The CoOc Tuning
The CoOc Tuning
The CoOc Tuning
Translated by Doris Schroder and Birgit Bubser 1999 Planetware, Munich Fritz Dobretzberger Augustenfelder Str. 24 a D-80999 Munich Fon +49 (0)89 8121105 Fax +49 (0)89 8129381 Email: The content of this brochure is completely published on the website of > separate webpage for each frequency > audio files of the frequencies
"Abstract sound as defined by the Sufis 'Saute Surmad', means: the whole universe is filled with it. Sufis call the primal sound 'Saute Surmad', the tone that fills the cosmos. The frequencies of this tone are too fine to be seen with the eyes or heard with the ear... It was 'Saute Surmad', the tone of the abstract which Muhammad perceived when he was enlightened in the cave of GareHira. The Koran also knows the sound that says: 'Let there be...'. Moses heard the same sound on the mount Sinai in his union with god, the same word became obvious to Jesus when he was in union with the heavenly father in the wilderness. Shiva heard the same 'Anahad Nada' in her Samadhi in the caves of the Himalaya. The flute of Krishna is the symbol of this tone. This sound is the source of all manifestation, given to the masters from within.... "The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe." Hazrat Inayat Kahn There is hardly a society wich there is no report of the universal sound or of the speric harmonies. In East India the beginning of all things is 'Nada', the primal tone. They speak of 'Nada Brahme', which means: the world is sound. In India and Tibet the eversounding tone is the OM. The syllable OM is the holiest mantra there is, and is also the symbol of the primal frequency of existence. In ancient Greece there were many reports of the spheric sound. So Plato writes at the end of the 13th book of the law: "Every figure, every row of numbers and every assemblage of harmonious sounds, and the accordance of the cycles of the celestial bodies and the One as an analogy for all which is manifesting itself must become exceedingly clear to him who is searching in the right manner. That of which we speak will however come to light if one strives to recognize all, while not losing sight of the One. It is then that the connecting link of the ones named will come to light." The connecting link is the law of the octave. Through systematic application of this law to all the period phenomena, it is possible to listen to the relation of the vibrations of the planets and also to the structures of the different atoms and molecules. In this handbook we want to confine ourselves to the periods of our solar system and open the way into the harmonies of the spheres. In 1946 Hermann Hesse received the Nobel prize in literature for his book: The Glass Bead Game. The principles of the Glass Bead Game are: "... a new language, a sign and formula of which mathematics and music equally partake, enabling one to combine astronomical and musical formulas, acommon denominator for mathematics and music." The law of the octave is this principle where mathematics and music equally partake. This law makes it possible to combine astronomical and musical formulas. It is the common denominator of astronomy, mathematics, music and colour.
Through the law of the octave it is possible to convert the whole solar system into sound. The number of octaves gives you the 'scale'. In the same way the scale on a map helps you to visualize the landscape, the law of the octave demonstrates realtionships. The base sounds in this booklet are calculated purely on mathematics and physics and show the scientific base of an old mystical lore. Each step is successive, you can recalculate it, you don't have to take it on faith. These primal sounds are based on a genuine mathematical foundation but "they unite all three principles: science, veneration of beauty and meditation." Hermann Hesse writes further on in the Glass Bead Game: "I suddenly realized that in the language, or at any rate in the spirit of the Glass Bead Game, everything actually was all-meaningful, every symbol and combination of symbols led not to single examples, experiments and proofs, but into the center, the mystery and innermost heart of the world, into primal knowledge. Every transition from major to minor in a sonata, every transformation of a myth or a religous cult, every classical or artistic formulation was, I realized in that flashing moment, if seen with a truly meditative mind, to be nothing but a direct route into the interior of the cosmic mystery, where in the alternation between inhaling an exhaling, between heaven and earth, between Yin and Yang, holiness is forever being created." The primal sounds in this booklet are acoustical exponents from our natural cosmic surroundings and our focus on them brings us into harmony with the way of thing or, as the Chinese say, in harmony with "Tao" (the way). Being one means being one with the all. To perceive the vibrations and to reverberate with them means to bring your life - or simply yourself - in tune with the all. When the person (Laton: personare), is in tune with the cosmos, then the cosmos is resonating in the person. When you become aware of this consciousness reaches cosmic dimensions. Because of the universal significance of those sounds it is possible to use them in various areas. Therfore it is possible to create a precise cosmically tuned meditation music, which is more profound in its effects than normally tuned music. The same is true of the medicinal therapeutic music. The way these basic sounds function will be explained in the forthcoming pages. These tones are also the base for a musical setting of a horoscope. Only when horoscope music is in tune with these tones does it given a physically and musically true sound image of the given astronomical constellations. Another area for use is tonepuncture (=tone- acupuncture, also known os Phonophorese). In this case you hold the tuningfork on the acupuncture points and the vibrations flow through the meridians.
The tone 'G' with 194.18 Hz is the 24th octave of one earth day. That means the following: the tuning fork oscillates 194,18 times per second back and forth. If you duplicate this vibrations at 24 octave lower, the tuning fork would need exactly one day to oszillate back and forth. To move to a lower octave is to halve the frequency, to more up an octave is to double the frequency. An octave is the fundamental musical interval in the general teaching of harmony. The sequence of the tones as well as the names of the tones are repeated from octave to octave. Out of all intervalls the octave causes the strongest resonance at an equal level of energy. This particular property of the octave is the reason its laws are applied not only to the band of audible oscillations but also to all periodical phenomena for example the earth's rotation or the orbits of the planets. Thus the tone G with 194,18 Hz is, according to the classical musical definition, the 'day-tone'. The knowledge about the magical effect of the octave is an ancient one. One of the mysterious inscriptions on the capitals at the abbey church of Cluny in France says: "Octavus Sanctos Omnes Decet Esse Beatos" "The octave teaches the saints bliss." Also nature conforms to the law of the octave. Thus the electro-magnetic impulses in the earth's athmosphere are mostly exact octave frequencies to the earth's rotation. The so-called spherics, or athmospherics are ephemeral, greatly lowered electromagnetic impulses in the earth's athmosphere and influence the weather. Because of the existing frequencies it is possible to tell if the weather will change in 1 1/2 to 2 days or not, whether a cold front will arrive etc.. Futhermore it has been proved that proteins molecules are influenced by certain frequencies of spherics. This is of great importance for medicine as well as for certain branches of industry like for example the printing industry (the procedure of photogravure printing). If you are tuned to the day-tone (194.18 Hz), you are tuned to the weather determining spheric frequency, as well as to the microbiological molecuar area of proteins. Being tuned to that sound brings you in many respects into harmony with nature and yourself. Just think of how many different proteins we are made of and how essential they are for us! We owe it to the English trumpet player John Shore that we have certain frequencies on hand. John Shore played in the orchestra of Friedrich Haendel, he was one of 24 musicians in the orchestra of Queen Anne and played the solo trumpet at the coronation of Georges I in 1714 and he was a member for many years of the kings band. He invented the tunung fork in the year 1711. With a tuning fork you cannot only tune musicial instruments but also yourself. You hold the tuning fork by the stem with your fingers, strike the tuning fork on your knee or on the heel of your other hand to get it vibrating. You can hold the base of
the stem of the vibrating tuning fork on your body. Preferably choosing an acupuncture point because then the vibration can travel through the whole meridian. If you use the tuning fork with the frequency of 194,18 Hz you get a stimulating and tonic effect. In this way you can increase your body's vitality. A very effective point (corresponding to the first chakra) is the coccyx. The lowes point of the spine is the beginning point of the kundalini, the power which runs through all the chakras. The stimulation of this point with the day-tone gives power to the kundalini and kindles its fire. The whole body gets energized and you feel more awake and alive, stronger and more energetic. It is advisable to use this in the morning after getting up. A combination of the tonepuncture, as described above with colour therapy multiplies the effects of the application. Corresponding to the 'G' there is the colour orange-red with a wavelenght of 700 Nanometers. Music, which is tuned to this tone has a dynamic character, and has a stimulating and activating effect. Therefore it is suitable for dynamic group work, especially for group meditations with a dance and body expression focus. It is good for men to use it before the sexual act, because this tone not only increases the general energy but also the tension energy, and so it can prevent a common harm, the so called premature ejaculation. Especially effective are the point 11 and 12 of the kidney meridian, which is 3 finger widths under the navel.
-4examined bells and comparisons with instruments evidently show that divergencies very often appear to be far less than 1 Hz. This proves again that we are a microcosmos in resonance to the macrocosmos. This old statement of the hermetic sciences can now be proven in a very precise scientific way. The secret of the profound effects of Indian meditation music depends simply on the fact that it is exactly tuned to the course of events, to the "Tao". That's the rotation of the earth around the sun. Not only the instruments but also the musicians and the audience are being attuned during the "alapa" (the tuning before the concert) to the everlasting tone, the sadjy. All the participants are in harmony with the cosmos which finds its echo in the human beings, who take part in this meditative music. According to Indian tradition, the sadjy, or "sa" for short, is the everlasting, never ceasing tone and as mentioned before is expressed through the syllable "OM". OM corresponds to the "Amen" in Christian churches. Amen means nothing else than "so be it". The "OM" also expresses "so be it", manifested through the everlasting tone. One can check it out for oneself by listening to original Indian meditation music, or even better meditate with this tone, humming or singing and letting yourelf be impressed by it and so feel the power that lies within it. If not used to chant, press the oscillating tuning fork with 136.10 Hz (the frequency of the earth year) against the bottom of your breastbone or one fingers width lower. These are the point 17 and 16 of the front psychic meridian, the so called Ren-Maimeridian. These points aro also located at the heart chakra. If you are not alone and have friend with you, you can have the tuning fork pressed on your back, on the 5th dorsal vertrebae of the spine. This point belongs to the second psychic meridian, the DuMai-meridian. The effect is similar to the treatment at the Ren-Mai-meridian. The whole thorax starts vibrating, which really has a wonderful relaxing effect. It is almost like singing the tone oneself. Letting it vibrate and resonate the thorax for awhile, it is easy to start humming the tone quietly. It is easy to find the tone, because humming the tone too high or too low, one feels it with the body and it is really to attune. In that way the tone is to be learned without great effort and by letting the vibrations flow more and more through the body, the whole body slowly becomes the tone. By this we mean not only bringing oneself into harmony with the tone and so with the Tao but also with the praying monks in North India, Tibet and the remaining world, who meditate to the sacred syllable "OM" and all who sing that tone. Only one who has meditated to this tone may have an idea, how deep the relaxing effect of this vibration is and how it calms the soul when one attunes oneself regularly to it. In Medicine this tone is mainly used for sedation. For releiving stress and for treating muscle spasm this tone is regarded as desirable. It has also proved effective for habitual headaches. The tonepuncture at about two finger widths to the left or the right of the spine at the height between the first and the second cervical vertebra is particularly pleasant. A medidation music, which is tuned to this tone also has powerful relaxing effect, and is recommended for nervousness and inner restlessness. Afterward one feels relieved, pleasantly and again much more receptive. In the European and North-American society the demand for this vibration is the strongest. Intensive work with this tone can decrease the need for sedatives and narcotics. Great stress is often the cause of pain and therefore many people who meditate to this oscillation or have tonepunctur with it may need far less or even no more medication. The frequency of the year is the best oscillation for everyday stress relief, to regain inner peace, open blocked energy pathway and restore balance.
The sun is the energetic center of our solar system. It is the center of gravity, the earth and other planets circle around. Therefore the frequency of the sun is associated to the pyhsical center. In ZEN this point is called Hara. It is the center of gravity for the human being as well as the sun is the center of gravity for our solar system. The frequency of the sun is the expression of a limit because it is the only tone, where an astronomical period is not raised to a higher octave. Like the absolute temperatur zero point means the limit of expansion and contraction, the limit that is also called gravitational lenght. An imaginary planet that would circle around the center of the sun within the distance of the gravitation lenght and with approximate light speed would do that about 32000 times in a second. The 8th under octave then has a frequency of 126.22 Hz. The corresponding colour is green to yellow -green with a wavelength of 540 Nanometer. The frequency of the sun is the tone of the 20th century. It does not represent classical pyhsics as all the other indroduced tones in this booklet do, but the modern quantum theory and the relativity theory. The tone of the sun is the border between Yin and Yang, between this side and the other side. It rises out of a higher dimension and depriving itself of rational observation it stands for the magical and the transcendental. The sun tone C should be used, after having worked with the other tones and is most of all for advanced parapsychological navigators. The experiences, that are possible with this tone, therefore have a multidimensional character and one is catapulted into absolutely new fields of existence. "Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame und guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the allone and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you."
tone: D, 141.27 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 448,5 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = + 33,2 cent tempo: 66,2 / 132,4 bpm color: blue Chakra: Vishudda (throat chakra) effect: supports the speech center and the communicative-intellectual principle Mercury is the planet nexte the sun, its rotation around the sun lasts about 88 day. Its tone oscillates in the 30th octave with 141.27 Hz. This tone is a D. The corresponding colour is a blue with a wavelength of about 480 Nanometers. Of all planets only the both inner planets (between sun and earth) can be associated to a chakra. Mercury, which is, according to astrological and hermetic tradition, the morning star of Gemini and the evening star of Virgo, stand for communivation and cleverness. The tones of the planets are heliocentric tones and so they have by far less meaning for the beginning of life on the earth than the oscillation of our own planet and that of the moon.
tone: A, 221.23 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 442,5 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = + 9,6 cent tempo: 103,7 bpm color: yellow-orange chakra: Anja (third eye) effect: supports higher love energy and aspiration for harmony Venus is the second inner planet of our solar system and its rotation around the sun lasts about 225 days. In the 32nd octave the venus tone oscillates with 221.23 Hz, that is an A. The corresponding colour with a wavelength of about 615 nm is a bright yelloworange. According to tradition, Venus is associated as morning star of Taurus and evening star of Libra. Holding a tuning fork with the tone of the Venus on the third Eye lets in a great flow of love energy and promotes inner harmony.
Since ancient times Saturn has been associated with Capricorn. The thinking of usefulness is very closely related to Saturn. Its support the ability for concentration, the general process of gaining consciousness and shows very clearly karmic connections. It brings structure and order.
tone: G#, 207.36 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 439,4 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = 2,5 cent tempo: 97,2 bpm color: orange effect: supports the power of surprise and renewal, has primeval and erotic power. Uranus is the first planet that cannot be seen with bare eyes. Its time of rotation lasts about 84 years. It oscillates in the 39th octave with 207.36 Hz, wich is the tone G#. Its colour is orange with a wavelength of about 560 Nanometers. Uranus is generally associated to Aquarius in the zodiac. It was discovered for the first time in 1781. The planet Uranus is associated with the principle of falling and rising. So it is the planet of surprise and renewal. It is also said to have a strong erotic effect.
tone: D, 144.72 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 433,7 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = 25,1 cent tempo: 67,8 / 135,7 bpm color: blue effect: supports strength of will and focused energy. Mars is the first outer planet and has a rotation time of a little less than 2 years. In the 33rd octave it oscillates with 144.72 Hz, wich agrees to the tone D. Its heliocentric color is a blue with a wavelength of about 470 nm. According to astrological tradition Mars is associated with Aries. Mars symbolizes the male focused energy, will and ability for archievement. In antiquity Mars was known as the god of war and was also called Ares.
tone: G#, 211.44 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 448,0 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = + 31,3 cent tempo: 99,1 bpm color: orange effect: supports inutition, the unconsciousness and enhances the dream experience. It is related to the antique God of the Sea. Neptune's rotation time lasts about 160 years. This about two times the rotation time of Uranus. Looking at harmonically this means that Neptune is only a lower octave of Uranus. Neptune oscillates in the 40th ovtave with 211,44 Hz, the tone is a G#. its tone is almost octave analog equal to that of the (earth) moon. Its color is also orange and has a wavelength of about 645 Nanometers.The trident is the symbol of Neptune and Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Neptune is also associated with Shiva. Neptune was dicovered in 1846 and is associated with Pisces.
tone: F#, 183.58 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 436,6 Hz difference to 440 Hz.. = 13,3 cent tempo: 86,0 / 172,1 bpm color: red effect: supports creative power and continous construction Jupiter has a rotation time of a little less than 12 years and oscillates in the 36th octave with F# of 183.58 Hz. The corresponding colour is a red with a wavelength of about 740 Nanometers. Juiter is the largest of all planets and is situated right in the middle of the presenty known planets. Jupiter is traditionally associated with Sagittarius. Generosity, continuity, magnanimity and joviality are characteristic of Jupiter. It stands for philosophical and material creativity.
tone: C#, 140.25 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 445,3 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = + 20,6 cent tempo: 65,7 / 131,4 bpm color: blue-green effect: support the magic group dynamic principle and is said to be responsible for integration into certain structures of society Pluto is known as the farthest planet and was discovered in 1930. The time of rotation lasts about 250 years. In the 40th octave it oscillates with 140.25 Hz and the tone is a C#. The corresponding colour is blue with a wavelength of about 485 Nanometers. In general Pluto is associated with Scorpio. Pluto is very harminically tuned to the (earth) moon and Neptune. to both of them it has an exat quint-quant relation. Pluto is about 40 times farther away from the eart as the sun and a little smaller than the (earth) moon. Nevertheless it is attached to great importance in astrology.
tone: D, 147.85 Hz pitch data: equivalent chromatical a1 = 443,0 Hz difference to 440 Hz. = + 11,9 cent tempo: 69,3 / 138,6 bpm color: blue effect: enhances concentration and the pro cess of becoming conscious, is considered to be a cosmic controller. Saturn is the last planet we are to see with our own eyes. Its rotation time lasts about 29 years, wich corresponds to the tone D in the 37th octave with 147.85 Hz. Its color is blue with a wavelength of about 460 Nanometers.
This book offers a unique survey of a new scientific view of the world where a direct relationship has been proven to exist between musical tones, colours and the vibrations of the universe. The author Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and harmonist, has rediscovered the so-called "Third Measure", an ancient, secret key of measure which was the object of research of Louis Charpentier's book "The Secrets of Chartre Cathedral", where he sought after the existence of a relationship between the forces governing spacial proportion and those underlying the division of time, the mysterious unit of measure on which the proportions of the Gizeh pyramid and Salomons Temple were based. Cousto has discovered this unit of measure in the "Law of the Octave" thus making it possible to openly demonstrate the direct relationship of astronomical data, such as the frequencies of planatery orbits, to architectural works, ancient and modern measuring systems, the human body, music and medicine. The "Cosmic Octave" is not only a book for astrologers, harmonists, doctors, healers, architects and musicians but is also compelling reading for the kind of person who has always wondered whether a mysterious universal law of harmony does exist behind the apparent chaos of life. Here, in this book, proof of such a law is made available to everyone.
Tone acupuncture
Tone acupuncture is a beneficial deep cell massage at high frequencies to restore the body cells' natural resiliency. It permeates the entire body including inner organs, instantly resulting in deep relaxation and well being. Tuning forks can be selfapplied at home, in the office, or during travel.
Tuning Forks
The original planetary tuning forks by PLANETWARE are handmade and are high-grade steel forks with arms up to 1/3 inch thick.
Fritz Dobretzberger Augustenfelder Strasse 24 a D-80999 Munich Fon +49 89 8121105 Fax +49 89 8129381 Email:
High-grade nickel-plated steel forks with arms up to 1/3 inch thick. They are calibrated at 65 degrees to reach the highest possible sound accuracy. Both sizes generates the same frequencies and even the sound volume of both are the same.
The large sized tuning forks are about 60% heavier than the standard forks. Thats why they are vibrating a longer time after pushing it. For this reason they are proper for professional permanent usage. The stomps of the large forks are easier to hold for people with big hands.