s1w16 Regular 7th
s1w16 Regular 7th
s1w16 Regular 7th
Catterall Course: English III Unit: Exploring the Rights and Roles of Women in Afghanistan: A Thousand Splendid Suns Dates: S1, Week Sixteen Monday Tuesday Wednesday I can analyze the symbol of snow in Chapters 1314 of ATSS Objetives/ Overview I can perform a close reading of a passage, analyzing the language used by an author I can analyze the power dynamic in Babi, Laila, and Mammys relationship
Friday I can identify and correct comma errors using the two independent clauses rule, the introductory clauses rule, and the nonessential clauses rule
ECRS 28-32 Use commas to set off a nonessential/nonrestrictive appositive or clause
I can analyze the power dynamic present in the poem for women who are difficult to love
CCSS:: ELA. 11-12.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful
CCSS: ELA.11-12.W.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence
CCSS: ELA RL1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain ECRS 28-32 Use commas to set off a nonessential/nonrestrictive appositive or clause
CCSS: ELA RL1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain
1.) Grammar Exercise: students will insert commas in one of the paragraphs provided 2.) T & S: Discuss and evaluate comma placement 3.) T: Explain expectations for individual conferences and pass around sign-up sheet 4.) T: Divide students up into small groups and review lit. circle roles: A. Discussion Director B. Text Highlighter C. Devils Advocate D. Recorder/Relayer 5.) S: Discuss symbolism support sheet: A. Textual Evidence B. Interpretation C. Larger Message D. How does this help us think about Mariam and Rasheeds relationship? 6.) S: Share out discussion with class as T records on board
1.) Writers Notebook: studentselected prompt 2.) Volunteers can share from freewrites 3.) T: Project the following quote: Now Mariam dreaded the sound
1.) Writers Notebook: student-selected prompt 2.) Volunteers can share from freewrite 3.) T: Pass out for women who are difficult to love of him coming home in the evening. The printout key rattling, the creak of the door these 4). T: Read the poem out were sounds that set her heart racing. From her bed, she listened to the clickloud twice clack of his heels, to the muffled shuffling 5.) S: After the first of his feet after hed shed his shoes. With reading, write a claim for her ears, she took inventory of his doings: chair legs dragged across the floor, the who is in power at the top plaintive squeak of the cane seat when he of the printout; during the sat, the clinking of spoon against plate, the second reading, underline flutter of newspaper pages flipped, the slurping of water. And as her heart evidence in the text to pounded, her mind wondered what excuse support your claim he would use that night to pounce on her. There was always something, some minor 6.) S: Share out: thing that would infuriate him, because no A. Initial reactions matter what she did to please him, no B. What claims did we matter how thoroughly she submitted to his wants and demands, it wasnt enough. make about the power She could not give him his son back. In dynamic in this poem? this most essential way, she had failed him him. Babi was a small man,with C. What evidence did we seven times she had failed him and narrow shoulders and slim, delicate now she was nothing but a burden to him. pick out from the text to hands, almost like a womans. At She could see it in the way he looked at night, when Laila walked into Babis support our claims? her, when he looked at her. She was a room, she always found the burden to him (99-100). 7.) T & S: Discuss: downward profile of his face 4.) S: In one paragraph, make burrowing into a book, his glasses A. What connections can perched on the tip of his nose. a claim about the power we make between the Sometimes he didnt even notice she dynamic in this relationship, character of Mammy in was thereBut if Laila needed the lid drawing upon the language of of a candy jar forced open, she had to ATSS and the narrator of go to Mammy, which felt like a the text the poem? Ordinary tools befuddled 5.) T & S: Discuss the language betrayal. B. In what ways is Babi (109). we pulled from the text. What 6.) S: Discuss: Mammy like the narrator words/phrases did we pull of the poem? In what A. Who is in power? and why? ways is she not? (prepare a sub claim) 6.) T & S: Discuss the symbol of B. How do you know? (cite C. Do we ever find the rocks/pebbles ourselves sympathizing evidence) A. Connect back to associations C. How does the evidence with Mammy? Do we find B. Connect back to symbol as show you that this person is ourselves sympathizing used earlier in the text in power? (draft reasoning with the narrator of the C. Larger message about poem? using the language of the power/agency D. In what ways is Babi text) 7.) T: Write on the board as like the man in the poem? In what ways is he students discuss different? 8.) T & S: How does this E. Do we think Mammy relationship trouble our and Babis relationship is thinking about the a loving one? Why or why gender/power dynamic not? present in Afghan society?
1.) Grammar Exercise: S: Create a five question practice quiz 2.) S: Trade your practice quiz with a partner who will insert commas into/delete commas from your sentences as needed 3.) S: Return the practice quiz to its original owner and evaluate your peers work 4.) T & S: Discuss: A. Who are these new characters, and what do we know about them? B. How did they factor (if at all) into Mariam and Rasheeds story? 5.) T: Project the following quote: Lailas heart went out to
1.) Quiz: Comma Rule Quiz 2.) S: Trade and grade, making corrections on the paper of a peer 3.) S: If time remains, begin independent work on CRJs 18, 19, and 20 5.) T: Facilitate student work
Agenda/ Activities
Comma rules paragraph Symbolism support sheet and discussion Complete comma rules paragraphs sheet for tomorrow
Hom ewor k
CRJ 16 due tomorrow CRJ format is modified for students with IEPs
Comma rules practice quiz Whole class analysis of passage and development of paragraph CRJ 17 due tomorrow CRJ format is modified for students with IEPs
Poem annotations
CRJs 18, 19, and 20 due Monday CRJ format is modified for students with IEPs
CRJs 18, 19, and 20 due Monday CRJ format is modified for students with IEPs