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Examen 2ºbachillertato

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Term Test LEVEL 1



Choose the correct answer. (9 x 1 = 9 points) 1. Sue is always smiling and happy. She is a very person. a. average b. successful c. cheerful 2. Bill is always friendly and . a. inconsiderate b. outgoing c. moody

3. Hes always uiet when he meets strangers. ! thin" hes . a. shy b. dedicated c. talented #. $e bought a travel before we went on holiday. a. document b. agent c. guide %. $hat does she loo" li"e& Shes ... . a. friendly b. tall and slim '. ! am to get this wor" done today. a. disciplined b. determined c. arrogant c. chec"ing out

(. Bob was the runner)up in the race. He too" . a. second place b. third place c. first place *. $e brought bac" a few from our holiday in +reece. a. campsites b. passports c. souvenirs ,. $e got to the hotel and . a. chec"ed in b. chec"ed out c. went camping

Circle the wor or phrase which oes N!" collocate with the #irst $erb. (% x 1 = % points) 1. 2. 3. #. %. &o' sightseeing - hi"ing - volleyball (lay. competitions - sports - games )o. athletics - gymnastics - camping *core' points - a goal - a match +in' the game - the team - a medal a pre#ix (in/ 0 dis/ 0 un/ or im/) i# necessary. (1 x 1 = 1 points)

Complete the sentences with a suitable a -ecti$e. . polite - attractive - sociable - honest - dependent - reliable 1. 2. 3. #. %. '.

/heating in e0ams is . 1obert is very . He li"es going to parties. $hat an house. ! wouldnt want to live there2 3om thin"s he was to Susan and hurt her feelings. 3im always arrives on time. Hes a very person. 3ibet was once an country4 but now it is ruled by /hina.

1 Term Test LEVEL 1

Choose the sentence that best #ollows the ori3inal sentence. (% x 1 = % points) 1. 3hey set off on a wee")long cruise to the /aribbean yesterday. a. 3hey had a wonderful time. b. 3hey had planned the trip for months. c. 3hey got bac" last night. 2. $e stayed at a bed and brea"fast. a. 3he wind blew down our tent at night. b. 3he elegant suites and spa were wonderful2 c. 3he family we stayed with was very friendly. 3. ! too" up gymnastics. a. ! disli"e doing sport. b. ! watch gymnastics on 35 as often as ! can. c. ! believe that e0ercising "eeps people fit. #. 3he game ended in a draw. a. 6either team won the match. b. 7ur team scored the winning goal. c. 3hey too" a picture of the winning team. %. He has 8ust run the 199)metre race in , seconds and bro"en the world record. a. He is the fastest runner in the world. b. He is among the best runners in sport today. c. He was the runner)up in the 199)metre race.

1 Term Test LEVEL 1

Complete the sentences with the time expressions or connectors o# se4uence below. (5 x 1 = 5 points) last wee"end - since Saturday - ever - by the time - after - seldom - now - while 1. 2. 3. #. %. '. (. *. :ohn arrived4 we had finished dinner. ! cant tal" to you because !m busy. !ll phone you later. $e go out in the evenings during the wee". ! was sitting in class4 my mobile phone rang. $e have been on holiday . ;id you visit your grandparents & Have you done an e0treme sport& she had saved enough money4 she bought a car.

Choose the sentence that has 3ot a similar meanin3 to the #irst sentence. (% x 1 = % points) 1. /olin wor"ed on his science pro8ect for two months. a. He hasnt finished his pro8ect yet. b. !t too" /olin two months to do his pro8ect. 2. ;ave is ta"ing driving lessons. a. He has got a driving licence. b. He is learning how to drive. 3. $hen ! arrived at school4 ! realised that ! had forgotten my maths homewor". a. ! didnt "now that ! had left my maths homewor" at home until ! got to school. b. 7n the way to school4 ! realised that ! didnt have my maths homewor". #. ! havent found my "eys yet. a. ! dont "now where my "eys are. b. <y "eys were under my bed. %. $hen ! met /raig4 he was studying in !reland. a. ! "new /raig before he began studying in !reland. b. /raig and ! became friends while he was studying in !reland.

Complete the sentences with the $erbs in brackets. 6se the (resent *imple0 (resent Continuous0 (ast *imple0 (ast Continuous0 (resent (er#ect *imple or (ast (er#ect *imple.(1 x 1 = 1 points) 1. 2. 3. #. %. '. =ydia always >try? to stay calm and rela0ed. @$here you >go? when ! saw you yesterday&A 3here was a great film on 35 last night4 but we >not watch? it because we had visitors. /athy needs a holiday. She >not be? on holiday since 299'. 5enus >play? many tennis matches before she finally lost to <aria. Shh2 Bnne >wor"? and she hates noise.

1 Term Test LEVEL 1

+rite sentences that lo3ically #ollow the #irst sentences. 6se the wor s below an the correct #orm o# the $erbs. (, x 2 = 1 points) 1. $eve got tic"ets to the Bustralian 7pen $omens Cinal. ! D never D be D to a tennis championship D before ......................................................................................................................................................... 2. 3heres bro"en glass on the "itchen floor. while ! D do D the washing up D ! Ddrop D a glass ......................................................................................................................................................... 3. Sam didnt do the shopping. by the time he D get D to the supermar"et D it D close .........................................................................................................................................................

1 Term Test LEVEL 1


the text an answer the 4uestions that #ollow.

N6""8N9 :6" *"78N&;

(N!"<8N& :6" *"78N&*)



Have you ever heard hip hop played on the violin? If your ans er is no! you"ve pro#a#ly never heard of Nuttin" $ut %trin&' (N$%)* N$% are a #rother duo ho are #rid&in& the &ap #et een popular and +lassi+al musi+* Dressed in #a&&y ,eans and T-shirts! Damien (a&ed 1.) and Tourie (a&ed /0) Es+o#ar +om#ine hip hop! ,a''! R1$ and +lassi+al musi+ in their performan+es* The #rothers &re up in a poor nei&h#ourhood in Ne 2or3* 4hen Tourie as ei&ht years old! he too3 up the violin in a musi+ +lass #ut 5uit after a year to do athleti+s! play tennis and s im* Damien eventually ent to the same musi+ +lass! #ut unli3e Tourie! as playin& $eethoven #y the a&e of 10* Tourie eventually ent #a+3 to playin& the violin* He as a++epted for ee3end +lasses #y the top musi+ +onservatory in Ne 2or3 6ity 7 the 8ulliard %+hool of 9usi+* He +ouldn"t read musi+! #ut his natural a#ility impressed the tea+hers* 4hile #arely teena&ers! the #oys #e&an playin& their violins on the Ne 2or3 6ity su# ay and &ettin& lots of money from passers-#y* Tourie 5uit s+hool and soon #e&an &ettin& into trou#le* 4hen he as almost 3illed in a &an& fi&ht! he de+ided it as time to +han&e his ays* In /00:! the t o #rothers #e+ame a musi+al team! hired a mana&er and #e&an performin&* At first they played at small +lu#s and s+hool events* ;eople realised that the Es+o#ar #rothers ere doin& somethin& ori&inal! hi+h as the 3ey to their su++ess* %in+e then! they have performed on TV! in Ne 2or3 6ity"s famous 6arne&ie Hall and at the 4hite House* They have also appeared internationally* In <+to#er /00=! their first al#um! Struggle from the Subway to the Charts! as released* %u++essful sin&les in+lude Dance with My Father and Thunder* Tourie and Damien are proud of the admiration and respe+t they re+eive from their +ontemporaries* And they have every ri&ht to #e 7 they have +ome a lon& ay and still have far to &o*
Choose the correct answer. (2 x , = 1 points) 1. 6BSs music is uni ue because . a. of the brothers bac"ground b. musicans playing a classical instrument dont usually dress in casual clothing c. of the mi0 of popular and classical music played on a classical instrument 2. 3he writer believes that . a. its not easy for musicians to achieve success b. the group will be a big hit c. 6BS are a passing fad


.nswer the 4uestions. (2 x , = 1 points) 1. $hat negative event in 3ouries life had a positive effect on him& .......................................................................................... 2. $hat was the effect& ..........................................................................................

=in wor s or expressions in the text that mean' (2 x 1 = 2 points) 1. ma"ing a connection >paragraph !? 2. left >paragraph !!? 3. in the end >paragraph !!? #. peersF same)age people >paragraph 5?

)eci e i# the #ollowin3 sentences are true (") or #alse (=). =in e$i ence in the text to -usti#y your answers. (, x , = 9 points) 1. 3he Escobar family wasnt wealthy. ............................................................................... 2. 3ourie and ;amien became an instant success. ............................................................................... 3. 6BS have reached the top of their music careers. ...............................................................................

+rite a escripti$e essay (5>/12> wor s) about a musical 3roup or in i$i ual that you a mire. &i$e back3roun in#ormation an 3i$e reasons #or your choice

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