Railway Engineering Tutorials Nirav
Railway Engineering Tutorials Nirav
Railway Engineering Tutorials Nirav
Compare Railway transportation with Road transportation. 2. Railway Track Gauge 1. Define gauge of a railway track. Which gauges are used in India? Discuss their suitability at different locations with reasons. 2. Explain about loading and construction gauge with their uses. 3. Alignment of Railway Lines 1. State basic requirements of an ideal alignment. 2. What do you understand by mountain railways? Describe in brief the various types of alignments used for mountain railways. 4. Track & Track Stresses 1. Describe with sketches: (i) Coning of wheels (ii) Tilting of Rails 2. Draw a detailed sketch showing cross section of a B.G. track for double line with electric traction. 5. Rails 1. 2. 3. 4. Define : UIC-880-TISCO-V-1999-OB Draw a neat sketch of typical Railway Track and show its components. Discuss about causes and effects of creep. Also write measures to reduce creep Explain the followings with sketch: Buckling of rails 6. Sleepers 1. Compare the relative merits and demerits of wooden and concrete sleepers. Discuss the factors on which sleeper density depends. 7. Ballast 1. Compare the different ballast materials with respect to merits, demerits and suitability of each material. 8. Track Fittings 1. Explain with sketches: Junction fish plate, Dog spikes, C.I. Chair with spring keys.
9. Geometric Design of Track 1. Explain the followings with sketch: Negative super elevation. 2. What would be an equilibrium cant on a B.G. track of 20 curve for a speed of 70 kmph? What would be the maximum permissible speed after allowing the maximum cant deficiency? 3. Calculate the maximum permissible speed on a curve of B.G. track having following details: (i) Degree of curve = 40, (ii) Amount of S.E. = 6.2 cm, (iii) length of transition curve = 70 m. 4. Discuss about various types of gradients and grade compensation on curves. 5. State different types of surveys conducted before fixing railway alignment. Explain any two. 6. Briefly explain different types of gradients used in railway. What is grade compensation? Compute the same for horizontal curve of 3o on B.G. track having ruling gradient of 1:200. 7. Define: (i) Equilibrium cant, (ii) Cant deficiency. What would be equilibrium cant on a M.G. track of 5o curve for a speed of 40 kmph? What would be the maximum permissible speed after allowing the maximum cant deficiency? 8. A five degree curve diverges from a main curve of 4 degree in an opposite direction in the layout of a broad gauge yard. If the speed on the main curve is restricted to 54.33 kmph, determine the speed restriction on the branch line. Assume permissible cant deficiency as 7.5 cms. 9. Define the followings: (a) Ruling gradient (b) Pusher gradient (c) Momentum gradient (d) Compensated gradient for curvature. 10. Resistance To Traction 1. Explain the followings with sketch: Tractive resistance 2. Explain resistance due to friction and due to wave action that a locomotive in motion has to overcome. 11. Points & Crossings 1. What are the functions of points and crossings in railway track layout? 2. Explain in brief with sketch diamond crossing and scissors crossover. 3. Draw a neat sketch of simple left hand turnout and show its various component parts. Explain the working principle of the turnout. 12. Railway Stations & Yards 1. What are the facility requirements of a railway station? Classify the railway stations. Draw a neat sketch of layout of any one type of station 2. What are the basic functions of marshalling yard and state the points which should be kept in mind when designing a marshalling yard. 13. Signaling & Interlocking 1. Define interlocking. Explain essential regulations of interlocking in Indian Railways.? 2. Briefly describe semaphore signals & colored light signals.