Demand Planning Configuration
Demand Planning Configuration
Demand Planning Configuration
• OLTP: Current planning data from your R/3 system such as Sales
Orders, Stock, Production/Purchase Orders. This data uses the CIF to
populate SAP APO. 1/49
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Once in the screen, select from the selection list “Planning Object
Structures” as shown below. 3/49
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1. Brand ZV_BRND
2. Product 9AMATNR
3. Location 9ALOCNO
4. Customer ZV_CUST
5. Sales org ZV_SORG
For the Key figures we would have to get back to planning area screen
and copy some defined key figures from 9ADP01.
From the drop-down menu, select Planning Area and then double click
on the planning area 9ADP01 4/49
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Click on the Key figs tab to see the available key figures. 6/49
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You have several ways to enter BW in SCM, from the same screen click 7/49
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To create Info area, right click on Info provider and select create info
area 8/49
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For this, select info objects, and right click on your info area and select
create info objects catalog 9/49
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In the next screen click on activate icon to activate the char info obj
The system will ask for package details. For test purpose we shall
assign it to /SAPapo/demand_planning 10/49
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Once the required info for the transport is entered and saved you
would see the char info objects created as shown below
In the same manner create another catalog for Key figures. Once both
are completed you should be able to see them under the infoobjects
Next and the last step in this BI are to create info objects for the
characteristics and keyfigures. (The characteristics that we discussed 11/49
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In the next screen enter the characteristics that we would like to have 12/49
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Once you selected enter it would take you to the screen where you
would enter the attributes of the characteristics like data type and
For ZV_BRAND, I have selected Char and length to be 10. Click on the
activation icon on the top. You should be able to see that the Version
and Object status are in Active state as shown in the fig. 13/49
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Enter the quantity and unit of currency in the next screen. Demand
Planning is always with 0unit. 15/49
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Please note that the key figures can be added here at any point of
time. But it should be avoided to change in the Master planning
Once the BW part is complete, our next step is to create the Master
Planning Object structure
T.Code: /n/SAPapo/msdp_Admin 16/49
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Once in select the Planning objects structure right click on the planning
objects structure folder and create 17/49
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In the next screen enter the long text and also select the planning
object structures. 18/49
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Once all the object structures are in, Activate. This inturn will activate
an infocube in the same name in BW.
With this we complete the first step in Demand Planning i.e, Master
Planning Object Structure 19/49
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The storage bucket profile is also called Periodicities for planning area.
The path for creating the storage bucket profile is SAP menu->Demand
planning ->Environment->Current settings ->Periodicities for Planning
T.Code: /n/SAPapo/tr32 20/49
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For this we need 2 types of profile, one for future and the other for
history 21/49
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T.Code: /n/SAPapo/msdp_Admin
Enter the T.code and right clock on Planning Area to create the
planning area. 22/49
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Once you click enter you will be taken into the detail view of the
Planning Area.
Select the Key Figs tab and add all the key figs that you have
described 23/49
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Next step is to create Time series objects for the planning area.
Right click on the created planning area and select “Create Time series
objects” 25/49
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The date entered in the planning version is like a safety cap. If we give
a range of 10 years, then we do not need to go and change it every 18
months and also once the first 18 months planning is done, and if we
did not give that vast time period, then the there is a huge gap and
discrepancy created. At any point of time it should have 2 years of
past history and 18 months of future history.
So enter the required planning time period in the Time period section 26/49
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Once you clicked on the execute icon, It would through the following
error 27/49
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Here you have two options to enter the data, If you select “Single
characteristic combination” In APO itself you can create the location,
Product Brand, Customer and so on. This is helpful if you wanted to
enter 1 or 2 set of data (1 or 2 row).
To enter more than one record at a time you can select “create
characteristics combinations”.
For our example I am selecting the create characteristics
combinations”. This will take you to the next screen where you can
load data 29/49
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There are several options to load the data again. The “Create
manually” option will let you enter the data one by one. The “Load to
worklist” and “Generate Immediately” options would let you upload the
file in several ways, using info cube, from CSV file, using BAdI or even
from other Planning objects.
To load from ECC to SCM you would first have to enter the data in the
Info Cube (BW) and then transport from BW to SCM.
In real time scenario the data are uploaded from Info providers. The
reason is there might several changes to the master data and hence
maintenance is easier with info providers.
For our example I am selecting the option of loading from a file. This
file will be created with format shown in the next figure. 30/49
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C:\Documents and
Make sure that the columns and rows match. You might have to “tab”
twice in your keyboard to adjust the key figures as per the columns 32/49
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To view in detail, go back to the previous screen. Select the option Yes
and proceed 33/49
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Please note that the BOM Char Comb ID column will not be displayed
as it is Internal
Now that the Combinations are maintained go back and activate the
Planning Area.
Right click on the created planning area and select “Create Time series
objects” and enter the required details. Take care of the start and End
date of Time period.
Once you clicked on the execute icon, It will be activated this time 36/49
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This finishes the setup of planning area. The next step in the DP
configuration is the Planning books and data view. 37/49
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Planning book is the most important tool for demand planner. The data
for planning is derived from the planning area. Although the Demand
Planner does not maintain the Planning area, the data stored in the
Planning are maintained by him.
T.Code: /n/SAPapo/SDP8B
Once you enter the T.Code, Enter the name of the planning book. Let
us name our planning book as ZV_PLGBK and click on create 38/49
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In the next screen enter the planning book description and planning
area. The navigational views in the same screen represent the
planning model type and the screen selections associated with it.
Select all the views and continue. 39/49
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For our example I am selecting all the key figures from the planning
object and characteristics from the planning area. 40/49
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The next step is assigning Data view for the Planning book.
Here, the Planning start is the day on/from which you want the
planning to start. If left blank the planning will start automatically from
today (default value). 41/49
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The Table1 field represents a name for this Data View table.
Once you click continue, you would again see the key figures, but this
time it is from the Planning book. You are the key figures here to add it
to the data view. Again for our example, we select all the key figures.
Please note that the characteristics are not/cannot be selected, only
the key figures. Once selected, click complete to activate the planning
book. 42/49
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Now to see how all the description/data entry we did in the previous
step, go back to the same transaction 43/49
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The table name we gave DP_FCST1, the fields we described in the data
view, TB past and future and it will also be in Edit mode as during the
planning book creation we selected the input option for TB past.
Please note that whenever we change the TB history and future, same
is affected here. 44/49
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This completes the creation of planning book and data view. The next
is creation of Forecast profile.
6. Forecast Profile 45/49
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Once in, select the Planning Area and enter a name for the forecasting
The forecast figure key represents the key figure to which the
calculated forecast to be saved. For our example let us take ZV_STFR1.
The forecast horizon represents the restricting period for this master
forecast profile.
Here u can either enter the “From” and “To” or you can just enter the
period as shown in the figure above. 46/49
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The next step is to select a model for the master profile to do the
For our model parameters, we choose Moving Average and for Forecast
errors we choose, all the error type. 47/49
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