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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd

Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content What Standards (national or state) relate to this lesson? (You should include ALL applicable standards. Rarely do teachers use just one: theyd never get through them all.) SC.2.E.7.2 Investigate by observing and measuring, that the Sun's energy directly and indirectly warms the water, land, and air.

Essential Understanding (What is the big idea or essential question that you want students to come away with? In other words, what, aside from the standard and our objective, will students understand when they finish this lesson?) JD Science: in other wordswhat science concept (one idea) will the students walk away knowing? Be specific such as: magnets attract and repel other magnets, magnets attract ferromagnetic metals, and magnets have no interactions with non-ferromagnetic metals

The suns energy heats up land, water, and air, both directly and indirectly; things in direct sunlight will grow warmer than things not in direct sunlight.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Objectives- What are you teaching? (Student-centered: What will students know and be able to do after this lesson? Include the ABCDs of objectives: action, behavior, condition, and degree of mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, A: the student B: will be able to re-write the sentence in future tense D: with no errors in tense or tense contradiction (i.e., I will see her yesterday.)." Note: Degree of mastery does not need to be a percentage.) Rationale Address the following questions: Why are you teaching this objective? Where does this lesson fit within a larger plan? Why are you teaching it this way? Why is it important for students to learn this concept?

I am teaching this objective because students need to know that the sun is what heats up land, water and air. It is a part of their everyday life and will be very relevant to them. It is the start of the unit, which is weather. Without an understanding of how the sun affects the earth, students will not have a full understanding of weather or anything that builds off of that. It is also an important part of living on earth and being healthy when outside. Students deal with the sun everyday, especially here in Florida. I am teaching it this way so that the students will not only learn about the sun, but will be able to observe and discover the information for themselves. Having it be more interactive will keep the students interested and allow them to investigate and come to their own

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Evaluation Plan- How will you know students have mastered your objectives? Address the following: What formative evidence will you use to document student learning during this lesson? What summative evidence will you collect, either during this lesson or in upcoming lessons?

Formative assessments: elicit ideas about the sun and its energy having my students make predictions reading over their notes two of the assessments in Uncovering Student Ideas. Warming Water, which deals with ice water heating up and why this happens. Objects and Temperature, which I would alter to be about inside and outside objects. The first because our investigation is about warming water. I would give this formative after we took our data, but before the concept was fully explained, in order to see where the students are in their understanding. The second one would be before we started our investigation to gauge where the students are in their understanding of temperature. The summative assessment will be students drawing a picture of our investigation and labeling it; what will warm up, what will stay cool, etc and explain their reasoning. They will also draw other materials, such as juice, bricks, etc and label whether or not they would warm up and explain their reasoning

What Content Knowledge is necessary for a teacher to teach this material?

A teacher must know about the sun. They must know that the sun is made of gas and that it send out huge rays of energy everyday. Only a small portion of the suns energy actually reaches the earth, while most of it goes off into space. Some of the rays are reflected off of the clouds, which is why its cooler when its

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

cloudy. The earth absorbs much of the solar energy and turns it into heat. The heat warms the land, water, and air of the earth and the atmosphere surrounding it. Without the sun, we couldnt live on Earth because it would be too cold. Solar energy transforms when it hits an object. It turns from solar light into heat. Thats why we feel warmer in the sun than in the shade. The land warms and cools much faster than the water does. The next lesson in the until is about how the sun affects weather and so the teacher should be aware of how the suns heat and energy affects weather. They have to be aware of student misconceptions and know how to reroute them to uncovering the truth. These misconceptions include, but are not limited to, thinking things in the shade will not heat up at all, thinking the sun will boil water if left in direct sunlight, thinking the sun will catch things on fire, thinking that air isnt affected by the sun, etc. They need to know that the sun is the main source of heat and light for the earth and be able to answer questions about it, such as why does the sun warm things? what about clouds? why arent the oceans hot because of the sun? and any other questions that may arise. What background knowledge is necessary for a student to successfully meet these objectives? How will you ensure students have this previous knowledge? Who are your learners? What do you know about them? What do you know about their readiness for this content?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

What misconceptions might students have about this content?

The sun boils the sea to create water vapor, heat is a substance, heat is not energy, things in the shade will not heat up at all, the sun will boil water if left in direct sunlight, the sun will catch things on fire, air isnt affected by the sun

Lesson Implementation Teaching Methods (What teaching method(s) will you use during this lesson? Examples include guided release, 5 Es, direct instruction, lecture, demonstration, partner word, etc.)

5Es Engage: Objects and Temperature handout Explore: Students develop investigation plan Explain: Record predictions; class discussion Extend: Pool building activity Evaluate: Summative assessment, science notebook check

Step-by-Step Plan (What exactly do you plan to do


Who is responsible

Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use whichever plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson. For example, in science,

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

in teaching this lesson? Be thorough. Act as if you needed a substitute to carry out the lesson for you.) Where applicable, be sure to address the following: What Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) questions will you ask? How will materials be distributed? Who will work together in groups and how will you determine the grouping? How will students transition between activities? What will you as the teacher do? What will the students do? What student data will be collected during each phase? What are other adults in the room doing? How are they supporting students learning? What model of co-teaching are you using?

(Teacher or Students)?

you would detail the 5 Es here (Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the Idea; Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea; Evaluation). HOT question examples: What happens to the sunlight that doesnt hit the earth? What happens to oceans in direct sunlight? Students will be transitioning from the classroom to outside and back in a quiet line. Engage/ Encountering the Idea: Object and Temperature (the adapted version) will be distributed and answers will be discussed Students will be asked what they think the sun does The ideas will be recorded on the board misconceptions will be noted by the teacher Exploring the Idea: The idea of water outside will be brought up; discussion on how we can investigate what happens The class will bring two cups of water (or however many the students decide on) outside, the students with their science notebooks and a clipboard The students will make observations about the cups and the water in the cups The students will read the thermometer for one of the cups with the class, to ensure understanding. The class will take turns reading the other and comparing. Predictions about what will happen will be elicited from the students Explanation/ Organizing the Idea: Students will record observations and predictions in their science notebooks Teacher and students will return to the classroom for further discussion A class discussion about what they think will happen and why will happen Extend/ Applying the Idea

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Warming Water will be distributed to the students; the answers will be discussed A video will be shown about the sun to solidify answers to the EQ Students will go back outside and make more observations about the water in the cups, with their newfound information in mind Another discussion will occur, about what happened compared to what they expected, why is this relevant to the real world?, what does this have to do with them as students?, what would happen in places other than Florida, where the sun isnt as strong? Students will assume the role of contractor hired hired by the mayor to build a community pool. There are 4 different lots, one with buildings, one with trees, one with nothing, one with a few tees; where should we build the pool? offer a rationale for why; PBE Evaluation: Students science notebooks will be checked Elicit student responses to questions about the sun and the investigation Students will complete their summative assessment What will you do if a student struggles with the content?

What will you do if

a student masters the content

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:


Meeting your students needs as people and as learners

If applicabl e, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgro unds of your students ?

My students, being all Florida residents, love to go swimming. They are always outside and experience the sun and its heat on a daily basis. It connects to their outdoor experience. It also connects to their cultural background due to the fact that most of them were either born in Florida or in another country that is very hot. They have all experienced the sun and how it heats up the air, water, and land around them.

If applicabl e, how does this lesson connect to/reflec t the local communi

The local community does not have a strong connection with this lesson, except that it is in the sun and experiences its heat and light. The Extend portion deals with building a community pool, which could be linked back to the community.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:


How will you different iate instructi on for students who need addition al challeng e during this lesson (enrichm ent)?

How will you different iate instructi on for

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

students who need addition al language support?

Accommodations (If needed) (What students need specific accommodation? List individual students (initials), and then explain the accommodation(s) you will implement for these unique learners.) Materials (What materials will you use? Why did you choose these materials? Include any resources you used. This can also include people!) Two cups, filled with the same amount of water Tape to mark the cups Thermometers to measure the temperature of the water Science notebooks for observations (provided by the student) Chart to record observations to be glued into their notebooks Video on the sun Formative assessments These materials were chosen to be used in an investigation of what happens when a cup of water is in the direct sunlight and in the shade and the differences between the two. The video was chosen to wrap up what we may already know or have just learned about the sun. The formative assessments were found in

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Uncovering Student Ideas.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _______Molly OMeara_____________________ Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science/sun energy Group Size: Date of Lesson:

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