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Curricullum-Vitae Syed Ismail: Objective

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S/o Syed Mahamood !"9/2#$2nd main$ 2nd c%oss$ (an)*ndesh+a%a (a,a%$ (andini Layo*t$ -an,alo%e-9#& Contact no: 99022 0020 E-mail: syed&ismail'hcl&com

Work to my fullest potential in a competitive and challenging environment to deliver best of my skills and make best use of my efforts in gaining experience, reward and work towards growth of myself and Organization.

Ed*cational 1*ali2ication

Master of Technology in igital !ommunication "ngineering #ear of $assing% $ursuing +achelor Of "ngineering in Telecommunication "ngineering. #ear of $assing% ,-.. ,nd $.*.!. #ear of $assing% ,--0 &.&.4.!. #ear of $assing% ,--5

M.&.'amaiah (nstitute of Technology

)iveswaraiah Technological *niversity, +elgaum.

Percentage of marks (%)

3&3" S45A 6till 2i%st Semeste%7

r./mbedkar (nstitute Of Technology.

)iveswaraiah Technological *niversity, +elgaum.


&t. 1oseph2s $re3*niversity !ollege. Oxford 6igh &chool.

epartment of $re3*niversity "ducation, +angalore. 7arnataka &econdary "ducation "xamination +oard, +angalore.

83& 0:


Technical S;ills
5%o,%ammin, and Assem/ly Lan,*a,es .22ice 5%od*cti0ity Tools .<e%atin, System : : : !, "mbedded !, )erilog, Oracle,$48&94. Microsoft Word, Microsoft $ower$oint Microsoft "xcel, Microsoft Office Tools. Windows ,---8:$808)ista and *nix

Academic 5%o)ects

5%o)ect ":
5%o)ect Title My Role Team Si=e 5%o)ect >esc%i<tion /pplication of &O! ;igbee based 'emote Meter 'eading &ystem 6ardware implementation and /ssembly 4evel 4anguage $rogramming <our / $ro=ect done during <inal year of +." .The pro=ect front end as .>"T which is bound to reduce round trips of Meter reader and simplify the =ob of /dministrator for billing purpose and further analysis and create a website for user to view his usage ,?:0. @ months )isual !A 7"(4 , !A , .>"T, "mbedded !

>*%ation 5lat2o%m Lan,*a,e *sed

4istening to Music. $laying !ricket, &occer and )olleyball.

5e%sonal >etails
@*ll (ame >ate o2 -i%th 4ende% (ationality Lan,*a,es ;no+n : : : : : &yed (smail. ,@rd 1uly .BCB. Male. (ndian. "nglish, 7annada, 6indi and *rdu.

( hereby declare that the above written particulars are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. 5lace: -an,alo%e Ao*%s Since%ely 6SAE> ISMAIL7

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