Integrated Unit Plan
Integrated Unit Plan
Integrated Unit Plan
Table of Contents
Graphic Organizer 3 Narrative Explanation.. 4 Classroom Considerations... 5 Parent Letter. 6 Planning Chart.. 7 Lesson Plans. 18 Culminating Activity 30 Bibliography. 31
Word families
Dr. Seuss
Reading Writing
My favorite book is If I Ran the Zoo Rhyming The Lorax: Truffalump Trees
Narrative Explanation
I chose to use Dr. Seuss for my integrated unit project because young children love Dr. Seuss books, they love the nonsense words, the rhyming, everything about them, this will help them with being engaged in the lesson. It will also increase their motivation. Dr. Seuss has a wide range of books and I decided that I would have a lot of options with such a broad topic. I like the idea of introducing each lesson with a book, so I will be connecting the Dr. Seuss books we read to what we are learning. To connect to the Yardsticks text, five year olds learn best through repetition, such as rereading books, which I will be doing a lot of with this unit. They cannot sit quiet for more than fifteen to twenty minutes at a time; I have designed my lessons so that my students arent at their desks quietly for more than 10 minutes. The text also says to provide them opportunities to count and sort, make sets, do simple addition and subtraction using real materials, and make graphs. I have lessons on each of these topics in my integrated unit project. I have also provided several hands on experiences, which the text also mentions. I am teaching this unit because these lessons meet the sunshine state standards. I am also teaching this unit because of the interest level children have for it. Their fascination with Dr. Seuss will help me keep them engaged and motivated in the lesson. The theme is developmentally appropriate, Dr. Seuss books are written for this age group.
Some issues that might arise during my lessons are calling out, misbehaviors, etc. With kindergarten it is extremely important that as a teacher you spell out everything you want them to do; this will help immensely with classroom management. Every time I release the students to do something I will explicitly tell them what to do. I will use my technique to get my students attention, I say Kindergarten with a tune, and they say Yes, Miss Johnson with a tune. If I have issues with them being good listeners I will refer to our good listener poster. I will also use a lot of specific praise for behavior management, praising the students who are behaving the way they should.
Dear Parents, As you all know, Dr. Seuss birthday is in a couple weeks (March 3), and in honor of his birthday we will be learning through Dr. Seuss books all that week. In math we will be learning about subtraction, measurement, and shapes. In science we will be learning about states of matter, characteristics of plants and animals, and day and night. In writing we will be learning about word families and writing about their favorite Dr. Seuss book. In reading we will be learning about rhyming, character, setting, and identifying parts of a book. In art we will be creating a class mural and colored feeling book. We will be reading all of Dr. Seuss classics! The standards we will be covering in Reading are: the student will recognize and produce words that rhyme; the student will retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) of a story, and describe characters and setting. The standards that we will be covering in math are: write numbers from 0 to 20; represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations; compare and order objects indirectly or directly using measurable attributes such as length, height, and weight. The standards we will be covering in writing are: know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words; use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). The standards we will be covering in science are: sort objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color, temperature (hot or cold), weight (heavy or light) and texture; observe plants and animals, describe how they are alike and how they are different in the way they look and in the things they do; recognize the repeating pattern of day and night. I recommend talking to your child about Dr. Seuss and reading some of his books together. At the end of our unit we will be having a family movie night at school, in which we will watch the Dr. Seuss classic The Cat in the Hat. We will be enjoying the movie and eating all kinds of Dr. Seuss treats, you are more than welcome to bring something! Sincerely, Miss Johnson
Integrated Unit Planning Chart Name: Megan Johnson Theme: Dr. Seuss Subject Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Time: 30 min. Goals: students will be able to identify parts of a book. SSS: LA.K.1.1.5 The student will identify parts of a book (e.g., front cover, back cover, title page); Activity Description: Hold up I Can Read With My Eyes Shut and ask students what it is Explain that we are going to be learning about parts of a book. I will point to different parts of the book and ask
Time: 30 min Goals: students will be able to recognize and produce words that rhyme SSS: LA.K.1.2.3 The student will recognize and produce words that rhyme Activity Description: (Day 1) Ask students Have you ever been afraid to try something new for dinner? What kinds of excuses did you make? What happened when you finally tried the food? Read Green Eggs
Time: 30 min Goals: students will be able to recognize and produce words that rhyme SSS: LA.K.1.2.3 The student will recognize and produce words that rhyme Activity Description: (Day 2) Explain that we will be writing a rhyming story as a class Decide on a food students might be reluctant to try Each student selects two rhyming words 7
Time: 45 min Goals: students will be able to describe character traits SSS: LA.K.2.1.2 The student will retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) of a story, and describe characters and setting; Activity Description: Explain to class that we are going to read Cat in the Hat to learn about character traits Ask/Explain what character traits are Read book, focus on character traits On chart paper with a picture of Cat in the Hat on it,
Time: 45 min Goals: students will be able to describe setting SSS: LA.K.2.1.2 The student will retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) of a story, and describe characters and setting; Activity Description: Explain to class that we are going to reread Cat in the Hat, but today we are going to focus on the setting Ask/Explain what setting is Reread book, focus on setting On chart paper
the students what it is called Explain the importance of the cover and the author. Read the book and point to the words while reading, while explaining and questioning the students. After reading the story and discussing the different parts, ask the students if they can read with their eyes closed. Explain how blind people read, show example of Braille Review parts of the book again Learning Styles: Auditory , Visual Writing Time:30 min Goals: students will be able to produce rhyming
and Ham and pay special attention to the rhyming words Reread specific passages from the story, as a group pick out rhyming words and record on chart paper. Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual
from the words on our chart, or select two new words Students then complete sentences with two rhyming words (handout) Give students time to illustrate their writing As a class, write ending that has character try the food Bind the story Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual
model a think aloud and write down a couple characteristics on the chart paper Ask students what character traits they think Cat in the Hat has, write on chart paper Have students draw their favorite character from the book and display them around the room Explain why it is important to identify character traits Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual
with a picture of the book on it, model a think aloud about the setting and write down a couple words describing the setting. Ask students what words they would use to describe the setting in this book, write on chart paper Have students draw their favorite part of the setting and display them around the room Explain why it is important to understand setting Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual
words when given a keyword in the word family SSS: LACC.K.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Activity Description:
words when given a keyword in the word family SSS: LACC.K.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Activity Description:
words when given a keyword in the word family SSS: LACC.K.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Activity Description:
Read Hop on Pop Revisit rhyming words Reread a page in the book and ask students which words rhyme Show students cover, ask what words rhyme Write words on chart paper Ask what they notice about these words Underline the op and have them realize both words
Revisit chart Read the words together and discuss the op rhyme Reread first 4 pages of Hop on Pop Ask students which words on these pages rhyme(up, pup, cup) Write these words on chart paper and ask students what they notice about the words Bring their attention to the fact that they all end in
Review previous lessons Practice rereading the sentence strips aloud Reread Hop on Pop Explain what the students are going to be doing Divide students into groups of 3 or 4 Give each group the Picture Sort handout Ask students to cut out each picture and
their favorite Dr. Seuss book SSS: LACC.K.W.1.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). Activity Description:
Begin lesson by asking students what the word favorite means Ask students what some of their favorite things are Ask students what some of the Dr. Seuss books are that we have read Write on chart paper Reread some of the books Explain to the
combination of writing and drawing to express their opinion on their favorite Dr. Seuss book SSS: LACC.K.W.1.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). Activity Description:
Review chart paper with the Dr. Seuss books Review chart paper with favorite books Ask if anyone wants to change their answer Explain that they will be writing about their favorite
end in op. Ask what other words rhyme with hop or pop Add these to the chart paper Ask what they notice about all the words written Have students come up and circle the op Have students clap and chant the words They will break it up, with the beginning sound and the rhyme, for example hop /h/ /op/ hop Present the sentence strips and explain to the students the
up Have students circle the up in the words Present the sentence strips with the up words Read the sentences aloud, with the up sound Have students practice reading the sentences with a partner Have volunteers match the Pup in Cup worksheet with the sentence strips
name each picture. Students will sort the pictures into groups that rhyme and glue them on construction paper When finished, have a discussion about which words they put together Display the previous charts and ask students which chart the pictures would fit in (op, up)
students that they are going to decide which Dr. Seuss is their favorite. Model a think aloud deciding which book is my favorite Use chart paper and ask students which book is their favorite. Write responses on chart paper
book and drawing a picture. Model an example on chart paper Students will finish the sentence My favorite Dr. Seuss book is________, because it is ___________ and draw a picture about their book. Have students volunteer to share their sentences and pictures. Make a graph of all the favorite books to display and talk about
directions Read the sentence strips together Have volunteers come up and read the sentences
Time: 1 hour Goals: students will be able to count and order numbers 1 through 20 SSS: MACC.K.CC.1.3 Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). Activity Description: Read Dr. Seuss
Time: 45 min Goals: students will be able to complete simple addition problems using pictures SSS: MACC.K.OA.1.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations,
Time: 45 min Goals: students will demonstrate how to measure items and how to sort them by longer and shorter. SSS: MA.K.G.3.1 Compare and order objects indirectly or directly using measurable attributes su ch as length, height, and weight. 11
Time: 1 hour Goals: students will use vocabulary associated with measurement to describe and compare length utilizing a variety of manipulatives SSS: MA.K.G.3.1 Compare and order objects indirectly or directly using measurable attributes such as length, height, and weight.
Time: 45 min Goals: students will recognize shapes SSS: MACC.K.G.1.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size. Activity Description: Show them the book The Shape of Me and Other Stuff and have
book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Explain that we will be doing math today using fish from our story. Get in circle on rug and explain directions for activity Using paper fish with numbers written on them, as a class order them one through twenty At their desks give them the fishbowl worksheet and have them color the fish in the bowl. They then will write a sentence saying how many of what colored fish they have. Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Tactile
expressions, or equations. Activity Description: Reread One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Ask them what we learned yesterday to activate their prior knowledge Explain that we will be making number sentences by rolling dice Explicitly review directions In groups of three, students will take turns rolling dice and drawing fish in the corresponding number of frames on the tens frame worksheet They will then write a number sentence, ex. 10= 8 fish+ ____ Ask/Review what
Activity Description: Activity Description: Read the Foot Read the book Hop Book to the on Pop students Show the students Ask them what the outline of they know about Pop measurement Explain that they Write their will get to hop on responses on Pop and chart paper measure/ compare how long their Explain to them jump is why we measure things Model how to safely hop on pop Explain to them that they are Cut a piece of going to be string the length of measuring my jump objects around Ask students how the classroom long they think the using feet from string is the book we Get them to read. discover they need They will record a standard of on a worksheet if measurement the objects are Show students bag shorter or longer of manipulatives than the foot and demonstrate Pair up the how to measure students and the yarn pass out the pairs Continue of feet discussion about When done, ask how long the string students items is they measured Have volunteer 12
them guess what the main idea is about Short discussion about shapes, stress that everything has a shape Read the book Discuss the shapes in the book Explain to them that we will be creating a class mural using the shapes we cut out Explain that we will not use pencils to cut, we will just cut the shapes and see what we get Model cutting out a shape and gluing it onto the class mural. After everyone has glued their shapes on the mural ask/review what we learned Learning Styles:
and if it was shorter or longer, record this on chart paper Ask/Review what we learned Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Tactile
Time: 45 min Goals: students will use their senses to observe Seuss Juice. SSS: SC.K.L.14.1 Recognize the five senses and related body parts.
Time: 30 min Goals: students will be able to describe animals in the way they look and the things they do. SSS: Observe plants and animals, describe how they are alike and how
Time: 40 min Goals: students will be able to describe plants in the way they look and the things they do and how plants and animals are alike and different. SSS: Observe plants and 13
hop on Pop Compare two pieces of string, encouraging measurement vocabulary Divide students into groups of three Give each group a bag of manipulatives to measure their jumps Model how to record results on handout When done, have everyone share their results, encouraging measurement vocabulary Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Tactile Time: 30 min Goals: students will describe matter by observable properties. SSS: SC.K.P.8.1: Sort objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color, temperature (hot or cold),
Time: 30 min Goals: students will describe matter by observable properties. SSS: SC.K.P.8.1: Sort objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color,
Activity Description:
Begin lesson by asking students what they know about their senses Read book Inside Your Outside: All about Your Human Body Ask students what our five senses are. Chart responses with drawing Explain to the students that they can use their senses to figure out what something is At their desks, give each student a cup of Seuss Juice to observe Explain to
they are different in the way they look and in the things they do. Activity Description:
Begin lesson by asking what they know about animals Explain that today we are going to be reading a Dr. Seuss book to learn more about animals Read the book Oh, the Pets You Can Get! All about our Animal friends Ask students how they know something is an animal Ask what animals do, eat, etc. Chart their responses Explain that tomorrow we will be reading a book about
animals, describe how they are alike and how they are different in the way they look and in the things they do. Activity Description:
Review animals chart and what makes an animal an animal Explain that today we are going to be reading about trees Read the book I Can Name 50 Trees Today Ask students what makes a plant a plant Ask what plants do, eat, etc Chart their responses Using a Venn diagram, as a class fill out the bubbles. Review/Pull
Begin lesson by asking students what they know about matter Explain that we will be observing the properties of matter through the book Bartholomew and the Oobleck Complete a picture walk with students and have them make some predictions about the Oobleck Read the book After reading the book, on chart paper write down their predictions about what the Oobleck will feel, look, smell, etc End lesson by explaining that
temperature (hot or cold), weight (heavy or light) and texture. Activity Description:
Reread Bartholomew and the Oobleck Review chart with predictions about Oobleck At their desks, pass out plates with Oobleck on it Ask students to use their senses to observe the Oobleck Let them play with the Oobleck Ask them questions, such as how does it feel, what happens when u put pressure on it, etc. Ask class if they think it is
them that they must use all of their senses to observe it, except taste After they have used all their other senses, allow students to taste the juice Pass out foldables to students and have them complete the flaps, one for each sense, and describe what they experienced, using words and pictures
trees tomorrow
Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual
a solid or a liquid End lesson by creating a new chart with the properties we observed about the Oobleck
Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Tactile Time: 40 min Goals: students will use colors to express how they feel SSS: VA.K.S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the
Time: 30 min Goals: students will use basic shapes to make a picture of Cat in the Hat SSS: VA.K.S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the processes
Time: 30 min Goals: students will select their favorite animal from story and use paper to create it SSS: VA.K.S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage 15
Time: 30 min Goals: students will use materials to create Truffalump Trees, they will also make connections between the book and our environment. SSS: VA.K.S.1 The arts are
Time: 30 min Goals: students will use their hands to make fish. SSS: VA.K.S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the processes of creating, interpreting,
Begin lesson by reading My Many Colored Days Ask students how colors make us feel Record responses on chart paper As class, have students make up dances for different colors, wearing different colored scarves Ask what their favorite color to dance to was Explain directions to make book Show them my example The students
Begin lesson by reading the book The Cat in the Hat Explain to the students that we can make art using shapes Display different shapes of paper to be used, and review what each shape is called Explain directions, they will be cutting and gluing shapes to make a cat in the hat Show my example At their desks, give each student the construction
learners in the processes of creating, interpreting, and responding to art. Activity Description:
Begin lesson by reading the book If I Ran the Zoo Ask students the different animals we read about Record on chart paper Explain that we are going to creating our favorite animal from the book Explain the directions to the students At their desks, pass out the stencils, paper, scissors, and glue Allow students to create their favorite animal After, allow students to share their
inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the processes of creating, interpreting, and responding to art. Activity Description:
Begin lesson by reading the book The Lorax Ask students what they think about the Truffalump trees, how do they make them feel? Make connections between our environment and the Truffalump trees Tell students they are going ot be making their own Truffalump Trees Explain the directions Show my example At their desks, give students 4
Begin lesson by reading One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Explain to the students that they will be creating their own fish, using their hands Explain directions Show my example At their desks, give students materials Assist students in tracing their hands Have students cut out their hand fish and glue it on to construction paper Have them label their fish one fish, two
will illustrate paper with the each of their shapes already books using Have them cut different out the shapes colors to write and glue them their story on a piece of Walk around construction and observe paper students, ask Have students them about label their their colors picture The and why they Cat in the Hat are using them Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Artistic, When done, Tactile ask students what their favorite colors were, have discussion about what we learned about colors today
pipe cleaners, 4 pom-poms, glue, and construction paper The students will then glue their pipe cleaners to the paper, the pompoms to the pipe cleaners. They can then draw a scene on their paper Have students label their drawings Truffalump Trees Have students volunteer to tell about their trees
Lesson Plan TemplateESOL Infused Science Human Senses Lesson Context Description of Student(s) Description of Instructional Setting
There are 20 students in the class: 12 girls and 8 boys. 5 blacks, 3 Hispanic ELLs, 2 Asian, 10 white. There are 2 gifted and 1 ESE (speech) Lesson will begin on the carpet, while reading story. Students will move to their desks while observing the Seuss Juice and filling out their foldables. SC.K.L.14.1 Recognize the five senses and related body parts. By the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will understand how their senses work, and how to use them to observe Seuss Juice. Students will use language such as I see, I smell, I feel, etc. Students will use their senses to observe Seuss Juice.
Summary of Lesson
Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards Objectives/ Learning Outcomes Linguistic/Language Objectives Cultural Objectives
Rationale and Relevance (Connection to Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) How will you differentiate instruction? (content, process, product, readiness, interest, learning style) Developmental Theories and Approaches
Students need to understand what their senses are and how to use them. They will use their senses everyday of their life, to figure out what stuff is. We have used some of our senses before, just never talked about it. Understanding their senses will allow them to become better observers and scientists. I will use visual (through the pictures in the book), auditory (through me reading the book), and tactile (through using our senses while observing). The process will be to observe the Seuss Juice using their senses and completing their foldables describing the Seuss Juice.
Kindergarteners need everything to be explicitly explained to them, I will do this while giving them directions.
Instructional Procedures/Practices (Teaching Strategies and Sequence) Description Materials/Resources
Begin lesson by asking students what they know about their senses. Chart their responses and have a short discussion about what your senses are (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands). Explain that we will
Inside Your Outside: All about Your Human Body. Chart paper
15 min
be reading a book to learn more about our body and senses. Read the book Inside Your Outside: All about Your Human Body. Explain how we can use our senses to observe something. Model a think aloud observing an apple. Describe what it looks like, how it smells, what it feels like, what it sounds like, what it tastes like, and how it feels. Write these down on foldable, explain that this is what they will be doing. Boys and girls, now we are going to use our senses to observe Seuss Juice together. Explain that they will be using their senses to observe Seuss Juice. Get some Seuss Juice, and as a class, describe what it looks like and sounds like, chart responses. Boys and girls, now you are going to use your senses to observe Seuss Juice. At their desks, give the students a cup of Seuss Juice to observe. Tell them not to use their taste sense until they have used all of their other senses first. After they have used their other senses, they can taste the juice. After tasting the juice, pass out the foldables and instruct the students to fill out each flap (for what they experienced during each sense) and draw a picture. Ask students what they observed about the Seuss Juice. Review what we learned about our senses.
5 min
30 sec
5 min
Assessment/Evidence Foldables, describing what the objectives were met experienced for each sense.
I will use visuals for my ELLs, and explicitly explain my think aloud process while using my senses.
What will you do if some students are struggle with the content? What will you do if some students master the content quickly? Extension Activity (inclusion of family and/or community) Classroom Management Considerations
I will allow them to draw pictures and try their best to write the words. I will challenge them to write more words describing what they observed. Encourage students to use their senses wherever they are. Also encourage them to discuss Seuss Juice with their family. Since they will be using their senses to observe Seuss Juice, I will explicitly explain my expectations. I will let them know that if they do not behave the way I expect them to we will not continue the lesson.
Lesson Plan TemplateESOL Infused Math Addition and Subtraction Lesson Context Description of Student(s) Description of Instructional Setting Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards Objectives/ Learning Outcomes Linguistic/Language Objectives Cultural Objectives
There are 20 students in the class: 12 girls and 8 boys. 5 blacks, 3 Hispanic ELLs, 2 Asian, 10 white. There are 2 gifted and 1 ESE (speech) Lesson will begin with students on carpet for group activity and then they will sit at their tables for the worksheet. MACC.K.CC.1.3 Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). By the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to count and order numbers 1 through 20. Students will verbally say the numbers 1 through 20 Students will learn the American numbers 1 through 20
Summary of Lesson
Students need to understand addition because it is used in everyday life and is an important foundational skill for higher levels of math. We count every day, this is a very important part of addition.
Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) How will you differentiate instruction? (content, process, product, readiness, interest, learning style) Developmental Theories and Approaches
I will differentiate instruction by using visual (through the pictures in the book), audio (through reading the book and discussing the ordering of the fish), tactile (through physically ordering the fish), and artistic (through drawing and coloring fish)
Kindergarteners need everything to be explicitly explained to them, I will do this while giving them directions.
Instructional Procedures/Practices (Teaching Strategies and Sequence) Description Materials/Resources
Begin by asking students what they know about counting. Explain that they will be using addition with the fish we read about in our book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. Explain to the students that they are going to be ordering the numbered fish 1 through 20. Get students into a big circle on carpet and lay out the numbered fish on the carpet. Model a think aloud and put 1-3 in order. Now we are going to order the rest of the numbers, I want my friends to raise their hand when they know which number comes next. Order the numbers as a class; call on the students, after giving sufficient wait time for slower thinkers. Have students physically pick out the fish and put it in the right spot. After numbers are ordered ask class to find all the odd numbers, and then even. Boys and girls, we are now going to complete a worksheet to count fish. Please return to your tables. Pass out the worksheets and explicitly explain instructions. They are to color in the fish with different colors and then
10 min
2 min
1 min
20 min
1 min
20 min
write a sentence saying how many of what colored fish they have. Allow a few volunteers to read their sentences about their fish. Review what we learned.
5 min
Assessment/Evidence I will use a checklist while ordering the objectives were met numbers and the worksheet to asses that Accommodation, and/or Modifications
What will you do if some students are struggle with the content? What will you do if some students master the content quickly? Extension Activity (inclusion of family and/or community) Classroom Management Considerations
they met the objective. Higher level-more challenging worksheet (asks them to write a number sentence using the different colored fish) Lower level-less challenging worksheet (sentence with blanks, to fill in color and number) Count with them
Challenge them to write a number sentence using the different colored fish.
Challenge them to count things all the time (stop signs, cookies, cars, ect.) At beginning of lesson I will remind students about how to be a good listener (referring to poster). I will explain to them that they should be at a level 0 and should be listening and watching their friends.
Lesson Plan TemplateESOL Infused Reading Rhyming Words Lesson Context Description of Student(s) Description of Instructional Setting
There are 20 students in the class: 12 girls and 8 boys. 5 blacks, 3 Hispanic ELLs, 2 Asian, 10 white. There are 2 gifted and 1 ESE (speech) Instruction will be given in a whole group setting on the carpet.
Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards Objectives/ Learning Outcomes Linguistic/Language Objectives Cultural Objectives
LA.K.1.2.3 The student will recognize and produce words that rhyme By the end of the lesson, 85% of the class will have a firm grasp on how to recognize and produce rhyming words. Students will orally produce rhyming words. Students will discuss the different types of food they dont like.
Summary of Lesson
Rationale and Relevance (Connection to Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) How will you differentiate instruction? (content, process, product, readiness, interest, learning style) Developmental Theories and Approaches
Students need to understand and recognize rhyming words. We have read books with rhyming words before and briefly discussed what they were. Recognizing and reading rhyming words helps children understand word families, which will allow them to become better readers. I will differentiate instruction by using audio (through reading the book and discussing rhyming words), visual (through the pictures in the books and the pictures I draw next to the rhyming words on chart paper).
Kindergarteners need everything explicitly explained to them; I will do this while giving directions.
Ask students Have you ever been afraid to try something new for dinner? What kinds of excuses did you make? What happened when you finally tried the food? Have a short discussion about the food, and then move into the topic of rhyming words. Ask if they know what rhyming words are? Have a short discussion about rhyming words. Read the book Green Eggs and Ham and pay special attention to the rhyming words. Explain that we are going to be picking out rhyming words from the story. Reread a specific passage from the story, model reading the page, and pausing after rhyming words. Think aloud thought process of deciding if the words rhyme or not. Record on chart paper with picture of word. Now we are going to find some rhyming words together Read specific passages with rhyming words and as a group pick out 10 more sets of 23
30 min
10 min
rhyming words. List on chart with picture. Markers Have discussion about how they know the words rhyme. (end of Day 1) Boys and Girls, remember yesterday how we found a bunch of rhyming words in our book we read, Green Eggs and Ham. Well today you guys are going to write your very own poem about a food you dont like using rhyming words form our chart As a class, decide on a food that they dont Chart paper like. After the class has decided, explain to Handout the students that they are going to be picking out two rhyming words to use for their poem. For example, I do not like peas and onions, I do not like them in a house, I do not like them with a mouse. They will be completing the worksheet on their own and they will provide a drawing to describe their poem. Allow everybody to share their poem with the class. As a class, write an ending that has the character try the food. Explain to them the importance of knowing rhyming words. I will use a checklist to assess my students understanding of rhyming words. I will use visuals for my ELLs (through the book), I will model my think aloud process. I will show them an example of the assignment, and scaffold them. I will challenge them to write another rhyming poem.
2 min
20 min
8 min
What will you do if some students are struggle with the content? What will you do if some students master the content quickly?
Encourage the students to look for rhyming words at home, at the store, everywhere. At beginning of lesson I will remind students about how to be a good listener (referring to poster). I will also use verbal commands if the noise level gets too loud or if I need their attention.
Lesson Plan TemplateESOL Infused Writing Word Families Lesson Context Description of Student(s) Description of Instructional Setting Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards Objectives/ Learning Outcomes Linguistic/Language Objectives Cultural Objectives
There are 20 students in the class: 12 girls and 8 boys. 5 blacks, 3 Hispanic ELLs, 2 Asian, 10 white. There are 2 gifted and 1 ESE (speech) Lesson will take place on the carpet. LACC.K.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. By the end of the lesson, 85% of students will be able to recognize and produce rhyming words by word families. Students will orally produce rhyming words that end in op. Students will produce rhyming words for Hop and Pop.
Summary of Lesson
Rationale and Relevance (Connection to Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) How will you differentiate instruction? (content, process, product, readiness, interest, learning style) Developmental Theories and Approaches
Students need to understand word families because it will help them in their writing and decoding skills. We have discussed rhyming before, so looking at the word family will better assist them in producing rhyming words.
I will use visual (through the pictures in the book), I will use auditory (through reading the book).
Kindergarteners need explicit directions, therefore I will explain everything they need to do in great detail.
Instructional Procedures/Practices (Teaching Strategies and Sequence) Description Materials/Resources
Read Hop on Pop. Review what we already know about rhyming words. Reread a page in the book and ask students which words on the page rhyme.
10 min 7 min
Show students the cover of the book, ask them which words rhyme. Write the words on chart paper Hop and Pop. Ask them what they notice about these words. Underline the op and get them to realize that both words end in op. Boys and girls, what other words end in op? Record the other words on the chart paper. Ask what they notice about all these words written on the chart paper. Have students come up and circle the op in the words. Explain that they will be breaking up the words by beginning sound and rhyming sound, for example /h/ /op/. Do some words together.
30 sec 7 min
Now you are going to practice reading these words Explain that we will be using sentence strips to practice these words. The sentence strips will say H_ _ on P_ _. And a couple other sentences from the book. Read the sentences as a class. Have volunteers come up and read the sentences aloud to the class. Review what we learned, the word family op. Give them a peek at tomorrow with the up word family.
30 sec 10 min
Assessment/Evidence I will use a checklist to make sure the objectives were met students understand how word families
work through their making of rhyming words. I will use visuals for my ELLs (through the pictures in my book). I will spend time explicitly explaining the word families and rhymes. I will encourage them to think of more words that have the word family op
What will you do if some students are struggle with the content? What will you do if some students master the content
quickly? Extension Activity (inclusion of family and/or community) Classroom Management Considerations
Encourage students to look for word families wherever they go. I will explicitly explain my expectations and remind them with short verbal responses if they get out of hand.
Lesson Plan TemplateESOL Infused Art My Many Colored Days Lesson Context Description of Student(s) Description of Instructional Setting Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards Objectives/ Learning Outcomes Linguistic/Language Objectives Cultural Objectives
There are 20 students in the class: 12 girls and 8 boys. 5 blacks, 3 Hispanic ELLs, 2 Asian, 10 white. There are 2 gifted and 1 ESE (speech) Lesson will begin on the carpet and for the activity the students will be sitting at their tables. VA.K.S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the processes of creating, interpreting, and responding to art. By the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to express their feelings through colors, illustrate what they think about colors, and create an accordion style book. Students will be able to verbalize their feelings about different colors. Students will be able to express themselves in a way that is new to them.
Summary of Lesson
Rationale and Relevance (Connection to Students Knowledge, Skills, Experience) How will you differentiate instruction? (content, process, product, readiness, interest, learning style) Developmental Theories and Approaches
Students need to understand there are different ways to express yourself, and one of them is through colors. This lesson will allow the students to think about colors in a different way while allowing them to be creative with the colors they put in their book. I will be using visuals (through the pictures in the book and the colors they use), auditory (through reading the book), kinesthetic (through dancing the colors), and artistic (through coloring their books).
Kindergarteners need everything to be explicitly explained to them, I will do this while giving them directions.
Instructional Procedures/Practices (Teaching Strategies and Sequence) 27
Begin lesson by reading the book My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss. After reading the book, ask the students how colors make us feel? Write their responses on chart paper. Have the students make up different dances for different colors, make different colored scarfs for the children to wear. After dancing, ask the students what their favorite color to dance was. Boys and girls, now we I am going to tell you what we will be making today Explain to the students that they are going to be making their very own books about their many colored days. Explicitly explain directions. Students are to illustrate the different pages of their books using different colors to tell their story, when their book is done, they will pick a piece of construction paper. Show them my example. Explain that after we are done coloring our books we will have them laminated and keep them forever. Are there any questions before we begin? The students will illustrate each page of the books, using different colors to write their story. After they have colored each pager they will decide on their favorite color of construction paper to mount on their book. Walk around and observe the students books. Ask them questions about their colors they are using and why. Ask the students what their favorite color is and why, have a short discussion about what we learned today.
7 min 10 min
5 min
Assessment/Evidence I will be using a checklist to make sure objectives were met everyone is participating in the discussion
I will show a visual example of what they are to make. I will explain the directions to them again and show them my example.
What will you do if some students are struggle with the content? What will you do if some students master the content quickly? Extension Activity (inclusion of family and/or community) Classroom Management Considerations
Encourage students to talk about colors with their family and to read their book to them I will explicitly review the directions and my expectations before starting the activity. I will refer to our good listener poster. I will also use my attention getters if the noise level gets too loud. They will be asked to be a level 1 (whisper).
Culminating Activity To celebrate our unit theme, at the end of our unit we will have a family movie night! We will be watching the Dr. Seuss classic, The Cat in the Hat! It will take place on Friday March 15th, at 6:00pm. The parents and I will bring in Dr. Seuss treats, such as green eggs and ham! We will be making connections between reading the book and watching the movies. It will be a great way for parents to be involved with the unit, and it will be fun for the kids. We will also have a birthday cake for Dr. Seuss and will sing happy birthday to him before we start the movie. The room will be decorated with Dr. Seuss themed decorations and I will be dressed up as Cat in the Hat!
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