovered the elliptic orbit of plan-
ets around the sun. He also noticed that the line that
joins each planet with the sun (called the radius vec-
tor) sweeps the same area in the same period of time.
Galileo focused his telescope to Jupiter, and, in 1610, he
posited that the lights surrounding that planet were, in
fact, satellites. To demonstrate all of this in mathemati-
cal terms demanded the study of change in relation to
time, something impossible to solve at that moment.
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz simultaneously
developed a useful procedure known as calculus. When
it is used to represent the change of a certain quantity in
relation to another in terms of innitesimal moments,
it is called differential calculus. Interestingly enough,
this procedure can be reversed to reckon space sections
bounded by different functions. The general procedure
consists on dividing them into additive innitesimal
blocksa process named integral calculus. Both pro-
cedures operate in an inverse manner through the fun-
damental theorem of calculus.
The Problem of Estimation
In the seventeenth century, additional problems
appeared when the practical world confronted an
impossible question. How can one characterize some-
thing that is not stable enough to be counted? For
instance, in order to establish public policies, politicians
need to know what resources are at their disposalthe
demographic and economic capabilities, which can
be determined in a census. The main problem with
exhaustive counting of populations is that they change.
There are births and deaths. In order to solve this issue,
one method is to select a fraction (called a sample) of
the object of study (called the population), to iden-
tify the sample characteristics and to generalize them
to the population. Advantages for this sampling pro-
cedure are lower costs and faster data collection than
following a comprehensive census. But there is an
important difculty: how to guarantee that the char-
acteristics of the sample are the same as those of the
entire population. One needs to estimate the sampling
error because of selecting a sample that does not repre-
sent the population and to dene a condence interval
by identifying the reliability of the estimate. The part
of mathematics interested in this kind of problems is
known as statistics.
Statistics helps to solve many technical problems.
Statisticians may need to (1) estimate the size of a
Problem Solving in Society 805
population, as Laplace did in 1786 for France, by using
a sample; (2) describe a population in terms of different
numerical relations, such as its expected value (called
average), its most frequent value (called mode),
the limits of the data series (called range), the value
that separates the higher half of the data series from
the lower half (called median), and the data disper-
sion (called standard deviation); (3) test a hypothesis
as J. H. Jagger did in 1873 at the Beaux-Arts Casino at
Monte Carlo, when he collected results from a roulette
wheel to prove that it was fraudulent; (4) estimate if a
process needs products of a certain quality or it requires
to be xed, as in statistical quality control; (5) identify if
changes in a process result in a positive outcome (called
correlation), such as the Hawthorne study done in a
working line to correlate the increase in illumination
with workers productivity; (5) predict and forecast
future outcomes by means of recognizing patterns of
behavior, what is known as regression; (6) extrapo-
late future data through the analysis of previous results;
(7) reconstruct incomplete series data by means of that
which is known and available, through interpolation; or
(8) model the behavior of an entity in order to transform
data into valuable information (called data mining).
The Problem of Decision Making
The Industrial Revolution introduced a massive change
in the social order. Early stages of the period witnessed
the substitution of agricultural workers with machines
by the thousands. It represented an increase in the
productivity for many industries and services, mainly
textiles and transportation, to levels never before seen.
It surpassed the previous cumulative capacity of man-
kind. It also implied a surplus of energy with the use of
internal combustion engines and electrical power gen-
eration. However, nding the equilibrium in this new
social order was not an easy endeavor. Two world wars
witnessed this planetary enterprise, and the postwar
era during two different visions of the best way to orga-
nize the global society developed into a mortal conict:
capitalism versus communism.
At the beginning, the Industrial Revolution prom-
ised benets with no end, although it made the medi-
eval work system based on guilds inoperative. Groups
of artisans loyal to a closed system of hierarchical pro-
gression were substituted by interchangeable clusters
of men and machines located at industrial centers with
short-term economic success as its main performance
criterion. These were operationalized in terms of effec-
806 Problem Solving in Society
lthough knowing certain characteristics from
the population allows one to make more
informed decisions, it does not solve particular
cases. For instance, if 80% of people in a com-
munity prefer vanilla avor rather than chocolate
ice cream, will Ms. X like it? If the identication
of general preferences does not ensure that indi-
vidual expectations will be fullled, how can one
propose the best offer to an individual in particu-
lar? How can one quantify the chance of an event
happening? The study of the individual behavior
from a collective characterization is known as
probability. It is important to note that probability
has to do with descriptions from populations and
not from individuals.
Probability studies began with Blaise Pas-
cal and Pierre de Fermat (1654), when the for-
mer was approached by a gamester, the Cheva-
lier de Mr, to solve a game problemhow to
divide the stakes between two players who want
to leave the table before nishing their game. It
was not until the nineteenth century, again in the
eld of astronomy, that the potential use of prob-
ability was recognized. In 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi
discovered the rst asteroid, Ceres, but he had
so few observations that he was unable to deter-
mine its orbit. A mathematician, Carl Friederich
Gauss, analyzed the data available and, in order
to correct the observational errors, he supposed
that they would follow a normal distribution. This
distribution is one of the most well-known among
probability users. Probability has been used for
hypothesis testing according to different probabil-
ity distributions, statistical mechanics, probabilis-
tic processes, the random movement of particles
suspended in a uid, and options valuation.
The Problem of Distributions
tiveness and efciency, and optimization was the prime
improving activity. Methods based on empiricism and
not on tradition acquired a new value. For instance, in
1840, Charles Babbage realized a study about mail clas-
sication and transportation; the result was the institu-
tion of the Uniform Penny Post; a taxation procedure
by which a letter not exceeding half an ounce in weight
could be sent from any part of the United Kingdom to
any other part for one penny. In 1911, Taylor proposed
a series of managerial principles that were the foun-
dations of what is currently known as management
science or operational research. This Science of the
Better consists in the application of advanced analyti-
cal methods to help make better decisions.
Operational Research took shape just prior to World
War II. At the beginning, exercises were focused on
solving problems of ghter direction and control in the
British air defense system. The new radar system acted
as an early warning system that was able to identify Ger-
man aircraft before they would bomb air bases, ports,
industrial areas, and cities. Success demanded, later
during the war, to extend these exercises to the Atlan-
tic Ocean. Massive ship losses because of the attacks of
U-boats (German submarines) put Allied supplies to
Europe and North Africa at risk. Accordingly, different
analyses were conducted to increase the U-boat sinking
rate. Different criteria were mathematically explored
and solutions were implemented, including (1) identi-
fying which kind of aircraft was the best suited to chase
German submarines; (2) reckoning the time at which
depth charges should explode, and (3) dening the size
of merchant eets that minimizes Allied losses when
crossing the Atlantic.
From the success of analyzing the performance
of military operations, this eld of mathematics was
extended to other industrial and social activities. Many
different problems have been studied and alleviated by
this approach, including (1) community development,
in order to organize collectives, support strategies that
deal with social dissatisfactions, help groups in rural
communities and developing countries, and create the
social conditions for effective public policies; (2) crim-
inal justice, to maintain a safe society by optimizing
the use of resources allocation that enforce the law and
reduce spaces for organized crime and to assess policy
impact; (3) education, to evaluate teaching quality, stu-
dents learning experiences, and assessment procedures;
(4) efciency and productivity analysis; (5) healthcare
services; (6) logistics and supply chains; (7) qual-
ity control; (8) security and defense; (9) scheduling;
(10) strategic management; and (11) transport.
The Problem of Prediction
in a Complex World
The acquisition, distribution, and use of knowledge are
key factors for the development of individuals and soci-
ety, an idea that has shifted social structures to more
complex levels of organization. The introduction of
concepts such as entrepreneurship (a wild spirit who
causes creative destruction by innovation and disrup-
tion) or leadership (a process of social inuence and
emotional contagion) are the result of recognizing that
peoples actions affect many others in non-evident
ways. Economy, ecology, management, and politics
require new approaches as these phenomena develop
with intensities never before expected. The limitation
of resources demands humans to use them responsibly
and to make decisions for a better future. The main dif-
culty consists of predicting the future from the pres-
ent. How can a person predict future concequences of
actions to recognize good actions from bad ones?
Advising people on how to act is an age-old busi-
ness. For a long time, the unique sources at disposal
were divinely inspired or supported by powerful col-
lectives. However, since the 1800s, the emphasis shifted
toward scientic study of the environment regarding
which actions take place. Prediction was focused on
learning from the past and expecting the future to
behave similarly, what is known as time-series pro-
cedures. These can be useful where individual deci-
sions have little impact on the overall behavior; for
example, the results of the lottery or the weather con-
ditions for the next few days.
Accordingly, different patterns can be found in the
data (such as horizontal, seasonal, cyclic, or trend), but
no explanations for the phenomenon under study have
been developed. Explanatory models require assum-
ing a relationship between what one wants to forecast
(called the dependent variable) and something one
knows or controls (called the independent variable).
Through a regression analysis one may minimize dif-
ferences between observations and the points from an
expected trend, linear or not, which can be adjusted
to indicate certain seasonality. For more complex
phenomena, one may introduce additional indepen-
dent variables in order to conduct multiple regression
Problem Solving in Society 807
analysis. In certain conditions, this approach enhances
information for a better decision-making process but
assumes the non-evolutionary viewpoint that the best
model for the future is the one which better ts his-
torical data. This approach also reduces the size of
phenomena under scrutiny because modeling a real
complex phenomenon such as the worlds climate
goes easily beyond twenty-rst-century computers
capabilities and human understanding.
Complexity is related to many things such as size,
difculty, variety, order, or disorder. However, it has
nothing to do with complication. Anything complicated
can be solved, usually by introducing more resources
to crack current problems. Conversely, complexity is
associated with the impossibility of guaranteeing future
behaviors based on current ones. The mathematical
treatment of complexity introduced a discipline known
as chaos theory. It is a collection of mathematical,
numerical, and geometrical techniques that allow math-
ematicians to deal with non-linear problems that do
not have explicit general solutions. It is based in the use
of differential equations to analyze dynamic behaviors
extremely sensitive to initial conditions. In this context,
predicting the future has to do with recognizing stable
equilibrium points (called xed point attractors),
those that appear when dynamic systems stop. An
attractor indicates the natural tendency of a system to
behave in a certain way in the long-term future, if noth-
ing else disturbs it. Common physical examples of this
kind of behavior are pendulums and springs. Attractors
are used for decision making in different elds, such
as nance, where investors try to identify stock market
tendencies. Some major applications related to its ori-
gins are weather prediction, solar weather prediction
models, and predicting sheries dynamics.
The increase of computing power allows math-
ematicians to run mathematical models based in little
pieces of code that represent specic behaviors (called
intelligent agents). Agent-based models can be used
to study complex behaviors to simulate individual
behaviors, such as peoples movements inside stadiums
or automobiles avoiding trafc jams. Other studies
related to self-organized and self-organizing behav-
iors can also be conducted as they can represent phe-
nomena from economy and nancial markets; opinion
dynamics; emergency of social rules and institutions;
creation or disappearance of companies; and technol-
ogy innovation, adoption, and diffusion.
To recognize stability areas and patterns in com-
plex behaviors resulting from a multiplicity of agents
interacting is then at the basis of the next social chal-
lenge, and procedures to deal with this are at the edge
of twenty-rst-century capabilities. The study of ele-
ments and their interactions have developed new view-
points to observe reality. To visualize problems as a
myriad of elements richly interconnected with unseen
behaviors and consequences has introduced notions
such as systems and networks in discourse. In
1950, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, a biologist, recognized
similar fundamental conceptions in different disci-
plines of science, irrespective of the object of study.
He tried to represent those rules through a language
to describe such entities, which he named the General
System Theory.
A year before, Werner introduced the notion of
communicative control in machines and living beings
by looking at the effects of feedback on future behav-
iors. He named it cybernetics. Based on this, in 1956,
Ashby provided a single vocabulary and a single set
of concepts suitable for representing the most diverse
types of systems. Since then, different researchers have
developed alternative methodologies to describe phe-
nomena not in terms of problems and solutions, but
in terms of satisfaction and alleviation. This has been
used to deal with non-technical problemsthose
considered impossible to solve only through analyti-
cal tools, as they include humans interactions. In this
context, relations between individuals are diagramed
and studied in terms of bunches of nodes intercon-
nected by links. From this viewpoint the image of a
network emerges. This notion has been developed,
for instance to measure the distance between two
persons from different places and contexts and reck-
oned that the average number of intermediate people
between them is 5.5, hence the phrase six degrees of
separation. Network analysis is important as it can
be used to model and study phenomena such as the
Internet and its vulnerability to hackers, viruses and
their uncontrollable expansion, or technology inno-
vation and its diffusion. Future developments on this
area are expected.
Further Reading
Koomey, Jonathan, and John Holdren. Turning Numbers
into Knowledge: Mastering the Art of Problem Solving.
2nd ed. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press, 2008.
808 Problem Solving in Society
Krner, T. W. Naive Decision Making: Mathematics
Applied to the Social World. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Polya, George. How to Solve It: A New Aspect of
Mathematical Method. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2004.
Schoenfeld, Alan. How We Think: A Theory of Goal-
Oriented Decision Making and Its Educational
Applications. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Tao, Terence. Solving Mathematical Problems. 2nd ed.
Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Wilson, James, et al. Research on Mathematical Problem
Solving. In Research Ideas for the Classroom. Edited
by P. S. Wilson. New York: Macmillan, 1993.
Zaccaro, Edward. Becoming a Problem Solving Genius: A
Handbook of Math Strategies. Bellevue, IA: Hickory
Grove Press, 2006.
Zeitz, Paul. The Art and Craft of Problem Solving. 2nd ed.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo
See Also: Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics, Dened;
Mathematics, Elegant; Reasoning and Proof in Society.
See Writers, Producers, and Actors
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: Professional mathematical associations
help mathematicians advocate, share ideas, and
Organizations are a fundamental component of society,
in part because of the human need to connect around
similar interests. Professional associations form in
response to individual and societal needs and concerns,
and in turn impact society. Mathematics students,
teachers, and researchers may join professional math-
ematics organizations to feel like a part of the larger
mathematics community and make a difference beyond
their school or university. There are international asso-
ciations with worldwide memberships, like the Inter-
national Mathematical Union, as well as associations
that are organized by geographical region. National and
regional associations in countries around the world
address many of the same issues as mathematics asso-
ciations in the United States. These issues include teach-
ing, research, service, and the mathematics profession.
Mathematical associations may advocate for the
mathematical sciences, engage in public policy discus-
sions, and promote collaboration among specialized
subgroups. They may provide professional development
to mathematicians and engage in public mathematics
outreach. Professional associations organize regional,
national, or international conferences; fund professional
development and outreach; publish a diverse array of
books and journals on mathematical topics; and facili-
tate peer review and curricular changes. Philosophers
and mathematicians like Paul Ernest and Reuben Hersh
have written about the social and ethical responsibil-
ity of mathematicians, and mathematicians may work
toward the greater good within the structure of profes-
sional organizations. As ofcers and committee mem-
bers, mathematicians also run these associations.
Mathematical Organizations
The American Statistical Association (ASA) was formed
in Boston, in 1839, by members with diverse interests.
ASAs Web site states the following:
Present at the organizing meeting were William
Cogswell, teacher, fund-raiser for the ministry, and
genealogist; Richard Fletcher, lawyer and U.S. Con-
gressman; John Dix Fisher, physician and pioneer in
medical reform; Oliver Peabody, lawyer, clergyman,
poet, and editor; and Lemuel Shattuck, statistician,
genealogist, publisher, and author of perhaps the
most signicant single document in the history of
public health to that date.
From the beginning, the ASA had close ties with the
government on statistical issues like those surround-
ing the census. ASA is international and comprised
Professional Associations 809
of professionals from industry, government, and aca-
demia in elds ranging from pharmaceuticals, health
policy, agriculture, business, education, to technology.
It promotes statistical knowledge through meetings,
publications, membership services, education, accredi-
tation, and advocacy.
In the United States, two well-known mathematics
organizations are the American Mathematical Society
(AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America
(MAA). Both publish research journals, host profes-
sional conferences, and engage in student, community,
and public policy outreach, although they have dif-
ferent focuses. The AMS originated as the New York
Mathematical Society in 1888, and, in 1894, it became
a national organization that concentrated on research.
Teacher Benjamin Finkel created the American Math-
ematical Monthly in 1894, stating the following:
Most of our existing journals deal almost exclu-
sively with subjects beyond the reach of the average
student or teacher of mathematics or at least with
subjects with which they are familiar, and little, if
any, space, is devoted to the solution of problems.
In 1915, when managing editor H. E. Slaught
unsuccessfully tried to bring the Monthly to the AMS,
the society instead recommended that there should be
a different organization devoted to the journal. The
AMS continues to focus primarily on mathematics
research and scholarship, while the MAA promotes
communication, teaching, learning, and research in
mathematics and its applications, especially at the col-
legiate level. The mission of the MAA incorporates
ve core interests of education, research, professional
development, public policy, and public appreciation.
The MAA sponsors the highly regarded William Low-
ell Putnam Competition for undergraduate students
and the American Math Olympiad mathematics com-
petitions. The AMS and MAA join at the Joint Math-
ematics Meetings each January.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathemat-
ics (NCTM) was created in 1920, in part, to counter
the efforts of social efciency experts who believed
that school curricula should emphasize fostering job-
related skills and knowledge. Its membership includes
mathematics teachers, mathematics teacher educators,
and mathematics education researchers. It is perhaps
most well-known for publishing one of the earliest sets
of K12 mathematics standards. NCTMs stated objec-
tives are to develop effective curriculum and instruc-
tion, ensure equity in mathematics education, shape
public policy, produce high quality mathematics edu-
cation research, and provide professional development
opportunities for mathematics educators. NCTM
publishes works like the Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics and Curriculum Focal Points, in
addition to journals such as the Mathematics Teacher,
Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching
in the Middle School, and the Journal for Research in
Mathematics Education. State, regional, and local afli-
ates also work to carry out NCTMs mission through
annual conferences and other professional develop-
ment opportunities. Similarly, trainers of mathematics
teachers assemble in the Association of Mathematics
Teacher Educators, and supervisors assemble in the
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathemat-
ics (SIAM) originated in the early 1950s to represent
mathematicians working in industry. Their numbers
had grown as a result of the importance of mathe-
matics in military research during World War II and
the evolution of computers. SIAM seeks to advance
applied mathematics, promote practical research, and
encourage the exchange of applied mathematical ideas.
Annual meetings, subject-specic workshops and con-
ferences, and discipline-specic activity groups allow
members to develop new applied mathematical ideas
and techniques.
Organizations designed to promote minorities in
mathematics include what is now known as the National
Association of Mathematicians (NAM), which started as
an informal group at the Annual Meeting of the Ameri-
can Mathematical Society in 1969. Lee Lorch recalled:
In 1960, when A. Shabazz and S.C. Saxena, both
on the faculty of Atlanta University (now Clark-
Atlanta), and their graduate student W.E. Brodie
were subjected yet again to Jim Crow treatment at
the spring meeting of the Southeastern Section of
MAA. . . . This, it should be noted, was several years
after AMS and MAA commitments to the contrary.
They had not been warned in advance that such dis-
courtesy would be in store. The three left in protest.
And so in 1969 the National Association of Math-
ematicians (NAM) came into being to address the
needs of the Black mathematical community. This
810 Professional Associations
was a turbulent period. A group of more or less left-
oriented mathematicians established the Mathema-
ticians Action Group (MAG) that same year. We
were motivated largely by concern over the Vietnam
war, the militarization of mathematics, the lack of
democracy in the AMS, the existence of racism and
sexism, and related social issues as they impinged
on mathematicians and vice versa.
NAM focuses on education, career development,
research, student development, and databases. NAM
also publishes a newsletter and organizes a lecture series.
The Benjamin Banneker Association was founded in
1986 to concentrate on the mathematics education of
African Americans. There are also many associations
that focus on science, like the Society for the Advance-
ment of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science.
Organizations like Association for Women in
Mathematics, European Women in Mathematics, and
Korean Women in the Mathematical Sciences were cre-
ated to support and promote female students, teachers,
and researchers via social events, sponsored talks or
conferences, workshops, and contests. Many attribute
the beginning of the Association for Women in Mathe-
matics to events in Boston and Atlantic City. In the late
1960s, Alice Shafer and Linda Rothschild organized a
mathematics womens group in the Boston area. At a
1971 conference in Atlantic City, Joanne Darken sug-
gested that women already at the Mathematics Action
Group remain to form a caucus. As noted by president
Lenore Blum:
What I remember hearing about Mary Gray and the
Atlantic City Meetings, indeed what perked my curi-
osity, was an entirely different event, one that was
also to alter dramatically the character of the math-
ematics community. In those years the AMS was
governed by what could only be called an old boys
network, closed to all but those in the inner circle.
Mary challenged that by sitting in on the Council
meeting in Atlantic City. When she was told she had
to leave . . . she responded she could nd no rules in
the by-laws restricting attendance at Council meet-
ings. She was then told it was by gentlemens agree-
ment. Naturally Mary replied Well, obviously Im
no gentleman. After that time, Council meetings
were open to observers and the process of democra-
tization of the Society had begun.
Mary Gray placed an ofcial announcement about
the organization in the Notices of the American
Mathematical Association and created its rst news-
letter in 1971.
Other notable mathematical organizations include
the American Mathematical Association of Two Year
Colleges (AMATYC), which was founded in 1974.
AMATYC organizes conferences and workshops and
publishes books and proceedings related to mathemat-
ics education in the rst two years of college.
Mathematicians create other professional organiza-
tions under the umbrella of a wide variety of interests
and themes. They assemble in national and interna-
tional subject-specic societies that focus on areas such
as linear algebra, mathematical physics, or mathemat-
ics and art, including the International Linear Algebra
Society and the Association for Symbolic Logic, or
through special interest groups at the Mathematical
Association of America. Mathematical organizations
that are related to religion or sexual orientation include
the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sci-
ences and the Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Mathematicians. National and inter-
national mathematics honor societies include Kappa
Mu Epsilon and Pi Mu Epsilon. Mathematicians inter-
ested in the advancement of science policy participate
in advocacy groups such as the Triangle Coalition for
Science and Technology Education and the American
Association for the Advancement of Science.
Further Reading
American Mathematical Society. Math on the Web:
Societies, Associations and Organizations. http://
American Statistical Association. History of the ASA:
What do Florence Nightingale, Alexander Graham
Bell, Herman Hollerith, Andrew Carnegie, and Martin
Van Buren Have in Common? http://www.amstat
Archibald, Raymond. A Semicentennial History of
the American Mathematical Society, 18881938.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society,
Ball, John. The IMU and You. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 52, no. 10 (2005).
Blum, Lenore. A Brief History of the Association for
Women in Mathematics: The Presidents Perspectives
Professional Associations 811
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 38, no 7
(September 1991). http://www.awm-math
Kalman, Dan. The Mathematics Tribe. Math Horizons 3
(September 1995).
Lorch, Lee. The Painful Path Toward Inclusiveness. In
A Century of Mathematical Meetings. Edited by Bettye
Anne Case. Providence, RI: American Mathematical
Society, 1996.
OConnor, John, and Edmund Robertson. MacTutor
History of Mathematics Archive: Professional
Straley, Tina. A Brief History of the MAA. http://www
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. About
Christopher J. Stapel
See Also: Clubs and Honor Societies; Curricula,
International; Ethics; Government and State Legislation;
North America.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving; Reasoning and Proof.
Summary: The product of deductive reasoning, the
nature of proof has long been fundamental.
Deductive proofs have been an essential part of math-
ematics for over 2000 years, and some equate proof
ability with competence in mathematics. Mathemati-
cian David Henderson denes an effective proof as a
convincing communication that answers why. Thus, a
proof may connect ideas within a mathematical system
or illuminate both the how and the why underlying
the conjecture. Since a proof depends on the accepted
standards of the audience or society through some
type of peer review, there is also a long history of con-
cerns about the nature of proof. For example, Galileo
Galilei and Christoph Clavius debated the legitimacy
of pictures, and Leopold Kronecker criticized the use
of nonconstructivist methods. In the twentieth and
twenty-rst centuries, philosophical concerns about
proofs continued as mathematicians considered the
role of computers or empirical aspects and the impli-
cations of Kurt Gdels groundbreaking work on con-
sistency. While reasoning and proof have long been a
part of mathematics curricula, the concepts took on an
increased importance in the United States during the
era of Sputnik and the space race, when many different
types of proofs were emphasized. In the early twenty-
rst century, proofs remain fundamental in education,
beginning in primary school. In pure mathematics,
new research depends on proofs. The notion of proof
has been claried by mathematicians in the eld of
logic, who explore the foundations of proof.
Brief History
Early civilizations developed sophisticated notions of
mathematical argumentation, as documented by evi-
dence such as cuneiform tablets, papyri, and math-
ematical texts from ancient Babylon, China, and Egypt.
The idea of a formal deductive proof arose as a distinct
part of ancient Greek mathematics. Greek mathemati-
cians studied and generalized mathematical ideas, using
proofs to justify their claims. Mathematics historians
theorize that the prevalence of debate in Greek society
provided a conducive environment for the develop-
ment of axiomatic argumentation. Euclids Elements
became the model for using a small set of axioms to
deduce a large system of theorems and knowledge, now
known as Euclidean geometry.
Logical systems become the foundational structures
necessary to create a proof. First, mathematicians
use logic tools to argue that one mathematical state-
ment follows as a logical consequence from other
mathematical statements, and then they use logic
tools to establish a formal proof by building a chain
of consequent statements from initial assumptions.
These logic tools include connectives (negation, con-
junction, disjunction, conditional implications, and
equivalence), quantiers, truth statements, tautolo-
gies, and inferential structures (such as modus ponens
and reductio ad absurdum).
812 Proof
Direct Proofs
Mathematical proofs can be done in diverse ways,
all reecting different inferential structures. Starting
with an initial conjecture (such as HC) involving a
hypothesis H and a conclusion C, Direct Proofs build
logical chains of compound statements, using condi-
tional implications as the links. They are usually writ-
ten in the traditional two-column format using high
school geometry. The following illustrates the use of a
Direct Proof, though it is not entirely rigorous.
Conjecture: If a and b are prime numbers greater
than 2, then their sum a + b is composite.
Statement Justication
1. a and b are prime
numbers > 2
1. Given
2. a and b are odd
2. The only even
prime is 2
3. Let a = 2m+ 1 and
b = 2n +1 for m,n >1
3. Denition of an
odd number
4. Sum
a b m n + + ( ) + + ( ) 2 1 2 1
4. Substitution
5. Sum a b m n + + + ( ) 2 1
5. Properties of
arithmetic opera-
6. Sum a + b is even 6. Denition of an
even number
7. Sum a + b >2 7. m+ n + 1 >1
8. Sum a + b is composite 8. The only even
prime is 2
A Proof by Contrapositive is very similar to a Direct
Proof, with the difference being the format of the con-
jecture itself. While a Direct Proof proves the conjecture
H C, a Proof by Contrapositive uses a Direct Proof
to prove the contrapositive, ~C ~H. In the previous
example, a Proof by Contrapositive would prove the
statement If the sum a + b is prime, then a and b are
not both prime numbers greater than 2.
Indirect Proofs
In contrast to Direct Proofs, an Indirect Proof assumes
the negation of the conclusion ~C to be true and then
uses a Direct Proof to prove the truth of the negation
~S for some true statement S. By the Law of Logic
Contradiction (S and ~S cannot both be true), which
implies that the original conclusion C must be true.
The following illustrates the use of an Indirect Proof.
Conjecture: The 2 is an irrational number.
Statement Justication
Assume 2 is a
rational number
Negation of
2 = a b where
gcd a b , ( ) =1 and a,b
positive integers
Denition of the
rationals and
greatest common
2 2
= a b 3.
Squaring both sides
= a
Multiplying both
sides by b
is even 5.
Denition of an
even number
a is even 6.
Squares of odd
integers are odd
a = 2mfor m> 1 7.
Denition of an
even number
2 2 4
2 2 2
b m m ( ) 8. Substitution
= 2m
9. Multiplying both
sides by 1/2
10. b
is even 10. Denition of an
even number
11. b is even 11. Squares of odd
integers are odd
12. gcd a b , ( ) 2 12.
Denition of gcd
13. Original assumption
is false
13. Contradicting
gcd a b , ( ) =1
Using the idea of innite descent, this Indirect Proof
is considered to be one of the most beautiful proofs
by the mathematical community. Though not as ele-
gant, it would be possible to prove this same conjecture
using a Direct Proof. Also, it is important to note that
this Indirect Proof uses some outside knowledge from
number theory (such as, squares of odd integers are
Proof 813
odd), which would have to be proved prior to its use as
justication within the Indirect Proof.
Deduction and induction constantly play important
roles in the proof process. For example, in the previ-
ous Direct Proof, a considerable number of examples
could be systematically examined: 3 + 5 = 8, 3 + 7 = 10,
5 + 11 = 16, 23 + 47 = 70, and so on. These examples
provide inductive evidence that the conjecture is true,
nothing more. That is, the cumulative contribution
of the examples is only increased condence that the
conjecture is true and that a formal deductive proof is
needed. And, a Proof by Exhaustion of All Cases is not
possible because the number of pairs of primes to con-
sider is innite. Nonetheless, a Proof by Induction is
often possible in situations involving an innite num-
ber of examples, as illustrated by the following proof.
Conjecture: 1 2 3 4
+ + + + + =
+ ( )
n n
Case n = 1: Substituting, 1
1 1 1
+ ( )
Assume case for k is true, need to show case for
k + ( ) 1 is true: Given the assumption
1 2 3
+ + + + =
+ ( )
k k
. Then,
1 2 3 1
1 + + + + + + ( ) =
+ ( )
+ + ( ) k k
k k
+ ( ) +
+ ( ) +
+ ( ) + ( ) k k 1 2
+ ( ) + ( ) + ,
k k 1 1 1
For some conjectures, a visual Behold! Proof is pos-
sible. A common example is this proof of the Pythago-
rean Theorem.
Conjecture: In any right triangle, the square of the
hypotenuse c (side opposite the right angle) equals
the sum of the squares of the other two sides a and b:
= a
+ b
Proof: Behold!
b b
a b a b
As in most proofs, effort is needed to understand a
Behold! Proof. In this example, focus on the common
areas and rearrangement of the four triangles. The rst
large square involves two smaller squares (areas a
) and four triangles, while the second large square
involves one small square (area c
) and the same four
triangles. Noting that this proof has been traced back
to early Chinese mathematics, it is important to add
that more than 360 different proofs of the Pythagorean
Theorem are known.
Despite their connection to truth, proofs can cre-
ate mathematical fallacies. Examples include the use
of Mathematical Induction to prove that, All horses
are of the same color, the misleading dependence on a
geometrical diagram to prove that all triangles are isos-
celes or even proofs that disguise computational errors,
such as the following:
Conjecture: 1= 2
Statement Justication
1. Let n = m> 0 1. Assumption
2. n
= mn 2. Multiplying both
sides by n
3. n
= mn
3. Subtracting m
from both sides
4. n m n m m n m + ( ) ( ) ( )
4. Factoring both
5. n m m + ( )
5. Dividing both
sides by n m ( )
6. m m m + ( )
6. Substitution as
n = m
814 Proof
7. 2m= m 7. Simplication
8. 2 = 1 8. Dividing both
sides by m
In supporting this obviously wrong conclusion, this
proof relies on the readers literal acceptance of each
statement and its justication. That is, the proof seems
true unless the reader notices that statement ve
involves division by zero, which is not possible.
When constructing proofs of mathematical conjec-
tures within a system, mathematicians are concerned
with many issues related to the logical structure. Is the
system consistent, in that no proven theorem contra-
dicts another? Is the system valid, in that no math-
ematical fallacies or false inferences will be created?
Is the system based on underlying axioms or initial
assumptions that are reasonable? And, is the system
complete, in that every conjecture can be proven
either true or false? In the 1930s, logician Kurt Gdel
shocked the mathematical world when he proved that
a powerful mathematical system cannot be both
complete and consistent at the same time. For some
mathematicians, Gdels theorems weakened the
foundational structure of mathematics, while others
felt that it strengthened it. Mathematicians also debate
about the role of computers in proofs. In the seven-
teenth century, Gottfried Leibniz predicted an auto-
matic counting machine that would vastly improve
reasoning. In the twentieth century, Herbert Gelernter
wrote a program to prove theorems from Euclids Ele-
ments, but critics noted the dependence on program-
mer-supplied rules. Some mathematicians do not
accept proofs such as the rst proof of the Four-Color
Theorem in 1977, which depended on an analysis of
many cases by a computer.
Formal proof is a special technique within the realm
of mathematics, which is why the public views math-
ematics as the prime model for establishing truth via
argumentation. The idea of proof is invoked in other
elds, but with a more limited meaning. For example,
in courtrooms, the element of truth is replaced with the
phrase beyond reasonable doubt given the available
evidence. In the sciences, proof is desired but cannot
be established by experimental data; at best, the data
can support the creation of hypotheses and theories,
which will be either further veried or discounted by
new experiments and new data.
Further Reading
Cupillari, Antonella. The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1989.
Laczkovich, Mikls. Conjecture and Proof. Washington,
DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2001.
MacKenzie, Donald. Mechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk,
and Trust. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.
Nelson, Roger. Proofs Without Words: Exercises in Visual
Thinking. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association
of America, 1997.
Polster, Burkard. Q.E.D.: Beauty in Mathematical Proof.
New York: Walker & Company, 2004.
Solow, Daniel. How to Read and Do Proofs: An
Introduction to Mathematical Thought Processes.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1982.
Velleman, Daniel. How to Prove It: A Structured
Approach. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 1994.
Jerry Johnson
Sarah J. Greewald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Mathematics, Elegant; Reasoning and Proof
in Society.
Proof in Society
See Reasoning and Proof in Society
Psychological Testing
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Representations.
Summary: Though they often require a subjective
element, psychological tests make every effort to
generate useful quantitative data.
Testing is used for many different purposes within
psychologyamong them to evaluate intelligence,
diagnose psychiatric illness, and identify aptitudes and
Psychological Testing 815
interests. Although the results of testing
are rarely used as the sole criterion to
make a diagnosis or other decision about
an individual, they are often used in con-
junction with information gained from
other sources, such as interviews and
observations of behavior. There are many
types of psychological tests, but most
share the goal of expressing an essentially
unobservable quality such as intelligence
or anxiety in terms of numbers. The
numbers themselves are not meant to be
taken literallyno one seriously believes
that a persons intelligence is equivalent
to their IQ score, for instance. Instead the
numbers are useful tools that help evalu-
ate a persons situation; for instance, how
does the intellectual development of one
particular child relate to that of other
children of his age? Of course, the results
of psychological testing should be evalu-
ated with the social context of the indi-
vidual in mind and with full respect for
human diversity.
Psychometrics is a eld of study that applies mathe-
matical and statistical principles to devise new psycho-
logical tests and evaluate the properties of current tests.
Psychologist Anne Anastasi was often known as the
test guru for her pioneering work in psychometrics.
In her 1954 book Psychological Testing, she discussed
the ways in which trait development is inuenced by
education and heredity as well as how differences in
training, culture, and language affect measurement.
The two most common approaches to psychometrics
in the twenty-rst century are classical test theory and
item response theory (IRT).
Classical test theory is the older approach and the
calculations required can be performed with a pencil
and paper, although twenty-rst-century computer
software is often used. Classical test theory assumes
that all measurements are imperfect and thus contain
error: the goal is to evaluate the amount of error in a
measurement and develop ways to minimize it. Any
observed measurement (for instance, a childs score
on an intelligence test) is made up of two components:
true score and error. This may be written as an equa-
tion: X = T + E, where X is the observed score, T is
the true score (the score representing the childs true
intelligence), and E is the error component (resulting
from imperfect testing). Classical test theory assumes
that that error is random and thus will sometimes be
positive (resulting in a higher observed score than true
score) and sometimes negative (resulting in a lower
observed score than true score) so that over an innite
number of testing occasions, the mean of the observed
scores will equal the true score. Although normally a
test is administered only once to a given individual, this
is a useful model that facilitates evaluation of the reli-
ability and validity of different tests.
Item response theory (IRT) is a different approach
to psychological testing and assumes that observed
performance on any given test item can be explained
by a latent (unobservable) trait or ability so that indi-
viduals may be evaluated in terms of the amount of
that trait they contain, and items may be evaluated in
terms of the amount of the trait required to answer
them positively. For an item on an intelligence test
(intelligence being the latent trait), persons with
higher intelligence should be more likely to answer
816 Psychological Testing
Most psychological tests try to translate unobservable qualities
such as intelligence or anxiety in terms of numbers.
the question correctly. The same principle applies to
IRT-based tests evaluating other psychological char-
acteristics; for instance, if an item in a psychological
screening test is meant to diagnose depression, a per-
son with more depressive symptoms should be more
likely to answer it positively. IRT is a mathematically
complex method of analysis that depends on the use
of specialized computer software and has become
a popular means to evaluate psychological tests as
computers have become more affordable. Although
the mathematical models of IRT differ from that of
classical test theory, the goals are the same: to devise
tests that measure characteristics of individuals with
a minimum of error.
Reliability and Validity
The term reliability refers to the consistency of a test
score: if a test is reliable it will yield consistent results
over time and without regard to the irrelevant condi-
tions such as the person administering the test. Inter-
nal consistency is considered an aspect of reliability:
it means that all the items in a test measure the same
thing. Temporal reliability is also called test-retest
reliability because it is typically evaluated by having
groups of individuals take the same test on several
occasions and seeing how their scores compare Some
differences are expected because of the random nature
of the error component, but there should be a strong
relationship between the observed scores of individu-
als on multiple occasions.
The term inter-rater reliability refers to the con-
sistency of a test or scale regardless of who adminis-
ters it. For instance, psychiatric conditions are often
evaluated by having an observer rate an individuals
behavior using a scale, and the results for different
observers evaluating the same individual at the same
time should be similar. For instance, three psycholo-
gists using a scale to evaluate the same child for hyper-
activity should reach similar conclusions. Both types
of reliability are typically evaluated by correlating test
results on different occasions (temporal) or the scores
returned by different raters (inter-rater).
Internal consistency can be measured in several
ways. The split-half method involves having a group
of individuals take a test, then splitting the items into
two groups (for instance, odd numbered items in one
group and even in the other) and calculating the cor-
relation between the total scores of the two groups.
Cronbachs alpha (or coefcient alpha) is a renement
of the split-half method: it is the mean of all possible
split-half coefcients. The measure was developed and
named alpha by Lee Chronbach, an educational psy-
chologist and measure theorist who began his career as
a high school mathematics and chemistry teacher.
The term validity refers to whether a test mea-
sures what it claims to be measuring. Three types of
validity are typically discussed: content, predictive, and
construct. Content validity refers to whether the test
includes a reasonable sample of the subject or quality
it is intended to measure (for instance, mathematical
aptitude or quality of life) and is usually established by
having a panel of experts evaluate the test in relation to
its purpose. Predictive validity means that test scores
correlate highly with measures of similar outcomes in
the future; for instance, a test of mechanical aptitude
should correlate with a new hires success working as
an auto repairman. Construct validity refers to a pat-
tern of correlations predicted by the theory behind the
quantity being measured: the scores on a test should
correlate highly with scores on other tests that measure
similar qualities and less highly with those that mea-
sure different qualities.
Further Reading
Embretson, Susan E., and Steven P. Reise. Item Response
Theory for Psychologists. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000.
Furr, R. Michael, and Verne R. Bacharach. Psychometrics:
An Introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Gopaul McNicol, Sharon-Ann, and Eleanor Armour-
Thomas. Assessment and Culture: Psychological Tests
with Minority Populations. Burlington, MA:
Elsevier, 2001.
Kline, Paul. The Handbook of Psychological Testing.
2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000.
Wood, James M., Howard N. Garb, and M. Teresa
Neszworski. Psychometrics: Better Measurement
Makes Better Clinicians. In The Great Ideas of
Clinical Science: 17 Principles That Every Mental
Health Professional Should Understand. Edited by
Scott O. Lilienfeld and William T. ODonohue.
New York: Routledge, 2007.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Diagnostic Testing; Educational Testing;
Intelligence Quotients.
Psychological Testing 817
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Pulleys provide mechanical advantage
and help people do work.
A pulley is a simple machine consisting of a cylinder,
called a drum, wheel, or sheave, rotating on an
axle, and a rope, chain, or belt running over the cylin-
der without sliding. Pulley drums often have grooves
and ribs that prevent their ropes from sliding over
the edge. People use pulleys in three ways: to change
directions of forces, to change magnitude of forces,
and to transmit power. Pulleys are used in building
and construction, ship rigging, and within belt-driven
Mathematicians have investigated many aspects of
pulleys. There is evidence that Archimedes of Syracuse
used a compound pulley to move a ship and studied
the related theories. He famously expressed: Give me
a place to stand and I will move the Earth. While his
mechanical inventions brought him recognition among
his contemporaries, he seems to have preferred pure
mathematics. Guidobaldo del Monte reduced systems
of pulleys to levers. Guillaume de lHpital investigated
the equilibrium of a pulley system, and mathematicians
continue to explore his pulley problem using algebra,
geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. A mechanical
tide-predicting machine, which incorporated pulleys,
is attributed to William Thomson, who later became
Lord Kelvin.
Changing Directions of Forces
In an example of this use of pulleys, construction work-
ers often attach pulleys to roofs of buildings. A builder
standing on the ground can pull down on one end of
the pulleys rope and a weight on the other end will
move up as the drum rotates.
The vectors of input and output forces always go
along the two ends of the pulleys rope. This means that
a pulley can change the direction of a force within the
plane that is perpendicular to the pulleys axle but not
sideways from that plane. The builder can also stand
inside the building, pulling the rope through a window,
or on the roof pulling horizontally, as long as the trian-
gle formed by the worker, the weight, and the pulleys
drum is perpendicular to the pulleys axle.
Changing Magnitudes of Forces
When a pulley is used to change the magnitude of a force,
its axle is attached to the weight, and the pulley moves
up together with the weight. For example, a sailor can
attach one end of a line to a yardarm, string it around
a pulleys drum attached to a weight, and pull the other
end up, standing on the yardarm. The sailor will only
have to apply the force equal to one-half of the weight.
Does the other half of the force disappear, breaking
the conservation of energy law and the work-energy
theorem? No, it is distributed to the other, attached
end of the rope. Moreover, the sailor will use half the
force, but pull enough line to cover twice the distance
the weight is lifted. The total work, which is equal to
the product of the force and the distance, will be the
same as in the xed pulley case:
W F d F d = =
2 .
Changing Directions and Magnitudes of
Forces: Blocks and Tackles
Because it is much easier to work for longer than to
increase ones force, movable pulleys are widely used.
A block and tackle is a pulley system where the rope
zigzags through movable and xed pulleys. Depending
on the way the tackle is rigged, it can provide a force
advantage with the factor of two, as in the example
above, or 3, 4, 5 and so on. At rst sight, it would seem
that a block and tackle can reduce the force required to
lift weights by any factor. However, friction interferes
increasingly with more pulleys used.
Marine cadets memorize rigging of common block
and tackle systems, and the names of tackles corre-
sponding to force advantage factors: factor 2: gun;
factor 3: luff ; factor 4: double; factor 5: gyn.
Drums for tackles may have multiple grooves to
reduce rope friction. When tackles are combined, for
example, a double tackle upon a luff tackle, their force
advantage factors multiply, in this case, creating the
force advantage of 3 4 =12.
Transmitting Power
A belt or a chain going in a loop over two or more pul-
ley drums makes all of them rotate when one is rotated.
For example, a bicyclist rotates the special pulley drum,
called a crank, to which pedals are attached. The rota-
tion of this crank is transmitted to the rotation of the
rear wheels crank, which makes the bicycle move. Using
818 Pulleys
drums of different diameters, such as cranks on a sports
bicycle drivetrain, can produce a force advantage.
Until the mid-twentieth century, factories typically
used belts distributing power to individual machines
from one central rotating drum, connected to a large
steam, turbine, or animal-powered capstan engine. This
power transmission system is called line shaft. Because
most industries have switched to compact electric
motors, one is currently more likely to meet this type
of a pulley in a museum or a history book. A human-
powered capstan is also a popular science or histori-
cal ction trope, used to demonstrate oppression, for
example, in Conan the Barbarian and Captain Blood.
Further Reading
Boute, Raymond. Simple Geometric Solutions to De
lHospitals Pulley Problem. College Mathematics
Journal 30, no. 4 (1999).
Hahn, Alexander. Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to
Newton to its Role in Science. Emeryville, CA: Key
College Publishing, 1998.
Rau, Dana. Levers and Pulleys: Super Cool Science
Experiments. Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake
Publishing, 2009.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Archimedes; Bicycles; Elevators.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Because problem solving is a core activity
of mathematics, it lends itself well to puzzles.
A puzzle is a question, problem, or contrivance
designed to challenge and expand the mind and per-
haps test ingenuity. Puzzles have been found in virtu-
ally all cultures and all historic periods, even in mythol-
ogy. According to legend, the Sphinx prevented anyone
from entering Thebes who failed to nd the correct
answer to the question: What is it that has four feet in
the morning, two at noon, and three at twilight?
Mathematicians have long created puzzles and
explored their solutions for research and applications.
They have also created puzzles for purely recreational
purposes. Teachers in many subjects within and out-
side mathematics use puzzles in the classroom.
There are a number of ways in which words and
arrangements of letters or objects are used to create
puzzles. Some problems in the Rhind Mathematical
Papyrus (1650 b.c.e.) are seen as puzzles. One example
is a rhyme that also appears in Leonardo Pisano Fibo-
naccis 1202 work Liber Abaci and is still popular today.
Here is a modern version:
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks, wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
One may only assume that the narrator was going to
St. Ives, not necessarily the other travellers. Mathemati-
cally, logic, branching diagrams, multiplication, and
addition can be used to determine the nal solution.
Traditional in several cultures, namely in Africa, is
the Crossing Problem. The following is a version from
Alcuin of York (735804):
A man wishes to ferry a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage
across a river in a boat that can carry only the man
and one of the others at a time. He cannot leave the
goat alone with the wolf nor leave the goat alone
with the cabbage on either bank. How will he safely
manage to carry all of them across the river?
To solve this problem, one must recognize that the
man may carry an item back and forth across the river
as many times as needed and ultimately nd appropriate
combinations and sequencing. Dynamic versions of this
game appear online, adding visual and tactile compo-
nents to the solving process. Extensions of this problem
include adding more items to the list, increasing the size
of the boat to carry more items, and adding an island
in the middle of the river where objects may be placed.
Mathematicians such as Luca Pacioli, Niccolo Tartaglia,
Claude-Gaspar Bachet, and Edouard Lucas investigated
this problem. A well-known medieval task consisted of
Puzzles 819
arranging men in a circle so that when every k-th man is
removed, the remainder shall be a certain specied man.
Several authors commented on this, from Girolano Car-
dano in the sixteenth century to Donald Coxeter in the
twentieth century.
Word Puzzles
Anagrams have a long and mysterious history, being
seen as source of ludic pleasure but are also believed
by some to possess mystic powers. Inside a word or
phrase, another one is hiding that one can get by per-
muting the letters in a different order. For instance, the
letters in the word schoolmaster may be rearranged
to form the related phrase the classroom.
Lewis Carroll (18321898) invented a forerunner
of the crossword: the doublet. There are two words
presented to the solver, who is required to change one
word to the other by replacing only one letter at a time,
forming a legitimate word with each transformation.
One of his examples is to change HEAD into TAIL,
which can be done via the following sequence: HEAL,
Visual Puzzles
Visual puzzles are also popular, such as optical illu-
sions, which have long been investigated by mathema-
ticians. Some of these address mathematical questions
in disciplines like geometry and visualization, includ-
ing gures that appear to be impossible.
Figure 1. Are the two dark lines parallel?
Figure 2. An illustration of an impossible object.
Samuel Loyd (18411911) is referred to by some
as Americas greatest puzzlist. He reputedly created
thousands of puzzles. Some of his inventions were very
original, like the Get Off the Earth puzzle. There are
13 men in the gure on the left. Rotating the puzzle, as
shown in the gure on the right, produces a drawing
that has 12 men. What happened to the 13th man?
Figure 3. The Get Off The Earth puzzle.
Arithmetic Puzzles
Numerical relations and arithmetical principles are
often found in puzzles. Magic squares, which are
square arrays of consecutive numbers with constant
sum in columns, rows, and diagonals, illustrate this
clearly. One of the oldest, the Chinese lo-shu, dates
back thousands of years. Leonhard Eulers (1707
1783) work on Latin Squares, which are arrays of sym-
bols with no repetitions in rows or columns, is one of
the foundations of Sudoku puzzles, which appeared in
a U.S. magazine in the 1970s but became famous rst
in Japan and then in the world. Tartaglia (15001557)
presented the following numerical problem: A dying
man leaves 17 horses to be divided among his three
sons in the proportion 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/9. Can the brothers
carry out their fathers will? Since 17 is not a multiple
of 2, 3, or 9, there is no solution that would give all of
the sons a whole number of horses.
Some authors shared problems, even if they lived in
different centuries. Fibonacci (11701250), Tartaglia,
and Bachet (15811638) all investigated the question:
If you have a balance, what is the least number of
weights necessary to weigh any integer number of
pounds from 1 to 40? (Assume you can put weights
in either side of the balance.)
Cryptarithms, created for training the calculating
mind in 1913, were very popular in the twentieth cen-
tury. In a cryptarithm, one is asked to nd the digits
820 Puzzles
erased from a valid calculation. Later, prolic English
puzzle inventor, Henry Dudeney (18571930), substi-
tuted letters for the unknown numbers to create another
layer of meaning. In his rst example of an alphametic
is the equation: SEND + MORE = MONEY, where
each letter represents a different digit, and the addition
is correct.
Rearrangement Puzzles
Some dissection and rearrangement puzzles are based
on mathematical principles. Archimedes of Syracuse
(287212 b.c.e.) may have created a 14-piece puzzle,
the Stomachion, as part of his research. It resembles a
version of a Tangram, a Chinese puzzle that became
very popular in the nineteenth century in the West and
is often used in mathematics classrooms in the twenty-
rst century to investigate dissections and concepts like
the Pythagorean Theorem, named for Pythagoras of
Samos. The Fibonacci sequence relation
n n n
( ) = + ( )
1 1
with n = 6 can be used to create a dissection puzzle.
Larger values of n generate similar, more impressive
puzzles, where the difference of area between a large
square and a large rectangle is always included. Some
dissection puzzles may lead to optical illusions when the
pieces do not t exactly together, leading to two gures
composed of the same pieces that have different areas.
Figure 4. An 8-by-8 square and 5-by-13 rectangle
made with the same pieces?
Topological Puzzles
Ring and string puzzles as well as knotted puzzles are
examples of topological puzzles, where no discontinu-
ous deformations like cutting the string are allowed. In
his De Viribus Quantitatis (c. 1500), cited as the oldest
book in recreational mathematics, Luca Pacioli (1445
1517) describes the Chinese Rings, a topological puzzle
still popular in the twenty-rst century.
Figure 5: A modern version of the Chinese Rings
Eulers name is linked to several puzzles. He solved
the Bridges of Konigsberg Problem, and this work of
his is usually seen as the starting point of topology and
graph theory.
Figure 6: The Bridges of Konigsberg Problem: is it
possible to cross all the bridges only once?
The concept of the Eulerian graph is rooted in Eul-
ers resolution of the Bridges of Koenigsberg problem.
Movement Puzzles
Numerous puzzles involve patterned movement
within some type of framework, and solutions some-
times involve mathematical techniques like number-
ing, recursion, group theory, and determinants. Peg
Solitaire traces its origins from seventeenth-century
France. It is a game where a board has all its holes occu-
pied with pegs except for the central one. The objective
is, making valid moves (small jump capture), to empty
the entire board but for a solitary peg in the central
hole (see Figure 7).
The Towers of Hanoi is a puzzle invented in 1883 by
N. Claus, a pseudonym of the mathematician Edouard
Lucas (18421891). A pile of discs of decreasing radius
lays on one of three poles. Moving one disc at a time,
without letting a bigger disc rest on a smaller one, the
solver is asked to change the pile from one pole to
another (see Figure 8).
Puzzles 821
Figure 7. Peg Solitaire: starting and target position.
Figure 8. Towers of Hanoi: starting and target positions.
The recursive character of the solution to this puzzle
makes it somewhat similar to the Chinese Rings.
Other Puzzles
The chessboard is a rich source of puzzles that attracted
many mathematicians. In the Knight Tour problem, a
knight must visit all the squares of the board just once.
Euler is one mathematician who published a solution.
Mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777
1855) was attracted by the 8-Queen Problem, in which
eight queens must be placed on a chessboard so they
cannot capture any other queen. Some mathematicians
have used determinants to solve this problem.
Figure 9. The 8-Queen Problem: one solution.
The nineteenth century produced a popular puzzle
named 15. It consists of a sliding device, a 4-by-4
array with the numbers one through 15 and an empty
cell. The puzzle was scrambled and the solver was
required to transform the scrambled order back to the
natural order with the empty cell in the last position.
Sam Loyd offered $1,000 to whoever could reorder a
scrambled 14 and 15 in an otherwise solved puzzle.
The prize was never claimed. The impossibility of this
challenge can be understood when phrased in the lan-
guage of group theory.
Figure 10: The impossible task.
Another very mathematical puzzle that captivated
the world was Rubiks Cube, created by Hungarian
architect Erno Rubik in the 1970s that became the
best selling puzzle in history. A 3-by-3-by-3 cube,
with differently colored faces, moves by slices, getting
scrambled with just a few moves. To nd the way back
to the starting position is an incredible challenge. This
toy puzzle is used to illustrate many group theory con-
cepts. On the other hand, knowledge of group theory
facilitates the understanding of the puzzle itself.
Since ancient times, descriptions of mazes that
must be traversed in a particular pattern of moves have
abounded in legend and literature. The Minotaur
Theseus tale is one such example. Stone and hedge
labyrinths may still be found in places like Europe
and many puzzle books contain paper mazes. Some
mazes can be understood using what is known as level
The jigsaw puzzle was invented in England in
the mid-1870s as a pedagogical device. Children were
asked to rebuild maps. In the twentieth and twenty-
rst centuries, jigsaw puzzles expanded to include
three-dimensional jigsaw puzzles, including spheri-
cal three-dimensional puzzles, and two-dimensional
822 Puzzles
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 15 14
jigsaw puzzles that are all one color that have all the
pieces cut to the same shape. This last style of puzzle is
related to tiling. Another mathematical question is how
to optimally and efciently design and cut out puzzle
pieces according to certain specications.
Puzzle designer Scott Kim is considered by some to
be a master of symmetry. He has diverse interests in
many elds, including mathematics, computer science,
puzzles, and education. When discussing these inter-
ests, he emphasizes the ties between them rather than
their differences. One of his creations is an ambigram
to honor of the great Martin Gardner (19142010),
who invented many puzzles and is known for his rec-
reational mathematics works. An ambigram is a gure
that appears the same when rotated 180 degrees or
viewed upsidedown.
Further Reading
Danesi, Marcel. The Puzzle Instinct: The Meaning
of Puzzles in Human Life. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 2002.
Dedopulos, Tim. The Greatest Puzzles Ever Solved.
London: Carlton Books, 2009.
Olivastro, Dominic. Ancient Puzzles: Classic Brainteasers
and Other Timeless Mathematical Games of the Last 10
Centuries. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
Petkovic, Miodrag. Famous Puzzles of Great
Mathematicians. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 2009.
Sam Loyds Puzzles.
Scott Kim Puzzlemaster. Inversions Gallery. http://
Slocum, Jerry, and Jack Botermans. New Book of Puzzles:
101 Classic and Modern Puzzles to Make and Solve.
New York: W.H. Freeman, 1992.
. The Tangram Book: The Story of the Chinese
Puzzle With Over 2,000 Puzzles to Solve. New York:
Sterling Pub. 2003.
Slocum, Jerry, and Dic Sonneveld. The 15 Puzzle: How
It Drove the World Crazy; The Puzzle That Started the
Craze of 1880; How Americas Greatest Puzzle Designer,
Sam Loyd, Fooled Everyone for 115 Years. Beverly Hills,
CA: Slocum Puzzle Foundation, 2006.
Spencer, Gwen. A Conversation with Scott Kim. Math
Horizons 12 (November 2004).
Jorge Nuno Silva
See Also: Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords;
Board Games; Coding and Encryption; Dice Games;
Mathematical Puzzles; Optical Illusions; Sudoku.
Puzzles, Mathematical
See Mathematical Puzzles
Pythagorean and
Fibonacci Tuning
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Summary: The relationship between mathematics
and music led to several tuning systems.
A musical scale is a sequence of ordered notes used to
construct music compositions. Scales can be classied
according to their starting point, the intervals between
their notes, or the number of notes they contain.
Instruments may be tuned according to many possible
systems. There are close mathematical connections
between musical scales, tuning systems, and number
theory, as well as dynamical systems. Mathematics also
plays a critical role in designing playable and efcient
keyboards for instruments that will be tuned to some-
thing other than the standard eight-note Western scale.
Most Western music uses an eight-note octave
scale (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do), where the two do
notes have the same tone but different pitches. The
piano keyboard is set up in the C major key, where
the white keys starting with C correspond to the eight
notes in the octave.
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning 823
There are also tones between some of the notes on
the scale, represented on the piano by the black keys.
Counting from C to B, there are 12 equal semitones in
the chromatic scale of Western music.
To tune an instrument with strings, the lengths of the
strings are adjusted to produce the correct pitch. Pythag-
oras of Samos (570495 b.c.e.) is credited with realiz-
ing two things that allowed him to calculate the string
lengths for the 12 semitones of the chromatic scale:
1. A string that is half as long produces the tone
that is one octave higher. A string that is twice as
long produces a tone that is one octave lower.
2. A string that is two-thirds as long produces a
tone that is up ve notes (called a fth, or
do-sol interval), seven semitones higher in the
12-tone chromatic scale.
Pythagoras saw that seven and 12 share no common
factors and that he could use this fact to generate the
lengths of all 12 strings in the chromatic scale.
1. Start with a string that sounds like a C note.
2. Cut a string that is two-thirds of the C string
to give G.
3. Cut a string that is twice as long as G, yielding
the same tone down an octave.
4. Cut a string two-thirds of this new lower G to
give D.
5. Cut a string two-thirds as long as D to give A.
6. Cut a string twice as long as A, yielding A
down an octave.
7. Cut a string two-thirds of the lower A to give
8. Cut a string two-thirds of E to give B.
9. Cut a string twice as long as B, yielding B
down an octave.
Continue in this pattern, shortening a string to
two-thirds to produce new higher notes and doubling
the string when needed to avoid going past the top of
the octave. After 19 steps, all of the strings of the C to
C octave are determined, as well as a few extra notes
below C (see Figure 1).
Called the circle of fths, this method of tuning by
shortening the string to move up seven semitones (and
back 12 when needed) would not work if the two num-
bers involved shared a common factor, such as four and
12. Not all of the semitones would be hit in that case.
Equal Tuning
Pythagoras was a little off when he assumed that a
string two-thirds as long would produce the sev-
enth semitone. In actuality, using irrational numbers
(something Pythagoras did not believe in), the lengths
of string needed to produce all of the semitones can be
found more precisely. Starting with a string of length
two, one can factor two into 12 equal parts or twelfth
roots. This method of tuning, used in the twenty-rst
century for most music, is called equal tuning (see
Figure 2). The values of these irrational numbers to
three decimal places show that the fth note (or sev-
enth semitone) string, G, is actually slightly more than
two-thirds of the C string: two-thirds of a string of
824 Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning
11 3 14 6 17 9 1 12 4 15 7 18 10 2 13 5 16 8 19
Figure 1.
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) 2
2 1.888 1.782 1.682 1.587 1.498 1.414 1.335 1.260 1.189 1.122 1.059 1
Figure 2.
length 2 would yield a G string of length 1.333 rather
than the equal tuning length of approximately 1.335.
This little bit of difference is magnied when the circle
of fths technique is used to tune the strings, yielding
notes that sound at.
Other Tuning Systems
Between Pythagorass time and the twenty-rst century,
a number of other tuning strategies were developed
as music and mathematics knowledge grew. Popular
in the medieval age, for example, was just tuning,
which differs from both Pythagorean and equal tun-
ing. To use equal tuning in the twenty-rst century, one
does not have to physically measure strings precisely;
equipment can be used to measure the fundamental
frequency (related to the pitch) of the sound wave gen-
erated by the string in order to tighten the string to the
correct length.
There is also a method of tuning based on the Fibo-
nacci series of Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, which has
been analyzed by English mathematician Sir James
Jeans. The numbers in the musical Fibonacci series (2,
5, 7, 12, 19, . . .) can be generated by increasingly long
series of musical fourths and fths from the octave scale.
An interval of two tones that are a fth apart, such as F
and C, have a frequency ratio of three-halves. The next
fth is a G, which is musically very close to the original
F, but an octave higher, so the two-tone scale is left as F
and C. Extending the fths to a ve-tone scale gives F,
C, G, D, and A. This would be followed by E, which is
again almost the initial F. A slight modication made by
slightly raising all the tones (after the initial F) would
create a ve-note equal tuning scale. Increasingly larger
scales can be made by continuing this pattern.
Further Reading
Ashton, Anthony. Harmonograph: A Visual Guide to the
Mathematics of Music. New York: Walker & Co., 2003.
Hall, Rachel W., and Kresimir Josic. The Mathematics
of Musical Instruments. American Mathematical
Monthly 108, no. 4 (2001).
Jeans, James. Science and Music. New York: Dover
Publications, 1968.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Geometry of Music; Harmonics; Popular
Music; Scales.
Pythagorean School
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Religious devotees of mathematics, the
Pythagoreans could not accept irrational numbers but
made lasting contributions.
The Pythagorean School is the name given to a num-
ber of mathematicians and followers of Pythagoras.
Pythagoras founded the school in the sixth century
b.c.e. in what is now southern Italy. It appears to have
been a religious sect built around the proposition that
reality was revealed through numbers. It was one of
the earliest philosophical schools, and at the time there
were no rigid boundaries between philosophy, religion,
and politics.
The school had aspects of all three and was a major
political force in some Greek cities. To some extent, it
was thought of as a secret society. Initiates are said to
have taken a vow of silence. This fact and many others
about the school are difcult to verify because of a lack
of sources from this time. Most of what is known about
the Pythagoreans comes in fragments from later philos-
ophers like Plato or Aristotle. Much of the detail about
Pythagorass life is revealed from even later sources, in
the works of Diogenes Laertius, Iamblichus, and Por-
phyry, who wrote many centuries after his death. As a
result, much information about the school is ancient
hearsay that embellishes what was already a peculiar
belief system. The Pythagorean habit of attributing dis-
coveries to Pythagoras, as well as the silence, also makes
it hard to distinguish the discoveries of the man from
his school. Nevertheless, the inuence of his school and
mathematical philosophy can still be felt in the twenty-
rst century concept of the liberal arts.
Pythagoras and the
Foundation of the School
Pythagoras lived from around 580 to 500 b.c.e., but
the exact dates are uncertain. He was the son of a lead-
ing citizen of Samos (an island in the Aegean), and it is
possible that his political signicance led Pythagoras to
leave the city during the rule of Polykrates the Tyrant.
He does not seem to have become prominent until
around 530 b.c.e. in the city of Croton, on the southern
shore of Italy. The ancient authors account for his life
Pythagorean School 825
before then by a journey gathering the wisdom of other
cultures, such as the Egyptians and Babylonians.
The wisdom he gained is said to have given him many
powers. For example, he claimed to recall his previous
incarnations, such as his life as the Trojan hero Euphor-
bus. He is also said to have appeared talking to friends
at Metapontium in southern Italy and Tauromenium,
on Sicily, on the same day, despite this being impos-
sible with the transport of the day. The same chapter
of Porphyrys Life of Pythagoras also recounts that a
river spoke very clearly to say Hail Pythagoras! as he
crossed it. Some ancient authors, such as the philoso-
pher Heraclitus, were unconvinced. These and similar
tales show not only that he was seen as a divine gure in
the ancient world but also that the ancient sources are
not wholly reliable. Some modern historians go so far
as to discount any mathematical achievements being
the work of the actual Pythagoras. Instead, they argue
that the achievements of Pythagoreans were attributed
to Pythagoras to add luster to his memory.
The school was extraordinarily egalitarian for its
era. It admitted both men and women at a time when
women were not considered citizens and were usually
treated in the same manner as children. The school
spread as a society throughout southern Italy and seems
to have become a potent political force. Eventually, the
power of the school was challenged by the non-Pythag-
oreans, and violence ensued. Polybius, writing in the
second century b.c.e., described the chaos as being a
maelstrom of murder, sedition, and every kind of dis-
turbance. There are several conicting stories of the
death of Pythagoras, but the oddest is that it occurred
because he refused to cross a eld of beans when an
angry mob was chasing him. This behavior was eccen-
tric even by the standards of ancient Greece and only
makes sense in light of the Pythagorean beliefs taught
at the school.
Pythagorean Beliefs
Pythagoreans believed that numbers were a fundamen-
tal property of the universe and that the cosmos oper-
ated in harmonies that could be represented as ratios
of whole numbers. The purpose of life was to achieve
harmony with the universe through a process of puri-
cation to counter the corrupting inuence of the body.
One of the features of this purication was that Pythag-
oreans were vegetariana strong political statement. At
this time, one of the duties of a citizen was to participate
in civic religious events. Avoiding such events or refus-
ing to perform them properly could draw the ire of the
gods. Almost all festivals required the sacrice of an
animal, usually an ox or a goat. The fat and bones would
be offered to the gods on the altar and meat would be
part of a communal meal. A vegetarian was therefore
separating himself from the community.
As for the material that made the cosmos, Pythagoras
thought it was governed by numbers. He is said to have
come to this conclusion after discovering that musi-
cal harmonies can be represented as ratios of whole
numbers. The connection between two such different
practices such as music and mathematics led Pythago-
ras to believe that there must be something cosmically
signicant about numbers. These ratios are embedded
in the tetractys symbola triangle of 10 dots in four
rows, one dot at the top, then two dots, then three, and
nally four. The ratios of the motions of the planets
were also assumed to be harmonious, and it is said that
Pythagoras claimed to be able to hear the music of the
spheres, the harmonies generated by these motions.
Numbers that could not be represented by ratios of
whole numbers were therefore a serious problem in
Pythagorean cosmology.
The Pythagorean Legacy
It is hard to be sure that the theorem that bears his
name was actually a Pythagorean concept. While 3-4-5
triangles were used before Pythagorass time, he may
have been the rst to prove the Pythagorean theorem,
or this might be a later proof attributed to the inspira-
tion of the school. However, there is reason to consider
the interest in irrational numbers to be a Pythagorean
innovation. Quite how this was discovered is uncertain.
The Pythagorean theorem can be used to prove that
2 is irrational, but irrationality can also be found in
the pentalpha, a ve-pointed star more commonly
known as pentagram, adopted as a symbol by the
Pythagoreans. The discovery of irrational numbers is
sometimes credited to Hippasus of Metapontum. Usu-
ally in these tales, Hippasus meets a grisly end at the
hands of Pythagoras who resents the existence of irra-
tional numbers. While this might be a fantastical tale, it
is believed that the Pythagoreans were sworn to secrecy
concerning the existence of irrational numbers because
it was a signicant threat to their belief system.
A celebrated legacy of the Pythagorean school is
that its approach to applying mathematics to the natu-
826 Pythagorean School
ral world led to the establishment of the quadrivium:
arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music that,
with grammar, logic, and rhetoric, formed the liberal
arts that were the foundation of medieval univer-
sity courses. While the philosophy of liberal arts has
changed in modern times, mathematics remains an
important feature, as it can be found in many areas in
higher education.
Further Reading
Burkert, W. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism.
Translated by Hans Carl Verlag. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1972.
Kahn, Charles H. Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans.
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing, 2001.
Riedweg, Christoph. Pythagoras: His Life, Teaching and
Inuence. Translated by Steven Rendall. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 2005.
Alun Salt
See Also: Greek Mathematics; Harmonics; Numbers,
Rational and Irrational; Pythagorean and Fibonacci
Tuning; Pythagorean Theorem.
Pythagorean Theorem
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: The Pythagorean theorem is a
fundamental theorem of mathematics and has
numerous applications in number theory and
The Pythagorean theorem stands as one of the great the-
orems of mathematics. Ancient peoples appear to have
used the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the duration
of lunar eclipses or to create right angles in their pyra-
mids or buildings. Archeological evidence suggests that
the truth of the result was known in Babylon more than
1000 years before Pythagoras, approximately 19001600
b.c.e. Mathematicians and historians continue to debate
the early history of the theorem and whether it was dis-
covered independently in such places as Mesopotamia,
India, China, and Greece. For instance, some theorize
that Pythagoras may have learned the theorem dur-
ing a visit to India, which in turn may have been inu-
enced by Mesopotamia. The theorem is the culminating
proposition of the rst book of Euclids Elements. While
Euclid (c. 350 b.c.e.) did not mention Pythagoras, later
writers such as Cicero and Plutarch referred to it as his
discovery. As phrased in the twenty-rst century, the
theorem states the following:
In any right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse
c is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs a and b.
That is, a
+ b
= c
The theorem has inspired countless generations,
and it is useful in a wide variety of contexts and appli-
cations, such as in chemistry cell-packing and music.
In Pythagorass day, humankind had not yet invented
algebra. As such, this theorem was not viewed with
algebraic perspective but rather in a distinctly geomet-
ric way. Visually, as shown in Figure 1, on the right tri-
angle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c, the sum of
the areas of the darker gray squares is equal to the area
of the lightest gray square.
Among the many remarkable features of the Pythago-
rean theorem, one of the most prominent is that the
Pythagorean Theorem 827
Figure 1.
result admits so many different proofs, including one
by former U.S. President James Gareld in 1876. Some
of the shortest representations of the Pythagorean
theorem are geometric gures called dissections. For
example, Indian mathematician Bhaskaras dissection
gure was accompanied by the word Behold. The
Chinese also presented dissection gures that are now
called Pythagorean, and some theorize that these may
have led to the development of tangram puzzles. Com-
plete Pythagorean proofs based on dissection gures
often combine algebra and geometry.
Given a right triangle with legs of length a and b,
construct a square of side length a + b. Then, along
each side, mark a point that lies a units along the side.
If consecutive pairs of these points are connected with
line segments, four identical (congruent) copies of the
original triangle have been constructed inside the large
square (see Figure 2).
In addition, these four line segments have generated
a quadrilateral (a four-sided polygon) in the interior
of the large square. This quadrilaterals sides each have
length c, which is the hypotenuse of the given right tri-
angle. Further, a straightforward argument involving
angle measurements in the triangles shows that each
of the four angles in the interior quadrilateral mea-
sures 90 degrees. Hence, the inside quadrilateral is in
fact a square.
Consider the area of Figure 2 in two different ways.
First, the area A of the entire outside square, which has
sides of length a + b, must therefore be A a b = + ( )
At the same time, one can view the area of the outside
square as having been subdivided into ve parts. Four
of those pieces are congruent right triangles whose area
is each ab/2. The fth part is the interior square, whose
area is c
. Thus, the area A of the outer square also satis-
es the relationship that
c +
Equating the two different expressions for A, one
( ) a b
c + +
2 2
Expanding the left side and simplifying the right, it
follows that a
+ 2ab + b
= 2ab + c
Finally, subtracting 2ab from both sides, the conclu-
sion of the Pythagorean Theorem follows: a
+ b
= c
Furthermore, the Pythagorean theorem is rightly
viewed as one of the most central results in Euclidean
geometry. Its statement is equivalent to Euclids paral-
lel postulate, and therefore is directly tied to the truth
of a large number of other key results.
In addition to the geometric ideas the Pythagorean
theorem evokes, it generates key new ideas and ques-
tions about numbers. For instance, if one takes the legs
of a right triangle to each have length 1, then it fol-
lows that the hypotenuse c is a number such that c
= 2.
There is no rational number (that is, no ratio of whole
numbers) whose square is 2. This situation forced
Greek mathematicians to reconsider their original con-
viction that all numbers were commensurable: that
any possible number must be able to be expressed as
the ratio of whole numbers. Remarkably, it took math-
ematicians another 2000 years to put the so-called
real numbers, the set of numbers on which calculus is
based, on solid footing.
Another Pythagorean idea that has generated a
remarkable amount of mathematics is the notion of
a Pythagorean Triple, which is an ordered triple of
whole numbers like (3, 4, 5) that represents a solution
to the Pythagorean theorem, since 3
+ 4
= 5
. A Baby-
lonian clay tablet, named the Plimpton 322 Tablet,
contains many Pythagorean triples. Some suggest that
828 Pythagorean Theorem
Figure 2.
these were a set of teaching exercises, though histori-
ans and mathematicians continue to debate their role.
Euclid is credited with the development of a formula
that will generate a Pythagorean triple, given any two
natural numbers. Indeed, there are even innitely
many primitive Pythagorean triples, triples in which
a, b, and c share no common divisor. Algebraic exten-
sions include investigating solutions to Pythagorean-
like equations with other powers, such as a
+ b
= c
Remarkably, no three positive numbers satisfy such
equations; Pierre de Fermat, a French lawyer in the sev-
enteenth century, wrote this note (as translated by his-
torians) in the margins of Diophantus of Alexandrias
I have discovered a truly marvelous proof that it is
impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a
fourth power into two fourth powers, or in gen-
eral, any power higher than the second into two like
powers. This margin is too narrow to contain it.
No one ever discovered Fermats proof, yet Fermats
Last Theorem stimulated the development of algebraic
number theory in the nineteenth century, and many
results in mathematics were shown to be true if Fermats
Last Theorem was true. Andrew Wiles nally proved it
to be true near the end of the twentieth century.
There are many other extensions of the Pythagorean
theorem. Pappus of Alexandria generalized the theo-
rem to parallelograms. In the 1939 lm The Wizard of
Oz, the Scarecrow recites a version using square roots
instead of squares. The Scarecrows theorem is false in
planar geometry, but it can hold in spherical geom-
etry. However, the Pythagorean theorem does not hold
on a perfectly round planet. In this case, a
+ b
> c
Writers for the animated television show Futurama
named this the Greenwaldian theorem, after mathe-
matician Sarah Greenwald. In the twenty-rst century,
physicists and mathematicians investigate whether the
Pythagorean theorem holds in our universe.
The Pythagorean theorem is also a fundamental
idea in several other areas of mathematics and appli-
cations. Essentially all of plane trigonometry rests on
the Pythagorean Theorem as its starting point, and the
modern notion of orthogonality in linear algebra is
an extension and generalization of the work of Pythag-
oras. Both trigonometry and orthogonality lead to a
wide range of interesting and important applications,
including the theory of wavelets and Fourier analysis,
mathematics that enables prominent image compres-
sion algorithms to help the Internet function.
Its own inherent beauty, the multitude of possible
proofs, the rich mathematical ideas it spawns, and the
applications that follow all contribute to making the
Pythagorean theorem one of the genuine masterpieces
in all of mathematics.
Further Reading
MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. Pythagorass
Theorem in Babylonian Mathematics. http://
Maor, Eli. The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4000-Year History.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Posamentie, Alfred. The Pythagorean Theorem: The Story
of Its Power and Beauty. Amherst, NY: Prometheus
Books, 2010.
Matt Boelkins
See Also: Geometry and Geometry Education;
Geometry of the Universe; Mathematics, Elegant;
Parallel Postulate; Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning;
Pythagorean School; Wiles, Andrew.
Pythagorean Theorem 829
Quality Control
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Industrial productions and processes can
be mathematically studied to help ensure quality.
Statistical quality control, or more broadly, quality
assurance, seeks to improve and stabilize the produc-
tion and delivery of goods and services. A central con-
cern of quality control is the testing and reporting of
measurements of qualitytypically as part of a moni-
toring processto ensure that the quality of the item
being studied meets certain standards.
Quality standards are determined by those who
produce the goods or services. Some standards are
specication limits imposed by engineering or design
concerns that dene conformance to a standard. For
example, in making airplane engines, a certain part
may need to have a diameter between 12 and 14 mil-
limeters or it will not t into a housing. However, for
many processes, there are no specication limits and
quality standards may be dened internally from data
on past behavior of a process that is judged to be in
control or stable. For example, in examining the
safety of a large production line, it may be that in each
week of the last ve years, the average number of per-
son hours lost to accidents has been 1.3. There is no
specication limit for this quantity, but control limits
can be based on this historical average.
In order to analyze a process for statistical quality
control effectively, a process must rst be declared to be
in control. To be in statistical control, the vast major-
ity of the products or services must be of sufcient
quality for the producers to be satised. Moreover,
the process must be stable (the mean and variance of
the quality measurements must be roughly constant).
If a process is in control, then statistical analysis can
provide meaningful control limits to the process for
monitoring. Graphical methods play a signicant role
in statistical quality control.
Some measure of quality control was in evidence dur-
ing the building of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Arche-
ologists have long been impressed not only with the
complexity of the construction process, but also by its
precision. In the Middle Ages, medieval guilds were
formed, in part, to ensure some level of quality of goods
and services. The use of statistical methods in qual-
ity controlalso called statistical process control
or (SPC)is more recent, with most of the develop-
ment in the twentieth century. Graphical methods for
quality control were introduced in a series of memos
and papers in the 1920s by Walter E. Shewhart of Bell
Telephone Laboratories. The charts he developed and
promoted are known today as Shewhart control charts.
H. F. Dodge and H. G. Romig, also of Bell Laboratories,
applied statistical theory to sampling inspection, den-
ing rules for the acceptance of many products. Joseph
M. Juran, whose focus was more on quality manage-
ment, rather than SPC, was another early quality pio-
neer at Bell Laboratories and later Western Electric.
W. Edwards Deming applied SPC to manufacturing
during World War II and was instrumental in intro-
ducing these methods to Japanese industry after the
war ended. He and Juran are generally credited with
helping Japanese manufacturing shed the negative
image that made in Japan had in the 1950s and trans-
forming the country into a source of high quality goods
consumed all over the world. In the early twenty-rst
century, quality control issues continue to appear in
the media as concerns proliferate over the quality of
goods produced in China.
Common-Cause and Special-Cause Variation
Shewhart and Deming dened two types of variation
that occur in all manufacturing and service processes
in their 1939 book Statistical Methods from the View-
point of Quality Control. A certain amount of variation
is a part of all processes and can be tolerated even when
the goal is to produce goods and services of high qual-
ity. This variation is called common-cause variation,
and it comprises all the natural variation in the process.
The second variation, called special-cause variation,
is unusual and is not part of the natural variation. Spe-
cial-cause variation needs to be detected as soon as
possible. Quality control charts are designed to detect
special-cause variation and distinguish it from com-
mon-cause variation.
Quality Control Charts
A quality control chart plots a summary of the qual-
ity measurements from each item (or a sample) in
sequence against the sample number (or time). A cen-
ter line is drawn at the mean, or at the desired center of
this statistic. Upper and lower control limits are drawn
indicating thresholds above or below which will signal
an out of control measurement. Sometimes, various
warning lines are drawn as well, and a variety of rules
for deciding if the measurement is really out of control
are available. The simplest chart, called an individual
(or runs) chart, plots a single measurement for each
item. The control limits are based on the Normal prob-
ability model, which implies that for a process in con-
trol, only 0.27% of the observations will lie more than
three standard deviations () from the center. Therefore,
if the process stays in control, a false alarm will occur
only once in about 1/0.0027 or once every 370.4 obser-
vations. The central idea of a control chart is that a spe-
cial cause will cause the mean to shift (or the standard
deviation to increase), and so the measurement will fall
outside the 3 limits with higher probability. If the shift
is great enough, the time to detection will be very short.
However, if the special cause results in a subtle shift,
it may take many observations before such a signal is
detected. Various other types of charts are available that
have generally better performance in terms of both false
alarm rates and failure to detect shifts.
Total Quality Management and Philosophy
The ideas of Deming, Juran, Shewhart, and others have
inspired numerous other people and quality move-
ments. One such movement is total quality manage-
ment (TQM) also known as total quality and contin-
uous quality improvement. As the name implies, this
approach to quality involves more than the monitoring
of manufacturing or service processes. It includes all
parts of the organization and, specically, the role of
management to help ensure that in providing goods or
services, that all things are done right the rst time.
Implementing these ideas throughout a large organiza-
tion gave rise to an abundance of books, experts, and
quality gurus in the latter part of the twentieth cen-
tury. One approach to total quality focuses on reducing
variation (decreasing ). If the common-cause varia-
tion can be reduced enough, while the process is in con-
trol, essentially no measurements will fall outside the
3 limits. This notion is the essential idea behind the
6 approach, rst popularized by the Motorola com-
pany and later the General Electric Company in the
1980s. By the late 1990s, a majority of the Fortune 500
companies were using some form of the 6 approach.
Further Reading
Deming, W. Edwards. Walter A. Shewhart, 18911967.
American Statistician, 21 (1967).
. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Juran, Joseph M. Quality Control Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1999.
832 Quality Control
blocks, each of which may be pieced together. Often,
quilt patterns involve careful measurement (using com-
mon fractions) in the cutting and sewing of the pieces.
Quilt designs are often symmetricalthe entire
design can be folded in half along a line such that one
half falls directly onto the other half. Each half is a reec-
tion of the other along that line, which is called a line
of symmetry. These lines may be vertical, horizontal,
or diagonal. Some quilt blocks, such as the traditional
Amish Star, are symmetric along many lines. Quilts and
quilt blocks may also have rotational symmetrythe
design can be rotated around a point through less than
a full rotation in a way that leaves the overall design
unchanged. Quilts in the Hawaiian Islands are known
for their distinctive radial symmetry.
Mathematics generalizes this everyday concept of
symmetry. A mathematical object (not necessarily a geo-
metric shape) is symmetric with respect to a particular
mathematical operation if the operation, applied to the
object, preserves some property of the object. A math-
ematical group consists of a set of operations that pre-
serve a given property of a given object. Group theory is
central to abstract algebra and has many applications.
Fabric quilts, construction paper versions, or com-
puterized models of quilt designs have been used to
introduce students as early as elementary school to
geometric concepts, such as symmetry and transforma-
tions. They help children develop, at a basic level, fun-
damental algebraic properties, such as inverse, identity,
and equivalence. Students also make quilts to explore
many other concepts, such as the Pythagorean theo-
rem, polar coordinates, group theory, the Fibonacci
sequence, and Pascals triangle, named after mathema-
tician Blaise Pascal.
A tessellation (or tiling) is an innitely repeating pat-
tern composed of polygons covering a plane with-
out any openings or overlaps. Many quilt designs are
formed from tessellations. A regular tessellation uses
one polygon with equal sides and equal angles, such as
equilateral triangles, squares, or regular hexagons. For
example, the traditional Grandmothers Flower Gar-
den and Honeycomb quilt designs use tessellations of
regular hexagons. Many modern watercolor quilts use
tessellations of one-inch squares.
A semi-regular tessellation uses a combination of
squares, triangles, and hexagons that are arranged
. Management of Quality Control. New York:
Joseph M. Juran, 1967
Snee, Ronald D., and Roger W. Hoerl. Leading Six Sigma:
A Step-by-Step Guide Based on Experience With GE
and Other Six Sigma Companies. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: FT Press, 2002.
Richard De Veaux
See Also: Deming, W. Edwards; Normal Distribution;
Scheduling; Water Quality.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: Quilting can incorporate and help
teach mathematical concepts, such as symmetry and
Quilting is a needlework technique in which two layers
of fabric are sewn together, usually with an inner layer
of padding (called batting) between them. Often, one
or both outer layers are formed by sewing together (or
piecing) smaller pieces of fabric. Sometimes, designs
are appliqud (sewn onto a larger piece of fabric) or
embroidered on the quilt. The quilting itself (the stitches
holding the layers together) is often also decorative. Many
traditional quilt designs display mathematical concepts,
such as symmetry and tessellations, that generalize into
the abstract mathematics of group theory and tiling the-
ory. In diverse parts of the world, people create quilts not
only to warm the body at night, but also to use as cloth-
ing, furnishings, or to share family or cultural history. A
carving of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh gure contain-
ing what may be a quilt and a quilted carpet found in the
mountains of Mongolia dates to approximately the rst
century. Directions can be found to quilt coded designs
that may have been used on the Underground Railroad.
Quilt Designs
Some traditional quilts are crazy quilts in which
scraps of fabric are sewn together in no particular pat-
tern. Others are formed of similar or identical square
Quilting 833
identically around each vertex. Demi-regular tessella-
tions, with two vertices in each repetition, form more
complicated quilt patterns. Many quilt blocks, such
as Log Cabin variations, consist of non-regular tes-
Mathematicians have generalized tiling theory to
higher dimensional Euclidean spaces and to non-
Euclidean geometries. These generalizations reveal
links to group theory and to classical problems in num-
ber theory. Much of the art of M.C. Escher is based on
non-Euclidean tessellations.
Other Designs
Contemporary quilters like mathematician Irena
Swanson have also incorporated other mathematical
concepts in their designs, such as innite geometric
series and fractals, as well as portraits of mathemati-
cians. Mathematician Gwen Fischer created quaterni-
onic quilts to visually showcase the algebraic structure
of the group. For example, the lack of reection sym-
metry across the main diagonal highlights the lack of
commutativity of the group elements.
Further Reading
Fisher, Gwen. Quaternions Quilt. FOCUS 25,
no. 1 (2005).
Meel, David, and Deborah Youse. No-Sew Mathematical
Quilts: Needling Students to Explore Higher
Mathematics. Visual Mathematics 10, no. 2 (2008).
Paznokas, Lynda. Teaching Mathematics Through
Cultural Quilting. Teaching Children Mathematics
9 (2003).
Rosa, Milton, and Daniel Orey. Symmetrical
Freedom Quilts: The Ethnomathematics of
Ways of Communication, Liberation, and Art.
Revista Latino Americana de Etnomatemtica 2,
no. 2 (2009).
Venters, Diana, and Elain Ellison. Mathematical
QuiltsNo Sewing Required. Emeryville, CA:
Key Curriculum Press, 1999.
Bonnie Ellen Blustein
See Also: Escher, M.C.; Symmetry; Textiles;
834 Quilting
Many traditional quilt designs display mathematical concepts, such as symmetry and tessellations, that
generalize into the abstract mathematics of group theory and tiling theory.
Racquet Games
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: The equipment, game play, and scoring
of racquet sports can be analyzed using mathematical
concepts, such as vector operations and probability.
Racquet games include sports such as tennis, badmin-
ton, squash, and table tennis, as well as other less pop-
ular games like real tennis, racquets, and racquetball.
Mathematics has many roles to play in these games
from equipment testing and court marking to training
and analysis of play.
For example, the scoring system in tennis is not a
simple counting or linear progression. Mathematicians
model a balls spin in multiple axes, along with trajec-
tories and deections, as functions of other variables.
Markov chains and vector operations can be used to
analyze the progression of games and both probabil-
ity and statistical methods are used to describe perfor-
mance, seed players for competition, and predict out-
comes of matches.
Racquet weight distribution, shape, and string mate-
rial are important factors in the resultant power, accu-
racy, and comfort of a racquet. Increasing power, for
example, can lead to a decrease in accuracy and it is
important to balance these properties. Computer-aided
design is the natural choice for this process because of
its fast and powerful recalculation abilities.
Racquet sport projectiles such as balls and shuttle-
cocks are subject to strict regulations and must adhere
to these for as long as possible at the highest levels of
play. For example, the World Squash Federation allows
balls that are 40 millimeters in diameter and each must
be tested at 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees Fahrenheit)
and 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit), room
temperature and play temperature, respectively. There
are several dot grades according to level of rebound
but an average squash ball rebounds at around 30%
(dropped from a height of 3.2 feet, it should reach
12 inches on the bounce). A tennis ball rebounds at
around 50%, although changes in ambient air pressure
(because of altitude) can affect this gure. Table tennis
balls rebound at 85%.
A popular way to gauge the overall performance of
these projectiles is to measure their maximum speed.
Tennis balls seem to hold the record for the being the
fastest, and indeed Andy Roddick can propel a tennis
ball very fast (152 miles per hour). However, the fast-
est badminton stroke left the racquet at over 186 miles
per hour. This gure seems counterintuitive because
a shuttlecock slows down much more quickly than a
tennis ball.
One of the most important roles for mathematics in
racquet sports is in training. Sports science researchers
study muscle and joint strain and develop nutritional
guidelines that allow the player to remain comfortable
and energetic during play. Of the racquet sports, squash
is regarded as the most intenseplayers burn roughly
50 percent more calories per hour than badminton or
tennis. However, tennis games can run several hours,
whereas badminton and squash games are typically
decided in under an hour. The total number of calories
burned is the product of the calories per hour and the
number of hours.
In all of the major racquet sports (and many others), a
feature of the scoring system may mean that the player
who wins more individual points or rallies can still lose
the match. Consider the scores of the 1972 British Open
nal decided by the best of ve games, each played to
nine points: 09, 97, 108, 69, and 97. The loser
(Geoff Hunt) scored 40 points and won two games; the
winner (Jonah Barrington) scored 34 points, won three
games and the title.
The same quirk appears in any scoring system
where victory is decided by the most wins over a spe-
cic number of games. In tennis, this feature exists
on two levels. It is possible to win more points and
more games but still lose the match. For example, if a
match ends 64, 06, 64, 06, 64, the winner wins 18
games, the loser wins 24 games. The maximum differ-
ence in points or rallies in this case is 60 (72132) in
favor of the loser.
Further Reading
Gallian, Joseph. Mathematics and Sports. Washington,
DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.
Havil, Julian. Nonplussed! Mathematical Proof of
Implausible Ideas. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2007.
Lees, A., D. Cabello, and G. Torres, eds. Science and
Racket Sports IV. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Lees, A., J. F. Kahn, and I. W. Maynard, eds. Science and
Racket Sports III. New York: Routledge, 2004.
Sadovskii, L. E., and A. L. Sadovskii. Mathematics and
Sports. Providence, RI: American Mathematical
Society, 2003.
Eoin OConnell
See Also: Hitting a Home Run; Hockey; Probability;
Rankings; Tournaments.
See Doppler Radar
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Radiation research has a heavy
mathematical component, especially in modeling
distribution of or shielding from radiation.
Radiation is the transmission of energy via waves or par-
ticles, such as energetic electrons, photons, or nuclear
particles. These waves or particles, called quanta,
travel radially in all directions from the source, leading
to the name radiation. Radiation exists everywhere,
from both natural sources, like the sun, and many man-
made sources, like radio stations and particle accelera-
tors. The various types of radiation that exist may be
harmful or benecial to people, depending on source
and application. Ionizing radiation contains enough
energy per quantum to detach electrons from atoms,
like X-rays or the radiation emitted by particle accelera-
tors. High energy particles are created constantly by all
luminous objects in the universe. Most of these particles
never reach the surface of Earth. They may be deected
by magnetic elds or interact with atmospheric parti-
cles. Common types of nonionizing radiation include
visible light, radio waves, and microwaves.
Many mathematicians have contributed to radia-
tion research, like Wilhelm Wien, who derived a dis-
836 Radiation
shielding satellites from the harmful effects of cosmic
radiation, as well as creating mathematical methods
for formulating and investigating radiation problems,
such as Monte Carlo simulations.
Properties of radiation waves can be used to determine
their potential effects on people and objects or their
usefulness for applications. Wavelength is the length of
one cycle of the wave, or the distance from one peak
to the next. Frequency is the number of cycles of the
wave that travel past a xed point along its path per
unit time. All electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum
at a speed of about 310
meters per second. A fun-
damental relationship between wavelength and fre-
quency is that wave speed is the product of wavelength
and frequency, which means that greater wavelengths
correspond to lower frequencies. The energy of elec-
tromagnetic photons is the product of wave frequency
and Plancks constant, so higher frequencies produce
greater photon energies. Among the common types
of EMR radiation, radio waves have the longest wave-
lengths, resulting in low frequencies and low energies.
Higher frequency ultraviolet radiation has the most
energy and is the most harmful component of the cos-
mic radiation that penetrates Earths atmosphere. X-
rays, discovered by physicist Wilhelm Rntgen, occur
naturally when solar wind is trapped by Earths mag-
netic eld in the Van Allen belts, named for physicist
James Van Allen.
Black holes are also sources of X-rays in the uni-
verse. While photons have no mass, some forms of
radiation are particles with positive mass produced in
the atomic decay of radioactive materials. For example,
beta radiation is composed of high-energy electrons,
which are dangerous because they can penetrate skin
to the layer where new cells are produced. Mathemati-
cian Jesse Wilkinss work on mathematical models to
compute the penetration and absorption of electro-
magnetic gamma rays has been used in the design of
nuclear radiation shields.
Further Reading
Dupree, Stephen, and Stanley Fraley. A Monte Carlo
Primer: A Practical Approach to Radiation Transport.
New York: Springer, 2001.
Knoll, Glenn. Radiation Detection and Measurement.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.
tribution law of radiation and won a Nobel Prize for
his work on heat radiation. Physicist Max Planck used
some of Weins mathematics as the basis for quantum
theory. Paul Ehrenfest contributed to quantum sta-
tistics, in part by applying Planks quantum theory to
rotating bodies. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar won
the Royal Society Copley Medal for his work in math-
ematical astronomy, including the theory of radia-
tion. Victor Twersky was widely regarded as an expert
on radiation scattering. His work has been used
in diverse applications, such as studying the effect
of atmospheric dust on light propagation. Math-
ematicians continue to work on radiation problems,
including applications such as detecting radiation or
Radiation 837
Electromagnetic Radiation
lectromagnetic radiation (EMR) includes
both ionizing and nonionizing forms of
radiation. EMR waves result from the coupling
of an electric eld and a magnetic eld. The
elds are perpendicular to one other and to
the direction of energy propagation. Electro-
magnetic radiation behaves like both a wave
with properties including reection, refraction,
diffraction, and interferenceand a particle,
because its energy occurs in discrete pack-
ets or quanta. Maxwells equations, named for
physicist and mathematician James Maxwell,
are cited as the most elegant way to express
the fundamentals of electromagnetism. The
set of four equations, which have integral and
differential forms include: Gausss laws for
electricity and magnetism, named for math-
ematician Carl Freidrich Gauss; Faradays law
of induction, named for physicist and chemist
Michael Faraday; and Amperes law with Max-
well correction, named for physicist and math-
ematician Andre-Marie Ampere. Many have
derived theories and applications from these
building blocks, such as mathematician Josef
Stefan, who showed that total radiation from a
blackbody is proportional to the fourth power
of its absolute temperature.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Radiation
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: EEG/EKG; Elementary Particles; Energy;
Light; Medical Imaging; Microwave Ovens.
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement;
Summary: Radio waves have numerous applications
and are described, analyzed, encoded, and jammed
using mathematics.
Radio is a means of sending information by transmit-
ting signals using radio waves, which are a type of elec-
tromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the spectrum
of approximately 3 kilohertz (kHz) or 1000 cycles per
second, to 300 gigahertz (GHz), or 1 billion cycles per
second. These units are named for German experimen-
tal physicist Heinrich Hertz. Radio waves are used not
only to carry radio and television signals but are also
used in many other common technologies including
wireless computer networks, wildlife tracking systems,
cordless and cellular phones, baby monitors, and garage
door openers. One interesting way that mathemat-
ics connects to radio is through mathematically based
radio shows, like Math Medley, which was hosted by
Patricia Kenschaft. Mathematicians have also spoken on
programs like National Public Radios Science Friday.
Radio waves are sinusoidal, meaning that they are
characterized by a smooth, repetitive oscillation whose
function at time t can be described algebraically as
y t A t ( ) = ( ) + ( ) sin
where A is the waves amplitude (peak deviation),
is the waves angular frequency (described in radians
per second), and is the waves phase (where the wave
cycle is at time t = 0).
Brief History and Unique Properties
In 1864, the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell pre-
dicted the existence of radio waves as part of his theory
of electromagnetism. Hertz conrmed Maxwells the-
ory between 1886 and 1888 and is generally credited
with being the rst person to send and receive radio
waves. Several individuals played an important role in
developing a practical system of radio transmission
including the Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla,
who demonstrated wireless radio communication in
1893; the British physicist Oliver Lodge, who demon-
strated the transmission of Morse Code using radio
waves in 1894; and the Italian physicist Guglielmo
Marconi, who in 1896 was granted the rst patent for
a radio. Radio communications between ships and
coastal stations were in use by 1897, and the rst radio
time signal (used to synchronize clocks) was transmit-
ted from a U.S. Naval Observatory clock in 1904.
Radio waves may be broadcast over long dis-
tances because of the Heaviside Layer (also called the
KennellyHeaviside layer), a conducting layer in the
ionosophere predicted independently in 1902 by the
British mathematician and physicist Oliver Heaviside
and the British physicist Arthur Edwin Kennelly. The
existence of the Heaviside Layer was established in
1924 by the British physicist Edward Appleton, who
also determined that the height of this reective layer
was about 100 kilometers (62 miles) above the Earths
surface. The Heaviside Layer allows radio signals to
follow the curvature of the Earth (rather than disap-
pearing into space) because they are reected by the
Heaviside layer and thus bounce back to Earth.
Radio astronomy, which led to the discovery of
objects such as pulsars and quasars, dates from the
1931 discovery by American physicist Karl Guthe
Jansky of radio waves emitted from the Milky Way
galaxy. American astronomer Grote Reber created
the rst radio frequency sky map in 1941, and in
the 1950s, the British astronomers Martin Ryle and
Antony Hewish produced two notable catalogues of
celestial radio sources.
Historically, most radio broadcasts used one of two
techniques for sending their signals: amplitude modu-
lation (AM) or frequency modulation (FM). AM is the
older technology (the rst AM broadcast took place in
1906) and it was the dominant radio technology for
838 Radio
most of the twentieth century. AM encodes informa-
tion by modifying the amplitude of the transmitted
signal. The technology for FM broadcasting, which
encodes information by varying the frequency of the
transmitted signal, was developed in the 1930s and
became common by the late 1970s. The information
in these analog signals is inherently part of the signal
itselfthe information inuences the waves shape, and
thus information loss can occur with any disruption of
the signal. One example is the audible static that occurs
when a radio receiver begins to travel beyond the range
of a radio transmitter. In the twenty-rst century, digi-
tal modulation has been increasingly used to minimize
this problem. Digital modulation transfers digitized
information using a broad spectrum of radio frequen-
ciesfar more than the AM or FM systems. Further,
each signal is sent many times, reducing the chance of
interference and signal loss because separate bits from
many streams may be pieced together. Further, since
the radio waveforms are not altered by the informa-
tion, multiple signals may be carried at the same time
in the form of one composite signal that is decoded by
the receiver, a technique called multiplexing. Satellite
radio systems take advantage of multiplexing and the
wider angle of coverage to offer many hundreds of spe-
cialized channels across broad geographic areas. Televi-
sion is also transitioning from analog to digital signals.
Radio transmissions are used for communication
during wartime, but because a radio signal may be
picked up by anyone with a receiver, various coding
methods have been developed. One famous example
is the code talkers used by the American Army during
World War I and World War II. This program capital-
ized on the fact that Native-American languages such
as Navajo and Choctaw were almost unknown out-
side those tribes and also developed a simple code for
terms like tank and submarine, which allowed them
to code and encode messages rapidly and with little
risk of comprehension by the enemy. Also in World
War II, the German Army used mechanical circuits to
encrypt information. Although supposedly unbreak-
able because of the large number of combinations pos-
sible, the British mathematician William Tutte was able
to deduce the pattern of the encoding machines after
British intelligence intercepted two long coded mes-
sages, each of which was transmitted twice (the second
time with corrected punctuation).
Radio waves can be blocked by weather formations,
geographic features, and many other natural phenom-
ena. Further, if several stations are broadcasting on a
similar frequency, they may interfere with each other.
Use of an antenna tuned to a particular frequency (so it
will pick up the signal at the frequency
more strongly than signals at other fre-
quencies) and aimed at the source of
the signal can improve reception. Radio
signals can be deliberately jammed by
broadcasting noise on the same fre-
quency as the signal. For example, the
Soviet Union regularly jammed broad-
casts by Radio Free Europe and Voice
of America.
To minimize unintentional interfer-
ence, different parts of the radio spec-
trum are reserved for different uses and
broadcast stations are assigned specic
frequencies for their use. In the United
States, AM radio uses frequencies from
535 to 1700 kHz, and FM radio uses
frequencies between 88 megahertz
(mHz) and 108 mHz. A radio station
that identies itself as 90.7 FM is
broadcasting at the frequency of 90.7
Radio 839
The Radio Astronomy Explorer was a radio telecope placed in a
moon orbit in 1973 to obtain radio measurements of the planets.
mHz, or 90,700,000 cycles per second (technically, 90.7
mHz is the stations mean frequency). Other parts of
the spectrum are reserved for other uses. For instance,
3030.56 mHz is allocated for military air-to-ground
and air-to-air communications systems for tactical and
training operations and for land mobile radio commu-
nication in support of wildlife telemetry and natural
resource management.
Further Reading
Regal, Brian. Radio: The Life Story of a Technology.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005.
Richards, John. Radio Wave Propagation: An Introduction
for the Non-Specialist. New York: Springer, 2008.
Weightman, Gavin. Signor Marconis Magic Box: The
Most Remarkable Invention of the 19th Century and the
Amateur Inventor Whose Genius Sparked a Revolution.
Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2003.
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Satellites; Television, Mathematics in;
Televisions; Tides and Waves; Wireless Communication.
Raghavan, Prabhakar
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Communications; Connections.
Summary: Prabhakar Raghavan has made important
contributions to Internet and Web analysis, as well as
online social networking, through his work at Yahoo!
Research Labs.
Prabhakar Raghavan is the head of Yahoo! Research
Labs, where he pursues research in text and Web min-
ing and algorithm design, in addition to overseeing the
labs work. He has received honors like being elected
as a member of the National Academy of Engineering
and as a fellow of both the Association for Comput-
ing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronic Engineers. He is listed as a Consulting Profes-
sor of Computer Science at Stanford University and a
member of the editorial board of Internet Mathematics,
a journal on the mathematics of managing huge data-
bases like the Internet. Beginning in 2007, Raghavan
served as a member of the board of trustees for the
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. Raghavan
attended the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras,
where he earned his Bachelors of Technology in Elec-
trical Engineering in 1981, before coming to the United
States to complete his education with a Masters of Sci-
ence in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the
University of California at Santa Barbara and a Ph.D.
in Computer Science from University of California at
Berkeley. While at Berkeley, Raghavan won the 1986
Machtey Award, given by the annual IEEE Symposium
on Foundations of Computer Science, for his paper
Probabilistic Construction of Deterministic Algo-
rithms: Approximating Packing Integer Programs.
After graduate school, he worked for IBMs T. J. Watson
Research Center and Almaden Research Center before
becoming vice president and chief technology ofcer
at Verity, Inc., an intellectual capital management soft-
ware developer. Verity had rst made its name with a
text retrieval system called Topic that allowed users to
search for the information they were looking for based
on conceptual keywords, rather than being limited to
searching for words actually in the textmuch like
Yahoo!s later hierarchical organization of Web sites by
topic. In 2005, Raghavan was hired to head the newly
established Yahoo! Research Labs, the same year that
Verity was bought out by rival Autonomy Corporation.
As head of Yahoo!s labs, Raghavan has spoken of
the need to determine the science and mathematics
underlying online communities and social networks,
saying: Is it better to pay a celebrity $10,000 to tweet
about your product, or nd 10,000 non-celebrities to
tout you? The nascent research suggests your money is
better spent on the crowdbut the key is nding the
people who are slightly more inuential than most.
Mathematicians, computer scientists, and social scien-
tists work to understand the motivations and responses
of online users. We have this huge mountain of data,
and it raises fascinating questions about how we can use
that to better the experience for our users, says Ragha-
van, who refers to researchers in this area as Internet
social scientists, who combine mathematical analysis
of large databases and algorithmic understanding with
techniques from the social sciences and economics,
including sociology and psychology. He notes that while
his computer science education was heavily grounded
840 Raghavan, Prabhakar
in mathematics and engineering, he also believes that
these other disciplines should become a fundamental
component of a computer science education. The sci-
ence of optimizing monetization of Internet services is
better understood; although still in development, it is
a signicant interest of Raghavans as he seeks to mon-
etize social networks. An eclectic group of computer
scientists and social scientists came together and g-
ured out how to take computing from a glass house
to where a billion people could use it. In the twenty-
rst century, the ways people interact with computers
are becoming mundane. How people will interact with
each other to create rich social experiences is the crux
of this new and ever-expanding science.
Further Reading
Raghavan, Prabhakar. IBM Research: How Social
Collaboration Makes Chatter Lucrative. http://
Raghavan, Prabhakar, C. D. Manning, and H. Schutze.
Introduction to Information Retrieval. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Singel, Ryan. Yahoo Wants to Blind the Competition
With Science/
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Internet; Predicting Preferences; Search
Engines; Social Networks.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Communication.
Summary: While a seemingly simple idea, the
concept of randomness has been studied by
mathematicians for thousands of years and has many
modern applications.
The philosophical concept of determinism supposes
that all events that occur in the world can be traced back
to a specic precipitating cause and denies the possibil-
ity that chance may inuence predestined causal paths.
Mathematical determinism similarly states that, given
initial conditions and a mathematical function or sys-
tem, there is only one possible outcome no matter how
many times the calculation is performed.
Historical Studies of Randomness
and Certainty
Many ancient cultures embraced the idea of fate. For
example, the Greek pantheon included goddesses
known as Fates. At the same time, the existence of
ancient gambling games and deities like the Roman
goddess Fortuna suggest that these people under-
stood the notion of randomness or chance on some
level. Around 300 b.c.e., Aristotle proposed dividing
events into three different categories: certain events,
which were deterministic; probable events, which were
because of chance; and unknowable events.
In the 1600s, the work of mathematicians such as
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat laid some founda-
tions for modern probability theory, which quanties
chance. Abraham de Moivre published The Doctrine of
Chances in 1718. Around the same time, Daniel Ber-
noulli investigated randomness in his Exposition of a
New Theory on the Measurement of Risk. Nonetheless,
determinism continued to maintain a prominent place
in mathematics and science. Researchers often assumed
that seemingly observed randomness in their data
was because of measuring error or a lack of complete
understanding of the phenomena being observed.
The emergence of elds like statistics and quan-
tum mechanics in the nineteenth century helped drive
new work on randomness. Mathematician mile Borel
wrote more than 50 papers on the calculus of probabil-
ity between 1905 and 1950, emphasizing the diverse
ways in which randomness could be applied in the
natural and social sciences as well as in mathematics.
Applied probabilistic modeling grew very quickly after
World War II.
Randomness in Society
In twenty-rst-century colloquial speech, the word
random is often used to mean events that cannot
be predicted, similar to Aristotles unknowable clas-
sication. However, probability theory can model the
long-term behavior of random or stochastic systems
using probability distribution functions, which are
Randomness 841
essentially sets of possible outcomes having math-
ematically denable probabilities of occurring. They
describe the overall relative frequencies of events or
ranges of events, though the specic sequence of indi-
vidual events cannot be completely determined. Sto-
chastic behavior is observed in many natural systems,
such as atmospheric radiation, consumer behavior, the
variation of characteristics in biological systems, and
the stock market. It is also connected to mathemati-
cal concepts like logarithms and the digits of . Ele-
mentary school children discuss some of the basics of
randomness when studying data collection methods,
like surveys and experiments. Formal mathematical
explorations typically begin in high school and con-
tinue through college.
Society depends on the use of randomness or the
assumption that randomness is involved in a given
process. Examples include operating gambling games
and lotteries; encrypting coded satellite transmissions;
securing credit card data for e-transactions; allocating
drugs in experimental trials; sampling people in sur-
veys; establishing insurance rates; creating key patterns
for locks; and modeling complex natural phenomena
such as weather and the motion of subatomic particles.
Generating Randomness
Generating random numbers, however, is very differ-
ent from observing random behavior. For example, in
1995, graduate students Ian Goldberg with David Wag-
ner discovered a serious aw in the system used to gen-
erate temporary random security keys in the Netscape
Navigator Web browser. Almost every civilization in
recorded history has used mechanical systems, such as
dice, for generating random numbers and randomness
has close ties with gaming and game theory. Physical
methods are not generally practical for quickly gener-
ating the large sequences of random numbers needed
for Monte Carlo simulation and other computational
techniques. Flaws in shufing and physical character-
istics, like a worn-down corner on a die, or deliberate
human intervention, can also introduce bias. In fact,
some people have proven their ability to ip a coin in a
predetermined pattern. Motivated by the mathematical
unreliability of these physical systems, mathematicians
and scientists sought other reliable sources of random-
ness. Leonard Tippet used census data, believed to be
random, to create a table of 40,000 random digits in
1927. Ronald Fisher used the digits of logarithms to
generate additional random tables in 1938. In 1955,
RAND Corporation published A Million Random
Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates, which were gen-
erated by an electronic roulette wheel. Random digit
tables are still routinely used by researchers who need
to perform limited tasks like randomizing subjects to
treatment groups in experimental designs as well as in
many statistics classes.
The development of computers in the middle of
the twentieth century allowed mathematicians, such as
John von Neumann, and computer scientists to gener-
ate pseudorandom numbers. The name comes from
the fact that the digits are produced by some type of
deterministic mathematical algorithm that will even-
tually repeat in a cycle, though relatively shorter runs
will display characteristics similar to truly random
numbers. Using very large numbers, or trigonometric
842 Randomness
Casinos monitor roulette wheel performance and
rebalance and realign them to keep results random.
or logarithmic functions, tends to create longer non-
repeating sequences. Linear feedback shift registers are
frequently used for applications such as signal broad-
cast and stream cyphers. Linear congruential genera-
tors produce numbers that are more likely to be seri-
ally correlated, but they are useful in applications like
video games, where true randomness is not as critical
and many random streams are needed at the same
time. Hardware random number generators, built as
an alternative to algorithm-driven software generators,
are based on input from naturally occurring phenom-
ena like radioactive decay or atmospheric white noise
and produce what their creators believe to be truly ran-
dom numbers.
Randomness Tests
Mathematicians and computer scientists are perpetu-
ally working on methods to improve pseudorandom
number algorithms and to determine whether observed
data are truly random. Randomness can be counterin-
tuitive. For example, the sequences 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 and
2, 6, 1, 5, 5, 4 produced by fair rolls of a six-sided die are
equally likely to occur, but most people would say that
the rst sequence does not look random. Irregularity
and the absence of obvious patterns are useful ideas, but
they are difcult to measure. Distinctions between local
and global regularity must also be made, which include
the ideas of nite sets and innite sets. Irene-Jules
Bienaym proposed a simple test for randomness of
observations on a continuously varying quantity in the
nineteenth century. Florence Nightingale David pub-
lished a power function for randomness tests shortly
after World War II. Another technique from informa-
tion theory measures randomness for a given sequence
by calculating the shortest Turing machine program
that could produce the sequence. The National Institute
of Standards and Technology recommends many such
tests, including binary matrix rank, discrete Fourier
transform, linear complexity, and cumulative or over-
lapping sums. As of 2010, the digits of had passed all
commonly used randomness tests.
Classical probability theory is not the only way to
think about randomness. Claude Shannons develop-
ment of information theory in the 1940s resulted in
the entropy view of randomness, which is now widely
used in many scientic elds. By the latter half of the
twentieth century, fuzzy logic and chaos theory also
emerged. Fuzzy logic was initially derived from Lot-
fali Zadehs work on fuzzy sets and non-binary truth
values, while chaos theory dates back to Henri Poin-
cars explorations of the three body problem. Bayes-
ian statistics, based on the eighteenth-century work of
Thomas Bayes, challenges the frequentist approach by
allowing randomness to be conceptualized and quanti-
ed as a partial belief, which shares characteristics with
fuzzy logic. Spam ltering is one application that relies
on Bayesian notions of randomness.
Further Reading
Bennett, Deborah. Randomness. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1998.
Mlodinow, Leonard. The Drunkards Walk: How
Randomness Rules Our Lives. New York: Pantheon
Books, 2008.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Probability;
Sample Surveys.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: Ranking is a widely used to create
ordered lists of people or objects, and there are many
ways to assign and analyze ranks.
Throughout human history, people have been order-
ing objects into hierarchies based on criteria such as
measurements or qualitative properties. In the twenty-
rst century, people rank many objects, such as quar-
terbacks, political candidates, and restaurants. Every
spring, high school seniors eagerly wait to see who will
be the valedictorian, or top-ranked student, of their
high school class. However, there is not usually a single
unique ranking for a set of objects, since ranks depend
on the criteria selected and the specic method in which
they are combined. US News and World Report aggre-
gates multiple quantitative and qualitative indicators
Rankings 843
in its annual ranking of colleges. Mathematicians use
a variety of techniques to study ranking, such as alge-
bra, geometry, graph theory, game theory, operations
research, and numerical methods. An entire subset of
statistical techniques based on ranks, called nonpara-
metric or distribution-free tests, are used to transform
and analyze data that do not conform to the assump-
tions or parametric tests.
These techniques are often used in the social sci-
ences. There are also debates about whether ranks
are true numbers, given that the spacing between
ranks need not be equal in the manner of most com-
mon measurement scales. For example, the differ-
ence between one inch and two inches is the same as
between two inches and three inches. The difference
between rst and second place, however, is not nec-
essarily quantitatively or qualitatively the same as the
difference between second and third place.
Athletic competitions are one very visible use of rank-
ings. During the ancient Olympic Games, athletes
would compete in events, such as running, boxing, and
the pentathlon, to determine which athletes were better
than others. Ultimately, they would be ranked by their
performance in these events. Even during the modern
Olympics, though the events are more numerous and
athletes generally compete in only a few events, the
result is a ranking of the best athletes, with prizes being
awarded to the top three nishers. There are rankings
for other sports as well. For example, the Associated
Press ranks the top 25 NCAA football teams by poll-
ing sportswriters across the nation. Each writer creates
a personal, subjective list of the top 25 teams from all
eligible teams (more than 25). The individual rankings
are then combined to produce the national ranking by
giving a team 25 points for a rst place vote, 24 points
for a second place vote, and so on down to one point
for a 25th place vote. Teams are also regularly ranked
by their number of wins or other game-related metrics,
as are individual players.
Rankings also occur on standardized tests. Rather
than give each individual a unique rank, tests such as
the SAT separate the scores into percentages and then
rank test takers according to the percentage they fall
into. Percentile ranks can also be seen in other places,
such as height and weight charts for children. Whereas
many rankings place an emphasis on small numbers
(it is better to be ranked rst or second than twenty-
fth), percentiles are considered in the opposite man-
nera larger value percentile ranking is a better rank.
Percentiles indicate what percentage of the test-taking
group performed the same or worse than a test-taker
in that percentile. For example, being in the 57th per-
centile would indicate that 57 percent of the test takers
scored the same or worse. When considering rakings, it
is important to determine how the ranking is arranged
to properly interpret the data.
Other Mathematical Connections
The word rank carries many specic denitions in
various elds of mathematics. For example, the rank
of a matrix is the number of linearly independent rows
or columns. In graph theory, the rank of a graph is the
number of vertices minus the number of connected
components. Other denitions of rank can be found in
set theory and Lie algebra (named for mathematician
Sophus Lie). In chess, a game studied by many math-
ematicians, a rank is a row on the chessboard.
844 Rankings
ome ranking strategies result in ties
between one or more individuals. Some-
times there is a tiebreaker, and other times
there is not. The ranking of items occurring
after the tie can vary depending on the type of
ranking used. The most common is called stan-
dard competition ranking, where a gap is left
in the numbering after the tie takes place cor-
responding to the number of elements in the
tie. For example, if there were six items and
a three-way tie for second occurred, the rank-
ing would be given as 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 6 with
third and fourth place omitted. Some methods,
especially those used in statistical analysis,
assign an average rank. In a three-way tie for
second place out of six objects, the assigned
rankings would be 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6, since the
average of 2, 3, and 4 is 3.
Further Reading
Gupta, Shanti, and S. Panchapakesan. Multiple Decision
Procedures: Theory and Methodology of Selecting
and Ranking Populations. Philadelphia: Society for
Industrial Mathematics, 2002.
Marden, John I. Analyzing and Modeling Rank Data. New
York: Chapman & Hall, 1995.
Winston, Wayne. Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers,
and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball,
Basketball, and Football. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Growth Charts; Innity; Measurement
in Society; Nielsen Ratings; Statistics Education; Voting
Rational Numbers
See Numbers, Rational and Irrational
Reasoning and
Proof in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Reasoning and Proof.
Summary: Many aspects of society have inherited
from mathematics the desire for a method of proof
that is demonstrable and irrefutable.
Reasoning and proof are fundamental components of
human existence. Children begin applying reasoning
as soon as they can make connections between actions
and consequences. They then go on to explore more
formal methods of reasoning and proof throughout
their educational careers, not just in mathematics.
Although people often associate mathematics solely
with deductive proofs, many other types of reason-
ing are important to mathematics, including inductive
logic, evidence-based reasoning, and computer-assisted
arguments. Furthermore, the concept of truth being
produced by reasoning and proof also pervades other
elds, including philosophy, the natural and social sci-
ences, and political and legal discourse.
Origins of Mathematical Proof
What proves a statement? Generally, it is believed that
statements are proved by deducing the statement as a
logical consequence of something already believed to
be true. One might think that proofs are necessary only
when what is being proved is not apparent. The Greeks,
however, did not limit proving to non-obvious state-
ments; they gave a logical structure to all of geometry,
assuming as its basis the smallest possible number of
already believed statements. They also employed
a method called proof by contradiction in which a
truth is not demonstrated directly, but rather by show-
ing that its opposite cannot be maintained.
Why did Greek culture give geometry this kind of
logical structure, and why did the Greeks think that
doing so was signicant? The question is important
because the causes that produced mathematical proof
still exist in the twenty-rst century, where they con-
tinue to operate and promote the use of proof.
First, proofs give a way to reconcile discordant opin-
ions. Greek mathematics was heir to two earlier tradi-
tions, Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics, whose
results did not always agree. For instance, in studying
circles, the Babylonians approximated rst as 3, and
later as 3.125. Egyptian computations give a value for
of about 3.16. The Greeks wanted to know s true
value. One way to avoid having multiple answers to the
same question is to make no assumptions other than
those with which nobody could disagree, like all right
angles are equal, and then deduce other facts solely
from those un-doubtable assumptions. What is amaz-
ing is how many results this approach produced.
Second, proofs are a natural outcome of the search
for basic principles. The pioneering Greek philosophers
of nature of the fth and sixth centuries b.c.e. sought
simple explanatory principles that could make sense
out of the entire universe. Thales, for instance, said
that everything is water, and Anaximenes claimed
that everything is air. The Pythagoreans asserted that
all is number, while Democritus said that everything
is made of atoms. As in nature, so in mathematics, the
Greeks wanted to develop explanations based on sim-
ple rst principles, on the so-called elements.
Reasoning and Proof in Society 845
Third, the logic of proofs can arise from the process
of discovery. One effective way to solve a problem is to
reduce it to a simpler problem whose solution is already
known. For instance, Hippocrates of Chios in the fth
century b.c.e. reduced nding the area of some lunes
(areas bounded by two circular arcs) to nding the area
of triangles. In reducing complicated problems to sim-
pler problems, and then reducing these to yet simpler
problems, the Greek mathematicians were creating sets
of logically linked ideas. If such a set of linked ideas is
run in reverse order, a proof structure emergessimple
statements on which rest more complex statements on
which rest yet more complex statements. The simplest
statements at the beginning are called the elements;
the intermediate ones are the fruitful results that are
now called lemmas; and these in turn demonstrate
the nal and most important results.
Fourth, logical reasoning played essential roles in
classical Greek society. In the sixth and fth centuries
b.c.e., Greece was largely made up of small city-states
run by their citizens. Discourse between disputing
parties, from the law courts to the public assemblies,
required and helped advance logical skills. A good
way, then and now, to persuade people is to under-
stand their premises, and then construct ones own
argument by reasoning from their premises. A good
way to disprove someones views is to nd some logi-
cal consequence of those views that appears absurd.
These techniques are beautifully illustrated in Greek
legal proceedings and political discourse, as well as in
the dialogues of Plato.
Finally, Greek mathematics developed hand in hand
with philosophy. Greek philosophers began by trying
to logically refute their predecessors. Zeno, for instance,
presented his paradoxical arguments not to prove that
motion is impossible but to challenge others intuition
and common-sense assumptions. That Plato wrote in
dialogue form both illustrates and demonstrates that
Greek philosophy was as much about the method of
logical argument as it was about conclusions. Aristo-
tle wanted every science to start, like geometry, with
explicitly stated elementary rst principles, and then
to logically deduce the key truths of the subject. Greek
philosophy issued marching orders to mathematicians,
and men like Euclid followed these orders.
Philosophy returned the favor. Plato made math-
ematics the center of the education of the rulers of his
ideal Republic and mathematics has remained at the
heart of Western education. Plato championed mathe-
matics because it exemplied how, by reasoning alone,
one could transcend individual experience. Such tran-
scendence is most striking in the case of proof by con-
tradiction. The argument form, If you accept A, then
you must also accept B, but B contradicts C, was part
and parcel of the educated Greeks weapons of refuta-
tion. But proof by contradiction is not merely destruc-
tive, it also allows people to rigorously test conjectures
that cannot be tested directly and, if they are true, to
demonstrate them.
For example, Euclid dened parallel lines as lines
in the same plane that never meet. But it can never be
shown directly that two lines can never meet. How-
ever, it can be assumed that the two lines do, in fact,
meet and then prove that this assumption leads to a
contradiction. This process made Euclids theory of
parallels possible.
As another example, consider the Greek proof that
2 cannot be rational (it cannot be the ratio of two
whole numbers). Because the Pythagorean theorem
holds for isosceles right triangles, 2 must exist.
But no picture of an isosceles right triangle can allow
one to distinguish a side of rational length from one of
irrational length.
Nor can one hope to prove the irrationality of 2
by squaring every single one of the innitely many
rational numbers to see if its square equals 2. However,
if one assumes that there is a rational number whose
square is two, logic then leads to a contradiction, so it is
proved that 2 cannot be rational.
By such means the Greeks proved not only that 2
was irrational but also that a whole new set of math-
ematical objects existed: irrational numbers.
Proof in general, and proof by contradiction in par-
ticular, transformed the nature of mathematics. Logic
lets people reason about concepts that are beyond
experience and intuitionabout ideas that cannot
be observed. Mathematics had become the study of
objects transcending material reality, objects visible
only to the eye of the intellect. There could be truths
about such objects and such truths could be proved.
These developments had profound consequences far
beyond mathematics.
Beyond Mathematics
The ideal of logical proof in mathematics took on a
life of its own. Since mathematicians apparently had
846 Reasoning and Proof in Society
achieved truth by means of proof, practitioners of
other areas of Western thought wanted to do the same.
So in theology, politics, philosophy, and science people
tried to imitate the mathematicians method.
In 1637, Rene Descartes wrote in his Discourse on
Method, Those long chains of reasoning . . . which
enabled geometers to reach the most difcult demon-
strations, made me wonder whether all things knowable
to men might not fall into a similar logical sequence. If
so, he continued, there cannot be any propositions that
cannot be eventually discovered and proven.
Building on Descartess ideas, Baruch Spinoza in
1675 wrote a book called Ethics Demonstrated in Geo-
metrical Order. Like Euclid, Spinoza rst explicitly
dened his terms, including God and eternity. He
then stated axioms about existence and causality. On
the basis of his list of denitions and axioms, Spinoza
logically demonstrated his philosophical conclusions,
including the existence of God.
Isaac Newton wrote his great Principia in 1687. This
work includes Newtons laws of motion and theory of
gravity. He did not structure the Principia like a mod-
ern physics book; he gave it the same denition-axiom-
theorem structure that Euclid had given the Elements.
Newton expressly called his famous three laws Axi-
oms, or Laws of Motion. From these axioms, Newton
logically deduced the laws of the universe, including
universal gravitation, just as Euclid had deduced his
own theorems.
The American Declaration of Independence of 1776
also pays homage to the ideal of Euclidean proof. The
principal author, Thomas Jefferson, was well versed
in the mathematics of his time. Jefferson began with
axioms, saying, We hold these truths to be self-evi-
dent, including the axioms that all men are created
equal and that, if a government does not preserve
human rights, it is the right of the people to alter or
abolish it, and set up new government. The declara-
tion then says that it will prove that King George IIIs
government had not protected human rights. Once
Jefferson proved this, the Declaration of Independence
concludes: We therefore . . . publish and declare that
these United Colonies are and of right ought to be free
and independent states. Indeed, Jefferson could have
ended his argument, as had Spinoza and Newton, with
the geometers QED.
Jeffersons argument exemplies the characteristic
program of Enlightenment philosophyusing reason
to reach conclusions on which everyone will agree.
This program is epitomized in the words of Voltaire in
his Philosophical Dictionary: There is but one moral-
ity, as there is but one geometry.
Abstraction, Symbolism, and their Power
Logical proof in mathematics and the use of mathe-
matical models of reasoning in the larger intellectual
world were not limited to geometry. In mathematics in
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, proof meth-
ods moved beyond the geometric to include the alge-
braic. This shift began when Franois Vite, in 1591,
rst introduced general symbolic notation in algebra,
an idea with incredible power.
School children learn that for every pair of dis-
tinct numbers, not only does 9 + 7 = 16, so does 7 + 9.
Vites general symbolic notation allows one to write
down the innite number of such facts all at once:
B + C = C + B.
A century later, Isaac Newton summed up the power
and generality of Vites idea by calling algebra uni-
versal arithmetic. Newton meant that one could prove
algebraic truths from the universal validity of the sym-
bolic manipulations that obey the laws of ordinary
arithmetic. For instance, consider the quadratic equa-
tion 2x
11x + 15 = 0. Simply stating, 3 and 2 1/2
are the solutions gives no information about how
those answers were obtained. But every quadratic
equation has the general form of ax
+ bx + c = 0. Solv-
ing that general equation by the algebraic technique of
completing the square gives the well-known quadratic
formula for the general solution:
b b ac
This general solution contains the record of every
operation performed in getting it. The original exam-
ple had a = 2, b = 11, c = 15. As such, it is known
exactly how the answers, 3 and 2 1/2, are obtained
from the coefcients in the equation. More important,
this process proves that these and only these must be
the answers.
In the seventeenth century, Gottfried Wilhelm Leib-
niz was so inspired by the power of algebraic notation
to simultaneously make and prove mathematical dis-
coveries that he invented an analogous notation for his
new differential calculus. Furthermore, he envisioned
Reasoning and Proof in Society 847
an even more general symbolic language that would,
once perfected, nd the indisputable truth in all areas
of human thought. Once such a language existed, Leib-
niz said, if two people were to disagree, one could say to
the other, let us calculate, sir! and the disagreement
would be resolved. This idea made Leibniz the prophet
of modern symbolic logic.
By the eighteenth century, many mathematicians
thought discovery and proof should be based on
abstract symbolic reasoning. Imitating mathematics,
scientists introduced analogous notations in other
elds. For instance, Antoine Lavoisier and Claude-
Louis Berthollet developed a new chemical notation
that they called chemical algebra, which is used when
balancing a chemical equation.
These ideas, both within and beyond mathemat-
ics, led the Marquis de Condorcet to write in 1793 that
algebra contains within it the principles of a universal
instrument, applicable to all combinations of ideas.
Such an instrument, he said, would eventually make
the progress of every subject embraced by human intel-
ligence as sure as the progress of mathematics.
In the nineteenth century, George Boole produced
the rst modern system of symbolic logic and used it to
analyze a wide variety of complicated arguments. His
system, developed further, underlies the logic used by
digital computers in the twenty-rst century, includ-
ing applications embodying Condorcets dream, from
automated theorem-proving to translators, grammar
checkers, and search engines.
Non-Euclidean Geometry:
The Triumph of Euclidean Logic
Unthinkable as it may have been to Enlightenment
philosophers like Voltaire, there are alternatives to
Euclids geometry. But non-Euclidean geometry was
not invented by imaginative artists or by critics of
mathematics speculating about alternative realities.
Like irrational numbers, non-Euclidean geometry was
discovered by mathematicians. Its discovery provides
another example of human reason and logic trump-
ing intuition and experience and itlike Euclids
geometryhas had a profound effect on other areas
of thought.
Non-Euclidean geometry grew out of attempts to
prove Euclids parallel postulate:
If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes
the interior angles on the same side less than two right
angles, then the two straight lines, if produced inde-
nitely, meet on that side where the angles are less than
two right angles.
Such attempts were made because the postulate
seemed considerably less self-evident than his other
postulates. From antiquity onward, mathematicians
felt that it ought to be a theorem rather than an
assumption, and many eminent mathematicians tried
to prove it from the other postulates. Some attempted
to prove it indirectly; assuming it to be false, they
deduced what appeared to be absurd consequences
from that assumption. For instance, that parallel lines
are not everywhere equidistant, and that there is more
than one line parallel to a given line through a point
in the same plane. These results contradict our deep
intuitive sense of symmetry.
But in the nineteenth century, three mathematicians
independently realized that these conclusions were not
absurd at all, but were perfectly valid theorems in an
alternative geometry. Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,
by analogy with imaginary numbers, called his new
subject imaginary geometry. Janos Bolyai more theo-
logically called it a new world created out of nothing.
But Carl Friedrich Gauss, acknowledging the logi-
cal move that made it possible, called the new subject
non-Euclidean geometry.
The historical commitment of mathematicians to
the autonomy of logic and to logical proof enabled
them to overcome their scientic, psychological, and
philosophical commitments to Euclidean symmetry to
create this new subject. Logical argument once again let
mathematicians nd and demonstrate the properties
of something neither visual nor tangiblesomething
counter-intuitive. Non-Euclidean geometry is the ulti-
mate triumph of the Euclidean method of proof. But
there are wider implications.
From this discovery, nineteenth-century philoso-
phers concluded that the essence of mathematics (as
opposed to the natural sciences) is its freedom to
choose any consistent set of axioms that meets the
mathematicians sense of what is important, beautiful,
and fruitfuljust as long as the logic is right. There
could even be real-world applications of systems that
contradict all past mathematical orthodoxies. In phys-
ics, for instance, the type of non-Euclidean geometry
studied by Bernhard Riemann in the 1850s turned
out to be exactly what Albert Einstein needed for his
general theory of relativity; the new mathematics can
848 Reasoning and Proof in Society
explain gravitation, describe the curvature of space,
and account for black holes.
Knowing that alternative systems of mathemati-
cal thought are logically possible has also had philo-
sophical and social implications. Jos Ortega y Gasset,
for instance, contrasted the view of the old geometry
(interpreted as saying that nations may perish but
principles will be kept) to the new perspective, which
he interpreted as saying that people must look for such
principles as will preserve nations, because that is what
principles are for.
Proof and the Citizen
Citizens of democracies need to be able to evaluate
arguments presented to them, whether by friends,
adversaries, politicians, or advertisers. In the words
of Jacques Barzun, The ability to feel the force of an
argument apart from the substance it deals with is the
strongest possible weapon against prejudice.
Citizens also need to be free to work out the logi-
cal implications of the principles they treasure. In
the words of Winston Smith, a character in George
Orwells novel 1984, Freedom is the freedom to say
that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all
else follows. This kind of proving has driven the
progress of the idea of universal human rights. For
instance, building on the Declaration of Indepen-
dence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a pioneer in ghting
for womens rights in America, wrote in the Seneca
Falls Declaration of 1848, We hold these truths to
be self-evident; that all men and women are created
equal. Similarly, Martin Luther King, Jr., in his I
Have a Dream speech, spoke of the promise that all
men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be
guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness.
Now, just as in ancient Greece, the ability to rea-
son and prove and the liberty of expressing and acting
upon the results of proofs are essential to a free and
democratic society. The historical function of proof in
mathematics has not been just to prove theorems but
also to exemplify and teach logical argument in areas
such as philosophy, law, politics, religion, and every
area of modern life.
Further Reading
Berman, Harold J. Talks on American Law; A Series of
Broadcasts to Foreign Audiences by Members of the
Reasoning and Proof in Society 849
hough the goal of legal arguments is persua-
sion as well as proof, legal arguments require
evidence, and thus require discerning what follows
logically from such evidence. Some legal thinkers
have carried this view quite far.
For instance, Christopher Langdell, pioneer of
the case method in legal education and Dean of
Harvard Law School in the 1870s, saw law as a
science. By analogy with geometry, law, accord-
ing to Langdell, is governed by a consistent set
of general principles. The correct legal rules
should be logically deduced from those general
principles and then applied to logically produce
the correct legal ruling in line with the facts of a
particular case.
Most Anglo-American legal theorists do not
follow Langdells classical orthodoxy, agreeing
instead with Oliver Wendell Holmes that the life
of the law has not been logic but experience. Yet
Holmes, too, employed logical argument within
every case he discussed. For instance, he used
a proof by contradiction to argue that freedom of
speech is not absolute when he famously said
that the most stringent protection of free speech
would not protect a man in falsely shouting re!
in a theater and causing a panic.
Finally, the adversary system of Anglo-Ameri-
can law not only allows but also requires, that in
order for a case to prevail in court, the winning
argument must not only support that case but
also explicitly answer the arguments on the other
side, with these counter-arguments presented as
strongly as possible. Thus, logical proof pervades
all legal argument.
Proof and the Law
Harvard Law School Faculty. 2nd ed. New York:
Vintage, 1971.
Erduran, Sibel, et al. Argumentation in Science Education.
Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Gold, Bonnie, and Roger Simons. Proof and
Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of
America, 2008.
Grabiner, Judith V. The Centrality of Mathematics
in the History of Western Thought, Mathematics
Magazine 61 (1988).
Levi, Mark. The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical
Reasoning to Solve Problems. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Rips, Lance. The Psychology of Proof: Deductive
Reasoning in Human Thinking. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1994.
Judith V. Grabiner
See Also: Geometry and Geometry Education;
Mathematical Certainty; Parallel Postulate; Proof;
Strategy and Tactics.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Efcient recycling requires the use of
sophisticated mathematical models to maximize
product use and reuse and minimize energy
Recycling is the extraction of usable materials out of
used objects. Materials that are often recycled at the
start of the twenty-rst century include metal, paper,
glass, and plastic. One important mathematical prob-
lem of recycling is the comparison of environmental
and monetary costs of recycling and virgin production.
Mathematicians are also involved in developing new
methods for recycling and modeling both economic
and environmental impacts. The notion of algorithm
recycling applies to resources used in some math-
ematical investigations. For example, statistical boot-
strap recycling reuses samples to minimize demands on
computational resources. Some mathematicians, scien-
tists, educators, and others use recycling for education,
recreation, and art. Mario Marin has designed polyhe-
dral outdoor play spaces and kinetic sculptures from
recycled and remaindered materials and has published
many creative ways to recycle household objects, like
plastic bottles, into interesting polyhedral structures.
With regard to learning, some have even suggested a
concept called neuronal recycling, which refers to
adaption of neuronal circuits for new uses.
Proportion-Based Regulations and Labeling
To motivate recycling, companies and governments set
rules that demand the recycling of a certain proportion
of materials and the use of a certain proportion of recy-
cled material in production. Because recycling is the
third desirable option in the waste management hierar-
chy, after reduction of waste and reusing of objects and
materials, setting high recycling quotas is never a goal
in its own right. However, recycling is often preferable
to disposal. Governments sometimes directly mandate
minimum recycled content in certain classes of manu-
factured goods. Labeling laws, which require compa-
nies to display the percent of recycled content in goods
and packages, may also promote recycling if consumers
support it, or hinder recycling if consumers do not nd
recycled goods in this particular industry appealing.
Companies advertise their recycling effortstypically
by disclosing the percent of recycled materialto pres-
ent ecofriendly images to their customers.
A common scheme to promote the recycling of
packaging is to include a refundable fee in the price of
the product. Once the customer returns the packaging
to the store, the fee is refunded.
Measuring Efciency
Because recycling is a complex process, there are eco-
logical and economical costs involved in it. For recy-
cling to make sense, the benets have to outweigh
the costs. Computing costs and benets is a complex
problem. Costs are incurred at all stages of recycling:
collecting materials, sorting them, and re-making
them. Benets include the reduction of landll costs,
reduction of pollution, and revenues from the use of
recycled materials. In the cases of nonrenewable natu-
ral resources, recycling is the only option to keep using
these resources in the future.
850 Recycling
Metal Recycling
Because of the relative difculty and high cost of min-
ing and smelting of metals, and the ease of collecting
and recycling, metals are the most recycled materials
in the world. For example, recycling aluminum takes
only 5% of the energy that it would take to make it
from the raw materials. About three-quarters of steel
and a third of aluminum is recycled in the United
States as of 2010. Some applications of science and
mathematics metal recycling involves the separation
of impurities, such as paint.
Paper Recycling
One category of paper recycling, post-consumer paper,
is familiar to most people because paper is ubiquitous
in modern society. Mill broke is scraps that pulp
mills accumulate from making paper, which they can
also recycle. Preconsumer paper is scraps collected and
recycled in paper mills. Unlike metal recycling, where
the cost-benet ratio is low, paper recycling is more
complicated and controversial. For example, burning
paper for energy may be more environmentally sound
than recycling it and harvesting and replanting forests
may be cheaper than recycling.
Estimates for energy saving are 40% to 65% for
recycled paper, compared to creating new paper. How-
ever, pulp mills frequently produce energy by burning
roots, bark, and other byproducts, whereas recycling
plants have to be close enough to collection (usually
urban) areas to minimize transport cost and frequently
Recycling 851
Atlas Recycled by Tom Tsuchiya is a sculpture made of used atlases and maps that also serves as a recycling
receptacle for bottles and cansone of the works from the EcoSculpt 2010 exhibition in Cinncinnati, Ohio.
depend on fossil fuels for energy. Thus, the environ-
mental costs of conserving the same amount of energy
is different, as one process uses renewable resources
and the other uses nonrenewable resources. Water and
air pollution benets of paper recycling are more pro-
nounced than energy benets because of highly toxic
bleaching used in making new paper.
Plastic Recycling
Recycling of plastics involves a scientic challenge not
found in recycling of other materials. Because of the
ways polymer chains are formed in plastics, different
plastics do not blend well. Removing dyes, glue, paper
stickers, and other impurities is also difcult. Plastics
are coded with the Resin Identication Codes, num-
bers 17, inside the triangular recycle symbol.
There are several processes for recycling plastic.
The most straightforward is melting similar plastics
together, with some steps to remove impurities. Heat
compression mixes all types of plastics in high-heat,
high-pressure drums. Thermal depolymerization is
currently an experimental procedure that reverses the
process of making plastic and turns it into a substance
similar to crude oil. Another experimental procedure,
called monomer recycling, reverses plastic-making
halfway, turning polymers into the mix of monomer
chemicals that formed them.
The short-term cost-benet analysis may not sup-
port plastic recycling because of the high energy and
labor requirements of the known processes. However,
crude oil (the raw material of plastic) is a nonrenew-
able resource, which makes plastic recycling attractive
in the long term.
Glass Recycling
The main benets of glass recycling are saving landll
space and saving energy on producing new glass. How-
ever, because glass is sturdy and easy to clean, glass con-
tainer reuse is vastly preferable to recycling. Through
changing their infrastructures, along with using clear
bottle standards and monetary incentives, some coun-
tries can reuse more than 95% of their glass bottles.
Crushed glass can be added to concrete. This process
can be considered reuse rather than recycling because
the glass is serving a different purpose. Measure-
ments of glass-infused concrete include its insulation
properties and strength properties, both of which are
improved by the addition of glass. Also, concrete with
glass is more aesthetically pleasing and can be used for
countertops and other highly visible places.
Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical models are widely used in logisticscon-
trolling the efcient ow and storage of goods, services,
and information from the point of origin to the point
of consumption. Reverse logistics is the extension of
this principle that addresses concepts such as returns,
source reduction, recycling, and reuse. Mathemati-
cians have researched models for logistics that address
these reversals of ows. For example, Italian research-
ers created a staged mathematical model of the options
for recycling a broad range of appliances, electronic
equipment, and other household items commonly
thrown away. The model suggested that recycling can
offer what is known as economies of scale to businesses,
which are increasingly being held liable for end-of-life
product disposal.
Others have used techniques such as dynamic quan-
titative models to simulate recycling systems and ows
to better understand the driving variables and relation-
ships among the activities and participants. These mod-
els can aid planners in making decisions about recycling
policies and procedures. Nutrient recycling for trees,
which has implications for issues such as global warm-
ing, has been modeled using linear and quadratic func-
tions, along with data-based numerical simulations.
However, some scientists argue that mathematical mod-
els must be contextually evaluated and used with cau-
tion for decision making and legislation. Models based
on limited data may generate what appear to be useful
results, but extrapolation or subsequent modeling can
create bias and propagation of errors.
Further Reading
Environmental Protection Agency. WastesResource
ConservationReduce, Reuse, Recycle. http://www
La Mantia, Francesco. Handbook of Plastics Recycling.
Shropshire, England: Smithers Rapra Technology, 2002.
Mancini, Candice. Garbage and Recycling (Global
Viewpoints). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven
Press, 2010.
Newton, Michael, and Charles Geyer. Bootstrap
Recycling: A Monte Carlo Alternative to the Nested
Bootstrap. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 89, no. 427 (1994).
852 Recycling
Schlesinger, Mark. Aluminum Recycling. Oxfordshire,
England: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Advertising; Carbon Footprint;
Deforestation; Fuel Consumption; Green Design; Green
Mathematics; Synchrony and Spontaneous Order.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Summary: Albert Einsteins theory of relativity is one
of the most well-known theories in physics and helps
describe the nature of the universe.
Albert Einsteins theory of relativity forms one of the
two pillars of modern physics, the other being quan-
tum mechanics. It consists of two parts: the special
theory of relativity from 1905, and the general theory
of relativity from 1915, which both rely on signicant
The special theory of relativity describes how space
and time are perceived by observers in different inertial
systems. Einstein derived this theory from a single phys-
ical principle of relativity. It was discovered in 1632 by
Galileo Galilei that the laws of mechanics are the same
in all inertial systemsa discovery, known as Galileos
principle of relativity, that constituted a radical break
with the prevailing Aristotelian physics. Einsteins prin-
ciple of relativity generalized this concept to all laws of
nature, including Maxwells laws of electromagnetism,
which govern the propagation of light. It thus follows
from Einsteins principle of relativity that the speed of
light is the same in all inertial systems, a central result
in the theory of relativity. Prior to Einstein, it was
believed that light propagates through a luminiferous
aether in the same way as sound propagated through
air, but all attempts to measure the speed of the Earth
relative to this aether, such as the MichelsonMorley
experiment in 1887, failed. Special relativity explained
the negative results of these experiments and made the
aether hypothesis superuous.
The general theory of relativity unies special rela-
tivity with Isaac Newtons law of universal gravity. Its
basis is Einsteins equivalence principle, according to
which an accelerated system of reference (such as a
so-called Einstein elevator) is indistinguishable from a
system at rest in a gravitational eld. Mathematically,
Einsteins eld equations describe how the presence of
mass, energy, and momentum gives rise to a curvature
of space and time. Although this idea has little signi-
cance in weak gravitational elds, such as that of the
Earth, general relativity is essential in the study of the
universe as a whole. For example, Karl Schwarzschild
in 1915 found an exact solution to Einsteins equations
that explains the existence of black holes.
The many surprising consequences of the theory of
relativity have been described in numerous popular-
izations, most notably by George Gamow. Einsteins
theory must not be confused with the various relativist
positions in philosophy, such as aesthetic, moral, cul-
tural, or cognitive relativism.
Special Relativity
The Lorentz transformation forms the basis of the
special theory of relativity. It is a set of equations
describing how to translate suitably chosen coordi-
nates of space and time between two inertial systems
(S) and (S) moving with the speed (v) relative to one
= x x vt ( ) and = t t
( )
where c denotes the speed of light of 299,792,458
meters per second, and the dimensionless number
is the so-called Lorentz factor. In 1908, Hermann
Minkowski gave a mathematical description of the
Lorentz transformation as a rotation of the coordinate
axes in four-dimensional space-time.
When v is much smaller than c, the Lorentz factor
is close to 1, and the Lorentz transformation reduces
to the classical Galilean transformation. When v
approaches c, however, the Lorentz transformation has
a number of consequences that radically contradict
classical physics as well as common sense. For example,
clocks in motion are slowed down (called relativistic
Relativity 853
time dilation), objects in motion are contracted in the
direction of movement (called relativistic length con-
traction), and clocks in motion that are seen as syn-
chronized by an observer moving with the clocks are
seen as nonsynchronized by an observer at rest (called
relativity of simultaneity).
It is another consequence of special relativity that
no material objectsor signals of any kindcan travel
faster than light. This speed limit exists because any-
thing traveling faster than light relative to one observer
would appear to be traveling backwards in time relative
to another observer, thus leading to paradoxes regard-
ing cause and effect. There is a quantum-mechanical
phenomenon, the so-called EinsteinPodolskyRosen
paradox, that seems to contradict this principle. Accord-
ing to quantum mechanics, the wave function of two
entangled particles is affected by a measurement of the
state of one of the particles, causing an instantaneous
change to the state of the other, even if the two particles
are located in different galaxies. But this phenomenon,
which has since been veried experimentally, does not
really contradict relativity since it cannot be used to
transmit information from one galaxy to the other.
Special relativity dictates that mass and energy are
connected by the equation E = mc
, undoubtedly the
most famous formula in all of physics. Any particle
with mass m has a rest energy given by this equation.
If the same particle is accelerated to the speed v, its
energy is multiplied by the Lorentz factor , and its
kinetic energy is found as the difference between total
energy and rest energy, expressed algebraically as
E mc mc mv
2 2 2
The approximation, valid for v much smaller than
c, equals the expression for kinetic energy in classical
mechanics. This formula shows that it would require
an innite amount of energy to accelerate a particle
with positive mass to the speed of light.
General Relativity
Einstein noted that special relativity implies that space
appears to be curved, or non-Euclidean, to observ-
ers in accelerated systems (for example, on a rotating
disc) and inferred from the equivalence principle that
the same must be true in gravitational elds. How-
ever, after realizing this fundamental principle in
854 Relativity
1907, it took him eight years to nd the eld equa-
tions that describe the exact curvature of space-time.
The idea that physical space might be curved was not
new. Already in 1823, Carl Friedrich Gauss investi-
gated this question empirically by measuring the sum
of angles of a triangle formed by three mountaintops
but found no curvature. Bernhard Riemann further
developed the mathematics of curved space in 1854
and this work would become an essential part of Ein-
steins theory.
General relativity predicts that a body falling freely
in a gravitational eld, such as the Earth in its orbit
around the sun, follows a geodesic in curved space-
time. This geodesic is called the bodys world-line.
In a curved space, geodesics are the least curved lines,
in the same way as the equator is a least curved line
on the surface of Earth. Although the predictions
of general relativity are nearly the same as those of
classical mechanics for bodies in weak gravitational
elds, the interpretation of gravity is radically differ-
ent: whereas classical mechanics explains the elliptical
orbit of the Earth as a consequence of a gravitational
force emanating from the sun, general relativity pos-
tulates that the mass of the sun gives rise to a curva-
ture of space-time, and that the world-line of Earth is
in fact a geodesic.
It is a consequence of general relativity that clocks in
gravitational elds are slowed down. This effect is called
gravitational time dilation. For a clock at rest in the
gravitational eld of Earth, the dilation factor is
2 2
where G is Newtons gravitational constant, M is the
mass of Earth, and r is the distance between the clock
and the center of Earth.
Proofs and Applications of Relativity
Einstein showed in 1915 that general relativity explains
the perihelion precession of the planet Mercury. This
phenomenon, which had mystied astronomers since its
discovery in 1859, is that the elliptical orbit of Mercury
rotates around the sun with 43 arc seconds per century.
Also in 1915, Einstein predicted that light emitted
from distant stars is deected when passing through
the gravitational eld of the sun. Although this effect
had previously been derived from Newtonian grav-
ity alone, Einstein showed that the angle of deection
following from general relativity is twice the angle fol-
lowing from classical physics. Einsteins prediction was
conrmed dramatically by Arthur Eddington during
the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919.
Contrary to quantum mechanics, the technological
implementations of which are ubiquitous, relativity has
few practical applications. One notable exception is the
global positioning system (GPS). GPS satellites revolve
around the Earth twice per sidereal day at a height of
about 20,000 kilometers (12,400 miles) and with a speed
of about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) per second. Because of
the speed and altitude, the atomic clocks aboard the sat-
ellites are subject both to relativistic time dilation and
to a reduced gravitational time dilation.
The rst effect amounts to a loss of 7 microsec-
onds per day, the second to a gain of 45 microseconds
per day. In total, therefore, the atomic satellite clocks
gain 38 microseconds per day relative to clocks on the
ground. Failure to take these relativistic effects into
account would render GPS useless since the resulting
positional error would accumulate to 11 kilometers
(6.8 miles) per day.
Further Reading
Einstein, Albert. Relativity: The Special and General
Theory. New York: Henry Holt, 1920.
Feynman, Richard, Robert Leighton, and Matthew
Sands. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Reading, PA:
Addison-Wesley, 1964.
Gamow, George. Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland. New York:
Macmillan, 1946.
Grn, Oyvind, and Sigbjorn Herv. Einsteins General
Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in
Cosmology. New York: Springer Science+Business
Media, 2007.
Mller, Christian. The Theory of Relativity. Oxford,
Egland: Oxford University Press, 1952.
Russell, Bertrand. The ABC of Relativity. London: Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1925.
Ungar, Abraham. Analytic Hyperbolic Geometry
and Albert Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity.
Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 2008.
David Brink
See Also: Black Holes; Einstein, Albert; GPS;
Geometry of the Universe; Gravity.
Religion, Mathematics
See Mathematics and Religion
See Mathematicians, Religious
Religious Symbolism
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Many religious symbols are mathematical
in nature.
Archaeological research suggests that religion pre-
dates peoples ability to read and write but that sym-
bols were often used to express religious ideas and to
convey meaning. In this context, such symbols might
be pictures, geometric objects, or numbers that hold a
particular meaning within a given faith. Long after the
introduction of the written word, symbols still hold a
powerful place in most religions. There are many highly
recognizable symbol forms that are used in various ways
by different faiths around the world, though they often
share similar underlying structures, themes, or mean-
ings. Symmetry is common in religious symbolism, as
are certain numbers or concepts that some believe to
have special signicance beyond mathematical inter-
pretations. For example, some have proposed a stylized
version of the empty set symbol to represent atheism.
Stars have been used for millennia in a variety of reli-
gions. The most common is a ve-pointed star, also
known as a pentagram (penta means ve). At
times, the ve points have represented the ve senses
Religious Symbolism 855
(vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Wiccans use
the points to represent ve elements (spirit, re, air,
water, and earth) as do Taoists (re, earth, metal, water,
and wood). Other times, it has represented the human
body with the points of the body relating to the head,
arms, and legs outstretched, as seen in the Bahai Faith
where the pentagram is its ofcial symbol. Christians
have used the pentagram to denote the wounds (ve
stigmata) received by Jesus Christ when he was cruci-
edhands, feet, and side. Judaism has used the pen-
tagram to represent the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) and later, Sol-
omons Seal. Muslims use a crescent moon and a pen-
tagram to denote the religion of Islam.
Some religions have used a point-down pentagram
as part of their symbolism. For example, Anton LaVeys
Satanists (who have nothing to do with Satanthey do
not believe Satan exists) use the upside down penta-
gram for their symbol and often impose a goats head in
the symbol with the upper points representing horns,
the side points being the ears, and the lower point as
the chin and beard area. Mormons (belonging to the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) have used
the inverted symbol in some temple architecture as rep-
resenting the morning star (Venus path in the sky).
Another star variation is the six-sided star, some-
times referred to as a hexagram (hexa means six) or
the Star of David as a symbol of Judaism. Most often,
this star is drawn as two equilateral triangles drawn
on top of each other with one pointing up, the other
down, and slightly offset. Hindus have a variation of
the hexagram called the Shatkona, which show the tri-
angles weaved together denoting the interlocking of re
and water, or male and female. The hexagram is also a
symbol for Rastafarians and is usually solid black. The
Raelism Movement uses a different variation of the
hexagram as their ofcial symbol; it contains a right-
facing swastika embedded in the center of the star.
A seven-pointed star (called a heptagram) is
sometimes used by Jews and Christians to denote a
seven-day creation. Faery Wiccans and Blue Star Wic-
cans also use the seven-pointed star, but the Blue Star
Wiccans refer to it as a septagram instead.
There are a few variations of eight-pointed stars.
Islam has a star referred to as rub el hizb, which appears
as two squares superimposed with one slightly offset
the other. It is used to help facilitate the recitation of
the Quran. The same shape (without the center circle)
is referred to as the Star of Lakshmi by Hindus, where
it represents the eight forms or kinds of wealth. This
shape is referred to as an 8/2 octagram (oct means
eight). The 8/2 indicates that there are eight sides
on the star and every second point (or vertex) is con-
nected with a line. An 8/3 octagram would have every
third vertex connected to each other. This symbol has
been used by Christians to represent baptism and
resurrection. Ancient Mesopotamia calls their eight-
pointed star the Seal of Shamash. The center was a cir-
cle representing the sun (Shamash) with eight points
emanating from the center. Most likely, the vertical and
horizontal points represent the four directions of the
compass while the diagonal points represent the equi-
noxes and solstices.
Although the Bahai uses a pentagram for their of-
cial symbol, a nine-pointed star is more commonly
associated with the religion. The star is often drawn
similar to the hexagram, but with three equilateral tri-
angles slightly offset and a single point at the top of
the star, but without the inner lines. The Bahai Faith
also uses another version of the nine-pointed star with
symbols of the nine world religions at each point.
856 Religious Symbolism
From top left: Christian cross, Jewish Star of David,
Hindu Aumkar, Islamic star and crescent, Buddhist
wheel of Dharma, Shinto torii, Sikh Khanda, Bah
star, and Jain ahimsa symbol.
The cross is sometimes thought of as a universal sym-
bol for Christianity since, in the Christian faith, Jesus
is believed to have been crucied on a Roman cross.
However, there are many types of Christian crosses
and many religious crosses that are not Christian at
all. The original Christian cross probably resembled
an X for the rst Greek letter in the word Christ. It
is not related to the crucixion and came much later
than Jesuss death, as many early Christians opposed its
use. When placed so that its arms pointed vertically and
horizontally, the meaning was the four directions of the
compasswhere the gospel should be spread. Eventu-
ally, the Greek cross made way for the Latin cross, which
resembles a lower case t. Orthodox Christians add a
small horizontal line above the arms of the cross denot-
ing the sign hung by Pilate, and a small diagonal line
below the arms of the cross denoting a footrest. Other
denominations, like Methodists, show a ame behind
the cross indicating the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, the
cross is displayed upside down, known as a reversed
cross or the cross of Saint Peter. Although the original
meaning for this cross probably originated from Peters
request to be crucied upside down (so was Christian
in origin), many have associated it with the occult and
Satanism. Because satanists inverted the Christian pen-
tagram, people believe they inverted the cross as well.
The ankh has a cross for a base, but an oval in
place of the head of the cross. Sometimes, the ankh is
referred to as an ansata, or handle, cross. This symbol
was primarily used in Egypt as a symbol of life and fer-
tility. Since its context was often in regards to resur-
rection, this symbol was used by Gnostic sects of early
Christians to symbolize the resurrection of Christ. The
ankh was actually used by Christians before the Latin
cross. Wiccans currently use this symbol today to mean
immortality and completion.
Another misunderstood religious symbol is the
swastika. The swastika is a cross with its arms bent at
right angles, most commonly so that the top arm is bent
to the right and each remaining arm is bent in a similar
clockwise direction (from the center) to give the impres-
sion of movement. When the arms are bent in the other
direction, it can be called a swastika or it is sometimes
referred to as a sauwastika. The name is Sanskrit in
origin and can be loosely translated as good luck
charm. Historical records show that the swastika is an
ancient symbol (older than the ankh). Hindus use both
forms of the swastika; the right facing means the evo-
lution of the universe, whereas the left facing indicates
the involution of the universe. Together, both versions
are thought of as a balance of opposites. Buddhists pri-
marily used the right facing swastika, although recently
they have changed to using the left facing version, as
the right facing version has become known as an anti-
Semitic hate symbol since World War II. The swastika
used by the Nazis was right facing but also rotated 45
degrees and appears different from the religious sym-
bols. In Jainism, the swastika is the symbol for their sev-
enth saint (or Jina). Jainists draw swastikas using rice to
begin and end ceremonies around altars and idols. The
swastika has also been used by Native Americans to rep-
resent the sun, the four directions, and the four seasons.
Raelians use the swastika in a hexagram to denote that
time is innite.
Further Reading
Grnbaum, Branko, and G. C. Shephard. Tilings and
Patterns. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1987.
Liungman, Carl G. Dictionary of Symbols. Santa Barbara,
CA: ABC-CLIO, 1991.
. Symbols: Encyclopedia of Western Signs and
Ideograms. Stockholm: HME Media, 2004.
Rest, Friedrich. Our Christian Symbols. New York:
Pilgrim Press, 1982.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Houses of Worship; Incan and Mayan
Mathematics; Mathematicians, Religious Mathematics
and Religion; Numbers and God.
Religious Writings
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Connections; Communication;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics and religious thought have
been driven by the same motive: the need to better
understand the nature of life and the universe.
In addition to its computational and problem-solving
power, mathematics has long been joined to religious
Religious Writings 857
faith to form systems of mutual support. Evidence of
the most productive relationships can be found in a
variety of texts that call attention to mathematical con-
cepts and knowledge as part of a religious or theologi-
cal treatise. In other cases, the purported signicance
of mathematics to religion is a cause for antagonism
and tension. Among the most persistent relationships
evoked in writings that combine mathematics and reli-
gion is one that is understood to exist between their
particular ways of knowing. Whether by way of anal-
ogy or more direct linkages, predominate characteris-
tics of mathematical knowledgeits clarity, certainty,
and timelessnesshave often been called upon to serve
theological contemplation.
Several Platonic dialogues feature extended discus-
sions of mathematical knowledge in relation to philo-
sophical and cosmological considerations, most nota-
bly the Meno, the Timaeus, and the Republic. Coaxing
a geometric argument from an unsuspecting slave
boy in the Meno serves as an epistemological lesson
in humankinds ability to access certain and timeless
knowledge. In the Timaeus, the power of mathemat-
ics as a system that provides a way of comprehending
the physical world legitimizes adopting a cosmological
perspective organized around identiable character-
istics, such as intelligence and goodness. The signi-
cance of mathematics to training philosopher-rulers
as presented in the Republic is predicated on their need
to reason effectively about ideal forms such as morality
and justice. Although it would be incorrect to refer to
them as religious in a strict sense, these Platonic dia-
logues establish a crucial link between mathematical
and metaphysical contemplation frequently reected
in later theological writing.
Gregory of Rimini
Gregory of Rimini (c. 13001342) followed an Aristo-
telian mode of thinking, according to which abstract
mathematical concepts exist only in the mind of math-
ematicians. Unlike their characterization within the
Platonic tradition, mathematical entities have no exis-
tence independent of the objects that possessed them
in terms of size, quantity, or other qualitative features.
Even so, Gregory of Riminis compiled Lectures under-
take discussions of the continuum that ultimately chal-
lenge Aristotles opinion on the impossibility of innity
as an actual or completed notion. This work intertwines
discussions of divine omniscience, the temporal and
spatial characteristics of angels, and the divisibility of
the continuum, placing it squarely in a scholastic tra-
dition that incorporates mathematical considerations
within commentaries that focus primarily on religious
subject matter.
Nicholas Cusanus
Although the author of several texts dedicated to Clas-
sical problems, such as squaring the circle, the philoso-
pher and theologian Nicholas Cusanus (14011464)
explicitly elaborated on the connection between math-
ematics and religion in Learned Ignorance (c. 1440).
The signicance of mathematical reason to theological
contemplation discussed in this text is founded upon
its ability to provide reliable and infallible knowledge
about objects that transcend direct human experience.
For Casanus, relations that exist between all things
meant that one is able to develop an appreciation of
unknowable objects based on other, better-understood
objects. Polygonal approximations to a circle under-
score this relationship. At the same time, Cusanus was
aware that obtaining knowledge in this way depended
on using various symbols and symbolic relationships in
consistent and correct ways. The study of mathematics
employed immutable symbols that avoided interpre-
tive ambiguity and, thus, appealed to Cusanus as an
appropriate framework for working with them.
Michael Stifel
In his 1532 Book of Arithmetic About the Antichrist, A
Revelation in the Revelation, Michael Stifel (14681567)
used computation skills and numerological inclina-
tions to predict the end of the world. By doing so, he
contributed to the fervor of the Reformation by associ-
ating the pope with the antichrist of the Book of Rev-
elations. Indicative of his talents as a mathematician
who pursued a lifelong fascination with numbers and
their meaning, Stifels 1544 book, Arithmetica Integra
is considered his major achievement. In it, he explores
and extends Pythagorean number theory, the construc-
tion of magic squares, the theory of irrationals, and the
algebra of quadratic equations.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei (15641642) articulated a connec-
tion between mathematics and the divine that many
858 Religious Writings
found problematic. Like others before him, much of
his writing asserted the superiority of mathematical
reasoning, acknowledging it as the most certain way
to both read and describe truths pertaining to the
natural world. However, his praise of mathematics
went considerably further in some texts, including the
1632 book, Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World
Systems. Specically, Galileo maintained that human
knowledge was indistinguishable from divine knowl-
edge regarding those areas of mathematics to which it
turned its attention. Consequently, mathematical rea-
soning provided unmitigated and unparalleled access
to Gods designs. As a threat to longstanding theologi-
cal hierarchies, Galileos pronouncements on math-
ematics were part of the indictments brought against
him by church inquisitors.
Ren Descartes
A mathematical approach to reasoning is evident in the
prescriptions set down by Ren Descartes (15961650)
in his book, Discourse on the Method. Compelled by
both skepticism and consistent criteria, he promoted
a reductive framework for investigating problems that
requires breaking up the analysis into pieces. Examin-
ing and understanding the simplest of the pieces would
then lead to a solution. The rst principle of this ana-
lytic approach allows one to establish a simple truth
by virtue of its evident nature. Using mathematics
as an exemplar for all reasoning therefore demanded
an assurance of certainty. Descartes addresses this
requirement in his 1641 book, Mediations. In par-
ticular, this work contains proofs of the existence of a
benevolent and non-deceiving God, by virtue of which
humans are able to recognize eternal truths for them-
selves. Although not above philosophical criticism,
Descartess work embraces mathematical and religious
concerns of the time.
George Berkeley
George Berkeley (16851753) adopted a signicantly
antagonistic perspective on mathematics and theol-
ogy. Some of his early writing evidences his afn-
ity and appreciation for mathematics. However, later
commentaries published while he served as the Bishop
of Cloyne criticized mathematicians. Most notable
among these are the 1732 book Alciphron, or the Min-
ute Philosopher and the 1734 book, The Analyst, or a
Discourse Addressed to an Indel Mathematician. Berke-
ley asserted that mathematicians made unjust claims
to exactness. His belief that the persuasive power of
its problematic reasoning undermined the precepts of
revealed religion only exacerbated this concern. Asso-
ciating it with dogmatism and obscurantism, Berkeley
was particularly hostile to the use of uxions and inn-
itesimals, respectively, in the Newtonian and Leibniz-
ian developments of calculus. One of his overarching
objections pertained to the unacceptable admission of
innity in mathematics. Consequently, he attempted
to establish the rule for computing the derivative of x
in the Analyst by avoiding the use of either uxions or
Charles Babbage
Exemplary of natural theology in the nineteenth cen-
tury, the Bridgewater Treatises were intended to pro-
vide commentary on modern scientic discoveries in
relation to the Creation. In all, eight manuscripts were
commissioned that discussed topics such as chemis-
try, geology, meteorology, and physiology. Mathemat-
ics was not one of the subjects included in the origi-
nal commission, and Charles Babbage (17911871)
took its omission as an opportunity to write his Ninth
Bridgewater Treatise. Considered the father of modern
mechanical computing, Babbage dedicated much of
his life to designing the difference and analytic engines.
His treatise highlights this work by arguing that events
appearing miraculous can be accounted for as part of
a grand design. As consummate a promoter as he was a
mathematician, Babbage publicly illustrated this point
several times with a model of the difference engine.
These demonstrations involved programming the
machine to break an identiable recursive pattern at a
moment that deed explanation by his audience.
Edwin Abbott
The enduringly popular 1884 book, Flatland: A
Romance of Many Dimensions, introduced the con-
cept of higher dimensional space to a wide reader-
ship. As its author, Edwin Abbott (18381926), drew
upon his strengths as an educator, an expositor, and a
theologian to convey multiple messages that relate to
the mathematical imagination. Among these, scholar-
ship has focused attention on progressive theological
imperatives that he developed elsewhere and subtly
incorporated into Flatland. Specically, Abbott was
keen to promote a form of theology that would be able
Religious Writings 859
to respond positively to new scientic attitudes and
investigations. Mathematical research provided an
ideal vehicle for Abbott, as discussions of non-Euclid-
ean geometries suggested a loss of certainty within
the discipline concomitant with a loss of religious
certainty. Though perhaps the best known, Abbott
joined and inuenced other writers who used new
developments in geometry as the impetus for renewed
spiritual reection that continued into the twentieth
century, including Charles Hinton, Arthur Schoeld,
Peter Ouspensky, and Claude Bragdon.
Other Connections
There are other ways in which religion and mathemat-
ics are connected in writing. For example, mathemati-
cian Blaise Pascal produced many specically religious
writings, including Provincial Letters and the Penses.
Literary and religious scholars continue to study not
only these works but also his mathematical and scien-
tic writings to gain greater insight into his religious
beliefs. A systematic study of the contributions of
people from other cultures and religions to mathemat-
ics, such as Muslims or Hindus, or the geometric dis-
cussions in rabbinical writings also interest historians
and mathematicians. Finally, while there are countless
historical examples of mathematicians whose religious
beliefs and mathematical work are philosophically
intertwined, philosopher and mathematician Bertrand
Russells 1927 lecture, and later essay, Why I Am Not a
Christian, has been called devastating in its use of cold
logic in critiquing religious beliefs. A book containing
this and related essays was included in the New York
Public Librarys list of the most inuential books of the
twentieth century.
Further Reading
Koetsier, T., and L. Bergmans, ed. Mathematics and the
Divine: A Historical Study. Oxford, England: Elsevier,
Swade, Doron. It Will Not Slice a Pineapple: Babbage,
Miracles and Machines. In Cultural Babbage:
Technology, Time and Invention. Edited by Francis
Spufford and Jenny Uglow. London: Faber, 1996.
Valente, K. G. Transgression and Transcendence:
Flatland as a Response to A New Philosophy.
Nineteenth-Century Contexts 26 (2004).
K. G. Valente
See Also: Greek Mathematics; Innity; Mathematical
Certainty; Mathematicians, Religious; Mathematics and
Religion; Numbers and God; Proof.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: The Renaissances resurgence in humanism
also beneted mathematics and engineering.
The Renaissance or Rinascimento (both words mean
rebirth) was a ourishing of philosophy, art, archi-
tecture, science, and high culture more generally
beginning in fourteenth-century Europe. Renaissance
thinkers thought of themselves as restoring the civi-
lization of Greece and Rome after what they called
the Middle Ages. The Renaissance saw the rise of
humanism, hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and realist
art involving optical perspective; the decline of feu-
dalism; increased circulation of ideas due to printing;
the Protestant Reformation; a strong interest in clas-
sical literature and history; a strengthened interest in
science and mathematics and their applications; and
world exploration.
Early Renaissance (c. 13001450)
The Renaissance can be traced back to the thirteenth-
century writings of Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca,
and Brunetto Latini and the paintings of Giotto di
Bodone. Such work was sponsored by bankers, mer-
chants, and industrialists who rose to great wealth and
inuence, displacing the Church and landed nobility as
primary sponsors of high culture.
Starting in the mid-fourteenth century, human-
ist scholars searched libraries to recover the lost texts
of classical Rome. Many edited texts went to print,
increasing their accessibility at (relatively) low cost.
After approximately 50 years, attention turned to recov-
ering the Greek heritage, whichthough mostly lost
in the Westhad continued on in Byzantium. Many
Greek scholars migrated west at this time, bringing
their expertise and manuscripts to Venice, in particu-
lar. The recovery and translation of Platos works, along
with several tracts in neoplatonism and hermeticism,
860 Renaissance
fueled an interest in applying simple numerical ratios
and geometric regularity in elds as diverse as art and
architecture, cosmology, alchemy, and musical tuning.
The intentions included occult efforts to replicate cos-
mic structures, invoking astral inuences at the human
scale. More visceral results were achieved by compos-
ers, such as Josquin des Prez, who brought polyphonic
techniques to Italy from the Low Countries, laying
foundations for important Italian composers (such as
Giovanni Pierluigi di Palestrina) toward the end of the
sixteenth century.
Renaissance (c. 14501500)
The Renaissance spread north from Tuscany and
across the Alps during the second half of the fteenth
century. Political philosophy, exemplied by Niccol
Machiavellis Prince and Discourses on Livy, attempted
a rational analysis of political structures contextual-
ized by cultural difference and the practicalities of
everyday life. Vernacular languages came to be used
for scholarly writing, making texts more widely read-
able as did printing, which advanced rapidly with the
establishment of ne publishing houses in the Veneto.
Examples include the Aldine Press, where italic type-
faces were invented and Erhard Ratdolts press, which
pioneered the printing of mathematical diagrams
when producing the rst edition of Euclids Elements
in 1482.
The mid-Renaissance was centered on the Repub-
lic of Florence, largely sponsored by a powerful bank-
ing family, the Medici. The ideals of this period are
expressed in Florentine architecture, such as Filippo
Brunelleschis Church of San Lorenzo, which has a
legible geometric regularity, bright and even light,
openness, and a delicately balanced stillness. Ideals
in painting included realism based on optical theory.
Artists could occupy the leading edge of mathematical
research; Piero della Francesca, for example, produced
treatises on perspective theory in addition to painting
with perspective techniques. Sculpture also developed
a scholarly foundation through both historical study
of the classical texts that had survived and hands-on
dissection of fresh cadavers.
High Renaissance (c. 1500)
The High Renaissance lasted only briey before trans-
forming into Mannerism. It was focused on Rome,
owing to the patronage of Pope Julius II. Art gained a
level of dynamism best known through the works of
Rafaello Sanzio (Raphael) and Michelangelo Buonar-
otti in Rome, and Tiziano Vecelli (Titian) and Giorgione
in Venice. Leonardo da Vincis Last Supper, Raphaels
School of Athens, and Michelangelos ceiling in the Sis-
tine Chapel were painted during the High Renaissance.
Further north, the Renaissance adapted to local
cultures and circumstances. In Germany, for example,
goldsmiths crafted clocks, automata, and mathemati-
cal and astronomical instruments for their patrons.
Reformation printers published a wide range of medi-
eval texts alongside Lutheran tracts, largely shedding
the rened typography of Venice in favor of speed and
quantity. Gothic elements remained strong in the art
and architecture of England, the Netherlands, and
Renaissance 861
The mid-Renaissance Basilica di San Lorenzo has a
geometric regularity and an open lightness.
Scandinavia and Renaissance inuences reached those
countries only after they had become Mannerist.
Because of Protestantism, secular authorities replaced
the Catholic Church as the primary sponsor of cul-
tural works.
Renaissance Science and Mathematics
Renaissance scholars initially reacted against Scholas-
tic natural philosophy by turning to Neoplatonism,
taking an often mystical and magical approach to
nature, often with practical goals. This shift can be
seen in the intertwining of alchemy and astrology,
for example, and in the wide range of applications
described in Giambattista della Portas 1558 book
Natural Magic. The title reects a distinction drawn
between natural magic, which invoked empirical
knowledge of nature to achieve results; in contrast
to spiritual magic, which regulated astral inuence
using amulets and talismans; and demonic magic,
which invoked supernatural beings.
The Churchs need for calendrical reform led Nico-
laus Copernicus to develop heliocentric astronomy as
an improvement upon the Hellenistic methods main-
tained and developed throughout the Middle Ages.
Astronomy was favored also in Protestant territories
owing to the educational reformer Philip Melanchthon
arguing that it was an ideal way to learn about divine
Artillery motivated studies in ballistics, leading
to stellated polygonal designs for fortresses, such as
Naarden in the Netherlands and the Kronborg in Den-
mark. Aristotelianism, however, still provided qualita-
tive theory for ballistics and other practical endeavors,
such as hydraulic engineering.
The development of machines and engineering
techniques inspired efforts to classify and theorize
about them, as shown by the published theaters of
machines by Jacques Besson and Agostino Ramelli.
The inuences of exploration can be dated at least
as far back as 1488, when Bartholomeo Dias found a
connection between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean
that led to trade routes established beginning in 1498
with Vasco da Gamas arrival in Calicut, six years after
Christopher Columbus found the West Indies. Such
journeys motivated developments in navigation and
shipbuilding as well as an outward-looking attitude.
Trade expanded, especially in Spain, Portugal, andas
the new knowledge spread norththe Netherlands.
Descriptions and specimens brought back from for-
eign regions caused disputes and reforms in biological
taxonomy that were eventually settled in the eighteenth
century by Charles Linnaeus.
Progressive rational problem-solving, combined
with the growth of theoretical method and a growing
preference for naturalistic rather than occult explana-
tions, provided many elements needed for the eventual
emergence of modern empirical science.
Mathematics was boosted early by the ascendance
of merchants and bankers who needed computational
methods to manage money and later to solve prob-
lems in navigation and cartography. Some advanced
material was assimilated from Arabic sources, such
as geometric methods and high-precision trigono-
metric tables. Solving polynomial equations became
a display of virtuosity; the quadratic had been solved
in antiquity, now Girolamo Cardano and other math-
ematicians developed solutions for cubics and higher
order problems. As algebra developed, many algebraic
symbols were invented and evolved into the forms
used today. Hindu-Arabic numerals replaced Roman
numerals but the calculation of the products, ratios,
and square roots of large numbers in astronomy and
navigation was still onerous and error-prone. These
operations were facilitated by conversion into addi-
tion and subtraction problems using prosthaphae-
resis (based on trigonometric transforms), and later
through the invention of logarithms.
Further Reading
Field, J. V. The Invention of Innity: Mathematics and Art
in the Renaissance. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press, 1997.
Goulding, Robert. Defending Hypatia: Ramus, Savile, and
the Renaissance Rediscovery of Mathematical History.
New York: Springer, 2010.
Hall, Marie Boas. The Scientic Renaissance, 14501630.
New York: Dover Publications, 1994.
Hay, Cynthia. Mathematics from Manuscript to Print
13001600. Oxford, England: Oxford University
Press, 1988.
Alistair Kwan
See Also: Algebra in Society; Castles; Exponentials
and Logarithms; Marine Navigation; Middle Ages;
Multiplication and Division.
862 Renaissance
in Society
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Connections; Representations.
Summary: Symbols, equations, and images are all
used to teach mathematical concepts and to convey
mathematical information in society.
Representations are at the forefront of the focus stan-
dards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathe-
matics to improve mathematics teaching and learning.
Representations allow students to see and experience
mathematics from different perspectives. The role of
multiple representations in promoting students con-
ceptual understanding of mathematics has long been
emphasized by researchers. Thus, representations are
among the essential parts of mathematics lessons.
Further, in the twenty-rst century, even people who
had very little exposure to mathematics in school will
encounter various mathematical representations in
their daily lives. Familiarity with mathematical rep-
resentations or representational literacy has become
an essential skill. Many mathematical concepts are
dened in terms of representations. A function may
be represented by a Taylor series of innite terms,
which is named after Brook Taylor. There is also an
entire branch of mathematics called representation
theory that expresses algebraic structures using lin-
ear transformations.
Mathematics has its own native beauty and inspira-
tional aesthetic to represent the physical world and
the world of intellect. One of the strengths of math-
ematics is its resources to seek for new solutions and
explore frameworks to answer problems related to the
real world. To achieve this goal, mathematical repre-
sentations in society should be explored and impor-
tant ideas of modern mathematics should be com-
municated properly. Representations in mathematics
can be described as constructs that symbolize or cor-
respond to real-world mathematical entities, features,
or connections. Gerald Goldin broadly dened repre-
sentations as any conguration of characters, images,
or concrete objects that can symbolize or represent
something else. Representations take various forms,
such as informal representations used in preschool
settings or more formal representations used in math-
ematics classrooms or by mathematicians. For exam-
ple, children represent groups of ve with their hand
or, even further, they develop proportional thinking
as they relate ve ngers to one hand and 10 ngers
to two hands. More formally, mathematics students
or mathematicians use mathematical equations, for
example, to represent curves or relationships among
nancial variables.
Internal and External Representations
Representations can be both internal and external in
nature and can be created by forming individual rep-
resentations, such as letters, numbers, words, real-life
objects, images, or mental congurations. Internal rep-
resentations are mental images or cognitive constructs
of individuals that relate to external representations
or to experiences in the external world. James Kaput
referred to internal representations as mental struc-
tures and dened them as instruments that are used to
organize and manage the ow of an individuals expe-
rience. Internal representation systems exist within
the mind of an individual and consist of constructs to
assist in describing the processes of human learning
and problem solving in mathematics. Internal repre-
sentations of mathematical concepts can take various
forms, such as individual visualization of mathematics
concepts, idiosyncratic notation systems, or attitudes
toward mathematics.
External representations, on the other hand, include
all external entities or symbols. External representa-
tions provide a medium to communicate mathemati-
cal ideas, concepts, or constructs. Richard Lesh dened
external representations as the embodiment of internal
systems of thought. Lesh also referred to external rep-
resentations as mathematical representations that are
simplications of external systems. Learners use exter-
nal representations, such as marks on paper, sounds, or
graphics on a computer screen, to organize the creation
and elaboration of their own mental structures. Unlike
internal representation systems, external representation
systems can be easily shared with and seen by others.
Multiple Representations
in Mathematics Education
In mathematics education, there has been a shift
from classic to nontraditional teaching and learning
Representations in Society 863
practices with multiple representations, where educa-
tors use various representations to effectively present
information. Multiple representations refer to dif-
ferent kinds of representations that present the same
mathematical ideas from different perspectives or
representations that present different aspects of the
same mathematical concept. For example, teaching
fractions concepts using multiple representations may
involve presenting fractions in real-life contexts such
as partitioning a pizza or a pie, allowing students to
explore equivalent fractions using kinesthetic or vir-
tual manipulatives, or providing students with picto-
rial representations of fraction operations in addition
to formal mathematical representations. Teaching and
learning with various kinds of representations provide
students with hands-on and minds-on experiences
and support a better understanding of mathemati-
cal concepts. Also, using multiple representations in
mathematics education can help to alter the focus
from a computational or procedural understanding to
a more comprehensive understanding of mathemat-
ics using logical reasoning, generalization, abstraction,
and formal proof. A substantial amount of research
has demonstrated the effectiveness of multiple repre-
sentations in enhancing students conceptual under-
standing of mathematical concepts.
The notion of multiple representations in mathemat-
ics education commonly refers to external representa-
tions. However, one of the essential goals of mathematics
education is to develop internal representation systems
that interact well with external representation systems.
James Kaput identied ve interacting types of internal
and external representations: (1) mental representa-
tionsinternal representationthat learners construct
by reecting on their experiences; (2) computer repre-
sentations that model mental representations through
computer programs, which allow for arrangement and
manipulation of information; (3) explanatory repre-
sentations consisting of models or analogies that create
the interaction between mental and computer represen-
tations; (4) mathematical representations, where one
mathematical structure is represented by another math-
ematical structure; and (5) symbolic representations,
such as formal mathematical notations.
To understand James Kaputs taxonomy of inter-
nal and external representations, consider the differ-
ent types of representations related to the concept of
slope. When learning about positive slopes, a student
might internally imagine a hill, which constitutes an
internal (or mental) representation. This mental repre-
sentation can be replicated on a computer screen. The
student can create a unique model that incorporates the
mental representation through
a computer representation.
If the model is viable, then it
can be an explanatory repre-
sentation for the concept of
slope. The student, then, can
sketch a similar mathematical
graph of the hill and can name
the steepness of the hill with
the mathematical notation,
slope. This graphical repre-
sentation of slope can, then,
provide support to represent
the slope in a symbolic form
as a rate of change (y = mx + b,
where slope is represented
with m and indicates the ratio
of change on the y-axis to the
change on the x-axis). As por-
trayed in this example, internal
and external representations
are not separate. Rather, they
864 Representations in Society
Children learn groups of five with their hands or may develop proportional
thinking as they relate five fingers to one hand and 10 fingers to two hands.
are intrinsically connected, and they interact continu-
ously. Furthermore, a concept like slope is itself a type
of alternative representation. In calculus, a curve is rep-
resented by the changing nature of its tangent vector,
where the solution to the rst derivative at a particular
point is the slope of the tangent vector.
Translational Skills Among Different
Modes of Representations
In addition to the importance of the effective interac-
tions between internal and external representations in
the acquisition and use of mathematical knowledge, it
is essential that students develop uency among differ-
ent external representations. Richard Lesh enumerated
multiple modes through which representations can be
constructed: manipulatives, pictures, real-life context,
verbal symbols, and written symbols. To demonstrate
deep understanding of mathematics, students need to
represent their mathematical ideas with different modes
of representations and smoothly translate within and
between those modes. For example, in algebra, stu-
dents should be able to make the connection between
graphical and algebraic or symbolic representations of
equations. Similarly, students need to link what they
learn using concrete or virtual manipulatives to both
pictorial representations and abstract symbols. For
instance, students who initially learn fraction opera-
tions using concrete or virtual manipulatives should be
able to relate this knowledge when they later on learn
fraction operations using symbolic and more abstract
mathematical representations. Connecting differ-
ent modes of representation simultaneously has been
demonstrated to improve conceptual understanding as
well as positive attitudes toward mathematics.
In mathematics education research, there is strong
evidence that students can grasp the meaning of math-
ematical concepts by experiencing different math-
ematical representations and making connections and
translations between these modes of representations.
Using translational skills among different representa-
tional modes encourages students not to merely mem-
orize theorems and facts but also to think analytically
to reproduce and use them in real life problems or even
in pure mathematical problems.
To deepen students understandings, teachers
should provide students with multiple representa-
tions of a single mathematical concept and focus on
students transition ability from one representation
to another. Teachers need to be able to present one
concept in multiple modes without relying on a single
mode and provide students with appropriate transi-
tions among these representations. Teachers should
provide also students with ample opportunities to
represent mathematical concepts in multiple ways
and to connect these representations, thereby devel-
oping representational uency. For example, asking
a student to restate a problem in unique words, to
draw diagrams to illustrate the concept, or to act out
the problem are some ways to provide students with
opportunities to translate among representations. If
teachers fail to implement the transitioning among
different representations, students will be less likely to
see how different representations are related and will
be more likely to develop misconceptions.
Multiple modes of representation can be used by
teachers and students to enhance understanding of
mathematics. Most research has shown that provid-
ing students with accurate representations improves
student learning. However, different representational
modes might have different impacts on student under-
standing. One mode might be more relevant or effec-
tive than another for teaching a specic concept. Or,
some representational modes can be more appropri-
ate at different developmental stages of the same con-
cept. For example, research on teaching and learning of
fractions has shown that students should be given the
opportunity to develop mental representations of frac-
tions using manipulatives before they are presented
with symbolic representations. Thus, in addition to
using multiple representations, choosing effective and
appropriate presentations of information is crucial in
teaching and learning. Representations that allow stu-
dents to actively interact with the subject matter are
more effective in student learning than representations
that do not support students active involvement.
Despite the research support for development of
higher order thinking skills afforded by different repre-
sentational forms, little is understood about how stu-
dents interact with multiple representations in various
learning environments. Even though each representa-
tion provides similar information, the strain that each
representation puts on students cognitive resources
may differ. Not only do individual representations have
different impacts on students conceptual understand-
ing but integrating multiple representations may also
result in interaction effects among different modes
Representations in Society 865
presented. Therefore, integration of multiple repre-
sentations becomes an important consideration in the
design of instructions. Educators should employ cau-
tion as they integrate different modes into instruction,
because delivering redundant information with differ-
ent modes might interfere with learning.
Mathematical Thinking and Representations
in the Twenty-First Century
An increasing number of daily activities in the twenty-
rst century require familiarity with mathematical rep-
resentations and mathematical thinking. Mathematical
thinking, which is a crucial tool for every member of
society, includes skills such as pattern recognition, gen-
eralization, abstraction, problem solving, proof, and
analytical thinking. Most companies prefer employ-
ees who are equipped with mathematical literacy or
general mathematical skills. However, many students
either do not necessarily understand these qualica-
tions or do not value them enough. It is important to
emphasize that all humans use mathematical thinking
tools in their every day lives and workplaces, with or
without noticing they are doing so.
It is not very hard to realize the extent to which
mathematical representations are integrated into
mundane objects and activities. Consider the number
of newspaper columns that provide their readers with
different kinds of mathematical representations to
explain current issues. Topics in such columns include
sports, economics, advertisements, and weather
reports. For example, the growth of players, the statis-
tics and ranking of teams, and teams transfer budgets
are represented in several representational modes, such
as tabular data, textual information, visual representa-
tions, or graphical interpretation. Not only do sports
fans need to understand the mathematical information
provided readily to them but they also may need to use
the mathematical information in problem solving situ-
ations, such as estimating the chances of their teams
victory. More surprisingly, when a rivalry game is pres-
ent, the provided data get even more complicated to
analyze the chances of each team.
Even though the use of mathematical representa-
tions and information in economic and weather col-
umns in various modes is apparent, the ones used
within advertisements or political columns may be
overlooked. Understanding the mathematical infor-
mation included in advertisements and deciding which
product to buy requires effective use of mathematical
thinking tools. In most advertisements, companies pres-
ent several payment options with different price ranges
instead of giving just one price for a product. In par-
ticular, mortgage plans to buy houses and installment
plans to buy cars require serious analyses of options
to choose the best for a given budget. In political col-
umns, on the other hand, one would not be surprised
to see percentages representing the proportion of the
population that supports various political parties in a
country or the votes of a poll. Such information is not
only presented as tabular data, visual charts, or graphs,
but also as textual information, which is another mode
of mathematical representation.
Representations in Problem Solving
Problem solving is one of the essential tools for mathe-
matical thinking. A person equipped with problem solv-
ing skills does not necessarily need to have the knowl-
edge base for the solution to each problem encountered
but needs to know how to approach problems, locate
and access information from different resources, and
process information to solve the problem. For example,
when one faces a novel problem, an approach to solv-
ing that problem can be forming an analogy between
the new problem and another, previously solved prob-
lem. In other words, known information from an ear-
lier problem can be mapped onto the novel problem.
Brainstorming may be another valuable approach to
gather different ideas on solution paths to unfamiliar
problems. If a problem is too complex, problem solvers
can try to break it down into more manageable parts
(more solvable problems). One approach to problem
solving is solving the problem step-by-step and taking
an action at each step to get closer to the goal. Another
solving approach can be conducting extensive research
to analyze existing ideas and then adjusting possible
solutions to the problem in hand. Finally, trial-and-
error may be an approach to nd a solution to an exist-
ing problem. It is emphasized in problem solving that
there are many solution paths to a problem and a will-
ingness to try multiple approaches is encouraged. Mul-
tiple approaches and strategies may be available and
some of these approaches may be more efcient than
the others.
Problem solving in mathematics, and in other elds
as well, requires both knowledge of different repre-
sentational systems and representational uency that
866 Representations in Society
enables exible use of various representational systems.
For example, when solving a mathematical problem
that asks how many quarters there are in 2 1/2, various
strategies that involve different representations exist to
approach the problem. A student may choose to trans-
late this problem, which is represented in words, into
a real-life context, such as how many quarter slices of
pizza there are in 2 1/2 pizzas. Another student may
opt to draw a picture that represents the given problem
and solve the problem using the pictorial representa-
tion. Or, some students may represent the problem
using symbolic representations and solve the problem
accordingly. There may be other approaches where stu-
dents start with a real-life context and then translate it
to a pictorial representation, or where students come
up with various relevant representations and choose
the most efcient one for them. In more complex prob-
lems, different parts of the problems may require differ-
ent representations. Thus, representational uency is an
essential part of problem solving.
Problem solving is such an important skill that is
not only required to help students solve mathematical
problems but also provides them with necessary tools to
approach and solve problems in the real world. Because
the real word does not have recipes to solve a problem,
and problem solving requires structured, thoughtful,
and careful analysis of problems (especially ill-dened
problems) in various situations, people equipped with
problem-solving skills are highly valued by employers.
Mathematics as a Language
Mathematics is, to some extent, a language that is uni-
versal and can be understood in any part of the world
without much difculty. The mathematics language,
which consists of both symbolic and verbal languages,
has evolved as the most efcient medium to communi-
cate mathematical ideas and information. Mathematics
language also includes graphical images to effectively
communicate mathematical concepts and ideas. Thus,
different representational modes are used in commu-
nicating mathematical ideas and concepts. For exam-
ple, when a mathematics teacher writes an equation
and explains the equation in spoken language to a class,
both verbal and written representational forms are in
play. Communication in mathematics often involves
a constant representational translation between sym-
bolic and verbal representations. Symbolic and verbal
languages of mathematics help to express ideas in a
meaningful and efcient way. The evolution of math-
ematics language has been in progress for thousands of
years. The goal of this progress is to improve the ef-
ciency of communication, which is central to learning
and using mathematics.
Before the emergence of mathematical notations and
symbols, mathematicians found it difcult to share their
knowledge with the community, even with other math-
ematicians. Even if a mathematician were able to prove
a theorem, for example, geometrically without using
mathematical notations and symbols, the mathemati-
cian might not have easily written down the proof to
share it with others. Difculties in representing math-
ematical ideas (writing in a concise and meaningful way
using various mathematical notations and symbols)
Representations in Society 867
Representational Skills
he National Council of Teachers of Math-
ematics presents representation as an
important skill needed for students and teach-
ers in teaching and learning mathematics in
Principles and Standards for School Mathemat-
ics. Students should lucidly and coherently be
able to express mathematical ideas through
various representational modes, especially in
writing and speaking. Through representational
skills, abstract concepts can be manipulated
into concrete concepts. Developing appropri-
ate representation manipulation skills is nec-
essary to improve conceptual understanding.
Further, using various modes of representa-
tions, such as graphics, tabular data, men-
tal images, physical objects, mathematical
symbols and notations, drawings, and textual
information, provides students with organiza-
tional skills to systematize their thinking and
approach a concept from multiple views, lead-
ing to a more coherent understanding. With
this ability, students can represent phenom-
ena in a way that is meaningful to them. More
importantly, the capability of representing a
concept in numerous modes eliminates pos-
sible communication problems.
forced mathematicians to seek alternative (especially
short and easy) forms to present their knowledge. The
need for an effective and efcient mode of communica-
tion to convey mathematics ideas resulted in the devel-
opment of the symbolic mathematical language.
Although the symbolic mathematical language is
universal, the verbal mathematical language differs
across societies or cultures. For example, although
the American and the Japanese use the same symbolic
notations to convey mathematical ideas, the verbal
language each of these nations uses to communicate
about mathematics is different. Differences in verbal
languages to communicate mathematics have impli-
cations for teaching and learning mathematics. Verbal
languages that are clearer about mathematical terms or
that relate better to mathematical entities or ideas can
support mathematical understanding. For example,
counting in the verbal Chinese language is based on
the concept of base-10 system. In Chinese, the num-
ber 11 is not an arbitrary word in the verbal language.
Rather, in Chinese, 11 is ten-one, 12 is ten-two, 21
is two-ten-one, 22 is two-ten-two, and so on. In
other words, the Chinese verbal language clearly con-
veys that there is one 10 and one 1 in 11 or there are
two 10s and one 1 in 21. Such a clear relation between
mathematical ideas and verbal language can be an
important cognitive tool that supports mathematical
Further Reading
Curtis, Charles. Pioneers of Representation Theory:
Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer. Providence,
RI: American Mathematical Society, 2003.
Goldin, Gerald A. Representation in School
Mathematics: A Unifying Research Perspective. In
A Research Companion to Principles and Standards
for School Mathematics. Edited by J. Kilpatrick, W. G.
Martin, and D. Schifter. Reston, VA: National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics, 2003.
Kaput, James. Representation Systems and
Mathematics. In Problems of Representation in the
Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Edited by C.
Janvier. Oxfordshire, England: Erlbaum, 1987.
Lesh, Richard. The Development of Representational
Abilities in Middle School Mathematics. In
Development of Mental Representation: Theories
and Applications. Edited by I. E. Sigel. Oxfordshire,
England: Erlbaum, 1999.
Lesh, Richard, Kathleen Cramer, Helen M. Doerr,
Thomas Post, and Judith S. Zawojewski. Using a
Translational Model for Curriculum Development
and Classroom Instruction. In Beyond
Constructivism: Models and Modeling Perspectives on
Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning, and Teaching.
Edited by R. Lesh and H. M. Doerr. Oxfordshire,
England: Erlbaum, 2003.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Illuminations: Resources for Teaching Math. http://
Utah State University. National Library of Virtual
Serkan Ozel
Zeynep Ebrar Yetkiner Ozel
See Also: Communication in Society; Connections in
Society; Geometry in Society; Mathematical Modeling.
Revolutionary War, U.S.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: The American Revolutionary War
saw advances in mathematics cryptography
and education.
The American Revolutionary War was a political and
armed conict between Great Britain and the British
colonies on the North American continent between
1775 and 1783. Colonists who sought to end British
rule and declare their political and economic inde-
pendence supported the establishment of 13 colonial
governments, each of which in turn sent representa-
tives to Philadelphia to set up the Second Continental
This congress debated the state of political and
economic ties to Britain, plied for support from other
European powers, and discussed the possibilities and
potential of a collective effort to make the separation
ofcial. Shortly after its inception, the Second Con-
tinental Congress formed a Continental Army and
issued the Declaration of Independence. These actions
868 Revolutionary War, U.S.
announced the birth of a new nation: the United States
of America. The War of American Independence, as
the American Revolutionary War is also called, saw
erce ghting in a wide variety of locations through-
out the new nation and on the soil of virtually every
new state. Some key battles were fought in Lexington,
Concord, and Boston, Massachusetts; Saratoga and
Ticonderoga, New York; Trenton, New Jersey; Kings
Mountain and Cowpens, South Carolina; and York-
town, Virginia; among many other places.
The war lasted almost a decade and ended with
the Treaty of Paris, which was signed at the Palace of
Versailles in 1783 and recognized the sovereignty of
the United States of America. There are many statis-
tics available that relate to aspects of the war, includ-
ing casualties and cost. For instance, some report that
the British spent about 80 million while incurring a
national debt of 250 million pounds, while the United
States spent approximately $135 million, of which $37
million became the national debt. Mathematics was
used in a wide variety ways, including in the design
and implementation of artillery and in planning strat-
egy and tactics. Mathematicians fought in the war, con-
ducted surveys, and created and decoded ciphers. The
mathematics educational system also changed signi-
cantly as a result of the war.
Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
Many historians agree that the Americans would have
been unable to win the war without the political and
military support of France and other allies. Louis-
Antoine de Bougainville was a French mathematician
who became the rst Frenchman to sail around the
world. In 1752, he wrote a calculus book, Trait du
calculintgral, which brought him recognition within
the mathematical community for his clear exposition
and updates to differential and integral calculus. After
a second edition and election to the Royal Society of
Revolutionary War, U.S. 869
arly U.S. military intelligence began during
the Revolutionary War. Paul Revere, William
Dawes, and others used light signals to warn of
invading forces before the battles
at Lexington and Concord, which
are generally considered to be
the rst military engagements of
the war. James Lovell, who has
been called the father of Ameri-
can cryptanalysis, broke the
British ciphers, which were rear-
rangements of letters. He used a
method known as frequency anal-
ysis, which involves determining
letters based on the frequency of
symbols in the coded message.
Lovell discovered that the
British often changed ciphers by
shifting them instead of creating
a new rearrangement and this
made them easier to decode.
Lovell also created his own cipher
forms but these were deemed too
confusing for those wanting to send and receive
This belief was even true for Benjamin
Franklin, who was well versed in
mathematics and enjoyed magic
squares recreationally. Frank-
lin commented, If you can nd
the key & decypher it, I shall be
glad, having myself tryd in vain.
American diplomats began to rely
increasingly on replacements
of words and other techniques
instead of alphabet substitutions,
and spies for both sides conveyed
information about supplies and
troop movements using codes.
For instance, U.S. spy Benedict
Arnold used book ciphering, in
which a word is represented by
a number that corresponds to a
location in a book, in his commu-
nication with British intelligence
ofcer John Andre.
Paul Reveres ride used light
signals to warn the public.
London in 1756, he turned to a career in which he
participated in numerous wars, including the Revo-
lutionary War.
His astronomical observations became important
to later explorers. He stated, geography is a science of
facts: one cannot speculate from an armchair without
the risk of making mistakes which are often corrected
only at the expense of the sailors. During the Revo-
lutionary War, he was a commodore who supported
the U.S. side.
Simeon DeWitt
U.S. Army geographer Simeon DeWitt subscribed to
The Mathematical Correspondent, generally regarded
as the rst U.S. special-interest scientic publication.
DeWitt was a student at Rutgers University when Brit-
ish troops burned the college buildings. He continued
his study of mathematics and surveying on his own
and was appointed the geographer of the army by
General George Washington. After the war, he became
surveyor-general of New York State.
Mathematics education changed dramatically in the
United States during and after the war. Before the
war, students usually learned mathematics from Brit-
ish works, although Americans like Isaac Greenwood
had written arithmetic texts. Advanced mathematics
included algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus,
and surveying techniques. Many colleges were shut
down during the war because students and professors
served as soldiers, and buildings were used for other
purposes. However, some members of the army were
trained in mathematics during the war. After the war,
new primary schools and colleges were established.
Between 1776 and 1815, numerous mathematics texts
were published in the United States. Some of these
were reprints of English works, and others were com-
pilations or new works by American writers. In 1788,
American Nicholas Pike published his text, The New
and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the
Use of the Citizens of the United States, which contained
both arithmetic and geometry. It was popularized by
patriotic recommendations. There was also a change
in the education of women. Prior to the war, it was
thought that mathematics beyond simple arithmetic
was unnecessary for women. After the war, mathemat-
ics educational opportunities began slowly to increase,
as women were educated in mathematics to help in
family businesses.
Further Reading
Weber, Ralph. James Lovell and Secret Ciphers During
the American Revolution. Cryptologia 2, no. 1 (1978).
Tarwater, Dalton. The Bicentennial Tribute to American
Mathematics. Washington, DC: The Mathematical
Association of America, 1977.
Tolley, Kim. The Science Education of American Girls.
New York: Routledge, 2003.
Zitarelli, David. The Bicentennial of American
Mathematics Journals. The College Mathematics
Journal 36, no. 1 (2005).
Calli A. Holaway
Michael G. Lovorn
See Also: Artillery; Coding and Encryption; Strategy
and Tactics.
Ride, Sally
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections.
Summary: The rst American woman in space,
Sally Ride was a Mission Specialist and has become a
science and mathematics education advocate.
Sally Kristen Ride, the rst American woman in space,
was born May 26, 1951, in Los Angeles, California.
She attended Stanford University, and in 1973, earned
Bachelors degrees in physics and English. By 1978,
Sally had earned Masters and Doctorate degrees in
physics. After answering a newspaper advertisement for
space program applicants, she was selected to complete
the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations
(NASA) rigorous astronaut training program. Upon
completion, she served as capsule communicator on
early space shuttle missions.
Time in Space
On June 18, 1983, Ride became the rst American
woman in space, serving as a mission specialist aboard
the space shuttle Challenger for STS-7, commanded
870 Ride, Sally
by Captain Robert L. Crippen and piloted by Captain
Frederick H. Hauck. Soon after this historic 146-hour
mission, Ride was selected as a mission specialist for
STS 41-G. On October 5, 1984, again aboard the space
shuttle Challenger, she began a mission that logged an
additional 197 hours in space. Ride was training for
her third space ight when the space shuttle challenger
accident occurred in January 1986. As a result, her mis-
sion was cancelled but she was appointed to the Presi-
dential Commission investigating the accident. After
the investigation, Ride was assigned to NASA Head-
quarters in Washington, D.C., where she helped found
NASAs Ofce of Exploration. Later, she worked at the
Stanford University Center for International Security
and Arms Control.
Post-Astronaut Career
In 1989, Dr. Ride accepted a faculty position at the Uni-
versity of California, San Diego, as a professor of physics,
and she was appointed director of the California Space
Institute. More than a decade later, she founded Sally
Ride Science, an innovative science education company
dedicated to supporting girls and boys interests in the
sciences, mathematics, and technology. The company
designs science education projects for elementary and
middle school students. Ride has also authored sev-
eral science books for elementary and middle school
students, including To Space and Back (1989), Voyager
(2005), The Third Planet (2004), The Mystery of Mars
(1999), and Exploring Our Solar System (2003).
In 2003, Ride was assigned to the Space Shuttle
Columbia Accident Investigation Board, and has since
been named to several national committees, includ-
ing the Presidents Committee of Advisors on Science
and Technology, the National Research Councils Space
Studies Board, and the Review of United States Human
Space Flight Plans Committee. She has also served on
the boards of the Congressional Ofce of Technology
Assessment, the Carnegie Institution of Washington,
the NCAA Foundation, the Aerospace Corporation,
and the California Institute of Technology.
The Sally Ride Science Academy, which was created
in 2009, focuses on training teachers to increase their
students interest in science and mathematics by chang-
ing the image of scientists. As Ride told USA Today, the
perception that a scientist is some geeky-looking guy
who looks like Einstein, wears a lab coat
and pocket protector . . . [is] not an image
that an 11-year-old girl or a 10-year-old
boy aspires to. In particular, Ride asserts
that girls have difculty seeing themselves
as scientists: A girl doesnt look at that
stereotype and say, Thats what I want to
be when I grow up. The Academy trains
teachers on how to utilize readings that
show scientists and mathematicians in
real-world roles, which helps students to
visualize themselves as being able to take
on those roles. Ride believes that societys
view that girls are not good at mathemat-
ics and science is persistent and needs to
be rectied. In order for girls to become
interested in mathematical and scientic
careers, society needs to portray those
careers as normal for girls to pursue.
Ride views herself as a role model, partic-
ularly for girls, and describes herself as a
pretty normal 10-year-old girl who grew
up to be an astronaut.
In addition to having been inducted into
the National Womens Hall of Fame and
Ride, Sally 871
Astronaut Sally Ride monitors control panels from the pilots
chair. Floating in front of her is a flight procedures notebook.
the Astronaut Hall of Fame, Ride has been the recipient
of numerous honors and awards. She has received the
NASA Space Flight Medal, the Jefferson Award for Pub-
lic Service, the von Braun Award, the Lindbergh Eagle,
and the NCAAs Theodore Roosevelt Award.
Further Reading
Sally Ride Science. http://www.sallyridescience
Steinberg, Stephanie. 1st Woman in Space Sally Ride
Launches Science Academy. USA Today (August 2,
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). Astronaut Biographical Data: Sally Ride.
Calli A. Holaway
Michael G. Lovorn
See Also: Spaceships; Weightless Flight; Women.
Risk Management
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Problem Solving.
Summary: Effectively assessing and mitigating
risk can involve sophisticated mathematical analysis
and modeling.
A feeling of security is essential for the welfare of all
people, ancient or modern. There are many threats in
the twenty-rst century that can reduce the feeling of
security, including nancial problems, diseases, and
crime. Threats feature different causes, which may be
grouped into two main categories: natural (random),
and intentional (malicious).
Natural causes are independent from human will
(for example, natural disasters), while intentional
causes relate to the action of some adversary (for
example, a terrorist). Some origins of threats, such as
illness or accidents, are not completely random; though
an actual intentionality is missing, correlations can
be found between human behavior and the unwilled
events. It is clear that the intention of any intelligent
being, humans in particular, is to maximize ones own
benet throughout an entire lifetime on the base of
trade-offs between expenses and medium or long term
returns. This goal justies, among other risk manage-
ment strategies, the common use of insurance policies
and alarm systems.
Risk Assessment
In order to predict human behavior with respect to
issues of risk, as well as to support the choice of pro-
tection strategies of any nature, risk assessment is
employed. In order to assess the risk, a mathemati-
cal model is required. The most common and simple
mathematical model for risk assessment consists of the
following formula: R = P V D.
Risk (R) with respect to a specic threat (T) is a
combination of three different factors:
P, the expected probability of the occurrence
of T (how probable is the threat?)
V, the expected vulnerability with respect to
T (how probable is it that T will cause the
expected consequences?)
D, the expected damage caused by T (if the
consequences caused by the threat are endured,
how damaging are the consequences?)
Note that the combination operator is not neces-
sarily a multiplier. Depending on the criteria used for
the analysis and on the type of scale (linear or logarith-
mic), it can play different roles (even as a sum).
Risk can be evaluated both using qualitative and
quantitative approaches. Qualitative indices use
reduced scales of values of intuitive meaning; for
instance: low, medium, and high. The advantage is
that estimations can be more straightforward (though
rougher) and computations can be easier. The disad-
vantage is that results are usually less rigorous, and
the combination of qualitative indices is question-
able. Quantitative approaches, on the other hand, use
and produce values of parameters using well-speci-
ed metrics. The disadvantage is the difculty of get-
ting input data, whichbeing produced by expert
judgments, statistical analyses, and stochastic mod-
elingare always affected by more or less relevant
uncertainty errors. The advantage is that quantitative
approaches enable possible automatic optimizations
using appropriate algorithms.
872 Risk Management
In some approaches the P V factor is compacted
into a single factor, which will be dened as the fre-
quency (F) of successful threats, expressed algebra-
ically as F = P V.
An example of qualitative risk evaluation using
associative matrices is reported in Table 1 using the
estimated values of F and D to obtain R.
In quantitative approaches, risk is evaluated using
a more formal approach, dening rigorous metrics for
the three factors P, V, and D of the risk formula; for
instance as follows:
P is measured in number of threat events per
V = P (T success | T happens), which is the
conditional probability that a threat will suc-
ceed given that it happens.
D is measured in monetary damages.
Therefore, in this case, the operator is actually a
multiplier, and the risk can be measured; for example, in
dollars per year, which is a measurement of an expected
periodic monetary loss. The input values of the risk for-
mula can be obtained in several ways, including statisti-
cal approaches and stochastic process modeling.
Risk Mitigation
In order to reduce the risk, several mechanisms can
be adopted. The (possibly iterative) process of assess-
ment and mitigation is sometimes referred to as risk
management. The objective of this process is to nd
an optimal trade-off between the expense in protection
mechanisms and the expected risk reduction.
Countermeasures can be very different, depending
on the type of risk being faced. They include organi-
zational modications, periodic diagnostic checks,
norms, insurance policies, patrols of agents and rst
responders, sensors and alarm systems, preventive
Risk Management 873
maintenance, early warning, mechanisms for delay-
ing the threat, emergency preparedness, and disaster
With reference to the risk formula, a countermea-
sure should be able to signicantly reduce P, V, or D,
or all of them at once. For example, in the case of a
viral epidemic, a behavioral change (such as staying at
home, using cars instead of public transportation, and
frequently washing hands) can reduce P, a vaccine or a
strengthening cure can reduce V, while warmth, rest,
and medicines can reduce D.
Cost-Benet Optimization
Countermeasures employed to reduce the risk feature
their own cost. While the objective of organizations
(such as companies, enterprises, or countries) is to max-
imize the so-called return on investment, the objective
of human beings is to maximize their average welfare
throughout their lives. Therefore, countermeasures are
adopted whose cost and effectiveness is judged to be
adequate. A more formal approach consists in analyti-
cally predicting the benets resulting from the selected
countermeasures, which needs appropriate mathemat-
ical models. In quantitative approaches, the periodic
Expected Benet (EB) is dened as EB = RR CC,
where RR is the expected risk reduction in a speci-
ed time slot, and CC is the countermeasures cost in a
specied time slot.
The RR parameter is evaluated using standard risk
assessment methodologies. Depending on the counter-
measures, the CC can depend on the length of the time
slot. For instance, a vaccine can last a whole lifetime
with no additional costs, while insurance has periodic
costs; alarm systems have an initial expense for the
buying and installation of devices and additional costs
because of maintenance and power consumption. Fur-
thermore, a reliable payback analysis requires consider-
ing not only the initial investment but also the nancial
Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium
Medium Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Table 1. Qualitative risk evaluation using associative matrices.
concepts of cash ow, opportunity cost, and nal value
of the capital invested.
Once a suitable mathematical model for computing
the EB has been dened, it is possible to perform a set
of analyses, including parameter sensitivity and auto-
matic optimizations.
The parametric sensitivity analysis aims to evaluate
the impact of data uncertainty on the computed results.
To be performed, it requires that input data are modi-
ed (increased or decreased by a certain percentage)
and that corresponding results are evaluated. Depend-
ing on the results of the sensitivity analysis, models
can be assessed as more or less robust to certain input
parameters: the more the results are affected by varia-
tions in input parameters, the less the model is suitable
to be evaluated using uncertain data.
Automatic optimizations can be performed using
appropriate algorithms with the aim of maximizing
the EB with possible external constraints, like a lim-
ited budget. For linear problems, operations research
provides a set of algorithms, which can be suitable
for multi-variable and multi-objective optimization
of a specic function. For large non-linear problems,
genetic algorithms, which mimic the evolution of live
beings, can be adopted. Genetic algorithms, in particu-
lar, are based on the concepts of populations of solu-
tions, selection, crossover, and mutations. Genetic algo-
rithms have proven useful in solving a large number of
optimization problems, including the ones regarding
risk minimization, which are difcult or impossible to
manage using traditional approaches.
In conclusion, when security relates to personal
benet maximization, mathematical techniques are
involved, which can be very complex since they fall in
the area of multi-objective optimization with exter-
nal constraints and contrasting requirements. Opera-
tions research has investigated similar problems, which
have even attracted interest from the communities of
researchers in statistics and probabilistic modeling. In
particular, Bayesian networks are among the formal-
isms suitable for the stochastic causeconsequences
modeling using a graph-based approach, which can
also be extended with decision and cost nodes (in such
a case, they are named inuence diagrams). Bayes-
ian networks are direct acyclic graphs (DAGs) in which
nodes represent random variables, and arcs represent
stochastic dependencies quantied by conditional
probability tables (CPTs). It can be formally demon-
strated that a well-formed Bayesian network represents
the joint probability density function of the prob-
lem described by the network. Several user-friendly
graphical tools are available for the solution of Bayes-
ian networks. However, solving algorithms belong to
the NP-hard class, therefore, their efciency tends to
signicantly worsen as the size and complexity of the
network increases.
Further Reading
Hillier, Frederick S., and Gerald J. Lieberman.
Introduction To Operations Research. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Jensen, Finn V., and Thomas D. Nielsen. Bayesian
Networks and Decision Graphs. 2nd ed. New York:
Springer Science+Business Media, 2007.
Lewis, Ted G. Critical Infrastructure Protection in
Homeland Security: Defending a Networked Nation.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Goldberg, David E. Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization, and Machine Learning. Philadelphia:
Addison-Wesley Professional, 1989.
Francesco Flammini
See Also: Earthquakes; Floods; Insurance; Life
Expectancy; Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Robots, their motion driven by
mathematical algorithms and coordinate or polar
geometries, have long been incorporated into society
and popular culture.
Robots and robotic systems are increasingly common-
place in many areas of daily life, such as manufacturing,
medicine, exploration, security, personal assistance,
and entertainment. In general, a robot is a mechani-
cal device that can perform independent tasks guided
by some sort of programming. Sometimes, robots are
intended to replace humans in tedious or hazardous
874 Robots
tasks. In others tasks, such as some surgeries, robots
may actually exceed human capabilities. For many, the
word robot brings to mind both futuristic androids,
which are robots that are designed to look human and
cyborgs, which contain both mechanical and biological
components. Robots used in many industrial applica-
tions, such as in medicine, bomb disposal, and repeti-
tive jobs, rarely resemble humans. However, several
humanoid robots and robots that realistically mimic
the look and behavior of animals have been produced.
In 2008, a Japanese play was written and produced for
both robots and human actors, and robot animals have
sometimes been marketed as replacements for biologi-
cal pets. The word robot can also refer to software-like
Web crawlers that run automated tasks over the Inter-
net to gather data, though bot is a more common
name. The eld of robotics generates many interesting
problems in both theoretical and applied mathematics
and benets from the contributions of mathematicians.
For some, the ultimate quest in the twenty-rst century
and beyond is to develop materials, technology, and
algorithms to create robots that meet or perhaps exceed
human levels of perception, behavior, and intelligence.
Nano-robots, which are ultra-small robots about the
size of a nanometer, might one day be developed for
tasks like hunting and destroying cancer cells.
Brief History
Playwright Karel Capek is typically credited with
introducing the word robot from the Czech word
for laborer, in his 1920 play R.U.R. (Rossums Uni-
versal Robots). Another writer who popularized robots
was Isaac Asimov, who introduced the term robotics
in his 1941 short story Runaround. However, robotic
devices can be found much farther back in history.
One early robotic device was a water clock produced by
the Babylonians, which used the mathematics of vol-
umes and rates of water ow to calculate time. Greek
mathematician Hero of Alexandra described the use of
weights and ropes to construct a mobile cart that could
be programmed to move along a path. In the thir-
teenth century, Muslim mathematician and scientist
Abu Al-Iz Ibn Ismail ibn Al-Razaz Al-Jazari created
a set of programmable musicians. The drummer was
operated by a rotating shaft that manipulated levers
to produce rhythms. Around 1495, Italian painter and
mathematician Leonardo da Vinci used his knowledge
of the mathematics of anatomy and bodily movement
to sketch designs for a warrior robot outtted in medi-
eval armor.
Interest in robotics accelerated in the nineteeth cen-
tury as early computer technology with punch cards
began to be incorporated into systems such as that used
for the Jacquard loom, named for Joseph Jacquard.
Others, such as Pafnuty Chebyshev, studied the theoret-
ical mathematics of linkages, inventing the Chebyshev
linkage that converts rotating motion to approximate
straight-line motion. Charles Babbages mathematical
engines were some of the rst mechanical computers.
These engines used nite differences to calculate the val-
ues of polynomials. Such inventions were forerunners
of computer-controlled robot technology that quickly
progressed in the mid-twentieth century to transistors
and integrated circuits. Mathematician Norbert Weiner
is often known as the father of cybernetics, which is
the science of self-regulating feedback systems, for his
work and 1948 book Cybernetics: Or Control and Com-
munication in the Animal and Machine.
Cybernetics is not synonymous with articial intel-
ligence or robotics, but this mathematical discipline is
essential for environmentally responsive or adaptive
robots. Some other areas of mathematics that have
contributed to the development and implementation
of robots included algebraic and differential geome-
try, which is used to help solve problems, such as ori-
entation and movement in three dimensions; partial
differential equations, which are used to model many
aspects of behavior; optimization algorithms to help
sequence tasks; combinatorics, which is used to inves-
tigate modular components and systems; and Bayes-
ian statistical methods, named for Thomas Bayes,
which can be employed in dynamic perception and
machine learning.
Robotic Motion
In the twentieth and twenty-rst centuries, many
robots are complex, electromechanical devices that
move and interact with physical objects, often replac-
ing or augmenting human actions by carrying out
certain tasks. Some mobile robots use articulated legs
or wheels. Somewhat more common are stationary
robotic arms with joints that allow for motion similar
to the way joints allow human limbs to move. Having
more joints increases the possible angles for movement
and degrees of freedom, and hence increases uid
motion and accuracy. Articulated robots, used widely
Robots 875
in various industries to perform tasks such as welding
components or spray-painting parts, look much like
human arms and have at least three joints. If the joints
are slide-only, called prismatic joints, then the robot
arm can reach any position in a rectangular workspace
by means of translations. If one joint is hinged, which is
called a revolute joint, then all points within a cylin-
drical workspace can be reached by a combination of
rotation and translation. If two of the joints are hinged,
a robot arm with a polar geometry is achieved. Inven-
tor George Devol and engineer Joseph Engelberger
developed one of the rst modern-day programmable
robots, Unimate, which began operation in 1961 at a
General Motors plant. In 1969, Stanford University
student Victor Scheinman created the predecessor for
all robotic arms, the Stanford arm.
Mathematical programming and calibration for
proper movement of robots depends on kinematics,
which is the study of motion;
and dynamics, which is the
study of how force affects
motion. With articulated or
jointed robots, for example,
the mathematics of kinemat-
ics is at the heart of position-
ing, collision avoidance, and
redundancy. Direct kinematics
makes use of given joint values
to determine the end position
that a robot arm may achieve.
The mathematics of inverse
kinematics is used to deter-
mine the required values for the
joints when the end position
of the robotic arm motion is
known. Getting the robot arm
to the right position is only half
of the mathematical problem.
The other half involves calcu-
lating forces using dynamics.
For example, a robot designed
to ght res would need motors
to move the robot and its arms.
Calculations incorporated in
determining which motors to
use would involve dynamics.
Inverse dynamics would help
determine the required values
of forces to generate the desired acceleration of the
robot or its components. The movement involved in
robotics most often occurs in three-dimensional space,
so geometry plays a role in the positioning and move-
ment of robots. Matrices can be used to represent the
points through which robots navigate. These algebraic
representations are then reviewed and coordinated
using sophisticated applications of basic calculus prin-
ciples, like differentiation, to ensure maximum ef-
ciency when designing and operating robots.
Movement and action in robots are driven by algo-
rithms. Some robots respond to direct human input
from keyboard commands or from haptic devices that
respond to tactile or body motion. Others autono-
mously perform programmed tasks. Some robots are
smart or intelligent, meaning that they are able
to sense and adapt to their surroundings while com-
pleting their tasks. Even then, these robots are able to
876 Robots
In November 2010, Robonaut 2 was brought to the International Space
Station where it will remain as the first humanoid robot to work in space.
accomplish tasks only because they have been pro-
grammed to do so. For example, smart mobile robots
make use of a variety of sensors with terrain-identi-
cation and obstacle-detection programs using input
data and probabilistic models to guide trajectory and
avoid collisions. Probabilistic robotics is increasingly
of interest, with the goal of developing algorithms that
facilitate accurate autonomous decision making in the
face of real-work complexity and uncertainty, which
would increase the reliability of automated behavior
and more closely replicate the type of processing that
occurs in the human brain.
Robots: Fiction and Fact
Robots are widely used in entertainment, especially sci-
ence ction. Mary Shelleys 1818 novel Frankenstein is
cited by some as showing that scientic creations able
to perform human tasks long preceded television and
movies. Some well-known examples include C-3PO
from the Star Wars series and WallE from the 2008
Pixar movie of the same name. Data, from the 1987
1994 television series Star Trek: The Next Generation,
is an example of a ctional android. The Borg species
from the Star Trek series and the Terminator robot
from The Terminator movie series are examples of
cyborg characters, usually hybrid humans whose bio-
logical capabilities are sustained or enhanced through
robotic elementsthough the Terminator may be
thought of by some as a robot enhanced by biology.
Enhancing human capabilities through robotic ele-
ments, like pacemakers and prosthetic devices, is com-
mon in the twenty-rst century. However, the medical
applications of robotics have not focused on humans
achieving superhuman powers (as is done in ction)
but rather on helping those with medical conditions
and disabilities.
Robots in Education
Robots are often used in schools to motivate learning of
mathematics concepts, such as two- and three-dimen-
sional coordinate geometry. The roBlocks construction
system was developed by computational design scien-
tists Mark Gross and Eric Schweikardt. Users can build
robots using modular sensor, logic, and actuator blocks
to study concepts like kinematics, feedback, and con-
trol. They can also create their own control programs
to further explore robot mathematics and dynamics.
The Lego Group produces a robotic construction and
programming system called Mindstorms NXT that has
been marketed for both education and entertainment.
Further Reading
Craig, John J. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and
Control. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2004.
Murray, Richard M., Zexiang Li, and S. Shankar Sastry.
A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1994.
Thrun, Sebastian, Wolfram Burgard, and Dieter Fox.
Probabilistic Robotics. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 2005.
Deborah Moore-Russo
D. Keith Jones
See Also: Coordinate Geometry; Interplanetary
Travel; Matrices; Nanotechnology; Neural Networks;
Science Fiction; Surgery.
Roller Coasters
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus; Geometry;
Summary: Roller coasters are mathematically
designed to provide safe and thrilling rides.
Roller coasters are entertainment rides designed to put
the rider through loops, turns, and falls, inducing sud-
den gravitational forces. The rapid ascents and descents
coupled with sharp turns create momentary sensations
of weightlessness. One known precursor of roller coast-
ers are seventeenth-century Russian ice slides, which
sent riders down a tall, ice-covered incline of roughly 50
degrees. Modern roller coasters can be traced to the late
1800s. As of 2010, Ohios Cedar Point held the record for
most roller coasters (17) in a single amusement park.
Conservation of Energy
The law of conservation of energy states that energy
can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only
be converted from one form to another. Roller coast-
ers exploit this law by converting the potential energy
Roller Coasters 877
gained by the car as it ascends to the top of a hill into
kinetic energy as it descends and goes through the
turns and loops. The potential energy of the car at the
top of the loop is given by
E m g h =
where E is the total potential energy (joules), m is the
total mass of the car (kg), g is the acceleration due to
gravity (9.8 m/s
), and h is the height (m).
For example, consider a roller coaster car weigh-
ing 2200 pounds perched at the top of Cedar
Points Top Thrill Dragster, which is about 426
feet high. The car, at this point, has accumulated
1000 9.8 130 = 1,274,000 joules or 1.2 megajoules
of energythe same amount of energy released by the
explosion of a quarter kilogram of TNT. This poten-
tial energy is converted into kinetic energy as the car
hurtles down the loops.
As the car expends potential energy, it is converted
into kinetic energy, propelling it forward. In an ideal
situation where there is no friction or air drag, the car
would travel forever. However, because of friction and
other resistive forces, the car decelerates and nally
stops when it has expended all its potential energy.
Centripetal Force
Centripetal force is responsible for keeping the rider
glued to the seat as the car executes turns and loops
and even puts the rider upside down. Centripetal and
centrifugal forces act on a body that is traveling on
a curved path. Whereas centrifugal force is directed
outwards, toward the center of curvature, centripetal
force acts inward on the body.
G-Force and Loop Design
G-forces are non-gravitational forces, and can be mea-
sured using an accelerometer. Humans have the ability
to sustain a few gs (a few times the force of gravity), but
deleterious effects are a function of duration, amount,
and location of the g-force. Many roller coasters acceler-
ate briey up to six gs, depending on the shapes, angles,
and inclines of loops, turns, and hills. Early roller coaster
loops were circles. To overcome gravity, the cars entered
the circle hard and fast, which pushed riders heads con-
tinually into their chests as the coaster changed direc-
tion. In the 1970s, coaster engineer Werner Stengel
worked with National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration (NASA) scientists to determine how much force
riders could safely tolerate. As a result of this and other
mathematical investigations, he began to use somewhat
smoother clothoid loops, which are based on Euler
spirals, named for Leonhard Euler. In 2010, using the
same equations that describe how planets orbit the sun,
mathematician Hanno Essn drew a new and unique
series of potential rollercoaster loops. Riders would get
the thrilling visual experience of a loop without any of
the typical jolting and shaking, because the force that
riders would feel pushing them into their seats would
stay exactly the same all the way around the loop.
Further Reading
Alcom, S. Theme Park Design: Behind The Scenes With An
Engineer. Orlando, FL: Theme Perks Press, 2010.
Koll, Hilary, Steve Mills, and Korey Kiepert. Using Math
to Design a Rollercoaster. New York: Gareth Stevens
Publishing, 2006.
Mason, Paul. Roller Coaster!: Motion and Acceleration.
Chicago: Heinemann-Raintree, 2007.
Rutherford, Scott. The American Rollercoaster. Norwalk,
CT: MBI, 2000.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Energy; Gravity; Weightless Flight.
Roman Mathematics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Connections; Number and
Operations; Representations.
Summary: The ancient Romans, who are often
remembered for their applied mathematics, made
important contributions to surveying, time-keeping,
and astronomy.
The Roman period for mathematics could be said to
have started when a Roman soldier was sent to seize
Archimedes during the capture of Syracuse. Told by
Archimedes to wait as he nished his diagrams, the sol-
dier lost patience with the old man and slew him. The
popular stereotype of the Romans is that they did little
to advance Greek discoveries in mathematics, instead
878 Roman Mathematics
merely applying Greek methods to practical problems.
This conception is not entirely fair. The Roman Empire
was not one homogenous zone, but was rather a col-
lection of culturally diverse provinces. For this reason,
many works produced during the time of Roman rule,
like the books of Ptolemy, writing in Alexandria, Egypt,
are written in ancient Greek rather than Latin. There-
fore, these books could be considered Greek, Roman,
or Greco-Roman depending on the context. However,
despite this diversity, the Roman period led to the
dominance of some mathematical practices that still
have an inuence in the twenty-rst century.
Roman Numerals
One of the most distinctive remnants of Roman math-
ematics is the use of Roman numerals, which are let-
ters that stand for specic values and usually work as
additive values. The numerals are
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10
L = 50 C = 100 D = 500
M = 1000.
So: LXXVII = 50 2 10 5 2 1 77 + ( ) + + ( ) = .
The numerals are written with the largest values at
the left, proceeding to the smaller values. They can also
have subtractive constructions. I preceding subtracts
one from a 10 to make nine. X before an L or C produces
40 or 90, and C before D or M produces 400 or 900. So
= + ( ) + ( ) + + ( ) = 1000 1000 100 50 10 5 3 1 1948.
The origins of the system are unknown. It has been
proposed that they were based on tally marks, with I
being a notch, V being a double notch to mark ve,
and 10 as crossed-notches (though it could also be that
X was formed from two V symbols). The number IV to
represent 4 is a later addition based on medieval Latin
and does not seem to have been used by the Romans,
who instead used IIII.
This system is not very helpful for arithmetic, and
so it is little surprise to nd that the Romans devel-
oped the portable abacus to ease mathematical opera-
tions. This device was a tray with a number of columns
etched into it that could hold pebbles. A pebble (in
Latin, the word calculus) had a value depending on
the column that held it. Moving a pebble a column to
the left increased its value by a factor of 10. Such an
abacus could be used by merchants in the city or by
surveyors working for the military.
Roman surveyors employed geometry to divide the
landscape and lay out cities with effects that can still be
seen in the twenty-rst century. The key to Roman sur-
vey was a tool called a groma, which was a tall staff with
a beam, known as a rostro, at right-angles to the staff
at the top. The rostro supported a wooden cross, and
at each end of the cross-beams was hung a plumb line.
Sighting across these lines allowed Roman surveyors to
lay out grids of perpendicular lines in the landscape.
Surveyors could then divide land for agricultural pur-
poses, and some eld systems in Europe are based on
these ancient surveys. The groma also left an impres-
sion on modern cities. The Romans frequently built
new cities in conquered territories, for either native
inhabitants or new settlements of veteran soldiers. At
the heart of a Roman settlement lay the forum, the cen-
tral civic space, which usually lay at the intersection of
the Cardo maximus (the main north-south street) and
the Decumanus maximus (the main east-west street).
This system created new cities with grid-plans in which
the main intersection was laid out by a groma. These
perpendicular grids were the origins of many Euro-
pean settlements and was adopted in the planning of
many U.S. cities in the nineteenth century.
The Roman Calendar
The Roman calendar instituted by Julius Caesar made a
radical change to time-reckoning in Europe. Before this
development, European calendars outside Rome were
usually luni-solar calendars. As such, each month was
related to the lunar cycle, which is not commensurate
with the solar year, and so periodically whole months,
known as inter-calary months would be inserted into
the year to keep the months in step with the seasons.
Insertions would usually have to be done every two or
three years. Even ancient authors recognized that this
system was inefcient, including Herodotus, who wrote
in the late fth century b.c.e. that the Egyptians had a
much more accurate solar calendar. In 45 b.c.e., Julius
Caesar adapted the Egyptian method of time-keeping
for Roman use.
Roman Mathematics 879
Each month was counted as a period of days, usu-
ally 30 or 31 but with 28 or 29 in February. In addition,
Julius Caesar laid down rules for when an inter-calary
day would be added to February. The Egyptians cor-
rected the calendar by adding a day every fourth year.
Unfortunately, the Romans counted inclusively, mean-
ing that the leap year was in the fourth year, rather than
after the fourth year. For example, 2020 is a leap year.
For the ancient Romans, the second year in the cycle
is 2021 and the third is 2022. Therefore, 2023 is the
fourth and the Romans of Julius Caesars time would
have made this a leap year, rather than 2024. Augustus
Caesar corrected this error in the early years of the rst
century c.e.
This method of keeping the years remained until the
reforms of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, though Britain
and the American colonies did not implement the Gre-
gorian calendar until 1752. The difference between the
two calendars is that years divisible by 100 are not leap
years, unless the year is divisible by 400. Otherwise,
years are marked by the same cycle of months as the
ancient Romans did.
Mathematics and the Cosmos
Even though ancient mathematicians had a relatively
small set of tools based in geometry and arithme-
tic, these could be used to create incredibly intricate
models. Ptolemy proposed a model of the universe
that contained circles rotating upon circles to repro-
duce the movement of the planets. The connections
between mathematics and cosmology made math-
ematics attractive to philosophers of the Roman
period. The assertion that mathematics could reveal
truth became increasingly contentious in late antiq-
uity. Pagan philosophers came into conict with a
new religious sect, Christianity, which was increas-
ingly powerful. One notorious incident was the kill-
ing of Hypatia, a female mathematician philosopher,
in the city of Alexandria by a Christian mob. For
some ancient historians, her death marks the end of
the period known as classical antiquity.
Further Reading
Cuomo, Serana. Ancient Mathematics. London:
Routledge, 2001.
Dilke, Oswald. Roman Land Surveyors: Introduction to
the Agrimensores. Newton Abbot, England: David
and Charles, 1971.
Hannah, R. Time in Antiquity. London: Routledge, 2009.
Jaeger, Mary. Archimedes and the Roman Imagination.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008.
Alun Salt
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Archimedes;
Calendars; Greek Mathematics; Sacred Geometry.
Ross, Mary G.
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Mary Ross was a prominent Native-
American mathematician and engineer.
Mary G. Ross (19082008), a Native American of Cher-
okee heritage, had a distinguished career as a mathema-
tician, space scientist, and engineer. She was the rst
female engineer to work at the Lockheed corporation
and also the rst female Native-American engineer.
Ross was born in the Oklahoma territory and as a child
lived with her grandparents in the Cherokee Nation of
Tahlequah in order to pursue her education. She often
credited a strong family and tribal focus on equal educa-
tion for boys and girls as being crucial to her career. At age
16, she enrolled in Northeastern State Teachers College
(Oklahoma), receiving her bachelors degree in math-
ematics in 1928. Ross taught high school mathematics
and science in Oklahoma for nine years before moving
to Washington, D.C., to work as a statistical clerk in the
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Her talent and education
were quickly recognized and she was reassigned to work
as an advisor (similar to a dean) for a coeducational
Indian boarding school in Santa Fe, New Mexico (later
to become the Institute of American Indian Art). At the
same time, she pursued graduate studies in mathemat-
ics and astronomy, receiving her masters degree from
Colorado State Teachers College in 1942. Ross received
numerous awards during her lifetime.
Aeronautical Engineering
In 1942, Ross began working as a mathematician at
the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. She was given the
880 Ross, Mary G.
opportunity to study aeronautical and mechanical
engineering, taking evening classes at UCLA as well
as an emergency war training course offered at Lock-
heed and, in 1949, received professional engineering
classication as a mechanical engineer (there was no
classication for aeronautical engineering at the time).
As a research engineer at Lockheed, Ross worked on a
number of projects related to transport and ghter air-
craft and, in 1953, was chosen to be one of 40 engineers
who became the nucleus of Lockheed Missiles and
Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. In
this group, she worked on a number of missile systems,
including the Polaris ballistic missile, which required
her to work in the new eld of hydrodynamics because
the Polaris missile was designed to be launched under-
water from a submarine.
Ross continued to advance at Lockheed, becoming a
research specialist in 1958, an advanced systems engi-
neer in 1960, and a senior advanced systems engineer in
1961. She worked on the Agena series of rockets and the
Polaris reentry vehicle. She also helped develop criteria
for missions to Mars and Venus, designing orbital space
systems and interplanetary expeditionary systems and
writing a volume of the NASA Planetary Flight Hand-
book. About her career, she said, I have always con-
sidered my work a joint effort. I was fortunate to have
worked on great ideas and with very intelligent people. I
may have developed a few equations no one had thought
of before but that was nothing unusualeverybody did
that . . . it has been an adventure all the way.
Other Accomplishments
Ross became an advocate of womens and Native-
American education following her retirement from
Lockheed in 1973. Her great-great-grandfather was
principal chief of the Cherokee for 40 years, and she
expressed the idea that, there is a lot of ancient wis-
dom from Indian culture that would help solve the
problems of today. She co-founded the Los Angeles
section of the Society of Women Engineers and also
worked to expand educational opportunities within
the American Indian Science and Engineering Society
and the Council of Energy Resource Tribes.
Further Reading
Briggs, Kara. Cherokee Rocket Scientist Leaves Heavenly
Gift. Cherokee Phoenix (December 18, 2008). http://
Riddle, Larry. Mary G. Ross. Agnes Scott College
Biographies of Women Mathematicians. http://www
Sheppard, Laurel M. An Interview with Mary Ross.
Lash Publications International. http://www
Sarah Boslaugh
See Also: Airplanes/Flight; Interplanetary Travel;
Minorities; Women.
Ruler and Compass
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Ruler and compass constructions
form the basis of geometry and have challenged
mathematicians for thousands of years.
Ruler and compass constructions have long been
important in mathematics. In geometry, a ruler and
compass construction refers to a geometric construc-
tion that uses only an unmarked ruler and a compass.
The ancient construction problems of squaring the
circle, duplicating the cube, and trisecting the angle
were unsolved until they were proved impossible by
algebraic techniques. Early tile makers and architects
were also interested in these constructions. Aside from
historical considerations, limiting constructions to
these two tools is important because the restrictions
generate a variety of rich problems. In the twenty-rst
century, dynamic geometry software programs allow
students, teachers, and researchers to explore, save, and
share constructions.
The most signicant early compendium of ruler and
compass constructions is Euclids Elements written
c. 300 b.c.e. In fact, Euclids book organizes everything
around these constructions in an attempt to build as
Ruler and Compass Constructions 881
much geometry as possible starting with the most basic
tools. Drawing a line using a ruler and a circle using a
compass are seen as elementary in Euclids tradition
hence, the title Elementsand it is preferred to reduce
as much of geometry as possible to these elementary
tools. Elements begins with ve common notions and
ve self evident postulates. The rst three postulates
specify the rules for geometric constructions:
A straight line segment can be drawn joining
any two points.
Any straight line segment can be extended
indenitely in a straight line.
Given any straight line segment, a circle can be
drawn having the segment as radius and one
endpoint as center.
The nal two postulates of Euclid are
All right angles are congruent.
If two lines are drawn which intersect a third
in such a way that the sum of the inner angles
on one side is less than two right angles, then
the two lines inevitably must intersect each
other on that side if extended far enough.
The last one is the famous fth postulate and is
equivalent to the more common parallel postulate:
from a given point not on a given line, one can draw
exactly one line parallel to the given line. Euclid based
the whole edice of rigorous geometry on these axi-
oms, hence ruler and compass constructions are at the
center of Euclidean geometry.
The Three Classical Problems
Three ancient construction problems captured the imag-
ination of mathematicians for many centuries: doubling
a cube, trisecting an angle, and squaring a circle.
Doubling a cube: Given the side of a cube, can
one construct, using an unmarked ruler and a
compass, the side of another cube whose vol-
ume is twice the rst one?
Trisecting an angle: Given an arbitrary angle,
can one draw a line, using an unmarked ruler
and a compass, that trisects the angle?
Squaring a circle: Given a line segment that
is the radius of a circle, can one construct,
using an unmarked ruler and a compass, the
side of a square that has the same area as the
original circle?
None of these constructions are possible, but sur-
prisingly, despite more than 2000 years of effort, a
satisfactory answer to these three questions was given
only in the nineteenth century.
Each of these classical problems has a long his-
tory. For example, the problem of doubling a cube
was known to the Egyptians, Greeks, and Indians. In
one version of the Greek legend, the citizens of Athens
consulted the oracle of Apollo at Delos to put a stop
to a plague in Athens. The oracle prescribed that the
Athenians double the size of their altar. Efforts to nd
a way of doubling the volume of the cube failed, and
it is claimed that Plato (427347 b.c.e.) had remarked
that the oracle really meant to shame the Greeks for
their neglect of mathematics and for their contempt
of geometry. The original legend did not specify the
tools to be used, and, in fact, solutions using a number
of tools were found. However, a construction using the
elementary tools of an unmarked ruler and a compass
remained elusive.
Tool Variations
Variations on the tools are possible. For example, if
one were allowed to make two marks on the ruler, then
with the use of this marked ruler and a compass, one
can trisect an arbitrary angle.
An interesting variation arose in the work of Abul
Wafa Buzjani (940997 c.e.). Abul Wafa in a work
aimed at artisans (such as tile makers, designers of
intricate patterns, and architects) limited the geomet-
ric tools to an unmarked ruler and a rusty compass.
In other words, he wanted to only use a compass that
had a xed opening and could not be adjusted to draw
different sized circles. He believed that working with
such a xed compass would be more accurate, less
error-prone, and more useful for artisans. Abul Wafa
constructs, among other polygons, regular pentagons,
octagons, and decagons using a rusty compass. Since
the opening of the compass used in Euclids Elements
could vary, Abul Wafa could not rely on the construc-
tions in Elements. Hence, he constructed anew, using
the rusty compass, all the needed basic results.
In Europe, the Danish mathematician Georg Mohr
(16401697) showed, rather surprisingly, that all ruler
882 Ruler and Compass Constructions
and compass constructions can be done with a compass
alone. In such constructions, one cannot draw a line seg-
ment, and a line segment is considered constructed as
long as its two endpoints are found. This result is now
known as the MohrMascheroni theorem. The Italian
Lorenzo Mascheroni (17501800) had independently
found the same result. Georg Mohr also proved that all
ruler and compass constructions can be done with a ruler
and a rusty compass. Finally, the German mathematician
Jacob Steiner (17961863) and the French mathemati-
cian Jean-Victor Poncelet (17881867) proved that all
constructions using a ruler and a compass can be made
with a ruler and only one use of the compass.
Going back to the classical problems, the rst rigorous
proof of the impossibility of doubling the cube and tri-
secting an arbitrary angle using a ruler and a compass
was given by the French mathematician Pierre Laurent
Wantzel (18141848). In 1882, the German mathemati-
cian Ferdinand Lindemann (18521939) proved that
is transcendental. From this, it followed that one cannot
square a circle using a ruler and a compass. In general,
using only these tools, it is possible to construct line
segments of any rational length as well as line segments
whose length is the square root of the length of any
already constructed segment. However, one can prove
that it is impossible to construct other lengths using
the theory of elds that was developed with the help
of Niels Henrik Abel and variste Galois on the solv-
ability of equations. The proof essentially boils down to
the fact that, using a ruler and a compass, one can draw
only straight lines and circles, and the only new points
are the intersections of these lines and circles. Since lines
have linear equations and circles have quadratic equa-
tions, nding the points of intersection of these shapes
is the same as equating their equations and nding the
solutions. These all can be achieved using the quadratic
formula, which involves only square roots.
Constructing regular polygons with a straightedge and
compass is also an interesting ruler and compass con-
struction problem. An n-gon is a regular polygon with
n sides. Ancient Greeks could construct regular n-gons
for n = 3, 4, 5, and 15 (triangles, squares, regular penta-
gons, and regular pentadecagons). They also knew that
if one can construct a regular n-gon with a straightedge
and compass, then one can also construct a regular 2n-
gon. Carl Friedrich Gauss (17771855) added to this
knowledge, by constructing, when he was 19 years old,
a regular heptadegon (a 17-gon).
A Fermat prime is a prime number of the form
+ 1, where k is a non-negative integer. The only Fer-
mat primes known are 3, 5, 17, 257, and 65537. It is
not known whether there are any other Fermat primes
or not. In any case, Gauss stated, and Wantzel gave a
proof, that a regular n-gon is constructible with ruler
and compass if and only if
n is an integer greater than
two such that the greatest odd factor of n is either one
or a product of distinct Fermat primes.
Further Reading
Hadlock, Charles Robert. Field Theory and Its Classical
Problems. Carus Mathematical Monographs, 19 (1978).
Katz, Victor, ed. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia,
China, India, and Islam. A Sourcebook. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2007.
Martin, George E. Geometric Constructions. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Sutton, Andrew. Ruler and Compass: Practical Geometric
Constructions. New York: Walker & Co., 2009.
Shahriar Shahriari
See Also: Arabic/Islamic Mathematics; Greek
Mathematics; Measurement, Systems of; Measurements,
Area; Measurements, Length; Parallel Postulate; Pi;
Squares and Square Roots.
Ruler and Compass Constructions 883
Sacred Geometry
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Connections; Geometry; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Cultures have long imbued various
spaces, shapes, forms, ratios, and geometric concepts
with special signicance and ritual power.
Humanity has long attributed sacred meaning to cer-
tain geometric forms and concepts. The term sacred
geometry was popularized during the twentieth
century to represent the religious, philosophical, and
spiritual beliefs surrounding geometry. The core of its
teachings may be found in very ancient cultures, with
varying metaphysical systems and worldviews. Some
attribute the modern renaissance of the movement to
artist Jay Hambridge. The image of a nautilus shell with
overlaid golden rectangles is common in the twenty-
rst century, but when Hambridge investigated math-
ematical proportion and symmetry in Greek art and
architectural design in the beginning of the twentieth
century, his work on dynamic symmetry led to debate
about denitions of dynamic versus static symmetry.
The development of sacred geometry led to more
debate as some asserted that it showed the continuity
and universality of mathematical concepts or forms,
such as the golden proportion, the logarithmic spiral,
or the ower of life, across cultures, millennia, and
the universe. In its most common conception, sacred
geometry is then a metaphor for universal ordera
metaphor found in the artistic expression of many cul-
tures, especially in religious architecture. In its most
ambitious conception, it is itself a practice for enlight-
enment or self-development, similar to meditation,
prayer, or artistic techniques. The knowledge and exer-
cise of geometrical skills can be taken to form a prac-
tice that awakens the practitioner to underlying order
or truth. The movement has inspired its followers, who
look for these forms in art, architecture, nature, and sci-
ence. People like Drunvalo Melchizedek, who originally
planned to major in physics and minor in mathematics
but graduated with a ne arts degree, have organized
spiritual workshops related to sacred geometry. Some
attribute sacred geometry to peoples needs to seek out
connections. Astrophysicist Mario Livio found some
of the analyses rather contrived . . . with lines drawn
conveniently at points that are not obvious terminals
at all. Furthermore, some of the ratios obtained are too
convoluted . . . to be credible.
Sacred diagrams and gures are omnipresent
across ages and cultures. For example, the square
has religious signicance in Hindu architecture and
design. The diagram known as the circular mandala,
for instance, symbolizes to some the cosmos through
its symmetry and sectors, which represent elements,
seasons, divinities, and
various categories of reli-
gious and metaphysical
interest. Practitioners
believe that meditating
on The Flower of Life
icon, one example of a
mandala, will reveal the
mysteries of the universe.
The Egyptians used regu-
lar geometric polygons
and pyramids in important architectural structures
and in representations of the gods. Geometric gures,
such as the platonic solids, were assigned additional
signicance in ancient Greece.
For instance, Earth was associated with the cube,
air with the octahedron, water with the icosahedron,
re with the tetrahedron, and the dodecahedron was
a model for the universe. In his work The Timeas,
Plato noted: So their combinations with themselves
and with each other give rise to endless complexities,
which anyone who is to give a likely account of reality
must survey. In the twentieth century, sacred geom-
etry has become the universal language of nature,
mastering shapes and patterns equally found in stars,
snowakes, and DNA, which ultimately represent a
sort of blueprint of creation.
Golden Ratio
A common element in sacred geometry is the golden
ratio. Many of the sacred geometry principles of the
human body are found and subsumed into the famous
Vitruvian Man drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci. Vit-
ruvian Man was inspired by the work of Marcus Vitru-
vius Pollio, a rst century Roman architect who wrote
De architectura, or The Ten Books on Architecture. Vitru-
vius detailed systems of ratios he believed were found
in the human body and that could be used to construct
buildings, including temples, to achieve his three neces-
sary criteria for structural perfection: beauty, durabil-
ity, and utility. Da Vinci also lived and studied with the
fteenth-century mathematician Fra Luca Pacioli and
drew the illustrations of the book De Divina Proportione
(About Divine Proportion). In it, Pacioli explains and
illustrates mathematical proportion in its direct rela-
tion of artistic patterns and forms and explores archi-
tecture and the vital proportion of the golden ratio, the
ultimate divine proportion extensively.
Devotees of twentieth-century sacred geometry
note the high occurrence of the golden ratio, such as
its recursive occurrence in the Parthenon; the Notre
Dame Cathedral; the great pyramid of Giza; the rela-
tions between platonic solids; the ratio of segments in a
ve-pointed star (called a pentagram); the ratio of adja-
cent terms of the famous Fibonacci Series, named after
Leonardo Fibonacci; the symmetrical pattern of aperi-
odic tilings, thanks to which Roger Penrose discovered
new aspects of quasicrystals; in movements of the stock
market; and even in Erik Saties compositions.
Further Reading
Lawlor, Robert. Sacred Geometry: Philosophy & Practice.
London: Thames & Hudson, 1982.
Livio, Mario. The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI,
the Worlds Most Astonishing Number. New York:
Broadway Books, 2003.
McWhinnie, H. J. Inuences of the Ideas of Jay
Hambridge on Art and Design. Journal of Computers
& Mathematics with Applications 17, no. 46 (1989).
Skinner, Stephen. Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code.
London: Gaia Books, 2006.
Marilena Di Bucchianico
See Also: Houses Of Worship; Numbers and God;
Religious Symbolism; Symmetry.
Sales Tax and
Shipping Fees
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Field of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: Different types of sales taxes and shipping
fees affect the nal price of a purchase.
Benjamin Franklin famously noted, Our Constitution
is in actual operation; everything appears to promise
that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but
death and taxes. When someone makes a purchase,
often times there are extra charges added to the cus-
tomers bill. These costs may include a tax, shipping
886 Sales Tax and Shipping Fees
Flower of Life mandala
local government charges a sales tax. The rate of the
tax varies depending on the laws of the governmental
unit. In other words, a purchaser will encounter differ-
ent sales tax rates throughout the United States. The
charges in 2010 varied from 0% in states like Alaska
or Delaware to a high of 8.25% in California. This
means that a person in Alaska who pays $100 for an
mp3 player would not be required to pay any tax on the
sale. However, a person buying that same mp3 player in
California would be required to pay this tax. In other
words, that $100.00 purchase would have an 8.25%
tax added to the cost, meaning the new purchase price
would be the original cost ($100.00) plus the sales tax
($8.25) for a total of $108.25.
Many localities exempt certain classications of
goods from their sales tax. Some common exceptions
include groceries and prescriptions. On the other hand,
special items such as gasoline, cigarettes, and alcohol
have a signicantly higher sales tax, as they have the
potential to add sizeable revenue to a states budget. A
federal law called the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA)
specically addresses sales over the Internet. The law
provides that no governmental unit is allowed to add
any special or additional tax on Internet purchases.
This means that a sales tax may be charged on Internet
purchases at the same rate as items purchased in per-
son or by phone but no extra tax charge can be added.
Shipping and Handling Fees
Shipping and handling fees vary dramatically by seller
as well as by the type of shipping the buyer requests.
Common factors used to compute delivery costs include
(1) how many items are being purchased, (2) how much
the order weighs, and (3) how quickly the customer
would like to receive their merchandise. However, com-
mon shipping types include free shipping, overnight
delivery, two day or expedited delivery, and standard
shipping, which may vary from three to seven days. In
addition, the cost may change based on the number of
items purchased or the weight of the merchandise. The
following three examples illustrate different types of
shipping options:
Flat fee: The seller charges a at shipping fee
for all purchases regardless of price, weight,
or number of items.
Progressive: The seller charges a progressively
larger shipping charge based on the cost of
charges, or fees. These extra amounts, however, have
a special purpose and they are each computed differ-
ently. For example, a sales tax is based on a percent-
age of the total amount of the sale and that percent is
regulated by local and state governments. On the other
hand, shipping is charged to cover the delivery of mer-
chandise from the retailer to the customers location.
These fees are based on the policies of the company
selling the goods as well as how quickly the customer
would like their purchase delivered. Lastly, fees can be
special charges; for example, insurance might be added
to a purchase to cover the cost of the merchandise in
the event it is lost or damaged during delivery. Albert
Einstein commented that preparing a tax return is too
difcult for a mathematician. It takes a philosopher.
The calculations to determine sales tax and shipping
fees utilize percentages, multiplication, and addition,
but Einstein may have been referring to the ever-chang-
ing instructions.
Both mathematicians and philosophers have long
been involved in issues related to taxation. The Jiuzhang
suanshu (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art) con-
tains related problems. In the tenth century, astrono-
mer and mathematician Abul-Wafa wrote a text on
mathematics for scribes and businessmen, with part
four of the book containing seven chapters devoted to
various kinds of taxes and related calculations. In the
seventeenth century, lawyer and amateur mathemati-
cian tienne Pascal worked as a tax assessor and was
appointed as the chief tax ofcer. In order to help his
father in his tax work, mathematician and philosopher
Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline, which is reported
to be the rst digital calculator. In the twenty-rst cen-
tury, nancial planners, mathematicians, and actuaries
create mathematical models and investigate a variety of
mathematical concepts related to taxes and fees, includ-
ing the impact of at rate, progressive, symmetric, or
asymmetric taxation; and game theory applied to the
interaction between taxpayers and tax collectors. They
also investigate equilibrium states and how increasing
or decreasing sales taxes or shipping and handling fees
or using a nonlinear structure impacts consumer deci-
sions about purchases and business sales.
Sales Tax
Many states, counties, and municipalities levy a sales
tax as a way to increase revenues for their government
or to balance their budget; however, not every state or
Sales Tax and Shipping Fees 887
the purchase. Shipping for a $50 purchase
might cost $5, while shipping for a $100
purchase might cost $10.
Flat fee and item charge: The seller charges
a at shipping rate plus an item charge
(shipping + charge number of items).
Assume that the base shipping is $3.99, and
there is a charge of $.99 for each item. A
one item purchase would have a charge of
$3.99 + $0.99 = $4.98. However, suppose the
purchaser buys three items. In that case, the
charge would be $3.99 + 3($0.99) = $6.96.
Shipping and fees are often grouped together as one
charge; however, some vendors are known to charge
each of these as separate and distinct charges. Vendors
often add an additional charge to deliver a purchase.
One example would be a package that requires special
handling based on size or weight, such as a piece of fur-
niture. Higher cost items such as jewelry might have an
insurance charge added to the customers total.
Further Reading
Anderson, Patrick. Business Economics and Finance With
MATLAB, GIS and Simulation Models. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press, 2000.
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications.
Mathematical Models with Applications. New York:
W. H. Freeman & Company, 2002.
Marks, Gene. Dont Forget the Handling! Accounting
Today 23 (2009).
Scanlan, M. Use Tax History and Its Implications for
Electronic Commerce. The Information Society 25
Konnie G. Kustron
See Also: Income Tax; Money; Shipping.
Sample Surveys
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Mathematicians and statisticians help
design sampling methods and techniques to better
represent populations and account for biases and
missing data.
A survey is a statistical process by which data are col-
lected from a representative sample of some popula-
tion of interest in order to determine the attitudes,
opinions, or other facts about that population. A cen-
sus is the special case where everyone in the population
is surveyed.
For example, the Babylonians are known to have
taken a population census around 3800 b.c.e. In one of
the rst modern surveys, the Harrisburg Pennsylvanian
newspaper polled city residents about the 1824 presi-
dential election. Polling continued to be largely a local
phenomenon until a 1916 national survey by Literary
Digest magazine, which predicted the winners of several
presidential elections despite using highly unscientic
survey methods. Their famously incorrect assertion
that Alf Landon would beat Franklin Roosevelt in the
1936 election is cited as contributing to the magazines
failure. Journalist and market researcher George Gal-
lup, who correctly predicted Roosevelts 1936 victory,
was a pioneer in statistical sampling in the early twen-
tieth century, though at the time, many considered
his ideas quite radical. A postWorld War II boom in
manufacturing led companies to survey consumers to
tailor products to preferences and increase sales. In the
twenty-rst century, public opinion polls on all aspects
of society are pervasive and surveys frequently shape
societys opinions and actions in addition to simply
measuring them.
Students begin learning how to collect survey data
in the primary grades. Researchers in many disciplines
also routinely rely on data gathered via surveys. Math-
ematicians and statisticians work on mathematically
valid methods for selecting samples that are random
and representative as well as methods to reduce bias
in surveys, effectively analyze data, present results that
adjust for random error, and account for the effects
of missing data. Many of these individuals belong to
the Survey Research Methods Section of the American
Statistical Association. Leslie Kish, a recipient of the
associations prestigious Samuel S. Wilks Award, was
especially cited for his worldwide inuence on sample
survey practice and for being a humanitarian and true
citizen of the world . . . [whose] concern for those liv-
888 Sample Surveys
ing in less fortunate circumstances and his use of the
statistical profession to help is an inspiration for all
History of Surveys
In practice, surveys are collections of questions admin-
istered to individuals. Organizations like Gallup
(founded as the American Institute of Public Opinion
in 1935) specialize in conducting scientically valid
surveys. In the early part of the twentieth century, sur-
veys were mostly conducted door-to-door by trained
surveyors, a procedure used by both Gallup and the
U.S. Census. Frequently, surveyors used the mail, like in
the case of Literary Digest. Telephone surveys increased
notably in the 1960s, which was attributed in large part
to the fact that the costs of in-person research were
escalating and trends in non-response suggested that
people were growing less willing to answer face-to-
face surveys, which diminished their prior advantage
over phone surveys. Around 1970, statisticians Warren
Mitofsky and Joseph Waksberg developed an efcient
method of random digit dialing that revolutionized
telephone survey research. However, some major orga-
nizations, like Gallup, continued door-to-door surveys
into the mid-1980s, at which point they determined
that a statistically sufcient proportion of U.S. homes
had at least one telephone.
In 2008, Gallup notably expanded its methodology
to include cell phones, since an increasing proportion
of people no longer use landlines. In the twenty-rst
century, surveys are increasingly conducted via the
Internet, though the U.S. Census still uses a combina-
tion of mail and house-to-house surveys. Harris Inter-
active, which went public in 1999, is a company that
specializes in interactive online polls like the Harris
Interactive College Football Poll, which ranks the top
25 Bowl Conference Series football teams each week.
Each survey method has different implications for
both response bias and nonresponse bias. It is unclear
when mathematicians and pollsters rst began to rec-
ognize the negative inuences of these biases, though
adjustments were made in the latter half of the twen-
tieth century. Systematic investigations can perhaps
be traced to the mid-twentieth century, coincident
with similar concerns in experimental design, like the
placebo effect and psychologist Henry Landsbergers
naming of the Hawthorne effect. Overall, these biases
are problematic because they are non-random and
cannot be accounted for by most traditional statisti-
cal methods. As a result, they may produce misleading
results. Methods to combat these biases are the subject
of a great deal of ongoing research and are typically
addressed via incentives and proactive planning rather
than adjustments after the fact.
Randomness is a critical component of survey meth-
odology. Statistical techniques commonly assume
that the sample is a random subset of the popula-
tion. When this is true, the results are more likely to
be representative and informative of the population.
Though random sampling is the standard in modern
scientic polling, early pollsters like Gallup tended to
use convenience or quote samplingtaking a sample
of whomever was accessible or convenient, sometimes
grouped according to other inuential variables like
political party, gender, or neighborhood. In some cases,
this was simply an issue of practicality in terms of time
and nancial resources. Mathematical statistician Jerzy
Neyman is credited with presenting the rst developed
notion regarding making inferences from random
samples drawn from nite populations, what is now
called probability sampling, at a professional confer-
ence in 1934. He also contrasted probability sampling
with non-random methods. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture, in partnership with the statistical labora-
tory at Iowa State University, began researching prob-
ability sampling methods in the late 1930s, as did the
U.S. Census Bureau. One of these inuential survey
researchers was William Cochran, who also helped
build many academic statistics programs, including at
Harvard. Through the 1940s and beyond, the formal
methods of probability sampling and analysis sam-
pling were developed, implemented, and rened in a
wide variety of situations.
In the late 1970s and beyond, some research-
ers attention turned to more advanced concepts like
model-dependent sampling. In probability sampling,
the characteristics of the population are wholly inferred
from the sample. Model-dependent sampling, in con-
trast, assumes some probability model for the popula-
tion beforehand and designs both a sampling and an
analysis plan around this model. This method allows
the researchers conducting the survey to optimally
Sample Surveys 889
match the statistical properties of chosen estimators to
the population. Statisticians Morris Hansen, William
Madow, and Benjamin Tepping discussed many of the
principal advantages and limitations of this method
in a 1978 presentation and 1983 publication. Morris
Hansen was an internationally known expert on survey
research, an associate director for research and devel-
opment at the Census Bureau, and later chairman of
the board for polling company Westat, Inc. He also
served as president of the American Statistical Associa-
tion and Institute for Mathematical Statistics.
U.S. Census
Though the U.S. Constitution calls for a count of the
population in the decennial census, the U.S. Census
Bureau conducts other types of surveys and has been
using sampling since 1937. In 1940, the bureau began
asking a random sample of people counted in the
decennial census extra questions to allow better char-
acterization of population demographics as well as to
estimate coverage errors. The ongoing American Com-
munity Survey helps determine how billions of federal
and state dollars are distributed each year. In the late
twentieth century, in large part because of substantial
difculties during the 1990 census, many statisticians
proposed completely substituting sampling methods
for the decennial counting process or at least substan-
tially increasing the role of sampling. They felt that
issues like undercoverage of certain subpopulations
could be better addressed with increasingly sophis-
ticated statistical methods. Cost was also considered.
They had the support of many cities, states, civil rights
groups, and members of Congress. The proposal was
opposed by many other politicians and segments of
the general population for both political reasons and
because of skepticism regarding the sampling process.
It ultimately required a ruling by the U.S. Supreme
Court, which allowed supplemental sampling for some
purposes but required a count to determine congres-
sional apportionment.
Further Reading
Brick, J. Michael, and Clyde Tucker. Mitofsky
Waksberg: Learning From the Past. Public Opinion
Quarterly 71, no. 5 (2007). http://poq.oxfordjournals
Hansen, Morris. Some History and Reminiscences on
Survey Sampling. Statistical Science 2, no. 2 (1987).
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
See Also: Census; Data Mining; Elections; Internet;
Measurement in Society.
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematics is fundamental to the
design, function, and launch of satellites.
Astronomy and mathematics have long developed
together. Many early mathematicians studied the
motion of celestial objects. The term satellite comes
from the Latin satelles (meaning companion), which
was used by mathematician and astronomer Johannes
Kepler to describe the moons of Jupiter in the seven-
teenth century. Mathematician Giovanni Cassini cor-
rectly inferred that Saturns rings were composed of
many small satellites in the seventeenth century. Math-
ematicians Jean Delambre and Cassini Jacques both
published books of astronomical tables, including
planetary satellites, in the eighteenth century. When
articial satellites were developed, the term satellite
largely came to refer to those in common speech, while
moon was applied to natural bodies orbiting planets.
Mathematicians like Michael Lighthill and engineers
like John Pierce helped develop satellites in the 1960s.
By the rst decade of the twenty-rst century, there
were several hundred operational satellites orbiting the
Earth to facilitate communication, weather observa-
tion, research, and observation. The advantage of satel-
lites for communication are that signals are not blocked
by land features in the same manner as a lower-altitude
signal would be, making long-distance communica-
tion possible without multiple ground-based relays.
Early communication satellites simply reected signals
back to Earth to broaden reception. Modern satellites
use many different kinds of orbits to facilitate complex
functioning, including low Earth orbit; medium Earth
890 Satellites
orbit; geosynchronous orbit; highly elliptical orbit;
and Lagrangian point orbit, named for mathemati-
cian Joseph Lagrange. Mathematics is involved in the
creation and function of such satellites, as well as for
solving problems related to launching satellites, guid-
ing movable satellites, powering satellite systems, and
protecting satellites from radiation in the Van Allen
belt, named for physicist James Van Allen. For example,
graph theory is useful in comparing satellite commu-
nication networks. Techniques of origami map folding,
researched by mathematicians like Koryo Miura, have
been used in satellite design. Chaos theory has been
used to design highly fuel-efcient orbits, derived in
part from mathematician Henri Poincars work in
stable and unstable manifolds. Government agencies
like the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration (NASA) and private companies like GeoEye
employ mathematicians for research and applications.
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) maintains a
database of operational satellites.
The orbit of a satellite about the Earth determines
when it will pass over various points on the Earths
surface and how high it is above the Earth. In general,
orbits are characterized by altitude, inclination, eccen-
tricity, and synchronicity. As dened by NASA, low
Earth orbits have altitudes of
802000 kilometers. This orbit
includes the majority of satel-
lites, the International Space
Station, and the Hubble Space
Telescope. Statistical estimates
at the start of the twenty-rst
century suggest that the num-
ber of functional satellites and
nonfunctional debris in low
orbit ranges from a few thou-
sand (tracked by the U.S. Joint
Space Operations Center) to
millions (including very small
objects). Objects in low orbit
must travel at speeds of several
thousand kilometers per hour,
so even a small object can cause
damage in a collision. Medium
Earth orbit extends to about
35,000 kilometers (21,000
miles), the altitude determined by Keplers laws of
planetary motion for geosynchronous orbits. Inclina-
tion is an angular measure with respect to the equator,
while eccentricity refers to how elliptical an orbit is.
Geosynchronous satellites rotate at the same rate as the
Earth spins, so they appear stationary relative to Earth.
They usually have inclination and eccentricity of zero;
they circle the equator to balance gravitational forces.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is one example
of satellites at this orbital level. Sun synchronous orbits
are retrograde patterns that allow a satellite to pass over
a section of the Earth at the same time every day. They
have an inclination of 2090 degrees and must shift
by approximately one degree per day. These orbits are
often used for satellites that require constant sunlight
or darkness. The maximal inclination of 90 degrees
denotes a polar orbit. A halo or Lagrangian orbit is
a periodic, three-dimensional orbit near one of the
Lagrange points in the three-body problem of orbital
mechanics, which was used for the International Sun/
Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) satellite.
Antennas and satellite dishes are used to receive satel-
lite signals on Earth. Most satellite dishes have a para-
bolic shape. A signal striking a planar surface reects
directly back to the source. If the surface is curved,
Satellites 891
Antennas and satellite dishes generally have a parabolic shape and are
used to receive satellite signals on Earth.
the reection is in the plane tangent to the surface.
A parabola is the locus of points equidistant from a
xed point and a plane, so a parabolic dish focuses all
incoming signals to the same point at the same time,
increasing the quality of the signal. Mathematics is used
to compress, lter, interpret, and model vast amounts
of data produced by satellites. ReedSolomon codes,
derived by mathematicians Irving Reed and Gustave
Solomon, are widely used in digital storage and com-
munication for satellites. Much of the data from satel-
lites is images, which utilize mathematical algorithms
for rendering and restoration. One notable case that
necessitated mathematical correction is the Hubble
Space Telescope. An incorrectly ground mirror was
found to have a spherical aberration, which resulted
in improperly focused images. Mathematical image
analysis allowed scientists to deduce the degree of cor-
rection needed. Some of the mathematical concepts
involved in these corrections include the Nyquist fre-
quency, which is a function of the sampling frequency
of a discrete signal system named for physicist Harry
Nyquist, and the Strehl ratio, named for mathemati-
cian Karl Strehl, which quanties optical quality as a
fraction of a systems theoretical peak intensity.
Further Reading
Montenbruck, Oliver, and Gill Eberhard. Satellite Orbits:
Models, Methods and Applications. Berlin: Springer,
Whiting, Jim. John R. Pierce: Pioneer in Satellite
Communication. Hockessin, DE: Mitchell Lane
Publishers, 2003.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Digital Storage; GPS; Interplanetary Travel;
Planetary Orbits; Wireless Communication.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Musical scales have distinct mathematical
properties and patterns.
Western music is based on a system of 12 pitches within
each octave. The interval between adjacent pitches in
this 12-tone system is called a half step or semitone.
Pitches separated by two successive semitones are said
to be at the interval of a whole step, or a tone. Based
on a variety of theoretical underpinnings, the con-
cept and sound of tones and semitones have evolved
throughout the history of Western music. In modern
music practice, a uniform division of the octave into 12
equally spaced pitches, known as equal temperament,
holds sway. Scales are arrangements of half and whole
step intervals in the octave. Denoting a half step as h
and a whole step as w, the familiar diatonic major scale
is dened by the sequence wwhwwwh. The diatonic
natural minor scale is whwwhww. Beginning these pat-
terns from each of the 12 pitches results in 24 distinct
diatonic scales. This suggests a set-theoretic descrip-
tion by which each major scale can be represented as a
transposition (in algebra this would be called a trans-
lation) of the set of pitches C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C.
In the twentieth century, such mathematical formal-
isms have led to the conceptualization of non-diatonic
scales with special transposition properties.
Octave Equivalence
The concept of octave (the musical interval between
notes with frequencies that differ by a factor of two) is
fundamental to understanding musical scales. In West-
ern music notation, pitches separated by an octave are
given the same note name. The piano keyboard pro-
vides a visual representation of this phenomenon.
Counting up the white keys from middle C as 1,
the eighth key in the sequence is again called C. This
eight-note distance explains the etymology of the word
octave. The perception and conceptualization of such
pairs of pitches as higher or lower versions of the same
essential pitch is called octave equivalence. Octave
equivalence is thought to be common to all system-
atic musical cultures. Evidence of octave equivalence
is found in ancient Greek and Chinese music. Recent
psycho-acoustic research suggests a neurological basis
for octave equivalence in auditory perception.
The mathematical explanation of octave equiva-
lence comes from the fact that the sound of a musical
pitch is a combination of periodic waveforms that can
be modeled as sinusoidal functions of time. In the two
periodic functions, f t t ( ) = ( ) sin and g t t ( ) = ( ) sin 2 ,
with frequencies 2 and , every peak of the lower
892 Scales
frequency function coincides with a peak of the high-
frequency function. In sonic terms, this is the highest
degree of consonance possible for two pitches of differ-
ent frequencies.
History of Scales
As Western music developed from the Middle Ages
through the twentieth century, the central construct
was the diatonic scale. This arrangement spans an
octave with seven distinct pitches arranged in a com-
bination of ve whole steps and two half steps. Inter-
estingly, the pattern of intervals (and not the absolute
pitch of the starting note) was the only distinguishing
feature of scales until the rise of tonal harmony in the
seventeenth century. Pitch-specic examples help illus-
trate the interval patterns.
The diatonic scale traces its origins to the ancient
Greek genus of the same name, referring to a particular
tuning of the four-stringed lyre (tetrachord) consisting
of two whole steps and one half step in descending suc-
cession. An example of this tuning can be constructed
with the pitches A, G, F, and E. Concatenization of two
diatonic tetrachords [A-G-F-{E]-D-C-B} produces the
pitches of the diatonic scale (the piano white keys). In
medieval European musical practice, the distinct Church
Modes (such as Lydian or Phrygian) developed from
the diatonic scale by the assignment of a tonal anchor
or nal tone. For example, the Dorian mode is char-
acterized by the sequence of ascending half and whole
steps in the diatonic scale whwwwhw; for example D-E-
F-G-A-B-C-D, while the Phrygian mode is hwwwhww:
E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E. The diatonic major scale wwhw-
wwh (C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C) came into widespread use
in the seventeenth century. The diatonic natural minor
scale is whwwhww (A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A).
Intervals, Ratios, and Equal Temperament
The simplest musical interval is the octave. The fre-
quency ratio between pitches separated by an octave is
2:1. The interval of a perfect fth has frequency ratio
3:2. Using these two ratios, pitches and correspond-
ing intervals for the diatonic scale can be assigned
according to Pythagorean tuning. Simpler diatonic
scales based on ratios of small integers are known as
just tunings. Western music in the modern era uses
a symmetric assignment of intervals known as equal
temperament. In equal temperament, the 12 half steps
that comprise the frequency doubling octave each have
frequency ratio 2 1 0595
1 12
. . For these three tuning
schemes, frequency ratios relative to the starting pitch
and intervals between adjacent scale notes are illus-
trated and compared in Table 1. For each intonation,
the rst row gives the frequency ratio from the tonic C
to the given note. The second row in each case gives the
frequency ratio between adjacent diatonic pitches.
Modern Scales
In contrast to the idiosyncratic pattern of intervals that
comprise the diatonic scales, the chromatic scale hhhh-
hhhhhhh is perfectly symmetric. In particular, the set of
pitches that form the chromatic scale is unchanged by
transpositionthere is only one set of pitches with this
intervallic pattern. This set of pitches is referred to as
having order one. The elements of the pitch set forming
a diatonic scale, which generates 12 diatonic scales by
transposition, has order 12. This point of view suggests
other scales of interest with respect to transposition.
The set of six pitches in a whole-tone scale wwwwww
(for example, C-D-E-F-G-A-C) are unchanged by
transposition by an even number of half steps. A trans-
position by an odd number of half steps results in the
Scales 893
Table 1. The diatonic scale in three intonation schemes, Pythagorean, just, and equal temperament.
Pythagorean 1:1 9:8 81:64 4: 3 3:2 27:16 243:128 2:1
interval 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 9:8 256:243
Just 1:1 9:8 5:4 4:3 3:2 5:3 15:8 2:1
interval 9:8 10:9 16:15 9:8 9:8 9:8 16:15
Equal 1:1 1.1225:1 1.2600:1 1.335:1 1.4983:1 1.6818:1 1.8878:1 2:1
interval 2
whole tone scale containing the remaining six pitches
(for example, C-D-F-G-A-B-C). Thus, the set of
pitches in the whole-tone scale has order two. Whole-
tone scales are a characteristic feature in much of the
music of Claude Debussy.
The twentieth-century composer and music theo-
rist Olivier Messiaen codied a number of eight-tone
scales of limited transposition. Among these are the
order three scales hwhwhwhw and whwhwhwh, which
are called octatonic scales in the music of Stravinsky
and sometimes referred to as diminished scales in
jazz performance. It can be seen that transposition by
one and two half steps produce new diminished scales,
but transposition by three half steps leaves the original
set of pitches unchanged.
Further Reading
Grout, Donald Jay. A History of Western Music. New York:
Norton, 1980.
Hanson, Howard. Harmonic Materials of Modern Music:
Resources of the Tempered Scale. New York: Appleton-
Century-Crofts, 1960.
Johnson, Timothy. Foundations of Diatonic Theory:
A Mathematically Based Approach to Music
Fundamentals. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Pope, Anthony. Messiaens Musical Language: An
Introduction. In The Messiaen Companion. Edited by
Peter Hill. Portland, ME: Amadeus Press, 1995.
Sundberg, Johan. The Science of Musical Sounds. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991.
Eric Barth
See Also: Composing; Geometry of Music;
Harmonics; Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Scatterplots are useful tools for
mathematicians and statisticians to graph and
present data.
Human beings are constantly exploring the world
around them to discover relationships that can be used
to explain past and current events or phenomena and
perhaps to predict future occurrences.
The colloquial expression a picture is worth a
thousand words is traced back to many possible his-
torical sources, including French leader and noted
student of mathematics Napoleon Bonaparte, who
purportedly said, A good sketch is better than a long
speech. In the twenty-rst century, graphing is a
fundamental rst step in any exploratory data analy-
sis, and graphical representations are common in the
media. Scatterplots, which most often represent val-
ues of paired variables in a Cartesian plane, help data
investigators identify relationships, describe patterns
and correlation, t linear and nonlinear functions
using techniques like regression analysis, and locate
points known as outliers that deviate from the pre-
dominant pattern. In the primary grades, students
often use line graphs, which some consider to be a spe-
cial case of scatterplots, while scatterplots for data may
be explored beginning in the middle grades in both
mathematics and science classes.
Early History
Mathematicians and others have long sought alterna-
tive methods of representation for researching, pre-
senting, and connecting the mathematical concepts
they studied. The Cartesian plane, named for Ren
Descartes, facilitated graphing of algebraic equations
and data beginning in the seventeenth century. His-
torians have traced scatterplots to 1686, though the
term scatter diagram is attributed to early twenti-
eth-century researchers such as statistician Karl Pear-
son, and scatterplot seems to have rst appeared in
a 1939 dictionary.
Examples of early pioneers of data graphing include
political arithmetician Augustus Crome, who studied
the relationships between nations population sizes,
land areas, and wealth; mathematician and sociolo-
gist Adolphe Quetelet, who conducted studies of body
measurements that helped contribute to the measure
now known as the Body Mass Index, which relates
height and weight; and engineer and political scientist
William Playfair, who called himself the inventor of
linear arithmetic, a term he used for graphs. He said:
. . . it gives a simple, accurate, and permanent idea,
by giving form and shape to a number of separate
894 Scatterplots
ideas, which are otherwise abstract and unconnected.
Playfairs eighteenth-century graphical summaries of
British trade across various years are perhaps the earli-
est example of what would now be referred to as time
series plots (or in some cases line graphs), which
may be considered a special case of scatterplots.
While Playfair plotted many economic variables as
functions of time, the most extensive early use of scat-
terplots to relate two observed variables is probably the
anthropometric and genetic research of Francis Gal-
ton, a cousin of scientist Charles Darwin. After study-
ing medicine and mathematics in college, he became
interested in the investigation and characterization of
variability and deviations in many natural phenomena.
He established a laboratory for the measurement and
study of human mental and physical traits, focusing
on empirical and statistical studies of heredity in the
latter half of the nineteenth century. Many of Galtons
scatterplots involved graphing parental characteristics
on one axis, usually the X, and offspring characteris-
tics on the other. Like scientist Gregor Mendel, some
of his initial genetic experiments were conducted on
peas; later, he investigated measurements of people.
Scatterplots of height appeared in his 1886 publication
Regression Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature,
which is the origination of the name for the statisti-
cal technique of regression analysis. The word medi-
ocrity in this context was a reference to the mean or
average height (not a qualitative judgment) and was
used to describe a pattern observed in the data: very
short parents tend to have taller children, and very tall
parents tend to have shorter children, in both cases
closer to the mean.
Recent Developments
Prior to the development of computers and data ana-
lytic software, data had to be graphed by hand. In the
twenty-rst century, computers facilitate many types
of scatterplots. In addition to the standard plots of two
variables in the Cartesian plane, there are three-dimen-
sional scatterplots that display point clouds to explore
the ways in which three variables relate and interact.
Symbols used to represent points on a two- or three-
dimensional scatterplot may also be coded using dif-
ferent colors or shapes to indicate additional variables
and uncover patterns. Matrix plots are square grids of
scatterplots for a set of variables that plot all possible
pairwise sets, usually arranged such that all of the plots
in the same row share the same Y variable and all plots
in the same column share the same X variable. Math-
ematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and other
types of researchers have explored the theoretical and
methodological links between scatterplots and map
surfaces for use in applications such as data mining
and spatial analysis of geospatial information system
(GIS) data.
While they are useful tools for exploration and rep-
resentation, scatterplots are often subject to misinter-
pretations. For example, sometimes relationships or
correlations shown in scatterplots are mistakenly taken
as evidence of cause and effect, which must be inferred
from the way in which the data were collected rather
than from the strength of the association.
Further Reading
Few, Stephen. Now You See It: Simple Visualization
Techniques for Quantitative Analysis. Oakland, CA:
Analytics Press, 2009.
Friendly, M., and D. Denis. The Early Origins and
Development of the Scatterplot. Journal of the
History of the Behavioral Sciences 41, no. 2 (2005).
Stigler, Stephen. The History of Statistics: The
Measurement of Uncertainty Before 1900. Cambridge,
MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1990.
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
See Also: Coordinate Geometry; Forecasting; Graphs;
Scatterplots 895
A scatterplot chart showing the relationship between
gross domestic product growth and unemployment.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Scheduling can be a complex
mathematical exercise and is necessary to keep
businesses and supply chains running efciently.
Intense competitiveness forces companies to optimize
performance in terms of cost, time, and resources.
Scheduling is the process of developing and imple-
menting optimal operational plans. Formal concepts
of scheduling date to the Industrial Revolution and
innovations like Henry Fords assembly line, although
the basic ideas probably existed from antiquity in any
society where people manufactured goods.
In manufacturing, multiple tasks are carried out in
sequence to produce a nal output from raw materi-
als. Further, steps in a manufacturing process may be
performed on different machines that require vari-
able time to deliver outputs and it is possible that
materials will be transported between facilities. A
mathematically determined schedule that takes into
account all relevant variables in the process serves to
optimally allocate resources with respect to demand
of the tasks, including shortening time intervals to
reduce unproductive time and minimizing costs from
wasted time and materials. Operations research is a
eld of applied mathematics and science that uses
mathematical tools, such as simulation and model-
ing, linear programming, numerical analysis, graph
theory, and statistical analysis, to arrive at optimal
or near-optimal solutions to complex problems like
scheduling. It may also tackle problems in which the
resources are not materials but people. The schedul-
ing of airplane crews is a highly constrained and dif-
cult problem because of legal limits on work and rest
times as well as the need for crews to return to a home
base. Allocation of police, re, and ambulance services
is also a widely used and very important application
of scheduling theory.
Production Management
As a part of production management, scheduling
interferes with many different aspects of business
such as the supply chain, inventory maintenance, and
accounting. For example, consider a paint company
that makes provisions of sales for the next month by
analyzing previous data. In light of these provisions,
schedulers determine the expected arrival time and
amount of different types of chemicals, which have
different delivery times.
The supply chain should be able to deliver the cor-
rect amounts of chemicals in time. In a similar way,
accounting of the cost of supply and inventory should
be accessible for the schedulers. Because of the num-
ber of operational parts of business that scheduling
is related with, it is apparent that scheduling is a very
complex process. It gets more complex with larger
variation in types of products and larger numbers of
machines varying in processing times. Thus, schedul-
ers demand thorough knowledge of factors such as the
processing time of each machine, delivery time, the
amount of resources to allocate among machines, and
the size and ow of operations for each product.
In many manufacturing processes, different machines
might share the same input, or inputs of a machine
might consist of outputs from multiple machines.
Scheduling operations in these type of cases requires
extensive mathematical modeling. Two basic types of
modeling for production scheduling are distinguished
by the presence of randomness within. Determinis-
tic models do not include the probability of faults in
processes or critical changes in capacity or resource
availability. They are based on previous averages of
production gures and output rates, so they do not
easily adapt to changes in demand or capacity con-
straints. In these cases, rescheduling is needed, which
causes time and resource loss if repeated too many
times. They are best suited to manufacturing pro-
ductions that involve less risk of defects. Stochastic
models, on the other hand, involve the probability of
unexpected malfunctions or critical changes by dis-
tributing probability analytically to individual steps
of the schedule. Usually, they are appropriate for pro-
cesses consisting of many individual operations. For
example, these models examine machine failure rates
and aim to provide options for when a breakdown
occurs. Also, these models maintain an inventory of
materials, which may prove critical in maintaining
production. Simulations of models provide sched-
ulers an environment to test possibilities that can
obstruct the ow of production.
896 Scheduling
Further Reading
Conway, Richard W., William L. Maxwell, and Louis
W. Miller. Theory of Scheduling. New York: Dover
Publications, 2003.
Pinedo, Michael. Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and
Systems. New York: Springer, 2008.
Blazewicz, J., K. H. Ecker, E. Pesch, G. Schmidt, and J.
Weglarz. Scheduling Computer and Manufacturing
Processes. New York: Springer, 2001.
Kogan, K., and E. Khmelnitsky. Scheduling: Control-
Based Theory and Polynomial-Time Algorithms.
New York: Springer, 2000.
Ugur Kaplan
See Also: Data Mining; Mathematical Modeling;
Parallel Processing.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Principles of geometry affect school
design and mathematical models of risk may help
identify safety issues.
When people think of mathematics in schools, most
probably envision the teaching and learning of math-
ematics that occurs inside classrooms. However, there
are many aspects of twenty-rst century schools that
depend on mathematics. For example, the transition
of school design from one-room schoolhouses that
were common in the nineteenth century, through the
often rectangular and symmetric classroom buildings
of the latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
to the open-plan schools initiated in the 1950s, to
twenty-rst century schools that consider contem-
porary concerns about renewable energy, technology,
and safety. Changes in teaching philosophies over
time, such as loop education and emphasis on science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
education principles in the lower grades, led to some
of these changes, as did studies on tragedies like the
shootings at Columbine High School and Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, popularly
known as Virginia Tech (VT). Mathematics principles
can be used to map the ow of students to and from
classes, optimize locker placement and access, build
accommodations and accessibility for students with
disabilities, and plan for athletic facilities and other
non-classroom spaces. These applications are increas-
ingly important as schools seek to educate students to
live and work within the rapidly changing economies,
technologies, and environments of the twenty-rst-
century global society. Other studies may determine
whether to retrot old buildings or construct new
facilities using mathematical methods like cost-ben-
et analysis. There are many organizations and publi-
cations devoted to discussing the mathematics, engi-
neering, and technical aspects of school design and
Optimizing School Design
The notion of what constitutes optimal school
design has markedly changed over time. There are
some who consider the classic one-room schoolhouse
to be the original open-plan design, since the teacher
accommodated all students in all grades in a single
space, dividing class time among the various grades.
Famed Boston architect Gridley J. F. Bryant, who also
studied engineering, is credited with revolutioniz-
ing the design of many public buildings. His Quincy
School, which opened in 1847, was among the rst
multi-classroom schools. The school was three stories
tall, with four identical and symmetrically arranged
classrooms on each oor. This model was used for
schools throughout the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries and would be further evolved
with movable desks and tables to allow for some ex-
ibility within the box in a box construction, as it
was called by some. This design led to other consid-
erations such as optimal selection and placement of
furniture such as desks, tables, chairs, and later com-
puters, as well as features such as lockers and storage
spaces, all of which must be t into a limited amount
of space yet be accessible and functional for a vary-
ing student body. Proper placements rely on math-
ematical concepts such as volume and are related to
mathematical packing problems. Detractors often lik-
ened Bryants school conguration to prisons, which
he also designed. The evolution of open-plan schools
of the latter twentieth century was motivated by cost
Schools 897
and changes in teaching philosophies, derived in part
from research in mathematics education. There was
and continues to be controversy regarding the efcacy
and desirability of open plan schools. Mathemati-
cians, architects, facilities planners, and others con-
tinue to research effective strategies for design and
construction. For example, architect Prakash Nair
is internationally recognized as a leader in school
design, and has been cited for using educational
research as a basis for designs that optimize teaching
and learning. He helped develop a pattern language
that draws on geometric ideas and uses a modular
set of design patterns, sub-patterns, and groupings
to match school designs to goals and needs. It can be
used to develop new schools and assess existing struc-
tures. Other education professionals like C. Kenneth
Tanner, whose background includes work in design,
mathematics, statistics, and operations research, have
also used a combination of data-based research with
mathematical techniques and tools to address a broad
spectrum of school planning issues, such as technol-
ogy integration. Organizations like the School Design
and Planning Laboratory at the University of Geor-
gia use data-driven methods and models for assessing
school design and forecasting student populations
and demographics, which may impact design, use,
and sustainability.
The safety of children in U.S. schools has become a
growing concern for parents, teachers, and society
in general. The 1999 shootings at Columbine High
School focused national attention on issues of school
security, safety, and patterns of police response to such
incidents. Even more debate occurred after the 2007
shootings at VT. The Secret Service, the Department
of Education, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) conducted broad studies into the causes and
prevention of school violence. For example, the Secret
Service and the Department of Education studied all
37 shootings in U.S. schools between 1974 and 2000.
Data analysis revealed no identiable statistical pat-
terns; school shooters came from a variety of ethnic,
economic, and social classes, and most had no history
of violent behavior that would reliably predict later
actions. Using statistical methods, prolers from the
FBI also concluded that the oddball students that
society commonly perceives to be potential trouble-
makers were not in fact more likely to commit violence,
though such studies are limited by the relatively small
number of incidents and data available for modeling.
Probabilistic, predictive proling is quite controversial,
but many educators and others still advocate its use in
risk assessment.
Another mathematically based strategy schools may
employ for risk assessment is actuarial methods. Actu-
arial models for school risk statistically combine empir-
ically chosen threat factors to produce probabilities for
particular outcomes or behaviors, and sometimes they
may be standardized for specic student populations. In
some cases where there are sufcient data and the mod-
els can be validated, they have often performed better
at identifying in-school threats than subjective human
judgments. However, other model-based assessments of
risk that are based on sparse data or with a short win-
dow for prediction have not been shown to be as reli-
able. Some researchers have tried to develop expert sys-
tems for school threat assessment and decision making,
which are automated or semi-automated tools that use
articial intelligence and algorithms developed from
data, achieving mixed success. Both actuarial models
and expert systems for schools may be revised to incor-
porate new data as it is identied, making them exible
mathematical modeling tools.
Further Reading
Institute for the Development of Educational Activities,
Inc. The Open School Plan; Report of a National
Seminar (1970).
Nair, Prakash, and Randall Fielding. The Language of
School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools.
2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Designshare, Inc. 2005.
Reddy, Marissa, Randy Borum, John Berglund, Bryan
Vossekuil, Robert Fein, and William Modzeleski.
Evaluating Risk for Targeted Violence in Schools:
Comparing Risk Assessment, Threat Assessment, and
Other Approaches. Psychology in the Schools 38, no. 2
Tanner, C. Kenneth, and Jeff Lackney. Educational
Facilities Planning: Leadership, Architecture, and
Management. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2006.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
898 Schools
See Also: Engineering Design; Forecasting; Learning
Models and Trajectories; Packing Problems; Risk
Science Fiction
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Mathematics plays many roles in science
ction, sometimes as content or characters, other
times bringing elements to life on the screen.
Like mathematics, writing science ction is a craft
grounded in deduction and extrapolation. The writer
begins with certain axioms: the world as we know it
and the world as we believe it could be. He introduces
certain new variables: a thinking robot, an alien inva-
sion, human clones. Explicitly or implicitly, the story
explores the consequences, the corollaries of these new
things according to the implications of those initial axi-
oms. Stories that do not do this are considered fantasy
or sometimes science-fantasy or soft science ction, if
they otherwise contain the set-dressing of the science
ction genre.
The setting is often the future, an alternative history,
or some alternate reality, and may include use of time
travel. Alien characters frequently interact with humans
in science ction. Many books, movies, comics, graphic
novels, computer games, and Internet applications use
science ction themes, sometimes as a context in which
to explore deeper philosophical questions. Mathemat-
ics and science play a variety of roles within the science
ction genre. Sometimes, mathematics and science are
written into the story to give validity and believability to
the futuristic setting or to the technology. Mathematics
is also used to bring fantastic science ction elements
to life on screen, such as in the groundbreaking Star
Wars franchise or the 2010 lm Avatar. At other times,
characters in science ction works are mathematicians
or scientists who act as the primary heroes or villains,
or who explain scientic elements to the audience. The
inclusion of mathematically talented characters in sci-
ence ction is sometimes done to exploit commonly
held stereotypes about mathematicians for narrative
purposes, such as genius or aloofness. In other works,
mathematics becomes the explicit subject of the story,
and the mathematics of science ction in both written
and visual media has been explored in college courses
and mathematics research. Mathematicians or individu-
als that have mathematical training often create science
ction, and science ction may inform mathematical
research. The widely noted Big Three authors of twen-
tieth-century science ctionArthur C. Clark, Robert
A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimovall had mathematical
training or mathematically based science backgrounds
and made nonction contributions to areas such as sat-
ellites, rocketry, robotics, and ethics.
Early History of Science Fiction
Because of the varying denitions of science ction, it
is difcult to determine exactly what might be the rst
science ction story. The Mesopotamian epic poem
The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is among the oldest sur-
viving works of literature, is cited by some scholars as
Science Fiction 899
Science fiction is often set in an alternate reality and
may involve time travel or alien characters.
containing elements of science ction. Some research-
ers note that the Bible, when examined as a work of
literature, has stories that could be classied as science
ction, such as the ascension of the prophet Elijah to
heaven in a ery chariot. In the second century, the
Greek satirist Lucien of Samosata wrote about inter-
planetary travel and alien life forms in his True His-
tories (or True Tales). English lawyer and philosopher
Thomas Mores 1516 work Utopia described a perfect
society, which became a common theme among later
science-ction writers. Some scholars argue that such
early works cannot be claimed as the rst science c-
tion because neither the audience nor the authors
likely knew enough about the underlying science. Cor-
respondingly, they might claim that the origin of sci-
ence ction coincided with the post-medieval scientic
revolution and discoveries in science and mathematics
made by people such as Isaac Newton and Galileo Gal-
ilei. Mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler
wrote a story in 1634 called Somnium, which imagined
that a student of astronomer Tycho Brahe had been
transported to the moon and described how Earth
might look when viewed from that location. It con-
tained mathematical computations and is considered
by some to be a scientic treatise, while others cite it
as the rst science ction, including both Asimov and
astronomer and author Carl Sagan. Author Brian Aldiss
asserts that science ction derives many of its structure
and conventions from the Gothic horror genre, which
suggests that Mary Shelleys 1818 novel Frankenstein is
the rst seminal work to which the label SF can be
logically attached. This labeling is perhaps because of
its introduction of science ction themes like a mad
scientist, the potential misuse of technology, and the
presence of an non-human being as a main character.
The Foundations of Twentieth-Century
Science Fiction
Jules Verne and Herbert George (H. G.) Wells are often
jointly known as the fathers of science ction for
their creative inuence on the development of twen-
tieth-century science ction. Jules Verne consistently
incorporated the newest technological discoveries and
experiments of his lifetime into his work. Many of his
most popular novels, like A Journey to the Center of
the Earth (1864), From the Earth to the Moon (1865),
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1869), and
Around the World in Eighty Days (1873), have been
widely translated into other languages and adapted
into plays, movies, television shows, and cartoons.
Some scholars have called Vernes books visionary and
even prophetic for describing mathematical and scien-
tic phenomena such as weightlessness and heavier-
than-air ight before they were well-known or under-
stood. His attention to realistic scientic principles and
detailed descriptions of problems and solutions would
later challenge many real-life mathematicians, scien-
tists, and engineers. Physicist and engineer Hermann
Oberth and scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who are
known as the fathers of rocketry and astronautics
along with physicist Robert H. Goddard, reported
being inspired by Vernes books.
Like Vernes work, the novels of H. G. Wells have
been widely adapted into various other media, and the
1895 novel The Time Machine, in particular, is cited as
inspiring many other works of ction. The invention of
the now commonly used term time machine is attrib-
uted to Wells, as is the notion of time being the fourth
dimension. In the 1897 novel The Invisible Man, a scien-
tist named Grifn makes himself invisible by changing
the refractive index of his body so that it neither absorbs
or reects light. Some of Wellss books were considered
to be exceptionally bold and compelling. His 1898 novel
The War of the Worlds is well-grounded in mathematical
and scientic theories from the time it was written, like
mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplaces formulation of
the nebular hypothesis. It shared a vision of space travel
common to late nineteenth-century novels, including
Vernes From the Earth to the Moon. Large cylinders were
red from cannons on the Mars surface to transport the
aliens to Earth. Later mathematical models and calcula-
tions necessary to send people into Earths orbit and to
the moon, as well as to guide probes to Mars and the
far reaches of the solar system, demonstrated that the
parabolic trajectories were often quite complex and that
the forces required to propel a cylinder from Mars to the
Earth would likely be lethal to passengers. Wells was also
a science teacher and political activist who recognized
and asserted the importance of quantitative knowledge,
noting: Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary
for efcient citizenship as the ability to read and write.
Mathematical Science Fiction
While mathematics is widely used to help build or
validate the setting or technology of a science ction
story, such as in the works of Verne and Wells, in some
900 Science Fiction
cases it is a central component of the plot. There are
many mathematical science ction novels that have
been written about a variety of themes. The 1946 short
story No-Sided Professor, written by mathematician
and author Martin Gardner, disusses the Mbius strip,
a one-sided gure named for mathematician August
Mbius. It addresses the possibility of a zero-sided
gure and other concepts in topology. Occams Razor,
by author David Duncan in 1956, posits the notion of
discontinuous time, which can be bridged by minimal
surfaces in certain topologies. Asimovs 1957 novel The
Feeling of Power addresses scientic computing in a
futuristic society in which people have lost the ability to
perform basic arithmetic calculations. The rediscovery
of hand-multiplication therefore becomes a new secret
weapon for the societys military. Author Stanislaw Lem
discusses countably innite sets in his 1968 novel The
Extraordinary Hotel, while author and mathematician
Greg Egans 1991 work The Innite Assassin includes a
discussion of the Cantor set, named for mathematician
Georg Cantor, an important concept in topology and
some other mathematical elds. Other mathematical
science ction urges appreciation of mathematics as if
it is a form of poetry. Examples include author Kathryn
Cramers 1987 work Forbidden Knowledge, author Nor-
mal Kagans 1964 work The Mathenauts, and multiple
stories by author Eliot Fintushel. Mathematician and
author Vernor Vinge often addressed the mathemati-
cal themes of superhuman articial intelligence and
a predicted technological singularity: a point in time
where the exponential growth of technology results in
essentially instantaneous change. These themes are also
found Clarks 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequels. The
term technological singularity is credited to math-
ematician Irving Good and is also linked to Moores
law, named for Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, which
mathematically models the trend in the evolution of
computer processor speeds.
Several science ction novels challenge the foun-
dations of mathematics itself or the commonly pro-
posed notion of mathematics as a universal language.
Author Ted Chiangs Division by Zero, a 1991 short
story, discusses the discovery of a proof that mathema-
tics is inconsistent, which may be possible according
to Gdels Incompleteness Theorems, named for
mathematician Kurt Gdel. Chiangs later 1998 work
Story of Your Life involves humans trying to commu-
nicate with aliens whose mathematics is based on vari-
ational formulations rather than algebra. In the same
year, mathematician and author David Reulles Con-
versations on Mathematics With a Visitor from Outer
Space, which was published in a collection of nonc-
tion mathematical essays, argued that mathematics on
Earth is essentially human in nature, so humans should
not expect aliens to share humans unique mathemati-
cal language. Sagans 1985 novel Contact alternatively
suggested that humans and aliens may communicate
via mathematics, but rather than the typical mode of
Science Fiction 901
Mathematical Characters
and Stereotypes
cience ction authors often include math-
ematicians or mathematically talented
individuals as characters in order to explain
scientic elements to the audience or to exploit
commonly held associations and stereotypes,
which can be a shortcut for characteriza-
tion, including intelligence, logic, emotional
coldness, eccentricity, arrogance, or general
strangeness or differences between math-
ematicians and supposedly normal people.
For example, in Michael Crichtons 1990 novel
Jurassic Park, mathematician and chaos theo-
rist Ian Malcolm, sometimes cited as having
been modeled in part on Ian Stewart, expounds
with some arrogance on the mathematics that
shape the increasingly dangerous situations in
which the characters nd themselves. However,
he otherwise dees many of the stereotypes
associated with mathematicians, such as
social ineptness. The notion of logic and math-
ematical reasoning as male modes of thinking
and understanding, versus understanding via
female emotion and intuition, is also pervasive
in older science ction. Some point to lessen-
ing trends in this theme in the latter twentieth
century, and a few works like Chiangs Division
by Zero contain female characters who are
coldly logical and distant rather than emotional.
It is an issue of debate whether this should be
seen as a positive or negative shift.
receiving radio waves containing messages from space,
communications are instead embedded within the very
framework of mathematics itself.
Since Wells introduced the notion of the fourth
dimension in The Time Machine, dimensionality in
many forms has been a widely used theme in science
ction, including mathematical science ction. In the
1940 novel And He Built a Crooked House by Heinlein,
a mathematical architect designs a house that is con-
structed as an inverted double cross representation of
an unfolded tesseract net in three-dimensional space.
Following an earthquake, the structure spontaneously
shifts and folds itself into an actual tesseract, whose
four-dimensional properties are explored and described
by characters. The satirical Edwin Abbot novel Flatland:
A Romance of Many Dimensions, which was written
largely as a social commentary on Victorian norms and
mores, may also be considered science ction because it
depicts an alternate two-dimensional world inhabited
by polygonal creatures, which is visited by three-dimen-
sional creatures in a manner that resembles twentieth-
and twenty-rst-century depictions of human-alien
interactions. More than a century after its initial pub-
lication, Flatland remains popular in the mathematical
community because of its entertaining and enlightening
discussions of what some people consider to be an abs-
tract mathematical concept, and it was once described
by Asimov as, The best introduction one can nd into
the manner of perceiving dimensions.
Other authors have used the novel as inspiration.
Mathematician and author Ian Stewarts 2001 work
Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So, explores several
mathematical topics such as Feynman diagrams, named
for physicist Richard Feynman, superstring theory,
quantum mechanics, fractal geometry, and the recur-
ring science ction theme of time travel. He includes
mathematical jokes and puns such as a one-sided cow
named Moobius to make concepts relatable to a broader
audience. Stewart also co-authored the semi-ctional
Science of Discworld series, which compares mathemati-
cally and scientically the natural laws of sperical planets
or roundworlds like Earth to the created or imagined
physical laws of the at, disc-shaped setting of author
Terry Pratchets Discworld novels. Some other works
that are commonly cited as extensions of ideas found
in Flatland include mathematician and author Dionys
Burgers 1953 novel Sphereland: A Fantasy About Cur-
ved Spaces and an Expanding Universe and two works by
mathematician and author Rudy Rucker: the 1983 short
story Message Found in a Copy of Flatland and the 2002
novel Spaceland.
Mathematics is a living discipline that is constantly
evolving, and mathematical science ction sometimes
underscores this point. Gardners 1952 story The Island
of Five Colors is the sequel to the No-Sided Professor. The
characters in the story attempt to solve the Four Color
theorem, which was unproven at the time. It illustrates
the inherent time dependence of some elements of sci-
ence ction, since imagined creations and the mathema-
tics on which they are based frequently become reality
later. Gardner stated: the true four-color theorem,
unproved when I wrote my story, has since been establi-
shed by computer programs, though not very elegantly.
As science ction, the tale is now as dated as a story about
Martians or about the twilight zone of Mercury. At the
same time, others argue that the themes of such novels
are still useful and relevant when considering the nature
of mathematics and that these stories do not automati-
cally lose value as entertainment or inspiration simply
because the mathematical or scienctic frameworks
become somewhat out of date.
Mathematicians as Science Fiction Authors
Mathematicians and mathematically trained individu-
als such as Martin Gardner, Isaac Asimov, Greg Egan,
Ian Stewart, and Vernor Vinge often contribute to both
science ction writing and mathematical or scientic
research, and several mathematicians have won the
Hugo Award, the premier prize in science ction and
fantasy literature. Perhaps one of the most well-known
of these is Rudy Rucker, who is considered among the
founding fathers of the science ction subgenre of
cyberpunk, a style that draws inspiration from Gothic
horror like Frankenstein, lm noir, punk, computer
science, and cybernetics, a discipline whose twentieth-
century development is attributed to mathematician
Norbert Weiner. Rucker credits his mathematical back-
ground for inuencing not only the content of what
he writes but also the way in which he writes: I think
of the writing process itself as a fractal. I have the big
arc of the plot, the short-story-like chapters, the scenes
within the chapter, the actions that make up the scenes,
and nicely formed sentences to describe the actions,
the carefully chosen words in the sentence. And hid-
den beneath each word is another fractal, the entire
language with all my ramifying mental associations.
902 Science Fiction
He also notes that both mathematics and science c-
tion writing can be thought of as ways of exploring the
consequences of imposed constraints or assumptions,
and that science ction writing provides a structure for
carrying out interesting thought experiments about
concepts such as alternative mathematical structures to
explain the nature of reality.
Visual Media
Science ction has long been translated to other forms
of media, and mathematics plays a dual role as a sub-
ject and a technique for bringing both realistic and fan-
tastic images to life. Further, mathematicians are often
involved as writers or consultants. Stanley Kubricks
2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most well-known
science ction lms. Mathematician Irving Good
consulted on the lm, as did novelist Clark, and it is
praised for its scientic realism and pioneering special
effects. The Star Wars franchise, launched in 1977, now
includes books, comics, movies, video games, and Web
media. It was groundbreaking in its use of mathemati-
cally based special effects techniques, including exten-
sive stop motion animation and then later computer
animation for backgrounds, props, costumes, and even
entire characters. Effects that were once limited to big-
budget lms have now made their way onto television.
The Star Trek franchise is notable not just for its visual
imagery but also for references to real-world mathe-
matical concepts including and Fermats last theo-
rem, named for mathematician Pierre de Fermat. Other
examples of shows that contain frequent real-world
mathematical include SyFys Eureka and the animated
series Futurama. Producer and writer Ken Keeler has
a mathematics Ph.D. from Harvard. Along with other
mathematically trained writers, he co-creates many of
the mathematical references found on Futurama, and
once notably constructed a new mathematical proof to
validate an episodes plot twist.
Further Reading
Bly, Robert. The Science in Science Fiction: 83 SF
Predictions that Became Scientic Reality. Dallas, TX:
BenBella Books, 2005.
Chartier, Timothy, and Dan Goldman. Mathematical
Movie Magic. Math Horizons 11 (April 2004).
Gouva, Fernando. As Others See Us: Four Science
Fictional Mathematicians. Math Horizons 11
(April 2004).
Kasman, Alex. Mathematical Fiction. http://kasmana
, Mathematics in Science Fiction. Math
Horizons 11 (April 2004) http://kasmana.people.cofc
Raham, Richard. Teaching Science Fact With Science
Fiction. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.
Shubin, Tatiana. A Conversation With Rudy Rucker.
Math Horizons 11(April 2004).
Simone Gyorfi
See Also: Geometry of the Universe; Interplanetary
Travel; Literature; Mathematics, Elegant; Movies,
Mathematics in; Universal Language; Writers, Producers,
and Actors.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics may be necessary to
assure the stability of a sculpture and sculptures can
represent mathematical concepts in three dimensions.
The word sculpture comes from Latin sculpere,
meaning to carve. Sculptures can be made from
variety of materials, including wood, metal, glass, clay,
textiles, or plastic that is carved, cast, welded, cut, or
otherwise formed into shapes. Topiary and bonsai are
living sculptures. Modern sculptors even experiment
with light and sound. Additionally, sculptures may be
free-standing objects or appear as reliefs on surfaces
like walls.
The Taj Mahal, one of the most recognizable struc-
tures on Earth, includes many geometric reliefs. Sculp-
tures can be static or kinetic, like Rube Goldberg con-
traptions, and projection sculptures change appearance
when viewed from differenent sides. The outdoor Pen-
rose tribar sculpture in East Perth, Australia, appears
to be the illusory gure developed by Roger Penrose
when viewed from the correct angle. While mathe-
matical forms have long been used to create sculpture,
mathematicians have come to embrace this incredibly
exible art form to investigate many mathematical
Sculpture 903
concepts that might otherwise be difcult to visualize.
Many mathematical sculptures are quite aesthetically
pleasing in addition to being highly functional in clari-
fying and representing mathematical ideas. Displays
of mathematical sculptures are now a regular part of
many art exhibitions and mathematics conferences.
Mathematical Sculptures
Researchers who explore higher degrees of dimension-
ality often nd it challenging to represent these concepts
to people whose everyday perception is three-dimen-
sional. Mathematician Adrian Ocneanus work includes
modeling regular solids mathematically and physically.
His Octatube sculpture, on display in Pennsylvania
State Universitys mathematics building, maps a four-
dimensional space into three dimensions using trian-
gular pieces bent into spherical shapes. Octatube is
conformal; the angles between faces and the way the
faces meet are uniform. It was sponsored by Jill Grashof
Anderson, whose husband was killed on September
11, 2001. Both graduated with mathematics degrees in
1965. Mathematician Nigel Higson said, For profes-
sionals the sculpture is very rich in meaning, but it also
has an aesthetic appeal that anyone can appreciate. In
addition, it helps to start conversations about abstract
mathematical conceptssomething that is generally
hard to do with anyone other than another expert.
Other concepts explored by mathematical sculptures
include minimum variation surfaces, such as spheres,
toruses, and cones, which humans tend to judge to be
aesthetically pleasing because of their constant curva-
ture; zonohedra, a class of convex polyhedra with faces
that are point-symmetrical polygons, such as parallelo-
grams; and Mbius loops, Klein bottles, and Boys sur-
faces, named for mathematicians August Mbius, Felix
Klein, and Werner Boy. Sculptures on exhibit at the
Fermi National Laboratory, like Monkey-Saddle Hexa-
gon, focus in part on saddle-shaped minimal surfaces.
Mathematicians Who Sculpt
Art and mathematics have been intertwined for cen-
turies and many historical sculptors such as Leonardo
DaVinci were also mathematicians. Cubist sculptors
explored many new perspectives on dimension and
geometry. Spouses Helaman and Claire Ferguson have
created and written extensively about mathematical
sculpture. Helaman developed the PLSQ algorithm for
nding integer relationships, considered by many to be
among the most important algorithms of the twentieth
century. He creates his award-winning sculptures to rep-
resent mathematical discoveries, and the
pairs worldwide presentations have been
praised for their accessibility and for initiat-
ing dialogue among multiple disciplines.
George Hart, another mathematician-
sculptor, has worked in elds like dimen-
sional analysis. He regularly hosts sculp-
tural barn raisings, where people are
invited to help assemble large mathemati-
cal sculptures and discuss their properties.
This includes a traveling sculpture for use
at schools and conferences. Hart also uses
rapid prototyping technology for mathe-
matics and sculpture work. In 2010, he left
Stony Brook University to be chief of con-
tent at the interactive Museum of Math-
ematics, with an opening date of 2012.
Computer-Generated Sculpture
Self-taught artist and mathematician
Brent Collins and computer scientist Carlo
Squin created their Fermi mathemati-
cal sculpture exhibit as part of a prolic
904 Sculpture
An impossible Penrose triangle sculpture built in 2008 in
Gotschuchen, Austria, by a physics association.
ongoing collaboration. Squin started researching geo-
metric modeling in the early 1980s and Collins cre-
ated saddle-form sculptures during the same period,
though he only later learned their mathematical names.
The Squin-Collins Sculpture Generator combines
the aesthetics of sculpture, mathematical theory, and
computer visualization to allow sculptors to rapidly
prototype and rene ideas electronically before begin-
ning to work in their chosen medium. A designer can
move around and through the model as well as slice
and transform it. Some consider the computer images
themselves to be virtual sculpture. In contrast, some
sculptors see computer modeling as too restrictive on
the symbiotic processes of design and implementation.
Some directions of mathematical sculpture include
knots, three-dimensional tessellations, surfaces dened
by parametric equations, fractal structures, and models
of complex natural entities such as organic molecules.
Other Representations and Projects
The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef project combined
mathematics and marine biology to call attention to
global warming and other environmental issues using
three-dimensional crocheted sculptures of reef life-
forms. Artists create reef components using iterative
patterns, which can be permuted to produce a broad
variety of lifelike designs. The project is an extension of
the hyperbolic crochet work pioneered by mathema-
tician Daina Taimina, who demonstrated that hyper-
bolic surfaces can be modeled physically.
Some mathematically themed sculptures represent
the connections between mathematics and other aspects
of society rather than trying to model explicit mathe-
matical concepts. Oakland Universitys Department of
Mathematics and Statistics has a sculpted ceramic mural
called Equation, which was created to explain the devel-
opment of mathematics and its relationship to the uni-
verse and humanity. Though not a mathematician, artist
Richard Ulrish stated that he has fond memories of the
mathematics courses he took at Oakland.
Further Reading
Abouaf, Jeffrey. Variations on Perfection: The Sequin-
Collins Sculpture Generator. IEEE Computer Graphics
and Applications 18 (November/December 1998).
Ferguson, Claire, and Helaman Ferguson. Helaman
Ferguson: Mathematics in Stone and Bronze. Erie, PA:
Meridian Creative Group, 1994.
George W. Hart. Geometric Sculpture. http://www
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef. http://crochetcoral
Peterson, Ivars. Fragments of Innity: A Kaleidoscope of
Math and Art. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2001.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Crochet and Knitting; Escher, M.C.;
Painting; Surfaces; Visualization.
Search Engines
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Using complex and sometimes proprietary
algorithms, search engines locate and rank requested
information, usually on the Internet or in a database.
Search engines are used for nding information from
digitally stored data. Based on a search criterion like
a word or phrase, search engines nd information
from the Internet and personal computers and present
search results appropriately. A search engine is a very
efcient tool for effortless nding information from
millions of Web sites and their Webpages. For example,
information on movies or weather forecast from the
Internet can be easily found using search engines. To
sort through vast amount of data, search engines use
statistics, probability, mathematics, and data analysis.
Types of Search Engines
Different types of search engines are developed for
different purposes. The simplest one is a desktop
search engine, which is used for nding information
stored within a computer. An enterprise search engine
searches for digitally stored information within only
one organization. A Web search engine looks for infor-
mation on the World Wide Web (WWW). Sometimes,
federated search engines are used for searching online
databases or related items. Though there are different
types, the term search engine generally refers to Web
search engines.
Search Engines 905
Search Mechanisms
Searching for a word or phrase in a document in a com-
puter is very simple and sophisticated search engines
are not needed for this. A program simply reads the
whole or selected part of the document, looks for where
the intended word or phrase is located, and highlights
the locations in the document.
Desktop search engines perform more complicated
searches. These engines read all les and folders kept in
the computer to collect information and index them.
Indexing is a method of storing information about les
and folders considering several factors like le names,
contents, types, authors, and locations of les. It uses
mathematical manipulations involving numbers, oper-
ations, and data mining. Once indexing is nished, the
engine follows that index for searching. For example, if
the word algebra is searched in a computer, the engine
reads the index and tries to nd out where the word
algebra is located (if anywhere), and it shows the result-
ing les or folders.
The most complicated and interesting search engines
are Web search engines. The Web contains billions of
Web pages, and each page contains information. These
search engines search for information from almost all
of them. These engines generally work in three major
steps: (1) collecting information from the Web, (2)
indexing, and (3) presenting search results.
For reading Webpages and collecting information,
almost all Web search engines have their own com-
puter program, often called a crawler. A Web search
engine may have one or more crawlers. The informa-
tion collected by crawlers contains subject matters,
hyperlinks, images, and other information. Next, the
search engines index the collected data and store them
for future retrieval. The index is like a giant catalogue
and involves huge mathematical applications to pre-
pare. When a search criterion is given for searching,
search engines follow this index; they nd which Web-
pages contain the information and present results as
lists of links to those pages.
A challenging task for Web search engines is to
present the search results properly and quickly. While
showing the results, it is expected that the more rel-
evant pages corresponding to the search criterion
should appear earlier than less relevant pages. Different
search engines have different algorithms for arranging
pages based on relevance. For example, the Google
search engine uses an algorithm called PageRank for
this purpose. It uses probability, data analysis, matrix
algebra, and related elds.
Examples of Search Engines
Web search engines began to be developed in the
1990s and are constantly improving to handle the
increasing size and content of the Web. Many of the
individuals who develop and rene search engines
have degrees in mathematics. Popular search engines
like AltaVista (launched in 1995), Google (1998),
Yahoo Search (2004), and Bing (2010) are only a few
examples. Google Desktop, GNOME Storage, Win-
dows Search, and Easynd are among the most popu-
lar desktop search engines, while OpenSearchServer
and DataparkSearch are good examples of enterprise
search engines.
Further Reading
Levene, Mark. An Introduction to Search Engines and Web
Navigation. London: Pearson, 2005.
Voorhees, E. M. Natural Language Processing and
Information Retrieval. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2000.
Sukantadev Bag
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Data Mining; Internet; Matrices; Number and Operations;
Probability; Randomness; Statistics Education.
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus; Geometry;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: The Segway is a personal transporter
built on the principle of dynamic equilibrium.
The Segway is an electric, two-wheeled personal trans-
portation device that utilizes principles of balance and
equilibrium both to create and control its motion. The
Segway transporter was developed in part to combat
the congestion and pollution caused by automobiles.
In many cities, Segway tours are now alternatives to
walking or bus tours. The Segway is often cited as an
906 Segway
application of a classical dynamical systems problem:
the inverted pendulum problem. It can also be refer-
enced in illustrating the phenomenon of dynamic sta-
bility that also occurs in human walking.
Inverted Pendulum
In a traditional pendulum problem, the pendulum is
composed of a mass attached to a string that is itself
attached to a pivot point. In this case, the mass hangs
below the pivot point. The position in which the mass
hangs below the pivot point is stablethe pendulum
eventually returns to that position even if pushed away
from that position. In fact, it is relatively easy for the
pendulum to rest in this equilibrium position. In an
inverted pendulum problem, the situation in which the
mass is above the pivot point is considered. Frequently,
one can visualize this scenario as a cart and pole.
With the cart at rest, if the pole is perfectly positioned,
it will stand upright on top of the cart. However, this
condition is unstable; if the pole is moved away from
this resting position, it falls.
An interesting property about the inverted pendu-
lum (or cart-and-pole) problem is that as long as the
base, or cart, is resting, the upright position is unstable.
However, if the base or cart is in motion, oscillating at
the right frequency, the upright position becomes stable.
Imagine that the cart is moving forward and backward
ever so slightly and very rapidly; in this case, the pole
can remain upright. Now, the pole is in a dynamically
stable position. This type of motion-induced stability
is similar to what happens as humans walk. If an indi-
vidual leans forward with his or her feet rmly planted
on the ground, the individual will fall. However, if the
feet are allowed to move, the individual will not fall but
instead will move forward (or backward, depending on
the direction of the lean). Allowing the feet to move has
made the leaning position dynamically stable. With the
feet moving, it is much harder for the individual to fall.
Dynamic Equilibrium
The Segway transporter operates on this principle of
dynamic equilibrium. Riders lean forward to cause the
wheels to move forward and lean back to cause the Seg-
way to stop or reverse. The wheels and base are dynam-
ically moving to keep the rider in an upright position
instead of falling to the ground. Balance sensors in the
base of the Segway regulate and control the motion by
incorporating the pitch angle (or tilt) of the rider, the
change in pitch angle, the wheel speed, and the wheel
position. Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers
relate all these variables through differential equations
describing motion; these equations have long been
studied in each of these elds. The Segway transporter
is one example of a project resulting from the interplay
of all three elds.
Further Reading
Kalmus, Henry P. The Inverted Pendulum. Journal of
Physics 38, no. 7 (1970).
Kemper, Steve. Code Name Ginger: The Story Behind
Segway and Dean Kamens Quest to Invent a New
World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School
Publishing, 2003.
Tweney, Dylan. Dec. 3, 2001: Segway Starts Rolling.
Wired (December 3, 2009).
Segway 907
Riders lean forward to make the wheels move forward
and lean back to stop the Segway.
Vasilash, Gary S. Learning From Segway: Innovation
in Action. Automotive Design & Production
(January 2006).
Angela Gallegos
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Mathematics,
Applied; Trigonometry.
Sequences and Series
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Number and Operations.
Summary: Sequences and series are important
mathematical representations with numerous,
interesting applications.
A sequence is a list of objects, called terms, arranged in
a xed pattern such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, . . . or Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, . . . . In a series, the
terms of a sequence are typically added together. Series
have a long history of being used to approximate func-
tions or represent geometric quantities. For example,
in the seventeenth century, James Gregory showed how
the areas of a circle and hyperbola could be obtained
using series. In the early days of calculus, series rep-
resented geometric quantities and were manipulated
using methods extended from nite procedures. Math-
ematicians like Niels Abel critiqued the rigor of series
and expressed concerns with the foundations of calcu-
lus. The theory of series was later made rigorous within
the eld of analysis. Series are important to many areas
in science and engineering. Sequences are explored in
the primary and middle grades, while series are intro-
duced in high school.
Famous Sequences
One very famous sequence emerges when considering
the reproductive habits of rabbits. Consider two rabbits
that are too young to reproduce after their rst month
of life but can and do reproduce after their second
month of life. That pair of rabbits produces another
pair after its second month and for each month there-
after. If one assumes that none of the rabbits die and
that each pair reproduces in the same manner as the
rst, the number of pairs of rabbits at the end of each
month corresponds to the elements of the sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . . . This sequence is known
as the Fibonacci sequence. It is named after Leonardo
de Pisa who was called Fibonnaci, a nickname mean-
ing son (lius) of Bonaccio. He wrote about it in his
1202 book Liber Abaci. With the exception of the rst
two terms, each successive term is found by adding the
two terms prior to it. This sequence appears in nature
in other situations, including the arrangement of leaves
on the stems of certain plants, the fruitlets of a pineap-
ple and the spirals of shells. Some mathematical histo-
rians suggest that a Fibonacci-like sequence of integers
is also represented in stone balance weights excavated
in the 1960s that originated in the eastern Mediterra-
nean during the Late Bronze Age.
Other specic types of sequences have been
explored. In 1940, Pavel Aleksandrov introduced a
concept called exact sequences, which found rel-
evance in a wide variety of mathematical elds. In
1954, Jean-Pierre Serre was awarded a Fields Medal,
the most prestigious award in mathematics, in part
because of his work on spectral sequences.
A series is often the sum of the terms of a sequence.
Series originate as early as the Indian mathemati-
cian and astronomer Brahmagupta who gave rules
for summing series in his 628 c.e. work Brah-
masphutasiddanta (The Opening of the Universe).
The sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence
is called an arithmetic series. The arithmetic series
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
. . .
+ 97 + 98 + 99 + 100 is also a well
known one, as it is related to mathematician Carl Fried-
rich Gauss (17771855). At a very young age (around 6
years old), Gauss found the sum of the natural numbers
(1, 2, 3, 4, ) from 1 to 100. That is, the sum given by
the series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
. . .
+ 97 + 98 + 99 + 100. He
was given this task by his teacher to keep him busy while
the teacher worked with the other students in the class
who were not as mathematically gifted as Gauss. After a
relatively short time, Gauss returned to the teacher with
the sum 5050. Gausss method was to pair up the terms
of the series. Taking the sum of the rst and last term
(1 + 100) yields 101. This is the same as the sum of the
second and second to last (2 + 99 =101), the third and
908 Sequences and Series
third to last (3+ 98 + 101), and so forth. In all, there are
50 such pairs, each of which sums to 101. Thus,
1 2 3 4 97 98 99 100
50 101 5050.
+ + + + + + + +
= =
. . .
( ) ( )
Many mathematicians advanced the theory of
important series such as power series, trigonometric
series, Fourier series, and time series. For example,
Nicholas Mercator represented the function log 1 + ( ) x
as a series in 1651. Taylor series, named after Brook
Taylor, is a representation of a function as an innite
sum of terms calculated from the values of its deriva-
tives at a single point. From the early history of analy-
sis, these power series were important in the study of
transcendental functions. Data given as a sequence of
data points over time led Wilhelm Lexis to develop
time series in 1879.
Applications of Series
Some other series arose in the context of questions
related to physics and sparked controversy. The math-
ematics and physics of a vibrating string and solu-
tions of the wave equation led to trigonometric series.
Daniell Bernoulli, Jean Le Rond dAlembert, Leonhard
Euler, and Joseph-Louis Lagrange debated the nature of
trigonometric series in the eighteenth century. Joseph
Fourier developed Fourier series for the heat equation
in the nineteenth century, which was criticized at the
time because it contradicted a theorem by Augustin-
Louis Cauchy but was explored more rigorously by
Johann Dirichlet. An overshoot or ringing in Fourier
series was rst observed by H. Wilbraham and later
explored by Josiah Gibbs. The Gibbs phenomenon
has implications in signal processing. The three-body
problem, which investigates the behavior and stability
of three mutually attracting orbiting bodies in the solar
system, was solved by Delaunay in 1860 via represent-
ing the longitude, latitude, and parallax of the moon as
an innite series.
However, in 1892, Jules Henri Poincar showed that
these and similar solutions were not in general uni-
formly convergent, and this criticism created doubt
about proofs of the stability of the solar system and
eventually led to the formation of the eld of deter-
ministic chaos. A prize was offered by King Oscar II
of Sweden for a solution to the extension of the three-
body problems to n bodies. It has since been proven
that no general solution is possible, but the n-body
problem was also connected to series in Quidong
Wangs 1991 work.
Series were also important as mathematicians
searched for efcient ways to represent and nd its
digits. Keralese mathematician Madhava of Sangama-
gramam may have been the rst when he used 21 terms
of a series and stated correctly to 11 places. In the
1800s, William Shanks used a series to calculate digits
of in the morning and check them in the evening. He
calculated 707 digits of using this method. However,
there was a suspicious lack of the number 7 in the last
digits, and it was later found that only the rst 527 dig-
its were correct. Johann Lambert used the same series
to show in 1761 that must be irrationalit cannot
be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers and has an
innite, non-repeating decimal expansion. Srinivasa
Ramanujan found series that converged more rapidly
than others, and these efcient series were used as the
foundations of computer algorithms.
Binary Series
A very famous series is the binary series that consists
of powers of 2: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
+ + + + + +
. . .
. It is
theorized that the King of Persia, nding himself very
bored, asked that a game be invented for his amuse-
ment. The inventor of the game the king found most
enjoyable would be given a reward. A servant of the
king created the game of chess that was most pleas-
ing to the king. When asked what prize he would like,
the servant replied that he wanted grains of rice. The
chessboard consists of 64 small squares. As a reward
the servant asked for 1 grain of rice for the rst square,
2 for the second square, 4 for the third square, 8 for the
fourth square and so forth, until all 64 squares had been
accounted for. The number of grains of rice requested
is the sum 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
+ + + + + +
. . .
, and
it amounts to 274,877,906,944 tons of rice, which is
more rice than has been cultivated on Earth since
recorded time. The story goes that the king grew furi-
ous at the servant once he knew what was requested.
The servant was taking the rice as he received it and
distributing it among the poor. At some point, the king
indicated that he did not have the rice to pay the ser-
vant. The servant indicated that he was content with
the amount that he had already received and that it was
the king who offered a reward not he who made the
initial request. Both parties were pleased.
Sequences and Series 909
Applications in Economics
Series appear in many other contexts as well. For
example, the future value of an ordinary annuity can
be found using a series. An ordinary annuity is an
account where an individual makes identical depos-
its on a regular schedule. The money in the account
earns interest that is compounded with the same
frequency as the deposits. Suppose an individual
deposits $100 every year into an account that earns
6% interest annually. Three years later, the rst years
deposit has earned interest over two years, the second
account over one year, and the last deposit not at all.
The money in the account after three years is given by:
100 1 06 100 1 06 100 1 06
0 1 2
( . ) ( . ) ( . ) + + . The general series
can be expressed as a single number
( ) 1 1
where A is the future value of the annuity, P is the pay-
ment made at the end of each period, i is the interest
rate per period, and n is the number of periods.
Though innite sequences consist of innitely many
terms, it may be the case that the sum of the terms of
such sequences converges on a given value. Such is the
case of the geometric series .9 + .09 + .009 + .0009 +
. . .
In this series, the rst term is .9 and the common
ratio is
Applying the formula for the sum of the rst n terms
of the series yield
.9 1
As the number of terms approaches innity (as
n ), the fraction
becomes so small that one may consider it zero.
1 0 1
as n grows innitely large. Since
= + + + + = . . . . . 9 09 009 0009 9
. . .
one arrives at the very famous result that S
= + + + + = . . . . . 9 09 009 0009 9
. . .
= 1.
Further Reading
Ferraro, Giovanni, and Marco Panza. Developing
Into Series and Returning From Series: A Note on
the Foundations of Eighteenth-Century Analysis.
Historia Mathematica 30, no. 1 (2003).
Klein, Judy. Statistical Visions in Time: A History of Time
Series Analysis, 16621938. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Kline, Morris. Mathematical Thought From Ancient to
Modern Times. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1972.
Laugwitz, Detlef. Bernhard Riemann, 18261866: Turning
Points in the Conception of Mathematics. Boston:
Birkhuser Boston, 2008.
Lidia Gonzalez
See Also: Archimedes; Functions; Limits and
Continuity; Numbers, Complex.
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Servers help users connect to networks,
including the Internet.
ARPANET, the rst network of time-sharing comput-
ers, was connected in 1969. In subsequent decades,
technology developments and the increasing benets
of distributed, shared access spurred network growth,
ultimately resulting in the Internet and World Wide
910 Servers
Web. Most local, national, and global networks rely
on servers, which manage network resources for cli-
ent computers that are connected to it. A server may
be a physical computer, a program, or a combination
of hardware and software. In some cases, a system is a
dedicated server. In other cases, software servers oper-
ate on multipurpose systems. A distributed server is a
scalable grouping in which several computers act as one
entity and share the work. In general, a network server
manages overall network trafc, while specialty serv-
ers handle other tasks. CERN httpd (or W3C httpd),
which debuted in 1990, is considered to be the rst
Web server. It was developed by scientists Tim Bern-
ers-Lee, Ari Luotonen, and Henrik Frystyk Nielsen
at the European Organization for Nuclear Research
(CERN). Servers and clients use communication pro-
tocols to exchange information to carry out tasks.
There are server-to-server and client-server variations.
Mathematicians, computer scientists, and others work
to create technology and algorithms that make servers
possible and increase their efciency. They also study
the properties of networks and servers, which facili-
tates advances in both mathematics and computers.
For example, in a system with multiple parallel serv-
ers, jobs may be assigned to any server. Often, jobs are
modeled with an exponentially distributed processing
time or some other probabilistic distribution with some
resource cost per unit of time. Mathematical methods
may be used to nd the optimal strategy for allocating
jobs to servers to minimize costs.
The term server does not describe a specic type of
computer in the same sense that desktop or Win-
dows machine does. When used in reference to hard-
ware, a server is any computer running a server pro-
gram, which canand in practice doesinclude all
congurations and operating systems. Since the 1990s
and the increased demand for Internet services, there
have been more and more computers that have been
designed specically to be used as Internet servers.
Because they need to run for long periods of time
without interruption, they must be durable, reliable,
and have uninterruptible power supplies. Typically,
hardware redundancy is incorporated, so that if a hard
drive fails, another one is automatically put on linea
feature rarely found in personal computers. There is
also a great deal of server-specic hardware, such as
water cooling systems, which help reduce heat, and
Error-Correcting Code (ECC) memory, which cor-
rects memory errors as they happen, preventing data
corruption. Many components are designed to be hot-
swappable, meaning that they can be replaced while
the server runswithout needing to power it down.
Furthermore, ordinary server operations including
turning the power on or off can often be conducted
remotely; for example, from a home computer. Some
system operators maintain watch over multiple servers
in multiple locations and physically visit the site only
when necessary because of a crisis.
Sockets are the primary means by which network
computers in a network communicate. They are the
endpoints of the ow of interprocess communication
(IPC) and provide application services. They are also
the place where many security breaches take place.
Mathematicians and computer scientists study the dif-
ferent socket types and their states to understand how
they work and to improve function and security. Serv-
ers create sockets on start-up that are in listening state,
waiting for contact to be made by client programs. For
instance, a Web browser, like Firefox, is a client pro-
gram used to access content from Web servers. Most
servers connected to the Internet use a protocol known
as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), developed
by computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn
for ARPANET. An Internet socket is referred to by its
socket number, a unique integer that includes Inter-
net Protocol (IP) address and socket number. Listen-
ing sockets using TCP are usually assigned the remote
address and the remote port number 0. TCP
servers can serve multiple concurrent clients by creat-
ing what is called a child process associated with each
client and establishing TCP connections between child
processes and clients. Each connection uses a unique
dedicated socket. Two communicating socketsthe
local socket created by the server and the remote socket
of the clientare called a socket pair, and their activ-
ity is referred to as a TCP session.
A common feature of Web servers is server-side
scripting, which allows Web pages to be created in
response to client activity. For instance, a search for a
book on results in a unique search results
page. Without this capacity, every possible search would
need to be conducted in anticipation of client needs.
Servers 911
Further Reading
Chevance, Rene. Server Architectures: Multiprocessors,
Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, and Storage
Solutions. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2005.
Dshalalow, Jewgeni H. Frontiers in Queueing Models and
Applications in Science and Engineering. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press, 1997.
Gray, Neil A. B. Web Server Programming. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2003.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Cerf, Vinton; Parallel Processing; Personal
Computers; Wireless Communication.
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations.
Summary: A variety of mathematical concepts,
including packing, routing, and tracking, are
necessary to make the process of shipping goods
more efcient.
The shipping and delivery industry is a vast global
business that is responsible for delivering packages,
postal mail, and commercial cargo all over the world.
In 2009 alone, express delivery companies made $130
billion in revenue worldwide, the U.S. Postal Service
delivered 177 billion pieces of mail, and ocean liners
transported more than $4.6 trillion worth of goods
between nations. With so many items being delivered
to so many different places, there is a need for math-
ematics to help manage the complex delivery network
and ensure that deliveries are made correctly, safely,
cheaply, and quickly. Mathematics has had a signicant
impact in three key areas of the shipping industry: con-
tainer packing, vehicle routing, and package tracking.
Container Packing
To minimize transportation costs and maximize prot,
a shipper would naturally prefer to pack cargo into as
few shipping containers as possible. Determining the
optimal way to arrange items in a container is a decep-
tively difcult problem. Given a set of differently sized
objects, the Bin-Packing Problem is to nd the order
in which to place the objects so that they ll the mini-
mum number of bins. Testing every permutation of
packing the objects would be too time-consuming, so
an efcient and simple algorithm is required.
A common packing procedure is the First-t algo-
rithm, where the objects are ordered from largest to
smallest, and each object is placed in the rst available
bin that will hold it. It can be proven mathematically
that this algorithm is not guaranteed to produce the
optimal packing. In the worst case, the result can be
far from optimal and require the use of more bins than
a more sophisticated packing. The First-t algorithm
is an example of an approximation algorithm, which
means it produces a good approximate answer but not
necessarily the optimal arrangement of objects. Other
more sophisticated bin-packing algorithms have been
developed, but as of 2010, no efcient algorithm was
known that always produced the optimal packing.
In practice, there are more considerations to pack-
ing shipping containers. Some packages will be irregu-
larly shaped and do not stack well. Some cargo is fragile
912 Shipping
NP-Complete Problems
he NP-complete set is a list of mathemati-
cal problems for which there is no known
fast algorithm for solving the problem exactly.
The Traveling Salesman Problem is an example
of a NP-complete problem. While there are fast
algorithms for nding a good answer, the only
known algorithm for nding the single shortest
route is extremely slow. However, just because
there is no known fast algorithm for solving
these problems, it does not mean that such
an algorithm does not exist. In 2000, the Clay
Mathematics Institute offered a $1 million prize
to anyone who could devise an algorithm that
would solve an NP-complete problem quickly
or prove that no such algorithm exists. While
not technically an NP-complete problem, the
Bin-Packing Problem is in a related category of
problems known as NP-hard.
and must be secured separately. Sometimes, a delivery
vehicle will make several stops, so the packages that are
delivered rst should be packed into a container last to
make them easily accessible.
Through World War II, most cargo was shipped in
wooden crates of various sizes. A big step forward came
in 1956, when trucker Malcolm McLean patented the
modern shipping container made of corrugated steel.
This sturdy container was easier to move between
truck, rail, and ocean liner. More importantly, having a
standard-size container meant that packing procedures
could be standardized. Prior to 1956, it was estimated
that loose cargo cost $5.86 per ton to load. After the
standardized container was introduced, it was esti-
mated the loading cost dropped to 16 cents per ton, a
3600% improvement.
Vehicle Routing
Cargo travels by a variety of transportation modes,
including truck, rail, air freight, and ocean liners. The
goal of routing is to determine a vehicle for each piece
of cargo to be delivered and then nd the shortest
delivery route for each of the vehicles. The Traveling
Salesman Problem is a simple mathematical example
of a routing problem. In practice, the value of a route
is not determined by just the distance. The problem is
complicated by considerations such as personnel, fuel
costs, trafc, tolls, and tariffs.
Mathematical analysis of delivery routes can lead
to huge improvements in shipping efciency. As the
rst Postmaster General of the United States, Benja-
min Franklin ordered careful surveying of delivery
routes, rened the post ofce accounting practices, and
increased public access to mail. Under this new system,
the U.S. Postal Service became protable for the rst
time, and it is estimated that the mail delivery time
between major cities was cut in half.
The routing problem is an example of a problem
studied in operations research, the branch of math-
ematics that studies the cost-effectiveness of decisions
made by corporate management such as scheduling
and personnel assignments. The eld of operations
research has its origins in World War II, when the Allied
Forces were interested in coordinating the manufactur-
ing and organization needed to mobilize the military.
One of the early researchers in operations research was
Tjalling Koopmans, who proposed a mathematical
model for the routing problem for shippers.
Package Tracking
It is important for a shipper to carefully track a package
until it reaches its destination. A common system for
identifying a package is the barcode. By encoding the
destination as a sequence of black and white bars, the
packages can be sorted quickly by automated sorting
machines equipped with laser scanners. The U.S. Postal
Service has developed a special barcode that encodes
the address as a sequence of short and tall black bars.
The mail is rst read by an Optical Character Recogni-
tion (OCR) program, which translates the handwritten
address into a barcode. The barcode is stamped onto
the package and then automatically sorted to be sent to
the next distribution center.
Radio-frequency identication (RFID) is a tracking
technology that could potentially have a large impact
on the shipping industry. A small electronic tag that
emits a radio signal would be placed on each item to
be shipped. Generally, this tag is a microchip just a
few millimeters on a side. Potentially, this microchip
would allow a shipper to determine the entire con-
tents of a shipping container without ever opening
the container. However, the technology still needs to
be rened to make RFID a cheaper alternative to the
barcode. Furthermore, since an item could theoreti-
cally still be tracked after the delivery is made, RFID
technology is somewhat controversial because of pri-
vacy concerns.
Shipping 913
Tjalling Koopmans
jalling Koopmans was a Dutch economist
who helped develop the mathematical eld
of operations research. Working for the Brit-
ish Merchant Shipping Mission in the 1940s,
Koopmans derived a mathematical model for
nding the most cost-effective shipping routes.
Later, he became a professor of economics at
University of Chicago and then at Yale Univer-
sity. In 1975, Koopmans received the Nobel
Prize for Economics for developing mathemati-
cal tools for the analysis of corporate manage-
ment and efciency.
Further Reading
Hillier, Frederick. Introduction to Operations Research.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Lodi, Andrea, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo.
Recent Advances on Two-Dimensional Bin Packing
Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (2002).
Palmer, Roger. The Bar Code Book. Peterborough, NH:
Helmers, 2007.
Roberti, Mark. The History of RFID Technology. RFID
Journal (2005).
Todd Wittman
See Also: Bar Codes; Scheduling; Traveling Salesman
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: The concept of mathematical similarity
has been studied since antiquity.
The concept of similarity is universal, playing a par-
ticularly large role in the eld of geometry. In general,
objects may be called similar if they share features
that look alike, such as shape, color, or value. However,
it is a much stronger statement to say that two objects
are mathematically similar. Similarity can be a pow-
erful simplifying assumption in modeling situations.
Scaling an object appears in many applications, such
as in architecture. Scaling notions can also explain the
speed of a hummingbirds heartbeat as compared to a
human heart, and why certain insects would collapse
under their own weight if they were scaled to a large
size. Julian Huxley asserted that the evolutionary strug-
gle to maintain similar surface-to-volume relationships
is important in anatomy. Recognizing a similar object
is also important. Logician and philosopher Willard
Van Orman Quine felt that learning, knowledge, and
thought all require similarity so that humans can order
objects into categories with similar meaning. Similarity
is often connected to triangles in mathematics, starting
in grades three through ve, but there are many other
mathematical situations where it is also useful, such as
in the denition of trigonometric functions, in axiom-
atic arguments, in matrices, in analysis of differential
equations, and in fractals.
Early History
Distance calculations contributed to the development
of similarity. Thales of Miletus is said to have measured
the height of a pyramid using its shadow, but historians
are unsure of the method that he used. A method that
makes use of similar triangles is attributed to Thales by
Plutarch of Chaeronea. In classrooms in the twentieth
and twenty-rst century, similar experiments are con-
ducted. By measuring the length of the shadow of a tall
object, like a pyramid, tree, or building, at the same time
as measuring the length of a shadow of a known meter or
other stick, a proportion with similar right triangles can
be formed. The method assumes that light rays are par-
allel. In ancient China, instruments such as the L-shaped
set-square or gnomon also needed similar triangles. In
chapter nine of the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical
Art, problems were posed and solved using similarity
concepts. One of the problems has been translated as
There is a square town of unknown dimensions.
There is a gate in the middle of each side. Twenty
paces outside the North Gate is a tree. If one leaves
the town by the South Gate, walks 14 paces due
South, then walks due West for 1775 paces, the tree
will just come into view. What are the dimensions
of the town?
Many other mathematicians have worked on a vari-
ety of similarity concepts and applications. In Euclid of
Alexandrias Elements, the various denitions of simi-
larity depend on the gure being examined. Apollonius
of Perga explored the similarity of conic sections. Dur-
ing the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in China,
the proportionality of corresponding sides of similar
triangles in the plane was quite useful in solving prob-
lems in spherical trigonometry. In some twenty-rst-
century college classrooms, students explore the reason
why spherical triangles with shortest distance paths
and the same angles must be congruentthere is no
concept of similarity on a sphere. Mathematics educa-
tors also study the conceptual difculties in teaching
and learning similarity.
914 Similarity
Other concepts of similarity arose from mechanics
concerns. In his work on the equilibrium of the plane,
Archimedes of Alexandria postulated that plane g-
ures that are similar must have similarly placed cen-
ters of gravity. Galileo Galilei tried to generalize the
notion of geometric similarity to mechanics. Isaac
Newton, Hermann von Helmholtz, Joseph Fourier,
James Froude, Osborne Reynolds, Lord Rayleigh (John
Strutt), and others also worked on variations of simi-
larity in physical situations. Building on their work,
and motivated by the lack of a theoretical foundation
for ight research, Edgar Buckingham articulated a
formal basis for mechanical similarity in 1914. Aside
from physical applications, in computer graphics,
transformations that preserve similarity can be used
to scale mechanical and dynamical behavior in addi-
tion to static images.
Further Reading
Fried, Michael. Similarity and Equality in Greek
Mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics 29,
no. 1 (2009).
Lodder, Jerry. Proportionality in Similar Triangles: A
Cross-Cultural Comparison. Convergence, 2008.
Sterrett, Susan. Wittgenstein Flies A Kite: A Story of
Models of Wings and Models of the World. New York:
Pi Press, 2005.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Archimedes; Digital Images; Matrices;
Six Degrees of
Kevin Bacon
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number
and Operations.
Summary: Concepts from graph theory help explain
the idea that people, including actor Kevin Bacon, are
surprisingly closely connected with each other.
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon is an example of a network
showing a high level of interconnection, known as the
small world phenomenon. In the language of graph
theory applied to lms, nodes are lm actors, and two
nodes are connected by an edge if the corresponding
actors have appeared together in a lm. It is also a game
that tests cinematic knowledge. The task is to nd the
shortest connection between a given actor and Kevin
Bacon. For example, John Wayne is two connections
from Kevin Bacon. They were never in a lm together,
so the distance is greater than one. John Wayne starred
with Eli Wallach in How the West Was Won, and Eli Wal-
lach starred with Kevin Bacon in Mystic River, estab-
lishing a shortest distance of at most length two.
The idea of quantifying distance by interpersonal
connections dates at least to a 1929 short story called
Chain-Links by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy,
wherein the narrator determines a ve-step connec-
tion between a riveter at the Ford Motor Company and
himself. Almost 40 years later, the social psychologist
Stanley Milgram, best known for his experiments on
obedience to authority, devised an experiment to quan-
tify interpersonal connections empirically. Letters were
given to some 300 participants, each charged with for-
warding the letter to an acquaintance who should move
the letter toward the intended recipient. Writing in 1969
with Jeffrey Travers, Milgram stated, The mean num-
ber of intermediaries observed in this study was some-
what greater than ve; additional research (by Korte
and Milgram) indicates that this value is quite stable.
Rounding up, this value became the popular notion
six degrees of separationthat any two people on the
planet are connected by six links. It served as the title
of John Guares 1990 play and 1993 movie about the
condence man David Hampton. In the play, a charac-
ter speaks to the audience, Six degrees of separation.
Between us and everybody else on this planet. The Pres-
ident of the United States. A gondolier in Venice. Fill in
the names. I nd that A) tremendously comforting that
were so close and B) like Chinese water torture that
were so close. Exactly how close people are is some-
thing sociologists continue to debate, since the nodes
and edges of this network are not precisely known.
Mathematics Networks
There are large networks where the nodes and connec-
tions are exactly known, allowing for precise analysis.
In a collaboration network, nodes are researchers, and
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon 915
two nodes are connected by an edge if the correspond-
ing researchers worked together on a published paper.
As early as 1957, mathematicians determined their
Erds numbers, the collaboration distance from Paul
Erds, the most prolic mathematician of recent
years, with some 1500 published research
papers and more than 500 collaborators.
For instance, the author never wrote a
paper with Erds, but Robin Wilson
wrote a paper with Erds in 1977, and
the author wrote a paper with Robin Wil-
son in 2004, so the authors Erds num-
ber is two. The American Mathematical
Societys MathSciNet electronic publication
computes the collaboration distance between
any two authors in its database of some 500,000
authors and 2.5 million publications.
Film Networks
Of more interest to the general public than mathema-
ticians and their papers, the Internet Movie Database
(IMDb, found at includes over 1 million
actors around the world and some 250,000 lms from
the 1890s to titles in production. The Web site Oracle accesses the IMDb and determines the
shortest link between any two actors. The network
is very tightly connected; it is surprisingly difcult
to name any pair of actors even four apart. Consider
Kevin Bacon, who has been in over 60 lms with over
2200 total co-stars. That is a very small percentage of
the total number of actors in the database, but there are
over 225,000 actors who, like John Wayne, are co-stars
of co-stars of Kevin Bacon. Actors within four links of
Kevin Bacon comprise approximately 98% of the data-
base. About 99% of the actors in the IMDb all connect
to one another. Finding actors within the last 1% who
are ve or more from Kevin Bacon is another enter-
taining part of the game. As of 2010, there are 17 actors
with a distance of eight from Kevin Bacon, so that six
degrees is a misnomer.
Another variant of the game is to determine the actor
who is best connected on average. The average every
actors Kevin Bacon number is 2.980. This number
means, roughly, that a randomly chosen actor is within
three links of Kevin Bacon. It is interesting to consider
which sorts of actors have the lowest averages. John
Wayne, with signicantly more movies and co-stars
than Kevin Bacon, has an average of 3.026 links to the
rest of the connected actors. The best-connected actor,
as of 2010, is Dennis Hopper, with an average distance
of 2.772. The IMDb is regularly updated with new actors
and lms, and the connection data change accordingly.
Why is it six degrees of Kevin Bacon, and not some
other actor? The game was created by students
at Albright College in January 1994; they
had watched Footloose earlier in the day,
then saw a commercial for another Kevin
Bacon lm, The Air Up There, and a pop
culture phenomenon was born. There are
similar games based on other large data-
bases, such as baseball players connected
by teams, and six degrees of remains a very
common phrase in society. Kevin Bacon himself
used the notion to build a Web-based charity
fundraiser, The notion of small world
networks is being used by scientists in applications as
diverse as neural networks of worms, the interconnec-
tion of power grids, analysis of the World Wide Web,
and genealogical connections.
Further Reading
Grossman, Eric. The Erds Number Project. Oakland
Hopkins, Brian. Kevin Bacon and Graph Theory.
PRIMUS 14, no. 1 (2004).
Watts, Duncan. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected
Age. New York: Norton, 2003.
Brian Hopkins
See Also: Mathematics Genealogy Project; Movies,
Mathematics in; Social Networks.
Skating, Figure
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: The elements, equipment, and scoring
system of gure skating all involve a mathematical
Figure skating is a winter Olympic competitive sport,
which involves artistically gliding on ice using metal
916 Skating, Figure
Kevin Bacon
blades. Ice skating rinks are generally shaped in the
form of rectangles with rounded corners. The patterns
skaters form on the ice can be explained in geometric
terms. Physical principles are observed when watching
gure skating. The scoring system used to judge gure
skating involves algebraic computations.
The bottoms of ice skating blades are not at, but
rather slightly curved, like arcs taken from the edge of
a circle about seven to nine feet in radius. This enables
the skater to angle and tilt to form patterns on the ice.
These patterns can be represented geometrically. For
instance, the most famous geometric pattern on ice is
a gure eight, which can be formed by two circles of
equal size tangential to each other. A skater could start
the rst circle of the gure eight on the right forward
outside edge and skate the second circle on the left for-
ward outside edge. The possible edge combinations
include using the left or right foot, traveling forward or
backwards, and using the inside or outside edges.
Mathematical Principles of
Spinning and Jumping
In addition to basic compulsory gures, modern skat-
ing requires participants to execute increasingly dif-
cult jumps and spins. In a jump, the skaters center of
gravity follows a parabolic arc with respect to the ice,
and a jump is frequently measured in terms of its verti-
cal displacement (the height off the ice) as well as hori-
zontal displacement (the distance). Both are a function
of many variables, such as the takeoff angle and veloc-
ity immediately prior to the jump.
Spinning, whether in the air as part of a jump or on
the ice, is also a complex function of many variables.
Factors include the skaters body mass and speed when
entering the spin, as well as the extension of the arms or
legs from the body. For example, a spinning skater rotates
more slowly with extended arms than when the arms are
tucked in because as the radius between the body and
the arms decreases, the angular velocity increases.
Four disciplines of gure skating are competitive at
the Olympic level: singles (ladies and mens), pairs,
and ice dance. In each of these disciplines, a choreo-
graphed program is skated to music in competition
and is judged according to the International Skating
Unions International Judging System. The Interna-
tional Judging System awards points for technical dif-
culty and artistry.
There are many types of skating elements. Jumps
vary from their takeoff edges as well as numbers of rota-
tions between one and four. Throw jumps are also per-
formed by the pair teams. A variety of spins are possible,
but there are three basic spin positions: upright, camel,
and sit. Some spins involve a change of foot, change of
position, ying entrance, or difcult variation. Foot-
work is an element in every program and requires steps
and turns that fully cover the ice surface in a circular,
straight line, or serpentine pattern. For pairs and ice
dance skaters, combination spins, lifts, and other ele-
ments requiring two skaters are also scored.
Each of the skating elements performed in a pro-
gram is assigned a numerical base value, which varies
according to difculty. For example, in the 20102011
skating season, the base value of a triple toe loop was
4.1 points, and the base value of the single toe loop
was 0.4 points, indicating that the triple toe loop was a
much harder jump. Judges add to or subtract from the
base value of each element depending upon its execu-
tion. For instance, a poorly performed toe loop would
receive fewer than 0.4 points. The sum of the values
given for each element is called the technical score.
In addition to a technical score for performance
on the individual elements, overall scores for artistic
aspects of the program, such as choreography, inter-
pretations, transitions, and skating skills, are awarded
as the program components score, which is added to
the technical score for a total overall score. The skaters
with the highest scores earn the highest rankings.
Further Reading
Carroll, Maureen, Elyn Rykken, and Jody Sorensen. The
Canadians Should Have Won!? Math Horizons 10
(February 2003).
Kerrigan, Nancy, and Mary Spencer. Artistry on Ice:
Figure Skating Skills and Style. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics, 2002.
Schulman, Carole. The Complete Book of Figure Skating.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2002.
Diana Cheng
See Also: Arenas, Sports; Ballet; Connections in
Society; Hockey.
Skating, Figure 917
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Calculus.
Summary: Principles of calculus can be used to
model a sky dive and to calculate the effect of the
parachute on velocity.
Skydiving is the act of leaping out of an airplane at a
sufcient altitude and placing your life in the hands
of a piece of clothalthough a fairly large piece of
cloth. Leonardo da Vinci left drawings of parachutists
in his Codex Atlanticus circa 1485. The modern para-
chute was invented by Louis-Sbastien Lenormand in
France, making the rst public jump in 1783. In 1797,
Andr Garnerin was the rst to use a silk parachute,
earlier versions being made of linen. The rst para-
chute jump from an airplane was in Venice Beach,
California, in 1911. The parachute was held in the
arms and thrown out as the jumper left the plane. The
soft-pack parachute was developed in 1924. There are
two types of parachutes used for skydiving: round,
and ram-air (square). The U.S. Army uses the round
35-foot diameter parachute to train its paratroopers
because they are reliable and give the jumper a termi-
nal velocity of about 15 feet per second. Most skydiv-
ers in the United States started using a 28-foot round
canopy. They produced a terminal velocity of about
1718 feet per seconda somewhat hard landing. The
switch to ram-air types came in the 1970s; these give
more comfortable landings and maneuverability. The
rates of descent vary from canopy to canopy, but ter-
minal velocities usually run from eight feet per second
(5.5 mph) to 14 feet per second (9.5 mph).
A canopys performance is determined by its wing-
load, which helps determine the terminal velocity and
speed at landing. Most canopies are own with a wing-
load between 0.8 and 2.8 pounds per square foot. To
compute the right size of canopy, take the total weight
(W) of the jumper and equipment divided by the
assigned wing-load factor (WLF):
jumper equipment
To model the parachute jump itself is much more
complicated. It involves a rst order differential equa-
tion to nd the speed. The forces on a skydiver are the
gravitational force, F
, and the drag force, F
, of air
resistance and buoyancy. There are two factors to the
drag: the time before and the time after the canopy
deploys. If x is the distance above the Earths surface,
then a = dv/dt is acceleration and v = dx/dt is velocity.
For most jumps, the gravitational force stays essentially
In a rst approximation to the problem, take the
drag force to be proportional to the velocity. The coef-
cient of drag has one value when the skydiver is fall-
ing and a second value when the parachute is fully
deployed. During the fall, the velocity satises the ini-
tial value problem:
mg k v
v 0 0
( )
This is a separable ordinary differential equation.
Its solution can be found by most students in a calcu-
lus class. The jumpers position then is found by inte-
grating the velocity with initial condition that at time
t = 0 the jumper is at the jump altitude. After the chute
deploys, the velocity and position can be found exactly
as above, except that the drag coefcient and initial
conditions change.
A second approach is to assume that the drag force
is proportional to the square of the speed. Then, a fall-
ing object reaches a terminal velocity:
where V
is the terminal velocity, m is the mass of the
falling object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, C
the drag coefcient, is the density of the uid through
which the object is falling, and A is the projected area
of the object.
Based on air resistance, the terminal velocity of a
skydiver in a belly-to-Earth free-fall position is about
122 miles per hour (179 feet per second). A jumper
reaches 50% of terminal velocity after about three sec-
onds and reaches 99% in about 15 seconds. Skydiv-
ers reach higher speeds by pulling in limbs and y-
ing head down, reaching speeds close to 200 miles per
hour. The parachute reduces the terminal velocity to
the ve to 10 miles per hour range. This is achieved by
increasing the cross-sectional area and the drag coef-
cient, lowering the terminal speed.
918 Skydiving
Further Reading
Meade, Doug. Maple and the Parachute Problem:
Modeling With an Impact. MapleTech 4, no. 1 (1997).
Meade, Doug, and Allan Struthers. Differential
Equations in the New Millennium: The Parachute
Problem. International Journal of Engineering
Education 15, no. 6 (1999).
Poynter, Dan, and Mike Turoff. Parachuting. 10th ed.
Santa Barbara, CA: Para Publishing, 2007.
The United States Parachute Association. http://www
David Royster
See Also: Airplanes/Flight; Calculus and Calculus
Education; Calculus in Society.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematicians and engineers work
together to design and build skyscrapers.
A skyscraper is a building noteworthy for its great height.
As the name suggests, the building appears to touch the
sky. There is no agreed-upon minimum height that clas-
sies a building as a skyscraper; the term is used for
any building that commands attention because of its
height. Many people are fascinated by building, visiting,
and measuring skyscrapers. The Eiffel Tower, designed
by engineer Gustave Eiffel, revolutionized civil engi-
neering and architectural design. In the design of a sky-
scraper, architects and engineers must consider load dis-
tribution and the impact of the wind and earthquakes.
Scientists and mathematicians also investigate how to
improve features such as seismic dampers. Many sky-
scrapers resemble rectangles or pyramids, but they may
have other geometries, like the plan for the Helicoidal
Skyscraper in New York or the sail-shaped skyscraper
in Dubaithe Burj al-Arab Hotel. In Tokyo, St. Marys
Cathedral incorporates eight hyperbolic parabolas, and
the HSB Turning Torso in Sweden uses ve-story cubes
that twist as they rise, with the top cube 90 degrees
from the bottom cube. Buckminster Fuller proposed a
city consisting of huge oating spheres, which he called
Cloud Nine. The Wing Tower in Scotland was designed
to rotate at the base in order to respond to changes in the
direction of the wind. Proposed dynamic skyscrapers
allow each oor to rotate independently, creating chang-
ing shapes, and using turbines to harness the power of
the wind. There are various ways of ranking skyscrapers
by height, and these buildings have other characteristics
that can be quantied as well. Mathematician Shizuo
Kakutani invented a mathematical skyscraper in ergodic
theory called a Kakutani skyscraper, so named because
the mathematical process resembles the oors of a sky-
scraper. Students in some mathematics classrooms play
a multiplication skyscraper game.
Throughout history, there have been buildings that
were considered unusually tall, including pyramids,
towers, and religious structures. The 10-story Home
Insurance Building in Chicago, designed by William
Le Baron Jenney and completed in 1885, is considered
by many to be the worlds rst skyscraper. A variety of
technological developments made the rst skyscrapers
possible. These included the mass production of steel,
the invention of the elevator, the ability to achieve water
pressure at altitude, the reproong of ooring and
walls, and the development of reinforced concrete. The
792-foot Woolworth Building in New York City, com-
pleted in 1913, was typical of how skyscrapers would
be constructed for the rest of the twentieth century. It
had a steel skeleton and a foundation of concrete. Mod-
ern skyscrapers typically have a frame that supports the
buildings weight, with walls suspended from the frame.
This feature distinguishes them from smaller buildings
in which the walls are usually weight-bearing.
The Empire State Building in New York City reigned
for 41 years as the worlds tallest skyscraper and entered
the public consciousness when the 1933 lm King Kong
depicted a giant ape that climbed the building. The
movie had innovative special effects, including the use
of scale modeling. In the twenty-rst century, numer-
ous television and FM radio stations transmit their
signals from atop the Empire State Building and from
skyscrapers in other cities.
There are many different ways to measure the height
of a skyscraper. It can be measured by the number of
Skyscrapers 919
oors, highest occupied oor, spire height, or total
height including such things as an antenna. Conse-
quently, different gures can be found for the height
of a single skyscraper. When lists of the worlds tall-
est skyscrapers are published, a single skyscraper often
ranks in different places on lists that use different
rules of measurement. For example the Willis Tower
in Chicago, formerly known as the Sears Tower, is the
worlds second tallest building when ranked by num-
ber of oors or when antennae are included, but it
places seventh worldwide when spires are counted, but
antennae are not.
Since 1998, a number of skyscrapers in Asia have
surpassed the tallest American buildings in height. The
Burj Khalifa, which opened in 2010 in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates, is the worlds tallest skyscraper as of
2010, whether ranked by its 163 oors, its 2,093-foot
highest oor, or its spire height of 2,717 feet. The pro-
gression of record skyscraper heights over time can be
graphed and modeled by a regression equation.
Other Aspects
Skyscrapers are noteworthy for other quantities
besides their heights. When known geometric solids
are used to model a skyscrapers shape, the buildings
surface area can be estimated. Because of differences in
elevation, a skyscraper often experiences measurably
different weather conditions at its top and bottom. In
addition to its noteworthy height measurements, the
Burj Khalifa contains over 20 acres of glass, has over
5 million square feet of oor space, and has elevators
that travel over 26 miles per hour. Tall buildings are
known to sway slightly in windy conditions. A rule of
thumb for estimating a buildings sway is to divide its
height by 500 to arrive at the amount of horizontal
sway near the top of the building. In many skyscrap-
ers, steel tubes, or bundles of tubes, give the building
strength against this swaying. The distance one can see
from the top of a skyscraper can be computed. When
the curvature of Earth is considered, the sight line is
tangent to Earths surface. On a clear day it is possible
to see over 100 miles from atop the worlds highest
Further Reading
Koll, Hillary, Steve Mills, and William Baker. Using Math
to Build a Skyscraper. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens
Publishing, 2007.
Wells, Matthew. Skyscrapers: Structure and Design. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005.
David I. Kennedy
See Also: City Planning; Clouds; Elevation; Elevators;
Engineering Design; Measurement in Society; Movies,
Making of; Radio.
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Interactive whiteboards use a touch-
sensitive display to mimic the functionality of a
whiteboard while enhancing the users options.
The SMART Board is a brand of interactive whiteboard.
Unlike traditional whiteboards and chalkboards, the
SMART board does not require markers, chalk, or eras-
ers. Instead, the SMART Board utilizes a projector and a
touch sensitive display. The projector displays computer
images onto the screen. The screen itself allows the user
to interact directly with applications similar to a large
touch screen. For instance, touching the screen is equiv-
alent to left-clicking with a mouse. Typically, SMART
Boards come with four digital pens and a digital eraser.
These digital devices allow the user to write on the screen
using digital ink. SMART Board interfaces are available
for Windows and for the Mac operating system.
David Martin and Nancy Knowlton, inventors of the
SMART Board, initially devised the idea in 1986 and
began promoting it in 1991. Knowlton previously
taught accounting and computer science, while Mar-
tin has a bachelors degree in applied mathematics and
began his career working on computer simulations.
The SMART Board was the rst interactive whiteboard
that gave users touch control of computer applications.
In 2003, their company developed and later patented
Digital Vision Touch (DViT) technology, which relies
on concepts of three-dimensional geometry, such as
projection, reections, and parallel lines to effectively
display information and allow the user to interact with
920 SMART Board
the board. It uses digital cameras and sophisticated rec-
ognition algorithms to determine the position of the
users ngertip and to make a distinction between sin-
gle clicking, double clicking, and drag and drop. These
recognition algorithms differentiate it from other
touch technologies, like tablet personal computers. As
of 2010, SMART Board was the most popular interac-
tive whiteboard on the market in the United States.
There are several advantages to SMART Board technol-
ogy in the mathematics classroom. First, lectures done
using the SMART Board can be saved, which allows
instructors to access information written minutes,
weeks, or even years earlier. By exporting these les as
a pdf or a similar universal format, the instructor can
post classroom notes on their course Web page, allowing
students to review notes from previous classes, either
to prepare for a test or to catch up on material that was
covered when they were absent. In addition, the digital
images saved by the SMART Board can more easily be
read and transcribed for students with disabilities. Fur-
ther, images on the SMART Board can be individually
selected and copied to additional pages, which allows
complex mathematical formulas and diagrams to be
reproduced accurately and quickly. SMART board sys-
tems are typically connected to computers, meaning
any application that is accessible on the computer is
available on the SMART Board. Instructors may access
spreadsheets, word processors, and the Internet. For
these reasons, SMART Boards can greatly enhance the
educational experience for both the instructor and
the student. SMART Boardtype lectures can also be
accomplished using a tablet computer installed with
the appropriate software and a projector system.
Since its introduction in 1991, SMART Boards have
been incorporated into classrooms of all levels from kin-
dergarten to college. In addition, many corporate board-
rooms feature SMART Boards allowing for interactive
presentations. As of 2010, over 1 million SMART Board
systems have been installed across the world. It is likely
that SMART Boards and similar systems will continue to
replace or supplement the more traditional whiteboards
and chalkboards found in current classrooms.
Further Reading
Bitter, Gary G. Using Computer Technology in the
Classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999.
Ellwood, Heather. Practice Makes Perfect: Building
Creative Thinking Skills in High School
Mathematics. EdCompass Newsletter (March 2009).
Gooden, Andrea R. Computers in the Classroom:
How Teachers and Students Are Using Technology
to Transform Learning. San Francisco, CA: Apple
Press, 1996.
McAndrews, Alyson. Improving STEM Engagement.
New Program Uses SMART Products to Help
Students Collaborate and Connect. EdCompass
Newsletter (December 2009).
Morrison, Gary R. Integrating Computer Technology
Into the Classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Merrill, 1999.
Peters, Laurence. Global Learning: Using Technology
to Bring the World to Your Students. Eugene,
OR: International Society for Technology in
Education, 2009.
Price, Amber. Ten Ways to Get Smart With
SMARTboard. Tech & Learning (August 2008).
Robert A. Beeler
See Also: Calculus and Calculus Education; Curricula,
International; Curriculum, College; Curriculum, K-
12; Digital Images; File Downloading and Sharing;
Geometry and Geometry Education; Internet; Personal
Computers; Schools; Statistics Education.
SMART Board 921
A projector displays video output on the SMART
board, which acts as a large touch screen.
Smart Cars
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: A smart car is able to respond to the
conditions it detects, such as sounding an alarm if it
detects that a driver is becoming drowsy.
A smart car is also sometimes referred to as a biomet-
ric car. The overall design and technology of such vehi-
cles should incorporate many functions: protection of
the driver and passengers, reliable and easy navigation,
and better mechanical and fuel efciency. Mathemati-
cians, engineers, and many others are involved in the
development of improved vehicle technology, includ-
ing aerodynamics and computerized systems that use
mathematical techniques from geometry; mathemati-
cal and computer modeling; and statistical analyses
of data regarding safety, ergonomics, and consumer
preferences. Methods from articial intelligence, such
as cellular automata, are also very useful. According to
mathematician John von Neumann, cellular autom-
ata can be thought of as cells or agents that behave
according to relatively simple sets of mathematical
rules or algorithms. These rules include responses to
neighboring cells behaviors, making them useful in
modeling many biological processes, like ocking birds
or trafc.
Ideal Functions
In many peoples minds, the primary purpose of
a smart car should be to help a driver in ways that
prevent accidents and encourage safe driving. For
example, many car accidents occur because drivers
do not realize that they are drowsy, so they conse-
quently fall asleep at the wheel. A biometric smart
car could alert drivers to such conditions by mea-
suring eye movements relative to typical alert driver
behavior to detect inattention and lack of scanning of
the instruments and the road. Drivers that deviated
too far from established safety norms would then be
alerted. Other systems may involve a steering detector
that responds to angular movements of the steering
wheel that exceed a specied degree or a system that
measures the angles of a drivers head and sound an
alert if the head nods too far forward. In 2010, a Japa-
nese company launched a system designed for com-
mercial truck drivers that analyzes a drivers unique
patterns and variability taking into account variables
such as time. It then uses mathematical algorithms to
proactively recommend rest breaks and measures to
increase alertness and safety.
But What Actually Makes a Car Smart?
In addition to reactive systems like driver alertness
warnings, some feel that a truly smart car should antic-
ipate conditions to be avoided. Speeding when road
conditions are poor or attempting to pass another car
in low visibility could be predicted and avoided. Smart
car systems would not only anticipate but also correct
any anomaly so that a driver has time to recover. Fur-
ther, they might suggest actions to a driver in advance
of adverse conditions by monitoring the road and
weather. Aspects of these features are present in many
models of cars at the start of the twenty-rst century
facilitated by the introduction of real-time technology,
such as interactive maps and global positioning systems
(GPS), which depend on external communication with
the environment to provide data beyond the drivers
senses. For example, many agencies provide data on
road grade and surface, work zones, hazards, or speed
restrictions. A smart car also monitors its internal state,
taking measures of aspects like tire pressure and uid
levels using electronic sensorsfunctions that used to
have to be performed by hand.
Advanced instrumentation, once found mostly in
luxury cars, is becoming commonplace in vehicles.
These systems may include smart starting that relies
on electronics embedded in the cars keys; biometric
features, like ngerprint scans; or keyless entry that
may also require a computer chip, code, or ngerprint
to activate. Many hybrid gaselectric vehicles balance
energy usage to obtain maximum performance in mile-
age. Future smart cars may automatically sense vari-
ables like weight distribution and suggest load adjust-
ments for better balance and braking. There are even
notions that future smart cars will be able to dynami-
cally reshape their surfaces for maximum aerodynamic
efciency. There is work being done on systems such
as neural networks that may monitor and analyze all
driver decisions in order to better provide feedback
for safety and performance for particular geographic
regions. Networks within smart cars may also interact
with other cars and smart roads, which could use
computer technologies and mathematical modeling or
algorithms, coupled with control and communications
922 Smart Cars
features, to improve issues like road safety and trafc
capacity by directing trafc and helping drivers make
better and safer decisions.
Further Reading
Scientic American Frontiers. Inventing the Future
Teaching Guide: Smart Car.
Volti, Rudi. Cars and Culture. Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2006.
Whelan, Richard. Smart Highways, Smart Cars.
Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1995.
Julian Palmore
See Also: GPS; Highways; HOV Lane Management;
Neural Networks; Street Maintenance; Trafc.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Mathematical modeling and statistical
analysis can help inform individual techniques and
team tactics in soccer.
Soccer is a sport that has been enjoyed worldwide for
more than a century by both players and spectators. In
the early part of the twentieth century, mathematician
Harald Bohr, founder of the eld of almost periodic
functions and brother of famed physicist Niels Bohr,
was a skilled player and a silver medalist on the 1908
Danish Olympic soccer team. He was reported to be
so popular that his doctoral dissertation defense was
attended by more soccer fans than mathematicians.
In general, the sport is often cited for its equal empha-
sis on individual skills and team tactics. As in other
sports, statistics are frequently cited by sports com-
mentators. In addition, technically demanding indi-
vidual actions, as well as masterfully executed plays,
can all be described and analyzed using statistics and
mathematics, which is done worldwide by numerous
sports scientists. One could even say that the players,
perhaps unconsciously, use or display mathematics
in motion.
Individual Technique
The effectiveness of any of the various moves a player
uses (kicking, heading, or dribbling) depends on a
combination of physical qualities and technical skills.
This idea can be demonstrated using the instep kick as
an example; the instep kick, with the aim to kick the
ball as hard as possible, is by far the most studied soccer
movement by sport scientists. In order to maximize the
forward swinging speed of the shank, physical quali-
ties (such as strength and speed of contraction) of the
knee extensor muscles and the hip exor muscles are
important. However, research has shown that technical
skills are equally important. The specic technical skill
required for optimal kicking is coordinationhow the
shank moves relative to the thigh.
Coordination is one of the topics studied in the sci-
entic eld of biomechanics, which relies heavily on
Soccer 923
The skill required for optimal kicking is coordination
how the shank moves in relation to the thigh.
mathematics. Biomechanics researchers use high-speed
cameras in their laboratories to record kicking perfor-
mance from top level players. From the video footage,
the researchers can obtain the three-dimensional posi-
tion in space of selected points on the kicking leg. Using
mathematical concepts from vector algebra and trigo-
nometry, joint and segment angles can subsequently
be calculated. These data, in turn, allow calculations of
a number of kinematic parameters of the foot, shank,
and thigh, comprising linear velocity and acceleration
and angular velocity and acceleration.
In mathematics, the most common way to calcu-
late velocities and accelerations from position data is
to use calculus. This method, however, requires the
position data to be specied as a mathematical func-
tion. This is not the case with position data obtained
from video footage, which are discrete in naturethey
consist of thousands of numbers, specifying the three-
dimensional position of numerous points on each
video frame. From the cameras frame rate, the elapsed
time between frames can be calculated, which instead
allows numerical differentiation of the position data
using a computer. Finally, by combining the kinematic
data with data for each segments mass and moment of
inertia (a measure of a segments inertia when rotating)
and using the principles from Newtonian mechanics,
the researchers can calculate how the movement of the
thigh affects the movement of the shank and vice versa.
The forward swing of the thigh generates a force at the
knee that causes the shank to swing faster forwards.
The force is larger, the faster the thigh moves, while the
effect of the shank is larger, the closer the knee angle
is to 90 degrees. Top players instinctively coordinate
thigh and shank movements in order to take maximum
advantage of these intersegmental forces, although sci-
ence so far has failed to determine precisely what opti-
mal coordination is.
Team Tactics
When a midelder executes a beautiful play that a
forward picks up between defending opponents and
scores, a lot of hidden mathematics is occurring. The
midelders team members and opponents are all mov-
ing simultaneously in different directions with different
speeds, yet the midelder still manages to precisely cal-
culate the required ball speed and direction to execute
his play, so the ball and forward meet at the intended
spot out of reach of defending opponents. Situations like
this are analyzed by sport scientists and coaches using
the methods of notational analysis. With video footage
and specialized software, the various actions (sprinting,
moving sideways, tackling, or heading) of each player
from both teams can be registered. Statistical calcula-
tions can reveal which situations are most likely to lead
to a certain outcome, such as scoring a goal, and which
general tactics lead to most of these situations. Digital
representations have also been used to assist with tactics
and analysis. Researchers from the University of Shef-
eld digitized a soccer ball (including even the stitching)
and computed airow around the ball. They found that
the specic shape and surface of the ball, and its initial
orientation, are signicant in determining the balls tra-
jectory through the air. Measurements on actual balls
in a wind tunnel at the University of Tsukuba veried
these mathematical simulations.
Further Reading
Chartier, Tim. Math Bends It Like Beckham. Math
Horizons 14 (February 2007).
Putnam, C. A. Sequential Motions of Body Segments
in Striking and Throwing Skills: Descriptions and
Explanations. Journal of Biomechanics 26 (1993).
Reilly, T., and M. Williams. Science and Soccer. New York:
Routledge, 2003.
Henrik Srensen
See Also: Arenas, Sports; Connections in Society;
Hockey; Kicking a Field Goal.
Social Networks
Category: Friendship, Romance, and Religion.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Operation; Representations.
Summary: Social networks can be described and
analyzed using graph theory.
A social network is a set of actors and the relationships
that connect them. The actors are usually people, but
may be other individual or collective actors, such as
organizations, gangs, clubs, municipalities, nations,
or social animals. Social network analysis is a cross-
924 Social Networks
disciplinary method for analyzing social networks
that integrates techniques from science, social science,
mathematics, computer science, communication, and
business. In keeping with its diverse origins, various
types of social relationships have been studied using
social network analysis, such as friendship, sexual rela-
tionships, kinship and genealogy, competitions, col-
laboration, and disease spread.
Sociogram, Sociomatrix, Graph, and Network
Modern social network analysis can be traced to Aus-
tro-American psychiatrist Jacob Levy Moreno, though
many of the methods he employed in his work had
been used before in a more piecemeal fashion. For
example, French probabilist Irne-Jules Bienaym
modeled the disappearance of closed families (for
example, aristocrats) and family names in the nine-
teenth century. In his 1934 book Who Shall Survive,
Moreno used diagrams he called sociograms to ana-
lyze friendships among girls in a training school in
New York State. The girls were represented by points,
and pairs of girls who were friends were connected by
a line. In sociograms of relationships such as liking,
which are not necessarily reciprocated, an arrowhead
indicates the direction.
While very simple social networks can be analyzed
by visual inspection, the power of social network anal-
ysis arises from the conceptualization of the sociogram
as a mathematical graph, which can be analyzed using
the concepts and methods of graph theory. Moreover, a
graph can be represented by a square adjacency matrix
in which each row and column represent a point, and
the cell entries represent the presence or absence of lines
between points. A graph can be generalized in several
ways. Lines can have numerical values representing, for
example, the strength, intensity, or frequency of a rela-
tionship. There can be multiple types of lines between
pairs of actors, each representing one type of relation-
ship. Actors can have various attributes with numerical
values or qualitative labels. In social network analysis,
real-life social networks are modeled by mathemati-
cal networks, then the properties of the networks are
analyzed mathematically in order to draw conclusions
about the structure of the social relationships.
Social Cohesion
Social cohesion is a fundamental issue in the social sci-
ences; it is the glue or bond that holds a social group
together. According to social network analysis, it is the
network of social ties among members of the group.
Therefore, to measure the level of social cohesion in a
social group or subgroup, one must measure the extent
of ties among the members. The density of ties among
members is the simplest measure of connectedness. It
is dened as the ratio of the number of actual ties to
the number of possible ties and ranges from 0 to 1. In a
network with one symmetric (undirected) type of tie,
and k members, the total possible number of ties is
k k
( )
A network in which every actor is connected is called a
complete graph, or a clique.
It is easy to imagine four people all being friends with
one another but less realistic to postulate a clique with
a large number of members. For example, in a clique
with 30 members, each would have to maintain ties
with the 29 other membersan onerous task. Limits
on human beings time, energy, and memory constrain
the number of people with whom they can maintain
social ties. Therefore, social networks tend to become
more sparse (the ties become less dense) as they become
larger. Residents of a small village may know all the
other residents, but this is impossible for city-dwellers.
Thus, the village will tend to be more socially cohesive
than the city. Density of ties has also been used to study
social cohesion in such areas of social life as marriage,
the family, small groups in laboratories, community
elites, intercorporate relationships such as share own-
ership and interlocking directorates, scientic commu-
nities, and the spread of ideas and diseases.
The overall density of ties is a rather crude mea-
sure of connectivity and cohesion in a social network,
because it is insensitive to local variations. Real-life
social networks tend to contain islands of actors tied
relatively densely to one another but disconnected or
only loosely connected by sparse ties to other such
islands. In the friendship network of a high school,
there are likely to be a number of small cliques, per-
haps loosely connected into larger subgroups that
are in turn perhaps totally disconnected from one
another. Detection of relatively cohesive subgroups in
a network and delineation of their articulation into
larger, less cohesive groups are a major theme in social
network analysis.
Social Networks 925
The centrality of an actor in a network is an impor-
tant attribute, because centrality is associated with
power, prestige, prominence, and popularity. In a
network of ties representing ows or potential ows
of valued social goods, such as information, a central
actor is in a privileged position for both reception and
transmission. The centrality of an actor may be intui-
tively evident from visual inspection of the drawing of a
graph, especially if the graph is small or highly central-
ized. In larger graphs, a precise denition and formula
are needed. The four main denitions of centrality are
degree, closeness, betweenness, and power (or eigen-
vector) centrality.
Degree centrality is the proportion of the other
actors to which an actor is directly connected. The
closeness centrality of an actor is based on how close
the actor is to each of the other actors in the network
and is the inverse of distance. The betweenness cen-
trality of an actor is the extent to which the actor is
between other actors; in other words, how often
the shortest paths between pairs of other actors pass
through the actor. Power centrality is dened recur-
sively taking into account the power centrality of the
actors to which an actor is adjacent.
Applications of Social Networks
The popular party game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
tries to connect any movie actor to actor Kevin Bacon
via costars in movies using the shortest number of
steps. That value is an actors Bacon Number. The Web
site The Oracle of Bacon, originally implemented
in 1996, can be used to nd the shortest path for any
actor that can be linked to Kevin Bacon. The average
path length as of September, 2010, was about three. It
also allows a user to nd a measure of centrality for
the Hollywood network based around any actor in the
database in terms of the average path length.
On a more personal level, the social network Web
site Facebook includes an application called Friend
Wheel that lets users visualize the interconnections
among their friends as nodes and ties. Further, it selec-
tively arranges the friends names around the circum-
ference of the wheel so that closely-knit groups or
cliques are placed together and color-coded. Thomas
Fletcher, a computer science and mathematics student
at Bath University, developed the application and made
it available in 2007.
Harkening back to Morenos study, in 1995 a team
of sociologists was the rst to map the romantic and
sexual relationships of an entire high school. Unlike
similar adult networks, which tend to have several
highly interconnected cores with loose interconnec-
tions (like airline hubs), the students were connected
via long chains, more like a rural phone network.
One chain linked 288 of the 573 romantically active
students, though there were also many unconnected
dyads or triads. Researchers attributed this nding in
part to the often-elaborate teenage social rules about
who may date. The surprising nding had important
implications for educational practices like sex educa-
tion programs.
Further Reading
Bearman, P. S., J. Moody, and K. Stovel. Chains of
Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and
Sexual Networks. American Journal of Sociology 110,
no. 1 (2004).
Furht, Borko. Handbook of Social Network Technologies
and Applications. New York: Springer, 2010.
Moreno, Jacob L. Who Shall Survive? Washington, DC:
Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing, 1934.
Wasserman, Stanley, and Katherine Faust. Social Network
Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Peter J. Carrington
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Connections in Society; Graphs; Matrices;
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon; Visualization.
Social Security
See Pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
Software, Mathematics
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
926 Software, Mathematics
Summary: Mathematics software has long been used
as a teaching aid and has become an important tool in
applied mathematics.
Mathematics software refers to a wide variety of com-
puter programs designed to manipulate, graph, or cal-
culate numeric, symbolic, or geometrical data. Along
with the development of computer technology and
wider access to personal computers, these types of pro-
grams gained popularity at end of the twentieth century.
Within the mathematics community, it has inuenced
instruction, applications, and research. Instruction
has changed so that mathematics is more accessible to
larger numbers of students; it is more engaging, more
visual, and more focused on conceptual understanding
rather than on computational facility.
Mathematics software has changed research and
the nature of mathematical proof so that computers
are now tools for exploration, for applications, and
for performing repetitive tasks. There are numerous
journals devoted to the development, use, or imple-
mentation of software in research and teaching, such
as the Transactions on Mathematical Software journal.
Computer software has inuenced what mathematics
is being taught, how it is being taught, the nature of
its applications, and the way mathematics is explored.
Computer software provides society a different
modality for learning, understanding and applying
What is Computer Software?
Computer software is a general term reserved for a
collection of computer programs that provide step-by-
step instructions for a computer to perform specic
tasks. There are four major types of software:
Operating systems: System software, often
called the computer platform (for example,
Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux);
Computer languages: The code and syntax used
for developing software (for example, Java,
C/C++, Visual BASIC, Pascal, and Fortran)
General applications software: Software
designed for general purposes (for example,
word processors, database systems,
spreadsheets, and communications software)
Specic applications software: Software
designed for performing content-based
tasks (for example, MATLAB, Mathematica,
Geometers Sketchpad, SPSS, and MINITAB)
Software for the subject of mathematics falls in the cat-
egory of Specic Applications Software.
Mathematics Software
The term mathematics software refers to computer
programs designed to manipulate, graph, or calculate
numeric, symbolic, or geometrical data. The journal
Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), pro-
duced by the Association of Computing Machinery
(ACM), provides current information on available
mathematics software. Through TOMS, the reader
can gain access to large indexed mathematics software
repositories. The majority of the software is written
in Fortran or C++ for solving mathematics problems
occurring in the sciences and engineering. Research
scientists are invited to use these modules in develop-
ing their own software.
Software for Applied Mathematics
According to the National Research Council (NRC),
computer software has had a major impact on applied
mathematics and has illuminated new areas for math-
ematical research. The use of computer software in
research in applied mathematics is prevalent, especially
when repetitive computations are necessary. The most
prominent computer software packages used in col-
lege-level instruction in the early twenty-first cen-
tury are MATLAB, Mathematica, and Maple. These
are computer algebra systems (CAS) that perform both
symbolic and numeric computations. Software is used
for statistics applications by professionals in math-
ematics, sciences, education, and social sciences,
such as SPSS, SAS, BMDP and SPlus. These allow
users to easily explore and visualize data and automate
the computational aspects of many commonly used
statistical procedures, which can be signicantly dif-
cult for larger data sets. It also facilitates more complex
modeling and computer-intensive methods like exact
tests, resampling techniques like bootstrapping, and
many types of Bayesian statistical procedures, which
are named for mathematician Thomas Bayes.
Software for Mathematics Research
Mathematics software is also gaining prominence in
the elds of pure mathematics such as number theory,
Software, Mathematics 927
abstract algebra, and topology. An outstanding exam-
ple of the impact of software on topological research
occurred in 1976 when a computer program was used
to check all of the possible cases in the Four-Color
Map conjecture.
To understand the Four-Color Map conjecture, con-
sider a map of the United States. Suppose the task is to
color the individual states so that no two contiguous
states are the same color. How many different colors
are necessary to complete the task? Such a question
arose in 1852. The Four-Color Map conjecture states
that, at most, four colors are needed to color the map.
In 1976, Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken nally
proved this conjecture (thus establishing it as a theo-
rem) by using a computer program, representing the
rst time computer software was used in the proof of a
mathematics theorem.
This computer-based proof led to considerable
controversy within the mathematics community. The
controversy centered on the nontraditional nature of
the proof, which required a computer program for
testing all of the possible cases, namely 1936 maps.
Some mathematicians argued that this procedure did
not constitute a formal mathematical proof, which is
typically based on deductive logic and mathematical
principles (such as denitions, axioms, and theorems).
Instead, it was an exhaustive test of all possible cases,
made possible by a computer program. Thus, nei-
ther deductive logic nor mathematical structure was
required. Regardless of the controversies surrounding
the proof of the Four-Color Map theorem, the result
was to alter the attitudes of mathematicians toward
the role of computer software in formal mathematical
proof. Consequently, since the 1970s, computer soft-
ware has become a major research tool for both pure
and applied mathematicians.
A further consequence of the use of computer soft-
ware in mathematical research is a trend for math-
ematicians to use open-source software, rather than
proprietary software. Many commercial or propri-
etary software programs were originally developed and
sometimes freely distributed as part of grant-funded
projects or by individual mathematicians, computer
scientists, and others to meet specic research or teach-
ing needs. Some of these programs were also developed
in conjunction with educators and students. With
proprietary software, the user is denied access to the
algorithms used in solving problems and thus cannot
have complete condence in the delity of the mathe-
matical results obtained by the programs. On the other
hand, open-source software provides the source code
to its users so they can modify and apply it with con-
dence to their research endeavors. Sage is an impor-
tant example of open-source software that contains
one of the worlds largest collections of computational
algorithms. For this reason, it is gaining in popularity
among contemporary research mathematicians.
Software for Mathematics Education
Since the 1980s, computer software has been utilized
regularly in the research of both pure and applied
mathematics and it has made its way into mathemat-
ics classrooms. However, the adoption of mathemat-
ics software in teaching has not been without contro-
versy. For instance, in 1993, students at the University
928 Software, Mathematics
Algebra, Trigonometry,
and Calculus Software
athematics instruction at all levels has
changed considerably because of the
profusion of graphing calculators in schools.
These so-called calculators are actually hand-
held computers that have numerous built-in
mathematical functions and programming
capability. As a consequence, the mathematics
curriculum is now more focused on conceptual
development rather than building computational
facility. Additionally, classroom computers and
the use of interactive whiteboards (large inter-
active computer panels) have served to make
mathematics instruction far more interactive
and engaging for students.
Popular commercial software packages for
college instruction are MATLAB, Mathematica,
and Maple. A powerful piece of free-ware for
algebra instruction at the high school level is
Winplot (for Windows platforms only), which is
available in 14 languages. It is a virtual graph-
ing utility that can plot and animate functions,
relations, and three-dimensional surfaces in a
variety of formats.
of Pennsylvania complained about frustrations with
Maple in calculus classes, citing a lack of support
and faculty expertise. Some students even wore shirts
printed with vulgarities about Maple, which attracted
national attention. The use and implementation of
software in classes has continued to generate debate
regarding the balance between students exploring con-
cepts and solving problems using traditional methods
and computers. There are also questions regarding how
much teaching time should be focused on instructing
students in software use versus addressing concepts.
More recently, mathematics instruction in grades
K12 has beneted from computer software. This
trend is due in part to the recommendations of major
professional educational organizations and from fed-
eral programs and legislation. In 2000, the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics predicted that
technology would enhance the learning of mathemat-
ics, support mathematics teaching, and inuence the
content that is taught. Educators have also praised
the advantages of interactive software on student
motivation and for providing a different modality for
instructiona modality that is visual, concrete, and
interactive. Thus, anticipated impacts of computer
technology on student achievement are encouraging.
In 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act provided $15
million for research on the effects of computer tech-
nology on K12 instruction.
Geometry Software
Computer software for teaching geometry is preva-
lent in American schools. The software of choice is
dynamic software, which allows students to construct
geometric shapes and actively explore their properties
on the computer screen by (1) dragging vertices, (2)
measuring component parts, (3) transforming them in
the coordinate plan, (4) animating them, and (5) trac-
ing points, and so on. Examples of dynamic geometry
software are Cabri II Plus, The Geometers Sketchpad
(GSP), and GeoGebra.
When using dynamic geometry software, high
school students have been able to make new discover-
ies in Euclidean geometry. For example, in 1994, Ryan
Morgan, a sophomore at Patapsco High School in Bal-
timore, used GSP to discover a generalization to Mar-
ion Walters theorem.
First, consider Marion Walters theorem: If the tri-
section points of the sides of any triangle are connected
to the opposite vertices, the resulting hexagon has area
one-tenth the area of the original triangle.
Based on the prior theorem, Morgan discovered the
following: If the sides of the triangle are instead parti-
tioned into n equal segments (for n = an odd integer)
and each division point is connected to the opposite ver-
tex, a central hexagon is still formed.
Morgans theorem states that this hexagon has an
n n
( )
( )
3 2 3 1
relative to the original triangle.
Discoveries by high school students, such as Mor-
gans theorem, lend credence to using dynamic software
for geometry instruction in the nations high schools.
Further Reading
American Mathematical Society. Mathematics on the
Bailey, David, and Borwein, Jonathan. Experimental
Mathematics: Examples, Methods and Implications.
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 52, no. 5
DeLoughry, Thomas. A Revolt Over Software:
Penn Students Call Calculus Program Frustrating
and Say Faculty Didnt Know How to Use It. The
Chronicle of Higher Education 40, no. 14 (November
24, 1993).
Lutus, Paul. Exploring Mathematics With Sage. http://
Quesada, Antonio. New Mathematical Findings by
Secondary Students. Universitas Scientiarum 6, no. 2
Sarama, Julie, and Doug Clements. Linking Research
and Software Development. Research on Technology
and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
2 (2008).
Sharon Whitton
See Also: Calculators in Society; Curriculum, College;
Educational Manipulatives; Geometry and Geometry
Education; Personal Computers; Statistics Education;
Software, Mathematics 929
Solar Panels
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: The angle of inclination of a solar panel
array is key to its efciency, among other factors.
Solar panels are interconnected assemblies of photo-
voltaic cells that collect solar energy as part of a solar
power system, either on Earth or in space. Typically,
several solar panels will be used together in a photovol-
taic array along with an inverter and batteries to store
collected energy. Photovoltaic cells convert the energy
of sunlight into electricity via the photovoltaic effect
(the creation of electric current in a material when it
is exposed to electromagnetic radiation), which was
observed by French physicist Alexandre-Edmond
Becquerel in 1839. Prior to that time, many scientists
and mathematicians built and researched parabolic
burning mirrors, which are another way to focus solar
energy. Diocles of Carystus showed that a parabola will
focus the rays of the sun most efciently. Archimedes
of Syracuse may have built burning mirrors that set
ships on re. George LeClerc, Comte de Buffon, appar-
ently tested the feasibility of such a mirror by using 168
adjustable mirrors in order to vary the focal length to
ignite objects that were 150 feet away. It was also inves-
tigated experimentally in the early twenty-rst century
on the television program Mythbusters. Mathematics
teacher Augustin Mouchot investigated solar energy
in the nineteenth century and designed a steam engine
that ran on sun rays. Some consider this invention to
be the start of solar energy history. The rst working
solar cells were built by the American inventor Charles
Fritts, in 1883, using selenium with a very thin layer of
gold. The energy loss of Frittss cells was enormous
less than 1% of the energy was successfully converted
to electricitybut they demonstrated the viability of
light as an energy source. Engineer Russell Ohls semi-
conductor research led to a patent for what are con-
sidered the rst modern solar cells, and Daryl Chapin,
Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson, working at Bell Labs
in the 1950s, developed the silicon-based Bell solar bat-
tery. There were fewer than a single watt of solar cells
worldwide capable of running electrical equipment at
that time. Roughly 50 years later, solar panels gener-
ated a billion watts of electricity to power technology
on Earth, satellites, and space probes headed to the far
reaches of the galaxy. Scientists and mathematicians
continue to collaborate to improve solar panel tech-
nology. One such focus is creating scalable systems that
are increasingly efcient and economically competitive
with various other energy technologies.
Physics and Mathematics of Solar Panels
In 1905, Albert Einstein published both a paper on
the photoelectric effect and a paper on his theory of
relativity. His mathematical description of photons (or
light quanta) and the way in
which they produce the photo-
electric effect earned him the
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
In general, the photons or light
particles in sunlight that are
absorbed by semiconducting
materials in the solar panel
transfer energy to electrons
though some is lost in other
forms, such as heat. Added
energy causes the electrons to
break free of atoms and move
through the semiconductor.
Solar cells are constructed so
that the electrons can move in
only one direction, producing
electrical ow. A solar panel or
array of connected solar panels
930 Solar Panels
The solar field at Nellis Air Base in Nevada has more than 72,000 panels
and supplies the base with more than 30 million kilowatt-hours of power.
produces direct current, like chemical batteries, which
can be stored. An inverter can convert the direct cur-
rent to alternating current for household use.
Mathematics is involved in many aspects of solar
panel design, operation, and installation. For exam-
ple, the perimeter of an array of multiple solar panels
may change with rearrangement of the panels, but the
area stays the same. Since area is one critical variable
for power collection, this suggests different optimal
arrangements for surfaces where solar panels might
be arranged, like walls and roofs. Satellites often use
folding arrays of solar panels that deploy after launch,
and folding portable solar panel arrays have been
designed for applications like camping and remote or
automated research and monitoring stations. Space
scientist Koryo Miura developed the MuriaOri map
folding technique, which involves mathematical ideas
of exible polygonal structures and tessellations. It has
been incorporated into satellite solar panels that can
be unfolded into a rectangular shape by pulling on
only one corner.
A solar panel array may be xed, adjustable, or tracking.
Each method has trade-offs in installation cost versus
efciency and energy over the lifetime of the installa-
tion, which can be analyzed mathematically in order
to optimize an individual setup. Fixed arrays are solar
panels that stay in one position. Optimal positioning
of such arrays usually involves facing the equator (true
south, not magnetic south, when in the northern hemi-
sphere), with an angle of inclination roughly equal to
their latitude. Using an angle of inclination slightly
higher than the latitude has been shown in some studies
to improve energy collection in the winter, which can
help balance shorter days or increased heating energy
needs. Setting the inclination slightly less than the lati-
tude optimizes collection for the summer. Adjustable
panels can have their tilt manually adjusted through-
out the year. Tracking panels follow the path of the sun
during the day, on either one or two axes: a single-axis
tracker tracks the sun east to west only, while a double-
axis tracker also adjusts for the seasonal declination
movement of the sun. Tracking panels may lead to a
gain in power, but for some users, the cost trade-off
might suggest adding additional xed panels for some
applications instead. Solar power companies and other
entities provide maps showing the yearly average daily
sunshine in kilowatt hours per square meter of solar
panel. Combined with the expected energy consump-
tion of a building, this data helps determine how many
solar panels and batteries will be needed for an instal-
lation. Science and mathematics teachers often have
students build solar panels and collect data to facili-
tate mathematical understanding and critical thinking,
as well as make mathematics, science, and technology
Further Reading
Anderson, E. E. Fundamentals of Solar Energy Conversion.
Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1982.
Hull, Thomas. In Search of a Practical Map Fold. Math
Horizons 9 (February 2002).
Kryza, F. The Power of Light: The Epic Story of Mans Quest
to Harness the Sun. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Electricity; Light; Origami; Satellites.
South America
Category: Mathematics Around the World.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Long before European settlement,
mathematics ourished in South America.
South America includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
The history of South American mathematics begins
with pre-Columbian developments like the Nazca
lines and quipus (KEE-poos) and continues through
the astronomy boom of the colonial period to work by
modern mathematicians and ethnomathematics stud-
ies in Brazil.
The Incan empire, with its capital in Cuzco, Peru,
dominated pre-Columbian South America. The Incan
civilization emerged from the highlands in the early
thirteenth century and extended over an area from
what is now the northern border of Ecuador, Peru,
South America 931
western and south central Bolivia, northwest Argen-
tina, northern and central Chile, and southern Colom-
bia. The Incas reached a high level of sophistication
with remarkable systems of agriculture, textile design,
pottery, and administration. Since the Incas had no
written records, the quipu (or khipu) played a pivotal
role in keeping numerical information about the pop-
ulation, lands, produce, animals, and weapons.
Quipus were knotted tally cords that consisted of a
main cord from which hung a variable number of pen-
dant cords containing clusters of knots. These knots
and their clusters conveyed numerical information in
base-10 representation. For example, if the number
365 was to be recorded on the string, then ve touch-
ing knots were placed near the free end of the string
followed by a space, then six touching knots for the 10s,
another space, and nally three touching knots for the
100s. Specic information was conveyed via the num-
ber and type of knots, cluster spacing, color of cord,
and pendant array. Inca administrators and accoun-
tants employed this complex system for numerical
storage and communication. Quipus were mathemati-
cally efcient and portable. Unfortunately, the Span-
ish destroyed many quipus, potentially hiding clues to
understanding Incan architectural processes, irriga-
tion, and road systems.
Nazca Lines
The Nazca lines are a set of gures that appear engraved
in the surface of the Nazca desert in southern Peru. The
lines include hundreds of geometric shapes and render-
ings of animals and plants, including birds, a spider, a
monkey, owers, geometric gures, and linessome of
them miles long. The Nazca lines, best appreciated from
an airplane, are one of the worlds enduring mysteries. It
is hard to explain how the ancient people of Nazca (900
b.c.e.600 c.e.) achieved such geometrical precision in
an area over 300 square miles. German-born mathema-
tician and archaeologist Maria Reiche spent ve decades
studying and preserving these lines. She, like many other
scientists, believed that the Nazca lines represented an
astronomical calendar and observatory, while other the-
ories suggest that they map areas of fertile land.
Mathematics in the Colonial Era
The accidental arrival of navigator Christopher Colum-
bus in the Americas in 1492 marked the beginning of
a 300-year period of Spanish and Portuguese colonial
rule in South America that ended in the early nineteenth
century. Under the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Portu-
gal claimed what is now Brazil, and Spanish claims were
established throughout the rest of the continent with
the exception of Guyana, Suriname, and French Gui-
ana. Roman Catholicism and an Iberian culture were
imposed throughout the region, and mathematical sys-
tems and practices of ancient cultures were replaced by
the Hindu-Arabic decimal system used by the Spanish.
Mathematical activity in Spain between the six-
teenth and nineteenth century decisively inuenced
mathematical thinking and practices in South America.
In sixteenth-century Spain, two lines of mathematical
thought existed: the arithmeticians (calculators, inter-
ested in the uses of mathematics) and the algebraists
(abstract or pure mathematicians). Because the Euro-
pean countries used the colonies to enhance their trade
and economic resources, the emphasis in South Amer-
ica was on applied mathematics.
Later, the Spanish and the Portuguese established
schoolsmostly run by Catholic religious orders
which concentrated mathematics teaching on eco-
nomic applications related to trade. There was also an
interest on mathematics related to astronomical obser-
vations. The rst nonreligious book published in the
Americas was an arithmetic book related to gold and
silver mining printed in 1556.
Astronomy was a major area of interest in South
America in the seventeenth century. In Brazil, research
on comets was of major importance, as exemplied
by the work of Valentin Stancel (16211705), a Jesuit
mathematician from Prague who lived in Brazil from
1663 until his death (his astronomical measurements
are mentioned in Newtons Principia). As in many cul-
tures, most astronomical interpretations attempted to
explain divine messages to humankind. Other devel-
opments in Brazil included the rst aircraft known to
y: the Passarola, invented by Bartolomeu de Gusmo,
a Brazilian priest and scientist from Sao Paulo. De
Gusmo, also known as the Flying Priest, studied
mathematics and physics at the Universidade de Coim-
bra in Portugal. The Passarola was an aerostat heated
with hot air and ew in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1709.
Mathematics in the Era of Independence
In the rst quarter of the nineteenth century, many
successful revolutions resulted in the creation of inde-
pendent countries in South America. Mathematical
932 South America
activity increased throughout Latin America in the
twentieth century. For instance, Argentinian math-
ematician Alberto P. Calderon (19201998) developed
new theories and techniques in classical and functional
analysis. Professor Calderon worked at the University of
Chicago for many years. He was awarded the National
Medal of Science in the United States.
Research by Professor Ubiritan DAmbrosio and his
students in the slums and indigenous communities in
Brazil focused on ethnomathematicsa sub-eld of
mathematics history and mathematics education. The
goal of ethnomathematics is to understand connections
between culture and the development of mathematical
processes and ideas. Other researchers have explored
specic mathematical habits and methods in South
American cultures. In the 1980s, Terezinha Nunes and
her collaborators studied differences between street
mathematics and school mathematics in Brazil by com-
paring how street vendors (including children) and
farmers solve problems compared to those who encoun-
ter similar problems in formal school situations.
For example, in their study of young street vendors
in Recife, the interviewers acted as customers and asked
questions that required the use of arithmetic skills
(such as making change). The children did much bet-
ter in this real situation than on a formal test given a
week later that used similar numbers and operations.
One possible explanation is that the children were bet-
ter able to keep the meaning of the problem in mind
in the real situation. Many others, such as Geoffrey
Saxe, have found similar results. An implication of
these studies is that the essence of school mathemat-
ics, which the Recife children were not as successful
at, is highly symbolic and possibly devoid of meaning.
These studies have been important in advancing the
goal of mathematics education that students must ini-
tially construct appropriate meanings for the various
concepts and methods they encounter.
Further Reading
Ascher, Marcia. Before the Conquest. Mathematics
Magazine. 65, no. 4 (1992).
DAmbrosio, Ubiritan. Ethnomathematics and Its Place
in the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics. For the
Learning of Mathematics 5, no. 1 (1985).
Nunes, Terezinha, et al. Street Mathematics and School
Mathematics. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1993.
Ortiz-Franco, Luis, Norma Hernandez, and Yolanda
De La Cruz, eds. Changing the Faces of Mathematics:
Perspectives on Latinos. Vol. 4. Reston, VA: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.
Gisela Ernst-Slavit
David Slavit
See Also: Astronomy; Calendars; Incan and Mayan
Mathematics; Knots.
Space Travel
See Interplanetary Travel
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Every task involving spaceships, from their
design to their launch to effective collision avoidance
and communication, is mathematically intensive.
Spaceships, also called spacecraft, are manned or
automatic vehicles for ying beyond planet atmo-
spheres. Different types of spaceships serve different
purposes, including scientic or applied observations
and data collection, exploration of celestial bodies,
communication, and recreation.
According to the routes they take, spaceships can
be classied as suborbital, orbital, interplanetary,
and interstellar. According to the type of propulsion
used, spacecraft engines can be designated as reaction
engines, including rockets; electromagnetic, such as
ion thrusters; and engines using elds, such as solar
sails or gravitational slingshots. Mathematics is funda-
mental for spaceship design, operation, and evaluation.
For example, mathematics is used to plan efcient tra-
jectories, avoid collisions, communicate with satellites,
transmit data over vast interplanetary distances, and
solve complex problems like those that occurred in the
famous Apollo 13 mission.
Spaceships 933
Mathematics in Spaceship Systems
Propulsion of a spaceship poses scientic and engi-
neering problems that involve balancing forces and
computing sufcient fuel, energy, work, and uid
mechanics. For any type of engine, the impulse it gives
to the craft has to be calculated and compared to the
crafts tasks such as leaving the gravity well of a planet
or maintaining an orbit. For example, calculations for
rocket engines involve variables including the chang-
ing mass of the craft as its fuel is spent, the efciency
of the engine, and the velocity of the rockets exhaust.
Solar sail theories involve such variables as radiation
pressure of the light, the area of the sail, and the weight
of the craft.
Mechanics and material sciences problems involved
in the structure of spacecraft include withstanding
the forces, temperatures, and electromagnetic elds
involved in moving through space. For example, mov-
ing through a planetary atmosphere at speeds neces-
sary to leave the planets gravity well involves high tem-
peratures from friction.
The guidance and navigation systems of a spaceship
collect data and then compute position, speed, and the
necessary velocity and acceleration to reach the desti-
nation. These systems also determine the relative posi-
tion of the spaceship to nearby celestial bodies, which
inuence the crafts motion by their gravitational and
electromagnetic elds. For example, mathematical
description of a craft orbiting a planet includes the
six Keplerian elements (for example, inclination and
eccentricity) dening the shape, the size, and the ori-
entation of the orbit, named for Johannes Kepler.
Most twenty-rst-century spacecraft do not carry
living organisms, but when they do, life support sys-
tems are necessary. Life support systems protect peo-
ple, animals, or plants in the spaceship from harmful
environments and provide air, water, and food. The
design of life support systems involves biology, physi-
ology, medical sciences, plant sciences, ecology, and
bioengineering. Mathematical models for life support
typically include calculations of safety margins, such
as maximum allowable radiation doses. All organisms
need some inputs (such as food, water, or oxygen)
and produce some outputs depending on a variety of
variables, such as activity levels. Spaceship ecosystem
designers strive to produce waste-free, closed systems
where water is reclaimed and plants are used to purify
the air. Because of the complexity of the closed eco-
system problem, most current ights employ simpler,
machine-driven life support systems.
Atmospheric Flight
Flight within an atmosphere presents very different
problems compared to ight in a vacuum. The problems
solved by applied mathematicians who study atmo-
spheric ight include friction, turbulence, wing lift, aero-
dynamic shapes, and control of temperature. Spaceships
launching or landing on planets have to be equipped for
atmospheric ight. Because of differences in the vacuum
and atmosphere ight requirements, many spaceships
are designed to change their conguration when they
cross atmospheric boundaries. For example, mathemat-
ical theories originally developed for origami are used to
fold and unfold solar batteries, which can be used only
in a vacuum because of their large area.
934 Spaceships
Escaping a Planets Gravity
he problem of escaping the gravitational
eld of a large celestial body, such as
Earth, is different from the problem of ight
in space far from large bodies. For example,
a certain velocity, called escape velocity, is
required to leave any given planet. At the sea
level of Earth, the escape velocity is about 11
kilometers per second (km/s) or 7 miles per
second (mi/s). However, spaceships usually y
slower at rst. The escape velocity is inversely
proportional to the square root of the distance
from the planets center of gravity. Spaceships
leaving the Earth reach these lower escape
velocity levels at some distance from the sur-
face. For comparison, the escape velocity from
the Sun is about 600 km/s (373 mi/s) and
the speed record as of 2010 for a spacecraft
leaving the Earth is about 16 km/s (10 mi/s).
This means that ights near the Sun are not
technologically possible in the early twenty-rst
century. The escape velocity of a black hole is
greater than the speed of light (over 300,000
km/s or 186,000 mi/s), which is the highest
theoretical speed possible.
Science Fiction and Computer
Game Mathematics
Space travel frequently appears in science ction, where
plots deal with various existing engineering or phys-
ics limitations. Hard science ction is the more scien-
tically oriented subgenre, and it frequently includes
extensions, discussions, and speculations dealing with
the current scientic research. This tradition of blend-
ing science and literature started in the late nineteenth
century with the works of Jules Verne; many of his then-
fantastic devices and ideas (for example, televisions and
submarines) were implemented relatively soon after.
As an example of experiments with scientic limits
in literature, science-ction spaceships may travel at
superluminal (faster than light) speeds, often through
non-physical spaces such as hyperspace, subspace,
or another dimension. These are terms from exist-
ing mathematical theories, which hard science ction
sometimes discusses.
Sci- spaceships may also be living organisms, com-
pletely or partially. This idea is a reection of the cur-
rent interest in bioengineering and has connections
with exciting research in ecology, genetics, cybernetics,
and articial intelligence, as well as social sciences such
as philosophy and bioethics.
Computer games and movies about space ight
created a demand for applied mathematicians who
can model fantastic situations with passable realism.
The physics and mathematics of three-dimensional
modeling is a fast-growing area, with new courses and
programs opening in universities and an expanding
job market. What started in the nineteenth century as
an exotic occupation for very few writers has become a
profession for many programmers and applied math-
Further Reading:
Battin, Richard. An Introduction to the Mathematics
and Methods of Astrodynamics. New York: American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1987.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Design
a Spaceship.
Osserman, Robert. Mathematics Awareness Month:
Space Exploration.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Airplanes/Flight; Elevation; Energy; Fuel
Consumption; Interplanetary Travel; Origami; Radiation;
Satellites; Solar Panels; Vectors; Weightless Flight.
Spam Filters
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations; Data
Analysis and Probability; Problem Solving.
Summary: Spam lters use probability and Bayesian
ltering to sort spam from legitimate e-mails.
Most people with an e-mail address receive unsolicited
commercial e-mail, also known as spam, on a regular
basis. Spam is an electronic version of junk mail, and
has been around since the introduction of the Inter-
net. The senders of spam (called spammers) are usually
attempting to sell products or services. Sometimes, their
intent is more sinisterthey may be trying to defraud
their message recipients. Since the cost of sending spam
is negligible to spammers, it has been bombarding e-
mail servers at a tremendous rate. Some estimate that as
much as 40% to 50% of all e-mails are spam. The cost
to the message recipients and businesses can be consid-
erable in terms of decreased productivity and unwel-
come exposure to inappropriate content and scams. As
frustrating and potentially damaging as spam e-mail is,
fortunately, much of it does not reach recipients thanks
to spam lters. Spam lters are computer programs that
screen e-mail messages as they are received. Any e-mail
suspected to be spam will be redirected to a junk mail
folder so that it does not clutter up a users inbox. How
does the lter decide which messages are suspect? Spam
lters are implementations of statistical models that
predict the probability that a message is spam given its
characteristics. The lter classies messages with large
predicted probabilities of being spam, as spam.
Primitive lters simply classied a message as spam if it
contained a word or phrase that frequently appeared in
spam messages. However, spammers only need to adjust
their messages slightly to outsmart the lter, and all
legitimate messages containing these words would auto-
matically be classied as spam. Modern spam lters are
Spam Filters 935
designed using a branch of statistics known as classi-
cation. Bayesian ltering is a particularly effective prob-
ability modeling approach in the war on spam. Bayesian
methods are named for eighteenth-century mathemati-
cian and minister Thomas Bayes. He formulated Bayes
theorem, which relates the conditional probability of two
events, A and B, such that one can nd both the prob-
ability of A given that one already knows B (for example,
the probability that a specic word occurs in the text of
an e-mail given that the e-mail is known to be spam);
the reverse, the probability of B given that one knows
A (for example, the probability that an e-mail is spam
given that a specic word is known to appear in the text
of the e-mail).
The underlying logic for this type of lter is that if
a combination of message features occur more or less
often in spam than in legitimate messages, then it would
be reasonable to suspect a message with these features
as being or not being spam. An extensive collection of
e-mail messages is used to build a prediction model via
data analysis. The data consist of a comprehensive col-
lection of message characteristics, some of which may
include the number of capital letters in the subject line,
the number of special characters (for example, $, *,
!) in the message, the number of occurrences of the
word free, the length of the message, the presence of
html in the body of the message, and the specic words
in the subject line and body of the message. Each of
these messages will also have the true spam classi-
cation recorded. These e-mail messages are split into
a large training set and a test set. The lter will rst
be developed using the training set, and then its per-
formance will be assessed using the test set. A list of
characteristics is rened based on the messages in the
training set so that each of the characteristics provides
information about the chance the message is spam.
However, no spam lter is perfect. Even the best l-
ter will likely misclassify spam from time to time. False
positives are legitimate e-mails that are mistakenly
classied as spam, and false negatives are spam that
appear to be legitimate e-mails so they slip through the
lter unnoticed. An effective spam lter will correctly
classify spam and legitimate e-mail messages most of
the time. In other words, the misclassication rates will
be small. The spam lter developer will set tolerance
levels on these rates based on the relative seriousness
of missing legitimate messages and allowing spam in
user inboxes.
Spam lters need to be customized for different orga-
nizations because some spam features may vary from
organization to organization. For instance, the word
mortgage in an e-mail subject line would be quite
typical for e-mails circulating within a banking institu-
tion, but may be somewhat unusual for other businesses
or personal e-mails. Filters should also be updated fre-
quently. Spammers are becoming more sophisticated
and are guring out creative ways to design messages
that will lter though unnoticed. Spam lters must con-
stantly adapt to meet this challenge.
Further Reading
Madigan, D. Statistics and the War on Spam. In
Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown. 4th ed. Belmont,
CA: Thompson Higher Education, 2006.
Zdziarski, J. Ending Spam: Bayesian Content Filtering
and the Art of Statistical Language Classication. San
Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, 2005.
Bethany White
See Also: Internet; Predicting Preferences; Search
Engines; Social Networks; Software, Mathematics.
Sports Arenas
See Arenas, Sports
Sport Handicapping
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Various calculations are used to set fair,
competitive handicaps in sports.
Sport handicapping is an important methodology that
affects millions of people worldwide and potentially
impacts billions of dollars worth of bets. In many sports,
handicaps are calculated for individuals or teams and
are used as a way of equalizing performance by giving
936 Sport Handicapping
a scoring advantage or other in-game compensation to
some players. This process allows lower skilled players
to compete with higher skilled players while preserv-
ing perceived fairness. The term handicap refers to
both the adjusted scores and the process of determin-
ing them, and may also be used for whole tournaments
that rely extensively on the method. Handicap in this
context derives from a seventeenth century lottery
game called hand-in-cap, where players put their
bets in a literal cap. A point spread, frequently used in
sports betting, is a related idea for computing or esti-
mating relative advantage to equalize teams in compet-
itive sports. Examples of sports using handicapping at
various levels include bowling, golf, horse racing, and
track and eld.
In sport, a handicap is usually imposed to enable a more
equal competition to take place. The handicap is calcu-
lated according to specic criteria set down for each of
the sports that use the technique, meaning that some are
much more complex than others. To understand why a
handicap may be used, consider one of the most well-
known sports that employ a handicap system, golf.
If a recreational golf player were to compete against
the best golfer in the world in a round of golf, then
the outcome would almost certainly be a win for the
better golfer. A win by a large margin would also have
been very likely. If a handicap were applied that was
based on each players average scores, then the outcome
would be much less certain. There would have been a
distinct possibility that, if the recreational player had
played well, they would have had the opportunity to
beat the better golferor at least not loose by many
shotsafter the handicap was applied.
In most sports when professionals compete against
each another, the events are usually free from handicap-
ping. A professional golf tournament will usually engage
those who play with a scratch (or zero) handicap.
One of the primary reasons for using a handicap is
to make an event more competitive. In many respects,
this makes the given sport more enjoyable and can help
to make it more appealing and increase the number of
those wishing to participate.
Tenpin bowling is a sport that has more participants
worldwide than most other sports. The overwhelming
majority of players are recreational, although many
take part in annual league competitions. Most leagues
are not scratch based (on actual total pin fall) but are
handicapped. In tenpin bowling handicap leagues, the
scores that are used to determine who has won are a
combination of the total pins actually knocked down
and the handicap value. This method allows players
(and teams) with lower averages to compete against
players (and teams) that have much higher averages.
The handicap in Tenpin Bowling is usually of the
form: Handicap value (per game) = 80% of the differ-
ence between the players average and 200 pins.
If a bowler averages 100 pins, then the bowler would,
using the handicapping system, gain a handicap value
of 80 pins: (200 100) 0.80. The total pinfall for a
game would be 80 plus whatever number of pins the
bowler actually knocked down.
This handicap system is versatile in that the two
values used (the 80% and the 200 pins, in the exam-
ple above) can be manipulated to suit the particular
league. For instance, if there are a number of players
who average over 200, for example 210 or 220, then
the handicap may be 80% of the difference between
each bowlers average and 220 pins. Alternatively, if
the players are grouped quite closely together, then the
handicap may be 66% of the difference between each
bowlers average and 200 pins.
Athletics, or track and eld, is another mass participa-
tion sport, but one in which, at the highest level, age
is intrinsically linked to performancefew athletes
compete internationally in their late 30s and beyond.
There is still huge participation in the sport by people
older than 30, and there are obvious health benets to
doing so.
There is a scoring system that takes age into account
by comparing race time to that of the world record
holder in each age group. It is often known as a World
Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA) Rating and is
expressed as a percentage between zero and 100. If one
gets a WAVA rating of 50%, it means that the competi-
tor is half the pace of the world record holder. WAVA
rating is a useful way to make comparisons between
runners of all ages and can form the basis of a handi-
cap league.
Horse Racing
A further important application of handicapping is
that seen in horse racing, a sport on which billions of
Sport Handicapping 937
dollars worth of bets are made each year. In a handi-
capped race, the horse must carry a certain additional
weight, which when added to the weight of the jokey
gives it an assigned impost (or total weight). These
weights are held in saddle pads with pockets.
The calculation for the weight a horse is required to
carry is based on a number of factors. A great deal of
work is done with past data to create and then ensure
that the handicaps are as fair as possible. These handi-
caps allow for horses of differing abilities to race against
each other over a given distance.
Further Reading
Mullen, Michelle. Bowling Fundamentals. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics, 2003.
Tuttle, Joeseph J. The Ultimate Guide to Handicapping the
Horses. Self published: Createspace, 2008.
Wright, Nick. Lower Your Golf Handicap: Under 10 in 10
Weeks. London: Hamlyn, 2006.
Stephen Lee
See Also: Algebra in Society; Betting and Fairness;
Data Analysis and Probability in Society.
Squares and
Square Roots
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Algebra; Communication;
Connections; Geometry.
Summary: Squares and square roots have long
challenged mathematicians and have led to various
expansions of the number system and developments
in number theory.
The square of a number x, denoted x
, is the number
x x . The inverse operation is called the square root:
the number x is a square root of y if y x
, the nota-
tion used being x y . Historically, these operations
have been a major source of new problems, ideas,
and systems of numbers in the early and modern
development of mathematics. Square roots have also
appeared in many applications, such as computing
the standard deviation of a data set, and have often
presented a challenge to scientists and mathemati-
cians in the days before readily available calculating
technology. Middle-grade students in the twenty-rst
century continue to use squares and square roots to
simplify computations and solve problems, as do car-
penters and engineers.
Geometrically, the square of a number x measures
the area of a square whose side has length x. This idea
explains the name and is likely the way that ancient
civilizations were rst confronted with the opera-
tion. The Pythagorean theorem is an equality between
sums of areas of squares constructed on the sides of
a right triangles, namely a
+ b
= c
if a and b are the
two legs and c is the hypotenuse. Applied to the triangle
obtained by halving a square of side length one along
one of its diagonals, it shows that such a diagonal has
length equal to 2.
A member of the Pythagorean School sometimes
identied as Hippasus of Metapontum (c. fth cen-
tury b.c.e.) discovered that this number cannot be
expressed as the ratio of two integersit is irrational.
The discovery was a sensation amid the Pythagorean
School where it was preached that all numbers were
rational and called for an extension of the number
In the centuries that followed, extensions of the
number system would include all numbers express-
ible with an innite number of decimal digits, so that
each positive number has a square root (for example,
2 =1.4142136 . . .) and negative numbers, which
can be multiplied according to the usual associative
rules, and the following additional ones governing
signs: 1 x = x; ( ) ( ) = 1 1 1, which implies that
( ) = 1 1
so that 1 should also be counted as a square
root of 1.
More generally, both extensions can be combined to
yield the system of real numbers, which are the num-
bers with sign and innite decimal expansions. In this
system, each square of a number is a positive num-
ber (or zero), and each positive number has exactly
two square roots, which differ by a sign. For exam-
ple, 2 has as square roots the numbers 1.4142136 . . .
and 1.4142136. . . , a fact denoted by the expression
2 = 1.4142136 . . . .
938 Squares and Square Roots
Square roots can be computed by hand, by calculator,
or by computer (up to the desired numerical approxi-
mation) by several methods, including those using
sequences, exponentials, logarithms, or continued frac-
tions. Mathematicians in ancient Egypt and Babylonia
are some of the rst who are thought to have extracted
square roots. Early Chinese, Indian, and Greek math-
ematicians also contributed to this area. According to
some historians, the rst method to be introduced in
Europe was that of Aryabhata the Elder, a Hindu math-
ematician and astronomer. One of the oldest ones, still
at the basis of many currently used algorithms, is the
so called Babylonian method (which is also an instance
of the modern NewtonRaphson method for solv-
ing general equations in one variable). Given a posi-
tive number S and choosing an initial guess x
, the
method produces a sequence of numbers x
to the square root of S by the rule
x x
n n
For example, the rst approximations to 2
starting from x
= 1
are x
= 15, x
= 1.416,
= 1.414215. . . , x
= 1.4142135623746. . . , the last one
already having 11 correct decimal digits.
Solving the Quadratic Equation
Square roots are used to solve the general quadratic
equation ax
+ bx+ c = 0, where a, b, and c are param-
eters, and a is not zero. The formula, at least partially
known to the ancient Greek, Babylonian, Chinese, and
Indian mathematicians, is
b b ac
provided that the so-called discriminant of the equa-
tion, the number b
4ac, is not negative.
Imaginary Numbers
The Italian mathematician Rafael Bombelli, in his book
LAlgebra written in 1569, proposed the introduction of
a new number i, which should denote the square root
of 1. Multiplying the number i by real numbers would
yield square roots of negative real numbers. The new
numbers so obtained are called imaginary numbers,
a name introduced by Ren Descartes (who meant it to
bear a derogatory connotation). A new number system is
obtained with the numbers formed by adding a real and
an imaginary number; such numbers are called com-
plex numbers. Complex numbers can be added, multi-
plied, and divided, and the preceding quadratic formula
shows that any quadratic equation has two solutions
that are complex numbers; this remains true even if the
parameters a, b, c are allowed to be complex number
themselves. Actually, a stronger result holds true: Carl
Friedrich Gauss (17771855) discovered that any equa-
tion of the form a x a x a x a
d d
d d 0 1
+ + + +
. . .
d solutions in complex numbers, an important theorem
known as the fundamental theorem of algebra. Partly
thanks to this property, complex numbers are of fun-
damental importance in modern mathematics and in
many elds of science and engineering, such as tele-
Implications in Number Theory
Questions regarding squares, square roots, and qua-
dratic forms have played a particularly important role
in number theory, often giving rise to the simplest
instances of rich theories. Numbers that are squares
of integers are called perfect squares, the rst exam-
ples being 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, . . . . Galileo Galilei examined
perfect squares in the attempt to understand inn-
ity. Leonardo Fibonacci wrote a number theory book
called Liber Qudratorum, the book of squares.
The problem of representing integers as sums of
perfect squares has also received much attention.
Pierre de Fermat (c. 16071665) proved that the odd
prime numbers that are sums of two perfect squares
are exactly those that have remainder 1 when divided
by 4, an example being 13 = 2
+ 3
(whereas, for exam-
ple, the prime number 7 has no such representation).
Joseph Louis Lagrange (17361813) proved that every
positive integer can be written as the sum of at most
four perfect squares (for example, 15 = 9 + 4 + 1 + 1);
three squares sufce only for those numbers which
are not of the form 4 8 7
m + ( ), as was later proved by
Adrien-Marie Legendre.
In his 1801 masterpiece Disquisitiones Arithmeti-
cae, written at the age of 21, Gauss investigated two
problems whose generalizations are still major top-
ics of current research. The rst one is related to the
question of representing integers as the sum of squares
and asks for a classication of binary quadratic forms,
Squares and Square Roots 939
which are functions of two variables x and y of the
shape f x y ax bxy cy , ( ) = + +
2 2
2 , where a, b, and c
are integer parameters, in terms of the set of integers
they representthe set of possible values of f x y ,
( )
as x and y range among the integers. The second prob-
lem considered by Gauss is the following: given two
odd prime numbers p and q, is it possible to write p as
the difference of a perfect square and a multiple of q
(in symbols p n mq
)? Conversely, is it possible to
write q as the difference of a perfect square and a mul-
tiple of p? Gauss proved that if at least one of p, q leaves
remainder 1 when divided by four, then the two ques-
tions have the same answer; and that if p and q both
leave remainder 3 when divided by 4, then the answer
to the second question is no whenever the answer to
the rst question is yes and vice versa.
As a consequence of this result (known as the qua-
dratic reciprocity law) he was able to give an efcient
method for answering the question. In fact, Gauss found
not one but eight different proofs of this fact, which is
so central in modern number theory that about 200
more proofs were later found.
Further Reading
Conway, John H., and Francis Y. C. Fung. The Sensual
(Quadratic) Form. Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America, 1991.
Mazur, Barry. Imagining Numbers: (Particularly the
Square Root of Minus Fifteen). New York: Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 2003.
Nahin, Paul J. An Imaginary Tale: The Story of i.
Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Daniel Disegni
See Also: Babylonian Mathematics; Carpentry;
Chinese Mathematics; Numbers, Complex; Numbers,
Rational and Irrational; Pythagorean School.
Stalactites and
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: The growth, age, and shape of stalactites
and stalagmites can be mathematically calculated,
depending on a variety of variables.
Stalactites and stalagmites are secondary minerals, also
called speleothems, formed as calcium carbonate, cal-
cium oxide, and other minerals rst dissolved in water
and are then precipitated as water drips. Stalactites
hang from cavern ceilings and concrete structures, and
stalagmites rise from oors, sometimes meeting to cre-
ate columns. Mathematicians, statisticians, geologists,
and other scientists involved in studying stalactites and
stalagmites develop complex, interdisciplinary theories
and models as well extensions and applications. This
work draws from many areas of mathematics, chemis-
try, and physics, especially uid dynamics.
Growth and Dating
Stalactites and stalagmites form from chemical reac-
tions involving ground water and minerals in the earth
and the open areas of caves. The reactions typically
consist of dissolving, precipitating, andsometimes
evaporation. Chemical reactions of minerals rst dis-
solving in water and then precipitating out of water
are directly opposite to one another. The mathematical
analogy of this relationship is an inverse function, and
in either case, these processes may be quantied mathe-
matically using standard chemical notation and formu-
las. Some stalactites and stalagmites are slow-forming,
such as those made of calcium carbonate. Concrete or
gypsum stalactites, which are made from more water-
soluble materials, form much faster. For example, cal-
cium hydroxide, which originates concrete stalactites, is
about 100 times more soluble than calcium carbonate.
Gypsum stalactites are formed by simple evaporation.
Dating of stalactites and stalagmites is complex
because uctuations in temperature or humidity can
affect the pace of growth in such ways that length is
not directly proportional to age. In some caves, because
of minerals dissolving in water seasonally, stalactites
and stalagmites may have annual bands, much as trees
have rings, visible by the naked eye or under ultravio-
let light. Dating with such direct methods, when avail-
able, can then be used to mathematically estimate and
reconstruct temperature and humidity variation pat-
terns in ancient times. However, the process is cur-
rently not reliable for anything less than very drastic
climate changes.
940 Stalactites and Stalagmites
Another method of dating involves collecting data
on stalactite and stalagmite growth over several years.
Then, data are used to determine the relationship
between the size and the age, with approximations such
as the method of least squares.
Dating with radioactive isotopes measures the ratio
between a radioactive element, usually uranium, and the
product of its radioactive decay. Electron spin resonance
(ESR) dating is based on measuring radiation damage
on calcium that forms stalactites and stalagmites.
These three methods of dating consistently produce
average growth rates of about 0.1 millimeters (0.004
inches) per year in lime cave stalactites, with several
times slower rates for stalagmites. Gypsum and con-
crete stalactites, formed by different reactions, grow
several hundred times faster.
Unique, Optimal Shape
Plato supported the notion that there are true or ideal
forms in nature, many of which may be expressed geo-
metrically. While stalactites vary widely in size, they all
tend to have a distinct, uniform shape that varies only
by scale or magnication. Physicist Raymond Goldstein,
part of an interdisciplinary team that investigated the
mathematics of stalactite shape, said, Although any par-
ticular stalactite may have some bumps and ridges that
deform it, one might say that within all stalactites is an
idealized form trying to get out. Using equations from
uid dynamics and other information about stalactite
growth, the team developed a simulation and grew vir-
tual stalactites under a variety of conditions, which they
compared to real stalactites. The broad range of initial
conditions for the mathematical model as well as for sit-
uations in real caves produced the same shape, though
in caves, shapes can be distorted by impurities or breaks.
The ndings relate to other natural growth situations,
including thermal vents and mollusk shells. To mea-
sure stalactites shapes exactly without destroying them,
the researchers use high-resolution digital cameras and
scaled photography. This work also facilitates the math-
ematical study of stalactites rippled patterns.
Further Reading
Ford, Derek, and Paul Williams. Karst Hydrogeology and
Geomorphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Pickover, Clifford. The Math Book: From Pythagoras to
the 57th Dimension: 250 Milestones in the History of
Mathematics. New York: Sterling Publishing, 2009.
Short, Martin, et al. Stalactite Growth as a Free-
Boundary Problem: A Geometric Law and Its Platonic
Ideal. Physical Review Letters 94 (2005).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Carbon Dating; Caves and Caverns;
Probability; Transformations.
State Legislation
See Government and State Legislation
Statistics Education
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Data Analysis and Probability.
Summary: Statistics education has grown and
adapted since the nineteenth century.
At the start of the twentieth century, science ction
author H. G. Wells asserted, Statistical thinking will
one day be as necessary for efcient citizenship as
the ability to read and write. While use of statistical
methods dates to earlier times, the rst college statis-
tics departments were founded in the early twentieth
century, and many textbooks were written on statisti-
cal subjects like the design of experiments. A century
after Wellss prediction, the notion of statistical think-
ing permeates all levels of education from kindergarten
through college. In the early twenty-rst century, there
are increasing calls for statistical literacy in the United
States and abroad in order to help people manage an
increasingly complex and data-driven world.
The word statistics derives from the term state arith-
metic, which refers to the various counting and calcu-
lating operations necessary for governments to operate
effectively. The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks,
Statistics Education 941
Romans, Chinese, and others appear to have used vari-
ous kinds of mathematics for activities like partition-
ing land and determining army sizes. The eleventh-
century Domesday Book, a survey of England ordered
by William the Conquerer, is another example of such
state arithmetic. Statistician Maurice Kendall cites the
rst possible occurrence of the term statistics in the
sixteenth-century work of Italian historian Girolamo
Ghilini, who wrote about civile, politica, [and] statistica
e militare scienza. However, he also traces the concep-
tual beginnings of the eld to the political arithmetic
of the seventeenth century and the work of researchers
like pioneer demographers John Graunt and William
Petty, who examined population growth and commerce
in London versus Rome and Paris; and mathematician
Edmond Halley, who some consider to be the founder
of actuarial science for his work on life expectancy tables
and insurance calculations. German historian and econ-
omist Gottfried Achenwall is frequently credited with
inventing the German form of the word statistics in
the eighteenth century and the related term Staatswis-
senschaft for political science. Their shared root staats
means state. Scottish politician John Sinclair appears
to have been the rst to use the term statistics in Eng-
lish in his Statistical Accounts of Scotland, a late eigh-
teenth-century work addressing people, geography, and
economics. He said: I thought a new word might attract
more public attention, I resolved to use it.
Historical Applications
In the nineteenth century, the ideas of statistical count-
ing and calculating began to spread into a wider variety
of political, social, scientic, and nancial applications.
For example, British physician William Farr received
statistical training in France and applied statistics to
medicine and models of epidemic diseases, calling his
methods hygiology after the word hygiene. He is
credited as the founder of the eld of epidemiology.
Another pioneering epidemiologist was physician John
Snow, who famously used statistical methods to trace
the source of an 1854 cholera outbreak in London. His
conclusions were politically controversial. In approxi-
mately the same period in the United States, self-taught
statistician Lemuel Shattuck was appointed to plan a
census of Boston in 1845 and later helped plan national
census activities. He ultimately helped implement many
local and state public health measures. Governments,
businesses, and academic institutions increasingly
used data and statistical methods to inform decisions.
During this period, countless mathematicians, statisti-
cians, economists, scientists, and others contributed to
the development of statistical methods and the math-
ematical foundations of statistics, as well as the related
eld of probability. Many of them addressed both the
theory and application of statistics.
Historical Education
Universities had existed in Europe since the Middle
Ages. In other parts of the world, there were centers of
learning at which scholars gathered to exchange ideas
and teach. However, education in many academic sub-
jects was often accomplished through mentorships or
private tutoring. For example, nineteenth-century stat-
istician and nurse Florence Nightingale was tutored in
arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. She, in turn, tutored
others before becoming involved in nursing. One of her
tutors was the well-known mathematician of the period,
James Sylvester. She was also inuenced by the work of
Farr and corresponded with mathematician Adolphe
Quetelet, who was a pioneer in the use of statistics for
anthropometry and criminology. She called him the
founder of the most important science in the world.
Other statisticians formed relationships with univer-
sities for research. For example, Karl Pearson, Francis
Galton, and Walter Weldon worked at University Col-
lege London. Pearson gave statistics lectures starting in
1894, and the trio founded the journal Biometrika in
1901 as a means not only of collecting or publishing
under one title biological data of a kind not system-
atically collected or published elsewhere in any other
periodical, but also of spreading a knowledge of such
statistical theory as may be requisite for their scientic
treatment. Upon his death in 1911, Galton bequeathed
the university a large endowment. Pearson became the
rst Galton Professor of Eugenics, sometimes called
Galton Professor of Applied Statistics, perhaps because
of the controversial nature of eugenics. That same year,
Pearson was instrumental in creating the universitys
Applied Statistics department, now the Department of
Statistical Science, which was recognized as the worlds
rst college statistics department. It merged biomet-
rics and eugenics (genetics) laboratories that had been
founded by Pearson and Galtonthough the Galton
Laboratory later moved to the Department of Biology.
Some other statisticians who worked or studied at Uni-
versity College London in the early nineteenth century
942 Statistics Education
include William Student Gossett, who is credited
with the development of the Students t distribution;
Karl Pearsons son, Egon Pearson, who became the
head of the Applied Statistics department when it split
with the Department of Eugenics; Ronald Fisher, who
was the rst head of the Department of Eugenics and is
referred to by some as the father of modern statistics;
and Jerzy Neyman, who co-developed what is often
called FisherNeymanPearson inferential methods
or classical methods of statistical inference. These
techniques typically use what is known as the frequen-
tist approach to statistical analysis, which is based on
dening probabilities of events as the limits of their
relative frequencies over a large number of trials or
experiments. It is perceived by many as being wholly
objective and therefore scientic. This approach is in
contrast to Bayesian methods, named for mathemati-
cian Thomas Bayes. Bayesian statistical methods allow
for subjective or belief-driven probabilities that may or
may not be derived from observation or experimenta-
tion. The Applied Statistics department at University
College London temporarily relocated during World
War II; the war was to have a broad impact on math-
ematics and statistics in Europe and the United States.
Education in the United States
The Unites States was also developing its own col-
lege-level education programs at the beginning of the
twentieth century. Similar to the department at Uni-
versity College London, many programs and other
efforts started with individuals offering courses and
partnerships between researchers and universities. One
often-cited example is Iowa State University. George
Snedecor, a professor in the Department of Math-
ematics, taught courses that included statistics con-
tent starting in 1914. He often focused on agriculture
problems, a signicant research area at the university.
In 1924, he co-wrote a worldwide publication about
computational statistical methods with Henry Wallace,
who would later become Secretary of Agriculture and
vice president of the United States. Iowa State created
a statistical consulting and computing service in 1927,
which was available to researchers in many disciplines.
This service led to Iowa States creation of the rst rec-
ognized statistical laboratory in the United States, in
1933, and its Department of Statistics, in 1947. How-
ever, statistics degrees were offered before that time,
beginning with Gertrude Coxs masters degree in 1931.
Cox went on to help found the Department of Statis-
tics at North Carolina State University, one of the old-
est statistics departments in the United States. She was
the rst female full professor and rst female depart-
ment head at the school and went on to start other col-
lege programs as well. An anecdote about her hiring at
North Carolina State reports that, when Snedecor was
asked to recommended ve men for the job, he added
to his letter: . . . if you would consider a woman for this
position I would recommend Gertrude Cox.
European statisticians also proved inuential on
U.S. statistics education and, in some cases, on govern-
ment policy. Fisher visited Iowa State in the 1930s, and
his agricultural work at the Rothamsted Experimen-
tal Station made a great impact on Snedecor. William
Cochran, who was born in Scotland, also worked at the
Rothamsted Experimental Station and taught at Iowa
State. He went on to help create many statistics depart-
ments, including the one at Harvard, and he served on
the committee that produced the 1960 Surgeon Gener-
als Report on Smoking and Health. Statistics prolifer-
ated, and similar efforts took place elsewhere, such as
at the University of California, Berkeley. Neyman, who
was born in Poland and also studied in England, France,
and Russia, started working at Berkeley in 1938. Like
many mathematicians and statisticians of the time,
he was eeing the growing Nazi inuence in Europe.
Prior to World War II, colleges sometimes offered a
few undergraduate and graduate statistics courses but
entire departments were still fairly rare. Thanks largely
to Neymans efforts, Berkeley had a department by 1955.
He would also contribute signicantly to experimental
design, including some methods used by the United
States Food and Drug Administration to test new medi-
cines. Berkeley would become a center for mathemati-
cal statistics and was chaired for a time by statistician
and mathematician David Blackwell, the rst tenured
African-American professor at Berkeley.
PostWorld War II Statistics Education
Statistics and statistics education exploded after World
War II, inuenced by developments that occurred dur-
ing the war and the subsequent Cold War. Statisticians
had contributed signicantly to the war effort in both
the United States and Europe. For example, Hungar-
ian mathematician and statistician Abraham Wald,
who had suffered persecution for being Jewish, helped
solve the problem of where to armor British bombers
Statistics Education 943
against antiaircraft re. Others, like French-German
Wolfgang Doeblin, would die as a result of the war.
Later studies of Doeblins works showed that he was
an early pioneer of Markov chains, named for Andrei
Markov. John Tukey was one of the most inuential
statisticians working in the mid- and later twentieth
century. According to statistician Frederick Mosteller,
the rst chair of Harvards statistics department and
an inuential force in statistics education: He prob-
ably made more original contributions to statistics
than anyone else since World War II. Tukey worked
at the governments Fire Control Research Ofce dur-
ing World War II, among his many roles. At the same
time, he was often praised for his teaching. Mathema-
tician Robert Gunning called him a very lively pres-
ence on campus and a good and energetic teacher,
who also helped schedule class and exam times in his
head. As a member of Princetons mathematics depart-
ment, Tukey helped found the schools Department of
Statistics in 1966, following earlier work by statistician
Samuel Wilks, who had worked for the Ofce of Naval
Research and profoundly inuenced the application of
statistics to military planning. The American Statistical
Associations Samuel S. Wilks Award was named in his
honor. Later, the department became the Committee
for Statistical Studies, which encourages cross-disci-
plinary study of statistics and coordinates courses in
many departments and programs.
The post-war extension of statistics into areas like
clinical trials (pioneered by statistician Austin Bradford
Hill), business, manufacturing (inuenced by statisti-
cians like W. Edwards Deming), and nancial econom-
ics (for which economists Harry Markowitz, Merton
Miller, and William Sharpe won a Nobel Prize), as well
as the revival of Bayesian methods, meant that statistics
was reaching a broader audience. It also meant that,
more often, statistics courses were taught outside tra-
ditional mathematics and statistics departments. The
debate over who should teach statistics was not new.
Given that the discipline had been developed within so
many eldsagriculture, psychology, biology, sociol-
ogy, business, just to name a fewit was only natural
that teaching would occur within these elds. Statisti-
cian John Wishart, who had worked with Pearson at
University College London and with Fisher at Rotham-
sted, asserted that non-statisticians were not equipped
to teach statistics or supervise statistical research. Fisher
took a different approach, citing statistics basis in
research and applications and arguing for focused sta-
tistics offerings in departments in which statistics were
often used, like psychology and biology. Around 1940,
Harold Hotelling, who taught at Stanford University,
Columbia University, and the University of North Car-
olina Chapel Hill, presented the idea that being a strong
mathematician is not sufcient for teaching statistics,
so mathematicians and statisticians were not always
superior instructors versus individuals in other disci-
plines. He asserted that a statistics teacher must meld
quantitative skills with a really intimate acquaintance
with the problems of one or more empirical subjects in
which statistical methods are taught. Hotelling recog-
nized that in typical academic structures, there might
be some reluctance among faculty to teach courses that
lay outside their specialty areas and that keeping cur-
rent with statistics might be a daunting task for non-
specialists. These issues remain matters of debate at the
start of the twenty-rst century. A study published in
2000, funded by the National Science Foundation, sug-
gested that students were more likely to receive statis-
tics education from instructors outside mathematics or
statistics departments.
Through the 1970s, universities in the United States
and elsewhere produced many statisticians or statisti-
cally trained practitioners in other disciplines, many
of them to meet growing industry demands. However,
employers were showing increasing concern that their
new employees did not know how to practice statistics
on the job, even if they had been instructed in current
applied methods and practices in their academic pro-
grams. The American Statistical Association (ASA),
which was founded in 1839, created a committee in
the late 1940s to consider matters related to the train-
ing of statisticians. In 1980, the ASA Committee on the
Training of Statisticians for Industry presented guide-
lines for programs that train industrial statisticians.
One conclusion that spurred further debate stated:
. . . it is generally agreed that the MS degree is a mini-
mum requirement for the professional statistician . . .
it is recommended that someone interested in statistics
as a profession obtain solid foundations in science or
engineering and mathematics. Some discussion cen-
tered on balancing theory, applications, and employer-
desired skills such as communication and teamwork.
In Great Britain, the 1986 report Supply of and Demand
944 Statistics Education
for Statisticians cited both teaching factors and unre-
alistic expectations on the part of employers. Overall,
in the 1980s, there were many general calls from stat-
isticians to increase both the number and quality of
programs, with mixed success. In the 1990s, there were
also calls to increase the quality of undergraduate edu-
cation and provide more interdisciplinary opportuni-
ties to graduate-level statisticians to modernize sta-
tistics for the twenty-rst century. This call hearkened
back to statistics inherently interdisciplinary roots in
previous centuries.
New Emphasis
The hallmarks of statistics education in the latter twen-
tieth century and into the twenty-rst century would
be an increased focus on concepts over computation,
statistical literacy, statistical thinking, use of real data,
use of technology for both data analysis and concep-
tual understanding, and assessment to gauge student
learning and understanding. Reports by several pro-
fessional mathematical and statistical organizations
contributed to this shifting educational emphasis. For
example, the 1991 Focus Group on Statistics Edu-
cation, part of the Curriculum Action Project of the
Mathematical Association of America, produced Heed-
ing the Call for Change. Later, the ASA Undergraduate
Statistics Education Initiative (1999) focused on many
aspects of education. One concern they noted was that
many students were having a negative rst experience
in introductory statistics. In 2005, the Guidelines for
Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education
(GAISE) committee, sponsored by ASA, produced
Statistics Education 945
he advent of computers contributed to
changes in statistical practice and new
debates related to statistics teaching. Until
then, many statistics courses had, of necessity,
focused on teaching computational formulas, and
statistical practice relied on techniques that were
computationally tractable for researchers ana-
lyzing data by hand. Larger and larger data sets
were becoming more common, requiring computer
assistance for analyses. In the late 1960s, social
scientist Norman Nie and computer scientists C.
Hadlai Hull and Dale Bent developed the Statisti-
cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for
mainframe computers. Academic use of the pro-
gram soared when McGraw-Hill published a users
manual in 1970. By 1984, SPSS was the rst sta-
tistical package offered for disk operating system
(DOS) personal computers. Also in the 1970s,
Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) introduced its
Algol 60 and Fortran algorithm libraries for main-
frame systems.
The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Institute
emerged in 1976 from roughly a decade of work,
starting with the University Statisticians Southern
Experiment Stations, a consortium of universities
funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and
National Institutes of Health. SPSS, NAG, and SAS
continue in the twenty-rst century to offer a breadth
of statistical software. Many other software pack-
ages and algorithms to graph and analyze data also
emerged, some for general purposes and others
for specic applications. One example is LISREL
(an abbreviation of linear structural relations),
which is used for structural equation modeling. It
was developed by statisticians Karl Jreskog and
Dag Srbom in the 1970s. Computers also revi-
talized interest in computationally intensive exact
tests, iterative methods such as bootstrapping, and
Bayesian analyses. Instructors debated the role of
computers in the classroom. Many argued for sta-
tistical programming in languages such as Fortran
or C, rather than point-and-click packaged routines,
believing that statisticians should understand what
the computer was doing. On the other hand, some
classroom instructors advocated for the pedagogi-
cal utility of programs that computed statistics in a
quick and easy manner, leaving the students free
to focus on interpretation of results and statistical
thinking. The debate is ongoing. In the twenty-rst
century, many statistical programs contain both
programming and menu-driven options, such as
S-PLUS and its freeware version R.
Impact of Computers
K12 and undergraduate reports focusing on instruc-
tional practice and assessment. There have also been
recurring meetings, such as the International Confer-
ence on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS), which allow sta-
tistics instructors to address and debate issues, includ-
ing the place of classical statistical methods versus
Bayesian or computationally intensive exact methods
in introductory classrooms; how best to meet the needs
of non-majors taking statistics courses in mathemat-
ics and statistics departments; the best structure for
introductory statistics textbooks; or the role of online
tools and distance education.
The 2000 edition of the National Council of Teach-
ers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School
Mathematics outlined standards for mathematics edu-
cation that included statistics threaded from kinder-
garten through the last year of high school. Previously,
statistics had been offered in various forms in high
schools, though it presented some difculty because
many did not think it t neatly into the traditional alge-
bra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus sequencing used
by many schools. The Advanced Placement (AP) Sta-
tistics exam was rst offered in 1997. More than 7000
students took the exam, the most for a rst offering of
any AP exam as of 2010, and between 1996 and 2010
the rate of enrollment increased more quickly than any
other course offered by AP.
Further Reading
Aliaga, Martha, Carolyn Cuff, Joan Gareld, Robin
Lock, Jessica Utts, and Jeff Whitmer. Guidelines for
Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education
(GAISE) College Report. Washington, DC: American
Statistical Association, 2005.
Anderon, C. W., and R. M. Loynes. Teaching of Practical
Statistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1987.
Fienberg, Steinberg. When did Bayesian Inference
Become Bayesian? Bayesian Analysis 1, no. 1 (2006).
Gargield, Joan, ed. Innovations in Teaching Statistics
(MAA Notes #65). Washington, DC: The
Mathematical Association of America, 2005.
Hulsizer, Michael, and Linda M. Woolf. A Guide to
Teaching Statistics: Innovations and Best Practices.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Salsburg, David. The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics
Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century.
New York: Holt Paperbacks, 2002.
Stigler, Stephen. A Historical View of Statistical
Concepts in Psychology and Educational Research.
American Journal of Education 101, no. 1 (1992).
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Blackwell, David; Data Analysis and
Probability in Society; Expected Values; Measures
of Center; Normal Distribution; Permutations and
Combinations; Probability; Randomness; Scatterplots.
Step and Tap Dancing
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Geometry;
Summary: Step and tap dancing each involve
rhythms and combinations that can be analyzed
Step dance is the type of dance focusing on feet move-
ments. It de-emphasizes the other two spatial dance
aspectshand and body movementand repositions
dancers relative to the ground to form movement pat-
terns. There are forms of step dancing in several cul-
tural traditions, such as Malambo from Argentina,
Irish stepdance, African-American stepping, and tra-
ditional Cherokee dancing. Related forms include clog
and tap dancing.
The movements of these styles of percussive dance
may be performed by a single dancer or choreographed
among several dancers. Tony Awardwinning choreog-
rapher and dancer Danny Daniels noted that, while
an individual dancer may improvise, groups must be
coordinated. The rhythms and counts for the dances
he designed or performed on Broadway could be orga-
nized and detailed using mathematically based musi-
cal notation. Dance theorist Rudolf Laban used ideas
from various elds, including crystallography, when
he modeled dance dynamics. Scientists and dancers
continue to develop notation and models to express
human movement in tap and other dances. Dance
algorithms may help create natural robotic movement.
Dancer Gregory Hines said: My style is part choreog-
946 Step and Tap Dancing
raphy, part improvisation. That gives me a chance to
show people the possibilities of tap dancing, which, at
its heart, is mathematics with endless possibilities.
Ratio and Proportion
There are several ratios related to music and choreog-
raphy that determine movement in step dancing. Music
time signature is written as a fraction with the denomi-
nator signifying the size of the notes used, and the
numerator signifying the total lengthin such notes
of a bar, which is the unit of music. For example, tradi-
tional music for Irish slip-jig has 9/8 time signature in
the note pattern: quarter, eighth, quarter, eighth, dotted
quarter (three-eighth). The ve notes in the time signa-
ture correspond to two-and-a-half dance steps per bar,
with long graceful slides between the steps.
The formula for a dance includes the number of bars
in each repeating cycle (sometimes performed symmet-
rically) rst for one starting foot and then the other. For
example, a song that has 40 bars may be choreographed
to include ve step cycles, each spanning eight bars.
Another ratio important for step dancing is the tempo
of music, measured in beats per minute (bpm). Danc-
ing competitions specify the tempo range for each type
of dance. For example, single jig must be 112120 beats
per minute. Tap dancers of the past used their signature
time steps (particular combinations of taps) to com-
municate the tempo to the accompanying band.
Patterns and Improvisation
In step dances, themes are expressed using sequences of
the basic elements or steps. For example, common ele-
ments in tap dancing include shufes, aps, pullbacks,
wings, and stomps. These sequences may be strictly
choreographed from beginning to end, sometimes
with repeating patterns or permutations of shorter ele-
ments, which can be repeated by any dancer who has
learned the sequence. Improvisation allows the dancer
to take basic elements and rearrange them in ways that
may appear to be random to the casual observer.
Some step dance music has built-in departures from
the standard bar structures. For example, Irish step-
dance crooked tunes may have seven-and-one-half
bar parts in addition to eight bar parts. Step dance pat-
terns have multiple levels: steps within a bar, combi-
nations of steps spanning multiple bars, and patterns
of these step combinations. Order and perceived ran-
domness can be manifested at all levels.
Dance-Dance Revolution
Dance-Dance Revolution (DDR) is a step dancing video
game. The goal of the game is to match the pattern of
steps on the screen and their rhythm on the special gam-
ing pad with four or eight foot positions. The combina-
tion of visual, audio, and kinesthetic representations of
the same rhythm have kept versions of the game popu-
lar around the world since its release in 1998.
Later versions of DDR use a mathematical visualiza-
tion of multi-dimensional data, called radar diagrams,
to rate the difculty of individual dances. The variables
describe different characteristics of the dance, such as
steam (the density of steps) and chaos (the amount of
steps that do not occur on beat).
Further Reading
Apostolos, M. K., M. Littman, S. Lane, D. Handelman,
and J. Gelfand. Robot Choreography: An Artistic-
Scientic Connection. Computers & Mathematics
with Applications 32, no. 1 (1996).
Maletic, Vera. Dance Dynamics: Effort and Phrasing.
Columbus, OH: Grade A Notes, 2005.
Sethares, William. Rhythm and Transforms. New York:
Springer, 2007.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Ballroom Dancing; Contra and Square
Dancing; Permutations and Combinations; Video Games.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: Some modern stethoscope designs
digitize sound waves, which can be modeled and
The stethoscope is perhaps one of the most iconic
pieces of medical equipment and is used by doctors
in nearly every area of clinical practice around the
world. From its beginnings as a simple tube to amplify
sound, in the twenty-rst century the stethoscope is
evolving into a highly mathematical and computer-
ized tool. It can record, analyze, and display diagnostic
Stethoscopes 947
information using software and algorithms developed
from clinical data using a variety of concepts and
techniques from statistics, signal processing, spectral
analysis, and related sciences. Further, mathematical
models and simulations are increasingly used to sup-
port and validate clinical results.
History and Development
French physician Ren Laennec is credited with the
invention of the stethoscope in 1816. The name comes
from the Greek words meaning chest and to examine.
Knowing that solid bodies conduct and amplify sound,
Laennec used tightly rolled and glued sheets of paper
to hear patients heartbeats. Experimenting with cylin-
ders of various materials, he observed that an aperture
maximized magnication of internal body sounds. His
ultimate design was a straight, eight-inch wooden tube
with a conical chest piece and a funnel-shaped stopper.
Later physicians developed stethoscopes from materi-
als like rosewood, papier-mch, and even glass. The
binaural form was popularized in the United States in
the early 1900s by William Osler.
In the twenty-rst century, the binaural acoustic
stethoscope consists of a chest piece with a plastic disc
(called a diaphragm) on one side and a hollow cup
(called a bell) on the other. The bell transmits low fre-
quency sounds and the diaphragm transmits high fre-
quency sounds. A majority of clinicopathological cor-
relations and diagnostic techniques used today result
from patient data acquired by physicians listening with
stethoscopes or a bare ear. Renements in design and the
increasingly widespread use of stethoscopescoupled
with trainingimproved observations. With respect
to the heart, these included better precision in timing
cardiovascular sounds, focusing on segments of the car-
diac cycle in turn, and devising quantitative symbols to
describe sounds. On the other hand, stethoscopes have
also been investigated as a vector of disease transmis-
sion in busy clinical settings like emergency rooms.
Mathematical Modeling
Electronic systems of collecting and analyzing data have
begun to supplement or even supplant the use of the
stethoscope. Some predict that before 2020, manual
stethoscopes will become obsolete. Electronic stetho-
scopes convert acoustic sound waves into electrical sig-
nals, which can be amplied and enhanced, producing
both visual and audio output. Software can then repre-
sent cardiopulmonary sounds graphically and interpret
them using mathematical algorithms. Signals may also
be recorded or transmitted, facilitating remote diagnosis
and teaching. Some research suggests that mathematical
methods improve accuracy in diagnosing conditions,
such as heart murmurs, but some methods have not yet
shown clinical usefulness. Mathematicians and physi-
cians continue to investigate and model cardiac sounds
from murmurs and prosthetic valves, as well as other
types of hemodynamic data, using techniques from
spectral waveform analysis and physics concepts like
damped oscillations of viscoelastic systems. They have
also sought to quantify pulmonary sounds, like wheez-
ing and crackles, and address signal processing issues,
such as noise reduction, amplication, and ltration.
Measuring Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the amount of pressure exerted by the
blood upon the arterial walls. A clinician uses a device
known as a sphygmometera device that pumps air
into a cuff wrapped around a patients armand lis-
tens for pulse sounds with a stethoscope, observing the
height in millimeters of a column of mercury supported
by the blood pressure. The sounds are known as Korot-
koff sounds, named for Russian physician Nikolai
Korotkoff. A contraction of the heart that causes a pulse
beat that supports a column of mercury 120 millimeters
high is called a systolic reading of 120. The reading in
the period between contractions of the heart or pulses
is called the diastolic blood pressure. If the diastolic
reading is 80 millimeters, the blood pressure is recorded
as 120/80 and is read as 120 over 80. These numbers
represent a ratio rather than a true fraction. The U.S.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute denes nor-
mal blood pressure to be <120 for systolic and <80 for
diastolic pressure and denes hypertension to be >140
or >90 for systolic and diastolic, respectively. These val-
ues are derived in part from statistical studies of typical
human variation in blood pressure and associations with
medical conditions like stroke and heart disease. Early
diagnosis and appropriate treatment of hypertension is
recognized as one of the most signicant advances of
modern medicine in reducing morbidity and mortality.
Further Reading
Bishop, P. J. Evolution of the Stethoscope. Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine 73 (1980). http://www.ncbi
948 Stethoscopes
Pullan, Andrew, Leo Cheng, and Martin Buist.
Mathematically Modeling the Electrical Activity of
the Heart: From Cell to Body Surface and Back Again.
Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 2005.
Karen Doyle Walton
See Also: Diagnostic Testing; EEG/EKG; Mathematical
Stock Market Indices
Category: Business, Economics, and Marketing.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Measurement.
Summary: Stock market indices use sophisticated
mathematical formulas to track the performance of
the stock market and to help inform investors.
Mathematical stock market indices are used for a vari-
ety of purposes: as indicators of overall market health
and activity, as measures of specic corporate prot-
ability and activity, as performance metrics against
which institutional investors (such as mutual fund
managers) are measured, and for individual portfolio
optimization and risk assessment. Some mathemati-
cians and economists were developing price-based
indices as early as the nineteenth century as well as
analyzing pricing trends for explanation and predic-
tion of market behavior. The Dow Jones Industrial
Average (DJIA), named for journalist Charles Dow and
statistician Edward Jones, appeared in 1896. Initially, it
was a simple sum or average of the stock prices from
12 large companies. Since then, stock market indices
have increased in their variety and mathematical com-
plexity. For example, technical analysts use Fibonacci
retracement levels, named after mathematician Leon-
ardo Pisano Fibonacci, in order to model support and
resistance levels in the currency market. Mathemati-
cians and statisticians are instrumental in producing
these indices. They also conduct theoretical and applied
studies of market performance using these indices as
data. In 1999, French-American mathematician Ben-
oit Mandelbrot showed that market volatility can
be modeled by fractal geometry, which contradicted
some aspects of modern portfolio theory. Author and
mathematician John Allen Paulos addressed many
mathematical stock market issues in his popular book
A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market.
Denition and Examples
When describing the performance of the stock market
as a whole (or a segment of the market, such as selected
large-company stocks, or all small-company stocks, or
stocks of all companies belonging to a particular indus-
try), one is usually referring to a stock market index.
Such an index is a representation of a hypothetical
portfolio that contains a certain quantity of each of the
stocks in the market (or market segment). The quantity
of each stock in the ctitious portfolio depends upon
the weighting technique employed.
Some of the more commonly encountered stock
indexes include the following:
S&P 500, comprised of 500 large-company
U.S. stocks that cover about 75% of U.S.
DJIA, comprised of 30 large-company
U.S. stocks
Wilshire 5000, comprised of the most
common stocks in the United States (although
not necessarily exactly 5000 of them)
Nikkei 225, an index of Japanese equities
FTSE, a collection of indices of British stocks
Building a Stock Market Index
The wide variety of stock market indices fall into sev-
eral weighting categories, each involving a different
mathematical approach to combining stocks within
a hypothetical portfolio. One can imagine a poten-
tially unlimited number of ways of creating a portfolio
that includes numerous company stocks: for example,
a portfolio comprised of one share of each stock, a
portfolio comprised of the same dollar amount of
each stock, and so on. The most common methods of
weighting stocks within an index are price-weighting
and market-value-weighting. (To simplify, stock per-
formance is treated as only a function of changes in
the stock price over timeas capital gains and losses.
In reality, dividends, stock splits, and a variety of other
issues must be taken into account, which makes the
specic mathematical applications more complex than
represented in this entry.)
Stock Market Indices 949
Price-Weighted Indices
A price-weighted stock index represents a theoretical
portfolio that includes one share of each stock com-
prising the index. The price or value of the index is
then equal to the average of individual stock prices.
Therefore, the relative impact of a given company stock
on the index is a function of the companys stock price
per share: larger prices per share imply greater inu-
ence on the index.
Suppose that S t
( ) represents the per-share price of
stock i at time t, and let S t
( ) be the value of the index
at time t. Then, the price of a price-weighted index
could be dened as simply the arithmetic average of
the stock prices in the index:
S t
S t
( )
( )
( )
where n is the number of stocks comprising the index.
While the value of a price-weighted index is sim-
ple to calculate, typically the measure of most interest
to an investor is not the actual price of the index, but
rather the percentage change (the rate of return) in the
index over a period of time. Let r t t
( , ) +1 be the rate
of return on stock i during the period from time t to
time t +1, and let r t t
( , ) +1 be the return on the index
between times t and t +1 (assume an annual return
period for purposes of this discussion, but returns can
also be calculated daily, monthly, quarterly, or over any
other period of time).
Then, the return on a price-weighted index is
r t t
S t
S t
r t t S t
i i
( , )
( )
( )
( , ) ( )
+ ,
S t
( )
Multiplying this value by 100 yields the return expressed
as a percentage change. The DJIA and other Dow Jones
averages are examples of price-weighted indices.
Market-Value-Weighted Indices
A market-value-weighted (also called value-weighted)
stock index is one that weights the individual per-share
stock prices according to the relative market values, or
market capitalizations (called market cap for short),
of the component stocks. A companys market cap is
simply the totally value of its outstanding equity and
is calculated as the per share stock price multiplied by
the number of stock shares outstanding. Thus, an indi-
vidual companys inuence on a value-weighted index
is a function of the overall equity value, or size, of the
companylarger companies have greater inuence on
the movement of the index.
Using the notation introduced above, and letting
represent the number of shares of stock i outstand-
ing, the rate of return on a value-weighted stock index
would be
r t t
r t t S t N
S t N
i i i
i i
( , )
( , ) ( )
( )
+ ,
The S&P 500 and other Standard & Poors indices
are examples of market-value-weighted indices.
Other Types of Index Weightings
While price-weighted and value-weighted indices are
common, there are other weighting techniques that
can be used. For example, it is possible to create an
index that gives equal weight to the return of each
stock comprising the index. In such a case, the return
on the index would be calculated as
r t t
r t t
( , )
( , )
. +
With such an index, the performance of each stock
has the same impact on the overall index return as
every other stock.
Another possibility in creating an index would be to
use geometric, as opposed to arithmetic, averaging. A
geometric average is calculated by multiplying n num-
bers together and taking the n-th root of the product
(as opposed to summing the numbers and dividing by
n, as with an arithmetic average).
The key in interpreting the various types of stock
market indices is to know their underlying construction
and to understand and interpret them appropriately.
Price-weighting and equal-weighting, for example, can
result in very different index performance indications
than value-weighting, even relative to the same under-
950 Stock Market Indices
lying stock return data. The appropriate index to use in
a given situation depends upon the specic purpose in
mind. If one wants a measure of market performance
that is more inuenced by the price movements in
the stocks of larger companies, for example, a value-
weighted index may be most appropriate. If the sizes
of companies are not relevant for analytical purposes,
or if the companies that comprise an index are very
similar in size and other attributes, a price-weighted or
value-weighted index may be appropriate.
Further Reading
Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus. Investments.
New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008.
Paulos, John Allen. A Mathematician Plays the Stock
Market. New York: Basic Books, 2003.
Rick Gorvett
See Also: Money; Mutual Funds; Pensions, IRAs, and
Social Security; Probability.
Strategy and Tactics
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Problem
Solving; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical concepts and processes
can be used to analyze optimal strategies in a variety
of situations.
In a competitive situation, such as businesses selling
similar products, armies engaged in battle, opponents
playing games, oil companies deciding where to drill,
and employees bargaining for better salaries, successful
outcomes depend on choosing the best plan of action
from among a set of strategies to achieve a specic
outcome. In many cases, mathematics can be used to
analyze the situation and help to choose the best strat-
egy. Mathematical techniques have beenand will
continue to bedeveloped to address a wide range
of problems in areas such as military logistics, intel-
ligence, and counterintelligence.
The rst step in the process is to determine the
objective. That goal may be to maximize prot, beat
the opposing army, or win the game. Next, the possible
strategies to choose from and the limitations or con-
straints that may affect the choice of strategy need to
be identied.
In competitive situations, the opponents choice
of strategy must be taken into consideration as well.
While there are many examples of systematically ana-
lyzing and selecting the best strategies throughout
history, the twentieth centuryespecially the World
War II erasaw the emergence of operations research
as the discipline that explores and develops systematic
techniques for making decisions that are the best
in some sense, usually maximizing prots/benets or
minimizing costs/liabilities.
Decision making can be approached mathemati-
cally in a number of ways depending upon the situa-
tion involved and the information available.
Linear Programming: Choosing the Best
Option When Resources are Limited
Many decision problems arose out of troop supply
needs during World War II. With a war on several fronts,
deciding how to ship the limited troops and supplies to
maximize their effectiveness was daunting. Many of the
situations had the following characteristics:
There were resources needed in specic
combinations by a number of end users, and
the amount of each resource was limited.
The resources were used proportionally
for each combination (in other words, to
assemble whole units from raw materials,
the number of raw materials needed was the
same for each unit produced).
The goal was to maximize the benet or
minimize the cost, and the cost or benet
was proportionally related to the number of
units produced (in other words, the more
produced, the higher the benet or cost).
These characteristics yield a mathematical structure
that is linear. Each resource corresponds to an equation
or inequality that is a linear combination of unknown
quantities representing the units to be combined or
produced The objective function is also a linear com-
bination of the number of units. See Example 1 for a
very simple, classic example that involves deciding how
to prepare a balanced meal.
Strategy and Tactics 951
Example 1. A linear programming problem.
A dietician wishes to prepare a salad meal that
has a minimum amount of calories but still sat-
ises nutritional requirements. In particular, it
must have at least 30 grams of protein and at most
9 grams of fat. The foods available are an ounce
of lettuce with 4 calories, no fat, and 1 gram of
protein; and slices of roast beef with 90 calories,
3 grams of fat, and 16 grams of protein. What
amounts of lettuce and beef should the dietician
serve with a diet salad dressing? Minimize calories
= 4L + 90B, where 1L + 16B 30 and 3B 9.
These problems are easy to solve when they are
small, like the problem in Example 1. The problems
that arise in practicesuch as those under consider-
ation during World War IIare usually much larger
and can involve hundreds of unknowns. During World
War II, British and U.S. mathematicians looked for an
approach that could make use of computers, which
were being developed at that time and offered the
possibility of performing many simple calculations
quickly. In 1947, too late for the war effort, U.S. math-
ematician George Danzig (19142005) developed the
simplex algorithm for solving linear programming
problems. The simplex algorithm is an efcient rec-
ipe for solving linear programming problems of any
size and is very easy to program on a computer. In the
decades since the development of the simplex algo-
rithm, many industries have used this procedure to
solve problems in elds as diverse as banking, natural
resources, manufacturing, and farming.
Linear programming problems are usually used to
model static situations in that the nal solution is essen-
tially the result of one decision made under a clear set of
assumptions. Many decision problems are more com-
plicated, with a number of intermediate decisions to be
made. These more dynamic problems often involve a
probabilistic component as well, with uncertainty play-
ing a complicating role in each decision.
Game Theory
Often, people are faced with a decision in which the
resulting payoff will depend on external forces that are
hard to predict (like natural forces). One option may
always be best, but it is more likely that the best choice
will simply depend on other factors. For example, when
deciding which crop to plant, a farmer can list seed costs
and prots based upon yield, but the yield will depend
on the weather. A table can be made for each crop choice
based upon several different weather scenarios, with past
experience used to assign a probability to each possible
weather scenario. Example 2 provides a standard format,
usually called the payoff matrix.
Example 2. A payoff matrix.
List the possible states of the
external forces
List the possible
actions to choose
from in making
the decision
List the gain (prot, benet,
etc.) for each combination of
actions and states.
Many decisions can be similarly structured, includ-
ing determining what stocks to buy, what products to
market, and what wars to wage. Different people will
make different decisions depending upon their com-
fort level with risk.
Strategies for systematic decision making can be
placed in four categories:
1. Optimist strategy: MaxiMax (Maximize the
maximum gain). Find the best gain for each
possible action and choose the largest of
these maximums. Of course, that action may
have the most risk associated with it, since the
maximum gain may also coincide with the
least likely state for the external force. In this
case, the farmer may plant something that
would have huge prots but only in the most
unlikely weather conditions.
2. Pessimist strategy: MaxiMin (Maximize the
minimum gain). Find the smallest gain for
each action, and choose the largest of these
minimums. This is a safe choice because
it yields the minimum guaranteed gain
regardless of external forces. In this case, the
farmer may choose a safe crop to plant. If
weather is really good, another crop would
have been a better choice.
3. Balanced strategy: MiniMax Regret.
Calculate the regret for each possible action
by determining the cost of choosing that
952 Strategy and Tactics
action compared to benets of the best state
of the external forces. Find the worst (largest)
regret for each action and pick the action
with the smallest worst-case regret.
4. Averaging strategy: Expected Value. Use the
probabilities governing the external forces to
determine the expected gain for each action
and choose the highest one. Expected gain
or payoff is calculated as a weighted average
of the gain for each state of the external
force where the weight for each state is the
probability of that state occurring. This
strategy can be thought of as determining the
action that, when chosen repeatedly, provides
the best average benet over the long term.
For the farmer, this may not seem reasonable,
since the decision under consideration is
what to plant in a single, given year.
When the external force is an opponent with
choices to make rather than a natural phenomenon
with a random component, these decision situations
can be examined as mathematical games. Two-person
games can be represented with a payoff matrix as in
Figure 2. The row player lists strategies on the left
and the column player lists strategies across the top.
The entries of the matrix are pairs of numbers, the row
players payoff, and the column players payoff, respec-
tively. In situations where the row players winnings
are equal to the column players losses, and vice versa,
the payoff matrix entries can be completely dened
with one number, conventionally the row players pay-
off. These games are called zero-sum games because
for a particular pair of strategies, the row players pay-
off and the column players payoff, being negatives of
each other, sum to zero.
Example 3. The prisoners dilemma.
Two suspects are arrested by the police. They are
each offered the same deal: Confess and receive a
reduced sentence. If one confesses and the other
does not, the confesser goes free and the other gets
a 10-year sentence. If both confess, each gets a ve-
year sentence. If neither confesses, both get a one-
year sentence on reduced charges. Neither pris-
oner knows what the other will say. What should
they do?
Confess Refuse
( ) 5 5 , 0 10 , ( )
Refuse ( ) 10 0 , ( ) 1 1 ,
While mathematicians have been studying deci-
sion making and games of strategy systematically for
several centuries, game theory emerged
as a recognized mathematical approach
to analyzing these decision processes in
the 1930s and 1940s through research
published by John von Neumann (1903
1957). The prisoners dilemma (Exam-
ple 3) was investigated in the 1950s and
led to additional interest in the eld.
The prisoners dilemma captures
many interesting features of competitive
situations. Analysis shows that the intel-
ligent prisoner should always confess,
since the best outcome will occur no
matter what the other prisoner decides
to do: 5 is better than 10 if the other
prisoner confesses; 0 is better than 1 if
the other prisoner refuses to talk. How-
ever, this individual best choice results
in each prisoner confessing and getting
Strategy and Tactics 953
Figure 1. A decision tree.
Acquire more
Do not
acquire more
Do not
Do not
Do not
a ve-year sentence, whereas if neither confesses, they
only get one-year sentences. This feature of competi-
tive behavior and strategies can be thought of as the
friction between basing strategic decisions on individ-
ual goals or on the common good.
With appropriate choices for the values in the table,
these games could model a number of competitive
situations, such as two companies trying to determine
what price to set for competing products or two armies
determining how to wage war.
Decision Trees
In situations where the ultimate decision depends on
an intermediate choice, a decision tree can help to
organize the information and facilitate a systematic
analysis. A company may be ready to bring a product
to market and needs to decide whether or not to invest
funds up front in a test market exercise. The test market
may bring in better information about how to market
the product on a larger scale, thus increasing prot,
but the cost of the test market exercise would also take
away from the prot. An oil drilling company could
choose to invest funding in test wells before determin-
ing the nal drilling location. A university may be try-
ing to hire a senior administrator and could choose to
invest funds in a head-hunter search rm.
In all of these situations, the outcomes can be orga-
nized into a tree diagram like the one in Figure 1. Each
decision fork is represented by a square, and each
event forkgoverned by external, possibly random
forcesis represented by a circle. The branches leading
from the event forks have probabilities assigned based
upon the likelihood that an outcome will occur. Typi-
cally, acquiring additional information will result in an
increased probability of success (or failure), and so the
probabilities of success and failure will be different for
different event forks.
Each terminal branch represents a nal outcome.
If current assets, the cost of the information acquisi-
tion, and the gains or losses under success and failure
are known, then each terminal branch can be labeled
with the net gain (or loss) for that option. Once those
values are determined, the tree can be folded back
through calculating the expected outcomes from the
probabilities to determine which decisions to make to
maximize the gain.
The decision points and events may include more
than two options or outcomes, and there may be more
than two decisions to be made before the nal outcome,
so the tree may have more forks and branches than the
one in Figure 1 but the analysis process is the same.
From these trees, the value of the additional infor-
mation acquired can be calculated. This calculation
can assist companies in determining how much they
should be willing to pay for that information. Also, the
amount of risk a company is willing to assume can be
incorporated into the process, allowing companies that
are willing to shoulder a larger risk for the (slimmer)
chance of a larger gain to include that information into
the analysis.
Further Reading
Mesterton-Gibbons, M. An Introduction to Game-
Theoretic Modeling. Redwood City, CA: Addison-
Wesley, 1992.
Raifa, H. Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on
Choices Under Uncertainty. Reading MA: Addison-
Wesley 1968.
Winston, W. L. Operations Research: Applications and
Algorithms. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks Cole-
Thompson Learning, 2004.
Holly Hirst
See Also: Coding and Encryption; Intelligence
and Counterintelligence; Predicting Attacks; Risk
Management; Scheduling.
Street Maintenance
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Street maintenance requires planning,
preparedness, and risk assessment, all of which
involve mathematics.
Stone paved roads date back thousands of years and
mathematicians and architects have long investigated
ways to lay paving stones. Another connection between
mathematics and streets dates to when Hermann
Minkowski proposed numerous metric spaces, one of
which is referred to in the twenty-rst century as taxi-
954 Street Maintenance
cab geometry. Some streets are laid out on a grid sys-
tem, leading to mathematical investigations in taxicab
geometry. The surface curvature of roads is also math-
ematically interesting and important in drainage and
safety issues. Street maintenance is a combination of
services that includes resurfacing of streets and curbs,
pothole patching, sweeping, snow removal, and main-
tenance of drains. Mathematical problems that arise
within street maintenance have to do with engineer-
ing, applied physics and chemistry, logistics, budgets,
and communication.
Types of Streets
Different types of roads call for different maintenance.
Civil engineers can use tools such as falling weight
deectometers to measure properties of street cover-
ingsin this case, deformation under dropped weight.
A heavily loaded truck can damage the street surface
approximately 10,000 times more than a small passen-
ger car. This fact explains why streets with industrial
trafc require more frequent maintenance, owners of
trucks pay more taxes, and trucks are not allowed on
most streets.
There are many materials used to cover streets, and
the choice of material provides interesting mathemati-
cal optimization problems. For example, rubberized
asphalt contains recycled tires, which is an environmen-
tal bonus and can reduce the noise of the road by about
10 decibels, which is valuable for nearby homes. How-
ever, it can only be laid in certain temperatures. Con-
crete is more durable than asphalt but is more expensive
and harder to repair. Brick and cobblestone coverings
do not form potholes and can hold heavy loads. How-
ever, they are noisy, they require manual installation
and maintenance, and they can damage cars.
Potholes and Fatigue
Most potholes happen because of what is known in the
materials science as fatigue of the surface. Fatigue
occurs when materials are subject to periodic forces,
such as heavy cars passing through. Small cracks start
to appear, which then aggregate into networks of
cracks, which then give way to a pothole. Calculus,
differential equations, and statistics models are used
to test road surface materials for resistance to fatigue
and to predict fatigues time through the statistically
derived fatigue curves (S-N curves). Cycles of heating
and cooling can quickly extend existing cracks and
Street Maintenance 955
make potholes larger as well as freezing water that has
seeped into cracks.
The mathematics of cleaning schedules involves bal-
ance among many random variables, such as trafc or
seasonal leaves removal. In a typical city, urban streets
with heavy pedestrian trafc are swept daily, and other
streets are swept every week or two. Statistical data on
street use determines where to place garbage cans and
how often to empty them, when to send heavy sweep
machines for cleaning, and how to avoid disrupting
regular street use and events with cleaning activities.
Some street maintenance measures prevent street
dirt. Highly visible trash cans can drastically reduce lit-
tering. In many communities, residents are invited to
participate in street cleaning and maintenance to some
degree, from sites where they can report potholes to
street cleaning celebrations on holidays or weekends.
Birds can be attracted to appropriate places, and dog
owners are guided to special parks and runs. Math-
ematical models behind such measures come from
studies of human and animal behavior.
Accidents and disastersfrom dust storms to
spilled poisonsmay require special cleaning activi-
ties. Because such events are rare but require special
knowledge and equipment, it usually makes sense to
maintain tools and specialists for these special events
only in large cities and to send teams to smaller places
that need help.
Snow Maintenance
Streets under snow require special maintenance,
including mechanical removal of the snow by snow-
plows, snow-blowers, or shovels; inert surface treat-
ment for traction with sand or sawdust; and chemical
surface treatment. The mathematics of dealing with
snow includes economical and environmental factors.
When snow immobilizes trafc, productivity and sales
are lost. However, snow-removal measures cost money
and take time. In cities where it snows infrequently, it is
usually cheaper to wait for the snow to melt rather than
to maintain a eet of removal machines.
Most of the chemical treatment of snow is done
with sodium chloride (table salt). Salt makes snow
melt at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit less than usual
(freezing-point depression). Switzerland uses more
than a pound of salt a year for every square yard of
its roads. Chemical treatments can damage plants
and animals throughout the watershed. Safe amounts
of chemicals can be determined based on ecological
models. Chemicals also cause vehicle damage and
faster road deterioration. These costs are part of the
decision of which type of snow maintenance is more
economically sound.
Further Reading
Kelly, James, and William Park. The Roadbuilders.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1973.
Krause, Eugene. Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in
Non-Euclidean Geometry. New York: Dover
Publications, 1987.
Perrier, Nathalie, Andrew Langevin, and James Campbell.
A Survey of Models and Algorithms for Winter Road
Maintenance. Part IV: Vehicle Routing and Fleet
Sizing for Plowing and Snow Disposal. Computers &
Operations Research 34, no. 1 (2007).
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Bicycles; Green Design; Trafc.
String Instruments
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Field of Study: Geometry; Number and Operations;
Summary: The harmonics and timbre of wind
instruments are described and computed using
All stringed instruments exhibit a fundamental prop-
erty of physics in that when impacted, they vibrate
at numerous frequencies. The vibration of the string
displaces the air around it, whichwhen impacted on
the human eardrumscreates the sensation of sound.
Some of the common instruments in the string fam-
ily are violin, guitar, harp, mandolin, cello, and banjo.
A modern violin has about 70 parts, and the overall
design of such complex string instruments is inher-
ently mathematical. Features such as string tension,
area, and shape of the top plate, and spacing of frets
all have mathematical properties that inuence sound.
For any string, at a given tension, only one note will be
produced. To generate multiple notes from the instru-
ment, many strings may be used to span the desired
frequency spectrum (for example, harps) or the string
may be forced to vibrate at different lengths, thereby
changing the frequency (for example, guitars). On an
equally tempered instrument like a guitar, the spacings
of the frets, which help a player adjust string length,
have to be scaled by the ratio 2
. This problem is
mathematically equivalent to duplicating a cube, which
is one of the classic problems of antiquity. Mathemati-
cian Jim Woodhouse has studied violin acoustics using
linear systems theory and mathematically modeled
virtual violins, as well as related vibration problems
like vehicle brake squeal.
Harmonic Series and Fundamental Frequency
When a string is plucked, struck, or bowed, it resonates
at numerous frequencies simultaneously. The waves
travel up and down the string. These waves reinforce
and annul each other, which results in standing waves.
The one-dimensional wave equation is used to model
string instruments. A harmonic series is composed of
frequencies that are an integer multiple of the lowest
frequency. Fundamental frequency is the lowest fre-
quency in a harmonic series. The musical pitch of a
note is usually perceived as the fundamental frequency.
The fundamental frequency (f ) of a string can be com-
puted as
where T is the string tension in newtons, m is the string
mass in kilograms, and L is the string length in meters.
The fundamental frequency is also known as the rst
Timbre is the quality of a musical note and is what
denes the character of a musical instrument. When two
different instruments play the same note, the note could
have the same frequency. The human ear distinguishes
the source of the note because of timbre. Hermann
Helmholtz was the rst to describe timbre as a property
of sound. When an instrument plays a certain note, the
outputted sound consists of the fundamental frequency
956 String Instruments
and its harmonics. These harmonics differ from instru-
ment to instrumentwhat is known as timbre.
Further Reading
Hall, Rachel W., and Kresimir Josic. The Mathematics
of Musical Instruments. American Mathematical
Monthly 108, no. 4 (2001).
Mottola, R. M. Liutaio Mottola Lutherie Information
Website: Technical Design Information. http://
Rossing, Thomas. The Science of String Instruments.
New York: Springer, 2010.
Ashwin Mudigonda
See Also: Harmonics; Percussion Instruments;
Pythagorean and Fibonacci Tuning; Wind Instruments.
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Summary: Stylometry is a descriptive science that
uses statistical techniques to identify authorship of
written materials.
Stylometry is a descriptive science that uses statistical
techniques to identify authorship or written materials.
In addition to comparing simple frequency patterns of
words, stylometry focuses on the groupings of words and
the position of these words in sentences. Using stylom-
etry, scholars have tried to determine if Homer wrote the
last book of the Odyssey, if the Apostle Paul wrote the
Letter to the Ephesians, and if Shakespeare wrote the rst
act of the play The Booke of Sir Thomas Moore. Because of
the successful use of stylometry, its techniques have been
expanded to help identify composers from their musical
compositions and analyze artists from their paintings.
Beginnings of Stylometry
In 1851, August de Morgan, an English mathematician,
initiated the eld of stylometry when he suggested that
authors could be identied by the average number of
letters in their written words. Because de Morgans
suggestion was simplistic and often misleading, sty-
lometry did not gain validity until 1944, when Udny
Yule published his pioneering work that suggested
that an authors vocabulary usage did not depend on
sample size. Analyzing Pauls Epistles and the words of
the physician Hippocrates in 1957, W. C. Wake was the
rst to produce an acceptable test of authorship using
distributions, sampling methods, and periodic effects
within distributions. In 1961, A. Q. Morton and others
used computer technology to both extend and verify
Wakes approach.
Stylometry 957
Uses of Stylometry
tylometry has other constructive uses,
such as the use of statistical techniques
to examine concordances (13 million words) of
the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas (illustrated
above). As a result, scholars not only identi-
ed spurious additions introduced by editors of
Aquinass works, but also successfully recon-
structed lost passages. Scholars used a simi-
lar approach to examine stylistics differences
among the three Greek tragediansEuripides,
Aeschylus, and Sophoclestrying to also estab-
lish chronological progressions across a single
authors works in terms of vocabulary, themes,
and use of iambic trimester.
A specic example of scholars use of stylometry
involves The Booke of Sir Thomas Moore, a play about a
martyred Englishman in 1535. Scholars rst concluded
that the play was a composite effort of ve authors,
with handwriting analyses accepted as proof that Wil-
liam Shakespeare was the sole author of two of the
plays sections. Then, computer analyst Thomas Mer-
riam created computer databases of the play in ques-
tion and three other Shakespearean playsJulius Cae-
sar, Pericles, and Titus Andronicus.
The concordances generated for all four plays
revealed signicant similar frequencies of word hab-
its or repeated combinations of words and phrases.
Though Merriam concluded that Shakespeare was
the sole author of The Booke of Sir Thomas Moore, his
stylometric data did not convince all scholars. Skep-
tics such as these claim that Merriams techniques are
at best informative, being suspect because the three
comparison plays are not the best representatives of
Shakespeares style.
Modern Applications
Stylometry has been used in court cases to identify
fraudulent wills and false criminal confessions. In
the late 1970s, defense attorneys for kidnap victim and
accused bank robber Patty Hearst tried to introduce sty-
lometric evidence that proved the tape-recorded com-
muniqus read by Hearst were not her own words.
Their evidence was based on concordances built
from previous essays by Hearst, oral conversations, her
confession, and materials produced by the Symbio-
nese Liberation Army. The attorneys carefully analyzed
these concordances using statistical discrimination,
cluster analysis, and t-test comparisons to examine fac-
tors such as average sentence lengths, parsing patterns
involving conjunctions, and linguistic habits. Despite
the defenses protests, the trial judge and the appeals
court both ruled that the stylometric evidence was not
admissible and thus was never used.
Donald Foster, a Vasser College English Profes-
sor, used stylometry to identify with 99% condence
the anonymous author of the political text, Primary
Colors. Though Newsweek columnist Joe Klein origi-
nally denied being the suspected author, he eventually
admitted to the deed. Since that time, Foster has helped
conrm Ted Kaczynskis authorship of the Unabomb
Manifesto and identify Eric Rudolph as a suspect in the
1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing.
Further Reading
Juola, Patrick. Authorship Attribution. Foundations and
Trends in Information Retrieval 1, no. 3 (2006). http://
-aa.pdf (Accessed February 2011),
Michaelson, S., A. Q. Morton, and N. Hamilton-Smith.
Fingerprinting the Mind. Endeavor 3, no. 4 (1979).
Morton, A. Q. Literary Detection: How to Prove
Authorship and Fraud in Literature and Documents.
New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1979.
Roberts, David. Don Foster Has a Way With Words.
Smithsonian (September 1, 2001).
Schwartz, Lillian. The Art Historians Computer.
Scientic American (April 1995).
Yule, Udny. The Statistical Study of Literary Vocabulary.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1944.
Jerry Johnson
Western Washington University
See Also: Diagnostic Testing; Literature; Probability.
See Deep Submergence Vehicles
Succeeding in
Category: School and Society.
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Problem Solving.
Summary: Poor mathematics performance can
be attributed to a variety of factors and numerous
organizations and strategies are believed to help
students achieve mathematics success.
Many educational initiatives are designed to motivate
U.S. students to excel in science and mathematics,
with the goal of building the strong science, technol-
958 Succeeding in Mathematics
ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce
needed to meet twenty-rst century challenges. Three
overarching goals of the 2009 federal Educate to Inno-
vate program are increasing STEM literacy for every-
one; improving teaching so that American students
meet or exceed those in other nations; and expanding
STEM education and career opportunities for under-
represented groups. However, success in mathematics,
or even literacy, can be difcult to dene. Some see it
as some minimum skill set, number of courses, or type
of courses taken. Others conceptualize it by what sorts
of problems students are able to solve or by their ability
to manage real-world mathematical problems, such as
budgets or loans.
Measuring Success
There are many barriers to achieving success. Broad
application of standardized testing in mathematics
education sometimes reduces the measure of success
to a single score or change in scores over time. Mod-
ern educational approaches and programs at all levels
increasingly emphasize problem solving, which the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics asserts
is not well measured by standardized tests, since prob-
lem solving reaches beyond simply remembering some
encapsulated set of concepts, formulas, and skills to
include broader applications, novel situations, and
mathematical thinking and reasoning. There are calls
for innovative assessment alongside changes in edu-
cational practice in order to attempt to capture what
it means to know, do, and be successful in mathemat-
ics at home, school, and work. Among professional
mathematicians, measures of success vary as well, with
ongoing debate about various aspects of teaching and
scholarship, including how and whether to assess mea-
sures like the number of publications, the number of
citations to an author, the quality of a journal, or letters
from peers, and the role of other measures like student
evaluations. Educational researcher Christopher Jett,
who examined mathematics success among African-
American men, uniquely dened mathematics success
as, being able to use mathematics as an analytical tool
to educate, stimulate, and liberate the (my) people.
Failure and Anxiety
Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying, Do not
worry about your difculties in mathematics. I can
assure you mine still are greater. This assertion seems
contrary to many peoples belief that success in math-
ematics is binary: people are successful or not, with no
middle ground. Popular culture portrayals of math-
ematicians as geniuses often inadvertently support the
mistaken belief that one must be gifted to succeed in
mathematics. Further, while mathematicians are por-
trayed as wizards, mathematics itself is often shown as
a sort of mysticisma secret and arcane knowledge
accessible only by a select few. In reality, mathemat-
ics encompasses a diversity of elds and professional
mathematicians have varying sets of competencies,
personalities, and working styles. Likewise, students at
any level may have command of a wide variety of skills
and concepts, and while those concepts are related and
may build on one another, competence is not uniform.
A student who struggles all through algebra may still
be successful in geometry. A student who labors over
constructing a proof may have a air for data analysis
and statistics.
Mathematics is inherently cumulative in nature.
The feeling of failure at mathematics, especially given
the common binary view, can seemingly be caused by
a small problem that actually immediately impacts
only one small area. This partial temporary failure can
result in a long-lasting loss of condence. Mathematics
anxiety is an increasingly recognized phenomenon that
interferes with students ability to learn mathematics
and perform at the best of their abilities, regardless
of their actual skill. Many people who are perfectly
capable of learning and using mathematics feel anxiety
about it and will avoid using mathematics whenever
they have the option. Over time, this can lead to deg-
radation of their abilities as they fall out of practice,
which cyclically reinforces the anxiety. In addition to
avoidance, mathematics anxiety can sometimes nega-
tively affect working memory. As the anxiety grows,
the student has more trouble keeping track of tasks,
leading to poor performance and yet again reinforc-
ing the anxiety. Some believe that mathematics anxiety
is caused in part by poor performance on mathemat-
ics achievement tests and in part by early difculty in
mathematical skill development. The anxiety remains
even after actual performance has improved and may
be related to a belief that the earlier difculties reect
some inherent character trait rather than a situational
difculty. People who later in life describe themselves
as terrible at mathematics but who display educa-
tion-appropriate competence in mathematics may not
Succeeding in Mathematics 959
remember the original event that inculcated in them
this belief that they are poor performers. Beyond per-
formance, some cite teacher or classroom practices as
contributing to mathematics anxiety. Like other math-
ematicians, mathematics teachers do not possess equal
skills and levels of comfort in all areas of mathematics.
This may be especially true of elementary school teach-
ers who must teach a wide array of subjects on a daily
basis. Classroom practices such as emphasizing the
right answer, which also frequently occurs on stan-
dardized tests, can increase anxiety because some stu-
dents attach great signicance to being wrong. Other
students may feel anxiety over being asked to show
their work, because they are less condent in their
mathematical thinking than in their ability to produce
a correct answer.
The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS)
was developed by psychologists in the early 1970s and
exists in several versions, including foreign language
adaptations. Researchers using this scale and other
measures have identied other situations more likely
to trigger anxiety. For example, tests where problems
become progressively more difcult appear to trigger
mathematics anxiety more often than tests in which the
distribution of problems by difculty is more random,
which is true even when all the problems on the test are
well within the skill level of the test-taker. Timed tests
and the possibility for public embarrassment, such as
working at a board in the front of the class, are also fac-
tors that can induce anxiety. Many studies suggest an
association between mathematical anxiety and gender;
female students are more often anxious about mathe-
matics, perhaps because they have embraced the belief
that women are not as good at mathematics as men
and thus have difculty building self-condence in
their abilities. These stereotype effects can also extend
to other underrepresented groups.
Stereotype Threat
One widely studied phenomenon regarding success on
standardized tests is known as the stereotype threat
in which the stereotyping of groups in society affects
an individual. Researchers found that procient white
males performed more poorly on a difcult mathemat-
ics test when researchers induced the threat of superior
performance by Asians as compared to a control group.
The impact of stereotype threat for many groups of
students has been researched under a wide variety of
conditions. For instance, Asian women performed
more poorly on mathematical tests in which they were
cued as women, while they performed better when
cued as Asians as compared to control groups. Some
researchers theorize that students must contend with a
subconscious whisper of inferiority when their abilities
960 Succeeding in Mathematics
esearch including verbal descriptions of
problem solving, observation, and bio-
logical data from tools such as magnetic reso-
nance imaging has conrmed that spatial order-
ing, temporal-sequential ordering, higher order
cognition, memory, language, and attention are
among the functions of the mind that are at
work when children think with numbersa wide
array of functions, not a single mathematics
center of the brain. Sequential ordering may
be used to solve multi-step problems. Spatial
ordering lets a child recognize symbols and geo-
metric forms, among others. Higher order cogni-
tion lets a child think about thinking, consid-
ering different problem-solving strategies, being
aware of what they are doing as they do it, and
generalizing and applying old skills to new prob-
lems. Language skills affect a students ability
to understand instructions given to them and
articulate their thinking. They are also critical
because of the discipline-specic vocabulary at
work in mathematics. Some terms, like expo-
nent have no common, everyday usage. Other
words like times and multiply are generally
used interchangeably. Words like normal and
random overlap with everyday non-mathemat-
ical vocabulary and may have broader colloquial
meanings. Given the number of interacting
components involved in the process of thinking
about, working with, and learning mathematics,
and the fact that a temporary stall in one area
can seemingly magnify a negative, reexive I
just dont get it feeling in students, the roots of
mathematics success or failure can be difcult
to identify and address.
are most taxed. Whether they consciously or uncon-
sciously accept the stereotype or not, they may still
work harder in order to avoid conrming it, because
failure has a more devastating meaning. The extra bur-
den may be enough to impact performance. The ste-
reotype cues may be subtle, like self-identication of
gender, race, or culture before an exam. Researchers
have also found that removing the cues can positively
impact test performance. For example, in a 2009 meta-
analysis of 18,976 students from ve countries who
were matched by researchers using past performance,
stereotyped students performed better under condi-
tions that reduced the threat.
Research and Strategies
In the 1970s, mathematics education researchers
Elizabeth Fennema and Julia Sherman developed the
FennemaSherman mathematics attitude scales to
examine eight components considered critical for suc-
cess in mathematics: attitude toward success in math-
ematics, mathematics as a male versus female domain,
parent support, teacher support, condence in learn-
ing mathematics, mathematics anxiety, motivation
for challenge in mathematics, and mathematics use-
fulness. Their work has been cited among the most
quoted social science and educational research studies
of the latter twentieth century, and many versions of
their scales exist.
The cumulative body of research suggests several
strategies that may help students succeed in mathemat-
ics, though one point of general agreement seems to be
that the key to mathematics success is active participa-
tion, active study, and engaging the material. For exam-
ple, younger students can be encouraged to ask ques-
tions in and out of class and can be given mathematical
exercises that are interactive rather than requiring them
to only passively listen to explanations of the material.
Hands-on activities with even simple objects like but-
tons, dried beans, or animal counters can help chil-
dren develop number, counting, and arithmetic skills.
More sophisticated tools, like tangrams and algebra
tiles, develop geometric concepts and thinking about
functions. This method has come to include com-
puter-based virtual manipulatives. Asking questions
and engaging in hands-on learning is also valuable in
the later grades and college. With regard to attitudes,
educators frequently encourage students to recognize
that the act of learning and doing mathematics is likely
to be different than other school subjects, particularly
with regard to its cumulative nature and fact that work-
ing with a variety of mathematics problems is usually
the only way to learn mathematics. Some instructors
include explicit problem-solving and test-taking strat-
egies in their instruction in addition to concepts. Stu-
dents may also benet from instruction in methods of
note-taking, reviewing, and reading mathematics text-
books that encourage them to think reectively about
mathematics content rather than simply summarizing.
At the same time, teachers may use a variety of presen-
tation and engagement methods, including using real-
world problems, considering different learning styles,
being aware of anxiety and stereotypes that may affect
students, and engaging parents in an ongoing dialogue
about mathematics education to gain support and
make them partners in their childrens success.
Beyond the classroom, clubs, professional organiza-
tions, and scholarship programs have been shown to
contribute to success and some are particularly tar-
geted toward groups that may be more at-risk, such as
women and minorities. The Meyerhoff Scholars Pro-
gram is a notable example of such a program. It was
initially created in 1988 to target African-American
men, though admission is no longer restricted by gen-
der or ethnicity. A 2010 statistic noted that program
participants were 5.3 times more likely to be attending
or have graduated from a STEM Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.
program than others who were invited to join but
declined and attended another school. The programs
success is attributed in large part to its emphasis on
mentorship, particularly since women and minori-
ties interested in mathematics may never have met a
woman or a minority mathematician or have not been
exposed to research and challenges to excel rather than
to imply succeed. The Hypatia Scholarship program for
women at the University of South Australia, founded in
1997 and named for woman mathematician Hypatia of
Alexandria, awards not only nancial support but also
provides women with shared ofce space and com-
puter resources in close proximity to faculty to encour-
age interaction and build condence. It funds summer
employment to encourage the participants to use their
mathematical training in industry or academia. Feed-
back from students indicated that the women valued
the social network more than the nancial support,
Succeeding in Mathematics 961
saying it motivated them and helped reduce anxiety.
Other organizations offer nancial scholarships and
some opportunities for networking, such as the Ameri-
can Statistical Associations Gertrude Cox Scholarship.
Mathematics clubs and honor societies, like Pi Mu
Epsilon, provide social and academic opportunities for
students with mathematics interests, and researchers
have found some evidence that participation is asso-
ciated with increases in retention, positive attitudes
about mathematics, and higher grade point averages.
The successful Upward Bound program targets dis-
abled, low-income, homeless, and foster care youth,
as well as those who would be rst-generation college
students to encourage comprehensive success in sec-
ondary and higher education. It provides instruction
in mathematics, laboratory sciences, composition, lit-
erature, and foreign languages, along with support like
counseling, academic tutoring, and assistance with col-
lege admission and nancial aid.
Further Reading
Baumann, Caroline. Success in Mathematics Education.
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Cooke, Heather. Success with Mathematics. New York:
Routledge, 2002.
Leinwand, Steven. Accessible Mathematics: Ten
Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2009.
Martin, Danny. Mathematics Success and Failure Among
African-American Youth. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2006.
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Curriculum, K12; Learning Models and
Trajectories; Mathematicians, Amateur; Minorities;
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Number and Operations.
Summary: The game of Sudoku is explained by and
informs graph theory and randomness.
Sudoku is a number puzzle based upon the mathe-
matical concept of a Latin square. Latin squares are
arrays of numbers in which each number is listed only
once in any row or column. Leonhard Euler originated
the term, calling them Latin squares because he used
Latin letters rather than numbers in his investigations.
Completed Sudoku grids are Latin squares that are
further subdivided into subgrids in which the num-
bers also appear only once in the subgrid. The graphic
below shows a completed 9-by-9 Sudoku puzzle.
7 3 1 4 9 5 8 6 2
9 8 4 6 2 1 3 5 7
5 2 6 3 7 8 9 4 1
4 1 9 5 3 2 7 8 6
8 7 5 1 6 9 4 2 3
3 6 2 7 8 4 1 9 5
1 9 8 2 5 7 6 3 4
6 5 7 8 4 3 2 1 9
2 4 3 9 1 6 5 7 8
Originally published in the 1970s in Europe and the
United States, Sudoku surged to popularity in Japan in
the late 1980s and reappeared in Europe and America
in the mid-1990s, becoming popular among puzzlers.
The popularity of the puzzle has continued to grow in
the twenty-rst century, leading the puzzle to become
the subject of mathematical scrutiny.
Sudoku is usually based on a Latin square with nine
rows and columns; puzzles of other sizes are possible
such as 4-by-4, 16-by-16, and 25-by-25. Some of the
numbers are lled in to start. The goal is to quickly
and accurately complete the puzzle, with the digits 19
placed once in each row, column, and subgrid. Below is
an unsolved Sudoku puzzle:
1 3 5 9 2
2 8
9 8 6 7 1
3 5 8
6 8 1 7
2 9 1
6 3 4 2 5
5 9
2 9 6 8 4
962 Sudoku
Graph Theory
There are a number of interesting mathematical ques-
tions associated with Sudoku puzzles, in particular
the conditions under which they have one solution.
In 2007, Agnes Herzberg and M. Ram Murty showed
that Sudoku puzzles can be recast as graph coloring
problems allowing the broad, well-developed theory of
graphs to be applied to the solution question. In par-
ticular, they showed that a standard Sudoku puzzle can
be thought of as a graph where each cell in the puzzle
is represented by a vertex with 20 edges, each edge con-
necting the cell to another cell in the row, column, or
sub-grid. Graphs for which all vertices have the same
number of edges are called regular, so Sudoku graphs
made in this way are 20 regular graphs.
Since each digit can appear only once in any row,
column, or subgrid, putting the nine digits into the
cells is equivalent to coloring the vertices of the graph
with nine colors such that no vertices connected by an
edge are the same coloror in graph theory terminol-
ogy, nding a proper 9-coloring of the graph. The
number of ways to color a regular graph with n colors
is a well-known formula that is a function of the num-
ber of colors and the number of vertices. Using this
and other ideas about coloring graphs, Herzberg and
Murty proved that 9by-9 puzzles must have at least
eight different digits shown in the starting congura-
tion to have a unique solution.
There are still many unanswered questions about
when Sudoku puzzles have one solution. Assuming
that eight different digits are used in the starting con-
guration, how many numbers total must be shown in
the starting conguration to ensure a unique solution?
The answer is not known; a small number of distinct
puzzles with 17 entries in the starting conguration are
known to have a unique solution. There are no known
puzzles with 16 or fewer entries that have unique solu-
tions. Does one exist? Would the answer be different if
all nine digits are used in the starting conguration?
Mathematicians and puzzlers are investigating these
and other interesting questions.
For example, in 2010, mathematicians Paul Newton
and Stephen DeSalvo demonstrated that the arrange-
ment of numbers in Sudoku puzzles is more random
(by some denitions of randomness) than 9-by-9
matrices produced by random generators, since Sudoku
rules excludes some of the possible arrangements that
have innate symmetry.
Further Reading
Chevron Corporation. Sudoku Daily: History of
Herzberg, Agnes, and Ram M. Murty. Sudoku Squares
and Chromatic Polynomials. Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 54, no. 6 (2007).
Holly Hirst
See Also: Acrostics, Word Squares, and Crosswords;
Mathematical Puzzles; Matrices; Puzzles.
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Sunspots have long been observed and
mathematicians and scientists continue to try to
understand them and their effects.
Sunspots are a not yet fully explained phenomenon tied
to solar activity. The sun is Earths richest source of heat
and light. Furious eruptions of energy take place on the
surface of the sun. In the core, nuclear reactions occur
because of the immense temperature and pressure.
Through a process known as convection, millions of
tons of hydrogen are converted into helium every sec-
ond and are then expelled at the surface of the sun as
light and heat. Sunspots have a magnetic eld strength
that is thousands of times stronger than Earths mag-
netic eld. These magnetic elds inhibit convection to
create relatively cooler areas, which appear as dark spots
on the surface of the sun. Scientists and mathemati-
cians have long attempted to understand their behavior
and oscillations and have used mathematical tools like
differential equations, hexagonal planforms, and time
series analyses. They also count the number of sunspots
and examine possible relationships between this num-
ber and factors on Earth, like radio disruptions, land
temperature, and weather phenomena.
Direct observation of the sun is very dangerous, which
historically made sunspots hard to study and quantify.
Sunspots 963
In ancient times, Chinese astronomers recorded solar
activity. Mathematician and astronomer Thomas Har-
riot, noted for his work on algebra, is also credited as
the discoverer of sunspots. Increased understanding of
the nature of sunspots, including the observation that
they often occurred in groups and that they moved
relative to one another as the sun rotated, is tied to
the development of the telescope in the seventeenth
century. One of Galileo Galileis works on sunspots
offered evidence for the heliocentric system of Nico-
laus Copernicus, and this led to debate about sunspots,
as evidenced in astronomer, mathematician, and Jesuit
Christoph Scheiners views and works.
In the eighteenth century, Alexander Wilson used
a geometric argument to show that sunspots were
depressions. In the nineteenth century, pharmacist
and amateur astronomer Heinrich Schwabe collected
data on the periodicity of sunspots. Systematic obser-
vations, such as the approximately 11-year cycle, were
made by Rudolph Wolf starting in 1848, who also
measured the number of sunspots present on the sur-
face of the sun. Wolf was primarily an astronomer but
he also taught mathematics and physics. His obser-
vations were disputed by other astronomers, but his
methods, which were based on statistical analyses,
were eventually accepted as correct. Wolf s formula
continues to be used in the twenty-rst century as
one of the sunspot indices. The International Sunspot
Number is compiled worldwide by the Solar Inu-
ences Data Analysis Center in Belgium and by the U.S.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
In the twenty-rst century, sunspots are observed
with solar telescopes, which use various lters, and
specialized tools such as spectroscopes and spectro-
helioscopes. Amateurs generally observe sunspots
using projected images.
Waxing and Waning
Scientists know that the sun had a period of relative
inactivity in the seventeenth century, which corre-
sponds to a climatic period called the Little Ice Age.
Evidence suggests that similar periods existed in the
distant past, which means there might be a connec-
tion between solar activity and terrestrial climate. The
magnetic activity that accompanies the sunspots can
change the ultraviolet and soft X-ray emission levels,
affecting Earths upper atmosphere. Some research-
ers have proposed that sunspots and solar activity are
the main cause of global warming rather than carbon
dioxide greenhouse gas emissions.
Further Reading
Izenman, Alan. J R Wolf and the Zurich Sunspot
Relative Numbers. The Mathematical Intelligencer
7 (1985).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The
Sunspot Cycle.
SunspotCycle.shtml. The Sunspot Number. http://
Simone Gyorfi
See Also: Telescopes; Temperature; Weather
See Addition and Subtraction
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Field of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Surfaces are two-dimensional manifolds,
some of which have been studied for their special
Living beings interact with much of the world through
surfaces. Humans walk on surfaces and eat and sleep on
them. Surfaces like the one-sided Klein bottle, named
for Felix Klein, stretch the imagination and are the
subject of mathematical investigations. They are often
represented using physical models as well as computer
models, including sculptures and computer anima-
tions. In twenty-rst-century classrooms, students
investigate a variety of surfaces and their properties,
964 Surfaces
including area and volume. The National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics recommends an understand-
ing of the area and volume of rectangular solids for pri-
mary school students; of prisms, pyramids, and cylin-
ders for middle grades students; and of cones, spheres,
and cylinders for high school students. The parametri-
zation and volume of surfaces is further explored in a
multivariable calculus course.
History of Study
Mathematicians have long developed the theory of sur-
faces, and they continue to investigate their properties.
In addition to the plane, polyhedra, such as the surface
of a cube or an icosahedron, are among the rst sur-
faces studied by the ancient Greeks in geometry. Their
view of surfaces was entirely different from the func-
tional description used in investigations of surfaces in
the twenty-rst century. The Greeks also had a good
knowledge of surfaces of revolution and pyramids.
With the introduction of analytic geometry in the
seventeenth century, the study of surfaces developed
into one of the most studied branches of mathematics.
Mathematicians like Carl Friedrich Gauss, Pierre Bon-
net, Barnhard Riemann, Gaspard Monge, and their fol-
lowers rmly established surfaces on a rigorous basis
during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
One of the greatest achievements of the theory of
surfaces is the GaussBonnet theorem. Versions of the
theorem were explored by Gauss in the 1820s and Bon-
net and Jacques Binet in the 1840s. The form of the
theorem that is standard in undergraduate differential
geometry courses is attributed to Walther von Dyck in
1888. Smooth surfaces are dened as those surfaces in
which each point has a neighborhood diffeomorphic to
some open set in the plane. This added structure allows
the use of analytic tools. The parametric functions for a
smooth surface dene two quadratic differential forms:
the rst and second fundamental forms, which are local
invariants dened as functions of the arc length. The
Gaussian curvature of the surface is an isometric invari-
ant; hence, an intrinsic property of a surface, which is
known as the Theorema Egregium of Gauss. The Gauss-
ian curvature measures the deviance of the surface from
being at at each point. The parametric equations of
a surface determine all six coefcients of its rst and
second fundamental forms; conversely, the fundamen-
tal theorem of surfaces states that given six functions
satisfying certain compatibility conditions, then there
exists a unique surface (up to its location in space). A
geodesic curve on a smooth surface is characterized as
a locally minimizing path. In a sense, geodesics are the
straight lines of surfaces, which are essential for den-
ing the notions of distance, area, and angle on a surface.
Bonnet investigated the geodesic curvature, which mea-
sures the deviance of a curve on the surface from being
a geodesic. The GaussBonnet theorem states that for
an orientable compact surface, the total Gaussian cur-
vature is 2 times the Euler characteristic of the surface,
named for Leonhard Euler. A consequence of this theo-
rem is that the sum of the interior angles of a geodesic
triangle is greater than, less than, or equal to , depend-
ing on if the Gaussian curvature of the surface is posi-
tive, like on a sphere; negative, like on a hyperboloid; or
zero, like in the plane.
Types of Surfaces
The classication of surfaces is another topic that
is explored in undergraduate geometry or topology
classes. In 1890, Felix Klein asked what surfaces locally
look like the plane. In Kleins Erlangen Program, a space
was understood by its transformations. Heinz Hopf
published a rigorous solution in 1925 that arose from
groups of isometries acting on the plane without xed
points. The surfaces are the plane; the cylinder; the in-
nite Mbius band, named for August Mbius; the at
Clifford torus or donut, named for William Clifford; and
the at Klein bottle. Intuitively, surfaces seem to always
have two sides; however, the Mbius band and the Klein
bottle have only one side. Other surfaces like the projec-
tive plane resemble the sphere, and many-holed donuts
Surfaces 965
A paper Mbius band is a developable surface (it has
zero Gaussian curvature).
resemble hyberbolic space. The Euler characteristic is
used to classify the topology of a surface.
Some important types of surfaces that are studied
intensively in geometry and analysis are minimal sur-
faces with zero mean curvature, such as catenoids and
helicoids; developable surfaces with zero Gaussian cur-
vature, like the plane, the cylinder, the cone, or a tan-
gent surface; and ruled surfaces that can be generated
by the motion of a straight line, like the cylinder and the
hyperboloid of one sheet. While some of these surfaces
date to antiquity, others are more recent. In the eigh-
teenth century, Euler described the catenoid and Jean
Meusnier the helicoid. Discoveries in 1835 by Heinrich
Scherk and in 1864 by Alfred Enneper included minimal
surfaces that are now named for each of them. In the
1840s, Joseph Plateaus experiments indicated that dip-
ping a wire ring into soapy water will create a minimal
surface. Jesse Douglas won a Fields Medal in 1936 for
his solution to Plateaus problem in minimal surfaces. A
minimal surface that originated at the end of the twen-
tieth century is because of Celso Coasta in 1982.
Representations and Investigations
Algebraic geometers investigate algebraic surfaces, such
as cubic or quartic surfaces that can be represented by
polynomials. These led to rich mathematical investiga-
tions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For
instance, in 1849, Arthur Cayley and George Salmon
showed that there were 27 lines on a smooth cubic sur-
face. Quartic surfaces were of interest in optics, and
mathematicians such as Ernst Kummer studied them.
While mathematicians had long built physical models
of surfaces, which were typically housed in universities
and museums, in the late twentieth and early twenty-
rst centuries, computer-generated surfaces revolution-
ized the visualization and construction of surfaces and
led to many interesting mathematical questions. For
instance, numerous mathematicians and computer sci-
entists have explored the method of subdivision of sur-
faces, including Tony DeRose, and Jos Stam, who won
a Technical Achievement Award in 2005 from the Acad-
emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This method
often takes advantage of the similarity between the local
structure of a surface and a small piece of a plane. For
instance, surfaces may be represented using small at
triangle or quadrilateral mesh representations. These
representations are easier to manipulate, but they can
still appear smooth to the eye.
Further Reading
Andersson, Lars-Erik, and Neil Stewart. Introduction
to the Mathematics of Subdivision Surfaces.
Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, 2010.
Farmer, David, and Theodore Stanford. Knots and
Surfaces: A Guide to Discovering Mathematics.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1996.
Fischer, Gerd. Mathematical Models: Photograph Volume
and Commentary. Braunschweig, Germany: Friedrick
Vieweg, 1986.
Gottlieb, Daniel. All the Way With Gauss-Bonnet
and the Sociology of Mathematics. American
Mathematical Monthly 104, no. 6 (1996).
Henderson, David W. Differential Geometry: A Geometric
Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Prentice
Hall, 1998.
Pickover, Clifford. The Math Book: From Pythagoras to
the 57th Dimension: 250 Milestones in the History of
Mathematics. New York: Sterling, 2009.
Dogan Comez
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Animation and CGI; Crochet and Knitting;
Geometry in Society; Measurements, Volume; Polyhedra;
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical models can be used for
various aspects of surgical operations in order to
predict effects and improve recovery.
Surgery is the branch of science that typically involves
medical treatment through an operation. There are a
variety of reasons for why a surgery is performed. Dis-
eases such as cancer and various forms of heart disease
may be treated through surgical procedures.
When cancer is found, surgery may be performed
to remove a tumor in order to reduce the likelihood of
966 Surgery
the cancer spreading or to alleviate pressure caused by
a tumor pressing against another organ. Heart surger-
ies include a heart transplant, a coronary artery bypass,
or a heart-valve repair or replacement. Injury is usually
treated with surgery when the body is unable to repair
itself. Torn ligaments or tendons can be surgically treated
through reattachment or replacement. Burn victims can
be treated with a skin graft as a permanent replacement
for the damaged skin. Deformities can also be treated
with surgery. Spinal fusion surgery can be used to treat
spinal deformities like scoliosis. A cleft lip and palate is
a fetal deformation that can be corrected with surgery
soon after birth. The surgery usually involves an inci-
sion with medical instruments. Surgical incisions can
vary in size from large incisions, such as in some open-
heart and brain surgeries, to tiny incisions, such as in
the case of laparoscopic procedures. The advantage to
smaller incisions is that the wound heals faster, leaves a
smaller scar, and reduces the likelihood of infection.
Mathematically Modeling Surgery
Improving surgical techniques and devising new surgi-
cal procedures is an active area of research. Multidisci-
plinary approaches are required for developing success-
ful techniques and procedures. The National Institutes
of Health (NIH) has stated that these approaches
should include computational and mathematical sim-
ulations to facilitate this biomedical research. Simula-
tions can be accomplished, in part, through mathemat-
ical modeling.
Mathematical modeling is the process of using a
mathematical language in order to describe, in this
case, a biological phenomenon treated with a bio-
medical procedure. While any mathematical model is
a simplication of reality, computational solutions of
the mathematical model may provide useful insights
for researchers and clinicians when the model has been
formulated under biologically and physically sound
principles with realistic treatment strategies.
In order to develop a mathematical model for surgi-
cal treatment, it is common to have a team of research-
ers work closely on a given problem because of the dif-
ferent areas of expertise needed to address what is likely
a complex biomedical problem. The rst step is for the
researchers or clinicians to dene, as clearly as possible,
the problem or question that they want the modeler
to analyze and identify the benets of the modeling
project. From there, they should work to determine the
appropriate scales with which to study the problem. Is
the most appropriate scale at the molecular, cellular, or
tissue level or is it more of a systemic problem? Is the
time scale (if there is assumed to be temporal varia-
tion) on the order of minutes, days, or years? Answers
to these questions will help determine if the model is
best described in terms of discrete units or continu-
ous variables, whether temporal or spatial variation
should be included, and if a deterministic or statistical
approach is more appropriate. This will also help deter-
mine what computational platform and method might
best be used to analyze the question at hand. Devel-
oping a model diagram can help visualize the model
formulation and process. From there, the research
team needs to decide how best to access the quality of
the model. From the model formulation, what are the
assumptions and model limitations? Are the assump-
tions biologically reasonable? Are there data that can
be used to quantify some of the model parameters? Are
there data that can be used to quantitatively or qualita-
tively compare to the initial model simulations? If the
research team is at the beginning stages of a new surgi-
cal treatment, can the model be developed to put forth
hypotheses tested for animal experiments or clinical
trials? The mathematical model works best as an itera-
tive process when the modeler and experimentalist
or clinician exchange ideas. The rst set of suggested
guidelines for biomedical research teams with math-
ematical modelers was proposed for the mathematical
modeling of acute illness.
In connection with surgical procedures, mathematical
models can be used in a variety of ways. Mathematical
models may be used to predict the likelihood of a sur-
gical procedures success. For example, in reconstruc-
tive microsurgery (where skin tissue is moved from
one location to another), a mathematical model was
developed to predict successful tissue transfer based
on oxygen delivery, tissue volume, and blood-vessel
diameter. Mathematical models can be used to explore
ways of making existing surgical procedures more suc-
cessful. Stents are tubes inserted into a blood vessel (or
another tubular body part) to keep open the vessel but
are associated with a higher risk of a heart attack or
a blood clot. A mathematical model was developed to
analyze drug delivery to stent locations where two or
more arteries meet.
Surgery 967
Mathematical models can be developed to analyze
controversial questions. For example, a model was
developed to analyze whether a more liberal or constric-
tive allowance of uid level allows for a more successful
recovery from abdominal surgery. Mathematical mod-
els can be used to predict changes following surgery. A
model was developed to predict changes in the knee
joint following a wedge osteotomy, which is the removal
of a wedge region of bone around the knee. The model
was validated by predicting the results of 30 patients
undergoing the surgical procedure, then the results were
compared to actual measurements 14 months after sur-
gery. In spite of these efforts, mathematical modeling of
surgical procedures (and questions related to the surgi-
cal procedures) is still a relatively new concept.
Ideally, mathematical models can be used on indi-
vidual patients to predict a likely and optimal outcome
when considering surgical treatment. With advances
and improvements in imaging techniques and com-
puter software, this may be possible for treatment of
some diseases and injuries. For example, when dealing
with more complex arterial geometries near stent loca-
tions, researchers may be able to predict appropriate
drug treatment strategies. However, in the absence of
patient-specic models, mathematical models may be
used to help clinicians make decisions based on patient
variability. Patient variability implies that although
there are differences in individual patients, there
may be common characteristics in subpopulations of
patients with a similar disease or injury. These com-
mon characteristics might be measured in common
biomarkers from urine or blood analysis or similarities
in imaging analysis. Mathematical models can be used
to investigate surgical treatment strategies for patients
with similar characteristics.
Mathematical models can also help with the devel-
opment of new treatment surgical protocols or the
analysis of existing treatment strategies. When explor-
ing these questions, it is common for researchers to
conduct experimental trials on animal models. How-
ever, animal experiments can be time consuming and
costly. Mathematical models used to analyze a given
question can provide a signicant cost savings. For
example, computer simulations of the model can be
used to initially screen different experimental trials in
order to decide which ones are worth pursuing and
which are not. Furthermore, successful experimen-
tal results on animals do not guarantee the same level
of success in clinical trials on humans. Mathematical
models can not only give an idea as to how experimen-
tal trials on animals translate into surgical treatment
on humans but also provide necessary insights when
animal experiments are not possible or clinical trials
on humans are unethical.
To help address the many questions that arise from
current surgical procedures and the development of
new surgical methods, an interdisciplinary team of
researchers is required to formulate and analyze the
problem at hand. It has been suggested that the team
include mathematical modelers. Mathematical model-
ing can potentially provide a way to investigate novel
treatment strategies and predict possible problems that
may arise for a given surgical procedure. Furthermore,
there exists the possibility of signicant cost savings, in
part, by reducing the number of animal experiments
or clinical trials performed. In these ways, the math-
ematics underlying the description of the biology can
be benecial to the surgeon or biomedical researcher.
Further Reading
An, Gary, et al. Translational Systems Biology:
Introduction of an Engineering Approach to the
Pathophysiology of the Burn Patient. Journal of Burn
Care & Research 29, no. 2 (2008).
Geris, Liesbet, et al., In silico Biology of Bone Modeling
and Remodeling: Regeneration. Philosophical
Transactions of The Royal Society A: Mathematical,
Physical, & Engineering Sciences 367, no. 1895 (2009).
. In silico Design of Treatment Strategies
in Wound Healing and Bone Fracture Healing.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A:
Mathematical, Physical, & Engineering Sciences 368,
no. 1920 (2010).
Kolachalama, Vijaya, et al. Luminal Flow Amplies
Stent-based Drug Deposition in Arterial Bifurcations.
PLoS One 4, no. 12 (2009).
Matzavinos, Anastosios, et al. Modeling Oxygen
Transport in Surgical Tissue Transfer. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences USA 206, no. 29
National Institutes of Health. New Roadmap Emphasis
Areas for 2008. http://nihroadmap.nih
Sariali, Elhadi, and Yves Catonne, Modication of
Tibial Slope After Medial Opening Wedge High
Tibial Osteotomy: Clinical Study and Mathematical
968 Surgery
Modeling. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology,
Arthorscopy 17, no. 10 (2009).
Tartara, Tsuneo, et al. The Effect of Duration of Surgery
on Fluid Balance During Abdominal Surgery.
Anestheia & Analgesia 109, no. 1 (2009).
Vodovotz, Yoram, et al. Evidence-Based Modeling of
Critical Illness: An Initial Consensus From the Society
for Complexity in Acute Illness. Journal of Critical
Care 22, no. 1 (2007).
Washington University in St. Louis. Plastic Surgery To
the Nines. Science Daily 23 (July 2002). http://www
Richard Schugart
See Also: Mathematical Modeling; Medical Imaging;
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Swimming performance can be modeled
and improved mathematically.
Mathematical modeling and statistical analysis have
been applied to swimming in a variety of ways. Mod-
eling the properties of uids in motion is the subject
of uid dynamics, a sub-branch of mechanics. Placing
objects in the uid complicates the physics enormously.
The interaction of the uid and object at the point
where the object meets the uid (called the bound-
ary) is of particular interest. Problems studied in this
way include why ags ap in a breeze and how sh
swim. Statistical analysis has been applied to a number
of questions about swimming performance, including
the prediction of future world record times, the mod-
eling of deterioration in swimming performance as a
function of age, and the evaluation of whether triath-
lons are fair to swimmers.
Improving Human Performance in Swimming
Modeling human swimming presents serious chal-
lenges for researchers. The use of arms and legs to pro-
pel the swimmer through the water adds complexity to
the uid dynamics models. Because the human swim-
mer is not completely immersed in the water but keeps
part of the body above the surface, the interaction
between the swimmer and the surface is particularly
difcult to model. Researchers have applied smoothed
particle hydrodynamics to the study of human swim-
ming performance which, unlike traditional uid
dynamics, treats uid ow as the motion of individual
particles. This method enables researchers to more
accurately model and simulate the interactions of the
swimmer at the surface. The goal of this research is to
help individual swimmers improve their performance
in competition.
Predicting World Record Swim Times
Statistical analysis of human swimming performance
encompasses a number of different approaches and
methods. An analysis of world records in swimming
from 1960 to 2010 shows a nearly steady decrease
in times, resulting in between 15% to slightly more
than 25% improvement, depending on the event. The
question remains how long times can continue to
decrease, how much is because of increased partici-
pation in swimming (especially womens swimming),
and how much is because of advances in technique
and conditioning.
Predicting the Swimming
Performance of Aging Swimmers
On a different tack, Ray Fair modeled the performance
of elite swimmers of different age groups and modeled
the performance at various swimming distances by age.
For example, he predicted that a 60-year-old will swim
a time about 10% slower than the swimmer had done
at age 35, while a 70-year-old will be 25% slower.
Are Triathlons Fair to Swimmers?
Richard De Veaux and H. Wainer investigated the rela-
tive disadvantage of swimmers to runners and cyclists
in a triathlon. Because the times taken for the three
events are so different, they argued that the standard
triathlon proportions (including the Iron Man and
Olympic triathlons) are grossly unfair to swimmers.
The best marathon runners in the world take about
two hours, seven minutes to run the 26.2-mile mara-
thon (with variation due to course and weather). An
elite cyclist can cover about 60 miles in the same time,
Swimming 969
and an elite swimmer can travel 7.5 miles. Thus, to be
fair in terms of average time taken, a triathlon based on
a marathon should also contain a 60-mile bike leg and
a 7.5 mile swim. In reality, the Iron Man is a 26.2-mile
run, a 112-mile bike leg, and only a 2.4-mile swim, and
thus disadvantages swimmers enormously.
Further Reading
Cohen, R. C. Z., P. W. Cleary, and B. Mason. Simulations
of Human Swimming Using Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics. In Proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and
Process Industries. Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO, 2009.
. Improving Understanding of Human
Swimming Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics.
6th World Congress on Biomechanics (2010).
Fair, Ray C. How Fast Do Old Men Slow Down?
Review of Economics and Statistics 76, no. 1 (1994).
Wainer, H., and R. D. De Veaux. Resizing Triathlons for
Fairness. Chance 7 (1994).
. Making Triathlons Fair: The Ultimate
Triathlon. Swim Magazine 10, no. 6 (1994).
Richard De Veaux
See Also: Data Analysis and Probability in Society;
Mathematical Modeling; Tides and Waves.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: An ancient mathematical concept, there
are various forms of symmetry.
Symmetry, which comes from the Greek word roots
meaning same and measure, describes a picture,
shape, or other object that looks the same when viewed
from another perspective or that can be transformed
in some way without changing its important proper-
ties. The word symmetry can refer to this property,
to the transformation itself, or more holistically to an
aesthetically pleasing sense of balance. Eighteenth-cen-
tury mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre revolu-
tionized the concept of symmetry when he connected
it to transformations. There are a wide variety of uses
of the word symmetry in different domains, includ-
ing art, architecture, and science, and many of these
have existed from antiquity. The concept of symmetry
is inherent to modern science and architecture, and its
evolution reects in many ways the dynamic nature of
these elds.
Visual Symmetry
In the context of geometric gures drawn in the plane,
there are three fundamental types of symmetry:
1. A gure has reection symmetry if it
coincides with its own mirror image across
some line. The capital letters M and W have a
single reection symmetry, while the letter H
has two symmetries, horizontal and vertical.
2. A gure has rotational symmetry if it can
be rotated around a xed point, leaving the
gure unchanged. For example, the capital
letters N, Z, and S are unchanged when
rotated 180 degrees. The pattern of black
squares in traditional crossword puzzles also
has this half-turn symmetry.
3. A gure has translational symmetry if it can
be slid or moved without changing. A typical
example is a repeating pattern on wallpaper.
Construed in the broadest terms, symmetry plays a
role in almost all art and is related to balance and har-
mony. One of the many ways in which the narrower
geometric notion of symmetry applies to art is tessella-
tions. A tessellation is a covering of the plane by copies
of a limited set of tiles. Such gures are often highly
symmetric. Tilings by squares, hexagons, and triangles
are common enough, both in art and on kitchen oors,
and more fanciful tessellations involving animal and
plant shapes are also possible. Tessellations, dynamic
symmetry, and mathematical sophistication are espe-
cially evident, for example, in the art of M.C. Escher
Abstract Symmetries
Symmetry is not just a geometric concept. Any struc-
ture or object can have symmetry. Abstractly, a symme-
try is any transformation of an object resulting in an
object that is the same in the sense of having all the
same properties that are important in context. Often,
970 Symmetry
the object is a geometric gure, and the relevant prop-
erties are length, angle, and area, but it need not be so.
Consider the game rock-paper-scissors. Renam-
ing the scissors gesture to paper, renaming paper to
rock, and renaming rock to scissors would leave the
rules of the game unaltered. This is an abstract symme-
try of the game. Then, there are enough symmetries to
identify any move with any other, so all three options
are intrinsically equally good. In this example, there is
symmetry but no geometry whatsoever.
Symmetry and Groups
In higher mathematics, notions of symmetry are
expressed in the language of group theory. A group
is a set (G) of objects that can be composed together
(in other words, if x and y are elements in a group,
x y is also an object in the group), subject to three
conditions: associativity, identity, and inverse criteria.
The salient feature of this denition is that the set of all
the symmetries of any object satises these conditions.
The associativity property is automatic from function
composition; but what about the other two? These are
restatements of the convention that the transformation
that does nothing is a symmetry and the idea that sym-
metries are undo-able. Symmetries leave an object
structurally the same as it was, so there will always be
another symmetry to undo any given symmetry.
The symmetries of any object that preserve any
desired features form a group, called the symmetry
group of the object. Often, one can understand a com-
plicated object much better by studying the size and
structure of its symmetry group.
Klein and the Erlangen Program
Felix Klein (18491925) greatly strengthened the con-
nection between geometry and group theory. His
insight was that, if one really wants to understand a
geometric structure, then one should study the group
of symmetries that preserve the structure. This philos-
ophy has proved very fruitful and is now known as the
Erlangen program.
For example, in ordinary Euclidean plane geom-
etry, the focus is on lengths and angles. The group of
symmetries that preserve lengths and angles consists
of translations, rotations, reections, and combina-
tions of these. Given any two points, each with an
arrow pointing away from it in a given direction, one
can always translate and rotate the plane so that the
image of the rst point lies on the second point, and
the arrows are pointed in the same direction. This is
the sophisticated way to understand the notion that
every point and direction in the plane are functionally
the same as every other point and direction.
The Erlangen program has played a fundamental
role in the development of nineteenth- and twentieth-
century geometric thinking, clarifying the relationships
and distinctions between geometry and topology; pro-
jective and afne geometry; and Euclidean, hyperbolic,
and spherical geometry.
Symmetry and the Universe
Those who study the shape of space are greatly con-
cerned with symmetry. Consider the question of
whether the universe is homogeneous. That is, do
the laws of physics treat every place the same as every
other place? Is every direction physically like every
other direction? What answers to those questions are
believed to be correct determines what shapes, struc-
tures, and geometries are viable candidates to model
the universe.
Time symmetry is another issue of importance in
physics research; one wants to know to what extent
the physical laws of the universe treat the past and
future symmetrically. On a small enough scale, par-
ticle interactions have time symmetry. If one watched
a movie of particle interactions on a small enough
time-scale, it would be impossible to tell whether the
movie was playing forward or backward. On the other
Symmetry 971
Many plants are radially symmetric with almost
identical petals or leaves growing at regular intervals.
hand, the large-scale events observed in everyday life
do not possess such past-future symmetry; for exam-
ple, eggshells break but do not spontaneously assem-
ble, people age but do not become more youthful.
This discrepancy between small-scale symmetry and
large-scale asymmetry is rather mysterious, and one
can hope that reconciling the two will lead to greater
understanding of physics.
Symmetry and Architecture
Symmetry has long been connected with architecture.
In Greek and Latin, symmetry was used to indicate a
common measure or a notion of something well-pro-
portioned, rather than as a reection. However, reec-
tion symmetries can be found in many buildings from
different cultures, where the left side is a mirror image
of the right side. Architects have also used symmetry
in external views, layout, stability, or building details,
such as stairs or windows. Some authors claim that
the rst recorded instance of the use of symmetry as
a mirror reection was in 1665, when Gian Lorenzo
Bernini was asked to design an altar for the church
of Val-de-Grace, while others assert that it was rst
found in Claude Perraults 1673 treatise on columns.
Perrault is best known as the architect of the east wing
of the Louvre.
Concepts such as the symmetry groups of the plane
also originate in architecture. Beginning with mathe-
matician Edith Mullers 1944 analysis, experts continue
to debate how many of the 17 groups can be found in
the mosaics of the Alhambra at Granada, a fourteenth-
century Moorish palace. Some assert that all 17 can be
found there and in many other examples in Islamic art
and architecture. A formal mathematical proof that
there are no additional symmetry groups was proven
independently by Evgraf Fedorov in 1891 and George
Plya in 1924. Partly because of a prohibition against
using anthropomorphic forms, symmetry appears in
many instances of Islamic-inuenced architecture,
such as the Taj Mahal.
The connections between symmetry and architec-
ture continue into the twenty-rst century. In numer-
ous texts in the twentieth and twenty-rst centuries,
mathematicians such as Hermann Weyl illustrate con-
cepts using architectural references. Architects and
engineers also frequently use symmetry, though archi-
tects working in the modernist aesthetic reject symme-
try in their designs.
Further Reading
Cohen, Preston Scott. Contested Symmetries and Other
Predicaments in Architecture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
Architectural Press, 2001.
Gardner, Martin. The Ambidextrous Universe:
Symmetry and Asymmetry From Mirror Reections to
Superstrings. 3rd ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1990.
Hon, Giora, and Bernard Goldstein. From Summetria to
Symmetry: The Making of a Revolutionary Scientic
Concept. New York: Springer, 2008.
Weyl, Hermann. Symmetry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1952.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Escher, M.C.; Geometry and Geometry
Education; Geometry of the Universe; Puzzles; Sudoku.
Synchrony and
Spontaneous Order
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Connections; Data
Analysis and Probability.
Summary: The world is lled with examples of
spontaneously emerging order.
Humans are familiar with order: people order homes
by placing belongings in one place; people also watch
football games with players who follow orders given
by a quarterback who directs the play. There are many
examples of order in nature. Birds and sh order them-
selves by ying in ocks and swimming in schools.
How is order created in a complex system with many
parts? Experience indicates that order emerges from
the actions or directions of a leader, just as the quar-
terback is the leader of a football team. It is possible,
however, for a system to be ordered without the help
of a single leaderan attribute that occurs in a sponta-
neously ordered system. Systems have a global (group)
level and a local (individual) level. A school of sh is
made up of thousands of individual sh, and a laser is a
collection of particles of light (photons) that are emit-
ted from trillions of atoms. When a system is spontane-
972 Synchrony and Spontaneous Order
ously ordered, the order occurs because of local level
interactions without global level direction. Imagine a
spontaneously ordered football team. The quarterback
on this team does not need to direct or call a play. This
team is able to organize and execute plays simply by
communicating with each other (individually) as each
play unfolds. There will likely never be a team like this,
but spontaneously ordered phenomena are all around
if one knows where to look.
When multiple events are ordered in time, the result
is synchrony. Without synchrony, life would be very
different. People would not enjoy watching a football
game with unsynchronized players who run in different
directions afteror beforethe ball is snapped. Many
of the technological devices that people use, including
GPS, cell phones, and lasers, rely on synchrony to work
properly. Scientists have even published evidence of
synchrony in cloud patterns. When spontaneous order
occurs, the result is often synchrony. Mathematicians
and statisticians are involved in the collection of data
that help dene important variables related to syn-
chrony and fuel the development of theories and mod-
els, as well as the formulation of mathematical models
to describe and explain synchrony. This work draws
from many areas of mathematics, including logic,
probability, decision theory, geometry, and statistics, as
well as related scientic elds.
Examples of Synchrony
and Spontaneous Order
In some regions of Southeast Asia, large numbers of
male reies ash on and off at the same time, cre-
ating a spectacular array of synchronized lights. It is
believed that the males are ashing in unison to attract
females. Physiologically, these reies have an internal
ring mechanism that can generate a rhythmic ash-
ing sequence. Experiments with individual reies
demonstrate that the timing of their ashes can be
altered to mimic that of an external stimulus, which is
ashing rhythmically. This suggests that synchronized
rey ashing is the result of a spontaneously ordered
process. To test this hypothesis, mathematicians
Renato Mirollo and Steven Strogatz created a simple
mathematical model by using an equation to describe
an individual rey as a biological oscillator (just as a
plucked guitar string is a mechanical oscillator). They
coupled multiple, identical oscillators together to form
a system. Their mathematical model is a system of
coupled differential equations. Mirollo and Strogatz
analyzed the system and proved that in almost all cases,
no matter how many oscillators there are or how the
oscillations are started, synchrony is the result.
Fish often travel in schools. One advantage of this
behavior is to allow sh to better avoid predators by
performing highly synchronized, evasive maneuvers.
Experimental data suggests that schooling sh have a
preferred distance, elevation, and orientation relative
to their nearest neighbor. Scientists Andreas Huth and
Christian Wissel have modeled sh schooling as a spon-
taneously ordered system. They assume that schooling
originates not because of a particular sh directing the
groups movements but because of simple behavioral
rules for individual sh. Their assumptions include
that each sh desires to be close (but not too close)
to another sh, each sh moves according to its per-
ception of the position and orientation of neighboring
sh, and individual sh movement is random. Huth
and Wissel tested different movement rules for their
model since there are no data that supports specic
movement rules for schooling sh. They used the data
generated from computer simulations of their model
to determine the average direction of movement as a
group and the average angular deviation by individual
sh from the groups direction, which is dened as
the polarization of the school. The polarization is a
way to quantify the synchrony of the school because
the larger the polarization, the more disoriented the
school is. Since polarization depends on the move-
ment rules, they used polarization to nd movement
rules for which their model best simulated synchro-
nized schooling.
A uorescent light bulb consists of a long tube lled
with an inert gas. The light that we observe originates
from the atoms in the gas. Each atom has multiple
electrons that exist at specic energy levels. Electricity
forces electrons through the tube and these electrons
collide with the atoms in the gas. The collision raises
the energy level of the atoms electrons, which then
spontaneously revert back to a state of lower energy.
This loss of energy causes a light particle (photon) to
be emitted and the light that we see is from the emis-
sion of millions upon millions of photons. The light
from a uorescent light bulb consists of many different
wavelengths and is scattered in many directions. Alter-
natively, the light from a laser, which stands for light
amplication by stimulated emission of radiation, is
Synchrony and Spontaneous Order 973
highly synchronized with a single frequency, direction,
and phase. The rst laser was constructed in 1960, but
in 1917, Albert Einstein developed the quantum phys-
ics that predicted how a laser is able to synchronize the
photons. When lasers were invented no one knew what
to use them for.
Today, laser light is used for everything from gro-
cery store checkout scanners to eye surgery. Just as
with uorescent light, raising and lowering the energy
levels of individual electrons generates the light from
a laser. An external energy source (such as electric-
ity) continually stimulates electrons and raises them
from lower energy states to higher energy states. Ini-
tially, when the laser is turned on and some electrons
spontaneously fall back to their lower energy states,
the emitted photons move in random directions. But
a laser has mirrors at both ends and the photons are
trapped between the mirrors for a long period of time
before they can escape. Furthermore, a laser is con-
structed so that the photons will perfectly synchronize
and amplify a light wave with a specic frequency and
direction while ltering out the other light waves. One
of the mirrors allows some of the light to escape in the
form of a laser beam, an example of synchrony that we
encounter each day.
Further Reading
Camazine, Scott, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R.
Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraulaz, and Eric
Bonabeau. Self-Organization in Biological Systems.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001.
Haken, Hermann. The Science of Structure: Synergetics.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981.
Strogatz, Steven. SYNC: The Emerging Science of
Spontaneous Order. New York: Hyperion, 2003.
John G. Alford
See Also: Clouds; Light; Mathematical Modeling;
Mathematics Research, Interdisciplinary.
974 Synchrony and Spontaneous Order
Tao, Terence
Category: Mathematics Culture and Identity.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: One of the most accomplished
contemporary mathematicians, Terence Tao is a
groundbreaking number theorist as well as a
popular blogger.
Terence Chi-Shen Terry Tao (1975) is a South
Australianborn mathematician. Some rank Tao
among the greatest living mathematicians in the early
part of the twenty-rst century. A child prodigy, he
was taking college-level mathematics classes as early
as 9 years old and was awarded a Ph.D. from Princ-
eton University at the age of 20. He is, as of 2010, a
professor at the University of California, Los Ange-
les. As a mathematician and writer, he is extremely
productive and has contributed elegant solutions to
difcult problems in diverse areas in mathematics.
His primary research interests are analytic number
theory, harmonic analysis, combinatorics, and partial
differential equations.
Honors and Contributions
Dr. Taos contributions to mathematics, and his awards
for them, are numerous. In 2006, Terence Tao was
awarded the Fields Medal. The Fields Medal is some-
times called the Nobel Prize of mathematics and is
generally regarded as the most prestigious award in
mathematics. It is awarded once a year for superlative
achievement by a mathematician up to the age of 40.
At the age of 13, Tao won a gold medal at the Interna-
tional Mathematics Olympiad, an annual competition
intended to challenge the worlds brightest students of
high-school age; as of 2010 he remained the youngest
person to ever win such a gold medal. His accolades
also include the Salem Prize, the Clay Research Award,
the SASTRA Ramanujan Award, the Australian Math-
ematical Society Medal, and the King Faisal Interna-
tional Prize. Tao has been pleased with his success, but
he would like to continue focusing on mathematics
research rather than reect on his achievements.
One particularly signicant contribution by Ter-
ence Tao to number theory came in 2004. In joint
work with Ben Green, he proved a remarkable result
about arithmetic progressions of prime numbers. An
arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers with
a constant difference between them. For example,
5, 11, 17, 23, 29 is an arithmetic progression with length
5 and constant difference 6. The ve numbers in the
sequence are prime. Green and Tao proved that it is
possible to nd arithmetic progressions of ve primes,
or 50 primes, or 50,000 primes. Indeed, they showed
that arithmetic progressions of primes exist that are as
long as desired. Understanding the distribution of the
prime numbers is of paramount importance in num-
ber theory, and results of this type are often notori-
ously difcult to establish.
Communication and Strategy
In addition to all his papers and books, Terence Tao
is a very well-respected and prolic blogger. On the
Whats New blog, Terence Tao frequently posts
remarks on his ongoing projects, links to and com-
mentary on current articles, and other mathemati-
cal topics. There are numerous active mathematical
blogs at all levels of sophistication, but many consider
Whats New to be the grandfather of mathemati-
cal blogging. Whats New is considered by many
active mathematicians to be an important and inu-
ential source of information. As of 2010, the Ameri-
can Mathematics Society had published two books of
excerpts from his blog.
While he has been described as the Mozart of
Math because of his creativity and the mathematics
that seems to ow out of him, Tao attributes his suc-
cess to strategies that enable him to break up difcult
problems into easier ones. Often, he focuses on one
question at a time and tries a variety of techniques. He
stated: When I was a kid, I had a romanticized notion
of mathematicsthat hard problems were solved in
Eureka moments of inspiration. With me, its always,
lets try this that gets me part of the way. Or, that
doesnt work, so now lets try this. Oh, theres a little
shortcut here.
Further Reading
Green, Ben, and Terence Tao. The Primes Contain
Arbitrarily Long Arithmetic Progressions. Annals of
Math 167 (2008).
Mathematical Minds: Terence Tao. Interview with the
Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society 36, no.
5 (2009).
Tao, Terence. Poincars legacies: Pages From Year Two
of a Mathematical Blog. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 2009.
. Solving Mathematical Problems. 2nd ed. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press, 2006.
. Structure and Randomness: Pages From Year One
of a Mathematical Blog. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 2008.
. Whats New.
UCLA College of Letters and Science. News: Terence
Tao: The Mozart of Math.
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Number Theory; Mathematics, Elegant;
Mathematics, Theoretical.
See Income Tax; Sales Tax and Shipping Fees
Category: Communication and Computers.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Number
and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Mathematicians have played key roles in
efciently managing telecommunication networks
and developing newer and more powerful phones and
wireless networks.
Inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell
independently designed devices to electrically transmit
speech in the 1870s; however, Bell patented his device
rst. The American Bell Telephone Company created
the rst telephone exchange in 1877. A subsidiary com-
pany, American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), was
incorporated in 1885 to develop and implement long-
distance telephone service, and Bell Laboratories was
founded in 1925 for research and development. Later,
the labs would be managed by both AT&T and Lucent
Technologies. The telecommunications industry has
long relied on the contributions of mathematicians
for its success and hundreds of companies continue
to employ mathematicians to address the increasingly
complex problems of twenty-rst-century communica-
tion. They develop technology and algorithms for wired
and wireless communication, which facilitate speed
and efciency for a variety of applications. They also
research ways to increase security and prevent unau-
976 Telephones
cell phones. Some mathematical models have suggested
that exponential growth would exhaust the supply.
Similar concerns have been raised about social security
numbers and Internet addresses, since the number of
digit permutations for any given string length is nite.
Cell Phones and Smartphones
Mathematical methods were also important in the
development of cell phones and smartphones. In 1947,
Bell Labs engineer W. Rae Young suggested a hexago-
nal tower arrangement for cellular mobile telephone
phone systems, which was expanded upon by engineer
Douglas Ringthough the technology did not exist
to implement the idea until the 1970s. The Motorola
DynaTAC 8000x, released in 1983, was the rst truly
portable cell phone. Cellular technology proliferated
rapidly, and society has widely embraced smartphone
technology. Described as a new generation of tele-
phone, smart phones are, essentially, computers small
enough to t in a palm or pocket. The IBM Simon
Personal Communicator, created by IBM and Bell-
South and sold beginning in 1994, is cited as the rst
smartphone, while at the start of the twenty-rst cen-
tury, Apples iPhone and the Motorola Droid are very
popular. The Android open-source operating system,
which forms the basis for the Droid smartphones, was
invented by computer scientist Andrew Rubin. It has
been compared to Lego system building blocks because
of the structure of its software solution stack, which
many consider to be more compatible than the dis-
cretely packaged and isolated programs of some other
operating systems.
Mathematics has played an increasingly large role
in cell phone and smartphone service. Smartphones
not only serve as cell phones for verbal or textual com-
munication, they also play media, provide access to
the Internet, serve as GPS and navigation devices, and
run various other software. Electronic signals from
smartphones carry digitized speech and data, requir-
ing mathematical algorithms to construct and com-
press information, as well as to correct errors. Math-
ematicians and information theorists, such as David
Huffman and Jorma Rissanen, developed compression
techniques using concepts from probability theory
and entropy. Mathematical methods from signal pro-
cessing and graph theory prevent interference between
multiple callers and help to establish networks that
provide uninterrupted coverage. The International
thorized listening or wiretaps. Some create business
models or study issues such as customer satisfaction.
Finite Phone Numbers in an
Expanding Communication Network
One notable mathematical problem of the early twenty-
rst century is assignment of phone numbers. In 2007,
the Federal Communications Commission stated that
582 million of 1.3 billion available phone numbers in
the United States were already assigned, increasingly to
Telephones 977
Contributions of
any mathematicians have contributed to
telephone systems. For example, George
Boole, whose Boolean algebra was used in
switching systems; Oliver Heaviside, who
adapted complex numbers to study electrical
circuits and worked on long-distance systems;
and Agner Erlang, who modeled phone call
waiting time using probability theory, in collabo-
ration with the Copenhagen Telephone Com-
pany. Mathematical modeling has been used to
design and study telecommunications systems
since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Many mathematical and scientic advances,
both theoretical and applied, were developed
by the multidisciplinary working groups at Bell
Labs, AT&T, and Lucent, which included nota-
ble mathematicians and at least one Nobel
Prize winner. Examples of signicant advances
with applications both within and beyond tele-
phones include transistors, solar cells, lasers,
satellites, the Unix operating system, the C pro-
gramming language, and digital signal process-
ing chips. Mathematician Claude Shannon is
often referred to as the father of information
theory, which he developed while at Bell Labs.
William Massey created performance models
for telecommunication systems using queuing,
stochastic methods, and special functions, and
he has cited Bell Labs as especially supportive
to minority mathematicians and scientists.
Mobile Telecommunications-2000 or 3G (third gen-
eration) is a global standard for mobile telecommuni-
cations introduced in 2000. It addresses critical issues
such as data rates, bandwidth, frequencies, broadband
compatibility, and issues of authentication, condenti-
ality, and privacy. As of 2010, scientists and mathema-
ticians were developing further standards for mobile
networks and devices, including a next generation 4G
network. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of
companies that develops and advocates for open stan-
dards for mobile devices.
As smartphone popularity booms, so do the tools
developed for smartphones by computer scientists and
others. Downloadable applications (commonly called
apps) are readily accessible for free or for purchase.
Many of them are aimed at education or academic
subject areas, including mathematics. One set of apps
offers the opportunity to practice with mathemat-
ics concepts and skills, like Math Flash Cards and
Advanced Mental Math. Gamer-style apps like Math
Ninja require players to answer challenge questions
to advance. Other apps are electronic versions of
mathematically based board games, like Mancala and
Dominoes, while the popular game Tetris involves per-
forming geometric transformations quickly to stack
variously shaped objects, which is related to classical
packing problems.
Further Reading
Horak, Ray. Telecommunications and Data
Communications Handbook. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley-Interscience, 2008.
Mercer, David. The Telephone: The Life Story of a
Technology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
Thompson, Richard. Telephone Switching Systems.
Norwood, MA: Artech House Publishers, 2000.
Whiteld, Dife, and Susan Landau. Privacy on the
Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption,
Updated and Expanded Edition. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 2010.
Norma Boakes
See Also: Cell Phone Networks; Fax Machines; MP3
Players; Software, Mathematics; Solar Panels; Wireless
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Number and
Summary: Image clarity in telescopes is achieved
through extremely precise measurements and
In 1608, the Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey applied
for a patent on what was soon named a telescope.
It is not clear if Lippershey was the true inventor; at
least two other Dutch lensmakers also claimed credit.
The news of this new invention quickly spread. In
1609, Galileo Galilei in Italy started using telescopes
to observe heavenly objects. Among other ndings, he
discovered the rotation of the sun, the phases of Venus,
and the rst four satellites of Jupiter. A mathematician
as well as a physicist and astronomer, Galileo also used
geometry to measure the heights of lunar mountains
by determining how long they remained illuminated
after the lunar sunset.
Other mathematicians and physicists helped
develop the modern telescope. Isaac Newton deter-
mined that lenses acted like prisms in spreading out
the spectrum of visible light (a phenomenon known as
chromatic aberration). Newton and the mathematician
James Gregory independently invented the reecting
telescope, which does not have this problem. Leonhard
Euler made a mathematical analysis of chromatic aber-
ration, and in England so-called achromatic lenses (a
combination of two lenses that together bring light of
different colors to a focus) were invented in the early
eighteenth century.
A telescope is an optical device for seeing objects that
are either far away, or very dim, or both. Consider a
typical magnifying glass, as shown in Figure 1, which is
a piece of glass or other transparent substance shaped
so that both sides are sections of spheres. Light rays
from an object (such as a candle) come to a focus on
Screen 1. In other words, light rays from any given
point on the candle converge onto a single point of
Screen 1, forming an image. Screen 2 is at the wrong
distance, meaning the light rays do not converge prop-
erly on Screen 2. Screen 1 is said to be in focus, and
Screen 2 is out of focus.
978 Telescopes
The rst lens the light goes through is the called
the objective lens. The plane (Screen 1) where the
image is in focus is called the focal plane. The focal
length is the distance to the focal plane for a source
at innity (incoming parallel rays).
Magnication is measured in diameters. If the image
is twice as tall and also twice as wide as the original,
then there is a magnication of two diameters. Some
optical devices, however, are measured in power, which
is the square of the magnication in diameters; for
example, a microscope advertised as 100 power actu-
ally magnies 10 diameters.
Figure 1a shows the same conguration as Figure
1, but the focal length is twice as long. The image
on the focal plane is thus twice as high and twice as
wideit is magnied twice as many diameters. Since
the image is spread out over four times the area, it
is only one-fourth as bright. Conversely, for a given
focal length, doubling the size of the objective lens
lets in four times as much light, hence the image is
four times as bright.
In Figure 1, if one were to put a light-tight box
around screen 1, set up a shutter to control when light
enters the box, and replace screen 1 with photographic
lm, the result is a camera. Replace the photographic
lm with an electronic light-sensitive screen, and the
result is a digital camera. If the camera is used to take
pictures of far-away or dim objects, then it qualies as
a telescope.
Astronomical Telescopes
Since astronomers are interested in dim celestial objects,
a big objective is necessary for astronomical telescopes.
Amateur astronomers frequently use a 6-inch (15-cm)
Telescopes 979
Screen 1
In focus
Screen 2
Out of focus
Figure 1 repeated, but with a lens with twice the focal length.
of the
Figure 2. Eye plus magnifying glass.
of the
What the eye sees
Figure 3. How a telescope delivers an enlarged image
to the eye.
Figure 1.
Figure 1a.
objective as a good compromise between light-gather-
ing power and cost. Professional astronomers rarely
use objectives less than about half a meter (1.5 feet) in
diameter. The largest objective lens in the world as of
2010 is 40 inches (1.106 meters) at Yerkes Observatory
in Wisconsin.
The eye has its own lens, and the telescope has
two lenses (or sets of lenses): the objective and the
eyepiece. Figure 3 shows how the two-lens telescope
delivers a greatly magnied image to the eye. The
magnication in diameters is equal to the focal length
of the objective divided by the focal length of the eye-
piece. For example, the 40-inch telescope at Yerkes has
a focal length of 744 inches. With a one-inch eyepiece,
this telescope magnies 744 diameters.
A microscope operates in the same way, except that
the object being viewed, instead of distant and dim, is
well lit and close to the objective lens.
Diffraction and Refraction
The useful magnication of a telescope is limited by
diffraction. Light rays at the edge of the objective lens
are diffractedthey are bent around the edge of the
lens. These diffracted light rays cause a pattern of light
and dark circles around bright images, which will blur
adjacent images together. An empirical formula tradi-
tionally used to specify the limit of useful magnica-
tion is the Dawes Limit (also called the Rayleigh Limit):
the resolution in arc-seconds is 4.56/D, where D is the
diameter of the objective in inches; or 11.6/D, where
980 Telescopes
Mirror Blank
Grinding Tool
Figure 4. Grinding a mirror by hand (curvature greatly
Figure 5. Four designs of reflecting telescopes
(Gray bar shows focal plane).
ravitational elds bend light, as predicted by
Albert Einsteins general theory of relativity.
Hence, large gravitational elds act as lenses.
The rst test of general relativity was during a
solar eclipse in 1919, when the effect of the suns
gravity was to make stars very near the suns
edge appear to be at a smallbut measurable
angle further away from the sun than when they
are viewed when the sun is not almost in front
of them. In effect, the sun acted as a lens and
magnied the image of the area around the sun.
There are no lenses for radio waves, but radio
telescopes that observe radio waves from astro-
nomical objects, such as quasars, do exist. Most
radio telescopes use a metal parabolic mirror to
reect the astronomical radio waves to a receiver
at the focus of the parabola.
There also exist what might be called sound
telescopes. One variety, for picking up sounds from
a distance, uses a parabolic dish to reect sound
waves to a microphone at the focus of the parab-
ola. Ultrasound machines, used for monitoring
pregnant women, use the womans own bladder to
focus the ultrasound waves onto the receiver.
Non-Optical Telescopes
Prime Focus Newtonian Cassegrain Coud
D is in centimeters. For example, the diameter of the
pupil of the human eye when dark-adapted is approxi-
mately 8 mm. By the Dawes Limit, the eye can resolve
11.6/.8 (14.5 arc-seconds), or about 1/125 of the diam-
eter of the full moon. The Yerkes telescope can resolve
about 0.1 arc-seconds.
A telescope using a lens as its objective is called a
refracting telescope, since light is refracted (bent) by
the lens. As of 2010, the 40-inch Yerkes instrument is
the largest refracting telescope. A lens that size has to
be thick to stand up to gravity, and thick lenses absorb
so much light that beyond the size of Yerkes, absorp-
tion begins to outweigh the increased light gathered by
a wider lens. Hence all current telescopes with objec-
tives greater than 40 inches are reecting telescopes
in which the objective is a mirror rather than a lens.
Observer Placement
Unlike a lens, an objective mirror has a parabolic rather
than a spherical surface. There is also the mechani-
cal problem of where to place the observer or cam-
era. There are several possibilities, some of which are
shown in Figure 5.
One method, called prime focus, places the photo-
graphic lm (or other astronomical instrument) inside
the path of the incoming light. A few very large reect-
ing telescopes, such as the 200-inch Hale Telescope at
Mount Palomar, actually allow for a human observer to
ride in a cage at the prime focus.
A more common arrangement, invented by Isaac
Newton and called the Newtonian, consists of a small
at mirror at an angle, which moves the focal plane to
the side of the telescope. Two other common arrange-
ments have a convex mirror at the prime focus, reect-
ing the light back down the length of the incoming light
and also increasing the focal length. In the Cassegrain
arrangement, a hole is cut in the middle of the mirror
for the light to pass through. In the coud arrangement,
the light is reected one more time into the mounting of
the telescope, allowing the use of stationary instruments
too heavy to be loaded onto the tube of the telescope.
Further Reading
Alloin, D. M., and Jean-Marie Mariotti. Diffraction-
Limited Imaging With Very Large Telescopes. Berlin:
Springer, 1989.
Edgerton, Samuel. The Mirror, the Window, and the
Telescope: How Renaissance Linear Perspective Changed
Our Vision of the Universe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, 2009.
Gates, Evalyn. Einsteins Telescope: The Hunt for Dark
Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe. New York:
W. W. Norton, 2009.
Maran, Stephen. Galileos New Universe: The Revolution
in Our Understanding of the Cosmos. New York:
BenBella Books, 2009.
James Landau
See also: Conic Sections; Digital Cameras; Planetary
Orbits; Relativity.
Mathematics in
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Communication; Problem Solving.
Summary: Television shows routinely help shape the
publics view of mathematics and mathematicians.
Like many other academic disciplines, mathematics
has found its way to the small screen in the form of
childrens educational programming, various puzzle
challenges on reality television and other game shows,
and mathematically talented characters on a variety
of scripted shows. These categories of programming
and their attendant themes help shape and reect the
publics image of mathematics and mathematicians at
different times. It is important to note that television
viewership is determined though the statistically based
Nielsen ratings, which networks use to calculate adver-
tising revenue. As a result, the fate of a show is often
tied to its Nielsen ratings.
Some of these programs promote mathematics as
an exciting learning area (often in childrens educa-
tional programming) or as a technical skill, which can
give characters power and control. Problematic ste-
reotypes persist, especially the still-common portrayal
of mathematicians predominantly as white men. The
stereotype of the mathematically talented character
as a nerd is also prevalent and suggests that popular
television representations of mathematics reect both
Television, Mathematics in 981
respect for the technical knowledge and fear about an
expertise sometimes portrayed as mystifying or as the
exclusive domain of obsessive geeks.
Childrens Educational Programming
The focus in childrens educational programming
that addresses mathematics is often on encouraging
children to be excited about the subject area, along
with helping them master skills and gain understand-
ing. Most notably, the Childrens Television Work-
shop (CTW), founded in 1967, ultimately created or
inspired much of childrens educational programming.
Funded by federal and private sources, CTW designed
Sesame Street to teach letter and number skills, as well
as foundations of critical thinking, to preschoolers. The
program revolutionized childrens programming when
it premiered in 1969 and has been broadcast continu-
ally ever since. Its core focus is on educational content
that is presented using attention-getting and retaining
tactics, such as fast movement, humor, puppets, and
animation. The Count, for example, is a amboyant
Dracula-like character who loves to count. A popu-
lar animated segment, Pinball Countdown, taught
children to count using an elaborate pinball machine.
Mathematics is also contextualized in segments involv-
ing real-life skills, like going to the grocery store.
Studies suggest that Sesame Street is viewed by
almost half of all U.S. preschoolers on a weekly basis,
and there are at least 10 foreign-language versions
that have been broadcast in more than 40 countries.
Not only is mathematics presented in the show, but it
has also been used in shaping decisions about content
and presentation. A multidisciplinary team, including
Edward L. Palmer, who held a Ph.D. in educational
measurement and research design, systematically
studied early episodes of the show using data col-
lection and statistical methodology to address both
appeal and content comprehension. Other researchers
in the early 1970s, including the Educational Testing
Services, found both gains in learning and improve-
ments in attitudes toward school in children who
watched Sesame Street, but at the time it did not help
close the gap between some groups of children as had
been originally hoped. A longitudinal study found
that exposure in the preschool years was signicantly
associated with better grades in English, mathematics,
and science in secondary school, though one cannot
infer direct causality from such a study.
In 1973, ABC premiered Schoolhouse Rock! as short,
musical cartoons aired in between full-length shows on
Saturday morning. The show was reportedly inspired by
David McCall, the chairman of a public relations rm,
whose son had difculty with multiplication tables
but could easily recall song lyrics. In the Multiplica-
tion Rock series, multiplication of numbers was set to
music. Though there is no song about 10, My Hero,
Zero discusses powers of 10 and the importance of
zero. Little Twelvetoes examines the base-ten numeral
system by imagining a world in which humankind is
born with 12 ngers and toes instead of 10. The series
Money Rock and Computer Rock also included
applied mathematical concepts. Teachers often show
Multiplication Rock in their classrooms, and the
series is available as both audio and video recordings.
Other shows featured mathematical content as well.
In the late 1980s, Childrens Television Workshop cre-
ated the mathematics show Square One, which fea-
tured guest stars and explored mathematical concepts
through segments that parodied aspects in popular
culture. In 2002, PBS premiered Cyberchase, in which
three children and their bird use mathematics to pre-
vail against evil schemes to destroy Cyberspace. Other
examples of mathematics in educational programming
for various levels of students are The Metric Marvels,
Math Can Take You Places, Bill Nye the Science Guy,
and Blues Clues. One notable addition to the family of
education mathematics programs in the twenty-rst
century is Nickelodeons Team Umizoomi. This series,
which premiered in early 2010, mixes 2-D and 3-D
animation with live action to create a virtual world in
which a team of characters helps children solve prob-
lems. Like many modern television programs, Team
Umizoomi has an accompanying Web site. According
to Nickelodeon executive Brown Johnson, Math sur-
rounds us everywhere we go, which is why we wanted
to create a fun, adventure-lled, interactive series that
engages preschoolers and encourages them to practice
and rene their mathematical thinking skills.
Reality Television and Game Shows
This spirit of mathematics as an adventurous chal-
lenge also appears in other programming, especially
on reality television and game shows, which include it
as a key test of skill. Often, players must solve a puzzle
that falls under the umbrella of some classical problem
from the elds of game theory or probability. Instances
982 Television, Mathematics in
of mathematics in Survivor, The Mole, and The Real
World/Road Rules Challenge have been examined and
catalogued. The Price is Right has been used to study
probability in the classroom, and Friend or Foe has
been used to analyze and study the Prisoners Dilemma
in the classroom.
Another way in which mathematics is applied to
reality television is through its application of voting
theory. Many reality shows use formulas to calculate
voting results. The fall 2010 season of Dancing with
the Stars was marked by a controversy in which con-
testant Bristol Palin, daughter of 2008 Republican
vice presidential candidate and former Alaska gover-
nor Sarah Palin, consistently received low scores from
the judges and yet escaped elimination week after
week. The controversy prompted the ABC network
to, for the rst time, specify its voting scheme on the
show and explain it on its Website. Under the system,
the judges scores for each couple are recalculated as
a percentage of the judges total scores for that night.
Then, the votes each couple receives from home view-
ers are calculated as a percentage of the total number of
votes received for that week. These two percentages are
added together, and the couple with the lowest com-
bined total is eliminated. Palins high percentage of the
popular vote meant that her combined share was rarely
the lowest. While reality programs typically refuse to
reveal the exact number of votes contestants receive,
as in highly popular shows such as American Idol, in
the case of Dancing with the Stars, viewer curiosity and
voting controversy prompted an unusually detailed
discussion of the mathematics involved.
Moving beyond such simple tests of skill, scripted
series sometimes treat mathematics on a deeper the-
matic level. One common theme is the nerd-genius.
Since the late 1990s, mathematicians and scientists
have more frequently been appearing as the unlikely
heroes of shows ranging from police procedurals
(NUMB3RS) to sitcoms (The Big Bang Theory), from
animated shows (Futurama) to reality gamedocs
(Beauty and the Geek). The increasingly positive por-
trayal of nerd-genius may reect a greater acceptance
of the Information Age and of technical expertise and
knowledge as positive attributes.
The popularity of The Big Bang Theory, which
premiered in 2007 on CBS, speaks to this larger fas-
cination with the nerd-genius. The sitcom follows
four young scientists, two of whom are physicists at
the California Institute of Technology (one in experi-
mental physics, the other in theoretical physics), a
third who is a Caltech astrophysicist, and the fourth,
who is an aerospace engineer at a NASA eld center.
By the shows third season, it was draw-
ing over 14 million viewers per week and
ranked in the top 15 shows. In 2010, it
won a Peoples Choice Award for Favorite
TV Comedy, and star Jim Parsons won an
Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor
in a Comedy Series.
The characters are all teased for being
socially awkward and obsessive about math-
ematics and science, as is typical for the
stereotype. However, they are also lauded
for their intellect and the program presents
their thought processes as both humorous
and fascinating. The program takes the sci-
entic content seriously, retaining a UCLA
physics and astronomy professor, David
Saltzberg, to review scripts for accuracy
and provide mathematical equations and
diagrams. The show has addressed such
topics as string theory, loop quantum grav-
ity, and dark matter.
Television, Mathematics in 983
Mathematics is featured in educational shows, reality and game
shows, and with mathematically talented characters.
Women and Minority Mathematicians
Whenever mathematicians are depicted on screen,
some audience members may form (sometimes preju-
dicial) opinions about what mathematicians look like
or how they act. Mathematicians are often presented as
nerdy white men. There are possible downfalls of such
limited portrayals. For example, Ron Eglash describes
how the dearth of African-American geek characters in
popular culture reects and somewhat reinforces the
stereotype that white male nerds are the gatekeepers
to full participation in science and technology. But, to
their credit, some television shows have made an effort
to broaden the demographic range of their mathemati-
cal characters, including women and African Ameri-
cans among their number.
There have been a few female characters with math-
ematical ability on television. Early examples include
three characters from the Star Trek: Voyager (1995
2001) series: captain Kathryn Janeway, chief engineer
BElanna Torres, and Seven of Nine, who was rescued
from the Borg (and thus joining the series) in season
four. Often, these characters discuss intricacies of
twenty-fourth-century physics, including warp speed
travel and altering the time line. The show situates
these three women (and the Vulcan Tuvok) as leaders
among their shipmates in terms of knowledge of and
ability in physics, engineering, and mathematics.
Another woman character with mathematical talent
is Winifred Fred Burkle on the show Angel (1999
2004), created by Joss Whedon as a spinoff of his popu-
lar Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Though a physicist
by training, Fred displays her talents in mathematics,
engineering, and invention on the show. Moreover, her
character is supported by most of the other characters
on the showshe is seen as a key player on the team.
The Fred character has also been used as a case study
of how Hollywood representations impact girls math-
ematical education.
The show NUMB3RS (20052010) contains another
mathematically talented female character: Amita
Ramanujan, a Southern Californian of Indian origin.
Throughout the series, Amita was a Ph.D. student,
then colleague and ance, of mathematician Charlie
Eppes. Charlies brother, Don, works for the FBI and
uses Charlies mathematical skills to help solve crimes.
Amita and physicist Larry Fleinhardt form Charlies
problem-solving team and inner social circle. As with
Fred from Angel, Amita is supported by the other
series characters who value her mathematical talents.
However, the role of Amita has also been controversial
because of her romantic relationship with her thesis
adviser, Charlie.
Lisa Simpson, from the long-running animated
show The Simpsons (1989), also displays mathemati-
cal ability (among other nerdish qualities) at various
times throughout the series. For instance, in the epi-
sode Girls Just Want to Have Sums, which originally
aired April 30, 2006, on FOX, Principal Skinner makes
disparaging remarks about girls mathematical abili-
ties. As a result, the school is split into two single-sex
schools. Upset by the lack of rigor in her mathemat-
ics class, Lisa is forced to dress as a boy, Jake, in order
to attend the boys mathematics class and learn real
mathematics. When Jake wins an award for mathe-
matical achievement, Lisa reveals her true identity, to
which her brother Bart claims that she did so well in
mathematics only because she learned to think like a
boy. In the 2010 episode MoneyBart, Lisa used the
statistical methodology of Sabermetrics to manage
Barts baseball team.
Though African-American characters possessing
mathematical talent are admittedly not common, two
notable exceptions aired on television shows in the late
1980s. A Different World (19871993), a spinoff of the
popular Cosby Show (19841992), featured Dwayne
Wayne as a lead character. At different points through-
out the series, Dwayne was a mathematics major and a
calculus teacher. Known for his ip-up glasses, Dwayne
was involved in romantic relationships with several of
the female characters on the show. By contrast, Steve
Urkel, on Family Matters (19891997) was the ste-
reotypical geeky character, depicted in thick glasses,
suspenders, and with a high-pitched voice. Whereas
Dwayne was portrayed as popular with the opposite
sex, Urkel was portrayed as an annoying neighbor of
the Winslows who was grimly tolerated from week to
week, though even he ultimately gained the audiences
sympathy and became engaged to the Winslowss
daughter Laura near the end of the shows run.
Other black characters with mathematical talent
include Geordi LaForge of Star Trek: The Next Gen-
eration (19871994) and Turkov, of Star Trek: Voyager.
Geordi eventually became the chief engineer on the
Enterprise and a close friend of the android charac-
ter Data. Often the two of them would discuss various
details of twenty-fourth-century physics. Tuvok, though
984 Television, Mathematics in
chief security ofcer of Voyager, also displayed a deep
knowledge of science and mathematics. Both Geordi
and Tuvok were valued members of their respective
crews and were portrayed as scientic experts.
Such depictions of mathematicians and diversity
offer great promise for the future, as television shows
continue to reect how society views mathematics and
also impact those views themselves. In the twenty-rst
century, some have noted an increase in the portrayals
of mathematics and mathematically talented individu-
als on television. Examples include mathematical dis-
cussions by the main characters on Bones (2005); an
intern on House (2004) named Martha Masters has a
Ph.D. in applied mathematics, who joined the cast in
2010; and forensic pathologist Dr. Maura Isles on Riz-
zoli and Isles (2010), who often discusses mathemati-
cal concepts.
Further Reading ABC.comDancing with the StarsHow
Voting Works.
Coe, Paul R., and William T. Butterworth. Come On
DownThe Prize Is Right in Your Classroom.
PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in
Mathematics Undergraduate Studies 14, no. 1 (2004).
Devlin, Keith, and Gary Lorden. The Numbers behind
NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics. New
York: Plume, 2007.
Eglash, R. Race, Sex and Nerds: From Black Geeks
to Asian-American Hipsters. Social Text 20, no. 2
(Summer 2002).
Greenwald, Sarah, and Andrew Nestler. Mathematics
and Mathematicians on The Simpsons. http://
MacLean, Mark. Math in the Real World: Mathematical
Moments From Reality Television. Math Horizons 12,
no. 4 (2005).
Pegg, Ed, Jr. The Math Behind Numb3rs. http://
Polster, Burkard, and Marty Ross. Mathematics Goes
To the Movies.
Leigh H. Edwards
Christopher D. Goff
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Movies, Mathematics in; Nielsen Ratings;
Plays; Science Fiction; Televisions; Writers, Producers,
and Actors.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Data Analysis and Probability;
Geometry; Measurement; Number and Operations.
Summary: Innovations in television technology rely
upon a sophisticated use of mathematics, physics, and
Humans process reality by initially recording light
and sound waves through the eyes and ears and then
transmitting these data to the brain where they are
transformed and synthesized into intelligible matter.
In a similar manner, the engineering challenge of tele-
vision from its conception has been to record data,
transmit them (via electricity), and then reconstitute
them at a physical distance from its origin. Television
is a relatively recent invention. The rst appearance of
the word (a combination of Greek and Latin words,
meaning far-seeing) occurred in 1900 at the Inter-
national Electricity Congress at the Paris Exhibition.
It was not one single person who invented television,
but a number of scientists, engineers, and visionar-
ies working independently in different countries who
devised the necessary technology and mathematics.
Television has changed dramatically from its rst
appearance as an electromechanical system to elec-
tronic systems, including cathode ray tube (CRT),
liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma, and three-
dimensional (3D) television.
Image Scanning and Aspect Ratio
Scanning the image required it to be disassembled into
discrete pieces of picture that could then be transmitted
separately and reassembled as a sequence of images on a
screen, with each image recomposed from those smaller
pieces of the picture. If the sequence of images could
be displayed on the receivers end rapidly enough, they
would appear to the human eye as a continuous whole
of moving images. This approach makes use of the fact
that the human eye can distinguish two parallel lines
Televisions 985
only if they are about one-thirtieth of a degree apart
and will blend 12 images per second into a moving
whole. In the 1920s, the transmission of images went
from an unacceptably choppy ve per second to 12.5
and more.
The earliest scanning mechanism is known as the
Nipkow disk, named for the German physicist Paul
Nipkow, and versions and renements of this were
used as late as the 1930s. It consisted of a disk with
a spiral of small holes in it and a photosensitive cell
made of selenium on the other side of the plate from
the image. One revolution of the disk corresponded
to one complete image, with the holes as they rotated
capturing the image in a series of lines. The number
of such lines depended on the number of holes, which
thus determined the degree of resolution of the image.
A second disk was then rotated at the receiving end,
playing back the captured image. One drawback of the
Nipkow disk was that the scanned lines were not linear,
which changed the geometry.
Historians debate why Thomas Edison chose to
represent the geometry of television using the rect-
angular 4:3 aspect ratio, which indicates the ratio of
the width to the height of the image. Some hypoth-
esize that Edison chose this because the ratio approxi-
mates the golden mean while others assert that his
motivation was to save money by cutting 70 mm lm
stock in half. The Society of Motion Picture Engi-
neers adopted this ratio in 1917 and it was standard
for many years. The international standard for high-
denition television was devised mathematically in
1980 by electrical engineer Kerns H. Powers. Powers
analyzed the common aspect ratios in use at the time
and normalized them to a constant area to t them in
a rectangle. When overlapped via their centers, they
shared a common inner rectangle. He computed the
geometric mean to obtain the 16:9 aspect ratio that
continues to be the standard for televisions in the
twenty-rst century.
A uniform aspect ratio for television created another
problem of how to capture the ratio on 35 mm lm.
Mathematical principles were used to develop lenses
that were anamorphic, which stemmed from the
Greek words meaning formed again. Ultra Panavision
used counter-rotated prisms, Technirama used curved
mirrors and reection principles, and CinemaScope
used a cylindrical lens. However, the lenses created dis-
tortion problems as compared to spherical lenses. In
the twenty-rst century, mathematics continues to play
a role in anamorphic widescreen processes.
CRT Television
While electromechanical televisions such as the Nip-
kow disk were being developed, an electronic alterna-
tive that used a CRT rather than mechanical parts was
also being explored. Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir
Zworykin, among others, worked independently on
this technology in the United States in the late 1920s.
The diameter of the round picture tube, which was also
the diagonal of the rectangular cover, was the critical
parameter. Televisions are still measured on the diago-
nal in the twenty-rst century.
The innovation involved harnessing electrical prop-
erties of matter. At the receiving end is a CRTa glass
vacuum tube, which receives the incoming transmitted
986 Televisions
3D Television
tereoscopic effects produced by special
televisions add a perceived depth of dimen-
sion to standard television that has previously
been represented by only height and width,
though this technology was still in its infancy
at the start of the twenty-rst century. Mathe-
matics plays an important role in the evolution
of home 3D technology. For example, it is used
in determining the proper viewing distance
and angle, which depend on the geometry of
the display and the location of the viewer in a
(often) small space. However, there is a great
deal of variability in the process. At the start
of the twenty-rst century, some people com-
plain of headaches caused by improper paral-
lax, interocular distance
in the images or
display, or
difculty in
ing the
signal that represents the picture, known as the video
signal (audio and visual components are transmitted
separately). At one end of the CRT is a cathode, which
is heated so that it will radiate electrons (negatively
charged particles) that are then attracted along the
circuit to the other end of the tube (called the anode
end), which is at positive electric potential for this
purpose. This beam of electrons is focused electrically
by charged plates and can be delicately manipulated by
interactions with a magnetic eld produced by electric
current passing through coils.
At this end of the tube is a photosensitive phosphor-
coated screen, which has the property of responding to
the beam of electrons by emitting light that is propor-
tional in intensity, point for point, to the beam that is
moved across it. The video signal is synchronized with
the electron beam so that the variations in the beam
relay image information. The beam moves line-by-
line, lighting the phosphor that illuminates the screen
on which the image is viewed. Color images necessitate
a more complicated technology than black-and-white
images: three signals, one for each of the primary col-
ors (red, green, and blue) and three electron beams are
exploited to produce color images.
LCD and Plasma
CRT television was standard through the 1980s but the
line-by-line sweeping of the electron beam across the
screen takes time and faster technology is available on
high-denition television (HDTV), which depends on
either an LCD or a plasma screen. The image received
via these newer technologies is still comprised of small
units, called pixels (an abbreviation of picture ele-
ments), but these operate differently. In an LCD sys-
tem, each pixel is deployed by an electrically stimulated
liquid crystal, which undergoes internal molecular
rearrangement in such a way as to polarize (lter)
light that is shone from the back. Intensity of light is
adjusted by a blocking procedure similar to sunglasses.
In a plasma screen, however, each pixel functions like a
miniature uorescent light, since it contains a mixture
of gases and mercury that respond to electric charge
by radiating energy that in turn causes phosphor on a
screen to emit light.
Further Reading
Abramson, Albert. The History of Television, 18801941.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1987.
. The History of Television, 19422000. Jefferson,
NC: McFarland & Company, 2003.
Noll, A. Michael. Television Technology: Fundamentals
and Future Prospects. Norwood, MA: Artech
House, 1988.
Todorovic, Aleksandar Louis. Television Technology
Demystied: A Non-Technical Guide. Philadelphia:
Elsevier, 2006.
Connie Wilmarth
See Also: Digital Images; Digital Storage; Electricity;
Energy; Television, Mathematics in.
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Scientists and mathematicians have
developed and investigated a variety of principles and
scales associated with the measurement and denition
of temperature.
Quantication of temperature is necessary for many
reasons, including scientic experiments, weather pre-
diction, and many manufacturing processes. Tempera-
ture, by its formal denition, measures the movement
of molecules in an object. Greater movement results in
higher temperatures; conversely, less movement results
in lower temperatures. The byproduct is heat, so tem-
perature is often thought to measure the heat of an
object. Mathematicians, many of whom are also physi-
cists, have made signicant contributions in quantify-
ing heat and developing the temperature scales widely
used in the twenty-rst century.
Joseph Fourier began heat investigations in the early
nineteenth century. His work On the Propagation of
Heat in Solid Bodies was controversial at the time of its
publication in 1807. Joseph Lagrange and Pierre-Simon
Laplace argued against Fouriers trigonometric series
expansions; however, Fourier series are widely used in
a variety of theories and applications in the twenty-
rst century. Jean-Baptiste Biot, Simone Poisson, and
Temperature 987
Laplace objected at various times to Fouriers derivation
of his heat transfer equations. In 1831, Franz Neumann
formulated the notion that molecular heat is the sum of
the atomic heats of the components. Studying mixtures
of hot and cold water, which did not produce water that
was the average of the two temperatures, he concluded
that waters specic gravity increases with temperature.
This relationship was later shown by other researchers
to be true only for a certain range of temperatures. In
the late nineteenth century, James Maxwell and Lud-
wig Boltzmann independently developed what is now
known as the MaxwellBoltzmann kinetic theory of
gases, showing that heat is a function of only molecu-
lar movement. Their equations have many applications,
including estimating the heat of the sun.
Around the same time, Josef Stefan proposed that the
total energy emitted by a hot body was proportional to
the fourth power of the temperature, based on empirical
observations. In the twentieth and twenty-rst centuries,
scientists continued to study heat and have developed
mathematical and statistical models to estimate heat.
These models are used in areas like astronomy, weather
prediction, and the global warming debate.
Measuring Tools and Temperature Scales
Heat can be difcult to quantify. Scientists and math-
ematicians developed many methods and instruments
to measure and describe perceived temperature. Some
of the earliest were called thermoscopes, often attributed
to Galileo Galilei. In the early 1700s, Gabriel Fahrenheit
created mercury thermometers and marked them with
units that became known as degrees Fahrenheit. He
empirically calibrated his thermometer using three val-
ues. Icy salt water was assigned temperature zero. Pure
ice water was labeled 30. A healthy man would show
a reading of 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Later, Fahrenheit
would measure the temperature of pure boiling water
as 212 degrees Fahrenheit, adjusting the freezing point
of water to be 32 degrees Fahrenheit so there was 180
degrees between the freezing and boiling point of water.
Anders Celsius created a different temperature scale
in the mid-1700s. The Celsius temperature scale was
numerically inverted with respect to Fahrenheit. He
used 100 to indicate the freezing point of water and
0 for the boiling point of water. Because there were
100 steps in his temperature scale, he referred to it
as a centigrade (centi means a hundred and grade
means step). A few years later, Carolus Linnus alleg-
edly reversed the scale to make zero the freezing point
and 100 the boiling point.
About a century after Celsius created his scale, Wil-
liam Thomson, Lord Kelvin, is given credit for the idea
of an absolute zero, a temperature so cold that molecules
do not move. The Kelvin scale was precisely dened
much later after scientists and mathematicians bet-
ter understood the concept of conservation of energy.
Near-absolute zero conditions produce many interest-
ing problems in mathematics and science. For exam-
ple, clumping of atoms as they approach an unmoving
state can be studied as a classic packing problem, which
has extensions in areas like materials science and digi-
tal compression. The Kelvin temperature scale uses the
same scale as centigrade, with absolute zero about 273
degrees below the freezing point of pure water. Con-
verting from degrees centigrade to Kelvin is as simple
as shifting the scale by adding 273.
In the mid-twentieth century, the centigrade scale
was replaced with the Celsius scale. The changes were
relatively minor, so one estimates the freezing and
boiling points of water to be 0 degrees Celsius and 100
degrees Celsius. In actuality, 100 degrees Celsius (the
boiling point of water) is now 99.975 degrees Celsius.
Converting from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit,
or degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, involves mul-
tiplicative rescaling, not just translation, since 1 degree
Celsius is 1.8 times larger than 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Further Reading
Callen, Herbert B. Thermodynamics and an Introduction
to Thermostatistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1985.
Chang, Hasok. Inventing Temperature: Measurement
and Scientic Progress. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2004.
Liptk, Bla G. Temperature Measurement. Radnor, PA:
Chilton Book Co., 1993.
Pitts, Donald R., and Leighton E. Sissom. Schaums
Outline of Theory and Problems of Heat Transfer. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Quinn, T. J. Temperature. San Diego, CA: Academic
Press, 1990.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Climate Change; Clouds; Cooking;
Geothermal Energy; Measuring Tools; Thermostat;
Weather Forecasting.
988 Temperature
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Representations.
Summary: Mathematics is integral to creating both
traditional and modern weave patterns in textiles.
Textiles are exible sheets made out of bers. Natural
textiles are made from plants, animals, or minerals;
articial textiles use human-made bers, like plastic
or synthetic proteins. Woven textiles combine longer
ber threads either by hand or by using looms or knit-
ting machines. In nonwoven textiles, like felt, short or
microscopic bers are bonded by chemical or physical
treatments. Nonwovens are often meant to be highly
durable or disposable and have many applications
in health, construction, and ltration technologies.
Mathematical methods are used to design, produce,
and analyze textiles. In 1804, Joseph Jacquard invented
a weaving system using cards with patterns of holes
to control loom threads. These cards were later modi-
ed by Charles Babbage into computer punch cards.
Weaver and mathematics teacher Ada Dietz wrote
Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles in 1949.
She outlined a method for using expansions of multi-
variate polynomials to generate weaving patterns.
Weave Formulas
On a loom, warp threads are held parallel and weft
threads are passed over and under them. A pattern
formed in one pass of weft can be either repeated exactly,
transposed, or otherwise changed in the next passes. Let
A stand for warp threads on top and E stand for the
weft thread on top. In plain fabric, a pattern AEAE . . .
indicates that the weave is transposed by one thread in
the next row. Basket weave uses AAEEAAEE . . . , so the
pattern is repeated for two rows and then transposed
by two (or some other whole number) for the next two
rows. Satin is AAAAEAAAAE . . . , giving four repeats
followed by one transposition. A satin weave results
in the majority of the threads being parallel, so light is
minimally scattered, producing the characteristic sheen.
In contrast, twill has a distinct, textured diagonal pat-
tern formed by using an EEAEEA . . . weaving scheme.
Patterns may be added to plain weaves by printing or
dying the fabric. The U.S. group Complex Weavers pro-
vides a forum for sharing advanced weaving methods
and patterns, such as manifold twill.
Patterns and other factors like the thread intersec-
tions per area also dictate other properties. For exam-
ple, plain weave fabrics tear the easiest, because force
is applied to the single thread immediately next to the
tear. Crimp is how easily the fabric morphs under ten-
sion. Plain weaves generally morph the easiest. Wrinkle
resistance is the opposite; the more freedom of move-
ment threads have, the easier it is for them to return to
smoothness. Satin is an example of a wrinkle-resistant
weave. On the other hand, satin silks shrink the most
because their weave pattern is loose. Twill has a rela-
tively high resistance to tearing, which makes fabrics
such as jean popular for working clothing.
Cultural Textiles
Textiles are a signicant cultural art form for many
people in Africa. The three most well-known forms
are kente, adire, and adinkra. Kente cloth is woven in
long narrow strips, traditionally by Asante and Ewe
men, and then sewn together into larger pieces of fab-
ric that may be used for clothing or household goods.
The cloth was often a sign of wealth and kept for spe-
cial occasions. There are more than 300 known kente
patterns, many of which represent people or historical
events. Widely found adira cloth has patterns made by
resistance dying. The cloth is tied, stitched, or stenciled,
often with geometric patterns, to prevent the dye from
adhering to some portions of the cloth. Adinkra cloth
is printed, usually by drawing a square grid and stamp-
ing symbols into each square. This highly developed
symbol language expresses concrete and abstract con-
cepts, such as transformation or unity. Like kente cloth,
adinkra often tells stories or proverbs. Tessellations and
other repeating patterns are also common. In Ghana,
the cloth was originally worn for mourning and some
is still reserved for that purpose.
In Scotland, tartans represent families, clans, or
regions. A sett is a specic plaid pattern, specied by
sequences and widths of colored stripes. The pattern is
formed by interweaving bands of stripes at right angles.
Most are symmetrical, which means the sett is reected
90 degrees around a pivot or center stripe. Asymmetri-
cal setts have no pivot point. Symmetry has implica-
tions in kilt making. A kilt pleated to the sett has pleats
folded to visually reproduce the tartan pattern across
the back of the kilt, often not possible with an asym-
metric pattern. Tartan patterns have been investigated
with mathematical methods, such as group theory, and
Textiles 989
they are used in classrooms as examples of symmetry.
Artist Andrew Hennessey has proposed stella tartan
in which tartan setts would be woven radially and over-
lap in irregular polygon patterns.
High-Technology Textiles
The Industrial Revolution made rapid mass production
of textiles feasible and the textile industry has since used
many mathematical and computational techniques to
continue its evolution. These techniques include dif-
ferential equations, numerical methods, image pro-
cessing, pattern recognition, and statistics. Computer-
aided design (CAD) and computer-aided looms (CAL)
are widespread. Application areas include supply chain
management, quality control, and product develop-
ment. The latter may involve structural modeling and
simulation, as well as thermal or biomechanical bio-
engineering, particularly for specialty textiles. Some
competitive swimwear has tiny triangular projections
that mimick shark skin to reduce drag. An absorbent,
nonwoven textile called air-laid paper is used in dia-
pers. Integrating tiny light-emitting diodes into fabric
allows clothes to change color or display text or ani-
mation. Thermal self-regulation may be achieved with
phase-changing microcapsules that become uid for
cooling or solid to release heat, as needed. Weak link
theory and bundle theory, as well as research in twisted
continuous laments, helical modeling of yarns, two-
dimensional elasticity theory, aerodynamics, and many
other investigations have also revolutionized the indi-
vidual threads that compose fabric, often changing its
properties even when using traditional weaves.
Further Reading
Dietz, Ada. Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles.
Louisville, KY: The Little Loomhouse, 1949. http://
Harris, Mary. Common Thread: Women, Mathematics
and Work. Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books
Limited, 1997.
Zeng, Xianyi, Yi Li, Da Ruan, and Ludovic Koehl.
Computational Textile. Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Maria Droujkova
See Also: Algebra in Society; Crochet and Knitting;
Engineering Design; Matrices.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Measurement.
Summary: Thermostats are mathematically
calibrated according to physical principles to regulate
temperature in a variety of settings.
Thermostats and thermometers are related instru-
ments that perform different tasks. A thermometer
measures (meter) heat (thermo) to determine
and display a current temperature. On the other hand,
a thermostat is designed to keep the heat (thermo)
stationary (stat) to help maintain a desired tempera-
ture. Inventor and college professor Warren S. Johnson
produced the rst electronic room thermostats in 1883.
He installed them in classrooms to keep students more
comfortable in cold weather and to minimize outside
interruptions. In the twenty-rst century, thermostats
are most commonly found inside vehicle engines and
as a part of residential, commercial, or industrial heat-
ing systemsthough they can also be found in appli-
ances, like gas stoves.
In an automobile engine, the thermostat helps regu-
late temperature so that the engine operates properly
and efciently. The thermostat acts as a control valve
for the coolant uid, which ows within an engine and
to a separate radiator that helps to cool the hot cool-
ant. When an engine is rst started, the thermostat is
closed, and the coolant owing within the engine cycles
through only the engine until it warms up to an ideal
temperature. The thermostat measures the tempera-
ture change using a special type of wax. Initially, the
wax is solid but as the temperature of the surrounding
coolant increases, the wax melts and expands to allow
hot uid to ow from the engine to the radiator and
cooler uid to ow from the radiator back in to the
hot engine. If the engine gets too hot, the thermostat
will open more to allow coolant from the radiator to
permeate through the engine. On the other hand, if
the engine begins to get too cold, the thermostat will
begin to close, allowing less coolant into the radiator
and more coolant to cycle through the engine to heat it
back up. The thermostat is mathematically calibrated
to the engine type and will automatically make the
needed corrections as the vehicle is in use.
990 Thermostat
A thermostat used to control temperature in a building
similarly does not directly heat (or cool) the rooms. In
this situation, it controls a heating (or cooling) unit,
which is used to help regulate the temperature. In many
systems, a bimetallic strip is used to measure the tem-
perature of a room. Metals expand and contract as they
heat and cool. Bimetallic strips work because different
metals expand and contract at different rates. A strip
of steel and a strip of copper (or brass) will be placed
together and the ends secured to each other. If the tem-
perature does not change, the strip remains at. When
the temperature changes, the different rate of expan-
sion or contraction will cause the at strip to develop
a curve toward the metal that has changed less. The
amount of curvature can be matched mathematically
to a specic degree or range of change in temperature,
triggering the system to adjust accordingly.
To increase the sensitivity of the thermostat, most
bimetallic strips are long and coiled inside the ther-
mostat. The coil loosens or winds more tightly with
a change in room temperature. At a certain point, the
bimetallic strips movements will trigger the heating unit
to turn either on or off. Once turned on, the thermostat
uses weights or magnets to keep the heating unit from
turning off too quickly. Without these devices, the ther-
mostat would create short cycles (turning on and off
quickly), which are generally inefcient and could cause
a premature failure of the heating unit. Since the bime-
tallic strips movement depends directly on the tempera-
ture of the immediately surrounding air, the thermostat
should not be placed in a location that would cause an
inaccurate reading. One common mistake is placing the
thermostat by a heat register, where hot air owing out
will trigger the thermostat to turn the heating unit off
before the rest of the room has acclimated.
Electronic Variations
More advanced thermostats frequently use electronic
rather than electromechanical sensors and may have
more than a simple on-off setting. Setpoint staging
uses one type of heating process, or stage, when the
room temperature is within two degrees of the ther-
mostat setting and another when the difference is
greater than two degrees from the thermostat setting.
Time-based staging activates a secondary stage or unit
after the rst stage runs for a predetermined amount
of time, indicating that the room is colder or hotter
than some preset value. Multistage thermostats analyze
variables such as the current room temperature, the
desired temperature, and the amount of time it takes
for a space to warm or cool one degree to determine
mathematically when to use a second heating stage.
Further Reading
Automatic and Programmable Thermostats. Merrield,
VA: Energy Efciency and Renewable Energy
Clearinghouse, 1997.
Brumbaugh, James E. Audel HVAC Fundamentals,
Heating Systems, Furnaces and Boilers. 4th ed.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Cleveland, Cutler J., et al. Dictionary of Energy. Expanded
ed. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2009.
Miles, Victor Chesney. Thermostatic Control; Principles
and Practice. London: Newnes, 1965.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Auto Racing; Budgeting; Measuring Tools;
Thermostat 991
Other Thermostat
he term thermostat is also used in sta-
tistical thermodynamics, which applies
probability theory to systems made up of a
large number of particles. This eld of study
helps relate the large-scale properties of mate-
rials observed by people in everyday life to
the microscopic properties of the atoms and
molecules from which they are made. Here, a
thermostat mathematically maintains a con-
stant temperature in computer simulations of
molecular dynamics by realistically exchanging
the energy of endothermic and exothermic pro-
cesses that happen during the simulation. For
example, the Gaussian thermostat, named for
mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, maintains
system temperature by rescaling the velocities
of the simulated atoms at each individual step
of the simulation.
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and
Operations; Problem Solving.
Summary: Traditional Tic-Tac-Toe has a limited
number of possible games, which can lead players
to quickly discover an unbeatable strategy as long as
they move rst.
Tic-tac-toe is a famous game often played by children.
It requires a playing board of a 3-by-3 arrangement of
square cells, usually quickly drawn by making two ver-
tical lines cross two horizontal lines and imagining an
outer border. Two players alternate marking cells with
either an X (usually the rst player) or an O (the sec-
ond player). Each attempts to put three of their marks
in a straight line, while trying to block the attempts of
the other. The winner is the player who rst makes the
three-in-a-row line. Unfortunately for the challenge of
the game, the rst player can always win by putting an
X in the center cell and playing carefully. Children often
learn this strategy and the game can become mundane
if this strategy is always employed.
Play Possibilities
However, tic-tac-toe is simple enough that it can serve
as a fairly easy example of game analysis, where all pos-
sible positions and plays are determined. Most other
games are so complex that such analyses are over-
whelmingly complex.
Ignoring symmetric patterns, there are three pos-
sible rst playsa corner, a side, or the center. The
second play patterns are based on these three open-
ings. Again, ignoring symmetries, the corner opening
leads to ve possible second moves, the side opening
also allows ve possible second moves, but following
a center opening there are only two possible second
plays. Hence, there are a total of 12 noncongruent,
nonsymmetrical second plays. Similar exploration
of the possibilities shows a total of 66 possible third
moves, though 26 are duplications, so there are only
40 noncongruent arrangements after the third play.
Then, it becomes much more complicated because
of overlaps of rst- and third-move Xs and second-
and fourth-move Os. This fact demonstrates that even
in such a simple game as tic-tac-toe, the full analysis
becomes quite complex.
The 3-by-3 magic square (with numbers 19 arranged
in the cells so that each row, column, and diagonal sums
to 15) looks like a tic-tac-toe board with numbers. A
game can be played where players take turns choosing
numbers 19 (without repeats), trying to reach a sum of
15 with three numbers. Playing this game and placing
the numbers onto the 3-by-3 magic square turns out to
follow the same general games strategies as tic-tac-toe.
Tic-tac-toe can become a much more interest-
ingand challenginggame by expanding the board
to three dimensions. If the game is played on a stack
of three 3-by-3 boards (a cube of 27 cells), any row of
three is a win. Some have suggested that a 4-by-4-by-4
cube, with a line of four to win, is a smoother game.
Winning lines can lie entirely on a horizontal level,
drop vertically from top to bottom, slant along a verti-
cal plane, or go from one corner to the opposite cor-
ner along the body diagonal. New players often have
difculty even noticing winning lines! For even more
complexity, the game can be played in four dimen-
sions, usually displayed as a two-dimensional array of
two-dimensional boards, assuming the boards can be
stacked in any of the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal
ways, with winning lines in any of the stacks according
to the three-dimensional patterns, a variation that can
be either 3-by-3-by-3-by-3 or 4-by-4-by-4-by-4.
Alternatively, the traditional board can be imaged to
extend innitely, allowing more possibilities for win-
ning lines. One version keeps the traditional board but
assumes the left column wraps to be next to the right
column, so a line of three can be the upper center, the
right center, and the left bottom corner. Similarly, the
top and bottom rows can be considered as wrapping
around to be next to each other.
Nine-Mens Morris
Many games from around the world pick up on the
ideas of tic-tac-toe, especially the goal of making three
(or more) counters in a row. Probably the most famous
is called Nine-Mens Morris in English (also called
mill or, in French, merelles or morelles); some sug-
gest early versions were even played in ancient Egypt.
The board is three concentric squares connected in the
middles of the sides, with each junction and corner
marked with a dot. Two players each have nine coun-
ters, marked to distinguish those of each player. They
take turns playing their counters onto the dots of the
992 Tic-Tac-Toe
board, trying to get three in a row, which is called a
mill. After players use up the nine counters each, play
continues by sliding already-played counters along the
lines on the board. Anytime a row of three is made by
one player, the player is allowed to remove one of the
other players counters (but they cannot take a counter
that is already in a mill). Eventually, one player either
has no counters left or cannot move any remaining
counters, and the other player wins.
Further Reading
Beck, Jozsef. Combinatorial Games: Tic-Tac-Toe
Theory. In Mathematical Constants: Encyclopedia of
Mathematics and its Applications. Edited by Steven R.
Finch. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Malumphy, Chris. 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe. http://home
Masters, James. Nine Mens Morris, MillOnline
Smit, William. 4-D Tic-Tac-Toe Game. http://www
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Tic Tac Toe: And Other Three-In-
A Row Games From Ancient Egypt to the Modern
Computer. Toronto: Crowell, 1982.
Lawrence H. Shirley
See Also: Acrostics, Word Squares, and Anagrams;
Board Games; Dice Games; Sudoku.
Tides and Waves
Category: Weather, Nature, and Environment.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Number and Operations.
Summary: Mathematicians study and model the
forces that cause tides and waves.
Approximately 70% of the Earths surface is covered with
water, most of which is in a constant state of motion.
The causes of this motion include the gravitational pull
of celestial bodies in space, like the sun and moon; the
rotation and shape of the Earth; and the inuence of
natural phenomena, like wind and earthquakes. Math-
ematicians have long studied tides and waves, following
in the path of ancient scholars and others who sought
to understand these phenomena for many spiritual and
practical reasons, such as sailing. In the twenty-rst
century, people still travel both above and below the
surface of the oceans for research, commerce, and plea-
sure, and there are many problems old and new to be
explored. Some interesting mathematical investigations
related to tides and waves at the start of the twenty-
rst century include three-dimensional modeling of
extreme waves (also called rogue waves), such as
those observed during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
and the Hurricane Katrina storm surges in 2005. Math-
ematicians, scientists, and engineers have also explored
methods and developed technology to harness tide and
wave power as an alternative energy source, includ-
ing methods that actually create waves in addition to
using naturally-occurring ones. Some colleges and uni-
versities teach courses on tides and waves that involve
substantial mathematics. The theme of Mathematics
Awareness Month in 2001 was Mathematics and the
Ocean, underscoring the importance and relationship
of ocean phenomena and mathematics, as well as the
depth and breadth of the topics studied.
Water in Earths oceans moves in a variety of ways,
including many scales of currents, tides, and waves.
Mathematicians and scholars from ancient times up
through the Renaissance observed, identied, and
quantied tidal patterns. The term tides generally
refers to the overall cyclic rising and falling of ocean
levels with respect to landthough tides have been
observed in large lakes, the atmosphere, and Earths
crust, resulting largely from the same forces that pro-
duce ocean tides.
The daily tide cycles are caused by the moons grav-
ity, which makes the oceans bulge in the direction of
the moon. A corresponding rise occurs on the opposite
side of the Earth at the same time, because the moon is
also pulling on the Earth itself. Most regions on Earth
have two high tides and two low tides every day, known
as semidiurnal tides, which result from the daily rota-
tion of the Earth relative to the moon. Since the angle
of the moons orbital plane also affects gravitational
pull on Earths curved surface, some regions have only
one cycle of high and low, known as diurnal tides.
The height of tides varies according to many variables,
including coastline shape; water depth (bathymetry);
Tides and Waves 993
latitude; and the position of the sun, which also exerts
gravitational force. Spring tides, not named for the
season, are extremely high and low tides that occur
during full and new moons when the sun and moon
are in a straight line with the Earth, and their gravi-
tational effects are additive. A proxigean spring tide
occurs roughly once every 1.5 years when the moon
is at its proxigee (closest distance to Earth) and posi-
tioned between the sun and the Earth. Neap tides mini-
mize the difference between high and low tides. They
occur during the moons quarter phases when the suns
gravitational pull is acting at right angles to the moons
pull with respect to the Earth.
A few of the many contributors to the theory and
mathematical description of tides include Galileo
Galilei, Ren Descartes, Johannes Kepler, Daniel Ber-
noulli, Leonhard Euler, Pierre Laplace, George Darwin,
and Horace Lamb. Some mathematicians, like Colin
994 Tides and Waves
Maclaurin and George Airy, won scientic prizes for
their research. Work by mathematician William Thom-
son (Lord Kelvin) on harmonic analysis of tides led to
the construction of tide-predicting machines.
There are many mathematical approaches to the study
of waves in the twenty-rst century, and some math-
ematicians center their research around this topic. In
contrast to tides, a wave is a more localized disturbance
of water in the form of a propagating ridge or swell
that occurs on the surface of a body of water. Despite
the fact that surface waves appear to be moving when
observed, they do not move water particles horizon-
tally along the entire path of the wave. Rather, they
combine limited longitudinal or horizontal motions
with transverse or vertical motions. Water particles
in a wave oscillate in localized, circular patterns as the
Officers of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Corps photographed the devastation caused in
New Orleans by the 2005 Hurricane Katrinas storm surges.
energy propagates through the liquid, with a radius
that decreases as the water depth or distance from the
crest of the wave increases. Wind is a primary cause of
surface waves, because of frictional drag between air
and water particles. Larger waves, like tsunamis, result
from underwater Earth movements, such as earth-
quakes and landslides.
The NavierStokes equations, named for Claude-
Louis Navier and George Stokes, are partial differential
equations that describe uid motion and are widely
used in the study of tides and waves. Solutions to these
equations are often found and veried using numerical
methods. The CoriolisStokes force, named for George
Stokes and Gustave Coriolis, mathematically describes
force in a rotating uid, such as the small rotations
in surface waves. A few examples of individuals with
diverse approaches who have won prizes in this area
include Joseph Keller, who has researched many forms
and properties of waves, including geometrical diffrac-
tion and propagation; Michael Lighthill and Thomas
Benjamin, who jointly posed the BenjaminLighthill
conjecture regarding nonlinear steady water waves,
which continues to spur research in both theoreti-
cal and applied mathematics; and Sijue Wu, who has
researched the well-posedness of the fully two- and
three-dimensional nonlinear wave problem in vari-
ous function spaces, using techniques like harmonic
analysis. In other theoretical and applied areas, some
techniques from dynamical systems theory, statistical
analysis, and data assimilation, which combines data
and partial differential equations, have been useful for
formulating and solving wave problems.
Further Reading
Cartwright, David. Tides: A Scientic History. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Johnson, R. I. A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical
Theory of Water Waves. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. Mathematics
Awareness Month April 2001: Mathematics and the
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Coral Reefs; Gravity; Mapping Coastlines;
Marine Navigation; Moon; Radiation; Swimming.
Time, Measuring
See Measuring Time
Time Signatures
Category: Arts, Music, and Entertainment.
Fields of Study: Measurement; Number and
Summary: Musical time signatures are
mathematically dened and are cyclical in nature.
A time signature is a musical notation that denes the
meter of a particular composition or a portion of a
composition. It establishes a hierarchical, cyclic rela-
tionship among beats and among the subdivisions
of those beats, which are inherently mathematical in
nature. The history of time signatures is somewhat
unclear. Some suggest that time signatures rst made
their appearance around 1000 c.e., though they may
not have looked like the ones used in the twenty-rst
century. Others date the development of the fractional-
form time signature closer to the fteenth century.
Nearly all modern Western music uses time signatures
or some type of grouped pulses. Along with tempo
(rate of beats), musicians use time signatures to gain
an understanding of the relation of the elements of a
piece of music to one another in time, particularly with
regard to a contextual temporal metric.
A time signature normally consists of two integers,
written with one directly above the other. Although it is
often notated in prose as a fraction (for example, n/b),
it is not a fraction and does not contain a dividing bar
or solidus. A time signature appears in the rst mea-
sure of a composition (in the staff following the clef
and key signature), where it denes the default meter
for the composition as a whole or until any subsequent
time signature occurs that establishes a new default.
Meters and Beat
Time signatures may dene various types of meters:
simple, compound, complex, additive, or open. In
Time Signatures 995
simple meters (those in which the beats have a binary
division), the upper integer indicates the number of
beats in any one measure. The lower integer is con-
ventionally expressed as a power of two, b = 2
, and
species what rhythmic value receives the beat. For
instance, the time signature
indicates a simple meter in which every measure con-
tains two beats and the quarter-note value is the rela-
tive duration of each beat. In compound meters (where
beats divide into triples), the upper integer n, which
is larger than three and divisible by it, designates that
each measure contains n/3 beats. The lower integer,
b = 2
, indicates that the dotted 1/2
-th note receives
the beat (the total relative duration of a 1/2
-th note
and a 1/2
-th note). For example,
is the time signature for the compound meter in which
each measure has two beats, and the dotted quarter-
note duration (a quarter-note value plus an eighth-
note value, or equivalently three eighth-notes) repre-
sents the beat.
Meters: Complex and Open
Complex meters incorporate beats that normally
divide into a mixture of twos and threes. For example,
the time signature
(each measure has the duration of ve eighth-notes)
might divide into two unequal beats: one with two sub-
divisions and one with three. The time signature for
a complex meter might also be notated as an additive
meter, wherein the upper value is actually an arithmetic
expression that agrees with this pattern. For instance,
the complex meter
could be indicated by the time signature
2 3
An open meter is notated by the symbol
in place
of a more traditional time signature. It indicates that
the duration of each measure is dened merely by the
rhythmic values or graphic spacing of the notes it con-
tains and does not incorporate a recurring or other-
wise specied pattern of beats.
Cyclic Groups
Because of its cyclic nature, meter suggests a modular
temporal space, similar to clock time. Algebraically,
one might use cyclic groups to model different types of
meters. The time signature is useful in determining the
order of such a cyclic group, n from above, and what
relative duration represents a generating unit, b from
above. Then, the rst beat of a measure, beginning at
time-point zero, would associate with the identity ele-
ment of the cyclic group, and so on through the nth
beat of the measure. Any subsequent measures would
represent additional cycles through these sequential
group elements.
Interesting Time Signatures
Some time signatures are frequently used, like the lilting
rhythm of the following:
the waltz
or the quick Sousa march
A mathematician might argue that the number of
time signatures is limited because the number of beats
per measure quickly becomes divisible by a smaller
number, making it a multiple of another time signa-
ture. However, in music theory, time signatures have a
broader meaning in terms of tempo and musical phras-
ing, not just counts of beats. Interesting compositions
have been constructed by considering the mathemati-
cal properties of time signatures. Robert Schneider of
indie rock band The Apples in Stereo composed a score
for a play written by mathematician Andrew Granville
and his sister Jennifer Granville in which all the time
signatures had only prime numbers of beats per mea-
sure. It also included Greek mathematics related to
primes in musical form. An entire subgenre of music
called math rock, which emerged in the 1980s, is typi-
ed by uncommon time signatures such as
996 Time Signatures
These complex rhythms can also be found in some
mainstream music, such as the song Anthem by Rush,
which is partially written in
Further Reading
Lewin, David. Generalized Musical Intervals and
Transformations. New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 1987.
Mazzola, Guerino. The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of
Concepts, Theory, and Performance. Basel, Switzerland:
Birkhuser, 2002.
Rastall, Richard. Time Signatures. Grove Music Online.
Edited by L. Macy.
Wright, David. Mathematics and Music. Vol. 28 of
Mathematical World. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 2009.
Robert W. Peck
See Also: Ballet; Ballroom Dancing; Composing;
Popular Music; Step and Tap Dancing.
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: The geometry of modern toilets has been
analyzed by engineers using a variety of mathematical
and statistical methods.
In all human societies, the disposal of bodily waste
has been a primary health concern. It has been esti-
mated that the average human being produces one to
two liters of urine and one-quarter to one-half kilo-
gram of feces each day. Fecal matter, in particular, can
contribute to the spread of a wide range of diseases, as
bacteria and other pathogens can enter food and water
when waste is not treated properly. Such problems are
especially prevalent in areas of high population den-
sity and limited water resources. Over time, a range of
toilets and treatment systems have been developed to
deal with sewage. Because of the lack of resources and
infrastructure, many places in the world in the twenty-
rst century still contend with waterborne diseases that
originate in human waste.
Given that many mammals, including most primates,
choose to defecate in selected areas in their habitat, it
is likely that humans have had specic defecation sites
throughout history. Dry toilets, such as pit latrines and
outhouses, are ways communities formalized the loca-
tions in which humans defecate and are still used in
many parts of the world in the twenty-rst century. In
these systems, waste is concentrated in one place, ide-
ally where it will not infect drinking water. The earliest
sitting toilets that used running water to carry waste
away date to at least 2500 b.c.e. in the civilizations of
the Indus Valley, in what is now India and Pakistan. In
1596, Queen Elizabeth Is godson, Sir John Harrington,
invented the rst indoor ushing toilet. In 1775, Alex-
ander Cummings, a Scottish watchmaker who studied
mathematics, led a patent for a ush toilet. However,
it was not until the late 1700s in Europe and 1800s
in America that further modications and inventions
ushered in an age of modern plumbing.
Design and Operation
The geometry of modern toilets is essential to their ef-
ciency and is extensively analyzed by design engineers
using a variety of mathematical and statistical methods.
The modern home tank toilet consists of a storage tank,
a bowl, and an s-shaped siphon. Water is stored in the
tank. When the toilet is ushed, this water is released into
the bowl through rim jets on the underside of the toilets
rim and through a tube called the siphon jet that allows
most of the water to ow directly into the bowl. The bowl
is attached to an s-shaped tube, and the inux of water
from the tank into the bowl pushes the waste and water
over the lip of the s and down to an attached waste
system. The bowl clears because of the siphon-action
created. When the toilet nishes ushing, air enters the
siphon tube and stops the siphon. Meanwhile, a apper
valve in the toilet tank closes the connection between the
tank and the bowl and allows the tank to rell.
New Developments
The ush toilet takes a large volume of water to oper-
ate. In an era of increasingly limited resources, there
has been a movement to create low-ush and no-
Toilets 997
ush toilets. For example, toilets manufactured in the
United States prior to 1994 used 13 liters of water per
ush. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 required that toi-
lets use six liters or less per ush, and as of 2011, high-
efciency toilets used 4.8 liters per ush. In Europe,
dual ush toilets are common, providing the user
with a choice of how much water to use depending
on whether urine or feces is being ushed. Other tech-
nologies, including composting toilets that require no
water and allow waste to biodegrade for use as fertil-
izer, have been developed for use by ecologically con-
scious consumers and people in areas of the world
where water or sewage treatment facilities are limited.
In addition, a number of toilets have been developed
that include warmed seats, water and air jets for clean-
ing and drying the user, and built-in stool and urine
analysis for health assessments.
Modeling Toilet Use
Many modern homes now have multiple toilets and
ensuring adequate toilet facilities in public places
requires planning and calculation. Two statistical stud-
ies of public-restroom use in the late 1980s are still
referenced into the twenty-rst century. They focused
on the amount of time men and women spent in the
restroom and they provided some of the rst quantita-
tive evidence that women take longer and thus require
more toilets. This equity principle is known as potty
parity and has been enacted into law in many places.
Further Reading
George, Rose. The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable
Subject of Human Waste and Why It Matters. New
York: Henry Holt and Co., 2008.
Raum, Elizabeth. The Story Behind Toilets. Chicago:
Heinemann Library, 2009.
Jeff Goodman
See Also: Energy; Green Design; Water Quality.
Tools, Measuring
See Measuring Tools
See Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis
and Probability; Number and Operations;
Summary: Mathematical methods can be used to
seed the bracket for a tournament.
A tournament is any of a variety of competitions in
which a relatively large number of players or teams
compete at a sport, game, or other competitive activ-
ity. While formats differ widely, tournaments generally
involve teams or individuals playing a large number of
games in a relatively brief period of time. Typically, the
ostensible purpose is to determine a single overall win-
998 Tournaments
Coriolis Effect
here is a frequently recurring question of
whether the swirl of the water in toilets in
the southern hemisphere is opposite that in
the northern hemisphere. This notion has been
perpetuated in many ways, including popular
television shows and scientic programming
or textbooks. It is true that large oceanic and
atmospheric phenomena, such as hurricanes,
will spin in opposite directions in the two hemi-
spheres because of the Coriolis effect. In a
small-scale system like a toilet, the geometry
of the apparatus, along with water turbulence
or temperature, is a much more important fac-
tora fact that has been veried through sys-
tematic experimentation.
ner when the total number of players is (much) larger
than the number of players who can participate in a
single match. Tournaments of various kinds are held
for most competitive activities.
Considerable mathematics goes into the design of
tournaments and the choice of format for a particu-
lar tournament, often drawing from disciplines such
as combinatorics and graph theory. Different choices
about the rules of the tournament affect the appeal of
the tournament for participants and spectators and,
more importantly, can affect which players will be more
likely to win. The situation is somewhat analogous to
voting systems in which the outcome of a decision can
change based on the form of ballot, even when the vot-
ers preferences are unchanged.
Common Types of Tournaments
In a single-elimination knockout tournament, the
players compete in pairs. The loser of each game is
eliminated from the tournament; the winners go on to
the next round. This process continues until only one
player is left, who is declared the winner. If the num-
ber of competitors is not a power of two, then some
competitors sit out one or more initial rounds, auto-
matically advancing to the next round. Which players
sit out can be determined randomly or based on some
prior rankings. The schedule for which players meet in
the rst round, the winners of which of these games
will meet in the second round, and so on, is called the
bracket for the tournament. In situations where the
competitors are ranked in advance (for example, seeds
in a tennis tournament), care must be taken in design-
ing the bracket. It would be undesirable for a player
to gain an advantage in a tournament by deliberately
underperforming in order to obtain an articially low
prior ranking. The most commonly used brackets
involve the highest ranked player meeting the lowest-
ranked player in the rst round and are used because
they are optimized to prevent such manipulation.
Double-elimination and triple-elimination tourna-
ments (participants are not eliminated until suffering
a second or third loss also exist, though the latter are
rather rare. These formats are tolerant of one (or two)
lost matches by the player or team that will go on to be
champion but the problem of arranging the brackets
and scheduling the matches can be more complicated.
In a round-robin tournament, each participant
competes against every other participant. Typically,
each pairing competes in a single match but variants
exist in which more games are played. Such a format
gives more information about the relative strength of
the players at the expense of requiring more games.
Another drawback is that it is generally difcult to
identify a canonical choice for rst-place champion
after a round-robin tournament.
Of course, much more complicated systems exist.
Consider, for example, the FIFA World Cup. In the 2010
format, the 32 competing teams are rst randomly
divided into eight groups. The teams within each group
all play against one another. Based on the results of
these round-robin matches, a winner and a runner-up
emerge from each group. These 16 teams then com-
pete in a single-elimination knockout; the rst round
of knockout matches involve the group winners each
competing against the runner-up from another group.
Graph-Theoretic Tournaments
The term tournament is also used with a specialized
meaning in the subject of graph theory. A tournament
in this sense is a collection of any number of vertices
and arrows, where each pair of vertices is connected by a
single arrow. Such a picture can represent a round-robin
tournament in which each participant competes against
every other participant exactly once, and there are no
ties. The vertices are the players, and the direction of the
arrow indicates who won each game (the arrow points
from the winner of the game to the loser). Such congu-
rations were originally studied by H. G. Landau to study
the dominance relationships among populations of
chickens. Tournaments have gone on to nd important
applications to social voting theory and public choice.
Further Reading
Froncek, Dalibor. Scheduling a Tournament. In
Mathematics and Sports. Edited by Joseph Gallian.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of
America, 2010.
Schwenk, A. J. What Is the Correct Way to Seed a
Knockout Tournament? Journal of American
Mathmatical Monthly 107, no. 2 (2000).
Michael Cap Khoury
See Also: Competitions and Contests; Rankings; Sport
Tournaments 999
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Problem
Summary: Mathematical models and statistical
analysis of trafc ow suggest solutions.
Trafc ow is studied using mathematical and statisti-
cal techniques and computer simulations in order to
better understand the movement of vehicles on roads
and highways. Americans drive their vehicles almost 3
trillion miles per year on approximately 4 million miles
of public roads. Mathematical models have shown that
the behavior of even a single driver can have a broad
impact on overall trafc ow in this dynamic sys-
tem. As every driver knows, trafc patterns can often
be unpredictable and frustrating, leading to driver
stress, accidents, pollution, wasted fuel, and wasted
time. Mathematical analysis of trafc congestion can
provide transportation engineers with insights lead-
ing to improvements in efciency and safety in the
transportation of goods and people. A mathematical
understanding of trafc ow patterns can also provide
guidance for the design of roadways and provide more
accurate calculations of trip itineraries and real-time
driving times. These can be disseminated to the public
and used in intelligent transportation systems.
The use of mathematics to describe trafc ow pat-
terns slowly originated in the 1930s in order to study
road capacity and also to begin to address trafc-related
questions, such as how does trafc move through inter-
sections. The mathematical investigations of vehicular
trafc increased rapidly in the 1950s, mainly because
of the expansion of the highway system after World
War II. In the twenty-rst century, theoretical models
of trafc are utilized by high-performance computers,
which can simulate the motions of vehicles on virtual
road networks of entire cities and regions.
Trafc engineers distinguish between uninterrupted
trafc ow situations (for example, trafc streams on
highways and other limited-access roads) and inter-
rupted ow circumstances (for example, where two or
more trafc streams meet at a road intersection). The
methods suited to analyze a particular trafc scenario
depend on whether the ow is interrupted or uninter-
rupted. When formulating a mathematical description
or model of trafc, one must attempt to account for
the interplay between the vehicles and the drivers, the
layout of the road system, trafc lights, road signs, and
other factors.
Queuing theory, which is essentially the mathemati-
cal theory of waiting lines, is a probabilistic framework
used for analyzing various trafc ow problems, such
as optimizing vehicle passage through an intersection
or trafc circle, calculating vehicle waiting times at
tollbooths, and other similar waiting problems. On the
other hand, car-following models and hydrodynamic
modeling are deterministic approaches for analyzing
trafc ow on long stretches of road.
Car-Following Trafc Models
Car-following models, also known as microscopic mod-
els, are considered from the point of view of tracking
the movements of a line of n =1, . . . , N individual cars
driving in the same direction down a road in order
to try to predict their exact positions x t
( )
, velocities
v t
( ), and accelerations a t
( ). The starting point for car-
following problems is to model how the driver of a car
reacts when the vehicle directly in front of it changes
speed (it is assumed for simplicity that there no pass-
ing is allowed). As a rst crude estimation, one could
assume a driver adjusts instantaneously according to
the relative speed of the drivers car and the vehicle in
a t C v t v t
n n n
( ) = ( ) ( )
where C is a constant of proportionality, called the sen-
sitivity parameter, which can be measured experimen-
tally. A more realistic assumption would be that a driver
adjusts with a lag response time of about one or two
seconds, to a maneuver by the vehicle in front of it:
a t C v t T v t T
n n n
( ) = ( ) ( )
where T is the time lapse because of the drivers delayed
reaction. Equations with delays such as these are then
solved to keep track of each vehicle as the trafc moves.
Numerous additional assumptions and effects have
been incorporated into more sophisticated theories of
car-following, such as considering the impact of spac-
ing between cars, the effect of aggressive or cautious
driving, and the effect of drivers looking ahead in the
road and reacting to the motions of multiple vehicles
in front of it.
1000 Trafc
Hydrodynamic Trafc Models
Hydrodynamic modeling, also called continuum
modeling, considers the ow of a trafc stream to
be analogous to the ow of a compressible uid in a
pipe. Continuum trafc models do not keep track of
the positions of individual vehicles, like car-following
models, but track averaged, macroscopic quantities.
For a long stretch of crowded road, such as an inter-
state highway, three important quantities of interest
are ow rate (Q in vehicles per hour), vehicle speed (V
in miles per hour), and vehicle density ( in number
of vehicles per mile). These variables, of course, can
vary along the stretch of road in both space and time,
and their relationship is described algebraically as
Q= V.
Furthermore, based on observations of trafc
patterns over the years, it has been posited that for a
given stretch of road, there exists a direct relationship
between the ow rate and density. What has essentially
been observed is that, on a road having some maxi-
mum ow rate, there is a critical vehicle density below
which speed is not severely impacted but above which
speed reduces. As the density continues to increase,
then eventually ow rate reduces, and trafc becomes
completely congested. For a concrete example, Green-
shields model postulates a simple linear relation
between vehicle speed and density,
This parabolic function begins to capture some of
the ow-density behavior that is observed on some real
roads, although it is certainly an oversimplication. If
the trafc density is zero ( = 0), then the ow rate
must also be zero (Q= 0). Additionally, in bumper-to-
bumper trafc ( =
), the ow rate is zero, or very
nearly zero in reality.
In the LighthillWhithamRichards (LWR) theory
of trafc, a long stretch of road is considered that has no
entries or exits. On such a stretch of road, the number
of vehicles must be conserved, and this fact combined
with a ow-density relation gives rise to an equation,
called a conservation law, that predicts how vehicle
density varies along the stretch of road. When a traf-
c jam occurs, it manifests as a sudden disturbance, or
shock-wave, in the vehicle density along the road. LWR
theory and other much more sophisticated continuum
models of trafc can predict conditions under which
trafc jams will form, propagate, and dissipate. Com-
mon reasons for trafc jams are accidents, construc-
tion, lane merges, and other changes in road capacity.
However (as all drivers have experienced) sometimes
phantom jams occur on highways for no apparent
reason. These phantom jams can also be explained by
continuum trafc models.
Further Reading
Daganzo, Carlos F. Fundamentals of Transportation
and Trafc Operations. Oxford, England: Pergamon-
Elsevier, 1997.
Gazis, Denos C. Trafc Theory. Norwell, MA: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002.
May, Adolf D. Trafc Flow Fundamentals. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990.
Anthony Harkin
See Also: Auto Racing; Highways; Smart Cars; Travel
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Trains and railways present interesting
mathematical problems related to force and load,
scheduling, and geometry.
Railroads inuenced nearly every aspect of nineteenth
and early twentieth century U.S. society. Companies
building infrastructure for railroads (and railroads
themselves) dominated the U.S. economy as more
goods and people were transported via rail. Investors
clamored to prot from the railway boom, inspiring
Trains 1001
engineers and mathematicians to improve the technol-
ogy used in the railway system. As more people traveled
by train, punctuality and reliability needed to improve.
Time zones in the United States were established pri-
marily because competing rail companies used different
standard times for their schedules. In addition, Chris-
tophorus Buys-Ballot and others conducted experi-
ments using trains to explore the Doppler effect, named
for mathematician and physicist Christian Doppler. At
the start of the twenty-rst century, wooden and elec-
tric railway sets remain popular toys with children of all
ages, while railroad enthusiasts design elaborate model
train layouts in various scales reecting the days when
towns were centered around train stations.
Locomotives are classied using the Whyte system,
named for mechanical engineer Frederick Whyte,
which utilizes numbers to describe the wheel arrange-
ment of the engine. For example, a 4-8-4 type locomo-
tive has four wheels in the front, 8 driving wheels in
the middle, and 4 wheels in the rear. The capacity of
a locomotive depends on the amount of friction the
driving wheels have with the track and the weight of
the engine over the driving wheels. These quantities
are related by the equation F = MW, where F represents
the maximum pulling force of the train, M represents
the coefcient of friction between the wheels and the
track, and W is the portion of the weight of the loco-
motive over the driving wheels. While this relationship
indicates that heavier trains can pull larger loads, more
power is needed to move the train, leading to higher
fuel costs. Increasing the coefcient of friction gives
the train better traction and thus more pulling force,
so most locomotives have a sandbox on the front from
which sand is sprayed onto the track when the rails
are slippery. Though friction is needed to get the train
started, reducing M increases efciency once the train
is in motion, lowering operating costs.
Modern diesel-electric locomotives use high-tech
designs to achieve more horsepower while reducing
engine weight signicantly. Equipped with a sophisti-
cated array of sensors, onboard computers, and con-
trol systems, twenty-rst-century trains maintain their
hauling capacity while reducing fuel consumption and
emissions. The future may see more magnetic levitation
(Maglev) trains, which use magnetic elds to suspend
the train above the track. The rst commercial Maglev
train opened in 1984 in Birmingham, United Kingdom,
but ceased operations in 1995 in part because of design
problems. A Maglev train in Japan recorded a maximum
speed of 581 kilometers per hour (361 miles per hour)
in 2003, the highest ever speed for a Maglev transport.
Passengers and Timetables
Commercial trains, whether passenger trains or freight
trains, follow carefully written schedules. Composing
these intricate timetables is a daunting task. Railways
must ensure that trains do not collide on the tracks, and
that goods and people are transported in a timely and
efcient manner. In 2006, the Netherlands introduced
a new railway timetable for all trains and mathemati-
cal modeling played a key role in developing the time-
table. To determine how a set of trains should be routed
through a station, researchers listed all feasible routes
through the station for every train. Each combination
of a train and a feasible route is represented by a node
on a graph. Nodes on this large graph are connected if
they belong to the same train or if there is a routing con-
ict between the train/route combinations. Presenting
the scheduling problem in graph form enables sophisti-
cated computer programs to generate a usable timetable.
Additional modications improve the efciency of the
timetable in the case of unexpected delays.
Railway passengers expect trains to be on time and
to have sufcient space for a comfortable ride. Timeta-
bles can be ne-tuned to meet these customer demands
using another type of mathematical modeling called
peak load management. Consultants work with rail-
ways to determine when trains are the most crowded
and when passenger demand is highest. Mathemati-
cians quantify the notion of attractiveness, a measure
of how satised a rider on a given train will be as a
function of the journey time on the train, the time the
passenger would like the train to arrive at its destina-
tion, and the actual arrival time. Another constant is
added to the equation to determine how much attrac-
tiveness is reduced for each minute the actual arrival
time differs from the customers ideal arrival time.
More terms can be added to measure the crowding on
the trainovercrowding having a signicant impact on
attractiveness. Using this model, railways can develop
timetables that increase the probability that a customer
will ride on an attractive train. Further renements
to the model attempt to minimize the chance that a
passenger will need to stand while riding.
1002 Trains
Track Geometry
Freight yards use combinations of switches, sidings,
and turnaround loops to sort railway cars, assembling
them into trains bound for various destinations. The
fact that trains cannot pass each other on a single track
leads to many challenges. The optimal arrangement
of freight cars in the most efcient manner is another
problem for mathematical modeling, but these fascinat-
ing switching systems have inspired mathematicians to
investigate interesting questions involving train track
layouts and railway switching puzzles.
A switch (also known as a turnout, or point) is a
Y-shaped structure used to split tracks into two lines or
to combine two lines into one. The directional nature of
a switch makes the dynamics interesting: trains entering
at the top of the Y will always exit through the bottom
branch, but trains entering through the bottom have
the option of traveling on the left branch or the right
branch. Switches are used to sort cars in freight yards,
enable locomotives to move onto a siding to allow a
train traveling the opposite direction on the track to
pass, and make it possible via a turnaround loop for a
train traveling one direction to reverse direction.
How can two trains traveling in opposite directions,
say eastbound and westbound, pass one another? If there
is a siding long enough to contain one of the trains, the
problem is easy. But what if only one car can occupy
the siding at a time? Variations on this train-passing
puzzle have been around for over a century. The trains
can still pass each other through clever use of the sid-
ing. The eastbound train leaves its cars behind, moves
onto the siding, and waits for the westbound train to
pass through. After the eastbound engine emerges
from the siding, the westbound train backs through the
siding, bringing along one of the eastbound trains cars
and leaving that car on the siding. After the westbound
train has pulled forward past the siding, the eastbound
train can pick up its car, and the process repeats until
the entire eastbound train is through.
Imagine a child playing with a toy railroad. Given a
set of switches and plenty of track, how many different
layouts can the child make? To determine whether two
track layouts are different, the structure is transformed
into a graph, with nodes representing lengths of track.
Nodes are connected if there is a switch allowing a train
to travel from one length of track to another. Layouts
are said to be different if their graphs are the same. A
child with two switches can make ve distinct layouts.
Using more switches and combinations of other types
of switches, like the three-way pitchfork-shaped vari-
ety, even more layouts can be made and counted using
Further Reading
England, Angela. Train Math Lesson Plan. http://www
Gent, Tim. Model Trains.
Trains 1003
reative elementary school teachers have
devised ways to use the appeal of toy trains
to teach addition and subtraction. A colorful card-
board train is taped to a bulletin board and chil-
dren count the number of cars on the train.
Train cars are easily removed or added and
the students see addition and subtrac-
tion in action by counting the number
of cars on the new train. Wooden rail-
way systems with magnetic couplings
between cars also allow for easy join-
ing and separating, making these toys
excellent mathematical manipulatives
when working with small groups of children. Older
students may encounter the Two Trains puzzle.
Two trains are on the same track traveling toward
one other at a constant speed. A y
starts on the front of one train and
ies toward the other train at a
constant speed, faster than either
train. Once the y reaches the other
train, the y immediately turns around
and continues buzzing back toward the
rst train. How far does the y travel
before being smashed when the two
trains collide?
Trains as Teaching Tools
Hayes, Brian. Trains of Thought. American Scientist
95, no. 2 (2007).
Kroon, Leo. Mathematics for Railway Timetabling.
ERCIM News 68 (2007).
Lynch, Roland H. Locomotives. Ohio State Engineer
23, no. 5 (1940).
Peterson, Ivars. Ivars Petersons MathTrek: Laying
Mark R. Snavely
See Also: Bus Scheduling; Graphs; Mathematical
See Learning Models and Trajectories
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Summary: Numerous mathematicians since
antiquity have studied and worked on the concept of
In mathematics, transformations have a rich history
that connects various disciplines, including geometry,
algebra, linear algebra, and analysis with applications
in statistics, physics, computer science, architecture,
art, astronomy, and optics. In general, a transformation
changes some aspect while at the same time preserv-
ing some type of structure. For example, a dilation of
an object will shrink or enlarge it but will preserve the
basic shape; while a reection of the plane will produce
a mirror image, which ips gures while preserving
distances between points. Mathematicians and geom-
eters often transform an object, equation, or data to
something that is easier to investigate, such as trans-
forming coordinates to simplify algebraic expressions.
The theory of transformations has important implica-
tions as well. There are many types of transformations
including geometric transformations, conformal trans-
formations, z-score transformations, linear transforma-
tions, and Mbius transformations, named for August
Mbius. Geometric transformations have long been
implicitly used in aesthetically pleasing design patterns
in pottery, quilts, architecture, and art, such as tessella-
tions in the Moorish Alhambra Palace. Historians and
anthropologists compare and contrast these patterns
to track the spread of groups of people. Mathemati-
cal transformations can be represented in a variety of
ways, such as matrix representations of linear transfor-
mations, which are useful in algorithms and computer
graphics. In school, young children study geometric
transformations and this study continues through high
school, where students represent various geometric and
algebraic transformations using coordinates, vectors,
function notation, and matrices. Students also investi-
gate transformations using computers and calculators.
Early History
The early development of geometric transformations is
tied to motions that were useful in modeling the Earth
and the stars and in creating artistic works, architectural
buildings, and geometric objects. The Pythagoreans
thought that points traced lines and lines traced sur-
faces. Aristotle objected to the use of physical concepts
like movement in these abstract mathematical objects.
Euclid of Alexandria mostly avoided the concept of
motion in his work. However, he used the notion of
superposition, where one object is placed on top of
another, in triangle congruence theorems, such as in his
proof of side-angle-side congruence. In modern proofs,
mathematicians would likely use transformations in
order to place these triangles on top of each other. Euclid
also dened a sphere as the rotation of a semicircle, and
he dened a cylinder as the rotation of a rectangle. Archi-
medes of Syracuse investigated axial afnity motions in
his work on ellipses, and Apollonius of Perga explored
inversion. Marcus Vitruvius described the projections
that were important in architecture, and he also inves-
tigated the concept of stereographic projection, which
was useful in astronomy and map making.
Mathematicians around the world generalized these
motions and applied them to a variety of elds. Most
mathematicians in later times relied on transforma-
1004 Transformations
tions in geometry, although Omar Khayym criticized
Ibn al-Haythams extensive use of motion by question-
ing how a line could be dened by a moving point when
it precedes a point by its essence and by its existence.
Both Thabit ibn Qurra and his grandson Ibrahim
ibn Sinan investigated afne transformations of the
plane that preserved straight lines, like dilations. Alexis
Clairaut and Leonhard Euler dened and explored
general afne transformations. Sir Isaac Newton inves-
tigated various coordinate systems and the transfor-
mations between them, such as what are referred to as
rectangular and polar coordinates. Girard Desargues
systematically investigated projective transformations,
although many earlier mathematicians had investigated
perspective drawing and projection in mathematics,
art, and optics. Edward Waring and Gaspard Monge
also studied projective transformations. Mobius rep-
resented afne and projective transformations analyti-
cally in terms of homogeneous coordinates.
Carl Friedrich Gauss linked transformations with
linear algebra when he represented linear transforma-
tions of quadratic forms as rectangular arrays of num-
bers. A linear transformation of the plane is a map
that preserves addition and scalar multiplication of
vectors. Linear transformations of the plane are com-
binations of rotations, reections, dilations, shears,
and projections, and they are important in modeling
movement in computer graphics. In general, a linear
transformation is a map between vector spaces that
preserves addition and scalar multiplication. Linear
transformations of coordinates were important in the
development of analytic geometry and some multi-
variate statistical methods and linear transformations
were also linked to projective geometry and Mbius
transformations, which are also called fractional lin-
ear transformations. Henri Poincar connected these
transformations to hyperbolic geometry. Gotthold
Eisenstein and Charles Hermite tried to extend Gausss
work on forms and in this context they dened the
addition and multiplication of linear transformations.
Arthur Cayley dened a general notion of matrices
and recognized that the composition of linear trans-
formations could be represented using them. James
Sylvester explored properties of matrices that were
preserved under transformations and dened the nul-
lity of a matrix. Matrices continued to be connected to
linear transformations and the theory of linear trans-
formations extended to innitely many dimensions.
Modern Developments
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Felix Klein
revolutionized mathematics and physics with the idea
of a transformation group. In his Erlanger Program,
the properties of a space were now understood by the
transformations that preserved them. Thus the clas-
sication, algebraic structure, and invariants of these
transformations provided information about the cor-
responding geometries. His ideas unied Euclidean
and non-Euclidean geometry and became the basis for
geometry in the twentieth century. Kleins collabora-
tion with Sophus Lie impacted the development of the
Erlanger program. Lie also developed the notion of
continuous transformation groups and associated these
with a differential equation. Physicists and mathemati-
cians continue to study the local structure of a so-called
Lie group by the innitesimal transformations in the
Lie algebra. Earlier mathematicians and physicists had
already used invariants in a several ways. For instance,
Cremona transformations are named for Luigi Cre-
mona, who studied birational transformations. These
transformations were important in the study of alge-
braic functions and integrals. Max Noether investi-
gated the invariant properties of algebraic varieties
using birational transformations. In physics, Hermann
Minkowski explored Maxwells equations for electro-
magnetism, named after James Maxwell. These equa-
tions were invariant under Lorentz transformations,
named for Hendrik Lorentz, and led to a geometry of
space-time and the beginning of relativity theory.
Further Reading
Kastrup, H. A. On the Advancements of Conformal
Transformations and Their Associated Symmetries
in Geometry and Theoretical Physics. Annalen der
Physik 17, no. 910 (2008).
Kleiner, Israel. A History of Abstract Algebra. Boston:
Birkhauser, 2007.
Rosenfeld, B. A. A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry:
Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space. New
York: Springer, 1988.
Sarah J. Greenwald
Jill E. Thomley
See Also: Animation and CGI; Composing;
Coordinate Geometry; Equations, Polar; Quilting;
Transformations 1005
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Number and Operations.
Summary: Locating and allocating available
compatible organs is an important task of surgery, as
is determining the likelihood of success and survival.
Organ transplantation involves replacing a damaged
organ or body part with an organ taken from another
body, a location on the patients own body, or sometimes
another source. Relatively common organ transplants
include hearts, lungs, livers, corneas, bone marrow, and
skin. In the twenty-rst century, there are increasing
instances of transplantations involving parts that have
proven more difcult in the past, including a human
face in 2010. Transplantation is one of few medical
elds where practice is driven by statistical analysis of
large-scale national datasets. Collecting comprehensive
data about transplantation in the United States is man-
datory, and researchers use statistics to inform clinical
practice and national policy. Still, there are too few liv-
ing and deceased organ donors to meet the need. Opti-
mization tools make the best use of scarce resources,
like donated organs. With kidney
paired donation, optimization can
even increase the supply of avail-
able organs. An articial pancreas
employing control theory was under
development in 2010.
Statistical analyses inform transplant
policy and individual decisions.
The transplant community seeks
equity in allocating organs, so the
allocation system is frequently ana-
lyzed for gender and racial dispari-
ties. Understanding outcomes with
and without transplantation helps
patients decide if they will benet
from a particular transplant.
Survival analysis is the branch
of statistics concerned with the dis-
tribution of time to an event. Sur-
vival analysis is commonly used in
medicine to study time-to-death
but can also be used to study time to any event, such as
time from joining a transplant waitlist until receiving a
transplant. The survival function S t T t ( ) = > ( ) Pr indi-
cates the probability that the random time of an event
T is later than a given time t.
Survival analysis is complicated by censoring; not all
patients in a study have reached the event of interest.
In a time-to-death analysis, some patients are likely still
alive. The rst technique for estimating a survival func-
tion with censoring was the product-limit estimator of
statisticians Edward Kaplan and Paul Meier.
Confounding is another challenge. One could per-
form a survival analysis of the association between
gender and time-to-transplantation to see whether
men and women receive transplants at the same rate.
However, not all patients are expected to wait the
same amount of time. Other factors (such as age and
blood type) confound studies of the effect of the fac-
tor of interest (gender) on time-to-transplantation.
Cox proportional hazards analysis methods, named for
statistician David Cox, can account for confounding,
using a regression model based on the hazard function
t dt t T t dt T t ( ) = < + ( ) Pr | , which indicates the
1006 Transplantation
Doctors from Walter Reed Army Medical Center Organ Transplant
Service perform Guyanas first kidney transplant operation in 2008.
instantaneous probability of an event at some time (t)
conditional on having survived to at least that time.
Donated organs are scarce and each organ must be
allocated to one of many potential recipients. Optimi-
zation techniques allocate scarce resources by maxi-
mizing an objective function. A persons Lung Alloca-
tion Score is largest when the transplant has the largest
lifespan benet, and available lungs are offered to the
nearby person with the largest score.
Kidney paired donation in which two living donors
who are incompatible with their intended recipients
exchange kidneys for compatible transplants requires
more complex optimization techniques. More people
can obtain better transplants when the paired donations
are arranged using either a maximum weight matching
in a graph or a maximum weight cycle decomposition
(if more than two donors and recipients are involved in
each exchange). By optimizing an individuals outcome
rather than the overall good, a Markov decision process
model, named for mathematician Andrei Markov, can
determine whether it is better for a patient to accept
a certain organ offered or wait until a possibly better
organ is offered later. Another Markov decision pro-
cess model can establish the best time for a patient to
receive a liver transplant from a living donor.
Control theory studies systems where adjustments over
time maintain some desired set point, like a thermostat
heating or cooling a room to maintain a comfortable
temperature. In transplantation, control theory is used
in an experimental articial pancreas. A healthy per-
sons pancreas maintains blood glucose levels over time
by regulating insulin in response to eating a meal or
exercising. An articial pancreas uses a blood glucose
monitor and a mathematical control system to drive
an insulin pump. The control algorithms are tested on
mathematical models of blood glucose levels before
being tested in human subjects.
Further Reading
Cox, David R. Regression Models and Life Tables.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 34, no. 2 (1972).
Harvey, R. A., et al. Quest for the Articial Pancreas.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
(March/April 2010).
Kaplan, Edward L., and Paul Meier. Nonparametric
Estimation From Incomplete Observations. Journal
of the American Statistical Association 53 (1958).
Segev, D. L., S. E. Gentry, D. Warren, B. Reeb, and R. A.
Montgomery. Kidney Paired Donation: Optimizing
the Use of Live Donor Organs. Journal of the
American Medical Association 293 (2005).
Sommer Gentry
Dorry Segev
See Also: Cochlear Implants; Disease Survival Rates;
Life Expectancy; Surgery.
Travel Planning
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Problem
Solving; Representations.
Summary: Mathematical models are used to plan
and evaluate short- and long-term transportation
infrastructure decisions.
Travel planning is a broad eld that covers everything
from individual journey planning (for example, decid-
ing which form of transportation to use when com-
muting) to regional transportation planning (for
example, deciding on the layout for a new train line
or arterial road). Professional transportation planners
use equations and computer programs to directly com-
pare different transportation modes and routes. These
equations can be very simple with just a handful of
terms, or incredibly complex models with hundreds of
interacting variables. Regardless of the complexity of
the analysis, the ultimate goal is to satisfy the objectives
of the planning project and often the most important
objective is to minimize journey costs.
Governments aim to maintain effective road net-
works and public transportation systems. Within
certain cities, however, there can be a distinct bias
toward either private or public transportation. This
bias reects the fact that governments prioritize cer-
tain planning decisions over others. These decisions
fall into two broad categories: long-term and short-
term planning.
Travel Planning 1007
Long-Term Planning
Long-term planning includes decisions such as the use
of land and placement of new freeways or bypasses.
The objectives for these projects are often manifold:
reduce costs, reduce pollution, reduce noise, maintain
trafc ow, and maintain priority for public transport
and carpool vehicles. It is the challenge of the transport
planner to balance these objectives and ensure that the
nal decision satises these criteria.
Long-term planning also incorporates projections
of future effects. For example, a wider freeway leads to
better accessibility in certain urban areas, which even-
tually leads to more construction in those areas. Con-
struction, in turn, leads to more trafc on the freeway
and a renewed need to widen the road, thus creating a
cycle. Long-term projects typically take several years to
implement and even longer to monitor their impact.
Short-Term Planning
Short-term planning includes the introduction of bus
priority lanes, changing the timing of trafc light sig-
nals, using trains with a greater numbers of cars during
peak travel times, changing the price of parking in a
particular area, changing taxi regulations, introducing
new public transport fare systems, and so on. These are
changes that can be implemented and evaluated within
weeks as opposed to years.
Comparing Alternatives
To make any long-term or short-term planning deci-
sions, it is necessary to compare a range of alternatives,
side by side, using as few indices as possible. As a simple
example, a set of four time and money measurements
can be reduced to a single measurement of cost (C)
using the equation
C a P b t c t d t
= ( ) + ( ) + ( ) +
( )
where P is the fare price, t
is the transit time, t
is the
wait time, t
is the journey time, and the coefcients a,
b, c, and d are used to weight the components relative to
one another (for example, for a given individual, wait
time may be perceived to be twice as costly as journey
time). This equation is particularly useful for compar-
ing different forms of public transport. The single cost
values will paint a very clear picture of which mode
and route has the optimum mix of short times and low
costs. Cost is often expressed in minutes, as opposed
to dollars, as this measure will remain stable even as
prices increase.
Some other measures used by transport planners
include trafc density (number of vehicles on a given
stretch of road), trafc ow (number of vehicles pass-
ing through a given stretch of road every minute), and
performance index (an aggregate measure of the delays
experienced in a given transport network). Each of
these measures must be interpreted in context because
acceptable ranges for the values will vary depending on
road type, city size, and network connectivity.
Another common method used to estimate the
amount of trafc passing between two zones (for exam-
ple, a neighborhood and a commercial center) is called
1008 Travel Planning
Professional transport planners use equations and computer programs to compare different modes and routes
when trying to maintain effective road networks and public transportation systems.
the gravity model. It was given this name because the
form of the equation is similar to Isaac Newtons equa-
tion of gravity. The trafc passing between two zones,
A and B, is proportional to the product of the trafc
originating in zone A and the trafc arriving in zone B
but inversely proportional to a function of the distance
between the two zones.
Governmental transport planners use these mea-
sures to test for weaknesses in the transport network
places where demand exceeds supplyand to gauge
the effects of previous planning decisions. The act of
planning is therefore rmly rooted in the interpreta-
tion of numerical output from mathematical analyses.
Further Reading
Banister, David, ed. Transport Planning. 2nd ed. New
York: Taylor & Francis, 2002.
Black, John. Urban Transport Planning. London: Croom
Helm, 1981.
Button, Kenneth. Transport Economics. Cheltenham,
England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010.
OFlaherty, Coleman. Transport Planning and Trafc
Engineering. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 1997.
Wells, Gordon Ronald. Comprehensive Transport
Planning. London: Grifn, 1975.
Eoin OConnell
See Also: Bus Scheduling; City Planning; Trafc;
Traveling Salesman Problem.
Traveling Salesman
Category: Travel and Transportation.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Problem Solving.
Summary: The traveling salesman problem is a
notable applied mathematics problem that is simply
constructed and may be unsolvable.
Imagine a salesperson that needs to travel to 30 cities.
The salesperson wants to begin in his or her home-
town, visit every city exactly once, and return to the
hometown. In what sequence should the salesperson
visit the cities in order to minimize the total amount
of traveling time on the road between cities? The sig-
nicance of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) lies
in the fact that many other problems can be translated
into a traveling salesman formulation and that a brute
force check-all-the-possibilities approach will take
prohibitively longeven for moderately sized prob-
lems (like the example) and with the use of fast com-
Many problems can be translated to the TSP. The
travel time between cities can be replaced by distance,
cost, or other measures. Hence, in essence, this prob-
lem captures many sequencing problems where a
number of tasks have to be sequenced and the costs
can be modeled appropriately. Problems as diverse as
optimizing the routes of garbage trucks, planning the
sequence of motions performed by a robot, and order-
ing genetic markers on a chromosome have been mod-
eled by the TSP.
Solving the TSP
Why is solving the TSP hard? If one decides to solve
the problem by checking all the possibilities and then
choosing the best one, then the sheer number of possi-
bilities will make the problem impossible to solve. For
example, with 30 cities and starting at a hometown,
initially there are 29 cities to choose as a rst destina-
tion. Regardless of the rst choice, there are 28 cities
to choose from next and so on. The total number of
possible ways to start from a hometown, traverse each
of the 30 cities exactly once and return to the home-
town is
29 29 28 3 2 1 ! =
. . .
8.8 10
Even if a computer checked a million possibilities
per second, checking all the possibilities would take
more than 200,000,000,000,000,000 yearsmuch lon-
ger than the age of the universe. Making the computer
twice or 10 times faster still will not be enough to make
the problem worth attempting.
Solution Through Algorithms
Could there be clever algorithms that solve the TSP
faster? The TSP is among the problems that computer
Traveling Salesman Problem 1009
scientists call NP-hard. Given any algorithm for solving
the TSP, certainly the number of steps needed by the
algorithm grows as the size of the problemnamely
the number of the citiesgrows. If the number of
steps in an algorithm as a function of the size of the
problem is a polynomial, then it is generally believed
that the problem is tractable. In other words, if there
is one such polynomial time algorithm, then one can
hope to nd other more efcient ones and be able to
solve even large-sized problems efciently. At the start
of the twenty-rst century, it is not known whether the
TSP has such a polynomial time algorithm. But it is
known that if there is such an algorithm, then there
is also efcient algorithms for a host of other prob-
lems of interest to computer scientists. For many years,
researchers have looked for such algorithms and have
not been able to nd one, and the strong prevailing
opinion is that no such algorithm exists (this is the
famous P NP problem).
Even though the TSP is a difcult problem to solve
in general, progress has been made in developing
algorithms that do much better than the brute force
method. In fact, very large instancesfor example,
one with 85,900 citiesof the TSP have been solved
exactly. On another front, many approximation algo-
rithms have been devised. These algorithms do not
aim to nd the absolute best solution but rather nd a
solution that is close to the best one. A simple approxi-
mation algorithm using minimum spanning trees, for
example, can nd a solution that is guaranteed to be no
worse than twice the optimal solution. More sophisti-
cated algorithms can nd a solution within a few per-
centages of the optimal solution for a problem with the
number of cities in the millions.
Further Reading
Applegate, David L., Robert E. Bixby, Vaek Chvtal, and
William J. Cook. The Traveling Salesman Problem:
A Computational Study. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2006.
Gutin, Gregory, and Abraham P. Punnen. The Traveling
Salesman Problem and its Variations. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Shahriar Shahriari
See Also: Birthday Problem; Bus Scheduling; Cocktail
Party Problem; Scheduling; Tournaments.
Category: History and Development of Curricular
Fields of Study: Communication; Connections;
Geometry; Measurement.
Summary: Trigonometry is one of the most essential
branches of mathematics in engineering and science.
The principal value of trigonometry rests in its
numerous and practical applications throughout the
world. It has always been viewed as one of the most
applied areas of mathematics. When combined with
the latest technologies, trigonometry impacts society
in immeasurable ways. It is essential in engineering
and in all of the sciences. Some of the applications
of trigonometry include astronomy, aviation, archi-
tecture, engineering, geography, physics, seismology,
surveying, oceanography, cartography (mapmaking),
navigational systems, space sciences, medical imaging,
music, and video games. Clearly, the applications and
inuences of trigonometry are fully embedded within
contemporary society. To appreciate modern applica-
tions of trigonometry and the contributions of societ-
ies throughout the world, it is important to consider
its historical evolution.
Origins of Trigonometry
The beginnings of trigonometry date back to pre-
historic cultures and mirror the evolution of civili-
zation itself. The word trigonometry comes from
the Greek word trigonon (meaning triangle) and
metron (meaning measurement). However, trigo-
nometry did not originate as the study of triangles. It
was initially viewed as a combination of geometry and
astronomy used in studying the movements and loca-
tions of celestial bodies in the sky and in time keep-
ing. The foundations of trigonometry originated in
prehistoric cultures with their vigilant observations of
the night sky. Some of their discoveries are inherent in
the designs of Stonehenge and ancient Egyptian mon-
uments. The early civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia,
and India (c. 2000 b.c.e.) contributed signicantly to
the origins of trigonometry. The Egyptians applied the
properties of geometry and astronomy in construct-
ing the pyramids, and the Babylonians (c. 1900 b.c.e.)
used angles and ratios to keep track of the motions of
celestial bodies in the sky. They followed the paths of
1010 Trigonometry
planets, the lunar and solar eclipses, and gave coor-
dinates to the stars, all of which required familiar-
ity with angular distances measured on the celestial
sphere. While these early civilizations used trigono-
metric principles for astronomical measurements, in
designing monuments, and in time keeping, they did
not fully develop the mathematical system that is now
known as trigonometry.
The invention of trigonometry emerged as a dened
body of knowledge from work conducted by Greek
astronomers around 350 b.c.e. in the city of Alexan-
dria, Egypt, the intellectual center of the ancient world.
The Greek astronomer, Hipparchus (190120 b.c.e.),
is frequently called the Father of Trigonometry. He
used ratios to determine the distances of the Earth from
the sun and the moon and was responsible for tabulat-
ing the measures of arcs and their corresponding chord
lengths for angles within a circle. The trigonometry of
ancient Alexandria would now be called spherical trig-
onometry since it was conned primarily to the study
of the properties of great circles on spherical bodies.
The earliest recorded work on spherical trigonom-
etry appears in the book, Sphaerica, written by Mene-
laus, a Greek mathematician working in Alexandria
(70140 c.e.). It describes Menelaus theorem, which
associates the ratios of the lengths of intersecting arcs
of great circles on a sphere.
Development of Trigonometric Functions
A fundamental difference between ancient Alexandrian
trigonometry and modern trigonometry is that the
former used arcs and chords in its trigonometric tables
instead of the trigonometric functions that are used in
the twenty-rst century: sine, cosine, and tangent. The
oldest surviving table of arcs and chords was created by
Ptolemy of Alexandria (90168 c.e.). However, when
the chords of the circle are rotated to a vertical position
and radii are inserted to connect the endpoints and
midpoint of the chord to a common center, it is pos-
sible to translate half-chord lengths to a sine function.
Thus, Ptolemys famous table of arcs and chords was
equivalent to a modern table of sines. His most famous
mathematical work was the Almagest. It included a table
of chords for angles for one-half degree to 180 degrees,
in increments of half degrees. His chords were accurate
in length to ve signicant digits. In addition, Ptol-
emy proved (using chords) the formulas for the sum
and difference of two angles that are equivalent to the
current sine functions of two combined angles. These
discoveries were applied to astronomy, time keeping,
and in locating the direction of Mecca for the daily ve
prayers required by followers of Islam.
In the rst century b.c.e., trigonometric principles
were used primarily in navigation and map-making.
Fortunately, Ptolemy recorded all of the geographical
knowledge collected by the ancient world in his eight
volumes, titled Geographia. It included the latitudes
and longitudes of 8000 places on Earth and was the
worlds rst atlas, similar to those used in the twenty-
rst century. It took astronomers nearly 400 years to
shift from using tables of angles and chords to a reli-
ance on tables of sines. Indian astronomers of the fth
century gave trigonometry its current interpretation
of the sine function, which quickly spread to Arab and
Islamic astronomers.
It is important to recognize that the six trigonometric
functions that are used in the twenty-rst century were
developed at the end of the tenth century by Arab and
Islamic astronomers. The West learned about Arab and
Islamic trigonometry at the beginning of the twelfth
century through translations of Arabic and Islamic
astronomy handbooks. Indeed, the maps created by the
Alexandrian Greeks and the trigonometric functions
developed by the Arab and Islamic astronomers were
employed during the world explorations of the fteenth
and sixteenth centuries. Christopher Columbus (1451
1506) utilized these materials to guide him to discover
the new world in 1492. There is no denying the meri-
torious impacts of trigonometry on exploration and
navigation during the fteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Trigonometry of the Renaissance
Calculations using trigonometric functions to deter-
mine the sides of right triangles did not become preva-
lent until the sixteenth century. German mathemati-
cian Bartholomew Pitiscus (15611613) is recognized
for creating the word trigonometry, meaning triangle
measurement. He chose Trigometria for the title of his
book, which described the applications of trigonom-
etry in surveying.
During the seventeenth century, numerical calcu-
lations in trigonometry were simplied by the inven-
tion of logarithms by the Scottish mathematician John
Napier (15501617). Fifty years following Napiers
invention of logarithms, English mathematician Isaac
Newton (16421727) invented the calculus in which he
Trigonometry 1011
represented trigonometric functions as innite series
in powers of x. Specically, Newton discovered that
sin x x x x x x ( ) = + +
3 5 7 9
cos x x x x x ( ) = + + 1
2 4 6 8
These representations of the sine and cosine func-
tions continue to play important roles in applied and
pure mathematics in the twenty-rst century.
For most of the history of trigonometry, angles
were measured in degrees, which were dened as frac-
tions of the circumference of a circle. This practice
was not efcient nor consistent because the radius of
the circle was not xed. The creators of tables of sines
often chose a radius convenient for their calculations.
Ptolemy used a radius of 60 since his fractions were
expressed in 60ths. The Austrian mathematician Georg
Rheticus (15141574) used a radius of 10
, which per-
mitted him to tabulate the six trigonometric functions
with 15-digit accuracy without the use of decimals or
fraction manipulation.
Further innovations and interpretations in trigo-
nometry were developed in the eighteenth century by
the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (17071783).
He explained that computations of trigonometric
functions would be more efcient if the line lengths
were measured in the same unit. Consequently, he
chose 1 to be the radius of a circle centered at the
origin. Thus, the circles circumference would be 2;
the arc for 45 degrees would be /4; the arc for 30
degrees would be /6; and so on. This system led to
the later development of radian measures for angles
and arc lengths.
More signicantly, Euler discovered that trigono-
metric functions could be dened in terms of complex
numbers (the union of real and imaginary numbers).
Specically, Eulers famous equation states that for any
real number x,
e x i x
= ( ) + ( ) cos sin .
The relevance of this equation was that trigonom-
etry could then be viewed as only one of the numerous
applications of complex numbers. This formula served
as a unifying concept for the study of mathematics as
a whole.
Contemporary Applications of Trigonometry
Although trigonometry originated in ancient civiliza-
tions from studying the movements of astronomical
bodies and triangle relationships, its current applica-
tions encompass far more. Trigonometry now spans
the diverse elds of architecture, engineering, science,
music, navigation, medicine, digital imaging, and
games of entertainment.
Trigonometry is a perfect partner for architecture
and engineering. Contemporary buildings with curved
surfaces in glass and steel would be impossible with-
out trigonometry. Although the surfaces are perceived
as curved, they are frequently composed of numerous
triangles. Furthermore, since the triangle is an ideal
shape for evenly distributing the weight of a structure,
an understanding of relationships among the parts of
triangles is essential in the design and construction of
buildings, bridges, and monuments. Specically, if an
engineer knows the lengths of the beams that will be
attached to a structure, the angles at which they must
be attached can be calculated using trigonometry.
Additionally, in the architectural design of an amphi-
theatre, the engineers task is to design the structure
so that all sounds from the stage are funneled into the
audiences ears. Engineers and architects use trigonom-
etry to identify the perfect shape to balance this sound
as it reects off the walls and ceilings.
Since trigonometry facilitates the understanding
of space, it has numerous applications in the physical
sciences. In optics and statics, trigonometric functions
are vital in understanding the behavior of light and
sound. It is particularly useful for modeling the peri-
odic processes found in music because of the cyclical
and periodic nature of trigonometric functions (sine,
cosine, and tangent). Harmonics are determined by
the form of their sine waves with respect to their peri-
ods and frequencies. The period of a sine wave is the
length of the interval of repetition of the sine wave.
The frequency of a sine wave is the number of cycles a
sine wave goes through in a standard distance or time
interval. In music, the frequency is often expressed in
units of hertz, (Hz), where 1Hz means one period per
second. For example, the pitch of every note in music
is determined by the length of its sine wave (period)
and by its frequency. Musical notes with wide sine
1012 Trigonometry
waves are lower in pitch because they have fewer cycles
per second, while notes that have narrow sine waves
are higher in pitch and have more cycles per second.
Trigonometry plays a vital role in modern technolo-
gies through the process of triangulation. It is used by
global positioning systems (GPS), in computer graph-
ics, and in gaming. Specically, computer generation of
complex images is made possible by coloring numerous,
microscopic squares (called pixels) that dene the pre-
cise location and points on the image. The technique of
triangulation is used to make the image highly detailed
and clearly focused. In GPS, triangulation is used for
object location. Similar imaging technologies have also
revolutionized the medical elds through the develop-
ment of Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans,
ultrasounds, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Trigonometry Instruction
It has been shown that trigonometry emerged approxi-
mately 4000 years ago through careful observations
of the movements of celestial objects in the sky. These
observations gave rise to the study of the celestial sphere
and relationships among arcs, chord lengths, and central
angles of great circles. In the twenty-rst century, this
form of trigonometry is called spherical trigonometry.
It was not until the end of the tenth century that Arab
and Islamic astronomers dened the six trigonometric
ratios. It took another 500 years before right triangle trig-
onometry became prominent in surveying, navigation,
and architecture throughout the Western world. There-
fore, it is interesting that this evolutionary sequence of
the development of trigonometry is not reected in the
order in which it is typically introduced to students.
The current order of instruction is to rst intro-
duce the six trigonometric functions as ratios between
the sides of right triangles. These concepts are then
applied in nding the missing parts of right triangles.
Finally, the unit circle and the periodic nature of trigo-
nometric functions are introduced. This instructional
order is often supported by the fact that right triangle
trigonometry is a natural extension of the study of the
Pythagorean theorem and ratios between parts of tri-
angles, both of which are covered in the middle grades.
Furthermore, trigonometric ratios are not as difcult
to comprehend as periodic functions.
Some educators may argue that instruction should
follow the evolutionary sequence of a topic. In sup-
port of that argument, students of todays technologi-
cal world (with microwaves, wis, electrocardiograms,
and electronic music) gain early familiarity with the
periodicity of the sine and cosine functions. They are
also more likely to model scientic and social phenom-
ena with trigonometric functions than to apply right
triangle trigonometry in nding the missing parts of
triangles. Thus, for research purposes in identifying
best practices for instruction, some educators have
considered assessing the effects of teaching trigonom-
etry in the same order that it historically evolved.
In conclusion, trigonometry is more valuable to soci-
ety today than ever before in recorded history. The foun-
dations of trigonometry emerged about 4000 years ago
in the Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. It devel-
oped into a well-dened mathematical discipline in the
city of Alexandria, Egypt, circa 350 b.c.e. In the centu-
ries that followed, trigonometry continued to evolve
through the contributions and insights of diverse cul-
tures and societies throughout the world. Trigonometry,
with its advanced measurement facilities and associated
technologies, remains one of the most applicable and
practical elds of mathematics, vital to the advancement
of the sciences, engineering, and technologies.
Further Reading
Baumgart, John K., ed. Historical Topics for the
Mathematics Classroom. 2nd ed. Reston, VA: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989.
Bressoud, David M. Historical Reections on Teaching
Trigonometry. Mathematics Teacher 104, no. 2
(September 2010).
Buchberg, Jerrold T., et al. The Essential Physics of
Medical Imaging. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
Joyce, David. Applications of Trigonometry (1997).
Katz, V., ed. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia,
China, India, and Islam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2007.
Van Brummelen, Glen. The Mathematics of the Heavens
and the Earth: The Early History of Trigonometry.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Sharon Whitton
See Also: Animation and CGI; Functions; Geometry
and Geometry Education; Geometry in Society; GPS;
Harmonics; Measurements, Length.
Trigonometry 1013
Category: Architecture and Engineering.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations.
Summary: Tunnels have long presented interesting
mathematical and engineering problems.
A tunnel is a connecting passageway through materials
like rock, earth, or water. Tunnel engineers must take
into consideration issues like seepage and weight. Sci-
entists and mathematicians create mathematical mod-
els of tunnels to investigate aspects like aquifers and
safety issues. Analytic and closed form solutions are
useful in engineering. Mathematical elds like graph
theory, differential equations, geometry, probability,
and trigonometry are important for modeling and
measuring tunnels.
Mathematically Challenging Tunnels
Five centuries after it was completed, Hero of Alexan-
dria gave a theoretical explanation that may explain
how the Tunnel of Samos was constructed. Mathemati-
cal physicist Renfrey Potts had an undergraduate degree
in mathematics. He worked as a consultant for General
Motors and created car-following models. This work
led to experiments on a testing track with just two cars
that successfully predicted the optimum speeds for
congested trafc in the Holland Tunnel in New York,
named for engineer Clifford Holland. The Channel
Tunnel between England and France represented a sig-
nicant engineering and mathematical challenge. At
the time of its building and into the twenty-rst cen-
tury, it had the longest undersea length of any tunnel
in the world. It presented signicant challenges includ-
ing problems related to the topology and geology of
the rock through which it was bored; signicant water
1014 Tunnels
If the height and width of a parabolic tunnel are known, one can determine the tunnels height at different
distances from the base center by modeling using coordinate geometry and equations.
pressure; ventilation; communication; and the fact that
construction was started at the same time from both
ends, requiring exceptional precision to meet in the
middle. This tunnel serves as a model for other under-
water tunnel projects and many teachers use it to pres-
ent mathematics concepts. Scientists and mathemati-
cians also experiment with digital and physical wind
tunnels as well as quantum tunnels.
Ancient Tunneling
The problem of delivering fresh water to large popu-
lations has been an ongoing human endeavor since
ancient times. In the sixth century b.c.e., a one-kilome-
ter tunnel was dug through a large hill of solid limestone
to bring water from the mountains to the main city on
the island of Samos. The Eupalinian aqueduct on Samos
was designed by the ancient Greek engineer Eupalinos
of Megara. The tunnelers worked from both ends and
met in the middle, with an error less than 0.06% of the
height. To achieve this remarkable result, Hero of Alex-
andria theorized that the tunnelers used a method based
on similar triangles in order to determine the correct
direction for tunneling. Mathematicians and scientists
continue to debate the pros and cons of various theories
of how this engineering marvel was constructed.
Modeling Tunnels
Tunnels can be modeled using coordinate geometry
and equations. For example, knowing the height and
width of a parabolic tunnel, one can determine the
tunnels height at different distances from the base cen-
ter. To solve this problem, one needs to nd the equa-
tion for the parabola choosing convenient x-y axes.
Frictionless Tunnels
The possibility of mathematical modeling allows for
innovative and challenging ideas. What if a frictionless
tunnel would be bored through Earths center? Paul
Cooper, a mathematician fond of Jules Vernes books,
tried to answer this question in an issue of the Ameri-
can Journal of Physics. He set up and solved by com-
puter a set of differential equations for tunnels that
would provide minimum gravity-powered travel time
between any two cities on Earth.
According to Coopers differential equations, by
freefalling in airless, frictionless, straight-line tunnels,
passenger vehicles powered only by the pull of gravity
could theoretically travel between any two points on
the Earths surface in a total time of only 42.2 minutes.
Accelerated by the force of gravity on the rst half of the
trip, the vehicle would gain just enough kinetic energy
to coast up to the other side of the Earth. However,
signicant obstacles make such a project impossible
in the twenty-rst century. Subterranean temperatures
reach extremes, even for relatively shallow tunnels of
only a few miles deep, requiring huge cooling systems
for vehicles. Also, it is almost certainly impossible to
create a completely frictionless path without a rail or
track of some type, leaving the vehicle with insufcient
kinetic energy to complete its trip without a source of
additional power. Consequently, such a tunnel is still
science ction more than science.
Further Reading
Apostle, Tom. The Tunnel of Samos. Engineering and
Science 1 (2004).
Cooper, P. W. Through the Earth in Forty Minutes.
American Journal of Physics 34, no. 1 (1966).
Lunardi, Pietro. Design and Construction of Tunnels:
Analysis of Controlled Deformations in Rock and Soils.
New York: Springer, 2008.
Oxlade, Chris. Tunnels. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-
Raintree, 2005.
Florence Mihaela Singer
See Also: Caves and Caverns; Coordinate Geometry;
Energy; Trafc; Wind and Wind Power.
Tunnels 1015
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry;
Summary: Ultrasound uses mathematical principles
to create images of the human body.
Although ultrasound cannot be heard by humans, it has
been produced and used for a vast number of applica-
tions in many different elds. In industry, ultrasound has
been used as a technique to assess the structural integrity
of materials. The interaction between ultrasound and
live systems has been studied since the 1920s. During
the 1960s, it was used in medicine, initially as a thera-
peutic option and then later as a diagnostic resource. In
the twenty-rst century, ultrasound is a major medi-
cal imaging technology widely used in clinical facili-
ties around the world because it causes no harm to the
human body and results can be achieved in real time,
besides the fact it is considerably cheap and easy to use.
The available technologies using ultrasound are in con-
stant development. Every new application depends on
the advance of computer sciences that work with many
concepts of physics and the solution of mathematical
problems in this eld seems inexhaustible.
Sound is a form of energy consisting of the vibration
of molecules of an environment that can be air, water,
solid, or biological tissues (such as bones and muscles).
This kind of energy propagates across the medium in
the form of waves. Sound is a mechanical wave whose
fundamental characteristics are amplitude, which is the
distance between the highest and lowest point of the
wave and frequency, which is the number of cycles that
occur in a second, measured in hertz (Hz). Humans are
able to detect sounds with a frequency of 2020,000
Hzthe normal limits of the human hearing. The term
infrasound refers to sound waves that have a fre-
quency lower as 20 Hz, and sounds with a frequency
higher than 20,000 Hz are called ultrasound. Unlike
humans, some animals, such as bats, dolphins, whales,
dogs, cats, and mice can hear ultrasound.
Imaging the Human Body
While traversing a material, the properties of ultra-
sound change in intensity and speed of propagation,
which means that ultrasound waves travel at differ-
ent speeds depending on the material. Consider two
samples of human bone, one from a 30-year-old per-
son and the other from an 80-year-old person. If ultra-
sound waves cross these two bony samples, the speed at
which the sound propagates in the bones can be repre-
sented algebraically by the following equation:
where is the speed of ultrasound in the bone sample,
E is the modulus of elasticity of the bone sample, and
is the density of the bone sample.
The speed of sound () can be calculated by measur-
ing the time required for the wave to propagate through
the bone and then dividing by the width of the bone.
Knowing the density of the bones (), this equation
could be used to determine the values of the modu-
lus of elasticity (E) that indicates the elastic properties
of the bone. In a 30-year-old person, the speed of the
sound through the bone is approximately 4000 m/s.
In an 80-year-old person, this rate drops to 3800 m/s.
This fact means that the higher the speed of the sound
through the bone, the better is the quality of bone. A
low speed could reveal a bony fragility and a fracture
probability. This principle is used in ultrasonometry, a
technique used to estimate the bony fracture or osteo-
porosis risk in patients. Ultrasound medical imaging is
one of the most powerful diagnostic tools in modern
medicine. Along with other imaging methods, it is based
on advanced mathematical techniques and numerical
algorithms that are necessary to analyze the data and
produce readable pictures or three-dimensional images
of inner body structures without surgery or use of radi-
ation. It has been widely used to identify the sex or to
detect malformations in fetuses during gestation.
Further Reading
Ammari, Habib. An Introduction to Mathematics of
Emerging Biomedical Imaging. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
Gibbs, Vivien, et al. Ultrasound: Physics and Technology.
Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 2009.
Maria Elizete Kunkel
See Also: Diagnostic Testing; Digital Images;
Harmonics; Medical Imaging.
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Summary: Unemployment rates are calculated using
intricate statistical models and sampling methods.
An unemployed person is generally dened as an indi-
vidual who is available for work but who currently does
not have a job. Overall unemployment is typically quan-
tied using the unemployment rate, which represents
the number unemployed people as a percent of the labor
force. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is an independent
statistical agency of the U.S. federal government pri-
marily responsible for measuring labor market activity.
Many mathematicians and statisticians are involved in
data collection, modeling, and estimation of employ-
ment activity, including the highest levels of direction
and management. For example, Janet Norwood was the
rst woman commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics and frequently spoke to the Joint Economic
Committee and other congressional Committees. She
was also president of the American Statistical Associa-
tion and chair of the Advisory Council on Unemploy-
ment Compensation. Regarding her work, she noted,
These data gure very prominently in most of the
political debates, so it is extremely important that they
be accurate and of high quality, and that they be released
in a manner that is totally objective.
Economist John Maynard Keyness revolutionary
work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money, was published in 19351936. The Industrial
Revolution and shift away from an agrarian economy
had signicantly changed the way in which researchers
in many elds looked at economic measures, includ-
ing employment, and the Great Depression brought
even greater attention and emphasis to these concepts.
Because of labor-market volatility in the late 1920s, the
1930 U.S. census attempted the rst comprehensive
federal measure of unemployment, but data from the
decennial census were not timely enough to be useful
in assessing the effectiveness of Depression legislation
to aid unemployed workers. Statisticians used newly
emerging polling methods to develop better mea-
sures and mathematical models. Better methods also
changed, at times, the denition of unemployment.
Overall, it is commonly accepted that unemployment
induces negative effects on the nancial and economic
status of societies and individuals with respect to many
variables. As workers become unemployed, the goods
and services that they could have produced are lost
along with the purchasing power of these workers,
1018 Unemployment, Estimating
selected from the lists of addresses obtained from the
last decennial census of the population. Housing units
from blocks with similar demographic composition
and geographic proximity are grouped together in the
list. The nal sample is usually described as a two-stage
sample but occasionally, a third stage of sampling is
necessary when actual SSU size is extremely large. In
this situation, a third stage, called eld subsampling,
is needed in order to keep the surveyors workload man-
ageable. This involves selecting a systematic subsample
of the SSU to reduce the number of sample housing
units to a more convenient number. Once a survey is
designed and the sample is drawn, eld representatives
and computer-assisted telephone interviewers contact
and interview a responsible person living in each of the
sample units selected to complete the interview.
Seasonal Adjustment of Unemployment Data
The collected data by the CPS are subjected to a series
of transformations and adjustments before the ana-
lytical tools are applied to t adequate models to the
unemployment rate and explain its behavior in terms
of relevant factors. Because some types of employment
are seasonal or cyclical over time, such as December
holiday retail sales or fall farm harvesting, adjustments
must often be made to account for such cycles. In fact,
throughout a one-year period, the level of unemploy-
ment experiences continuous variations because of
such seasonal events as changes in weather, major holi-
days, agricultural harvesting, and school openings and
closings. Since seasonal events follow an almost regu-
lar periodic pattern each year, their inuence on the
overall pattern can be easily estimated and eliminated.
There are two popular methods for removing seasonal-
ity. The rst estimates the seasonal component using a
regression model with time series errors. The explana-
tory variables in the regression equation are 12-period
harmonic terms. Once the regression coefcients are
estimated, the tted values are evaluated for each month
subtracted from the corresponding actual values lead-
ing to seasonally adjusted series. The second method
consists of simply taking seasonal differences of the
unemployment series. The removal of the anticipated
seasonal component makes it easier for data analysts to
observe fundamental variations in the unemployment
level, such as trends, gains, nonseasonal intrinsic cycles,
and effects of external events, especially those related to
economic factors.
thus leading to the unemployment of more workers.
In addition, a large unemployment rate can induce sig-
nicant social changes and has been the foundation of
civil unrest and revolutions. Mathematicians and stat-
isticians continue to create explanatory and forecasting
models that are used to guide policies and decisions
intended to stabilize economies and aid unemployed
workers at local, state, and national levels. These mod-
els draw from mathematical ideas and techniques in
a wide range of areas, including time series analyses,
equilibrium modeling, structural component model-
ing, neural networks, and simulation.
Sample Design and Collection
of Unemployment Data
In most countries, the task of collecting and analyz-
ing unemployment-related information is assigned to
certain governmental agencies. In the United States,
the Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted by
the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics
since the mid-twentieth century, provides most of the
necessary data. Counting every unemployed person
each month is impractical in terms of both cost and
time, so the Census Bureau conducts a monthly sur-
vey of the population using a sample of households
that is designed to represent the civilian population of
the United States. At the start of the twenty-rst cen-
tury, the (CPS) surveyed about 50,000 households per
month. The selection is generally a multistage stratied
sample selected from many different sample areas. The
sample provides estimates for the nation and serves as
part of model-based estimates for individual states and
other geographic areas.
In the rst stage of sampling, the United States is
divided into primary sampling units (PSUs) that usu-
ally consist of a metropolitan area, a large county, or a
group of smaller counties. PSUs are then grouped into
strata based on some factor that divides the popula-
tion into mutually exclusive homogeneous groups. The
homogeneity of the stratum ensures that the within-
strata variability is very small compared to the variabil-
ity between strata. One PSU is then randomly selected
from each stratum with a probability of selection pro-
portional to the PSUs population size. The second stage
of sampling consists of randomly selecting small groups
of housing units from the sample PSUs. Elements from
this sample of housing units are called secondary
sampling units (SSUs). These households are usually
Unemployment, Estimating 1019
Rate Estimation and Prediction
Since the unemployment survey is conducted in the
same manner on a monthly basis, the type of data
collected is called time series data. Dependence or
autocorrelation among the observations in such data
is common, which means that most classical mean-
variance types of statistical models are not applicable
for estimation and prediction with most unemploy-
ment data. Mathematical and statistical models that
take into account the particularity of time-dependent
data are called time series models. Among the most
popular and useful are autoregressive integrated mov-
ing average (ARIMA) models and their seasonal exten-
sion (SARIMA). Such models can be used to describe
the relationship between a current unemployment rate
and past ones using differencing operations and lin-
ear equations. As a consequence, the model can also
be used to predict future realizations of the unem-
ployment rate. The ARIMA models are very exible in
the sense that they allow for the inclusion of external
factors, which can help explain the movement of the
unemployment rate and lead to estimators and predic-
tors with smaller variability errors.
Further Reading
Downey, Kirstin. The Woman Behind the New Deal.
New York: Anchor Books, 2010.
Flenberg, Stephen. A Conversation With Janet L.
Norwood. Statistical Science 9, no. 4 (1994).
Pissarides, Christopher. Equilibrium Unemployment
Theory. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
Zbikowski, Andrew, et al. The Current Population
Survey: Design and Methodology. Technical Paper 40.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Ofce, 2006.
Mohamed Amezziane
See Also: Census; Forecasting; Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).
Units of Area
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Numerous units of area have been used
throughout history for measuring land.
Specic measurements of land area date back to ancient
times to dene land ownership (for the purposes of
taxation, among other reasons). Some of these mea-
surements are still used in the twenty-rst century.
Ancient Units of Measurement
In Mesopotamia, land area was divided into a bur (an
estate), which covered about 64,800 square meters. The
bur, in turn, was divided into iku (elds), each of which
covered about 3600 square meters. Further measure-
ments and sub-divisions are recorded on surviving
land documents. The Egyptians also had their own sys-
tem based on the kha-ta (100,000 square cubits), which
in turn was divided into 10 setat, which consisted of 10
kha (1000 square cubits, or 275.65 square meters).
The Romans had a very specic system of measur-
ing land with the basic measure being an actus quadra-
tus (acre), which covered about 1260 square meters.
Smaller measurements were described as being a pes
quadratus (square foot) or scripulum (or square perch).
These measurements were based on the pes (foot) being
the basic unit of measurement throughout the Roman
Empire, a length that was xed throughout the Empire.
By contrast, the Greeks used a different system of
land measurement by which land was divided into a
plethrona variable area of land that consisted of
the amount of land a yoke of oxen were able to plough
in a single day. As a result, the exact measurment varied
from some parts of Greece to other parts (and indeed
for different parts of a city), although it was thought
to approximate to about four English acres. In rocky
and hilly areas, the land area was larger than in other
parts of the city state. This method of measuring land
areabased on what could be done with itis quite
different to the Roman system and largely emerged
from a method of equitable taxation by which those
with poorer land could be taxed fairly alongside those
with more fertile land.
This Greek concept of land measurement was later
followed by the Anglo-Saxons in England with their use
of the hide as a measure of land. This measurement
was used in the Domesday Book in 1086 and contin-
ued until the end of the twelfth century. Traditionally,
it was thought that a hide consisted of the land needed
to support 10 families, because it is used instead of the
1020 Units of Area
term terra x familiarum (land of 10 families) in the
Anglo-Saxon version of Bedes ecclesiastical history. In
Scotland during the same period, the term groatland
was used to describe the land that could be rented for
a particular coinin this case, a groat. It would repre-
sent a larger area for poorer agricultural land than for
richer land.
Medieval Era
By medieval times, in Europe and especially England,
the terms of measuring land were standardized, and
these tended to follow the Roman measurements of a
perch, a rood, and an acre. In spite of these mea-
sures (although the hide was being phased out), there
were other measures including the carucate, which
covered the land that an eight-ox team could plough
in a year (approximately 120 acres); a virgate, which
covered land that could be ploughed by two oxen in a
year (about 30 acres); and a bovate, which covered
the land that could be ploughed by a single ox in a year.
There was also an area known as a knights fee, which
was the land expected to be able to produce a single
armed soldier in times of war. Although early in medi-
eval England, an acre was supposed to be the land that
could be ploughed in single day, by late medieval times,
it had been formalized as 4840 square yards.
Other Systems of Measuring Area
Elsewhere in the world, many other places had their
own system of measuring area. The Chinese had a
system based on the li (7.9 square yards), the fen (10
li), the mu (10 fen), the shi (10 mu), and the qing (10
shi). The Japanese also had a system of measurement
by tsubo, which covered the land that was the same
size as two tatami mats (about 3.306 square meters).
In Korea, there is a similar measure called the pyeong,
which covers 3.3058 square meters. These measures are
generally used to measure the size of rooms and build-
ings rather than large areas of land. The tsubo and the
pyeong are both still used in the twenty-rst century to
help describe the size of houses or apartments for sale,
in the same way as the term square is used by Austra-
lian estate agents (approximating to 100 square feet, or
9.29 square meters).
Metric System
The metric system was devised during the 1790s fol-
lowing the French Revolution in an attempt to stan-
dardize measurements and it was adopted by the
French after Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in
1799. It focuses on the meter as the main measurement
of length, and the square meter as the measurement of
area. This is used throughout most of the world in the
twenty-rst century.
Further Reading
Anderton, Pamela. Changing to the Metric System.
London: Her Majestys Stationery Ofce, 1965.
Balchin, Paul N., and Jeffrey L. Kieve. Urban Land
Economics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1985.
Boyd, Thomas D. Urban and Rural Land Division
in Ancient Greece. Hesperia 50, no. 4 (October
December 1981).
Kanda, James. Methods of Land Transfer in Medieval
Japan. Monumenta Nipponica 33, no. 4 (Winter 1978).
Snooks, Graeme D., and John McDonald. Domesday
Economy: A New Approach to Anglo-Norman History.
Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1986.
Walthew, C. V. Possible Standard Units of Measurement
in Roman Military Planning. Britannia 12 (1981).
Justin Corfield
See Also: Measurements, Area; Roman Mathematics;
Units of Length; Units of Mass; Units of Volume.
Units of Length
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: Numerous units of length exist and are
used according to the distance measured.
Measuring length or distance has been necessary as far
back as the oldest hunter-gatherer peoples in order to
perform necessary tasks, such as traveling and nding
or hunting food. Many of the rst units of length were
derived from bodily measurements. Modern units of
length can broadly be divided into two categories: the
U.S. customary system and the international system.
The U.S. customary system is more commonly known
as the American system. The International system is
Units of Length 1021
more commonly known as the metric system. The
basic unit of length in the American system is the foot,
while the basic unit of length in the metric system is
the meter. The American system is used more often
in the United States, while the metric system is more
common in other parts of the world. Scientic journals
almost always report measurements in metric units.
The exact values of length measurements depend on
the units chosen but certain constants (like ) that are
fundamental to related measurements (like circumfer-
ence) are unitless.
American System
The American system of lengths is similar to the British
imperial system from which the American system takes
its historical roots. The basic unit of measurement is the
foot (ft), which originally was set to be the length of
an adult mans foot. Each foot is approximately 0.3048
meters. Smaller distances in the American system are
typically measured in inches (in) or less commonly in
mils. There are 12 inches in a foot and 1000 mils in an
inch. Rather than mils, it is much more common to use
fractions of an inch to obtain additional accuracy in the
American system. Longer distances in the American
system are usually measured in yards (yd) or miles (mi).
There are three feet in a yard and 1760 yards in a mile
(5280 feet in a mile).
Metric System
The meter was originally established in France as one
ten-millionth of the distance from the Earths equator
to the North Pole along the meridian passing through
Paris. However, in 1983 it was dened as 1/299,792,458
of the distance traveled by light in a second in a vac-
uum. Smaller units of length in the metric system are
often measured in centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm),
micrometers (m, also known as the micron), and nano-
meters (nm). There are 100 centimeters in a meter and
1000 millimeters in a meter. Similarly, there are 1 mil-
lion micrometers in a meter and 1 billion nanometers
in a meter. Longer distances are usually measured in
kilometers (km). There are 1000 meters in a kilometer,
which are sometimes referred to as klicks in the mili-
tary. The fermi and the angstrom are also units of length
in the metric system, though they are not ofcially part
of the international system. There are 10
fermis in a
meter and 10 trillion angstroms in a meter. Because of
their small length, the fermi and the angstrom are best
suited for very small distances. Less common units of
length in the metric system include the decimeter (one-
tenth of a meter), picometer (10
meters), decameter
(10 meters), megameter (1 million meters), gigameter
(1 billion meters), and petameter (10
Atomic and Astronomic Measurements
Atomic measurements are also given in terms of either
Planck length or the Bohr radius. The Planck length is
dened in terms of Plancks constant, the gravitational
constant, and the speed of light in a vacuum. The result
is that the Planck length is based entirely on universal
constants rather than human constructs, such as the sec-
ond. A Planck length is approximately 1.61625 10
meters. The Bohr radius is dened as the expected
distance between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and
its electron in the Bohr model of the atom. The Bohr
radius is approximately 5.29177 10
Astronomical distances are typically given in terms of
light-years, astronomical units, or parsecs. The light-year
is dened as the distance light travels in a vacuum in a
Julian year (365.25 days). The light year is approximately
9,460,730,472,581 kilometers or 5,878,630,000,000
miles. Distances such as the light-second, the light-min-
ute, and the light-month are dened analogously to the
light-year. The astronomical unit is dened as the average
distance between the Earth and the sun, approximately
149,597,871 kilometers or 92,955,807 miles. The parsec
is dened in terms of the astronomical unit and an angle
with measure one arc second. The imaginary right tri-
angle that denes the parsec has one angle with measure
one arc second. The opposite side of the triangle from
this angle has length equal to one astronomical unit.
The length of the adjacent side to this angle is dened
as a parsec and can be derived using basic trigonometry.
There are approximately 3.26 light-years in a parsec.
Other Measurements
There are a number of units of length that are based on
the American system and still in use in certain profes-
sions in the twenty-rst century. A furlong is often used
in horse racing and is dened as one-eighth of a mile
(220 yds). The hand is a unit of length used to describe
the height of a horse and is equivalent to four inches.
Rods (5.5 yds) and chains (66 ft) are often used in sur-
veying. A fathom is often used to measure the depth of
water and is equal to six feet. A nautical mile is approxi-
mately equal to one minute of latitude. Thus, there are
1022 Units of Length
1872 meters (approximately 6076 feet) in a nautical mile.
Fathoms and nautical miles are often used by mariners.
There are also a number of archaic units of length
that may be familiar to the reader, most signicantly
the cubit (1.5 ft) and the league. The dimensions of
Noahs Ark as well as other Biblical artifacts are given
in cubits. The league has several different values, how-
ever the most common is the distance that a person
can walk in an hour (approximately three miles). The
league was featured in the title of Jules Vernes Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
Further Reading
Glover, Thomas G. Measure for Measure. Littleton, CO:
Sequoia Publishers, 1996.
Hopkins, Robert A., The International (SI) System and
How It Works. Tarzana, AK: AMJ Publishing, 1975.
Liander, Pamela. Measurements & Conversions.
Philadelphia: Running Press, 2003.
Wildi, Theodore. Metric Units and Conversion Charts.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-IEEE Press, 1995.
Young, Hugh D., et al. University Physics With Modern
Physics. 12th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2007.
Robert A. Beeler
See Also: Measurements, Length; Units of Area; Units
of Volume.
Units of Mass
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: A variety of measurement systems have
been used throughout history to measure weight
and mass.
Throughout history, there have been many ways of mea-
suring mass. Until modern times, these methods were
those used to measure what was known as weight. A
number of ways of assessing weight existed in prehis-
toric times. The Sumerians used a system similar to that
later used throughout the ancient Middle East, with 180
grains making a shekel (or gin), and 60 of these forming
a pound (or ma-na), and 600 of these making a load (or
gun). A wall painting from ancient Egypt, dating from
1285 b.c.e., shows the god Anubis weighing the heart of
Hunefer using scales, indicating that the Egyptians had
a system of using weights and measures. There were,
however, slight differences between the Middle King-
dom and the New Kingdom in Egypt.
Greeks and Romans
The Greeks, with the extensive use of coinage, used a
scale that was based on the barley corn but it was actu-
ally more xed on the weight of individual coins. The
Romans adapted the Greek system for their own use,
with the basic measure of an uncia (or ounce). Twelve
of these made up one as, with different names were
given to parts of an as: quadrans were a quarter of an as
and semis were half an as.
Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages in Europe, there were a number
of measures that were used for a variety of purposes. For
apothecaries, jewelers, and the making of coins, there
were grains, scruples, and drams. Two systems
were heavily used in Western Europe. The Troy weights,
named after the French city of Troyes, were based on the
troy ounce (the name ounce coming from the Roman
uncia). By contrast in England, until 1526, there was
the Tower ounce, which was slightly lighter than its
continental measure (18.75 dwt/pennyweight, rather
than the Troy ounce which was 20 dwt). For both mea-
sures, 12 ounces made up a pound. In England, eight
pounds equaled a butchers stone, and 12 pounds a
mercantile stone. The larger measurements were in
tons, which consisted of 2240 poundsnow known as
a long ton. The United States later adopted a measure
in which 2000 pounds equals a short ton.
Throughout Europe, there were regional varieties
and customary names. Scotland was divided between
using the Troy measures, and the Tron measures,
the latter being used in Edinburghthe system was
standardized in 1661. The Portuguese used a sys-
tem maintained at a national level and was based on
the onca (ounce), with 16 of these making an arratel
(pound), 128 arrateis making a quintal, and 1728 mak-
ing a tonelada. These Portuguese measures, also used in
Brazil, were abandoned when both countries adopted
the metric system: Portugal and its colonies (or over-
seas provinces) in 1852, and Brazil 10 years later. The
Units of Mass 1023
Russians also had their own system, which had emerged
from that used by the Mongolsalthough Peter the
Great (r. 16821725) overhauled the system and used
one based on the English system.
Elsewhere in the world, there were many other sys-
tems of measuring mass. The Chinese used a system
with 1000 cash making a tael, and ten taels equaling a
catty, and 100 of those making up a picul. The Japanese
system relied on the momme (about 3.75 g), with 100
of these forming a hyakume, 160 of them making one
kin, and 1000 of them equaling one kan. The momme is
still used as a measure of mass in the pearling industry,
which is still dominated by Japan.
Further Reading
Anderton, Pamela. Changing to the Metric System.
London: Her Majestys Stationery Ofce, 1965.
Fenna, Donald. A Dictionary of Weights, Measures, and
Units. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Grayson, Michael A. Measuring Mass: From Positive
Rays to Proteins. Darby, PA: Chemical Heritage
Foundation, 2005.
Moody, Ernest A. The Medieval Science of Weights.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1960.
Zupko, Ronald Edward. Medieval Apothecary Weights
and Measures: The Principal Units of England and
France. Pharmacy in History 32 (1990).
Justin Corfield
See Also: Roman Mathematics; Units of Area; Units of
Length; Units of Volume.
Units of Volume
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry; Measurement;
Number and Operations; Representations.
Summary: A variety of units are used to measure
volume throughout the world.
Measuring of volume intrigued many scientists in the
ancient world. For the most part, crops, stones, and
other items were measured by weight rather than vol-
ume because of the relative ease of doing soespecially
given the irregular shapes of many items. For solid items
with irregular shapes, it seemed far too complicated
to work out their volume, even if this could be done
1024 Units of Volume
n attempt to standardize the measure-
ment of mass started in France, which, on
December 10, 1799, passed a new law estab-
lishing a kilogram that consisted of 18,827.15
grains, although the kilogram had already beem
used for the previous four years. It was dened
as being a 1 cubic decimeter of distilled water
at 4 degrees centigrade, its maximum density.
This standardization led to the metric system,
and in turn it led to the introduction of what
became known as the International System of
Units (SI units).
The SI units dene mass in kilograms as
the base unit. It is almost exactly the same
as one liter of water, although the exact mea-
sure is the same as a piece of platinum-iridium
alloy, which is called the International Prototype
Kilogram and is stored in a vault in France. An
anomaly meant that it was the only base unit
with an SI prex kilo- (meaning thousand).
There are a number of multiples and submul-
tiples, but only some are commonly used.
A one-thousandth part of a gram is called a
milligram, a millionth part called a micro-
gram, and 10
g called a nanogram. Going
the other way, although there are terms such
as a zettagram (10
g) and a yottagram
g), these are rarely used. One curiosity is
that instead of using the term megagram, for
1000 kg, the term tonne is used; its spell-
ing denoting its difference from the pre-deci-
mal ton. It has been relatively easy to convert
from the old imperial system of pounds to
the metric SI system, with one kilogram essen-
tially being 2.2 pounds. Most of the world uses
kilograms in the twenty-rst century, the United
States being a prominent exception.
with any degree of accuracy. This notion changed dra-
matically with the ideas that have been attributed to the
famous Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes
of Syracuse (c. 287212 b.c.e.). The tale of Archimedes
is that he was given the task of determining the purity
of the gold used to create the crown of King Hiero II
the king was worried that silver or base metals might
have been used in its manufacture and were cleverly
disguised. Pondering the problem while getting into a
bathtub, Archimedes, according to the story, noticed
that the water rose and the amount it rose was equal to
the size of the parts of his body that were submerged.
This led Archimedes to deduce that water could be used
to measure the volume of a particular item, such as the
kings crown. It could then be weighed against a block
of pure gold of the same volume. It is said that when he
realized that this could be done, Archimedes shouted
Eureka! (I have found it!) and ran through the
streets to tell everybody of his discovery, forgetting that
he had not put his clothes on.
Whether or not the story of Archimedes is actually
trueand some historians doubt its veracity, although
Galileo stated that he believed that it might well be
truethe story does illustrate the use of uid displace-
ment, which can be used to easily measure the volume
of irregularly shaped objects. This method does not
seem to have been known before the Greeks. Certainly,
the ancient Egyptians had major problems working
out volume and there are complicated equations and
formulae on the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, which
dates to about 1700 b.c.e., illustrating that the Egyp-
tians were already grappling with the subject.
The Romans had two systems for recording the mea-
surement of volume. The rst and most often used was
for liquid measures and was based on a sextarius (from
sester), which is roughly 0.54 liters. Six sesters made up
one congius; four of these made up one urn; and two
urns make one amphora. For dry measures, although a
sester was still used and was of equivalent size, eight ses-
ters equaled a gallon; two gallons made up one modius
(also called peck); and three of these one quadrantal
(also called bushel).
In use from the Middle Ages, the English ended up with
an extremely complicated system of measuring volume,
which was formalized as Imperial Measurements. The
smallest measure was a mouthful, with two of those
making a pony, two ponies making a jack, two jacks
making one gill, two gills making one cup, and two
of those making a pint. The system continued with
two pints making a quart (from quarter gallon),
with two quarts equaling one pottle, and two pottles
making a gallon. The next levels of measurements
were pecks, kennings, bushels, strikes, coombs,
hogsheads, and butts (also called pipes). A slightly
different scale was used to measure wine and beer. Even
when British adopted the metric system in 1965, some
of the old terminology (and measures) were still used,
especially pints (for milk) and gallons (for gasoline). A
bushel is also the standard measurement for wheat and
some other items in agriculture.
Metric System
Although the English had numerous terms, medieval
and early modern France had a vast range of measures
of volume, which varied from one part of France to
another, most arising for customary reasons. After the
French Revolution, the new government sought to
standardize all systems of measurement, including vol-
ume. This process saw the introduction, under Napo-
leon Bonaparte, of metrication, and in turn it led to the
International System of Units (SI units).
The original metric system had liters (or litres) as
the measure of volume, and from 1901 until 1964, it
was dened as being the volume of one kilogram of
pure water heated to 4 degrees Centigrade and mea-
sured under a pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury.
When it came to devising the SI units, the liter was
dropped as a measure, and the ofcial measurement
was in cubic meters. The difference is not signicant in
all but scientic terms, although liters continued to be
used by many people throughout the world.
Gas Volume
While it was possible to measure the volumes of liquids
easily (and also of solid objects by measuring the dis-
placement of a water of a similar quantity), the mea-
suring of the volume of gas has long posed a problem.
The problem was solved by the British civil engineer
Samuel Clegg (17811861), who had worked on natu-
ral gas ues and was able to design a dry meter and then
a water meter, which were able to measure the amount
of gas used by consumers. This invertion helped the gas
industry in Britainand later in other countriesmea-
sure gas and thereby charge customers based on usage.
Units of Volume 1025
Further Reading
Falkus, M. E. The British Gas Industry Before 1850.
The Economic History Review New Series 20, no. 3
(December 1967).
Hirshfeld, Alan. Eureka Man: The Life and Legacy of
Archimedes. New York: Walker, 2009.
Jaeger, Mary. Archimedes and the Roman Imagination.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008.
Lawn, Richard E., and Elizabeth Prichard. Measurement
of Volume. Cambridge, England: Royal Society of
Chemistry, 2003.
Justin Corfield
See Also: Archimedes; Cubes and Cube Roots;
Measurements, Volume; Roman Mathematics; Units of
Length; Units of Mass.
Universal Constants
Category: Space, Time, and Distance.
Fields of Study: Number and Operations;
Summary: Universal constants help describe the
universe and are believed to be xed for all times and
places in the universe.
A universal constant is a physical quantity whose value
remains xed throughout the universe for all time. How-
ever, most constants are known only approximately;
humans started measuring them relatively recently
and it is an assumption that they areand have always
beenxed. There may be other assumptions that sci-
entists and mathematicians have implicitly made that
turn out to be false and undermine the universality of
these constants. For example, the ratio of the circum-
ference of a circle to its diameter in Euclidean space
is , but with Albert Einsteins conceptualization that
the universe could have non-Euclidean geometry, this
circumference-to-diameter ratio in the real world may
be some value not equal .
The international Committee on Data for Science
and Technology denes and modies physical constants
and quanties their levels of certainty. Three constants in
particular are fundamental to the current understanding
of the physical world. Together, they underlie the math-
ematics of gravity, relativity, and quantum physics. They
are G (the gravitational constant), c
(the velocity of
electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum (in other words,
the speed of light), and h (Plancks constant).
Universal Constant: G
G rst appeared in Isaac Newtons famous equation
F Gm m r =
1 2
, which quanties the force (F) of gravi-
tation between two masses (m
and m
), where r is the
distance between their centers of mass. G is approxi-
mately 6.67 10
(meters-cubed per kilo-
gram per second-squared), which is a very small num-
ber. Gravity is thus a very weak force. Although every
mass is attracted to every other mass, the effects of
gravity are obvious only when the masses involved are
very large (such as with planets).
Using another of Newtons equations, F = ma, it fol-
lows that the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is
the same for all masses. This acceleration is known as
g and its value is around 9.81 ms
at sea level. This
value varies with distance from the Earths center of
mass (r in the equation above), so acceleration due
to gravity decreases to around 9.78 ms
at the top of
Mount Everest. Knowing g to be about 9.81 ms
the radius of the Earth to be roughly 6,378,000 meters,
one can use G to show that the mass of the Earth is
about 5.98 10
kg. One can also estimate the mass of
the Sun and other celestial bodies, such is the applica-
bility of G.
Universal Constant: c
, . . .
where (x, . . .) is equal to a set of Boolean variables with
the values true or false. Diagrams of the various
states of the vending machine and the possible tran-
sitions between them can be converted into Boolean
The control unit reads each string of input data, gen-
erally input from the vending machine customer, such
as the diameter, thickness, or number of ridges of coins
followed by product selection codes. Transition func-
tions tell the machine which state it should enter based
on input data. Transition functions are often repre-
sented in tabular form. The control unit changes its state
with each data string entered until the nal input, after
which it outputs either true or false based on its nal
state. Vending machines also use the algebraic relation-
ship between range and domain, where the range is the
machines output and domain is the customers input.
For example, a customer must input an equal or greater
amount of money than the cost of the desired product.
Further Reading
Hopcroft, John E., and Jeffrey D. Ullman. Introduction
to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1979.
Salomaa, Arto. Computation and Automata. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1985.
Salyers, Christopher D. Vending Machines: Coined
Consumerism. Brooklyn, NY: Mark Batty Publisher,
Segrave, Kerry. Vending Machines: An American Social
History. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2002.
Marcella Bush Trevino
See Also: Algebra in Society; Closed-Box Collecting;
Video Games
Category: Games, Sport, and Recreation.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Data Analysis and
Probability; Geometry.
Summary: Video games use the mathematical
concepts of algorithms, matrices, and random
numbers as part of their programming.
Video games are pervasive in modern society, from
computers to television-based systems to applications
that can be downloaded easily onto cell phones. There
is an ongoing debate over what should be called the rst
video game. The narrower denition is a game gener-
ated by a computer and displayed on a video device.
Others consider it to be any electronically based game
displayed with video output. The most likely candidate
is a 1940s invention by physicists Thomas Goldsmith
and Estle Ray Mann. Their Cathode-Ray Tube Amuse-
ment Device was inspired by World War II radar dis-
plays and allowed the player to shoot virtual missiles at
targets. Though patented, at the time it was too costly to
produce commercially and only a few prototypes were
ever made. Much of the mathematics used to design
and operate computers also applies to video games
and the various elds and professions are closely con-
nected. Video game design programs offered by many
colleges emphasize physics and mathematics education
along with computer programming, as these skills are
necessary to represent the real world in increasingly
realistic ways. The new generation of body-sensing
game controllers uses optics to detect a players motion
1034 Video Games
in three axes and translate it to corresponding move-
ments within the game environment. While most
people think of video games as entertainment, they
are increasingly being incorporated into the classroom
and other learning applications. In 2009, U.S. President
Barack Obama initiated a campaign called Educate to
Innovate, which seeks to use interactive games, among
its other strategies, to improve the mathematical and
scientic abilities of American students.
Simple Modeling Using Polygons
Any video game that has graphics needs to have a way of
drawing a picture on the screen. A very basic program
can take a turtle (or curser) on a screen and move it for-
ward and rotate its direction clockwise. Many geometri-
cal shapes are easy to draw using a turtle. For example,
to tell the turtle to draw a rectangle, a simple program
might tell the turtle to move 100 steps (which could
be measured by pixels on the screen), turn 90 degrees,
move 50 steps, turn 90 degrees, move 100 steps, turn
90 degrees, and move 50 steps. At this point, a 100 50
rectangle has been drawn, and the turtle is perpendicu-
lar to the position where it started.
A circle (or any object with a curve) would be much
more difcult to draw using these commands because
of the thickness of a pixel and the fact that the turtle
cannot move half degrees. A user could try to tell the
turtle to move one step then turn one degree. After
repeating those commands 360 times, the turtle will be
back where it began, and will have drawn a circle that
is slightly less than 115 steps across. Technically, it did
not draw a circle, but rather a polygon with 360 sides.
A slight modication may be to tell the turtle to move
two steps then turn one degree. After 360 repetitions,
the turtle will appear where it started and the shape
appears to be a circle that is twice as wide as the rst
shape drawn, about 229 steps wide.
There is a big gap between 115 steps and 229 steps
wide. If a programmer needs a circle between those
dimensions (or beyond those dimensions), the pro-
grammer can use mathematics to adjust the step length
to get a circle of the desired size. The length across a
circle is called the diameter and the distance around
a circle is called the circumference. The relationship
between these two measurements is C = d, where C is
the circumference, and d is the diameter.
Since the turtle will be tracing the outside of the
circle, it will travel the length of the circumference. The
turtle will also be making 360 turns during its travel.
Since each step should be the same length, one can nd
the length of each step by taking the circumference and
dividing by 360. Since is approximately 3.14, one can
estimate the length of the step by multiplying 3.14 and
the desired diameter and then dividing by 360.
Depending on the video game being created, a pro-
grammer will probably desire to draw more than circles
and polygons. Using the above steps for a circle but only
repeating the steps 180 times will yield a half circle,
which could approximate the shape of a setting sun, the
top of a silo, or the ice cream in a cone. More complex
shapes, like drawing a long-haired cat, could be made
by the turtle but the programmer now has a time con-
cern. The programmer creating the directions to draw
the cat and the fur on the cat would require a long time
to type in the programming for the catand even more
if the cat is supposed to movesince the repeat step
would be used sparingly, if at all. On the users end, a
large program with a lot of steps would take a long time
to draw, depending on the speed of the computer or
gaming system on which it is to be played.
Although video games are displayed on a two-
dimensional screen, programmers now commonly cre-
ate elements of the game in three dimensions. To mimic
the body of an object, programmers create the outer
shell of the object using a mesh of triangles or quadri-
laterals. Depending on the detail desired, more meshes
could be created. Once the object is created, it needs
to be displayed on the screen. This process involves
using a point-of-view camera, which will change how
the object is drawn based on where the camera is and
how far away it is from the object. The triangle mesh
of the object is adjusted accordingly. For example, as
the object approaches the camera (gets closer to the
screen), the triangles will elongate and become larger.
A programmer that wants the object to get closer to the
camera and rotate will use vectors and matrices (lin-
ear algebra) to adjust the size and the dimensions of
each triangle in the meshes. Once the computer does
the mathematical calculations to modify the triangle
mesh, the point-of-view camera creates a two-dimen-
sional image of the three-dimensional mesh in the ori-
entation it has been set to. This two-dimensional image
then gets projected to the viewing screen.
Interesting geometry is also found in the movement
of objects through the game. In some cases, like the
games Portal and the older PacMan, players can exit
Video Games 1035
the playing eld on one side of the screen and return
from another side or in a different orientation. This
property involves concepts like a torus and higher-
dimensional analogs.
When programming colors (assuming the screen is
not monochrome), a programmer needs to remember
that the primary colors for light are different than the
primary colors for pigment. When drawing on paper,
the three colors magenta (red), cyan (blue), and yellow
can be combined in such a way as to create almost any
other color. For example, many color printers only use
three colors to print. Since most screens work based on
a projection of light (whether a computer monitor or
a television screen), the primary colors of light must
be used. For light, the colors red, blue, and green are
the primary colors; with these colors, any other color
can be created. All three together make white, and no
light at all makes black.
When coding colors, each of the three primary light
colors is given an intensity value 0 255. This value is
then converted to a two-digit hexadecimal number,
where 00 is the decimal number zero and FF is the
hexadecimal number 255. The hexadecimal number
12 would be an intensity level of 18. The hexadecimal
number A0 would be an intensity level of 160. The pro-
grammer then takes these three intensity numbers and
combines them to make a six-digit
color number by placing the intensi-
ties in order for red, then green, and
nally blue. For example, pure red
would be FF0000 (intensity 255 for
red and intensities 0 for both green
and blue). Similarly, 00FF00 would be
pure yellow and 0000FF would be pure
blue. The color white would be repre-
sented FFFFFF (a combination of all
three colors), whereas black would be
000000 (no light whatsoever).
Random Number Algorithm
Many video games that have been
created offer a storyline or, at least, a
progression to get from one stage or
level to the next. Moving to the next
level often requires a certain level of
skill or collecting certain objects. On
the other hand, there are video games that are cre-
ated, like video poker or Tetris, where skill alone is not
enough to do well. There is a certain random element
that will determine the outcome. However, computers
are not capable of creating random numbers. Instead,
the video game console is pre-programmed with a list
of pseudo random numbers. For example, every TI-
84 calculator that has its memory reset will create the
number 0.94359740249213 as its rst random num-
ber. Obviously, if everyone obtains the same result, it
cannot be random.
Using the TI example, every random number it
produces will be a decimal between zero and one. If
the game requires a number higher than one, the pro-
grammer merely multiplies the random number times
the highest number they desire. For example, in Tet-
ris, there are seven tetrominoes that could be selected
for the next drop. A programmer may want a random
number generated to determine the shape of the next
piece. As a result, the programmer would create a ran-
dom number, and then multiply it by seven to get a
number between zero and seven; however, this number
is still a decimal. The computer programmer can then
tell the console to truncate the number, which would
ignore everything beyond the decimal point giving an
integer between zero and six. A nal (optional) step
would be to add one to this truncated integer resulting
in a number between one and seven. Each block would
1036 Video Games
A game programmer working with multiple monitors. The screen on
the right shows a portion of the large amount of source code used.
get assigned a number, and the pseudo-random num-
ber that resulted would select the next block.
Further Reading
Dunn, Fletcher, and Ian Parberry. 3D Math Primer
for Graphics and Game Development. Plano, TX:
Worldware, 2002.
Egan, Jill. How Video Game Designers Use Math. New
York: Chelsea Clubhouse, 2010.
Flynt, John P., and Boris Meltreager. Beginning Math
Concepts for Game Developers. Boston: Thomas
Course Technology, 2007.
Chad T. Lower
See Also: Animation and CGI; Polygons.
Vietnam War
Category: Government, Politics, and History.
Fields of Study: All.
Summary: Because of the importance of
cryptography in World War II and the emergence of
game theory in the 1950s, mathematics was heavily
involved in the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam War, a conict transpiring in Vietnam,
Cambodia, and Laos from 1955 to 1975, involved the
Communist forces of North Vietnam, the Viet Cong,
the Khmer Rouge, the Pathet Lao, the Peoples Republic
of China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea, against
the anti-Communist forces of South Vietnam, the
United States, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines,
New Zealand, Thailand, the Khmer Republic, Laos, and
the Republic of China. Most American involvement
was concentrated from 1963 to 1973, with the last U.S.
troops leaving with the fall of Saigon in 1975. It eventu-
ally resulted in a Communist victory, with U.S. forces
and their allies withdrawing, Communist parties tak-
ing control of Laos and Cambodia, and South Vietnam
unied with the North under Communist rule.
Mathematicians and the War
Mathematicians fell on both sides of the disagree-
ment regarding the Vietnam War. Some served in the
war effort, such as William Corson, an economist with
an undergraduate degree in mathematics who later
wrote the book The Betrayal. Grace Murray Hopper
returned to active duty in 1967 because of an increased
demand for naval computer systems. Others engaged
in war-related research. Warren Henry helped develop
the hovercraft for nighttime ghting during the 1960s
while working at Lockheed Space and Missile Com-
pany and this was used in the war.
In 1966 and 1970, mathematicians at the Interna-
tional Congress of Mathematicians appealed to their
colleagues to avoid war-related work. Mathematicians
around the world organized or participated in pro-
tests, including Alexander Grothendieck in France and
Steven Smale in the United States. Mathematicians in
Japan at the University of Kyushu in South Japan orga-
nized demonstrations of the 10 against the war on
the 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month. Funding origi-
nally designated for teacher development during the
New Math movement was instead directed to the war.
Some have asserted that this diversion of funds was one
of the main reasons that the educational movement
failed. Mathematics played a role in the war in a num-
ber of ways, including war strategy, precision weapons,
airplane computers, cryptography, and a statistically
awed 1969 draft drawing. Statisticians and others
have used statistical techniques to study the long-term
effects of Agent Orange on soldiers. Decision theory
has been used to model the war. Systems analysis and
game theory may have contributed to U.S. involve-
ment and defeat, such as in the decisions of Secretary
of Defense Robert McNamara.
Game Theory
One of the key political leaders of the American forces
during the Vietnam War was Robert McNamara, a
student of game theory, who served as the secretary
of defense from 1961 to 1968the period corre-
sponding with the nations rst serious engagement
with the war and its major expansions and escala-
tions. McNamara was also responsible for the policy
of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), a nuclear
policy grounded in game theory. It said that the best
deterrent to full-scale use of nuclear weapons was for
opposing sides to each possess sufcient repower
to completely destroy the other so that neither side
dares attack, knowing it cannot survive the counter-
attack. A chilling take on foreign policy, history may
Vietnam War 1037
be on McNamaras side with the Cold War. The esca-
lating war in Vietnam is another story. From a game
theory perspective, those escalations make perfect
sense. Consider that fact that North Vietnam had the
options to escalate or to negotiate a peace. The United
States also had those options as well as the option to
pull out. The only way for the United States to gain
a military advantageand potential victorywas to
escalate, with the worst possible outcome of such esca-
lation being a stalemate. Despite increased desertion
and plummeting morale, as well as growing anti-war
sentiment at home, McNamara continued to escalate
the engagement because it was the most promising
option he was trained to see.
This was later used as an example of escalation
of commitment, a phenomenon identied in Barry
Straws 1976 paper Knee Deep in the Big Muddy: A
Study of Escalating Commitment to a Chosen Course of
Action, wherein cumulative prior investment becomes
the motive to continue to escalate ones investment
even when rational thought says it is the wrong choice.
That initial error of judgment becomes the motive to
continue, to stay committed to the course of action, in
order to justify it. The more one continues, the greater
error one must admit to if one disengages, which is why
psychologists sometimes refer to this phenomenon as
the commitment bias, a natural tendency to want to
believe that one has been making the right choices and
to ignore evidence to the contrary.
Further Reading
Batterson, Steve. Stephen Smale: The Mathematician
Who Broke the Dimension Barrier. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 2000.
Bosse, Michael. The NCTM Standards in Light of the
New Math Movement: A Warning! The Journal of
Mathematical Behavior 14, no. 2 (1995).
Bunge, Mario. A Decision Theoretic Model of the
American War in Vietnam. Theory and Decision 3,
no. 4 (1973).
Starr, Norton. Nonrandom Risk: The 1970 Draft
Lottery. Journal of Statistics Education 5, no. 2 (1997).
Bill Ktepi
See Also: Asia, Southeastern; Cold War; Game
Theory; Infantry; Military Draft; Predicting Attacks;
Vietnam War.
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Algebra; Geometry.
Summary: The spread of viruses in a population
and the internal structure of viruses themselvescan
be analyzed mathematically to help epidemiologists
study viral infections.
A virus is a parasite. It cannot reproduce on its own.
Instead, it must invade a cell of another organism and
use the host cells machinery to make copies of itself.
The newly replicated viruses then leave the host cell
and infect other cells. In the process, the virus often
damages the host. For example, different viruses cause
measles, polio, and inuenza in people; hoof-and-
mouth disease in cattle; and leaf curl in many vegeta-
bles. Mathematics provides a language to describe viral
structures. Furthermore, mathematical models of the
spread of a virus in a population are powerful tools in
public health policy.
Capsid Geometry
A virus consists of genetic material (either DNA or
RNA) surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid.
Viruses have much less genetic material and are much
smaller than single-celled organisms like bacteria. With
limited genetic material, a virus can encode only a few
proteins of its own, and so must use them efciently.
Often, the entire capsid is assembled from many copies
of a single protein, which means the capsid should be
highly symmetric.
One of the rst virus structures to be determined
was that of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). Cop-
ies of the TMV capsid protein are arranged in a helix
around the viral RNA. Many other viruses have helical
capsids as well. In contrast, poliovirus, the Hepatitis B
virus, tomato bushy stunt virus, and other viruses have
icosahedral capsids. Figure 1 shows a computer-gener-
ated image of the poliovirus capsid with protein sub-
units colored to highlight the icosahedral symmetry.
Other, more complicated capsid shapes are possible.
While the capsids do not have at triangular faces,
they have axes of ve-fold rotational symmetry, like
those through the vertices of the icosahedron; axes
of three-fold rotational symmetry, like those through
the centers of the triangular faces of the icosahedron;
and axes of two-fold rotational symmetry, like those
1038 Viruses
through the centers of the edges of the
Modeling the Spread of Viruses
Models of virus transmission in a
population help researchers under-
stand which interventions might slow
the spread of a virus. The SIR model,
rst proposed by W. O. Kermack and
A. G. McKendrick in 1927, is one of
the simplest and is suitable for viruses
such as measles and inuenza. Each per-
son in a population is in one of three categories:
(1) susceptible to the virus, (2) infected and infectious,
or (3) recovered and immune.
Let S, I, and R be the proportion of the population
that is susceptible, infected, and recovered, respectively.
The SIR model is given by the following system of dif-
ferential equations:
SI = ,
SI I = , and
I =
where the constant depends on the probability that
an infected person transmits the virus to a susceptible
person, and the constant depends on how long it takes
an infected person to recover. This model does not lead
to simple expressions for S, I, and R as functions of time
but it can be explored computationally. One simple way
to do so is to treat time discretely and approximate
by S S
t t +
( )
, where S
is the value of S at time step t.
This method yields the difference equations
t t t t +
t t t t t +
= +
and R R I
t t t +
= +
The basic SIR model can be modied to t other
scenarios. For example, immunity might wear off
over time, or some part of the population might be
at higher risk of infection, or a vaccination campaign
might begin.
The SIR model assumes that all
possible contacts between infected
people and susceptible people are
equally likely (hence the factor of SI in
dS/dt). Modifying the model to reect
the social structure of the population
allows researchers to ask crucial ques-
tions. If the supply of inuenza vac-
cine is limited, is it more effective to
vaccinate school children, who spread
the disease, or the elderly, who may suf-
fer more complications from infection?
Will closing airports slow an epidemic enough
to justify the costs to travelers? In such situations,
mathematical models allow public health ofcials to
test the effects of different interventions before choos-
ing a course of action.
Further Reading
Carrillo-Tripp, Mauricio, et al. VIPERdb2: An Enhanced
and Web API Enabled Relational Database for
Structural Virology. Nucleic Acids Research 37 (2009).
Keeling, Matt J., and Pejman Rohani. Modeling Infectious
Diseases in Humans and Animals. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2008.
Levine, Arnold J. Viruses. New York: W. H. Freeman and
Company, 1992.
Catherine Stenson
See Also: Diseases, Tracking Infectious; HIV/AIDS;
Mathematical Modeling; Polyhedra; Symmetry.
Vision Correction
Category: Medicine and Health.
Fields of Study: Geometry; Measurement; Problem
Solving; Representations.
Summary: Modern optometry depends on precise
measurements to construct corrective lenses.
Human vision is subject to a variety of ailments and dis-
orders. Some are congenital; others are age-related. Faulty
vision results in blurriness, coupled with headaches and
ocular tiredness. However, for many years, humans have
Vision Correction 1039
Figure 1: Poliovirus capsid.
been perfecting the art of using external implements to
aid vision. Technologies exist in the twenty-rst cen-
tury that can restore perfect vision to people suffering
from common vision-related problems, such as myopia
or astigmatism. The methods used to diagnose vision
issues and to construct corrective lenses rely on precise
mathematical measurements and understanding of the
geometric principles behind light refraction. Vision may
also be modeled in various ways, including using a con-
cept called orthonormal polynomials, such as the Fou-
rier series and optic wavefronts. This has many applica-
tions, including laser vision correction. In stereoscopic
vision, two-dimensional projections of the world onto
the retina of each eye are combined and compared to
form a three-dimensional image. It was once thought of
as virtually impossible to cure stereoblindness, but in the
early twenty-rst century, vision therapists use a vari-
ety of techniques to help patients perceive stereoscopic
depth in three spatial dimensions.
Lens Power
The optical power of a lens, also known as dioptic
power, refractive power, or focusing power, is a
measure of the curvature of the lens and the degree to
which a lens converges or diverges light. It is equal to
the reciprocal of the focal length of the lens in meters.
Its unit is diopter. Prescriptions for eyeglasses specify
the optical power of the lenses. The human eye has a
refractive power of 60 diopters. Stacking lenses helps to
combine their optical power.
Eyeglasses and Bifocals
A simple pair of eyeglasses contains nothing more than
two pieces of glass shaped in such a way that they act
like a pair of lenses. Lenses exploit the physical prop-
erty of light called refraction. Refraction occurs when
light travels between mediums of different densities,
such as air and glass. The change in the medium causes
light to bend in a certain calculable way. This property
of lenses is suitable to refocus the image back onto the
retina in people suffering from long-sightedness and
The focal length of a lens in air can be calculated
using the lensmakers equation, given by
1 1
1 2 1 2
n d
nR R
= ( ) +
( )
A branch of mathematics that focuses on (1) evaluating
the rate at which a function changes and (2) evaluating
the rate at which a function accumulates. If we plot a
single-valued function y = f
, these correspond to (1)
the slope of f
and (2) the area under the curve f
Cartesian product
If A and B are any sets whatsoever, then the Cartesian
product A B is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) with
a in A and b in B.
In a plane, the set of all points at a xed distance (the
radius) from a given point (the center).
See proposition.
closed form
An expression or formula is in closed form if it is writ-
ten explicitly in a way that could be directly evaluated.
Recursions, summation (or product) notations, and
ellipses to indicate omitted terms cannot be part of
closed-form expressions.
The set where a functions values (outputs) live. Spec-
ifying the codomain is part of dening a function.
One of the fundamental enumeration problems. The
combinations of r objects from a set of n objects are
the unordered sets of r distinct objects from the set.
There are
r n r
! ( )
combinations of r objects from a set of size n.
1114 Glossary
A binary operation is said to be commutative, or to com-
mute, if the left-to-right order of its arguments does
not matter. That is, ~ is commutative if x y =y x for
all x, y for which the operation makes sense. In the con-
text of group theory, a commutative group operation is
usually called abelian.
complex conjugate
The (complex) conjugate of a complex number
z = x +i y is z = x iy ; that is, complex conjuga-
tion changes the sign of the imaginary part. Com-
plex conjugation preserves the structure of the com-
plex number system; in particular x + y = x + y and
xy = x y ( )( ).
complex numbers
The set of all numbers of the form a + ib, where a and
b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, the
square root of 1 (a is sometimes called the real part,
and b the imaginary part). Complex numbers can be
added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided (except
by zero). Geometrically, the set of complex numbers
can be visualized as a plane. The complex plane is
the complex analogue of the number line. The set of
complex numbers is traditionally denoted by a black-
A positive integer n is composite if it can be written
as a product n = ab, where a and b are positive inte-
gers greater than 1. (For positive integers greater than
1, composite means not prime.)
In geometry, one object is congruent to another
object of the same type if they are the same size
and shape. For line segments, this means they have
the same length; for angles, this means they have the
same angle measure. For triangles (and other gures,
though the term is used most frequently to refer to tri-
angles), congruence means that corresponding sides
have the same length and corresponding angles have
the same measure.
In modular arithmetic, the term congruent is
often used as the analogue of equal. For example 2
and 16 are congruent modulo 7. Equations in modular
arithmetic are thus often called congruences.
conic section
Any geometric gure that can be realized as the inter-
section of a full (double) cone with a plane. Such
a gure can be dened by an equation of the form
+ bxy + cy
+ dx + ey + f = 0. Setting aside degener-
ate cases, the conic sections have three types: ellipses,
hyperbolas, and parabolas.
An assertion that is believed to be true (at least by some
people) but that has not yet been rigorously demon-
strated. The term conjecture is not generally applied
to any wild guess; a conjecture is typically justied (but
not proven) by a heuristic argument or experimental
continuous function
Intuitively, a function is continuous if whenever x is
near y, then f (x) is near f (y). How exactly this is
formalized depends on context, especially the domain
and codomain of the function. For real-valued func-
tions of a single real variable, it is often said that a func-
tion is continuous if its graph could be drawn with-
out picking up your pencil (which may be a helpful
heuristic, but is not, strictly, true). The formal deni-
tion in that case is that a function is continuous at x
for all > 0, there exists a > 0 such that, x x <
implies f x f x < ( ) ( )
. Continuity is conceptually
very close to limits. Continuity is a central notion to
analysis and to topology.
If a statement takes the form If P, then Q, then the
contrapositive is the statement If not Q, then not P.
For example, the contrapositive of If I have meditated,
then I am relaxed is If I am not relaxed, then I have
not meditated. A statement and its contrapositive are
either both true or both false. It is often more straight-
forward to prove the contrapositive form of a theorem
than to prove the theorem directly.
coordinate geometry
A technique for studying Euclidean geometry by iden-
tifying points in the plane with ordered pairs of real
numbers (or points in space with ordered triples, and
generally points in n-dimensional space with ordered
n-tuples) based on their position relative to a fam-
ily of axes (sing. axis). This allows us to understand
Glossary 1115
geometric objects in terms of numbers and equations,
using algebra and arithmetic knowledge to solve geo-
metric problems.
A proposition that is an easy consequence of a previous
countable (set)
A set is countable if it is nite or if it is the smallest sort
of innite, if its elements can be listed a
. . . .
There are countably many integers, countably many
rational numbers, and countably many polynomials
with integer coefcients. However, the set of real num-
bers is uncountable.
decimal (notation system)
The familiar notation for writing real numbers, base
ten. (See number bases.)
denite integral
The denite integral
f x dx
( )
represents the accumulation of the function f (x)
over the interval a x b. Geometrically, this is the
signed area between the graph of the function and
the x-axis. (Signed indicates that area above the x-
axis is weighted positively, and area below is weighted
One of the two most commonly used units of angle
measure, denoted by the symbol . There are 360
degrees in one full circle, and 90 degrees in a right
angle. The primary advantage of this unit (and the his-
torical reason for its use) is that 360 has many factors,
so that many important angles are a whole number of
See differentiation.
differential equations
Equations or systems of equations relating one or more
functions to their derivatives. A wide array of special-
ized techniques have been developed to solve such
equations exactly or to approximate solutions. Such
equations have myriad uses in mathematics (pure and
applied) and in science and engineering.
The process of nding the derivative of a function,
which is intuitively the rate of change of the value of
a function with respect to the input.
discrete mathematics
A very wide branch of mathematics dealing with nite
or countable objects and structures. This includes
counting (enumeration) problems, partitions, graph
theory, matroids, designs, and Ramsey theory.
The set of valid arguments (inputs) to a function.
Specifying the domain is part of dening a function.
e (exponential or Eulers constant)
Arguably the most natural base for exponential and
logarithmic functions. The constant e can be dened by
e = +
+ 1
. . .
. . .
or by the formula
(or numerous other formulae). It has the approximate
value 2.71828. . . . See also exponential function and
The set of points at a xed sum of distances from two
given points. That is, if A and B are two points (called
the foci sing. focus) and r is any positive constant
greater than the distance AB, then the set of all points P
such that AP + BP = r is an ellipse. After suitably rotat-
ing and translating the coordinate axes, any ellipse can
be described by an equation of the form
Counting and/or listing the objects or structures of a
particular kind of type. Questions of the shapes How
1116 Glossary
many X have the properties Y? or What are all the
X that have the properties Y? lead to enumeration
exponential function
For any positive base b, there is a base-b exponential
function, traditionally written f (x) = b
If n is a nonnegative integer, then n! (read n fac-
torial) is dened by 0! = 1, 1! = 1, and generally
n! = n n 1 2 3 1 ( ) . Factorials show up
frequently throughout mathematics, especially in com-
binatorics or in answers to problems where combina-
torics is in the background. Using more advanced
methods, it is possible to dene x! for some values of x
that are not nonnegative integers. This generalization
is called the gamma function.
Fields Medal
Ofcially called the International Medal for Out-
standing Discoveries in Mathematics, the Fields
Medal is widely considered the mathematicians ana-
logue of the Nobel Prize. The prize is awarded by the
International Mathematical Union once every four
years to two, three, or four mathematicians no older
than 40 years old.
nite (set)
A set is nite if its elements can be put in one-to-one
correspondence with the elements of a set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}
for some n.
Formally, a function f has three parts: a domain set D,
a codomain set C, and a rule which corresponds each
domain element to a unique codomain element. More
formally, there is a subset S
of the product D C, such
that each element of D is the rst member of exactly one
of the ordered pairs in the subset. If (x, y) is the unique
element of S
beginning with x, we say that f (x) = y.
Informally, the domain is the set of inputs, and the
codomain is the set of potential outputs. Functions are
most often specied by an algebraic expression such as
f x = x + x ( )
3 2
but this is not necessary.
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Every polynomial
p x = a x + a x + +a x +a
n 1
1 0
( )
. . .
with coefcients in the complex numbers has at least
one root in the complex numbers. Furthermore, if
roots are counted with multiplicity, an nth-degree
polynomial will always have exactly n roots.
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Every integer greater than 1 can be written as a prod-
uct of primes; furthermore, the prime factorization is
unique except for the order in which the factors are
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Any of several important theorems of elementary anal-
ysis relating differentiation and integration as (in some
suitable sense) inverse processes. The most commonly
given are the following two:
If a function F is an antiderivative of a
function f on an interval a, b [ ], then
f x dx = F b F a
( ) ( ) ( )
(We can easily compute denite integrals
given an antiderivative.
If f is a continuous function on some
interval containing a, then the function
F x = f t dt
( ) ( )
is an antiderivative of f. (Denite integrals can
be used to dene antiderivatives.)
gamma function ( s ( ))
A generalized version of the factorial function which
makes sense for non-integral arguments, and even
nonreal arguments. The gamma function is dened
(for complex numbers with positive real part) by
s = t e dt
s t
( )
and satises s = s ! ( ) ( ) 1 and the factorial-like
identity s s s + ( ) = ( ) 1 . (It is possible to extend this
Glossary 1117
denition through complex analysis techniques to all
complex numbers except nonpositive integers.)
geometric mean
The geometric mean of a set of numbers a
, a
, . . . a
a a a .
n 1 2
. . .
This is the geometric mean of 2 and 8 is 4.
geometric progression
A sequence (nite or innite) such that the ratio of
any two consecutive terms is the same; equivalently, a
sequence in which each term (except the rst and last)
is the geometric mean of the terms immediately pre-
ceding and following.
A branch of mathematics dealing with shapes, sizes,
lengths, angles, areas, volumes, and so on. Because
many contemporary mathematics curricula stress
proofs and axiomatic reasoning for the rst (and often
last) time in secondary-school geometry class, geom-
etry and axiomatic reasoning are sometimes conated
in the mind of the general public.
golden ratio
The number =
+ 1 5
1.6180339887 , or roughly 8/5.
The golden ratio can be dened as the unique positive
solution to the equation
This number appears throughout mathematics, nature,
music, and art. The golden ratio also has the interesting
continued fraction representation
= +
golden rectangle
A rectangle for which the ratio of its side lengths
is equal to the golden ratio. Such a rectangle has the
notable property that it can be dissected into a square
and a smaller rectangle which is similar to the origi-
nal. Golden rectangles have been considered the most
aesthetically pleasing rectangles, and they play a role in
classical art and architecture.
A somewhat obscure unit of angle measure, still occa-
sionally seen in certain texts and certain calculators.
There are 400 gradians in a full circle.
harmonic mean
The harmonic mean of a set of positive numbers
a a ,a
n 1 2
, ,
. . .
+ +
1 1 1
1 2
. . .
harmonic progression
A sequence (nite or innite) in which each term
(except the rst and last) is the harmonic mean of the
terms immediately preceding and following. Equiva-
lently, a sequence whose reciprocals form an arithmetic
harmonic series
The series
= + + + + +
. . .
This series famously diverges to innity, that is, has no
nite value. Its partial sums
+ + + + + +
. . .
are sometimes called the harmonic numbers and are
well-approximated by logN.
hexadecimal (notation system)
Base sixteen (the digits used are traditionally 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). (See number bases.)
A function from one mathematical structure to another
mathematical structure that respects all the operations
and properties of that type of structure. For example, a
1118 Glossary
homomorphism of rings (structures in which addition
and multiplication make sense) must preserve addi-
tion and multiplication. For example, the function that
maps each polynomial to its constant term is a ring
homomorphism from the set of polynomials to the set
of real numbers.
The set of points at a xed difference of distances from
two given points. That is, if A and B are two points
(called the foci sing. focus) and r is any positive con-
stant, then the set of all points P such that AP BP = r
is a hyperbola. After suitably rotating and translating
the coordinate axes, any hyperbola can be described by
an equation of the form
1 .
A commonly used mathematicians abbreviation for if
and only if, used to indicate that two statements logi-
cally imply one another.
The set of all values realized by a function. In symbols,
if f :DC is a function with domain D and codomain
C, then the image of f is y C x D s. t. f x = y ( ) { } :
( stands for there exists).
imaginary number
This term is used inconsistently. Some use it to refer to
any complex number that is not real, others only for a
pure imaginary number of the form bi, where b is real.
imaginary unit
The symbol i, whose dening property is that i =
1 .
indenite integral
The indenite integral f x dx
, ,
, ,
+ + n = n
x x x
n n
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
natural number
A natural number is a counting number: 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, . . . . Some sources include 0 as a natural number,
while others do not. The set of natural numbers is tra-
ditionally denoted by a blackboard-bold
number bases
For any integer b >1, we can dene a system for writing
down real numbers using the digits 0,1, 2, 1 . . . , b ( ).
A string of digits a a a a .a a
k 2 1 0 1 2
. . .
. . . represents the
a b +a b + +a b + a b +a
+a b + a b +
1 0
. . .
. . .
For example, if b =7, then 123.4 (base 7) represents the
49 2 7 3
+ + + =
(written in familiar base 10). This is called base b nota-
tion, and several of the more commonly-used bases
have other names, such as binary for base 2.
number line
A commonly used device for visualizing the real num-
ber system in which every real number is represented
by a point. Typically the number line is drawn so that
the numbers increase toward the right.
number theory
A branch of mathematics concerned with the prop-
erties of number systems, especially integers. This
includes modular arithmetic, prime numbers, Dio-
phantine equations (an indeterminate polynomial
equation that allows the variables to be integers only),
and modular forms.
The concepts of integer, prime, and so on, can be
generalized to much wider contexts than just the ordi-
nary integers.
obtuse angle
An angle that is larger than a right angle but less than
half a circle. The measure of an obtuse angle is between
90 and 180 degrees.
octal (notation system)
Base eight. (See number bases.)
See injective.
one-to-one correspondence
See bijection.
See surjective.
open problem
An unsolved problem, an opportunity for mathemati-
cal research. A mathematical question is said to be
open if it has not been answered in the existing math-
ematical literature. (compare conjecture)
The opposite of a number x is x. Also called additive
ordered pair
A pair of numbers or other mathematical objects,
denoted (a, b), where the order matters, so that
(a, b) and (b, a) are different as ordered pairs (unless
ordered triple
A list of three numbers or other mathematical objects,
denoted (a, b, c), where the order matters, so that
(a, b, c), (a, c, b), (b, a,c), (b, c, a), (c, a,b), (c, b,a)
are different as ordered triples (if a, b, c are distinct).
Glossary 1121
The set of points that are at the same distance from
a xed point (the focus) and a xed line (the
directrix). The graph of any quadratic function
f x = ax + bx +c ( )
with a nonzero is a parabola, and
every parabola can be described in this way after suit-
ably rotating the coordinate axes.
Whether a number is even or odd. (Considering num-
bers based only on parity is just another name for
working modulo 2.)
perfect number
A positive integer is said to be perfect if it is equal to the
sum of all its proper divisors. For example, 6 is perfect
because 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. The next smallest perfect num-
ber is 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7+ 14. It is not known whether
there are innitely many perfect numbers, nor whether
there exists even one odd perfect number.
permutation (enumeration)
One of the fundamental enumeration problems. The
permutations of r objects from a set of n objects are
the ordered r-tuples of distinct objects from the set.
There are
n r ! ( )
permutations of r objects from a set of size n.
permutation (function)
A bijection from a set to itself. Intuitively, a permu-
tation is a rearrangement of a set of objects. There
are n! permutations of a set of n elements, includ-
ing the trivial permutation, which leaves the order
phi (). See golden ratio.
pi ()
A constant dened as the ratio of the circumference of
any circle to its diameter, or the number of radians in half
a circle. The approximate value of is 3.1415926536. The
constant is ubiquitous in mathematics and physics.
Traditionally a plane gure bounded by a closed path
made up of a sequence of line segments. These line
segments are called the sides of the polygon, and
the places where one edge ends and the next starts are
called vertices (sing. vertex). A polygon with three
sides is usually called a triangle. A four-sided poly-
gon is a quadrilateral, a ve-sided polygon is a pen-
tagon, and so on. More generally an n-sided polygon
is called an n-gon. Depending on context, we may
want to think of the boundary itself as the polygon, or
we might prefer to consider the boundary and its inte-
rior together as the polygon.
The three-dimensional analogue of a polygon. The
boundary of a polyhedron consists of a collection of
polygons in space (face) with common sides (edges
of the polyhedron) and vertices. The faces form a
closed gure in space.
A polynomial in variables x
, x
, . . . x
is any expression
that can be constructed from the variables and from
constants by addition and multiplication. The expres-
sions 2xy + z
and x
+ y
+ z
1 are polynomials in
x, y, z,
but x + y +
and x yz are not.
The analogue of polygons and polyhedra in dimen-
sions greater than three.
prime factorization
An expression of a positive integer as a product of
primes (possibly raised to powers). For example,
42 2 3 7 = and 525 3 5 7
= .
prime (number)
A positive integer is prime if it has exactly two factors,
itself and 1. The rst few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
17, . . . . (In particular, note that the number 1 is not
considered prime.)
A numerical measure taking values between 0 and 1
quantifying the likelihood of an event to occur (or
beliefs about that likelihood). Also, the general theory
for understanding and working with such measures of
likelihood and expectation.
1122 Glossary
Any rigorous demonstration of the validity of a prop-
osition. Proofs may be written in formal or informal
language and may consist of any proportion of words
and symbols.
proof by contradiction
A proof technique in which one assumes that the
intended conclusion of the theorem is false, and derives
from this supposition and from the other hypotheses
of the theorem and known facts some statement which
contradicts something already known. This shows that
one of our assumptions must have been wrong, and
the only questionable one was the assumption that our
theorem was false. This in turn shows that the conclu-
sion of the theorem does in fact hold.
A proposition is a declarative statement. Depending on
the importance of a statement and/or its role in a larger
argument, a proposition may be called a lemma, a
corollary, a claim or a theorem, depending on its
perceived importance.
Abbreviation for quod erat demonstrandum (Latin for
which was to be demonstrated), classically used by
mathematicians to indicate the conclusion of a proof,
signifying that the claims may have now been fully jus-
tied. While Q.E.D. itself is less commonly used than it
once was, it is still standard practice to include an end-
of-proof symbol of some kind. The most commonly
used end-of-proof symbol today is probably , called
the Halmos tombstone and named for mathemati-
cian Paul R. Halmos (19162006).
quadratic formula
The equation
x =
b b ac
which expresses the solutions of the polynomial equa-
tion ax +bx + c =
0 in terms of its coefcients. Analo-
gous formulas exist for cubic equations
ax + bx + cx +d =
3 2
and quartic equations ax
+ bx
+ cx
+ dx + e = 0, but
they are less well-known because they are much more
complicated. Notably, it is known that no such formu-
las exist for polynomials of degree ve or larger.
One of the two most commonly-used units for angle
measure. Among mathematicians, radians are the
standard unit of angle measure, and radian measure is
considered implied unless some other unit is indicated.
There are 2 radians in a circle. If a circle is drawn with
center at the vertex of an angle, then the radian measure
of the angle is the ratio of the length of the arc inside
the angle to the radius of the circle. The trigonometric
functions have the simplest properties (particularly in
the context of calculus) if radians are used.
The set of values that a function y = f (x) may take cor-
responding to the values of the input over the specied
domain of x. Also called codomain.
rational function
A rational function in variables x x , x
n 1 2
, , . . . is any
expression that can be constructed from the variables
and from constants by addition, multiplication, and
division. A rational function can always be written as a
ratio of two polynomials.
rational number
The set of rational numbers (from the word ratio)
consists of those numbers which can be expressed
as a fraction m/n, where m and n are integers with n
nonzero. The set of rational numbers is traditionally
denoted by a blackboard-bold
(for quotient).
real number
This is what is typically meant when one says number
without further explanation, including all the integers,
all the rational numbers, and many more numbers
between the rational numbers. A real number can
always be described by a (generally innite) decimal
expansion. Real numbers exclude imaginary numbers,
complex numbers, and the square root of minus one.
The set of real numbers is traditionally denoted by a
The reciprocal of a nonzero number x is 1/x. Also called
multiplicative inverse.
Glossary 1123
A formula or equation relating each term of a sequence
or object from a family to the previous terms or objects.
This (usually together with one or more initial values)
implicitly determines all the terms or objects, but it
may be difcult or impossible to get a closed-form
description of all the terms.
reductio ad absurdum
Latin for reduction to absurdity. See proof by con-
Formally, a relation R on sets X
, . . .
is a subset
of the product X
. . .
. If (x
, x
, . . .
belongs to the subset we say that R (x
, x
, . . .
is true
or the relation holds. If not, the statement is false. Most
often, n = 2 and we write the relation symbol between
the arguments, as in x
< x
. Examples include is less
than, is a factor of, and does not equal. Examples
with n = 1 include things like is prime or is positive.
Intuitively, a relation is a property that a combination
of objects may or may not possess. (One can alternately
think of a relation as a special kind of function whose
output is true or false.)
relatively prime
A set of integers is relatively prime if there is no num-
ber larger than 1 that is a common factor of all of them.
For example 18 and 25 are relatively prime. So are 6, 10,
and 15. A set of integers is pairwise relatively prime
if every pair of number in the set is relatively prime. So
6, 10 and 15 are not pairwise relatively prime, but 69,
11, and 35 are.
right angle
An angle that is congruent to its own supplement; that
is, a quarter of a full circle. The measure of a right angle
is 90 degrees.
The nth roots of a number a, sometimes written
are the numbers x such that x
= a. Also, a root of a
a x +a x + +a x + a
1 0
. . .
is a solution of the equation
a x +a x + +a x + a =
1 0
. . .
that is, a zero of the function
f x = a x + a x + + a x +a
( )
1 0
. . .
A numerical quantity (as opposed to a vector or func-
tion) that may take one of several forms; for example, a
real or complex number.
A nite or innite list of terms (which can be numbers
or any other type of object). A sequence can be given
by listing its terms explicitly separated by commas or by
giving a closed-form or recursive formula for the terms.
A sum of a nite or innite (but more frequently the
latter) list of terms (usually numbers or mathematical
expressions). The terms of a series can be listed as the
terms of a sequence can, but separated by plus signs,
not commas. In the case of an innite series, this goes
beyond the ordinary concept of addition, and requires
the notion of limit to make sense.
set theory
A branch of mathematics studying sets, which can be
thought of as collections of objects. It also includes a
vocabulary for making precise certain ideas about in-
nite sets and their relative sizes. Set theory sits close
to the core of mathematical theory, and much of the
architecture of mathematics is traditionally built on the
foundations of set theory; set theory is also an object of
study for its own sake.
A function f : DC is surjective (also called onto) if
the image is the whole codomain. That is, for all y an
element of C there exists some x an element of D such
that f (x)=y.
A symmetry of an object is a transformation or change
of perspective after which the object is the same as
it was before. A gure has reective symmetry if it
1124 Glossary
looks the same when reected across a certain line; the
human face has at least approximate reective sym-
metry. A gure has rotational symmetry if it looks the
same when rotated around a certain point by a certain
angle (traditional crossword puzzle grids have rota-
tional symmetry). Symmetry is by no means a purely
geometric concept; a unifying concept of much of
modern mathematics is the problem of identifying and
describing symmetries of all types.
tau ()
A circle constant dened as the ratio of the circum-
ference of any circle to its radius, or the number of
radians in a full circle. The approximate value of tau
is 6.2831853072. While is in much more common
usage (for chiey historical reasons), some consider
to be the more mathematically signicant constant.
A theorem is a mathematical statement that can be
demonstrated to be true provided that the set of axioms
and other theorems from which this theorem is derived
is true. It is usually a general component of some larger
theory. Its signicance is often a subjective decision.
A collection of related denitions and theorems on a
particular topic, such as number theory, knot the-
ory, or graph theory; an area of study or research in
mathematics. Note that theory as used in mathemat-
ics means something like formal study and it de-
nitely does not have the unproven, conjectural conno-
tation present in scientic and everyday usage.
A branch of pure mathematics dealing with those prop-
erties which are preserved by continuous deformations
(stretching, twisting, enlarging, shrinking, and so on).
transcendental number
A complex number is called transcendental if it is not
algebraic, that is, if it is not the root of any polynomial
with integer coefcients. Famously transcendental
numbers include and e.
The principle that, if x, y are real numbers, then of the
statements x <y, x >y, and x =y, exactly one is true.
Some other sets and order relations have trichotomy
properties as well.
General term for ordered pair, ordered triple,
ordered quadruple, and ordered n-tuple for any
larger n. The adjective ordered is usually regarded as
implied from context and omitted.
A symbol, often x (though just about any symbol can
be used), which is meant to represent some unspecied
object of a certain type (e.g., a real number). Sometimes
a variable stands for a specic (unknown) number, as in
If 2x + 3 =7, then what is
x ?, while in other contexts
variables are used formally without a particular value.
A variable is to be contrasted with a constant, which
does not change within a given problem.
Often dened as a quantity with a magnitude and a
direction. Geometrically, a vector can be thought of as
an arrow with a dened head and tail. More generally,
the name vector is sometimes applied to any element
of any vector space; the term is most commonly used
for n-tuples of real numbers.
whole number
Some people use whole number as a synonym for
integer, others use it as a synonym for positive inte-
ger, and still others as a synonym for nonnegative
zero (number)
A number that serves as the additive identity, charac-
terized by the property that x + 0=x for all x. Many
mathematical structures have additive identities (zero
matrices, zero functions, and so on), and the term zero
(and even the symbol 0) are often used for these. In
contexts where multiplication makes sense, zero is also
characterized by the property that 0 a =x for all a.
zero (of a function)
The zeroes of a function f (x) are the domain values x
such that f (x
Michael Cap Khoury
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Glossary 1125
abacus, 8, 68, 71, 187, 713, 717718
See also soroban
Abbott, Edwin
Flatland, 440, 557, 557, 781, 859860, 902
Abd al-Latif (Muhammad Taragay Ulughbek), 66
Abd al-Rahmn, 658
Abel, Niels Henrik, 34, 111, 362, 366, 786, 883, 1102
Abel Prize, 363
Aberdeen Proving Ground, 756
Able Danger program, 791
Aboriginal kinship system, 735736
Aboriginal paintings, 736
Abstract Linking Electronically (ABLE), 141
Abu Abdallah Book of Addition and Subtraction by the lndian
Method (al-Khwarizmi), 6667
Abu al-Wafa Buzjani, 54, 882, 1094
Those Parts of Geometry Needed by Craftsmen, 627
Abu Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam, 18, 54, 1094
Academy, The (Plato), 424
acceleration, 457
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, 159
accident reconstruction, 12
accounting, 25
assets/liabilities in, 35
Benfords Law, 4
as record keeping, 3, 35
Achermann, Peter, 746
Achilles paradox, 552
ACNielsen Corporation, 320, 578
acoustics, 486487
acrostics, word squares, and crosswords, 57
Acta Mathematica (journal), 1075
actuarial science, 164, 288289, 605, 605606, 758
actuarial tables, 123, 546, 1100
Adams, John (composer)
Dr. Atomic, 690
Adams, John Couch, 78, 345
Adams, John Quincy, 233, 234
Adams Method, 233
addition and subtraction, 79
Adelard of Bath, 1094
Adelstein, Abraham Manie, 20
ADFGVX code, 1074
Adibi, Jafar, 509
adjustable rate mortgages, 484
Adleman, Leonard, 213
Adrain, Robert, 220, 707
Advance Circulation Model (ADCIRC), 492
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams, 151, 669, 946
Advanced Placement Calculus (AP Calculus), 143, 151, 1106
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET),
181, 518
Advances in Mathematics of Communications (journal), 224
Advancing HIV Prevention, 479
advertising, 1012
Aerodynamic Proving Ground, 1073
aerodynamics, 29, 30, 64
See also airplanes/ight
Africa, Central, 1315
Africa, Eastern, 1517
Africa, North, 19
Africa, Southern, 1920
Africa, West, 2022, 623
Africa Counts (Zaslavsky), 14, 16
African Fractals (Eglash), 14
Index note: Text and page numbers in boldface refer to main topics. Page numbers in italics refer to photographs.
1128 Index
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 20
African Mathematical Union (AMU), 22, 23
African Mathematics, 2325
development of, 2324
in Egypt, 2425
in sub-Saharan Africa, 25
African Mathematics Olympiads, 22
Afrika Matematica (journal), 22
Afrikaners, 19
Agassiz, Alexander, 250
An Agenda for Action (NCTM), 276277
Agent Orange, 1037
agent-based models, 808
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana, 602
Analytical Institutions, 143
Instituzioni Analitiche, 1101
Agon, 120
Agora (movie), 682
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon
and Other Celestial Bodies, 679
agricultural economics, 381382
agriculture. See farming
aha calculations, 332
Ahlfors, Lars, 363
Ahmed ibn Yusuf, Abu Jafar, 18
Ahmes (scribe), 1091
Ahmes papyrus. See Rhind papyrus
Ahnentafel, 418419
Aigner, Martin
Proofs from THE BOOK, 625
air resistance, 390391
air trafc control, 354
aircraft design, 2528
aircraft carriers, 28
complex analysis and, 26
helium airships, 1073
Joukowski airfoil, 26
nature-inspired algorithms, 26
sonic booms, 2728
airplanes/ight, 2831
ight speed, 3031
George Cayley and, 29, 29
lift and thrust, 30
mathematical history of, 2930
principles of ight, 30
World War II and, 10781079
Airy, George, 994
Akim, Efraim L., 679
al-. See specic name following prex
Al Qaeda, 509510, 791
Aladdins saddlebag problem, 747
Alan M. Turing Award, 180
Albategnius, 1094
albatross, 47
Alberti, Leone Battista, 248, 748
album cover art, 787
Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher (Berkeley), 859
Aldiss, Brian, 900
Aldrin, Edwin Buzz, 522
Aleksandrov, Pavel, 908
Alexander, James Waddell, II, 531
Alexander Polynomial, 531
Alfonso X of Castille
Libro de los Juegos, 454, 454
Algebra (al-Khwarizmi), 1094, 1095
Algebra (Bombelli), 1097
algebra and algebra education, 3135
Arabic/Islamic mathematics, 54
Babylonian mathematics, 88
as core subject, 39
early history of, 3132
equation solving, 33
European role in, 33
Fermats Last Theorem, 3435
al-Khwarizmi and, 3233, 54, 6667, 712, 1094, 1095
later developments, 35
modern period, 3334
theoretical mathematics and, 613, 616, 619
algebra in society, 3641
algebra for everyone, 35
applications, 3840
early history of, 3738
as gateway, 36, 4041
usefulness, 3637, 3940
Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles (Dietz), 989
algebraic number theory, 720
genetic, 791
Groups, Algorithms, Programming (GAP), 765
Huffman, 382
information theory and, 795
iterative, 95
for multiplication and division, 686687
nature-inspired, 26
Stable Matching, 582
traveling salesman problem and, 10091010
Alhambra Palace (Spain), 171, 781
Alhazen, 55, 111, 237, 1005, 1042
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 110, 464, 513, 557
Alice Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 6
Alighieri, Dante, 860
alignment games. See board games
al-jabr (algebra), 33
Al-kitab al-muhtasar hisab al-jabr wa-l-muqabala
(Compendium on Calculation by Completion and
Reduction) (al-Khwarizmi), 33, 54
All Around the Moon (Verne), 521
All is Number (Pythagoras maxim), 729
All-American Midget Series (AAMS), 703
Almagest, The (Ptolemy), 18, 772, 1011, 1093, 1095
alternating current (AC), 341
Alvarez, Luis, 502, 503
Alvin, 295
Amazon, 303, 304, 519
Amdahl, Gene, 753
Amend, Bill
Foxtrot, 219
American City Planning Institute, 189
American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, 7
American Declaration of Independence, 847
American Express Corporation, 133, 253
American Institute of Physics, 592
American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME),
American Journal of Math, 1104
American Journal of Physics, 1015
American Mathematical Monthly, 599, 810
American Mathematical Society (AMS), 119, 165, 170, 239,
275, 710, 810, 1104
American Mathematical Society of Two Year Colleges
(AMATYC), 811
American Mathematics Competition (AMC), 227
American Pension Corporation, 758
American Society for Communication of Mathematics, 222
American Society of Clinical Oncology, 183
American Sociological Association Section for
Mathematical Sociology, 592
American Statistical Association (ASA), 809810, 888, 944
American Statistical Society, 285
American system of units of length, 10211022
Ameritech, 175
Amitsur, Shimshon Avraham, 75
amortization, 483484, 561562
Ampere, Andre-Marie, 549, 837
amperes, 549
Amperes law, 837
amplitude modulation (AM), 838839, 10681069
Amsler, Jacob, 354
Amsler planimeters, 354
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 473
Analysis situs (Poincar), 1105
Analyst, The (Berkeley), 859, 1088, 1101
analytic geometry. See coordinate geometry
analytic number theory, 720
Analytical Institutions (Agnesi), 143
Anastasi, Anne
Psychological Testing, 816
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, 1092
Andr, Dsir, 337
Andre, John, 869
Android open-source operating system, 977
anesthesia, 4243
mathematics applications, 4243
providers education, 43
anesthesiologist assistants (AAs), 43
anesthesiologists, 42, 4243
Anh Le, 791
Anhgkor Wat, 70
Animalia kingdom, 44
animals, 4349
biological systematics, 44
chimeras and hybrids, 4849
food webs, 4748
migration and, 4647
modeling based on, 4445
movement of, 4546
symmetry/fractals and, 49
tissue structures, 44
animation and CGI, 4951
early devices, 50
mathematics and, 5051
principles of, 50, 430, 1041
ankh, 857
Annuities upon Lives (de Moivre), 1100
annuity tables, 507, 1100
anthropometry, 200
Antikythera mechanism, 78
antinepotism rules, 589
Antiphon the Sophist, 1092, 1093
antiquarianism, 418
Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research Group, 1079
anxiety, math, 959960
AP Calculus. See Advanced Placement Calculus
APBR metrics, 99
ape index, 200
Apgar, Virginia, 51, 52
Apgar scores, 5153
development and effectiveness, 52
prediction of, 52
Apollo at Delos, oracle, 882
Apollo program, 276, 522, 678679
Apollonius of Perga, 280, 1004
Conic Sections, 237, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1100
Index 1129
1130 Index
Apollos altar, 260
Apostol, Tom, 143
Appel, Kenneth, 1107
AppelHaken, 1107
Appendix (Bolyai), 361
Apple Computer, Inc., 520, 767
Appleton, Edward, 838
Application de lanalyse la gomtrie (Monge), 1101
Applied Mathematics Panel, 1079
Approximatio ad summam terminorum binomii (a+b)n in
seriem expansi (de Moivre), 707
Aquinas, Saint Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Arab Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 76
Arabic/Islamic mathematics, 5355
chronology, 1094
combinatorics, 55
decimal system, 5354
geometry, 54, 425
numerical mathematics, 55
religious tenets and, 627, 729
trigonometry, 5455
Arcadia (Stoppard), 774775, 776, 777
arch bridges. See bridges
archery, 5556
Archimedean solids, 783
Archimedes, 5760
circle measurement and, 552, 762
contributions, 57, 5758, 67, 248, 280, 353, 544, 1092
early life, 57
Equilibrium of Planes, 544
Eureka, 60, 460, 652, 1025
as father of integral calculus, 146, 460
rst law of exponents and, 370
Greek mathematics and, 364
King Hero II crown and, 1025
legacy of, 60
levers and, 544
mathematics, 59, 5960
Measurement of a Circle, 646, 1094, 1095
The Method, 60
palimpsest, 58
On Plane Equilibriums, 1094
The Sand Reckoner, 60
siege of Syracuse and, 501502
simple machines and, 57, 67, 764
On the Sphere and Cylinder, 1004, 1094
volume of a sphere and, 261, 462, 653, 1004, 1094
Archimedes screw/spiral, 57, 57, 67, 248, 353, 1092
architecture, 315, 315316
careers in, 432
Donald in Mathmagic Land (cartoon), 1084
geometry and, 425426, 428, 429, 430
golden ratio in, 446447
houses of worship, 485487
symmetry and, 972
The Ten Books on Architecture (Vitruvius), 1080
tessellations in, 627
trigonometry and, 1012
See also Wren, Christopher; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik (jounal), 1103
Archytas of Tarentum, 364, 1092
arcs and curves table, 1011
arenas, sports, 6163
Arenstorf, Richard, 679
Arenstorf periodic orbits, 679
Arf, Cahit. See Cahit Arf
Arf invariant in algebraic topology, 75
Arf rings, 75
Arf semigroups, 75
Argand, Jean-Robert, 1102
Aristaeus the Elder, 1092
Aristarchus of Samos, 1092
Birds, 558
Aristotle, 305, 357, 552, 1061
Metaphysics, 1092
Meteorologica, 1055
Aristotles Wheel Paradox, 1061
arithmetic magic, 567
arithmetic puzzles, 820821
Arithmetica (Diophantus), 1093, 1097
Latin translation, 1098
Arithmetica innitorum (Wallis), 1099
Arithmetica Integra (Stifel), 111, 858, 10961097
Arithmetica Logarithmica (Briggs), 371, 1098
Ark of the Covenant, 624
Armstrong, Lance, 109
Armstrong, Neil, 522
Army Corps of Engineers, 194
Army Signal Corps, 756
Arnold, Benedict, 869
Around the World in Eighty Days (Verne), 900
ARPANET, 910911
Arrow, Kenneth, 217, 336, 1049
Arrows Paradox, 217, 336
Ars Conjectandi (Bernoulli), 764, 801
Ars Magna (Cardano), 722
In artem analyticam (Vite), 1097
articial intelligence, 165
articial neural networks, 701702
artillery, 6366
battleeld computers and, 63, 6566
Index 1131
types of, 63, 191, 391
See also ballistics studies
Artin, Emil, 35
Artis analyticae praxis (Harriot), 765, 1098 e-print archive, 220
Aryabhata the Elder, 73, 261, 424, 763, 1093
Aryabhatiya (Aryabhata), 73, 261, 424
Arzarchel, 664
Ascher, Marcia, 16, 736
Ascoli, Giulio, 364
Ashton, Frederick
Scnes de Ballet, 90
Asia, Central and Northern (Russia), 6667
Asia, eastern, 6869
China, 6869
educational philosophy, 68
Hong Kong, 69
Japan, 69, 298299, 1033
Mongolia, 69
North Korea, 69
number system, 68
South Korea, 69
Taiwan, 69
Asia, southeastern, 7072
Brunei, Myanmar, and the Philippines, 72
Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, 7172
early history of, 7071
Indonesia, 72
Singapore and Malaysia, 71
Thailand, 71
Asia, southern, 7274
history of, 7273
mathematics education, 73
See also Indian mathematics
Asia, western, 7476
Babylon, 7475
Israel, 7576
Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 75
Asimov, Isaac, 791, 899, 901
Foundation, 791
The Realm of Algebra, 36
Aspect, Alain, 548
Aspin, Les, 767
Assessment Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM),
assets, 35, 9295
assisted reproductive therapy (ART), 796
Associated Press (AP), 242
Association for Computing Machinery, 180
Association for Professional Basketball Research, 99
Association for Symbolic logic, 811
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), 207, 811,
1072, 1107
Association Mathmatique Algrienne, 19
Assumption College (Bangkok), 71
astrodynamics, 521
astrolabe, 658
Astronaut Hall of Fame, 872
Astronomia Nova (Kepler), 365
astronomy, 7678
Almagest (Ptolemy) and, 1093
astrophysics, 79
Chinese and, 185
early mural sextant, 67
Greeks and, 7778, 460461
heliocentric, 964, 1092
Islamic Golden Age and, 18
lunar calendars, 75, 77, 154156
Mayans and, 496
measurements in, 10101011, 1022
parallax measurements in, 7879
problems of representation and, 805
during Renaissance, 78
satellites and, 890892
See also Galileo (Galileo Galilei); telescopes
astrophysics. See astronomy
AT&T, 175, 976, 977
Atanasoff, John V., 1077
AtanasoffBerry Computer (ABC), 1077
Atiyah, Michael F., 363
Atlas Recycled (Tsuchiya), 851
atolls. See coral reefs
atomic bomb (Manhattan Project), 7981
authorization of, 79
Cold War and, 214215, 216
energy-mass equivalence, 8081
moral questions and, 357358
nuclear reactions, 80
scientists and, 7980, 216, 334335
World War II and, 7980
atomic measurements, 1022
atonal music, 231
Auburn, David, 775
audio processing, 680681, 788
Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustinius), 624
Austin, David, 610
Australia, 735736
Australian Mathematical Society, 735
autism, 128
auto racing, 8183
car design, 83
overview of, 82
1132 Index
race strategy, 83
race track design, 8283
technology and safety, 83
Autographical Notes (Einstein), 335
automata, 1034
automobile manufacturers, 1011
city planning and, 189190, 1081
design of, 148, 351
highway design, 476477
purchasing, 225226
radar guns and, 317
Segways versus, 906907
smart cars, 922923
speedometers, 242243
thermostats, 990
trafc modeling, 808, 10001001
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), 401,
Auto-Tune software, 788
Avempace, 664
Averros (Ibn Rushd), 664
Avicenna, 664
axiom of choice (AC), 587
axiomatic systems, 8485, 426, 428, 586587
See also Incompleteness theorem
Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 76
Aztec civilization, 698
Babbage, Charles
Ada Lovelace and, 565566
Bridgewater Treatises, 859
as father of computers, 718
mechanical computers and, 500, 768, 875, 1103
religious writings, 859
Uniform Penny Post and, 807
weaving systems and, 989
Babylonian mathematics, 8789
applied mathematics, 603
base-60 system, 725
BM 85200, 261
history of, 7475
loan interest, 675
measurement, 646
and religion, 729
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 230
Bachelier, Louis, 288
Bachelier Financial Society, 288
Back to Basics movement, 276, 542
background noise. See cocktail party problem
Bacon, Kevin, 915, 916, 916
Bacon, Roger, 600601, 619, 625, 664
Bahai Faith symbols, 856
Bahai House of Worship, 487
Ba-ila settlement, 16
Bain, Alexander, 382
Baire, Ren, 505
Baker, Alan, 363
Baker, Garth A., 167
Bakewell, Frederick, 382
Bakhshali manuscript, 73, 424, 1094
Balan, Radu, 211
Balinski, Michel, 232, 234
Ball State Project, 275
Ballanchine, George, 231
ballet, 9091, 231
Ballew v. Georgia, 117118
ballistic pendulum, 64, 671
ballistics studies
artillery and, 63, 6465, 671
computers and, 10771078
rearms and, 391
forensics, 255256
military research, 1073, 10771078
underwater, 1079
ballot problem, 339, 339340
ballroom dancing, 9192
Ban Ki-moon, 289
Banach, Stefan, 95, 361, 587, 1030, 1106
Banach algebra theory, 360, 361
BanachTarski paradox, 587
Banchoff, Thomas, 486, 1042
BankAmericard, 253
bankruptcy, business, 9294
bankruptcy, personal, 9496
Bankruptcy Code of 1978, 94
al-Banna, al-Marrakushi ibn, 18, 764
Banneker, Benjamin, 668
Banu Musa, al-Hasan. See Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen)
Banzhaf, John, 336, 338
Banzhaf Power Index, 338
bar codes, 96, 9697
Baran, Paul, 517
Barazangi, Muawia, 774
Barbilian, Dan, 361
Bardeen, John, 768
Barkhausen effect, 489
Barnes, Ernest, 602
Barnes & Noble Nook, 303, 304
barometers, 344345, 364, 1055, 1058, 1063
barometric pressure, 344345
Index 1133
Barraquer, Jose, 10401041
Barricelli, Nils, 290
Barrow, Isaac, 407, 555
Innities, 776777
Lectiones opticae et geometricae, 1100
Barrow, John, 625, 776
Barton, James, 320
basal body temperature, 385
base-2 system, 9
base-10 system, 8, 67, 537, 711, 727728, 1098
base-60 system, 712, 725
baseball, 9799, 378, 478
Baseball Abstract (James), 97, 378
basic number skills, 537
basketball, 99102, 100
basketry, 16, 102103
bathyspheres, 295, 492
al-Battani, Muhammad ibn Jabir al-Harrani, 1094
battement tendu (ballet), 90
Batty, David, 511
Baudhayana Sulbasutra. See Sulbasutras
Baudot, Emile, 787
BaudotMurray code, 1077, 1078
Baum scale, 246, 247
Bayes, Thomas, 701, 731
See also Bayesian decision theory
Bayesian decision theory, 366, 796, 802, 843, 874, 936,
Bayt al-Hikma (House of Wisdom), 3233, 74
Beal, Andrew, 600
Beal Conjecture, 600
Bean, Ronald, 1082
bearings, 1061
Beaufort, Francis, 212, 492, 1058, 10631064
Beaufort cipher, 212
Beaufort wind scale, 492, 10631064
Beaugris, Louis, 167
Beaujoyeulx, Balthazar
Le Balet Comique de la Reine, 90
A Beautiful Mind (movie), 163, 681
A Beautiful Mind (Nasar) (novel), 559
Becher, Johann, 1028
Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 930
bees, 103105
Beg, Ulugh, 1096
Begle, Edward G., 275
Behold! Proof, 814, 828
Bekenstein, Jacob D., 117
Bell, Alexander Graham, 976
Bell, John, 548
Bell, Robert J. T., 249
bell curve. See normal distribution
Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), 708
Bell inequalities, 548
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 203, 307, 526, 831832, 976,
Bell X-1 rocket-propelled airplane, 31
Bellaso, Giovan, 192193
bells, 760, 760, 761
Beltins Arena (Germany), 62
Benbow, Camilla, 1043
Benesh Movement Notation, 91
Benet Academy Math Team, 228
Benford, Frank, 4
Benfords Law, 4, 498
Benjamin, Arthur, 569
Benjamin, Thomas, 995
Benjamin Banneker Association, 670
BenjaminLighthill conjecture, 995
Bentham, Jeremy, 356
Bentley, Wilson, 259
Bergman, C. A., 56
Berkeley, George, 122, 144
Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, 859
The Analyst, 859, 1088, 1101
Berlekamp, Elwyn, 415
Bernard, Serge, 167
Berners-Lee, Tim, 911
Bernoulli, Daniel
uid force studies and, 30
Leonhard Euler and, 588, 671
mathematical modeling and, 313, 314
professional life, 359
projectile trajectories and, 390, 391, 671
trigonometric series and, 764
vibrating string problem and, 410
Bernoulli, Jacob (Jacques, or James)
Ars Conjectandi, 764, 801
binomials and, 112
curves and, 281
exponentials/logarithms and, 370
Law of Large Numbers and, 507, 707, 801
normal distribution and, 707
permutations and, 764
polar coordinate system and, 354
techniques of Leibniz and, 1100
theoretical mathematics and, 617
Bernoulli, Johann (John, or Jean)
equation of the catenary and, 281
functions and, 410
Leonhard Euler and, 588
projectile trajectories and, 64, 390, 391
1134 Index
techniques of Leibniz and, 1100
theoretical mathematics and, 617
Bernoulli Society, 119
BernoulliEuler equation, 56
Bernoullis principle, 30
Berry, Clifford, 1077
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 808
Berti, Gasparo, 1058
Bertrand, Joseph, 337
Bessarion, Cardinal, 364
Bessel, Friedrich, 78
Besson, Jacques, 862
Best Buy, 388
betting and fairness, 105107, 368369
Betz, Albert, 1067
Bezier, Pierre, 786
Bezier curves, 786
Bhagavad Gita, 731
Bhaskaracharya II
Lilavati, 1095
Siddhanta Siromani, 73
Bhaskaras dissection proof, 1095
Bhaumik, Mani Lal, 1041
bianzhong bells, 760, 760, 761
bible codes, 730731
bicycles, 107109
Biden, Jill, 540
Big Bang theory, 317, 474
Big Bang Theory (television show), 983
Bigollo, Leonardo Pisano. See Fibonacci, Leonardo
Bill James Baseball Abstract (James), 97, 378
billiards, 110111
Billings, Evelyn, 385
Billings, John, 385
Billingsley, Henry, 1097
Binary Automatic Computer (BINAC), 768
binary states, 9
Binet, Alfred, 511
binomial theorem, 111113, 1095
bin-packing problem, 912
biographies and memoirs, 559
bioinformatics, 164165, 421422
biological systematics, 44
biomathematics, 164165, 606
biomechanics, 923924
Biometrika (journal), 707, 942
biomimicry, 463, 973
biostatistics, 299300, 606
bi-quaternion algebraic operator, 34
Birds (Aristophanes), 558
Birkoff, Garrett, 548
birthday problem, 113115
al-Biruni, Abu Arrayhan, 54, 67, 248, 407, 425, 712
Bit Torrent, 388
bitmap graphics, 307308
Black, Duncan
The Theory of Committees and Elections, 335
Black, Fisher, 264
Black Flag, 787
black holes, 115117, 441, 473474, 837, 849, 934
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays (Hawking),
blackbody radiations, 393394
Blackett, Patrick M. S., 1078
Blackmun, Harry A., 117118
Blackwell, David, 118119, 668, 943
Blake, John, 385
Bliss, Gilbert, 63, 671, 1073
Bloch, William Goldbloom, 557
blocks and tackles, 818
Blondel, Vincent, 174
blood oxygen level dependence (BOLD), 126
blood pressure measurement, 948
Blum, Lenore, 811
BM 85200 (Babylonian text), 261
BMI. See body mass index
board games, 119122, 121, 454, 454455
Decameron, 665
body clocks, 746
Body Mass Index, 122124, 894, 1042
Boers, 19
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 121, 364, 663664, 1093
Consolation of Philosophy, 663
Boethiuss arithmetic, 121, 364
Bohr, Harald, 923
Bohr, Niels, 548, 775, 1027
Bohr Model of the Atom, 1027
Bohr radius, 1022
Boldyrev, Dmitry, 684
Bollettino dellUnione Matematica Italiana (journal), 364
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 348, 988
Bolyai, Jnos, 85, 438, 752, 1103
Appendix, 361
BolyaiLobachevskian geometry, 438
See also non-Euclidean geometry
Bolzano, Bernard, 553, 1103
Boma, A. N., 14
Bombelli, Rafael, 261262
Algebra, 1097
LAlgebra, 722
Index 1135
Bonaventura, Saint (Giovanni de Fidanza), 624
Bonaventura Cavalieri, 1092
Bondi, Hermann, 350
bone movement, 526528
Bonferroni, Carlo Emilio, 364
Bonferroni inequalities theory, 364
book ciphering, 869
Book of Addition and Subtraction by the Indian Method
(al-Khwarizmi), 6667
Book of Arithmetic About the Antichrist, A Revelation in the
Revelation (Stifel), 858
Book of Signs, The (Theophrastus), 1055
Boole, George, 848, 977
Investigation of the Laws of Thought, 362, 603, 1104
The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, 362, 1103
religion and, 602603
theoretical mathematics and, 617618
Boolean algebra (Boolean logic), 212, 362, 617, 977, 1104
boosting, 291
Booth, Charles, 188189
bootstrap aggregation (bagging), 291
Borda, Jean-Charles de, 337
Borda election method, 337, 10471048
Borel, mile, 505, 841
Borges, Jorge Luis
Library of Babel, 557
Borgia, Cesare, 364
Bose, Satyendra Nath, 114
Bosnian Mathematical Society, 364
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de
Trait du calcul-intgral, 869870
Boulez, Pierre, 231
Bourbaki, Nicolas (collective pseud.), 366367, 1106
Bourgainof, Jean, 367
Bourne, William, 294
Boussinesq, Joseph, 155
Box, George, 654
BoxJenkins models, 654
See also autoregressive integrated moving average
Boyle, Willard, 307
BradfordHill criteria, 288
Bradwardine, Thomas, 1095
Bragg, Braxton, 193
Brahe, Tycho, 78, 365
Brahmasphutasiddanta (The Opening of the Universe),
424, 908
cyclic quadrilaterals and, 762, 1094
Hindu-Arabic numerals and, 686
negative numbers concept and, 695696
series and, 908
zeros and, 1088
Brahmi numerals, 712
brain, 124128
composition and structure, 124125
cortical regions and mathematical ability, 598, 659
gender differences in, 1070
imaging technologies and, 126128, 659, 1043
nervous system and, 700701
nutrition and, 733734
optical illusions and, 739741
plasticity, 513, 541
right versus left brain learning, 541542
brain teasers. See mathematical puzzles
brainbow, 126
Bramer, Benjamin, 171
Branch, Stefan, 112
Brandenburg, Karl-Heinz, 684
Brattain, Walter, 768
Bravais, August, 259
Bravais lattice, 259
Breaking the Code (Whitmore), 777
Breakthrough, 120
Brecht, Bertold
The Life of Galileo, 775
Brenner, Sydney, 124
bridges, 129130
Bridgewater Treatises (Babbage), 859
A Brief History of Time (Hawking), 473, 474
Briggs, Henry
Arithmetica Logarithmica, 371, 1098
Brimberg, Jack, 481
Bringing Down the House (Mezrich), 682
Brink, Chris, 19
Brisson, Barnab, 155
Brix scale, 246
Broca, Paul, 128
Brocas (frontal lobe), 128
Brodetsky, Selig, 30
Brouncker, William, 1099
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan L. E. J., 1075, 1105
Brown, Earl, 167
Brown, Robert, 288, 696
Browne, Marjorie, 668
Brownian motion, 696
Brun, Viggo, 721
Brunelleschi, 861
Brush, Charles, 1064
Bryant, Gridley J. F., 897
Buckingham, Edgar, 915
Buckland, Jonny, 787
1136 Index
Buckmire, Ron, 167
Budd, Chris, 255
budgeting, 130132
Buell, Don Carlos, 193
Buffet, Jimmy, 787
Buffon, Comte de, 1101
Buffon, Georges, 770771
Buildings, Antennae, Spans, and Earth (BASE) jumping, 374
Bukkapatnam, T. S., 134
Bulgarian Competition in Mathematics and Informatics, 361
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society , 1104
Bunsen, Robert, 79
Bureau International de lHeure (The International Time
Bureau), 204
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1019
Burger, Dionys
Sphereland, 902
Burger, Warren E., 117
Burgeson, John, 377378
Brgi, Jobst, 1098
Burj Khalifa, 920
Burning Index (BI), 403
Burns, Ursula, 132133
Burundi, 16
bus scheduling, 133135
Busa Xaba, Abraham, 20
Bush, George W., 450, 509, 1047, 1049
business, economics, and marketing
agricultural, 381382
bankruptcy, 9296
budgeting, 130132
business-to-business marketing (B2B), 579
business-to-consumer marketing (B2C), 579
credit, 224, 253255, 254, 387, 482483
debt, 482483, 695697
economic order quantity (EOQ), 523
European Economic Community (EEC), 337338
forecasting in, 400
gross domestic product (GDP), 466468, 696, 697
interest, 95, 483484, 561562, 675, 1018
Internet and, 519520
inventory models, 523
investments and, 676677
loans, 482484, 561, 561563, 675676
market research and, 578580
mutual funds, 691692
The New Economics (Edwards), 299
stocks/stock market, 93, 288, 400, 691, 692, 696, 949951
See also data analysis and probability in society
business forecasting, 400
business-to-business marketing (B2B), 579
business-to-consumer marketing (B2C), 579
Buston, Dr., 249
Buteo, Johann (Jean Borell)
Logistica, 764
Butler, C. Allen, 166
Butokukai, 582
buxiban (cram schools), 69
Buxton, Dr., 455, 658
Buys-Ballot, Christophorus, 1002
Byram, George, 403
Byron, Annabella Milbanke, 565
Byron, George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron), 565
Byzantine culture, 664
C. elegans, 124, 125
cabbage, goat, wolf problem, 594
Cabri Geometry, 427
Cabri II Plus, 929
Cadogan, Charles C., 167
Caenorhabditis elegans, 124, 125
Caesar, Julius, 154, 192, 212, 563
Cahit Arf, 75
Calandri, Filippo, 1096
Calculated Industries (CI), 141, 142
On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals (al-Khwarizmi), 712
calculators in classrooms, 137139, 273, 718719
calculators in society, 139142
early history of, 139140, 887, 1106
graphing calculators, 141142
pocket calculators, 1107
special-purpose, 140141
Calculus (Djerassi), 776
Calculus, Concepts, Computers and Cooperative Learning
(C4L), 152
calculus and calculus education, 142147
contradictions of innitesimals and, 505506
differential, 143144
equation of tangent, 144145
higher order derivatives, 145
history of, 33, 143, 148, 405
integral, 145147
Weierstrass Denition, 144
Calculus and Mathematica (C&M), 152
Calculus Consortium at Harvard (CCH), 152
Calculus for a New Century, 151
calculus in society, 148153
applications of, 148150
mathematics curriculum reform, 150151
measurement and, 650651
traditional versus reformed calculus, 151152
Index 1137
Calculus of Extension, The (Grassmann), 1029
calculus theorem, 1100
Calcuus (Doxiadis), 143
Calder, Alexander, 545
Lempennage, 544
calendars, 153155
ancient Mesoamerica and, 179, 240
farming, 23, 799
Julian and Gregorian, 154, 879880, 1097
lunar, 75, 77, 154155
Mayan, 155, 494495, 1087
menstrual, 19
number 12 and, 729
religious festivals and, 24, 7475, 240
solar, 155
zeros and, 1087, 1088
See also timekeeping
Cal-Tech (calculator), 140
cameras. See digital cameras; movies, making of
Campanus, Johannes, 1095
Campbell, Jack Johnny, 182
Campbell, Lucy Jean, 167
Campbell, Merville ONeale, 166167
See also soroban
Canada, mathematics in, 709
See also North America
Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), 709
canals, 155156
cancer, 183184
cannons, 671
Canon of Samos, 280
canons, 230231
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 665
Cantor, Georg, 504505, 618, 626, 1104
Capek, Karel, 875
Caplan, Seth, 440
capsid geometry, 10381039
car purchases, 225226
car racing. See auto racing
Caratheodori, Constantin, 146
carbon dating, 157159
carbon dioxide emissions, 199
carbon footprints, 159162
calculation of, 160, 161, 463464
economy/policy and, 160
marginal abatement curve and, 160161
of people, 159160
per country, 161162
carbon-14 dating. See carbon dating
card and dice magic, 567568
card games, 415417, 416
Cardan grill, 212
Cardano, Gerolamo
Ars Magna, 722
cubic equations and, 261262, 786, 862, 1097
dice games and, 302
puzzles and games, 820
Cardan(o)-Tartaglia formula, 261, 262
cardinal numbers, 1106
careers, 162166
in actuarial science, 164, 288289, 605, 605606
analytical thinking and, 162163
applied mathematics and, 163, 605, 605607
in architecture, 432
in communications, 221
emerging elds, 164165, 299300
employers of mathematicians, 39, 163164, 214
nancial mathematics and, 164
medical and pharmaceutical, 4243, 162166, 288,
online job listings, 165166
in statistical science, 284287
using algebra in, 36, 39, 40, 41
See also data analysis and probability in society
Carey, Mariah, 787
car-following trafc modeling, 1000
Caribbean America, 166167
Caribbean Journal of Mathematical and Computing Sciences,
The , 166, 167
Caritat, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de. Marquis de
Condorcet, 337
Carleson, Lennart, 363
Carley, Kathleen, 509
Carlyle, Thomas, 1102
Carnegie Corporation, 133
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, 501, 1102
Carolingian Renascence, 663664
carpentry, 167169
Carraher, David, 226
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson)
Alice in Wonderland, 110, 464, 513, 557
Alice Through the Looking Glass, 6
The Game of Logic, 122
word puzzles and, 820
Carruth, Shane, 1082
Cartan, lie, 35
Cartan, Henri, 367
Carte Blanche, 253
Carter, Jimmy, 767
Cartesian plane, 33, 34, 247, 353, 894, 1042
See also coordinate geometry; Descartes, Ren
cartography, 502, 570, 572574, 738
1138 Index
Casazza, Peter, 211
casinos, 105, 106
Casio, 141142
Cassini, Giovanni, 890
Castaneda v. Partida, 117
Castillo-Chvez, Carlos, 169171
castles, 171172
CAT scans, 306307
Catalan, Eugne, 337
Cataldi, Pietro Antonio, 1097
catastrophe theory, 365
Catherine II (Catherine the Great), 359
Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement Device, 1034
Cauchy, Augustin Louis
complex analysis and, 723
complex function theory and, 146, 147, 366
convergence and, 650651
Cours danalyse, 553
Greens theorem and, 1030, 1102
permutations and, 765766
probability and, 803
Rsum of Lessons of Innitesimal Calculus,
CauchyRiemann equations, 723
Cauchys theorem, 766
Cavalieri, Bonaventura
Archimedean spiral and, 353
criticism of, 652
Geometria indivisilibus continuorum, 353
John Wallis and, 1099
spiral curves and, 248
theory of indivisibles and, 1092, 1098
Cavalieris Principle, 186
caves and caverns, 172174
Cayley, Arthur, 500, 766, 966, 1005, 1104
Cayley, George, 29, 29
CCD chips, 305, 307308
CD drives, 769
CDs, 309310
Cedar Point Amusement Park (Ohio), 877, 878
celestial mechanics, 520521
cell phone networks, 174176
cell phone towers, 174175, 175
cell phones, 142, 977
Celsius, Anders, 988
Celsius scale, 988, 1058
census, 176178
Census Act of 1800, 177
Cent Mille Milliards de pomes (One Hundred Thousand
Billion Poems) (Queneau), 779
Center for Bioinformatics, 183
Center for Promotion of Mathematical Research
(Thailand), 71
center of gravity (CoG), 457
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 479
centigrade scale, 988
Central African Republic. See Africa, Central
Central America, 178180
Central Limit theorem (CLT), 369, 507508, 802
central processing units (CPUs), 752753, 768
centripetal force, 878
Cerf, Sigrid, 180
Cerf, Vinton, 180, 180181, 911
CERN httpd (W3C httpd), 911
Certied Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), 43
Cetti, Franceso, 364
Ceva, Giovanni, 364
Czanne, Paul, 749
CGI. See animation and CGI
Chadwick, Edwin, 500
chai (life), 730
Chain-Links (Karinthy), 915
Challenger (space shuttle), 870871
Chamberlain, Nira, 28
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (Chandra), 115116, 837
Chang, Joseph, 419
Change the Equation, 133
chaos theories, 803, 891
See also ergodic theory
Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation), 9495
Chapter 13 bankruptcy (reorganization), 94, 95
Charlemagne, 663
Chartier, Timothy, 51
charts, 456
Chasles, Michel, 249, 1103
Chtelet, Gabrielle milie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil.
Marquise du, 777, 1101
Canterbury Tales, 665
Chebyshev, Pafnuty, 500, 803, 875
cheerleading, 181183
Cheever, John
The Geometry of Love, 558
chemical half-lives, 319
chemotaxis, 45
chemotherapy, 183184
Cheney, Dick, 510
Cheng Dawei
Suanfa Tongzong (General Source of Computational
Methods), 187
Chern, Shiing-Shen, 68
Cherokee Mixed-Use Lofts, 462
Index 1139
Cherry, Colin, 210
chess, 6, 120
Division by Zero, 901
Story of Your Life, 901
Chiang, Ted, 901
Chiao Wei-Yo, 156
Child-Pugh score, 52
childrens programming (television), 982
Childrens Television Workshop (CTW), 982
Chin Chu-shao, 1095
China. See Asia, eastern
Chinese mathematics, 184188
East meets West period, 187
foundation period, 185186
golden period, 185, 186187
number system, 8, 1091
religion and, 626627
Chinese Remainder theorem, 186, 187, 720
Chisholm, Grace. See Young, Grace Chisholm
Chitika, 12
Chokwe people, 14
cholera outbreak, 188, 1042, 1052
Chouren Zhuan (Biographies of Astronomers and
Mathematicians) (ed. Ruan Yuan), 187
Christian religious tenets, 624626, 664, 729730, 731, 856,
Chronbach, Lee, 817
Chronicle of Higher Education, 166
chronometers, 502
See also measuring time
Chrystal, George, 455
Chu Shih-chieh, 1095
Chung, Fan, 589
Chuquet, Nicolas
Triparty en la science des nombres, 1096
Church, Albert, 193
Church, Alonso, 768
Church of Latter-day Saints (LDS), 418
Church of San Lorenzo, 861
Churchill, Winston, 508
ciphers, 191, 192
See also coding and encryption
cipher-text, 212214
circles, 88, 514515, 552, 1092, 1093, 1096
See also Measurement of a Circle (Archimede); Pi
Citrabhanu, 73
city planning, 188190, 189, 462, 462
Civil War, U.S., 191194
cryptography in, 191193
impact on education, 193194
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, 1005
Elements de gometrie, 658
Thorie de la gure de la Terre, 1101
Clark, Arthur C., 899
2001: A Space Odyssey, 901
Clarke, Somers, 455
Class Phenotype Probability, 114
See also birthday problem
classic mathematical problems
Aladdins saddlebag, 747
ballot problem, 339, 339340
bin-packing problem, 912
birthday problem, 113115
cabbage, goat, wolf problem, 594
cocktail party problem, 210211
Correlation Problem, 495496
coupon collector problem, 204, 253
dining philosophers problem, 211
double bubble problem, 653
duplication of the cube, 260261, 1091, 1092
Get Off the Earth puzzle, 820
heat conduction problem, 410, 987988
packing probem, 746747
parallel climbers puzzle, 201
party problems, 210211
rabbit problem, 1095
river-crossing puzzle, 16
ruler and compass construction, 882
stable marriage problem, 582
three construction problems, 459
three construction problems and, 459
Tower of Hanoi puzzle, 412, 593594
traveling salesman problem (TSP), 912, 10091010
two container problem, 594
vibrating string problem, 410
word problems, 1094
classical test theory, 816
Classication of Countable Torison-Free Abelian Groups
(Campbell), 166167
Classication theorem for Finite Simple Groups, 587
Clausius, Rudolf, 349
Clavis mathematicae (Oughtred), 1098
Clavius, Christopher, 812, 1097
Clay Mathematics Institute, 110
Clean Water Act, 1054
Clifford, William Kingdon, 34, 349, 965
Clifford torus (or donut), 965
climate change, 194200
as a distribution, 195196
global warming, 196199, 442
sunspots and, 964
1140 Index
climatology, 1057
climbing, 200201
Clinton, Bill, 526
clock arithmetic, 201, 719720
clocks, 201204, 655656
closed-box collecting, 204206
Closs, Michael, 698
clouds, 206207
clubs and honor societies, 207208
CMOS chips, 305
Coand, Henri, 30
Coand effect, 30
Coasta, Celso, 966
Cobb, Paul, 222
cobweb theorem, 379
Coca-Cola Company, 252
cochlear implants, 209210
Cochran, William, 889
cocktail party problem, 210211
code breaking, 191
See also coding and encryption
Code of Hammurabi, 506, 507
code talking, 839, 1074
codebooks, 192, 1076
Codex Atlanticus (Leonardo da Vinci), 918
Codex Vigilanus (compilation), 712
coding and encryption, 212214
bible codes, 730731
Civil War and, 191193
code talking, 839, 1074
credit card encryption, 224
fax machines, 382384, 383
Fermats little theorem and, 113
number theory and, 165
public key cryptosystems, 282, 786
Revolutionary War and, 869
World War I and, 1074
World War II and, 756757, 1076, 1077
See also military code; Morse code
coffeehouses, 596
cognitive epidemiology, 513
cognitive psychology, 741
Cohen, Bram, 388
Cohen, Paul J., 1106
coil springs, 636
Cold War, 214218
arms race, 214216, 517
competition during, 217218, 360, 365, 709
intelligence/counterintelligence and, 508
Coldplay, 787
collectibles. See closed-box collecting
Collins, Brent, 904905
Colojoara, Ion, 361
color wheels, 515
Columbia (space shuttle), 871
Columbine High School shootings, 897
Columbus, Christopher, 576, 862, 932, 1011
Columbus Dispatch (newspaper), 4041
combinations. See permutations and combinations
Combinatorial Game Theory, 122
combinatorics, 55, 444
comic strips, 218219
Commandino, Federigo, 1097
Commedia (Dante), 665
Commentary on Euclid, Book I (Proclus), 1093
Commercial and Political Atlas, The (Playfair), 456
Commission on History of Mathematics in Africa, 23
Commissions on Mathematics Education in Africa, 22
Committee for Statistical Studies, 944
Committee on Data for Science and Technology, 1026
Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics
(CUPM), vi
Common Core State Standards (CCSS), 275, 279
common school movement, 274
communative property, 8
communication in society, 219225
mathematical applications/technologies and, 224
mediums for, 220221
proofs and, 222224
community colleges. See two-year colleges
community-supported agriculture (CSA), 382
compact discs (CDs). See CDs
comparable transaction method, 9394
comparison shopping, 225227
compasses, 9
competitions and contests, 227229
Complete Mancala Games Book, The (Russ), 13, 16
complex analysis, 26, 723724
Complicite Theater Company, 776
composing, 229231
compound interest, 95
compound pulley, 5758
computable functions. See functions, recursive
computation of Pi. See Pi
computational aids, 713
computational geometry, 429
Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans, 1013
See also functional MRI (fMRI); imaging technologies;
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); medical imaging
computer aided design (CAD), 352, 353, 514, 990
computer aided looms (CAL), 990
computer algebra systems (CAS), 273
Index 1141
computer graphics, 165, 786
computer numerical control (CNC), 430
computer programming, 412, 565, 566
computer software. See software, mathematics
Computer Speaks, The (Khalifa), 730
computer visions, 165
computer-aided design (CAD), 168, 430
computer-generated imagery (CGI). See animation and
computerized axial tomography (CAT scanning), 306307
applied mathematics and, 603, 607
battleeld, 6566
early history of, 517, 1106, 1107
hacking, 192, 224
mechanical, 875, 1103
number/operations and, 718719
steam powered, 500
super, 1107
theoretical mathematics and, 617
World War II and, 10771078
zeros and, 10881089
See also calculators in classrooms; calculators in
society; personal computers
Comrade Deuch (Gaing Kek Ieu), 71
conception. See fertility
conditional probability tables (CPTs), 874
Condorcet criterion, 217
Condorcet Winner, 337, 10481049
Confrence Gnral des Poids et Mesures, 547
congressional representation, 231235
conic sections, 235238, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1100
Conic Sections (Apollonius), 237, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1100
connections in society, 238243
interconnected curriculum, 238239
mathematics as universal language, 240
nutrition labeling and mathematics, 240241
sports and mathematics, 239, 241242
Connectivity in Geometry and Physics Conference, 240
Connes, Alain, 343, 367
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius), 663
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications, 229
Construction Master Pro software, 141, 142
constructivism, 542
Contact (movie), 683
Contact (Sagan), 901902
contact lenses, 1040
contaminants, 10531054
contests. See competitions and contests
continuous quality improvement, 832
continuum modeling, 1001
contra and square dancing, 243244
convergence, 650651
Conversations on Mathematics With a Visitor from Outer
Space (Reulle), 901
conversion rates, 1112
Conway, John H., 122, 415
cooking, 244247
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, 353
Coonce, Harry B., 628629
Cooper, Lionel, 20
Cooper, Paul, 1015
coordinate geometry, 33, 34, 247249, 353, 727, 1041
Copenhagen (Frayn), 775776
Copenhagen Telephone Company, 977
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 78, 365, 801
De Revolutionibus, 772, 1096
heliocentric astronomy and, 862, 964
coral reefs, 250, 250251
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de, 110, 111, 995
Coriolis effect, 110, 998
CoriolisStokes force, 995
Correlation Problem, 495496
Corson, William, 1037
Cos, Gertrude, 943
cost per click (CPC), 11
cost per mile (CPM), 11
cost-benet optimization, 873874
Costley, Charles Gladstone, 167
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin de, 340341, 770
Coulombs Law, 340341, 770
Count (Martin and Craig), 776
counterintelligence. See intelligence and
counting numbers. See natural numbers
counting skills, 537
coupon collector problem, 204, 253
coupons and rebates, 252253
Cournot, Antoine, 802
Cours danalyse (Cauchy), 553
covering problems, 747
cowry shells, 23, 24
Cox, David, 617, 1006
Cox, Elbert, 668
Cox, Richard, 803
Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald Donald, 355, 781, 783
Coxs theorem, 803
Craig, Timothy
Count, 776
Cramer, Kathryn
Forbidden Knowledge, 901
crane, origami, 742
1142 Index
credit bureaus, 387
credit cards, 253255
credit bureaus and, 254
data mining and, 12, 254
encryption, 224
fraud detection and, 253, 254
credit ratings, 482483
Crelles Journal, 1104
Cremona, Luigi, 1005
Cremona transformations, 1005
Crichton, Michael, 901
Crick, Francis, 674
crime scene investigation (CSI), 255257
Crippen, Robert L., 871
Crispin, Mark, 518
criterion-referenced tests (CRTs), 326327
Critical Infrastructure Protection (Lewis), 509
Critique of Practical Reason (Kant), 626
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 626
Croatian Mathematical Society, 364
crochet and knitting, 257258
Crome, Augustus, 894
crosses, 856, 857
crossmultiplication, 686
crosswords. See acrostics, word squares, and crosswords
Crother, Stephen, 115
Crozet, Claudius, 193, 429
CRT televisions, 986987
Cruickshank, Steven
Mathematics and Statistics in Anaesthesia, 43
cryptarithms, 820821
cryptography, 719720, 763
See also coding and encryption; military code
cryptology, 224
crystallography, 259260, 547
Csicsery, George, 227
Cuba, 167
See also Caribbean America
Cube (movie), 683
cubes and cube roots, 260262
cubic equations, 785786, 1095
cubists, 748749
Cummings, Alexander, 997
currency exchange, 262264
Current Employment Statistics (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics), 286
Current Population Survey, The (U.S. Census Bureau), 286,
curricula, international, 264267
curriculum, college, 267273
general education mathematics requirements, 268269
mathematical sciences concentration, 270271
mathematics and partner disciplines, 269270
two-year colleges, 272273
undergraduate research, 271272
curriculum, K12, 274279
Back to Basics movement, 276
Common Core State Standards (CCSS), 275, 279
common school movement, 274
measurement systems, 644645, 658
national standards-based, 277278
New Math movement, 275276
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and, 278279
number and operations, 710711
Progressive movement, 274275
Race to the Top (RTTT) program, 279
racial/minority disparities, 669
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School
Mathematics (NCTM), 277
See also Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8
Mathematics (NCTM), 277278
curves, 280282, 650, 1011, 1092
See also Conic Sections (Apollonius)
Cusanus, Nicholas. See Nicholas of Cusa
Custer, George Armstrong, 193
cyan, magenta, yellow, key black (CMYK) subtractive
model, 515
Cybernetics (Weiner), 875
cyberpunk, 902
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 310
cycloid, 280
cyclones. See hurricanes and tornadoes
cyclotron, 358
Cylinder Measures (Millington), 167
Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad, 76
Cyprus Mathematical Society, 76, 364
CzechPolishSlovak Match, 361
da Vinci. See Leonardo da Vinci
Dai Fujiwara, 431
dAlembert, Jean Le Rond, 410, 553
Dalgarno, George, 1028
DAmbrosio, Ubiritan, 933
dams, 283284
ballet, 9091
ballroom, 9192
bee choreography, 105
contra and square, 243244
Index 1143
step and tap, 946947
in West Africa, 22
Dancing With the Stars (television show), 983
Commedia, 665
Dantzig, George, 218, 952
Darboux, Jean-Gaston, 249, 1030
DarcyWeisbach equation, 30
dark energy, 350
Darken, Joanne, 811
Darwin, Charles
Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs , 250
data analysis and probability in society, 284290
entertainment/gambling and, 289290
nance/insurance and, 288289
government and, 285287
industry/manufacturing and, 287288
medicine/pharmacy and, 288
problem of distributions and, 806
professional education, 285
data compression, 684
data mining, 290292, 509
data rot, 310311
Daubechies, Ingrid, 292294
David, Florence Nightingale, 843
Davies, Charles, 193
Davies, Donald, 517
Davis, Jefferson, 193
Davis, Philip, 357
Day, Jeremiah
An Introduction to Algebra, 193
De Algebra Tractatus (Wallace), 112
De Arte Combinatoria (Leibniz), 1028
de Cari, Gioia, 10821083
Truth Values, 777, 1083
De Divina Proportione (About Divine Proportion) (Pacioli),
de Finetti, Bruno, 106107
de Gusmo, Bartolomeu, 932
De lattitudinibus formarum (attrib. dOresme), 455
de Moivre, Abraham, 112, 507
Annuities upon Lives, 1100
Approximatio ad summam terminorum binomii (a+b)n in
seriem expansi, 707
Doctrine of Chances, 801802, 1100
Miscellanea analytica, 1100
See also Central Limit theorem (CLT)
de MoivreLaplace theorem, 707
See also Central Limit theorem (CLT)
de Morgan, Augustus, 565, 770, 957
De Ratiociniis in Lundo Aleae (Huygens), 801
De Revolutionibus (Copernicus), 772, 1096
de Veaux, Richard, 969
De Ventula (anon.), 800
De Viribus Quantitatis (Pacioli), 821
Deans Method, 233
Deary, Ian, 511
debt. See loans; mortgages; national debt
debt-to-income ratios, 482483
Debussy, Claude, 894
Decameron (Bocaccio), 665
Dechales, Claude, 393
decimal system, 5354, 69, 185, 727728, 1095, 10971098
deciphering. See ciphers
decryption. See coding and encryption
Dedekind, Richard, 35, 726, 727, 1104
Dedekind cuts, 727
deductive logic, 459460
Dee, John, 1097
deep submergence vehicles, 294295
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 181
deforestation, 295298
deism, 626
del Ferro, Scipione, 261, 786, 1096
Delamain, Richard, 1098
Delambre, Jean, 890
Delaunay, Charles-Eugene, 909
Deligne, Pierre, 367
DeLoache, Judy, 325
Demidovich, Boris Pavlovich, 360
Deming, W. Edwards, 287, 298299, 944
The New Economics, 299
Out of the Crisis, 299
Statistical Methods from the Viewpoint of Quality Control,
Democritus of Abdera, 342, 652, 1092
Dennison, William, 192
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). See DNA
Derbyshire, John
Prime Obsession, 560
DeRose, Tony, 50, 679, 966
DeSalvo, Stephen, 963
Desargues, Grard, 237, 1099
Descartes, Ren
algebra and, 32
analytic geometry and, 365
animal/machine connections and, 45
Cartesian plane and, 33, 34, 247, 353, 894, 1042
conic sections and, 237
Discourse on a Method, 248249, 365366, 847, 859
imaginary numbers and, 722, 939
La Gomtrie, 10981099
1144 Index
Marin Mersenne and, 588
mechanics and, 349
Meditations on First Philosophy, 365, 859
notation systems and, 785
as philosopher, 365366
polyhedral formula and, 783
Principles of Philosophy, 366
religious writings, 859
spiral curves and, 354
tides/waves and, 994
volcanos and, 1044
Descent into the Maelstrom (Poe), 558
descriptive geometry, 429
design principles, 514, 533
Dessouky, Maged, 134
Devanagari numerals, 712
Devol, George, 876
Dewey, John, 274
DeWitt, Simeon, 870
diagnostic testing, 299301
Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo),
Dias, Bartholomeo, 862
diatonic scales, 893
Diaz, Joaquin, 668
Dicaearchus of Messana, 248
dice games, 301303
Dickens, Charles
Hard Times, 560
dictatorships, 1048, 1049
Dido of Tyre (queen), 103
Die Coss (Rudolff), 1096
Die Theorie der Parallellinien (Lambert), 1101
diets, 733, 733
Dietz, Ada
Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles, 989
Dieudonne, Jean, 366367
differential calculus, 143144, 148, 149150, 1101
differential geometry, 429
differential GPS (DGPS), 452
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 126
digital book readers, 303304
digital cameras, 304306
digital elevation models, 345
digital images, 306308
Digital Opportunity Index (DOI), 769
digital storage, 308311
digital video discs (DVDs). See DVDs
digital video recording devices (DVRs). See DVR devices
dikes, 155
Diners Club, 253
dining philosophers problem, 211
Dinostratus, 1092
Diocles of Carystus, 280
Parthenopaeus, 6
Diophantus of Alexandria, 32, 461
Arithmetica, 1093, 1097, 1098
direct acyclic graphs (DAGs), 874
direct current (DC), 341
direct proofs, 813
Dirichlet, lejeaune, 410
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune, 1103
A Disappearing Number (McBurney and Complicite Theater
Co.), 776
Discourse on a Method (Descartes), 248249, 365366, 847,
Discourses on Livy (Machiavelli), 861
Discover (magazine), 525
Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach (Serra), 780
discrete nite state automata (DFA), 1034
discrete geometry, 429
Discworld (Pratchet), 902
disease survival rates, 311312
diseases, tracking infectious, 170171, 312314, 513
displace games. See board games
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Gauss), 712, 939940, 1102
dissections, 828
Dissertation Abstracts International, 629
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) system, 1079
distribution-free tests, 844
divergence theorem, 1030
divination, 623
divine proportion. See golden ratio
division. See multiplication and division
Division by Zero (Chiang), 901
Djerassi, Carl
Calculus, 776
analysis, 256, 420, 421422
bioinformatics and, 164165
as blueprint of creation, 886
electron microscopes and, 547
mapping and sequencing, 606
math gene, 584585
molecular structure of, 532, 673, 673674
topology, 614
viruses and, 1038
See also genetics
Doctrine of Chances (de Moivre), 801802, 1100
dodecahedron, 782
Dodge, H. F., 832
Index 1145
Dodgson, Charles (pseud. Lewis Carroll). See Carroll, Lewis
(Charles Dodgson)
Doll, Richard, 362
Domain Name System (DNS) servers, 518
domains, 723724
domes, 315, 315316, 1045
Domesday Book, 362, 1020
Donald in Mathmagic Land (cartoon), 111
Donaldson, Simon, 363
Doppler, Christian, 316, 756
Doppler radar, 316317, 1002
Dore, Richard, 778
dOresme, Nicole
De lattitudinibus formarum (attrib.), 455
Dorman, James, 774
Dorsey, Noah, 547
dose-response curve, 535
dot-com bubble, 519520
Dots & Boxes, 122
double bubble problem, 653
Doubleday, Abner, 193
Douglas, Jess, 966
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 288, 692, 949
Doxiadis, Apostolos
Calcuus, 143
Logicomix, 219
Seventeenth Night, 776
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Final Problem, 558
Dr. Atomic (Adams), 690
Dresden Codex, 496
Drexler, K. Eric, 693
drinking water, 1053, 10531054
Droid, 977
Drosnin, Michael, 731
drug dosing, 317319
drums, 761
dry adiabatic lapse rate, 207
Dryden, John, 596
Dudeney, Henry, 821
Duncan, Arne, 275
Dunham, William, 610
Dunnett, Charles, 319
Dupain-Triel, Jean-Louis, 345
duplication of the cube problem, 260261, 1091, 1092
Durenmatt, Friedrich
The Physicists, 775
Drer, Albrecht, 783, 1096
DVD drives, 769
DVDs, 309310, 705
DVR devices, 319321, 705
dynamical systems, 128
DynaTAC8000x, 977
dyscalculia, 128, 714
Dzhumadidayev, Askar, 67
E=MC2 album (Carey), 787
Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey (ECLS), 669
earth, measurement of, 762763, 1092
From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 521, 900
earthquakes, 323324
Eastern Bloc. See Europe, eastern
Eastman, George, 305
Eastman Kodak Company, 305
Eberlein, Ernst, 684
Eckert, John Presper, 768, 1078
eclipses, 77, 78, 677678
cole Polytechnique, 366, 501
ecological design. See green design
economic order quantity (EOQ), 523
economics. See business, economics, and marketing
ecosystems, 48
ecumene, 573
Eddington, Arthur, 116, 855
Edgeworth, Francis, 369
Edidin, Dan, 211
Edison, Thomas, 182, 549, 986
Educate to Innovate campaign, 133, 1035
Educational Amendments Act, 1071
educational manipulatives, 324326
Educational Recovery Act, 279
educational testing, 326329
Edward I (King), 172, 648
EEG/EKG, 4243, 126, 128, 329330
Egan, Greg
The Innite Assassin, 901
Schilds Ladder, 559
African Fractals, 14
Egorov, Dmitry, 505
Egyptian mathematics, 32, 330333, 603, 638, 638639, 711
Ehlinger, Ladd, Jr., 440
Ehrenfest, Paul, 837
Eiffel, Gustave, 919
Eiffel Tower, 919
Eight Ball, 110
Ein Sof, 626
Einstein, Albert, 333335
Autographical Notes, 335
conservation of mass/energy and, 334335
E=MC2 album (Carey), 848
1146 Index
Einstein on the Beach (Glass), 775
elegant proofs and, 611612
eld equations, 770
eld equations and, 775
gravity/weightless and, 1059
Insignicance (Johnson), 775
light speed and, 547548
mathematics/reality link and, 1027
personal and professional life of, 333334, 335, 335, 598,
598, 887, 959
photoelectric effect and, 930
quantum physics and, 974
Riemannian geometry and, 438, 555
Theory of Everything, 441
theory of relativity and, 38, 78, 115, 429, 474, 848,
854855, 980, 1074, 1105
universal constants and, 1026
See also atomic bomb (Manhattan Project); relativity
Einstein Institute of Mathematics, 75
Einstein on the Beach (Glass), 690
Einsteins eld equations, 775
Einthoven, Willem, 329
Eisenhart, Luther, 232
Eisenstein, Gotthold, 370
elections, 335340
ballot problem, 338, 339340
exit polling, 336337, 339
types of, 336, 337
U.S. Electoral College, 336, 338339
weighted voting, 336, 337338
Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC),
768, 769, 10771078, 1079
electricity, 340342
electrocardiogram (ECG). See EEG/EKG
electrodynamics, 549
electroencephalogram (EEG). See EEG/EKG
electromagnetic radiation (EMR), 662, 837
electromagnetic wave equation, 547
electron spin resonance (ESR) dating, 941
electronic ink, 303304
electronic passwords, 517518
Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
(Klein), 616
elementary particles, 342344
Elements (Euclid)
Abraham Lincoln and, 193
deductive logic and, 459460
editing/revision of, 1093, 1099
Golden Ratio and, 1116
metaphysical reasoning and, 624
origination of, 1092
parallel postulate and, 750751, 752
ruler/compass construction and, 881882
solids and, 782
terminology, 53, 84
Theaetetus of Athens and, 1092
translations, 18, 187, 10941095, 1097
See also Euclid of Alexandria; Euclidean geometry
Elements de gometrie (Clairaut), 658
lements de gomtrie (Legendre), 1102
Elements of Physical Biology (Lotka), 789
elevation, 344346
elevators, 346348
Elkies, Noam, 227
Elliott, Ralph, 400
Elliott waves, 400
ellipses, 235
elliptical curves. See curves
elliptical orbits, 437438, 457, 772
Ellis, George, 115
Ellis, Robert, 802
Else-Quest, Nicole, 1070
Emilie (Gunderson), 777
en lair (ballet), 90
Enclosure Acts, 500
encryption. See coding and encryption
energy, 348350
energy, geothermal. See geothermal energy
Energy Conscious Scheduling (ECS), 463
Energy Explained Web site. See U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI)
Energy Information Administration (EIA), 287
Energy Kids Web site, 287
Energy Policy Act, 998
Engelbach, Reginald, 455
Engelberger, Joseph, 876
Engels, Friedrich, 500
engineering design, 351353
Engle, Robert, 466
English language. See acrostics, word squares, and
Enigma code, 212, 763, 10761077
Eniwetok Atoll, 250
Enneper, Alfred, 966
Enron Corporation, 509
entanglement, 548
enterprise value (EV), 93
Epic of Gigamesh, The (Mesopotamian epic poem),
epidemiology, 479, 513, 942
See also diseases, tracking infectious
Index 1147
epistemology, 540
Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, The (Kepler), 365
equal tuning, 824825
equations, polar, 353354
equiangular spiral, 762, 763
Equilibrium of Planes (Archimedes), 544
equilibrium theory, 519
Eratosthenes of Cyrene, 18, 7778, 460461, 762763, 1092
Erds, Paul, 361, 518, 589, 596
Erds number, 589, 916
See also Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
ErdsRnyi graphs, 453, 518
e-readers. See digital book readers
ergodic theory, 490
See also chaos theories
Erie Canal, 156
Eritrea, 16
Erlang, Agner, 977
Erlangen Program, 438, 965, 971, 1104
Error-Correcting Code (ECC) memory, 911
Escher, M.C., 354356
as amateur mathematician, 599
mandalas and, 515
Metamorphosis III, 355356
Regular Division of the Plane with Asymmetric Congruent
Polygons, 355, 765
symmetry and, 748, 970
tessellations and, 781
Eskin, Alex, 110
Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilities (Laplace), 368
ethics, 356358
ethnomathematics, 22, 458, 485, 515, 670, 933
Euclid Freed of Every Flaw (Saccheri), 1101
Euclid of Alexandria
Abraham Lincoln and, 193
Arabic/Islamic mathematics and, 5354
axiomatic geometry and, 424425
binomial theorem and, 111
Euclidean philosophers and, 357, 427
golden ratio and, 446
as library leader, 459
musical pitches and, 433
optics and, 1042
pinhold camera and, 305
postulates of, 426, 750751, 752
ruler/compass construction and, 881882
superposition and, 1004
theoretical mathematics and, 615
Theory of Intervals, 433
See also Elements (Euclid); Euclidean geometry; Greek
mathematics; non-Euclidean geometry
Euclidean geometry, 8485, 424425, 427, 428429
See also Elements (Euclid); Euclid of Alexandria
Eudemian Summary (Proclus), 1092
Eudemus of Rhodes, 1092
Eudoxus of Cnidus, 146, 652, 727, 772, 1092, 1093
Eukaryota domain, 43, 44
Euler, Leonhard
algebra and, 35, 38
contributions of, 1101
exponential functions and, 1012
functions and, 144, 146, 366, 370
geodesics and, 281
Introductio in analysin innitorium, 410
Pi and, 771
polyhedra and, 783
projectile trajectories and, 64
Seven Bridges of Knigsburg and, 129, 130, 366,
454455, 755, 821
at St. Petersburg Academy, 359
transformations and, 1005
Euler characteristic, 965, 966
Eulerian Graphs, 14
EulerianLagrangian-Agent Method (ELAM), 1054
EulerLotka equations, 385
Eulers method, 1101
Eupalinian aqueduct, 1014, 1015
Eupalinos of Megara, 1015
Eureka (Archimedes), 60, 460, 652, 1025
Europe, eastern, 358361
Europe, northern, 361363
Europe, southern, 363365
Europe, western, 365367
European Economic Community (EEC), 337338
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN),
European Women in Mathematics, 811, 1072
Eutocius of Ascalon, 1094
event horizons, 115, 116
Expected Benet (EB), 873874
expected values, 368369
expenditure method (GDP), 467
Exploring Our Solar System (Ride), 871
Exploring Small Groups (ESG), 273
exponentials and logarithms, 370372, 1011
Exposition du Systeme du Monde (Laplace), 115
extinction, 372373
Extracts (Stobaeus), 619
Extraordinary Hotel, The (Lem), 901
extreme sports, 374375, 375
eyeglasses, 1040
Eytzinger, Michael, 418
1148 Index
fabrics. See textiles
face recognition, 165
Facebook, 926
factorials, 765
Fahrenheit, Gabriel, 988
Fahrenheit temperature scale, 988, 1058
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 387
Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). See FICO score
fair market value (FMV), 93
Faltings, Gerd, 367
family trees. See genealogy
Fan Chung. See Graham, Fan Chung
Fannie Mae, 254
Fanning, Shawn, 388
Fantasy Football Index (magazine and Web site), 378
fantasy sports leagues, 377379
Faraday, Michael, 837
Faradays law of induction, 837
al-Farisi, 764
Farmer, John,, 418
farming, 23, 286, 379382, 380
Farr, William, 288, 313, 942
Farrell, Edward, 167
fashion design, 431432
Fast Fourier Transforms. See Fourier Transforms
fatigue, 955
fax machines, 382384, 383
Fechner, Gustav, 447, 653654
Federal Aid Highway Acts, 476
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). See U.S. Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Communications Commission, 175
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 691
Federal Reserve System, 675
federal tax tables, 497498
Fedorov, E. S. Yevgraf , 781
Feingold, Graham, 206
feng shui, 534
Fennema, Elizabeth, 961
FennemaSherman mathematics attitudes scale, 961
Ferguson, Claire, 904
Ferguson, Helaman, 904
Fermat, Pierre de
algebra and, 3435
analytic geometry and, 1098
Arcadia (Stoppard), 1083
Blaise Pascal and, 105106, 1099
conic sections and, 237
coordinate geometry and, 248
dice games and, 302
Fermats Enigma (Singh), 560
Fermats Last Tango and, 689690
integral formula of arc length, 763
Marin Mersenne and, 588
probability and, 105106, 112113, 366, 806, 841
squares/square roots and, 883, 939
See also Wiles, Andrew
Fermat primes, 883, 939
Fermats Enigma (Singh), 560
Fermats Last Tango (Lessner & Rosenblaum), 689690
Fermats Last Theorem, 34, 112113, 282, 362, 366, 720, 829,
See also Wiles, Andrew
Fermats Room (movie), 683
Fermi, Enrico, 79
Ferrari, Lodovico, 261, 786
Ferrel, William, 1063
fertility, 384386
Feynman, Richard, 79, 228, 349, 548
Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman, 682
What Do You Care What Other People Think, 682
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 18, 54, 412, 886, 1088, 1094
Liber Abaci, 412, 819, 939, 1088, 1095
Fibonacci sequence, 62, 364, 412, 886, 908
Fibonacci tuning. See Pythagorean and Fibonacci tuning
FICO score, 254, 288, 386387, 482483
FidoNet, 517
Fields Medal, 69, 363, 367
Fignon, Laurent, 109
le downloading and sharing, 387388
Final Problem, The (Doyle), 558
ngerprints, 388390
Finite Simple Group (of Order Two) (Klein Four Group),
nite state machines, 1034
Finkel, Benjamin, 810
Finley, John, 490
Fiore, Antonio Maria, 1096
Fiqh al-Hisab (Ibn Munim), 55
rearms, 390392
reies, 973
reworks, 392394, 393
First, Outside, Inside, Last (FOIL), 41
First Circle, The (Solzhenitsyn), 558
FIRST Robotics, 133
First-t algorithm, 912
rst-generation (1G) cell technology, 175
Fischer, Carl, 139, 141
Fischer, Gwen, 834
sh schooling, 973
Fisher, Ronald, 379, 803, 842, 943, 944
Index 1149
FisherNeymanPearson inferential methods, 943
shing. See data mining
shing (aquatic), 394395
Fiss, Andrew, 193
Fitzgerald, George, 547
Five Hysterical Girls theorem, 776
xed rated mortgages, 483
Fizeau, Hippolyte, 316
ash memory, 309310
Flatland (Abbott), 440, 557, 557, 781, 859, 902
Flatland the Movie (movie), 440, 781, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086
Flatterland (Stewart), 902
avonoids, 732
Fleischmann, Martin, 350
Fletcher, Thomas, 926
ight, animals, 44, 4647, 47
Flintusehel, Eliot, 901
oods, 395398
Flynn, Morris, 488
Focus in High School Mathematics (NCTM), 278
folded normal, 708
FONE F3, 303
Fons, W. R., 402
Fontana, Niccol. See Tartaglia, Niccol
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 319
food webs, 4748
football, 398400, 529531
Forbidden Knowledge (Cramer), 901
Ford Motor Co., 10, 523
forecasting, 400402
foreign exchange (FX) market, 263264
forensic ballistics. See ballistics studies
forest res , 402404
formal concept analysis (FCA), 509
Foster, Donald, 958
Foundation (Asimov), 791
Four-Color theorem, 587, 611, 814, 1107
four-dimensional geometry, 548
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
contributions of, 1102
heat conduction and, 410, 987988, 1083
Napolon Bonaparte and, 501
On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodies, 987
squares/square roots and, 939
Fourier analysis. See Fourier transforms
Fourier series, 410, 1040
Fourier transforms, 165, 209210, 211, 360, 547, 684, 769
Fouriers heat equation, 410, 987988, 1083
fourth-generation (4G) cell technology, 176
Foxtrot (Amend), 219
in African societies, 1314
in animal kingdom, 49
coastlines and, 570571
coral reefs and, 251
in education, 426
houses of worship and, 486
lightning patterns and, 551552
in village design, 515, 534
visualization and, 1042
See also patterns
fractional exponents, 1096
fractional linear transformations, 1005
fractions, continued, 1097
Fraenkel, Abraham, 587, 1106
Framingham Heart Study, 123
Francesca, Piero della, 248
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, 1080
Frankenstein (Shelley), 877, 900
Franklin, Benjamin, 274, 869, 886, 913
fraud detection
accounting and, 45
in communication technologies, 224
credit card, 253, 254
data mining and, 292
neural networks and, 125
probability theory and, 5
Social Security and, 759
taxes, 498
Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 79
Frayn, Michael, 775
Copenhagen, 775776
Frchet, Maurice, 651, 1105
Freddie Mac, 254
Freeman, Greydon, 517
Frege, Gottlob, 219
Frmont, John Charles, 344
French Academy, 1099
Frenet, Jean Frdric, 249, 281
FrenetSerret Formulas, 249, 281
frequency modulation (FM), 838839, 10681069
frequentist approach, 802
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 547
Frzier, Amde-Franois, 393
Friedman, William, 756, 1074
Frisch, Karl von, 105
Fritts, Charles, 930
Frbel, Friedrich, 324
Frbel Gifts, 324
From Fish to Innity (Strogatz), 610
Frost, Wade Hampton, 314
1150 Index
Fuchs, Ira, 517
fuel consumption, 404405
Fujita, Tetsuya Theodore, 492
FujitaPearson scale, 492
Fujiwara, Masahiko
An Introduction to the Worlds Most Elegant Mathematics,
Fulke, William, 122
Fuller, Buckminster Bucky, 62, 674
Fuller, Thomas, 599, 668
fullerenes, 674, 782
function rate of change, 405408
functional MRI (fMRI), 126, 127
See also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); medical
functions, 408410
functions, recursive, 410412
Fundamental theorem of Algebra, 722, 785
Fundamental theorem of Calculus, 149
Frer algorithm, 688
Fusaro, Marc, 675
fusion, 349350
Futurama (television show), 829, 903, 1082, 1083, 1084
Future Shock (Tofer), 402
futures market, 510
fuzzy logic/sets, 290, 803, 843
FX market, 263264
fx-7000G, 141142
Gabriels Horn, 505
Gadget (nuclear test bomb), 80
Gaing Kek Ieu Comrade Deuch, 71
Gale, David, 122, 582
Galerkin, Boris, 283
Galileo (Galileo Galilei)
animal/machine connections and, 45
contributions of, 1098
Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems,
innite sets and, 505
inuence of, 64, 364
invention of thermometer, 1055
normal distribution and, 707
pendulum clocks and, 202, 202203
principle of relativity and, 853
proofs and, 812
religious writings, 858859
square/square roots and, 939
Star Messengers (Zimet and Maddow), 690
telescopes and, 978
theory of gravity and, 64, 364
Two New Sciences, 545
Galileo Galilei (Glass), 690
Galileos principle of relativity, 853
Gallup, George, 888
Gallup Polls, 889
Galois, variste, 34, 362, 366, 786, 883, 1103
algebra and, 32
Galois Theory, 34
Galton, Francis, 389, 803, 895, 942, 1042
Regression Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature, 895
Galton distribution, 708
Gama, Vasco da, 862
gambling. See betting and fairness; dice games
Game of Logic, The (Carroll), 122
Game of Pistols, 415
game shows, 982983
game theory, 216, 413415
in baseball, 99, 378
in basketball, 101
Cold War and, 214, 10371038
David Blackwell and, 119
in football, 399
strategy and tactics in, 952954
topology and, 119
See also board games
games. See board games; video games
games, board. See board games
Gamow, George, 853
Gardner, Howard, 543
Gardner, Martin, 569, 595, 823, 901
The Island of Five Colors, 902
Mathematics, Magic and Mystery, 569
Gareld, James, 828
Gareld, Richard, 415417
Garibaldi, Skip, 200
gas volume, 10251026
Gates, Bill, 768
Gatun Locks, 156
Gauguin, Paul, 737
Gauss, Carl F.
abstract groups and, 35
arithmetic sequence and, 908909
axiomatic systems and, 85
complex numbers and, 722
contributions of, 239, 249, 366, 574
curved space and, 854
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, 712, 939940, 1102
error modeling and, 369
hyperbolic geometry and, 1103
laws for electricity and magnetism, 837
Index 1151
linear equation simplication and, 634635
linear transformations and, 1005
non-Euclidean geometry and, 848
normal distribution and, 802
parallel processing and, 752
polygons and, 781
ruler/compass construction and, 883
Theory of Celestial Movement, 707
theory of curves and, 281
thermostats and, 991
Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 220
GaussBonnet theorem, 965
Gaussian curvature, 965, 965
Gaussian distribution, 366, 706, 802
See also normal distribution
Gaussian elimination, 634635
Gaussian thermostat, 991
GaussJordan elimination, 634635
Gausss divergence theorem, 1030
Gausss laws for electricity and magnetism, 837
Gavin, M. Katherine, 539540
Gawrych, Billy, 374
gay-related immune deciency (GRID), 478479
GDP. See gross domestic product (GDP)
Geary, David, 537
Geber (Jabir ibn Aah), 664, 1095
GEE system, 1079
Gelfand, Israel Moiseevich, 360
Gelfand representation, 360
gelosia, 686
Gemini program, 522
Gender Bias Elimination Act, 1072
gender schemas, 1071
Genealogical Data Communication (GEDCOM), 418
genealogical numbering systems (GNS), 418
Genealogical Society of Utah, 418
genealogy, 417419, 454
General Conference on Weights and Measures, 640
General Electric Company (GE), 288, 832
General Motors Company (GM), 10
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The
(Keynes), 1018
genetic algorithms, 791
genetic engineering, 422
genetic variability, 421
genetically modied foods, 733
genetics, 419422
Geneva score, 52
Geni (Web site), 419
genotype, 420421
GeoEye, 891
GeoGebra, 929
Geographia (Ptolemy), 1011
geographic information systems (GIS), 430, 570
Geometers Sketchpad (GSP), 427, 929
Geometria indivisilibus continuorum (Cavalieri), 353
geometric art, 736737
See also patterns
geometric magis, 568
geometry and geometry education, 422427
Arabic/Islamic, 54
Babylonian, 8889
of castle defense, 171172
computational, 429
dance as, 90, 92
differential, 429
discrete, 429
early history of, 422425, 798799
hyperbolic, 1103
plane and spherical, 54
prehistorical, 798799
recent developments in, 426427
sacred, 885886
software, 929
synthetic projective, 1099
theoretical mathematics and, 613614, 615617, 619
See also coordinate geometry; Elements (Euclid);
Euclidean geometry; non-Euclidean geometry
Geometry Center for the Computation and Visualization of
Geometric Structures, 426, 1042
Geometry Forum, 220, 426
Geometry from Africa (Gerdes), 14
geometry in society, 427433, 431
design/manufacturing and, 430, 431
early history of, 428429
fashion design and, 431432
graphics/visualization and, 430
information systems and, 430431
occupational connections and, 431433
types of, 429430
Geometry of Love, The (Cheever), 558
geometry of music, 433436
geometry of the universe, 436441
dimensionality and, 440
Euclidean geometry, 436437
global geometry and, 439440
triangles and, 437438
Georgian National Mathematical Committee, 76
geosynchronous satellites, 891
geothermal electricity, 442443
geothermal energy, 441443
geothermal heating, 442
1152 Index
Gerard of Cremona, 1094
Geraschenko, Anton, 778
Gerbert dAurillac (Pope Sylvester II), 1094
Gerdes, Paulus
Geometry from Africa, 14
Gerhard of Cremona
algebra and, 33
Germain, Sophie, 1102
German ciphers, 212
Gerry, Elbridge, 443
gerrymandering, 443445
Gershgorin, Semyon Aranovich, 635
Gessen, Masha
Perfect Rigor, 559
Gestalt psychology, 741
Get Off the Earth puzzle, 820
Gfarm Grid File System, 290, 388
g-forces, 878
Giants Causeway (Ireland), 781
Gibbard, Allan, 1050
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 909, 10291030, 1104
giftedness, 538, 539540
Gilbert, W. S.
Pirates of Penzance, 690
Gill, John, 201
Gillivers Travels (Swift), 559
Gini, Corrado, 769
Giotto di Bodone, 748, 860
Girard, Albert, 1098
Girls Guide to Fantasy Football (Web site), 378379
Glass, Philip
Einstein on the Beach, 690
Galileo Galilei, 690
Glauert, Hermann, 31
Gleason Grading system, 52
global geometry, 439440
global positioning systems (GPS). See GPS
global warming. See climate change
globalization, 733
gnomonics, 202, 534
Gnutella, 388
God. See mathematics and religion; numbers and God
Gdel, Kurt
contributions of, 1106
Incompleteness theorem, 85, 360, 366, 625, 776, 814, 901
Seventeenth Night (Apostolos), 776
ZF set theory and, 587, 1106
Gold Bug, The (Poe), 558
Goldbach, Christian, 359, 721
Goldbachs Conjecture, 683, 721
Goldberg, Ian, 842
Goldberg Extension, 114
See also birthday problem
Golden Ratio, 445448, 729, 730, 748, 886, 986
Golden Rectangles, 729, 748
golden spirals, 446, 448
Goldin, Gerald, 863
Goldman, David, 128
Goldman equation, 128
Goldsmith, Thomas, 1034
Goldstein, Raymond, 941
Goldstine, Herman, 1079
Goldwasser, Eric, 320
Goldwasser, Romi, 320
Golenischev papyrus. See Moscow papyrus
Gompertzian growth model, 184
Good Will Hunting (movie), 163, 681682
Google, 12, 180, 518519
Gore, Al, 1047, 10491050
Gorgas, Josiah, 193
Gossett, William (pseud. Student), 708, 943
Gottman, John, 793
Gougu theorem, 185, 423
Governable Parachute (Cayley), 29
government and state legislation, 448450
Gowers, Timothy, 363
Gowers, William, 763
GPS, 450453
satellites, 774, 855, 891
smart cars and, 922923
trilateration and, 451, 451452, 10121013
Graham, Fan Chung, 453454
Graham, Ronald, 453, 589
Grand Design, The (Hawking), 625
Granger, Clive, 466
Grant, Ulysses S., 193
Granville, Evelyn Boyd, 668, 671, 679
graph paper, 249, 455, 658
graph theory, 454, 455, 519, 534, 701702, 963
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 291
graphing calculators, 138, 141142, 273, 427, 456
graphs, 454456, 465, 509, 696, 963, 1042
On graphs not containing independent circuits (Lovsz),
graph-theoretic tournaments, 999
Grassmann, Hermann
The Calculus of Extension, 1029
Grassmann, Hermann Gnther, 34, 249, 1103
Graunt, John, 546
gravitational time dilation, 854
gravity, 456458, 1026, 1059
Gray, Elisha, 976
Index 1153
Gray, Mary, 811
Great Fire of London, 1100
Greater Cleveland Mathematics Program, 275
Greek Anthology (Metrodorus), 1093
Greek gods and godesses, 729
Greek mathematics, 458461
applied mathematics and, 603604
Archimedes and, 364
astronomy and, 7778, 460461
decline of, 424425
deductive logic and, 459460
early mathematicians, 458461
Golden Ratio and, 446
measurement and, 446, 646, 653
written history of, 1092
See also Elements (Euclid); Euclid of Alexandria
Green, Ben, 975976
Green, George, 155, 653, 1030, 1067, 1102
Green, Judy
Pioneering Women in American Mathematics, 1072
Green Card Lottery program, 563
green design, 461463
green mathematics, 463466
Green Monster (Fenway Park), 62
greenhouse gases (GHGs), 442443, 1063
Greens theorem, 653, 1030, 1102
Greenwald, Sarah, 829
Greenwaldian theorem, 829
Greenwich Time, 577
Gregorian calendar, 495496
Gregory, James, 111, 112, 354, 1100
Gregory of Rimini
Lectures, 858
Gregory XIII (pope), 154
Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de, 287
Grienberger, Christopher, 354
Grill, Bernhard, 684
Groff, Rinne, 776
groma, 879
Gromov, Mikhail, 367
Gross, Mark, 877
gross domestic product (GDP), 466468, 696, 697
Grosseteste, Robert, 664
Grossman, Alex, 293
Grossman, Sharon, 420
Grothendieck, Alexander, 1037
ground resonance effect, 475
group theory, 35, 362, 674, 971
Groups, Algorithms, Programming (GAP), 765
Grover, Lov, 548
growth charts, 468469
Grundlagen der Geometrie (The Foundation of Geometry)
(Hilbert), 85, 1105
Gudermann, Christof, 249
Guggenheim Museum, 1081
Gunderson, Lauren
Emilie, 777
Leap, 776
Gundisalvo, Domingo, 1094
guns. See rearms
Gunter, Edmund, 371
Guo Shoujing (Kuo Shou-ching), 156, 186
Gupta numerals, 712
Guthrie, Francis, 19
gymnastics, 469470
hacking, computer, 192, 224
Hadamard, J., 1105
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, 560
Hadamard, Jacques, 560
Hagia Sophia dome, 315, 315
hagwons (academies), 69
Hahn, Hans, 1030
Haken, Wolfgang, 1107
Hales, Thomas, 104105, 746
Halley, Edmund, 288, 344, 546, 1100
See also data analysis and probability in society
Halleys Comet, 288289, 1063
Halma, 120
Halmos, Paul Richard, 361
Hamilton, Alexander, 232
Hamilton, William Rowan, 34, 122, 249, 362, 722,
10291030, 1103
Hamiltonean Graph, 122
Hamiltons Method, 232, 233, 234
Hamilton-type circuits, 11
Hammerstein, Oscar, 1082
Han dynasty, 185, 423
handicapping. See sport handicapping
Hankel, Hermann, 1030
Hankins, Thomas, 455
Hansen, Morris, 890
Hanson, Howard, 231
hard disk drivers (HDDs), 309
Hard Problems (movie), 1086
Hard Times (Dickens), 560
Hardy, Godfrey (G. H.)
contributions of, 73, 1074, 1075, 1105
A Disappearing Number (Complicite Co.), 776
A Mathematicians Apology, 559, 597, 608, 776
Srinivasa Ramanujan and, 73, 599
1154 Index
Hare system, 1048
Harmonices Mundi (Kepler), 365
harmonics, 211, 434435, 471473, 475, 1066
Harnack, Carl Gustav Axel, 146
Harrell, Marvin, 781
Harrington, John, 997
Harriot, Thomas, 964
Artis analyticae praxis, 765, 1098
Harris Interactive, 889
Harrison, John, 203
Hart, George, 904
Hatori, Koshiro, 742
Hauck, Frederick H., 871
Hauptman, Ira
Partition, 776
Haussmann, Baron, 189
Hawk, Tony, 374
Hawking, Stephen, 115, 116, 117, 362, 473474, 474, 625
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, 474
A Brief History of Time, 473, 474
The Universe in a Nutshell, 474
Hawking radiation, 116, 117
Hawthorne effect, 889
Haynes, Martha Euphemia, 668
Headley, Velmer, 167
heap (Egyptian mathematics), 332
hearing. See cochlear implants
Hearst, Patty, 958
heat conduction problem, 410, 987988
Heath, Thomas, 60
Heaviside, Oliver, 838, 977, 10291030, 1104
Heaviside Layer, 838
Heeding the Call for Change (MAA), 944945
Heegner, Kurt, 599
Hein, Piet, 122
Heinlein, Robert A., 899, 902
Heisenberg, Werner, 766, 770, 775776, 1027
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 770, 1027
helicopters, 475
heliocentric hypothesis, 1092
Helmholtz, Herman, 740
Hemachandra, Acharya, 764
hemoglobin, 672673
Henlein, Peter, 202
Hennessey, Andrew, 990
Henry, Leighton, 167
Henry, Warren, 1037
Henry I, King, 639
Heraclides, 6
Hrigone, Pierre, 765
Hermann grid, 739
Hermite, Charles, 1104
Heron of Alexandria (Hero), 762, 1014, 1015, 1093
Metrica, 646
Herons formula, 1093
Herrnstein, Richard
The Bell Curve, 708
Herschel, John, 305, 1063
Hertz (Hz), 1017, 10681069
Hertz, Heinrich, 341, 1068
Herzberg, Agnes, 963
Hess, Harry, 773774
Hewlett, Bill, 140
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 140, 141, 142, 165
Hex, 120, 122
Hexagrams, 185
HEXI, 211
Hickman, C. N., 56
Hideaki Tomoyori, 771
hieroglyphics, 493
Hieron II, King, 5758, 60
high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, 489
high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. See HOV lane
higher math. See number theory
highly optimized tolerance (HOT), 551
highways, 476477, 488489, 10001001
Higson, Nigel, 904
Hilbert, David
axiomatic systems and, 587
contributions of, 366, 504, 10741075
Grundlagen der Geometrie (The Foundation of Geometry),
85, 1105
Hilbert spaces, 361, 366, 504
Hildebrand, Harold Dr. Andy, 788
Hill, Austin Bradford, 288, 362, 944
Hilton, Conrad, 254
Hindu-Arabic numerals
addition/subtraction and, 8
number and operations, 712713
place-value structures and, 686
widespread usage, 54, 55, 862, 932, 1088, 1094, 1095
zeros and, 494, 1088
See also Indian mathematics
Hines, Gregory, 946947
Hipparchus of Rhodes, 79, 782, 1011, 1093
Hippias of Elis, 1092
Hippocrates of Chios, 236, 353, 1091
Hironaka, Heisuke, 69
Hiroshima, Japan, 7980
Hirzebruch, Friedrich, 367
Hispalensis, Isidorus, 364
Index 1155
hitting a home run, 477, 477478
HIV/AIDS, 170, 478480
Hobbes, Thomas, 357, 652
hockey, 480482
hockey stick graph, 482
Hodgkin, Alan, 128, 700
HodgkinHuxley equations, 700
Hohmann, Walter, 521
Hohmann Transfer Orbit, 521
Holland, Clifford, 1014
Holland, John, 791
Hollerith, Herman, 718
Holmegaard bows, 55
Holmes, Arthur, 773
holomorphic functions, 723
Holzmann, William (Xylander), 1097
home buying, 482485
Home Insurance Building, 919
home runs. See hitting a home run
Homes, Oliver Wendell, 849
homological algebra, 531
honor societies. See clubs and honor societies
Hood, John Bell, 193
Hooker, Joseph, 193
Hopeld neural networks, 702
Hopper, Grace Murray, 754
Hrmander, Lars, 147, 363
Horner, William George, 50, 1102
HornerRufni method, 186, 187
horologium, 202
horse racing, 937938
horsepower, 499
Horton, Joseph Warren, 203
Hot X (McKellar), 35, 1082
Hotelling, Harold, 944
House Bill 246, 449
House of Representatives. See congressional
House of Wisdom, 3233, 74
House Resolution 224, 450
houses of worship, 485487
houses purchases, 225226
HOV lane management, 488489
hovercraft, 1037
How Google Finds Your Needle in the Webs Haystack
(Austin), 610
How Long is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity
and Fractional Dimension, 570
Howard, Ebenezer, 190
howitzers, 64, 191
See also artillery
Hubbard, Mont, 375
Hubble, Edwin, 317
Hubble Space Telescope, 317, 441, 891
Hudde, Johann, 1100
Huffman, David, 382, 684, 977
Huffman coding, 382, 684
Huizanga, Johan, 119120
Hull, Robert Bobby, 481
Human Connectome Project, 125
Human Genome Project, 421
human immunodeciency virus (HIV). See HIV/AIDS
Hunt, Fern, 167, 489490
Huntington, Edward, 232
HuntingtonHill Method, 232, 234
Hurley, William, 481
Hurricane Katrina, 491, 994
hurricanes and tornadoes, 490492, 491, 994
Huth, Andreas, 973
Hutlee/Umyuarchdelee program, 272
Hutton, Charles, 129
Huxley, Aldous, 559
Huxley, Andrew, 128, 700
Young Archimedes, 559
Huygens, Christiaan, 281, 370, 547, 745, 1100
De Ratiociniis in Lundo Aleae, 801
Huzita, Humiaki, 742
HuzitaHatori axioms, 742743
hydraulics, 155, 347
hydrodynamic modeling, 1001
hydroelectric power, 283284
hydrometers, 246
hydrostatics, 1092
Hyman, Albert, 745
Hypatia of Alexandria, 18, 461, 880, 961, 1093
Hypatia Scholarship program, 961
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reel, 258, 905
hyperbolic geometry, 236, 437438, 1005, 1043, 1103
See also non-Euclidean geometry
hypersonic aircraft, 31
Hypsicles of Alexandria, 782
Iacob, Caius, 361
IBM Corporation, 12, 96, 718, 767, 977, 1106
Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), 55, 111, 237, 1005, 1042
Ibn Baija (Avempace), 664
Ibn Hayyan. See Jabir ibn Aah (Geber)
Ibn Ibrahim. See Yusuf ibn Ibrahim
Ibn Munim
Fiqh al-Hisab, 55
Ibn Rushd (Averros), 664
1156 Index
Ibn Sina, 764
Ibn Turk, Abd al-Hamid, 73
Ibn Yunus ibn Abd al-Rahman, 18
iconometry, 485
ID3 data blocks, 685
Identication Friend or Foe (IFF), 502, 503
Identity theorem, 723
Illuminations Web site, 221
illusions, optical, 739741
imaginary numbers, 34, 722, 723, 939, 1012, 1097
imaging technologies, 126128, 643644, 644, 985986,
See also Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans;
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); medical imaging
immunology, 480, 732
Imposter syndrome, 584
Incan and Mayan mathematics, 493496
astronomy, 496
base-10 system, 698
calendars, 155, 494496
Incan civilization, 931932
quipus, 493494
zeros and, 493, 494
income method (GDP), 467
income tax, 496499
incommensurables, 1092
Incompleteness theorem, 85, 360, 366, 625, 776, 814, 901
See also axiomatic systems; Gdel, Kurt
independence of irrelevant alternatives method, 1049
indeterminate equations, 1095
Indian mathematics
arithmetic and, 1095
astronomy and, 763
decimal system and, 53, 67
measurement and, 638
negative numbers and, 73, 1088
number systems, 712
place-value structures and, 686, 712
religion and, 626627, 729
sine function and, 5455, 1011
square/cube roots and, 939, 1093
Sulbasutras and, 424
translations of, 1094
zeros and, 73, 1088
See also Asia, southern; Hindu-Arabic numerals; Vedic
Indianapolis 500, 82
indirect proofs, 813814
individual retirement accounts (IRAs). See pensions, IRAs,
and social security
indivisibles, theory of, 1098
Industrial Revolution, 499501
accounting and, 2
catalysts, 1041, 1063, 1115
employment and, 379, 500, 1018
mass production and, 287, 380381, 466, 896, 990
mathematics and, 500501
operations research (OR) and, 806807
steam engines and, 499, 500, 1063
infantry (aerial and ground movements), 501503
infertility. See fertility
Innite Assassin, The (Egan), 901
innitesimal calculus, 552553
innitesimals, 60, 144
Innities (Barrow), 776777
innity, 504506
calculus and, 148
curves and, 281
Euclids fth postulate and, 460461
literature and, 557
measurement and, 650, 652
normal distribution and, 802
orders of, 1104
reasoning/proof and, 845
religious tenets and, 624625, 627, 858860
universe and, 439
Innity (movie), 682
ination, 696
information systems, 180, 181, 430431
information theory, 212, 795, 1068
innerspring mattresses, 636
Insignicance (Johnson), 775
Institute for Figuring, 258
Institute for Operations Research and the Management
Sciences (INFORMS), 229, 592
Institute for Strengthening the Understanding of
Mathematics, 170
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 181
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (University of Malaya),
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 119
Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of
Sciences (Republic of Armenia), 76
Instituzioni Analitiche (Agnesi), 1101
instructional technology, 273
See also calculators in classrooms
insurance, 506508
integers classication, 1093, 1096
integral calculus, 145146, 148, 149150, 460
integrated moving average (ARIMA), 401
Intel Corporation, 769
intelligence and counterintelligence, 508511
Index 1157
intelligence quotients (IQ), 511513
bell curves and, 708
content of tests, 512, 512513
correlative variables and, 512
development of, 511512
learning exceptionalities and, 537, 539540
link to health, 513
interdisciplinary mathematics research. See mathematics
research, interdisciplinary
interest rates, 483484, 561562
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 194
interior design, 514515
International Association for Statistics in Physical Sciences,
International Atomic Time (TAI), 656
International Baccalaureate Calculus (IB Calculus), 151
International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, 267
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), 204
International Business Machines Corporation. See IBM
International Congress of Mathematicians, 1037
international curricula. See curricula, international
international debt, 696697
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
(IERS), 204
International Linear Algebra Society, 811
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), 19, 20, 67,
227228, 664
Azerbaijan, 76
China and, 68
eastern Europe, 361
Israel, 75
Kuwait, 76
Malaysia, 71
Mongolia, 69
northern Europe, 363, 365
Republic of Armenia, 76
South Korea, 69
southern Asia, 73
Turkey, 75
Vietnam, 71
western Europe, 367
International Mathematical Union, 1105
International Mathematics and Design Association, 514
International Mobile Telecommunications, 977978
International Space Station, 876
International Study Group on Ethnomathematics, 670
International Sun/Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE--3), 891
International System of Units (SI), 349, 640, 643,
10211022, 1024
International System of Units (SI units), 349
International Telecommunications Union, 382
Internet, 515520
advertising, 1112
Cerf Vinton and, 180181
data searches, x
economics and, 519520
Grigori Perelman and, 1107
history of, 516
mathematical problems and, 516518, 517
mathematical sciences codevelopment and, 516
MP3 players and, 684
networks and, 518519
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, 518
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,
Internet Mathematics (journal), 840
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 518
Internet Protocol (IP), 181, 911
interplanetary travel, 520522
interprocess communication (IPC), 911
Introductio in analysin innitorium (Euler), 410
Introduction to Algebra, An (Day), 193
Introduction to Arithmetic (Nicomachus), 1093
Introduction to Computational Studies (Suanxue Qimeng)
(Zhu Shijie), 187
Introduction to the Worlds Most Elegant Mathematics, An
(Fujiwara and Ogawa), 612
Invalides dome, 315
inventory models, 523524
Investigation of the Laws of Thought (Boole), 362, 603,
investments, 676677
See also mutual funds
Invisible Man, The (Wells), 900
iPhone, 977
IQ. See intelligence quotients (IQ)
I.Q. (movie), 682
IRAs. See pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
irrational numbers. See numbers, rational and irrational
irrigation, 10511052
IRS. See U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Isaac, Earl, 254
Ishango bone, 657, 686, 1091
Islamic mathematics. See Arabic/Islamic mathematics
Islamic religious traditions, 729
Island of Five Colors, The (Gardner), 902
isothermal coordinates, 249
Israel. See Asia, western
Israel Journal of Mathematics , 75
Israel Mathematical Union, 75
Italian Mathematical Union, 364
1158 Index
item-response theory (IRT), 328, 816817
iterative algorithms, 95
Ito, Kiyoshi, 69
iTunes, 684, 788
Iwasawa theory, 690
Jabir ibn Aah (Geber), 664, 1095
Jabir ibn Hayyan. See Jabir ibn Aah (Geber)
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 525526, 526
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan Stonewall, 193
Jacobi, Carl Gustav, 1102
Jacquard, Joseph, 875, 989
Jacquard loom, 875, 989
Jacques, Cassini, 890
Jahresbericht (journal), 1105
James, George William Bill, 290
Bill James Baseball Abstract, 97, 378
James, Lancelot F., 167
James Webb Space Telescope, 441
jamitons, 488
Jansky, Karl Guthe, 838
Japanese paper folding. See origami
Japanese Railway Ministry, 582
Japanese Technology Board, 756
Jean-Michel, Jean-Michelet, 167
Jeans, James, 825
Jefferson, Thomas, 232, 847
Jeffersons Method, 232, 233, 234
Jeffrey, Harold, 323
Jenkins, Gwilym, 654
Jenney, William Le Baron, 919
Jennings, Thomas, 517
Jeopardy (mathematics), 208
Jesus, 731
Jewish religious tenets, 625, 730
Jia Xian, 186, 187
Jia Xian Triangle, 186, 187
Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King, 73
jigsaw puzzles, 822823
Jigu Suanjing (Continuation of Ancient Mathematics)
(Wang Xiao-tong), 186
Jim Crow Laws, 668
jiu jitsu, 583
Jiuzhang Suan Shu (Chinese text). See Nine Chapters on the
Mathematical Art (Chinese text)
Job Related Almanac (Krantz), 162
John of Seville, 1094
Johnson, Art, 781
Johnson, Brown, 982
Insignicance, 775
Johnson, Dana, 539540
Johnson, Neil, 792
Johnson, Terry, 775
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 193
Johnston, Joseph, 193
joint loading, 527528
joints, 526528, 528
Jonas, David, 749
Jones, Vaughan, 735
Jones, William, 1100
Jordan, Camille, 35
Jordan, Michael, 163
Jordan, Wilhelm, 635
Jordanus de Nemore, 1095
Joukowski airfoil, 26
joule, 349
Joule, James, 348, 349
joule-seconds, 1027
Journal de lcole Polytechnique , 1101
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, The , 592
Journal of Mathematical Physics , 592
Journey Through Genius (Dunham), 610
A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne), 900
Judeo-Christian religious tenets. See Christian religious
juku schools, 69
Juran, Joseph M., 832
Jurassic Park (movie), 683
Jyesthadeva, 73
kabala, 730
Kaczynski, Ted
Unabomb Manifesto, 958
Kadison, Richard, 211
Kagan, Normal
The Mathenauts, 901
Kahn, Robert E., 180, 911
Kai Fang Shu, 185187
Kaigun Ango-Sho D (JN-25B), 756
Kaku, Michio, 441
Kakutani, Shizuo, 919
Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam, Abu. See Abu Kamil Shuja ibn
Kandinsky, Wassily, 749
Kangaroo Mathematics Contest, 361
Kant, Immanuel, 425, 626
Critique of Practical Reason, 626
Critique of Pure Reason, 626
Kaplan, Edward, 1006
Kappa Mu Epsilon, 208
Index 1159
kappa test, 1076
Kaput, James, 863, 864
Karaji, 54
al-Karaji, Abu Bakr, 1094
Karinthy, Frigyes
Chain-Links, 915
Karlin, Samuel, 523
Kashani, see alKashi, Jamshid
al-Kashi, Jamshid, 5354, 514, 726
The Key to Arithmetic, 73
Miftah al-Hisab (Calculators Key), 55
Treatise on the Circumference, 73
Kasimov, Aslan, 488
Katyayana, 72
Sulbasutra, 762
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, 777
Kedlaya, Kiran, 7
Kelly, Larry, Jr., 107
Kelly criterion, 107
Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin)
Kelvin scale, 988
Kempe, Alfred, 500
Kennelly, Arthur Edwin, 838
KennellyHeaviside Layer, 838
Kenschaft, Patricia, 838
kente cloth, 2122, 875
Kepler, Johannes
Astronomia Nova, 365
The Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, 365
Harmonices Mundi, 365
laws of planetary motion, 40, 78, 237, 362, 365, 366, 772,
890, 1098
measurement of volume and, 647, 652
Nova Stereometria Doliorum Vinarorum, 652
polyhedra and, 782
solar system model, 366
Somnium, 900
Kepler curve, 1060
KeplerPoinsot polyhedra, 782, 783
Keplers Laws, 40, 78, 237, 362, 365, 366, 772, 890,
Kerala, 73
Kermack, W. O., 1039
Kerr, Roy, 115
Key to Arithmetic, The (al-Kashi), 73
Keynes, John, 466
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
Keynes, John Maynard, 803, 1018
Khalifa, Rashad
The Computer Speaks, 730
Khayyam, Omar, 54, 73, 111, 261, 425, 1005, 1095
Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra, 237
Khovanov, Mikhail, 532
al-Khujandi, Abu Mahmud, 67
al-Khwarizmi, 248, 425, 664
Abu Abdallah Book of Addition and Subtraction by the
lndian Method, 6667
Algebra, 1094, 1095
algebra and, 32
Al-kitab al-muhtasar hisab al-jabr wa-l-muqabala
(Compendium on Calculation by Completion and
Reduction), 3233, 5354
Book of Addition and Subtraction by the Indian Method, 67
On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals, 712
kicking a eld goal, 529531
Kilby, Jack, 139
kilowatts (kWh), 341
Kim, Scott, 823
Kim II-Sung University, 69
al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq
On the Use of the Indian Numerals, 712
Kindle (Amazon), 303, 304
kinematic redundancy, 527
kinetic body data, 733
King, Ada (Countess of Lovelace). See Lovelace, Ada
King, Anne Isabella, 565
King, Byron, 565
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 849
King, Ralph, 565
King, William, 565
kinship systems, 735736
Kircher, Athanasius, 1028
Kirchhoff, Gustav, 79
Kish, Leslie, 384, 888
Kiss My Math (McKellar), 1082
Kittinger, Joseph, 1060
Klein, Felix
abstract groups and, 35
Aerodynamic Proving Ground and, 1073
curves and, 280
Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint,
Erlangen program, 426, 438, 971, 1104
geometric spaces and, 429
geometry education and, 426
Klein 4-group, 637
Primary Colors , 958
surfaces and, 964, 965
Klein, Joe, 958
Klein 4-group, 637
Klein bottle, 616, 964, 965
1160 Index
Klein Four Group
Finite Simple Group (of Order Two), 787
Kleinrock, Leonard, 181, 517
Klemen, Michael, 1063
Klotz, Eugene, 427
Klugel, G. S., 751
Knaster, Bronislaw, 95
Knee Deep in the Big Muddy (Straw), 1038
knitting. See crochet and knitting
knots, 531532, 534
Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, 265
knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), 291
Knowlton, Nancy, 920
Knuth, Donald, 221
Koch snowake, 281, 763
Kodaira, Kunihiko, 69
Kodak. See Eastman Kodak Company
Kolmogorov, A. N., 106, 360, 803
Kolpas, Sidney, 780781
Konane, 122
Knigsburg bridges. See Seven Bridges of Knigsburg
Koopmans, Tjalling, 913
Korean Women in Mathematics, 1072
Korotkoff, Nilolai, 948
Korotkoff sounds, 948
Kovalevsky, Sonja, 588589, 596
On the Problem of the Rotation of a Solid Body About a
Fixed Point, 1104
Kramer, Briton, 684
Kramp, Christian, 765
Krantz, Les, 162
Krbalek, Milan, 134
Kronecker, Leopold, 812
Kubrick, Stanley, 903
Kummer, Eduard, 34
Kunz, Hanspeter, 746
Kuo Shou-ching (Guo Shoujing), 156, 186
Kuratowski, Kazimierz, 146
Kurten, Bernd, 684
kurtosis, 369
Kuse, Allan, 1043
La Gomtrie (Descartes), 10981099
La Hire, Philippe de, 1063
La nova scientia (Tartaglia), 390
La Valle-Poussin, Charles De, 146
Laban, Rudolf, 947
Labanotation, 91
Laborde, Jean-Marie, 427
labyrinths, 534
Ladd, Harry, 250
Ladd-Franklin, Christine, 1070
LaDuke, Jeanne
Pioneering Women in American Mathematics, 1072
Laennec, Ren, 948
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 34, 366, 574, 652653
Mcanique analytique, 1101
Rexsur la rsolution algbrique des quations, 765
LagrangianEulerian ow models, 441
Lake Ponchartrain Causeway (Louisiana), 130
LAlgebra (Bombelli), 722
Lambda calculus, 768
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 574, 909
Die Theorie der Parallellinien, 1101
Lam, Gabriel, 249
Lanchester, Frederick, 214, 1073
Lanchester model of warfare, 214215
Lanczos, Cornelius, 360
land measurement. See units of area
Landau, H. G., 999
Landsberger, Henry, 889
landscape design, 533534
Langdell, Christopher, 849
Langley Laboratory, 1073
language of math, 538539
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Laos), 71
Laplace, Pierre de, 112, 366, 507
Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilities, 368
Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 115
Thorie Analytique des Probas, 802
Trait de mcanique cleste, 1103
Laplace distribution. See normal distribution
Larmor, Joseph, 547
laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), 10401041,
lasers, 973974, 977
LASIK, 10401041, 1041
LaTeX, 221
Latini, Brunetto, 860
lattice multiplication, 686, 713
lattice theory, 509510
lava domes, 1045
Lavrentev, Mikhail, 155
law of exponential growth, 95
Law of Large Numbers (LLN), 507, 707, 801
laws of planetary motion, 40, 78, 237, 362, 772, 890, 1098
Lax, Peter, 30
Lay, Kenneth, 509
LCD televisions, 987
LD50/median lethal dose, 535536
Le Balet Comique de la Reine (Beaujoyeulx), 90
Index 1161
Le Systme International dUnits (SI), 349
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),
462, 462
Lean Six Sigma, 288
Leap (Gunderson), 776
Learned Ignorance (Nicholas of Cusa), 858
learning exceptionalities, 536540
giftedness, 538, 539540
mathematical disabilities, 536553
learning models and trajectories, 540544
learning styles. See learning exceptionalities; learning
models and trajectories
Lebesgue, Henri Lon, 146, 360, 505, 651, 1105
Lebesgue integral, 146, 360, 651
Lebombo bone, 19, 173
Leclerc, Georges Louis, 1101
Lecroix, Sylvestre-Francois, 501
Lectiones opticae et geometricae (Barrow), 1100
Lectures (Gregory of Rimini), 858
Lee, Robert E., 193
left-brain learning, 541542
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 429, 501, 970
lements de gomtrie, 1102
legislation. See government and state legislation
Lego Group, 877
Lehrer, Thomas, 787
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
biographical information, 149
calculus and, 144, 362, 365, 407408, 552, 1028, 1100
combinations and, 764
De Arte Combinatoria, 1028
energy and, 349
equation of the catenary and, 281
functions and, 409
limits/continuity and, 552553
mathematics education and, 359
plagiarism accusations, 149
rate of change and, 407408
religion and, 601602
seconds pendulum and, 639
symbolic language and, 847848, 1028
Lem, Stanislaw
The Extraordinary Hotel, 901
LeMond, Greg, 109
Lempennage (Calder), 544
Lenin, Vladimir, 214
Lenormand, Louis-Sbastien, 918
Lenstra, Hendrik, 355
Leo XIII, Pope, 626
Leonardo da Vinci
Codex Atlanticus, 918
ight studies, 2930
golden ratio and, 446447
humidity measurements and, 1055
paintings, 748, 861
sculptures, 904
siege machines and, 364
Vitruvian Man, 200, 200, 650, 886
Leonardo de Pisa. See Fibonacci, Leonardo
Leontief, Wassily, 218
Leray, Jean, 367
Leslie, Joshua, 167
Leslie, Nandi, 297
Lesser, Lawrence, 787
Lesser, Mary, 748
Lessner, Sydney
Fermats Last Tango and, 689690
lethality, 535
Leverrier, Urbain, 78
levers, 544545
Lvy, Paul, 803
Lewis, Ted
Critical Infrastructure Protection, 509
lHospital, Marquis de, 1100
lHospital rule, 1100
Li Chunfeng, 186
Li Zhi (Li Yeh), 186, 1095
Sea Mirror of the Circle Measurements (Ce Yuan Hai Jing),
Yi Gu Yan Duan (New Steps in Computation), 187
Libby, Willard, 157
Liber Abaci (Fibonacci), 54, 412, 819, 939, 1088, 1095
Library of Alexandria, 18, 66, 459, 460
Library of Babel (Borges), 557
Libri, 303
Libro de los Juegos (Alfonso X), 454, 454
Lichtman, Jeff, 126
Lidwell, Mark, 745
Lie, Sophus, 35, 344
Lie groups, 344, 360, 844
Life Adjustment schools, 274275
life expectancy, 545547
Life of Galileo, The (Brecht), 775
Life of Pythagoras (Porphyry), 826
light, 547549
light bulbs, 549550
light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 695
Lighthill, Michael, 890, 995
LighthillWhithamRichards (LWR) trafc theory, 1001
lighting effects, 486487
lightning, 550552
light-years, 1022
1162 Index
Lilavati (Bhaskara II), 1095
limits and continuity, 552553, 728
Lincoln, Abraham, 192, 193
Lind, James, 288, 732
Lindemann, Ferdinand, 883, 1104
Lindenstrauss, Elon, 75
linear algebra, 555
linear concepts, 553556
linear equations, 554555
linear optimization, 555
linear programming problems, 218, 555, 592, 951952
linear transformations. See transformations
linkages, 545
links, 531532
Linn, Marcia, 1069
Linnaeus, Carolus, 988
Linnaeus, Charles, 862
Lions, Pierre-Louis, 367
Liouville, Joseph, 724
Liouvilles theorem, 724
Lippershey, Hans, 978
literature, 556561
ctional mathematicians, 557559
genres, 559560
mathematical connections/commonalities, 556557, 560
mathematical imagery, 557, 557
mathematical problems and, 559560
in mathematics education, 558
Littlewood, Andrew, 618
Littlewood, John, 671, 1073
Liu Hui, 552
Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, 186, 652
The Sea Island Mathematical Manual (Haidao Suan Jing),
Six Arts, 185
Livio, Mario, 885
Lo Shu magic square, 568
loans, 482484, 561, 561563, 675676
Lobachevskian geometry, 1103
Lobachevsky, Nicolai Ivanovitch, 85, 359, 438, 848, 1103
locations systems, 672
Lockheed Corporation, 31, 880881, 1037
locomotives, 1002
logarithmic spiral, 762, 763
logarithms. See exponentials and logarithms
Logicomix (Doxiadis), 219, 776
Logistica (Buteo), 764
lognormal distribution, 708
London Mathematical Society, 1104
Long Count Days, 495496
Long Range Navigation (LORAN), 238, 1079
Longstreet, James, 193
Lorch, Lee, 356
Lorentz, Hendrik, 547, 1005
Lorentz transformations, 547, 853854, 1005
Lorenz, Max, 769
Lotka, Alfred
Elements of Physical Biology, 789
LotkaVolterra system, 789
lotteries, 106, 563565, 665666, 667
Lotus Temple, 487
Louis XIV (king), 177
Lovsz, Lszl, 361
Lovelace, Ada, 500, 565566
Lovell, James, 869
Loyd, Samuel, 820
Lu Chao, 771
Lucas, Edouard (N.Claus), 412, 593, 821
Lucas, Henry, 1099
Lucaslm LTD, 51
Lucasian professorship, 1099, 1100
Lucent Technologies, 976, 977
Lucien of Samosata
True Histories (True Tales), 900
Ludu Algebraicus, 122
Ludus Astronomorum, 122
Ludus Latrunculorum, 120
luminous efcacy, 549
Luoshu, 185
Luotonen, Ari, 911
Ma, Liping, 265
McBurney, Simon, 776
McCall, David, 982
McCalla, Clement, 167
McClellan, George, 193
McCleskey v. Kemp, 118
McCready, Mike, 788
McCulloch, Warren, 701
McCullochPitts Theory of Formal Neural Networks, 701
McCurty, Kevin, 519
Mach, Ernst, 27
Mach bands, 739
Mach Number (M), 27, 31
Machiavelli, Niccol
Discourses on Livy, 861
Prince, 861
Machins formula, 722, 723
MCI Digital Information Services, 180, 181
MCI Mail, 181
Macintosh computers, 767
Index 1163
McKellar, Danica, 35, 163
Hot X, 35, 1082
Kiss My Math, 1082
Math Doesnt Suck, 1082
McKendrick, A. G., 1039
McKenna, P. Joseph, 129
Maclaurin, Colin, 35, 38, 994, 1100
McLean, Malcolm, 913
McMichaels, Robert, 489
McNamara, Frank, 253
McNamara, Robert, 414, 10371038
MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, 221, 1072
Maddow, Ellen
Star Messengers, 690
Madison, Ann, 119
Madow, William, 890
Maggi, Girolamo, 364
al-Maghribi, Samuil (al-Samawal), 54, 55, 111
magic, 567569
MAGIC code, 757
magic squares, cubes and circles, 568569
Magic: The Gathering, 415417, 416
magnetic disk drives, 769
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 126, 165, 541, 560,
See also Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans;
functional MRI (fMRI); imaging technologies; medical
magnetic tunnels, 769
Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 127, 128
magnetoperception, 45
magnitudes. See irrational numbers
magnitudes (as line segments), 726
Magnus, Albertus, 664
Magnus, Heinrich, 671
Magnus Effect, 671
al-Mahani, 726
Mahavira, 762, 1094
Mahoney, Michael Sean, 248
Maimonides, Moses, 94
Mair, Bernard, 167
Makridakis, Spyros, 401
Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 71
Malliavin calculus, 147
malnutrition, 733
Malthus, Thomas, 177
management science, 807
managerial accounting. See accounting
Mancala, 13, 1516, 16, 120
mandalas, 515, 885886, 886
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 361, 551, 570, 722, 763, 949, 1042
Mandelbrot set, 361, 722
Manhattan Project. See atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)
manifolds, 555
Manin, Yu, 222
Mann, Estle Ray, 1034
Mann, Horace, 274
Mannheim, Amde, 1103
Mansa Musa of Mali, 24
Mansur, Abu Nasr, 67
Mantle, Mickey, 477
manufacturing design, 430, 431
Maori culture, 736, 736
Maple (software), 273, 372, 768
mapping coastlines, 570571
maps, 571574
See also cartography
Marar, K. M., 73
Marcellus, General, 59
Marchetti, Alessandro, 364
Marconi, Guglielmo, 838
Marianas Trench, 295
Marin, Mario, 850
marine navigation, 574577, 738
Maris, Roger, 477
market research, 578580
marketing. See business, economics, and marketing
market-value-weighted stock indices, 950
Markham, Beryl, 31
Markopoulou, Athina, 791
Markov, Andrei, 803, 1007
Markov chains, 134, 398
Markov decision process model, 787, 1007
Markowitz, Harry, 691692
al-Marrakushi ibn al-Banna. See al-Banna, al-Marrakushi
marriage, 580582
Marrison, Warren, 203
Mars Climate Orbiter, 639
Marshall Islands, 737, 738
martial arts, 582584, 583
Martin, Artemas, 599
Martin, David, 920
Count, 776
Martin, John, 776
martingale stochastic (random) processes, 803
Marx, Karl, 214
Mascheroni, Lorenzo, 883, 1101
Maslow, Abraham, 795
Maslows hierarchy, 795
Massey, William, 977
M A S S I V E, 787
1164 Index
math castle, 171
Math Doesnt Suck (McKellar), 1082
Math Forum, 220, 426
Math Fun Facts, 221
math gene, 584586
Math Kangaroo, 361
math rock, 230, 787, 788
Math Standards (NCTM), 151
Mathcad software, 61
mathcore, 230, 787
Mathematica (software), 142, 152, 273, 372
mathematical ability, 584585
Mathematical Analysis of Logic, The (Boole), 362, 1103
Mathematical Association of America (MAA), vi, ix, 151,
166, 207, 221, 709, 709710, 810, 1105
mathematical certainty, 586588
Mathematical Collection (Pappus), 1093
Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), 228229
Mathematical Correspondent, The (journal), 870
mathematical disabilities, 536538
mathematical engines, 875, 1103
mathematical epidemiology, 170171, 797, 797
mathematical expectation, 1100
mathematical friendships and romances, 588589
Mathematical Games (column), 595
mathematical giftedness, 538, 539540
mathematical magic. See magic
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), 221
mathematical modeling, 589593
for accident reconstruction, 12
in accounting, 5
for animals in nature, 4445, 463, 789790, 973
archery bows, 56
of auditory processing, 684
for Barkhausen effect, 489
bus scheduling and, 134135
for climbing, 201
combat modeling, 503
comparison shopping and, 226
cycling equipment and, 109
data mining and, 291292
for dynamic systems, 250, 251, 297298
for economic order quantity (EOQ), 523
energy sustainability and, 463
for rey activity, 973
ood predictions and, 396397
forecasting and, 401, 654
forensic ballistics and, 63, 6465, 255256
for forest res, 402404
for geothermal processes, 441
global warming and, 464, 592
for helicopter ight, 475
highway design and, 476
history of, 590592
hockey and, 481
for hurricanes and tornadoes, 490491, 607
for hydrostatics, 591
for infectious diseases, 313, 314, 10381039
of kinship systems, 735
linear programming models, 218, 555, 592, 951952
Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), 228229
for motion and gravity, 591, 592
for motion of moon, 678
for moving uids, 591
for nutrition, 732733
for population growth, 591
for predicting attacks, 790792
for probability for survival, 535
process, 590
recycling and, 852
search protocols and, 518519
SIR model for, 1039
for surgery, 966968
for swimming, 969
for taxes, 498
telecommunications and, 977
for trafc, 488, 10001001
train timetables and, 1002
for tunnels, 1015
for volcanos, 1044, 1045
for water supplies, 1052, 1054
for wind, 1064
Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, 227
mathematical problems, classic. See classic mathematical
Mathematical Psychology of War, The (Richardson),
mathematical puzzles, 593595
Mathematical Reviews (journal), 220, 1106
mathematical sciences majors, 270271
Mathematical Society of Serbia, 365
Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections (Chin), 1095
mathematician dened, 595597
A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market (Paulos), 400, 949
mathematicians, amateur, 597600
mathematicians, religious, 600603
Mathematicians Action Group (MAG), 811
A Mathematicians Apology (Hardy), 559, 608
Mathematicians of the African Diaspora, 221, 297, 1072
Mathematico-Physical Journal, 360
Mathematics (record label), 787
Index 1165
mathematics, applied, 603607
actuarial science and, 605, 605606
biomathematics, 606
biostatistics, 606
careers in, 163, 605, 605607
historical context of, 603604
for mathematical modeling, 607
operations research (OR) and, 606
mathematics, Arabic/Islamic. See Arabic/Islamic
mathematics, Babylonian. See Babylonian Mathematics
mathematics, Chinese. See Chinese Mathematics
mathematics, dened, 608610
mathematics, Egyptian. See Egyptian mathematics
mathematics, elegant, 610612
mathematics, Greek. See Greek mathematics
mathematics, green. See green mathematics
mathematics, Incan and Mayan. See Incan and Mayan
Mathematics, Magic and Mystery (Gardner), 569
mathematics, Native American. See Native American
Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy Society of Slovenia,
mathematics, Roman. See Roman mathematics
mathematics, theoretical, 613618
algebra, 613
analysis, 614
geometry and topology, 613614
mathematicians and, 617618
number theory, 614
training and education, 615617, 616, 619
mathematics, utility of, 618620
mathematics, Vedic. See Vedic mathematics
mathematics: discovery or invention, 620622
mathematics and religion, 622627
Chinese religious tenets, 626627
Christian religious tenets, 624626
divination, 623, 623
Indian religious tenets, 626627
Islamic religious tenets, 627
pattern drawing, 623, 623624
Mathematics and Statistics in Anaesthesia (Cruickshank), 43
Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS), 960
Mathematics Awareness Month, 448, 450
Mathematics Genealogy Project, 628629
Mathematics Genealogy Project Website, 629
Mathematics in Africa (Intl Mathematical Union), 15
mathematics literacy and civil rights, 630632
Mathematics of Investment (Rider and Fischer), 139
Mathematics of Marriage, The (Gottman, Murray, et al.), 581
mathematics research, interdisciplinary, 632633
mathematics software. See software, mathematics
Mathenauts, The (Kagan), 901
Math-Jobs Web site, 166
MathSciNet, 220
MathTrek (Peterson), 221
matrices, 512, 634636, 635, 686
matrix multiplication, 686
matrix theory, 635
Mattangs, 737, 738
mattresses, 636, 636637
Mauchly, John, 1078
Maxwell, James, 305, 547, 662, 837, 838, 988, 1005, 1030
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 1029
Maxwell v. Bishop, 118
MaxwellBoltzmann kinetic theory of gases, 988
Maxwells equations, 1005
Mayan mathematics. See Incan and Mayan mathematics
Mayer, J. C. A., 389
Mayer, Tobias, 1042
mazes, 534
Meade, George G., 193
meal planning, 733
mean, 654655
Mean Girls (movie), 683
Measure Master, 141
measurement, systems of, 637640, 638, 643
measurement in society, 640645
accuracy and precision, 641642
everyday applications, 642644, 644
Pre- K12 curricula and, 644645
systems, 640641
Measurement of a Circle (Archimede), 1094, 1095
measurements, area, 645647
measurements, length, 647651
measurements, volume, 651653
measures of a center, 653655
measuring time, 202, 202, 655657
measuring tools, 657658
Mcanique analytique (Lagrange), 1101
Mecca, 24, 7475, 75
mechanical clocks, 202
mechanics, 1098, 1101
Meddos, 737, 738
median, 654
median lethal dose. See LD50/median lethal dose
medical imaging, 126128, 527, 659660, 10171018
See also Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans;
functional MRI (fMRI); imaging technologies;
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
1166 Index
medical simulations, 660661
Meditations on First Philosophy (Descartes), 365, 859
Meehl, Gerald, 196
Meet the Press (news program), 510
Mega Millions, 563
Mehmed-II, Sultan, 75
Mei Juecheng, 187
Meier, Paul, 1006
Meister, A. L. F., 781
Melanchthon, Philip, 862
Melchizedek, Drunvalo, 885
Melinda Gates Foundation, 133
Melville, Herman
Moby Dick, 737
memory foam, 636
memory latency, 769
Menabrea, Luigi, 565566
Menaechmus, 236237, 1092
Mendel, Gregor, 420, 421
Menelaus of Alexandria
Sphaerica, 425, 1011, 1093
Meno (Plato), 858
Mercator, Gerardus, 577
Mercator, Nicolaus, 1099
Mercator chart of the world (1569), 576
Mercury program, 522
Mr, Chevalier de, 801
Meril, Alex, 167
meromorphic function, 724
Merriam, Thomas, 938
Merrill, Winifred Edgerton, 1070
Mersenne, Marin, 588
Merton, Robert C., 264
Mesoamerica, 424
Message Found in a Copy of Flatland (Rucker), 902
Message Passing Interface (MPI), 753
Messiaen, Olivier, 894
metalcore, 230
Metamorphosis III (Escher), 355356
metaphysics, 624
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 1092
Metastasis (Xenakis), 231
Meteorologica (Aristotle), 1055
meteorology, 317
meter, 777778, 995996
Method, The (Archimedes), 60
method of equilibrium, 1092
method of exhaustion, 1092
method of uxions, 144
Method of Fluxions (Newton), 354
method of indivisibles, 1092
Method of Largest Remainders, 232
metric spaces, 651
metric system, 639, 10211022, 1024, 1025
Metrica (Heron), 646
Metrodorus, 1093
Metromachia, 122
Meyer, Yves, 293
Meyerhoff Scholoars Program, 961
Mziriac, Bachet de, 1098
Mezrich, Ben
Bringing Down the House, 682
Michelangelo Buonarotti, 861
Michell, John, 115
Michell, Keith, 166
Michelson, Albert, 547
MichelsonMorley experiment, 853
Micolich, Adam, 749
microgravity, 10591060
microphones, 354
microscopes, 548, 674, 1098
microscopic modeling, 1000
Microsoft Corporation, 768
microwave ovens, 661663
microwave technology, 661663, 662
Middle Ages, 663665
Miftah al-Hisab (Calculators Key) (al-Kashi), 55
Milgram, Stanley, 388, 915
military code, see also coding and encryption
code talking, 839, 1074
Enigma code, 212, 763, 10761077
Morse code, 192, 838, 1055, 1074
superencypherment, 1076, 1077
trench codes, 1074
military draft, 665667, 666
military research in mathematics, 756, 10731074, 1075
Millau Bridge (France), 130
millimeter wave scanners, 643644, 644
Millington, Hugh G. R., 167
Milnor, John, 228
Milton Bradley Company, 324
Mindstorms NXT, 877
minerals, 732
Ming Antu, 69
Ming dynasty, 187, 423
Mini, Claude, 191
Mini ball ammunition, 191
minimax theorem, 413
Minkowski, Hermann, 548, 954955, 1005
Minkowski space, 548
minorities, 170171, 667670, 984985
Miraores Locks, 156
Index 1167
Mirici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio (Napier), 713
Mirollo, Renato, 973
Miscellanea analytica (de Moivre), 1100
Mises, Richard von , 113, 803
missiles, 671, 671672
Mitofsky, Warren, 336
Mittag,Lefer, Gosta, 1075
Miura, Koryo, 891
Mo Jing, 185
Mo Ti, 305
mobiles, 544, 545
Mbius, August, 249, 901
Mbius band, 965, 965
Mobius transformations, 1005
Moby Dick (Melville), 737
mode, 653654, 655
modeling. See mathematical modeling
modes, musical, 893
A Modest Proposal (Swift), 559
Modied Mercalli Intensity Scale, 323, 324
modular arithmetic, 201, 719720
Mohr, Georg, 882883, 1100
MohrMascheroni theorem, 883
Moisil, Grigore C., 361
molecular structure, 672674
Molien, Theodor, 35
Mondrian, Piet, 748
money, 674677
Monge, Gaspard, 281, 425, 455, 501, 1005
Application de lanalyse la gomtrie, 1101
Mongkut, King, 71
monotonicity criterion, 1049
Monte Carlo simulation, 28, 419, 837, 842
Montenegro Mathematical Society, 364365
Montessori, Maria, 324, 325
moon, 677679
eclipses, 77, 78, 677678
human exploration of, 276, 678, 678679
lunar calendars, 75, 77, 154156
moonlanding, 678, 678679
Moore, Eliakim, 239, 249, 658
Moore, Gordon, 769
Moore, Robert Lee, 268
Moore Method, 268
Moores Law, 769
More, Thomas
Utopia, 900
Morgan, Augustus de, 722
Morgan, J. P., 163
Morgan, Ryan, 929
Morgans theorem, 929
Mori, Shigefumi, 69
Morpheus Laboratory, 26
Morse, Marston, 232
Morse, Samuel F.B., 1055
Morse code, 192, 838, 1055, 1074
See also coding and encryption
mortality as dose response, 535, 536
mortality tables, 123, 546, 1100
mortgages, 482484
Morton, A. Q., 957
Moscow papyrus, 554, 646, 651, 1091
See also Rhind papyrus
Moser, Jurgen, 367
Moses, Robert, 631, 631
Moss, Jamal, 787
Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas, The (Salem, Testard,
Salem), 612
most recent common ancestor (MRCA), 419
Mosteller, Frederick, 944
Motion Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), 320
Motorola, Inc., 287288, 832
Mouchot, Augustin, 930
Mouhe Fanggai (double vault), 186
Moulton, Forest Ray, 1073
Mount St. Helens, 1044, 1045
Mouton, Gabriel, 639
movies, making of, 679681
movies, mathematics in, 681684
Moving On 2000, 543
Mozart, 447
MP3 players (MPEG Audio Layer III), 320, 684685, 685
Mr. Gasket Hot Rod Calc, 141
Muhammad ibn Muhammad, 24, 111, 785
Mulcahy, Ann, 132
Mller, Johann, 1096
Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer, 206
multinomial distribution, 112
See also binomial theorem
Multi-Objective and Large-Scale Linear Programming
(Osei-Bryson), 167
Multiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment
(MASSIVE), 289290
multiple intelligences, 543
multiplication and division, 685689
checking results, 687688
computational speed, 688
division algorithms, 687
generalizing, 688689
history of algorithms for, 686687
multiplication by addition, 688
1168 Index
A Multi-Variate EWMA Approach to Monitor Process
Dispersion (Bernard), 167
multivariate probability inequalities, 1011
Mumford, David, 228, 363
Mumford, Lewis, 190
Munk, Max, 756
Munroe, Randall, 219
xkcd, 219
Mnster, Sebastian, 573
muqarnas, 514
Murray, Charles
The Bell Curve, 708
Murray, H. J. R., 120
Murty, M. Ram, 963
music, 231, 786788, 823824, 893, 956957
golden ratio in, 446447
music, geometry of. See geometry of music
music, popular. See popular music
Music Intelligence Solutions, 788
Music IP, 788
musical theater, 689691
mutual funds, 691692
See also investments; stocks/stock market
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), 214215, 216, 414,
myriad-grouping system, 68
Mystery of Mars, The (Ride), 871
Nabokov, Vladimir, 6
nach Adam Riese (according to Adam Riese), 1096
Nader, Ralph, 1047, 10491050
Nadir, Mehmet, 600
Nagari numerals, 712
Nagasaki, Japan, 80
Name Worshipping, 505
nanocars, 694
Nano-robots, 875
nanotechnology, 674, 693695, 694, 769, 875
nanotubes, 674, 769
Napier, John, 370, 371, 1011, 1098
Mirici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, 713
Napiers anologies, 1098
Napiers bones, 713
Napiers rods, 1098
Napoleon (howitzer), 191
Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon III), 156, 189, 191, 392, 501
Napoleons theorem, 501
Napster, 388
A Beautiful Mind, 559
NASCAR, 703704
Nash, John, 122, 216, 414, 559, 681
Nash Equilibria, 217, 414
Nasr al-Din Shah, 1095
A Nation at Risk (NCEE), 150, 276, 277
National Academy Foundation, 133
National Academy (French Indonesia), 71
National Academy of Science, 119, 228
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Apollo program, 276, 522, 678679
data collection/analysis, 195, 206, 286
elementary particles and, 343
establishment of, 1106
interplanetary communication and, 181
Planetary Flight Handbook, 881
Sally Ride and, 870871
space elevators, 347, 348
weightless research, 1060
National Agricultural Statistics Service, 286287
National Arbor Day Foundation, 196
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 328
National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR),
National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), 810811,
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotations (NASDAQ). See NASDAQ
National Association of Stock Car Drivers (NASCAR). See
National BankAmericard (NBI), 253
National Basketball Association (NBA) Draft Lottery, 563
National Cancer Institute, 183
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 196
National Center for Education Statistics, 151, 287
National Center for Electron Microscopy, 548
National Commission on Excellence in Education, 150151
National Conference on City Planning, 189
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM),
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
algebra education and, 36, 40
establishment of, 810
Illuminations Web site, 221
interconnected curriculum and, ix, 238, 239
International Conference on Teaching Statistics
(ICOTS), 946
New Math and, 1106
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and, 710
reform recommendations, 151, 276278, 279
roles of proofs in education and, 222
Index 1169
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and
Standards for School Mathematics, 946
national debt, 695697
National Defense Education Act (NDEA), 275, 449
National Elevation Dataset, 346
National Fire-Danger Rating System (NFDRS), 403
National Football League, 398
National Hockey League (NHL), 481
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering (NIBIB), 527
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 203, 489
490, 843
National Institutes of Health, 125, 170
National Mathematical Olympiad (Malaysia), 71
National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 325, 450
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), 195, 994
National Popular Vote Compact, 339
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1065
National Research Council (NRC), 151
National Science Foundation, 238, 272, 272, 449450
National Security Agency (NSA), 39, 214, 229, 508, 509
national standards-based mathematics curriculum, 277278
National Womens Hall of Fame, 525, 871
Native American mathematics, 697699
code talking and, 839, 1074
ethnomathematics and, 668
Mary G. Ross and, 880881
measurement and, 649
minorities in mathematics and science, 170171, 178,
669670, 811
sweat lodge design, 486, 487
weather forecasting and, 1055
Natural Magic (Porta), 862
natural numbers
Giuseppe Peano and, 1105
logic tools and, 1105
orders of innity and, 1104
series, 908909
zero and, 10871088
Navaratna, Channa, 746
Navaratna, Menaka, 746
Nave, Jean-Christophe, 488
Navier, Claude-Louis, 30, 129, 591, 995, 1052
NavierStokes equations, 30, 591, 995, 1052
navigation systems, 238, 429, 458, 658, 672
See also maps; marine navigation
navigational clocks, 202203
Nazca lines, 932
Nazis, 857
Nechunya ben Hakanah, 731
negative numbers, 722
acceptance of, 261
addition/subtraction and, 89
black/red ink custom, 1095
Chinese mathematics and, 187
complex numbers and, 262
Indian mathematics and, 73, 1088
multiplication and, 938
topographic maps and, 345
Neilsen, Arthur C., 578
Neonativist theories, 741
Neoplatonism, 862
Neptune, discovery of, 78
nerds, 981, 983985
Nernst, Walther, 128
Nernst equation, 128
nervous system, 700701
See also neurons
Netix, 12, 520
Netscape Navigator Web browser, 842
network science, 519
networks, Internet, 517, 518519
Neugebauer, Otto, 87, 89
Neumann, John von, 79, 216, 218, 232, 360, 922, 988
neural networks, 701703
neurobiology, 541542
neurochip, 701
NEURON computer simulation system, 700
neurons, 124128, 127
See also nervous system
neurophysiology, 741
neuroscience, 700701
See also brain
Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, 1060
New and Complete System of Arithmetick, The (Pike), 870
New Economics, The (Deming), 299
New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS),
New Math, 275276, 1037, 1106
New Principles of Gunnery (Robins), 391
New Testament, 731
new urbanism, 462
New York Stock Exchange, 691
New Zealand, 735, 736
New Zealand Mathematical Society, 735
Newcombe, Nora, 1069
Newcomen engine, 500
See also steam engines
Newman, Krissie, 704
Newman, Ryan, 703704, 704
Newton, Paul, 963
1170 Index
Newton, Sir Isaac
aerodynamics and, 64
animal/machine connections and, 45
binomial theorem and, 111, 112
biographical information, 148149, 154
birthday observance, 30
coordinate systems and, 354
imaginary numbers and, 722
invention of calculus, 362, 405, 10111012, 1100
Keplers third law and, 40
laws of motion/laws of gravity and, 115, 406407, 591,
772, 847, 1029, 1055
light and, 547
limits/continuity and, 552553
linear concepts and, 555
Method of Fluxions, 354
method of uxions and, 144
normal distribution and, 707
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 362, 602
Principia, 847, 1029, 1101
religion and, 601602
telescopes and, 362, 981
Newtonian, 981
Newtons laws, 30, 40
Next 50 Years, The (Stewart), 607
Neyman, Jerzy, 889, 943
Ngo Bao Chau, 367
Nicholas of Cusa, 280, 601, 625, 1096
Learned Ignorance, 858
Nickelodeon, 982
Nicomachus of Gerasa
Introduction to Arithmetic, 1093
Nicomedes, 280, 1092
Nielsen, Arthur, 704705
Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk, 911
Nielsen Media Research, 705
Nielsen ratings, 320, 578, 704706
Nielson, Arthur, 288
Nightingale, Florence, 288, 942, 1042
Nigrini, Mark, 498
Nim, 122
Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (Chinese text), 155,
185187, 261, 634, 652, 887, 914, 1093, 1095
Nine Men Morris, 120, 992993
1984 (Orwell), 849
Nipkow, Paul, 986
Nipkow disk, 986
Nixon, Richard M., 117
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, 278279, 328, 710
Noether, Amalie Emmy, 35, 1105
Noether, Emmy, 1030, 1072
Noether, Max, 1105
Noetherian Ring groups, 1072
nominal GDP, 467
Nomos Alpha (Xenakis), 787
non-Euclidean geometry, 79, 85, 425426, 783, 848849,
parallel postulate and, 586587
See also Euclid of Alexandria; hyperbolic geometry
non-Euclidean polyhedra, 783
nonparametric tests, 844
Nook, 303, 304
normal distribution, 220, 706708, 802803
See also Gaussian distribution
norm-referenced tests (NRTs), 326327
Norse Greenland society, 198
North America, 708710
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 215, 767
Norton, Larry, 183
NortonSimon hypothesis, 184
Nouvelles annales de mathmatiques (journal), 1103
Nova Stereometria Doliorum Vinarorum (Kepler), 652
NP-Complete problems, 912
NP-hard, 1010
nuclear bombs. See atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)
nuclear ssion, 80
NUMB3RS (television show), 163, 984, 1083, 1084, 1085
number and operations, 710714
computational aids, 713
early number systems, 711
Hindu-Arabic numerals, 712713
Indian or Hindu numerals, 712
Roman numerals, 8, 418, 711712, 862, 879
number and operations in society, 714719
calculation tools, 717718
computers and, 718719
economics/demographics and, 716
estimation, 717
measurement, 716
mental arithmetic, 717
operations, 715
tally marks, 714715
types of numbers, 715716
number blindness (dyscalculia), 128
number colors, black and red, 1095
number theory, 614, 617, 719721, 975
numbers, complex, 721724
numbers, rational and irrational, 724726
numbers, real, 727728
numbers and God, 729731
7, 729730
12, 729
Index 1171
19, 730
bible codes, 730731
Golden Ratio, 729
innity and, 460461
Pythagoras maxim, 729
resurrection of Jesus, 731
numerical weather prediction, 10551056
Nunes, Pedro, 576
Nunes, Terezinha, 226
Nuremberg eggs, 202
nutrition, 240241, 731734
nutrition labeling, 240241
Obama, Barack, 133, 228, 289, 526, 1035
ocean tides and waves. See tides and waves
Oceania, Australia, and New Zealand, 735737
Oceania, Pacic Islands, 737739, 774
Ockeghem, Johannes, 230
Ocneanu, Adrian, 904
OConnor, John, 221
Octatube (Ocneanu), 904
October Revolution (Russia), 154
Ofcial Guide to Japan (Japanese Railway Ministry), 582
Ogawa, Yoko
An Introduction to the Worlds Most Elegant Mathematics,
ogive graph, 654
Ohl, Russell, 930
Ohm, Georg, 341
Ohms Law, 341
Okrent, Daniel, 378
Oliver, Dean, 99
Olson, Steve, 419
Olympic Games, 91, 374
Omicescu, Octav, 361
On Computable Numbers (Kleinrock), 517
On Operations on Abstract Sets and their Application to
Integral Equations (Banach), 361
Once Were Warriors (movie), 737
One Laptop Per Child, 769
Opana Point, 756
Open Handset Alliance, 978
operations. See number and operations; number and
operations in society
operations research (OR), 165, 218, 481, 606, 807, 1078,
Operator Algebras, 548
Oppenheim, Slexander, 71
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 79, 80, 116
Optical Character Recognition (OCR), 913
optical illusions, 739741
optical scanners, 96
optics, 978979, 1040, 1100
See also visualization
Opus Geometricum (Saint-Vincent), 354
oracle bones, 1091
orbifolds, 435
orbits, planetary. See planetary orbits
Oresme, Nicole, 409, 10951096
organ transplants, 1006, 10061007
origami, 741743, 742
origami technology, 741
Origin of Polar Coordinates (Coolidge), 353
Orthello, 120
orthonormal polynomials, 1040
Orwell, George
1984 , 849
Oscar II of Sweden, King, 909
Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata Agyei, 167
Oughtred, William, 371
Clavis mathematicae, 1098
Ouranomachia, 122
Ouspensky, Peter
Tertium Organum, 627
Out of the Crisis (Deming), 299
Outer Space Treaty, 679
Outside In (video), 1042
Ouvroir de Littrature Potentielle (Workshop of Potential
Literature), 779
overblowing, 1066
overtone series, 472473
pacemakers, 745746
body clocks/jet lag and, 746
heart rhythms and, 745
Pacic Islands. See Oceania, Pacic Islands
Pacic Ring of Fire, 774
Pacioli, Luca
algebra and, 32, 33
De Divina Proportione (About Divine Proportion), 886
De Viribus Quantitatis, 821
Summa de arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et
Proportionalita, 2, 289, 754, 800801, 1096, 1099
Packe, Christopher, 344
Packer, Claude, 167
packing problems, 746747
Page, Lawrence, 518519
PageRank (Google), 518519, 610
painting, 736, 748750, 861
Paisano, Edna Lee, 178
1172 Index
palimpsest, 58
Palin, Bristol, 983
Panama Canal, 156, 156
Pangea, 773
Panini, 7273
paper folding. See origami
Pappus of Alexandria, 762, 829
Synagoge (The Collection), 425, 1093
parabolic ight, 1060, 1060
parabolic segments, area of, 1092
paradoxes, 505
paradoxical preferences, 794795
parallax measurements, 7879
parallel climbers puzzle, 201
parallel postulate, 586587, 750752, 1101
parallel processing, 752753
Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition, 1030
parametric sensitivity analysis, 874
Parent, Antoine, 1100
Pareto condition, 1049
Park, Bletchley, 1077
Parlett, David, 120
Parthenon, 280, 729730, 730
Parthenopaeus (Dionysius), 6
particle physics. See elementary particles
Particle Zoo, The, 342
Partition (Hauptman), 776
party problems, 113115, 210211
Pascal, Blaise
barometric pressure/elevation and, 344345
binomial theorem and, 111, 112
combinations and, 764
contributions of, 1100
dice games and, 302
invention of Pascaline, 887
Marin Mersenne and, 588
Penses, 860
Pierre de Fermat and, 105106, 1099
probability theory and, 366
Provincial Letters, 860
religion and, 601
Trait du Triangle Arithmtique, 112, 1099
Pascal, tienne, 887
Pascals Pyramid, 112
Pascals Simplex, 112
Pascals Triangle, 111, 112, 1095
Passarola, 932
caves and caverns, 173174
decorative, 1315, 698699, 736, 736737
drawing, 623624
gure skating, 917
geometric, 16, 2122, 102, 1091
recognition of, 702
step and tap dancing, 947
See also fractals; tessellations; tilings
Pauling, Linus, 334
Paulos, John Allen
A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market, 400, 949
payroll, 754755
PCs. See personal computers
Peacock, George, 1103
Treatise on Algebra, 1103
Peano, Giuseppe, 281, 1030, 1105
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 755757
Pearson, Egon, 943
Pearson, Karl, 369, 654, 706707, 894, 942
Peart, Paul, 167
Peaucellier, Charles-Nicolas, 500
Peaucellier cell, 545
Peirce, Charles, 552
Pell, John, 1099
Pell equation, 1099
Penrose, Lionel, 336, 355
Penrose, Roger, 115, 116, 355, 886
Penrose tilings, 515, 903
PenroseBanzhaf Power Index, 336
Penses (Pascal), 860
pensions, IRAs, and Social Security, 757760
Penske, Roger, 703
pentagrams, 886
Pentominoies, 120
perceptrons, 701702
percussion instruments, 760761
Perelman, Grigori Grisha, 360, 559, 1107
Perelman, Yakov Isidorovich, 360
Perfect Rigor (Gessen), 559
perimeter and circumference, 761763
permutations and combinations, 113, 763766
Perry, William J., 766767
person of color. See minorities
personal computers, 767770
See also computers
Persons, Jan, 17
Pter, Rzsa, 360, 411
Peter the Great, 359
Petersen, Anne, 1069
Peterson, Ivars, 221
Peterson, Julius, 455
Peterson, W. Wesley, 310
Petrarca, Francesco, 860
Petteia, 120
Index 1173
Peurbach, Georg von, 1096
Ph.D. programs, 10701071, 1072
Philadelphia Storage Battery Company (Philco), 96
dining philosophers problem, 211
Euclidean, 357
mathematical reasoning and, 847
on nature/meaning of mathematics, 608609
Neoplatonists, 862
Ren Descartes, 365366
Rithmomachia (Philosophers Game), 121122
See also Aristotle; Plato of Tivoli; Socrates
Philosophers Game (Rithmomachia), 121122
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton),
362, 602
Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire), 847
Philosophy of Composition (Poe), 560
Phoenix Mathematics Inc., 509
photovoltaic cells, 930
phugoids, 30
Physicists, The (Durenmatt), 775
Pi, 55, 59, 450, 723, 770771, 1092, 1093, 1095, 1100
See also circles; Measurement of a Circle (Archimede)
Pi (movie), 682
Pi Mu Epsilon, 208
Piaget, Jean, 540541, 1043
Piagets theory, 540541, 1043
Picard, Charles, 724
Picards little theorem, 724
Picasso, Pablo, 748
Piccard, Auguste, 295
Piccard, Jacques, 295
Pickett, George E., 193
Pickover, Clifford, 512, 730
Picone, Mauro, 1073
pie chart, 456
Pie Day, 450
Pierce, Benjamin, 35
Pierce, John, 890
Pierce, R. C., Jr., 371
Piero della Francesca, 861
Pike, Nicholas, 870
The New and Complete System of Arithmetick, 870
Pincherle, Salvatore, 364
pioems, 779
Pioneering Women in American Mathematics (Green and
LaDuke), 1072
Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan), 690
Pithoprakta (Xenakis), 231
Pitiscus, Bartholomaus, 1011, 1098
Trigometria, 1011
Pixar Animation Studios, 50, 51
pixels, 660, 1013
Place of Mathematics in Modern Education, The (NCTM), 40
placeholders, 785
place-value structures, 154, 686, 712, 785
plain-text, 212214
Planck, Max, 548, 837, 1027
Planck length, 1022
On Plane Equilibriums (Archimede), 1094
Planetary Flight Handbook (NASA), 881
planetary orbits, 771773, 890, 891
See also Keplers Laws
planimeters, 657658
Plankalll, 1077
planning departments. See city planning
plasma televisions, 987
plate tectonics, 773774
Plateau, Joseph, 966
Platinum Blue, 788
Plato of Tivoli
Academy of, 424, 619, 1092
Aristotle and, 357
Meno, 858
oracle of Apollo at Delos and, 882
religious writings, 858, 886
The Republic, 173, 356357, 858
The Timaeus, 858, 886
Platonic solids, 782
Platonists, 621
Platos Academy, 424, 619, 1092
Platzer, Maximillian, 1065
Playfair, William, 288, 696, 894895
The Commercial and Political Atlas, 456
Playfair Square, 212
Playfairs Postulate, 751
plays, 774777
Plimpton 322 Tablet, 828829, 1091
Plcker, Julius, 249, 1103
plurality elections, 1047
plus (+) and minus () signs, 1096
Plutarch, 59, 763
plutonium bombs, 7980, 80, 81
pocket calculators, 1107
Poe, Edgar Allan
Descent into the Maelstrom, 558
The Gold Bug, 558
Philosophy of Composition, 560
poetry, 596597, 777779
Poincar, Jules Henri, 360, 521, 531, 547, 803, 1005,
Analysis situs, 1105
1174 Index
Poincar conjecture, 360, 1107
Poincar disc model, 1043
Poinsot, Louis, 782
Poisson, Simon-Denis, 707, 802, 1103
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar), 71
polar coordinate system, 353354
polarized light, 547
Pollock, Jackson, 749750
Plya, George, 355, 360, 369, 707, 766
polygons, 779782
polyhedra, 782784
polynomials, 784786
Pompeiu, Dimitrie, 361
Poncelet, Jean-Victor, 249, 281, 883, 1102
Pons, Stanley, 350
Ponte Vecchio (Italy), 130
Pontryagin, Lev, 404
Pontryagins Maximum Principle, 404
Ponzi schemes, 759
pool. See billiards
popular music, 786788
population growth, 385, 408
population paradox, 234
Life of Pythagoras, 826
Porta, Giambattista della
Natural Magic, 862
portable document format (PDF), 303
Portuguese Society of Mathematics, 365
Posidonius of Rhodes, 1063
positive rational numbers, 725
positron-emission tomography (PET), 126, 127
Post, Charles, 252
Post Cereal, 252
Post Ofce Protocol (POP), 518
Postel, Jonathan, 518
Potts, Renfrey, 1014
power centrality, 926
power laws, 791
Powerball, 563, 564
Powers, Kerns H., 986
Prairie style architecture, 1080, 1080
Prandtl, Ludwig, 31
PrandtlGlauert, 31
Pratchet, Terry
Discworld, 902
prayer wheels, 1066
pre-calculus, 1098, 1099
Prechter, Robert, Jr., 599
Precious Mirror of the Four Elements (Si Yuan Yujian)
(Zhu Shijie), 187
precolonial Africa, 23, 24
predatorprey models, 788790
predicting attacks, 790792
National Security Agency and, 508
National Security Agency (NSA), 39, 214, 229, 509
predicting divorce, 792793
predicting preferences, 793796
preference ballots, 10471048
pregnancy, 796797
prehistory, 798799
premiums, insurance, 506, 507508
Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers (PMET), 270
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 180
Presidents Council of Advisors, 526
pressurization, 26
Preyer, Lunsford Richardson, 287
Price, G. Baley, 1079
Price, Richard, 802
Primary Colors (Klein), 958
primary sampling units (PSUs), 1019
Prime Number formula, 722
prime numbers, 719, 720721, 722, 883, 939
Prime Obsession (Derbyshire), 560
Primer (movie), 1082
Prince (Machiavelli), 861
Principia (Newton), 847, 1029, 1101
Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead), 362,
10741075, 1105
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM),
151, 222, 277, 867
Principles of Philosophy (Descartes), 366
printing, 10961097
prions, 673
Prisoners Dilemma, 414, 983
private mortgage insurance (PMI), 483
probability, 800803
in baseball, 9899
in basketball, 99100
betting and, 105107
birthday problem, 113115
fraud detection and, 5
Native Americans and, 699
normal distribution theory and, 802803
objective and subjective approaches, 802
study of, 800802
subjective, 106107
of survival, 535
See also probability theory
Probability of Precipitation (PoP), 10561057
probability theory, 5, 112, 368369, 507508
See also probability
Index 1175
On the Problem of the Rotation of a Solid Body about a Fixed
Point (Kovalevsky), 1104
problem solving in society, 733734, 804808
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (journal),
Process Standards (NCTM), 151
Proclus Diadochus
Commentary on Euclid, Book I, 1093
Eudemian Summary, 1092
product method (GDP), 466
product-limit estimator, 1006
professional associations, 809811
Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (NCTM),
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA),
265, 278, 328, 1070
Progressive Education movement, 274275
Project 8 (video game), 374
Project Gueledon, 172
Project Gutenberg, 303
ProjectCalc series calculators, 141
proof, 222224, 611612, 812815
Proof (movie), 163, 682, 1085
Proof (play), 775, 776
Proofs from THE BOOK (Ziegler and Aigner), 625
On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodies (Fourier), 987
protractors, 658
PROVERB computer program, 7
Provincial Letters (Pascal), 860
psychological testing, 815817
Psychological Testing (Anastasi), 816
Psychology of Invention in Mathematical Field, The
(Hadamard), 560
psychometrics, 816, 816817
psychophysics, 653654
Pteryges, Ooon, and Pelekys (Wine, Egges, and Hatchet)
(Simias), 779
Ptolemy, Claudius
The Almagest, 18, 18, 772, 1011, 1093, 1095
arcs and curves table, 1011
coordinate geometry and, 248
Earth centered universe and, 78, 437438, 460
ecumene description, 573
Geographia, 1011
table of chords, 54
Ptolemy I Soter, 1092
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 1092
public key cryptosystems, 282, 786
Pujols, Albert, 477
pulleys, 818819
Purkinje, Johannes, 389
Putin, Vladimir, 385
puzzles, 819823
See also mathematical puzzles
pyramids, 423, 447
pyrotechnics. See reworks
Pythagoras Cave, 173
Pythagoras of Samos, 38, 364, 458, 458459, 727, 824,
825826, 1091
Pythagorean and Fibonacci tuning, 823825
Pythagorean numbers, 34, 121
Pythagorean School, 586, 624, 825827
Pythagorean theorem, 827829
algebra and, 38
building structures and, 649650
coordinate geometry and, 248
dissection proof of, 1094, 1095
Greek mathematics and, 459
irrational numbers and, 726, 727
in Sulbausutras, 424
Pythagorean Triple, 828829, 1091
Pythagorean tuning, 67
Qin Jiushao
Shushu Jiuzhang (Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections),
Qin Shi Huang (emperor), 185, 1093
quadratic equations, 40, 785786, 939940, 1095, 1101
quadratrix, 1092
quadrature of the circle problem. See circles
quality control, 831833
quanta, 836
quantitative literacy, 714
quantum computing, 548
quantum eld theory (QFT), 548
See also quantum mechanics
quantum groups, 532
quantum mechanics, 80, 548, 673, 775776, 855
quarterback ratings, 398
quartic equations, 785786, 1097
quartz crystal clocks, 203
quasi-empirism, 622
quaternions, 724, 10291030
Queneau, Raymond
Cent Mille Milliards de pomes (One Hundred Thousand
Billion Poems), 779
Questi et inventioni diverse (Tartaglia), 390
Quetelet, Adolphe, 500, 707, 803, 894, 942, 1042
A Treatise on Man and the Development of His Faculties,
Quetelet index, 122123
1176 Index
queuing theory, 134135, 211, 509, 1000
Quillen, Daniel, 228
quilting, 833834
Quincy School, 897
Quine, Willard Van Orman, 914
Quipus, 493494, 931932
Quota Rule, 233, 234
Quran, 730
QWERTY keyboard calculators, 142
R (software), 291
R peak, 43
rabbit problem, 1095
Race to the Top (RTTT) program, 279
Racine, Father, 73
racquet games, 835836
radar, 502, 503
See also doppler radar
radiation, 836838
radio, 838840, 839
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 96
radio-frequency identication (RFID), 577, 913
Rad, Ferenc, 361
Radon, Johann, 146
Rafaello Sanzio (Raphael). See Raphael
Rafes, (Thomas) Stamford, 71
Rafes Institute, 71
Raghavan, Prabhakar, 840841
Rahn, J. H., 1099
railroads. See trains
Rajagopal, C. T., 73
Ramanujan, Srinivasa
as amateur mathematician, 598, 599
mathematics education and, 73
number theory and, 262, 1074, 1105
religion and, 600
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Treatise on Harmony, 229
Ramelli, Agostino, 862
ramiform pattern, 174
Ramsay, Michael, 320
Ramsey, Frank, 211
Ramsey theory, 211, 453454
RAND Corporation, 36, 41, 119, 215, 414, 842
random access memory (RAM), 769
randomness, 571, 800, 841843
rankings, 843845
RaoBlackwell theorem, 119
School of Athens, 861
rate of change. See function rate of change
Ravens Matrices, 512
Rawls, John, 356
reactive transport (RT) models, 1054
read-only memory (ROM), 140, 769
Reagan, Ronald, 150
reality, measuring, 10271028
Realm of Algebra, The (Asimov), 36
reasoning and proof in society, 845850
abstractions/symbolism and, 847848, 863
Euclidean Logic and, 848849
legal arguments and, 849
origins of mathematical proofs, 845846
rebates. See coupons and rebates
Rebbelibs, 737, 738
Reber, Grote, 838
recipes. See cooking
Record system, 418
Recorde, Robert, 1097
recreational mathematics, 595
recursive functions. See functions, recursive
recycling, 850853
red, green, blue (RGB) additive model, 515
redistricting, 443445
redshift, 317
reduction to absurdity, 559, 1101
Reed, Lowell, 314, 320
ReedFrost epidemic model, 314
ReedSolomon codes, 309, 320, 784
Rees, Mina, 1079
Reeve, W.D., 40
reexive theory, 509
Rexsur la rsolution algbrique des quations (Lagrange),
refraction, 547
Regelous, Stephen, 289
regimento das lguas (regiment of the leagues), 576
Register System, 418
Regression Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature
(Galton), 895
Regular Division of the Plane with Asymmetric Congruent
Polygons (Escher), 355, 765
Reidemeister, Kurt, 531
Reidemeister moves, 531
Rejewski, Marian, 1077
relativity, 853855, 1005
See also Einstein, Albert; theory of relativity
religious symbolism, 855857
religious writings, 857860
Renaissance, 860862
Rnyi, Alfrd, 361, 518, 596
Index 1177
representation theory, 863
representations in society, 863868
in 21st century, 866
internal/external structures, 863, 864
mathematics as language and, 867868
multiple approaches to, 863865
problem solving and, 866867
translational skills and, 865866
Republic, The (Plato), 173, 356357, 858
Research and Development Corporation (RAND).
See RAND Corporation
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs), 272
Resin Identication Codes, 852
resource intensity, 381
Rsum of Lessons of Innitesimal Calculus (Cauchy), 144
resurrection of Jesus, 731
retirement planning. See pensions, IRAs, and Social
Reulle, David
Conversations on Mathematics With a Visitor from Outer
Space, 901
Revenue Act (1926), 757
Revere, Paul, 212, 869
Revolutionary War, U.S., 868870
Rey, Jos-Manuel, 581
Reynolds, Osborne, 30, 1052
Reynolds, Simon, 787
Reynolds number, 30, 1052
Rheticus, George Joachim, 1097
Rhind papyrus
construction and, 423
discovery of, 146
doubling/halving numbers and, 332
estate description, 411
linear equations and, 554, 554
origniation of, 1091
puzzles and, 819
recreational mathematics and, 333
See also Moscow papyrus
rhythms, 996997
ribonucleic acid (RNA), 421
Riccati, Jacopo, 155
Ricci, Matteo, 187
Rice, Marjorie, 599
Richard the Lion Hearted (king), 648
Richards, Donald St. P., 167
Richardson, Lewis Fry, 791, 1055, 1064, 1075
Richman, Hal, 377
Richter, Charles, 370
Richter scale, 323324
Rich-Twinn Octagon House, 780
Ride, Sally, 870872
Exploring Our Solar System, 871
The Mystery of Mars, 871
To Space and Back, 871
The Third Planet, 871
Voyager, 871
Rider, Paul, 139, 141
Riemann, Bernhard
contributions of, 201, 560, 724, 1104
geometric formulations and, 334, 429, 438, 555, 848, 854
Greens theorem and, 1030
limits and, 144
number theory problems and, 721
Prime Obsession (Derbyshire), 560
Riemann, Hugo, 434
Riemann hypothesis, 201, 560, 721, 724
Riemann integral, 146
Riemannanian geometry, 438
Riese, Adam, 1096
Riesz, Frigyes, 146, 360
right-brain learning, 541542
Rind, Alexander Henry, 146
Ring, Douglas, 977
Ring of Fire, 442
Rio Riot 20GB, 685
Rior, Antonio Maria, 261
risk management, 872874
risk pooling, 506507
risk transfer, 506507
risk-return relationship, 677
Rissanen, Jorma, 977
Rithmomachia (Philosophers Game), 121122
Rittenhouse, David, 674
river-crossing puzzle, 16
Rivest, Ronald, 213
RNA, 421
Robbins, Benjamin, 63, 64
Robert of Chester, 33, 1094
Roberts, Louis, 476
Robertson, Edmund, 221
Robertson, Malcolm S., 628629
Roberval, Gilles Personne de, 354, 1099
Robins, Benjamin, 391392, 671
New Principles of Gunnery, 391
Robinson, Abraham, 144, 553
Robinson, David, 162163
Robinson, Karl, 167
Robinson, Michael, 101
roBlocks construction system, 877
Robonaut 2, 876
robots, 522, 678679, 874877
1178 Index
Rockefeller, John D., 131
Roe v. Wade, 117
Roger, Everett, 378
Rohde, Douglas, 419
Rolle, Michel, 1100
roller coasters, 877878
ROM. See read-only memory (ROM)
Roman mathematics, 8, 711712, 878880
Roman numerals, 8, 418, 711712, 862, 879
Romanian Master of Sciences, 361
Romanian National Olympiad, 361
Romanowski, Miroslaw, 708
Romig, H. G., 832
rond de jambe terre (ballet), 90, 91
Rntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 659, 837
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 79, 334, 755, 888
Rosa, Edward, 547
Rosales, Rodolfo, 488
Rosenblaum, Joshua
Fermats Last Tango and, 689690
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Stoppard), 775
Rosnaugh, Linda, 781
Ross, Mary G., 880881
Ross, Ronald, 314
rostro, 879
Rota, Gian-Carlo, 597
Roth, Klaus, 363
Rothermel, Richard C., 402
Rothschild, Linda, 811
Rotisserie League Baseball, 378
row operations, 634
Royal Air Force (RAF) Coastal Command, 1078
Royal Society of London, 115, 149, 1099
Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, 365
Royal Statistical Society, 119
Rozycki, Zerzy, 1077
RSA public key system, 213214
Ruan Yuan, 187
Rubaiyat (Khayyam), 1095
Rubiks Cube, 765, 822
Rubin, Andrew, 977
Rucker, Rudy, 902903
Message Found in a Copy of Flatland, 902
Spaceland, 902
Ruddock, Graham, 265266
Rudin, Mary Ellen, 589
Rudin, Walter, 589
Rudolff, Christoff
Die Coss, 1096
Rufni, Paolo, 765, 786
rule of circular parts, 1098
ruler and compass construction, 881883
classical problems of, 882
Euclid and, 881882
proofs and, 883
tool variations, 882883
Rumsfeld, Donald, 510
Russ, Laurence
The Complete Mancala Games Book, 13, 16
Russell, Bertrand, 219, 335
Principia Mathematica, 362, 10741075, 1105
Why I Am Not a Christian, 860
Russian Peasant algorithm, 686
Ruth, George Herman Babe, 477
S&P 500, 692
sabermetrics, 9799
Saccheri, Girolamo, 751752
Euclid Freed of Every Flaw, 1101
Sacred Cubit, 638639
sacred geometry, 515, 534, 799, 885886
Safr, Herbert, 492
SafrSimpson scale, 492, 1059
Sagan, Carl, 900
Contact, 901902
Saint Petersburg Academy, 359
Saint-Venant, Jean Claude, 156
Saint-Venant equations, 156
Saint-Vincent, Grgoire de, 1099
Opus Geometricum, 354
Salamis stone tablet, 8
Salem, Coralie
The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas, 612
Salem, Lionel
The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas, 612
sales tax and shipping fees, 886888
Sally Ride Science Academy, 871
Salmon, George, 602, 966
Samarkand Observatory, 66
al-Samawal, 54, 55, 111
Samphan, Khieu, 71
sample surveys, 888890
Sampling Methods for Censuses and Surveys (U.S. Census
Bureau), 176
Sanborn, John B., 117
Sand Reckoner, The (Archimedes), 60
Sandburg, Carl, 218
sangaku, 485
Santa Maria del Fiore, 315
Sar, Saloth (Pol Pot), 71
Sarigul-Klijn, Nesrin, 1065
Index 1179
Sarrus, Frederic, 500
Sarukkai, Sundar, 1028
SAT. See Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT or SAT-M)
satellites, 890892
coastline mapping and, 571
GPS and, 450451, 452
marine navigation and, 577
military uses of, 503
moon as, 677
satires, 559, 560
Sato, Mikio, 69
Satterthwaite, Mark, 1050
Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences, 76
Savile, Henry, 1098
Savilian professorships, 1098, 1099, 1100
scaffolding, 542543
scales, 823824, 892894
scanning, 383, 383
scanning tunneling microscope, 674
scatter diagram, 894
scatterplots, 894895
Scnes de Ballet (Ashton), 90
Schattschneider, Doris, 427
scheduling, 896897
Scheiner, Christoph, 964
Scheinman, Victor, 876
Scherk, Heinrich, 966
Scheubel, Johannes, 1097
Schilds Ladder (Egan), 559
Schliemann, Analucia, 226
Schmidt, Stefan, 510
Schmitt, Harrison H., 678
Schneider, Robert, 230
Schoenberg, Arnold, 231
Schoenberg, Frederic, 403404
Schoenberg, Isaac Jacob, 361
Schoeld, Keith, 787
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT or SAT-M), 326, 328, 844,
Scholasticism, 624, 625, 664
Scholes, Myron, 264
Schnhage, Arnold, 688
SchnhageStrassen algorithm, 688
School of Athens (Raphael), 861
School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences
(Moscow), 358359
Schoolhouse Rock! (television show), 982
schools, 897899
buxiban (cram schools), 69
Columbine High School shootings, 897
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, 1080
juku schools, 69
Life Adjustment schools, 274275
Pythagorean School, 586, 624, 825827
Quincy School, 897
Schooten, Frans van (the Younger), 1099
Schor, Peter, 548
Schramm, Oded, 75
Schultheis, Michael, 748, 750
Schwabe, Heinrich, 964
Schwartz, Laurent, 367
Schwarz, Hermann, 653
Schwarz, Stefan, 360
Schwarzschild, Karl, 115, 853
Schweikardt, Eric, 877
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Education (STEM), 133, 222, 897, 958959
National Science Foundation and, 448, 449, 450
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM),
science ction, 899903
authors, 902903
literary, 559, 899903
mathematical, 900902
space ships and, 935
visual media and, 903
Science Friday (radio program), 838
Science News (journal), 221
Science of Discworld, 902
Science of the Better, 807
Scientic American (magazine), 595
Scientic and Technological Research Council (Turkey), 75
scintigraphy, 659660
Scipione del Ferro, 33
Scotus, Duns, 664
Scudder, Kathyrn, 325
sculpture, 903905
mobiles, 544, 545
scurvy, 732
Sea Island Mathematical Manual, The (Haidao Suan Jing)
(Liu Hui), 186
Sea Mirror of the Circle Measurements (Ce Yuan Hai Jing) (Li
Zhi), 187
Seaborg, Glenn T., 358
search engines, 905906
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 1028
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 141
Sears Tower, 920
seasonal extension (SARIMA), 1020
SeaWiFS Data Analysis System, 286
Seba, Petr, 134
second, 656
1180 Index
secondary sampling units (SSUs), 1019
second-generation (2G) cell technology, 175
seconds pendulum, 639
security body scanners, 644
Sefer Yetzira (Book of Creation), 730
Segway, 906907
Seibold, Benjamin, 488
seismic tomography, 173
Seki Takakazu, 143
Selberg, Atle, 363
Seldon, Hari, 607
Selective Service, 665
semiconductor systems, 525
sequences and series, 908910
Sequential Pairwise elections, 337
Squin, Carlo, 904905
SquinCollins Sculpture Generator, 904905
Serra, Michael, 780, 781
Serre, Jean-Pierre, 367, 908
Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach, 780
Serret, Joseph, 249, 281
servers, 910912
Sesame Street (television show), 982
Sesostris, King, 428
Set Theory, 587, 1104, 1106
Seurat, Georges, 749, 749
Seven Bridges of Knigsburg, 129, 130, 366, 454455, 775,
Seventeenth Night (Doxiadis), 776
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 510
sexagesimal notation, 8788, 89
sextant, 658
Shafarevich, Igor, 360
Shafer, Alice, 811
Shakespeare, William, 957, 958
Shamir, Adi, 213
Shanks, William, 909
Shannon, Claude, 212, 387388, 768, 803, 843, 977, 1068
Shapely, Lloyd, 94, 582
Shattuck, Lemuel, 285, 288, 942
Shelah, Saharon, 75
Shelley, Mary, 877, 900
Frankenstein, 877, 900
shells and mortars, 393
Sherman, Julia, 961
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 193
Shewhart, Walter, 287, 298
Statistical Methods from the Viewpoint of Quality Control,
Shewhart, Walter E., 831832
Shewhart control charts, 832
Shimura, Goro, 1062
Shipman, Barbara, 105
shipping, 912914
Shisima, 16
Shockley, William Bradford, 768
Shor, Peter, 769
Shrapnel, Henry, 63
shufe function, 685
Shuli Jingyun (ed. Mei Juecheng), 187
Shushu Jiuzhang (Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections)
(Qin Jiushao), 186187
SI units, 349, 640, 643, 10211022, 1024
SIAM News (journal), 467
Siddhanta Siromani (Bhaskaracharya II), 73
Siegel, Carl, 367
Sielbee, J. Lyman, 1080
Sierpinski, Waclaw, 113, 1074
Sierpinskis Triangle, 113
sieve, 1092
Sieve Of Eratosthenes, 18
siffusion spectrum imaging, 126
Signal Intelligence Service, 756
signal processing, 209210, 211, 680681, 909
Silver, Bernard, 96
Simias of Rhodes
Pteryges, Ooon, and Pelekys (Wine, Egges, and Hatchet),
similarity, 914915
Simon Personal Communicator, 977
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 518
Simplicius, 1093
Simpson, George, 1064
Simpson, Thomas, 369, 492, 654
Sinclair, John
Statistical Accounts of Scotland, 285, 942
Singapore Math Method, 71
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad, 71
Singapore Mathematics Project Festival, 71
Singer, Isadore Iz, 211
Singh, Simon
Fermats Enigma, 560
Single Photon Emission Computed tomography (SPECT),
sinoatrial node (SA node), 745
Sino-Korean number system, 69
SIR model, 1039
Six Arts (Liu Yi), 185
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, 915916, 926
See also Erds number
Six Sigma Black Belt, 285, 287288, 633, 916, 916
Index 1181
skating, gure, 916917
Sketchpad, 273, 427
Skewes, Stanley, 19
Skewes number, 19
skewness, 369, 655
skydiving, 918919
skyscrapers, 919920
Spiderland, 787
Sluze, Ren Franois Walter de, 1099
small world phenomenon, 915
smallpox, 313
SMART board, 920921
smart cars, 922923
Smarter Planet campaign, 12
smartphones, 977978
Smith, David, 385
Smith, Edmund Kirby, 193
Smith, George, 307
smoothbore artillery. See artillery
Snedecor, George, 943
Snells Law, 547
Snow, John, 188, 288, 313, 1042
snowakes, 259260
Sobolev, Sergei Lvovich, 360
soccer, 923924, 999
Social Choice and Individual Values (Arrow), 336
social choice theory, 232, 510, 1047
Social Constructivism, 621622
social network analysis (SNA), 508509
social networks, 508509, 924926
Social Security. See pensions, IRAs, and Social Security
socialism, 217218
Sociedad Matemtica Mexicana (Mexican Mathematical
Society), 179
Socit des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc, 19
Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), 97
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
163, 170, 207, 229, 604605, 810
Society for Mathematical Biology, 592
Society for Mathematical Psychology, 592
Society for Technical Communication, 221
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native
Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS), 170, 811
Society of Actuaries, 285
Society of Women Engineers, 881
Socrates, 268, 1092
Socratic Method, 268
software, mathematics, 273, 927929
solar panels, 930, 930931
Soldo, Fabio, 791
solid-state drivers (SSD), 309
Solomon, Gustave, 309, 320
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
The First Circle, 558
Somayagi, Nilakantha, 345
Some Properties of Markoff Chains (Blackwell), 119
Some Results Related to the Generators of Cyclic Codes
Over Zm (Beaugris), 167
Somerville, Mary Fairfax, 565, 1103
Somnium (Kepler), 900
Sophocles, 6
Sorby, Sheryl, 1069
soroban, 68, 69
See also abacus
sound telescopes, 980
South African Mathematics Olympiad, 20
South America, 931933
Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, 20
Soviet Union, 67, 214, 217, 275, 1106
See also Asia, Central and Northern (Russia); Europe,
To Space and Back (Ride), 871
space elevators, 347, 348
Spaceland (Rucker), 902
spaceships, 522, 678679, 870871, 933935
space-time geometry, 115, 116, 1005
spam lters, 935936
Spartan ciphers, 212
speech recognition, 165
speedometers, 242243
speleology, 172
spelunking, 172
Spencer (rie), 191
sperm count, 385386
Sperry, Roger, 1043
Sphaerica (Menelaus), 425, 1011, 1093
Sphaerica (Theodosius), 1094
On the Sphere and Cylinder (Archimede), 1094
On the Sphere and Cylinder (Archimedes), 1004
Sphereland (Burger), 902
spherical geometry, 54, 1011
spherical trigonometry, 1093, 10941095
sphygmometer, 948
Spiderland (Slint), 787
Spinoza, Baruch, 357
spiral of Archimedes. See Archimedes screw/spiral
spontaneous order. See synchrony and spontaneous
Sporer, Thomas, 684
sport handicapping, 936938
sports, 9799, 239, 241242
1182 Index
sports arenas. See arenas, sports
sports engineering/equipment, 375
Sports Illustrated (magazine), 704
Sputnik, 275, 276, 359, 359, 449, 709, 812, 1106
square dancing. See contra and square dancing
square wheel bike, 109
squares and square roots, 243, 938940
squaring a double-digit number, 594595
squaring of the circle problem. See circles
SR-52, 140
stable marriage problem, 582
Stable Matching Algorithm, 582
Stager, Anton, 192
stained glass windows, 486, 487
stalactites and stalagmites, 940941
Stam, Jos, 966
Stancel, Valentin, 932
Stand and Deliver (movie), 683
Standard and Poors 500 (S&P 500). See S&P 500
A Standard City Planning Enabling Act (U.S. Dept. of
Commerce), 190
Standard Model of Particle Physics, 342
A Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (U.S. Dept. of
Commerce), 190
standardized measurements, 648
Stanford arm, 876
StanfordBinet test, 511
Stanley, Julian, 1043
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 849
star compasses, 575
star maps, 575
Star Messengers (Zimet and Maddow), 690
Star of David, 856
star polygons, 1095
Star Trek (television show), 877, 903, 984
Star Wars (movies), 51, 899, 903
Stark, Harold, 599
StarkHeegner theorem, 599
stars, collapse of. See black holes
stars, symbolism of, 855856, 856, 886
START II treaty, 767
static budget, 130131
Statistical Accounts of Scotland (Sinclair), 285, 942
Statistical Averages (Zizek), 653
Statistical Methods from the Viewpoint of Quality Control
(Shewhart and Deming), 832
statistical process control (SPC), 831832
statisticians, 284287
problem solving and, 805806
RaoBlackwell theorem, 119
sports, 9799, 241242
survival analysis, 1006
See also data analysis and probability in society
statistics education, 941946
Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von, 1103
Steadman, Robert, 1058
steam engines, 460, 499, 499, 500, 1063
Steel and Foam Energy Reduction (SAFER) barrier, 83
Stefan, Josef, 988
Steiner, Jakob, 762, 883, 1103
Steinhaus, Hugo, 95
STEM. See Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Education (STEM)
Ste-One, 51
step and tap dancing, 946947
stereoblindness, 1043
stereotypes in mathematics, 630631, 960961, 981,
983985, 1043
stethoscopes, 947949
Stevin, Simon, 726, 10971098
Stewart, Ian, 607, 902
stick charts, 737, 738
Stifel, Michael
Arithmetica Integra, 111, 858, 10961097
Book of Arithmetic About the Antichrist, A Revelation in
the Revelation, 858
Stobaeus, Joannes
Extracts, 619
Stochastic calculus, 147, 231, 442, 696
stock market indices, 949951
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 231
stocks/stock market, 93, 288, 400, 691, 692, 696,
See also mutual funds
Stoilow, Simion, 361
Stokes, George, 30, 591, 995, 1030, 1052
Stokes theorem, 1030
Stonehenge, 767
stonemasons arithmetic, 8
Stoppard, Tom
Arcadia, 774775, 776, 777
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, 775
Story of Your Life (Chiang), 901
Strassen, Volker, 688
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 215
strategic voting, 10491050
strategy and tactics, 951954
Strat-O-Matic, 377
stratus clouds, 207
Stravinsky, Igor, 90
Straw, Barry, 1038
Index 1183
street maintenance, 954956
Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics
Achievement (SUMMA) program, 669, 670
string instruments, 956957
Strode, Thomas, 764
Strogatz, Steven, 388, 609610, 973
Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs (Darwin), 250
Stuart, J.E.B., 193
Student (William Gossett). See Gossett, William (pseud.
Studies in Conict and Terrorism (journal), 509
Study, Eduard, 35
Stylianides, Andreas, 223
stylometry, 957958
Su, Francis, 221
Suan Shu Shu. See Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
(Chinese text)
Suanfa Tongzong (General Source of Computational
Methods) (Cheng Dawei), 187
subitizing, 714
submarines. See deep submergence vehicles
subsonic speeds, 27
subtraction. See addition and subtraction
succeeding in mathematics, 958962
achievement measurements and, 959
failure/anxiety and, 959960
organizations and, 961962
research on, 960961
STEM and, 958959
stereotype threat and, 960961
sudoku, 962963
sukkah, 487
Sulbasutras, 424, 646, 762
See also Vedic mathematics
Sullivan, Arthur
Pirates of Penzance, 690
Summa de arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et
Proportionalita (Pacioli), 2, 289, 754, 800801, 1096, 1099
sunspots, 963964
supercomputers, 1107
superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS),
superencypherment, 1076, 1077
superposition, 1004
Supply of and Demand for Statisticians , 944
support vector machines (SVMs), 791
Supreme Court decisions, 117118
Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman (Feynman), 682
surfaces, 964966
surgery, 966968
Surplus Phoenix missiles, 671
Surveyors formula, 781
survival analysis, 1006
survival rates. See disease survival rates
Sutras, 10311033
Swanson, Irena, 834
swastika, 857
sweat lodges, 486, 487
Swerling, Peter, 671
Swift, Jonathan
Gillivers Travels, 559
A Modest Proposal, 559
swimming, 969970
Swinburne, Richard, 731
Sylow, Peter
Thormes sur les groupes de substitutions, 766
Sylow theorems, 766
Sylvester, James Joseph, 455, 500, 1005, 1104
abstractions and, 847848
logic and, 811
religious, 855857, 856
representations and, 863, 867868
of zero, 186, 493, 494
symmetry, 435436, 970972
Synagoge (The Collection) (Pappus), 425
synchrony and spontaneous order, 972974
Syntaxis mathematica. See Almagest, The (Ptolemy)
Synthesis Report, 2007 (IPCC), 194
synthetic projective geometry, 1099
Syracuse, 58, 60
Systeme Internal dUnites (SI), 349, 640, 643, 10211022,
Taichi, 185
Taimina, Daina, 258, 905
Tait, Peter, 10291030
Taliesin West, 1080
tally marks, 714715, 798799
tallying systems, 1091
Talon, Jean, 177
Tan, Tony, 71
tangents, 144145
Taniyama, Yutaka, 1062
TaniyamaShimura Conjecture, 1062
Fermats Last Tango and, 689690
Tanner, C. Kenneth, 898
Tao, Terence, 735, 975976
tap dancing. See step and tap dancing
Tapia, Richard, 669
Tarski, Alfred, 587
1184 Index
Tartaglia, Niccol, 33, 261, 671, 786, 820, 1096, 1097
La nova scientia, 390
Questi et inventioni diverse, 390
tartan setts, 989990
Taschenuhr, 202
Taussky-Todd, Olga, 635
taxes. See income tax
taxonomies, 44
Taylor, Brook, 784, 1100
Taylor, Richard, 749, 1062
Taylor polynomials, 784
TCP/IP protocols, 180
telegraphy, 191, 192, 1055
telephones, 976978
telescopes, 238, 978981, 1098
television, mathematics in, 981985
childrens programming, 982
reality/game shows, 982983
stereotypic nerds and, 981, 983985
televisions , 985987
Teller, Edward, 79
temperature, 987988
See also thermostats
tempered scale, 433434
Temple, Blake, 350
temples, 485486
Ten Books on Architecture, The (Vitruvius), 886
Ten Computational Canons (ed. Li Chunfeng), 186
10-10-80 principle, 131, 131
tephra, 10441045
Tepping, Benjamin, 890
terrorist attacks. See predicting attacks
terrorist cells, 509510
Tertium Organum (Ouspensky), 627
Tesla, Nikola, 838
in applied design, 513, 514515, 833834, 970
in Islamic architecture, 627
M.C. Escher and, 781
pattern blocks and, 103104
in stained glass windows, 428
See also patterns
Testard, Frdric
The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas, 612
TeX, 221
Texas Instruments, 140, 141, 273
text conversion. See coding and encryption
textile industry, 990
textiles, 989990
Thabit ibn Qurra, 1005, 1094
Thales of Miletus, 323, 364, 424, 458, 458, 914, 1091
Thats Mathematics (Lehrer), 787
Theaetetus of Athens, 782, 1092
theaters of machines (Besson and Ramelli), 862
Theodorius of Cyrene, 1092
Sphaerica, 1094
Theon of Alexandria, 1093
The Book of Signs, 1055
theorema Egregium of Gauss, 965
Thormes sur les groupes de substitutions (Sylow),
Thorie Analytique des Probas (Laplace), 802
Thorie de la gure de la Terre (Clairaut), 1101
Theory of Celestial Movement (Gauss), 707
Theory of Committees and Elections, The (Black), 335
Theory of Everything, 440, 441
Theory of Intervals (Euclid), 433
theory of linkages, 500
theory of proportion, 1092
theory of relativity, 38, 78, 8081, 115, 429, 474, 848,
854855, 980, 1074, 1105
Theory of Sets of Points, The (Young and Young), 1105
thermodynamics, 116
thermometers, 988, 1055
thermoscopes, 988
thermostats, 990991
See also temperature
thinking uid, 62
Third International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), 328
Third Planet, The (Ride), 871
third-generation (3G) cell technology, 175
Thom, Ren, 365, 367
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 664, 957
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 988, 994, 1030
Those Parts of Geometry Needed by Craftsmen (Abul Wafa),
three construction problems, 459
three-body problem, 909
3-D graphing calculators, 142
3-D televisions, 986
Thurston, William, 431432, 1042
Tian Yuan Shu (Method of Coefcient Array), 186, 187
Tiao, George, 401
Tic-Tac-Toe, 992993
tides and waves, 993995
Tiedt, Iris, 779
tilings, 103104, 699, 833834, 886
See also patterns
Timaeus (Plato), 858
Time Machine, The (Wells), 900, 902
Index 1185
time series data, 1020
time signatures, 995997
time zones, 1002
Timeas, The (Plato), 886
timekeeping, 24, 201204, 655656, 746
See also calendars
timescales, 655, 655656
time-series procedures, 807
timetables (train), 1002
time-to-pregnancy (TTP), 796
Tippet, Leonard, 842
Tirthaji, Sri Bharati Krsna
Vedic Mathematics, 1032
Tissot, Nicolas Auguste, 574
Titeica, Gheorghe, 361
Title IX, 10711072
Tits, Jacques, 367
TiVo, 320
Tlatelolco massacre, 170
Toba volcano, 1045
Tobacco Masaic Virus (TMV), 1038
Tofer, Alvin, 402
toilets, 997998
toleta de marteloio, 575576
Tolstoy, Leo
War and Peace, 557
tonal harmonies, 434435
Tonnetz (Tonal Network), 434435
tools, measuring. See measuring tools
Topics in Mathematical Modeling (Tung), 196
topographic maps, 345346
topoisomerases, 532
topological puzzles, 821
topological quantum eld theory, 531
topology, 119, 531, 534, 613
tornadoes. See hurricanes and tornadoes
Torricelli, Evangelista, 364, 763, 1055, 1058, 1063, 1099
Gabriels Horn and, 505
total quality management (TQM), 832
Tour de France, 108, 109
tournaments, 7, 998999
tower clocks, 202
Tower of Hanoi puzzle, 412, 593594
town planning. See city planning
toxicity, 535536
traditional versus reformed calculus, 151152
trafc, 10001001
trains, 10011004
Trait de mcanique cleste (Laplace), 1103
Trait du calcul-intgral (Bougainville), 869870
Trait du Triangle Arithmtique (Pascal), 112, 1099
rearms and, 390391, 391
fuel consumption and, 404
learning, 542543
See also learning models and trajectories
trampolining, 470
transformations, 10041005
compositional, 230231
linear, 10041005
Lorentz, 853854
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 181, 911
transplantation, 1006, 10061007
transport planners, 1008, 10081009
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 643
Transvaal, 19
transverse ow effect, 475
travel planning, 10071009
traveling salesman problem (TSP), 912, 10091010
Travellers Dodecahedron, 122
Travers, Jeffrey, 915
Treatise on Algebra (Peacock), 1103
Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra
(Khayyam), 237
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (Maxwell), 1029
Treatise on Harmony (Rameau), 229
A Treatise on Man and the Development of His Faculties
(Quetelet), 653
Treatise on the Circumference (al-Kashi), 73
Treatise on the Quadrilateral (al-Tusi), 54
Treaty of the Meter, 639640
Tremain, Janet, 211
trench codes, 1074
See also cryptography
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), 76, 133, 265, 265, 266
Trends in Mathematics and Science Survey, 1070
Triangle Law, 1030
triangles, measuring. See Pythagorean theorem;
triangulation, 10121013
Trieste, 295
Trigometria (Pitiscus), 1011
trigonometric functions, 723, 1097, 1098
trigonometric series, 764, 909
trigonometry, 10101013
Arabic/Islamic mathematics and, 5455
functions, 723, 1097, 1098
series, 764, 909
spherical trigonometry, 1093, 10941095
See also Pythagorean theorem
Trigrams, 185
1186 Index
trilateration, 451, 451452, 10121013
Trinity (nuclear bomb test), 79, 80
Triparty en la science des nombres (Chuquet), 1096
trisection problem, 1092
tropical forests. See deforestation
True Histories (True Tales) (Lucien), 900
Truman, Harry, 449
Truth Values (De Cari), 777, 1083
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 347
Tsoro Yematatu, 16
Tsu Chung Chih, 1093
Tsuchiya, Tom
Atlas Recycled, 851
tube resonators, 10651066
Tucker, Alan, 201
Tukey, John, 944
Tung, Ka-Kit
Topics in Mathematical Modeling, 196
Tunisian Mathematical Society, 19
Tunnel of Samos, 1014, 1015
tunnels, 1014, 10141015
Turing, Alan, 508, 517, 777, 1078
Turkish Mathematical Society, 75
Turner, Claude, 35
Turner, Joseph, 749
al-Tusi, Nasir, 73
Treatise on the Quadrilateral, 54
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 900
21 (movie), 682683
Twersky, Victor, 837
Twin Prime Conjecture, 721
twining, 102
twistor theory, 618
Twixt, 122
two container problem, 594
Two New Sciences (Galileo), 545
2001: A Space Odyssey (Clark) (novel), 901
2001: A Space Odyssey (movie), 903
two-year colleges, 272273, 540, 811
UK Census, 177
Ulam, Stanislaw, 79, 80
Ulrish, Richard, 905
ultrasound, 10171018
Ulughbek, Muhammad Taragay (Abd al-Latif), 66
Unabomb Manifesto (Kaczynski), 958
unemployment, estimating, 10181020
Uniform Penny Post, 807
Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges Library of Babel, The
(Bloch), 557
Union Canal Company, 155
Union of Concerned Scientists, 891
United Midget Auto Racing Association (UMARA), 703
United Nations Commission on Statistical Sampling (U.S.
Census Bureau), 176
United Nations Framework convention on climate Change,
United Nations World Population Prospects, 546
United States Auto Club (USAC), 703
units of area, 10201021
units of length, 10211023
units of mass, 10231024
units of volume, 10241026
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), 768
universal constants, 10261027
universal language, 10271028
Universal Product Code (UPC), 96
Universal Time (UT), 656
Universe in a Nutshell, The (Hawking), 474
University of Alexandria, 1092
University of Maryland Mathematics Project, 275276
University of Stellenbosch, 20
Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural
Sciences, The (Wigner), 609, 612, 619, 620
al-Uqlidisi, Abul-Hasan, 712
uranium bombs, 7980, 81
US News and World Report, 843
U.S. Army Signal Corps, 191, 490
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 287
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40, 286
U.S. Census Bureau
data collection, 286, 718, 890
history of, 177178, 889
unemployment estimates and, 1018, 1019
See also census
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
288, 314
U.S. Coast Guard, 452
U.S. customary system of units of length, 10211022
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 286
U.S. Department of Commerce, 190, 466
U.S. Department of Defense, 181
U.S. Department of Education, 449, 898
U.S. Department of Energy, 350
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 288
U.S. Department of the Navy, 131
U.S. Electoral College, 336, 338339
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 10531054
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 287, 293, 898
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 346
U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 287
Index 1187
U.S. Joint Space Operations Center, 891
U.S. Military, 665, 666
U.S. Military Academy, 193, 268, 429, 501
U.S. Mint, 674
U.S. Missile Defense Agency, 672
U.S. National Bureau of Standards, 203
U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 287, 469
U.S. National Collegiate Mathematics Championship, 222
U.S. National Medal of Technology, 180
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), 206
U.S. Naval Academy, 194
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 526
U.S. Postal Service, 912, 913
U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act, 1054
U.S. Space and Rocket Center, 208
U.S. Supreme Court, 117118, 178, 190
USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO), 227
USA Mathematical Olympiad, 7
USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS), 227
USA Today (newspaper), 242, 510, 871
On the Use of the Indian Numerals (al-Kindi), 712
Usonian design, 1081
Utopia (More), 900
Uttal, David, 325
Uzelac, Tomislav, 684
vaccination campaigns, 1039
Vaidyanathaswamy, Ramaswamy, 73
Valian, Virginia, 1071
Valle Poussin, C. J. de la, 1105
Van Allen belts, 522, 837, 891
Van Allen, James, 522, 837
Van de Hoop, Maarten, 773
Van der Hilst, Robert, 773
van Gogh, Vincent, 749
van Heuraet, Hendrik, 763
van Hiele model, 541, 1043
van Hiele, Pierre, 541, 1043
van Hiele-Geldof, Dina, 541, 1043
Vandenburg, steven, 1043
Varahamihira, 1093
Varignon, Pierre, 354
Vasco da Gama Bridge (Portugal), 130
Vassiliev, Victor, 531
VCRs, 320
Veblen, Oswald, 1073
vectors, 10291031
Vedic mathematics, 72, 626, 646, 778, 10311033
See also Indian mathematics; Sulbasutras
Vedic Mathematics (Tirthaji), 1032
Vedic scholars, 72
Velez-Rodriguez, Argelia, 167
velocity of light, 10261027
vending machines, 10331034
Venn, John, 113, 455, 802, 1042
Venn diagrams, 113, 455, 1042
VENONA, 1076
Verdu, Sergio, 1068
Verizon Communications, 181
Verne, Jules
All Around the Moon, 521
Around the World in Eighty Days, 900
From the Earth to the Moon, 521, 900
A Journey to the Center of the Earth, 900
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, 900
vertical curves, 476477
vibrating string problem, 410
Vico, Giambattista, 542
Victoria Martin (Wallet), 777
video games, 10341037
geometry in design, 1035
programming, 10351037, 1036
videocassette recorders (VCRs). See VCRs
Vidinli Hseyin Tevk Pasha, 75
In artem analyticam, 1097
Vite, Franois, 111, 10961097
Vite, FranoisIn, 1097
Vietnam War, 667, 10371038
Vietnamese Mathematical Society, 71
Vigenre, Blaise de, 192193
Vigenre cipher, 192193, 212
vigesimal and duodevigesimal number system, 493
Village Power Optimization Model for Renewables
(ViPOR), 1065
Villani, Cedric, 367
Vinge, Vernor, 769
Vinton, Samuel, 232
Vintons Method, 232
Virginia Tech (VT) shootings, 897, 898
virtual reality, 741
virtual simulations. See medical simulations
viruses, 10381039
Visa, 253254
vision correction, 10391041
visual perception, 739741
visual symmetry, 970, 971
visualization, 515, 10411044
See also optics
visual-spatial skills, 539
1188 Index
vitamins, 732, 734
Vitruvian Man (Leonardo da Vinci), 200, 200, 650, 886
Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio), 514, 1004
The Ten Books on Architecture, 886
Viviani, Vincenzo, 202, 1099
vocal cords, 1065
voice, human, 1065
volcanos, 10441045
volleyball, 10461047
Volta, Alessandro, 209, 341
Philosophical Dictionary, 847
Volterra, Vito, 789, 1073
volts (v), 341
von Hippel, Paul, 655
von Koch, Helge, 281, 763
von Neumann, John, 413, 548, 671, 768, 1078, 1107
Voronoi diagrams, 430431
voting. See elections
voting methods, 10471050
Voyager (Ride), 871
Vranceanu, Gheorghe, 361
al-Wafa Buzjani, Abu. See Abu al-Wafa Buzjani
Wagner, David, 842
Wainer, H., 969
Wake, W. C., 957
Walden, Byron, 7
Waldo, c. A., 449
Walker, Augustus, 329
Wall Street crash, 696
Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 690
Wallace, David, 401
Wallace, Henry, 943
Wallace, John, 111
De Algebra Tractatus, 112
Wallet, Kathryn
Victoria Martin, 777
Wallis, John, 601
Arithmetica innitorum, 1099
Walt Disney Studios, 50
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1006
Wang Xiao-tong, 186, 1094
Jigu Suanjing (Continuation of Ancient Mathematics), 186
Wantzel, Pierre Laurent, 883
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 557
War Between the States. See Civil War, U.S.
war contracts, 1079
War of Independence. See Revolutionary War, U.S.
War of the Worlds (Wells), 521
war on terror, 508510
War Policy Committee (War Preparedness Committee), 755
Waring, Edward, 262, 1005
WaringGoldbach, 262
Warlpiri kinship system, 736
Warnock, John, 303
Warring States period (China), 8, 185
Warschawski, Stefan E., 360
Washington, George, 234, 563, 870
water distribution, 10511053
water footprints, 1052
water quality, 1053, 10531054
Water Works Bureau, 156
waterwheels, 380
Watson, James D., 674
Watson, Thomas, 718
Watt, James, 341, 499, 500, 1063
Watts, Duncan, 388
Wave Model (WAM), 492
wave theory of light, 547
wavelet analysis, 293294, 389390
waves. See tides and waves
Weak Law of Large Numbers, 803
weather forecasting, 492, 10541057
Weather Prediction by Numerical Process, 1064
weather scales, 492, 10571059
Weaver, Warren, 1079
weaving, 2122, 875, 989990
Web based communication, 220221
Web comics, 219
Web crawlers, 906
Web search engines. See search engines
Web servers. See servers
Web sites, 1112, 226
See also specic Web sites
Webern, Anton, 231
Webster, Daniel, 233, 234
Websters Method, 233, 234
Wechsler, David, 511
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 511
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 327, 511
Wedgwood, Josiah, 2
Wegener, Alfred, 773, 774
Weibull, (Ernst) Waloddi, 803, 10641065
Weibull distribution, 10641065
Weierstrass, Karl, 35, 144, 588589, 596, 762, 1103
Weierstrass Denition, 144
Weight Watchers Online program, 733
weighted voting, 1047
weightless ight, 10591060, 1060
Weil, Andr, 366367
Index 1189
Weiner, Norbert
Cybernetics, 875
WEKA, 291
Weldon, Walter, 707
Weldon, William, 942
Wells, Herbert George (H. G.), 942
The Invisible Man, 900
The Time Machine, 900, 902
War of the Worlds, 521
Wells, Katrina, 781
Wenninger, Magnus, 783
Werner, Wendelin, 367, 808
Wernicke, Carl, 128
Wernickes (temporal lobe), 128
Wessel, Caspar, 781, 1101
West African Examinations Council, 22
Westat, Inc., 890
Westbrook, Jeff, 1082, 1083
Westphal, Heinrich, 636
Weyl, Hermann, 39
What Do You Care What Other People Think (Feynmann),
Whats New blog, 976
wheel, 10601061
Whish, Charles, 73
White, Shaun, 374
White City (Worlds Columbian Expo. of 1893 in
Chicago), 189, 189
white matter, 125
Whitehead, Alfred North, 40
Principia Mathematica, 362, 10741075, 1105
Breaking the Code, 777
Whitney, Eli, 287
whole-tone scales, 894
Why I Am Not a Christian (Russell), 860
Whyte, Frederick, 1002
Whyte system, 1002
wide augmentation system (WAAS), 452
Widman, Johann, 1096
Wiebe, Edward, 325
Wien, Wilhelm, 349, 836837
Wiener, Norbert, 147, 768, 1030, 1073
Wigner, Eugene
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the
Natural Sciences, 609, 612, 619, 620
Wilbraham, H., 909
Wiles, Andrew, 262, 362, 363, 366, 720, 829, 10611063, 1107
Fermats Last Tango (Rosenblum), 689690
See also Fermats Last Theorem
Wilhelm Karl Theodor, 144
Wilkins, J. Ernest, 350, 837
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), 439
Wilks, Samuel, 112, 708, 944
William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, 228
William the Conqueror, 177
Williams, Scott, 221
Willis Tower, 920
Wilson, Alexander, 964
Wilson, Kenneth G., 228
Wilson, Snoo, 777
wind and wind power, 10631065, 10661067
wind instruments, 10651066
wind tunnels, 1064
wind turbines, 1064, 10661067
windmills, 10661067
Winer, David, 304
Winkler, Johann, 738
wireless communication, 10681069
Wise, Michael, 767
Wishart, John, 803, 944
Wissel, Christian, 973
Witten, Edward, 344, 531
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 219, 621
Wohlstetter, Albert, 215
Wohlstetter, Roberta, 215
Wolf, Rudolph, 964
Wolf Prize in Mathematics, 68, 69, 363, 367
Wolfram MathWorld, 221
women, 10691073
mathematical aptitude and, 10691070
mathematics education and, 668669, 10691070
professional employment and, 10701072, 1079
Women in Mathematics in Africa, 22
The Wonder Years (television show), 163
Wood, Melanie, 227
wood carvings, 736737
Woodland, Norman J., 96
word problems, 1094
word squares. See acrostics, word squares, and crosswords
World Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA), 937
World Cup Finals, 239
World Health Organization (WHO), 123, 314
World Squash Federation, 835
World Statistics Day, 289
World War I, 10731075
World War II, 10751080
aircraft carriers, 28
atomic bomb (Manhattan Project) and, 7980
codes/cyphers and, 10761077
computers and, 10771078
intelligence/counterintelligence and, 508
1190 Index
mathematicians and, 502503, 1079
navigation and, 10781079
operations research (OR) and, 1078
See also military code
Worlds Columbian Exposition of 1893 (Chicago), 189, 189
wormholes, 116
Wren, Christopher, 763, 1100
Wright, Benjamin, 156
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 190, 10801081
writers, producers, and actors, 10811086
Danica McKellar, 1082
goals/impact of, 1083
mathematical consultants and, 10831085
portrayals of mathematicians, 1085
production similarities to mathematics, 1082
Wu, Sijue, 995
Wynne, Arthur, 6
X & Y album (Coldplay), 787
X games, 374
Xenakis, Iannis
Metastasis, 231
Nomos Alpha, 787
Pithoprakta, 231
Xenocrates of Chalcedon, 763
Xerox Corporation, 132, 133
Xian, Jia, 111
Xiangjie Jiuzhang Suanfa (Yang Hui), 187
xkcd (Munroe), 219
X-rays, 308, 659, 674
Xu Guangqi, 187
Xylander. See Holzmann, William (Xylander)
Yackel, Carolyn, 257
Yackel, Erna, 222
Yahoo, 12, 180
Yahoo! Research Labs, 840
Yamamoto Isoroku, 755
Yang Hui, 186, 1095
Xiangjie Jiuzhang Suanfa, 187
YangBaxter equations, 532
YangMills gauge theory, 525
Yates, Frank, 176
Yau, Shing-Tung, 68
Yeager, Charles, 31
Yellowstone caldera (supervolcano), 1044
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, 1044
Yerkes Observatory, 980
Yi Gu Yan Duan (New Steps in Computation) (Li Zhi), 187
Yi Jing (I-ching I or Book of Changes), 185
yield, crop, 381
Ying Yang, 185
Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe, 367
Yost, Charles, 636
Young, Grace Chisholm
The Theory of Sets of Points, 1105
Young, James, 525
Young, Peyton, 232, 234
Young, Thomas, 547
Young, W. Rae, 977
Young, William Henry, 1105
Young Archimedes (Huxley), 559
Young Choon Lee, 463
Yule, Udny, 957
yupana, 494
Yupaporn Kemprasit, 71
Yusuf ibn Ibrahim, 18, 425, 1005
Z3 computer, 1077
Zadeh, Lot, 290, 803
al-Zarqali (Arzarchel), 664
Zaslavsky, Claudia, 13
Africa Counts, 14, 16
Zeno of Elea, 144, 505, 552
Zenodorus, 653, 762
Zenos Paradox, 505, 775, 1091
Zentralblatt fr Mathematik (journal), 220
Zentralblatt MATH, 220
Zermelo, Ernst, 587, 1106
Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory. See Set Theory
zero, 186, 493, 494, 711, 901, 10871089
Zero Gravity Research Facility, 1060
Zero-G, 10591060
zero-point energy, 1088
Zhang Heng, 323
Zhangjiashans tomb, 185
Zhao, Jiamin, 134
Zhou dynasty, 185
Zhoubi suanjing (Anon.), 185, 423
Zhu Shijie, 111, 186
Introduction to Computational Studies, 187
Precious Mirror of the Four Elements (Si Yuan Yujian), 187
Zhui Shu (Zu Chongzhi), 186
Ziegler, Gnter
Proofs from THE BOOK, 625
ziggurats, 485, 486
Zimbabwe, 16
Zimet, Paul
Star Messengers, 690
Index 1191
Zizek, Frank
Statistical Averages, 653
zodiac, 729
Zoetrope, 50, 50
Zoltan, Kecskemeti B., 51
Zomaya, Albert, 463
Zu Chongzhi, 186
Zu Geng, 186
Zuse, Konrad, 1077
Zygalski, Henyrk, 1077
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