American Jiu Jitsu
American Jiu Jitsu
American Jiu Jitsu
American Jiu-Jitsu
F, as we have been taught to believe, "Self preservation is the first law of Nature," then man is guilty of greater violation of this initial statute on the book of rules of our common mother than of almost any other commandment credited to this wise old lady. Nature has been bountiful in the matter of providing means of self preservation; but man has taken little advantage of this generosity, with the result that there are conditions continually arising where self preservation, in the way of self protection, is called for, with man unprepared to meet them. This fact finds its greatest demonstration in the ease with which the criminal classes have been able to ply their preying trade upon the general public, during the past few years particularly, with comparatively little or no resistance from the victims. Why? Because the victims were unprepared to meet these assaults had not learned the first passage in the law of self preservation the rule of self protection and so were practically helpless in the hands of their assailants. This condition should not exist; and it would not exist, if the general public could be made to realize that they are not helpless to meet such emergencies that the story of David and Goliath, brought up to date in the matter of matching science against brute strength, is a fact and easy of demonstration. The compiling of this little volume firmly establishes the fact that all persons, regardless of sex, can train themselves in this system of self defense in a manner that will be most effective in any emergency, giving not only self protection, but self confidence to the user. For years the author has given a close study to the development of this system of self protection, which he has named American Jiu Jitsu. The work is strictly of American origin, although the Japanese term Jiu Jitsu is used in the title. The author has used this term because of its meaning bone breaking or muscle wrenching as this is the form of punishment that is used to overpower and bring an opponent under submission. This system has been built up step by step and much thought and careful study has been given to devising its most practical and important features personal protection without danger of personal injury.
Len Lanius, originator of American Jiu Jitsu, and author of this book, is a living example of the value of physical training and of the efficiency of the system he teaches. Early in life he developed himself from a sickly lad into one of the most noted athletes of two continents, holding the lightweight wrestling championship of the world for a number of years. During his career he defeated antagonists of a much heavier class than that in which he was rated, and it was in meeting these larger men that he developed original methods of offense and defense that were gradually elaborated into the system of American Jiu Jitsu of today. The success of these earlier experiments in a smaller man overcoming a larger by a scientific use of whatever strength he might possess, encouraged Mr. Lanius to make a complete and thorough study of this work, which eventually reached the stage at which it could be, and is, demonstrably successful against any system of a similar nature.
Naturally the reader will ask, "Can I learn this course?" "Can I master this system?" "Can I become strong enough to defend myself?" "Will I accomplish a definite and beneficial result?" The answer to each of these questions is strongly in the affirmative, the only proviso being a careful study of this work and a sufficient amount of practice. The following tenets and rules of American Jiu Jitsu as here set forth will enable one to attain self confidence health and strength to meet emergencies fearlessly and to overcome mental as well as physical dangers with the serene assurance of having the advantage and being the master of the situation.
To successfully learn the art of overpowering others who may be larger and stronger, it is necessary that you understand the different positions of the body, which will give you the greatest power either for defense or attack.
First, secure a partner, preferably some friend who is interested and will practice with you; however, any member of the family will do. Alternately take the role of victim and aggressor. Unresistingly allow each trick to be practiced on you until its full force may be felt; in turn practice it on your partner. Execute the beginning of the trick quickly, but the final action slowly. This will give you a chance to note your power and guard against possible injuries. All practice should be formal, not competitive; once you start wrestling in a haphazard way, it will hinder your progress in learning. Your partner is aware of what you wish to try, but should not take advantage of this knowledge. Compare your poses with each illustration until you have fully mastered the positions. Remember that in learning, it is not speed that counts, but getting the full control of the body and the art of applying its force. Work very slowly at first and note the position of your body that gives you the greatest power. Uniformity in strength is very essential in practice. The larger and stronger should tone down his strength to equal that of his partner. This will make the exercise more interesting and beneficial. This system of defense is so devised that any woman can practice it with safety. In fact, a woman having this knowledge can not only defend herself against a ruffian, but will retain her presence of mind and keep cool in any emergency. With careful study and practice it can be fully mastered within a short time; but the more you go through the practice the greater will be your power in the use of your body and the more confidence you will develop within yourself.
Assuming you are now ready to start: Stand in your normal position and have your practice partner push you by placing both of his hands on your shoulders. Notice how easily you may become unbalanced. Now take the following position; step back with one foot and bend slightly at the knees; lean forward, tensing the muscles of the abdomen and rear leg. (See illustration No. 1 . ) Have your partner push you again. You will notice that you have Illustration No. 1 greatly increased your resistive power, and that it requires considerable more force to cause you to become unbalanced. The position of defense not only aids you in warding off the impact of your opponent's strength, but places you in a position to make a counter attack. To take away the power of your opponent is easy to accomplish, even though at first it seems difficult.
Regardless of your strength, if you become unbalanced, your power to resist has been removed until you again secure the balance control of your body. It is by taking advantage of this principle, that many of the locks and throws in this course are accomplished.
right, grasp his wrist with your right, step back with right foot to position of defense, pulling him forward and off balance to your right side. UNBALANCING BY ATTACK Take position by grasping each others arms just below shoulders, now slip your right hand under partner's left elbow and push upward, at the same time tighten your grip on his right arm and pull downward. (See illustration No. 3.) Unbalance him by forcing him back and to the right. Reverse this practice by pushing his
Illustration No. 3
turn your entire body to the right so that you are both facing the same way. Step in front of him with your left foot and place your left arm around his back, throw him forward over your leg by pulling hard on his right arm. (See illustration No. 4.) On many occasions this throw will be used by violently swinging your foot back and sweeping his feet from under him. Be sure and practice this from both right and left sides. BACK LEG THROW Stand facing your partner. Grasp his right wrist with your left hand. (See illustration No. 5.) Step back, pulling him so as to make him step forward with the right foot. Quickly place your
"* ' * Illustration No. 5
right arm up and unbalance by forcing him back and to the left. These are simple illustrations that show the ease in which one may unbalance another.
AMERICAN JIU JITSU right foot behind his right and your arm around his waist; him backward over your leg. (See illustration No. 6.) throw
Also have
your partner stand in an offguard position with his feet close together and execute the same throw by omitting to pull him forward. Reverse this practice by making the on your partne r's lef t throw side.
pulling to your right side with the right hand and shove up on his elbow with your left hand. Swing your right foot violently striking your partner back of the knee joint with your heel. (See illustration No. 7.) This will cause him to fall backward. Now reverse this entire position and use the left foot to back heel. Lesson No. 2 is just preliminary practice of the leg throws, and should not be confused with the regular work. When instructed to follow with the front leg throw or back heel, you should utilize only the part as executed with the feet.
Illustration No.
Be sure to practice this on each other so that you can better understand the full effect.
Illustration No. 12
right arm at elbow rests up far as possible on his other arm with the right palm turned up. You are now in position to inflict great punishment; and should the occasion demand, you can break the arm by forcing down with your right hand and pulling up with your left. Keep the right arm close to the side of your body. In this way you can use the hip as a leverage. (See illustration No. 14.) You may throw him by striking his left leg back of the knee joint with the heel of your right foot. Using the back heel while he is off balance will cause a violent throw. To continue to inflict punishment after he is down, quickly reverse your grip on his left wrist. This will enable you to wrench his arms by pulling up with your right arm and forcing down with your left. (See illustration No. !5.)
Illustration No. 14
down until it is just above the illustration No. 16 1 7.) You can easily pin his arms close to his sides as the strength of his coat plus your own efforts leave power. You have now not only placed him at your mercy but are in posi tion to make a back throw. Force him off balance by pushing against his chest with your shoulder and place your right foot behind his right and throw backward. When he falls turn him so the weight of his body rests on his left arm and in this manner you can easily hold him with one hand and inflict illustration No. 17 punishment with the other if so him absolutely in your
Reverse this practice by crossing your arms left over right and back heeling with the left foot.
Illustration No. 15
desired. (See illustration No. 18.) Practice this trick by unbalancing from the opposite side and make the back throw with the left foot.
Illustration No. 18
ing up the blow keep your hand as wide open as possible and the arm well bent; this will give you ample room to catch the blow and sufficient strength to guard. Bend the knees and step back of your opponent, placing your right leg behind his right and lock his left arm firmly against his side with your right. (See illustration No. 20.) Follow with the back throw. Practice palming the blow with both right and left hands, catching your opponent's arm between wrist and elbow. It is well to keep Illustration No. 20 t he body bent forward, as this greatly increases your power to stop his blow and make the throw.
and force the thumbs into the nerves and bend the hand down toward the forearm. In this position the pain is great when sufficient force is applied and your opponent is easily forced to the ground where the punishment can be continued. (See illustration No. 22.) Practice this trick many times as in this way the knack of punishing will become manifest and will greatly increase your confidence in the ability to defend yourself. Practice this on both the right and left hand.
Illustration No. 22
hand and suddenly bend your knees. You will thus immediately regain your balance. (See illustration No. 24.) Continue your hold on his arm and bend forward with a jerk; then throw him over your head. (See illustration No. 25.) Practice the first part of this hold numerous times, as in this way you will quickly discover the ease with which you can regain your balance. You will also find that pulling down with your right
Illustration No. 24
h S
lieve the pressure on your neck. This practice will also help you to retain your presence of mind in an emergency. about to your right and throw him over your hip. (See illustration No. 27.) After making the throw do not let loose of his wrist but continue to hold firmly and draw your left leg up so you can pull his right arm over it. Keep the palm of his hand up and by forcing down you can inflict much punishment and should you desire break his arm at the elbow. (See illustration No. 28.)
Illustration No. 25
Illustration No. 27
Illustration No. 28
This trick will be found not only valuable as a means of bringing others under control, but the practice will be most beneficial in training yourself to think and act quickly. Stand in your usual position and grasp your partner's right wrist with your left hand. (See illustration No. 29.) Quickly pull him forward and place your right arm under his left; lock it at the elbow and at the same time let loose with the right hand. Step behind him with your right foot and with your left hand reach through and grasp his left arm at wrist. (See illustration No. 30.) Force his arm back until you can grasp it with your right hand. You now have both of his arms locked securely. (See illustration No. 3 1 . ) Drop to your left Illustration No. 29
knee and throw him back over your right. (See illustration No. 32.) Practice this from both right and left sides, as it is excellent training in acquiring ability to shift the body.
Illustration No. 32
A contest frequently will come to a clinch position where your opponent will have one or possibly both of his hands on your shoulders. By the proper application of this trick you can easily throw your assailant in such a manner as to cause the back of his head to strike the ground violently. As your opponent grasps your arms just above the elbows, quickly form a lock on the fingers of his left hand (see illustration No. 35) by drawing your right forearm across your chest. (See illustration No. 36.) Lean forward and bend slightly at the knees, in this way you can punish
a small circle. This will break his grip on your wrist. Quickly slip your arm inside of his and lock his elbow; at the same time step behind him with your right foot and bring him down with the leg throw. (See illustration No. 34.) Keep your body well forward as this will aid you greatly in using this trick. Practice until you are capable of doing it with much rapidity, as speed is quite an essential factor.
Illustration No. 34
him by bending back the hand and the wrist. Now bring your left hand inside his right and strike upward on the point of his chin with the palm of your hand. Back heel with your right foot. Should your opponent have his hands too far up on your shoulders, curl your wrists over his forearm and pull out until his hand reaches the joint of your elbow. Practice the wrist lock until you are able to take it securely and inflict punishment.
Illustration No. 36
You can easily bring a man to his knees or down if he places his hands on your shoulder. (See illustration No. 37.)
Illustration No. 37
ly to the floor. With your left shoulder strike his knee on the inside which will force him to fall to the left. (See illustration No. 39.) Immediately after making the throw place your knee on the calf of his left leg near the ankle. Grasp his toe and twist up. (See illustration No. 40.) The combined pressure of your knee on the nerves of the leg and the twisting of the ankle causes a pain that is almost unbearable. When this trick is executed you can not only throw your opponent, but you will have no trouble in keeping him down.
Illustration No. 39
Illustration No. 40
Illustration No. 4 I
blow direct from his shoulder. Guard the blow by raising your left arm horizontally in front of the face. (See illustration No. 4 1 . ) Grasp his wrist with your left hand, suddenly turn and draw his arm over your shoulder, re-enforcing with your right hand, twisting his palm up. (See illustration No. 42.) You can easily break his arm over your shoulder and should you desire, throw him over your head. Practice this trick from both the right and left sides.
Illustration No. 42
mer lock position up his back. (See illustration No. 45.) force is applied, it is easy to dislocate or break the bones.
elbow with your left hand, keeping the thumb and forefinger spread well apart. (See illustra tion No. 46.) This blow should be directed down and over in the form of a chop so as to force his right arm over to the left. With your right arm firmly lock his left at the elbow and seize the elbow of his right arm with your hand, this gives you a firm lock on both of his arms. (See illustration No. 47.) Quickly place your foot illustration No. 47 You may behind his right leg; follow with
Illustration No. 45
Illustration No. 48
Illustration No. 49
elbows reach his. Force the elbows out; this will break the grip on your throat. Force down with your right arm encircling his left, firmly locking it at the elbow. Strike him with the heel of your left hand on the point of his chin and at the same time back heel with your right foot. (See illustration No. 50.) You will find that when this is executed rapidly your opponent will invariably fall
Illustration No. 50
When this trick is fully mastered it will give you an effective hold that can be used regardless of the strength of your opponent, ately render him unconscious. Lean forward and seize your and one by which you can immedi-
bring his head down, and by quickly bringing up your knee so as to strike him on the point of the chin you can render him unconscious. (See illustration No. 54.)
partner's right hand with both your right and left, keeping as close as possible to him with your shoulder resting against his arm. (See illustration No. 52.) When he starts to grasp you with his left immediately step across with your right foot to his other side. Turn your back toward his body and slip under his arm. When doing Illustration No. 52 at the knees, keeping the arm well down. Great care should be taken to keep a firm grip on his hand so that it does not twist. (See illustration No. 53.) You can now secure a very punishing hold by twisting his arm up the back in the form of a hammer lock. Let loose with your left hand and slip it under his left arm so your hand will be on the back of his head in the form of a half nelson. It is now easy to
Illustration No. 53 Illustration No. 54
AMERICAN JIU JITSU desire. Practice this trick frequently and you will soon get the knack of handling any one, regardless of size.
Illustration No. 57
shoulder, to straightening
pick the
by (See As your partner reaches out, grasp his right hand with yours, pull him forward off balance and to your right. (See illustration No. 58.) Encircle his right arm with your left so that your left forearm is under his elbow. (See illustration No. 59.) Force down
illustration No. 57.) Perhaps the first time you attempt to lift your partner, you will find that it requires considerable effort. This will be due to the fact that you have not forced his body far enough over your shoulder before attempting to lift and that you are bending at the waist instead of the knees. You can follow this by throwing him over your shoulder should you so
Illustration No. 56 Illustration No. 58
hard on his hand and bend the wrist back. With your left arm force up. In this position you can break the arm at the elbow or punish in such a manner as to cause complete submission. (See illustration No. 60.) This trick
Illustration No. 59
can be successfully followed with the back throw which leaves you in an excellent position to continue to punish him or keep him under control. After you have made the back throw, retain a firm hold on both his elbow and
Illustration No. 60 i i i .1 i. r
hand. Let the weight or your arm rest on his body and break his arm at elbow over your forearm. (See illustration No. 61.)
Illustration No. 61
reach b
Immediately jerk him forward off balance and to your left side; with your right fist strike a blow directly at the angle of the jaw and the neck just below the ear. (See illustration No. 64.) This blow if well placed does not nec essarily require much force, as this is one of the most vulnerable spots of the body. Also practice this by having your partner de liver a blow with his left hand and use your right to guard. You will find that it is impossible for your opponent to avoid your blow or to counter in any way.
niustration No. 64
AMERICAN JIU JITSU arm so that the upper edge of your forearm is firmly against his "Adam's apple." With your left hand seize his right and pull down to the left. Continue b oth of these holds and place your right foot behind his right and follow with the back throw. (See illustration No. 69.) As he falls, the pressure of your shoulder on the back of his head and your forearm on the front of
I llustration No. 69
the back throw and continue the punishment. (See illustration No. 67.) Bend forward and keep to the outside in executing this trick and your opponent will be unable to counter with the other hand.
Illustration No. 67
his neck will not only strangle him but if forced sufficiently will cause dislocation. (See illustration No. 70.)
Illustration No. 70
other foot turned sideways strike the side of his knee. (See illustration No. 7 1 . ) This will not only cause him to fall but if executed with sufficient force will wrench the knee joint. See illustration No. 72.) Practice this slowly should you not be practicing on a mat so that your partner will not be hurt in the fall.
Illustration No. 72
AMERICAN JIU JITSU blow by striking his forearm carrying off the thrust to your right side. (See illustration No.
vantage may be followed up by the use of the back throw and the punishment continued when he is down. (See illustration No. 75.) Practice this trick from both sides.
Grasp his right wrist with your right hand and turn about so you are both facing the same way with your opponent to your left. Keep your left arm well up under his right with your hand firmly on his chest, and shove his right arm down over your left arm by forcing on his wrist. (See illus tration No. 77.) Swing your left foot back as in the front trip, throwing him forward violently. (See
Illustration No. 75
on his right wrist and pull his arm back to a hammer lock.
Illustration No. 78
Illustration No. 76
body so that you are both facing the same way by pivoting on your left foot to the left of you. With your left hand grasp his right arm at elbow and force up. With your right hand bear down on
majority of cases there is not only chance to protect yourself, but to overpower your assailant as well. Have your partner use an empty gun or any suitable substitute as in an attempt to hold you up. (See
his right so that you shove the gun against his stomach. (See illustration No. 81.) Continue to force the right arm in this manner, as it will cause considerable punishment, and follow with the front trip. When he falls force his hand up his back to a hammer lock; in this position you can easily hold and punish him, and, if you desire, break his arm. (See illustration No. 82.)
ately comply with his request but in doing so you bend your right arm, bring it up in front of you with the palm turned out, striking his
forearm. This will carry the gun out of range. (See illustration No. 80.) The moment you strike up shift to his right and grasp his right wrist. Turn your
Illustration No. 80 Illustration No. 82
with the weight of the gun in his hand the wrist can be easily broken. It is seldom that the gun will be retained when force is applied to this blow. To fully convince yourself of the great value of this knowledge have your partner attempt to pull the trigger before you can get the gun out of range. You will find that if he does not start to pull the trigger before you attempt to resist that you will easily foil him. Examine all fire arms carefully to see that they are not loaded before practicing this work.
him walk forward and with his left hand start to search you. (See illustration No. 83.) Tense the muscles of your left arm and quickly snap it down and strike his wrist with the outside edge of your hand. This will carry the gun out of range of your body. (See illustration No. 84.) Grasp the back of his head with both hands and pull him forward. Swing your knee up violently, bringing it in contact with his face or chin thereby knocking him unconscious. (See illustration No. 85.) In practice, care should be taken not to strike your partner's wrist too hard, for
I llustration No. 84
Illustration No. 85
AMERICAN JIU JITSU bending at the knees!, raising up slowly; bend backward, repeat this
Much of your success in the application of American Jiu Jitsu is brought about by doing the unexpected. When your opponent is aware in advance of what you intend to do, it then becomes a matter of strength and not of science. It is therefore of the utmost importance that after you have mastered the art of applying the various locks, grips and throws of this course, that you practice shifting your attack. When you have started to take a hold on your opponent have him resist; then immediately change your attack by applying a different trick. After a thorough practice of this principle, you will find that at all times there is an opportunity for you to secure a successful grip or make a throw.
eight times. 4. down. times. 5. Again from position of attention raise the right arm over the From position of attention extend arms to cross position, palms Raise them to over head, at the same time inhaling deeply, Repeat eight
head, touching the left side of the neck, reaching with the left hand down as far on the leg as possible without straining too much; each time return to cross position, repeating with opposite hand. this ten times. 6. Stand at position of attention, clinch fists, inhale deeply, filling Bend head and Loosen hands and Repeat this ten Practice
lungs to full capacity; bend arms at elbows, raise them slowly, curling arms so that fists are brought up under arm pits. It is a well recognized fact that exercises that train the mind and body to work together are the most beneficial in result. The practice of American Jiu Jitsu therefore is a system of physical and mental training that excels any other system for the development of health and complete mental control of the body. A certain amount of exercise each day is essential so that the different organs of the body will function properly. A few moments given to proper exercise will do much to attain and conserve health and strength. There may be times when you have no one to practice with or your time may be limited. A few minutes on arising in the morning or retiring at night, of bending, stretching and resistive exercises will be found of much value and will keep you toned up for the more effective work. For this the following exercises will be found highly beneficial: 1. Stand erect, arms hanging at sides, and feet pointing straight ahead. heels slightly separated shoulders well back as inhalation is completed. push straight down, then fill the lungs as before. times. 7. Crouch position, feet eighteen inches apart, raise on toes,
extend arms out, raise slowly, return to crouch position, squatting far as possible, letting the heels touch the floor as you raise, inhaling as you go down, exhaling as you rise. 8. Position of attention, move feet about eighteen inches apart. Repeat
Raise hands over the head, bend only at the waistline, forward to the right, to the back, to the left, describing a complete circle. four times. Now start the same movement circling to the left, repeat
four times, now again the same number to the right; then the left. 9. Cross position, feet apart, raise right arm, keeping eyes on
2. Raise arms to cross position extended straight out from shoulder, palms up: Begin by describing a small circle with the hands six times forward then six backward, keeping arms stiff. 3. From position of attention bring the hands to back of head, lace the fingers, pull elbows well back, keep head erect. In this position bend body forward as far as it is possible to go without
it as it goes up, bend left knee and lower left arm until fingers touch floor between feet, go slowly to cross position; reverse and repeat five times with each hand. 10. Position of attention, bring hands with fists clinched over Exhale
shoulders, curling wrist forward, inhale filling lungs completely, force arms forward and down, swinging them up high to the back. as they go out, inhale on their return. Repeat ten times.
The real value of many exercises are often overlooked due to the simplicity in which they are executed. As an aid to increasing strength and endurance, tension exercise is the most effective that can be adopted. The results depend largely upon the energy used in practice as it is necessary to use considerable physical effort. This effort however should be regulated according to your strength. The value of this form of exercise may be well demonstrated thru the practice of the following lesson. Make paper roll until it is about one to one and a half inches in diameter, according to the size of the hand. Grip this firmly as in an effort to crush; at the same time bend the wrist backward and forward, then to the right and left, also describe small circles with the fist without relaxing your grip. This exercise properly executed will not only increase the power of your grip, but will quickly develop and strengthen the entire arm.